An evening with Eva by Kayemjay

An evening with Eva by Kayemjay

By Cool in 22 Oct 2014 | 17:47
Cool Val

Cool Val

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The story below is an exclusive work of the author, Kayemjay. All forms of reproduction in parts or full without prior written permission of the author is vehemently prohibited. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or otherwise). Any form of plagiarism will be thoroughly prosecuted.




Episode 5 6 7&8

Episode 9 10 11 12&13

Episode 14&15

Episode 16 17&18

Episode 19 20&21

Episode 22&23

Episode 24 25 26 27&28

Episode 29 30&31

Episode 32&33

Episode 34 35&36

Episode 37 38&39

Episode 40 41&42

Episode 43 44 45 46&47

Episode 48 49&50

Episode 51 52&LAST EPSODE
22 Oct 2014 | 17:47
Episode 1 It was a beautiful Friday evening. Time: 7pm. The streets of Ikorodu were busy as usual, different kinds of people. The conductors were shouting at the top of their voices trying to outdo each other in the clamor for passengers. People hurrying in opposite directions. Many were corporately dressed trying to catch the next available bus to their final destinations, after a hard day’s job. Agric Bus Stop arguably boasted of one of the highest number of people that lived in Ikorodu. A market woman screamed at a man who was half running to catch a bus that had just one more seat left, and in the process, scattered some of her fresh peppers on the ground. “Oloshi..Oloriburuku…Weyrey!!!” she screamed obscenities at the man at the top of her lungs. The culprit was already in the bus. If he heard the curses rained on him, he didn’t show it. I smiled wryly, bent and began helping the woman pick the pepper scattered on the floor. I washed my hands with the water she provided and continued on my way home. I was feeling particularly happy though. I had just experienced a wonderful time in the arms of my heartthrob. I called in sick from work and had spent the past 5hours with her. She was going to be away for quite a while, studying for her Masters in Canada. I had a quick flash back in my subconscious. The smile grew wider. I crossed to the other side of the road. I needed to take a “keke napep” to the entrance of my street. I still had a little bit of distance to cover so I increased my pace. I wondered why there were so much people in this part of Lagos. It is the outskirts of the commercial center of the city and yet it was a host to a lot of new tenants every day. I dreamt of one day owning plots of land in Banana Island, having properties on Queens Drive Ikoyi or even a big Hotel in Lekki. Not this dumpster I had to hide in because of my past. “Owa o.” I said to the driver as I got to my bus stop. I paid him, collected my change and watched as he zoomed off. I waited patiently at the bus stop for the road to clear so I could cross and enter my street. I was still waiting there when all of a sudden, a black tinted Toyota camry screeched to a stop in front of me. The back door yanked open and a huge man, dark glasses, wearing a mafia suit came out of the car, gave me a blinding slap and then bundled me inside the car. The car sped off. All happened in seconds. My head was ringing; I felt blood on my lips. I touched my lower lip. There was a little cut and it was a bit swollen. It took a while for my eyes to readjust to the darkness inside the car. I was sandwiched between two huge men. The one who hit me was on my right. I could tell because he still had his glasses on. I studied my environment trying to make out any detail that would help me. The dimly lit car did not help matters. Two guys. I guessed they were thugs. The other guy wore a body hugging t-shirt, silver necklace and had a huge mustache. He was smoking and did not seem to care about me. The driver wore a face cap. Met his eyes about once or twice from the rear view mirror. There was no other passenger in front. I could feel the eyes of my captor on me. I wanted to speak but was afraid to. I opened my mouth. Nothing came out. I was still in a state of shock. I quickly said a prayer for God to forgive me of my sins. I was too young too die. Different thought crossed my mind. These guys looked a little bit sophisticated. I did not owe any one money. I did not do any bad deals. Had my old life finally caught up with me? I managed to catch a glimpse of the macho’s wristwatch. It was pure gold. Welders. Were they ritual killers? I shuddered at the thought. So this was how I was going to die? We were driving at high speeds, avoiding the small roads and sticking to the freeway. My eyes were accustomed to the dimly lit vehicle. I decided if I was going to die, I should at least know what was happening. As I made to open my mouth, Macho man’s phone rang. “Hello ma. Yes ma’am, we got the package. Okay ma.” The other guy finished his cigarette and lit another one. Package? Am I the package? A woman was calling the shots? I decided to be brave. “Good evening sir. Please sir what I have I done? Where are you taking me? I beg you in the name…” I began to say, facing Macho man. The smoking thug gave me a powerful back hand slap to the side of my face. I passed out.
22 Oct 2014 | 17:57
Episode 2 The room was spacious and wide. Exotic furniture neatly arranged at the corners of the huge sitting room. The blinds were slightly drawn allowing a trickle of early morning sun into the room. There was a huge plasma on the wall and a bar to its left. The walls were painted white with an accent of blood red here and there in the room. The blinds were red, the couch, the reclining chair, the little table and even the bar was painted red. Every other thing was in pure white including the ceiling. Sophia paced uneasily to and fro. She had a bottle of Baileys on one hand and a wine cup in the other. She was restless. She was worried. Bruno and Marshal were yet to get back to her. This was a simple mission. Get the boy, and bring him to the safe house. She did not trust those fools but they had been highly recommended by Gambo. Now they were nowhere to be found. Her phone rang again, it was the General. She had this strong desire not to answer the phone. But the General always knew. She answered it on the first ring. “What is the situation on ground, S?” The General asked. She could see the wrinkles on his forehead. The General always knew. She was sure he already knew what the situation was. He had spies everywhere. That was why he was called the General. Everyone feared him. No one dared him. Very few people have met him. And the General hardly calls. When he did, there was trouble. “The situation is under control sir.” Sophia answered. “I did not ask if the situation was under control. I asked WHAT the situation is. I am going to call you pretty soon. You had better have an answer for me.” He said and hung up. Typical General. Always the last to speak and never failing to seize an opportunity to keep you edgy. She knew that he knew that the fools she had sent to bring in the boy were MIA. This was her first major assignment. She really did not want to flop. She originally wanted to take a subtle measure. Lure him in with some girl. But that would take time and there was a chance he would not fall for the bait. Force was the only option. They had been watching Sean for three months now, twenty four hours round the clock. They had a different agent on him every six hours. He had been chosen as the ideal candidate. Perfect height. Perfect age. Perfect face, countenance, education and work orientation. All that remained was to determine his lifestyle and how a typical day for Sean looked like. Sophia spent hours going over each agent’s report about Sean. She was always with her radio; the agents would phone in to say that Sean had changed routine or gone somewhere away from their jurisdiction. This was where her leadership came in. She would order them to follow or let him be. She had pulled her strings twice. Sean had made plans to travel out of the city. He had bought a ticket to fly to Abuja. This was going to put a huge hole in their plans. He had to be kept in the city at all costs. A call was made to the General. Sean was held back at work and denied leave to travel. Another time, his office had made plans for his department to travel for a refresher course in Kenya. Sophia was informed. The trip was terminated. They had contacts everywhere including the government. When they wanted something, they always got it. They had considered kidnapping his girlfriend. The General did not want the silly police force involved. They would just be crawling everywhere, impeding progress. This was going to be a snatch and grab operation. Very few witnesses, if any. Sean lived a reckless life. His mother hardly monitored him. She believed he was capable of handling himself. They sometimes went three weeks without communicating. He had no close friends. His girlfriend was travelling out of the country. She was the only worry. A slight worry that could be easily fixed. So they had decided to ‘grab’ Sean. They waited patiently for the opportunity. A black Toyota Prado was parked across the street opposite New Inn, the hotel that Sean and his girlfriend were in. They waited for five hours, listening in on their conversation and their sex. Sean had been bugged. As usual. There was a different agent every day and a different agent for this purpose. A handshake, a hug, a collision, whatever brought physical contact. And they were good. The microchip was planted on him. The transmitter was live. Sean never suspected anything. They most times knew of his plans for the next day. So they had planned the smash and grab to perfection. They knew he was going home to see his mother that evening. They knew his girlfriend was going out of the country. They knew he would always wait to cross the road when he got down from the “keke napep”. That was when they would strike. They only hoped that he would not cross the road too soon or decide not to go home. If that happened they would have to hatch another plan. A Toyota Camry was at Agric bus stop waiting for the signal to know when they would move. The Toyota Prado trailed the bus Sean was in. It was easy. Sophia was listening in the whole time via radio communication. She chipped in orders here and there and monitored the whole operation. The Toyota Camry traced the “keke-napep”, increased speed when Sean got off and picked him up at the bus stop. It was done. Mission accomplished. She called Marshal to confirm if he had the package. He was positive. The journey would take approximately 8 hours. They knew that. All contingency measures had been put in place. All possible loopholes were closed and taken care of. And if anything else came up unexpectedly out of the blues, there was Bruno. He was the brain. He had the ability of split second thinking. He was able to come up with ideas to go past seemingly impassable hurdles. But Sophia did not envision any problems. She had spoken to Marshal again at 2am when they were leaving Benin City, Edo State. All was going smoothly. She had decided to take a much needed nap. She woke at 5am and found 7 missed calls and a message on her phone. All were from Bruno. She checked the time of the calls. 3:19 am. She checked the message: “Mission in jeopardy. Bees on tail. Taking precaution.” She panicked. She called the number. Switched off. poo! Why wasn’t she awake? She was angry with herself. She did not panic. The ability to keep cool under life threatening pressure was one of the abilities required of the agents at her level of clearance. She took a bottle of Baileys from the bar and calmed her nerves with the creamy alcohol. She was pacing and thinking. Then the General called and almost made her lose her wits. She was not called The Iron Lady for nothing. She thought for a while. She called Gbenga. “Gbenga. Yes. Take an SUV. Government plates. Take the mission route to Benin, Edo state. Sniff out Marshal and Bruno. Keep your eyes open and you head low. This is a Code Yellow. And take Mark with you.” She hung up. She sat down and crossed her legs, the bottle in one hand and the wine glass in the other. She tried to think of possible occurences that may have made Bruno call her. Bruno was capable. He was one of the candidates in line to succeed her. She shrugged. She decided to ease off. She took the home theater remote and pressed play. Yanni’s attraction played from the speakers. Soulful jazz. It helped her relax. Just then the door opened. Bruno entered, covered in mud and dirt.
23 Oct 2014 | 08:12
Episode 3 I woke up with a banging headache. My stomach churned and my throat was dry. I was very thirsty. I squinted, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. I was sitting on a wooden chair, my hands tied at my back. It was a tiny room. The only piece of furniture was the one I was seated on. My shoes had been removed. I raised my head and looked around. There was a pile of plywood to my left. A water dispenser was by the iron door. There was a tiny bed to my far right which could only take one person comfortably. Damn, I was hungry. I tried to recollect what happened and how I got here. It was all fuzzy. I tasted the dry blood on the cut on my swollen lower lip. I silently cursed the Macho man who hit me. I had to get out of here. With the tip of my fingers, I felt the tape used to tie my hands. Masking tape. I looked around for any shred of metal I could use to loosen myself. None. I tried to force the masking tape off me by pulling my hands apart. I groaned and struggled. It did not come off. The 100 watt bulb was blinding my eyes. There were no windows and the fan was blowing at a very irritating low rate, making funny noises. Tiny drops of sweat formed on my forehead. What time was it? Where was I? Was this where I was going to die? Is this the slaughter house? All these questions ran through my head in milliseconds. I started crying. I was weak, hungry and afraid. I was not going to die here I told myself. I looked round the tiny room again. This time I looked very slowly and very carefully. As I looked past the door, something shiny caught my eyes. There was a part of the door which had a little protrusion. It looked sharp. It was very small, like a design of some sort. This could work I told myself. I had watched The Avengers where Black Widow was held captive in a similar situation when a call came through to her. Her deft mastery of martial arts helped her escape and defeat her captors. I wished I knew martial arts. I prayed quickly and silently. And I lifted myself up with the chair. The wooden chair was not heavy after all! I hopped and hopped and hopped. Finally, I got to the position of the shrapnel looking protrusion on the door and turned my back against it. I tried to locate the shrapnel by trying to feel the door, my hands still tied behind the chair. “Fvck!” I cursed. The shrapnel cut my finger. I felt the warm fluid trickle out. I wanted to suck it to stop the bleeding. I could not. I continued, trying to trace the shrapnel and get it to where I could successfully pierce the tape. I found it. I tried to pierce the masking tape with the shrapnel. “Ahhhh..Fvck! God!” I cried as the shrapnel cut my palm. I could feel blood oozing out. I smiled. The masking tape was loose. I quickly freed my hands from the chair and got up. My palm was hurting. I cut some foam from the bed on the floor and tried to clean the blood. I cut more foam and cleaned the drops of blood on the floor too. I scrutinized the area to see if any changes could be easily noticed. It was not. I bent my neck at the dispenser and opened the tap. The taste of cold water was soothing. I had my fill and let out a loud belch. I saw the bed and a huge desire to just lie down on it came over me. But a lot of work was yet to be done. And if I was found unbound and on the bed, the next restraint they would put on me would not be a masking tape. I carried the wooden chair back to the exact spot it was kept initially and sat on in. I paced the room, deep in thought and trying to work out a plan. I can’t die now, I told myself, shaking my head. I was just 27. In my prime. I meant so much to my mum. My girlfriend would break down if anything happened to me. The office would freeze for at least a week before they could get themselves back up. I had to do somwthing. But what? I put my head on the dispenser bottle and tears trickled down my eyes. I prayed to God to forgive me my sins and that I would dedicate my life to him if I ever got out of this alive. My nose ran. I dragged it in. Just then I heard footsteps. And then the footsteps got closer. Designer shoes. Maybe cowboy boots. It could also be a woman in high heels. But from the sounds I heard, I knew that there was a corridor of some sort outside this door, which was either tiled or very smooth. I made to resume my prayers on the dispenser when I heard the jangle of a bunch of keys and a key go into the lock. I immediately rushed to the chair, sat down and put my hands behind the chair, in the position I was left making sure I didn’t make a sound. The Iron door opened and someone stepped in, closing it behind him. The door made a soft thud when it closed. I kept my head low, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest I was afraid he would hear it. There was a moment of silence. I could feel his eyes all over me, trying to survey me. He kicked my legs gently. He kicked again. Then he came closer. “Hey” He said tapping my chin. I kept mute. “Hey! Boy!” He said louder, this time tapping my chin a bit harder twice and lifting my face up. I pretended to be waking from sleep. I opened my eyes slowly. It was Macho man. My heart beat faster. This brute of a man was so merciless. I still remembered the ringing slap he gave me hours ago. I groaned. “We are leaving” He said. I dropped my head again as if I was fainting. He stooped to look at me, a certain worry in his eyes. That was his mistake. I don’t know where I got the courage or the idea. I felt this sudden rush of adrenaline and I was not even thinking about my actions. Even I could not believe it. As he stooped to look at me, I freed my hands from the back of the chair and gave him two heavy slaps on each eye. I put all the power and force I could get into the slaps. I was afraid I had blinded him. He screamed and held his face. I pushed the chair back and landed a huge kick to his ball5. He fell on the ground gasping for air. I made for the door but he held my leg. I turned and kicked his hand with all the might I could muster. He was still gasping for air. I got to the door, turned the handle and bolted. The corridor was long, with doors left and right. The floor was tiled and clean. It looked like an apartment in progress that was nearing completion. I got to the end of the corridor and opened the door. The Toyota Camry that picked me was parked neatly inside the compound. It was not a very huge compound. The floor was interlocked with bricks. I dashed to the gate, got out and continued to run. I had no idea where I was going. I was on a small pathway that could barely take two cars. There were bushed all around. No trace of civilization. I looked farther ahead. Nothing. Just a lonely pathway with bushes everywhere. I was getting tired. I had been running for a while. I had no phone. My wallet was still with me, but it was of no use. I looked behind me a few times, trying to see if Macho man was coming after me. No sound of a car or anything of the sort. I stopped to catch my breath. After a while I began walking slowly, tired and hungry. I was fatigued. I sat down on the floor beside the road, praying to get help. I began to cry again. I hear d the sound of a car coming from the direction I was heading. I quickly stood up and listened. It was approaching me now. Any help would do at this point. I flagged down the car but it ewent past me. It got a few meters away from me, then reversed. I thanked God. It stopped beside me and the driver’s window wound down. It was a woman. Thank heavens. “Please ma’am. I would be extremely indebted to you if you could please give me a ride anywhere out of here. If I can get a bus anywhere, I would be very grateful.” I begged. She looked at me as if assessing me and deciding whether to give me a lift or not. When it seemed like she was going to zoom off, I begged her with tears falling from my eyes. “Please ma. I mean you no harm. Please” I begged. “What happened to you? What are you doing here? And why are you looking so tattered?” she asked. “It’s quite a story ma.” I replied, my tears refusing to stop. My tears seemed to give her a change of heart. She nodded her head to the side of the passenger seat. “Come in.” she said. She opened the door and I got in. The refreshing AC, the comfort of the leather seat and the safety in the hands of a good Samaritan were all welcome developments. We drove at some speed and when we passed the house I was held captive in, I glanced and looked inside. The Camry was still there. I was relieved. I relaxed. “So what is your name?” the good Samaritan asked me after an eternity of silence. She spoke very good English. Gold earrings, gold bracelets and a gold necklace. She smelled of class. What did I expect? She was driving a Honda Civic 2012. “My name is Sean ma.” I replied. “Nice. I am Sophia.”
23 Oct 2014 | 13:38
Haaaaa gobeeeeee
23 Oct 2014 | 17:00
Episode 4 She felt good to be at the CEOs’ Awards dinner. Her boyfriend was Regional Manager at one of the top banks in the country and she felt so happy to be privileged to be a part of the event. There were a lot of distinguished personalities from 12 different countries around the world. It was a dinner that admitted people strictly by invitation. She knew she looked stunning. Why wouldn’t she be? She had been preparing for weeks. Kunle had told her a month ago about the very huge dinner and award night and that she would be going as his partner. She had carefully searched the internet and viewed catalogue after catalogue of dinner gowns. She saw a design she liked on a show on Dstv and had her designer make something gorgeous for her. From the moment she walked into the hall in Oriental Hotels Lekki, she felt all eyes on her. Kunle beamed a wide smile. He looked handsome in his Tuxedo as he strolled to his designated seat, hand in hand with his adorable girlfriend. He knew she was stunning. This could get him a raise, a recommendation or best of all a promotion. She was dark skinned and very beautiful. She measured 5ft. 7inches without the heels. Now donning a 3-inch heeled shoe, she was almost the same height as Kunle. They had been dating for almost 7 months and already looked the couple. She was busty and a little chubby with an as5 that made heads turn, both male and female alike. Kunle was in his mid30’s. Already climbing the ladder of successful banking business, he had very little worries. He saw this as an opportunity to invest, market, show his class and get to meet his superiors whose only contact with him had been via emails. He also hoped he would have the courage to proceed with his plan. He wanted to propose. For her it was a night of pictures for updates on instagram and bbm. It was a night to flaunt her beauty and her body. It was a night to make her boyfriend very proud. She knew it was a long shot, but she did not mind being whisked away by one of the money bags present. She was amazed at the caliber of people she saw. She knew it was a big night. She did not envisage that it would be this big. He followed her to her seat, pushed back her chair, waited for her to settle in and helped her tuck in before going to his seat opposite her. The table already decorated with assorted wines and drinks had his name and designation already written boldly on a fancy looking cardboard: MR KUNLE BALOGUN – REGIONAL MANAGER SOUTH WEST NIGERIA. They were seated in the middle of the hall, close enough to see the activities happening on stage. She smiled at him. He smiled back and held her hand across the table. She was so happy to mean this much to him to be brought here. He wanted so much to pop the question to her right there and then. He felt the ring casing in his pant pocket. “Soon,” he said to himself tapping the pocket with his free hand. Outside Oriental Hotel, the venue of the party was a parked dark Nissan Armanda jeep. Shina was in front in the passenger seat. There was a white earphone in his left ear which he held in place with his left hand. Iyke and Francis were at the back smoking white London. Francis wound down his side of the glass and threw away the butt of his finished cigarette. He wound up and closed his eyes. Iyke hit him playfully with his elbow. He dipped his hand into the insides of his faded brown leather jacket and brought out a silenced .45 revolver. He smiled wickedly as he brandished it before Francis. “Baba, relax. As long as this baby dey here, no shaking.” Iyke boasted. “Shhhh!!!!” Shina said from the front suddenly looking sharp and continued. “Brenda is going in.” he finished. All three men were suddenly very sharp and alert. The two at the back were looking at Shina and watching his facial reaction. If he felt or heard anything he did not show it. He was the best at masking how he felt, no matter how good or bad. That was why The Ghosts hired him. Inside, an announcement was made for everyone to order appetizers. Kunle and his girlfriend picked up the menu in front of them and chose their appetizers. There was an attendant for every table. When they had made their decision, Kunle signaled the waitress. When she was close to them, he looked at her name tag. BRENDA “Brenda, could you please get item 17 for my beautiful princess and item 3 for me?” Kunle asked smiling. “Fantastic choice sir” she said scribbling on her pad. “I’ll be just a minute please.” She finished and left. She got into the kitchen area and presented the piece of paper where she had written the couple’s order to the chef. She quickly went to the side of the room and whispered into the collar of her suit. “I’m going in.” Three minutes later Brenda came back with a tray containing the ordered meal. She placed Kunle’s in front of him and then the girl’s. She opened the red wine and poured two wine glasses half full. She straightened up. “Is there anything else you may need sir?” she asked smiling at both Kunle and his girlfriend. “No, thank you Brenda.” Kunle replied. “Your fiancée is really beautiful sir. Lovely gown too.” Brenda said smiling wider. “Oh yes she is. Eva is the queen of my heart.” Kunle said. “Have a good evening sir and ma’am. And please feel free to call me if there is anything I can get you.” Brenda finished. “Thank you Brenda.” Eva said. As Brenda made to turn around, she deliberately used the tray to hit the wine bottle such that it spilled on Eva’s dress. She made it look like an accident. She had rehearsed this move for days. She was a pro. A few eyes turned to look at their direction. But the gazes did not last for long. “Oh my God! I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please, let me get u a napkin.” Brenda said begging and apologizing as the liquid made a little stain on her dress. Eva looked horrified. Kunle was worried but calm. She quickly composed herself and accessed the damage. It was not much. Nothing a little dab could not clean up. She asked for the rest room. Brenda pointed at the ladies, apologizing as she directed. As Eva got up, Kunle tried to get up too but she gave him the “I’ll be fine my love” look. “Please excuse me baby, I will be right back.” She said to Kunle smiling. Brenda led the way as they took a door to their left, went behind the hall and entered a corridor to the rest room. Just about the same time, a fair skinned lady with glasses got up from her chair in the hall, kissed her boyfriend lightly on the cheeks and headed in the same direction as Eva. As she stepped out of the hall, she tapped her collar and spoke softly into the collar, “I’m making my move.” She walked towards the ladies. Brenda was still begging Eva. Eva was getting irritated and asked her to leave, saying that it was okay. She could handle herself, she told Brenda. Brenda apologized again and left the bathroom. As she left she passed by the fair skinned lady in glasses and winked at her. The lady in glasses just nodded. She did not smile back. The bathroom was deserted, just Eva. The lady in glasses took out a glass container and sprayed the contents on her handkerchief. She opened the bathroom door and went in.
24 Oct 2014 | 03:26
Pls o continue this o. Nice story weldone. But why the setup?
24 Oct 2014 | 07:59
episode 5 “Start the ignition!” Shina barked at the man at the wheels. He obeyed immediately. The engine roared to life, making a very silent and barely audible humming sound. Iyke and Francis watched Shina closely, desperately trying to know what stage of the plan they were at. Shina was not scared of the two criminals despite their menacing look, especially Iyke. Iyke had a deep scar that ran from his forehead through the middle of his eyes and stopped just by his left nostril. A scar he had gotten while in a brawl with a ‘friend’ who owed him money. His friend had come at him with a matchet. He had just his hands. That was how he got the scar. He served four years in jail because of that incident. He was lucky. His friend wasn’t. His friend currently lived in a permanent wing in a federal hospital popularly called Igbobi. He was paralyzed from the neck down. Iyke was a brute. He did not fear anything or anyone. People shook and trembled at the sight of him. Even Francis secretly feared him. And when he got angry every one took to their heels. But not Shina. Shina detested him. Shina could finish him with just a phone call. In a way, Iyke knew he did not intimidate Shina. He did not know what kind of strings Shina pulled. He was always keeping his distance from him. Somehow, THE GHOSTS had a way of putting up the perfect team for an operation. Shina was the head for this mission. A smooth, calculating man, never under pressure and always with back up plans A – Z, no matter the situation. Francis was the very handsome and sexy serial killer. He loved to kill pretty women for fun. He was never caught. When he was accosted by The Ghosts he had no choice. They could give him away. They offered him good money, a good home and a family. And they were letting him kill once in a while. He was satisfied. Iyke the brute. The kind of thug you need when the situation gets tough and needs a deal of rough handling. No one does it better than Iyke. Iyke was getting irritated at Shina’s silence. “Oga, wetin dey happen na? You just keep us for silent since. Which ones na? Abeg wetin be scores? How e dey go? Time don reach to arrange the baggas?” He barked. Shina just smiled. A kind of smile that could annoy the meekest of men. “Move to the pick-up point. Now!” he said to the driver raising his voice with his left hand still pressed to his ear. He looked at the two men at the back, then said, “Beauty has got the girl. We are moving in to pick them up. We expect no incidence. This should be as easy as dipping a hot knife through butter. But if anything comes up you know what to do. Iyke, stay alert. Francis, you have your orders.” Francis was relaxing with his hands across his chest and his eyes closed. His back was resting firmly on d seat and when Shina spoke he just nodded, his eyes were still closed. Iyke was almost falling off the edge of his seat in his eagerness to pick up every word Shina spoke. The jeep moved slowly and turned right towards the waterside. It turned again, reversed and re-parked facing the traffic light. They were looking directly at FourPoints by Sheraton with the back door exit of Oriental Hotels to their left. They waited. Beauty, the pretty woman in glasses opened the bathroom door and entered. She moved to the last cubicle, entered and gently folded the handkerchief into place. She listened carefully as Eva stepped out of her own cubicle and approached the central mirror, admiring herself and adjudging the extent of cleanup she had done. She felt contented. She looked into her purse. Beauty stepped out quietly and approached Eva from behind. She took four quick steps. Eva brought her head up from the bag and noticed someone in the mirror coming at her. She saw her too late. Beauty placed the handkerchief on Eva’s nose, making her inhale every bit of the handkerchief. There was very little struggle. Beauty dragged her into the cubicle she was in. She felt Eva’s pulse. Normal. Things were going according to plan. She brought out a tiny whitish substance and put it into Eva’s nostrils. She jerked as though she had just come out of a nightmare. Eva regained consciousness. She was weak. “Who…who…who are you? What do you want?” Eva said, looking at Beauty. She was very afraid. “Do you want to die, dearie?” Beauty asked rhetorically, her face totally hard. “No ma. Please I don’t.” Eva begged. “Then listen to me very carefully. Do you inderstand me?” She asked. Eva nodded. “Do exactly as I say and no harm will come to you or your uncle in Gbagda. We also know your mother lives in Ajegunle and goes to church by 6pm on Fridays. Your younger brother attends the University of Lagos. He stays in Jaja Hall, Room B212. We know everything about you Eva Makinde. We just need you to help us with some information. Thereafter you would be free to go. If you make any funny moves, we will poison Kunle. We have people everywhere and we are invisible. You would be released in the morning. Try any funny moves and the death of every person you love and cherish would be on your head. Can you live with that? Do you want that?” Beauty asked threateningly. Eva shook her head again. Beauty had made her point. She continued, “Now you will follow me and make a very sickly face. I will do all the talking. Don’t say a word. Where is your phone?” “It’s here ma.” Eva said very frightened. “When I tell you, you will call Kunle and tell him you had to go. Your mum called and she is very sick. He won’t be too bothered. We have handled everything.” Beauty finished. “Okay ma.” “Good.” “I have got the package. Meet me at the pickup spot in five.” Beauty said to her collar. “Let’s go.” She commanded. They went through the back, passed a corridor and took a left. She held Eva’s hand as they moved through a maze of corridors and doors. Finally they got to the emergency exit. There was a Mopol with a rifle. Shiiitt!!! This was not planned. Beauty wanted to turn back but there was no time to. The man had already seen them and she could not risk raising an alarm. She decided to risk it. She approached the police officer. “Please Oga, my sister is pregnant. And she is feeling dizzy. She needs fresh air. She might faint any moment from now. We were in the bathroom and we lost our way trying to get outside to get fresh air. That is the only way she would be better.” Beauty begged. The police officer scrutinized them. They looked exceptionally dressed. He looked at Eva’s stomach. There was no bulge. Eva was supporting herself on Beauty’s arm participating in the drama. “Wia una dey come from!” The Mopol said eyeing both of them. “We are from the CEO’s party in the hall. Please sir, help us.” Beauty begged. Just then Eva contorted her face and vomited on the floor close to the man’s feet. Beauty patted her and looked at the man. The man dropped his rifle and began to open the very difficult emergency exit. Beauty took the gun and hit him on the head with the butt. He passed out falling on the ground. Eva was shocked. Beauty smiled at her. Beauty spoke to her collar again. “I encountered some hindrance. He won’t be out for long. I need evacuation now! I’m at the zone.” Shina signaled Iyke and he was out in a flash. Iyke jogged to the door and inserted a duplicate key into the lock. He opened the door from outside and the two women stepped out. As Iyke was shutting the door the Mopol groaned. He was regaining consciousness. Iyke dragged him out and locked the door. He collected the handkerchief from beauty and emptied the contents of her bottle onto the handkerchief. He gagged the mopol who was writhing and shaking his legs. Iyke’s arm was around his throat while his othe palm forcefully pressed the cloth on the mopol’s nose. After a while, all became still. Iyke locked the door and threw the mopol’s body into the water. They moved to the car and all three got inside. “Drive.” Shina directed. They drove in silence. As they approached Civic Center, Shina nodded at Beauty. Beauty got out Eva’s phone and told her to call Kunle as planned. It took a while for him to pick. He explained that he was talking with his superiors and asked where she was. She explained that she was currently in a cab going to see her mother at Eko Hospital. She had suffered another attack. He felt bad. His proposal had to wait. He did not pressure her to coming back. His superiors were looking at him. He asked her to be safe and that he would be with her soon. He did not plan to be. They got to the traffic light at law school and took their right into a rough road where fish mongers sold during the day. They parked by the lagoon and every one came down except the driver. “The car was becoming too heavy. We need one less passenger. Francis, you know what to do.” Shina said. He nodded to Francis. Francis smiled. He brought out his .23 automatic. It was a silenced pistol. He aimed at Beauty and took her with one clean shot. He got her in the chest. She fell to the ground lifeless. Eva was shocked. Iyke had a grin. Iyke made to took her jewelry. Shina stopped him. “She was an undercover spy. A double agent. What a waste.” He spat on her body. Iyke deposited her body in the water and watched it float. He came back to join Shina and the rest in the car. Francis was caressing his pistol that had just carried out the hit and smiling to himself. He would jerk off tonight, thinking about the dead body of beauty. He was happy. Shina removed the earphone from his left ear and said to no one in particular “Let’s go home” .
24 Oct 2014 | 09:03
Episode 6 Sophia was shocked. Bruno was covered in dirt and mud. He had a small cut on his cheek. There was dried blood on his forehead. His shirt was bloody and messy. He staggered into the room and sat on the long couch. He looked really bad. “What in hell happened to you?” Sophia asked. “We got attacked. Some heavily armed men ambushed us as we entered Lokoja. I had to create a diversion. I made myself the bait while I asked Marshal to proceed as planned.” Bruno replied. Sophia picked her phone and made a call. She called Gbenga to call off the search party. She had found Bruno. She also asked her personal assistant to get her private doctor to come to the mansion. She hung up. Bruno looked a mess. She asked him to go clean up. She called the General and informed him of the recent development. “I want to know exactly what happened. Have you asked about the boy? Where is Marshal?” the General queried. “Bruno was badly wounded. He was almost passing out. My doctor is currently seeing to him. I will get him around and have him tell me everything.” She replied. “S, you are really beginning to irk me! Don’t contact me unless you have something tangible to tell me. I gave you a mission. You had your orders. You have made a mess of it. I do not need crumbs. I need results. You have 24 hours.” The General said and finished. The line went dead. Marshal drove like a mad man. Their driver had just been shot and he had taken hold of the wheels. He looked in the rear view mirror. The boy was scared as hell. The green Kia Optima was still in pursuit. Damn it! He took a sharp left. The tires screeched. He was driving at 100km/hr. He was not scared. His adrenaline was pumping. He needed to shake off these guys. He took another right and got on to a lonely path. His attackers were nowhere in sight but he knew they were not far behind. He stopped the car in the middle of the road, opened the door and got out. He pulled Sean out from the back and walked with him into the bush. He pushed Sean ahead of him as they walked through shrubs and bushes. Marshal heard a car stop in the distance behind. His pursuers had found the car. There was a chance they would find them if they were smart enough. Sean was slowing them down. He brought out a syringe. Sean was walking ahead, trying to find his way through the covered bush path. He was tired. Marshal quickly got close to him, injecting the contents of the syringe into Sean’s neck. Sean fell in a heap. Marshal heard voices. His assailants were getting closer and he had Sean to deal with. He slung Sean on his shoulders and walked faster, making sure he hit his legs firmly on the floor with each step. He had walked for a while when he felt himself step on a metal. “Thank you Bruno.” He said to himself. He put Sean down carefully and opened the metal lid. It opened into a small hollow tunnel that led to a secret outlet across town. He descended the ladder into the tunnel, carrying Sean with him on his shoulders. He closed the lid shut. He locked it with a huge padlock that had been there and continued away from the place. He did not expect to be followed. It was the perfect detour. There was a car waiting for him when he got out of the 15minute walk out of the tunnel. He was exhausted. He had been through a burdened night and early morning. He dumped Sean at the back of the car and got into the passenger seat. He pulled the lever by his seat and the chair moved backwards. He relaxed on it and heaved a heavy sigh. He tried to call Bruno. Switched off. He sent a text. “Package secure. Took the detour. Heading towards safe house.” He closed his eyes and drifted into a much needed sleep. Bruno woke up to find Sophia staring at her. He got up painfully and sat up, caressing his head. He felt much better now and hungry. He looked at Sophia. “How long was I out?” He asked. “Six hours. How do you feel?” Sophia asked, getting up and pouring herself some wine. “I feel better. Can I have some of that?” He asked pointing at the bottle Sophia was holding. Sophia poured another glass and handed it to him. “I need to know what happened. Everything.” Sophia said. She settled down in a chair opposite Bruno and crossed her legs. Bruno cleared his throat. They were driving in cruise control when they saw a car parked in the middle of the road. It was a blood red Toyota Quest. As they slowed down, a bullet pierced the windscreen and hit the driver on the forehead. Perfect hit. The windscreen cracked. Blood splattered everywhere. “Duck!” Bruno whispered as the three of them huddled beside each other at the back. They heard footsteps approaching. A gun was cocked in the distance. Bruno signaled to Marshal that he was going out of the car to meet the three men who were almost at the car. Marshal was to get the wheel, start the ignition and drive away with the package as fast as he could. Marshal nodded. Sean was about to throw up. Marshal looked at him with a cold stare. Sean swallowed the phlegm that was in his throat. Bruno opened the door and came out of the car, his hands stretched out. “I’m unarmed.” He said, crawling out of the car and assessing the situation. From the corner of his eyes he could see Marshal moving stealthily to the driver’s seat. The three men approached. Heavily armed. “Where is the package?” One of them asked. He was almost near the car now. A few yards away from the driver’s side of the car. In one swift move, Bruno put his hand at his back and pulled out a pistol. He shot the approaching man on the leg as he ducked and rolled on the ground into the bushes. At exactly the same time, Marshal started the engine, shoved the dead driver out and drove wildly at the other two assailants. They did not expect this sudden surge and left the road in time. Marshal drove into the push, passed the car that was parked in the middle of the narrow road and back onto the road. He was pursued by the other assailants who entered their car and followed him. The man Bruno shot was cursing and looking for him in the bushes. Bruno was at a vantage point. He could see the man approaching. He quickly sent Marshal a text on the location of a secret hide-out. He also sent another text to the driver who would pick Marshal up. The driver replied his text. Marshal hadn’t. The man was getting closer, cursing as his left thigh oozed blood. He said a quick prayer and hoped Bruno would read his message. His phone rang. It was Bruno. The id1ot had given away his location. He cut the call, put off his phone and slipped it into his socks. The man looked in his direction and moved faster towards him. The man saw the weeds move. He shot rapidly in the direction of the movements where Bruno was trying to escape. The bullet got him in the arm. He groaned. The man stumbled forwards. Bruno saw him just in time. He aimed carefully and shot the man in the head. His brains splattered as he slumped on the ground. Bruno was in pains. He took of his jacket and tied it around the wound. He tried to crawl out of the bush until he got tired and decided to rest. He slept off till the very early hours of the morning and found his way to the mansion. Sophia sighed. “Where is your phone?” She asked. He brought it out and put it on. He saw Marshal’s message. He showed it to her. She smiled. She called Shina. “Shina. Beauty has spilled as we suspected. She is the mole. She took the bait. Take care of her after the operation.” She hung up. Just then she felt relieved. As she got up to refill her glass, Bruno’s phone rang. It was Marshal. “I am down. Package jumped me. He is on the loose. I am at the safe house.” Marshal said. Bruno got up to leave. “Where are you going?” Sophia asked. “I have got to take care of business.” He said, relating Bruno’s message to her. “The boy knows you. He might jump you too. I guess this is where I step in. I’ll handle this.” Sophia said and smiled. She grabbed her car keys and headed towards the safe house.
24 Oct 2014 | 11:44
Episode 7 Detective Ahmed Haruna woke up startled. His phone had been ringing nonstop. He felt his head banging. He picked the call. “Hello. What? When? How?” he asked with a very croaky voice. He listened for about two minutes then replied, “Oh my God!” He said sitting up and continued, “Keep a perimeter around the crime scene. No one takes or touches anything till I get there. You understand? I will be there in twenty minutes.” He hung up. He took his wristwatch from the bedside table and checked the time. 6:37 am. He looked behind him. Rita was fast asleep, covered up under the duvet. They had had a wild night, getting high on weed and alomo bitters before engaging in different s3x positions. She came twice riding him while he later turned her and came into her from behind. They slept off thereafter. She was his tonic after a very hard day’s job. They always met in her house every Saturday night. She looked so angelic. He did not want to wake her but he had no choice. He tapped her gently. She stirred but did not wake. He tapped her again, adding a little more force this time around. She turned, opening her eyes slowly. “Hmmm…what is it honey?” Rita asked. “Do you have some aspirins in the house?” “Yes I do. In the Kitchen.” Ahmed got up Unclad and went into the kitchen to get the aspirins. Rita began to get h0rny under the sheets. The sight of Ahmed’s perfect round as5 and great body always drove her crazy. He returned with the aspirin and a glass of water. She licked her lips at the sight of his huge d1ck and his perfect abs. Ahmed took the drugs and accompanied it with water. He sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her, his muscles ripping. She touched his skin. He did not move. She continued, tracing her hands to the side of his chest and caressing his nippl3. He turned to face her. Then he kissed her on the lips. She responded, moving close to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. He disengaged the kiss and pecked her on the forehead. He moved away from the bead and got his briefs from the floor. He wore them. “What are you doing? Where are you going?” Rita asked, a frown appearing on her very pretty face. “Duty calls honey. I have to go.” Ahmed replied. He was wearing his jeans now. “Should I make breakfast for you?” She asked. “I can’t tell. Looks like a serious case. I will call you baby.” He finished wearing his clothes and gave Rita a light kiss on the lips. He got his car keys and left Rita’s house. He got to Law School Bus Stop to meet a small crowd of people already at the scene. He made his way through the curious crowd shoving his ID card in their faces as he screamed “Make way. Excuse me, leave the road please.” Even if he did not have his ID card on him, his intimidating stature and his rough face was enough for any sane person to leave the way. His face was harsh and strong with his forehead having permanent wrinkles. His voice was throaty and hoarse, his lips black from marijuana smoking. He had very broad shoulders with rippling biceps. He stood at 6ft. 5inches and always wore very tight black shirts. He bent and got into the yellow tape area. The medics where talking to a few pressmen and some other officers where huddling around the crime scene looking for more evidence. There was a body by the lagoon in white cloth. He moved close to the body and bent down. He pulled away the white cloth. The white, lifeless and decaying body of Agent Mercy stared him in the face. He removed his dark shades and looked at the body closely. He saw the gunshot wound. He looked at her hair, her face. He was looking at her arms when he noticed something. All her jewelry was not touched. All except her wristwatch. He called for a forensic agent. “Get me a UV torch and some gloves.” He commanded. He took out two white gloves from the pack handed to him and collected the UV torch. He put it on and scanned her wrists. There were distinct finger prints on her wrist where her wrist watch has been. “Where is Tunde!!!?” He screamed at no one in particular. Tunde came out of the police van parked beside the ambulance inside the crime scene. He had been making a phone call. “Let me call you back please.” He hurriedly hung up. “Good Morning sir. Seen anything spooky?” Tunde said bending beside Ahmed. He ignored the greeting. “Do you notice anything?” Ahmed asked pointing the torch at her wrist and using his finger to show him what he meant. “No sir.” Tunde said. “Look harder, dumb head.” Ahmed said angrily. “Oh, I see them now. Finger prints.” Tunde said animatedly. “I want you to do this yourself. Get me those prints by 12 noon. Do not give this to your boys to handle. This is a sensitive case. If you do, I will find out and I will have you controlling traffic by Monday. Am I clear?” Ahmed threatened. “Crystral clear sir.” Tunde waved at one of his boys and they brought him a small white plastic bag. He handed it to Ahmed. “This was found while the boys were looking for evidence at the bank of the lagoon. Seems like the bullet that did the job.” Tunde said. Ahmed took the plastic bag, opened it and put the bullet in his palm, rolling it over. “This bullet was fired from a .23 automatic pistol. Out of circulation. Silenced. You can tell from the charred edges. I will keep this.” He said to Tunde, putting the bullet back in the bag and into his pocket and continued, “Comb the entire perimeter. Let me know when you find anything.” He finished, getting up and pulling off the gloves. He walked away from the scene, got into his car and dialed a number adding *4567# behind it. It was a secure line. Only he and 3 other agents could call the line. It was the direct line for the Head of Intelligence Operations. “Ma, it was Agent Mercy. She had been compromised. I have some leads. Give me 8 hours ma. Thank you.” He hung up.
25 Oct 2014 | 03:48
Episode 8 We drove in silence for a while, navigating bends and going through bushes. I felt Sophia’s eyes on me as I looked far ahead in the distance, eagerly hoping that we burst into a busy major road. We turned left for the umpteenth time and I began to feel nervous. Where was this woman taking me? I was sure that we were going in circles now. We should have gotten to a major road by no because we had been driving close to twenty minutes. I wanted to question her but I thought twice about it. After all if not for her help, the Macho Man may have caught up to me and who knows what may have happened. “Can I make a phone call on your phone ma?” I asked “Sure. Why not?” She replied and handed me her Samsung S4. I tried to make a call on the phone and for some reason the call was not going through. I complained to her and she said that it was because of the environment we were in, assuring me that once we got out of the bushes, I would get better reception. She asked who I wanted to call. I told her I wanted to call the police. I noticed a very brief flicker of fear in her countenance, but she quickly hid it. I may have seen wrong though. A few minutes later we hit the freeway. I relaxed a bit. I was glad that we were on a busy road and we were at least seeing other cars. I asked her where we were. She said we were in Kubwa, Abuja. She offered to drop me at a park where I could board a bus back to Lagos. I could not thank her enough. We slowed down suddenly and parked the car away from traffic. She turned off the ignition. We were in the middle of nowhere. Cars were zooming past us at light speed. I became apprehensive. She looked worried. I was scared. She pulled a lever beside the steering wheel and got out of the car. I followed. She opened the bonnet and hooked it with the metal to support it. Everything was sparkling new. No dirt, dust or oil. I wondered what could be wrong. Her arms were akimbo as she scanned the cars that zoomed past us. She did not make any move to stop anyone. My hands were on the edge of the bonnet trying to look for a fault that was invisible. She walked up to me. “Did you find anything?” she asked me. “Still looking ma’am” I replied, trying to find the solution. I knew absolutely nothing about fixing cars. I was still looking for the fault when I heard her say, “This would only hurt just a little.” I tried to turn but it was too late. She tweaked an artery around my neck with her thumb and forefinger in one deft perfect move. That was all I could remember. Detective Ahmed sat in his large, heavily furnished office, the blinds drawn. He put the fan at the highest and made sure the air condition was blowing at the lowest temperature. This was the only way he could think. He was still shaken at the death of his most trusted colleague and friend. He was disturbed. Agent Mercy was the best undercover agent the academy had ever produced. She was recruited into the Intelligence Operations at 19 and had successfully carried out 4 undercover jobs. Even in the last one where they thought her cover would be blown, she had successfully maneuvered her way and got out unscathed. She was under cover as one of the strippers in the joint owned by a Mafia Boss. He was wanted for drug trafficking and child abus3. There was no single evidence against him, but the Agency was sure he was not innocent. So they sent in Mercy and she did a wonderful job. The Ghosts had been a mystery for many years, even before Ahmed and Mercy came into the Agency. However, three years ago, James an alleged member of The Ghosts was said to have come out publicly to say that he wanted to confess his crimes and demanded 24-hour police protection. That was his mistake. He should have confessed when he had the chance. He was murdered in his sleep, in a house protected by four trained agents at his bedroom door, other agents on the roof, in the opposite holuses and scattered everywhere around his house, protecting him. Yet they still got to him. He was found dead the next morning. Mercy’s death meant only one thing: This was not a matter to be handled lightly. He logged onto his computer and entered the encrypted password. He clicked on the Mercy file. Her picture popped up, alongside her personal details and achievements. He was not ready for this. He closed the file and logged off, shutting down his computer. He locked his office door and pressed the conmbination codes to permanently lock it. It was 8pm. Rita had called him a hundred times but he had not picked. He dialed her number. “I am coming home. Okay. I am fine. See you soon.” He finished He got on his power bike and sped off towards Ajah. He loved speed. It helped him clear his head. He did not notice the blue truck speeding towards him in the opposite direction. But he always had very sharp instincts. He was a second quicker. He quickly slowed and jumped off the bike into the nearby shrubs before the truck made impact. The noise was deafening. Ahmed rolled far away from the collision into the shrubs. He could not feel his left leg. He pulled out his phone and dialed a speed code. It sent a signal to headquarters, informing them that he was in trouble and they could track his location. A team was sent to his location immediately. His eyes were closing; he barely heard what was going on around him. The last thing he heard from the crowd confirmed his fears, the driver of the truck was nowhere to be found. Sophia’s phone rang. The General was calling. “This is code Amber. Gather all Super Agents and the Tactics team at the Watch Tower. We meet at 21:00 hours.” She panicked. There was trouble.
25 Oct 2014 | 07:52
hmmmm interesting
25 Oct 2014 | 08:39
Who is d brain behind dis story???? Dis is awesomely superb.... (if dere is any wrd like dat)..... Beautiful write up
25 Oct 2014 | 10:12
Wow, interesting!
25 Oct 2014 | 11:21
Episode 9 Sophia dropped the call and looked beside her. Sean was lying down on the couch, breathing steadily. He had been injected with valium and should be asleep for 12 more hours. Everything was finally back on track. She had Sean. Eva was secure in the Charge Room. All logistics were finally getting back into play. She was behind schedule by 20 hours. Timing meant everything to The Ghosts Corporation. The General was definitely going to chew her raw. In their code of law, it was better to excommunicate yourself, go off the radar and hope you are not remembered, than fail an operation you were supposed to deliver. The General gave Sophia a 24 hour window and she got the job done. She smiled to herself, and then frowned. She had worked with incompetent fools and had trusted them to come through. She would deal with them later when she got off the General’s whipping. She knew the other attendees of the General’s summon were already aware of the proposed meeting. But orders are orders. She composed a text and sent it to the Super Agents. Shina, Ambrose and Tawo. Together they were called The Deadly Quartet. The four of them were in line to succeed the General. Ambrose was the Tactical Genius. His specialty was planning operations, attacks and infiltrating impossible fortresses with a very short deadline. If there was a place that could never be breached and you wanted someone to go in and come out unseen, give the job to Ambrose. He never failed an operation. He always worked alone. He loved men and was known to be in love with any guy whose as5 could take his huge d1ck. He was the highest paid member of the four. Tawo was the super spy. He was the king of multiple personalities, and the master of deception and disguise. He had eight different names, 5 different passports, and was a citizen in 3 continents. He spoke English, French, German, Spanish, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Swahili and Italian. He was the youngest of the Deadly Quartet and also the coolest. He was also responsible for bugging phones, cars and people. He designed a special application which could make him connect with any satellite he chose and track anyone, anywhere in the world. He was the General’s only son. He was not close to his father and secretly wished him dead. The General knew this but could not afford to have him silenced. He was his only surviving blood. Besides, Tawo was hard to extinguish. He was the most difficult member to find or reach. You don’t find him. He finds you. The Deadly Quartet was hard to kill. Only the General knew all their weaknesses. Time was 9pm. Along with the Deadly Quartet, the Tactics team consisting of Bruno, Marshal, Gbenga, Mark, Iyke, Francis and Brenda was also invited to the meeting at the Watch Tower. They gathered in the large Oval Office. Bruno, Marshal, Gbenga and Mark sat on one side of the room in a semi-circle, talking in whispers. Iyke and Francis sat together but were farther away from the group. They were not talking. Brenda was busy with her blackberry phone. Sophia was sitting at the top of the conference table, cleaning her nails. She looked so beautiful. Ambrose was sitting 4 feet from her, his legs crossed. He was not smiling. Tawo breezed in at 9:13pm. As he sat down, a voice came in from the speakers above. It was the General. “Thank you for coming late, Tawo.” Tawo nodded and waved to the air. “Welcome agents. I can see that we have all been familiarizing ourselves. There is cause for worry. Our organization has been infiltrated. This has never happened before. Good job by Sophia and Shina. The threat has been nullified. However, this is to warn you that you should be on the alert now than ever before. There could be others like her as there is also a more desperate detective who wants to get behind the situation. Temporary steps have been taken. Good job by Tawo and Ambrose. Be on the lookout. As from now, you will resume normal jobs at various offices assigned to you. You will find a file under your pillows when you get home. Show up at your respective offices and live as normal a life as possible. You would be contacted if we need you. That will be all.” The voice went dead. As the agents got up to leave the room, the voice came back on again. “Super Agents wait behind.” 10 minutes later, each Super- Agent had been assigned an order. They also had identical files under their pillows, but they were instructions not job descriptions. Operation Subterfuge was activated. Detective Ahmed woke up to find himself in a very strange place. White tiled walls, strange smell and a very small and uncomfortable bed. He tried to move but he felt a sharp pain on his left wrist. There was a drip on his wrist and a small amount of blood had formed at the tip of the needed. How did he find himself at the hospital? Which hospital was he? He remembered just a little part of the earlier events. He was riding his Power Bike. He had a collision. That was all he could remember. He pressed the emergency button. “Nurse!!!” He called out. No answer. “Nurse!!!” He called again screaming as loud as his strength could carry and pressing the emergency bell a million times. Seconds later, a young man in a long white apparel came in to his room. He was all smiles as he approached his bed. “How may I help you Mr. Ahmed?” the doctor asked with a smile on his face. “It’s Detective Ahmed. Please doctor where am I? Where are my phones? How long have I been here?” Ahmed said, trying to sit upright. “No no no pls Detective. You need to relax.” He said pushing him gently back on the bed and continued, “You lost quite some amount of blood and we have been monitoring your condition for a while. When you wake up you will get all the answers you seek. Please just relax.” He finished. He took out a syringe and drew some liquid from a finger size plastic container. He tapped Ahmed’s free hand and found a vein. He injected the contents of the syringe inside Ahmed and removed it from his body. “That would help you relax” the doctor told Ahmed. “Thank you” Ahmed replied. The doctor smiled, took his tray and walked towards the door. Ahmed’s eyes had begun to close. He opened the door and turned to Ahmed. He walked back to him and spoke very softly. “By the way I am not a doctor. My name is Tawo. You have been poking your nose into business that is bigger than you. The crash should have killed you. You are lucky to be alive. Ï just injected you with a form of Amnesia virus. When you wake up you will lose all memory of the past five weeks. I was never here. Good day Ahmed.” Tawo shut the door behind him and left the hospital. He got to the car park drove out and headed towards Apapa Oshodi expressway. He sent an encrypted text to Sophia. “I’m done. Your turn to move.”
