beautiful awakening

beautiful awakening

By Israel in 4 Jul 2021 | 14:20
Israel shedy

Israel shedy

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Member since: 5 Mar 2020
My name is Joshua Walter, am in ss1, am fair in complexion, tall, am not that bad when it comes to my facial looks but I can’t judge that my self, also am 15, I live with my grandmother, my mom is late while my dad work’s as a civil servant, he always can’t be at home due to work issues, I live with my grandmother In Benin. The school I attend is by name Graceland Academy, an academy known for the production of brilliant students with good behaviors and bright academic abilities. An example of their production is me. Am brilliant and very low key I don’t express myself in my exams because am afraid I will beat the schools average and attract what I hate most, attention. During exams, I calculate my total score and average when answering questions, well that’s to tell you how brilliant I am. My class sees me as the most smartest person they ever knew but I didn’t see myself like that, because I felt that sooner or later I may meet someone better than me.
4 Jul 2021 | 14:20
20 Jul 2021 | 16:43
EPISODE 1: GETTING READY Today, I will be going to school for the last time to see my two best friends before moving to my new school, oh!!! I forgot to mention, in the last academic session I won a scholarship as the brightest student from jss1 to ss1 to continue my ss2 in another school in Abuja and coincidentally, my uncle, uncle mark lived there with his wife and son, he was my father’s younger brother, and so moving in with them was the best choice. I wasn’t willing to accept the scholarship, because I didn’t like changing schools, but because of my dad’s opinion I had no other choice but to buckle up for the change that was about to happen in my life. So, on this Friday morning I had done the normal daily routine of humans which was brushing, bathing, eating, dressing up and other things you could imagine, I left my grandma at home to collect my admission letter. I boarded a commercial bus to my school and when I got there the first people I met were Maxwell and Philip, people called us the three idiots, partners in crime, brother in arms, but what I love to call our circle of three was friends. Seeing them they didn’t have the cheerful look that they often had in their face every morning, I couldn’t help but feel bad because their sadness really affected me too, when I got to them, we just stood there motionlessly for about three minutes looking at each other, then Maxwell asked me, so when will you be leaving? Tomorrow, I already have my bags packed up came my reply, and he was like, so soon I thought you might stay for like four days before going travelling there. My dad insisted that I must go as soon as possible in other to start the term since I have already lost one week session of the 1st term already I replied him sadly. Philip who hadn’t spoken since my arrival, then said, c’mon guys cheer up, it’s just two years from now, although it’s going to be hard not seeing you Josh we will still be in touch with each other, we must enter the same university together after all we are brothers for life. His words kind of relished us, so started talking while they escorted me to the principal’s office to get my new school’s admission letter, I haven’t even known the name of the school, sounds funny huh? Well am about to find out. When we got to the principal’s office they stayed outside while I went in. In the office, sited on the chair was Mr Williams Shaw, a man in his late sixties, he was the principal of Graceland academy, he always had this stern look on his face that always act as a symbol of discipline but each moment he saw me his face tends to loosen up a little, and today was not an exception, Good afternoon sir, I greeted him while standing, not daring to sit on the empty sits in the office, how are you today Joshua, came his reply, am fine sir I said with a smile plastered on my face, he told me to sit down, so are you preparing to go to your new school, yes sir, I have already prepared to travel to Abuja, so I am kind off anxious to know the name of my new school I told him. He didn’t say anything but gave me an envelope, I opened the envelop curiously and saw a paper inside, this paper was an admission letter, in the paper the name of my new school, address and other things which I needed for entry into the school was written there. My new school by name was Greenfield College, school fees, text books and other learning materials were already covered by Graceland academy, also it contained the school anthem, dress code, rules and regulations.
20 Jul 2021 | 16:44
EPISODE 2: ADMISSION LETTER I had briefly glanced through the paper when the voice of my principal sounded, he said to me. I know you are living this school against your own will but its what’s best for you, with your kind of IQ (intelligence quotient), am afraid if not trained well in a proper and more advanced field of learning like green field’s, it will only bring down your production capacity. Note that it is not only me who made the decision of this scholarship; it also included your teachers not excluding Mr. Fred your form teacher from jss1 to jss3. He told me about how your average score always comes in a line of sequence. He said it always come as 89, 90, 91 respectively in the first, second and third term of each academic session from Jss1 to jss3, I was kind off surprised that your score would come out like that so I began to think of a possibility that maybe you are the one purposely doing that, so I monitored you secretly during your exams and surprisingly your result during your ss1 year also came in the same sequence, that’s when I knew, that definitely you were not ordinary. Am I right son? He asked, I blushed not knowing what to tell him about his theorem of me, I mean who could have thought that despite the fact that I brought my self down I would still be noticed. Only my friends knew about this secret of mine. Of course they tried to pressure me into breaking the school average, but I refused, they still tried their best to persuade me though, but I didn’t listen to them. Well facing Mr. Williams I replied his question by saying yes. Then he smiled, then said to me, I knew you were special, that’s why I opted for the scholarship, surprisingly all the teachers agreed along with me, but I have to tell you this, you have to make Graceland academy proud in your new school, although the school is filled with high class kids and other promising students like you, don’t get intimidated by them, always avoid bad friends and beware of girls, you are now in ss2 and this is the time when you start noticing girls around you, so you must pay attention to that aspect of life, also make new friends, I noticed that you always talk to two set of people only and avoid other people from your life, you should try and be more social in your, it is good for your future and also for your health, that’s what I have for you, he said concluding his speech, after that he gave me another envelop which was sealed and stamped with the school stamp, he said that the envelop should not be open, but it should be given to the principal of Greenfield’s college. I thanked him for the advice before leaving his office.
20 Jul 2021 | 16:51
EPISODE 3: SAYING GOODBYE when i got out side I saw my friends still waiting for me, the first thing they asked me was, what’s the name of your new school. I told them that it was Greenfield college in Abuja, they gasped with their eyes wide open, Philip who first recovered said, you mean the famous Greenfield in Abuja, the school which always wins the inter school competition hosted by the government between all states in the country. Yes I retorted, you sure are one lucky goat bro congratulations, Maxwell said to me with a smile, he hugged me, Philip joined in the hug and said proudly, I knew my buddy was always destined for great things from the day we entered his room, he just wasn’t ready to accept that fate, but I guessed fate has come knocking on his door. We laughed over his choice of words, but then I was still sad. Maxwell who noticed my distress advised, you should be cheerful and happy you are going to such a good school, even though not seeing you in the next two years is going to be tough, you can’t allow our own happiness to ruin your own future, Philip then said, why don’t you just try to at least to beat your new school’s average score also be more social, you can also get to know more people there also I think you should start dating. I looked at him feigning to be angry, what do you mean by that? He stepped back grinning, sorry bro no offence just kidding, oooh! you want me to be like you that has screwed many innocent girls at this young age I said sarcastically, Maxwell who was watching out little drama spoke, if looks could kill the two of us would have already been murdered by you, by the way I think Philip is right, you are too close to yourself, you should try to be more social and accept people into your life, I then reminded them saying, if I am too close myself, then how did you get to know me. Philip, then retorted, have you forgotten we were the ones who initiated the friendship with you and desperately climbed those walls you put around your heart, we couldn’t crush them but we climbed sha but one thing for sure is that one day someone is going to crush those walls and that someone is going to be a girl. Then i said Lets bet for three years to come, I may not even make any friends, talk less of a girl, but if I have a female friend before the next two years I would copy all the notes for the both of you for our first semester In 100 level in the university, yeah am in said Maxwell, me too Philip said, ok then we shall see I retorted, by this time Graceland academy had already finished their break session for today and students where supposed to be in their class for the next lesson after the break period, so I looked at my friends, we hugged each other one last time before I went outside the gate, I couldn’t help but feel empty as I was going to the road side to board a bus home. Those two guys had always been there for me and showed me things that I could never learn myself, the only thing I ever figured out myself was my books but they opened my eyes showed me other things like football, standing up to the school bullies, even answering questions in class anytime, although I never tried to do that, they understood me, they never left me even after I tried to push them away from myself, they made me understand what friendship means.
20 Jul 2021 | 16:59
EPISODE 4: JOURNEY I stopped a taxi and headed home, when I got home it was already 2:30pm, I showed my grandma the admission letter, she thanked God for the scholarship but I knew deep down she was sad, so I told her, do not worry about me, I will be fine. I know my son its just that am going to feel lonely after you leave, but nevertheless I will get used to your absence she said. Then her face straighten up, let’s go prepare for your journey tomorrow, have you bought the things you may need there, yes I bought them this morning before going out. Ok then I think you are prepared, also don’t forget your phone. Just then we heard a knock on the door, so I went to open the door, standing at the door my Uncle Mark, good evening sir came my greetings to him. He looked at me then said sarcastically, you cannot come and hug me, or is it because you have grow tall? I smiled sheepishly then walked to give him a hug. How are you he said patting my head. He didn’t bring any belongings since he was to take me with him to Abuja tomorrow. After making fun of me he then smiled looking at my grandmother, good evening mum he said. Grandma looked at him feigning to be upset, so it is now you are aware of my presence in the house, it is not like that na my uncle said looking like a kid about to be flogged by his mother, how will you even know am here when you were all over Joshua immediately you came in, grandma retorted, uncle then said surprised, mum don’t tell me you are jealous, so you still have the guts to talk? Said grandma still pretending to be angry okay am sorry mom, how should I make it up to you before grandma could reply him I sneaked into my room. Looking at the walls in my rooms I sighed, I knew certainly I was going to miss my room. I glanced at the equations and formulas that was written on the walls and smiled. When my friends first came to my house the first time, they just knew me to be smart but when they got to my room, they were terrified, at that time Maxwell was the one who spoke first, bro are you the one who wrote these? Well as you can see this is my room and apart from me no one else will do this or do you think my grandma wrote this? I asked him back, he laughed while Philip then said full of awe, bro I hope you don’t go crazy, because I have heard stories about people who lost their sanity to their intelligence, then begin to start spewing formulas from their mouths every day in their life. That was Philip who always thinks negatively. Remembering all these memories only made me to miss them more, anyway I braced up for the change, so I prepared my things. That night my dad called me, to ask if uncle mark had arrived, also he gave me some piece of advice then warned me not to make trouble with anybody in my new school.
20 Jul 2021 | 17:10
EPISODE 5: JOURNEY 2 The next day which was a Saturday, I got up in the morning, prayed to God for a safe journey then I went to have breakfast with my uncle, my grandma gave me another series of advice during breakfast, after that my uncle gave her some money told her to take care of herself. Before we left for the park, when we got to the park we boarded a commercial bus which was to take us to Abuja within 8 hours, it was a long tiring trip for me, I just spent long hours on my techno pop 2f during the journey the phone was not that good, it was an old phone which was given to me by grandmother, she said the phone was too complicated for her, so she gave me then bought a small button phone. It’s been over two years till now and I am still managing it. Finally the journey finally ended with me carrying a very famished expression, after minutes of taking taxies and trekking we finally arrived at my uncle’s house. My uncle’s wife and 6year old Charlie received us with a warm reception, after we settled down my uncles wife served us food, which I ate rapidly. After eating I was showed to the guest room where I off loaded my stuff and arranged the room to my liking. My uncle worked as staff in a company while his wife was a teacher in a school. Their pay was not that large but they were able to rent a house which was a four bedroom apartment and consists of a sitting room, kitchen, and a dining room. He and his wife used one of the rooms while I and Charlie used our own rooms separately, but the little guy was so happy about my presence that he will always find a reason to come to my own room to disturb me, but I found this attitude of him pleasing, because I had long yearned for a sibling. After some minutes of resting, Charlie came to my room and told me my presence was need in the sitting room. I went to the sitting room, greeted my uncle and aunt before sitting down. My aunt was the first who spoke, Joshua how was your rest. Fine ma, I retorted. Hope u like your new room, she said. Yes ma the room is great I replied, then my uncle who had’t spoken since my arrival said, joshua you will be moving to a new school, u have to be a good boy, u need to be weary of the other kids you will be learning with, they are kids with influential background, from the description I got about them they are usually rude and arrogant. You must try not to cross paths with them. Also I want you to perform well, usually kids there are also brilliant, so you are going to experience a lot of competition. After he had finished talking he dismissed me to bed. In bed that evening, I was already becoming nervous of my new school but I waited for Monday though and finally the monday which i dreaded most finally came.
20 Jul 2021 | 17:14
EPISODE 6: GREENFIELD COLLEGE I woke up prepared for school, and wore normal clothes for that day, I packed up my books into my bag and went with my uncle to the so called Greenfields college for my registration, when we got to the school I saw a big gate, alongside with green fences, on the gate the words green field college, I was just admiring the green fences when a man dressed In plain uniform stopped us from entering. He looked at us with an expression that said what are you doing here, my uncle, who seemed kind of upset with his attitude, said, am here for the registration of this young man into this school, my uncle said showing him the admission letter, when he saw the letter his expression became friendly, then he said am sorry friends, you know there are many high profiled kids around here and I have to make sure there are no intruders into the school to ensure their safety, my uncle nodded with an expression which signified that that he understood the plight of the young man. Walking into the school I saw several other security guards in the same uniform as the man who opened the gate but what really amazed me was the beauty of this school, when we were still outside the school I thought only the fences were green, but having seen the real buildings before my eyes I now knew why the school was named green field, all the buildings were light green, in my heart I thanked and gave respect to the person who designed the school buildings, walking from the gate to the principal’s office, I saw that the school had three parts, the class rooms and laboratories which stood together as one, the principal’s office and the staff room, the cafeteria stood a little far from the staff room, and lastly the sports arena, but I didn’t see much of that side of the school since it was a bit far from the main buildings. What even surprised me more are the green flowers in front of every class, they also added to the beauty of the school by complimenting the green buildings with their green leaves. When we got to the principal’s office, the principal wasn’t around so we waited, I saw a guy with his parents, I guessed he also came for registration into the school, my uncle greeted them while we waited for the principal, after 15 minutes he came, he apologized for keeping and proceeded with the registration procedures. After waiting for a while before it was my turn, after getting inside the principal introduced himself as Mr. Collins after exchanging greetings with my uncle, then I gave him the letter my principal gave me or should I say Graceland’s principal gave to me. After filling forms and going through all the procedures the registration process ended my uncle left the school to work. I was given my uniform which I was to wear the next day before I was directed to my new class by a teacher.
