Always ready. by (Enny sho)

Always ready. by (Enny sho)

By Ay_Standard in 19 Feb 2017 | 05:40
Ay_Standard Ay_Standard

Ay_Standard Ay_Standard

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Always Ready....
Episode 1

Long time ago (about 3 months now). I met a girl. her name is Agatha, I met her where I went to re-register my Waec because the one I had earlier, a very important subject was seized that's not the issue. The issue is about this beautiful babe I met there. I only wanted to join the school lesson session until my father later convince me to join the school as a new intake. I felt remorse at first thinking of how I'll cope with these students whom their classmates in my former school are always afraid of me because I don't take nonsense from any junior student although I was not given a post but many students are afraid of me even than the head boy then. So many thought came across my mind when I later decided that since nobody knows me I would just pretend as if I never wrote the exam before so as to achieve my goal. I was among the best student with the best results in my former school as I had 5 b's and 3 c's while the last subject was seized,so I have no choice than to reseat.
I later agreed to join the school as a fulltime student and will also wear their uniforms. I spent up to 3 weeks before I was able to interact freely with the student so I had some close friends who I was able to confide in. With the things were I also appeared to b one of the best in this new school as some people will tell me things like.
'Enny how I wish you were in this school last term this our head girl that is forming best in maths won't be forming bcos definitely you are better than her'
while some started suspecting and would ask me if I have written WAEC before now which I denied that this will be my first time. This went on and some of the teachers who were not involved in the registration will also ask sane questions but I can't lie to the teachers so as to avoid bad name. I like this new school after I've spent up to 7 weeks there. Agatha was my initial seatmate but I'm not too free with girls so I have to relocate to the sit directly before Agatha's sit(i.e in her front). Life went on. I don't talk to any girl except if it had anything to do with helping in some difficult areas of study. I was surprised at the rate of my fame within the short period and some girls will start making advances I understood it so I just keep them arms length away so as to avoid any intimate relationship between us as I was just 17 then till now I'm still 17.

Stay in touch for next episode
19 Feb 2017 | 05:40
Owk! Just on time... Oyah fire on bro
19 Feb 2017 | 06:25
Always ready... Episode 2... The experience went on stable for close to two months until one of the girls who made advance decided to confront me directly I would say semi-directly because it showed in her behavior directly but did not confront verbally. Her name is Timileyin. This girl is pretty no doubt but she's too forward that I don't like about her bt she has nice curves perfect shape and her beauty also compliments it. I like her but I still see them as my junior so I find it difficult to adapt to the girls especially. I noticed this a very long time that this girl have been making advances but I just decided to keep shut and pretend as if I know nothing about it. As a sharp guy you have to watch the situation very well. This observation went on 4 about a week to the extent that there was a day I was helping some girls out as usual as they have made it their habit to come to meet me and prefer me than their head girl because its obvious that she used to make jest of them indirectly. The head girl will even order me to come like she's ordering for food, at first I will decline but one of my friend will tell me to obey that if I fail to obey that I would be asked to sweep the whole ss 3 class so I have no choice than to obey. Back to this Timileyin matter, there was a day that I was having my usual sessions with about three girls which I was even planning to hook up with one of them (Bolanle) then Timileyin came with a book so I concluded that maybe she's interested in the lecture on her way to where we were sitting, she branched another seat so I was relieved so that she will not come and perform her usual stunt she used to so as not to spoil my plan with this new catch. Soon I look up again and I noticed that she's coming towards our seat, this time with no book so I began to wonder what is this girl up to. I just ignored her until she came to our seat and I was massively surprised at the system she used to spoil my show that day that I became the topic of the day through out the remaining periods of school. What did she do? How did she spoil my show? Well find out in the next episode.. Stay tuned for the next episode
19 Feb 2017 | 06:55
Another one don nack ground
19 Feb 2017 | 07:23
Always Ready Episode 3... The way she spoilt my sho this time, I was shock that chai see the system this girl uses to take over my life in the school chai. I was dumbfounded that I don't know what to do or say bt all I did was just to laugh as I can't find any word to express my self so I just have to accept it like thour as I don't know how to defend myself and some people who have been noticing the advances she had been making would say things like 'gbam e don happen' 'I talk am say this people na husband and wife' some even went to the extent of saying that because I used to lecture them that I'm using that opportunity to take advantage of them. But I don't care bcos I have a lot of things ahead of me,but the thing is paining me because I'm also having plans to woo some of them secretly including Bolanle and all the people I've found interest in were present there. 'chai see fuck up' I cursed within. Just after that drama happened about two days later Bolanle started making advances also and I wonder if she was not the person that was sitting opposite when the drama happened as she would call me romantic names like 'My intelligent husband' 'My dearest love' 'Love of my life'. Though I was not bothered as I always think that girls are deceitful. So this went on but I'm surprised that this Timileyin of a girl will not let me rest ooo. She will always force me to follow her to her house which I declined though we ply the same road but her house is trekable but mine is very far to the extent that I was given the Immunity to close 30 before the closing as to get home b4 7pm. But I have not been making use of my immunity so as to accomplish some of my plans which is now gradually crashing. When this disturbance is getting too much I decided to start making use of my immunity so as to keep Timileyin's relationship at arms length so as to let that mentality wash off her brain but instead it was getting more intense. What am I supposed to do now? Of course I don't know what to do so I decided to start avoiding her so as to kill that feelings she have for. Though I also have feelings for her but 60% of that feelings died the day she sat on my lap. oooh I forgot to tell you guys, that was the drama she performed that day ooo. Though she had nice curves beautiful face nice dimples but she's too forward. So as I was saying the more I avoid her the more she comes closer and the more it get complicated, though bimpe was still acting her role which I didn't know what she was up to. But this Timileyin is pulling weight ooo. Even Agatha will start saying things like 'Enny you can't even greet me' 'Or ur wife say you should not greet any girl again' But I don't have reply so all I did was just laugh laugh and laugh. But there's something this Timileyin of a girl did which shocked me. What did she do? Find out in the next episode Stay in touch for the next episode
19 Feb 2017 | 08:30
@lexxxino please you'll help me tag links to episode in this my new story cos I don't know how to go about it
19 Feb 2017 | 11:09
Always Ready Episode 4... Her action shocked me not that she was the one that pulled it but she triggered the action. I was in the class during economics and after the class the teacher called me to see him outside. I was not surprise cos he usually call me to help him take his note to his staff room and some other stuffs. So I didn't put it in mind so after the class I decided to meet him as he had ordered. So when I went to meet him. I was shocked at the question he asked. Economics teacher: I want you to answer this question honestly. Me: Sure, why should I lie. Economics teacher: Why have you been avoiding Timileyin? Me: **shocked** I'm not avoiding her its just that.... Economics teacher: just what so you have start keeping malice,when did you even resume. Me: I'm not keeping malice with her ooo and she's not even in class. Economics teacher: Okay go and call her for me. Me: ***so dis gal go report me***okay sir. I went to her class to call her and her reaction was as if she won a lottery. The feelings I had for her is now going down as time goes on. The malice as claimed by the teacher was resolved right there before the teacher left for his office and this was how I was unable to enjoy my immunity as I have indulged some 4 days ago. Every time I try to ignore her, she threaten to report to the teacher and I was trying all my possible best not to be on any teachers blacklist as I've become their favorite new student. soon the visitation pestering began that same day that the malice as claimed by the teacher was resolved. This time Bolanle's attitude was gradually going down which disturbed me very much because she's the one I chose. soon I start planning on how to punish this Timileyin. but since my plan was not working out so I decided to forget about punishing her. and move on with my studies but she was still pestering me to come to her house. So one day I decided to follow her but I'll they make it known to her early in the morning so that she wouldn't end up telling people including people that I don't want them to know. So that evening after school and lesson which ended 5pm While I was going so u decided to use my brain as planned earlier. I didn't take cab at the usual place I used to. I was just walking on my own so that if she's still interested, she'll catch up with me but if she's not then I will just stop and take a cab home. Just as I predicted I just heard someone shouting my name from behind and when I turned back it was her but she was not alone she was with 2 of her friends whom they used to go home together but I didn't know that they live in the same area. I was so shocked that I just decided within me that I will have to postpone my appointment with her though she didn't know about it. So as I saw that she was the one and she was not alone I decided to stop. if she was alone maybe I won't have stopped. She ean towards my direction and her friends were not running but they increased their footsteps so as to catch up also. on getting to my position, she hugged me which I was surprised at so I have to welcome it and as I looked thru her shoulder where I rest my head Agatha gave me a thumb up while Bolanle also smirked a wicked smile which shows she was not happy with the situation. yes I almost forgot Agatha and Bolanle were the two girls that were with her. They later caught up with us and were surprised to see me trekking cos that'll be the first time they will see me trekking. Just then we were gisting and Agatha decided to ask me what happened that made me want to trek today. Agatha: This one that you are trekking today hope all is well, or you want to go home with your babe. Me: I don't know she lives around here ooo.... Timileyin: Thank God you remind me Agatha, I've always been begging him to come to my house but he has always refused so today na today you must go with me. During all this conversation I noticed that Bolanle didn't say anything, she was just forcing out laughter which shows that she was not happy. I said finally this girl don spoil my show. as we were going I noticed that Bolanle was not happy at all. Then she said bye and I was like Me: ain't you going home again? Bolanle: I'm going to my mother's shop. Timileyin: is that the road to her shop? you this girl ehn I will tell your mum that you are now having boyfriends. As Timileyin said this I knew that Bolanle was not comfortable anymore that's why she just needed to spare herself the torture of witnessing how Timileyin and I was playing our love because as at that time she opted to go to her mum's shop which was a lie, I was holding my hand across Timileyin's waist as she was the one who put my hand there that's absolutely not my wish. So I could read jealousy on Bolanle's face as I pretended as if I didn't notice her. I actually felt her pain cos it pains more than how it pained her. We were still on our way when Timileyin pointed to a guy coming directly from opposite us that he was his brother I was shocked and afraid that I had to remove my hand from her waist so as to avoid her brother's wrought. but I was surprised by her action What was her action? find out in the next episode Stay tuned for the next episode. ..
19 Feb 2017 | 11:21
why are you always suprise with her actions
19 Feb 2017 | 13:17
This Timiileyin na something else
19 Feb 2017 | 17:54
Always ready. Episode 5.. When she said the guy was her brother, I quickly removed my hand from her waist but was surprised when she held my hand and took it back to the previous position. She told me not to worry. Timileyin: Are you afraid? Me: Yes, I don't want trouble for my self. Timileyin:I said don't worry is he not my broda I'll handle it. Me:**♥ was beating faster than normal** okay baby. Agatha: Did I just hear you say baby. Timileyin: Yes now what's your business their or are you jealous. With the way this girl is behaving, its obvious that she's a spoilt brat. I was afraid cos I don't know what his reaction will be but I was assured not to worry. Now Timileyin's broda is already with us and I was shocked with what I heard. Timileyin's broda(Wale): ooh is this the boy you have been telling us about. He said this and afterwards shook hands with me. it was then I was relieved that I'm safe. During our conversation, Agatha witnessed it all. I could not bear the embarrassment any so I maneuvered my way by opting to go home as time was already few mins to 6pm. Then her broda allowed me to go. I got home that day at about 15 mins to 8pm. I was thinking and reflecting on how tomorrow is going to be shaped. As I was still thinking, I just sharply remembered what Wale said i.e Timileyin's broda that 'is this the boy you have been telling US about' that statement really gave me concern that I had a mixed and impossible feelings. I asked myself that. 'is it that this girl have already told her parents about me?' 'or could she be planning something 4 me ❓' 'but she claim to love me so she can't harm me' 'or did she know that I was making a move to woo someone else❓' I asked my self a lot rhetorical questions that can't be answered because the manner which Wale her brother as she claimed earlier said that 'US' was too intense as if they have been planning on how to kidnap me. but I later told my self that I've done nothing wrong so I should be rest assured that I'm safe for now. ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß The night was very fast as I was unable to sleep early due to what happened earlier that day. Now its Friday. though I don't have any plans to go to her house again since the earlier encounter with the guy she claimed to be her broda. But it was obvious that she will force me today because we usually close 3 hours earlier on Fridays. I have already made up my mind not to go with her no matter how she try to force me. It was that day that I believe that walls have ears and not only the walls, including the road cos that matter was trending in the class that day that as some people will even come and meet me to ask me what her broda said but I'll just tactically change the topic but some of them won't give up. they would ask questions like. 'You met broda wale yday what did he say ❓' ' broda wale no dey take nonsense ooo beta stay off his sister' 'Guy I pity you, maybe he was in a good mood yday that's why you ain't in the hospital by now' On hearing stuffs like this I was getting more afraid so I decided to make some findings on my own, so I asked some people about Wale and why everyone is afraid of him. one guy told me that Broda Wale graduated last year. I was shocked that he was even my classmate. The guy went on by telling me how Wale almost killed one teacher because Timileyin reported to him that the teacher is wooing her. On hearing this,it was as if they activated auto-heat as I began to sweat profusely with fear of Wale in my mind, but he didn't appear that dangerous to me as he even shook hands with me and also told me to take care of his sister very well. 70% of my body was afraid of the next meeting with Wale while the remaining 30% is as good as dead. I couldn't concentrate well in school but no teacher noticed despite the fact that my seat is at the front. After the school had closed, Timileyin came to persuade me again inviting me to her house so I accepted the offer. I don't know what came over me that made me accept without hesitation despite all the pressure. On getting to their house, I was happy because of one thing. What made me happy? Well find out in the next episode. Stay tuned for the next episode
19 Feb 2017 | 18:06
19 Feb 2017 | 18:15
Always Ready... Episode 6... In getting to their house i noticed that there was no one 'cos she opened the door with a key she brought out of her her bag. The building was a nice bungalow with a fence which was under construction as at then. She then ushered me in and we went inside together she offered me sit which I accepted. so she went to her room to change her cloth during this period I took my time to scan the whole room. it is a well furnished house and I know that it would definitely have more than 5 rooms. Soon she came out now she had already changed her school uniform to a house wear. it was a skimpy gown which struggles to reach her knee. I was amazed at he rate of how the gown was tight but its non of my business. This girl look extremely beautiful and I couldn't help myself but to stare at this beautiful young lady standing before me alone in this big house a lot of things ran thru my mind both positive and negative I was lost in thought only to be brought back to life when she called my name. Timileyin: Enny!! what are you looking at?. I just smiled and said Me:nothing. You can't even offer me some thing to drink for the first time I'm visiting your house, that's very bad you know. ...I don't know where the courage came from ... Timileyin: I'm sorry love I forgot, so what do you care for. Me: ***love, me love*** Water will be okay for today maybe when I come some other time I will need more than water. Timileyin: Okay dear gimme 1 second.. she dashed out for the kitchen and soon she came out with a glass of water. Me: hope I'm safe this 1 that you are smiling this your wicked smile. Timileyin: sure you are safe with me why will I want to harm you. She drank out of the water and handed the glass to me I drank with happiness. we were gisting abt school for close to 15 minutes and I could notice the level of comfort in her as if she was living alone so I was disturbed I decided to ask her some few questions abt her parents Me: what if your mom or your Dad comes in and see me, don't you think I'm in trouble.. after my statement, all she could do was to laugh that I began to feel uncomfortable with her so I asked why she was laughing. Timileyin: so you are afraid, are you not a man❓ Me: Of course I'm a man but before your parents, I'm a boy so they deserve respect. Timileyin: Don't worry they are not coming back till late in the night... on hearing this, i was relieved and said to myself. 'no wonder she spoil like this' when it was some mins past three I told her I'll like to go now. it was as if she was waiting for me to say that. Timileyin: Please don't go I want you to stay now just stay like one hour again now please. she pleaded as she left her seat to come join me. I objected that I must start going as I stood up and she led me to the door. She was behind me but when I almost reach the door, she overtook me and stand in a position behind the door preventing me to pass through thus revealing her wonderful shape to me one more time I couldn't help but stare and I was brought back to life with a word that was capturing and sound as a surprise to me as I didn't expect it from her. she said Timileyin: Tell me you don't like what you are seeing! if you don't like it then I'll stop disturbing you. Me:**after staring for abt 5 secs more**Of course I like it but.... Timileyin: Shhhhh *placing her index finger on my lips indicating that I should keep quiet*.... She moved her head closer to mine and before I could say Jack Robinson our lips were interlocked and was involved in an intimate kiss and hot romance. which lasted for about 3 mins when I realized what I was doing I quickly stood up and told her this wasn't right. Me: Stop this is not the way things are done let me start going. I carried my bag and as I got to the door I discovered that the door is locked then I turn back only to see her swinging the key with the ring in her middle finger which I interpreted as 'bleep me and get the key'. Me: please Timi if you truly love me as you claimed just gimme this key and let me go my way. Timileyin: no way until I have what I want. Me: **surprised** what did you want from me?. She came closer to me and whispered into my ? Timileyin: don't pretend boy, you know what I want. Me:okay but there's no condom what If you get pregnant. Timileyin: Are you d one to be pregnant or me, so leave that to me. After she said this she pulled my head closer and we continued our kissing session.Then I started by pressing her b----t together and I could notice that she was not wearing any bra soon I moved down to her b--m and she was not putting on pants also I knew she was ready 4 dis then I decided to raise her gown up so that I can get a perfect smooching. As I was still raising her gown, our mouths were still interlocked so i managed to bring out one of her b----t out from the gown and started sucking so this went on 4 about 7 mins when I decided to take it to the next level As I was about to insert my d**k inside her kittycat I was resisted and I was shocked that is it not the same girl that wants me to bleep her. Me: Baby what's the matter. Timileyin: I'm a virgin so thread slowly. Me: **shocked** okay baby I'll try. I went on with my smooching and soon I was about to insert my 8 inch inside her kittycat. I noticed that it is too tight so I remembered that I had my Vaseline in my bag so I went for it. I rubbed it on my dick and rubbed some on her kittycat also, it was then I was able to penetrate and we continued our session for about 20 mins, when I was about to c-m, I wanted to pull out but I remembered that I wanted to punish her, and immediately, I thought again that this is not the best way to go abt it so I pulled out and I cum on her a-s as we were on a d----e mission. She screamed in pain and pleasure but I used one of the chair's pillow to hold her mouth so as to avoid attraction. There was no doubt that she enjoyed the s-x session. she gave me tissue to clean up. As I was still cleaning myself suddenly I heard ko ko ko. It was a knock on the door. I was afraid as the both of us were still naked. What happened next? Stay tuned for the next episode...
19 Feb 2017 | 21:00
Always Ready... Episode 6... In getting to their house i noticed that there was no one 'cos she opened the door with a key she brought out of her her bag. The building was a nice bungalow with a fence which was under construction as at then. She then ushered me in and we went inside together she offered me sit which I accepted. so she went to her room to change her cloth during this period I took my time to scan the whole room. it is a well furnished house and I know that it would definitely have more than 5 rooms. Soon she came out now she had already changed her school uniform to a house wear. it was a skimpy gown which struggles to reach her knee. I was amazed at he rate of how the gown was tight but its non of my business. This girl look extremely beautiful and I couldn't help myself but to stare at this beautiful young lady standing before me alone in this big house a lot of things ran thru my mind both positive and negative I was lost in thought only to be brought back to life when she called my name. Timileyin: Enny!! what are you looking at?. I just smiled and said Me:nothing. You can't even offer me some thing to drink for the first time I'm visiting your house, that's very bad you know. ...I don't know where the courage came from ... Timileyin: I'm sorry love I forgot, so what do you care for. Me: ***love, me love*** Water will be okay for today maybe when I come some other time I will need more than water. Timileyin: Okay dear gimme 1 second.. she dashed out for the kitchen and soon she came out with a glass of water. Me: hope I'm safe this 1 that you are smiling this your wicked smile. Timileyin: sure you are safe with me why will I want to harm you. She drank out of the water and handed the glass to me I drank with happiness. we were gisting abt school for close to 15 minutes and I could notice the level of comfort in her as if she was living alone so I was disturbed I decided to ask her some few questions abt her parents Me: what if your mom or your Dad comes in and see me, don't you think I'm in trouble.. after my statement, all she could do was to laugh that I began to feel uncomfortable with her so I asked why she was laughing. Timileyin: so you are afraid, are you not a man❓ Me: Of course I'm a man but before your parents, I'm a boy so they deserve respect. Timileyin: Don't worry they are not coming back till late in the night... on hearing this, i was relieved and said to myself. 'no wonder she spoil like this' when it was some mins past three I told her I'll like to go now. it was as if she was waiting for me to say that. Timileyin: Please don't go I want you to stay now just stay like one hour again now please. she pleaded as she left her seat to come join me. I objected that I must start going as I stood up and she led me to the door. She was behind me but when I almost reach the door, she overtook me and stand in a position behind the door preventing me to pass through thus revealing her wonderful shape to me one more time I couldn't help but stare and I was brought back to life with a word that was capturing and sound as a surprise to me as I didn't expect it from her. she said Timileyin: Tell me you don't like what you are seeing! if you don't like it then I'll stop disturbing you. Me:**after staring for abt 5 secs more**Of course I like it but.... Timileyin: Shhhhh *placing her index finger on my lips indicating that I should keep quiet*.... She moved her head closer to mine and before I could say Jack Robinson our lips were interlocked and was involved in an intimate kiss and hot romance. which lasted for about 3 mins when I realized what I was doing I quickly stood up and told her this wasn't right. Me: Stop this is not the way things are done let me start going. I carried my bag and as I got to the door I discovered that the door is locked then I turn back only to see her swinging the key with the ring in her middle finger which I interpreted as 'bleep me and get the key'. Me: please Timi if you truly love me as you claimed just gimme this key and let me go my way. Timileyin: no way until I have what I want. Me: **surprised** what did you want from me?. She came closer to me and whispered into my ? Timileyin: don't pretend boy, you know what I want. Me:okay but there's no condom what If you get pregnant. Timileyin: Are you d one to be pregnant or me, so leave that to me. After she said this she pulled my head closer and we continued our kissing session.Then I started by pressing her b----t together and I could notice that she was not wearing any bra soon I moved down to her b--m and she was not putting on pants also I knew she was ready 4 dis then I decided to raise her gown up so that I can get a perfect smooching. As I was still raising her gown, our mouths were still interlocked so i managed to bring out one of her b----t out from the gown and started sucking so this went on 4 about 7 mins when I decided to take it to the next level As I was about to insert my d**k inside her kittycat I was resisted and I was shocked that is it not the same girl that wants me to bleep her. Me: Baby what's the matter. Timileyin: I'm a virgin so thread slowly. Me: **shocked** okay baby I'll try. I went on with my smooching and soon I was about to insert my 8 inch inside her kittycat. I noticed that it is too tight so I remembered that I had my Vaseline in my bag so I went for it. I rubbed it on my dick and rubbed some on her kittycat also, it was then I was able to penetrate and we continued our session for about 20 mins, when I was about to c-m, I wanted to pull out but I remembered that I wanted to punish her, and immediately, I thought again that this is not the best way to go abt it so I pulled out and I cum on her a-s as we were on a d----e mission. She screamed in pain and pleasure but I used one of the chair's pillow to hold her mouth so as to avoid attraction. There was no doubt that she enjoyed the s-x session. she gave me tissue to clean up. As I was still cleaning myself suddenly I heard ko ko ko. It was a knock on the door. I was afraid as the both of us were still naked. What happened next? Stay tuned for the next episode... . ..
19 Feb 2017 | 21:01
Bro wale
20 Feb 2017 | 02:32
Always Ready.. Episode 7... The knock on the door continued by then I have manage to put my uniform back on, bt its not as neat as it was earlier. So she went for the door but that was after she had put on her cloths too or do you expect her to go naked!. She opened the door and bang it hard back which I was amazed at and I decided to ask her. Me: Why did you bang the door like that, and who is at the door ❓ Timi: Is it not one annoying broda Wale's friend. Every time he will be disturbing me that he wants me to be his gf but I don't like him. As this conversation was going on, the guy decided to open the door since it was not locked and the guy did not even notice my presence and he knelt down begging Her that she should give him one chance and he promised to do her well. I wasn't looking at their direction so as to avoid attack. The next thing I would hear was my name. 'Enny'. As I turned to look at this unfamiliar voice it was my old time class mate who we went to the same boarding school together Me:**surprised** Lekan!!. Lekan is the broda wale frnd my class mate who had been disturbing Timileyin since Lekan: Enny what are you doing here? Me: I came to collect my text book from Timi. Lekan: Why are you wearing their uniform? Me: broda na WAEC teach me lesson ooo them seize my govt exam ooo so I have to rewrite. Timi: where did you guys no each other? Lekan: He was my class mate when we were in boarding school. I could see the sudden change in her mood then I was unable to predict what might have happened to her. Me:So na your babe be this, she make sense naa, perfect match. lemme be on my way so dat I will get home on time. Lekan: No mind this girl I like her but she still dey form. abeg help me talk to her now I like this girl with all my heart Timi: That's how boys used to say and all their aim is to defile the girl and dump her for a new catch. Anyways Enny are you still going or you want to sleep here or what again did you want to enjoy?.. on hearing this I was shocked that this girl is not afraid at all that Lekan could suspect. Lekan: What did he want to enjoy again? Timi: don't mind him I gave him coke now maybe that's why he did not want to go. I just laughed and said to my self that this girl go put me 4 trouble if I no do something fast, what to do, I don't know but I know I have to do something. Lekan: no mind him he like sweet things, I've known him since primary school. Me:I have changed ooo. so let me start going. Lekan and and I exchanged contacts as he also appealed to me that I should help him get this Timileyin of a girl. which I told him I'll try. So we left together while on our way Lekan opted to take another route Lekan: I'll see you later lemme go an get something. Me: Hope I'm not the one chasing chasing you from your babe. Timileyin and Lekan: stop I don't like it... no its not you, respectively. Lekan went his path. Timileyin and I continued our journey in silence when I decided to break the silence. Me: did you enjoy it? Timi:Enjoy what? Me: Never mind. just then I stopped and threw my hand down for a cab and then she held my hand and said Timi: is the why you want to leave me here and go. Me: No but even if I didn't go now I'll still go and I don't want to get home late. I stopped a cab but before the cab got to my I decided to check if my cash is still intact but to my surprised I couldn't find it. I have to let the cab go so as to find any other alternatives. But to my surprise, I turned back only to see Timileyin laughing. Me:What's amusing you, I can't find my tp fare and alk you can help me to do is laugh. Timi: God save you that you didn't enter that cab if not you'll have been beaten to coma. **still laughing*** Me: So is that why you are laughing at me? Timi: that's by the way, your cash is with me but.... Me: **shocked*** but what? Timi: Calm down. It's not here with me, so you'll have to follow me to my house so I can give it to you.. Me:So after raping me, this is how you want to repay me. Don't worry you can eat the money for all I care I will trek home. Thanks anyways. I left angrily and was heading home. The place I know I won't reach until around 9pm. But I was surprised by her action. What was her action❓ Find out in the next episode Stay tuned for the next episode....
