Battered (A short story)

Battered (A short story)

By Sommyangel in 17 Feb 2017 | 06:30
Sommyangel child)

Sommyangel child)

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“Do you remember the promises
you made to me before we got
married?” Jenny asked not
taking her eyes off Michael.
Michael could not understand
her anymore. He was sure she
ought to be furious at him but
she was calm all through, which
scared the hell out of him,
praying within himself that she
had not lost her mind. “Michael
I am talking to you. Look at me,”
she said, making a failed
attempt to raise her voice due to
the pains resulting from the
swelling at the right corner of
her mouth. She adjusted her frail
body from resting on the wall
into a better sitting position on
the cold tiles obviously ready to
unburden her heart to him no
matter how difficult it would be.
She was fed up with bottling her
misery and pains since her
return from the hospital two
days ago. Michael wondered
how he suddenly became the
cause of her anguish. He could
not look her in the eyes knowing
fully that the pain in there would
consume him. “Well, since you
have forgotten so soon, I’ll help
jog your memory,” she
“This marriage will not pull
through and that’s final,”
exploded Deaconess Comfort
Obiora, Michael’s mother,
storming out of the dining hall
without batting an eyelid about
Jennifer’s feelings. She had
made it clear to Michael on
several occasions that he the
scion and sole heir of the Obiora
dynasty cannot marry a girl
whose family was way out of
their league. And to make
matters worse, Jennifer’s father
was just a trader that owned a
stationery shop. Mrs. Comfort
regarded her as a gold digger
and an opportunist after guys
from stinking rich families with
the sole aim of enriching her
family. In as much as she was
not the type to match make her
son with the daughter of a friend
or business partner, she was not
willing to accept a pauper as her
son’s wife.
Jennifer’s feet suddenly became
heavy as getting to her feet
became a herculean task. Her
eyes could not contain the tears
anymore as it flowed on its own
accord. Michael could not bear
to see the harbinger of his joy in
an emotional turmoil. He cupped
her face with his hands and
reassured her of the magnitude
of his love for her, making her
realize that his mother’s opinion
and threats had no bearing to
their future together.
“Michael, I can’t do this,” she
said as she suddenly pulled
away from him.
“What are talking about?” he
asked with a look of surprise.
He quickly foreshadowed her
response and shuddered at the
possibility of losing her.
“Michael I can’t marry into a
family where I am not welcome.
Can’t you see that if we proceed
with the marriage your mum will
never see me as a member of
the family? Mike, let’s just forget
about the wedding plans,”
Jennifer said with pain in her
“Look into my eyes and tell me
that you’ve been lying to me all
this while that we have been
together. When did my mother’s
opinion suddenly become God’s
opinion? Saying I love you is an
understatement Jenny, I adore
you. I’ll treasure you today,
tomorrow and even when we
become stricken with age. I
promise to be your friend, lover,
companion and protector at all
times on the condition that you
promise to walk with me through
life by my side. My love, will you
still marry me?” he asked
searching her eyes for a
favourable answer.
Without uttering a word, Jennifer
nodded and slipped into his
loving arms.
Despite the overwhelming
resistance from Michael’s
mother, the wedding still took
place four months later amidst
cheers from friends and family
members. Being married to
Michael Obiora, the love of her
life was Jennifer’s dream come
true. He showered her with
unconditional love and affection
and was always there to shield
her from his mother’s torments.
As far as Michael was
concerned, Jenny’s love tank
would never run dry of genuine
love and care. However, several
months into the marriage,
Jennifer’s world began to fall
apart as she got to discover
another aspect of Michael’s life
that became her worst nightmare
– his fierce temper. At the onset,
she attributed it to work-related
issues and hoped that he would
change but not until he started
hitting her at the slightest
provocation, which eventually
resulted in a miscarriage.
The loss of her first pregnancy
took its toll on Jennifer. She
became apprehensive and
distant to her husband who
outdid himself in trying to get
her to forgive him. She equally
withdrew herself from her family
and friends, not even sparing
Sarima and Melody, her closest
friends, for fear of laying bare
her husband’s archilles’ heel.
She decided to mask her pain
and fears from them, all because
she knew that opening up to
them would make them lose the
respect they reposed in her
husband. Michael on his part
repented of his actions and
fought hard to win back
Jennifer’s love and trust. That
was more than a year ago, the
beginning of the battery.
“Michael, is this the love and
protection you promised me?”
she asked fighting back the tears
that threatened to rain down.
“Baby I’m truly sorry. Please
forgive me. Just give me another
chance. I… I… I promise to be a
better man,” he stuttered as he
pleaded on his knees in a broken
“Please spare me all that. Your
apology now sounds like a
broken record. What should I
forgive you for? For pounding me
whenever you couldn’t keep your
anger in check or for beating out
the precious seeds God blessed
us with? Three miscarriages in
two years Michael! Not one, not
two but three babies have gone
down the drain, all thanks to
you. You know what? I think you
deserve a medal for being an
outstanding infant murderer,” she
said and laughed him to scorn.