20 Jul 2021 | 17:22
EPISODE 7: ARROGANT CLASSMATES When i walked into my new class I could see they were not having any lesson, the teacher walked in while I followed with my head facing down, and this is the part I hated most in my life, the introduction part, the teacher who brought me spoke to the class, hello students, this young man here is going to be your new classmate so please give him a warm reception, I noticed when she was saying the word “warm” she emphasized it, I could already feel chills running down my spine that moment, then she turned to me and said, introduce yourself to your new classmate, all this while my head was just facing down, so I raised my head to see to my new classmates, the expression on their face was by no means friendly. Then I introduced myself saying simply, my name is Joshua Walter. Also I saw the guy I saw at the principal’s office, sitting among the students. Then the teacher then spoke again, you should know that he is here on scholarship, so that should give you a good reason not to let your guard down. After that she told me to sit down in an empty sit, the chairs in the class were meant to contain two students so I sat at the extreme end of an empty chair which means I was close to the wall. After I sat down a guy stood up from his seat and walked to the front of the class then said, please give him a warm reception, also he is on scholarship he said mimicking the voice of the teacher who just left, that kind off caused a reaction between my new classmates making them to roar in laughter, my name is Joshua Walter a girl said shakily mimicking my voice, I couldn’t help but sighed, this guys really were arrogant, I thought to myself. While they were still laughing, the jerk who initiated the laughter came to my seat then sat down beside me, he fist bumped me on my shoulder. Hey dude, are you really on scholarship? he asked me. Sincerely speaking I didn’t know how to reply him, so I just did not say anything. Are you deaf, can’t you hear me, don’t you know am talking to you, he asked grabbing me by the collar, but I still didn’t say anything, he smiled and said, whoa, keep your words to yourself he said releasing me, I thought he was about to leave, but he turned and but this should be lesson no 1, you should always talk when asked to talk. With that he took my bag emptied its content which included my books and my uniform on the floor, stepped on my uniform then he threw my bag to another direction then went to his sit. Now I knew why the teacher emphasized the word “warm” when she said warm reception, anyway I dropped the book I was reading, went to my bag picked it up before arranging my books and uniform in my back again. While all this was happening, the rest of my class mates were just laughing as hard as they can. I didn’t say anything but kept looking at my book.
20 Jul 2021 | 17:38
Ride on, please
21 Jul 2021 | 13:10
21 Jul 2021 | 14:46
I think your silent mode is good but be careful
21 Jul 2021 | 14:47
21 Jul 2021 | 14:48
Next please
21 Jul 2021 | 16:25
EPISODE 8: ARROGANT CLASSMATES 2 The teacher who brought me to the class later came in. we all stood up while greeting her, after the greetings, she dropped her things then wrote physics on the board. I was kind of surprised that a woman would be teaching physics, normally what they teach would either be biology or chemistry with all the complications of physics it is extremely rare to see a woman teaching it. Soon she started teaching, well I have to say she was really good, she was teaching us electric field, well the topic was quite interesting from her explanation. After some minutes of teaching she suddenly asked a question, I want someone to explain the principle of electricity production from a dam. And that was it everyone became clueless, I didn’t dare to raise my hand although I knew the answer but I looked around and saw a hand up, of all the people in the class I never imagined that the person whose hand will be up will be the jerk that was picking on me when I got into the class. He was also looking at me with a smirk on his face, did he really think I would be competing with him for just a mere question I thought to myself, yes Kelvin the teacher said to him pulling me out of my thoughts. Then he stood up proudly, looked around then started explaining, dams are walls built in such a way that they can hold large volume of water in the river, then through small openings water is allowed to fall, this falling water then lands on a turbine and does the work of turning the turbine as it hits it causing the turbine to rotate as a result of this, through a gear system or fan belt a dynamo also known as an electrical generator rotates. This dynamo then generates electricity by converting the mechanical energy of the turbine into electricity which is then transmitted through electric cables to residential areas. That’s brilliant Kelvin, the teacher applauded him. While he was busy explaining, the girls were all looking at him with dreamy eyes, he then sat down looking at me with that same expression he had on his face a while ago, I just couldn’t fathom why the jerk was targeting me, or is it because they said I was given scholarship, what was he even trying to prove to me, who cares? I thought to myself so I focused my attention to the rest of the teaching. After the teacher finished teaching, she left the class. Immediately she left a girl made a remark from her sit, it seems our two new classmates are dull students they can’t even make an attempt on a question, another student added to the statement, they are just self proclaimed scholars, with that the class started laughing again, well, I still didn’t say anything but remained quiet and somehow God seemed to sense my trouble then sent in a teacher
22 Jul 2021 | 00:37
EPISODE 9: SEATMATE This teacher actually was a man and he was teaching us mathematics, good morning students he said to us immediately he walked in, good morning sir we replied him, how are you all today, he said to us, we are fine sir, we all retorted. Well what do we have here, it seems you guys have two new classmates in your class the teacher said looking at me and the other new guy, Anyway today I will be teaching you, sine rule so you have to pay attention. While we were half way through the lesson he asked a question, but we were interrupted by the principal who came into our class, I didn’t pay attention to the principal since I was busy trying to decode the question the math teacher wrote on the board. But I listened to his voice while he was talking, hello class, you have a new classmate and her name is Elena Daniel, by the mention of her name I heard gasps then she walked in, my classmates most especially the guys were whispering, oh my god, she is so beautiful, I wanted to looked up but I was too engrossed in the question that was challenging me. Then the principal’s voice continued, I guess you already know her so no need for too much explanation, please treat her well, you guys should offer her a sit, then I heard the math teacher’s voice, go sit with that boy, by this time I was unaware that the boy he was were referring to was me as I was still trying to solve the question. But then I smelt the faint fragrance of perfume coming from someone close to me, I couldn’t help but turn my head sideways, then I saw her. She was on blue jean trousers and a white top with also a blue jean jacket wearing a white bag. Dark hair, pink lips, fair skin, name it, she got it all, I had to admit she was quite beautiful eye catching but screw it I thought, I continued to solve the mystery of the question before me. The teacher concluded the lesson since his time was already over then he left the class. The jerk or should I say Kelvin stood up and was approaching my seat again with his shoulder’s held high, seriously did I offend this guy in my last life, anyway I braced up for any humiliation that was going to happen. But I heard him say hello, I was kind of surprised but discovered he was talking to the girl beside me, yes what do you want Elena replied him bluntly, whoa easy girl am just trying to be friends with you Kelvin said. Then you shouldn’t Elena replied. Ok sorry, no offence, he said simply with his shoulders slumped while he headed back to his seat. The whole class exploded in laughter, even me I couldn’t help but laugh in my heart but on the surface I just smiled. Then we heard the bell ring signaling the break period for that day, I packed my books into my bag, I didn’t know where I was heading to but I just wanted to leave the annoying class, I stood up faced the girl, then told her to excuse me, and that was when I saw her full face, me using quite beautiful and eye catching to describe her before was an understatement, no it was an insult. Looking at her from this angle now, she was like the moon that complimented the dark sky in the night and the sun that stood out above other elements and clouds in the day, time seemed to slow during that moment, I couldn’t help but feel the walls I built around my heart crumbling, but i was woken from my fantasies by her voice, won’t you pass again she asked with an expression which was by no means friendly. I then realized myself before walking passed her embarrassed; as I headed outside I could hear some of my classmates giggling.
22 Jul 2021 | 00:43
EPISODE 10: A NEW FRIEND Finally, I was outside, inside the class to me smelt of humiliation and embarrassment but now I could feel the free pure air nourishing my nose, I decided to head to the cafeteria to buy some snacks to eat and head to the sports arena. While heading to the cafeteria I couldn’t help but think about the girl in the class, the girl seems to be someone with a high status considering the reaction from the class she must be someone popular, and that feeling, the feeling I felt when I saw her, ohhh! it’s been long I felt that kind of feeling, the last time I had that feeling was when i was in Graceland academy but I kept those feelings to myself, with time I got rid of the feelings, but I think am gonna have to do the same thing now, I was interrupted by my thought by someone, calling my name, with a surprised look I turned back and saw the other new boy I saw at the principal’s office today running to catch up with me, I wanted to continue walking but I remembered my friends words about me being social, so I stood while waiting for him. When he got to me, he stretched his hand to me for a handshake, I looked at his hand for 4secs before accepting his handshake, to me it kind of felt weird receiving a handshake from someone I did not know. My name is David he said, I looked at him questioningly then I asked him, is there a problem. I just wanted to be friends with you, after all we are the only ones alone in the class, so I thought we should get along together. I looked at him trying desperately not to walk away but I finally said okay. So where are you off to he asked me. The cafeteria I simply said, well let’s move then he said. We got to the cafeteria bought some snacks, we were about to leave the cafeteria when we met the jerk, oh! I meant Kelvin, he was at the door of the cafeteria, it looked like he was waiting for us. We were about to walk past him when he blocked us, well, well, well, if it isn’t the self proclaimed scholars, he actually said that aloud thereby alerting the attention of other students in the cafeteria, gosh! I felt like dying there, what do you want, David asked him. At least you have the guts to talk, what about your friend, Kelvin said hitting the snacks I bought to the floor, it looks like he’s dumb. I couldn’t stand there again so I walked past him outside the cafeteria. I was walking fast when David came running to me, sorry for that, he said we can share snacks if you want he said. No, thanks I retorted. So where are we going he asked, hey look I said turning to face him, you don’t have to follow me around just because you are trying to make friends with me, besides we are not friends yet, we are just acquaintance nothing else, that was the longest sentence I have ever said since my entry into the school.
22 Jul 2021 | 00:47
Omon,,, iffa go any skool n u try dis rubbish wit me,,, walai,, i go burst ur head 4 u nw... Na madness
22 Jul 2021 | 06:04
Guy watin dey worry u self,,, calm down nw...
22 Jul 2021 | 06:10
Try and make friends mehn
22 Jul 2021 | 11:58
I like your atitude but you suppose no allow somebody oppress you
22 Jul 2021 | 15:51
Change your way of approach to things and be more social
22 Jul 2021 | 15:52
EPISODE 11: A NEW FRIEND 2 I continued walking to the sports arena but surprisingly David was still lurking behind me. when I got to the arena I saw some students running around the field, I was amazed by the view I saw in front of me, the football field was covered with carpet grass which was neatly leveled to perfection, the post was painted white as if it was just painted the moment we got there, there were spaces for other sports like volley ball, table tennis with a running track around the field and the school also built a place for spectators to stand while watching the sports. But what really amazed me was the football field which looked amazing, looking at the field, I felt the adrenaline running through my veins that moment, I then remembered when my friends took me to play football the first time then we were in jss1, that was when I knew I was good at something other than books. After months of playing with them I finally became very good in football, even better than them, Speed, stamina and skill those where my virtues, I was interrupted from my thoughts by David who made a remark saying, breathtaking right? Yeah, nice field I replied him. Am not talking about the field he said, Who? I asked, he then pointed to her direction. Then I saw her again, if you guessed right Elena Daniel, she was talking with a group of junior students, who were all over her excitedly. Who is she I asked, seriously dude you don’t know her? Her dad is the owner of the famous oil land company, her dad has company situated at several states in Nigeria, he is rumored to be the backer of the current president even some governors and also she is the youngest and most popular upcoming model in Nigeria, he said. Wow! I thought but on the surface I stilled remained calm though. Don’t tell me you also don’t know the status of the guy who’s been bothering us he said, I nodded negatively, he continued, well he’s the son of the President, and also the school most brilliant and outstanding athletic student. Now that was another shocking revelation, who would have thought that the jerk will be an excellent student. No wonder he was raising his shoulders high I thought to myself, why is he always targeting me specifically I asked David, well I guess it is because you were silent to him when he talked to you he replied. That was when we heard the bell signaling the end of the break period so we went to the class. After some minutes teachers began trooping in one by one till the end of school period, immediately I heard the alarm ringing for closing time I rushed home, today was actually the worst day of my life, except for the break period with David I hated the rest of the day. I got home greeted my aunt, had lunch, did Charlie’s home work for him then I washed my uniform then ironed it, read for some time then slept.
