

By Donwalter in 11 Apr 2015 | 10:47
Donwalter Donwalter

Donwalter Donwalter

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Posts: 239
Member since: 9 Mar 2015
Watch out for another epic story from the stable of Donwalter titled "BEFORE THE DARKNESS".
Stay tuned



[b]Episode 1(scroll down)[/b]

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16


11 Apr 2015 | 10:47
wow......waiting (awaiting moderation)
11 Apr 2015 | 11:08
Abeg. Where @Anitcham @Tenniebenson @Lollybabe1 @Mray @Stephanie @Dahcutebae @Tonia @Rhennyjay @Wind @Delight @Japhola @InemLove @Pizzaro @Odunboy @GeeAdore @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Freelizzy @Adewunmi @Valking1 @Precious @Mohjisolah @Gracy @John Walter @Akorede @Others (I'm sorry I couldn't remember all the names). Make you all come take a seat before the seat go finish oo..
11 Apr 2015 | 11:36
My glasses r on. Let's go ooh.
11 Apr 2015 | 12:08
@Khola tanx for inviting me, I'm very grateful, I'm sitting down already, but I need some refreshment while waiting.
11 Apr 2015 | 12:41
We r waiting ooo
11 Apr 2015 | 13:04
@InemLove Ask and you shall be given.....I'm here, just ask for any refreshment(e plenty bha?)...I'm gonna give it to you any Welcome......
11 Apr 2015 | 13:26
Awaiting moderation
11 Apr 2015 | 13:54
thanks @Kholah46 for d invite. u're mouthed
11 Apr 2015 | 15:36
@GeeAdore You are welcome Ma'm...
11 Apr 2015 | 16:25
Prezent Sir!! Abeg do fast...(hungry)
11 Apr 2015 | 17:16
PROLOGUE There was war in heaven and there was going to be only one winner, him. The glass floor felt cold against his bare feet as he sneaked across the oval corridor. He looked at his reflection coming off the walls for a few seconds. He looked wild; it was how he wanted to look. His head was clean shaven except for a thick line of hair running from his forehead to the back. He had not touched his beard in centuries so he was not surprised it was shaggy. But there was something else, something he was not used to; anger. He was a happy person, the life of the party. He was mischievous, a trouble maker but never angry. Well, until he had been crossed. He looked away from the walls and walked on. “You can’t get away!” A voice rang through the atmosphere and he stopped. He closed his eyes and became one with the air. His opponent was strong but he could not see the invisible. “You can’t get away you foul being!” A female voice shouted so close to him he jumped. He stepped away off the corridor and moved towards the male voice. “Esu, come out!” The male voice screamed. “You sad excuse for a god, come, let me teach you a lesson” Esu smiled and shook his head. They had no idea what was coming. *** The light seemed to swim around the throne, it was one of the most beautiful things he had seen in his centuries of existence. The light had several colours and it always gave him joy to bask in their sweet fragrance. But not today, not even the dancing light could ease his troubled mind. “They are going to destroy each other my lord.” Orunmila said as he looked at the east, eyes drawn together in worry. “If they must engage in petty fighting like men, then like men they must be destroyed.” Edumare, creator of the seven heavens, answered him. Orunmila opened his mouth to argue, but closed it and looked on. He had watched Edumare make decisions for millennia and none had failed, if it was his decision not to intervene in the battle of the gods, so be it. “Orunmila.” Edumare called. “Yes, my lord.” “You’re my priest, the wise one amongst the gods. You have stood by my throne for ages, so you have become my wisdom.” “My lord, such accolades don’t belong…” “I have a question for you Orunmila.” Edumare said, shifting on his throne to face Orunmila. “I’m listening, my lord.” “How shall the earth and her inhabitants, the sons of men be in four thousand years? Can you predict their future?” “My lord, I’ve been called wise by many but no god, no matter how wise can predict the future except you choose to reveal it.” Orunmila answered, surprised at the question. “I know, but give it a try. I want to know your thoughts.” “Four thousand years will be the year twenty fourteen…” Orunmila said quietly and looked away, deep in thought. “What do you say? How will man fare?” Orunmila stood from his chair, walked a few feet forward and turned around. “In four thousand years, men will be corrupt and perverse. They will have more knowledge but use less and less of it. They will bring forth wisdom that will make even gods jealous but will destroy each other with it. They will suffer but even in the face of death they will curse the gods to their faces.” Orunmila finished and found himself out of breath. The words had come out of his mouth without his thinking about it. “You are right my priest.” Edumare said with a sigh. “The question is; will the gods fare better?” Orunmila sighed and turned towards the east, lightning and thunder still rang through the sky. Fiery bursts of different colours spread across the face of the sky. He shook his head and turned back to face the throne. “My lord, it is hard to tell. But the gods are not mortal men, surely they will fare better.” “Surely, you say. Well, soon we shall know. Very soon.” Orunmila turned and looked at him. What did he mean by soon? *** Esu looked at Sango and smiled. His trap was perfect, all he had to do was wait. He moved closer to Sango as he strutted towards the trap, his favourite goddess Oya by his side. They could not see him still and he had them exactly where he wanted them. “Is that him? You are sure?” Sango reduced his pace and asked pointing at a shadow in the distance. “Surely, it is him. Sango, you’re the chief amongst gods, you are second to none except Edumare himself. Are you scared of Esu, that trifling elf?” Oya replied him. “Of course I’m not!” Sango said, pushing his chest out. “Esu is tricky, I do not want to…” “Sango, you are known as the thunder of the seven heavens, well six of them. You are far above any trick Esu brings.” “Yes, I am!” Sango said and marched towards the shadow. Esu smiled and moved a few feet away from them. “Here’s the plan.” Sango said. “You will raise a storm, I will light it up with fire and hail and we will both bring it down on him.” Oya nodded and spreading her hands upwards she started to conjure a storm. Esu looked up at the storm gathering, it was bigger than he expected and he was grateful he was not the real target. He watched Sango raise his fist and the storm became fiery red. They held their hands in the air and together brought the fiery storm on the shadow. Esu opened his mouth in anticipation as the storm approached the shadow. The storm hit and almost immediately a bolt of lightning from the east hit the shadow too. For a few seconds his eyes shut and he did not know what was happening. He opened his eyes and found himself in the midst of the storm. He looked around him as the storm spun him around. Oya was holding tight to Sango as they spun above him. The storm seemed to be taking them downwards. “This is the work of your hands.” A voice called from below him. He looked below and saw Ogun. Ogun had been his involuntary decoy; the shadow. He had put the target on him but things had not gone the way he expected. “I did not plan this, I swear.” Esu said, afraid for the first time in his life. He looked up at Sango and Oya. Sango looked down and saw him and his face became red. “What have you done?!” He screamed and there was an explosion of light. Esu closed his eyes against the light, waited a few seconds until he felt a calm around him and he opened them. He looked around, there was no one. He blinked and rubbed his forehead, a headache was building. He heard a sound coming from behind him and he looked to see a strange being with large shiny eyes approach him, it was coming at a high speed, it made a screeching sound and sped past him. He stood slowly to his feet but dropped back to the ground immediately. He was naked! He looked up and saw a large object in the sky with a man’s face on it, he was saying something. His face goes off the object and a scantily clad woman walks around on the object. The light started to hurt his eyes and he looked away. He crawled away from the object and towards a darker place. He reached a wall and stopped. He sat against the wall and held his head in his hand. Where was he? “Hey dude!” A voice said beside him. He jumped and scrambled away “Hey man, it’s okay, I’m homeless too. You want some coke? Stole it off a kid in the park.” Esu looked at the man speaking to him, he was dressed in rags and stank. Who was this man? Where was he? “My name is Folusho. What is your name?” The man continued. If he was going to find out where he was, the man was probably his best bet.” “My name, my name is…” Esu started. “Yes? What’s your name?” “My na… na… name…” He stuttered and stopped. Beads of sweat formed on his face as he came to a sudden realisation. He had no idea what he name was. He had no idea who he was. . . . . . . . . Watch out for chapter 1
11 Apr 2015 | 17:53
Oh.....I'm just smiling... I.N.T.E.R.E.S.T.I.N.G. This story would be sweet... abeg make you all come join us......
11 Apr 2015 | 18:22
Interesting, plz cant wait oooo,wen is it starting?
12 Apr 2015 | 05:18
voooooom, vooooom... I don land kontinu *sips coke*
12 Apr 2015 | 05:27
Yeah!!!!!! Me likey
12 Apr 2015 | 05:57
Hmmmmmmmm...... ur name is esu beleke nd u r @ sambisa resort nd park. Let d main tin begin......
12 Apr 2015 | 06:14
Tankz @khola........ Let it roll my man,we ar wit u.
12 Apr 2015 | 06:45
@wind WELCOME BRO...
12 Apr 2015 | 07:46
Ehn ehn plsss contd. it's gonna be lovely.
12 Apr 2015 | 09:14
CHAPTER ONE 1 . . . . . . The fiery hot wind blew against him but he did not seem to notice. His mind was taken up by what he saw; the reflection of his face in the water made him shiver. He slapped his hand across the river and his reflection disappeared in the ripples. He stood and slid across his face the veil that had been his covering for so many decades. Decades that had turned into centuries and centuries into millennia. The world knew him as Ibilis, the cause of all the evil in the world, and they were right. But they knew so little about him, as little as he wanted them to know. His world was one of darkness, one he hated so much. He had crossed from light to darkness when he had challenged Edumare, a battle he would have won if he had been given a fair chance. His loss meant he had to leave for the abyss called Hades along with a few of his defeated loyal servants. The only reason he had not been lost in despair through the millennia was the hope that one day he would be able to corrupt one of the gods in the seven heavens. And he had succeeded. One of them had eventually given in to centuries of pressure and through him he would achieve his target; take over the earth. Ibilis looked around him at the many who toiled in his service as he prepared for what will be the end of man and the ultimate devastation of Edumare. He did not understand it, Edumare’s obsession with men. It infuriated him. It did not matter, because soon, with one blow he would wipe out men and take his revenge on Edumare. *** “We have set a two-month deadline, we cannot wait for her to give birth, look for another person to play the role.” Eric said and shook his head. He had been in the business for less than a year but he already knew more than these expert morons. “Sir, she is the best person for the role.” The older moron said. “And she’s famous; her face alone will sell our movie.” The younger moron added, supporting his colleague. “Do you think we are negotiating here guys? Did we use a single famous actor for our last movie? Did it or did it not blow away all box office records here in Nigeria?” Eric said, looking at the men, who were trying to avoid his gaze. “Dapo, answer my question.” “You’re right sir.” “Good, so go and do as I said. We are not waiting for anybody. Okay, get to work both of you.” Eric watched them leave his office. He understood their thinking, they could not figure how he could do a movie with an unknown cast and expect success, but he had and he would do it again. He did not have to explain himself to them anyway, he was their boss, plus he had other things on his mind. He had had the strangest experience the day before. He was at his new home with his new girlfriend, well that’s what she thought she was, and she had got him upset. He had been lucky because he walked out of the room immediately his temper started to rise. He walked to his balcony and as he thought about the infuriating words she had said to him, he squeezed his fingers in frustration and just then his hand disappeared. He had jumped back out of fear, releasing the fingers and they had re-appeared. No matter how much he tried, he could not find a reasonable explanation for the incidence. He had been drunk but he had never been drunk to the point of hallucinating. A knock on the door brought him back from his reverie. “Come in.” His secretary came in. She was his only friend, but even she could not know about the disappearing hand. “Pearl, what’s up?” “Your two pm is here.” “My two…I have an appointment?” Eric asked, clicking on his digital calendar. “Apparently, I do. Who is Toni Adedoyin?” “Eric! That lady has been after you since European came out. She called and called before she got this appointment.” “Oh yeah, the journalist. Can I reschedule this? I don’t think I want to do an interview right now.” “Come on Eric, you can’t reschedule this. We have rescheduled four times, it’s not polite. She is a human person.” “I know Pearl, I just don’t want to do this now.” “You will!” She said with finality, he knew there was no point arguing. “Do whatever you want to do now, she’s coming in in five minutes.” “Okay. But am I ready for this interview? This is a major step you know, it’s my first as CEO of X-Media.” “Aww, Eric is nervous.” Pearl said, walked to him and put an arm round his shoulder. “You will be fine dear. Now be a man and let me be the lady here.” She walked out of the office and Eric walked to the reception area in his office and sat. He had a reason to be nervous. He knew the journalist would ask questions about his past, his life before X-Media. He had had a terrible accident and had no idea who he was. He had an official story he told everybody who asked though. Only Pearl knew his story was fiction. An invasive journalist could pick through his made-up story. There was a knock on his door, he stood from the chair and straightened his jacket. “Come in please.” Eric said, trying his best to smile. “Mr. Adesesan, thanks for seeing me.” Toni, the journalist said, stretching her hand to shake him. “Please call me Eric, Mr. Adesesan is my grandfather, even my father never let people call him that.” Eric replied, shaking her hand. “Oh, alright, thank you Eric.” “Please have a seat.” Eric said, pointing her to a chair. “I’m sorry I’ve not been able to see you for so long.” “Well, I’m glad you’re seeing me now.” She said, sitting. “Okay, before we start this, do you solemnly swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth?” “What? I…” Eric stammered. “No, I’m just joking Eric. This isn’t a court room.” She said laughing. Eric tried to join the laughter but nothing came out of his mouth but a slight chuckle. “Alright, let’s begin, shall we?” She said, bringing out a notepad. “Okay, let’s.” Eric said and silently prayed the interview would not become the beginning of the end for him. *** She observed her aide – Adedamola as he escorted the visitor to the door. Damola was tall, had broad shoulders and the most handsome face she had ever seen. Sometimes she wondered if he was a god of some sorts, or perhaps he was just specially constructed to torture women. He walked with a swagger she could not understand, almost as if he was royalty. He turned around to look at her and she turned away quickly. He had caught her staring far too often, she was his boss, she had to learn some discipline. “Are you done for the day Anne?” He asked. The way he pronounced her name sent a tingling sensation up her spine. He rarely called her by name, he had always called her ma’am except for a few precious times. “Yeah, I’m almost done.” She answered, hoping he did not see the heat in her face. “Wait for me at the reception; I will be with you soon.” She tried to look away but failed so she watched him leave. She remembered the first time she had seen him. She had been instantly attracted to him but her friends told her to forget about it. Apart from the social class difference, they said, he was rough, and not the kind of person to be working with a top model. They had a point. He worked as a delivery boy for a pizza place and he had the roughest hair and beard she had ever seen but she could not stop thinking about him. There was something familiar about him and in less than two weeks he had begun to work in her organization. She stood from her chair and walked into the bathroom. As she did she caught her reflection in the mirror and stopped. She turned and faced the mirror. She was beautiful, she knew it, and everybody knew it. She had been in the modeling industry for only a year but she was already at the top of the industry. She charged the highest fees, she turned down international brands because she had too much to do already, she lived the life so many of her contemporaries could only dream of. She wiped the mirror with her palms and looked closer into the mirror to see her eyes. They had a look of loss in them, something she tried her best to hide every time. She turned away from the mirror and grabbed her make up bag, tonight was not a time for thoughts of loss. There was a handsome god of a man waiting to take her home. Even if he would not go past her front door. *** Damola looked at her through the rearview mirror and smiled. She was asleep. For a woman who was so calm and collected during the day, she tossed a lot in her sleep. He looked away from her and focused on the road. He had caught her looking at him a few times and it always excited him. He did his own bit of looking, he was just smarter about it. Working for her was the easiest decision he had ever made. Because of his looks he had gotten a lot of offers for different jobs but he had always refused, he had never felt like he needed more than he got from the pizza place. When she asked him to come work for her, he had accepted immediately. There was something about her, he had no idea what it was but he could not resist her. A traffic light ahead of him turned red and he stepped on the brake. The car had just slowed to a stop when the car jerked forward suddenly! It had been hit from behind. He heard a whimper behind him and he looked. Anne had fallen off her seat and hit her head on the front chair. Damola turned off the engine, opened his door and ran to Anne’s side of the car. He opened her door and helped her up to her seat. Her nose was bleeding. His heart raced at the sight of the blood on her face. He turned away from her and started walking towards the driver who hit him. The driver was still in the car, he had not even bothered to come out. Damola walked to his door and knocked on his window. The driver rolled down his window. “Why did you stop so suddenly? Didn’t you know a car was coming behind you?” The driver said with a sneer. Damola felt the heat begin to rise. “What did you just say?” “Move your car out of the road and let me go, useless man!” The man retorted and rolled his window up. Damola looked at the man and he felt a vibration in his hand, he lifted it and punched the window! It shattered and the shocked driver jumped back. Damola opened the door and began to pull the man. He yanked the seatbelt off the driver and grabbed him. The man struggled but he overpowered him easily. Suddenly the man began to scream. “It’s burning me! Help, it’s burning me!” A crowd began to gather around the scene. Damola looked at the man confused. What was burning him? Then he felt it. At first it was a slight warm tingling on his palms, then it became really hot. He dropped the man and looked at his hands, they smoked. He turned around quickly and walked back to the car. Nobody tried to stop him as he entered and drove away. His hand smoked? What set it on fire? Why wasn’t he burned? Who was Adedamola Adetokun? *** “That was an awesome interview.” Toni Adedoyin said. “Really? That was all you.” Eric said, standing from his seat. “I don’t think so, you did well yourself.” She said with a smile. She stuffed her notepad into her bag and stood. The interview had gone better than he thought it would. Mostly because she had stuck to questions about X-Media and European, his first movie which had blown everybody away. She worked for a business magazine, of course she was not after his life story. He wondered why he had been so paranoid. “Care to join me for light refreshment before you leave?” Eric asked. “Well…” She said and looked at her watch. “I guess I could spare ten minutes.” “That’s all the time it takes to eat our special delicacy; the Spanish lizard.” Eric said with relish as they settled into their chairs. “The what?!” She asked eyes wide. “Ha, gotcha! That’s my revenge for the joke you pulled on me earlier.” Eric said and pumped his fist in mock victory. “Nice! That’s how it is?” “That’s how it is.” Eric brought out two wine glasses and poured some wine into them. “You always treat your guests with this much niceness, I might be a constant guest here.” Toni said, taking a sip from the glass. “My father always said, there are two people you must always treat nicely; your wife and journalists. Because people will believe whatever they say about you, true or false.” Toni laughed and said. “He is a wise man. You seemed to have picked a lot from him. He must have been proud of you when you produced European.” “He would have been, but he’s been late for a while.” Eric said, hoping it would be the end of questions about his father. He was not so lucky. “Was he into entertainment too?” “Yes he was.” He replied without thinking. “He was? Wow, it runs in the family then. Was he was a movie producer?” “No, he wasn’t.” Eric said, his feeling of unease increasing. “Yeah? What was he then?” “Can you please stop! I thought the interview was over.” Eric snapped. He looked at her shocked face and felt terrible. “I’m sorry…” She started to say. “No, it’s me who is sorry. I’m so sorry, it’s just that the topic of my father is very touchy for me.” He said, trying to put on a smile. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed.” “I guess you can say I have daddy issues.” Eric said beaming a huge smile. “I hope this does not destroy the chances of those repeated visits you promised.” “Promised? I didn’t promise anything. But I’ll visit anytime I’m in the neighbourhood.” “Please do.” “Thank you very much for this.” She said standing. “It was my pleasure.” Eric walked her to the door of the company building and watched her walk all the way to her car. His good-for-nothing girlfriend was going to get kicked out very soon, maybe then he could pay real attention to the attractive journalist. He was about to turn around to head back into the building when something caught his eye. He looked closer. Beside his car in the parking lot was an odd looking man. He was dressed in robes and was barefooted. He looked like he had just stepped out of an ancient movie. Strangely, people walked past him without paying any attention to him. Eric shook his head and walked back into the building. He had enough weirdness in his life, the odd man could live his. *** Anne stood outside and watched Damola walk out of her house. She was disturbed, there was something strange about the way he had looked that day. She had watched him go after the driver who hit the car from behind. At first, she had felt good about it, he was fighting because she was hurt. But she had seen him get really angry, and even though he had not landed a single punch on the man, the look she saw on the man’s face was pure fear. She turned around and entered her house. There was something else that disturbed her, the look in his eyes. It was the same look she saw in her own eyes more often than not; confusion. “My lady?” She heard an unfamiliar voice call from behind her. She stopped and turned around. A man stood in the corner of her living room. How did he enter? She had opened the door herself, and there was no way he slipped past her. “Who are you? How did you get in?” She asked, trying not to show fear. “How did I enter? It surprises me that you ask that question my lady. We are not of this world, we come and go as we please.” The man said. “Not of this…?” Anne started and shook her head. She reached into her bag and brought out her phone, she wished Damola had actually come in. “Don’t call him, he is not ready, let him go in peace.” Anne looked at him carefully. The man was dressed strangely, he looked like nothing she had seen in Nigeria. He wore a robe, somewhat like a Buddhist monk. He was barefooted and had some strange kind of beads around his neck. She had never met him, that she was sure of but there was an air of familiarity about him. Kind of what she felt the first time she met Damola. “What do you want from me?” Anne asked steadying herself. “Before I answer your question my lady, I will ask mine. Do you know who you are?” “Yes I do.” She said, her voice lower than she planned. Who was this man? “I am Anne Oyawoye…” “Wait! Tell me who you are, not who you have told everybody you are.” Anne felt her heart beat faster against her chest. She had avoided the question the man was asking for a long time. She had no idea who she was, Anne Oyawoye; the international model was all she knew. “You can’t seem to answer my question my lady. Perhaps because you do not know the answer. That is why I’m here, to deliver the answer.” “You know who I am?” Anne asked, she could not hide the eagerness in her voice. “Yes I do my lady, but with knowledge comes responsibility. Are you willing to take the responsibility that comes with the knowledge of who you are?” “What responsibility?” She hesitated. “What are you talking about?” “That box on the wall, the one that shows you the past, the present and sometimes the future…”He said pointing to the television. “Put it on.” Anne reached for the remote, cautiously eyeing the weird man. She put on the TV. “You see that?” The man asked. On the television was news about a village in the northern part of the nation who experienced what looked like an eclipse. The reporter was saying how strangely, the village was the only place to experience the eclipse. “I don’t understand.” Anne said. An eclipse that was experienced in one village only was strange but she had no idea what that had to do with her. “You don’t understand now, but you will. I should leave you now.” The man said and moved towards the door. “Wait! You have not told me who I am.” Anne said. “Are you ready for this my lady?” Anne stood straight, folded her arms across her chest and looked at him. “Your name is Oya, the daughter of the great Edumare, creator of the seven heavens. You are the controller of the wind and the storm do your bidding. You are not mere mortal my lady, you are a goddess, a great goddess.” Anne stood and stared at him for a few seconds, stunned. Then she recovered herself and laughed. She wanted to stop the laughter but she was so amused she could not. “Sir, whoever you are, thank you for playing on my moment of weakness, I can’t believe I actually thought you knew who I am. Thank you but you are should leave now.” She said and turned around to get her phone. “There is more you should know.” The man continued. She could not believe she had been so eager to hear what the man had to say. She should have been more concerned about getting him out of her house than bothering with what he had to say. She got her phone and looked up. “Sir, please leave or I…” She stopped, he was gone
12 Apr 2015 | 10:26
I'm nt gonna miss dis story 4 anything... Fire on!
12 Apr 2015 | 10:47
Adedamola: Sango Annie: Oya Eric: Ogun/Esu Old Man: Esu/Someone Great story..... Continue please.
12 Apr 2015 | 11:30
Oh..... @Love Long time.... Where have you been???
12 Apr 2015 | 12:48
@khola46 thanks for the invitation,hope I no late,shift make I sit..... Nice start..I go give it my own name *the life of the god and goddess*... Me too I be young god but I no know my name if I dey vex and close my eyes my head go disappear and if I open it e go reappear....weytin my name oooo.....
12 Apr 2015 | 15:40
@charliebryn wetin I for call u ooooo. Let me kall u IKU nba omo rin omo ofura.
12 Apr 2015 | 15:45
Wow! Interesting!
12 Apr 2015 | 16:06
Oga @donwalter....but e be like say I no dangerous reach *iku*
12 Apr 2015 | 16:36
Vry Vry Interesting, Next plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12 Apr 2015 | 16:39
Loss @charliebryn. Nice name @donwalter. Am really gbaduing diz stowie
12 Apr 2015 | 17:21
I tink der is mistake sumwere,Oya no fill control Wind oooo. Hw can woman control me....haba.
12 Apr 2015 | 17:42
@wind you want to lie say woman no dey control you @mray if so shey you go still employ me do security for you...
12 Apr 2015 | 18:21
Funny@wind Funny@donwalter Absent sir@khola Fnkz for inviting me Buh don abeg demons on chr str part 2 nko??I cn fight oooooo Ehnnnn
12 Apr 2015 | 18:23
@wind, abeg drop am. Wetin go control u if no b woman. @charliebryn, ehnm ehnm I ll v t ask my oga @ d top!!!!
12 Apr 2015 | 18:29
just about to be following, hope am not yet late?
12 Apr 2015 | 23:43
Dis story is sooooooo gud! Make una shift abeg, I wan dey front. Ride on
13 Apr 2015 | 05:42
@SaintMiracle You came on time...welicum... @Delight Seat don finish, come sit on my lap... or you no like ahm???
13 Apr 2015 | 05:51
Front ogini??? Hahahahaha @delight u no go see... Na my seat be dat...nd i don occupy am... @wind u too dey lie... Was i not d one dat told u 2 wear d cloth u wore on sunday? Was i not d one dat told u 2 sleep @ nyt? Was i not d one dat told u 2 make sure u brush ur teeth daily?
13 Apr 2015 | 07:24
Dis super hot cnt wait 4 d nxt epic. @khola46 nd @tenniebenson u guys dd nt invite me *angry*
13 Apr 2015 | 07:30
hmmmmmm, the Era of the gods Nigerian made merlin I so much dy enjoy am made me remember back then in 1632, if I vex ehn, ground go just open swallow everybody, but thank God say now I no like to dy use my power again
13 Apr 2015 | 07:56
@Herbyhorlah Oh My Angel....How ah con forget to tag you along...oh ahyam sorry sorry...
13 Apr 2015 | 08:05
@Khola46 ur lap ke. Ok na, dnt worry ppl won't take notice, just position well she's close to u... . . . @Delight hope say na skirt u wear ooo @easy click/accces ni Haba make una still shift for me naaa, I b una friend ooo
13 Apr 2015 | 08:09
That was a lengthy episode u have there, ride on bro, well done.
13 Apr 2015 | 08:51
Goshh!!guess aM nt late foR dis...:->oya ma sit doWn dy read una coMent
13 Apr 2015 | 10:17
@charliebry na true ooo,woman no fill control me. @rhenyjay lolz. @mray no woman wey go fill control me,if e dy i never see am. @tenniebenson haba y u cum dy tell ppl wetin we do 4 house here na......