20 Feb 2017 | 03:50
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @djlewiss @emmanuelaw50gmail-com @ozison1 ...... Come and read new story
20 Feb 2017 | 04:00
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @djlewiss @emmanuelaw50gmail-com @ozison1 ...... Come and read new story....
20 Feb 2017 | 04:02
20 Feb 2017 | 04:06
20 Feb 2017 | 06:33
20 Feb 2017 | 06:40
You are always surprise....her action was she bursted into tears.
20 Feb 2017 | 07:05
20 Feb 2017 | 08:11
full of suprises
20 Feb 2017 | 09:13
Always Ready.... Episode 8.... As I was still going angrily, I stopped to look back and to my greatest surprise,she didn't even move from where she was standing and she was laughing at me. I expected her to at least show some sympathy or even beg me instead she was still laughing. 'Chai which kind thing I go put myself?' I said within myself as I decide not to stop. Fortunately for me I found a good Samaritan who was willing to help me for free after about 36 mins of trekking. I got home that Friday and I was relieved as I didn't meet my Parent and my siblings said they also did not meet both of them. then I was relieved that they will be no interrogation today cos I got home some mins to 6pm. I went to the kitchen straight to eat because I was famished. As I was eating my phone started ringing, so I went for it and I found out that it was an unknown number so I picked it. Me: Hello, pls who am I speaking with Caller: Hi Enny, how re you today? Me:I'm fine. pls who am I speaking with? Caller: Its Bolanle Me: How far Bolanle, how did you get my number. I can't remember giving you my number. Bolanle:So you are not happy that I called you okay no problem I won't call you again. **hang up** Me: hello!!!. I was thinking of how this girl would have gotten my number and simultaneously thinking of what she said that am I not happy that she called. of course I am happy but I need to know what's behind this her behavior 'is this girl trying to make advances' 'of course I like her' 'but will she accept me after knowing about Timi and I' 'but she's stepping on my toes'. I was lost on thought I just slept off. When I woke up it was past 11pm then I knew even if I try to woo her now she won't accept because I ought to have called her immediately after she hang up on me. So I made up my mind to call her. grr grr her ✆ was ringing I just crossed my mind that she might have slept off or probably won't pick up since it's obvious that she's angry with the way I spoke with her. I continue dialing until the 8 ring then she picked up. Me: hello love Bolanle: who is your love, better find your love go front (ko koshi danu) **hang up**... I checked if it was a wrong number I called but it was not so I decided to call again and this time she wasn't picking. to the extent that she switched off the phone at about the 6th ring. I had feelings of what happened earlier that day BTW me and Timi and now Bolanle i finally got my mind off both of them as is at appears more complicated. Now its morning and when I checked my phone i saw 7 missed calls and 2 messages the missed calls was from a strange number and one of the msg is from Bolanle. and the other from the same number that called me. I decided to check Bolanle's own first b4 going further to check the unknown number. What was the content of Bolanle's msg and the unknown❓ Stay tuned for next episode.
20 Feb 2017 | 09:44
20 Feb 2017 | 10:03
20 Feb 2017 | 12:08
Why this episode no end with "i was shocked" haha abeg continue
20 Feb 2017 | 14:13
Thank God u are not shocked this time around lol nice job continue
20 Feb 2017 | 14:49
20 Feb 2017 | 16:47
Rape you? Hmmm, I don't think so!
20 Feb 2017 | 23:14
Always Ready... Episode 9... As I decided to check Bolanle's msg, I saw the shocker of life. Content of the msg **mr lover boy, I didn't k is you were this wicked, if not I wouldn't have called you. This msg is not necessary as this will be the last time you should be hearing from me bcos I will have nothing to do with you from hence forth. And don't think I don't know what happened BTW you and your babe yesterday so that's why you were not happy that I called. Anyways, nice meeting you.. Don't bother yourself by replying cos I won't read it. Thanks for your cooperation.** The whole message meant nothing to me, but they were two things that caught my attention during the reading session which were 'this will be the last time you should be hearing from me' what does she mean by that? did she know she's going to die? a lot of rhetorical questions came thru my mind. And the second and most captivating of it was the statement she made that ' don't think I don't know what happened BTW you and your babe yesterday'. I was scared that she already knew that I had s-x with Timi in her house. 'I'm finished' I said to my self knowing the gratitude at which the story was going to be viral if it eventually get across to the school. and immediately I started to imagine how the fame I acquired within a short period will die immediately as many of them won't be happy or willing to associate themselves with me especially the girls. so I got my self thinking again 'how did she know abt what transpired BTW Timi and I' 'could it be that Timi told her about it' I already concluded that I will so deal with Timi if this story ever get to the school. And I should also find way to beg Bolanle not to tell anyone else about it. 'How am I going to get to her now since she already told me not to reply that she won't pick or read NY msg' just then I remembered that my phone was a dual Sim so I decides that I would call her later in the day to beg her not to tell anybody abt anything she knew regarding to yesterday's issue. After I had decided on how to go about that case I almost forgot that they were two Message. So I decided to read the one from the unknown number. Message content ** of course I enjoyed it and I hope you did also....** it was obvious that this was from Timi. message continues **.....My love, I know you are still angry with me abt yday. but if you decide not to reply my message within two hours, I'll be forced to tell Bolanle everything, and not only Bolanle and some other of my friends** What!! in hearing this, I checked the time the message was sent and it was around 12:10 am, by then u was already asleep. 'how will this girl send me message as at that time' 'where did they get my number' 'chai mo to Ku(I don die)' 'which face I go carry go school on Monday' 'how will pple see me,especially girls, all way don block'.. 'come to think of it how can she tell her frnds that we had s-x' 'This girl no dey shame sef' 'There must be way'.. I was lost in thought when Timi called. I was afraid that what is it that she wants to tell me, perhaps I already know so no need to hear it from her again. She called about 4 times before I was able to pick. so I composed my self and form a sleeping voice as if I just woke up. Timi:Hello my love Me:*sleepy voice* I'm fine how are you dear? Timi: Did you receive my message? Me:What message I'm just waking up now its even your call that woke me up.**see me wey I dey para 4 dis gal yday** Timi: sorry anyways but its too late I'll call you some other time. *hang up* 'too late'. what is too late?. I decided to check the time Bolanle sent her message and it was around some mins to 3am. I was dumbfounded. I just fell back to bed and started crying that I've been doomed. Could it be that they did not sleep thru out the night. 'How will I look at Bolanle and some other people she claimed already know abt what happened. BTW us' 'How can this girl be dis stupid'. 'or is there something that she'll gain after all her madness'. I don't know she was driving to gain but I keep thinking asking my self rhetorical questions that can't be answered. I could not eat well that morning that our house help(aunty Funke) noticed it. so after the meal she came to my room to check me and ask me what happened. Aunty funke is always a person I could confide in as she usually giv me hints on how to woo girls that will make them fall immediately. Aunty Funke: Enny Enny this 1 that you are looking dull, who Colet your babe this time. Me:No b about babe jare I no just feel fine. *it's obvious that she didn't buy the lie* Aunty Funke:Mummy's pet not feeling fine and you did not tell her. okay lemme inform her! Me: no need I'll be fine Aunty Funke: OK. so tell me the truth. What happened to you. cos I know you very well it's abt some girls or something like that. Me: I'm fine nothing I'll be fine Aunty Funke: okay no problem. lemme just go and tell her that you are not feeling fine. Me: Aunty Funke nooow don't tell her pls. Aunty Funke: okay tell me what happened or else I'll tell her. Me:okay its about that Timi that I used to tell you about Aunty Funke: you and this your new babe nawa ooo. so what is it this time. Me: Aunty promise me that you'll not tell mummy Aunty Funke: if it's something worth telling her I will tell her ooo. On hearing this, I was getting more afraid. Me:please don't tell her. I pleaded for abt 3mins b4 agreed that she won't tell mummy. Me: **narrated the whole story to her and the text messages I received** Aunty Funke am I not dead. All aunty Funke could do was to laugh. I was shocked to see her laughing. Me: why are you laughing now Aunty Funke: so you can fear like this. chai nawa 4 you. but the Enny wey I know no dey fear anything. Me:This one is different please stop laughing now and help me out. Aunty Funke: You are just afraid, she can't tell anybody that you had s-x with her not even her closest frnd. so stop disturbing yourself. Me: do you mean it? Aunty Funke: yes of course I mean it 100%. Me: but this girl is a spoilt brat so nothing has value before her . AuFunke: No matter how a girl is spoilt, she can never tell her frnd that she lost her virginity to you. so just be rest assured that she didn't tell anybody, she just don't want you to ignore her bcos of what she did by seizing you TP fare. Aunty Funke encouraged me and told me not to worry that if I continue to worry,that She'll tell mummy everything I just told her. I still pleaded another round again begging her not tell Mummy. I thought of what she just told me that Timi can't tell anybody abt yday saga. 'Is Aunty Funke saying the truth' 'But Timi is heartless she don't care abt any repercussions' 'I hope she didn't tell anybody or better still she didn't tell anyone except Bolanle b4 Monday' 'I also hope Bolanle did not tell anyone'.. I did not enjoy my weekend as usual as all I did was to think abt the situation again and again. Now its Monday I didn't feel like going to school as mum and Dad had left early. so I wanted to take that opportunity to remain at home but theain obstacle here is at home ready to leak my secret out to mum and Dad if I did not go to school. So I had no choice than to go. I went to school late that day What happened in school? Stay tuned for the next episode
21 Feb 2017 | 01:46
waiting for that
21 Feb 2017 | 03:15
can't wait for the next one
21 Feb 2017 | 03:54
Next! But today no shock and suprise? Why na?
21 Feb 2017 | 04:28
na wa for that Timi of a girl
21 Feb 2017 | 04:41
Yawa gas abi
21 Feb 2017 | 05:01
21 Feb 2017 | 06:20
21 Feb 2017 | 07:28
Next pls!
21 Feb 2017 | 10:09
Always Ready... Episode 10... Its Monday, I got to school late because I was not interested in the embarrassment I'll face today in school. When I got to school, I saw that they are punishing late comers so the teacher on duty called me to join those who were kneeling down I felt relieved that at least if the teacher beat me my mind will be half relieved of what I'll face when I get to class and while kneeling down,I'll plan on how to deny every allegation leveled against me, but unfortunately, the Principal was passing at that time and saw me kneeling down, then he told me to stand up while he explained to the teacher, and i also overheard him telling the teacher that he should not punish me again because my house is far and this will even be my first time of coming late to school since resuming to school about two months ago. That's not my concern anyways my concern is the calamity I'm abt to face when I get to the class. I spent up to 6mins on the stairs due to fear and immediately I started feeling unusual cold. Thought of going back home. but its too late cos once you enter the school, you are not allowed to go out until closing. So I summoned courage and went to the class. When I got to the class I received my usual praises from my class mates and this time, it sounds as if something was attached to it. I received praises like 'Bad mathematician' 'oko every girls' 'sharp guy' I was not responding as I used to but I pretended that everything is alright. On getting to my sit, Agatha whispered in my ear. Agatha: What's wrong with you? Me:Nothing I'm not just feeling too well. as Agatha's sit mate heard this, the next thing she said was How will you feel fine when your babe don deal with you, on hearing this I was shocked i couldn't help my self but ask questions Me:What do you mean byvtgat and who is your babe. You better stop it cos I don't like it. Agatha: why won't you like it. So how did you get home yday. Me: I took a cab now. Agatha: Stop lying, we already know what went down yday when you visited her house. On hearing this I receive the shocker of life. Me:Who told you I went to her house? Agatha: don't pretend,we know already, so tell me how did you get to your house yday. Me: I won't tell you how I got home if you don't tel me who told you I went to her house. Agatha: Timi told me with her mouth that you followed her to her house on Friday. And she also said she took your money from your pocket. Me: is that all she told you? Agatha: yes or did she do something else. Me: something else as how? Agatha: nothing ooo I just dey ask. Me: Kk. *This one wey Agatha com dey care like this say she too wan collect ni* I thought to myself. I was relieved with this my recent discovery that in safe for now. Class went on until break time when I decide to go and check on Bolanle. on my way as I was about to go out of the door, I bumped into Bolanle and as she saw it was me she turned back and was going angrily but I held her hand and begged her not to be annoyed with me because I was asleep when her call came in and I also persuaded her to tell me all she knew abt my visitation to Timi's house when she narrated everything, it'd nothing similar to s-x just then I was fully relieved that I'm safe. Then I thought chai Aunty Funke is a genius. I went home that day happily happily that I'm safe. Aunty Funke noticed and she asked me how it went down in school and I narrated everything to her and I thanked her also for her assistance. Then she said Aunty Funke: I'll be always ready to help you dear. Me: *dear* Kk thanks. This is unusual of aunty Funke, she had never called me that name before well maybe she was excited. Life went on I didn't talk to Timi through out that week bcos I was still mad at her. But later something happened! What happened? Stay tuned for the next episode
22 Feb 2017 | 04:46
Always ready... Episode 11.... Its a new weekend and almost three months since I started this my new school. But something unusual happened this week end. Mum and dad were already gone as usual. We had breakfast before they went. Now it was time for lunch but I forgot because I was chatting on Facebook with some of my old classmates who are now in the university now until Timi sent a naughty SMS. Content of the SMS *** Sup my love, hope you are ready for me today cos I'm coming to your house to continue what you started.. I hope you understand and if you don't,just sit back and wait for my arrival***.. *Shocked* 'what is this girl up to' 'and did she know my house' 'how comes?' 'Aunty Funke have to see this' So I went out and met Aunty Funke and my siblings eating. and aunty Funke asked if I will eat but o declined telling her that she should come and see something. Me: Aunty Funke pls come and see something Aunty Funke: come and show me here you can see I'm eating. Me:Pls now. I pleaded and she followed me to my room. I showed her the message and all she could say was that. Aunty Funke: No dull yourself ooo you have to nak her seriously. since na she dey carry herself come. I was surprised that is this aunty Funke a girl at all. So she went out as I was still arranging my bed aunty Funke came inside and handed a pack of condom to me. Me: What should I use this for? Aunty Funke: don't you recognize condom or you don't know how to use it. Me: of course I recognize it but I don't know how to use it. Aunty Funke: Okay lemme teach you. Then she came closer and collected the pack back from me then she told me to lie down on my back I did as I don't how to use it. I did as I was commanded and the next thing I saw was that she started removing my knicker and I held her hand that. Me: what are you doing Aunty Funke: I want to teach my baby how to use a condom. Me: Kk be fast ooo bcos she might be here any moment from now. Aunty Funke: yes baby. Then she removed the knicker and my boxers also then revealing my fully erected d--k. before I could resist her, she layed her mouth on my d--k and started thrusting up and down, i could not resist her any more as the urge to bleep increased in me and after about 4mins of s-----g, she stopped and asked if i enjoyed it. Me: of course I do the she tore the pack of condom and roll it down my d--k and after that before I could say Jack Robinson, she sat on it. Me: Aunty Funke what are you doing. I pushed her off me. Aunty Funke: pls Enny why are you torturing me pls I want you to Bleep me pls. She was coming closer and removing her dress as she was coming, this time,I could not resist her as my third leg was fully erected. she came closer and then placed her b----t on my mouth and I sucked it while I fondle the other with my ✋. Soon we left for the bed and I bleeped her hard for about 8mins b4 I c-m I tot I c-m inside her but when I pulled out my d--k I saw the cum filled in the condom then I was relieved that I'm not in trouble. Soon we were still cleaning up when we heard knock from outside the gate. Me: That will be Timi. how do I get anoda condon now? Aunty Funke: don't worry baby I'll get anoda 1 for you she kissed me and left. but the smile on her face left a message which I can't interpret my self, but it seems I'm in trouble though I'm not sure. Soon u clean up and went to open the gat and it was Timi. Me: *shocked* What are you doing here? Timi: Won't you allow me come in before you start asking questions. Me: ooh in sorry come in! As we were going I remembered that my siblings were in the parlor. And they can never see something without telling my parents. So I called aunty Funke and told her silently so that Timi won't hear and she told me that she had already done that. Then I was relieved. So we continued our journey, soon we are inside the house and Aunty Funke came out. And I was marveled at what I saw. Timi: Aunty Funke I guess Aunty Funke: Yes and you are Timileyin? Timi: Yes. Nice meeting you. Me:do you know each other? Aunty Funke: Yes of course. For your information,I invited her. Me: *surprised* you did what? Timi: Ain't you happy seeing me. (came closer and rub my chest) of course I'm happy. Aunty Funke: I go love ooo. go to your room and entertain your guest. Me: **girls no dey shame** okay sure. I took Timi to my room and she sat on my bed. Then I asked. Me: What should I offer you? Timi: You know what I'm here for, don't you? Me: I didn't get your message so can u explain to me. But before then lemme get you something to drink. I opted to go out cos I've not collected the condom from Aunty Funke. so I went out to get the condom and on my way back to my room i branched the fridge to get a can juice for Timi. On getting to the room, Timi was still sitting at the same position I left her so I handed her the juice i brought for her and then we continued our discussion. so I asked her to explain the message for me so that I will understand. the next thing I saw was that she stood up from where she sat and came closer to me and before o knew what was happening, we started kissing and I was seriously smooching her b--bs. and soon I started fingering her kittycat and I could notice that she's wet. soon we fell on the bed and when I was about to insert my d--k into her kittycat,she resisted me and whispered to my ear. Timi: where's your Condom? I just dipped my hand into my pocket and brought the condom out and she collected it from me and laid my back down and she tore the condom and gently roll it down my d--k and soon she sat on it. During this our pleasure, something happened. What happened? Stay tuned for next episode...
22 Feb 2017 | 06:43
Always Ready Episode 12, 13 &14 To hit cool val by weekend. Make Una no vex ooo my subscription don finish so I'll load anoda one by Thursday by God's grace.... Thanks for the cooperation
22 Feb 2017 | 06:47
Please i need someone to help me create links to available episodes. i no sabi how to put link @victoriouschild @lexxino @coolval @Bummybabe
22 Feb 2017 | 06:59
Just keep on posting your story, I will add the links later for you
22 Feb 2017 | 07:05
kk Thanks..... I'll love if you can teach me how to do it so I'll not have to bother anyone again next time
22 Feb 2017 | 09:21
chai. some girls sha
22 Feb 2017 | 12:30
Nawa oh
22 Feb 2017 | 15:12
D link cud only b creat by an admit nt member
22 Feb 2017 | 16:03
D link cud only b creat by an admit/moderator nt member
22 Feb 2017 | 16:04
waiting patiently here
22 Feb 2017 | 17:33
Always Ready... Episode 12... During this pleasure, the next thing I saw, the door opened and the person at the door shouted WHAT!!!. That brought me back to my senses as I pushed Timi away. It was Aunty Funke who came in. Aunty Funke: What is the meaning of this. Mummy and Daddy must hear this. Me&Timi: Aunty pls for God's sake. Aunty Funke: Don't please me and you what are you still doing here gerrout (referring to Timi). She stood up and wear her cloth as fast as Mario and she left. Me:*after Timi had gone* Aunty Funke why did you so that now. She just hissed and went out.Then I started wondering 'is this not the same aunty Funke that gave me the idea' 'why did she change her mind' 'Is she jealous' 'What could have triggered her action'. I thought about a lot of things before i went to meet her at her room because I've searched everywhere, she's not there so I went to her room. When I got to her room, she ordered me out. Me: Aunty Funke..... Aunty Funke: Get out of my room now. if I see your foot in this room any day I'll report to your mum. now get out. Me: Please don't tel mummy she'll kill me aunty Please. Aunty Funke: if you don't want me to tell better leave now before I open my eyes. I was afraid so I left immediately so as to avoid her wrath. as I was going I overheard her saying something like 'alakoba o fe kobami' (i.e he wants to put me in trouble). I went to my room and started crying in advance if mummy or daddy ever hear about this incident. After the crying session I started wondering again 'what could make aunty Funke act like that' 'as if she was not the one who told me not to dull myself if she(Timi) comes' 'it seems I did something wrong' 'but she supposed to tell me what I have done wrong so that I'll beg her not to be angry' 'it seems the fault was from my side because of what she said 'Alakoba o fe kobami' ' 'Or is she jealous' 'no she can't be,not the aunty Funke I know'. I could not figure out how I have wronged my dearest special adviser on women affairs. Just then Timi's call came in. Me:Why is this one calling me now. I just cut the call and switched off the phone. Bcos I don't need any negative idea now. I kept thinking till I slept off. When I woke up,it was around past 11 and my parents were back I wonder why they did not send for me.So I left for the door and I found out that I had locked it earlier then I realized that maybe they would have come to check and found out the door is locked.I opened the door ans went to the parlor and I met no one there. This was unusual at this time during weekend especially Saturday and Sunday I start having the feelings that Aunty Funke had told them what happened in their absence. So I left for aunty Funke's room and on getting their,the door was opened so I went inside without knocking. As she saw that I was the one, she just hissed and face the other side backing me. (she was lying down on her bed). So I moved closer and knelt down by her leg and started playing with her feet and was begging her. Me: Aunty Funke please forgive me. I know what I did was not good but.... Aunty Funke: *cuts in* but what, I was the one who told you to bleep her without locking the door. Me: I'm sorry. I forgot to lock the door,I was carried away. Aunty Funke: You were carried away? Me: yes, pls pardon me. Aunty Funke: So if it was your mum that came in then, what do you want me to do? to loose my job. Me: no Aunty: How do you want me to explain that you brought a girl home and you were even bleeping her. Me: I'm sorry please now. I started crying holding her feet like they do in india. Aunty Funke: I've heard you now you can go to your room. Me: have you forgiven me? Aunty Funke: yes I have forgiven you so leave my room Me: you still sound vexed and you at not even smiling. Aunty Funke: *fake a smile*are you happy now, so go to your room. I left her room for mine. I started reflecting on what she said that what if it was mummy that came in and saw me bleeping in the house, I know I'm doomed already. So I admitted that I was at fault and that was a very big mistake a costly one for that matter. I slept that day. I had a dream. What is the dream all about? Stay tuned for the next episode...
22 Feb 2017 | 17:37
watin hapen
22 Feb 2017 | 17:59
wen you were caught
23 Feb 2017 | 01:44
Caught bleepin haha
23 Feb 2017 | 03:49
Still following
23 Feb 2017 | 05:14
What happened in your dream?
23 Feb 2017 | 07:39
caught bleeping nani time for you guys to show us what you got
23 Feb 2017 | 07:51
Next plz
23 Feb 2017 | 09:18
23 Feb 2017 | 15:41
We want to know.
23 Feb 2017 | 16:27
Always Ready... Episode 13... Now it's Sunday. Everyone were getting set for church but immediately I took my bath and I started preparing for church I started shivering that I couldn't even move an inch from where I stood so all I could help myself to do is to fall on the bed and cover myself with the bedsheets immediately, my temperature was rising unconditionally. so when everyone was set, Aunty Funke came to call me as ordered by my mum. When she came into my room and saw me lying on the bed. Aunty Funke: Come on stand up and let's go to church and stop pretending. She came closer and removed the blanket angrily. when she saw the way I was shivering and sweating she quickly call on my Mum to come and see me ooo. My mum rushed down to the room to see me. Mum:What happened to you. I could not even say a word. it was as if I'll die if I say anything. My mum was worried that she did not know what to do again. As they were still contemplating on what to do, Aunty Funke opted to stay behind and look after me. she persuaded my mum telling her to go to church so that she can organize prayer on my behalf while she(aunty Funke) stay at home to look after me. I can't say nothing all I could do was to think in my mind. I started thinking again that. 'Is this not the same Aunty Funke I seriously offended yesterday' 'This aunty Funke is more than a house help to me' 'May God bless her for me' as I was still thinking, tears dropped out of my eyes and immediately Aunty Funke saw this she just use idea to clean my tears and told me not to worry that I'll be fine. Soon my mum and my siblings left for church leaving aunty Funke and I at home. and as soon as they left the gate, immediately my shivering stopped and my temperature came back to normal. I was fully relieved but I was still sweating profusely. When aunty Funke came in with cold water to press my body, she also discovered the sudden change and was surprised. Aunty Funke: Enny how u take do this stunt so you too don dey carry your pretence go next level by using jazz. Me: I no use jazz ooo me self no understand ooo, maybe na so God want am. Aunty Funke: Then no problem lemme start going to the church. Me: Wait! **I came down from the bed and held Aunty Funke's hand and started begging her about what happened on Saturday** Aunty Funke: its okay just make sure you don't step into my room otherwise, I'll tell your mum and even dad. I concurred with her decision. when she was leaving my room, I followed her and when she almost got to the door, I held her hand and stare directly into her eyes. she could not do anything about it but wanted to force out a word but it won't come out. After about 10secs of silence, our head start moving closer and soon we started kissing, twisting each other's tongue during this session, we were moving slowly towards the bed and soon we fell on the bed, then I started smooching her b--bs with my ✋. We graduated from kissing and I was engaged in s-----g her b--bs. She was putting on a mini gown which made the job easier as I slowly roll up the gown, I noticed that she was not wearing any pant I'm not shocked cos I don't even care if she wears or not. so I started finger bleeping her while she let out soft moans. Soon her kittycat juice was flowing out then I know that she's damn ready for the action. So as I was about to insert my 8 inch, I was resisted. I tried again, I was still resisted. so I started finger bleeping her again then her moan increased suddenly I inserted my d--k and started thrusting in and out as she let out soft moans, soon the moans became loud though I was enjoying it. She had c-m about twice before I reach climax so I pulled out of the hole and c-m on her belly and I fell on the bed beside her and started fondling with her b--bs again she's not making any sound the only sound I could hear from her is her breath. Aunty Funke: you finally had your way. but don't ever let anything of such repeat it self. Me: I don't understand what you mean by that. Aunty Funke: what happened BTW you and I is a mistake so don't let it repeat itself again. And anytime you want to bleep your girlfriend in this house, make sure you lock your door so that you will not implicate me, you understand. Me: Yes baby I do Aunty Funke: Who is your baby,if I hear you call me your baby again, I'll slap you. Me: OK ma. She stood up and left still naked as it was the both of us left at home. I was looking at her nicely shaped bums and I started wondering again That I won't taste it again. Well let's see how it goes. Now its Monday I was feeling strong enough to go to school. As I was preparing for school the thought of Timi rang a bell in my head. 'How am I going to face the crowd' 'She must have told everybody that she came to my house' 'and probably told them that aunty Funke sent her out' 'The same aunty Funke that invited her'... Suddenly I became weak again. I don't feel like going to school anymore. As I was still thinking, door opened..... Who opened the door❓ Stay tuned for next episode...