22 Jul 2021 | 20:26
EPISODE 12: SILENCE Next day I was off to school again but today I was wearing my uniform and I got to say I looked good in it. The school uniform of Greenfield college was a green trouser, white button up shirt and a green jacket on top for both boys and girls except that girls wore skirt instead of trouser. After the assembly for the day I got in the class, by then Elena wasn’t in the class, so I just sat down while I buried my head in my books. I looked up when I heard gasps and whispers coming from my classmates, then I saw Elena walking majestically into the class but this time she was in her school uniform too, today she wore a green bag and white sandals which complimented her uniform, our gazed met but I got hold of myself today and looked away before my gaze began to look awkward like yesterday, when she sat down I heard her say hello and ohh! Her voice felt so good and pleasing to the ears. I didn’t say anything but gave her a thumbs up without looking at her. Can I know your name? She asked again. Joshua I replied without taking my gaze from my book, why are you this cold? is it because of yesterday? She asked. Well am sorry for my attitude yesterday she said, I just replied her by giving her a thumbs up again, I have been talking to you and you are not paying attention instead you are gesturing your thumbs to me she said almost shouting thereby alerting the attention of the class, that was when I looked at her. What do you want I replied almost in a whisper, what’s wrong with you, don’t you know how to talk, she asked me. You guessed right, he is dumb and can’t talk. That was Kelvin the jerk who just walked in with his friends or should I say disciples, but what surprised me was that Elena then said aloud rudely, did I ask you? That was it the whole class started laughing, you dare to laugh, Kelvin yelled at our other classmates making them immediately kept quiet, as for me I couldn’t hold the laughter emanating from me so I covered my mouth with my hands while giggling. Looking at Kelvin I saw that he was visibly angry, our eyes got locked on each other then he nodded gently and I could tell that from that day my stay in green field college was going to be tough. Elena didn’t bother to talk to me again, and it looked like she was upset but then teachers started to troop in one by one until we heard the bell signaling the break period for the day. I packed my books like yesterday and went out, immediately I got out David came to my side, hey bro, how you doing, he said. Am good I replied him, you didn’t even check to see if am in school he reprimanded. Am sorry I said to him, I was kind of surprised by the way I talked to him today, I guess I was already considering as a friend now, so I just flowed with the conversation and I guessed he noticed the change because he made a remark, wow, it seems God talked to you yesterday, he said. What do you mean by that? I replied feigning annoyance, you were not this friendly to me yesterday he said.
22 Jul 2021 | 20:37
EPISODE 13: GETTING ALONG I shrugged then continued walking only to bump into Kelvin, also his crew were all lagging behind him too. I am certainly done I said to myself, what’s up scholar, can u still laugh?, he said shuffling my hair, David who was behind me began apologizing on my behalf to the jerk, but I just stood there looking at him, so you had the guts to laugh while everyone else was laughing, he said to me with a smirk on his face, suddenly he punched me in the face, I couldn’t believe this was happening, I mean how could I just get a punch for laughing In class, it was then I regretted being silent when he asked me to talk yesterday. After delivering the punch he turned to live but it seemed like he remembered something, again you should not even try to make a move on Elena because she is not your type, you are nothing but an ordinary person who got the privilege of being in this school by some worthless scholarship he blurted out before leaving. I was damn surprised, not because of the punch but because he thought I was making a move on Elena, someone I am trying my best to avoid, that’s ridiculous I thought to myself. David, who was watching all the drama then came rushing to me, am so sorry that I could not intercede for you, you know the kind of person he is, if I had try to stop him then it would have been worse he said. I know I replied him, but I was really thankful to God no one was close enough to see what was happening otherwise it would have been embarrassing. Your cheek is now red because of that idiot, David said clenching his fist, as for me I didn’t care, we still walked to the cafeteria to buy snacks, then we went to the sports arena, when we got there we sat somewhere eating our snacks, then we started talking, so what’s your best sport David asked me, football I said simply, not looking at him. Wow me too, so are you going to play for the class next term? He asked, next term? I said not knowing what he was talking about. He sensed that I didn’t know what he was talking about so he explained, the school normally holds an inter class competition every year, in the second term specifically, aren’t you going to participate? No, I don’t like competitions I told him, he shrugged then changed the topic, why did you ignore Elena this morning he asked curiously, i didn’t want to talk to her I retorted. At least you should have talked to her, it’s not like she’s going to eat you after all we are all new students, he said with a mocking smile. I looked at him and smiled, oh my God, you smiled for me he said excitedly as if I proposed to him.
22 Jul 2021 | 20:41
EPISODE 14: SHARING MY PAINS We heard the bell signaling the end of the break period but we stayed for about 5 minutes before heading to class. When we reached the class most of the students were already in the class, I walked in with my head facing the ground and settled down in my seat, a teacher came in and was teaching, few minutes into the lesson, Elena came in, she sat down but I noticed her gaze was on the red spot where I was punched. After the lesson I took out a novel and started reading it, half way through the novel, I was interrupted by Elena’s voice, what happened to your face she asked me, oh God, why now I thought to myself, nothing I replied not looking her. Seriously, why are you this cold she said to me, but kept quiet, she was about to say something but noticed someone was standing close to her side, hello came the voice of Kelvin, what do you want again, Elena asked looking frustrated. You don’t have to talk to him, I can be your friend if you want he said, well thank you am not interested she replied him then turned her face to another direction, I looked at Kelvin to see that he was very upset, I could tell from the expression on his face that he was finding it hard to be rejected by Elena, no girl in our class will hesitate to follow him around they were just all over him because he was the smartest and the school’s athletic guy in the class but I think Elena was different, this attitude of hers made my heart soften, Kelvin just stared at her for a minute before walking away. Teachers started coming in one by one till the closing hour. Immediately I heard the closing bell I rushed home incase Kelvin might stop me on my way home. Getting home, only my aunt was at home, I greeted her and was about to go to my room when she called me back, that was when I realized that i had not concealed the red spot on my face, nevertheless I walked to her with my head facing down. What happened to your face? She asked me, nothing ma I replied her. Sit down she told me, I sat down while she said looking at me, I want you to see me as your mother, I may not be able to fulfill the role of your mother in your heart but you can trust and always confide in me anytime you want okay? Okay ma I retorted. So tell me what happened, I then told her about how Kelvin punched me because I laughed in class, also I talked about Elena my seat mate and David my newly acquainted friend. After listening to my narration she had a bemused expression on her face then she spoke Elena Daniels? The youngest and most famous model in Nigeria, the daughter of Professor Daniels the owner of oil Land Company? Are you insane? Do you know how many people are dying to see her in person? She said excitedly, I have never seen her in person and you are sitting next to her? why are you not talking to her? She asked me but I was silent, are you intimidated by her presence? No ma, I am trying to avoid the rich students in my class, you know they are usually rude and arrogant i said to her. Maybe Elena is different, you just have to give it a try she told me with a reassuring smile, ok ma I retorted, so if you get to school tomorrow and she talks to you don’t be cold to her, if she talks to you answer her, but you should try to minimize the conservation between you guys because of Kelvin, if he bothers you again you tell your teachers understand? Also I think David is not a bad person, you should try to be friends with him, Ok I will try my best I replied her, now go and have your bath so you can eat.
22 Jul 2021 | 20:54
Ride on
23 Jul 2021 | 12:06
EPISODE 15: FORCED FRIENDSHIP Ding ding ding, sounded the alarm in my room, I stood up from my bed sluggishly, another day at Greenfield college, i thought to myself, I discovered I was almost late so I quickly did my morning routine before going to school, when I got to school the assembly was already going on and the principal was standing at the podium, luckily for me, he just began the announcement for the day. Good day students came his voice, today’s announcement will be for this year’s academic session, the first term of this year’s academic session will contain nothing but preparation to passing your exams, but the next term which is the second term will be the starting of this year’s main event, the annual sport competition between all classes will commence during the second term, then between ss1 and the ss3 a computer based exam will be arranged for the selection of the students that will represent the school for the next academic competition which will be hosted in the third term of this year’s academic session. This competition as you already know is always hosted by the government and is the most special event of the year, so while preparing for these events you should also try to keep up with your studies and pass your exams, meanwhile ensure you obey the school rules and regulations of the school, that is all for today if there is anything be rest assured that you will be informed. After the speech he dismissed us, on the way to class me and Kelvin exchanged greetings before we went into the class, I got to my seat then took out a textbook and started reading like I have always done. Then I sensed someone sitting beside me, I knew it was Elena, because I was already accustomed to the fragrance of her perfume. I braced myself ready to talk to her today but she didn’t say hello to me like the other day, I was kind of disappointed but I didn’t say anything to her. Finally the teacher who was to teach us that morning came in so we started our lesson, other teachers trooped in one after the other before it was the break period, I packed my books into my bag as always to go outside. I turned to face Elena, excuse me I said to her, she didn’t say anything but looked ahead, excuse me I said again thinking she did not hear me, but she said sit down you are not going anywhere today. I was surprised but I asked why? We are going to talk she retorted. I didn’t say anything but sat down, why are you this cold she asked turning to face me by this time nobody was in the class, OMG I can’t believe this girl will turn directly to talk to me I thought to myself, noth…nothing, can I just go I said shyly under her intense gaze, yes on one condition she told me, don’t ever ignore me and please let us be friends, okay I replied feeling relieved, I was about to go out when she said, wait for me let’s go to the cafeteria together. Am finished today I thought to myself, if Kelvin should see us that is big trouble for me again but I couldn’t refuse her, so we left the class together.
23 Jul 2021 | 20:30
EPISODE 16: FEELING SHY The first 3 minutes of our walk to the cafeteria was in silence except for the interference of some junior students who came to Elena for autographs, then she asked what’s your name, Joshua Walter I said simply. Okay what are your hobbies she asked looking at me, reading and football I retorted, yeah I noticed that you read a lot but you don’t talk during lessons she said, yes its not really compulsory to talk during lessons I replied with my head looking at the ground, I looked up and the first face I saw was Kelvin’s face, I felt chills running down my spine but what really made me afraid was the throat slicing he gestured towards me, Elena who was beside me noticed my change of mood and looked at the direction I was looking at. When she saw Kelvin she said sarcastically, don’t tell me it’s because of that punk your face looks like this, just then David approached us, I have been looking for you, I thought you ran off without looking for me, am sorry, I had some issues to attend to I said gesturing towards Elena, he soon noticed that someone was by my side so he looked and saw Elena, his expression then turned into an confused look then he said to her, my name is David he said extending his hands to her, she looked at me and said, is he your friend, yes I replied simply, that was when she reciprocated the handshake and the idiot was busy holding the hand like his mother’s own, then Elena coughed making David to regain himself, am sorry he said smiling. So where are we going Elena asked, to the cafeteria David replied, we went to the cafeteria, immediately the three of us entered the cafeteria, all eyes fell on us, I guessed it was because of Elena, even our seniors couldn’t keep themselves from staring at her. Anyway we bought our snacks then headed to the sports arena as always only this time Elena was with us. Why is your friend always quiet, Elena asked David, I don’t know that is how I met him he replied, then she looked at me. josh why are you always quiet? Josh? I thought to myself, I was kind of surprised nobody called me josh except Maxwell and Philip, hellooo! Are you still there she asked snapping her fingers In front of my face, oh! Sorry what did you say I said feigning to have forgotten the question. Why are you always quiet she asked again, nothing I replied simply? Yeah, yeah I knew that was what you were gonna say. By this time we were already at the sports arena, we picked a spot and started chatting, Elena who was the first to speak asked us, so which sports do you guys like most, football we both chorused, whoa, that means you guys are gonna be playing for our class next term she said to us excitedly. Yeah you guessed right except someone said he is not going to participate David said looking at me, why aren’t you going to participate, Elena asked looking at me, I don’t know, I just don’t like anything attention I said to her. Don’t worry you will get used to his attitude David said to her, by the way what’s your own best sport he asked her. Well I love volleyball, and I would love to participate for the class next term, so I can’t wait she retorted excitedly, okay that’s awesome David said. Just then we heard the alarm signaling for the end of break period
23 Jul 2021 | 20:45
EPISODE 17: FEELING SHY 2 When the three of us entered the class together, I could hear whispers from different directions even some of my class mates pointed hands to the three of us. Elena who was beside me seemed to notice my distress whispered to me, hey don’t mind them, with the sound of her voice close to my ears I felt my confidence building up so I just ignored the class, I was also on the lookout for Kelvin because he may show up at any time. When we sat down I mustered some courage and asked Elena a question, of all the people in the class why will you choose to make friends with me. Excuse me why would you say that? she asked turning to face me, there’s nothing special about me, I mean, am not wealthy or popular like other kids in the class, so I don’t see any reason why you will want to be acquainted with someone like me. then she spoke to me angrily What Did you just say?, well to tell you the truth I have always been the type of person everyone wanted to be friends with just because of my status, so when I moved to this school my decision was to remain Isolated from my new classmates, but when I walked into the class I saw everyone looking at me like a ghost except one person, he was busy solving a question on his book, he did not react when I sat with him nor did he try to talk to me. So I decided to be friends with him and I can’t believe that this person would think that I would make friends with other kids in the class just because they are popular and wealthy. I could feel she was hurt by my words just now, damn I really screwed up this time I thought to myself, but I was interrupted from my thoughts by her next words, don’t worry since you don’t want to be friends with me, I won’t disturb you again, with that she turned her attention to the book she was reading. What Should I do now I thought to myself, after some minutes i mustered some courage then said, am sorry Elena, she didn’t reply me, apologized again, am sorry Elena I said, this time I turned to looked her. She then asked coldly, what do you want now, Am sorry I said looking at her nervously, I promise to change from now onwards, I will always be cheerful around you but she still didn’t give me her attention. Then I bit my lips and held one of her hand, OMG I can’t believe I actually took the initiative to hold her hand and oh! Her hands felt smooth and soft. Elena please say something I said to her, it’s okay I have forgiven you and please don’t say something like that to me again she said. Okay ma I replied her, then she looked at me with a frown on her face, what is it I asked, won’t you leave my hand? She asked me. Oh! Sorry I said retracting my hand embarrassingly. I noticed she was reading a chemistry textbook so I asked her, which topic are you reading? Well, am trying to comprehend acid, bases and salts and it looks so complicated to me she retorted, I could help you out if you care I said to her, really? I think I would have to bother you now she replied. Okay let’s start I said, while all this was was happening I was secretly observing Kelvin who was currently looking at us, and I could tell that the expression on his face was not good at all, but the surprising thing is that he didn’t come to annoy me, I guessed it was because of Elena’s presence that’s why he has not been bothering me.