13 Apr 2015 | 12:10
Wow, here come another merlin
13 Apr 2015 | 13:38
Nyce one,fire on
13 Apr 2015 | 15:43
Fire on
13 Apr 2015 | 15:44
Laaakuli ........(Finish ahm) ....1episode 8pages..... Chai!! Seat no go reach pple many go stand
13 Apr 2015 | 17:58
Chai windi- windi! Wind don blow we don c hen yansh! So, na lie u dey lie sey no woman fit control una. Wat of tennie? In short woman wey go control u dey, dey don born am nd una don c am. @Wind
13 Apr 2015 | 18:59
Lwkmd @omotohyohsi jst dnt use d power 2 scatter dis houz abegi. @khola46 i no vex again on 1 condition wich is dnt take mray over tenniebenson *lobatan*
13 Apr 2015 | 19:21
Dis stroy is full of suspence,next please
14 Apr 2015 | 04:13
herbyholarh, I can't do that now, people wey I love plenty here
14 Apr 2015 | 04:35
D longest episode so far.....nice one pls keep it up
14 Apr 2015 | 06:13
CHAPTER TWO . . . The men in front of him looked on with sullen faces; it looked like a death had just been announced. “Mr. President, we need to move on this as soon as possible. The price of oil is not getting better anytime soon. If we don’t move fast, Libya takes the lead.” The petroleum minister announced. He was a short and slender man who spoke with a lot more force than his stature suggested was possible. He was the latest to deliver gloomy news to the sitting cabinet. “Thank you Professor Otabor.” President Lange said, trying hard to muster a smile. “We will discuss this next week, it is too late into the meeting to begin a discussion on petroleum. Let’s close this meeting now, we’ll pick it up from here later.” President Lange moved through the closing parts of the meeting like he was on a trance. He had been president for less than four months but the strain of the office was already showing on him. Like many predicted, petroleum could no longer sustain the nation. Despite advice and sometimes threats from political bigwigs not to, he had put only technocrats rather than politicians in his cabinet. He was doing the best he could but the people wanted results faster than he was delivering them. The opposition was cruel and even though he had not been president for long, they had already declared him a failure. He stood, left the table and walked to the window. Looking out the window had become a favourite pastime for him. Windows represented a way of escape, an opportunity to get away from the restrictions of the room. He turned away from the window and looked at his wristwatch. It was a few minutes to seven. He sighed and sat. He was going to see Bola at nine. She was his one weakness, but she was also the one person who could help him forget all the stress of the office. He picked his phone and dialed her number, she picked at first ring. “Good evening, Mr. President.” Her husky voice came over the phone. “Good evening to you too, Mrs. President.” “Mrs. President? She is in the presidential villa. I’m just Bola, a humble citizen of Nigeria.” She said with a slight chuckle. He paused for a few seconds, then shook the thoughts of his wife off his mind. “I just finished a meeting with the ministers and you know how that always ends.” “Yes dear, I know. We will do something about that when you get here by nine; you’re still coming, right?” “Yes I am. I was wondering if I could come earlier, maybe come now?” “Now? Come on Jim She said laughing. “You are not getting into my house one minute before nine.” “Is that a challenge? I have a whole army at my command you know.” “I will wait for them.” “Bola…” “I’ll still be here by nine. I’ll be waiting, okay bye.” She said and ended the call. He sighed and set the phone on the table. On the table was a picture of his wife and children. He looked away from the picture as an overwhelming sense of guilt swept over him. He loved his wife, he knew he did but Bola was different. She was not better than his wife, just different. She had been his girlfriend for three years when he was in the University. After graduation he travelled to the United Kingdom for his Master degree and the relationship had not survived the distance. It certainly was not helped by his new Indian girlfriend. He lost contact with Bola, came back to Nigeria, met his wife and married her. He had been a faithful husband, even after he became a popular politician-until he met Bola again at an event in Spain. His wife had not gone on the trip with him and he had spent time with Bola catching up. He was just trying to be a friend to her, but three months after their renewed friendship and two weeks after he entered the presidential race, he started sleeping with her. He was not proud of the affair and he knew that it would be the end of him. He stood, walked to his refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. He turned on the TV and sat on a couch. He rarely watched the TV, he preferred to read newspapers, they had a tendency to be more candid. “Doctors are still confused about this, it is nothing like they have seen.” The lady on the TV was saying. “The patients have been isolated and are being monitored carefully, the cause of this sickness is yet to be determined and it is not known if it is transmittable.” President Lange sat closer to the edge of his seat as the camera zoomed on some of the patients. The camera did not pick up the faces of the patients but he had a feeling he would be hearing more about whatever the sickness was. His phone rang, it was his wife. He knew why she called; she wanted to know when he would be home. He put off the TV and shook his head. He would have to lie to her, again. *** Eric walked across the room and sat at the head of the table. All attention was on him and rightly so, he was their boss. After the success of his first movie, investors were lined up for the next. Money had not been his reason for making European but the money had come in, a lot of it. Investing in his movie was a no-brainer, European was not luck, and everybody knew it. With the money had come a lot of responsibility and with the responsibilities came a lot of meetings. “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Shall we begin?” Eric said and looked at Pearl, his assistant. Eric tried his best to listen but all the talk about figures and projections did not interest him. His accountants and lawyers were in the room to make sure he could afford to not listen. He looked out through the window and jumped back in his chair. “Are you okay sir?” Pearl asked. Eric looked up and saw all eyes on him. “Yes, I am. I might have to step out for a few minutes but please continue.” He said and stood. He looked through the window again and there he was; the odd-looking man he had seen in the parking lot the previous day was standing in the hallway. He hurried out of the conference room, and towards the place the man had been standing. The man had been standing still with eyes fixed on him. He slowed his walk, no other person seemed to notice the man, they all walked past him. Maybe the man was not really there. Maybe he was just hallucinating, like he did when he saw his hand disappear. But that had been so real to him, he could not believe that was an hallucination. There was only one way to find out if he was hallucinating. He walked faster towards the man. “Eric?” He heard a voice call behind him. He walked on, ignoring the voice. “Eric, are you alright?” It was Pearl. He stopped and turned around. “I’ll be in in two minutes, I just need to deal with something.” He said and turned back to face the man. He was gone! Eric looked around, the man was nowhere in sight. He could not have gone so far so soon, maybe he was imagining things after all. He turned back and followed Pearl into the meeting room. The man had looked so real, he could not believe that he had imagined it all. With the imagined disappearing hand, he obviously was losing his mind. “I’m sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Can we continue please?” He said as he sat. “Yes sir, before we continue I think you should know that Morayo Adebisi is having another surgery.” One of the men seated, a lawyer, said. “I thought the last one was successful.” Eric replied, raising his brows. Morayo Adebisi was an actress who had been injured on the set of European. She had been cut from the movie and regrettably had received no official compensation. “We thought so too.” The lawyer answered. “I don’t pay you to think so, you should have found out for sure. We need to do something for her. I want you to get right on that immediately after this meeting.” Eric said. “Yes sir. More importantly, there are few a foreign investors who are looking to partner with us for GENESIS.” “Okay, who are they and what do they want apart from the money?” “How do you mean sir?” One of the accountants asked surprised. “You know perfectly what I mean…” Eric started and stopped. He gasped and jumped up. The old man was standing at the other end of the table. He had come in without opening the door. “What’s happening Eric?” He heard a whisper beside him, it was Pearl Eric looked around, all eyes were on him. The old man stood still at the end of the table, his eyes on Eric like he was the only one in the room. If it was a hallucination, it was too strong. He had to find out. “Can you all leave the room for a few minutes, please?” Eric said. “I need some time alone.” “Eric?” Pearl looked at him, worry clearly written on her face. “I’m fine Pearl and I promise I’ll see you in thirty minutes. I need to be alone for now, okay?” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am.” Eric said and tried his best to smile. Eric watched Pearl out of the room all the while keeping his eye on the strange man that was invading his mind. He left his chair as soon as the door closed behind Pearl. He walked towards the man, he had not moved. The closer he got to him the more he felt like the man was real, like he was a person he had met before. “Before you think you are mad, I want you to know I am real.” The man spoke and left his standing position for the first time. While Eric contemplated his reply, the man continued. “No other human can see me, because I do not walk in their realm.” Eric shook his head, he definitely was going mad. “If you do not walk in the realm of humans, how come I can see you?” “You can because you can see into this realm, you are not human.” “I am not human?” Eric asked with a smile. “What am I then? A dog?” “On the contrary, you are a god.” “A god?” Eric said and burst out in laughter. “I don’t know what this is or why my mind is playing such vivid games on me but this is ridiculous.” “You mock, but for every night you have slept wondering who you are, for every day you have looked upon yourself in confusion, I beg you to listen to me.” The Strange man pleaded. “What are you going to tell me now? I am Hercules, son of Zeus, half-man and half-god? Or am I Zeus himself? Or wait, I am Thor?” “You mock again but as I must deliver the message of Edumare, I will pardon you and not leave, not yet. Those names you mentioned are all fabrications, adaptations, ridiculous imaginations of the narrow human mind.” “I can’t believe I’m having an argument with something my own mind fabricated.” Eric said, shaking his head. “Now, I must and I will deliver my message.” “Go on please, what other insane thing do you have to say? Whoever you are.” “There is trouble coming, prepare yourself or this world where you now belong will be lost.” Eric wanted to laugh but he could not. The words came in a certain way that made him afraid. How could something produced by his own mind scare him so much? “Who are you? Why are you here?” He asked, more interested in what the man had to say now. “I am Orunmila, Priest of Edumare. I am here to make you know and accept who you are. It looks like it will be tougher than I expected.” “Orunmila…I have heard that name before somewhere in a story. But it’s all myth, a fairy tale.” “Your enemies are almost here, prepare!” The man said. Just as he finished talking there was a knock on the door. Eric looked at the door and Pearl walked in. “Who were you talking to?” She asked. Eric looked back at where the man stood, he was gone! He looked back at Pearl and said. “Whoever or whatever I was talking to, I hope he doesn’t come back.” *** Anne looked out through the window as the car moved along. The road was surprisingly free; there were very few cars on her lane. She hated driving because of the heavy traffic that was the norm on her route to work, so she always had Damola drive her. She had been hoping for heavy traffic that morning, she had a lot on her mind. It was not a lot, just one thing; the words of the odd man. She was not able to sleep when he left. What he had told her was plain madness, foolishness, but somehow a part of her believed him. She felt ashamed for even thinking about what the man had said, there was no way it was true. But what if it was? She had been so confused she had actually googled the goddess he talked about. While she understood it was all myth, she found herself looking for similarities between herself and the goddess. She found many. Wouldn’t you know if you were a goddess and had super powers? She shook the thought off her mind, she had given it enough time, it was time she moved on from whatever foolishness the man had planted in her heart. “How was your night Damola? I’m sorry I didn’t ask before, had a lot on my mind.” She said, trying her best to be cheerful. “It was fine ma’am.” He answered in his usual detached manner. “You know I never asked, do you live alone or with family?” “I live alone.” “Oh really, that’s great.” She said a little more excitedly than she had hoped to. What was great about him living alone? It’ll be great on the day he decides to take you home. She caught him glance at her through the rearview mirror. She looked away and stared through the window again. She knew her crush on Damola was worthless. He respected her as his boss but he scarcely spared her a glance when it was not demanded. And she was a goddess, what business did she have with mere men? She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. “Are you okay?” His voice caught her off-guard. He was looking at her through the rearview mirror again. “Yeah, I am. Why did you ask?” “Nothing, it’s just the look you’ve have had in your eyes since I picked you up this morning. It looks like something is wrong.” “Can I ask you something?” “Yes.” “Do you believe in gods and goddesses, Nigerian mythology?” She asked and held her breath hoping he would not make fun of her. “Yes, I do ma’am.” “What?!” She exclaimed, eyes wide. “You do?” “Yes I do. I don’t mean I worship them, but I believe they were powerful people who lived many years ago.” “Wow, I was not expecting that. I could not have guessed that about you.” “There’s a lot you wouldn’t guess about me.” “Really? Tell me some of them.” Anne said, turning in her seat to face him. “Now? No, not while I’m driving. We can stop at the Pizza Place right before the office and I’ll tell you all about myself.” He said keeping his straight face. “Are you asking me out?” She said very excitedly then slapped her palm across her mouth. She had not meant to voice the thought. He looked at her through the rearview mirror and her heart pounded as she waited for his answer. He did not reply. She cursed herself under her breath and looked away from him. She was so embarrassed by the way she had jumped at his innocent offer. He saw she was having a tough day and was only trying to help his boss. She really wished she was a goddess and could make him like her, she really wished the odd man could somehow give her some super power, even if it was for a day. The car slowed and pulled over. Damola had stopped the car at the Pizza place. He was not angry at her question after all. She sighed as he walked around the car to open her door. She stepped out of the car avoiding his gaze, she had never felt more nervous. She started walking towards the building without waiting for him, hoping she could buy the pizza and leave without having to sit with him. “Anne.” She heard him call from behind, she stopped and he walked up to her. “The answer to your question is yes.” What did he just say? What question was he talking about? She stood still as he walked ahead into the building. Did he just say he was asking her out? The smile started from her mouth and spread all over her face as he bounded into the building. Who needs to be a goddess, when Damola just asked you out? *** The lines were deeply etched on Orunmila’s face as he approached the throne. Things were not going the way he expected. He had stood by Edumare’s throne for a whole year watching the gods live as men. They had not struggled to find their feet, they easily made a success in whatever they decided to do. He was not surprised, they after all were gods who had the wisdom of centuries. What bothered him was their ignorance and they did not even know they were ignorant. For the whole year, they had all thrown their lives into their work and tried their best to ignore their past. “Orunmila, I can see you are still worried.” Edumare said as Orunmila bowed before the throne. “My Lord, I am worried. Even when confronted with the truth, they yet deny who they are.” “Who they are? They have no memory of those people. Surely you did not expect this to be easy.” Edumare answered with a smile. “No, but I expected them to be more reasonable.” “Then you must reason harder with them, because soon they must rise from their slumber and take up their positions. The enemy is closer than you think and as we speak his forces take hold on earth.” “What must I do now?” “This is a test for you too, my dear priest as it is for them. If they fail, they perish with the darkness, if you fail, you carry their destruction on your conscience.” “That is a burden I will not be able to bear, my Lord.” Orunmila said, clasping his shivering hands together. “Then you must do what you must to save them.” Orunmila walked a few steps away from the throne and looked into the distance. The day Edumare had driven Ibilis into the abyss instead of completing destroying him, he had known this day would come. “You know the future my Lord, surely you know how this ends.” Orunmila said, hoping Edumare will ease his worry. “The future is whatever they choose for it to be. A green earth or one consumed by darkness, those are their options and nobody, not even I can choose for them.” . . . . To be continued
14 Apr 2015 | 07:21
Uhmmm...... As Orunmila went to Adedamola too?? Now I understand Ibliss is the enemy against those gods (Eric:- Ogun , Adedamola:- Sango , and his wife Anne:- Oya)..... Interesting..,
14 Apr 2015 | 07:45
@khola u ar indeed following d story. Dis is so interesting
14 Apr 2015 | 09:30
Hmmmmm still following
14 Apr 2015 | 09:34
14 Apr 2015 | 09:34
Yap @khola..u really made mi understand d stoRy more..tanx boss
14 Apr 2015 | 10:09
@Delight Like a sonq that qoes thus "Everything I do, I do it for YOU".... @Henry You welcome MASTER/CHIVU....
14 Apr 2015 | 10:12
Am enjoyin dis
14 Apr 2015 | 10:17
14 Apr 2015 | 11:00
Interesting......... . . . . . . . Ride on.
14 Apr 2015 | 12:19
Mehnn, This story is different from others.
14 Apr 2015 | 12:58
orunmila and others were all my boys until I fired them... I wan resume my duty as a god sef
14 Apr 2015 | 13:17
14 Apr 2015 | 13:29
@Wind tank u
14 Apr 2015 | 17:51
@Tofag Thanks Bro...
15 Apr 2015 | 03:26
Wow Nice
15 Apr 2015 | 04:51
U r correct @khola *lol*
15 Apr 2015 | 08:31
@herbyhorlah Thanks.....
15 Apr 2015 | 10:04
hmmm Bring on our Part 3 but wait oo do gods bleep??????
15 Apr 2015 | 12:00
Next pls
15 Apr 2015 | 13:43
@Wind dnt let me expose d rest o... Breaking News!!! I'm also a goddess... I wonder aw u ppl didnt notice dat... I wont tell u my name as a goddess tho... But i will tell u some of d power i posses... Uhmmmm i av d power 2 love nd be loved... I av d power 2 capture d heart of human... I av d power 2 see d thoughts of ppl... I av d power 2 explain d unexplainable... Owkay iyaf do... I no tell u aqain..make una no come snatch all d powers 4 my hand... Oya fire on!
15 Apr 2015 | 15:45
Hmmmm, @tenniebenson, which realm u come from abeg??
15 Apr 2015 | 16:23
E better say we qet qods boss @Omotohyohsi & Yeye-Yemoja Oyo(no be osun) @Tenniebenson here oo... e go good make you both deh also be prepared, you hear wetin Orunmila & Edumare talk....Enemy(ies) deh come o....
15 Apr 2015 | 16:48
Loving this.... @Tenniebenson dey prepare enemy don dey at the door e remain make them open the door
15 Apr 2015 | 17:34
@Toyosi my realm is far far away 4rm dis world.... @Khola46 nd @charliebryn ... My own goddess no dey face war... Shey d power wey i list nw nw...u see anything wey relate 2 fighting dere? Ogun..oya..sango re my goons...dey will deal with whatever is coming...i dnt stress my being...
16 Apr 2015 | 01:53
@Khola, no need to prepare. no shaking, enemies sef go fear.... @tennuebenson, by the power conferred in me, I crown you tenniebenson GODDESS OF WAR... oya go and wear ur armor, u know say orunmila no fit fight
16 Apr 2015 | 06:02
CHAPTER THREE . . . . . . . . The silence was deafening. He knew everything was not alright, not at all. He moved on the balls of his feet despite the pain from the sharp stones on the floor. There were a lot of trees and tall grasses and one or more of them had somebody lurking behind them. His head told him to turn around and run but somehow he legs kept going forward. He paused and listened, nothing! He wondered where they were hiding. He had followed the shadow, or shadows, he could not tell if there were two. When it or they entered the densely wooded area, he wanted to turn back but felt compelled to follow. He did not see anything scary but still, his heart pounded and suddenly he wanted to be out of the place. He turned around and ran. Stones pierced his feet as he ran but he did not notice , he just wanted to be out of the woods. He could see the clear field not too far and increased his speed. Then he saw him! He stopped so fast he fell on his face. “You look like you have seen a ghost.” The tall shadow said. His face was hidden behind veils. Ibilis? The shadow stepped into the light and he saw him. It was Sarkin Aljan. “Sarkin Aljan, what are you doing covered up like Ibilis?” He said, standing to his feet. His fear was gone now that he knew who the shadow was but still he felt uneasy. “You recognized me? Esu, nothing could ever go past you, not even now.” Sarkin Aljan said with a laugh that made Esu even less comfortable. “What is this? Why are we here?” Esu demanded “I’m here to warn you and you are here to heed my warning.” Sarkin Aljan said, his voice getting cold. “What are you talking about? Warn me about what?” Esu asked, his heart was racing again. “The battle is not yours to fight, forget anything the old fool says to you, stay away from this and you will survive.” “I don’t know what you are talking about, but I hate being threatened.” “This is not a threat, it’s a warning. Stay away!” Sarkin Aljan said. Esu was about to reply when out of the shadows stepped a huge dog. He stepped back quickly. It was Manzo! He had heard tales about the Dog that troubled the heavens and ravaged the souls of men. Rumours had linked Manzo to Sarkin Aljan but nobody ever saw them together. “I see you recognize Manzo. If you did not take me serious before, I’m sure you do now. Stay away Esu!” Sarkin Aljan said and before Esu could reply, he and the huge dog had vanished into the night. He looked around him, he was alone, the perfect silence was back. “Wake up!” He heard a voice call from the skies. He looked up, there was nobody. “Wake up Eric!” The voice came again, this time he felt somebody hit his arm. “Wake up!” He opened his eyes and the forest was gone. Maureen, his soon to be ex-girlfriend was standing by him. He looked past her, he was in his room. Who was the man in the veil and why did he know him? Why had he called him Esu? Why had he been so scared of the huge dog? “Eric, I need to go to the mall with Dami and Kunbi. I need some money.” What was Sarkin Aljan talking about? He was a god, a good one, what was he doing with Manzo? How do I know all of these? “I’m talking to you Eric!” He looked up at the girl shouting at him. “How much do you need Maureen?” he said standing from his bed. “Fifty thousand should be okay.” “Are you sure that is enough?” “What?” She could not hide her surprise. “I’ll give you double that, in fact, I’ll double the double. But before you leave, pick everything that belongs to you in this house and please don’t come back! Don’t come to my office, don’t call my phone, just go far away from me. Understand?” He opened his safe, brought out some wads of cash and handed them to her. He locked the safe and walked out of the room. She stood with her mouth open till he walked out. He ignored her and walked to the balcony outside his room. He was confused. First, there was the man who told him he was a god, now he was having dreams. He was either losing his mind or there was more to the past he did not remember than he ever thought. Either way, his life was surely never going to remain the same. *** “Good morning Mr. President.” The greeting echoed as he walked into his office. As a politician, he had learned how to make eye contact and wave at people in a way that made them feel special. He had also learned to look past their smiling faces, every one of them had an agenda. That was what confused him about his first appointment for the day. What was his agenda? He had seen Doctor Suleiman Aweda on television a few days after the victims of the strange sickness had died. The death of the villagers had gotten international publicity. It had to, it was not every day that over four hundred villagers died from an unknown sickness. He spoke to the press, assuring the nation that the government was on top of the situation. The truth was, he did not even know what the situation was. Doctor Aweda had an interesting opinion about the sickness that had made many dismiss him as a crazy man. The Press had started to give him attention when he predicted the manner in which the patients will die and his prediction turned out to be spot on. Some still dismissed him as an attention-seeking lunatic but he had gotten their attention. Chukwudi, his minister for Health, himself a well renowned doctor who had advised against giving Aweda any attention was going to sit in the meeting, so the president “would not be fed crap”, as he bluntly put it. The President walked into his office and sat. It had been his habit to spend the first thirty minutes of his day at the office to pray but that was a long time ago, before the guilt of his adulterous affair with Bola sank too deep. Now he just dived straight into work, God knew he did not have a shortage of work. Adama his secretary had followed him into the office, wondering if he would truly be seeing the doctor so early. “Send them in Adama.” He said. She stepped out of the office and almost immediately the two men entered. The first was Professor Chukwudi Adigwe, the minister of health. He had known Adigwe since they were friends in his secondary. The fact that he was a famous successful doctor made it all the more easy to appoint him as a minister. Following him closely behind was Dr. Aweda. He entered clutching a brown bag that had some files sticking out of it. His shirt was loosely tucked into his oversized trousers which somehow did not compensate for his undersized jacket. His big-sized glasses gave him a clichéd look of an over-studious doctor. “Good Morning Mr. President.” Professor Adigwe said. He never called him Mr. President except when other people were around. “Good Morning Mr. President.” Dr. Aweda echoed the greeting. “Good Morning gentlemen, you are welcome, please take your seats.” He said, shaking their hands. He spent ten minutes discussing nothing in particular. Dr. Aweda did not seem to like small talk as he kept rummaging through his files. “Let’s get down to business then.” Lange said. “Dr. Aweda, I want to know all you know about this sickness.” “Sir, this sickness was first diagnosed in Egypt in 270 BC.” Aweda started. “270 BC?” Lange asked, surprised. Adigwe sighed, he obviously had a problem with what Aweda had said. “Yes sir, two seventy years before Christ. I don’t understand why our dates are recorded in reference to Christ, but they are, hence the BC.” “I know what BC is Doctor, I was wondering how this could have been in existence for so long and nobody seems to know about it.” “I know about it sir.” Aweda said. “Yes, I mean it’s not common knowledge. Please continue what you were saying.” “The reason why a lot of people don’t know about the Black death disease or BDD- that’s what it was called then – is because it has struck only three times in history. After the Egyptian incidence, it happened again in the Gold Coast four hundred and thirty years ago.” “Where did you get all this information from Aweda?” Professor Adigwe spoke for the first time. “I have been out of this country for many years researching diseases of the past millennium and I stumbled upon the black death disease. I was shocked when I heard news that some people in my home country were showing symptoms that looked BDD, I had to come back quickly and lend a hand. Of course, my help was thrown back in my face,” he said, casting a mean glance at Adigwe. “Are you saying you could have stopped the victims from dying?” Lange asked. “Maybe I could have, but we will never know now.” “Prof, could he have saved the victims?” Lange asked turning to Adigwe who was not looking impressed at all by Aweda’s words. “He had no concrete solution when he came to us. We could not risk the lives of Nigerians just because a man thought he had a solution. We had other solutions we were trying.” Adigwe said. “Well, how did that work out for you?” Aweda asked with a sneer. “Before we can find a solution to a problem, I believe we need to find the cause. Do we know the cause of this BDD?” Lange asked, he was not sure whether to direct the question to his Minister or this man who claimed to know more than every other person. “Yes sir, we know the cause of BDD” It was Adigwe who answered. “It is not physical, it is nothing medicine can prevent. It is the curse of Apophis” “The curse of what?” Lange asked, eyebrows raised. “That is why we did not listen to him.” Adigwe said , shaking his head. “Mr. President, I’m sure the good doctor here wants to help but I think we need to focus on finding a more reasonable cause of this awful disease.” “See how he dismissed my theory without even hearing me out. You don’t think curses can cause sicknesses?” “I know people get sick all the time and none of them were caused by any dead Egyptian king or any other mythical deity.” “They are called Pharaohs and they are more powerful dead than alive. Haven’t you seen ‘The Mummy’?” “Now you base your medical theories on a movie? Of course you do since everything you do is nothing but fiction anyway.” “Do you know that 56.7% of what you know today, you learnt from one form of video or the other?” “Where did you get that statistic? The Half-wit’s magazine?” “Stop it, gentlemen!” Lange said. “We need to find a solution to this disease in case it strikes again.” “Oh, it will. It kills thousands and thousands before it stops. It spreads from one village to another, increasing the number of people who die in each incident until people get tired of counting.” Adigwe shook his head and said. “We don’t know all of these Mr. President, I will like that we continue our research with the CDC instead of wasting time on a single man’s theories.” “What is the solution you propose Dr. Aweda?” Lange asked despite Adigwe’s subtle request for a dismissal. “The Egyptians sacrificed the Pharaoh’s only daughter. In the Gold Coast, they sacrificed twelve virgin girls. But…” “Jim, can you please see the problem with this man? Can we please end the meeting so I can go do some real work?” Adigwe asked, he was already getting agitated. “Dr. Aweda, we will not be killing anybody. I hope this would be the last occurrence of whatever this BDD is.” “Oh, I can assure you there will be more occurrences. Believe me, I am never wrong.” Lange sighed and said. “Well, we can only hope you are wrong this time. We can only hope.” *** “I cannot believe I am studying mythology with you.” Anne said. The day was perfect. She was lying down on the rug in her living room, resting her head on Damola’s broad chest. The open windows let in just enough air to keep the room cool. Soft music filtered through the room as she sipped from a tumbler. She hoped the intensity of her joy at being with him was not showing on her face. It was ridiculous! It was only four days since their first date and she was madly in love with him. She had tried her best to hide it and she was failing miserably. She had spent almost every minute of her day and some nights with him. Despite the stares she got from her employees and comments from her friends, she had made sure he was with her everywhere she went. “Studying mythology is way better than that boring karaoke thing I had to go to and I did not complain.” Damola said, nudging her playful. “You complained, a lot!” “That was because I had to sing. But you can’t deny that you have been educated studying the gods of your fatherland.” “Hmm, true. Since you like reading so much, I’ll get us something fun to read.” She said standing. “Yeah? What would that be? One of your fashion magazines? I don’t see how that is better than the karaoke.” “I was interviewed in this one, I’m sure you’ll love it. Don’t ask me why it’s in the bathroom though, that is one question I’m not willing to answer.” She heard him laugh as she walked to her room. She wished her life could just pause so she could live forever with Damola. He made her happy, more happy she than she thought she could be. She opened the door to her bathroom and paused. She could have sworn the magazine was on her dresser, maybe she had taken it back to the bookshelf then. She turned around and headed for the door. Her hand was on the doorknob when the light flickered. She paused, that rarely happened, not with her generator which kicked in when power failed. She turned the doorknob and the light went off. The bathroom went dark except for light sifting in through the window. She shook her head, the stupid generator was malfunctioning again. She shook her head and opened the door. She stopped and staggered back! Standing in front of her was the biggest fiercest dog she had ever seen. It was as tall as she was and its eyes seemed to ooze darkness. It stood there looking at her, its giant tongue hanging out. She tried to scream but her mouth was too dry. She staggered back into the bathroom and tripped over a bucket. The dog kind of took that as a cue to attack. It strode towards her slowly, each measured step adding to the fear that now threatened to burst her head. She stumbled to her feet and felt around the bathroom for something to hold. She stumbled against the tap and turned it on. The water touched her hand and suddenly the dog stopped. As the water flowed off her hand she felt a sensation run through her hand and into her body. She withdrew her hand from beneath the tap and waved it around as the sensation moved through her body. She felt a strong wind begin to blow in the room, the dog seeming to have recovered from whatever made it stop began to move towards her again. She heard things fall and break as the wind grew stronger. The dog unruffled by the wind got closer and she moved backwards away from it. She wanted to run but her feet only shuffled, very slowly. She moved one more step and felt something solid against her back, she had reached the wall. “Daaaa…aaa…” She tried to scream at the top of her lungs. The dog stopped in front of her and bared its teeth. It looked like he was smiling. She felt her eyes start to close. “…” *** He picked up the remote and reduced the volume of the music playing. He thought he heard something coming from the bedroom. Anne had been gone for close to ten minutes. He had not noticed at first because he had dozed off for a while but now he was getting worried. He stood from his chair and moved towards the bedroom. He got to the door and the light flickered. He paused, then he heard the sound of things falling. He hurriedly opened the door and ran into the bedroom, the light was back on. He looked around the room, Anne was not in the room. She had mentioned going to the bathroom. He rushed to the bathroom door, he grabbed the door, turned it and pushed it in. It did not give way. She locked the door? “Anne?” He called as he knocked on the door. There was a total silence. He had just turned around when he heard a sound. It was a whimper, but he knew who it was; Anne. He turned back to the door and pushed it as hard as he could, it did not give way. He moved backwards, and hit the door with more force. It did not budge. He moved further backwards and ran towards the door but stopped before he hit it; the key was in the lock. His hands were shaking as he fumbled for the key. He turned it twice and pushed the door, still it did not open. He stepped back from the door, there was no other lock holding it. What was happening inside the bathroom? He moved backwards again, this time moving farther from the door then he ran to the door. He closed his eyes as he got close to the door and braced his body for the hit. Just when he expected his body to hit the door, it swung open. He crashed through the doorway and into the bathroom. He scrambled to his feet quickly and looked around. The room looked like a tornado had gone through it. There was water all over the floor, buckets, bowls and bottles were scattered around the room. Then he saw it. The clothes Anne had worn all day, it was lying in a corner of the room. She definitely had been in the bathroom. Why would she remove her clothes? His heart beat faster as he opened and searched each closet. He stopped and looked around again, he held his head between his palms and let out a small cry. “Anne?” He screamed. She was gone! To be continued
16 Apr 2015 | 07:27
what took u so long. @Khola46 u did nt inform me tat there is an intresting story here guy u don fuck up
16 Apr 2015 | 09:49
Hmmmmm continue plsss
16 Apr 2015 | 10:08
Loving this..... That means Eric is Esu but why did Orunmila go and meet when he's one of the righteous one among the God bcos I don't think Esu is a good god..... Sarkin aljan and its Dog is the enemy..... Where dem carry Oya oooo @Tenniebenson help mr out ....
