Do a half marathon. The marathon if you are an old
time runner. Just run. Push your body until the pain
in your muscles and joints makes you forget the
pain in your heart. When your muscles get so sore
and your knees just feel like giving in, you wouldn’t
have time to cry over anyone.
And redecorate your house. Move the chairs;
change the position of the dining table; trash your
old bed sheets, ugh too much sweat and body
fluids have spilled over that one; get a bigger TV;
buy fancier, lusher rugs. In this economy? Ok, hold
on. Just get the idea, which is that you shuffle things around your immediate space to stop you
from holding on to too much of the memories that
was created in the said space.
Spend little or no time alone. Hang out with your
friends as often as you can, avoid the friends you
shared together though early on. The friends you
never got the chance to see because your jagajaga
relationship that has now gone to the gutter didn’t
allow, yes, see them, have sleepovers, watch football together, drinks, cakes, lots of it.
Phone numbers and pictures. Block on Whatsapp,
Facebook and Twitter. This isn’t you being petty.
This isn’t you being immature. But for your heart to
heal, you need to not be constantly reminded of
what it was you had, and how the humpty dumpty
relationship jut went and had a great fall. So you still want to be friends, great for you and the other
person too, but wait it out, 6 months, one year. If
their friendship is so valuable then let’s see what
happens when you have totally moved on. Don’t be
trying to move on with a boulder on your
shoulders and memories shackled to your feet. New line, who this?
Get a new skill. Now that this relationship is over,
think of all the things you wanted to do, that
hanging out with Bae and doing the sex, and all
the mushy nonsense you spent your time on didn’t
allow you to get on with. Learn a new language, hit
the gym, get an additional certification, join the choir, there is a host hot people there too, read
loads of books, change your fashion style and your
wardrobe. I’m not saying be a new person just an
improved version of you.
That people and things change. And people come
and go. And that remaining true to yourself and
your ideals is the greatest thing of all. And that if
someone can’t be happy with you, it really isn’t
your problem. Learn also to find happiness in
yourself, and in the people around you, not solely in the person you are romantically involved with,
this is why, you shouldn’t make the mistake of
abandoning your friends the moment you are in
some relationship. Some of these folks have been
there before your love interests and would most
likely continue to be there long after they are gone.
[b]Thanks for reading, plz be menstioning ur friends to my post so dat dey can learn with u. thanks alot[/b]