23 Jul 2021 | 20:58
Thank God you have decide to change. As for Kelvin don't worry you will soon fall his hand
24 Jul 2021 | 06:30
24 Jul 2021 | 19:15
EPISODE 18: GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL So acids are substances that neutralize bases to liberate salt and water, they are corrosive, sour in taste and turn blue litmus s paper red. They are classified into strong and weak acids, strong acids dissociates or ionize completely in water while the weak acids dissociates partially In water. While we were studying the jerk Kelvin, oh I meant Kelvin was still looking at us, but I didn’t seem to care this time so I just focused, Later teachers started coming in for lessons till the closing period, when it was time to go home I packed my books and headed out hurriedly to go home because I didn’t want Kelvin to stop me. When I got home, my aunt was already home, I greeted her and proceeded to go to my room but her voice stooped me. Well I think someone had a good time today she said to me, how sure are you aunt? I asked, well the smile on your face is so obvious that I couldn’t help but make a guess. Was I smiling I thought to myself, do you want to talk about it? She asked me. Actually nothing special happened I replied her. Don’t lie to me Joshua, did you talk to Elena she asked looking at me expectantly. Okay I surrender, we talked okay? I retorted. Oh! Please don’t tell me you just talked, the smile on your face actually sold you off. Alright I signed in defeat, we talked a lot, I then began to tell her of how I made Elena angry and how I apologized and also how we studied together. After my narration, she said to me with a smile, I think you like her, oh c’mon aunt, why would you say something like that I asked her, well you should have seen your face when you were talking, you had that big smile that was on your face a while ago. Aunt please don’t talk like that again I said pretending to be annoyed, alright, am sorry I won’t talk like that again. By the way what about Kelvin she asked me, well he wasn’t quite happy when he saw us studying together, he kept looking at us all the time I retorted. Try your best to avoid him, just don’t make trouble with him, meanwhile go take your bath you smell like garbage, okay aunt. The rest of my day wasn’t that great, I just decided to spend my time indoors. I would have loved to go to the field to play football with other kids in the neighborhood but I just didn’t want to start going out for now.
28 Jul 2021 | 21:54
EPISODE 19: HUMILATED AGAIN The next day I went to school quite early by that time only few students were in school, I walked into my class just to see David already in the class. You came quite early today I said to him, yeah, how you doing he asked, am good I replied him, so are you gonna talk to me or what? He said to me, what I should tell you I asked him. Well I guess you should start talking to me about Elena he replied, okay, Is that why you came to school this early morning I asked to him with a smirk, of course, you don’t expect me to miss such a big gist he retorted, okay I was about to start talking to him when someone bumped his shoulder against mine, I looked at the person and discovered it was Kelvin. Oh yes it was the jerk, and I knew certainly that today was not going to be good for me, I was kind of surprise that he would come to school this early because he naturally came to school late perharps it was because of me that he came early today. Hey scholars, he said to us waving his hands, I just stood the feeling the urge to punch this guy in the face but I just didn’t want to cause trouble for my uncle and aunt, not that I couldn’t beat the hell out of him, it’s just that I was considering the fact that his status was higher than mine. Joshua the scholar, I can see you really take me for granted he said walking around me in circles, what do you want Kelvin I heard myself say to him, woah! your confidence in this school is now growing and for your question i came here to settle the scores with you, immediately he said that his friends that has been behind him all this while descended on me hitting and kicking me, David tried to intervene but he was knocked down by one of them, I didn’t even attempt to do anything, after they were done hitting me Kelvin looked at me then said with a smirk, for a second I thought you were gonna fight back but I can see you are nothing but a coward, anyway just know that I got my eyes on you. After he was done talking he left, I looked at my uniform discovered it had become squeezed also stained with dust and I haven’t even attended assembly that morning, God what kind of humiliation is this? I thought to myself, even when I try not to make trouble that same trouble still came to me. I then decided that I must avoid Elena to the best of my abilities, I must not care about how she feels I decided in my heart. David who has been standing beside me picked up my bag and handed it over to me. Bro I think we should report this matter to the school authorities he spoke to me, aren’t you the one that said that his father is the president, do you want us to be kicked out of the school I asked him? You are right he replied, just then we heard the alarm ringing signifying that assembly was to begin that moment.
28 Jul 2021 | 22:06
EPISODE 20: HUMILATED AGAIN We didn’t go to the assembly because of the scenario that morning so we hid ourselves in the class because of our seniors, after the assembly our classmates later came into the class, Elena had just sat down when she said to me, good morning josh, good morning I replied her without looking at her, I think she noticed my mood that morning because she didn’t say anything thing else. To be sincere, I was very angry for what Kelvin did to me that morning just because I talked to Elena, I was interrupted from my thoughts by our chemistry teacher who came into the class that morning, his arrival kind of cheered me up because he was my favorite teacher and ooooh! I loved his method of teaching, to me he was the smartest teacher in all of Greenfield college. Good morning sir we said to him as soon as he walked in, good day students how are you doing he asked us with a smile. We are fine sir, he then turned his back to us writing on the board, Acids, Base and salt. Whoa! Now that’s a coincidence I thought to myself, before I start explaining this topic can anyone define acids he spoke to the class, Kelvin the jerk raised up his hands, he was looking at me with a proud smile on his face, actually Kelvin was not the only one who answered questions in the class, there was a girl named Anna, she was also intelligent, there were also three other people like Anna, they were Joseph, Charles and faith but there were not up to Kelvin the jerk and that made me admire him, despite the fact that he was rich and arrogant he was still an outstanding student, the teacher’s voice interrupted my thought’s, no not you he said referring to Kelvin, then he said, where are the new students in this class, me, Kelvin and Elena raised up our hands. The teacher then pointed at me, hey you answer the question, OMG! Why now I thought to myself, I wanted to answer the question but on second thought I just stood up and said I don’t know the answer to the question. Then the whole class started laughing, what is funny about that? The teacher asked the class surprised, what’s your name the teacher asked me, Joshua Walter I said shakily. I bowed my head in embarrassment while I sat down, then he said to Elena, can you explain it?, yes she responded, acids are substances that neutralize bases to produce salt and water she said exactly the way I told her yesterday. She continued, they are corrosive and have a sour taste and also they turn blue litmus paper red. Whoa! That’s awesome the teacher remarked, after the question was answered he went ahead to explain deeply into the concept of acids, Elena who was beside me just kept looking at me with a bemused expression on her face, after the lesson that morning several other teachers came to the class to teach us until it was the break period.
28 Jul 2021 | 22:20
I think you should report to the school authority about Kelvin. then you will save yourself
29 Jul 2021 | 05:47
Next episode
29 Jul 2021 | 05:59
29 Jul 2021 | 15:56
EPISODE 21: RELIEVED When I heard the alarm for break period I didn’t go out like yesterday, instead I sat down, because I knew if I went out Elena might go out with me so I just took out my book and started reading. Elena who was sitting beside me then asked me, aren’t you going out? No I replied without taking my attention from my book. She then asked what’s wrong with you? You were not like this yesterday and why is your uniform stained with dust? Nothing I replied her. Okay she said and then left me alone while I continued reading my book, fifteen minutes into break period, I sensed someone sitting beside me but I didn’t care to look because I knew that it was Elena. Then she said josh why didn’t you tell me? Tell you what? I asked her, you didn’t tell me that Kelvin and his friends harassed you this morning. Who told you? I asked surprised. Well, I noticed the way your mood was today so I asked David and he told me that you were bullied by Kelvin because of me this morning. Oh! God that boy, am certainly gonna strangle him to death I thought to myself. But you know you should have told me, she said looking at me, under her intense gaze I was already feeling nervous, we are friends now so we should not keep things like that from each other. Is that okay? She asked me. I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded my head, also why did you not answer the question in class today? And don’t tell me you don’t know the answer to the question she said, well I just didn’t want to answer the question I replied her. You are shy aren’t you she asked smiling, what do you mean by that? I asked her frowning my face. Is it because I said you are shy you are frowning your face, alright am sorry, by the way i bought some snacks for you she said giving them to me. What? Am not accepting this I said to her, I insist that you should take it she said, no i still said to her, pleasssse she said pouting her lips, she looked so cute with that funny look that i couldn't help but collect the snacks from her. After eating the snacks she gave me we started studying together, while we were studying I noticed that her attention was always at the entrance of the class but I didn’t mind. When the alarm signaling the end of break period was heard, our classmates started walking in, but when Kelvin and his friends came into the class, Elena said to me, excuse me I will be back. Okay I replied her, but what surprised me was that she walked to meet Kelvin and started talking to him. Judging by the expression on Kelvin’s face I knew something was up. After some minutes, she came back and sat down, continue she said to me, if I may ask what did you say to Kelvin? I asked her. I just warned him not to disturb you again, and if he wants to make friends with me, he should come in a proper way, not by bullying you she replied. Woah! Are you sure you did not make this worse for me, I asked her, trust me he won’t dare she said to me, just then a teacher came into the class to begin a lesson. When it was closing time, I didn’t rush home like I have been always been doing, instead I decided to walk home since I was already familiar with the road, so when the alarm started ringing me, Elena and David walked towards the gates of the school.
29 Jul 2021 | 20:43
EPISODE 22: RELIEVED 2 When we got outside I saw so many luxury car, because I have always been going home early I never saw the cars outside as I always rushed home before the drivers and parents of students came to the school premises, so when I saw the fleet of cars parked outside I was amazed but there was this particular car that caught my attention, it looked so cool that I couldn’t take my eyes of it for some minutes, the car was white in color and someone who I guessed to be the driver was standing beside it, that made me guess that it may be for one of our students. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Elena who asked, do you guys mind if I drop you off? Then David asked her, where is your car actually? Over there, she said pointing at the white car I was admiring a few seconds ago, oh, my God! David said with his mouth wide open, is that a bugatti divo?, yes it is Elena replied, is it because of a car your face looks like this? I said to David mockingly, bro you don’t know anything, that car is one of the top 15 expensive cars in the world, 5.8 million dollars, sixteen cylinder piston, 8.0 WR16 engine and 1480 horse power, bro I have to say she’s a beauty he said excitedly. So, you know about cars like this Elena asked surprised, of course yes, that’s my dream car you are riding and am kind off jealous of you right now he said to her, then you better die in that jealously I said punching him on the shoulder playfully. Ouch! That hurts he said in pain, Elena who was laughing at us then said why don’t you guys hop in, no thanks I said, David who was beside me then said, Elena I would have loved to go with you but I want to go with Joshua today. Okay no problem, bye guys she said to us before leaving, we were watching her car leaving when Kelvin came to us, hey he said tapping my shoulder, David who was beside me spoke, Kelvin what did he do this time, who asked you he said facing him, anyway, as for you he said turning to me, you had the guts to report me to Elena huh? Don’t worry, you are safe for now but don’t try anything funny cos I got my eyes on you, after he finished blabbering he entered his car with his friends and left. One day, just one day am gonna punch this guy in the face I thought to myself.
29 Jul 2021 | 20:49
Hmn, continue
29 Jul 2021 | 23:25
30 Jul 2021 | 07:18
30 Jul 2021 | 08:37
EPISODE 22: HANGOUT 2 After eating I began reading my books as always but this time I was interrupted by the ringing tone of my phone, I looked at the caller id and discovered it was David, hey bro what’s up his voice sounded through the phone, am good I replied him with a frustrated voice, he seemed to notice something as he asked what is it? Did I interrupt something? Yes, I was kind of reading when you call came through I replied him, then I guess I should hang up then he said, no its okay I said hurriedly incase he might end the call. So what did you want to say to me I asked him, well I just wanted to ask if you would want to come to the field this evening he replied, hmm! Let me ask my aunt if am allowed to go out, I will call you in a few minutes okay he replied then ended the call. I went to my aunt who was in the sitting room watching TV, can I go out with a friend this evening? I asked her, Yeah, sure you can go out, which friend is that she asked, its David I replied, no problem, am actually happy you are making new friends she said, thanks aunt, am gonna call him now I said walking back into my room. When I was in my room, I called David, so what did she say he asked, she permitted me I replied him, thank goodness he sighed. So when are we going to meet I asked him, by 4pm he replied excitedly okay then where do we meet he I asked again, don’t worry I will come to your house by that time he replied, how are you going to know my house I said, just text me your house number and I will pick you up he replied, pick me up? How are you going to do that I retorted, don’t worry you will see by 4pm he said hanging up. After texting him my house number I continued reading but I didn’t spend much time on books that day again, so I went to the sitting room to watch TV with my aunt and Charlie. Few minutes after 4 o’clock we heard the doorbell ring, Charlie go get the door my aunt said, don’t worry, sit down I will get it I told Charlie, when I opened the door I saw David standing there with a smile. What’s up bro, aren’t you ready yet, ooh! I totally forgot, anyway come in so I will go and prepare I replied him, David meet my aunt, aunt meet David I said the moment he walked in. good evening ma, david greeted, how are you, my aunt said, am fine he replied and who’s this little fellow he asked smiling at Charlie, Well, that’s Charlie I retorted and please make yourself comfortable I will be back let me go and prepare I said to him before going to my room.
