Almost Perfect

Almost Perfect

By Viciyoung in 15 Feb 2017 | 09:09
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Copyright@2016 by Gaglo Blessing. All the characters in this story have no existence outside the writer's imagination and have no relation whatsoever with anyone living or dead. This is entirely a work of fiction.
All rights reserved, no parts of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of me, the author.

There's something dark and vile in each one of us. There is a stranger in us which we may or may never meet.

The first time i saw an erect male anatomy was on my sixteenth birthday. I was an only child, i had no sibling so i wasn't opportune to see even a little uncut joystick of a young boy as a child. My two nannies were very vigilant, i was never out of their sight. Even when we went to the park, they would trail after me like a puppy. That day changed everything for me, Mami had sent me to call Kosi, our gateman. I heard grunts and moans as i approached his door in the boys quarters. Instead of hollering his name as i would have done on other days, out of curiosity I snuck up to the door and pushed it open gently. I let out an inaudible gasp, kosi was on his little mattress, his legs were spread apart and in the middle of his legs,jutting out in a nest of black bushy hair, was a big, thick, long and veiny thing. He was pulling it up and jerking it fiercely. His eyes were closed, his mouth hung open as if he was deriving a great pleasure from what he was doing.
My heart pounded heavily as i continued to watch him until a creamy substance trickled out of his pe.nis and it suddenly shrank like a deflated tire. I stole back to the house and ran into my room forgetting that Mami sent me on an errand in the first place.I locked my door, took off my shorts and bounced on my bed. I felt my lower bottom with the tip of my finger, surprisingly it was wet. Another mystery in just one day. I wondered why my bottom was damp when i didn't take a pee or wash it with water. I felt my open slit with my little finger, i felt a little tingle but it was nothing glorious. I wondered why Kosi seemed to be enjoying himself so much, my finger touched a little button at the upper region of my slit and i felt an electric bolt run through me. I snatched away my finger in surprise, i touched it again and again until i felt an incredible feeling in my tummy. My legs jerked involuntarily, my breathing was labored and sweat broke over my brows despite the AC in the room. I arched my back as my tummy was suddenly knotted in a sweet kind of feeling.
" Mable! Where is Kosi?" My mother asked, knocking on my door." Why is your door locked?"
" Mami!" I said, scampering out of the bed. I located my short and wore it. I unlocked the door and stepped out of my room.
" Why are you sweating like this? do you feel sick? you look flush" Mami asked worriedly, " Yesu please help me! how could you get sick on your birthday?"
" It started suddenly Mami, I feel like fainting " I replied in a little voice, pretending to be sick.
" Yehowa! go back into your room! i will give Doctor Kwame a call."
" Don't call him, Mami, i only have to rest a bit" i said in a quiet voice.
" Please don't fall sick. We have spent so much money on your party. Your friends will soon be here and we have called King Mensah to perform."
" Mami!" I moaned, forgetting for a second that i was supposed to be sick." How could you call that old Togolese musician to perform on my birthday! I am sixteen and not sixty for Christ sake! My friends will laugh at me, my party will be the worst party ever in the history of birthday parties!"
" Ohhhh my Jewel! King Mensah will perform for your daddy and his friends. He's a great musician, well known and loved by everyone. He's one of the best high life musician Togo has ever produced. How silly of you to think he was going to perform for you and your friends. Didn't we plan for a Dj for your party?"
I sighed in relief. " Alright Mami. Please nobody should disturb me until my friends get here" I said, going back into my room.
" Mabel! Mabel!"
Tade shouted my name, jarring me out of my sweet riverie. He was fond of calling out my name whenever he came home. I sighed and quickly logged out of the erotic site i was browsing. I deleted the browser history, and typed ' healthy diets' into the search box. He walked into the room, sweating from his work out. He looked so fit and sexy. My friends had told me that the attraction would slowly fade away and the love replaced by a dull, boring feeling or a slight irritation but after ten years of marriage, the physical attraction seemed to wax stronger and stronger. Between the sheets, we ignite enough fire to rekindle the burnt out flames in every homes. He was such a great father to our eight year old daughter and he was such a loving husband. My only wish was, for him to loosen up a bit and socialize as often as possible. He was an introvert and even the sound of loud music was enough to give him a migraine.
I was an extrovert, i was born on a sunny bright day. I was born to dance to loud music, i was born to party all night and wake up refreshed in the morning. The loud thud sound of music booming out of speakers, the bright disco lights, the thrills of bouncing my big ass to the music and having a strong male body lightly tapping on it were the things that kept me going. I knew all the happening joints in Ghana, i knew which DJ was on the mic just by listening to the music playing. How i wish Tade was more outgoing, we would get to do naughty stuffs like sneaking off to the toilet when we get hot. I could envision myself on the toilet seat, my legs widely spread while he licks me until i come. I would also blow him until he drips lovingly onto my warm tongue. But Tade would rather stay at home and take care of Adwao Mami Serwa, our daughter.
" Bell,are you here at all?" Tade asked, removing his sweat filled polo.
" Yes dear. How was your work out?"
" It was OK. I said we have a dinner tomorrow. One of my senior colleague in the office is retiring "
" Oh, Kojo Frimpong?, you mentioned it some days ago."
" Yes. Tomorrow is his send off dinner. We have to get a sitter for Serwa," he said.
" Oh wow! tomorrow? " i asked, " Bad timing dear, tomorrow is Ama' s hen night."
" I thought last night was her hen night"
" No. That was Alicia' s bachelorette party. Don't you worry dear, i will call up the baby sitter."
" That means you are going with me to the dinner?" He asked with hope.
" Aww baby, i can't . I am sure there will be a lot of stuck up and boring people at the party. Besides i can't stand up Ama."
" Alright" he said, dumping his polo in the laundry basket. " My mom called, she asked of you and Serwa."
" How's she? "
" They are all fine. We are going to Nigeria for Christmas"
My face dropped. " Tade! you know i am hosting this year's Christmas's party! Debbie hosted it last year and this year is my turn!"
" No buts. We are going to Nigeria for Christmas"
Funmi hugged me happily. We were both graduating at the same time. She read English and Literary studies while i read History and International relations. We were childhood friends, we went to the same primary school in Ikenne, Remo,Ogun State. We lost contact when my family moved to Lagos. My father, a pastor, was transfered to another church. My father after few years as a pastor in the church needed an assistant pastor and Funmi' s father happened to be the asst. Pastor that was sent to him. We wrote jamb the same year and we both gained admission into the same school. While in school, we attended the same fellowship and we were rarely ever apart. Funmi was more than my childhood friend, she was the sister i never had.
" Finally, it is over" Fumi said, with laughter.
Our course mates ran to us, with a camera in hand and we took several group photos. Femi, a guy in my department walked up to us and gave me a fierce hug, he let go of me and made to hug Funmi but she stepped back, stretching out her hand for a handshake instead. Femi laughed and shook her hand. Funmi was a 5.5 ft tall, chocolate skinned girl of twenty seven. She was a little chubby and she had a deep dimple in both cheeks. She had a lovely oval shaped face with a pointed nose, deep brown eyes and full lips. She was also busty, but one would hardly know because of the baggy and loose clothes she wears. Her natural hair was styled in an afro, she never wore make up or lip gloss. She had never worn a trouser in her life and she wouldn't be caught dead in any body fitting top. She always gave me a disapproving look when ever i wore trouser or light make up. She would shake her head but wouldn't verbally voice out her disapproval. I was light skin and slim, 5.6 ft tall, my boobs were way smaller than hers. My thighs were slimmer and my buttocks was smaller in comparison to hers. Although we were both raised by Pastor Fathers, Funmi was more religious than i was. At twenty seven, she had never been on a date, she had never kissed a guy before and she had vowed never to marry an unbeliever. I was more of the outgoing type, i had made out with few guys in the past but i was still a virgin. I braid my hair much to the consternation of my father and i was sometimes late to church. My father had always said, if it wasn't for Funmi's Godly influence i would have deviated from the lord's path a long time ago.
" Girls, i know i shouldn't be asking you two this but there's an after party at my place tonight." Femi said.
" Sure, i will be there" i said.
" No. Thank you," Funmi replied.
" Alright Dupe, see you at seven" Femi said, before bouncing away to join the others.
" Come on Funmi! Let's go have fun!"
" Sometimes you amaze me Dupe, you are a pastor' s daughter for goodness sake." Funmi said," You ought to live by example,"
" Hey. It's just a party!"
" A party that does not glorify God?"
" Funmi, please let's not argue. Today is a joyous day for the both of us, come let's go look for our parents. They should be here by now, i asked them to wait for us at the school gate"
" There they are!" Funmi shouted, pointing at the green Toyoto Corolla steadily making its way towards the car park.
" Funmi, don't you dare tell them about the party" i threatened.
She laughed, revealing her set of white teeth. " Just for today, don't count on it next time o"
" Geez! Please accept my heart felt gratitude. I bet you are worse than i am, you just haven't seen what rocks your boat yet." I said, laughing.
" The only thing that rocks my boat is Jesus," She replied
" Well that is because you haven't experienced Booze and Sex" i said, shocking her.
She gasped and turned white, her mouth hung open in shock. I laughed and held her hand and we made our way to the car park.
To be continued
15 Feb 2017 | 09:09
Ride on
15 Feb 2017 | 09:27
Continue, dis is gonna b fun
15 Feb 2017 | 09:43
I am following this
15 Feb 2017 | 09:48
Seated Ride on
15 Feb 2017 | 11:27
seated ride on
15 Feb 2017 | 12:42
15 Feb 2017 | 13:31
Rid on!
15 Feb 2017 | 15:45
Nice one bro
15 Feb 2017 | 17:36
Episode 1 Continues.. Uche I was almost at my house when i saw her again. The first time i saw her was last year when she and her church members were sharing pamphlets on the street. I and my guys were playing a friendly game of ludo, i was losing seriously so i was in a sour mood. Their loud singing and joyous clapping as they declared the lord' s second coming and his wonders got to us before we saw them. Ebuka, a burly man who was married with kids was my opponent. Since he lost his driving job, he took his pleasure in playing Ludo games and cursing out the government. I was an unemployed graduate of two years so i had little else to do. The other guys were usually street guys and kids who fancied adult talk. " Double six!" Ebuka screamed, almost upsetting the ludo game which was placed on the bench we both sat on. " Take am easy nah" i said surly, i watched with a clenched jaw as Ebuka threw another double six again. " Double six kill this one" he said, flipping one of my seed back into its house. The others laughed and cheered. " Six_five" i threw mine, wondering which one of the games to bring out of its home. Ebuka' s seeds were camped outside my house, waiting for me to bring out a seed. The singing and clapping got louder and they walked towards us, some of them walked right on, still singing and clapping but two of them walked to us. " Good afternoon," the fair slimmer one said, " we are from the gospel church down the street. We are having a three_ day revival. You are invited to join us" She handed each of the guys a flyer." God bless you as you come" " Shebi na your papa get the church Nne?" Ebuka asked, " me i dey find job o" the other guys laughed. " The lord will meet you at the point of your need as you come." the chubby lady with her said, " I hope you will attend." " Yes o" he replied. " Brother, take" the fair lady extended a flier towards me. " Thank you. Who do we ask of when we come for the revival? " i asked, hoping she would tell me her name. " We have to catch up with the others. You will see us at the revival, we will look out for you all" the dark skinned lady said. Ebuka and his family had attended the revival and he was employed later on as the driver of one of the deacons. As for me i couldn't attend because i went for an interview outside Lagos. I was told at the end of it that they would get back to me but they hadn't till date. I walked by the church often, hoping to catch a glimpse of her or run into her, i would often pester Ebuka about her but he always told me to get my mind off her as she was a pastor's daughter and he wouldn't even tell me her name. " Hello!" I called, running to catch up with her. Luckily for me, i was sporting my only new pair of trouser, i had on my younger brother's new Palm slippers and i just had my hair cut the previous day with the two hundred naira i stole from Mama. She stopped and looked back. " Hello, " She said with a smile. " Hi. My name is Uchenna," I said, flashing her my best smile." We met sometime last year, you gave me your church flier" " Oh. Nice to meet you again Uchenna, how come i didn't see you in church? " she asked jokingly. " I was out of Lagos for a while. You are.....?" " Dupe." She said, " Will i see you in church on Sunday? " " Lovely name, I only stopped to say hello to you." I replied, not wanting to answer her question. " That's nice of you. Where do you worship? " " I am Catholic " " Alright." She said, " i have to be on my way." " Do you mind giving me your phone number?" " No problem. It's O80....." " 76?" i asked. " Yes, it ends with 76." " I will give you a call later." " Alright" She said. I almost jumped up in ecstasy as i watched her walk away. She was so slender, petite and beautiful. Her waist was tiny and i was sure her ass would barely fit into my palm but i was attracted to her all the same. Dupe. The name suits her i thought as i headed back home. To be continued..
16 Feb 2017 | 02:31
Keep it rolling
16 Feb 2017 | 04:45
Alright let's see how it goes
16 Feb 2017 | 08:23
Ride on
16 Feb 2017 | 09:50
Next plz!
16 Feb 2017 | 13:31
only thinking about her ass naughty boi
16 Feb 2017 | 14:56
Episode 2 * Continues* Funmi " Fikayo, what is the name of the young boy who killed Goliath in the bible?" I asked, pointing at the six year old. My Sunday school class was made up of three to seven year old kids. The other kids were actively participating except him, he was busy playing with a toy in his hand. He stood up, looking at me." Fikayo, answer me" " It was Jonah," he said shyly, eliciting laughter from the other kids. " Silence Children, you shouldn't laugh at your friend. Rather you correct him, who can tell me the name of that brave young boy who killed Goliath? " i asked. " It was David!" Simi, a little girl with glasses said. " Clap for her" i said, walking towards the door as someone had knocked on it. I opened it and Dupe took hold of my hand, pulling me out of the Children's class. " He's here " She said, " I feel like a high school girl seeing him" " Who?" " Uche" I laughed. " What are you nervous about? " " Babe, i have a mad crush on that guy!" " how can you carry a touch for someone you barely know, since last year?,he's all you talked about in camp and when we were done with our Service i thought you would have forgotten about him. Stop acting like a girl in pinafore, he probably doesn't feel the same way about you" " School girl? I am twenty_ five and this is the first time i am feeling this way about someone. Why won't i act like a school girl?" " Dupe, " I said with a serious face." I don't want to see you get hurt. He's Catholic and he' s an Igbo guy. Have you even prayed about this? " " Well he's catholic but he's worshiping with us today. As for his tribe, are we all not one?" " Have you prayed about it?" i asked again. " I will start praying about it tonight. How's your class, hope your kids are not stressing you out?" " Fikayo is a big case. He's always occupied with something, if you collect it from him he looks for another diversion." " Sorry about that" She laughed, " I like the color of your skirt. Turquoise blue looks good on you"" " Thank you. You like the color but not the skirt itself? because it is too long?" I asked with laughter, " one of these days you will be suspended over your mode of dressing. Your gown is too tight and short. " " This is even way too loose on me, knee length is not short joor. Enjoy your class" she said, walking towards the staircase. " Enjoy your distraction" I called after her, I will put him in my prayers i thought as i went back into my class. Uche I was in a very good mood despite the noise my Siblings were making. They were fighting over a piece of meat. Twenty_ year old Chidubem was obviously trying to cheat the twin girls, Chinasa and Chinonye. They were arguing hotly over the size of the meat he had given them. I started whistling to block out their annoying voices. I closed my eyes, visualizing Dupe's beautiful face. She was the first person i saw on entering the church premises. She wore a black and white strip gown that was well fitted and it brought out her slim figure well. On her head was a black beret. She was an usher, she had given me a warm smile and directed me to a seat. After the service, i lingered outside until she came out and i swiftly secured a date for the next day. Chinonye started crying as Dubem gave her a knock on the head for daring to challenge his authority. " Ejima, kedu ife na_eme e be a " Mama asked, walking into the sitting room. She was a light skinned woman in her fifties, she was tall and fat. She wiped her hands on her wrapper, glancing briefly in my direction. She walked to the section we had made our dinning. " What is going on here?" " Mama, bro Dubem knocked Nonye on her head" Chinasa replied, eyeing him. " Dubem! Since when did you become Bach Ali? Why are you terrorizing your younger sisters?" " Mama they don't want to accept the pieces of meat i gave them. They want me to share it equally" " So you are fighting over meat ehn? where are the pieces of meat? put it on the plate let me see." They all dropped their piece back into the plate. Mama lifted up the plate, gathered the three pieces of meat and threw them into her mouth. " ungrateful children! how many of your father's family has meat to eat? how many times have they brought even a cup of garri to give to their late brother's children? If i hear peem again ehn," She went into her room and shouted my name. I stood up to answer her call. My family and i lived in a three bedroom flat. My mom had one room to herself, i also had one to myself as the eldest child, Chidubem and the twins shared a room with bunk beds. " Mama, you called me" I said. " Biko sit down, Uchenna, " I sat down on the stool in the room. " Why were you not in church today?" " I went to see a friend" " So that your friend is bigger than God? what was so urgent that couldn't wait after mass." " Who said i didn't go to church today? I went to see a friend in another church " " Hia! Uchenna! which church?" " Mama what is this nah? why are you questioning me like this?" I asked with anger. " Nna calm down nah, i was worried when i didn't see you during or after service." She said softly, " Which one of your friends did you visit?" " You don't know her mama. She's a girl i just met and i am interested in her" " What is her name? is she also a catholic? " She asked, frowning. " No. Her name is Dupe " " Chineke! Uche kukuma kill me nah, ehn, how could you be interested in a girl that is not catholic? she's not even an ibo girl. There are several beautiful and decent girls in St. Paul' s but Mba, it is agbero you want! Yoruba! Tufiakwa! Will your father hear this and not turn in his grave?" " Mama, i am no longer a child. I am old enough to differentiate between good and bad. Dupe is a decent girl and she's also from a christian home. As a matter of fact, her father is a pastor." I stood up." You will change your view of the yorubas once you get to meet her " " I don't want to meet her! Uche! Uche! Uche! How many times did i call you? I don't want you to have anything to do with her!" She shouted," I will not sit and watch you throw your life away " I laughed and hugged her, she tried to push my hands away. " Mama! You haven't even met this girl o. You don't know anything about her but you have already written her off. Trust your son nah, you know i can't go for what is not good. I assure you that you will like her, but you won't meet her now. It is too early for that." " I don't trust you o and i don't want to meet her! " Mama said, " ask Nasa and Nonye to come put my room in order when they finish eating" " OK." I said, " Mama, can i get five hundred box from you?" " Mba. It is five hundred packs i will give you. You want to use my money to buy recharge card so that you can Facebook that Yoruba girl, Mba!" I went out of the room, my mind was already over our conversation. I wondered if i could last till the next day to see her again. I had already made plans to take her to Barcelos at GRA for the date. To be continued..
16 Feb 2017 | 17:38
with no money.
16 Feb 2017 | 19:34
GRA for date....dis guy dnt even knw his size
17 Feb 2017 | 01:16
u don't av money and u want to take her to barcelos. OK na
17 Feb 2017 | 02:17
This guy isn't cutting his coat according to his size
17 Feb 2017 | 03:51
Date on empty pocket. Its allowed
17 Feb 2017 | 05:54
Mr man u dnt ve money nd u wnt to take a gal to GRA?? Ok ooo.
17 Feb 2017 | 07:04
Women and their wahala... U haven't even met the person and u are already hating her and if God decides to punish u, u will say He is unfair
17 Feb 2017 | 07:06
With no money... I pity you
17 Feb 2017 | 07:32
Episode 3 Continues.. Mabel I heard Serwa screaming for me, i wondered what she wanted as i flipped through a fashion catalog on the kitchen counter. I saw a gown i liked, i folded that part as a reminder. I was heading towards the door to see what my daughter wanted when i heard the buzz of my phone, i went back into the kitchen to answer the call. " Hey baby girl, what time is that shindig? " i asked, stirring the boiling tomato stew on the cooker. Serwa came into the kitchen wearing a long face, i removed the phone from my ear." Mami Serwa go call daddy. Tell him to come take the trash out and tell him the stew is ready. " Sorry Sweetie," i said into the mouth piece." I was talking to my little angel. So the party is at seven pm tomorrow. Cool, see y'all tomorrow! " Tade walked into the kitchen with Serwa in his arms. He placed her on the kitchen stool and raised up her gown. Her knee was bruised, he went out of the kitchen and returned with a first_ aid kit. I stared at the purple bruises in surprise. " How did that happen Serwa?" I asked. " I fell off my bike," She moaned." I was calling for help but you didn't come Mama" " Oh dear. Mummy was on a call" " Sorry baby boo, daddy will make it better." Tade dressed it while she cried and wrapped her arms around his chest. I went to them and lifted her into my arms. I rocked her until she fell asleep and i took her to her room. I served the food while Tade took out the trash. He washed his hand and came to dinner. We ate in silence until i felt uncomfortable with the quietness. " What's on your mind?" " Serwa" he replied tersely. " What's wrong with her?" I asked, browsing through an e.rotic site on my phone, the story i was reading the previous day was about a young couple who were trying out kinky stuffs.I wondered if Tade would be game for it. " Mabel this is the third time she's bruising her knee " he said worriedly. " Tade, she's a kid. Didn't you get your knees skinned as a child?" I asked. " I will caution her to be more careful when playing. The food is good baby" he said. " Thank you baby" i replied with a smile, " I have to be at Rose's bar opening night tomorrow. It's 7 pm till dawn" " Tomorrow is Serwa' s play at school. Have you forgotten? " " No i didn't. Rose will never forgive me if i am not at the opening of her new bar." " Serwa will be hurt if you are not there to see her perform." " What time is the play?" " It is 5 pm_ 7 pm." " Wow. Silly me! I agreed to shop with Arianna for her wedding tomorrow noon and i also want to attend Rose's opening. I will just be too stressed out to attend the play, i will have a talk with Serwa and i have to get her a new toy or something to appease her. " Alright" he said. He was a very calm, peaceful and quiet man. He was so loving and understanding. He was a gentleman and i felt so lucky to have him. After our dinner i woke up Serwa and fed her. Tade read her a bed time story while i brushed my teeth, showered and got into bed. Tade came in and switched off the light, he pulled back the duvet and got into the bed. He drew me closer to his strong muscled body, his nose was buried in my hair while his hand caressed my ass lightly. " Bell, since we couldn't travel for Christmas because of your famous party we have to travel for easter." He said. " Hmmmn" i murmured, mentally planning what to wear to the shindig. He squeezed my ass, kissing my neck. " Tade " i said. " Hmmn baby," " Not tonight please. I need my energy for tomorrow's activities. You know how i get after sex, i would want more and more until i have sapped out my energy" i said, but the truth of the matter was i had given myself several orgasm earlier in the day. " It's been a while" he said. " This weekend is all yours baby. I promise to ride you sore". He sighed and shifted back." Night Bell," " Night, my handsome Nigerian Man," Dupe " Hello dear," i said into the mouth piece of my phone." You sound so down, what is wrong?" I asked, Uche and i had been dating for only few weeks but i knew a lot about him. How his voice rises a notch when he's excited about something but doesn't want to share it. I also knew how his voice drops a notch when he's sad about something." Are you at home? i am on my way to your place now." I disconnected the call and walked out of my room into our living room. My mom was knitting a shawl while watching a christian home movie. " Mom, please can i borrow your car for few minutes?" " Yes but be careful please." She replied, " Are you going far?" " No ma" " Sha be careful." She said. " Thank you Mom" i said, picking up the car key beside her. I drove down to Uchenna's gate and parked. I dialed his line and he walked out of his gate while the phone was still ringing. He opened the door of the car and got in. " Uche, what's wrong?" i asked. " How are you?" He said. " Let's talk about you. You sounded so down over the phone and right now you don't look yourself." " I got yet another letter of rejection. This is my third year of being unemployed, i am fed up." " Is that what got you so moody?" I asked, " You will get a good job at the lord' s own appointed time. God does not forsake his own, please keep up your faith dear." " Thank you" he replied. " How do i cheer you up?" " Keep me in your prayers" " You are already in my prayers. So how else do i cheer you up? want to go see a movie?" " No. I will be fine" " I heard there's a new comic movie in the cinema. Laughter is good for the soul and you need a good dose of it." He laughed. " Says who? i only need to sleep it off" " As your personal doctor, i say you need it" i ignited the car" Buckle your seat belt sir and enjoy the ride." " Yes Ma'am" ******************************* Funmi " Mummy, please can i get two hundred naira from you? i have an interview tomorrow but the money i have on me won't be enough to take me to and fro." " Oloun Oba ngbo, i have no money on me. Go inside your room and pray about the interview " She replied, turning a pot of Amala with omorogun. " Mummy i have prayed and fasted, i only need the money to add up my transport fare" " Are you deaf? i said i don't have any money on me. I told your father to ask for salary increase but he has refused. You are a graduate and a woman, i can't be using my money to feed your younger ones and also feed you too. Did you ask God to provide the transport fare before the interview?" She asked, portioning the Amala into little bowls." I am sure you did not" I walked out of the kitchen, seething in anger. My mother wasn't your ideal loving and caring pastor's wife or mother. She believed everything should be handed to her family either by God or the church members. She would often waylay well to do people in the church and seek for assistance even when she lacked for nothing. I made my way out of our five bedroom bungalow. I walked into the sunny afternoon, my shirt was damp with sweat by the time i got to Dupe's gate. I let myself in and knocked on the door, Mummy Dupe ushered me in with a warm smile. " Pele Funmi. The sun is just something else this days" I laughed. " At least it is better than rain o mummy. Good afternoon ma" " Afternoon my dear, how is your mother?" She asked, walking towards the kitchen. She came back with a tray of cold mineral, biscuit and groundnut which she gave to me. " She's fine, Thank you ma" She resumed her knitting." Your friend is not at home o. She has become Willy willy, always disappearing". " Where did she say she was going ma?" " She didn't tell me anything o. She only said she wasn't going far." The sound of a car driving into the compound brought a smile to the older woman's face. " Speak of the Angel" She said. Dupe walked in with a yellow shopping nylon filled with things. " Mom, i got you something " she said, " Funmi! It was just like i knew you were here, mom take." she brought out a little white bowl of salad. " Oshey. Hope nothing happened to my car sha?" " Haba mummy! Funmi, come jare. Let's go to my room" I carried my tray and followed her. I sat down on the bed. She picked some nuts off my tray and threw it into her mouth. She emptied the nylon on the bed, she pushed some bars of chocolate towards me. " Where did you go?" " I went to see a movie with Uche." " So it's Uche," " Yes it's Uche, " she replied with laughter." How about we all hang out this Saturday?" " I am broke" " Who said it would be on you? what's up with you?" " I have an interview tomorrow " " Wow, congrats girl! the job is already yours" " Amen.I don't have enough fare" Dupe dug into her purse and brought out three five hundred naira notes, which she placed beside me. " Will that cover it?" " It is more than enough. Thank you Dupe," " What are you wearing to the interview?" " I want to wear my blue skirt with a black blouse" She sighed." Do you want me to be honest with you?" " Yes, sure." " You should wear something classier, you will also be assessed by your look. Your hair is...." " What is wrong with my hair?" i asked, touching my natural afro with my hand. " Your hair is fine, don't get me wrong o. Other applicants especially the females will most likely be on well tailored pant trouser and fitted shirt. Their weaves or braids, plus the make up will make them a better candidate. No matter how brilliant or intelligent you might answer an interview question, your look also matters. It could mar or make your interview" " So indecent dressing will get me the job? " i asked," i have prayed about it, I will go there and answer the questions to the best of my abilities and leave the rest to God". " Alright. Guess what?" She asked mischievously. " What? he kissed you.....isn't that what you want to tell me?" She grinned. " By the way, shebi Uche is not working yet? Who paid for the movie and everything? " I asked. She laughed." I did." I couldn't help laughing." You have become maga, maga for omo ibo" She kicked my leg playfully while i continued laughing. I went for the interview the next day, the interviewer was a man in his sixties or thereabout. He spent less than thirty minutes with me unlike the other ladies whom he took his time interviewing. I answered all his questions correctly and to the best of my abilities but he never called me back. . To be continued..
17 Feb 2017 | 09:54
Fumi, dressing nd looking smart won't make u indicent o.
17 Feb 2017 | 11:28
Abeg dress well funmi,that's the only problem you have
17 Feb 2017 | 15:12
Finally here . . Continue
17 Feb 2017 | 15:21
You can dress attractive nd still be looking decent Funmi
17 Feb 2017 | 16:07
Dress decently Funmi
17 Feb 2017 | 16:36
17 Feb 2017 | 17:12
nice 1,nxt
17 Feb 2017 | 17:42
Just dress properly funmi
17 Feb 2017 | 18:42
show off ete ni wa babo submit your pictures now
17 Feb 2017 | 18:59
all you need is decent dressing submit your pictures now
17 Feb 2017 | 19:57
Fummi you aint ready yet.
17 Feb 2017 | 20:52
Dey say faith mountains, so without cash u can still do it, just little faith!
18 Feb 2017 | 00:48
18 Feb 2017 | 09:26
Episode 4 " Continues" Mabel Tade had been grinning all day and stealing looks at me, i deliberately brushed my body against his whenever i walked by him . There was a twinkle in his eyes and he was whistling at the moment while we both packed Serwa's overnight bag that she would take along to her granny's. I picked up the fancy pink bag, Serwa got on her father's back and we went out of the house. My parent's house was only a thirty minutes drive from ours. The gateman let us in, calling out greetings cheerfully. I pressed the doorbell and my mother, opened the door, smiling at us warmly. " Akwaabaa, " Mami said, kissing my cheeks. " Thank you Mami" i said, giving her a kiss too. " Good evening Ma," Tade said. " Good evening son, where's my princess?" Serwa popped out her head behind her father. " There she is!" Mami said, laughing." Come to Nana, " She opened her arms and Serwa ran into it. " Where's dad?" " He's upstairs" " How are you Mami?" I asked. " I am fine dear" She replied. " Here's Serwa's overnight bag" i said, handing it to her. " Won't you stay for dinner?" " We had an early dinner" i replied." Serwa, come give Mama a kiss" i squatted, she kissed my cheeks and hugged her father." Goodnight Mami, say hello to dad" " Good Night ma," Tade said. We walked out of the house, I held his hand signaling him to stop. " I suddenly feel thirsty, " i said. " Go in for a drink of water" " A minute please," I said going back inside. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mami stuffing the overnight bag into the freezer. She whirled around and gave me a smile." Mami! What are you doing?" " Nothing dear, just keeping this bag safe" " In the freezer? Serwa' s clothes and toys are in there" " Oh silly me!" She laughed, " I thought i was putting it into the wardrobe. I will take it upstairs, where is that husband of yours? i haven't seen him for ages" " Not funny Mami, please take the bag upstairs" I said, filling a tumbler with chilled water. I gulped it down while she went out of the kitchen. I rinsed out the tumbler and went outside. " Set?" Tade asked. " Yes" He drove out of the compound into the lonely streets illuminated by the street lights. i inserted a Nicki minaj CD into the car set. I reached my hands into my blouse and un clipped my bra. I caught a smile on his face. " Geez, Bell what are you doing?" " Giving you a preview" We both laughed, i reached over and unzipped his jean. My soft hands massage him gently and he groaned in bliss. " I see you are making good on your promise" he said in a hoarse voice, taking the route to the beach close to my parent's house. He pulled over half way there. " I see someone is too hot to drive" I freed his pe.nis from his boxers, and lowered his seat backwards. My shorts was already on the car mat. I straddled him, twerking on his exposed member. I raised up my blouse and fed him a ni.pple, he bit on it gently making me arch my back in ecstasy. His middle finger found my c.lit. He rubbed on it gently in a circular motion. " Baby," He whispered, pulling down my thong. He squeezed my ass while suckling on my ni.pple. " I want to lick you badly," he sunk his finger into my pvussy, he pulled it out in a slow motion and sunk it in again until he found that spongy pleasure spot. " I want to taste you on my tongue, " " You will love, but i can't wait anymore " i said, sliding his hard dick into my hot hole. He raised up my ass slowly and brought it down on himself, we both groaned. His hands drew my boobs closer and his mouth captured both ni.pples. I rode him until we came, mine first and his closely behind mine. " I love you Mabel," he groaned. " I love you too Tade," " Is there more where this came from?" He joked, caressing my back. " You bet" i said, sliding down to take him into my mouth. Dupe All through the evening worship service a strange number had been flashing my line. Immediately after the service i went outside to return the call. " Hello," " Hello Dupe," he said. " Uche, How are you dear?" I asked, happy to hear from him. He had gone to Port Harcourt to write an aptitude test. He had been gone for only two days but it felt like a lifetime to me. I missed him, his voice and his laughter. I prayed for him morning and night. I believed in him, he was intelligent and smart. He was also Godly and ambitious. Since graduation i had taken to making beads to make end means since getting a job wasn't easy. My father had also promised to talk to some people but so far he hadn't done anything about it. He was probably waiting for the lord to intervene. " Dupe, i was mugged" he said. " What? Oh my God! are you alright?" I asked worriedly," Baby are you OK?" " I am alright but i lost everything on me, my bag, money and phone." He said. " Jesus Christ! thank God you were not hurt! " i said, " Where are you now?" " I am stranded in PH. I am calling from a call center where i have been all day." " How will you get back to Lag?" " Honestly i don't know. Your line is the only number i can recall, please go to my house. Tell my mother to give you six thousand naira. I will text you my account details and you will send it to me tomorrow morning. " " Where will you sleep tonight?" " I will be fine. I will give you a call later" he said and disconnected. I walked back into the church and took my mom' s car Keys. I drove down to his house and realized that i didn't know his flat. I walked into the compound, a young mini version of Uche was kicking a ball and trying out his football skills. He looked up and flashed me a smile. " Good evening," he called out. " Hello, my name is Dupe" He grinned." Are you bro Uche's girlfriend? " " Yes and you are.....?" " Chidubem, he's not around. He went to PH " " I know. Is Mummy at home?" " Yes," he said, " Come with me" He led me to their flat. Two identical girls were watching TV in the sitting room, they also greated me warmly and Chidubem went in to call his Mother. She was a beautiful woman but she had gained some weight, probably due to childbirth or age. She had a frown on her face and it seemed to tighten when she saw me. " Good evening Ma," i said. " Evening." She replied in a clipped tone. " My name is Dupe, i am....." " What do you want?" She snapped. " Uche sent me to you. He was mugged and he's stranded" " Mug?" She asked in bewilderment. '' He was robbed" " Ewooo, chineke! is he alright? where is he? why are you the one he called?" " What happened to bro Uche?" the girls asked. " He lost everything on him ma, including his phone" She sat down heavily on the sofa, panting and holding her head." Where is my son now?" " He's still in Port Harcourt. He is stranded ma, he said i should collect the sum of six thousand from you for his return fare. " " My daughter! where will i get it? i didn't even make up to three thousand naira sales today. I have only two thousand naira." She lamented," Where will i get six thousand now?" " I will find a way to send it to him ma," i said." I will be on my way now" " Thank you my dear, May God bless you " she said, walking me towards the door. My phone buzzed and a message box appeared on the screen. I got into the car and transfered seven thousand naira to his account. I dialed the number, waiting for him to pick up. " Hello," he said wearily. " I just left your house. I transfered seven thousand to your account" " Didn't you meet my mother at home?" " I met her. She gave me seven thousand naira, so i transfered it from my account" " Thank you dear, how are they?" " They are fine. Uche, where will you sleep tonight? have you eaten?" " Dupe, don't worry about me. I will be fine, thank you dear." He said, " How are you?" " I am Alright. Please be safe," " I will" he disconnected. I drove back home and went into my room to pray for his safety. I tossed and turned all night, worried about him. I didn't even know if he was able to write the test he went for. The following morning i went to my shop with a heavy heart. I had to close up when i found it difficult to concentrate. In the evening i drove down to his house, their flat was locked up. I went outside and waited in my car until Eight pm. I was about giving up when i saw him coming up the street wearily. I gave a silent prayer of thanks heavenward. I came out of the car and waited for him. He was so lost in thought that he almost walked by without noticing me. " Uche," i called softly. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight. " Dupe," " Thank God you are back hale and hearty" " What are you doing here?" He asked. " Waiting for you " " Why didn't you wait for me inside?" " There's nobody home" " Come," he said, holding my hand. We walked to their flat, he raised up the foot mat at the entrance and brought out a key and unlocked the door. " Have you had something to eat?" I asked. " I bought snacks earlier" We went into his room, he picked up a towel and went into the bathroom. " Where do you think your mom and siblings went to?" I asked, when he returned. " I don't know." He replied, pulling on a polo. " How did it happen? did you do the test? " " Yes i wrote the test," he replied, wearing a short." On my way back to the motor park, someone hit me from the back and i lost my balance. Before i knew it my bag was nowhere to be found. My phone and money was inside along with my id card." " Thank God you are alright, how about your atm card?" " I left it at home since my account was empty," He sat down beside me on the bed and drew me closer. His mouth found mine and our tongues dueled. his hands snaked under my top and fondled my breasts. " Dupe, let me drive you home now" he said, standing up. " No" i said, pulling him down on the bed." Please don't stop" " Are you certain?" He asked. " Yes" He took off his polo and my blouse met his on the ground. He switched off the light, throwing the room in darkness. His hands found mine in the darkness, i let him guide me and show me how to pleasure him. I let him explore my body, it hurt just a little but that painful tingle was soon replaced by an intense pleasure. Afterwards we clinged to each other. " Thank you, " he whispered." For trusting me and making me your first. I love you." " I love you too" i whispered back, listening to the steady beat of his heart. To be continued..
18 Feb 2017 | 11:58
” Thank you, ” he whispered.” For trusting me and making me your first. I love you.” ” I love you too” Hope he wont turn back someday
18 Feb 2017 | 16:10
Hmmm... Na God save u oo
19 Feb 2017 | 07:37
Episode 5 * Continues* Uche Mama knocked on my door and entered. I stretched and got out of bed. " Good morning Mama," " Good morning Nnayi, how are you?" she asked lovingly," ndo, you were asleep when we came in last night. Hope you were not hurt?" She examined my body in a motherly way. " No Ma," i said." I am fine. Who borrowed you the money you sent to me?" " It was that your Dupe girl o, she said she will help you with it." I was so touched that i was momentarily rendered speechless. Mama moved closer to my bed, her gaze was fixed on the sheet and a frown had replaced the smile on her face. " Uche, what is this?" She asked, pointing to the dried blood stains on the sheet." Uche, i have warned you not to have anything to do with that girl! this is the last time i will bring it up with you. If you want to throw away your life biko do so." " Mama, how could you say that even after seeing for yourself how selfless she is?" i asked, " I am old enough to do whatever i want with my life. Do you know that Chidubem is into fraud? do you know he's a yahoo boy? do you even care where he gets the money he gives you? for christ sake the boy is twenty years old and he's not yet in school. He is not even making any efforts to get into one. Those are the things you should be worried about Mama," " Are you calling me a bad mother?" She said," Did you just imply that i am not a good mother? all because of that girl! that Yoruba girl! if i ever talk to you about this again then call me a bastard. What kind of girl lays with a man that has not paid her bride price and she calls herself a christian and a pastor's daughter? " " Mama, i love this girl and she loves me too. All i am asking is for you to give her a chance." I said," OK, please give her the grace of only six months. If at the end of the six months you are still not pleased with her then i will sit down and listen to you " i said. " Hmmn, are you sure?" She asked," OK o" *************** Mabel " Good morning Bell," Tade said, kissing me awake. I yawned and sat up. The sweet smell of bacon drifted to my noise, and i sniffed the air." Something smells good" " Breakfast in bed for my Bell," he said, lifting up a tray from a little fancy table. He placed it on my thighs." You made my night love, so i wanted to give you a treat" I laughed " Awwnn, so sweet. Why am i so lucky? " " Hey, don't get used to it" he said. I laughed." I should ride you more often so i can get treats such as this" " Yes, you should" he said." Bell, i called my travel agent" " Why?" I asked, munching on a crispy bacon. " We are going to Nigeria for easter" " honey, that's a month away!" " No, it's next week." I sighed. " When do we leave?" " On Monday " " Tade! this is an ambush! today is Saturday! when will i shop? Where is the time to pack a bag for us?" " You don't have to pack a bag love. Just pick a few things for you and Serwa" " I have to buy your mom some things! what sort of daughter_ in law would i be if i went to Nigeria empty handed?" I asked, " We have to go shopping today! Oh God! I hate shopping at a short notice! all the stress and running around! not to talk of the headache!" He leaned over and kissed me soundly. " You look so cute when you get this way. Mum will appreciate whatever you get her" " Go away, i hate you" i said. He laughed. " Yea , you hate me in a cute way," I sighed." Tade seriously do you ever get angry?" " I am dangerous when it comes to protecting what's mine" he replied Funmi " What happened to your fingers?" i asked, examining Dupe's wrinkled fingers, she had cut lines on few of her fingers while the rest looked worn out like an old woman's hands. " My fingers are fine, how are you?" "Dupe what's going on?" I asked, picking up a stool to sit." I hardly meet you in your shop these days. Your mom too is worried about you, she said you have been disappearing without notice. You were not even in church on Sunday!" She stood up to place a set of beads she had made in the showcase glass outside her shop. She walked in again and sat down. " Funmi, i am fine. You all should stop worrying about me" " I know it's Uche, is he keeping you away from God?" " No" She cried, " Funmi, please let it go" " What are they doing to you over there that you are either too ashamed or scared to tell your best friend?" " It's his Mom." She replied. " What did she do?" " She.... she has been calling me to help her run all sorts of errands and to help her with house chores. I think she's testing me. Don't worry it's nothing " " So that was why you weren't in church on Sunday? does Uche know about all this?" " I attended their church on Sunday, she invited me and i couldn't decline. She usually calls me whenever Uche wasn't home and by the time he's back i would have done all the chores" " I don't like this at all. You should speak to him about it, after all you are not yet their wife." " Enough about me, what's up with you?" " I am....." Dupe' s ringtone cut me off, she brought out the phone from her bag. " Hello love, " She said, she listened intently to whatever he was saying and gasped." When? awww. I will be there shortly, no, no i have to come see her. See you in few minutes time," She said and disconnected. " What happened to them again o?" I asked. " Uche's younger brother ran away and left a note for them. His mother fainted on seeing the note" " Oh that's terrible. How old is the boy?" " He's twenty. He ran off to Malaysia. " She stood up, " Funmi, please help stay in the shop." " Don't take too long o" " No i won't " *********** Dupe I met Uche by the gate with some group of guys. He excused himself and walked up to me. " How's she?" I asked. " She's fine now. You shouldn't have stressed yourself to come." " Well i am here now" " How will you ever make any sales if your shop is always closed up. I told you over the phone not to come. Anyway, how are you?" " I am fine. Where are you going? " " I am going to watch a football match" " Your mother is not well and you are going to watch a football match? " " What would you have me do?" he asked. " you could stay at home to keep her company, she might need something and i am sure the twins are not back from school. " " Dupe, let's not have our first fight over something so petty. There's no way i would leave her alone if i wasn't sure that she would be fine ." " Enjoy your match" i said, walking into the compound. His mother was on the sofa when i entered the sitting room. She looked so tired and sad, my heart went out to her. Although i always had the feeling that she didn't like me i knew she was a good woman. " Good afternoon ma," " Afternoon " She replied. " How are you ma?" " I am fine" She said. An awkward silence ensued in the room until she drifted off to sleep. I draped a wrapper over her legs and went into the kitchen to prepare her lunch. To be continued..
19 Feb 2017 | 09:08
House wife bt dat woman get mind sha
19 Feb 2017 | 10:50
I no like this kind of mother in law
19 Feb 2017 | 11:13
19 Feb 2017 | 12:25
Still following
19 Feb 2017 | 15:27
Ride on....
19 Feb 2017 | 16:25
Dubem wanna live on a fast lane.
