

By Duru in 28 May 2020 | 16:49
Duru Jessica

Duru Jessica

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Member since: 28 May 2020
In a beautiful country far beyond the horizon?,there was this little girl,so young and innocent,fairest of all maidens and the prettiest in the entire neighbourhood.Every guy had wanted her for themselves.Her skin shone so brightly? with her blue dazzling eyes like that of a new born☀.She was so pretty that one could say she was created on a Sunday for her body was quite different from all other girls of her age.She had such pretty long hair like that of an Indiana Jones that moved wherever the wind blew it.Her body,so full and poised with so many features you can't take your eyes off.She had lips so soft and red?,hips so curved that perfectly fitted her endowed bosom.She was just magnificent and everyone wanted to have her for themselves but she had her ways?

?Alice as one could call her was so young and naive,full of hopes and dreams of one day becoming just like her mother.She had such bright promising future,full of expectations.She wasn't just beautiful on the outside,she was also pure,kind,loving,sweet,anything you can think of.One could say she was an angel in human form cause she was exquisite.She never cared less for anyone and people knew her for this.She was greatly admired by all?.Even the girls envied her wherever she went but yet,she didn't care.

One faithful day,on a sad,cold,lonely night?,tragedy struck her home and everywhere as lively as it'll ever be got all still and silent in the twinkle of an eye? and ever since then,she was never the same again?....

"Dad"Alice called out nervously.
"D-dad!She called again but was stopped halfway by an angry Mr Ron who was already glaring at her with big fiery eyes? that seemed they were gonna fall out of their sockets any minute.
"Who's your father huh?Who's your father you dimwitted, good-for-nothing whore?"Mr Ivan fumed with rage in his eyes??.
"I'm...I'm-I'm sorry dad"Alice trembled with fear like someone who had seen a one-eyed ghost?.I only wanted to know if you could please let me ou-outside,even if it was for a minute or two.I promise I wouldn't...."
But before she could say anything,a hot painful landed on her soft rosy cheeks making it glow so red?.She couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she let it all flow with her hands on her cheek which hurt so much?.
"And to think those stupid tears of yours will make me have pity on you huh?"He chuckled devilishly.
You were always like your mother.So wretched and worthless!I can't believe I married such woman.Yuk!"He spat out with disgust.
Stupid fool!Now get out of my sight before I strangle you with my bare hands"he bellowed so loud?.

Alice so hurt and sad ran upstairs as fast as her legs could carry her,slamming the door? behind so recklessly as she sunk her head into her silky white pillow and cried till her eyes got all red and swollen.She remembered her darling mother?‍❤️‍?‍?? and how if she were to be her life,would have brought her so close to her bosom and comforted her so dearly till the pains were all gone?.For a moment,she wiped her tears and drifted off to sleep hoping that everything would be alright when she wakes up✍️.

She awoken to the pains she felt in her belly which grumbled sonorously like that of a beating war drum?.Then,it dawned on her that she haven't eaten anything since morn and it was already nighttime?.She quickly showered up???,wore on her pink flowery night gown partly that partly exposed her upper shade and walked right downstairs,tip-toeing quietly?‍♀️ so she wouldn't make a peek.She got to the fridge where she hoped she'd find something appetizing to eat,only to meet it empty apart from the jug of lemonade? which stood at the side of the fridge.She quickly gulped it down not minding if it was hers to take and rushed upstairs again.To her dismay?,she found her room door half open but no one was there?.She didn't mind.All she wanted was to go off to bed again as she was really worn out and before anyone could wave a finger,she was already sound asleep like a princess laying in wait for her prince to swoop her away in his arms?.

Alicia laid fast asleep when a hand came upon her laps?,gently moving up her waist and onto her bosom,gripping it roughly,giving her a cold tingling sensation?.At first,she thought it wasn't real only for it to get stronger✊.She wanted to open her eyes but they were shut tight as she was scared?.She couldn't think of the next move to take.She tried screaming but no words came out.She slowly opened her eyes? revealing a dark masculine figure that wore a hideous monstrous look?.She gasped realising it was her stepfather.He had a shady long robe on that fully exposed his body from head to toe.His eyes burned with lust and desires like someone who was suffering from an unending starvation?.

The atmosphere became vigorously hot for her as there was no where to go?.She tried outrunning him but he gripped her so hard making her sides ache ?.She attempted pushing him off her but he was too strong ?.He tied her hands to the four-cornered metal steel⛓ that held the bed? in place and like a raging beast?,pounced on her ferrociously??‍♂.And with every ounce of strength he had?,took his cap in? and began doing what he knew best.Alice cried and pleaded but none was heard.At a time,all she could hear was the hard moans of the devil she once called her father? and for a moment,everything went blank?.

She woke up to the sound of her alarm clock that rang so loudly.The day looked so bright but it wasn't on her part.She tried putting on her pink bunny ears slippers but she couldn't get up.Her wrists were all red and swollen and everywhere ached a lot like someone who had just ran down a flight of stairs for a hundredth time.She felt so weak and miserable recalling what happened to her the other night.The nasty stench of masculine sweat and cum got her all worst inside as her private parts ached so much.She felt shattered and thorn apart knowing she had nothing left.She got up,packed up the little she could find and waited for night to come upon her and whilst it came,she kissed her home goodbye and was never to be seen again.

"Goodness me!Are you still working child?You've been working all day"Mama Lena,a woman in her sixties exclaimed heading towards her.
"Yea mum.Just let me finish up with this first.I'm almost done alright?"
"But you're stressing yourself my child.And my grand bun too.Please come inside.The sun is out already"Mama Lena spoke out again with a worried look.
"Haha!Sure mum.I've heard you"she smiled adjusting the wrapper that was going off her portruded tummy which was quite visible now.