30 Jul 2021 | 19:44
EPISODE 23: HANGOUT After Kelvin walked away, David said don’t mind him, anyway, why didn’t you want to go with Elena he asked, it’s none of your business i retorted, of course its my business, you really fucked up, we were actually given the opportunity to ride in a Bugatti divo and you turned the offer down, gosh you’re so unbelievable he said disappointedly. Hey David, I don’t know about you but as for me I don’t like classy things, by the way why didn’t you go with her I asked him. I could not just leave you to walk alone just because of a car he replied pouting his lips, ooh! Please like you cared I retorted rolling my eyes, Alright, let’s go home he said. So where exactly is your house David asked me as we walked home, its not that far, its just a few blocks from chemzho supermarket I replied him, whoa and we didn’t know! My house is around that area actually he said excitedly. Okay, that’s great, that means we would pass by your house before I head to mine I said to I him. Well, do you mind if we could hang out today David asked, no I don’t think so but on second thought give me your phone number I replied. By this time we were already at chemzho supermarket, after exchanging phone numbers he showed me his house before I headed home. When I got home Charles and my aunt were already at home, good afternoon little Charlie said running to me, hey, how are you I said carrying him up, am fine he replied cheerfully. Charlie, will you please let your brother settle down before you start jumping on him, my aunt said while arranging food on the table. Don’t worry aunt, am actually okay with him like this, how was school today she asked, school was great I replied. Are those plantain chips I asked walking to the dining room, yeah and you will have to take your bath first before eating she replied me. awwn! Can’t I just have one bite I asked stretching my hand to one of the plates on the table, no she replied patting my hand away from the plate and you better go take your bath first unless you don’t want to eat this afternoon? Okay ma, I said pouting my lips, I quickly had my bath before going to the dining room.
30 Jul 2021 | 20:16
30 Jul 2021 | 20:28
Atleast you will get used to having David around you
31 Jul 2021 | 03:48
Following Next episode
31 Jul 2021 | 20:19
Following ?
31 Jul 2021 | 23:06
EPISODE 24: TO THE FIELD When I came back to the sitting room, I could see that Charlie and David had gotten along pretty well, as for my aunt, she was just engrossed with the TV show she was watching. Alright am ready let’s go I said to David, awwwn, I don’t want you to go now little Charlie said to David, we will be back in an hour I promise David replied, no let me follow you, Charlie said stubbornly, am gonna bring you plenty of ice cream if I get back David said, Don’t worry we can get them together little Charlie said not changing his mind. Charlie if you let us go am going to convince mom to make you those cupcakes you always want this evening I said to him. Then he smiled and said okay but you must come tomorrow he said referring to David, yeah sure, David said smiling. I couldn’t help but smile as i looked at Charlie, I knew the method of cupcakes would always work, since it was his favorite, if he wasn’t given cupcakes to take to school every morning then he sure wasn’t going to school that day, so naturally I always used this method to avoid him most times when he becomes too annoying. Aunt I will be going out I said, before turning to leave, make sure you come back before 6 o’clock she said to me, okay aunt be rest assured that I will be back before then, have a good time she spoke as we went outside. When we got outside David said I think I like your brother, don’t like him too much for now, he can get annoying, please let’s walk to the field fast I said walking ahead of him. Walk? Who said we are walking there David said sarcastically, okay since we are not walking are we going to fly? I asked. He didn’t answer but walked to a bike parked beside where we were standing, come on let’s go he said sitting on the bike, you have a bike all this while and you didn’t bring it to school I asked full of surprise. Are you serious right now? He asked, you want me to bring this bike to school, so that I will be disgraced? What’s wrong with bringing this bike to school, it’s not against the school regulations I reminded him. Then he said, didn’t you see the cars students brought to school today, you want me to bring this ordinary iron made of wheels to stand among the luxury cars in school huh? You are certainly out of your mind. Yeah, what you said is true, if you should bring this bike to school, then you are really going to be disgraced or even worse I said to him.
3 Aug 2021 | 20:14
EPISODE 25: JADE When we got to the field, I saw a group of boys, some were just passing a ball at the field, while the others were just chatting with their friends and it seemed they were waiting for other people to come so that they start selecting players, there were even some girls that were talking happily with some boys. Kelvin, what’s up one of the boys said aloud while approaching us, am good why haven’t you guys started yet Kelvin asked the boy, we wanted to wait a little but since you are already here let’s start the selection the boy replied. The boy then looked at me then said who is this guy? Your friend? He asked, yeah, he is my friend David replied, my name is Lawrence the boy said stretching his hand towards me, I looked at David before accepting the boys handshake, my name is Joshua I said to him nervously, are you gonna play football with us he asked, yeah sure I replied him. Okay let’s begin selecting player’s he said, he was about to start calling the other boys to the field when something caught our attention. It was the sound of a bike, this bike was really cool, and it looked like a power bike, If I may guess it may be more expensive than David’s bike, all these materials things and stuff I had no information about them since I didn’t look at their magazines or even knew if they existed. The guy who rode the bike started walking to some other boys in the field, most of the girls on the field were all over him as soon as they saw him, I couldn’t help but ask, David who’s that guy? Well that’s jade, our football champion for this whole area, he is very good and when I mean good he is the best, the most talented player I have ever seen David replied looking at him with admiration but he continued, the only problem he has is that he doesn’t want anyone to surpass him in the art of football, don’t mind David, he is also good, it’s just that, jade is a little better than him Lawrence said. Then Lawrence started calling the other boys to the field so we could begin the selection, I was standing among the boys with David, waiting to be picked by a team when someone spoke to me, are you new here? The person asked, I turned to looked at the person and discovered that it was jade. Yeah am kind of knew here but I came with my friend David I replied jade nervously, why are you acting weird he asked noticing my distress, am fine I replied him. Anyway my name is jade he said offering me a handshake, my name is Joshua I replied shaking his hand, oh I didn’t know David was here he said turning to face David, I thought you wouldn’t notice, David retorted, you didn’t say hi to me either jade said as they looked at each other and for a moment there i noticed the spark of hostility between the two. Lawrence then spoke loudly alright guys let’s start, Kelvin, jade you guys are the captains for today, so start choosing players. I was on Kelvin’s team with several other boys while jade, Lawrence and jade were together in their own team, each team had nine player’s each including the goal keeper since the field was not that big.
3 Aug 2021 | 20:21
EPISODE 26: THE ART OF FOOTBALL Finally we started, I have to say the boys on jade’s team were really good, their passes were so cool and coordinated that I regretted being on David’s team, we were still unable to collect the ball for about 6 minutes into the game but fortunately then a guy named Nicholas from our team intercepted a pass from jade’s team. Our formation for the game was 4-2-2, I was the left midfielder, while Nicholas was the right midfielder, David was our main right winged striker while another boy named James was the supporting left winged striker to David, the remaining four people in our team were the defenders. So when Nicholas intercepted the pass he immediately passed the ball to me, from the starting of the game i was anxiously waiting for the to touch my ball but now that the ball was just rolling towards me I began to feel nervous. When the ball came to me I couldn’t trap it properly because of the distress in my mind, the ball bounced to our opponent the moment it came in contact with my leg. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement, the guys on my team started looking at me weirdly, someone even said David where did you bring this guy from? I couldn’t say anything. So I just bowed my head in shame, nevertheless we continued playing trying desperately to collect the ball from our opponents, when me and David came into close contact on the field, he said giggling, bro I thought you said you can play very well, I didn’t answer him but ran ahwad quickly to avoid him, I was still feeling embarrassed from the way I handled the ball, but he still rushed to meet me then said, don’t worry, just feel free and you will be okay after all its been long you played right? His words kind of comforted me as I nodded at him before trying to concentrate. 35 minutes into the game jade’s team had launched more attacks frequently more than our own team. However what I realized next was that jade suddenly exploded with force from the right side of our defense dribbling two defenders who had attempted to tackle him, the next thing I saw was him shooting the ball skillfully into the net. Goooal! Jade’s team member’s celebrated in joy due to their first goal, even the spectators who had come to watch us play were shouting as if they were watching a real match, some of them were also hailing jade by shouting his name. I couldn’t help but look at the rest of my team mates and feel responsible for the goal which was against us, I walked towards David then asked, is he this good? This is just the tip of the ice berg, like I said I have never seen any player like him but he has one problem David retorted, and what is the problem? I asked curiously. Jealously, if someone should start performing like him, he will get upset and start trying to compete with the person, I looked at jade from a distance and couldn’t help but chuckle, for someone like him to be jealous when meeting a rival it would be funny to watch his reaction.
3 Aug 2021 | 20:29
EPISODE 27: TWO STRAIGHT GOALS We began playing again, this time I displaced all the nervousness that I felt but the thing was that I noticed the boys in my team were reluctant to pass the ball to me on few occasions, I guessed that it was because of the way I couldn’t handled the ball when they passed it to me earlier. Anyway I didn’t mind as I looked forward to tackling on my own. When our team lost possession I decided to hunt down the ball since they were not passing to me, I raced down to one of the opposite team’s player who held the ball in possession currently, I think he underestimated me due to my performance earlier because I saw a smirk on his face as I was approaching. When I got to him he attempted to pull off a trick to dribble me but unfortunately he was not fast enough as I tackled him and collected the ball, since I was the left midfielder I had to look for openings to pass the ball, so the moment I collected the ball I passed the ball to Nicholas who was the right midfielder, simultaneously he passed the ball to James who was the supporting striker to David, by this time I had moved ahead to the left corner of the opposite team’s part of the field, when James saw me at the left side of the Goal Keeper’s box he sent a long pass with the ball to me, I took in a deep breath letting out all the nervousness that I felt a while ago, I trapped the ball skillfully and sent a cross to the center of the keeper’s box where David had already positioned himself waiting for the ball, when he was ready to receive the ball one of the defenders intercepted the ball by heading it to their fellow midfielder. Our attempt that moment failed causing jade’s team to launch a counter attack, jade’s team took this attack seriously as they advanced to our own side of the field full of vigor. Our defense line had three defender’s left and certainly this was not a good thing as the opposite team had two striker’s and a midfielder ahead of us, the most frightening thing was that they had their main striker jade leading them to our goal post. Their midfielder who currently had the ball In possession passed the ball to their supporting striker who received the ball precisely, the guy was a left winged striker so he ran a few meter’s and dribbled the defender who had tried to stand in his way, when he had gotten to the left side of the keeper’s box another defender was already coming to attack him, he passed to jade who then shot a through pass ahead him of him, he seemed to explode with energy that moment as he sprinted quickly to the ball to launch a shot. Our remaining defender who was keeping jade at bay saw that he was the last man standing and made a move to attack him but that was a big mistake because the moment he rushed forward to tackle the striker, the guy immediately sent a low cross to jade who shot the ball towards the side of our goal post.
3 Aug 2021 | 20:37
remember maxwell and philip showed him how to play ball when he was in graceland academy.............
4 Aug 2021 | 04:49
I'm enjoying this
4 Aug 2021 | 06:26
So what next
4 Aug 2021 | 15:25
EPISODE 28: FIRST GOAL Goooal!!! They rejoiced as soon as the ball entered the post, the keeper didn’t even stand a chance the moment the cross was sent in, the supporting striker really played an excellent role in giving an assist to jade who shot the ball into the net, now that’s teamwork I said to myself as I analyzed the way they scored the goal. I looked at my fellow teammates and saw a pitiful expression on their faces, I looked at David who had a serious expression on his face as we were about to kick off again, this time, just this time, let’s play football I muttered to myself. When we exchanged passes, we began moving randomly as we tried to maintain possession of the ball, this time my teammates seemed to have had confidence in me due to the attack which I had launched earlier, they now trusted me as they were giving me passes from time to time, 4 minutes later I saw an opening in their line of defense when I was in possession of the ball, at that moment I passed the ball to our left winged striker James who was ahead of me, he passed the ball to Nicholas our right midfielder who sent a through pass to the right towards David, by this time I was running to the middle of the keeper’s box, I had not yet entered the keeper’s box when David turned 90 degrees to the left attempting to cross the ball to James who was on the left side of the goal keeper’s box but surprisingly he passed the ball skillfully to my directioon since no one was paying attention to me that moment, their attention were on James because he was the only one in the keeper’s box that moment. Now the ball was coming to me and I was beginning to feel nervous again but I shrugged it off and rushed forward to the ball, by this time I was already three steps into the Goal keeper’s box, I shot the ball towards the side of the goal post and looked up to see the ball entering the goal post through the right side. Goooal!!! I yelled as I jumped up punching my fist in the air, David ran to me and hugged me in excitement, our teammates even joined in the celebration too, that moment I wasn’t the original Joshua again as I was now more confident and brimming with energy, I looked at jade and he had a disdainful expression that said, only this goal and you are already like this? I looked at my teammates and gave them a reassuring look as we were about to start another kick off.
7 Aug 2021 | 02:11
EPISODE 29: EQUALIZER This time the tension between us had increased making us to become more competitive, immediately jade’s team had exchanged passes they started to move randomly, after like 32 minutes of passing and attacking the ball was finally in possession of one of our defenders who shot a long pass to Nicholas, Nicholas charged forward with the ball then passed ball to me. A midfielder was already coming to tackle me immediately I received the ball, I looked at james and he seemed to understand my intentions that moment, I passed the ball to him while I rushed forward he passed the ball quickly ahead of me making me to avoid the incoming midfielder. I rushed with the ball and launched a high cross with the ball to the right side of the keeper’s box where David received the ball. He didn’t hesitate to shoot the ball from the his position to the left side of the Goal post, the ball went with full force and entered the Goal post from the right side. Immediately the ball had entered the net our team ran all over the field celebrating in joy, the spectator’s too were shouting David’s name this time, I smiled as I walked towards David, how was my goal? He asked with a grin on is face, pathetic, you call that a goal? I replied sarcastically, at least were equal for now, I assisted you, you assisted me, let’s see who will score next he said full of confidence, okay we shall see. We still had about had about 30 minutes before we would end the match that evening, the score was now 2-2 so naturally the field was beginning to get hot with tension each passing minutes, we had launched series of attacks towards the opposite team’s goal post but unfortunately these attacks were stopped by them likewise they were also launching their own attacks, the midfielder position I was occupying was beginning to get boring for me so I went to meet James our supporting striker and asked if he could switch positions with me since I noticed he was not that active anymore, he agreed without hesitating so we immediately switched positions. I knew I could do better that’s why I had decided to switch positions with james, immediately I was at the left striker’s wing i promised myself that I was going to score another goal before going home today, 5 minutes later james tackled a midfielder from the opposite team then sent the ball towards David who had fallen behind from his position, David sprinted a few meters then passed the ball to Nicholas who received the ball full of vigor, he raced forward dribbling the defender who had stood in his way, since David had fallen behind we had no striker in the keeper’s box to deliver the final strike, that moment I felt the adrenaline in my body running wildly through my veins, I raced forward fully excited to receive the ball, immediately Nicholas sent a high cross over the defenders to my position currently, while the ball was in the air I felt different, all the problems I had in my heart faded, I felt as if I had become one with the world and I could do anything that moment.