19 Feb 2017 | 17:28
Episode 6 Continues.. * Continues* Mabel " Bell, We are home" Tade said, nugging me awake. I blinked my eyes and realized we were already in the Afolabis house. We would have arrived much earlier but our flight was delayed. I was slightly piqued that he referred to the house he grew up in as home. I pushed back the thoughts as quickly as it came. Tade was also an only child and he lost his father to an auto accident at a tender age. It was a surprise to me that he wasn't the clingy mummy's boy kind of man because his mother was all he had while growing up. " Welcome, welcome" Abosede, a lovely woman in her sixties walked out of the house. She gave me a fierce hug before kissing me on both cheeks." Tade! My boy" she drew him into her arms. " Mom, its good to see you. You look so beautiful " he said. " Really?" She said, twirling around with laughter." Where is my beautiful grand child? " Tade lifted Serwa out of the cab into his arms, his mother stretched out her hands and he transferred the sleeping child to her. He paid the cabbie and we both took our bags into the grand two storey building. " Mom, where are your other workers?" Tade asked." that security man is a bit old" he said referring to the old man who was manning the gate. " Oh i fired them all....incompetent fools the whole lot of them. Now i have someone who comes to clean up the house on weekend. I eat out and i also cook occasionally.As for the security man, he's OK" " Don't you get lonely all by yourself mother in_ law?" I asked."You should move to Ghana" " My dear, as long as you two make out time to visit me here i will be alright" She said, " by the way, i have redecorated Shewa's bedroom. She will so love the new look of her room " " Its Serwa" Tade corrected. " You have started o, what is the difference?" She said, " Oya bring your bags upstairs " We took our bags into the rooms prepared for us, we both showered and i came downstairs while Tade was still dressing up. My mother in law was setting up the dinner table when i walked in. " You shouldn't be doing this things on your own. You need a live in maid" " My dear i had maids and cooks and gardeners but they were just eating my food and impregnating themselves." I laughed, and started setting out plates on the table. " You should at least get a better and well trained security personnel. " " Oh i do. Papa love, is very good at his job " " He's too old," " He's young at heart. He's a member of my church. I joined a new church about a year ago and i tell you the experience has been so wonderful. We are one big family there." She said cheerfully." Mabel, i am so happy you are all here, this easter celebration will be the best one ever" ************** Dupe " Dupe!" My dad called, " there's someone at the gate. " OK sir, " i dropped the novel i was reading and walked out of my room." Where is mom?" " She went to the market " " Ok" I went out into the compound and unlocked the gate. He grinned at me before planting a kiss on my lips playfully. I quickly shut the gate behind us. " What are you doing here? " I asked," my dad is home" " I came to ask for your hand in marriage " he joked, flashing his set of white teeth. I tried so hard to be angry at him but that grin melted my heart. He looked so handsome in a loose shirt and pant. " Why are you here?" " I am sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way i did. " he said. " It's Alright. You could have called. " " I wanted to give you this," he handed me a fancy carrier bag " don't i get a kiss?" " Uche please, my dad is at home" He sighed heavily, " Alright. I will be on my way now," " Bye," I watched him walk down the street until i could no longer see him. I took a peek inside the bag and a smile came on my lips. In it was a tiny white teddy bear clutching a single rose to it's chest.. Uche The house had been unusually quiet since Chidubem ran off, the twins kept to themselves and Mama chanelled her energy into her food stuffs business. There was little else for me to do other than to sleep and surf the net being an unemployed graduate. I felt lucky to have a loving and caring girlfriend. She was the only bright spot in my life and sometimes i found myself awake at night, staring into the darkness, wondering when someone would scream ' Cut!' and i would realize it was all an illusion. I wish i could lay the world at her feet because a woman who is not demanding but is supportive deserves the world. She was too good and almost too perfect to be true. She made me feel emotions i thought only happens in foreign movies. She makes me to want to go all the yard, marriage, baby and all and lord knows a fat ring would have already been on her finger if it wasn't for my financial status. '' Baby, the food is ready" She walked out of the kitchen, She looked so delectable in a black,short gown with a low neck line. " Are you ready to eat?" " There's something in your hair" i said, " Move closer so i can remove it for you. " She moved closer and i pulled her onto my laps. She laughed and gave me a playful jab on my shoulder." I knew you had something naughty up your sleeves". My phone beeped and i slipped it out of my pocket. Dupe stood up and went back into the kitchen. My heart pounded heavily as i saw the email notification from Dominique Petroleum International. l clicked on the message and the phone slipped out of my hand as Dupe walked in with a plate of rice. " Are you trying to break the phone or what?" She said, placing the plate of food on the dining table. I picked up the phone and read the email again to be certain it was truly addressed to me. " Dupe, come and take a look at this" She collected the phone, read the email and jumped into my arms happily. " Oh my God! which Dominique Petroleum? the one and only? " " Yes" i replied breathlessly. " Let's not get our hopes up tho, they only want to have an assessment chat with me." " It's tomorrow!" She squealed,reading the message again." You have to look your best, it's a good thing the assessment is at their Lagos branch in Victoria Island. Do you have a good suit?" I exhaled sharply, i didn't want to get my hopes up but she was making it too damn hard for me not to. I don't want her to be disappointed in me if it turns out as another disappointment. She had a big smile on her face and she was clutching the phone like it was a prized gift. " I don't even own a suit" " Stand up," she said " Why?" " Stand up, please" I stood up and she assessed me from my head down to my toe." Your highness, may i take my sit now?" " How tall are you?" she asked " 5.9" " Hmmn," she said, " I will be right back, " Before i could stop her she was already out of the room. I picked up the food and started eating when she didn't return after fifteen minutes. I was tidying up the kitchen when i heard her voice. " Uche!" " Dupe, where did you....?" I paused when i saw what she held up." Where did you get that from?" I pointed at the suit she held, it was on a cloth hanger and covered with a white nylon. She laughed." Let's just say i borrowed it. Try it on" " No take it back. Who did you even borrow it from?" " Come on, try it on" She insisted. I collected it from her and walked into my room to wear it. The waist of the trouser was a bit big and it came short to my ankle. The shirt and suit jacket was a perfect size. I walked back into the living room feeling a little ridiculous. She burst into laughter when she saw me. " It could be worse" She said, laughing." You look like a Micheal Jackson wannabe only without the jerry curls" I couldn't help laughing too." Where did you get it?" " My dad is officiating a wedding this Saturday. He wouldn't miss it until then " We both laughed." Seriously you are a crazy girl, please take it back " " Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new job, Dominique Petroleum has just gotten a genius " " Dupe, " I cautioned." Let's not get our..." " Congratulations my love" She said. . To be continued..
19 Feb 2017 | 17:52
19 Feb 2017 | 18:24
19 Feb 2017 | 18:40
Uches's mum should stop making you an errand girl all in the name of wanting to know if you are good enough for her son
19 Feb 2017 | 23:10
20 Feb 2017 | 01:37
Dupe is really a nice girl, I hope u wl remember all dz wen things gets better
20 Feb 2017 | 03:19
U go kolet am ma frnd.
20 Feb 2017 | 07:49
Am sure you are gonna get the job uche
20 Feb 2017 | 09:49
Episode 7 * Continues* Uche I couldn't sleep all through the night, i felt like a little boy on the eve of Christmas. I was excited and at the same time a part of me was sad. Dominique Petroleum was an international company which recruits only the best graduates from prestigious universities. I was browsing the net about two years ago when i came upon their site. As a graduate of Petroleum Engineering i felt i stood a chance so i filled their form online and submitted. A week later i received an email from them and i went for the aptitude test in Port Harcourt. I was hopeful that i would be called back but i didn’t hear from them until now. I didn't tell Mama i was going for an assessment chat in such a prominent organization because i don’t want to get her hopes up for nothing. I woke up at 5.30 am and by 6 .30 or thereabout i was already out of the house. My phone beeped but i ignored it until i was safely in a bus heading for the island before i slipped it out of my pocket. 'Knock their socks off'_ My boo The message brought a surge of hope to my heart and a smile on my dry lips. I was on the island in no time since it was a Tuesday morning and traffic isn't intense on this day. I brought out my handkerchief and wiped away sweat and dust from my face. I wiped the dust that had collected on the shoe_ the shoe belonged to Chidubem. I walked down the street from the bus stop i alighted to the sky scrapper glass building. I stood in front of the huge gate, day dreaming. I could see myself working there already, I could see my life transforming before my eyes. Traveling all over the world, driving expensive cars, eating good meals and shopping in the most luxurious shops in the world. "Hey! You there!" A mean looking mopol shouted, walking towards me. I sighed and adjusted the tight suit i wore. I put on my best smile before walking up to him." Good Morning sir, i am here for an oral assessment” "Why you come stand here like dummy?" He barked," Na here you go do the test? " I am sorry sir" "Come inside!" He shouted. I walked into the big gate and passed through some security scrutiny before i was let inside the building. The reception area alone was like a scene from western movies, the receptionists were in Italian suits and they actually looked like secret service agents. "Good morning, how may we help you?" One of the beautiful ladies asked with a bright smile. "Good morning, i am here for an assessment chat" " What is your name? " "Nwafor Uchenna" i replied. She typed something into her system, looked up briefly and continued typing." Fill your data into this card"she said, giving me a small blue card. I filled it and handed it back to her. "Fourth floor" she said, giving me a card key." Slot this card into the second door by your right. Wait there until you are called. " "Thank you" i said, before walking towards the elevator. I waited in the cool air conditioned waiting room, there was only a chair in the room and the chair wasn't even comfortable. There was no TV in the room and no one else came into the little room except for me. I thought it a little weird that no other applicant had come to join me but the less the better for me. I was expecting them to call me anytime so i prepared myself mentally but no one came to call me until 4: pm. I was beginning to think that they forgot about me but i decided to wait after all the transport fare i used in getting there was already wasted so there was no harm in waiting all day . " Mr. Nwafor," I looked up, an elegantly dressed woman in her fifties or thereabout walked in. I stood up and she shook my hand. " I am Mrs. Solomon," she said." I am the head of hr, we are sorry for keeping you waiting all day. Unfortunately, your assessment won't be taking place today. We will communicate the time and day to you. " "Alright Ma' am" i said, giving her a smile. I felt like crying, i felt like removing the uncomfortable suit and wrapping it around her long neck. "Once again, we apologize for inconveniences caused" "It is not a problem ma'am" ***** By the time i got home dusk was already setting and the sun had become the color of orange. I was famished and tired. Chinasa and Chinonye were eating when I entered the house, Mama was shelling melon. I greeted her but she only murmured a reply because I did not inform her before leaving the house. I showered and came back to the sitting room for my dinner; dinner was cold Eba with watery oha soup. A knock sounded on the door, Mama asked the person to come in. Ngozi, a young married lady who was our neighbor came in. "Good evening Mama Uche," she said." Bro Uche, good evening" "Good evening," I replied. "Ngo, evening o" Mama said," hope Ejima is kicking" The young lady smiled and her hand unconsciously touched her baby bump." I don't want twins o" "What is wrong in having twins?" Nonye asked, licking her fingers. "Shut up, " Mama cautioned." You talk too much" "Mama Uche, my husband traveled today and I don't want to be alone. Please can Ejima keep me company tonight?" " Chinasa should go with you. The two of them will only frustrate you so it is better only one of them goes with you." "Awwn, mama please nah." Chinonye begged. "I promise not to disturb her. I won't ask too many questions either" " Nonye, don't provoke me ooo" Mama said, "Chinasa haven't you finished eating?" "I have Mama," she replied excitedly, washing her hands off with water. She gave her twin the tongue out before walking to Ngozi. "Thank you ma, Nonye next time you will be the one to keep me company" Ngozi said. They both went out of the room. I left some portion of my food and meat to Nonye to make up for her being left behind. I went back into my room and dialed Dupe's number but it wasn't available. I didn't know when i drifted off to sleep. A loud banging noise woke me up, i thought i was dreaming but the banging sound persisted. I check the time on my phone and it was 2: 30 am. I got out of bed and gingerly walked into the sitting room, i almost jumped out of my skin when i heard the creaking of a door. Mama and Nonye came out of their rooms looking as scared like a rabbit. " Uche, I think they are robbers" Mama whispered." What should we do?" "Open this door! Open the f*ucking door! If you make me count up to ten, I will break the door down and shoot each one of you!" A coarse male voice shouted, " We are more than five here and we are all fully armed so don't even try to play smart with us."One! " Mama and Nonye started whimpering. I was indecisive on what to do, the men continued banging on the door so I opened it and they landed a slap on my face. Mama and Nonye were already laying face down on the ground. They were six in numbers and they were all masked and aimed to the teeth. "So na you be dube2 brother abi?" One asked, “answer me!" "I don't know...anybody by that name” I choked out . “We are not in a hurry to leave; we shall remind you who bear that name” the man with the hoarse voice who seemed to be the leader of the gang walked toward me and landed me another slap. Mama and Nonye screamed out in fear but they were shushed by the gang. “Woman, sit up” coarse voice commanded. Mama sat up, shivering and whimpering in fear. “your son! Dubem hurt me! He played on my intelligence and we are here for revenge” “ Du….Dubem is not here o” Mama cried out, “ Please don’t hurt us,” “Your son! That small rat! That small boy I took under my wings! I showed him how to make legal money! I taught him hacking for free!” he said, hitting his chest. “Did I do wrong?” “Boss, shey make we finish them?’’ one asked. “Relax, Bullet,” the boss said, “ woman, your son stole my money” Mama started crying and pleading with him. Nonye was also crying heavily at this point. “Shut up! “he commanded. “Your son picked up my transaction behind me! He picked up my money from the bank! Do you know how long it took me and what I did before my client sent me that money? Your stupid son picked up my money and I am here for revenge. All of you sit up!” We all sat up and huddled together. The boss man gave his gun to one of his boys, he walked towards us and pulled Nonye by the hair. He threw her on the floor and tore her nightie in two, exposing her young body. I seethed in anger when I realized his intention. “Please, please don’t “ I begged, one of them hit me on the head with the butt of the gun and I cried out in pain. The boss man pushed my baby sister’s legs apart and shucked his trouser. Mama got on her knees pleading with him, he gave the young girl a slap to shut her up. “I heard the girls are two, where is the second one?” he asked, “Bullet search the house and bring her out for me” “It is only one daughter I have, biko my sons. Please for the love of God, please don’t do this.” Bullet ran into all three rooms and came out. “Nobody else boss” he said. The gang leader pulled Nonye’s legs further apart while she struggled with him; he gave her several back hand slaps. I tried to get up but Mama laid a hand on my arm. Her night blouse was drenched with her tears. Nonye screamed in pain as the evil man drove into her. He kept thrusting in and out of her ferociously while he laughed and his boys cheered him on. He rained curses on Dubem while he continued raping our sister and as he was about to cum, he wrapped his left hand around her neck, choking her. I closed my eyes unable to bear the pain, he got up and wore his trouser. “Tell Dubem that I know he is in Malaysia. My boys are already there hunting for him but we have only come here to leave a message for him. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Come on guys!”They kicked open the door and walked out. “Nonye” I called softly, lifting her into my arms. I pulled off the wrapper around Mama’s neck and wrapped it around Nonye’s bloodied form. Mama sat dazed, not blinking and looking into space. “Nonye, can you hear me?” She moaned and coughed. I carried her on my back and waited for some long seconds to put some distance between the gang and us before running out of the house with her. She was bleeding profusely and her pulse was faint. Her breathing was also labored. I felt her blood bathing my back as I ran with her into the night. “Nonye, hold on. We will get to the hospital soon.” I said. “ Sorry, you will be alright” “Mama” she called in a faint voice. “Hold on, please” I continued running with her and I could see the hospital from afar. “Nonye we are almost there, Nonye” I got no response from her. I could no longer feel her shallow breath on my back but the blood continued flowing. I shifted her from my back into my arms, I placed my ear against her chest but her heart had gone still. To be continued..
20 Feb 2017 | 11:03
I hope you won't forget her
20 Feb 2017 | 11:38
sorry Nonye
20 Feb 2017 | 11:47
20 Feb 2017 | 13:50
Hope she is still alive
20 Feb 2017 | 14:19
Next pls, You need some faith!
20 Feb 2017 | 14:46
She don't deserve dis
20 Feb 2017 | 15:13
pRay she survive dx
20 Feb 2017 | 16:51
Wow wat a lyf
20 Feb 2017 | 17:03
I hope she is not dead. Poor girl
20 Feb 2017 | 17:09
20 Feb 2017 | 18:23
Dos people deserve death
21 Feb 2017 | 05:52
Oh so sad
21 Feb 2017 | 06:50
Cheyaa! Poor girl! Those guys ar heartless, hope she ll nt die.
21 Feb 2017 | 10:46
Plz I hope Nonye won't die See what Dubem has caused his sis
21 Feb 2017 | 11:40
So sad
21 Feb 2017 | 17:17
Episode 8 Continues.. Mabel " Mama, i want to be a teacher when i grow up" Serwa suddenly announced during dinner. Her grand mother laughed and gave her a peck. " You wanted to be a lawyer before, like your gramps. Why the change of heart?" Tade asked, cutting into a drum stick with his cutlery. " Teaching is a humble profession" i said " I want to be a teacher because of my aunt in grandma' s church" Serwa said." She is so intelligent and she knows so many stories. She knows all the stories in the bible!" " Oh we are back to that, " Abosede said, laughing." Funmi is such a lovely girl and she's good with the children." " I have to meet this world famous Funmi my daughter is crushing on," I said," Serwa hardly ever gets close to anyone not family. We had to change her nannies thrice before we finally decided not to take on anyone again." " I am also surprised Serwa likes this Funmi person" her father said. " Like i told you, Funmi is a graduate and she has a flair for teaching. children takes a shine to her" Abosede said. Serwa had followed her grandma to church on three different occasions since our arrival and she had taken to the teacher in the children department. She even begged me to let her style her hair afro but i wouldn't have any of it. I was curious to meet the young lady in question, i wondered what my daughter had seen in her to be so magnetically drawn to her. " I want to meet her," i said. " Yeah!!" Serwa exclaimed, wiggling in her chair. " Mama, is Miss Funmi coming to dinner?" " I could invite her to dinner." Abosede said," She's such a good girl, she and Dupe" " Who is Dupe?" Tade asked. " She's Funmi's friend and she's also my pastor's daughter." " What does Funmi look like?" I asked, i wanted to know if she was beautiful. " She's not bad but she's a very churchy kind of girl" Abosede replied, sipping her red wine." Picture a chubby dark skinned girl with dimples in a big bulbous skirt with a loose blouse, no ear ring, no make up and a head full of afro." " Matches the description of Tyler Perry's Madea," Tade joked. ******** Funmi . I knocked on the big white gate, Papa love opened it and welcomed me warmly with a smile. Papa love was one of those people whose past and origin was untraceable. He had no family, living or dead known to anyone of us. Nobody knew how he came to be a member of God's love gospel church, one day he was just there and everyone got used to the man with shaggy beards and blood shot eyes. In time, he became a part of our christian family. " Hello, you must be Funmi" a tall, dark skinned man with a deep baritone voice said. He had on shorts and a polo. " Come in" he held the door open for me. " Good evening sir," " I am Tade, " he stretched out his hand for a handshake " Funmi" We both walked into the elegant sitting room, decorated with a theme of butter color and white. The room spoke of wealth and rich taste. Serwa, a little ebony skinned child ran down the stairs and wrapped her little arms around my waist. A beautiful lady with a long weave on cascading down her back walked into the room. She had on a bum short and a crop top, revealing her ringed navel. She was also spotting a dark tattoo just below her abdomen. " Funmi, at last we meet " she said with laughter, her Ghanian intonation made my name sound as ' fu_me'." I have heard so much about you, you are a genius and you know all the biblical stories by heart" I laughed. " Serwa has been blowing my trumpet" " Forgive my manners, I am Mabel and this is my husband Tade" She said, " please sit down" " We have met," he replied her I sat down on the soft creamy colored sofa. The man excused himself and the little girl settled herself on my thighs. " Serwa, don't be a bother " her mother said. " No, she's not" i replied " What can i offer you? Wine? Juice?" " Juice please," I said." Is Mrs. Afolabi not at home?" " Mother_in law is still struggling with her eye brows upstairs " She stood up, " excuse me for a moment please" She returned few seconds later with a tray laden with fruit juice, a glass of water and cookies. She placed it on the table in the room." Serwa, run upstairs and play with your princesses " " OK Mama, " the child said and left the room. " Mother_ in law told me you are a graduate and you have a flair for teaching" " Yes, i am a graduate of English and Literary studies. I love teaching, children are so much fun to teach" " Huh? really?" She laughed, " I can't believe that. Children are....." " Funmi!" Abosede said, walking into the room. She wore a long flowing gown known as bubu, her hair was neatly tied in a ponytail and her face was heavily made up. " You are welcome," " Thank you ma," " Mother_ in law, She was just telling me that children are fun to teach!" The older woman laughed, " I told you! She's just something else. Have you met my son?" " Yes i have." " Where do you work?" the Ghanian lady asked. " I am still seeking for employment" i replied " A smart and hard working lady such as yourself shouldn't be seeking for jobs! jobs should be seeking for you" She said. " My dear, that is the problem our graduates are going through here o" Abosede said, " over here it is not about how brilliant you are but who you know. It all has to do with connections" " That's preposterous, such a practice has to be curbed" I couldn't help laughing." Corruption has really taken a deep root in this country." " If i offer you a job will you accept it? " she asked, stunning me." You seem so gentle and nice. Besides my mother_ in law and daughter also vouched for you. Will you come to Ghana as my daughter's tutor?" " Yes," i heard myself reply as i wiped my suddenly clammy hands on my skirt. Dupe Uche had been somber since the death of his younger sister. He was often lost in thought and his handsome face was always marred by worry lines. Some days, he would pull me into his arms while we lay on his bed in silence, just listening to each other' s heart beat without saying a word. Some times he would lay his head on my bosoms while my hands gently caressed his head, wishing i could take away his pains, wishing i could wipe away the sorrows in his heart and refill it with happiness. His mother too was shut away in a world of her own, she was always in her room, she wouldn't talk to anyone. I tried to find out the cause of Nonye' s death but i let it go when i realized that they might never be able to talk about it until they were both completely healed. Chinasa, the other twin girl was left on her own so i took her under my wings. For some strange reasons known to him alone, Uche asked me not to ever let Chinasa out of my sight when she comes to see me. I was locking up my shop for the day when he walked up to us. He looked tired and dusty, i knew he had gone to some construction sites to carry concrete and blocks. Since his mother had locked herself away in her room and they had to survive, i couldn't blame him for resorting to that. " Good evening bro Uche," Nasa said. " How are you?" He replied, " what's up Dupe?" " We are fine, how are you too?" i replied. " Still alive, can't complain " he said. " I want to see you in private, Chinasa wait here" We moved some distance away from the young girl. I reached out to wipe away some specks of dirt on his lean cheek. I felt tears crept into my eyes and i blinked my eyes to stop it from dropping. " Don't " he said. " Don't do what?" I asked. " Please don't feel sorry for me," he said," I can't stand it" " I am sorry. " I said quietly. " I got a call from Dominique today, a congratulatory call." I jumped up happily and hugged him." Wow, that's a good news!' " Yes." He replied. "Apparently they were testing my patience the last time they kept me waiting." A certain look stole into his eyes and he sighed heavily. " What happened? you don't seem happy" " I have to move my family from this area as soon as possible. I have been able to raise some money. " he said, " I sold off some things but it is not enough to get us a new apartment. Can you lend me a hundred thousand naira?" " I don't have up to that amount. I have only fifty," I said, " what's the need to move? is there anything you are not telling me?" He sighed." Yes, but i can't talk about it. The wound is still too fresh in my heart, maybe some ..." " Shhh" i said, " You don't have to if you don't want to talk about it. I will transfer the fifty to you and i will try my best to get the remaining fifty for you. Where do you want to move to?" " Ikorodu," he replied. " That's far!" I exclaimed. " The farther away from here, the better for I and my family." "When will you start at Dominique Petroleum?" " Tomorrow," he said." Let me walk you home." " Congrats dear." He shrugged." Nasa! Let's go" The young girl walked to us and we walked down the street, heading towards my house. Uche's hand sought out mine and i gave it a gentle squeeze. I realized with a start that today was sort of like our anniversary. A big smile registered on my lips. " Uche," " Yes" " Today is our sixth month of being together, so happy anniversary dear " He grinned in spite of the sadness he carried in his heart. He squeezed my hand in return and mouthed " I love you," " I love you too" i mouthed back. ****** I walked into the sitting room and paused in surprise. Funmi was watching a TV drama, she jumped up on seeing me. " What a surprise!" I said, " why didn't you come to the shop instead? " " I don't have enough fare to come to the shop." She said, " You won't believe what i am about to tell you" " You won't believe what i am about to tell you too" i replied. " I have gotten a new job! No interview, no aptitude test, no stress! Just like that!" She said excitedly, " accommodation and feeding is provided, pay is 95k when converted to naira" " Wow!" I screamed, " no way! Wait! converted? you mean the job is outside Nigeria?" " Yes. Mrs. Afolabi' s daughter_ in law offered me a job as her daughter's tutor. She will also pay for my flight to Ghana. " She replied excitedly, " what's your news?" " Dominique Petroleum called Uche today. He's been hired!" I said, laughing. She threw her arms around me, giving me a hug. We placed our hands on each other's hips, dancing round in circles as we often did during our happy moments. . To be continued..
21 Feb 2017 | 17:43
congratz fummi and uche...
21 Feb 2017 | 22:13
Too bad!
22 Feb 2017 | 02:09
Dis is heading somewhr
22 Feb 2017 | 02:56
congrats girls I hope it last
22 Feb 2017 | 02:59
Wow. Cool
22 Feb 2017 | 03:36
Congrats to both of them
22 Feb 2017 | 04:39
Congrats to both uche nd funme. Heeyaa so dt girl later died! Well, its well.
22 Feb 2017 | 08:27
Congrat Uche nd Funmi but I have a bad feeling concerning Funmi going to Ghana
22 Feb 2017 | 09:10
happy day indeed
22 Feb 2017 | 10:06
Episode 9 Continues.. Sylvester My earliest memory of my father was one of him stealing kisses from my mother when he thought i wasn't watching. Sometimes he would sneak up on her while she was cooking, he would poke his finger into her solar plexus and she would giggle like a little girl. At night, the strange sounds which i later grew accustomed to and learned it was called ' moans' when i grew older would fill the air. The sound comforted me and it shielded me like a warm blanket, it was good knowing my parents were in the room next to mine and that they would come rushing if i so much as sneezed. Being an only child they doted on me but they applied a disciplined hand whenever it was needed. Daddy had a little farm few miles from our home, on weekends, he would carry me on his bicycle and off to the farm we went. He would point out each of the herbs and trees with their uses. He knew the names of all the birds, he would tell me folklores about each one of them while i asked one question after another. Daddy worked in a cement factory called Wacem as a driver to one of the Indians on the board of the company. He often came home with foreign chocolates and ginger ale drinks. " Sly, Indians are very stingy but my boss Mr. Ahmed is different." He would say, " it goes to show how people are different from one another. We should never stereotype. " I would nod my little head as if i understood what he meant. Mama would give him a big smile and concur with him. My mother wasn't educated but she was skilled and beautiful. She could do wonders with a brush and paint. We discovered her talent when i was asked to draw ' Yesu' in art class. She smiled when i told her what our assignment was, she simply collected the book from me and before my young eyes, there was an image of Yesu on the book. " Mama, you are a genius! wait till dad sees this!" I exclaimed, my mouth was hung open in surprise. She pulled me closer to her side. " You see your mama isn't exactly an illiterate. Back when we were in Nigeria, i used to help our neighbor's kids with their art home works." " Mama, why did you leave Nigeria?" I asked, " Is Nigeria as beautiful as our country, Togo?" " We left in 1993, i gave birth to you in a bush close to the border between Benin republic and Nigeria " She said with a faint smile, " we named you after the gallant soldier who helped us across the border. He was an Igbo man, he is a good man my son" " What is Igbo, Mama?" " It is a tribe in Nigeria. Igbo people are good people, they are honest and hard working too just like our people." " So why did you leave? and why didn't you give birth to me in a hospital?" " We had to leave because the president asked all foreigners to go back to their country. You were not due until another two weeks so we decided to leave because the country wasn't at peace. When we got to the border we discovered that it was closed and the only alternative was to go through bush shortcuts which was equally unsafe. That was when you gave me a fierce kick and popped out your big head, all thanks to that brave soldier who came upon us while i was writhing in pain. He helped deliver you and took us across." She said, applying color to the image she had drawn. " Was it painful Mama?" I asked innocently." Giving birth to me?" " Yes, very painful" she replied, " but it was worth it, look at you now, all grown and almost seven." Daddy wheeled in his bicycle and i ran to meet him. He didn't scoop me into his arms as usual, he didn't whistle or sing a tune. Mama got up and helped him balance the bicycle against the wall. She knew something was up but she didn't say anything, she greeted him and gave him a cup of water. She served him his meal of akume and light soup and he ate it quietly, without lavishing praises on her cooking. " The government has laid a claim to our farm land, they said it belongs to them and they have papers to prove it, " he said after sometime. He brought a folded sheet from his breast pocket. " Yesu Christo!" Mama exclaimed," How is that possible? it is our land and that land has been in your family for years" " Try explaining that to the president. You will wake up and find your eyes and my balls gone." He said." Bloody government! " " Don't say that please. Sly is here" she cautioned. That night there was no moaning sound and there wasn't that familiar sound for a very long time. After we lost the farm, Daddy's boss was transfered to another country. He worked briefly for another Indian man who treated him so badly that he couldn't take it anymore. " We should leave this country," he stated one evening. " If somewhere is not favorable, you Leave. Even if it is your country." " We can still make it work here" Mama said. " No, we are going back to Nigeria" he replied and it was final. That night the familiar sound which had not been a part of our night resumed but afterwards i could hear Mama sniffling which later blew into full blown sobbing.. Seconds later, i could hear their muffled voices and the sound resumed anew but there was cries of 'please more' and ' faster'. I wondered what was going on in that room as i drifted off to sleep. Few weeks later, we found ourselves in Lagos, Nigeria. Sylvester " Hurry up Sly!" Mama said, walking faster. " if we don't hurry up we may not meet her at home." I pulled up my falling shorts and ran after her. Mama was going to lend money again but only God knows from who this time around. I was almost twelve years old and was about to be admitted into a high school. Nigeria wasn't as rosy as Daddy made us believe, he worked hard on construction sites and was paid peanuts. Our dinner became garri with nkatie and even the nkatie was hard to come by on some days. We slept in a tiny bedsit room, Mama aged faster and Daddy grew bitter. We were known in the neighborhood as ' abeg borrow me'. We borrowed all sorts of things from our neighbors even down to the toothpaste we used. The caretaker was an angry bear of a man who even before the end of the month comes knocking on our door. The birth of my baby sister, Bose, also worsened our situation. We had to pretend to be Yorubas because my father was afraid the Nigerian government might ask foreigners to leave again. Ewe became a forbidden language which we only whispered in the sanctuary of our little room at night. I was enrolled in a public primary school where we sat down on the bare floor to learn. My school knicker was patched severally which earned me the nick name ' two yansh' among my peers. Some days we matched into our class rooms from the assembly only to find a big maggot filled feces in the middle of the class room. Sometimes it was made into the tyres we sat on or smeared on the wall. The teachers taught us English using Yoruba to explain, life in Togo was better for us i often thought but i never voiced it out. My school was ridiculed with all kinds of myths, there was one about the big iroko tree in the school field. Some said it was there the neighborhood witches held their meetings at night, some said someone once tried to cut down the tree but the tree cried out loud, begging for mercy while some argued that the tree didn't cry out but blood oozed out of it and an old man in a white robe walked out of it. There was also a myth about the orange tree at the back of the school building and why it never produced any fruit. My friends said the orange tree lured a young girl and she was never seen again but that orange tree became my fortress. I would climb it and settle on one of the strong branches, wondering when i will see my beloved country again, wondering why i have to pretend to be someone else, why i have to drink garri with a pinch of nkatie. Why baby Bose was giving two scarification marks on her cheeks just to wipe away all doubt that we were truly from oduduwa's lineage. I spoke Ewe to the tree all the time since it was the only place i could truly be myself. One day a class mate saw me up in the tree and reported me to the teachers that i was chanting some strange incantations. My parents were summoned and right there in my presence they both denied that i spoke any other language apart from English and Yoruba. The teachers were scared of me and they let me be, the other students avoided me and Daddy could never raise his head up high again or look me in the eyes for he had denied who he was over and over again until he was beginning to believe he was actually a Yoruba man from Oyo State. " Please open the gate ooo" Mama pounded on the rich woman's gate. Her gate man threw open the gate, took a long look at us and gave a shrill hiss. He ushered us in muttering under his breath. " E ka ro ma," Mama went down on both knees, greeting the fat woman who was decked up in a glittering stone lace. " Why are you just coming now ehn?" She hissed, " If i had left home before you got here you would say i am a wicked woman. Young man can't you greet?" " Good morning ma," " Tell your husband to come and see me tomorrow, i need a driver." " Eshey Ma, may God bless you" " Don't thank me ooo, I don't tolerate nonsense so you better talk to him well before he start working for me. The five thousand naira i promised you is on the table in the sitting room." She said, " ehen my bathroom is dirty, please wash it before you leave" " OK Ma, Eshey ma," Mama replied We went into the house, Mama untied Bose from her back and handed her to me. She picked up the money on the table and tied it on the edge of her wrapper and disappeared into one of the rooms, after some time i stood up with the baby in my arms and went after her. She was on her knees, scrubbing the dirty bath tub with all her might, i peered into the toilet and almost puked. The once white toilet was brownish yellow and there was a splatter of dried poo all round the edge and there was also a big discolored lump of it in the water. " Mama, will you wash the toilet too?" " Yes," she grunted " But there's feces in it'' " I know" " It is a taboo to clean up someone else's feces. You will swell up and die." I said, reminding her of one of our traditions. She tightened her face and gave me a sharp look."Not when you are from Oyo State" To be continued..
22 Feb 2017 | 15:14
22 Feb 2017 | 17:17
Congrat to u both! Dubem brought u guys this pain!
22 Feb 2017 | 17:39
Hmmmmm. Picking it up pieces by pieces
22 Feb 2017 | 17:41
wat nxt
22 Feb 2017 | 18:45
Episode 10 Continues.. Dupe We were almost at the airport when i got teary eyed. My childhood best friend was leaving just like i and my family moved away from her years ago. I stole a glance at Funmi, who was beside me. She also had tears in her eyes, i continued driving in silence as a sense of lost washed over me. I felt like a little girl again, i wanted to throw my arms around her and beg her not to leave me behind. " I am not going to the end of the world you know?" She said bravely, even though the tears brimmming in her eyes was threatening to slither down her cheeks." And i won't miss you one bit!" " I won't miss you too" i managed to choke out. " Yea sure, why are you going all emotional on me?" She snorted with laughter . " I swear i am not" I put the car in park and we both alighted. She took down her bag from the trunk of the car, she pulled me into her arms while we both let the tears flow down our cheeks. " I will miss you so much," she sobbed. " I will miss you too" " Please take good care of yourself" " I will," i replied, " Take care too, get a network line as soon as you get there." " I will," she promised. ******* Uche With the help of Dupe i moved my family down to ikorodu so as to throw those wicked gang off our back. I found a good school for Chinasa and Mama also picked up her trade again. I resumed at Dominique Petroleum after signing the necessary contracts and papers with them. As a representative of the company my salary was over a million, i had medicals, housing, health insurance, pension and other benefits as well. I was entitled to visa,working permit and housing in UK and America. I went through three weeks rigorious training in the area of drilling operations and completion operations. I was to work with a team of office_ based engineers and geologists for the first three months of my employment before I could go to the oil sites to supervise. I was also given my first task of writing a drilling program. A round of applause sounded in the room when i finished my presentation of the written drilling program. Mr. Thomas, the rig superintendent whose team i was on stood up still clapping. " I am impressed " he stated, " you are the first representative on my team to wow me," his gaze shifted around the room, the other representatives either lowered their eye lashes to avoid his gaze or pretended to be busy with the documents in front of them. " Very impressive but you could do better, " Annie, the only female geologist on my team said. She was a petite dark skinned lady with a tiny waist and big boobs. She was also one of the most respected geologist the company had. The other geologists held her in high esteem and she wasn't a push over despite being the only female in a team of alpha males. " Thank you, it will only get better" i said. " I told you the boy is good. " Mr. Ola, the floating foreman said. "Alright guys, let's wrap it up! Mr.Thomas and some representatives of another team are going to visit some sites today." Annie stood up, picked up her files and winked at me_ wait. Did i just imagine that or was it real? the others followed suit and one by one they all trouped out of the room. Mr Thomas handed an envelope to me before walking out. I opened it and gasped, i just became a car owner even if it belonged to the company. Mabel Tade sulked all the way to the airport. He had been that way since i informed him i hired a tutor for Serwa, i knew he was pissed i didn't consult with him first but he would surely come around. Funmi was genuinely nice, she had a lovely smile and she also had a way with children. She was the first outsider Serwa had taken to, i knew not to let her slip off my fingers. My mother in law also spoke at length about her good manners and Godly behavior, she was just what i needed. " I still can't believe you sent the money for her flight and she's actually at the airport waiting to be picked up! " he complained. " Tade, what have you got against this girl? you barely know her" " That is the problem! We know nothing about her! my mom would call Osama Bin Laden a saint if he so much as smiled at her! we might have just given a murderer a green ticket into our home!" " Don't tell me you are paranoid over her coming" I said with laughter. " I only agreed for Serwa' s sake." " Come on big guy" I said, caressing his thighs " If i am not comfortable with her she will have to go back to Nigeria " " Alright boss" ********* Funmi Tade carried my bag into the house while Mabel carried on as if we were long lost friends who had just reunited. She took me to the back of the main house and ushered me into a cozy little apartment. There was a flat screen television in the sitting room and a mini fridge stock with goodies. She showed me the kitchen, the bedroom which had a king size bed with a ward robe. " I am so excited you are here! I get so lonely all by myself here, " She said, " thank you for accepting my offer " " I should be thanking you, I am also excited to be here" " Oh i have seen someone to have girly gist with while i am at home. Please don't mind me, i talk too much when i am excited. Please freshen up and join us for dinner." " Alright, how is Serwa?" " She's fine. She's with my mother now and she doesn't know you are here. We planned it as a surprise for her. Holla if you need anything." " I will, thank you"I replied and she went out of the room. I showered and padded my way back to the main house. Her husband was dragging a big bin bag out of the house when he spotted me. " Let me help you with that sir, where should i take it to? " " No, this is a man's job. Thank you," he said." Mabel could use your help in the kitchen" I went inside and helped Mabel with the dinner, she set the table and they both dug into their food without praying first. " Why are you not eating?" Mabel asked, shredding the piece of chicken on her plate with her fork. " We haven't blessed the food yet" i replied, " let's us pray" They traded looks before bowing their heads, I shared a quick grace before we resumed eating. Tade retired for the night afterwards leaving me and his wife, she went into the kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. " Let us make a toast to your new job, " she said, filling the cups with the wine. " I don't take alcohol " " Don't be silly," she replied with laughter" even Jesus took wine at the wedding of......" She lifted up the glass," here, i poured only small for you. A little wouldn't hurt you. Cheers" " Cheers" I said, clicking my wine glass against hers. I took a deep breath and threw the content of the cup deep into my throat. " Welcome to Ghana, Funmi " she said with laughter. To be continued
23 Feb 2017 | 02:32
Welcome to wild life
23 Feb 2017 | 04:00
It is a bad thing to be poor
23 Feb 2017 | 05:51
Welcome to another life
23 Feb 2017 | 06:02
Feeling pity for Sylvester nd his family
23 Feb 2017 | 06:29
Ride on
23 Feb 2017 | 06:46
23 Feb 2017 | 13:21
And u just updated epi9
23 Feb 2017 | 13:34
Sorry mistake
23 Feb 2017 | 13:38
Wellcome to new life.
23 Feb 2017 | 14:48
What a pity
23 Feb 2017 | 15:59
Episode 11 *Continues* Dupe " Wow this is grand!" I exclaimed in wonder as Uche took me on a tour round his Banana Island apartment. It was a semi detached duplex with four bedrooms, a sitting room downstairs and it was also tastefully furnished. There was a maintenance and 24/7 generator service in the estate. There was a huge crystal blue pool at his backyard, a gym and a cozy little garden. I imagined our kids running around barefoot there, I saw myself lounging near the pool sipping a chilled fruit juice while the children played about. " Thank you for standing by me and also believing in me" he said, slipping his hands around my waist. " This is all God's doing. He alone deserves the praise" I replied, " You should bring Mama and Nasa here." " No, i will get them another place in Gra" " Why? this place is more than enough for the three of you! " " Dupe, we need our own space. Just you and i without anyone breathing down our back. Come," He held my hand and we went back into the house, he took me up the stairs into his bedroom. I sat down on the bed while he opened his wardrobe and withdrew a box. " What's this?" I asked, accepting it from him. " Open it," I tore the wrapping around the box, lifted up the case and gasped in surprise. There was a sparkling trinket lying in it, I picked it up admiringly. " Wow, Uche this must have cost a fortune!" " It is nothing believe me, you deserve more" " Awww, come, come," I held my arms open and embraced him." Thank you my love," " You are welcome dear. The couch downstairs is new, " he said grinning. " How about we deflower it?" I said with laughter. It was a little game which started when he got his official car. He had picked me up and we had driven around Town, we went to see a movie and towards evening we drove down to a lakeside where lovers hang out and when the lights were dimmed, we raised up the glasses of the car and we had our first car sex, we had called it deflowering the car. " The bed, kitchen center table, dinning table and my study desk are all new too " he said mischievously " Uche!" I exclaimed, " how about we take it one at a time?" He laughed and drew me closer to himself. *********** Mabel Arianna, Rose, Alice and Gracey walked in, they were all sporting their yoga pants. Gracey was puffing on a cigarette dangling between her fingers, Rose dropped some workout CDs on my palm and Alice placed a bottle of champagne on my center table. " It's time for Yoga!' Arianna, our newly married friend shrieked. " Why won't you be so excited when you' ve had your puvssy stuffed with a good dick every f*ucking night!" Gracey, an Italian_ Ghanian complained. We all laughed." Wait, is Scott still not back?" I asked, her husband Scotty was a businessman who traveled a lot and she was mostly left on her own. " No, why would he bother? when he's obviously f*ucking some dirty white puvssys over there! my cigar and my fingers are all the satisfaction i get!" She said. " Why don't you get something bigger? I use it all the time, i got it the last time i was in London. Although i still get down with my one of my ex_ boyfriends when the mood strikes " Rose, a divorced mother of two said. " A" I asked, " why waste money on plastic when you can enjoy the real deal? this applies only to Rose who is divorced, i don't encourage infidelity so Gracey carry on with your finger_ actions" The ladies went into fits of laughter, I popped open the bottle of champagne and we all grabbed glasses. I doubted if we would do our usual yoga practice since gists had started flowing. " The only people getting it are Arianna, Mabel and Alice" Rose said, stealing a cigar from Gracey's bag. " I have not gotten a good one recently, the kids are just too much work to think of sex!" Alice, a young mother of three boys complained." I usually fix myself up in the toilet every morning, but my fingers are getting sore!" " Well you won't believe what happened last night! Tade gave me some real good loving! I almost screamed the roof off!" I said, " tho he wants anal which i detest" " And there goes our Yoga practice!" Arianna said, " Y'all know my husband is not circumcised so we engage in a lot of pre-intimacy before his big John shoots out. All the better for me, he licks me up real good and i just love me some brown carrot and cream" Laughter twittered around the room, i popped another champagne bottle and refilled our glasses. " I tell you uncircumcised dick bleeps good!" I said," I remember a Latino guy i dated in college. He almost f*ucked my brains out " " Mickey," Gracey said, grinning." I f*cked him too" " What?" I exclaimed, " You slutty biitch! I knew it!" " Oh come off it, good things are not meant for you alone " Gracey said. " I need to have a taste of an uncut dick too" Rose said, " Arianna, how about jack?" " What? don't you dare go near my husband!" Arianna shrieked " But you just advertised his goods to us and i am dripping already" Alice replied teasingly, " Uncut dicks are the new ' It'" The door creaked open making us turn our heads in its direction, Funmi walked in wearing a brown skirt with an orange polo. She stopped short when she saw i had company. I beckoned her in. " Good morning " She said. " Good morning, sorry girlfriends i forgot to tell you about Funmi " " Who is she?" Gracey asked, blowing smoke into the air. " She's Serwa' s new tutor " " The brilliant Nigerian lady you told me about?" Arianna asked, giving her a kind smile." You are welcome to Ghana" " Thank you," " You can whip some breakfast for yourself," I said. She nodded her head and went into the kitchen. " Mabel are you crazy?" Gracey asked " I am also wondering the same thing " Rose replied, " how could you invite another woman into your home! Especially one who speaks same language as your husband!" " This is the dumbest thing you have ever done," Alice said," Just look up Nigerian women online! they are deadly." " She seem like the decent sort to me" Arianna replied " Decent sort my ass!" Rose snorted, it wasn't news that her ex husband was stolen from her by a Nigerian girl studying in Ghana. " Trust me girls, she's different. She's a pastor' s daughter and i bet she's still a virgin." I said. " All Nigerian women are sluts! One tried to get into Scotty's pant recently and i gave her the boot! you have just invited jack the Grim reaper into your home!" Gracey said," you better kick her out immediately!" " Gracey you admitted some minutes ago that you f*ucked Mickey while he was still dating Mabel, what does that make you?" Arianna asked, " Stop the stereotype" " I don't trust anybody from Nigeria, especially their ladies! " Rose said." You just watch and see, that girl will turn your life inside out Mabel. Don't say i didn't warn you" " Nigerians are good people, stop believing everything you read on the internet about them." I said. " Well, i am not going anywhere. I will be here when the drama unfolds. You will soon sing another tune when Tade stops licking you " Alice said, refilling her wine glass. " Once he stops licking you, just know a certain Nigerian girl is already having him lick her pot" Gracey said, laughing. " Not funny, I trust my husband and Funmi is a good christian girl from a decent background. Time for that yoga practice! Haul your asses up!" Sylvester Daddy was employed as the rich woman's driver and things changed for us for a while. Our rent was paid on time, i got a new school uniform and we no longer had to drink garri and nkatie for dinner. But the woman treated my parents like a lowly slave. She slapped Mama once for giving baby Bose a drink of water with her glass cup and right there she dropped the glass on the floor and it shattered in two. She hit Daddy with a broom for coming late to work when baby Bose took ill and he took her to the health center. They bore all these harsh treatments because she promised to sponsor my tertiary education. One day she slapped Daddy while he was driving her for entering into a port hole. He got angry, came down from the car and threw the car key at her. The very next day, a knock sounded on our door. I got up from my mat and opened it and three police men pushed me aside. " Where your useless papa? " they shouted, marching into our room. My parents woke up and they immediately descended on my father. They beat him black and blue before dragging him away,Mama cried and begged, asking what her husband's offense was. Mama found out the station they took him to and we both went there. " Your husband is the leader of a deadly criminal gang." The fat, pot bellied man in a blue police uniform said." They went to rob somewhere last night and the victim identified him." " No ooo, my husband dey innocent. He sleep for house yester night oo, him no be thief o" Mama cried out. The rich woman entered the station and Mama ran to her but she shoved my mother aside. " I saw him with my very own eyes! her husband was the leader of the armed robbery gang who came to my house last night! they carted away my jewelries and money! I have already called Abuja, I am not taking this matter lightly " " Ah! Mummy, My husband no be rubber. Abeg no put us in trouble. Him no do you anything ma," " My father is not a thief. He's a good person and he was home last night with us" " Officer let me know if you can't handle this case." the rich woman said." I want my stolen money and golds recovered." " We are capable ma," he responded, " we will get him to reveal his accomplices " She stormed out of the station after raining down curses on us. " Madam, i will advise you get a lawyer. This tears and begging won't help you" the police officer said, walking back into his office. " Let me tell you the truth," the officer on duty said." Only God can save your husband.The woman who just left here is the girlfriend of the commissioner and like she said she has placed a call to head quarters. Your husband's case will be treated as a criminal case. Once he's transferred out of here he will be executioned. You know what execution is child? explain it to your mother " " I know. Mama let's go" I said, tugging on her hand. We left the station and i explained everything the man said to her. I was positive my father would be set free if only we could get a good lawyer to represent him. Mama went to the woman's gate everyday, she would cry and beg for mercy. I was only thirteen years old and in sss 1, i stopped anybody i saw on the road and asked them if they were lawyers. Some walked on without replying while others thought it was funny, they would laugh and walk away. Our neighbors pitied us and they held vigils on behalf of my father. I went to the station everyday to give Daddy food, they refused to let us see him. Sometimes the police men on duty chased us away without accepting the food. Some days i would scream out when the good officer was on duty so my father could hear my voice, maybe he didn't hear but he never replied back. The good officer said he would do his best to delay the transfer so we could get a lawyer and he suggested we went to the secretariat where the high court was. The securities on duty, took a good look at the tattered clothes on our backs and chased us away. We went back there on several occasions but we were sent away. " Young boy what do you want?" the police officer on duty asked. " I brought food for my father " I replied " The man with the criminal offense?" " No, he is innocent" " Well he was transferred yesterday and he was executed this morning, " the officer replied " No, that's a lie!" I shouted, tears streaming down my eyes. " What is the noise about?" The good officer asked, coming into the station" Boy how are you?" " This man said my father was killed today," I said, heaving with tears. He threw a sharp look at the officer on duty." You fool! don't you know he's a young boy? couldn't you just tell him his father was transfered?" He placed his arm around my shoulder," listen to me son, in life these things happen but you won't let it stop you from becoming what you want to be in life. Make your mother proud of you and wipe away her tears" To be continued..