She went inside,took her meal and drifted right off to sleep just before anyone could say Jack Robinson.
"Mum!Mum.!Mum,please don't go.Don't leave me mommy!Don't leave me!"She cried out jerking up with fright realizing it was just some more dream.She felt a sharp pain pass accross her lower abdomen like someone been shot with an arrow.She yelled so loud,unfortunately there was no around to hear her as maama Lena had already gone out.She was completely unaware of what was happening and before she knew it,she felt a watery liquid in between her laps.She laid down on the floor with her legs spread wide as she pushed harder since the contractions was becoming stronger.She cried in pains,sweating profusely as she pushed again with every strength she had in her.She was getting weaker but she didn't want to give up.She pushed much harder again this time and she felt her baby's head pop right out.She gave a faint smile but it slowly disappeared as she couldn't go any further.Suddenly,something shone across her wearied face but all she could see was a faint image she couldn't fathom out.She felt a force gather around her vagina and she pushed again as wailing sound of a new born came right from under her and she knew it was all over.She stretched forth her arms and with the last strength she had,carried him onto her bosom and kissed him so gently.She heaved a sigh of relief as she laid back down.

"Mommy"a tiny voice called out from the living room?.
"Mommy,can I go outside and play?I'm done playing video games now"he asked with cat-pitying eyes.
"No baby!We've talked about this before remember?"she said stroking his hair softly?.
"Awe!It's not fair mommy?"he grumbled pretending to be mad.
Why can't I go outside mommy?I want to be free like Lizzie and the other kids at school you know?"he cried out again holding his tiny arms in one fold.
"No honey,it's not like that"she stooped low reaching out for his tiny hands.
"Mommy's only tryna protect you baby"she said softly.
You know I love you so much and I never want anything happening to you.So don't you try leaving mommy's side,you hear me?"she hugged him tightly fighting back the tears that were already gathering up in her eyes.
"How about we and grandma go get some ice cream when we're done huh?she chuckled sofly.
You can have whichever flavour? you want"she winked at him.
"Yay!Thanks mommy!You're the best"he yayed running out with excitement.

It's being eight years since Alice heard from the monster that had almost ruined her life?.Good thing her little boy came by? and now,she wasn't ready for any man.Many had come and gone but she still didn't give a damn about.All she wanted was to be with her child without anyone coming between them?‍?.

Aaron on the other part was growing so fast.He looked just like his mother.He had her eyes,her hair,her dimpled cheek and was brainy in all aspect?.He came top in his class and everyone was so proud?.Every minute she spent with him was so precious and she swore he'll never learn about the truth no matter what?.

"Aaron!Aaron!Wake up baby.It's past six already.You don't want to be late for school"Alicia said jerking her sleepy son slowly.
"Mmm!Mommy...I don't feel so good"he mumbled weakly breathing constantly.
"Oh my!What's wrong honey?"she said touching his neck.
"My chest aches so much mom and I can't breathe"he said coughing so hard.
"Gosh!You're burning up?!When did this start baby"she said panic-stricken.
"At night mommy but I didn't want to tell you cause I knew you were going to worry over me and I didn't want that?"he said coughing much harder this time.
"Baby,I should worry over you.You're my son for goodness sake"she said angrily.
And where the hell is your inhaler?☹️"she said searching around.
"Mom,we ran out of that remember?You said you were gonna get me one today but my sinuses came up again"
"Gosh!That's true.You know what,get up!We're going to the hospital right now"she got up taking her car keys from the shelf.
"Mum!Mother!"she yelled running downstairs with Aaron in her arms.
"What's wrong baby?"Mama Lena asked looking frightened.
"M-mum,Aar's sinuses came up and we haven't any inhalers left and his breathing is getting out of normal"
Oh God!Please save my child"she prayed silently running out the front door? not minding if she still had her night wear on.
"Take it easy child.He'll be fine"mama assured her as they drove off fast?