16 Apr 2015 | 10:30
@Somkhid Oh My Gawd.... I'm so so sorry...ah tought I add your name to the names that I tagged.... I'm sorry bro..... Oh....Things had now started to qet tough for the two party....... Sarkin Aljan had now started the war by abducting Anne and Adedamola would never kept mute on that matter, the news of Anne missing may also reach Eric or even Orunmila could went there to tell him, Orunmila could also went along in showing Adedamola where they took Anne to...... It remain Ogun Was it Mr President Or Dr Aweda?? Interesting.....
16 Apr 2015 | 11:37
Oh no!!!!! I smell serious trouble.
16 Apr 2015 | 12:43
Hmmm, nxt pls
16 Apr 2015 | 14:44
So, una no know say an sambisa forest he carry Anne go.... this author sabi Hausa o *sips coke*
16 Apr 2015 | 18:24
To where?
16 Apr 2015 | 18:59
**serious face** so what happened next??????
16 Apr 2015 | 20:08
Ouch so sad
17 Apr 2015 | 06:38
Hmmmm,nyc one,i dnt kw it ll be intresting lyk dis,welldon@Don walter
17 Apr 2015 | 16:12
I yaff laughed my ass out. Dis doctor is kinda funny is he really a medical doctor or ifa doctor coz i dnt knw what sacrifies hav wit d issue on ground.., i belived annie's disappearance is not real nd if it is Sangodamola shld try his hidden power to oyaannie's rescue. @tenniebenson, wit all the powers u posses i knw the type of god u are. Buh i wont let out d secret its btw u and i
17 Apr 2015 | 23:38
donwalter ..ur d best writer!!
18 Apr 2015 | 02:27
CHAPTER FOUR . . . . . . The past week had been crazy for President Lange. Another village was hit by the black-death disease and the team sent to the village to find out what the cause of the disease was yet to get lucky. Aweda, the crazy doctor had been brought on board simply because he proved right about a lot of things. The sickness had broken out without warning. Theis village was far away from the village that was previously hit so the chances of transmission by physical contact was low. The doctors had taken precautions against any form of transmission by contact or air though most of them believed the disease was not communicable at all and they had a point. The whole village seemed to have contracted the disease at the same time and it had not spread to nearby villages. The meeting was holding in the Taraba state government house. And it was the sixth meeting he was sitting in since the second outbreak. They were not making any headway hence his decision to allow Aweda in on the meeting. “I know I’m stating the obvious here but we need to know the cause of this disease. If we don’t, we don’t find a solution. If we don’t find a solution and it hits another village or maybe a large city this time, we are in even bigger trouble.” Lange said. “I think I have found the cause.” Aweda said before any other person could talk. “Let’s hear it.” Lange said ignoring the looks of every other person at the table. “There was something that happened in both villages before they were attacked. They both experienced what looked like an eclipse. A darkess that did not exceed the borders of each village. I don’t know why no agency has noticed this.” Aweda said, very pleased with himself. “We have no record of this ‘eclipse’.” Adigwe said. “It was not reported in the news but you can find this out from the villagers.” “Okay, I’m sure you know what you are talking about Doctor but what does this have to do with the black death disease?” Lange asked. “I don’t know for sure but this is what we know. A strange darkness that is seen in only one village at a time and is then followed by a disease we have never seen before, that looks like too much of a coincidence.” “So how does this help the sick. We need to help them get well.” Adigwe said. “That is really important. We have about five hundred and fifty people sick, we can’t just leave them to die.” Lange said. “The sickness is showing signs similar to the…” Adigwe started but was cut off by Aweda. “No, that is not what it is. This is a totally different disease and the only thing to do is to watch it and know how and where it strikes. That way we can move people before it strikes.” “So when should we allow it, wait for the eclipse? Bury our dead and move on with our lives?” Lange asked. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but that is exactly what you are going to do.” Aweda said. Lange looked at him and his heart sank. Despite his best effort not to, he believed what he had just heard. *** Damola looked at the men seating across from him and balled his fingers into a fist. The men would have scared anybody but not him. He had been in the cell with them for two days without incidence but he knew it was only a matter of time. Whenever they decided to attack he would be ready, anyway he had other things on his mind. After Anne went missing he had almost gone mad, looking frantically for her everywhere. He searched the whole house in case there was something he missed and she had slipped out of the room without him knowing. He found nothing. After about an hour of going in and out of rooms, calling desperately for her, he had decided to check the office. She had not been in the office for the four days they had been together and everyone eyed him strangely when he walked in. He had rushed to her office and found it empty. The secretary eyed him suspiciously when he refused to tell her why he was checking Anne’s office. After confirming that Anne had truly not been in the office since she disappeared from the room, he went to her friends’ places. They all did not like him and he did not care but they hadn’t seen her too. His panic grew to a unbearable level and he spent the next fourteen hours driving to every place he knew Anne liked to frequent, going more than once to each place. Until he was arrested. He was not sure who but one of Anne’s friends apparently had reported her missing and he was the person last seen with her. His case had not been helped by the suspicions of gold-digging all Anne’s friends had about him. He had not responded to any of the questions the policemen asked. He could not help but wonder where Anne was and what was happening to her. “Oga, why you dey look me?” He looked up and saw one of the men in the cell standing next to him. The man looked like the toughest among the men, it was no wonder he was sent to start the fight. Damola glanced at the man and looked away. He really wanted to beat up the man but he wanted to get out of jail more. “Na you I dey talk to, wetin be your problem?” The man continued. Damola continued to ignore the man. Getting into a fight would seriously reduce his chances of getting out on time. What if he was worried for nothing? What if Anne was home and safe? What if… Wham! The slap landed on his face. He heard it before he felt it and was up on his feet before his mind could catch up with what was happening. It all happened in a blur and one minute later, he was standing over three unconscious men. The other men had been smart enough to move far away from him. He looked at the bloody faces on the floor and knew his chances of getting out the cell on time was finished. He moved to another corner of the cell and sat down, it was only a matter of time before the policemen would come and lock him up in a worse cell, alone. “Which one of you is Adedamola?” He heard the voice come through the door. He kept quiet. His body still trembled from whatever had come upon him to make him beat up his crazy cellmates. “I said which one of you is Adedamola.” The voice came again. “Come now or you are on your own?” Something about the voice of the guard suggested he did not know about the unconscious men. Damola stood and moved to the door. The guard looked him over through the door screen before opening it. “Your bail has been settled, you are free to go.” The guard said. Anne had come to bail him? Thank God she was okay. He hurried towards the counter where a constable was waiting to clear him. He looked over the counter as he approached it, he did not see her. “Sir?” He called the guard. “Where is she, the lady who came to bail me out?” “Which lady? It was one old man who posted your bail but he seemed to be in a hurry to go. Weird old man.” The policeman replied. His heart sank. If Anne was not the one who posted his bail then there was a chance she was not okay. Or maybe she sent the old man. He collected his belongings from the guard and walked out of the station. He stopped a taxi and gave the driver directions to Anne’s house. If she was safe, he wanted to know. If only he had not dozed off, he would have heard the noise earlier, then maybe he could have done something. He looked out of the window and looked at the driver in surprise. He was not on the way to Anne’s house. The car was heading in the direction of his house. *** Eric could hardly do anything since he had the dream. He had left mails unread and not replied, calls unanswered and not returned, he had to do something about it. The dream came back to him everytime as vividly as when he first had it. His mind could not stay on anything, his work had suffered and he could not allow that to happen. He had decided that they would begin shooting Genesis in six weeks and for that to happen, he had to clear up a lot of paperwork. The files on his table ranged from financial reports and projections to personal letters sent to him by actors trying to get on his radar. He disliked replying mails that were not official but he had a not-so-common practice of acknowledging every mail he received. Immediately people found this out his office started receiving several letters. He hated the part of his job that dealt with numbers so he skipped all files about the company’s finances and went to those that dealt specifically with the production of Genesis. A knock on the door stopped him just as he opened the first file. The door opened before he could answer, it was Pearl. “What is it?” He said, going back to the file. “You have a visitor.” “I told you to cancel all my appointments for the day, you know I have a lot to do today.” He said without looking up. “It is Toni Adedoyin.” “The journalist?” He said, raising his head to look at her. “Hmm, I knew you had a thing for her. I could send her away if you want me to though.” “No, no, let her come in.” He said as he unconsciously began to brush his hair with his hand. “I thought you said you had a lot to do.” She said with a chuckle and walked out of the office. He had not seen Toni since the day she came to interview him. He had thought about her a couple of times but he had not done anything about it. He probably would have called her if he had not been distracted by his dream. The door opened and she entered. He stood from his chair and walked around his table to her. “When you said you were going to stop by again, I didn’t know you meant it.” Eric said as he shook her hand. “I never say things I don’t mean.” She replied with a broad smile. “It’s good to see you.” It really was good to see her. He had no idea it would be this good. “Before I get too excited, are you here to visit me? Or you were in the neighbourhood and you decided to drop by?” “I came to see you, but maybe not for what you are thinking.” She said, all the while keeping her smile. “Oh oh, I knew it. This is official isn’t it?” “Before I tell you why I’m here, I promise you a date for whenever you choose. Whenever!” “Okay, that is comforting.” He said, smiling. “I’ll be using that date soon, very soon but I have a feeling what you are about to tell me is very important.” “I’m not here to tell you something, I’m here to ask you something.” “Oh, alright, shoot.” “How do you plan to deal with the lawsuit? It’s a major one and it could…” “Wait! What lawsuit?” Eric asked, eyebrow raised. “Morayo Adebisi, she was on …” “I know who she is. She is suing us?” Eric asked. He was truly shocked, not at the lawsuit but that he had to hear it from a journalist. “The suit has not been filed yet but I thought, if I knew about it, surely you know about it too.” “Well, I don’t but it shouldn’t be a big deal. We will settle out of court, I’ll make sure of it.” “That might not be possible Eric, she has some people backing her. It’s you they are after.” She said. “We are about to begin shooting Genesis.” “I know, and if this lawsuit is successful, Genesis is dead in the water.” *** “Hey! This is not the address I gave you! Where are you going?” He shouted. The driver ignored him and kept on driving. “Are you crazy? I’m talking to you!” Damola shouted again, hitting the driver’s seat with his fist. The driver ignored him still. They were close his house now and the driver slowed the car and pulled over in front of his house. “Why did you bring me here?” Damola asked, still angry. Then he paused, looked at the driver and asked in a lower tone. “How do you know where I live?” The driver kept quiet and kept his face forward. Now he was confused. A tap on his window drew his attention. He looked through the window an old man beckoning for him to come out of the car. Could It be the man who had bailed him out of jail? He came out of the car and it zoomed off. He hurried after the man who already was heading for his house. He caught up with him just as he was about entering the house. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” Damola said, careful not be rude. It was possible this man had paid his bail. “Come in and I will answer your question.” The man replied. Damola opened his mouth to protest but shook his head and followed the man in. “My name is Orunmila.” The man said as soon as they were in. “You know who I am as you have been studying about us.” Damola smiled. Was this a joke? “You will soon find out who took your wife, but you must be patient.” My wife? Anne? “You know who took Anne?” Damola asked, moving closer to the man. “Yes, I do and you will too, very soon.” “Take me to them immediately!” He said. “Your impetus has always been legendary, you have no patience. This is what brought you here in the first place.” What was he talking about? Damola could not concentrate on reasoning out what the man was saying. He had to rescue Anne. “I said take me to Anne now!” His heart was beating very fast now. Suddenly his hand began to smoke. He looked down at the hand and quickly hid it behind him before the man could see it. “I will take you to her as soon as you explain the smoke coming off your hands.” The man had seen the smoke, there was no point hiding it. He held out his hands in front of him and the smoking increased as he looked at them. The smoke slowly became thicker and then it burst into fire! He screamed and waved his hand around in the air to stop the burning but it only increased. “If you have to learn to control your anger, or you will never learn to control the fire.” He heard the man speak from behind him. The man did not seem to be shocked by his burning hand. Who was he? Orunmila? “Who are you old man? Why are you doing this to me?” Damola said as he watched the fire die down. “I am not doing anything to you and I already told you who I am. The question is; do you know who you are?” Damola looked at the man open-mouthed. Whoever the man was, he needed to listen to him. “You are Sango! The god of thunder of the heavens! Your wife, who was taken away from you is Oya! You are here because in your foolishness you engaged in battle with another god.” Damola could hear his heart beat as he listened to the man. Was he saying the truth? His hands smoked and burned without him being hurt; was it because he was truly a god? And Anne, was their sudden and unusual attraction because they were indeed a couple from another world? “Why are you here? Why are you telling me all these? How do you know about my hand?” Damola asked, his voice a little louder than a whisper. “There is an enemy, there is a battle! If this world you now inhabit must survive, it will need you.” “Need me for what? I have no interest in any battle.” Damola said and stood up. “If I am who you say I am, then tell me where Anne is, she is the only one that needs me.” “You are not ready to face the enemy! You are yet to fully comprehend who you are.” “Tell me where she is old man! Or I swear I will bring down all the thunder and fire and whatever else I control on you.” “As i said, Patience has never been one of your virtues Sango but I must warn you; going after Oya now is losing the war before it has even started.” “My war started the day Anne was taken!” “If you survive this, you will only have regrets.” Orunmila implored him. “I will survive this; gods do not die, do they?” “No they do not die, but you will. You lost your immortality the day you dropped into the earth.” “Then I guess I have to live as I have all my life that I can remember; as a mortal.” He looked around his house and deep inside of him, he had a feeling it would be the last time he would see it. . . . . . . . . To be continued
18 Apr 2015 | 05:33
Orunmila bailed Adedamola out just to show him whom he is..... He can't control his temper(Adedamola-Sango was in the world due to his anger toward Esu when he throw lightning towards Ogun)...... Adedamola had left the cell no without putting three men into unconcious land... Eric-Esu is falling in-love with the journalist, maybe that would be the reason for him to involve in the fight because he won't want to lose her....
18 Apr 2015 | 06:08
enjoying this so what happened next?????
18 Apr 2015 | 08:43
*sips coke* continue
18 Apr 2015 | 09:22
Liking this..... First timer
18 Apr 2015 | 09:34
That means most of the gods we do have in this world are from 9ja, OGUN, SANGO, OYA, OTA, ESU, etc. Anyways, this is the beginning war among gods where EDUMARE be the highest...
18 Apr 2015 | 12:07
Uhmmmm.... Nd dis is intresting!!!! @Hayflex ur head dey dia....
18 Apr 2015 | 12:40
In all dis earthly gods,is only sango(demola)agree dat he is one. Still on confusing state.
18 Apr 2015 | 13:04
Ok!!guess am really enjoyin d stowi..and nw i understand<wit the help of khola comment>i geuss coolval nid to open a page for u../tanx bro/
18 Apr 2015 | 14:41
Getting more interesting
18 Apr 2015 | 15:04
I love this story @ TennieBenson I always feel special about U when I see ur post, U really nice. I wish I can meet u 1day
18 Apr 2015 | 21:34
Next ooooo
19 Apr 2015 | 05:24
Sango loko oya.....
19 Apr 2015 | 12:29
Wow.. I'm blushing.... Tnx @Moses ...i wish i can meet evrybdy here too...but well nothing is impossible @Donwalter we re waiting...or shld we get u lucosade boost?
19 Apr 2015 | 14:23
and where is done Walter??? come continue this story I go give u some nice Mexican girls for my area just to keep you cool, update the story and thank me later
19 Apr 2015 | 14:59
Stil lukin forWard for a new update
19 Apr 2015 | 17:12
CHAPTER FIVE . . . . . . . He feared for Sango – or Damola as he ignorantly preferred to be called. He could see the anger, fear and guilt that stirred inside of him but what he wanted to do was not the answer. He had watched the kidnapping of Oya from beside Edumare’s throne. He even asked Edumare to let him intervene, all he had to do was send a band of Aljanu and they would have prevented what was sure to be a disaster from happening. Edumare had refused, saying that intervening would alter the destinies of the god-men. ‘What if she dies?’ he remembered asking anxiously. ‘If she dies, she dies.’ had been the reply and it had sent cold chills down his spine. The kidnap had been successful and his greatest trouble was he did not know what had happened to Oya. She could have gone through a lot of torture, or even be dead already. And he feared – no, he knew that if Damola went after her he would suffer the same fate. Sometimes he wished Edumare would allow him reach into the minds of these unheeding gods. “All I want from you is an address!” Damola said. “You could die.” Orunmila said, his eyes pleading desperately. He could not bear his death on his conscience. “So could Anne.” “Please Sango, for the sake of Edumare. If you die now, this world will be lost!” “How else can I tell you this? Except Anne somehow suddenly shows up at that door, no one can stop me from going after her!” Orunmila sighed. He knew the battle he was fighting was hopeless, Damola’s mind was set. The best he could do was to prepare him as much as he could. “If you are going to do this, you need to know all you can about the person you are about to face.” Orunmila said. “How long will this lecture take? Every second I spend knowing about my opponent; Anne spends in the hands of her captors.” Orunmila looked at him and for the first time felt anger at his insolence. “Sit down! Now!” Orunmila said. Damola looked at him and quietly sat, intimidated for the first time since he met the old man. “His name is Sarkin Aljan. He is a god of the Northern heavens; a good one too. At least he used to be until Ibilis corrupted him.” “I thought you said we were here by mistake, how did he get here?” Damola asked. He looked curious now. “Ibilis must have found a way to send him here. But now he is here, there is no doubt about why. He is here to destroy earth, starting from Nigeria.” “Why here?” “I don’t know and Edumare refuses to tell me. But starting from here is a blessing to us, because he has to overcome you first. And despite my fears, he is not going to do that easily.” “Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence but why kidnap Anne?” “I don’t know that yet.” “Wow, there’s a lot of things you don’t know.” Damola said, shaking his head. “Do you at least know where Anne is being held?” “No, I do not.” Orunmila said. Damola slammed the table between them, carried it and threw it against the wall! Orunmila sat still and watched him pace around the room. “You don’t know where she is being held? You’re telling me I have been wasting my time with you?” His eyes were hot with anger, his right hand was beginning to smoke. “This is why you should not go to battle yet. You lack patience and self-control. No, I do not know where Anne is being held but I know how to find her.” It wouldn’t end well. Sarkin Aljan could not stand Sango as a god but as a mortal, Damola would not last a minute. “So, this Sarkin guy, anything else I need to know about him? Any super powers?” “Sarkin Aljan is his name! Respect your enemy enough to know his name. He is a great warrior, not a match for you as a god. But the way you are, he can beat you with one hand, blindfolded!” “So all he does is fight well? Remember this guy who controls fire, lightning? Yeah, that’s me.” Orunmila shook his head. “Sarkin Aljan’s greatest gift is his ability to make others fight his battles. You will not be fighting him alone.” “Okay, good! I know all I need to know. Now, how do I meet this fool?” Orunmila knew that he was sending Damola to his death but meddling with his will would amount to seeking the wrath of Edumare. He knew which the lesser evil was. *** He had chewed the gum in his mouth for almost one hour as he paced on his porch. He was trying hard to think but he was drawing blanks, his mind could not seem to process anything. Now he just leaned against the walls and looked at the city; the part he could see. The sun was setting and the city almost looked beautiful. He remembered the day he had woken up next to a homeless man naked, months had gone since then but he still remembered vividly. Life had been confusing for him for the first few weeks but then he had found his feet and he had found it fast. His rise had been fast, very fast. The newspapers called him a miracle. A miracle was exactly what he needed now. Just as Toni had predicted, Morayo Adebisi refused to settle. He was confused. If it was not money she wanted, what was it? He had asked and she said she wanted to go to court and that was it! He did not want to but he was beginning to believe Toni, Morayo was not suing all by herself. Her lawyer was one of the best in the city, there was no way she could afford him. Suddenly he had a feeling that he was being watched. He turned around and there he was! The old man was the last person he wanted to see. There was a time he wanted to see him, but that was before he heard that he might be losing his career. “What do you want now?” Eric asked. He did not quite understand who or what the man was yet but he was beginning to believe he was not just in his mind. “There is a lot you need to know! You are not ready but we cannot wait anymore. Could you please come in and sit?” Looking at the man, his dream came back to him, and suddenly he wanted to talk to him. He walked into the room and sat close to where the man was standing. “Before you start telling me anything, I need to ask some things.” Eric started before the man could speak. “Go ahead.” “Orunmila, that’s your name right?” The man nodded. “I had this dream….do you know anybody called Sarkin Aljan?” The man shot up from his seat. “How do you know that name? I was here to tell you about him.” “Okay, so he is a real person. If my dream is anything to go by, he is about to do something terrible. And he had this massive dog with him; Manzo.” “You saw Manzo too?” The man’s eyes were wide with surprise and maybe a little fear. “What did Sarkin Aljan tell you?” “He said not to believe anything you tell me and that the battle was not mine to fight.” The man sighed and said. “Ooh, good!” “Good?” Eric was surprised. “I thought he was trying to recruit you.” Eric laughed. “No, he wasn’t. The question is; who is this guy and what does he want from me?” “There is war coming on this world and you are the one who can stop it.” “So you are the one trying to recruit me then. Why do you think I will do this? Whatever ‘this’ is.” “There is something I have not told you.” The man said, moving his chair closer to him. “You are not the only god here. There are four of you! Oya, the only goddess, has been abducted by Manzo! Sango, her husband is going to rescue her even though he is not ready and he will probably lose his life. That leaves only you!” “There was a fourth person.” Eric said, looking intently at the man. “Let’s say he is not one of us for now. What I’m saying is, if you don’t take responsibility for this, if nobody does, this earth is as good as lost!” “Why can’t you do it, take responsibility?” “I cannot operate in this realm and I am not a warrior, I am nothing but a humble priest.” “Alright, what do you want me to do?” “Remember your disappearing hand? Well, it’s not just your hand that disappears, you can totally vanish. You cannot do that now, you have to learn. I will teach you all you need to know and I will like to start tomorrow.” “I think that will be…” He was cut off by his ringing phone. It was Pearl. “Hi Pearl… no I’m not busy.” He paused for a while and listened, he nodded and listened again. Finally he ended the call and sighed. “Do we start tomorrow?” Orunmila asked. “I’m afraid I can’t. I have to be in court throughout this week. If I’m not there, I could lose my career.” “Your career?!” Orunmila exclaimed! “Do you know who you are? Do you know what is at stake? The whole world is about to be destroyed!” “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t care about the whole world, I care about my career!” Eric said, a little louder than he planned. He paused for a second and continued. “Look here old man, I really don’t know you and the only reason I’m talking to you is because of that silly dream I had. I will be available next week, I need to take care of this court matter.” “When this world goes down, you and your career goes down with it. You have a chance to fulfil your purpose as a god, but you will rather pursue vanity. Maybe you truly deserve to go down with this world.” The man said and vanished! *** The first person had died in the second village and now the world was starting to pay real attention to the Black Death disease. Doctors and scientists had come from all over the world, the disease had to be stopped. The disease appeared to have killed faster this time, although they had to wait to be sure. There were several labs trying to find what was killing the people. They had found that the blood of the victims had gradually become black but there was no reasonable cause for it. The only positive was that it was not transmittable. He was seated with his minister for health and some of the leading doctors and scientists from the around the world. They had talked all day, each person giving their hypothetic opinions and having it ruled out in less than five minutes. It was a nightmare, one he did not believe his presidency could survive; if the country survived. “This is ridiculous! We have the best scientific minds in the world in this room, are you saying this problem can’t be solved?” Lange asked, his squeezed face showed his frustration clearly. “And there is no way to tell that this won’t get to America or Europe eventually.” Adigwe added. “We know that and we are trying our best here.” Dr Vladimir, a Russian scientist said. “But we…” He stopped as the door opened. Aweda rushed in. He had not been invited for the meeting on Adigwe insistence and had finally lost his patience after a long stay behind the door. “Mr. President, put on your TV now!” He said immediately he entered. “What is happening Doctor Aweda?” Lange asked reaching for the TV remote. He put on the TV. The TV showed a man with a mask on. The mask was not a regular one, it looked that it grew out of his skin. The man had such an evil presence, Lange shuddered at whatever the man was going to say. “What is this?” One of the doctors at the table asked. “The man said thirty minutes ago that he had an important announcement to make about the recent deaths in some villages. I’m assuming he is talking about the Black Death disease. How come nobody has told you this?” “I don’t know.” Lange said. “Where is he shooting this?” “I don’t know but it looks like he hacked into something somewhere because all stations are showing it.” The man on TV spoke. “Hello viewers all over the world. I would introduce myself but none of you would know me so I will go straight to the point. You may or may not have heard of what your leaders are choosing to call the Black Death disease. By the end of tomorrow, the death toll of this disease would have reached one thousand. I know that is not much because terrorists kill more in a day. But here is the difference between the BDD and terrorists, terrorists can be stopped. The villages were just for testing, we are moving on to bigger cities now. We have perfected our methods and patients of the BDD will now begin to die after forty eight hours of serious pain.” The men in room had their attention glued to the television. Lange could barely breathe as he waited for the man to make demands, terrorists always had demands. “Why am I doing this? I know some of you are asking.” The man on TV continued. “I want the earth! Every single nation on earth! So here’s the deal, if you can hold one of your world leaders’ meetings and decide to hand your nations over to me, I will stop this mindless killing. If any President on his own decides to surrender to me, his country will be spared! I have to go now. As you probably can tell, I have a lot of planning to do. I will be back later though. Until then, have a great day.” The screen went blank momentarily then it went back to the National TV station. “So this is a terrorist attack?” “Who is that man?” “What terrorist group does he represent?” “Is he threatening the whole world?” The questions went on around the room with no one able to answer. Lange hung his head; he knew the citizens of his nation would want an answer from him. What was he to say? For the first time he wished he was not the president. *** Damola stood at the edge of the forest and for a moment he wondered if Orunmila was right and he was walking to his death. Orunmila had said the moment he walked into this forest he would find who he was looking for. He had brought a knife with him in case his fist would not do. And then there was fire that came from his hand. He had read about himself as Sango online and he had found that he could attack people with lightning. None of the sites he read from had told him how to do it though. Maybe he should have learned about his gifts before coming to fight. But learning would take time, time that Anne did not have. They had kidnapped her with him in the house! He felt the anger begin to rise in him. He marched into the forest and paused. He did not know what to look for, Orunmila had said he did not need to look for them, they would find him. Whoever ‘them’ was, they were taking their time to show up. He took a step forward and heard a movement to his right. He paused and faced the direction. There was nobody. “Are you lost?” He heard a voice call from behind him and he spun around. There were four men standing in front of him. They were fierce men, one of them very tall. They had very long knifes hanging from their belts, suddenly he did not feel good about his chances. He held his knife tighter and watched out for any sudden movements. “We know why you are here and I’m not surprised you came. I have seen her naked and I can tell you anybody will come after that.” The tall man said and his colleagues laughed. “And even when tied up, she is still the best woman any man could ever have.” Another one said. They were trying to get him angry and it was working. He flexed the knife in his hand and immediately two of the men ran at him. He ducked under the arm of the first man, barging his shoulder into the man’s chest, the man stumbled backwards. The second man threw a punch at his face, he dodged the blow and the man lost his balance. He took advantage and landed his two elbows on the man’s back. The man landed on the ground, writhing in pain. “You are just as strong as I expected.” The tall man said. “But I think the play is over, it’s time to end this. And guess what? I will be thinking of your wife’s naked body as I kill you.” Damola ran at the man but the man sidestepped his lunge and he went crashing into the ground. “Is that the best you have? No wonder your wife seemed to enjoy me, it was obvious she had not had a real man in a while.” Damola stood and looked at the man, hate burning in his eyes. He felt his grip on the knife loosen and it dropped. He looked at his hand, it was beginning to smoke. The men saw the hand and paused. Damola smiled, surely he had them now. He moved forward towards them and suddenly the smoking stopped! He tightened his fist, then released and flexed it. Nothing happened. He looked at the men, they were all on their feet walking towards him. He quickly picked up the knife and waited for them. Suddenly he felt a blow to his head from behind. He fell to the ground and the knife dropped from his hand. His body was too weak to move and he struggled to keep his eyes open. He felt somebody pick him up from the ground, he tried to struggle but his muscles did not seem to function. Anne! What on earth was going to happen to her? His eyes closed as he slipped into darkness. . . . . . . To be continued
19 Apr 2015 | 17:22
You see, instead of him to call khola and tenniebenson along, he went alone.... now Orunmila will be begging me to go rescue them, mtchewww
19 Apr 2015 | 18:45
Ouucch.....Hot temper qod....he should have waited for Orunmila to teach him how to make use of his could he just march to that forest when he doesn't even know the spirit that kidnapped Anne... Eric is in the state of seems he is not ready to accept whom he is(I tought he is ibliss...does that means he turn Aljan's mind towards earth).... He doesn't remember that all what he had(the career) was just like a miracle(it came freely) because he was/is a god..... Anne & Adedamola had been kidnapped and abducted now, maybe if hot-temper god had waited, the story might change... Darkin Aljan is the one that spread/blew that disease to the nation and Lange was just been elected(bad record)...... Who is the forth person? (Ogun)
19 Apr 2015 | 19:02
@Omotohyohsi E go good if una just go there(all thanks to DonWalter ah no follow Adedamola as you want).....3people(if una join the qods race) been abducted go make sense for Aljan.