Michael was dumbstruck as
Jennifer laughed as though
entertained by a seasoned
comedian. The laughter
continued and gradually turned
into a heart wrenching cry. He
couldn’t take it anymore. He had
seen her in pains before but not
in this state. He took her in his
arms and began to smooch her,
wiping the tears that ran down
her cheeks while trying hard to
conceal his turmoil.
The office was spacious in every
sense of the word and furnished
with an exquisite taste befitting
of the pastor of a large flock.
The clergy’s office housed two
compartments – the normal
office section and the mini
conference area. At the far right
end of the wall stood the
bookshelf that contained a good
number of Christian literature
and other philosophical books.
A silver metal hanger fixed to
the wall just before the bookshelf
bore the pastor’s navy blue
jacket. The light blue curtain, off
white paint on the wall alongside
the white tiles further
accentuated the beauty of the
office. Michael knew he wouldn’t
be here if he had a choice but he
was sure his marriage was on
the verge of collapsing and he
needed to salvage it. Jennifer
had threatened to file for a
divorce if he refuses to book an
appointment with Pastor Damian
for counseling.
He was still explaining himself
to pastor Damian who was
listening with rapt attention while
Jennifer kept mum, staring into
space. She was all ears from the
beginning of the session but slid
into oblivion when Michael’s
utterances began to baffle her.
She was totally unaware that
Pastor Damian was trying to get
her attention until she was jolted
out of her wandering state by
Michael’s touch.
“Sister Jennifer, are you sure
you really want to do this?”
Pastor Damian inquired all
“Yes sir,” Jennifer replied,
adjusting her seat, clearly ready
to be drilled.
“Do you still love Michael after
all you’ve both been through?”
he further probed.
“I still do with the whole of my
heart but I doubt he feels the
same way. I think you should
direct this same question at
him,” she stated matter-of-
Jennifer’s response shocked
Michael who stared at her
“I never thought it necessary
since he made mention of the
fact that he loves you dearly or
is there something you feel I
should know about?” he asked
looking from Jennifer to Michael
and back to Jennifer.
“Pastor, I heard him say it is
normal for couples to have
issues but left out the part of
him constantly venting his anger
on me with his fists,” Jennifer
said near tears.
The clergy couldn’t hide his
surprise and turned to Michael
for answers. “Michael is this
true?” Pastor Damian probed.
“Pastor how can I do that? I
mean I love my wife so much,”
Michael replied, placing his
hands on her thighs as a way of
pleading with her in order to
save his face.
“Love?” she asked contorting her
face as if the word tasted sour
on her tongue. She looked him in
the face and screamed, “Liar!
Pastor he is lying. He beats me
at the slightest provocation. In
fact, I’ve had three miscarriages
as a result of that. He has hurt
me physically, emotionally and
psychologically. I now live in
constant fear of him not knowing
what the next minute holds in
store for me,” she said amidst
Pastor Damian was speechless
as he stared endlessly at
Michael who bowed his head. He
was at loss of what to say. He
had handled several cases
among couples from the pew but
nothing of this sort before. He
was aware that domestic
violence was a serious problem
that rocked some Christian
homes and was not to be treated
with kid gloves. He looked at
Jennifer with pity and silently
asked God for wisdom in
handling their case. Having
exhausted his options, he
decided to try something out of
the ordinary.
“Sister Jennifer, please pull
yourself together. I honestly
think we should reschedule this
meeting because we are not
making headway. I would not
want to apportion blames on
anyone just yet. I need both of
you to go home and have a
rethink about this whole thing.
This counseling cannot yield
positive results if you employ
deceit and place a barricade
around your ego,” he stated
looking in Michael’s direction.
With that he stood to his feet, an
indication that the meeting was

17 Feb 2017 | 06:30
Fast Link To Available Episodes Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Last Episode
17 Feb 2017 | 06:37
Patiently waiting for more
17 Feb 2017 | 07:38
17 Feb 2017 | 08:08
17 Feb 2017 | 09:24
Interesting Next plz
17 Feb 2017 | 09:42
That is what disgusts me in most men. Beating d woman u claim to love, madness
17 Feb 2017 | 10:07
next pls..
