

By chimmy in 10 Jul 2018 | 18:38
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Must Read: Banking (18+) Part 1

Written By Dessy and Bolaji…

‘’Please sign right here, Deji,’’ Jennifer, one of the cashier, asked placing an opened register on Deji Adelowo’s desk.
‘’Are you done with the drafts issuance now?’’ Deji inquired as he append his signature on the draft register.
‘’yes please.’’ She confirmed closing the register and walked to her desk.
‘’Alright people, let’s balance up real quick and get out of here.’’ Deji, the branch manager of Loyalty Bank’s branch at Computer Village, urged the cashiers.
Like every other Fridays of every week, the banking hall was so busy that Deji could barely eat throughout the day. Though he had two assistants, but that was still not enough to make him work less due to the location of the branch. The banking job was tasking, but he preferred it to managing one of the many companies owned by his late father. A decision his mother was totally in agreement with.
Rising to his feet, he made his way to Amanda’s cubicle. He had noticed how unsettled she was and knew something was definitely amiss.
’’What’s happening?’’
‘’I’m not good. I’m having a deficit of three hundred and sixty thousand.’’ She explained worriedly.
‘’Have you checked all the transactions properly?’’
‘’I did, but I still can’t figure out where it’s coming from.’’
‘’Let me take a look at it.’’ Deji said siting on the chair in Amanda’s cubicle while she stood behind him .
Deji was loved by the cashiers due to his kind-heartedness. He wasn’t the type of branch manager who will leave a cashier who was having trouble balancing to sort him/herself out, nor was he the type who will be quick to ask the cashier to pay for the deficit he/she had. He always try to get to the root cause of either the deficit or surplus of any of his sub-ordinates.
After over an hour of going through Amanda’s transactions for the day, Deji still couldn’t find the error. He decided to take the next available option. He got in touch with his own superior through mail to get an approval for him to close the branch account with the deficit for the night which was granted. He informed his two assistants and Amanda to be in the office the next day and make sure they detect the error before leaving.
Stealing a glance at the time on the monitor, Deji noticed it was fifteen minutes past eight. He ensured proper closure of the branch as he shut down his CPU.
Aremu quickly opened the door as he sighted his boss stepping out of the mantrap door. Deji hopped in instantly.
‘’Are you going in this Ankara outfit?’’ Aremu asked as he sat on the driver’s seat.
‘’I don’t get? I’m going to where?’’ Deji responded innocently as he unbuttoned his shirt.
‘’Mrs Williams’ pre-xmas party,’’ Aremu reminded him starring at the mirror.
‘’Oh my!’ the enormity of situation hit him. He had forgotten tonight was the pre-xmas party he had promised his mother he would attend. Deji knew exactly what his mother could do if he was absent.
‘’I need to change into something better. Let’s get home real quick.’’
‘’Off we go boss.’’

10 Jul 2018 | 18:38
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 2 Deji emerged from the crowd at the front door and immediately caught his friend’s gaze just behind the crowd. Kola smiled and waved. Some ladies stared at him as he walked towards his friend. He was used to that. He had a clean low haircut and scythe-shaped eyebrows. His aquiline nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw. His mellifluous voice, his brown eyes, his manly physique, with the fact he was six feet were enough features to attract the opposite S£x. Since their days at Oxford University years ago, Kola and Deji had been good friends. Kola was not as tall as Deji, but his punk hairstyle didn’t make it obvious. Kola was burly and round faced. ‘’You’re early this year. I was already on the bed when you arrived last year.’’ Kola Williams teased his friend. ‘’Yeah. i don’t want a remix of mother’s last year reaction.’’ Deji said, picking up a filled glass of wine from a footman’s tray. ‘’When did you get back?’’ ‘’Yesterday.’’ Kola has been on a business trip for three months. ‘‘Now that you’re here. I want you to meet someone,’’ Kola Williams said eagerly. ‘’Female?’’ Deji asked with slight scepticism. ‘’Yep. My cousin and she’s one for the eye. I must warn you, Deji. She might tempt you away from Nike.’’ Kola raised and lowered his eyebrows in a devilish manner. Deji gave him a doubtful look as they made their way through the hall, where sophisticated and fashionable dressed people swarmed about. A cool music played at one end of the elaborately decorated room and couples danced in the centre. It was the former Commissioner for Women Affairs’ party and she was renowned for her lavish and extravagant entertaining. Her informal style and manner were often imitated but never matched, for no one could host a party quite like Mrs Williams. Tonight was the kick-off for the Pre-Xmas Party. A lot of activities await the fortunate guests who were extended an invitation. Deji truly, didn’t even wish to be at this party in the first place. He has made a promise to his mother, as well as Theresa, that he would attend, and he could not break it. His mother’s wishes were not easily foiled, she had wrangled this particular promise out of him when he had been overly distracted with work and he had seen no decent way out of it. If it had not been for the imbalance of one of his cashiers last night, he actually might have enjoyed this get-away on the island. He wouldn’t worry much about the work as he had two assistants to back him up. Tbc
10 Jul 2018 | 18:44
Am seated pls
10 Jul 2018 | 19:54
11 Jul 2018 | 03:27
bring it on
11 Jul 2018 | 03:27
11 Jul 2018 | 06:58
Seated continue
11 Jul 2018 | 07:12
Glad am here on time.
11 Jul 2018 | 07:15
seated ...
11 Jul 2018 | 07:40
What next?
11 Jul 2018 | 08:46
Must Read:Banking (18+)… Part 3 He had dedicated so much time to his work, giving his mother enough reason to try her luck in her matchmaking talent. Deji’s mother, Ireti, had arranged a meeting between him and Theresa. Theresa had liked him instantly, although she tried to hide it. Deji on the other hand, had had problems getting romantically involved with another lady since he broke up with his first love back in Ife. He initially thought with time he would get to reciprocate Nike’s feelings for him. But it’s been over 9 months since they met and yet the spark he has been hoping for was still absent. The decision about Nike was one he has to make sometimes in the future. He probably should just propose to her and get it over with. She expected it by now, and perhaps even deserved it, but she was too much of a lady to ever pressure him about it. Now at this party, he planned on reaching out to Nike and his mother, after meeting Kola’s much talked about cousin. They would be expecting him already. Then Kola poked at him slightly, saying in a low tone, ‘’there she is.’’ Deji glanced ahead. He was blown out of the water by what he saw that he almost spilled his drink. Standing 5 feet from him, was a lady with a midnight-black hair that flowed over her shoulder. She had an oval face shape, arched eyebrows, small nose, smooth and regular jawline with small distance between her upper lip and nose that made her incredibly gorgeous. He has seen this face before. In fact, ten years ago. It was none other than Nike Akomolede. His first love. Matter-of-factly, his only love. The one who has made falling for another lady an impossible task for him. She was wearing a red cocktail gown that was 2 inches above the ankle. She looked more beautiful than he could remember. Oh my! The enormity of the situation hit him. Nike is Kola Williams’ cousin! ‘’Do you believe me now, buddy?’’ Kola asked not looking at Deji. Deji hesitated, ‘’she’s okay.’’ ‘Seriously?’’ Kola stared his friend in disbelief, expecting a better adjective than an okay. ‘’Alright. Come over.’’ Tbc
11 Jul 2018 | 13:56
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 4 A friend of Mrs Williams waved at her. ‘’Nikky dear, I’ll see you around.’’ Noticing the duo approaching, she said over her shoulder in a low tone. ‘’I think you have company.’’ Tilting her head slightly to the right side, her eyes caught Kola and… Deji. Deji Adelowo. What the hell is he doing here? She thought. The duo was close now. She maintained her composure. “Nikky, I’d like to introduce to you, my friend, Deji.’’ Kola beamed as he made the introduction. ‘’Deji, here is my cousin, Nike.’’ Deji hesitated, expecting Nike to say something. When he realized she wasn’t ready to talk, he did. ‘’Nike and I have already met.’’ If her game plan was to ignore him and act like they’ve never met, he wasn’t in on it. ‘’Yes. That’s true.’’ She finally said with equanimity. ‘’That was about a decade ago.’’ Her voice was sweet and smooth like silk. ‘’You’ve got to be kidding me!’’ Kola said with his eye brows raised. ‘’Where did you guys meet?’’ ‘’Ife.’’ Deji responded with his gaze locked on the beauty in their midst. ‘’Time has done nothing to change you, Nike.’’ ‘’I’ve changed more than you think,’’ she said softly. She tried to appear unruffled. It was working. Deji smiled. An argument with her right now will make no sense. He thought. ‘’Deji, I’ve been looking all over for you.’’ Theresa said behind them with a warm voice. She came to Deji’s side. For once Deji was grateful for Theresa’s presence. She couldn’t have timed it better. His heart beat rate was unusually high at this very moment. Nike had become more breathtakingly beautiful than he remembered. Now with Theresa, an escape was the only way out. The reasonable way out of the uneasy feeling he was having was to leave her presence. Kola Williams made his second introduction for the night. ‘’Tessy, meet my cousin, Nike. Nike, here’s Theresa Bruce.’’ Unconsciously sizing Nike up and down with a cool glance, Theresa uttered politely, ‘’it’s nice to meet you.’’ ‘’My pleasure,’’ she simply responded with a smile. Theresa whispered something into his ear, then Deji said, ‘’if you’ll excuse us, we need to see someone.’’ Like Theresa knew Deji could not endure standing there any longer. Gosh! If he had known he would be trapped all weekend with Nike, he certainly wold have made up an excuse, any excuse, not to be here. But one thing is, if Theresa was going to continue making his night like this, he might as well propose to her this very night. No, he wasn’t. With a glass of wine in his left hand, he took Theresa’s hand with his other hand as they both made their through the crowd. Some were dancing, while some were just roaming around as a soft music played at the background. ‘’I hope Senator is not crossed at me, I had promised him I would be early for the evening game. He was so keen on having me play the Dart game with him.’ Deji uttered sadly as they walk hand in hand. ‘’Well, I’m sure he will understand the nature of your job.’’ She said and then stopped abruptly. Deji was forced to stop too. He gave her an inquisitive look. Tbc
11 Jul 2018 | 13:59
11 Jul 2018 | 14:17
*Entas tru the back door* see as una cum occupy space finish... @modesco abeg gimme my chair, i wan cari am go front... who don see @innocency7?? tel am say beta dey o @chimmy u be Mtn?[evriwia u go] bring am on sharpaly
11 Jul 2018 | 14:29
11 Jul 2018 | 14:45
11 Jul 2018 | 15:19
Nice start
11 Jul 2018 | 17:33
Here at last
11 Jul 2018 | 18:11
I can hardly wait pls continue
11 Jul 2018 | 18:36
11 Jul 2018 | 20:36
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 5 ‘’I love that song,’’ she said coolly as R. Kelly’s Step in the Name of Love was buzzing through the speakers. He smiled, drained the rest of his wine, and handed the empty glass to a passing footman. He stretched out his right arm. She grabbed it and they both move slowly to the rhythm. Most of the guests were now dancing. He was a big fan of R. Kelly, and this particular jam was one of his favourites. Senator can wait. This lady right here craves for some stepping. Only one thing though, he wished Kels could change the ‘love’ in the title of the song to ‘no love.’ It was obvious Theresa was so into him, but he wasn’t. On the far side of the floor was Kola and Nike. They both move awkwardly to the rhythm. No thanks to Kola. He was a terrible dancer and he knew it. He knew his cousin must have figured that out. Yes. This wasn’t football. Then he remembered his friend, Deji. R. Kelly’s number one fan as he always calls himself. ‘’Ignition’ was his favourite jam whenever he was on the upbeat. Stepping to this particular song wouldn’t be a problem. Kola needed his cousin to enjoy the event to the fullest. He wouldn’t bore her with his unwieldy moves. ’I’m enjoying this.’’ Theresa said with a radiant smile. Of course, you are. Enjoy it while it lasts. Deji thought. He had always believed her to be beautiful, but now he’s starting to doubt his own belief after comparing her with Nike. Perhaps Nike was just a goddess. He was done for. ‘’That makes the two of us,’’ he said, forcing a smile at his dance partner. Like Deji was a seer, Theresa’s moment was short-lived when Kola appeared with Nike beside him. “May I please cut in on this dance?’ Kola asked in a cushy manner. ‘’The point of this event is to socialize. I’m beginning to bore my cousin.’’ Deji could not think of a reasonable way to turn his friend down. ‘’Of course,’’ he mumbled, releasing Theresa. Kola had darted away with Theresa in no time. Deji was left alone with his very own first love—Nike. He turned to her. Ignoring her poker face, he stretched out his arm. She accepted it hesitantly. Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud was playing now. They moved with the rhythm like a real couple. Deji could not help but stare at her, while she kept her eyes downcast and refused to meet his gaze. Was she nervous like he was? Deji spoke when he could no longer endure the awkward silence, ‘’How is Alani?’’ Nike could not believe it. After over a decade of seeing each other, they finally got to be alone on the dance floor and he couldn’t think of a better conversation other than this. Great, Deji. Just great. Tbc
11 Jul 2018 | 21:05
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 6 Being shocked by the question didn’t stop her from replying him calmly. A trait she inherited from her mother, Awele. ‘’Can we not talk about that?’’ Her eyes still fixed on the floor tiles. ‘’Well, I just want to be sure I’m safe dancing with another man’s wife.’’ She stopped moving, freed her hands and looked him in the face. ‘’if you want to know if I’m married, you should’ve just asked.’’ She straightening her dress and added, ‘’enjoy the rest of the evening,’’ before walking away leaving Deji right there. Nike headed to the bar and ordered for Cosmopolitan. A drink she fell in love with since she watched S£x in the City series. A young man lean across the bar beside her. ‘’Hey bro,’’ he called out to the bartender who was backing him at the time, ‘’since I’m not on the set of S£x and the City, can I please have Rum and Coke?’’ He must have watched S£x in the City. Nike thought. It would have been fun talking about her favourite TV series this lovely night, but she clearly was in no mood for that. No thanks to Deji. She quickly emptied her glass, dropped it on the slab and left the bar before the young man could make his next move. She didn’t bother looking his direction. Peter was watching a lady he was about to start a conversation with walk away when another lady in a pink gown, this one chubbier, blocked his view. He looked up slowly to identify the figure. He needed not a telepath to tell him the damsel was related to the hostess. If she was not Mrs Williams’ sister, he was damn sure she was her daughter. He smiled at her and quickly turned his gaze to the dance floor. No distraction. He said to himself. Bunmi leaned across the bar pretending Peter was not the reason she came over. She had seen Nike left the spot in a hurry. Perhaps this dark, tall and almost six feet guy was hers. She has been single long enough. Bunmi’s ex-boyfriend, Raymond, a UK based guy had dumped her months ago, but she let her family believed they were still together. To her it was better for them to think that way so when she gets a new man she can make them believe she was the one who broke up with Raymond. ‘’Everyone seems to be on the dance floor except you.’’ Bunmi said with a sensual voice. No. No. He was here for Nike, he wasn’t going to allow himself to be distracted. This lady beside him might be her sister. He immediately he titled his head a little to look at her, her see-through dress made him change his decision. ’’With you right here, I think I’m in the best place.’’ After few conversations that confirmed Peter’s guess about Bunmi being Mrs Williams’ relative, Bunmi led him to an empty bedroom down the hall. As she walked towards the room desire went through her body. Tbc
11 Jul 2018 | 21:13
so early
12 Jul 2018 | 05:52
12 Jul 2018 | 05:59
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 7 On the getting into the room Peter grabbed her hand and pulled her down. He knew what those lips licking and seductive eyes of Bunmi were meant for. He could have her right here, right now and continue his main mission tomorrow. Bunmi’s legs went weak as the door closed behind them. She felt Peter’s mouth on hers, his lips tasting of vodka and cranberry juice, sweet. She opened her mouth. At that moment she felt his hand come up beneath her gown, heard the rustle of material giving way, felt his warm hand between her legs, ripping aside the satin panties to caress her vulva. She put her arms around his neck and hung there as he opened his trousers. Then he placed both hands beneath her bare buttocks and lifted her. She gave a little hop in the air so that both her legs were wrapped around his upper thighs. His tongue was in her mouth and she sucked on it. He gave a savage thrust that banged her head against the door. She felt something burning pass between her thighs. She let her right hand drop from his neck and reached down to guide him. Her hand closed around an enormous, blood-gorged pole of muscle. It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh. The thrust of its entering, the unbelievable pleasure made her gasp, brought her legs up almost around his neck, and then like a quiver, her body received the savage arrows of his lightning-like thrusts; innumerable, torturing; arching her pelvis higher and higher until she reached a shattering climax, felt his hardness break and then the crawly flood of semen over her thighs. She could swear she had never had it like this. Slowly her legs relaxed from around his body, slid down until they reached the floor. They leaned against each other, out of breath. Tbc
12 Jul 2018 | 06:29
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 8 Ile-Ife, 2006 “Olowo ori mi, what do you have to say about the matter at hand?’’ Ireti asked ‘’I don’t see any matter here, Ireti. I already told you to let these kids be.” Ooni Adelowo responded. ‘’Ah! Adelowo, you don’t seem to understand. My son’s involvement with this low-life girl has a negative impact…’’ ‘’Look here madam…..’’ He started to say with all seriousness, ‘’I don’t know why you keep beating yourself up about this. Just because we were fortunate to come from a royal family doesn’t not make those who didn’t have a lesser god. Besides, they are still teenagers. The feelings, I’m sure, will fade away as life gets real.’’ ‘’Is that all you have to say?!’’ she cried out in frustration. ‘’Well, on this matter, yes. Please let this be last time you’re going to bring this irrelevant subject up.’’ The king fired back. Ko ko ko The sound of a knock on the door. “Come on in’’ Ooni asked whoever was at the other side. Isamotu, one of the guards in the palace stepped in to inform the king that the chiefs were all waiting in the visitors’ room. ‘’I’ll be there in few minutes.’’ The king said, while Ireti motion her hand for the guard to leave. He did. ‘’Ehen, Ireti….’’ ‘’Hold up! Hold up!’’, Ireti screeched ‘’Please go ahead and meet your chiefs to discuss the town issues because that’s the only thing that falls into you relevant subject category.’’ ‘’Olori…’’ the king barely muttered as he stood to his feet to exit the room. ‘’I deserve a grammy for keeping you for all of these years’’ ‘’Then I deserve an Oscar for tolerating you all along.’’ The both chuckled as the king vanished from her presence. Ireti beckoned on one of her valets. ‘’Get me Aremu.’’ She ordered. Few minutes later, the valet was back with Aremu. The queen gestured at the valet to excuse them. She then fed Aremu with the details on how she intended to end the love affair between her son and Nike. She threatened to send Aremu away from the palace if he fails to play his role efficiently in the ’end-the-Deji-and-Nike-affair’ drama she wrote in her head. Ireti knew if Deji was to going to trust anyone with information it was going to be Aremu. She knew how close they were. The poor boy had no choice than to consent to the devilish plan. ********************************************************************************************************************** ‘’My mother won’t be home till sun set.’’ Nike said staring at Deji as he laid beside her. ‘’I wish I don’t have to avoid her meeting me here.’’ Deji complained in frustration. ‘’Yes. But you know mama wants a clean slate with the queen.’’ ‘’Yeah I got it.’’ Nike had become an essential part of Deji’s life since they met at the lake side over two years ago. The lake side was just few miles away from the palace and had served as one of Deji’s favourite getaway. Tbc
12 Jul 2018 | 06:29
12 Jul 2018 | 06:51
Bunmi is this how you are going to get a bf
12 Jul 2018 | 07:22
12 Jul 2018 | 07:36
Hmmm so quick
12 Jul 2018 | 08:53
Ride on
12 Jul 2018 | 08:58
is dis Bunmi stupid or foolish? u need a boyfriend to replace Ur ex but d 1st thing u did is to take him inside ,,,, will he stay after dat? ode girl
12 Jul 2018 | 12:04
Too early na Bunmi
12 Jul 2018 | 12:38
12 Jul 2018 | 13:15
12 Jul 2018 | 13:48
slutty Bunmi. no wonder Raymond dumped ur sorry ass
12 Jul 2018 | 16:19
Ah, Bunmi,why now Continue, I'm loving this
12 Jul 2018 | 18:35
Deji,have u still got some feelings for Nike???