23 Feb 2017 | 17:11
All dx treatment and false accusations because of coloured paper with death man picture on it.
23 Feb 2017 | 18:30
pity dx woman because when the table turns around.
23 Feb 2017 | 18:32
I just hope coming to Ghana won't change Funmi
23 Feb 2017 | 21:27
I can't believe that woman can go that far just because he threw her keys at her Karma will surely catch up with her
23 Feb 2017 | 21:45
Just a little for the stomach sake wont hurt!
24 Feb 2017 | 02:19
do evil u do it to ur slf.
24 Feb 2017 | 05:07
Episode 12 * Continues* Dupe The ringtone of my phone woke me up in the middle of the night, i reached for the phone and stared at the strange number reflecting on the screen. The call disconnected and the number called back immediately. " Hello," i said groggily, "Who am i speaking with?" " Funmi," She said sobbing. I sat up, suddenly wide awake." What happened?" " I want....want to come back," she cried. " What happened? " I shouted, " talk to me please" " Mable.... " " Yes, what did she do to you?' " Her friends said i will destroy her home and that.... " she choked on tears," that all Nigerian women are sluts" " Awwn, you shouldn't let that get to you. We are good women and you are a good representative of Nigerian women. You have a big heart and you wouldn't hurt even a fly. What did Mabel say to her friends?" " She....she said i am a good person" " Yes you are. Funmi you will prove them wrong, show them Nigerian women are the best women in the world." " OK," she replied quietly," Thank you, goodnight" " Goodnight best friend," ********* Uche " Congrats big boy," Annie said, giving me a wide smile." How was your first field trip?" " It was a bitter sweet experience. The drillers were reluctant to take orders from me on the first day but i stood my ground. The second day, they all refused to work so i called Mr Thomas but he told me to handle it and disconnected. I tried my best tho and in the end the job was done" " You handled them well i assure you, we got reports. You are the first representative in Dominique to be sent to the field in his first month. Believe me, we are all proud of you but don't let it get to your head" she said," now i need your help with something a bit personal this weekend. " I need your help too, " I said laughing," the funny thing is it's this weekend too " Annie and I had grown closer as the weeks slowly progressed into a month, she was intelligent and easy to talk to, she was one of those people who understood what you felt without even telling her. The other guys on my team often wonder aloud what she saw in me because she was known as a prude. We went to lunch together, we were always assigned to the same projects and i got to find out a lot about her. She was an only child, she grew up without a father or knowing who he was. Her mother was gruesomely murdered by a robbery gang before her eyes and she had no family left. She loved bad and rugged guys, she was a chain smoker and she never went anywhere without her locket which she claimed brought her luck.The other guys often joked around that she was my sugar mommy since she was a thirty_ two years old lady while i was only twenty eight. " I need your help with something very urgent this weekend," She said." I hope you will be able to help me" A sad look came on her face briefly. " Annie, is something wrong?" " Yea, I ....I can't talk about it here" " Alright, Will you be fine until then?" " I will be fine. Thanks. What do you need my help with? " She asked. " I want to get something for Dupe," She sighed loudly," Ah lucky girl! what do you have in mind?" " A ring. I want to propose to her" I said with a grin. " Awww, so sweet. Sure, I know just the place you can get the perfect ring. " " Thank you," " You are welcome," She said, pinching her full lips between her teeth in a sultry way.My phone rang out, i excused myself to answer the call, i placed my IPhone against my ear without checking out the caller. " Uchenna Nwafor," I said. " Hello," a timid voice said." Brother, it's me" I drew in breathe as i recognized his voice." Dubem, What do you want?" " I....I ....." He stuttered, " I know you are angry with me. I am sorry, I felt like an extra burden to you and Mama, so i went in search of greener pastures" " Is the grass really green at the other end as claimed? " " No" he replied, " I am going through a lot here" " Dubem, you wasted our sister's life and if i see you right now i will strangle you with my bare hands!" " Please...... I don't understand. What else did i do? " " The gang you stole from raped Nonye to death as revenge" I said, he started crying at the other end." Don't ever call my line again, you are dead to me" I disconnected in anger. I felt a hand on my shoulder, " Whatever it is, give it time. It will heal up with time" She said softly " Some wounds can never be healed" " Yes, but atleast you will be able to talk about it" She replied,"I can never forget how those robbers painted our sitting room with my mother's blood but i can talk about it now. Give it time Uche," Funmi I took Dupe's advice and i vowed within me to prove to Mabel's friends just how unique Nigerian women are. I took my work serious and i even did extra works like taking Serwa to and fro from school. I made her lunch every noon and i read her bed time stories on those nights her mother didn't return home from her outing.Tade kept to himself, other than greeting we barely spoke to each other. Mabel would often leave home very early in the morning and come back drunk or reeking of smoke at the wee hours of midnight. I over heard her arguing with her husband on a Saturday morning, i took Serwa and we went to the park in the estate.By the time we got back it seemed they had settled their differences as they both welcomed us warmly. " Funmi," Mabel called I was making Serwa's lunch of spaghetti with meat balls when she walked into the kitchen. " Yes," " I want to give you a treat. You have been here only a week but i am so impressed. You took good care of Serwa and you also put my house in order. I want you to hang out with my girls and i tonight" " Thank you, i appreciate but..." " No buts,it took me the better part of today convincing Tade to sit Serwa tonight. You deserve to let down your hair and enjoy the Ghana night life" " Alright," i replied reluctantly " Don't worry! You will absolutely love it, 100% fun is guaranteed " She said excitedly. ******* I walked back into the stuffy club house feeling Unclad, Mabel insisted i wore one of her gowns which left little to the imagination. She and her group of friends were at the bar engaging in a battle of the ' fastest to drink their tequila'. The air was heavy with the acrid smell of cigarette, alcohol and sweat, some men and women were dancing and smooching on the dance floor, a young man was trying to get his tongue into the mouth of a very young girl at a corner of the room. I almost retched at these ungodly sights. " Hey Sweetie, are you alone tonight? " A short balded man asked, flashing the glittering gold rings on his fat fingers. I bit the inside of my cheek with my teeth in regret. I should have simply told Mabel what i felt about her so called ' Ghana night life'. It was wrong for a child of God to mingle with unbelievers but i didn't want her to think of me as a holier_ than thou. I made to side step him but he took hold of my arm forcefully. " Let go of me!' I shouted, my eyes searching for Mabel in the crowded room. " I am just being friendly, " he said," name your price" " Hey! Let go of her mister" Mabel said, walking towards us" f*uck off" The pudgy short man gave her a dirty look before walking away. " Sorry about that, " She said," he probably sensed you are a newbie!" We made our way back to the bar where the other ladies were, Mabel ordered for another round of drinks and a tequila glass was placed in front of me. Alice and Gracey drowned theirs in one gulp and went to the dance floor to dance. A tall dark guy walked up to Mabel, flashed her a smile and invited her to the dance floor. She raised up her left hand, flashing him her wedding ring. The guy walked away without another word. " Funmi, why are you staring at your drink?" Rose asked, " you shouldn't be here if you know it makes you feel uncomfortable. It's not like you are better than any one of us here" " Rose!" Mabel admonished, " please don't talk to her like that." " We paid good money for the drink so it shouldn't be wasted. Or would you rather be served smoothie?" Rose asked sacarstically. I picked up the glass and swallowed the whole content of it in one fluid motion, i choked and coughed out as tears burned my eyes.Mabel patted me on the back, lighted a cigarette and took a long drag. " Don't listen to Rose, she's testy because she hasn't been laid for a while now " Mabel said " Speaking of being laid, i am going man hunting" Rose said, slidding off her stool" It is good i went commando tonight, it will make the job easier" " What does going Commando mean?" I blurted out, as i felt a dull throbbing ache in my left temple. My eyes was getting misty for no just reason and i felt like singing and crying at the same time. I saw them trade looks before spurting out in laughter. " Where did you get this girl from?" Rose asked in wonder," even my twelve years old daughter knows what going commando is" " She meant she had no undies underneath her gown" Mabel explained I nodded my head in embarrassment, Mabel was saying something but i didn't hear her as her voice seemed to be coming from miles away, my visions blurred and the sound of the music faded away. I felt myself swoon backwards, someone reached out to hold me as the blackness enveloped me. ********* Uche " Wow, you are early" Annie said, holding her door open. She was in a work out pant with a crop top. Her hair was clipped to the back of her head." Excuse my looks, i was sweating it out in my gym" I walked into her beautifully furnished living room. She had a book shelve in her sitting room, a giant plasma TV and a giraffe art work. Canvasses of her was hung on the walls and there was also a huge portrait of her as a young child, she had ice cream smeared on her nose and she was also sporting an ice cream mustache which brought a smile on my lips. " Even with the ice_ cream mustache you were still cute" She gave a sultry laugh," Don't flatter me please, what should i offer you? Wine?" " Wine is perfect" " Excuse me," She said, she opened the fridge in her dinning area and brought out a chilled bottle of wine. She filled two glasses, handed one to me before sitting down on the opposite couch. " Good Wine," I said " Yea, Italian " She sighed." Shark gave it to me" " Who is Shark?" " The enigma i need you to help me out with, he's the guy i am going out with. We have been going out for six months but it seems.....well the thing is......Shark is....." She struggled to let out the words. " Wait Annie, which Shark? the one and only?" I asked, my heart was palpitating in excitement. " Yes" She sighed loudly. " Wow! " I exclaimed in surprise," I followed his first trial!" Shark was a young ruthless lawyer with his own private practice, he was an ideal defender of the poor and the oppressed. He came into limelight at the tender age of twenty when he picked up and won a case rejected by many top lawyers in the country. The case was the virgin Mary and the Elite case. Four Guys who were the sons of prominent political leaders had lured a young innocent girl hawking fruits into their home and they raped her to death. As the sons of prominent leaders they thought they would go Scott free especially since most lawyers washed their hands off the case. The masses protested and cried out for justice,out of nowhere a young man appeared and picked up the case, representing the poor aggrieved parents of the victim. Nobody knew or heard about him before, nobody knew who his parents were or how he came to amass such wealth of knowledge and confidence. When the case started, everyone thought he would lose but to their outmost surprise he won the case and thus earned himself the name shark. After that case, he reappealed many cases which had seemed hopeless and he always brought the bad guys to book. Twice, an attempt was made on his life but he escaped unscathed on each of those occasions. The other lawyers had a love_ hate feeling towards him, they admired his tenacity, confidence and determination even when all hope seemed lost and at the same time they hated his guts, his fame and how he shredded each one of them to pieces when they find him as an opponent in the court room. " He's like a wall, nothing moves him. He's sort of strange too but i want to break down his walls and make him love me," Annie said somberly." There's this aura about him which i don't seem to discern" I sighed heavily," Annie, honestly i don't know what to say but i do know that love can't be forced and if you keep forcing it you might end up hurting yourself. Six months is enough time for him to fall in love with you and if he still doesn't reciprocrate your feelings then i think you might want to consider walking away although it might be painful." " I can't walk away!" She cried out," he's ......he's not really as tough as the world thinks. He doesn't even....." " He doesn't what?'' " Never mind. Tell me how do i even get him to let down his guard and trust me?" " Trust him with your own pains first and with time he might learn to trust you with his. By the way, i want to meet him. I have followed all his trials and i am a big fan of his" "I will tell him when i see him tonight. We can go on a double date next weekend, me and him, you and your fiancée. How about we go hunting for that engagement ring?" She asked, standing up. " Cool idea" To be continued..
24 Feb 2017 | 05:53
I just hope this Ghana Funmi went to won't change who she is
24 Feb 2017 | 07:02
Funmi this your new home i hope it ll nt ve effect on your christain life.
24 Feb 2017 | 07:56
Enjoying this story....
24 Feb 2017 | 08:00
24 Feb 2017 | 11:18
Episode 13 Continues.. Sylvester Mrs. Ahmed, a beautiful slender woman in her fifties poked her head into my office. I sighed and pushed away the thoughts of my past, the wound in my heart seemed to throb anew each time i remembered the words of the officer on duty who had informed me of my father's execution. I wondered why i kept on this old cougar as my legal secretary. She doesn't regard me as her boss, she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut and she frets over me all the time. On weekends, she send home cooked meals to me and she's forever trying to set me up with one relative or the other. I waved her in with my hand, she walked in and stood looking at me in her hawk like way. " Shark, don't tell me you are in one of those your moods again " She said, " I wonder why you get this way every Saturday. Did some girl break your heart on a Saturday?" " You know i don't see anyone on Saturdays, what do you want?" " You should have stayed at home if you don't want to see anyone" She muttered under her breath. " I heard that" I said, wondering who was actually the boss here. " She's here" " Who?" I asked, " I can't see any client today, please reschedule" " Annie is here and i am sending her in" She stated and walked out before I could stop her. " Hey Shark," Annie called, catwalking sultrily into my office. She had on a blue body hugging jumpsuit with black heels. " Annie," I grounded out with displeasure. When i met her at a fund raiser which Mrs.Ahmed had forced me to attend i thought she was a beautiful and classy lady which she turned out to be. The only fly in the ointment was that she was beginning to expect too much, she wanted to do all those chummy fairytales things which wasn't in my book. I had stopped picking her calls when it became incessant and Mrs.Ahmed knew to tell her i wasn't in but the bossy old lady let her in just to get on my nerves. " You look tired, are you OK?" She asked, sitting down. Here we go again i thought." Annie, i didn't give you an appointment" She looked shocked and was suddenly almost at the verge of tears. This Annie would be the death of me i thought. She was my longest association with a woman, soon she would start reeling off potential baby names, redecorating my home and editing her surname to include mine. " Shark i can't believe you just said that! are you trying to dump me?" She asked, standing up." I will be on my way now," " Wait Annie," I said, a bit relunctant to let her go because the sex was mind blowing and a certain part of me had decided to rear up it's ugly head although the situation at hand didn't call for it. " Today is not a good day. You of all people should know that about me" She sat down again" What happened? a new case?" " No, today is just not a good day. What's up with you?" " I wish you can trust me with your problems, you know i am here for you right?" She asked lovingly. I sighed heavily, this was one of the things that scares me. The whole emotional thing and drama." I am ho.rny" " Shark!" She shouted incredulously, " How did that get into the conversation?" " You said you wished i could share my problems with you. That is one of the problems i have now" She rolled her eyes, " Honestly speaking, I give up on you. A friend of mine want to meet you" I groaned loudly, it was really time to get rid of her. From a friend want to meet you to my mom want to meet you and before you know it they are handing you a bride price list." My week will be a busy one. Tell her i am so sorry, maybe some other time " " Not her, him. He's a big fan of yours. We can double date him and his girl next weekend. Please don't say no" She said, her eyes shinning with hope. " Alright," I agreed just to get her to shut up." Let's get out of here," " Where to?' She asked " Let's do lunch and go back to my place " I stood up, pulled on my jacket while she picked up her bag. I held open the door for her and we walked out of the office. Mrs.Ahmed looked up and gave me a knowing smile. If not that I doubted i would be allowed to represent myself i would have murdered the old fox right there and then. ***** Dupe The loud voices exchanging words woke me up from my nap. I recognized my mother's voice and i ran into our living room. Some members of our church and some deacons were seated in the sitting room, my father was pacing back and forth while my mother argued with somebody. My family host the Saturday house fellowship so i wasn't surprised to see them. But what almost gave me a heart attack was the person my mother was arguing with. " You have come to the wrong house" My mom said," Please leave Madam" " Ehen, is that not Dupe?" Uche's mom retorted, pointing a finger at me and the others turned to focus their gaze on me. " Good Afternoon ma," i said, wondering what she was doing in my house. " Dupe you know her?" My mom asked in surprise " Tell your harlot daughter to stay away from my son! My son is married! He has three children!" Uche's mother shouted, " Dupe or whatever they call you stay away from us. Stop forcing yourself on my son" " Woman, leave my house! You can't just walk into my home and defame my daughter" My father said," This is a good christian home and no child of mine is a harlot." " Ask her If she has not been fornicating with my son!" She said hotly, " Ashewo! Stay away from my son! useless girl with no home training!. Dupe can't you defend yourself? tell your parents how you have been spending nights upon nights in my Son's house!" " It is enough! What is your problem woman? have you no shame and regard for God?'' Mrs.Afolabi, Tade's mother replied her." When you walked in you saw us in the mood of praise and worship! if you had anything against Dupe you should have called her mother aside and relay it to her in private! Our Dupe can never stoop so low to do all the vile things you have painted" " Ohhh!!! So i am lying ehen, ask her nah! Has she not been sleeping with my son outside marriage? I am an aggrieved mother and i don't want her to ruin the life of my son! You Yoruba people are all the same! You have no shame and self respect!" Uche' s mother screamed. I ran back into my room and slammed my door shut in anger and shame. I closed my eyes, blocking my ears with both of my hands. Maybe it was a horrible dream which i will soon wake up from i thought. Tears burned my eyes when it dawned on me that it wasn't a dream. I could hear Uche's mother saying all sort of vile things against me. She said i stole from the offering money in church and that i confessed it to her son and as if that wasn't enough she also mentioned how i stole a suit from my father.I stayed in my room until the voices ceased and the house was thrown in silence. When darkness enveloped the compound and i could hear the cricking of the night insects outside, a soft knock sounded on my door. " Dupe, " Mom called softly," Open the door" I stood up and opened the door. " Daddy is angry and he has relieved you of your duty as an usher for a month. We don't believe all what that woman said but we can't deny there wasn't an iota of truth in her words especially about that Daddy's suit which went missing for days." " I am sorry Mom," " I am disappointed in you, we brought you up better than that. Funmi will never do such a thing or bring such shame upon her parents.That girl has no single blemish on her character,she' s almost perfect i tell you." she said, before walking out of my room. To be continued..
24 Feb 2017 | 13:27
I hope Ghana won't change Funmi
24 Feb 2017 | 18:51
Funmi might b worst soon. Time wl tell
24 Feb 2017 | 19:25
This uche's charater oo, must she come here nd say all these things.
25 Feb 2017 | 02:31
I think all dat will be past glory soon...
25 Feb 2017 | 02:44
25 Feb 2017 | 03:00
Hmmm, dis Uche mother sef, very ungrateful! Next pls!
25 Feb 2017 | 06:05
Uche's mum is not fit to be a mother at all Dupe had been nothing but good to her Why such humiliation?
25 Feb 2017 | 06:57
Seriously something is wrong with Uche's mother
25 Feb 2017 | 07:18
Y na
25 Feb 2017 | 07:54
Episode 14 Continues.. Funmi In my spare time i borrow Mabel's car and drive around the Estate, it afforded me the opportunity to get conversant with the neighborhood and also get my mind off certain things. One of which was the shame i feel creaping up my cheeks each time i came across Mabel's friends who were also our neighbors. The episode at the club had left me feeling this way,although Mabel had reassured me when i came to that it was normal for me to pass out the way i did as a newbie after taking just a single tequila shot. I don't know why i desperately longed to belong to Mabel's circle, I was even comtemplating changing my wardrobe to match theirs and reading my bible at night was increasingly becoming a tug of war. I drove into the Estate and parked in front of our block. Serwa had gone to school so the house was silent or was supposed to be silent but a low muffled sound was coming out of the sitting room and i wondered briefly what it was. I pushed the door aside and entered the air conditioned living room. Mabel was on the couch, her eyes were closed and she had her ears stuffed with an ear piece which was connected to the phone beside her. Her hands was buried inside her shorts,whatever it was she was doing she seemed to be deriving a great pleasure from it. I made to leave just as her eyes flew open and she snatched her hands away from her shorts. My face heated up in embarrassment and i thought of what to say. " You peeping Tom! " she shouted, sitting up. " I.....I am wasn't ...." She laughed, " It's okay, when did you get back from your drive?" " Few minutes ago." I said, " I apologize for barging in on you, i thought you would be upstairs" " Don't mind me pa, i got carried away. Tade has been acting up and complaining too much of late so i am cutting off my nose to spite myself. That means no sex for the both of us" " Oh " I said, not sure how to respond. She was someone who spoke whatever was on her mind while i was a bit reserved about sharing personal problems. " By the way, how do you cope without your boyfriend? " she said, "sit down " "I don't have a boyfriend " i replied, sitting down " Wow, you really are a different sort of girl. But you pleasure yourself right?" She asked, " I am sure you do," " Pleasure myself?" I asked, " Yes, I hang out with my friend Dupe or i watch a home movie" She looked at me in surprise before bursting out in laughter " I mean, don't you give yourself orgasm? just like i was doing before you walked in?" My eyes widened in surprise, " You mean you were masturbating?, that's a...... that's a sin!" " So is corruption, lying and cheating." She said," I don't lie, I don't cheat and neither am i a corrupt individual. So tell me you have never had an orgasm before?" " No. I want to marry as a virgin. Besides Masturbation is a sin in the bible" " Who says you can't give yourself some couple of orgasm and still remain a virgin? You better leave the bible out of your feelings. Lay down now, i will show you how to." " No, Mabel" I said, although i was a bit curious." I don't want to" " Just try it, there's no harm in trying. You can stop if you still feel the same way about it." " OK," I said in a small voice, laying down on the couch. " Slip your panties to the side, " she instructed." Your skirt is very long so you don't have to be shy that i will see your cu.nt" I slipped my hand under my skirt, closing my eyes in shame and confusion. I could have put an end to the madness Mabel was trying to teach me but i wondered what it feels like to have an orgasm. " Slowly trace your middle finger, up and down your pussy" she said, " do it gently until you feel your finger is damp and sticky. I can't believe you don't know how to do this, i learnt this at the age of sixteen!" I did as instructed and i was stunned when i felt my finger become wet after some minutes." It's wet," I whispered. " Cool! slowly seek out your" She said," smear your juice on it and rub it gently until you feel a strange sensation in your abdomen when you do, stop." I did as instructed once again and I felt a sigh escape my lips as a sweet strange tingle traveveled down my abdomen and i snatched my hands away. " I can see you are getting it now, some ladies use objects to give themselves more orgasm and satisfaction but i don't recommend it because you are a virgin and you want to remain one, besides it is not hygenic." But with your hands you can give yourself pleasure and still remain a virgin. Now you are in control of your satisfaction, when you eventually get married you can show your husband how to please you." " It feels so good, is there any side effect?" I said dazedly " None" She stated," You can do it as often as you want but don't make it an habit because therein lies the problem. Only do it when you feel ho.rny or neglected. It also helps you get more acquainted with your body" " Thank you," I said, slipping my hands back under my skirt. I wanted to experience that awesome feeling again, i wondered if i would get it right again. I rubbed on the pleasure spot until i felt like urinating, before i could take away my hands, i had flooded the couch with my urine. I got up in horror but was perplexed to see Mabel laughing hard. " Incredible!" She said, clapping her hands. " sorry. I didn't realize that i wanted to urinate.....i will clean it up immediately" " Silly girl! What planet are you from?" She asked, still laughing " You just squirted! It is like a female cum. I envy you sweetie, i have never squirted before." " It's not Urine?" I asked, staring at the damp patch on the couch. " You know what? I will lend you my laptop tonight, you can check out these things online. Now let's clean up before Tade comes" I walked towards the store room at the back yard to get a moping bucket but the sticky feeling in between my legs made it difficult walking. I closed the store door, lifted up my skirt, i slipped my hand into my panties once again. I wondered why it took me so long to discover something so simple and yet so pleasurable. ******** Dupe " I am outside your gate, " He said into the mouth piece of his phone. "Please i want to see you, " I dropped the call, checked through my call log and realized i had missed several calls from Uche and Funmi. I kept my phone on silence because i didn't want to talk to anyone. Uche, most especially after what his mother did to me. I had the feeling that his mother never liked me but i never knew she would take it to the height she did. I pulled on a top and jean and walked outside. " Hi," I said, entering the car. " Hi dear," He pulled away from my gate and he drove in silence until he got to a public garden and parked. " How are you?" He asked, tracing his finger along my cheek. " Fine," i mumbled. " Your mom called me and she explained everything to me" he said " She did? " I asked in surprise, " She must have lifted your number from my phone" " I apologized to her and i also told her I want to come see your dad but she advised against it for now. Dupe, i am deeply sorry for what my mother did to you and your family.You don't deserve to be treated that way. I am sorry" " Why?" I asked, " did I in any way offend her?" He sighed deeply." No. You are not the one she has a problem with, it is your tribe.My father was involved with another woman before his death. She was a Yoruba woman and he died in her arms on their way back from a party." " So she hates all Yorubas? why didn't you tell me this?" " I am sorry. She claims she is not against you based on what my father did to her but deep down i know that is the reason. I had a talk with her last week, she told me she was ready to accept you so i was suprised when i got that call from your mother. I want you to know that i love you and i want to marry you. I am my own man, i am not tied to my mother's apron strings.There's nothing she can do about us" " She said you are married with kids" He suddenly started laughing but stopped when he saw the tight expression on my face. "How could you believe such a thing?"He asked," I have never been married before!" My ears heard what he said but my heart caught what he didn't say."Is there anything i should know Uche? what are you not telling me?" He sighed." Dupe, before you......" " Yes," " Before you, there was another girl. Her name is Cecilia" " What happened to her?" " We dated for a while and we all lived together for some time" " Who is 'We?' and how long did you live together?" "That was two years ago.My family, i and her were under the same roof for a year" Uche said," all these are in the past now" " So what happened to her?" He looked away briefly before responding."She had my baby." To be continued..
25 Feb 2017 | 11:00
I knew that this Ghana Funmi went to will change her name
25 Feb 2017 | 14:07
Some guys sef ehn.... Well I no blame am sha
25 Feb 2017 | 15:37
The way uche mum is doing she may regret it bitterly later o
25 Feb 2017 | 16:19
Uche Mum Is C6plicating Things O
25 Feb 2017 | 16:27
Having a baby wit his ex should not be a problem! Next!
25 Feb 2017 | 17:04
But Y now uche,dupe see your mistake,u just jump into him without doing some findings Ladies Be Careful O
25 Feb 2017 | 17:31
So u wouldn't hv told her if ur mother had nt said all dat? Rubbish. Funmi wl destroy mabels home soon wt wat she is learning
25 Feb 2017 | 18:04
Episode 15 * Continues* Uche " She had my baby," I said I grabbed hold of her hand as she made to flee out of the car. " I am sorry," I said " When were you planning on telling me this?" She asked angrily, " perhaps on our wedding night or after the birth of our first child?" " Dupe, please. It was a still birth......the baby died at birth" She suddenly transformed from anger into a somber mood. " You could have told me still" she said softly " I am sorry, like i said it's all in the past now" I said, " I didn't tell you because it was a painful part of my past which i have long since put behind me" " Are you still in love with her?" She asked " I never was." I said and it was the truth. Cecilia was a mistake which shouldn't have happened. She was the daughter of my mother's friend. She was a beautiful ebony skinned girl but her beauty could never hold a candle to Dupe's. Once upon a time we had dreams of settling down some day and having a family but she was too impatient to wait for that dream to come to fruition. I thought she was sweet and angelic but I discovered her true color when she got pregnant, she complained about everything I did and she never hesitated to belittle my efforts. My mother always excused her behavior as being normal for pregnant women.She made my life so miserable that i almost resorted to suicide.Her constant nagging and troubles drove her into an early labour in her seventh month but the premie baby turned out as a still birth. I pushed the ugly events of the past out of my mind. " Why did you break up?" " We had some problems before the birth of the baby, the baby was the only thing that kept us together so when that magic was gone, she left. Dupe, i love you. Please don't give up on us," my hand seeked out hers. She sighed before flinging herself into my arms. " I am sorry about your baby. I love you Uche. I don't want to lose you" " I don't want to lose you too." She gave me a weak smile." I have not eaten today" " Why? this is past noon" " I had no appetite but i do now" " Want some Chinese?" " Yes," " I know a cool place. By the way, ever heard of Shark?" She laughed." Who doesn't? although i don't know what he looks like because he shys away from the media but you would have to be living under a stone not to have heard of him" " We are dining with him this weekend. You and I" She squealed " Uche, for real? How... how did you...?" I frowned. " Why are you so excited? Crushing on him?" " No joor. How did you meet him?" " He's Annie's date." " Geez! I thought you said she's in her thirties. I heard Shark is very young and he's not even up to thirty" " Age is just a number remember?" ********* Mabel " Mami what's going on?" I asked, grabbing the shoes from her hand. " Serwa, give me my shoes!" Mami shrieked, hitting me with her palm. " Daddy! Daddy!" I screamed, moving away from her. My father ambled into the room, a newspaper in hand." Akosua, what are you doing?" " Serwa took my shoes away from me" Mami replied, crying. She walked to him and hugged him." tell her to return my shoes" " Come my love, it's time for your nap" he said He led her out of the kitchen while i stood in shock. I had met Mami dipping a pair of new shoes in an ice_cream bowl on the kitchen counter. Daddy returned after some minutes, he removed his glasses and leaned against the counter. " What's going on dad?" I asked, " what's wrong with Mami?" " Oh Mabel," He said, " I don't know how to tell you" " Tell me what?" " Your mother is sick.....very sick " " Why didn't you tell me!" I cried out, " How long has this been going on?" " Almost six months. I have taken her to several hospitals already" " You shouldn't have to go through all that alone dad!" I said, wringing my hands in worry." I have not been a good daughter, have i dad?" " Mabel this isn't about you." " A good daughter would have known her mother was sick for almost six months!" " This is why i didn't tell you. You always make everything about yourself! My God!" " That's not fair dad! how did I make Mom's sickness about myself? You were the one who hid it from me! you were the one who made it about yourself " " I am flying her abroad" he said. " I am coming along" " You are married and you have a young child to care for" he said," I can handle it on my own" " I am coming along! " I said, marching out of the house. ********* I closed my eyes, feinging sleep, I felt my husband's warm hand on me."Tade, please " I said, pulling his hands away." I am not in the mood " " What is going on Bell?" Tade asked, sitting up in bed." You have been so quiet" "My mother is sick" " What is wrong with her?" " I don't kept it from me! the poor woman has been sick for almost six months now!" " What?" He asked, " She looked quiet healthy the last time i saw her" " She's ...she has old people's sickness" " Oh, your mother is so young. What do we do?" " We are flying her overseas. " I said, " I won't be able to take Serwa along but i trust you and Funmi will take good care of her" " Bell, i am sorry." He pulled me into his arms" Why didn't you tell me earlier" " It hurts so much saying it out loud" " When do you leave?" " I will call my dad and we will set a date.No later than next week i guess" " I wish i could go with you" " Be good and take care of Serwa" I said, suddenly feeling so emotional. I kissed him softly on the lips, my hands pulling my nightie off. " Bell love, no." He said hoarsely," You are so vulnerable now," " Make me forget my problems Tade," He Pulled me closer into himself and proceeded to do just that. To be continued..
25 Feb 2017 | 18:17
25 Feb 2017 | 19:03
make up se.x... I think it will be an opportunity for her fears to come throuqh.... Hotty fummi.
26 Feb 2017 | 02:54
Leaving Tade nd Funmi alone won't be good at all
26 Feb 2017 | 04:07
Mabel ur marriage is in trouble.....u wana leave ur husband with funmi
26 Feb 2017 | 08:35
Episode 16 Continues.. Sylvester The concierge led Annie and I to our table, I pulled out her chair for her before sitting down. The ' Grapes' was an A_ class restaurant where only the elite and crème de la crème of the society dined and it was one of the best restaurants in Town. " Annie, Where are your friends?" I asked in irritation," don't they know to keep to time?" She batted her fake eyes lashes at me." Uche just pinged me. He's parking his car now, they should be with us shortly" The elderly waiter discreetly cleared his throat to announce his presence before placing the menu in front of us. I ordered red wine for the ladies and a cognac for myself and Uche. " There they are" Annie said, glowing happily. A young man and a beautiful lady appeared in front of us. I stood up and shook the hand he extended. The lady was in a long flowing black dinner gown which molded her curves and accentuated her firm small breasts. She wore a light make up, i couldn't tell if the pink shade of her full lips was natural or not. Her deep brown eyes stirred something in my heart and i had to literally give myself a kick for rudely staring at her. There was just something about her which i couldn't place my hands on. But she was definitely doing something to my stone cold heart. " Uchenna Nwafor," he said " Sylvester" I stated simply " This is my girlfriend, Dupe, " he introduced " Pleased to meet you sir," She said in a calm angelic voice " Sylvester will do, pleased to meet you too." I said, Shaking her soft hand. " Dupe, Annie " Uche introduced the ladies " Hello Dupe, lovely gown you' ve got there" Annie said " Thank you, " She replied, " You look good too" Annie laughed, " I always look good my dear" We sat down, Uche and i engaged in small talks while we waited for our orders but my mind was on the girl beside him. Although Annie was sultry and beautiful it was all artificial enhancement so she had nothing on Dupe. I had a craving need to know more about the girl, how does she like her breakfast? how does she moan? does she sleep on her side or her back?. I couldn't believe i was thinking all these barely few minutes of meeting her. I watched she and her boyfriend all through dinner, how they complete each other's sentences, the subtle looks they shared when they thought we weren't watching. How their bodies were rubbing against each other, it all brought back a surge of childhood feelings. I recognized those looks, it was the look my father used to give my mother before everything went wrong. These two were truly in love. " Shark, are you alright?" Annie asked, placing her hand on my thigh. " I am fine, why do you ask?" " You have gone so quiet" " Sorry, i was lost in thought" I said, " too many pro bono cases sitting on my desk" " I followed your first trial, I prayed for you all through the duration of the trial." The girl blurted out and blushed. I was touched. It was the first time a woman other than my mother openly confessed she prayed for me. My respect for her went a notch higher. It was even difficult to find a woman who prays not to talk of one who prays for strangers. Annie laughed, " Shark doesn't need prayers Dupe, he's good at what he does" " Everyone needs Prayer" Uche said," it is something we can't do without" " Oh pu_ leez! " she said rolling her eyes," Dont tell me Dupe's prayers won him the case!" " Actually my whole family and i prayed and fasted for God to help him out," She replied. " God still answers prayers" I laughed to mask the deep emotions i was feeling," That means I owe you and your family one. I appreciate the prayers" " You are welcome," She said. " How long have you guys been dating?" I asked " Ten months " Uche replied " How about you and Annie?" Dupe asked I coughed and sipped my wine to avoid answering the question. Annie had taken it upon herself that we were an item but to me we were only scratching each other's back. ********** Funmi Ever since that day Mabel opened my eyes to the pleasures in between my legs i never for once failed to indulge in it. I did it every second, every minute, in the kitchen while i was making dinner, in the bathroom, even in the car on my way to the mall. I stayed up all night browsing e.rotic sites and watching pornographic videos. It seemed like a vital part of me was missing when I didn't do it. Sometimes in the middle of a lesson with Serwa, i would ask her to give me a second and i would rush into my room, lift up my skirt and pleasure my self until I get my release. I pretended to be sick often so i would be left alone to indulge in my secret pleasure. Afterwards i would sit up, regretting my actions as guilt sail through me and i would promise myself not to do it again. Some nights i cried myself to sleep afterwards blaming myself for letting Mabel turn me into a dirty sinner. I was gradually losing a grip on myself and I no longer return Dupe's calls because i felt i betrayed our Godly upbringing. " Don't i get a hug from you?" Mabel asked, interrupting my thoughts. I was beginning to harbor a certain dislike for her because she didn't tell me the act of masturbation would reduce me to what i was becoming, she didn't tell me i would feel dirty and guilty after each release. Neither did she tell me i would hesitate to go into the house of God because I felt like my sins were written on my forehead. She never did say i would have a deep craving to know more and more about sexual matters. I stay up late into the night watching one pornographic material or the other and i also wasted my money on Mega bytes. I had discovered the stranger in me and I was finding it difficult to be the one in control. " I will miss you," I said, giving her a hug. " I will miss you all too " she replied, teary eyed." Serwa come give Mummy a kiss," The child held onto my hand, staring at her mother. I gently nugged her forward and she gave her mother a brief hug before walking back to me. " Bell, you will miss your flight!" Tade shouted, igniting the car. She blew us a kiss before walking into the car. We watched the car pull out of the compound before the young child and i went back inside. It was decided that i should move into the guest room in the main house so i would be closer to Serwa. " Miss Funmi, can i have some chocolates" she asked. " Yes Princess, but don't eat too much. Save some room for my famous Amala" She laughed, opened the fridge and took out some chocolate bars before sitting on the kitchen stool." You are so cool, my mom doesn't make us this stuffs." " Remember we agreed it would be our little secret. She might send me away if she discovers i have been feeding you what is not on your food roaster" " I won't tell " She said, stuffing her mouth with chocolate." My dad said my granny is very sick so Mommy has to travel with her"She sighed dramatically,"I have a recital in school, everyone's mommy will be there except mine. Mommy has never been to my recitals before" " I will be there" I said, placing a pot of water on the cooker. " You are not my mommy so it is not the same thing" She pointed out." You are only my home tutor" " We'ill pretend I am your real mommy" She pulled a face, " You don't have a ring on your finger and you don't dress like my mommy." " I am your fairygod mother...I won't disappoint you" She laughed heartily, " Like Cinderella' s fairy godmother? but you don't have a magic wand." " Don't be a little doubting Thomas, trust me" ************ It started out as a harmless fun but i found myself getting deeper and deeper into it. I wanted to make Serwa happy by pretending to be her mother at her school recital. Her teachers knew i was her home tutor but her friends didn't because Mabel had never been to any of her school plays and recitals before. I assured Tade that i would ensure his daughter was fine so he let me take her to the recital. On the way i went into a little cafe by the roadside and i changed in their rest room into one of Mabel's beautiful gown. I wore her wig and did the best i could with her old make up kit. I was stunned at the elegant and beautiful woman who stared back at me in the mirror. I got cat calls as i walked back into the cafe where Serwa was seated munching on chocolate muffins. The security guys rushed to get the door for me and i got a lot of cheerful greetings and smiles. Serwa was also bouncing up with joy and declaring that i was so beautiful. A fake ring i got at the mall settled that part of me being ' married'. The other mothers in the school hall cozied up to me and some wanted to know if my child was new in the school. I simply smiled and pointed at Serwa who didn't miss a single line of her poem. " How come we' ve never seen you before? " one mother asked " I travel a lot " I replied, enjoying the attention. " Your daughter is so brilliant! I have seen your husband before, he's a hunk" another gushed. I felt a blush creap up my cheeks. " Thank you," " How does he do it? he's still so fit and handsome!" Another mother joined the conversation," My husband no longer grooms himself. He's growing a paunch now, I tell you" " Your husband is so sexy! You are such a lucky woman! all that muscles and packs!" A white lady exclaimed. They all laughed except for me. I was becoming Pricky at their comments, a part of me wondered why i was feeling angry at their comments but another part reminded me that i was only feeling so on Mabel's behalf. The words of those ladies sow a seed in my adventure seeking mind which I didn't realize until later that night, the faceless man in my numerous fantasies took on a new form. That night, it was Tade whose fingers carressed me gently and it was his hands that took me to that pinnacle of glory. It was his name I called out as i arched my back in ecstasy. To be continued..
26 Feb 2017 | 09:36
Dat woman sef
26 Feb 2017 | 09:58
Living ur husband with Funmi, hmmm!
26 Feb 2017 | 10:44
Am seeing a broken home. Sly u beta take ur eyes off Dupe, she is taken. Unless Uche change his mind bcos of his mom
26 Feb 2017 | 12:47
Like criously.
26 Feb 2017 | 12:49
Problem ni oh
26 Feb 2017 | 15:49
Shark lock up... Mabel pity you.
26 Feb 2017 | 16:01
Episode 17 . . Continues.. Sylvester I jerked awake as I felt a hand on my chest, I pushed off the trespasser while I swiftly pulled out my gun from underneath my pillow. The light in the room flickered on and Annie stared at me. I sighed and shoved the gun under the pillow. " What was that about?" She asked, looking frightened " I'm sorry. I forgot you were here" " I didn't do anything to warrant you pulling out a gun" " Annie you knew not to touch me!" I growled," Why the hell did you put your hands on me?" " Why are you so against being touched? You make love with your shirt on, you sleep with a shirt on and it took me months of begging before you even allowed me to sleep in the same bed with you! Why's that?" She asked dramatically " I sleep in my shirt because of emergencies such as this, if you were an assailant I would have knocked you out cold and still flee before the rest of you get here." I explained " How does that explain you making love to me with your shirt on?. I have never seen you Unclad from your waist up." She fumed," Or do you have an ugly scar on your upper body?" " I don't like being touched. I wouldn't want you to mistakenly touch me" " Why?" " You ask too many questions Annie," I said, " Go back to sleep" "And risk you blowing off my head? No thanks.", She stood up and gathered her clothes on the floor. " What are you doing?" " Going to the guest room" She walked out and slammed the door behind her. ************ " Shark, why didn't you tell me you had an appointment?" Mrs.Ahmed asked, glaring at me. She placed a cup of dark steaming coffee on my desk. " I don't have an appointment, if i do won't you be the first to know about it?'' I asked, seething silently. I should just fire her while I still have the strength. "There's a young man at the reception,he claimed to have an appointment with you today." " Name?" " Uchenna Nwafor" She said " Send him in" " But you said...." " Send him in Please! " " What a mood we are in this morning " She muttered before walking out " Arrggh!" A knock sounded on my door and Uche walked in. He looked smart in an expensive navy blue suit. " Good Morning," He said. " Morning, please sit down" " Thank you," he said, " I'm sorry I had to tell your secretary I had an appointment. She almost chased me away" " She's too tough for my own good. How may I help you?" " I came to seek your legal assistance," " Have 1 k on you?" I asked," "Yes, why?" " Slip it here" I said, touching my desk. He brought out a crispy one thousand naira note from a ward of notes and slipped it on my desk. My fingers grasped it and I slip it into my pocket. " I now represent you. Shoot" " Oh" he said in surprise,"My younger sister was raped to death before my eyes and I want to bring the culprits to book." I felt like a huge fist had been slammed into my chest. The images flickered in my memory quickly. Baby Bose in Mama's hands as the blood drained out of her. We had seeked shelter in an uncompleted building when the landlord ejected us, I had gone to hawk on that fateful day and Mama had left the four year old child sleeping on the floor in one of the uncompleted rooms. When she came back from where she had gone to buy garri, she had met the child awake and crying. Her pant was bloodied, she had finger nail marks and bruises on her young thighs.None of the other occupant of the uncompleted building owned up to the crime or named any suspect. My baby sister died few days later as a result of infection. I signalled Uche to continue and he related the whole sordid event to me. I could feel my blood boiling in my veins by the time he was done talking. " Give your brother a call, he should know who they are. Hire a detective to get dirt on them and leave the rest to me. They will never see the light of day again." I promised. He sighed as if a great chip had been taken off his shoulders. " Thank you" he stood up," I will keep you informed" " Do so," I said, standing up. " By the way, you mentioned during dinner last night that your girlfriend sells jewels, I want to get a special one for my mother" " I will get her card for you, it's in my car" " Thank you," I said, walking him out. ******** Funmi " Afolabi residence," I said, the house phone had been ringing for a while until i decided to take the call. " Funmi," Mabel said, " I have been trying to reach you but your line isn't available" " Mabel! " I said, pretending to be happy." My phone is getting faulty" " So sorry about that, please do try to get a new one" She said," Are you alright? You don't sound cheerful" " I am missing you" I said hastily," How was your trip?" " It was fine. My mother has been admitted, the doctors are yet to give us her diagnosis but we are keeping our fingers crossed it won't be something too serious. I called Tade but he's at work, Is Serwa there?" She asked. I glanced at the little girl glued to the TV set, watching her favorite cartoon. " No," I replied. " Awwn, Where is she?" She moaned, " I miss her terribly," " She's taking a nap." I said, " I will give you a call when she wakes up so you can talk to her" I said " Thank you my dear, hope she is behaving" Mabel asked " Yes she is." " I see a doctor approaching, I want to talk to him. I will call before Serwa's bedtime, precisely 8:30 Ghana time. Give her my love. Bye" " Bye" I said and dropped the call, wondering why I felt so much at peace in her absence. It was like the house, the girl and the man belonged to me. A girl can only but dream, I thought. " Miss Funmi, who was that?" Serwa asked, looking back. " A wrong number." I snapped and the young girl resumed watching her cartoon. Later in the evening, I was setting the dinner table when Tade walked in.He looked so rugged, tired and sexy just like the verile men I saw in e.rotic videos online. He gave me a tired smile and I felt my heart flipping. Serwa had taken her dinner and I had already sent her to bed although she begged to wait up for her dad. " Welcome Sir," " Thank you," he said, " I hope you are not setting dinner because of me" he held up a white fast food carrier bag. " I got takeout" " Oh, I went to so much trouble to make dinner. Besides Mabel will be pissed at me if she learn I didn't take good care of you" I pouted, thanks to all the foreign movies I have been watching online. He gave a throaty deep laugh." You know that's the first full sentence you have directed at me and you have been here for almost four months.What's for dinner?" I laughed." Amala, gbegiri and Ewedu" He whistled and dropped the carrier bag on the ground. " For real? damn! I forgot you are a born and bred Nigerian." I totally forgot if not I would have asked you to teach Bell how to make our local delicacies." " No problem about that," I said " Where is Serwa?" He asked, glancing around the living room " She's already in bed," " Wow, so early?" He asked, " This is just eight.O'Clock " " She didn't take a nap at noon," I lied, the truth of the matter was I sent her to bed early because I didn't want her to talk to Mabel when she calls in some thirty minutes time" " Hope she did not miss her mother much?"He said, " Bell called me earlier in the day" " No, she was pretty much herself" " Thank you for taking good care of her. I will go shower and come down shortly for dinner. Thank you Funmi," " You are welcome Sir, " I said, smiling. ********* Uche " Mama," I called, walking into the living room. I dropped the carrier bag containing the provisions I bought for her on the table in the living room.She had called me to inform me of her Illness so I quickly dashed over there when I rounded up at the office. " In here!" A familiar voiced called out from the kitchen. A tall, curvaceous ebony skinned lady was in the kitchen although she had her back to me, I would recognize the woman who caused me so much pains even in the darkness." Cecilia," I said in surprise." What are you doing here?" " Good to see you too Uche," She said, frowning " You haven't replied me." I said, marching towards her in anger." What the hell are you doing here?" " Don't talk to me like that!" She fumed," Your mother was sick and she called me to assist her." " I don't know what games you are both up to but I won't allow it. Since when did you become a doctor?'' Mama came into the kitchen, a wrapper was draped around her shoulders." Uche, you are here" Mama said softly, " Please thank Cecilia for me o" " What is she doing here?" I spat out in anger " Cecilia has been helping me since Chinasa returned to her boarding school" Mama replied, patting her on the back. " Why is she helping you? Since when did she become a nurse maid?" " Calm down nah, is that how to talk to your wife? " Mama said, " She has been of great help to me unlike that other girl" " Wife? " I laughed in mockery, " Please don't start." I made to leave but both women blocked my path. " Where do you think you are going? " they both chorused. " Please leave my way" " You are very wicked Uche," Cecilia said, " After you made me lose my baby you ran into the arms of another woman. A Yoruba woman for that matter! now she has turned you against your own mother?" " Where were you when we were in abject poverty?, where have you been for the last two years?." I asked Cecilia, I turned my anger on my mother." Despite all Dupe has done for this family is this how you choose to reward her?. Mama, You will regret ever dragging this girl back into your life." I said and walked out of the kitchen, I vowed within never to step my feet into my mother's apartment again. ******** The next day, I dialed the number Chidubem called me with to no avail while I packed my suitcase in preparation of my travel. I picked up the black velvet box holding the engagement ring i bought and kept it back in a safe smiling. I had already reserved a seat at the restaurant I want to propose to my sweetheart. I walked out of the house with my suitcase, my phone went off in my pocket and I slipped it out. " Hello Uche," Dupe said, in a low voice. " Hello baby," I said, " What happened? are you crying?" " Your mother and ......." She choked on tears " What did my mother do to you again?, What did she do?" I asked in anger " She came to my shop with a lady, the lady said I snatched you away from her. They both damaged my goods, they tore my shop apart. My showcase glass was broken........" She said, sniffling." Uche, I am getting tired of this" "Damn.Are they still there? Call the police!" I said " They have left." " I' m so sorry dear, honestly I don't know why my mother is hell bent on tearing us apart. I will pay for all the damages incurred, Please get them arrested when next they try to pull such crazy thing on you again. I am waiting for the taxi that will take me to the airport, remember I told you I will be away for two weeks? Site supervision" "You did.have a safe trip" She disconnected before I could reply. " I love you, we will talk when I get back" I said. ****** Sylvester I have been following the girl for reasons I couldn't explain even to myself. She was a sweet kind soul and she always wore a bright smile on her face. No wonder a magnetic force seemed to be pulling me to her. After a victory in court, I felt like celebrating with her, sometimes I get tired of trying alone, sometimes I feel so small and uncertain.Sometimes I wish someone could hold my hands and tell me not to worry too much and that it would be alright. There are several women who would be more than glad to hold my hands but it won't be to comfort me. I drove down to her shop in the evening and I parked few meters away, I was wondering how best to announce my presence to her when a taxi stopped in front of the shop. Two women alighted, the younger one had a long stick in her hand.I didn't think it was weird of her to be carrying such big log since she was going into a luxury shop. Maybe they wanted to do some carpentry work for Dupe so I paid them no heed. Some minutes later they emerged and re_entered the taxi which zoomed off. I alighted, prepared my lines and headed in the direction of her shop. I was perplexed to see the shop in disarray when I entered, a glass which must have held some jewelry lay broken on the ground. Some Jewelry cases was broken, some strings of beads was on the ground and a box of beads was scattered all over the place. Dupe had her back to me but I knew she was crying and sniffling back tears as she tentatively picked up each of the Jewelry cases. " Dupe," I called gently She whirled around and froze, her eyes was bloodshot and her cheeks was stained with her tears. She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. " Hello," " What happened? Were you robbed by the women who left here some seconds ago?" I said without thinking. " Should I call the police?" " No. It's okay " She said, standing up. " Your goods have been compromised and your shop is in disarray. It is not OK" " How did you know here?" She asked." I mean how did you...." " Your boyfriend gave me your card. I wanted to buy a jewelry for my mother" " That's .....that's nice. I will put things in order, so you can choose what you want" she bent to retrieve another jewelry case and pricked her finger on a shard of glass. She snatched away her finger but the damage was already done. Her blood trickled down her hand and landed on the floor. "Now you have hurt yourself" I wrapped the bloody finger with my handkerchief." Let me drive you home" She shook her head." I want to put this place in order" " Dupe don't be stubborn about this please. Lock up the shop I will drive you home" " I can't go" She said, " I need to pull myself together first" She dapped at the tears streaming down her cheeks with her good hand". " Where's the key to the shop?" She fished it out of her bag and I took it away from her.I led her outside, locked up the shop and I coerced her into having some hot chocolate drinks.She was silent all through the short drive to the hot chocolate cafe. I ordered two hot cups and handed her one as we took our sit. "Thank you," She said, lifting the cup to her full lips. "You are welcome," I replied " Why did the women attack you?" She sighed and placed her cup on the table,"She said my shop belongs to her son." " Who? the older woman? " I asked," Who is her son? Is she Uche's mother?" She nodded and took a sip of her chocolate. " Do you want to sue her? She damaged your goods?" She smiled," No, Thank you Shark. I can take care of myself " To be continued..
