

By EMASKI in 28 Sep 2018 | 10:00


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I guy LAY up with a interest story about human agent & demon ( work of devil) and how they operate...
Bucked your set-belt
28 Sep 2018 | 10:00
990 YEARS IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS BY EVANGELIST OLUFUMILAYO SERIES ONE. I gave glory to the name of the Lord who gave me grace to wax this record in English language, even though have wax it in Yoruba Language, [western language in Nigeria] since year 2005. And am using this opportunity to thank and appreciate those people, God had been using for me in prayer, especially minister of God all over the world, and children of God. Many church had organized prayer for me and i gave thanks to the Lord that gave me my life partner, my husband, who’s the lord had been using for me mightily, Pastor Adebayo who has been praying for me. And and i pray anyone that God had been using for me in prayer, even financially. The Lord will give them the grace and power to make heaven and you will not be robbed of your salvation in Jesus name. The reason why you are hearing my voice on this day, is because am here to expose the secret and mystery that is going on the kingdom of darkness. I was there, working for the Devil for a period of 990 years, before the Lord Jesus Christ saved me and many other things I will explain i this confession. Please pay attentively to this confession and i pray the lord will give you understanding that will enable you to learn spiritual and hidden things that will bring great impactation in your spiritual life. Below are some of the mysteries I will unveil on the Part One series of the confession of how I spent 990 years in the kingdom of darkness. 1. I will tell you how i become one of the members of the kingdom of darkness. 2. I will tell you my assignment in Nigeria. 3. What i know about Anti-god, Anti-Christ and Satanic kingdom. 4. I will tell you how we established fake churches all over the world. 5. I will tell you the power of devil in the Christendom today and how we are using the women of the last day against the glory of the Church. 6. I will tell you the secret behind makes-up and the secret behind abortion. 7. The secret behind perming and attachment. 8. I will also tell you the secret behind the gospel musician today. 9. I will also unveil the secrecy that is going on in the school today, in the university, secondary and primary school and how people got initiated in school. 10. I will unveil how someone can get the mark of 666 in the hospital and in the bank. 11. And will also talk about the secret behind Holy Communion and water baptism. 12. And will also tell you how we make Judgment in the kingdom of darkness upon the saint and the children of God. I have many things to unveil even though i can't say all in this series one but you certainly be expecting some in series two. Let me start from this place what i know is this. The first time i came to this world i was born in Egypt and I was a man by then. I have one wife and four children. I was a soldier and we all went to the war front. We’re up to twenty thousand soldiers in our troop but the war front was so tough and our commander die and we were all wasted. When we die, there is no place for us to go. Because if somebody dies and he didn't have the spirit of God or lived a holy life that pleased God. Your soul will be stranded immediately you gave- up the ghost. There will not be an escort angel that will lead you to direction to heaven. Therefore our spirit was hanged in the air. Suddenly there was demons call Magog. They appear in that battle field with their tanks loading blood to the sea. However, when they were about to go. They discover we were hanging in the air. They arrested all of our souls and took us to the deep sea. When we got to the deep sea, they took us to the palace of Queen of the coast. They put us in a straight line. They got all of us initiated by giving us a cup of blood. We drank the blood as a covenant of initiation. After been initiated, they sent for our master plan in order to send us an assignment. In the kingdom of darkness they have level by level, grade by grade. When we are emphasizing about grade, there are some grade called , 1. Local level, 2. State level , 3. Federal Level 4. National level, 5. International Level or 6. Worldwide level. It’s five stages of the world in which many people use to call FI VE STAR. Some people may draw it in their church, some in their house. They don't know FIVE STAR means, five stages power of the world and it’s portraying about the kingdom of darkness not about Christianity. So, these stages are grade by grade, when the local level is dealing with you, they can easily do anything with you without looking for your master plan. There are 333 realm, 666 realm, 777, 999 realm and above. But this day, we are into 666 realm of marine kingdom. And there, before they took any step on you, they ought to ask for your master plan. This master plan can only be gotten from kingdom darkness called of 999 realms, where international demons are dwelling. Before anyone could come to this world, from Heaven, they will first get to place called an Immigration Center. At the immigration center, every human must be stop there and be search for your master plan. If they see any white file in your hand, they will collect it. And from there, they will check your master plan. Master plan means, what God has sent you to enact in this world, from your first day to the last day. It contains your destiny or life mission record. And whenever they discover you are coming to this world to do the will of God. Perhaps, given an assignment that will affect the kingdom of darkness. The next thing, they will do is to manipulates and removed the original master plan of God for your life and replaced it with counterfeit plan. So that, when you get to this world everything you're doing will not be according to the will of God. For example, if God sent you to this earth to be born in Canada as a citizen, they will programmed and make you to be born in Ghana. While God will send the angel of your helper, benefactor and every Good things of your life will be there in Canada waiting for you. When they manipulates your master plan, the entire Lord divine programs and blessing for you will be over there in Canada while you're been born Ghana. Where is no helper, no goodness, noting to achieve. The guardian angel of your life will not be there with you. That is why you see some people, they will suffer and they will be asking, God why didn't you bring me into this world to suffer? No, my dear, the angel of darkness has changed God’s plans for your life to counterfeit plan. You are had been miss direct. That is why you are facing problems. My beloved children of God, you need to pray earnestly. With prayer God can still send another angel to relocate you. And i pray that anyone facing this kind of problem, the Lord will open heaven for you and attend to your case in Jesus name. As i was saying, they said for our master plan in order to know the kind of assignment been giving unto us. When they brought our master plan, they started giving everyone position and where to work. So, when it got to my turn they suddenly gathered and buckled me up. For two weeks, i was imprisoning in their demonic prison. I didn’t know why they luck me up. When they eventual brought me out. I inquired why the reason why they luck me up. They told me, i didn't offend them but they discovered in my master plan that God had sent me into this world to be a Prophet. So that was the reason why they prepare me for special an assignment that will work against the original master plan of God. So that God will regret for sending me into this world. Personally i don't know God and I don't even know if he has any plan for me. So, i just have to believe what they told me. They also told me that, they will send me to school and am going to spend 300 years in the school. I was so surprise, how can i spend 300 years in school? That means i still have to die again, they laughed at me. They told me, in this place, nobody die. And they show me some people, who had been living for 2000-3000 years. This word mounted courage on me and they also gave me something like small stone. They put it in my mouth and i swallow it which i believe it had immortality. Not knowing the devil was just deceiving me. They later send me to school in the deep sea, university school to study. The deep sea is so big and bigger than the whole global world it’s self. I don't know how to describe it. The whole world we are now, maybe it’s just a small local state in that place. That place is very big. If you see their stadium over there, you can't compare it with what we have here. If you see their university, hospital, they have more than us; they are civilized and advanced more than us. They had been existing over there before Genesis One--before God created this world. You know, fallen angels descended from Heaven due to their sinful rebellion while in Heaven. They had been here on this earth covered by water, for billions of years. Before God remember the contract of this world and established this world. They were there, when God was creating everything, since day one. The only power we have over them was that when God created man they didn't know how he breathes into us. But they knew the secret behind all the plants, the secret in creating animal. But when God want to create human; he sent fort his breath into man and the secret behind that breath is a mystery unto them. That is why we are specially adored above every other creation. While schooling in the kingdom of darkness beneath the Deep Sea, I was instructed to offer many courses. I have done many courses in that school. But the particular course i went there for was Theological course. This theological course took me 100 years to study before i could finish it. You may be surprise, that in the kingdom of darkness we read bible. The bible is the greatest book. It’s the book of law. We don't have any other book of law in the kingdom of darkness. Though other religion may regard other books as book of law, but the most fearful and respected of every books which the kingdom of darkness don't joke with is THE BIBLE. Because they knew that by this Bible shall every human be judge. The heaven shall also be judge by bible. So, therefore, if you want to be great or have promotion, maybe you're police, lawyer, judge, or to have higher rank in the kingdom of darkness. You must go for theologically course in the Deep Sea. You must know the word [THE WORD OF God— Jesus Christ] because the word is powerful in the kingdom of darkness. The same way the WORD OF God is often used in light likewise also in darkness, the only different is that, in kingdom of darkness; we only used it to contradict against the genuine Christian, because, they are ignorant and didn’t know the power of the word and how to use it. And i pray the word [BIBLE] in your hand will never condemn you in Jesus name. I did many courses in that place beneath the Deep Sea which i can't emphasizes all. But there is something i want to tell you. Anyone that wants to go school or university---Though am not saying you should not go. But am advising you, just go, read some and leave the rest because when we are emphasizing about education. You will only receive theory. The really practical of entire course they gave you in school is right there in deep sea. They may give you course---you may read books, but to do the practical and other source of things, you can’t conquered. For example, you may want to produce chemical, medicine or machine. At last after your experience i school. You discover you produce fake, not original. But some people will come out and said their own is original. Why is their own the best and not yours? With all your strength you produce counterfeit. There is a court, called WORLD SCIENTIFIC OCCULTISM. This scientific world occultism, anyone that join them, those are the people we called GENIUS in any course. We have genius of God but not in the way of the world, I am very sure of this fact. So, after I finished my course which took me for a period 300 years. After my graduation i was promoted and sent to California, U.S.A. The reason why I offered that course was that i want to become Chief Justice in the highest court in the kingdom of darkness. And thoroughly, i pass all my exams and i later become chief justice in the highest court of darkness. That was why, i was been sent to California. California is the head quarter and office of the Devil in the whole world. The devil has 3 offices in the whole world. He has office in California, he has office in India and he also has office in Nigeria. The Office in Nigeria was established in 1977. During the era festival, called FESTAC 77. This festival was brought to Nigeria by one of our former president in those days in Nigeria. You may think it was just an ordinary festival. The festival FESTAC 77 was programmed in order to initiate and enhanced the establishment of kingdom of darkness and demonic empowerment in Nigeria. And the office, the secretarial is been suited in Benin City. The center of Obamhma market in Benin City and pray, the Power of Lord God Almighty will come down and destroyed every darkness and stronghold Nigeria in Jesus name. When they promoted me to California as Chief Justice, that was 30 years tenure while serving there as a chief Justice, I have done many cases, Judge many saints. Condemn many souls which i can't explain i this confession but whenever am invited to Church i explains in details. I had been there doing my work perfectly until one day. I went to my chambers, to go through files. And i came across the files name of an unborn person. HOW CAN SOMEBODY THAT IS NOT BORN HAVE CASE? HOW CAN I JUDGE PERSON, WHICH HAS NOT COME TO THIS WORLD BEFORE? I was baffle. I don't know how to handle that case. I need to call my registrar. I ask my registrar to give me details about that case. He cannot explain. I now sent for the demonic lawyer that brought the case. When i interview the lawyer, He laughs. He said it’s possible for somebody that has not been into this world to answer case in the kingdom of darkness; but retorted, how? How can someone which has not been born into this world answer case? Then, he replied, they has astrologers, i mean star browser. You know, before any man is born into this world, your star will be on the sky at least, about 300-400 years ahead before you're been born into this world. Your star will be there waiting for you, programming you for your generation that is coming. So, there are some fallen angels called star browser. These are demonic agents we called astrologers of darkness. They read star, 300-400 years to come. So when the demonic star browser where on their mission works. They come across a strange star that was wrapped in pillar of fire. Moreover, a resemblance star wrapped in pillar of fire has been witness previously---The star of Moses. Before Moses was born the kingdom of darkness notice that somebody strange is coming. Moses has with him the angels of God that work with pillars of fire according to Exodus chapter 14. That was reason why they wage war against Moses. They didn't want him to succeed in his missionary work even to the extent of abolishing and killing of every new born male baby in Egypt. Thank God that he eventual triumph. However, when they discover this star again, immediately they mark the personality. Therefore, they want to program against his life. That is the reason why they brought the case to me. Though, the unborn Child didn’t offend them, but they rather want to reprogram against his life, which will give loophole of working against God. They brought the case to my office waiting for instruction from me on how they can reprogram against the unborn personality. Hence, I inquired from the lawyer; HOW ARE WE GOING TO SEE THE PERSONALITY TO BE JUDGED? He said it is possible, to bring such person to the kingdom of darkness for judgment--- that they have to take permission from heaven. I said, i don' believe such thing. But he replied and said, inasmuch God can permit Job unto the hands of Devil, they could do the same. I thought it was a joke but I reluctantly give them date. That in such appointed date i will set-up a Judgment for him. But i don't know the kinds of judgment i will pronounced to the unknown personality. The lawyer told me that, if i didn't do the case, they will go and report me. This threat enforced me to go back to my library to make more research. So, the judgment i set for him was that, i will set-up a marriage for him. The baby that appear in front of me was a man---a full grown man but yet unborn. So, i arrange a demon reincarnate for him as wife and i get them wedded. In fact, to my outermost surprise, while they were reading his data to me, exactly the name of the baby will bare of earth was in his master plan, including the name of his parents and where he will be born, i mean, 300-400 years before the baby was to be born. Even his parents are not yet born. They told me everything and where he will be born, the name of his parent, the location of his birth and everything concerning him. So, i have to reprogram against the master plan of God for his life and also setting up a demons reincarnate as wife for him. My beloved, if you discover that you have a spiritual wife or husband. Don't prove your holy- holy or born-again. Just go straight for your deliverance and pray. Because, many are been initiated or get married to demons, before they are been born. Many people are been engaged before their mother give birth to them. So, don't argue, just go for deliverance, everybody need deliverance, so inasmuch you are this world. This world are been polluted and you need deliverance every day. I pray that the blood of Jesus will purify and sanctified your life from any demonic pollution you're into in Jesus name. After pronouncing this case, I also did another case and many like that. I finish my 30 years tenure in that office i the kingdom of darkness. After my case in that kingdom i was promoted to another kingdom of darkness, called Anti-god kingdom. There are three kinds of kingdom of darkness controlling this world. 1. Anti-god kingdom, 2. Anti-Christ kingdom and 3. Satanic kingdom. Since the time of the Garden of Eden, It was only first kingdom we had been into till today, which is called Anti-god kingdom. It started from the Garden of Eden, when the snake came to deceived eve. You see in this world, if anything ever happen, we normal mention the name of Satan, Either you believe me or not, Satan had not started his work. The person at work now, His name is Queen of heaven. The same person the bible talk about in Genesis chapter 10, am talking about Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, the person that established the tower of Babel. The person that whole world at that time were worshiping as god. This is the same person that cause Eve and Adam to sin against God in the garden of Eden. After God had save some people soul through Noah. It’s the same person that come back again and make them to build a tower of Babel against God will. He is the one that give them the idea of idol worshiping again. And this person came again the third time. He is the person called Jezebel at the same time. Any time he came to this world, we called him re-incarnating demon. He is a demon, and will come in shape of human being and will re-incarnate to human and she will be born into the world. He often comes inform of a woman. He only comes to this world, whenever He has a powerful assignment that he wants to perform by himself. So this person am talking about is called Queen of heaven. He is the one of the arch-angel. Superior than Satan himself, you know before Satan was cast down to this world. He was just a leader of choir, cherubim, and a choir-master in Heaven, Ezekiel 28. He is not one of the warrior angels. There are more superior angels powerful than him. It’s only when he wanted to performs his coup that he went to take the concert of others arch-angel and they carry out the coup. And when they all lose the coup, they were cast away together. So Satan still has some demons that have more power than him. Queen of heaven is more powerful than Satan himself. He is the one that start the ruling of this world. So, after his own kingdom, then Anti-Christ kingdom follow, then satanic kingdom will come at last. Go back to your bible; the book of revelation then you will discover all what am saying. So, in that kingdom, when i get there, they now introduced what they are doing there to me. They told me how they operate in their kingdom, they said, in their kingdom, they don't attack people, they don't kill people anyhow, and they don't disturb people from prosperity. They don't give people barrenness. The only assignment they have in their own kingdom---the major work they do, is to make man to serve God under the anger of God. Their major work is to lead man to Hell fire. They said, they don't afflict people on earth. Its other local, local, lower small kingdom that afflict people on Earth with sickness. Their own level is the highest level in the kingdom of darkness, which is to stand against man from making heaven. I said how, they said, they had their own motto and power in the word of God. They said, their motto is in Deuteronomy 5:7-9 Thou shalt have none other gods before me.Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deuteronomy 4:19."And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. When i heard this things, its doesn't mean anything or sound strange to me. Because we had read this in the school, when am in the deep sea. And i said how could this quotation empower you? And they now told me, they are fallen angels and they had been dwelling with God for billions of years, before the mistake they made and God cast them to this world. They said they knew the attitude of God and they understand God very well. They knew that God will never admit or accept anybody that worships another god. That anybody that worship another god, must always be under the anger of God. And if that person dies, They are very sure that, the person will never see the favor of God. So that is why, they need to cause people to worship God under the anger of God. So, that is why the idea of idol, they don't joke with it. So, they will cause people to bow and worship other gods, that they knew, Whenever God said something, he doesn't reverse his word. He is a God that never changes. So it’s only when man repent, he will hold-done, but whenever man goes back to sin, He will reverse all those sin and piled it together with those previous ones he has committed. But when man repent, and didn't go back to sin, then he has overcome totally. So therefore, they told me in their kingdom, they don't stop man from going to church, and they don't cause man not to worship God. But in their kingdom, they use wisdom and not power to programs somebody life, to worship God under the anger of God. They now told me, from this, they established many churches today. And they told me about that chapter and spoke about some churches and religion. Deuteronomy 4:19 "And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. They now told me, this is how they cause some religions, that whenever they want to worship God; they will bow toward the sun. That they will cause them to bow to the sun in worship---No matter their righteousness and goodness, God will never accept them because of that little mistake or sin. That is the only thing that will destroy them. And immediately they die, when they get to the gate of heaven, this quotation will be open against them by the demons at the gate of heaven. They said, is not only on this earth that demons fight against people. That when they die, they will still be there, as the same way they stood against Moses. They will stand at the gate of heaven, to quote those things the person didn't discover on earth. They will recite this quotation at the gate of Heaven; that they normal use this quotation against the saints that thought, they were Holy while on earth. And i pray, the God Almighty will give you the wisdom to understand all this secret system of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ. So, they now told me how they operate in the church. They told me that, this idol worshiping in the church and how they brought it in the church. After the death of Christ among the Israelite. The apostle started their work again, by going from one village city to another, preaching the gospel, doing revival, Healing. Anywhere they go, there will be healing, power, deliverance and people started coming to Christ, following the apostle. So, they now said, how are we going to stop this people? They try stopping them by killing them. The more they kill them, the more they wax great. So, when the apostle went to the land of Rome, they stage their program there, many people came, many possess with affliction, disease and all form of sickness , blind and even those worshiping idol got their healing. So, after the program, the Apostle laid a foundation of a church, so that people can worship God. The church was established, and the senior apostles peter and the rest of them appoint some leaders and evangelist to head the church and they went on their way to another city. But the youths, are very sharp, they quickly understand things. They approach the leaders whom the apostle had appointed, and said unto them "Sir, if you want us to come to your church, there is a way you can brings us in" If you can allow us to bring our idol to this church, then we become your member. Because, if our fathers, knows that we forsake their idol and see us going to church, they will curse us and kill us. If you want us to join and be worshiping in your church, just allow us to bring our idol into your church. Just to disguise and deceived our fathers, then we will come in and worship your God, and when are about to go out, we will just bowed down to the idol and our father with think, we are worshiping the idol. But the leaders said, we cannot do this, because if Paul or peter come back and see us doing this, they will curse us. They now said, there is way we can do it. We can change the name of that idol. The name of idol they are worshiping in the land of Rome at that time is called Venu land of Rome at that time is called Venus. The name VENUS means Queen of Heaven. The same idol the Israelite worship in the land of Canaan called ASEROTES. Its same idol, the Romans are calling VENUS. called SHIGMOON. The Indian are calling it INDRANIG. MARIES. Samaria called her NNANA. The Asian country called her Cybele Egyptian called her PHORUSES or EXSIS, The Ephesians called her DIANA. The Babylonian called her BALYTIS. The English people called her MY LADY. The Italian called her MADONNA. The Latin called her DOMINA. The Scenvia called her VERSA. The Ethiopian called her NETORSHIA. So, this is how they worship her in much country. She normally appears as an image of a woman of mother and child. This same person is the person they brought into that church, and said they will change her name, that is why i need to warn you here. Please be careful the name you used in prayer. Any name you used, if you like call holy Michael or holy Gabriel when you pray. Even if you like called on the name of holy Mary. Its only the name of Jesus Christ, has God given unto us. He said, he had exalted his name, above every other name. By the name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow. Any other name you used to pray apart from the name of Jesus Christ, You are praying to Queen of Heaven. I didn't mention the name of any church here. Please praying by any other name, apart from the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is a Sin. So, therefore, in this name, they pray in the name of the mother of Jesus, this and that. This is how they bring this into the church and they called some holy name to pray to God. The genuine name of that idol is VENUS. The one they brought to the church in the land of Rome. The demons, say, by this, they has the power to curse people to worship God, under the anger of God. After, their own service on earth, when they die, when they get to the Gate of heaven. They will quote this quotation, and it will be impossible for them to make heaven. Because if Heaven and earth pass away, the least of the word of God, will never pass-away without fulfillment. This are the area this quotation condemn billions of soul after their death. So, please if you're one of the people that always pray with name of MARY other names, apart from the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You're already against the word of God. Go back to the bible, forget about the doctrine of your church and go back to the doctrine of the bible. The bible can’t deceive you. Any doctrine of the church can deceived you. May God bless you, as you made your correction. And now, they took me back to the book Deuteronomy 4:19, Its talking about another religion also. i said how do they work on this one. They said, they curse some people. Whenever they want to serve God. They bow their head to the sun to pray. And they told me that, they purposely use this thing against them. And according to this chapter, its say, when you look up to heaven....So therefore, if anybody go against that quotation, by bowing down to anything at all. If they get to heaven, they will also condemn them. This is why, you see some religion, bowing down to the sun, i didn't mention any religion name. But if you are a bible scholar, you will read it there, Deuteronomy 4:19. In any way you worship God by bowing down to any image or anything God created, you have committed a sin. Even this bowing down to the sun, this thing started in the bible Ezekiel 8:16." And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbour's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous woman,.... you might been reading this quotation for a long time, without knowing that is talking about some religion. You see, they perfume this thing, in the house that Solomon builds. This religion started, from the temple of Solomon. They are 25 people that started this religion. It’s not only the name of one man or prophet that they're shouting about. That man is not the founder of that religion. It’s this 25 men, that started that religion and the name of that court is well known, but i will not mention the name in this confession. These 25 men that started that religion, by bowing down to the sun. And God said, in this verse, that he will never have mercy on them. His anger is aroused upon them. Even they shout to his ear, he will not listen to them. I mean God isn't happy the way they worship. Please if you are under this thing, am not against you, but am reading bible now. Even if you don't believe me, believe the bible. Even though, you see me as a liar, believe the word of God. Because i will die, you will die, but the word of God will never die. Please and please, am not saying am wiser than you. Even if my experience in the kingdom of darkness is a lie, what about the bible? Even the book; John 16:1-3 " These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. That a time is coming, when they will drag you to synagogue. They will kill you, thinking they are fighting for God. Please be aware, no man can fight for God. God know how to fight for himself. So, they now explain to me, that in their kingdom, this is what they're doing. They deceive and cause people to worship God, under the anger of God. So, that they can use the same thing to condemn them after their death. And they told me, as i enter this kingdom, they want to be using me in establishing shrine for worshiping idol. They train me for this, and i started coming to this world. Somebody will bear me ---i will grow and after some years i will die. I didn't die premature, sometimes, i die at the age of 70, 80. I will grow; i will have wife, born children. But my main purpose in that country is to live with them, know what they like, ate and know how to arrange gods for them. And this is how we established our idol. If we want to established idol, we live among them, knows their sickness, their weak point. So if we want to force a state or city to worship idol. We will curse a sickness, among them, is either they will be dying or send the spirit of Magog to another village or country to come and fight them. Killing them, and when they see people dying. They will start going all around, consorting oracle. During this consultation, they will be told to go to so-so person that he had a solution to their problem. They will now direct them to me. And i will tell them to established so-so idol, they should start worshiping it and if they did, truly, their problem will be over, and this is how they will turns into god. I have been born in many countries. As a Christian, you might be arguing with me. That man is been mandated to die once. True, bible didn't lie. It’s true that man is been mandated to die once, But let me tell you something. After this, if you are not a good child of God, Its only if you're a good child of God, if you die, if you have Holy Spirit when you die, then there is angel called ex-court angel. They will comes and welcome, take your soul and protect you to a place for your soul to rest. But if you don't live a holy life, either you believe me or not. There are some demons, available, waiting for you to give-up, they will hijack your soul, and take you to their kingdom. Do you know that many of us don't reach our ages before we die? The only thing that will make you go to the land of death is when you die at the appropriate age. But if you die before your age, you're not going there. You will go to another kingdom and start serving them. Even though you didn't believe me, if you are in Nigeria, especially Yoruba, they knew what we call Abiku. Someone will die now, after under some months, you will see as he die, they will cut the hands and the legs. If they born that person again. That person marks will still be there. If they cut the face, as they born that person, the mark will still be there. And some of them, even, when they are been reborn, they will still have the memory of how they born them last time. If they see their former cloth and shoe they used before, they will say, this is my shoe or cloth. And you will say he/she is abiku. Many as they are listening, they can testify to it. If you argue, other will not argue. God had given devil this privileged. He can't drag this power with him. Because, he has set aside a day for judgment. Anything you can do on earth. You can kill and destroy people. But a certain day is coming. A day of judgment. Moreover if God really want to destroy devil. He wouldn't have sent his son to die. God has timely, that is why he has given us the grace of life. You need to chose for yourself. There was a man in the bible. That God gives the grace to come back second time. Am talking about John the Baptist in; Matthew 11:14. " And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. So God also give Elijah the opportunity to come back the second time. The devil can perform miracle. It’s not moving God. The greatest miracle Satan could face is the total destruction of him in hell. But Satan is not surprise about this God agenda. Beside he has been preparing himself, his host and every being on this earth for destruction. You just have to single yourself out. I have been in this kingdom, working for them, from one country to another. HOW DO WE PENETRATE INTO THE BODY OF HUMAN BEING? If we want to come to this world, we will come to this world in spirit. We don't have flesh. We mark any woman or man we like, when we see her, we will say this is the kind of face, and body complexion i needed. But if she is still a single, we will program him/her marriage very fast. Because we want to us her body. Even if that person is holy. We will release sexual urge upon that person. That will make her to go and fornicate and get pregnant. And if that person dare abort it, she will die. So when, she is in the act of that sexual action. And a spirit will be monitoring the sperm behind. And when the sperm cells enter through the womb, oven. And during the temperature and warming, as it about to turn flesh. Then the spirit will enter. The flesh will miss together with the spirit and it will turn into baby and everybody will rejoice that a new baby had been born. That is why am giving this advice. Any married couple that wants to meet together or have sexual intercourse, either you prepare for baby or not. Try and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus Christ and sanctified that place or bed with the power of the holy ghost, before you have any sexual intercourse. So that you wouldn't produce demons into this world. So, please, that is why in many Christian home, you have children that doesn't resemble the father and mother in character. They act so strange and behave differently from the whole family because; they didn't know that, when they're meeting together, there are some unseen spirit programming against their intercourse. And i pray, everyone of you, that has been in this kind of condition or having such a person in the family, i pray the Lord that touch and change my life will also touch and change their life, and if the ones you born into that family are demon re- incarnate, the Lord will uproot and removed them from that family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. So, that is how i started going from one country to another establishing demonic temple. This is how I worked for this kingdom for many years. Until i started having promotion, any where they born me, i will prosper there. Any assignment they give me or contract am so good. I prosper in all things. I Started having promotion-promotion everywhere until i got to the higher level, to the extend, i become one of the executive members in kingdom of darkness. So, this executive member i am into, we normally goes for annually meeting, annually budget. And this budget always comes up around September and October. You know in the world, we normally do budget, maybe earlier in the year. In the kingdom of the darkness, its normally toward the end of the year we always does it. So, this year am talking about. We went for the annually meeting, where we give annual report. And every year, when we give report, you see each and every one of us in that meeting, each person represent a continent. One person will represent Africa---one person will represent Europe, while another person will represent Asia and so on. We're not that many as executives. Somebody may stand-up and said, Aaaaaaah in my own continent, Two millions people that die this year, we afflict 700 with sickness, this year is 300 people that backslide, this year about 400 people were giving fibroid, so they will just be giving bad report of thing which they had done. So, as they work, there also additional powers, promotion and demons where given unto them. They may decide to give them 20,000 demons to work along with them, so that, there work could be faster and effective. Some they will give them powers, snake, scorpion and many weapons, arrows so that their work can be faster and they will also give a report of those initiated in a year. Let me tell you something, In a local government, if they have 10 witches, either you believe it or not, under a year, that 10 witches will be multiple into 100, because in the kingdom of darkness---they always initiate and multiplication is always their mission. Its only in the Christendom, we don't care about multiplication, but in the kingdom of darkness, Multiplication is the greatest assignment. Because the devil always charges us every year that the rapture will soon take place. That he don't want Jesus Christ to have any candidate. They want the rapture to sound----that they want nobody to rapture. They want Jesus Christ to score zero. That is why they are very fast in initiating people. In the olden days, before they initiate you. They will tell you to bring this and that and to make covenant. But now either you like it or not----you can be initiated, either by dream, or in the school. That is reason why am going to unveiled to you, how they bewitch people. Its only by the grace of God, you can be free. I will tell you how they initiate people in the market. So, they will give report of the number of people they initiated and after the whole thing, the person can be promoted. This is how we started giving our report, one-by-one. But the last people that normally gives last report, are demons called "International demons" These are the people that normally stay between the entrances Gate to heaven. These are the people that know how many people that goes or make it to Heaven in a year. This are called International demons, they are the same people Daniel called Prince of Persia. They are the people that hinder the prayer of Daniel. This demon has the power to hijack man or his life after death. They are people that welcome man while he is coming to this world and also when he is leaving this world. So, they know the number of people that make heaven in a year and number of people that go to hell in a year. So, that day they all stand up, with bad face, they are not happy. We all wonder why this people are not happy. Because they are always cheerful, laugh and so great whenever they want to talk. So, this day, they all come-up with bad face. We all wonder what is happening. They started talking, saying "This year about 15 souls make it to Heaven” We were so surprise, because it had not happen like that ever since i join them. Because, since i join them, they usually said Heeeeeeee, this year about 2-3 souls make it to heaven. And sometimes no single soul will make it. You may not believe me, If it was not so, God will not be raising people every day to preach and evangelize the gospel of Christ. Do you know that in the whole universe, people who're dying every year are above 25 million and 25 millions going to hell every year? And heaven, nobody is entering there. But this report that very year is very-very different. And everywhere was scattered and everybody was angry. Devil himself cry, roaring like a lion with anger, scattered, everywhere, release fire, injured and burn many people. He was shouting, WHY, DO YOU WANT TO DESTROY MY KINGDOM, DO YOU WANT TO DESTROY ME? HOW DO YOU ALLOW 15 PEOPLE TO MAKE HEAVEN IN A YEAR, 15 PEOPLE MAKING HEAVEN IN A YEAR IS VERY DANGEROUS, DON'T YOU THAT, THERE IS NO MUCH PEOPLE TO SIT ON THE SIT, THAT IS WHY THE RAPTURE HAD NOT TAKEN PLACE. THAT IS WHY THE RAPTURE ARE BEEN DELAY, IF THE NUMBER IS COMPLETE, OUR TIME WILL BE OVER. He was seriously annoyed, he now summons the astrological to go and browse, through the internet. Let me tell you about this internet, this internet had been existing for long, its late hour, before you people on earth discover, what is internet. This website had been in existence even before Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden. This people, there intellectual are very wide. Therefore, I will continue in 2nd series, where I shall unveiled the reason why 15 souls make Heaven in that year and I will also talk about computer--- you will understand the meaning of computer. So, if you're proud that you're in computer age. your are joking because you're in anti-Christ age. To be continue...
28 Sep 2018 | 10:02
Hmmm............ God save my soul
28 Sep 2018 | 12:55
I wat I want to .....
