3 facts about the delay of NYSC 2016 Batch B Stream II POP is an article that gives 3 reasons why 16B Stream II are yet to collect their certificate.
Hello my dear Gallant 2016 stream II Corp members, hope you are doing fine and not too angry about the silence of NYSC management over your passing out parade date.
I am here to tell you 3 facts why your passing out parade has been delayed.
1. [b]The Orientation camp in Progress.[/b]
This is probably the major reason why NYSC is not talking about 2016 Batch B Stream II passing out parade date. All the officials that are needed for the passing out ceremony are in various camps across the country. The LI and major officials needed to be present for giving of certificates and other things during the signing out are all busy at the moment as orientation camp is still in progress.
2. [b]To Avoid a Fatal Mistake like last stream[/b]
NYSC lost millions of naira during the 2016 Batch B Stream I passing out month. Which is last month, November and that's why some probably are still not paid until recently.
The mistake was that, the NYSC management idea was to rush 2016 Batch B Stream I POP so that NYSC 2017 Batch B Stream I would go to camp.
So, the people in charge of allowance payments over paid thousands of Corp members up to 4 months instead of just 2 months.
An you know Nigerian youths are so smart in cases like that. Before it could be corrected, many have withdrawn all the money from their bank account. Making the loss permanent.
This time around, the rushing idea is not going to be applied. That's why NYSC is taking their time to take a step at a time.
3. [b]The date will be out after Orientation camp.[/b]
The NYSC 2017 Batch B Stream I will leave orientation camp on the 11th of December 2017.
After they are through with their camp, NYSC management would conduct a passing out parade for 16B stream II.
We are all hoping, that by next week, by the grace of God, the date will be out and you guys would walk out of NYSC with honour.
All NYSC 2016 Batch B Stream II should [url=http://www.corpersforum.com/register]REGISTER on Corpers Forum for FREE[/url] so as to get our Exclusive Job alerts, business ideas, connections and more. You have to live your dream.
Thank you for reading.
[Source: http://www.corpersforum.com/nysc-news-updates/3-facts-about-the-delay-of-nysc-2016-batch-b-stream-ii-pop/]