24 Feb 2017 | 04:42
Aunty Funke
24 Feb 2017 | 17:49
Aunty funkky
24 Feb 2017 | 20:17
Next plz!
24 Feb 2017 | 22:20
Me wonda wetin u day gain self
25 Feb 2017 | 05:21
Always Ready... Episode 14... As the door opened I didn't look up I just greet thinking it was Aunty Funke. But hearing the voice I quickly raised my gaze and to my greatest surprise, it was Agatha. I was more than shocked to see Agatha in my house my room to be precise,on a Monday morning and she was putting on her school uniform. I don't even know what to say. Me:Agatha!! what are you doing here, how did you know my house, who let you in,who led you to my room❓ Agatha: Pls don't kill me with questions. One at a time. Me: Answer my questions. What are you doing here❓ Agatha: We just relocated to this area. Me: Ehen. How did you know I live here cos I can't remember telling anyone of you that I reside here. Agatha: Why will you tell us when you only invited your babe. Me:Who is your babe Agatha: are you denying your babe again. or you think I did not see her when she was leaving on Saturday. Me: So. you have not answered my question, how did you know I live here. Agatha: 4get abt the question and let's get going before we are late for school. Me:You can go I'm not coming with you so leave. Agatha: you mean I should........ Me: I said leave and don't come here again pls. She left and afterwards, I started regretting why I didn't welcome her. but that didn't bother me because I didn't want to incur aunty Funke's wrath. Immediately, i went out of my room, I met aunty Funke sitting in the parlor. I greeted her and she didn't reply. Me: aunty Funke, I'm greeting you. Aunty Funke: what's good about the morning. I've told you times without number that you should not dull yourself. But see that fine girl that came to look for you, you sent her away, what's wrong with you? Me: but..... Aunty Funke: Don't but anything. every time you'll come and tell me you like Agatha. now the Agatha come, you send her away. you are too dull. pls just go. you are irritating me. I left and started wondering which kind Aunty Funke b dis. Yesterday, she dey spark but today encouraging me. How am I going to face my problems in school. Well I can handle it myself. I got to school that day early about 10mins b4 assembly. And I did not meet Agatha in school. 'maybe she's not used to the route yet' I thought to myself. After Assembly, I hanged around the corridor just then I noticed that Agatha was just coming. I laughed at her. She came in she was punished because no teacher knew she had changed location. School activities had started and Agatha was also in the class behind me. I tried talking to her but she ignored me throughout the class. When it was break I decided to go and see Timi and she also ignored me. Bolanle was not present in school I was told that she's not feeling too well. Throughout the day I didn't get myself, I could hardly concentrate on the teachers explanation. Now its closing. I was just all alone when Agatha and Timi passed me. I didn't know there were the one. It was Agatha's voice that made me realize that it was both of them. So I made to join them. Me: What's up. I got no reply from neither of them. so I held Timi's hand. Me:Wait now. Agatha: *slapped my hand off Timi's hand*Leave us alone. Me: I've begged you guys now I'm sorry or do you want me to prostrate *as if I go fit do am sef* Timi: If you like roll inside s--t. Me: So where are you guys going. Agatha: Mr nice guy, how is that your concern. Pls leave us alone and go your way. Me: Please now, I know you guys are angry with me. Actually I heard that Bolanle is not feeling fine so I'm thinking if you can take me to her house. Timi: ooh na Bolanle dey on point now *they laughed* Agatha: K no problem we'll take you there. Me: Thanks. The journey continued in silence, tho they were both talking and laughing which I couldn't figure out what they were laughing at. Soon we reached Bolanle's house we greeted her and she appreciated our visit and she also said she'll be resuming on Wednesday. I was happy that at least I'll have someone to talk to, because the three of them have practically become my best female friends. Soon we left Bolanle's house and as we got to the main road, Timi headed to the road leading to her house and I was left with Agatha, so I decided to take my chance. I just went close to her(Agatha) and held her hand. I was surprised that she didn't resist then I decided to take it to the next level. Me:Agatha I'm sorry, I was not in a good mood this morning that's why I acted that way. Agatha: OK I've heard you. Me:is that all you'll say? Agatha: What did you expect me to say? Me: its obvious that you are still angry with me. Agatha: Yes I am. and I won't even come to your house again. I was disappointed and you even made me come late to school and I was punished. Me: I'm sorry. it won't repeat itself. Agatha: *bursted to laughter* see you, who will even giv it chance to happen again. see just leave me alone ooo. We conversed more for about 2mins before I dropped my hand to stop a cab. And I called the name of the place. So I called Agatha of she would like to join me and she accepted. The journey went on in silence BTW Agatha and I. other passengers were conversing with each other. We got home that Day and Agatha's house was the seventh house from the entrance of the street while mine was just ninth its very close as they share a fence (if you come out from Agatha's house the next gate is mine) I was partly happy and thinking of how Aunty Funke was going to spank me. Stay tuned for next episode.
25 Feb 2017 | 06:41
25 Feb 2017 | 07:36
I love this story, can't wait for next
25 Feb 2017 | 18:28
Bring it come
25 Feb 2017 | 18:39
U and dis ur aunty f
25 Feb 2017 | 19:32
Always Ready... Episode 15... As I went inside, I didn't meet Aunty Funke, so I decided to check the backyard and I met her there but she was still angry with me because she claims I am too dull in girls affair. so I decided to engage her in chat but how am I going to start because it's obvious that she won't reply if I try so an idea came into my head. Me: Aunty Funke Funke, well done ooo. Aunty Funke: *laugh* what is it again Mr man. Me: I know you are still angry with me. but I'm sorry. Aunty Funke: Don't worry I've forgiven you. but I don tell you, don't dull. Me: Trust me now I no go dull again. Aunty Funke: na so we dey hear. so how about that Agatha? you later see her. Me: Na because of the matter make me run come meet you ooo. Aunty Funke: Before you start your story, go and change your uniform and come back here to join me in washing these cloths. Me: I don here. but I won't wash any cloth ooo. Aunty Funke: See this boy ooo which day you wash cloth last for this house? even your boxers na me dey wash am. Me: So you come dey abuse me no worry now.. I left and she urged me to come and join her or else I should not ask for her opinion on any matter again. I will join her for sure cos she's the only one who seem to understand me even a bit more than my parents cos they don't have time to look after my siblings and I, so she's all I've got for now. Soon I came back and joined her then we continued our discussion. I decided to pull her legs a little. Me: since morning that you are at home you didn't wash, its now you are washing. I thought She'll be angry but she was not and I received a warm reply from her. then I know I'm fully forgiven. After about 3mins of silence, she handed me her pant and ask me to wash it and I was like Me: am I your husband that you are giving me your pant to wash? Aunty Funke: when you were bleeping me, you did not ask if you were my husband now to wash pant, you are asking nonsense question. Me:Aunty Funke!! you no dey even fear say somebody dey hear. Aunty Funke: *laugh* wash what I asked you to wash and stop disturbing me. After our conversation, I knew that i can now enter Aunty Funke's room or lemme say I thought so. Me: Aunty Funke, do you know that Agatha ignored me throughout today in school. Aunty Funke: Why won't she? When you embarrassed her today. I was the one who told her to ignore you so that you'll beg her. Me: chai Aunty Funke your plan worked, if you see the way I was begging this girl ehn you will think we are already married *lie* I was kneeling down for her. Aunty Funke: See this small boy who are you lying to. You and I know that you cannot kneel down to beg anybody. Me: Why is it that you know almost everything about me. Aunty Funke: see you, I've known you since you were just four years and then I was ten so how do you think I won't know a lot about you. Yes that's true Aunty Funke had been living with us since I was just 4 and now I'm 17 (13 yrs) and she's still living with us. **Aunty Funke's story as I was told by my mom** My mum told me that she was in her shop one day 13 years now when two cars colluded and in the other everyone survived but in the other, Aunty Funke was the only one who survived that day so my mother was the good Samaritan that helped her, paid her hospital bills and sent her to school, thou she didn't exceed secondary level but with her level of intelligence, you'll think she attended the tertiary institutions.. I still blame my parents for not able to sponsor her education further as the had all it takes to help her even to get her masters degree. ...Back to present day..... Me: but do you know that Agatha is living in this house (I pointed to the fence behind he) Aunty Funke: are you kidding me? Me: I'm damn serious. Stay tuned for next Episode.
26 Feb 2017 | 08:35
Wash pant bleep her house? Waitin
26 Feb 2017 | 18:06
Next plz
26 Feb 2017 | 18:33
27 Feb 2017 | 07:43
That your Aunt Funke want to corrupt you
27 Feb 2017 | 10:20
U and ur aunty sef
27 Feb 2017 | 10:27
She don corrupt u
27 Feb 2017 | 18:04
Always Ready... Episode 16... That day went on and Aunty Funke urged me to keep calm that She'll help me finish the deal. That day went on like that till my parent were both back from work. Now it's Tuesday, I woke up early as usual and had my usual morning routine. So as I was about leaving the compound, I remembered that Aunty Funke had advises me earlier to make sure I call Agatha along if I'm about to leave so I made away for their gate, thou I was extremely afraid that she might want to take her chance to revenge what I did to her yesterday so I changed my mind as I retreat and was about leaving, I thought of Aunty Funke again and what she will do to me if she finds out I didn't call Agatha along with me. so I decided to go back and knock on the gate. As I was about to knock, I heard the sound as if someone was opening the gate from inside. so I waited until the gate was opened and it was Agatha. I greeted her but she was not replying to any of the greetings so I held her hand to get her attention but instead she just stood and stare into my eyes without uttering any word but with a look that I can't really interpret but with the situation at hand, I interpreted as HOW CAN I HELP YOU. I could not help my self but stare back in return as I was dumbfounded. I didn't know how to express my self I didn't even know what word to say all I could assist myself with was just to say 'I'm sorry' I was surprised when she laughed and also said 'sorry for yourself' for the second time, I was dumbfounded again so we continued our journey in silence until we got to a junction and she made to turn to the right an I held her back and told her Me: don't follow that side so that..... Agatha: Who are you to control me. she didn't even let me finish my words. Me:I'm not controlling you its just that....... Agatha: just that what? ooh you want me to follow you so that you'll go and rape me. on hearing this, I couldn't help myself but laugh out loud not minding where we were standing and I was like Me: how did you know I want to rape you well I just wanted to tell you that if you follow this direction (pointing to the path she wanted to follow) you'll get to school late. Agatha: so how is my getting to school late your business. Me: Is like the one they flogged you yesterday has gone. You'll receive another one today. *I laughed* Agatha: At least you are not the one they are flogging, so let me be. Me:Okay no problem. Bye. I waved her and I left. As I was going on my path, i just felt the urge to look back and to my utmost surprise, I saw Agatha coming and when she noticed that I looked she waved? signifying that I should wait for her and I got myself thinking again. 'So girls can form like this' 'is this not the same girl that said I should leave her alone' I just laughed and now she's here standing by my side breathing heavily because she was running and I guess it had been long she ran cos its a short distance and she's breathing like someone who just ran a marathon. Me: why are you following me? you want me to rape you. Agatha: can you try it? Me: of course I can rape anything rapeable including you. Agatha:*laughed*try it lemme see you. Me: So why did you change your mind? Agatha: you did not even like me. You want them to punish me today again. Me: I like you now but you dey bleep up. Agatha: How? I don't understand what you mean. Me: Never mind. I was not bold enough to express my feelings for her. we continued our journey in silence. We got to school early that day. And some people who were in school when we arrived started hailing me again saying things like 'Guy you bad ooo' 'you just dey change them like cloth' 'Today na Agatha tomorrow go be Timileyin next tomorrow go be who?' Others just supported by saying 'another babe na for sure' Now I'm feeling like a champion because of the way these students sees me but I'm nothing but a f**k up since everyone believed that I've hooked up with this girl(Agatha) but I've not even revealed my feelings to her but I hope to do that some time soon. The day went on. During break, I tries talking to Timi but she won't reply and thank God Bolanle was in school that faithful day. Agatha did not talk to me also so I think she planned it with Timi not to interact with me but she could not help herself. So Bolanle and I were the closest that day we chat and I expect her to even ask me why in not talking to Timi. but it seems she's happy that I'm not in good terms with Timi. We chat and o ceased that opportunity to ask her where she got my number from. Me: I want to ask you something Bolanle: go on what's the matter with you. Me: where did you get my number the other day you called. Bolanle: it was from Timi. Me:*surprised* are you kidding, I can't remember giving Timi my number either. Bolanle: Enny Enny stop pretending. just say you don't want anyone to know that you gave your girlfriend your number. Me:Stop I don't like it. who told you she's my girlfriend. I stood up and left angrily. just to test her if she will just stay back but to my surprise, she stood up and ran after me and thereafter she said Bolanle: I'm sorry joor. I'm just joking. On hearing this, I knew that this girl is mine already or so I think. Stay Tuned for the next episode....
28 Feb 2017 | 04:58
28 Feb 2017 | 11:58
You, your aunt Funmi nd these three girls na wa for una
28 Feb 2017 | 12:04
OK na
28 Feb 2017 | 13:16
28 Feb 2017 | 16:39
Hmmm we dey wait
28 Feb 2017 | 16:45
28 Feb 2017 | 17:01
Mr changer
28 Feb 2017 | 18:49
28 Feb 2017 | 19:42
Always Ready... Episode 17... 'Yh I know this girl is mine already' I thought as we walked together to the field. Bolanle: So you can even get angry like this, because of small joke. Me: I don't just like such jokes. Bolanle: You don't like it when I say that she's your gf but anytime she sat on your lap, you like it. On hearing this, I don't know what to say again I just smiled. Bolanle: I caught you now. you like her don't you? Me: Yes I like her just as normal friends and nothing more. Bolanle: Friends indeed after you woo her or do you think I did not know how you wooed her. Me:*confused* me!! when? Bolanle: c'mon don't pretend, she already told me everything including what you did to her when you went to her house the other time. I could not defend myself on hearing this thou I didn't woo her. Bolanle: You see you cant talk. Me:What did she tell you I did to her in her house, Bolanle: You know and you are still asking me. Soon break was over and we left for our various class. When I got to my class, I started reflecting on what Bolanle discussed earlier. I just kept asking myself rhetorical questions. Then I said to myself that I have to confront this Timileyin to stop broadcasting our escapade around the school because its obvious that she might have told other people apart from Bolanle. I was not disturbed as I thought I've found solution to my problem. Now the school is over I've looked everywhere for Timi but I didn't find her then I have no choice than to postpone my plan so I decided to leave for my house jeje. When I was about to leave the premises, I saw Timi coming out from the staff room. She called me. I was surprised that she called bcos she has been ignoring me throughout the day and why is she now the one calling me. By now, only few students ate left in the school premises. I waited for her as a gentle man that I am. She came closer and tried to hug me but I refused. Timi: What's the matter with you, are you not happy that I even want to hug you. Me: Why should I be happy? just give me two reasons for me to be happy,just let me be. I pave my path and was going when I remember that I had planned to tell her something. When I turned to see her and talk to her, I could see that she's heading to the class so I asked what she was going to do there. Timi: I want to get my school bag, will you follow me?. Me: OK let's go. She was happy that I'm accompanying her to get her bag. 'If not for what I want to tell you, do u think I'll follow you!' I said in my mind. Soon we are in the class and that just the perfect place for our discussion because nobody was there as at that time. she carried her bag and was about to leave when I called her back. Me: I want us to discuss something. Timi: I know you wanted to say something that's why you didn't hesitate to follow me. but don't worry I already know what you have to say. so don't bother yourself telling me what o already know. Let's go I don't want to get home late. On hearing this, with the kind of person I am, I just kept quiet as I don't even know where to start from. thereafter, she dragged my head closer and we kissed passionately for about 4mins, we were still kissing when a teacher walked into the class. it was the teacher's yell that brought both of us back to our senses. Teacher: What's the meaning of this?... Stay tuned for the next episode...
1 Mar 2017 | 12:03
Na wen u give girl belle ur eyes go clear!
1 Mar 2017 | 14:52
trouble ooo
2 Mar 2017 | 03:49
2 Mar 2017 | 04:21
Na one chance you dey.
2 Mar 2017 | 05:41
You don enter am
2 Mar 2017 | 06:45
Always Ready... Episode 18... Immediately the teacher yelled at us 8 quickly broke the chain between the both of us and immediately I went on my knee and started begging. The teacher was the VP academics.After begging and pleading which Timi later joined, the VP told us to meet him in his office right away and he left. it took me almost a minute to resurrect from the shock and then we made our way to the VP's office. By this time the school was almost empty as we can see only few primary students playing with the swing probably waiting for their parents anyways that's not my biz as I look forward to how I will be dealt with in the VP's office. By this time I was not thinking of my accomplice(Timi) anymore as I focused on myself. soon we got to the VP's office and I was surprised when he told us to seat pointing to the two chairs opposite his table. I was very much afraid that immediately I sat, sweat covered my body (in an A.C filled room). VP: What was that I saw you guys doing on the class. I didn't answer cos I regard that as a rhetorical question and he should not even expect us to answer such questions, so we just stared at the table because you will not even dare to look at him in the eyes. VP: am I not talking to humans. I said what was that I saw you guys doing? We were still mute and I was contemplating if to answer the question or not when he Barnes out.'Will you answer my question' Me: We were... we were... we. .we.. I stammered VP: yes, you were what, answer me and don't waste my time. I was as dumb as ever when I heard Timi said 'We were kissing sir'.... I didn't know where she got such courage from bcos before then, it seems I was the one the man is referring to. VP:Good. So can you give one possible reason that was going on in the school premises in the class for that matter. Timi: sir! its just that..... VP: Just that what? Timi: just that we love each other. On hearing this I just looked up immediately to confirm if I was not dreaming, but it was reality when the VP asked me 'Enny is that true?' Me: Yes sir that's very true. 'what's this man up to with these questions' I asked him in my mind ooo. VP: Well I don't have enough time to waste now so I want you guys to go now and we shall continue from where we stop. Timi and I: Thank you Sir. as we made our way to the door, he asked us to wait. VP: make sure both of you report here first thing tomorrow morning to avoid my wrath. We replied 'Yes sir' as we both left the office. Now we are already out if the school premises and I was surprised when I saw Agatha sitting near the school Gate probably waiting for me to come out. So as I came out, I pretended as if I didn't see her so she just called my name 'Enny!!' Me: You are not gone yet? Agatha: I was waiting for you to come out. Me: What if I had gone home is this how you'll have been waiting. Agatha: I know you have not gone home because I saw you when you were going upstairs. As we were still discussing, Timi came out. thou I did not know cos I was backing the school gate. It was the curious look on Agatha's face that made me look back to see who she was staring at. Agatha:Timileyin so you have not gone yet Timi:of course I was having a nice time with my lovely Enny. Agatha: I go love ooo. well I will be going now.. Bye. Timi: Wait now or are you jealous? Agatha: Why? I'm not jealous oo or you don't want me to go to my house again. Timi: wait now let's go together. Agatha: OK. All this while I was just staring at them cos I don't know how to interfere. Soon we left together and we started going so it got to a point where Agatha said that she wants to get cab because her leg is already aching her so she asked if I'm ready but I declined that I want to trek a little. Then she flagged down a cab and left leaving Timi and I behind. Our journey went on silent until Timi broke the silence when she said what I've been expecting her to say since we left school. Stay tuned for the Next EPISODE
2 Mar 2017 | 07:10
2 Mar 2017 | 10:02
The vp go ask for practical
2 Mar 2017 | 11:02
And what did she said?
2 Mar 2017 | 11:56
that she love you
2 Mar 2017 | 11:57
2 Mar 2017 | 12:40
dis girl will put u in trouble ooo
2 Mar 2017 | 14:01
2 Mar 2017 | 15:03
Which is
2 Mar 2017 | 17:52
U don enter am
2 Mar 2017 | 18:09
Always Ready... Episode 19... As we were going, she then asked Timi: So what do you think about that VP. the way she said this was as if she was not the one that was caught. Me: I'm really afraid ooo I don't know what to think sef. Timi: *laugh* so you are afraid of that man. Me: I'm not afraid of the man I'm just afraid of the repercussion that will occur when my parent get to know. Timi: Who told you he's going to tell your parents. Me: its obvious in the way he speaks and the fact is that he has my Father's number. Timi: *laughed* thank God non of these teachers have my parent number. Me: you are lucky... But I have to start practicing how to defend myself. As we were still discussing, we saw five boys dressed in all black. I didn't bother myself until when Timi said what made me almost urinate on my pants. Timi:Enny if you love yourself better start running. I already understood what she was saying so I just stylishly turned back and increased my pace. I did not know when i started running when i looked back I saw the guys too running towards my with full speed like someone competing for Olympic Gold medal. I was so confused on what to do next but I didn't stop running. And the worst part of the situation was that I was not too familiar with the area bcos I just go there to school and nothing more. I just kept running straight so that I won't get lost after about 3mins of nonstop running I stopped and looked back and I saw that the guys were no longer after me so I stood there and took cab home. before I got cab that day was like forever standing but finally I got a cab and I got home that day some mins to 9pm my Dad will not sleep and neither will my mum nor Aunty Funke sleep, that's how important each child was before my parent especially my father,he can sacrifice his life for us to be successful in this life I love him but he gets me annoyed most times as he will not allow me make decisions on my own. So when I got home that day, I met Aunty Funke outside the house (within the compound). Aunty Funke: where have you been. she yelled. Mum: Funke ta niyen (Funke who is that) she asked when she heard the way Aunty Funke yelled Aunty Funke: Ma its Enny ooo. As my mother heard this, she quickly rushed out to see me. I thought I was already dead cos it's obvious that I'll be dealt with, but I received a warm welcome from both parent. Dad: Come, what took you so long that you are coming by this time. Me: When we closed today, a teacher sent me on an errand so as I was going I met one of my class mate and we were going together so it got to a point when we saw some boys about five of them coming our way when she told me to run for my life. I ran ooo I looked back and saw how these boys were running after me, I didn't even have time to think so I just kept running from street to streets when I lost my way, in fact locating where I could get cab wasn't easy for my so that's why I'm late. ***oboy ee see Grammy lie*** I thought within myself hoping that they would buy it and luckily they believed me but the look on Aunty Funke's face clearly showed that she didn't buy a bit of my fable. Mum: Thank God they didn't catch up with you. You are not going to school tomorrow. I wanted to agree but I remembered that the VP asked Timi and I to report to his office first thing tomorrow morning. so I lied again and said that we are having tests tomorrow and I will not like to be absent. After much contemplation, my Dad gave his consent and told me I can go and I should make sure that immediately we close I should head home straight without any delay. After all these, I was discharged and allowed to go to my room. I was in my room thinking of what happened earlier. I was still in my thinking mode when I just cut across a sharp remembrance. it was about the dream I had, remember I didn't tell you about the dream. Well if you want to know about the dream. Stay tuned for the next episode... COOLVAL IS A MOTIVATING SITE TO ME AND I KNOW IT WOULD BE MOTIVATING FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE HERE ALSO. ONE LOVE TO ALL COOLVALERS AND MORE TO THISE READING THIS STORY. WATCH OUR FOR MORE STORIES AMD MOTIVATIONAL TIPS FROM 'ENNY SHO'..
2 Mar 2017 | 18:14
Wat is it???