7 Aug 2021 | 02:26
EPISODE 30: CONFIDENT I wanted to trap the ball since there were two defenders trying to intercept the incoming ball but I changed my decision, I shook them off their balance then I stood with one leg while the other was in the air immediately the ball was within my range i shot the ball without letting it touch the ground. At first I thought I had made the wrong decision as the ball was moving to the right side of the post but suddenly it hit the right post of the goal post with full force then moved into the net. Yes, yes, yes i shouted as I jumped in the air, David came running to me fully excited, he jumped on me as soon as he got close to me. Jeez, what’s gotten into you I yelled laughing, bro you’re awesome, how did you do manage to pull such a stunt? I swear I have now seen someone who is more skilled than jade, he kept chanting all sort of words praising me, by this time the rest of our team were by my side shouting my name and for the first time in forever I was new, yeeesss I was a new person, i was not the Joshua who was always shy and was trying avoid people, I was confident and brimming with energy. The other team had already lost hope as majority of them had started to leave the field, me and Kelvin then began to walk to his bike so we could go home, we had not moved up to two meter’s when two girls walked towards us. Hi!!!! They chorused, hello girls, David replied them, while I was just staring at them, you guys were awesome back there in the field especially you Joshua, one of the girl complimented, I was still staring at them when David matched my foot making me to realize myself, ooh, urgh!! Than...ks I said stammering. My name is Melissa while she is Sonia the girl who had spoken earlier said, ok how may I help you I asked, we just wanted to ask if you can give us your phone number Sonia who had been silent all this while asked, really? Just now, noooo! I relied her coldly then turned my back to leave, how can girls be this shameful I thought to myself, just because they saw me dominating the field I have now caught their attention huh? David also left them standing as he turned to follow me too, bunch of losers I said to myself, that’s why I hate attention, people only notice you when they start seeing your abilities, it's the sole reason I keep people away from my life.
7 Aug 2021 | 02:34
Nice move
8 Aug 2021 | 07:18
8 Aug 2021 | 09:20
Nice football, but one thing is sure one day you will definately need people. So learn to associate now
8 Aug 2021 | 09:39
Next episode....
8 Aug 2021 | 09:39
Wow! your skills are awesome, and please don't turn down your confidence.
8 Aug 2021 | 12:09
EPISODE 31: ANGRY JADE When David got to me he was like, bro you shouldn’t have acted like that at least just say hi to them, they are girls they can’t control their feelings, okay I admit it I really fucked up with my attitude I replied feeling bad about my attitude. Then he said, anyway, bro you’re the best, are you this good? where did you even learn football from? So you thought that I was blabbering when I told you that football was one of my hobbies I said with a smirk, it’s not like that, I believed you but I didn’t know that you were this good he said looking at me full of awe. Stop looking at me like that, am not a girl I said to him amidst laughter, that moment I remembered Maxwell and Philip, if not for them I wouldn’t have even know what football is, they were the ones who always forced me out my house those days when I was more secluded at home, remembering them now I was already feeling my heart ache. we were about to start the bike to go home when I saw jade walking getting on his bike, I told David to wait for me before I went to meet him, hello I said to him when I got to him, he didn’t say anything neither did he even turn to look at me, I thought he didn’t hear me so said again tapping him on the shoulder, hellooo!, don’t touch me he said coldly then he started his bike then zoomed off. I was dumfounded, is it because of the match that he is behaving like this? I mean it’s just a match, why the hell will it affect him to this extent. i walked back to David with a slumped shoulder and the idiot was busy laughing his ass out, when I got to him he said, you know you shouldn’t have done that, why? I asked him, you don’t talk to jade when he loses a match, to him you just took all his glory he said still trying hard to suppress another round of laughter. David later dropped me home, I was so grateful to him because he really made me happy, well except for the jade scenario, everything else was awesome. I walked in to see that my uncle was already home, he usually came home late due to work issues, after greeting my aunt and uncle I took my bath before having dinner before proceeding to my room. I wanted to read that night but I couldn’t because my heart was full of excitement, I felt my blood running when I thought of the way my character changed in the field. How I wished I could just be like that forever, hahahahah! I laughed, that’s impossible, for me, Joshua walter to change to that kind of person full of confidence.
8 Aug 2021 | 19:30
EPISODE 32: DAVID'S ANNOYANCE The next morning when I woke up I was feeling like someone who just went through chemotherapy, I guessed I was feeling like this because of the ball I played yesterday since it’s been long I played, i checked the time and luckily time had pitied me that morning, I quickly did my chores before going to school, when I got to school I joined the assembly, after the assembly I went to class. Elena was already seated in the class before I came in and she was looking charming as ever, good morning she said to me when I got to my seat, how you doing? I said to her as soon as I sat down, am fine, looks like you had a great day yesterday she said looking at me with a grin, who told you that? I asked her, well no one told me but I could already guess with the huge smile you had on your face the moment you walked into the class she replied and how sure are you? I asked smiling, 85 percent sure she said. Will you tell me she asked, no I won’t tell you I replied her, why? she asked pouting her lips, it’s boys stuff I replied her, she was about to keep pressuring me to tell her but fortunately a teacher walked into the class. After series of lessons we finally heard the alarm ringing for break period and thanks to Elena Kelvin wasn’t disturbing me like usual but on few occasions when our gazes met he would gesture to me with fingers that he got his eyes on me, usually like the cool guy that i was I normally would just ignore him or laugh to myself because his attitude was beginning to become amusing to me. Me and Elena walked out of the class in a pair to the cafeteria, we had just walked for about 3 minutes when David came running to meet us, hey bro, you couldn’t even wait for me so we could go to the cafeteria together he said panting heavily, is that why you were running like this Elena asked laughing, oh now I understand he said nodding his head, what do you understand? I asked sternly, isn’t it obvious? You were so preoccupied with Miss Elena here that you didn’t even care to know if existed he replied grinning, you must be stupid I said as I smacked the back of his head, ouch! He shrieked in pain, he seemed to remembered something because his expression suddenly became excited, bro I have to praise you again for you football skills, you are the best player I have ever met he said full of smiles, what is this all about? Elena asked with a confused look, oh Elena you should have seen Joshua at the field yesterday, his talents in football were so remarkable yesterday David said looking at me awed.
8 Aug 2021 | 19:35
EPISODE 33: DAVID'S ANNOYANCE 2 Then she said you are kidding right? The Joshua I know is nothing but a book worm he only loves his books and wouldn’t want to spend time doing anything else, Kelvin then began narrating how I played football yesterday to Elena, I couldn’t help but sighed in my heart, this David surely is a huge pain in the ass, after listening to the narration she said, okay, so that’s why you were smiling this morning. By this time we were already outside the cafeteria since we had bought snacks, so where are we going now Elena asked, to the sports arena of course or should we head back to the class? David asked, let’s go to the school library Elena said, at this point my mood jolted up instantly, the school has a library I asked excitedly, yeah, I knew you would be interested she said noticing the change in my expression, where is the library David asked, seriously you guys don’t know where the library is she asked with a surprised expression, just tell us already I said impatiently, okay its behind the staff room she said, alright let’s go there immediately I said walking toward the staff room quickly, such a book worm Elena muttered, I heard that I said to her as I walked quickly, hey wait for us David said as they walked to catch up with me. when we got to the library I was caught in the amazing view in front of me, just like every other library green field college’s library had different sections but the amazing thing was that, the shelves were made of fine quality wood which was embroidered with the schools logo, the books were neatly arranged in each section of the hall, the hall was quite big that I estimated that the total number of books may exceed more than two thousand, i walked to the science section and what surprised most was that every row in the shelves had different versions of textbook for only one subject, I saw a row for chemistry then selected a text book, then I looked for a spot in the library then sat my gaze upon the book, I became immersed in my own world, Elena and David too picked up some books as we converged around a table reading quietly, we didn’t read for too long when the alarm signaling the end of the break period was heard, I didn’t even notice that the break period was over until Elena tapped me on the shoulder lightly, awwwn! So soon i said to them, look at you, I pray that you change otherwise I don’t know how many wives you will marry David said shaking his head. I wanted to talk when Elena said, what do you mean by many wives? Then he retorted, Isn’t it obvious?, the more a man put his attention in other things rather than giving attention to his wife the more the probability for the wife to leave him, and if he doesn’t change his attitude then he will keep on looking for more wives, Elena then exploded in laughter, while me I was boiling like s volcano, I rushed forward to catch David but the idiot seemed to have anticipated that I would come for him, he rushed to and stood at her back pleading, when I got to him I couldn’t do anything since Elena was trying to hold me back amidst laughter.
8 Aug 2021 | 19:39
9 Aug 2021 | 05:27
You are beginning to have a Nice time now in your new school.
9 Aug 2021 | 05:28
9 Aug 2021 | 15:13
Good friends
9 Aug 2021 | 16:30
EPISODE 34: FIRST WEEK I looked at the idiot and he was looking back at me with a grin, I just ignored him and turned to leave feeling upset, I was walking without waiting for any of them when they walked quickly to meet me, alright am sorry David said giggling, I wanted to hit him in the face but I heard Elena’s voice, he has apologized already so it’s okay. Okay but first he will have to receive this! Then I punched him on the shoulder, owww! You are so heartless he yelled in pain, serves you right I said sticking out my tongue, Elena was just laughing at our little drama while I continued to make fun of David, after his shoulder got slightly better, he then said to me with a smirk, so it’s me you can use as punching bag huh? Why don’t you go meet Kelvin and shove that fist of yours in his face, you… I yelled furiously as I made to grab him, but he escaped then walked ran ahead quickly, I would have loved to give him a chase but I didn’t want to make a scene in the school premises, we later got to class and received the rest of our lessons for the day. And that’s how I spent my first week in Greenfield college, although every part of it was humiliating and embarrassing, I enjoyed some moment from it, these moments included the time, me, David and Elena spent reading or making fun of each other, we also got to know each other very well, David was also a brilliant student but I guess the pressure from the class didn’t allow him to express his full potential. He was even more confident than me, after like two weeks of getting used to the environment he now answered questions in class without minding the rest of our classmates, sometimes I just wish I could be like him, Elena wasn’t that good with books but under our influence she was improving rapidly. There are times were i ran into some seniors and even our classmates that were trying desperately to get Elena’s attention, I think it was because Elena choose to hangout with us only without interacting with them that they were bothering us but the thing was that these students were not ordinary students, they were students from the upper class in the society so naturally i couldn’t afford to offend them because they may cause real trouble in school for me or even expulsion. However I still remained the calm and vulnerable boy I used to be when confronted by any of them.
10 Aug 2021 | 20:35
EPISODE 35: TIME FLIES Sometimes David took me to the field on some occasions and those moments I spent at the field use to be the best moments for every day, when the crowd cheered my name every time I scored a goal in the field, I will always feel my head swell in joy, it was not the crowd that made me feel alive but the confidence, pleasure and excitement which I felt from the game.1st term in Greenfield College wasn’t quite tough, it was only 2nd term that was going to have much pressure since we would be dealing with sports and academics at the same time but for me the pressure really meant nothing since I didn’t plan to participate in the sport activities and oohh! Kelvin the jerk! I just can’t stop calling him a jerk, he was the smartest in our class, at least to everyone, he was given the class president title on our 2nd week of the term, he would always find every reason to come close to Elena but the girl didn’t even mind him at all, sometimes I just don’t know why someone would want another person’s attention so badly perhaps he has an ulterior motive, who knows? Anyway thanks to Elena he didn’t even know if I exist in the class anymore although every time he saw me with Elena he usually gets upset but I would pretend that I didn’t notice him. Joshua wake up, wakeeee uppppp! Who the hell is this? I said opening my eyes slowly, Wake up! It’s time for school little Charles said hitting me with a pillow, hey….. I yelled as I made to grab him but he ran out of my room quickly, did say I hate this boy? Anyway I checked the time and discovered I was almost late, oh my God I yelled jumping to the bathroom, I quickly prepared for school that morning. People say time flies, I thought it was not true until now, we were now in our seventh week of the term already so naturally the heat from academic stuffs was now increasing with each following week, luckily for me I got to school in time to avoid our seniors who were always looking for every opportunity to embarrass any student they came across, when I walked into the school premises the assembly was already going on and the principal had just finished his speech for the day. What I really loved about Greenfield college was their library, the lesson’s were usually boring to me because before a teacher would have introduced a lesson in class I would have already read that topic for about five to six times, that’s the life of a genius but the break period was the most exciting hour in the school to me since I would have the opportunity to visit the library and have access to all the books in there.