28 May 2020 | 16:49
?FIVE-TEN? ?CHAPTER FIVE? "Mommy where are we?"Aaron asked rolling his eyes around the room. "Sweedy,you're up.I was so worried about you"she said hugging him gently. "Mommy,but you promised you weren't going to get worked up over me remember" "Yeah,I know but we couldn't help it baby.You scared us back there.Even grandma got so worried"she said caressing his hands. "I'm sorry I hid it from you mommy.I'm really sorry" "Ohhh,c'mon.It's not your fault baby and I'm sorry I yelled at you too.I shouldn't have"she said hugging him tightly. "I'm just glad you're feeling okay now.The doctor said we'll be going home soon,you know.I bet grandma's home now cooking us something nice" "Oooo!Mommy can I ask you something?" "Sure baby.What's that?"she asked with curiosity. "Am I going to die"he asked looking scared. "No,my love.Mommy will never allow anything to happen to you ok?Trust me!"she said assuring him. "Mhmm-mm she's right though"a voice cut in from behind. "Oof!Look what the wind blew in"Alice teased trying to hide her excitement. "Mind if I come in my lady?"Doctor Williams asked looking all handsome and sweet in his snazzling lab coat and a stethoscope hanging around his neck. "Sure Mr Smarty pants"she teased softly. Baby say hi to Doctor Williams.He's the one I told you about earlier"she said getting up from the bed. "Hi sir!"he greeted shyly. Mom's talked about you so much.I think she's obsessed with you or something"he whispered lowly giving his mum a teasing look. "I'm impressed!"he chuckled not letting his eyes off Alice. "So,how are you feeling Aaron?Does your chest still aches?" "Mmm,not quite!Whoaaa!You know my name?"he asked with curiosity raising his brows. "Uh-uh!Your mum never goes a day without talking about her precious little angel"he smiled looking back at Alice again whose face was already turning red, "Mmm,so I guess you and my mommy are together then?"he asked innocently. "Oh!No..No honey!"I wouldn't date that"she laughed jokingly "Ouch!I'm still here you know"he coughed out holding his chest playfully. "I like him mommy.Can he be my daddy?Can he?Can he?" "Uh-uh!I can be whatever thing you want me to be little warrior"Doctor Williams said pinching his nose slightly. "Um,baby,why don't you two wait here.I need to use the bathroom as quick as possible.Be back in a jiffy"she said hurriedly running out. ALICIA'S POV!!! "I gasped for air trying not to get overpowered by the emotions that were already gathering up inside of me.No,it can't be!I said to myself.My brain seemed it was going to pop right out from it's position the moment Alex walked through that door.I felt something move in me like I was being pushed by an unseen force.The constant stares he gave me made me feel so wanted and all I could think of,was to be in his arms,all cuddled up.Gosh!I have never felt this way towards anyone and I wasn't just ready yet.So why now?I asked myself pacing up and down.Many times,I had tried shoving it all off but it keeps on getting stronger.Could this be actually happening???" ?CHAPTER SIX? "Aaron,come on baby,we're off to Lizzy's house now"Alicia said tucking at his arms. "Yay!Lizzy!I'm going to see Lizzy again"he sang happily. "Mommy,what about fluffy?Who's gonna look after him when we're gone"he asked petting his puppy's ears. "Fluffy can come too honey but he'll have to stay in the car alright?" "Okay mommy"he laughed softly. But what about grandma,can she come too?". "Oh,no baby!Grandma has to stop by our restaurant remember?Perhaps,some other time"she replied shutting the door behind them. Alicaar's Kitchen was pretty popular in Bortzon town and was properly managed by Alice with the help of Mama Lena whose fantastic recipes made it boom quite fast.She and mama had come up with the idea of setting up one the moment they got into town four years ago and from their petty lives of selling food out on the streets,they became rich owners of Alicaar's kitchen which she named after her and her little boy. "Ring!Ring!"the door bell rang. "I'm coming"a familiar voice spoke out sliding the glass door open. "Huh!Alex?What' you doing here?"she gasped with her eyes wide open. "Mmm!I should be asking you genius"he smirked at her making her heart skip. "Woo!Hey tiger!My!You're getting taller everyday"he grinned loudly lifting surprised Aaron up. "Why,come on in beautiful.Don't just stand there staring"he teased giving her a funny face. "Aaargh!I hate him"she grumbled to herself. "I can hearrrr you"he chuckled behind her ear. "Ally,who's at the door?"Liv called out holding her portruded stomach. "Oh My Goodness!Bestie you're here"she said giving her a warm hug. "Ronnnnny!"Lizzy jumper with excitement running towards where Alex stood. Uncle Alex!Bring my Ronny down right this instant"she giggled dragging Alex's arms. "Uncle?Hang on Liv!Alex is your brother???"she asked with bewilderment. "Yeah yeah!Alex cut in. But I'm younger"he grinned with pride. "So.....munchkins"he stooped reaching out for Lizzy and Aaron's hands. Why don't we leave our mommies and go right upstairs.We've got chocolate puddings just for you sweetpeas"he sang out swooping them up. "Weeeee!"they screamed in unison waving their hands in delight as the threesome went up. Alice and Liv have been best friends since they got to know each other from Aaron's school which Lizzy also went.From then on,they'd become so much like sisters.Olivia as we would call her,was a barrister and Alex on the other hand,was a doctor at Whitmore hospital which his dad left in his care since he couldn't run any it further as he was stuck in a wheelchair.Since then,Alex worked there as a paediatrician as he loved kids so much,But the one he had for Alice's son was much stronger.He loved him so much like he was his and he loved Alice too.If only he could voice out his feelings to her... ALEX'S POV!!! I thought about her smile.The way she talked and laughed.They were really charming and all I could think of was to have her with me.I've never felt this way towards anyone before.Could Alice be the one?"I thought to myself snapping out from my thoughts at the sound of Aaron's voice. "Uncle Alex,can I ask you something? "Well,sure little one"he smiled softly "Do you love my mommy"he asked innocently "Oh!Heh!You're too young for that Aaron"he chuckled patting his head. "Uncle loves Aunt Alice!Uncle loves Aunt Alice!"Lizzy