Angel Of Light (Born For God) by Wizehkruzz

Angel Of Light (Born For God) by Wizehkruzz

By Mr in 3 Sep 2016 | 08:32
Mr kruzz

Mr kruzz

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Member since: 23 Oct 2015
The prequel to "Angel Of Life-(The Falling)" (don't need to read it to understand), Mahin always wished she had wings and enlists the help of the Angel of Light after rescuing him from a demon-made trap. Their friendship grows into something more and their families grow suspicious. Mahin will soon learn she's flown too close to the sun to get away without getting burned. The was the beginning of Love and how Joel became a god..... stay turned
3 Sep 2016 | 08:32
ep. 1 . Sometimes she pretended she could fly. Wind passing through her hair as powerful wings took her higher and higher. Diving back to Earth, muscles burning sweetly from overexertion. Being able to see everything and anything from an eagle's point of view. From the moon's perspective. But, it was never to be. She was like her namesake: lonely. Watching stars play while she remained on the ground, stuck. Born without wings, born the wrong species. Demon. There was nothing demonic about her except her eyes. Black irises with ruby red pupils as thin as a snake's. When she closed her eyes she liked to pretend she was human. They had it so good and they didn't even realize it. Loved deeply by God and His Angels. Protected by them while she and her kind were hated by everyone. It was heartbreaking for her. Mahin sat quietly as her servant brushed her knee length hair for her. The Human-Turned-Demon knew limited English and no Latin. She cooed, "So beautiful. Beautiful hair." Her accent made her difficult to understand at times. Mahin caught her gaze and smiled politely at her. Sharp teeth bared back at her in a leering smile that was anything but friendly, even if that was its intention. Her servant began the painstaking task of braiding Mahin's hair and twisting it into a bun. Father did not approve of his daughter allowing her hair to flow free. Her older brother, Tavor, sat perpendicular to her, legs casually parted. His long hair was tied back in his signature low ponytail. His golden eyes stared at her appraisingly, his mouth covered by his hand. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Sister, perhaps you should cut your hair. It is getting to be quite long." He moved his hand enough for the words to come out clearly. "You know how much I adore long hair." She replied. He said no more for a few minutes as he watched the servant's hands weave and twist her ebony locks. Mahin got to her feet and smoothed her silk skirt and adjusted the bright green bodice of her gown. She stood still long enough for the servant to place a gold comb in her hair off to the left. Tavor stood on long legs and sauntered over to her, grabbing her hand. His wedding ring sparkled in the dim lighting. Humming softly, she stared at her own ring as he brought her hand to his lips. It was tradition for Optima families, demons who came from two of the Precursors who Fell with Lucifer, to intermarry rather than taint their "pure" blood. Brother married sister. Mahin's family line was so "pure" she was going blind in her left eye because of a genetic defection that developed several generations ago and seemed to only affect the females. She had just recently married Tavor. "Come; Mother and Father are already waiting in the carriage for us." He said, leading her out of her bedroom. She complacently walked beside him as they walked down the corridor toward the staircase. With her free hand, she grasped her skirts and pulled them up enough she could comfortable descend the stairs without fear of tripping. Not that Tavor would let her fall, naturally. He was always by her side from the moment she had been born. He was 428 years older than she was and he fulfilled the role of overprotective brother. He would check up on her hourly as an infant and encouraged her to seek refuge with him on the rare occasion their parents argued. She would creep into his bed at night when she had nightmares of monstrous Angels reaching for her. "I fail to see the entertainment value in watching Human-Turned-Demons go at each other until one falls." She remarked once they got to the bottom of the stairs. "I do. They are inferior to us, what better way to control their population than by pitting them against one another?" Tavor chuckled. Mahin pursed her lips to keep from voicing her disapproval. One of the butlers opened the door for them where the carriage awaited. The hell horses snorted and pawed at the ground, tossing