"Adzo (The Untamed)" by Elton nana

"Adzo (The Untamed)" by Elton nana

By olayintan in 21 Mar 2016 | 14:26
olayintan olayintan

olayintan olayintan

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Comes another intriguing, mind blowing story
Titled “Adzo (The Untamed)”
21 Mar 2016 | 14:26
21 Mar 2016 | 14:29
Episode 1 When a child is born into this world, the child is exposed to both good and bad behaviors. As conflicting as this may sound, these behaviors makes us Human beings. We can’t be absolutely good; neither can we be absolutely bad. A little bit of both makes us who we are. However, the one that dominates you determines what people see you to be. Born in a life full of misery, poverty and hardship, Adzo had nothing to fight for than her own life. At the age of 15 years, her own biological father sold her for only GHS600.00 to Mr. Abdul to pay off his debts. Adzo’s mother died of a snake bite at her farm when Adzo was only 10 years old. She started experiencing real life when she was sold to Mr. Abdul. As rich as Mr. Abdul was, with a lot of cattle and lands, one may have thought Adzo was going to a world of paradise where food and water would be in abundance little did she know that she was just a mere property to Mr. Abdul. Just like any other property or asset, Mr. Abdul treated Adzo the way he wanted to. Aside the three wives Mr. Abdul already had, Adzo was like a sex toy to him. He slept with her under hard conditions and at any time He wanted. Food and clean water was like a luxury for Adzo. Mr Abdul even fed his cattle more than he fed Adzo. Aside all her ordeals, she was expected to work hard at all times. Prepare meals, go to farm, clean the entire compound of Mr. Abdul’s house and finally run errands for Mr.Abdul’s three wives. She had no choice to make in life, no dreams, no future and no education. She had nothing to believe in or even a god to pray to. All that she could boast of was that she had life. Under these difficult and cruel conditions, it came to a time that she couldn’t just keep up with it. She tried escaping only to end up at Mr.Abdul’s favorite customer’s house. In order to please Mr. Abdul and get more discount when buying cattle, He in turn returned her to Mr. Abdul. This only worsen Adzo’s situation. As a way of punishment, she was starved for days. She only survived with water. At this moment, she will do anything just to have a spoon of rice to kill her hunger. This is when she had no other option than to trade sex with food with one of Mr. Abdul’s headsmen. Adzo felt that whatever was going on around her was normal. She had no option than to adjust herself to this condition. At just age 15 Adzo already had seen it all in life. She felt the world around her was just a cruel world and to actually make it in life, you needed to be born in a worthy family, if not, then you will become like her. When Adzo was given birth to, everyone was amazed by her beauty. She had huge beautiful eyes and a very smooth skin. She was really endowed with beauty. But now, it will only take somebody with a pure heart to even notice her beauty. Out of maltreatment and hunger, Adzo was not pleasing to eyes of any man. As innocent as she was brought into this world, her life became transformed with the situation she was in. Things got worsen when Mr. Abdul bought another young teenage girl, almost at the same age with Adzo. This young girl, Sekina was actually used to this condition and living. This was about third time she had been sold to a different Master. Unlike Adzo, Sekina, looked quite healthy and fit. Mr. Abdul already, had gotten fond of her and treated her exceptionally different from the way he treated the other servants and Adzo herself. In a way, it helped Adzo, because she was not being subjected to sex as she was used to. Sekina was the new sex slave for Mr. Abdul. Things became different and even extremely difficult when Mr. Abdul expressed his interest in making Sekina his 4th wife. Sekina was happy about it since she knew that as time goes on, she won’t be treated as a servant but as a Mistress. Sekina was looking forward to getting to the top . She was not ready to let anyone stand in her way. Adzo began experiencing symptoms of pregnancy. This was not good news. For Adzo, to be pregnant means burden on Mr. Abdul especially when she was just a mere servant. Is either she will be thrown out or will be sold for a cheaper price. Sekina noticed this and reported the issue to Mr. Abdul when he was at her chambers. “Master, there is something you need to know about Adzo” Sekina said. “What is it” Mr. Abdul asked. “Master, I have seen her several times with Aziz in quiet places at night” She said “And I think she is pregnant now” She continued. “How sure are you? Adzo is a very hard working servant and I don’t want to lose her. So I ask you again. How sure are you that Adzo is pregnant? Mr. Abdul asked again. “Master am absolutely sure” said Sekina “Call them to my presence now” Mr. Abdul commanded. Sekina didn’t see that coming. She thought Mr.Abdul will even wait till the morning before doing that, however she was pleased with how Mr. Abdul handled the issue. Sekina did as she was commanded and in no time Aziz and Adzo came. “Aziz, I brought you here, to look after my cattle and not to use my servant for yourself. I have seen your involvement with Adzo a couple of times. You know the consequence if you lie to me. Now, what business do you have with her? Mr. Abdul asked. He dare not lie or he will surely face the wrath of of Mr. Abdul. He had already been put on the spot when Mr. Abdul clearly mentioned that He had seen him with Adzo. “Master, forgive me. I gave Adzo food in exchange for her warmth. Master please forgive me” Aziz confessed. “How many times has this happened” Mr.Abdul asked him. “Master three times” Aziz answered. “Get out of my sight now, I will deal with you later” Mr. Abdul said and turned to Adzo. To him, Men always had the upper hand in everything. They believe that a woman’s duty is keep the house and always obey the man. Even their own law favors the men than the women, and in the case of a servant, you have no say. “Adzo, you heard what Aziz said. Is that true? Mr. Abdul asked. She had no option that to say the truth and face consequence. “Master, yes” Adzo answered. “And I see that you’re with a child, Am I right? Asked, Mr. Abdul. “Yes, Master” Adzo said with her face down. “I have been with you and so has Aziz too, who is responsible for the child” Mr. Abdul asked. Mr. Abdul was the one responsible for the pregnancy. Adzo was with fear to even say that her master was responsible for it. She was in a dilemma now. “I ask for the last time, who is responsible for the child you carry” Mr. Abdul asked this time looking very angry. Sekina was observing with keen interest with whatever was going on. So far, everything went in her favor.
21 Mar 2016 | 14:35
i don come again ohh......
21 Mar 2016 | 14:48
Episode 2 Sekina was observing with keen interest in whatever was going on. So far, everything went in her favor. “Master, I beg of you, its Aziz” She lied. “I thought as much” Mr. Abdul said “Adzo as much as I still need your services here, I can’t keep you neither can I sell you to any of my traders.” “Master, Please don’t send me away, I have nowhere to go” Adzo pleaded. “Adzo, you are of no use to me now, am giving you till tomorrow morning to pack your things and leave my yard. Get out of my site right away” Mr. Abdul said. Adzo dares not to plead again. What her master had said was final and she had no option than to comply. She then went into her hut and began packing her stuff. Sekina had gotten what she wanted. She knew that with the absence of Adzo, she would surely end up winning the favor of her master and eventually become one of his wives. Early the next morning Adzo set off. Not knowing where she was going. she had no food just a bottle of water. A young girl already exposed to the hardship of life. She kept walking with the thoughts running through her mind. She had a different perception about life due to the nature she was brought up. To Adzo, in life its either you are destined to be poor or wealthy and she just found herself at the former where she was destined to dine with the poor. Hunger and tiredness sets in. She was weak and couldn’t move on anymore. The sun was setting and she needed a place to pass the night. Adzo heard the cars passing by from a distance. A sigh of relief. At least, if she could get closer to where the sound came from, she may be able to get to a town nearby where she can spend the night. This renewed her strength to carry on. Adzo walked faster to where the sound came from and soon she came to a road side. She wasn’t familiar with how the road looked. It was tiled with tar and a white markings divided the road equally into two. All her life, she had grown up in a town where vehicles only came to their village to deliver food items and vegetables. The roads leading to her little town was in a deplorable state, untarred and unpleasantly damaged by erosion. Upon seeing it, she was amazed; she quickly dropped her bottle of water and her tattered bag to have a feel of it. She then knelt on it and with her hands she began to feel the hardness of the road. “What is this” She asked herself. “A hard ground with no sand or even a plant on it. You can’t even tell where it comes from or where its leads to” She kept exploring the road. “Maybe, this will be a perfect place for me to spend the night.” She said and quickly laid her cloth on it and slept there in the middle of the road. GOD HAVE MERCY. Ignorance at its peak. Meanwhile, Mr. Abdul noticed that Adzo had left his yard and you could tell that her presence was really needed there. The whole yard looked unkempt and dirty. Mr. Abdul thought that Sekina would have performed Adzo’s duty until he finds someone to replace her. Within this short absence of Adzo, everything in Mr. Abdul’s yard really looked disorganized. Sekina on the other hand was pleased that she now had no competitor. Adzo who seemed to be a threat to her was out of the way for good. All she hoped for was to climb the ladder and become one of the Mr. Abdul’s wives. At least, she knew this would socially upgrade her from being a servant to a mistress. Mr. Abdul didn’t like the way things were moving but he felt it was too early to complain. It’s even less than a day since Adzo left, perhaps Sekina would surely attend to it by the end of the day. Mr. Abdul thought. Aziz on the other remained in the confinement of Mr. Abdul even after Adzo had lied that he was the one responsible for her pregnancy. He was left unpunished, just because he is a male. They never regarded women to be more than just helpers and vessels for baby making. Adzo had finished laying her cloth in the middle of the road and was getting ready to lie down. She used her tattered bag as pillow and placed her head on it right there in the middle of the road. Night had fallen and the stars shown bright as she lay down and kept starring at them in deep thoughts. “Where will I go in the morning” She asked herself. She began feeling sleepy. Before she could close her eyes, she got distracted by a vehicle horn. She got frightened and stood up to see where the car was coming from. At that point in time, all she saw was a car coming towards her at top speed. TBC
21 Mar 2016 | 14:56
Okkk #Fingers crossed. ride on sire.
21 Mar 2016 | 15:09
21 Mar 2016 | 15:22
adzo dis is really difficult
21 Mar 2016 | 15:25
Ride On
21 Mar 2016 | 15:27
21 Mar 2016 | 17:05
I really love the writers that post Episodes on the first page, it makes it alot easier for me.
21 Mar 2016 | 18:25
nice start ride on bro
21 Mar 2016 | 18:40
Nice start, nxt plz
22 Mar 2016 | 02:40
Hum,wat next
22 Mar 2016 | 03:23
hmmm nyc 1
22 Mar 2016 | 03:27
U sopoz de happy say god save u frm ur masta
22 Mar 2016 | 03:27
Episode 3 At that point in time, all she saw was a car coming towards her at top speed. She was so blinded by the high light of the oncoming vehicle that she had nothing to do. Adzo was in danger; she made no attempt to even escape as she had no time for that. The vehicle was very close now, all Adzo could think of was to embrace death. The driver of the vehicle was very quick. She reacted quickly and drove of the road in other to save Adzo. Unfortunately, she run into a big Tree by the road side and damaged the car. What a narrow escape, Adzo was saved. She sat in the middle of the road wondering what had just happened. She began shivering when she realised what had happened. Before she could make any move to get of from the road, she heard a faint voice whispering for help. The voice came from the vehicle. Adzo was scared to go closer to the vehicle but had no option. She stood up, and slowly walked towards the car. From the voice , you could tell that the person was in pain. Upon reaching the car, Adzo noticed the driver was a young beautiful lady, shabbily dressed in a tight outfit. Adzo had never seen a lady drive a car before and for her seeing that for the first time seemed strange to her. Adzo noticed that the lady had a cut on her leg and was bleeding profusely. She needed to do something. Adzo helped the lady out of the car and without uttering any word, Adzo ran into the forest. The lady called her out to come back but it fell on Adzo’s deaf ears. “Come back, please, don’t leave me like this” The lady called out. Soon she realiezed that she was all alone in the dark and was bleeding. She tore a piece of her outfit and was getting ready to tie it around her leg. At least, that will stop the bleeding for a while, she thought. “Mistress, Don’t do that, it will worsen it” a voice came from behind her. It was Adzo, she had returned with some herbal leaves. She took the leaves and wiped it on her cloth to remove the dirt. Adzo then placed it in her mouth and with haste, she began chewing the leaves. The lady watched her closely in amazement as Adzo chewed the leaves. “This will stop the bleeding and ease the pain” Adzo said and placed the chewed leaves on the wounded leg. The lady kept staring at Adzo as she tried dressing her wound. “She looks strange” The Lady thought. Adzo’s dressing was far from modernized and you could tell from her look that was what she was used to. “Who are you, young girl? what were you doing on the road, I almost ran over you” The Lady asked. Adzo was silent as she didn’t want to answer her to show her ignorance. She just kept on dressing the wound. “young girl, please answer me, are you here with someone? you should be home at this time of night. Where are your parents” The lady kept asking. The mention of parents got the attention of Adzo. She then looked at the Lady and said. “My Master just released me, so no parent has bought me yet” Adzo answered. “What are you talking about, I’m asking of your mother and father” Said the Lady “Mother died long ago, Father sold me to Mr. Abdul and now Mr. Abdul doesn’t need me anymore” Adzo said. This surprised the Lady, never in her life has she ever encountered such a thing. People being sold like a property. Before she could interrogate her any further, she heard her phone ringing in her car. The incident happened so quickly that she had even forgotten she had a phone. She stood up and picked up the phone. “What is that” Adzo asked herself. She looked at the lady closely as she began talking on the on phone. ON PHONE Caller: “We have been waiting for you for so long, your parents are even here” . Lady: “Honey, I’m in the middle of nowhere, I just had a minor accident and the car is damaged” Caller: “What, which road did you use, I will be there soon” Lady: “ Just drive on the highway, you will find me but Fred, don’t let anyone know about this, just come and pick me up” Caller: “I will be there soon” “What is that thing you are talking to” Adzo couldn’t hide her ignorance anymore. “You don’t know what this is? She asked. Adzo kept her eyes gazed on the phone. “ I see, it’s a phone, we communicate with it. Fred will be here soon, it’s rather unfortunate that this will happen on my engagement night.” She said. “I’m getting married tomorrow” She continued. TO BE CONTINUED.