28 Sep 2018 | 15:39
beliefs are different
29 Sep 2018 | 00:33
I greet everyone in the name of Jesus Christ. My dear brethren. this is the continuation of the testimony I was shared before in series one. My name is evangelist fumilayo Adebayo. I told you in SERIES ONE that am going to tell you many things about attachment, earrings palming, bleaching of the body. All those things and many things I told you in series one, which I have never pointed out. Am still going to continue it here in this series two, and I didn't forget them all. I stop when I talk about our meeting, when they were giving annual report in the kingdom of darkness. Where I talk about computer, if there chance for me in this series two, I will explain. And if I can't explain all in this series, I will still meet you in series three. But as I stop in series one, I was talking about our report meeting in the kingdom of darkness. 990 YEARS IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS- SERIES 2 So when they now sent the astrologer’s to go and made a research, in order to know, what cause this problem? They now went and made research. In their research they discover that, this barrier God broken in the land of Africa and Nigeria. That place is in Nigeria. The Devil now commanded them to go and verify. Who is that person that cause's this problem? But the report made me afraid. Because they came back with a report of a man, who’s I made judgment for, in the kingdom of darkness, when I was in California. That man name is called Apostle Ayodele Babalola. The founder of the church called C.A.C (Christ Apostolic Church) So that is the man I made judgment for, in our Kingdom that time and I told you that, the judgment I made for that man is that, I program demon and re-incarnate demon as human being. And I made him to marry that wife. And truly, physically on earth, am sorry to say, those people that are member of that church, knows the story of that church very well. They knew the very woman that man married didn't repent until she dies. Not that she didn't want to repent, but even though she repents, God will not accept her, because she is a demon re-incarnate. So, if you knew about that church story very well, you will knew that am not lying. So, we program so many things about that church, but I thank God, God help that man, called Apostle Ayodele Babalola to overcome the power of this woman. Even though, this woman disturbs this man. But still, this man still made Heaven. All glory be to God. And I pray that the Hand of God will come upon that church and destroy everything that still remain, every plantation of the devil planted in that church and the church shall live and grow to the glory of the Lord in Jesus Name. So, as i was saying. It was the case of this man that comes out They say it was this man, that cause, which brings the barrier that made the number of people to make Heaven like that. And argument started how a single man can break such barrier. It’s so strong, or is it, the message that is so powerful or the anointing. And the Astrologer's now told us, isn’t the message or anointing. He gives order in the church, that the entire member should not wear earring and they must not use jewelries at all. Then they now say how that could affect the kingdom of Heaven. Then I now raise up my hand, because have already come across this thing at the Gate. I have the experience, and in that meeting, if you want to talk, if you rise up your hand. Before you talk, a screen will appear, as you are talking, whatever you are talking will appear in the screen as if you're watching film. If you there pronounce a single lie, that screen will blank and if it blank, they will knew you lie, you will not go-unpunished. So, nobody can just stand-up there and started lying. Then I just raise-up my hand a said, It may be true, because I have come across something like that before, when I visited the international demons at the Gate of Heaven. They now allow me to talk. There was a day; I was going to Hell fire to mark a record, because in my position i have been promoted to higher level, to have access to go to Hell fire. You see when i was still i the kingdom of darkness. I go to Hell fire, it doesn't burn me. I don't know that is hot. I don't know they are deceiving me until they very day I have encounter with Jesus Christ In 99-realm. When Christ himself meets with me and destroys all the power in my body. It was then I know that hell fire is hot. In other series when I will talk about my encounter with the Holy Spirit, then you will know that better. So, i was going to Hell fire to mark a record by targeting somebody, we wanted to kill, because in our level, we don't kill anyone. We only go to your record in hell, because every human being name is in hell fire. The day of your naming ceremony, two spirits being will appear The first spirit being is demon, will come from Hell fire. The second is angel, will come from heaven. The day of your naming ceremony, when they mention the name of the new born baby is John, Daniel, if they mention the name of your mother or father. If the name bears, attach with any name of any idol. The angel that came from heaven will disappear. Because if they want to write your name, they must add the name of your father into it before your name can be, if you read your bible very well. You will know, that when God want to mention the name of any one, it will mention the name of so-so person the son of this. If you read your bible very well, you will see that, God normal mention their father's name. So, if they want to write your name in the book of life, they write Daniel the son David, Joshua, the son of this or that. But if they dare mention your name, for example, In Nigeria there is a language called Yoruba. In Yoruba name, if they say Johnson or Philip the son of ogundare, they angel of God will not write it. God needs to do with your name. In the book of revelation Chapter 20 Its say” A book was open, that is the book of life and another book was open, and anyone that his name is not written in the book of life will be cast into hell fire. Let me tell you something, the name of idol, Ogundare, Sangobiyi, Ogunbiyi, Osun, it can never enter into the book of life. Forget about your position in the Christendom. Either you're bishop, reverend, or whosoever you think you're. If your name is do with idol. You may be holy on earth Your work may be acceptable. But your name will not be record in the book of life. And you can never enter there with your holiness, if your name is not called. That is why God change the name of Abraham, the name of Sara and he also change the name of Jacob. If barrier is not a name, God will not change this name. So your name needs to be changed, if truly you’re born-again. Let all things pass-away. Bear name with God. Don't bear name with idol. 1 Chronicle 7:14 Its say "if you people, who bear my name can change your mind, can humble yourself, i will forsake your sin. Bible talk about. So, if truly you want to make heaven. Make sure your name, needs to do with God. if your name collide with idol, that means you belong to the lineage of idol. So, therefore note that, make correction on your name. So if we want to attack people, kill them in the kingdom if darkness. We go through that name. You see everybody, that second demon that comes from hell fire, He can write everybody name. Maybe your name is Sango ogunbiyi, or your name is center devil, whatever your name is, he will write it down. He will go and record it in their registrar room in Hell fire. So, if you're alive, if you are committing sin. The blood of Jesus Christ will not be on your name. But if you're Holy man, and you're in Christ, blood of Jesus Christ will cover your name. When the demon comes there to check, your name will be blank. But the moment you backslide and go back to sin. The blood will wipe-away and the name will appear. So, if the name appears, if you go there, we will strike that person to death. We will not allow him to repent before we kill him. But when we get there and still see that, the blood still covered that name. No matter how great is our program upon, against that person, we will not kill that person at that moment, until we see him in the act of sin, before we can kill him or else if you kill him without wiping-away the blood of Jesus Christ. He will go to heaven and we will lose the candidate. And the kingdom of darkness will punish us, for losing the candidate. Danger Of Wearing Gold, Silver And Jewelries On Body So, in our own kingdom, Killing is not our target. But destruction to Hell fire is our target. So, that is what I wanted to go and do in hell fire that day. I went to check a name. I now decided to branch to the international demons to greet them in their position, as I was exchanging word with them. I now heard a noise, strange noise, shouting with joy. I now ask them, what is the meaning of this noise? They told me that eeeh, hisss, it’s from the palace of the Great God Almighty. I said what happen. They there is a visitor. Whenever they had visitor that is how they rejoice. That is where coming sound. That thing now pains me and baffled me. Because i don’t believe that people are still making heaven. How manage? Upon the whole trap we had set on this world. We didn’t believed that people can still make heaven, because everything on earth. We had polluted everything. We believe isn’t easy for anybody to make heaven again. So this thing, now bother me. I now wait. I decided i will wait and see that person. How the person will enter through the gate. As we are there waiting, truly that person start getting closer and closer. When it got to the gate, we discover it was ordinary woman, eeeh, because it easy for man to make heaven that woman. Women are very scarce in Heaven. I remember when Jesus Christ took me to Heaven. When he meets me and took me to heaven. When he took me to the banquet hall, I discover that Men are more than Women. In the Church on earth women are much but in Heaven woman are very scarce, because of what Satan has program for them. I will talk about that later. What make women not to make heaven? I will talk about that. So in this case, we start watching this woman as she got to the gate. The angel of God, welcome this woman so much. They welcome her. Suddenly i saw the angel brought out her crown, very glorious crown, Filled with stars all over, no space on that crown, shining with more than 500 hundred stars. I said what is this? Why is this crown so glorious like this? They now told me that, she is a woman of God, a wife of a pastor, and she is a preacher. They said that is the crown of a soul winner. They said, there is no crown for a bishop or pastor here. Any tilted we give to ourselves on earth has no reward here, it’s only the work we do, they can take the reward here. They said this is the crown for a soul winner. They said that stars i saw on the crown, is the number of souls, which the woman won to heaven. Haaa, it pains me so much, but to my surprise as they were welcoming this woman, through the welcoming processing. They brought out her garment, gown, and very glorious garment. They didn’t open gate for her. They brought out her throne, very glorious also. Come and see very great estate build for this woman. It appears on the screen. We saw the mighty estate, only for her-own kingdom. Come and see thousands of angels assign to be serving her in her kingdom. All this things are brought out for this woman but they refused to open gate for this woman. And this woman started thinking on her mind, you know in that place you don’t need to talk. Any thought you have in your mind will appear on the screen. You cannot have bad thought in that place. So as this woman was thinking in her mind, Oooh, let this gate open for me jarreh (experiencing worrisome and anticipated to proceed ahead). Because as she look back she saw a giant demon behind her and she was afraid of those demons. She is in haste to enter, as she was having this thought. The angel of God now says what is written in her heart. They now say WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER INTO THIS PLACE, BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS NO INIQUITY SHALL ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. And the woman said what? What do you mean? Because, she is sure of her life, she believes she live a Holy life. But truly she lived a Holy life, because in her garment there is no spot there, everything was clean. But the angel says she cannot enter. This woman started arguing, NO, I must enter. Jesus even appears to me before I die, am holy and that, but in the process or her arguments. The international demons now interrupt. They say WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER, ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL CHAPTER 7:21. For full understanding, let me read for you from Ezekiel 7:19-21 “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowel, because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity. 20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable thing therein: therefore I have set it far from them. 21 And I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they pollute it. Can you see it? This is the quotation they gave this woman. You may not understand this quotation. As they give this woman this quotation. Immediately, this woman remembers they were talking about jewelries and this woman touch her ear and she has a little ear-ring. But this woman believe that if you dresses moderate isn’t a sin, that is what she believed according to 1 Peter 3:3 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;. They told her that, this thing can’t make heaven. Before she started saying, “am sorry, I don’t know” before she started tendering her explanation. Immediately there is a force that came from no-where. That force, just turn this woman face. She backs the Gate of Heaven and faced toward the Hell fire. A strange wind took this woman and rolled her seriously and she speedily ran to hell. Look, don’t think you will walk majestically to Hell fire or somebody will throw you. You will run with your leg, with speed. The worst part is this...This woman started shouting the name of Jesus Christ. She was shouting Jesusssssssssssssssssssssssss. As she was shouting Jesus, that was how she ran to Hell fire with Jesus on her mouth. Look, if you’re in the church and they told you to shout the name of Jesus Christ and you wouldn’t want to shout it louder, don’t worry. If you continue in the life of sin, you will shout Jesus in eternity in hell fire with no salvation. It’s when you are still alive; you can shout the name of Jesus Christ with salvation. So please whatever the bible prove wrong, just accept it like that. You see, this woman go to hell fire because of ignorant. She didn’t knew that God go against dressing, ear-ring, chain and ornament, she doesn’t knew. She only follow all other things in the bible, don’t do this and that and she obeyed. But for this one particularly she didn’t believe God didn’t like it. AND IF YOU ARE THERE ASKING ME, WHERE DID GOD WRITE IT IN THE BIBLE, THAT WE SHOULD NOT USE EAR-RING OR CHAIN? I WILL PROVE IT TO YOU NOW. Let me start from this, you know jewelries, all this ornaments that we put-on. God didn’t create it for fashion. Did you know from the beginning, God didn’t create cement for us as our building material? Before God curse the land, before God curse Adam and eve. When God created man in the sixth days, God created us as immortality. We are immortality, which means we will not die. But since we commit sin, will turns to immortal man, which means we can die.
29 Sep 2018 | 03:22
It was when God curse man that he now curses the land, before he curses us, because he has created us that will are going to live forever. He has already produced and had created a building material under the ground that we will used to build our house, which will remain forever. So, that was when God created Gold. Gold is been created as a building material. You see in the kingdom of darkness, they knew the geology of this world, because they were there when God created it. They knew what God created everything for, because they are there. It was in their presence that God created everything. So they knew that, Gold is been created as a building material so that it can remain forever, it will not fall, it will not break nor crack. So when God now curse the land. It was when God curse the land. All the demons, they knew we are under the anger of God. They knew the presence of God had departed from us. They knew the glory of God has been departed from us. So they now quickly come down and pack all the treasure God had created for us. They now go and hide it in a place’s. That is why before we can have our treasure, our crude oil and everything, all those engineers, they use to appeal to those demons. You see, this Gold was a building material. It was when they pack them, we’re left with cement. And when we use cement to build house, later after 100 years, you will see the house crack, falling and breaking. So this gold from the beginning, God created as a building material. Not as a fashion or as we’re using it on this days. It was the ideas of demons, which make us to be using it, as we’re using it on these days. Before the Israelite's, use jewelries to make idol. Let me go back to the time of Jacob. In the book of Genesis chapter 35, when God called Jacob to gathered his people to meet with him from Genesis 35:1-5 “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there and make there an altar unto God. That appear unto thee when thou fleddest from the face if Esau thy brother, 2 then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean and change your garment. 3 And let us arise, and go up to Beth-el; and I will make there an altar unto God. Who answered me in the distress, and was with me in the day which I went. 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the strange god which was in their hands and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by shechem 5 And they Journey, and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob. But the question is this; Jacob didn’t tell them to remove their ear-ring. He only told them to remove everything that is not PURE, that is not HOLY. There idol, specifically on idol and all unclean things. But to my surprise, they need to remove their ear-ring. IS EAR-RING UNCLEAN? YOU WILL ANSWER THAT BY YOURSELF. For them to remove earring before they can appear to God----MARK THAT, POINT ONE. SECONDLY, if you go to the book of Exodus chapter 32 you will see, where God now point out their mistake. When, God brought them out from the land of Egypt. God order them in the book of Exodus chapter 12. You will read where God told them to request from whatever they needed from the Egyptians. And he gave them favor, to carry their gold and silver. God told them to collect those thing, because God has it in the mind, that when they get to the promise land. Exodus 12:35-36 “And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses: And they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, jewels of gold and raiment, 36, And the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required, And they spoil they Egyptians. They will use these things as a building material for the temple of the Lord. That is why, he order them to collect it. He didn’t order them to collect it for fashion or for making an idol. So, that was the aim of God by allowing them to collect all this things, so that, they can convert it to building material. So, when they collected these things, and got to the wilderness, they now use it in making an idol against the plan of God. Read Exodus 32:3-4 “And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. 4 and he received them at their hand, and fashion it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said. These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of land of Egypt. Can you see that? They transfer the glory of God unto idol, if you read your bible very well. You knew of the statement. God always claim “I AM YOUR GOD, WHO BROUGHT YOU OUT FROM EGYPT, WHO DELIVERED YOU FROM THE POWER OF PHARAOH” He always use this word, God feels big in it, this language, God so cherish it very much. This is the power; this is the statement that God normally used upon Israelite's. Imagine this thing that God exalted his name from. He touched Pharaoh; harden his heart, so that he can proclaim his mightiness upon the whole world. They now carry all the glory and give to an ordinary idol. That is why the anger of the Lord arose, and said this idol and those things you used to make it; I don’t want to see it upon again. That is why the bible said our body is the temple of the Lord. No iniquity shall dwell in it. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you, 17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is Holy, which temple you are. Whenever we want to quote it, we always mention demons. Not only demons, anything that is irritating must not remain in your body. SOME PEOPLE WILL SAY, EEEEHH “GOD DIDN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH OUR BODY, BUT ONLY OUR SOUL OR HEART” ...IT’S A LAIR OOH. God needs to do with your body, spirit, heart, and soul. If you go to the book of Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. ....YOUR BODY, IT’S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR HEART OR SOUL. God talk about body there. If God want to talk about heart, he will talk about heart, and if he wants to talk about body, he will talk about body. Also in the book of Ezekiel 36:26 “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. He said I will give you a new HEART, a new SPIRIT. He didn’t about BODY there. But here in Romans Chapter 12:1 “He said present your body as a Holy sacrifice to the Lord” So, don’t allow any preacher to deceive you. DON’T ALLOW ANYBODY TO TELL YOU, THAT GOD IS ONLY CONCERN ABOUT SOUL, HEART AND NOT BODY. Your BODY, SOUL and HEART are for GOD. You must consecrate yourself before God in a holy way. So, that is why in this place. They need to remove their earring and jewelries to make an idol. Since that day, God told Israelite that they must not put any jewelry in their body any more. Any time he wants to come to them or visit them or journey with them, if he sees jewelries upon them, God is always annoyed. You may be there and say, “THIS ENTIRE THING, AM TALKING, IS ALL STORY, UNTIL YOU CAN POINT ME, WHERE GOD COMMANDED ISRAELITE NOT TO USE IT” That is where I want to quote for you now. Go to the book of Exodus 33:1-6 “And the Lord said unto Moses, depart and go up hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the Land of Egypt unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, saying, unto thy see I will give it. 2 And I will send my angel before thee and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite. 3 Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiff-necked people: lest I consumed thee in the way. 4 And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man did put on him his ornaments. 5 for the Lord had said unto Moses; say unto the children of Israel. Ye area stiff- necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment and consumed thee, therefore now put off their ornaments from thee that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb”. Imagine before he called them stiff-necked people. That means he has been warning them several on something he wanted to talk about. Listen, in the land of Israel, if they are not happy, if they are in sorrow or mourning. What they normal do, they will tear their cloth, and they will shave their hair. They can put ashes on the hair to show that they are in sadness. But I this case, they didn’t tear their cloth, they didn’t shave their hair. But the first thing they started doing, is by removing their ornaments. WHY? Because they knew it was what God is talking about. The theological can change it for you. They can talk another thing. But this passage is talking about jewelries, ornaments. So don’t allow any bible scholar to turn it up-side for you. HE SAID THEY SHOULD REMOVE IT. 4 And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man did put on him his ornaments. 5 for the Lord had said unto Moses; say unto the children of Israel. Ye area stiff- necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment and consumed thee, therefore now put off their ornaments from thee that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb”. Imagine, God now saw that some of them are now removing it. Then he said, NOW BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN CRYING, YOU HAVE BEEN MOURNING, FASTING AND PRAYING. TELL THEM TO REMOVE ALL THEIR ORNAMENTS, BEFORE I CAN KNOW, MAYBE I CAN STILL FOLLOW YOU OR NOT. BEFORE I CAN CHANGE MY DECISION AND GO ALONG WITH YOU. LET THEM REMOVE THIS ORNAMENT WAY, BEFORE I CAN TAKE MY DECISION ON YOU. 1. WHY IS GOD TELLING THEM TO REMOVE THEIR ORNAMENT? 