12 Jul 2018 | 19:45
13 Jul 2018 | 03:26
new episode
13 Jul 2018 | 03:27
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 9 They confided in each other. They shared their secrets and dreams of the future with other. Deji had rejected his mother’s offer to go the United Kingdom for his degree on the account of not being able to cope wherever there was no Nike. One time Deji even dared to bring her to the palace to meet his parent. His mother, not surprisingly, was most displeased with Deji’s little friend. However, the king thought Nike was one intelligent and charming girl and encouraged the friendship, and for that reason alone Deji felt even more love for his father. ‘’So what is the king saying about you studying abroad?’’ She asked stroking her hair. Her eyes showed interest. ‘’He finally decided I won’t have to go if I don’t want to. I promised him he won’t regret the decision.’’ ‘’Wow! Finally. Is he aware you deferred studying in the UK because of me?’’ ‘’Yes. He kind of figured it out. He also promised to pay for tuition fee throughout the university since he’s aware of your mother’s financial condition.’’ Deji narrated. ‘’What! You’ve got to be kidding. Are you for real?’’ she exclaimed in excitement as she jumped down from the bed. ‘’Of course baby.’’ Deji came down from the bed to hug her. ‘’Iya Onidodo needs to hear this.’’ Releasing her, Deji said, “about that. You can tell your mother about it for sure, but we really need to be discreet about it. The queen shouldn’t know. My father promised to see to that.’’ ‘’Alright. Well noted. My mom can keep a secret to the grave. She always say that.’’ †******************************************************* Awele, Nike’s mother, was at the shop where she sells a special type of fried plantain popularly known as Dodo Ikire when she sighted a familiar face. In fact, it was 17 years ago she last saw that face. ‘’Baba! Baba Tewotegbo!’’ she called out loud. The man looked around to know who recognized him in a city he just came into two days ago. Then to his greatest surprise, though he was hardly surprised by anything, he saw Awele. ‘’Awele, is that you?’’ the old man asked to confirm what he was seeing. ‘’Yes, baba. It’s me.’’ She affirmed. ‘’Orunmila O ka re.’’ Tewotegbo praised the god. She offered the man a seat on the bench inside her shop which he gladly accepted. She then hurriedly got a schnapp drink for him. ‘’How is my daughter?’’ he asked after gulping a drink. ‘’Very fine, baba. She’s all grown up now.’’ ‘’Hope she’s learning the culture of the Ife Ooye?’’ He asked. Ife was also known as Ife Ooye. ‘’Yes Baba. One of the prince is her close friend, in fact.’’ ‘’Really? You mean one of the Ooni’s son?’’ ‘’Yes Baba.’’ ‘’Hmm. Ori ade.’’ The man said softly with a lot of meaning attached to it, which Awele couldn’t fathom out even if she tried to. ‘’Baba, you know you’re yet to tell me why you told me to come and settle here with my daughter?’’ Awele asked hoping to get an answer this time around. ‘I’m only doing what the gods sent me, Abeke. Just let your daughter stay here a little longer, when the time comes for you to know, you will.’’ Tewetegbo responded with a tone of finality. Tbc
13 Jul 2018 | 03:27
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 10 THE NEXT MORNING Lagos, 2016 A sharp rap on the door half-awoke Deji in his hotel room. It was a single hotel room with a king-sized bed, a sofa and a coffee table. A Samsung television set hung on the wall. Beside the bed was the closet. The hotel room also had a private bathroom. He opened his eyes slightly. His head was pounding, his throat was dry and he was feeling drowsy. He raised his head, surveyed the room and then fell back to his pillow. He grunted and closed his eyes. Another rap came on the door, this time louder. A voice followed, ‘’Adedeji!’’ It was his mother’s voice. With that, he sat up quickly on the edge of the bed. He poured himself a glass of cold water which was on the coffee table. ‘ ’Please hold on, mom.’’ He grumbled. He washed his face in the bathroom hurriedly, before coming back to turn the key on the door knob. ‘’What have come of you, Deji?’’ Ireti snapped as she walked into room. She didn’t wait for him to invite her in. She wasn’t a vampire. ‘’You arrived late last night. Like that wasn’t horrible enough, you missed breakfast this morning.‘’ her eyes flashing with obvious displeasure. ‘’I kind of over-slept.’’ He simply said. His mother raised an eyebrow and continued, ‘’of course you did. I don’t like the way you’re treating Theresa. She was at the breakfast table with her uncle. She was getting a lot of stares. You need to get serious with here soon, or you might lose her to another man. A girl like that won’t wait around for your forever.’’ Tbc
13 Jul 2018 | 03:29
Ride on
13 Jul 2018 | 04:05
bring it more
13 Jul 2018 | 04:06
13 Jul 2018 | 06:21
dis story is getting interested..
13 Jul 2018 | 06:22
More of this pls @chimmy
13 Jul 2018 | 07:09
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 11 We already talked about this, mom.’’ He responded. Irritated with her son’s response, she said, ‘’we have, and we will continue talking about it until you do the right thing. She is a daughter of one of the ED’s of your bank. This will help the career you have chosen in the stead of managing some of your father’s business.’’ ‘’I’m working on it mom.’’ He knew arguing with his mother would only worsen his migraine. Most people thought of his mother as being cold and unfeeling. Deji had to admit that his mother possessed an irritable size, but in her own way she loved him dearly. She always try to make decisions for him whenever she feels it was needed. Not that Deji didn’t allow her to do so, but sometimes her decision conflicts with his own wishes. And on these occasions, he stood his grounds. Deji had to give credit to this mother for some of her well taken decisions. Hooking him up with Theresa at the time when he was overly distracted with work was a perfect example. Theresa was perfect for him he had to agree with this mother, but he could not just bring himself into taking the relationship to the next level. ‘’You better. I want to see my grandchild.’’ There was rap on the door before it was opened. Aremu stepped in. they both turned to face him. ‘’Good… Good morning Ma.’’ He stuttered as he greeted Deji’s mother bowing his head a little. ‘’I’ll check back.’’ He gestured at Deji. ‘’No, stay.’’ Ireti said. Turning to Deji, ‘’I’ll see you at the pool.’’ Tbc
13 Jul 2018 | 17:32
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 12 Aremu shut the door behind him as Deji’s mother strode out of the room. Sitting at the edge of the bed, Deji sighed. He poured himself another glass of water and gulped it down. The migraine seemed to have subsided. He tried to recall last night’s event, but Aremu interrupted his thoughts. ‘’I brought you here last night, or let me say, earlier this morning, when I found you at that little building behind the garden. You were unusually wasted.’’ Aremu said trying to harass him. Deji stared at him blankly before looking away. Judging from Aremu’s grimace, he knew his valet was delighted about something. Last night’s event started rushing back to him. He remembered how Nike had left him on the dance floor after he said something she found unpleasant. Was it too much to ask if she had married the same person she had cheated on him with? He didn’t think so. She had no ring on. Perhaps she got divorced. Maybe. Just maybe. But what does it matter? He has nothing on her. She will all always be the cold- hearted bitcch that broke his heart. ‘’Deji, are you still here?’’ Aremu’s question brought him back to reality. He rubbed his temple gently. ‘’I’m here,’’ he simply said. ‘’What happened to you last night?’’ Aremu inquired like an FBI agent. He was standing over his boss, hands in akimbo. It was obvious his valet was in an FBI mood, but Deji wasn’t ready for that. ‘’ I don’t want to talk about it.’ Aremu was more than a valet to Deji. He had been with the Adelowo’s family for years. His mother was one of the queen’s mistresses. They both lived in the palace. The king allowed Aremu stayed with them even after his mother’s death. Aremu accepted Deji’s offer to come and live with him in Lagos after the king’s demise. Since then he has been Deji’s valet. They were as close as two coats of paints. ‘’Fine. I’ll be at the opposite room if you need me. The room service here is amazing.’’ Aremu turned around to exit the room. He said in a low tone before closing the door behind him, ‘’that she still got a hold on you after all these years is a mystery to me.’’ Deji heard him. He knew Nike was the reason he almost passed the night on a grass. His valet was right. She still got a hold on him. Seeing her last night brought back a lot of memories. The good and the unpleasant ones. Too bad the one he remembered the most was the not too good memories. Yeah. The betrayal. But the question is, can he ever get over her? Tbc
13 Jul 2018 | 17:34
nice one @chimmy pls do make ur story longer
14 Jul 2018 | 09:21
Time will surely tell
14 Jul 2018 | 11:20
He can't get over it
14 Jul 2018 | 14:17
what is the secret
14 Jul 2018 | 16:35
I don't think Nike betrayed deji oooo, it was all planned by aremu and d Queen
14 Jul 2018 | 18:32
hmmm time wl tell
14 Jul 2018 | 18:46
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 13 Peter Brian approached Mrs Williams as she stepped into the main lobby. ‘’My good looking hostess,’’ he said, admiring the body fitted yellow gown Kola’s mother was wearing. ‘’Oh Peter. Thanks.’’ She said in appreciation. She then gestured to the footman passing beside them. She had noticed a small stain on the back of his white shirt. She whispered to his ears to have his cloth changed. As close as Peter was to her, he couldn’t hear her instructions. ‘’I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself?’’ she asked Peter after the footman’s departure. ‘’Very well. I can’t believe what I have been missing all these years.’’ He said with his gaze at the direction of where Kola and Nike were standing. Mrs Williams noticed and quickly said, ‘’Good. Please come over. I need you to meet some lovely people.’’ As they both headed towards the duo, Bunmi’s brittle voice said behind them. ‘’Hi, mom.’’ She took her mother’s right hand. ‘’Hello, daughter.’’ The hostess uttered withdrawing her hand gently from Bunmi’s grip so she could throw it over her far shoulder. ‘’Mr Brian, please meet my daughter, Bunmi.’’ Before Bunmi speak Peter quickly did, ‘’nice to meet you, Miss.’’ ‘’The pleasure is mine.’’ She said, but Peter’s gaze was already at Nike’s direction again. Bunmi was displeased with this already, but she kept her cool. There was an awkward silence for a moment. The hostess said to her daughter, ‘’please inform the pool guys they have less than an hour to get ready.’’ ‘’Okay, mom.’’ She responded with her gaze fixed on Mr Brian. Peter knew this so he didn’t look in her direction. Bunmi soon went the other way that led to the pool, reluctantly. Tbc
14 Jul 2018 | 18:53
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 14 ‘’Hi guys.’’ Mrs Williams said warmly as they both approached Nike and Kola. Nike had like Mrs Williams immediately, for she had welcomed her warmly into her home and extended family with a cordial and generous manner that immediately made Nike felt accepted. ‘’I’d like you to meet a very good friend of mine. This is Mister Peter Brian from SLOT. Mr Peter this one right here is my son, Kola. Beside him is my cousin, Nike.’’ Peter had played the role of manager in his friend’s office on several occasions. On these occasions, Mrs Williams had been one of the customers he attended to. He was added to the Pre-Xmas hostess’ contact list when he gave her a lift in his 2013 Kia Rio, the day her car broke down at Yaba. A kind gesture that would later earn him an invitation to her party. The timing of the invitation and the party itself couldn’t have been any better. Peter shook hands politely with Kola, but his demeanour changed when he smiled at Nike. He bowed with and elegant gesture and declared, ‘’It is an honour to meet you.’’ ‘’Thank you, Mister Brian.’’ Nike said in her soft tone. He was a handsome young man, no doubt. With his finely cut hair that matches his round face. He was athletic built. ‘’Does this mean I can now buy phones from SLOT for free?’’ Kola asked Peter jokingly. Before Peter could respond, Mrs Williams said, ‘’No. Not only phones. You can also buy laptops without paying. Silly you.’’ They all laughed at the hostess’ response. After a moment Mrs Williams declared, placing her hand on Kola’s shoulder, ‘’I need you two to show my guest around.’’ The duo nodded. To Peter she said, ‘’I’m not abandoning dear, I just have some arrangements to make.’’ ‘’It’s okay. I can manage well enough in such good company.’’ He responded. ‘’Good.’’ The hostess smiled as she walked away. ‘’Is this your first time at this party, Mr Brian?’’ Nike asked with a beam. ‘’Yes. It is. This is actually the first time I have been able to clear my schedule all this period of the year.’’ Peter stated. ‘’Well, I can tell you from experience that getting a break from work to be here these few days is not a bad decision.’ Kola guaranteed. ‘’Seeing a beautiful face like hers, you’re not far from the truth.’’ Peter said with his gaze lingering on Nike. Nike felt self-conscious under the scrutiny of such an attractive ma, ‘’thank you,’’ was all she could mutter. Turning her head slightly, to see past Kola, she saw Deji. Damn he was devastatingly cute. Feeling her heart race, she thought of leaving the main lobby instantly. After last night’s disastrous encounter she had no desire to see or speak to Deji anytime soon. Facing peter, she said, ‘’since you’re new here, I take it you haven’t seen the aquarium.’’ Peter’s face beamed with interest, ‘’there’s an aquarium here?’’ ‘’The view is amazing.’’ Kola added. ‘’How about we take a look?’’ Nike asked. ‘’Sure. Why not?’’ Peter said. As they were about to head to the next building the aquarium was, Kola saw Deji approaching them. ‘’You two can go ahead, I’ll join you later.’’ He said and they both left. Tbc