25 Oct 2014 | 14:18
Wow! Feel like am reading one of james hadley chase novel
25 Oct 2014 | 16:49
Episode 10 Sophia got out of the shower dripping wet, with a towel tied around her br3asts. She had another towel on her head as she walked into her huge bedroom and sat on a stool, facing a large mirror. There were different kinds of tubes, creams and plastics around the table on which the mirror stood. She picked a small plastic tube and pressed the content into her palm. She rubbed it gently on her face, concentrating more on her cheeks. She stood up and loosened the towel around her br3asts. She admired herself in the mirror, smiling as she caressed her flat stomach and cupped her firm and DD br3asts. She left the mirror and walked towards a door, opening it. Different dresses and shoes stared her in the face. Thw walk- in closet had different sections. Shoes, jewelry, gowns, Shirts, and suits. At another part of the closet were stacks of folded jeans. She picked one pair of jeans and chose a long necked top. As she got out of the closet, her phone beeped twice. There was a message from Tawo. The General had told her that she would be the next to move and that she should not check the contents of the file under her pillow until she had heard from Tawo. She clicked the message. A box popped up asking for a password to decode it. She smiled. Typical Tawo. He liked too much ‘effizy’. She typed her secret code and the message opened. “I’m done. Your turn to move.” She sighed and exited the message. Her phone suddenly went blank then came on with a new message. “Self-destruct sequence complete. Press ok to begin factory reset.” She did not panic. She had expected that. She went under her pillow and got out the file. It seemed very light. She put her hand inside it and got out a very tiny piece of paper. Neatly typed on it were the words: “Initiate Operation Eva” She did not know what that meant. She was confused. What was Operation Eva? She already had Eva in her custody. So what was this about? Her phone rang. It was the General. She picked. “Evening General.” Sophia greeted. “I can see the perplexed look on your face. I’m sure you have heard from the Chameleon. Haven’t you?” the General asked. Sophia looked round. How in the world was he able to see her? She scanned the walls and corners of the house. She did not notice anything unusual. “I got his message. But I do not think I have any information on the file I got sir.” Sophia replied. “You don’t need to scan the walls for any device. You are wearing a jean and a round necked top. I am the General. You are my Lieutenants. I keep watch over you. It is for your safety, and for the safety of the corporation. Someone will deliver a file to you in a few minutes. It is all paperwork. Take your time to study every detail. Your move is next. Do not disappoint me Sophia Dirisu. Any questions?” Sophia was surprised. The General never called her by her full name before. This must mean a lot to him. “Could I get the file electronically sir? It would make it very easy and convenient to work with.” Sophia requested. “I do not completely trust anyone in this Corporation. No one. Not even you. But there are some levels of trust I can vest in certain people. This is a very sensitive case. I am not convinced we have flushed out all the spies that have infiltrated us. Electronic messages can be traced. I cannot risk that. The package being delivered to you has been sent to six different addresses before getting to your house. There’s a finger print and pupil scanner attached to the package which gives ONLY YOU the clearance to access it. Any other form of intrusion will trigger the automatic self-destruct option. These are hard times my dear. Let’s work with it. Good night” Sophia heard her door bell ring. Always on time. She opened the door, signed the delivery form and got the package from the dispatch rider. She went to the backyard and opened the door to a thatched hut. She usually came in here when she needed to think. She was sure no wires were run here. She opened the package. I woke up startled. I did not know how long I had been out. I surveyed my environment. I was in a very large room. It was spacious and beautifully decorated. I wondered how I got there. I got up from the bed and my feet fell into very comfortable loafers. I walked to the door and opened it. There was a small passage in front of me after which was a spiral stairwell. I looked down at the sitting room. Luxurious chairs of exquisite taste. There was a huge plasma television on the wall. The walls were decorated by beautiful paintings and work of art. A transparent chandelier hung from the ceiling. I walked down the steps slowly taking in the sights. My stomach rumbled. I was very hungry. I took the remote control and put on the television. A documentary channel was showing. Just then the door opened and Sophia entered. She smiled at me. I was in shock. I remembered that she was the last person I was with before I found myself here. “Sean, we need to have a small talk.” She said. I knew there was no point arguing with her or making any form of trouble. I sat down and listened to everything she had to say. Bruno drove into a heavily guarded compound. He wound down the window at the gate and showed his ID to the military officer. They nodded to each other, the barricade was cleared and he was allowed entry into the Fortress. He took the elevator to the third floor. He got out and took the corridor to his right. There were doors left and right. He got to room 125 and surveyed the door. He brought out a special UV torch and scanned the door knob. He was looking for finger prints. They were none. He removed a card from his wallet and slipped it into a slot in the key hole. The light changed from red to green and the door clicked. He got a handkerchief from his pocket and turned the door knob. He stepped inside. All of a sudden, he felt he was not alone. His instincts were never wrong. He brought out his pistol and became very alert. He walked slowly to the center of the room. He did not see the movement on time. There was a gunshot. He fell on the floor in a loud thud. His head banged and he felt himself drowsing away. A tall figure stood in front of him. He pointed a gun at Bruno and removed his mask. “Where is the girl?” the man asked softly. Bruno winced. He tried to get up but the man put his feet on his chest and corked his gun. He wore a very angry smile. “I am going to ask only one more time. Where is Eva?” Without warning, Bruno kicked the other leg of his attacker while bending to his right just in time to avoid the bullet from him. The man fell, hitting his head on the only couch in the room and his gun falling out of his hand to the further side of the room. He got up and ran towards Bruno, trying to head butt him on the stomach. He caught Bruno on the rib with his forehead, sending them both spiraling into the center table. Bruno was on the ground writhing in pain. The tall attacker got up and headed for the gun. He picked it and turned to face Bruno. Bruno was no longer on the ground. He turned to look for Bruno but he seemed to have disappeared into thin air. He moved towards the door. He was alert, holding the gun by his face and watching for any sign of Bruno. He heard a sound from the other side of the room. He walked slowly to the place the sound came from. He found nothing. He heard a gun cork. He turned. That was his last moment alive. Bruno shot him from close range, the bullet piercing his forehead. He fell down. Dead. Bruno pushed a shelf of books away from the way and tapped the wall twice. A secret, transparent keypad materialized. He pressed some numbers and the stone wall opened inwards. Eva was in a chair, drugged. She was in deep sleep. His orders were simple. Get her to the mansion. He got her on his shoulders and left the fortress.
26 Oct 2014 | 03:08
Episode 11 Detective Ahmed opened his small gate and entered his house. He was wearing a Manchester United Jersey and joggers. He was sweating lightly as he had just finished a 40minute jog. This had been the psychologist’s prescription as a way to get some of his memories back. It had been four days since he was discharged from the hospital. He was angry for his inability to recall events from the past five weeks. He had a terrible feeling that it was not as a result of the accident as the doctors were trying to make him believe. They told him he was suffering from partial amnesia. What bugged him most was the fact that it was only five weeks of memory loss he suffered. Why not more? Why not total amnesia? He was not satisfied with the mere fact that his past five weeks were blank. No matter how hard he tried to recollect, he simply did not find any headway. This to him was more annoying than being alive. The jogging cleared his head. Made him think. He sat down on his long couch and closed his eyes. He felt good. He was getting back in shape and he was feeling alive again. He was almost drifting into sleep when his phone beeped. It was a text message. He did not know the number. “We want to thank everyone who was present at the burial of our beloved sister, friend, aunty and daughter Miss Mercy Etiebet. May God continue to guide and protect you and your family. Thank you. Felix Etiebet for the family.” He could not believe his eyes. He read the message again. His own Agent Mercy? She was in an undercover assignment. He spoke to her a few days ago. What was happening? He called his Boss. She did not pick. He was very distressed. What was the cause of death? What other thing happened in his absence? He had to find out. He had a quick shower and change of clothes. He got his keys and got into his black Toyota Corolla. He was going to the office. He needed answers and he had to find out. His instincts were never wrong and he had a very strong feeling that something was just not right. A ‘red cab’ taxi was parked two houses away from Ahmed’s residence. Brenda and Iyke were on duty this time. They had watched him every day since his discharge from the hospital. They always came in different cars to avoid suspicion and never parked at the same spot twice. Ahmed’s whole house had been bugged. Every sound coming from his house could be heard. His phones were bugged too. They listened in on every conversation and saw every text message and email. They knew when he got the condolence text message. They were supposed to keep an eye on him and report anything unusual to Shina. They were aware that he tried to reach his Boss but was not successful. So when he got in his car and drove off, they followed him making sure they were far behind not to be noticed and close enough to monitor him. When Ahmed slowed down and turned to enter his office at Osborne Foreshore Ikoyi, the red cab sped off, the two agents inside acting out a heated discussion at the back while the driver acted uninterested. Ahmed did not suspect a thing. When they got on Third Mainland Bridge, Iyke called Shina and informed him about all the things that happened that evening. Ahmed was at his office on a Sunday and was acting weird. He was also freaked out by the news of his ward’s death. Shina called Ambrose. Ambrose did not pick. He sent an encrypted text: “The mouse is in the hole. Your move.” Ahmed put on his computer. He entered his password and another window opened. He typed his special code and was granted access. He clicked on Agent Mercy’s profile. A red branded mark appeared on her profile “DEACTIVATED”. He could not believe his eyes. He clicked on the cause of death. He saw his own report on the page. The picture of the bullet and the finger print reports submitted by Tunde. All that information was too much for him to handle. He quickly shut down his computer and rested his head on the table. He was not emotionally and mentally ready for this. He got his keys and left the building. He promised himself he was going to get to the b0ttom of this early Monday morning. He got in his car and headed home. Ambrose was at a bar drinking when Shina was calling. He was not in the mood for any work. He just wanted to drink, and drink and get a babe and go home. So he ignored the calls. He was already on his third bottle of beer and already eyeing a dark skinned plump girl when the text got in. He opened the message, it was encrypted. He decoded it and read the content. He was fuming. His fun had been cut short. He exited the message and his phone reset itself to factory settings. He was prepared for this. He had his plans already mapped out. The file under his pillow had given him just one simple message: “Be prepared to wipe out the Intelligence Operation”. Since then he had always carried his kit in the trunk of his car. And now, the time had come. It was his time to move. He left the bar and got to his car. He drove to Bar Beach and parked. The ‘rude boys’charged him 200naira as parking fee. He paid 500. He changed into his full black ninja costume and wore a hat. He reversed and faced the freeway heading towards The Intelligence Operations Head Quarters in Osbourne. He parked five minutes away from the entrance of the office. He got out his briefcase and crossed the road. He walked to a restaurant that stood directly opposite the Intelligence headquarters. There was a building undergoing construction. He took the steps to the 6th floor of the unfinished building and placed his briefcase on the floor beside him. He got out his binoculars and scanned the Intelligence Premises. There was a guard just outside the gate. He was not armed and was half asleep. Easy to take out. There was an armed guard parading the open space just inside the premises. He would be the tricky one. He noticed that the armed guard went out of sight for 15seconds before appearing again. He was probably on patrol, checking out the other parts of the open space. The guard spent another 50 seconds before he was out of sight again. He turned on the thermal view of the binoculars. He scanned the whole three floors of the building. Not a single soul was in. It was going to be an easy job. He took off his black ninja costume and wore a tight black shirt, black jeans and black gloves. His army boots were still on. He reset his stop watch. He calculated his movements carefully. Once the guard went out of sight he initiated his stop watch. He got off the 6th floor of the uncompleted building and walked quickly down the steps. He crossed the road. 15 seconds gone. The guard was now in the compound. He waited and watched his stop watch. After 50 seconds, he moved fast. He walked in the shadows till he got to the sleeping guard outside. He put his hands around the guard’s head and snapped. There wasn’t a sound. The guard was dead. 10seconds. He carefully dragged the guard’s body to the side of the building and put him in a sitting position. 55 seconds. He made it back to the gate in time to see the armed guard moving to the other part of the compound. He opened the gate silently and stepped in. He hid in the shadows, following the route he had already memorized from the plan of the building he already had. He got to the server room and entered inside. He inserted a USB drive and copied all the information according to Tawo’s instruction. He removed it and put another USB drive. He left that USB inside the main server. It contained a deadly virus. He left the server room and went upstairs to Ahmed’s office. He opened his computer and yanked out the hard drive. He put it in his sling bag. It was time to evacuate. His stopwatch read 20 seconds. The guard was still in the open space. He had to wait 10 more seconds. He was relaxed and calm. 10, 9, 8… He was counting. Suddenly an alarm went off in the server room. And there was only one entrance! He had no weapons! He heard footsteps. He backed himself up on the wall. There was nothing he could do. Once the guard turned he would see him. The armed guard saw him and corked his rifle. “Put your hands up. Who are you?” He said looking at Ambrose suspiciously, especially his black gloves. “I am the new IT person. I was just leaving.” Ambrose said. “Show me your ID card!” the guard yelled. “It’s in my bag. Can I get it?” Ambrose asked “Okay. But don’t try anything funny.” He said pointing the gun threateningly at Ambrose. Ambrose took off the sling bag and pretended to search for his ID. Suddenly he threw the bag at the guard’s face, at the same time moving very quickly to the side. The bag hit the guard’s face as he screamed and shot at Ambrose. Ambrose moved away just in time to avoid the shot. The gunshot pierced the night air. Ambrose was fast. He moved very fast behind the guard and kicked his ball5 from behind. The guard dropped his gun as the pain tore through his whole body. Ambrose kicked the gun away from him and twisted the guard’s neck. He dragged the guard behind to the back and left him there, his gun on his body. He picked up his sling bag, confirmed the contents and hung it on his neck. He got out of the compound, shut the gate behind him and walked to the other side of the road. He got to his car and called Tawo. He picked at the first ring. “I’m done. Pick the exhibits at the mansion.” He pulled off his gloves and started the ignition. As he got onto the expressway he began to whistle “Oh happy day…”.
26 Oct 2014 | 11:59
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”: “This is code Amber. Gather all Super Agents and the Tactics team at the Watch Tower. We meet at 21:00 hours.” – Major General. “This would only hurt just a little.” – Sophia. “Welcome agents. Our organization has been infiltrated. This has never happened before. The threat has been nullified. However, this is to warn you that you should be on the alert now than ever before. There could be others like her as there is also a more desperate detective who wants to get behind the situation. Temporary steps have been taken. Be on the lookout. As from now, you will resume normal jobs at various offices assigned to you. You will find a file under your pillows when you get home. You would be contacted if we need you. That will be all. Super Agents wait behind.” – Major General. “I am coming home. Okay. I am fine. See you soon.” – Detective Ahmed “How may I help you Mr. Ahmed?” – Tawo “Please doctor, where am I? Where are my phones? How long have I been here?” – Detective Ahmed “You have been poking your nose into business that is bigger than you. The crash should have killed you. You are lucky to be alive. Ï just injected you with a form of Amnesia virus. When you wake up you will lose all memory of the past five weeks. I was never here. Good day Ahmed.” – Tawo “I’m done. Your turn to move.” – Tawo “Sean, we need to have a small talk” – Sophia “I am going to ask only one more time. Where is Eva?” – Thug “The mouse is in the hole. Your move.” – Shina “Put your hands up. Who are you? Show me your ID card!” – Guard “It’s in my bag. Can I get it?” – Ambrose “I’m done. Pick the exhibits at the mansion.” – Ambrose “Evening General.” - Sophia “Initiate Operation Eva” – Major General. AND NOW. Episode 12 He gave his opponent a ‘close line’ and his opponent fell down, knocked out. He looked at the crowd and waved his hand before his eyes. The fans shouted, “You can’t see me!!!” He picked up his opponent and launched his trade mark finishing move. His opponent lay on the floor of ring, dazed. Not moving. No one was yet to survive this deadly finishing move. The champion went on top of his opponent and raised the left leg. The referee rushed to their side, and began hitting the ring floor: “One. Two. Three!!!” and the bell rang. John Cena had just defeated The Undertaker to retain his crown as the WWE Champion. He crawled away from the body of his opponent, stood by the ring side and posed for his fans. They were chanting his name and raising placards which had boldly inscribed on them, “WE LOVE YOU JOHN” “YOU CAN’T SEE ME” “JOHN CENA, SIMPLY THE BEST.” Sean was delighted. He had been counting with the referee and jumped when John Cena won. He loved wrestling. John Cena was his Idol. What made it more special for him was that The Undertaker had previously defeated John Cena during Royal Rumble when they were the last two people in the ring. There had been a cheat when John Cena’s rivals came into the ring and hit him with an iron chair. This gave the Undertaker an advantage which gave him the victory. It was payback time. He was still basking in the euphoria of this victory when there was a knock on his door. He turned down the volume of the plasma television on the wall and listened again. The knock came again. “The door is open.” Sean said as he half guessed who it was. “I need some help with the door please.” A female voice replied. It was Sophia as he suspected. He got up and opened the door allowing her to come in with the tray she had in hand. She dropped the tray on the small bedside table and opened the contents of the covered china glass plates. He closed the door and joined her on the bed keeping considerable distance. “I brought dinner Sean. Let’s eat.” Sophia said. It was more of a command than a request. They dug into the Amala and Efo riro eating the Amala from one huge plate and also the Efo riro from another huge bowl. After the meal, they took turns washing hands in the sink in Sean’s bathroom. Sophia went first. While Sean was washing, she called someone to bring them refreshments. Sean broke the silence. “How did you know that I like efo riro and amala?” He asked smiling. “We know everything about you. We have been watching you for quite a while. Have you read the files I gave to you?” She asked. “Yes I finished reading last night.” He answered. “So you know what you are in for?” She queried. “Do I have a choice?” He replied. “There is actually a choice. You can walk out that door and call the police. You will not be alive to finish and drop the call. And they will never find your body” Sophia said with a deadly smile. Sean was scared but did not show it. He had somehow gotten tougher by all the events that had happened to him and eventually landed him here. His next statement was a mistake. “I know I am supposed to be scared right now. But the funny thing is, I am not.” Sean boasted. Sophia shined her pretty teeth. “No one is asking you to be afraid boy. You see in …” Sophia began but was interrupted by a knock on the door. A young man came in with a bucket containing a bottle of McDowells, two bottles of Vodka and many cans of Power Horse. He had ice in a smaller bucket. He served the contents and took away the tray with the plates of food. He was leaving and almost at the door when, Sophia called him back. “Thomas.” “Yes ma’am” He replied. In one very quick motion, she pulled her pants (Trousers) up at the ankles and brought out a small gold embroidered pistol. From her sitting position, five meters from where he stood she pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. Blood splattered on the wall behind him as he fell down in one heap, the tray falling from his hands. He was breathing softly and was in pains. He groaned. Sophia got up, walked to the body and stood in front of Thomas, looking at him. She aimed at his heart and shot him again. He was dead. Sean was shocked. He had already peed on himself. He was scared and afraid. He was shaking visibly. Sophia slowly put her gun back in the holster strapped to her ankle and covered it up with her pants. She smiled very warmly at Sean. “Lesson number one: Be Ruthless. Be very very ruthless. Be as gentle as a dove and as dangerous as a shark. Stop shaking and clean up this mess. You have two hours to scrub this room clean and get rid of the body. Chop it into pieces and feed it to the dogs in the fortress. Bring the head to me. See you at 11pm.” Sophia finished and walked out of the room. Sean was speechless. Eva woke up in a very strange room. She got up slowly from the bed as she squinted at the lights that were almost blinding her. Tzhe room was painted in white. Everything was white and clean. The sheets, the bed, the curtains, and the walls were all white. Was she dead and in heaven? She thought to herself. There was a man sitting a few meters away from her, legs crossed, and watching her. He was dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a black tie. He had slippers on. What kind of a bush man is this one? She thought. The man was incredibly handsome though. She sat upright on the bed. She yawned. “Hello Eva.” Shina greeted “Where am I? Who are you?” What’s happening?” Eva asked. “You have been here for two days. My name is Shina. You are at The Mansion.” Shina replied. “A lady took me from the Dinner and Award party. I want to speak with her. Please.” Eva begged. “She’s dead.” Shina replied and got up. Eva moved into her bed, folded her arms around her legs and looked scared. What was happening? She thought to herself. She was promised a safe return by the woman who took her away. Now she is dead? He must be bluffing. As she thought about all these, she began to recall the events of that evening. She remembered the woman in the bathroom at the Hall and how she got out. She remembered stopping at Law School by the Lagoon. Then she gasped. Everything was coming back to her now. She remembered how Shina had ordered everyone to come down and how the agent was killed. She remembered how her body was dumped in the lagoon. These people were not jokers. Her heart began to beat fast. Shina walked towards her and sat at the edge of the bed. He was calm. He smiled. “Beauty was a double agent. She was a spy. I had to take her out. And just so you know, I was glad to. This is a huge corporation and we will not allow anyone to foil its operations. If I got an order to kill you Eva, you would be dead. I do not know what The General has planned for you, but I am sure you mean a lot to him for him to use his Lieutenants in missions as these. Everything you need has been provided for. You have everything you might need in the wardrobe. We got you new clothes, shoes and underwear from your favorite store, Kinky Women. We also got you a pack of Tampon because we know your period is starting tomorrow. Your special cream, soap and shaver have also been provided for. If there’s anything else you need, just dial *345# for the list agents at your command and their designations.” Shina said. “How do you know all these things?” Eva asked. She was shocked and inwardly impressed. “We know everything about you Eva. We do our homework well.” Shina replied. “But I have to be at work. My mother would be worried sick because I see her every day. I have a fiancé. He would have started a search party by now.” Eva said. “Your Boss received your letter of resignation last night. Your fiancé is out of the country for 4 months. He got a promotion at the Dinner Ceremony and resumed immediately. Your mother is safe and taken care of. She has been getting text messages from you and your fiancé telling her not to worry and that both of you are together. We have your phone. We hacked into Kunle’s phone. Not a big deal. We have made him so busy; he doesn’t even have time to suspect a thing. Your mother’s phone is controlled too. We interrupt her outgoing and incoming calls to any suspected number. We are everywhere.”Shina replied. Eva was shocked. She wanted to speak but Shina asked her to be quiet. He brought out his phone and dialed a number. It rang once and the line clicked. Someone was on the other line. Shina put the phone on speaker. “Francis, what’s the target’s status?” Shina asked. “She’s preparing Aditan soup in the kitchen. Wearing a long blue dress over an Ankara wrapper. She just finished her daily devotional. She is singing and cooking in the kitchen.” Francis replied. “I need visual confirmation. Initiate video.” Shina commanded. Shina placed his phone on the bed in front of Eva as she watched the camera zoom in on her mother. She was convinced beyond doubt. She was looking happy and was dancing at intervals while slicing the Aditan leaves. Tears welled in her eyes. Shina grabbed the phone and spoke to Francis. “Stay alert, Francis. Good job.” “Oga mi, I want some real action. This woman is boring. Can I go in and kill her? I really…” Francis was still speaking when Shina cut him off. He smiled at Eva. “Please I would do anything you want. He should not harm my mother.” Eva sobbed. “He won’t touch your mother. No one will. As long as you behave yourself, everything will be fine.” Shina assured her. He held her right shoulder and shook her a little. “Can I speak with her? Please?” Eva begged. “We have arranged for you to visit her tonight and spend the night with her. You can convince her you are travelling or anything. Just let her know you won’t be seeing her in a long while. Don’t try anything funny sweety. We will take you out. Trust me. We have back up plans just in case you try anything funny. I won’t think twice about killing your mother and leaving you in the hands of Francis. He loves dead pretty women.” Shina said, getting up from the bed. “Thank you so much.” Eva replied. Shina ignored her. He looked around the room, wore his slippers and grabbed his ‘panama ‘cap from the chair he was sitting on. He faced her. She was still sobbing. She will get over it, he told himself. “If you need me for anything, just press and hold 0. It’s my speed dial number.” Eva nodded. He was halfway across the room when he turned. “One more thing. Breakfast is at 8am. Someone would like to meet you.” He looked at his wrist watch and continued, “You have less than two hours. She hates to be kept waiting.” He walked out and shut the door. Detective Ahmed was woken up by a very loud bang in his compound. It sounded like a gunshot. His dogs were barking frantically and all of a sudden went quiet. He was automatically alert and reached under the bed to get his pistol. At the same time, his right hand traced the wall above him and found the light switch. He turned it on. There was a huge white paper on his door with a message written in red ink: “BE CAREFUL AHMED. YOU WILL NOT BE WARNED AGAIN.” He got up and inspected the ink. It was blood. He checked the door. It was not forced. It had been opened from the outside. He got out of his room and went to the sitting room. He turned on the lights. The same message was on the left wall of his sitting room. He smiled. He went outside and found his two dogs dead. He was angry. He knelt beside his best friend, Jimmy. The dog had been with him for 5 years. It was his best friend. He got up. His eyes were red. These guys had just messed with the wrong cop. He paced for a while, circling his dead dogs. He moved them beside each other, sat down on the floor beside his them in a yoga position and closed his eyes. He put his hands on his laps and said to himself. “THIS IS WAR
27 Oct 2014 | 03:24
Episode 13 Ahmed stayed up in his yoga posture for about 50 minutes. He sat deep in thought and seriously meditating. He thought about the trend of events that had happened to him lately. He had been hospitalized, there was the death of his protégé Agent Mercy, there was the attack and theft at the office, and now his dogs had been killed. The first conclusion that came to him was that the incidences were related, most probably carried out by the same group of people. He marveled at the organized way in which the actions were perpetrated. What did his dogs do to deserve their fate? He decided it was time for action. No more lying down and taking hits. He needed to be a step closer. He opened his eyes. His usually white clear eyes were now red and blood shot. He was angry. Very angry. He got up and went into his room. He searched his drawer and got out a torch and a plier. He took them with him to the front of his compound where his electricity meter was connected. He pulled down the lever on the meter to shut out the current. All electricity in his compound went off. With his torch, he carefully traced the cables that supplied current from the meter into the main house. He found them and cut them with the plier. He turned the lever on the meter back on. The security lights around his compound came on. His house was dark. He had a feeling that whoever had been causing him all this trouble somehow had access to his home. With his torch switched on, he found his way to his bed, sitting at the edge. He looked round his room, pointing his torch at every corner, and studying every nook and cranny for anything suspicious. When he was satisfied, he picked his phone and dialed the number of the only person he trusted; his uncle, Retired Colonel Giwa Haruna. Colonel Giwa Haruna was the younger brother to Ahmed’s father. He took care of Ahmed when he lost his father at age 4. He took care of Ahmed up until military school. They had only seen each other twice in the past three years. The Colonel was the complete detective during his active days. Complete in every sense of the word. He was physically well built. He was 6ft.5inches tall, had broad shoulders, bulging muscles, and a handsome face. He was vast in English, Igbo and Yoruba. He also spoke French and German at an above average level. He was the smartest man on the force. His ability to decipher codes, retrieve destroyed evidence, and sift clues from debris made him the most respected agent in the field. He had a reputation for hard work and never left any stone unturned in his bid to solve a case. He was famous for his famous bust of the Marine Mafia and Drug Cartel which had been terrorizing and killing police officers for over 8 years. He went undercover and infiltrated the Cartel. He was put to various tests. He faked the deaths of police officers and transportation of guns and hard drugs to rise to the level of Trusted Knight. There were only two people who had this position and they protected the King of the cartel. For years no one heard about the Colonel until one day he brought the Cartel to the cleaners. He single handedly destroyed the organization. He retired seven months after the operation at the age of 45. No one knew what he looked like after undergoing facial reconstruction. He had many dark organizations on his tail. He retired into a deep village in Ibadan and had been living peacefully since. He had made many enemies. He had to cool off. Two years had passed without incidence. Only six people had his number. The person calling him had to be family. The Colonel picked Ahmed’s call at the second ring. “Hello.” A hoarse voice spoke from the background “Uncle, it’s me.” Ahmed replied. “Son! It’s been a while. How are you?” The colonel asked “Hello Uncle. There is something going on I do not understand.” Ahmed replied. “What is the matter son? You sound very worried.” The colonel replied. Ahmed could visualize the frown on the colonel’s face as he spoke the words. “Uncle, you know that I only call you when situations are out of hand. I am sure you can vouch for me that there is hardly a situation I cannot handle. However, this is beyond me. Believe me when I say you would be very interested.” Ahmed replied. There was a pause at the other end of the line. “Hmmm. You have my attention. What do you need?” The Colonel said. “I need your help Uncle. I know you are retired but this is beyond me. And I think it started when you were in office.” Ahmed said “What started? How do you need my help? Come out with it son.” The colonel said hurriedly and impatiently. “Uncle, we need to talk about this. Face to face. I can be at the villa in 3hours.” Ahmed said. “No. Don’t come. I will. I haven’t been out of this place in three weeks. I need the journey. I will be with you in two hours son.” The Colonel replied. “Thank you Uncle. Please be careful.” Ahmed said. “I may be retired son, but I am still an agent. Old soldier never die!” They both laughed at his joke. After exchanging pleasantries and asking about loved ones, the colonel was about to hang up when Ahmed said “One more thing Uncle. Mercy is dead.” He could feel the tension. He imagined his Uncle’s stony face all soft at hearing the news. Ahmed had never seen him shed a tear. He always held it back. After a few seconds, the Colonel replied: “I will see you in 2 hours son.” He hung up. Directly to the right of Ahmed’s compound, there was a brown painted bungalow which had just recently been completed. Bruno and Marshal sat opposite each other in the living room by the door, with a wooden table in between them. There were earphones in Bruno’s ears. He was listening in on the phone call Ahmed was making. There were various boxes scattered on the floor, some were open while the rest were locked. The only other piece of furniture was a huge mattress which was placed on the ground in the middle of the room. Marshal was cleaning his gun and settling it into a briefcase. He left Bruno on the chair and carried a small gallon containing the remaining goat blood he had used to write the inscriptions on the huge white papers. He poured the contents in the toilet, flushed and covered the gallon. He dropped it on the floor and resumed his position opposite Bruno, awaiting his orders. A few days earlier, Detective Ahmed was in his office trying to decipher the status of Agent Mercy, when Bruno and Marshal entered his compound. They had gotten a copy of his keys and entered the house with ease. Bruno marked the spots while Marshal planted the bugs. Tiny powerful micro cameras, which were the size of a Coke bottle cork. They were designed lemon green, the same color with which the rooms were painted. There were two in his bedroom, four in his sitting room, and one each in his bathroom, toilet, kitchen and store. After assessing the work and confirming the stealth settings, they exited his house. It did not take 20 minutes. The Ghosts Corporation had previously bought and renovated the bungalow beside the detective’s compound. They were only waiting for the right time to move in. Bruno brought out the keys and entered the bungalow, with Marshal following just behind. There was just a bed and a table with two chairs. That was all they would need. They set up the devices and Bruno left Marshal in the bungalow. Marshal was to watch Ahmed for two days before they made their move. He could take care of himself. At 6pm on the night of the scare, Bruno took a taxi into the detective’s estate while Ahmed was at work. He brought the guns and the blood that would be used for the job. Marshal woke up when the door opened and went immediately back to sleep when he saw it was Bruno. 10pm. Bruno woke Marshal. Marshal carried his heavy frame out of the bed and sat on the free chair opposite Bruno. Bruno had already set up the small palm top screen which had four different views. The bedroom, sitting room, bathroom and toilet. They went over how the operation was to be done for the third time, covering all possibilities and loop holes. Bruno gave Marshal the artillery, while he took the huge white paper and spread it on the floor. He scribbled a message on three of the papers. At 12:17am they played cards over a light bottle of Vodka. Bruno was letting Marshal win the games and the bets were getting heavy. That was his strategy. Marshal always performed excellently when he was in a fantastic mood. Bruno increased the bet to 5000 naira per game. Bruno lost the next four games. Deliberately. Marshal did not suspect a thing. All the while they were watching Ahmed sleep in the palm top monitor on the table. At 3am, Marshal made his move. He sneaked to the front of Ahmed’s gate and watched for any movement within the premises. There was nothing. He threw his knapsack over the gate into the compound and jumped over the short gate. Gun in hand he moved slowly and stealthily towards the front door. He got to the door, kept his gun inside his belt and entered with his spare key, shutting the door behind him noiselessly. He checked the countdown timer on his left wrist. He had four minutes and fifteen seconds more. He was already behind schedule. He opened his bag in the sitting room and pulled out one of the huge papers. There was a small white earpiece hanging in his ear. Bruno was watching him from the bungalow and directing him. He was done in 90 seconds, hanging the two papers in the sitting room. The tricky part was the bedroom where Ahmed was lying down, asleep. Bruno had watched him for close to an hour. He decided that they could enter. Marshal tip toed into the bedroom and opened the door slightly, just enough for him to squeeze through. As he was about to go in, Bruno spoke into his ears “Hold on. Don’t go in yet. He is stirring.” Ahmed turned in his bed and changed his position. He was now sleeping with his back to the door. After 26 seconds, Bruno said, “Go in now. And please, hurry!” Marshal entered the room and pasted the white paper with the inscription on the door. He was done in less than 20 seconds. He didn’t bother to lock the bedroom door behind him. He checked his wrist. 1min 59ecs left. He picked his knapsack and zipped it as he walked out of the sitting room. He closed the door shut and was locking the door when he heard the wicked snarls of two huge Rottweilers. He was taken aback. He left the door and backed up on it as the bigger of the two dogs came towards it. They were angry and snarling, saliva dripping from their mouths. “I have a situation here Bruno. Two dogs. What do I do?” Marshal said through clenched teeth. His hand was going to his gun. “I can see. Take them out. Use your silencer…” Bruno was saying but did not finish. Marshal was trying to locate his silencer from the knapsack when the huge dog came at him. He turned just in time and shot the dog squarely in the face. There was a loud bang. It fell to the ground. The other dog began to bark as loud as it could. Marshal had gotten his silencer now. He shot the second dog. There was no sound. “Shiiiittt! He is awake. Get out of there, now!!!!” Bruno said. Marshal ran to the gate and escaped just in time. He took a back entrance to the bungalow and sat on the bed panting. His hands were bleeding. He went to the bathroom, washed off the blood and came to sit with Bruno. Bruno looked at him and nodded. Marshal nodded back. They both sat down to watch as Ahmed paced, sat beside his dogs and after a long time went to his room. They saw him get some items from his drawer and go to his electric meter. A few seconds later, they could not see anything anymore. The screen went blank. Bruno was pissed. “Shiitt!!!” He cursed. He buried his heads in his hands. Suddenly an idea occurred to him. He brought out a small device, turned it on and adjusted a knob by the side. After a while he got the correct frequency and smiled. Voices came on from the device. One of the voices was Ahmed’s. He was making a call. He quickly called Tawo. “Hello” Tawo answered with a very alert voice. Music was playing softly in the background. “Trace Ahmed’s call. It’s a code 11” Bruno said. Bruno, Marshal and Tawo listened to Ahmed’s conversation with the Colonel till the very end. When Ahmed dropped the call. Bruno asked, “Did you get the location?” Bruno asked. “Positive. Well done, Bruno. I’ll take it from here.” Tawo said. Tawo called Shina. “The Colonel has finally come out of hiding. Dispatch some of your guys at Berger and I’ll be at the other entry point to Lagos. Ready some of your best buggers. The Colonel is coming to town.” To be continued…
27 Oct 2014 | 07:27
Dis ȋ̝̊̅‎​§ Serious o
27 Oct 2014 | 08:51
active scene
27 Oct 2014 | 09:23
Episode 14 Eva stepped out of her room at a few minutes to eight. She looked very pretty and sweet. She wore a short red flowered gown which stopped just above her knees. Below that was a tight ash colored jegins which accentuated her hips and brought out her bum. She looked good. She walked into the sitting room and went left towards the dinning. Shina was already seated and he beckoned her to come and sit beside her. There were two other men with stern looking faces. She sat at the table and joined the others as they waited for Sophia to arrive. She came in at exactly 8am, looking fresh as usual. She wore a pink silk shirt with stopped just after her elbows. She was in a blue bum short jean. Her ars3 was out of this world. Eva found herself staring at Sophia’s hips all the way from the door to the dining table. Sophia got to her chair and Shina immediately got up. The other two guys got up too. Eva joined them. They waited for Sophia to sit first, after which the rest followed suit. Each person had his favorite meal already prepared and covered in front of him. Sophia said a very short prayer and opened the cover to her plate. Every other person did the same. Eva concluded that they all had to do what Sophia did. Eva was amazed at what she had in front of her. She had indomie in her plate. Not just any kind of indomie but her favorite kind. It was garnished with diced carrots, green pepper, prawns and best of all two huge snails. She looked at Shina with a wide smile on her face. Shina nodded back at her as if to say “We know EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU DEAR”. Sophia had a small grin on her face too. “Let’s eat” Sophia commanded. Eva could not wait. Colonel Giwa Haruna got out of his house and walked to his garage. He had previously given his driver a key and asked him to wash the red Murano jeep, informing him that he should get ready to drive him to Lagos. He was ready in record time wearing a body hugging black t-shirt and white loafers. He added a brown ‘kangor’ cap to the mix and was ready to go. His driver started the ignition as the Colonel approached the car. He got into the back seat. “Let’s go” He ordered his driver. As the driver shifted the gear to reverse and began to move the car, the colonel stopped him. “Stop the car James.” He said. James stopped. “Drive back into the garage.” The colonel commanded. James obeyed. When James was back in the garage the Colonel opened the door and got out of the jeep. He went inside the house, without saying a word to James. In ten minutes he was out. He had changed his clothes. He was now wearing a pure white linen attire, with matching trousers. He still retained his ‘kangor’ cap and loafers. He had a key in hand. He walked to another car, a black 2003 Honda Accord and opened the door. “I changed my mind. I will drive myself. You can take the rest of the day off. I will call you when I get back.” He said to a bewildered James. “Okay sir. Thank you sir.” was all James could say. James watched his ‘Oga’ drive out of the villa and into the dirt road that led out of the premises. He picked his phone, pressed and held 0 on his phone. “He decided to drive himself. I had planted the tracker in the car he asked me to wash. He is currently driving a black Honda Accord with plates AA106SMK. It is a very ordinary and plain car. His rims are alloy and gold plated. He just left.” James said to the mouthpiece. “Where is he likely to pass through? Challenge or Sango?” Tawo asked. “Sir, I cannot really say. His actions this morning took me completely unawares.” James said. “Ok Agent James. Keep this up.” Tawo said and hung up. Tawo had been waiting a long time to take out the Colonel. Tawo hated him because he was the only one whom he could not figure out. The Colonel was the General’s ward in military school and loved him like a younger brother. That was the only reason he was still alive. Moreover, the Colonel had done The Ghost Corporation a huge favor by taking down a huge rival, The Marine Mafia and Drug Cartel. The Cartel was loud and everywhere and raking up the profits. They blocked business for The Ghosts Corporation who preferred to operate in the shadows. The General’s gift to the Colonel for his effort was his life. However, the General made sure that the Colonel was being watched at close range. They had place over fifteen different agents around him in the past three years. Cooks, drivers, fiancées, hookers, personal assistants, and even family. They knew where he lived. They knew when he had facial reconstruction. They knew everything about him. It was their job to know. Just in case a day like this came. And that day had finally arrived. Tawo was so happy his father, the General had entrusted him with this operation. He had also warned him in clear terms. “DO NOT ENGAGE TARGET.” Tawo was a very patient agent. He had a strong feeling that a day would come when he would finally conquer a worthy opponent. Even though he could not still do anything now, he was happy that the Colonel was finally making a move. A very silly move. He had initiated and planned the ‘scare’ at Ahmed’s residence hoping that Ahmed would contact his beloved Uncle. All was going according to plan. He went into his control room. There were three touch screen plasma monitors on the wall. Two trusted agents sat adjacent each other decrypting codes and aligning coordinates on keyboards connected wirelessly. ‘Where are we?’ Tawo asked. “We are currently monitoring the status of Iwo Road and Ring Road. We are watching other major areas Challenge, Sango and Apete. All lights are green at the moment sir.” One of the agents said. “The situation is dicey sir. He is driving a very common car and he is going to be hard to pick out.” The second agent said, zooming in on the images on the large screen. “Which satellite are you connected to?” Tawo asked looking closely at the screen. “The Saturn-U134 sir.” The agent replied. “Not good enough Ope. Merge the connection between Saturn –U134 and Mecury-00A.” Tawo said. The agent did as instructed. “Now, bridge them and merge their transitions. Use the WSPTA protocol to rewrite the imagery and log into all CCTVs, mobile phone and every fuccking device that has a lens and is in proximity. Launch a new search.” Tawo commanded. He watched intently as the agent obeyed his command, moving his hands on the keyboard in light speed and writing codes. After a few minutes a new clearer map appeared on the screen, different lines and route lined up the screen. Tawo nodded. “Parameters sir.” The agent asked. “Begin Ibadan, End Lagos. Data ID: Number plates. Content: AA106SMK. Database: Vehicle Registration. Unique Search: Plate Numbers.” Tawo spelled out. Ope entered all the details swiftly and a red button flickered atop the screen. A search sequence was initiated and the screen began to change in milliseconds. Images and images flashed on one section of the screen while the other screen had a small dot running around in all directions on the map. “Now all we have to do is wait.” Tawo said. Thirty minutes later, the screen stopped moving with a large rectangular box showing a message: “MATCH FOUND” “We have got a hit sir.” Ope announced, hitting a key on the keyboard. Tawo rolled his swivel chair beside agent Ope and watched as a green dot was moving slowly in the map. “Zoom in on that.” Tawo ordered. Ope zoomed in and they got the location of the Colonel. Tawo called Shina. “The Colonel is about to pass through Mowe. Set up your guys at the MFM area. This should be as easy as taking a pee.” Tawo said. Shina hung up. 45 minutes later a black OPMESA patrol Van was parked across the Lagos – Ibadan express way on the route coming into Lagos. The 3-lane road was now reduced to one as men in military uniforms were stopping and checking cars. Shina did not get down from the Van but had given directions for the plate number they needed. After a while the army officer doing the search radioed Shina that they had the car in view. Three cars away. Shina was excited. “Make sure he parks and do as instructed.” Shina radioed back. They motioned the black Honda Accord to stop. They directed it to pull over just behind the patrol van. The man knocked on the door. “Can you roll down your mirror?” The man asked. The mirror rolled down. A young lad who looked like he was in his early twenties was at the wheel. The Colonel was nowhere in the car. To be continued…
27 Oct 2014 | 13:31
Wow! D game ȋ̝̊̅‎​§ on
27 Oct 2014 | 14:44
Are you serious? This is awesome and unbelievable. Pls more grease to your elbow keep updating am enjoying it
27 Oct 2014 | 15:11
Oh my my!!!!! Dis story deserves multiple awards... Infact it shld made into a home video
27 Oct 2014 | 15:54
Episode 15 Two years ago after the Colonel had brought down the Marine Cartel, he was riding on his success. His name was on every islander’s lips. Criminals feared him. Mobs shook at his presence. He got a letter from Headquarters at the Silicon Place in Abuja, asking him to appear for a second debriefing and a possible promotion. Although no one knew this, he was overjoyed. People still saw him with his trademark straight face and no signs of flooding emotions. However deep inside, he was very excited. The Silicon Place was the highest command of hierarchy of the West African Union Intelligence Force. The Force was overhead by a group of seasoned spies, exceptional detectives with unbelievable IQs and soldiers who had fought in the fore of the 2015 West African War. He was shocked and delighted when he entered the Conference Room at the Silicon Place and saw that his mentor, The General was part of the board. After the debriefing, cross examination, and encouragement, he was dismissed and told he would be contacted. The General showed no sign of recognition and he felt bad. He was surprised however when later that evening, he opened the door to his hotel room and saw the General standing in his room, his back to the door. “Come in Giwa Haruna” The General said in an unfriendly tone, still backing him. The Colonel’s smile disappeared. “Good evening General. I thought this was supposed to be my room sir?” The Colonel asked. “It is your room. No one knows I am here. I’ll be quick.” The General said. He turned to face the Colonel and took of his glasses. “You did a good job with your last operation. No one thought you would pull it off. For that I am going to give you the best gift you could ever imagine. Your Life. Leave town. Go somewhere remote. Resign. It is for your own good. You have another option. You can ignore my advice. You won’t live to celebrate your birthday. Good day Colonel.” The General finished and walked out of the room. The Colonel was surprised and dumbfounded. He watched as the General left the room and shut the door behind him. This was hardly the man who he took like an elder brother. This was not the man who dotted on him all through his stay in Military School. Something had definitely gone wrong. He was not about to dig into the General’s past. He knew better. He did as the General commanded. From his experience on the force he knew better than to trust anyone, so he always took extra precautions. He always had plans A-Z just in case. He was aware that there were spies set up around him in his villa. He did not know who exactly the spies were but he was very sure at least one of the people around him, from domestic staff to Personal assistant was a spy. He shuffled his staff randomly without warning. It kept the number of spies reduced but did not totally eradicate them. He knew this, so he was always private. Always. He always stayed one step ahead. So right from the time he received Ahmed’s call, he became extra vigilant. He called one of his mechanics who ran interstate errands for him. “Wait for me at your shop. I will be there soon.” He said. He knew he was going with the black Honda. The black Honda was a brand new car that he had not used before now. He was saving it for a day he would need to get Watchers off his back. He knew there were eyes on him, but he has not had any cause to shake them off recently. Now that he did, he deliberately had his driver get the Jeep ready. He was not ready to make his movement known to anyone. He saw the alarmed look on the drivers face when he switched cars. He had suspected James for a while and his actions that morning sealed the coffin. He wanted to sack him immediately. But he knew that whoever planted him there would suspect that he knew about James and would probably plant someone else who would even be deadlier than James and that would take him sometime to figure out. So he decided not to sack him. He planned to give him a raise when he came back. This way he could monitor him closely, at least now he knew who his enemy was. When he got to the Redeemed camp, he picked the mechanic he called earlier. They did not stop the car. The Colonel moved very slowly allowing the man to jump in. He opened a lower compartment in the car and brought out a brown envelope. He handed it to the mechanic. “Did you bring your passport photograph as I texted you to?” The Colonel asked. “Yes Oga.” The mechanic replied. “Good. This is what you will do. You will drive this car like a normal human being from here to Ojota. Don’t drive the car like it’s your Danfo. Do not over speed. The envelope in your hand contains the particulars of this car. Everything is in your name. If any policeman harasses you, give them my number. Do you understand?” The Colonel asked. “I dey feel you baba.” The mechanic said nodding his head. The car was moving slowly at snail pace. “Good. When you get into Lagos, go to that Total filling station at Ojota and act like you want to buy fuel. Stay in the car. When the attendant is done fuelling the car, come out and create a scene. Make enough noise and demand to see the manager. He is tall, fair, has a moustache and is bald headed. He will ask you if you want to go with him to his office. Tell him you need to pee first. Don’t forget! You need to pee! He will show you the rest room, and then take you to his office. He will ask you for the thing and give you a small paper. Write your account number on that sheet of paper and the account name. DO NOT SAY A WORD. 100,000 naira will be credited to your account in two weeks. The manager will give you 40,000 for the trouble. Remember, do not say a word!” The Colonel finished, stapling the mechanic’s passport photograph on one of the papers. “Na the job be that, Oga mi?” The mechanic asked. “That’s all you have to do. After you get the money, you leave the premises then do whatever you like with the money and the car. If anyone asks you how you got the car, after today, tell them it was a gift from me. And if police gives you trouble give them my number.” The Colonel finished, stopping the car and getting out. The Colonel moved to the service lane of the road while the Mechanic got into the driver seat. He pressed the horn a few times and was so excited to own a new car. “Tuale!!!! Baba o!!! You are mouthed. Iyalaya!!! Won gbe leko yi se! Awon omo covenant ma ku. Olosho meta ati Ogidida!!! Lale yiii!!!!! Let’s go to Moscow!!! Baba o!!!” The Mechanic was saying and pressing his horn. “Hey!!!” The Colonel said bending over at the passenger window and showing him a finger. “From now till you leave the filling station, behave like a human being! Or else!!!! Am I clear?” The Colonel warned. “Oga mi, you clear pass pure water o. Olorun!!!” The Mechanic said. The Colonel frowned at him. “Sorry sir. I will totally ‘behafe’ myself.” He said and drove off. The Colonel stopped a Danfo and entered it. Shina approached the Black Honda. He could not believe his eyes. They had monitored the car all the way. This could not have happened. How did the Colonel get out? “Yes officer, what is happening here?” Shina asked the man who stopped the Black Honda. “Sir, I am guessing this car is stolen property. He says it was a gift and the number he gave is not going through.” The man replied. “What about his papers? His license? Are his documents complete?” Shina asked frowning. “Everything is perfect sir.” The man answered. “Olorun oba, Wahlai na dis kain tin na him dey vex me pass wahlai. Wetin be dis na? Which kain yawa be dis? I say dem give me gift, na offense? Mo ma bora sibi yi o.” Shina had a bug between his fingers. It was a very tiny pin that he would insert into the wrist of his target. It was the size of a rice grain. Even experts had a hard time figuring it out when it was inserted in a target’s body. He approached the Mechanic and spoke to him. “Sorry for taking your time sir. But next time, try and make sure that the number you have is always reachable. Other police men may not be this nice. Thank you for your time.” Shina finished, outstretching his hand. The mechanic took the hand and the shook. As their hands met, Shina inserted the bug in the mechanic’s wrist. The mechanic did not notice a thing. “Have a good day sir.” Shina said as the mechanic entered the car, “Thanks sir. Jabor lona fun mi jare. Olobe!” He said to the man who stopped him. He drove away. “Let’s pack up boys. Today’s done.” Shina said to the leader of the pack. He got into his own car and started the ignition. He picked his phone and called Tawo. “Target was not in the vehicle. He somehow maneuvered his way and we lost him. I put a tracker on his decoy. Trace it and have a man on him.” Ahmed was woken by a ringing bell. The bell rang only in his room and the sitting room. The ringing continued. He opened his front door and stood at the entrance. He stared for a long time at the person at the gate. The man at the gate was looking like a hippie. Dark shades, huge T-shirt, baggy jeans and white trainers. He wore a hood over his head. He looked like a mistake from a fashion book. He was waving at Ahmed beckoning him to come closer. Ahmed wasn’t scared. He just did not want another mugger. He felt his gun at his sides, covered by his pyjamas. After serious thought he approached the gate, all his senses alert. He was at the gate and looked at the man. He did not recognize him. “How can I help you?” Ahmed asked the man. The man pulled his dark shades a little low just above his nose and said, “Don’t you recognize me son?” Ahmed opened his mouth, surprised. *.continues tomorrow *
27 Oct 2014 | 16:21
27 Oct 2014 | 18:07
thumbs up to the colonel
27 Oct 2014 | 18:17