22 Mar 2016 | 03:41
Episode 4 “I’m getting married tomorrow” She continued. Adzo quickly reached out to her tattered bag and took out five cocoa seeds and gave them to her. “Take these mistress” Adzo said. “These are cocoa seeds, what should I do with them? She asked. “That’s my gift to you for your marriage. I have no cattle or sheep but this is all I have”Adzo said. As funny as it was, the lady was amazed by Adzo’s kind gesture and this made her more curious about who Adzo really was. “Thank you very much “ She said and placed the seeds in her hand bag. “By the way whats your name” She asked. “Mistress, My name is Adzo” Adzo answered. “Nice name, You can call me Aunty Ruby. I prefer that to the mistress” She said. Adzo nodded and took a second look at the wound she had already dressed with the herbs. Fortunately, Ruby had stopped bleeding. “Thank you Adzo, I barely feel any pain now” Ruby said. No one had ever thanked Adzo ; she wondered why someone like Ruby would be doing that. For her, to show appreciation to a servant; you just had to assign her to more duties. Everything about Ruby seemed strange to Adzo; her dressing, her kindness and even the car she was driving. Adzo didn’t feel worthy to be in her presence. Now that the wound was partially healed and Ruby was out of danger, she felt the need to leave her. Adzo then took her bag and stood up to leave. “Where are you going to Adzo” Ruby asked. “I don’t know mistress, I have to keep walking till I find shelter” Adzo said. “Are you saying you don’t have anywhere going? Ruby in shock asked. She was beginning to realize the reality of what Adzo had told her earlier. Adzo nodded her head. “I have no master now” “Master? Ruby asked, she was really finding it hard to believe the reality of Adzo’s issue. “Come, Sit with me” Ruby said and slowly Adzo walked to her side and sat with her. Ruby took her by the hand and looked at her in the eyes. Adzo had never been shown this compassion and tenderness before. The last time she remembered feeling this way was when her mother was alive. Ruby was really getting fond of Adzo. Her innocent look and her level of ignorance made Ruby like her more. Ruby came out with first class in Bachelor of Commence at University of Cape Coast before she met Fred a clearing agent at Tema harbor. With regards to Education and wealth, Ruby had it all. Her parents were very rich and respectable people in the society. Fred on the other hand was just battling it out with life until He met Ruby. They both fell in love and eventually decided to get married. Ruby’s parent were very fond of Fred because of the unconditional love Fred showed to their daughter. They took him to be their own son and treated him as such. As a matter of fact all their wedding expenses were indirectly taken care of by Ruby’s parent. Ruby and Fred had already booked their flight for honeymoon in Singapore. That showed the class and how wealthy they were. But things were about to change, either for good or for bad or even for the worse. Things were going to change, where true individuals’ characters would be exposed, where the good turns to bad and where we all are blinded by the good only to be subjected to wickedness and hatred. Meanwhile, back at Mr. Abdul’s yard, It was already late in the night and still the yard looked unkept. Mr. Abdul was so furious now. Sekina should not count her chicks before the eggs are hatched. What she failed to remember was the fact that she was still a servant until Mr. Abdul says otherwise. The fact that Mr. Abdul used her to satisfy his sexual desires does not change her status. Adzo was in the same position until she got pregnant. Mr. Abdul looked at the whole yard and kept yelling Sekina’s name. He looked around and to his amazement, Sekina was nowhere in his yard. “Where is that girl” Mr. Abdul asked himself. He went into all the servants’ huts including where the male servants were and yet Sekina was nowhere to be found. It seems she was out of the yard but her belongings were still intact which meant that she was not far away from the yard. Mr. Abdul didn’t stop searching. He couldn’t bare the fact that his whole compound was so unclean. He took the lantern to go further in search of Sekina. He went behind the house and went straight to where his cattle are kept. There was a small hut there, that was where tools were kept for the farm. Fortunately, Mr. Abdul saw from a distance that there was a lighted lantern that shined from the window of the hut. “Who could be there at this time of the night” Mr. Abdul asked himself. He went closer and upon reaching there, he opened the door leading to the tools’ room. Unfortunately, to his amazement, he saw Aziz fully naked on top of Sekina who was also naked. Sekina was having an intense sexual intercourse with Aziz, the same servant that traded food for sex with Adzo. TO BE CONTINUED
22 Mar 2016 | 03:45
Adzo lucky qirl but time will tell weda u are in safe handz.
22 Mar 2016 | 03:51
Crusher's here
22 Mar 2016 | 03:58
Aziz... Time up. Sekina... Faded dreamz
22 Mar 2016 | 03:59
adzo u are living a life of hardship, i hope God protect u. u might c favour with the man in the car
22 Mar 2016 | 04:12
Chai..nice story..
22 Mar 2016 | 04:18
this aziz self need to be locked up
22 Mar 2016 | 04:43
Nice one
22 Mar 2016 | 04:44
lolz sekina wife to be
22 Mar 2016 | 05:02
[b]I swear iqnorance nah bad cos it makes one look odd amonq the qentiles (civilized people) next pls![/b]
22 Mar 2016 | 05:22
22 Mar 2016 | 05:24
22 Mar 2016 | 05:35
Stand up ooo @Adzo...
22 Mar 2016 | 05:46
Its good to be good
22 Mar 2016 | 06:14
wow nice one. Ride on
22 Mar 2016 | 06:18
22 Mar 2016 | 06:40
Oya dey follow u carry go.
22 Mar 2016 | 08:18
it is well
22 Mar 2016 | 09:41
Oga oooo, what a wicked world
22 Mar 2016 | 10:21
the major is here, carry waka.
22 Mar 2016 | 10:55
U better move away 4rm d road oooooooooo @adzo
22 Mar 2016 | 11:48
Sekina your dream of becoming Mr Adul's mistress will never come to past If I were Mr Adul I will caught off Aziz's third leg since it has no control
22 Mar 2016 | 14:51
22 Mar 2016 | 16:55
i know this is a stolen story,,pls acknowledge the original author
22 Mar 2016 | 18:03
dis is a stolen story,Elton Nana Amoah is d original author.... why can u claim ownership of someone's intellectual property.. check out this link for d original write up....... Contact on: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: @eltonnana Twitter: @elton_nana Snapchat: @elton_nana
22 Mar 2016 | 18:04
22 Mar 2016 | 18:33
He went closer and upon reaching there, he opened the door leading to the tools’ room. Unfortunately, to his amazement, he saw Aziz fully naked on top of Sekina who was also naked. Sekina was having an intense sexual intercourse with Aziz, the same servant that traded food for sex with Adzo. Ruby and Adzo were both seated on the trunk of Ruby’s car patiently waiting for Fred to come. Ruby at that point had developed a unique likeness for Adzo within that short period of time. She saw her to be more like a sister. She still wondered how come a young girl like Adzo, would be abandoned like that, at that time of the night all alone. “Adzo, tell me more, I want to know how you really ended up here” Ruby asked. Adzo who had also developed some level of trust for Ruby without hesitation began telling her story. “My father sold me to my master. I was under his care and supervision for all this time and was serving him as a servant. I did everything for him and eventually he entrusted me with a lot of duties. Unfortunately I got ….” Adzo said but was interrupted by an oncoming vehicle. “I hope that’s Fred” Ruby said and stood up as she saw the car coming towards them. Her wish had come true, It was Fred’s car. He quickly packed his car and got down in a rush to attend to his betrothed wife, Ruby. Indeed Fred was a very handsome chocolate guy with his beard and hair well-trimmed and shaped. He wore a well fitted “Woodin” African print that made him look more elegant. Upon reaching the scene, he quickly rushed to Ruby and embraced her with a big hug without noticing Adzo. Meanwhile, the heat was on when Mr. Abdul saw Sekina and Aziz together. They didn’t even notice that Mr. Abdul was all along watching them from a distance. He took it easy and without interrupting them, he gently closed the door and went back to his hut. About an hour and half later, He heard a rush of footsteps in his yard and came out to check who it was. It was Sekina, who was unusually sweating. Indeed She had really been busy. “Where are you coming from at this time of the night, the whole yard looks unclean?” Mr. Abdul asked. “Erm Erm Master, I, I…..” Sekina was fumbling. “Can’t you talk, I demand answers now” Mr. Abdul was getting angry at that moment. “It’s one of the cattle; I heard a strange noise coming from the corral. Upon checking I noticed it was nothing to be alarmed with.” She lied. “I see and since when did that become part of your job description” Mr. Abdul asked. “Master, I was only concerned” Sekina said. “You dare not talk back at me, you have grown wings right, don’t forget your place. By the way, you and Aziz should see me as soon as cock crows.” Mr. Abdul said and left her presence. That was so unusual, Sekina wondered if Mr Abdul was actually suspecting something. Without wasting any time, she quickly went to Aziz’s post and called him out. “What is it Sekina, its late, I have to sleep” Aziz said. “Aziz, I smell something fishy, I think Master suspects something” Sekina said. “What makes you think so, we covered out trays very well” He said. “He really looked angry tonight and was acting really suspicious, the worst of it all is that, He wants to see both of us in the morning” Sekina said. “This doesn’t sound good, are you sure of what you are telling me? Aziz asked. “See, we need to act immediately before anything goes wrong rather than you standing here and doubting me” She said. “Hmm, what do you suggest we do? Aziz asked. “Seriously, are you asking me? Are you not the Man” Said Sekina. After a brief silence, Sekina brought up a suggestion. “Look, I think you should get out of here now and disappear for some time, at least he will divert his attention into finding you” Sekina suggested. “You think that will work? Aziz asked. “Just do it and stop asking questions” Sekina said. On the other hand, Fred was pleased to see Ruby safe except for the cut on her leg. He now noticed the presence of Adzo and asked Ruby who she was. “This Adzo, I almost run over her with the car. She actually dressed my wound with these herbs.” Ruby said. “Thank you so much Adzo, I’m really grateful for what you have done. I hope you are not hurt yourself” He asked showing concern. “No master, I’m ok” Adzo answered. “Thank God” He said “Honey we must get going now” Fred continued. “Erm hold on, there is something you should know” Ruby said “What is it my love? He asked. “Adzo is coming with us” Ruby said. Suddenly the look on Fred’s face changed instantly. He wasn’t happy about what Ruby said. “Honey, why this, we can drive her to her home but I don’t think she coming with us is a good idea” Fred said. “Fred, she has nowhere to go, no home, and no family. She is all alone Fred” Ruby tried explaining “I really don’t agree we don’t know her from anywhere” Fred insisted. “Fred, have some compassion for Christ sake, at least we can let her spend the night and decide what to do in the morning, and I’m not leaving her here all by herself.” Ruby said. Ruby had never spoken to Fred in that manner and this got Fred a bit worried. He didn’t want to jeopardize their relationship at that time where they will be getting married the following day. “Honey calm down, I was just being sure if she can be trusted, but if you say so, let’s take her home and then we can decide what to do after the wedding” Fred said and helped Adzo with her bag. “She is not going anywhere” a voice came from behind Ruby’s car and to Adzo’s surprise it was Aziz. To Be Continued
23 Mar 2016 | 03:27
Episode 6 “She is not going anywhere” a voice came from behind Ruby’s car and to Adzo’s surprise it was Aziz. Aziz knew his way around the town unlike Adzo. He knew exactly where he would be taking solace until he finds the right time to go back to Mr. Abdul’s yard. It was only a coincidence that he ran into Adzo, Fred and Ruby. Adzo wasn’t pleased to see Aziz. she asked herself so many questions. Aziz showing up from nowhere at that very moment gave her a lot to think about. She even thought that perhaps, Mr. Abdul sent him to look for her. “Who are you? Ruby asked. “I should be asking you that” Aziz said. Surprisingly, Aziz’s approach was really aggressive. What he really wanted from Adzo at that moment was unclear. Fred on the other hand was worried about their safety considering the time and their encounter with this total stranger, Aziz. “Adzo do you know him from anywhere” Ruby asked. Adzo was caught in a dilemma. To her, Aziz was just a fellow servant back at Mr. Abdul’s yard. She only got involved with him when she was in need of food and had no option than to trade it for sex. Adzo in her own way blamed Aziz for her being sacked. However, she needed to make a firm decision on what to do. She made up her mind to tell a lie besides that wouldn’t have been her first time. Adzo’s future depended on whatever she says now. Its either she lies or jeopardize her only HOPE for a better future. “Adzo, tell them who I am” Aziz said. “She even knows your name, who is he Adzo” Ruby who was feeling disappointed and suspicious asked. For now, she was really concerned about who Adzo really was. She then became very conscious for the fact that she within the shortest possible time she had developed so much interest in her without taking into consideration who she really was. “Mistress, I don’t know him, I’m sure he used to come to my Masters yard” Adzo lied. “Whaaaat” Aziz was so shocked that his words chocked him. He never thought Adzo would really lie about that. He just couldn’t accept the reality of the matter. “Adzo, you don’t know me now” He asked again. Ruby was also getting scared at that point in time, she just wanted to leave the scene immediately. “I think we must be going” Fred said. Upon saying this, Fred and Ruby quickly sat in Fred’s car leaving Adzo and Aziz there alone. “Mistress, can I still come with you? Adzo asked. With all this happening, Ruby still wanted Adzo to come with them, however she wanted Adzo to make that decision for herself. She wants to help but sometimes those who need help don’t really want to be helped and for that matter She needed Adzo to decide for herself. Fred just kept mute and looked on. “Adzo, that is your decision to make, I want to help you based on what you told me today. At least my conscience is clear. It’s your decision my dear” Ruby said. Aziz was not ready to see Adzo leave with these strange people he had just met. “Adzo, let’s go back, Master wants you back” Aziz said. He was lying now, he knew that Adzo would listen to her since she was bound by the masters words and commands. “Why would master want me back, when he drove me out himself” Adzo asked herself. She stood between the door of the car and Aziz. All she had to do was open it and then get something to hope for or heed to Aziz’s lies. “Lady, is getting late, we need to get going” Fred said to Adzo giving her a little pressure which Ruby didn’t like it but was quiet about it. Ruby somehow knew that Adzo for some reasons had lied to her about Aziz. However she was not ready to overlook the kindness and compassion she felt for her. Adzo looked at Aziz one more time which actually gave Aziz a sign of relief. “Adzo, let’s go, Master really has some good offers for you now, lets go” Aziz said. Indeed Adzo was smart, that statement alone Aziz made showed that he was lying. She knew her master very well and that offer Aziz was talking about was just a fairy tale. Without think twice or wasting any more time, she then opened the door and without hesitation she entered the vehicle. Before Aziz could make any further move, Fred had already taken off. Adzo felt that she had hope now and that she had made a good decision. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of her plight. To Be Continued
23 Mar 2016 | 03:33
she shoulda told them the truth maybe they could help her!
23 Mar 2016 | 07:37
23 Mar 2016 | 08:22
Nawa o...vhis girl don suffer
23 Mar 2016 | 08:50
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm next
23 Mar 2016 | 09:00
chaii.... it's well.
23 Mar 2016 | 09:38
begining of her Plight
23 Mar 2016 | 09:47
@victoriouschild can u lay emphasis on wat is called third leg
23 Mar 2016 | 10:08
@yusingkey I can't
23 Mar 2016 | 10:41
adzo i think u make a good decision
23 Mar 2016 | 10:49
Beginning watin
23 Mar 2016 | 11:03
23 Mar 2016 | 12:10
Getting more interesting
23 Mar 2016 | 12:23
[b]Uhm... I hope Fred 'll not end Up bleepinq Adzo cos dat was wht my instinct is tellinq me riqht nw fa[/b]
23 Mar 2016 | 13:21
adzo so sorry dear but ur people from villa want u to suffer ni :) next pls
23 Mar 2016 | 15:04
y iz life so cruel to adzo
23 Mar 2016 | 15:42
Fred too de rush
23 Mar 2016 | 16:56
jesus meeeh!
23 Mar 2016 | 17:41
23 Mar 2016 | 18:16
Eheeeeeh,what a lyf, may God save you
23 Mar 2016 | 18:40
..Diz iz naija john everitin z dsame ...make god help us all
23 Mar 2016 | 20:45
carry go.