14 Jul 2018 | 18:55
15 Jul 2018 | 12:16
15 Jul 2018 | 15:28
am confuse oo @chimmy
15 Jul 2018 | 17:58
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 15 Seeing Kola already, Deji walked towards him, ‘’how far bro?’’ ‘’Good. You finally decided to come out of your room.’’ Kola said. ‘’I’m sorry. Guess I had too much to drink last night.’’ He explained. ’’Who’s that guy your cousin left with?’’ Deji tilted his head towards the way Nike and Peter just went through. ‘’A friend of mom.’’ Kola said, looking at him curiously. ‘’Are you jealous?’’ ‘’Jealous? Why should I be?’’ ‘’Hmm. I believe you.’’ Kola continued to stare at him. ‘’But really, what do you think of my cousin?’’ ‘’She is cool….. I think.’’ ‘’C’mon bro, surely it cannot have escaped your notice that Nike is a rare and stunning beauty.’’ Kola prompted him, ‘’Admit it.’ Reluctant to acknowledge that fact aloud, Deji merely nodded his head. Yes, Nike was incredibly beautiful. But he also knew that beauty was only skin deep, for she had taught him the hard way to beware of what lay beneath. ‘’But if you care to know, she’s still single.’’ Kola pronounce with a devilish wink. ‘’Are you kidding me? What do you want me to do with Nike?’’ A man wobbled behind them. Kola thought the man was drunk. ‘’De…….ji….’’ Kola drawled, ‘’…we both know you are not going to marry this girl. If you are, you should have proposed to her by now.’’ ‘’Please don’t let my mother hear that, not even Nike herself’’ Deji asked his friend humbly. ‘’Noted. Kola agreed. ‘’You know, you and my cousin are in the same organisation’’ Kola stated. ‘’She works at Loyalty Bank?’’ Deji asked with a surprise grimace. ‘’Well, she’s still in the training school.’’ ‘’Oh. Ok.’’ Tbc
16 Jul 2018 | 02:30
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 16 An announcement was made in the hall that the evening’s game is about to start. ‘’Come with me to inform Nike that the pool’s game is about begin.’’ Deji declined the offer and watched him leave. Pondering the new informed he had learned about Nike. She wasn’t with Alani after all. ************************************************************************************************************************* As they stepped into the room housing the aquarium, Peter was in awe at the beauty of the surroundings. There were fish of all shapes, vividly coloured. Few of the guests were also in the room watching the puffins, the funny little seabirds with white bellies and black wings, as they drove down into the water. Peter stared at the eel in the large fish tank which looked as though it was flying as it swam down to the bottom of the rocks and then back to the top again. They were two other fish tanks in the room, but peter concentrated on the larger one. Nike motioned for them to sit on the bench. They both watched two otters holding each other’s pars/paw, and they were otters floating on their back, happily munching seaweed. They both chuckled as they watched them shimmy and wiggle across the logs and then chase each other into the water. ‘’Oh ok. Which modelling agency are you involved with? Because without being told, I can tell you model.’’ He looked serious after the comment, but when Nike stole a glance at him with her charming smile, he couldn’t help but smile. ‘’I’m flattered.’’ She said and continued. ‘’ I got into Royal Bank’s training school last month. So…’’ ‘’So I can say you’re a potential banker,’’ Peter cuts in. She barely shrugged. ‘’Nice. You know we’re still deciding on whether or not to move our company’s account from the current bank it is.’’ Peter stated. ‘’SLOT’s account?’’ she asked with her eyes brow raised ‘’Yes. I’m feeling uncomfortable with the way our account is been handled since the former account officer resigned.’’ ‘’Mr Peter, I’ll advise you guys hold on with that decision.’’ ‘’Why is that?’’ ‘’I’m almost done at the training school and rumour has it that most of us are going to be posted to the marketing unit.’’ ‘’You’ve not been posted and you’re already marketing. That’s the spirit. I think you’ll do well in that unit.’’ ‘’Thanks.’’ ‘’You should be rest assured I’ll do anything in my power to help you progress in your field.’’ ‘’Wow! You are very kind Mister Brian. Thank you.’’ Nike felt almost dizzy with her luck. ‘’You are most welcome, but…. I shall ask a small favour from you in return.’’ He smiled at her, a smile that made her stomach flip-flop in a way she had not felt since she was sixteen. ‘’What could that be? She asked with a helpless grim. ‘‘Can I have your phone number?’’ ‘’Yes of course.’’ They exchanged contact. ‘’I’m so pleased to have met you, Miss Akomolede.’’ He said, smiling as he viewed Nike’s display picture on Watsapp. Damn! The dame was a rare beauty. She deserved to be a queen, he thought. ‘’The pleasure is mine’’ Deji came into the room to inform the duo about the game. Perfect timing, bro. Perfect timing. Peter thought. Tbc
16 Jul 2018 | 02:31
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 17 When the younger fellows are in their various swimming costumes, it was obvious it was time for the pool game at the Williams’ pool. The swimming pool was at the back of hall, and it was 25 metres long and 10 metres wide. With a depth of 10 feet, it was covered with blue tiles. While the participants, most the younger ones, are preparing for the game, the older folks were officiating. Those who were not officiating nor swimming joined the spectators’ crew. Among the spectators was Deji’s mother, Ireti, who was sitting with the hostess, the reigning Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs Aishat Makkafi and two other important dignitaries. These calibre of people she was sitting with would be surprised if they could read her mind. Ireti had been furious the second she set her eyes on Nike. The low-life who ruined her son’s life. Well, almost did. She was glad she took care of it and believed it was permanent. But that seem not to be the case. Ireti would have been less worried if her own son had listened to her and married Nike on time. Her plans to get his son to marry Nike, the daughter of one of the Billionaires in the country is now being threatened by the sudden appearance of Nike. Having learnt from Bunmi that Nike will be staying with them for the time being, Ireti knew she had to come up with somewhat of a plan to reduce the chances of her son getting involved with the untamed little girl from Ife. Why does she have to do this whole shebang again? After what she had done to the girl in the Ife, she had expected her son to stay away from her completely. Coincidence was not even an excuse, Deji was suppose despise her forever. What a terrible luck that Nike turned out to be related to the hostess. After another glance at Nike, Ireti grudgingly admitted to herself that the girl cleaned up nicely. Nike was beautiful and Ireti could understand to a certain extent why Deji found her attractive. But she was still unsuitable for her son, somehow. A question from Mrs Williams brought Ireti’s attention back to the pool game, ‘’where is your son, Queen?’’ She was one of the few close friends that still calls her by her former title. She scan through the contestants of the game and noticed his son, the defending champion, was not there. ‘’I’m sure he’s around somewhere.’’ Deji had won the last two swimming games at the Williams’. He had Aremu to thank for that. Back at Ife, Aremu, a native of Ilaje, a small town in Ondo would go with Deji to a stream at Lagere every evening to swim. Initially, Deji was afraid to swim for the fear of being drown, but with time he became a very good swimmer. He once boasted as being as good as Michael Phelps. Tbc
16 Jul 2018 | 02:33
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 18 He didn’t prepare much for the game, but he was pretty sure of winning. He was on his way to the pool when his butler brought the phone to him. ‘’It’s Uju from the office.’’ Aremu announced. Deji barely nodded and collected the mobile device. Uju and Amanda had discovered the error which resulted in the latter’s imbalance account the previous day. They had found out that Amanda had credited four hundred and fifty thousand naira into an account with the name Peter Brian instead of forty-five thousand naira. He was bothered when he got to know that the customer in question wiped out all the money in his account, leaving the minimum balance immediately the erroneous credit was made. Uju also informed him the customer had refused picking her calls. Deji told her they will figure a way to meet him on Monday. He dropped the call and handed the phone to Aremu. He approached the pool to join the second set of participants who were standing beside it. A man, the drunkard he had seen earlier ran past him and before the security men could stop him he had jumped into the water. The first set of the contestants were already in the pool. This resulted in the drunk man colliding with one of the men in the pool, and also hitting slightly, Nike, causing her to lose balance and almost drowning. Before anyone else, Deji had dived into the pool to rescue. ‘’Are you alright?’’ he asked as he reached for her. ‘’Deji?’’ she gasped, looking up at him. ‘’Yes, it’s me’’ he responded, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her close to his chest. “Are you okay, Nike?’’ he repeated more softly, close to her ear, his lips brushing lightly across her wet chick. She nodded, not saying a word. Although she was not hurt, he knew he needed to get her out of the pool. Lifting her up by her waist, he managed to get her out. The hostess and some other people were already there to assist. The medical team around took Nike and the other man inside the building for checking. The drunk man was also being attended to. After much discussion, the pool game continued. Deji retained his title. Tbc
16 Jul 2018 | 02:35
Peter, d guy who slept wrong Bunmi, nd also have eyes on Nike. maybe Nike didn't cheat on Deji, his mum masterminded it all
16 Jul 2018 | 09:38
Enjoying it
16 Jul 2018 | 12:36
Next please
16 Jul 2018 | 18:27
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 19 Whenever Deji needed some air when he was at the Williams, he would go to the cabin behind the garden. Same spot Aremu found him after he got wasted the previous night. Guests barely come over there. Deji felt it was a perfect get-away at a get-away occasion. He sat on the grass resting his back on the wall. The air was fresh. He loved the atmosphere, the kind he was used to back then in the Palace. He would play hide-and-seek in the Palace’s garden with some of the chiefs’ children and even Aremu. How he loved garden! Ireti knows where to find her son whenever he was not in the palace at night. The young prince would sit on the well cut grass in the garden, while one of the King’s entourage praises him in his lineage. A privilege the Ooni gave him. He remembered how he would sneak Nike into the palace without his parent knowing. His father wouldn’t have cared, but his mother was ‘all about Royals’. ‘’The royals roll with the royals’’ was her favourite quote. Deji wondered who first used the quote or his possessive mother was the originator. His mother had never liked Nike. Nike. It took all his restraining powers not to kiss her as he raised her out of the pool. He found her more attractive than ever, and in spite of everything she made his heart race. No matter how desperately he attempted to deny it, the need to be with her was still there. Tbc
17 Jul 2018 | 02:51
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 20 Suddenly he became aware of heavy footsteps approaching him. He tilted his head a little bit as the footsteps got closer and stopped, his eyes met with the very person occupying his thoughts— Nike. They both stare at each other for a moment before he stood to his feet. ‘’Looking for me?’’ He asked jokingly. ‘’Yeah. I figured I haven’t thanked you for pulling me out of the water. I saw you walked down the garden from the balcony over there, I decided to come and see you.’’ Nike declared tilting her head towards one of hall balconies. ‘’You know you don’t have to’’ He said with his hand buried in his pockets. Trying to be calm. Funny how this lady’s presence still makes his pulse quickens after all these years. ‘’Actually, I do. You could have stayed back and watch me drown, but you didn’t. Did that mean you still care about me?’’ Her eyes were searching. ‘’Please don’t ask me that’’ ‘’Yeah. Right. But thanks once again for today.’’ She simply said and turn to leave. ‘’Nike, I just….’’ Deji broke off and reached for her arms, drawing her close to face him. His stare penetrated her and she looked down. She remembered the last time she was this close to him was ten years ago. His scent wastormenting her. She was in a dark and isolated spot with Deji Adelowo. Her first love. Suddenly his mouth came down on hers. She welcomed him with an eagerness that marched his own. They kissed with desperate hunger, as if all that time had never passed. As if this were their last chance to ever kiss again. It felt so wrong. No. It felt so right. It was reckless, crazy and dangerous. Yet, it felt like heaven. She arched against him as one hand encircled her Bosom, fully cupping her, squeezing her. Desire coursed through her veins like a living thing. Instinctively she knew were this was leading and she was making no effort to stop it. This was going to happen. It seemed as if he had a hundred hands, for now one hand was sliding up her inner thigh, but her gown was causing an obstruction. He located the zipper at the back and pulled it down. He was undressing her and she was doing absolutely nothing about it. She didn’t want him to stop. She didn’t care what they were doing. She wanted this to continue through to the end and savour every moment of it. Oh my, it felt so good. To be continued…
17 Jul 2018 | 02:53
I'm liking this
17 Jul 2018 | 05:19
17 Jul 2018 | 05:20
I am loving this
17 Jul 2018 | 07:15
loving this story
17 Jul 2018 | 10:34
17 Jul 2018 | 13:50
I'm beginning to believe DAT Deji n Nike's break up was orchestrated by Deji's mum cos I can see DAT dey still luv each other!!!