sang out loud bouncing on the bed. "Shush Lizzy!I don't want mommy to know what we're up to"Aaron giggled covering Lizzy's mouth "But uncle Al,mommy has never allowed me so close to anyone before but with you,it's different.When you're around,she feels pretty comfty leaving us together"he smiled touching his hands. I see the way you look at her uncle Al.Just tell her you love her.I'll be very happy if you become my daddy" "You're so brilliant for your age Aaron"He said smiling at him. Well,what do you know?Your mommy and I might end up together someday.Wishes do come true,you know"he smiled inside lifting him up on his laps. "Uh,why don't you two go downstairs so I can pack these right up before mommy comes in and starts yelling our heads off"he smirked reaching out for the toy bags. "I'll see you in a tizzy fellas"he waved at them as they both ran down the stairs giggling. LIV'S POV!!! "I smell a rat"I said to myself suspiciously. Why does Aaron and my daughter look so much alike?I feel some kind of connection whenever they're together and I can't fathom out why.Could there be a mystery behind that?"I thought to myself with such mixed emotions. Gosh!It's impossible"I got up snapping out of my thoughts, "Honey are you okay?"my husband called out to me. "Oh yesnSorry I woke you up baby.It's nothing"I said putting on a faint smile. "No you're not.Tell me what's wrong"Richard said suspiciously rubbing my back. "Uh,baby,have you ever noticed anything between our baby and Alicia's?" "Hmm!Not really!Why?"he asked with a worried look. "I've been thinking lately"I stopped halfway.. "Thinking?About what?" "Oh!Nevermind!It's just my eyes playing tricks on me...I guess?"I said with a faint smile kissing him slightly. "W-we should go back to sleep now"I said rolling the duvet up. "No baby.Tell me,what's that?"he asked pulling me close to him. "Well,uh,did you notice Aaron's eyes?They're so like our daughter's and he's curvy face isn't quite different from hers too"she paused playing with the hair on his chest. "Really?I haven't really noticed that"he paused for a while. "And even if they do look alike,it isn't something to get all worked up about at night when you should be sleeping"he said kissing me on my lips. "And besides,children do resemble each other you know?" "Baby you're not getting me.Have you looked at that little boy's eyes?They're crystal blue just like our baby's.What if there's something we don't know?"I shivered. I'd have sworn they were related if not Alice and her mum moved into town few years ago" "Oh,c'mon baby.You're just exaggerating"he said moving his lips up her neck. "Why don't we get some sleep huh?You don't want to disturb our little baby in there"he said teasingly kissing my belly. "Oh!Alright"I said grudgingly turning off the light. RICHARD'S POV!!! "I laid back down thinking about what my wife had said earlier.I wonder what's going on in her mind right now?Does she think I had something to do with this?Damn it Rich!You need to snap out of this!"I yelled to myself hitting my head. Liv trusts you so much and she knows you won't do anything on the contrary,so calm your nerves"I said to myself looking down on my wife who was fast asleep in my arms. But seriously,Liv could be right in some way.You know what,I'm definitely not going to let this slip off just like that"I said snapping my fingers like a pro detective that I was. ?CHAPTER SEVEN? "knock Knock" "Baby,check who's at the door"I called out to my son from where I was going about my usual yoga routine. "Mum,is uncle Alex"Aaron whispered holding the door ajar. "Oh shoot!He's out so early"I gasped getting up from the floor. "Hi there little fella"he said lifting my son up" And whoa,where' you off to so fast my lady?I just got here"he said pulling me in his arms. "Get your hands off me,you!I reek"I laughed kissing him on his lips. "Mmm!I'm not doing anything.You're the one that can't keep your paws off me and my,you look hot on those tights"he chuckled rolling his eyes on me. "Uh-uh!Don't be such a whinner"I teased kissing him again" "Ahem!I'm still here people"Aaron coughed out giggling softly. "Oh!"We both laughed. "Uh son,why don't we leave mommy now so she can go tidy up?" "That'll be good.I really need to shower before anythingelse.I'm coming you two.I won't be long"I pulled out from him racing upstairs. ALICIA'S POV!!! "It's being six months since Alex and I started dating.I'll never forget those words he said to me on that night he had asked me to be his girlfriend.The memories came flooding my mind as I laid in the bathtub all covered up in lather.I thought about my unborn child and how I was going to tell him that I have his child growing inside of me but I wasn't just ready yet.What if he doesn't accept it?"I bickered tieing my towel round my naked body as I got out of the bathtub.I quickly got dressed and walked right down unnoticed,trying not to make a peek.I looked towards where Alex and my son where seated and I saw how happy he was. "Damn!I didn't want to ruin that.At least not yet"I said to myself snapping out of my thoughts. "What' you boys up to?"I asked putting on a fake smile. "Nothing mommy!"they both called out laughing softly. "Hmm!Spill it!Now!"I said to them jokingly. "Hhh!You win!"I'm gonna steal you tonight baby" "It won't work"I sang out to him"I can't leave Aaron all by himslef you know that"I said turning pale. "Oh c'mon mum!Grandma will be home tonight remember?So I won't be alone"my son said winking at me. "Zip it baby!Go do your homework now" "Whatever mommy!"he giggled running upstairs. "Aaargh!Alex!what have you been teaching my son?" "Me?What'd I do?"he laughed bringing me close to him. "Oh Jeez!You're so annoying!"I said pushing him off playfully. "Uh-huh!So baby,what'd you say?You in?" "Well...It sounds pretty sweet to me"I said curving my lips to one-side. "Woo!I'll pick you up at seven then.Love ya"he said blowing a kiss at me as he made for the door. "Heh!You better!"I called out shutting the door behind. "Mmm!Morning!"I got up stretching out my hands. Oh my gosh!It's past eight.Wake up baby!"I screamed with delight jerking Alex's sleepy body. "Awe!What's with the rush?It's weekend!"Alex said moving his lips up me. "Yeah right!But it doesn't mean we'll have to stay in this bed till the end of time,does it?Get up now or I'll make you"I said dragging him up. "God!You're