their heads impatiently. Tavor helped her get into the carriage, where she sank into the unoccupied seat beside her mother. "Mahin, my lovely, you look exceptional this evening." Her mother, Nadia, simpered. Nadia had an extravagant set of pearls around her neck to match her black gown. It was no secret Nadia was almost completely blind, but she sacrificed her sense of smell in order to heighten her eyesight because of her Adsecula. Every Optima and some nobles possessed a being that lay dormant inside their minds until they came of age. These beings had their own names and personalities. Through a process known as Metamorphose, the Adsecula and Optima would merge until little to nothing of the original personality remains. They were known as Adsecula. Mahin's had been a peaceful Adsecula—a rarity, indeed—that permitted her to maintain most if not all her original traits with the benefit of gaining heightened senses as well. "She always looks lovely, Mother." Tavor replied, winking at Mahin. Mahin smiled and blushed prettily while her father remained silent. With a whinny, the hell horses broke into a trot and pulled the carriage after them. Mahin pulled her fan out and idly fanned herself, staring out the glass window. Her family lived in the Thirteenth Legion of Hell and were one of the more affluent families in Hell. Their Precursor, Amdusias, had been the one to warn Lucifer of Michael's intent to fight him before the start of the Great War. As such, the males of their family were given the high honor of being the Royal Adviser to the Demon King, who hailed from Abaddon, Lucifer's former Second-in-Command. Mahin leaned back in her seat as the carriage tipped from the angle of the hill the horses were trekking. They were very close to the arena now, which lay on the outskirts of the Thirteenth Legion. Her father, Altus, and Tavor were beginning to look excited, whereas Nadia rolled her eyes. "So bloodthirsty, you two." Nadia teased, pulling out her own fan. "As if you can't smell the blood already." Her father countered, his pupils dilated from the heady scent of blood. Mahin's scalp prickled uncomfortably. She wasn't fond of the effects blood had on her brother and father. They were often intolerable to be around for the next couple days. Their carriage lurched to a stop and Altus got out first. He held a hand out to Nadia and helped her out. Then, out came Tavor, who did the same for Mahin. She wrapped her arm around his as they were jostled and bumped by the crowd of Optima and noble families who had gathered to see the tournament. The arena had been the third structure built when Lucifer created Hell. It was built from the foundation up by the bones of fallen humans during the Great War. It was bright white, the brightest building in all of Hell, the bones polished weekly to maintain their sheen. Despite the questionable material the arena had been built from, it was a surprisingly sturdy structure able to withstand heavy abuse. An impatient nobleman stepped on the edge of her dress, dirtying it. The demon seemed unapologetic until Tavor bared his canines at the prior, resulting in a submissive tilt of the head and a quite sincere sounding apology. Mahin was a little put off at the footprint on her lovely skirt. "I'll buy you a new one, love." Tavor promised, kissing her knuckles when he saw her sour face. She smiled, somewhat placated. Her father led them to where King Lin XV sat in the Royal Box with his wife, Queen Astera. Like her brother, Lin XV, she had the gold spun hair of Abaddon's successors, the waves tumbling down her back with an extraordinary shine. Her white eyes passed coolly over Nadia before landing on Mahin. She nodded her head curtly, not a woman of many words. Lin XV clapped Altus heartily on the back and shook Tavor's hand overzealously, a boisterous laugh emanating from his long neck. "Altus, I was wondering when you were going to arrive." The King said. "The wine is almost gone!" Altus chuckled and stared warmly back at his old friend. Their fathers had had them grow up together, figuring it best for the future Royal Adviser and King get to know each other. The friendship blossomed and they remained steadfast, loyal only a smidgen more to their families than to each other. Altus replied, "I'm sure you will find some more with that keen nose of yours." Lin XV guffawed and narrowed his yellow eyes at Tavor and Mahin. Mahin gripped Tavor's arm firmer as the King's eyes looked her up and down. "This must be your lovely daughter." Reluctantly, she held her hand out and let the King brush his lips over her knuckles. She