17 Jul 2018 | 14:26
Loving this
17 Jul 2018 | 17:58
how many NIKE is in dix espisode 17? @chimmy
17 Jul 2018 | 18:53
Young and amazing lovers who are once naive are nw back together wow
17 Jul 2018 | 20:58
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 21 It was a good thing Deji had a good listening ability. Nike’s soft moaning would have denied him of hearing the footsteps approaching them. ‘’Shh.’’ He breathed in her ear as the sound grew nearer. Just few metres to where they were Bunmi’ s voice declared. ‘’I know I saw her walked towards the garden but she kind of disappeared around this spot.’’ ‘’I don’t think it was Nike you saw. What could she be doing in this dark spot?’’ Kola said as they moved closer to the small building. “Hi guys, what are you two doing here?’’ A tight voice asked them. But the large figure came closer and they were able to see the face behind the voice. “Oh Deji, it’s you. We’re looking for Nike.’’ Kola responded after realizing it was his friend. “’You mean your new found cousin?’’ Deji asked innocently, pretending not to know the moniker of the girl she fell in love with in Ife and obviously still in love with. “’Yes.’’ Bunmi confirmed nodding her head. ‘’She came around to thank me for the pool incident and headed back to the hall.’’ Deji narrated. ‘’Alright bro. Let’s go back inside. She will be somewhere in there. This is Deji’s get-away spot here.’’ Kola said as he motioned his little sister to lead the way. ‘’And….Deji… Theresa is looking for you.’’ Bunmi called over her shoulder as the siblings chuckled and walked away. Deji didn’t find it funny. He knew he hasn’t been making the right decisions when it comes to Nike, but what he was going to do about that, he had no clue. Going back behind the small building he watched the duo as they entered into the hall, Deji saw Nike all dressed up like nothing had happened. “’Are they gone?’’ she asked trying to look composed, she failed. “Yeah. They think you would be somewhere in the building.’’ She turned her back to me. ‘’Please help me with the zip,’’ her voice was appealing. He obliged, slowly. “Thanks. I should go. This shouldn’t have happened.’’ She straighten her gown. “This? Huh? We were just……’’ He bumbled. “Good night Deji.’’ Nike announced not allowing Deji to complete his sentence. She pushed past him hurriedly. Deji made a fruitless attempt to stop her. He stood there dumbfounded watching her leave. He waited few moments, ran his finger through his hair and then went quietly into his room. He stumbled on his bed. What a mess! His neat and orderly life had suddenly become a mess in just a matter of days of running into Nike. Damn! He lost control tonight. Tbc
18 Jul 2018 | 03:07
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 22 Just like many other cultures brought to the black continent by the Europeans, going to church on Sunday mornings was a well carried out activity in Nigeria. The former commissioner’s party was incomplete without the Thanksgiving service on a Sunday Morning. As several people made their way to the church building, so were the attendants of the three-day party which was about to be concluded with this church service. ‘’Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his court with praise. Be thankful unto him, bless his name…’’ these were the words of the clergyman. As the sermon continues with the clergyman quoting different chapters of the holy book, so were the thoughts of many of congregation entering different chapters of their lives. Was it Ireti? She was filled with contempt about her son’s disappearing act last night at the same time the Williams’ siblings were looking for their new found cousin. How could both of them be missing simultaneously if they weren’t together? She hoped not. Bunmi. The youngest of the Williams’ family. She had been craving for men’s attention all her life. The ones she had liked didn’t show interest. Things had been a little worse since the new girl arrived. Kola, her brother, that had been her best company, at least once in a while had no time for her anymore. He only knew they still lived under the same roof when looking for Nike was the matter arising. If she had knew how much beauty she possessed, she would have advised her mother against accommodating the orphan girl. She had been around all this while and Deji never looked her direction, except perhaps if he had to look for Kola. What the hell is wrong with these folks needing her when they need to find their cohorts? She thought. Perhaps she would do better looking for a hidden treasure in the Ultimate Search Reality Show. Now she was really pissed her off by Peter. She thought he had a thing for her, but whatever item they were going to be was now almost impossible since her mother introduced the SLOT manager to Nike. He was immediately drawn to Nike. It wasn’t hard to tell. Nike. She was going to so pay for being a major contributor for her single-hood after her much anticipated house party. Deji Adelowo. He was sitting next to his supposed fiancé but all he could think of was the girl from Ife. Can he really get over her? He was smart enough to figure out that the more time he spends trying to pretend he is okay with the Nike affair, the harder it becomes to get Nike to be with him. But then again, he needed to stay far away from her. Nike was just supposed to be opening chapter in the book of his life romance, but how she was becoming the story was a mystery to him. Deji’s situation could be best described as a dilemma. ‘’Ata nma ra nma ganga poro chineke mo…’’ came on. Like the choir knew what the congregation yearned for, they all rose to their feet to dance to the praise song. The church service ended and so was the three day party. Pleasantries were exchanged among Mrs Williams’ and her guests. Deji managed to avoid contact with Nike. She also made it easier for him. He felt at least after this party he would be absolved from the torture he receives by her presence. Tbc
18 Jul 2018 | 03:08
Deji and Nike lemm jst dey observ
18 Jul 2018 | 04:12
OK oooo,,, its well
18 Jul 2018 | 10:51
18 Jul 2018 | 12:16
OK... Bunmi, go get a life
18 Jul 2018 | 12:35
Both are pretending
18 Jul 2018 | 13:02
18 Jul 2018 | 14:58
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 23 The Nigerian banks regulatory body, CBN, mandated all banks to ensure all their customers register for BVN. During the registration many provided wrong information which later hinder the operation of their accounts. Deji, as a branch manager, was managing the aggravated customers whose voices were all over the banking hall. As overwhelming as Deji was he could not help but notice a figure that just stepped into the premises. He looked up to confirm the face that hosted the gorgeous figure. The result startled him. It was Nike Akomolede. He was professional enough not to give the customers any signs his attention was now divided. Though many thoughts ran through his mind, he had to keep himself under control to enable him manage the irate customers who couldn’t withdraw from their accounts due to the restriction placed on them as a result of BVN. Nike conversed with the doorman, before she approached the stairs which led to the marketing unit. Deji wasn’t the type that get his attention divided when attending to customers, but at that moment he couldn’t contain what was running through his mind. He quickly signalled one of his assistant, Uju, to come to his rescue. Uju knew the act was unusual of his boss, she was going to ask him about it later. Tbc
19 Jul 2018 | 08:54
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 24 At 5pm the customers were all out of the hall. Their complaints seemed impossible to be contained, but somehow they were. Uju buzzed Deji up on Lync, a messaging application used in various organisations. ‘’How far boss?’’ ‘’Kul. Thanks for the save.” ‘’Anytime. But can I ask u sth?’’ ‘’I know what it is already.’’ ‘’Really?’’ ‘’Yea. You want to know why I asked you manage those customers.’” ‘’Well I’m curious. I know its very unusual of you.’’ ‘’I’ll gist u about it later. Let’s finish up and get d hell of out of here.’’ ‘’Noted boss.’’ Uju, 27, a single young bank staff who hails from the eastern part of the country has always had feelings for her immediate supervisor— Deji. She almost concluded Deji was gay, until he gave her hints that invalidated her supposition. She couldn’t comprehend how a lady’s man like him would be single. Uju knew despite Deji’s mother referring to Theresa as his fiancée, the young man was still single. Theresa was a beautiful lady, from a wealthy home. No doubt. Despite being a daughter of one of the richest man around, Theresa’s modesty was out of this world. A kind of lady any man would kill to have. Perhaps Deji wasn’t just any man. He had a lot advances from female customers which he had always turned down. Uju wondered what kind of woman his boss desires. She believed one day, she would find out. Uju wasn’t done with her thoughts. She thought about how she had given signals to Deji to show how crazy she was about him. Probably he was interested too, but was avoiding going against the ‘’no-staff-to-staff-dating’’ rule of the bank. Well for Uju the risk was worth taking. She was ready to tender her resignation letter to marry her boss. After all his monthly credit alert figures were more than hers. A tap on the desk by Amanda brought Uju back to reality. ‘’Are the accounts okay?’’ Amanda asked as the branch accounts has to balance before they can all leave the bank premises. ‘’Yes dear,’’ Uju confirmed and went on, ‘’sorry about the 405. You just have to be more careful you know.’’ ‘’Thanks jare. I will.’’ Like many other organisations that dealt in cash, Royal bank’s policy ensures that any staff that causes the bank to lose any fund due to his/her negligence shall pay for it. Tbc
19 Jul 2018 | 08:56
19 Jul 2018 | 12:51
19 Jul 2018 | 19:15
Den I guess Amanda will pay for it due to her negligence per de bank's policy!!!
19 Jul 2018 | 21:09
Hmm u guys are pretending abi
20 Jul 2018 | 09:39
Next biko
20 Jul 2018 | 11:37
uju,, its not Ur size,,, he's bigger dan u are
20 Jul 2018 | 15:12
20 Jul 2018 | 15:28
20 Jul 2018 | 20:47
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 25 As a result of this, Amanda’s error of crediting a customer’s account with four hundred and fifty thousand naira in the stead of forty-five thousand naira was going to cost her salary for few months. Several attempts to get in touch with the customer in which account was over credited proved abortive. Deji and his team could only restrict withdrawals from the accounts if eventually funds enter into it. The deficit was going to be deducted from Amanda’s stipend on a monthly basis till the whole money was fully recovered. The banker’s nightmare. As Deji shut down his computer and was ready to leave the banking hall, a voice came from behind. ‘’Deji, hold up!’’ Turning around he saw Doyin walking towards him. Doyin was one of the marketers in the branch. ‘’Doyin,’’ He said with a radiant smile which was hardly seen on the face of someone who have been stressed out during the day. ‘’Deji. What’s up?’’ ‘’Paid my dues for the day. I’m surprised you’re still around.’’ ‘’Yea. I’ve been busy with our newest addition.’’ ‘’Oh. I see.’’ Deji merely muttered. Nike came down from the stairs just in time. She was dressed in a black suit that had a white camisole under it. Her shaped was well noticed in the short tight black skirt. She must have been informed about the bank’s dress code as her skirt almost touched her knees. …. Immediately she noticed Deji’s presence her countenance changed. Without being told, Doyin could tell the two weren’t seeing each other for the first time. The look on their faces was so intense that she became instantly suspicious. ‘’Hello Deji,’’ Nike said, breaking the awkward silence. Deji seemed to be in trance the second time that day. How much effect does Nike’s presence have on him? Damn! She looked even more attractive in a corporate outfit. How was he going to cope? Of all the branches of Royal Bank, why this? He thought. ‘Hi Nike” he managed to utter. “How in the world did you guys know each other?’’ Doyin asked amazingly They both stare at each other again and smiled. ‘’Ife’’ Nike answered. ‘’How? When? …..’’ Doyin asked again impatiently looking from Nike to Deji and back to Nike. But was cut off by Deji. ‘’Well, she can give you more details about it.’’ Deji said sharing a glance between the two ladies. ‘’I’ll see you ladies tomorrow at the meeting. You’re welcome to our branch Miss Akomolede.’’ “Thanks.’’ Said Nike. Deji excused himself after giving the duo a weak smile. His valet was already waiting at the car park. While driving home Aremu asked, stealing a quick glance at the rearview mirror, ‘’I’m sure you’re already working your transfer to another branch?’’ ‘’And why would I do that?’’ ‘’Stop pretending like you don’t know what im talking about. Her presence makes you misbehave. You and I know something has to be done about that. ‘’I got it under control.’’ ‘’I don’t believe you. The last time I checked, she drove you into getting drunk at the house party.’’ ‘’Na u sabi. Please just drive without talking. I need my peace.’’ ‘’Okay. Later things.’’ Tbc
21 Jul 2018 | 03:01
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 26 As weeks went by Deji had to cope with working in the same building with his ex-lover. Since they weren’t working directly with each other, avoiding any means to interact wasn’t so hard to achieve. Nike, as a marketer, spent most her official hours outside the office. Slot Systems was her target at the moment. She was going to make a name for herself if the deal finally pull through. Bringing Slot’s account to the bank was a feat several other senior marketing managers could not achieve, not even her Regional Head. Nike could get promoted in a matter of months as the appraisal period was nearby. As she was getting closer to securing the SLOT’s account, Peter was inching closer to securing her heart. This could be a win-win situation for both parties, as Peter thought. Being the Manager and a trusted brother to the CEO of the company, Wale’s ability to influence the company’s decision to move one of his accounts to Royal Bank could not be over-emphasized. So when the decision was finally made to move a major account of the organisation to Nike’s bank in the following month, Peter wasn’t surprised. He was full of praises to his best friend. After all Wale was one of the major reasons he had to quit internet scamming. Nike had no better choice that to accept going out on a date with Peter Brian after he broke the good news to her. After all she didn’t see anything bad in dating the young handsome man. Not getting over Deji after all these years didn’t make sense to her now. He has someone who he was going to propose to sooner or later for the love of Mike! Dating each other is now a taboo since they now work in the same organisation. Even though their eyes met severally during the branch meeting last week, they still didn’t interact after the meeting dissolved. She knew moving on was the best thing to do. Tbc
21 Jul 2018 | 03:04
u are making a grave mistake Nike
21 Jul 2018 | 09:14
Suru Nike.
21 Jul 2018 | 14:29
21 Jul 2018 | 18:10
Ooh no! Pls don't make de mistake of dating Peter, he has nothing gud to offer,don't say I didn't warn u oo!!!
21 Jul 2018 | 19:19
deji man up
21 Jul 2018 | 20:32
wen are dey goin to apprehend peter for d money he intentionall withdrew from d bank oooop,,, Olé
22 Jul 2018 | 06:58
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 27 All Royal bank’s branch managers in the mainland with one of their assistant do attend a 6pm meeting at the regional office at Alausa, Ikeja every last Thursday of the month. So when Deji’s mother came into his office at 3pm when he was trying to balance his work and be ready for the meeting of the evening, he was quick to tell her how he was very busy and rather see her some other day. ‘’When are you not always very busy, even during the weekend?’’ Ireti lamented. Deji’s office was a secluded one on which only High Net Worth customers come into. Albeit, standard customers also step into his very chilled office when he needed to give them a special attention, especially when they have service complaints. Most of these standard customers tend to forget the reasons for their displeasure once they sip the chilled bottled of water he had always offered them. Deji knew how Nigeria’s hot sun could magnify a man’s aggravation. ‘’You of all people should know how the job is. You have friends in the industry.’’ Deji replied with his eyes fixed on his computer. ‘’I do have friends but they still spend quality times with their wives and children.’’ ‘’Well mum, last time I checked I was still single. Besides, I need to give this job my very best.’’ ‘’Of course. The more reason why you shouldn’t be in the same roof with the lowlife girl.’’ Said Ireti with a furious facial expression. ‘’Not again.’’ This time he had to look his mother in the face, the lowlife girl is now a female banker FYI.’ ‘’Still doesn’t change a thing to me.’’ ‘’Well you have nothing to worry about. We’re in the same organisation, we can’t date each other.’’ Deji said calmly and went on, ‘’Mom, trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Just let her be.’’ He attempted to place his hand on his mother’s, but she quickly took it away from his desk. ‘’Don’t bribe me. You better stay away from her because I have my eyes on both of you.’’ The chatting application on his computer showed a yellow colour which indicated a message just came in. He opened to read and saw a chat from Uju, ‘We should be leaving in 10 minutes.’ A quick glance at the bottom left of the monitor screen showed it was 4:20pm. He instantly typed, ‘I’m good to go,’’ to respond to her. Tbc
23 Jul 2018 | 04:51
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 28 Deji and Uju stepped out of the conference room at around 7pm. Deji suggested they eat at one of eateries in the Ikeja Shopping Mall before heading home to ease of the pressure from the meeting. As a staff in the operation’s department of Royal Bank, certain target has to be met just like those in the marketing department. Albeit, not as much as the marketers. Deji actually surpassed the previous years’ target in which he brought some huge amount of fixed deposit into the bank through the customers he had established relationships with in the last few years he joined the banking industry. Nike actually contributed to his success in the previous year’s target. She brought in sixty percent of the amount needed for Deji to meet his target for the year. She had always contributed to his success in his chosen banking career since they met. Deji knew how much Nike cared about him and he has been trying to return the affection. He really did try but the feeling weren’t just there. He knew how any misunderstanding with Nike right now might affect his ability to meet his increased target for the current year. Then again he remembered how he has been meeting and even surpassing his target prior to when the Billionaire‘s daughter came into the picture. Letting the poor girl, no, the rich girl go now will be better than delaying her and hurt her later. Well, he was still going to hurt her eventually, but he thought sooner would be a better choice. How he was going to do that he still had no clue. ‘’The Buffalos will be a good idea’’ Uju said, hopping into her branch manager’s car as he drove to the mall which was just few miles away. They made their way to the second floor of the mall where The Buffalo was. They were offered a seat on one of the tables for two. Tbc
23 Jul 2018 | 04:52
break up with her quickly
23 Jul 2018 | 09:19
May God help u o
27 Jul 2018 | 15:03
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 29 Deji sat in a position that he could see the K&M which was also an eatery opposite the one they were. On the spur of the moment he noticed a familiar figure. The figure was none other than Nike. She was siting alone at a table meant for two. Shortly a young man came to the table and dropped a tray filled with two bottles and whatever food they were serving there. Since the man refused to leave and instead sat on the chair across Nike, Deji concluded they were together. For a second he wished he had seen the face of the man. Why does he need to? He asked himself. Perhaps if he had asked Uju, who had noticed how unsettled he was, he would have gotten an answer. ‘’Are you okay?’’ Uju asked after she was half done with her food, while her boss’ plate was still untouched. ‘’I’m fine.’’ Deji responded. ‘’You don’t look fine.’’ She protested pointing at the food as if to say why-haven’t-you-touched-the-food?. ‘’Well, I am.’’ Deji confirmed and began to eat. He wasn’t sure if he could tell Uju about the drama in his life right now, albeit, he already filled her in about his epic love that broke his heart in Ife. The reason he hasn’t been profoundly involved with anyone till date. ‘’Good. I need you to be, because I have an information that might interest you.’ Uju pronounced in an earnest disposition. ‘’What’s that?’’ he asked finally bringing back his attention to her. ‘’What if I tell you Peter Brian is here?’’ ‘’Peter Brian? Who’s that?’’ ‘’Amanda’s 450k. The guy she.. .’’ ‘’Yes. Yes. You mean that criminal is here?’’ Deji asked, speaking in quick succession. His voice relatively high. ‘’You might want to keep it down.’’ She advised also with a hand gesture. ‘’Okay. We need to talk to him.’’ Deji pronounced. ‘’Of course. But here’s the thing, I saw him with the new marketing staff.’’ ‘’Nike? She can’t be dating a criminal.’’ He pronounced again with his eyebrow raised. The few stares he got was an indication his voice was far from being low. He made a motion to stand up. Tbc
2 Aug 2018 | 20:08
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 30 ‘’Deji. Please relax.’’ She said calmly and continued, ‘’No offence, but I think something is definitely wrong with you lately that I don’t seem to understand. But one thing I’m very sure of is that it has to do with this Nike.’’ ‘’Why do you think that.’’ He muttered, surprised by Uju’s ingenuity. ‘’The first time you had this same unpleasant countenance was few weeks ago. The same day this lady resumed at the branch. And now? How come you’re not yourself whenever she’s around?’’ Uju wasn’t the type Deji kept his personal life from, he wasn’t just ready to add this version to his own biography she already knew. ‘’Can we talk about it later?’’ he beseeched. ‘’No way.’’ she said with the expression on her face synonymous to saying ‘split-it!’. They stared blankly at each other for a moment before Deji started talking. ‘’Alright. Alright.’’ He took a long deep breath. ‘’Remember the girl in Ife I told you about?’’ ‘’Yep. The only girl you’ve ever loved and the same girl who’s making loving any other person an herculean task for you. What about her?’’ Tbc
2 Aug 2018 | 20:10
2 Aug 2018 | 22:26
3 Aug 2018 | 02:16
too short
3 Aug 2018 | 02:58
Ride on
3 Aug 2018 | 14:46
what abt her? ofcos u should know she's Nike
3 Aug 2018 | 17:21
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 31 Deji only nodded and that was enough to answer Uju’s question. It was her turn to raise her supercilium. ‘’No…… way.’’ ‘’Yes way, dear.’’ After a brief silence, Uju stated, ‘’since you obviously can’t be calm around her, let me be the one to talk to her date.’’ ‘’You sure you can handle him?’’ ‘’if I could handle those BVN customers, who else cant i?’’ ‘’Fair enough.’’ Deji stated as he gestured his assistant to go ahead. Walking up to the duo’s table, Uju was welcomed with a warm smile from Nike. ‘’Colleague. What’s up?’’ ‘’I’m good. I can see you’re enjoying yourself.’’ Uju said beamingly. Nike tried to introduce the two, but they made her know they were familiar with each other. Of course they were. There was a day Peter was expecting a payment from Los Angeles. One of his internet scam victims had sent him money through Western Union around 8am US time. He got the notification at 3:45pm here in Nigeria. It was not unusual for magas (the term used by Peter and his colleagues in the internet scam industry to refer to their victims) to change their minds shortly after sending money. Peter was the biggest fan of the phrase ‘Delay is dangerous.’’ He made his way to the bank immediately , but he didn’t get to the front door until 4:10pm. The man in a security uniform refused to let him in. His power of persuasion that works for his magas disappointment him as the security man, who look like he was in his forties, acted as if denying Peter entrance would earn him double promotion. Who uses a pensioner as a security anyways? Peter thought. Luckily for Peter, Uju and Amanda were just coming from one of the in-branch ATMs they had to check due to the fact that the machine was just trapping the users’ cards. They met Peter on their way in and after a short conversation Uju allowed him in. Back to the buffalos. Peter and Uju made their way to the escalator after Nike excused them. Knowing he owed Uju for her kind gesture the other day, without wasting much time Peter agreed to transfer the N405,000 to Uju’s account, but not until he had strangled a promise out of her. She had to promise to keep the issue away from his date. Peter was incognizant that keeping the matter away from Nike’s attention didn’t depend on Uju alone. She made the promise regardless. Tbc
3 Aug 2018 | 19:16
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 32 Just like many other organisation, Royalty Bank has a grading system in which it uses in appraising its staff depending on their department. For the marketing department, once a marketer meets 80 percent of her target there is possibility of being promoted that year. But when the target is surpassed, the promotion is inevitable. In a couple of weeks of joining the bank, Nike had surpassed her target for the year by over 300 percent. SLOT Nigeria Ltd was the leading mobile phone dealer in the country with over 30 branches nationwide. Moving such accounts was a big deal for the bank, and of course Nike. She started her career at a very good pace. Her future in the banking system was indeed brighter than many of her colleagues. The development didn’t seem to go down well with Doyin. She has been with the bank for over three years and the only time she got promoted was in her dreams. She had dreamt of bringing the account of a major organisation to the bank and as a result, got promoted. The only difference between her dream and reality was that her new colleague brought the account not her. The same colleague was about to be promoted not her. With this, Nike made a grand entry into Doyin’s hate list. She would do anything to bring the new bee down. So when Deji’s mother came few days ago to make an offer, she gladly accepted. Ireti was even kind enough to give a clue. ‘’Keep a close tab on her and my son,’’ was enough hint for her to deliver her own part of the deal. If bringing Nike down would earn her promotion as Deji’s mother had promised, she would end up killing two birds with a single stone. Tbc
3 Aug 2018 | 19:19
And thats Nike.