totes heavy!" "C'mon!It's still early"he said pulling me down on top of him. "Oh no!Not now!I got up fast rushing towards the bathroom. "This is awful"I said with disgust feeling sore inside. It must have been the chicken or something"I said puking out again. "Baby,you look terrible.I should take you to the hospital"he said rubbing my back. "N-No!I'm fine"I lied trying to act all normal. "Really?But you don't look okay to me.Is there something you're not telling me?He asked arching his brows. "No,seriously!I'm..Oh!"I said weakly throwing up again. You know what,I don't know what to say.I'm confused a-and..." "Shh!I know what you're about to say" "Huh!Quit teasing!" "Oh,I am?You're pregnant Alice"he said with joy. That'll explain the constant malaria and dizziness.Even a dumb ass can tell"he smiled making me freeze. "What?I wanted to tell you myself ,believe me"I said nervously. "So I'm going to be a father?Damn!I'M...GOING...TO..BE..A...FATHER"he yelled out swooping me up in his arms to my surprise. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to hear that.You've made me the happiest man on earth Alice Jones"he said going on one knee. "W-what are you doing?"I stared with shock. "Alicia Jones,you've being the closest to my heart ever since I set my eyes on you and ever since then,I've grown to love you with each passing moment.It would give me greater joy if you'll be the woman,I'll spend the rest of eternity,loving and cherishing all the days of my life"he spoke out bringing out a silvery diamond ring" Will you marry me?"he asked out loud not taking his eys off me. "Oh My Goodness!Yes!Yes baby!I'll marry you"I screamed with joy taking the ring onto my middle finger"I love you baby"I yelled with excitement hugging him tight.He carried me up in his arms like a little baby and laid me right down on his bed as he kissed me so deeply moving his hands up my tummy.I didn't want it to end but we got cut short. "Spoiler alert!"I laughed picking up my phone "Huh?Aaron?"I gasped with surprise cause I know he can't be up by now. "Mommy!Mommy!"he cried out from the other line. "B-Baby!Baby,what's wrong?"I got up fast. "Someone's at our house mommy an-and..." "Baby!Baby!"I yelled with anxiety. "Hi Alicia!Remember me?"I heard a hoarse voice chuckle so hard" Oh My God!I gasped racing out forgetting all about Alex"I got into my car as fast as I could panting really hard as I sped off. "I thought about my son.The way he'll be now.He doesn't deserve this!He doesn't!"I cried bitterly banging my hands on the steering wheel not caring if it hurt. Oh God!Please save my baby.He's all I have"I cried to myself running out of my car swiftly. "Ronald!Ronald!Where are you?!Where are you,you son of the devil?!Come on out!Come out,you coward!I'm not afraid of you anymore"I yelled with fury and rage burning inside of me. "Ronald is back Alice!He's back again!He has my grandson!The monster took him!"Mama Lena cried out gasping for breath. "Mum,your head's bleeding.I need to call an ambulance first" "No!"she cried bitterly. "I can take care of myself.You need to go.Go after him.Go!" "Oh...God!I'm so gonna kill that bastard.I've had enough of him.Aaaargh!I growled taking up my phone. "You animal!Where the hell did you take my child?I swear to God.If anything happens to my child,I'll hunt you down and rip your head right off.You hear me?"I yelled with rage. "Heh!There,there darling!That's one thing I love about you most my weet sweet Alice.You can't even hurt a fly you see,talk more of a little kitty-cat"he said sheepishly. So baby,none of those words you utter from that filthy mouth of yours scare me.Get it?"he laughed out loud. "How dare you!"I spat out. "Shh!Listen carefully,you'll come to wickery hills now or you'll never hear the sound of your little boy again.Do you understand?And don't you dare play smart with me silly girl or I'll kill you both?Do you hear me? "Rot in hell,you devil"I spat out hanging up on him. "Aaron!Aaron baby,you there?"I said as I looked around. "!How nice to see you again Alicia Jones or should I even call you that"he snared at me bringing Aaron down from his shoulders. "A-Aaron!"I glared with anger. What did you do to him,you bastard?Why isn't he moving"I asked feeling his pulse. "Well,nothing.Just gave him a little sedative to calm him down so he wouldn't run off.Now where were we?"he asked gripping my chin tightly. "Don't you dare touch me you fool.You left me to suffer at the cold hands of death years back and you never came looking for me.So why now?What the hell do you want from me?" "I don't want anything from you.I just want to watch you suffer for ruining my life" "I ruined your life?Tell me,when did I ever do something bad to you?I always loved you like a daughter would and I never failed to give you that respect you always wanted but then,you let it all slip away without any iota of care"I said getting up from where I was. "You raped me.I was only 16.I was so young and naive step-father but you did it anyway.You didn't care if I wasn't feeling well that night.Do you know the pains I felt each time I remembered what you did to me and here you are saying I ruined your life.Urrrrgh!I hate you"I said with disgust spitting on his face. "Shit!I should have ended your life years back"he said pulling out a gun from his pants. "You wanna know why I hate you huh?You were adopted Alicia.You were never ours like your mum made you believe.I guess she never told you the truth huh?"he chuckled devilishly wiping his sweat off. "What?"I gasped with disbelief. "Yes!You were!The woman you call your mother now,Lena or whatever they call her,handed you off to the woman you thought was your real mother and ever since then,my late wife gave you all the love she would have given me till the very day she passed on.You were always on her lips.You see why I hated you both.I always hated you right from the start and all I ever wanted was to see you SUFFER"he said pointing the gun at my son. "Stop!You're lying"I yelled covering my ears. "This isn't true!It's all a lie!"I shot back. I was never adopted.Mum should have told me.She would havenShe loved me so much and I too.She wouldn't have hidden such a thing from me"I cried bitterly holding my son. "Heh!Well,she did and now you can tell that to her when you see her in hell" "Wait!Don't shoot" I discovered I was pregnant when I left the house.I