19 Apr 2015 | 19:05
Hmmmm,dis is too scary,continue plss
20 Apr 2015 | 04:50
Hey bro do u sell scripts???
20 Apr 2015 | 05:34
Serves you right sango
20 Apr 2015 | 07:24
If only he listened? Hot temper ain't good at all
20 Apr 2015 | 07:49
Damola didn't listen 2 d warning Orumila gave. Too bad
20 Apr 2015 | 10:40
U let ur anger t control yu. Poor yu
20 Apr 2015 | 10:48
Damola would av learn how to use his powers. continue plsss
20 Apr 2015 | 11:24
CHAPTER SIX . . . . . . . . The country was close to chaos and he had to do something. Department of State Security was still trying to identify the man who had spoken on TV, they were yet to come up with anything useful. But he had to address the nation before the end of the day if he wanted to maintain calm. There was a lot to talk about. He had to address the black death disease, something he had tried his best to stay away from. What was he supposed to tell them? “Sir, we go live in five minutes!” The press secretary said. Lange went over his notes. He knew everything on the notes, he wrote the speech himself. But he had five minutes to change them. He had written the grim facts as he knew them despite the objections of his gatekeepers. The situation was not under control and he thought the people had a right to know. Now he did not know if it was the right thing to do. It was not so presidential to admit to your citizens that you don’t know what to do. “Sir, we are live in a minute.” He heard the press secretary call again. He adjusted in his seat and squinted as the light focused on his face. If he told lies, it would catch up with him sooner or later when he did not deliver on his promise. On the other hand, the truth will send the nation into a terrible panic. “You are on in Five… Four… Three… Two… One!” “Good Evening fellow Nigerians. We all witnessed the happenings of this afternoon when a terrorist threatened our individual and collective peace. I am here to assure you that we as a nation will not live in fear of anybody. As for his claims to being in control of a disease that has claimed the lives of so many…” He paused, as he contemplated what to say. “…we can confirm that what he said was false. Two villages have been attacked by a virus in the past few weeks but we can assure you that we are on top of the situation. Remain calm, our nation is secure and we have the will and the resources to battle anybody who threatens the peace and prosperity of our nation. God bless you and God bless Nigeria.” He kept smiling for a few seconds even after he was signaled that the broadcast was over. He had just lied about having control over the situation. What would he say when another village was struck by the black-death disease. “You did the right thing sir.” Adigwe said, walking up to him. “We will know how right I did by the end of my tenure, won’t we?” He sighed and walked towards his office. *** Eric stared at the judge with his mouth open. “Is this true Mr. Adesesan?” The judge asked before she could stop herself. She was not supposed to question him as he was not in the witness box. “No, my Lord!” Eric answered. He could not believe his ears. “Miss Morayo, why did you not file a complaint or sue him when this happened?” The judge went back to the witness who was doing a great job of digging his grave. “I was threatened! He said he would kill me if I told anybody.” She said. “What the heck are you talking about?!” Eric jumped up and slammed the table in front of him before he could stop himself. “Sit down Mr. Adesesan! This is a court, I will not have anybody misbehaving!” He could not believe what he was hearing. When his lawyer had called to tell him he was needed in court, he had not been surprised. He had hoped Morayo had come to her senses and was finally going to agree to drop the case. He had been wrong. Very wrong. She had filed an additional suit to the original suit of wrongful termination. Now she claimed she had been sexually harassed. His lawyer was trying to get the suit tossed. The problem, his lawyer had explained to him was the judge on the case had special hate for men who were accused of sexual harassment. She had been fast-rising lawyer at a giant law firm but had almost lost her whole career to a philandering senior partner. Her career survived but she was thwarted on her way to the top of the company ladder. A lot of men had gone down before her bench. Eric was shocked he was being accused of sexual harassment. He had been known to flirt with a few of the actresses and he had with Morayo, even though it was for a little time. But for some reason, the prosecution thought they had a good case. They looked like they were already winners, like they had just come to announce his loss. His lawyer stood to address the judge. “My lord, I would want this case to be dismissed. This is a false accusation aimed at embarrassing my client. This case is basically his word against hers, I do not believe that that is enough to put my client on an embarrassing trial.” “On the contrary my Lord, this isn’t just a case of the defendant’s word against my client’s. We have other victims who have come forward and are willing to testify against the defendant.” The prosecutor said, the smirk broadening on his face. Eric wanted to jump up against but this time smack the prosecutor on his face. It was clear the man had it out for him, he was not going to relent until whatever it was he wanted was done. Eric sighed then closed his eyes. He tried to remember all the girls he had flirted or even slept with, they were not many and he did not expect them to turn on him. And none of them had felt bitter against him when he left them. Well, neither had Morayo. “We not only have witnesses your honour, we have a tape that shows the defendant sexually harassing two of the victims.” The prosecutor said and looked at Eric. Eric opened his mouth in wonder. And for the first time he considered the possibility that his career could actually be over. *** “Hey!” he heard a voice call from behind him as he left the courtroom. He looked behind him and saw Toni. He wondered what she thought of him now after all the drama that had just happened in the courtroom. She walked fast and caught up with him. “Are you okay?” She asked before he could say anything. “I’m good.” He replied, then looked at her. “You don’t believe all they said in there, do you?” “I’m a journalist, I keep an open mind.” She said with a smile. “Well, that wasn’t the answer I was hoping for.” They towards the exit of the courthouse in silence, but Toni stopped when they got to the door. “Are you sure you want to go out through that door? There are a lot reporters waiting to poke recorders in your face.” She said and pulled his hand. “Follow me.” They went through the different corridors and eventually came out through a door that led to a flight of stairs. They went down the stairs and came out behind the courthouse. She led the way and walked away from his car was parked. “My car is parked that way.” He said pointing to his car. “You can’t reach your car without having to face those reporters.” “Did you see what happened in that court room? Reporters are my least concern, they can’t possibly do more damage.” “You are very naïve my friend, they can do a lot more damage. I don’t think a shouting session with your lawyer is what you need now. How about we stop wasting time and go on that date now?” “Now?” Eric asked, surprised. “I was just labeled a pervert in there.” “Are you a pervert?” She asked with a teasing smile. “No.” “Good! I know a place, it’s not far from here. Let’s get that horrible court off your mind. Shall we?” She asked, offering him her hand. He took the hand. “Yes my lady.” *** The lounge was located in a closed part of the city. It was not a kind of place you would find just by driving through the city. It looked like a place that would be perfect whether it was day or night. The tables were spaced out and it almost looked like you were alone in the room with your date. His date looked like she belonged here. “I can tell you have been here a few times.” Eric said. “You are right, I have.” “Your boyfriends have great taste then, this is a nice place.” “Who said it was my boyfriends with the great taste and not me? Oh wait, this is the part where I’m supposed to say I don’t have a boyfriend?” “Yeah, kinda.” Eric said. She had read his mind. “I don’t have a boyfriend, but what does that mean to you? It’s not like a pervert like you won’t have a girlfriend.” She said and winked. “You just broke my heart.” He squeezed his face together in feigned pain and laid his palm on his chest. She laughed and for some minutes they ate in silence. He wondered what went through her mind. She did not seem to pay much attention to the accusations that he had faced in the court. But he feared; the opposition seemed to have some properly organized lies to be as confident as they were. Would she still believe him when witness after witness came on the stand to say he had sexually harassed them. “Hey, what are you thinking about?” She cut into his thoughts. “You; I was thinking about you!” He said. “I hope not. You were not smiling, you were worried. If worry is what is linked to thinking about me, I’d rather you didn’t think about me.” “I’m sorry, my mind went back to the court for a while.” “You need to stop that. Okay, lemme take your mind off that. Did you watch TV yesterday evening? The president’s announcement?” “Yeah I did. What was that about? I was too busy thinking about my own problems, I did not find out.” “You did not watch or hear about the terrorist who claimed to be behind the disease killing people in the north?” She was surprised. “I don’t watch TV very much and I did not talk to anyone but my lawyers throughout yesterday. Who is the guy, this terrorist?” “No one knows. He did not have the insignia of any of the major terrorist groups. What was more strange about him was his mask.” “Mask?” He asked sitting up in his seat. “Yeah, he wore this strange mask. It looked like…” “Like it grew out of his face?” He finished her statement, his mind went back to Sarkin Aljan. “You are right.” She looked at him curiously. “I thought you said you didn’t watch the broadcast. How do you know how he looks?” He stared at her and wondered what to tell her. She looked like the kind of person that would catch him he was lying. But telling her the truth would only lead to more questions. “This is going to sound strange to you but please don’t ask too many questions.” “Okay, go on.” She looked so eager now. “I saw him in my dream.” “You what?” “Saw him in my dream. Once you see that mask, you never forget it.” “Okay, I don’t know why you don’t want to tell me the truth but if you know this guy or know about him, don’t keep quiet. I can feel it in my bones, this guy is a very bad person. If you can help us stop him, you have to.” Eric looked at her and remembered the old man. He had said the world needed him, what if he was right? *** He slowly opened his eyes but still he saw nothing. He wondered where he was. The back of his head throbbed and the pain spread to other parts of his body. He tried to move his hand but they did not move. He pulled them again but his hands began to hurt, they were fastened with a rope. He tried to stand, his feet were not tied. He staggered to his feet and stumbled around the room. He had no idea where the door was so stumbled forward until he hit the wall, then he began to feel around the room. Suddenly a door opened! And he heard a switch flip and suddenly the room was flooded with light. The staggered and fell as he tried to shield his eyes from the light. “Guess who we have here, it is the almighty Sango himself!” He heard a voice say. He opened his eyes and waited to adjust the light then he looked up. Standing above him were three men. Two of them he remembered from the attack in the forest. The third one also looked familiar but he could not remember seeing him anywhere. He looked really strange. He wore a mask; a strange mask that looked like it grew out of his face. “So you came like I expected you to.” The masked man said. “I knew all I had to do was get her.” The masked man was the one who had Anne! Sarkin Aljan, the old man had called him. This was the person he needed to defeat. “Where is she?” He said, stifling the anger bursting through his veins. “She is here somewhere and she is being taken care of. Isn’t she fellas?” He asked turning to the guys around him. They all laughed. “What have you done to her?!” He screamed! “Hey calm down! She is okay! Do you think I will allow these humans touch a goddess?” Sarkin Aljan said. “What do you want?” Damola asked, wishing his hands could somehow get untied. “Good question. I don’t know if you have heard, but we are taking over this world! You my friend are a hindrance, you need to be taken out of the way. It’s that simple, this is not personal.” He said. The two men with him, looked at each other; they obviously did not believe him. “What does Anne have to do with this? You have me now, let her go!” “Anne? That is very terrible name, whatever happened to great names like Cleopatra, Diana? Anyway, I’ll be honest with you, Oya or Anne as you choose to call her, isn’t going anywhere. See here is the plan, when this is all over, when I am king of this world, I will need a Queen. Who better to be my queen than a goddess?” “Stay away from my girl!” He shouted. He struggled to stand but fell. “She will never agree to your wife!” Suddenly he saw Sarkin Aljan’s eyes go cold. He moved closer to him and stooped and looked him in the eye. “If Oya doesn’t agree to be my wife, I will kill her, very slowly!” He slammed his fist into Sarkin Aljan’s face before he realized his hands were free! The punch sent him flying across the room. Damola stood and ran after him! The two men with Sarkin Aljan attacked him before he got to him. The fire coming off his hands had never been so much. He looked at them, it was not just fire now, there were sparks coming off them. The two men looked afraid of what they saw, they backed away. Suddenly from behind them, Sarkin Aljan stood. “Leave us now!” He said. The men were more than eager to leave. “Give me Anne now or you are dead!” Damola said, the sparks in his hands increasing. “You think that scares me?” Sarkin Aljan asked, pointing to the fiery hands. “I hate when people punch me.” “Give me Anne now!” He ran at Sarkin Aljan and hit him with all his strength. The blow connected with his face and the mask dropped off his face. He fell and crawled towards where the mask fell. Damola went after him, grabbed him by his collar and turned him around. His face was scarred from some sort of burn. Damola paused, had he encountered him before? He felt the pain in his arm and screamed! He dropped Sarkin Aljan and looked at his arms. There were two deep cuts in his arm. The fire had stopped! “I underestimated you.” He heard the voice come from a few feet from him. It was Sarkin Aljan, his mask was back on. “Well, I won’t be doing that again. As for Oya, she will feel as much pain as I did today!” Damola stood and ran at him, but stopped just before he reached him. Between them stood a huge dog. It was as tall as he was and had two long fangs hanging out from both sides of his mouth. It looked him in the eyes and roared! Damola stepped back. The dog moved closer to him. “You will not die today but you will, very soon! But not before you see Oya become my queen!” Sarkin Aljan said and he slipped out of the room. He could not let him go, if he would rescue Anne, he could not him go. The dog seemingly reading his thoughts moved closer to him. He down at his hands, the fire had stopped. He squeezed his fingers, nothing happened. He screamed in frustration and threw a punch at the dog. It dodged the blow and threw him on his back. It stepped over him and grabbed one of his legs with its teeth. Damola struggled against it but his skin was beginning to tear. There was no point fighting, he would have to live to fight another day. Suddenly the room became dark. He heard a movement close to the door. The dog dropped his leg, he could see its shiny eyes move across the room in search of who or what had entered. Damola crawled towards the wall and listened. He had a loud thud and the dog yelped. Something ran past him where he was seated and the dog ran past him after it. Suddenly the dog cried loudly then it began to whimper quietly. Then it stopped and the room became quiet. Damola strained his eyes but saw nothing. He jumped as he felt something tap him on the shoulder. He could not see what it was and it was making no sound. He sat poised waiting for whatever it was to move close to him again. He felt another tap on his shoulder, this time it was stronger. He punched the direction the tap came from but he hit nothing. Suddenly darkness began to move on him as his eyes began to close. He tried to move but he had lost control over his muscles. He wanted to shout but nothing came out. He began to panic. Who was doing this? He felt arms go around him and lift him off the ground. Whoever was carrying him began to run and with each step the pain in his body increased. Finally he could not take the pain anymore and he yielded to the darkness. . . . . . . To be continued
20 Apr 2015 | 11:50
0 Likes dis is wat i'hav been missin
20 Apr 2015 | 13:24
I hope Eric helps d world....(but if eric=esu....dat shld mean he is bad..isnt esu d same tin as satan/devil?) or dis one esu na modern day one? @Toyosi i don tell u sey my own goddess no dey go war... I'm in control....
20 Apr 2015 | 14:14
The only person-god here that I knew that could do what the thing does to the dog and the rescueing Sango is Eric-because he has the power to disappear-......Maybe he had also come to his sense due to what Toni said..... Sarkin Aljan hasn't notice that another intrudeh had shown up........ And it remain one god out of the four gods that migrate(or make ah say decamp) to earth.......who is he??
20 Apr 2015 | 14:29
This sango self dey fall my hand
20 Apr 2015 | 15:42
Hope ntin bad happen to sango o
20 Apr 2015 | 16:46
Now i waIt<which oNe b nigeria der?hope no b our own niaja sha??
20 Apr 2015 | 18:58
I tink dy world will be save if Eric take his responsibilty. Nxt.........
20 Apr 2015 | 19:55
Interesting @tennie that one is just a fiction nd besides God re sometimes Bad eg shao can
20 Apr 2015 | 21:26
I doubt if Eric is Esu cos if he is, d old man wouldn't have told him his responsibility is 2 save d world. And yes, I believe dr Aweda is d fourth God. Goddesses r very fierce so I'm patiently waiting for Oya (Anne) 2 start unleashing terror on Sarkin Aljan. Very brilliant piece. I love dis.
21 Apr 2015 | 03:36
21 Apr 2015 | 05:43
@henry yea its our nigeria. Buh na play dem dey play oo.
21 Apr 2015 | 07:54
Next episode 80% loading
21 Apr 2015 | 12:58
Lol......I even tought it has been updated..... 80% kwo?? abeg use hand fastforward the percent rate don complete 100%....weldone...
21 Apr 2015 | 13:55
CHAPTER SEVEN . . . . . . . He sighed and took another step up the hill. Climbing the hill was terrible enough but having to do it in darkness was even worse. He had tried to become accustomed to the darkness but no matter how often he visited Ibilis, he never got used to it. Ibilis was not the most gracious host, all he had to do was come down the hill but he never agreed to. It was not just the climbing of the hill or the darkness that made him dread meeting with Ibilis, he knew he would have to explain the escape of Sango. His men had rushed to tell him that Manzo had been knocked out cold and Sango was gone. He had killed half a dozen of the men in anger even though he knew they were not to blame. He had no idea what Ibilis would say, but it definitely was not going to be pleasant. He got to the top of hill and waited, alert to movement around him. “What have you done?” The voice thundered behind him. Sarkin Aljan spun around to see Ibilis. He stood a few feet away from him with his back turned. It was obvious he was angry. Sarkin Aljan dreaded his anger. “How could you let him go?” The voice came again. “I had it all under control but he had help.” Sarkin Aljan said, trying desperately to keep the fear from his voice. “He had help? That’s great! How about we just surrender then…” He turned around and screamed. “…because he had help!” “I ca…aa…an get him again!” “I don’t care if you can, but you will!” Sarkin Aljan sighed and wondered if he was smart to work with Ibilis. He had always looked at Ibilis as a joker for attempting to cross Edumare. Nobody except Ibilis and his loyal Aljanus could think that he could win the war. He lost and was banned to Hades. He had accepted to fight this battle on his side because he promised him something Edumare would not allow him have. But now, he wondered if he had not joined the wrong side of the battle. “You will find him and kill him! You will kill Oya too!” “But you said…” He could not believe his ears. “I do not care what I said! You will kill her now! If Sango could escape because like you said, he had help, what stops that help from coming for Oya?” “This was not our agreement.” Anger stirred within him. “Now you argue with me?” Ibilis said and moved closer to him. “You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to! I thought I had ensured that you would never forget.” Sarkin Aljan trembled at the thought of what Ibilis had done to him. It was the day he agreed to be his partner. Ibilis warned him that Sango was going to be his greatest enemy and he had shown fear. This did not please Ibilis at all. “Remove the mask on your face.” Ibilis said. He removed it gently and waited, trying to hold his hand still. “That scar on your face, do you remember how it got there?” Ibilis asked. “Yes.” He whispered. “The hand that brought the fire that put that scar there is still here.” He said, raising his left hand. “You ever think of crossing me or questioning me again, remember this hand.” He could not wait to leave now. Now he was sure he had made the wrong decision to partner Ibilis. But he had started and he was definitely going to finish. “Go now! And remember, my eyes might not be able to watch the whole earth at once, but I have it on you, every single second. Kill them both, perfect your operation and this world is ours!” He glided down the hill and was gone. Sarkin Aljan sighed with relief and put the mask back on. He hated himself but he had a job and he would do it. Ibilis had made him angry and the world was going to feel that anger, very soon. *** “I still cannot believe this. Now the investors are asking for us to pause on the movie.” Eric said as he pulled into his driveway. “I think the investors are your least concern right now.” Toni said. She had decided to come home with him. He was in no shape to be alone, she said. “We were supposed to be planning shooting now, that movie may be down the drain as far as I know.” “Don’t talk like that.” He parked the car and they alighted. They walked to his front door in silence. He would have been excited about her coming to his house but his head was wound up in thoughts of the case. “Are you sure you want to come in?” He said as he inserted the key inside the keyhole. “I’m in a terrible mood and you might end up hating me even more than you already do.” “Well, I already hate you like you said, so no harm can be done. Just open the door.” She said smiling. He opened the door and they stepped in. He paused and looked around, something was off. The room was exactly like he left it, as far as he knew, nothing was different. “Is there a problem?” Toni asked watching him curiously. “What? No, there is no problem. I’ll just go in for a minute to change these depressing court clothes. Who knows I might get in a good mood before I come back.” “That would be great. Do you have anything drinkable in your fridge?” She removed her jacket and walked to the refrigerator. “You feel at home already, I like that. I have some stuff in there, I’m sure you’ll find something you can drink.” He walked down the corridor to his room wondering how much his life had changed in the past few weeks. It was obvious Toni liked him and she was not afraid to show it either. She was the kind of girl he would love to date, maybe even marry if she could stand him but somehow he just could not see it happening. If the case went to trial and it looked like it would, his past could be brought up. That scared him more than anything else. The old man! He never remembered him when he was with Toni but there was no doubt he was not to be ignored. He got to his door and paused. He studied the door handle carefully, there was nothing off about it. He shook his head and turned the handle. He entered and stopped! There was a man on his bed. He paused and looked around for something he could use as a weapon; there was nothing. It looked like the man was asleep so he tiptoed towards the bed. He looked him over. He was a huge man and it did not look like he was just asleep, he was unconscious. Who was this person? More importantly, why was he in his bed? He had no idea what to do. Toni had to see this. He slipped out of the room and locked it behind. He did not know how the man got in, but he was not letting him out now. “Esu!” He heard a voice call behind him. He turned around and there stood the old man; Orunmila! “Do not go out there, no one but you can know about the man inside your room.” Orunmila said. Eric walked back and they entered the room. “Who is he?” Eric asked. The man was still unconscious. “Remember I told you there were other gods here with you? Well, he is the one I thought was lost.” “How did he get here then? What’s he doing here? Why is he unconscious?” The man on the bed stirred and began to toss on the bed. Eric stepped back and looked at the man carefully. He had a few bruises on his face, maybe the bruises had something to do with his being unconscious. Suddenly the man began to groan and to reach for his leg. “He is waking up.” Orunmila said, moving closer to him. Aaaaaargh! The man screamed and woke up! “Welcome back!” Orunmila said with a huge smile. The man looked at Orunmila, he did not show surprise. It looked like he was familiar with him. “Does he know you?” Eric whispered to Orunmila. He responded with a nod. “Who is this?” The man mumbled. “It high time the both of you met again.” Eric listened carefully as Orunmila explained how they were both gods on the earth. Something about the man made him uneasy, he did not like him. “How did you escape?” Eric asked. “I didn’t. Someone rescued me, and I don’t know who. But I need to be back there, he still has Anne!” Sango as Orunmila called the man said. He sat up and tried to get off the bed. “You are not going anywhere!” Orunmila looked annoyed with him. “You had your way before, this time you will listen to me! You both don’t seem to see what I am saying, we need…” “Eric!” A voice called from behind the door. Toni! “Oh my God, I forgot about her.” Eric whispered. “What am I supposed to tell her?” He hurried out of the room. “I thought you just wanted to change your clothes? You still have them on.” Toni eyed him with suspicion. “Erm…I was distracted.” “By what? I heard you talking too, who were you talking to?” “What? I was talking? Oh yeah, I was talking to my assistant on the phone. Can I just go back in and change now?” “I can go if you have something you have to do.” She said. He wanted her to stay, but with the men inside his room, he had no idea what would happen. “I’m sorry, I promise we will do this later.” He could see the disappointment in her eyes. But what was he supposed to do? “You already warned me, right?” She said and walked away from him. “I’m sorry.” He watched her leave and shook his head. “Don’t worry, she will be fine.” Orunmila said coming behind him. “The world needs you more than she does.” “Well, I didn’t just lie to the world, I lied to her.” *** His body still trembled anytime he thought about Ibilis. But the tremble was not just fear anymore, it was anger. He knew Ibilis was terrible and anyone who could betray Edumare, could betray anyone. That includes me now. He had started this journey and he would complete it. But he would not be taken for a fool by Ibilis. Oya was part of the deal and if that was off, so was the deal. “My lord, what would you have me do?” Sarkah, one of his servants asked. “Bring her to me!” He watched the servant scurry away. In a lot of ways he had become like Ibilis. His servants feared him and rightly so. Many of them had lost their lives to his unpredictable anger. He had deceived, blackmailed and forced them into serving him and supporting his mission. Most of them did not understand why he did what he did, but they knew enough to know they were on the bad side. And while the bad side usually lost, he had assured them his was a winning one. And he believed it. Until Sango had escaped. If Sango in human form was like Sango as a god, he was definitely coming back. But he was not the problem. Somebody or something defeated Manzo and rescued him, that was the problem. “She is here, my Lord!” He looked Oya over as she stood before him. She looked at him, her eyes bright with hate. She knew who she was now and twice had tried to kill him. But it was only for a while. Soon her will would be broken and she would come to see that there was no escape for her. Will she ever love him? That was another question. He dismissed the servant with a wave of the hand and stood from his seat. “My dear, I see you still hate me. But I promise, I mean you no harm. It’s only a matter of time and you will love me.” “You are even more stupid than I thought you were if you believe that. And you should know it’s only a matter of time before Sango finds you.” “I think you should forget about him, he is not coming.” He said as he stroked her hair. “He was the greatest god, everyone envied him, I understand why you loved him. Right now, he is nothing, I on the other hand will rule this world in a few weeks.” She smiled and shook her head, then she began to laugh. “You really think you will rule this world? You think Edumare will watch you do this? Who do you think you are, Ibilis?” “It’s good that you brought him up, because Ibilis wants you dead.” He paused and watched her reaction. He smiled. Not even the proud Oya could hear Ibilis’ name without flinching. Of course he was not going to kill her, but she did not have to know that. “Yes, he does. And the only thing keeping you alive is the fact that I want you as my queen when I eventually rule this world. That goes away, and I have no reason to keep you alive.” Her brave look slipped again and he saw the fear in her. That was her weak point; she feared Ibilis. He clapped his hands together and Sarkah returned. “Take her away and bring in Tunde and Nobis.” He returned to his seat. It was only a matter of time before she came around. But first, it was time to escalate the destruction of the country. “My lord?” He had not noticed the men come in. “Tomorrow we are taking this to a higher level. We attack the state capital!” *** Lange looked himself in the mirror and feared he had lost weight. It had only been a couple of weeks since the Black Death disease became a big problem but he could already feel the heat. Despite his best efforts to reassure the people, panic was already starting to spread. He had lied! A good leader does not lie and he knew it was going to come back to haunt him. “You’ve been quiet for long, are you okay dear?” Bola cut into his thoughts. He had being spending more time with her than he spent with his wife. He had no idea how his wife had not yet caught him or at least suspected that he was cheating. “I am fine. But the troubles of the office seem to find me everywhere, even your house.” “I thought my house was your haven.” She said, shifting in the bed to face him. “It was, I guess my troubles have lost their respect of havens.” She sat up and looked at him very closely. He hated when she looked at him like that. It was as though she was reading him. She was seldom wrong. “You don’t really have things under control like you said on TV, do you?” She asked. She was never wrong! “You know I can’t tell you that. It’s a matter of the state, not to be disclosed to lovers or any other such non-authorized individuals.” She laughed and said. “If I was an authorized individual, what would you tell me?” “Well, if you were an authorized individual I would tell you that I am in trouble. Or maybe not, it depends on what happens next with the terrorists. I would tell you that we have no clue about the disease or how to stop it. I would also tell you that the terrorists hold all the cards.” “Wow, that’s a lot.” “Well, since you are not an authorized individual, I will not tell you any of this.” He said and tried to smile, but it did not come off. “Come here dear.” She pulled him and hugged him. He stayed in her arms for a few seconds before he drew away. He rose from the bed and walked away from the room. One day the whole nation would know that their president was a cheating, lying no-good idiot. He heard his phone ring and he paused. His wife? Bola brought the phone to him; it was not his wife. It was Adigwe. “Hello sir, are you at home?” Adigwe’s voice sounded agitated. “No, I am not. Any problem?” “I called the office and I was told…” “What’s the problem Chukwudi?” “Sir, Aweda was murdered this morning!” “Oh my God! Was this related to… I want to know everything about this. Call Sanusi, tell him to put his best men on this. In fact, I think I will call him myself.” “I will call him right away, you could follow up later.” Adigwe said and ended the call. Adigwe did not like the man much when he was alive but he sounded very disturbed by his death. Could his death have anything to do with his involvement in the Black Death disease case? Or was it a random coincidence. His phone rang again. The number was not familiar. Not a lot of people had access to his private number, it could be an important call. He answered it. “Hello?” “Mr. President, it is great to finally talk to you one on one.” He knew the voice! It was stamped in his memory. “Why are you calling me? You already threatened the whole nation, you think maybe I missed the broadcast?” His heat beat faster as he talked. “Alright, I see you are not in a chatting mood, well neither am I. I saw your broadcast too and well, I expected better from you. People in this country believe you to be a person of integrity.” “You are seriously going to lecture me about integrity?” “Not really. Here is what you need to know; you have been able to cover up the villages so far. Well, we are upgrading, we are hitting the state capital!” “Wait, what?” His mouth went dry. “Which state?” “You will know when they start dying.” He heard the dial tone and the phone dropped from his hand. It was the beginning of the end! . . . . . . To be continued
21 Apr 2015 | 14:08
@khola46. I hope I have satisfied u. Lolz. More episode soonest
21 Apr 2015 | 14:09
@DonWalter Yeah.....Ah don belle full with this update..... Orunmila was the one that rescue Adedamola...thats cool, it even gave Orunmila the chance to re-unite the two gods(Esu & Sango) together.......(Esu is differ from Ibilis).... Oya had already even accept that she was/is a god, if not, she won't be calling such names(Sango , Ibilis & Edumare)....... Who mudered Dr-Aweda???