3 Aug 2018 | 20:36
Deji and Nike
4 Aug 2018 | 04:12
hmmmmmm,,,, doyin,, is a fool
4 Aug 2018 | 08:16
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 33 Nike was quick to notice a change in Doyin’s demeanour when it comes to her. She didn’t let that bother her, as she took her time to get accustom to the bank’s products. This she was doing till late in the evening one Thursday night. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and as it came close she glanced towards the direction. Her eyes met with Deji’s. Uju had called in sick earlier in the morning. This naturally meant Deji would cover for her. They couldn’t finish on time until some minutes past seven. Deji had permitted Aishat, his second assistant and a mother of two, to go while he finish up. By default, cashiers and the customer care staff do leave the office before their supervisor, so they were all gone when Deji was ensuring all system were properly shut down. The bank had a policy on ensuring all electrical appliances were switched off after the day’s work, with exception to the ATM. He was done and was heading for the exit door when he noticed a light was still on through the staircase. So he decided to check it out. Going up the stairs to turn off the lights, he met Nike. They both stared at each other for a moment before Deji finally spoke, ‘’urm…. I just came to check why the lights were still on.’’ he said and immediately turned back. Tbc
4 Aug 2018 | 09:20
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 34 Nike simply nodded with her gaze directed at him. She wanted him to just go. She really did, but it seemed like her mouth was against that wish. ‘’Deji please wait. ‘’ she instructed not knowing why she did that. Now Deji was facing her, expecting her to say something next. She hesitated, then said, ‘’can you please help me on how to get information on credit cards?’’ As he came close, Nike moved to the nearby seat while Deji occupied hers. He actually did what she requested, unaware she was just staring at the monitor screen but her mind was far away. Deji’s presence had always tormented her. Penetrated her. She tried to fight it but came second. She tried to deny the fact that the olfactory sensation of his cologne was affecting her breathing but the attempt was unsuccessful. Just as she was about to place her left hand on Deji’s hand that was busy moving the mouse pad up and down like what was happening to her didn’t matter, Deji stood up and announced. ‘’Go through this pdf, that’s all you need to know about Royal Credit Cards.” He tried to look at her but was quick turn her gaze the other side. ”Good night.’’ He said as he rose from the chair. She barely nodded and made an incomprehensible comment that even she could not understand. Tbc
4 Aug 2018 | 09:23
Hmm..... Jealousy
4 Aug 2018 | 10:54
Hmmm next
4 Aug 2018 | 17:41
Hmmmmmm...why don't u guys just admit DAT u still luv each n stop Dis pretence na... Why r u people deceiving yourselves???
5 Aug 2018 | 09:48
They would still end up together. The chemistry is still very much between the duo
5 Aug 2018 | 12:54
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 35 Like the ’good night’ in Deji’s last sentence was as useless as the ‘p’ in pneumonia, he stopped walking just when he was just 3 feet away from her desk, turned back and said ‘’I might not be in the position to tell you this but you just need to hear it.’’ He paused looking like he was thinking of the most polite way to express himself, while Nike’s gaze was fixed on him. He went on, ‘’dating Peter Brian is a bad idea for you.’’ ‘’You have to be kidding. Deji Adelowo is giving me a relationship advice.’’ she responded with and utterly nonchalant facial expression. And just like that, her breathing gained normalcy. ‘’I’m serious. You should….’’ Deji tried to make a statement but she cut him short. ‘You can’t be. You are in no position to advise me on who I am to date or not.’’ She argued with her voice raised. Deji’s face look like he already chucked up the sponge just few minutes after starting the conversation. ‘’I should’ve known you would not even listen to me. Of course, you two will make a great team as you’re both liars.’’ He uttered disgustingly. The comment hit her to the marrow that she stood to her feet hastily and in a swift movement landed a slap on the branch manager’s chick before he could make an attempt to stop it. Furiously, he raised his hand in an attempt to hit her back, but something strange occurred. He obviously employed Aremu to drive his car. Fine. Whom or whatever was driving his act that moment must have been employed behind his back. His hand that was on a slap mission turned out to be caressing Nike’s cheek making her breathing status to return back to the state it was some minutes back. His second hand found a way to her other cheek. Nike just stood there like a statute doing absolute nothing to stop him. He moved closer and slowly covered her lips with his. Her response was like a shot. Deji could bet his next comment didn’t come out from his mouth, ‘’come with me,’’ he instructed. Releasing his hands and breaking the kiss, he headed to the door adjacent to the marketers’ office. Like he used an Oduduwa charm, she tried to fight it but her second position welcomed her again. She followed him to the door which had a bold inscription on it LADIES. Tbc
7 Aug 2018 | 08:47
9 Aug 2018 | 14:28
dis una love ehn
9 Aug 2018 | 14:35
This kinda love uhmmmm
9 Aug 2018 | 18:35
9 Aug 2018 | 19:28
Hope it's not what am thinking
9 Aug 2018 | 23:37
Ladies??? Hmmmmmm!!!
10 Aug 2018 | 04:43
mm mm
10 Aug 2018 | 06:41
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 36 It was a small room with two doors. They stood in space with a half sized mirror and a hand washing sink. There was enough space for them in there. Once the door opened and he saw it was Nike, he rushed to the door and shut it. Then he turned around and looked at her, ‘’I want you right now.’’ She didn’t say a word. He didn’t need her to before pulling her closer and began to kiss her again. They were breaking the rule and they both knew it. It was a deep wet kiss that took her straight into space. She responded like it was her last kiss on planet earth. Deji untucked her white camisole, slid his right hand into it and reached for her breasts. Her bra didn’t allow him feel her two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs in full. He had to push it up to make that happen. She knew were this was heading but she made no effort to end it. It was Nike’s turn to join the party as she reached for his belt, pulled down his trousers and boxers and began to rub fiercely on his already free hardened gala. She was a mavin in the act. Shortly he reached for her black mini skirt and look straight into her eyes thoughtfully as if to ask for permission. They stared at each other for a moment before Nike finally closed her eyes. That was exactly the response Deji needed in that particular mood. He unzipped the skirt and pulled it down. She placed her two hands on the sink, and somehow the water stared running. They didn’t care, they were the only ones in the office. Well, they should have, because the running of the water did not allow them hear the footsteps of Doyin who forgot her package in her locker and came back for it. Doyin picked up the package and was about to leave before she realized a strange sound. She inferred it was the sound of the water running and she headed to the unlocked Ladies. Deji stumbled on his bed. He realized he had been in His similar situation few weeks ago, but this was worse. Doyin saw them and the look on her face, he could tell, was trouble. She even made the matter worse when she gave neither of the rule breakers a chance to say a word before she zoomed off. What would he have said? That it was a mistake? That it was the devil’s work like many Africans do after getting caught in a foolish act? Or maybe he was seduced? He really had nothing to say at that moment, but even he did, the sight of Doyin made him lost his voice. A flash of a certain image on the TV screen brought him back to reality. The face was a familiar one. A royal one. Sitting up from the bed to have a closer look at the TV. The news headline shocked him. It was boldly written just at the bottom of the screen, ‘’OONI OF IFE DIES AT 83.’’ Tbc
12 Aug 2018 | 03:44
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 37 IFE, 1988 ‘’The next ruling house is the Ogborus and we expect them to provide the king by fortnight,’’ Akanbi, the leader of the Afobaje House declared. The Afobaje House was responsible for determining which one of the four Ruling Houses was to provide the next king to fill the stool once an Ooni is deceased. Akanbi was the leader of the Afobaje, so his influence as a kingmaker couldn’t to be over-emphasized. His position required integrity and respect for the gods, the land, and the commune of Ife-Ooye as well. Akanbi possessed these attributes, hence the reason why the people believed in his decisions. His close relationship with Ademuluyi Giesi, a crown hungry fellow, didn’t dissuade him from declaring the Ogboru House as the next ruling house, while the Adekanbi House would rule after them. Little did he know that his friend had other plans. The fire incident at the Ogboru’s family house changed the face of things. The eligibles (as those who were worthy of being chosen as the king were fondly called in Ife) of the Ogboru Ruling House had gathered at their family house expecting Ifarotimi before a fire outbreak. Ifarotimi was the oracle consultant, a duty he inherited from his late father. His services were only needed when important decisions were to be taken. Nothing was more important in this city than deciding the next 401st spirit (Ooni of Ife). When two or more eligibles of the Ruling House declared their intentions to rule, the revelation of the gods through the oracle consultant was the determinant factor on who to seat on the throne. The fire incident left the city in a mourning state for few days before Akanbi declared the Adekanbi’s as the next ruling house. Having been the architect of the mysterious fire incident at the Ogborus, the Afobaje’s declaration couldn’t have come at a better time for Ademuluyi. But there was only one problem—Obamakin. Ademuluyi had successfully persuaded the other eligibles to step down for him. Being the richest man in the Adekanbi’s clan, it wasn’t impossible for him to achieve. Obamakin wasn’t intimidated by his wealth, he was ready for Ifarotimi revelation to decide who the next king was. Ademuluyi wouldn’t take the risk. Another fire incident would raise suspicion, so he cooked up another plan. His thugs already took out the entire Ogboru’s eligibles, Obamakin wouldn’t be a problem. Having helped his heavily pregnant wife, Ajike, escaped through the back door, Obamakin bravely fought the Ademuluyi’s men. He was outnumbered and couldn’t over power them. After taking him out, these thugs went after his wife. They couldn’t catch up with her, but they knew better than to tell Ademuluyi that. Ademuluyi had believed his thugs when they told him they buried the wife in the forest. He didn’t care much about her since his real rival had been confirmed dead. Now nothing could stop him from seating on the throne. He was almost right. He became king, but his stay was short-lived after he slumped and died 3 months after his coronation. Thus becoming the shortest serving Ooni. Tbc
12 Aug 2018 | 03:44
Because of title, you wipe out the Ogborus not knowing that karma will visit you one day
12 Aug 2018 | 11:07
karma is a bitch ....
12 Aug 2018 | 13:04
I feel for what will happen to Nike when Doyin reports her to Aderanti
12 Aug 2018 | 13:34
Looks like real kingship story of Ife
12 Aug 2018 | 15:45
keep it going.
12 Aug 2018 | 18:55
Nemesis has indeed caught up with him... De evil DAT men do....