2. WHAT PROBLEM DID GOD HAVE WITH THIS ORNAMENT? So, if truly for are descendant of Abraham. You truly claim Abraham blessing is yours. If truly you can jump from Old Testament to New Testament and claim Abraham blessing. But whenever we talk about DO-NOT, DO-NOT, DO-NOT in the Old Testament you will condemn it. This one is in Old Testament, but Abraham blessing in Old Testament, you’re claiming it. If you can claim the blessing in Old Testament, the law in the Old Testament is also for you. So, if God can command the Israelite not to use ornament. He said he didn’t want to see it or he will destroy them. Imagine God hated this thing, to the point that he has vowed to destroy them, if they refused to put it-off. That is why; you Christian, if truly you want to make Heaven, though the reason why we’re using it today in the church and we’re not dying and fire didn’t fall to consumed us, because GOD Almighty is no longer going on with people. Jesus Christ has taken over from God and now Holy Spirit had taking over from Jesus Christ. We’re under grace. Don’t worry; Thunder will not kill you in Church today. Fire will not burn you, but don’t forget that a day is coming you will die on Earth with earring in your ear. You will dress like idol with irritating things that cause God, which arose God’s anger, you will die and appear like that, it’s then the anger of God in “Exodus Chapter 33” that made God to say, He want to destroy the Israelite's, if they didn’t remove it. The same anger will appear on you. If you appear with that same thing that causes God to be annoyed, the same anger of that day will come upon you. So if you use jewelries on Earth, that doesn’t stop your prayer from not been answer. You can do miracle with it. You may use jewelries; Holy Spirit can still talk to you, because you’re under grace, but if you die and appears before God with this things. Mind you, the very least in the word of GOD will never go unfulfilled. Make sure you didn’t argue with the word of God. You may argue with me, am a human being, I can lie. BUT YOUR BIBLE WILL NEVER-NEVER LIE, I can lie. I can deceive you, am a human being and am a flesh. But GOD will never-never lie. He is not a human being. Am quoting it out from the bible, your bible, what is written here in my bible is also same thing written there in your bible. If you don’t believed in my own version, the same meaning is also there in your own bible version. YOU SEE, THIS MY MESSAGE IS FOR HEAVENS. THIS MESSAGE ISN’T FOR PEOPLE THAT GO TO CHURCH FOR RICHES IN THE WORLD. AM NOT SAYING THIS THING FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ARE AFTER OR DOING MIRACLE IN THE CHURCH, AM NOT SAYING, THESE THINGS FOR PEOPLE THAT OPEN CHURCH FOR BUSINESSES. ANY PASTOR THAT OPENS CHURCH FOR BUSINESS WILL NEVER TAKE THIS MESSAGE. ANY PASTOR THAT OPENS CHURCH FOR INITIATION WILL NEVER TAKE THIS MESSAGE. BUT IF YOU SEE ANY PASTOR, ANY CHILD OF GOD, THAT HAVE MIND TO TAKE PEOPLE TO HEAVEN. THAT HAVE HOPE FOR RAPTURE, EVEN THOUGH, THEY DIDN’T TAKE MY MESSAGE. THEY MUST TAKE THE WORD OF GOD IN THE BIBLE. Even though am lying, will your bible lie? So therefore, follow the bible, even though you didn’t follow my word. God spoken here, not prophet spoken. God says remove your ornament before I decided what to do with you. If God can command Israelites to remove their ornament are you not the descendant of Abraham? Is Abraham not the father of Israel? If truly you’re from the same lineage. The same word of God has come to you today. If you see people dressing and they didn’t put on earring or all things, do you think they are fool? Everybody loves to look beautiful. You may say that the Gate of Heaven is made by Gold, YES. The Gold in Heaven is been used for what it is created it for, ok. Gold in Heaven had not been used to make idol, but the Gold on this Earth has been defiled. The one’s on this Earth has been over thrown by demons, o.k, So the only-way you can use Gold that can please God, is to use it for what God is created it for, that is why God order Solomon to build his Temple with Gold’s, with many Gold’s. So, if you used Gold as pulpit in your church, as a building material in your church or as a house building material, no problem. If you used it as a spoon, as a plate, IS NOT A SIN, but don’t used it on the Temple of God, because this temple is your body. Is the temple of the Lord, Iniquities must not dwell there. So that is why, you must be careful; your body belongs to God. You can’t use it the way you like. You can’t use your body the way you like. You must please God with your body. Please take this message very serious. I proceed... THE GLORIOUS ENCOUNTER WITH APOSTLE BABALOLA So this is how, in our meeting that day, we come about to know that this our dressing, ornament, has been destroying many souls and we’re very happy to bring that point. And we use this aim and power specifically-mighty in our kingdom. So as we round-up in that meeting. We now concluded that, that person called Ayodele Babalola, we must deal with him and his ministry. So we sent many agent to Nigeria, to come and attack him, but to glory be to God, as many they sent to Nigeria to attack this man. He will just stand- up in the church one day and say “I RELEASE THE FIRE OF THE Lord, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, TO ARREST THE SPIRIT OF DARKNESS IN THESE PLACE” and they will got them arrested, you will see them confessing. They will confess and they will repent. It’s only the demon re-incarnate, if they pray like that, they will die. But the genuine human being, that is been possess, if they pray for them, they will be delivered. And most of them will turn to really evangelist, they will turn to pastor and devil started losing many candidates. That is why they now held another meeting, in order to make research for superior and experience people. Those that can do the contract very well, that was how they detect me out, some years later, that I should be the one that should come to Nigeria, to eradicate those dangerous doctrine that man establish. You see, let me tell you something, you can ask me that, what about many women of God that has die and wouldn’t they made Heaven? I can’t answer that question, but am telling you what I know. You see apart from me, MANY CHILDREN OF GOD, MANY YEARS AGO. HAD BEEN GIVING TESTIMONY OF THIS JEWELRIES, MANY WILL SLEEP AND GOD WILL APPEAR TO THEM. JESUS WILL APPEAR TO THEM. MANY WILL BE IN TRANCE THEY WILL SHEW THEM, THEY SHOULD REMOVE, THEIR JEWELRIES, THEIR ATTACHMENT BEFORE THEY CAN MAKE HEAVEN. MANY HAS BEEN GIVING THIS TESTIMONY, EVEN BEFORE JESUS CHRIST MEET ME. Even, if you didn’t believe me. What about other’s. Do you think everybody is fools? No. So please don’t argue with your eternity, even though am lying here. Whatever that is going to hinder you from making Heaven, you better sacrifice it. If it’s your beauty sacrifice it. Whatever you have here, you can’t compare it with eternity. Anything at all, that kingdom of Heaven will hate from you, sacrifice it, because your beauty, your money, whatever you have, you can’t compare it with eternity. So please even though you’re bible scholar, even though you know more than me, am talking about Heaven here. We are not talking about a period, some days or country here, HEAVEN IS FOR EVER. PLEASE DON’T ARGUE WITH YOUR ETERNITY. NO MATTER HOW YOU CHERISH YOUR BEAUTY, JEWELRIES, YOU BETTER SACRIFICE WHATEVER YOU THINK, BEFORE IT WILL BE TOO LATE. May God give you grace to please God. So in our meeting, we are been assign to come and wage war against Africa, because of the man been called Apostle Ayodele Babalola. But when they gave me this assignment, the assignment given to me come and do in Nigeria is to pollute the Christendom. Means, BRINGING WORLD IN TO THE CHURCH AND TAKING CHURCH BACK TO THE WORLD, EVERYTHING GOING-ON OUTSIDE THE WORLD WILL BE DOING-IN THE Church, AND PEOPLE WILL NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENT. My assignment is to blind- ford people to the extent that, they will not know the different between Deborah and Delilah. And there must be different between Deborah and Delilah. You must recognize Deborah when she appears and Delilah must also be recognized when she appears. But now in the Church you will not know the different between a prostitute and a child of God, they both dress the same way, No. You can’t make Heaven with this, there must be different between darkness and light. What is the friendship between darkness and light? NO-NO, there is no friendship among them, but there must be different. That is why, you must be very-very careful. Don’t be deceived, don’t allow devil to deceive you, I read from 2 Corinthian 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away: behold, all things have becomes new” You can see the old things are gone and new things have come, not only that, when you read 2Corinthian 6:14-18 “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbeliever. For what fellowship has unrighteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? “15 and what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has believer with an unbeliever? “16 and what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them, I will be their God and they shall be my people” 17 Therefore “Come out from among them and separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean. And I will receive you.” 18 I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. That means, you must not have any thing In common with them, if your dressing become common with them, if the way you talk is in common with them, which means you’re part of them. You must not have things in common. And verse 16 says, “And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them, I will be their God and they shall be my people” Therefore, from this above verse, your dresses must be separated from the world, your attitude, there must be different. If nothing is making you different from them, that’s means you’re still in the world. You’re not in Christ. So, if the altitude, speech and the movement that the Apostle possesses whose earn them the name Christians, that means, there is a way Christ behave, that’s a way Christ does things, make him to be different. If they can recognize the Apostle for their attitude and they called them Christian, YOU TOO MUST BE DIFFERENT, AMONG MULTITUDE. Verse 17”Therefore “Come out from among them and separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean. And I will receive you.” That means, if you’re not different from them, God will not receive you even after death, be aware of this... you may doubt me. But don’t doubt the word of God. I SPEAKING HERE WILL DIE, YOU LISTENING TO ME WILL DIE ALSO, BUT MY WORD WILL NEVER DIE. I WILL DIE, YOU WILL DIE, BUT THE WORD YOU’RE LISTENING TODAY WILL NEVER DIE. THE WORD WILL BE REPEATED ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. THAT IS WHY, AM WARNING YOU PEOPLE, EVEN THOUGH YOU DON’T LIKE THIS MESSAGE, Even though the message is not good-sound to your hearing. BEWARE OF THE ANGER OF GOD and Obey God. The tract I wrote, whose say’s obey the last command, if you don’t obey preacher, if you don’t obey bible. The language that will come at last, that is the language of death. You must obey death, if you don’t obey every other person. If death says, “give me your life, you can’t argue” and if you obey the last command, and you die in sin, that means, you die forever. So, the last command is the word of God, which you must obey. So please beware of this testimony, don’t allow this testimony am giving to you today, that you are hearing to condemn you after death. So as I was saying, my assignment in Nigeria is to come and pollute the Christendom. They told me, I must use their dressing, to drive away the presence of God away from the Church, because when God want to appear to Jacob, he knew that if they didn’t remove those iniquities, those irritate things God will not appear. There are something’s if it’s in the Church; the presence of God will not appear. You may argue with me, that in your Church miracle happen, in your Church they speak in tongue, in your Church they use to hear the voice of God....NO PROBLEM, do you know we have thousands of gods, especially if you say, you hear voice, you hear vision. Do you think all vision comes from God? Do you think all things you hear are from God? When you say Heaven, do you know how many Heaven we have? Do you know that Queen of Heaven has her own Heaven? Don’t you hear, Bible says, God exalted himself, his throne above all Heavens? He is dwelling above the Heavens. We still have many heavens, that reason why he says; This Heaven and earth will pass away, not the Heaven that God dwelled. But some heavens, which can pollute, they can deceive you, calling themselves god. Doesn’t the bible say they disguised themselves as angels of God? Beware of that god that is speaking to you in sin. You’re committing sin, you’re dressing like Jezebel, you’re dressing like demonic people and you say God is speaking to you. I PARTICULARY HAVE DWELT WITH THEM; HAVE REIGN WITH THEM, FOR MANY YEARS, I KNOW HOW THEY OPERATE. I never believe a woman can dress like Jezebel and spirit of Almighty God still dwells in her, it’s a lie. Am not condemning you, if God can save me, he can still save you, only if you give him a chance. You may argue with me, but you can’t argue after death. You may argue with me, as you’re listening now, but you will never-never argue after death. Be careful, if you think am lying and at-last you discover what am saying is truth, will you have another chance to come back to life? That is why you must think twice before you condemn my message. As I was saying, this was how I started my assignment, before I came to Africa for my assignment. I need to consort the superior ones, which have been there before me. Those that understand things going on in the kingdom of darkness, I need to consort the Queen of the Coast, I consort many kingdoms for their advice, so that they can put me through, so that I wouldn’t make mistake, because Africa assignment is a very difficult assignment, which many people had fall away from, and they promise me, if I can pass and succeed in this assignment, they will promote me to a position that had been vacancy since the day of Christ. There is a woman the bible called Mary Magdalene. Since Jesus Christ had delivered that woman, her position has been so difficult for anybody to come to, if you know a woman called Victoria ito? She is an African, she was the woman that wedded with devil, it’s was a time they wanted to promote her to that position, Jesus Christ got her arrested. It was this same position they promised me, if I can succeed in Africa assignment, they will promote me to that position. But since they had been appointing people to this position, Jesus Christ normally arrest them, that’s why, if God deliver’s you, you need total deliverance. Anybody Jesus Christ deliver, will never Go-Back to it. If you’re there and you say, DON’T MIND THEM, IF THEY CONFESS, THEY ALWAYS GO BACK, that will never be my portion in Jesus name. If other fall, that doesn’t mean I will fall. If you see other die, that doesn’t means you should pronounce death to others. I decide to live forever in Christ, I will never go back. Those who pray for me every day, the Lord will enable you also to make Heaven, but if you condemn me, mind you God didn’t condemn me. I will remain in this world by the grace of God and the word of God shall strengthen me and I shall make Heaven, so please I am not telling you to love me or to like my message, but hold unto the word of God. What am saying is this, in that our meeting, as I went to them for advice, they now give me keys on how I can do it, but in the kingdom of darkness, they says, I SHOULD GO AND PREPRARED MY PROPOSAL BEFORE THEY WOULD APROVED MY ASSIGNMNENT. And in the kingdom of darkness, before we carry out any assignment, or contract, we need to do proposal. In your proposal, there must be a quotation of bible that will use against anybody that will fall under your trap. And In my proposal, the quotation I give is Romans 1:26 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” you may say what is meaning of this, it’s means ” WOMEN EXCHANGE NATURAL, ANYTHING CALLED NATURAL IS NATURAL. It’s either sexual or part of your body. Its say “WOMEN EXCHANGE NATURAL FOR UN-NATURAL” and God release his Judgment upon them in verse 32 “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” It’s means that anybody, isn’t only this verse, but before this last verse, because its mention so many sins there, but am only telling you, the one I pointed out from my own proposal. It’s now say, anybody that did this especially “ANYBODY THAT CHANGE NATURAL FOR UN-NATURAL, WEALTHER SEXUAL OR DRESSING, SO FAR, YOU JUST CHANGE ANYTHING GOD GIVE TO YOU TO UN-NATURAL. THE BIBLE SAY YOU DESERVE DEATH” and it’s also said, they “not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” here is talking about some people that say, they are born again, they don’t do it, but they have salon, if anybody bring attachment or bring hair relaxer, they will do it for them. If you say you are not doing it and you are doing it for somebody, you will also be condemned. That is why; if you say you’re not there, separate yourself from them. So, this is the quotation I wrote in my proposal and some other quotations like that, and they accepted it from me, that was why they gave me the contract. And when I want to start my work, in polluting the Christendom, I start from establishing fake churches, because if there is no counterfeit, you will not appreciate the original. We need to establish counterfeits then; the original will know what they’re doing. So, we need to established counterfeit Churches and before we can have counterfeit Churches we must have counterfeit ministers. In the kingdom of darkness, let me tell you something, you minister listening to this, some minster says, they are righteous, they are holy and they knew that some people are evil and they will gathered themselves and start praying against them “All fake prophet die, I will disgrace you “YES GOD CAN ANSWER THAT PRAYER, BUT NOT THE WAY YOU’RE EXPECTING IT” Let me tell you one secret. The devils are wise in their kingdom but powerless. The Holy Spirit makes us to be wiser than them, if you obey the word of God you will be wise, but if you commit sin you become fool. In the kingdom of darkness, all the power they use for miracle, let me just tell you the truth, devil doesn’t have power for miracle, it’s the power given to real genuine minister of God from Heaven, that they collect by sexual intercourse and they take it to their store house, they store it and they use it and ordain their fake ministers. That is why, you see them working the ways the children of God are working, doing miracle like Jesus. That is why, whenever you pray against them, it doesn’t affect them, because they are using the same power of God against the work of God. Devil doesn’t have power for miracle; this is how we collect it from children of God. We have women, agents, when minister of God is powerful, when the anointing of God is highly filled-up in him. We will send this our agents; we can send them as a worker in the Church or as a sponsorer of the Church. They will get closer to the pastor; they will be too- good and humble to the pastor. The pastor will have special interest in them, because they are good. If someone is good, you will know he is good, so they are ready to give whatever they have to the ministry and from this, they will be closer to the minister, And from there, we may use them. We may use this opportunity and try to initiate them and seduce this pastor. And if this pastor can mistakenly fall in love to this agent and have sexual intercourse with them, this is how we do it. We have snake in the private part of those women, if pastor just have sexual intercourse with them and release in their body, either you use condom or not or whatever you use, the real sperm go straight into the body of that woman and the snake In the private part will open mouth and swallow the sperm and in the night, this snake will now move-out, go to the lab in the marine world and vomit this sperm there, after vomiting it, they will scan it, they will know the level of the glory, the anointing in this sperm. Do you know that? all men listening to this, your glory, your riches, everything you have on earth is in your sperm? That is why, if you sperm any- woman any-how, you glory maybe shattered- away. Both anointing and glory, all is stored in the sperm. That is why, if you fornicate too much before you married, you may not give birth to good children, because all the glorious things in your sperm had been given-out to useless women. That is why, when you fornicate, you can sold- off your life and glory. So, from this sperm, we take their anointing and stored it to prepare our fake ministers. So, when we prepared them, and listen.......this our fake minister, we endows them with wisdom, they have wisdom. They are wise, let me tell you something, there is something we called micro-chip implant. Even this fake minster of God, they have riches in the word of God more than you, because the entire computer has been implanted into their brain by the micro- soft. We have in-stored all the quotations and everything in the bible into their brain. So when they preach, you will see them, they will quote this....quote this......and also interprets it. When they preached, you genuine man of God will open y our mouth as if you are dumb or Mumu. You will be surprise and say “Heee, God is great; this man of God is talking”. Be careful, go back to your bible, forgot about what they talk, forgot about how good they are. Go back to the bible. God is there in your bible. Beware, don’t follow their deceived. They may wrote many novels, I too I read novel, but don’t be carried away by it. They may say seven (7) true word of God and they will add two (2) lies into it, That Seven truth they say will make you to admit the two lies and you will be deceived. So, please anytime you read novel go back to bible. Anything you read their, that is not along with the faith you have in the bible, be careful. Am not mentioning anybody name, but I myself particularly talking to you here, I have more than two thousands (2000) ministers, I had ordain from the marine kingdom and they have establish Church in this world and they are general oversea today. They are operating and they are dong miracle today and nobody can stop them unless GOD. I myself, had gone to some of them in order to do restitution, but they called police to arrest me. They said am a liar and mad. I had tried to rescue them, but they refuse, because they believe it’s God that called them. Don’t you know, this is how I called them, in the dream, I will go to them and talk to them like God and say.....if the name is Samuel, I will say “SAMUEL, HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD, AM THE GOD ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. I WANT TO SEND YOU MESSAGE. CARRY YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME. I WANT TO SEND YOU TO THE WORLD, TO DELIVER MY PEOPLE FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS, TO STOP THEM FROM WORSHIPING IDOL, TO SAVE THEIR SOUL. I WILL GIVE YOU ANOINTING AND POWER FOR HEALING, BREAK-THROUGH, BLESSING AND TO COMFORT MY PEOPLE AND I WILL HONOR YOU, I WILL BLESS YOU. I WILL GIVE YOU POWER TO GO-OUT THROUGH-OUT THE WORLD AND I WILL BE WITH YOU. I AM YOUR GOD ALMIGHTY”. And when that person wake-up, Will him not think that is God? He will believe its God that is talking to him, because according to bible, that is how God called his people, because we are been trained to imitate God and his angels. If we don’t deceived, how will they follow us? So, that is how I called many people and all the signs that follows genuine call, will also follow. If they refuse, we can afflict them with problems. They can sack them in their work and their business can spoil. All the system that God use is the same system we use in calling fake ministers. Am not saying God didn’t call people. God is still calling people, but ask very well, what is the name of the god that called you? If you have call, the first thing isn’t to go to Bible College. The first thing is to go into prayer. Do some long-days of prayers. Ask very well, so that you will not regret it. What is the name of the god that called me? Are you Jehovah God? Ask if it’s JEHOVAH GOD. Quote in with the word of God; so that he can tell you who he is? You can pray, pray to God, called him your creator. Let God exposed the secret of this called to you, the covenant of God with you, the name of your call, the land of your call. So that when you start his covenant will be repeated, when any problem occurs, you will remind him, His covenant. That is why; I need to tell you that everybody here, you must go back to the word of God. Any how you serve God check the bible as you follow. Please in this series I cannot finished all what I promised in series One (series 1), you will follow me to series three (series 3), Where I will explain, 1. HOW I DO MY WORK. 2. HOW I TOOK THE CHURCH INTO THE WORLD. 3. HOW I POLLUTED THE CHRISTENDOM.....ESPECIALLY BY WOMEN DRESSING. To be continue...
