Omo am throwing up already
Check this disgusting foods in Asia Chinese am already throwing up
1. Balut
This is a common street food in Southeast china, a developed duck embryo boiled alive and eaten in its egg. Looks gross but so tasty Just don’t look at the fetus when eating it.
2. Live Cobra
In theVietnamese village of Le Mat nearer Hanoi, they will rip out a snake’s still-beating heart and serve it to you in a bowl. (Pictured here is cobra wine)
3. Rooster Testicles
If there’s a pe*i* of course there are testicles. Rooster testicles doesn’t look that awful and some says it quiet delicious.
4. Cockroach Soup
If having a cockroach in your dish is a terrible experience, would you imagine eating these nasty creatures serve in your soup? Well guess what some Chinese eat them!
4. Mice Fetuses on a Maple Frosted Donut
Apparently some Chinese eats this disgusting food (if that’s what you call it).I don’t know what it taste like and I wouldn’t want to know…
15. Three Lizard Liquor
After having your unusual dinner why don’t you have a few shots of this “Three Lizard Liquor”? This fancy wine is predominantly found in Asia and is typically produced by infusing lizards (three to be precise) into rice wine.The traditional eastern medicine theory states that this allows the lizard’s energy to be absorbed by the alcohol and thus transferred to whoever drinks it.
Bon appetite everyone lolz