17 Feb 2017 | 16:27
abeg more
18 Feb 2017 | 00:37
EPISODE 2 Her mother in law stared at her for what seemed like an eternity from her position on the dining table. Jennifer was sure she came prepared for what she does best – taunting her. She had become accustomed to her schemes but didn’t trust herself to condone her hassle this time. As if on cue, Mrs. Obiora looked at her son and demanded to know if they would ever give her a grandchild. Michael, sensing what was coming, informed her that they were doing something about it. If Michael thought his response would deter his mother from prying further, he was mistaken. Turning to Jennifer, she continued, “My daughter did the abortionist do a perfect job when you went in for the procedure? Your constant miscarriage is a pointer to the fact that your womb has been tampered with or am I wrong?” Mrs. Obiora asked Jennifer with a smile. Jennifer could not stomach it anymore and for the first time, she walked out on her straight to the separate room she now occupied after the incident. Michael was hysterical and fought pretty hard so as not to sound disrespectful to his mum. “Mum I’ll appreciate it if you keep your distance from my marriage. I know you care about us having kids but right now Jennifer and I are going through a difficult phase and I would not want you to mess things up,” he warned as he stormed out of the dining, praying his mother had not put more strain on their relationship. He stood at the door of her room indecisive on the next move to make. Banishing his fear of being rejected, he allowed himself into the room and sat on the edge of her bed and was about to say something when Jennifer put up her right hand in the air signaling him not to go ahead with whatever he had in mind. “Please don’t. If you don’t mind, I’ll like to be alone,” she said without even looking him in the eyes. Michael could hardly find his feet. He looked at the woman he married who was now a shadow of herself and realized that he deserved whatever treatment she meted out to him. Sitting across Sarima and Melody in their favourite booth in Spicy Treat restaurant, Jennifer was hesitant in divulging more information to them. She wished she could boycott the question but was sure her buddies would eventually make her spill it all out. The three friends go way back to their undergraduate days in Unilag where they were labeled “the three Musketeers” because they were an inseparable pair and upon graduation strengthened their bond all the more. Hence, they could read themselves like a book, seeing right through the façade to the pains. They both knew Jennifer well enough to know it was worse than they expected but waited patiently for her to spew everything. Her withdrawal from them spoke volumes making them realize that something was amiss but always met a brick wall whenever they tried to be her confidants. Sarima observed that she was fidgeting with her hands and wrapped her hands around her for moral support. “It’s okay dear. You know you can always confide in us. How long has this been going on?” Sarima asked after reassuring her. “It’s been going on for more than a year,” Jennifer replied with her head bowed. “And you kept it all to yourself? When last did you take a good look at your reflection in the mirror? You have bags under your eyes and you look way older than your actual age. I am highly disappointed in Michael. Tony is not perfect but he has never lifted his hand on me ever since we exchanged vows. No genuine Christian lifts his hands on his wife,” Melody exploded unable to contain her rage. “Melody, please get a hold of your emotions. How can we be of help to her if you carry on like this?” cautioned Sarima. Turning to Jennifer, she probed further. “Has his mother any knowledge about all of this?” For fear of letting her emotions loose, she shook her head in the negative. Sarima took hold of her hands and squeezed them as a way of giving her solace. “What has his attitude been like after the incident?” she further questioned. “Well he’s been feeling dejected and frightened of loosing me. Right now he’s just more of a vulnerable child that can be waylaid at any minute. To be candid I have never seen him like this,” Jennifer replied. Melody cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the other ladies refusing to allow Jennifer’s heart soften so much. “Babe, do you remember Belema Davies who got married during our third year? Well she died some months back as a result of domestic violence,” Melody said looking in Jennifer’s direction. “What! How did that happen?” Jennifer asked in shock. “I heard her husband pushed her down the stairs and she forcefully landed with her head during one of their fisticuffs. My dear I know you are at crossroads right now but before making any decision, you need to realize that your life is of equal importance too,” Melody advised. “Sweetheart you know that by being a Christian you cannot divorce your husband except on the grounds of infidelity. I’ll advice that you attend the counseling sessions with an open mind believing that God will step in. We will be praying for you and always remember that your happiness lies only in God and not in your husband,” Sarima said. Michael could tell that there was something different about his wife of late. Gone were her monosyllabic responses and withdrawal. She had suddenly become receptive and full of life once more, obliterating every trace of the pains and sorrow of the past weeks. He was sure something had occurred in her life but could not place his fingers on it. Pastor Damian said a short prayer asking for God’s direction and took a brief exhortation from Ephesians 5: 22 – 29 admonishing them to let God’s kind of love be at the center of their marriage. He studied them for a while and could not help but notice the joy that radiated through Jennifer and the sober look on Michael’s face causing him to praise God silently. The clergy then gave them room to bare their hearts out to one another before proceeding with the counseling. Michael quickly went on his knees with tears in his eyes seeking her forgiveness for his violent and hideous attitude towards her. “I know I have hurt you beyond measure. I’m not even deserving of your forgiveness and love. Your being cold and withdrawn these past weeks really got to me and have given me a glimpse of what I put you through all this while. I’m truly sorry my love. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it but please don’t cast me away,” Michael appealed to her. Jennifer, who had been quiet all through, helped him up to his feet before addressing him. “Where is the Godly man that chided me when I told half truths? The spirit filled man that saw sin for what it truly is and eschewed lies and deceit, the man that loved me to a fault and would never afford to see me sad. I want him back baby. That is the man I crave for,” Jennifer responded holding his hands in hers. “By God’s grace I’ll be that again. Don’t give up on me I beg you,” Michael pleaded. “It’s okay baby,” she replied, all smiles, giving him a hug. “You’ve been unusually happy in spite of everything. What is going on?” Michael asked. “In my quest to make our marriage work, I sought to please you in every possible way because I thought my joy comes from you thereby making God come second in my life. But I recently discovered that my joy and peace does not come from you or any other man but from God. Therefore I can’t displease God in order to please you. Please don’t misunderstand me baby. I love you so much but henceforth God comes first in my life, I mean our lives.”