29 Sep 2018 | 03:25
I give God all the glory for the opportunity he gave unto me on this series three. I pray that God will give you the grace to make Heaven in Jesus name. This is the continuation of my testimony from second series, where I narrated about my assignment in the Christendom. I told you how we started by establishing fake churches because the target and mission of my calling is to eradicate holiness in the church. We believe that if holiness continues in the church, if they still remain in the true word of God and if we didn’t deceived them and gave them the counterfeit they will continue to make Heaven. That was the reason why we started establishing fake churches by calling fake ministers. Apart from establishing fake churches we also have other preparation and area we work. For example, our preparation in gospel musician, the way we deceived the choirs, our works in baptism and Holy Communion and how we work among the workers in the church, these and many more I will emphasis in this series. When I started my assignment, we first ordained our fake minister with water, sperm and stars we collected from the anointed men of God. Whenever we sent our minister to come and establish their own church. They don’t start in local way, though am not saying that anybody that start church in big way is from devil. God can still use or make you to start in big way if God want it that way. But for own fake minister, mostly we made them to start in big way. Sometimes, they might also start in rough and terrible way but it all depends on the level of the demon that uses them. But if the level of demon that uses them is from local level, they can start with poverty. Moreover, am not saying that anybody that starts the work of God in poverty is from God. There is no system that devil cannot use but during my assignment we normally established our minister in better way and also gives them good location. These fake ministers am talking about, they are trained and prepared for the mission ahead. We have already taught them the type of sermon they will preach. The sermon we taught and trained them is not for salvation. We only taught them to teach their congregation about God’s love, God’s greatness, God’s goodness and also to regard God as the almighty powerful and miracle maker. That God can bless them, do wonder. They should also make their congregation to see God as a friend but should not make them to remember or allow them to see God as someone who is seriously annoyed with this world of sin. They should not bring their mind to the destruction that is coming ahead of this world. When they are preaching, they will be telling people “Don’t commit sin but they will not specify the particular sin the bible is talking about” While preaching they will not emphasis on those common sins every day, but they always base their preaching on miracle and healing. For example, a pastor wants to preach in a month. Probably, three services in a week, which is 3 x 4=12. Imagine; a pastor preaching 12 times in a month but will only base his preaching and messages on miracle, success, breakthrough, power and faith. Out of this 12 message, it seems so difficult for him to give a topic about holiness, righteousness and also find it so difficult to preach about the fear of God. Moreover, any topic or sermon they give, they will surely round it up will blessing and miracle. Please listen to me, am telling you “If you see any pastor preaching like that, know that he is one of agent of darkness. He is either register agent or ignorant agent” What I mean by ignorant agent is that, some people are working for devil and yet didn’t knew they are working for the devil but thought they are working for God. Although, you might not behold them going to the shrine or darkness to obtain diabolic powers neither makes any covenant but ignorantly they are working for the devil because their sermon and system is same system of darkness . So, if you see a pastor in a month preaching about miracle, wonders, power, faith and love of God, Though is good to love God. Jesus Christ also says love your God because if you love God you wouldn’t do things that will hurt or make God to be annoyed. So, when we are talking about love God, love God is not only about spending money in church or coming to the church regularly but love your God means fear God, fear him and obey his word. Loving God is an act of obeying the commandment of God and not by spending or giving money alone. But this satanic minister, due to their great commission and satanic business they only preach about what pleases them. Their preaching is only based on self profit. But what am saying is that, these our people [fake minister] we trained them to preach about something’s around salvation but will deceived people on the language of salvation. They will teach their congregation that if you are coming to church, confess the name of Jesus Christ and accept him as you personal Lord and Savior; truly the bible stated about this fact. They also told their member to come regularly to church, pay your tithe and offering, donate in the church. They would also tell them is not good to fornicate, tell lies but the reason why church was established is for the continually repetition or mentoring of that sin every day. The reason we comes to church every day is for the pastor to continual repeating that sin that will hinder us from making Heaven but what we are repeating every day in our church today is blessing and breakthrough. A pastor that preach about how to become great last week will also preach about how to become bless this week. If all this messages are base on total righteousness about the kingdom of Heaven, what do you think Christendom will be today? So, you preacher watch yourself. If you read or listen to this sermon and you refused to change; this sermon will judged you. If truly it was God almighty that called you and you later divert and preach the way other preachers are preaching, God will reject and replace you. God has a reason for your calling because he has something in his mind. He wants to speak out from your mouth but instead you forsake the mind of God and goes about preaching what others are preaching. What is important in imitating other people sermon? Forget about what other preach, they knew the mission or assignment and what their god sent them for. Though, I also preach about blessing, miracle and breakthrough in my church but this is done either once in a month or 3 months and any day I preach about it, people are blessed. But my real work and assignment is to preach about rapture and holiness, So that people can make Heaven. Go back to your bible and see reason why God raise pastors, prophets and ministers. God always call people to preach about repentance, to warn people. Even Abraham also preach about salvation, his life preach total obedience to the Lord. You can’t just continue turning the bible upside down for people; however, if someone has been deceiving you all this while, please after reading or listening to this testimony don’t give yourself unto deception such again. Hence, this how we taught our people [fake minister] on how to eradicate the fear of God from the heart of people. We told them to teach people that God is good, love etc but the fear of death and Hell fire is not always remembered. You know in human being, it is when something is continually repeating on their head they will remember. Some churches, throughout a whole year, they will not treat about revelation and any church that want her member to be alive in Christ they must be treating revelation every year. So, let them know what is coming upon them if they refuse to live a holy life. Church is not an entertainment hall, why should your member be clapping for you whenever you are preaching? If your members continue clapping for you every day that means you are out of the way. You must preach and chastise them with the word of genuine salvation. There was a day when Jesus Christ was preaching to the people and they went away from him. John 6:65-67 "And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Just because you are afraid to lose member that is why you refuse to preach the truth. You didn’t care if they lose Heaven. God is losing many souls everyday while you kept gaining more souls in your church. Your church is filled-up while Heaven is reducing. What an unfortunate scenario. My dear, God is disappointed on you because you have abandoned your service. If truly you are working for God you must care about souls, salvation and not population. God doesn’t care for your population but he only cares for salvation. These are ways to identify and differentiate between fake minister and genuine ministers of God. Moreover, our people in the kingdom of darkness we trained also does miracle, we gave them power to perform miracle. You see all those holy and righteous church where they use to preach holiness and salvation, where people heard and receive the true word of God but most of the time you will see them been occupied and accumulated with various kinds of problem in their life. Though they will pray and pray fervently yet they will not receive answer to their prayer, do you know the reason why? Is not that God doesn’t answer their prayer but due to the monitoring and stand-by demons we sent against them, to be reporting and accusing them of their prayer. The demon will hold a strong reason against them and said; God your word say no sinner shall go unpunished. Proverb 11: 21 “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered” God, though this brother deserve this blessing but because he has committed this sin that is why he must be punished according to your word, because your word said in book of Deuteronomy 28:47-48 “Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee” They will remember that God has promise to hand them over to their enemy, handing them over to the demons so that the demon will punished them. These quotations have been hindering them from receiving blessing and answer to their prayers. The worst part is that, when the faithful ones among them pray in order to receive blessing. God will sent an angel to bring the blessing to them but when the angel get to the church the same thing that happened to the angel assigned to gives answers to Daniel will also happened to them. Daniel 10:12-13 “Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia” The demons will stand against the angel and seized the blessing while the person will still be expecting the blessing from God but unknown to them God has already released the blessing. Sometimes, those little-little sins you didn’t count nor regarded as severe sin such as back-biting, rebellion, lies, laziness, coming to church late. Maybe somebody fail to do what is expected to do in the church, unfaithfulness in tithe payment, none redeeming your vow and pledges, commits adultery or living a pretentious life; the enemy can use any of this to accuse you because they knew that God is faithful and can’t deny his word. Even if the angels want to fight they will tell the angel,”you know God is not respecter of any person, even if Heaven and Earth pass away the word of God must surely be fulfilled” This accusation will cause the angel to hold their peace, they will be silence and wouldn’t fight nor do anything and the demons will seize the blessing. Sometime people use to wonder reason why big miracles are not always rapid within those holy- holy and righteous churches, miracle are not always happening there because the accusers of the brethren are accusing them greatly. But within those fake-fakes and counterfeits churches you will witness mighty miracles, am not saying that any church they does much miracle is of the devil. Don’t miss quote me but am just telling you ways of detecting them. If you see any church and sins are abound within, dressing like Jezebel and God refuse to warn them about that sin, God refuse to correct and mention their mistakes to them but instead he kept blessing them, am very sure that church is not from God. If truly it was God doing those miracles, he will chastise them because the business of God is not miracle. The business of God in the church is salvation. Miracle is just an invitation to give the people faith, just to build our faith so that we can listen to what God want but most of churches today capitalize only on miracle. Their mission is all about miracle, if so then how will God gain from his business? God has invested much on gospel but gospel is bringing no gain. Please nobody can deceive you unless you deceive yourself. So, in those churches the faithful ones will pray and follow the word of God but the testimonies will be scarce from them because we are accusing them. But within those fake-fakes churches nobody is accusing them. Apart from this, even the power that release miracle to them, the gods they serve. I mean the heavenly array; the queen of heaven doesn’t count about their sin. That is why some pastor while preaching in their church; they will say “the blood of Jesus Christ is there any time you commit sin, go and plead for the blood. It will remove your sin and you shall get whatever you need from God. Please listen, the blood of Jesus Christ is not for abuser sinner. The blood of Jesus Christ is for sinners that repent from their sin. When you repent and forsake your sin the blood will cancel the record then God will see you as a holy man. Then you will be abducted into the kingdom of God as a child of God. But not that he forgives you today and you go back as a bastard, tomorrow you plead the blood again and come back as a son and tomorrow you go back as a bastard. No, God isn’t a baby, do you know how many years it took God test Abraham before he could called him a friend? Romans 6:1-2 "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? So, because we have grace, must we continue to abuse the grace? No; so, if your pastor told you that the blood of Jesus Christ is there for you to commit sin and use it to bath as bathing water, Isn’t like that. Hebrew 10:26-27 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries" The scripture said if anybody tasted the grace of God and later goes back to those sin, it says such person doesn’t deserve Heaven. You don’t need to be fallen and rising, falling and rising every day. If you see any pastor preaching that anytime you commit sin just go and take the blood. Which mean that anytime you fornicate, maybe you fornicated three times you just plead the blood of Jesus Christ three times. That is not what the bible said. 1 Peter 1:15-16 “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy" It said be holy as your father in Heaven is holy, that means God knew we can be holy. Am not saying we can be holy as God but you can still be holy. Romans 7:19 "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do" If Apostle Paul could make it, formerly he said he was trying but the flesh didn’t allow him. Hence, later he said I have already obtained it. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" if God could empower and strengthen him to be holy and make Heaven we also can make it. Is not the same score mark and crown they obtain we are also pursuing? If is the same score mark, you can’t continue in sin and expect to obtain the same crown the early apostles obtained, no, isn’t possible because God isn’t a partial God. You must be holy as the early apostles all the time. If you can’t do it like them then you can’t get what they achieved. If you are seeking after what the old ones get then you must be like the old ones and you must go back to the old time believer. Please be aware that God is not involved in all this modern Christian you are practicing. Even while in the church, the faithful ones will sees all the counterfeits churches prospering in blessing, with giant miracles all times. Hence, God also does his own miracle but the spiritual demonic evil spirit are always high-jacking them by constant accusing and reporting of the little-little sins of the brethren. But no one is reporting or accusing the counterfeit churches, they have their own gods and their own gods doesn’t count neither regard their iniquities. What people believe today in church is just miracle. What is the power behind miracle? You better be careful to know the power behind the miracle you receive or else you will regret after receiving them. It is better not to regret after receiving them because anything that Satan gives you must surely pays for it; don’t be a fool. Satan is wiser than you but it only the Holy Spirit that empowers you to be wiser than him. Moreover, whatever Satan gives you; you must surely pays for it either now or in eternity. Don’t think you can manipulate God, by dining with the devil and seeking after his diabolic power and later use same mouth to praise the almighty God. Whatever devil gives you; some demons will ensure that they dwell with you with that miracle and follow-you-up in order to frustrate, toil and manipulate your life in latter day. Now is an appointed time and gracious period for you to pray and seek the face of the almighty savior [Jesus Christ] and confess and repent from your evil and former ways and embrace his salvation before it becomes too late. Now is the time for you to start living a holy and righteous life because the only way to acquire divine access to Heaven is holy life and without this you can’t make Heaven. The scripture emphasize about the miracle in resurrection of Lazarus from death, truly he was raised from death but the bible didn’t proves to us if Lazarus eventual make Heaven or not after his second death, perhaps until we get there we shall know. John 11:43-44 "And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go" This act is called miracle but when we are emphasizing about salvation, Jesus Christ preached about salvation and also does miracle. Hence, miracle is an invitation while salvation is the profit of God. While emphasizing about church business, I believe by now, you could easily differentiate those whom are called by God and those who indulges into church business. It very obvious to detect and May God bless you as you continue with this message in Jesus name. This was how we use to operate in the area of church business, although I will still emphasize more about it later. However, in the area of model [dressing], I specifically devour my time into model; in those counterfeit churches we permit them to dress any-how because we want them to make use of the dressing material we produced from our demonic kingdoms. In counterfeit churches they don’t care about the apparel dressing of the women because they were permitted to dress any- how without mindful of God’s will. 1 Corinthians 11:6 "For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered" We can see how Apostle Paul emphasize the important and how godly women ought to present her-self before the Lord. 1 Corinthians 11:13 "Judge in your selves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Hence, due to his seriousness concerning this fact, he further asked as reasonable question if it is considerable for women to present her-self any- how before the Lord? He wants us to discern the truth even without informing us because the truth is obvious. Nevertheless, the counterfeit churches tend to prove otherwise by justifying themselves with the following scripture according to; 1 Corinthians 11:15 "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering" This scripture portray that long hair is your glory and beauty and needs to be covered with scarf while praying to God. Although, in Africa we don’t have long hair unlike in western and Europeans world where the women has long hair but it very unfortunate that many ignorant Christian women have decided to emulate the western world and culture. The African women didn’t have long hair but due to clamor for beauty they have decided to possess artificial long hair, therefore contradicting against the perfect will of God. Today they have what is called attachment, wig-on and hair perm. Even while in the church, they will wear all this artificial attires praising and worshiping God. Yet, God will be doing miracle among them but he will not even opened the spiritual eyes of one of them to behold his great wrath or anger against them; yet, God also refuse to reveal or opened their eyes to see that he is greatly annoyed with them. I wonder why! Moreover, your church doctrine may change but the bible can’t change because it’s infallible. Your church and self-system of worship and service to God may change but the bible cannot be altered. This generation will pass away but the word of God can’t be broken. The scripture lamented that you should covered your hair as a woman while praying to God and not while talking to your husband; hence, if you can’t cover it then shaved it off. If shaving will bring disgrace why not cover it.