12 Aug 2018 | 19:42
Good,,, u wiped out the whole clan bcos u wanna be a king and u could not even spend six months on the throne,,, shame on you.. now to Nike, u are in soup,, u Hav fallen into a trap Ur enemy set out... but can't deji tell Nike wat caused dia separation? so dat he will know dat Nike was not guilty but d whole thing was masterminded by his mum,, the then Olori aderanti
13 Aug 2018 | 05:05
Karma is not a bitch but a human being and is back for you
13 Aug 2018 | 12:12
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 38 After two days in the forest, Tewetegbo, who was in the Aiyedade forest looking for leaves he has been using for making herbs, found Ajike. She was looking lifeless and dirty. He realised she was still breathing and took her home. Ajike was able to speak after few herbal medicine. She had narrated the whole story to her saviour. Ajike figured out those thugs were sent by Ademuluyi as a result of the throne rivalry between her husband and him. Her condition wasn’t good enough, so Tewotegbo allowed her stay with him till at least after her delivery. She stayed in one of the rooms in his house. There was no issue as Tewetegbo was staying alone. His two sons were both living in Lagos. Their attempts to convince their herbalist father in coming to live with either of them proved abortive. He always reply them with ‘’the gods want me here in Aiyedade.’’ Nevertheless, they both do visit their father once in a while. Tewetegbo also did the same. Three weeks into Ajike’s stay, she delivered a baby girl. Tewetegbo would have been more fulfilled if Ajike had stayed alive to take care of the beautiful creature she delivered. She had gasped her last breath the second she saw the baby that night. The baby had the Adekanbis’ birthmark which confirmed the story Ajike had told him. He was left with the decision on what to do with the baby. He, of course, could not look after a day old baby by himself, so one person came to his mind—Awele. Tewetegbo knew having a dead body in his house was a real mess. He consulted his gods for guidance. He buried her in the forest they met before the day broke in a furtive manner. Then sent a message across to Awele through one of her fellow market women who likes going to the market before aurora. Awele got to his house some minutes later. Tewetegbo filled her in with some details. He gave Awele another version of the whole Ajike story. He thought knowing the original story might freak her out. Awele was made to know that Tewetegbo had found the infant in the forest couple of hours back. She had believed someone had deliberately abandoned the child there for whatever reason. She agreed to take care of the child and followed Tewetegbo’s instruction as directed by the gods. The high point of it was to make sure the child was raised in Ife. Tewetegbo gave the child a safety inscription at the back her neck. Awele and the infant, which she later named Olanike, became settlers in Ife-Odua before dusk. Tbc
14 Aug 2018 | 05:33
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 39 2016 Since the news of the demise of king broke out two weeks ago, it had been the trending topic in the country. You would barely miss a thing even if you were in no way close to the Ife monarch. From the traditional newspaper, to the modern social media, it was as if they had nothing else to report besides the happenings in the city of the 401 deities—Ile-Ife. The news of insurgency, hyper-rise in dollar and the general increase in the prices of commodities that was threatening the nations’ economy were over-shadowed by the news of the death of Lagbade Lajuwa, the fiftieth Ooni of Ife. Lagbade was crowned Oba in 2009 after the demise of his predecessor, Oba Iyiola Adelowo. The news of his death was a simple matter of traditional beliefs and procedures clashing with modern technology. According to the Ife tradition, the Ife High chiefs do not announce the passing of the Oba until certain functions have been carried out. However, it appears that modern technology in the form of the internet and numerous news feeds got a hold of the story and publicised it. Given that news and general communication in today’s society has been widened to such an extent that virtually every corner of the earth can now access news, it was apparent that the news was in the public domain, whilst the chiefs were still conducting their functions. The city of 401 deities wasn’t done rocking the media. Several reports claimed the burial rites of Oba Lagbade was reportedly been stalled after the Abobaku fled the town. The Abobaku was the one who dies with the king. He is usually appointed upon a king’s coronation, and has to be buried with the king when he eventually dies. His job was to serve the king here on earth and in the world beyond. The reports were denied by the Ife High Chiefs. After the Oro festival that lasted seven days ended two days ago, the Ife High chiefs officially announced the passing of Oba Lagbade. That meant the seat of the Ooni of Ife was vacant. It was only customary for the prospects from the Adekanbi Ruling House to gather at the Ife shrine as Ifarotimi consulted the gods. Things took a new turn when Ifarotimi revealed none of the candidates was chosen by the gods to become the next king. Tbc
14 Aug 2018 | 05:34
wow!!!! so Nike is not just anybody but Adenike a princess? and who is now going to be d next king?
14 Aug 2018 | 08:12
14 Aug 2018 | 10:16
Twist of fate
14 Aug 2018 | 10:35
Nike is royalty
14 Aug 2018 | 11:07
Who is going to be the next king
14 Aug 2018 | 13:54
Nike is Royalty, hmmmm
14 Aug 2018 | 14:15
Wow! a princess
14 Aug 2018 | 16:50
Nike is from the royal family.....hehe
14 Aug 2018 | 19:09
What a small world
14 Aug 2018 | 20:00
OK, Nike is royalty afterall
14 Aug 2018 | 20:40
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 40 Consequently, a meeting was setup by the High chiefs to invite Ifarotimi, Afobaje and some representatives from the current Ruling Huose—The Adekanbis. The purpose of the meeting was to ask the gods through Ifarotimi on which step to take. Ifarotimi was at it again. He tapped his finger in the white sand which had on it some calories. The thing was placed on a clean white garment. After repeatedly tapping the sand and concurrently making some invocations, he pronounced to the assembly. ‘’The gods revealed that the next is still from the Adekanbi House, but a feminine gender.’’ The whole assembly was shocked by this revelation. Ifarotimi quickly added to clear their doubts, ‘’this lady is not going to rule, but her husband will.’’ ‘’Does that mean the ladies who have come of age should gather and the gods will choose from them?’’ Abigbola, the eldest of the present Ruling House inquired. ‘’Apparently, no. the lady in question does not live in Ife presently. So I’ll suggest we narrow the assembly down to the eligible ladies residing outside Ife at the moment.’’ Ifarotimi explicated, facing Abigbola. ‘’Abigbola, now it’s your duty to get your women wherever they all are down here as soon as possible.’’ Oyeyemi, one of the High Chiefs prescribed. Uju had finally gotten answer to her longstanding question. Since Nike came to the branch, he hasn’t been himself. Deji thought. The confidence he usually displayed on the job has recently dropped. The reason for this can’t be farfetched. Since the incident in the Ladies three weeks ago, he hasn’t seen Doyin. It turned out she was starting her four weeks leave that very evening. Attempts to reach her proved abortive. Deji needed to know where she stands about the whole thing. Deji found the situation awkward because many times Doyin had asked him out both directly and indirectly. On each of these occasions Deji had always lecture her on the dangers of office romance. Clearing some mental space, Deji needed to tell someone about the whole charade, but he wanted to be sure about it. Nike wasn’t even an option, because she made it crystal clear she will never speak to Deji again. His mind would have been lightened if Doyin hadn’t keep mute since then. Office romance was a sanctionable offence which could result to outright dismissal. He knew resigning was way better that being dismissed. He needed to settle with Doyin. Only if he could reach her. Around 2pm that Friday afternoon his phone rang. A glance at it indicated ’Doyin Office.’ Just the person he needed to talk to. He picked up the phone impatiently. Although his office door was shut, he had to stand up to confirm it, then back to his seat before sliding his finger on the phone screen to the green icon to receive the call. ‘’Hello Doyin.’’ ‘’Hmm the pretender,’’ Doyin responded from the other end of the line. ‘’C’mon don’t do that. Where are you? Where have you been?’’ he asked impatiently. ‘’Relax Deji. You must have had I’m on holiday. Life’s too short you know. i just came back from South Africa.’’ ‘’You mean you’re in Lagos now?’’ ‘’Yeah.’’ ‘’We need to talk please’’ ‘’We do?’’ she asked feigning ignorance. ‘’Of course….’’ He broke off as a knock came on the door. ‘’Please hold on,’’ he whispered to the phone. Tbc
15 Aug 2018 | 04:41
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 41 Amanda didn’t wait for a response before coming in. She placed a register on his desk in a position he could easily append his signature with his right hand. He still held on to the phone with the other hand. ‘’Yea. Are you there?’’ he asked after Amanda left his office and shut the door behind her. ‘’Yep.’’ ‘’I’m sure you know we need to talk.’’ He calmly said. ‘’Well if its about the Ladies’ incident, I don’t think that’s a big deal.’’ She said and went on, ‘’if a pastor could be caught having a quickie with a chorister he preaches about sins and adultery to, yours ain’t no big deal.’’ There was a silence for a second before Deji spoke. ‘’we still need to talk. I need to see you.’ ‘’Seeing me is not a problem. In fact I’ll be glad to have you here in my house. My roommate just travelled and I’m freaking booooored.’’ She said stretching the ‘bored.’ ‘’be serious. Let’s meet at a restaurant or something.’’ ‘’No way! We’re meeting here in my flat. Don’t come here playing holy holy if you don’t want to make a NO DEAL a really BIG DEAL.’’ She said meaning every word. ‘’Alright. Alright. I’ll be there by 7.’’ He responded and hung up. He reminisced about the last time he was at Maple Wood Estate, Egbeda, where Doyin was living with her friend. She had called him around 3pm that day that she wasn’t feeling well and needed company. Deji of course asked where her roommate was, but she was quick to tell him she had travelled. On getting there he discovered nothing was really wrong with her. Her coquette moves was enough hint. Deji wasn’t feeling none of it though. He somehow made it out of her flat that evening without making out with her. Office romance was a no-no for him, at least before Nike was posted to his branch. He knew going back to her house might be different this time. He was at her mercy and needed to settle things with her. Well, until then. Tbc
15 Aug 2018 | 04:43
So Nike is a royalty, this is interesting
15 Aug 2018 | 04:53
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 42 He got to her place few minutes past 7. As expected, her dress was as luscious as a lady could be. Deji thought she was beautiful in the tight gown she was on. He could swear he had seen her cheek turn red after admitting how good she looked. Deji wondered why she hasn’t come to his notice all this while. Nike perhaps. He answered himself in his thought. He was damn sure his hostess was shocked when he asked for an alcoholic wine. He could swear he saw her grin as she walked towards her kitchen. Doyin was startled by his whole attitude. She almost concluded her guest wasn’t Deji, but someone else in his body. Whoever he was, she loved him better. The Deji she knew wasn’t as free as the person sitting on the leather sofa close to her. He was also flirtatious. She was oblivious Deji had a game plan. Deji wasn’t the type that just get down with a lady just for the fun of it. He was of the principle that love should be the reason for love-making. This he believed was the same reason he almost had Nike at the William’ party and at the office. The only time he had gone against his principle was in Oxford University. Alcohol played a major role and Kola Williams had a front row seat at the event. Kola found it unbelievable that is friend was about to graduate out of college without having a girlfriend. That really didn’t bother him, but the fact that Deji had never been with any other lady since his first love in Ife did. ‘’Not getting laid throughout college is NO-NO,’’ Kola said to him three weeks before the start of their final exam. He took him to the club and managed to get him drunk. Well, he let him. Deji woke up the next morning with an unclad girl by his side and he freaked out. The previous night was a blur to him, but what he saw that morning was a clear indication he wasn’t leaving college a saint. Back at Doyin’s place. There wasn’t much difference in what happened in college and what was about to go down at Doyin’s. Alcohol had marked his presence and a Sekxy lady was more than ready to take him down. The only thing missing was that he need not Kola before getting drunk. As far as he was concerned, Doyin wanted a bad boy, pure bad boy she was going to get. The mood started off pretty cozy as he lean over to kiss her. Like a hungry lion, her response was immediate. They kissed deeply like lovers for a moment before Doyin led him to her chamber. In a swift movement he unzipped her gown while she backed him. Within a couple a seconds her gown was somewhere on the floor. She unbuttoned his sleeve in a swift movement that Deji thought she had a degree in Button Management. Tbc
17 Aug 2018 | 05:54
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 43 Just as he was about to take his sleeve off completely, his body vibrated. Soon enough his ringtone came alive. Like having a peaceful sleep and your work alarm ran, Doyin grunted. Deji could understand. He didn’t touch the phone, instead he removed his sleeves and unbelt his trousers while the phone rang out. He hung the apparel at the back of Doyin’s already shut door. He went back to Doyin who was already unclad to finish off what he had started. Doyin made a move to pull down his boxer shorts but his phone’s ringtone came alive and she stopped. ‘’Will you just pick it already?’’ she said through her teeth. Reluctantly, he located the phone, quick glanced on the screen showed ‘’Adeleye,’ his step brother. ‘’Bro, how far?’’ he mumbled. ‘’Not good, Deji. Where are you?’’ Adeleye said worriedly at the other end of the line. ‘’I’m at home, bro. what’s the matter?’’ ‘’Seriously, you’re at home? All the eligible of the four Ruling Houses are here. We’re meeting with Ifarotimi tomorrow before aurora.’’ ‘’Really? How come I’m not aware?’’ he asked with his eyebrow raised. ‘’Probably you haven’t been on planet earth, brother.’’ They both chuckled. ‘’I’ll see you in the morning, bro.’’ he said ending the call. Like a child you had promised a candy before going out and came back empty-handed, Doyin gazed at Deji searchingly. ‘’I’m sorry. Something just came up. I guess we’ll have to reschedule.’’ Deji uttered in an apologetic manner. If not for the good show he had put on before the call came in, Doyin would have thought he was play-acting. With hesitation, she responded ‘’postponement it will be.’’ Really, what were they postponing? Well, some words are better left unsaid. After the spiritual examinations of the eligibles last week, Ifarotimi announced that none of the ladies were picked. As a result, he further consulted the gods who later revealed to him that the mystery lady was close to one the eligibles of one of the four Ruling Houses. Ifarotimi should have thought why the gods didn’t just reveal the mystery lady to him and her location at once instead of making him bring down several people to the shrine for scrutiny. He was taught better. He, as usual notified Afobaje who got in touch with the Ruling Houses. No one seemed to get through to Ireti and his son until his half-brother, Adeleye, arrived yesterday. Deji got to the shrine just in time when Ifarotimi was addressing the assembly. ‘’Well, it appears none of you eligibles here are linked to the lady. We’ll have to consult the gods for guidance.’’ Ifarotimi announced as he just concluded examining the present eligibles. ‘’You might need to hold on with that thought, Ifarotimi. Someone just walked in.’’ Akanbi informed answered ticed Deji’s presence. ‘’isn’t this Adedeji?’’ ‘’Yes, sir.’’ He answered. ‘’Alright then. Please step forward.’’ Ifarotimi said to him. Deji came forward and knelt in front of a calabash which was filled with water. After given Ifarotimi his mother’s name, Ifarotimi then said some incantations, before placing Deji’s left hand in the calabash. A certain image showed in the water that only Ifarotimi could see. He grinned. With the look on the Oracle consultant’s face, he was pretty sure they were a step closer to getting the Ooni’s seat filled. Ifarotimi beckoned on Akanbi and whispered in his ear. Akanbi discharged the rest of the assembly, leaving the High chiefs, Deji, Ifarotimi and himself. ‘’Shall we continue?’’ he said to Ifarotimi. Tbc
17 Aug 2018 | 05:55
Nice one
17 Aug 2018 | 10:44
Next observe
17 Aug 2018 | 10:49
17 Aug 2018 | 13:54
now,,,, deji won't Hav to go back to doyin to complete dia unfinished business,,,, but how will deji's mother feel now dat she will get to know dat Nike is a princess dat d mantle of been a Queen has just fallen on her?
17 Aug 2018 | 18:16
17 Aug 2018 | 18:44
Wooow it's really getting interesting... Continue!!!
17 Aug 2018 | 20:35
18 Aug 2018 | 02:47
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 44 ‘’It appears that Adedeji here is linked to the lady the oracles are referring to.’’ Ifarotimi pronounced and there was a sigh of relief from the High chiefs. To Deji, he said ‘’so Adedeji, what’s her name?’’ Deji starred at Ifarotimi with a puzzled expression, processing his question. He was brought up in a traditional setting, shocking revelations was not new to him. ‘ ’Theresa,’’ he simply said. Who else would it be if not his supposed fiancée. ‘’What’s her mother’s name?’’ Ifarotimi asked. Deji answered. Ifarotimi then he said some incantations before declaring, ‘’No. There is another woman your life. Not your mother, but she has been in your life since forever. Who is she?’ Deji thought if she wasn’t his mother and has been in his life since forever, then it was none other than his first love. ‘’Nike.’’ Her mother’s name was Awele.’’ Ifarotimi did the usual which took longer than earlier. ‘’That’s her. Nike. Awele wasn’t her mother though.’’ Getting information from the gods on a particular individual with the person’s name and that of his mother was traditionally faster than just with the individual’s name. That has been the reason Ifarotimi always ask for the mother’s name when consulting the gods about a person. ‘’No Sir! I knew her mother.’’ Deji said with a lot of confidence. ‘’I knew her when she was still alive too, Deji. Her plantain chips was the best in town. But you know the gods don’t lie.’’ Akanbi declared calmly. ‘’Ifarotimi then added, ‘’Like Afobaje said, the gods don’t lie. We need to get Nike here right away. She’s our next Queen.’’ With this announcement the High chiefs congratulated themselves. Amidst of this, Akanbi who has been in thought for a moment said to Ifarotimi. ‘’If she’s to be the Queen, then who is ….’’ He broke off and faced Deji. ‘’Who is she to you?’’ There was a brief silence for a moment before Deji said, ‘’ a colleague at work.’’ The expression of the faces of the High chiefs puzzled him. He didn’t really need to be Harvey Spectre to figure out what they were insinuating. ‘’Just a colleague?’’ one of the High Chiefs asked with his eyes searching. “Yes, Oloye.’’ Akanbi cleared his throat and said, ‘’Look here, Deji. You’re no kid and I’m sure you know where we’re driving at. But first things first. We need to meet her.’ Tbc
18 Aug 2018 | 05:35
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 45 Good afternoon. I’m here to see Peter.’’ Nike said as the gateman opened the gate after she had knocked. ‘’He’s been expecting you.‘’ He stepped aside for her to come in. ‘’His flat is just up this stairs’’ He said pointing at the direction of a stair case. ‘’Okay. Thank you.’’ She simply stated and headed for the stairs. Nike thought the flower garden made the one-storey building more beautiful. She took a deep breath before rapping the door. ‘I’ll be right there.’’ A voice said from the other end. Shortly the door opened and she could see Peter’s warm smile. He was wearing a body fitting shirt that made his muscular figure obvious. A black chinos trousers and white flip-flop. Nike thought he looked Sekxy. There was no doubt she was already liking him. ‘’Hey there. You look good.’’ He beamed, stepping aside with a hand gesture for her to come in. The sitting room was elegantly furnished. A flowery tiles covered the floor, and comfortable leather chairs were placed around the room. A plasma TV hung on the wall. ’Please have your seat.’’ He offered. She gladly accepted. ‘’What can I offer you?’’ He said standing right in front of her. Nike could swear she caught him briefly licking his lips. Was he trying to seduce her on her first visit to his house? Well, the young man might as well succeed as the chilled living room which was brightly lit did nothing to calm her nerves. ‘’Water will do.’’ She responded trying to avoid his gaze. ‘’Alright then. I’ll be back.’’ Deji uttered and walked away. Tbc
18 Aug 2018 | 05:37
Nike ,u better stay away from Peter, he is a gold digger
18 Aug 2018 | 12:35
So Nike is a destined queen n here she is,already falling for another man,hmmmmmm!!!