10 Aug 2021 | 20:54
EPISODE 36: PHILIP'S CRUSH When I got to the class I sat down in time just to look at the door post and see Elena walking through it, I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was looking radiant as always, Every step she took was just in line with her temperament, one thing about Elena is that she stood out among people when placed in a crowd, she is just so beaut….. you better stop staring at me like that she said interrupting me from my thoughts, huh? Oh, am sorry I said scratching my head nervously. She just looked at me then laughed as she sat down, we had free period that morning so I just brought out my phone and started scrolling through my facebook timeline, normally i don't visit social media regularly so I had a lot of messages which I had not replied, even the group which me and my best friends created was filled with messages, by best friends I meant Maxwell and Philip. Luckily Philip was online currently so I began chatting with him, as were chatting I noticed that Philip had a girl’s photo as his profile’s picture so I asked him Me: you’ve had another girlfriend recently? Philip: ahhh! No am still mourning because of your departure Me: then who is that girl you used as your profile picture? Philip: ooh! That’s my celebrity crush, I swear anywhere I see that girl I will ask her out Me: what’s her name? Philip: that’s the worst part, I don’t know her, i just saw the picture from a friend’s phone so I fell in love with the photo instantly Me: idiot, if you like don’t read your books Philip: read, you know books aren’t a problem for me, by the way why are you even asking me about the photo? Me: I just asked! Did I do anything bad? Philip: you now follow girls in your school huh? Me: what do you mean by that? Philip: I have never seen or heard you interested in anything related to girls, so why now? Me: I don’t know what you are thinking but I just wanted to know who your new girlfriend is Philip: Okay, I hope it is not what is in my mind, anyway I will be going offline now so byeeee Me: alright byeeee, screwer! After we finished chatting I continued scrolling through my timeline but the thought about the girl that Philip had used as his profile picture entered my mind again so I went back to our group chat and zoomed in on the photo. No doubt the girl was actually beautiful but the funny thing was that she seemed farmiliar, the girl had make up on her face so I couldn’t tell who she was easily. I looked closely at the photo and discovered that the photo had a resemblance to Elena, realization struck me, it must be her, aunt said Elena was a model, even David too and it is only models and celebrities that dress expensively just like this girl in the photo, just then teacher’s started coming in, after the lessons which as usual bored me to death, break period finally arrived, I looked at David to see him signaling to me that he will catch up with us.
10 Aug 2021 | 21:07
So your best friend crush is your friend.
11 Aug 2021 | 14:58
All am waiting for is your first term result in your new school.
11 Aug 2021 | 14:59
So fire on
11 Aug 2021 | 14:59
11 Aug 2021 | 18:15
Am so sorry guyz, my system had been spoilt since all this while and all the rest of the story was stored inside. I am back again so am going to try my best to keep the story updated from now on.
12 Sep 2021 | 21:39
EPISODE 36: OOPS! When me and Elena walked out I remembered the photo from facebook which had a resemblance to her, so I decided to ask her if it was really her, Elena! I called out to her, yes she said looking at me, are you the one in this photo? I asked passing the phone to her, she looked at me then said, you’re joking with me right? No I don’t know who the person is, I retorted. Seriously you don’t know who that is? Well if you must know that’s me she said, what!! I blurted out in surprise, any problem? She asked with a confused look. No, not at all, it’s just you look so beauti….. Oops I said covering my mouth, she looked at me then laughed, beautiful? So you mean it’s when am in makeup and fancy clothes i am beautiful huh? No its not like that, you are even more beaut….. I stopped talking when I got to the word “beautiful”. As for Elena she was just laughing at me but that wasn’t the funniest part yet, it was the moment David came to meet us that was funnier, he was like, are my ears bent? Joshua did I just hear you flirt? What did you hear I yelled at him, Elena was Joshua not flirting with you just now? He asked, Elena nodded positively with a smile. Wow! Joshua I caught you red handed and I was thinking all quiet people don’t use to flirt, at least i know now David said with a mocking smile, by this time I was already blushing scarlet red but that didn’t stop me from moving to grab him. It was Elena who held me back from catching him while she was still laughing, I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, at home I already had little Charlie who was bothering me from time to time, now in school this David was now becoming a nuisance. When we got to the cafeteria we bought our things before we decided to head to the school library but a little girl who should be in jss 1 or 2 suddenly walked up to us, me and David were already used to this common behavior of some students getting an autograph from Elena so we already guessed this student was coming to meet Elena but then this student said with a tiny voice, Good afternoon seniors, am looking for senior Joshua, I was surprised that she will even know my name so I asked her, how may I help you. Then she said, the head boy said he needed your attention, the head boy? Where is he now? I asked, he is at the football field she replied, I couldn’t help but frown my eyebrows in confusion, the last time I checked I have never crossed paths with the head boy so why would he suddenly need my attention.
12 Sep 2021 | 21:54
EPISODE 38: HEAD BOY Anyway we dismissed the little girl away before we continued walking, I didn’t know why in the world will the head boy of Greenfield’s college would want my presence right now and it is not as if I had done anything eye catching or behaved abnormal in school. It was Elena’s voice that interrupted me from my thoughts, don’t go, why shouldn’t I? I asked surprised, he is not going to say anything meaningful to you she replied, and how do you know I asked with a raised eyebrow, never mind you can go she said walking ahead of us, I was kind of curious why she wouldn’t want me to meet the head boy when he called me but I didn’t think much about it as I stood up to go the sports arena, I was about to go when David said he would accompany, Elena refused to go with us even when David had pleaded with her to come with us so we escorted her to the library before heading to the sports arena, when me and David got to the football field we saw some group of senior students sitting at a particular spot in the field, naturally, we didn’t know the head boy since we were new students, even on the assembly It was the head boy’s assistant that conducted the assembly while he would be nowhere to be found so we didn’t know who he was specifically, by this time we were standing before the seniors. Good afternoon seniors we greeted them, they didn’t even pay attention to us until we had to greet them the second time, it was then one of them who looked like the king among them looked up and asked, which one of you is Joshua Walter?…its me senior I replied feeling intimidated by his presence, he then smiled then said okay I just called you to request something from you and I don’t know if you would want to grant this request of mine, be rest assured senior, as far as this request of yours is within my power I won’t hesitate to do it I retorted, he seemed nice so I began to lower my guard around him, David who was getting impatient then asked, senior what request do you want him to do for you? Hey! Was I talking to you? he replied David with a cold expression, instantly my impression about him earlier changed immediately.
12 Sep 2021 | 21:59
EPISODE 39: HEAD BOY 2 Be careful! How you talk around me He said to David before turning to face me, I heard you are the seatmate of Elena Daniels and you guys are kind off close, he said with a smile, I felt chills running down my spine the moment he said that, was all this about Elena, I mean I just got rid of Kelvin and another problem is about start? This school is certainly not short on problems I thought to myself. Did you suddenly turn deaf? The head boy asked me with his eyebrows creased, oh! Am s..sor…sorry senior, s..she is my seatmate I replied stuttering, okay, now that’s good he said smiling now, I have been trying to set up a date with her but she has not been giving me the chance to talk with her, i wonder if you can help a man out here? He asked, what the hell! I exclaimed in my heart! How in the country am I gonna do that? I thought to myself. The head boy seemed to notice conflict that was going in my mind so he asked, can you do that for me? ugh… senior t..the th..thing is Elena may…. Elena may what? One of the seniors asked standing up with a furious expression, he was held back by a girl who said, Samuel wait, he’s still a new student, he does not know the rules and he looks kind of handsome too, the girl said eyeing me. The senior whose name was Samuel calmed down after he was held back by girl then the head boy looked at me, you were saying? Actually m..ay not listen to me I told him. Then the head boy continued, see if you don’t know let me tell you, am the current head boy of this school and if you don’t do what I want then, hmmmm, you better start planning to leave this school, so you better think of a way to make her agree to the date or you would wish you have never seen the gates of Green fields college, now get out of my sight, I was about to go when he said to me, also I want to get feedback when it is closing time, okay senior I muttered in reply to him. The walk to the class was in complete silence between me and David, I just couldn’t fathom why another problem will occur when I was already liking the school now, ooooh! God, how am I going to tell Elena something like this when I don’t even have the courage to look at her in the face, am finished I thought to myself, when we got to the class everyone was already seated waiting for a teacher. I walked in with my head facing the ground as I began to think about how am gonna talk to Elena about the so-called date, while I was walking I accidentally bumbed into someone, I was expecting a slap at least but to my surprise there was none forthcoming.
12 Sep 2021 | 22:04
It's been while here, welcome back
13 Sep 2021 | 06:02
This story is begining to interest me
13 Sep 2021 | 11:02
EPISODE 40: ANNA I looked up to see that the person who I bumped into was Anna, the second best in our class, she was the most smartest in biology for our class, she was beautiful no doubt but not up to Elena’s standard. I was expecting her to shout or even slap me but surprisingly she said, are you okay? Yes I replied her with a gloomy expression and then she said I don’t mean to interfere with your thoughts but you don’t look okay to me, anyway whatever is wrong with you, just try to figure it out alright? Okay, Thanks for your concern, for a second there I thought you were gonna slap me I said feeling relieved. Nah! Am different from them she said with gesturing to our other classmates. When I got to my seat I didn’t say anything to Elena but I could feel her gaze lingering on me the entire time, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this, I said to myself. It was Elena’s voice that interrupted my thoughts, any problem?, uh! No, not at all I replied in a hurry, don’t lie to me I can see that something is bothering you she said boring her gaze on me, don’t worry am definitely okay, by the way how do you know something is bothering me I asked trying to compose myself, I can see you sweating despite the Air conditioner in the class also your hands are shaking, for the past few weeks we’ve been seatmates I noticed that these characters only happen when you are nervous, embarrassed or shy she replied with a mocking expression. Hey don’t ever call me shy I said with a frown on my face. Okay am sorry, now tell me what’s bothering you she asked, nothing I replied her with a fake smile on my face, let me guess, the head boy? She asked, the moment she said that the expression on my face got frozen instantly, no I didn’t say so, i replied her trying to compose myself, did he ask you to set up a date with me she asked, ooh! My God I exclaimed in my heart, how the hell did she know, what am I going to tell her now all these question buzzed in my heart, Joshua are you still there she asked snapping her finger’s in front of my face, oh! sorry, I got lost in my thoughts, I replied
13 Sep 2021 | 21:03
EPISODE 41: HER EYES! Thank God! because it was that moment a teacher came into the class, I sighed in relief the moment the teacher walked in but I was still contemplating on how am going to convince Elena to go on a date with the head boy after school session today. Its not like I really wanted her to comply but on second thought I couldn’t afford to offend the head boy, as time went on Teacher’s continued to stream in out of our class each period, it was even when I was in this type of situation that closing time began approaching with tremendous speed. The alarm which i had been afraid of ranged through the class but I just sat there glued to my seat, aren’t you going home Elena’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts, oh yeah I replied with a fake smile, I prepared my things and was about to go out when Elena said, Joshua please sit down let’s talk, I knew what she wanted to say but I had no other choice but to hear it out. So did the head boy tell you to set up a date with me she asked, no I replied quickly, Joshua please just say the truth she said pouting her lips, uhm! y…yes I replied stuttering, so is it because of that you were acting shy earlier? She asked with mocking expression, I told you am not shy I replied her with a frowned face. Alright if you are not shy look into my eyes and tell me what the head boy said to you she said with a grin on her face, okay I said as I turned to look at her, I have to admit as I was looking into her eyes, the feeling I felt was inexplicable, it was as if I was looking at the sun directly, I couldn’t help but be blinded by her gaze, that moment my heart pulsated with increased resonance sending ripples through the blood flowing through my veins. uhm! He s..said that he h..ave been….., oh God! I couldn’t stand it anymore I bowed my head on the desk to conceal the blush that was on my face currently. The next thing I heard was her laughter, then she said standing up, it’s okay let’s go and meet him, I refused to raise my head up because I was still embarrassed but the moment I heard David’s voice as he got to our side I stood up. If he were to know that I just lost in a staring contest with Elena then he won’t hesitate to make fun of me. When I stood up I saw David carrying a confused expression as he was looking at the two of us because Elena was still giggling while I was carrying a weird countenance. I immediately walked ahead of them incase David may start asking questions.
13 Sep 2021 | 21:13
EPISODE 42: FURIOUS We walked outside together to the ss3 block to meet the head boy and coincidentally he was also walking out of his class, the moment he saw us his walking posture changed to that of a noble arrogant prince, From my side I could hear Elena sighing in despair as she saw the the head boy walking over with a proud posture, that made me clench my hands into a fist. When the head boy got to us he rubbed my head like I was his junior brother then looked at Elena saying, hey Elena, how are ……., oh spare me that!! Elena interrupted him from finishing, I have been tolerating your attitude of sending your classmates and even some junior students to me but now you are now disturbing my friends? I won’t take that lightly she said to the head boy in a cold face, the head boy didn’t even mind the way she talked as he replied with a grin, c’mon it’s just one date! Its not like am gonna eat you. Elena rolled her eyes then said, alright, am going with you but you will have to promise not to disturb my friends anymore. Yeah, be rest assured I won’t disturb any of them he retorted with an enlightened expression, Elena you don’t have to go through all this trouble for us I said as I looked at her sideways, she was about to say something when the Head boy refuted with a furious gaze on me, who asked you to talk?, by the way why are you even standing here? Will you get out of this place. I didn’t go immediately, I looked at him codly for like three seconds before walking away, I didn’t even turned back when I heard Elena calling me, I don’t even know what came over me that moment because I was just angry for no reason. As for David he had been waiting a few meters away from us, when I got to him he asked hurriedly, what did she say to the head boy, she agreed to go on date with him I replied with an angry expression, thank God David sighed in relief. i was dumbfounded that he would be relieved when Elena had agreed to go on the date with the head boy, you’re happy? I asked with a raised tone, whoa! Easy bro you should be relieved too, at least the head boy wouldn’t be baring his fangs against us for the time being he replied. Okay am sorry he apologized when he noticed I wasn’t happy with his reaction, it was by this time Elena came to meet us, sorry for keeping you guys waiting she said to us, it’s no big deal David said in reply while I was mute. Elena seemed to notice my attitude as she turned to look at me, hey, are you angry? she asked patting me on the shoulder, am not angry I said with a dull expression, is it because of the date? Don’t worry I will be fine she said to me, can we go home already? David who had been watching the two of us said anxiously, yep lets go home I said.