Episode16 Ahmed was happy to see his Uncle after quite a while even though he was hoping it were under ‘prettier’ circumstances. He opened the gate and tried to hug him. The Colonel backed away, shaking his head slowly. Ahmed understood and stepped aside for his Uncle to come in. They walked into his house making sure that there was a wide gap between them. He opened the door allowing his Uncle to enter the house first. He followed soon after. As soon as The Colonel was in the house, he saw the white paper with the inscriptions in blood on the two opposite walls of the sitting room. He walked up to one of them and smelled the ink. “Blood. Probably from a cow or a goat” he thought to himself. He motioned Ahmed to come close to him. He hugged him tightly and whispered into his ears, “Is there a room you hardly ever use?” Ahmed nodded and led the way into a small corridor. There were two rooms at the end of the small corridor. He opened the one to his left and flashed a torch. A rat ran across the floor. There were a few cobwebs on the ceiling and the room was dusty and dirty. It didn’t look like anyone had been here in months. The Colonel took off his disguise clothes to reveal the sparkling white linen he had earlier worn from home. He spread the large t-shirt he just removed on one of the stools he found and sat on it. “This room is perfect.” The colonel said. “It is so good to see you Uncle.” Ahmed said rushing to his uncle and hugging him. “Sometimes, I wish I lived a normal life Uncle. Being a cop is a difficult life. I keep looking over my shoulder. I wake up every day not knowing which of my enemies is close to taking me out. It freaks me out sometimes and there is always no one to talk to.” Ahmed said looking at his Uncle. “Son, our profession is a dangerous one. Till we die, we are always going to be wanted by the bad guys. You know that. And if you say you are scared, what should spies, double agents and people like me say? Each day you wake up is another opportunity you have. Look at the bright side. You are better than the average man on the street. Your senses are sharper, you have strong instincts, you are trained in hand to hand combat, martial arts, and you have excellent skills in weaponry. You cannot be taken down by just anybody. So son, use this amazing skill set you have to make a difference in the lives of the people you have sworn to protect.” The Colonel finished. “Always Uncle, always.” Ahmed said. Typical Colonel. He never misses an opportunity to give his ‘son’ a lecture. Ahmed was used to it now. They caught up on old times, telling each other about what has been happening in the past few years. The Colonel loved to play video games just like Ahmed. They talked about what games they were currently playing and the stages. The Colonel said he just stumbled on HITMAN SUICIDE MISSIONS. Ahmed was going to try it out. Recently a lot had been happening around him. He had not had time for himself let alone video games. “So what brings me here son? Let’s hear it.” The colonel said. Ahmed cleared his throat and began to narrate the story. He started with waking up in a hospital, and losing his memory of the past few weeks. Doctors said he had slight amnesia and may recall the things he could not remember over time. He also talked about how he found out about the death of Mercy, how his office was burgled and the guards were killed. The Colonel raised up a hand to stop Ahmed. “Your office was burgled? What was stolen? What really happened? Describe every detail.” He questioned Ahmed. “I had just left the office and was about to drive into the Estate when I got a call from Sheila that I should come back immediately…” Ahmed said. “Sheila still heads the Combat Department?” The Colonel asked, interrupting him. “No Uncle. She is now the Head of the NIGHANA Intelligence Operations department.” Ahmed said “Hmmm. Go on son.” The Colonel said. “So I got to the office and found an ambulance, a few coroners and Sheila. Sheila said that there were two guards dead, a corrupt file system on our database and a missing hard drive. Mine. The alarm from the disrupted servers sent a signal to the local police and they were here in 6 minutes. They did not see anyone as they came in. The guards’ necks were twisted from behind. There was no trace. There were no clues” “Any fingerprints, hair strands, blood, bullet casings?” The Colonel asked. “None. The only bullet casing was from the gun of one of the dead guards. His finger prints are the only ones all over it.” Ahmed finished. The Colonel sighed. He was rubbing his temples. Ahmed had seen this a lot of times. Whenever he did this he was getting some ideas and thinking seriously. “These guys must be professionals. And they must have been watching you. What have you been doing on your computer during the days before the hard drive was stolen?” The Colonel asked “Just monitoring Agent Mercy. Following up on her leads, and matching finger prints. When I got a message on my phone that she was just buried, I rushed to the office to confirm. It was true as her file had been deactivated. I could not continue with it so I left the office. Barely an hour later was the theft discovered.” Ahmed finished. “What agency was she infiltrating?” The Colonel asked. “Something about a ghost organization. She was still a rookie in their ranks so she was not really privy to any confidential stuff.” Ahmed finished. The Colonel bowed his head. He should not have resigned. He closed his eyes. Everything began to make sense. The stealth, the perfection, the absence of clues. No mistakes. That was their style. Now he understood why Ahmed had called him. The Colonel had been doing preliminary tracking of the Ghosts after his time with The Marine Cartel but dropped it after the General’s warning. He could sense Ahmed watching him. This was too much for Ahmed to handle. Sheila was a fool. She should not have sent Agent Mercy in. What was she thinking? Just because Mercy was an excellent spy did not automatically translate to invincibility. She still had a lot to learn physically and psychologically. Mercy did not have the slightest idea about the Ghosts. The name alone said it all. They were invisible. And only someone who could be invisible could undertake such an infiltration. Ahmed was a fantastic detective. The perfect cop. But he was a terrible spy. He always allowed his emotions get in the way. He did not know how to mask feelings. That was the number one criteria for a double agent. “Are you okay Uncle?” Ahmed asked. “I am fine son. Tell me what happened in this house. I saw the banners.” The Colonel replied. Ahmed narrated how he wasn’t comfortable that night. His instincts told him to get up but he felt reluctant to. He was tired from a busy day. A loud gunshot woke him and he got up to see one of the banners on his bedroom door. He got to the sitting room and saw another two banners. He opened the door to the house to find his two dogs dead. His instincts told him he was being watched. His doors were not tampered with. They were opened from outside, which meant that the criminal had access to his home. He immediately cut the electricity to the house and has been in darkness since. He did not know what else to do so he called. “I think I have an idea what is going on. But first we need to do some work. You will get out of the house now. Go to any mobile phone store. Get a new phone and a new sim card, preferably a very low tech phone. The cheapest Nokia phone or China phone would be perfect. Do not register the sim card. If the attendant gives you trouble, get it somewhere else. You would be followed right from the time you step out of this house. I think you are being watched. Do not take your car. Enter a commercial bus. Do not head straight to your destination. The nearest shop is 15 minutes from here. Get there in one hour. Zig zag your way across town. Come down at any random bus stop then start walking. Turn back after 2 minutes of walking and start jogging. Look for shops with mirrors and stand in front of them abruptly while walking. Look behind you through the mirror. You should see the agents tailing you trying to catch up. Since they are following you, it’s going to take a while to shake them off. It is not going to be easy but try and enjoy yourself while at it. Be sure to have them lost before you get the items. Repeat the same thing on your way back to the house. The whole journey should normally take you about 30 minutes. Make sure you use over two hours. When you come back to the estate there will be agents already around the gate watching you enter. You won’t see them but believe me they are there. Not to worry. They don’t know where you were and what you got. You will have them guessing at where you have been. These guys hate guessing. So they would be tighter next time. But that’s not a problem, son. I know what to do.” The Colonel said. “Damn it. Uncle, this is what I have to do every day?” Ahmed asked. “Yes Ahmed. This is just the beginning. If these people are who I think they are then we still have a lot to do.” The Colonel said getting up. “Who are these people Uncle?” Ahmed asked. “Son,” The Colonel said, putting a hand on Ahmed’s shoulder “Just do as I say for now. You would know in due time.” He finished. They walked towards the door of the dirty room. As Ahmed stepped out into the corridor, the Colonel held him by the collar and drew him back inside. He shut the door. “What the hell is wrong with you son!!??” The Colonel barked through clenched teeth. “This is no longer your house. I am sure this place is bugged! Until we get out all the devices that have been planted here, you behave as if there are land mines at every step! You have to calculate every step, be very alert and always be patient!!!” The Colonel finished. “Noted sir.” Ahmed replied. He was scared. “Let’s go to your bedroom.” The Colonel said. They moved to his bedroom very quickly without saying a word. The Colonel pulled Ahmed close and asked him for a DVD disc. Ahmed rummaged through a drawer and found one. He handed it to the Colonel. The Colonel took a chair from the sitting room and stood on it. Carefully, he placed the disk on the top left edge of the bedroom wall and began to scrape. He was scraping gently and moving slowly sideways. He was almost half way when a small cork sized object fell to the ground. Ahmed bent to pick it. “Don’t!” The Colonel stopped him. The Colonel got down from the chair and bent to examine the object. He took a pencil and flicked the object over a few times. “This is a very high tech digital surveillance camera for enclosed spaced usually installed in pairs, called ‘screw and knot’. You can install one called the ‘bolt’ which works well, but is not as efficient as the pair. After installation and boot up, these devices must never be handled with bare hands. They have been designed to be sensitive to the touch of the skin and would immediately inject the skin surface with a deadly toxin that would paralyze the handler if handled for more than two seconds. If you had touched it, you would have become a ‘vegetable’.” The colonel said, turning the device around with the pencil. “Oh my God! Who the hell are these people?” Ahmed said putting both hands on his head. The Colonel looked up at Ahmed from his crouching position. He pitied the poor boy. He had not even seen anything yet. “Get a plier, a small plastic bag and another DVD disc. This is a ‘screw’. The ‘knot’ should be opposite this wall, beside your bed. The Colonel climbed the bed and began scraping the wall gently with the disc in his hand. He was scraping gently and moving slowly. He was almost at the center of the wall when another object fell to the ground beside the bed, similar to the one before. Ahmed picked it up with the plier in his hand and added it to the one that fell initially. “Now, your bedroom is clear. I have to do the other rooms. Go and get the items I told you to. I expect you in not less than two hours. Let’s synchronize our watches. Stop watch timer should be set to 2hrs and 5minutes. One. Two. Now!” The Colonel said. They synchronized their watches as Ahmed got out of the house and the Colonel moved to the sitting room with a chair in one hand and a disc in the other. It was home cleaning time. After breakfast, Sophia asked Eva to wait behind. She beckoned her to the huge 4- seater leather sofa in the sitting area of the big parlor. After getting drinks from the bar, she came to Eva sitting opposite her in a small reclining chair. Eva took the offered glass of red wine. “I know you must be wondering why you are here Eva. You really want to be with your loved ones. Your mum and your fiancé. That has been arranged. We have huge, huge plans for you sweetheart. Believe me, with time you would be glad with what we want to do with you. Meanwhile, you are seeing your mother tonight. I am giving you an extra day to be with her. We have made plans for Kunle to spend three days in the country. He is coming in tomorrow. In your own interests, utilize the time well and do not raise suspicion. Out of the goodness of my heart, I am going to let you be with Kunle till he travels back. I am usually not this nice. You will see him off to the airport. When he has boarded, someone will pick you from the airport. If I smell any foul play I will kill every single person that matters to you. Every single person.” Sophia was talking and smiling so pleasantly at the same time. Eva used to have a Boss like that who was so deadly, so she knew Sophia was not bluffing. Eva simply nodded and gulped her drink. The threats suddenly made her throat dry. She swallowed. “Oh, silly me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sophia. Just call me S. Few people do.” Sophia finished. “When can I leave for my mum’s please?” Eva asked meekly. “Your escort would be ready for you at 3pm. Be ready then.” Sophia finished Although she did not feel comfortable around Sophia, Eva was in love with her finesse. She had class, and looked like a runway model. She loved Sophia’s light use of make-up, her beautiful way of combining colors and the way she carried herself. She was lost in admiration of the physical qualities of this powerful stranger. Sophia’s laugh brought her back to the present. “Do you do girls?” Sophia asked. Sophia already knew the answer to this question. “I used to. But I stopped since I started working. I haven’t felt the touch of a woman in a long time now.” Eva replied. “Would you like to have a taste of me, Eva?” Sophia asked batting her eyelids and giving a sexy smile. Her dimples went even deeper and she bit her lower lip. Eva blushed. She did not know if it was the alcohol or her secret admiration of the woman before her but she felt herself tingle down below. “Ermm…Ermm… I really don’t know.” Eva said looking down at her glass. She was holding the glass with two hands now, her heart beating fast. Sophia dropped her glass on the table beside her and walked to where Eva sat, taking calculated, sensual steps. She sat beside Eva, took the glass from her hands and dropped it on the floor. Sophia stroked Eva’s fine natural hair with her hands, slowly and passionately. Eva’s legs shook. Sophia bent to kiss her ear, flicking her tongue in Eva’s ear in quick fast succession. Eva closed her eyes and her body shook with lust. Eva licked her lips. Sophia held Eva’s hand in hers. Eva opened her eyes. “Let’s go inside. Follow me.” Sophia said
28 Oct 2014 | 03:17
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”: “Do I have a choice?” – Sean. “There is actually a choice. You can walk out that door and call the police. You will not be alive to finish the call. And they will never find your body” – Sophia “I know I am supposed to be scared right now. But the funny thing is, I am not.” – Sean “Thomas.” – Sophia In one very quick motion, she pulled her pants (Trousers) up at the ankles and brought out a small gold embroidered pistol. From her sitting position, five meters from where he stood she pointed the gun at Thomas and pulled the trigger. Blood splattered on the wall behind him as he fell down in one heap, the tray falling from his hands. He was breathing softly and was in pain. He groaned. Sophia got up, walked to the body and stood in front of Thomas, looking at him. She aimed at his heart and shot him again. He was dead. “Lesson number one: Be Ruthless. Be very very ruthless. Be as gentle as a dove and as dangerous as a shark. Stop shaking and clean up this mess. You have two hours to scrub this room clean and get rid of the body. Chop it into pieces and feed it to the dogs in the fortress. Bring the head to me. See you at 11pm.” – Sophia “Hello Eva.” – Shina. “Where am I? Who are you? What’s happening?” – Eva. “You have been here for two days. You are at The Mansion. Breakfast is at 8am. Someone would like to meet you.” – Shina “I have a situation here Bruno. Two dogs. What do I do?” – Marshal “I can see that. Take them out” – Bruno “Shiittt! He is awake. Get out of there, now!!!!” – Bruno “BE CAREFUL AHMED. YOU WILL NOT BE WARNED AGAIN.” – Banner with Blood. “Hello Uncle. There is something going on I do not understand.” – Ahmed “I will see you in 2 hours son.” – The Colonel “The Colonel has finally come out of hiding. Dispatch some of your guys at Berger and I’ll be at the other entry point to Lagos. Ready some of your best buggers. The Colonel is coming to town.” – Tawo “I changed my mind. I will drive myself. You can take the rest of the day off. I will call you when I get back.” – The Colonel “He decided to drive himself. I had planted the tracker in the car he asked me to wash. He is currently driving a black Honda Accord with plates AA106SMK. It is a very ordinary and plain car. His rims are alloy and gold plated. He just left.” –James. “Where are we?” – Tawo “The situation is dicey sir. He is driving a very common car and he is going to be hard to pick out.” – Agent Ope. “Merge the connection between Saturn –U134 and Mecury-00A. Now, bridge them and combine their transitions. Use the WSPTA protocol to rewrite the imagery and log into all CCTVs, mobile phone and every fuccking device that has a lens and is in proximity. Launch a new search.” – Tawo. “Zoom in on that.” – Tawo. “The Colonel is about to pass through Mowe. Set up your guys at the MFM area. This should be as easy as taking a pee.” – Tawo. “Target was not in the vehicle. He somehow maneuvered his way and we lost him. I put a tracker on his decoy. Trace it and have a man on him.” – Shina. “Don’t you recognize me son?” – The Colonel “Are you okay Uncle?” – Ahmed “I am fine son. Tell me what happened in this house. I saw the banners.” – The Colonel “Don’t!” – The Colonel. “After installation and boot up, these devices must never be handled with bare hands. They have been designed to be sensitive to the touch of the skin and would immediately inject the skin surface with a deadly toxin that would paralyze the handler if held for more than two seconds. If you had touched it, you would have become a ‘vegetable’.” – The Colonel. “Oh my God! Who the hell are these people?” – Ahmed AND NOW. . . Episode 17 Sean woke up startled. He was sweating profusely despite the intensity at which the air condition was blowing. He just had a nightmare. Was it? He saw himself chopping off a young man’s body limb by limb. Each time the sharp machete made contact with the dead flesh, little spurts of blood were deposited on his face. The dead man was screaming for help and begging for pity as Sean cut him mercilessly. Ignoring the man’s pleas, he took the huge pieces of meat with the bones dangling on one side and approached the den in the Fortress. The sight of the dogs alone brought fright to him. The dogs were huge and menacingly wild. No one in his complete senses dared to enter the fortress when the dogs were not leashed or caged. There were three Rottweilers, two German Shepherds, one Husky, and one Wolf dog Hybrid. Ferocious dogs that were usually made to go very hungry before they were fed. The last time they ate was the evening before. And they were quite hungry, and ready to pounce. As Sean approached they began to bark in their den, the Rottweilers spewing huge amounts of saliva from their mouths. Sean stood a few meters away from the Den. Even though the cage was locked tight, he still did not want to risk taking any chances. He began to throw the pieces of flesh into the cage. Some got in. Some did not. In the demented rush for the meat, the Wolf Dog Hybrid forced the cage open. It came after Sean and the remaining pieces of flesh he had with him. Sean ran for dear life. He ran as fast and as swift as his legs could carry him. But Sean was not fast enough. The Wolf Dog pursued him and caught up with him. It pounced on him, sinking its teeth in Sean’s right arm which he used as a shield to cover his face. He screamed. Sean woke up. He was sweating. He turned on the bedside lamp, partially illuminating the room and casting a small shadow on the walls. He looked up at the wall clock. 3:26am. He could not go back to sleep. He was haunted by the dogs. He got up from his bed and opened a door to his left. He entered the bathroom and saw a large brown bucket stained with a reddish liquid. He moved closer to inspect the bucket. He was shocked at what he saw inside. There was a human head soaked in a pool of blood. His heart raced. So it was not a dream after all. He suddenly wished it was all a dream. He remembered all that happened the evening before. He recalled how Sophia had wasted the life of a promising young man just to prove a point. A ridiculous point. What in the world did they want with him anyway? He stopped starring at the bucket and face the small rectangular mirror on the wall by the sink. He washed his face and looked up at his reflection. He was looking very haggard. He hadn’t shaved in days and looked very unkempt. He made a mental note to ask for a clipper in the morning. Sean got back to his room. He switched on the lights and looked around. He had previously scrubbed the tiled floors clean. The walls still had a little blood stain. That could be ignored, he told himself. He opened the drawer attached to his bedside table, pulling out a file. The first few pages contained a summary of his whole life and the past 4 months were summarized in more detail. He skipped that part and concentrated on the second module of the file. This contained a list of things he was supposed to do and a timeline for the completion of the tasks. He was expected of produce a 90% accuracy at the least. There was a 3 months special online course on Cybersystems and Cyberspace. After that, 2 months of Router Hacking and Password Decryption. He had another four days of Wireless Systems, Radio Configuration and Cloud Redirection. His performance after all these would determine if they would continue with him to the advanced stage or discharge him. He did not like how that sounded. ‘Discharge’. He had a feeling that he would not be let go so easily. He feared the worst. He closed the file and thought about his girlfriend in Canada. He had not spoken to her in over a week. He missed her. He missed his mother. He knew there were agents at her very doorstep and that really worried him. He heaved a huge sigh. He was going to get to the bottom of this. No matter what it would take, he was not going to give up until he got to the end of the line. He closed his eyes and drifted into dreamland. Tawo was furious. He was angry at himself and at the whole team. He was raging and venting his anger at anyone who as much as spoke a word to him. He sat on his swivel chair swaying left and right, both hands on his forehead. He was rubbing his temple and trying to find out where everything went wrong. “Sir, there is…” Agent Ope started but stopped when he saw the bloody look of anger in his superior’s eyes “You have 15 seconds to say what you wanted to blurt. If I am not impressed, I will have you monitoring the CCTV at Park ‘N’ Shop by tomorrow.” Tawo threatened. The Agent hesitated for a few seconds. He kept quiet. He knew that if he still did not speak, the same fate awaited him. He decided to say what he wanted to and hope that it impressed his Boss. “Sir, upon gruesome scrutiny of the playback tapes of the bugging operation, I noticed a blind spot. We overlooked that little glitch but upon proper inspection, I noticed that it was actually not a glitch.” Agent Ope said. “You’ve got my attention. Go on.” Tawo said. “There was a point that the target was stationary for about 90 seconds. That was our blind spot. I decided to check it out. I was able to override one of the surveillance cameras around the Redemption Camp. The nearest camera was a CAM70-Extreme. I zoomed in on it and adjusted the capture area.” Ope said, getting up and moving to the large touch screen monitor on the wall. “This is where the target was blinking for 90 seconds,” He said touching a portion of the map. The touched portion grew large filling the whole screen. He continued. “From here onwards for about 500 meters, there was no traffic and there are no fuel stations, restaurants, shops, fast foods or anything to make him stop. He was constantly on the move.” He touched a smaller portion of the now expanded map. “This is the most acute angle that the camera could pick. I will rewind the footage of the camera at this point of the map sir.” Ope said. He pressed a button on the screen and a video footage appeared in very slow motion, at the exact point the mechanic came out from. It showed the Mechanic coming out of a small hut which served as his workshop, crossing the road and going left. There was nothing after that. Exactly 90 secons later, the Black Honda zoomed past. “Impressive Ope” Tawo asserted a smile on his lips. “Thank you sir. The Colonel is very smart. He had the Mechanic come meet him at the exact spot where he knew that he would not be captured by the cameras. He deliberately put this Mechanic on the spot. We have no records against the young lad sir. I am sure he knew that. We can’t make him talk. It seems he is going to win with this one.” Ope concluded. Tawo was thinking. His fingers were playing with small beard. As the video replayed, something caught his eye. “Stop that. Yes. Start the footage all over. And pause it on 03mins:14secs” Tawo ordered. Ope obeyed. They watched the video all over again. From the beginning, cars were passing. At 01mins: 16secs, the Mechanic crossed the road and started walking left. He was not visible anymore. At 02mins:55secs, they watched as the Black Honda zoomed past. Nothing happened for the next 17 seconds. Two seconds later, Tawo half screamed, “Pause Now!”. There was a Danfo in the footage, pause as it was accelerating. “That Danfo is just accelerating. Zoom in on the front passenger seat.” Tawo barked Ope did that. A blurred face with a white background. “Now take that that image and move it to the facial ID defragmenter. “ Tawo commanded. Ope pressed a button on the screen, used the tip his fingers to trace the edges of the image and pressed another button. With his two thumbs, he flipped the traced image in one very swift fast motion onto the next screen by his right. “Image received. Scanning and Defragmentation in progress” came a computer voice from the screen. They waited 12 seconds and then an image appeared before them. It was The Colonel in his white linen, Tawo smiled. “Get me that bus registration plates.” He said to Ope. “Yes sir.” Ope zoomed in on the registration plates, defragmented it and printed it out. “Done sir.” Ope said. “Good.” Tawo replied getting the printed sheet from him. He pressed a button on his table. His voice went into loud speaker mode in another office on the previous floor below them. There were eight trained search agents in that room. Give them a tiny detail (a name or a place or a phone number) and they would search out and deliver every single information regarding it. They had access to any electronic device that had access to the internet or used a database. They were the best. “Bee Hive. This is Super-Agent Tawo. I want all routes taken by commercial van with registration plates BZ739FST between the hours of 6:30 and 7:30. You have 15 minutes.” He pushed back his chair, put his legs on his table one on top of the other. He put his two hands behind his head and closed his eyes. “I am going to nail this bastard.” He said to himself. To be continued…
28 Oct 2014 | 10:38
Episode 18 Ahmed shut the gate behind him as he got out of his compound. He walked towards the bus stop to join a bus going to Ajah. As he was about to turn the corner that led to the main road, someone bumped into him. The person was a female. Tall, light in complexion, busty and very pretty. “I’m sorry sir. I wasn’t looking. Please.” She said pleading and making eyes at Ahmed. Ahmed had a weakness for fair skinned women. He could give his right arm for such women. He smiled at her and told her it wasn’t a big deal. He tried to flirt with her a little but she was in a hurry. She gave him a fake number. He smiled as she hurried along and left him to continue his journey. After walking a few meters, she put her left forefinger in her left ear and said “Bug planted.” As Ahmed walked towards the shade at the bus stop, he tried her number. The number did not exist. He smiled. He turned and got into a mild run. He wanted the girl. He figured that since he still had about 2hours to spend, he might as well while out time trying to get the girl. He turned the bend and was walking stealthily close to the fair skinned lady when he saw her put her finger in her ear and say those words. He was angry with himself for falling so cheaply. He decided he was going to play them at his own game. He turned and walked back to the bus stop. The girl had hit him by the shoulder when they collided. He checked his collar and both sleeves. There was nothing. His watch was on his left wrist. He took off his wrist watch and scrutinized his hands. Something caught his eye. There was a very small silver dot covered by his wristwatch. It looked very foreign. He scratched the surface of the object. It came off his wrist and came on to his palm. There were two very tiny pins attached to it. The pins were barely visible. The pins tried to fasten themselves onto his wrist. He quickly shook it off and stepped on it with his heavy boots. He crushed the bug. He entered the Ajah bound bus, sitting by the window in the middle row. It was a 14-seater passenger bus. The bus moved at snail pace and picked some more people at Lekki Phase 1. They looked very smartly dressed and smelled good. One sat behind him and another beside him. He was not comfortable. He suspected them. He got down at the next bus stop. He crossed the road and took a bus going to Obalende. He got down and began to walk very fast. He passed the Obalende canal and walked towards the round-about. He stopped abruptly, acted like he forgot something and turned quickly walking back the same way he came. He saw someone quickly dodge behind a parked danfo. He grinned. He was beginning to enjoy this. He walked towards the parked danfo, acting like he was innocently looking for someone. His stalker continued to back off slowly. From the corner of his eye, Ahmed could see the agent moving back slowly and slowly. He turned and crossed the road to the UBA bank. He walked along the street, stopping at intervals to buy a bottle of water. There was a glass panel covering a building beside him. With one eye on the bottle and one eye on the glass panel, he saw a man in a black mafia suit walk past him. He was staring at Ahmed. He did not know Ahmed saw him. Ahmed finished gulping the water and rushed to the bridge. He heard a bus call “Ajah, one more chance”. He quickly got on it. He got down at Falomo and took another bus back to Obalende. The guys trailing him were lost. They continued their journey to Ajah. He circled Obalende a few times to be sure he lost them. When he was sure he had, he saw an umbrella shed. He sat down and got a new sim card. The attendant insisted Ahmed had to register the sim card before he could leave the place. He brought out three 1000 naira notes and handed it to the attendant. He smiled and allowed Ahmed to leave. Ahmed circled Obalende twice again taking a different route this time around. He made sure he stopped abruptly at intervals, turning and walking back the same way he came. When he felt someone was trailing him, he would enter very cramped streets and crannies, going through places he knew from his 14 years in the area. No one could keep up. After minutes of circling, he walked to Onikan Round-about. He stood at the place for close to four minutes. There was a long stretch of road on both sides of him. There was nowhere to hide and it was impossible for anyone to pretend not to be trailing him. He entered the bus and headed home. Eva woke up to find herself in a beautiful bedroom. The room was large and decorated with flowery curtains. The walls were painted pink and almost everything else was in pink. The huge kingsize bed rested majestically in the middle of the room. She was nak3d. She saw her clothes littered on the ground. There was a pink colored candy panty beside her leg. It was not hers. She recalled the events of the past few hours. She bit her forefinger seductively. She had not experienced such intimacy with anyone before. It was explosive. She had multiple satisfactions and did not want it to end. The alcohol played its part too in the experience. She got up from the bed tying just the duvet around her body. She admired herself in the mirror and smiled. She stilled looked good. She had a bath, dressed up and waited for 8pm when Shina would take her to see her mother. She was in high spirits. At exactly 8pm, there was a gentle knock on her door. “Finally.” She said to herself. “Come in. It’s open.” She said loud enough for whomever it was that was at the door to hear. She had a huge hunch it was Shina coming to take her to her mum. A strange face appeared at the door. He came in, put his hands behind his back and said, “Ma’am. There is someone here to see you.” He said. “Who is it?” Eva asked already worried. “Your mother.” The man replied. “Where is she?” Eva asked, suddenly animated and full of life. “She is in the waiting room.” He replied. She got up, brushed past the man and headed for the Visitor’s room. Sean had not heard from Sophia. He had called her number and left her messages. He did not want to barge in on her in her room but now he had no choice. He left his room and crossed to the other side of the huge Mansion where Sophia’s wing was. He passed by the Fortress where the dogs were backing crazily. He remembered last night’s events and felt a shrill down his spine. He half jogged to Sophia’s wing and entered without ringing the bell. He got into the small corridor and decided to go to the Visitors Room first. He stopped dead when he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Eva looked up as he entered the room. Their eyes locked for seconds. As he made to approach her, a voice called from behind him. “Sean! Over here.” Sean turned momentarily. It was the devil herself. Sophia.
28 Oct 2014 | 16:56
Episode 19 Ahmed got home to see the Colonel sleeping in his bedroom. “He must be exhausted. Tired Old man.” Ahmed said quietly to himself. He dropped the small bag he was carrying on the floor, turned and made to exit the bedroom. As he opened the door, he felt a sharp pain at his back. He looked behind him as he turned trying to touch his back where he was hit. He felt his back soaked. He brought his hand to his face. There was a reddish liquid on his hand but it was not blood. It was some form of poster color. The Colonel who he thought had been asleep was arched on the bed, a toy gun in his hand. He had a raised eyebrow and the gun was aimed at Ahmed’s chest. He fired again. Another poster color ‘bullet’ hit Ahmed in the center of his chest. “Ahhh!!!!!” Ahmed shouted in pain. “What the hell was that for?” he finished, wiping the stain from his shirt and moving towards his Uncle. The Colonel sat upright and patted the free space on the bed beside him. “Sit, son.” The Colonel said. Ahmed obliged him. “Son, the fact that you need to be very very vigilant can not be over emphasized. What if it was the enemy, on the bed with a real gun? We would not be having this conversation. You have to be very very alert Ahmed. Everybody is a suspect. Even me. Trust no one at this point in time.” The Colonel finished. “But Uncle, I left you in the house. I knew you would still be here. There was no need to be over zealous about this sir.” Ahmed replied defensively. “Keep quiet Ahmed!” The Colonel barked, getting up. He was furious. “What is wrong with you? Think boy! Think! They got into your house, planted bugs and you did not know. They even planted a banner on your bedroom door while you were busy snoring! Where is your sense of guard, boy? You are lucky they did not want you dead! You are being very careless and I will have none of that boy. Just listen to yourself. You knew I would still be here. What if I decided to go get something outside the house and someone else came into the house? Just look at the way you came into the room. Totally clueless and without any sense of guard! What if they came in here and overpowered me? You are a dead man. A dead man!” The Colonel finished angrily. He was upset and his face contorted with rage. He had lost his son due to negligence and saw Ahmed as a carbon copy of his deceased son. “Get up boy. I want fifty push-ups. Now!” The Colonel said angrily. Ahmed began to protest. The Colonel came in front of him, pulled him by his collar, dragging him to his feet. Ahmed used the back of his right hand to hit the Colonel’s wrist attempting to free himself from the choking grip of the Colonel. The Colonel saw the move coming just in time and released Ahmed. Ahmed’s hand hit the air and he staggered backwards. The Colonel moved closer to him. Ahmed was angry. Why would the Colonel hold him like he was a criminal? He was not the least happy. He moved forwards too to attack the Colonel. He threw his fists at the Colonel. His right fist, then his left in a swift one-two-jab motion. The Colonel weaved Ahmed’s right punch and ducked the left punch. In his ducking position, the Colonel landed a straight hard right hand punch into Ahmed’s stomach, knocking the air out of him. Ahmed moved backwards, gasping. He was out of breath. He fell on the bed, holding his stomach, turning and trying to catch his breath. The Colonel towered above him. “Have I not told you never to go into a fight without a clear head? Always have a clear head, you’re your anger is good but you do not know how to channel it. I have always told you. You should…” The Colonel was still speaking when Ahmed turned on the bed and kicked the Colonel with all the strength he had. The kick landed on the Colonel’s groin. The Colonel grimaced but it lasted only a few seconds. “Impressive try Ahmed. But the mind is always lord over the body.” The Colonel said. Ahmed got up very quickly and tried a left hand punch to the Colonel in the stomach. It was meant to be just a decoy. Ahmed knew his punch would be stopped. But he had other plans. As the Colonel used his palm to deflect the punch coming to his stomach, Ahmed immediately swayed left and launched another punch to the Colonel’s face with right hand. The Colonel did not expect the punch but saw it just in time. He countered the punch with his left arm, wrapping his arm around Ahmed’s punch and twisting the arm. Ahmed yelped in pain. He kicked Ahmed by the feet and swept him off the ground. He landed on the ground with a very loud thud. Ahmed turned and tossed groaning in pain. The Colonel bent over him. “You are very rusty boy! And as long as I am here, I would have none of that. Training commences at 04:00hrs. You’d better be ready.” The Colonel said. He picked the nylon bag from the floor and left the bedroom. Sean followed Sophia into a very small room. He caught a glimpse of a small aluminum caption on the room before they entered. DEBRIEFING. Sophia sat behind a desk and motioned Sean to seat opposite her.’ “There are a lot of things going on that many of our citizens are blind to. The current government is corrupt. Its very bane is corruption. I belong to a very strong organization that seeks to end this corruption and bring smiles to the faces of every disgruntled citizen. We are raising a team to help us with this. You have been selected to be a part of this team. That is the major reason you are here Sean.” Sophia said. “What organization? What am I supposed to do? How will you achieve this feat of ending the corruption which permeates every fiber of the nation?” Sean asked. “Have you perused the file I gave you?” Sophia asked “Yes I have. It’s quite a lot of work.” Sean replied. “What you have on that file is nothing compared to what we have in store for you. We just want to see if you have what it takes to be a part of this team.” Sophia answered. Sean looked at Sophia. She was really cool when she was not blowing up heads and asking him to chop off limbs. She was actually very pretty. She looked amazingly s3xy in her short rimmed glasses and her ponytail. She wore a blood red lipstick and no earrings. Sophia could read his mind. “What’s going on in that slurty little head of yours, Sean?” Sophia said removing her glasses. She leaned back on her chair, her bosoms heaving and her ambience relaxed. “Nothing really. Just some progesterone stuff. You know how it is.” Sean replied. Sophia unlocked her Ipad and swiped a few screens. “The last time you had s3x was two weeks ago. With your girlfriend who travelled to Canada. On the average, you have s3x every 3 days. That is not acceptable. And sorry, your charms don’t work on me.” Sophia said and smiled. “You are free to go.” She finished. Sean got up and left the room. Tawo got an email alert on his computer. It was from Bee Hive. It contained all the routes that the commercial van plied as he had previously requested. He transferred the information from his computer to the large screens on the wall. There were four detailed pages, showing the four different routes he plied, how many people got off and on the bus. He was particularly concerned about when the Colonel got off the bus. He got off on the third route at Oshodi bus stop. There were timestamps to every route. Tawo shouted at Ope. “Access the traffic surveillance at Oshodi intersection. Rewind the recorded footage and get it to 7:15am. That is the point where the bus dropped the target.” After a few minutes of fumbling, Ope spoke. “Sir, I cannot seem to override the access codes for the surveillance cameras. I keep getting blocked out.” Ope said, sweating. “Let me see.” Tawo said. Ope moved his chair sideways as Tawo came closer. Tawo bent low, inspecting the screen for a few seconds. He touched his beard. He was thinking. “This is a complex firewall. You have to first mimic the algorithm, and then unlock its psuedocodes.” Tawo said. Tawo pressed the keys on the keyboard very quickly, mimicking the algorithm of the surveillance camera. He battled with it for a while and then was prompted for a password override. He got up and paced the room. The password was just a one trial option. He had to get it right the first time. He faced Ope. “Ash, question mark, Shift Delta, Raven, Orange, Peter, twenty percent Gamma.” Tawo called out. Ope entered the password and the screen changed. Ope smiled. Tawo kept a straight face. He slowly retraced the video footage till he got to the time stamp. They saw the Colonel getting off the Bus. 6 minutes later he boarded a taxi. Tawo got the plates of the taxi and asked Bee Hive to track its routes and location. Minutes later, Bee Hive sent back its report. Fortunately, the taxi made just one trip that morning. The only place the taxi went to that morning was Ahmed’s Estate. He called Bruno. “Target is now red hot on the radar. Get ready to pull the trigger.” For the first time in a long while, Tawo smiled. A genuine contented smile.
29 Oct 2014 | 05:10
wow! Nice story
29 Oct 2014 | 07:33
Episode 20 The Colonel sat in the living room, scrutinizing the sim cards that the detective had just gotten. With his personal phone, he called Customer Care and complained that his number was not going through. He could not make calls neither could he receive calls. He was asked to call the digits of his phone number so that they could help ascertain what the issue was. He called the digits on the new sim and was put on hold. After a while of holding on, he was told that the number was not in use. It could be a new number or an incorrect number. “How long have you been using this line please?” the Call center agent asked pleasantly. He hung up. He tore the sim from its pack. He was going to insert it into Ahmed’s phone later, probably at midnight. He relaxed on the couch and touched his groin, rubbing his ball5 gently. The kick Ahmed gave him had hurt. He was surprised himself at how he was able to fake the absence of pain. But such sacrifices were necessary. He needed Ahmed to be ready. There was still a lot of work to be done. The Colonel’s eyes moved to the small table in the center of the room. The bugs he had taken out of Ahmed’s bedroom and also the ones he took out from the living room lay scattered all over. He had forgotten about them. The bugs were powerful high functioning cameras. But they could only be deployed and monitored over a 200 meter radius. The Colonel was in deep thought. This meant that whoever was watching Ahmed had to be close by. Very close. He had not seen or heard any strange sounds in the house. This meant that the control device was not there. Ahmed walked lazily into the sitting room, holding his waist. He sat on another couch, a considerable distance away from the Colonel. He did not want another lesson so soon. “Son, have you noticed anything strange or out of place in the attitude of your neighbors? Or estate residents?” The Colonel asked. Ahmed almost asked why but thought better. “I have not Uncle. I do not have the time to monitor my neighbors. I don’t speak to anyone. The Old woman who lives two houses away says a greeting every time I drive by. I always murmur a reply. I barely hear myself. I am not concerned about their affairs.” Ahmed replied. “Detective Ahmed Haruna! Don’t just say whatever comes to your head boy! Think! Have you noticed anything strange lately?” The Colonel insisted. “If I had said the first thing that came to my head, we would be having another fight by now.” Ahmed thought to himself. “Uncle, nothing strange has happened. Believe me, I would know. Other than a new resident moving in the next house beside us, and then the reconstruction of the drainage system, nothing has happened over the past 7 weeks.” “You have a new neighbor? Since when?” The Colonel asked suddenly very interested. “I don’t know. A couple of days back or so. I was coming home from work and a truck blocked half of my gate because it was trying to off load furniture into the new house. I asked for the owner of the house but whoever it was wasn’t available. I haven’t seen or heard anything since then.” Ahmed finished. The Colonel’s brain was at super speed. He was thinking deep and trying to draw logical conclusions. Patterns formed in his subconscious. Ahmed watched his with keen interest as the Colonel drummed his fingers on the table. “From the moment you heard the gunshot and the moment you got to the veranda, how much time do you figure had passed?” The Colonel asked. “About two to three minutes. I even checked the streets. There was no sign of any one. It seemed like they just disappeared into thin air.” Ahmed said. He was thinking in the same direction as the Colonel now. The escape was too quick and perfect. It must have been planned and properly rehearsed. His assailants had to be close. Perhaps, too close. “There is only one way to find out. My guts tell me they are the occupants of that building. We will have to draw them out. This is what we will do. You are going to make a call with your old sim. Let us hope it is still being monitored. You will call Sheila. Tell her you were attacked. Your dogs were killed. You went out today and you noticed suspicious men trailing you. You shook them off. You know where their hideout is and you will need backup to take them out.” The Colonel said. “How does draw them out sir?” Ahmed asked. “These people have a zero tolerance for failure. The only reason they are called The Ghosts is because they do not exist. They leave no trails, no clues, and no souvenirs. The do not make mistakes. They are thorough and highly trained. The best part is, they do not respond well to threats. If they sense a threat, it is quickly neutralized.” The Colonel said. “And my call to Sheila is a threat they will not be willing to let lie fallow, thus bringing them out and then we nab them?” Ahmed asked. “Exactly, my boy!!! The phone call to Sheila is a threat. They will make a move after your call. Now this is the detective I know!” The Colonel answered happily. “I will send a cryptic message to Sheila after you call her, telling her not to respond to your phone call. We are on a trip together and we just decided to play a fast one on her. We will laugh over it. I have already ‘photoshoped’ you into a picture I took during my visit to Massachusetts, USA. I will send it to her as proof to calm her.” The Colonel said. “I still do not understand sir. When are we doing all this?” Ahmed asked. “You will call her two hours from now. I will send the message immediately after. Any moment from then, we should expect company.” The colonel finished. “How many agents are they likely to send?” Ahmed asked suddenly jittery. “They are silent assassins. They do not draw attention. Maybe one or two. They would want to act quickly before Sheila’s fake backup arrives. Then, we’ll have them for dinner!” The Colonel finished and showed his spotless white teeth. Ahmed did not have cause to smile. The very thought of the assassins coming to get him made him shudder with fear. The Colonel noticed this. “Suck it up boy. I did not raise a coward! Be ready when I ask you to.” The Colonel scolded. Ahmed could only nod. ***************************************** Bruno was sleeping on the chair in the bungalow when Tawo called. He acknowledged Tawo’s orders and dropped his phone on the table after he hung up. He had underestimated the detective. His men had lost the detective for over an hour and saw him later when he approached the estate gate. Where he was and what he went to do was a mystery. Bruno did not like mysteries. He was still pondering how he was going to unravel the detective’s past hour off the radar when Tawo called telling him to ready himself for the kill. He woke Marshal and told him to get himself ready to take out the detective. Marshal grinned. He had not killed anyone in a while. He was really happy he finally had a chance to. When Tawo ordered for the trigger to be readied, it did not take long before the target was wiped out. The longest it ever took was 18 hours. Bruno relaxed in his chair and noticed a red indicator on his transmitting device. Ahmed was making a call. He quickly plugged in the earphones and listened to Ahmed’s voice. “…found out their hideout. It is beside my compound here. I cannot say for sure how many they are. Send backup just in case so we can move in tonight. 2 hours. Good. I’m ready. Bye.” He heard Ahmed finish and hang up. How the heck did this happen? How did Ahmed know? Bruno was never one to throw blames. He now needed to act. And fast! He checked the time. 8:14pm. Marshal was fixing the silencer to his .45 automatic pistol. He called Tawo. It rang for a while and there was no response. He tried to call Shina. It was switched off. This was his call. If he decided to wait, the whole operation would be blown. If he decided to flee, he would be ‘discharged’ by the Ghosts. He had only one option. He had to take out the detective. He got his gun from a hostler strapped to his waist. He fastened a silencer to the gun and put the gun in his trouser by his waist and covered it with his shirt. He picked his phone and sent a text to Tawo. “Operation at risk. New development. Moving to take out target.” He waited for the message to deliver. He put off his phone. Marshal was so happy. He would finally get to shoot and kill someone. He was ecstatic. He grinned at Bruno. Bruno’s mind was racing. This could be the end of them. It could as well be the best move he could take. But he could not afford to sit idly by or to flee. It was against The Code. “It’s going to be a clean sweep. Get in, get out. No trace. No mistake. Copy?” Bruno asked. Marshal nodded. They packed their bags, wore their gloves and got out of the bungalow.
29 Oct 2014 | 10:08
haaaaaaaaa why nah abeg post the next episode asap
29 Oct 2014 | 11:52
Update asap biko... D tori swt like ma mama soup
29 Oct 2014 | 11:55
d story ez kynda 2 gud 2 b tru...bur kudoos....its a facinatin 1
29 Oct 2014 | 12:35
Episode 21 Tawo got out of his 2 hour self-psyche feeling very refreshed. Every day he dedicated two hours into self-meditation and communication with the cosmos. Nothing was allowed to distract him. No phone calls, no knocks, nothing. His steward had barged into his Psyche Room one day while he was meditating. His legs were crossed under him, his palms on his knees and his head was raised. “Master, master, you get visitor.” The steward said from the door. When there was no reply, he moved to where Tawo was and repeated himself. Tawo hated the interruption but kept calm. He did not move nor open his eyes. Later that night, he almost had the steward ‘wasted’ but decided against it. He called him and gave him stern instructions never to disturb him when he was meditating. The Steward never made that mistake again. So when Tawo’s phone kept on ringing incessantly, the steward almost took the phone to him in the Psyche Room. He was already on the stairs when he remembered his Master’s strong warning never to invade his privacy. He shrugged and went back downstairs, dropping the phone on a table in the sitting area of the house. Tawo came down an hour later whistling. He was in a terrific mood. All he had to do was wait for The Colonel to make a move and target would be history. The day’s session was magnificient. He had soared beyond the cosmos and was gaining higher levels of understanding. He picked his phone at the same time talking to his steward. “Was my phone ringing?” Tawo said as unlocked his phone. “Yes Oga. I been wan bring am for you when…” The steward was saying when Tawo’s rage caught him unawares. “Shittt!! No!” He shouted. He had just read Bruno’s text. He tried to call Bruno back but his number was switched off. Bruno had no idea that the Colonel was now with the Detective. Tawo knew that Bruno was very capable and had never been found wanting. He was the best field agent The Ghost Corporation had asides from The Deadly Quartet. He was being considered to understudy Ambrose and maybe get promoted to a Super-Agent. Yet he did not have the level of clearance to be privy to that sort of information. Only the Super- Agents were in the know of The Colonel and his operations. Bruno did not qualify. Tawo had spoken to Shina and Sophia earlier about informing Bruno of the new developments so he could be better prepared. The agreement reached was that Ambrose should be at the Bungalow at 02:00hrs to support Bruno. The Colonel would be taken out at 05:00hrs. Tawo wanted to call Bruno immediately the decision had been taken but it was already time for his personal meditation session. Now Bruno had taken matters into his own hands and gone in without up to date information on the target. Tawo was sure that whatever it was, Bruno had a good reason to go in all by himself. He thought for a few seconds. He switched on his Ipad. “Please give command” A voice prompt came from the device. “Open Damage Control on Mission Ahmed.” Tawo spoke to the Ipad, folding his hands behind. The program opened all possible methods of invading Ahmed’s compound and taking out the Colonel. It also provided him with a brief outcome of every method, giving each a certain percentage of success or failure. After watching the program for a few minutes, he took out Ambrose and Shina from the simulation and pushed in Bruno and Marshal as replacements. He ran the program from the beginning a second time. In all the possible methods, the average success was at 23%. The possibility of failure was 89%. He was disturbed. He was not really worried about the safety of Bruno and Marshal. They were agents and they could handle themselves. He worried about losing The Colonel. He had a difficult time catching up with him before. Tawo did not want a repeat performance. He called Sophia. “The Colonel Mission is on a code red. Of the four of us, you are closest to the detective’s location. Please move in. Your protégé Bruno’s life depends on it.” Tawo said. “What? You call me at this time of the night and expect me to jump at your instructions? Who do you think you are talking to one of your dogs?” Sophia asked irritated. “Please S. I really need you.” Tawo pleaded. Sophia knew that Tawo had a reputation for being arrogant, proud and cruel. So when she heard him beg, she had no choice than to help him out. “Send me the details.” Sophia asked. “No details S. Bruno is going into the detective’s compound to decommission Ahmed. He is not aware that The Colonel is there. And I have a hunch that he is falling in to a very big trap. If we don’t move fast, he may not survive it.” Tawo explained. “No. Nothing is going to happen to Bruno. I will send a report in 90 minutes.” Sophia finished and hung up. She got up from her bed and opened a small closet hanging on the wall beside her bathroom door. There were different guns, cartridges and bullets on the shelves inside the closet. She picked a glod embroidered pistol and a .45 silenced automatic. She faced the mirror in her room and applied a pink lipstick. She touched up her face and was looking very pretty and s3xually provocative. She wore a very short and tight purple mini skirt, put on a white tank top and wore a purple net over the tank top. She put her guns in a medium sized purse. She entered her Benz E280, began the ignition and drove out of the mansion.
29 Oct 2014 | 13:18
More of it am enjoying it
29 Oct 2014 | 16:12
Val pls update more
29 Oct 2014 | 17:39
I don't like the story is so single movtivational speech...(Mayb is a fox movie tell)
29 Oct 2014 | 19:19
I'd suggest u guys act a seasonal movie with dis story.
30 Oct 2014 | 02:35
Episode 22 At 8pm The Colonel was ready. He got Ahmed’s phone and inserted the old sim. Ahmed took the phone from the Colonel and dialed Sheila’s number, “Wait son. Don’t make that call yet. We have got to be ready immediately after the call. How many guns do you have?” The Colonel asked. Ahmed frowned and shook his head. “Not much Uncle, about two to three guns. Let me show you.” Ahmed said, getting up. He led the Colonel to the corridor inside the house, opening the room adjacent the one they were in earlier in the day. It was the last room by the wall. The room was empty. Asides from a stack of plastic chairs by the tiled wall, the room was nothing to write home about. There were no rooms, no entrances, nothing. Ahmed looked like he was lost. The Colonel waited for 70 seconds expecting the detective to say something. Ahmed was mute. He gave the impression that this was the wrong room. The Colonel looked at him. “There’s nothing in here boy! Is this a joke? We have to move fast!” The Colonel asked irritated. Ahmed smiled. He had just gotten the expression he wanted from his uncle. That feeling of disappointment. He moved the chairs, dragging them a little bit sideways away from the wall making sure he marked the exact height where the stack of chairs reached. From the point he marked, he counted four tiles north. When he got to the fourth tile, he moved a finger to the edge of the tile and pressed. The tile turned inside out to reveal a small digital screen and a numerical keypad. There was also a finger print scanner and a retinal activation. It was a high tech security safe. He looked back at his Uncle. The Colonel was not impressed. He had broken into more complicated vaults. He could take down Ahmed’s safe in four days max. Ahmed pressed a yellow button. “Welcome Ahmed. Please provide retinal recognition.” A voice said from the device. Ahmed leaned closer and a mild infra-red signal scanned his retina. “Retinal Scan complete.” The voice said and continued. “Please provide fingerprint recognition.” Ahmed placed his forefinger in the scanner and another infra-red signal scanned his prints. “Prints accepted. Please enter password or Voice recognition.” The computer said. Ahmed was dying to impress The Colonel who so far was staring with a straight face. His arms folded across his chest. Ahmed pressed a button on the device. “Please enter voice password.” The voice said. Ahmed read out the letters of the alphabet in a song like fashion. “A,B,C,D,E,F,G…Now I know my 1,2,3. My name is Ahmed Haruna. Take it away.” He finished. The Colonel laughed hard. What a joke, he thought to himself. He almost turned away to leave the room when the was a soft whooshing sound. A part of the wall where Ahmed stood, caved in and moved to the left, creating a small entrance into a room. Ahmed walked in and turned on a switch. The bulbs came on, illuminating the small room. “Here we are.” The detective said, pleased with himself. “I can see where you keep your two or three guns boy. This is impressive.” The Colonel said. The colonel smiled as he walked into the enclosure. He was delighted at the caliber of artillery he saw. He went to a shelf and picked a rifle. It was a Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle. One of the best he ever handled. He remembered his time at the military academy 13 years back. It was the perfect weapon. While he stroked the AK-47 in his hand, his eyes scanned the room looking at the other guns. There was a Thompson M1921 Sub Machine gun, an F-2000 Assault Rifle, a 1965 HK416 Assault rifle (a rare spec), an SPG classic, six .43 automatic pistols and a Uzi Sub-machine Gun. Ahmed shared the same taste with him when it came to ammunitions. He turned and nodded at the detective smiling pleasantly. As he checked the cartridge of the AK-47 assault rifle, his eye caught something. He bent low and pulled out the butt of a gun from the lower chamber. It was a DSR 50- Precision Sniper Rifle. His all-time favorite. Every spy loved to have this deadly piece of metal. “Where did you get this my boy?!” The Colonel asked delightedly. “Scavenged it from a crime scene.” Ahmed asked. Ahmed picked one .43 pistol and inserted bullets in it while the Colonel took another. They corked their guns and got ready for action. Ahmed closed the ‘door’ after his uncle and pushed the chairs back. They exited the room and went into the sitting room. “Make that call now.” The Colonel said handing the phone to Ahmed. Ahmed dialed Shiela’s number. She picked on the first ring. “Hello ma. My house was invaded. My dogs were killed… I don’t know. I can’t say. I did some research on some clues I got. Unknown men trailed me throughout today. I managed to shake them off. I found out their hideout. It is beside my compound here. I cannot say for sure how many they are. Send backup just in case so we can move in tonight. 2 hours. Good. I’m ready. Bye” Ahmed said and hung up. The Colonel nodded at Ahmed. “They should get here anytime from now. Be ready. I will stand watch by this window and join you later.” The Colonel said. Ahmed left the bedroom, took station by the bathroom, and waited for the Colonel to join him. ************************************ Bruno and Marshal exited the bungalow, walking in the shadows and avoiding the ‘street lights’ shinning on every area of the street. They backed the fence, moving slowly and quietly. Bruno signaled for Marshal to hold on. They had gotten to Ahmed’s gate. Bruno crossed to the other side of the road. He walked past Ahmed house for 10 meters. Marshal watched him. Bruno walked back towards Ahmed’s compound stopping in front of the gate. He looked inside and knocked. No response. He knocked again. There was no reply. The initial plan was to pretend to be looking for number 12 of the street. If Ahmed came to the gate, Bruno would ask him for the street number and directions on how to get there. While they were talking, Marshal would appear from nowhere and take him out. So far Ahmed did not come out. He nodded to Marshal. ************************************* The Colonel waited at the window for twenty minutes. His instincts told him to move to the roof. He would have a better view from there and see whatever was happening outside the compound. He climbed the ladder attached to the water tank, continuing up until he was a few inches above the roof. He leaped gently from the ladder, landing softly on the padded roof. He walked to the edge of the roof and prostrated, keeping his jaw in both hands, his elbows acting like a tripod. For six minutes, nothing happened. On the seventh minute, he saw a man cross the street and walk pass the house. He immediately sensed danger when the man crossed back to his side of the road retracing his steps. When the man stopped at Ahmed’s gate and began to knock, the Colonel knew it was time. Immediately, he got up, half ran across the roof and jumped on the ladder. He raced down the ladder and got into the house through the back door. He made it just in time to see Ahmed moving to the front door, about to open it. As fast as lightening, the Colonel moved to where Ahmed was, dragging him by the hand just as he was about to grab the door handle. Ahmed looked back frightened and almost pulled the trigger of his gun, when the Colonel put a finger on his mouth indicating that Ahmed be quiet. He signaled to Ahmed that they had company and that he should be on the alert. Ahmed nodded. The Colonel signaled again that Ahmed wait at the door and do nothing, while he went to keep watch at the back entrance. The Colonel was as calm as ever. Ahmed’s heart was racing. He swallowed saliva and nodded again like a dummy. ************************************* After Bruno nodded his head at Marshal, Marshal leaped over the fence from outside, landing in Ahmed’s compound. As he landed, he simultaneously brought out his gun from his hip area and scanned the area. He did not want anyone to take him unawares, especially dogs. When he was sure no one was alerted, he moved cautiously to the gate and silently opened the smaller area for Bruno to come in. Bruno shut the gate behind him noiselessly and moved ahead of Marshal. They decided to take the back entrance. Ahmed saw the way the two men entered his compound. He noticed they had military training. Their signals, silent communication and perfect sync scared the living daylight out of him. He watched them move very slowly taking calculated steps toward the back of the house. They moved like they knew where they were going with the heavy one behind looking behind and scanning for aerial and ground threats. He decided he would attack them from behind. Two quick head shots and they would both be dead. They would not see him coming. He smiled. As the thought crossed his mind, his uncle stole into the sitting room. “Any luck?” The Colonel whispered, barely audible. “They are going to the back entrance. I will take them from behind. It would be easy.” The detective said. “No! Don’t! I will handle this. Just cover me.” The Colonel ordered. As the Colonel took silent steps towards the back entrance, Ahmed felt disgusted. Why would The Colonel want the glory for himself? For God’s sakes he was retired! His uncle did not completely trust him. He felt he was not good enough. All these thoughts ran through Ahmed’s head in milliseconds. He decided he was going to show his uncle that he was no sissy. He turned and headed for the front door. The Colonel turned and noticed Ahmed heading for the front door. He tried to call him back but he was too late. Ahmed was already outside. “Shiitt!!!” The Colonel cursed and raced after his nephew. Ahmed was already way ahead. The Colonel did not want to run. He did not want to draw attention. So he moved fast, but very quietly. Ahmed could now see Marshal. Bruno was right in front of him. Ahmed moved closer taking his aim at the back of Marshal’s skull, moving closer still to get a clean shot. 3 seconds later, he had the perfect shot to take out Marshal. As he took his final step to pull the trigger, his boots crushed some gravel. Marshal turned. Bruno looked back too. Ahmed’s heart skipped a beat. Marshal brought up his gun to take his aim. Ahmed was quicker. Ahmed pulled the trigger and his bullet caught Marshal squarely on the face. Blood splattered everywhere. Marshal fell to the ground, his brains scattered everywhere. Bruno rolled on the ground and fired two quick shots at Ahmed. A bullet caught Ahmed on his left thigh. He screamed, falling to the ground and holding his thigh. As Bruno ran closer to finish him off, The Colonel appeared from the corner. He fired three perfect shots at Bruno. Bruno rolled on the ground and ducked behind the wall. A bullet caught him on the arm. He was bleeding. The Colonel approached Bruno, shooting at the wall. Pieces of bricks scattered around Bruno. Bruno moved backwards. The Colonel got to Ahmed and knelt on one knee, not taking his eyes off the wall. He felt Ahmed’s pulse. He was still alive. “Hang in there my boy.” The Colonel said. As the Colonel got up approaching Bruno, there were gunshots at the gate. The Colonel backed into the wall. He saw someone jump in from the fence and roll to the gate. She got up and continued shooting sporadically at the Colonel. The Colonel backed away dragging Ahmed with him. He was out of rounds. He did not expect this much firepower. Bruno saw Sophia and ran towards her, shooting at the Colonel’s direction with his good hand. Sophia covered him, her back to the gate while Bruno opened the gate and went out. Sophia moved slowly to the gate still shooting at the Colonel. She got out of the gate, got into the car and sped out of the estate. “How are you?” She asked Marshal as they sped along Palm Groove, Ikorodu road. “I will be fine. Marshal is dead.” Bruno replied. Sophia did not say a word. Marshal was her cousin. Her eyes were red. She stepped on the accelerator and bit her lower lip. Someone was going to pay for Marshal’s death. To be continued.