29 Sep 2018 | 04:16
This warning is fairly plain and simple but some will rather reject it and comfort themselves with [ 1 Corinthians 11:15 "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering"] Either you believe me or not, that was how we use to train our demonic minister and pastors in the kingdom of darkness. Nevertheless, these are the key point we enforce and gave our ministers and pastors to deceive the world and for their deception enterprise in the church. Howbeit, if you are a pastor or minister of God and you knew very well that devil didn’t called you but yet, you still portray in same act of deceit due to ignorant, you have also soil your hands with fake minister whom were called by the devil. John 7:60 "Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, this is an hard saying; who can hear it? You did better go back to your God and preach the truth to your member, don’t be afraid to lose member but rather tell them the truth. John 7:66 "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him" Did you know how many people that refuse to fellowship with Jesus Christ when he preach to them? Did it hinder his gospel from growing? No; but rather he continues in his ministration and mission. Whenever the children of the devil came to hear the truth of the gospel, they might walk away from you; but when the real children of God came unto you, they will be tied down with the truth word of God because they were sent by God. Although, am not surprise because isn’t all pastors and minister of God are in the business of God; some are rather in the business of their pocket. In the church, women are mostly used by the devil as a powerful weapon of darkness to destroyed churches. These are the various strategies and system we used in our counterfeit church to divert the attention of genuine and holy church of God. Even with all their holiness and seriousness in service of God, yet there wouldn’t be any miracle. While those that dress like Jezebel will be receiving multiples of miracle and testimonies. This action will tend to propel confusion among the holy worshipers. They will be confused and wouldn’t know what to believe and which church is counterfeit or genuine. They will rather conclude in their heart and say “Those things we say it’s a sin is no-longer countered by God due to his showers of blessing upon the counterfeits church; if God is no-longer interested in our dressing, then let us dress any- how we like” This is what is happening today in churches. Nobody can’t prove that the righteous and godly ways of dressing is better because even you that tend to dress godly are suffering while those you condemn are receiving miracle every day. This has generated a lot of confusion and also caused many believers to backslide. That was how we mark out our strategies. Moreover, I am the architect of that mission. I was the person that executed the assignment during my era in kingdom of darkness. If you are under this perpetual bondage, please lose yourself before you die. Your blood is no- longer on my head because I am free by the grace of God. If you are still under the deceitfulness of dressing, your blood can’t be required from me; because am confessing the truth to you and you ought to repent now and ask God for his mercy and forgiveness. That was how I introduced model and start my operation in modeling and worldly dressing in African churches. I map-out my assignment outline through my proposal which I submitted to the queen of the coast; my proposal quotation was taken from Romans 1:26 ”For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” I explain to the queen of the coast that I wants to give African, an artificial beauty, she took me to the laboratory where I told them that I want to start my assignment in hair beauty and that was how they gave me an idea to introduced STRETCHING COOL. You know in African, we have coil hair; so stretching cool would now turn it to straight hair. Therefore from coil hair to straight hair, that means, is not natural anymore; it’s now artificial. When I introduced it to the world many people like it and they used it but later they started complaining that their hair was cutting and they no-longer have long hair. This also prompts me to goes back to the queen of the coast and she assures me that they will give me another idea, later-on I was taken to the laboratory and RELAXER was introduced. You might argue with me that in cosmetics, an ordinary cutting soda was used in the production of relaxer. Whatever you might call it; just remember we can even make use of sand as a tool. The most important thing is the covenant that is behind the production. While in demonic laboratory, they produced relaxer for me and I was assures that if they used it on their coil hair, it will changed from coil to long or straight hair and it wouldn’t be natural anymore. Inasmuch it’s not natural; if they dies with it without repentance; this quotation you quote will condemned them. When they told me all this things; they clap for me and we all rejoice and jubilate. That was how we came to the world and started producing relaxer. If you could recall vividly; there was a relaxer called ostrashin and some old relaxers etc. However, the idea of relaxer was initiated by queen of the coast. She was the person who gave me the idea and that was how we started producing it. But still yet; some people came up with complains that their hair were not long or straight enough. I went back to the queen of the coast again and she told me that the only way she could assists me, is to send me to another demonic evil spirit called Medusa, which is specifically in kingdom of beauty. She told me that medusa was a beautiful woman who was cursed by her mistress. Moreover, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but she was curse and later turns into a beast. She requested that I should go to her temple, that she will assist me. If you have opportune to watch the movie called “The Clash of the Titans” you will behold how a young man cut- off the head of an idol/beast. The head of that idol is full of snakes and the young man sent to cut-off the head is only after the eyes of that beast. Because only the eyes possess power as portray in that movie; which was also needed in the accomplishment of that movie scene. The head of that beast in that movie [clash of the titans] looks exactly same as the woman which queen of the coast sent me to meet. When I got to her temple, she greeted me and also requested for the purpose of my visit. I told her that I came to collect an artificial beauty for my people. She said no problem and she promised to render her aid. Instantly she brought out a cup filled with blood and suddenly turns it into mercury, I mean something’s like chemical substances. Many of you that always depend in the use of chemicals; do you think all chemical are produced in earthly factory? Even if they were produced in factories, apart from earthly factory you see, there are many other factories in deep sea producing many products you are buying every day in the market. Although, you might be hearing about chemicals, do you know the main source of all this chemicals? Afterward, she [medusa] gave me the chemical and told me that when I get to Earth, I should miss it and apply with ordinary rubber and it will turns into an attachment. Although, you might be an intellectual in cosmetics products and tends to justify your argument that is only ordinary robber and chemical missed together that formed attachment. Yes; you are right, but the covenant behind that chemical will speak after it. The covenant we made together with that beast called medusa is that “ANY BODY THAT USE THE PRODUCT FROM THAT CHEMICAL AND BEAUTY; AFTER DEATH HE/HER APPEARANCE AND HAIR SHALL TURNS AND LOOKS EXACTLY AS [medusa] HER” I mean, whosoever indulges into attachment and beauty clamor or makes-up, after death he/her hair will turns to snakes and am very sure that snake can’t and will never enter into the kingdom of God according to Revelation 21:27 "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life" That was the covenant she enlisted out for me and instructed me to market her product. Moreover, you know in our kingdom, we don’t give anything for free. The reward is that, after making use or applying her beauty on head, immediately after you die, your head image and appearance will looks same, alike and all your hair will turns to snakes; instantly I agree with her and we signed the paper and the chemical was given to me. That was how we started producing the chemical and using it in the manufacturing of attachment for earthly consumption. You might knew about different kind of chemicals or even quotes their names but will rather advice you to be very careful; because we are living in a world which we never knew about it existence. That is all about attachment. Nevertheless, if you still persist in making use of attachment, wig-on or hair perm on your head and want to bless me by the name of Jesus Christ, perhaps you are wife of a pastor and see it befitting in wearing attachment; no problem, you can go ahead but I believe and knew that Jesus Christ will never take what doesn’t belong to him from you. That is why you must do away from artificial and rather remain natural; it’s your natural being that will make Heaven and not artificial . However, all this attachment and perming “I am the author of it” Therefore, am telling you now that I am out of it. If you are still using them, your blood is on your head. Let me also emphasize about the women of the last day. Do you know that formerly, all the women in the whole world were glorious but God later curse them? They were curse due to this end-time dressing and fashion by women; it provoked God unto anger and make God to curse all the women of the last day. Isaiah 3:16 ”Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: They were cursed not because of murder or worshiping of idol but God cursed women because of their dressing. if you are truly a daughter of Zion [child of God] and you happen to make use of below abominable attires; surely the curse of God is already upon you. 17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts. 18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, 19 The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, 21 The rings, and nose jewels, 22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, 23 The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails. 24 And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. 25 Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war. 26 And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground” Above abominable dressing act of women make God to pour-out his full wrath and curse upon women of the last day. This is exactly what is going on today in churches. This same reason makes women to lament that they don’t have husband, that no man is seeking their hands for marriage. Why should they have husband? Isaiah 4:1 "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach” Your inability to get married and failure in marriage is as a result of spiritual husband which you brought upon yourself. Afterward, you will cast the whole blame upon witches, wizard and spiritual husband. Who brought spiritual husband on you? Nevertheless; there is never a problem without a cause. This problem is consequently caused by your involvement into worldly attires and dressing which you brought upon yourself. The anger of God is the enforcing power which empowered the spiritual husband to afflict you. The anger of God brought spiritual husband; the anger gives power to the ancestral demons and witches and wizard. God is there looking at you, seeing them punishing you. He is silent because he knows you are under the chain of sin. It is the curse of God, the anger of God that permits the ancestral demons to afflict you. Even though you mention and called the name of Jesus Christ 10 times; it wouldn’t failed their power neither hinder their demonic exploit against your joy because you are under the anger of God. Your prayer can only be effective and answered whenever you break-off from anger of God. Even though you refuse to abhor from worldly fashion and model; yet still got married with children, house and prosperity, what about Hell fire? Therefore, if women on Earth refuse to change from their negative mindset on fashion and immodesty dressing; remember God can’t change. Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" God is not a baby and he can’t come down to our level but rather, we are supposed to get to his level and standard; 1 Peter 1:15-16 "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy" Praise the Lord! However, some may tend to justify themselves by saying “If God instructed us not to wear earrings because it is abominable; then why are we piercing our ears with holes? Do you know the meaning of ear piercing? In the land of Israelites, it is slave whose ears used to be pierced with holes in order to distinguished and separate them from free born of the land. Deuteronomy 15:16-17 "And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee; because he loveth thee and thine house, because he is well with thee; Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant forever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise" Therefore, if you want to be servant and slave forever, continue wearing earring, but remember Heaven is for sons of God and daughters of Zion and not for slaves. If you want to be slave forever; you can continue putting earring. Even if you have already pierced your ear with holes, God can still forgives you only if you stop putting or wearing earring on them. Meanwhile, some are continuously piercing the ear of their children due to ignorant, thereby enslaving themselves and their children into perpetual bondage of earring slavery and hell. Hence, if you are into this sinful act of slavery; this scripture quote is meant for you. Ensure you pray unto God and ask for divine grace of interpretation of the bible. You must be a good bible reader whose always sees the bible as both written word of God and also divine revelation word of God. Unlike many that just read the Holy Scripture as story book without full divine revelation and understanding, also ensure you acquire this knowledge and grace so that the Bible wouldn't stand against you in Day of Judgment. These and many more are worldly and ignorant altitude that always brought the anger of God upon the women. Nevertheless; some still refuse to hearken unto this severe warning. Even those pastors you chase after and follow up and down, those pastor that parade, jumping up and down on the pulpit; have you ask and verified from them if they had not seen or behold this great warning in their bible or they simply believe it is an old testament? Likewise also; if God would condemned it in Old Testament am very sure the New Testament will do same. Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil" Jesus Christ said; he didn't come to condemn the Old Testament but rather came to fulfill the whole Law and prophesy of old. The Lord Jesus Christ didn't condemn the old law; but he only condemned the curse which God pronounced upon Man in Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" The curse state that man shall surely dies but Jesus Christ was sent to bring light to the world. He didn't eradicate the law but rather commanded us to put it in our heart. It should stick into our heart, mind and thought, meditating it thereof every day and night. Even the Holy Spirit didn't make any mistake by using great men of God, thereby combining the Old Testament and New Testament into same Book called THE BIBLE. Please don't allow the theologian and philosophy teachers to mislead and deceived you; they taught that the promises of God is differs. Promises of God can't be differ or broken because God is not mocked or changeable. However, concerning those that paints and uses makes-up in their body and those into worldly system of beauty clamor; are you aware that the first woman in the bible to venture into beauty clamor of makes-up and painting is Jezebel? 2 King 9:30 "And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window" Therefore; if you are into makes-up, painting, attachment and worldly system beauty; Jezebel is your mother, and great grandmother. She is one of your relatives and you will surely end- up your earthly ministry where she ended-up unless you repent. 2 King 9:33-37 "And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her: for she is a king’s daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel. Imagine also how Jezebel wanted to seduce the man of God called Jehu. When you go through your bible, obviously you will discover that she was the first woman that makes-up and paint in the bible. The Lord punished her severely and if you decide to follow her footstep the entire curse pronounced against her will also be your lot. Revelation 2:19-23 “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols; And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.; Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds; And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works" Moreover, Sara, Deborah, Hannah, Ruth, Esther and Elizabeth didn't makes-up and the bible didn't portray that they makes-up while they sojourned to Shiloh. It was that wicked queen called Jezebel, which the bible foretold as the first woman to makes-up. Hence, if you are into this wicked and sinful enterprise of making-up, painting, beauty salon and hair dressing, then you are also from the same lineage of Jezebel. Because there must be different between Deborah and Delilah, you can't just wear worldly attires and dress like Delilah and also tends to prove or imitate as Deborah. No; you can deceived yourself but can't deceived God because he is not mocked. Am repeating this warning and emphasizes because I knew many has gone to hell due to this ignorant and unbelief as a result of not hearken unto this warning. I don't want you to be another victim or candidate of hell due to fashionista and that is reason of making this great sound warning; thereby calling you unto an emergency repentance and change of mind-set. These audio CD message or write-up will bring a salvation unto your soul if you accept it and act upon it and not by forcing or persuading you. Am not persuading anybody to follow me but if you accept it; follow it and work upon it, it will definitely yield fruitful and positively in your life and also becomes a life unto your soul in Jesus name. Howbeit; this was how we use to produce attachment in order to condemn people to hell fire. We obviously and keenly knew that God disapprove and hated every forms of worldly system of fashion. God hated artificial beauty, painting, attachment and worldly dressing with perfect hatred, for example; let look and emphasize about women wearing trouser. There was a certain day I tune-on my television and I behold a woman of God; she was a pastor and Mrs..! I wouldn't mention her name. On that faithful Sunday morning while i was hasting for Sunday service. Then suddenly, a spirit burden me to switch-on my television set, but instead i began to rebuked and bid the spirit, I said, how could i switch-on my television set on Sunday morning while hasting for church service? The spirit persuaded me to switch-on my TV; that he wanted to show me something. I reluctantly switch-on the TV and I saw a woman pastor on Live television interview. The interviewer asked her a question and said; Madam some Christian said it is not good for a woman to wear or put-on trouser, how do you see to that? She replied and said: Hmmmm, the bible said, my people are perished due to lack of knowledge. Please my dear don't mind them. They didn't know there is a different between women trouser and men trouser. We have men trouser and lady trouser. If you wear ladies trouser and not men trouser it isn't a sin. Let me point-out and make it clear to you my dear listener and reader; the statement made by that woman of God is a big lie. There are nothing like ladies trousers. Moreover, I am the person whom designed and invented ladies trouser during our meeting in the kingdom of darkness. Deuteronomy 22:5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God" This occurred because we have read the scripture; and discovered that God hated it because it is abominable. God said he hated it; therefore can you force or persuade God to love it? God professed that he hated it and has already pronounced it once. The next shall be during judgment followed by eternal punishment in Hell. You can't force God to love what you desire or want. God is God and he can't come to your level or standard. You are supposed to goes to the level of God. God can never come down to your level because he loves you. These reasons why; you ought to research and read your bible before death come knocking. If you decided to follow after what your pastor or minister of God says and not comparing or following after the scripture mandate of the bible; If you dies, you will have yourself to blame because bible hated it. Someone asked me and said; Madam, I am a Nigerian but an Igbo woman by tribe. As a woman in my culture, you knew man always ties and wear wrapper. I asked her and said, is your culture designed by an African demons or by God? Hence, most of our African cultures are designed and introduced by African demons. Even the ways we react and carry out our activities are mostly designed by our African demons. Even though you agree and believed that men should tie and wear wrapper, it is biblical? Inasmuch you knew that wrapper was meant for women, the best is to stay and separate yourself from it. Please forget everything about culture and allow and permit the bible to be your culture. Some people even told me that in western or European world; it was the culture for the white women to wear trouser, nevertheless, I prove to them that it was a lie. They should Google-out and watch or view those ancient European and western film and movies. When you view it; you will see how the early white women use to wore a long flowing gown, whose look life wedding gown, very elaborate and wide like an umbrella. They would also put sucks or gloves in their hand with a small hat on their head. This was their cultural ways and style of their dressing and not wearing of trouser. It was later in modern day you see women wearing trouser. Wearing of trouser by western world was recently introduced to oppose the agenda or aim of God. Please don't deceive yourself or give into deceit. God knows the beginning of the world because he was the creator of all creativity. Moreover, which year were you born, that will prompt you to justify yourself before God and tells him story about the world? God knew the beginning and the end of the world; even though you didn't believe, please believe the word of God. This was main reason and purpose we decided to introduce and brought trouser into the church. Today, it very unfortunate that you will see lady evangelist, prophetess and pastors dressing in trouser, makes-up with painting in the church like Delilah. Even some of their cleavage part is exposed. I mean half of their breast is shown-off. The main primary reason why we designed half naked dress is because we want our agent to seduce men. Therefore, if you put-on and dress same half naked with them; it means you have changed and also entangle yourself with them. Some women use to manipulate their dress, they will wore long skirt and same time tear or make an opening around their laps, While some will re- amend their skirt to mini quarter and tightly size, thereby showing their inner panty line to seduce men. Therefore, if you want to remain in the church please be perfect and if you don't want to; please just leave or move-out instead of tagging yourself as an agent of darkness or serving as agent for the kingdom of darkness. You can't be in the church and same time outside the church. You must either choose one or else Heaven will spill you out. I pray that heaven will not spill you out in Jesus name. Please be very careful; if you want to be for the kingdom of heaven, be for the kingdom and if you want to stand against the kingdom of heaven, stand against it and face your judgment. Henceforth, if you don't know which path to follow or which kingdom to serve; this testimony is given you an insight view line in which way or path to follow. Moreover, am not the only person testifying about this facts, there are so many out there who also profess the same truth. There are many pastors and members in the church whom the Lord has spoken to concerning this fact through dream or revelation. Some of them go into trance, while some will die and after 2 days they will come back alive to share same revelation concerning these facts. I am not the only person professing about this truth. There are some many that had die and later wake up and testify about their encounter either heaven or hell. They were not an agent of darkness and neither in same kingdom of darkness but yet, God reveal thus facts to them. Some of them die for about 2-3 days while some die for 24 hours and later wakes-up. Why can't you believe and hearken unto their testimony? Or do you except Jesus Christ to fall down from heaven and say it to you again? Therefore, am beseeching you to follow the word of God, moreover, concerning this worldly dressing in the church. We have used it to destroy and sent many saints and anointed ministers of God to Hell fire. Don't you know there are many saints in hell fire? All those things they believe and agree upon is what they followed, obeyed and honored, but those things which they didn't believe and dispersed is what destroyed and leads multitude of them to hell fire. Many of them didn't fornicate, steal, commit murder or bewitch but this little- little things am professing is what lend them to hell due to their ignorant. This is reason why the bible testified in Hosea 4:6”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge" My people die due to lack of understanding, that scripture is emphasizing about this facts, because you lack understanding of what am testifying. This is reason why we have the Holy Spirit and you must ensure you obtain it. The Holy Spirit is supposed to reveal all this things to you, many people with the Holy Spirit, having been testifying about how they were shown the truth. It is only through the Holy Spirit you could be able to acquired wisdom and understanding. The Holy Spirit is the wisdom which is supposed to be revealing unto you, showing you mysteries beyond human comprehension and deep insight mystery about God. Therefore, if you don't have Holy Spirit you don't have wisdom and if you don't have wisdom you can't be wiser than the devil. This are the area which the holy spirit operates; hence, the major work of the holy spirit is to continually inform you about those things whose serves as a hindering block; that will hinders you from making heaven. The major work of the Holy Spirit is to guard you to heaven. That Holy Spirit you have that always does miracle; that holy spirit that you obtain that always speak in tongue but will not tell you things that will hinder you from making heaven that is a COUNTERFEIT HOLY SPIRIT. The major work of genuine Holy Spirit is to guard you to heaven and not only by doing miracle every day. However, in those our counterfeit churches, we have also program the hands of our fake pastors and minister. We have computerized their hands with spiritual black gloves. Anybody they took to the river or water for immersion water baptism; the moment they deep you into the river they has consciously dedicated and initiate you into the marine kingdom, into the hands of queen of the coast. Hence, by indulging into water immersion baptism, you can also be initiated, because their hands had been program for initiation, thereby connecting you into the hand of queen of the coast. Whenever you go to their church anything can happen to your life. Not only this, you can also be initiated through Holy Communion. Truly, you might be the person that brought the wine by but laying hand on it can also contaminate it. Even by laying hands on you will also initiate you because their hands had been programmed. Their initiation is very strong and powerful. Please also remember that the Holy Communion blood and bread they gave you is not the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ. It is the blood of demon and flesh of darkness. They gave you the blood and flesh of an Antichrist. That is reason why you ought to be very careful. If you went there for their miracle, you also went there for initiation. Be careful and remain in holiness. Always remember this; the devil is not a fool. The devil gives and also takes, this is how he operate, please be very-very careful. I didn't mention the name of any pastor or categorized or segregate them or point-out that this pastor is good or bad. I can't prove or point out to you, it is only the genuine Holy Spirit that dwells in you that will discern or point-out the right and best pastor or church to you. If truly you want to go to Heaven, immediately you received Christ the first target should be how to acquire or obtain a genuine Holy Spirit. If you don't or refuse to target or seek after the genuine Holy Spirit, there are multitudes of deceivers in the church and on high way. They will deceive and lure you into sinfulness due to ignorant. You can be deceived anywhere but the Holy Spirit will come gently and tells and show you the right path if you still in obedient. Many people are initiated through Holy Communion, convention and anniversary in the church. During the church convention or anniversary many people will come and from there our agents will join those who will cook food for the occasion; because they knew that many people will attends the program or anniversary. Sometimes, if the church brought and makes an arrangement of using cow as a feast for the celebration, before daybreak, our demonic agents will turns the cow where it was tied into a human being. Maybe there was a saint or genuine child of God whom had been terrorizing them with prayer and whom the angel of God has also hinder them from killing. Perhaps the person might be hospitalized or sicken for past 3 months due to several attack been posse upon him and yet the angel of God still hinder them from killing him. In their meeting, spiritually they will bring or invoked the spirit of that saint or servant of God to the church and spiritually manipulate and transform his body and turns him into a cow. The following morrow, the children of God will killed that person by themselves. They will all rejoice and eat the flesh of a saint, the flesh of human being. Which will posse great anger of God and the anger of God will be upon them and the church. By these processes, they will also be initiated into the kingdom of darkness with either ways. I want to use this medium to plead with you pastors; if you want to do any church anniversary, naming ceremony of convention in your church. Whatever they brought for the ceremony for feast, ensure you give yourself time and make sure you pray over it. Sanctify it all with blood of Jesus Christ so that the plans of the devil and demonic strategies can be cancelled or nullify so that people will not be initiated in the church. People are not only initiated in the church, many are also initiated in the hospital, schools, nursery, and primary and universities level and even in the bank. When I get to series 4, am still going to lay more emphasizes about this. Am also sorry for taken much of your time, I just decide to explain it in ways you would understand and get my points. As you made up your mind to make heaven today, I pray that God will gives you the enable grace, easy and flexible mind, the mind of spirit to control the flesh and used by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. May God bless you as you. To be cont...