13 Sep 2021 | 21:23
It's normal
14 Sep 2021 | 07:38
EPISODE 43: FURIOUS 2 Elena offered to take us home but as usual I declined the offer which always made me to earn a glare from David, as we walked home David tried starting a conversation with me however my mind wasn’t really with him because I was busy thinking about the Date between the head boy and Elena. I just wished that I could somehow stop Elena from going out with the idiot of an head boy but unfortunately I don’t have the ability. When I got home as usual my aunt was already home, I greeted her and headed straight to my room with a gloomy expression, my aunt seemed to notice my mood as she came to knock on the door of my room, Joshua are you okay she asked while knocking, am fine aunt I replied her wearily, you don’t sound good to me she said, am just tired there’s no problem at all I retorted, Okaaaaaay! Make sure you come to the dining for lunch, alright give me a minute I said In reply. When I was in the dining room I was just eating absent mindedly because I was thinking about the date between Elena and head boy, I don’t know where but I could feel my anger rising at every passing minute as the thought about Elena smiling while sitting opposite the head boy or even worse, God!! I wish i…… I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of someone coughing to get my attention. I raised my head to meet the gaze of my aunt who was looking at me curiously, oh! aunt I didn’t know when you arrived there, any problem? I enquired as soon as I got hold of myself, then she said, of course not, I wanted to ask you that same question because I noticed that you’ve been in a foul mood since when you came back from school, nothing aunt am just tired I said in reply. She didn’t say anything but shrugged her shoulder’s before walking away, however I could feel that she was not convinced, its not like I didn’t want to tell her but the thing is how am I going to tell that am angry because Elena was going to hangout with someone this evening. After eating I went to my room to read but I just couldn’t concentrate, even when David called to tell me to prepare for the field this evening I told him that I would not be going to the football field with him, in despair I resigned to the sitting room to watch the television. I spent the remaining hours of the day watching TV with little Charlie despite the fact than I was not by any means enticed it, well i had no other choice.
14 Sep 2021 | 20:28
EPISODE 44: WARM ATTITUDE The next morning my mood didn’t improve at all because I still had the thought of yesterday’s scenario running through my head, due to my current mood i decided to go to school late this morning, a decision which I am now regretting because as I got to the gates of our school I saw the head boy standing with two other seniors. I was kind off surprised because I have never seen him in the morning however It was then I realize why he was not always present on the assembly, it turns out that he is always present at the gate giving punishment to the late students. Judging by his expression I can see he really enjoyed what he was doing at the moment, when I walked into the school premises I joined the small group of student that were waiting for their turn to get punished but alas! The head boy spotted me. Joshua come here he yelled out loudly, out of frustration I walked to him in a slow pace, how are you he said to me warmly, I was amused for I had thought that he would want to take this opportunity to bully because I had been rude to him during his encounter with Elena the other day. Nevertheless I replied saying am fine senior, you don’t normally come late to school so what happened to today? He asked curiously, nothing I just had a bad night yesterday I replied wearily, if only he knew that he was the cause of me having a bad night yesterday I thought to myself. You can go to the assembly the head boy said to me, what!! I thought am supposed to be punished? I asked In confusion, just consider part of it as pardon for today while the other part is for you helping me yesterday he replied winking at me. My expression changed instantly the moment he said I helped yesterday however I quickly adjusted my countenance so he will not notice the change in my mood. Thanks I said to him simply before walking towards the assembly but i knew very well that i had to be cautious, when I got to the assembly troops of students had started to move into their respective classes so I just moved into my class. After the normal routine of me and David exchanging pleasantries I moved to my seat only to meet the sight of Elena glowing like a star, as I walked to our seat the bad mood which was lingering on me since yesterday disappeared when I saw her smiling at me, one peculiar feature about Elena was the calming effect she had on other people and surely that effect was certainly playing its role on me right now. Good morning she said as soon as I sat down, I replied simply, why did you come late today she asked curiously, nothing I just woke up late I retorted with a smile, sleeping head she muttered.
14 Sep 2021 | 20:34
EPISODE 45: NO CONFIDENCE Teacher’s started coming in for our normal daily lessons which as usual I paid less attention, lessons these days normally annoy me to death, it’s not that I am a lazy student but because almost all the lessons we’re being taught in school felt like a strand of memory that I had access to at any time, coupled with all the library sessions and quiet times I spent devouring my books how will I keep on learning the same thing everyday? Joshua walter! Will you please stand up, the voice of our physics teacher interrupted me from my thoughts, I stood up rather quickly with a look of confusion, what was the last word I said she asked with a stern expression, uh…m..m, I wasn’t paying attention ma! I replied scratching my head nervously, then she said, you seriously weren’t paying attention? Do you think it’s an easy feat to teach? alright I want you to explain the reason why water wets glass. Now you know people who are very intelligent, I mean super intelligent, they usually get excited when asked a question and like every other genius I was also excited, that moment I could literally feel as if only me and the teacher was the only one present in the class, the reason why water wets glass Is because of the… I paused as I noticed the looks of mockery surrounding me, even the little confidence which was building itself within me shattered the moment I caught the sight of Kelvin giggling. Because of what? The teacher asked when I wasn’t speaking anymore, I don’t know the answer I said as I bowed my head down in embarrassment. Seriously? You have to make sure you pay attention whenever you are in my class the physics teacher said sternly then she removed her gaze on me before saying to the class, can anyone explain the reason why water wets glass? i didn’t remember to sit down after that moment it was Elena who held my hand before I came back to myself. When I looked at her, she had an expression which said ‘why didn’t you answer the question’, I removed my gaze from her to look at the teacher who was pointing at Anna currently. Apart from my Elena and David which were my friends I had a good impression of Anna due to the way she reacted when I bumped into her the other day, I certainly was expecting a slap or even more when I bumped into her that day because that is literally what everyone other person in the class would do if they were in her shoes. When the teacher pointed to her she stood up diligently and said, the reason why water wets glass is because of the force of attraction between the molecules that exist between them, well you tried at least you said something the teacher said looking at me with an unsatisfied expression, anyone else she asked.
14 Sep 2021 | 20:43
EPISODE 46: PROUD BUT INTELLIGENT This time only Kelvin had his hand up, when the teacher saw him she said with a relieved expression, Kelvin please help me out here, then the idiot stood up carrying himself like an alpha as always, actually the reason why water wets glass is because the force of adhesion between the molecules of water and glass which is greater than the force of cohesion between the molecules of water, take for instance, mercury doesn’t wet glass instead it forms small spherical shapes in the form of small beads which rolls on the surface of glass, this phenomenon is due to the fact that the forces of adhesion between the molecules of mercury to glass Is less than the force of cohesion between mercury molecules, after answering the question he puffed his chest out in a proud manner then looked at me with a smirk before sitting down. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes casually, as far as I hate to admit, he really did a good job murdering the question with that answer but why the hell! Will he be giving me that look after displaying his prowess in class? That’s what even makes me to admire him more, despite his arrogant attitude he was still intelligent. When Kelvin sat down the teacher had a very satisfied expression on her face, very good Kelvin, i have to say I wasn’t really expecting your answer to be so good she said giving him a thumb up, after her remark she proceeded with the lesson which later followed which several other Teacher for their respective lessons. Ding! Ding! Ding! The sound of the alarm came sounding through the class, I couldn’t even muster the courage to go out because I was still feeling embarrassed, some of my classmates were already going out leaving a few of us in the class but I had my head on my desk, Elena who was sitting beside me stood up then said to me, aren’t you going out? No I said with a rather low tone, David who had walked over to our seat asked, why? is it because of the physics teacher? I could hear Elena take a deep breath before she sat near me, you know you should have answered the question, you need to start building the confidence to face such situations she said holding my hand, she’s correct josh, you need to man up, David added. Thanks for your advice I said raising my head up, c’mon lets go outside she said, hmm I really don’t want to go outside today I replied, don’t tell me that, let’s go she said dragging me outside, boring boy David muttered in a whisper while sighed helplessly as we strode out of the class together.
14 Sep 2021 | 21:06
Nawa for your shyness O
15 Sep 2021 | 07:26
EPISODE 47: THE DATE When we got outside we headed to the cafeteria as usual but this time we decide not to study today so we headed to the sports arena, we went to the football field and picked a spot among the spectators seat and started a conversation. Halfway into the conversation I remembered something then asked, Elena how was the date yesterday, I thought you guys won’t asked she said in reply, then David said, well we’ve asked already so please tell us about yesterday’s evening, what do you guys want to hear exactly? she asked giving us a suspicious gaze. You know, we want to hear things like how sweet he was? Did he buy you flowers and also did he kiss you David asked with an excited look, seriously? Are you saying this right now I asked looking at him with a frowned expression, as for Elena she was trying to contain the laughter that was coming from her mouth. When she regained herself she spoke, first of all he was certainly not by any means sweet, any word I would use to describe him presently would be bitter and yes he sure bought me flowers which I accepted just to give him some face, lastly we didn’t have any kiss, Jesus! I can’t even imagine him touching me with those filthy hands of his she said shivering with her hands hugging herself tightly. I smiled when I saw her like that then I asked, so what did you guys say to each other? Well we didn’t talk much, after some boring minutes with him he was like, Elena I wants us to be really close friends, like in the boyfriend and girlfriend way, I will be there for you blah.. blah.. blah.. and the rest that I can’t remember she said mimicking the head boy’s voice. I couldn’t help but laugh loudly as I thought about how his face would be when he was saying those words, David then asked, so you left after saying no to him? Yes I left when my driver sent me a text which said that some people who he suspected to be bloggers had noticed my presence in the restaurant she said simply, as we were talking I noticed someone sitting a few meters away from us, when I looked closer at the person I noticed it was Anna and it looked she was studying alone, then a certain Idea came into my mind.
16 Sep 2021 | 21:59
EPISODE 48: RECRUIT Elena I was thinking about something i said as I returned my attention back to our circle, what are you thinking about she asked curiously, probably something naughty David answered her with a smirk, I shot him a hot gaze before returning my attention to Elena. You know you are the only girl among us I said, yep what’s wrong with that? She asked with a confused countenance, I think it looks kind of awkward to be the only girl among us so I was thinking of adding someone to our little group I replied, like a recruit? David asked, yes like a recruit I replied. So who do you have on your head Elena asked, well I was thinking of recruiting Anna I retorted, huh? I literally won’t agree to having anybody from our class in our midst Elena said, David then put in, me too, after seeing their characters I definitely won’t adhere to such action. C’mon guys trust me on this one, she’s totally different from our other classmates in the class I said, hmm, I don’t know if you are right about this but let’s give it a try Elena said, when I looked at David he nodded saying when are you meeting her, now I said standing up before walking to Anna who sat few meter away from us. Hello, I said when I got to her, she looked up with a smile then retorted, hey! how are you doing? Am good I replied with a warm smile, any problem she asked curiously, not actually but I noticed you were kind off sitting alone so I decided to ask if you might want to join us. Initially I thought she might not agree but her reaction surprised the heck out of me, the moment I finished asking her to join us she was like, oooh!! Myyy! God!! You are kidding right? She asked with an excited expression, of course am not I replied with a surprised look, well since you said so, who am I to refuse being friends with you people, can I go to meet the rest of the guys now? she asked excitedly.
16 Sep 2021 | 22:07
EPISODE 49: RECRUIT 2 It was then I knew why she was behaving like that, it was because of the thought of having Elena Daniels, a celebrity in the making as a friend that made to be super excited, I didn’t blame her though because I had lost count of how many students had came to Elena asking or even pleading to be her friend which she turned down insisting that she only wanted me and David to be around her. so when she asked if we can go meet Elena and David I said yes, when we got to the others I introduced them to each other, so guys this is Anna as you already know and Anna this is David and Elena I said gesturing towards the both of them. David who was the first to react raised his hands, pleased to meet you he said offering her a hand shake, she received his hands warmly while her gaze was rested on Elena the entire time, when she retracted her hands she was the one who even took the initiative to offer a handshake to Elena. Well, I guess you already know my name Elena said receiving her hand with a friendly gaze, when their hands came in contact Anna gasped with her mouth open, then she started talking, my name’s Anna, you are my biggest fan no, no, no am your biggest fan, jeeez! I can’t believe it, Elena daniels is talking to me, please can I take a photo with you she asked with her eyes sparkling with joy. Sure Elena said smiling, then she sat near her before bringing out her phone to take pictures with her, I couldn’t help but shake my head, to be a celebrity is not an easy feat, once you are spotted in public you are sure gonna be swarmed by fans for sure. When I turned my gaze to David, I laughed in my mind when I saw him carrying an unsatisfied expression on his face because the way Anna interacted with him was different from the way she was interacting Elena currently, when he looked at me he shot me a gaze which said, I told you not to bring her in while I gestured to him to calm down because Anna was still trying to fit in our circle for now. After taking a photo or should I say photos with Elena it was then she regained herself, oh sorry guys, you know this is my first time being with her in person she said, don’t worry I understand, even David was just like you the first time they met I replied casting a wry smile at David. Then what about you Anna asked, him? He didn’t even know who she was David said while laughing at me, even Elena and Anna joined in the laughter too which made me extremely embarrassed.
16 Sep 2021 | 22:12
@Ifeoluwa 47 - 49 uploaded
16 Sep 2021 | 22:15
17 Sep 2021 | 05:21
@Israelshedy I dey enjoy this story abeg ride on
17 Sep 2021 | 06:35
@ifeoluwa @orry-function please be patient, still loading
19 Sep 2021 | 22:58
20 Sep 2021 | 10:57


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