Good morning buddies
An achiever is a person who is successful especially using his own effort and skills mostly in his career.
There is a wise saying that maintaining a positive attitude is the key to personal success.
1. An achiever sets his goal wisely
2. He is determined to achieve his stated goals.
3. He backs up his determination with hard work.
4. He disciplines himself and has self control.
5. He is ever delighted even in times of challenges.
6. He is honest, a man of integrity.
7. He listens to only wise advice, perhaps from achievers.
8. An achiever does not procrastinate.
9. He does not give attention to obstacles and hindrances.
10. He does not attend to present enjoyment during his race.
11. He is not proud of an uncompleted task.
12. He does not work to impress others.
13. He does not rely on others.
14. He does not give attention to difficulties but aims at the gains.
15. He does not give up.
16. He is not satisfied with his status.
17. He strives to better his best.
18. He humbles himself before God.
But the question is; Are you an achiever?
Think friends.
Yours clinically,