21 Apr 2015 | 14:36
@Niketola. U no even digest dat one u done dey ask the next. . . I will surprise u with the next episode except if you can summarize the once u have read so far. @Khola46. Can u pls monitor?
21 Apr 2015 | 15:13
@DonWalter Lol.......ah deh here.....Niketola go do ahm.....and you must post ahm immediately ooo...
21 Apr 2015 | 16:34
Oya summarize am na.. Make he post anoda one
21 Apr 2015 | 16:50
Oya nao plz summersalt am abi na summerfall
21 Apr 2015 | 17:11
Summer wat!!ok make i strt frm chapter1
21 Apr 2015 | 20:13
That stupid and selfish president still have the impetus to be messing around with bola, dont worry nemesis will soon get to you
22 Apr 2015 | 01:49
Who is dis ibilis again,he seems to has more power dan Esu,oya,songo even Edumare himself... : : : Still watchin anya anya.
22 Apr 2015 | 02:44
@NikeTola You try oo.....weldone... Ibilis was an enemy to all the gods, all what he want is their destruction, that is why he made Adedamola-Sango attack one god(maybe Eric-Esu or Unknown-Ogun), and Anne-Oya was with Adedamola-Sango then...thats what leads to them been on earth in human-like...... And Ibilis is ready to overcome the world and be the king(he has decieved Sarkin Aljan because Ibilis won't let Sarkin be the king).....and Ibilis had to eraze those gods from earth first, thats why he went ahead in winning Sarkin to his side......and Sarkin knew it that Eric is more powerful than him(even in human-like), thats why he went to warn him not to intervene....but Orunmila won't let that happen, that was why he is trying to make every possible best to win Eric to his side..... Sango in human-like doesn't have much power, that was why Sarkin was able to get him...and Ibilis fear him-Sango.......
22 Apr 2015 | 05:08
Sarkin Aljan is spreading disease to the world, for him put fear in them, that would make him gain what he was looking for-world...and the best the president could do is to give the people false news.....if he doesn't give them such news, he would lost his respect as president... Adigwe was minister for health or so I tought...when the president called a meeting that include Doctor Aweda, the minister was againsting him because he doesn't want the doctor to take all the praise...but now that we saw/heard that the Dr had been mudered...we are still watching. It seems Eric-Esu was once a womanizer, and that was what the woman that sue him to court was using against him.....and it seems that Eric realy love his career more than anything...because when Orunmila told him to wise-up and help the world, he decline it or let me say he postponed to after they might have finished the case in court...but now that Toni had said something that looks like what Orunmila told him-to help the world- he now get to term with it that...there is something behind that statement... Orunmila went to rescue Sango and took him to Eric appartment, for him-Orunmila- to unite the two gods together.....we are still waiting to see the last god..Ogun... Abeg make @Tenniebenson do the remaining.....
22 Apr 2015 | 05:20
@VibratingWind Ibilis also was a god or let me say he is the real satan.... he doesn't have power upto Edumare(God) as you tought.....
22 Apr 2015 | 05:23
hmmmm I think Ogun or his servants killed aweda Eric is the messiah **scratching my head** next please??????????????
22 Apr 2015 | 07:46
Thank you jare @Khola46 @NikeTola. U own me a bottle of henessy for not getting it. Anyway next episode 98%. Done
22 Apr 2015 | 08:49
CHAPTER EIGHT . . . . . . . . It was six days since he woke up in a strange house in Esu’s bed and a lot had happened since then. Now that he knew who and what his opponent was he was more interested in listening to Orunmila. He had listened to everything he said and it had helped him. He discovered that he had incredible power and according to Orunmila, he was yet to discover the half of it. He felt ready to attack Sarkin Aljan again but Orunmila would have none of it. Anne was still being held by Sarkin Aljan, it was only a matter of time before he went without Orunmila’s consent. “Put on the TV!” Damola turned around to see Esu walk in. He did not like the man one bit but Orunmila had insisted he stayed in his house – he did not have a choice really. Despite his dislike for him, he was intrigued with the way he could disappear into thin air at will. He was intrigued and envious. “Put on the TV!” Esu said again. Damola picked the TV remote and pushed the power button. “You see that? The darkness is back; this time in a big city!” The darkness had apparently not reached its peak. He could see the faces of the people who stood behind the reporter. The anxiety and confusion on their faces stared at him through the darkness. “…The darkness has spread around the city as you can see behind me. It is not yet clear what this means for us as residents in Asaba, Delta state. All roads leading into and out of the state capital has been sealed as we await further instructions from the governor who is currently in Abuja. We have no comment from the president yet but Nigerians will be waiting for word from Aso Rock. According to the last National address by the President, the government have everything under control. We wait to see if that is true.” The reporter said. “Can they be saved?” He asked Esu turning away from the screen. “Is there anything that can be done for them?” “I don’t know. We have to wait and hope Orunmila shows up.” “So now you are ready to help?” a voice came from behind them. They turned round, Orunmila stood there with his arms folded. “Can they be helped?” Damola asked. He was no longer surprised at the way the old man came and went whenever he wished. “Yes, they can be helped. The real question, can you help them?” Orunmila said. He did not quite understand the man yet. Sometimes he was telling them the fate of the world rested on their shoulders and now he doubted if they could save one city? “Tell us what we must do!” Esu said. “I might be losing my career in film anyway, I might as well find another.” “You are not ready to face Sarkin Aljan…” Orunmila started. “We will never be ready! Whatever do we have to do, let’s do it now!” Esu said. “If you insist but I have to warn you; this will not be easy.” Orunmila said and he was gone. *** He remained in his office and continued pacing. He had to think. He had done a lot of thinking; six days’ worth of thinking. He had done little else than think of what he would do when this moment came. The call from the masked terrorist did not help him at all. He had told only Adigwe and had put him to work on the research on the Black Death disease. Now, he wished Aweda was still alive. He was crazy half of the time but he could have the solution. He had been in his office when he saw the news that the darkness had reappeared. He had shut his door immediately. He did not answer any of his calls either. He had stood in the front of his citizens and lied to them. He would have to lie again, he needed the people to be calm, not panicky and calling for his head. For the first time he considered hiring a PR consultant. After six days of hoping the masked terrorist was only making an empty threat, his worst dream had finally come to pass. His phone rang again; it was Adigwe this time. He answered it. “Sir, have you…” “Yes, I saw the news. Any luck with the research?” He said, hoping against his better judgment. “Sir, our best bet right now is to catch this terrorist. If this darkness or whatever it is is affecting only Asaba, I am assuming he will be in Asaba right now.” “Err…but don’t you think he would be killed too if he stays in the city he has inffected. He could be in one of the surrounding cities or villages.” “True sir. We could seal up the villages around Asaba too.” He shook his head. He knew Adigwe was only trying to help but he could not help but think he was wrong. The terrorist they were dealing with was not a usual person, he needed to be dealt with in an unusual way. Sealing up the area would alert the terrorist but at least the people would see he was doing something. He knew nothing else he could do. “Call Gen. Kosoko tell him to set a perimeter.” “Alright sir. I will give you an update in one hour!” “Thank you.” Lange said and remembered Aweda again. “Wait! Do we have anything on Aweda’s death yet?” “No sir. We have people working on it though. The terrorist attack is priority, right?” Adigwe sounded surprised he was asking after Aweda. “Of course…of course, thank you.” He understood why Adigwe was surprised but he had a feeling that whoever killed Aweda had something to do with the masked terrorist. There had to be something he could do, there is no way a terrorist will run the country aground. The office phone rang and he jumped. He had ignored all calls to his office lines since he heard the news about the darkness spreading across Asaba but something urged him to pick this one. “Hello?” He said and held his breath. “Mr. President, my name is Segun. I don’t know if you know who I am but I am the son of the woman you are sleeping with.” “Wh…wh…what?” He could not believe his ears. “Who did you say you are?” “You call her Bola and I know about you two.” “I did not know… are you trying to say you are my son?” “What? No! This is much worse. My mother is in Asaba!” “Jesus Christ?!” The words hissed out of his mouth. “Jesus Christ is not going to save her, you will! You said on TV that you have it all under control, right?” “Well… Segun, are you sure she is in Asaba?” “What kind of question is that? I am here with her, how do you think I got your number? I am not going to die here, neither will my mom!” “What do you want me to do, I don’t…” This was getting worse. Bola could not die, he needed her. “You don’t seem to get me, if by tomorrow I don’t see any move to save my life and my mother’s, I will call your wife; my mother has her number too. When I’m done with her, I will call the press.” “Are you threatening me?” Suddenly anger roused up in him. He was been threatened by a boy? He was the president of the whole country! “Tomorrow by eight pm, I will be calling my press. Then you will know for sure that this is real.” He said and ended the call. Lange slammed the phone against the table and screamed! He was not going to lose his presidency to a selfish and angry boy. He’d rather break every law in the constitution than do that. He brought out his phone and punched in some numbers, he had people, they would take care of the boy. He had bigger problems. *** Sarkin Aljan paced around the makeshift tent. He liked the position he was in at the moment but somehow he was still nervous. He should not have called the president. It was not as if Lange could do anything to stop him, but still he knew gloating should be left till after the victory is won. Destroying Asaba was going to be a big breakthrough for him. Everyone who ignored him as just another terrorist would understand they had ignored him to their peril. One by one they would surrender and even though they would not be spared, it would make the job of killing them easier. It upset him that he had to wait till the darkness was fully set in the city but he had to. The portal he used for Asaba was different from what he had used for the two previous villages. This time it would take three days for the darkness to be fully deployed but it would take only three days for everyone in the city to die. When the world saw how fast the people were dying, they would fall at his feet. And very fast. “Boss, are we just going to sit and wait till this stuff is done?” One of the men he had recruited to help him asked. He looked at the man and ignored him. They had no idea what stood in front of them; the power it wielded. It would make him the ruler of the world. As soon as he got Ibilis off his back. It was a great thing Ibilis could not enter into man’s realm. All he had to do was conquer the earth and remain in it. “Boss?!” A voice called from outside the tent and Nonso entered. He looked agitated. “What is it?” Sarkin Aljan asked. “They have cut off access to and from the city.” “That is really sad. It means nobody in the city can be rescued then.” He said with a sneer. “But it also means we can’t get out! It’s only a matter of time before they find us.” “We are not in Asaba, remember? They cannot and will not find us in this small village.” “That’s the problem sir! The search has been extended, this village is in the set perimeter.” He looked at the portal set on the concrete slab in the centre of the tent. A slight distortion of the portal will stop the darkness and he could not have that happen. But he could not be caught either. He doubted they could be found in the three days it took for the darkness to fully mature. Agreeing to Ibilis’ deal meant he relinquished his immortality and although he could not be killed by their metal bullets, he still would not take the risk of waiting for them. He should have brought Manzo, he would be the perfect protector for the portal. “Nonso, you wait here with two of your men. I will go with Muka.” “Okay boss!” “Nonso, remember if anything disturbs this…” He said pointing to the portal. “Your family dies!” “Nothing will disturb it.” He loved to see the fear in the eyes of his men, he owned them. He took a last look at the portal; it was the ticket to his world domination. As long as it was not disturbed. *** Captain Adam Ademola did not understand why he had been called off his holiday. He had heard about the terrorist and but he had tried to take his mind off it. He was on holidays, a very rare one and he planned to ignore anything official. But when his boss said he had to cut short his holiday to come oversee the search and possible arrest of the masked terrorist he had gladly obliged. His wife fussed and complained but even she knew he gave affairs of the state priority. He deployed his men to every single road that led out of Delta state. His men could not enter into Asaba but they sealed off all entrances and exits, if the terrorist was in Asaba, there was no way he was getting out. But his gut told him Asaba was not the place to watch. He had deployed the highest number of men to Asaba but he himself stayed with the men deployed to Aganga. It was a small village close to Asaba and rarely paid any attention. It was the perfect hiding spot for a terrorist. His men were only just arriving at their respective stations but some were already heading into the village to question the villagers. It was a small village, they would know if a strange person entered into Aganga. His radio crackled on his belt and he removed it. “Captain, a car just sped past us! We flagged it down but it did not stop. We shot at it but it was moving too fast.” The voice came over the radio. It was one of the soldiers that were headed for the Aganga. “What kind of car is it?” “It is a black Range Rover sport. It’s fully tinted, we did not see the occupants.” “Okay Corporal. How far out is the car?” Ademola asked. “Not very far Captain! E.T.A. ten minutes!” “You go on to Aganga, we will wait for it. I will call for back up from the next village if we need it.” “Okay sir!” It could be the masked terrorist. He expected him to travel with more people than one single Ranger rover could carry. You threaten a whole nation on television and you do not travel with an army? The terrorist was either a lot stronger than they thought, or he was incredibly stupid. He would not risk the life of his men finding out. He had five men left with him. He had to position them well in case there was going to be combat. “Gather round soldiers.” He called out to his soldiers. “In less than ten minutes a car will be arriving here, it’s a possible threat so we have to be ready. Here is the plan.” He explained their positioning and functions and sent them off to their positions. He had instructed one of his men to park the Humvee across the road. There was no way any car was passing except through the road except it went through the Humvee. He stood in front of the Humvee, his gun held across his chest. One of his men stood beside him and they waited. Fifteen minutes later and no car had appeared. There was no other way out of the village. The men had either returned, stopped or reduced their speed. His men were battle savvy, they held their positions but he could tell they were beginning to wonder too. Just then the car came around a bend. It was coming at a very high speed. Ademola moved to the center of the road and held up one hand and pointed his gun upward with the other. The car did not slow down. He leveled his gun at the car, if it got too close he would command his men to start shooting. Suddenly the car slowed to a stop. Then one of the back doors opened and a man stepped out. “Put up your hands right now, and come here slowly.” He shouted and the man put up his hand. He held the gun trained on the man has he approached. “Don’t shoot, I don’t mean any trouble.” The man called out. He watched him closely as he got nearer. There was something about the man that put him off, he could not be trusted. He held his gun tighter, alert. “Who are you and where are you going so fast?” “I’m just trying to escape before the blackness spreading in Asaba gets to my village sir.” The man said. His head bowed, Ademola could not see his face. “Are you alone in that car?” He asked, taking another look at the Ranger rover. “Yes sir, I am.” The man was close now and the soldier beside him moved towards him. He reached him and patted his pockets, there were no weapons. “Who are you?” Ademola asked and pushed the man’s head up with his gun. Immediately he saw the face he knew who he was; the masked terrorist! He had no mask on but he knew the eyes. “Hello Captain!” The masked terrorist said and knocked his gun of his hand before he could shoot. Immediately his gun fell he reached for another hooked to his belt and shot the terrorist. The bullet caught him straight in the chest and he fell backwards. Ademola rushed closer to him and shot two more bullets into his chest; he was not taking any chances. He signaled for his men to come out of their positions. He instructed two of them to pick the body and dump it in the Humvee. He turned to the others and said. “I want you to go check out that car immediately. Be careful, there might be others in there.” Something was wrong, it was too easy. Aaaargh! One of the men headed to the car screamed and fell. Ademola looked at the man and just then another screamed and fell. He turned around and the masked terrorist was on his feet, with his mask on. Ademola opened his mouth in shock. “You really thought you would get rid of me that easy? I feel insulted.” The terrorist said. All his men were down. How could he have been so careless? But he had shot him three times and he was not wearing a vest. “I can see you are trying to do the math. ‘I shot him three times, how is he still alive?’” The terrorist said and laughed, and then his eyes became cold. “If you or your government thinks you can kill me, you are mistaken.” He was a soldier, there was no way he was allowing the terrorist get away so easily. He pointed his gun again at the terrorist and started to shoot. He shot till his gun was empty. The terrorist had not moved one step. “I do not like that!” The terrorist said and moved closer to Ademola. “There is nothing I want more than to kill you right now but I will not! I need somebody to talk the president. I cannot be killed, it would be great if he surrendered now.” “We will never surrender our country to any terrorist! Not you or any other person who feels he can toy with us.” Ademola said. “Oh that is where you are mistaken Captain. You will surrender or else I will kill everybody one city at a time.” “We will rather…” “Just shut up! I do not have time for this chat. Tell your president; Abuja is next!” Ademola opened his mouth to speak but felt a sharp pain in his chest. He tried to scream but he only slobbered. He held his chest, his feet gave way and he fell to the floor. His eyes were starting to close. He watched as another man joined the masked terrorist and they entered the Humvee. He tried to move but all the muscles in his body were paralyzed. The Humvee zoomed off and he gave up and passed out. . . . . . . . . To be continued
22 Apr 2015 | 09:47
U lll soon be catch
22 Apr 2015 | 11:00
Guess the big bros<boko haram>wil b in the best positioN to handle dis gUy#abi wetin u tink,#i bliv bfor the BDD,reach mY hood,i go dn gv my babe belle,nd she go born sharp sharp<am really taken it real.>dat wil b the frst tin that/or i wil do,
22 Apr 2015 | 11:35
Lolz @henry
22 Apr 2015 | 12:05
Naxo bro...shey make i wait for d next oNe,abi na toMoro u go update am?
22 Apr 2015 | 12:06
No vex ooo my broda na till tomorrow I dey journey nw. Even na unto hold up I dey reply dis
22 Apr 2015 | 12:15
You deh hold-up nah so you decide to hold-up the story too abi..... Uhhmmmmmm Bola had a son?? it can't be for real..its all a fake.. E be like say Esu & Sango no wan get along with each other...Esu don know how he fit disappear and Sango had not learnt half of the power he had...... thats the work of anger.........
22 Apr 2015 | 14:12
hmmmm this is getting interesting Im feeling the captain the president has been bleeping Bola for years??? so the masked terrorist is also a half-god??? can't wait to see the combo of esu and sango Don walter..what next??????????
22 Apr 2015 | 15:44
Hmmmm,this one ass 24 abi Na game of powers I go call am ni. E be like say I hi leave worries early mo-mo go PH b4 d darkness go level everywhere. Sango n d likes self dey dull me,so dem no fit do. Moon abracadabra.even my grand mama we nearly act Constantine go finish all.dem.bad guyz with less stress. Nice story so far,keep it up bro.
22 Apr 2015 | 17:12
Try pass short'cut na,/u go just drop frm d mOtor nd trek,u go pass short'cut,abi wetin u tink
22 Apr 2015 | 18:24
See dis my P.R.O ooo.. After u don download d whole episodes finish unto summarizing..u still dey call me make i come complete am..abeg wetin remain wey i wan put join? Lwkmd which tym dis sango nd esu go put action na? Dis my goons dey dull my spirit o..nd i no wan take action by myself
22 Apr 2015 | 18:39
Great!!!!!!! Terrorist terrorist terrorist Esu nd songo's hand will soon catch u...
22 Apr 2015 | 18:42
if I say make I finish ibilis once and for all, people go dy beg me.... I don't dy vex o
22 Apr 2015 | 20:48
Kenyan girl,mayb until u change to nigeria,.den u wunt b in <waitin moderation
23 Apr 2015 | 11:31
@Kenyan Girl Try to always log in into your account before dropping your comment to avoid it (awaiting moderation)......
23 Apr 2015 | 13:04
Na wa o... @Khola46 do u alwyz log in evrytym b4 commenting too? Cos my own acct is alwyz logged in.... Maybe it will get 2 a point where ur acct will be logged in alwyz...cos i used 2 log in b4 (last year)
23 Apr 2015 | 15:45
@Tenniebenson Lol....... You know things can't be the you said...all I need is to visit the site...I don't need to log-in before would have already been logged(like it has been stored into it)...but you knew things are differ.....what works here might not work there....thats why I said she should first fill the field at homepage with her username & password first before reading/commenting.....
23 Apr 2015 | 16:33
NAME: Adebayo Abass Charlie god NAME: BEAST HOBBIES: Collecting teeth from live lion, catching bullets with barehands, Jogging up & down mount Everest. MY RECORD: Fought with an Elephant and broke its neck, skinned a crocodile alive, held my breathe under water for 2months, 3weeks, 6hrs, 51mins, 45seconds...the list is just too much to keep on posting it. GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS: Went to heaven to charge my phone, Fluent in 10,598languages, first man to land on the sun. SILLIEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE: Ate a bowl of plastic fruit on thanksgiving day,Swallowed a big python alive. EMBARRASSING MOMENT: I couldn't kill 100bears with a single punch only 99 died instantly and the last one ran away. PROUDEST MOMENTS: Firstly, When a cobra died after biting me and secondly, I roasted a dragon at my backyard with a lighter, thirdly I fried a fish inside a Volcano. SOMETHING ABOUT ME: I really don't like to show off.. With this Sarkin Aljan is no match for me and Ibilis is just a peace of cake..... My Director(khola46) longest no even remember me diaris God o
23 Apr 2015 | 20:29
no be Lorjosh own be diz.
23 Apr 2015 | 21:36
MY MD @Charliebryn Nah everyday ah deh see you oo....anytime ah close mah eye...nah you ah deh see.....WELCOME BACK BRO.......But all wetin you said about yourself(composition) can make bokoharam relocate from sambisa oo.....
24 Apr 2015 | 02:50
CHAPTER NINE . . . . . . . . Segun looked out of the window, there was nothing, still. He had threatened the president of the country, it was not so smart but he really had no choice. His mother was clearly not going to call him, ‘I don’t want to put him in trouble’ she said. “When you are a President and you commit adultery, you are already in trouble!” He had retorted,fuming. His call did not seem to have any effect on the president though. It was almost twenty four hours and he had not heard anything from anyone. He considered telling his mother. The president she was trying to protect was going to let her die without even trying to save her. “Are you expecting somebody?” He jumped at his mother’s voice. He did not hear her walk up to him. “No.” he said and walked away from the window. “I have seen you look out through that window more than a few times, what’s going on?” She asked, blocking his path. He looked into her face and looked away. He had never been able to lie to her, and it was not for want of trying. “I called Lange.” He said. She opened her mouth and let out a quiet cry. She covered her mouth with her palm and walked away from him. He hurried after her and held her hand, she paused. “If he cares about you as much as you obviously care for him, he will find a way to get us out of here.” He said. She looked at him and said nothing. “Mom, you came to Asaba because of me, you should not die here, not now!” “What have you done Segun?” She said, her voice trembling. “I would have called him if I thought it was a good idea. I don’t want to die too.” “If you don’t want to die, why didn’t just call him then?” She sniffled and walked away from him. He watched her walk into the room. And turned back to the window. He had known his mom was seeing somebody but he was shocked the day she told him who it was. He had promised not to tell anybody and he hadn’t, not even his wife. But it hurt him. His mother deserved better than an old cheating politician who used her as one of his whores. A knock came from the door startled him. Had the president finally come through? He hurried to the door and unlocked it. He swung it open. A tall man stood in front of the door. The first thing he noticed about the man apart from his bushy beard was his eyes; they seemed to be completely white. “Can I help you?” Segun said trying to avoid looking the man in the eyes for too long. “I am here for you and your mother.” The man said and entered the house slightly pushing him out of the way. “Hey, who are you?” Segun asked, his heart was starting to beat fast. Had he made a mistake antagonizing the president? “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Kush.” Kush? ”And no, I wasn’t named after the group, they were named after me.” The man said and laughed. The laugh eased his tension a little. “Okay, I still don’t know what you want from us.” Segun said studying the man. “I am here to get you and your mom to a safe place.” Kush said. “I was told you would know who sent me. Do you?” “I think I do.” It had to be Lange. He was the only one who knew where they were. “Wait here, I need to get my mom.” “Yeah, do that. I hear she is pretty.” Kush smiled sheepishly and rubbed his hand against his crotch. Segun looked at him and hesitated. Who was this guy? *** They were on their own now. Orunmila had told them all he could but he was not allowed to mess with the affairs of men, he said. Eric did not feel going to fight Sarkin Aljan with only Sango as company was a good idea. Something in him pulled him towards the fight though, something he could not figure out. And the closer they got, the more eager he was to get into combat. Orunmila had been kind enough to tell them where to find the portal, he had been able to deduce that much from his side of heaven. Or wherever he went when he was not in ‘realm of men’. They entered the village by a bush path not very far from the only road that led into it. It was starting to get dark but they could still notice there were a lot of soldiers at what was supposed to be the entrance of the village. If there were so many soldiers, it had to be that the government knew about Sarkin Aljan’s hide-out too. The soldiers could not stop him though, Orunmila had said their bullets could not stop or affect the portal. “How do we find where the portal is if we can’t go through the streets?” Sango asked. “I’ll find a way. First, we need to find the house.” Eric said. He closed his eyes and slowly he became one with the atmosphere. It had only taken days and he was fully able to become invisible. It was the first time he was going to do it under pressure though and he was nervous. He moved into the street and paused, the soldiers walked past him minding their own business. It looked like they were doing a house to house search, it did not matter, Sarkin Aljan was properly hidden. He moved on and soon he was far from the last house in the village. According to Orunmila, the portal was well hidden on a farm some distance away from the village. Another reason the soldiers were not likely to find Sarkin Aljan. The house was close now – it was not a house; it was a tent of sorts. Two men paced in front of the tent. They were thickset and burly and carried heavy guns. They were probably the guards outside, Sarkin would be inside. He should probably go back now and get Sango, then they could find a way past the guards. Or maybe he should check out how many guards were with Sarkin Aljan. He would be safe, they could hear him but if he stepped gently, they would not notice him. He walked towards the tent. One of the guards suddenly stopped and looked in his direction. Eric paused and held his breath. The guard shook his head and walked on. Eric sighed and hurried towards a corner of the tent that was slightly open. He peeped in, there was nobody. He slipped through the opening and stopped in surprise. The portal stood in the middle of the space and pointed to the sky through an opening in tent. Were there just two guards? “Who are you?” A voice came from behind him. He spun around quickly. He gasped and almost lost his footing. There was a gun in his face. *** Damola looked at his watch again; Esu had been gone for more than two hours. It was possible Sarkin Aljan could see the invisible, they had not considered that. Orunmila had not told them this; although by the man’s admission he did not know everything about Sarkin Aljan. They had a simple plan, destroy the portal. Orunmila had told them how, but Damola had a feeling the old man was not completely honest with them. He would give it his best; it was the best chance of defeating Sarkin Aljan and rescuing Anne. But first, he had to find Esu. He was either caught or he was lost, either way Damola decided he could no longer wait. He would just have to sneak past the soldiers. He walked from the bush where he was hiding and into a street corner. The soldiers were not facing him, he could easily pass behind them. He walked swiftly and soon he was almost at the edge of the village. “Hey! Stop there!” Damola heard a voice behind. “Turn around slowly with your hands up.” It had to be the soldiers. He searched his brain for a conver-up story but came up empty. Lying was not his specialty; Esu was the guru when it came to lies. He turned around slowly with his hand up. The man pointing a gun to him was not wearing a uniform. He had a very rough beard, the type you rarely found on soldiers. Who was this man? “I know who you are! I have your partner and I’ll advise you not to do anything rash or I will shoot you.” The man said. It had to be one of Sarkin Aljan’s men. They knew about him? Damn you Esu! He thought of fighting the man but then more men will come. The man nudged him forward and he moved. In ten minutes they were in front of a tent. The man pushed in through an opening in the tent and he fell in. He rose slowly to his feet and he was pushed into a corner. Esu was on the floor, passed out. “We have the two of them.” He heard a voice say outside the tent. “Okay, we will deal with them when the darkness matures.” Another voice replied. He felt a crushing pain on the right side of his head and dropped to the ground unconscious. *** Pearl feared for her boss. Things were not going well for him in court and he had failed to show up for two days. The judge was getting angry and it was only a matter of time before she charged him with contempt of court. A lot had been said about him and his lawyer was not sure which was true or false, it was difficult to cross examine when you did not know the facts of the case. She did not believe half of what the girls said about Eric. A lot of girls had thrown themselves at him but he never hired any girl because he had slept with them. If the girl was not good enough she still did not get the part. That had hurt a lot of girls and finally he had had enough sense to stop sleeping with actresses. It was late though, there were already more than enough girls who with a little encouragement would testify against him. But now she worried about something else. The journalist he was picking interest in was also picking interest in him and was asking questions about his past. She soon discovered she was not getting much except the cooked up story Eric had told her to tell anybody who asked. Toni Adedoyin was too smart for that and it looked like she was beginning to suspect something was wrong with the story. The phone on her table rang! It was the phone connecting to Eric’s office. Usually anyone who called this number wanted to speak to Eric. She answered the phone. “Good morning, Eric Adesesan’s office.” “Pearl, is that you?” The voice was not clear, but it sounded familiar. “Yes, who am I speaking to please?” “Morayo… where is Eric? I’m sorry…so sorry, I didn’t… I need to talk to Eric.” She stuttered along. “Morayo, are you alright?” Pearl said, standing from her seat. “Eric is not here right now. Are you okay?” “Just tell him I’m sorry. I was broke and they offered a lot of money. They are dangerous people, I didn’t know…I’m sorry.” She broke down and sobbed loudly over the phone. “They… who are they?” “I’m sorry… …they will kill me if… I have to go.” “Wait Morayo, where are you? I can come pick you up, Eric will like to talk to you.” The phone went silent except for her heavy breathing. The breathing started to get faint. “Morayo?!” No reply. Another voice came over the phone, a male voice. Then Morayo began to scream. She heard the dial tone, the call ended. Pearl redialed the phone number immediately; it was switched off. Someone was coercing her to testify? She silently prayed Morayo was okay, she was Eric’s ticket to freedom. *** Damola felt something nudge him in the side and slowly he opened his eyes. “Stand up!” Esu whispered. He struggled up and sat. His feet and his hands were tied together in front of him. It was dark but the portal in the tent lighted up the room. Two of the men sat in the room next to the portal. One of the men was dozing, the other was grumbling about something . He was yet to see any sign of Sarkin Aljan, maybe he was not with the portal. Maybe he was still in the forest where Anne was being held. “Hey, if we are going to stop this, this is our only chance.” Esu whispered again. “I overheard the men saying the darkness matures in the morning. There will be nothing we can do then.” “Why did you tell them about me? What do you want me to do now? Notice that my hands and legs are tied?” “You’re angry? I don’t have the time to argue right now. But in case you didn’t notice, the ropes are rubber, you can burn them off.” Of course! He had not thought about it. All he had to do was release fire from his hand. Orunmila had made him learn controlling the fire, he was glad he had listened. He was not ready to fight with it, Orunmila had insisted but he would have to find out one way or the other. The fires hissed out of his hand slowly and the rubber rope melted off. He touched his hand to the rope on his feet and the melted off. He released Esu and looked up at the guards. They had no idea what just happened. “Now, kill these men and let’s put a stop to this madness.” Esu said. “No, we are not going to kill them! I need them to tell me where Anne is been kept.” “What makes you think they will talk? These men are dangerous, don’t play games with them.” Damola shook his head and stood up. One of the guards noticed him stand and opened his mouth in surprise. Before he could recover, Damola punched him in the face and he fell down unconscious. The sleeping guard was on his feet now. He shot at Damola but the bullet whizzed past him. He waved his hand and threw a fireball at the guard’s face. He screamed and fell on his back. There was one more guard, if he was close he would have heard the commotion and would be in soon. “We need to destroy the portal now!” Esu said. “Thanks for helping by the way.” Damola said and walked towards the opening in the tent. “There is a third guard, we need to get him down.” “If he was close by he would be here already. We don’t have time, I just checked the time on one of the guards, and we have less than two hours before dawn. We have no idea how long it would take to destroy this thing.” Damola knew what he said was sensible. Orunmila had told them, only heat could destroy the portal. But he had no idea what level of heat, except it could not be done by any fire humans could produce. He moved close to the portal. This was the moment that would determine if they had a chance to stop Sarkin Aljan or if they were truly lost. He put each palm on either side of the portal and closed his eyes. The heat came off his hand and hit the portal, then the fire joined and soon there were sparks coming off the portal. If there was any effect on the portal, Damola did not know it. Then suddenly the he felt the heat begin to burn his hand. The portal was deflecting the heat. “Don’t remove your hand, the portal is starting to lose its light.” Esu shouted. He grinded his teeth and looked at the portal, the light had grown dimmer but the pain was growing. The light was getting dim but very slowly. His hands were red and the pain was starting to spread through his body. “Hang on, it’s almost out.” Esu said, trying to comfort him. It was not helping. Then the light went out! He removed his hands and screamed. He dropped to his knees and looked at the hand, they were blistered and the red was turning to black. Suddenly he heard a gunshot. He looked up to see a man; the third guard. He knew him! He was one of the men that he saw with Sarkin Aljan. He tried to fire up his hand but his hand slumped with pain. He heard another gunshot and the man crashed to the ground. He looked behind him and saw Esu with a pointed gun. He sighed and looked at the portal, the light was back on! “The light is back on!” Damola shouted in frustration. “Yeah, but it is very dim, so I’m assuming it will take time for it to build again. Surely we can do something about it before then.” “I can’t go through this again. What if we…” He was cut off by some rustling beside the tent. Suddenly soldiers crashed into the tent. “Put your hands where I can see them!” Damola put his hands up and looked to his side; Esu was gone! *** Everything was working well for him. He had no idea where the small time film-maker had run off to but it was only a matter of time before he turned up. There are two types of men; the people who make things happen and the people things happen to. He belonged to the first group and Eric belonged to the other. That was just the way the world worked and Eric had no idea what was coming. There was a knock on the door and he turned around. One of his men walked in. “Is it done?” He asked. “Yes sir!” “Good, now she is out, you know what to do. Let’s get this over with.” “Consider it done sir!” He watched the man walk out and he smiled. Things were moving along, soon it would all be over. . . . . . . . To be continued
24 Apr 2015 | 02:55
Lol......... So, Bola realy had a son.....thats a little problem for mr president oo.... This Esu sef funny means he had known Sango for whom he is...he got angry with a slightly thing and no arguement could make him change his mind......but as Esu now leave Sango to his predicament...won't it bring little hatred between the duo.... And that portal had not been finaly demonished.....things are just getting complicated.....they have kidnapped Morayo(I tought she is the one that sue Eric).....Was Esu the one that kidnapped her???