29 Sep 2018 | 04:18
Once again, it’s a glorious grace for me to expose the mystery of kingdom of darkness. In my previous confession in series 3, I emphasis the purpose and reason why I was sent to Nigeria, my operation in Nigeria and other places, my operation in religion, our demonic exploit in Christendom and how we established many fakes churches. However, in this series 4 of my 990 years in the kingdom of darkness confession; am going to explain: 1. How I encounter with Jesus Christ. 2. I will also emphasize about bank Cashless policy. 3. The program of kingdom of darkness against the world today; which many people thought it is advancement or scientific discovery but isn’t. Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo 990 YEARS IN THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS SERIES 4. I will begin on how I meet with Christ. Before I encounter Jesus Christ I didn’t pray because I don’t like to do anything with Jesus Christ. The day I encountered with Jesus Christ I was in an assignment to check a record in Hell Fire. Hence, during my days in the kingdom of darkness we believe that Hell was not a terrible place. We easily go in and out as a special satanic agent. READ ALSO: Why Did God Create Hell? The fiery burning flame of hell doesn’t burn us and neither the heat hurt us. We just felt it very good because we didn’t knew that in the days of reckoning and judgments day of the Lord that such power will be powerless and becomes neutralized. In those days; whenever we went to Hell for a mission, we don’t feels the heat or anything special due to the satanic power which Satan has deposited in us. Let me drew your mind to various testimonies of people who has gone to Hell but came back to Earth with a special message and divine testimonies which contain horror and terrible things about Hell. My dear, if you are still pondering about the existence of Hell or perhaps YOU DON’T BELIEVE THE EXISTENCE OF HELL, please there is Hell and it’s real. If you are one of my co-satanic associates or agents in those days and you still felt that Hell is nothing, please I am out of your kingdom. But the reality thing about Hell is that Hell is something. I was once deceived as you are deceived but am grateful unto God for his mighty deliverance upon my life. When it comes to knowledge about Hell; there are different parts, places and departments in Hell. Any damn soul in Hell at this moment is just in an entrance of Hell Fire while the real main Hell is deeper. It’s very horrible and painful than Hell Fire it’s self. The deeper furnace part of Hell is known as the lake of fire. Therefore in those days we normally go to Hell fire. All human being born on Earth, your name is there in Hell either you believe it or not, your names are all written in Hell. READ ALSO: Mary K.Baxter Testimony About Different Department In Hell. During the day of your naming ceremony two spirits will appear, one from Hell and the other from kingdom of God. The evil spirit or demon that came from Hell will write any name given to the child but the angel that came from heaven will not. Immediately he perceived that the name of the child is attached with any idol, for examples; In Nigeria there is a tribe called Yoruba who has different deities, some are call god of thunder or Sango, god of iron, god of Ifa, god of Ogun, god of Osun. There are also names which are attached to these demonic deities such as Ogunbiyi, Ogunsanya, Ogundare etc. However, if the name of the child is attached to any gods the angel will not write it down, he will disappear immediately. I have beheld many pastors who had listened to my testimony and heard my preaching concerning changing of names; unfortunately some of them usually say it doesn’t mean. My dear if your name doesn’t mean anything to God he wouldn’t have changed the name of Abram to Abraham, Sarah to Sarai, and Jacob to Israel. Please every name represents something and also has a great meaning before God. Check and read through your bible, if God want to call anyone he always called them by the name of their father’s, such as Joshua the son of Num, David the son of Jesse etc. If your name has anything to do with any idol, my dear you will miss Heaven for that. There are many innocent soul and saints in Hell Fire just because their names are attached to idol. Hence, the first spirit [demon] that came from Hell can write the name of anybody irrespective of it idolatry attached or meaning. RECOMMEND: Is Your Name Written In The Lamb Book Of Life? The names of every living soul is recorded in the book of Hell and the reason why we always went to hell to check name is that; if someone is a saint and your name is still in Hell fire, inasmuch you are living a Holy life the blood Jesus Christ will cover the name and no person can be able to read, pronounced it or meddle with it. But the moment you commit sin the blood of Jesus Christ will disappear or wiped off and your name will reappear. Immediately your name re-appears it means your name is no more written in the book of life in heaven. It means your life is in sin and no longer qualifies for Heaven. If the name appears in Hell it can’t appear in book of life. Whenever the blood of Jesus Christ covered your name in Hell it means your name is written in the golden book of life in Heaven. So whenever any genuine child of God offended us, I don’t mean counterfeits born again Christian who are deceiving themselves. Jesus Christ knew his children, though they might not understand the thought which he has toward them but he knew them by their names because the names of every saints are recorded in the book of life. READ ALSO: How To Identify A Genuine Christian In Spiritual Realm. So, if your name is in the book of life it’s also recorded in Hell but covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. We often goes to Hell to check names of records because if we mistakenly killed any saint which name still appear in the book of life we will lose such soul and Satan will punished us severely; that is why we always conduct several investigation before launching an attack. MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS CHRIST IN HELL Now, one fateful day I was going to Hell to check the name of a brother, very holy, fearful and obedient unto God. But in those days I discovered that something happens. Every human being either you are holy or a sinner, the very day you were born and your name is given to you about 70 demons is automatically attached to you. There is no way you will commit sin secretly that the demon wouldn’t know. Even if God will overlook your sin demons will not overlook it. They are always watching us. Please if you say you are born again be aware of hidden sin because any sin you commit is always exposed; demons are monitoring you both inwardly and outwardly. On that fateful day, this brother committed a sin and the stand-by and monitoring demon that were examining him quickly sent us a signal that the brother had committed a sin of lying. It happen that the brother was a graduate, educated but was frustrated, no work, no wife, no house, no children for many years. We render him useless just because he was living a righteous life with fear of God. Because he refuses to compromise his faith, commit sin or backslide and that was reason why we were tormenting and frustrating the brother by shutting down all his financial breakthrough, connection and prosperity. We want to frustrate him until he co-operate yet he refused to yield, that is why we kept tormenting him with various hardship, suffering, hindrance, backwardness and poverty while we kept monitoring him. But on that day, due to intensive frustration he was force to lie. He was into a small scale road side business. He usually showcase his goods and makes his sales whenever there is any road traffic; though he borrows the money for the business but unfortunately on that very day the government official were on duty. The government officials were arresting those interrupting the free movement of vehicle on the highway due to the heavy traffic jam. The brother was later apprehended, they interrogate him about the owner of the goods which was drop beside the road. Though he knew if they discovered that he was the owner of the goods, they will arrest him and also took away all his commodities. Therefore, he doesn’t want them to arrest him which prompts him to deny that he didn’t know the owner of the goods. That was the only sin he committed while many Christian will call it wisdom. 1 John 5:17a "All unrighteousness is sin" Any sin you commit, it doesn’t matter the kinds of name you called it, sin is a sin. If you like call it the wisdom of God or anything but in nutshell sin is a sin. READ ALSO: Danger Of Living In Secret Sin While Serving God. Immediately he commits the sin of lying, a signal was sent throughout the whole world; because I was in charge of Africa continent I quickly went to make research in his personal life in order to execute him before his repentance. I was in a very high speed to Hell to inquire more about his name and also to carry out the assignment. I was travelling at a high speed of light than a jet because I have gotten to a higher spiritual realm and rank in the kingdom of darkness which none human has ever accomplished. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name “Funmilayo” though I have only two general names which am called. Physically on Earth my family called me “Funmilayo” while in spiritually realm am known as “Ronkes baby” During those years I usually appear in two different forms. While at home my family known me as a good child but whereas in spirit am terror. Hence, I was surprise when I heard that name in spirit world and kept wondering who could possibly know me by such name. It’s only on Earth am recognized as “Funmilayo” while my co-agents known me as “Ronke” in spirit world yet none of them has the access or privilege to called me Funmilayo in spiritual realm. For this reason I was furiously annoyed while in high speed to check the record. The voice called the second time but I refuse to hearken. He called the third time; with annoyance I look back in order to behold and rebuked the person but I was utterly amazed at the sight of the strange personality. I can’t even lay dept emphasis-on or portray how he looked because he was tall and handsome; honestly I never thought I could ever come across any man that possessed such attributes of handsomeness and beauty. I was amazed because in our knowledge and according to our discovery; we thought it was Lucifer [The Devil] was the most beautiful personality on Earth because of how he was adored with beauty and fashioned with precious stones by God while man is only created with dust. Due to this fact I didn’t knew that man can possessed such an elegant handsomeness of beauty than devil. I was reasoning in thoughts who thou art is this strange personality? Due to my fast thinking memory I immediately recalled that we were once taught about the dazzling beauty of the son of the owner; he is more beautiful than Lucifer because in our kingdom we don’t call the name JESUS. We only regard and knew him as the son of the owner. I was wondering this could be the son of the owner but why is he so glamorously endowed with such beauty and handsomeness like this? While in was still pondering he called my name and said; Funmilayo, I stop you because I want to sent you a message. I was so surprised, I laugh and tinkle, [you want to send me message]; I replied and said, But your word says, you know your people and your people knows you. John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" He replies and says; The Earth is of the Lord and everything that dwelt in it. Psalm 24:1 " The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" Aaahh, Then I said but your word says that nobody can serve two masters. Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" He replies and says; with God all things are possible. Luke 6: 37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible" In my earnest desire to utter the 3 quotation, then I remembered we were taught in the kingdom of darkness, whenever you are in an encounter in WORD with any strong Christian or personality, if they wins and overcame you in the 1 , 2 encounter with WORD and finally wins you in 3 attempt you will becomes their slave under the power of word. For this reason I didn’t want him to win me again. Hence, I pretend and said alright if that be the case say whatever you want to say. He now discovered that I was lying. He perceived in my heart that I was just pretending. Then he said, you want to go to Hell and check record. I said yes. He said; no problem, if that is the place you want to go I will permit you to go. Before he finishes his statement a strange whirl force turns my face toward Hell and I was accelerating with a greater speed that I have not experience before in my life. As I said, since I have been voyaging to Hell I had never felt the fiery burning heat of Hell. However, on that fateful day as I was running in high speed to Hell the heat kept increasing. I felt the heat terribly, it was so high and horrible like someone who is in Lagos state Nigeria perceiving the heat in Kaduna state. I couldn’t bear the heat anymore because all my soul was almost burning and turning into charcoal. READ ALSO: The Cry Of The Damned Soul In Fiery Burning Flames Of Hell. When the pain was so severe and terribly to bear, then I recalled my period while schooling in kingdom of darkness, my satanic lecturer taught us that a solder that isn’t dead will certainly live to fight another day. Therefore it’s better I pretend and surrender to this man so that he will not killed me, so I would go and get prepared in order to fight him another day. Nevertheless, I succumbed unto JESUS in my pretense heart and screamed in a loud voice; alright I will go for you, please sent me, sent me, please sent me, I will go for you. Immediately I shouted and proclaimed this agreements tune, within a tinkle of second the speedy force that was transporting me to Hell suddenly stop, reversed and brought me back to the feet of Jesus Christ. My face was bowed down before him but I struggle to behold his face once again in order to surrender my wiliness and tell him to send me his message, but unfortunately I couldn’t. It was his grace that empowered me to behold his face during my first “WORD” encounter with him. I didn’t know that is wasn’t easy to behold the face of Jesus Christ. Yet with great effort I tried to glance and look at his face. Oh my God, My dear brethren, the radiant and brightness of light, forces and mighty powers that emit from his eyes is 100 times greater than the reflecting beaming light of the sun. The lightness was so heavy and powerful . As I glimpse at his face the lightness be felled my eyes and I quickly bowed down. I couldn’t stand up because the powerful force of the lightness on his face was so heavy to behold. Then I began to ponder, so his face is so powerful like this, why didn’t he revealed this to me during my word encounter with him? Afterward, I decipher that the powerful force of light that proceeded from his face has destroyed many things in my body because every part of my body is enchanted with demonic weapon, which comprises thousands of snakes; my hair, eyes, nail, stomach etc, are all charmed with dangerous weapon. Everything was destroyed by the powerful force that beamed from the face of Jesus Christ, Including all the powers I always used for astral travelling. I become powerfulness and empty. Then he said, listen to the message and assignment am giving to you. Funmilayo, go back to the world and tell my people that I am coming for them because rapture will soon take place. The time is up; it’s only 5 minutes to go. Tell them 5 minutes to go and I will soon come to take my people home. Tell my people to prepare and not to look back because it’s 5 minutes to go. As he makes the last statement, I suddenly woke up. Immediately I woke up, my dear brethren I couldn’t find it easy with my body. That fiery heat of hell fire that dried my soul, veins, ribs and muscles in spiritual realm affected me greatly. When I awoke up I discovered that my blood was dried and my body temperature was so high. There were pains all over my body and i fell sick. As I was crying my parent summoned around me inquiring reason of my tears but I lied to them that I have stomach pain. I didn’t want to expose the secret to them because during those years I don’t use to sick and I have not been to hospital before. However, my parents were surprised and later took me to the hospital because they have not be felt me in such condition before. They eventually took me to a hospital called “Specialist hospital” which is located in Ojuore, along Ota road in Ogun state Nigeria. Hence, to my uttermost surprise I didn’t know that the kingdoms of darkness are already aware of my encounter with Jesus Christ and my predicament. They have arranged everything and also programmed how to pass a message across to me. There was one of our agents a medical woman called Iya ibeji. She also feels sick in her husband house in order to come and talk to me. However, when I got to the hospital I meet her in same hospital room where I was admitted. After everybody has left the room she started ministering to me, even if you were within the room you can’t perceived that she is talking to me. She told me; please sorry, we all behold the encounter and also what transpire within your body system. I was furiously annoyed and retorted; so all of you saw me but refuse to come for my aid. Why can’t you come and rescue me, what if that man hath killed me? She busted into laughter and said; he can’t kill you. I said but he has destroyed all my powers. She replies, Yes we know he has destroyed all your powers, that is reason why am sent in order to give you some powers that will enable you to come to our meeting. Yet I was greatly annoyed but I accepted the power. After some days I went to the meeting but was seriously annoyed with them. There was a powerful screen in our kingdom which revealed every activity, no hidden secrets in the whole world that is not exposed in such screen. I retorted, so you all are here watching me through the screen and refuse to assist me, what if that man hath killed me? They all laugh and said he can’t killed you because he is a merciful God; he purposely wants to send you a message. Please don’t hearken unto him for he is powerless, he didn’t have any power. I retorted at them, that was how you have been deceiving me; you told me that this man has no power, how did he manage to destroyed all my powers after you have affirmed that I have been given a greater powers that no man challenge? You told me that my power is the greatest in the whole world. Now, tell me, who was that man that tormented me in such a disastrous manner whose uses his power to dry all my powers? They replies, don’t hearken and neither follow him for he is powerless. If you follow him you will lose. Then I said, inasmuch he has power more than you I will followed him. They replied and said, if you intend to follow him, don’t you know how many of his servant you have killed? Let assumed he has power why can’t he delivered them from you? READ ALSO: How To Overcome Persecution And Trials In The Life Of Christian. This mean he is powerless, that is how he always entices them with big mouth and later forsakes them for enemy to kill them. Therefore if you follow him, you will also be killed the same way you killed many of his servants, please don’t followed him. That was how they convinced me because I have killed many of his ministers. If truly this man has power why can’t he deliver them from me? No, I can’t follow him. Thereafter I was equipped with more powers than before, i become more powerful. Formerly I don’t use to attack churches but only indulges in church pollution, initiating