26 Feb 2017 | 16:35
Sly take your eyes off Dupe Funmi very soon you will be doing Mabel's other room work
26 Feb 2017 | 16:36
uche's wants to marry his son off after wat Dupe and Uche has gone through
26 Feb 2017 | 19:45
Cecelia want marry Uche now after everything Dupe and Uche pass through
26 Feb 2017 | 20:09
Hmmmm! It ll soon happen so people ll cry!
27 Feb 2017 | 03:29
Uche's mum has no common sense nd Cecelia is trying to reap where she did not sow Funmi you are trending on the wrong path
27 Feb 2017 | 05:44
What is wrong with Uche's mum sef I pity you funmi coz u will regret all this
27 Feb 2017 | 07:03
27 Feb 2017 | 08:23
Dis Uche mum dey fuck-up o! Next plz!
27 Feb 2017 | 10:15
Diz bae dey try o
27 Feb 2017 | 10:36
Some mothers ar d reaso y most girl around me pray for d death of der future mother in laws
27 Feb 2017 | 11:24
Funmi is gradually turning to something else
27 Feb 2017 | 11:25
Shark pitch ur tent else were
27 Feb 2017 | 14:23
Cant Just Imagin All These Wahala Here And There
27 Feb 2017 | 16:32
dey gbadun u
27 Feb 2017 | 18:33
Dupe has tried, why the fiqht Mama Uche dont make Uche reqret ever callinq you his mother... Hotty Fummi just time,
27 Feb 2017 | 19:18
wow ....Am here at last .....nice write-up bro ....walahi I will disown my mum if she behaves like uches mum ......Uche u need to act fast ooo,bc Silvester want to take ur dupe away funmi u are a disgrace to your family....don't just scatter another woman home .....
28 Feb 2017 | 07:08
Episode 18 Continues.. Funmi Mabel called everyday but I always told her Serwa just ran out or she was down for her nap. In the first two weeks she didn't make anything of it but she was becoming anxious to speak to her. She sent her friend Rose over to check up on us, luckily for me Serwa was actually down for her nap that day. Rose promised to check back and left. Every evening, a hot and delicious Nigerian delicacy awaits Tade on the dinning table. After he had his meals, we would talk about his day and how I and Serwa's day went. sometimes we would sprawl on the living room floor playing monopoly while the three of us banter with each playfully. Occasionally he would slip Mabel into the conversation and remind me to give her a call. I don't know why I felt the way I did, It feels like Tade and Serwa were mine and they belonged to me alone. I had a deep sickening feeling of keeping them to myself forever. I made his meals, gave him a listening ear when he needed it and I took care of his child. I read her bed time stories, I attend her Pta meetings and I taught how to make a kite. Just like a loving mother would do. Somehow it felt right that they should be mine. I never wanted to hurt Mabel but to me she didn't deserve them. She ignored the young girl when she was around and she led Tade by the nose. She didn't treat him with the respect he deserved, she doesn't call her mother_ in_ law or care about her husband's friends. It was always about her, her friends, her life and her pleasure. " How's your boyfriend? " Tade asked, one evening during dinner. "I don't have one and I have never had one before" He looked shocked " Interesting, You are quiet young. Don't you desire to be in a relationship and eventually settle down?" " I do. I am still waiting on the lord" I replied honestly " There's this guy I know. He's a good guy and he's single too." He said," besides he's also a good christian. Can I hook you guys?" " I don't know....." " Don't worry. He's a good friend of mine. His name is Fola, a Nigerian " " Alright." I replied uncertainly " I will give him your phone number. If you don't like him, there are more fishes in the river" he said, laughing. The only fish I want to hook is you but I don't know why. It should feel wrong and I should be feeling guilty but I don't, I thought." How did you meet Mabel?"I asked instead. " We met at a dinner party." He replied, " We were attracted to each other from the moment we set eyes on each other." He sighed, " I miss my Bell so much," I nodded and stuck the prongs of my fork into the chicken on my plate. " When is she coming back?" " That reminds me. She said you have been keeping Serwa from her and she was worried that we were hiding something from her. She actually thought Serwa was sick. I assured her Serwa is fine, please do try to call her as often as you can and let her speak to serwa. I know Bell is a worrywart" " I call her often but the thing is she usually calls when Serwa is down for her nap." " I think I will get Serwa a phone, so Bell can reach her directly." He said " That's a good idea" The chicken in my mouth suddenly turned sour. I don't want Mabel anywhere near my child_ I mean my ward. ********* Fola turned out to be a starchy looking man in an expensive car but his fashion sense was zero. I cringed when I saw his churchy gray and blue suit jacket and pant and his oldskool hair cut. There was nothing sexy, charming or rugged about him. He smiled too much and he was just too nice for my liking. He picked me up from the house while Tade sat Serwa. He took me to an expensive restaurant, he tried to know me but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't even enjoy my dinner because I was worried. I wondered if Serwa was already in bed, did Tade give her a good bath?, did he read her favorite stories from a book or did he make it up as I often did? I wondered what Tade was doing and all I wanted was to run back to my family at home. " So tell me something about you which I don't know," Fola said I love watching e.rotic videos while I fantasize about your friend. I wondered what his reaction would be if I actually told him that." You already know all there is to know about me," I replied He nodded his head and gave me a pleasant smile." You are a lovely lady and I want to know more about you. I want to invite you to my church this Sunday and I would also like you to meet my pastor" I flashed him a fake smile, " That would be nice, I look forward to that" ******** Tade stayed up waiting for me when Fola dropped me off at 11 pm. He was in a bathrobe, nursing a glass of wine. " How was your first official date?" He asked, I shrugged, " Okay. I guess" " Geez, was it that bad?" He asked, " Or did he make any move you did not like?" I dropped on the sofa and he sat down beside me. " Please pour me a glass, " " Oh. I didn't know you drink" He asked, filling a glass for me. " I don't " " Here," he handed me a glass of wine." What happened?" " He was nice, kind and charming but I didn't feel any connection towards him" " This is just the first date Funmi," he said, " You will feel more connected to him when you get to know him better. Fola is a good guy and he earns well too." " I don't know.....I...have never felt connected to any guy before or crushed on one" " Maybe...... feel more chemistry with women?" He asked " Women?" I asked, "No I don't" " You can't say for sure until you have had an encounter with one. Have you ever gotten intimate with the opposite sex before?" " No," He whistled, " How about a kiss?" " No." " I think you are into women then," " I am not!" I stated vehemently, I made to stand up but he pulled me back on the sofa. " I know this is crazy.....but", he pulled my face closer and kissed me softly on my lips. My mouth closed over his, he deepened the kiss and abruptly stood up." You are definitely not into women." "Y.....yea I guess," " I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just looked so miserable not knowing your sexuality." " Thank you.....for helping me find out" " Ummn, we.....we shouldn't have this conversation again. Goodnight Funmi," " Night Tade," I said, using his first name for the first time. *************** Dupe Sylvester sent a cleaning company to clean up my shop and put it back in order. Despite his mean reputation he seemed so different in person. He was so soft spoken and gentle, his dark eyes never missed a thing and he seemed so perceptive to my feelings. He always knew what I was feeling and thinking, sometimes it feels like he was in my head. For the duration of the two weeks Uche was not around, Sylvester and I seemed to have stepped over the formal boundaries. He was gradually becoming a friend to lean on, I don't know what Uche would make of our friendship so I kept it from him. I wished Funmi and I hadn't grown apart, I wished I could call her and dump it all on her. She would listen, beret me for putting up with Uche's mom, give me a hug and offer to pray for me. Although Sylvester was also a good listener, he had so many mysteries surrounding his person and he was too close mouthed. He rarely talks about himself, he dodges any question about his family and he always found a way to shift the conversation away from himself.Besides, he wasn't a girlfriend who you can totally bare your heart and soul to. I dialed Funmi's line and waited for her to pick up. " Hello," She said breathlessly " Hello stranger, what are you up to?" " Sorry Dupe, I have been so busy. Mabel traveled so I am left on my own to deal with her daughter and the girl is a handful. How are you?" " I' m alright. How about you? met any hunk yet?"I asked. She laughed." As a matter of fact, yes" " Wow! what's his name? his he a Nigerian? " " He's a Nigerian " She replied. " Have you been on a date with him?" " Not yet," She replied, " how's Uche?" I sighed and narrated everything to her." His mother really want to tear us apart and I am getting tired. I don't know what to, I have prayed and fasted" " I know what you can do. I have a solution," " Oh Funmi, You are a life saver! what should I do?" " Poison her," She stated. ********* Uche I was bubbling with excitement as I led Dupe into the elegant restaurant. Our seat was by the fountain in the open court yard.Today was the 'D' day, I couldn't wait to see the wonderful expression on her face as I go down on bended knees to propose to her. I had discreetly slipped the ring to the waiter who would bring it to her on a sliver platter, some guitarist was also waiting by the corner to start playing a favorite tune of hers as soon as I went on my knee. " I have something to say to you," Dupe said, as soon as we sat down. " I have something to say to you too but ladies first. I' m listening" She suddenly looked nervous and her eyes were downcast. " I have had time to think while you were away. About us," " Yes, I thought a lot about us too," I chipped in, beaming. " Uche, please don't interrupt me. This is hard for me as it is," I sat upright, suddenly feeling tense." Alright" " I also prayed a lot about what I am about to say," She sighed heavily, " I can't continue with this anymore." " Continue with what?" I asked, " What are you trying to say?" " I want out. I can't keep looking after my back every second. I am not happy and your mother too isn't happy. This is best for all of us, I' m sorry." " Wait, wait. You are breaking up with me? because of my mother?" I asked in disbelief " I'm sorry." " Here's what I have for you." I said, slipping the cheque out of my inner suit pocket. She accepted it, took a look at me and pushed it back to me." 1 million naira. I can't accept it." " Why?" " I......I don't know. It will feel like you are paying me off," " I am not paying you off! I love you! I want to...." " Keep your voice down! You are shouting, " She said, scrapping her chair backwards. " I wanted to tell you in person, don't tell me you love me please, it will only make it hurt more. It is better I walk away now, I' m sorry Uche," " Dupe, wait. I....." " Take care Uche," " Please hear me out. Tonight is...." " Please be good to yourself," She said, backing away before fleeing out of the open court yard. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whirled around. The waiter, stood beside me with the silver platter containing the ring in his palm. I took the platter from him, retrieved my ring and walked out dejectedly. To be continued..
28 Feb 2017 | 10:02
I feel lik killing funmi. Indeed d devil u knw is beta dan d angel u dnt knw
28 Feb 2017 | 11:35
Funmi has turned into something else Dupe I don't think you broke up with Uche just because of his mum
28 Feb 2017 | 11:49
Hmmm funmi have change to a devil why ll u advice Dupe to kill uche's mum? Dupe i hope u ar nt making a mistake.
28 Feb 2017 | 12:34
Hmmmm..dupe what did u do? Oh no ..this z not good at all
28 Feb 2017 | 12:36
Dupe I hope you are not making a huge mistake
28 Feb 2017 | 12:54
She is oh
28 Feb 2017 | 13:04
I hope you wouldn't regret this Dupe
28 Feb 2017 | 14:54
Hhaaaaaaaa! Funmi U Don Badt Gan O
28 Feb 2017 | 15:11
Dupe y nw,is it bcus of d new guy,U ar making a big mistake
28 Feb 2017 | 18:40
28 Feb 2017 | 19:32
cant believe fummi said dx... POISON HER.. Tade thats how it start, from kiss to somethinq deeper...
28 Feb 2017 | 20:10
Episode 19 * Continues* Mabel Watching someone you love slowly lose grasp on life is like being forced to watch while your heart is being slashed open with a sharp razor blade. Mami was gradually losing her memory despite the drugs and treatment she was on. The drugs kept her sedated most of the time but it gave her eyes a certain glassy look, sometimes it brings her so close to the edge of reality and within the blink of an eye it snatches her right back into that dark place where all is lost to her. I adjusted her pillow and settled back in my chair, she looked so young and peaceful asleep. My phone vibrated in the pocket of the green jacket I wore, I slipped it out and pressed the connect button. " Hi Arianna I said. " Hi Mabel, how' r you?" " I' m alright, how about you?" " I am fine too and Jack sends his love," She replied. " Say me hi to him." " Sure will. Listen Mabel, something weird is going on at your house." She said. I rubbed my templed with my fore finger. " What's that?" She was a bit of a talkative so I knew her chatter was bound to give me an headache. " I don't know but seems so weird. I ran into Tricia at the mall." She said. "Tricia?" I asked, trying to place a face to the name. " Yea, Tricia from college. Remember she also moved back to Ghana two years ago?"She asked. " Alright, what about her?" I replied, remembering the cute pretty girl who kept to herself althrough college although we grew up in the same neighborhood. " Her son is in Serwa' s class.She said some lady was at Serwa's recital and the lady claimed to be her mother! I asked her to describe this impersonator and it turns out to be Funmi!"She exclaimed." Funmi, claimed to be Serwa's mother! Imagine that!" I sighed in relieve." It's quiet normal, Nigerians are fond of that, they call their wards their child.Tade once told me that even in some schools in Nigeria the students refer to their teachers as mummy and daddy." I explained. " Oh really?" She said in surprise, " Rose also mentioned that Funmi has been driving your car and that her looks has altered. She no longer dresses decent and she even braid her hair" " You and I know Rose never liked Funmi. How's Ghana?" I asked to change the topic. She had actually succeeded in giving me that headache I was avoiding. " Ghana is bubbling as usual. We all miss you," " I miss you guys too, later babe" " Laters" she said and disconnected. I was about shuffling the phone back into my pocket when the ring tone went off again. A smile registered on my face when I saw the caller I'd. " Hello baby, " I said, smiling. " Mabel," Tade said. " What's wrong dear?" I asked, he sounded tired. "When are you coming back?" He asked. "Oh dear. You know I can't abandon my mother" " She's surrounded by doctors and nurses. Your father is also with her, she will hardly miss your presence." He said. " My mother has Alzheimer. Sometimes she doesn't even know who she is and it scares her. I don't want her to completely forget my face." I said, wishing I could make him understand how important it was to me that I should stand by her when she needed me the most. " I am not asking you to abandon her. Bell, you have been gone for almost three weeks now. You should come home for few days, before going back. Serwa misses you a lot" he said. " Is Funmi not taking good care of her?" I asked, remembering what Arianna mentioned about her looks. " Funmi is not her mother!" He shouted. " Why are you being so difficult about this? it is low of you to use Serwa to try to get me to come back! I will be back at my own convenient time!" I said, " You think I don't know?" I asked, suddenly angry at his childishness. "Know what?" He queried. "That you want me back because of sex! does my mother mean so little to you?" I couldn't believe how selfish he was. He was only thinking of himself when my mother should be our first priority. "Really?" He asked, " You think that's the only reason I want you back? sex? right now you are acting like an overgrown baby." He said, " how could you leave your home in the care of another woman? One who is not even a relative!" "You are the one acting like a baby!" I said, " I have been gone less than three weeks! is that too long?" I yanked the phone off my ear and pressed the end call button. " Mabel," My father walked in. " Dad" " I overheard your conversation. You are going about this the wrong way." He said, " Three weeks is actually enough time for a home or marriage to break up. You have a young child and your husband is not made of stone, you know. You could have gone back to Ghana for some days and return back here. Your mother is in good hands, she has all the care she needs. You are in no way helping her regain her memory, you are not a doctor neither are you her nursemaid" " I am her daughter! What is wrong with me being with my sick mother?" I asked, wondering why nobody got my point. " Everything is wrong when it is to the detriment of your own home and family. The problem is as our only child, your mother and I have over indulged you. Life is not the way you think it is." "Are you saying Tade will cheat on me?" I asked, remembering Arianna's words again. "I said no such thing but a word is enough for the wise. Pick up your bag and go back to Ghana. I have decided to stay here in America for a while. Please go back home Mabel, Tade and Serwa are your family now and your home is with them." I felt tears brimming in my eyes as I suddenly had the feeling that somehow I had lost the right to be in the nest and I was being told that it was time I make my own nest. Daddy pulled me into his arms. " Mabel, you have a home with us" he said, as if he could read my thoughts. " but Tade and Serwa comes first before us now," " Oh daddy, will Mami be alright? won't she mind terribly that I wasn't with her?" " Your mother always understands" he said."Your family also needs you in Ghana." ********** Funmi "We are home," Tade said, nugging me awake. "Sorry, I slept off." I said. "It's OK." He said. We both got of the car and he unbuckled Serwa's seat belt and lifted her sleeping form into his arms. Tade had been in a dour mood since noon, Serwa had tried her best to cajole him into playing with her but he remained unmoved. We had gone to a children's park to have a picnic, he had sat on a bench observing as I chased after his daughter. I wondered what had put him such bad mood but he was still my boss and I didn't want to pry. Tade's ringtone sounded as I was hoisting out our picnic basket from the car. " Funmi, please get my phone." He said, walking into the house. I picked up the phone. Mabel was the caller. I pressed the end call button and disconnected it. Her call came in again and I ended the call before clicking on the airplane sign on the left side of the phone's screen. The phone was then on flight mood. I dropped the phone on the passenger seat before locking the car. I walked into the house and I took the basket into the kitchen. Tade walked in, opened the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. He gulped down three glasses before I realized what he was doing. I yanked the glass from him, before snatching the bottle of wine off the table. I emptied the content of the glass into the sink before returning the bottle of wine to the fridge. He walked out of the kitchen without a word. My heart was pounding fiercely in my ears.I felt tension seeping between my shoulder blades.I don't know why I suddenly felt this way. Anxiety or fear? I couldn't tell. I tidied up the kitchen and walked back into the living room. The room was pitch black so I thought Tade turned out the lights before going to bed. I was heading towards the staircase when I heard my name and I turned around, surprised to see him sitting so still. " Funmi," I walked to him and sat down. " What's going on?" "When I was a little boy,the sound of my mother's cry wakes me up every night. Sometimes I could hear her calling out my name as my father slam her hard against the wall. I would lay so quiet, pretending to be asleep under the duvet with both of my hands over my ears. I don't know why mother called out my name each time the beating started. Worse still I didn't know why she stayed with him and bore it all but now I do" " Why?" I asked, imagining the slender Mrs. Afolabi enduring such pain. " She bore the pains for me. My father threatened to disown me. She knew he made no idle threat so she stayed with him and endured the beating until the day his mangled body was delivered to us. He had crashed his car into a trailer on his way back from work one evening. All I could think of was, we were free. Nobody knew how he punched three pregnancies out of her, nobody knew she almost bled to death and the only help she had was her seven_ year old son. As I was moping up the blood, my mother kept crying and she repeatedly said, "Tade, that would have been your little brother or sister but daddy killed it" I placed my hand on his arm. "You are hurting yourself, please stop" "I hated my father but I hated myself more. I hated that I came out of him. I never wanted to be like him, I vowed never to lay my hand on my wife or any female. My grandfather abused my grandmother to death and it was said that his father before him also beat his wife. My mother watched me with an eagle eye, as a child even if I blinked an eye she considered it a suspicious move that I would also turn out to be a wife beater someday so she made me see so many shrinks. I treat ladies with outmost care and somehow I managed to convince myself that if I was very calm and quiet I will never turn out as my father." He said, " When I started dating, I let my girlfriends call the shots, I accepted whatever they told me and I never argued back because I was afraid I might awaken that monster in me." " Tade...." I began. " I always let Mabel have her way, I treat my daughter with care and I give her so much attention. So many times I let Mabel take the reins but while I was scared of becoming like my father I have become someone even I don't recognize.I have become someone who I detest more than what my father was. I can't talk to my wife, because she's now the head of the home. At work, my female colleagues tread on me and I let them get away with it. I hate myself" " It is not your fault Tade. You are a good man, people will do you harm even when you have done them good. People will walk all over you and take you for granted even if you lay the world at their feet. I love you Tade," The words flew out of my mouth before I could take it back. He looked at me. His eyes searching my face, " I can't love you back. Am in love with my wife," I nodded my head. What was I expecting? I knew it was foolish of me to have feelings for him but will my stupid confused heart ever listen? I made to stand up but he pulled me back. " It's my fault... " He started. " No..." I protested. Our lips met. I don't know if I was the one who made the first move or if he was the one. His hands pulled me closer into himself and he deepened the kiss. " Funmi, please push me away" He said hoarsely, still kissing me. His hands found my breasts and he fondled them gently, this thumb grazing my ni.pples through my blouse. He pulled the blouse over my head and it caught on my braid. His hand deftly separated the errant braid from my blouse. " Tade..." I whispered, pushing back his roving hand. I was suddenly scared although I could feel the wet moisture in between my legs."P..please stop" He unhooked my bra and he wrapped his tongue around my tender n.ipple. I tried to push his head away, I was suddenly scared and this was moving too fast. This was Mabel's husband, it was supposed to feel wrong but it felt so sweet. Tears was slittering down my cheeks, I was enjoying it so much but a part of me was feeling guilty. I felt him pull off my panties and I tried to get up. It was wrong! " Funmi, baby " he choked out, " Don't be scared, I will be gentle. Please..." ", no....please.... please stop" I cried out, as he drove into me. It hurt a little but the dull ache was then replaced by a throbbing sweet ache. I clung to his sweaty body as he thrust in and out of me To be continued..
1 Mar 2017 | 00:36
Getting more complicated! Next plz!
1 Mar 2017 | 01:06
I hate dis selfish girl nd I blame Mabel for trusting a full grown woman wt her home
1 Mar 2017 | 01:27
That was wat u were searching for now i guess u got wat u have been dreaming of
1 Mar 2017 | 03:57
What a mistake, funmi u're a big mistake, i pity mabel. How she trusted u and neglected her friends idea to send u packing
1 Mar 2017 | 04:06
It all Mabel's fault, she is too trusting.... See what too much trust can cause
1 Mar 2017 | 04:30
Mabel started it, how could she introduce sumone to masturbation and expect the person to just stop there? NO cause the person will want to explore the opposite sex
1 Mar 2017 | 06:54
This is all Mabel's fault How can she trust her home in another woman's care?
1 Mar 2017 | 07:49
sorry for you Mabel
1 Mar 2017 | 07:56
Funmi is a devil....mabel its you i blame
1 Mar 2017 | 08:31
1 Mar 2017 | 08:52
This is a disaster
1 Mar 2017 | 09:05
Episode 20 Continues.. Dupe I missed him. I missed him a lot. It seemed like everything corroborated to remind me of him, sometimes I caught his scent in the air even when I knew he was miles away from me. He rang my phone nonstop and his text messages flooded my phone but I never opened one of those messages. He came to see my mother and I ran away to seek refuge in my room. I wondered what he said to her afterwards but I never asked her and she never told me. " Dupe," I heard someone call out my name as I walked home after I locked up my shop. I pulled up the scarf around my neck, it was an Icy windy evening. The air also smelled different, reminding me that I would be celebrating Christmas alone. " Sly," I called, waving at him. He pulled his car closer to me and offered me a ride. We seem to run into each other often of late but I didn't think anything of it. I pulled open the car door and got in. " How're you?" He asked. " I'm alright " I replied. "Annie told me, want to talk about it?" He asked. " Annie told you what?' I asked. " Your break up," he said, " You can cry on my shoulders if you want" I gave him a quizzing look." You know, Sly, isn't it a bit strange that you suddenly appear wherever I am?" He laughed." I am not stalking you. It's pure coincidence " I nodded my head." Sorry. I'm cranky" " Want to talk about it?" " It hurts too much" I replied, " Hey, where are you going?" I asked, when he took another turning. " Hot chocolates" He replied. " I don't think it will help," I said, shivering from the icy air the car's air condition was blowing. " At least it will keep you warm" He grinned. **** " I know what you are doing Shark!" Annie fumed, drumming her long manicured finger nail my desk." Is that why you called off things with me? because you wanted to seduce that little girl?" " You haven't stated your reason for barging into my office Annie," I said. She was smarting because I called off things with her. " Uche is in a bad shape and Dupe is on the rebound. Leave her alone! I heard you've been trailing after her like a biitch in heat. Stay clear off her?" " Why?" I asked, taking a sip of my hot coffee." Jealous? Dupe and I are both unattached at the moment. Who are we hurting?' " have no heart Shark! She's not for the likes of you!" She shouted, standing up." Your heart is made of stone! You are not capable of loving anyone, don't do that to the poor girl! she has been through one heart break already" she marched towards the door, swinging her tiny waist in a sultry way. " Annie?" " Yea?" She paused, turning around. " Tell Mrs. Ahmed to bring me two cubes of sugar. Your presence has left a bitter taste in my mouth." " Ba.stard!" She shouted, banging the door after her. ********* Mabel I had time to reflect over my actions on the flight home and I could see how I had somehow gotten it wrong. My family should come first before anyone else. I always thought of myself first but Tade made it so easy for me! he should have at least stood up to me for once. I got into the taxi and gave him directions to my house. I wondered again why Tade didn't pick up my calls last night, he must have been very pissed with me. I wanted to apologize to him and tell him that I was in taxi on my way to the airport to catch a flight home. I felt a feeling of shame wash over me as I recalled his words to me when we had the argument.What did he mean by I left my home in the charge of another woman? did Funmi misbehave in my absence?. what do I even know about her? I paid the cabbie, picked up my strap bag and walked into the Estate gate. I half_ heartedly answered the greetings of the security guys. Few seconds later I was ringing the door bell to my house, the door was flung open and Serwa stood looking at me. Her face and hands were covered in jam. I pulled her into my arms while she stood rigid. " My baby, mummy is back. I missed you my love." " Ummn," She muttered. " Baby girl, why are you not in school today?" " Miss Funmi is sick." " What's wrong with her?" " Don't know." She replied. I closed the door behind us and we walked into the living room. Serwa's toys were scattered on the floor and I almost tripped on one. " Why are your princesses here? You know they are only allowed to play with you in your nursery or playhouse." Her small chin went up and she ran up the stairs. I was quiet surprise by her behaviour. Maybe she was angry with me I decided. I knocked on the guest room door before pushing it back gently. Funmi was on the bed, sleeping. Her long gold braid cascading all over the pillow her head was on. I tapped her gently and her eyelids fluttered open. She sat up, a stricken look on her face and her chest was heaving heavily. " Hi Funmi, what's wrong with you?" " Mabel....Mabel" She said and started crying. " What's wrong?" I dropped my bag and sat down on the bed. " When....when did you get back?" She asked, wiping away her tears. " I boarded a flight last night " I said, " We need to talk but not now. What's wrong with you?" " I have a severe tummy ache," I pulled her into my arms. Patting her on the back gently, " Sorry dear. You will be alright." ******* Everyone seemed to be acting strange.Serwa was unusually quiet, Funmi seemed lost in herself and Tade had a stony expression on his face. Dinner was a very quiet fare, when we retired for the night, I put on the most sexy negligee I had. Tade had his back to me on the bed, I slided the tip of my finger down his spine but there was no reaction from him. I pulled him closer, pressing my breasts against his back. " Tade, baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything and for shouting on you over the phone" "It's alright." He replied. "I miss you baby," I said, caressing his butt. " I miss you too.Goodnight "He replied. I blinked in surprise, threw back the covers and walked out of the bedroom. What was happening? it was unlike him to hold a grudge. I went downstairs and made myself a cup of warm milk, I walked to the sofa, made to sit and my eye caught something.Something wasn't right, I bent down and peered at it closely. There was a faint red stain on it. Did Serwa spill Jam on it? I drowned the warm milk, went back upstairs and opened Serwa's door and I switchedswitched on the bulb. A scream caught in my throat as the vacant bed stared back at me. I ran back downstairs, I opened the door and ran to the backyard. I knocked on Funmi's door, I shook it and realized it wasn't locked. I barged into her bedroom, Serwa lay on her chest, while Funmi's hand was on her lower back. I made to lift the sleeping child out of her arms but Funmi jerked awake. Her hand yanked off mine. " What are you doing? " Funmi asked. " Serwa should be in her room. She shouldn't be sharing the same bed with you." " She came to me" Funmi said. " You should have sent her back to her own bed. I was worried when I didn't see her. Give her to me" " She should stay here tonight, I will warn her in the morning not to leave her bed again " Funmi said. I was suddenly irritated." I will warn her myself, take your hands off her" " What's happening? " Tade asked, padding into the room. " Baby, Serwa left her bed and I want to take her back" I said. " She will be upset if she wakes up in the middle of the night and she did not see me." Funmi said. " Leave her Mabel," Tade said. "What?" I asked in surprise. "I said leave Serwa with Funmi" He said, walking out. I followed him out and caught up with him. " You shouldn't have walked into her room Tade, she could have been indecent." I said. "Secondly, you shouldn't have talked to me the way you did in front of her" He walked into the house and left me standing there at the threshold wondering what was going on. ***** Funmi I always dreamt of my wedding day as a young girl. I always imagined walking down the aisle on my father's arm and my best friend beaming beside me as my chief brides maid. That dream will never come true now for me, as I had foolishly given my heart and pride to another woman's husband. Why didn't he stop when I begged him to? why did he touch me when he knew I won't be able to resist him?. " Funmi, are you alright? " Mabel asked, her eyes searching my face. " You have been acting strange of late, are you missing Nigeria?" " No. I am fine." She nodded." Remember I said we need to talk?" " Yes." I replied. " What happened while I was away?" " I don't understand." "Something seemed to have taken place while I was away. Take you for instance, you are always lost in thought and you look different now. Tade is not talking to me and Serwa is always moody. So now you see why I am asking." We became a family while you were gone and now that you are back we don't know if you will tear us apart, I thought. " I don't know about your husband but I think Serwa is angry with you. You should talk to her" I said, before walking out of the kitchen. My phone vibrated, I looked at the message box on the screen and clicked on it. ' Waiting for you at Groove park_ hurry." Tade. It read. To be continued..
1 Mar 2017 | 10:27
pregnant z on the way
1 Mar 2017 | 11:26
funmi day devil
1 Mar 2017 | 11:44
Mabel you set your own house on fire and Funmi you will be the one on the loosing end because Mabel will surely forgive her husband you, you will be send back to Nigeria
1 Mar 2017 | 12:30
Wow, finally it has come to pass! Next pls!
1 Mar 2017 | 16:43
Episode 21 * Continues* Uche "What do you want here?" I roared, almost banging the door in her face." How did you know this place? who let you in through that gate?" "Uche, please. Let me in, I am drenched. "Cecilia said, shaking droplets of water off her hair. I opened the door and she walked in, bringing in with her a gust of wind.She took off her wet jacket and handed it to me. "Why are you here Cecilia? " I asked. "I want us to talk." She said. " What is so important that you had to come in the rain? start talking." "I can no longer have a baby" She said, shivering. " What?" I said, staring at her in disbelief." Why are you telling me this?" "You caused it Uche, you caused it."She said," Can I have a towel? my hair is sopping water." I went to the guest bathroom, dumped her wet jacket in the baththub and took a towel. I threw it at her and she caught it midair. I folded my arms across my chest, studying her. "Cecilia what's your game?" I asked. "I am playing no games with you. There was some complications when I had our baby, the doctor said I won't be able to conceive again. That was why I left, I didn't want to complicate your life more than it was. I still love you Uche," " You are in love with what I am now. You should have told me about the complications then. What do you want from me now?" " I......I want to see if I can conceive again despite what the doctors said. Please help me," She begged. " I am not a breeding horse. If it's money you want to conduct fertility tests I will give it to you but don't expect anything else from me." She started sobbing. My phone rang out and I walked away from her. " Hi, Annie." " Listen Uche, there's something I want to tell you" She said, " What's that noise? is someone crying?" " Never mind about that. What's up?" I said. "On a second thought it no longer matter." She said and disconnected. **** Funmi " Meet me at groove park_ hurry" Tade. I read the message over and over until it dawned on me that I wasn't imagining it. Tade was actually waiting for me at groove park, he wanted to see me. I almost jumped up with happiness.He had become distant since Mabel came back and he seemed to be avoiding me. Even when we were in the same room he avoided my gaze. I was certain he did not want to arouse Mabel's suspicion. My heart lept up that he wanted to see me. He must be missing me just like I had been missing him. I ached to hold him in my arms and listen to his heart beat. I ached to re_ live that night with him again. " Mabel, please I want to see an old friend I met at the mall. She's traveling back to Nigeria tomorrow and I'd like to send somethings to my mother." I said, walking back into the kitchen. " Alright." She replied, " Please can you pick up some toiletries for me? The list is on my drawer in my bedroom." She opened her purse and handed me some money. I went upstairs and opened her door. Tade's masculine scent hung heavily in the air. I reached out and touched the side of the bed I was sure was his. I carressed the soft white coverlet gently. Tade. He belongs to me and not to the ingrate downstairs, I thought. I took the list off her drawer and walked out of the room. I took a taxi and stopped at Groove park. It was a beautiful park where families can go to anytime of the day to have fun. I felt a bounce in my steps as I saw his car parked at the car lot. " Hey," He said as soon as I got into the car. " Hi," I replied, suddenly shy. " We need to talk Funmi," He said, a tense look on his face. I nodded my head. I knew what he wanted us to talk about_ how to get rid of Mabel. "Why did you busy Mabel's calls that night?" He asked. I stared at him in confusion."When was that?" " The night we.....the night before she came back. You put my phone on flight mode and you deliberately left the phone in my car. We could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble if you hadn't done that. See I will be frank with you, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have kissed you that day to know your sexuality." " Tade, what are you saying? why are you saying all these?" " Damn! Funmi, how do I make this up to you?" He asked, staring into my eyes." That night was a terrible mistake which shouldn't have happened." I was confused. He wasn't saying what I needed to hear and the words he said confused me still. "Are you......regretting what we did?" I asked, hoping he would smile, pull me into his arms and tell me he was joking. " I am a married man, I love my family and they come first. I shouldn't have made love to you when I had no plans for you.It was a mistake and I'm sorry." " No." I cried, sobbing. " Take," He extended a cheque." This should be enough to help you start over in Nigeria. Please Funmi, take it. Take it and go back to Nigeria" " You are a ba.stard! How could you! You used me! You made me fall in love with you! You stole my virginity! now you want to send me away like a leper?" I sobbed. " Funmi please. Please try to understand...." " Understand what? You are evil! evil! Tade please" I cried out the plea, touching his arm.Mabel won't find out, I promise not give us away." He sighed deeply." There is no ' US!. We only had a night stand. Just one night! Funmi you will have to go back to Nigeria. Don't you feel any remorse at all? Mabel has been so good to you, don't you feel bad that you slept with her husband?" " She doesn't deserve you Tade! She has never loved you! She's not a good wife to you! She's.." " Stop it! Stop bad mouthing my wife! What we did was a mistake! a costly mistake I won't repeat again. You know what Funmi? You are very self_ centered and your heart is made of steel. I thought you were perfect when I first saw you but right now I'm no longer sure of that." " I will make you pay! You think you can use me and throw me away like a piece of rag? I swear I will make you pay! If you insist that I go back to Nigeria, I will rip your family apart and laugh about it all the way to Nigeria." I snatched the cheque from his hand and I ripped it in two." I love you and You will love me back whether you like it or not! You and Serwa are mine! Nobody, nobody can take the both of you from me." I got down from the car and banged the door. He drove off leaving behind a cloud of smoke. I dragged myself to a bench nearby and sat down. How could he do that to me? How could he make me love him, how could he take my pride and try to cast me away? I hated him at that moment with the same passion/love I felt for him. I swore to myself right there and then that I would have the last laugh and Tade would love me back. Mabel was the interloper, she will be the one to leave. ***** Dupe "Want to know where I bunk down?" Sly asked, one evening after he mysteriously showed up in front of my shop. " Sure," I heard myself say. He opened the door to his car for me before seating himself down. " Alright lady, want a hot cup?" I laughed." No thank you. No hot cup for me today" " Okay. I want a jewel for my mother. Something simple but unique, can I pick it up tomorrow evening?" " Yea sure. How's she?" " She's fine." He said, looking away. " You have siblings? " A sudden dark look flickered briefly on his handsome face before it disappeared. No wonder he's such a good lawyer, I thought. I could have sworn I imagined that. " A sister. She's late." He replied, his strong arms gripping the steering. " I'm sorry for your loss," I said, touching his arm. " Thank you," He replied. " How about your father?. Is he late too? You never talk about him." He applied brake suddenly and swerved swiftly to avoid hitting the car in front of us. I knew I had touched a nerve with my question and I suddenly felt uneasy. " Yea. He's also late." He replied, his features tense and his jaw was clamped shut. My mind wondered back to what Funmi advised me over the phone. I thought she was joking when she said I should poison Uche's mother and I still think so. I gave myself a mental shake, why was I traveling down such memory lanes again.? Here's Sly, who has lost his dear ones and from his reactions it shows he has a deep love for them but he's still forging ahead with life. Dupe, borrow a leaf from him. " Why are you so quiet? " he asked." Feeling sorry for me?" " No. I'm telling myself to borrow a leaf from you. You are so different Sly." " Good difference or bad?" He asked. " Being different does not always mean bad." I replied. He drove in silence for a while before stopping in front of a huge black gate. The gate was opened by his security guards and he drove into the compound, heading straight for the car park. " Grand house," I said, unbuckling my seat belt. " You haven't seen inside." He replied. The inside of the house was even better and I wondered how a young guy in his twenties came to have such wealth. Hard work and determination, I replied myself. "What's this?" I asked, accepting the glass he extended to me. I peered at it's content, wondering what it was. He gave me a smile." It's Chardonnay. Good stuff," " O_ kay." I said, lifting up the glass to take a sip." Hmmn, very good. You have a beautiful home," " Thank you, want to see the rest of the house and also meet my family?" He asked. My eyes widened in surprise. The house seemed so quiet, maybe his family were in their rooms. " Yes, thank you." I dropped my glass on the table, " lead the way." He showed me the rooms, his study which he said was his second favorite part of the house while his well stocked library was his first favorite. He showed me his well equipped gym house and he urged me to try lifting something. I laughed at his obvious joke, there was not a single thing I could lift in that gym. He took hold of my hand and led me down the corridor to the left wing of the house. There was a portrait of a dark skinned woman with a gap tooth and that of a young child not more than four or five. The young girl was beside a river staring at the sunset with a glowing smile on her face and a doll in her hand. Her reflection was crystal clear in the water but her smile did not reflect in it. There was something dark and gloomy about her portrait although it showed that the young child was in a happy mood. "I painted it." He said. " Wow, Sly this is......good. You are multi_talented." " Thank you, drawing keeps me sane. I could do one of you if you'd let me. I will be honoured" He said, giving me a boyish grin I couldn't resist. " How do you have time for this with your busy schedule? " I asked. " We make time for what is important in life otherwise there is never enough time. Is that a yes?" He said. " Yes," I replied, my heart was pounding like I just agreed to an illegal deal. " Is this weekend okay by you?" He asked. " Yes." " Do me a favour please. Unbraid your hair and no make up please." " Alright boss, anything else?" " Wear a gown. You could wear the one you wore to dinner that night." " Alright. What's her name? she's a pretty child." I said, pointing to the potrait of the little girl child. " Abosede. Come," He said, taking my hand in his." Time to meet my family," He led me out of the house and we headed towards the back of the house. I wondered why we were heading in that direction but I kept my thoughts to myself. A dog house came into view, their loud barking noise reached our ears as we approached it. A warm smile settled on his face, he let go of my hand and opened the kennel. Two big cute dogs ambled out, Sly squatted and one licked his nose eliciting laughter from him. It was the first time I heard him laugh, a deep rich laughter that suddenly sent my heart racing to the hills. He tickled one of the dogs on it's stomach and it lay down, spittle dribbling down his jaw. He was obviously enjoying his master's tickles. One of the dogs raised up it's massive head and gave a loud bark when our eyes met. The other one also growled, echoing his brother or sister's concern. " Hey boys, calm down." Sly said and the barking ceased." They mean no harm Dupe, come closer." I tentatively drew closer to them. The dogs sniffed my legs briefly before sauntering back to their boss. " Meet Spark and Ceaser. Guys this is Dupe, offer them a hand." I raised up a hand, they drew back briefly before lowering their heads and I patted them gently. Ceaser licked my hand with his slimy long tongue and I felt laughter escape my lips. Spark was still a bit wary of me and he was defensively putting himself between Sly and I. Ceaser was already won over and his long tail was wrapped around my leg. " These guys love you." I said. " Yea." He agreed, " they are also protective of me but sometimes we fight especially when it's time to see the vet. But they understand that I love them." I laughed." I see you have a special bond with them." " Yea" He agreed. "They are your family Sly?" I asked. "Yes, besides my mother. You are the first friend I have introduced to them." "Wow, no wonder they seem so wary of me. I feel honoured. Thank you" " You are welcome, " He said, standing up from his squatting position." I make a mean bugger, want to have some?" " Yes. Another surprise, Shark." He threw back his head and laughed again."Don't thank me yet.Alright guys you can play around but don't try to sneak into the main house. I have a guest, alright.?" He said to the dogs. I could have sworn they both nodded their heads before bouncing off to play. Something tugged at my heart and I wondered if he feels lonely sometimes. " Sly," " Yea," He replied, his gaze was focused on my face. " What's your story Sly," I asked. He drew in breath sharply and exhaled. " I will tell you when you come on Saturday for your portrait painting." I nodded my head. His hand found mine and we walked back into the house... To be continued .