was so ashamed and I wanted to keep it all to myself.I couldn't face you.So I dealt with it all alone"I sober hard pleading endless. "Aaron is your son Ronald.Just please spare him.He's just a baby.You can kill me but please spare my child.Our son!"I cried pleading for my son's life but they all fell on deaf ears. "Pfft and to think I'll believe that.And if it were to be true,I would never let you both live.Read my lips.....Never"he thundered loud. "Goodbye!!!" "Noooo"I screamed holding my son close to my heart with my eyes shut tight only to hear the sound of gunshots flaring in the air. It was Richard,my bestfriend's husband.He saved my life.I watched Ronald fall to the ground right in front of me. "It's all over!"I said to myself slumping to the ground. "Baby!Baby!Look at me!I'm right here" I heard a familiar voice say as I tried opening my eyes gently but they couldn't.And for a while,everything went still. ?CHAPTER EIGHT? "Mom,please don't go.I can't stay here anymore"Alicia cried calling out to Mrs Quil who was at the other end. "No!You can't be here sweedy.You can't be.You need to fight it baby.Fight it!"she said as she vanished into thin air. "Mum!"she yelled out again jerking up from the bed. "Alicia!Thank goodness you're awake.We were so worried about you child"Mama Lena said hugging her. "M-Mum,where am I?Aaron!Where is he mum?Where is my baby?"she asked trying to get up from the bed "Now,calm down child.Your son's doing just fine alright?" "Hi-hi-hi!Look who's up!"Alex walked in holding Aaron's hands. "Mommy" "My baby!Gosh.I was afraid that I'd lost you my son "she said kissing him. "How are you feeling mommy?" "Ooo...I'm fine my love.Mmm!I so missed you"she said pinching his puffy cheeks. "Aaron come sit here with grandma.Mummy needs to rest" "Sure grandma"he said happily moving towards her. "How are you feeling baby?"Alex got up pecking her. "Well,never been better"she smiled. "Uh,where's Liv and Rich?" "We're here!"Liv called out with her baby in her hands and Lizzy beside her. "And we're here too"Alex parents called out from behind. "M-my God!"Mama Lena gasped getting up from where she was. "John!Jane!"she uttered astonished. I must be dreaming right now"Mama Lena said with her eyes wide-open. "Lena!Oh My God!Is that really you?"John asked with surprise moving his wheels towards her. "Mum...Dad!What's going on?You guys know each other?"Alex and Liv asked confused. "Of course!Mrs Lena worked with us over here many years ago before she moved away and we lost contact.Wow!What a really small world this is!"Mr Williams exclaimed hugging her. "Wait,Alex is your son?"Mama Lena asked gasping for breath. "I need to breathe"Jane spoke out hurriedly leaving the room. "Nooooo.This can't be real.I can't be seeing Lena now"she said to herself. "Hold it right there Jane Rose.It's high time I told everyone the truth" "What truth mother?"Alicia stared on with confusion written over her face. "I didn't plan it to be this way Alice but I'm sorry.I can't hide the truth from you or anyonelse anymore"she swallowed hard shocking everyone. "What?What are you trying to say mum?"Alicia asked sitting up. "Yes!What the heck is she talking about mum?"Alex asked turning pale. "Alice,J-Jane is your mother"she shook vigoriously. "You're bluffing!My daughter died 25 years ago.You were there when it happened"she said trying to hide her guilt. She's lying son.Don't listen to her" "Hold it mother"he said angrily letting his hands off her. It was many years ago,when Jane had put to bed.When she got to know it was a girl,she asked me to get rid of the baby since she couldn't face her husband's family with the child.I was the midwife that night"she said sniffing her nose. "J-John!She's ly..." "Let her finish"Mr Williams barked at her. "Continue!" "Jane had asked me to get rid of the child once and for all but I just couldn't.I couldn't soil my hands with the blood of an innocent child.So I had to go as far away as I could so she'll never learn the truth"she swallowed hard with tears soaking her clothes. "I nursed you Alice"She said turning towards Alice. I carried you in my arms but I couldn't be with you for so long since I didn't have enough money left.So I signed you up for an adoption,giving you to the most adorable woman I'd ever known but unfortunately,she died.But I never stopped watching over you.I kept watch,seeing the horrible things you passed through in the hands of that horrible man and that made my heart so bleed.I tried taking you away from him but he never wanted to give you up,I had no choice but to wait till I saw you one day out on the streets,looking all sad and alone.So,I took you in,fed you,clothed you and loved you like you were mine till this very day.I-I'm so sorry Alice.I should have told you all this but I was so scared of losing you.I'm really sorry my child"she said making towards her. "What!Alice is our sister"Liv gasped out placing her hands on her mouth. "M-Mom.Is this really true?Alice and I are siblings?Oh God!Mom,what have you done?What have you done to us?"Alex yelled with hurt. "Dad!Why aren't you saying anything?Were you behind this too?" "I never knew about this.God!Jane how can you be this heartless"Mr Williams bellowed with fury. "Son!I'm sorry.I'm so sorry.I didn't mean for all this to happen.It was the devil's work.Honey,please...Please beg him" "Get your hands off me woman.Liv take me out of here"he said angrily, "Alice!My child,p-please forgive me.I never meant for this to happen.I was so desperate and naive back then.Please Lena help me!"she pleaded endlessly. "I have nothing to say to you.How could you?How could you be so selfish and heartless.God!I can't even look at you right now and now,because of your evil deeds,I ended up with my own brother.My own flesh and blood!God!I hate you"she barked at her getting up from the bed. "I'm two weeks gone mama.What am I going to do?What am I going to do?she sobbed holding mama Lena. "Shh-shh!Take it easy child" "I need to get out of here mum.Take me out.I never want to see this woman again" "Alex isn't your brother Alice"she said holding her back. "W-what?What did you just say?" "How'd you mean mother?Talk before I slit your throat open"he got up gripping her neck, "Calm down man.Just hear her out!Richard held him back before he could do anything. "I said Alex isn't your brother. "Jane!Don't do this"Mr Williams