23 Mar 2016 | 22:53
Episode 7 Adzo felt that she had hope now and that she had made a good decision now. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of her plight? Aziz on the other hand was left alone on the road. He stood there and gazed at the vehicle as it’s slowly fades away from the Horizon. A new chapter has begun in Adzo’s life. A new family, a new environment and new face of life. As to how she was going to cope with this new life of hers’ , only fate can tell. It was about 30 minutes’ drive until they got to their destination. Fred and Ruby decided not to alarm anyone on the accident. Upon reaching their destination, Adzo was amazed upon seeing the huge house Ruby and Fred lived in. The place was filled with high dignitaries well dressed with music at the background. The engagement party had already started when Fred and Ruby got there. They had to use the back door in order to avoid been seen by the invited guest. Adzo slowly followed them from behind. She had no idea where she was and practically everything there was not familiar to her. She kept starring at every single object her eyes will come across. Ruby then showed her to her room and gave her a shabby out fit to put on for the party. “Adzo, take your shower and put on this afterwards. You will be meeting my parents soon” Ruby said. Adzo looked at the dress over and over again. She had never seen anyone or even come across such a dress before. Ruby was the smart type. She knew how ignorant Adzo was, however she called out one of the maids in the house to help assist Adzo if the need arises. “Adzo, This Efe, she will assist you in anything you do” Ruby said. Adzo nodded. She was still finding it difficult to adapt to her new environment. Ruby entered her room and went straight to shower up. Fred on the other hand was already at the forecourt of the house were the party was taking place. He was by then, attending to the guest and interacting with them. Right after taking a quick shower, she came back to her bedroom to meet her mother sitting on her bed. Apparently she has been waiting for Ruby all this while she was bathing. “Hey Maa, I didn’t’ know you were here” Ruby said. “Well I am, where have you been all this while Ruby, you kept us worried and the guest waiting. It doesn’t speak well of us. Where have you been ? She asked. “Maa, this really not the time for this, I will explain later, like you said, we can’t keep the guest waiting” Ruby said. “Anyway, I will be waiting for you downstairs and please hurry up and join us” Her mother said and stood up from the bed. She was going back to the party where she suddenly popped up with a question that surprised and got Ruby’s attention. “Ruby, who is that girl you came with? She asked. Ruby’s mother had already spotted them when they were coming through the back door. Ruby was surprised to hear her mum ask that question, she wondered if Fred was the one who told her. “I see Fred had already told you about Adzo” Ruby said. “So that’s her name, well he did not, I saw you when you were coming in” She said. “Who is she? She asked Ruby again. “Mum, for now, all I can tell you is that, she will be spending the night here. I will surely introduce her to you today. We will talk more about her after the wedding tomorrow “Ruby said. Actually, Ruby had not really decided on what to do with Adzo because by tomorrow, she will be married and her a decision such as this would be taken together with her new husband Fred. Already Fred had expressed his unwillingness in letting Adzo stay over and it will be another task for Ruby to convince Fred. Ruby however was not overlooking the compassion she felt for Adzo when they two met and even with all the risk she may be exposing herself to, she just wanted to help Adzo. Her mother didn’t comment about it, she just nodded and left Ruby’s room. Indeed, Ruby’s mother was not the “waiting type”. She wanted to find things out in her own way no matter what it takes. She found her way into Adzo’s room where she met Efe brushing Adzo’s hair for her. They all stood up upon Ruby’s mother arrival. “Good evening madam” Efe greeted. Adzo followed up and also greeted her. “Are you Adzo? Ruby’s mother asked. “Yes, mistress” Adzo respectfully answered. Ruby’s mother carefully gaze Adzo from her hair to her toes. Her facial expression wasn’t welcoming. Naturally she didn’t like Adzo. After giving her a hard look, she went out without any comment and joined the party. In no time Ruby had finished dressing and was with Fred at the party. They interacted with almost all the guests that were present. Suddenly Ruby came to realize that Adzo was taking too long in showing up as she had already instructed. Ruby decided to go and check up on her however before she could make that move, Adzo and Efe came out. Fred was the one who noticed her first. The Adzo they drove to the house was not the Adzo they are seeing now. The good clean shower and the make up with the well fitted dress had exposed her true natural beauty. Ruby couldn’t believe her eyes. Adzo was completely looking elegant and outstanding. Fred on the other hand couldn’t take his eyes of her. It became too obvious that Ruby even noticed it. Fred had never ever looked at Ruby in that way before. To Be Continued.
24 Mar 2016 | 03:08
I think Fred is going to start developing feelings for Adzo
24 Mar 2016 | 03:23
Episode 8 It became too obvious that Ruby even noticed it. Fred had never ever looked at Ruby in that way before. Ruby ignored Fred and welcomed Adzo to join the family table where Ruby’s mother and some members of Fred’s family sat. Fred was just stunned and all of a sudden, Fred became very cautious of his movement, his appearance, the way and manner in which he talks. In other words he was playing the “perfect gentle” man. It seems he was trying to impress someone. Ruby’s Father who was the reserved type and a man with little words was not seated on the table with the rest of the family. He enjoyed the company of his fellow coperate workers than being on the same dinner table especially with his nagging wife, thus Ruby’s mother. Ruby who was much closer to his father than her mum really wanted her father to be at this table with them. “Mum, where is Dad? Ruby asked. “Over there, with his friends” Answered Ruby’s mother. Meanwhile, Adzo , who was seated at the right side of Ruby felt very nervous. Almost everything about her was new. Ruby’s mother didn’t wait for the food to be served, she just went on with her interrogation. “Ruby, you’ve still not introduce this new maid to us yet” Ruby’s mother said. She obviously said that on purpose. With this statement, she indirectly meant that Adzo will only be good to the family only when she is a maid. Ruby didn’t take this lightly. “Mum, I can’t believe you actually said this. Fair enough, you really want to know who Adzo is right” Ruby continued. It was amazing how her emotions switched easily to anger when her mum made that statement. “She is the reason I’m alive now, she saved my life and I owe her, is that how you treat your guest mum? Ruby said and angrily walked out on them from the table. “Is there anything wrong with what I said?” Ruby mother asked the rest of the family who were seated at the table. Things just got worse for Adzo now; she was caught up in all this which made her more nervous. Now there she was with her face down not knowing what to do. She was surrounded by people who she doesn’t know and for her to be the bone of contention between Ruby and his Mother argument was something she never saw coming. Fred stood up and went to talk to Ruby. She was really upset and Fred knew exactly what to do to ease her up. He took Ruby by the hand and together went behind the house where they could be alone and have some sought of privacy. “Baby, I think you should calm down, I’m sure your mother meant something different with what she said.” Fred said trying to comfort her. “Fred, Mum can be so annoying sometimes. I really can’t take it anymore.” said Ruby. “Look, tomorrow is our wedding day, I don’t think this anger will be a good sign for it. For our wedding sake, ignore it please” Said Fred. Ruby nodded and gave Fred a big tight hug which followed with a kiss. Adzo wanted a reason to excuse herself from the rest of the family members. Fortunately for her, they all stood up to dance and left the table completely empty leaving only Adzo. She stood up almost immediately and left the table. Suddenly, with all her curiosity, she found herself walking round the house. She walked slowly and carefully observed the new environment she had been brought to. Memories of her mother came to light. She still remembers her mother’s wild cry when she was bitten by the snake. She remembered the warmth of her mother’s hand when she held her and together walk to the farm. Adzo indeed had missed her mother. The more she thought of her, the more her eyes became teary. From distance she saw Fred and Ruby kissing. Even though her eyes was stuck on them, her mind was lost in thoughts. Ruby and Fred on the other hand didn’t see her until when they decided to go back and join the party. “Adzo, is everything alright, you seem sad” Fred surprisingly asked. Ruby was amazed with Fred’s consent. She however decided to ignore and play along. “Adzo are you ok” Ruby followed up. The conversation was interrupted when suddenly Efe, one of the maids quickly rushed to them. “Excuse me Sir” Efe said. “Yeah, what Is it “ Fred asked. “Sir, one lady is here to see you. She said her name is Baaba” Efe answered. Fred’s face dropped as soon as Efe mentioned her name. Instantly he knew that Efe was referring to Baaba, Fred’s ex girlfriend. To Be Continued.
24 Mar 2016 | 03:32
24 Mar 2016 | 05:37
24 Mar 2016 | 06:34
Better look for a better place to keep her after the wedding So Fred no go dey c her
24 Mar 2016 | 06:37
Nice story
24 Mar 2016 | 07:03
24 Mar 2016 | 07:40
yawa don gas b dat
24 Mar 2016 | 07:49
Watta is wrong with me why do i keep falling 4 this kind girls @reekado banks sugar baby
24 Mar 2016 | 07:49
24 Mar 2016 | 08:02
24 Mar 2016 | 08:28
what is the Ex looking for?
24 Mar 2016 | 08:40
ruby it seems u have brought wahala in ur home well adzo is a good gal shaa following
24 Mar 2016 | 08:51
24 Mar 2016 | 09:11
ex gini?
24 Mar 2016 | 10:21
I jst land o
24 Mar 2016 | 11:16
this wedding go come on?
24 Mar 2016 | 12:13
I don't think the wedding is going to take place tomorrow
24 Mar 2016 | 13:08
24 Mar 2016 | 13:12
[b]@Fred, dis one dat u suddenly qrow likeness on Adzo uhn me I no understand fa, I pray its nt wht am thinkinq o[/b]
24 Mar 2016 | 14:09
24 Mar 2016 | 16:05
the name smells trouble
24 Mar 2016 | 16:53
i smell trouble, pls take care of adzo
24 Mar 2016 | 16:59
X watin doing what there ? this one na gobe o
24 Mar 2016 | 17:58
24 Mar 2016 | 18:15
Baaba go soon divert d story nw
24 Mar 2016 | 18:29
Following ...
24 Mar 2016 | 19:59
wahala dey. I dey see danger
25 Mar 2016 | 02:50
Episode 9 Fred’s face dropped as soon as Efe mentioned her name. Instantly he knew that Efe was referring to Baaba, Fred’s ex girlfriend. “Fred, who is that? Ruby asked “Have no idea, that’s what I’m going to find out.” Fred answered. That was not the first time he lied to Ruby, He knew how Ruby would take this issue which he was not actually prepared for that especially at this time where in few hours they will be getting married. Fred was very concerned about the marriage and was ready to go to the end of the world to see it come to past. “Ok, let’s go” Ruby said. “Let’s go? Honey I can do this on my own. “Fred said and left Ruby and Adzo to see Baaba. Adzo saw the look on Ruby’s face, she knew Ruby was worried and feeling insecured. “Mistress, is everything alright? Adzo asked. “Yeah, I’m fine” Ruby answerd. “Mistress, I know I can’t invade in your private matters but I’m concerned. I see it in your eyes. Mistress you are worried” Adzo said. “Hmm, how long will you keep calling me by that” Ruby asked. “I’m sorry Mis… sorry Aunt Ruby” She said. That was a smart way Ruby used to avoid the topic. It was getting late and the party was eventually coming to an end. Most of the invited guests were leaving and already the maids in the house had already began putting the place in order. Ruby’s mother and Father were seated somewhere on the compound as they watched the maids doing their job. Occasionally, some guests will come and say goodbye to them before leaving. Suddenly Ruby’s mother popped up with a question. “So Dear, what are we going to do about the young girl Ruby brought? She asked. “Ruby may have a good reason for bringing her here.” Ruby’s father answered. “But dear, Ruby is getting married tomorrow and afterwards they will be going to their Honeymoon and eventually move to Accra with her husband. Is this girl going to follow them all around and even move to their matrimonial home? She asked. As much as Ruby was doing a good thing by helping Adzo and giving her shelter, this was an issue she had not yet thought of. Was she going to leave Adzo under the care of her parents or Adzo will be with them in their matrimonial home? “You’re right, I believe we have to talk to her and know what she intend to do.” Ruby’s father said. After a while, Ruby’s Father decided to take a walk around the compound since almost all the guest were gone. Ruby’s mother on the other hand watched along as the maids put the place in order. Adzo who was very serviceable couldn’t just sit idle, she also joined the rest of the maids as they all cleaned the compound. All this while, Fred was in Baaba’s car which was packed outside the compound. They seem to have been engaging in a long conversation. Baaba was introduced to Fred by his sister way back in high school. She was Fred’s first girlfriend. Although their relationship was not really a smooth one, they were however able to overcome certain challenges together as couple and this made more compactible. Just like Ruby, Baaba’s family was wealthy as well. They were actually based in Canada and had a lot of properties in Ghana their homeland. Baaba and Ruby had a lot in common, wealthy family and the only daughter of their parents. Indeed Fred had a really good taste for Wealthy rich girls. Before Fred actually met Ruby, just like any other relationship, out of anger he broke up with Baaba. Of cause, it was a temporal one and they both knew it. This was a usual thing in their relationship. They break up and make up all the time but what held the relationship was the love they had for each other. However, they couldn’t fix this particular one when Baaba had a scholarship to UK. They lost contact and that was when Fred met Ruby. Indeed he still had a soft spot for Baaba. “Fred I hear you’re getting married tomorrow” Baaba asked. “Yeah Babs and I don’t know why for all these years, you choose to show up now” Fred asked. “Fred, you have no idea what I have been through. But it’s all in the past now, I’m here” Baaba said. “No Babs, No. This isn’t it right. You have lost me and that is it. I’ve moved on now and getting married tomorrow. Besides we ended before you left.” “But Fred that what made our relationship unique. We don’t mean it when we break up. That’s how we solve problems Fred. Look, don’t play the hard type. I know you very well. I can feel it. You are right here in my car, alone in this dark place. You won’t be here if you don’t want this.” Baaba said. “That’s enough, I’m leaving, see you some other time.” Fred said and opened the door which ignited the inner light of the car. Baaba grabbed hold of his hand which prevented him from leaving. Before Fred could say another word to Baaba, out of nowhere she planted a deep kiss on Fred’s lips. His lip was his soft spot. Fred couldn’t resist it; he kissed back and instantly all the memories that they both shared together came back to Fred He had really missed Baaba. Suddenly, He pushed Baaba away. This was supposed to be a night before his wedding. He quickly got out of the car only to find Ruby’s father standing behind Baaba’s car watching him. To Be Continued
25 Mar 2016 | 03:26
Episode 10 Suddenly, He pushed away Baaba. This was supposed to be a night before his wedding. He quickly got out of the car only to find Ruby’s father standing behind Baaba’s car watching him. Fred was very nervous at this time. He didn’t know how to react; Ruby’s father on the other hand just kept watching him. Suddenly, Ruby came out of the house and joined them. Baaba who was by then still in her vehicle drove off quickly at the sight of Ruby. “Is there something wrong Dad?” Ruby asked. She sensed something fishy from the way her Dad looked at Fred. “I will be in my room” He said without answering Ruby. He left them both and went back to the house. Fred’s conscience was not at rest. He didn’t know whether Ruby’s Dad had seen him kissing Baaba or not. He was restless and this began to show in his actions. “Fred, what is going on, did you have any misunderstanding with my Dad?” Ruby asked. “No Ruby, I will be on my way. We have a big day tomorrow.” Fred said. He gave Ruby a hug and went back into the house. Ruby knew something had definitely happened in her absence between Fred and her Dad. The look her father gave Fred was no different from the look he gave Ruby any time she did something wrong. Fred never mentioned Baaba to Ruby when they began dating, however Ruby without the knowledge of Fred, did her own background check. She knew the relationship that existed between Fred and Baaba. She was just waiting for the day that Fred will come clean and tell her about his past. But now that Baaba was back in the scene, maybe this was just the perfect time for Fred to spill it out. Perhaps, tonight was not the best time but whatever the case may be, she still wanted to hear it from Fred. It was late now and everyone had already slept. Fred had gone to lodge in a hotel in preparation for his wedding. Adzo was having a sleepless night, she was finding it difficult to adapt with her new environment. The fan that kept blowing air, the bed she was sleeping on and everything in her room was so not familiar with her. She kept tossing on the bed and finally decided to sleep on the tiled floor. After a while, she was not feeling comfortable anymore. She stood up and got out of her room. The whole place was quiet. Everyone was asleep. She slowly walked to the kitchen and got herself a cup of water. Suddenly she heard footsteps. “Who could that be? She said to herself. Before she could make any move. Ruby’s father who was also having a sleepless night also came to the kitchen to get a glass of water. “Young girl, are you ok? What are you doing up at this hour of the night” Ruby’s Father asked. “Master, I came to take in some water, I should be on my way” Adzo said. “No, wait. Sit with me” Ruby’s Father said. Adzo was nervous; she was not expecting that from the man of the house. “Master, have I done something wrong? Adzo asked. Ruby’s Father laughed from the way Adzo asked the question. She looked too innocent and sober. “No my dear, just sit down with me. I’m really finding it hard to sleep. You can keep me company for a while.” Ruby’s father said. Ruby’s father was the type that always wanted people around him. He hated to be alone. He thought that this could be the perfect opportunity for him to interact with Adzo and get to know her better. “Master, is there any problem. I know of a good remedy that can make you sleep” Adzo said. “Interesting. What do you have in mind? He asked. “Back from where I come, we usually mix pure garlic with water and drink. It really helps and improve our sleep” Adzo said. “I see. I hope you can make some for me? Ruby’s father asked. “Why not master. I will.” Adzo said “But first, you drink this glass of water.” She continued and gave him a glass of water. With the warm reception Adzo gave Ruby’s father, he felt comfortable around her. He wanted to confide in her about something. “Can I ask you a question, my daughter” He asked. “Master go ahead? She said. “What will you do when you want to protect someone you love so much from involving herself with someone who is not worth but you are scared you might hurt her feelings knowing very well she is deeply in love with this person” Ruby’s father asked. “Master I see this has to do with your daughter” Adzo said. “But what I think is that, you should do your part as a father by telling her what you think. But the decision still lies in her hands” To Ruby’s father, that was very laudable but in any case, he felt it was too late. However He intended to use his own way in protecting his only daughter from being hurt by Fred. After a while, Ruby’s father left Adzo and went to sleep. Adzo on the other hand did the same. The much anticipated wedding came and everyone was at the church waiting for the bride to come. Fred, the groom, had already walked down the aisle and was standing right in front of the altar. The church was full to the maximum with a lot of dignitaries and invited guest. Adzo and all the other maids were beatifully dressed and as usual Adzo was growing beautiful and beautiful day by day. The organist started playing the famous wedding tune and all those present stood up as they welcomed the bridegroom, Ruby accompanied by her father who was well dressed in a traditional Kente cloth. They slowly walked down the aisle as all the guests watched them. Just a few inches away from the alter, Ruby’s father felt a sharp pain in his heart. This made him miss his step and eventually fell down. Ruby tried holding him up but He was too heavy. Everyone rushed in to give a helping hand including Ruby’s mother. To their amazement, Ruby’s father was lying down motionless. In fact he had given his life away that very moment. To Be Continued Tomorrow.