24 Apr 2015 | 06:19
Does it mean Esu disappeared d moment d soldiers barged in2 d hut?
24 Apr 2015 | 06:46
Til wen agn nw
24 Apr 2015 | 07:12
Mehn Dis story is soooooo on point!
24 Apr 2015 | 07:57
24 Apr 2015 | 08:14
Am gonna do like oliver twist here..........i want more!!!!!!!
24 Apr 2015 | 08:15
I just dey laugh.... . I can't wait any longer,,there's gonna be a match between me and Ibilis this evening at the middle of heaven where the second kaaba is located...... .wanna watch the fight just come to heaven by 7pm the fight begins at 8pm sharp......
24 Apr 2015 | 08:22
wow Esu disappearing was a strategy just like what like what happened in one of in broken trust I guess next please????????????
24 Apr 2015 | 08:30
Menh, this is wooooow
24 Apr 2015 | 08:50
Its a good thing Esu can disappear... I'm sure he's still gonna come around 2 help sango... Who could be doing dis 2 Morayo? Could it be doz in d-same bizness as eric? Or its part of Sarkin aljan's plans? I dnt really think Kush was sent by d president...going by d way Segun described can some1 have white face? Uhmmm i hope Bola nd segun re nt in danger
24 Apr 2015 | 16:20
Esu didn't disappear he's is aving meeting wit d air
24 Apr 2015 | 16:42
Hmmmmmmm plssss continue
24 Apr 2015 | 18:36
CHAPTER TEN . . . . . . . . . . Sarkin Aljan kicked the man in the stomach again even though he was dead. The other men took another subtle step away from him, fear was plainly written on their faces. There was something clearly written on his own face too; it was anger! He had done everything perfectly, he had set up the portal, connected to the right star but everything had been destroyed. The man he had just beaten to death had nothing to do with the soldiers taking over the portal, he was just the closest when he heard the news. He knew there was nothing the soldiers could do to the portal but it did not make less angry. Destroying Asaba was supposed to be the beginning of the end. It was supposed to drive the country and the president to their knees. Now, they would not surrender since they now believed once they stopped the hazard at Asaba, they could stop any other plan he has. He still could not understand it. There was no way the soldiers could have stopped the portal, nobody could! Except it was not a human. “You!” He called one of his men. “I need to find out who disabled that portal. Go and find me the person now!” “It was probably a soldier. How do I find who exactly?” The man trembled at what he was asked to do. “That is your business! You were once a soldier, do whatever you have to do. Or your family dies!” He saw anger flash through the face of the man. He smiled and walked away. Apart from fear, the second most common emotion his men showed was anger. He loved it. They needed fear to listen to his instructions and they needed the anger to carry them out. “Sarkin…” One of his called from behind. He turned around to face the man; Ayuba. “He just called with some news.” Ayuba said. “He? He has no name?” “I don’t…” “I know who you speak of, what did he say?” His men did not know the identity of his source and he wanted it that way. “The soldiers have the portal. They have not been able to remove it but there is heavy security around it. They have scientists on site trying to figure out how to disable it permanently.” Sarkin Aljan smiled. They could have all the scientists in the world working on it and none of them would figure out the portal. “Did he tell you how the portal was disabled in the first place?” He had to know. Ibilis had to know. With the failure of this mission, he had to meet with Ibilis again. His lips trembled at the thought. “No he did not say but there might be a way to get the portal back.” “If his suggestion is another slow process of planning and plotting, I have to say I do not have that time! We get that portal back in forty eight hours or I will kill every one of you! And he will not be spared!” “No, no, there is no delay. We will have the portal back in twenty four hours.” The man said with a confidence that suddenly gave Sarkin Aljan hope. “So what’s the plan?” “You will need to call the president again sir!” *** Lange walked quickly to the conference room. He had been held up in meetings for hours but there was only one place he wanted to be. He had already been told that his soldiers had secured the instrument the terrorist used and the darkness had lifted over Asaba. It was not time to celebrate yet; they had to wait to see if none of the residents were affected by the Black Death disease. But first, he needed a full report on what could turn out to be a big victory for him and his administration. He entered the room and the men in the room rose up. “I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I’m sure you know this is the most important thing right now but I had to attend to other affairs of the nation. So what is the situation in Asaba?” “Aganga actually, Mr. President.” General Kosoko, the defense minister said. “The terrorist was found in a small village close to Asaba; Aganga.” “The terrorist was found?!” Lange exclaimed. “I think you should start from the beginning.” Adigwe said. Lange listened as the minister explained how his soldiers found the site where the portal was hidden and they had apprehended the masked terrorist. He wanted to be happy but there were some things that had not been explained. “You mentioned that the portal had been disabled before the soldiers got there, how did that happen?” “We don’t know yet.” “That is strange.” There was something wrong. “Captain Ademola was supposed to be in charge of this mission, why is he not here?” Lange’s heart sank when he heard how the Captain had been attacked and the soldiers with him were killed. He was unconscious and in the hospital. Doctors said he would survive but he needed a few days. “So Ademola was attacked on the other side of town? There is something strange about this story, don’t you think?” “Well sir, we don’t know everything yet but I believe with the capture of the masked terrorist, we will get all the information we need in time. He is not saying anything now though.” Lange folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his seat. He had come into the room with ecstasy but now he was not sure what to feel. It was obvious he had drowned the enthusiasm of the men in the room too. “Adigwe, can we confirm yet that there are no residents of Asaba positive with the BDD?” “No sir. We don’t have the half-life of the disease yet. We have decided to seal off Asaba for two more weeks.” Adigwe said. “Two weeks is a long time especially as the disease is not contagious.” Lange said. “Better safe than sorry sir.” “You will need to address the nation this evening. People need to know what happened in Asaba.” Mrs. Martins, the information minister said. “The opposition is already saying a lot to upset the people, we need to calm them. Nothing calms them more than news that the masked terrorist has been captured.” Lange sighed. “Set it up Martins. Don’t tell anybody about the capture just yet. We need to be sure.” His phone vibrated on the table and he peeked at it; it was an unknown number but it looked familiar. The masked Terrorist! “Please I need everyone to leave the room, I have to take this call alone.” Lange said. He smiled as they all walked out of the room, they could not see his fear. Whatever the man wanted to say, he had to hear it alone. By the time the room was empty, the call had ended. He tried to call back but the number was switched off. If the masked terrorist was the one calling, who was the man the soldiers had in custody? What did he have to do with the Darkness in Asaba? He stood from his seat and paced. Bola and her son Segun were still in Asaba. The stupid son was not going to call anybody, he had made sure his phones were confiscated and he was locked up alone in a room. As soon as he got confirmation that Asaba was safe he would have them both flown to Abuja, he needed to have a serious talk with Segun. The phone vibrated again and he grabbed it immediately. He placed his finger on the ‘answer’ button then he hesitated. Whatever the man was going to tell him would not be good news. He sighed. It was better to know than to assume. He pushed the button. “Mr. President, how are you today?” It was him! “What do you want?” “That was not polite. I am the one who should be grim, after all you disturbed my plans in Asaba. Although I know you did not do it on your own, whoever or whatever it was that helped you won’t be able to help you next time.” “Next time? You have to be kidding, we have your device.” Lange said not too confidently. “Yeah, about that; I think you might have a change of mind when you hear what I have to say. I happen to have a certain woman with me – very pretty I must add. Her name is Bola, you know her?” Lange sank into his chair and stifled a gasp. Oh my God! “Oh, no more talking? Well, I have her son too, although I doubt you care much for him, he clearly doesn’t care much for you. The woman on the other hand, I believe….” “What do you want?” Lange asked. “Straight to business, that is wonderful. I would have voted you for president if I was around during the elections. I’d vote you for second term but I can’t promise there will be any elections then. You understand what I’m saying?” “What do you want?!” Lange shouted. “Okay, calm down. I want the device back!” “You have got to be kidding me.” Lange said and laughed. “Just withdraw your soldiers and I will come get it myself.” “No way am I doing that! That device will destroy my country and who knows where else.” “Okay, hold on please…” The masked terrorist said and Lange heard some noise in the background. He wondered what the terrorist was doing. Suddenly he heard a gunshot. “What did you do?!” He shouted, jumping off his chair. “I just killed the son. In case you don’t believe, the mother will confirm. Alright madam, speak up please.” Lange held his breath and covered his mouth with one of his palms. “Johnson, they killed him.” Bola’s voice was barely audible. “They killed Segun. He did not do anything, he did not do anything Johnson… He has a knife, please, please…no please. Aaaaaarghh.” Her voice went off as she began to scream. “Okay, Mr. President, what do you say?” “The soldiers will be out of Aganga in twenty four hours!” Lange said. “That’s kind of too long, you have twelve hours or she is dead!” “Okay. But you have to let her go with the soldiers.” “You have my word Mr. President. I should let you go now, you have eleven hours and fifty eight minutes to rescue your concubine.” The call ended. He always suspected Bola would be the end of him; it looked like the end had come faster than he expected. *** Damola looked at the soldier with hate. He had tried his best to explain to them that he had just come to help but they did not listen. He had tried to fight them but he could not stand the pain in his hand when he tried to bring out any fire from it. “Where did you say your camp is again?” The soldier asked, his very painful metallic instrument of torture swinging from his side. “I have told you and every other fool that has asked that question, I am not the one you want! It’s no wonder you fools keep losing to him.” “Well, I guess we have to go through another round then.” The soldier moved behind him with his metallic whip outstretched. Damola shut his eyes and bowed his head. “Stop!” Damola opened his eyes and looked up. The president stood in front of him. “Who are you?” The president asked. He looked troubled. “Not who your soldiers think I am.” “Who are you then?” Damola considered telling him who he was but he doubted he would be believed. But he had no idea what else to say. “My name is Adedamola.” He said and stopped. The president kept quiet and waited. “What do you want to know?” “Look here Adedamola, you may not be the Masked Terrorist but you are one of his men for all I care. Why were you at the scene?” The soldiers looked at one another, they looked surprised the President was actually questioning him. He was too. There had to be something going on. If he was to tell the President the truth, he could not tell him in the presence of the soldiers. “Sir, can they leave us alone please?” “Are you crazy? No way are we leaving the president alone with you!” One of the soldiers said and moved closer to the president. “Leave us please.” The president said. The soldiers did not move. “You can stay just outside the door, I won’t get close to him, alright? Give us five minutes.” Slowly the soldiers went out. They were probably more interested in what he wanted to say than protecting the president. “Okay, we are alone. Who are you?” “I was at the scene with a colleague of mine to stop the portal…” He started. “You stopped the device? How did you even know about it?” “It is a very long story sir. Let’s just say, I have some history with the masked terrorist.” “You know him?” The president said and started to pace. There was obviously something on his mind. “Is there something going on Mr. President?” “Everything you are saying could all be a big lie but something about you makes me want to trust you. Or maybe I’m just desperate. I’m about to do something stupid, but I have no choice.” “Why are you telling me this?” Damola asked. “You say you are not a terrorist, right? Well, I will give you a chance to prove it.” What is he talking about? “You could lose your life doing this, but you will die fighting for your country and not as a terrorist. What do you say; would you take my offer?” *** Eric sat alone in the darkness and waited for Pearl to come. He had not been in his office in a long time and even now he did not know why he was there. He had not appeared in court in a while and his lawyer had left him several messages but he was not going to reply any of them. Not just yet. His experience in Aganga was all he could think about. He had left Sango to face the soldiers alone. He had no choice, if he was arrested he could not escape, Sango could. At least he expected him to. That was what worried him the now, it looked like Sango did not escape. If he was still held by the soldiers, he was in a lot of trouble. They had stopped the darkness, which should count for something. He had to wait for Orunmila to show up. There was a knock on the door and he opened his eyes. He looked at his watch; he had been asleep for almost two hours. He walked to the door and opened it. Pearl walked in. “Are you alright Eric? You look like hell.” She said looking him over. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He said and returned to his seat. “Where have you been? I have called and called. You usually tell me when you won’t be available. And remember we are in court?” “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I just had to deal with a few personal matters.” “When did you start having personal matters?” She knew something was up, she always knew. “I’m here now, okay? Let’s move on.” She opened her mouth then paused and nodded. Eric knew she was going to come back with her questions and it was only a matter of time before he told her the truth. “Morayo called.” She said. “What did she want? She hasn’t done enough to ruin my life?” “That’s the thing Eric, I don’t know if she’s the one trying to ruin your life.” Eric looked up at her. “How do you mean?” “She said somebody paid her to sue you and they will kill her for calling…something like that. I think you should call her.” “She was paid to sue me? You believe that crap? And why will I care if someone is going to kill her, it is none of my business.” “Come on Eric, I think there’s something going on here that we don’t know about.” “Is that all that happened? I thought you would have a lot of things waiting for me.” “Your girlfriend has been asking a lot of questions about you!” “My who?” “Your girlfriend…the pretty reporter. She has been here a couple of times subtly asking me questions about you.” Eric stood and walked to the large window looking down at the highway in front of his office building. He knew Toni could be trouble for him, especially now he knew the truth about himself. If she pressed hard, she would know all about him very soon. *** Toni Adedoyin walked into the X-Media building for the third time in a couple of weeks. Some men would call it stalking, but she was so desperate to have answers to her question. She had not met Eric the previous two times she came and his secretary was not the most open person you could meet. She was not sure if she was curious from a professional point of view or if it was personal. She hated being the dark, it was probably what made her a great journalist. And there was a lot of darkness about Eric, she had to know. She climbed a staircase and got to his door. Her hand was on the door to knock when she heard some voices from below. She glanced and saw two men in suit, she knew them; they were detectives. She wondered why they were in X-media. She knocked on the door and entered. “Toni!” Eric said, he looked surprised to see her. “Where have you been, I have come here a few times.” She said. “I’m sorry, I was just…” A knock on the door interrupted him. The door opened and the two detectives she had seen earlier entered. “Good afternoon. Are you Mr. Eric Adesesan?” One of the men – Detective Thomas asked. “Who are you?” Eric asked, eyeing them carefully. “I am Detective Thomas and this is Detective Omotosho. Are you Mr. Adesesan, please?” “Yes, I am. Is there any problem?” “Detectives, what’s the problem?” Toni asked, trying to get their attention. They ignored her. “You have to come with us sir, you are under arrest.” Under arrest? Toni looked at Eric, he looked agitated. What was going on? “We didn’t do anything wrong, the whole country would be in trouble if not for us. We were just trying to help.” Eric said. “Trying to help?” Detective Omotosho brought out a pair of handcuffs and walked towards him. “You were trying to help by killing the poor lady?” “Wait a minute!” Eric said and started to move backwards, away from the detective. “Kill what lady?” “I suggest you do not resist arrest Mr. Adesesan. She was going to ruin your career and you killed her, we get it but don’t make this worse than it already is.” Toni looked from the detectives to Eric in confusion. What were they talking about? Eric killed the lady that sued him? “What are you talking about? I did not kill anybody!” Eric said and stopped and his face became rigid. “You will not arrest me for a sin I did not commit.” Toni moved towards the detectives but stopped. She looked at where Eric had stood just a few seconds before she moved, he was no longer there. She looked around the room, he was gone. She felt a hand in her pocket and she jumped. She dipped her hand in her pocket and brought out a folded piece of paper. “Where did he go?” “What just happened?” The detectives looked at each other in confusion. Toni turned away from them and unwrapped the paper. There was a note scribbled on it. Meet me in your house, I’ll explain everything. . . . . . To be continued
25 Apr 2015 | 15:45
hmmmmmm... Interesting
25 Apr 2015 | 16:10
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Getting much more interesting now oo...great...
25 Apr 2015 | 16:49
Na dis kind power dey make sense... Make i dey disappear... Lol.. I will jez turn 2 air one day nd slap anybdy dat misbehaves or cheat on me like @khola46 hahahhahahaha i will so beat dat person mercilessly...nd i wont be seen
25 Apr 2015 | 20:50
@Tenniebenson Lol........... Nah that moment weh people go just deh watch person like a crazy being..abeg oo...ah don repent.....
26 Apr 2015 | 02:59
uhmmm nxt pls
26 Apr 2015 | 03:37
26 Apr 2015 | 05:17
Oh yeah!!!!! I'm so loving dis power. Disappear at will and leave ur enemies in serious confusion, but U shouldn't have left Demola d way U did. Let d drama unfold.
26 Apr 2015 | 07:09
Chai!!!!!! Toni will question u till death... @tennie na true u talk ooo if i get dis kind power ppl don suffer 4 my hand,especially all dis politicians wey dy steal our money.
26 Apr 2015 | 07:10
DONWALTER,you just won my heart where did you get this talent from?????? in fact send me your account number this is becoming so interesting?????????? a real action movie never thought have heard this kinda story before except in foreign novels I'm getting impatient next please?????????
26 Apr 2015 | 07:58
So scary
26 Apr 2015 | 13:29
26 Apr 2015 | 14:29
Kindly try and perform ur civic right vote DONWALTER as the coolval writer of the month April. Your vote my inspiration. Next episode drops immediately after 5 votes for donwalter. Thanks and always @ ur service to make ur day a brighter one. One man one vote. Vote donwalter. Follow this link to vote month-april-2015/ Thanks
26 Apr 2015 | 14:59
Eric i dey envy dis ur power oo honestly
26 Apr 2015 | 17:07
CHAPTER ELEVEN . . . . . . . . . . Damola dusted off his khakis and jumped off the Humvee into the darkness. He could tell the soldiers were not comfortable with the fact that he did not have a gun. He was not one of them; he knew it and so did they. The leader of the team – Major Madu had made all the plans without any major function given to him. He did not mind though, he had his own plans.The president had drafted him into a tactical team to go and rescue somebody. He was not sure who the person was, but she was definitely important. He accepted reluctantly; it was better to be out than being locked up in a cell. He got more excited when he learnt they were going after Sarkin Aljan. He had not had the time to make another attempt at rescuing Anne; this could be his chance. “Listen up everybody” the Major said. “There are no certainties that this is not a trap, so we are going to tread carefully.” Damola looked away from the soldiers – the four of them huddled together. Everything they were saying had been said severally already, they were probably just afraid to go forward and die. The Major had a point though, it was probably a trap. He was not sure what he would do yet, it depended on whether Sarkin Aljan came or not. “… she is immensely important to the President.” The Major was saying. “The mission will be judged on whether we bring her home alive or not.” If she was that important to the President, Sarkin Aljan would not let her go so easily. The soldier started moving and he followed them. They snuck along a bush path till they were could see a house not too far away. “That’s where she is supposed to be.” One of the soldiers said and pointed to the house. The Major brought out a pair of Heat Sensor Binoculars and looked into them. He seemed to be confused or intrigued by something. “There is nobody in or around the house but the woman.” He said and handed the binoculars to another soldier. The soldier looked and confirmed that there was nobody and he passed the binoculars. They all looked at the house and wondered why the house was empty. Damola wondered too. Sarkin Aljan like any bad person was very tricky. But to find out what was happening they had to go closer. They crawled closer to the house as quietly as they could. They looked again, there was no one still. The Major decided it was not smart for everyone to go in despite the seeming lack of danger. He decided he would go in with two of the soldiers, the last one was to stay behind with Damola. They would cover them as they went into the house, he said. Damola started to protest but stopped. Something was wrong; he would wait. Fifteen minutes later the soldiers were walking out of the house with the woman. Had Sarkin Aljan really let them have the woman so easily? Something was wrong. The Major signaled to them to meet at the Humvee. Damola wondered as they moved to meet the others. What was Sarkin Aljan’s move by letting the woman go? If she was supposed to be very important, what was the President giving him in return? It hit him! The portal! That could not happen! The portal back in Sarkin Aljan’s hand meant more trouble, this time maybe more than could be handled. They got to the path that led to the Humvee when they heard gunshots. The soldier with him stopped and unstrapped his gun. He corked it and looked at Damola. “That gunshot is from one of our guns. They must have watched us come and waited.” He had to know if Sarkin Aljan was part of the people attacking the soldiers. He looked at the soldier, looked away and starting running towards the gunshots. The soldier ran after him. They got close and saw the soldiers on the floor being tied up by a group of men. The woman was crouched at another side of the road crying. Damola stopped and pulled the soldier with him to the side of the road. “We have to rescue them!” The soldier protested. “We can’t just stay here and watch.” “Nobody said anything about watching.” He did not see Sarkin Aljan among the men. If Sarkin Aljan did not come, then he would have to go to him. “I have a plan.” “You have a plan?” The soldier asked and looked at his colleagues apprehensively. “Does it involve rescuing them? Why should I listen to you by the way? You’re not even a soldier.” “Hey, be calm, okay? If three soldiers could not stop those men, why do you think that you alone can stop them?” “They probably were surprised. I am sure we…” “Here’s the plan, I will run after the men as they start to move. They will probably take me with them, I will rescue us all and you take the woman home to the President.” The soldier opened his mouth then closed it. Damola could see the anger in his face. “This is your genius plan? We should allow the Major and others to be taken? Okay, I’m out of here.” He said and started to run towards the men. Damola ran after him and punched him from behind. He crashed to the floor and Damola pulled him to the side of the road. He had fallen on his face and his forehead was bruised. “Sorry about the injury, but you have to listen to me.” Damola said, holding the struggling soldier down. “You will only get killed or taken too if you go after them. Remember what the Major said? This mission will be judged on whether or not she is brought home safe. That is your mission soldier!” The soldier had relaxed but still breathed heavily. “Now, wait till I am gone with them and go and rescue the woman. Take her home!” He said and released his grip on the man. Damola rose to his feet and started to walk towards the men. He hoped he was right and they were only going to be taken, not killed. *** Sarkin Aljan wrapped the robe tighter around himself. The darkness had a certain chill to it. He knew his robe could not help him, but he held on tight to it still. Once again he was going to have to wait for Ibilis to come. He hated meeting Ibilis more every time he saw him. It was worse this time because he had come to report a major failure. He had thought that by the time Asaba was destroyed, the president would surrender the country to him and one country at a time he would take over the world. It would have been easy to desert Ibilis then. Now he had to suffer through another torture or worse; a tongue lashing. Suddenly he turned around. There was nobody. Ibilis was close, he could tell. He pulled the robe closer and folded his arms across his chest. Aaaarghhh! He screamed. He felt the pain before he saw Ibilis! The pain seared through his head and he could smell his hair burn. He squirmed and screamed but the pain only got worse. He shouted and fell on his face. He touched his head with one of his finger and he screamed. His hair was gone on one side of his head. “Stand to your feet!” The voice came from above him. He struggled to his knees. Every movement of his head sent pain surging through his body. He opened his mouth and let out a great scream. He cursed Ibilis, he cursed Edumare, he cursed the day he decided to help Ibilis. “Your curses do nothing but disturb the peace of my already tortured abode.” Ibilis said. “There is no peace here! You know no peace and you never will!” Sarkin said through clenched teeth. “I have come to find out that just like humans, you are weak and cannot do anything right. Rise because our time is here, I cannot wait anymore. Everything ends in seven days!” Sarkin Aljan rose to his feet and looked at Ibilis. He had a triumphant look on his face. “You look surprised, maybe because you underestimated me. In seven days the world will be mine and then I will decide on what to do with you.” “What do you mean? We had a deal!” Sarkin Aljan said. He felt a slight tremble go through his body. “A deal, that we have truly, Sarkin Aljan.” Ibilis said and laughed. “You have plans to secede from me, don’t you? I know you more than you know yourself. I am all that you are and more. I will not hold it against you yet, not as long as you execute the plan.” “Execute what plan?” He asked with as much disgust as he could muster. “In three days, you will have Nigeria. After the president hands over the country to you, you will have the whole world in your hand.” “How am I supposed to do that? Three days is a very short time. You only seek a chance to find fault with me, you soulless monster.” “Aha, I see you are angry, very angry. And soon you will get your chance to unleash your anger. And surely men will feel pain.” Oh they will! Starting with the President, they will know what the anger of a god is like! *** He was in the most inconvenient meeting he had ever been in as President. He would have found a way to boycott the meeting but it would mean losing the confidence of a lot of his top officials. They wanted to know why he had released the portal back to a known and deadly terrorist. He dared not tell them the truth. He could not even repeat the truth to himself. He had put the whole country in danger to save a woman he was having an affair with. He was a fool, a fool that made a decision that could cost him his presidency maybe his life. Bola was safe and hid somewhere very far away. Only one other person knew where she was and he planned to keep it that way. The members of his cabinet had to make some sense out of the situation. “The portal while here was of no help to us.” Lange said. “But it was of no help to him too.” One of the ministers retorted. “We don’t know that he doesn’t have another one.” Lange said. “What do we gain from this now? He has the portal, we have nothing.” Adigwe said to Lange’s surprise. He rarely said anything against him in meetings but maybe even he was appalled by his decision. “That is the question you should have asked in the beginning.” Lange said. “We put a tracker on the device and soon we will know where this terrorist operates from. That way we will not only get the device, we will get the person who operates it.” They all took the information in and the room was quiet for a few minutes. Finally Lange spoke up. “I know this was a very risky thing to do but this is not a typical terrorist. If we are to catch him, we have to do things in a different way.” Lange said. He felt thankful someone had suggested putting a tracking device on the portal. He was sure if it would help them catch the masked terrorist but at least it helped him buy time with his cabinet. “Sir, I just got a text from my secretary. She said the masked terrorist is on TV.” One of the minister said. Lange’s heart paused. What was the terrorist going to say? Why had he not called instead? “Put on the TV please.” Lange said and stood from his chair. “How does he keep getting on TV by the way? Aren’t those frequencies protected from hacking?” Somebody put on the TV and Lange swallowed. There were four soldiers kneeling on the floor with their faces covered and their hands tied behind their backs. The masked terrorist looked different. He had on a different mask. This time his head was also covered. “Everything rises and falls on leadership. One of your great experts said that and he is right. You trust your president so much but is he worth it?” The masked terrorist said. Lange had a bad feeling. This was not going to just be a threatening session, he was in for some trouble too. “Your President made a choice; he released my device in exchange for his mistress. Is that true leadership?” Everybody in the room turned around and looked at him. He bowed his head to avoid their stares. What was he supposed to say? What was he supposed to do? He had no explanation. He pulled out his chair and sat down. “These poor soldiers here he sent to die on his behalf. All for a woman who is not even his wife. He sent them to die and I will oblige him.” Lange bowed his head and stilled the vibration of his hand. He could not forgive himself; he did not deserve to be forgiven. He was a cheating husband, a weak president and a big liar. Now he was going to be a murderer too. “I’m sorry if there are children watching this but I have to kill these men on live TV so you can all understand what your President has done. I hope this will be the last time this would happen. It all lies in the hand of the president. Will he redeem himself? Will he do the right thing?” Lange looked up at the television and covered his mouth. These men would die and it would be his fault. He made up his mind; he had spent his last day as President. If he could not lead the people, others would. He kept his eyes on the television as the terrorist picked a butcher’s knife and set it on the throat of the first soldiers. The people in the room stirred and started to whisper to one another. He ignored them. “In the name of President Johnson Lange, I kill these innocent men.” Suddenly fire erupted from behind the man with the knife on his throat, it struck the masked terrorist like a lightning bolt and he fell backwards. The soldier shook his head and the bag fell off his face. It was the prisoner! The prisoner looked up momentarily at the camera and then something erupted on the camera and the screen went dark and the room went quiet. The silence was deafening. The only sound that he heard was his thumping heart. . . . . . To be continued
27 Apr 2015 | 02:08
his thumping heart indeed - that's Sango for real
27 Apr 2015 | 02:31
Hope sango hv caught sarking dis tym
27 Apr 2015 | 06:21
Battle don start..