1 Mar 2017 | 18:04
Fummi is better you qo... You qet hurt.. Cant imaqine dx... Shark's deep love towards his pets. Think both Sly and Dupe has a thinq in common. Cecilia want to complicate thinqz for Uche.
1 Mar 2017 | 22:23
Funmi d so called christain. Its funny hw a saint is now a beast, biting d finger dat fed her. Sly nd Dupe should b happy 2geda. Nd Annie nd Uche should too while cecilia should dash off to hell
2 Mar 2017 | 03:52
Funmi just go back this is all your fault
2 Mar 2017 | 04:07
Funmi just go back home nd dnt try anytin stupid
2 Mar 2017 | 05:03
Funmi there is no way you are going to have the last laugh Go and build your own family nd leave another woman's family alone Stop biting the hands that feeds you Funmi
2 Mar 2017 | 05:31
I wonder what some girls are always thinking! How can you love a married man and even claiming their child is that not foolishness. Dumb please received sense. As for Dupe and Sly they are already in love.
2 Mar 2017 | 05:48
Funmi is a slut because she want Tade for herself and not one round of fvck,that why she is not happy that Mabel is back. I see Uche and Dupe ending up after all and all.
2 Mar 2017 | 06:24
dupe what are u doing ???? I hope u will not fall for this guy ..... funmi you are a loser
2 Mar 2017 | 06:51
Episode 22 Continues.. Dupe " There, done" Sly said, straightening up. He dropped the brush he held on his painting table." You've been such a darling. You may stand up now." I stood up from the chaise he asked me to sit on. He had sweat on his forehead, a faint touch of color was on his jaw. I couldn't help thinking he looked so handsome despite the faded white shirt he wore with a black pant. " Can I see it?" I asked."The painting" " No, not now." He said, walking over to where I stood." Let's go" " How about...." " I can't risk you sneaking a look at the painting" He led me out of the studio. " Do you mind if I made us something to eat?" I asked. " I'd be so delighted." He gave a mock bow," I want to go freshen up now." " I will have something ready by the time you are done." " Alright Ma'am" I went downstairs and rummaged through his pantry. There were loads of canned foods and some packs of spaghetti. I settled on Spaghetti and beef sauce. Sly hadn't returned by the time the food was ready. I went back upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door. I thought he heard me so I entered just as he was coming out from the bathroom. He had a towel tied around his lean waist, his hairy chest was damp and his packs was tauted as he sucked in breath on seeing me. He looked like one of those athletic guys on the covers of western sport magazines. I stood rooted to the spot, in embarrassment. He looked momentarily stunned and he raked his fingers through his hair. The movement made his muscles to ripple. " is ready." I stammered out, my gaze fixed on his chest. Uche isn't this hairy, I thought. " Alright, give me a minute." He said and turned to go back into the bathroom. My eyes caught a tattoo on his arm, where have I seen that before I thought?, I went back downstairs and waited for him. After lunch, Sly took me to his pool and we sat beside it, our legs dipped in the water. " Want to hear my story?" He asked. I took a deep breath." Yes." He started his story and before my eyes, he transformed into a little boy, re_ living his childhood journey all over again. I laughed at some part and I cried when he told me about his father and how his baby sister was raped. I took hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze just like Uche and I used to do. I squeezed it twice before Sly realized it was a way of comforting him without using words of the mouth. He squeezed my hand in return, tilted my head backwards and kissed me on my lips. My breath ceased when his warm lips touched mine, I kissed him back with every fiber in my body. It was a friend, comforting a friend, kind of kiss. A warm liquid feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, I wasn't feeling sorry for him. Pity is an emotion Sly will never accept, I was simply reassuring him that he wasn't alone in his pain. " Shark!" A feminine voice called and we broke apart. Annie had her hands on her hips, staring at the both of us. I made to stand up but Sly pulled me closer to himself. His strong arm went around me, stopping my escape. " Annie," Sly acknowledged with a nod of his head. " Hello Dupe," She said. " Hi Annie, " I replied, my eyes were cast down in shame. I never thought of her and her feelings. This was her boyfriend I was messing with. I tried to stand up again but Sly's arms around me tightened. " I was at your office but I was informed you didn't come in today, so I came to check up on you." She said to Sly. "Thank You Annie," Sly said. "I will be on my way now" She said. " Annie, wait!" I said, scrambling to my feet. " No, it's okay Dupe." She said, before walking away. I felt tears slip down my cheeks, not only have I hurt Uche but I have also succeeded in hurting his friend too. I wiped my hands on my gown, wishing I could also wipe away the guilt in my heart. Sly wrapped his arms around my shoulders. " You heard her Dupe, it's okay. We are both single and we haven't hurt anyone by sharing a simple kiss." " But....she was your girlfriend! Even if she's now your ex, she's bound to feel hurt." " I have never had a girlfriend" He replied. I looked at him perplexed, " Annie was...." " No. We were never an item. We were FWB" " FWB?" I asked. His fingers brushed away the tear drops from my cheeks." Don't worry about that." " Please take me home," I said, suddenly wishing the arm around my shoulders belonged to Uche. No matter what I tell myself everyday, my heart will always belong to him. I missed him. " Alright." Sly said. ********* Uche I was about entering the elevator when Annie waved at me. The elevator car opened in front of me before it slided downwards. Annie's short curly hair bounced as she walked towards me. "I have been trying to catch you alone all day." She said. " Sorry, I didn't notice." I said. " Shark has been sniffling around Dupe, as a matter of fact I caught them kissing." My face tightened as I felt an arrow pierce through my heart." Annie?" " I will never lie to you Uche, see the main reason I'm telling you is because I care about you. I knew Shark was going to dump me, he's wild fire. He cannot be tamed and I'd hate to see her hurt." " Thank you," I replied. " What will you do?" She asked. " She's free to do whatever she likes with herself." " Oh Uche," She said, touching my arm. " Giving up already? " " How are you Annie?" I asked. " I'm alright for a lady who's just had her heart broken." " Be good." I said. " I will, see you tomorrow." She replied, walking away. I slipped out my phone and dialed Dupe's number. It rang for some seconds before I heard her voice. " Uche," She said softly. " Heard you are f*ucking Shark" I said, feeling a surge of anger sail through me. I felt like slamming the end of my fist into Shark's pretty face. " Please don't." She said. " Please don't what?" I asked, " Does he kiss better? is that why you left me using my mother as a cover?" " Uche, listen to me..." " Why should I listen to you?" I asked, " I don't blame him tho, after all you handed me the cookie too now Shark wants a bite too. Hope he f* ucks good too." " Yes! Yes he f*ucks better than you!" She screamed, " Is Cecilia not doing a good job as well?" " She is doing a fantastic job! She's also a pro! she doesn't need guidiance on how to please a man!" " Good! " she said. " Good" I replied. " That's very good!" She said and dropped the call. I threw the phone at the wall and it crashed to the ground.I missed her, I missed her a lot. Just the thought of another man going down on her was enough to make me want to wrap my hands around that man's neck. ******** Mabel I held my head between my hands, staggering from the bathroom into the bedroom. Tade was knotting his tie when he noticed something was wrong with me. He grabbed hold of my hands, before I could hit the ground. He carried me onto the bed, his hand went against my forehead, checking my tempature. " Bell, what is wrong with you?" He asked with concern and worry written all over his face. " I will put a call through to Dr. Mensah immediately." " No," I moaned, tears slittering down my cheeks" I think I need to rest." " Are you sure? You fainted last night too. I'm getting worried by these fainting spells." " I will be fine my love, please kiss me and go to work." I said. He looked at me, indecisive if he should leave his sick wife and go to work or not. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I hugged the pillow closer to my chest, rubbing my temple with two fingers. Funmi walked in with a tray of hot tea. " Mabel, Please sit up. Your breakfast is ready." She said. " Please put the tray on the drawer, I need you to do something for me." She carried the tray to the drawer and walked back to the bed. " I want you to do my laundry." I said, pulling myself out of bed. I pointed to a huge pile of clothes beside my wardrobe. " I should give the clothes to the laundry guy?" She asked. " No, do it yourself. I don't want yo to use the washine machine either, please use your hands. Make sure you scrub them very well, especially my panties." She looked like she wanted to argue but she kept her mouth clamped shut. This morning she wore a tank top with a short which barely covered her big ass. She scooped the clothes into her arms and made to leave but I suddenly remembered something and I called her back. " Funmi, wait." I slipped off the painties I wore and threw it at her. " Tade made passionate love to me last night, I feel so sore in my joints. So make sure you scrub that panties very well." " Yes Ma'am." She mumbled. " Wait, do we have a problem? You look so..." " No we don't have a problem Mabel." She replied, " I am only tired, You woke me up by 5.30 am to scrub the kitchen floor, afterwards I washed you and your husband's cars. Then I had to make breakfast and also take Serwa to school." " I am paying you good money, I see no reason why you are complaining" I retorted. " I am not complaining." Came the sharp reply. " Good. So get to work ." I said. She walked out of the room and I laid my head back on the pillow as sleep stole me away. ***** Funmi " I want to talk to you Tade," I said, blocking his path. " What?" He glanced around nervously, " Mabel is upstairs." "I know. What did you tell her?" " I didn't tell her anything, why do you ask?" He said. " So why is she being nasty to me?" I snapped, " I know you are behind her sudden change of attitude towards me. If you keep trying to get rid of me, I will make good on my promise. After all I have nothing to lose." " I don't know what you are talking about Funmi, Mabel has not been anything but nice to you. She still sings praises of you. Don't you have shame? you think if you keep bad mouthing my wife I'd leave her for you?" He asked. He looked like he was telling the truth. So why was Mabel suddenly mean to me? She found one reason or the other to hack into me every now and then. She had even stopped me from cooking my own meals in her kitchen. She no longer smile at me or try to have a friendly conversation with me. Tade too had turned against me, the only ally I had left was Serwa. " Look at my hands Tade," I said, showing him my tired hands." Mabel is overworking me. She's..." " Then go back to Nigeria." He snapped. " Get out of my way," " Tade, Tade please. What did I ever do to deserve this from you? I have been good to you and your daughter. I cooked your meals and took such good care of the both of you while Mabel was away. I listened to you when you wanted to get things off your chest. I was there for you Tade, why am I suddenly the enemy?" " It takes two to tango. What we had was mutual and I was matured enough to take all the blames. I tried to remedy the situation so that nobody will get hurt but you choose to play the victim card! I am tired of hearing you whine about your so called ' pride'. I am tired of having to delete tons of messages which you send to my phone every second. I am tired of your presence! You have stolen my peace of mind!" He pushed me aside and walked out of the house. A sob caught in my throat. How do I make him understand? I loved him. I had a burning need to see him every second and to know what he was up to. I ached to be with him all the time, I loved him so badly that it hurts. Sometimes I hate him, I hate him for sticking to Mabel. I hate him for making me love him, I hate him for ' spoling' me for another man. No other man could take his place or measure up to him. No other man could quench the fire he had lighted in me. I was going through a lot for him but he doesn't appreciate it. I was putting up with his crazy wife and her antics all because of the love I had for him. At night, I would imagine him going down on her just like he did to me on that one night. I could see him giving her pleasure with the same mouth he used to pleasure me and my hatred for the both of them would intensify but in the morning I was back to loving Him. To be continued..
2 Mar 2017 | 09:46
U beta go bck to nigeria Funmi
2 Mar 2017 | 10:08
funmi go back to ur country dupe don't u ever lose Uche sly be careful
2 Mar 2017 | 10:49
Funmi you haven't seen anything yet Go back to Nigeria
2 Mar 2017 | 12:36
Dis sly of a guy na ril sly
2 Mar 2017 | 14:53
2 Mar 2017 | 15:43
Fummi better wise up.
2 Mar 2017 | 17:37
sister Funmi has join gang, keeping late night snatching peoples husband bad girl.. she was a good girl but she change now.....
2 Mar 2017 | 21:05
Dupe is in love with sharks
2 Mar 2017 | 21:09
sister Funmi has join gang, keeping late night snatching peoples husband bad girl.. she was a good girl but she change now.... :)
2 Mar 2017 | 21:09
3 Mar 2017 | 01:55
Funmi you are now something else,God have mercy on you
3 Mar 2017 | 03:07
Episode 23 * Continues* Funmi I walked into the bedroom with the folded clothes in my arms. Mabel was sprawled on the floor, she was foaming at the mouth. I dropped the clothes on the drawer and ran to her side. I checked her pulse, I wasn't sure if it was faint or not. " Tade! Tade!" I screamed, running out of the room. He ran upstairs, meeting me halfway. " What is it?" " Mabel! Mabel!" I shouted." There's something wrong with her." We both ran back into the bedroom. He checked her pulse before scooping her into his arms. " What did you do to her?" He asked. " Nothing. I did nothing to her" He carried her out of the room. I mopped up the spilled spittle on the floor, afterwards I paced up and down worriedly. I couldn't help feeling sorry for Mabel. I was about to start lunch when I heard the sound of Tade's car. " Funmi," Tade said, bursting into the house. " Tade, how's she?" I asked,walking out to meet him. He took my hand and led me back into the kitchen. "You are such a smart girl Funmi. That was a smart move you made." He said. "I don't know what you are talking about." I replied. " Some poisonous substance was found in Mabel's system." He replied. I gasped. " Oh my God!" " We are free! She's finally out of our way. Tell me, how did you do it?" He asked, suddenly friendly. "Do what? Poison her? I did not!" " I did not too! so who did?" He asked, " Baby, tell me the truth. You threatened to take her out of the way and now she's been poisoned." " Is she dead?" I asked hopefully. "Hopefully by night fall. Did you poison her food or water?" He asked. "Why are you asking?" I replied. "We have to get our stories straight." He said."We would both be the prime suspects." "I did not poison her! I did nothing to her"I said. "I have missed you so much Funmi, I'd like to marry you as soon as Mabel is gone." He said, " It was so hard for me to keep pretending that I hate what we did." " Really?" I asked happily. " Yes. But we have to be honest with each other. I know you poisoned Mabel, I want to hear you admit it." " I did not poison her!" I shouted. Tade brought out his cell phone and dialed a number. " Hello, you may come in" I stared at him, wondering what was going on. I heard the main door open and two policemen entered the kitchen. I backed away until my back was painfully pressed against the cool kitchen sink. Did he set me up? "Officers, she has refused to confess. This is the young lady who poisoned my wife." " I did not poison her!" I cried out, " Tade, how could you do this to me?" " Miss, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent" The older officer said, walking towards me. He held out a shiny handcuff. " Please.....please.....I did not poison her. I swear to God. Tade please tell them I am innocent. " The cold hard cuff was slapped on my wrists and the officers led me out of the house. ******* Dupe Bad news truly spread like a wild fire.The news of Funmi poisoning her boss had spread all over the place. Her mother stopped coming to church and her father could no longer stand on the altar to preach. I tried to reach Funmi but her phone was answered by a man, Tade I guess. He informed me that Funmi was locked up. I felt so sorry for her and I felt disloyal for believing what I heard about her because she had advised me to poison Uche's mother. I wondered why Funmi would poison Mabel who had been so good to her. Funmi was a kind hearted person and she wouldn't even hurt a fly, why did she do it? My mother once said, she was almost perfect. Was she being unjustly accused of a crime she did not commit? Should I travel to Ghana to see her? I pondered all these things all the way to Sly's office. His secretary, a beautiful woman in her fifties welcomed me with a warm smile before ushering me into his office. " Cherie," Sly said, standing up. " Hey" I replied, sitting down. " You look tired. What's the 411?" " My friend is in trouble" Sly sat down immediately. " Your friend? What kind of trouble?" " She's been locked up " " Why? How long has she been locked up?" " I don't know how long and I don't know if she's guilty of the crime she's been accused of." " Funmi?" He asked. I had mentioned her name once to him. " Yea. She supposedly poisoned her boss." He whistled." What do you think?" " I don't know" " What's your gut telling you?" He asked. I sighed, feeling disloyal to her." I think she's guilty" " That's it then. I can't represent her but I can offer one or two advice. Have you gone to see her?" " She's in Ghana" " Oh right! Ghana..." He trailed off, suddenly gloomy. " You have something against the country or the people?" I asked. " Nah." He replied. " I have to be in court by 12. Pm, want to see me in action?" " Yea." I replied, surprised at the invitation. "Cool. A young woman was wrongly charged of murdering her husband. His family loathes her and they are quiet influential. They want to see her hang."He said. " Oh that's terrible. Did she do it?" "I wouldn't be representing her if I wasn't sure of her innocence." He replied. ***** Watching him in court made me realize he was a natural. At a point the Judge had to remove his glasses and wiped away the sweat gathering on his thick brows. He adjourned the case but I knew in my bones that the case was already won. We had gone to lunch afterwards and I was surprised that Sly seemed so calm. I kept wondering if he ever lost his cool. " Spend the night." He said, breaking into my train of thought. " Sly..." " There are six bedrooms. You don't have to share mine" he said. " By the way, do you know that I do wonders with my hands? I could massage your worries away." I laughed." I believe you Sly," " So you staying?" " Yea, I guess. But I'm not making dinner" " Fair enough." He agreed. He filled two glasses with wine." Let's celebrate to our victory today." I accepted the glass from him. I clicked it against his, silently admiring his confidence." You deserve it Shark" He laughed. " Thank you Miss Dupe." I called my mother to inform her that I would be spending the night at a friend's. He gave me the room beside his, his reason was he would be able to hear me if I so much as sneezed. I had a hard time sleeping, I kept thinking of Funmi all alone in a dark cell in another country. Was she being fed? Was she being tortured to confess? I decided to go see her in Ghana. Suddenly I heard a low growling sound, my ears pricked up. I sat up and pulled on the slippers Sly borrowed me. I heard his cries and I ran out of the room. I pushed open his door. The room was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the window. Sly was thrashing on the bed, his long legs kicking the sheets off his lower body. I switched on the bedside lamp and I reached out my hands to touch him but he suddenly grabbed my hand, twisting it painfully. " Sly,'s me. You were having a bad dream." He pulled me to himself, hugging me to his hard sweaty chest.I touched his bare back reassuringly. He scooted back and I got into the bed. I held him in my arms while he trembled. This was the part of him he had tried so hard to shield from the world. He was so vulnerable at the moment and my heart went out to him.He had fears too, he sometimes doubted himself and he needs a shoulder to lean on for a change, I thought. " Dupe," " Shhh... It's okay. It was just a dream baby." The endearment rolled off my tongue so easily and it just seemed so right. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered. "Yes," I whispered back. "Promise you will never leave." " I promise"I said, " It's alright" He had everything, the world was crazy about him but sadly it was only 'Shark' they loved and adored and not ' Sly'. Sly was lonely, scared and weak. I would be his if it would soothe him, chase away his fears and monsters. ****** Funmi I stared at the ray of light streaming into the dark cell I was kept through the tiny window. I itched all over from the mosquito bites, my body feels rough to my touch. There was a big cut on my lips from when I was pushed into the cell by the officers and I hit my face against the wall. There was a dried slice of bread and water beside me which was the only thing they have been giving me for a week. Neither Tade nor Mabel came to see me, I don't even know if Mabel was alright. I wasn't allowed to even call my parents. I felt alone. So alone. My lips ached, my body was itchy and my soul was troubled. My cheeks was caked with my dried tears. I sat down, my knees pulled up against my chest. I wondered if I would ever see the sun again, I wondered if I would ever feel the fresh wind against my skin again. I wondered if I would be able to love another human again. I kept wondering about all these until my head pounded fiercely. An idle mind they say was the devil's workshop and I had ample time to plot their downfall while I was locked up. If Mabel hadn't died by the time I was out I would ensure that she does. I would kill Tade too and take serwa for myself. " Hey, Ashawo! Come out." A tall, female officer banged on the cell door.She unlocked the cell door and I stood up shakily. She held her nose in disgust as I walked out of the cell. She pushed me forward. She clasped a handcuff on my hands and led me out to the front desk. Tade was standing there. My hatred for him skyrocketed on seeing him again. " We have decided not to press charges." He informed me. I looked away from him. Wishing I could lay my hands on a pointy object at the moment. I would write out his name in full with his blood. The bastard. Two police officers led me out into the yard, another officer pulled a police car over and they pushed me into it. I wondered where they were taking me but I remained silent. Tade followed closely behind us in his car. I closed my eyes and when I opened it again I realized where they were taking me. The airport. I was led into a small room at the airport. I was there for some minutes before an elderly man entered the room. He uncuffed me and led me out of the room. He stayed closely beside me until our flight was announced, I assumed it was ours since he jumped up with an agility which was quiet surprising for a man his age. He flashed me a toothy smile before raising up the hem of his shirt. A shiny gun glinted back at me. " Kokou Bob," He said, as a way of introduction. " Ex_ military" I looked away from him. Plotting my escape. " I want to pee" I said. He flashed me a smile again before painfully grabbing my arm. He held onto my arm until we were safely seated in the plane bound for Nigeria. He talked non_ stop like we were daughter_ father traveling together but I ignored him.He opened his back pack and placed a thick big envelop on my thighs. "Open it," he said. I opened it and bills of Nigerian naira notes stared at me. So they had even taken the liberty of converting my money and the money owed me, I thought. All the money I was being paid was in my bedroom, I guessed they had ransacked it in my absence. "Your bag has been sent ahead." He said. I nodded my head. A voice sounded in the air, announcing that we were touching down. My chest constricted suddenly and I started sobbing. I lost. I lost everything. I was certain the news had gotten to my parents already, what would they think of me? I sobbed my heart out, hiccuping and suddenly breathless. " I am innocent. I am innocent. " I said, tears streaming down my cheeks." I love him, that's the only crime I have committed." He patted my hand in a fatherly manner."An ending is only a new beginning." To be continued..
3 Mar 2017 | 14:27
loving tade was her only crime.... welcome back to Niger were ur stupidity will continue.. next pls
3 Mar 2017 | 14:50
Funmi! U ve seen what u were looking for naa.
3 Mar 2017 | 15:14
Hmmm na waa oo, i knw this kind of thing ll happen
3 Mar 2017 | 15:37
Funmi is a real devil. Hw could she do such thing to mabel.
3 Mar 2017 | 16:50
Funmi why nt go nd build ur own home? There ar many single men out there look for one nd hook up wit.
3 Mar 2017 | 17:14
U learn a lesson
3 Mar 2017 | 18:11
Assuminq you accept the offer when he dcide to pay you off all dx shi.t and disqrace wont happen... You lost it. Welcome back, No place like home.
3 Mar 2017 | 23:00
What if Mabel found out abt ur secret nd plotted all diz to get rid of Funmi? Dis is whr her ungrateful, selfish nd greed nature landed into nd she won't take correction nd make amends, she wl still b plotting evil
4 Mar 2017 | 04:51
Episode 24 . . Continues.. Mabel Tade kissed my lips softly, picked up his briefcase and walked out of our bedroom. I waited some seconds to be sure he had gone before I lept out of bed. I dialed Rose's number as I walked down the stairs. " Hello Rose," " Hey Mama!" She shouted. " Tade just left for work. You girls can come over now, please bring along with you some bottles of champagne.It's time to celebrate! " " I got you covered" She replied. I disconnected the call. My girls and I always had each others back. We fight, we cuss out ourselves but we always stick together. Thanks to them, they saved my home. I was too preoccupied with Mami so I failed to notice what Funmi was up to. She was slowly turning my daughter against me, she refused to let me speak to my child and by the time I realized it Serwa was long under her influence. A mother would know when her child strays from the right path she had beaten for him. A hunter would know when his loyal dog strays far from him but you can never know when a friend turn against you. I knew I also had my short comings but I was a loyal wife and a good friend to Funmi. I don't deserve what she did to me. I recognized the greed in her immediately I came back from the states. At first I thought she was simply being protective of Serwa but I soon realized that she wanted all what was mine. She wanted my life, my family and my home. She was also trying too hard to look like me! she made any hair style I made. She sneaks off to buy any outfit that I bought. I tried to bring it up with Tade but he brushed it aside.Too quickly, like he was afraid if I dug too deep I just might find something. It wasn't how the Tade I knew would behave. His reaction coupled with the change in Funmi triggered my suspicion.I started watching them closely, I assigned Arianna to watch Tade and Rose to watch Funmi. My detectives brought reports. Reports which tore my heart in two. I cried all night into my pillow, asking myself where I went wrong. Funmi had also succeeded in turning Serwa against me, I was gradually losing my family to her. I called the girls over,Rose also noticed the stain on the couch. We all peered at the suspicious stain on the couch, trying to decide if it was strawberry jam stain or blood. In the end, it was decided that It was her blood. Virginal blood. Tade had slept with another woman under our roof. Not just any woman but someone I loved and trusted.Funmi, who I had given my love and trust had betrayed me. After crying for days, I mapped out what to do. I loved my husband and I didn't want to lose him to some naive country hick who doesn't even have the good sense to cover her trail. First I dealt with her in my own way. I took her to a mall which was in another city, I made sure her purse was in my car and I left her stranded there. She looked so dusty and worn out by the time she made it back home. Another time, I mixed something into her drink and she almost popped out her anus. As for Tade, I think his conscience was killing him enough. He couldn't even look me in the eye since I came back. I decided to forgive him even though he doesn't deserve my forgiveness. He was a decent guy, Funmi probably took advantage of him in a moment of vulnerability. As a friend to Funmi, I could forgive her anything but as a wife I would make her pay for her sins. That was exactly what I did. Now she's out of my home and my life. The girls trouped in, chattering loudly. We high fived all round before we popped open the champagne bottles. " Come here, " Alicia said, hugging me. The gesture brought tears to my eyes. Rose wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks. We all sat down. " This should serve as a lesson to us all." Arianna said." We should never leave our homes open to wolves." " Thank you sweeties, I appreciate your help. Where's Gracey?" I asked. " She has traveled to Italy. She finally decided to go see her husband since he's too busy to come here." Rose replied." I don't blame that Funmi girl, you awakened the demons in her." I nodded my head. " That is why I paid her all what we owed her and I even sent her luggages back to Nigeria for her." " Mabel you are such a good actress, you gave an Oscar deserving performance! Tade almost died of heart attack. " Arianna laughed. " My home was at stake. I knew if I failed to convince Tade that Funmi was dangerous I could kiss my family good bye. She brainwashed my daughter! Serwa wouldn't even let me near her anymore." I said. " How's she now?" Rose asked, lighting a cigarette. " She has been a bit quiet but she's coming around. Last night, she begged me not to kill her! She said Miss Funmi said I would kill her. My poor baby has been through a lot because of my carelessness." I said. " She will be fine." Alicia said. " What will you do about Tade?" " I have forgiven him. When this blows over, we will talk." "'Enough of the gloomy talk!" Rose said. " Mabel go put on some music, we need to rock." " Speaking of rocking, there's a party tomorrow night at blaze's bar". Arianna said. I laughed. " Count me out girls, my partying days are over. " ******* Sylvester I laughed as my new girlfriend molded beach sand around my feet. Her soft hands touched my ankles sending a jolt of lightening through me. " Sly, pull out your leg slowly." Dupe said. I pulled out my leg out of the sand. She had built a castle which she named DuSly Empire. A wave of sea water washed towards us and destroyed part of the castle. Dupe moaned and tried to safeguard her castle with her hands but another surge of wave destroyed the remaining part of it. I couldn't help laughing at the expression on her face. I pulled her up and kissed her soundly. " That is what happen when you build castles in the sand." I said, pulling back. " Where should I have built it?" She asked."anyway that's the fun of it. I'll build a new one." " No, no. I'm famished." I said. She sighed, staring at the spot her castle was. My hand found hers and I gave it a gentle squeeze. " I will take the drumsticks as compensation for my ruined castle" She said, smiling. " No. I disagree. You were there when I was packing our picnic basket. You said you did not want drumsticks so I packed hotdogs for you." We argued about the drumsticks until we found a cool shade to spread our mat. I opened our basket, we both set out our lunch. A whining sound caught my ears and I looked up. A small scrawny stray dog was staring at us. " Look at that poor thing. I think he's hungry" Dupe said, she threw a hot dog for him. He sniffled it and ignored it. I filled our wine glasses while Dupe tried to get the dog to eat the hotdog. The dog was too choosy for a stray. He sniffled everything she offered him and ignored it. " He's too choosy," I said. "He has rejected everything I offered him. Maybe he wants drumsticks too" She said, looking at me expectantly. I groaned loudly and picked up a fat juicy chicken thigh. The dog caught it midair and went to work on it. He hurriedly ate it and looked at me, his eyes glowing with excitement. Dupe was also looking at me adoringly. I sighed and threw the remaining piece of chicken for him. He gulped it down and sauntered off contendly. " Ingrate" I muttered. Dupe laughed and placed some of her hotdogs on my plate. I watched as she ate, savoring every bite and licking the tips of her fingers as she plucked each hotdog off her plate. I got the best deal, I thought. To be continued..
4 Mar 2017 | 10:55
Fummi thouqht she was smart, but so naive to cover her trail
4 Mar 2017 | 17:10
Don't b so sure @mabel
4 Mar 2017 | 17:39
As I suspected, I knew Mabel planned all dat. Bt she should watch her back, dat evil girl will come bck for revenge
4 Mar 2017 | 18:00
Dupe.! Dupe.!! Dupe.!!! how many times did I called you? where is Uche your first love? it's just a mere question from me to Dupe... that's all
4 Mar 2017 | 18:12
Lobatan, An idle hand is devil workshop
5 Mar 2017 | 03:57
hmmmmm mmm..... following
5 Mar 2017 | 06:23
I can't see episode 23 oo it seems am missing. Thank God funmi is no longer in your house mabel, now u ll learn ur lesson.
5 Mar 2017 | 09:32
Mabel watch your back coz am very sure Funmi will come back for you
5 Mar 2017 | 11:00
Yea Funmi is partially at fault so is her parent That is why we have to educate our kids expecially female daughter on sex and relationship during their teen so that it will help them in the future
5 Mar 2017 | 11:23
Feed me more.
5 Mar 2017 | 11:26
I kinda pity funmi, buh she deserves all wats happenin.... Dupe i neva believed u cn leave uche for bad
5 Mar 2017 | 12:22
Plz continue....dis story is sweetin me
5 Mar 2017 | 12:25
poor Funmi see or life
5 Mar 2017 | 16:13
Episode 25 Continues Slyvester I kissed her neck softly, she gave a soft moan and drew closer to me. I bit her ear lobes gently, she tilted back her head, offering me her neck. I dipped my head and tasted her soft creamy neck and she arched into me. Her fingers went to the buttons on my shirt, involuntarily my hands covered hers, halting her fingers. She looked at me, wondering what she had done wrong. I lowered her to the bed and held her in my arms. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I pulled her hand back to my shirt and she undid the buttons. I pulled back like I was seared by fire when her soft palm touched my chest. It was the first time in years another person's hand was touching my skin. I felt her gaze on my face although my eyes were shut. " Sly," She whispered. " Are you afraid of my touch?" " No my love. Not your touch but being touched." " What happened?" I sighed heavily, feeling the burden of the past wedging in between us. How long will I keep chasing people away because of my past? why do I keep dragging the baggages of the past with me? why does my past have so much hold on me? "I have done things I am not proud of.Dupe, touch me." I said. " Are you sure?" She asked quietly. " Yes. I want to feel your hands on me, on my body." I said, with my heart pounding in my ears. I felt her light touch on my chest, her hand slowly crept to my shoulders. I opened my eyes, somewhat relieved. I didn't see the disgusting faces of the old women anymore, all I saw was the face of my sweetheart. Hallelujah! " Are you okay?" " Yea." I replied, selling your body to older women has a way of slowly robing you of your dignity and esteem. Slowly you lose yourself to them and in the end you might end up hating yourself.I felt my skin crawl each time they touched me, I tried to imagine myself elsewhere while I was riding anyone of them but I never stopped going back. I never stopped until I achieved my dreams. I wondered what Dupe would think of me when she learn about that aspect of my past. She pulled off my shirt, oblivious to my thoughts. Her fingers caressed my shoulder and arms. " What is this?" She said, her finger tracing the tattoo on my arm. " A tattoo" I said, stating the obvious. " I know. But it's not just any kind of tattoo, is it?, it has a significance right?" She asked. " Yes." I agreed, " but not anymore" " I have seen it on someone before but I don't remember who" " That's not possible" I replied. Her finger traced the bull head tatttooed into my arm. She looked at it closely, trying to work out where she had seen it before. I shifted away and straddled her. I leaned on my elbows, taking my weight off her. I unzipped her blouse and pulled it off her head. I unclasped her bra and threw it aside, my lips found her tiny n.ipples and I suckled it. Her finger nails raked into my back. She closed her eyes and moaned out. I tensed briefly, wondering if I misheard the name she moaned out. " Uche, please... " She moaned out again. I felt like a hammer had been slammed on my skull. I got off her and reached for my shirt. She sat up, looking at me, eyes widened in shock. " Where.....where are you going?" " Driving you home" I stated. " Why?" She asked, reaching for her bra." Did I do something wrong?" " You moaned out...." " What's wrong with that?" " You moaned out Uche's name! Damn it!" I shouted, I hated myself at that moment for losing my cool." Come, I will take you home" She nodded her head solemnly. " I'm sorry Sly." Her phone rang out and she jumped out of the bed, searching for it. She took hold of it beside the bed and placed it against her ear. " Hello," She said, suddenly tensed. She reached for her blouse and held it against her chest. She stood up trembling as she listened intently to the person on the other line. Her legs buckled and the phone dropped from her hand. " Dupe, " I said, pulling her into my arms. I carried her into my arms and she hugged my neck, crying." What happened?" I asked. " There was an accident at one of the oil sites." She said," there.....there was an explosion. Uche was at that site" I let out an expletive. ***** The news of the explosion of one of the oil sites of Dominique International Petroleum Company was on every news channel. I watched as charred bodies were being loaded into an ambulance before I turned off the TV, feeling disgusted with myself. I hadn't gone to see Dupe at the hospital. I tried to reach her line but it was switched off and I don't know if she'd be happy seeing me. I kept giving myself reasons why I shouldn't go see her but I knew in my heart that they were all excuses. Fortunately for Uche, he wasn't close to the site when the oil well exploded but some particles had gotten into his eyes making him go blind in both eyes.Dupe had been by his bedside since the day he was transffered to a hospital in Lagos. Annie had called me, she wanted to know if Dupe had heard the news. She cried on the phone when she told me Thomas had died in the explosion. He was her colleague whom she was dating before she met me. She had cried for minutes on the phone, she had also rambled a lot in pain. I took my car keys and walked out of the house. I drove down to the hospital and located the ward Uche was. Dupe and an older woman, I assumed was Uche's mother was beside his bed. He had burns and scratches on his arm, his eyes were heavily bandaged and he had many medical devices connected to his body. The women looked up as soon as I walked in. " Sly, " Dupe said, standing up. " Welcome Sir" the older woman said. " How's he?" I asked, looking at the still form on the bed. " Still in coma," Dupe said, looking back at him with pain filled eyes. " Nne, who is he?" The older woman asked. Dupe hit her palm against her head." Mama this is Slyvester, a friend. Sly, this is Uche's mother. " Thank you for coming my son." The older woman said. I nodded my head." I will be on my way now," Dupe followed me out of the room. We walked through the corridor towards the hospital gate. " Have you heard from Dominique?" I asked. " Yes. Representatives of the company have been to see him. Annie was here too and some other colleagues as well. Mr. Thomas, Uche' s suprittendent didn't make it. Uche was so fond of him." She said. "I saw it on the news. I'm sorry Dupe." "Thank you." She replied. We stooped beside my car. "I forgot to ask you this, who called you to inform you?" "His mother. She said she didn't know who else to call." My brows went up, remembering that, she was one of the women who vandalized her shop. " I see. When are you going back home?" "I can't leave him." " What about us?" I asked. She shook her head, crying." Sly I'm sorry. I love Uche, I can't leave him." I nodded my head to disguise how much her words wounded me. " You are leaving me for him?" I pressed, feeling like an idiot. I should have walked away but I needed to hear some sort of assurance from her. "I walked away from him before, I can't do that to him again." She replied. " Even if he survives, He's blind now." I said. " I know. I will be his eyes" She said. " If I was the one on that bed with my lens damage, would you lend me your eyes?" I asked. A sob caught in her throat." Sly please. " I pulled her into my arms while she continued sobbing. I set her away gently, she pulled back. " Let me know if you are ever in need of anything." I said. " Thank you Sly.Bye" She said, turned around and walked back into the building. I felt a hand on my back as I made to open the door to my car. I stilled, breath drawn, thinking it was Dupe. I whirled around, it was Annie. She had probably witnessed the whole scene or she just walked into the hospital compound. " Annie," I said." Where's your car?", trying to guess if she had seen us or if she just walked in. " I couldn't drive myself. I took a taxi " She replied. I nodded my head, uncertain on what else to say. I knew she was hurting just like I was. " I can't stand seeing him like that. Helpless and blind.I'm glad she's with him even if you are also hurting. Thank you for letting her go Sly." " I didn't . I am too selfish. She let me go" I replied. She touched my arm. I took hold of her hand, I squeezed it twice just like Dupe taught me. Sometimes words are not enough. She flung herself into my arm crying. She got into the car with me and I drove out of the gate. **** Annie and I downed bottles after bottles of cognac, I don't know if we were trying to kill ourselves or kill our sorrows. At a point she crawled to me and placed her head on my thighs. I caressed her face quietly, wishing it was Dupe's face. " Why do we always take those who love us for granted? " Annie asked. I knew she was thinking of Thomas again. He had loved her, he loved her with every cell in his body but her heart was already hooked by me. He had tried to make her fall in love with him, he had even taken Uche under his wings just to make Annie's heart soften towards him. Thomas, being a suprietendent in Dominique Petroleum had even influenced Uche's going to the site in his first month all because Annie was fond of him. Annie had told me all these over dinner one evening, she had laughed at Thomas. She had even mocked him to his face now he was gone and she was either having regrets or feeling guilt. I raised up her head and kissed her, probably under the influence of the alcohol or maybe because I wanted something, anything, that will take my mind off the present. She kissed me back hotly. I knew she was kissing me back for the same reasons I kissed her. We were helping each other to forget. She pulled her blouse over her head, and grounded her chest into mine. I groaned, pulled her on the sofa and pulled off her skirt. Her hands flew to my shirt and she paused. Suddenly remembering my aversion to being touched. I pulled off my pant, leaving on my boxers. Her lips caught mine and our tongues danced wildly. I took her hand and placed it against my chest. My heart was pounding fiercely, Dupe had touched me. But this was Annie, would I be able to stand her touch? will the images of the old flabby and disgusting women I was forced to sleep with hunt me when she touch me? will I feel that familiar rush of shame, disgust and sickening feeling like I always had when the women lay their hands on me.? " Pull off my shirt" I commanded. " Be fast," Annie looked shocked but she deftly loosened the buttons of my shirt and the shirt landed on the floor. She ran her hand along my arm, her gaze locked on my tattoo and she froze. She shoved me aside and scrampered away from me. " Did I miss something?" I asked, wondering what caused the change in her. "! " She said, tears streaming down her eyes. She stood up and made to run out of the room but I caught her arm. " Talk to me Annie. Why are you freaking out?" She yanked her arm away from me. " You bastard! Bastard! Bsstard!" She fell on her knees, her left hand went around her tummy. She continued sobbing. " You killed my mother!" " What?" I asked, in shock." What the hell are you saying?" " You killed my mother! You shot her three times! You kept shooting her even after she was long dead! You splattered her blood all over our living room. You spat on my mother's corpse afterwards. " She staggered towards the door and collapsed to the ground crying " How?" I heard myself say. How could she have known about that? there was no one in the house with the old witch on that fateful day? how was this possible? " It can't be. You are Alhaja Risikat's daughter? she had only one child and her name is not Annie. Her daughter's name is Anifat." " That's me!" She howled, " You killed my poor mother. What did she do to you? She cried, cried, she begged you with Allah to spare her life! Why did you kill my mother?" I dropped to the couch. " She killed my father. She had him executed for a crime he didn't commit." I said, the words of the officer on duty ringing in my ear all over again. To be continued..
5 Mar 2017 | 17:12
hmmm,o ga o
5 Mar 2017 | 18:18
oh oh... I remembered how he accused his dad, called the police to arrested him, jailed before he was executed... Both victim of the past.
5 Mar 2017 | 19:16
Mabel the punishment you gave her was too small
5 Mar 2017 | 21:39
Mabel the punishment you gave her was too small
5 Mar 2017 | 21:39
Funmi was very wrong but it is nt also good for a married woman to keep a grown up lady all alone for so long unda her roof take care of yr home woman
6 Mar 2017 | 00:27
Uhh..uche z nw blind sly nd annie's past re connected VICTIMS!!
6 Mar 2017 | 04:06
What a world....u guys are both victim of circumstances
6 Mar 2017 | 05:43
Uche lost his sight and now Dupe's decided to break it off with Sly;Typical move.