2 Mar 2017 | 18:52
Always Ready... Episode 20... As I thought of my dream I decides to share it with you guys _____________________________ Content of the Dream... I dreamt that I was in my house one fateful day and my friends came to visit me and after their visitation, I decided to see them off. When we were on our way not up to 5mina I looked back and I could not recognize the area that we were but I was ignorant about it. On our way, I saw one beautiful damsel so I made to join her leaving my friends. one of my friends told me to leave the girl or else he would deal with me but instead I abused them that they are enemy of progress so the left in annoyance repeating their earlier threat but I cares less as the beauty of this damsel took over me. ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× I began to ask my self rhetorical questions. 'This dream does not relate with what was happening' 'Nobody threatened me to stay off anyone not even Timi' as I was still in my thought I quickly remembered that it was Timi who asked me to run for my life. 'Did she know they were haunting me' 'How did she know they were coming for me' 'she still has a lot to tell me' I was still thinking when Aunty Funke cut me off my thinking state when she came into my to without knocking. Its obvious that she had called my name before she made to tap me hard on my shoulder because I was lying on my back facing the ceiling Aunty Funke: Enny!! what's wrong with you, I've been standing her for close to 3mins and yet you didn't notice my presence. Me: nothing I'm just thinking of today. Aunty Funke: So tell me the truth, because that rubbish u were telling daddy and mummy,I know there was no piece of truth in it. Me: seriously Aunty Funke I was not lying all I said were true. after so much pestering, she later agreed but she said something that made me confess. Aunty Funke: OK I've heard you but I did not believe you. mind you if this matter back fire, I won't be there to save you. on hearing this I was very much frightened, it was as if she knew something will go wrong. So I called her back as she was already going out of my room. Aunty Funke: what's the matter again. Me: please come and sit down let's talk. Aunty Funke:what are we talking about please lemme be. After so much begging and pleading, she agreed to come back and hear me out. I told her everything right from how I made up my mind to tell Timi to stop telling pple about our previous act, down to the time we were caught kissing and the time we met Agatha and how she felt and left and when the guys started coming, down to Timi's advice. Aunty Funke could not figure out what was wrong because when she asked me who I suspected I replied that I don't have any suspect in mind as at that time. But she later gave me an advice that I should keep to what Daddy told me earlier that I should come home straight after school to avoid attack. The big question here is that will I be able to keep to that Advice. After much contemplation, I thanked Aunty Funke holding her hand in appreciation I suddenly it felt as if our hands were gum together as I was finding it to difficult to leave her hand as I stared straight into her eyes and suddenly, our heads start to move closer and our lips met each other as we kisses deeply and I decided to take it to the next level when I started taking it to the next level by smooching her b----t and she let out soft moans and before I knew what was going on, we were already naked on my bed then I slowly move my head down to kiss her tommy when my lips got glued to her kitty cat and I s----d gently and I soon insert my 8 inch into her Kitty cat hole while I t---t in and out slowly as I gradually increased the speed, I never felt like stopping even when I could feel that I'm close to climax and all I did was to pour the whole seed deep inside her stomach then I fell beside her and her eyes were still close when she suddenly blurted out and said. Aunty Funke: you are an expert in taking advantage of me. Anyways I love that. keep it up. I just laughed and soon she left my room after she had dress up. I was happy that night cos what happened made me forget every bit of what happened earlier that day. Now the next day (Wednesday) is here and i was in school as early as usual i met Timi also and we both made to the VP's office. Stay tuned for the next EPISODE....
3 Mar 2017 | 05:05
Truly you are always ready for action One of the five boys that were chasing you must be Timi's boyfriend or ex
3 Mar 2017 | 10:08
You no love ur life thats why
3 Mar 2017 | 12:29
3 Mar 2017 | 14:46
Ride on.
3 Mar 2017 | 15:18
Na pussy go kill you
3 Mar 2017 | 17:09
3 Mar 2017 | 17:13
Always Ready... Episode 21... As we were going, I've made up my mind that I did not want to have anything in common with Timi again except academics. Though I've made up my mind from home but Aunty Funke had advice me not to avoid her so that I'll know the person behind the attack but I fear for my life. Timi: What's up with you. I didn't reply her due to my conclusion. when she called again, I didn't reply thinking that she will just mind her business but instead, she held my hand and all I did was just to drag my hand from her grip and I continued to the VP's office faster. Now I'm in the VP's office. VP: where is your accomplice? Me:she should be on her way. Soon Timileyin came in to join us. She greeted and the VP told her to sit. VP: I knew perfectly the reason I have kept this issue confidential. The both of you are one of the best in your various classes so I will not want something to cause you to look down on your self so I'll give you guys punishment. I want you two should make sure you sweep the whole junior class(i.e jss1-jss3, total of six class) which should commence from today till the end of this week. 'Yes sir' we both chorused. When the VP later asked us to Go. Sweep it has really been long I swept even my own room I don't sweep. My parent won't allow any day I try to sweep Aunty Funke must not know. so you see. I'm not lazy ooo but they won't just allow me work and I don't like it so I sneak to work while some of you sneak away from work. BACK TO THE MATTER... we went to join the others on the assembly immediately he dismissed us. Everything went on normal even in class, until some minutes into break when I remembered what my father told me, that I should come back home immediately after school to avoid the boys,but that seem impossible because of the punishment this VP of a man gave us. Now it closing I was afraid that I started sweating profusely the boys,but that seem impossible because of the punishment this VP of a man gave us. Now it closing I was afraid that I started sweating profusely. But I don't have choice. Timi and I went to collect the broom from the school cleaners and headed to the classrooms. I took Jss1b without communicating so I thought she understood already.I was almost 6mins into sweeping when Timileyin showed up and offered to assist but I declined but she didn't leave. I told her to go,but she refused and I just have to let her be when something rang in my head it was about the boys. I wanted to ask Timi how she knew they were coming for me. Any effort I made to ask her all proved futile bcos she'll tell me to continue with the sweeping that when we are going on the road she'll tell me. Then she offered to help again and I agreed. We swept the whole class together and we were thru in about 17mins. So we returned the broom, so we headed to the VP's office but he had gone home or so we thought because his office was locked. Now we are on our way. I asked Timi to tell me about the boys how she knew they were coming for me. She did not say anything and I was like Me: Timi talk to me now I'm afraid. Timi:You are afraid of your fellow guys, so you can't fight for me? Me: What do you mean by that?. We were still going when I cited the guys but something just held my leg and I decided not to run. Thou I'm afraid within but you cannot notice this in my appearance. Soon the guys were close and I just felt like peeing in my trousers but I was able to hold myself. Now they are right in my front. they ordered me to stop and they pushed Timi away and told her to go home but she refused. Guy 1: you no go run(referring to Timi) Timi: Leave me joor am I standing on your head. I saw the look on the Guy's face and I just pleaded with Timi to go that I'll be fine but she refused that anywhere they are taking me to, she will follow. The guys just ignored her. The guys just left her alone and face me. The first guy held my shirt closer to my neck and I just hit his hand away. Guy 2: You no dey fear again ooo. Me:Fear who? no b people like you I go fear now, I no dey Una level. Immediately I just felt the urge to bend down and stand up quickly, but I fought not to but I unconsciously did when I saw that one of the guys wanted to punch me. immediately I noticed that I told the guy not to try it Again. While all these were going on, Timi had brought out her phone and started surfing it. Before I knew what was happening, I just heard a familiar voice shouting from afar behind me saying 'Leave that guy' and I turned to look at the person who came to my rescue. Who was the person? Stay tuned for the next Episode...
5 Mar 2017 | 00:29
Data exhausted. Till Tuesday before the continuation
5 Mar 2017 | 00:51
Bro wale
5 Mar 2017 | 04:16
timi brother
5 Mar 2017 | 06:06
timi brother or ur friend
5 Mar 2017 | 06:07
could it be the VP
5 Mar 2017 | 06:19
Na only you know o . Or maybe na her brother
5 Mar 2017 | 08:46
Who could that be
5 Mar 2017 | 11:35
Let me guess
5 Mar 2017 | 11:52
so maybe or just so I thought timi's brother or ya friend
5 Mar 2017 | 15:09
Timi's brother
5 Mar 2017 | 15:34
Guess Timi big bro
5 Mar 2017 | 18:12
Always Ready... Episode 22... As I looked to see who came to my rescue it was Lekan. Do you remember Lekan, The one that met me in Timi's house. my old time friend. I was more than happy for someone to have come to my rescue. Then one of the guy said. 'guy why you dey spoil show now' Lekan: E be like say u no dey fear.. I was just looking at the both of them in surprise, because they chat like they knew each other. I was convinced when one of them said 'Lekan! which kind thing be this?why you dey spoil show' Lekan: see just forget that stuff this one na my guy una no fit touch am so make una dey bounce dey go. Timi and I were just looking at them as one of them tapped me and said 'you get luck'. I tried to say something, but no word was coming out. I just stare at them as they were performing their drama. Now they were gone and the three of us were left alone. Lekan: babe how far (referring to Timi) as he place his hands across her waist and she didn't resist despite my presence. Me: *cuts in* Lekan! thank you ooo you just saved me. Lekan: Don't mention. Those guys are useless. Me:where did you know them sef. Lekan: forget that stuff. so how far. Me: I dey gentle. I dey see say you and your babe dey roll wella. (their position still remain the same all these while) Lekan: Abi now wetin you expect. Timi was not saying anything since Lekan came I don't know why, so I decided to force out a word frog her mouth. Me: This one wey u just keep quiet who wan Colet your bf. She just laughed, I tried again and again but she didn't say anything all she did was to laugh which I was not comfortable with because their position still remain the same. Me: I can't believe I'm getting jealous Aunty Funke: Jealous of what, is that not the same Timi you were finding all ways to break up with? I explained the whole scenario to Aunty Funke when I got home that day. Me: me sef no understand the situation again how I com dey fall for her again. Aunty Funke: Na the spirit of her p---y dey follow you. Me: **laughed** P---y get spirits? Aunty Funke: Did you remember to ask her about how she knew the guys were after you. Me: I asked her but it was when she was about to start telling me the guys showed up again. Aunty Funke: Good don't ask her about it again.... Me:Why? *cuts in* Aunty Funke: its obvious she sent them. On hearing this, I could not hold myself but to laugh. Me: Why will you think of such a thing? Aunty Funke: That's why I said your brain na basket. Me *forming anger* I don't like it now. Aunty Funke: Sorry baby I was just joking now. Me:I don't like that kind of joke. Aunty Funke: Oya sorry or you go suck b----t. She removes her b----t from the upper part of her blouse but I resisted. Me:I go still suck but not now. She just laughed and said 'Ennh you are a bad type' we both laughed. Aunty Funke: but seriously what I am saying might be true. Me: I don't think so. Aunty Funke:The other time you told me that her brother was very popular. Me: Yes very very. Aunty Funke: So what gave you the impression that those guys did not know her if they knew Lekan. On hearing this, my head just start banging 'na true,na true, na true' was the only word banging in my head. 'could thus be true' Stay turned for the next Episode....
5 Mar 2017 | 18:25
U tell us na
5 Mar 2017 | 18:37
I guess I've closed for the week. Your comments keep me going positive or not, its a form of Motivation. I LOVE COOLVAL LIKE KILODE You can reach me on. WhatsApp: 09061728086 Facebook: Shobande Jnr IG: Shobande_jnr BBM: D611D882 You can also like my Facebook page Money Stop Nonsense. And also join my Facebook group: Life changing inspirational quote by Enny sho
5 Mar 2017 | 18:44
Always Ready... Episode 23... I was in school that Thursday and all activities went on as usual. I've made up my mind that I was going to confront Timi to ask her if she knew anything about the attack. It may look simple but to me its hell maybe because of the kind of person I am. Well let's see how it goes. Now its closing, Timi and I had gone to get the broom to sweep the classes as we had indulged in a day ago. Soon we are in the class sweeping and I gathered enough courage but I was still pessimistic about what the outcome will be when I suddenly hear a voice screaming 'ask her now or never' as I was still contemplating on how to go about it another voice came and said. 'forget about this thing and enjoy what you want to enjoy' Suddenly as I made to just forget about the situation the voice said again 'Ask her now or never'. I just made up my mind and I called out her name 'Timi' Timi: Yes any problem? 'Don't do it' the voice said again and immediately I lost confidence. Me: i ju.....ju...just.... She didn't lemme finish what I have to say before she started laughing. Me: what's amusing you? Timi: you of course. Me: what do you mean by that. Timi:Enny let's just finish this stuff and get the hell out of here. That was how I lost the opportunity to ask her. Later I gathered another courage which was far better than the previous one. This time I did not allow any voice to dictate for me positive or not. Me: Timi! I want to ask you a question and I want a sincere answer. Timi: Yes I'm all ears. Me:Do you know really..... she just placed her index finger on my lips without allowing me to finish what I have to say. Timi: Yes I do. On hearing this I thought she already knew what I want to say. Timi:I love you from the bottom of my heart. 'so she did not even know what I wanted to ask her' I said within myself. I tried to ask her again this time being more courageous. Me:I know you do but that's not what I want to ask. Timi: okay I'm all ears. but as I was about to ask when the VP came in and urged us to quickly finish the sweeping. so therefore I did not have the chance to ask her. 'You are a dummy you dis guy' Aunty Funke said after I had explained everything to her when I got home. For the first time I accepted that I'm a dummy bcos of that great opportunity that I lost. Aunty Funke: to ask somebody simple question, you cannot but if its to bleep anything under my skirt you are number one. Me: its not like that ooo. Aunty Funke: Its like what? Anything you like say but I suspect that girl so make sure you ask her. Me: Sure I will ask her. ___________________________________ The day went and now its Friday morning and I am preparing for school as soon as I was done i left immediately and I didn't even bother to call Agatha along thou I forgot. The day went by and it's closing and we resumed our usual routine. Just then I gathered enough courage to ask her and she confessed to me that she plotted the attack to test my capability. Me:What! what if those guys have killed me. Timi: No its just that.... Me: just that you wanted them to break one of my leg Timi: God forbid.. lemme explain... Me: keep your explanation to yourself just don't cross my path again if I'm coming and you cite me just branch because if you come closer I can kill you. She tried to come closer and I gave her a slap that she can't easily forget in her life and I left not even minding the penalty I'm incurring by not finishing the punishment for that day. I went home with mixed feeling one part of me was happy and the other was angry. Aunty Funke: You are my correct guy. For the first time Aunty Funke praised me. Me:I tell you now I be sharp guy. so anything for me as I don pass this test. Aunty Funke: So you are indirectly telling me that you want to bleep me abi. Me: no ooo haba why now. As we were still chatting, my phone rang and it was Timi so I ignored the call until the 12th time when she gave up.Shortly after that, Aunty Funke'sphone rang also and it was the same Timi she picked up and places it on a hands free mode. the following conversation emerged. _________________________________ Aunty Funke: Our wife what happen now since all these days you just forget us no more calling not even a flash. Timi: I'm sorry ma I was busy this recent weeks that's why. Aunty Funke: Busy even on weekend that you can't even visit. This one that you called hope I'm safe. Timi:*laughs* Yes ma its just that I've been calling Enny's number but he is not picking up so I called to know if he's around. Aunty Funke: Lemme check if he's in his room hold on. Enny!!! I don't think he's around but if he comes around I'll tell him you called. Timi: Thank you ma. Aunty Funke: So when should we be expecting you again. Timi: Maybe tomorrow or next. Aunty Funke: OK no problem bye. Timi:Bye my regards to Enny. __________________________________ Me: why did you invite her? *forming anger* Aunty Funke: Forget that one. no dull yourself but make sure you lock your door this time. Me:what do you mean Aunty Funke: stop pretending, what I mean is that you should bleep her and forget her, that will serve as a goodbye s-x. We chat for some couple of minutes and she also gave me tips on how to bleep her (Timi) and forget about her. I just wished Aunty Funke is a guy bcos with these advice she gives me, she does not seem to me as a girl. Now its Saturday Timi had called Aunty Funke that she'll come by 12pm. kor kor kor Aunty Funke: come in. It was Timi. I was in my room cos we had everything mapped out the previous day. Stay tuned for the next EPISODE....
8 Mar 2017 | 11:22
Na Aunty Funke go ruin you
8 Mar 2017 | 15:25
dis Aunty Funke no be better person ooo
8 Mar 2017 | 16:06
8 Mar 2017 | 16:40
She will ruin you life at last
8 Mar 2017 | 17:00
Like criously
8 Mar 2017 | 17:27
Woman wey dey coach man?
8 Mar 2017 | 18:06
B4 nko,She don turn am into sometin else
8 Mar 2017 | 19:37
Aunty Funmi doesn't understand you but only ruin you
9 Mar 2017 | 01:24
Ride on.
9 Mar 2017 | 01:54
Ur doom is near
9 Mar 2017 | 16:14
Always Ready... Episode 25... I was in my room listening to all their conversation though I couldn't get what they were saying clearly so I just remained in my room when Aunty Funke came in to hand me the condom I'm going to use in devouring Timi's p---y and she also gave me some deadline tips. Not long after she left, my door opened again. I thought it was Aunty Funke so I withdraw my gaze back when I discovered it was Timi and as I was trying to avoid her gaze, I could hear as she slowly lock the door. Soon I gathered courage to attack her as directed by Aunty Funke. Me: What are you doing? what do you want from me?. As I was saying all these, she didn't say anything but move closer to my bed and the next thing she did was to go on her knees. Timi: Enny I'm sorry please I love you. Me: *laughed* you love me and you wanted to get me killed by your boys. Is that Love? Timi:Please just forgive me and I promise it won't repeat itself. Me: I'm not giving you..... she didn't allow me to finish my word before she planted a kiss on my lips and immediately I lost concentration, but immediately I felt her hand on my d--k, I regained consciousness and push her away. Me: What's the meaning of this rubbish so you want to rape me again as you did before. She didn't say anything but instead came closer one more time and retried and this time I didn't restrict her cos I also want it badly so I started smooching her bosoms and before I knew what was happening, we were both naked and she had my d--k in her mouth stroking it greatly. Soon I couldn't bear the torture so I dragged her on top of me and started bleeping her we had great time so when I was about to reach climax I poured all the seeds out thinking I used the condom Aunty Funke had given me earlier. in short, I poured the whole seeds into her stomach. The moment I realised this, I jumped up and I was greatly mad at my self so I unleashed the anger on her and sent her out after she had put on her cloth though she begged me but I refused to listen to whatever she had to say. Aunty Funke: *in my room* bad guy you bleep that girl hard ooo I was hearing her screams from the living room. I wanted to tell aunty Funke that I didn't use the condom but I changed my mind. School resumed on Monday as usual and Bolanle had refused to talk to me cos I'm not in good terms with Timi. but Agatha and I became closer by the day. Two months later, we had written the SSCE exam Agatha and I were sitting in our corridor when she told me that Timi was not feeling fine. Immediately she said that, I remembered my seeds that were germinating in Timi's stomach. I couldn't help but scream out 'WHAT!' Agatha: Any problems?. I denied and said I just pitied her(Timi) as we were still discussing, Aunty Funke ran out from the living room for the tap and she vomit as I saw that I was so lost in thought and blind that the only road I could recognize was my room. What would be Enny's fate. Stay Tuned For The Next EPISODE.
25 Mar 2017 | 22:17
father of two....hehehehe
26 Mar 2017 | 03:47
I read this episode b4
26 Mar 2017 | 08:29
repeated episode
26 Mar 2017 | 08:31
Posted b4
26 Mar 2017 | 10:38
nice one
26 Mar 2017 | 13:02
He is going to be a father
27 Mar 2017 | 05:25
It was an error from the server that erased the former one
1 Apr 2017 | 06:51
Always Ready... Episode 26... As I was in my room, Agatha walked in. I was shocked because despite our closeness, she had never agreed to come into my room she never exceeds the balcony that was not okay by me as I would always ask her to come into my room but she had always refused. And now dream come true she is here right in my room sitting on my bed. I could not say anything, all I did was to stare in surprise. Agatha: Why are you behaving like this. Are you not happy that I'm in your room. On hearing this, my d--k got the signal and rise up immediately. Me: Of course I am. Agatha: why did you behaved like that? Me: what did I do, Agatha: You left us outside despite the fact that your own sis was throwing up and you did not even assist. Me: Actually its just that I'm allergic to stuffs like that. Agatha: ooh sorry. Me: its nothing. For about another 3 mins, there was silence in the room none if us was ready to speak to each other as I was thinking of the next topic I'll like to bring up but my brain was blocked the only thing I'm thinking of now is how I'm gonna bleep this babe. Suddenly she made a move, she came closer and rest her head on my shoulder. I was shocked as I didn't know the next step to take. I summoned courage after about 6mins then I held her face up and immediately we had that eye contact, I forgot everything I had planned earlier to say I was still lost in thought when suddenly she came closer and we kissed each other. We kissed again and again until it occurred to me that there are some other things I was supposed to be involved in. Immediately I started smooching her bums and I was not restricted and soon I start to smooch it harder and harder and soon I left for her boobs and all she could do was to let out soft moans and soon we were both naked on my bed and then she whispered 'Enny I want you inside me please'. In hearing this, I stood up and went for my condom under the bed and she(Agatha) collected it from me and gently rolled it on my dick and she sat on it almost immediately after she rolled it and I could feel that she was not tight but that's none of my business my business is to keep enjoying her. We had numerous styles and lasted for about 25mins before I c-m inside the condom. We lied beside each other breathing heavily like someone who just ran a marathon. Agatha: So this is what Timi had been enjoying all these while. Enny you are so sweet I'll love to have more of these some other time. I couldn't say a word all I did was to smile and soon she left. As she left I was about leaving the room when I came across Aunty Funke. Her eyes was swollen like someone who just finished crying and no doubt she was crying but I don't know what could be the cause. Me: Aunty Funke what happen to you? why are you crying? Aunty Funke: So Enny this is hoe you want to repay me? Me: I don't understand what you are saying. Aunty Funke: Why will you, in case you don't know, I'm carrying your baby and I'm keeping it. Me: What!!! Aunty Funke: Yes and you also saw me throwing up and all you did was to go inside to bleep another girl(crying increased) Me: Please you have to do something about this pregnancy because I'm not ready to be a father. Aunty Funke: I'm keeping the baby and that's final. Me: but...... she didn't even gimme the chance to say anything before she ran into her room and I could hear her cry loudly then I start wondering what is making her cry. Then I remembered Timi again and immediately, I became weak and I fell back to my bed and started thinking of what will happen if either of my parents get to hear about this. 'Im doomed' i said to myself. The next day was a weekend Saturday for that matter. I was in my room when I heard my mum called Aunty Funke's name and said 'Funke ta lo fun e loyun' meaning Funke who impregnated you. They were still arguing inside when suddenly someone started banging our gate hard and as I peeped out from my window, I saw Timi and a woman I presume to be her mother. Immediately I saw this, I felt like fainting but I did not I just lye on my bed praying to wake up from this horror dream. but it wasn't a dream. Soon I noticed that my parents had left for the gate and I ran to meet Aunty Funke in the living room and she said 'so you impregnated Timi also' as she burst into tears and all I did was to beg and beg her to stop crying and as soon as she stopped I also begged her to vindicate me but she refused. that I must suffer anything together with her because she had always Love me and she can't afford to loose me Stay Tuned For The Next EPISODE
1 Apr 2017 | 09:23
I have read this episode before
1 Apr 2017 | 12:59
I laugh
1 Apr 2017 | 16:02
1 Apr 2017 | 18:48
U no want write new episode ba!
2 Apr 2017 | 00:50
av read this before
2 Apr 2017 | 10:25
same episode
2 Apr 2017 | 17:22
2 Apr 2017 | 19:23
I've pleaded not guilty earlier, its the server's fault not mine. I posted the episodes earlier but it was no where to be found so I have to repost it. pls bear with me
7 Apr 2017 | 21:07
Always Ready... Episode 27... As I was still discussing with Aunty Funke, I just heard shouts from outside. Strange voice: Where is that you stupid son that impregnated my daughter. The shout was so intense that people living in the tenth house from ours could hear. I was beginning to be afraid of what would happen. I have thought about denying but Aunty Funke told me not to deny it assuring me that everything will be alright. Though I wasn't comfortable but atleast Aunty Funke had been NY coach all these while and I don't really know what she's up to this time but I hope it turn out positive as she had predicted. Soon the shouts dir down. I wondered what my father would have told her that made her calm like that. I was still lost in thought when the visitors and my parent arrived and I was shocked to see Timi not that I didn't expect it but I was damn afraid of what would happen. Dad: Young lady are you sure my son is the one that got you impregnated? My father asked referring to Timi. She was silent until her mum gave her an ugly slap I called it saying 'speak up you this shameless dog'. The way this Timi mother is behaving is making me afraid because she's capable of any evil at that moment. Timi: yes sir its him (pointing at me). Dad:Enny is that true. Me:Yes sir. Dad- Simple. From today this girl is going to be living with us that's final. Madam I don't know if you are comfortable with your daughter staying here with us. Timi's mum: Nothing us wrong with that Sir. in fact her baggages are in the trunk. Stay Tuned For Next EPISODE
7 Apr 2017 | 22:05
impregnating two ladies at once I hail you ooo
8 Apr 2017 | 03:28
Very short... Continue anyway,, na dis aunty funke go finish u
8 Apr 2017 | 04:01
This episode is like a paragraph Just thinking who will be the next to be pregnant for you
8 Apr 2017 | 04:10
8 Apr 2017 | 06:18
two people pregnant for you at once you try o
8 Apr 2017 | 14:16
8 Apr 2017 | 18:40
Wen u dey pour am pour am, wetin u expect!
8 Apr 2017 | 19:10
8 Apr 2017 | 20:42
Always Ready.... Episode 28... 'This woman is even ready to dump her only daughter chain nawa ooo' I said within myself when Timi's mother said that she already brought Timi's luggage's alongside her. Dad: That's a good decision you made madam. All these while, my mother was silent as though nothing concerned her in the whole issue all she did was to bury her face in her hands. I know she's disappointed but she was not suppose to support dad's decision of bringing in Timi. Timi's mother was grateful for what my dad did. Though she was not happy that her daughter is pregnant at that tender age probably her future is at stake. Many things were running thru my mind until I heard my father said 'Enny go and assist in bringing in the luggage' I was shocked as I didn't expect my dad to nominate me out of everyone that was present. That's not the problem anyway, the problem is how am I going to face Timi's mother. Now we are already downstairs near the car I just stood there and watch how Timi's mother and the gateman struggle to offload the bags from the trunk. Timi's mom: Can't you come over here to assist.(referring to me) Me: Sorry ma. Timi's mom: sorry for yourself, you are lucky that you cooperated if not you'll be dead by now. on hearing this I began to shiver as I didn't know the word to express myself. Timi's mom: Don't worry you are safe as long as you or your family do not maltreat my daughter. We carried the bags to the living room without anymore conversation. My dad discussed more with Timi's mom and also assured her that her daughter is safe and will be fine. I looked at Timi again all she did was to cry cry and cry. That moment I pitied her and I also pitied myself as I don't know how I'm going to cope with the heat. Timi's mom left after she had a brief conversation with her daughter I could not ear the conversation well enough so I gave up snooping. Soon. Timi is back yo the living room and I was shocked when my father asked me to take her bags to my room. me: but Dad the ...... Dad: Quiet, no but,you must follow my instructions, now take the bags to your room. I did as I was ordered but I still wonder why my dad didn't opt for Timi to stay in the guest room. Soon Timi and I were in my room. I could not look at her face There was absolute silence for about 7mins. Me: I'm sorry for putting you thru this. she was silent. so I summoned courage and went closer and touch her on her shoulder and then I repeated what I said earlier. As she was about to say something she busted into tears as she hit me hard but as a gentle mab that I've always been I held her tight to my self. And whisper slowly into her ears 'I love you' It was as If that word broke the beast out of her as she shouts ' 'Don't tell me that anymore all you did was to take advantage of me and dump me for my friend' Stay Tuned For The Next Episode..