27 Apr 2015 | 07:25
chai! dis is getting real tough, interesting and complicated at d same time. am seriously loving this story... cant wait for the next update @donwalter i dey wait una oo!!!
27 Apr 2015 | 07:26
Sango oko oya @work. Nice1
27 Apr 2015 | 07:29
Make una clear road»songo« at work...
27 Apr 2015 | 08:28
27 Apr 2015 | 09:03
hmmmmmm sango the Actor???? where's Esu????? its time he starts showcasing his powers with gods and not with 9ja police... next please???????????
27 Apr 2015 | 09:43
This is very Interesting Thumbs Up
27 Apr 2015 | 12:06
D battle z getting tougher
27 Apr 2015 | 12:31
Lol, gobe don dey shele niyen
27 Apr 2015 | 12:54
Sango olukoso oko oya ku ise oooo......thumbs up @Donwalter
27 Apr 2015 | 13:30
@FABULOUS No mind that guy bearing Khola.....nah so he just deh do...but make ah beg on his behalf.....abeg forgive him...... I'm sorry Bro/Sist..
27 Apr 2015 | 14:51
waow interestin
27 Apr 2015 | 15:34
Ogbeni!!! See action..abeg make somebody tell me why dis story no deserve award??? Mehn! President matter don enter voice mail u go take bail urself out nw?
27 Apr 2015 | 20:18
CHAPTER TWELVE . . . . . . . . . . Sarkin Aljan limped away from the room. He had been caught off guard by Sango’s attack. There was no way he could have known that he was one of the soldiers, his idiot helpers did not know too. He knew why he came; Oya! He immediately sent his men to secure her cell, if Sango did not get her, he would come back. He just suffered ridicule again in the sight of the president and his people. First, he could not destroy Asaba as he promised, now his public execution was disrupted. He was not sure, but with Sango now working with the soldiers, he must have been the one to stop the portal too. He now saw Ibilis’ point; Sango was going to be a great threat. But it was only a matter of days. In three days, Nigeria would fall and not even Sango can do anything about it this time. He had always known Sango to be proud and self-centered except when it had to do with Oya. Sango was one of the biggest forces that helped fight Ibilis during the great war in heaven. Everyone knew what a great warrior he was but Ibilis trying to convince Oya to join the dark side had given him more motivation. He never lost a battle when Oya was involved. Well, until now. He turned the handle at the door and walked into the room where Oya was kept. She had been bound and held in the same position for a long time now. An ordinary human would have lost all strength, maybe died but she was still as fierce as she was in the beginning. And he loved her for it. She was a beauty beyond compare, and probably the only goddess as mighty as Sango was. He knew she would find it difficult to love him, especially after he kills her husband but he would have her nonetheless. She lifted her head as he approached her. The hate on her face made him shudder. “What do you want, you vermin?” She growled. “I look forward to the day you turn ‘vermin’ to ‘darling’. And maybe replace the frown with a loving smile.” He said. He moved close to her and brushed her hair gently. “Edumare will sooner hand over Heaven to Ibilis than I call you that!” “Well, that might happen very soon then. Why do you think I’m here? In three days Nigeria falls and when she does, all others will follow suit. By the time we have the earth and we take all men captive…well, you know how much Edumare loves them.” He observed her; what he said seemed to have affected her and first the first time, he saw the strength on her face fade. But only for a second. “You think Damola will stand and watch you do that? You think Edumare will stand and watch you take over the earth?” “Ah, I knew it was only a matter of time before you bring up that husband of yours. It’s good that you did though because I have sad news for you. He was here” She looked at him and once again, her strength faded. “Where is he? Where is Damola?!” She shouted. “All I can tell you is, he got what he deserved and I’m sorry, you will never see him again.” “I will kill you! I swear by Edumare, I will kill you!” He could see she meant it. If she could, she would really kill him. It was a good thing both her hands were covered and water was not even close to her. “I’m sorry love but I must leave you now. In three days I will be running this country, I need to prepare. But don’t worry, I will be back for you my love and together, we will rule this world.” *** President Lange sighed as the car pulled into the compound. He could still see the look on his ministers’ faces when he left the office. They had not openly condemned him but he could see it in their eyes; they were disappointed. He could not say anything to them, only Adigwe had talked with him and it had been brief. The whole world now knew about his affair. He had not bothered to check but he knew the major news stations will be talking about his affair and his deal with the masked terrorist. He was not the only one to suffer ridicule and press pressure. Bola had already sent him a text saying she was leaving the country. She did not say where she was going, he did not blame her. She had lost her son to a maniac because of him. Her privacy was gone; she would forever be remembered as the president’s mistress, she had a right to leave. He had no idea what he would do but he had to do something, and very fast too. The car pulled over, the door opened and he stepped out. He got to the entrance of the house and stopped; some of his wife’s traveling bags were outside. He stepped in quickly and hurried up the stairs to his room. His wife was picking some jewelries off her wardrobe. “What are you doing?” He asked, already fearing the worst. “I’m leaving for Minna tonight with the kids. I already hired a private jet. And don’t worry, nobody but the pilot knows who the passengers are.” “Susan, no! Please I need you now more than ever.” Lange said, reaching for hand. She withdrew her hand and continued to pack the jewelries. After a few minutes she stopped and sank into the bed. She looked up at Lange, there were tears in her eyes. “I loved you Johnson, with the whole of my heart I loved you. To the point that even after I found out about the affair, I kept quiet. She made you happy but you did not let it affect the happiness here, at home. I thought I could survive, after all, I was the one at home.” She stood and walked towards him. “But then you gave up your country for her? The people who voted for you, the people you swore to keep and protect? For a mistress?!” “I’m sorry dear, I didn’t plan for this to happen. I am so sorry.” “I have to go Johnson, I don’t want to delay the flight.” She said and picked the box she had stuffed the jewelries in. “When will you be back?” Tears were beginning to come to his eyes. “I’ll be at the house in Minna till all this trouble with the terrorists is over. You can come and see me then. I’ll call to tell you if you need to bring a lawyer.” “Susan please don’t hate me. Please don’t let my children hate me.” She paused and looked back at him. “Your children will not hate you, you are their hero.” “How about you?” He said, eyes pleading. “Good night Johnson.” She said and walked out of the room. *** Toni sat in silence a few feet from Eric. He looked at her with concern; she had been sitting quietly for hours. She could not quite figure out what Eric – or whatever his name was, just told him. She had never believed in myths and gods but now she was seated in the presence of one. She had met and seen a lot of people during her few years as a reporter, none of them compared to what she had experienced the previous day. Eric had tried his best to explain but still she did not quite get it. It was obvious she would have to make a decision; freak out or deal with the information as if it were normal. It was more important now to make a quick decision especially after what they had watched on television. Eric claimed to have met the masked terrorist, he even claimed to have stopped the Asaba darkness. She believed him, she really did but she had no idea what to do with the information she now had. Then there was the part of him being wanted for murder. She had asked him if he killed the lady; he denied but she was unsure. He could disappear into thin air, there was no telling what else he was capable of. “You’ve been quiet for too long? It’s been almost twenty four hours since I told you already.” Eric said. She had sulked enough; she would not find clarity sitting on her butt. “What are you going to do now? You are wanted – you can’t exactly walk around town anymore.” She said. “I need to find out who is trying to frame me for murder. Pearl – my assistant mentioned that Morayo called and said she was being forced to sue me. I waved it off… whoever did that must have killed her when she got in contact with me.” Eric said. “Do you have any idea who it could be?” “I’ve been here only a short time. I don’t know any enemies I could have gotten in such a short time.” “Well, except for people who are jealous of your fast rise.” “You could help me. I’m sure you know people who could help.” Eric said and looked at her with pleading eyes. “Look Eric…” She started but was cut off by her ringing phone. She picked the phone up; it was her boss from work. “Hello Boss.” Toni said and walked towards a window. “Where have you been?” Her boss asked. “I’ve been running some errands, I’ll be coming in tomorrow though.” “No, you will not need to, you are going to Minna tonight.” “What… Minna? Why?” She had never been to the town, nothing ever happened there. “The first lady just left for Minna. A philandering president, a scorned wife, it all makes for a good story, don’t you think?” The boss really sounded excited. “You sound so excited about this…” “Of course, I am, this is potentially a great story.” “It’s the possible end of a person’s marriage and all you see is a great story?” Toni said and discovered her temper was rising. “I’m sorry about that, it was totally unnecessary. “Oh-kay. I want you to come in now, we need to finalize this plan.” The call ended and she sighed. She wanted to go so she could get far away from Eric but a part of her dreaded the trip. “Are you okay?” Eric asked. She turned and faced him. “I have to go to Minna tonight. It’s okay for you to stay here till you sort yourself with the police but I need to stay away from you for a while. Please don’t call me, I’ll get in touch with you if and when I am ready, okay?” *** Eric punched the cushion, stepped away from it then ran at it and punched it harder. He wanted to scream but it would attract the attention of the neighbours so he stopped himself. He had no idea what to do, it was not a position he loved being in. He wanted to speak with Pearl but he knew the office would be under surveillance and so would she. He had to find out who was after him one way or the other. And then there was the matter of the masked terrorist. He had to make a choice. He could not do both; save the country or save his life. He had always considered himself selfish but something inside him stirred him towards ending Sarkin Aljan’s reign of terror. To do that, he needed Sango. He had seen him on television and could only hope that he escaped. Maybe there was nothing he could do about Sarkin Aljan for now. Maybe he had to wait and soon everything will fall into place. “This is the day of trouble, you must not wait!” The voice came from behind, it was Orunmila. “How great of you to show up now. Where have you been? Sarkin Aljan is gaining strength and is getting bolder and you choose now to go into hiding?” Eric asked. “You have to take responsibility for what is coming. I am only here to help, the battle is yours to fight.” Orunmila said with such calm Eric relaxed. “I don’t know what Sarkin Aljan is planning; I have no idea when or where he plans to strike next. Even if I did, what am I supposed to do?” “Nigeria will go down in three days…” Orunmila started. “What?!” Eric exclaimed. “Well…except Sarkin Aljan is stopped first. Sango is not here, he has faced him in several battles, he would know how to beat him.” “Surely Sarkin Aljan can be stopped, surely he will be stopped.” “Well, in three days, Nigeria would either be shut down by the Black Death disease or Sarkin Aljan would be destroyed. It is in your hand to save this country.” *** The room felt colder than usual that night. The chill probably came from inside him and not the air-conditions. Lange rose from his bed and walked into the bathroom. He had a pack of cigarettes hidden away behind the closet. He had not smoked in six years but he always had a pack close to him. He stuck his hand behind the closet and rummaged around till he found it. He opened the pack and brought out a lighter he had kept inside it. He thought about stepping out into the balcony before he lit the cigarette but with his wife gone, he was free to do what he wanted. He lit cigarette and watched it burn. Was he ready to give up six years of abstinence? His phone rang. “Ah, saved by the phone.” He looked at the phone and gasped; it was the masked terrorist again! He dropped the phone. Nothing good had ever come out of his calls. He stared at the cigarette, paused for a second then put it in his mouth. He puffed at it for a few seconds then took a long drag. He spit the stick out and crushed it between his fingers. He started to cough and his eyes started to hurt. The smoke did not seem to agree with his system anymore. His phone rang again; it was still the terrorist. He grabbed the phone. “What the fffu…“ He started to say then paused. “What do you want?!” “I’m beginning to think you don’t like me calling you. Is that true?” “What do you want?” “Okay, strictly business then, just like you want it. Tonight is the beginning of the end. We are currently on our way to the heart of your country. In three days, Nigeria will be history. I just thought you should know.” “You will never get into Abuja, we are waiting for you. Nobody, nobody at all threatens me or my people, you son of…” “Hey, calm down. There is no need for name calling. Abuja is ready for us huh? Okay. I warned you though. And hey, don’t worry about failing as a president. You won’t be the only president to give up his country to save his people, you will just be the first.” What was he talking about? “Are you done with your threats? Do not call this number again! Next time we talk, it will be with you behind bars.” “Very funny Mr. President, because I was thinking the next time we talk will be when you are begging to spare your country. We both agree on one thing though, this is the last time I will call you. Goodbye Mr. President.” Normally he would be afraid with the threats he just received but there was something he knew that the terrorist did not know. He dialed a number on his phone. “Hello Shina, you are still monitoring the tracker, right?” “Yes sir!” “Let me know as soon as it moves.” Lange said and ended the call. He left his bed and walked to his wardrobe. It was time to end the terrorist once and for all. He had work to do. . . . . . To be continued
28 Apr 2015 | 01:48
Lol...... Why would Toni want to run away from Eric? I tought she want to know his background..... Lange is now in confusion state...Bola had left, Susan had left with the kids and even threating him with a divorce by trick.....Even if the tracker they put into that portal works the way Lange want....Sarkin can't surrender...most importantly.....They can't jailed him..... Now that Eric is now in tought about Damola....Maybe he would join him...
28 Apr 2015 | 02:55
hmmmmm that's why we keep some secrets from our loved ones sango,esu, and's time for the historical combo........ ibilis will dominate the game like Wenger ....Edumare will read the game like mourinho and always win next please??????????
28 Apr 2015 | 04:53
Let d battle begins......
28 Apr 2015 | 05:06
28 Apr 2015 | 06:10
hmm! i cant believe how much mah heart was pounding while i was reading, this is getting really intense and am really loving it... next episode bro...
28 Apr 2015 | 06:12
There's no way Sarkin aljan will win dis war. Nah, it's not just possible at all
28 Apr 2015 | 06:49
Am short of words.......Such a captivating story, can't say much but watch as the events unfold. Keep it up @Donwalter
28 Apr 2015 | 07:35
Don-Walter, i bin no wanna talk about this before but the way you carry dey call Nigeria ehhh, Buhari go probe you because e bi like say you want make 9ja fall like Jericho....... Lailai, na ONE NIGERIA..... Sarkin, take time oooo, no dey threat us with BBD abi na darkness unless you want make MASSOB, MILLITANTS, BOKO HARAM AND CHANGE NIGERIA HAMMA YOU SLAP..... Esu, no dull the next chapter again oooooo unless you want Sango and Oya water and fire you the same time, then Ibliss carry you do pepper soup (your meat go sure pass oooo) Lange, go manage your family,, your tracker go fail because the person wey go give u feedback no dey safe oooo Bola must have won the best boobs and bumbum of the year wey make Lange replace her death ticket to lives of his citizens (dats good, i go like get that kind lady ooooo)
28 Apr 2015 | 08:46
So scary,hope u r nt talking about our present Nigeria,cos i fear death ooo
28 Apr 2015 | 09:27
hmmm only 3 days
28 Apr 2015 | 09:59
hmmmmmmm what shuld i say thank to @khola46 4 inviting anyways sango the name of my dog since i start reading this story i became scare of the dog
28 Apr 2015 | 13:29
And let d battle wherd Sarkin Ajan wld b destroyed begin. The president az lost all n with d recent happeningz, hez nt gonna surrender the country 2 any damn bitch
28 Apr 2015 | 16:49
That's it......the president is kinda confident of himself now,that's what should have happened lately.... . Esu just dey make me laugh,he left Sango there where he's the one that can go in and out of there anytime anyhow he wants but he's too obsessed by his own personal life.... Ibilis,you too confident o after our fight you still get mind dey give Aljan confident...I no blame you wheb you even be thesame clan *aljanu* Sango oko oya weytin dey happen....if una die even Esu no fit stop Oya cos she go destroy the world not only Nigeria..... If Ibilis want Nigeria,he go break record becos the militant and the boko haram go join hands together for the first time in history.....
28 Apr 2015 | 19:01
CHAPTER THIRTEEN . . . . . . . . . . Damola opened his eyes and for a few seconds he did not know where he was. He looked around and then he remembered. He was on a tree outside of Sarkin Aljan’s compound. It was getting dark and quiet and he could not see through the leaves so he slowly dropped down. He stood still and as close as possible to the tree and looked around; he saw no one. Something was wrong. After his escape from Sarkin Aljan’s public execution, he had helped the soldiers to point where they could hopefully make it to town but he had returned to the house. He came for a purpose – save Anne and he was yet to fulfil it. To his surprise Sarkin Aljan did not send dozens of men after him, just a couple and they soon gave up the chase. If Sarkin Aljan was not after him, he must have something more important going on. He peeked at the house from behind the tree and saw three men come out with heavy guns. They looked around the compound, walked several metres across the open space in front of the compound. Two of them walked back in and the other started to pace in front of the gate. Damola crept a little closer to the house. Something was happening and it was better that he knew what it was. He got closer to the house and he heard the sound of car engines revving in the compound. Then a huge truck came out of the house. The truck was filled with men, they all carried big guns. Where were they going? Close behind the truck, a Toyota Tundra followed. He sighted Sarkin Aljan in the car and he dropped low on his belly. Wherever they were going, he needed to be there. As the car pulled out of the compound, another truck followed it. This one was almost empty. There was only one man seated at the back. Damola crept out and hurried towards the truck while trying to stay out of sight. He got close to the truck, jumped and hung to a chain hanging on the side of the truck. The man in the truck turned and looked in his direction. He must have heard the sound the chain made. He stood and walked towards where Damola hung. He removed his gun from his belt and pointed it forward. Damola hung as still as he could and waited. The man got close and saw him. “Hey, who are…?” Damola punched him in the throat before he could finish. The man fell and crashed into a metallic object. Damola jumped into the truck and caught the man before he recovered. He punched him in the head and he passed out. He dragged the man to a side of the truck and tied him with his belt. He sat and hoped no one had heard the noise. Whatever Sarkin Aljan had planned and he knew he had something planned, he hoped he would be able to stop it. *** They had driven for hours before arriving at their destination. It was the early hours of the morning and it was still dark. He hid the gagged man underneath some debris and jumped off the truck. He ran away from the vehicles and hid himself. They were parked in front of a small building. He could not tell for sure but it looked newly built. There were too many men marching around for such a small building. He was yet to see it but he was sure the portal was in the building. Whatever the town they were in was, it was the next target for Sarkin Aljan. Sarkin Aljan came down from the Tundra and headed into the house immediately. The other men came down from the truck and huddled together, one of them was addressing the others. Damola counted, the men were seven. There were five men already on ground and he had no idea how many were in the building. He could maybe try and take them on but he had to know what was in the building first. He watched and noticed the pattern of the men who paced in front of the house. He had a small window of time when one corner of the building was not covered. He crept towards the building and waited. The men moved and he ran towards the house. He tiptoed around the house and got to a window. He peeped in; he was right, the portal was in the building. Sarkin Aljan was talking to a man; they were the only two in the building. He looked around the building. There was a metal barricade surrounding the portal, Sarkin Aljan was obviously fortifying his gadget this time. He looked around the building and saw there was another door behind the building but it was bolted from inside. He knew he could attempt to fight all the men and break into the building but it was dangerous. If he could get the other door open, he could sneak in. He doubted he could but he knew someone who could – Esu! *** Oya opened her eyes and shook her head to clear her drowsiness. She looked up and looked around her. Something was happening. She usually had at least two armed men in the room with her at all hours of the day. Sarkin Aljan did not trust her and he had no reason to. She had already killed four of his men and had tried to escape twice. He knew she would try again and truthfully if she could, she would. He had been smart enough to keep her hands covered and tied all the time and to keep water away from her. She knew it was only a matter of time before he slipped or one of his men made a mistake. And then, she would make her escape. She wondered why there were no men in her room at the moment. She heard a creak and the door to the room opened. A man stuck his head inside, looked at her and looked around the room. Through the door opening she saw some men loading some bags and moving out of the house. Were they going somewhere? The man closed the door and left. If Sarkin Aljan was moving, it meant his threat to take over the nation had started. She tried to move her hand but it was stuck, she could not. She heard footsteps outside the door and she stopped moving. The door opened and a young man entered. She had never seen him and with the way he looked at her, he had never seen her. He quietly closed the door without taking his eyes off her. She had seen the look on several men, she knew what it was – lust. She had that effect on men and it could be what would help her escape Sarkin Aljan’s captivity. “Where is everybody going?” She asked, trying to sound as uninterested as possible. “It’s none of your business.” He answered without taking his eyes off her body. “It’s okay if they all leave. None of them was man enough to satisfy me anyway.” She said and he looked up at her face. She had his attention. “You tie up a woman for months, the least you can do is get her a man who can satisfy her desires.” She looked away from him but she could feel his gaze. His lust for her had increased. If he was as naïve as he was beginning to look, she could have her escape very soon then. “Could you please help me remove my shirt please? Those fools know how hot it is, yet they won’t even open a window.” She said casually. He looked at her and hesitated. She laughed and said. “You are scared of me too? My hands are tied, what will I do, set you on fire with my breath?” He did not smile like she wanted but he moved closer to her and started to unbutton her shirt. She looked down at his trouser, she saw the growing bulge. She had him already. He removed her shirt, all the while staring at her cleavage. “Thank you dear. Could you please help me removed these leather gloves off my hands too? My hands are boiling from the heat.” He swallowed and started to remove the gloves. She smiled at him and nodded her encouragement. She was not sure how much she could do with her hands tied, but at least she had a chance. The gloves came off and her fingers tingled as the air touched them. She bent her head towards him and kissed him lightly on the lips. He closed his eyes and held his breath. “Thank you my love. Maybe, just maybe you are the man who will finally satisfy me in this god forsaken dungeon. All I need is for you to do me on big favour.” “What do you want?” He said. “I need a bucket of water. Those bastards would not let me have my bath everyday even though I promised they could watch me bathe. Can you get it for me please love?” He looked at her face and she winked. He turned around and walked out of the room. With the bucket of water, she had all she needed to destroy the place and make her escape. Her only fear was how she would escape Sarkin Aljan and his dog Manzo. If she could get out of the room, she had a great chance of escaping. The door opened and the young man came in with a bucket of water. “I have not asked for your name love. What is it?” She asked. “Umar.” He said bringing out a long knife. She stiffened at the sight of the knife. What was he doing? He moved closer to her and began to cut the ropes that tied her. “Just so you know, I have a gun with me. If you try anything stupid, I will shoot you.” Umar said. “Oh, come on love, I just want to have my bath and that’s it.” He nodded and cut the rope off both of her hands. She rubbed the rope marks and smiled again at Umar. “You are my hero today Umar, you have made me so happy. But I have a question though, how many people are left in the building and where were those others going?” “I don’t know where the others went but it’s just me and my three brother left in the building.” He said, eagerly waiting for her to start removing her clothes. Anne dipped her hands into the bucket of water and she felt the energy of the water enter into her. She turned around and faced Umar. He saw her face and stepped back in fear. She raised her hands and a whirlwind started to blow in the room. It started slowly but it began to gain speed. Umar looked at her and started to run towards the door. She threw her hands forward and the whirlwind ran in front of him and knocked him down. She picked her shirt and walked towards Umar. She waved her hands in the air and threw it backwards. The wind picked up Umar and threw him across the room. She got to the door and waited. She had no idea if Umar had told her the truth about the number of men in the building, but it did not matter. She had waited for too long for an opportunity to escape. Now, she had it! *** Eric drifted through the street towards his house. He had stayed in Toni’s house for a few hours. But he knew he could not stay in hiding forever. He had to prove his innocence. The morning was cold and breezy, one of those mornings when he loved to cuddle with one of his girlfriends. Of course he had no girlfriends now. He looked at the people who walked past him; they did not see him of course but he felt just as exposed. He sighed and turned towards his house. He looked around to see if there were no police men hanging around. They might not see him but they would sure see the door opening. He was satisfied, there were no policemen around. He turned to his door and stopped! There was a woman at his door. He moved closer and looked; she was familiar. And then he remembered; she was a model, he had seen her around at events. What was she doing at his house though? He went around the house and came to his backdoor. He looked around to make sure there was nobody watching, he did not see any. He opened the door and entered the house. He paused at the door and looked around as far as he could see, nothing seemed to have changed. He closed his eyes and became visible. He walked to the front door and looked through the peep-hole, the lady was still there. He turned the knob and opened the door slightly without showing his face. “Who are you and what do you want?” He asked. “Hi, is Damola here? I was told he was here the last time he was seen.” “Who are you?” He wondered why the model was interested in Sango. “I’m his girlfriend! Is he here? Open the door please!” He opened the door without saying anything and she entered and started looking around the house. He waited in the living room with his hands in his pockets. After a few minutes she came back. “You are definitely not a shy person.” Eric said. “Where is he?” She asked. He shook his head. He had to get her out, he had other things to do, he also did not know if she knew how Sango really was. “Where is he?” She asked again. “Who are you by the way and why was he at your house?” He sighed and sank into a chair. “My name is Eric, I…” “Eric? You are Esu aren’t you?” She asked very excitedly. She knew who he was? It meant she would know who Sango was too. “Yes I am. How do you know that?” “I just escaped from Sarkin Aljan’s dungeon. I heard…” “Wait a minute.” Eric said surprised. “He always talked about Oya, that’s you?” “Yeah, the one and only. Now that we are properly introduced, where is my man?” Eric explained all that happened to them and how he had seen Sango stop Sarkin Aljan’s execution. “Right now, I have no idea where he is. I’m assuming he escaped though, but he is yet to come here. I was in a little trouble myself. How did you escape from Sarkin Aljan’s place?” “That’s a long story but I think he is planning something big. He moved out almost all his men, something big is going on.” He started to talk but his phone rang. He considered not taking the call; it could be someone on the murder case. He shook his head and pushed the answer button without talking. “Esu, this is Damola.” He sat up and waved Oya over. “I need you to listen very carefully.” “Wait, your girlfriend is here!” Eric said. “What?” Oya snatched the phone from him. “Hello sweetheart, are you okay?” Oya asked. Eric watched her talk for a couple of minutes. Her face glowed as she talked, it was easy to believe they had loved each other for centuries. She put the phone on loudspeaker and placed it on the chair and sat next to it. “Esu, we have a big problem.” Sango said. “Sarkin Aljan is set to destroy the country totally all at once.” “What? How?” Eric asked. “I don’t know everything right now but I need you here. I need you both actually and I need you now!” “I am a wanted man now, I can’t go anywhere I want. And where are we going exactly?” “I’ll text you the location, I really have to go now.” Sango said and the call ended. Eric looked at Oya, she returned the look and nodded. He had his own problems but getting to Sango was priority. “I brought my car, we should head out immediately.” Anne said. “We don’t even know where we are going yet.” “We will get the address before we get out of town but we need to leave now.” He nodded and walked into his room. He had to take some things .They might be away for a while, he needed to be prepared. In five minutes he was back. They walked out of the house and he started to follow her to where her car was parked. Suddenly he felt a strong sting on his back and pain surged through his body. He turned around and looked; there were four uniformed policemen all pointing their Tasers at him. He fell to the ground the effect of the shock still heavy on him. He closed his eyes and attempted to get invisible, it did not work. He looked around, Oya was gone. “Mr. Adesesan, you under arrest for the murder of Miss Morayo Adebisi…” He looked away from the cops as they read him his rights. He could not afford to be arrested, not now when he was needed the most. *** Lange paced around his study mumbling to himself. He was not sure what he was saying but he knew he was frustrated. Since the Masked Terrorist’s call, his men had been watching the movement of the portal. It was the source of his frustration. The device had been moving around in a weird way. It looked like it was headed to Abuja alright but it had not gone through the straight route instead it kept going into villages, turning back and getting back on the road. Apart from the weird movement, it was going very slowly. It looked like the terrorists were not in a hurry, almost as if they were in charge. But then strangely the device started moving very fast. It was close to Abuja now. His men were already waiting for whatever vehicle was bringing the portal. His heartbeat was far from normal now as he waited. If he caught the terrorist now, he could probably still rescue his reputation. His phone rang and he grabbed it. “Talk to me Shina!” He said. “The tracker stopped sir and so we decided to go to it.” “Okay, and…?” He asked, wiping sweat off his brow. “Well sir, we found the tracker on the floor.” “What?!” He suddenly felt light-headed. “The terrorists must have found and disposed the tracker sir.” Oh my God!He could not afford to have terrorists in the Federal Capital Territory. It would be the end of him. There had to be another way. “When did the tracker stop moving?” Lange asked. “About thirty minutes ago, sir.” “Okay, do we have our men still searching every vehicle entering the FCT via all the roads?” “Yes sir, we do.” He nodded and ended the call. How did they discover the tracker? If they discovered the tracker, it meant they knew he was on to them. He still had hope, soldiers were searching every car entering the city. His phone rang again and he grabbed it. “Did you find them Shina?” He asked as soon as he answered the call. “Sir, this is not Shina but I’m afraid we have a problem.” “What is it?” Lange asked and held his breath. “The portal was not headed to Abuja, it appears to be somewhere in Minna. A strange form of darkness was reportedly sighted a few minutes ago, sir!” “Find that portal and destroy it!” Lange said, his voice and his body shaking furiously. Aaaaargh!!!He screamed and threw his phone against the wall. “Why Minna? It was not a very important… oh my God! Susan!” . . . . . To be continued
29 Apr 2015 | 10:22
Haaaaaa,dis story is so dreadful cnt wat 2 read s nxt episode...