6 Mar 2017 | 06:28
Episode 26 Continues.. Funmi " Where do you think you are coming to? Not this house." My mother shouted, blocking the door with her body." Useless girl! You think you can bring shame upon me and come back into my house? I am not a killer, so I can't harbor one in my house." " I don't know what you heard about me, but I didn't do it. I am innocent." I said. " Shior! You think I don't have eyes to see for myself? Is this how you left here? Take a good look at yourself! Is this how a Godly child should dress?" She shouted. I looked down at my shorts and crop top. There was nothing wrong with it. It molded my curves and brought out my hour glass figure. " If you won't let me in, fine. It's okay. I will go back to the hotel I lodged.". I said. " Please go back oo, I don't want to see you ever again. Ha! Funmi! Funmi! You are a disgrace! You are shameless and heartless! So you can even show your face here after all the shame you have brought upon us." She said. I took hold of my suitcase and walked out of the compound. I wasn't surprised my mother refused to let me in. She was a wicked woman and a terrible mother. Just like Mabel, I thought and spat out. Disgusting women. My hand crept to my full, aching breasts. I wondered what to do next, I couldn't go see Dupe because I didn't want to see her parents. I knew I was carrying Tade's child since the day I was roughly shoved into the cell. I had missed my period before then, my breasts were heavy and tender. It wasn't enough reason to conclude that I was pregnant but I knew I was. A smile started on my lips as I flaged down a cab. This baby would be my golden ticket back into Tade's life. Even if he wanted nothing to do with me, he wouldn't deny his own flesh and blood. Or would he? " Madam, shey na here?" The cab driver asked, parking in front of the big gate. " Yes." I alighted and paid him. I knocked on the gate and it was opened by Papa Love. The old man squinted his eyes, trying to get a clearer vision of me. " Hello" He said, opening the gate. " Papa Love, it's Funmi." " Funmi? Funmi?" He asked, " Oh Pastor's daughter? the one that went to Ghana with Auntie's son?" " Yes." I agreed. He shook his head. "Terrible, terrible. I heard terrible things about you. Come inside, she's at home." I walked into the main house with my suitcase, Mrs. Afolabi was on the couch watching a movie. She whirled around, the smile on her face froze on sighting me. " What do you want here?" She asked, standing up. " Please hear me out ma, I am innocent. " " Oh really? did you trip and fall on my son's dick? did you perhaps lost your senses and gave the poisoned food reserved for household rats to my daughter_ in_ law?" She asked. " I don't want to hear whatever rooster and bulll story you have cooked up. You are a disgrace! You have failed us! You couldn't even prove not all Nigerian girls are home wreckers!" " Tade took advantage of me! They both did! they both exploited my lack of experience." I said, " They both set me up and had me thrown in jail!" "So what do you want from me?" She asked, arms folded across her chest. " I am pregnant. " I replied, hoping it would soften her heart. She burst into laughter while clapping her hands." Bravo! why are you telling me? you think you can trap your bastard on my Son's neck? is that why you seduced him? He told me everything and how you threatned to destroy his home. Let me tell you this, whatever it is that you have schemed up, it won't succeed. I won't sit back and let you destroy my son's life!" " I am carrying Tade's baby! I am not asking you to help me. I don't want my child to be termed a bastard. I'm only asking you to accept my child when he's born." " That will be over my dead body! You are an ingrate! No woman should steal another woman's happiness for herself! that is what you are trying to do and I will not allow it. Leave my house! Get out!" She shouted. I pulled my briefcase out of her home while she continued calling me names. **** I bought a flight ticket the next day and went back to Ghana. I checked into a cheap hotel and laid low for some days. I went to Serwa's school every morning and watched from my hiding place as Mabel dropped her off and picked her up again by noon. I missed my little girl so much, I wished I could grab her from Mabel's hand but that would be foolishness.Afterwards I would go back to my hotel room and plot their ruin. One morning, I took a taxi and followed her back home when I was sure she would be the only one at home. I had disguised as a Muslim woman with a shawl covering my face and I wore a long black gown. The security guards let me in without any hassle. Tade's car was not parked in front of their block, it was truly the perfect time to put my plans into action. I rang the doorbell, I heard her voice call out that I should hold on. She pulled open the door and stopped in shock."You? What do you want here?" "Mabel, please forgive me. I am here to beg for your forgiveness. My conscience wouldn't let me be. I have wronged you greatly." I said, letting my voice quiver. Her expression softened and she drew closer to me. Perfect angle to drive a knife through her, I thought. " Look, we all are human and we are not perfect. It was very wrong of me to think you were. I trusted you 100%, it was a mistake. It's all in the past now, my husband and I have made our peace. My family is back to what it was before and we are happy. Please go back to Nigeria, don't try to ruin it for me again. I have forgiven you, you should also try to forgive yourself." She said righteously. My hand stole into my bag which was on my shoulder, beneath my veil. I could feel the cold steel of the knife, slowly I lifted it out of the bag. Mabel turned back to look into the house. It was the perfect time. " Mabel! What's taking you so long?" A voice said, from inside the house. I dropped the knife back, I was so close to lifting it out. Alicia walked out of the house and stood beside her friend. " Funmi" She said. " Security! Security! " She shouted. " No need for that, I was about leaving." I said cooly. The Dam had ruined my plans. Time to put plan b into action. " Will you go back to Nigeria?" Mabel asked quietly. " Yes, thank you for forgiving me." I said. She was spared this time, next time she might not be lucky. **** "Tade!" I called, running to catch up with him. He was about entering his car. I ran faster and screamed his name out, louder. I had gone to wait outside his office because I knew I had a better chance of getting him to listen to me outside. He could have security throw me out if I had gone to see him in his office. He stopped and looked back, he looked at me in surprise as I caught up with him. He looked so handsome in a chinos pant and loose shirt. I felt my heart beating faster than normal and I had to remind myself that I wasn't there to admire his good looks. I was there to rip his family apart in any way that I could. "Funmi" He said, staring at me. "Before you say anything, please hear me out. I am not here to cause you any trouble, no. I am here because I found myself destitute when I returned back to Nigeria. My parents has disowned me and I am carrying your child. I thought you might want to know that we made a baby." "A baby?" He repeated to himself, " Are you trying to blackmail me? You really are out to destroy my life." "This is no blackmail. We can have a test if you want, Tade I don't know what happened to Mabel but I did not poison her." "How do I know it's mine?" He asked, surprising me. "I was a virgin remember?!" I scoffed. "And you were once a saint too! Look, you can't have this baby. It will kill Mabel if she finds out. You have caused us enough trouble already, we don't need anymore from you." He said. "Mabel? Mabel? How about me?" I cried out, " Do I deserve this from you?" "I will write you a check. You will leave for Nigeria and you can do whatever pleases you with the baby. Come for the cheque tomorrow, if you fail to leave after three days I will have you thrown in jail and this time around I will make sure you rot there." He said. "I have committed no crime! You can't throw me in jail!" I replied. " Don't push me. You don't know how far I will go to keep my family together. " He said. " You don't know how far I will also go to get justice" I replied and walked away from him. I touched my tummy, sorry baby, I will make sure daddy leave you something good before I send him to heaven. ******* Slyvester "That was what happened." I said, narrating the events that led to my father's execution to her. " The night my mother was killed was on the eve of my 26th birthday. I had left home since I was eighteen to stay on my own. I was a difficult child so we fought a lot and she took me to a boarding school. My mother invited me over so we could catch up on old times. She could be self centered at times but she was my mother and I loved her" Annie cried." After dinner, we had both gone into our separate rooms. She woke me up in the middle of the night that she suspected someone was trying to break into the house. We had no security guard because nobody wanted to stay in my mother's employment." " Annie," I said, slipping my phone towards her." Call the police" She carried on like I didn't interrupt her." My mother asked me to dress the bed I laid on, do away with my personal items, and she also asked me to hide in the guest wardrobe. While hiding in the wardrobe I heard footsteps which I was certain wasn't hers. I heard the doors to each room being banged until all went quiet.After sometime, I tiptoed out of the wardrobe and hid behind the door connecting to the living room. Then I saw three masked guys, the one who seemed to be the leader was pointing a gun at her. I tried to look for something to identify the guys and I noticed the tattoo on his arm. A bull's head." She stood up and leaned her back against the wall. " For years I tried to find that masked guy with a bull head tattoo on his arm. I had an artist draw the tattoo for me and I tried to find him myself since it seemed the police was not looking hard enough." " Annie, We lost our home because of your mother. My four year old sister was raped to death. I joined the bull fraternity because I wanted to avenge my loved ones. After I had my revenge, I thought I would be free but I wasn't. I had nothing else to live for, all I had left was bitterness. When I staggered back home that night, my mother had been waiting up for me. She held me as I puked my guts out. She saw the blood stains on me and she knew. She has never spoken a word to me since that day. I was only seventeen, I thought killing your mother would heal the wound in my soul but it only widened it. You can have me arrested here and now. Do it Annie." She wouldn't have been able to find me prior to tonight because we were only three who bore that tattoo on our arms. The bull founder, his protégée and I. She picked up her blouse, wore it and slipped on her sandals and walked out of my house. ***** I stopped my car in front of the little house my mother lived in. She had refused my help to buy her a nicer and bigger house and she hadn't spoken a word to me since the day I staggered home, drunk on Alhaja Risikat's blood. Everyday I went to see her, I would sit on a stool and talk about my day while Mama pretends to be busy with her crotchet work which she sold for a living. I would talk about my victory in court, my clients and how they treated me like I was a Messiah. She would sit quietly, not batting an eyelid or turning to look in my direction. I had told her about Dupe, on my way out, I dropped the necklace I bought on the stool. I told her it was a gift from Dupe, the next time I visited her, the money I left for her was still on the stool held in place by a small stone but the necklace was gone. " Mama," I called, entering the neat small room. She didn't respond, she never did. She was knitting quietly in her chair while her legs were placed on the stool in front of her. I closed the door behind me. " Mama, It's me" She didn't look at me, her fingers continued knitting. I knelt down beside her. "Mama, My past has finally caught up with me. Annie is Alhaja's daughter. she knows I killed her mother." I said. She didn't look at me, but her hands were trembling." Dupe has also left me Mama. She went back to Uche, he had an accident so he's blind now. I am all alone once again, I have to go back home now, I want the police to meet me at home." The crotchet work fell from her hands, tears streamed down her cheeks. She pulled my head into her thighs and I cried, I cried for the first time in my adult life. " God be with you Sly," She said." God be with you son." I stood up and walked out, into the cold icy evening. Christmas was only few days away, the air smelled fresh and it was icy on the skin. Dupe would be spending hers at the hospital with Uche but I would be spending mine behind bars. To be continued..
6 Mar 2017 | 08:21
6 Mar 2017 | 08:23
Oh my goodness This is not good at all
6 Mar 2017 | 08:38
Hmm..good ,next
6 Mar 2017 | 09:16
Seriously i am speechless it all look real.uche mum dont knw who to call bt Dupe funmi i have NO comment abt u now sly and annine u too have to forgive each other and move on Shit Happens In Life Day By Day Dupe U Are Such A Genuise
6 Mar 2017 | 12:42
funmi u are fighting a loss battle, Dupe I envy ur courage, mamaUche u see ya life? oh my goodness Sly I cried for you.
6 Mar 2017 | 15:09
Small world indeed!
6 Mar 2017 | 16:53
Can't believe Sly killed Annie's mum just hope she wouldn't turn him in to the police
6 Mar 2017 | 19:28
Fummi, you qet to move. Doubt if Sly will sly qoinq to jail.
7 Mar 2017 | 01:27
Mehn! Ride on.
7 Mar 2017 | 01:36
Funmi see ur lyf 4 outside, u fighting a lost battle, na jail go still end ur case and sly u shuld nt hv killed annie's mum u shuld hv made her face d law,i hope u wont end up behind bars wif dis,,i cried 4 ya sly nw dat uche z nw blind,m sure dat bitch cecilia will be no where to be found nd dupe dont u ever dare to leave uche coz if u do, u gonna be miserable 4 life...
7 Mar 2017 | 09:35
Bros plz continue i jst luv dis story
7 Mar 2017 | 09:40
Episode 26 Continues.. Uche I woke up groggy with a fierce headache threatening to blow my skull off and my world was black. At first I thought I was dreaming, if not why would it seem like I was awake but everywhere was pitch black? I felt something laying across my face and I tried to claw it off but a soft hand gently pried off my hand. I tried to sit up but this time a deep masculine voice commanded me not to. I heard Mama's voice, she was crying and I also heard Dupe's voice soothing her. I knew then that I was definitely dreaming. Mama and Dupe together? Not likely! I felt something sting me briefly and I surrendered myself to a drug induced sleep. I drifted in and out of a hazy black world which I was strangely becoming accustomed to for a long time. Days?, weeks? maybe a month. I don't know how long I slept. "Merry Christmas," a cool feminine voice whispered, kissing my rough stubbled cheeks. " Dupe?" I asked. " Yes it's me." She replied. " Where are we?" I asked, wondering why my body felt so sore. Why it felt like I was truly awake and that I wasn't hallucinating but everywhere was so dark. Was it daytime or night? " We are together my love. That's the only thing that matters" She replied. " Am I awake?" I asked foolishly. " Of course you are" She said." Sit up dear. Let's unbox your Christmas gifts. You have so many. Annie brought you thousands of gifts and your colleagues too." The word ' colleagues' pricked something in my tired head. Why wasn't I at work? was I sick? " If I am awake, why can't I see you?" I asked, sitting up. My weak hands went up to my face and I felt a thick bind across my face. " Why can't I see you Dupe? " She had gone so quiet but I could hear her breathing. She was standing so close to me. I touched my face again and slowly it came to me. The screams, the inferno. We were heading back to our hotel room in Town when Mr.Thomas realized he left something behind at the site. He asked me to drive back to Town , that he would take a while and he would catch a ride back with the other guys. I was almost at the outskirt of the site when I felt a pressing need to answer the call of nature. The next thing I knew I had been lifted off the ground and slammed against a tree before a loud deafening sound went off. That was the last thing I remembered. " Dupe, have I gone blind?" I asked with my heart beating wildly. She took my hand in between hers." Baby, you are alive. It's a miracle." I tried to assimilate her words and it didn't go down well with me. She hadn't said yes or no but she had subtly confirmed my worse fears. I tried to get out of the bed, She tried to hold me down but I pushed her off. I heard her cry out and even in my state of confusion my heart went out to her. I heard footsteps hurrying into the room. I felt someone trying to hold me down but I pushed whoever it was away. I wasn't blind, I would prove them wrong. I only had to take off the blindfold. I was sure it was all one big joke. I felt a needle stab into my shoulder and I felt myself slump back on the bed. ***** Funmi I had been holed up inside the hotel room. My body burned all over and the bed sheet was drenched in my sweat, I tried to get up but I swooned and landed face flat on the ground. I felt the vomit seep out of my mouth before I could hold it back. I crawled towards the bathroom on my elbows and knees. My head felt like lead and my bones were liquid. It was Christmas morning and there I was lying sick in my own vomit. I had been feeling sickly since the day Tade handed the cheque to me. I had to open an account and pay it into it before I decide how to go about executing my goals. I closed my eyes and lifted myself up with all my might. Lord I don't want to lose my baby, I thought. Please spare him for me, please Lord. I staggered into the bathroom, hit my head against something and felt blood trickled down my cheek. I managed to get into the bathtub. I placed my head against the edge of the tub and cried. I cried for my lost innocence, I cried for my past mistakes, I cried for the woman I used to be and the woman I had become. I used to recognize myself but I no longer do and it hurt. A lot. I cried for Tade, I cried for the innocent child in me. This wasn't how I envisioned my life turning out. I cried till I passed out. ****** Mabel I set the tray of baked turkey on the table, while Serwa all dressed up in her princess gown with a tiara placed on her head set out the plates. Tade walked in with his phone, he had placed a conference call to my father in America. He pulled me lovingly into his arms while we took turns asking my father questions about Mami. " Grandpa, is Gramma there?" Serwa asked. " Serwa, is that you?" Mami's voice came through and I felt tears spring to my eyes. "Yes Grandma, Merry Christmas!" Serwa said. " Merry Christmas Princess " Mami said. " Mabel there?" Oh my! Mami remembered me today! It was the best Christmas gift. " Mami, My Mami. Merry Christmas" I said, pressing back against Tade. He wrapped his strong arms around me. " Merry Christmas pumpkin, " She said." My turkey is burning!" She shouted and scuttled off. We all laughed. We called out byes and disconnected. Tade popped a champagne and filled our glasses. He filled Serwa's plastic globlet with juice and we held hands and shared the grace just like Funmi taught us. Funmi, I hope life is good to her wherever she may be, I thought. It had been a month since she came to beg for my forgiveness. I didn't tell Tade she had come to see me. After our lunch, we went to the Christmas tree and unboxed our gifts. Tade had given me a box of my favorite chocolate, a book I always wanted to get and a necklace. I had given him a muffler, a pair of designer shoes and cuff links. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me to show his appreciation for the gifts while I giggled like a little girl. ****** Sylvester I hadn't seen Annie since the day she staggered out of my house with the knowledge that I was her mother's murder. I didn't look over my back every second, expecting the law to throw cuffs on my hands and hurl me off to jail. No. I went on with my normal routine. I threw myself into work and in the evening, alcohol became my companion. And I simply waited. I waited for when she would return with the law and point her fingers at me. For three weeks I drank and waited. I fed my dogs, hung up Dupe's portrait and opened a new bottle of bloody Mary. It was christmas morning, so for once I had cause to open a new bottle of drink. I and the dogs watched Tv, we played ' catch and fetch' for a while before we went for a long walk. I returned compliments and greetings from my neighbors like my heart wasn't troubled.I pushed thoughts of Dupe out of my mind, she was where she should be. The dogs returned to their cage after our walk and I went back to my bottles. Aside from the dogs, the bottles was the second best companion I could ever ask for. They don't make you catch feelings and leave you, they don't ask to be loved back and they don't demand for anything. They are loyal and they are always there to offer you succor. To be continued..
7 Mar 2017 | 10:54
I don't even know what to say Only Mabel and Tade are happy and can't say for how long The remaining characters are complicated I think Funmi will stop all her stupid behaviour now
7 Mar 2017 | 11:21
Hmmmm! Sly jus be careful becos annie must surely come for you.
7 Mar 2017 | 11:52
I really enjoying this story.. Pls continue
7 Mar 2017 | 12:10
funmy are you regretting? uche I wish you well
7 Mar 2017 | 12:31
Its all complicated... I dnt tink mabel nd tade's hapiness z gonna last long...
7 Mar 2017 | 12:32
I feel pity for Uche. I just pray Funmi wl lose d baby
7 Mar 2017 | 13:07
Annie should relax, her mother deserved what she get! She killed an innocent man for no just reason
7 Mar 2017 | 16:54
I don't think so for Annie i guess she is planing something for Sly for i hope uche regain his sight
7 Mar 2017 | 17:41
7 Mar 2017 | 18:17
Episode 27 Continues.. Dupe I snuggled close to him on the king size bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him softly.He had been so quiet since we came back home from the hospital. We had taken him back to his mother's apartment because his job had been terminated at Dominique petroleum so he had to vacate his banana island duplex. He had been given a settlement pay of a hundred million naira and they had also settled his hospital bills. We still don't know if he had a chance of seeing again or not but I was content just to lay in his arms and listen to his heartbeat once again. It was a miracle. Annie had also been so helpful but she had hastily disappeared after each visit. I didn't hear from Sly although I was tempted to send him a compliment of the season text but I didn't because I did not want to poke at any healed up wounds in his heart. My parents were also angry with me because I had gone back to Uche despite their warning not to. They hadn't replied any of my messages but I knew they would come around. I couldn't get in touch with Funmi either, I heard she had returned and I was a bit saddened that she hadn't reached out to me. I could only hope her Christmas was beautiful. " Uche," I whispered in the darkness. " Yes" He replied weakly. " I want to beg you two things. Promise you will grant it." I said. " Sure, I will." " Please make love to me now and I want to marry you, will you be my husband? "I proposed. " We can get married at a registry this week, Annie and your mom will be our witnesses." " Dupe" he said solemnly." I am not the same person I used to be......I am b..." " Shhh.....nothing has changed. You are still the same guy I fell in love with. Please say yes." "I don't think I can manage love making and marriage is a lifetime thing......forever is such a long time and I don't think your parents will accept me." " You taught me how to make love once before, let me remind you how to now, we will guide each other. Forever is only a start as long as I am with you. Please say yes." He sighed roughly. His hands found mine and he gave it a gentle squeeze." Yes." We guided each others hands, we explored our bodies until we reached our climax. The next day, we informed his mother of our decision to get married. She gave us her blessings but she was against a hasty registry marriage without the formal rites. She went to see my parents but they refused to grant us their blessings and she advised that we should wait until my parents came around. I had waited before and things had gone wrong, God had given me a second chance with Uche and I would not let it slip out of my fingers again. I went to the registry to find out the necessary things needed to do, I also informed Annie and three days later we exchanged rings. " Congratulations dear," Annie said, kissing my cheeks. It was a simple but beautiful ceremony and I was glad Uche and I were officially one. He looked so handsome in a butter colored tux, he had refused to use his blind stick so he held onto my arm for support. Annie had gifted me the white flowing gown I wore, she had called her personal make up artist to do my make up and she had also booked a suite for us at a five star hotel for our honeymoon because Uche wasn't strong enough to travel out. I was surprised when my parents showed up and my mother pulled me into her arms. My father also blessed the both of us. " Thank you Annie, what would I have done with you?" She smiled and gave me a quick hug." Keep him happy for me please." " I will." I promised. **** " Dupe, your phone is ringing. " Uche called out. I tied a towel around my form and hurried out of the bathroom. I took the phone from him and lifted it to my ear to answer the call. A man's voice came through, he introduced himself as the manager of a hotel " Are you Miss Dupe?" He asked. " Yes, Mrs." I corrected. " Apologies ma'am. One of our guests took Ill and she's been admitted in a hospital nearby. She said you are her sister and she asked us to contact you." " Are you calling me from Ghana?" I asked. " Yes. Tema." Oh my God. It was Funmi. Why did she go back there? " I am in Nigeria now. How do I get to Tema when I arrive? how bad is she?" " I will forward the direction to you. Please do hurry up, I'm afraid she's in a very bad way." " My God! thank you." He dropped the call and I went to sit beside my husband on the bed. I placed my head on his thigh while his fingers gently caressed my face. It was our wedding night, I wanted it to be a perfect night for the both of us but the news of Funmi's illness had thrown a wrench in my plans. I couldn't be happy when my best friend was critically Ill. I had somehow failed her, no wonder she hadn't reached out to me before now. She must be feeling so alone. " Who was that?" Uche asked. " The call came from Ghana. Funmi is critically Ill " I replied. " You have to go see her" he said. " Don't worry about me, I will be fine." I sat up and hugged him. I didn't want to be apart from him even for one second but there was no other way out. " I think Funmi is lost now and it may take a while for her to find her way back. I'd like to bring her to stay with us." " If it will make you happy, then it's okay by me." He said. " Thank you love" I said." Do you mind if we cut our honeymoon short? I'd like to go see her as soon as possible. " Not at all, we have our whole lives ahead of us." He was right. We had our whole lives ahead of us. A life that would be filled with love. To be continued..
7 Mar 2017 | 18:23
Congratulations dupe....
7 Mar 2017 | 19:00
Feeling sad for Uche
7 Mar 2017 | 21:25
Still observing
8 Mar 2017 | 01:21
Honestly Uche has a good heart. He's too kind hearted, but bringing funmi to stay with the both of you is like a mission that will prove futile. I just hope she won't destroy your happy marriage with uche.
8 Mar 2017 | 03:23
fummi might spoil ur home dupe oo
8 Mar 2017 | 03:33
Uche i pray you see again oh and dupe you better don't allow d devil into your house and marriage Funmi eh,your case need deliverance cause u dn't knw what you are doing. Sly and Annie you guys need to let go of the past and forgive each other.
8 Mar 2017 | 04:00
I hope Dupe knows what she's doing.
8 Mar 2017 | 04:58
Bring Funmi to come stay wt u? U better think well
8 Mar 2017 | 07:02
Funmi the she devil
8 Mar 2017 | 08:48
Hope u won't regret it
8 Mar 2017 | 09:33
Next pls
8 Mar 2017 | 11:30
with this funmi shld have a repentant behaviour now Annie will come bk to sly i think o
8 Mar 2017 | 12:46
with this funmi shld have a repentant behaviour now Annie will come bk to sly i think
8 Mar 2017 | 12:50
8 Mar 2017 | 19:00
kind hearted... Even is his condition he understand.
8 Mar 2017 | 21:51
Episode 28 Continues.. Dupe She's at it again. It was becoming embarrassing and I was getting fed up of apologizing to my husband and mother_ in_law. Funmi had only been with us for three weeks but it felt like an eternity in hell. She wasn't the sweet kind hearted lady I used to know, it was like an alien had taken over her body. She dresses scantily, she speaks rudely to my mother_ in_ law and they are always at loggerheads. I had tried speaking to her but she was like a hard unmoving wall. Her cries of moans kept us up every night and she's at it again tonight. Uche's bandage was taken off today and he's been emotional and he even refused his dinner. He had just drifted off to sleep when her moans broke into the serenity of the night. I knew what she was up to and I wasn't going to allow it, no not tonight. I got out of bed and marched towards her door. I pushed open the door and there she was, legs spread wide open, eyes closed and her hands buried in between her legs. I touched her gently and she opened her eyes. " You need help Funmi," I said, crossing my arms across my chest." You are addicted thing you do." I wondered why she would constantly get herself worked up like that. She used to be such a saint. What caused this sudden change? " You could have knocked " She threw back, pulling the sheet over her chest. She looked like she wanted to rip off my head for daring to intrude on her privacy. I sat down beside her on the bed." I'm sorry. I shouldn't have barged in the way I did. Funmi, you need to see a counsellor. If you can't talk to me about what happened in Ghana, you should at least try to see a professional. It is not healthy for you to keep up this way." She nodded her head, acting docile but her eyes said something else. She was furious with me. " Time heals all wounds. You will be fine but first you need to let it go." I tried again, hoping I could make her understand. " Thank you Dupe but I am fine. Can....can you do me a favour?" She asked. " Yes, sure" " I want you to help me beg Tade's mother on my behalf." She said quietly." Tell her to forgive me," "Funmi there's nothing tying you to that family again.Let them be. Or is there?" I asked. " Please Dupe." She said, suddenly on the verge of tears. " Alright. I will be going to the hospital in the morning, I will go see her on my way back home. Are you happy now?" I asked, smiling tiredly. " Thank you." She replied, her hands stealing under the sheets. I stood up. " Can.....can you keep it down? I mean your voice. Uche's having difficulty sleeping." I said. She nooded her head and I walked out of the room. Uche's cries got me running into our bedroom. He was having a nightmare and he was thrashing about on the bed. I pulled him into my arms and rubbed his shoulders. I whispered into his ears, reassuringly until he settled back into sleep. *** Uche had gotten me a new car only few days ago as a wedding gift and I was feeling on top of the world with my new sleek ride. I parked my car outside Mrs.Afolabi's house and knocked on the gate. I didn't wait for long before Papa love opened the gate. He flashed me a smile which surprised me. He rarely ever smiled. He looked different today too, he looked almost sane. " What's the good occassion Sir?" I asked, returning his smile. I was also in a sunny mood because laying in my handbag was the positive pregnancy result. I couldn't wait to get back home, Uche would be beside himself with joy. " I am going to see my friends. " he replied, beaming. " Oh" I uttered in surprise, I didn't know he had friends or that he even allowed anyone get close to him. No wonder he wore a new khaki short and an oversized polo with his black shoes polished. " Don't look so surprise young lady." He said. " I am happy you do have friends. That's lovely, is Auntie in?" I asked, stepping into the compound. " Yes." He said, " Bye now" " Bye" I said. He marched out of the gate and I shut it behind me. I wondered what I would tell Auntie, how do I even begin when I knew nothing about what went down in Ghana. Funmi wouldn't tell me a thing but one thing I do know was that she had changed. Something had changed in her.A whole lot of things. " Auntie " I called out, opening the door. She walked out of the house and welcomed me in warmly. " Dupe, sweetheart, what are you doing here?" She asked." " I came to see you Auntie, how are you ma?" " I am fine. Please sit down dear, how's your young man?" She asked. I settled myself on the comfortable couch." He's doing fine." " What should I offer you?" She asked. " I am alright. Thank you. It's been a while I saw you in church Auntie" She sighed heavily." I didn't want to run into Funmi or her family." " Why Auntie?" I asked." I think you should hear her own part of the story. We both know she's a good person and she wouldn't hurt a fly." " People change. The Funmi you knew is dead. Can you believe that she seduced my son?" She asked dramatically. I gasped." She....she seduced your son?" " He told me everything that happened. That girl is crazy and I'd advice that you distance yourself from her. Mabel also told me how she turned her little daughter against her! I was also speechless when I heard how Funmi had been impersonating Mabel all over Ghana!" She shouted. I was also speechless and I wished I could say all what I just heard wasn't true but Funmi had been acting strange since I brought her back. Auntie might be telling me the truth. " do you think that I could help her? she's my best friend and....." " Help?" She laughed." How else do you help a would_ be murderer? You send them to jail of course." " I must confess Auntie, she sent me to plead on her behalf. Please hear her out." I said." She...she hasn't been herself" She sighed deeply, seemed to consider it briefly before replying. " Alright. Tell her to see me this week." " Thank you Auntie. I will be on my way now" We both stood up and she gave me a quick hug. " Take care my dear," She said. " Thank you Auntie." She saw me off to the gate and went back inside the house. I unlocked my car and drove out of the street. I was almost at the end of the street when my phone beeped. I picked it up and clicked on the message box on the screen. " Please hurry back,I forgot to tell you something" _Auntie. I put the car on reverse and headed back towards her house. I parked outside the gate and went into the compound. I felt a sense of dread as soon as I opened the main entrance door. Auntie's groans of agony confirmed my fears and I sprinted into the living room. She was on the floor, a pool of blood was gathering beside her. A bloody kitchen knife was stuck in her belly and she was struggling to sit up. I dropped my handbag and ran to her. I lifted her up, while her bloody hand flew to my blouse. It was like a scene in a horror movie, blood was leaking out of her mouth and her eyes were bloodshot. I was almost hysterical, not knowing how to help her or what to do. " H....h. me" She said weakly, while blood gushed out of her belly. " Auntie! Auntie!" I shouted." Somebody please help!" " She ...she....she followed you here. Pull.... pull it ..." She managed to stutter out. " Who Auntie! Who?" I screamed." I should pull out the knife?" " She......p....knife....out" I reacted without thinking and pulled out the knife with a mighty force. She jerked severally, blood streaming out of her mouth. What should I do? I thought wildly. Help. Yes, get help. " Auntie, I want to go get help." I said. " No....late.....too late.... I must" She coughed out blood." I must tell you ..." " I will be back with help!" I said and ran out of the living room like a mad woman. Then it occurred to me that whoever had stabbed Auntie could still be around and a chill went up my spine. I ran out of the gate, banging it loudly. First I need to get help for her, I thought. To be continued
9 Mar 2017 | 01:40
nawao funmi, congrat o Dupe and Uche.
9 Mar 2017 | 02:47
Dupe u might end up being d prime suspect is that woman dies
9 Mar 2017 | 03:16
Funmi killed her..... Funmi u hv mental problems oo congrats to dupe nd uche,,a baby z gonna be born...
9 Mar 2017 | 03:18
Funmi killed her nd Dupe wl b d prime suspect
9 Mar 2017 | 04:06
I hope that woman won't die
9 Mar 2017 | 05:01
What has funmi change to be nowadays now,u set dupe up so u can enjoy uche,hell no! i almost shed tears when dupe saw mr afolabi in her bld let us not also forget that it was marbel that corrupt funmi and now funmi is very worst and despirate Only God can save u dupe
9 Mar 2017 | 05:28
What is wrong wit this fumi again? She wnt to spoil ur home oo dupe u better be careful wit her. I gusse is ws the one that stab that lady..
9 Mar 2017 | 05:40
This is not fair Dupe
9 Mar 2017 | 10:17
what next...
9 Mar 2017 | 16:15
Episode 29 Continues.. Uche She had been gone since morning and I was becoming worried. Her phone lines were off and Funmi couldn't be bothered about her friend's safety. For a spilt second I almost dashed out of the house, to go in search of her and I remembered that I was a half man now. A man who couldn't even see his way through to the bathroom, a man who had become dependent. How could such a man protect his wife and family? Dupe deserved better. She should be with someone who would fight nail and tooth to keep her safe. My ears picked up the sound of Mama's heavy footsteps. She walked into my room and I perceived that she was also worried. Since I lost the use of my eyes I had become very perceptive to my environment. Even the smallest of sounds would jar me awake. I could scent Dupe from a mile away, I could pick up Mama's footsteps and I could also perceive when any one of them was angry, anxious, sad or worried and right now Mama was worried. " Uche, there's something I must tell you" She said. My heart went up and I stood up hastily. Whatever it was she wanted to say couldn't be good news by the tone of her voice. " What happened to Dupe?" I screamed out. " Eiiii Calm down nah ehn. I am sure she will be home anytime soon. Maybe she's stuck in traffic." She said. I sighed heavily in relief." What else do you want to tell me Mama?" " Your brother called me yesterday. He's been in Nigeria for over a month now and he wants to come back home. I know Chidubem has caused us a lot of grieve but he's still one of us and we can't turn him away. Please let him come back home." She pleaded. The boy had been nothing but trouble ever since he was born and he had caused us a lot of heart ache but he was blood and family and I couldn't turn him away. He was also a lead to the the gang who had killed Nonye, I thought. I will get him to tell me who they were and how we could get them arrested. " Alright Mama. " I agreed. " Thank you, my son." Her phone rang out and she walked out of the room.She returned shortly and I could perceive that her mood had changed from anxiety to sadness. Something had gone wrong and I felt it in my bones that it had something to do with Dupe. " What happened to Dupe?" I asked. " She has been arrested for murder. " She cried out. ***** Sylvester Annie had walked into my office that early morning and without preamble informed me that Dupe was in the police custody for murder. I felt like she had slammed a fist into my nose. I couldn't help slamming my fist into the wall, I should have known Uche wouldn't be able to protect her. I shouldn't have let her go to him, I blamed myself and I don't think I would ever forgive myself. After Mrs. Ahmed made a big fuss, she wraped my knuckles in ice and Annie and I went to the police station. I remembered the last time I saw her, she had been distraught and although she looked tired she was beautiful still. She had walked away from me without a backward glance and I had foolishly let her. I introduced myself to the director of the police station and requested to see my client alone.His boys had shown me into a waiting room and shortly afterwards, they led Dupe in. She looked so pale and weary and I felt like slaming my fist into Uche's face again. He should have protected her! If he couldn't he should have at least tried to speak some senses into her! she shouldn't have gone to that woman's house in the first place. she sat down and placed her hands on the table. " I am your lawyer " I said, trying not sound shaken. Whatever we had before was in the past now. I was her lawyer and she was my client and there would be no crossing of any boundaries." I need you to tell me what happened and please do try to tell me everything you recall because that is the only way I can help you." She nodded her head and looked at her hands.I saw a tear slip on to her palm and I swore within me. I had promised myself not to get personal with her or allow myself to feel any emotions for her but it was too damn difficult to do so.That is the only way I could help her. I didn't want to break down in court when she's been massacred by the prosecutor. " Please look up and answer my question... Miss...." " Mrs." She said, head still bowed. I wanted to scream no but I kept quiet. When had they tied the knot? " So tell me what happened?" " Funmi asked me to go see her......she wanted me to plead on her behalf." " Why does she want you to plead on her behalf and who is this Funmi person?" I asked, mentally filing away all the information. " She.....I don't know! I don't know why but she begged me to and I couldn't say no." She looked up."'Sly, please help me. I didn't kill her, I .....I can't go to prison. Uche needs me. I am also pregnant please help me." " We will continue this tomorrow " I said and hastily walked out of the room. Annie ran up to me and caught up with me as I walked towards my car. I couldn't let Dupe see my tears, I couldn't let her know that for once I doubted myself. I couldn't let her see how scared and broken I was. I didn't want her to see that i was afraid I might fail her. This wasn't a good start and I needed to be the one in control and not my emotions! " Shark, what happened?" Annie asked. " Damn! Please don't succumb to emotions" " Annie when are you getting me arrested?" She flinched. " When Dupe is out" " Good. You know where Uche lives?" I asked. "'Yes." "'Get into the car." I drove furiously, following her directions while she gasped occasionally as I almost brushed into the cars in front of us. At a point she had to beg me to slow down but the devil in me had been resurrected. I parked outside the gate, jumped down from my car and Annie hurried after me. She led the way to his apartment, his mother opened the door and froze at the look on my face. I asked where Uche was and she pointed towards his room. He sat so still on the bed, a stick by his side and I rushed into the room. I slammed my fist into his face and he stumbled to the ground. Annie and his mother rushed in and they both held me back. " You should have protected her!" I shouted, seething with anger. He staggered up and wiped the blood oozing out of his nose with the back of his hand. " I know. I know" Uche said. To be continued..
9 Mar 2017 | 19:30
Sly drag that funmi out of there and beat hell out of her,witch
9 Mar 2017 | 20:13
Dx quy has qone nut...
9 Mar 2017 | 20:41
Shark be careful ohhh itz nt Uche wu u shud face bt dat little demon called fummi
10 Mar 2017 | 02:32
Sly are u high
10 Mar 2017 | 02:56
I said it. this Funmi will do you no good but to implicate you
10 Mar 2017 | 03:29
What is wrong with sly sef
10 Mar 2017 | 05:38
Heeyyaa why naa? Sly just take it easy with uche pls. Funmi must pay for all her devlish act.
10 Mar 2017 | 06:04
sly that am easy
10 Mar 2017 | 07:16
Wats wrong wt dis Sly? Wat can a blind man do? Go get Dupe out jare
10 Mar 2017 | 09:15
Hmmm,Watin blind person fit do
10 Mar 2017 | 17:50
Episode 30 Continues.. Mabel " Tade open up please" I ponded on the door with my fist." You can't just shut yourself away from the world!" Tade had gone crazy when we received the call from Nigeria that his mother had been murdered by Funmi's friend. I knew part of it was my fault, if I hadn't insisted on bringing Funmi into our home we wouldn't have been in this mess. It was unfortunate that my poor mother _in_ law was gone all because of our bad decisions, both Tade's and mine. Truth be told, he had used Funmi and dumped her when he knew he was married and she had gotten all the whole blame. If only he had controlled himself on that night. " Bell, come in" Tade said, opening the door for me. I entered our bedroom and looked at the mess he had created. He had broken the mirror on my drawer, it was then I noticed his hand was bleeding. I went out of the room and returned with the first aid box. I seated him down on our bed and fixed his wounded hand. " Thank you," He said, when I was done. " Tade what happened here in my absence? while I was away" I asked, staring into his deep brown eyes." Please tell me the truth" He sighed roughly " I cheated with her" His admission shocked me and pierced my heart . I knew he had slept with her but hearing it from him made it hurt all over again. " Bell, I'm sorry. I deeply regretted it afterwards." He said, shaking his head with regret. " I knew you slept with her" I said, " Why Tade? I was away only for few weeks!" He looked shocked now and he seemed lost for words. " knew? damn!" " Yes I knew. I am your wife for Christ sake! we have been together for almost ten years! don't you think I'd know when something is amiss? don't you think I'd know you by now? I knew as soon as I came back that something had changed in you, her, and between us. I am only sorry that Mother_in_ law had to pay for our mistakes. Why would Funmi's friend kill her?" " Funmi killed her....Funmi killed my mother!" He cried out, " Bell, please I need you now more than ever, please don't leave me to face this on my own. I can't survive this without you." " I am not going anywhere. Even though I want to kick you out and scratch your face for sleeping with somebody I took as a sister I won't leave. It's for better, for worse, remember?" " Thank you Bell, thank you." " Why did you think it was Funmi who killed your mother and not her friend?" I asked, pondering what the girl in question stands to gain. " From the explanation my aunt gave, Funmi's friend was only a pawn in Funmi's game of revenge. The truth was glaring and obvious, the poor girl was too naive and she failed to see the evil in her so called friend. Why did Funmi send her to my mother? why was it on a day that the gate man goes on his leave? who else has a bone to pick with me?" He sighed furiously, and stood up." Bell, there's more. There's something else I didn't tell you. I doubt if you can forgive me this one but I would understand if you don't. Hell! I have really messed up our lives! I fear for Serwa's life now" I sprang up as the truth in his words rang loudly in my ears. My Serwa, my baby? Funmi would have to run me through with a sword before she gets to my child. " What should we do Tade?" I asked frantically. " You both have to go back to the states " He said. " No, I won't leave you to face this on your own. We will send Serwa to the states, my parents will get a nanny to look after her. She will be fine and safe with them." I said." You said.....there's more. What didn't you tell me?" He looked away, eyes closed in either regret or pain." She came back here after we sent her away. She came to my office to see me." So the Dam had lied to me! She had wanted to see Tade under the pretext of begging my forgiveness. Only God knows what she had up her sleeves the day she came to see me. Did Tade fall for her charms again? did he go back into her arms?was that what he was trying to tell me? " Talk to me please" I said. " She informed me that she was carrying my child" He said. My knees buckled and I held onto the bed for support. This was even worse than I imagined. Not only had Tade cheated on me, betrayed my trust, broken our vows but he had gotten her with child! he had filled another woman's womb with his seed when I have always craved for another baby. " How could you Tade, how could you? how could you do this to us, how could you destroy everything we have worked so hard to build in just one night! how many minutes did it take you to cum? was it worth it? if you were too Hot to think right you could have jerked off, you bastard!" " Bell, I'm sorry. " He said, trying to touch me but I brushed off his hand. I don't know if this was a test but I don't think I can pass it. I don't think I can. He had destroyed us and everything we built. It was too much to bear and I felt utterly lost. " Leave me alone," I said. He walked out of the room silently and closed the door gently behind him. I placed my head on my thighs and cried my heart out. ****** Uche " She has a chance right?" I asked shark, who had driven me to see Dupe.She had been quiet and refused to talk to us. We were also told she had refused to eat her food and Shark was really using his influence to ensure that she was as comfortable as she could be in such a dire place. Nobody had laid even a finger on her and for that I was grateful to him. Shark had gone to the morgue to see the corpse of the woman, he had seen the murder weapon as well and he had also gone to the place the incident occurred with some police officers. His conclusion was that it was a set up. The message the woman had sent to Dupe was still on her phone but the late woman's phone was missing. Her bedroom was also ransacked and her jewelries, gold, and some cash was missing. It was designed to make it seem like she had caught Dupe stealing from her and Dupe had killed her. Dupe's parents and my mother had been in their church fasting and praying. Shark was also trying to track down Funmi but she had disappeared into thin air. Annie had practically moved in with us, she saw to my needs and offered her shoulder when I needed one to cry on.Dubem had returned home but he had locked himself in his room and right now he was the least of my problems. " You have asked that a zillion times already, Uche ask one more time again and I'd be forced to leave you by the roadside and drive off." He grumbled. " Sorry man, I am simply worried" I apologized. " Worrying won't solve anything. Don't let her see that you are depressed, it will kill her." He said. " I will try not to. Thanks for everything" I said. " You are welcome," He replied tersely. We continued the drive in silence. Each man to his thought and I could perceive that he was also worried and more shaken more than he was letting on. " We are there," Shark said, killing off the engine of the car. We had driven to where the woman's gate man lived. Shark wanted to ask him some questions, he wanted to know the people who could want his boss dead and if he had suspected anything or anyone . " Do you want to stay in the car?" He asked. " No." He helped me out of the car and led me through a narrow stuffy passage. The stench of urine drifted to our noses and I knew the house was either in a ghetto or slum. Shark knocked on a door and we waited for some seconds before someone opened the door. Shark suddenly became rigid beside me, he drew in breath sharply and I heard him slam his fist into the wall or the poor old man's face? " Shark, what are you doing?" I asked. " Who are you people, I hope you are not police officers. I am tired of answering questions." the old man said. " Shark, shark" I called but he remained silent. What was going on? why wasn't he already assuring the old man that we were not officers and that we came in peace?. " We are not police officers, papa love is that you? I am Dupe's husband and she always talked fondly about you." " The poor girl." He said. " Daddy" I heard Shark choke out, his voice was thick with emotions. It was a tone I never heard him use before. He sounded like a broken little boy." Is that you daddy? I am Sylvester." There was a moment of silence. I wondered what was going on but I knew not to interfere. " What nonsense is this?" The old man cried out in disbelief. " So you have dug into my past and you think you can fool me? You think you can impersonate my dead son? Have you no shame? to play with an old man like that? " Daddy, don't you recognize your own son? Your flesh and blood?. Abosede cried every night when you were taken away. We all missed you and your face was etched in our hearts. Has time erased us from your memory? have you completely closed your heart against us? Mama never remarried, she was convinced you would one day come back go her. Have you forgotten Mama as well?" The old man started sobbing. I could hear Shark sniffling as well and I knew that this was a reunion between a father and a son who had thought each other dead. The old man's hand brushed my arm as he pulled his son into his arms. They both wept like babies and I was gladdened in my heart that even in the midst of our woes God had rekindled their happiness. To be continued..
10 Mar 2017 | 19:23
in the midst of our woes God had rekindled their happiness. Happy reunion. Happy moment
10 Mar 2017 | 21:04
What!..were z funmi....smone needs to get dat bitch b4 itz too late oo..... Happy reunion sly..hope annie wont come for u... A blind man can do nothing..i really feel for uche....
11 Mar 2017 | 04:30
Dupe i knew you would be the prime suspect....i pray you don't go to jail
11 Mar 2017 | 05:29
Episode 31 * Continues* Dupe I knew it was foolish of me to keep starving myself and it was also selfish because it wasn't just about me now.I could be hurting my baby badly and that wasn't what I wanted. I don't even know what I want now but I want to get out of this cell. I don't want to open my eyes and behold the iron bars, nor perceive the stale sweat and stench of urine, I don't want to see Uche so sad and my parents depressed. I don't want to see my loved ones in pain, I don't want to give in to fear, I don't want to question God and I don't want to believe my childhood friend set me up. She had been to see me but she asked me not to let anyone know. She had reassured me that she knew nothing about it and she would gladly meet with my lawyer to answer any question he might want to ask her. It was then I noticed her bump, she said she had gone into hiding because she didn't want to be stressed out. She had almost lost her pregnancy once before, so she was being careful, she had said. I reached out and took hold of her hands, she couldn't have betrayed me so, she couldn't do that to a friend who had risked everything she had to see her when she was sick. She couldn't have messed up a friend who had stood by her and given her a roof to stay under. No, I must be strong and not believe all these things. I had believed her, she wept and said she regretted sending me there on that fateful day. After that day, she hadn't been back to see me. My mother in_law also came to see me everyday and she told me that she was praying for me. She had held me and cried. She knew I was carrying her grandchild even though I hadn't told her. She believed God will see us through and we would all be reunited once again. My mother too had told me that daddy had gone to the mountains to pray and he won't be coming back until a miracle happens. Those are the things I held on to and believed in. My baby and I would get out safely and we would be reunited with our loved ones all over again. I also believed in Sly, he had never lost a case he believed in before and I knew he believed in mine too else he wouldn't have taken it on. Sly would help me get out, he would convince the judges that I was innocent and that I only acted foolish by touching the knife stuck in Auntie's stomach. He wouldn't let me suffer for a crime I didn't commit. " Stand up. " A female officer said, opening the door to my cell and I walked out. They had all been nice and sympathetic towards me especially when they discovered that I was carrying a child. My hand went to my still flat stomach, I wouldn't tell Uche now, I wouldn't let him know and I had also begged his mother not to tell him. It would be my gift to him when I walk out of this place. She led me into the waiting room and left. The door opened few seconds later and Sly came in with two other people. The people with him were a man and a woman and I guessed they were a couple. The lady was tall, dark skinned and beautiful and the man was also tall, dark skinned and muscular with broad shoulders. " Hi Dupe," The lady said, giving me a little smile. I didn't know if she was a friend or a foe but she was with Sly so she was definitely a friend but I didn't return her smile or greeting. If there's a possibility that Funmi could have betrayed me then anyone else could again.I wasn't about to open my heart to anyone else again. They all sat down and Sly proceeded with the introductions. " Dupe, this is Mr. and Mrs. Afolabi. The couple your friend stayed with in Ghana and they are also convinced of your innocence. They have given us some informations about her which we could use to rope her in. But I want you to also hear from them." The man introduced himself as Tade and he narrated everything that had happened in Ghana and how Funmi had also tried to kill his wife. When he was done, his wife also said her bit about Funmi poisoning the mind of her young child against her.I sat down immobile, listening to everything they said about my friend and then it dawned on me that I didn't know her at all. How could I know not who my childhood best friend really was? " Thank you" Sly said." I have enough evidence to go by that she is the murderer we are looking for but the police can't arrest her because she has a strong alibi. While you were at the late Mrs.Afolabi's house, she was at home with your husband and mother in law. She couldn't have been at two different places at the same time but that doesn't mean she couldn't have gotten someone else to do the dirty work for her but as it is now there's nothing the police can do until they have enough evidence to pin her down. I have a PI keeping a tab on her for now." " We will do all we can to help you out Dupe, " Mabel said." We had also fallen a victim to her once and we won't let you suffer for a crime you didn't commit.We believe you are innocent." " Thank you." I replied her, and looked at Sly." Have you spoken to papa love?" I asked. I saw something flickered on Sly's face and he smiled. He actually smiled. The smile was so brief that you must have been attentive to see it. " Yes I have." he replied, " He said the late Mrs. Afolabi was an amiable woman who kept to herself and she had no friends or enemies he was aware of. The only person he mentioned could have a grudge against her was Funmi and he also believed you are innocent." I nodded my head to hide the tears misting in my eyes. I had done nothing to Funmi, why would she suddenly turn against me? the woman reached out and touched my arms kindly. Sly asked them to give us a minute and they walked out of the room. " Dupe, " he called softly, " please don't lose hope. Are you taking your medications on time?" " Yes." I whispered and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. My best friend had betrayed me and I was the last person to know. It seemed everyone else knew who she was but me and it was all my fault for trusting her blindly. I had let her use me so easily, I had done this to myself. " Damn! Please don't cry. I can't stand it when you cry, you don't know what it does to my heart to see you like this." " Sly, do .....I stand a chance? will I ever be free? will my child see the light of day?" He stood up, pulled me into his arms and we stayed like that. It was the first time he was getting close to me physically since he became my lawyer. He had been so cool and distant that I was beginining to think that,maybe he didn't believe in my innocence after all. He tilted up my head and kissed me softly.His tongue found mine and I let him control the pace of the kiss. " Dupe, listen to me. I can no longer represent you." He said. " Why? Sly.....Sly please. Please don't give up on me....please" He sighed and stepped back." You don't know what you have done for me Dupe. You awakened my frozen heart. You made me laugh, you made me want to have a family and you did brought my father back to me. Papa love is my father, it is a long story but I will tell you someday. I am not giving up on you. I don't want to fail you Dupe. I can't stand to watch any prosecutor try to rip you apart, I might strangle him with my bare hands. I can't hold back while you are being treated badly. I am not leaving you Dupe. I will transfer the case to a very good lawyer I know. He has never lost a case before and I trust him to get you out. Or do you want me to break you out of here? Damn! Yea, that's what I will do. I will make plans and break you out of here." " No. I can't live my life looking over my back every now and then. I can't keep being on the run and I can't live as a fugitive. Sly.....Sly are you punishing me? are you trying to.....trying to.....punish me?" " Dupe I am in love with you. I love you. Don't ever forget that." He said and walked out. " Sly...Sly please." The officer came back and led me back to my cell. I knew it then that the end was near for me and I accepted my fate. I only hoped Uche would be alright and my baby would be taken good care of in my absence. ***** Sylvester " You can't walk away from her" Chidubem said. " What do you want and who the hell are you?" I asked, infuriated at the effrontery of the young man who just barged into my office. " Don't act like you don't know me. I am a brother." He said, lifting up the edge of his sleeve to reveal his bull tattoo. Of course I knew he was a brother, he was recruited by ogboni76 who was the founder of the bull fraternity. He was Ogboni's protégée and I was surprised to find out he was Uche's brother. The brother who had caused the death of their younger sister. No wonder Dupe had been certain she had seen the bull head tattoo before. She had probably seen it on the loser. Ogboni76 was known for recruiting young boys as his tools, they did his evil biddings while he watches and applaudes. When he was through using them, he cuts them lose and turn the law on their tail. He had taken special interest in me when I was only fourteen, he had seen me through school because he fancied having his own personal lawyer. He had introduced me to the world of drug trafficking but no matter how much he tried I refused to use out of the substance. I stopped pushing drugs when I made my debut in the world of law and I cut him loose which had infuriated him and he had sent his boys to assasinate me. Twice. I put people at arm's lenght because I didn't want them to become a target because of their association with me. Ogboni76 had raped Uche's sister to death, I was sure of that now and when the time is right I will struck him where it hurts the most. If not for me, then for the poor girl he had sent to an early grave. " What do you want?" I repeated. " I want you to represent my brother's wife. She has a better chance of walking free with you as her lawyer." He stated. " I am afraid you overestimate me. I didn't give you an invite or an appointment and I don't know why my secretary allowed you in. She has another lawyer now, I advise you go see him." " Sylvester, you never turn down a brother's request." He said." Brotherhood comes first. You never turn down a brother's request." I pulled out my revolver and pointed it at him. " F.uck you! F.uck Ogboni76 too and f.uck your f.ucking brotherhood. Get out, get out now before I blow your silly brains off." He turned around and walked towards the door. " Dube2" I called out and he looked back." Never back a man pointing a gun at you, that's a lesson the brotherhood won't teach you. Now, get out!" He walked out and banged the door. I dropped the gun and pushed off the files on my desk in anger. Damn! I was doing the right thing. I wasn't giving up or walking away from her. It was the right thing. I loved her and I wouldn't hurt her for anything in the world. To be continued..