11 Apr 2017 | 08:54
Lol iffah hear love, wetin go come happen to Agatha
11 Apr 2017 | 12:14
Love nani lol
11 Apr 2017 | 13:00
you still dey love for dis condition OK continue
11 Apr 2017 | 17:21
Lo ba to
11 Apr 2017 | 17:47
You still dey love for this condition
11 Apr 2017 | 21:41
Next please
12 Apr 2017 | 02:48
Aunty Funke go soon pack come ur room now...u never knw anything
12 Apr 2017 | 11:03
Keep loving
12 Apr 2017 | 13:24
Lolz....badt guy, afterall u go stil straf am 4 dat ur room
12 Apr 2017 | 20:15
Always Ready... Episode 29... I was short of words to push further so I left the room. As I was on my way to the living room, I heard voices from my parent's bedroom. so I leaned on the door to hear what they were saying but I couldn't get the clue but it seems Aunty Funke is in the room with them. I don't need any soothsayer to tell me they were discussing about Aunty Funke's pregnancy. in my mind I know I'm doomed already because I don't know any possible way to defend myself. I was still standing at the door when I suddenly heard my Dad said 'Go and call that boy for me' I know it was me so I quickly ran out of the house to the backyard. After about 20 mins if search my phone rang it was my Dad so I picked. Me: Hello.... Dad: Come back now (hang up) I have no choice than to go back inside. After so much lash of words, my father Told Aunty Funke To also pack into my room. But thus time I was lucky because my mum didn't buy the idea so she pleaded on my behalf to let Aunty Funke retain her room. I was a bit relieve bcos I don't know how it will look like having two pregnant ladies in one room. After about 40 mins if discussion, I went back to my room I could not find Timi. I was over worried until I heard the sound of a running shower. then I assume that she's there in the bathroom. I sat on my bed immediately I sat, I felt that urge to join her in the bathroom but I didn't buy the idea after so much contemplation, I decided to go in but as I was about to turn the knob of the door, she opened it from inside. I was shocked by the words she let out immediately she saw me. Timi: I was waiting for you since and you didn't show up its now that you made up your mind to come join me. Me: I just came in now so I decided to check you in here, actually I was about to knock. I defended immediately so as not to show that desperation in me. She had only her towel on her. She went to the bed and sat. all these while I was watching her steps. Timi: Mr please will you excuse me as you can see I want to dress up. Me: Ooh I'm sorry I was carried away. So I head for the door as I was about to turn it open. Timi: Carried away looking at my b--bs right. I just laughed and went out. Deep inside me, I don't feel like leaving the room but I'm choiceless I have to leave. I stood at the door for some seconds and I turned the door open with it knocking and I saw that she was completely unclad. Timi: I know you were going to come back. Me: I'm sorry it's just that I'm not used to this style yet but pardon me. Immediately as I turned to take my leave she said 'don't worry you can stay' Me:No don't worry lemme leave. Timi: I insist. Me: okay no p. I sat on the bed and she stood opposite backing me still unclad. By this time I'm suffering greatly BTW my leg I feel like tearing her apart at that moment. I was lost with my view to the extent that I didn't know when she changed position facing me. Timi: Are you now a born again?. I was revived by her words. I don't know what to answer so I just smiled. Timi: Sharp guy turn dull guy, anyways you are on your own, please come and rub this cream on my back for me. At first I hesitated but I later changed my mind so I stood up, collected the cream and started rubbing it on her back. Timi: Bros please be fast you are only rubbing one part, can't you do something that will make our baby happy move downward a bit, towards the hips. Suddenly I stopped and she queried my action instead of resuming my his I dragged her unclad body closer and I started kissing and smooching. At first I wasn't resisted I guess she's enjoying it also not until she forced herself out of my grip. Timi: Stupid so you are at it again? Can't you control that stick BTW your leg. Me:I'm sorry its just that I can't hold it anymore. I love you. Timi:**laughs** Love! You love me but you took advantage of me and left me for my friend, how am I sure she's not even pregnant for you. I was sober I didn't know how to express myself. And I don't want to be among those that will say 'its the devil's handiwork' So I stay mute. Timi: please leave. I left immediately. As I went out to the living room, I saw my Dad sitting there and luckily for me he didn't see no so I turned back immediately so as to avoid stories that touch. Im not comfortable within the house and no other escape route than the living room but another obstacle is there so I left for Aunty Funke's room to check on her. By this time it was almost six in the evening. I knocked but no reply after the 7th knock I gave up and headed back to my room. I was just roaming about within the house not knowing the next step to take. I went into my room and met Timi crying. I pet her not to cry but it instead the tempo increased but she later stopped and I was at least relieved to some extent. After I had calm her down, she explained how she had always love me but I never care yo know. We were still discussing when Aunty Funke came in to tell us that dinner is ready. That's when it occurred to me that I didn't even have my lunch. So Timi and I made for the Dinning room. Everyone was set except for Timi and I who were just coming. immediately my Dad cited us, he said. 'oko iyawo meji pelu ibeji meji' meaning the husband of two wives with two twins. by this time my heart was pounding heavily but I have no choice than to Sit down and eat. We had dinner in silence. And immediately we got back to the room, Timi attacked me Timi: Who is the second wife you impregnated. I know you must have impregnated Agatha or am I lying? Me: Its not Agatha its...... Timi: ooh so you are a player, you are even cheating on my friend also. So who is the third wife. Me:its it's its..... Timi: Who now or when did you turn to a stammerer. Me: Its Aunty Funke. Timi: What!!!! What Lind of a family is this, brother impregnating sister. Me:Aunty Funke is not my sister, she's our housemaid. Timi: So you are also bleeping your maid. but you told me she's your sister! Me: Yes because she don't have anybody to cater for her except from my parent. Timi: How, I don't understand, don't she have parents or relatives? Me: I don't know but she's been living here all her life. We had more discussion but Timi never let one minute go without talking about Agatha. We slept peacefully like couple. When I woke up the following morning Timi's act surprised me. Stay tuned for Next Episode.
17 Apr 2017 | 09:29
Lol Agatha might still come ooo
17 Apr 2017 | 14:08
Et doesnt make sense to me
17 Apr 2017 | 14:23
What did she do that surprised you?
17 Apr 2017 | 16:22
What did she do
17 Apr 2017 | 18:02
What did she do
17 Apr 2017 | 19:44
what's dat
18 Apr 2017 | 18:54
Always Ready... Episode 30.... I was still sleeping when I heard the door slammed hard as though it was aimed at waking me but the reaction I met on Timi's face interpreted that it was a mistake. She walked in with a tray containing a teacup and a covered stuff in a saucer. Good morning dear Timi greeted as she dropped the tray containing tea and a toasted bread Me: wow BOB! Timi: meaning Me: Breakfast On Bed. That's thoughtful of you. After she dropped the stuffs and went out I began to wonder why she did this, I expect her to be the last to wake up but it was the other way round. It's normal to receive breakfast on bed but in this situation, its not normal that's the more reason it came to me as a surprise. After some minutes, the door was opened and it was a different story, This Time, it was Aunty Funke that came in. This was unusual of Aunty Funke to come into my room at this time except sometimes when my attention is needed. But her aim seem different this time. So I greeted 'good morning' and she replied 'I'm fine darling' 'when did Darling start in this issue now' I cursed within. I just forced myself to let out a smile so as to make her feel accepted. Me: Is Daddy still around? Aunty Funke: what do you expect daddy to be doing at home by this time of the day Monday for that matter. It was then I realised that the time was almost 11am. Me: sh.t I slept almost half of the day Aunty Funke: Don't worry I just came to inform you that the food is ready. So get up and go brush your teeth before coming to join us at the dining. Me: okay gimme some mins. Aunty Funke: Yes dearie. I went in the bathroom and started thinking of vow my life will be from onwards and I could not do any meaningful thing than to sit on the already closed closet thinking if my life when Someone I presume to be Timi knocked the door to the room, so I quickly tied my towel round my waist only to open the door to see Agatha standing before me. Me: What are you doing here? Agatha: Do I need an invitation to come to my boyfriend's house again Me: who is your boyfriend? please leave my house now, how did you even get in here. I never wished to say all these but frustration forced me to. I have learn to love Agatha by the months but Timi's problem and many more had made me forgot it was the same Agatha I loved some months back. We were still Arguing when Timi came in. I could see the surprise in both Ladies face. Agatha: So its because of her you changed suddenly. And she left immediately. I thought I was free until Timi came up again. Timi: So you are bleeping her also and you still see each other often that's nice. Timi left angrily to where I don't know and I followed her immediately so as to plead bit all my effort seem futile. Now in the room, Enny was seen reminiscing on the days encounter. 'I love Agatha she's special she was the one I truly loved before Timi overwhelmed me with her over forwardness and p---y' I thought to myself until a voice said loudly into my head 'Its your choice to make. follow your heart or go astray' This I couldn't not interpret on my own. Stay Tuned For The Next Episode.
19 Apr 2017 | 17:52
follow you heart ooo but remember Timi and Funke's pregnancy ooo
20 Apr 2017 | 03:41
follow your heart ooo but remember Timi and Funke's pregnancy ooo
20 Apr 2017 | 03:41
baba twins lol
20 Apr 2017 | 07:12
Always Ready... Episode 31.... I was still pondering on the issue when Timi together with Aunty Funke barged into the room. Me: What's the.... I was not allowed to finish my sentence. Timi: What is what?, so you still have the mind to be seeing that bitch. Me: keep shut Agatha is not a bitch. and please if you don't have any meaningful to say please leave or better still I leave for you guys. All these while Aunty Funke didn't say anything and from the look in her face, I could tell she's disappointed. I stood up and left the room leaving both of them behind. 'I didn't love any if them but they took over me because I was naive if it comes to making decision especially in women matter,maybe because I was too young to handle such cases. _______________________________________ TWO YEARS LATER Enny was seen playing with a young boy and a girl actually they were his children from Timi and Aunty Funke respectively. Timi had left for her parents house A year after she had given birth to a baby boy named Tobi. But since Aunty Funke had nowhere to go, Enny's Parent find it necessary for them to help Aunty Funke further her Education to the tertiary institution and trust me she's been doing well. Enny's siblings were flown abroad to further their education while Enny who was the most intelligent child in the family had remained in Nigeria. Attending the Yaba polytechnic. He and Agatha lost contact after she relocated to her uncle's place in Ogun state and this is where The Title ALWAYS READY emerged. As the first child and only Son that Enny was, he deserved the best but despite being the most intelligent and brilliant, his father lost interest in him After the pregnancy saga but Enny never stop putting up his best. Enny was now almost 21 years but His appearance seem younger like a boy of 16 or even lesser. Enny was playing with his children when the phone rang. ____________________________________ Enny's side of The Story Continued. 'Who owns this strange number' I said to myself. I picked the call and remained silent for about three secs before I voiced out Me:hello! Caller: hi! how're you doing. I was fighting hard to recognise the voice and finally I did Me: Agatha! is that you Caller: yes its me. As I was about to say something, the network interrupted the call and it cuts off. immediately I tried the number severally but it won't go then I gave up trying after what seem like the 50th trial. I was happy to at least hear from the person I really loved after almost a year without contact and to be sincere I never let a day passed by without thinking of Agatha. Ever since she left I found out that most girls are less attractive let's just say I find it irritating mingling with females thou some of them showed interest in me maybe because I was one of the best in my department. This sudden call from Agatha again got me depressed that I find it difficult to get myself for the whole week and there's no day I won't try the number but it won't go thru. Tobi: Daddy you are not happy. immediately I heard this I jumped because I didn't know when Tobi came in so I tried hard to smile and I told him to go and rest that I was just thinking of what to buy for him if I'm coming back tomorrow. Trust children immediately he heard that he started listing a lot of things which I paid less attention to but at least I was relieved of thinking a bit. It was some mins past 8 in the evening when my phone rang and it was Agatha, This time I was extremely happy that after a week she called again and I hoped the network won't interrupt again. I picked it. Me:Hello my love. caller: Oooh so you are the one that impregnated my daughter. I caught you redhanded and the Police is coming for you straight away. Me: What! I looked at the number and discovered that it was not Agatha it was my course mate Anna. 'What have I gotten myself into why didn't I look well before picking up' I said to myself while I was thinking of how to escape then I thought of my children. Though I didn't love their mothers but at least they are my blood and I can die for any of them. So I remained and start thinking of how to defend myself since I'm innocent. Stay Tuned For The Next EPISODE.
20 Apr 2017 | 07:19
You should have checked the name your parents won't think twice before believing that you did impregnate the girl
20 Apr 2017 | 10:03
20 Apr 2017 | 11:02
Always Ready... Episode 32.... I wondered within me why a grown up girl as that of Anna will still be embarrassed because of pregnancy. 'is she not old enough to be married a d start bearing children' I said to myself. I know within me that my parent must not hear about this, they won't believe I'm innocent because of the past. but luckily they travelled and will be back in a week time. It was early in the morning I just came back from the children's school where I went to drop them and I have not even sat down when I heard the gate being knocked. I knew the woman had carried out her threat so without fear I went to open the gate but it was a different story when the gat was opened. It was Aunty Funke that came home because they were on holiday. I just turned back immediately without exchanging pleasantries or any word, I was angry cos her foolishness cost me my progress. I just went straight to my room, I didn't lock it because I was ignorant. Suddenly the door opened and it was Her (Aunty Funke) Me:How can I help you. She didn't say anything instead she sat comfortably on my bed. Me: I'm talking to you, how may I help you? Aunty Funke: I don't need your help dear I only missed your touches and I've been longing for it. Me:Don't tell me that's why you left your school. all because you miss my touches. don't someone else touch you in your school. Aunty Funke: What are you insinuating. Me: Please if you don't have anything reasonable enough to say please leave my room. NOW!. She left forgetting her phone on my bed and I didn't bother to pick it maybe shell come back for it. 'What a mother, she didn't even ask of her baby girl alk she asked was my touches what a terrible mother' I said to myself Soon I forgot that I was in a sort of mess but it was nothing to worry about since the number never called again. I lying on my bed when a sudden sharp vibration interrupted my study and I discovered that it was Aunty Funke's Phone. So I picked the phone and saw the persons name save with 'sweet heart'. The display picture was a guy whom I have met before but I never remembered where we met. I dropped the phone and the called up to 21 times before he gave up. In the afternoon around 1 that's when The children's school usually close and I was still surprised that Aunty Funke never deemed it fit to ask of either of the children. So I went out of my room only to meet Aunty Funke smooching with a guy, the same guy I saw his do on her phone and now I could recognise him well enough to remember where we met. Then they quickly adjusted when they noticed my presence not knowing I've been standing there for up to a minutes. And to my surprise , the guy was Timi's elder brother, Wale. Me: Wale how far now. Wale: I dey long time no see. You just disappeared like that. Me: You still dey around now I wan go get something. Wale: Sure now I still dey. You no even ask of your babe. on hearing this I just smiled and told him I'll be back soon. on my way I began to wonder where he net Aunty Funke and it seemed he didn't know about Timi's Pregnancy saga. Now me and my children were back at home but I didn't meet both Wale and Aunty Funke in the living room. I guessed they might have gone out to have fun. Little did I know until Tobi and Tolu came to call me to come and see something. Me: what is the problem again Both of them: daddy come and see now. So I followed them behind but not so close and then Tobi opened the door to Aunty Funke's room and I saw both of them bleeping hard. Aunty Funke's scream was enough to deafen both of them to the extent that they didn't realise the door opened. Immediately I saw this, I closed the door and led the children to my room and there I taught them some morals but they keep asking one question 'why is mummy shouting like that' I also cut them short by telling them to knock whenever they want to enter any room in the house. and they happily left but not after I told them a story about tortoise. I'm making a good father- I said to myself. I remained in my room until evening that I notices that Wale had left. Later my door was knocked and before I could get up to answer it was opened and It was Aunty Funke who came in search of her phone after about 7 hours she left my room. Me:What was that you were doing with Wale in your room that you didn't lock the door Aunty Funke:What does it look like and how is that your business if I didn't lock the door. Me:its non of my business actually but the children saw you guys during the hard core. Aunty Funke: What! you called them to see us? I just laughed and left her in the room. I know she regret not locking the door, though it was a common mistake made when you are highly in the mood, you literally forget everything. Stay Tuned for the Next EPISODE.
20 Apr 2017 | 11:08
I don't understand something o You said Your 2 years old son is asking you maybe you are thinking What did a two years old boy understand or u didn't remember that you said 2 years later
20 Apr 2017 | 14:35
He's probably above because It quote that Enny was almost 21 which means he's above three though the writer didn't specify the particular month or year buy with the look of things he was probably born in the 1st quarter of the year. @jummybabe .
20 Apr 2017 | 16:53
Okay @shobandewariz0405gmail-com
20 Apr 2017 | 18:03
Always Ready... Episode 33.... Now I'm outside the compound thinking of what I saw happening in Aunty Funke's room. Then I start to imagine things right from the day they both gave birth actually it was on the same day. I remembered it was the the same day with one of my siblings birthday January sixteen it seemed I have been the only one who has always cares about the well being of the children but the mothers never seem to care. Timi had not for one day come to visit ever since she left that's about 2 years now. Even Aunty Funke cared less about the children despite her constant two week based visit from school. 'What a mother, to the extent that she even came with her boyfriend to f--k in the house' I said to myself. Life is not hard but its complicated in my own case because of the challenges I'm facing. Now I find it difficult to think straight every time I remember Agatha or either of the children. I think of the day Agatha will call again. Though I never tried her number again since Anna's case almost implicated me. so I Just thought it was necessary to call her at that time so I didn't hesitate. I picked my phone and dialled the number and luckily for me, it rang but it wasn't picked up at the other end. At least I have a bit of hope a so I tried again and this time it was picked up and immediately she picked, I checked the name again to be sure to avoid cases like that of Anna. It was Agatha this time. Me: Hello dear! Agatha: I'm fine and how re you too and the children. Me: We are all fine here. Agatha: That's good to hear. There was silence for abt 4secs Me: So when will I see you again, as in I miss you every day. Agatha: I miss you too most especially the children. I hope to see them some day but its not sure. Me: What do you mean by its not sure. Agatha: I don't think I will be allowed to come back to Lagos again after what Timi put up the other day that triggered my relocation. Me: But Timi no longer live here. Agatha: But the people that witnessed it still live there. Me: That shouldn't be a problem now cos I'm planning to relocate to another area closer to my school. You can join me there. Agatha: It seem easy but its not a one day decision. we talked about many things relevant and irrelevant that I even forgot that we were on phone not until the server voice speak 'one minute remaining'. I hanged up but not after I told her I'll call her some other time. I was happy that at least we talked very well this time and also happy that she was also considering relocating to stay with me. I don't know if that will be possible on her side. Buy as for me I am ready. I was still battling with my thoughts when Timi's call came in. Me: hello! Timi: sup dearie I've been calling you but you were busy. Me:Yh what's up with you, its been long you called, hope there's no problem! Timi:Is it now a sin to call the father of my child again. Me: Yhs its a sin if its been over a year since you called to check on either the father or the child. Timi: I'm sorry its not my fault. Me: Then whose fault? ooh your new catch right. Timi: Enny please stop this please. Me: Stop what? You know it's not motherly not to visit your child in over a year, what sort of a mother are you? Timi: *Silent* Me: Say something Timi, say something. Now my voice is unconsciously going up. Timi: Enny I'm sorry I said earlier that its not my fault. Me: Then whose fault, say something. Timi: I had travel.... Me: So you can't even call to check on your boy who does not even know you gave birth to him. Is that how you were abandoned when you were at that age, don't you have a mother wise enough to advice you to visit your own child, or is it your new Man that restricted you from calling. Imagine you left your child when he was just a year and 3 months old. say something Timi. now your child does not even know you as his mother and someday in the future you will blame who for your carelessness! And you sit in God knows where and all you could tell me is that its not your fault. Rubbish. I hanged up immediately without waiting for any reply from her because I know she can't say a thing as I could hear her sobs. At least I'm happy that I was able to be firm on my actions, at least that will inflict fear. She(Timi) called again and again but I refuse to pick up the calls and she gave up after the eight trial. 'See she just spoil my mood' I said to myself. So I went out to walk with my lovely twins from different mother. We walked across the streets and I bought some snacks coupled with some fruit juice and we made our way back home. We Met Aunty Funke in the compound fiddling with her phone pretending as if she did not see us as we opened the gate but the children were not wise to that extent as they both ran to meet her exhibiting what I bought for them while I went directly into the house. Later in the evening we all sat together to eat dinner it's been long we sat like this to eat. But it went in silent though the children tried unconsciously to pull a conversation but I brilliantly dodge telling them to keep shut while eating. After the dinner, we all sat in the living room watching some cartoons I had bought earlier for the sake of the children. We were still watching when a strange number called. I picked up and the voice came up. Caller: Hello good evening please am I speaking with Mr Enny Me: Yes and please how may I help you. Caller: I'm doctor Makinde from The Blossom Hospital. Me: *uncomfortable* Yes doctor how may I help you. Dr Makinde: Two people were rushed to our hospital about thirty minutes ago due to a road accident we believed they are couples, so we went through their contact list and found out you number saved on the woman's phone as my son I believe she's your mother but.... Me: *restless* but what doctor Dr: The man was Dead On Arrival. Me: What! you mean my Father is dead. Dr: Please Sir you have to come to the hospital urgently because your mother needs blood urgently and I don't think she can survive beyond tomorrow if the blood is not present today. Me: Okay doctor just send the address of the hospital and I'll be there immediately. I hanged up and immediately dashed to my bedroom to change and get the car key but as I closed the door it opened and it was Aunty Funke Aunty Funke: What happened to daddy and mummy? Me: *shivering* I don't know the doctor said they had an accident so my attention is needed. By now I've changed and was ready to go but Aunty Funke will never let me think straight, bothering me that she wants to go with me. Me: We can't leave the children all alone in the house you just stay back and I promise all will be well. I never knew she could be this concerned about my parent, but what do you expect of someone like Aunty Funke who had no relatives except mine. After much explanation, she agreed to stay back and watch over the children. As I Entered the car and start the engine, I thought of the Lagos gridlocks at night so I Came out of the car and went out to the next street to get a bike because that would be faster, As I was still looking for a bike when The doctor sent The address it was then I realised that I don't even know where I was going. Luckily I Got a bike and I got there after about one hour drive. And I went directly to the doctors office and I introduced myself and then we left for the Lab where my blood was tested if it would match and luckily it did, so the transfusion took place and before I knew it I was very weak that I could not even have the strength to open my eyes. So I slept off. By the time I woke up, I met 54 missed calls on my phone which 32 was from Aunty Funke, 5 from Agatha and the remaining 17 from Timi. I wondered what made Agatha called me by that time and Timi also, but I have to call Aunty Funke first to update her. Stay Tuned For The Next EPISODE
21 Apr 2017 | 06:24
RIP to your dad
21 Apr 2017 | 12:06
Rip to your dad. hope nothing will happen to your mom
21 Apr 2017 | 13:43
nice one
21 Apr 2017 | 17:42
Yea I am staying tune
21 Apr 2017 | 18:38
sorry for the loss... Waiting for the next episode
21 Apr 2017 | 18:49
22 Apr 2017 | 10:55
Please we're waiting for you @Enny Sho
1 May 2017 | 07:22
Always Ready... Episode 34... As I made to call Aunty Funke, I discovered that I was the only one in the ward, it was not so before I slept, I was lying beside my mum but now I'm awake I can't find her, all I could see is an empty ward. Immediately this thought crossed my mind, I forget about Aunty Funke immediately and as I tried to stand up, I couldn't cos I was still weak, the only help I can render my self is to call out the doctor or one of the nurses. 'Doctor!!!!' I called out so I called for the nurse also and luckily I was heard and a nurse came in. I wondered what would have happened if the nurse didn't hear that last call cos that seem like the last energy left in me. Immediately the nurse came in, I was relieved, I wanted to ask her of my mother but the strength I had was minima, so I opted for a pen but I was refused, The nurse told me I need not to stress myself that all I need was a little more rest, I was still disturbed because I haven't heard ant relieving word about mum's whereabouts. So out of all the last energy I had left, I managed to speak out but in s very low tone. Me:My mum Nurse: Your mum is fine, she was transferred to another ward. On hearing this, I was fully relieved and now I can rest before I call Aunty Funke or anyone. After about another hour of sleep, I was offered Malt and egg (uncooked). I gladly took it as I was assured of good health. Later I called Aunty to tell her that the situation was under control and the way her voice sounded, it was like one who have been crying all night. I didn't tell her that Dad is dead, that will be until I arrive, with mum hopefully. Then the doctor called me into his office and gave me a lot of health tips, what I should eat hence to regain the lost blood and also gave me the hospital bill which I offset immediately. But the Fact That my Dad is dead still remain a very painful thing for me, though he has not been nice these days but he does not deserve to die not as early as this. It will be a tough task for the whole Family but hopefully, we'll scale thru. I'm still young and naive about things like this, I mean burial preparations and stuff like that. 'stop it stop it' I said to myself when I began to engross myself in such thinking. I went home that day and Aunty Funke eye had swollen from cry so as I entered the house, I made to calm her down and luckily I was able to convince her and she stopped crying but I had not tell her about Dad, I don't know how to put it that it will seem normal. I just hope things will be alright. Aunty: Have you called your sister. As aunty Funke asked the question, just then I remember that I've got some silly ungrateful and disrespectful siblings who had not call me since their departure for Canada almost a year now. The doctor had told me to come for my mum and my Father's corpse in a week time Now we were on our way home and soon we are at home. Aunty Funke had been waiting for so long and immediately she heard the knock on the gate it was flung open. . STAY TUNED FOR NEXT EPISODE...
1 May 2017 | 23:59
Rip too ur dad
2 May 2017 | 15:31
2 May 2017 | 16:50
2 May 2017 | 17:01
Why r u hiding it?
