4. You learn the value of give
and take.
Compromising can mean a
lot of work especially for
people growing up
independently. To some, it’s
second to nature especially if
you grow up in a big and
close-knit family.
There is chemistry — and
there is compatibility. The
two don’t always come
together equally.
•If chemistry is higher than
compatibility level, then
there’s a lot of
compromise – from the way
you look at the world and
understand things, what you
believe in, to taste in music,
food and lifestyle choices.
•If the compatibility is
higher than chemistry, then
there’s a lack of passion and
boredom occurs.
In a relationship, you learn
the value and the art of give-
and-take. We humans are
selfish, and it takes
willpower to be able to give
and take when the level of
difference and clash is high.
When it’s too much to
handle, you realize that this
whole give-and-take thing is
coming to an end. It’s not
going to work. The
compromise cannot be
compromised anymore.
5. You become more
When you love someone,
their happiness affects
yours — you want the
person to be happy.
Without realizing, you start
putting yourself in the other
person’s shoes. You become
less selfish. You try to
understand him or her. You
try to make it work. You
become more empathetic.
Having not been in a few
relationships, you would not
know what it feels like to
care for someone so much
(besides family) that you try
to understand them, rather
than satisfying your own
To feel the emotional
intensity of transferable
When a relationship fails, it’s
when empathy becomes too
much to handle. You no
longer try to understand the
other person. Your own
happiness doesn’t increase
when the other person’s
level of happiness increases
anymore. The emotional and
mental compromise for the
person’s happiness start to
kill you. But nonetheless, this
has taught you a valuable
emotional lesson.
You’ve learned what it feels
like to really have your
happiness correlated to the
other’s happiness.
6. You learn to be patient,
calm and resilient.
Relationship also teaches
you to be able to control
your emotions better. If your
partner is hot-tempered, you
learn to become calm,
patient, and resilient in order
to handle the flame.
If you are hot-tempered
yourself, you learn to control
your emotions and to pause
before telling your partner
off, yelling at him/her, or
becoming abusive and
Either way, the time spent in
a failed relationship was not
wasted. You’ve learned to
control your temper, mood,
and emotions — which is
indeed a valuable skill to
master in life.
7. You learn to let go.
I believe that everything
happens for a reason. People
change so that you can learn
to let go, things go wrong so
that you appreciate them
when they’re right, you
believe lies so you eventually
learn to trust no one but
yourself, and sometimes
good things fall apart so
better things can fall
– Marilyn Monroe
In life, you can have it all in
life but “not all at once.” You
have to let one thing go to
let a better thing come in.
You can’t dwell on the past if
you want to work on the
present moving towards the
When things don’t feel right,
let it go. So that better things
can fall into place.
Learning to let go is hard —
you learn to control your
thoughts, your mind, your
emotions and your actions.
Over and over, your mind is
trained and your willpower
is strong. You can let things
go more easily as time
comes because you’ve
learned The Trick to
Manipulate Your Own Mind.
If you’re blaming on past
relationships for the
emotional baggage, don’t.
Because the time spent on a
failed relationship was not
time wasted.
You’ve learned some
valuable skills in life from
every failure.
Take it in. Connect the dots.
And move on.