Is this not Afghanistanism
When resources vast are wasted
To search for problems to solve
While citizens die daily
As malaria strikes viciously
And mosquitoes breed freely
When vast funds are spent
To fund foreign democracies
When we yarn for true democracy
To quench their taste
For better living standards
When foreign meetings are vogue
While local issues are left
Without solutions to them
And tuberculosis has field day
Killing thousands yearly
When OBJ solution's everywhere
But here at home
HIV/AIDS spreading steadily
And our hospitals
Yet out-of-stock centres
When our own Government
Gives relief to foreign disaster victims
But our wretched majority
Remain yet hopeless and helpless
Without balm on their coarse condition..?
*Afghanistanism: In journalism parlance, it refers to diverting attention from real or urgent issue that deserves attention to that distant or less serious matter at the moment.