18 Feb 2017 | 09:19
Register . New episode is here. 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18 Feb 2017 | 09:24
nice one. any man that lift his hand to beat his wife is not qualified to be a man
18 Feb 2017 | 10:12
18 Feb 2017 | 20:36
nice one
18 Feb 2017 | 20:44
Melody isn't a nice friend at all I hope things get in their family
18 Feb 2017 | 22:21
Melody isn't a nice friend at all I hope things get in their family
18 Feb 2017 | 22:22
19 Feb 2017 | 02:02
fact I am here submit your pictures now
19 Feb 2017 | 07:22
All will b well
19 Feb 2017 | 10:00
EPISODE 3 The weeks that followed ushered in a new beginning for Michael and Jennifer. They began to relive their honeymoon strengthening their bond on a daily basis. The counseling was still in progress but in a different dimension with each of them having separate sessions with Pastor Damian. Although their love for each other soared with the progress recorded from the counseling, they had resolved to put intimacy on hold in order for Jennifer to heal emotionally. Jennifer’s joy knew no bounds as her marriage became peaceful once more and she saw less of her mother-in-law who stayed clear of their marriage in order not to pick a fight with her son. She became her once cheerful self and hung out more with her friends and family. Jennifer lay in the couch on a cool evening totally engrossed in watching the suspense-filled, emotion-awakening movie, “Twelve Years a Slave” without waiting for Michael, who went to the loo, to rejoin her. Just then her message alert came on, causing her to temporarily pause the movie as she quickly picked up the phone from the side stool by the side of the couch and tapped on the message icon to reveal the content of the message. She stared at the message for seconds unable to believe what was glaring at her. That was when she realized that she mistook Michael’s phone for hers due to their identical make and colour. With calculated steps she mounted the stairs to their matrimonial room with her pulse racing way too fast. She sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Michael to emerge from the lavatory while trying her possible best to keep her emotion under control. Michael was startled to see Jennifer gawping at him with his phone in her hand and made an attempt to find out what the problem was. “What’s wrong sweet?” he probed. “I’m sorry dear. I unintentionally read your message thinking the phone was mine. Here it is,” She said apologetically. “Is that all? That’s no problem at all,” he said and read the content of the message while walking away. “Don’t you think you owe me an explanation?” she quizzed, maintaining her cool. “An explanation over what?” Michael asked obviously confused. “An explanation on your relationship with Mabel that warrants such correspondence” She replied. “Come on babe. It’s nothing or do you think I’m cheating on you?” he inquired looking surprised. “What do you take me for? A fool? You expect me to believe that there’s nothing going on between you and your ex when you still call each other pet names like “baby” and “my love”. And as if that’s not enough, you still meet up. Telling me you have nothing to do with Mabel is an insult on my intelligence and I don’t like that,” Jennifer replied visibly shaken with anger. Michael paced the length and breadth of the room trying to control his anger. Jennifer found his silence rather annoying and sought to get to the bottom of it. “Michael your silence is not helping matters at all. It is rather aggravating the issue,” She added. “I can stand any accusation from you but not being labeled a cheat. I meant no harm at all. We are just fond of calling each other such names. And about meeting with her, it was for old time sake. She’s been away in the states for three years and just returned of recent,” he explained. “How does such an explanation sound to you? Even a five-year- old would not buy that. I remember the day I ran into an old friend in a mall and exchanged pleasantries. What did you do? You could not even wait for us to get home before landing me a slap in the car just because of a harmless hug. If I had done as much as this then I believe you would have skinned me alive. Just when we are trying to rebuild our marriage you decided to cheat on me?” Jennifer replied losing control of her voice. “Don’t you dare talk to me in such manner,” Michael cautioned. “Or else what? I guess the truth is bitter huh! You should have thought about that before rekindling your romance with Mabel,” she retorted. Michael landed a slap on her face for a start and made sure he beat the allegation out of her before storming out of the room. Jennifer dragged her assaulted body to the wall in a sitting position before punching Sarima’s number into her small phone to inform her of her ordeal and picked up few items leaving for the guest room. Jennifer looked in the direction of the door and was happy that she followed her instincts to have it locked. Michael had camped in front of her room all night apologizing for going out of control while convincing her to open the door in order to hear him out. From the look of things, Jennifer was sure he would not go to work and the thought of it troubled her a lot because she figured she needed ample time for herself if she had to survive. Just when she was about to give up on ever leaving the room, she heard Mrs. Obiora’s voice urging her to open the door. She wondered what her mother in- law had up her sleeves this time. She opened the door to see the face of her mother-in-law laced with pity and surprise and suddenly started imagining what had gone wrong with her. Mrs. Obiora pulled her along like a child and examined her properly to see the extent of the damage before proceeding to strike up a conversation with Jennifer. “I know I have never welcomed you as a member of this family, always