25 Mar 2016 | 03:48
Hmmm ... Following
25 Mar 2016 | 07:44
How can Ruby's dad die just like that ?
25 Mar 2016 | 08:11
[b]I hope it wasn't d result of d mixture of pure garlic with water Adzo prepared for him at late niqht dat cause it... If Yes, den Adzo don enter 1 biq chance be dat.[/b]
25 Mar 2016 | 16:28
Father, dont just die like that oh
25 Mar 2016 | 22:29
Just like that.
26 Mar 2016 | 11:41
Episode 11 To their amazement, Ruby’s father was lying down motionless. In fact he had given his life away that very moment. A sudden event that got everyone at the wedding heartbroken. The wedding was halted and Ruby’s Father was taken to the hospital. It was not a different news there either. He was declared dead. However the autopsy could only be revealed after a week to see the cause of his death. Ruby’s mother was the superstitious type, she believed that everything happened for a reason. The much anticipated wedding didn’t come off as planned and on that day Ruby’s father who was seen to be a very healthy man had all of a sudden died. Ruby’s mother believed that his death was not a natural one but the work of a human being and she was willing to go to the extreme of finding out who was responsible for that. The autopsy was very important to her than any other person in the family and as much as the time was not due for it to be revealed, she secretly had a prime suspect and that was no other than Adzo. To her, Adzo’s arrival into the house had brought nothing but bad news. First of all the wedding didn’t come off as planned and now her dear husband just passed away. The house was full of mourning and weeping. Fred tried consoling Ruby while other members of the family kept Ruby’s mother company as custom demanded. All the maids stood there and watched them with their sad looking faces. Ruby who was still in her wedding gown cried over and over again. Aside all this, it was still difficult for Fred to ignore Adzo who was still elegantly dressed. Since they came back from the hospital, no one had gotten the time to even change. They were all in the outfit they took to the wedding earlier that day. As he kept consoling Ruby, he occasionally gazed at Adzo who was standing among the maids across the sitting room. Her dress matched her curved body which was had for any man to ignore. Meanwhile, Ruby’s mother in her weeping kept exclaiming that someone had a hand in her husband’s death. “Oh God, why do you have to take him away from me? She said and wept. “Whoever did this shall surely pay for it as far as am alive” She continued. They got distracted when Fred had a phone call. He ignored it at first but had to pick it eventually to avoid any insecurity on the part of Ruby. He stood up and went out to receive the call. It was no other person than Baaba. She had returned. The call was very short and precise. “Meet me across the street of your supposed bride’s house” Baaba said and hung up. Fred knew this wasn’t a good idea. He honestly didn’t want to go but thought that he could quickly see her without anyone actually noticing. And of course he thought it will be a quick and a short meeting. Where Fred stood to receive the call, Ruby actually saw him through the window which was just across the sitting room where all the family members had gathered. Fred quickly left the compound and went out to meet Baaba. Her car was packed as she had said. Before Fred reached Baaba’s car, she opened the front door for him from inside indicating that Fred should join her in the car. Fred did as was expected and immediately Baaba took off. “Stop the car Babs, where are we going. Stop the Car right now!” Fred said. Baaba kept driving on without listening to what Fred was saying. In no time they came to a quiet place, then suddenly Baaba stopped the car and put off the engine. “Baaba, what are we doing here? I’m not suppose to be here.” Fred said. “Fred, you still don’t get it. You belong to me” Baaba said. “No Baaba, it’s in the past. Whatever happened is in the past. We are no more. I’m with Ruby now.” Fred said. “And as far as am concerned you are still not married to her” Baaba said. Her statement stunned Fred that his words choked him. “Who knows, maybe you aren’t meant for each other.” Baaba said in a soft voice and immediately made her way to kiss Fred. He slowly kissed back and their old affair reignited again. After about an hour, Baaba drove Fred back from where she picked him from. Somehow, She knew she had gotten Fred back. However, the unfortunate thing for them was that, they came back to meet Ruby standing in front of the house waiting for them.
26 Mar 2016 | 16:37
Episode 12 However, the unfortunate thing for them was that, they came back to meet Ruby standing in front of the house waiting for them. Ruby watched on as Fred got down from the car. Without any utterance, all Ruby did was to make sure Fred and Baaba had noticed that she had seen them. As soon as Fred got out of the vehicle, his face was filled with guilt. Ruby however just went back into the house without saying anything or confronting anyone. “I guess you have a lot of explanation to do” Baaba who was still in the car said. “Anyway, I will be on my way. Don’t forget our appointment” She continued and drove off leaving Fred behind. Fred found himself in a situation he never imagined himself in. Upon all his resistance, he had gotten back with his ex-girlfriend, Baaba. Now entering the house was even a difficult thing to do. He was supposed to be with Ruby at this crucial time of her life and not to be spending time with his ex- girlfriend. He felt the need to manipulate the situation and find a way to maintain his relationship with Ruby. He finally had the guts to enter the house and join Ruby’s family. Nothing had really changed since he left. Ruby had come back to where she was seated and everything was normal as the way it was before he left. To his surprise Ruby didn’t say anything or even confront him about what had happened. The least he expected from Ruby was a question, but Ruby kept quiet about the issue and this made him more nervous. Ruby had left Fred to fight with his own conscience and that was an easy way for her to get the upper hand and that will however expose Fred eventually. Fred with his own discretion decided to stay at Ruby’s Family house to keep Ruby company. Ruby on the other hand spent more of her time with her mother and Adzo. Her attention was not on Fred as it used to be. She preferred to be with Adzo rather than with Fred. During this short period, Ruby became very close to Adzo that she even treated her like her own sister. Ruby’s mother was too busy mourning her husband and waiting impatiently for the autopsy. She focused on this to the extent that she didn’t even notice how close her daughter was bonding with Adzo. Fred was still battling with his conscience. Day in and day out, he wished that Ruby would say something about what had happened but that never came to pass. Notwithstanding, the more he continued to stay in the house the more he grew fond of Adzo and kept admiring her from a distance. Adzo in these few days was undergoing rapid change. Ruby actually paid particular attention to Adzo’s dressing and appearance. In other words, she was treating her like the way sisters treat each other. She began to get the attention of family visitors who came to the house to offer their condolences to Ruby’s family. At this time, her beauty had really begun to show. Fred however couldn’t bare the fact that Ruby’s attention was on Adzo instead of him. He was determined to confront Ruby about it. He looked around the house only to find Ruby and Adzo sitting in the garden having a conversation. He interrupted them and asked Ruby to see him in his room. They didn’t share the same room because at this point in time, they were not married. Fred went to his room and patiently waited for Ruby to show up. In no time Ruby came in and found Fred seated on his bed. “You called me, Fred” She said. “Ruby, what is happening to us, I know you are going through a lot but so am I and that’s why I’m here” Fred said. “I know that, but I don’t get what you are driving at. There is nothing happening to us” Ruby said. Fred stood up and went closer to her, held her by the hand and said. “Ruby, I don’t feel us anymore. It’s like you have taken solace somewhere else. I’m your guy and am suppose to be there for you. Yet I don’t even see my use any longer in the house” Ruby looked at him and shook her head. “I understand you Fred. But you should have thought of that when you ran off with your ex Baaba” Ruby just spilled the beans. Fred was stunned. He couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. How did she know that Baaba was his ex? He thought. He stood speechless as he did not know what to say. “Fred, we all have cobwebs in our closets, but once we get rid of it, we don’t rare spiders there” She said and left him in his room. Fred was indeed in a mess. He kept on wondering how Ruby got to know this and that made him very restless. Ruby got out of Fred’s room to find her mother waiting for her at the living room. “There you are, I have been looking for you all this while.” Said Ruby’s mother. “Is everything alright mother? What is going on? Ruby asked. “Sit down, there is something you need to know” she said. “ Ruby, are you sure you really know who this your new found friend is? She continued. “To be honest, there is still more I need to know Mum, but my instincts tell me I’m doing a good thing and so far she has really been helpful” Ruby answered. “Instincts you say, and I suppose your instincts are obviously not telling you that she is pregnant? Ruby’s mother asked. TBC
26 Mar 2016 | 16:46
26 Mar 2016 | 17:45
27 Mar 2016 | 05:11
Hmmmm..what a life! Waiting kill that man na
27 Mar 2016 | 07:11
following . so adzo didn't explain everything to ruby nawao
27 Mar 2016 | 09:58
Taar na wao
27 Mar 2016 | 13:18
Ruby's father ws just faking his death to save his daughter from bad marriage,am sure he's still alive
27 Mar 2016 | 13:37
Next please
27 Mar 2016 | 14:16
27 Mar 2016 | 14:50
Episode 13 “Instincts you say, and I suppose your instincts are obviously not telling you that she is pregnant? Ruby’s mother asked. Ruby’s mother was the second person to know about this pregnancy. Efe was the one who actually informed her. Adzo had confined in Efe about the pregnancy; that was a big mistake on her part. However she felt that it wasn’t the right time for Ruby to know about her pregnancy since she was getting married again. She then had no option than to involve Efe. Efe didn’t keep her part of the promise to keep the pregnancy a secret. She rushed and told Ruby’s mother immediately and this gave Ruby’s mother a good reason to send Adzo packing. “Mum, are you saying Adzo is pregnant? Ruby asked. “Oh so you don’t know? You see the kind of people you have opened your doors to” She said. “My daughter, I warned you the very first day I set my eyes on this girl. Ever since she came to this house, everything has gone from good to worse. Just look at what happened on your wedding day…..” She continued but was interrupted by Ruby. “Mother, please, that has nothing to do with her. Adzo has nothing against us Mum. The question I should even be asking you is what you rather have against her? Ruby said. As much as she was very disappointed with the news, she was still fighting for Adzo against her own biological mother. It was amazing the way her love had really grown towards Adzo. “I am your mother Ruby. Maybe it’s about time I make things clear to you in this house. Adzo is not going to live under my roof. I want her out by the next morning” She said and walked out on Ruby. Ruby’s mother was technically the head of the house and the mother of Ruby. Ruby felt obliged to obey what her mother was saying. Perhaps she had to do well for her at this moment since her husband (Ruby’s Father) had just passed away. However, the pregnancy of Adzo had placed Ruby in a delicate situation. Already, her conscience would not judge her right if she should send her packing knowing very well that she has nowhere going. And now that she is pregnant, it will be insensitive on her part to even send her away. To her, that was inhuman. She had only one option. Adzo was in her room all this while until Ruby came in to join her. Adzo immediately noticed from the look of Ruby’s face that she was feeling disappointed. “Sis, What is it? You don’t look cheerful” Adzo asked. “You know I’m still mourning, Adzo” Ruby said. She wanted to change the topic because she was even finding it difficult to ask Adzo about the pregnancy. However Adzo knew that she was not being transparent to her with the answer she gave. “Sis Ruby, I feel there is something else you’re not telling me” Adzo said. “I should be the one asking you that question Adzo” Ruby replied. Adzo quickly noticed that Ruby had gotten to know about her pregnancy. “ Oh no, Efe told you about the pregnancy” Adzo said. “Efe? Efe too knows that you are pregnant? Adzo why would you hide such a thing from me, and am the last to find out in this house? Ruby said looking very disappointed. Adzo just fell on her knees and looked up at Ruby. “I’m truly sorry Sis, I Just wanted to tell you after your marriage ceremony, please forgive me” She begged Ruby understood her in a way, she held her up and there Adzo told her the whole story without leaving anything out. This totally turned the tables around. Ruby was not ready to let Adzo go anywhere after hearing what she had been through in the hands of Mr. Abdul. Her only problem was to get an accommodation for Adzo since Ruby’s mother was not ready to live under the same roof with her. Ruby however had gotten it all figured out. She had a plan in mind. She quickly began the arrangements for Adzo’s accommodation. Her first point of contact was Fred. He was her only option. Ruby wanted Adzo to temporarily move in with Fred. That was the only option she had now. TBC
27 Mar 2016 | 17:24
Episode 14 She quickly began the arrangement of Adzo’s accommodation. Her first point of contact was Fred. He was her only option. Ruby wanted Adzo temporarily move in with Fred. She thought that was the only best option at that time. She then went back to Fred’s room to seek his consent about her decision. She barged into his room without knocking and saw Fred on the phone. Fred acted very weird and suspicious as he hanged up the phone call upon seeing Ruby. “Is everything alright? Fred.” Ruby asked. “Yeah, yeah” He answered. “Who was that Fred? Ruby asked. “Ruby, who was who? since when did you began asking me those kind of question. So I get it. I don’t have the liberty any more to receive phone calls right” Fred said angrily. He wanted to turn the tables around by acting that way just to make Ruby feel guilty but that rather made him look very suspicious. Ruby was very suprised that Fred could talk to her that way. She never expected that from him. “Fred, why are you acting up? I just asked a simple question besides you have a lot of explanation to do ok, so don’t you even try to put this on me, am way too smart for that.” Ruby said also getting angry. Things began changing from that moment. Once a lovely couple has all of a sudden turned against each. They should have been married by now, the world should be seeing them as husband and wife by now but here they are now, arguing. This looked just the beginning, right in the midst of their heated argument, the call came through again. The Phone by then was lying on the bed very visible from were Ruby stood. The name that appeared on the call screen was very bold. Ruby saw it clearly, it was Baaba, Fred’s ex. For a moment Ruby had even forgotten her mission in Fred’s room. For now, all her attention was on strange attitude Fred was putting up. “Thought as much, She is calling you again Fred” Ruby said. You can imagine the look on her face. She was really hurt. “What do you even have against this Baaba, Ruby” Fred asked. “Are you asking me. Fred I know everything about you and Baaba, I was just waiting for you to tell me. I know she is your ex” Ruby said. One may think that Fred was going to try and make things right by apologizing to her but the worse side of him was just about showing up. “Yes, She is my ex” Fred said. “And I even regret leaving her for you.” Ruby was stunned; she couldn’t believe what just came out of Fred’s mouth. She felt it was a dream. What did Fred just say to her? “Look, I think I have to be honest with you. Ruby, I was not even sure about this marriage in the first place, I loved you alright but I don’t think you can be a good wife” Fred said Ruby couldn’t take it anymore, What was Fred saying? Fred was tearing Ruby apart without considering that she just lost her father. Her emotions froze and her eyes couldn’t hold her tears back. Ruby sobbed really hard. As if that wasnt enough, Fred went ahead and called Baaba back on phone right in the presence of Ruby. “Baaba, I just amended my mistakes. Something I should have done long ago. I’m coming over right now” Fred said and hanged up. Ruby was just mute and her tears kept rolling down her checks. She had no idea of what to do. She just knelt down on her knees and held Fred by the leg. “Fred, if I have done anything wrong tell me. Don’t do this to me now Fred. I beg of you. I really love you” Ruby sobbed and begged him. “It’s seems you don’t really understand me, I can’t be with you any longer Ruby. This thing we used to have, has just ended.” Fred said. He then pushed Ruby away, took his phone and his portable backpack that had his cloths in and left the room. Ruby kept calling him back but he totally ignored her. Ruby never dreamt of this happening in her entire life. She just kept sobbing hard as she laid flat on the floor. Adzo came rushing in and saw her there. She helped her up and wiped her tears from her eyes. She tried consoling her but Ruby was really hurt, her heart was totally damaged by what she knew to be true love. For Fred, to break up with her at this crucial time showed how heartless he was. This was only a pinch of what lies ahead of her and Adzo. Their lives and destiny was about to change, it will only take a miracle for them to get a reason to smile again. TBC
27 Mar 2016 | 17:31
what a lyf,
27 Mar 2016 | 18:56
Fred you are so heartless
27 Mar 2016 | 19:39
OMG!This fred is so heartless
28 Mar 2016 | 02:20
Na waooo
28 Mar 2016 | 03:12
Better it came up dis way,was actually d right time.
