One morning, a teacher entered the class and
was so disappointed to meet not even a single
After 30 min, the students started arriving one by
The angry teacher was observing them as they
After the arrival of the last student, the teacher
"If you know you came late and you greeted me
as you pass the door, fall to the right, 10 strokes
of cane for you"
"If you know you came late and you did not greet
me as you pass the door, fall to the left, 2 weeks
"And don't attempt to lie because i was taking
record." he added.
After the statement, a class of 20 students, 10
moved to the right while 9 moved to the left
remaining only Akpos standing alone.
"Young man! are you claiming you where here
before me?" asked the angry teacher.
Akpos replied "No sir!"
"And am sure you didn't greet me"
"Yes sir! I didn't"
"Then why are you still there?" asked the teacher.
"because i didn't fall into any category" replied
Akpos said "Meaning that I entered through the
IF you are the teacher what punishment will you
give Akpos