234Ads.com is a new online advertising network based in Nigeria.
234Ads.com allows
you to advertise using inline text ads{just like infolinks} and banner/image ads{just like google ads} with lots of banner sizes and shapes to choose from.
With as low as three thousands naira you can advertise your business using 234Ads super Keyword Targeting tool for your PPC advertisements to reach specific audience.
Publishers can equally generate revenue by providing ad space in their websites and believe me, you won't regret it because 234ads pays out almost 95% of whatever they get from advertisers to publishers. Did i hear you say wow??
Believe me, it's true.
Publishers can earn from every genuine clicks on advertisement sent from their websites, and you have the choice of restricting ads of specific sites thereby having the freedom of filtering out competitor ads. Publishers can even request for payout before the month ends, as long as they have reached or passed the threshold.. Not only that, do you know as a publisher you can also transfer funds from your publisher's account to advertiser's account and place your own ads, you can even sell ad space directly by specifying how much you want to sell 1000 impression or any amount of impression.
READY TO GET STARTED WITH 234ADS.COM ? Take advantage of their hassle-free single-sign-on setup and enjoy the benefits of both advertiser account and publisher account using a single username and password.