28 Mar 2016 | 03:34
that's human beans for us oooooooo they change with the speed of light
28 Mar 2016 | 03:39
wat a pity
28 Mar 2016 | 04:02
anoda prob.again
28 Mar 2016 | 04:30
Episode 15 Their lives and destiny were about to change, it will only take a miracle for them to get a reason to smile again. Adzo tried in her own way to console her. “I don’t know what love is, but I am sure everything is for a reason. Don’t cry dear sis” Adzo said. Throughout that evening Ruby for the first time slept in the company of Adzo. After several hours of crying over Fred, she slept finally. The night was short, Ruby woke up thinking that whatever that happened the previous day was a dream. But she knew how real it was. She woke up to find that she was alone. Perhaps, She thought Adzo had gone back to her room. Without delaying Ruby went straight ahead to Adzo’s room only to find out that she was nowhere to be found. Her belongings were not there either. Ruby got worried that she asked all the maids in the house if they had seen Adzo, but to her disappointment no one had seen her. She then suspected that her mother was behind this. Ruby’s mother had already made it clear to Ruby that she needed Adzo out of the house that very morning. Out of anger, Ruby went into her mother’s room to confront her. The other side of Ruby was beginning to unfold. With all the things that kept happening to her, you couldn’t expect anything less. Anger had consumed her totally. She was not the sweet sensitive Ruby we used to know. “Mum, where is Adzo, I know you’ve sent her away” She asked. Ruby’s mother looked at her and shake her head. “You have no idea of the one you have open your doors to” Ruby’s mother said. “Mum, where is Adzo? She is all I ask for” Ruby persisted. “Well, I don’t know her whereabout.” She answered. Ruby knew her mother wouldn’t lie to her. She however broke down as soon as her mother answered her. Meanwhile Fred was spending quality time with Baaba and indeed they really seemed happy. Inwardly Fred still thought of Ruby. Ruby didn’t deserve what he did to her. He still had a soft spot for her. Fred was as confused as you can imagine. Somehow he had regretted his actions and felt guilty for what he had done. Baaba noticed that he was a bit distracted. She knew exactly what to do to get back his attention. She got that with her continues soft mouth kisses and pampering. Meanwhile, the disappearance of Adzo was very mysterious. Why would she run away when actually she had the support of Ruby. According to Ruby’s mother, she had no idea of where Adzo could be likewise the maids in the house. No one saw how she left. If she had ran away, then what could have actually triggered it. Ruby was caught in the middle, she was moaning her father, her wedding didn’t come off, Fred had broken her heart and now Adzo is nowhere to be found. She found herself thinking all the time and her mother saw how depressed she looked. Like every mother she began to feel her pain. If the return of Adzo would make her daughter happy, then she was willing to do whatever it takes within her power to look for Adzo. It’s been two days since Adzo’s disappearance. There has been no sign of her in anyway. Ruby kept wondering and searching for her. She kept asking the neighbors if they had actually seen her but the news was always the same. Aside all this, she found herself also thinking of Fred, her very first love. Many times she had tried to call him but always unreachable. Fred had changed his number. Ruby had no contact with him anymore. The only thing she could think of was to go his house but unfortunately Fred had even moved from there. Ruby sat the sitting room with her mother when all of a sudden Efe came in with the message that two strange looking people where at the door. Initially they thought they were family members who came to offer their condolences but upon inviting them in, they were not familiar with them. However Ruby was able to recognize them, it was Aziz and Mr. Abdul. To be continued.
28 Mar 2016 | 04:39
28 Mar 2016 | 06:04
So bad
28 Mar 2016 | 06:36
Wahala dey o..where this girl go na?
28 Mar 2016 | 07:41
Fred wic type of a man are u why would u do DAT to ruby :)
28 Mar 2016 | 08:12
Episode 16 “However Ruby was able to recognize one of them, it was Aziz and Mr. Abdul. Adzo was back on the streets, that’s where she found shelter at an abandoned kiosk. It had been about 2 days now since she left Ruby’s mother’s house. As of that time, what actually persuaded her to leave was unknown. She had money on her just to survive for some few days; however she was exposed to danger. Her safety was not assured. Where she lodged during the night was surrounded by guys who were engaged in buying and selling of marijuana. It was only a matter of time before she becomes their target. It was on this occasion that Adzo met Nana. Nana was a cooperate person who worked as a teller in a bank. He had lost his way and urgently needed help until he came across Adzo. “Madam, can you help me, locate where the major shopping center is? Nana who was seated in his car asked. “Sir, I’m sorry, I really don’t know my way around either. But you have to get out of here immediately, It’s not safe. Don’t ask anyone for direction. Just get out of here immediately” Adzo advised. Nana was pleased with the caution Adzo gave, notwithstanding, he was a man of “getting answers” and did not give up easily. He wondered what Adzo would be doing there if she claimed that area was not safe. “Thank you very much, if I may ask, what are you doing here? As far as am concerned, you just told me you don’t know your around” Nana asked. Adzo didn’t know what to tell him, besides he was a complete stranger. “I….I…I came to see a friend” Adzo told an obvious lie. Instantly Nana knew she was telling lies. “Madam, what is your name? Nana asked. “My Name? She asked. “Yes, your name. Tell me your name” Nana insisted. “Adzo” She answered. “Adzo, I see, but why are you lying to me, I don’t know you but you’re really not good at lying” Nana said. Now, the guys around the area spotted the car and that got their attention. They began to send “funny” signals to their colleagues across. Adzo noticed it immediately and warned Nana. “Look, you caught me ok. But you have to leave here now, You have been noticed” She said. “Then come with me” Nana said. “What? Adzo exclaimed. Adzo couldn’t believe her ears, how could he just say that when he didn’t know her from anywhere. “Look, I know you don’t belong here. It’s very obvious; I guess you are either lost or something. Just get into the car then we can figure this out.” Nana said. Adzo quickly went in and immediately Nana drove off. Fred was still battling out consciously with his conscience . What he did to Ruby was beginning to eat him up. Baaba was however not ready to give up, with or without a fight. The more she found Fred distracted the more she used her seducing techniques on him. Fred had had enough of it already. “Babs, I don’t feel right about this, I think I didn’t treat Ruby well.” He said. “Fred, are you still thinking of that boyfriend snatcher while you’re still with me? Baaba said. “Not that Babs, but I should have been a little considerate, she honestly didn’t deserve what I did to her” Fred said. “Fred, you followed your heart. You know you still love me and yes I still love you, sometimes we don’t get what we want all the time” She said. Fred was not even listening to her anymore, he just picked up the phone and dialed Ruby’s number. “What are you doing Fred? Baaba asked. “Look, you are not making any phone call to anyone” She fumed. However, Fred ignored her and kept dialing her number. “Fred, what the hell are you doing, stop this” Baaba said with a desperate disappointed look. “Look, would you leave me alone Baaba, like you said I’m following my heart” He said and walked out on her with the phone still in his hand. The visit of Aziz and Mr. Abdul was quite a surprising one. As much as Ruby clearly recognized Aziz, Aziz on the hand had completely forgotten her. Ruby’s mother welcomed them and gave them a seat after which she asked of their purpose of visit as custom demands. “We have come from a very long distance and this young man with me is one of my servants. Your husband was a good friend of mine and a business partner.” Mr. Abdul said. Ruby all this while remained calm and listened to him carefully as he spoke to her mother. “As a matter of fact, Efe who happens to be one of your maids came from my abode. We came quickly as soon as we heard of his sudden departure. In short we are here to offer our condolences” Mr. Abdul continued. Before Ruby’s mother could respond, they all got interrupted with the loud ringing tone of Ruby’s phone. The call came from no one else but Fred. She excused them went away to receive the call. ON PHONE: Ruby: “Hello, who is on the line please” Fred: “Ruby it’s me” Ruby: “Fred? Fred: “Ruby, I’m really sorry, I .. I … Hello, Hello. Ruby” Ruby hung up the phone call even though it was so difficult for her. She just hung up and decided to go back and join her mother with Mr. Abdul and Aziz at the sitting room. Suddenly the thought of her father came back into her mind, she was really missing him. Ruby however decided to go to her mother’s room to see if she could get some last moment pictures of her dad. Upon arriving at her mother’s room, she found a white customized hospital envelop lying on the bed. Out of curiosity, she opened the envelop and noticed that it was her father’s autopsy report. From the date on the autopsy, the report came 3 days ago, which meant that her mother was hiding it away from her. To be continued.
28 Mar 2016 | 09:01
hmmm too bad fred
28 Mar 2016 | 09:12
Things are getting more serious in this story
28 Mar 2016 | 09:26
Following. Its a good thing Adzo left if not they would have met her there in the house.
28 Mar 2016 | 09:31
hmmm nxt plz
28 Mar 2016 | 10:59
Fred why?? Who sent adzo packing?? Ruby, what's in the autropsy or wetin u call it???
28 Mar 2016 | 16:37
[b]@Fred, u no be human I swear, u no qet human empaty @all, Gosh! I cant believe u really did dis 2 Ruby cos of ur ex Baaba![/b]
28 Mar 2016 | 18:22
dis is so terrible
28 Mar 2016 | 19:48
Episode 17 From the date on the autopsy, the report came 3 days ago, which meant that her mother was hiding it away from her. After Ruby hanged up on Fred, he felt more guilty than ever and got soo can just imagine. At this point in time, he was not ready to sacrifice either Ruby or his ex Baaba, he wanted to keep them all to himself. There was no doubt that he still had feelings for Baaba, but what he felt for Ruby was yet to be figured out. Fred felt the need to be with Ruby at this moment yet Baaba as usual, was literally along the way preventing him from leaving her presence and house. “Get away from the door Baaba” Fred commanded “You are not going anywhere gentleman” said Baaba. “Look, I really don’t want to hurt you, just get away from the door before I do something I will regret.” Fred cautioned her. Baaba was never ready to move an inch away from the door; she was ready to face whatever actions Fred might take against her. Besides she was even used to it, that has been their usual daily bread with their relationship. They fight, quarrel and make up and this was no news to her. “For the last time Baaba, get away from the door” Fred said again. That fell on the deaf ears of Baaba, she stood akimbo and was not ready to let Fred by pass her for any reason. Fred didn’t stop; he then angrily pushed her away from the door and walked out. Baaba kept calling him several times as he was leaving but Fred completely ignored her. She had no idea whether he will be back or not. Meanwhile, Nana had driven Adzo to the center of the city where a lot of people went about their duties. That was the safest place at that moment. However, Nana was still determined to find out Adzo’s mission at the spot where they met because obviously she looked like a stranger at that place too. Nana packed his car at the car park of the commercial environment and while they were still in the vehicle, he intended to find out more about Adzo. “So Adzo, would you tell me what you were doing back there too? He asked. Adzo kept mute, she didn’t know if it was right for her to tell Nana about what she was going through. She didn’t trust him as much as she trusted Ruby right from the very moment they met. Besides shes now dealing with a male. All her life, she grew up being maltreated and disrespected by men. They used her and did with her whatever they wished. She had that dark side of her past still hidden in her pure innocent heart. The torment she went under Mr.Abdul and Aziz, not forgetting her pregnancy. To add up, She saw what Fred had done to Ruby at the moment when she needed him most in her life and felt that all men were practically the same likewise Nana. Therefore, she was not ready to confide in him. “I lost my way around when I came to visit my sister; I have been here for 3 days now still looking for her” She lied. Nana knew Adzo was really hiding something from him from the way she looked very nervous in answering him. However, Nana kept his calm and just followed along. “So are you lodging in a guest house or something” He asked. Adzo slowly shook her head interpreting a negative answer. "Don’t tell me you have been leaving among them all this while? Nana who was looking surprised asked. “Well that’s my story” Adzo said. “Don’t you have the contact of your sister or anything” Nana asked. “ I just don’t know her whereabout” Adzo kept telling an obvious lie. “Look, I leave alone in a three bedroom apartment, you can stay with me till you find your sister, I just can’t leave you here like this” He said. Adzo didn’t say a word, Nana just drove her off and headed straight to his house. Like he rightly said, the house was a three bedroom finished house with a well- designed gated wall. He showed Adzo to her room where she will be staying. “Feel at home, you will be safe here” Nana said. “Thank you very much” Adzo said while looking around. Nana took a quick glance at his watch. It seems he had an appointment. “Damn, I really have to go now, like I said, feel at home, I will be back soon” He said and quickly rushed out to his car and drove off. Ruby was in the state of shock as the autopsy revealed that his father had been exposed to a poisonous substance and was feeding on it for the past three months. This was a clear indicator that her beloved father was murdered but as to who ever did it, it was a complete mystery. Ruby didn’t understand why her mother had to hide the autopsy result from her; she also thought it wise to dance to the tune of music her mother was playing. Maybe she had her own good reasons. Her heart got broken as she read the report, she actually wept. Who could have had something against his father, he was a good person. She thought. Ruby left the autopsy report the way it was and went into the compound. This was the moment she needed someone to talk to. The only person she could think of was Adzo but she was nowhere to be found. Fred on the hand could even worsen her situation. Without saying a word to anyone, she went back inside, picked up her mum’s car keys and drove off to a destination only known to her. All this time, Mr Abdul was engaged in a confidential conversation with Ruby’s mother. It was only a matter of time that will reveal the mystery around their visit. Meanwhile, Adzo waited patiently for Nana to return. It has been almost an hour since he left. She then used that moment to familiarize herself with her new environment. Suddenly she heard the sound of a vehicle entering into the compound, Nana had return. Adzo got out to meet him and to her surprise Nana was with a young child who seem to be at the age of six. The child really looked a lot like Nana. The child was dressed in a school uniform and was eating ice cream. As soon as Nana saw Adzo, he took the child by the hand and said “Nhyi, go and say hello to Aunty” Nana said. The child quickly ran and embraced Adzo. Right from the first sight, the child had already grown fond of Adzo. “Adzo, this is my daughter, Nhyira” Nana said. Adzo was surprised when Nana said that to her “Where is her mother? She curiously asked. “Hmm, that’s a long story, I will tell you later in the day.” Nana said. “So you’re married? Adzo asked again. Somehow, she wanted know everything about Nana and his daughter right that moment for reasons best known to her. Nana laughed upon hearing that question, notwithstanding, he still answered her. “No, I’m a single parent. I’m not married either. Apparently, for some reason Nhyira is the reason I’m still single” Nana said. “How? Adzo asked. “hmm, the loved didn’t love me back just because I had a daughter” Nana said. “I see” Adzo said while looking straight into Nana’s eyes. She wanted to ask more questions but their conversation got interrupted by a loud knock on the main gate leading to the compound. “Who could that be, I’m not expecting anyone too” Nana said. He then shouted to the hearing of the person who was knocking the gate. “Come in, It’s not locked.” The gate opened from the outside and right in front of Adzo and Nana, there came in Ruby. To Be Continued
29 Mar 2016 | 12:53
Episode 18 The gate opened from the outside and right in front of Adzo and Nana, there came in Ruby. Meanwhile, Fred was already on his way to Ruby’s house. He wanted to make amends for the wrong he had done. For reasons best known to him, he wanted Ruby back. Upon getting into the house, Efe the maid pounced on him as soon as she saw him enter the compound. “Hey we need to talk, I will be alone in the kitchen” Efe said and went straight to the kitchen. The manner in which she spoke to Fred was exceptional and out of the ordinary. Fred on the other hand didn’t a say word than use the back door which led to the kitchen. For a mere maid like Efe to talk to the supposed husband to be of Ruby in that way, meant that something might have broken the master – servant relationship that existed between them. Ruby’s mother didn’t see Fred entering the house because he used the back door to enter the kitchen. However, Aziz was the only person who was seated in the sitting room by then. Mr. Abdul and Ruby’s mother were nowhere to be found. It seemed they had relocated to a different and more private place. Efe was really looking worried when Fred got to the kitchen. “What is it again Efe? Fred asked. “Are you asking me, everything is wrong Fred. Everything is wrong” Efe said “What do you mean by that, if something was wrong, why couldn’t you call me to tell me? Fred asked “Keep your voice down, someone might hear us” Efe said. “Would you just tell me why you brought me here” Fred anxiously asked her. “I missed my period” Efe finally said. Fred’s face dropped instantly. He wasn’t expecting that from Efe. “Efe, this can’t happen now, it was only a onetime thing” Fred said. Apparently, Fred got sexually involved with Efe when Ruby and her family were away on a family vacation trip. Ruby suggested he stayed over at their house until she came back with her family. It was at that moment that everything changed. Fred got lonely and Efe was his only choice. With just an order, he was able to satisfy his sexual desires and now Efe was pregnant for Fred, something he least expected. Ruby on the other hand was shocked to see Adzo at Nana’s house. She was however over excited that she didn’t even bother to care about how Adzo got there. She just jumped and embraced her so tight. Nana just stood there surprised at what was going on. “Do you two know each other? Nana asked. Adzo and Ruby completely ignored him, they kept on enjoying the moment while it lasted. “How did you end up here Adzo” Ruby asked. “I met this Good Samaritan, as a matter of fact, he brought me here not long ago” Adzo answered her. “But why did you leave in the first place, without even telling me anything Adzo” Ruby asked. Nana felt out of place and was completely lost with what was happening. “Erm girls, I’m still here, will you please tell me what is going on” Nana asked. Nana and Ruby were mates back in the tertiary institution, he was actually in love with her but Ruby on the other didn’t give him a chance in her life because of the child Nana already had. Ruby on other hand was still friends with Nana till now. She came to his place because she knew Nana was the only one she could actually talk to since Adzo was not around. Meanwhile, Fred was still in the kitchen still trying to figure a way out with the mess he had created. He tried using his “bossy power” on Efe but things just went from bad to worse. “Look, I don’t think I’m responsible for that.” Fred said. “You really don’t know who you are dealing with. You better do what is expected of you or I will let the whole world know what is happening” Efe cautioned. Unfortunately for them Ruby’s mother barged into the kitchen and overheard them. “What is going on in here, the whole world will hear what? asked Ruby’s mother. To Be Continued
29 Mar 2016 | 13:04
oh my God!!! So Adzo and Ruby 'S misfortune is yet to start.... all these ones are just Tips of an iceberg, there is God.