worldliness in churches (Check out Series 3 for more details ) and defilement of the congregation. Hence, after this encounter with Jesus Christ I angrily focused my attack on pastors and other ministers of God. After a year I experienced another encounter but this time I was in a dream. Let me rephrase this, my dear brethren, I don’t believe in sermon and nobody ever preach to me before I surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I once believe that preaching of the gospel is just a secular job and anybody can become trained into such professionalism. I believe the bible is a language which anybody can read and practice some scriptures verses and start presenting it to people. I foresee preaching as a business because I don’t believe in sermon. God knew that nobody can preach to me to repent or change. Lord God almighty is a master planner and already knew the gospel tools to implement and how to apply and use it in order to ensure my converting. Proverb 21:1 "The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will" Please be aware of this fact, if God needs you he knew how to arrest and got you converted. God is your creator and your heart is in his hands. He control and directed your heart as the rivers of water and wheresoever that is pleases him. Nobody can prove stubborn unto God unless he isn’t ready to arrest you. But whenever he is ready to arrest your heart he will certainly wins your heart. Nevertheless, he will give you free chance and choice of good will to make your own perfect decision before he invades because he can’t force or compelled you to repent. All the numerous divine revelation messages of Heaven and Hell and encounters of those that were formerly involved in demonic kingdoms and wickedness you have behold and read; portraying about their spiritual journeying to celestial city of Heaven and horror journey to Hell fire and back with divine revelation messages are purposely enacted by God in order to convinced you and also to sent a messages across to billions of earthly soul whose heart are sealed with hot iron of iniquities. God purposely released his grace and commissions those people to encounter such glorious and horrible spiritual experience of those who turneth from darkness to lightness in order to convince and pierced your heart to re- think about where to spend your eternity . Yet, if all these great signs of divine revelations and testimonies doesn’t touch your mind or convinced your heart unto repentance and you refuse to change from your wickedness. My dear Hell Fire shall change you but it shall be too late. Repentance in Hell shall amount into an everlasting torment and doom while repentance of today on Earth shall brought about salvation. However, if you are possessed by doubting spirit and refuse to hearken unto this confession, I advice, you did better go for deliverance because God can’t lie, Heaven and Hell is real, I forewarn you. MY SECOND ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS “THE MIGHTY THRONE AND RAPTURE” The second encounter that leads to my salvation and finally succumb unto the message of Jesus Christ occurred in my dream while I was still residing in Ifelodun Street, off Joju road, Sango in Ogun State, Nigeria. In that dream I was walking along a pathway in order to purchase something, suddenly I look up and behold the sky contracting and shrinking mysteriously like someone folding-up a mat. Suddenly I behold a very long stair-case descending from Heaven which comprises very tall and giant angels of God. The angels stood at each side, left and right side of the staircase holding a long trumpet on their hands whose length is like an electric pole. At the edge of the staircase I saw a beautiful and glorious throne of a king and a man was seated on it with a crown on his head. I looked intensely and observably behold the man sitting on the throne as the same man whom I first encountered when I left my body and astral traveled to Hell fire in order to check record. However, when I observed it was the same man (JESUS CHRIST) who destroyed all my powers I exclaimed, Ahhh, you this man so this is you, you were the person that disturbed me years ago, thank God, am going to deal with you today. While I was still contemplating this in my thought, suddenly the angels blew their trumpet and I behold multitude of people ascending up toward Heaven. Immediately i behold this, it causes me to remember the bible teaching I heard from the church which I use to fellowship with my parent during those days. During that era I fellowship with (C.M.C) “Christ Apostolic Mission Church” which branch is suited at Sango, Ogun State, Nigeria. There was one of our pastors in that church branch called Pastor Jeji Olowolafe who taught us about rapture though I didn’t believed the teaching in those days. Therefore, when I perceived this I was shock because am well learnt and educated in kingdom of darkness and we were taught that all dreams are real and have reasons, either with good or bad meaning. For example; If the dream of pharaoh can be interpreted, where someone dreameth and behold fat cows while others were slim but yet the slim cows were empowered to swallow-up the fat cows and still remaineth slim in their stature. Genesis 41:18-21 "And, behold, there came up out of the river seven kine, fat fleshed and well favoured; and they fed in a meadow: And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and lean fleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness: And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine: And when they had eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them; but they were still ill favoured, as at the beginning. So I awoke. Though someone might regard Pharaoh dream carnally and assumed is meaningless. So, if such dream has a great meaning, it also means there is no useless dream because every dream has interpretations and meaning either dream of fever or malaria or whatever you might called it. My dear, there is power and force behind every dream. It’s either the spirit of God is behind your dream or demons with either good or bad meaning. Due to this fact, I accepted the truth about rapture because no demon can disguised to deceived me in my dream because I knew my level and rank in the kingdom of darkness. I was higher in rank for them to manipulate or deceived me. I concluded, either it’s rapture or not, am not going to be rapture because I have no business in his kingdom, therefore let me go and challenges him. Why did he disturbed me and weathered all my power on that day? I jump up in order to attack him but unfortunately I fell down. I jumped more than 30 times, yet the more I tried the more I fell down and find it difficult to stand on my feet. Suddenly I behold a black cat so big like a goat; I was surprise and contemplating the meaning of such animal. Then the cat laugh at me and said, Funmilayo, sorry you can’t go with them. We both share the same kingdom together and you don’t have any part in their kingdom. Likewise also, do you still recall the scripture which say that every man must carry his own load? That basket laid over there is filled with the same work we both participated. Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" When I behold the basket, it was so big, dirty and filled with bad things. Then I replies, no, the basket is not mine own. The cat retorted, that is the reward of the work you and I both does together on Earth and you can’t abandoned it for me alone because I can’t carry it. You did better remain and comes in order to carry this load together; but I pushed him away and started jumping again. The cat started drawing-back my clothes in my attempt to jump-up because he insisted that I must help him but while i was fighting him suddenly the whole Heaven closed-up. When the Heaven was closed, multitude of people were crying and lamenting; Ooh no, so rapture is real..! So rapture is real…! READ ALSO: Where Shall You Be After Rapture? However, I concluded to returned back home and inform my household but I discovered that my mother has rapture. I quickly ran to our church which was just about 3 block building distance from my resident but fortunately the pastor was also rapture. Many people in the street were rapture, it looks replica and exactly the same way we were taught in bible studies and that was how everything manifested on that very day. Every crock and crane was filled with shout and noise of lamentation, Oooh, No, so rapture is real..! Oooh, No, so rapture is real…! Then suddenly I wake up. When I awoke, I felt so touched, grief and was weeping. My mother and brothers ran into my room and were questioning me and demanding for answers. The terrible fear and shock prompted me to narrate the whole story to them. With such severe touch and terrible fear I felt within me, I quickly removed all my ear-rings, chains and all worldly attire from my body. Then I pretended to be born again, though I wasn’t that really pretending because I was greatly in shock and fearful of the whole dream and also annoyed with my fellow colleagues in the kingdom of darkness. Hence, they knew that rapture was real yet they concealed it from us; why were they deceiving us? These prompted me to surrender to Christ at that period but I didn’t give-up my powers, all my powers were still active and intact within me because I wanted to know more about that man called Jesus Christ and Christendom. Though I perceived there was a mystery behind such secret and reason why we were kept in darkness from beholding the dept secret of rapture, Jesus Christ and Christianity. This causes me to diverge from my satanic agents and starts attending bible studies and weekly church activities and meetings, asking questions and findings in order to acquire more knowledge about Christendom. However, after some weeks I went back to satanic meeting in order to relay about the shocking dream I encounter because they told us that all dream are real and has meaning, therefore how come about rapture. You told us that rapture isn’t real but I beholdeth it in my dream, why? How come, what is going on? The demons were utterly surprised. They started lying while attempting to defend themselves but I immediately perceived their lying motives, they were telling lies. I was furiously annoyed with them because they can’t deceive me anymore. You told me that rapture isn’t real but I encountered it in my dream, why? You told me that all dream are real and has meaning yet why can’t you explained the meaning of rapture to me? How did rapture come to my dream? There were uproar and series of argument between us. This argument makes me to be seriously annoyed with them because they concealed the truth from me. After my sever annoyance with them I declared unto them and said, the person I behold on that throne in my dream, his name is “JESUS”. You dare not mention the name of Jesus in kingdom of darkness, moreover we are warned seriously never to mention the name JESUS in our kingdom but I purposely mention his name in order to injure them. Immediately I mention the name “JESUS”, the whole place scattered with great turmoil, thunder strike, fire storm, and a mighty quake which erupted with shockwave; which greatly injured many of them. The demons were so annoyed and later got me arrested and place me in their holding cell. They chained me and were tormenting me day and night in their spiritual prison but physically on Earth I fell sick and my parents were treating me medically with drugs. They thought I have typhoid illness. The sickness was so severe and they thought It was just an ordinary illness but unknown to them, the punishment and affliction I was incurring from demonic prison of kingdom of darkness was the reason why am been tormented physically on Earth with those sickness and symptoms. MY THIRD ENCOUNTER “THE GREAT TRIBULATION OF THE LAST DAY” After several months, the demons released me from their spiritual prison and commissioned me to continue in my satanic enterprises which I oblige. I hearken and continue in my demonic exploits but after 6 months I behold another encounter. I witness the great day of the Lord according to Revelation 16:1-21, that great day of the Lord is coming upon the whole world, especially those that belongs to witchcraft, satanic, occultic and demonic kingdoms and unbelieving believers, ritual-list and blood suckers. Revelation 16:1-6 “And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2; And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. 3; And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. 4; And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. 5; And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. 6; For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. Ensure you read the whole scriptures for confirmation because that very day is fast approaching. Everyone on Earth especially you that called yourself witch, wizard, ritualist and occultist, you shall be tired of sucking blood. On that very day of great tribulation, the Lord shall saturate the whole world with blood; you will suck and be tired of blood. The wicked one shall be soaked with blood, therefore if you opt to attend your witchcraft meeting in order to shed blood, on that very day your fridge, bathroom, toilet, bucket, plates, gutter and water reservoir and everything around you shall be filled with blood and you shall be greatly shamed. At this moment, you assumed God is powerless, this wrong perception opt you to indulge into bloodshed and human sacrifice. This is negative assumption because you are not wiser or learnt more than him. God had purposely set aside, a period, a day and timeline for your judgment and he shall judge without mercy. READ ALSO: My Vision About The Coming Tribulation And Rapture. On the judgment day of the Lord your entire secret shall be made manifest and there shall be no mercy. You ought to seek-out for his mercy while is still on course and accessible now because tomorrow might becomes too late. In this 3 encounter I behold terrible things that baffled me. This 3 encounter “THE GREAT JUDGMENT AND TRIBULATION DAY OF THE LORD” occurred in my dream but either you believe it or not, it will surely come to past. Even though you thought am lying, the bible can’t lie. The Holy Scripture is infallible and contains the living words of God which can’t be broken. It’s authentic and must surely come to past either you believe it or not. In my dream, I behold a mighty terror invading the whole world both the young and strong ones. Everyone was in great shock, terrorized and was panicking in fear. The Lion and wild animals left their den, bushes and ran into the town while some people left their houses and ran out. The animal will run into their houses and also ran out. I behold a gigantic aquatic animal from the deep sea running into the town, they were as tall as up- story building as portray in the movie titled King- Kong. There are some animals who are x3 bigger than king-Kong, terrible and mighty animal marching fort from sea toward the Earth whose height are as taller than 10-story building. Though, you might be surprise but don’t you know that before Genesis and creation of the Earth, there are some strange personalities residing down deep inside the water and have been dwelling there for a very long time? My dear, what I behold in the sea coast was so terrible because it was filled with much blood. Even the fallen angels (demos) that rebels against God who also dwells down deep sea even before the creation of the world, though they can’t die but they were terrorized and also needs to run out from their hidden places. The whole sea was filled with blood which makes it uncomfortable for both the fallen angels (demons) and aquatic animal to abide thereof. The whole earth was terribly filled with terror, commotion and panicking. I was grievously annoyed when I behold THE QUEEN OF THE COAST running out from her kingdom and walking on Earth surface. Though, she can’t move majestically on Earth surface because half of her body is fish with scales while other half is human being. The queen of the coast was so beautiful, yet in her beauty statue she was running speedily for her dear life with terror, fear and panicking. When in behold her I exclaim; so something can happened that will cause you to ran in this fearful manner? I was greatly, shocked, annoyed and surprised. These cause me to discern that something mighty is really on course and bigger than the whole world and also greater than THE QUEEN OF THE COAST. READ ALSO: The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Against Christians. I also behold THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN fell from her throne in her kingdom. Hence, THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN moves with winds and I also behold her fleeing halter and skater. I was utterly amazed but ponder; so this spirit being can be shaken and terrorized by a mighty and greater power? No, I need to seek for more powers. I was so furious even though I was trembling and so afraid and kept pondering, what is happening? What is going on? The whole world was in great turmoil. During my 3 encounter in my dream, I also behold the nursing mothers running for their lives, they will threw off the baby and mutter; am sorry, I can’t protect you on this day, I have to run for my dear life and unfortunately, incoming vehicle will just crushed the child to death. I also behold the pregnant women running for their lives and unfortunately they were trodden by people and incoming vehicle will also ran over them. Their unborn babies will gush out and they will also die. Terrible things were on course and even some locations no vehicle was moving due to human traffic jammed. Earth quake were also witness in divers places, swallowing great multitudes of people and houses. Satellite networking signals were freeze and jammed, no news or network signal to broadcast the horror and chaos terrorizing the whole world, the world was totally in dark. When I awoke from my dream after beholding these entire dreadful incidents I was greatly in fear. When I finally regain my conscience I mutter, this is terrible, so these people are not the most superior being in the world? READ ALSO: Confession Of Former Satanic Agent Of Darkness By Pastor Jonas. It troubled and pierced my heart, I was so confused. Afterward when I attended our meeting in the kingdom of darkness I challenged and questioned them. Nevertheless, I can’t emphasis all my confession in this 4 series. I will continue in 5 series where I exposed the rest of my confession. I will unveil about; 1. How I finally renounced and cut off from kingdom darkness activities after spending 900 years as an international satanic agent. 2. The abused, disperse and rejection I encounter and witness in the hand of minsters of God while seeking for deliverance. 3. How I finally received my deliverance; my totally deliverance from demonic manipulations. 4. What I behold while seeking for a genuine salvation and my various experiences with different men of God. 5. How I got my salvation and how Jesus Christ trained me and the lecture he gave to me. 6. My bible college experience with the Lord. 7. How I become a pastor and a general oversea of a ministry and what happened next? 8. How the kingdom of darkness dealt and afflicted me and what they did to me. 9. I will emphasis about bank cashless policy and what you need to know about it. 10. I will also unveiled and elaborate many more others things. May God bless you as you abide under the fearfulness of the Lord and ensure you amend your wicked ways and doing and seek the face of the Lord in prayer because eternity is so near unto us while death is knocking at the heart of everyone.
5 Oct 2018 | 02:13
Really thoughtful with load of lessons to learn
5 Oct 2018 | 05:21
This is powerful
5 Oct 2018 | 14:47


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