2 May 2017 | 18:57
So sorry about your dad
2 May 2017 | 20:16
3 May 2017 | 18:47
Always Ready... Episode 35... Soon we were in the sitting room. I tried all my possible best to keep the Dad issue away, not until my mum brought up the issue. Mum: So when did the doctor say Daddy will be discharged from the hospital? It was then I realized that even mum did not know about dad yet. Me: Actually I don't know but I'll have to go there later in the day. Mum: That's good, that means I'll have to go with you then to see my husband. Me: No mum that won't be necessary because the doctor said you need a lot of rest for now. After much more argument , I was able to convince her because all these while, Aunty Funke was in the kitchen, probably, if she was there, she would have opted to go with me to the hospital. Soon the topic was forgotten not until Aunty Funke once again brought up the issue. Aunty Funke: so when will daddy be discharged from the hospital. Mum: Ehehn that reminds me, you are going with him to the hospital today because he's visiting dad. Me: If Aunty Funke comes with me, who's going to take care of you when no one is around. Mum: Don't worry about that, besides you just told me the doctor said I need to rest so I'll just sleep till you guys are back and besides you are not going now so she still have more than enough time. They both succeeded in persuading me to let Aunty Funke go to the hospital with me. Soon, it was time to go bring the children from school. Me: ohh I have to go and fetch the children from school. As I made to stand up, Aunty Funke protested. Aunty Funke: Dear you can stay back I can go fetch them. And without any further argument, I gave into the opinion, so I handed the car keys to her and she left. Soon they were back and the children on sighting their grandma, they rushed to hug her on the couch. You know something with grandparents, no matter how weak they were, they will always make use of their reserve energy to welcome their grandchildren. Now its time for Aunty Funke and I to go to the hospital to visit dad who unknown to them is already dead. Now we are on our way to the hospital and with the look on my face it is very easy to predict that I'm not happy with the idea of bringing Aunty Funke along to the hospital. Aunty Funke: Enny what's wrong with you, are you okay? Me: Of course I am. Mind you don't ask such questions again. you don't care so don't pretend to care about me. I could see with the expression on her face that she was fighting hard to choose her words but she failed so she remained silent. When we got to the hospital and we headed straight to the doctor's office. And now we were at the door and as I was about to knock, I heard some voice which I could only recognize one to be that of doctor Makinde. Unknown voice: You don't have to. I mean you don't have to tell them he was dead on arrival, even if you are going to, not on phone. Do you know if the person you are talking to is hypertensive? You also have to learn the communication aspect of being a doctor. Dr Makinde: I'm sorry sir it won't repeat itself. I was lost in their conversation until Aunty Funke tapped my shoulder. Aunty Funke: c'mon knock on the door what are you waiting for. So I knocked the door. Stay Tuned For The Next EPISODE...
14 May 2017 | 20:21
15 May 2017 | 04:30
Still following..
15 May 2017 | 05:30
Okay I am following
15 May 2017 | 05:34
Enny, you have to tell them, just have to choose ur words! Next plz!
15 May 2017 | 10:28
You should have just tell Funke alone that your dad is dead
17 May 2017 | 00:34
28 May 2017 | 13:20
Always Ready... Episode 36... As I knock the door, a voice asked us to come in and I opened the door to let Aunty Funke in first before I followed. Me: Good afternoon doctor. Dr Makinde: You are welcome Mr Enny you can have your sit. Just then the other doctor introduced himself as Dr Emeka. Soon Dr Emeka bid to take his leave. Me: Ooh doctor you can as well stay because your contribution will be highly needed here. I said that knowing that aunty Funke's reaction will be disastrous. Luckily, the doctor agreed to stay. Dr Makinde: So Mr Enny how is she related to the deceased. He said referring to Aunty Funke. Me: She's my elder sister. One part of me didn't agree that she's my sister but at least I had to agree at that moment. Aunty Funke: Which decease. Aunty Funke is becoming restless at this point. And the doctors were also surprised to see her reaction. its obvious she didn't know abt it. Dr Emeka: Mr Enny haven't you told her yet. Me: No... I don't know how I'm going to put it to the whole ....... Aunty Funke: Put what. Enny I'm confused, what's happening tell me something. At this point, she's beginning to high her pitch and tears were already rolling down her pretty chicks. Dr Makinde: calm down miss! Aunty Funke: Dr don't tell me to calm down. Cos i am not until you tell me what happened to dad. I couldn't say a word as I buried my head on my palms. Dr Emeka: Actually miss, we did try our best, but when your dad was rushed in, we discovered that he was already dead. I expected a scream from her but instead, all I could hear were silent sobs. so I raised my head up to see things for myself. Aunty Funke: So you mean Dad is dead. Suddenly, she screamed Nooooooooooooo. I almost fell off the sit with the high pitch of her voice. The doctors did a great Job by calming her down and luckily, she did calm down but she didn't stop crying. Its been long I saw her cry. The last time was when she was bursted abt the pregnancy saga. At least one person is aware of Dad's death. It won't be a problem to let others know but the major obstacles are My Siblings. They might breakdown. Aunty Funke and I got home that day and I was still wondering how to table the matter to mum that she won't react badly or probably without something bad happening to her because I am not a professional in that Field. I told Aunty Funke about it and she suggested that I call the doctor for advice. So I did exactly. The doctors suggestion was the best. So I just followed the plan. My mum was in her room, probably sleeping or doing something else so I decided to check her. When I got there, I saw her sleeping so I just left, perhaps it's already past 8pm. I went back to my room. As I was about to sit, I remembered that I haven't seen my wonderful twin since I came back. So I went to their room only to meet Aunty Funke there. I was partially surprised cos it's been long she did that. She never cared his the children were fairing why is today different. She did not notice when I came in so I got the chance to move closer only to hear that she was still sobbing silently, so I held her by her shoulder and she jerked a little in fear. I just whispered into her hear 'don't worry dear it'll be alright' then I held her up as she tried to get to her feet. I led her to her room and as I made to exit, she called me. Aunty Funke: I'm sorry for everything Enny. This made me go back to her and I held her head to my chest. Me: You don't have to be, its not your fault. For the first time in years, we kissed. I made to stop but she didn't let go off my head. Soon I felt her hand down my belt. As helpless as I am, I just started to smooch her a-s from the gown she was wearing. Soon we were both unclad and Then she took my d--k in her hands and started stroking it and I also consciously started sucking her b--bs real hard and soon we were on the bed and soon, my d--k was in her kitty-cat. We bleeped in many styles until I finally c-m deep inside her stomach.. Stay Tuned For The Next Episode...
5 Jun 2017 | 20:11
I wonder how your mom will take it
6 Jun 2017 | 04:13
next please!
6 Jun 2017 | 05:08
So you still have the mind to fuck
6 Jun 2017 | 09:30
I guess Funmi still loves you
6 Jun 2017 | 15:20
I hope u are prepared for another baby
6 Jun 2017 | 16:08
Nice one.. But see u next month again..
6 Jun 2017 | 16:15
Anoda baby on d way
6 Jun 2017 | 18:58
@princesspearl where are you going
6 Jun 2017 | 21:00
Your papa die, you get mind dey bleep... Ok o
7 Jun 2017 | 00:36
Always Ready... Episode 37... After I realised I didn't use CD, I just got weak and I fell beside her on the bed then I whispered to myself 'not again'. I know without being told the consequence, not just the consequence but at that period where everyone will be in a mourning mode and yet another pregnancy. I was still lost in though when aunty Funke placed her head on my chest and she said 'don't worry, I'll take care of it'. it was obvious she knows what I'm thinking about. Me: Take care of what? Aunty Funke: Never mind. Me: OK if you say so. We just remained like that until sleep took me over to the world of dream. it was of course a sweet dream but I was interrupted by the sound of an alarm. I stretched my hand to the side of the bed to switch the lamp on but discovered that it was not there, I reached for my phone under the pillow, it was not there. By this time, its obvious that I'm not in my room. So I managed to find my way to the door and I was running all my hands on the wall in search of the switch and finally I found it so I put the light on and to my utmost surprise, Aunty Funke was not in the room. so I checked the time and it was just some minutes past 2am. immediately I saw the time, I started sidling rhetorical questions. 'is this not her room?' 'where could she be by this time?' before I know, I was already shaking. Then I started laughing at myself as I kept wondering where she could be by that time. Suddenly, door opens, i was shocked at the sound of the door, it was her bathroom door and she came out yawning. Me: what were you doing in the bathroom without any sound of.... I stopped when I realise my voice was going up, then I readjust. Me: I never knew you were in there, you got me tensed. Aunty Funke: Ooh Enny don't worry about me. anyways I had a nice time yesterday. Me: OK no problem I'll be in my room. Aunty Funke: No don't go yet, just wait till morning I'm afraid. Me: Don't worry you'll be fine, just call on me if yo need anything. Then I left and was just thinking what could make someone afraid overnight or maybe she wants more which I don't think she'll never get again. Anyways let's just hope the doctors plan works out cos I'm not ready to lose both parent, not now that none of us (the children) is done with our studies. I was still trying hard to sleep when I heard knock on my door. And immediately, I start to panic in fear. seriously this past few days, I became uncomfortable with everything around me, everything that used to be normal now looks extraordinary and that is getting me nervous by the minute. I could not get up not until I heard Aunty Funke's voice Aunty Funke: Enny its me open up. I reluctantly stood up and walked to the door, immediately I opened it, she hugged me and I was speechless and afraid at the same time. Me:What's the problem Aunty Funke, you're supposed to be sleeping by now. Aunty Funke: Enny I can't sleep, I'm afraid Enny I'm afraid, like something bad is going to..... I interrupted her Me: shhhh don't say that, nothing is going to happen to any body. After some minute of cuddling her in my arms, Me: Just go back to your room and sleep everything will be fine. Aunty Funke: So you hate me this much, I just told you I'm afraid and here you are telling me to go back to the room, I'm going no where. She sat on my bed and started sobbing. I tried my best to stay away from her but seeing her sob is another thing else, I can't just overlook it. So I joined her on the bed and placed her head on my chest and I couldn't sleep but its obvious that she's far asleep. Trust me nothing more, we just slept and woke up in the morning. When I woke up, she was no where to be found. Suddenly, I started having a feeling that she's up to something. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
7 Jun 2017 | 02:08
let her not tell your mom about your dad's demise
7 Jun 2017 | 02:48
I hope it's not something bad
7 Jun 2017 | 07:53
Always Ready... Episode 38... I just hope she's up to something positive that will be of help. Cos this one that she's just appearing and disappearing I don't understand ooo. Just then I checked my time and it was already past 7. Me: sh*t the children are late. Immediately, I stood up sharp sharp and ran towards their room only to open the door and the kids are no where to be found. I checked the bathroom, kitchen, in fact every where then I discovered that Aunty Funke is also missing. I ran to my mums room, luckily she's still there but still asleep. Where could Aunty Funke be with the children?. I just thought I should dial her number and I did, unfortunately, the phone rang on the dining table. The clock is ticking very fast and its already past 9(2hrs gone) by then mum had woken, but I didn't let her know what's going on. Now it's already past 10 that was when I remembered that I have their teacher's number. Then I called the teacher. Me: Hello good morning Sir I'm Mr Enny. Teacher: Ooh Mr Enny good morning. How was your night sir. Me: Its fine Sir thank you. Teacher: So Mr Enny how can I help you. Me: Thank you. I called to make enquiry if my children are in school. Teacher: Yes of course Sir hope there's no problem sir. Just then I heard the gate open after a car hooted, then I peep from the window only to see Aunty Funke coming in with one of the cars parked outside. I didn't even notice that a car had left the compound. Teacher: Hello Mr Enny is there any problem. Me: ooh Thank you teacher no problem Sir. Teacher: okay then bye. Me: bye sir. *hang up* There were only four cars packed outside and I didn't even asked the GM if he had seen Aunty Funke or the children left the compound. {see wetin tension dey cause}. Just as I sat down relieved, I saw the GM enter with lots of loads in his hands. they were provisions. As I was about to ask the GM what were in the bags, Aunty Funke came in. Aunty Funke: ooh dear you are awake hope you've eaten? Me: What do you expect me to eat when there's no food at home. Aunty Funke: Take the provisions to the dining so I'll fix them to their locations later. (referring to the GM)... Honey don't tell me you haven't entered the kitchen today. I cooked before I took the children to school. I also branched the supermarket to buy some provisions for Mum that what took my time. Hope you are fine dear. All these while I just staring at her with a 'WHAT ARE YOU UP TO' look and she noticed. Aunty Funke: why are you staring at me like that? Me: Within 24 hrs, you have changed. hope you're not up to something this time. Aunty Funke: What are you insinuating Enny, why are you talking like this. By this time, her leg was already on mine and her head was coming closer to my chest when Mum interrupted clearing her throat. Mum: You guys are at it again, the same mistake, the same victims, the same location. And my husband is still at the hospital yet to be discharged and you guys are hear misbehaving. Immediately I heard about Dad I broke down and mum noticed and she came closer. Mum: My son what's wrong with you. tell me or has it happened again. Me: Actually mum, the only thing that had happened so far is.. that.. that Dad is dead. immediately I voiced that out, Aunty Funke voiced out my name in an 'ARE YOU CRAZY' manner. Mum just sat back on the couch and suddenly, mum fainted I guess, I'm not sure cos she just fell as she tried to stand up. And immediately, Aunty Funke started blaming me for letting her know in that manner but as a man I have to be firm and I think that's what I'm doing here. Quickly, we rushed to a hospital not the former one that they were admitted earlier, that one was too far for such an emergency case. The doctor quickly checked and discovered that she fainted, and I was relieved a bit to hear that news cos I'm not ready to lose both parents at this point of my life. and I know Aunty Funke is happy with the news also. The doctor said it was not a serious case so she could be discharged btw 24-48hrs. Aunty Funke and I went home together that day and on our way, we branched the children's school to pick them and together we headed straight home. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
7 Jun 2017 | 10:12
I am suspecting Aunt Funke o
7 Jun 2017 | 11:05
Always Ready... Episode 39... As soon as we got home that day, my body was just full of excitement without knowing the real cause of the feeling. I just sat on the couch and I was smiling broadly to what I don't even know. Aunty Funke also noticed my moved closer. Aunty Funke: Enny what's amusing you. Me: Nothing. don't worry about me. Aunty Funke: okay if you say so, I'm in the kitchen in case you need anything. She moves her head closer to kiss me but I prevent it. She left disappointed. I really need to investigate this sudden change in everyone's behavior especially that of Aunty Funke. _________________________________ FEW MONTHS AFTER DAD'S BURIAL. We were all sitting in the living room where the lawyer came to read my father's will. My siblings were also present. Before my fathers demise, I've vowed not to get myself deeply involved in my Dad's business/property, at least not to the extent that will cause rivalry btw my siblings and I. According to the will, Its Clear that my father built 6 houses and left behind 12 cars. And he also owns a bakery which has 12 branches across the state(Lagos). And a poultry farm that rears fowls(layers) with only two branches. And he also has a car stand.(I was shocked I never knew he had a car stand but every other person remained neutral) and lastly he left behind a sum of 700million naira in his bank accounts. When the lawyer wanted to state how it was shared, I just stood up and excused myself. I don't mean anything, I just wanted to ease my self and also clear my mind and to make sure I did not break my vow. Now I was in the restroom, thinking of so many things. I never knew my father was established to that extent. So now that I'm aware, I have to compose as the head of the family now. I never knew I was taking much time not until my sister Bisi came to knock and ask me to hurry up that everyone is waiting for me. Me: I'll be with you guys soon just gimme a minute. Soon I joined them in the living room. To my utmost surprise, it was a video. 'impressive' I was the one who inserted the disc. You need to see the way I was shaking and vibrating. Soon the video started and I saw my dad once again. I looked at everyone's expressions and they were all smiling except from the lawyer, Aunty Funke and I. every other person were smiling even my mum. My dad started speaking and tears were rolling down Aunty Funke's chicks. my tears were also triggered but I was able to hold myself. The expression on my siblings face were as if they knew the content of the videotape. The only things my dad stated were. "With all you've heard from the lawyer, I hereby will all the property I left behind to be in Enny's care, he would appoint the managers of the companies as I hereby pronounce him as the general manager of all my Companies, including the sum in the bank. He would be the one to disseminate orders and also allocate funds to defaulting areas. I urge every member of the family to comply with Enny's order. And my wife will be the one to lead him through for a period of 3 months. Within this period of 3 months, No funds should be tampered with. There's a standing order to pay all workers on evert 29th day of each month and also within the three months, the secretary of each company will be the one to deposit the profits into the bank accounts while they give account to Enny on every deposits made. I also want to state that all these I had said earlier, I was not under any influence such as threat or alcohol so I beg every member of the family to please comply. THANK YOU" I was speechless. I thought I was dreaming not until I heard Lanre the second born shouted. This is unacceptable then he left. Every other person had thanked the lawyer and The lawyer also told me To see him anytime I'm chanced for more details and guidelines. Then he gave me his card. I didn't even respond I was so shocked. To realise that my Dad still trust me to that extent. every body had left but I could not stand up from where I was sitting. It was in the middle of the night that Aunty Funke came out. Aunty Funke: You have been sitting here all day, you didn't eat you did not even drink water, please you need to get up and at least rest. Me:Did you just see what happened. its a dream, it can't be real. Aunty Funke: Well better wake up from your slumber dear because you're a millionaire in three months time Enny. Now let's go so you can have some rest. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
7 Jun 2017 | 23:44
Maybe Aunty Funke knew about the will and its content hence the sudden change jst 2 be in Eny's good book. Such an opportunist
8 Jun 2017 | 02:39
am really suspecting dis aunty Funke
8 Jun 2017 | 04:16
I dnt trust that aunty funke
8 Jun 2017 | 06:06
This story is now turning into a typical nollywood movie
8 Jun 2017 | 06:22
I don't trust that aunty Funke at all
8 Jun 2017 | 09:31
Always Ready... Episode 40... Aunty Funke and I were in my room. Me: Aunty Funke do you think this is real, I mean its too hard to believe. Aunty Funke: Well dear its hard to believe but you have to believe so that you can gain your ground. Me: Well thanks Aunty Funke you can leave now I have to rest as you said. Aunty Funke: Yes boss. she pecked me and left. Years before now, I was already planning on how to establish myself thinking I might never gain my father's favour again after the pregnancy thing. But here I am scooping all the inheritance to myself without any influence negatively or otherwise. I could not sleep I was over happy. I couldn't wait to break the news to my dear Agatha. Yes Agatha, she agreed to move in with me and now is the perfect time. It was in the morning, Lanre is no where to be found since he left angrily yesterday. Everyone including me would have predicted that the will is going to be in favour. But now its the other way round. I just hope Lanre will not do something creepy. It was morning already and Aunty Funke had already gone to drop the children in school. It has been her duty ever since that first strange day she did it up till this moment to drop the kids without any influence. And now she goes to school from home. I didn't approve of that but mum did so there's basically nothing I can do about that for now. I was thinking about so many things at a time. I can't just imagine myself in that big position, it will be too much for me to handle, maybe it wouldn't be if I was prepared, but this is an impromptu appointment. Just then I remembered the lawyer asked me to call him anytime I was free for more details on the will. So I called him and we fixed an appointment for the following day. ___________________________________ THE FOLLOWING DAY, ENNY IS IN THE LAWYER'S OFFICE. Lawyer: You are welcome Mr Enny. Me: Thank you sir. Lawyer: Without any delay, let's go straight to the point. Me: Okay then, but sir I will like to ask you a question if you don't mind. Lawyer: no problem I'm all ears. Me: Thank you. The question is. Why do you think my dad Believed in me to the extent of entrusting me with such huge position?. Lawyer: Well Mr Enny, your dad had been monitoring all of you closely including your siblings. Me: I don't understand you. Lawyer:Your dad had everything to sponsor your education to the level of your satisfaction, he also can sponsor you to any university in Nigeria and beyond. So when you got admission into the polytechnic, your father had been watching you to see your reaction and action in the house and outside the house. He was expecting you to react negatively to the fact that he sent your siblings abroad to school but you didn't. And luckily, you passed the test. Me: I'm sure anyone listening to you won't understand what you are saying. Lawyer: When you applied for admission at the University Of Lagos did you get it? Me: No, you know that I didn't. Lawyer: Well you did got the admission but before the list was out, Your father had lobbied for the removal of your name. I'm also sure you'll be baffled that the polytechnic you didn't even write their post ume offered you admission, its all your dad's hand work. You see, your father was grooming you without your consent and you passed all the test. After all the lawyer had said, I was dumbfounded I don't know what to say as tears started rolling down my chicks. Lawyer: I can see you are not in the mood to further our discussion. You can also call me later to fix another appointment. Me: Thank you sir. but sir can I know the date you recorded that video. The lawyer told me the date and it was just a week before the accident. I left the lawyers office as I sat in my car, I became weak and I don't think I can drive myself home successfully. I sat there until someone knock on my glass and to my utmost surprise, it was Timi. I was shocked but I have to hide my expression. So I urged her to come in. Timi also had changed ever since I told her the bitter truth about how she abandoned her child. Now she calls almost everyday and I do allow her speak to her son. Everyone had changed for good except for my siblings who were getting worst by the day. But I'll do something about that soon. Me: What a surprise. Timi: Surprise indeed. Me: By the way what are you doing in this area. Timi: Actually I came to visit a friend of mine. Me: Okay no problem then. Timi: Enny is anything the matter. Me: Nothing nothing... Timi: Its obvious that you are not fine. When I was going in to see my friend, I saw you entering into this car, I should have stopped but I wasn't sure you were the one and now for over 1hr you've been sitting here and you said nothing is wrong. Me: You mean over 1hr? (I checked my time and it was true) seriously I have to be on my way now. Timi: Are you sure you can drive yourself. Me: Honestly Timi, I'm weak. Timi: Okay then lemme drive you home. I was happy that at least someone was ready to assist me. But there's something that baffles me most which is the sudden change in everyone's behaviour towards me. Well I have to hope that they mean no harm. As we arrived home, I met the greatest surprise I never expected. At least not today. What happened? Find Out in the next episode STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
8 Jun 2017 | 10:20
Al d dead pple in ur lyf ar nw appearing hmmm
8 Jun 2017 | 12:10
8 Jun 2017 | 14:26
The change of behaviour towards yu is as a result of your new status. Trust women!
8 Jun 2017 | 15:29
well,am able to catch up wit dis story bt come to think of it..dis so called timi and funke don't deserve ur luv infact u shld limits urself from dem bcos imagine d funke u caught having sex with wale still sleep wit u upon how u caught her & dis timi don't deserve anytin frm u maybe lekan as betrayed her and use dat opportunity to make up to u.....
8 Jun 2017 | 15:36
I guess it was Agatha u met at home bt if she was d one ehmmmm na gobe it will be....
8 Jun 2017 | 15:37
Aunty funky knew about this all along It is now making sense
8 Jun 2017 | 16:25
What's the greatest surprise you met?