30 Oct 2014 | 03:12
that ahmed na idiot
30 Oct 2014 | 07:49
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”: “Sir, upon gruesome scrutiny of the playback tapes of the bugging operation, I noticed a blind spot. We overlooked that little glitch but upon proper inspection, it was actually not a glitch. Therewas a point that the target was stationary for about 90 seconds. That was our blind spot. I decided to check it out. I was able to override one of the surveillance cameras around the Redemption Camp. The nearest camera was a CAM70-Extreme. I zoomed in on it and adjusted the capture area.The Colonel is very smart. He had the Mechanic come meet him at the exact spot where he knew that he would not be captured by the cameras. It seems he is going to win with this one.” – Agent Ope “Bee Hive. I want all routes taken by commercial van with registration plates BZ739FST between the hours of 6:30 and 7:30. You have 15 minutes” – Tawo “Ma’am. There is someone here to see you.” – Messenger. “Who is it?” – Eva. “Your mother” – Messenger. “You are very rusty boy! And as long as I am here, I would have none of that. Training commences at 04:00hrs. You’d better be ready.” – Colonel “Have you perused the file I gave you?” – Sophia “Yes I have. It’s quite a lot of work.” – Sean “What you have on that file is nothing compared to what we have in store for you. We just want to see if you have what it takes to be a part of this team.” – Sophia. “Access the traffic surveillance at the Oshodi intersection. Rewind the recorded footage and get it to 7:15am. That is the point where the bus dropped the target.” – Tawo. “Sir, I cannot seem to override the access codes for the surveillance cameras. I keep getting blocked out.” – Ope “This is a complex firewall. You have to first mimic the algorithm, and then unlock its pseudo codes. Ash, question mark, Shift Delta, Raven, Orange, Peter, twenty percent Gamma.” – Tawo “Target is now red hot on the radar. Get ready to pull the trigger.” – Tawo “Operation at risk. New development. Moving to take out target. It’s going to be a clean sweep. Get in, get out. No trace. No mistakes” – Bruno “Shiittt!!! The Colonel Mission is on a code red. Of the four of us, you are closest to the detective’s location. Please move in. Your protégé Bruno’s life depends on it.” – Tawo “What? You call me at this time of the night and expect me to jump at your instructions? Who do you think you are talking to? One of your dogs?” – Sophia. “Please S. I really need you.” – Tawo “Send me the details.” – Sophia “Hang in there my boy.” – The Colonel “How are you?” – Sophia “I will be fine. Marshal is dead.” – Bruno. AND NOW. . . Episode 23 Eva spent three days with her mother in the mansion. A separate suite was arranged for them where everything was provided adequately, ensuring satisfaction and comfort. Eva was upset initially that she was not allowed to leave the mansion. She questioned why her mother had to be brought in to see her as that was not the original plan. She got over it after Shina explained that plans had changed. The corporation constantly changed plans and made last minute cancellations just to throw any tracker off guard. Besides, she was safer here than anywhere else. On the third day, Eva explained to her mother that she would be going on professional course outside the country. The course would span three years after which she would set up her own company. Her mother did not ask too many questions. She was glad that her daughter was moving up the corporate ladder. She admonished Eva to remember her younger brother and to always check on him from time to time. As Eva helped her mother pack her bags, pangs of guilt enveloped her. She knew she had to tell her mother the truth. But she knew her mother could not handle it. Besides, she was afraid of what Sophia would do if she spilled. The very thought scared her to her very bones. She shuddered. “Eva, please seat down. I want to talk to you.” Eva’s mother said moving on the bed for her daughter to seat. “What is the problem mama?” Eva asked sitting down, concern on her face. “I know you have been working hard. And I am very glad that you are doing very well. Your father would be very pleased with you. Only if he were alive.” Eva’s mum started. She sobbed softly wiping her face with the edge of her wrapper. Eva pulled her mother close, hugging her. “It’s ok mummy. We will pull through.” Eva said, rocking her slowly. “I know my dear.” Eva’s mum said sniffing and continued, “I was at the window area yesterday. I saw a number of men in black suits and wearing dark shades. What was happening?” “Oh, those men. They are the security details attached to my boss mummy. She came into town yesterday.” Eva replied. “Okay my daughter. God will bless her. I have to thank her before I leave.” Eva’s mum said. “No problem ma. I will arrange for you to see her mummy.” Eva said. Eva got up from the bed and went into the bathroom, shutting the after her. She left the shower to run while she sat on the toilet seat. She put her face in her hands and began to cry. She hated the fact that she just lied to her mother. She was sad and scared. Deep down inside her, she was troubled. She may never see her mother again. ****************************************** Sophia drove into the gate of The Mansion, parking the car in the garage where there were other very expensive cars. She turned off the ignition. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. She unlocked the seat belt around her, looking at Bruno. He held his arm and winced as he unstrapped himself from the seat. “I think someone should check that out. It looks pretty messy” Sophia said. “No! I am fine. I just need a few stitches. Can I get first aid in your room?” Bruno asked. “Yes I do. Let’s go.” Sophia said. They got out of the car and walked to the front of Sophia’s wing. As they entered the house Bruno collapsed on the couch in the sitting room. He passed out. Sophie shook her head as she sat in a chair opposite him. She took off the holsters on both ankles, setting the guns on the table. She kicked off her flats, walking barefooted to the bar in the far right of the sitting room. She poured herself a full glass of strong vodka and drowned half the contents. She had not been this shaken in a very long time. She was renowned for her ability to keep her emotions in check, and her clear thoughtfulness in very unpleasant circumstances. But the emotions were flooding in now. This was getting too much for her to bear. She blocked every thought of Marshal from her head. All she wanted to do was to get back at whoever killed her only living relative. She finished the vodka, looked at the glass cup for a while then smashed in angrily at the wall. It broke into a million pieces. The noise was not even enough to wake Bruno. She pressed a button by the bar. A young man dressed in a white shirt and black pants came in from a side entrance. “You rang ma.” The lad said. “Yes Jeff. Clean up that mess over there and get Emmanuela to attend to that man over there” She said pointing at Bruno. The lad nodded and hurried out of the house. Sophia walked sluggishly to her room and opened the door. ****************************************** The Colonel dragged his nephew inside the house. He lifted He looked for the first aid everywhere and eventually found it in the store. He took the big box into the sitting room where Ahmed lay, groaning and breathing softly. He searched the first aid box and did not really find what he was looking for. He had to make do with was available. He got out some disinfectant and a towel. He sterilized a pick-scissors with warm water and the disinfectant. He dabbed the blood off Ahmed’s wound, cleaning it and getting it ready to be closed. Ahmed winced. “Steady boy. You are lucky son. The bullet grazed past your flesh. You quite some amount of blood. But you will be fine.” The Colonel said, “Did we get them uncle?” Ahmed asked The Colonel kept quiet. He concentrated on bandaging the wound. “I think we did. But we were outnumbered. So I had to retreat.” The Colonel said. “I am sorry Uncle. I should have listened to you.” Ahmed said, very sober. “It’s okay. I will give you 15 minutes to get yourself together. We have to leave here immediately. I will inject you with a serum that will make you feel no pain. It will help you move faster. Pack only the things you need. They would come back. And this time, we may not be so lucky.” The Colonel said. “I am fine uncle. I don’t need 15 minutes. I can start now.” Ahmed said trying to get up. A tearing pain seared through his body. He screamed and lay back down on the bed. The Colonel looked at him and shook his head. “I may be retired son, but whenever I tell you to jump, you jump. And if I ask you to run, or crawl, or hold your breath, you do exactly as I say! You do not know what you are dealing with here. I do. I will be back in 15 minutes.” The Colonel said and walked out of the bedroom. ****************************************** A black kia optima parked six houses away from The Mansion. A tall man with average build got out of the back seat and strolled leisurely forwards. He walked confidently towards the gate of The Mansion. He knocked. A very small rectangular part of the gate opened which gave room for the gateman’s eyes only. “Yes, wetin you dey find?” A rough speaking gateman said, eyeing the man suspiciously. “Please sir, I am looking for one woman. She said I should ask for Oga, and that you would direct me. She gave me this card to give you.” The man said. He resisted the urge to poke out the red eyeballs that were staring at him “Which nonsense card? Make I see.” The gateman said. The man put the card through the small rectangular hole and the gateman collected. After a few seconds of scrutiny, he handed the card back to the man and opened the door for the man to come in. The gateman directed the man to Sophia’s wing of the house and told him he would meet someone at the door. He thanked the gateman and walked to the door leading to Sophia’s wing. He pressed the bell a few times. A very pretty steward opened the door for him. She asked him what business he had and he showed her the same card. She smiled at him, handed back the card and led him to the visitor’s lounge. “Please make yourself comfortable sir. I will let her know you are around.” The steward said. Five minutes later, the steward came back. “I am sorry sir. She is not around. She will not be back till tomorrow.” “Okay.” The man said, raising his head from a magazine he was reading. “Can I show myself out when I am done please?” The man asked, showing all the charm he had. “Okay sir.” The steward replied, chuckling. Ten minutes later the man got up. He did not go outside. He climbed the stairs and went into Sophia’s room. Sophia felt weak and exhausted. She decided to just relax a bit after taking that much liquor. She climbed the stairs, heading for her room. She opened the door to her room, shut the door behind her and switched on the light. She almost jumped out of her skin at what she saw. “Hello Agent S”. It was the General.
30 Oct 2014 | 08:24
Hahahahaha, am so much loving dis
30 Oct 2014 | 10:58
Episode 24 Sophia was shocked. A million questions ran through her mind. When? Why? How? The General never makes himself available physically. On one hand she could count the number of agents in the Corporation that had seen the General face to face. Whenever the General makes an appearance, something was definitely not right. She opened her mouth but no words came out. “Hello Agent S” The General said He was seated on the far left corner in the room on a wooden chair by the reading table. He crossed his legs and smiled. “Good Evening General. What do I owe this huge visit?” Sophia replied with a little bit of restored calm. She backed the door and folded her arms. “S. Of all my lieutenants, you are the closest to my heart. I place you even above my son, Tawo. So far, you haven’t given me any reason to regret my decision.” The General said, getting up from the chair. He walked towards Sophia and stood less than two yards in front of her. His eyes pierced hers. His stare was strong, authoritative, and commanding. She didn’t flinch. She maintained her calm demeanor. She almost smiled. “Sophia, is anything wrong? Is there something you need help with? I can reassign Project Eva to Shina and give you a long deserved break, maybe a vacation at the Caribbean.” The General said. Sophia did not break the gaze. “I am perfectly fine sir. I will deliver the project. Things are looking good. Sean is already on his prerequisite professional training and Eva has been emotionally stabilized for her role. Getting her to give up her emotions, her loved ones and her career was the tricky part, but that has been done. She understands what needs to be done and is ready to begin. We are getting her ready for the physicals.” Sophia replied. “Okay. Anything else I should be aware of?” The General asked. Sophia paused for a while. She tried to read the General’s expression but it was blank. The man was as cold as ice. “I have everything under control General.” Sophia insisted. The General shrugged and walked away from Sophia. He went to her bed, dipped his hand under the wooden support and dragged out a small bottle of Vodka. The bottle was half full. Sophia was surprised. How did the General know that she kept a bottle under her bed? “Don’t look so surprised. I know everything about you.” The General said. He took the bottle and walked to the door. He turned. “I know what you just did and where you went. You did your best. Sorry about Marshal. I have sent an elite squad to pick up his body. I do not expect the Colonel to be around when the squad gets to Ahmed’s residence. But if he is, he would be taken dead or alive. I know everything that goes on with my Lieutenants. If I keep doing everything myself, how would any of you be good enough to become General? I lie low because I need you to prove me wrong. I am disappointed in all of you. You are still on track with Project Eva. I will still leave that to you. But just one mistake from you and you will be sorry. Leave the Colonel to me. I am going to handle him.” The General said and walked out of the door. Sophia had had enough for one night. She didn’t bother taking off her clothes as she laid on the bed, drifting into a long, much needed sleep. ******************************************* The Colonel entered the bedroom in exactly 15 minutes, holding a syringe. He grabbed Ahmed’s leg and shook them, waking him up. He sat up sluggishly. He still felt sleepy. The Colonel gently slapped Ahmed’s cheeks several times. “Wake boy. We have to move!” The Colonel said. He tapped Ahmed’s wrist. When he got a vein, he injected the serum into Ahmed’s body. “That should fix you. Do not carry anything that would slow us down. Just your phones, your ATM cards and a face cap. Remember your guns,” The Colonel said. Five minutes later, both men hurried out of the compound in Ahmed’s Mazda mpv with the Colonel at the wheel. As they turned into the freeway, two black military Ford Vans went passed them and into Ahmed’s street. The Colonel sensed danger and stepped on the accelerator. The Colonel checked his rear view mirror as he drove, looking out for any tracers. He had driven for about 6 minutes when he noticed a black land cruiser jeep tailing him. “Son, look in the rear view mirror. Notice anything?” The Colonel asked Ahmed. Ahmed looked in the mirror. He studied the mirror for a couple of minutes. “We have a tail Uncle.” Ahmed replied. “Now, this is how you lose a tracker. Watch me” The Colonel said. The Colonel stepped on the accelerator, increasing his speed to 100km/hr. There were few cars on the express way. The Land Cruiser jeep was no longer in view. Ahmed smiled. “That was easy.” Ahmed said grinning. The Colonel kept a straight face and his eyes on the rear view. A few minutes later, the jeep materialized. “What took you so long?” The Colonel said to himself, a little smile creeping up his face. “Put on your seat belt Ahmed. It’s going to be a very rough ride.” The Colonel said. Ahmed quickly strapped himself in his chair. The Colonel switched to the final gear and hit the accelerator. He sped past other cars on the high way, swerving left and right without reducing speed. The tires screeched as the swerved. Ahmed was surprised at how the Colonel was still able to switch on the trafficator just before he swerved and overtook the cars. The Colonel had completely forgotten that a brake existed. The jeep was coming very close to them now, as both vehicles moved at high speed. The Colonel swerved to the right lane, taking his feet off the accelerator. As the car’s speed dropped steadily, the jeep got closer. The jeep left the car’s rear swerved left and was coming level with The Colonel. “Yes. More…Just a little more…” The Colonel said, “Ahmed, Give me your gun. Now!” The Colonel barked. Ahmed handed over his .43 automatic pistol to his Uncle. As the jeep reduced speed, the colonel took the gun in his left hand. He rolled down his window, aimed and shot the jeep’s front tyre. There was a deafening sound as the tyre burst and began to wobble. The Colonel suddenly stepped on the accelerator, catching his tracker unawares. He was about 20 meters away when he suddenly stepped on the brakes and swerved the steering in a U-turn. The tires screeched. The jeep was moving at 40km/hr now, trying to balance and park properly. The Colonel put the car in gear 2, approaching the jeep’s direction. He hit the brakes, got his head out of the window and aimed at the jeep’s driver as the car got closer. The man driving the jeep, sensing danger opened the door and tried to get out. The Colonel pulled the trigger. It was a head shot. The bullet pierced the windscreen, hitting the driver on his forehead. The Colonel put the car in reverse. As he reversed, he aimed at the fuel tank on the jeep. He fired. The jeep went up in flames. Ahmed curled up in his chair as he watched in awe at everything his uncle did. The Colonel turned the car around, moved forwards far away from the burning car and parked. He looked at Ahmed. He smiled as he opened the door. “Take the wheel. Let’s get out of here.” THREE YEARS LATER . . .
30 Oct 2014 | 12:31
oh my God! See action movie
30 Oct 2014 | 13:47
Episode 25 Sean’s private jet touched down at exactly 6pm. He wore a white tailored shirt, his black tie slightly loose. His sleeves were folded and stopped a few inches just below his elbows, while his jacket was on the seat opposite him. He looked very handsome and rich. His hair was cut very low and dark with sporting waves flowing on it. He wore finely shaped pretty side burns. As the jet taxied to its hangar, he finished the glass of champagne on his table, looking out of the window. The limited edition diamond watch on his left wrist glittered. A man in black suit walked over from the cabin, handing Sean an Ipad. Sean brought out a Cuban cigar from a small gold case. “We are here sir. This is a list of five star hotels we have for you to choose from.” The security detail said, swiping the screen of the Ipad. “Wait. Wait. Go back. Yes. That one. What hotel is that?” Sean asked with confidence, nibbling his cigar. “That’s WheatBaker Hotel, Ikoyi.” The man replied. “Take me there.” Sean demanded. “Wonderful choice sir. I will make the arrangements.” The man said. “Thank you, Austin.” Sean said. The door to the jet opened, and the automatic ladder was released. Sean picked his jacket and got up from the leather seat. He put the jacket on, his cigar in his mouth and walked to the door. As the cool evening breeze blew his face, he smiled. He had missed home. He walked down the ladder to a waiting black limousine stretch. Austin who was behind him, got the door for him. Sean got in the luxury car, relaxing his muscular frame in the chair. Austin entered through the opposite door, reading out the itinerary of the evening. Sean put up his hand, signaling that Austin be quiet. “I really want to close my eyes for one hour and not have you rambling in my ears Austin. Okay? I would really appreciate it.” Sean said. “Okay Boss” Austin replied, putting off his Ipad. He pressed a button and a small black barrier which separated them from the driver opened sideways. “Hotel number three.” Austin said to the driver. The driver nodded. As the compartment closed again, the driver pressed a button on a screen to the right of his steering wheel. Different hotels appeared on the screen with a navigation guide to each destination. He continued to press the button until he got to the third hotel. WheatBaker Hotel showed on the screen. Beside it, a navigation route to get there. The driver knew the place perfectly well. He did not need the navigation system. He shut down the screen, put the Limousine into gear and drove away from the airport. Sean opened the small gold case he took the Cuban cigar from, got out a small cutter, and took a little bit off the head of the cigar. He put the cigar back in his mouth. Instinctively, Austin got out a lighter, feeding Sean’s cigar. Sean puffed and blew smoke. He could not wait to really relax. He was happy to be home. ************************************************* Eva kissed him passionately like her life depended on it. As she kissed, she rubbed his pot belly and pushed her other hand inside his pants. He grunted as she touched him, squeezing her br3ast through her gown and scattering her hair. He was experiencing pleasure from a professional runz girl. He had only his trousers on. Eva used her tongue on the sensitive parts of his upper body, caressing the massive hair on his chest. He almost went into a spasm, blabbing incoherently. She kissed him lightly on the cheek, getting up from his bulky frame. “No baby, don’t stop.” The man begged. “Relax honey. The fun is just about to begin.” Eva said, winking and blowing him a seductive kiss. He licked his lips and rubbed his palms together. “Baby, let me freshen up. Better be ready when I get back.” Eva said slowly and deliberately, dragging the ‘ready’. “How about the pool, baby? Do we have it to ourselves? You know how I am with other people in the same water I swim in.” Eva asked pulling off her top over her head. “Oh, that. Give me a few seconds.” The man said. He made a phone call. “Done sweetheart.” The man said. She blew him a kiss, got her purse and took out a female contraceptive. She brandished it in front of the man seductively and turned. She wriggled her bum as she shut the door behind her. Eva took out a lipstick from her purse. She turned the lipstick anti clockwise. It opened. There were two drugs. A red capsule and a green one. She put the drugs in her mouth, hiding them under her tongue. She stripped nak3d and had a quick shower. Eva got out of the bathroom with only a towel on. Her hair fell behind her shoulders as her sparkling dark skin shone in the bright room. She smiled as she shut the bathroom door. She walked erotically to the bed where the man was lying down, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. She kissed him again, igniting his whole body with fiery passion. She kissed his ears, trailing her tongue from his earlobe to his fleshy neck. As she kissed his neck, she kept her eyes on him, waiting for his most vulnerable point. As he closed his eyes, enjoying the tease, she released the capsules from under her tongue and broke them with her teeth still inside her mouth. As the capsule began to melt in her mouth, she immediately went to his lips and began kissing him furiously, passing the contents of her mouth into his. He was too excited to notice. The odorless and tasteless candy capsule melted in both mouths as she kissed and touched his most sensitive parts. The red capsule was designed to stop the user’s heart 15seconds after melting. The green capsule was going to neutralize the detection of any foul play when the forensics team checked for cause of death. He would be certified dead from a heart attack. They were called Twin Silencers and had to be administered at the exact same time. As Eva kissed him, she began counting down silently. She kissed him faster and kneaded his nippl3s. When she had counted up to 8, she began to feel her heartbeat slowing. She got up from the man. “Hey baby. Where are you going?” He asked trying to get up “Hold on baby. Let me get the contraceptive from the bathroom.” She said pushing him gently back on bed. She felt herself getting out of breath. She hurried into the bathroom and got her purse. Inside one of its very thin pockets, she got out a small syringe about the size of a toothpick. She tapped her arm, got a vein and quickly injected the syringe. It contained the antidote to the Twin Silencers. She was already losing breath when she injected herself. Her heartbeat began to rise and then stabilized. She opened the bathroom door and got out. The Chief of Army Staff was dead. Now she had to leave the premises. Their suite was on the first floor. She went to the balcony and looked down from the railing. The pool was empty and there was no one in sight. She put on her panty and her sexy bra. She had practiced diving at this height twice a day for six weeks. Missions like this irked her. They were too simple and straightforward. It did not really give her the kick and adrenalin rush she was used to for eight months now. She took in a deep breath and plunged from the railing of the balcony, into the pool. She felt tempted to remain in the water and enjoy the cooling sensation it gave. But time was of the essence. She got to the edge of the pool and came out, dripping wet. As she approached the changing room she silently prayed that Shina had her escape route ready. She entered the changing room. She saw a shopping bag on the floor. The bag contained everything she needed. She smiled. She took out a towel from the bag and mopped her body. There was a waitress outfit in the bag. The exact type as the one used in the hotel. She dressed up as quickly as she could. By now she was sure that the Chief’s body would have been found. She removed the blue contact lens in her eyes and replaced them with green ones. She took out her artificial detachable fingernails and the eyelashes. There was a face contortion, a piece of gum, a lighter, a wig and scissors in the bag. She removed the wrapper of the gum. A small map was designed on the gum. It was her escape route. She memorized the map, threw the gum in her mouth and chewed. She closed her eyes. She loosened the Brazilian hair the chief had bought for hair earlier in the day and cut it into tiny shreds. She wore the wig and the face contortion. The face contortion was like a transparent mask. It changed her facial features, giving her an oblong face and high cheek bones. She put the shreds of hair into the shopping bag and set it on fire. She threw the lighter in the flames and shut the changing room door. Eva opened the back door. She walked through a long corridor till she came to the kitchen entrance. There was only one Chef on duty and he seemed to be more concerned with the carrots he was chopping. He looked up, saw Eva and continued with his carrots. Eva took an aluminum tray from the cutting table and moved to the restaurant section of the hotel. There was no one in the restaurant. She went left and opened a door leading to the reception. A pretty lady was at the desk. Eva leaned forwards on the reception table, hiding the tray behind her and mumbled a few incoherent words. The receptionist could not hear what Eva was saying so she came closer. As the receptionist leaned forwards, Eva hit her hard on the side of her face with the tray. The receptionist slumped. Eva smiled at the cameras. She knew that everything was being captured by the cameras. She cat walked out of the reception, with the tray in hand. A parked black Lexus Jeep to Eva’s left flashed it headlights twice as Eva stepped out of the hotel. She crossed her hand across her shoulders. The Jeep sped to where she was. She got in and they sped away. “How was it?” Shina asked at the wheel, looking sideways at her. “Piece of cake.” Eva said. To be continued…
31 Oct 2014 | 03:25
Episode 26 The Colonel woke up slowly, stretching his arms and trying to stifle a yawn. It had been a long night. He had driven for hours and his back was beginning to ache. He was now in Akure, hours after driving nonstop from Benin City, Edo State. He had booked and paid for the hotel reservation online using a fake ID and money from one of his alias bank accounts. Hiding was easy but expensive. He was glad that the country had gotten to the stage where everything was done almost paperless. The hotel sent him a 4 pin code that served as his suite key. He arrived at the hotel in the dead of night, punched in the 4 pin code and got to his suite. He landed on the bed fully clothed sleeping off almost immediately. Ahmed however was more alert. Over the years he had now become very vigilant. He suspected everything. He even suspected the air he breathed sometimes. Ahmed did not sleep. He went from the toilet, to the bathroom, to the living room and then into the bedroom, looking carefully and searching for anything remotely suspicious and out of place. He lifted vases, opened covers, searched the wall for bugs, ran the taps, and checked the furniture. He was extremely thorough. They had been to half the states in the country in the space of 35 months. They never stayed in one place for too long. That was the price they had to pay for pitching their tent against the Ghost’s Corporation. The Colonel looked round the huge bedroom of the five- star hotel they had lodged in. Ahmed was nowhere to be found. Throwing the duvet aside, he climbed out of bed, and walked into the living room. Ahmed stood arms akimbo facing the wall. Newspaper clippings in different shapes and sizes were pinned to the wall. For three years Ahmed had been carefully observing perfectly orchestrated assassinations, high profile murders and unexplainable disappearances of political hotshots. Every morning when he got the daily newspaper, he cut out parts that caught his fancy and kept them. Wherever they set up camp, he took the clippings out and studied them. He tried to find a pattern. He desperately wanted to understand the motive behind the killings. Every day at dawn, he painstakingly scrutinized the clippings looking for any form of clue. And every time he ended up angry and frustrated. He got more confused by the day. He had no doubts in his mind that the Ghosts were behind these murders. They were efficient and invisible. Yet, he strongly believed that there had to be a weak spot. There had to be a slight loop hole. And it was that loop hole he sought to find. Two days earlier, the Chief of army staff had died in a hotel in Lagos. Autopsy reports had it that he suffered a strong heart attack. Rumor had it that the woman who he had intimate relations with was too hot for him to handle. Others said that he loved to ma5turbate and had done one too many, the last one being his undoing. The official report from the Army Barracks had it that he was only resting after a long meeting when he died in his sleep. After Ahmed read the news, he cut it out and added it to his collection of clippings. He hacked into the hospital’s server to access the Chief’s medical history. The Chief had no prior heart issue, and for five years running had never missed his appointment with the doctors. The doctors passed him fit at the last checkup two months back. His wife and four children were based outside the country and kept in touch regularly. He got an unannounced promotion just recently and was a very happy man. Ahmed suspected foul play. The Colonel walked up behind him, placing his left hand on Ahmed’s right shoulder. Without looking back, Ahmed greeted, “Good Morning Uncle. Trust you are refreshed after that irresistible nap?” Ahmed said. “Yes boy. I am. What was it with the entire search you were conducting last night? I was too tired to get up and ask you. Do I sense some form of paranoia boy?” The Colonel sounded worried. “Uncle, you have taught me a lot these few years. Part of what I have learned from you is to always be aware of my surroundings. One can never be too certain of how safe he is. Extra precaution has to be taken Uncle.” Ahmed said, his eyes still fixed on the newspaper clippings. “Spoken like a true soldier. Any luck with those?” The Colonel said pointing at the wall. Ahmed shook his head. “Uncle, do you know anyone in the late Chief of Army Staff’s cabinet that we can coerce to speak to us? I smell a rat in the stories going round about the cause of death. Something is not right.” Ahmed said facing his uncle. “I actually do. I personally got Mustapha the position of Chief of Army Staff six years ago. And along with that, I planted my spies. One of his security details is a trusted servant. Hold on.” The Colonel said. The Colonel got out his phone and inserted the new sim card he got the day before. It was registered to the Alias that paid for the hotel. “Son, set your stop watch to 18 seconds. It takes 20 minutes for a pro to trace a call. I do not know if the mole has been compromised. When I start talking, begin the countdown. Stop me immediately the timer ends.” The Colonel said and Ahmed nodded. He dialed the number. There was a click on the other end of the line showing that the mole had picked the call. The Colonel signaled to Ahmed to start the timer. He obliged. “Chameleon Brown. It’s Alpha speaking.” The Colonel said “Sorry. Wrong number please.” The voice at the other end replied. “What really happened to Strong Man?” The Colonel persisted “Baby, damn. Did you see that? She just killed that man and dived into the pool through the window. Wow! She left her gown and that rough bouncer has picked it up. Baby you are missing! In fact it seems I am going to wait for you to finish so you can join me o. This movie is so interesting. I want…” The man was saying but the Colonel cut in. “Excuse me? Please can I talk to Chameleon Brown? It’s really urgent.” The colonel pleaded. “Oga, I said this is a wrong number. What is your problem? Can’t I enjoy my movie in peace? Can you…” He was saying angrily but the Colonel dropped the call on him. “How many seconds?” The Colonel asked asked Ahmed “16 seconds.” Ahmed replied and continued, “Seems like you dialed the wrong number.” The Colonel put off the phone, opened the back cover and took out the sim card. He scratched the gold area of the sim with the back cover of the phone, and then broke the sim in two. “Actually, it was the correct number.” The Colonel said, walking to a chair. He sat down and crossed his legs smiling mischievously. “I don’t understand Uncle” Ahmed said folding his arms across his chest. “Mustapha was killed by a female. She escaped through the window, diving into the pool below their hotel. She may have forgotten to take a piece of clothing along. It’s with one of the bouncers.” The Colonel said. “Or Uncle, she may have left it deliberately to set the police on the wrong track. The Ghosts are very smart.” Ahmed said walking towards his uncle. He continued. “Can I access the internet from this building? I want to dig into the hotel surveillance. I also want to check the architectural design of the hotels. Doors, windows, suites, corridors, pathways, and everything that I can lay my hands on.” “I know some access codes and encrypted hash tags you can use to override the Access Control Protocols that protect the firewalls you may encounter. However, I just made a transmission from this location by calling my informant. Making another transmission is pushing it too far. I know a place where we can go. We leave at dusk.” The Colonel said with a tone of finality. He picked up the Intercom and called kitchen. *********************************************** Sean finished his early morning ritual drowned in his own sweat. His muscles rippled under his sleeveless shirt and his skin glowed under his own perspiration. He was not satisfied with the day’s work out. He still had more energy to burn. He prostrated on the gym floor, balanced himself on his hands and toes, and began to do push-ups. “1, 2, 3, 4…” he counted as he pumped. He was feeling the strain and bulge in his biceps. He loved it. He loved the pain. He had become so accustomed to pain. In the previous year, he had spent four months in interrogation by the harshest standards. “51, 52…” he counted as he pumped. He switched to pumping with one hand. “58, 59… 60.” He groaned the last number and turned on his back. He was breathing hard and fast, his heart trying to adjust to the huge demand of blood from his body. As he breathed, he fell into revelry, remembering all that happened eight months ago: 8 months ago: Sean hurried to the roof of the Civic Center. It was 5am. He was disguised as a member of the Lagos State Elite Sniper Team. It was campaign season in the country and every eligible candidate was flaunting posters, carrying out different campaign strategies and lobbying for voters’ support. The governor was running for second term and was scheduled to hold a campaign parade later in the morning. The Governor and his entourage would start their open air parade at 9am, starting off at Ajah, up until CMS bus stop. Therefore the amount of security provided was immense. There was a convoy of police cars, a huge number of armed foot soldiers and helicopters flying around. The Ghosts had worked their magic and Sean had been included in the Sniper team. There were 50 snipers in all. His designation was at the top of the Civic center. Snipers lined almost every high rise building on the Ozumba Mbadiwe road. He was dressed in a police uniform with “SNIPER” written boldly behind and in front. He kept radio communication with the rest of the team as he set up his Sniper rifle adjusting the focus and scanning other roof tops for similar weapons. Earlier that morning just before the snipers were dispatched, the Sniper Commander had assembled them and gave them a harangue. The order from the Sniper commander was: “Make sure there are no infidels out there!” He charged and continued “The Governor is in full view of the public. Make sure there are no smart as5es up on that roof! You see a threat, you take it out!!! Nothing and I repeat Nothing happens to the governor on my watch! Copy that?!!!” The Sniper commander yelled. “Yes sir!!!” The snipers replied. However, Sophia’s instructions were simpler: “Take out the Governor”.
31 Oct 2014 | 08:50
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”: “I know you have been working hard. And I am very glad that you are doing very well. Your father would be very pleased with you. Only if he were alive. I was at the window area yesterday. I saw a number of men in black suits and wearing dark shades. What was happening?”– Eva’s Mum “They are security details attached to my boss, mummy. She came into town yesterday.” – Eva “Okay my daughter. God will bless her. I have to thank her before I leave” – Eva’s mum “I think someone should check that out. It looks pretty messy” – Sophia “No! I am fine” – Bruno. “Steady boy. You are lucky son. The bullet grazed your flesh. You lost quite some amount of blood. But you will be fine.” – The Colonel “Did we get them uncle?” – Ahmed “I think we did. But we were outnumbered. I had to retreat.” – The Colonel “Please sir, I am looking for one woman. She said I should ask for Oga, and that you would direct me. She gave me this card to give you. Can I show myself out when I am done please?” – The General “Hello Agent S” – The General. “Things are looking good. Sean is already on his prerequisite professional training and Eva has been emotionally stabilized for her role. Getting her to give up her emotions, her loved ones and her career was the tricky part, but that has been done. She understands what needs to be done and is ready to begin. I have everything under control General.” – Sophia “Wake boy. We have to move!” – The Colonel “We have a tail Uncle.” – Ahmed “Now, this is how you lose a tracker. Watch me. Put on your seat belt Ahmed. It’s going to be a very rough ride.”” – The Colonel “We are here sir. This is a list of five star hotels we have for you to choose from. WheatBaker Hotel, Ikoyi.” – Austin “Take me there” – Sean “How was it?” – Shina “Piece of cake.” – Eva. “Uncle, you have taught me a lot these few years. One can never be too certain of how safe he is. Extra precaution has to be taken.” – Ahmed “Spoken like a true soldier. Any luck with those?” – The Colonel. “Do you know anyone in the late Chief of Army Staff’s cabinet that we can coerce to speak to us? I smell a rat in the stories going round about the cause of death. Something is not right.” – Ahmed “Actually, it was the correct number. Mustapha was killed by a female. She escaped through the window, diving into the pool below their hotel. She may have forgotten to take a piece of clothing along. It’s with one of the bouncers.” – The Colonel. “Make sure there are no infidels out there! The Governor is in full view of the public. Make sure there are no smart as5es up on that roof! You see a threat, you take it out!!! Nothing and I repeat NOTHING happens to the governor on my watch! Copy that?!!!” – Sniper commander “Take out the Governor” - Sophia AND NOW. . . 27 Sean’s heartbeat rose as the seconds grew closer. It was a few minutes to 9am. The Sniper commander had just radioed, saying that the Governor and his convoy were very close and would pass by any moment. He demanded sharpness now more than ever. Beads of sweat broke out on Sean’s forehead. He was nervous. Who wouldn’t be? Asides the fact that he had to take out the number one citizen of the state, this was his final test. His performance would determine the next thing that happened to him. Still sprawled on the roof top he looked through the lens of the sniper rifle positioned on a small tripod stand. The street beneath him was free of cars but filled with armed police men who were desperately trying to control the teeming crowd and still watch out for strays. He slotted in the only available single long silver bullet and snapped the bullet chamber shut. He needed only one shot. He closed his eyes and waited. Closing his eyes always helped him gather his thoughts. It made him focus on the task at hand and helped block out any form of distractions. A few minutes later, he heard sounds of drumming and fanfare. The trumpets blared at heightened tempo while the drummers desperately tried to match the intensity of the blasts. They were close by. He opened his eyes. His heartbeat was intense. But he had to do it. He had come too far to stop now. He could not help it. He put his left eye on the lens and closed his right eye. The Governor was about 5 knots to his left, standing through the open roof of his car and waving to the ecstatic crowd who chanted his name. He waited as the Governor’s car moved slowly into the target zone. Sean’s hands were sweaty under his black cotton gloves. He suddenly felt the need to ease himself. He fought it. Sophia’s words rang in his head: “Take out the Governor”. He put his right forefinger in the trigger hole. As the Governor’s car moved, slowly entering the target zone, Sean’s finger slowly grabbed the trigger. The Governor was finally in the zone. The target mark was on his head. Sean pulled the trigger. 20 meters to his left, the Governor fell on his head. Dead. There was commotion everywhere as the crowd scattered in different directions. The Campaign carnival had suddenly turned into a blood bath. The Governor was immediately pulled inside the car. The once slow cars that moved at snail pace during the parade now sped dangerously through Ozumba Mbadiwe, rushing to get the Governor medical attention. The armed police men were confused and surprised at the same time. Nobody envisaged this. Nobody knew what to do. From his ground position the Sniper Commander stood perplexed. He looked through his highly powered ultra-binoculars at the rooftops of the nearest buildings. He spoke into his radio: “Snipers! Maintain your positions! No body moves! I repeat, NOBODY MOVES!” He screamed As he spoke, he scanned the entire sky rise buildings, making sure that each sniper was in place as commanded. As he radioed the choppers for a head count, whilst scanning the rooftops with his binoculars, he noticed one of the sniper posts without a sniper. “Code Red. Track down Sniper 038 now!” He ordered Sean got up very quickly, moving away from the edge of the roof. There was a small door on the roof which also served as a fire escape. He opened the door, revealing a stairwell that led to the ground floor. As he hurried down the stairs, he took off this sniper uniform. He had another uniform underneath which had RRS written back and front. He was on the third floor when he heard the radio call from the Sniper commander. There was a gun and a helmet by the landing of the second floor. He wore the helmet and took the gun. He got out through the back door looking very smart. He saw a team of RRS soldiers and joined them. They nodded at him as they walked in a group. They had walked for fifteen minutes, searching every nook and cranny when a grey Peugeot car pulled over. A man opened the door and called to him. “Hey you. Come in here.” The man pointed to Sean. Everything was going according to plan. This was the exact way Sophia had said he would be extracted. He felt relieved. Immediately he got into the car and shut the door, he knew he was in trouble. There was no one he recognized in the bus. As he calculated his options on how to escape, a punch hit him on the face from nowhere. He felt blood trickle from his nose. Before he could react, someone put a wet handkerchief on his nose. He could not breathe. There was some form of liquid on the handkerchief. It smelt like sulfur. Sean passed out.
31 Oct 2014 | 11:44
Hmmm, who could dat be? Pls val update more and wat happpen to circle of three?
31 Oct 2014 | 16:24
Episode 28 Two men walked into a huge bakery. One of them was tall dark and huge. He looked like a thug. His biceps and chest rippled and struggled against his tight black body hugging t-shirt. He walked behind the other man who was plump, had a bulging stomach and was dressed in a suit. He was below average height and smoked a cigarette. Smoke filled the whole atmosphere as sweaty workers mixed flour. They divided the mixed flour, cutting it into different sizes and panning it. They did not bother to acknowledge the men as they walked past them, opening a small door that led into a corridor. One of the men was the Boss and had previously warned that the workers always carry on with their work anytime he came by. He detested recognition. They closed the door behind them. There were in another room now. It was a very tiny room with pipes carrying water lining the walls on both sides. They walked quietly for a while till they got to the end of the room. There was yet another man sitting on a chair by the wall. Bloodied face, swollen lips and one black eye that was now temporarily half closed. The man looked up at his visitors, his hands tied to his sides on the metal chair he sat on. “Water.” The man muttered almost out of breath. He was barely audible. One of the two men, who was the Boss, brought out a plastic bottle of water from his jacket and handed it to his partner. “He want’s water. Shark, Let’s give him some water.” The boss said. “Yes Boss.” Shark said. Shark opened the water and approached Sean. As Sean opened his mouth, Shark bent the bottle in a vertical position and began to gently pour. As Sean began to gulp, Shark moved the bottle away from his mouth. He slowly and deliberately poured the water on the floor beside Sean, laughing wickedly as the contents of the bottle emptied on the dirty floor. Sean almost cried. He leaned his head backwards and closed his eyes. He knew he was going to die there. When it would eventually happen, he had no idea. But he was very convinced it would happen pretty soon. The room was very small, cramped with pipes on the walls on both sides. The only source of light was a small bulb on the ceiling that came on only when he had visitors. There was a fan on the ceiling that croaked and worked at an agonizingly slow pace. He was sweaty most of the time. The whizzing of the pipes when water passed through them was now music to his ears. His only companion was his thoughts. He had lost track of day and time and had no idea where he was. A very frail old man who seemed in his late 70’s had brought him food before his current visitors arrived. He did not know if it was twice a day or once a day. The last time the Old man visited seemed like an eternity. He had tried to converse with the man. The old man did not speak English or any of the languages Sean had mastered. It sounded to Sean like he spoke Tiv. The Old man eventually managed a little, “me don’t hear. Me speak” before feeding Sean with the usual meager bowl of tasteless rice just enough to sustain him. He was not even strong enough to question the old man or to strain his brain, so he let the Old man be. He knew they were keeping him alive for a reason. Maybe these two men were going to tell him. Shark dropped the bottle of water, squatting in front of Sean. “Did you kill the Governor?” The Boss asked just behind Shark “Who? What Governor? Is he dead?” Sean said slowly. Shark landed a heavy punch to Sean’s stomach just below his rib cage. Sean yelped in pain as spurts of blood escaped his mouth. He tried desperately to catch his breath. They waited for Sean to get himself together. “I am going to ask you one more time Sean. Did you kill the Governor?” The Boss queried. Sean looked up at the man. He was feeling faint. He just wanted to die and give everything up. It was not worth it. He wanted to just spill everything but he thought about his mother. She had done nothing and she did not deserve to die for his crimes. He was going to do this on his own. The Ghosts always keep their word. As long as he kept mute, his mother would be safe. They had honor. These men interrogating him did not. He had no doubts about that. He was ready to die. “… not… know… what…you… are… talking about.” Sean said very slowly. “Are you crazy? You are talking back at the Boss like that? What the fvck is wrong with you boy?” Shark said irritated at Sean. He made to hit Sean again but the Boss stopped him. “Stop. Easy Shark, easy.” The Boss said. Shark moved away for the Boss, going farther away from Sean. The Boss now took Shark’s position. Only he did not squat. “Sean, you are within an inch of your life right now. We can protect you. Change your life. Give you a new identity. Anything you want, just name it. It would be documented and signed. Its full proof, fail safe and very genuine. We need people like you on our side Sean. But first we need to bring down the bad guys. And we need your help. We will make you disappear. The whole government is behind you on this one. You can disappear anywhere in the world. It’s totally your choice. The man you killed had a family. A wife, kids. A duty. He was loved by everyone. The Government is working at super speed. We have a lot of good clues. The people won’t rest till they have the killer’s head on full display. That head doesn’t have to be yours Sean. Do you understand me?” The Boss asked. Sean nodded. Sean closed his eyes. He smiled within him. These men were very good, but not good enough. If he was a rookie, he might have been bought over. He knew this routine the way he knew his name. Good cop, bad cop. The bad cop comes first, threatening and abusing. Tries to scare the living daylight out of the suspect. Then when that doesn’t work out, then the good cop comes in. He acts like he really cares, tries to be reasonable. Offers a bottle of water, coffee or food. He tries to warm up to you. He is the deadliest. “Are you with me Sean?” The Boss asked. Sean opened his eyes. Slowly he said “Yes, I am” “Good boy. Now who sent you to kill the Governor?” The Boss asked. “I do not know what you are talking about.” Sean repeated. The Boss kept his cool and walked to Shark. He whispered something in his ears. Shark gave Sean another trademark punch. Sean’s chair rocked. They left him there and closed the door. The visits continued and the torture increased. The food reduced and he hardly got enough water for a day. Every time, they asked him the same question. Every time they got the same answer. He had emaciated so much. The sixth day came. They visited him as usual. He had sores on his skin. He could barely talk. His breathing was labored. He could not open his eyes. They met a pool of vomit and blood by his feet. “He won’t make it. He can’t die here. Take him to the electric room. Let’s end his miserable life there. What a waste!” The Boss said to Shark spitting beside Sean. Shark untied Sean and carried him like a groom lifting his wife for bedding. Sean said a short prayer in his mind. The end had finallly come.
1 Nov 2014 | 04:09
Episode 29 Sean woke up in a very comfortable bed. He felt the drip in his right hand as he shifted on his side. He closed his eyes and opened it again. He was not dead after all. He was not in a hospital. That much he knew. He was in a prepared room. The walls were padded with white wallpapers. He needed to ease himself of the pee that now filled his bladder. He felt stronger than he ever been a few days ago. He got up slowly from the bed and grabbed the iron stand that held his drip steady. He opened the bathroom, eased himself and came back on the bed. He closed his eyes and slept off. As the days went by he got stronger and his bruises healed. He got back a lot of lost weight and looked as handsome as he once was. He had begun doing exercises now. On the eight day he started doing ten push-ups. He gradually increased to twenty and then fifty. He thrived in the pain. He loved the strain in his muscles. In his entire life he never really exercised. He was just a computer geek who loved the keyboard. Now he added a little muscle in his game. A pretty nurse came to the room twice daily. She was his gossip companion. She brought him food, checked his vitals and made sure he was okay. He had tried without any luck to get her to tell him how he got there. He asked her who employed her and where he was. She had told him that she did not know anything and was just a nurse. Every day she was picked from home, blindfolded in a car and the blindfold was taken off only when she was in the flat. She was being paid handsomely for her job and she did not mind the blindfold. Her father needed the money for the treatment of his arthritis. She was blindfolded on the way home too and released at her door step. “How did you get the job?” Sean asked. “I got a call from a strange number telling me about a job offer. It was too good to be true so the man planned a meeting. We met at KFC Yaba and reached an agreement about the fee. He told me about the blindfold. I did not hesitate. I have not seen the man since then” The nurse said “How many men pick you from your house and drop you off every day?” Sean had asked on the eleventh day. “A black Mercedes E Series pulls up outside my gate every morning. I go in the back seat and have small talk with the three men in the car. I get blindfolded till we enter a compound. I am guided into a living room by one of the men and then the blindfold is taken off. When I am done with you, I walk back into the sitting room and knock on door that leads outside. Someone comes in, blindfolds me and leads me to the car. I have never seen the same person twice. Why do you ask?” She asked “Nothing really, I was just curious.” Sean answered. Sean had previously wandered out of the room he was in. The house was a mini flat which had just a single bedroom that served as his ‘hospital’, and the living room. The door that led out of the living room was securely locked from the outside. He had been carefully planning his escape. But he needed the girl. He had developed a soft spot for the nurse. She was intelligent, pretty and sexy. He had always dreamed of dating a nurse. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get her off his mind. She was the only person he had contact with for about two weeks. Their conversations had gotten more personal and he was freer around her. He was no longer on drips so she only brought him food and kept him company. On the sixteenth day, Sean had just finished working out and decided to have a shower. He got out of the shower and came into his room clad only in a towel to meet Bimbo the nurse in his bed. She turned as he closed the bathroom door. Her jaw dropped when she saw his wet body, his muscular chest and his tight six packs. She almost wanted to run her hands around his torso. He looked so fit and handsome. “Ehmmm…Ehmmm… I did not know you were going to be ehmmm… wow” Bimpe said. “It’s okay jor. It is not like I am totally nak3d or something.” Sean replied and continued “What brings you here so early?” “I just came to inform you that I would not be coming here after today. I came to say goodbye.” Bimbo said. Sean sat beside her and took the card she gave him. It was a very pretty card which described how much she was going to miss him. He took her hands and looked into her eyes. “Thank you so much for everything Bimbo. I will never forget you.” Sean said. As Sean finished his statement Bimbo leaned forwards and kissed him lightly on the lips. The kiss lasted for a little less than five seconds. Sean looked pleasantly surprised. He broke the kiss and eyed her suspiciously. “I have been dying to do that for a very long time.” She said and blushed. “And I have been dying to do this…” Sean replied. He leaned forwards and kissed her lips. He held her face in his hands as her lips swallowed his. They rolled on the bed, their bodies intertwined; their lips still locked in a kiss and proceeded to take themselves to heights of unimaginable ecstasy. Three hours later, Bimbo was dressed and ready to leave. She smiled at Sean as though acknowledging that she had a wonderful time. As she made her way to the sitting room, she noticed footsteps behind her. She turned and saw Sean following her. “What do you think you are doing Sean? You cannot be seen with me!” Bimbo whispered Sean walked up to her. “Do you trust me?” He asked holding her hands. “I do but…” Bimbo started but Sean cut her short. “Then please believe in me. Go ahead. Knock on the door.” Sean urged her. “Are you sure about this?” Bimbo asked, fear in her eyes. “Yes baby. I am sure. Now go.” Sean sandwiched himself beside the door. Bimbo composed herself and knocked twice on the door. He heard a lock open and then the gate squeaked as the door opened. A man stepped into the room. He saw Sean. Before he could react, Sean hit the light switch. The room went dark. With lightning speed, he dashed to where the man was. He disarmed the man and twisted his neck from behind. Sean went back and flipped on the lights. What he saw scared him. Bimbo held the man’s gun and pointed it at him. “We have been waiting for you to make this move for days now. What took you so long?” Bimbo said. Sean was dumbfounded. He was sure that there was something else at play here. Bimbo picked the man’s phone and dialed a number. “This is Brenda. Yes. He has made the move. He is ready.” She dropped the phone and lowered the gun. Sean did not move. “What the hell is going on Bimbo?” Sean asked. “You just passed your test Sean. We are on the same side. Let’s get out of here.” To be continued….
1 Nov 2014 | 09:31
My best story so far
1 Nov 2014 | 12:24
My best story xo far
1 Nov 2014 | 12:25
hmmm what a story
1 Nov 2014 | 12:44