did not care for the way he appraised her like she was no more than a China doll. Altus waved a hand at her and Tavor. "Yes, my son and daughter, Duke Tavor and Duchess Mahin. They were wed a fortnight ago." The King backed off after her father's unsubtle hint. Queen Astera's face had hardened from stone to diamond and her seeming dislike of Mahin had grown. Now she looked down her nose at her. "Congratulations, you two, may you have fine strapping boys." At the mention of children, Mahin paled. She knew it was part of her responsibility to bear Tavor children but she was terrified of pregnancy. Personally, she wasn't even sure if she wanted children; she worried if she would be a good mother. Nadia herself had little to no part in raising her and Tavor when they were growing up. A nursemaid and governess had been Mahin's constant companions throughout her girlhood into her adolescent years. Tavor bowed while Mahin slipped her hand out from the crook of his arm to curtsy. Her brother admitted, "Thank you, Your Grace, but I would rather have a girl." Lin XV seemed surprised. "Why would you want a girl, lad?" "A little dark angel to spoil and dote on just seems more appealing to me, Sire." She couldn't stop the light smile as she tucked her arm back with his. It was one thing they agreed on; the sex of their first child. Once she was actually pregnant, of course. Queen Astera piped in, "Dear, perhaps we should let the Amdusias family take their seat?" "Ah, yes, of course. We'll talk later, Altus." King Lin XV promised as he returned to his plush seat. Altus nodded his head sharply and led his family out of the Royal Box and into the box meant for the Royal Adviser's family. Its heraldry possessed the two crossed trumpets of Amdusias, the creator of thunder, and the head of a unicorn sat in the middle of the trumpets. Their box was covered with dark purple curtains lined with gold thread. Their seats, while not nearly as extravagant as the King and Queen's, were certainly far more comfortable than the hard stone benches the commoners sat on. Mahin adjusted the little red pillow on her seat before settling on it. Tavor took his seat beside her and let her intertwine their fingers, palm to palm. Nadia sat on Mahin's other side and her father settled down beside her mother, his face relaxed as he stared down at the sandy ground in the very center of the arena. Once they were settled, Altus snapped his fingers and one of the servants rushed over. "Fetch us wine. Mahin, Nadia, my beloveds, are you hungry?" "I am fine, Father." Mahin answered sweetly, resting her head against Tavor's shoulder. "As am I, Altus." Nadia said. Altus dismissed the servant. A set of demons carrying horns brought the instruments to their lips and blew. A hush came over the once roaring crowd as hundreds of eager eyes zeroed in on the center of the arena. The iron wrought gates across from each other opened. One Human-Turned-Demon rushed out, roaring and banging on his bare chest. Part of his face was covered by a defensive mask some demons could create when they felt threatened. It was clunky looking and Mahin questioned its usefulness when it blinded him on one side. His opponent timidly stepped into the ring, his head twisting and turning as he took in his surroundings. Her heart dropped. "He's only a child." She murmured, loud enough for Tavor to hear her. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "He must have done something to have gotten himself down there. They don't just go after Human-Turned-Demons needlessly." She gave him a doubtful stare and turned away from the arena when she heard the young Human-Turned-Demon shriek with pain before it was abruptly cut off. The commentator yelled incoherently in Latin. The servant returned with the wine Altus wanted, passing four goblets to each one. Altus drained his eagerly while Nadia took delicate sips. Tavor swirled his around a bit, eyeing it with some distaste. He had never been one to drink. Mahin brought her goblet to her lips, then frowned. It smelled off. She sniffed her wine. The wine smelled bad, almost musty. Her eyes widened with realization and she dropped her goblet as though she had been burned. It clattered to the ground with a loud clank, the wine spilling everywhere. She smacked Tavor's goblet out of his hand, earning her a hiss of ire that she effectively silenced by crying, "Don't drink the wine! It's poisoned!" No sooner had she cried, she heard her mother and father gasping for air.
3 Sep 2016 | 08:35
I am sitted
3 Sep 2016 | 08:35
Ok..Bring it on.
3 Sep 2016 | 08:36
wow..... bring it on.