8 Jun 2017 | 17:48
waiting for the next episode
8 Jun 2017 | 17:50
What is the shock again
8 Jun 2017 | 18:06
Always ready... Episode 41... When we(Timi and I) got home, What I saw made me dumbfounded. It was Agatha hanging out with Tolu and Tobi. Timi was also shocked and I could see hatred burning in her eyes, but I pretend not to. Immediately I alighted from the car I went closer to Agatha and I gave her a deep kiss, the kids were laughing so I took a break and told them to close their eyes and I resumed my duty. The kiss was so passionate and trust me, I am a good player when it comes to that aspect. When Agatha noticed that I was not close to breaking the kiss, she did herself. Agatha: Don't kill me Enny. Me: sorry... I miss you so much my love. Agatha: Are you sure you did miss me? Me: is that suppose to be a joke. Lemme tell you something, there's no day I did not think of you. Agatha: I trust you. Let's go inside. I was expecting her to ask what Timi was doing in the car with me but she didn't. Maybe she's still going to ask. Agatha: Where's you guest. Me: Guest! Agatha: The one in the car with you. Me: Ooh gimme a minute. I rushed outside only to see that Timi was no where to be found so I asked the GM if he had seen her and the GM told me she has gone. I returned inside to settle down with the love of my life. Agatha: Where's she. Me: She has left already. Agatha: Okay, if I may ask, what was she doing in the car with you, driving? Me: It's nothing baby just forget it for now, that's story for another day. I expected her to insist that I give her explanation but instead her reply was positive. Agatha: Okay then, I just hope no string attached. Me: trust me baby no string attached. Agatha: Okay then, I bought a gift for you. Me: A gift! for me. Agatha: just relax I'll back. she stood up and went towards the room I have no idea the room she went. Soon she came out with a small box in her hand. Me: What's in there baby. Agatha: Be calm just close your eye and stretch your left hand. I did as I was ordered to. soon I felt a cold metal on my hand it was a wrist watch but I don't know which type it is yet. Agatha: Open your eyes. You can't believe what I'm seeing, it was a silver Rolex watch. I just frowned my face and she was scared. Agatha: Is anything the problem? Me: You know what, just believe that no one can take your place in my heart. And we started another round of hot kiss. Not until Bisi interrupted the good mood by clearing her throat. Bisi: You did not even ask of me that's too bad.(referring to Agatha) Agatha: I'm so sorry, but I do ask of you when ever I call. Me: No no no don't drag me into this. Bisi: You are guilty as charged bros. She just come closer and gave Agatha a hug and they left. Me: Take it easy ooo Bisi. Bisi: Don't worry bro. I just smiled to my self. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
8 Jun 2017 | 20:37
Always Ready... Episode 42... I was sitting alone in the living room admiring the watch when Lanre arrived with a lady. They did not even greet. Me: Lanre! Where are you coming from and who is she. He stopped and came closer. Lanre: Where I go or who I hang out with is non of your business. Me: Well it will be non of my business only if you dont live here but for now its my damn business cos I own this house. Lanre: Ooh its your house right, well then I'll leave. Baby let's go. Immediately he left, I regret using that word. its just as if I'm drawing a battle line. I was still thinking when Aunty Funke came in. Aunty Funke: What happened to Lanre? why did he leave in that manner? Just then, Bisi and Agatha came in and they also asked the same question. I could not say a word, I just stood up and headed straight to my room. I know I left them confused but I was more confused than they are. Too much problem for one day. I was already sleeping until I felt a hand messaging my back. Without being told, I know its my one and only Agatha. I turned to meet her wonderful smile and I stare at her for a while before I started kissing her wonderful lips again and soon we were both unclad then she whispered into my ear 'Baby I've missed you so much' I just smiled as I was staring at her bare body right on my bed and soon I penetrate her kitty-cat and started banging her in different styles until I c-m deep inside her stomach. I have no worries, not now that I'm a millionaire. I fell beside her as we were Both breathing heavily. Agatha: You didn't use condom. Me: No worries dear. Agatha: Are you sure about this. Me: Yh baby. We had other rounds of bleeping which I enjoyed. We slept off and when I woke up, she was still asleep and I just stare at her lovely body and her lips again and I Kissed it. She responded which signifies that she's awake. Then I started smooching her but she restricted. Agatha: I'm tired joor. Me: okay babe I'll be in the shower. Agatha: This is past seven, won't you take the kids to school. Me: No worries, I got that covered. Agatha: I don't understand this your recent behaviour. Me: Since you left, a lot of things changed. Aunty Funke also changed, since the past few months, she has been taking good care of the children which include taking them to school. Agatha: Hope she's not up to something. Me: Anything she's up to, I just pray it's positive. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
8 Jun 2017 | 22:32
next first to comment
9 Jun 2017 | 03:38
But seriously the way u are behaving now is something else
9 Jun 2017 | 04:23
All dem gals are scheming their way into your life. Be careful dude
9 Jun 2017 | 07:36
Always Ready... Episode 43... I woke up that morning feeling good and happy that at least I'm with the love of my life. I went in the bathroom and had my shower I was done whr Agatha called that food is ready. Me: So fast. I'll be with you in a minute. I dressed up and joined her in the dining. Me: How come you prepared this within 10 minutes. Agatha: I didn't, I saw it when I went to the kitchen so I warm it. Me: That must be Aunty Funke's handwork. Agatha: does she prepares food as well? Me: Yh she does that regularly. Agatha: So people can change just like that. Me: You know change is constant and it is better to change for good than otherwise. Agatha: That's true ãnyways. We ate the food, it was delicious, everyone knew Aunty Funke as a good cook so its not a surprise. We had finished eating before mum arrived the living room from her bedroom. I greeted her and Agatha did also and she responded positively. Mum: Enny have you seem Lanre since he left the other day. Me: Yes he came yesterday with a Lady. Mum: You mean Lanre was here with a lady, where did he say he was coming from and who is the Lady. Me: Truly I asked him the same questions but he said it was non of my business and he left angrily without even settling down. by this time , Agatha already excused herself. Mum: He left angrily or you said something or did something that made him angry. Me: Actually mum I told him it was my business because this house belong to me. Mum: What!! Enny did you hear yourself. This house belongs to you. Within two days, you are behaving like this, then what will happen in a year? You'll send me out isn't it. Me: Mum! don't talk like that you know it can never happen. Mum: Its already happening, if in just a day you are telling your brother that you own the house then who am I. I could not find the correct words to protect myself. Though I regret the action and now mum is making me feel like I just committed an abomination. Mum: Well if you don't know the reason your father willed all his property to you, then listen. I listened as I was told to and it was exactly what the lawyer told me. Mum: And now you re already going crazy over the inheritance, I'm disappointed. I thought you had changed but no.... Me: Mum you are taking this too far it wasn't my fault mum and I'm sorry. Mum: No no no go and apologize to your brother and I want to see him in this house before dusk. Me: Mum you know that's impossible besides I don't know his whereabouts. Mum: That's non of my business all I know is I want my son back before dusk. She left and went back to her room. I was just sitting alone thinking about the discussion I had with my Mum when Aunty Funke came in. Aunty Funke: Enny the bad guy, its now you are waking up, I heard all the banging sound ooo. Aunty Funke is always snooping around people's room.She expected me to laugh or at least smile. But when she saw the blank reaction, she knew something was wrong so sho inquired to know the reason. I told her all that transpired btw Lanre and I the previous day and mum's reaction towards it. Aunty Funke: You know mum is right. leaders should be full of wisdom, and as a leader that you are, you have to be neutral to everyone one including your family. So I don't see what's wrong in you apologizing to Lanre. Me: There's one thing you all are getting wrong here, Is it not this same Lanre that walked out on everyone in mum's presence. He should be the one to apologize not me. Maybe you should call him that his mum wants to see him. Immediately I said that, I left and went straight to my room. Agatha: Enny I heard the way you were talking to your Mum and Aunty Funke, its not right that way. Me: Change is constant you know. Agatha: But you told me it is better to change for good than the other way round. Me: That's Exactly what I'm doing baby. Agatha: Enny you are far from changing for the better Enny you are too far from that. Me: Please I need to be alone, just find a comfortable place within the house to stay. Agatha: okay then no problem but I want you to have a rethink. and she left. I'm sure she does not have a slight idea of what's going on in the house or in my head. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
9 Jun 2017 | 08:02
see jealousy,y timi is angry...she as forgotten dat first wicked don't sweet pass d last wicked....she don't want anoda girl to hv u bt left u for a yr to enjoys her life without remembering u
9 Jun 2017 | 09:02
I hope it is something positive You shouldn't have said that to Lanre
10 Jun 2017 | 00:54
Always Ready... Episodes 44... I just say there in my room recapturing what my mum said, that I should apologise to Lanre. That's an impossible task, it can never happen. Then Agatha came in. Agatha: Someone is here to see you And as she was about leaving I asked Me: Who Is here to see me. Agatha: I don't know maybe you should come see for yourself. Then she left, I was wondering who it could be so I just wore my three quarter jean and l went out only to meet a man I don't know. But I guess he would be in his mid forties. Man: Good morning sir, I believe you are Mr Enny. Me: Yes how may I help you please. Man: I am Mr Tunde Williams. Me:So please how may I help you. Mr Tunde: Well I am the PA to the General manager of 'The Gateway group of companies' who happens to be your Dad. Me: You are my dad's PA. how come I never met you all these years. please come in. I offered him a seat and a drink of course. Me: So, sir what brought you here. Mr Tunde: Well it was your dad's order that after you have been announced the heir, that we bring forth the Company's statement of account before and after his demise. Me: But the will was just announced two days ago. Mr Tunde: That's exactly his orders that two days after the will must have been read, we should tender to you the documents while you go through it in the presence of your mother. As soon as I heard 'in the presence of your mother' I was not comfortable anymore and he noticed. Mr Tunde: Sir is anything the matter. Me: Its nothing, so are the documents ready now. Mr Tunde: Yes they are here with me sir. Me: Please stop this 'Sir' of a thing you are making me feel older than you. I could be your son you know, so I'm the one to address you as sir. Mr Tunde: You know I'm used to it and it doesn't matter if I'm older or not the facts remains that you are my boss for now. Me: What do you mean by 'for now' Mr Tunde: You know when new bosses come in, they might want to reform and reorganise the structure of the company, thereby paying off some staff, so I might be a victim to. Me: That's true but that won't be possible for now and I will prefer you address me as Mr Enny. Mr Tunde: No problem sir... sorry Mr Enny. Me: So can I see the documents. Mr Tunde: Yes sir ooh Mr Enny. I just smiled to myself wishing that this Man will be loyal to me like he did with my Father. I wanted to open the document when he stopped me. Mr Tunde: Not yet Sir ooh sorry Mr Enny. Remember it must be in your mother's presence. Me: ooh sorry I was carried away. Mr Tunde: By the way Mr Enny, I'll like to take my leave now. Thank you for the hospitality. This is my card, you can call me anytime you need my assistance. Me: It's my pleasure hosting you sir. Mr Tunde: Makeup sure you keep to the deal. Me: What deal are you talking about. Mr Tunde: The documents, make sure you go through it in your Mum's presence. Me: That! no problem at all trust me I'll do as you say sir. He left and I was just wondering why dad insisted I go through the documents in Mum's presence. But Mr Tunde is a nice man and with the way he approached me today, I don't think any reform will take place in two years time. Even if it will, he won't be affected. As I got into my room, Agatha amazed me. Agatha: Well well well General manager of the Gateway group of companies. How come you never told me. Me:Were you snooping on me. Agatha: Of course no but I overheard your conversation with the Man. So can you tell me more. Me: Agatha!! STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE...
13 Jun 2017 | 08:53
be wise oh, so women won't use you.
13 Jun 2017 | 14:15
13 Jun 2017 | 14:59
U and these ur wives,i hope u wise up
13 Jun 2017 | 17:52
Hia....Enny, I no too trust most women ooo
13 Jun 2017 | 19:05
U really have to be very careful with the women in your life and you also have to go get your brother back
14 Jun 2017 | 07:06
Always Ready... Episode 45.. I never wanted to let her (Agatha) know about the will or anything associated to the will yet but she's been pestering me to tell her more. I had no choice than to tell her about the general manager post she wanted to know about and nothing more. of course I'm not dumb to the extent that I'll just tell her everything about the will. After I told her about the General manager's stuffs, her reply shocked me. Agatha: So because you are the new General manager within few days, that's why you changed towards everyone including your mum. Me: Please don't go there, just don't. Agatha: Why shouldn't I? Enny tell me, So because you have little power now, you are misbehaving! Me: I don't understand you anymore, just because of a day matter that I expect you to have gotten over for the past one week, you are still keeping it in mind. Agatha: Do you expect me to forget it just like that, and I also notice that you don't eat when everyone is on the dining. Why Enny?, It's not good. Me: Please, I did not invite you to come terrorize me, you wouldn't lemme even think straight. Agatha:I'm now terrorizing you..... I didn't even let her complete the sentence, I just walked out. I don't even know where to go, I was just walking down the street when my phone rang, I brought it out of my pocket and saw that it was Timi, it was then it occurred to me that after the last encounter, at home, I haven't called her. Too bad. I picked the call. Timi: hi Enny. Me: How're you doing. Timi: You remembered to ask, Well I'm fine Me: Don't mind me jare just got busy these days. Timi: Busy with your pretty girlfriend right. Me: She's been elevated from that position you know, she's my fiancée now. We're getting married soon. Timi: Ooh nice. that would be amazing. Me: Yh sure. Timi: Anyways, I just called to check on Tobi, is he there with you? Me: Actually I'm not in the house right now, but I'll call you when I get home. Timi: OK bye my love. Me: Don't you think its high time you stop this love of a thing. Timi: Is that also a crime. Me: Yes it is, I told you I'll be getting married soon. So you have to stop it. Timi: *silent* Me: Bye. I just hang up, It was then I realized that I've gone three streets away from the house. Immediately, I was walking fast back home. I got home and met my mum in the living room, I greeted her but she did not answer, I just went straight to my room and as I almost got to the dining, I heard my name, it was Agatha so I ignored it and head straight to the room. The door did not even close before Agatha came in. Agatha: Mr Enny the General manager, you are only the general manager over the companies not your Mom. Me: Agatha please allow me rest. Agatha: Is there something you are not telling me? Enny this is not you. Me: Please I'm not ready for this now not even later so if you're curious, you can ask any other person in the house but me, don't try. She wanted to say something but words failed her. She has no choice than to leave. I was left alone in the room then I started reflecting on the whole issue right from the day the will was announced till present,... Its more than a week now since anyone heard from Lanre and that's the major reason everyone changed towards me and I also have to adapt, Agathe does not even know anything that's going on and Bisi who could have told her some things had gone back to school. But as it stands now, no one knows if Lanre is still around or not. After about two days later, I came to the room and met Agatha packing her belongings I was shocked and I asked Me: where are you packing the load to? Agatha: How is that your business Mr general manager? Me: Please stop this Mr general manager of a thing, I don't like it.. Agatha: Well I don't think I can cope with this anymore. So I'm leaving. Me: *laugh* tell me you are kidding. you and I know that you can't Agatha: Well watch me leave your house Mr general manager. Me: You want to leave, please don't, are you sure if what you are saying. Agatha: Then watch me leave.I came here with your motive of living happily with you but instead you are treating everyone like shit just because of inheritance.. Me: But it hasn't got to the extent that you want to leave. please don't. Agatha: Then watch me, Because.of a freaking inheritance, you changed. Me: Baby there's something you are not getting here.. Agatha: Well keep your explanation to yourself. Stay Tuned For The Next Episode...
18 Jun 2017 | 01:43
Always Ready... Episode 45.. I never wanted to let her (Agatha) know about the will or anything associated to the will yet but she's been pestering me to tell her more. I had no choice than to tell her about the general manager post she wanted to know about and nothing more. of course I'm not dumb to the extent that I'll just tell her everything about the will. After I told her about the General manager's stuffs, her reply shocked me. Agatha: So because you are the new General manager within few days, that's why you changed towards everyone including your mum. Me: Please don't go there, just don't. Agatha: Why shouldn't I? Enny tell me, So because you have little power now, you are misbehaving! Me: I don't understand you anymore, just because of a day matter that I expect you to have gotten over for the past one week, you are still keeping it in mind. Agatha: Do you expect me to forget it just like that, and I also notice that you don't eat when everyone is on the dining. Why Enny?, It's not good. Me: Please, I did not invite you to come terrorize me, you wouldn't lemme even think straight. Agatha:I'm now terrorizing you..... I didn't even let her complete the sentence, I just walked out. I don't even know where to go, I was just walking down the street when my phone rang, I brought it out of my pocket and saw that it was Timi, it was then it occurred to me that after the last encounter, at home, I haven't called her. Too bad. I picked the call. Timi: hi Enny. Me: How're you doing. Timi: You remembered to ask, Well I'm fine Me: Don't mind me jare just got busy these days. Timi: Busy with your pretty girlfriend right. Me: She's been elevated from that position you know, she's my fiancée now. We're getting married soon. Timi: Ooh nice. that would be amazing. Me: Yh sure. Timi: Anyways, I just called to check on Tobi, is he there with you? Me: Actually I'm not in the house right now, but I'll call you when I get home. Timi: OK bye my love. Me: Don't you think its high time you stop this love of a thing. Timi: Is that also a crime. Me: Yes it is, I told you I'll be getting married soon. So you have to stop it. Timi: *silent* Me: Bye. I just hang up, It was then I realized that I've gone three streets away from the house. Immediately, I was walking fast back home. I got home and met my mum in the living room, I greeted her but she did not answer, I just went straight to my room and as I almost got to the dining, I heard my name, it was Agatha so I ignored it and head straight to the room. The door did not even close before Agatha came in. Agatha: Mr Enny the General manager, you are only the general manager over the companies not your Mom. Me: Agatha please allow me rest. Agatha: Is there something you are not telling me? Enny this is not you. Me: Please I'm not ready for this now not even later so if you're curious, you can ask any other person in the house but me, don't try. She wanted to say something but words failed her. She has no choice than to leave. I was left alone in the room then I started reflecting on the whole issue right from the day the will was announced till present,... Its more than a week now since anyone heard from Lanre and that's the major reason everyone changed towards me and I also have to adapt, Agathe does not even know anything that's going on and Bisi who could have told her some things had gone back to school. But as it stands now, no one knows if Lanre is still around or not. After about two days later, I came to the room and met Agatha packing her belongings I was shocked and I asked Me: where are you packing the load to? Agatha: How is that your business Mr general manager? Me: Please stop this Mr general manager of a thing, I don't like it.. Agatha: Well I don't think I can cope with this anymore. So I'm leaving. Me: *laugh* tell me you are kidding. you and I know that you can't Agatha: Well watch me leave your house Mr general manager. Me: You want to leave, please don't, are you sure if what you are saying. Agatha: Then watch me leave.I came here with your motive of living happily with you but instead you are treating everyone like sh*t just because of inheritance.. Me: But it hasn't got to the extent that you want to leave. please don't. Agatha: Then watch me,. Because.of a freaking inheritance, you changed towards your own mother. Me: Baby there's something you are not getting here.. Just calm down and let me explain Agatha: Well keep your explanation to yourself I'm not interested anymore you should have done that before now Me: So you are leaving because of this weightless issue. Agatha: We're getting married soon, how do you expect me to react if our marriage is not blessed by your mother. Me: Of course she will. Agatha: With this your character, do you think she'll bless you for any reason? Stay Tuned For The Next Episode...
18 Jun 2017 | 02:30
Pls we are waiting o
18 Jun 2017 | 14:29
next plz
18 Jun 2017 | 15:40
Mtchew! Let her leave then...
18 Jun 2017 | 18:19
18 Jun 2017 | 21:22
ride on
19 Jun 2017 | 00:27
This guy, why this change! Too bad!
19 Jun 2017 | 01:57
Always Ready... Episode 46... Agatha is already hitting me hard with her words and I don't know how she'll react if she get to know that all these is happening's because of that rude Lanre. Though I myself didn't like the way I spoke to him in that manner using those words, but it has been done and now Lanre is missing. Me: But you don't have to leave because of this issue, its not worth it. Agatha: Are you hiding something from me Enny? Me: No one is hiding anything from you, you just have to be patient with me baby. I moved closer and then she turned her back against me so I hugged her from behind, then I whispered to her. Me: Baby I love you, how do you expect me to cope if you leave. Agatha: But all I want for us is happiness but you are not making me happy. she whispered back. Me: Baby I promise to change, just give me your word that you won't leave me. She could not say anything all she did was to nod. I helped in rearranging the cloth's back to the wardrobe before she left the room, then I started thinking again. Girls have a way of extracting information from guys, I knew she had no intention of leaving, instead, she wanted to find out what's going, but I was able to outsmart her idea. I just thought that I have to go through these problems all because of Lanre and this inheritance, its already irritating me somehow, and no one is blaming Lanre for walking out on all of us including my mum who is now blaming me. All I know is, if anyone needs to apologise to anyone, Lanre is the person in that position to apologise to every body, the only fault I have in this issue are those words. But I don't have to be the one looking for him to come back home. It's now I need the old Aunty Funke, the special adviser but that Aunty Funke had disappeared ever since she got pregnant. I was there in the room. before I decided to go out to the living room hoping that I'll meet Agatha there but she wasn't so I headed straight to the kitchen as I was about to go in, I heard her discussing with Aunty Funke on some irrelevant issues, so I decided to proceed then I heard that they are about getting serious when Agatha said 'Aunty Funke what do you think the is problem between Enny and mummy' Aunty Funke: My dear if you keep disturbing yourself on that issue, you'll end up getting high blood pressure. Agatha: I don't understand what you mean by that, Aunty Funke: Its better not to understand than to disturb yourself on some irrelevant issues like this one you are inquiring. Agatha: You mean this issue is not relevant? Aunty Funke: Yes my dear so don't disturb yourself. Just know Enny is not at fault. After listening to their conversation, I was relieved that at least, someone is still with me. I just retired back to the living room. I was relieved that I don't have to do some irrelevant explanations later. I was peacefully thinking about my future when Mum came in and as a good boy that I am, I greeted her. Mum: Keep your greetings to yourself. Me: But mum you don't...... She just walked out without listening to what I have to say, but seriously I had nothing to say but if she had waited, words wouldn't have failed me. Only for me to look up to realise that Agatha and Aunty Funke witnessed the scenario. I left Immediately... Agatha: Enny Aunty Funke: Don't follow him, you are going to make him more angry, just let him be for now. Agatha: You mean I should.... Aunty Funke: You can talk to him later but now is not the best time. I'm sure you won't be able to eat. Just return it to the kitchen but as for me, I won't leave this food, not now. Agatha laughed and said ' I wish I can be like you'. I went straight to the laundry to ease myself of the stress, And I got myself soliloquizing. 'Why is mum just blaming me for everything' 'I'm sure there's something more to her behaviour, its not just about the way I talked to Lanre' Just then I heard a voice behind me 'yes there's more to it' Stay Tuned For The Next Episode..........
19 Jun 2017 | 02:21
Good for you You don't even worth her Mr General manager
19 Jun 2017 | 03:37
There is more to it as how
19 Jun 2017 | 03:40
aunky funke is a good advicer​ indeed see how she cool Agatha mind....
19 Jun 2017 | 13:36
enny need to accept d blamed nd apologies to his brother inorder to make peace
19 Jun 2017 | 13:41
Is she for real?
19 Jun 2017 | 18:31
Always Ready.... Episode 47.... The voice I heard was that of Aunty Funke, and seriously I don't understand what she's up to this time. Me:There's more to what. Aunty Funke: To the way mum is acting these days, do you think she'll just be mad at you for talking to Lanre in that manner. Me: Then do you have any idea what could be the main problem? Aunty Funke: Maybe or maybe not. Me: Please Aunty Funke, all I need now is a way to resolve this issue, if there's anyway you can assist please do. Aunty Funke: Have you eaten yet, I don't need to ask just come with me. Me: What for? please just let me be. Aunty Funke: No problem then, stay here and kill yourself thinking about some issues that does not worth thinking of. Me:You mean this......... She didn't even allow me complete the sentence before she left. ______________________________________________________________ 1 MONTH ON ********************************************************** Lanre has not showed up yet and no one heard from him or so I think. But as for mum and I, we were getting back together gradually, we went through the documents together and I also report to her after work. I do get worried about Lanre and anytime I do, I call Bisi to ask if she had seen his break light. I even urged her to ask from his friends but she insisted that Lanre dies not have any close friends that he could squat with. I just hope he's fine anywhere he gets to find himself. Timi also visits every week end to check on Tobi. but whenever she's around, Agatha remains indoor throughout. I was just coming back from work one faithful day, I got home and as I went into the house, Aunty Funke was speaking to someone on phone and immediately she saw me, she drop the call but I was lucky to hear the last words. 'When are you coming back everyone is worried including' Me: Including who? who were you speaking to. Aunty Funke: So I can't take my calls again. She left immediately. Truly there's more to it as she had claimed month ago and maybe she knows what it is all about. Well I have to find out. And Mum's sudden change despite Lanre is still no where to be found. I went inside to give My dear Agatha a welcome hug. Agatha: How's work today my dear. Me: As usual stressful. Agatha: I just hope you are not harsh on the staffs *laughs* Me: Not at all and by the way, they are nice people. Agatha: Anyways you have to shower now, change and eat before we call it a day. Me: Yeah that's true I'm seriously hungry. I had my bath coupled with the nice meal I had, After the meal I went to Mum's room to give her the day's report and the mistake I made was not knocking before I went in, maybe I should have stayed behind the door to listen to her conversation with whom I don't know but when I went in, she was still conversing but she panicked but didn't drop the call. her last words were. 'So when are you coming back, we miss you.. okay then bye' Mum: Can't you knock! Me: I'm sorry I forgot. Mum: Well better don't forget next time. We went through the days report together before I retired back to my room, I'm really tired and was not ready for anymore stress. Agatha: Baby can we discuss about something. Me: As you can see I'm really tired, and not ready for that, can't the discussion be postponed till tomorrow. Agatha: Please dear, I'll be brief is just a little matter. Me: Okay I'm all ears. Agatha: Enny don't you think its high time we have a baby. Me: What: But we are not married yet. Agatha: please spare me that marriage talks, it doesn't matter the major thing here is that I love you and its obvious you love me too. Me: Please dear, let's just forget about this baby thing for now, it's a topic for another day. Agatha: A topic for another day? why can't we just finalize it here and now. Me: Yes a topic for another day. Agatha: We have s*x almost every day Enny. Do you think I'm a kind of s-x toy or what. You are here telling me about marriage. Was that what you told Timi when you impregnated her. Me: Don't just go there, I've had enough for today and if.... Agatha: If what I just left the room to the guest room.. The following day, everyone is awake ready to have breakfast and Agatha was still in the room So I went to check on her and she was on the bed crying like a baby. I quickly rushed to the bed Me: Baby what's wrong why are you to me please. Agatha: Please let me be just leave me alone I'm fine. Me: You and I know you are not fine and you won't just remain here crying all Day. You have to eat. Agatha: Enny please let me be. Everything I did to persuade to even have her bath were futile and I don't want to tall about last night's issue... The truth is I love Agatha but I don't want to have a baby now. I'm not ready to have a baby. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE.............
20 Jun 2017 | 08:30
20 Jun 2017 | 12:32
But u are ready to host her and have sex with her Iranu
20 Jun 2017 | 12:32
this enny of a guy is not smart at all
20 Jun 2017 | 12:51
I can't pinpoint what it is bt there's something fishy in yr family. It's lyk Lanre az/is wining many to his camp
20 Jun 2017 | 13:29
Every single member of ur family is acting suspicious...agatha's sudden demand for a baby,ur mother's sudden change of behave and funke's strange behaviour...
20 Jun 2017 | 14:28
Why u no ready!
20 Jun 2017 | 16:14
i thought you re always ready?
