1. It is better to have one rich man as your only friend then, to have fifty pieces of poor men as friends.
2. There is nothing wrong with a mad woman's body but only her head.
3. Children are the only good effect of STD.
4. Pot's were first being created to be proctection caps.
5. Obasanjo was the most handsome man in Nigeria in 2001.
6. Lord Lugard had a Nigeria yoruba secret girlfriend named omawotoshimi.
7. Six packs were being discovered from kwashiokor.
8. The cause of albino was because, God added red palm oil when creating them.
9.plantian was being named after P€#i$.
10. The apples you eat are the faeces of an ape. Discovery method.. Animal name= ape+the faeces sounds= ples!!! = Apple.