3 Sep 2016 | 09:51
Wow this gonna be superb
3 Sep 2016 | 10:20
3 Sep 2016 | 10:39
I see u r back wif another hot story i just hope this one ends well @wizehkruzz
3 Sep 2016 | 18:46
lets go
4 Sep 2016 | 02:47
4 Sep 2016 | 02:59
Oya o
4 Sep 2016 | 04:45
hmm .... Am here
4 Sep 2016 | 09:20
carry go,its gonna be tough
4 Sep 2016 | 11:48
ep. 2 . Tavor was beside their dying parents in a heartbeat, speaking frantically to them and yelling at the guards to fetch one of the healers. Mahin got to shaky feet, her hands clasped over her mouth. The King and Queen rushed over, their voices deafened by the roaring in her ears. She realized it was the sound of her blood. Her trembling got worse as she stole a peek at her parent's faces. Nadia was already dead, her face forever frozen in an eternal mask of surprise. Altus was somehow clinging to life. He was gasping like a fish deprived of water, the veins in his temples and neck straining against bluing skin. His hands were clutching at his throat as his body was racked with seizing fits. A cry escaped her mouth, bringing the attention back to her. Her brother stood and gathered her in his arms, hiding her from the sight of their father dying with his chest. But not the sound. Altus gagged and gasped and wheezed and coughed. His fear wafted into her nostrils and she whimpered, burying her face in Tavor's tunic. He smelled like the steel of his scimitars. "Don't look, my love." He whispered against her hair. He lifted his head and bellowed, "Where's the healer?!" "They are still trying to locate him, Duke!" One of the guards said, his voice high with panic. Lin XV was sobbing, cradling Altus's head in his hands as he promised the impossible. Queen Astera coldly recommended them end his suffering. Beneath her, Tavor grew rigid. Before her brother could say anything, Lin XV rounded on her, "You cold-hearted bitch! How dare you-" A wheeze from Altus brought the King's attention back to him. He managed a nod, his writhing having lessened somewhat in the last few minutes. Tavor shut his eyes and turned away as the King was handed a dagger. "I'm sorry, my brother," Lin XV whispered before sliding the dagger into Altus's slowing heart. Altus lurched and gasped once more before his body went completely limp. Mahin let out a choke sob and her legs gave out. Tavor followed her to the ground, rocking both their bodies back and forth. He was not crying but his face was contorted with grief like he was about to burst into tears. His canines dug into the flesh of his lower lip until the flesh punctured and a bead of red bloomed. His sister's fingers dug into his chest as she grasped his tunic in her hands until her tendons jutted out against her skin. "We should remove the Duke and Duchess from the arena. Give them an escort; this was no mere accident." Queen Astera said, voice cool. "For pity's sake, woman, give them a moment!" Lin XV protested, his voice choked. He glared at his wife with resentment. She ignored his baleful glower and went to Tavor. Roughly, she grabbed him around his bicep and heaved him to his feet with surprising strength. Mahin had no choice but to follow if she were to maintain her hold on him. "On your feet. You and you," Queen Astera gestured to two guards, "get these two out of here and back to their manor. Make sure no one enters or exits their home without explicit permission from Tavor." The two guards bowed and grabbed the two grieving siblings and led them out of their box. The match below had stopped and the demons in the stands were glancing at one another uncertainly, puzzled by what had happened. As word spread an assassination attempt on the Amdusias family had taken place, a shocked silence swept over the crowd. Mahin allowed herself to be pulled from Tavor and had to be all but carried back to their waiting carriage, her grief was so heavy. In the carriage, she buried her face in her hands. Tavor was silent as he watched her mourn.