Episode 30 Present Day: Sean was jolted out of his revelry by the persistent knock on the gym door. He got up and walked to the door to find Austin smiling coyly behind the door. “Good Morning sir.” Austin greeted, still standing behind the transparent door. He held an Ipad close to his chest while his other hand had a small briefcase. “Morning Austin. What is it with your smile? Out with it.” Sean demanded, unlocking and opening the door for him. Austin entered. They walked together into the gym and Sean lay on a small bench which had weights attached to it. “I know how much you hate being interrupted during your session sir, but this is really urgent. Corporation just sent you an email. You are supposed to respond before 10am. You are to be present in a dinner party organized and hosted by TDA Oil and Gas to celebrate their 5th year annivesary.” Austin said. “Where is it holding?” Sean asked carrying the weights as he lay down, and pushing up and down to his chest and then up again, continuously. Austin flipped through the slides on his Ipad. “Lekki Astoria Event Center. Red carpet is at 7pm.” Austin replied. Sean struggled to push the weight up at the 20th count. Austin dropped his Ipad and tried to help his Boss lift the weight from his chest. With clenched teeth and a very squeezed face Sean warned Austin not to help him. Sean grudgingly but painfully managed to lift the weight and put it in its holder. He got up from the padded bench, breathing heavily. His eyes watered and his biceps bulged. After catching his breath, he looked at Austin. “Skip the red carpet. When is the programme kicking off?” Sean asked. “8pm.” Austin replied. “Any notes from Corporation?” Austin smiled. This was the part he loved the most. He stood up and made to perform like he was the chief performer in an orchestra. “Sit, Austin. And cut to the chase. I have other things to attend to” Sean ordered. Austin’s face fell. He obeyed his Boss and read the Corporation’s notes for the dinner, sitting down. “Target is Rtd Brigadier Kehinde Braihmoh Ibikunle. Military commander, Business Mogul and Entrepreneur. He owns chains of businesses and sits on the board of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. He is the Chief Host and is to be watched throughout the duration of the dinner. He must be taken out before he gets to his home. Modus Operandi is Stealth. We will be watching you. Good luck Agent Bravo.” Austin finished. Sean cracked his fingers and turned his neck both sides. He paced the gym, deep in thought. He had been out of action for a while. He needed the adrenalin rush. He contemplated dropping the job. It seemed a very easy take out. However, experience had taught him that the easiest of missions were always the most complicated. Little things were usually taken for granted and there was a tendency to flop. He walked back to where Austin sat. “Do you have the blueprints of the Hall?” Sean asked. “Yes sir. Just a minute.” Austin said. Austin walked to the wall and flipped the screen on his Ipad unto the cream colored wall of the gym. He swiped and flipped the 3D images that now appeared on the wall. Sean stood behind him as he watche Austin bring out the blueprint design of the event hall. “These are the exits, here and here,” Austin said pointing to some images on the wall and continued “There are three different entrances. Here, here and here. You can decide to exit through the balcony. There’s a ladder that leads from the first floor to the fire escape below. It is here, behind the building and not readily accessible, unless you are inside the Janitor’s room. The hall seats 200 guests comfortably and your seat is just by the exit door here.” Austin said, looking at his Boss. Sean was looking at the images now on the wall. Something caught his attention. He was trying to figure out what it was. “What does this place do?” Sean asked pointing to a small door in the 3D display on the wall. Austin touched the spot where the door was on the wall and expanded it. The spot revealed a door with VVIP written on it. “This suite was not in the original design. I think it was a last minute inclusion by the owners. It serves as a getaway for anyone who wants to have a really good time and has what it takes financially.” Austin replied. After thinking for a few minutes, he made his decision. “Accept the mission. It should be fun.” Sean commanded. “I took the liberty of ordering a tux sir. Versace custom designed.” Austin finished grinning. “Anything Austin. Just make me look good.” Sean replied, turning and walking towards the door. He picked his towel and went out of the gym. Austin shut down the 3D presentation which he had projected on the wall and closed the cover of his Ipad. He was very excited. He had not seen his Boss in action for a long time. Tonight he was going to be Sean’s Robin. ************************************************* Eva was up early the morning after her mission, waiting for the 7am news. She had waited up throught the night up until the very early hours of the morning trying to get information of the mission she just completed. She was on every social media and popular blog, keeping her ears on the ground for any breaking news. The military was doing a very good job of covering up what happened. She threw popcorn in her mouth as the clocked ticked. She needed to know what the media had to say about the death of the Chief of Army Staff and what special cover up story they had cooked up. Finally the news came on. As expected the news broke the information that the Chief of Army Staff was dead. Cause of death was tagged at Heart Attack. She smiled. The military was doing the exact thing she hoped they would. She had wanted them to cover up the story. That was her original plan. Such a scandal would put the military at such a huge discredit and paint them in a very bad light. She deliberately left her gown in the hotel room, hoping that someone would stumble on it and try to trace it. So far the gown had not been mentioned. That meant that someone had found it and was probably searching for prints and trying to trace its owner. She giggled. She changed the station and settled on SonyMax. She got out her phone. She had an e-mail. It was from Corporation .She opened it. A box popped up asking for a password. She paused for a while. It was a one-time entry password. Enter the wrong password and the email and its content would be destroyed. She entered her password. The email opened and she read the contents of the email: “Dinner party at 7pm. Lekki Astoria Event Center. Dress to turn heads. Details later. Backup” She smiled. She stretched her legs on the long couch and called her stylist. Heads were going to turn. ********************************************** “Park here” The Colonel instructed, pointing at a part of the busy road which had a very conspicuous ‘NO PARKING’ sign. “But there’s a no parking sign here uncle. I can’t...” Ahmed started but the look his uncle gave him made him shut up. He obediently parked the car near the gutter in front of the no parking sign. There were parked besides a white one storey building. As they alighted from the car, a gateman approached them. “Oga, you no fit park for here. You go carry your car comot for here. I say you no fit park here.” He said facing Ahmed and blocking the entrance into the building. “Hey you. Better mind yourself! Who you think say you dey follow talk?” Ahmed quizzed walking to meet the gateman. He towered above the gateman and could easily beat him to a pulp if the situation warranted it. The gateman did not look intimidated. “Oga, I no know who you be but you no go enter this place until you comot your car for here. You no dey read? You no see no parking?” He was determined. He stood his ground. As Ahmed made to rough handle the gateman the Colonel stopped him. “Please we are looking for your Boss. Just go inside and tell him that DaVinci is outside. If he says I should go, we will leave. Please.” The Colonel pleaded with the gateman. The gateman eyed Ahmed a few times and left to inform his Boss, locking the gate firmly behind him. He came back three minutes later looking like he just got scolded. “Oga say make una enter.” He said very calmly. The Colonel entered the gate first, followed by Ahmed who nudged the gateman with his elbow as he passed him. They went in the house and sat in the waiting area. A bald man in his early 50’s came out from a room around the corner. He wore a sweatshirt on top of a jean shorts. He had glasses on and smiled as he approached them. “Da Vinci!!! It has been years. You look good.” He said opening his arms for an embrace. The Colonel got up and accepted the man’s embrace. “It is so good to see you again, Hawk Eyes.” The Colonel said releasing himself from the hug and continued. “Meet my nephew, Ahmed.” Ahmed shook the man. They all moved into the man’s study and were treated to cups of coffee. “Hawk Eyes, I do not have much time. Can you help retrieve the blueprint of Hotel Domino, where the Chief of Army Staff was killed? I also want the security footage from 48 hours before he died and 12 hours after.” The Colonel demanded. “Right on it Vinci.” The man responded. Two hours later, Ahmed and the Colonel were back in their hotel going through the tapes when they got to the part where Eva had just hit the receptionist with the tray and was smiling at the Cameras. “Pause that. Right there.” He screamed at Ahmed. Ahmed obeyed him. “Rewind slowly. Slowly. Wait!” He ordered. Eva was posed for the cameras. With her lips pouted. “Do you know this girl, Uncle?” Ahmed asked. “She looks very familiar. Take off her hair and run a match with all available hair styles on the database” The Colonel asked. Three minutes later the computer beeped. “MATCH FOUND”. There was Eva’s image on the left and another very identical Eva look-alike on the right, only that she had braids on and wore a drawn eyebrow. “She doesn’t look familiar to me. Do you know her Uncle?” Ahmed asked. The Colonel rubbed his forehead with his palm. He was uncomfortable. He turned to face the window, backing Ahmed. “I know this girl. This is Eva.” To be continued.
1 Nov 2014 | 13:44
Wao! This is serious weldone
1 Nov 2014 | 16:52
Episode 31 “Who is Eva?” Ahmed asked the Colonel Ahmed had not seen his Uncle in this kind of emotional state in a very long time. The last time his Uncle was like this, was when he got the news that Ahmed was shot in an operation and would nearly not survive. Ahmed got out of the coma and the first image his eyes fell on was his Uncle’s sad face. It shattered his heart that the only person who ever loved him was going through such emotional torture just because he did not want to lose him. That was eight years ago. The same countenance was now very visible on his Uncle’s face. He was sure that whatever it was, this Eva girl was behind it. He left the computer and joined his Uncle on the couch. “Uncle, can you please talk to me? Please? Who is this girl?” Ahmed asked compassionately. The Colonel raised his head up. His eyes were red. He was close to tears. Ahmed had NEVER seen the Colonel shed a tear. A tiny little tear drop fell from the Colonel’s eyes. It fell on his right thigh. He cleared his throat and heaved a very heavy sigh. “Eva is my daughter.” The Colonel said. Ahmed could not close his mouth. *********************************************** Sean finished scoping the two exits and stood by railings on the overflow inside the event hall. There was one exit to the left of the small stage at the far end of the hall, and another exit by the door that led to the bathroom. All he needed now was to see what the VVIP Suite looked like and he then he would make his move. As he descended the stairs, he scanned the hall, trying to make out faces. The hall was not at full capacity. He wondered when the ‘Nigerian Time’ factor would come to an end. Most of the people in the hall were standing in little groups of twos and threes. He guessed that they were greeting, making acquaintances, getting business deals or introducing proposals. As he got to the last step he saw a lady who looked familiar sitting at a table a few meters to his right. Her back was turned to him as she was bent typing away on her phone. She wore a black sleeveless gown. Her exposed shoulders glistened in the fluorescence emitted by the chandelier in the hall. He had this strong feeling that he knew her, that he had seen her somewhere before. He approached her and tapped her gently on the shoulder. “Good Evening my lady.” Sean greeted, flashing his most amazing smile. She looked up from the phone in her hand to see who had disturbed the game she was playing. She looked so pretty. Her pretty eyes lit up in recognition. She lips parted slowly as she took in the handsome hunk before him in one single gaze. Tall, broad shoulders, cute dimples, well-built and a pretty smile. “Evening” Eva replied “May I sit down?” Sean asked. “By all means.” Eva answered with a little smile. Sean positioned himself beside her, settling his frame inside the chair adjacent her. “You look very familiar. I think I have met you somewhere before” Sean said. Eva giggled. “Are you for real? Don’t tell me that’s the best pick up line you’ve got, handsome.” Eva said. Although Sean did not mean it as a pick up line, he laughed at the lady’s wit. She seemed funny and very bold. He had not had a relationship in years. She seemed a good prospect. He was sure he had seen her or met her somewhere before, but he could not really remember where. He decided to relax and be free with her. “Oh dear, Silly me. Pardon me my lady. Pretty ladies have a way of making me uneasy.” Sean said laughing and continued, “My name is Frank. My friends call me Frankie.” Sean finished stretching his hand across the table. “I am Rebecca. You can call me Becky.” Eva said, taking Sean’s hand. Still holding Eva’s hand, Sean got up and bent low, kissing the back of her hand lightly. “It’s a pleasure to be acquainted with you Beckilicious” Sean said, releasing her hand. Eva put her free hand on her mouth as Sean flattered her. She was wowed by this romantic gesture from a total stranger. Butterflies danced ‘skelewu’ in her belly. “The pleasure is entirely mine, handsome.” Eva replied. They engaged in small talk for a while, talking about similar interests, sports, politics, and books. Eva was explaining why she loved horse racing and preferred it to car racing which Sean liked when the target walked into the room. Sean noticed him immediately he walked into the room. He made sure that Eva did not notice him as he monitored the Brigadier’s movements from the corner of his eyes. Eva also noticed the Brigadier’s arrival. She also noticed Sean’s sudden interest in the man, but she continued the discussion like nothing had happened. Sean stopped her as she was gesticulating, trying to demonstrate the way she handled the reins during her first horse ride. “So sorry to cut you short Becky but I have got to go.” He said bringing out his phone. “Can I have your number please?” He pleaded. “Sure. Not a problem.” Eva replied taking the phone and putting her number. “Thank you very much. I hope we can continue this conversation sometime soon?” Sean asked getting up. “Absolutely. Call me” Eva said and winked. “I sure will.” Sean said and walked away from her. He walked across the hall, buttoning his jacket as he moved. The target was surrounded by three other men who looked like they were important people. As he got to where they were, he took out his phone and began to type an imaginary message. He bumped into the target and his phone fell on the floor scattering into a few parts. “I am so sorry,” Sean said as he bent to pick the parts of the phone he could see. “It’s okay. Did you pick up every part?” The Brigadier said as Sean got up. “Yes sir. Please forgive me.” Sean repeated. “You can go. It is wrong to use your phones while walking. Don’t let this happen again.” The Brigadier scolded. “Thank you sir. It won’t.” Sean said and continued to the bathroom. He entered a cubicle in the MENs toilet and locked the door behind him. He took out a tiny white wireless earplug from his pant pocket and put it securely in his left ear. From the pocket inside his jacket, he brought out a small circular transmitter which had a tiny screen. The screen fit perfectly in the center of his palm. He pressed a button to put it on . A red dot blinked on the screen. “Austin can you hear me?” Sean whispered, pressing the earplug in his ear “Yes I can sir.” Austin replied through the earplug. Austin had a similar transmitter designed as a wristwatch. He looked at it as Sean spoke. “Target is activated. I need my eyes.” Sean said “Your eyes are ready sir. Ready whenever you are.” Austin replied. “What is the target status?” Sean asked “Target still in the hall. About 20 meters to your 8’oclock.” Austin replied, watching his wrist. “Right where I left him. Don’t go blind on me.” Sean warned. “I will not sir.” Austin replied. Sean opened the cover of the water closet and dropped his transmitter. It sank to the bottom of the water closet. He flushed and walked out of the toilet. Someone was going to die tonight. ********************************** Eva watched as Sean walked across the room. She saw him slip something up the Brigadier’s sleeves just before he bumped him deliberately. He was very good and executed the move perfectly. But she had trained eyes. She had spent 13 months watching and learning different methods of bugging targets. He was definitely a professional. She watched him go into the bathroom. The Brigadier and his pals continued their discussion oblivious of what just happened. Just then she received a text message. It was from Shina. “Is the rooster happy?” She did not know if to inform him that there was someone else involved in the whole operation. Her instruction was to watch the Brigadier and report any form of suspicion in his behavior. She decided to take up her new acquaintance on her own terrain. She sent Shina a reply. “Weather is as clear as the summer time.” She got up and went towards the bathroom determined to get to the bottom of whatever Sean was planning. **************************
2 Nov 2014 | 04:44
I jez kept wondering what dis killing is all about..... D story is superb..... But can we ever have dis kind of high tech' in Nigeria???
2 Nov 2014 | 07:22
Episode 32 Ahmed could not believe what he had just heard. It seemed like he was in a dream. He pinched himself to ascertain if truly he had heard right. His uncle’s crest fallen face said it all. But how was this possible? He had lived with The Colonel since he was four years old. He thought he knew everything. This did not feel right. “But how can this be? I have a sister? Please explain to me Uncle.” Ahmed pleaded. The Colonel sighed. He let out a gust of air through his mouth, heaving heavily. “Son, there is something I ought to have told you. My plan was to wait till you finished Military school and then I would tell you everything. Unfortunately, I went undercover and did not get to see you again. I had Eva when I was twenty five. Her mother, my fiancée got pregnant and desperately wanted to keep the baby. I had already enrolled in the battalion that was to fight in the 2015 West African War and would not be there to support her. I begged for Mary to reconsider. She said she would have the baby and wait till I came back. I was just a recruit but was placed in the 16B Squadron, responsible for back up attacks on the enemy. After the war ended in 2017, I came home with only one thing in my mind; reuniting with Mary and the baby. It was an effort in futility. I searched for months, looking everywhere, calling friends, asking families. I searched for her on the internet to no avail. After three years of search, I concluded that they were either dead or missing. However, I met Mary five years ago when I was still undercover. She was working as a chef for the head of a rival gang. We reconnected. As desperately as I wanted it, I could not risk getting too close to her. I sent her money regularly and got her a new accommodation. I visited her only twice. I did not want her in danger. In one of those visits, I saw pictures of Eva. I desperately wanted to talk to her but she was in school outside the country. I haven’t spoken to Mary in two years.” The Colonel finished. “Wow. This is huge.” Ahmed replied getting up. He went to the wall where he had his newspaper clippings. He studied the different headlines. Taking a red marker, he drew circles on different perfectly carried out murders. FINANCE MINISTER SLUMPS. SENATE PRESIDENT DROWNS IN POOL. AMBASSADOR TO THE USA DIES IN PLANE CRASH. NLC PRESIDENT DIES FROM COCAINE OVERDOSE. CHIEF OF ARMY STAFF DIES FROM HEART FAILURE. As he did, he turned to his Uncle who was looking very downcast. “Uncle, I am beginning to feel that Eva carried out these murders.” Ahmed finished. “Why do you say so?” The Colonel asked walking up to Ahmed “I just have a strong urge that she is. These men all had one thing in common. They had no history of heart disease, addiction to any foreign substances. I checked the records of the Ambassador to the USA. He changed his flight plans at the last minute. He was supposed to travel a day later. And guess who his personal adviser was? A certain beautiful lady who was redeployed two days after his death.” Ahmed finished. “This still is not conclusive son.” The Colonel replied. “I have a plan uncle. I know how much you love Eva and don’t want her dead. There has to be a motive behind the murders. The more I think about it uncle, the more convinced I am. She definitely is not working alone. Uncle, I need your help now more than ever before. Let’s get to her before someone else does. We can help her. I can’t do this alone. I need you Uncle. Are you with me?” Ahmed said, facing the Colonel and shaking his shoulders. The Colonel looked up at Ahmed with a changed countenance. His sadness was gone. His unhappiness disappeared. This was the Colonel Ahmed knew. “I am determined as an agent of the law to do everything in my power against crime and negative forces within and without. Eva may be my daughter. She is also an enemy of the state and has to be stopped. We leave for Lagos at dusk.” The Colonel finished with a tone of finality and walked to the bedroom. For the first time in three decades, The Colonel hurled himself face down on his bed and cried like a baby. *******************
2 Nov 2014 | 10:43
@tenniebenson i dont think so but God is in Control of everytin.. But how come eva is colonel's daughter and he never no her whereabout for those part years
2 Nov 2014 | 13:28
This is getting more serious des updating more grease to your elbow
2 Nov 2014 | 14:01
“Code Red. Track down Sniper 038 now!” – Sniper Commander “Water.” – Sean. “He want’s water. Shark, Let’s give him some water. Did you kill the Governor?” – The Boss “Who? What Governor? Is he dead?” – Sean. “I am going to ask you one more time Sean. Who sent you to kill the Governor?” – The Boss “I do not know what you are talking about.” – Sean “Take him to the electric room. Let’s end his miserable life there. What a waste!” – The Boss “Are you sure about this?” – Brenda “Yes baby. I am sure. Now go.” – Sean. “We have been waiting for you to make this move for days. What took you so long?” - Brenda “What the hell is going on?” – Sean “You just passed your test Sean. We are on the same side. Let’s get out of here.” – Brenda “Corporation just sent you an email. You are to be present in a dinner party organized and hosted by TDA Oil and Gas to celebrate their 5th year anniversary. Target is Rtd Brigadier Kehinde Braihmoh Ibikunle. Military commander, Business Mogul and Entrepreneur. He owns chains of businesses and sits on the board of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. He is the Chief Host and is to be watched throughout the duration of the dinner. He must be taken out before he gets to his home. Modus Operandi is Stealth.” – Austin “Accept the mission” – Sean. “Pause that. Right there. Rewind slowly. Slowly. Wait” – Colonel “Do you know this girl, Uncle?” – Ahmed “She looks very familiar. Take off her hair and run a match with all available hair styles on the database” – Colonel “She doesn’t look familiar to me. Do you know her Uncle?” – Ahmed “I know this girl. This is Eva.” – Colonel “Who is Eva?” – Ahmed “My daughter.” – Colonel “Good Evening my lady. You look very familiar. I think I have met you somewhere before. My name is Frank. My friends call me Frankie.” – Sean. “I am Rebecca. You can call me Becky.” – Eva “Target is activated. I need my eyes. What is the target status?” – Sean. “Target still in the hall. About 20 meters to your 8’oclock.” – Austin “Right where I left him. Don’t go blind on me.” – Sean. “I will not sir.” – Austin “Is the rooster happy?” – Shina “Weather is as clear as the summer time.” – Eva “I have a plan uncle. I know how much you love Eva and don’t want her dead. There has to be a motive behind the murders. The more I think about it uncle, the more convinced I am. She definitely is not working alone. Uncle, let’s get to her before someone else does. We can help her. I can’t do this alone. I need you Uncle. Are you with me? – Ahmed “I am determined as an agent of the law to do everything in my power against crime and negative forces within and without. Eva may be my daughter. She is also an enemy of the state and has to be stopped. We leave for Lagos at dusk.” – Colonel AND NOW. . .Episode 33 Eva walked slowly towards the bathroom. She walked past the Brigadier who was now with only one man. As she turned right to enter the bathroom, she bumped into Sean. “Sorry” They both said at the same time. Eva chuckled while Sean just smiled. She looked so beautiful. Sean made a mental note to ask her on a date. “I’m sorry princess. I have to leave now. I’m in a bit of a hurry” Sean said, side stepping her and making to leave. As he walked past, Eva caught him by the hand and pulled him backwards towards her. She shoved him towards the wall, pinning him by the shoulders. She was strong. Sean did not fight back. He was initially shocked at the brute strength this seemingly gentle and frail lady had. He smiled as she pinned him to the wall, getting his tux a little rumpled. “I saw what you did with the Brigadier a few minutes ago. Who do you work for?” she whispered into his ears. “You are strong sweetheart, but not strong enough. Watch your step my lady.” Sean replied. Eva looked confused. She wondered what he meant by asking her to watch her step. She had him where she wanted him, yet he was acting very calm. She wondered what he was up to. In a matter of seconds, Sean clasped his hands and put them in between Eva’s spread arms which she used to pin him. He opened his clasped hands with such force, hitting Eva’s hands off his shoulders. Before she could react, he bent low and with his right leg hit her heels in a swift back slide motion. She fell to the ground on her back on the clean, tiled floor. She had a surprised look on a face. With a mock grin, Sean said “I told you to watch your step my lady. I’ll see you soon.” He finished and made to leave. However, Eva was not done. Placing her hands on the floor behind her head, she forced her weight onto her hands and got back on her feet acrobatically in a quick flip forward motion. She made to grab Sean by the back of his collar. He saw her just in time and moved quickly to the left. Eva’s hand caught the air. He faced her, his face now looking very serious. He was beginning to get irritated at this girl. He had a job to do. He did not want to hurt her. But she was leaving him with no choice at all. She wasn’t happy at how he had just made her look like a rookie. She was not going to let him leave. She needed him to at least explain to her. She moved two steps closer. She launched a punch with her right arm to his belly. He gently palmed the punch away. At the same time she threw him an upper cut with her left. He saw it quickly enough and blocked it with his huge right palm, trapping the punch in his palm. She struggled to get her hand out of his but he held tight with a smile. She tried to hit his face with her free left palm but he blocked that too, trapping the hand under his armpit. She winced and moved two steps forward, launching a head butt. Sean did not see that coming and the impact made him stagger backwards, freeing her hands and holding his head. He felt a little bump on his forehead. He was now really angry. She came closer and launched a high kick with her right leg at his chest. He moved away just in time, her wedged shoe denting the padded wall. She went after him in the small corridor to the bathroom, throwing punches and kicks. He defended himself superbly, blocking her every punch and predicting her every move. All he wanted was to wear her down and possibly get her to tire out. From the look of things, she was not ready to give up. Just them he heard Austin say, “Target heading to execution area. Advance now sir. Do you copy?” With huffs and puffs in replies to Eva’s punches and kicks, Sean asked, “How much time have I got Robin? I’m held up by a little lady here in the loo.” “If you leave now, you have five minutes sir.” Austin replied. “Thank you Robin.” Sean finished. He now spoke to Eva, “I am really enjoying this my lady, but I am afraid I have to leave now.” As Eva attacked again with a high kick, Sean was already anticipating it. He had been studying the patterns of her punches and kicks, observing that she launched a right kick after four successive punches. So as she kicked high, he went low, splitting on his legs. He caught her flailing leg, and hit a punch under her thigh. She yelped. He quickly went to her as she limped, took her hands and turned them behind her back. She let out a soft cry. He whispered to her ears, “Sorry my lady, but I really have to go. Sleep tight.” He found the artery on her neck and squeezed it gently. She passed out. He dragged her gently into one of the male cubicles, closed the toilet seat and had her sit on the floor. He put her arm on the toilet seat, acting as a pillow for her head on the closed toilet seat. He closed the cubicle and went to the mirror. He adjusted his clothes as he looked at the mirror. His forehead had a small bump. “How much more time do I have Austin?” He spoke softly, putting his hand in his ear. “Three minutes sir. Target is mobile in the execution area.” Austin replied. “Copy that. I’m en route.” Sean finished. He closed the bathroom door and headed for the VVIP suite. *************************************************** *********** Tawo was obsessed with finding the Colonel. He saw himself as the smartest man in this part of the world. He did not think that anyone could beat his level of intelligence. However, the Colonel was proving him wrong. He was the only person in his entire career that Tawo had a hard time tracking and finding. He hated to admit it. But deep down he knew the Colonel was good. Very good. And that fueled his desire to get him at all costs. Three years and counting, Tawo never lost his desire to bring down The Colonel. His father, the General had warned him to stay off the Colonel’s track. He despised his father. Hated his guts. He never listened to his father. He was always delinquent. He kept tabs on Eva even though the mission was entire Sophia’s. He did not care. His ultimate aim was to find the Colonel. And he was not going to rest until he did. Tawo was streaming the online security footage of Eva’s last mission when he got blocked out suddenly. He had been overridden by another access from an unknown node. He tried to trace the access codes from the new intruder but he got blocked by the firewalls of the new hacker. Tawo loved a challenge. He smiled. It would take the smartest intruder approximately three minutes to get access into the security footage. However, he had recently developed a new algorithm to hack into any security surveillance in 90 seconds. He had enough time to trace the intruder. He got up and duplicated the screen from his notebook to the large screen on the wall. The screen was black with a single cursor blinking. He touched a button at the edge of the screen and a keypad appeared on the screen. He began to type code after code, writing his newly developed algorithm and inserting the coordinates of the intruding transmission. Sixty three seconds later he got a hit. The screen displayed the coordinates of the intruder’s location and the ip address after bouncing off different routers and virtual LANs Luckily, Tawo found another surveillance camera in the building where the transmission was coming from. He still had 40 seconds. That was enough time for him to do what he had to do. He redirected the camera to face the gate’s exit. Then he waited patiently. Two hours later, he saw Ahmed and the Colonel leave the compound. His joy knew no bounds. *************************************************** ** Sean walked towards the VVIP slowly, surveying the door’s entrance. There was only one escort at the door. The door to the VVIP was hidden inside a short corridor, with another door opposite it. It was the janitor’s room and was meant to be Sean’s escape route. He walked into the small corridor and went right, making for the Janitor’s room. He looked drunk. “Hey. You are not allowed in here. Please go back into the hall” The escort said in his very thick Igbo accent. “I need to use the toilet.” Sean spoke in a very slurred voice. Sean tried to force the janitor’s door open. He spoke incoherently as he turned the door knob, acting drunk. The Escort left the door he was guarding, and came towards Sean. Sean waited for the escort to get within reach. As the escort grabbed Sean’s left arm, Sean turned very quickly and landed a very heavy and precise punch on the escort’s throat. The escort tried to swallow saliva. Before he could regain himself, Sean was behind him. He snapped the escort’s neck. He fell in a heap. Sean entered the VVIP suite, closing the door behind him gently. He heard moans of pleasure from the master bedroom and intervals of soft grunts. He checked the two remaining rooms. There was no one else asides the Brigadier and the woman giving him so much pleasure. He went back outside, dragged the escort into the room and shut the door again quietly. He got out his handkerchief and took the escort’s pistol from his jacket making sure that his hands did not touch the gun. He picked a throw pillow and went to the bedroom door. He listened and waited. “Ahhh…yeeaahhh..i’m coooommiiiing” the girl said. “Me too. Hmmmphhh. Argghhh..grrrrr” The brigadier replied That was the cue that Sean was waiting for. Sean entered the bedroom noiselessly and stood behind the brigadier who was moving his hips in very quick motion in and out of the lady who was on all fours on the bed. He put the throw pillow at the back of the Brigadier’s head and pulled the trigger. There was no sound. Blood splattered on the girls back as pieces of cotton scattered all over the room. He pushed the Brigadier’s lifeless body away from the girl’s body as she turned, curling up on the bed with her hands embracing her knees. She saw the emotionless, cold blooded killer look in his eyes. He did not look like someone who would show mercy. The Brigadier’s blood tricked down her shoulder and chest. She pleaded with Sean to spare her life. Just then he remembered Sophia’s first lesson. “Be Ruthless. Be very very ruthless. Be as gentle as a dove and as dangerous as a shark.” The lifeless body of Thomas flashed before his eyes. He remembered dismembering his limbs and head. There could be no witnesses. No compassion. She was collateral damage. She had to be taken out. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. Just close your eyes.” Sean said. For some strange reason she obeyed. That was her last moment on the face of the earth.
3 Nov 2014 | 03:27
What is the killing all about self
3 Nov 2014 | 05:05
Episode 34 Eva squinted as her eyes opened to the nearly blinding light from the fluorescent above her which illuminated every part of the room. Her head ached. She managed to sit up. She tried to remember where she was and how she got to this room. She looked around the large bedroom. Every single item had an accent of pink. The sheets, the walls, the furniture and the blinds. She remembered the room. It was Sophia’s. How did she get to the mansion? She had not been here in two years. She recollected the only time she had been in the room. She had explored her deepest fantasies and satisfied her lust with Sophia. It seemed like only yesterday. She got up slowly, putting her feet in the ready sleek slip on that was waiting on the floor. She opened the door that led into the living room and walked in. What she saw almost made her jump out of her skin. Sitting in the living room on the single couch was Sophia. She turned to look at Eva as the door opened. But Sophia was not alone. Sitting on the long three-seater couch opposite Sophia was Bruno, Shina and Ambrose. The last person she saw was the source of her discomfort. Seated adjacent Ambrose on a small reclining chair was Sean. “Frank? You!” She shouted, pointing at Sean and walking towards him. Sean got up, buttoning the only button on his tux. “Nice to meet you again, Eva.” Sean replied, a grin on his face. Eva stopped dead in her tracks. “How? Who? What?” She began to say obviously confused. She looked around the room for some sort of explanation. “Sit down Eva. It’s time for you to officially meet Sean, your anchor.” Sophia said motioning for her to take the empty seat to her left. Eva just looked dazed and confused. She tried to piece the pieces together but her brain was just refusing to cooperate. Shina got up, holding Eva by the waist and supporting her frame on his body, led her to an empty settee. “Relax dear. You will get the whole picture soon” Shina said patting her back and touching the hair on her face. Shina had been her mentor for three years and had developed a soft spot for her over the years. Watching her metamorphose from a good homely girl to the ultimate weapon had made him fall in love with her. He hid his feelings from her, always acting like the big brother. Sophia cleared her throat. “We have gotten to the final stage of this operation. This final mission is the most difficult and tasking this Corporation has ever dared to embark on. However, as long as we stick together and act as a body, a family, a unit which is close knit and compact, we will achieve a code green. You my friends, will never need to do anything anymore. And with the General at the helm of affairs, nothing can go wrong. For the first time ever, the Deadly Quartet will be involved in the same mission including Bruno, Eva and Sean.” Sophia said and paused. She looked at the faces of the agents in the room. They all looked indifferent. She knew they wanted details. She smiled. “I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t. But I can tell you this much: Eva and Sean are the pole archers. An encrypted email will be sent to your individual accounts at 14:00hrs. It would self-delete fifteen minutes after delivery. In your own interests, be with your various devices. We reconvene tomorrow at mission time.” Sophia finished. Sean was the first to get up. “I guess my business here is done then. I am leaving.” He said, moving to where Sophia sat. He got behind Sophia, bent low and kissed both cheeks gently. He picked the half-filled glass of vodka on the drinking table besides her, finishing the contents in one gulp. “I’ll see you soon S.” Sean said walking away towards the door. He shut the door behind him without looking back. *************************************************** ********************* Tawo got down from the commercial plane looking very angry. He hated flying, especially within the Nigerian Airspace. He had had two near death experiences flying locally. He avoided it if he could. He had not travelled by air in seven years. If it were possible, he would send Ope to do his bidding. But this was a case he had to tackle head on. There was no time for delay. Speed was of the essence. So, twenty minutes after he had deciphered the location of the intruding transmission, he was on the next available flight to Akure. He got a taxi from the airport heading straight to Hawk Eye’s residence. He paid the cab driver when they arrived and knocked on the gate. “Who be that wey wan break my gate? U no get respect?” The Gateman screamed, opening a small rectangular space on the gate wide enough for only his face. “Please I have a delivery for your Oga. Can I drop it here?” Tawo asked, shoving a paper bag in the man’s face “Wetin dey inside the envelope?” The gateman asked. “Would you like me to drop it? Or you want me to go with it? I don’t have time for your nonsense this man.” Tawo said, sounding impatient. The gateman scrutinized Tawo again, assessing him carefully. Satisfied, he opened the gate to allow Tawo walk in. That was his mistake. As Tawo entered the compound, the gate man turned his back at him to lock the gate. Tawo brought out a handkerchief he had prepared specially for this purpose from the pocket inside his jacket. He moved quickly, covering the man’s nose with the treated handkerchief. The struggle was very minimal. The gateman passed out. He dragged him into the small room beside the gate Tawo knew served as his room. He shut the door and went inside the house. *************************************************** * The Colonel sat in a chair in the living room of the hotel, his right leg crossed over his left knee, arms folded across his chest and a grim look on his face. He checked his wristwatch for the umpteenth time. It was now 6:45pm. He had been waiting for Ahmed for fifteen minutes now. He hated working behind time. Now he was beginning to boil. He just could not afford to leave his nephew behind. Otherwise, he would have checked out long before then. Ahmed walked slowly to the sitting room, holding his stomach. He sat heavily in the long couch and sighed. He breathed like a woman in labor. “Uncle, I think you have to go without me. My stomach really hurts. And very little poo comes out when I go to the toilet. I think I have diarrhea.” The Colonel looked at Ahmed with scorn. “Can you make it at least outside Akure? We can lodge at Ore, then continue the trip to Lagos tomorrow.” The Colonel said. “I can try. Let’s go” Ahmed replied. As he picked his bag and got to the door behind the Colonel, he immediately dropped them and ran to the toilet. The Colonel could hear his grunts from where he stood. After a few minutes, he walked to the toilet holding his nose. “I warned you not to eat that whatever you saw on the menu, Bujunoir means boiled octopus. Now, you are shitting your intestines out. How do you feel?” The Colonel inquired. “Not good Uncle, Not… hmmmphhh..arrrrggghhhhh… hhmpphh….not..good… at… all ooooo” Ahmed replied. “Alright then, we leave in the morning.” The Colonel replied. He dropped the bags in the living room and went into the bed room to rest his head. *************************************************** * Tawo opened the door and walked into the house. As he moved into the waiting area, he brought out a silenced .45 semi-automatic from a holster strapped to his back. He saw movement in the brightly lit study ahead of him. Hawk Eyes was deeply engrossed in whatever he was reading, his back to Tawo. Gun in one hand and the parcel in another, Tawo sneaked into the study tapping Hawk Eyes on the shoulder. Upon seeing the gun, Hawk Eye shrieked in fear. He made to move to the table to his right but Tawo pointed the gun at his head. “Tsk tsk tsk tsk. I would not do that if I were you. I have limited time on my hands. I am going to ask you this question only once. The life of your wife on holiday in PortHarrcourt and that of your three children in Ghana depend on what comes out of your mouth. What is the location of Colonel Giwa Haruna?” Tawo said. Upon disclosure of the location of his family, Hawk Eyes spilled everything he knew, including the hotel where the Colonel now stayed. “Thank you Abel. You are Hawk Eyes but you never saw this coming did you?” Tawo asked. Before Hawk Eyes could plead for dear life, Tawo pulled the trigger. Two bullets lodged themselves precisely in the eyes of Abel. He fell backwards, scattering chairs as he screamed. Tawo waited till he lost consciousness. As Tawo left the compound he hoped that the gateman would come to quickly enough to save his master’s life. If not for anything, for Hawk Eyes’ own good. Tawo got to the hotel the Colonel lodged in dressed in a flowing white Agbada. He smelled good and looked important. He went straight to the reception. There was a pretty petite lady on duty. “Good Evening Dear. Did anyone lodge here recently? Two men? They are my brothers and I want to pay them a surprise visit.” He spoke confidently. “What are their names please?” The receptionist asked. “We are the Harunas. But I am sure they did not use Haruna to register.” Tawo replied. “Are they expecting you sir?” The girl asked. “No, I said it’s a surprise my dear.” Tawo replied. “Sorry sir, the hotel policy does not allow us reveal the identity of our guests unless they request it. I am sorry sir, but I cannot help you.” She replied. “But are they here?” Tawo asked. “Maybe, maybe not.” The girl replied. Tawo smiled. He reached into his agbada and pulled out a bundle of 5000 naira notes. He threw it to her and she quickly grabbed it put inside her bra. “I have two men here that came in two days ago. They are the only ones that have been here a while. All our other guests are married couples. They are in room 013 but are checking out tomorrow morning. Would you like me to take you there?” The girl asked. “You have done enough my dear. Thank you.” Tawo said and left the hotel. He went to the car he hired for the night and took off his agbada. He repositioned the car to face the hotel exit and waited. Finally, the time had come.
3 Nov 2014 | 10:04
GOD help oooo
3 Nov 2014 | 11:20
Episode 35 At the instructed time, Shina was in his home waiting for his email. He played Solitaire on his computer while he waited. He was yawning when he heard the email alert sound. He quickly opened the email, eager to see its contents. “Agent Shina. You are required to pick up Eva at noon tomorrow and drop her off at a location she would disclose to you. Thereafter, she will give you the destination you should head to next. That would be all. Thank you.” Below the email content were two buttons. REJECT. ACCEPT. He clicked on the ACCEPT button. Seconds after, the email vanished from his inbox. He did not panic. He was already used to it. He put on his jacket and went outside. He needed a drink. ***************************************** Ambrose was pounding away on his new chick, her legs on his shoulders. They had taken a lot of alcohol and were now supercharged and over excited. The bed croaked under their weight as they unleashed pent up desires in pure unadulterated lust. The girl was moaning softly, urging him to go deeper and faster. He felt himself reaching the peak. An alarm rang somewhere in the sitting area of the house. He looked up at the wall clock while he satisfied himself. The alarm was to let him know that the email had arrived. He poured his essence into the girl and withdrew, from her. He walked nak3d into his sitting room and picked his tablet. He had an email. He opened it. “Agent Ambrose. You are to infiltrate the presidential security detail. Your ultimate target is to stall any move by the presidency on his travel plans to the United Arab Emirates. We will send you the full plans later.” Ambrose clicked on the ACCEPT button and went back to the bedroom to continue his business. *********************************** Bruno was making orders online from the newest online mega store. He had bought a new 5D Tv, a 38mega pixel camera and was ordering for a pair of gold cufflinks when he got the email. He opened it. “Agent Bruno. You have been assigned as the Personal Assistant and guard of Agent Bravo. You are to do whatever he tells you. He will contact you.” *************************************** Tawo opened the car and got out. He sat on the bonnet, smoking a white London. Smoking cigarettes had a way of clearing his mind and making him think deeply. He had discarded the flowing Agbada he wore a few hours earlier, now wearing a short sleeved shirt and jean trousers on top of a pair of white sneakers. He looked very simple and inconspicuous. He felt uneasy. He had received an email from Corporation earlier asking him to be at the Mansion at noon the next day. He was not bothered about what the corporation had to say. He was on his own mission and settling this vendetta with the colonel superseded anything the Corporation wanted him for. He was so close to having the colonel now, he could not go back. For the first time since he graduated from the Spy Academy, Tawo was nervous. He was so close to having the Colonel in his grasp. The Colonel had killed Francis and Marshal, very fine agents whom he had personally recruited. Although the death of the men did not directly affect him, that was enough reason for him to want a pound of flesh. The Colonel was a threat to his intelligence and to the Corporation. His father had promised to deal with the situation. Three years and counting, nothing was yet to be done. “What has he done? What?” Tawo said to himself, blowing smoke from his nostrils. He hissed. “If I had not tracked the Colonel now and even taken drastic steps, I would not have gotten this far. For three years, he has done nothing. Nothing is going stop me. Nothing!” Tawo soliloquized. He threw the butt of the finished cigarette on the asphalt, stepping on it. It was dark now. He opened the back seat of the car, got in and closed the door. He put on the Air Conditioner and closed his eyes as the cold air cooled his skin. He put his arms behind his head and relaxed. Nothing was going to go wrong. He had barely closed his eyes for twenty minutes when he heard a gentle tap on the window glass. He ignored the intrusion into his quiet time. Whoever it was would leave when he was tired. The knocking on the glass continued. This was beginning to get irritating. He opened his eyes. There was a man standing outside the car, smiling. It was pitch black and Tawo could not see the man’s face. He had a feeling this was a familiar person. He pushed a button by the door handle and the window wound down slowly. As the glass went in, he could not believe his eyes. “Hello son. Warm night don’t you say?” the man greeted. It was his father, The General. ******************************* Eva was listening to music on her iphone X when she got her own email. She clicked on it. “Agent Eva. Agent Shina would pick you up at noon tomorrow. You are expected to be at Hotel Paradise at 15:00 hours. A suite on the west wing has been prepared for you. You are to lodge in the hotel and await further instructions.” Eva accepted the mission. She walked to the bathroom and posed in front of the huge mirror on the wall. She needed a makeover. Going back into the sitting room, she called her stylist. “Afternoon jare. I need a new hairdo. Can you be here in two hours? Thank you.” She said and hung up. She plugged the earphones back into her ears and resumed listening to the music on her phone. ********************************* Sean was reading the latest edition of Style magazine. He had a bad taste when it came to mixing colors. If not for Austin, he would look terrible each time he was at a ball, a dinner or any event. Now, Austin had been redeployed and until he got another handyman, he was on his own. He had a date in the evening with Brenda, the pretty nurse he met when recovering. He had not seen or spoken to her in months. She had been in an operation in the Northern part of the country and just arrived in Lagos. They had quickly arranged to meet at the movies. He frowned as he could not make up his mind as to what he would wear. He was still flipping the pages of the magazine when his Ipad beep and announced: “Email from Corporation.” “Message content please.” Sean said. The Ipad recognized his voice command and read out the message. “Agent Bravo. Agent Shina has been compromised. Take him out. Leave no trace. He would be at Hotel Paradise. Arrive at noon and wait for him. Leave no trace. When mission is accomplished, return to the Hotel and ask for a room key in the name of Alexander Bashorun. It is a suite in the west wing of the hotel. Further instructions will be given to you later. Good luck.” Sean was not the least surprised. His time with the Ghosts had prepared him for anything. He only wondered what Shina had done to deserve death. It was not in his place to ask questions. He picked his ipad and accepted the mission. Shina was a member of the Deadly Quartet. Taking him out was not going to be an easy job. But Sean relished the challenge. This was the ultimate test of his capabilities. He dropped the Ipad and climbed the stairs to the roof of his one story duplex. He lay on his stomach watching the flowing water in the lagoon below him. He needed a plan. A very good plan. ************************************************** Tawo was shocked to the bones. How in the world did the General get here? The General interrupted his thoughts. “Tawo, come. We have a little catching up to do.” The General said, pointing to his car. There was a black shiny BMW XIV jeep behind him and two armed fierce looking thugs on guard. Tawo did not argue. He came down from his rented car, shut the door and walked past the General heading for the car. “Tawo, you will not be coming back here. Is there nothing you want to take from that thing?” The General said, pointing to the rented car. Tawo stopped walking and turned. “Nothing General.” He replied angrily. “Perhaps the white agbada you wore earlier? What about the parcel you have with you? Are you forgetting the treated handkerchief and the syringe in the car?” The General called after him. Tawo was pissed. He was angry that his father knew everything. He had not spoken to anyone. He had done everything himself. The General was denting his ego and he knew it. There was nothing he could do now. He just had to obey. Sometimes, you could not afford to disobey the General, even if you are his son. Tawo picked every exhibit from his car, put them in a small knapsack and sat with his father at the back of the car. The driver started the ignition but did not move the car. The Air Conditioning blew mildly. “Tawo, you are my son. However, you are also a Super-Agent accountable to me, The General. I will forgive this indiscretion of yours one final time. I have been tracking the Colonel. I know everything he has been up to. I monitor all my Super-Agents, you inclusive. I do not want you to do something silly like you have already done today. Are you listening to me?” The General barked. “Yes sir.” Tawo replied meekly. “Good. I intend to go into that hotel. I do not trust you enough to go back to base and be a good boy. And I don’t want you guarded. You will come with me. I want no incidence. I want no trigger happy actions from you. Understand me?” The General warned. “Yes sir.” Tawo replied, with his head bent. He could not afford to look at his father in the eye. “If you disobey me, I will kill you myself. Follow me” The General said. They got out of the car. The General nodded at one of his thugs. He understood the sign and immediately entered the jeep with his partner and drove off. Tawo and his father entered the hotel. There was a middle aged man at the reception, behind a long desk. Immediately he saw the General he got up and saluted. “Welcome sir!” he said. “Easy Lukman. Are they still there?” The General asked. “Yes sir.” Lukman replied. “Good. Thank you.” The General replied. He went into the elevator with Tawo closely behind. “What just happened there?” Tawo asked as the elevator passed the second floor. “I am the General.” His father replied. *******************************************
3 Nov 2014 | 14:43
3 Nov 2014 | 14:53
Too bad Shina is gonna be killed... What has he done 2 deserve death???? I cnt wait 2 knw d reason(s) behind all dis killing... What happened 2 eva's fiance....nd Sean's gf???
3 Nov 2014 | 18:28
Episode 36 The Colonel was asleep when he heard the sound of the doorbell. He woke up startled. Who was at his door at this time of the night? He let the ringing continue for a while. When it did not stop, he grudgingly got up and went to the door. “Who is it?” The Colonel asked pressing a button which enabled the microphone. “Maintenance.” A voice replied from the other end. The Colonel peered through the tiny glass visualizer on the door. He saw a man holding a tool box and looking round the corridor. He was wearing a dark blue janitor’s apparel which had the hotel logo on the bosom pocket. He also wore a blue cap which covered part of his face. “Sorry, I did not call for any maintenance. Wrong room.” The Colonel said and left the door. As the Colonel was going back to sit, Ahmed came out of the bedroom. “Hi Uncle. Who was that?” he asked. “One maintenance guy, He probably got the wrong room. How do you feel now?” The Colonel asked. “I feel better than I was before. I am ready to go in the morning.” Ahmed replied. Just then the doorbell rang again. “Ahmed, please see what that guy wants. I am so angry right now; I fear I may blow his head off.” The Colonel said closing his eyes. Ahmed approached the door and looked into the glass hole. He saw no one. He shrugged. He left the door and was half way across the room, when he heard the doorbell again. He was furious. He stormed to the door and keyed in the 4-digit pin to open the door. All the while the Colonel was in deep thought. Why was the so called maintenance person not at the door? Why did the reception not call to inform him before hand? Why was he being persistent after he had clearly been told to go away? As he pondered this things, Ahmed was already at the door inserting the pin code to open the door. “Noooo!!! Don’t!!! Stop boy!!!” The Colonel screamed at Ahmed, getting up from the couch. It was too late. In his enraged state, Ahmed flung the door open and made to scream at the intruder from maintenance when a heavy punch hit him by the side of his face. Before he could understand what was happening, a kick hit him on his chest, sending him sprawling on the floor back inside the house. The Colonel took just one quick look at Ahmed who was clutching his ribs. Ahmed grimaced, turning in pain. The Colonel’s sharp eyes darted immediately back to the door. He almost knew who it was. He became alert. Very alert. He did not rush to the door like Ahmed did. He waited for almost a minute to see what it was that knocked Ahmed off his feet. The General walked majestically into the room through the open door with a grim look on his face. He walked past the Colonel, sitting on the chair that he occupied a few minutes ago. Tawo came in after the General. However, he did not follow his father to the chair. He slammed the door shut and folded his arms across his chest, relaxing his heavy frame on the metal door. The Colonel did not take his eyes of Tawo. His subconscious sensed the General behind him, watching him, trying to predict his move. Ahmed who was groaning on the floor earlier sat on the ground, surprised at the effrontery of the intrusion of these two men. Ahmed looked at his Uncle and what he saw scared him. There was a particular look he saw on the Colonel’s face. He knew that look. It was a look of rage and blood. His Uncle was now angry beyond reason yet calculating and careful. Ahmed shifted away from his Uncle, resting his back on the wall leading to the bedroom. He did not want to be caught in the cross fire. The Colonel’s eyes did not move. He continued to glare at Tawo. Tawo had killed his only son albeit indirectly. Tawo and the Colonel’s son Abbey attended the same Spy Academy. Tawo was two years ahead and had achieved the status of Chameleon Prime. He was now responsible for recruiting younger members of the academy and training them into Chameleon Spies. The Chameleon Spies were members of the Spy Academy who had performed excellently over their first three years. The Colonel’s son had a fantastic record. He was always topping every category. By his third year in the Spy Academy, he had rubbished every record that Tawo had set. Twice Abbey was heavily recommended to partner Tawo in his missions. Tawo had declined. He had not met the boy but he already hated him. So when Tawo met Abbey for the first time during the Chameleon Recruits Orientation, he made up his to do everything in his power to wreck Abbey’s career. He engaged Abbey in all kinds of mini- missions too high for his level of clearance, but Abbey scaled them all excellently. All the while The Colonel continued to encourage his son, telling him that Tawo meant him more of good than harm. However, Tawo had had enough. Abbey’s success appalled him. He was no longer comfortable because he saw Abbey as a threat to his supremacy. In the second year of Abbey’s training, Tawo sent Abbey on a deadly infiltration mission, deliberately including fake extraction details. Abbey finished the subtle infiltration superbly and was ready for evacuation. The radio link he was given to call came back as static. No response on the other end. Abbey had no choice but to find his own escape route. He had not been trained to that degree. He fell into enemy hands and was killed. During the debriefing, it was discovered that Tawo had provided incorrect extraction details. The penalty was dismissal and death if found guilty by the Spy Court. The General had intervened and shielded his son from justice. He made Tawo disappear and swept the case under the rug. The Colonel however was undaunted. He dug relentlessly into the family of the General in his attempt to unravel the location of Tawo. He was not ready to let his son’s death go by without justice being served. The General found out the Colonel was digging too deep into his privacy and had the West African Intelligence force send him undercover to infiltrate and bring down the Marine Cartel. The General hoped he would not come out alive. All these thoughts flashed through the Colonel’s mind in seconds. He squeezed his fingers into a fist. He had been looking for this opportunity for a long time. Tawo had to pay for taking the life of his son. He had to die. “Giwa, I know what you feel. I know how you feel. No one has to die tonight.” The General said in his cold, baritone voice. The Colonel did not look back. “Marcus, I am not sure you know how I feel. My son was murdered. Yours is still alive. You know what I think? I think you would understand how I feel when your son is dead.” The Colonel replied. His eyes were still on Tawo. His eyeballs were fiery red. Tawo felt uneasy. His fingers caressed the .43 automatic that was inside the janitor overall he wore. He felt the need to use it but his father’s warning replayed in his mind. The Colonel saw the tiny movement of Tawo’s fingers inside the overall. His instincts took over. He ran towards Tawo in a zigzag motion. The Colonel’s action took him by surprise. As Tawo saw the Colonel approaching him, he quickly brought out the pistol, aiming at the Colonel. He was not quick enough as the Colonel was in front of him in a flash. He landed a huge right to Tawo’s cheek while simultaneously giving a powerful left punch to his lower bicep. The pistol went off Tawo’s hand falling on the ground. With his rage and anger, the Colonel rained punch after punch at every part of Tawo’s body. Tawo tried to ward off some of the Colonel’s punches but the Colonel was too fast for him. Tawo held up his arms to block the Colonel’s punches. The Colonel threw a strong swinging right punch to the side of Tawo’s face. Tawo fell on the ground disoriented. Just then, the General got up. He took out a gun from his hips and aimed at the Colonel. The Colonel turned, facing the General. He was panting strongly, his countenance still filled with rage and anger. “I did not intend for this to end this way. Obviously you are not ready to be sensible. Bye Giwa.” The General said, turning off the safety of the gun. A gunshot was fired. The General fell on the couch holding his chest. The Colonel turned. Ahmed was holding the gun that fell from Tawo’s hand. Ahmed looked scared. The Colonel went to his nephew, helping him up from the ground. Instinctively, the Colonel had this strong feeling to look back. As he did, he saw Tawo pulling out a gun from his hips. The Colonel immediately grabbed the gun from Ahmed and pushed him away from the line of fire. Ahmed stumbled to the side of the room, almost hitting his head on the wall. The Colonel bent on one knee and fired two shots at Tawo. The bullets hit him on the chest. Tawo fell, surrounded in the pool of his own blood. “Let’s get out of here” The Colonel said, helping Ahmed up. They took their belongings and hurriedly left the hotel room. ***************** Thirty minutes later, the General stirred. He came to slowly, touching his chest. There was a little blood stain on his shirt. He took off his shirt and took off the bullet proof vest he wore. He threw it aside and assessed his chest. The bullet had pierced the vest but did not really get into his body. It grazed his skin and had caused him to bleed. He got up slowly, looking around the room. Just then, he saw his son lifeless in a pool of his own blood. TO BE CONTINUED….