29 Mar 2016 | 13:07
Nawa o..dis fred self..ur matter dön tire me
29 Mar 2016 | 13:54
29 Mar 2016 | 16:03
Much wahala
30 Mar 2016 | 08:27
Episode 19 “What is going on in here, the whole world will hear what? asked Ruby’s mother. Fred became smart about it, he knew if he doesn’t do something, he could be in trouble and probably lose Ruby for good. He thought fast and acted really quick to clear any suspicion. “Erm, can you believe Ruby told Efe that we have broken up. She even intend telling the whole world about it. That is if I want to be verbative thats what she said.” Fred said. “Did my daughter really say that? Ruby’s mother asked. “Yes, that’s what Efe was just telling me.” Fred said “Efe, is that true? Ruby’s mother asked her. Efe played along very well and answered her “Yes Madam, she did” Ruby’s mother felt embrassed for what Efe told her. She never wanted her daughter to confide in a maid. “I’m really sorry about this, Fred. You know how Ruby is, I don’t even know why she should be confiding in Efe instead of me.” Fred felt relieved knowing very well that he had succeeded in manipulating Ruby’s mother, however his concerned more was how to deal with the Efe’s pregnancy issue secretely by any possible means. “Fred, I have a visitor so I will have to leave you and besides, have you seen Ruby around” She asked. “Madam, she went out not long ago in a rush” Efe answered. “Anyway Fred, kindly let her call me on phone when she comes.” Ruby’s mother said. That was really strange, why does she want Ruby to call on phone when actually they lived in the same house. Fred thought of it, but brushed it off quickly since he had more important matters to deal with, especially the pregnancy. Back at Nana’s house, he had invited Ruby in to sit so they could talk. Ruby’s concentration however was on Adzo, she was very particular in knowing why Adzo left the house. Adzo then had no option than to spill the beans. “It was your mum Ruby” Adzo said. “My Mum? What has she done? Did she throw you out of the house? Ruby asked anxiously. Nana on the other just sat there quiet and listened to the two ladies while they talked to each other. From their conversation, he got to know that Adzo was actually living with Ruby all along. For some reason he was hurt and disappointed that Adzo had lied to him. Ruby was anxious than ever, her mother was the last person she thought Adzo would have mention but she was wrong, her mother was the reason Adzo left without telling her. “Ruby, your mother accused me of a having a hand in your father’s death” Adzo said. “Why will my mother accuse you in the first place” Ruby asked. Nana who was still seated there realized that their conversation was really getting personal, so he had no option than to excuse himself. They didn’t even notice that he had already excused them. all their attention was on the issue they were both discussing. “Ruby, she claim i poisoned him the night before the wedding” Adzo said. Ruby looked confused and didn’t understand what Adzo was trying to say. “Can you come out clear, did you even had an encounter with my father” Ruby asked. “Hmm, Ruby, I’m a victim of circumstance. The night before he passed away, I was with him at the kitchen, apparently he was having difficulties in sleeping. Even though I recommended garlic solution to him, I only ended up giving him a glass of water to drink. According to your mum, Efe was the one who told her everything, she claim she saw me putting something in the water for your dad.” Adzo said. Ruby never suspected Adzo for having a hand in her father’s death. She had already seen the autopsy and know the cause of her father’s death. However, she became very furious for what her mother had told Adzo and was ready to confront her. When Ruby is angry, she is a total different person all together. “Adzo, you are not the cause of my fathers death.stay here, I will be right back” Ruby said and left Nana’s place very angry and mad without even saying goodbye to Nana. Nana saw her leaving, but she ignored him after he had called her back several times. Nana quickly rushed to the sitting room where Adzo was sitting to find out what may have caused Ruby’s outburst. “What just happened here? Nana asked. “mm, I think it’s best if you don’t know. But don’t worry, she will be back” Adzo said. Fred and Efe remained in the kitchen after Ruby’s mother had left them. Fred however suggested that Efe, should try and abort the baby for their own interest. Efe was not ready to let go just like, she on the other hand also demanded 2000GHC from Fred before she proceeds on with termination of the pregnancy. It was in the middle of the conversation when Ruby out of nowhere barged into the kitchen. “what are you doing here Fred? Ruby asked. Fred had never seen such anger in her eyes before, he even thought Ruby’s anger was as a result of the break up little did he know that, it was something worse than that. Before Fred could speak up, Ruby came out with another question, this time, the was directed to Efe. “Where is my mother” Ruby asked. “if she is not at the sitting room, then she will be in her bedroom” Efe answered. She immediately went to the sitting but only saw Aziz who was comfortably sitting and watching Television for the first time. She ignored him and went straight to her mother’s room only to find Mr. Abdul comfortably sitting on her mother’s matrimonial bed, holding hands with her. To be continued.
30 Mar 2016 | 11:06
Episode 20 She ignored him and went straight to her mother’s room only to find Mr. Abdul comfortably sitting on her mother’s matrimonial bed, holding hands with her. An angry girl who was looking for answers right after the death of her father meets her mother whom she trusted so much with a total stranger sitting right on her mother’s matrimonial bed. Ruby was in the state of dilemma, she didn’t know what to do when she saw them. She was made to believe that her mother didn’t know Mr. Abdul from anywhere but what she just saw suggested something else. “Mum, what is this man doing in here? He was here for business isnt it Mum” Ruby asked. She looked so confused and very nervous when Ruby asked her that question however Mr. Abdul just stood up and went out of the room leaving Ruby with her mother. Ruby obviously looked at him with an angry face as he walked pass her. “Mum, what was he here for” Ruby kept on asking. Ruby’s mother looked for a good reason to tell Ruby in order to avert any suspicions on her part. “hmm, I couldn’t handle It when he was telling me about the relationship that existed between him and your dad, apparently they were very close, I actually came here to give him the family album” Ruby’s mother said. Ruby was too smart to know her mother was lying to her but that was not her concern. She came here for a different purpose. “Mum, why do you even have to lie to me? what are you hiding from me? She asked. “What are you insinuating my daughter, that I have something doing with that man? Ruby’s mother asked back. Her guilty conscience almost exposed her with the question she asked. “I’m not referring to that. Mum, I met Adzo today” Ruby said. Her Mum’s face changed the more and she got very nervous. She knew how her daughter was when she gets angry. She knew that with little provocation, Ruby may end up taking matters into her own hands and no one will be able to handle her. Meanwhile while Adzo was waiting patiently for Ruby’s return, she got the attention of Nana with how she was able within a short time engage Nhyira into playing and having fun with her. No one had ever embraced and treated Nhyira like that. Nana felt very impressed as he watched on. He began to see Adzo in a different way. Adzo noticed it and questioned him. “Is there something wrong?” Adzo asked. “Oh no, just like the way Nhyira has grown fond of you” Nana said. “Well I’m glad, my unborn child will have a big sister to play with” Adzo said. Nana immediately got stunned with what Adzo said, he somehow felt disappointed for a reason best known to himself. “Are you pregnant? Nana asked. “Yeah” Adzo said while she was still playing with Nhyira. Nana got heartbroken which was a surprising thing. It was amazing how Nana felt after Adzo had told him about her pregnancy, he just left the scene went into his room. Adzo immediately knew something was wrong somewhere. Efe was still bargiaining with Fred over the amount she was demanding before she proceeds with the termination of the pregnancy. He finally had to settle on 1800ghc as at now, Efe still had the upper hand. They both agreed on a meeting time and venue after which Fred left the kitchen in search of Ruby. From the hallway, Fred could actually hear Ruby’s voice in her mother’s room. Meanwhile, Adzo was still having a good time with Nhyira until something tragic happened. Nana was still in his room when he heard a loud shout from Adzo. He came to find his daughter lying flat on the floor looking very rigid. Apparently, while Adzo was still playing with Nhyira, the little girl got hold of a faulty electrical socket which eventually electrocuted her. Adzo however didn’t know the danger the child was exposed to until the incident happened. She was still ignorant of this whole city life living. To be continued
30 Mar 2016 | 11:14
Aaah what is the meaning of that. Are u sure he is not the cause of ur father's death.
30 Mar 2016 | 11:18
Which kind of problem z this na.? Adzo u are in trouble again
30 Mar 2016 | 12:00
30 Mar 2016 | 12:33
31 Mar 2016 | 06:00
Adzo... Which kind life u dey live.... Troublez and problemz everywhere.