6 Sep 2016 | 13:49
ep. 3 . The carriage driver was substituted by the guards and they urged the hell horses into a canter that left the carriage ride jerky and uncomfortable. Mahin lifted up her head and pushed errant strands back from her face, sniffling. Her eyes felt swollen and sore. She glanced at her brother. His expression was steely, his jaw clenched so hard, she worried his teeth would shatter. He had his arms crossed firmly over his thin chest as he glared out the window like he hoped he could set fire to the world. The carriage seemed so empty without their parents. Finally, she broke the silence. "I-if only I had warned them sooner..." Her brother cut her off with a harsh bark of, "What's done is done. There is no point in thinking about the 'what ifs.'" His tone hurt her and she ducked her head. He muttered, "The Queen is right: this was no accident. Someone poisoned the wine." "But, who? Father and Mother had no enemies!" Mahin objected. Tavor's expression softened to thoughtfulness. She couldn't understand how unaffected he seemed by their parent's death. He was as calm as could be, viewing the whole situation completely objectively though he should have been emotionally invested. She could only guess what was going on in her husband's head as he pondered who would want to kill them. "We are the most powerful Optima family second to the King and Queen. Who wouldn't want us dead, sister? The King will undoubtedly open an investigation and uncover the conspirator. In the meantime, we must be vigilant. We can only trust each other." He reached his hand out toward her. Unhesitant, Mahin took his hand in hers and nodded, the lump in her throat making it difficult to speak. The desperation in her eyes said it all to Tavor and he felt a small wave of panic. He was suddenly Head of his household. He was now the King's Adviser, a responsibility his father was still teaching him. Without Altus, he would have to learn through trial and error and hope he was correct, else he make a fatal mistake. And, he would have to care for his sister, especially during this dark time for both of them. "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you, Mahin. They will have to go through me to get to you." He promised fervently, a mad glint in his eyes. The look in his eyes was unnerving to her. He almost didn't look like her brother anymore. The glint hardened his features into permanent stone and the sneer would become eternal. His caresses would become rougher and less wanted. She could only hope it would all be temporary. That once their parent's killer—or killers—were found he would go back to the way he was. The carriage stopped and they were escorted into their home. She went to her room where she ordered her servant to ready a bath for her. The woman ran off in haste at the sharp order from the usually docile duchess. Mahin began the harrowing task of removing the gold comb and unbraiding her thick hair, dragging her fingers through the strands to rid them of any knots. She kicked her shoes off and waited for her servant to return. When she did, her dress was removed and her hair was tied back in a high bun to prevent it from getting wet. The bathwater was scalding hot but she didn't care. She sank right into the tub, hissing as the water burned her skin. She rested her head against the edge of the bath and closed her eyes. Downstairs, she could hear Tavor screaming, likely at one of the guards. She couldn't make out what he was saying but could only guess it had something to do with their parents. The lump from earlier returned. After the fights, Nadia had promised to take her shopping to look at a hellhound. Her old one had died from old age, which broke her heart. The ancient monster had been with her since before she had been a babe. Tavor still had his, which he had taken care of since it was a whelp. Later, she and Altus were to sit in the library and read together, a favorite past time for the both of them. Fresh tears dripped from her eyes and into the water with tiny plops. It hadn't even been an hour and she missed them more than anything. She sniffed and wiped at her eyes. A darker side of her hoped that when they found who did this they would be given a dose of their own medicine. She wanted them to suffer for as long as her father had suffered, gasping for breath as their airway constricts and swells. The bathwater cooled long before she got out of the tub. She had dozed off several times and now she was pruned. Her servant didn't speak as she was toweled dry and dressed in her nightgown. It was barely evening and she rose an eyebrow in confusion at the servant. "Master Tavor say do this." She mumbled, avoiding eye contact. Mahin nodded and slipped under the covers of their shared bed. She had been about to nod off when Tavor barged in, the door slamming loudly shut behind him. She sat up in alarm and gaped at him. "Tavor, what-" He stared at her with a predatory glint in his eyes, his arms folded behind his back. He was dressed in a long, white tunic and light brown trousers, his feet bare. "You know," he cut her off, "today got me thinking. What happened to them could have happened to me if you had not stopped me. If I died, then there would be no one pure to continue the Amdusias line after you." She sighed. "I'm not in the mood this evening." He ignored her and sat on her side of the bed. The mad glint was strong. "I need an heir, Mahin. Now more than ever." He attempted to kiss her but she pushed him back. "I said I don't want to, Tavor. What has gotten into you?" No sooner had she spoken, she was struck into stunned silence. She was silent until he slid her nightgown up and pain shot through her. It was the first night of many filled with her screams and no one would ever come to her aid for fear of Tavor.
6 Sep 2016 | 13:51
6 Sep 2016 | 13:54
abeg finish d royalty in me nah Lemme sha sit nd enjoy dis one to d fullest
7 Sep 2016 | 12:18
@holykruzz where u dey na
22 Sep 2016 | 19:02
Na the royalty in me matters to me the most o @holykruzz
22 Sep 2016 | 19:04
lol bro i will do justice to d royalry in me then
13 Feb 2017 | 12:34


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