making sure that you are seated on a keg of gun powder. I am truly sorry for everything I have done against you. Jennifer my child please find a place in your heart to forgive me,” she pleaded on her knees. Taken aback by her sudden change in attitude, Jennifer pulled her up and embraced her as a sign of forgiveness. “My child I may have been the definition of wickedness but I am definitely not in support of my son’s violent attitude towards you. How could you bear to stay married to a man whose hobby is to abuse you to the extent of making you lose three pregnancies?” she paused waiting for Jennifer to say something. Jennifer realized that her mother-in-law was genuinely concerned and decided to open up but was at loss of what to say to her with tears streaming down her face. “So it’s true. Here I was blaming you for being childless while my son has been occupied with the task of killing the fetus and you kept me in the dark all this while. As if that is not enough, he laid his hands on you last night. Jennifer you would not spend another night in this house until he comes back to his senses. No sane man hits his wife,” she spoke with her voice threatening to raise the roof. “But how did you find out ma?” Jennifer questioned. “It means you had no plans of telling me. I would not have known if not for Melody.” Mrs. Obiora was about to say something when Michael walked in surprised to find his mother discussing with his wife. He greeted his mother and proceeded to know why she came visiting so early. “I came to rescue my daughter from the jaws of death. Michael, I am your mother and I know I raised you up properly but never in my life could I imagine that you made a pact with the devil. How could you beat up your wife to the point of her having a miscarriage?” she thundered. Michael was totally confused as he looked from his mother to his wife and was at loss of what to say. “But mum she was not pregnant. I swear she was…” he was still talking when his mother landed him a deafening slap. “Are you remorseful that you beat her to a sorry state or that you failed to terminate another pregnancy? Despite my excesses, your father never laid his hands on me, a fact which you can attest to. Michael, I rue the day I had you and I would not leave this house without Jennifer,” she said angrily. Michael was flabbergasted at his mum’s new behaviour as she led Jennifer out of the room to their matrimonial room for her to pick some of her personal effects. Realizing the enormity of the situation, Michael pleaded with Jennifer who did not even look in his direction, only paying attention to packing her stuff. His plea to both women fell on deaf ears as he watched them drive out of the premises leaving him in the arms of loneliness. TBC
20 Feb 2017 | 09:00
Register . New episode is here. 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@oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 . @djlewiss @emmanuelaw50gmail-com @ozison1 @adetutu-odunayo @denciebabe @coolval222-2
20 Feb 2017 | 09:10
I think he deserves that
20 Feb 2017 | 10:33
Serves u right... What kind of a man are you? If you really want to learn how to punch,, den go out and buy yourself a punching bag and not using ur wife I'm glad ur mother nw understand
20 Feb 2017 | 15:46
How could he... Tryinq to heal his marriaqe and still have the strenqth to hit her. He deserve more this.. Thanks to Melody for tellinq his mother the truth.
20 Feb 2017 | 17:06
20 Feb 2017 | 18:28
Hnmm! Life is full of tragedy... Waiting for more....
21 Feb 2017 | 02:29
This Micheal is an animal
21 Feb 2017 | 08:38
Good for him, it seems he wl neva change
21 Feb 2017 | 10:50
dat serves him right. Wife beater
21 Feb 2017 | 11:37
Micheal u deserve what you r getting
21 Feb 2017 | 13:39
Good4 him
21 Feb 2017 | 14:51
@jummybabe don't think. he really deserved it foolish man
21 Feb 2017 | 17:01
@felixharuna11 definitely
22 Feb 2017 | 00:26
EPISODE 4 Jennifer was chatting excitedly with her pals for life at their rendezvous, totally oblivious of the pair of eyes that seemed to monitor her every move. It’s been three weeks since her mother-in-law whisked her away to her house and assumed the position of her guardian angel. Her mother-in-law made Michael’s effort to see her abortive, stressing on the need for ample time and space for Jennifer to clear her head and decide on whether to continue with the marriage or not. The saga brought them really close in a short space of time. Mrs. Obiora on her part treated her like the daughter she never had and went as far as making her understand that she will never blame her for whatever decision she made as regards her marriage to her son. Jennifer with her mother-in-law’s indomitable spirit and encouragement became more confident and eupeptic, rapidly rediscovering herself. Unable to restrain himself anymore, he walked over to her booth with an air of confidence and exchanged pleasantries with the ladies before settling himself into the seat that Jennifer occupied. “Hello Jennifer don’t you remember me?” he asked flashing his sparkling dentition. Jennifer peered into his face for a while and exclaimed. “My God! Ethan! I can’t believe this is you. Mehn… it’s so good to see you. When did you get back?” Jennifer replied grinning. She had met Ethan, a young fresh graduate during an annual fellowship conference in Calabar where he was one of the speakers during her undergraduate days. They had exchanged contacts and became friends before he left the country in pursuance of his masters degree a year later. “I returned about three months ago. Looking at you from my table, I said to myself that this has to be Jenny or her double. You are still as beautiful as ever,” he said with a million dollar smile. “Thank you. You are not looking bad yourself,” she replied with a smile. “I have been searching for you ever since my return. It