11 Mar 2017 | 15:31
More Tense O
11 Mar 2017 | 17:55
11 Mar 2017 | 20:59
Sly pls dont leave Dupe
11 Mar 2017 | 21:16
Gettin more complicated.... Dupe z gonna be free m sure of dat
12 Mar 2017 | 04:14
this is complicated
12 Mar 2017 | 04:52
Funmi ur a witch
14 Mar 2017 | 15:57
Fumi ur a witch
14 Mar 2017 | 15:57
Episode 32 Continues.. Uche I heard the living room door creak open. Mama had gone out very early that morning and I had felt Ill at ease because she hadn't informed me of where she was going. " Mama is that you?" I asked. " What happened Mama?" I heard Chidubem ask, walking into the living room." Why's there blood on your cloth?" " blood?" I asked. I sprang up and knocked over the cup of water placed in front of me. I tried to pick up my stick but ended up hitting my big toe against the stool and I cussed loudly. This week was a very bad one, Sly had stepped aside as Dupe's lawyer for reasons known to him alone and my heart didn't go with the new lawyer assigned to her case but Sly had reassured me that he was a thoroughbred and seasoned lawyer. No evidence which could set Dupe free had come to light yet and my migraine and nightmares had also returned.Where was Mama coming from and why was there blood on her cloth? Mama started whimpering,her whimpers gradually escalated into a heart wrenching sob and I felt my way towards her. I reached for her hand and pulled her towards the couch. I sat her down gently, and wiped away her tears with my palm. Did something happen to Dupe? was Mama involved in an accident? " Mama are you hurt?" I asked, she continued sobbing and I drew her into my arms. " Dubem, is she hurt? " " No. But she's got blood all over her blouse. Mama what happened to you?" Dubem asked. " Mama please talk to me..." I said. " Uche.....Uche...." She started and burst into tears again." Our prayer group decided to protest and demand for Dupe to be released since we all know that she is innocent." She sighed heavily, " God can you see this? Why are you allowing all these to happen to us, why us Lord?" " Mama!That's a bad idea!" I shouted." You should have told me before you all went ahead with it.Was someone hurt during the protest?" " It was a peaceful protest o. We were singing and begging for them to release her. We went to the Governor's office at the secretariat.Then some police officers came out and asked us to leave. We continued singing and begging, that the Governor should look into the matter for us. Then one of the officers shot into the air but he misfired and the bullet hit Dupe's mother. She's dead! Uche she's dead ooo. All she wanted was for her pregnant daughter to be set free. But they killed her instead," She wailed at the top of her lungs. I tried to make sense of what Mama just said. Dupe's mother was shot dead and Dupe was pregnant with my child! I felt my lips quiver, my body shook uncontrollably and I felt my head swoon. My heartbeat was racing faster than normal and I felt a burning sensation in my chest. My breath caught in my throat and it was coming out in heavy pants. I felt my chest constrict painfully and I clutched my chest with my hand. I slumped to the ground, Mama screamed and tried to hold me. Dubem raced to my side and pulled me up. I felt my eyelids closing painfully, I tried to resist whatever was pulling me away but I couldn't. **** Sylvester " Do you know what you are doing?" Annie asked. I was letting the dogs out of their cage when I heard Annie's voice, I whirled around and stood up from my squatting position. " What do you want Annie?" I asked. She had a newspaper in her right hand while her left hand clutched a small black purse. " Sylvester do you know what you are doing?" She asked, using my first name for the first time. She threw the newspaper at me and I caught it midair. I looked at it and wondered why she brought me a newspaper so early in the morning. I turned it over to the front page and I was shocked. There was a picture of a woman lying in a pool of blood, the caption underneath it sent a chill up my spine. I read through the story and I felt like murdering someone. Why did the women from Dupe's church embark on such foolish journey? Who was the stupid officer that shot her? I ran my fingers through my hair in anger. Things were becoming more complicated, we haven't been able to get the police to arrest Funmi and nor find another suspect. Dupe had even refused to see me, so I couldn't reassure her that I didn't give up on her. " Where is her corpse? there's a case here." I said. " Is that all you can say? That is Dupe's mother laying dead in a pool of her own blood! and all you can say is that there's a case to be pursued? What have you done with your heart?" " Damn! Annie, I am not good in letting out my emotions. I....." " Whatever you want to say, save it. I am not surprised. After all you killed a woman at the age of seventeen. You are not different from the officer who shot that poor woman." Her words felt like a physical blow but I guessed I deserved it. " Does Dupe know?" I asked. " She must not know of this," She sighed heavily." Uche is in the hospital. He had a heart attack so I don't think she knows about her mother's death yet but we have all decided to keep it from her. When is she going to trial?" " Next week." I replied tersely. " I only hope you won't regret stepping aside as her lawyer." She said. " I trust Bidemi Bankole. He will bring her out, he's never lost a case before." I said. " He's a known womanizer " Annie retorted. " That doesn't stop him from being a good lawyer. What have you got against him?" I asked. " I hope you know what you are doing. Don't toy with her life." Annie said, and walked away leaving me to my thoughts. Bidemi Bankole and I had worked on a case before. He was a good lawyer and I had faith in him. ***** Dupe It had been three days. I haven't seen Uche or my mother in three days. I was becoming leaner as each day goes by. My back ached terribly, my head hurt all the time and nothing could stay in my stomach for a second. I was always rushing to the little toilet in a corner of the cell to puke. I had tried talking to the baby, mommy had to eat and keep the food in so that you could grow well but she doesn't listen to me. It was like she was determined to punish me for some crime or offence I didn't know I committed. My lawyer had hurriedly left the other day when I puked on him. It had happened so suddenly and the officers had thought I did it deliberately. They had shoved me back into the cell with such a force that I felt my head spin. I could feel my collar bone sticking out now, I was so weak and tired and I had run out of my medications. I don't know why Uche hadn't been to see me but I knew something was wrong. If he couldn't come see me, his mother or my own mother would have been to see me. I hoped that he was alright and I prayed for him every night. " Visitor! " An officer said, unlocking the cell. I stood up gently and she took hold of my hand. She was the kindest of the officers and she often gave me words of encouragement. She led me to the waiting room where Funmi was and the female officer stood at a discreet distance. I didn't know how I felt seeing her again, her pregnancy was more pronounced and her skin looked darker. " Dupe, you look so pale." She said. " Why are you here?" I asked, sitting down. " Uche had an heart attack. He's at the hospital" She said without emotions. " It's a lie. Why are you doing this, Funmi? What did I do to you? You are my best friend! My childhood friend! How could you betray me so? why do you keep hurting me?" " I don't know what you are talking about. Are we still beating this same old horse? I thought we are over it and that is why I came to see you. I thought you might want to know that your mother was shot and she died on the spot. Uche is also at the hospital, I won't come here again if you don't want me to." She hissed out. " Wait, My mother is....dead?" I asked in disbelief. Was she lying? " That's by the way. As your friend, I want you to make me the legal guardian of your child. Should in case you didn't make it out of here, your mind will be at peace that your child is in good hands." " You child?" I asked dazedly. The news of my mother's death had ripped away my soul from my body." " Yes. It is for your own good, I think you should have a talk with Uche as well. Tell him to marry me." My eyes widended in shock. "Why?" " The marriage will be in name only, so that I can also care for him too. There's no way he would be able to take care of himself in your absence and his mother won't live forever, you know." She threw back at me. I felt the blood in my veins ran hot, she was truly the devil. I grabbed hold of her hair and yanked on it with all my might. She yelped and we both tumbled to the floor. My mouth found one of her ears and I bit on it hard, until I felt her blood on my tongue. The officer tried to yank me off her but I shrugged her off and I dug my nails into Funmi's eyes. I felt powerful hands lift me off the traitor groaning on the floor. The officers dragged me off to my cell while Funmi's cries of 'she's gone mad' filled my ears. The officers kicked me into the cell and locked the gate. I slumped to the ground as tears streamed down my cheeks. Just as Job in the bible refused to curse God and die, I wouldn't too. But it was getting too much to bear, oh my poor mother. My mother was gone, I thought helplessly. To be continued..
14 Mar 2017 | 20:34
Sly you made the wrong decision in handling the case to someone else who is a womanizer
15 Mar 2017 | 03:34
Sly I just hope u didn't make a costly mistake by handling Dupe's case to another lawyer. Funmi is possessed but I know that the devi in her will surely be defeated.
15 Mar 2017 | 07:47
Mehn this funmi is truely the devil, she has no emotion. Acting like someone who is posessed by an evil spirit, she want to snatch Uche away from Dupe too.
15 Mar 2017 | 07:55
why didn't they informed the police to keep that funmi of a girl if she eventually shows up
15 Mar 2017 | 08:02
Funmi is really something else. God will save you Dupe
15 Mar 2017 | 09:36
Funmi is just a devil in disguise.
15 Mar 2017 | 09:39
ehhhh funmi ! you shouldn't have said all that, the beating she gave you saves you right
15 Mar 2017 | 10:05
Hmmm this fummi is real devil. Chaii dupe ur poor mother is gone , take heart. U ll surely win.
15 Mar 2017 | 10:18
Funmi is crazy and mean
15 Mar 2017 | 10:35
Oh! Such a pity! I pray all goes well.
15 Mar 2017 | 12:03
Fummi is n heartless bitch
15 Mar 2017 | 15:13
Wait o! what has really come over funmi like this ? the devil really took over her entire life o,God Help O
15 Mar 2017 | 15:47
Nawa ooo funmi ure crazy,the devil hv really taken over every part of u....u want dupe's child, even her husband ehh,u jst want to ruin her... Dupe jst hv faith, it is well, u gonna be free
15 Mar 2017 | 16:34
Funmi is really wicked
16 Mar 2017 | 07:05
Episode 33 Continues.. Sylvester " Hope you won't have regrets Son," My father asked. Mama sat by quietly, knitting a shawl but her ears were very attentive to our conversation. She was always by my father's side as though he would vanish into thin air at any time. I could still remember the day I brought him to her, she was preparing for bed when I knocked on her door. She had stood at the threshold of the door, staring at us. She blinked her eyes severally in confusion and before I realized it she was on the floor, unconscious. It was almost midnight when she came to, she had flung herself into his arms, crying. Somehow she had known in her heart that her husband was alive. They had both wept with joy, then my father asked of Abosede and they both started sobbing. It was a heart touching scene and I hurriedly left them alone, not wanting to intrude on their intimate reunion. I was already an outsider to my mother and I didn't know if my father would also feel same way when he learn of my past. They both came to meet me outside and they led me back into the warm house. I had driven home afterwards and the next day, my father narrated how he had been taken to a prison for the condemned in Abuja, where he was incarcerated for so many years until a new Governor was brought to the prison about two years ago. The Governor couldn't find any files on him and he demanded that all the prisoners with no case files should be set free. Upon his release he had begged on the streets of Abuja until he could transport himself back to Lagos where he saw his family last. On getting to Lagos, he couldn't remember the street he used to stay with his family and everywhere was strange to him. He had taken shelter in a church, the pastor of the church was a very good man and he gave him a room at the back of the church. One day, one of the members of the church asked him to work for her as a security man and he accepted. "Sylvester! " Mama said." Daddy dey talk to you" I looked up, and gave him my attention. " Sorry, I was lost in thought." " Are you sure of what you are doing?" My father asked again. The trial had started two days ago and my father had testified. Bidemi Bankole and I prepared him on what to say and I got reports that the trial was progressing favorably. The PI keeping a tab on Funmi had also called to say she had been meeting with a certain lady and the clandestine meeting seemed suspicious. He was hopeful that he would have enough evidence to put her behind bars before the trial gets far. Mabel and Tade had also testified and they also said the trial was progressing favorably and my mind was a bit settled. But something else was nagging at me at the moment. "I know," I said. I was becoming unsure of my decision to step aside and it would seem like an insult if I asked Bankole to step aside for me. "I am glad you do," My father said. I stood up, made my excuses and left. ***** I stopped my power bike in front of the underground house. I went through the security scrutiny to ascertain there was no weapon on me before I was allowed in. I walked into a dark passage away, and entered a smokey little studio. Pictures of various tattoos was hung on the wall and the one eyed artiste was waiting for me. I laid on the bench, rolled up the sleeve of my shirt and signaled him to begin. "No sedative?" He asked in a deep voice. "No. I want to feel the pain." I replied. He brought out the machine, turned it on and the sound of it coming alive filled the air. He brought it close to my arm, slowly tracing the bull head tattoo on my arm. The pain seared my heart like a hot iron but I bore it calmly. ***** Funmi The baby had started kicking fiercely and I felt like yanking him out of me. He made me so miserable with his incessant kicking, sometimes I wished I had aborted him when I had the chance. I saw the leggy, tall, ebony skinned lady I was waiting for walk into the restaurant. Her eyes scanned the faces seated until it fell on mine and she walked towards me. She pulled out a chair and sat down. "How are you?" Cecilia asked. "Where is the money?" I demanded. She opened her bag and pushed a brown envelop onto the table. "How much is this?" I wanted to know. " Two, fifty thousand Naira" She said. I pushed the envelope back at her angrily. She had promised me the sum of ten million Naira and here she was handing me a paltry sum of two hundred and fifty thousand Naira. I inwardly cursed the day I met her. I had gone for a doctor's appointment and I was on my way back to Dupe's house when I heard someone call out my name. " Funmi" She had said, almost breathless from running after me. " Hi, have we met?" I asked suspiciously. " Not officially, I am Cecilia." She said, extending a hand for an handshake. " How may I help you?" I asked, ignoring her outstretched hand. " Can we go sit somewhere and talk?, I promise not to take much of your time. Please. " She added when she noticed my hesitation. I reluctantly agreed and we walked to a nearby restaurant. " I am your sister, " She said, after our orders had been placed in front of us. "My sister?" I asked, " What are you saying?" " Relax Funmi. What I mean is that I have been through what you are also going through now. You have been turned away by your friends and family. Your loved ones have turned their back on you. Nobody understands you, nobody believes in you and you feel alone in your struggles. You are not alone in this, you are not." She said. " What do you want from me?" I asked. " Your help. Help me to help you. You are pregnant and broke and it is not even certain that you will still have a roof over your head by the time the baby comes. It is not easy raising a child alone, especially when you have no source of income" She said. I didn't know how she knew about me and I stood up, ready to leave but she held onto my arm, pleading with me to hear her out. I was confused, I had never seen her before but she seemed to know me too well. She was aware of my fears and she was making me scared by her predictions. I sat down once again. " I fell in love with a young man while we were still in school. My parents were furious with me and they drove me out. I had to stop schooling because this young man's wasn't from a rich home. I loved him and I stood by him, despite all I did to please him,he treated me so badly but I endured every agonizing moment I spent in his house because I loved him. I went into an early labor because of the hardship i was going through. There were some complications during the birth and my womb got damaged." She said." In the end I had no baby, no home and no womb". She said. I was touched by her words and I could see why she said we were sisters. " That young man is married to another woman now." She concluded." The woman he left me for" " I am sorry. Why are you telling me this?" I asked. " I want you to help me take that woman out of his life for good." She said. " What? Did you just ask me to kill someone?" I asked in surprise. " No. I will do the killing myself. You only have to set some certain things in motion for me" She said. I laughed in shock. " There's more. The sum of one hundred million Naira is involved. That Dam wants to rip where she didn't sow. I will pay you ten million Naira, and when I lay my hands on that money, I will give you an extra five Million Naira. Making it a total of fifteen million Naira. Think about it, you'd never worry about where your next meal will come from again." She said. " Good luck" I said. " Remember I will do the killing myself. You should be able to have a better life with that money. You could even go back to Ghana and seduce your man back. All men love successful women and with your money that man will come crawling back to you." She said. " I am not interested." I said." Who told you my story?" " Your friend Dupe has a loose mouth and she has been spreading gossips about you. She's a big pretender but I guess you already know that. She's the woman I am talking about. She stole Uche from me. She's the woman I want to get rid of. I can also help you take away the obstacles in your path, take for example the mother of the man who got you pregnant. Funmi, help me to help you please" " Stay away from me, if you go anywhere near my friend I will kill you myself " I said and got up angrily. I was going to tell Dupe about Cecilia that night when I got home but the words I heard as I was about opening the door stopped me cold. Dupe and her mother-in-law were talking about me. " That your friend is a big ashawo" Uche's mother said." How can she be rubbing herself every night?" " Mama" Dupe chided. " She's only confused. She will get back on track, in time" " Track kwa? better send her away before she destroy your home o" " I have talked to her but she's just too stubborn." I heard Dupe say, " I will have to ask her to leave." " You better send her away o," Uche' s mother agreed. " How can you harbor a killer! I can't even sleep well at night for fear that she might kill me in my sleep." Dupe laughed." Mama! Don't worry, I will ask her to leave soon." " Did you notice how she looks at Uche?" The older woman asked." I don't want trouble o, you better send her away." Instead of walking in I went back outside. I was boiling over with anger. If Dupe too turned me out I would have nowhere to go. She was supposed to be my best friend, she was supposed to have my back but sadly she also wants to cast me aside like a mangy dog. The next time Cecilia approached me again I gave her a listening ear. She had the blueprint of her plan etched in her heart already and she went over it with me. The plan was to take Mrs.Afolabi out of the way and Dupe gets the blame. According to Cecilia with Mrs. Afolabi gone, Tade would be vulnerable and I could do whatever I like with him in his state of weakness. and She would also have access to Uche with Dupe out of the way. Although I needed the money Cecilia promised me and I also want to take my revenge on Tade. It was a deal too good to let go. We had gone over the plans carefully on many occasions before Cecilia executed it on the day Papa Love was off duty. She had also prepared me on what to say when I was called to the police station for interrogation. I had acted so well and coupled with my alibi I was allowed to walk free. The only oil in the ointment now is that Cecilia hasn't fulfilled her end of the bargain and she wanted the one hundred million Naira which was Uche's settlement all for herself. I wont let her outsmart me, I thought. I won't let Cecilia see even a dime of that money. I won't let her take over my friend's life. I wont let another human fool me again. " This wasn't the agreement we had! You said you will give me N10M, and the remaining five when you get the money." I said. She sighed heavily. " Please don't be too difficult. I haven't been able to get access to Uche. His mother has refused to let me see him, as a matter of fact, she sent me away when I went to see him at the hospital. I still need your help, we need to lay our hands on that money as soon as possible" " You told me you had the ten million Naira!" I said," You told me the money was in your account!" She laughed shakily." I lied. Come on, we can still make this work." " You are a lying Dam! And a murderer too! You think you can outsmart me just like Mabel did?" I asked angrily." If I don't have that money in three days time, I will turn you in. I will tell them how you killed that poor woman" " Resorting to threat now? Do that and you will be thrown into jail with me. Don't forget you are an accomplice in this." She stood up, picked up the envelope and tucked it into her hand bag." If I were you, I wouldn't make such lame threats again." She walked out of the restaurant. I would convince Dupe to name me the guardian of her child and I will make her force Uche to marry me. Let me see how you will lay your dirty slimy finger on a single note of that money, I thought angrily. When I am in control of the money, I will pay a quick visit to Tade and Mabel before I leave the country for good with Serwa and that money of course. To be continued..
16 Mar 2017 | 10:07
16 Mar 2017 | 12:37
yea she also want to cast you aside like a Mangy dog because that is what you are shameless fool
16 Mar 2017 | 12:50
Funmi na real devil!
16 Mar 2017 | 14:17
This girl is something else
16 Mar 2017 | 14:32
Stupid greedy fools
16 Mar 2017 | 15:18
Xo etz becus of money nd love sef.....funmi ure a disgrace
16 Mar 2017 | 18:33
Money, Love and revenqe... Let's see.
16 Mar 2017 | 18:58
O ga o,nzt
16 Mar 2017 | 19:14
See what greedy and over love of money has cause you two now,bt God will surpass you both Mrs Afolabi Is just a must sacrificial lamb
16 Mar 2017 | 19:27
Wow! Funmi...dis is amazing...
16 Mar 2017 | 20:32
What were you expecting? For them to pat your back and clap for you? This Funmi sef! If you were in Dupe's shoes,would you have brought her into your home as she did, knowing fully well you stand a chance of having problems in your marriage? Would you have done for her as much as she has done for you? You already have an evil heart all along, Cecilia just helped bring out the beast in you! Revenge indeed! Come on, will you get out!
17 Mar 2017 | 13:19
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm funmi! funmi!! funmi!!! ehhhhhhh
17 Mar 2017 | 13:28
Mama Uche have you seen what your hatred and mistake is causing poor Dupe now? Uche's words of you one day regretting ever bringing back that devil Cecilia has come to pass. Well, I believe everything will soon get well.
17 Mar 2017 | 14:20
Hmmm, next plz!
17 Mar 2017 | 20:02
Episode 34 Continues.. Sylvester The trial had progressed smoothly and all was going in our favor. Bidemi Bankole kept assuring me that Dupe would walk free and I also believed so. Today was the ' D day' and I was in a celebratory mood because she would be coming home. I opened a new bottle of champagne, while I worked on another portrait which I would give her once she was out. I was painting her from memory, I could taste her on my tongue as I painted her standing on a beach with the wind playing carelessly with her hair. She looked so ravishing, innocent and angelic in a white gown. Her portrait seemed so real, so alive that for a second I almost spoke out loud to it. I knew Uche and his families would also be celebrating her freedom in advance and I hoped to be the first person to give her a gift. My phone beeped beside me and I plucked it off the table holding my brushes. Great, I thought. Bidemi Bankole was calling to give me the good news. I felt excitement surge through me. " Hello" I said, wiping my fingers on my work pant. " Shark" Bidemi said. " She's out of the net?" I asked. He sighed roughly and my heart skipped a beat. " What is it?" I asked. We had worked closely together on the case and I had so much faith in him. Although I never stepped a foot into the court room, my mind and soul was always there. I knew everything had gone according to plan. It was obvious it was a set up and the real murderer was out there. That was the picture we wanted to paint in the mind of the judge. What could have gone wrong? " The PI did not show up." He said. " Damn!" I said." Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The private investigator had called during the night that he had enough evidence to prove Funmi was behind the mask of the murderer. He was supposed to testify in court too." Did you not ask for the case to be adjourned until you get in touch with your witness?" " I did but it was denied. We lost the case, shark." He said. " How many years did she get?" I asked, steaming with anger. If I could see him at that moment, God knows I would have squeezed the breath out of him. " She was sentenced to death by hanging." He said, " I tried my best for her, I am sorry" ***** I drove down to the private investigator's house, all the while wishing I could run him and Bankole through with a sword. Suddenly something seemed fishy and I couldn't lay my fingers on what might have gone wrong. Why didn't the PI show up? Why didn't Bankole try hard enough? His car was parked outside his gate, I parked my car and entered the building. The place seemed deserted, I pushed open his door and almost stepped on his lifeless body. He was n*aked from the waist down and his blood had pooled beside him. He had a knife stuck in his bloated stomach. I walked around his corpse, and went into his bedroom. Clothes and books were strewn all over the room. His drawer had been ransacked too, his drawers were pulled out.I couldn't find any documents or files on Funmi, I closed the door gently and walked out of the building with questions reeling in my mind. Sylvester " What the hell happened?" I asked, pacing up and down. My furious eyes searched every faces seated in the room. Uche looked so pale and weary. Annie was seated beside him, silently thumbing through her cell phone while his mother was sobbing into an hankie. Tade and Mabel huddled close to each other. I guessed the news of the PI's murder which I related to them only few minutes ago shook them up more than they were all letting on.The police were more concerned with who discovered the body than going after the murderer. I had placed an anonymous call to them to inform them and I expected them to pick up from there. Things like this, makes me shake my head at the level of decadence in the system, they are all after money, nobody wants to be saddled with the dirty works. " What went wrong in that court room?" I asked again." Everything was going so well, what happened?" " The lawyer thought she might have a better chance if she pleaded guilty." Tade replied." It was a foolish move but at that moment it seemed like a wise decision because...." " Why didn't anyone tell me?" I thundered." Why the hell did Bankole ask her to plead guilty? And you all decided not to tell me?" " Your so called trusted lawyer said she might get five years if she pleaded guilty and he asked her to name Funmi as her accomplice but she refused. Look Shark, we were all desperate and we thought it would be best if she pleaded guilty and got five years than being sentenced to life imprisonment. " Annie replied." We spoke to Dupe and....." " You all put the noose around her neck before the judge even proclaimed her guilty. She's pregnant for God's sake! She's going through a lot now! How could you all ask her to plead guilty? That's insane! the police have washed off their hands off the case because they believe they have found the culprit." I said." Now you have've all proved that they were right all along!" " What do we do now?" Uche asked. " We wait. They can't hang her until she delivers the baby. How many months does she have to go?" I asked. " Six months" his mother replied. " Good. I will appeal the case but for now everyone should be careful and you all should be watchful because a mad man or woman is on the prowl and he or she is determined to bring this family down." I said and walked out of the room. ***** Mabel I was packing our bags when the hotel room door opened and Tade walked in. He sighed and sat down on the feather soft bed. He held his head with his hands, his eyes were blood shot because he had been drinking. I finished packing the bags, got ready for bed and turned out the lights. " Tade, what are we going to do?" " Bell, I don't know. That girl is crazy, there's no telling what she might do next. And this country is so f*ucked up! Imagine an innocent pregnant woman being sentenced to death because those in authority failed to do their ground work. Because she was caught fleeing the murder scene does not mean she was the murderer." He said, cursing under his breath. " I am scared Tade. She might come after us too." I said. " I think you should go back to the states. Stay there until everything settles here, we are not safe as long as she walks free." He said. " Tade...." " No bell, you must go back to the states." He pulled me into his arms while tears filled my eyes. Somehow we were both responsible for the whole problem everyone was in now. We had awaken a demon in ' her' and that demon was so slippery and cunning that she would be the end of us all. " Come with me Tade." I pleaded. " No Bell, I have to stay back here. I will come for you as soon as...." " Please" I cried. I was suddenly scared, I was afraid she might try to harm him too. I didn't want to lose him. " Shhs..." He said, wiping away my tears with his fingers." Go to bed now," I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep. In my heart I knew that this might be the last time I would be seeing him alive and that realization scared me to the marrows of my bones. . To be continued
17 Mar 2017 | 20:28
Chaiii Funmi Funmi Funmi!!! How many times did i call you????? You'll be the one that will be sentenced to death by hanging....
18 Mar 2017 | 02:44
Funmi you're so Callouse
18 Mar 2017 | 04:02
Chaii!! I pity this poor gal. Hw could somebody like this fumi be soo heartless. Satan will purnish you. Tade nd bell look at what u cause. Pls bring it on witout wait of time.
18 Mar 2017 | 04:48
sylvester it is all your fault jhoor will did you step down at first
18 Mar 2017 | 09:23
Oh, Dupe doesn't deserve this death sentence
18 Mar 2017 | 10:12
Jesus wept what a f☆☆k
18 Mar 2017 | 10:14
18 Mar 2017 | 10:30
Like criously why did he do that y must he step down bcus e loved someone else wife that's crap shit
18 Mar 2017 | 12:06
Hmmmmmmmmm...... nawaa o! I think Cecilia has slept with the womanizer of a lawyer and loosened his tongue. Because no other person knows about the PI. Sly you made a mistake by hiring that your Bidemi. How can a learned lawyer tell his client to plead guilty, even if the said client is guilty? Sly I guess you have no choice now but to take up that your rejected case.
18 Mar 2017 | 12:22
All the same, I pray these six months will be your miracle months Dupe. I also pray nothing happens to Tade. And if those two fools try anything funny on his life, that will be their end, because they've already killed his mother.
18 Mar 2017 | 12:29
Sly dis is all ur fault.
18 Mar 2017 | 13:14
Sly shouldn't have left the case for that womanizer
18 Mar 2017 | 18:36
Fuck!!! Dats wat I hate in dis fucking country...our system is always poor...canu imagine, an innocent women sentenced to death? And who is pressing de charges sef? No proper investigation also? Hmmm...and Sly, u fucked up by stepping down too Well, I jst wish all dis wil end well, and I also pity Tade, bcos he might die
18 Mar 2017 | 18:50
18 Mar 2017 | 19:23
True talk
18 Mar 2017 | 20:55
Episode 35 * Continues* Funmi I knocked on Cecilia's door and she threw it open. She flashed me a smile and I brushed past her into the room. She had transfered a million naira into my account only few days ago and last night she had sent me a text that she had taken out the man who had been trailing us. I was so furious when I read the text message but there was nothing I could do about it. I was also feeling sickly, my bladder felt so heavy, my back ached terribly and the baby's kicks were becoming very fierce. I was tired of Cecilia, her schemes and the way she was going about everything. At a point, I felt like telling her to hold onto her new boyfriend, who happened to be Dupe's lawyer and forget about Uche but I didn't because she was too obsessed about getting that money. Bankole had unkownly sold the PI to her when he mentioned to her that a PI had been employed to follow the suspect of the new case he was handling. According to Cecilia, his tongue became loose whenever he was drunk so she made sure she got him drunk as often as she could.All I wanted was to get back at Tade and Mabel and leave the country but she was pulling me into this deeper and deeper. " You've done it again!" I shouted. " What the hell is wrong with you Cecilia?" " There was no way I could leave with the files, so I had to take him out of the way too. See, I have come too far to lose out now. In few months time, Dupe will hang and Uche will be heart broken.....its all a matter of few months. Only few months to go. " she said. " You could have drugged him!" I said and drew in breath as I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. " He was going to testify in court! He found something which belonged to me at the murder scene, something the police didn't see. My wrist watch, but he thought it was yours. He had called Bankole, who told me." She explained. The baby choosed that moment to give me a fierce kick and I slapped my hand on that part of my tummy. I felt him move to another part hastily and I cringed from the sting of my palm. " How did you get him?" I asked." " He had a thing for public puvssys" she laughed." It was so easy because I was able to get Bankole to tell me his weaknesses and all I needed to know about him." " Meaning?" I asked. " He loved ha.rlots. He patronizes them all the time, all I had to do was pretend that I was a damsel in distress and he offered me a lift. He took me to his house, I slipped something into his drink while he was rolling a condom onto his tiny dick. He fell asleep not long after taking a sip of the drink and I started ransancking his place, I found my wrist watch which he had placed in an envelope. I was about putting things in order when he walked sleepily into the room, I guess the drug wasn't too effective or maybe it was because he only took a little sip of the drink. Anyway, I had no choice than to kill him. Afterwards I dragged his body into the living room. I even found some files on you and some photographs of us." She said. " I don't get this. Why didn't he recognize you?" I asked. " Never underestimate the power of a wig, make up and fake Butt" She laughed. " What do we do now?" I asked." I want to leave the country as soon as possible." " We wait until Dupe hangs, then I go in for the kill." She said. " What will you do about that lawyer?" I asked. " Nothing. His role has ended." She replied. " We will soon be rolling in money" she laughed and filled a wine glass with red wine. " When do I get my balance?" I asked. " I will transfer it to you as soon as I have it. Want some wine?" She asked. " No. Can I have the files you took from him?" I asked. " Don't worry about them. I burnt them and I threw away the wrist watch. Sure you don't want a glass of wine?" She asked again, smiling at me. I knew it then that she had something up her sleeve. She might kill me too, I thought. She was becoming too bold and desperate. " No thank you, I will be on my way now" I looked at my wrist watch, the time was 5.30 pm, I had enough time to get back to my hotel room and plan on what steps to take next. I stood up and walked out of her apartment. I hailed a taxi but it sped by without stopping and the weather was becoming cloudy so I trekked for a while hoping I would get a taxi on the way. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and my hand flew to my tummy. I had been feeling funny all day and my lower back ached terribly. The sky rumbled and it started to rain. My eyes searched for somewhere to take shelter and suddenly I felt urine seeping down my thigh. I looked at myself in horror and I almost flew out of my skin when I realized it wasn't urine. My water just broke. The baby was coming. My chest constricted with fear, the rain was coming down in torrents now, the streets were deserted and there was no vehicle in sight. I could barely move as the baby was determined to come out immediately. My breath was coming out in pant and tears streamed down my cheeks from the intense pain I was feeling. My knees buckled but I felt a sturdy strong arm on my lower back before I could drop to the ground.I whirled around and clung to my savior. ***** Sylvester Funmi. I thought. I would recognize her anywhere even though we hadn't met before and I had only seen a photograph of her. Her image had been tattooed in my heart. This was the lady who betrayed her best friend, looking at her now, hanging onto my arm for support, you would never guess she was capable of murder. She was groaning loudly now, almost screaming and her gown was plastered to her skin. Her hair was sopping with water and she seemed to have lost one of her slippers, as she had only one on her right foot. What was she doing out here? In the rain? Was she trying to catch pneumonia and die? I thought, no I won't let you die. You have to be alive to help us set Dupe free. " What is it Ma'am?" I asked, feigning ignorance. It was obvious she was about to have her baby. " Baby... " she cried." He's about to come," " Is your hospital around here?" I asked." I mean the one you registered at for antenatal." She nooded her head and I helped her into my car. She cried and cussed while I comforted her with soothing words. I drove towards the hospital, trying not to feel pity for her. " I don't have..." She started and trailed off and began to cry. " You don't have what ma'am?" I asked, twisting my neck to look at her. Her forehead was drenched with sweat. " I don't have....anything for my baby. His clothes....and all I will need are in my hotel room." " I will go back for them as soon as I get you to the hospital." I promised. She shrieked as another contraption hit her and she nodded her head. She directed me amidst cries and pants and soon we were at the tall hospital building. I carried her into the building while some nurses brought out a strecher which I placed her on. " Please don't leave me..." She cried. " Please stay....stay please" " Is she your wife sir?" A nurse asked. " Yes. Please take good care of her" I said and stepped back. They wheeled her out of my sight but her cries rang in my ears still. Few minutes later a doctor in a starchy white uniform walked up to me. " We want to carry out a C_section on her but she has refused. We need you to sign some documents and convince her to agree because its for her own good and that of the baby as well. Then we can wheel her into the theater. Please come with me." He said. I followed him into the room, she was on the bed, her groans pricked heart and I rushed to her side. She was crying, and asking for her mother. I pulled her into my arms and murmured into her ears. " You will be fine baby, I am here." I said soothingly. She nodded her head vigorously." Please tell them I can deliver my baby, I can do it." " Madam.... " The doctor began. " Why do you want to carry out a c_ section on her?" I asked. " Sir, it is for...." " No. No, I want to deliver him myself." She cried. " Take her into the delivery room, she will be fine." I said. The doctor looked like he was about to argue but he kept his mouth shut at the deadly expression on my face. " Alright." He said and signalled to a nurse who rolled a wheel chair to the bedside and I carried her into the chair. " Please don't leave me....please stay" she cried, panting. " Can I go in with my wife?" I asked. " If your heart can take it but you need to scrub down first." The doctor said. " Thank you." I said. I followed the nurses and I scrubbed down in the scrubbing room. They handed me a green uniform and a nose guard which I wore and they led me into the labor room. Two doctors were already assisting her and they instructed me to hold her hand and encourage her. It wasn't an easy birth and she was already giving up,I kept encouraging her and wiping sweat off her brows. " You are almost there, I can see his head now.....just one more push!" The doctor said. " Keep pushing dear, you are doing so well." I said to her." Only few more pushes to go." She drew in breath and pushed with all her might. The cries of a new baby filled the room and she sagged into my arms, almost hysterical with relief. A bubbly laughter escaped from my lips and my heart lept with joy. " Congratulations " The doctors cried out happily." You have a son." They lifted up the scrawny red baby who was bawling at the top of his lungs. She looked at me and gave me a tired dimpled smile. I swallowed hard and I felt my heart lept up again. Despite the torture she had just endured she looked so beautiful. I had never witnessed anything as remarkable as this. She was such a brave and strong lady and I was happy to witness a new birth. It was like a journey and I was glad she didn't go through it alone. The doctors asked me to excuse them and she reluctantly let go of my arm. A nurse beamed at me as I walked out of the room. I could tell I was blushing and I wasn't even ashamed of it. To be continued..
18 Mar 2017 | 22:25
That lawyer really fucked-up, how will you asked her to plead guilty for offence she didn't commit!
19 Mar 2017 | 03:50
Sly I hope u won't start feeling pity for dis funmi
19 Mar 2017 | 08:08
Pls Admin, Kindly Upload 'almost Perfect' To The List Of Ongoing Av Missed So Many Episodes.Thanks
19 Mar 2017 | 09:33
Our God is a merciful God, after everything u did u still delivered sefly. Thank God for you. Sly hope u ll nt be carried away. Dont feel pity for fumi oo.
19 Mar 2017 | 10:26
Sly I dey suspect you o
19 Mar 2017 | 10:59
Funmi will now regret her actions, I think Sly will start having feelings for her. besides Funmi was just an accomplise nt the real perpetuator of the act
19 Mar 2017 | 12:13
funmi see yr life now yr face is out as the suspect while cecilia is the main suspect BUT i want to blv that Sly wil use funmi to get cecilia getting more interesting & nothing wil happen to Dupe
19 Mar 2017 | 13:19
just look at what something under skate have cause the PI and the lawyer now so Sylvester be extra careful
19 Mar 2017 | 14:05
Womanizers! They just kill the case because of sweet smelling pussies! Next plz!
19 Mar 2017 | 16:17
Sly is about to fall for Funmi
19 Mar 2017 | 17:13
I think dx will change Sly mind...
19 Mar 2017 | 18:31
Changing of heart
19 Mar 2017 | 19:44
Sly, am nt understanding u again ooo....I knew Bankole would do dat...fucking lawyer...
19 Mar 2017 | 20:03
Wow! Sly you don fall in love o. And Funmi don fall too. I hope she opens up. I knew it was that womanizer that exposed the PI
20 Mar 2017 | 04:22
Get her arrested
20 Mar 2017 | 04:26
Episode 36 Continues.. Sylvester " Why did you keep it away from me?" I asked. I was trying my damnest not to give the jerk a punch. He had refused to pick my calls so I made a stop at his place on my way to pick up the baby's things at purity hotel, where Funmi lodged. " Shark.." Bankole began nervously. " I did what I thought was best. Her chances were so slim and I.." " You were supposed to run every thoughts and ideas by me before taking any action. Why do I have the feeling you weren't on our side all along?. Whose payroll ware you on?" I asked. He laughed nervously." Shark, I am sorry. things turned out the way it did. I am not on anyone's payroll. I would never do that to you or anyone else." " I believe you." I lied. He laughed nervously again." Thank you. I can appeal the case....I swear it to you, all I did was in her best interest. I wanted her to walk free, I allowed my emotions to get ahead of me. That girl stirred something in my heart, Shark. I....don't know what it was. I thought she could get few years if she pleaded guilty instead of life." " You doubted yourself." I said, fuming with anger at the stupidity of his words. " No..." He replied sheepishly. " Who did you talk to about the case?" I asked. " Nobody. I swear" " Think, think, a friend or a girlfriend perhaps? " I said, watching him closely. There was a brief change in his expression.damn! he had told someone." Who?" " I....I don't think.." " Who?" " I...I was drunk and...." He stuttered. " Talk!" I barked, edging closer to him. " Her name is Cecilia." " Description" I spat out. " 5.7 ft, dark skinned and chubby." " Where does she live?" "'Shark let's not get ahead of ourselves. Cecilia is a very decent and..... " " Where?" I cut him off rudely. He reeled off her address, I shoved him out of my way and walked out of his apartment. I drove down to the hotel, wondering who Cecilia truly was and what her motive could have been. I was certain she had a hand in the PI's death, or perharps she knew something about it. " Damn!" I ground out. There was a sea of people outside a burning building and a distant sound of the siren of fire fighters could be heard. I cussed and reversed my car, the goddamn hotel where Funmi lodged was on fire. ***** Funmi I looked down at the tiny bundle suckling at my bosom, his handsome face was relaxed in a smile. Despite the circumstances surrounding his birth, the little guy tugged at my heart and he was making me rethink my actions. He looked so fresh, angelic and innocent...he had awaken a deep maternal feeling in me and all I wanted was to keep him to myself. Just the two of us in a world of our own. The atmosphere suddenly became hot, I felt his presence before he even walked into the room. Our knight in shiny armor, I thought.I didn't even know his name. His arm was loaded with sets of baby wears and toys. I scooted and he dumped them beside me on the bed. These were not my things, why hadn't he gone for mine? I looked up and our eyes met, he looked tired but handsome in a rugged way. He had a day's stubble on his chin, his eyes were so dark and I knew he wasn't a man to cross. " Thank you." I said, " But these things are not mine. " " Yea I bought them." He replied. " Why?" I asked. " The hotel was on fire when I got there" He said. I stared at him in horror and a sob caught in my throat. My eyes burned with tears, my belongings and valuables were in that hotel room! Where would I go from here and with a new baby in tow? I had foolishly kept the money Cecilia gave me there because I felt I could leave the country at any time and I thought it was easier to keep it with me. " Is...did... you get anything out?" I choked out. " It was an infeno" He replied. I nodded my head and looked away. " You have no where to go right?," he asked." You will go home with me." **** Dupe I felt her first kick today. It was a gentle nudge at first, but that was all the encouragement I needed. There was a life growing inside me, a child I won't watch grow up but for now I was content to have her all to myself. I sang her lullabies every evening, poems in the morning and we read our letters at noon. I know some might think I was crazy but I knew she could hear me. I knew she understood that we had very little time to spend with each other. Yesterday, her father was here to see me. He had placed his hand on my tummy, I asked her to show him she knew he was here and she gave a fierce kick. When my father came to see me, he had prayed for us and I asked her to say hello and she did, I could almost see her tiny fingers at that moment. Maybe I was truly going crazy, maybe life had robbed me of my senses but I knew the only time I felt sane was when I talked to her.That bad lawyer had made us believe I would walk free by pleading guilty, I should have listened to my instinct. I should have asked to see Sly before taking any decision. Now I knew the lawyer wasn't to be trusted but sadly it was too late and I had accepted my fate. " Someone is here to see you," a warder said. I followed her to the visitor's room and settled myself on the bench. Another warder walked in with a tall, ebony skinned lady who looked familiar. She wore a simple black gown with matching black sandals and a black purse. She had a smile on her beautiful face but her eyes seemed mean. This was not a kind soul, I thought. Her smile also seemed pasty and I could sense something dark about her. Where have I seen her before? I wondered. I was glad I had two warders with us. Goosebumps broke out on my arms and my head felt so heavy. The baby was also giving me fierce kicks and I patted my tummy gently, letting her know that I won't let any harm come to her. " Hello Dupe " The lady said." We've met before but I am afraid it wasn't under favorable circumstances but I apologize. My name is Cecilia,I am.." " I know who you are." I replied tersely. " What I don't know is why you are here?" " I came to see you. I know we started out on a wrong foot but all that is in the past now. And I must confess that I was misled by Mama." " Why are you here?" " I can see that you are still angry and a bit wary of me but I come in peace. If there's one thing we both have in common it is our love for Uche. I am here because of him, although it hurts to admit it, Uche loves you. He loves you a lot and his world revolves around you. I am afraid he might do something terrible to himself if he's not under surveillance. Someone has to be with him all the time, put his mind at rest always, soothe and comfort him. He needs a companion.....a friend to keep him company so he wouldn't go crazy with loneliness. I know you wouldn't want to see him suffer, I know you also love him and you want the best for him. Please Dupe, hand him over to me.....please don't get me wrong. I am not saying all these for my own selfish reasons, I am saying all these because I don't want to see him suffer." She said, " Please think about it, you don't have to make any decision now. Please think about it, it is for his own good. Mama won't be able to care for him well especially when your baby arrives. She will have her hands full with the baby and Dubem, the black sheep is also around now. There's no telling what he might do, I am sure he has a mean streak in him." " Thank you. I will think about it." I replied. She took hold of my hands, in appreciation and I forced myself not to shrink back from her. She gave me a fake smile and stood up. I watched her walk out of the room with my heart pounding in my ears. Funmi had also asked me to tell Uche to marry her and here she was also singing the same tune. I knew it then, the puzzle to the mystery fitted in at that moment. They were after something and the only thing I could think of was the settlement. If there was a woman on earth I would trust with Uche and my baby it would be... " Please I need to make a call" I whispered to the warder leading me back to my cell. " It will cost you." She replied. " I know." I said. " Good. But you must be quick o." She looked left and right before slipping out a Nokia phone from her pocket. I collected it and typed in Uche's number. He picked it up immediately and I almost hugged the warder in relief. " Uche" " Dupe. My love," He said. " Listen to me Uche. I want you and Annie to come see me tomorrow. I have something to tell you and it is urgent." I whispered. " Alright my love, how are you?" " I am fine." I said and disconnected. I handed the phone back to her and slipped out some money from my bra which I handed to her. She squeezed it and transferred it to her own bra. ****** Watching them sitting beside each other confirmed my decision. Annie genuinely cared for him and Uche also cared for her as a brother would an older sister. She was also independent, honest, hard working and kind hearted. She was the right person, I would rest well in yonder knowing my husband and child were in her care. She would chase the bad wolves away and keep them save for me. I had only few months to live and I wanted to be rest assured that my heartbeats would be fine. " You have been so silent" Annie said, " What is the matter?" " Dupe," Uche said, his hands searching for mine. I took hold of his outstretched hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. I was making the right decision but why did it seem so hard to say out loud. Why was my heart beating wildly, why was my palm damp and uncertainty creeping down my back? " I am here... I am here" I said." Uche, I ....I want a divorce." His hands went limp." Why?" He choked out. " Because I want you to marry Annie before the end of this week." She gasped." What are you saying?" " Please. Please listen to me.... I have only few months to live and you both care for each other. I can't trust anyone else with my child except for the both of you and Uche cannot do it alone. Annie...Annie...please....please see the wisdom in my words. Uche I love you but I want to know that you are well cared for while I am gone. I love the both of you and I know you both love me too....please do this for me. This is my last wish on earth, it will make me so happy. Please" " I .....I can't just divorce you. There has to be a reason and it is a long process." Uche said." I will be fine." " There must be a way out..." I turned to Annie," I know you can make this happen Annie. I know there's a way to go about it. You can tell them the truth or tell them I confessed that I cheated on you or something. Please do this for me." I lifted up his hand to my teary face." Please Uche, please Annie." " I don't know..." They both chorused. " would mean everything to me." " I don't think Annie will..." " I will" She replied. I sighed in relief." Thank you Annie. Thank you." ******* Through connections and several exchanges of brown envelope to the right quarters, so many things were over looked and we got a divorce. I cried myself to sleep the day Uche slipped the papers to me. He had also looked gloomy. I couldn't eat the watery beans and pap which was served as dinner. Cecilia came to see me again and I told her I was still thinking about it and that she should give me few days, she had left happily. Few days after the result came through, Annie and Uche got married secretly at a registry. They had both came to see me immediately after the wedding. I had begged her to accept my own ring because I couldn't bear the thought of Uche slipping another ring onto her finger. It had hurt so much seeing my ring glistening on her finger and I quickly choked on the jealous feelings when Annie carelessly placed her hand on Uche's arm and my heart squeezed painfully. " Dupe we are married now. I will take good care of him." She said. I nodded my head, there was a lump, the size of a fist stuck in my throat. He would be fine, he would be well cared for and that was all that matters. I thought, I did the right thing. " I will never take your place Dupe." She said, like she read my mind. " Thank you Annie....thank you. I am happy." I lied. . To be continued after comments..
