The much hyped first Nigerian Telenovela titled "A Taste of Love., chronicles the love affair between Hadiza (Makida Moka) and Kelechi (Blossom Chukwujekwu), who are children of two rival families, which both own sugarcane plantations. Gabriel and Blossom are joined by Ayo Lijadu, Yomi Obileye, Kunle Coker, Paul Adams, Wale Macaulay, Femi Brainard, Makida Moka, Mofe Duncan, Deyemi Okanlawon and Omowunmi Dada.
The series was produced by content acquisition and production company, Micromedia Marketing Limited and is said to be aired on Terrestial and Cable Tv.
Hmmmm I hope the series won't be a disappointment. ;)