seems you changed your line. What do you say, we hang for dinner and catch up on old times?” he asked not taking his eyes of her. “Well I’m married now,” she said waving her left hand to show off her wedding ring and suddenly realized that she forgot her wedding band for the first time in two years. She felt completely embarrassed and tried to lighten things up by promising to have him over for dinner for him to meet her husband. He promised to honour her invitation and left but not before collecting her number. The ladies didn’t even wait for Ethan to exit the building before probing her on the turn of events. “Babe, have you finally made up your mind to call it quit with Michael? I mean, leaving the house without your wedding band at such a crucial time speaks volumes,” Sarima stated with a look of concern. “I don’t how it slipped my mind but I sincerely forgot it,” Jennifer replied rubbing her ring finger. “That’s the irony of life. Michael has failed to love and appreciate the drop dead beauty he married while other men are drooling over her. Need I mention that he is sooo handsome?” Melody said emphatically while smiling sheepishly. “Here comes the matchmaker. What makes you think he is drooling over me?” Jennifer asked Melody, trying to look serious. “Na for my mouth you wan hear say coke black? My sight is still in perfect condition,” she said, swinging her index and middle fingers from side to side in front of her eyes. “Blessed is the lady that will say I do to him. Well, I would have recommended Sarima to him if not for her engagement to Louis,” Melody replied winking at Sarima with a hint of sarcasm. “Ladies let’s be serious. Sweetheart, have you finally made your decision regarding your marriage?” Sarima asked staring at Jennifer. “I met with Michael and Pastor Damian briefly last Friday and made it clear that I would only continue with the marriage on the conditions that firstly, he severes ties with Mabel and secondly, that I continue staying at my mother-in-laws’ until the counseling sessions are over. I can’t risk being pummeled again,” Jennifer informed her friends who admired her resolution and further encouraged her. It’s been four months since the inception of the counseling sessions and Michael and Jennifer put in their best in redeeming their marriage. They hung out a whole lot, paid each other visits and spent quality time together like newlyweds but Jennifer maintained her stand in staying away from their matrimonial home for the mean time. Jennifer had not set eyes on Michael for a straight week due to his tight schedule and he always sounded stressed out over the phone. She walked into the house on Saturday afternoon intending to give her husband a huge surprise visit. She scanned the initial rooms without Michael in sight and headed to the bedroom hoping to find him there. With a ravishing smile, she paused in front of the door and was about to call out his pet name before turning the knob when she heard voices. She was sure the other voice belonged to a woman but she could not figure out who she was. She pressed her ear to the door so as to get the words clearly in order not to jump into conclusions. “Don’t even bring love into this. There is only one woman that I am in love with and that’s my wife, so get that stupid thought out of your head,” he barked unable to keep his voice down. “I am pregnant for God’s sake. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” she replied with so much frustration. “I should have known you had it mapped out when you seduced me Mabel. My God! I should have seen it coming,” he replied pacing the room with one hand on his waist and the other rubbing his head. “Seduce you? How convenient for you to heap the blame on me. It was mutual remember? Michael, I will not get rid of the baby if that’s what you are thinking. You better man up to your responsibility,” Mabel said nonchalantly. The creak from the door caught their attention temporarily halting the heated argument. Michael was wide eyed to see his wife in tears and knew within himself that he had come to the end of the road all because he yielded to Mabel’s ploy. Jennifer was irate but in control of her emotions. With tears cascading her pretty face, she walked towards Michael managing a smile. “Thank you so much Michael. Thank you for everything. Congratulations anyway,” she said in a calm manner that surprised not only Michael but herself and made for the door. Michael couldn’t imagine losing his wife and took hold of her hand as he tried to make her understand that it was a onetime mistake, pleading that they fight through it together but got an unexpected slap that briefly knocked the air out of his lungs. “Forgiving you is not a big deal but this is one hell of a scar that will always remind me of your betrayal. How do you expect me to feel when the child comes around? Don’t tell me you intend to stay away from the life of your own blood. For two years I fought hard to save my marriage with you as a wife beater but what I can’t stand is infidelity. You have just crossed the rubicon Michael and there is no going back,” she stated matter- of-factly casting one final look at them before using the door. Mabel, who had been tongue- tied all through the saga, brought Michael back to reality by snapping her fingers. “What do we do about the baby now that your wife is no longer in the dark about it?” Mabel asked standing akimbo. “You bitch!” Michael cursed as he could no longer stomach her attitude and raised his hand in an attempt to slap her but Mabel was swift in getting a hold of his hand in the air with a don’t even try it stare. “That I still have feelings for you does not give you the right to lay your hands on me. Don’t you ever try it with me. I am not Mabel,” she said and walked away not giving a hoot about how he felt. Final episode drops tomorrow.