4 Nov 2014 | 03:21
yes colonel you get mouth
4 Nov 2014 | 06:16
episode 37 Shina got out of his beautiful silver colored convertible Hyundai Envy. He was parked outside a small bungalow in the exquisite Northern Foreshore Estate. Leaning against the driver’s door, he pressed the horn twice. He was waiting for Eva. He checked his wrist watch impatiently. It was three minutes past noon. Eva opened the glass window of her sitting room and called out to Shina, “Just a minute please.” She said waving at him. She blew a kiss at him as she closed the window. Shina shrugged. Eight minutes later, Eva came out of her house carrying just a sling bag across her chest. Her beautifully conditioned hair tumbled in waves at her shoulders as she walked towards him. She wore a pink silk semi-transparent blouse which had white polka dots. A short black mini skirt and white flat ballerina shoes completed her outfit. Her black lacy half bra was slightly visible under her blouse, her huge br3asts struggling against the tight fabric. Shina felt his heart skip a few beats. He really was crazy about this girl. He fought the urge to walk up to her and sweep her off her feet. He was afraid. Afraid of how she would react. Afraid of what she might say. Afraid of losing her forever. Like they say, half a loaf is better than none at all. He was content with just being in her life in the current capacity that he was, rather than lose her forever because of his feelings. “What took you so long? We are far behind time. See the time na.” Shina said as Eva opened the passenger door and got in. “Ahn Ahn na. Shebi it was just five minutes now. You know I have to look good. You never can tell if it’s another job I have to do, you know.” She said putting her arms around Shina as he started the ignition. He glanced at her and she winked. He had butterflies in his tummy. He could not help feeling all mushy mushy around Eva. “It was not five minutes my dear. It was eight.” Shina countered and eased the car slowly into the road. “Ehn five minutes oh, eight minutes oh, it is still the same. Could you please close the roof? I’m a bit cold.” Eva said. “Why won’t you feel cold? When you are dressed so provocatively” Shina said pressing a button. The roof unfolded from the back of the car and stretched itself over their heads. “Happy?” Shina asked nudging Eva gently. “Yes daddy.” “Seat belt please.” He said to Eva. She obliged, strapping herself on the leather chair. They drove in silence for a while till they got to an intersection on the road. The traffic light turned yellow, and then red as Shina slowly brought the car to a stop. The road before them spread out into two different paths. “Destination please?” Shina asked. “Hotel Paradise.” Eva replied. Shina knew the place. It would take them about three hours to get there. He shifted the car into gear and turned left as the traffic light went green. “As your Royal Highness commands” Shina said with a gentle bow. They sped away on the freeway. ******************************************* Sean drove into a petrol station at Ore. “How much sir?” The attendant asked. “Six thousand five hundred.” Sean replied, turning his window down halfway. The attendant finished selling the required amount of fuel and hanged the nozzle back in its cradle. Sean handed the attendant seven thousand naira, telling him to keep the 500 change as tip. He made to drive off, then suddenly remembered something. “Excuse me. Yes you.” Sean called at the man who just sold him fuel “Yes sir?” The attendant answered eager to help. “How do I get to Hotel Paradise? I seem to have lost my way” Sean asked. “Oga mi, you never lost your way o. You never lost your way at all at all. In fact na the correct way na him you face so. If to say you don go chook your head for road like say you wan enter Akure, na that time your way go lost o. He go lost finish. You no go even fit find the way again. To come outside ehn, e go hard you like person wey wan swallow big stone o. And when person lost way for this kain area, e dey hard to see road come out o. E go just dey do like canoe wey no see road comot for water. Oga mi, I remember the day when I lost my way, I just dey…” The attendant rambled on. Sean did not have time for his spectacle. He had a job to get to. “Excuse me, I am really in a hurry. Do you know how I can get there or not?” Sean asked impatiently. “Oga mi no vex I just wan explain as the thing be for you. Na inside Ore GRA the hotel dey. Just dey go straight. You go see one big signboard wey them say slow down. Make sure say you slow down o. Because I remember my sister husband. Na speed kill am for that same place. He see say them say make e slow down e no gree. Na so him motor enter gallop. The car tumble tumble tumble tumble so tey…” He was saying, demonstrating the tumbling motion with his hands. ”Can you just tell me how the heck I can get to the place?” Sean said infuriated. “Oga mi, you sabi vex o. Na wetin I do now wey you don dey vex for me? Anyway, Na the next turning after the signboard be the street of the hotel. U no fit miss am at all. When you enter the turning, na the last building for the road. The hotel big well well.” The attendant stated. Sean mumbled an inaudible appreciatrion, wound uo his window and sped off the petrol station. “Oga no speed for there o!” The attendant called after Sean. Sean did not hear him. Sean was directed to the parking lot as he drove into the huge five-star hotel. He found a free space in the already filled parking lot and parked his ash colored Infinity Audacity jeep. He checked his gold Hublock wristwatch. It was exactly 11:56am. He was required to be at the hotel by noon. He was four minutes early. He decided to wait in his car till noon to see if Shina would be on time. At exactly noon Sean received another message: “Target is en route. ETA is 3 hours. Stay Alert.” The message deleted itself as usual after Sean finished reading it. There was nothing to do for three hours. He decided to explore the hotel; possibly he may extinguish the target in the premises. He went to the reception. A man wearing horn-rimmed glasses looked up at him. “Good afternoon sir. How may I help you?” He said with a welcoming smile on his face. “Yes please. Is there any reservation for Alexander Bashorun? It should have been made by now.” Sean said with an air of arrogance. “Just a moment please.” The receptionist said. He checked the computer in front of him, searching for a reservation in the name that was provided. He found none. He checked again just to be sure. “I am sorry sir, no reservation has been made in that name. I wish there was a way I could help.” The receptionist said. “It is okay. I will talk to my agency. Thank you.” Sean said and left. He had wanted to play a smart one. The instruction was to go into the hotel after he had smoked Shina. He wanted to know what was in the west wing of the hotel. He left the reception and went to the Cinema section of the hotel. At two-thirty, Sean was in his car watching for Shina. At exactly 2:53pm, Shina drove past him to a parking space six cars away from him. He watched as Shina walked with Eva into the reception of the hotel. Sean quickly got out from his car and walked towards the convertible. He was turning his car keys in his forefinger as he approached Shina’s car. When he got to Shina’s car, he spun his car keys so fast such that they fell beside the convertible’s rear left tyre. As he bent to pick the keys, he planted a tiny tracking device under the car. He got up and quickly retraced his steps. He got into his car and waited patiently. Shina came out the hotel twenty minutes later. Alone. He got into his car and drove out of the hotel. Sean started the car and the tracker came on. A tiny red dot blinked on a navigation screen on his dashboard. He traced Shina carefully for hours. Shina stopped by a petrol station to buy fuel. Sean zoomed past and parked 100meters ahead of the petrol station. He waited till Shina zoomed past then got into his car and followed the tracking beacon in his car. Shina was overwhelmed by what he felt for Eva. He needed to clear his head and only a drink could do that. After driving for two hours, he parked his car at a bar at Ogudu and went in. He watched the champions league final between his favorite team InterMilan and Arsenal. It helped him take his mind of Eva. Three hours later, He was on his fourth bottle on beer when Sean walked in with two pretty girls in tow. “Rambo my man!!! What are you doing here?” Sean said, hugging Shina. “It’s a dull Saturday. I just wanted to have a few drinks.” Shina said waving at the bottles on his table. "Well, I am here and no more dulling!!!” Sean said. He introduced the two girls and had one keep Shina company. They talked, chatted and had a lot of fun. Sean continually slipped poison pills in Shina’s drinks while the girl danced with him, making sure he was engaged and arous3d. At 9pm, Shina got into his car and headed home. He had not moved for more than twenty minutes when he began to vomit, He parked his car and began to throw up, spilling a lot of blood through his mouth from his intestines. He opened the door to get fresh air. He fell on the floor and into the gutter. Blood came out from his eyes, ears and nostrils. Three minutes later, his heart stopped. Shina was dead. To continued
4 Nov 2014 | 09:11
Smart job, what a bad guy. Writer, u r so way cool.
4 Nov 2014 | 09:22
Hmmmm, very sad
4 Nov 2014 | 15:05
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”: “You are strong sweetheart, but not strong enough. Watch your step my lady.” – Sean “Target heading to execution area. Advance now sir. Do you copy?” ¬– Austin “How much time have I got Robin? I’m held up by a little lady here in the loo.” – Sean “If you leave now, you have five minutes sir.” – Austin “Sorry my lady, but I really have to go. Sleep tight.” “Three minutes sir. Target is now mobile in the execution area.” – Austin “Copy that. I’m en route” – Sean “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. Just close your eyes.” – Sean “Sit down Eva. It’s time for you to officially meet Sean, your anchor.”¬– Sophia “We have gotten to the final stage of this operation. This final mission is the most difficult and tasking this Corporation has ever dared to embark on. With the General at the helm of affairs, nothing can go wrong. For the first time ever, the Deadly Quartet will be involved in the same mission including Bruno, Eva and Sean. An encrypted email will be sent to your individual accounts at 14:00hrs. It would self-delete fifteen minutes after delivery. In your own interests, be with your various devices. We reconvene tomorrow at mission time.” – Sophia “Please I have a delivery for your Oga. Can I drop it here?” – Tawo “Wetin dey inside the envelope?” – Gateman “Would you like me to drop it? Or you want me to go with it? I don’t have time for your nonsense this man.” – Tawo “I warned you not to eat that whatever you saw on the menu, Bujunoir means boiled octopus. Now, you are shitting your intestines out. How do you feel?” – Colonel “Not good Uncle, Not… hmmmphhh..arrrrggghhhhh… hhmpphh….not..good… at… all ooooo” – Ahmed “Alright then, we leave in the morning.” – Colonel “Tsk tsk tsk tsk. I would not do that if I were you. I have limited time on my hands. I am going to ask you this question only once. The life of your wife on holiday in PortHarrcourt and that of your three children in Ghana depend on what comes out of your mouth. What is the location of Colonel Giwa Haruna?” – Tawo “Thank you Abel. You are Hawk Eyes but you never saw this coming did you?” –Tawo “Agent Shina. You are required to pick up Eva at noon tomorrow and drop her off at a location she would disclose to you. Thereafter, she will give you the destination you should head to next. That would be all. Thank you.” – Corporation “Agent Ambrose. You are to infiltrate the presidential security detail. Your ultimate target is to stall any move by the presidency on his travel plans to the United Arab Emirates. We will send you the full plans later.” ¬ – Corporation “Agent Bruno. You have been assigned as the Personal Assistant and guard of Agent Bravo. You are to do whatever he tells you. He will contact you.” – Corporation “Hello son. Warm night don’t you say?” –The General “Agent Eva. Agent Shina would pick you up at noon tomorrow. You are expected to be at Hotel Paradise at 15:00 hours. A suite on the west wing has been prepared for you. You are to lodge in the hotel and await further instructions.” – Corporation “Agent Bravo. Agent Shina has been compromised. Take him out. He would be at Hotel Paradise. Arrive at noon and wait for him. Leave no trace. When mission is accomplished, return to the Hotel and ask for a room key in the name of Alexander Bashorun. It is a suite in the west wing of the hotel. Further instructions will be given to you later. Good luck.” – Corporation “Tawo, you are my son. However, you are also a Super-Agent accountable to me, The General. I will forgive this indiscretion of yours one final time. I have been tracking the Colonel. I know everything he has been up to. I monitor all my Super-Agents, you inclusive. I do not want you to do something silly like you have already done today. Are you listening to me? If you disobey me, I will kill you myself. Follow me” – The General “Hi Uncle. Who was that?” – Ahmed “Ahmed, please see what that guy wants. I am so angry right now; I fear I may blow his head off.” – Colonel “Giwa, I know what you feel. I know how you feel. No one has to die tonight.” – The General “Marcus, I am not sure you know how I feel. My son was murdered. Yours is still alive. You know what I think? I think you would understand how I feel when your son is dead.” – Colonel “I did not intend for this to end this way. Obviously you are not ready to be sensible. Bye Giwa” – The General At 9pm, Shina got into his car and headed home. He had not moved for more than twenty minutes when he began to vomit, He parked his car and began to throw up, spilling a lot of blood through his mouth from his intestines. He opened the door to get fresh air. He fell on the floor and into the gutter. Blood came out from his eyes, ears and nose. Three minutes later, his heart stopped. Shina was dead. AND NOW. . . Episode 38 Eva was bored. She had been in the hotel for six hours now, yet there was no word from Corporation. She knew she would be contacted. One of Eva’s strengths was her patience. She was never in a hurry. She had kept herself company with a bottle of red wine from the well-stocked fridge. She opened her email for the umpteenth time to check her messages. Still nothing. It was a few minutes past 9pm. She couldn’t take another second of the boring hotel. She went on the internet and searched out the nearest club. The wine was beginning to have effect on her and she needed to unwind. There was a strip club about 30 minutes south of the hotel. It was the perfect way to unwind and let loose. Wearing a provocatively short mini skirt and a chiffon see through blouse, she stepped out of the hotel. Eva routed all her emails to her mobile phone just in case Corporation decided to send her a message. She had not had fun in quite a while. She had every intention to let loose and go wild. ************************************************* Sean passed by the Redeemed Camp at exactly six minutes past ten. He put off his air conditioning and wound down the windows. He needed the gentle wind that blew him as he sped through the Lagos-Ibadan expressway. About an hour earlier Sean had driven by Shina’s convertible. A small crowd had gathered around the car. He knew what had happened but he had to be sure. Parking his car away from the growing crowd, he had walked over to the scene. He managed to make his way through the barrage of bodies and got to the front. Shina’s lifeless body lay face up in a shallow gutter, both hands on his stomach. Sean looked round at the faces of the different people that gathered. Gloom, sadness and fright could be seen on every one of them. As he walked back to his car, he heard tiny whispers of how it was possible that the man in the gutter was a ritual killer and had met his waterloo. Still others whispered in low tones that he must have done something terribly evil to have met that kind of fate. If only they knew. As Sean got into his car and sped away, he had a slight feeling of guilt and remorse. Shina did not do anything against him to deserve to die. He had pondered for hours, how he would take Shina out. He had settled for the poisoning, feeling that poisoning him would give him a quick, painless and private death. It was not his intention for Shina to be humiliated this way. Shina was a very good man. A man of honor. Class. Taste. Finesse. Sean was even in awe of him sometimes. There were times that he wondered how a man could be so meticulous. Shina was good at noticing every single detail. Pity he did not see his death coming. Orders were just what they were; orders. As Sean connected Ikorodu road to the Lagos Ibadan Expressway, he called Sophia. “Voice recognition. Make me one blabber blubber bulging bunch of balderdash.” Sean spoke to his high device phone now connected to the sound system of his car. “Voice recognition initiated. Welcome Agent Bravo.” A mechanical feminine voice replied from the speakers of his car. “Thank you Iris. Call S.” Sean said, not taking his eyes off the road. He wound up the windows and put on the air conditioning. “Calling S… Do you want to block all incoming transmissions?” The Voice replied. “Yes Iris. This is a Code Call.” Sean replied. “Call Connected. Call Secure.” The voice replied. The next voice that came on was Sophia’s. “Hey baby. You miss me?” Sophia said smiling. “I wish I did. Sadly, I do not.” Sean replied and continued “Target is deactivated. What next?” Sean finished. “Good. Can you come over? I really miss you inside me.” Sophia said sounding er0tic. “I am currently en route Hotel Paradise as the instructed in the Mission Command. I guess I’m next on the hit list, aren’t i?” Sean said with deep seriousness in his voice. “Sean, I recruited you myself. No one touches you. Besides, if you are going to die I will have to do it myself. And I don’t see that happening anyway. You, my love are in the master plan of the Corporation.” Sophia assured him. “Why did Shina have to die?” Sean asked. He had been dying to ask that question ever since he read the Mission command. However, bringing up such questions at the time would mean he was questioning authority. It had happened before. Mission commands were switched and the initial target had automatically become the executioner. He knew better. Now that he had achieved ninety percent of his mission objective and was now heading to the hotel, he felt it was safe enough to ask. Besides, he and Sophia had developed a bond. “Shina was compromised. He made contact with the other side. Four years ago we noticed his unusual distaste for Execution Missions. He rejected three execution missions, preferring Extraction Missions. He was the best Extractor the Corporation ever had and one of our best agents, so we really did not think anything of it. However, when he rejected the last mission to take out the Governor, the General had me look into him. So I planted Eva in his care. I knew he had a soft spot for her right from the first day he extracted her. He dotted on her and took her in his wings. So when I made him take up Eva as his protégé, he was more than happy to. What he did not know was that Eva had her instructions too. She was to spy on him and make him fall madly in love with her. However, she had to be subtle about it and make sure he was scared enough to tell her his true feelings. She passed in flying colors and delivered Shina to our hands. Are you still there Bravo?” Sophia said. “Go on S.” Sean said. He slowed down to 80km/hr. and kept to the right lane of the road. “The Governor Mission was a very important one and we needed it to be very clean. Only a Super-Agent could perfectly execute it. Shina’s refusal to take it up only shined more doubt on his loyalty. The rest of the Super Agents were busy with other assignments, so no one else was available” “Then you guys decided to hang the mission on my neck. What if I had flopped? What if I could not pull it off? The Super-Agents have 56 years’ experience combined. I had a meager two. You surely were betting on the wrong horse, weren’t you?” Sean interrupted. “We took a huge risk. We had no choice. But deep inside, we had this confidence you could pull it off. You are the fastest risen agent ever in the Corporation’s hundred year history. That was the little hope we held on to.” Sophia replied. “So after I had taken out the target, who the hell came up with the idea of torturing me?” Sean asked “Actually, that was my idea. I needed you to be strong. Besides, I can’t have a weakling as my right hand man. I fell for you the first day I saw you, when I picked you up on that lonely path. Ever since then, all I wanted you to be is what you are now. Besides, is this not supposed to be about Shina?” Sophia asked. Sean was passing through Ogere now. The once very busy road had now become isolated. During the day, scores of young lads would flock around the window, advertising different kinds of edibles. There was usually light traffic and cars moved at an agonizingly slow pace, coupled with the policemen who were conducting searches and checking vehicles. Now, Sean just cruised through. No hindrance. “What did he do exactly?” Sean asked. “Shina became born again. He wanted out. He did not want a part of crime anymore. How that happened, I cannot tell. Eva intercepted one of his phone calls. He was watching football with friends and had left his phone in her room after one of his visits. A certain number had been calling him continuously. She picked his call, acting like she was his wife. It was the Superintendent of Police and he wanted them to meet at the usual place. Eva began to keep track on him and eventually had him bugged. We have six tapes of different meetings. He wanted to confess everything in exchange for protection and 100million USD. He even squealed out that something big was going to go down. He did not know what it was yet and was waiting for the information before he finally spilled his guts. That is why you had to take him out.” Sophia explained. “Serves him right anyway. I have to go now. I’m already behind schedule. See you soon sweetheart.” Sean said. “I’ll be waiting dear. Be safe.” Sophia said. Sean waited a few seconds then said more audibly, “Thank you Iris. Terminate Call.” “Call terminated Agent Bravo. Anything else I can do?” The computer asked Sean thought for a while. “Iris, how long is it from my current location to Hotel Paradise at current speed and altitude?” Sean asked “Processing Data… please wait.” Iris replied. After thirty seconds, Iris replied “Approximately forty five minutes, Agent Bravo.” Iris said. “Thank you Iris. That would be all” Sean said. “Have a safe trip sir.” Iris replied. Sean shifted gear and increased his speed to 120km/hr. He wound down the window again and put off the air conditioning. He just wanted to get everything over with. *************************************************** *** The General stood at the back of his house, rain pouring on him. He wore a long black mafia suit and gazed on the ground before him. His hands were behind him as he stood motionless, his dark shades protecting his eyes from the drops of water that fell from the heavens. He did not shed a tear as he stood alone as he had done for three days now. He bent on one knee and dropped a single hibiscus flower on the tombstone. On the tombstone the epitaph read: “Here Lies The Remains of Tawo Marcus Kushim. Brother, Friend, Son.” The General got up and took off his glasses. Not a single tear dropped from his eyes. His eyes were red. Fiery Red. He walked to the head of the tombstone and kissed it gently. He smiled. “You had it coming, didn’t you T?” He said to himself. “But guess what? Our code still remains. An eye for an eye. An arm for an arm. A tear for a tear.” The General walked away from the tombstone and moved towards the huge brick house. As he opened the door, he turned and took one last look at where his son lay buried. “A life for a life.” He said. He entered the house, shutting the door behind him. ********************** Ambrose got to the Capital where he was ushered into a dimly lit office. He waited for a while before he was joined by a grim looking man with three tribal marks on each cheek. He got up to greet the man but the man waved him off, asking him to sit. He presented his special letter to the Head of the Presidential Security. “I see that you come highly trained and recommended. Your statistics are really impressive. Why do you think we should bring you in?” The HOPS asked. “It has always been my dream to serve my country in a special capacity. I only want to help my country in the way my talents can be fully utilized. What better opportunity than to be in the Special Presidential Protection Squad? None sir.” Ambrose replied. “Have you been interviewed?” The HOPS asked “Yes I have sir. I have been interviewed in archery, sniper shots, hand to hand combat, gun slinging and infiltration.” Ambrose replied “How long did that take?” the HOPS asked “Four hours sir.” Ambrose replied. “Are you sure you went through all the prerequisite interview drills?” the HOPS asked amazed. “I did everything that was presented to me sir.” Ambrose replied. Just then his computer beeped informing him he had an email. “Your interview results just came in. You were in the 99th percentile in all drills. Really Impressive. How soon can you resume?” The HOPS asked. “In a week’s time sir. I would want to clear with my family back in Lagos sir.” Ambrose replied. “Alright then. When you are in the Capitol, call me directly. Congratulations Peter.” The HOPS said and gave his mobile number. “Thank you very much sir.” Ambrose replied. They shook ends and Ambrose left the office. As he prepared to board a plane to Lagos, he sent an email to Sophia. “I’m done.” ***************************************************
4 Nov 2014 | 15:18
An Evening with Eva episode 39 Sean got to the hotel at midnight. He met a different person at the reception this time around. In his most exquisite manner he asked. “Good Morning. Is there a reservation in the name of Alexander Bashorun please?” “Just a minute sir.” She checked her computer, looking up at Sean a few times. Sean kept smiling pleasantly. “Sir, there is a reservation in the name of Alexander Bashorun. It is on the west wing of the hotel sir. The password for entry into the room is your year of birth sir. The password allows only two attempts sir.” The receptionist said. “Okay. How do I get there? You know this hotel is massive.” Sean said getting his wallet from the hip pocket of the jeans he was wearing. She printed out a hotel guide and gave it to him. He got to the west wing of the hotel and located the suite that was prepared for him. He typed his year of birth if the keypad that was beside the door. The door clicked open and he walked in. He had been through a long day. He fell on the couch and slept off. *************************************** Eva had a wonderful time at the club she went to. She danced, and flirted with a few girls. She met new guys and was amazed at the beauty of the strippers. She was conscious of time and did not want to be too familiar with any of the people in the club. So at about two thirty, she left. There was a certain handsome hunk that would not let her leave without some form of contact detail. She liked him. He was bold, straight to the point and wanted just s3x. She wanted it too but she knew that once he had tasted her, he would not be able to let go. She knew how crazy she was in bed, most especially when she had not gotten laid in a while. She got his number and promised to call him. She intended to, maybe after everything was all over. She got to the hotel, and went straight to her suite. Immediately the door opened, she knew something was not right. Eva was very careful with her belongings and knew exactly how she left the room. But now the room was in disarray. The throw pillows were scattered on the floor. The magazines on the coffee table where not stacked. And there was a glass of wine on the table. Who was in her room? As she shut the door gently behind her, she heard the sound of the shower in the bathroom. “So the intruder is still here?” She thought to herself. She went to the couch and lifted it up gently. She took out a .23 caliber automatic pistol beneath the couch, laying the couch down noiselessly. With gun in hand beside her face, she tiptoed to the bathroom, listening carefully for any change in sounds. The shower was still running and the smoke from the hot bath clouded the bathroom. She got to the entrance of the en suite bath and yanked open the door in one swift move, pointing her gun threateningly. The bathroom was empty. Before she could turn and decipher what was happening, the gun was slapped from her hand, pushing it near the sink. A strong hand grabbed her neck from behind, while another held her firmly on the stomach. He pushed her to the bathroom wall and pinned her steady, the side of her face grazing the tiled wall. “Shhhhhhhh….It is me. Don’t do anything rash Eva.” Sean said quietly and smoothly into her ears. His grip on her was so strong. She tried to fight herself off his grip but he was just too strong and she was hurting herself in the process. She could see his bulging biceps from the corner of her eyes. “Who the hell is this guy?” she wondered “There is no use fighting my lady. I would not want a repeat of our last meeting dear. I am going to let you go now. Be a good girl.” Sean pleaded He felt her tense and stiffened body loosen up. He released her gradually and took three steps, backing up away from her He did not see the slap coming till it was too late. Her right palm landed on his left cheek. He grimaced as the pain seared through his body. He felt a little blood on the tip of his tongue. “That was for leaving me in a Male Toilet for hours. Couldn’t you think of somewhere else to put me?” She said her hands on her hips. Eva’s anger turned him on. And when she put her arms on her hips, her br3asts popped out making them larger than they seem. He was not angry. He was arous3d. She saw the look in his eyes and the bulge in his jeans that now appeared from nowhere. She now realized that he was actually shirtless, his fine body glistening in the radiance of the fluorescent bulbs. She noticed his abs, his muscles and his huge, broad chest. The hair on his chest was smooth and fine, and ran through his torso, disappearing inside his jeans. “You should not have done that.” Sean said smiling and taking two steps towards Eva. She kept quiet and kept her eyes on him. Her mind was running wild. Her heart was beating faster than normal. She saw the look in his eyes. She knew that look. She prayed silently that her legs do not give way and that he would really take her. As he approached her he had only one thing in mind. It was that same thing he had in mind since the evening he met her at the Brigadier’s party. He held her neck with his right hand almost choking her. She did not resist him. He kissed her with his blood stained lips, taking her tongue in his mouth and sucking on them. He took her two hands, impaling them above her head with his, while they kissed and sucked each other’s lips. Their eyes were closed. Eva rescued her hands from his and grabbed his head as they kissed. He lifted her with brute strength, his hands in her armpits, pinning her on the bathroom wall above him. She looked down and circled his waist with her legs as she pinned her body to his. Without warning he tore her blouse to reveal a pretty pink bra. She smelled sweaty and in the mood. Carrying her in that position, her legs circling his waist, her arms around his neck and her lips in his, he took her to the bedroom and did what he been wanting to do for a long while. Scratching, nibbling and gasping for air they pleasured themselves with no inhibitions whatsoever. *********************************************** The General picked his phone and dialed Ope’s number. “What is the status of The Colonel?” He asked “I have been watching him for three days as you instructed sir. Bee Hive traced his location to the suburbs of Festac town. They were lodged in a hotel around Old Ojo road and I am currently outside the place. All exits have been covered and I am positive that he is still within the premises.” Ope replied. “Good. What else do you have for me?” The General asked. “I have placed some hookers on red alert and have them working for us. I have concrete information that Ahmed fancies a particular chubby girl. She can be bought. I have three agents inside. They have taken up positions as bartender, housekeeper and gateman respectively. The Colonel and Ahmed are in room 407. Tomorrow night is going to be a really wild one because there is going to be a strip party in the lounge of the hotel. We know Ahmed will be attending. That is where we are sir.” Ope finished. “Good. Stay alert. Nobody makes a move. If this slips by, I will have all your heads. It is a promise. Ease out soldier.” The General finished and hung up. He turned and looked at Sophia. They were in Sophia’s room in the big Mansion. “You are getting desperate sir.” Sophia said. The General was on the bed, his legs crossed. He looked at Sophia who was standing before his, her hands behind her. “You underestimate me girl. I don’t do desperation. Never. I made a mistake with Giwa once. I never make the same mistake twice.” The General retorted. “I am sorry sir. What is the plan?” Sophia said “What is the status of the operation?” The General asked “Ambrose has effortlessly blended into the SPPS and did great at the interview. He resumes in a few days. Shina has been smoked. Eva and Sean should be getting acquainted right about now. All we need to do is wait sir.” Sophia replied. The General got up and paced the room. Sophia did not move from where she was. He came back to his former position. “I am pained by the death of my son, really pained. Even though he had it coming, I was not expecting it to happen so soon. However, I am looking at the grander picture. This final mission is more important than revenge. I need a cool head to prosecute this. Do you think I do not feel the urge to tear down this town just to prove a point? Sometimes, revenge is best served cold. Don’t forget that, Sophia. You have done tremendously well and I am happy at your progress.” The General said. “Thank you sir” She replied. “How did you smoke Shina?” The General asked. “I didn’t. Sean did.” Sophia answered. “Are you scared to get your hands dirty, Lieutenant?” The General asked. “Negative sir. I just felt that Sean needed to prove himself and kill all emotional pull backs he may have.” Sophia replied. “I also know that you have been sleeping with him. Remember, he is going to have to die. And you are going to do it. So do not get too attached.” The General said and moved to the door. “Sophia. It’s going to be you and I left standing when all this is over. Don’t disappoint me.” The General said and left the room. Deep inside, Sophia doubted if she was going to make it out alive. She was worried. Very worried.
5 Nov 2014 | 07:57
Episode 40 The Hotel bubbled as music blasted from highly powered surround speakers. Half Unclad girls paraded the dimly lit bar, looking for clients to patronize their willing bodies. It was the perfect way to spend a Friday night, away from all the hiding and looking behind his shoulders. Ahmed smiled as he blended with the already teeming crowd in the bar. He walked to the barman and requested for his favorite beer. While he waited, he turned and watched as the girls on the iron poles did their thing, grinding their bodies against the cold metal and pulling acrobatic stunts to the sheer amazement of lewd customers. So this was what his Uncle wanted him to miss? He hissed and shook his head mockingly. Collecting his beer after generously tipping the bar man, he walked to an empty seat in the far corner of the bar. It was going to be an evening to remember Sadly for him, it was going to be his last evening alive. “Target green. Visible from this point. Awaiting orders.” The barman texted Ope, who was now inside the hotel, begging the receptionist for a room to spend the night. “Copy that. Keep target in focus. Wait for my orders.” Ope texted back. The barman got the text and immediately deleted it off his phone. “Na wa for una o. Just ordinary room una no fit give person. Shey I tell you say I no go pay ni?” Ope queried the receptionist. “No sir, we are fully booked. I am so sorry but there is nothing I can do.” She replied. “Shey I sha fit go the bar go take one or two bottles?” Ope asked. “Of course sir. Right that way.” The receptionist said, pointing to the direction of the bar. Ope winked at her and she blushed. He made a mental note to check on her when he was done with the current mission. “I am moving in sir. I would like to confirm the code of this operation sir. Take out or delivery sir?” Ope said, pressing his left hand into his left ear. “I have changed my mind. Deliver him to me at the Mansion. It has to be a clean job. I will do the rest.” The General replied. “Copied.” Ope replied and took out the tiny white transmitter in his left ear. He crushed the device witb his boots and entered the bar. *********************************************** Sophia looked at the General as a smile beamed across his face. He had never seen him smile since she was 15. Even when he promoted her to a lieutenant in his Corporation, he had a grim look on his face. “That’s a look one doesn’t get to see every day sir. What is the secret?” Sophia asked dropping a glass of cold water on the table by which he sat. “Let’s just say, I am going to have my pound of flesh.” The General replied. “I thought you said you do not do desperation. If you kill the boy, is that not exactly what it is? A desperate act at revenge?” Sophia questioned. “I lied.” The General replied and continued. “Cheers sweetheart.” He finished pushing his cup of water at her. She just smiled and blew him a kiss. She was beginning to get worried about this man. ************************************************* Eva yawned and stretched as the rays of the early morning sun peeped through the slightly opened curtains. She was completely nak3d as the duvet fell off her body as she sat up. She remembered what happened the night before. She felt good. Just then a shirtless Sean walked in with a tray which had a warm cup of coffee and sandwiches. “Rise and Shine sweetheart.” He said dropping the tray beside her and kissing her softly on the forehead. “Did we?” Eva asked surprised, a look of lust in her eyes. “What do you think?” Sean replied and then continued “Come on, gobble up. You need your strength. I will be back. I need to use the gym.” Sean finished. Eva watched as Sean went of the bedroom. She could not stop staring at his perfectly curved body and his suave. She felt herself tingle below and she chuckled. ****************************************** “Hey bro, is this seat taken?” Ope said to Ahmed who was on his third bottle of beer. “No it’s not. You can have it.” Ahmed replied. They shook hands. As they pumped and snapped, Ope lodged a tiny tracker in Ahmed’s hand. They talked about the country, the improvement, and the failures. They got round to the subject of women and how filled the bar was. “So what if your wife call you now, wetin you go do?” Ope asked Ahmed, opening his second bottle of beer. “I no get wife o. That is why I come here. All these girls just dey enter my eyes and I no know which one I go fit choose sef.” Ahmed replied. His eyes darted to and fro the large room, falling on different pretty girls. He did not have enough cash to spend. “You like that yellow one there? Wey get big yansh and bosoms?” Ope asked “Ah, na dat one dey my mind since! Brother, u get eye o.” Ahmed replied smacking his lips. Ope signaled to the girl and she came over to their table. She was among one of the hookers already bought by Ope. She sat on Ahmed’s laps and began to touch him in places that drove him crazy. He was on his sixth bottle of beer and was already drunk. His eyes were blurred and his utterances were slurred. With the girl on his left and Ope on his right, he was guided out of the bar. The Colonel was worried. Ahmed had not called or texted. He was supposed to check in every half hour. But three hours had gone by and he hadn’t heard from him. He decided to go see for himself. As the Colonel got off the stairs, he looked left and saw Ahmed been taken out of the premises. He was shocked. His gun was not on him. He ran and screamed. By the time he got to the gate, they had zoomed off in a waiting car. The Colonel was furious. He held the gateman by the collar and threatened to kill him. He wanted to know where they were taking his nephew to. He was choking the gateman now, stifling him to death. Four heavily built bouncers in black fitting tops and tight pants suddenly appeared from nowhere. The Colonel eyed them one after the other. He could take all of them out conveniently without breaking a sweat. However, he decided the drama would not be necessary. He apologized, left the gateman and went back to his room. He had only one thing on his mind. Getting Ahmed back. *************************************** He woke as a bucket of water was splashed on his face. He tried to adapt his eyes to the darkness of the dimly lit room. He could see figures of two men but his vision was blurred. Gradually he could see the two men. He recognized one as his friend from the bar the night before. He didn’t know who the other man was. He tried to get up from the bed he was in but discovered that his legs and hands were tied to the small bed in the middle of the room. He still had a little hangover but the current fear he felt had sent a cold shiver down his spine. “What…wha.. what.. am…i..doing…here. Wh… who…who…are…you…people?” Ahmed stammered as the other man approached him. “Shhhhhhh. Quiet. The General hates noise.” The man said. He gave Ahmed a hard slap to the right side of his face. Ahmed yelped in pain. “Did that hurt?” The man asked. Ahmed kept quiet, his head turned away from the man. He was sobbing quietly. He was afraid. He didn’t plan to die like this. The man bent low and turned Ahmed’s face back towards him. He squeezed Ahmed’s cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. “I said, did that hurt?” He said to Ahmed menacingly. Ahmed nodded slowly. “Good boy. Because what you just experienced is nothing compared to what is going to happen to you pretty soon.” He finished and backed away from Ahmed, heading for the door and going out. Ope came to Ahmed and patted his hair gently. “I am sorry bro, but I don’t call the shots. See you in hell.” Ope said and left him. Ope knocked twice on another door within the same room and stepped out, locking the door behind him. After what seemed like an eternity, the door that Ope knocked opened and Ahmed almost poo his pants. The General strode out of the room gallantly. He smiled as he approached Ahmed. “How are you boy?” The General asked looking down at the scared man tied on the bed. “Pppp…le…aa…seeee. Ppppleeeaaasssee.” Ahmed begged. “I am sorry but that word does not exist in my dictionary. I need to send your Uncle a souvenir.” The General said and continued, “Then I am going to take off every toe, every finger, pluck out your eyes, your tongue and dismember you gradually till you die. Now which toe do I send to your Uncle?” The General threatened, bringing out a huge sharp plier. “I think I will just take the two big toes. Don’t worry boy, I am quite skilled at this.” The General finished. Ahmed wet his pants. The General did not let that affect him. He cut off Ahmed’s big toes in swift snaps of the plier. Blood poured from the wounds. Ahmed shrieked in pain. The General’s black shirt was stained with blood. He kept the cut toes on the floor. “Now, to the main course.” The General said, snapping the plier in the air. Ahmed’s cries and shrieks pierced the air and went through the hallways. No one would hear him. No one would help him. The General left him barely alive and exited the room with his exhibits. He planned to send them to The Colonel later. Ahmed was breathing very slowly. His heart gradually gave way. He died a slow and painful death.
5 Nov 2014 | 08:50
that is good for him ashewo oshi mitcheew
5 Nov 2014 | 09:58
Episode 41 The Colonel paced the Hotel room, deep in thought. He was upset, angry but not disoriented. His original impulse was to react immediately. Follow the trail Ahmed had laid down and eventually catch up with the abductors. He had seriously been contemplating taking rash action when he got a delivery. It was a small pocket sized package with no posting address. “Who sent this?” The Colonel asked the delivery boy. “I have no idea. My job is to deliver what I am given. Please sign here sir.” The delivery boy replied. The Colonel acknowledged receipt and locked the door as the boy left. He scrutinized the parcel wrapped in a pretty blue foil. He was wary. He did not know what it was. Could it be a bomb? He held the package close to his ears, expecting the ticking sound of a countdown timer. He heard nothing. As he turned the parcel around trying to ascertain the contents, something caught his eye. He saw a very faint black ink. It looked like some form of hurriedly scribbled words. Or carefully concealed information. He got his magnifying glasses and read the scribbled information on the bottom right of the parcel: “ отмщению ” “Payback” in Russian. Only one person knew ever used that with him, The General. Immediately, he feared the worst. He quickly tore the parcel open. What he saw broke his heart into a million shreds. The toes, eyes and heart of Ahmed were neatly arranged inside the parcel. He fell on the chair, holding the parcel in his hands. He could not believe his eyes. Ahmed was dead. He felt like opening fire on the Corporation. He had had enough. First it was his only son. And now, the just took Ahmed. He was done running. He was done playing nice. He was done being the victim. He made up his mind. They had taken too much from him. Marcus was going to pay. As he remembered all the loss he had suffered from the hands of the Corporation, anger got the better of him. He dropped the parcel on the table in front of him, got up suddenly and screamed at the top of his lungs. “Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!” With clenched fist and his teeth gnashing, he walked forwards and punched the concrete walls until his fists bled and the pain became unbearable. Tears fell freely from his eyes. Breathing heavily, his chest heaving, he walked dejectedly back to the couch and sat. He held his head in his bloodied hands. He had to do something. He knew the General was expecting a reaction from him. The General knew everything about him. The General taught him many of the things he knew. There would eventually be a face-off but when? He continued to think, raking his brain for any possible subtlety that Marcus would not see coming. He found it hard to think. Anger, pain and sadness made it difficult for him to plan a proper course of action. He decided to take a nap. As he lay on the couch, his eyes fell on Ahmed’s newspaper clippings on the wall. He began to feel bad all over again. He turned on the couch, facing the west wall away from the newspaper clippings. Suddenly, there was a glint in his eyes. He had a brain wave. The sadness in his eyes immediately disappeared and was replaced by excitement and anticipation. He got up from the chair and went to the newspaper clippings on the wall. He had never given much thought about Ahmed’s obsession with finding a mystery killer. For all he cared, The Colonel believed that the slain political officers were greedy criminals who deserved their fate. But now, as he studied the clippings he came to a shocking realization. Ahmed’s work was actually his ticket to finishing off the Corporation. He studied the patterns Ahmed had drawn, improved on the inferences already suggested and connected the dots Ahmed had failed to see. He made calls and begged old friends for favors and access into surveillance archives. The Colonel traced calls, decrypted emails and intercepted a few. With each passing hour, he got closer and closer to finding the target. He worked like a maniac, working the phones, asking for favors, eliminating possibilities. He followed up on past leads and made reasonable progress. Ten hours later, he was done. Cans of Coca- Cola littered the room. He now had eight different images on the screen of the computer that he had been working with . One of the images in the mix shocked him. He could not believe what he saw. He took his phone and dialed a number. “Frankenstein. Its Da Vinci.” The Colonel said. “You promised never to contact me again.” Frankenstein replied with a cold voice from the end of the line. “Frank, you know I would never come to you if it was not a matter of immediate attention. My nephew is dead.” The Colonel said. “What can I do?” Frank asked “Remember those blueprints of the Ghosts organization I gave you six years ago?” The Colonel asked “What about it?” Frank said “I know what a curious mind you have my friend. I intentionally sparked your curiosity when I handed you that chip years ago. I gave you very skinny details just to whet your appetite. Although you showed no signs, I was very sure you would dig. I know you have done extensive work on that Chip. I want to collect Frank.” The Colonel said. Seconds went by. Silence. No reply from the other end. This was a battle of wits. Whoever speaks first concedes defeat. Thirteen seconds later, Frank spoke. “You had me bugged?” “No my good friend. I had my chip bugged. I need to collect immediately. How do I get it?” The Colonel asked impatiently. “I am going to deliver the Chip to you tonight. Here is your passkey. Alpha Alpha Singleton Open Zigabyte zero” “Thanks Frank. Now we are even.” The Colonel said. “If you contact me again Da Vinci, the next time you wake up will be in hell.” Frank replied And the line went dead. The Colonel knew that Frankenstein did not threaten. He promised. He copied out the passkey that he had just been given ALPHA ALPHA SINGLETON OPEN ZIGABYTE ZERO. He scribbled the passkey and transcribed: A A 1 O Z 0. The Zero meant he had to take the passkey from the back so he re wrote the key 0 Z O 1 A A. He folded the paper he wrote the key on, putting it in the inner pocket of his jean. He took one last look at his laptop and shook his head. The pictures of Eva, Sean, Bruno, Sophia, Tawo, Shina, Ambrose and the General starred him in the face. He typed a code to initiate the self-destruct option to permanently wipe away all the contents of his computer. When that was done he took down the newspaper clippings, burning them in a small tray. He had everything he needed. He carried his knapsack and stepped out the hotel. **************************************** Eva and Sean sat on the Veranda of the penthouse. They had been talking the whole day. They spoke about their missions, their fears, what they had been through, how they felt about the killings. They bonded. They took a break in the afternoon to have lunch and go at each other again. It was more explosive this time as they now had more intensity between them. Eva’s head was on Sean’s chest. Her fingers were picking the smooth hair on his chest. He caressed the hair on her head. None of them spoke but the chemistry between them was evident. Sean wondered why he was so comfortable with her. “when do you think all this would end?” Eva asked out of the blues. “When would what end?” Sean asked feigning innocence. “Go jor. You know what I am talking about. The Corporation. Will we work for them forever? I don’t know about you but I think I am tired of killing people. It used to be fun. But now, I’m not just into it anymore.” Eva lamented. “It is what we signed up for. We have no choice. Are you ready to live the rest of your life on the run? Constantly watching your back? Afraid of even your shadow? The food you eat? The next person beside you? Is that what you want? Sean asked. “I don’t know. I just…” Eva started but was interrupted by the doorbell. “Did you call for room service?” Eva asked as the ringing continued. “No I didn’t. Let me see what they want.” Sean said, kissing Eva lightly on the forehead. Dressed in only his boxer shorts, Sean walked to the door and peeped in the keyhole. He saw a man in his early forties looking away from the door. He wondered what the man wanted. He looked very harmless. Sean opened the door. “Yes, is there something I can help you with?” Sean asked. The Colonel launched a fierce and powerful kick to Sean’s ribcage. Sean spiraled to the floor, holding his stomach. He was not expecting such. Eva heard the crash and ran into the sitting room. As she entered, the Colonel brought out two .45 semi-automatic silenced pistols from his hip and pointed them, one at Eva and one at Sean on the floor. “Dad?” Eva said recognizing the man whom she had only seen in pictures. “Hello Eva. Our family reunion is long overdue.”
5 Nov 2014 | 15:16
ehn!wat wuld dis man do 2 eva plz
5 Nov 2014 | 16:35
Episode 42 Dad? Is this really you?” Eva asked moving close to her father. She did not mind the gun that was now pointed at her temple. She had shock and surprise written all over her face as she walked towards her father. “Stay where you are Eva. We don’t want to have ourselves a blood bath.” The Colonel replied not taking his eyes off Sean who was still on the floor. Without turning, the Colonel kicked the door close with his left leg. With the sides of his eyes he kept an eye on Sean and saw his daughter moving closer. He gauged the distance between Eva and him. He fired a shot. The bullet shattered the bottle of Vodka on the table close to Eva. It was a precise shot. With his eyes still on Sean, he barked: “I said don’t fucckking move girl!” Eva froze in her steps. If this man could take such a shot, she did not want to experience what it would feel like if he actually aimed at her. She stooped. The look she saw in his eyes was one she had never seen before. His eyes were very red. His face was expressionless. But somehow she was able to connect with his countenance. And what she saw there scared her. Her father was hurting. Her father was desperate. Her father wanted blood. “You, get up.” He said to Sean waving the gun at him and directing him towards Eva. Sean crawled up from the ground, backing away from him. He walked backward hitting his legs against the couch. He was now side by side with Eva now. “Good boy.” “What do you want?” Sean finally asked. He now realized that whoever this man was he needed something. And he would not get it if he killed any of them. Then he had heard Eva call him dad. He would get back to that much later but first, he needed to know why this man had burst into their privacy and threatened them. The Colonel turned and had them sit on the couch. He faced them and sat on the couch directly opposite them, aiming the guns at both foreheads. “I am sure you are wondering why I am here and what I want. I am going to make it very simple. I want to talk. Just talk. I want to drop my guns now. But don’t go having any ideas.” The Colonel said. As he finished he nodded at their chests and they both looked at their chests at the same time. There was a tiny red infra-red target marker on their chests. They looked up at the Colonel. The Colonel smiled “I brought a few friends, just in case things got, you know, a little bit out of control. You know how stubborn you children usually are.” He said and continued. “But trust me; none of you will leave this room alive if you decide to act funny. All I ask is that you just listen to me. Give me a few minutes. Listen to what I have to say. And if you don’t like it, I walk out. And I will never bother you again. That simple.” The Colonel said. He pressed the cartridge release buttons on both guns and the cartridges containing the bullets fell to the ground. “You see? No guns from me. Now, hear what I have to say.” The Colonel said. ************************************** Ambrose touched down in Abuja at exactly 12:30pm the day before he was to resume in the SPPS. He wanted a feel of the environment, acclimatize to the weather and maybe find one or two hotspots to cool off after a hectic day. He decided against a taxi and took the bullet train instead. He got on the train, checked with the coach and dumped his luggage in the suspender above his seat. He got the window seat which he always loved because it granted him ample view of the lush scenery wherever he went. The speakers above his head came alive and it was announced that the train was about to move and the journey would take twenty minutes. He shifted in his chair, making himself more comfortable. There was no one beside him. He closed his eyes, desperate for a quick nap. After seven minutes he opened his eyes. He could not sleep. He felt uneasy. His stomach rumbled. He got up and made for the toilet. Just then a man who sat three seats behind him got up too. He was slim, six feet tall and wore glasses. He wore a tailored three piece suit and had a gun inside his inner bosom pocket. He walked slowly the same way Ambrose went, towards the toilet. As Ambrose closed the door behind him, he quickly put his ears by the toilet door, listening for footsteps. One of the rules for every spy was, “Always Study Your Environment.” Immediately Ambrose entered the train and sat down, he noticed the man in the three piece suit come in after him, He could feel the man’s gaze on him. He knew something was not right. Another part of him told him he might just be over reacting. He drew the conclusion that he had to be careful. However, now the footsteps drew closer. He now had no doubts in his mind that this was the same man. The footsteps were calculated, slow and precise. They were ordered. He moved away from the door and waited. There were three cubicles in the male section. He was in the last one. The footsteps stooped and a door opened. Ambrose guessed it was the first cubicle. He was not too sure. He hated being unsure. So, he made a deep sound as if he was having trouble getting his business done. He waited. A door shut and the footsteps came again. Slow, calculating and precise. He approximated the distance from the first cubicle to the next. The second cubicle was open so if he was a man in need of a poo, the footsteps would stop. But it didn’t. The footsteps continued and stopped at his door. Ambrose groaned again for effect. He was facing the door preparing for the worst. He looked around the toilet and the only thing he could see was a towel. He took it and folded it in two. The door had a tiny knob with no key hole. Even air would have a hard time peeping through. The knob turned and the door opened outwards. Ambrose kicked the door with all the strength he could muster. The door hit the man on his face and the gun fell off his hand. Ambrose rushed towards him before the man could regain his composure. He rained blows on the man’s face and upper body. He tied the towel around the man’s neck, shutting the air out of him. The man gasped for breath. Ambrose dragged him into the toilet and put his head by the window. The train was moving very fast. Trees and forests were everywhere. There was a tunnel coming up in the far distance. In a matter of seconds, the man’s body would be headless if not dragged back into the train. “Who sent you?!!!” Ambrose barked, pinning the man’s legs to the wall, his head and shoulders outside the window. He strangled the man tighter. The man coughed. He did not reply. “I said, who sent you!?” Ambrose shouted again punching the man in the face. The tunnel was visible now. If Ambrose did not drag the man inside, the man would die. He would not have any clue about who sent him. He decided to let the man die. “You brought this on yourself.” Ambrose said pushing the man’s body farther out. The man got this strength from nowhere, freed his legs and hit Ambrose’s groin with his knee cap. He felt the choking hold on his neck loosen, so he punched Ambrose on the face and quickly pulled himself back into the toilet. Immediately, the train entered the tunnel. Both men panted and looked at each other with cold stares. The man was first to speak. “My name is Special Agent Ken. You just passed your interview.” The man said panting and bringing out a badge from his pocket. He threw it at Ambrose. Ambrose ran his hands through the gold crest of the elephants on his badge. It was genuine. “What interview?” Ambrose asked. “What you had at the Capitol was just a courtesy visit. This WAS the interview.” Special Agent Ken replied. “One of us could have been killed! What sort of crazy people am I working with?” Ambrose said, standing up. The man got up too. “This is my job. I have been interviewing members for the SPPS for eight years. Let’s just say, I like to gamble with my life.” Agent Ken said. Ambrose was about to retort when the speakers above them came alive. “We have two minutes before we reach Gwarimpa. Please get ready.” “Time to go.” Agent Ken said. They cleaned up themselves and went back to their seats. “What have I gotten myself into?” Ambrose wondered. As they got off the train he got a message on his phone. “Code Red. Abort Mission.” It was from Sophia. To be continued.
6 Nov 2014 | 03:45
Ambrose sharp guy
6 Nov 2014 | 07:22
