[color =red]10 You Should Know Before Getting Married[/color]
[color =blue]1.[/color] [b] What makes marriage hard for many is that we have no control over the behaviors and actions of our spouses. Instead of seeking to change our spouses bad habits and bad behaviors, we must learn to completely trust God to make all things work for the good, to turn our pain into joy and bring good of our trials. “To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory.” (Isaiah 63:1)[/b]
[color =blue]2.[/color] [b]Don’t call your spouse names, regardless of how mad of disappointed you’re with him or her. Learn to express your disappointments and displease without demeaning or disrespecting your spouse.[/b]
[color =blue]3.[/color] [b]Don’t make a new start of your old problems, old fights, and old habits in the New Year. Discard the old regrettable ways and adopt and master new and better ways. If you don’t evolve, your marriage will dissolve. The Lord commands, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18[/b]
[color =blue]4.[/color] [b]Fight the urge to interrupt your spouse before he or she finishes speaking. It communicates respect and tells your spouse that you care about how he or she feels.[/b]
[color =blue]5.[/color] [b]God has more vested interest in the success of your marriage than you are. His name is at stake. Therefore bring back God to the center of your marriage and watch him turn your sorrows into joy.[/b]
[color =blue]6.[/color] [b]Choose your friends wisely. Friends can make or break your marriage. Anybody who encourages you to cheat or divorce your spouse is not a true friend. True friends will build your marriage not break it.[/b]
[color =blue]7.[/color] [b]Safeguard your marriage by avoiding secrecy especially on social media. Out of respect and for accountability’s sake, share everything and adopt an open policy with your spouse.[/b]
[color =blue]8.[/color] [b]Life is hard. Be patient with your spouse
when he or she is going through tough times or facing trials. Assure him or her of your support and prayers. You may not have answers to your spouse’s problems, but knowing that you care makes his or her burdens lighter and bearable. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)[/b]
[color =blue]9. [b]Some of the best marriages are those that have come out of the valley of the shadow of death; those that were once at the verge of total collapse, and those that recovered from seriously deep struggles and hurts. No marriage problem is too deep, too complicated, or too difficult for God to solve. Even the most hardened and most difficult spouses are no match to the saving power of the grace of God. God specializes in transforming hearts and renewing marriages. He has done it for many and he can work a miracle for your marriage today. Gather your pieces and bring your problems to God in prayer and give him the opportunity turn your marriage around. Believe that “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26. Step back, let go and let God do for you, what you cannot do for yourself. Trust Him. He is able. He has never failed anyone and He doesn’t intent to begin with you[/b]
[color =blue]10.[/color] [b]Marriage is an exclusive relationship between husband and wife. Everyone else including parents, siblings and friends must be kept out of it [/b]