called out from behind. "What John?Are we still going to hide the truth from him huh?" "What truth?What the hell are you all talking about?"Alex thundered heavily. "You know what,just quit it you all.I'm out of here"he said making to leave the room. "Don't you dare walk out on me.You guys need some dumb ass shabby drama right?Yeah!Alex isn't our son.True,you never left our side, but did you ever ask yourself why Liv's way older than you huh?No!Cause it never really occured to you.Your father and I kept the truth from you all along but it's hightime we let the cat out of the bag.Now sit your ass down" "Rose please!" "Let her talk dad" Talk no mum" "Alright alright.It was several years ago.When I found out I couldn't concieve again.You were only half a month.When your parents,my late brother and his wife died in that terrible car accident that claimed their lives,you were the only survivor in there as they didn't make it out.And then,that's when John and I came in.We took you in and raised you just like our own son,nursing you and showering you with all beauties of love in every way I could and I never regretted it for once.You were a gift to us Alex"she said rubbing her hands on his face. And I still love you very much my sweet sweet boy" "Don't!D-don't you dare come any closer"he hounded at her. "I need some air"he said bursting out of the room. "Alex!Alex!Mum,hw could you?God!I can't even look at you.Let's go babe"Liv said with disgust walking out of the door with her husband following behind. "Mum!I think we've heard enough of this too.We can't stay here anymore"she said getting up from the bed, "Let's go baby.We're going home" "Alice!Alice!Please hear me out.I'm truely sorry for everything.You don't know how miserable I feel realising my mistakes.I never meant for any of this to happen.I'm so sorry baby...My grandson"she said as she moved towards Aaron. "Take your hands off my child"she yelled pushing her hands off roughly. "He's not and he'll never be"she yelled out barging out. "And one more thing,don't you ever call me your child.Cause I'm not yours.My mother died many years ago and she loved me so much.I'm so glad I ended up with mama Lena.She saved me and made me who I am today.If not for her,I'd never be here.So whatever wonky feeling that's going on in your mind right now,kill it.Cause you mean nothing to me"she said drying her tears off. "Lena!Lena..L-Lena please!Please talk to her.She'll listen to you old friend.Please help me" "Jane,I'm sorry but I couldn't keep it to myself anymore,not after all these years"she said wiping her tears off. "It isn't your fault Lena.It's all mine.I completely hate myself.I really do" "Just get up okay?And dry those tears of yours.I'm sure Alice won't be mad at you for so long.She just has a lot going on in her mind right now.She'll come around,trust me"she said pulling her up. "Grandma,c'mon!We're leaving!Mum's waiting for you outside!"Aaron called out from outside. "Ohhh!I'm coming!See you later Jane and don't you cry when I leave,you hear me?" "Okay"she said sniffing hard. "Mummy!Are all those things they said really true?" "Well,yes sadly but you don't have to put your mind to that baby.Mommy is right here for you"she smiled caressing him. "But mommy,are you going to be okay?Uncle Alex said you're comfortable and you need plenty rest" "Well,Uncle Alex is right baby.Just sit back tight so you won't fall off.We'll soon be home"he said kissing him as he laid on her lap. "But mummy,why is grandma the one driving?I thought you were.." "Well,baby,mommy isn't quite strong for that now.She needs to rest but don't worry ok?She'll be fine very soon"she smiled. "Okay!I love you mommy.he got hugging. "I love you very much honey"she said wiping her tears off. ?CHAPTER NINE? ALEX'S POV!!! "Nooooo!This isn't real.If I'm not a Williams nor an Evans,then who am I l?"I shouted with depression. Who the hell are my real parents ?"I cried smashing everything I could get my hands on.It felt as if the whole world was starting to crumble.I could breathe no more. "What have I done to deserve this?"I said getting up from where I was. "Screw this!This has got to end"I yelled out taking up the gun from the books stand. "Alex;Baby where are you?"I heard Alice voice echoing downstairs. "Baby where are you?Are you there?O-Ohh my gosh!What the heck do you want to do?Have you been drinking lately?she said rolling her eyes all over the place. "Alice?Alice!Don't you dare come any closer or I'll shoot myself right now"I roared like a mad man bringing the gun closer to my head . "Babe!B-babe!Please!Please don't do this.Don't do this baby.Don't please"she cried out trying to touch me. "I swear to God Alice,if you move any further,I'll shoot.Do you think life has it's meaning to me again?I have no mother,no father.No one Alice!You get to be happy and I'm fucking not against that.But what about me?Why does it always have to be me?"I cried out bitterly. "Baby!Please just listen to me.You and I can work this out.You have me.You have Aaron baby.Even our baby"she said touching her stomach. You can't just leave us.Just please..please put it down...Please.For my sake!For our chid's sake"she sobbed pleading endlessly. "I'm sorry!"I cried letting the gun fall off my hands. I can't do this.What do I do?Where do I go from here?The world has suddenly turned it's backvon me"I groaned bitterly leaning my head onto her bossom. "N-no!Babe,don't say that" "I can't help it.Turned out my real parents weren't really the Evans,the couples mum said died in a car crash.I was taken from the orphanage since they couldn't have children of their own but then,they died"I said crying bitterly. "Oh God!I'm so sorry.You've got to pull yourself together"I said soothing him. Look at you!You have a wonderful career.You've saved a whole lot of lives out there that I can't even count,you rescued me from the deep ends of sorrow and despair when I had no one to let my heart out on making me realise that there was still hope for me,a hope to love and to be loved again and you've done so many amazing things I bet no one has ever done.So please you can't let this all roll away just like that"I said sobbing. Don't you care what'll happen to me and Aaron or even this baby cooking up in here if anything ever happened to you?I mean c'mon,you have us,you have Liv and her family.They all love you.We all love