20 Mar 2017 | 07:18
I knw there is a reason for all these things, Dupe don't worry u ll be fine nd u ll also walk out freely. Ride on poster...
20 Mar 2017 | 09:06
Haba dupe u shouldn't have given up so easily na. Nawao
20 Mar 2017 | 09:15
No that's not d best
20 Mar 2017 | 10:25
Hmmm.. A very hard and painful decision.
20 Mar 2017 | 11:20
I don't like this ur decision Dupe. But I believe God will vindicate you.
20 Mar 2017 | 11:37
That is the most hardest decision in the world
20 Mar 2017 | 12:22
Episode 37 *Continues* Uche " Do you think she bought it?" I asked, slipping the ring Annie just handed me into my breast pocket. I felt her hand on my arm. I had been so worried Dupe would see through our lies but surprisingly she believed everything we told her. " Yes of course. She believed we actually got married and for now her mind is at peace." Annie's phone beeped, breaking into our conversation. " Shark just sent me a text. He said Bankole is not on our side so we shouldn't tell him anything henceforth. He also mentioned that we should give him few weeks break, no calls, no visitations or text messages and that he would get across to us when the time is right. I only hope he knows what he's doing this time around." " We will do just that." I replied. " I am sure it has something to do with the case." " Definitely. " She replied."Don't worry Uche, Shark won't let her hang." " Thank you Annie," I said. " You are welcome " She replied. We continued the drive in silence but so many thoughts were running through my mind. I was still worried about Dupe and I also wondered what I would have done without Annie, she had been our backbone and I don't think I could ever thank her enough. On that fateful day Dupe was going on about us getting a divorce, she had pinched me, asking me to agree. I didn't know know what she had up her sleeve but I went along with it. Between the both of us, we had devised a means of getting Dupe to calm down. We forged the divorce papers and lied to her that we had gotten married in a private registry. **** Funmi " I will kill your bastard child and expose you to the world." The text read. The text message was from Cecilia who I hadn't seen since I had my baby. I dialed her number and she picked it up on the second ring." Cecilia! What is the meaning of the text message you just sent to me?" I screamed. The baby started crying at the sound of my voice but I ignored him. " Funmi! how dare you?" She shouted at the other end." Don't you know that if I go down you will also go down with me? how could you send such text messages to me? what do you hope to achieve by threatning to go to the police? " " What nonsense are you saying?" I asked furiously." I never sent you a text! You texted me first!,you said you will expose me and also harm my baby!" " Oh so you have added lies to your list of vices?" She asked." Look here young lady, don't think you can play games with me. We are in this together, if I fall i am taking you down with me. I only replied the message you sent to me. You don't threaten me, I decide who comes out the winner of this game and trust me, it won't be you!" " Is everything all right?" Sylvester asked, walking into the room. I quickly masked my feelings and disconnected the call. " Y..yes" I said, reaching for the baby but he beat me to it. My son stopped crying as soon as he heard his voice. This is not good, I thought. We won't be here for long and I don't want baby Tom getting attached to him." I was just on a call with .....with..." " I think this little guy is hungry," he said. I reached for the baby and took him into my arms. Sylvester made to go and I thought quickly of something to keep him in the room. He was an enigma which I was gradually falling for, maybe it was out of curiosity or lust but he always made me feel pleasure with just a glance in my direction. " Sylvester? " " Yea?" He replied, turning around. " Thank you....for everything" " You are welcome." He said and sauntered out of the room. I fed the baby while wondering what to do next. Cecilia was threatening to harm my child and the only option I had now is to leave the country. My phone beeped and a strange number reflected on the screen. " Hello," I said into the mouth piece. " I know what you did." A deep strange voice said." I know what you and your little friend Cecilia did...." The call disconnected. " Hello, hello" I said and dropped the call. My heart was beating erratically. Despite myself I was becoming scared, I have to leave. But first I have to settle some scores and Cecilia would be my first point of call. Funmi I was strolling with the baby in the evening. I was enjoying the evening breeze on my skin and I loved the way the wind sailed through my hair. It was a perfect evening for a stroll but I was feeling melancholic. I had already packed my bags, baby Tom and I would be leaving Nigeria very early the next morning. I didn’t tell Sylvester I would be leaving because I didn’t know how to go about it and neither do I have answers to the questions I was sure he would ask me. The threats, blackmail messages and strange calls were becoming too much and the best thing was to leave, at least for some time. The crazy thing was that I didn’t know where I was going but I felt a little at ease knowing I would be leaving. I felt a hand on my back and I whirled around, clutching baby Tom tighter in my arms. “Hand over that baby to me!” A guy with a mask on his face, pointing a gun at me said. I glanced around the street nervously, the street was deserted. There was no one around to call for help. “Please…..” I begged, “Is it money you want?” I asked. “I will give you money, I will pay you. Please leave my baby alone….please.” The guy’s phone rang out and he plucked it out of his pocket swiftly. “Hello” he barked into the mouth piece of the phone. “Yes I have her here with me…. Cecilia.” He disconnected the call and whistled. A dark van drove towards us and he coc.ked the gun. “Give me the baby right now!” I handed the squirming baby to him and he got into the car. I watched the car sped away with my son, with my heart in my throat. I brought out my phone and dialed Cecilia’s number. “Funmi” Cecilia said. “I saw your handiwork o” “You biatch!, you crazy, crazy biatch!” I screamed. “This has gone on too far and everything ends right here and now! I give you twenty four hours to return my child else…” “Shut up your silly mouth!” She shouted. “You! How dare you? You sent your boys to beat me up because I have not given you the balance! I wish you had died in that fire! I wish your bastard child hadn’t chosen that moment to be born! If not you would have roasted in that fire!” I blew out air in disbelief. “You knew something about the fire? ....the fire that broke out at the hotel?” I asked. “Remember I told you, you won’t end up the winner of this game if you keep pitting against me!” She said venomously. “Where is my son? What do you want with him?” “I will not warn you again” She said and disconnected. ****** He pulled me into his strong arms while I sobbed my heart out. My breasts leaked milk, soiling our shirts but he didn’t seem to mind. I was beginning to like him a little too much. He had been there for me since the birth of Tom and he had had also had our backs. I didn’t know if I could trust him but I was afraid for my baby. I was very shaken and afraid and I wanted to let it all out. Maybe he would understand what I was going through, maybe he would understand why I did all that I did in the past. “Sly…” I began tentatively. “Yes.” He said, wiping away my tears.” Funmi, I have to call the police now” “No!” I cried.” Please don’t call the police!” “Why? Tom has been kidnapped and they are the only ones who can get him back for us.” He said. “Or is there anything you are not telling me? Perhaps you suspect someone?” I pulled away from his arms and sat down heavily on the sofa.” I don’t know what is going on anymore! I think I am going crazy! What have I gotten myself into?” He squatted in front of me. “Funmi,” He said, lifting up my chin with his fingers. “I love you and it feels like Tom is mine. I’d hate it if he gets hurt. You have been with me for three weeks now and you just have to trust me.…” “Please don’t say you love me” I blurted out, “You don’t know what sort of person I am or what I have done!” “Look at me” he whispered. “We all have our past. Trust me, I know you are going through a lot now. I would have to be a fool not to notice it but I didn’t pry because I felt you would share your fears and worries with me when the time was right. Funmi, trust me.” “Cecilia kidnapped my baby” I said and started crying. “Who is she? A friend?” He asked. “No. It is complicated.” I sobbed. “Trust me…..” He said. “Where do I start from?” I said and stood up wearily. “it all started on a night I gave myself to the man I loved. The only man I have ever loved. He…he had a wife and a daughter but his wife, Mabel, treated him so badly and I couldn’t help feeling she doesn’t deserve him. In fairness to him, he told me he was in love with his wife but….but….. I thought …..” “You thought you could make him forget her by showing him the love and the care he deserved?” He asked. I nodded my head. “But he choose to stay with her instead. They both plotted against me and had me thrown in jail and by then I had found out that I was carrying his child. When I returned back to Nigeria everyone turned against me including my childhood friend. I was fast running out of the money I came back with and my friend, Dupe, was planning to kick me out of her home. I wanted to get back at Tade and Mabel so badly, I wanted them to feel the pain that I was feeling and the humiliation I was going through every day. I wanted them to lose all that they had and all they had worked for. I thought hurting them would ease away some of my pain, I wouldn’t know because I never got the chance to hurt them. But I couldn’t stop loving him despite all he did to me and that fuelled my hatred against them the more.” “What did you do next?” he asked. “That was when Cecilia came into the picture. She was my friend’s husband’s ex and she wanted to get her revenge on him for deserting her. Actually what she wanted was the settlement.” “What settlement?” He asked “My friend’s husband, Uche, had an accident which led to him going blind.” I replied. “He was paid the sum of one hundred million naira by the company he worked for. Cecilia wanted that money because she felt it was her right. She offered to pay me N15 million naira if I could help her get my friend out of the way.’’ “Get your friend out of the way?” He asked. “Yes. I wish now that I hadn’t gone along with her plans. Sly… I have been such a terrible person.” “And did you help her?” “Yes. Tom’s grandmother was also against me and I thought with her out of the way I could win back her son. So we…..… Cecilia killed her and my friend got the blame for it.” I said, risking a look at him. There was no accusations in his eyes. “Oh Funmi” He said, pulling me into his arms. “I know I acted foolishly but I regret it now.’’ I said. “How did this Cecilia person kill Tom’s grandmother?” he asked. “I sent my friend, Dupe to her house and Cecilia followed her there. When Dupe left, Cecilia snuck into the house. Mrs. Afolabi thought it was Dupe that came back and she went to get the door. Cecilia only had to tell her that she was a new member at the church we attend and she threw her door opened for her. Cecilia stabbed her in the stomach when she made to hug her and went up the stairs into her bedroom. She ransacked the bedroom to make it look like the murderer had also stolen some items from the house. She texted Dupe with Mrs. Afolabi’s phone on her way out, asking her to come back to the house. Once she was certain Dupe must have gotten back into the house, she called the police and Dupe was caught while trying to flee from the murder scene or so it looked.” He sighed heavily. “You were only a pawn in her game. She took advantage of your vulnerability. Why did she take Tom?” “I don’t know!” I cried out. “She hasn’t given me the balance yet and she said I have been sending blackmail messages to her! She said she had Purity hotel set ablaze because she wanted me dead! I think she is afraid I might spill everything to the authorities. Now she has my son!” “Funmi, I will go in search of her. But you have to stay here.” He said. “Where can I find her?” “Oh Sly! Are you sure? She’s dangerous! She even killed another man!” “Who else did she kill?” “Please Sly….let me handle this on my own.” “Tell me where I can find her” I gave him the directions to her place. He took hold of my hand and led me up the stairs. He opened the door to his bedroom and beckoned me to go in. He pulled out a key and handed it to me. “Funmi, please promise me you won’t step out of this room until you hear my voice again. Please lock yourself in and wait for me.” “Sly…” “Shhh…. I will explain some things to you when I come. Please no matter what sound you might hear, don’t leave this room until I tell you it is safe to so. Now promise me” “Sly….. I promise.” “Please be safe, Cecilia is crazy and…” He cut me off with a mind searing kiss. It was the first time he would kiss me. although I had always seen it in his eyes and the way he stared at my lips when he thought I wasn’t looking. I had come to care for him deeply and right now I was so scared for him. He walked out of the room, signaled that I should lock the door and I did. I heard his footsteps going back the stairs until it faded away. To be continued after comments..
20 Mar 2017 | 16:59
I don't like this your decision because what will happen if you leave jail?
20 Mar 2017 | 17:33
Selfless spirit! next please!
20 Mar 2017 | 17:34
How could u do dis Dupe? Dis is nt fair...shit
20 Mar 2017 | 20:53
Like I knew dx will happen... Cecilia... At the mention of her name, women like her tremble.
20 Mar 2017 | 21:15
Oh! Realy loving this. Next!
21 Mar 2017 | 02:05
so the truth is finally out
21 Mar 2017 | 02:38
TWISTED: thank God sly didnt represent dupe @ first,everybody would av knw him 2. sly is behind sending bois to beat cecilia & kidnapping baby tom & that y he texted annie to give hm a wk brk without any disturbance 3.use funmi to get cecilia
21 Mar 2017 | 04:27
So Uche and Annie didnt get married for real Wow Annie has a good heart.
21 Mar 2017 | 04:31
Sly is on a mission to get dupe out of jail,he is the master planner u guys shld read over again u wil get what i mean The end is near
21 Mar 2017 | 04:37
Am really loving this
21 Mar 2017 | 04:48
I hope Sly recorded all dat? Sly must b d one creating d rift btw d two women. Ride on
21 Mar 2017 | 04:58
Thank God the divorce papers were forged and not real one. Atleast Uche can still have dupe.
21 Mar 2017 | 05:08
Yes ooh @favour
21 Mar 2017 | 06:16
Episode 38 Continues.. Sylvester I lifted up the sofa and picked up the tape recorder and walked out of the room. I brought out my phone and sent a quick text to Dubem. “Where is the baby?” “Laying on ogboni76’s bed.” Came the reply. “Where are you?” I texted back. “Hiding, inside his wardrobe. Where are you?” “On my way. Please keep the baby safe.” “Sure” I dialed Tade’s number and he came on the line. “Where are you?” I asked. “Waiting for you at the estate gate.” “Cool…. see you in few minutes.” I said and disconnected. A placed a call to the police station next, reporting the kidnap and I sent them to the hotel the baby was. I picked Tade up by the Estate gate and drove down to the hotel. “How did it go?” He asked. “It worked.” I replied. He cussed and slammed his fist into his palm. “That biatch!” “Enough!” I said. “You will be calm, let me handle this.” “So she confessed to killing my mother? How do you expect me to be calm after hearing that?” “You took advantage of her naivety. Why did you mess with her in the first place? You weren’t even there for your son’s birth and you have never asked of him since he was born.” I said. “She’s also human you know.” “Are you defending her?” he asked. “Are you saying she did the right thing by killing my mother?” “Shut the f*uck up! I told you I will handle this!” ***** The police was leading Ogboni76 out of the hotel with cuffs on his hands when we got to the hotel. He took a long look at me and sneered. “You!” Ogboni76 screamed, “You were behind this.” “Officers where is my baby?” I asked. A female police officer walked to me with baby Tom in her arms. He was bawling and I took him into my arms. The poor baby must have been so scared, I soothed him and he calmed down. He stuck his little fist into his mouth and suckled on it quietly, his big eyes, staring into mine. Dubem came out of the hotel just as Ogboni76 was driven out of the gate in the police van. “Good job mate.” I said. “Thank you.” Shook up Funmi until she was jittery at the drop of a pin. I used her line to send various text messages to Cecilia while Dubem and I went to pay her a visit in the dead of the night. We roughened her up a bit and dropped the hint that it was Funmi who was behind her attack. Somehow I felt it in my guts that they were both in it together but tonight’s revelation shook me up a bit. Funmi and the baby had sneaked their way into my heart and I couldn’t help but think of them as family now. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her despite her faults. I couldn’t stop thinking of her either. I would explain everything to her when I get back and I would convince her to turn herself before I hand over the tape to the authorities. “Don’t you want to know how I pulled it off?’’ “Yea sure.” I replied distractedly. “After I took the baby from Funmi, We came here to the hotel. Mark, the guy who drove the car distracted the receptionist and I stole into Ogboni’s hotel room with the key you gave me. I placed the baby on the bed and jumped into the wardrobe. Few minutes later he walked in and started at the baby in surprise. He pulled out his gun, while staring at the baby and in that very moment the door was kicked open and the police men rushed in. They ordered him to drop his gun and cuffed him.” Dubem laughed. “It was so comical, watching everything from my hiding spot.” “Let’s get this baby back to his mother.” I said. “Where is the tape?” Dubem asked. “In my pocket.” I said, “Where is Tade?” “Who?” Dubem asked. I handed him the baby and ran to the car park but my car was gone. I searched my pocket for the tape, it was still there but my car key was gone. . Funmi “Sly….Sylvester…. is that you?” I asked in a little voice. I was going crazy with paranoia. He had been gone for over an hour and I was on the verge of nervousness. The silence of the house echoed through my muddled mind, making me squeak at every little sound. I stood up shakily and inserted the key in the lock, Lord knows I would go crazy hiding in his bedroom. I just had to do something to take my mind off the present. I walked out of the living and found myself walking towards the B wing of the house. I had never been to this part of the house and I was fascinated by the paintings which was on the wall. The portrait of the woman whom I assumed was his mother blinked back at me, almost making me jump out of my skin. I walked further, idly, opening each door and peering into it. Each of the rooms were artistically decorated and each of the beds were made up like someone would sleep in them at night, strange, I thought. There was something strange and intriguing about the owner of the house too so I wasn’t too surprised. I tried to open another door but it refused to give way, I turned and made to go when I heard it creaked open. The room seemed like an artist’s studio, there was a big sofa in the center of the room, a table holding various cases of paints and brushes were beside it. A big portrait was stood on another table but it was covered up with a white cloth. I pulled back the white cloth covering the portrait and gasped in shock. Dupe. It was a portrait of Dupe standing in a flowing white gown on a beach. “Dupe?” I cried out in disbelief, my mind was whirling with questions. He had also played me, I screamed in my head. Sylvester must have known who I was and now I had foolishly played into his hands. For the third time another human had betrayed me, why do I always trust blindly? Why do people keep using me? So he has been acting all these while? It was all a lie... the sensual stares, the kind words, the…. It was all a lie, I thought, furiously. I walked out of the room just as my phone, which I held in my palm, rang. I stared at the number on the screen, pondering if I should answer it or not. I clicked on the green button and lifted the phone to my ear. “Funmi” He said and my heart sprang up. “Tade” I said, feeling a sea of pain wash through me. Why was he calling now? What does he want? “Where are you?” He asked, “I want to see you. Can I see you now?” “How long have you been in Nigeria?” I wanted to know. This man had stolen my innocence and in the end he had betrayed me. They had all fooled me and now he was asking to see me? Maybe he was trying to set me up so the police could arrest me. Silence. He definitely had something up his sleeve, I thought. “Tade, why should I see you?” I asked. “Funmi, I know you might find this hard to believe but I regret the way I treated you. I want to see you… you know to talk and find out how you’re doing. Can I see you right now?” He asked. “I decide the venue” I said. “That’s fine by me.” He replied. “Meet me at Swann hotel, not far from your family house in an hour time.” I said and disconnected. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and picked up a tiny fruit knife. I picked up my hand bag on the sofa and slipped the knife into it. I will take care of them all one after the other. My phone beeped and a message box showed on the screen. It was from Sylvester. “Please don’t leave the house or open the door for anyone. See you in few minutes” ************************************* Mabel I threw my phone on the sofa worriedly while I paced up and down, in the spacious lining room, wondering what to do next. I had settled down for a short nap before Serwa gets back from her walk with her Grandpa when I had a terrible dream. In the dream, Tade had been in a pool of blood, while a mad man laughed at him, knife held high in his hand and in the next scene, we were all in a mourning clothes lowering him to the ground. The door opened and Serwa bounced into the room, laughing at the top of her lungs. My father followed at her heels, he stopped short when he saw the look on my face. “Serwa, please go to your room” I said and for once she went up the stairs without a word. “What is it?” Dad asked. “I had a bad dream Dad. I am so sacred. I think Tade is in danger” I replied. “Have you tried calling him?” He asked. “He is not picking up.” He held my hand and led me to the sofa and we both sat down. He held onto my hands tightly. “Close your eyes” he said. I did. “Now pray for your husband.’’ “Lord…” I started. ************************ Funmi “I am in room089” I texted to him after I checked in. The land phone in the room rang out few minutes later and I picked it up. “Yea, send him in.” I brought out the knife and slipped it underneath the pillow on the bed. I sat down on the bed, patiently waiting, my heartbeat was steady and I felt so calm. Few minutes later, he knocked on the door and I let him in. He walked in with a big teddy bear, a single rose flower and a cup of latte. He went on his knees, arms stretched out towards me. He might have led the police to me but I won’t be the only one going down tonight. I would rest well in jail, knowing he was laying six feet in the ground. Yes, that would gladden my heart so much. I accepted his offering, inhaling the rose deeply. This rose will lay on your grave soon, I thought. “Funmi, believe me, I am deeply sorry for all that I have done to you.” He said. Yea right. I was so certain the police was waiting outside but I wasn’t deterred. I accepted the cup of Latte from him and took a deep sip. It was creamy, it was just as I liked. I had mentioned it once that I preferred a cup of latte to chocolate when we went to the park and he still remembered. I looked into his eyes, was he telling the truth? Was he really trying to get back with me? No, I decided. He hadn’t even bothered to ask of his son. He was lying, he had something up his sleeve. “Stand up, please” I said. He stood up and sat beside me on the bed. “I want to give Mabel a divorce so we can be together. I’m truly sorry for all I’ve done to you.” He was repeating the same words over and over again. It actually seemed like he was stalling or waiting for the right moment to strike. Was he waiting for the police to get here? There must be a reason he is stalling, I thought. For someone who wanted to see me badly, he wasn’t acting out his role well. Time to put mine into action, I thought. The bastard still hadn’t asked of his son! How could he be so heartless? I scooted back and laid on the bed, my thighs spread invitingly. I beckoned to him with a finger and I could see him mentally struggling with himself. He reluctantly laid beside and I caressed his arms quietly. “Funmi…” “Shhh…we’ll talk later. Now’s not the time” I said. “Tade, kiss me.” He straddled me and kissed my neck. I felt my head spin and at first I thought it was his kisses but my head kept spinning and I was becoming so weak. He’s smarter than I thought. The bastard drugged me. I pulled up my top and his lips settled on my exposed n.ipple. I reached for the bedside lamp and switched it off. The drug was slowly working its way into my system and I felt my strength ebbing out of me. I reached for the fruit knife, looking at his face closely. He was lost in a world of his own, his eyes were closed, his brows furrowed and his face was tightened. I lifted the knife and plunged it into his shoulder. He shrieked and rolled off me, crashing to the ground. I stood up and staggered, I fell down and stood up shakily again. “You dr…drugged me” I slurred. “I will kill you” He groaned on the floor. “You killed my mother! You deserve to die too!” I staggered towards the door and collapsed on the bed. My throat burned painfully and tears stung my eyes. “I…I…. did not kill your mother. Cecilia killed her!” I held my throat with my hands, rolling on the bed. “What have you….done to me…..Tade?” I saw stars and distant lights swimming across my vision, the room spun round and round making me dizzy. It was like I was standing on my head. I knew it then that whatever was in the drink was more than a sleeping drug. My heart ached for my poor child, will I ever see him again? “You did not kill my mother?” Tade choked out in pain. “Tom” I cried out, coughing. “My ba…by” Tade tried to stand up but he fell back on the floor. “Funmi…..I’m sorry.” My joints were weakened, blood and spittle dribbled out of my mouth. Tears leaked from my tired eyes and I felt my arms fall to my side. I knew I was jerking my legs now, although it hurts terribly, I couldn’t control it. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. When it eventually came, slowly but painfully, I still wasn’t prepared for it. . To be continued after comments..
21 Mar 2017 | 07:15
Eiyaa..what a pity
21 Mar 2017 | 07:50
Can't wait for Uche too have dupe back
21 Mar 2017 | 11:29
Sly is so smart; I know he sent those text including those guys that beat-up the bitch, even the kidnapped of the baby (Tom). Next plz!
21 Mar 2017 | 11:59
Tade datz wrong
21 Mar 2017 | 12:05
sorry Funmi RIP dear
21 Mar 2017 | 12:38
Next please!
21 Mar 2017 | 13:06
oh I pray she doesn't die
21 Mar 2017 | 13:31
Episode 39 Continues.. Sylvester My eyes picked out the empty cup lying carelessly on the floor as soon as I entered the room. I turned back, the police men were busy whispering to one another, I picked it up and scrunched it. I walked towards the window, stepped over the pool of blood on the floor and threw it out, through the window. I don’t know why I was doing this. I wasn’t trying to save his ass, I was only saving his wife and daughter further pains. I went to the bedside and checked Funmi’s pulse, she was so cold and I felt tears stung my eyes. I heard the ko ko ko sound of Annie’s heels as she walked in and stood beside me, her arm placed on my back. “She’s dead” I said, checking her pulse over and over again. “Step aside sir” A police officer said. They had re-entered the room with the paramedics and they were ready to take the body to the morgue. Some police men they are, I thought. Saying they were unprofessional was an understatement. They seemed very spooked and they were so anxious to put it all behind them. Why send a couple of rookies to do the job meant for the superiors? That goes to show you the level of decay in the system. If only I hadn’t told Tade she confessed, if only… “Sly…” Annie said quietly.” She’s dead. Please let them do their job.” I walked out of the room silently and I heard her run after me. “Sly don’t blame yourself for this.” She said. Earlier that evening, when I discovered my car was missing, I entrusted the baby to Dubem’s care and I was calling for a taxi when Annie drove into the hotel. Tade had called and informed her, that he was lying in a pool of his own blood in Swann hotel. She had called for an ambulance and she had also called the authorities before coming to get me. I couldn’t question Tade because he had been taken to the hospital by the time we got to the hotel but I knew it in my heart that he was behind her death. The empty Latte cup, which the police had overlooked confirmed it. “Oh, I have a call” Annie said. She walked few feet away from me and answered the call. She walked back towards me, beaming. “What is it?” I asked, not ready to take in any more bad news. “That was Uche.” She beamed. “He said Dupe just went into labor.” “Great” I replied and walked out through the exit. *************************************** That same Night... “We have just given him a sedative and it will take few minutes before it works so you only have few minutes with him.” The doctor said. “Thank you” I said and waited for her to walk out of the room before facing Tade. “Why?” “I’m sorry. I overreacted. I thought she killed my mother but she said….” He said feebly. “You poisoned her.” I stated. “No, I did not. I swear it to you. She had the drink with her when I got there and she tried to get me to drink it so I refused and…..” “She decided to drink it herself?” I said, “You better come up with a better lie, believe me you will have to cook up a better story to convince a judge she poisoned herself.” He groaned and closed his eyes. “Where is the key to my car? “In my pocket” He said. I fished it out of his pocket and walked out of the room. ********************************* Few hours later… I showed the security my Id and they let me through the gate. I parked in front of Judge Michaels’s block and walked to his door. I knocked on it, then pressed the doorbell. “This better be good Shark” The judge said, holding the door open, with a shotgun in his hand. “I can’t believe you roused me up from sleep at three am! What do you want?” “I am calling in that favor you owe me.” I said. Judge Michaels was a reputable Judge but he loved anything in skirt and that almost led to his downfall. One early morning, I had come upon him in a delicate situation which I helped resolved. The delicate situation involved him and a sex worker, according to the Judge they had agreed on a price which he paid before taking the girl home. In the morning, the girl had begged him to drop her off on his way out. While on the street, she had latched onto his shirt, saying he hadn’t paid her the night before. He had offered to pay her some more money but she had declined, saying she wanted a million Naira or else she would make a video of them and release it online. A sea of people had congregated, ready to spring out their phones, if any further drama occurs. I had written the check for the girl immediately and declined it when the judge offered to pay me few days later. He had been so grateful. Now I was calling in that favor. “I want you to hear this.” I said, pressing play on the tiny tape recorder. He listened intently to Funmi’s voice and to my surprise, let out an expletive when the tape ended. “That Cecilia girl is a beast and she ought to be behind bars.” He said. “I am glad you feel that way Judge. I need a warrant for her arrest.” “Done” he declared. ****************** Uche “I have a daughter” I said, holding the little bundle closer to my chest. The baby smelled so good and I knew she must look like her mother. The thought brought tears of happiness to my eyes. “She’s so beautiful” Annie gushed out. “Yes she is” My mother seconded. “What about Dupe?” I asked the duo who had gone to bring the baby home. “There is something you have to know Uche.” Mama said. “Did something happen to her?” I asked. “No, she’s alright.” Mama said. “Funmi is dead but she talked before dying.” Annie said, “She named Cecilia as her accomplice as a matter of fact it was Cecilia who spearheaded everything from the get go.” “Wait, which Cecilia?” I asked. “The same Cecilia… Uche it was all my fault. While you were at the hospital she came to see you and I carelessly mentioned to her that she was only interested in the money you were paid.” Mama replied. “You told Cecilia?” I asked in disbelief. “Mama you know how she is when it comes to money!” “Yes. I know I shouldn’t have said anything to her, knowing how greedy she could be but I was so angry with her and I wanted her out of your life for good. I realized my mistakes too late, I treated Dupe so badly, I failed to see the good in her because of her tribe.” Mama said. “And I was ready to apologize to her and tell her how wrong I was about her when Cecilia came in at that moment and I couldn’t help giving her a piece of my mind.” She said. “You mean Cecilia was the one behind everything? She committed those murders?” I said. “Why didn’t I think of it! She was a member of a deadly cult while we were in school and I convinced her to leave the group when we met.” “The good news is that she was arrested last night while she was trying to flee. And oh they found Mrs. Afolabi’s phone, her jewelry and her wedding ring in her apartment.” Annie said elatedly. “Guess what?” I sighed roughly, causing the baby to squirm and I rocked her gently. “What now?” “Dupe is coming home soon” She and Mama chorused. ********************************************** Sylvester “The police as usual were careless when they got to the hotel room. They didn’t notice the empty cup on the floor and they also overlooked the rose flower and the big teddy bear lying beside her on the bed. I picked up the cup and I trashed it.” I finished the narration of the events which had led to Tade being hospitalized. “Thank you Sir,” Mabel said, with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for…” “Don’t thank me ma’am.” I said. It was an awkward moment for the both of us, we were both concealing a crime and it was best if we put it all behind us. “What should we do now?” She asked, staring at her husband who was sound asleep on the hospital bed. “The police have questioned him and he’s off the hook. I suggest you take him home.” I said. “As soon as possible” “Thank you. We’ll go back to the states as soon as he’s fit to travel. Thank you once again.” She said. “You are welcome. Can I ask for a favor?” I said. “Yea sure. Anything” She said. “I want to adopt Tom” I said. She looked momentarily stunned and blinked furiously in confusion and then looked embarrassed. “Tom?” “Funmi’s son” I said. “Oh” She uttered and looked down at her feet. “Yes” Tade replied.” If its’ okay by you,Bell.” We both turned to look at him, he was wide awake and seemed to be in his senses. “Yea….I guess. I ….mean… well” she stuttered. “Thank you” I said and walked out of the room. I paused outside the door and looked back for a second. Mabel was beside her husband’s bed. He held her hand while she placed her head on the bed. “Tade, are you certain about it?” She asked him. “You’ve always wanted a son” “Yes but I am content with my girls. Sylvester will be good to him.” She leaned over and kissed him softly on his lips. . To be continued after comments..
21 Mar 2017 | 13:58
Funmi pls dnt die yet ooo, so dat u can suffer the pains u made dupe pass through....slow death z wat fit you....bitch! Tade u shouldn't hv done dat nah... At last dupe z gonna be free, m appi abt dat
21 Mar 2017 | 14:59
Its settled everytin z gonna be back to normal very soon.....
21 Mar 2017 | 15:20
For God sake y is tade doing this now am just scared abt the whole thing NOW
21 Mar 2017 | 15:21
Why did funmi die
21 Mar 2017 | 15:32
Tade took laws into his hands!
21 Mar 2017 | 15:55
Everytin is settling bck to normal, too bad funmi had to pay wt her life
21 Mar 2017 | 16:18
Wow.. Am happy for Dupe atlast Funmi is dead, so painful
21 Mar 2017 | 18:28
Shit! Damn it....jst as I thought...
21 Mar 2017 | 19:35
Funmi you deserve what Tade did to you
21 Mar 2017 | 19:52
What!!! U r so stupid...u wer warned nt 2 go out,, well, maybe karma has gotten to u
21 Mar 2017 | 20:03
wow... Funmi, so this is how far you can go? sorry you have to pay with your life... but shark, you're a man of Honor. I really love the role you played but ur only mistake is when you left the case for Bankole to handle... never the less, Dupe will be out soon..
21 Mar 2017 | 20:49
we should be expecting the last episode or what? cos we already know how it will end.... maybe the story has branches. let's wait....
21 Mar 2017 | 20:53
Why Fummi... Just simple instruction/warninq, you decide to do your own wish. Happy the judqe obliqed to His(Sly) request to arrest Cecilia.
21 Mar 2017 | 22:49
I don't like funmi dead
22 Mar 2017 | 04:51
Last Episode 40 Continues.. Epilogue Dupe I removed the dark glasses I wore and stared at the sky. It is amazing how we take so much for granted, the sky looked so beautiful, the air smelled so fresh and the evening breeze caressed my skin gently. I took a deep breath before getting into the car, Uche looked at me and gave me a wide smile. I smiled too, happy. Our chauffeur, Annie turned around and beamed at us. I reached out and took her hand in mine. She was more than a friend, she was family now. “Hey guys, this is your captain speaking. Fasten your seat belts! Its time!” Annie said. “It’s time to go home Dupe,” Uche said. “Home” I said. I was finally back home, beside my husband. “Where my heart belonged. “Home is wherever you are Uche,” “Awwn, that’s sweet.” Annie said, “Oh you guys! You make me want to cry!” And she started bawling. “Oh Annie,” I said. She got down from the car and got into the back with us. She pulled Uche and I into her arms, in a big hug. ************************** Sylvester “I have enough evidence to put you away forever.” I said. “You won’t go scot free this time around.” I said. “I won’t let you ruin the life of another young boy again.” He laughed evilly and sneered.” You can’t imprison the wind.” I laughed too and he started laughing as well until I stopped abruptly. “Two of your boys are also behind bars and they are ready to talk so they can have lesser jail terms. And oh, I have convinced them to lay all the blame on you.” “My boys are very loyal to me, they will never betray me like you did!” Ognoni76 said, scratching his bald head. “You mean they won’t talk? They already talked! We also know that you forced them to rape and kill a pregnant woman as a form of initiation into your evil cult” He looked perplexed for a second. “Who told you that?” he growled. “They are in special unit. They are being protected.” I said. “They talked, a lot.” “Why are you doing this?” he asked. “This is for Nonye.” I said, “And the countless innocent lives you have destroyed.’’ “Who is Nonye?” “You will find out soon enough” I said and turned to leave. “Wait! Remember we were once in this together! Remember you made your money through drugs! I had to change tactics when you left me! I was broke and almost homeless and the law was on my heels. I had to find a way to get back to my feet. I delved into Yahoo, something I thought was for little boys, so I recruited Dubem to be in charge of that but he duped me! All I did was to give you lot a meaningful life! See, we can still make it work again!” “I think you are going senile because I have never met you before. I am a well-known reputable lawyer, what have I got to do with the likes of you?” I quipped. He laughed and slapped his bulgy stomach. “I have trapped you little boy. The evidence is on your arm, you were once my protégée.” He lifted up his polo to reveal his bull head tattoo. “You have this tattoo too! Let me see how you will explain that to the judge, lawyer boy!” I opened the buttons on my shirt while he looked on, wondering what was going on. I showed him both of my arms and he gasped. “What tattoo?” I sneered. “Where…..where….how….” he stuttered. “ You….you…” “See you in court” I said and sauntered away while he rattled the irons bars holding him prisoner. ********* During the drive to the Airport, my parents huddled close to each other. They talked, held hands, whispered and giggled like school children in love. When their flight was announced, they both pulled me into their arms at the same time and gave me a fierce hug. “Are you sure you don’t want us to go with our grandson?” Mama said in Ewe. “He just became a father, let him enjoy his son for a while.” Dad replied. “Let him visit us as soon as he starts walking.” I stared at the both of them. It had been ages since I heard them speak Ewe. I couldn’t believe they were speaking the once forbidden language in broad daylight. A dark skinned petite girl in Angelina blouse and short skirt walked by and called out greetings to us in Ewe. Mama Laughed. “Did you hear that Sylvester?” “I heard Mama,” I finally replied and they both hugged me close again. “We love you Sly,” they both chorused. “Don’t forget to bring your son home as often as you can.” “I promise” I said and pulled them into my arms. **** “Hey” Annie said, walking into my living room. “Hey” I replied, pouring her a glass. “How’s Tom?” She asked. “I just put him down for his nap and I am still hunting for a nanny.” I said. “Look no more.” She said. “I will care for him.” “Umm… Annie…. I was thinking you might be more than that. I want you to be his surrogate mom.” “Oh really?” She said, excitedly. “Thank you Shar…Sly.” “But there’s a tiny problem.” “What’s the problem?” She asked. “When he gets older, he will realize his friends have two parents living under the same roof but he only has one and that might traumatize him. So …. Well…” “Are you asking me to move in?” “What?” I laughed and looked shocked.” No…. I wouldn’t dare to…” “Yes” She said. “I have always wanted to be a mother and Tom is such an adorable baby. Henceforth, no more cuss words, late nights, heavy music and we must go to church every Sunday.” “Why?” I asked. “We have to be model parents. We will bring him up in the way of the lord.” She replied. “Oh” I said in surprise. “But you are a Muslim.” “I converted.” “When?” I asked. “Few minutes ago. We have to get books on parenting as well and ….” “I want to show you something.” I said and opened my shirt. “This” I pointed to my bare arm where the tattoo was. “Oh” She said, “Well I am glad you removed it. We wouldn’t want our son thinking it’s good to have tattoos” She brought out her phone and started flipping through it. “Annie what are you doing?” I asked. “I want to call the movers.” She said. “We have to change some things because right now this place still looks like a bachelor’s house and we have to make it more conducive for our baby. Right?” “Right?” I agreed. ****** Mabel “What is the baby’s name?” I asked, looking at the sweet looking thing. “Annie.” Dupe replied. “Oh that’s a sweet name.” I said. “We named her after our own Annie.” “Yea she’s my name sake” Annie beamed. Dupe and her Husband, Annie and the lawyer came to see us because Tade would be discharged any moment from now and we would be heading for the Airport immediately. The doctor walked in. “he can go home now.” “Thank you” I said happily. The doctor walked out once again. Annie brought out a camera and waved her hand. “Photo time.” She cried out, “Who will snap us?” “I will.” Sylvester said. “No, no, you get to be in the photographs too. Go get one of those starchy nurses.” Annie replied. He sighed and walked out of the room. “Thank you all for coming. This means so much to me” I said. “I can’t believe we are finally going back home.” “Bell, we are going to the states.” Tade reminded me. “That is still home. My parents and Serwa are there and they have decorated the whole house in anticipation of our coming.” I said, beaming. “Well that’s still home.” Annie seconded. “You will be coming back when the trial starts, right?” “Cecilia’s?” I asked. “Yes. Can I…. can I hold Tom?” “Yes.” She said gleefully. “He might not let you hold him for long because he’s used to his mommy’s hands already. Isn’t he such a cutie?” She placed him in my arms. I held him close to my bosoms, looking into his handsome face. He looked neither like Tade nor Funmi. He looked like himself and that pleased me. No questions will trail him later in life, looking at the lawyer and Annie you wouldn’t know he wasn’t theirs biologically. Sylvester walked in with a young pretty nurse tucked into the crook of his arms, it was obvious he had charmed her as the poor thing was blushing and giggling. “Uche, Dubem sent me a text. He has gone back to Malaysia.” Sylvester announced. “Typical of him.” Uche replied. “How did he get the money to go back?” Dupe asked and we all stared at him. “What?” he asked. “Okay, I might have helped him a little.” We all burst into laughter. Annie gave the camera to the nurse and we clustered around Tade on the bed. “Say Cheese” The nurse said. “Cheese we all chorused.” **** Tade and Mabel headed for the Airport, Annie, Sylvester and their son drove back to their home while Uche and Dupe went house hunting. They wanted a big house with a garden where little Annie and her siblings that are yet to come will play. When Little Annie is six months old, her parents would travel to India to check if there’s a chance for her father to see again. Whether he sees again or not, we all know that Dupe would be his eyes for the rest of their lives. . THE END . Thank you all for making this book a success. Special thanks goes to those awesome readers who have been arguing back and forth over each scene, through your rich points I have been able to develop the plot. I don’t know if I have been able to pass my message (the theme) across effectively, but I do believe we all have been entertained. Thanks once again, compliments of the season to you all! *kisses*
22 Mar 2017 | 07:14
Oh Funmi! I know she was wrong but she was not supposed to die. That devil called Cecelia should have been the one. Thanks to the writer the story was lovely and the twist was something else. I never saw Funmi' death coming.
22 Mar 2017 | 08:40
Awwwwwn At was so nice
22 Mar 2017 | 09:57
Any one coming up next???
22 Mar 2017 | 09:58
Nd here comes d end.....itz a nice jst feels lyk d story should end sef... Writer keep it up...we're expectin more frm u...
22 Mar 2017 | 13:43
Great! Dis is so good. Expecting more from u soon
22 Mar 2017 | 13:50
22 Mar 2017 | 17:18
Nice ending,but pity for uche,pray he should C
22 Mar 2017 | 17:57
Awesome story
22 Mar 2017 | 18:36
I really enjoyed myself reading this book just as you called it..... More ink to your pen
22 Mar 2017 | 18:49
so interestinq... Feelz so sad Fummi has to qo... Waitinq for more.
22 Mar 2017 | 20:10
Oh my! The story was great! Just that I hate the fact that Funmi died despite all she passed through. She was a victim all through. If only she had allowed nemesis to catch up with Tade and his wife, maybe she'd have been alive to see their end. Nice one there Mr. Writer.
22 Mar 2017 | 22:53
wow so cool i love dis story
23 Mar 2017 | 03:35
what a happy ending
23 Mar 2017 | 03:42
Wow, i almost cried
23 Mar 2017 | 04:15
What a lovely story.. I really enjoyed... Kudos 2 u
23 Mar 2017 | 07:16
Wow! I'm so glad it ended well...its like I've missed an episode
23 Mar 2017 | 07:59
Best story so far. Matured and constructive. Godbless you bro.
23 Mar 2017 | 08:10
Fuck u matter what, u shldn't have killed her.
23 Mar 2017 | 08:11
nice story with happy ending Your biggest enemy may turn out to be your best friend in the future and vice versa who believe Dupe and Annie can be best of friend
23 Mar 2017 | 12:34
Nice one. More grease to or elbow
23 Mar 2017 | 13:24
Happy ending but i dnt like the way funmi just die like that without saying bye bye to dupe,cecilia shld have gone that way KUDOS 2 D writer
23 Mar 2017 | 16:22
nice story, infact it was superb. kudos to the writer
25 Mar 2017 | 12:06
Nice Story
6 Apr 2017 | 12:36
Wonderful story
13 Apr 2017 | 08:09
28 Dec 2017 | 19:05
So his father didn't actually die, wot Rili happened
24 Apr 2018 | 09:36
The thunder dat will strike dis funmi is doing press up in Mountain on fire
24 Apr 2018 | 10:01


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