Episode 43 The Colonel spoke in hushed tones captivating the attention of Sean and Eva with his unique plan. He told them about his history with the General and brought to light secrets they never knew. He explained how his son was killed and how he had been on the trail of the Ghosts Corporation. He made his speech quick and straight to the point, with no emotions. He spoke as a matter of fact and did not hide his intentions. He wanted the General dead which also meant taking down GhostCorp. They were either with him on this or against him. He explained that he had killed Tawo in self- defense when he was ambushed in his hotel room. In return Ahmed was killed. The Colonel wanted retribution. And he would not stop till he got it. “It was so easy to get to you two. If I wanted you dead, you would be dead. Taking you down along with Marcus would be silly when I know I can have you on my side. Think about it.” The Colonel said. He handed them a little chip attached to a small paper. Sean looked at the note. “This whole room is bugged. Get to a safe place and use this chip on a brand new phone. Make sure you are alone.” Sean looked up at the Colonel and nodded. “One more thing. I have relocated your parents. I have released both your mums from the men who were keeping them hostage. They are currently on a plane out of the country as we speak. You are not required to act under duress anymore.” The Colonel finished. Sean could not believe his ears. He had tried to locate his mum but all his efforts were futile. He knew his mother was safe. He spoke to her regularly. He knew she was in Mushin but he did not know where exactly she was. She was moved around a lot and she was not allowed to disclose her location. He had called her one night and she had broken down in tears. She was scared. One of the goons that the Corporation had protecting her had just shot and killed someone in front of her. She was scared and was begging Sean to return home as soon as possible. Sean reassured his mother that all that was happening was for her own good and that he would be home soon. Now this man had taken his mother from under his nose and relocated her. He was beginning to take this man seriously. “How do I know you are not leading me on? How can I trust you?” Sean asked. “For one, you are still alive. Second, no matter what you decide, I will hand your mother to you. I just want you to read up everything you have on that chip. Then make your decision. We’ll go on from there.” The Colonel replied. “How do I get in touch with you?” Sean asked. “You don’t find me. I find you. I will establish contact at 18:00hrs.” The Colonel replied. He turned and looked at his daughter. Emotions welled up in his heart. He wanted to reach out to her. Hug her. Listen to her and catch up on all the years they had been apart. But he couldn’t. At least not yet. Before now no one new that he had a daughter. The people closest to him were all dead. Ahmed was dead. Abbey his son was dead. His wife died during a complication while giving birth to his son. Involving Eva in an emotional triangle would not be good for any of them. “Eva, I know about all your take outs. I have passed some fake information to the police and it has taken them off your trail. I am aware of every move you have made thus far. You were pretty careless.” The Colonel said. He brought out a tiny mini disc from his hip pocket and handed it to her. “Here is all you need to do to take the agency off your trail. Marcus had been so blinded by his desire for revenge that he forgot to cover his loopholes. I have done that for him. However, when you finish cleaning up the mess, you need to get out. Lay low. By the time I am done, you will be a free woman. And if I am still alive, we will talk.” The Colonel finished. Eva made to get up, but the Colonel gave her a very stern look. Eva remembered the infra- red target marker and relaxed again. “I am done here. I will contact you in nine hours Sean. Or is it Agent Bravo? I think this would be a good time to call your Sidekick, Bruno. I intercepted his email too. He is waiting for your contact. There’s a full chicken in the oven in the kitchen. It would be completely cooked in ten minutes. When you hear the sound, then you can get up. Not before.” The Colonel finished. He picked the cartridges on the floor and inserted them back into the guns. He put them back in the double gun hostler he had strapped on. As he walked towards the door, he looked back at Eva. They were still rooted to the spot their bums on the chair. He shut the door after him without another word. Immediately they heard the sound of the Oven that the chicken was done, Eva and Sean got off the chair with light speed in opposite directions. Eva turned the table in the sitting room and hid behind it. Sean crouched behind the couch, using it as a shield. Both were expecting a barrage of gun fire. They stood still for seconds expecting the windows to shatter any moment. Nothing happened. After two minutes of waiting, Sean got up and courageously walked towards the window. He kept to the dark side of the room, avoiding getting into the line of fire. He stood by the side of the glass windows and bent slowly, his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the sniper who was aimed at them. As a trained sniper himself, one of the trainings he had undergone was how to locate a sniper in the tallest of buildings. His eyes had been carefully adjusted and perfected to single out snipers at whatever distance they were shooting from. He was careful at first taking care to make sure only his left eye was visible from the window. He quickly pulled his head back. Nothing happened. He repeated this again. Still nothing happened. He got bolder, put out his whole head and pulled back in one swift motion. No gun shot. He relaxed by the window and breathed hard. Eva was watching him and was scared to death. She worried that Sean might get himself killed trying to dare the sniper who was somewhere outside the hotel. She shook her head at Sean. She knew he was about to do something crazy and she feared the outcome. Hiding behind the table, she shook her head vigorously at Sean, communicating with him not to try what he was thinking of doing. Sean winked at her and smiled. He nodded. Sean put out his right hand expecting it to be shot at. Eva closed her eyes. Nothing happened. Sean waved it a few times. Still nothing happened. He noticed the infra-red target marker on his palm as he waved. “What in hell?” Sean said as he came to a sudden realization. He left the side of the window and stood in the line of fire, arms akimbo. The target marker was on his neck. He moved sideways to his right and stretched his left arm. The marker was on his shoulder. “Come on out Eva. There’s no sniper out there. It’s a decoy.” Sean said, standing again directly in the line of fire. Eva got up and came to where Sean was. She stood beside him, and waved her hands around the target marker. Nothing happened. She turned and hugged Sean very tight. Seeing her father had brought back memories and emotions that she had buried for three years. She cried on his shoulder. Sean held her tight and didn’t say a word. He let her express herself. Five minutes later he whispered to her ears. “Your father is right. He would not have come all this way for nothing. Let’s get out of here.” Sean said. On the roof of an insurance building 100 meters north of Sean’s window, The Colonel lay flat on his stomach. He knew Sean had an eye for spotting snipers, so he had already painted his sniper rifle blue. He painted his face blue as he drove to the building and wore a blue face cap. He watched the drama in the pent house and smiled as Sean stood in the line of fire. He was tempted to take him out. When Eva hugged Sean tight and cried, The Colonel’s already weakened heart gave way. A tear fell from his left eye, while his right was glued in the scope attached to the rifle. He pressed a hand to his right ear. He had dropped a bug in the room immediately he barged in. He heard Sean say they had to leave and how he was right. The Colonel silently prayed that he had done the right thing by bringing Sean and his daughter in. He had no choice. He needed every one he could get on his side. He packed his weapons and left the rooftop. ********************************** Ambrose was walking towards a parked car when he got the message from Sophia. There was nothing he could do. He was walking with Special Agent Ken. He had no doubt in his mind that once he got into that waiting car he was going to be history. He had about thirteen more steps till the door opened. Ambrose looked around the terminal. He picked out about 6 cops in strategic positions. They were watching him but were hiding it very perfectly. He smiled as he remembered the story that Agent Ken had cooked up. He was good. Agent Ken was supposed to kill him but when that did not work he had quickly concocted a backup story and was now leading him to his end. Six steps more. Ambrose needed to take a decision. He needed to act. As they got to the car, Ambrose hit Ken in the ribs with his elbow and broke into a run. Two cops got out of the car and screamed at Ambrose. “Stop!” pointing their pistols at him. He was already twelve meters away, zigzagging through the crowd. The cops could not risk taking a shot as innocent civilians might be harmed. Half a dozen cops pursued him threatening to shoot and shouting at civilians to give way. The whole train terminal was in commotion as Ambrose pushed bystanders aside and ran through the crowded station. People dived away from the path of the ensuing fracas as the cops gradually closed the gap between them and Ambrose. Just then the train began to move. It started to move slowly and gradually picked up. Ambrose moved to his right and ran after the train. The train gained momentum and was picking up pace. Ambrose tried to get in through the last door but it closed shut before he could put his hand in between the doors to close it. There was a tunnel approaching. The cops were eight meters behind him. The crowd was thinning. He had no choice. He took one last bold step and plunged forwards. His right hand caught a panel at the back of the train while his boots grazed the rail track. He managed to pull himself up and hold on to the panel that saved his life. The cops paused and shot into the darkness at the train. Ambrose was already on the roof of the train. “Set up a blockade at the Maitama intersection. I need eyes in the sky! I want him dead or alive! I prefer the former. Somebody, get me that bastarrd!” Special Agent Ken shouted to no one in particular. The cops around him scrambled away, making calls and walking away. The Agent did not move. He continued to stare surprisingly into the darkness of the tunnel.
6 Nov 2014 | 07:26
PREVIOUSLY ON “AN EVENING WITH EVA”:by kaye.mjay “Why did Shina have to die?” – Sean “Shina was compromised. He made contact with the other side” – Sophia “Serves him right anyway. I have to go now. I’m already behind schedule.” – Sean “Here Lies The Remains of Tawo Marcus Kushim. Brother, Friend, Son.” “You had it coming, didn’t you T? But guess what? Our code still remains. A life for a life” – The General “Have you been interviewed?” – HOPS “I did everything that was presented to me sir.” – Ambrose “When you are in the Capitol, call me directly. Congratulations Peter.” – HOPS “Shhhhhhhh….It is me. Don’t do anything rash Eva.” – Sean “That was for leaving me in a Male Toilet for hours. Couldn’t you think of somewhere else?” – Eva “You are getting desperate sir.” – Sophia “You underestimate me girl. I don’t do desperation. Never. I made a mistake with Giwa once. I never make the same mistake twice. Let’s just say, I am going to have my pound of flesh.” – The General “I thought you said you do not do desperation. If you kill the boy, is that not exactly what it is? A desperate act at revenge?” – Sophia “I lied.” – The General “What…wha.. what.. am…i..doing…here. Wh… who…who…are…you…people?” - Ahmed “Shhhhhhh. Quiet. The General hates noise.” – Ope “Frankenstein. It’s Da Vinci.” – The Colonel “I am going to deliver the Chip to you tonight. Here is your passkey.” – Frank “Thanks Frank. Now we are even.” – The Colonel “If you contact me again Da Vinci, the next time you wake up will be in hell.” – Frank “Dad? Is this really you?” – Eva “Stay where you are Eva. We don’t want to have ourselves a blood bath. I said don’t fucckking move girl!” – The Colonel “What do you want?” – Sean “I will contact you in nine hours Sean. Or is it Agent Bravo? I think this would be a good time to call your Sidekick, Bruno. I intercepted his email.” – The Colonel “Your father is right. He would not have come all this way for nothing. Let’s get out of here.” – Sean “My name is Special Agent Ken. You just passed your interview. Time to go.” – Agent Ken. “What have I gotten myself into?” – Ambrose “Code Red. Abort Mission.” – Sophia “Set up a blockade at the Maitama intersection. I need eyes in the sky! I want him dead or alive! I prefer the former. Somebody, get me that bastarrd!” – Special Agent Ken AND NOW. . .Episode44 The General paced the huge sitting area in the mansion. He was furious. His face contorted with rage. He looked at Sophia for the umpteenth time. “How the hell was he uncovered?” The General asked. Sophia was surprisingly calm. She sat on the single sofa and crossed her legs, with a glass of champagne in her left hand. She had gotten used to the General now. He had stayed with her for days now and the enigma which she saw him as had gradually worn off. She had huge respect for him. She still saw him as a father figure. Even though she no longer cowered or trembled at his every bark. She sipped the alcohol slowly and dropped the glass back on the table beside her. “It was The Colonel.” Sophia replied after a few minutes looking straight into the General’s eyes. “Giwa Haruna?” The General asked surprised and continued “I thought Ambrose’s cover was 100 per cent fail safe. I need a damn explanation!” The General screamed hitting the glass center table with his right fist. The table broke in pieces with some pieces of glass lodging in between the General’s knuckles. He showed no sign of hurt or pain. He stood straight and carefully picked out the tiny shreds of glass that his knuckles had embraced. “Tell me how it happened” He said, taking out the last two visible shreds of glass. Sophia was unmoved by his sudden burst of anger. She knew he was losing it. She had only seen him this uncontrollable once, when he was denied autonomy over the South West Region of the African Conglomerate of Undercover Operations. Sophia was able to calm him and help him re-strategize. He later went on to win the appeal and was the head of the Conglomerate till date. That was seven years ago. She was not ready for all that at the moment. She had her own demons to take care of, which included finding Eva and Sean. “The Colonel left clues. He wanted us to know he did it. He was able to crack the server codes and bypass the rigid firewalls. He had help from a certain Frankenstein. Bee Hive is finding a hard time tracking Frank. The Colonel has not made any demands yet but I am sure he will soon.” Sophia said. “I should have killed him when I had the chance!” The General retorted. “It is not your style. You bit the tiger’s tail when you smoked Ahmed. You know how much he cared for the detective. I wonder how you got desperate and lost control of the calm and demeanor that made you the most feared person in all quarters.” Sophia replied. She had long dropped addressing him as sir. They had returned to the way they were years ago when she lived under his roof. He preferred it that way. “I needed to stamp my authority! Killing Ahmed was the only way to send that message S. Don’t you see?” The General replied, sitting on a chair opposite his ward. Sophia felt sorry for him. His hand was bleeding slowly. “You need to take care of that.” Sophia said. “I’ll be fine. What else do I need to know?” The General asked “Bee Hive deployed a smoke screen and they now have the coordinates of The Colonel’s location. We are looking at a very wide area and it will take about fifteen agents to flush him out. It’s too risky and a long shot. I would not advice it. Besides, something tells me he would be expecting a barrage of agents. He has most probably set up bosom traps and little diversions.” Sophia advised. “What’s our best course of action?” The General asked. He took out a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and bandaged his bloody knuckles. “Wait him out. If we rush, we would be playing directly into his hands. He is on his turf. We need to draw him into our terrain. We need to look unconcerned. Act nonchalant. But we would be vigilant. He is currently out for blood. He wants to avenge Ahmed as soon as he can. And he knows he has an advantage. When he sees that we are not acting, he may feel that we did not get his message. He would want to strike again. This time, a little deeper and harder. And he can’t do that in hiding or on his turf. He has to come out. And then, we’ll have him.” Sophia said. The General pretended to think for a while. Sophia’s intelligence had always astounded him. He had initially been thinking about storming the coordinates Bee Hive had given and take out The Colonel with brute force. He had done that before. Three years back, he had stormed the Gulf Coast south of the Bakassi when he got intel that Drago was hiding there. Drago had cloned Bee Hive and was negotiating with the British to sell the information. The General had been searching for Drago for months and when he had finally gotten his location, he stormed the hideout and took down Drago, assault style. He was thinking of taking similar action against The Colonel but he had doubts. The Colonel was very smart. He had taught The Colonel many of the things he now knew and could use them against him. The Colonel could predict his moves. He had to do something he would not normally do under the circumstances. Sophia had given him the perfect alternative. “Where are we with Bee Hive?” The General asked. “All data files have been rewritten and coded with Radeon encryption. All agents’ history have been wiped and replaced with forged identities. All missions have been changed. Our database is safe. If The Colonel were to present his hacked evidence anywhere, he would be running a wild goose chase.” Sophia replied. “Hmmmm…” The General snorted. There was a moment of silence between the two veterans. After a few minutes, the door to sitting room opened. Austin came in, supporting Ambrose on his shoulder. Ambrose was holding his stomach. His once white starched shirt was now stained blood red. Sophia got up instinctively and helped put Ambrose on the long couch. The General just sat on his chair looking. He showed no sign of emotion, care or feeling. He just stared coldly at the events unfolding in front of him. “How is he doing?” Sophia asked Bruno, putting two fingers on his neck to feel his pulse. She got a weak pulse. “He’s lost a lot of blood. I tracked his distress call to a toilet in a mall in the outskirts of Lokoja. I could not take him to a hospital. It’s a miracle he is still alive.” Austin replied. Just then Ambrose groaned. He opened his mouth but no words came out. The General got up and walked to where Ambrose lay. “Lieutenant, how are you feeling? What really happened?” The General asked. “He needs to rest sir. I think he’ll come around. Can I have some time alone with him sir?” Sophia said, looking at the General and then Austin. The General folded his arms while his right arm came up to his jaw. He scratched his hairless jaw for a few seconds as if in deep thought. He needed to know what exactly happened. He needed to be there when Ambrose came to. However he needed him alive. He put his hands in his pant pockets. He felt the tiny but powerful voice transmitter in the depths of his right pocket. “Okay. I will be in the Visitor’s lounge. I demand that he be made available to me immediately he comes to. And that is an order.” The General said, walking towards the door. “Roger that sir.” Sophia replied. Austin also got up from the arm of the four- seat long cushion settee. He looked at Ambrose, shook his head and went after The General who was already ahead of him heading towards the door. The General brought his right hand from his pocket to open the door. As he turned the knob, he released the tiny bean sized bug that was in his hand, blocking the bug’s landing with his legs so no one would see. It landed softly on the Persian rug that filled the wide room. The General opened the door and stepped out, turning right towards the visitor’s lounge. Austin wasn’t any wiser. He had no idea what had just happened he went out after the General and turned left heading to the guest bedroom. As Austin shut the door behind her, Sophia smiled. She had seen the little stunt the General pulled. Her trained eyes had caught the fall of the transmitter. He was hiding something and she had since had her doubts about him. If he trusted her, why did he want to eavesdrop on her? She walked to the door and squatted by the tiny bug. She did not touch it. She examined it carefully. It was an ultra-powerful listening device. The NODE-01 Jaguar. It had the capacity to relay sounds clearly up to 100 meters. She got up, leaving the bug where it was. She went back to Ambrose and whispered in his ears. “Coast is clear. Meet me in the bathroom now!” Ambrose opened one eye. Then the other. He looked around. Sophia was already headed towards the bathroom. He got up from the chair and grimaced. He actually hurt himself when he jumped on the train. But it was not as bad as he made it seem to Austin and The General. He had contacted Sophia when he got off the train and thanked her for saving his life. She had asked him how bad the situation was and he had told her everything he knew. She advised him to fake being hurt, get some more blood on himself and contact Austin. Ambrose had had a tricky moment when Austin tried to take off his clothes to access the extent of injury to his stomach area. Ambrose knew that he could not afford to have his fake injury found. He had groaned and screamed terribly and Austin backed off. Austin felt sorry for him and promised to get him to the mansion so Sophia could look at him. He did not attempt to check Ambrose’s injury again. When Ambrose got to the bathroom, the tap attached to the hand wash sink was rushing at full capacity. The shower was also running. The sound of rushing water would interfere with the transmitter’s reception, blocking the bug from detecting their voices. Sophia sat on the closed toilet seat and beckoned him to come close to her. He got in front of her and sat on the ground, leaning his back on the bath tub. She got out her phone and typed a message: “Did you bring the chip?” She handed the phone to Austin and he read it. He cleared the message Sophia typed and replaced it with his. “Yes I did.” Ambrose typed. Ambrose handed the phone back to Sophia. He got up and walked to the hand washing sink and bent low before it. He put his ‘peace’ fingers in his mouth, gagged on it, and vomited in the sink. He put his hand in the disgusting goo and fished out a black rectangular micro sim. He opened the tap, flushing the goo down the sink and rinsed the micro sim. He walked back to Sophia and handed it to her. “How did you get it?” Sophia asked curiously in a barely audible whisper. “As we approached the police car that was supposed to take me to the Capitol, your message came in. I freed myself from the agent by hitting him just below the ribs. I used the opportunity to grab his smartphone from his side pocket. When I got on the train, I realized that I was being tracked with the phone that I had stolen. I took out the sim and left the phone on in the train. It would be a while before they realize that they have been barking up the wrong tree.” Ambrose replied. “Good job Ambrose. Are you sure you don’t want anyone to check you out?” Sophia asked, getting up from the toilet seat and heading for the door. “I think I am fine.” Ambrose replied. “Good. You need to keep up the act a little while longer. Maybe until after tomorrow.” Sophia said with a tone of finality. “Can I get some sugar in my room? It would really speed up my recovery.” Ambrose asked with a mischievous smile on his face. Sophia smiled, turned and walked up to him. She kissed him deeply and fully on his lips, sucking his lower lips, her tongues flicking in and out, teasing the palates of his mouth. Ambrose squeezed her br3asts as his essence stood at attention, raging like a wild bull. After what seemed like forever, Sophia detached herself from him, eyeing him seductively and stepping two steps back. Ambrose tried to come forwards, attempting to continue the action. “Hey tiger. That was just to say thank you. Will send a hottie into your room in ten minutes.” Sophia said, putting a hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. She licked her lips, bit her lower lip and looked at his gr0in area. His body went up in flames of desire. She turned her back on him and wiggled her hips as she shut the door behind her. Ambrose unbuckled his belt and looked into his pants. His desire needed to be satiated. He walked out of the bathroom and went to his room. **************************************** It was a very hot afternoon. The sun was scorching hot and people were sweating as they walked along the streets. Sean walked along the busy Obalende road, heading for the lonely street North of the small roundabout. He got to a very tiny busy street. He heard screams of “Yaba!!! Yaba going bus!!!” from the scores of commercial buses that lined the streets. As he took a left turn, someone bumped into him hitting him by the shoulders. Sean did not look back. He just smiled and continued moving. The person who hit him wore a hood which covered his entire head. He already knew who it was. He put his hand inside the side pocket of his blazers and felt the tiny piece of paper that was not there a few minutes ago. He kept moving forwards, not knowing exactly where he was going. When he saw an empty tricycle, he quickly sat in it. He took out the paper and read the content: MEET ME IN IKD TONIGHT. Tearing the paper to tiny shreds, Sean got out of the tricycle and tracked back the same way he came. He walked for a while, turning corners abruptly, stopping suddenly and sometimes just turning and heading back the same way he came. He continued to move around in circles, making sure that whoever it was that was tailing him got lost along the way. When he was certain that he had lost any trackers, he moved beside buses, crossed the road a few times back and forth, and zigzagged his way until he got to the Barracks and opened the back seat of a grey G-wagon. “How did it go?” Eva asked as Sean settled in beside her in the back seat. He just looked at her and smiled. He looked at the rear view mirror and met the gaze of his driver “DRIVE!” Sean commanded.
6 Nov 2014 | 13:24
Episode 45 The Colonel laughed gently as he sat on the roof of the UBA building in Obalende. When he hit Sean a few minutes before, he had dropped a tiny note in his pocket. The note had a bug on it. There was no way Sean would handle the tiny paper that he would not get the transmitter onto himself. It was a tracking device which would allow The Colonel monitor Sean’s movement. He knew he had won Sean over to his side, but he was not completely certain that it would remain that way. He just had this gut feeling that just as Sean agreed to work with him, he could easily decide to switch sides again. However, he knew Sean was very smart. Even though he did not know the exact degree of Sean’s intelligence, putting the bug on the tiny note was the perfect test. And to his chagrin, Sean passed perfectly. That was the reason for The Colonel’s laugh. The Colonel had been looking at his hybrid wristwatch which was configured to act as a monitor for the tracking device. For five minutes, the red dot on his wrist watch was static, unmoving. It was just blinking a few meters from the location he had hit Sean. Sean definitely did not have the bug on him. The Colonel had half expected this. He had concluded that if Sean failed to detect the bug, he would not be involved in the bust to take down GhostCorp. But now not only did Sean detect the bug, he had suddenly disappeared from view. He was nowhere to be found. The Colonel searched the whole of the Obalende axis with his powerful custom made binoculars, looking for Sean at every angle. This was his backup plan. He had thought he would be able to catch a glimpse of Sean if the tracking stunt failed. As he looked behind him, peering down through his binoculars 45 degrees South East, he saw Sean slowly snaking his way behind the red BRT buses that were parked and waiting for passengers. “Gotchya!” The Colonel said to himself. He pressed a button on the right panel of his binoculars to activate X-ray Detection Mode. The view changed, wiping every other element off and displaying just the image of Sean. He was coming back the same way he just went and was now crossing over to the other side of the road. “You can run friend, but you can’t hide.” The Colonel said softly again. Sean crossed the road and waited. The Colonel wondered what was keeping Sean. Could he be waiting for someone? He activated Face Detection and zoomed in on Sean’s face. Sean looked completely indifferent. Totally unreadable. He did not look anxious, scared or worried. He just looked sideways a few times as if he was waiting to cross the road. The Colonel had tracked down a lot of very good spies. He was very good at it. But at one point or the other, they always gave themselves away especially when he used his binoculars and gauged their facial expression. No one had ever escaped him. But now, he could not read Sean’s countenance. “What is on your mind boy? What are you trying to do?” The Colonel asked himself. A commercial bus was calling for passengers and stopped just where Sean stood. Sean waited a while and then entered just as the bus began to move. The Colonel saw this. He took the registration plates of the bus and typed it into his palm sized satellite computer. As the bus moved just about 100 meters, a truck carrying fuel crossed the road causing traffic to build up. Sean got down from the bus with other passengers and mixed himself with the crowd. He went to the side of the truck and entered through the passenger door. People were looking at Sean. The Colonel was watching everything with keen interest. His view of Sean was blocked by the rising number of people that were now trying to move the truck away from the road. He could only see a little part of Sean’s body in the truck. Another man entered the driver’s seat of the truck and attempted to start the truck. It refused to move. The man got down from the truck and opened the front compartment of the truck’s engine chamber. Sean was no longer in the truck. It was just a few seconds. How did Sean get out of his sight? He quickly scanned the whole area, imprinting faces and looking for Sean. The results were negative. Sean was not in the vicinity. Two minutes later while the binoculars was still scanning, the driver of the truck got back into the truck and started the engine. It revved to life, emitting thick black smoke from the exhaust pipe. The truck reversed and gradually got off the road, parking on a safe part of the busy commercial axis. Still, Sean was no longer in view. When the truck driver got out and got out his phone, The Colonel had a sudden brainwave. Zooming his powerful binoculars on the driver’s phone, he took several pictures of the phone’s screen until the driver put it back into his pocket and began to walk away from the truck. The Colonel transferred the pictures onto his Ipad 7 Unlimited and zoomed in on the pictures. The first picture showed the menu of the truck driver’s phone. He continued his scrutiny of the pictures till he got to the seventh one. It was a message from an unknown number. “Thank you.” The Colonel continued to scroll. The remaining pictures showed the truck driver deleting the message and exiting the screen to the main menu. A truck came out of nowhere, blocked the road, granted Sean entrance and allowed him disappear. The truck which had seemed totally bad suddenly got working and was able to leave the road. And barely a minute after Sean’s disappearance off the radar, the truck driver got a text showing appreciation. The coincidence was too true to be ignored. The truck driver had been Sean’s diversion and means of escape. The Colonel nodded his head and smiled. He was impressed. Sean had outwitted him and totally knocked him off his trail. Nobody had ever done that. He shut down his devices and packed them in a small briefcase. He headed for the fire escape and proceeded to exit the UBA building. He had made up his mind. Sean was definitely going to be his right hand man. *********************************************** The General got into the Visitors lounge, shutting the door behind him. He scanned the walls and corners, looking for any form of surveillance or hidden bugs. After less than a minute of scrutiny, he brought out two wireless ear plugs and inserted them in his ears. Once they were in his ears, they started blinking purple – a sign that they were activated. He listened intently, hoping to hear whispers or any form of activity in the room. He only heard the sound of rushing water. He waited for seven minutes. He was beginning to get worried. The shower or whatever it was had begun to take too long. Besides, seven minutes was too long a period to wash off Ambrose’s wounds and bring him back to the sitting room. Even at that, there still had to be some form of communication or small talk. So far he had not gotten anything and that worried him. He pressed the earpiece deeper into his ears. Still nothing. Just as he was about to leave the lounge, he heard voices. “How do you feel now?” The General heard Sophia say. “Much better. Thanks a lot for the injection.” Ambrose replied. “So what really happened back there?” Sophia asked “It all happened so fast. I do not even recall all right now. Still looks hazy at the moment. But I think I need to rest.” Ambrose said. “Okay then. A room has been prepared upstairs for you. I will ask someone to lead you there. What do I tell the General? He would need information.” Sophia asked “The General scares me. I fear he may shoot me himself if he doesn’t get anything out of me.” Ambrose replied. When the General heard that, he smiled. He was glad he had not lost the fear factor he had on his lieutenants. Sophia inclusive. He had heard enough. He walked out of the lounge, taking out the buds in his ears as he approached the sitting room. He opened the door as a steward was leading Ambrose upstairs to the room that had been prepared for him. “Where is he going?” The General asked Sophia who didn’t seem the least startled at his intrusion. He was beginning to lose his power on Sophia and they both knew it. But he had no choice. He had lost his most intelligent Lieutenants. He had only Sophia now. She was the calmest and the most calculating. She worked best under pressure. She always delivered. She was his only hope if he was to come out of his brewing war with The Colonel. He had no doubts whatsoever that Sophia knew that she was his only powerhouse in this ensuing battle. He also knew she was cunning and could snake him. Tawo and Shina were dead. Ambrose was temporarily out and he had only Sophia. So he would stick with her till this was over and take her out. He had thought about rendering her inactive, deploying her to a remote island or taking her away to a different section of GhostCorp. But with every thought he always came to the same conclusion: She had become too comfortable and it was not healthy for him. She had to die. He preferred his enigma status and if Sophia did not feel threatened by him, she could influence others to feel the same. And then, he would no longer be The General that everyone really feared and got trembled at. “He is going to his room. He needs to rest.” Sophia replied. “Has he said anything?” The General asked. “Nothing yet. His thoughts seem unclear at the moment, nothing a good rest will not solve.” Sophia replied. “Where are we with Sean and Eva?” The General asked. Sophia was shocked. She hadn’t expected that the General would have known so soon. It had been barely 48 hours and she was hoping she would get concrete information by the end of day. She had no idea where they were. “I have everything under control. They are ready for their part. We just need to get a way to blend them into the new scheme now that Ambrose has been compromised.” Sophia replied. “Where are they?” The General asked, walking to the water dispenser and helping himself with a cup of cold water. He drank the water, keeping his gaze on Sophia as he waited for her reply. Sophia was quiet. “Ahhhhhhhhh. Refreshing!” The General exclaimed as he set the cup down and licked his lips. “I asked a question S. Where is the location of Sean and Eva?” “My best guess is that they are now working with the Colonel. They were visited by the Colonel in their hotel suite and have gone rogue since then. We got know this from the surveillance footage in the hotel. He intentionally let himself get captured by the cameras. They have been spotted around the city but successfully shaken off all our best trackers. I have taken over supervision of finding them and I will get something soon. I think they will let themselves be found when they are ready. We trained them too well.” Sophia explained. “Are you giving me excuses lieutenant?” The General said raising his voice angrily. Sophia was unmoved. “I would never give excuses sir. I am just saying that we have studied the Colonel. He wants revenge. He is blinded by his current bloodlust. We can use it to our advantage. If we wait him out, pretend to be unaware of him and his vices, he would be forced to act. Then we would nail him. We have the upper hand sir. We need to gather our resources, stock pile our strategies and expect an attack. Then we’ll counter in such a way he never saw coming.” Sophia explained sitting down and crossing her legs, staring straight into her Guardian’s eyes. “Let me know when Ambrose comes to. If he has nothing concrete to present, you will have to kill him. Use him as bait, smoke him, anything. He is now a liability. You have twenty hours to find the missing love birds.” The General said and walked out of the room. He did not wait for a reply. Sophia had none to give. She had plans of her own. As the General shut the door behind him, she got up and headed for Ambrose’s room.
7 Nov 2014 | 02:51
see gobe
7 Nov 2014 | 06:39
Episode 46 Two weeks had passed. Sophia had been keeping tabs on the activities of GhostCorp. The General had ordered her to oversee affairs till he got back from sabbatical. She worked tirelessly, looking for clues and tracking every bit of intel she got from BeeHive. The Colonel seemed to be in no hurry. It had been sixteen days and he had not made a move yet. He had not left his supposed hideout. She could wait him out. She had all the time in the world. It was Sean and Eva that concerned her. They had been highly trained. They had risen through the ranks faster than anyone in the history of the Corporation. They most disturbing issue was the fact that they already knew too much. Sophia stepped into her room after spending the whole day in the fortress, tightening the security, updating the firewalls and creating new anonymous drifters. Exhausted after a tedious day, she didn’t bother with the usual routine bath and Jacuzzi. She just kicked off her loafers and lay on the bed face down. Just then her phone rang. She grudgingly went to her bag that was on the bedside table and took out the phone. She opened the message that came in. It was from Bee Hive. “Targets found.” The location of Sean and Eva had been identified. That was the best news she had heard in a while. She got up at the speed of light and went back to the fortress. She entered the mission room and waited for the door to shut behind her. The room was very dark. She brought her palm to her face. She could not see a thing. She waited a few seconds, straining her sharp ears and listening for any foreign sounds. At this time her eyes had acclimatized to the darkness and she could now see the outline of her fingers. When she was satisfied that she was alone, she snapped her fingers and said audibly: “It’s a lovely day.” “Password accepted. Welcome Agent S.” An electronic voice replied. The huge room came to life. The previously dimmed lights gradually came on. There were three huge 60-inch touch screen computers on each wall. Sophia folded her arms across her chest and moved to the screen to her left. “What do we have Ope?” Sophia asked. A small box appeared at the top corner of the screen showing a video of Ope in his tiny office. There were cans of soda scattered across his table. The remaining part of the screen changed, now showing a map. “Good evening ma’am. Sorry to drag you out at this time.” Ope replied smiling. “Save the pleasantries Ope and cut to the chase. What do you have for me?” Sophia said curtly. “Eva got careless. We intercepted an online payment she made for a ticket to the premier of a movie at the Galleria. She used her mother’s maiden name during the transaction and a Master Card that she had not used in four years. Our Saturn-Extreme 145 satellite got the hit and intercepted the server, declining her request. She tried several times giving us the needed time to scrutinize details and complete tracking. On the fifth try, we were able to get her location.” Ope replied. “Where is she?” Sophia asked. “Our coordinates indicate that she is on the outskirts of the state. Abule Egba to be precise. However, I have a strong feeling that she is not alone.” Ope replied. “Leave the feeling to me agent. Anything else I need to know?” Sophia asked. “Asides the information on the movie premiere, I have nothing new to tell ma’am” Ope answered. “Tell me about the Premiere.” Sophia said. “Please look to the screen behind you.” Ope answered. Sophia obeyed and turned. On the screen there were images of the Galleria and the Cinema section of the building. Ope showed her the exits, the viewing rooms, the reception and the red carpet area. He suggested possible vantage posts and also explained the possible movement of people in the cinema. They went through it a few times together. When Sophia had memorized it all, she asked Ope about the possibility of an assault while she’s mobile. “I had thought about that option too but it is too complicated. We do not know how much help she has and how many people she would be with. I strongly suggest we move cautiously and approach with tact.” Ope advised. Sophia thought about what Ope had said for a few minutes and agreed with him. It would be foolish to act hastily without knowing what the odds were. She nodded. “Thank you Ope. Good Job. I will contact you with the details as soon as I am done.” She said. Ope’s image disappeared and the screen went white. Sophia tapped the screen twice and a touchpad appeared. She had to reconfigure and change the codes, passwords and settings as she had just used them. She made sure that there was always a different code for each day and always tweaked the settings. When she was done, she shut down the computers manually and left the mission room. ***************************************** The Colonel was seriously studying a tracking device he held on his left hand while Eva sat beside him, trying to get tickets for the movie premiere. Sean sat across the room, checking the .45 automatic pistol he loved to carry around. He cleaned the cartridges with a white rag, watching the Colonel closely. “The card is not working. The portal is rejecting it.” Eva said to the Colonel complaining. “The portal is not rejecting it. Someone from GhostCorp has intercepted the signal and is now tracking your card.” The Colonel said. “Damn! I need to stop now!” Eva panicked. “No girl. Don’t stop. That is the plan. We need to let them think we have been careless. Let them track you. I am monitoring the intercepting signals from here too. If they get to you, we get to them. Keep going Eva.” The Colonel said with authority. Eva looked back at Sean seeking for reassurance. Sean laughed and nodded at her. She tried again and again until she was allowed to get it. Just then the device in the Colonel’s hand beeped. “They’ve got us. But we got them first.” The Colonel said. *************************************************** *
7 Nov 2014 | 08:18
7 Nov 2014 | 12:17
Episode 47 It was a bit rowdy when they got to the premier of the movie at the Cinemas in Victoria Island. The parking lot was filled to the brim and cars had begun to park on the streets. The chauffer driving them found a spot just adjacent the Galleria entrance and parked the white Range Rover Autobiography Exquisite Edition neatly. Sean and Eva were attending as a couple and were all smiles as they got off the jeep and walked to the red carpet. For Sean it was an opportunity to get out of the house and get some air after eleven days of compulsory house arrest. He saw nothing amusing about the whole charade. He was not going to be in any sort of action. The Colonel’s instruction was to be all smiles and play nice. He itched for action. He had not used the gym in close to two weeks. His muscles already felt flabby. He wanted to feel alive. He fought the temptation to break away from Eva and snoop around. He knew he was not going to get any chance to do that. Eva was to make sure of that. He kept up the act, smiling dryly at the cameras and posing intermittently for the paparazzi. For Eva it was another day to show off her curves, to display her beauty and to be naughty. The Colonel was on the thirteenth floor of a bank, three hundred yards opposite the Galleria. He had already set up his devices, and was looking through the eyes of his powerful binoculars, monitoring guests and waiting for his golden fish to arrive. There was a sniper rifle set up on a tripod to his left, overlooking the street through an open window. For the Colonel it was a night to strike the predator. He was going to wait for the perfect moment, and then he would attack. Unseen. Unnoticed. As the Video Jockey interviewed Eva who was holding on to Sean’s arm, Sophia walked in to the Galleria. She was dressed in a beautiful red short sleeved gown which accentuated her curves. She wore light make up and her beautiful face shined in the illumination of the room. Sean saw her first. His eyes met Sophia’s. They were locked in that gaze for about 10 seconds until someone accosted Sophia, asking that she take a picture with him. Eva was busy replying the questions from the VJ. However she had seen Sophia too, but none of them noticed. Sean scratched the middle of his head with his forefinger The Colonel saw the sign. “Roger that papi. I see her.” The Colonel said. Sean heard it through the wireless earpiece that was carefully and strategically placed inside his left ear. He brought his hand to his moustache, rubbing it gently. It was a sign to tell the Colonel that he had lost visual of Sophia. “Sir, you look really good. What are your expectations for this movie?” The VJ asked Sean “I think it is going to be a great watch thank you. We want front row seats so we have to go now.” Sean replied, cutting him off and leading Eva away from the red carpet and towards the cinema room. As they walked, Sean whispered to her ears, “Is she alone?” Eva did not turn or look sideways. She knew the message was not for her but for the Colonel. “For now she looks alone. But I doubt that she came here unaccompanied. Soon, I will be able to sniff out her goons. They are doing a good job of blending in right now but they will give themselves away before long.” The Colonel replied to Sean’s ears. “Okay Davinci.” Sean finished. They stood in a queue, waiting for the cinema room to be opened so that they could go in and watch the movie. Sophia was still on the red carpet taking pictures and signing autographs. She was widely known for her varying range of designer clothing called SophFactor and the humanitarian works she was deeply engaged in. She watched as Sean and Eva moved to the waiting line and noticed how close he whispered to Eva. She fought the desire to grab Sean and kiss him softly on the lips. He was looking very handsome and cool. However, she was not alone.
7 Nov 2014 | 13:11
7 Nov 2014 | 16:29
Episode 48 There were a few agents in the room in strategic positions and a handful outside the building. Sophia wore a gold necklace with a golden Versace head pendant. It was not just a pendant. It was a tiny but powerful indoor camera. There were five agents in a black ford van six buildings away from the Galleria, working the phones and watching every single surveillance footage within a kilometer radius of the vicinity. Ope was in the van and he was responsible for Sophia’s safety. He had access to the tiny powerful camera embedded within her necklace. “A lovely couple, aren’t they?” Ope said The golden studs that Sophia had in her ear holes were not just earrings. They were audio receptors to listen in on whatever information Ope and other agents had for her. “Ope. You really want to look for trouble don’t you?” Sophia replied, walking towards the cinema entrance to join the already long queue of waiting people. She spoke very subtly, barely opening her lips. Nobody noticed anything. “Pardon me ma’am. It was just a harmless observation.” Ope replied. Sophia cleared her throat, making soft grunting sounds. Ope understood what she wanted. “It’s a code green. Targets are visible and the weather is good enough to tango. We are keeping close watch on the two lovebirds. If we get a point of entry, we will pass the information to you at once.” Ope said. “Okay. Good. What can you see from CAM 2?” Sophia said again, very quietly covering her lips with her left palm CAM 2 was the surveillance camera attached to the door allowing entry into the viewing room. “All clear. Sean has been whispering into Eva’s ears too often. I’m thinking they may be scheming something. Be careful Agent S.” Ope said. Sophia did not reply. She reached into her pretty diamond studded purse and took out a small lipstick. It had a button attached to it. It was not a lipstick but an ultra sound disrupter. When activated, it sends very high pitched frequencies through the radio waves, disrupting any kind of signal for the 50 meters. She had brought the ultra sound disrupter just so that she could ascertain if Sean was having help from outside. She had earlier warned all agents working with her that when Ope gave the sign, they should all deactivate their ear buds so that they do not get affected by the disrupted signal. Sophia brought the lipstick to her chest level so that Ope could have a good view. She held it there for three seconds. It was more than enough time for Ope to warn the others. As the queue began to move slowly she pressed the button. Immediately Sophia pressed the button, Sean held his head in his hands. He was in excruciating pain. Eva tried asking him what the problem was but Sean was in too much pain and unable to reply. He tried to control the pain, but it was sharp and tore through his head. The device in his ear was delivering a very high pitched sound and only he could hear it. The people behind him wondered what was going on. Eva tried desperately to talk to him but he would not reply. Still in pain, he put his left forefinger into his left ear and pulled out the tiny round device. He felt relieved. He held the tiny device in his hands as they entered the very dark viewing room. “I think it’s faulty. It almost turned me deaf.” Sean said to Eva, handing the device to her. Eva collected the device from him, keeping it in a small area of her handbag. As they climbed the stairs in the viewing room and walked through the row of seats, Sean looked round and backwards. The room was dark but he was hoping that he could pick out a familiar face. He could not. Sophia smiled. She had witnessed the small drama. Her instincts had been right after all. Sean and Eva were not working alone. The Colonel opened a plastic bottle of Coke and drank the contents up till half. He had lost contact with Sean a few minutes back. At first he almost panicked. But when the transponder came on again, he understood what had happened. Someone had used a Sound Disrupter. Before the connection went off, there was a brief static. He had heard Sean’s barely audible groan before the connection came back on. He had tried to re- establish contact, calling Sean’s name several times to no avail. Some one knew that Sean was not alone. The Colonel knew that if he decided to go in, the whole operation would be jeopardized. That was exactly what they wanted him to do. Draw him out of obscurity and nail him. Sean was going to have to find a way out of this one on his own. Deep inside him, The Colonel had no doubts whatsoever of what of Sean was capable of. He sipped his coke and prayed that all would go well. **************************************** Ambrose was sitting in a chair inside a large and beautifully furnished office. He was laid back and relaxed, his back resting on the swivel chair and his legs crossed on the desk. He had his hands behind his head as he listened to the soft jazz that played from his very old Ipod Unlimited. The office formerly belonged to Tawo. Upon his recovery Ambrose had been instructed to take control of the Operations of BeeHive. The current objective was to isolate The Colonel. Ambrose was also monitoring the Galleria Operation, serving as a back end last resort if things got out of hand. “Incoming message from BeeHive Agent Ambrose.” An electronic voice said from the 42 inch computer screen on the wall in front of him. “Let’s hear it Iris.” Ambrose replied. “The Colonel left target coordinates eighteen hours ago. He was spotted in a black Mazda Mpv Le with unregistered plates. Sean and Eva were in the same car.” Iris finished. Ambrose jerked from his chair and got up immediately. He pressed a button on his table. “Tell me you have more than that.” Ambrose said. The button was a direct connection to BeeHive working in the floor below him. “Actually we do.” Someone replied. “Is that Agent Nedu?” Ambrose asked. “Reporting sir. After we sent that mail, we tracked the car carefully, noting all landmarks that it had passed through. It stopped S70W degrees and has not moved beyond that for fifteen minutes now. We tracked the coordinates and it is just half a kilometer before the Galleria. The images are being transferred to your screen as we speak” Nedu replied. Ambrose turned and faced the huge monitor, hung on the wall. The satellite image of a map on the computer zoomed in on a street. It automatically got out the image of the car and its surrounding. “Nedu, deploy the micro sensors and give me an automatic scan of the whole car. Fingerprints, hair samples, saliva, fart, anything! I need to know who and who were in that car. Get me the footages from the nearby CAMs. Streamline them and pick out any relevant information that may be of use to us. I want that report immediately. I’m just got a cup of warm coffee from the mug. I’d better get that report before this coffee gets cold.” Ambrose threatened. “Roger that sir.” Nedu said and went off the line. Ambrose opened the drawer to his desk and took out a long white ear piece. It had a single cable that connected his ears and his lips. He pressed a button on it and waited as it rang in his ears. “Ambrose. Any updates?” Ope said as Ambrose listened in through his earpiece. Ambrose was pacing the room now, one hand on his hip while the other swiped an ipad. “The Colonel is near you. We spotted his transport not too far from you. Bee Hive is currently looking for additional info. Be on the alert.” Ambrose warned. “Copy that Ambrose. I will keep a watchful eye on proceedings although I think Agent S has an idea already. She has frozen the communication between Sean and The Colonel by activating the Ultra Sound Disrupter. Sean was wired and he fell out. I don’t know what she has planned and I haven’t been able to talk to her. I guess she wants no interference whatsoever.” Ope replied. “So we wait?” Ambrose asked “No. Nobody waits. Just keep a tab on BeeHive. Be our eyes out here. We have five Cams around this 1kilometere radius. You can hack into them and control the survelliance system. Have Bee Hive maintain a constant trace, looking for matches between the exhibits they have and the available frames the surveillance would produce. If the Colonel makes a move you should be able to see it before I do. Then we can counter.” Ope advised. “Alright then soldier. Over and Out.” Ambrose replied and the line went dead. As Ambrose sat back in his swivel chair, the door to his office opened. “Hello Ambrose. Thank you for holding forte. I will take it from here.” It was the General.
7 Nov 2014 | 17:14
Val pls post the other stories with the diligence you use in posting here
8 Nov 2014 | 01:48
bad formations. Okay let see who win
8 Nov 2014 | 04:57
Episode 49 Sophia hid herself well among the large number of people ascending the steps in the viewing room of the cinema. She watched Sean and Eva from the corner of her eyes as they settled in their seats. Sophia walked past their row and turned right two rows after Sean’s. She sat in a chair directly behind them, settling in comfortably. She had no idea what she was going to do or how she was going to proceed. She had no clear cut strategy or premeditated plan. And that was how she wanted it. She knew the importance of planning. Even Ope had suggested that they come up with various attack and defense options just in case things got out of control. Sophia had carefully listened as he presented his strategies for extraction and infiltration. The objective of the operation was to bug the targets, trace them to their nest and then attack. Sophia had seen a lot in her career with GhostCorp especially since they began to deal with The Colonel. He was always one step ahead no matter how failsafe their plan was. With every check and balance, with every possibility factored in and with every loophole envisaged, they always came second best. The Colonel was always in the know and was usually more intelligent. Initially, Sophia ha felt that there was someone leaking information to The Colonel. However after a series of serious investigations, she arrived at the answer; The Colonel knew everything about GhostCorp and always predicted every possible step they would take. The chip she collected from Ambrose contained every information about GhostCorp prior to BeeHive’s reprogramming. She had no doubt in her mind that The Colonel was aware of their little plan to rendezvous with Sean and Eva. So she made her decision. She was going to go in with only one plan; to follow her instincts. Settling in her seat she removed her necklace, putting it carefully in the small purse that she carried with her. The movie started and the room went graveyard silent. Sophia’s eyes did not leave the back of Sean’s head. She pondered different ways to place the bug in him. Sean felt very uneasy. He was constantly aware of eyes behind him. He desperately wanted to turn and catch a glimpse of his stalker but he thought better of it. He drew Eva close to him, wrapping his big right arm around her shoulders. They cuddled in that position affectionately like long lost lovers. To the normal eyes, it may seem like a lovers’ cuddle. But they did not just cuddle. Sean was telling her how he suspected someone was already onto them. He felt eye peering at the back of his head. He could not just shake away the feeling. He told Eva he was going to use the rest room. If anyone followed after him, then she should follow. Eva pecked him lightly on the cheek and sank herself deeper in Sean’s embrace. Five minutes later, Sean got up and went out of the viewing room. Immediately Sean got up, Sophia thanked her stars. Finally she would get the chance to be alone with Sean. She immediately got up and followed Sean out of the room. As she stepped out she asked the guard standing outside the door where Sean took. The guard signaled towards the ground floor. As Sophia began to move towards the same direction Sean had gone, she slowly but audibly whispered to the guard; “Stop her.” The guard did not need any further explanations. His orders were clear. He immediately stood erect and at attention, waiting for Eva to come out of the door at any moment. He checked his baton and straightened his starched black police uniform. Not too long after, Eva got up from her chair and walked through the door. “No one is allowed to leave the cinemas lady” The guard said stopping Eva as she tried to leave the viewing room. Eva ignored him and continued away from the door as the guard was talking. She walked fast, forcing the guard to come after her. He grabbed her by the elbow. “I said no one is allowed to leave the viewing room.” The guard repeated, yanking her towards him with a strong, turgid pull on her elbow. That was a huge mistake. As he tried to force her hand behind her back, she punched his biceps with her free hand. She turned and twisted, freeing herself from his grip. He made to grab her neck with both hands but she saw it coming. She clasped her hands together and put them in between his. She opened both hands forcefully, making his arms fly sideways. She punched him fiercely, a left punch on on the chest and a right one in the belly. The guard was dazed but still strong. He made to get up from his sprawling position but she jumped in the air and launched a black flip kick to his face. The guard fell on his face. He was not moving anymore. Eva walked-ran into the male toilet. She half expected to see Sean and Sophia making out. But the toilet was empty. She was disoriented. There was a near tear in her eyes as she thought of where else to look for Sean. She had no idea where else to look. She hurried to the staircase, jumping three steps at a time till she got to the second floor. She checked the male and female toilets in the second floor. Nothing. She was worried. She was desperate. As she walked down the stairs dejectedly to the ground floor, hot tears fell from her cheeks. She had looked everywhere in the cinemas and could not find a trace of Sean. Eva knew how ruthless and dangerous GhostCorp was. She had once been an instrument in their employ. Once you were marked, you could not escape. She could not even begin to imagine the kind of torture that Sean would be going through at the moment. Her heart was beating three times faster than normal. She checked where they had parked. The car was still there. She touched the bonnet to feel whether the car had been driven before she got out. There was no single sign of warmth. After fifteen minutes of fruitless search, she walked back into the viewing room to get her handbag. She expected to see the guard waiting to pounce on her but he was not. Eva could not be bothered. She was already emotionally drained and was already on edge. She walked slowly to her seat, picked up her bag and began to walk out of the viewing room. Then suddenly she remembered something. She opened the small area where she kept the device that Sean had given her and took it out. She walked briskly to the stairs, got to the car park and entered her car. She was panting as she got in the car. She closed the doors and engaged the central lock. She adjusted the rear view mirror as she peered into it, making sure that she was alone and not watched. She put the tiny device inside her ear and it glowed green. “Hello DaVinci. This is Diana. Are you there? Come in pls. It’s a red alert.” Eva said, pressing her hand against her ears. She silently hoped and prayed that a reply would come in from the other end. She looked sideways, turning left and right as she waited for the Colonel to reply her signals. The car park was getting deserted. People were thinning by the second as they went in to see the movie of the night. It was dark and eerie. “Hello Da Vinci. Come in Davinci. This is a red alert over!” Eva said, raising her voice. She was desperate now and almost in tears. She stifled a sob and bit her lower lip. She sniffed and cleaned her nose on the back of her palm. The Colonel doesn’t usually take this long to reply incoming messages. As she rested her head on the chair dejectedly, two hands came out of nowhere and grabbed her. One holding her mouth and another covering her eyes. She tried to let out a scream but nothing came out. Her screams were muffled by the palm covering her mouth. “Shhhhh….Shhhh…. Be Calm Eva. It’s me.” A voice said. Eva recognized the voice and relaxed. At the same time the hands that were holding her relaxed and loosened its grip. “Dad?” Eva asked, looking back amazed. “Shhhhh….” The Colonel said, “Quiet, Diana.” He finished, taking out the device from her ears. “What are you doing here?” Eva asked the Colonel feeling relief and worry at the same time. “I sensed danger when I lost contact with Sean. So I had to come down to see things for myself.” The Colonel said. “They took him away. We need to get him back. They took him from under my nose. I was a failure. Now I have no idea where to look. Please help me. Let’s get him back dad. Please.” Eva cried. She had lost every bit of mental and emotional strength she had mastered over the years as a deadly spy. This was a very different person from the agent that killed targets in cold blood and did not care for her own life nor that of any one else. Yet here she was crying her eyes out and acting totally out of order. She was beginning to show that she was going to be a problem if she did not get back to her killer- agent self immediately. “Diana! Snap out of this! What has come over you? I demand some composure. Now! Or I am going to waste you myself!” The Colonel threatened brandishing a silver .23 semi automatic. Eva buried her face in her hands as she gradually got herself together. For the next two minutes, The Colonel watched her carefully as she transformed. With a final heave and sigh, she raised her head. The crying Eva had disappeared. There was a deadly glint in her eyes. It now seemed like she had now found a renewed zeal to kill. “Better Diana. Now, this is the plan. Sean was the bug. We deliberately left you out of the loop. We planned the whole charade and excluded you. We needed your reaction to be real and convincing because of the agents that would be watching you. We were counting on G.C to go after Sean once he went to the toilet which he did. He has been taken by Sophia but I know where he is. He has an undetectable wet bug inside him that works with his heartbeat.” The Colonel said. He brought out his iphone, opened an app and showed it to her. “The bug is directly connected to his heart. Once his heart stops beating this red dot stops blinking.” The Colonel explained to Eva showing her the red dot. “This is also a tracker. We can find out where they are.” The Colonel finished. Eva was not interested in any of the technological gibberish her dad was spewing. With clenched teeth, she spoke. “I am ready Da Vinci. Just tell me who I have to kill.” *************************************************** * The General pushed the button on the table connecting him to Bee Hive. “Who is in charge of things down there? This is the General.” There was a momentary pause. Seconds later a voice replied. “I am now in charge, Marcus. Things are going to change from here onwards.” It was the voice of Sophia.