1 Apr 2016 | 10:02
hmmm surprise
1 Apr 2016 | 19:17
Hmmm, wht a funy life, next pls
3 Apr 2016 | 07:37
Ruby's mum has a hand in her her husband's death
3 Apr 2016 | 07:57
Episode 21 Adzo however didn’t know the danger the child was exposed to until the incident happened. She was still ignorant of this whole city life living. Nhyira’s black pupil had disappeared and her face turned pale. Nana initially didn’t know what to do. He then had no option than to rush Nhyira to the hospital leaving Adzo behind. Adzo sat on the floor at the sitting and kept on crying. She was shaking all over her body out of fear even to the extent of blaming herself for what had befallen Nhyira. Now she began to see herself as a point of calamity. Where ever she went, bad news followed her. She felt that she was the center of everything. Adzo was just afraid. Right from birth, happiness was something she hardly came across. Her mother’s death, what she went through at the hands of Mr.Abdul and Aziz and just when she thought she had found happiness and hope at the hands of Ruby and Fred, Ruby’s father passed away as she was made to believe that she was the one responsible for the death. She was then driven out of the house and when she came across this Good Samaritan who happens to be Ruby’s friend and that very day his daughter Nhyira has been electrocuted. The more she sat on the floor and stayed in the house, the more she felt responsible for what had happened. Without thinking twice, she just took her back and went into an exile not knowing where she was going or who she was going to. She just couldn’t bare what was happening to her any longer. Somehow, she knew whatever happened had to do with her. At this point, all that she thought was that, no one was safe at her side. Fred was eavesdropping while Ruby and her mother kept on questioning each other at Ruby’s mother’s room. “Look, there is something you should know about Adzo, she is not the person you think she is.” Ruby’s mother said. “Mum, how long have you known her, as far as am concerned Adzo has been very honest with me than my own mother” Ruby said. “Mind how you talk to me, I’m still your mother” Ruby’s mother said. “Then why are you hiding the autopsy away from me then? Ruby just popped out the question that stunned her mother. Her face completely dropped as you notice from her look that she was not expecting Ruby to ask her that question or even find out about the autopsy result. She had to device a new strategy to justify herself. “How did you know about the autopsy” Ruby’s mother asked. “It’s wouldn’t change anything Mum, Why were you hiding things from me” Ruby asked. She then asked her to sit beside her on the bed. That was when she began telling her everything. “Ruby, there is something you don’t know about Adzo. Did you know that Adzo ones lived with Mr. Abdul? She asked. “Yes I know and I know how cruel he treated her. I met that young guy before I came home with Adzo and Fred. Just that I didn’t know that he was the same man she was referring to” Ruby said. “hmm,I see she has already brain washed you, I don’t know what Adzo told you but I know she has been lying to you. Efe was once with Mr. Abdul and you see how serviceable and respectful she is. Is Adzo better off than her? Ruby’s mother asked. Ruby sat down very quiet, she felt that maybe Adzo hasn’t told the entire truth and this made her wondered whether she had done the right thing. It was easy for her mother to manipulate her, because she knew her daughter very well. Notwithstanding, Ruby didn’t judge quickly, she kept on thinking of how helpful Adzo has been ever since she came to their abode. She was the only who gave Ruby the listening ears she needed when Fred abandoned her. Ruby couldn’t listen to her mother anymore. Her mother made her feel she that she had done a terrible mistake by bringing Adzo under their care. Ruby now wanted to confront Mr. Abdul. Indeed she was really a confused lady now that she had even forgotten about the autopsy. She stood up from the bed and left her mother’s room only to find Fred eavesdropping behind her mother’s bedroom door. Such an embarrassment. Fred couldn’t do anything more, as he was caught right in the act. She just shook her head and left him in his shameful state. Upon getting to the sitting room, she found out that Mr. Abdul and Aziz were both not there. To her amazement they had already left. Without thinking twice she decided to go back to Nana’s house and meet Adzo. For now, her only motive was to get the root of the matter right that very day. She hurriedly went there and found the gate to the main entrance widely opened. She went inside and headed straight towards the living room. By then, Nana had already arrived from the hospital alone with his face buried in his arms. It’s seemed he had been sobbing for a while now. Ruby was surprise to see him in that state and asked him what the problem could be. Nana was silent and couldn’t utter a word. Ruby looked around to see if she would find Adzo, but she or Nhyira were nowhere to be found. “Nana, what is going on? Where is everyone? Ruby asked. Tears slowly rolled down from his eyes and this got Ruby more scared. “Nana, what is it? You’re scaring me? She asked again. “Ruby, It’s Nhyi? He said. “Yes, where is she and Adzo, Nana talk to me? Ruby asked. “Nhyi is ……………………………………………… To be continued
3 Apr 2016 | 08:27
Episode 22 “Nhyi is at the hospital, she has been admitted” Nana answered. “What? What happened, what’s wrong with her? Ruby desperately asked. Nana was so hurt that he even regretted opening his doors to Adzo. He felt that if it wasn’t for her, all this wouldn’t have happened. “Why don’t you ask Adzo? Nana said and went into his room leaving Ruby behind. She then stood there what had really happened for Nana to throw a question back at her. What could have Adzo done possibly that will make Nana say such things. She wanted to find out more so without any hesitation she followed Nana into his room. Adzo by then had walked a long distance and was very tired. Walking was something that she was used to but for the fact that she was also carrying a baby makes her situation very delicate and complicated. While she walked she kept on thinking of Nhyi and what would have happened to her by now. That was the time any religious or even traditionalist would have said a word of prayer but Adzo knows no such thing as GOD. She was not brought up to rely on any supernatural being for assistance and guidance. She was just completely ignorant of the existence of any religion or a God. Why would she then pray and to whom? The only thing she knew in this life was to just follow it where it leads you. If its leads you on the path of poverty, you can’t avert it, if its leads you on the path of wealth or power then embrace it. She walked several kilometers, not knowing where or who she was going to. People who by passed her saw certain uniqueness in her and in as much as they wanted to stop and talk to her; something pushed them away from her. It was as if Adzo was cursed, if not then she needed a helper who was ready to lose all that he/she has just to make Adzo happy. Fred noticed that he was the last thing that Ruby thought off. He began to feel out of place in the house. He then decided to go back to Baaba and probably wait till Ruby opens up to him. Already, he had scheduled a meeting with Efe the next day in order to pay her off as they had agreed. He quickly left Ruby’s house and drove to Baaba’s apartment where to his surprise he saw a Range Rover packed parked infront of the apartment. He thought it was Baaba’s uncle. With that, he took a quick look at his appearance just to look decent when he meets Baaba’s uncle. He opened the door leading the living room only to find Baaba and this light skin guy busy having sex on the sofa. Meanwhile, Mr. Abdul and Aziz waited all this while for Ruby’s mother at the boys quarters. Everyone in the house knew they had already gone including Ruby herself but they were still there waiting patiently for Ruby’s mother. She came in and quickly shut the door behind her after which she gave Mr. Abdul a very big and passionate hug. As if that wasnt enough, Ruby’s mother called out Aziz to join in. “My son, now you can embrace your mother openly” She said. On the other hand, Adzo was tired that her legs couldn’t carry her anymore. She decided to rest a little behind a spoilt and abadoned vehicle which seemed to have been packed for months without being attended to. As she was leaning beside the car, she saw large congregation coming out of a huge church that was directly opposite her. She watched on as they were chatting with each other with smiles and happiness. What even caught her attention the more was that, she heard a beautiful melodious voice singing. It came from the church but she couldn’t see anyone since she was standing outside. Even though, she didn’t know who was singing this beautiful song she was hearing, she enjoyed it to the fullest and wanted to get closer to the source and listen more She slowly walked and to her surprise, most of the people who came out of the church, shook hands with her as if they already know her. No one even questioned as she was entering into the church. She went and this beautiful dark lady singing, her name was Mansa. She was the general overseer of the Church. To be continued
3 Apr 2016 | 08:34
Episode 23 She went to meet this beautiful dark lady singing, her name was Mansa. She was the general overseer of the Church. Back at Baaba’s house, Fred stood there in shock not knowing what to do upon seeing Baaba with some other guy. Baaba quickly dressed up when she noticed that Fred had seen them. The Guy on the other just left them went into the bedroom. “What are you doing here” Baaba asked. “Are you asking me that question Babs, who the hell is that guy” Fred asked. “Oh, I didn’t tell you, well he is my boyfriend” Baaba bodily said without any form of regret. “What? Baaba your boyfriend” Fred asked. “Look, you were almost getting married to someone, I couldn’t count on you anymore Fred and you even left here this morning because of her. I have to get my options Fred.” Baaba said. Fred couldn’t believe what Baaba was actually driving at. Baaba was indirectly trying to tell him that she was done with him. “Fred, I don’t think you even coming back into my life was a good idea. This whole thing was not meant to be.” Baaba said. Fred broke down, Ruby was not giving him the attention that he wanted and now, Baaba is actually breaking up with him. Surprisingly, Fred went on his knees and began pleading with Baaba to consider her decision. “Babs, Please, I’m totally done with Ruby, she is out of my life now, I’m here. Please” Fred begged. Baaba laughed upon seeing how pitiful Fred looked when he knelt down to beg her. “Look Freed, It’s too late now, you know your way out already, now if you would excuse me, I need to attend to my man” Baaba said and left him. Fred was still on his knees even after Baaba had left. He thought that it was a dream. He never ever in his entire life thought that Baaba would actually do that to him. That was when he realized how Ruby loved him. He never appreciated it when Ruby loved him unconditionally. Like the saying goes, there is a thin line between love and hatred. Within just this few hours he has known two different ladies with different character all together. Ruby had showed him unconditional love and was at the verge of losing her. The only thing he could possibly do now was to talk to Ruby’s mother to convince her daughter in giving him another chance. God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes blessing from him comes along with misfortunes. Ruby was still with Nana alone at his bedroom as he was just praying that Nhyira gets better. That moment was a new era for both Ruby and Nana. That was the moment of transformation. During this time, Ruby began to see Nana differently. She saw how Nana loved Nhyira and how deeply he was affected by her condition. All her life she has known Nana to be very honest and transparent. Even the one who she almost married (Fred), didn’t tell her anything about her ex Baaba. She used her own means to find out. But Nana on the other was able to tell her about Nhyira even before he proposed to her. Right there and then She knew Nana was the right person for her. But her only problem was the fact that she wasn’t in love with him. Ruby’s mother was bonding with Mr. Abdul and Aziz. “What happened back there with your daughter” Mr.Abdul asked. “My dear, I have everything under control, my only problem is that she knows about the autopsy” Ruby’s mother said. “We need to do something. You can’t keep us away like that. We need to move in now. Even your son is finding it difficult in staying at the village” Mr.Abdul said. Ruby’s mother quickly turned to Aziz and said. “Aww my son, don’t worry ok, very soon you will have your own room to yourself and I and your father will be re-united again.” Ruby’s mother said to Aziz. Apparently, Ruby’s mother was actually the first wife of Mr. Abdul. Right after the birth of Aziz, She came to the city to look for greener pasture. That was where she met Ruby’s father and eventually got married to him. She had a purpose for marrying Ruby’s father and that was to acquire wealth and power so that she will be re united with her family again. It was only after her relocation to the city that Mr.Abdul got enough money to marry other wives without the knowledge of Ruby’s mother. This however justify why Mr.Abdul treated Aziz very special because he was his only son. All the wealth that Mr. Abdul had was funded by Ruby’s mother who will always send money to the village just to cater for her family there. Adzo was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was just a young girl who was sold by her own father in order to use the proceeds to pay off his depts. Adzo on the other saw Mansa singing and sat down on one of the pews just to listen to her melodious voice. She wondered why Mansa sang with passion and to whom she was singing to. Mansa had already seen Adzo sitting there and instantly knew she was a new person at the church. After she had finished singing, She came towards her and greeted her. “Young girl, how are you doing” Mansa answered. “I’m doing well madam. I’m sorry I was on my way back, sorry for the interruption” Adzo said. “Don’t worry young girl, you are welcome here anytime. What is your name by the way? Mansa asked. “I’m Adzo” She said. “Do you live anywhere around? Mansa asked. “Erm No, I …i….” Adzo didn’t know what to say than to fumble with her words. Mansa noticed from the way she looked piled that she might be probably pregnant. Something however prompted that, Adzo needed help. Without thinking twice about it, she just asked her. “Adzo, are you pregnant? Mansa asked. Adzo stood there without knowing what to say. She didn’t need help from Mansa or anyone. She knew that, anyone who tried to help her will actually face more obstacles than she had even faced. To Be continued.
3 Apr 2016 | 09:20
Episode 24 Adzo stood there without knowing what to say. She didn’t need help from Mansa or anyone. She knew that, anyone who tried to help her will actually face more obstacles than she had even faced. Mansa however was very determined to know more about Adzo, it was quite surprising to see such a young girl like Adzo to be pregnant. “Please young girl, have a seat with me. And feel free to tell me anything. Don’t forget you are at the house of God” Mansa said. Adzo’s gave a surprise look. You could tell that she didn’t understand what Mansa meant by house of God. “House of God? will he be angry seeing me here” Adzo asked. To Mansa, that was a very strange question Adzo asked. She wondered why did she even said that. Little did she know that Adzo didn’t even know that God existed. “Why that questions my dear sister, God can’t be angry with you, he is your father” Mansa said. This got more complicated for Adzo. “What the hell was Mansa even talking about? Where does she know her father from to even be referring to him as God” Adzo kept asking herself all these questions. “Look, tell me where you live, you can come back tomorrow so we talk more” Mansa said. Adzo nodded and slowly went out of the church room. Ruby’s mother was still spending time with her village husband and kid. Mr. Abdul went about updating her on his business back at the village. “So tell me, what about Aziz, what has he been doing also? Ruby’s mother asked. That question reminded Mr. Abdul something. “You have reminded me, did you know Aziz your son, ran away from the house? He said. “What? Ruby’s mother shouted out. She turned around to face Aziz who was busy going through magazines. “Is that true? Ruby’s mother asked him. “Yes Mum” He said. “why should you even do that? Is your father not treating you well? She asked. “Err Mum” He couldn’t tell her mum what actually led to that incident. “My dear, he won’t be able to answer you, He ran away from the house after I found out that he was sleeping with one of the maids. He thought I would scorn him.” Mr. Abdul said. Their cultural only favored the men. The men had an upper hand in everything and for Aziz to have slept with one of the maids meant that he was only growing and had acted like a man. This explains why Ruby’s mother didn’t really take delight in her own daughter Ruby because she was a girl. At any day or time, Aziz was always his favorite. She wanted him to acquire all the wealth that will make him very powerful than her late husband. Mr.Abdul knew that the more he reported Aziz to his mother, the more Aziz is likely to also spill the beans out of him having other 3 wives back at the village. He then chipped in a different matter yet a very intriguing one. “Anyway how did the drug go? Mr. Abdul asked. “Emm well as you can see, he is now gone to join our ancestors. but I didn’t know it will even work that quick. I was actually expecting his departure next month” Ruby’s mother said. “Well at least it has worked and we have all this big house to ourselves now” Mr. Abdul said. Efe on the other made up her mind that, right after she has taken the money from Fred, she was going to her sister in the village so that they can start a life on their own. That evening, She was secretly waiting for Fred to come but was to no avail. This kept her thinking all this while. Fred had already packed to his own apartment and was thinking of how to get back with Ruby. He had actually forgotten about his appointment the following day. The church was opened and no one seemed to be there. Adzo was still around and noticed everyone had left yet the church doors were opened. She slowly walked into the church and slept on one of the pews for the rest of the night. That was when she had a strange dream. That very night, Efe heard a knock on the door, she was actually thinking that, Fred had finally returned. She quickly got out of the room to answer the door. And to her surprise it was Sakina who was one of Mr.Abdul servants. Sakina was actually a blood related sister. To be continued.
3 Apr 2016 | 09:26
Hmmmm complicated matters
3 Apr 2016 | 13:55
loving this story us gud for my likening :). ride on bro
3 Apr 2016 | 15:56
This story has alot of complications......
3 Apr 2016 | 16:46
dis is really interesting......what wil nw happen btw sakina ,mr abdul & aziz....d truth will be reveal to ruby's mother
3 Apr 2016 | 16:56
All join
3 Apr 2016 | 17:58
I cant wait for d trut to com awt
3 Apr 2016 | 17:59
Hmmm,,, I jst dey folo dey go
3 Apr 2016 | 18:10
[b]This is really qettinq more and more extreemly "chiu chiun"(speakinq japanise) interestinq...[/b]
3 Apr 2016 | 19:25
This story is really a complicated story
3 Apr 2016 | 21:47
really complicated
4 Apr 2016 | 05:01
love this Story
4 Apr 2016 | 06:35
Nawa o..adzo God z with u dear
4 Apr 2016 | 07:15
4 Apr 2016 | 13:18
4 Apr 2016 | 14:59
Complicated Confusion.