18 Aug 2018 | 16:07
my head is having a lot of thoughts oooo
18 Aug 2018 | 17:51
18 Aug 2018 | 18:40
Queen indeed
18 Aug 2018 | 19:11
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 46 ‘What happened with the four hundred and five thousand naira that was wrongly posted into your account?” She said hesitantly, looking up to study how he reacts. This was the last topic Peter had expected her to bring up. He took a fleeting glance away from her, then back to her. Nike could hear him sigh before he finally spoke, “I was expecting a payment from one of our customers that very day. i guess i got it mixed up.” He instantly knew his excuse didn’t sound convincing. He then believed he was starting to lose touch on how to answer unexpected questions. He was used to out of the blue questions, and he always find a perfect answer for each of them. Perhaps because his emotions was always absent when he was still very active in his former job. The thought of Hargreaves McBride came to his mind. The McBrides were Americans and lived in the Empire State. Hargreaves was the eldest in the family of four; father and his two younger ones. He and his younger ones inherited a fair amount of money from their late Father. Hargreaves was in control of the fund, using it to carter for himself and his siblings. Hargreaves had met Peter Brian online when he was about to sell some home appliances he wasn’t using anymore on Craiglist. They got talking and after a while Peter got to know how much he was worth. Peter cajoled him into investing in a non-existing oil business which would fetch Hargreaves 5 times his investment in just 3 months. Hargreaves was aware Nigeria was an oil producing state. He agreed to it. Peter had provided him with some documents he had fraudulently obtained to make Hargreaves more committed to the cause. It worked. Hargreaves put some money together, he sold the inherited house and even sold his car in order to invest in Peter’s oil business. The more the investment the more the earnings, he thought. Hargreaves warned Peter he was going to commit suicide the next day he discovered Peter was a fraud. Peter didn’t care, he had received the cash through Western Union a week before. He took Peter by surprise after he got to know few days later that Hargreaves had actually hung himself. The news made it to CNN after the New York Police Department found a note Hargreaves had written, stating the reason why he took the fan-rope decision. Tbc
19 Aug 2018 | 02:05
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 47 The CNN news did nothing to stop Peter from heading to Bahia in Brazil to experience the exotic beach and of course, the ladies. Although the Hargreaves’ suicide news was doleful, but Peter believed he had the ability to switch off his humanity which in turn places his emotional mode on hold. Right here, right now, he was sitting opposite Nike, which winning her heart was the major reason he quit his former job. He guessed the pace she was winning his heart was way faster than how he intended to win hers. He thought her next response would determine a lot. Unluckily for wale’s best friend, Royal Bank put a lot into training its new employee. Situations like this was one of the training topics at the training school Nike had attended. On no account should a customer’s cash deposit be credited into a wrong account number. When this situation arises, the staff involved has only one option; this is to inform the customer which was wrongly credited, plead with him/her to authorize the staff to debit his/her account with that same amount. Where the customer refuses, the staff is expected to repay the customer of the original deposit and leave the customer which was wrongly credited alone. Royal Bank believed that was the price the staff will have to pay for negligence. Only few customers will authorize the bank staff to debit their accounts on these occasions. Most of them will come up with the excuse that they were expecting that same amount from someone somewhere. The same line Peter had just used for Nike. Tbc
19 Aug 2018 | 02:06
Nike be careful
19 Aug 2018 | 09:30
Caught red handed... I never liked this peter for once.
19 Aug 2018 | 09:40
Next oh, am still observing
19 Aug 2018 | 09:41
This peter sef is a thief
19 Aug 2018 | 12:33
Peter,,,, Nike is not urs,,,, she is more intelligent dan u think,,,
19 Aug 2018 | 14:31
it hve been long oo who miss me?
19 Aug 2018 | 16:32
Peter is a thief Long live d Queen Adenike
19 Aug 2018 | 17:52
Nike,have u seen de kind of man u r trying to date? He's not trustworthy... U better run for ur life sha!!!
19 Aug 2018 | 18:29
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 48 Integrity was a real deal to Nike. If peter could not be honest with a money that was wrongly credited to his account, he could not be honest with her. She thought. Peter would have been a perfect tool for her to forget about Deji. She really did need Peter, but now with this integrity issue, she was confused. “Are you not going say something” Peter said calmly as his visitor haven’t spoken since his last comment. Her face was downcast. Shortly, Peter’s phone ringtone “Hotline Bling” came alive. He glanced at the screen that display ‘Walexy”. “Please excuse me. i need to take this,” he said to Nike. He walked towards his room and shut the door behind him. Wale couldn’t have called at a better time. He thought. “Padi, how far?” he said. “i dey, where are you?” Wale asked at the other end. ‘’Home.’’ ‘’Have you seen the news?’’ ‘’News? No. The TV has been on MTV Base since Nike arrived. What’s happening with the news?” Wale went on to inform him about the breaking news. It happened the news of the Ife Chiefs being on their way to meet a certain young lady was no longer limited to those that were present when ifarotimi made the announcement. A TV station had reported that the Ife High Chiefs were heading to Lagos to meet a lady, whom if married, her husband was going to be the next Ooni of Ife. But if she was single, would need to get married as quick as possible as the Ooni’s seat couldn’t be left vacant for a longer time. The report had hit Wale as he instantly recalled his best friend’s story was similar to the breaking news. “Where is Nike from?” Wale asked his friend who was shocked by the latest news. “I’m not sure about her state of origin, but i know she grew up in ife”. “Are you pondering what I’m pondering?” “Of course bro. Baba was right. You know what? Let me call you back. She’s still here right now.” Peter said and ended the conversation before Wale could say anything else. Tbc
20 Aug 2018 | 06:08
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 49 He took a deep breath as a thought came to him and he headed to the dining table where he left his guest. He noticed she was avoiding eye contact with him. Obviously she wasn’t cool with his earlier excuse, he thought he had to worry about that later. “Can i use your phone? i can’t find my other phone and am out of credit on this one?” She picked up the phone to hand it over to him, but a call came in. The screen showed “Sweet Aunt’’ a moniker she saved her aunt Mrs. Williams’ number with. “Can i just dial my other number and you can call this person later?” Peter said with a tone of urgency. He stretched his hand to grab the phone. He had a feeling whatever the ‘sweet aunt’ was calling for that moment might not be good. ‘’It’s my aunt. Please hold on” she said courteously, giving him a quick glance before tapping the green button on the phone. Peter stepped few feet backwards. He thought dragging the phone would make no sense. He didn’t move too far, he wanted to eavesdrop. Nike had been told she needed to get home right away and how important it was. Peter heard her part of the conversation, so he wasn’t surprised when his guest told him she needed to leave right away. “Okay can i use your phone now?” he said as calmly as he could. Handing over the phone to him, she caught the obvious bulge of a phone in his pocket. Tbc
20 Aug 2018 | 06:09
Use your head Nike
20 Aug 2018 | 08:13
Nike,,,, u really need to be wise with this thief called Peter ooo
20 Aug 2018 | 10:12
Peter would surely be a big problem to this whole thing
20 Aug 2018 | 12:09
Whats Peter up to with her phone? Nike be- careful
20 Aug 2018 | 13:45
This Peter is not only a criminal but a corrupt and dubious human being... so because her supposed husband now would be a king, you are now desperate than ever... I hope she's clever enough to decipher the situation
20 Aug 2018 | 15:36
So Peter is not only a dubious fellow but an opportunist as well,hmmmmmm!!!
20 Aug 2018 | 19:07
While did he want to use ur phone all of a sudden?
20 Aug 2018 | 19:39
Peter d crook
20 Aug 2018 | 20:19
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 50 Deji had called Mrs Williams immediately he got to Lagos. She had told him she was in Abuja and will inform him when she arrives. He didn’t want to talk to Nike on his own, he thought it was wiser to allow Kola’s mother do the talking after he must have filled Mrs Williams the details. He had took the responsibility to bring Nike to Ife, by convincing the High Chiefs not to worry about the road trip to the Centre of Excellence. What would Nike do when she finds out about the title? She was from one of Ruling Houses and she never knew about it. Deji was shocked when Ifarotimi did a further consultation and broke the news to the assembly. He was in his living room lost in thought, but was brought back to reality by his valet’s voice. ‘’I need to talk to you about something important.’’ Not looking up at this valet, he said ‘’not now, Aremu. I have a lot on my mind right now.’’ ‘’You really need to hear this now before it’s too late.’’ Aremu added. ‘’No. Not now’’ ‘’it’s about Nike.’’ Deji looked Aremu directly in the eyes and demanded, ‘’what about her?’’ Aremu hesitated, looking worried. ‘’Speak up, Aremu. What is it?’’ Aremu went on to tell him about the whole setup. How he was threatened by the then Queen to be sent away from the palace if he hadn’t carried out the plan. How he had told Nike that Deji wanted to meet her at an uncompleted building beside Lagere market and how he had arranged for Adigun, a long time Nike’s suitor to be at the building at that same time. Tbc
21 Aug 2018 | 05:03
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 51 Prior to the day Deji saw Adigun and Nike in the uncompleted building together, Aremu had been telling Deji how he had been suspecting Nike cheating on him. Deji, blinded by love, found the accusations untrue. Albeit he did ask his lover about it which she outrightly denied. Deji’s stand about the Nike’s unfaithful act changed the second he saw her in the arms of Adigun. Though Nike was trying to release herself from Adigun’s embrace that fateful day, but it didn’t seem like that from Deji’s angle. ‘’Do you mean she’s been innocent all this time?’’ Deji said in disbelief. “Yes’’ Aremu simply said. Today has been filled with surprises. He had been wrong about Nike all this time. He knew her mother’s dislike for Nike was always blatant, but was she capable of that kind of hatred? Damn! He had underestimated the extreme his mother could go to achieve her goals. ’I’m sorry, Deji. I’ll understand if you don’t want to see me again.’’ Aremu said quietly with his head low. Deji shook his head. ‘’No. it’s fine. You only acted on behalf of my mother, I won’t crucify you for that.’’ ‘’No, Deji. It’s not fine. I’ve betrayed your trust in me. I don’t deserve to be around you.’’ ‘’I do trust you, Aremu. We were both young and immature then. Mother had played on our intelligence.’’ Deji said as calmly as he could before his phone rang. It was Mrs Williams. She informed him of her arrival. He rose and before he could utter another word, Aremu had also stood up to embrace him. ‘’Thank you.’’ He said sobbing. ‘’C’mon man, don’t make me cry. It’s okay.’’ He said before Aremu released him. ‘’Let’s go the Williams. Guess I have another reason to see Nike. I have serious apologizing to do.’’ Tbc
21 Aug 2018 | 05:04
yes,,, u really need to apologize
21 Aug 2018 | 06:22
Too much suprise
21 Aug 2018 | 06:36
you seriously need to apologise
21 Aug 2018 | 08:11
U need to applogise
21 Aug 2018 | 08:26
U sure need it man.
21 Aug 2018 | 17:09
u must apologize :b
22 Aug 2018 | 02:20
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 52 Deji had become worried after trying to reach Nike several times but couldn’t. He had been at the Williams’ some hours ago to inform Mrs. Williams about the situation at hand. Kola’s mother was surprised by the whole Ife-title story being linked to her cousin, but she respected tradition and needed Nike to be home so they could talk about it. After calling Nike over three hours back and getting the ‘’I’ll be home in twenty’’ response. Twenty minutes was okay, she thought. But it was over three house now and Nike wasn’t home. She became worried, but her son did a good job calming her down. Deji’s phone came alive. A quick glance at the screen showed, ‘’Amanda.’’ ‘’Hi Amanda.’’ ‘’Hello Deji,’’ Amanda said from the other end. ‘’i saw the news about the High Chiefs coming to Lagos to look for a particular girls.’’ ‘’Oh, that,’’ Deji’s simply said. ‘’it’s not exactly like that.’’ ‘’Where are you?’’ ‘’Lagos.’’ ‘’So you’re the one looking for the girl?’’ Deji hesitated before responding, ‘’Urmm, kind of.’’ ‘’C’mon talk to me. How do you intend to find her? There are a lot of girls in this city.’’ ‘’Well, there might be, but there’s only one Nike Akomolede I believe.’’ ‘’What do you mean?’’ ‘’Our new colleague is the girl I’m looking for.’’ ‘’You kidding?’’ ‘’I’m damn serious dear.’’ ‘’Wow! How dramatic. You should know where to find her…. Her house.’’ ‘’She’s not home and her line could not reached.’’ ‘’If she’s not home, then Peter Brian is my best bet. She might be with him.’’ Amanda’s suggestion hit Deji like a rock. He hadn’t thought of this. He ended the conversation with Amanda after telling her he will call her later. He moved closer to where Mrs Williams and Kola was. ”Where can we find Peter Brian?’’ Deji asked directing the question to no one in particular. Tbc
22 Aug 2018 | 05:43
Still following
22 Aug 2018 | 14:42
I knew it DAT der was a mix up DAT brought about de break up between Nike n Deji.... Deji,u have a lot of apologies to render sha!!!
22 Aug 2018 | 17:21
That was why Peter ask for her phone abi, to turn it off so that nobody we reach her mmm.
23 Aug 2018 | 11:45
23 Aug 2018 | 14:21
Sure u need to find that Peter
23 Aug 2018 | 15:31
23 Aug 2018 | 16:10
Feeling it.
23 Aug 2018 | 16:24
23 Aug 2018 | 17:44
I knew it
23 Aug 2018 | 23:33
Maybe Peter has done something bad to her
24 Aug 2018 | 00:41
after 3hours ke? hope peter has not done sometin to Nike ooo
24 Aug 2018 | 11:50
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 54 At the back seat, sitting between two men in the uniform, Peter Brian, or Olakunle Bello as written in his birth certificate, couldn’t help but reminisced on his journey so far. He had forgotten his ring in Wale’s office earlier that day. This was no ordinary ring. So when he was at home chatting with one of this prospective victims and had gotten to the stage where he would ask the victim to send him some cash through Western Union. The ‘ask’ was more like a command, and as he believed, the lucky ring he had gotten from an herbalist at Ijebu-Ode was the reason his victims found it difficult to disagree when he asks for money. He quickly hop into his car and drove off to Ikeja. It was 11pm. The computer Village night-guards were already at work. The Chief security officer Pa Tewotegbo was sitting at a dark corner as he always do every night supervising the environment. The guards at the entrance of the largest computer phone market in the county stopped Peter’s car from coming in. He was given hundreds of reasons why he could not enter the market at the odd hour of the night, but he gave them thousands of reasons why he should be allowed in. One of the guards escalated the issue to the CSO who stepped in and addressed Peter. After few conversations Peter was allowed in and he made his way into SLOT’s building with CSO keeping his company. They got to Wale’s office and Peter dug his hand into one of the lockers there, brought out an ancient looking ring and wore it on the left middle finger
25 Aug 2018 | 06:02
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 55 ’Wait.’’ Pa Tewotegbo ordered. He gave the ring on Peter’s finger a closer gaze. He could tell what it was meant for. Pa Tewotegbo had been an herbalist residing at Aiyedade, Ile-Ife until few months ago when his eldest son finally succeeded in convincing him about living in Lagos. He only accepted his son’s offer because he was promised a job. He was still agile even at this old age. He believed staying at his son’s house and having his maid take care of him was a waste of his spiritual powers. Since he became the CSO at the Computer Village, the rate of burglary during the night drastically decreased. ‘’What Baba?’’ Peter questioned, feeling uncomfortable with the stare. ‘’It’s just a ring.’’ ‘’I’m sure if you know who i am you wouldn’t lie to me.’’ He said looking at Peter in the face. ‘’This is a command ring.’’ Peter was shocked by this comment. They conversed as they both walked down to the entrance gate. Since then they became very close. Pa Tewotegbo was on his way to meet Peter in Wale’s office to tell him about his phone that was having an earpiece problem before he caught the sight of a familiar mark on a lady’s nape. Giving it a closer gaze he saw that was the same mark he gave the baby he later gave to Awele to care of. He was amazed. On the spur of the moment, he dashed to Wales’ office. Peter was there alone busy with his laptop. He told Peter he needed him to make an enquiry about someone that just walked into the phone gallery. Peter drew Pa Tewotegbo’s attention to the CCTV on wale’s desk and ask him to identify the lady. He did. Peter beamed. The lady Pa Tewotegbo asked him to make an enquiry about was with a woman he knew very well. Mrs Adesola Williams. He excused himself and headed to the gallery. He saw Mrs Williams with one of the sales representatives, the lady he had seen on the CCTV wasn’t by her side. He scanned through the gallery quickly, but he still couldn’t see her. Then he heard someone said, ‘’Mr Brian. It’s nice to see you.’’ Turning to this other side, he saw Mrs Williams and gave her a beam. ‘’Good morning ma. Its good to have you around. I was just coming to say hello.’’ ‘’Yeah. Thanks. I came with my niece that just came from Ife. She wanted to get a new phone.’’ Mrs Williams said. ‘’Oh nice. And where is she?’’ ‘’She had to leave after getting an urgent call from her training school.’’ ‘’Oh. Ok.’’ Peter simply said, then asked, “Can you please recommend a phone for her?’’ They both headed to the I-phone stand, ‘’she will like this.’’ ‘’Alright then.’’