you.So you don't have to do this my love.We're here for you"she pleaded cupping my face in her hands. "I promise to stand by you no matter what it takes.I once told you I was going to repay you for all the kindness and love you've shown me.Now it's time.So please let me.I love you Alex and no matter what happens,I'll never stop doing that,you hear me?Now get up,so we can go wash this up"she said lifiting me up carefully. She got the heater on and made me get into the bathtub with her following closely.She made sure I got cleaned up well and when she was done,she left to see to it that my bedroom was all in good piece again.I wonder what I would have done without her by my side,She was really an angel in human form and I'm actually glad,that I had someone like her l.She made me feel alive again and I'm forever grateful for that"I smiled too myself as I stood thinking. "Baby,what' you thinking about?"she asked from behind putting her arms around me. "Nothing really.Let's just say I'm glad that've got you"I said swooping her up in my arms. "Haha!Put me down"she said happily wiggling her feet. Whoo!l'm so glad to have you back again"she said smiling at me. That smile gave me comfort and for the first time in three days,I slept peacefully with her all cuddled up beside me. ?CHAPTER TEN? THE FINALE!!! I walked down the aisle smiling endlessly as I gazed at Alex who was standing right next to the priest who had a bible in his hands.I looked to the right,seeing my father who had my hands in his as he rolled his wheelchair and to the left,where my mum,my older sister,mama Lena,my son and the rest of the people were all seated looking all gay and happy.It was finally the d-day.The day we've all been waiting for.Dad had finally forgiven my mum and everything was finally back to normal.I really wished my foster mum was alive to see this day.I thought about her as a drop of tears dropped off from eyes.I fought it back so I wouldn't ruin the mascara Liv had rubbed me else she'll get furious.Heh!I smiled to myself as I walked majestically towards where my dream man stood.It was just like I had imagined.I was going to be Alex's and his forever.I smiled as he took my hand in his,Everything seemed so perfect and as he read his vows out loud to the hearing of everyone,I never wanted it to end.Who'd think that a girl like me who had passed through so many trials and hardship,will have such magnificent ending?It felt like a dream and I never wanted to wake up from me.Alex swooped me up and kissed me right in front of everyone as they all clapped and wowed with excitement feeling the church. "I love you Alice"he whispered in my ears. "I love you most"I said out to him It felt really good seeing everyone celebrate with us.My baby was the happiest of all.He finally had someone to call a dad,afterall these years.I felt really gald knowing he wouldn't be alone anymore I smiled again wiping the tears off my eyes before anyone could see it. "Oww...Ahh!Alex!I can't take it anymore.It so hurts like hell"I said gasping for breath as I laid on the hospital bed with Alex right next to me. "Ahhhh...I screamed again pushing so hard as hot sweat gushed out from me. It wasn't as painful as it was back when I had my first issue.It was less hurting knowing I had Alex by my side.I screamed out again as it felt as though a heavy load was lifted off me. "Twin babies"I heard the midwife say. "Twins!"I muttered weakly. "My!They're both beautiful.Baby look"he said bringing them closer to me as they put them in his arms. Gosh!They looked really beautiful. "They're beautiful"I smiled lying back down weakly as I drifted off to sleep. ?10 YEARS FROM NOW? "Mum!Dad!!Guess who got a scholarship to study medicine at Iridium university?" "Hmmm...Who?"she asked with curiosity taking off her glasses. "Me mum!I'm going to be a doctor"Aaron screamed with happiness hugging her tightly. "My God!Are you serious?"Alicia and her husband exclaimed with surprise. "Mum look at it.I'm fucking serious"he said happily handing the envelope over to them. "OMG!I'm so happy for you honey"she said hugging him with tears rolling down her face. "I knew you'd always make us proud son"Alex cut in taking us both in his arms. It was an intriguing day for everyone seeing her son finally taking up the career of his dreams.It was a dream come truemHer joy knew no bounds.Her baby was finally growing into the man she had wished to see him become. "If only Ronald was alive today to see what has become of his son.How time flies...Mmm!"she smiled to herself letting go of the tears in her eyes. "Oh no honey!This isn't a time to cry"she heard her husband call from behind with the sound of the waves splashing on each other. "I'm not crying.I'm just really happy seeing us all together"she continued holding him. "And I'm glad too"he said pecking her. "Awe!Don't leave us out daddy"Josie and Jessie giggled from behind. "Ohh!Come here you two.I love you guys"they said hugging them both. "And we love you too mummy....daddy!" The End!!!
28 May 2020 | 16:50
Blood of zacariah
28 May 2020 | 17:38
28 May 2020 | 19:05
28 May 2020 | 19:58
Yup.Oh,were you expecting more Edem?
28 May 2020 | 20:24
@The comely Wasn't expecting that
28 May 2020 | 20:30
nicE one!!
28 May 2020 | 23:54
@Henrymary Aww why tnx
29 May 2020 | 11:23
@DanielEdem Mm-hmm!!!
29 May 2020 | 11:23
@timson Tnk u
29 May 2020 | 11:24
@thecomely What?lol
29 May 2020 | 11:25
@Daniel Eden Isn't that obvious?Or do you want a much longer one cx I can get the w-pad one for ya????
29 May 2020 | 11:27
@Daniel Edem Isn't it that obvious?Or do you want a much longer one cx I can get the w-pad one for ya????
29 May 2020 | 11:29
*stares at lovely eyes* **clears throat** Beautiful piece from a pretty damsel with a wonderful name and a colorful demeanor.. More of this please, but try to they slow down o.. At least 3 episodes per day wil be alrite, film whey we de fast forward na de make brain *sips wine*
29 May 2020 | 11:39
29 May 2020 | 13:48
@ciarajessy nothing dear u really did well.
29 May 2020 | 14:57
@thecomely Why,thank you
30 May 2020 | 05:59
Philemon Msagha Kleilu Tnx dear?
30 May 2020 | 06:00
@Philemon Msagha Kleilu Tnx dear
30 May 2020 | 06:00
@Philemeon Msagha Kileilu Tnk you
30 May 2020 | 06:01
@Ele1 ?Sure dear.I'll do just that.Tnx once again.
31 May 2020 | 08:58


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