8 Nov 2014 | 06:02
wahala dey oooo
8 Nov 2014 | 09:15
Episode 50 Sophia watched the small 14 inch screen on her table as she spoke. The General looked very upset. He had never been confronted by any of his Lieutenants ever in all his time as an enigma in the force. She smiled to herself. The General had no idea she was watching him. She had instructed Ope to rerun the cabling in BeeHive the night before. She had bugged the Control Room where the General now occupied, attaching a very small unique surveillance camera on the wall. It was a very flat device which was adjusted to fit into the light switch. Sean sat across her on a couch inside Bee Hive. He was disoriented and drowsy. Sophia had injected him with a kind of serum to make him lose consciousness. Sophia had got him quite easily. She knew the kind of attraction she had on him and she had never doubted her ability to use her charms on any man. As Sean walked out of the viewing room, Sophia had followed him immediately. He walked briskly and descended the stairs, taking a right as he entered the Gents. He entered a cubicle, unzipped his fly and began to pee. Sophia had entered quietly behind him without him noticing. She held a very small jack knife in her hand, placing it just on top of Sean’s d1ck cap. Sean’s urine ceased abruptly. He could not continue. “Hello baby. Miss me?” She said softly into his ear, using her tongue to stimulate the edges of his right ear. “Sophie. How did you find me?” Sean asked. His urine finally found a way of resuming, the barely transparent liquid flowing into the basin. “I always knew where you were Sean. I only needed to wait out the goons who were always around you. Most especially that Dam who is always clinging onto you like she owns you.” Sophia finished spitefully, the jack knife lowering harder on his limp d1ck. “Easy baby. I don’t know you to be a jealous lover. There is enough of me to go round you know.” Sean said in a mock manner. Just as Sean was shaking the last few drops of pee off his d1ck and putting it back in his pants, two tall men in black suits and dark shades opened the door to the cubicle and dragged Sean out. Sean did not even try to fight. They injected him with some form of serum and he immediately passed out. They dragged him through the emergency exit. Locking the door behind them, the men carried Sean through the staircase behind the building with Sophia following closely behind. There was a chopper waiting on the landing already fired up and ready for lift off. The two men had bundled Sean into the chopper sandwiching him between them as Sophia sat beside the pilot. Sophia and her crew were midway through their journey when Ope radioed in. One .of the two men who had captured Sean, handed over the phone to Sophia “Target is visible. Looks disoriented. She’s in the car park. Seems like she is looking for something. What’s your command Sophia?” Ope had asked “Just keep an eye on her. I doubt that she would be a threat. She doesn’t do when she is emotionally destabilized and that is what we have done. I do not see The Colonel around but you have to make sure that you have your eyes wide open. He is the remaining part of this Take Out operation. As long as The Colonel is at large, we cannot relax. We have not won. He is the only one who can cause us problems now and inflict real damage. That is not an option. However, if you notice anything funny or the least suspicious, do not hesitate. Take her out. Keep your senses Ope. This is a very crucial stage.” Sophia replied. “Roger that ma. We have found the location of the Colonel. After careful scanning and infiltration of the perimeter, we located their temporary hideout. However, he was not in the building when we got there. I have increased the number of agents and collected a few exhibits. We are totally aware of his ability to blend in with his surroundings and disappear within the blink of an eye. We are leaving nothing to chance. We plan to box him in once we sight him.” Ope said. “Very well then soldier. Carry on. Keep me informed on all proceedings. Over and out.” Sophia finished, ending the conversation. It had been a very quiet twenty second flight. Sophia did not really feel comfortable that she was leaving Ope alone to handle the Colonel by himself but she had no choice. She had a greater demon to face and she had no shred of doubt in her mind that no one else could pull it off asides her. She swallowed saliva and closed her eyes as the chopper descended to eighteen feet above the ground. They were 600km away from Bee Hive. A huge Mack cooling truck came out of a right bend and sped on ahead of them. The chopper moved carefully towards the van until it was directly on top above it. The Van increased speed, moved a little distance away from the chopper and parked in the middle of the road. The chopper moved forwards, reducing its speed as it got to the van. The chopper was back above the van. Carefully, the chopper landed on the roof of the van, its hinges sitting comfortably on the van. . The pilot killed the engine of the chopper. He stepped out onto the roof of the van and bent low, using customized iron restraints to fasten the chopper to the van. When he was done he hit the roof of the van twice and screamed at the driver below them: “Move!” The van began to move slowly, gradually increasing speed, carrying the chopper along on its roof. Seven minutes later, they got to the gate of the building where Bee Hive carried out all its operations. The gate was deserted and the surveillance cameras did not scan their vehicle for automatic access. Sophia smiled. All was going according to plan. The pilot dropped a ladder from the chopper to the ground and got off the chopper first, followed by Sophia and then the two thugs. The second thug carried Sean on his shoulder as he descended the ladder. Sophia waited at the gate as the thugs approached her. “I guess this is where we part ways. You promised I would get a full reward.” The pilot said to Sophia as the thugs stood beside her. “Yes I did. And I do not go back on my word, Never.” Sophia said. She nodded to the second thug. He put his hand inside the bosom pocket of his jacket and took out three bundles of hundred one thousand dollar bills. He handed it to the pilot, who collected it with a very pleased grin on his face. “Would you like to count them before you leave?” Sophia asked. “No. That won’t be necessary at all. Thank you. It was nice doing business with you madam.” The pilot said. “You are welcome. Now leave. I am expecting guests any moment. And remember, do not start ignition till you get to the point where we joined the Van. Am I clear?” Sophia asked. “Crystal clear ma’am” The pilot answered and headed back to the ladder. He threw a bundle at the driver of the truck who had been in the truck all along. He climbed the ladder, folded it and signaled to the truck driver to move the truck. The truck reversed, faced the road and slowly picked up speed as it headed back to the high way. Sophia had carefully estimated the time it took for them to get to BeeHive from the moment the chopper landed on top of the van. It took about seven minutes. She had already set her stop watch as the truck drove away from the premises. She waited patiently for the alarm on her clock to go off. On exactly seven minutes the alarm went off. She took out a small black detonator which had a red button on it. She pressed the button. The Chopper exploded, its many parts scattering in different directions. The Van was not left out in the combustion as it also burst into flames, the fire consuming everything inside it. None of the men survived. There was a small keypad attached to the gate which allowed for entry into the building. Sophia entered the password and the gate opened inwards. They walked into the building with Sophia in front and the thugs behind. Sophia got out her .43 gold plated automatic pistol from her hip, corking it twice and attaching the silencer as they approached the door. As they got to the front door and tried to enter, an agent came out from the back of the building walking towards them. “Good Evening Agent S. What brings you here? Is that not Sean?” The agent said surprised. The agent was a snitch, one of the numerous spies who were faithful to the General. He had a record of not keeping his mouth shut and running to the General with every bit of new information he got whether the information was relevant or irrelevant. Sophia could not risk the chance. In the twinkle of an eye, she pointed the gun at his forehead and pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced his left eye, coming back out through the back of his head. Blood splattered all over his face. He fell in a heap. Dead. Sophia turned to the second thug who was not holding anything. “Take care of that. And make it snappy. When you are done, stand guard out here and watch out for anything. Let me know if you find anything out of the ordinary” She said, putting the gun back in her hip. The thug nodded and went to the body. He pulled the corpse by the hands, dragging him behind the building. Sophia waited till he was out of sight then pushed the buttons on the keypad again. The door re-opened and they went in. The thug carrying Sean moved him from his left shoulder to his right one. “He is heavy, yeah? You’re getting tired?” Sophia asked him. “No ma’am. Just balancing the pressure on both sides of my body.” The thug replied. He knew the danger of answering in the affirmative. Sean was indeed heavy, weighing almost the same as him. He was actually getting tired, but he dared not say that he was. They walked quickly to an elevator and rode it to the third floor. The elevator stopped and they got out. They stepped out onto a long corridor with the walls decorated with sparkling white tiles. The ends of the corridor could be seen from where they stood. There were no door, no windows, and no entrances. It was just a corridor. Sophia smiled. Tawo was smart but not very smart. He had redesigned the building and had the BeeHive floor reconstructed with no entry point. It was the perfect design. No one could enter BeeHive from outside. The agents in BeeHive were geeks, experts and gadget freaks who had no interest in any form of socialization. They lived, breathed and drank secret codes, information, satellite redirection and all other form of technological needs. They had no family. The random times they had to leave BeeHive, Tawo had specifically designed a special kind of goggle which rendered anyone who wore it blind as long as he had it on. Anyone except Ope. Ope had been able to find a way to bypass the goggle’s programming. And to make matters easier, Tawo had a lot of respect for Ope. He saw him as his successor, the younger brother he never had, and the friend he could rely on. He trusted Ope, perhaps a bit too much. He had told Ope the secret passage into entering Bee Hive. And Ope had told Sophia. Sophia walked right, advancing to the end of the corridor. She stood face to face with a brick wall. The thug behind her was beginning to pant now. “Lay him down over there and stand beside him.” Sophia instructed pointing to the opposite wall behind him. He did as commanded, gently laying Sean down on the ground, resting his back on the wall. Sophia turned and began to count the tiles from her right. “B...E…E…H…I…V…E” When she had gotten to the last tile count, she used her finger nail at the edge of that single tile, trying to claw out something. After a few claws, the tile face pulled off like a fake coating. She pulled the whitish skin-like cover off the tile to reveal a transparent screen like panel, the exact same size as the tile. She put her whole left palm on the screen and applied a little pressure on it. The screen lit up and seconds later, some text appeared on the screen with a small box underneath the text. “пароль” It was Russian for “Password”. Sophia clicked on the small box and a small keypad appeared covering the whole screen. It contained entirely Russian characters and symbols. Sophia typed the characters as she had been taught several times by Ope and pressed the activate key. The screen went blank. After several seconds, the wall beside her to her right split open from the middle sideways. It was not actually a wall but a door designed with bricks and tiles to look exactly like the other parts of the wall. No one could tell the difference. “Welcome agent Tawo.” A computerized voice said as Sophia stepped into the enclosure. She signaled to the thug and he quickly carried Sean and brought him inside the enclosure. The door closed and the small cubicle spun clockwise 180 degrees. As the door opened Sophia had pulled her gun out and had it behind her. They stepped into the large room which was divided into several sections with lots of cubicles. There were twenty seven workstations in all, with different agents seated before them typing codes, tracing routes, writing algorithms and monitoring surveillance. A few agents looked up to stare at the new entrants but quickly continued with what they had been doing before. They did not seem to be too bothered with who this woman was. None of them was trained in any form of physical combat so accosting them would be useless. Sophia walked confidently to a big table which was at the extreme end of the room. A man in a sweat shirt and jeans stood with his back to them and his arms akimbo. He was starring seriously at a screen in front of him. Sophia walked to the table, hitting it a few times with her free hand to get the man’s attention. The man turned and looked at her, staring in disbelief at the person who now stood in front of him. “Sophia?” The man asked. “Hello Agent Nedu. Who is in charge of things down here?” Sophia asked, sitting one butt on the edge of the table. “I am.” Nedu replied. Sophia pulled out the gun from behind her hip, pointing it at Agent Nedu’s chest. The frightened look on his face almost made her change her mind. He was a handsome lad, someone who could someday satisfy her s3xual fantasies. But she had a job to do. She could always find a boy to indulge her cravings. “Not anymore Nedu.” Sophia said. She shot Nedu on the chest, sending him backwards. He fell, hitting the screen on the wall and dragging it down with him as he fell. He was groaning softly, fighting to stay alive. Sophia climbed the table, standing over him like an eagle surveying its prey. He tried to reach into his pocket slowly, with the last strength he had. Sophia shot him again, twice. She turned to face the agents in the room who were now looking at her with fear written on their faces. They had all stopped what it is they were doing. Sophia sat on the table, swinging her legs. She removed the cartridge of the gun, checked the amount of bullets left, and inserted it back. “Have no fear agents. My name is Sophia. I am your new Boss. Does anyone have any objections, questions or comments?” Sophia asked looking round at the agents. A white chubby lady in glasses raised her hand, getting up on her chair. She wore a pink flannel shirt on top of a black flair skirt with black high heel shoes.. “Oh. We have some one. Please step forward.” Sophia said. The lady got out of her seat and came towards Sophia, standing six yards away from her. “What is your name please?” Sophia asked. “My name is Anna.” The lady replied meekly. “You are a very courageous woman, Anna. Goodbye.” Sophia said and shot her in the head. “Any other person?” Sophia asked sarcastically, looking around again. The room was very quiet. All that could be heard was the silent humming of the servers and the soft breeze from the air conditioners. Nobody spoke. “Good. Just as I expected. Now that we are clear, I want every single one of you to resume your normal duties. If I find anyone slightly suspicious, that would be the end.” Everyone went back to their normal duties and acted as though nothing had happened. The thug dropped Sean on a chair and took away the two bodies. She sat on the chair that Nedu had initially occupied, watching a little screen to her left. Thirty minutes later, the General had called and she had answered. She waited patiently, watching him through the screen. He scratched his bald head and paced the room, his hands held together behind him, deep in thought. After five minutes, he pressed the button. “Sophia, let’s talk. Can you come up?” The General pleaded. “I will tell you when I am ready Marcus. Keep your fingers crossed.” Sophia replied.
8 Nov 2014 | 10:14
8 Nov 2014 | 11:11
Episode 51 *************************************************** *************** Eva drove out of the parking lot, moving slowly and carefully so as not to arouse suspicion. The Colonel lay low at the back seat of the car, instructing Eva to take it cool. There were agents following them and they needed to be thrown off track. If they suspected anything, they would corner Eva and have her smoked. That would be the end. “How many cars do we have on our tail?” The Colonel asked, still crouched at the back seat of the car. “I am seeing two sedans. They are doing a very good job and they are alternating very well. Only a trained eye would notice this.” Eva replied. “Good job girl. Now follow the road that leads through bar beach and get to Bonny camp. You have to take Onikan through to Awolowo road and enter the Total filling station there. That’s where we would lose them.” The Colonel said. “What happens when we get to Total, dad?” Eva asked. “Let’s just say, I have got friends of mine.” The Colonel replied and continued. “Just make sure that we get there in one piece.” The Colonel finisged. “How is Sean doing?” Eva asked. “He is still alive. How long that remains so depends on how soon we can get to him.” The Colonel replied. Just then, one of the Sedans, a Toyota Quest overtook them and moved into their lane, driving just in front of them. The jeep behind continued to drive closer while the one in front reduced speed drastically. The Colonel could not pretend anymore. They could not afford to be busted this way. “Do you notice what is happening, girl?” The Colonel said, getting up and sitting on the chair. “Yes Dad. They are trying to box us in.” Eva replied with a smile. “You know what to do don’t you?” The Colonel asked. “I was born for this Da Vinci. Hang on” Eva replied. They were in a Ford Mustang which had iron suspenders and a strong metal barricade around its front and rear lights. Eva changed gears and stepped on the accelerator, hitting the car in front of them. The Toyota Quest in front of them swerved left and right, in an attempt to gain balance after the collision. Eva stepped on the brakes, swerved right and overtook the car in front of her. She switched gear again and stepped on the accelerator, hitting the 80km/hr mark on the speedometer. A Toyota Tundra came out from nowhere, hot on the trail of Eva’s vehicle. It was closing gap fast and would make impact soon. Eva stepped on the accelerator. They had just got to Bonny Camp and were speeding towards Onikan roundabout. Eva was going at 100km/ hr now trying to out run the Tundra. The Colonel saw that the Tundra kept gaining speed and was almost close. Eva would not be able to out run it. “Hit the brakes girl and swerve left when I tell you” The Colonel commanded, taking out a .23 semi-automatic caliber pistol from his socks. As Eva stepped on the brakes in little continuous pumps making the car jerk forwards a few times, the Coionel pressed a button to wind down the windows. Jerking and slowing down from the huge speed that they were initially driving at, the car gradually slowed down allowing the Tundra to catch up with them. The Tundra came left, trying to hit the rear of the Ford so that the car would skid and spin off the road. The Colonel was watching the Tundra carefully from the rear mirror. As the Tundra almost got to the tail of the ford, the Colonel shouted, “Swerve! Now!!” The Tundra narrowly missed hitting the Ford as Eva swerved hard to her left crossing the road. The Tundra failed to make impact with the Ford, causing it to lose control and swerve right. The moment was perfect for the Colonel because the driver was now directly opposite him. He bent forwards at the window and shot two straight bullets at the driver which caught him on the neck and on the chest. The car continued to swerve right until it fell into the lagoon. They reversed and turned into Onikan roundabout moving into Awolowo road. Eva sped forwards and the Colonel checked his bullet chamber, winding up the window. A BMW X6 appeared on Eva’s rear view tail. “We have another stalker. Any instructions?” Eva asked, “Just head to the filling station as instructed. I will handle things from there.” Eva sped through Awolowo road, running the red lights and swerving away from slow cars. There were two cars behind her now, trying to catch up with them and they were doing impressively well. In no time they got to the filling station and drove straight into the garage with the door closing behind them. One of the cars trailing them continued along the road while the other also turned into the filling station, but parked inside. The driver came out and approached an attendant asking that he needed to align his wheels. He used that opportunity to study the garage and hope that the garage door would open and Eva would come out any moment. Eva parked above a round manhole covered by a metal lid. On the Colonel’s instructions, they uncovered the lid and climbed down the man hole which was supposed to act as drainage but had not been used in many years. The manhole led to a tunnel which in turn led to an opening behind the filling station. There was a car waiting for them as they got out of the man hole on the other side of the tunnel, with The Colonel taking the wheel and Eva getting in beside him. “Now, we finish this.” The Colonel said as he started the ignition. They sped off north and headed towards BeeHive.
8 Nov 2014 | 15:17
Keep it coming plssssssssssssssssss
8 Nov 2014 | 17:50
Episode 52 Sean was not really happy to be the pawn in the take down operation but they were left with no other option. Eva would not be able to manage it properly and using the Colonel was totally out of the question. Confronting GhostCorp in a head on, direct attack was also going to achieve no positive result. Sean had been the perfect candidate. Sophia was crazy about him, and he had perfectly mastered the art of infiltration. So when Sophia caught up with him in the bathroom earlier in the day, he was glad she fell for the bait. He had worn false flesh-like finger prints on all ten fingers. These prints were designed to serve as false prints so that his real finger prints would not be left anywhere. Most importantly, it served as an imprint device. All he had to do was to put a little pressure with his fingers on any desired spot for three seconds and that spot was marked. No one could see it except you had on a specially designed pair of UV glasses which only the Colonel had at the moment. Sean had been a very important agent for GhostCorp and as such, he knew almost every operation mode that was in the rule book. He was very confident that Sophia would not want to risk creating a scene in an attempt to bring him in. She had only one option: Stealth. For GhostCorp this meant rendering the desired target helpless and unable to struggle during pickup or takeout. Sean had been the leader of the team that designed the Serum Approach. The other members of the team were Sophia, Tawo and Shina. Together they designed a serum which had a very complex chemical composition. This serum was meant to take out or demobilize intended any target. The serum was so complex that it changes and rewrites its organic structure on its own after eight hours. This meant that there was usually a very unique preparation to be done anytime the serum was to be administered. The side effect was that the serum had no specific antidote because whenever the serum is prepared, the one-time antidote is prepared alongside it, and if not administered in eight hours, the victim dies. Due to the unstable nature of the serum, there was only one antidote for each preparation. Every antidote expired after eight hours and a totally new one had to be created. No single antidote could work for separate preparations of serum. The serum was that deadly. Whoever prepares the serum, prepares the antidote. It was a powerful tool and had served GhostCorp well in the past. However, Sean had worked hard and put in a lot of effort to develop a universal antidote to all possible chemical structures of the serum. It had cost him a great deal of money and several lives were lost during the laboratory testing but at the end, it was worth it. Knowing that this could well be Sophia’s line of attack, he had taken the antidote just before peeing. It was a tiny red round tablet which sat on his forefinger. He put the tablet under his tongue and waited for it to melt. Just as it melted and he began to pee, Sophia came in. At first he was scared that she might actually chop off his organ but when she began to whisper seductively into his ears, he relaxed. The two agents came in and overpowered him, injecting him with the serum. He immediately felt drowsy and closed his eyes. Three minutes later, the antidote had battled with the serum inside his blood stream and won. He regained consciousness and felt himself at a very high altitude. He opened his eyes slowly and carefully to catch a glimpse of where he was and who he was with. He opened his left eye just wide enough to see himself sandwiched between the two guards with Sophia in front with the pilot. They got to Beehive and the agent kept Sean on his shoulder. Sean desperately needed to imprint on the surrounding so that The Colonel would have an idea of where they had been. As they got to the third floor and about to step out of the elevator, Sean carefully put his forefinger on the board beside the button that took them to the third floor. He made sure he did not stretch or shift his body weight so that the agent doesn’t get aware. Sophia was stepping out first and the agent would follow later. That gave him all the three seconds he needed to imprint beside the button that said, “Third Floor.” Sean’s joy knew no bounds when he heard Sophia order the agent to drop him by the wall. It was an opportunity that he utilized to the fullest. He imprinted on the ground and on the wall around him as much as his deceit could allow him to. At intervals when he got the opportunity, he imprinted on the walls when the agent was not looking. He watched Sophia carefully as she opened a secret door and stepped inside, ordering the agent to follow her. He picked Sean up and carried him into BeeHive. Carefully Sean waited and plotted, looking for the right opportunity to snap out of his faked comatose. He listened while Sophia killed Agent Nedu, dictated orders and took the life of the young woman who came forwards. Ten minutes later, the General called Beehive. Sophia with the agent tagging along decided to go meet him in the floor above them. That was the opportunity he needed. ********************************************* The Colonel drove like a man possessed, running the traffic lights and hardly using the brakes. Eva sat beside him strapped in her seat and praying that The Colonel would drive faster. With every second that passed, she feared that she might lose Sean. The Colonel very well knew how important Sean was to the whole operation. He was the key to bringing down GhostCorp. He was also the source of Eva’s morality. He calmed her, steadied her, and acted as a fulcrum for her. He was her anchor. If anything happened to him, she would lose it. She was going to go over the edge, uncontrollable. And in that state she was dangerous. Very dangerous. The Colonel glanced at her briefly. She was focused on the road ahead, her mind wandering far away. He took his hand off the gear and put it on her left lap, squeezing gently. She looked at him. He smiled at her, trying to reassure her that all would end well. She gave a plastic smile in return and turned her face back unto the road. Still driving at incredible speed, The Colonel took out his Iphone and launched the application that acted as a monitor for Sean. He handed it to Eva and asked her what she could see. “He is still alive. I think he is in BeeHive. The red dot has not moved.” Eva replied. “Good. We cannot afford to waste any more time. How many guns do you have on you?” The Colonel asked. “None.” Eva replied. “Good. You will have mine. You know how to handle Twin Silverballers?” The Colonel asked with a smile, facing his daughter. “You need a demonstration?” Eva retorted turning to meet his gaze. The Colonel smiled. Just as he took his eyes back to the road, a huge tipper carrying gravel appeared from nowhere and turned into their side of the road. The Colonel was already on high speed and could not step on his brakes. In a swift second, he swerved hard to his left to avoid collision with the tipper. He ran onto the low curb, the street lamp breaking the car’s side mirror. Taking his feet off the accelerator and stepping on the brakes slowly, the Colonel swerved back onto the road. There were few cars on the road and the asphalt ahead of them was free. On another day he would have stopped, parked and given the truck driver something he would never forget in a hurry. But this day he had more important agenda to catch up with. He was back on the freeway now. He tested his brakes, checked his steering and studied the car for any form of problems. He did not notice any issues with the car. The sound was fine. Handling was still intact. They were now ten minutes away from Bee Hive. He stepped on the accelerator again, pushing up to 100km/hr. Eva shrieked. “The dot is not blinking anymore!!!” Eva cried, handling the iphone to the Colonel. The Colonel reduced speed, taking the iphone from her. The dot signifying Sean’s location on the GPS was no longer blinking. It could only mean one thing. The Colonel put the device off and back on again. This could not be happening. “Be Calm Diana.” The Colonel said. Eva was ready to explode. A mixture of feelings welled up inside her. She watched the Iphone with eagle eyes, hoping that the red dot would come on any minute as the Colonel launched the GPS application. They waited. Three minutes. Five. Nothing. “Sh1t! Sh1t!! Sh1t!!!” Eva said hitting the dashboard with her fists. “We need to hurry. He may still be alive. Suck it in Eva. You need a clear head.” The Colonel barked. He increased speed to 120km/hr, trying not to think about what may have happened to Sean. Eva nodded and bit her lower lip. Different mixtures of emotions were threatening to burst from her insides out. She tried to hold herself together. It was not really working but she just had to. A few seconds later, a message came in on the phone. The Colonel opened it. “DaVinci, I’m going solo. Hurry. I need you.” It was Sean. “Your boyfriend is alive” The Colonel said, passing the phone to her. The Colonel could see her countenance lifted. Even though he was also relieved and delighted, he kept a straight face. They got to Bee Hive but parked about twenty meters away from the main building. They walked quickly to the gate, with Eva watching their back. The Colonel took out a small palm torch from his back pocket. The torch was a password decryptor. It had a small screen at the neck which cracks the password once the rays hit the keys. He pointed the torch at the password panel at the gate and saw the keys that Sophia had pressed. 4 9 6 1 6. He pressed them and the gate opened. They walked inside the compound, with Eva walking with her back to the Colonel, facing the gate, with the silenced twin Silverballers in each hand by her cheeks. She was watching every spot, every angle, just in case there were in for an ambush. They got to the door leading into the building and the Colonel used his password decryptor again. As they were about to enter, Eva stopped the Colonel pointed to a spot on their far right. The spot had a reddish liquid on the tiled floor. “Blood” Eva whispered. They walked slowly and stealthily to the point and the Colonel bent to access the situation. Just then they heard footsteps. The Colonel backed up on the wall and carefully turned so that only a fraction of his left eye could see who was approaching. It was one of the guards that took Sean from the movies. Eva was crouched besides him. In eight or nine steps, the agent would get to them. He turned only his head and whispered to Eva who had got up and was not standing close behind him. “Agent. 6 steps till he gets to us. I’m going to jump him. If I fail, weaken him.” The Colonel said. Eva nodded. The Colonel began the count down with his fingers, showing it to Eva. 5…4…3…2…1 After he counted the last number, the Colonel stepped away from the wall and into the path of the agent. The agent was shocked and surprised. Before he could find time to react, the Colonel gave two quick jabs. He gave one punch to the agent’s right lower rib cracking a bone, and then the other punch to his Solar plexus. The agent gasped for air, staggering back. Just then the radio with the agent cackled to life. “Mario, where the hell are you? What is taking you so long? The madam wants you immediately. Come in, over.” came a male voice from the other end. The Colonel didn’t hesitate. He went behind the agent and snapped his neck from behind, letting him fall in a heap. He dipped his hands into the agent’s pockets, looking for anything that might be helpful. He found a bunch of keys, an access card and the key to a G-Wagon. He took the items he found and side stepped away from the corpse. He moved towards Eva. “Let’s go. We need to hurry” Eva said. The Colonel nodded, walking briskly away from the scene and quickly through the door. He brought out the special UV glasses that were inside his mafia suit and handed one to Eva. “Put this on. We should see Sean’s markers from here.” The Colonel said walking ahead of her and wearing his own pair of UV glasses. The Colonel looked left and right on the floor they were on and his eyes caught Sean’s imprint on the door of the elevator. “Here. Follow me.” The Colonel commanded. They walked into the elevator and the Colonel found Sean’s imprint on the panel beside the third floor button. Eva saw it too. “Bless you Sean.” Eva whispered with an expectant and eager look in her eyes. The Colonel pressed the button to take them to the third floor, and then turned to look at Eva. He was very worried about her. He knew that she was capable as a field agent and could very well take care of herself. But right now a bit of fear gripped him. He suddenly doubted if she could handle herself given the emotional conditions surrounding this operation. He needed her to think clearly, have a straight and calm head. He had told her countless times. He could not snap at her now that they were very close. He heaved a very long and heavy sigh. Eva looked at him. “Dad, I will be fine. I have everything going on well right now. Trust me.” Eva said, pointing her forefinger at her head as if to say she’s thinking straight. The Colonel smiled. Just then there was a short elevator sound to tell them that they had reached their destination. “This is it Diana. Let’s do this.” The Colonel said, bringing out his silenced .45 automatic caliber pistol. Eva took out the silenced twin Silverballers from her hips, one in each hand and waited. The elevator opened.
9 Nov 2014 | 06:14
Last Episode The General paced the room, eager and waiting. How could Sophia decide to betray him like this? Where did she get the audacity to? Was she working for someone? Did she know something that he didn’t? Different questions ran through his head as he waited for her to arrive. He had taken her in when she was just a kid. Trained her, schooled her, and made her what she was. And now she wanted the Corporation for herself? “No! It cannot be!” The General exclaimed smashing the glass of water in his hands against the wall. The steel door opened inwards and Sophia walked in, accompanied by the agent who was acting as her guard. “Why am I not surprised? You even have the access codes to this room. And is he necessary?” The General asked, nodding at the agent but maintaining eye contact with Sophia. Sophia ignored his question and moved to her left to the part of the room that had a small round table and two chairs. It was the lounging area of the office where you could relax, have a drink and even take a nap. After she had settled well and poured herself a cup of juice, she said to the General, “Would you care to join me please?” It was more of a demand than a request. She had the General by the balls and they both knew it. He could decide to take her out, but that would be detrimental. He needed to know what was really happening. He needed to know why she was going rogue. Was she working for someone? Did she want money? All these questions needed answers. The answers he got would shape his decision. He walked grudgingly to the lounging area and sat opposite Sophia. He had an unreadable look on his face. It was a look that Sophia had seen uncountable times, that it did not mean anything to her anymore. She just smiled. “A cup of juice, General?” Sophia asked. The General just stared at her, trying to read her mind. He was trying to connect with her resolve, trying to get some form of emotional weakness, any form of spiritual connection. He was very good at it and had used it on her a lot when she was still his loyal lieutenant. It was not working this time. “Does he have to be here?” The General asked her. “Is that important? He is here just in case you try anything funny. I have never trusted you Marcus.” She said, finishing the orange juice in her cup. “I knew you never have. I was not counting on that.” The General replied. “You wanted me here. Did you summon me for small talk? Or you would like to really get to the point. I have things to attend to.” Sophia threatened. The General was fast losing his grip. He was no longer in control. He needed to take control but how? He did not want Sophia dead, at least not yet. He could finish her in seconds. He thought for a few seconds. Maybe he had to. She was proving really difficult. She had to go. But the guard she brought in was going to complicate issues. He could not kill two professionals at once. He decided he was going to warn Sophia. There was a small button inside his right shoe by his big toe. He squeezed the big toe against the button, sending a signal to Ambrose who was hiding in the store, inside the room they were in. The store was directly to the left of the Sophia. The door opened and Ambrose came out, gun in hand. It all happened in seconds. Ambrose shot at the guard, releasing four bullets as he came out confidently from the room he was hiding. The bullets hit the guard on the chest, belly and face. The guard fell sideways, hitting his head on the brick wall. Sophia was very well aware of her surroundings. Immediately the door opened and Ambrose came out, she kicked the table from under with her legs, sending the top of the table forwards in the air, hitting the General’s face. In a split second, she took out her .43 gold plated automatic pistol from her hip, turned and shot at Ambrose. The single bullet caught him in the groin area. He screamed, fell down holding his ball5. She turned immediately to face the General who had been hit by the top of the table. He crawled on his back, moving away from Sophia as she walked towards him, pointing her gun at him. He crawled backwards until he got to the wall and could not move anymore. “Keep crawling!!!!!” Sophia screamed, shooting the wall just above his head. The General kept still, blood dripping from his forehead down the side of his face. “The agent Ambrose just killed was my pawn. I knew Ambrose was in here but I did not know exactly where. I was counting on you to want to use him against me. But deep down, I hoped that I was not in the same category as your other fallen Lieutenants. I hoped I would be indispensable. I hoped that I was more than an agent to you, that no matter what your love for me would let you keep me. I served you. I killed for you. I loved you as a father! And this is what I get? You want me dead? Huh?” Sophia said slowly, firing another shot a few meters to his left. The General just stared at her breathing slowly. He did not say a word. “Answer me goddamitt!” Sophia said, pointing the gun at the General’s head. Just then a voice said from the entrance of the main door. “Drop the gun Sophia. He is not yours to kill.” Sophia turned to see Sean standing by the door, an SPG rifle in his hands. He winked, smiled and nodded to her to move sideways. She melted at the sight of Sean. *********************************** Sean waited for about three minutes after Sophia and her bodyguard had left Bee Hive before he opened his eyes slowly. The illumination of the room almost blinded him, as he had deliberately had his eyes shut for too long. He got up slowly, turning to look at all the people in the room. He stretched his joints and twisted his upper body. His joints made cracking sounds as he twisted. He felt pity for the young lady who was still on the ground, her lifeless corpse decorating the mahogany floor. He took out a tiny pen from his back pocket. It was a low voltage electrocuting neutralizer. He hit his chest with the pen, sending tiny but powerful electric waves through his body. The electric signals went straight to his heart, neutralizing the tracker that had been previously inserted by the colonel. He took out his phone from the inner bosom pocket of his blazers and sent the Colonel a message. He moved to Nedu’s table, put his hands under the long table and ran them to and fro while his eyes scanned the frightened BeeHive officers. “This baby should be here somewhere.” Sean said to himself, stretching further beneath the table so that his hands could touch the edges. “Ah ha!” Sean proclaimed as his hand hit something. He pulled out an SPG riffle, corked it twice and smiled. “May I have your attention please?” Sean said, tapping the table with the gun. The officers in Bee Hive looked at him, many of them very scared. They had just watched two of their colleagues murdered in cold blood without reason and here another gun slinging maniac was calling their attention. “Who works after Nedu here?” Sean asked, raising his voice so all could hear. Nobody answered. No one was ready to die. “I am not the bad guy. All I want to do is to take down this Corporation, so I suggest you start planning new exits, new jobs, and new safe havens. I need to know who works here after Nedu or what you just witnessed Sophia do would be child’s play.” Sean threatened, corking his gun threateningly. A short man stepped forwards, very chubby, and wearing a pair of huge framed lenses. He stepped out of his chair but remained on the same spot. He was too scared to move. “Please, don’t be afraid. Do come forward.” Sean urged him pleasantly. The man walked slowly forward and stopped just a few meters in front of Sean. Sean approached him gun in hand and put an arm around his shoulders. He walked with him back to the table. Putting his hand into his tight right pant pocket, he brought out a flat microchip and handed it to the man. “This is a virus. It erases every data from the corporation data and writes into the registry of the backup servers, stopping them from automatic data backup. It also cripples the firewalls so that they are weakened to fight against the intrusion. Can I count on you to carry this out perfectly?” Sean asked. The man nodded weakly. “What is your name?” Sean asked again sitting on the table and facing him. “Patrick sir.” The man replied weakly. “Patrick, I do not plan for any one of you to die here tonight.” Sean spoke slowly and deliberately. Then he raised his voice as he continued so that the whole room could hear his voice. “Your life and the lives of those in this room depend on this one small favor that I ask of you. Would you please follow my instruction to the letter?” Sean asked conclusively. “Yes I will.” Patrick answered meekly. “Could you be more audible for the sake of the rest of your friends here?” Sean said. “Yes I will!” Patrick said raising his voice. “Good. Very good. I go in peace. Don’t make me find you Patrick.” Sean threatened, handing the chip to him. Sean stepped out into the corridor and retraced his steps the same way Sophia came in. As he walked into the enclosure, he put his hand over the keypad and pressed the passcode to take him to the floor above him. Just as the enclosure was about to move, he caught a glimpse of familiar figures in the corridor. It was the Colonel and his beloved Eva. He quickly stopped the elevator from moving and got out of the elevator. Eva could not believe her eyes as she saw Sean come out from a hidden enclosure on the wall. She ran towards him and jumped at him, hugging him tightly. She kissed him fully on the lips as he held her tight, kissing her back. She held on for a while kissing and hugging him tight. After what seemed like an eternity, she let him go. “I feared you were dead!” She said, still holding his hands in hers. “I am here sweetie. Flesh and blood.” Sean replied. The Colonel approached him and shook him by the shoulder. “Good to see you Bravo.” The Colonel said. “Missed you too Davinci.” Sean replied. “So what is the next step now?” The Colonel asked looking at the rifle in Sean’s hands. “Sophia has gone up to the control room to meet Marcus. I am going to intercept them there. You will come with me, while Eva will stand guard here at BeeHive to make sure all goes as well as planned.” Sean finished. The Colonel nodded while Eva hugged him tight again before letting him go. They left Eva in charge of Bee Hive as the rest of them went upstairs to meet the General. As they approached the door, they heard gun shots. They immediately rested their backs on the wall by the door, waiting for the gun battle to subside. Then Sean heard Sophia raise her voice. She was talking to the General. He tiptoed to the door and keyed in the passcode, the door opened noiselessly. Sean peeped first to assess the situation. Sophia had his back to him as she lashed out words at the General. As she raised her gun at the General, Sean stepped in. ******************************************** Eva was pacing on the floor of Bee Hive, making sure that all the agents were behaving and injecting the virus into the Corporation when she heard sound behind her. She turned quickly to find out what it was that suddenly made the sound but she was not quick enough. Agent Ope stood at the entrance of Bee Hive with a .23 semi-automatic pistol, smoke drifting upwards from the nozzle of the gun. Eva had ducked, rolled on the floor and fired a shot of her own catching Ope in the neck. Blood guzzled from the hole, flowing like a fountain. He fell on the floor slowly, trying to mumble incoherent words. Eva got up from the floor holding her stomach. Ope had shot her. Blood flowed from the gunshot wound, painting her hand red. She gasped for her as she staggered to the door, trying to exit. As she struggled with her feet walking past Ope’s lifeless body, clutching her stomach and trying to breathe, one word repeatedly came out of her mouth, although barely audible: “Sean.” ********************************************** “Drop the gun Sophia.” Sean repeated, raising the SPG threateningly at Sophia. Sophia dropped the gun beside her and kicked it just a few meters away. The Colonel strolled in with confidence, walking past Sean and towards The General. Sophia was looking at Sean, her back to the General. She wished she could just disappear with him and forget this whole blood bath. Suddenly, the General moved. He pulled out a jack knife from his boots and sprang up acrobatically from the floor. The Colonel aimed at him but did not shoot because Sophia was in the line of target. The General held the knife to Sophia’s neck, pushing it gently against her soft fair skin. A little blood trickled from the contact. “Drop the guns. Both of you, Now!” The General ordered. None of them moved. Sean saw the look of fear and helplessness in Sophia’s eyes. He could not believe he felt something for Sophia after all. Sophia did not want to die. “I said drop the guns motherfuckers!!!” The General screamed, pressing the knife further deep on to Sophia’s flesh. The blood was rushing faster now and Sophia had begun to squint. Sean could not take it anymore. He bent carefully and dropped his rifle on the ground. He stood and raised his hands. “Happy now?” Sean asked. “Your turn!” The General screamed at the Colonel. The Colonel did not care who died and who did not. He wanted Marcus dead. He raised his gun higher, targeting Marcus’ head. The General knew that he could not win the battle. Sean saw the glint in his eyes. Everything happened like slow motion. In one sudden move, the General slit Sophia’s throat with the knife, pushing her on the floor. As he bent to pick the gun Sophia dropped, the Colonel opened fire on him. Sean had already bent and picked his rifle. Standing on one knee, Sean emptied his bullets on the General while the Colonel continued to shoot at him too. The General managed to stagger and get up, trying to shoot. They rained bullets on him, while he staggered. His white starched shirt covered in blood. As he tried to pull the trigger of the gun, Sean gave a precise shot to the middle of his head. His brains splattered across the room and he fell to the ground. His body was still shaking as Sean and the Colonel walked to him. They rained the remaining of their bullets on him until his body stopped moving. Sean spat on his corpse. He moved to Sophia and bent down. He held her hand and closed her eyelids. She looked so beautiful even in death. He wished things had ended differently. Just then an alarm began to sound in the whole building. “DEFCON4 activated. 50 seconds till self- destruct.” A computerized voice said. “What the hell is that?” Sean asked. “Marcus had programmed GhostCorp to end with his death. This building self-destructs once his heart stops beating. We need to move. Now.” The Colonel explained as the got out of the room. They got to the Bee Hive floor and saw a trail of blood. The followed it and turned the corridor to see Eva coughing blood and breathing heavily. “This is not happening! Baby, I am here. I love you. Stay with me. Come on. Stay with me.” Sean said, lifting Eva and resting her on his arms while he knelt. “…aaaa…nnnnn” Eva said with labored breathing. “I looo….ooovveee……” She said but coughed out more blood. “20 seconds to self-destruct.” The Computer said “We need to leave Sean. There’s no time.” The Colonel said. Sean lifted Eva, carrying her in his arms like a wedding bride. They hurried out of the premises with Sean repeated assuring Eva and tears in his eyes, even though her eyes were closed: “I love you baby. Stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me.” THE END.
9 Nov 2014 | 12:02
wow! So so interesting!
9 Nov 2014 | 14:58
i ve questions 2 their any1 dat wuld ansa me?
9 Nov 2014 | 14:59
The end ke? So eva died??? What was d killing all abt after all? Actually... I wish dis story never ends... Too bad dey all died
9 Nov 2014 | 18:40
Nd aqain.... D title of d story... I really dnt get... An evening with eva means wah? Wat happend 2 eva's fiance den? What abt sean's gf dat travelled? U really cnt tell me eva died o
9 Nov 2014 | 18:42
Wow, very interesting
10 Nov 2014 | 03:12
I don't think Eva died. The last part says, he kept reassuring her to stay with him even though her eyes were closed, it doesn't say even though she was no more breathing. Nice story though, thumbs up.
10 Nov 2014 | 03:39
Hello val whats the killing all about and besides did eva died if yes is meaningless the story must not end this way. But etc you are a great writer weldone expect my compensation gift on your door step by january 1st 2015.... Good job guy you are a genious keep it up
10 Nov 2014 | 14:09
God bless you susan you know how it goes, @tennie ask val to post the next episode nah. Weldone kayemjay and kudos to u val, God bless you guys cos that story is full of action and suspense. Nice ending and once again God bless you.
11 Nov 2014 | 05:35
@ezmos kindly stop tagging my name 2 ur post.... U can give ur own comment without tagging my name pls.. Thnk u.
12 Nov 2014 | 17:45
Lol kristal... U re nt seriouz o
13 Nov 2014 | 08:44
21 Nov 2014 | 09:03
the story is more like a movie...
15 Jan 2015 | 02:23
Tot Ahmed stays in Ajah? Y board Ajah-bound bus again? Again, Eva meets her at 3pm, hw come 8pm nw? Kudos sha... Datz wat makes it ril n shws itz nt pirated
16 Jan 2015 | 00:46
Nice story
19 Jan 2015 | 15:34
Well a very proffesinalised script writing well done @kayemjay &kudos 2 coolval I love it
1 Feb 2015 | 17:11
great write up
16 Feb 2015 | 20:29
Eva wouldn't die! She probably lost alot of blood nd might b in a coma. I know she would b revived bk, but i wish sophia hadn't died o kai!
17 Feb 2015 | 17:32
Eva didn't nd wouldn't die! She probably lost alot of blood nd might b in a coma. I know she would b revived bk, but i wish sophia hadn't died o kai!
17 Feb 2015 | 17:33
Nice one
20 Mar 2015 | 21:19
Well it was a very interesting story " Gud for a season film , but not in this generation could Nigeria have such equipment, such trained force and all the computer activist , but I pray one day we reach that level
10 Apr 2015 | 02:51
Extremely One of a kind
19 Apr 2015 | 10:29
d best title shuda bin *Mystries Of D Ghost* or *D Ghost & D Goons* ...i tink!! best write up tho ...& tnx tnx @ kayemjay
21 Apr 2015 | 05:29
Gosh! I so love dis
29 Apr 2015 | 15:07
He who lives by d sword dies by d sword. Eva has killed pple so she died too. Chikena!
9 Jun 2015 | 03:03
nice piece keep it up
12 Jun 2015 | 17:48
if eva really died its totally a worthless story cos it ended so bad though i enjoyed it.
25 Jun 2015 | 21:45
Wonderful action story here...... The Colonel really tried in brinqinq down the Ghostcorp and other terrorist qroupz by himself.... Great story "An eveninq wid Eva" filled with Deceit,betrayal,romance etc.....really enjoyed it Thumbz up...
10 Jul 2015 | 08:57
[b]Hhmmm..... Nice action story like an american fiction...[/b]
18 Jul 2015 | 12:31
U make the story complecated.Sey dem escape or not Eva die or not u just leave us wondring. . . .Nice write up though
20 Jul 2015 | 14:07
Dis is more like "city hunter" a korean movie
10 Nov 2015 | 03:17
Haba @vict-vames, Nigerian no fit write am ne?
13 Nov 2015 | 03:48
13 Nov 2015 | 04:08
[b]@Invincible Lolzzz... E too make sense, see technologies[/b]
13 Nov 2015 | 04:10
Hahahaha, na true sha @vict-vames
13 Nov 2015 | 05:15
Best story ever! Coolval is simply the best! @promzy @sonshine @cookey @laurasteve299 @aarti @desire have you read this?....
16 Nov 2015 | 11:51
no be today nah... av read it....its cool.. mistakenly burnt my rice when i read it... thanks@invincible...
16 Nov 2015 | 13:59
@promzy hahahahaha, i almost burnt the house while reading it today..... :roll:
16 Nov 2015 | 14:06
crazy d story make sense die!@invincible
16 Nov 2015 | 14:12
@promzy, yeah bt diz kind thing fit happen for 9ja?
16 Nov 2015 | 14:31
Lol guy u sure say u no be newbie. Ah done read am since nau as ghost reader@invincible
16 Nov 2015 | 15:01
I be newbie o, e never reach 2months wey i reg. U nko? @desire
16 Nov 2015 | 15:10
@invincible I read it sinc,bt d name doesn't reali fit in 2 d story/movie,bt d writer deserve an award...
16 Nov 2015 | 16:13
yea nah... but in your dreams shaa..lolz
16 Nov 2015 | 20:42
16 Nov 2015 | 20:44
hahahaha @promzy
17 Nov 2015 | 00:57
yes nah@invincible... read unfulfilled promises.. nd buy me champagne!. lol
17 Nov 2015 | 02:28
Okay, bt nt until i finish thiz on o :) unfulfilled promises dey nice lyk this one? @promzy
17 Nov 2015 | 02:44
yea..but there's no technology... its emotional.. i cried eh!my mum was asking y d tears.. lol i no fit tell her...@invincible..
17 Nov 2015 | 02:54
@promzy good thing i don't get emotional :) my tear gland go xmas break
17 Nov 2015 | 04:05
17 Nov 2015 | 11:16
I feel the writer want u pple to complete d story ya sef if u feel Eva who had killed a lot shldnt av died it yr view best story rver
28 Nov 2015 | 16:05
4 Dec 2015 | 09:33
Hehe they Said if u ar dinnig with a DEVIL Use a Long Spoon Cause . . . OF UR LIFE
11 Dec 2015 | 01:22
Hmmmm Lady S;Now a step ahead Of her master the General. . . . ,
12 Dec 2015 | 09:03
oh dear.,Very Nice sTory Indeed. KUDOS TO U.
15 Dec 2015 | 12:04
Wow.... I so love this.... Future Nigeria I guess.... Eva won't die.... Am sure.... Sean is crazily in love ooo
18 Dec 2015 | 06:25
Nice dis story
13 Jan 2016 | 06:29
akika!!! Bravo!!! Excellent!!!
2 Feb 2016 | 13:48
Wow this story iȿ breathtaking, I guess one of d best I ever ḉ◐₥ξ across.....eva can't die cos I haven't seen where an actor died in a movie lolz
17 Feb 2016 | 07:09
I never knew what this story is all about until I started reading it some days back. In fact, this story succeeded in keeping my eyes glued to my phone till the end, though I don't think it has ended. As the name implies, Eva should never die bcos she's the main character. Please @Kayemjay, u don do well, though I think u should start thinking of how to write the season 2 whr Eva turned out to be alive and u explain to us d reason for all d killing, though I personally think the general wanted to become d president. This story is superb, suspense-filled, interesting and teaches a lot of things. @Coolval, thanks for the posts.
7 Mar 2016 | 04:16
wow so interesting
9 Mar 2016 | 12:44
An evening with Eva! I thought twas gonna be a romance story but figured twas an action story. Dza brain behind dis story sha, I dey hail o
13 Mar 2016 | 10:32
This is one the best story i hv ever read on this site.
23 Mar 2016 | 17:27
23 Mar 2016 | 18:02
Wow,this story is something else
24 Mar 2016 | 08:48
Wow,wonderful story
25 Mar 2016 | 07:16
Wonderful job
2 Apr 2016 | 11:53
Wow wat a superb story sorry for ahmed bt sophia d.sev to die
14 Apr 2016 | 17:28
Its just gonna be interesting!!!!
23 May 2016 | 01:59
0 Likes long last!!! So interesting!!!!
27 May 2016 | 17:44
This is really serious. Wow is not enough. Na super story be this oo
12 Jun 2016 | 04:22
This story is more than amazing! Buh cum to think of this technology been used in this story, i doubt it in this 9ja.... More ink to ur pen mr. Writer nd thumb up to the Author
19 Jun 2016 | 11:03
hnnnnnn what a nice and cool job well done that's pretty smart of you colonel and Sean I salute ur courage despite the fact that Eva is passing out bit by bit you still maintain that courage......
5 Jul 2016 | 01:37
cool story
5 Jul 2016 | 03:37
cool story
5 Jul 2016 | 06:12
press on..
5 Jul 2016 | 06:12
5 Jul 2016 | 06:13
awe what a story .... So captivating and action packed .....
7 Jul 2016 | 22:55
Unique and so fantastic... Qudos 2 d writer
11 Jul 2016 | 14:05
I read this story again I cant stop reading it over n over Great piece Nice write up
13 Jul 2016 | 20:49
Nice story
14 Jul 2016 | 17:32
18 Jul 2016 | 15:19
Very interesting suspense filled
18 Jul 2016 | 15:20
Nice story
20 Jul 2016 | 08:53
Nice story
23 Jul 2016 | 15:32
kudos!!!!! to the writer
4 Aug 2016 | 06:05
My favourite of all time.......
6 Aug 2016 | 05:40
I really love the thriller......
6 Aug 2016 | 05:41
the guy wey write this story don watch American action film die I no sure say him be nigerian
7 Aug 2016 | 04:18
Nice Crime Story
7 Aug 2016 | 07:08
9 Aug 2016 | 09:37
9 Aug 2016 | 09:37
9 Aug 2016 | 09:38
9 Aug 2016 | 09:38
[b]nice one[/b]
9 Aug 2016 | 09:39
Nice story
9 Aug 2016 | 09:41
9 Aug 2016 | 09:42
nice action story
9 Aug 2016 | 21:59
though the title is conflicting
9 Aug 2016 | 22:00
i love the role played by the general
9 Aug 2016 | 22:00
more ink to your pen
9 Aug 2016 | 22:03
9 Aug 2016 | 22:04
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 05:12
Clears Throat
10 Aug 2016 | 12:50
11 Aug 2016 | 08:00
11 Aug 2016 | 08:01
11 Aug 2016 | 08:10
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11 Aug 2016 | 08:45
12 Aug 2016 | 09:25
12 Aug 2016 | 09:29
12 Aug 2016 | 09:30
12 Aug 2016 | 09:31
12 Aug 2016 | 09:34
12 Aug 2016 | 09:34
12 Aug 2016 | 09:36
12 Aug 2016 | 09:37
12 Aug 2016 | 09:40
12 Aug 2016 | 09:40
12 Aug 2016 | 09:41
So Interesting. Jst Lyk All In A Circle,Khal Corp Nd Ghost Corpiration. Gud Job @Kayemjay
15 Sep 2016 | 16:48
Wow! So far so good,.. Am here.
10 Nov 2016 | 17:17
U r a superhero man... a genius writer
22 Feb 2017 | 11:23
Chai i lve dz story like mad.
25 Feb 2017 | 05:14
Wow this is a nice touching story, I so enjoyed it
10 Apr 2017 | 08:10
awesome story
30 Apr 2017 | 15:15
I love this .nice story
1 Jun 2017 | 15:17
wow hmmm
2 Jun 2017 | 05:39
nice one
2 Jun 2017 | 05:40
nice one ,ride on
4 Jun 2017 | 01:27
What can i say but wow!
27 Nov 2017 | 00:57
28 Dec 2017 | 18:22
mehn, luv dis story lyk crazy, buh did eva die?
26 Aug 2018 | 02:08
So interesting good one writer.
1 Jan 2019 | 13:57
9 Feb 2019 | 02:14
3 Jan 2020 | 01:41
Nice but I don't understand the ending oooo
9 Jun 2020 | 20:49
i love this series..!
18 Nov 2021 | 08:30
The story is going nicely!
18 Nov 2021 | 12:36
The story is soo nice, i cant put my phone down till i'm through with it!
18 Nov 2021 | 17:46


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