25 Aug 2018 | 06:17
this Peter sef, what was the ring for
26 Aug 2018 | 10:01
26 Aug 2018 | 13:18
Still with the story......... Getting more interesting
26 Aug 2018 | 15:25
26 Aug 2018 | 18:54
no much comment
26 Aug 2018 | 18:57
anyway new episode
26 Aug 2018 | 18:58
26 Aug 2018 | 19:07
Next episode please
27 Aug 2018 | 06:21
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 56 After paying for the phone and getting the receipt, Peter walked her to the car. As she got to the car, Mrs Williams slid in the driver’s seat, dipped her hand into her bag on the passenger’s seat and brought out a card. ‘’This is an invitation to my Pre-Xmas party. You should come.’’ She wound up and drove off without getting a response from Peter. He dipped he card into his front pocket and headed to Wale’s office. He was alarmed when he met Pa Tewotegbo lying on the floor. As Pa Tewotegbo lie on the hospital bed, he knew it was time to meet his ancestors. He couldn’t pacify his son into taking him home instead of wasting money here in the hospital. He told his son it was time he meet his ancestors and these doctors cannot save his life. His son disagreed. He sighted Peter at the outer window and gestured him to come in. His son excused them. ‘’How are you feeling now, Baba?’’ Peter asked calmly. ‘’Well, my dear, when it’s time, it’s time.’’ He said, half sat-up. ‘’How about the girl?’’ ‘’I couldn’t talk to her in person, but the woman she came in with said her name was Nike. She grew up in Ife.’’ Peter declared. ‘’What about this girl, baba?’’ ‘’You know Peter, that’s your ticket to becoming the most powerful man in the Yoruba land.’’ ‘’What do I need to do?’’ Peter asked with his eyebrows raised. ‘’Firstly, you need to quit online scamming. Secondly, get this girl to marry you. I’m sure you can do that, you’re a sweet talker.’’ He said showing a weak smile. There was silence for a moment. ‘’I’ll work on that, Baba.’’ Peter stated. ‘’You should go. Get me my son, it’s safer I take my last breath with him by my side. You don’t want any trouble.’’ ‘’Sure. Thank you, Baba.’’ Peter said as he side hugged Pa Tewotegbo. Ten minutes after his son and some of his children walked in, Pa Tewotegbo gave up the ghost. Now, at the back of a ride not his, but that of Ikeja Police Department, he pondered on how the sweet Marry-Nike-Plan went soar. Perhaps the mysterious four hundred and fifty thousand naira credit into his account played the lead role. He thought of how Nike was falling for him until the news of the money came into the picture. Amanda didn’t keep her end of the bargain after all. Pa Tewotegbo had really helped, leading him to her, but he had messed it all up on his own. Perhaps if he gets out this kidnapping allegation, he will change his course. He had held Nike against her will. He had wanted to take her to a safe location where he could think of what to do with her, since winning her over seems unobtainable anymore. His car engine refused to start on time, and when it finally powered up, before he could get to the room where he had tied her and also gagged her mouth, the cops were already keeping them company. When did the Nigerian Police become this effective? He asked himself. One thing he was definitely sure of was going back to his old life. He took a sigh of relief at the thought of going back to his online scamming. ‘’Damn these whites, I’m coming for you.’’
27 Aug 2018 | 06:59
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 57 Nike walked aimlessly in her room pondering on the information that just got to her. She had dreamt of being the wife of a prince back then when her affair with Deji was as hot as hell. Becoming a queen of an Ooni was something she had never thought of. She knew how the Ife Kingship title works due to her relationship with Deji. Unlike some other Yoruba kingship titles where the son of a demised king automatically inherits the throne, the Ooni of ife was rotated among the four Ruling Houses. This setup has made it almost impossible for the son of a ruling king to become a king. Now, she was going to be a queen. She needed to get married also. She chuckled at the thought of matrimony. She wasn’t going to marry herself and there was no man in the picture. Guess the Ife throne has to be on hold for now. She heard a knock on the door. Turning the door knob to open it, she saw Deji Adelowo standing at the doorway. ‘’I know you asked to be left alone, but that was over an hour ago. We need to talk and it can’t wait.’’ He said with a gesture for her to step outside. What could it be this time? She thought. Today was going to be the most memorable day of her life. She was held hostage by her boyfriend. Well, almost boyfriend. She got to know the woman she cherished the most in her life wasn’t her biological mother. She got to know the birth mark beside her belly button was only unique to the members of the Adekanbi Ruling House. The gods couldn’t be wrong, they had chosen her to be the queen. She had always loved and respected the Ife tradition. Her mother, no, her guardian had always encouraged her to get accustomed to the tradition. These thoughts were running through her mind as they made their way to the balcony. ‘’Before you start. I need to apologize for not listening to you when you asked me to stay away from Peter.’’ Nike expressed in an aw shucks manner. ‘’I didn’t know he was like that.’’ ‘’Of course you didn’t, but you need not to apologize for that. I’m the one that should be apologizing.” ‘’Why would you do that?’’ Deji suspired, then said, ‘’I’m sorry I didn’t believe you all this time. I’m sorry I didn’t give you the opportunity to explain your side of the story.’’ ‘’What do you mean? I’m confused.’’ She uttered with a puzzled grimace. ‘’I just found out you were set-up with Alani. My mother was the master planner.’’ ‘’Oh.’’ Nike’s eyes widened. ‘’I don’t know what to say except I’m sorry. I knew she didn’t approve our affair back then, but I never knew she could go that length to end it. I agreed to studying abroad after the incident. I had no better way of surviving the heartbreak I felt than to stay far away from Ife.
27 Aug 2018 | 07:07
@chimmy where is episode 53
27 Aug 2018 | 13:00
Nice story I'm loving every bit of it
27 Aug 2018 | 17:15
Ah did I hear u say Amanda was an accomplice in de wrongful transaction??? Wonders shall ever end!!!
27 Aug 2018 | 20:46
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 58 He paused and moved closer to Nike who was now resting her head on her arms which were placed on the balustrade. Tears rolling down her cheek. She raised up head. ‘’I helped my mother with her plantain chips business. I had to hawk several times, although she didn’t want me to. I needed to help her in order to raise some money for me to continue my studies. Going to the university was my dream. I had to do all I could to make it happen. Things were worse when I lost my mother.’’ ‘’Your mother. What happened to her? You didn’t have any one back then except her. How did you cope after you lost her?’’ ‘’She suffered from cancer. We had no money to continue treating her. ‘’ she sobbed. Her expression clouded with sadness at the memory of that time. Deji’s eyes was now filled with tears. He could no longer control it. ‘’Few days before my mother gave up the ghost she saw Mrs Williams on the T.V, then she was still the Commissioner of Women affairs in Lagos. She told me was her twin sister. No doubt. They looked so much alike. I did all I could to get in contact with her, maybe she could have helped with mother’s condition. The effort was fruitless. I only got to meet her few months ago. She was shocked when she saw my mother’s picture.’’ “I’m so sorry for all that you have went through. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I wish you can forgive me.’’’ ‘’There’s a lot to forgive.’’ ’I know.’’ He suspired. ‘’I’ve never been able to love any woman after you. My mother figured it out, that was the reason she set me up with Theresa…’’ He paused and continued, ‘’…Theresa have been trying to keep up with me, but I knew she can’t continue to do that for long. Though I’ve tried to hide it, but the Unclad truth is I’m stuck in love with you. ‘’ He said, meaning every single word. Nike took a deep breath. Her gaze fixed on her first love. She could swear never to have seen him look this defeated. The reflex motion of her eyebrows revealed her surprise. ‘’I know you don’t have to feel the same way, not after all this time. You still need to hear it from me.’’ He made a motion to leave the balcony, but before he could vanish from her presence, she spoke up. ‘’Deji, please wait.’’ She said and walked towards him. ‘’I never thought this day would come, that you’ll realize how wrong you’ve been about me. It’s better later than never. The truth is I’ve never stopped loving you either. Matter-of-factly, I don’t want to be a queen if you, Adedeji, are not my king.’’ She confessed. He pulled her close to him. They kissed like royals for several minutes. After breaking the kiss, she asked with a grimace of joy, ‘’when are we going to Ife, my love?’’ ‘’Whenever you’re ready, Queen. But first, there is someone we need to see.’’
28 Aug 2018 | 06:08
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 59 Since the news of Ife title got to her, Ireti had been pacing nervously in her living room. How in the world will Nike become a queen? From where to where? Has the prestigious Ife title began to been extended to foreigners? To hell with the Adekanbi’s birthmark she has. Since when does that count? She knew Ifarotimi was responsible for the revelation. Perhaps it was high time they have him replaced. Old age was starting to affect his consultations. She thought. The screeching sound of a car brought her back to reality. It was evident she has company. Shortly, Deji stepped into her living room. Ireti’s stare was already frigid, but when Nike walked in beside her son, it became hyper-frigid. ‘’Good evening, mom.’’ Deji stated calmly. ‘Good eve….’’ Nike wanted to say but Rachael quickly cut her off. ‘’Eh! Eh!’’ she uttered disgustingly at Nike, ‘’just because my son brought you here doesn’t mean you’re welcome.’’ To her son, she said, ‘’what’s the meaning of this?’’ ’Mother, please take it easy,’’ Deji beseeched. Deji stepped few feets closer to Ireti. Nike stood right where she was, close to the door. ‘’This attitude will only get you into more problems with me.’’ Deji said. ‘’Problems? We’ve always had that whenever you’re with this social climber.’’ Ireti stated nonchalantly, sharing a quick glance between her son and Nike. ‘’This one’s different, mother.’’ He paused. Stealing a quick glance at Nike and back to her mother. ‘’Why did you have to separate us back then at Ife by setting her up with Alani?’’ There was silence in the room. Ireti could see their faces expressionless. This girl has influenced her son. She sighed. ‘’It was all for you, son.’’ Ireti said in an usual soft tone. ‘’How was your evil act done because of me?’’ he demanded. Noticing the unpleasant stern in his son’s tone. She said, ‘’you were blinded by your infatuation for her and were going to deny yourself quality education. I couldn’t let that happen.’’ ‘’Mother, did you know what she went through before she could get through school?’’ ‘’I wouldn’t care. I just wanted the best for my son…’’ She stated deadpan. ‘’I didn’t regret the act. Look at you now, son, you’re a branch manager in a bank at a young age.’
28 Aug 2018 | 06:12
so this woman will still not regrets her actions back den? this is really bad
28 Aug 2018 | 06:28
Really, a fairytale
28 Aug 2018 | 09:11
This world ehn is full of evil
28 Aug 2018 | 09:14
Some mother's shaa! Mr's Ireti is something else... even with the revelation, her hatred towards Nike is still great
28 Aug 2018 | 12:09
So Dis woman has still not regretted her actions, what kind of hatred be Dis na,or is der something DAT we don't know???
28 Aug 2018 | 13:19
This woman get problem
28 Aug 2018 | 18:40
Some people are like that, they never change even at d point of death. Thats d case with Ireti
28 Aug 2018 | 18:48
Nice story
28 Aug 2018 | 22:16
This mother of yours is something else
29 Aug 2018 | 06:55
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 60 ‘’Oh, mom. You just don’t get it. Do you?’’ Deji uttered disgustingly. ‘’Most of my colleagues that are branch managers studied here in Nigeria. So what’s the big deal?’’ ‘’De…’’ Ireti wanted to speak but was cut short by her only child. ‘’No, mom. I don’t want to hear it.’’ He motioned for her mother to stop talking, ‘’the next thing I want to hear from you is an apology to Nike. You owe her at least that. Just so you know, we’re getting married.’’ Ireti could swear her son had never spoken to her in this cruel manner. The little witch from Ife had turned her son against her. Apologies her foot. She had done all what her ungrateful son had tagged evil for his own good. ‘’No way.’ Ireti shook her head. ‘’Then you’ve lost me forever.’’ He turned to Nike. ‘’Please let’s go.’’ He moved quickly to the door and twisted the knob. He motioned for Nike to lead the way, but before she disappeared from the room a voice said, ‘’I’m sorry.’’ Nike and Deji then looked back to confirm whose voice it was. ‘’I’m very sorry for all have put you through, Nike. Adedeji is the only one I have in this world, and I’ll be damned if I lose him.’’ Ireti said softly with gaze fixed on the next Queen of Ife. If settling with Nike was the price she was going to pay for being the Ooni’s mother, so be it.
29 Aug 2018 | 08:15
Must Read: Banking (18+)… Part 61 EPILOGUE Ireti promised Doyin she would see to her promotion. In response to that, Doyin agreed to let go of the Ladies’ incident. That wouldn’t be good for the royal’s image. Theresa accepted her fate. Perhaps she and Deji were not meant to be. She continued to be a family-friend to the royals. Amanda was promoted to the level of a branch manager after Deji’s resignation. She became the Queen of Ife’s best friend. Bunmi was shocked when Nike made her the bridesmaid. She automatically fell in love with Nike after the announcement. Peter lost the kidnapping case and was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. Nike and Deji got married two weeks later. Although the notice was short, but the wedding was a huge success. Mrs Williams, the maestro of party planning was at her best. The king’s coronation took place few weeks after the wedding. Adedeji Adelowo became the fifteenth Ooni of Ife, taking the regnal name Olukosu II. He and his queen were madly in love with each other. He later became the only Ooni in history to practise monogamy. THE END
29 Aug 2018 | 08:18
Lovely story
29 Aug 2018 | 13:48
Nice ending. Kudos
29 Aug 2018 | 14:02
Nice job
29 Aug 2018 | 14:34
Nice story
29 Aug 2018 | 17:58
29 Aug 2018 | 20:22
King Olukosu II,may ur reign be great... Kudos to de writer!!!
29 Aug 2018 | 20:39
Wonderful,,,, so beautiful
30 Aug 2018 | 07:02
Wow.......... Lovely story
30 Aug 2018 | 10:52
Mother, won't u allow them for the second time
30 Aug 2018 | 17:46
Nice story
30 Aug 2018 | 17:47
30 Aug 2018 | 19:10
30 Aug 2018 | 19:25
Peter the poker hunter I don't like him at all..
20 Sep 2018 | 02:17
23 Dec 2018 | 13:26
Right there noor
31 Jan 2019 | 18:44
Good ending
22 Feb 2019 | 23:40
What a wonderful story this was!
8 Aug 2019 | 21:19
Lovely story. I like it.
8 Oct 2019 | 01:59
Bring it on!
21 Feb 2020 | 02:04
Nice beginning
28 Feb 2020 | 05:27
Lovely. Kudos to u @chimmy
13 Jul 2020 | 13:53


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