20 Jun 2017 | 16:24
Always Ready... Episode 48... Agatha was not ready to stop crying, let alone eat and I don't want to discuss last night's issue cos it might spark another level of crying. And I'm not ready to console anybody. So I just went back to the dining and I tried to eat but the food just didn't go again So I left for work. I got to work that day but I could not even concentrate on work, I was thinking about what Agatha said last night it was all true. we had s-x almost everyday but i always insist on using condoms even when she does not buy the idea of always using condom but I always insist. Truly I think it's time to score the goal. It will also facilitate the wedding plans and other stuffs. I just freed my mind for the rest of the day and it went well. And as usual, I'm tired and I still have to give report to Mum and also do some other stuffs. Its almost end of the month and salaries have to be paid. On my way home, I decided to get some things for the kids and my beloved Agatha. So I stopped at a supermarket to get chocolate and some other kids stuffs. At first I was confused on what to buy for Agatha then I remembered that about three days ago, she told me her body cream is almost finished. So I bought new ones coupled with an iced cream for special purpose. I got home that day and for the first time since I resumed work, Mum asked me to postpone the Report, I was happy that at least stress had reduced, so I went ahead to present the things I bought to my wonderful kids and believe me they love it... All these while, I have not even entered into my room, so I went in and I met Aunty Funke and Agatha in the room. Me: What's going on here? Aunty Funke: Thank God you are back. Me: What's the matter? Aunty Funke: its Agatha ooo, she did not agree to eat anything since morning. By this time, I already dropped every thing I bought and was sitting beside her with one arm across her shoulder. Me: Baby what's the matter,what's wrong with you. Aunty Funke: I think I'll take my leave now, since you are back, so take care of her ooo. If you need anything, call in me I'm always available. Me: K thanks. Aunty Funke left the room but not after she winked at me. but who cares if she close her eyes, what matters now is how I'm going to cheer my baby up. Me: but my dear you don't have to subject yourself to these kind of treatment. Agatha: Why shouldn't I, when I'm been used as a sort of toy only to satisfy your desires. Me: I know its about last night's issue, well I've thought about it and I think we should have a baby. After I said these words, you need to see the reaction on her face, her mood changed almost immediately. Me: Well I bought some items for you so go check it. I pointed to the bag I brought in, while I was already clad on my towel to go have my bath. I was still in the shower when I heard her said. 'thank you Darling'. After the bath, I went back into the room and met her already devours the iced cream, I didn't even care to change to my pyjama after she offered me to come join her. I did join her and there was only one spoon available so we shared and did the usual 'feed me small I feed you small' but ours essentially different cos there's only one spoon available. Before you know it, one thing led to another, we started kissing, till we landed together on the bed still kissing and this time, I was already squeezing her b--bs. We were lost not until we heard knock on the door, Me: ooooo who is that now. Aunty Funke: its me, I forgot my phone in your room. Agatha stood up and opened the door for her and she came in and saw the phone on the drawer beside the wardrobe, then she left and immediately she left, the mood was reignited, We started kissing and smooching seriously. one thing led to another, we were both unclad on the bed while I was su,ck'*ing her b--bs and also fingering her kitty-cat while she let out moans, she was wet and its obvious that she's ready for the ride. Soon we were done with smooching and then she was stroking my d--k with her hand and suddenly, I felt her tongue on my d--k and the sensation I got from it was exceptional and after about 2 mins of su,ck'*ing, she sat on it and started riding and moaning at the same time, I was enjoying this session, we change to different styles before I finally c-m deep inside her stomach, this time, no regrets nor fear instead I was happy and excited. She didn't have the strength to stand up to go shower, instead, she slept off almost immediately but in my case, its different I stood up to shower but I couldn't instead, I went to the living room and I was surprised to meet Aunty Funke there. Me: Won't you sleep or don't you have lectures tomorrow. Aunty Funke: Bros you don enjoy yourself, you even forget that tomorrow is Saturday. Me:ooh I totally forgot ooo... I already know what she's driving at but instead I remained there to watch the movie with her. Before I know I was already dozing off and suddenly, I felt a hand on my d--k, I jerked immediately at the touch and saw Aunty Funke smiling at me. Me: please stop this, I shifted her hand and also changed my sit. Aunty Funke: Enny please even if this is the last time... Me: Last what, it will not happen not again not even today. I stood up and was about leaving angrily when she caught up with me and her hand landed on my bare chest, it was then I realised that I was still clad on my towel around my waist. You need to see how hard my joystick is now. Me: Aunty Funke you know we can't do this anymore. Aunty Funke: Please Enny I'm horny just this last time please. She placed her hand on my already hard joystick. Me: Please stop, if you are horny. just go to the fridge, there's carrot there even cucumber, so please yourself, but if you are still thinking that I will put my d--k in your p---y no way. I left angrily into my room. Thank God I was able to control my self and my d--k this time... STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE..........
22 Jun 2017 | 20:08
dis Funke sef. better you even controlled yourself
23 Jun 2017 | 04:34
next oo
23 Jun 2017 | 05:36
Thank God you controlled yourself this time around...
23 Jun 2017 | 08:50
Thank God you control yourself, you answer the 9 months call double
23 Jun 2017 | 09:40
Good thing you were able to control yourself
23 Jun 2017 | 18:18
What is e even wrong with this your Aunty Funke
23 Jun 2017 | 19:45
Hiaaaa! U of all pple? Running away 4rm pussy?
23 Jun 2017 | 20:12
Aunty funke he is married u know
23 Jun 2017 | 21:36
All this aunties dat won't respect themselves
24 Jun 2017 | 06:58
Always Ready... Episode 49.... I got into my room and Agatha was still asleep. After what aunty Funke did, my d--k is still hard like rock but I had no choice than to let it die so I slept off till the next morning. Agatha already woke up before me and every other person were already set to eat breakfast and I was just about going into the bathroom when Agatha came in. Agatha: Darling, good morning. Me: Morning baby how're you doing? Agatha: Great, won't you be joining us for breakfast? Me: On, not today. Agatha: okay, then should I bring your food here? Me: that's a good idea, that would be better. Agatha: okay dear. I went into the bathroom I had my bath and also brushed my teeth. But as soon as I stepped out, it was a different story entirely as I met Aunty Funke dropping the food meant for me, but as a reformed man that I am, I just acted neutral as if nothing happened between us. Me: Good morning. Aunty Funke: Morning baby boy, how was your night Me: fine m. you know its night time you stop this romantic feelings you have for me, and get yourself a good husband out there. Aunty Funke: I'm trying to get over it but it's not easy. Me: Well you just have to try to get over it. Aunty Funke: Well I'll try harder. Me: okay then. by the way where's Agatha? Aunty Funke: She wen to get something down the street. Me: okay then. After our brief discussion, she left. And I began to devour the meal. Soon Agatha came in and I was not happy with her for creating the chance for Aunty Funke to serve me, its dangerous. Me: Baby seriously I don't like what you did. Agatha: What's that? Me: You should be the one to serve food to me, that's your responsibility and no one else is qualified to do that not even Aunty Funke or anyone else. Agatha: Baby I'm sorry and I would change from henceforth. I had the meal in silent, when I was done, Agatha came in to clear the table. I checked the time, and it was some minutes to 9am and I was ready to o go to the office, Actually I go to work everyday excluding Sundays.. Soon I was off to work, I bade everyone bye and left. __________________________________________________________ Few Months On ***************************************************************************************************** Activities went on normally as usual and now the three months given as an order has expired Since two months ago which means I now run the company on my own, and within these months, everything went on noal except for he fact that this horrible and worrisome phone call, I experienced it on two occasions whereby Mom will be calling and once she sees me, she'll drop the call. like wise Aunty Funke. I already took Agatha for a test after she complained that she's not feeling fine and the doctor said she was pregnant. That's one good thing that happened within few months. Agatha still did not know anything going on in the Family as I kept it unknown to her so that she won't have bad impression of anyone in the house. No one have heard from Lanre or so I assume. After Some More Months now Agatha's baby bump is now visible and everything going on as usual. One day, I was just thinking about this mystery phonecall that I'm not legible to know about, then I have a feeling that everyone except me is hearing from Lanre so I decided to take some actions. So one day, I got to work and asked the Finance manager to present the list of those on who are paid directly by the bank in the course of the standing order. I was crosschecking it when I saw Lanre's name. So I removed His name immediately and I told the P.A to go to the Bank so he could update them on the new development.. After two MONTHS of the update, mum came to me. Mum: Why did you remove your brothers name from the payroll. Me: Mum are you hiding something from me? Mum: I asked you a question. Me: By the way mum, how did you know I removed His name. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE..............
28 Jun 2017 | 23:57
your brother told her of course
29 Jun 2017 | 03:59
Your brother told her but I think there is something your mum isn't telling you
29 Jun 2017 | 06:31
I think your mom is hiding something
29 Jun 2017 | 06:42
Stop fighting your younger brother please! Next please!
29 Jun 2017 | 09:44
Your mummy is hiding something
29 Jun 2017 | 15:30
Its obvious that she's hiding something
29 Jun 2017 | 17:12
Always Ready... Episode 50.... After I asked her how she knew about the removal of Lanre's name, I expected her to keep calm but instead she insisted on knowing the reason why I removed his name. Me: well I don't see any reason he should be benefitting from what he did not work for coupled with the fact that he is no where to be found. Mum: Now that you removed his name, how do you expect him to cope wherever he is. Me: I don't care. Mum don't you think he might change his mind and come back home. Mum: That's a good idea but I don't think its the best action to take, at least there are other ways you can lure him back not by stopping the payment. Me: I think that's the best idea I've thought of for now and I'm not going back on it. Mum: Well then I just hope your plans work out. I was about walking out of the house when I remembered that mum have not answered my question. Me: mum but how did you know I removed his name. Mum: never mind my dear. Me: okay bye then. I left for my room to see my dear Agatha, I met her where she was playing game in the PC. I just hugged her from behind and I pecked her. Me: how is my baby doing? Agatha: fine of course. I just rubbed my hand on her tommy and peck her again before I went to rest on the bed. Later Agatha came to join me on the bed and was rubbing her hand on my chest. The moment she starts, I know she want to make a request Agatha: Baby can I ask about something. Me: I knew you were up to something so what is it this time. Agatha: You've been in this neighborhood since childhood what about you change environment. Me: Baby you know what. you are just the perfect one for me. Agatha: of course, did you just realize that Me: of course not. You know this matter have been bothering me for long now and I'll start making plans towards that. Agatha: OK. I love you. Me: Love you too babe. we just had some discussions before I finally fall asleep. The next day was Thursday so I decided to stay at home that day. so I called the P.A to take charge. It was around past 11am when Agatha said she was going to the hospital for the daily anti natal. As soon as she left, Aunty Funke came in. Their school was on holiday. Aunty Funke: Mr Enny how far. Me: I fine ooo. Aunty Funke: Its obvious. Me: what do you have for me today, hope you did not come here to find trouble. Aunty Funke: Of course. Me: Hope it's a trouble I can handle. Aunty Funke: You are the best in that aspect. Me: I'm ready then I never realised I was crossing boundaries not until she was coming closer to me on the bed and suddenly she grabbed my d--k I was shocked. Me: Aunty Funke please don't go there. Aunty Funke: Why shouldn't I. Me: Because you should not be caught. Aunty Funke: Enny I've been begging you for just one more time, just one. Me: You can't have it anymore, so please leave my room. Aunty Funke: Okay then. Me: Thanks you. Aunty Funke: But you are hard down there, why not let me help you out. Me: This your trouble pass my power ooo. Aunty Funke: No problem ooo make I close my thing dey go. Me: But wait ooo. Don't you have boyfriend that will be giving you. Aunty Funke: Of course I have but his thing is too small unlike your own. Me: Abeg come dey go before you wound me for here. Aunty Funke: I can treat you ooo. Me: I no need your treatment. Again she came closer and grab my d--k and then she also kissed me and I responded unconsciously one thing led to another, I started smooching her b--bs seriously, By this time I was clad on my shorts only while she was totally unclad. Soon I started sucking her b--bs one after the other. We were lying in the bed when she took my dick into her mouth and started sucking and I must say I was enjoying every bit of it, Soon I start to feel the urge to c-m so I told her, I expected her to stop but instead she continued stroking it and I couldn't hold back any more so I released the load in her mouth. She went into the bathroom to wash off the cum and came back. Then we resume the adventure. this time, it was straight to the promise land. I already have my dick in her kitty-cat while I was still sucking, her b--bs. She was moaning loud after several minutes of banging in different styles, I released the whole seed in her stomach and I was relieved. I fell beside her. Aunty Funke: I knew you were the perfect one for my trouble. Me: I just hope this will be the last as you said earlier. Aunty Funke: I hope so too. But Enny I enjoyed it this time, it had been long I had such a nice time. Me: Well maybe you advice your boyfriend to go for penis enlargement so that you won't have to borrow mine again. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE..........
10 Jul 2017 | 10:42
Chai enny u don fall my hand finish chai so u no fit hold urself and now u don enter her trap i pity u o
10 Jul 2017 | 12:34
Continue :b
10 Jul 2017 | 14:29
Enny. see you and another pregnancy o
10 Jul 2017 | 14:32
10 Jul 2017 | 18:06
funke knew ur weakling point dat y she was able to get u...she is still ur baba mama
10 Jul 2017 | 19:54
11 Jul 2017 | 12:43
congratulations papa ejima....Timi and aunty Funke will soon give you back your seed
9 Aug 2017 | 03:49
Could it be that hez not dead?
9 Aug 2017 | 09:50
Aunty Funke will never leave you again now that you are about to control millions
9 Aug 2017 | 15:30
Always Ready...... Episode 51..... After aunty Funke left, I just kept soliloquizing. "I don't even know why I'm finding it difficult to desist from this shameful act, I just hope it does not lead to any further destruction" I stayed a little while before I decided to go out strolling. when I came out of my room I discovered I was the only one left at home. so I won't be able to go strolling again cos I don't know if any of them is with their spare keys so I just have to limit my movement. So I opted to stay just outside the gate surfing my phone. I was still sitting there when a blue coloured Honda crv with tinted glass parked nearby, I was ready to run for my life, but I just wait a little to observe the whole situation, when I saw Agatha alighting from the vehicle. I was somehow relieved and I started to wonder who was in the car and how the person gets to know my fiancée. All that is a question that would soon be answered when I Saw my brother, my one and only brother Lanre alighting from the driver's sit. I was shocked, though I didn't make it obvious to Agatha who had no idea of what was going on or so I thought. well all the matter would soon be resolved with the look of things. Agatha: Babe can't you at least welcome me. Me: I'm sorry dear I was just carried away. Welcome Darling so how's the hospital you went to. Agatha: It was fine hope you didn't miss me too much. Me: Of course I did miss you I'm bored right now in fact I'm the only one at home. c'mon baby let's get inside. Agatha: Won't you invite brother Lanre inside. Me: He's not a stranger here, he knows His way around. Agatha: At least be nice coupled with the fact that he's just returning from a long journey. All this while Lanre was just standing by his car without any form of approach to apologise or even greet. Me: Okay ma. Boda Lanre them say make you enter. We went in together. After we got in, I was surprised to meet Aunty Funke inside. Me: I thought you went out. Aunty Funke: I didn't go anywhere ooo I was in my room. Aunty Funke welcomed Lanre as if she knew he was coming back today. Aunty Funke: Lanre you did not do well ooo since you left for school, you did not even call anybody you just forget us like that. I was surprised to hear that because I was thinking that Aunty Funke also knew his whereabouts and have been keeping in touch. But how did she know he left for school. Well all will be revealed soon. I went to my room to pick up my car key so that I will go and pick up my children from school but it was a different story when I got to the living room and Aunty Funke opted to go and Agatha also agreed to follow her leaving Lanre and I behind. I have no choice than to agree. Immediately I gave Aunty Funke the car key, I went straight back to my room. After they both left, I just remained in my room, planning how I'm going to interrogate each and everyone in the house, I'm still in the middle of my planning when Lanre came into my room. I was lying on my bed when he came in and immediately I saw that he was the one, I asked him. Me: Where have you been all these while. Instead of answering my question, closer and he unexpectedly stabbed me deep in my stomach. and immediately, I woke up from the nap. its just an imagination I was somehow scared though with the fact that he had gone for too long and not in a very good manner. I just hope he's not up to something negatively dangerous. Not long, after this short dream, Lanre came into my room but this time he knocked and his hands were beside unlike in the dream, he didn't knock and his hands were behind his back. This time he came closer and he went down on his knees. Lanre: Please brother Enny please forgive me I'm sorry. Stay tuned for the Next Episode........
25 Aug 2017 | 15:16
i hope his apology is geniune
26 Aug 2017 | 03:09
lanre if you genuinely apologize ur apology is axpted
26 Aug 2017 | 03:43
@Ennysho once in a while update. U cant even post like 3episodes today to cover up for the days of suspense..... Next pls
26 Aug 2017 | 04:28
he jst wnt to apologise to get wat he want
26 Aug 2017 | 05:00
still becareful he might be a wolf in sheep clothing
26 Aug 2017 | 05:21
@Ennysho you post once in a blue moon, make sure you make it up to us
26 Aug 2017 | 12:08
I hope this apology is genuine?
26 Aug 2017 | 13:07
I hope this apology is genuine?
26 Aug 2017 | 13:07
26 Aug 2017 | 13:07
26 Aug 2017 | 17:56
Just after the imagination, be careful
27 Aug 2017 | 02:30
He is sorry for what
27 Aug 2017 | 03:31
hmmmmm.....i reserve my comment
27 Aug 2017 | 07:46
Always Ready.... Episode 52...... I just laughed at him, I didn't even know why I started laughing. Me: You're sorry, sorry for what. I thought you won't come back again. Lanre: Of course I will come back its just that I was...... Me: You were angry at Dad, for not handing all his properties to you, by the way who tipped you to believe that dad relies on you. You walked out on me in the presence of Mum and the whole family. What the hell came over you. Now you came back from God knows where just to come here to tell me that you re sorry. Lanre: I don't know what came over me I was just unnecessarily angry. Me: imagine what's coming out from your mouth, you were angry over another Man's property. Now you came back with a car, whose car is that? Lanre: Its mine! Me: Wow rich boy, where did you get all the cash. Lanre: I didn't buy it, mum did. Me: okay omo mummy tins. so all these while, mum knew your whereabout and she hid it from me, y'all hid it from me including Bisi. So where have you been all these while. Lanre: School. Me: which of the school, I never let a week go by without calling Bisi to ask of you. All she would say is "I don't know his whereabouts" so tell me, which school did you go to. Lanre: Actually, I was the one that told her not to disclose anything to you. Me: Agreed you did, why didn't you come back together. At least you guys attend the same school! Lanre: We arrived together. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. We stared at each other. Me: come in. behold, its my younger sister Bisi. I was speechless as she also joined Lanre on his knee. Bisi: Brother mi please we are very sorry for what we put you through. Me: I have nothing against you guys but the major problem now is that I can't trust any one of you again. So Bisi you are now a hardened liar. I call you every week to ask of Lanre and all you tell me is that you don't know his whereabouts. Now both of you are pleading. I'm assuring you now that I've forgiven you on this one. And I hope you change your ways. And you Mr Lanre learn to get your eyes off people's property. Both of you can go now. We'll have to meet again when mum is back to decide on some issues. They thanked me and left. One part of me believed their story but the other did not. Well when mum returns from her outing, we'll resolve the whole issue and all the truth will be revealed. I was still in my room when Aunty Funke and Agatha came back with my children. So they came to greet me in the room. Agatha: Babe what are you going to eat this afternoon. Me: Anything you think I deserve. winks Agatha: cmon don't be naughty. Me: of course I'm not. okay just serve me what ever my kids are gonna eat. Is that okay by you? Agatha: Sure. I remained indoor when Agatha left to prepare the food. Aunty Funke came into my room while I was about taking a nap. And immediately I noticed that she was the one I stood up immediately. Me: What's the matter. Aunty Funke: Nothing I just came to check if you are in. And she left immediately so I could not take the nap I intended before. I just stood up and went to the living room. And surprisingly, I met Mum in the living room having a chat with Lanre and Bisi and immediately she sighted me, she stopped talking. Me: welcome Mum. Mum: Thank you my dear. come here and have a sit. Me: I don't think that will be necessary cos I'm on my way out now. I was shocked to hear Agatha's voice from behind. Agatha: So this is the kind of a person you are now. Me: Agatha just stay out of these. you have no idea what's going on. Agatha: okay Sir. .. ... Then she left to the room. Mum: So you won't join me here. Me: I don't think so I'm going out. Lanre wanted to say some thing but I shunned him Me: Mr man hold your piece there. not long after I left the premises, I received a message from Agatha. "I can't cope with your style again, always disrespecting your Mum I think its high time I leave so as not to get connected with your behavior,and I don't want to be the one behind it so if you want to see me, I'll send you an address and if you don't, I'll keep it to myself." I was shocked at the content of this message. and the only question that came to my mind is that since when has she been planning this move? STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE.......
19 Sep 2017 | 09:18
Lost but found story writer @Ennysho. Dont even trust anybody oh including that agatha
19 Sep 2017 | 11:53
This story is taking forever
19 Sep 2017 | 12:44
almost forgotten about dis story sef
19 Sep 2017 | 12:48
the forgotten story
19 Sep 2017 | 14:12
So this story still exit I thought it was dead
19 Sep 2017 | 15:54
This new episode will take like a whole year
19 Sep 2017 | 16:19
Don't trust anybody
19 Sep 2017 | 17:16
It seems they ar al playing on ur intelligent,ur mum and agatha included
19 Sep 2017 | 17:19
19 Sep 2017 | 19:03
Hmmm wlcm back on stage again I really miss this story
19 Sep 2017 | 20:00
Always Ready.... Episode 53..... Immediately I received the message, I turned and was heading straight back home in order to catch up with her before she leaves. I was moving above my usual speed limit. When I got home,it was a different issue, My mum and my siblings were still sitting in the same position I left them it's just as if nothing happened, so I headed straight to my room without uttering any word to any of them only to find Agatha lying on the bed with no sign of any luggage packed and ready to go anywhere. I was shocked and speechless. The first thing that came to my mind was that even the Agatha I love is now working against me. Immediately she noticed my presence she stood up from the bed and went straight on her knees. Agatha; All this while I've pretended that I don't know what is going on in this house so I want to let you know that I'm aware of every single thing that happens in this house and I've been trying all my best to see this family happy as it used to be since..... Me; Hold it there. You don't have to stress yourself over something you know absolutely nothing about. So this is the reason behind all the threats you've been issuing? Agatha; You should at least hear me out first. Me; hear you out? You need rest baby just get your mind off the issue you claim to be aware of. considering your condition. Agatha; please don't baby me and it doesn't concern you if I worry or not. Just please hear what I have to say. Me; I should hear what you have to say? okay no problem I'm listening. Agatha; I talked to brother Lanre and he has promised to be a good brother to you and all these while you aren't hearing from him it was because he is afraid of the words you might lash him if he calls. Me; what you re saying makes no sense to me at all, the best thing that you should do now is rest and get your mind off this issue you know nothing about. Agatha; Okay Mr know all I've back off. I don't know why you are so hardened, you don't take advise and it's really affecting your lifestyle and also it is annoying. days went by and Agatha refuse to interact with me instead most times, she hang out with my siblings. and it makes me sick. This experience went on for days, weeks and weeks turned to month One faithful day I went to work so I forgot some files at home so I went back to get them on getting home, I didn't meet anyone including Agatha, Mum and Aunty Funke, I was surprised an I started thinking about what might have happened, shortly I received a call from Aunty Funke and she told me That Agatha has conceived a bouncing baby boy. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE
9 Oct 2017 | 18:33
Please readers bear with me. I'm not finding it easy with my new phone as my former faulted. I promise you all that the story will continue and end on or before 13th October 2017
9 Oct 2017 | 18:38
Always Ready........ FINAL Episode ...... After I received the call I was extraordinarily happy to the extent that I don't know what to do next I was just standing in the middle of the house thinking of the next step but my brain was blank. Immediately I took my car keys and headed to the hospital Aunty Funke had described and when I got there I was as surprised to meet Lanre's car at. the parking lot. But I ignored it and went straight into the hospital and I was also surprised to see that Timi was the nurse at the reception. Timi; Congratulations Mr Enny. I couldn't say anything and she directed me to the ward Agatha was and I could see in her(timi) face that she was sad about the fact that I chose Agatha over her. But it was non of my business as at then, the only thing on my mind is to see my lovely wife and kid. I got into the ward and as expected I met Lanre, Bisi, my MUM and also Aunty Funke alongside my wife carrying our baby boy and she was delighted at my presence then she handed the baby over to me and I gladly carried him. All this while I didn't say a word to any of my siblings even my MUM. Twas only aunty Funke I thanked for calling. Agatha; Baby! Me; You don't have to stress just have a lil rest then we can do the talking later. Aunty Funke; The doctor wants to see you. Me; okay no problem. As I was about leaving Aunty Funke stood up to accompany me to the doctor's office and I agreed. On our way to the doctor's office, Aunty Funke; This is not the best way to go about it.. Me; what are you talking about? Aunty Funke; The way you treat your mom and siblings. Me; ooh that it's nothing to worry about I just want them to have a taste of it, I've forgiven them long ago. Aunty Funke; Really! okay then no problem. We got to the doctor's office and he gave us the bill which I cleared immediately and some other prescriptions which we also got them in the hospital. And my wife was discharged later in the evening. Lanre opted to go pick her up which I agreed. Weeks later after the child's dedication day I personally organised a meeting within the house which consist of (my MUM, Lanre, Bisi, Agatha, Aunty Funke and of course me). Me; The reason I call for this gathering is to inform Everyone that I personally had gone over the misunderstanding that has existed within this Family and it's obvious that everyone also is over it and now I plead with you all to forgive and forget all my misdeed as I've forgiven y'all. Immediately I said this, my MUM broke down in tears and immediately, I made to console her. Me; Mum it's okay you don't have to cry. Mum; My son this is tears of Joy. Lanre and Bisi were sober even if they are not crying out, they are crying within and Agatha alongside Aunty Funke were smiling. Agatha; Baby I'm proud of you. We all hugged each other. Few weeks later I appointed Lanre to head some branches of the company and Bisi also went back to school. A week After Bisi's departure, Mum died. Her last words; in my next world I'll learn not to discriminate. I waited for this moment to die a better person who left behind a home that is happy and peaceful. THE END
11 Oct 2017 | 06:32
Finally :yes: . Good job bro
11 Oct 2017 | 12:16
nice one.
11 Oct 2017 | 13:14
nice ending thanks for this story
11 Oct 2017 | 14:11
You did well to re-unite with your family... Thanks for this wonderful story
11 Oct 2017 | 16:40
lovely story
11 Oct 2017 | 17:29
so if u don't remove lanre name from d company u wouldn't hv know anything and u will still be in dark
11 Oct 2017 | 17:48
congrats to u for having a new baby nd tk God for resolving ur home nd d kind of wife u hv
11 Oct 2017 | 17:54
happy ending....
11 Oct 2017 | 17:55
Nice story.... Keep it up
11 Oct 2017 | 18:37
Finally nice story, happy ending
11 Oct 2017 | 20:23
12 Oct 2017 | 08:38
Lovely ending
12 Oct 2017 | 09:50
Good job
12 Oct 2017 | 10:42
Nice story
12 Oct 2017 | 16:14
you did well
12 Oct 2017 | 21:29
28 Dec 2017 | 19:21
Nice story
17 Feb 2018 | 01:47
i must confess, you are a man,nice story man bravo :g
5 May 2018 | 18:07
its really nice
27 Nov 2021 | 12:53


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