Hello! Wonderful people
It's been a while here And i sincerely Apologise.
My inactiveness was as a result of some personal issues,,it's well.
Am here to fufill a promise,the promise i made some few months ago.i was thinking of what to do inorder to move this site to a greater height and i came up with this,A debate! Just like we normally do back in the days in one of our Whatsapp groups,the essence of this debate is to have an improvement in the Area of our Educational sector And again to keep everyone of us enlightened as the debate won't be based on a specific field.
The debate will be done monthly but am yet to come up with a particular date and time as well.
Next month's topic will be INSECURITY A COG TO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT?propose or oppose?
It's gonna be an interesting topic!
So,if you are interested indicate on this thread.Coolvallers! Let's do this;let's make it happen!