22 Feb 2017 | 03:41
you av to carry your cross Michael
22 Feb 2017 | 06:35
Men! Oh men! Most of us dnt value wat we hv till dey ar no more
22 Feb 2017 | 07:15
Mabel is the perfect wife for u....Micheal...buhahahahahahaha
22 Feb 2017 | 07:17
U Jst end up destroying ur marriage
22 Feb 2017 | 07:56
I think Michael and Jennifer are meant to be together
22 Feb 2017 | 08:12
well tym to end up d marriage Michael......Mabel z ur wife nd as for jenny I can see Ethan z ur hubby... tmoro tells d finally can't wait
22 Feb 2017 | 08:13
Am sure that baby doesn't belong to Michael
22 Feb 2017 | 08:33
I can't wait for the final episode
22 Feb 2017 | 08:58
Ethan for Jenny and Marbel for you perfect match
22 Feb 2017 | 09:04
22 Feb 2017 | 10:49
Sum men r very stupid
22 Feb 2017 | 12:14
You guys r nt destined to be with each other,anyways tommorrow would tell
22 Feb 2017 | 15:23
family ties broken.
22 Feb 2017 | 15:28
Hnmm.! Observing
22 Feb 2017 | 18:17
Good for you Micheal! Next pls!
23 Feb 2017 | 02:57
EPISODE 5(FINAL) Mrs. Ifeoma Umeh, Jennifer’s mother, was trying her best to keep her cool. She was fuming and tapping her right foot repeatedly on the floor as a way of suppressing her anger towards their visitors. She could not understand why James her husband could not drop his calm demeanor for once and take actions especially in a situation as sensitive as this involving his only daughter. She was not interested in Michael’s cock and bull story and was just bidding her time to unleash her fury at him. “I know what my daughter has been through in your hands ever since your marriage to her and I don’t intend pushing her against her will. My daughter said she is no longer interested and I respect her decision,” James replied visibly angry while still trying to be civil. “Please let me see her and explain my own side of the story. I believe…” Michael was still speaking when Ifeoma cut him midway. “It seems you still haven’t gotten a clear picture of what my husband has been saying all this while. In case you didn’t understand, he said Jennifer is no longer interested in the wrestling arena you call marriage. In fact we look forward to returning her bride price,” Ifeoma charged at him. “Woman please take it easy,” James pleaded with his wife. “Take what easy? Answer me. Do you expect me to stay calm until this ruffian kills my daughter? Michael, that you are still seated here is as a result of the respect I have for your mother…” Jennifer’s entrance into the living room made her pause her sentence. “It’s okay mum. I’ll take it up from here. Michael I am not cut out for your pathetic explanations. There’s nothing left of this marriage and I have made up my mind to move on. So please leave me alone so that I can pick up the pieces of my life and it’s not as if I am leaving a vacuum in your life. It’s over Mike,” Jennifer said looking him in the eyes. Michael tried to say something to her but she would hear none of it and started back to her room when Mrs. Obiora’s plea made her halt her steps. “I regret not loving you when I should and I am really sorry for all I put you through. You made the right decision and I have no grievance about it. Please my child don’t put an end to the bond we now share because of my son’s stupidity,” she pleaded and held her locked in an embrace fighting back the tears as she left the building surprising Michael who thought she would plead on his behalf. Michael sat in the restaurant alternating his eyes between the door and his wrist watch. They were way behind time but he had no other choice than to wait, after all he was in need of their help. It took a lot of plea from him to get them to consent to this meeting. They walked into the restaurant together looking indifferent and certain about what the conversation would be all about. “Good afternoon ladies. Please take your seats,” he greeted as they took their seats replying his greeting in unison. “Thanks for honouring my invitation. This means a whole lot to me,” he further said. “Of course it means a whole to you so that you can finally finish her off,” Melody thought within herself, staring hard at him. “Why did you bring us here?” Sarima asked as though she was oblivious as to why he arranged the meeting. “I know I have hurt your friend so much but it was not intentional. I have been searching for her everywhere without success. I tried calling her several times but she never takes my call and that was before her line became unavailable. I know you both know where she is and I need you to help me get to her,” he pleaded with a solemn look. “Why do you think we know where she is? I mean, have you checked with your mum and her parents?” Sarima asked Michael. “Yes I have. My mum doesn’t even want to see me and her parents would not disclose her whereabouts. Please you girls have to help me,” he said pleading with them. “I wish I could help you. I honestly do but what you are asking of us is totally impossible. Even if it were possible for me to be of help to you, tell me why I should do it,” Sarima said with a stern look. “Ima, please do me this favour. Believe me it wasn’t intentional. Mabel took advantage of Jennifer’s absence and our sexual asceticism to seduce me. It was a onetime mistake that has turned into my worst nightmare,” he explained close to tears. “Michael, like I said earlier on, we can’t help you in anyway. I wish it were possible,” Sarima calmly explained. “Please cut the chase Ima. Don’t tell me you are now softening up to him because of his public display of remorse. You should know him too well to believe this charade. Michael, do I know where she is? Yes I know