6 Apr 2016 | 12:37
Episode 25 Sakina was actually a blood related sister. Efe was surprised to see her sister back with her. Sekina was looking very sad and Efe wondered what the problem could be. She knew that her sister was in the care of Mr.Abdul and to see her return looking that way means a lot had gone on with her. She loved Sekina so much that she would do anything for her. She was the only family member Efe had now. Sekina looked really different and changed. Efe gave her water to drink after which she began telling her everything she had gone through in the hands of Mr.Abdul and even how she got involved with Aziz. Sekina, when she found out that Mr.Abdul knew of her involvement with Aziz, She knew her time with him was limited and so had to escape any chance she had. On her journey back to where her sister was, that was when she realized she never treated Adzo well. She however didn’t skip any part of what she had done and gone through when she was still with Mr.Abdul to Efe. Little did she know that Mr.Abdul and Aziz were also in the same house as Efe. Ruby who was still at Nana’s apartment decided to go and check up on Nhyira that evening. They both left to the hospital where Nhyira was admitted. All this while, they talked about each other and Ruby realised that Nana still had feelings for her. She knew that Nana in a nutshell was a good man. With all this happening, Ruby still wondered where Adzo was. Even though her mother had spoken ill about her, she was still worried about her but she just kept it all in her heart. Nana also never had anything against her. He knew that mistakes were bound to happen and for that matter, he didn’t even blame Adzo for a second for what had happened to Nhyira. Upon reaching the hospital, they were fortunate to meet the doctor who was in charge of Nhyira and at last they got good news. Nhyira was responding to treatment and was to be discharged the following day. Nana smiled as he was overwhelmed with joy and excitement but what really surprised him was how Ruby reacted to the news. She just jumped and gave Nana a big hug. It was like a reflex action. Before Nana knew it, Ruby gave him a short yet sensational kiss on his lips. Ruby came back to herself and noticed what she had done. “What just happened? Ruby asked. That didn’t need an answer from Nana though. “I’,m sorry Nana I was overexcited” Ruby continued. “Don’t worry, this calls for a celebration” Nana said. The hospital wasn’t the right place for that, they decided to go back home to celebrate the good news and the life of Nhyira. “Hold on, I have a special wine at home, drive me there and let me go get it. It will be suitable for this occasion” Ruby said. Apparently that was the wine that her late father bought for her as her wedding gift; for Fred and her. She was determined to use that wine because she was completely done with Fred. Mansa had left an important document at the church that evening and was coming back for it. Upon reaching there, She noticed that Adzo was still at the church and was sleeping. She was sweating all over. Mansa gave her a tap on the shoulder which made her wake up with fear. “Calm down girl, it’s me” Mansa said. “What happened, I thought you had gone home” Mansa continued. “Madam, I’m sorry.” Adzo was looking very frightened and afraid when she was still talking to Mansa. Mansa noticed that she was afraid and expressed her concern about it. “What is wrong with you, why are you so afraid. It’s me, am the lady you spoke to early on” Mansa said. “I know. I’m sorry, I just had a terrible dream” Adzo said. “A dream? do you mind telling me? Mansa asked and sat closer to her. “I saw a man, he was standing right where you are seated. He said his name is Obed and I should tell you to teach me the path of Jesus” Adzo said still frightened. Mansa was shocked as she mentioned the name of Obed. Meanwhile, Nana and Ruby had already gotten to Ruby’s house. He waited in the car while Ruby went in to take the champagne for the celebration. After Ruby had gotten the champagne, She went into her mother’s bedroom just to check on her and tell that she would be a bit late tonight. To her surprise she found out that her Mum was not in her room. She looked all around but there was no sign of her. However, Ruby saw that the light at boys quarters was illuminated which was quite unusual. They never used the boys quarters so she wondered. She quickly went there to check. She opened the door which was not locked and found out the TV was on and Aziz was lying there far asleep. All along she thought they had already gone. She went further to the bedroom and there she received the shock of her life. She found her mother half naked in bed with Mr.Abdul. There were both far asleep. TBC
7 Apr 2016 | 05:07
Final episode She went further to the bedroom and there she received the shock of her life. She found her mother half naked in bed with Mr.Abdul. They were both far asleep. Ruby quickly out of disappointment rushed out of the room without any of them noticing her. She went into her bedroom crying deeply. Why would her mother do such a thing? Even if she felt the need of being with a man, it shouldn’t be at this moment where her husband had just died some few days ago. She quickly began packing her stuff to leave the house completely. That was when she heard a knock on her door. Upon going to check it up, It was Sakina, Efe’s sister. Ruby had no idea of who she was neither did she know that she was Efe’s sister. “Who are you, and how did you get here?” Ruby asked again “Sorry to bother you but there is something you need to know” She said. “Look, tell me who you are right this moment” Ruby asked again. “I’m Efe’s younger sister, I just came from the village about an hour ago, she actually sent me to you” Sakina said. “And where is she? Ruby asked. “She is still in her room, you really have to listen to me. It’s really important” Sakina said. Ruby had no option, she let her into her room. She wasn’t in a good mood because of what she had seen, she just wanted to leave the house and seek solace somewhere until her father is buried. “Why isn’t Efe here herself that she had to send you over” Ruby asked. Sakina kept her calm and advised Ruby to do same, for what she was about to tell her will freak her out. “It’s about your father” Sakina said. That definately got the attention of Ruby. What is it about her father that Sakina had to tell her? “Efe, had really done very bad things that she needs your forgiveness” Sakina said. “What has she done to me? Can you just go on with that, I’m really in a hurry?” Ruby said. “Hmm, I actually talked her out of it; she told me everything when I came today. And to be honest with you, she doesn’t know I am coming to tell you this. I have done some few bad things and am using this to make amends for them. As at now, she is in her room crying over what she has done” Sakina said. Ruby was running out of patience. “Would you please go straight to the point, What has Efe done” She asked her again. “First of all Miss Ruby, She is pregnant for your boyfriend Fred” Sakina said. “What” Ruby asked. She was stunned by what Sakina said; little did she know that Sakina had more in stock for her. “She is also an accomplice in poisoning your father to death.” Sakina said. Ruby was filled with shock and anger. She didn’t know where to address to this issue from. “Are you sure of what you are telling me? Did Efe actually tell you all these” Ruby asked. “She did, If I were you, I will confront her and get everything out of her. She really needs your forgiveness” Sakina said “And if I may ask, who was her accomplice? Ruby asked. “She didn’t tell me” Sakina said. Ruby immediately picked her phone and made a phone call to Nana who was still waiting for her in his vehicle. She needed him to be around her when she goes to confront Efe. Without hesitation, Nana came in and joined Ruby and Sakina who by then had left Ruby’s room and were waiting for him at the sitting room. Meanwhile, Mansa was still at the church with Adzo. She was surprised when Adzo told her about the dream she had especially when she mentioned the name of Obed. This was the best moment for Adzo to tell Mansa her story right from where she was sent to the village and eventually ended up at Ruby’s house. Adzo didn’t have anything else to hide, she told her everything and to her surprise she found Mansa’s eyes full of tears. “I know my life story is quite sympathetic but I don’t understand why you are crying” Adzo said. “hmmm, I was once like you Adzo, my life is a living testimony. I was on an orphan and was even adopted by my own father without knowing. He was the general overseer and the head pastor of this church. My life was a complete mess; I almost died until God began answering my prayers. He sent a helper, and everything changed from there. I was able to re-unite with my mother who is now in the states and just about a month ago, I got married to my husband. He is even waiting for me in the car now.
7 Apr 2016 | 05:24
FTC. Hope itz not yet over. Nyc story.
7 Apr 2016 | 06:05
Cont. And the most thing that amazes me is the fact that you saw Obed in your dreams. He was the same person God used as an instrument to bring me this far and answer my prayers.” Adzo didn’t really understand the whole story Mansa was trying to tell her but she knew that she had also been through a lot., “I know you won’t understand me, but trust me, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You may be blamed for all the misfortunes that surrounds you but there will be a time that you will be a blessing to other people’s life like I am today. I sing in church and through that people see the glory of God. Adzo, I will help you. But for now, are you ready to accept Jesus as your personal saviour? Mansa asked. “Yes Madam, but how do I do that? She ignorantly asked. “Close your eyes and say this after me” Mansa said. She did exactly what Mansa told her and after their short prayer Mansa and Adzo decided to rush to Nana’s house so that Nana will take her to the hospital Nhyira was. Adzo by then had already told her everything and the events that led her into running away and eventually ending up at the church where she met Mansa. Mansa led Adzo to the car where her husband, Kuu, was waiting for her. She opened the back door for her then she went in and sat. Kuu (Mansa’s husband) didn’t know who Adzo was and was wondering what was going on. “Is everything alright? Kuu asked. “Yes my love, this is Adzo. She really needs our help, I can’t tell you everything now until we get home, but I need you to follow this direction she gave me, we need to get there as soon as possible.” Mansa said. Kuu who also had an accommodating heart quickly did as Mansa had said and in no time they got to their destination, that’s Nana’s house. It was rather unfortunate that they met his absence. Adzo then gave them the direction to Ruby’s house where she knew she will meet Ruby. Without wasting anytime, they were on their way to Ruby’s house. Meanwhile, Nana had just joined Ruby and Sakina at the living room. Ruby requested that he be with her as she goes to confront Efe. They all headed to Efe’s room where they met her sitting on her bed with her head buried in her hand crying heavily. Ruby had never seen her like this before, she knew Efe to be the hard and difficult type but you could see that this issue had really eaten her up. Even though Efe wasn’t ready to tell Ruby the evil things she had done, as soon as she saw her, she quickly ran towards her, knelt down and held her legs asking for forgiveness. Ruby being the soft type couldn’t hold back her tears, she cried as Efe began confessing all that she had done to her even before Ruby could open her mouth and utter a word. It was as if some force had driven her into confessing. “Please forgive me, madam. She told me to do everything. I fed him with that substance for the past 3 months and that was the cause of his death and as if that wasn’t enough, I had an affair with Fred and I’m already pregnant for him” Efe said. Ruby was much interested with the person she was referring to than Fred’s issue. She was long over him and even though it hurts, she was not bothered than knowing who was responsible for her father’s death. “Who gave you the substance? Tell me now, Efe, Who gave tou the substance” Ruby anxiously asked. “I can’t madam, I can’t” Efe said. She was finding it difficult to reveal the culprit to Ruby, but Ruby insisted. Efe had nothing else to hide, she had no option than to say the truth. “Madam, it’s your mother, she ordered me to do this. She wants to move in with her husband and son at the village, where I came from. In fact they are already here” Efe disclosed it. “Are you talking about that man and the young boy who came here this afternoon? Ruby asked. “Yes madam, the young boy is Aziz, your step brother and Mr. Abdul is actually your mother’s first husband.” This made Ruby more furious and angry. The love she even had for her mother just disappeared within seconds. The fact that her mother actually killed her father because of Mr. Aziz was what got her heart filled with hatred. All this while it was now clear that her mother never loved her father. Without thinking twice about this, Ruby just called out Nana, instructing him to call the police immediately. “Ruby, Don’t you think you should re consider this, at least, listen to what your mother has to say first” Nana suggested. Ruby looking very angry turned and watched Nana in a manner that obviously showed how angry she was. “I already know what to say. As I’m speaking now, my mother is lying beside that idiot who calls himself Mr. Aziz at the boys quarters.” Ruby said. “What, your mother is….” Nana said. “You heard me, just call the police now.” Ruby said and together with Nana they both left Efe’s room leaving her with Sakina. Ruby just locked Sakina and Efe up and took the keys away. They both shouted out from the room but Ruby ignored them. Nana however had already called the police and they were on their way to the scene. Together with Ruby, they sat at the hall while Nana tried to calm Ruby down. All this while ruby’s mother was still enjoying her sleep lying in Mr.Abdul’s arms. Ruby looked very angry now and full with hatred however they got distracted when they saw a vehicle entering into the compound. Initially they thought it was the police until they got out to meet them and noticed it was Adzo and some strange people whom they had not seen before. Adzo had actually come with Mansa and her husband Kuu. As soon as Ruby saw Adzo, she embraced her, despite all these happenings, her love for Adzo was unique. Ruby however invited them in and without wasting any time, Adzo asked how Nhyira was faring. “She is fine, Adzo. But where have you been all this while” Nana asked. Before Adzo could open her mouth to talk, they all heard the noise of a siren which seemed to be coming towards the house. The police had arrived and quickly Ruby led them to Efe’s room and arrested her. While she was being dragged away she kept on pleading and asking for forgiveness. “Efe, I have already forgiven you, but the law has to take its course” Ruby said. Together with all those who were present, Ruby again led the police to the boys quarters and there they arrested her mother who was still half naked. “what is going on here, who the hell are these people” Ruby’s mother said trying to resist arrest. “Mum, how could you? you killed my own father, your husband all because of these people” Ruby said. “How can you accuse me of such a thing, Am innocent. Efe did everything, she poisoned your father. she had been feeding that substance over months now.” Her mother said. “How did you know that mum, how did you if you were not the one who gave it to her” Ruby said. Her mother was silent. she had nothing else to say. The police handcuffed her. However the police recognized Mr.Abdul. Apparently he has been wanted for some months now for child trafficking. They also arrested him. Adzo who kept watching from a distance began crying as they led them away. “Adzo, don’t cry, my mother didn’t love me even to the extent of murdering my own father” Ruby said. “mmm, you see that man, He is responsible for my pregnancy” Adzo said. “Adzo, it doesn’t matter, you are with me now, I will take care of you and the baby. he can be responsible but he is not going to be the father” Ruby assured her. Aziz and Sakina stood begging Ruby to set Mr.Abdul and Efe free and forgive them for what they have done. “My own mother is also going to face the law. I have forgiven them but for now they have the state to deal with. And as for the two of you. I need you to get out of my house immediately” Ruby said and together with Nana and Adzo they walked out on them leaving them stranded. Mansa and Kuu were just waiting for them at the living room. That was when Adzo introduced Ruby and Nana to them. That night was very special as they all felt the need to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. Even though Ruby and Nana already were Christians, through Adzo and Mansa they got their faith strengthened in the word of God. Three months down the line, Aziz and Sakina settled in the village living separate lives however, Ruby’s mother and Efe were both guilty and were sentenced to life in prison. Ruby didn’t abandon her mother completely. She frequently visited her at the prison and eventually she confessed to Ruby why she committed that crime. Mr. Abdul was also sentenced to 20years in prison with hard labor. Meanwhile, Fred had also given his life to Christ after Baaba left him for the light skinned guy. Adzo lived under the roof of Ruby and together they became very happy living with each other. They were more like blood related sisters. It was during this time that Ruby actually began falling for Nana. Eventhough it took time for her to realize it she frequently goes to his place for a visit and take Nhyira out to the children’s park. She accepted her as her own now. What even strengthened their friendship was the fact that they all worshiped together at Mansa’s church and that made them more happier than they were before. THE END SORRY for the lateness. Appreciation to all the Reader. Hope that you all take your inspiration from this story.
7 Apr 2016 | 06:39
Nice story its a good thing that adzo was later vindicated.
7 Apr 2016 | 06:56
Nice story good job
7 Apr 2016 | 07:16
Final episode? Guy i dont understand o
7 Apr 2016 | 07:27
Thanks for today update, when next o
7 Apr 2016 | 07:29
What a great story..u even involve mansa and kuu inside ..good one bruh
7 Apr 2016 | 07:45
ok oti end tru tru o
7 Apr 2016 | 07:56
This story is the best... you adding another story to this story makes it the best..great writer
7 Apr 2016 | 08:05
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@Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @ @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Sunshine1993 @Audreytimms @Joezeal @Edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skd @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty
7 Apr 2016 | 08:14
wow nice story I love every bite of this tanks for sharing this wonderful piece with us we really appreciate
7 Apr 2016 | 08:18
Truth always prevail.
7 Apr 2016 | 08:40
What a happy ending.
7 Apr 2016 | 09:01
Continie plsss..
7 Apr 2016 | 09:01
hmmm things ar happening o
7 Apr 2016 | 09:05
nice story
7 Apr 2016 | 09:10
Thumb up
7 Apr 2016 | 09:30
mansa nd kuu? well well well it was WOW!,
7 Apr 2016 | 11:08
Hmmmm, getting interesting
7 Apr 2016 | 12:38
I love evry bit of dis story expectinq more f dis
7 Apr 2016 | 14:02
Hmm god z able
7 Apr 2016 | 14:13
Nice story there's always a bright light at the end of the tunnel.
7 Apr 2016 | 18:17
nice one welldone at d writer
7 Apr 2016 | 18:17
Nice endinq...
7 Apr 2016 | 19:30
nice story n ending....kudos to u,,,may d lord strengthen u .....thanks
7 Apr 2016 | 19:45
Nibe broe... Really enjoyed the ride.
8 Apr 2016 | 05:44
nice story..kudos
9 Apr 2016 | 16:29
this story be some way oh
14 Apr 2016 | 15:58
Nice work its just like season 2 of Mansa
14 Apr 2016 | 17:06
Wow... Happy ending.
15 Apr 2016 | 09:16
Fred, You are COMPLETELY FINISHED....!!!!!!!!
25 Feb 2022 | 19:38
The writing style of this story is similar THE TALE OF TWO CITIES by Mark Twain...!
25 Feb 2022 | 21:21
Nice ending...!
25 Feb 2022 | 21:44


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