

By EMASKI in 28 Apr 2017 | 21:41


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topic: all unrighteousness is sin(1john5:17a)
if you are not born again or maybe you are a
compromiser or backslider, you must do
something as a matter of ungency. he that
commits sin is of the devil (1john3:8)say;he
that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. for this
purpose the son of god was manifested, that
he might destory the work of the devil. if
you are into lying,cheating,bitterness,keep
ing malice, pride, manifesting anger,
quarreling, unforgiveness, hatred, envy, contention, strife, speaking evil of other
,taking or giveing bribe, selfishness,
deception, kidnapping, smuggling, falsification
of document and other sinful character
disposition , you must repent.
such evil and wicked character will hinder the manifestion of abundant blessings upon
you life. if you are into masturbation,
forncation, adolatry, prostitution (private or
public), patronizing prostitutes, abortion,
(leviticus18:22-23) lisbianism and
homosexuallism(1corinthiants6:9-10)say;1. know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of god? be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolater, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind 10. nor thiever ,
nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of
god. or any form of immorality you need to
whateve be the sin, you must repent and
make amends. are you into adolatry, do you
make charms,rituals, bow down to images (exodus20:4)say; thou shalt not make unto
thee any graven image, or any likeness of
any thing that is in heaven above, or that is
in the earth beneath, or that is in the in water
under the earth:,do your rob or steal! are
you into cultism, whether open or secret cult? Do you practice witchcraft? Do you smoke
cigarette or hemp? Do you sell them or offer
them to people? Do you smoke or sniff hard
drugs such as cocaine , heroin, captain black ,
hashish or other banned drugs? are you
lusting-lusting after a men or women, covetous, alcoho drinking? you must repent
and give you life to christ.
are you into the business of marriage and
divorce? are you married to more than one
person?repent!!! marriage is for better and
for worse until death separates(matt1 9:3-6).'wherefore they are no more two but
one flesh. what therefore god has joined
together let no man put asunder(separates)' .
amend your ways and god will bless you.
provebs28:13say,''he that cover his sins shall
not proper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.'' you must
not therefore hide your sins. you are you
into one of those that put on nude dresses,
short skirt,transparent dresses to seduce (a
seducer is ont a christian )or perhaps you
wear trouser as a woman! (deuteronomy22: 5).the woman shall not wear that which
pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man
put on woman garment: forthisa bomintion
unto the lord thy god.(revlation21:8,27).
therefore,make up your mind, repent and
give your life to jesus christ. are you spoilt? jermiah4:30 say,'' and when thou arts
spoiled, what wilt thou do? though thou
clothes thyself with ornaments of gold,
though thou rentest thy face with painting,in
vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lover
will despise thee. they will seek thy life'' a christian is not a sinner is not a christian. if
you must be a blessed childo f god, you must
repent of your sins and give your life to
christ.if you believe jesus christ today,
righteousness of god will come into your life
and abundant life will be your portion. if you neglect this call to repentance and savation,
you will not escape hell fire (hebrews2:3). in
luke13:3 jesus said, i tell you,nay . bute xcept
ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish'.
matt6:33 says, '' but seek ye first the
kingdom of god and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you''
peace,joy,healing,deliverance and all blessing
will be your portion you will make heaven
last ,as you cont in righteousness.
if you have decided now to give your life to
jesus christ and to forsake yoursinful lifestyle,you need to prayer.
almighty god , i come unto you in the name of
jesus. father i confess that iam a sinner . all
my sins i confess to you. iam very sorry for
all my sin(mention those you can
remember).lord i promise you that from today i will never continue in them anymore.
i believe that jesus christ died and rose again
on third day for my justifiction. almighty
god,use the blood of jesus toeash my sins
away. lord jesus, come into my heart, be my
lord and personal savior. i surrender my life to you. cancel my name from the book of
death and writh my name in the book of life.
give power to sin no jesus name i
28 Apr 2017 | 21:41
29 Apr 2017 | 14:45
29 Apr 2017 | 15:11


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