where she is and I would not give you an opportunity to further rip her apart. Haven’t you caused enough damage to her life already? The best I can do for you is to tell her to speed up the divorce process so that you can have your desired freedom and be with the woman you now fancy,” Melody replied with so much spite refusing to be fooled by his terrible and somber look. Michael went on his knees not minding that he was in a public place pleading with Melody to have pity on him and take him to Jennifer but his plea was like water poured on a duck. “Ima, I think we are done here or do you have any other reason to stay behind?” Melody asked Sarima, prompting her to stand to her feet. “It was nice seeing you Michael. Do have a nice day. Don’t worry your head okay, I don’t forget to keep whatever promise I make to people unlike you,” she said leading the way with Sarima at her heels. The strong breeze at the beach worked its way through her hair and loose cotton knee length gown that did little to conceal her protruded stomach. She stood with her legs dug in the sand enjoying the sight of the waves when he wrapped his hand around her waist and whispered into her ears causing her to smile. She didn’t see him come, typical of him to always surprise her. Jennifer never knew she would wind up in a blissful marriage and wished she would never wake up if this fairy-tale life was all but a dream. It’s been more than two years since she and Michael went their separate ways with God turning her battered life into something beautiful with Ethan by her side. She spent the first year after the divorce healing and rediscovering herself with no plans of settling down anytime soon, seeing a potential threat in every man that came her way. Her family was mad at her for turning down the alimony all in the name of clemency because they obviously wanted a pound of flesh for what Michael made her go through. That was the most difficult phase of her life that she would never wish for anyone and she was pretty sure that it would have been awful if not for the succor Melody and Sarima offered her. She recalled how she made an innocent man pay for the sins he never committed. She had cried herself to stupor after the divorce and lost the will power to move on when Ethan showed up offering to kiss her pains away but she built a barricade around her heart unable to bring herself to commit to another man. But no matter how much she pushed him away, he showed so much resilience standing by her with so much patience which eventually paid off after a whole year. Michael had fought tooth and nail to win her back even after the divorce had taken place. He went as far as embarrassing himself at Sarima’s wedding where she played the maid of honour all in a bid to get her to talk to him. But unfortunately for him, Ethan whisked her away politely but not before telling Michael that she was already taken. Melody was on hand to make his misery worse by catching up with them and describing them as a match made in heaven and winked at Michael. The last she heard about Michael from his mother was that he bluntly refused to settle down with Mabel who almost lost her life to the pregnancy because it was an ectopic one and she really felt pity for both of them. She had decided to let go of the hurt refusing to allow them steal her joy and allowed God to be the arbitrator. Ethan once told her that although she was battered and traumatized, she was not crushed or deflated. His peck interrupted her thoughts making her realize she didn’t hear most of the things he said. “Was she thinking about me again? Why don’t you just say you love me other than fantasizing about me?” he said playfully as he drew her gently to himself. “You wish. You are such a dreamer,” she said laughing as she poked his side. “Now let’s go get that barbecue that has been on your mind my lady,” he said taking a mock bow. With that they walked away chatting and laughing without a care in the world. **THE END**
23 Feb 2017 | 03:31
Register Final Episode is here. Come n read. @pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl 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@johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @djlewiss @emmanuelaw50gmail-com
23 Feb 2017 | 03:35
Am happy for her. Lesson to men.
23 Feb 2017 | 05:32
hmmmm Micheal lost a precious Diamond when he was after stones..... lol well a good lesson to dose men who ve a precious Jewel nd chasing after stones... know all dat glitters re not Gold........ With Gods Grace I will never lose my Precious Gold for a stone. Amen........
23 Feb 2017 | 06:36
Nice story A must read for most men
23 Feb 2017 | 06:53
Nice story A must read for most men
23 Feb 2017 | 06:53
I love happy endings time for you guys to prove yourself
23 Feb 2017 | 07:23
Nice story.... Nice ending
23 Feb 2017 | 07:38
Nice story
23 Feb 2017 | 07:43
some people don't value wot they have until they lose it. Beautiful story
23 Feb 2017 | 09:13
Serves d idiot ryt. Sum men dnt treasure wat they hav until they lost it.
23 Feb 2017 | 11:08
23 Feb 2017 | 13:04
Love dx
23 Feb 2017 | 15:34
Lovely ending... A good lesson to be learnt
23 Feb 2017 | 16:35
Nice one!
23 Feb 2017 | 17:08
Wow, that's true love
23 Feb 2017 | 17:30
Nice nd educating story
24 Feb 2017 | 11:42
Lesson learnt
24 Feb 2017 | 11:43
God give us christian homes.
10 Mar 2017 | 19:28
Some men are idiots... I dnt knw y a man shld raise up Hz hand against any female, nt to tok of Hz wyf.... Itz a curse
18 Mar 2017 | 01:41
Wow nice story
30 Aug 2017 | 20:33
29 Dec 2017 | 03:32


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