29 Apr 2015 | 12:47
wow! This is becoming more serious its gud dat oya has escaped though, now sango wont be alone in battle, i just hope esu get up in time and be able to help his comrade sarkin aljan is gaining, hes one step ahead of the game... I just hope he doesnt destroy minna sha... Next episode pls!!!
29 Apr 2015 | 12:47
Hmmmm,dis is gettin more intersting,i cant wait 2 see wat happen nxt
29 Apr 2015 | 12:51
What word could best describe how this story is?? I swear....interesting is an much more fantastic...
29 Apr 2015 | 13:09
Chai!! Itx a pity... Destiny no wan make d 3 of dem(sango, esu nd oya) join handx in dix battle
29 Apr 2015 | 14:28
Loving every single word of it....
29 Apr 2015 | 16:51
Esu and oya should hurry and meet sango cos i dont want anything to happen to him ooo
29 Apr 2015 | 17:08
Dis is really fantabulous
29 Apr 2015 | 18:58
Esu, wake up joor.. Na only you dey dull among ESU, OYA AND SANGO.... Anyways, i dey expect when things really get tight, na dat time you go show come helep deal with Sarkin
29 Apr 2015 | 19:26
Why Minna again! Sarkin Aja surely knows dat Susan (first lady) relocated there & wants to put d president in a tight corner so he cld surrender d country. I just hope he remember d wife left him coz he saved his mistress at d expense of d country & save d country now. It's a good thing Minna is d first target coz Esu wld b forced to act quick coz his journalist girlfriend is presently in Minna also
29 Apr 2015 | 20:06
Wat can i say...... I keep reading nd reading dis story over nd over again. Just keep posting we ar behind u.
30 Apr 2015 | 03:28
Next 1 pls
30 Apr 2015 | 10:52
Hmmm....So i finally meet up.. Buh this story na.......... FANTASTICALLY..........
30 Apr 2015 | 13:47
Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Dz story is WOW Interesting Delicious Fantastic Nice Good Best Better *speechless*
30 Apr 2015 | 15:34
Now, let's see who get the game..... Esu, Sango, Oya or Sarkin, Portal, Ibliss
30 Apr 2015 | 21:05
Owk!!stil here,next abeg
30 Apr 2015 | 22:50
Wonderful, nice one & interesting. . . . Next pls
1 May 2015 | 00:18
CHAPTER FOURTEEN . . . . . . . . . . Eric shifted on the cold concrete bench. His back ached, so did his legs. He had now been in the police cell for hours and no position he tried was convenient anymore. He stood and screamed in frustration. The policeman seated out his cell eyed him and went back to his work. The policemen were keeping a close eye on him, they always had someone watching. And they were smart to do that. He had not seen too many policemen in the station when he was brought in so he had thought of nothing but escape for the first few hours. Escaping was not possible he had come to find out. He walked to the iron bars that closed him up in the cell. He touched them again. The iron bars were thick, they were not meant to be escaped from. He sighed and went back to sit on the concrete bench. He had often wondered why people took their own lives. He always felt it was a cowardly thing to do, and he believed that anyone who committed suicide really deserved the death. He was not sure anymore. He did not see the reason for his life. He had done all the good he could and become as successful as he could be, yet he was going to jail for a crime he did not commit. “Hey you!” He heard a voice call and he looked up. “You have a visitor and you have five minutes only and she can only talk to you from the other side of the metal barricade.” He stood from his bench and walked forward. “Eric…” It was his secretary – Pearl. “How did you know I was here?” He was surprised to see her. “I found out and that doesn’t matter right now. I gave the cop just two thousand naira and that will soon expire.” “Oh, why did you do that? I thought you were here to bail me out.” “Bail you? Have you forgotten you jumped bail once? You are here until you go to court!” He sighed and said. “How long is that going to take? I can’t survive here for long.” “That is exactly why I am here.” She said and she began to smile. “You are going free Eric!” “What? How? Why?” He asked, his eyes wide. “One of the girls that was supposed to testify against you suddenly grew a conscience. She says she was paid to testify against you. Get this; she also witnessed the murder!” “So what are we waiting for? Let’s get her to court immediately!” He said. “We will be in court tomorrow! Your lawyer is making that happen right now. Eric, you could be cleared from all your charges tomorrow.” “So, I’ll walk tomorrow? And I was beginning to have suicidal thoughts.” He said and started to pace. “Suicide? Eric Adesesan considered suicide? Well, you are not in the clear yet. Even if the judge dismisses the case immediately, you will still have to be punished for jumping bail. What were you thinking anyway?” “It’s a long story Pearl, you don’t want to hear it on your two thousand naira’s worth of time.” “Whatever this long story is, please don’t let it happen tomorrow. If somehow you don’t show up tomorrow…” “Hey, I’m in jail, where on earth am I going? I just hope…” “Your time is up Madam!” The voice of the policeman rang from behind her. “Leave now or I will throw you in jail with him.” “Eric, your lawyer will be here later, okay? I will see you in court tomorrow. I will, right?” Eric nodded and smiled as she walked out. If he was able to leave the court on time, he could possibly still help Sango save the country. He looked up and saw that the policeman at the desk had gone out after Pearl. It was the first time there was nobody watching him. He shrugged and returned to the bench. He was just about to sit when he heard footsteps in the hallway. Maybe a new policeman was coming to take over. The footsteps got closer and suddenly he began to feel nervous. The steps got closer and then a man stepped out in front of him. The man wore a dark grey three-piece suit, a white shirt and a blue tie. He carried a bag in his left hand and the right hand was stuck in his pocket. Eric looked at the man curiously but the man ignored him. Was he a lawyer? “Hello, who are you?” Eric asked. The man looked at him for the first time and smiled. The smile sent chills down Eric’s spine. Who was this man? The man set his bag on the floor and unzipped it. He dipped his left hand into it and brought out a small black object. Eric’s heart was racing now as he looked closer; it was a gun! Oh my God! The man moved towards him and pointed the gun at his head. “Who are you? Why are you killing me?” Eric asked with a weak voice. He had never felt so helpless. “I bring greetings from the Professor.” The man said and put his hand on the trigger. Eric closed his eyes and his legs gave way under him as he heard the man pull the trigger. He fell to the ground with pain in his chest. He put his hand on the spot – it was dry. He opened his eyes and looked all over himself. There was no blood! He looked up at where the man stood; he was leaning on the metal barricades with a hole in his head. Eric jumped up and then he saw a man standing a few feet away from the body. He was a short and stocky man. He was putting a gun in the pocket of his leather jacket. The barrel of the gun seemed to have been bent backward. He moved closer to the metal rods and pushed away the assassin. He looked at the iron bars and he grabbed two of them and pulled them apart! Eric backed away in shock! The man had pushed the rods apart as if they were made of candle wax. The man stretched his hands and beckoned him to come. “Who are you and what are you doing?” “My name is Ogun, the others are in danger, they need us now!” Eric stared at him with his mouth open.Ogun- the god of Metals! *** President Lange could feel his body shaking. He held his hands in front of his face and saw how visible his shaking was. His phone was ringing every minute but he had not picked any call. He considered switching it off but somehow he still held on to the hope that Shina will call him from Abuja to say he had found the real terrorist and that the news from Minna was just a rumour. But he knew the truth, he knew what he was doing was mere wishful thinking. He picked up his phone; he had thirty four missed calls and seventy three messages. He knew all these calls were important and sooner or later he would have to talk to all these people but it was not time. He went to the messages and scrolled through the senders. Now he regretted giving so many people his private number. Many of the foreign ambassadors had called him, some of them would want to help but most of them will only make demands and put pressure on him. He kept scrolling then paused. He had received a message from the Masked Terrorist! He clenched his teeth and opened the message. I promised not to call and I won’t. Whenever you decide your people do not deserve to die, Call me and we will name our terms! Lange placed the phone on his bed and walked away from it. He was done talking with him. He walked in front of the standing mirror beside his wife’s dresser and looked at his reflection. He looked old and weak. He could not say he had done great as president but he had gotten more than he asked for, more than he thought possible. He walked away from the mirror and to his shoe cabinet. He picked a pair and wore them. He had sworn to be a president, even if he had no idea on what to do, the least he could do was to show his face in his office. He walked towards the door and then he remembered his phone. He was just picking up the phone when it began to ring. It was his wife. He considered not talking to her until the solution was found for all the problems he had created for the nation. That way he would have something to say when he talked to her. He was not sure that would ever happen. He sighed and answered the call. “Hello Susan.” He said. “Mr. President, I’m sure you have heard about the darkness spreading in Minna. And in case you forgot, that is where your dear wife is!” “I know Susan, I’m so sorry. I wish I could be there with you, I wish I could hold you in my arms and tell you everything will be okay. I’m so sorry Susan.” “Well, you had your chance and you chose another woman.” She said and there was a brief silence. “Look Johnson, I did not call to fight. I just called to ask if you are making any attempt to rescue me.” “Susan, I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t know…” tears were already pooled in his eyes. “So, you are doing nothing, right? Remember how you went all out for your mistress? You put the whole country – including your legitimate wife at risk for her. History won’t forget you – President Lange, the man who gave his all to save his mistress and left his wife to die. Goodbye Johnson, I hope you treat your next wife better.” She said and ended the call. Lange looked at the phone and the tears poured down his face. He scrolled through his contacts and called the terrorist. “I want to meet. I will send you the address and the rules of engagement.” He said and ended the call before the terrorist could reply. He dialled the number of his Vice President, he picked at first ring. “Mr. President, I have called you severally.” “Listen to me carefully.” Lange began. “I was always going to hand over this presidency to you, although I thought it was going to be after eight years of working together. The next few hours will be critical and anything may happen. As soon as I can’t be reached for more than four hours, I want you to take over the presidency immediately! Even if they don’t make it official, they will still listen to you; they respect you as much as they respect me. Alhaji, the nation is counting on you, I am counting on you.” He ended the call without the Vice President saying a word. He doubted that he deserved redemption for the harm he had caused the nation. The least he could do is to try and salvage what was left of his reputation, even if it meant losing his life. *** He was tired of waiting but he was not sure if there was more he could do. Damola had sent the address of his location to Esu but he had not acknowledged receiving it neither had he answered any of his subsequent calls. Something had to be wrong. He was in a hurry for him to come. And maybe his haste was more because of Anne than Esu. He wondered what she had been through or how she escaped. He looked at his watch again. The darkness had started to spread and he had no idea how long it would take it to mature. Once it did, it meant he was going to die along with the other residents of the city. He had had enough. He crept out from behind a pile of logs where he had been hiding and slowly moved towards the house. Sarkin Aljan had stayed in the room with the portal since he arrived, he would have to fight and win him to get to the portal. He was not sure if it was a good idea to take on Sarkin Aljan but he knew he would have to fight him at a point; the earlier the better. As he crawled closer to the building he heard Sarkin Aljan talking to one of his men. He paused and listened. “Tonight we meet the president. I expect him to hand over the country to us, his wife is here you know. Get everything prepared, we will make our broadcast from Abuja. Get me a big flag of Nigeria and then use…” The voice faded out. Damola moved closer to the building and peeped inside, Sarkin Aljan had left the room. He heard the engine of a car start outside and he peeked; Sarkin Aljan was leaving with a few of his men. This was his chance! He would get to destroy the portal without even fighting Sarkin Aljan. He rose to his feet and matched towards the building. Two of the guards noticed him and pointed their guns, he threw his right hand in their direction and they were hit by fire-bolts, they fell unconscious. He got to the edge of the building and paused. He peeped at the front of the building, there were five men there. Three of them were lying down on their backs on the floor, the other two held their guns combat ready. He raised right hand and shot two bolts of lightning at the two men carrying the guns, they fell down and one of their guns discharged. The other three stood and three lightning bolts hit them in quick succession. The men were all down. He shook his head, it was too easy. He ran and quickly stepped into the building. The portal was working at full force now. There were several bright blue sparks and a few red ones. He could not get as close to the portal as he wanted because of the metal barricade Sarkin Aljan had installed. If he would stop the portal, it would have to be from behind the barricades. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then he put his hand around the barricade. The fire came from both his hands and then he released it. He felt a pressure against his hands and he opened his eyes. The fire was stopping at the barricades; there was an invisible wall stopping it. He could not understand. He closed his eyes and tried again. The invisible wall resisted again and he pushed harder. He started to feel pain in his hand but he could not stop. There was no gain without pain, the nation needed him. He felt the pressure against his hand start to spread to his chest and his face but still he did not stop. And suddenly, there was an explosion and he felt himself go up in the air. He crashed against the wall of the building and fell down in a heap. He could not hear anything but the hum of the portal. Pain enveloped his body, no part of him seemed to be functional. His eyes began to close but he struggled against it. Whatever happened, he had to be alive if and when Sarkin Aljan came back. Or else, he was as good as dead. . . . . . To be continued
1 May 2015 | 00:58
Wow!!! Ogun had shown up...interesting... Hope they reach Adedamola before Sarkin the battle won't be an easy scene for Aljan....... Why haven't Oya got to Sango, I tought she had disappear from Eric and went straight to him....who even had the phone at hand when the Adedamola sent the message...hope things work well.....
1 May 2015 | 04:15
Wow... Breathtaking bt whn culd be d profesor nd who is ogun
1 May 2015 | 04:17
Hehehehehehehehehheeheeh, fantastic four with Oya been d only female. Rife one
1 May 2015 | 05:24
Omg!!! Donwalter plz dnt stop...i cnt get enough of dis story... Plz upload asap
1 May 2015 | 05:49
Yes....luving hw tinz is goin. Nw dat ogun nd Esu don show face ready 4 grate action. Lang ur wife suzan just taste nd u fail. : : : Nxt pls.
1 May 2015 | 08:12
ahh! Now that ogun has joined the squad, i think he would be the one to remove the metal barricade and together they would destroy the portal... Still watching as things unfold
1 May 2015 | 08:28
1 May 2015 | 09:48
1 May 2015 | 12:22
Don, feed me more..........
1 May 2015 | 18:44
wao ija sese bere.
1 May 2015 | 18:54
CHAPTER FIFTEEN . . . . . . . . . . Sarkin Aljan brushed his blazer with his palm and smiled. It was almost over. President Lange had called him to fix a meeting and he fully expected the man to relinquish power to him. Sometimes he felt pity for the man. No president would have fared better than he did. Maybe they would not have handed the portal over to save a mistress but eventually they would all have failed. He did not expect the meeting to last very long. The plan was very simple; explain Nigeria’s precarious situation to the President and give him the only option – surrender. The question that could waste time was what ‘surrender’ meant exactly. On this part, Lange had no idea what was coming – no idea! His phone vibrated beside him and he picked it up. It was one of the few human devices he had truly enjoyed using. Another was the Mercedes was being driven in. Humans now lived with so much luxury he understood why they could not understand that there was a place better than earth. He tapped the answer button. “Yes?” “Sir, she escaped!” a trembling voice whispered. “Who escaped?” He asked, confused and then he knew who. ”You stupid fool, how did she escape? Consider yourself dead!” “Sir, I am sorry…” “When did she escape, how long ago?” “Err…” The man stuttered. “Talk now or I will tear your head from your neck with my bare hands!” “Twenty four hours ago sir.” “Okay, twenty four hours, okay.” He said and ended the call. Idiots! Stupid humans! He punched the seat in front of him. He could not afford to lose Oya now. She was part of the reason he was eager to finish his mission. He looked at his watch, he had to finish the meeting with Lange very fast. How could they let her go? He punched the seat again. Calm down!He was about to take over the world, he would have time to find her later. *** Lange stepped out of the chopper and walked away from it. He could be walking to his death but he did not mind, it was nothing less than he deserved. The chopper would be left running with the pilot ready to go but he doubted he would need to run. He had a plan. If it succeeded, he would return to the chopper with a smile on his face. If it failed, there was no escape for him; he was dead. He paused and looked around, the terrorist had insisted on him being on time, it was a surprise he was going to have to wait. “I thought we agreed to come alone!” The voice came from behind him and he jumped. He steadied himself and tried to gain control of his breathing. He looked up to see the face of the masked terrorist but he could not. The terrorist had found a perfect position to keep his face hidden. It did not matter, everything would end soon. “I came with a pilot. Surely you did not expect me to fly myself.” Lange said. “Fair enough, I came with a driver too. Although I can assure you he will not be interfering in this.” “Can we get down to business?” Lange said, pressing his fingers against his side to stop them from shaking. “Here is the deal; surrender the country to me and I will stop the darkness and nobody dies.” The voice boomed through the still night. “What do you mean by ‘surrender’? You want me to step down as president?” “Well, there is that but it’s a little more complicated. Once you accept to step down, we will hold a joint press conference from the presidential villa declaring that I now have control of the country. Other things will fall in place after that.” Lange sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of the large overcoat he had on. He already knew the terrorist would make no reasonable request and he had a plan. His fingers touched it and grabbed the gun! This was do or die! He either succeeded in shooting the terrorist or he would get shot himself. Either way, everything had to end now! “So, what do you say Mr President? “ Lange swallowed and pulled out the gun. The terrorist stepped back in surprise. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. He opened his eyes as the terrorist staggered backwards, he moved towards him and shot him five more times in the chest. He dropped the gun on the floor and his body began to tremble. He had done it! Tears began to drop from his eyes and his body shook even more violently. Now that he had gotten rid of the terrorist, he just had to find the portal and destroy it. “This is really funny.” He heard the voice come from behind him and he paused. He turned around slowly and gasped! “You really thought I was that easy to kill?” The Masked Terrorist was alive! He stumbled to his feet and looked down at his gun on the floor. What had happened? He was sure the bullets had hit their target. “I would normally like to explain what just happened but not today. You see, I just got news my lady has escaped – another long story, so I do not have time. I think it’s time we accelerated this. Where is that chopper of yours? It’s time to go to the Villa, we need to make that announcement, fast!” *** Damola opened his eyes and looked up. A white ceiling fan rolled above him, he looked around; the walls were also painted white. It looked like a hospital, how did he get into a hospital? He remembered being in Sarkin Aljan’s building and trying to destroy the portal. He had felt some resistance but he could not remember anything that happened after. He tried to move but he his back hurt so much. Where was he? “Hello?” His voice was very weak, he doubted anybody heard him. “I see you are awake.” A voice came from beside him – Orunmila! “Where have you been old man? And where am I?” “Is that the ‘thank you’ I get? Do you know what would have happened to you if Sarkin Aljan was the one who found you?” “Where is this? You brought me to a hospital?” “Still he refuses to thank me.” The old man said and chuckled. “This is not a hospital. I possess more knowledge than all hospitals in the earth combined.” “Do I hear bragging? The old wise man possesses a bit of vanity after all.” “You seem to have needed losing your powers to find your wit. I hope it one day serves you well.” “Losing my powers?” What was he talking about? “You think because I’m lying on a bed and I feel like crying every time I move a muscle means I lost my power? Give me a few hours and I will be up kicking immortal butts.” The old man looked at him and paused for a few seconds then burst into laughter. “Like I said, you found your wit.” “Where is this and what are we doing here by the way?” Damola said. The old man started to answer but the sound of a door opening came from across the house. Damola watched him walk away. He needed to get up as soon as he could. He still needed to stop Sarkin Aljan. He wondered what had become of Esu and his dear Anne. They would not know where to find him. “Sango, I have some visitors here to see you.” The old man said as he walked back into the room. Damola looked behind him. Esu entered with a stocky man he was sure he had met somewhere, he could not place him yet.If Esu was here, what happened to…His heart seemed to stop as the love of his life entered – Anne! She rushed to his bed and hugged him. She held on to him for what seemed like eternity. He could not bear to think of the horrors she must have gone through but that was story for another day. She cupped his face between her palms and stared at him without saying a word. “I am happy for you both but we have more pressing matters to talk about.” Orunmila said, back to his no-nonsense self. “Who is he?” Damola asked, nodding at the man who entered with Esu. “This is Ogun! He was sent to earth with you.” “Why is he just showing his face? Where were you all along?” “Remember that day when someone or something rescued you from Sarkin Aljan?” Ogun asked. “Yes, that was me. This war was and is none of my business and I’m only here as a courtesy to Orunmila.” “Now that we are introduced, we or you – Sango do have a problem.” Damola looked at the old man, what was he talking about? “After spoiling Sarkin Aljan’s plan for Asaba, he anticipated your attempt at doing the same thing again. So he made some preventive measures – a magnetic field that could repel your powers.” “That was the invisible wall that stopped me from reaching the portal!” “Unfortunately, the magnetic field did more than prevent you from reaching the portal.” Damola looked at every one in the room; their eyes were on Orunmila. He shifted his attention back to him. “Sango, you can no longer stop the portal” He paused and sighed. “Because you have lost all your powers!” *** Lange sank into the chair and turned away from them. He was still in shock at what he had just experienced. He could swear that all the bullets landed on Sarkin Aljan, how then was he still alive? He was puzzled and now he was afraid. He had tried to kill the terrorist so now he was at his mercy. They had arrived at the presidential villa together in the chopper. The masked terrorist had come with three of his men, all dressed up in suits. With his cooperation they had all made it into the villa. He had considered alerting the soldiers but it would only have led to his death. He was not sure exactly what the terrorists were after but his mind was made up; he would die rather than give in to their demands. He had taken them to a private room, he did not anticipate any interruption. The masked terrorist pulled a chair and sat opposite him. “Now that we here, let’s get down to business.” “What do you want?” “You see Mr President, way back before Nigeria got her independence while the British were here, a secret transmitting device was built. Do you know about it?” Lange swallowed and kept quiet. He knew about the device and so did every president before him. According to what the British Prime Minister told him at his first commonwealth meeting as president, only the president was supposed to know about the device. How did the terrorists know about it? “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’!” The terrorist said. “Do you know what it does?” Of course he knew. It had access to already weaponized nukes scattered around the world belonging to the commonwealth. So this was the plan? Kill enough Nigerians till he handed it over them? “I’ll take that as another ‘yes’. So I guess by now, if you are as smart as you look, you already know what I want.” “I think I do Mr Terrorist! But you are going to have three problems” “Yeah? Enlighten me Mr President, what are they?” “First, you need three codes to get it activated. One is carried by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. You are never going to get that!” “Let’s just say we have a way around that. What’s the second problem?” “The second code was given to a random Nigerian and he doesn’t even know what it’s for. You will not find that person.” The terrorist chuckled. “You have no idea what money can do. We have the guy already. Please move on to your next problem.” He paused, there was no way they had the second code. It had been given to one of his most trusted friends. Had he been betrayed? “The third code is in my brain and the only way you are getting it out is if you cut my head open and manually copy it out of my brain.” The terrorist looked at his men and they burst into laughter. “Mr President, you have a great sense of humour. I will miss that when you are gone.” “So all of this was about getting your hands on nuclear weapons?” Lange asked. It made no sense. He already had a chemical weapon that already had the world scared. “Nuclear weapons? You think I will kill so many of your people for nuclear weapons? Oh, I see. You think I want the transmission device for the nuclear weapon it controls?” “That’s what it’s looking like to me.” “Okay, let me educate you on what is going on here. You see, my target is not Nigeria, you are just the conduit. My target is the whole world and from here, I can get there. That device is much more than a weapons activator, it is a transmission system that can get me into every country of the world. Imagine the darkness spreading, not over Minna or Asaba but over Brazil and New Zealand and Portugal, all over the world. Even you have to admit that it was worth killing a few Nigerians over.” Lange dropped lower in his chair. He thought about the darkness spreading all over the world and he shuddered. There was no way he would let that happen. “I know you are making some stupid decisions right now not to give me your code. Well, I just want to tell you that I will get it out of you even if, like you said, I have to dig it out of your brain.” “Good luck with that.” Lange said with all the courage he could muster. “About that second code you mentioned, I think it’s time you met one of my main men. He has helped me stay one step ahead of you always. He helped me get rid of that eccentric Professor who for some reason knew more that he should. He told me about the tracking device too, although I should have known that myself.” One of men with him went to the door and opened it. Lange held his breath as he heard footsteps approach. “Good day Mr President.” Adigwe! “Why Chukwudi? We have been friends for years and I always treated you right. I gave you that code because you were the person I trusted the most.” “I’m sorry Johnson, it was not personal, it was just the smart thing to do.” Lange looked at the Masked Terrorist. “I swear on the life of my wife, I will not give you that code.” “Hmm, okay then, let the torture begin.” . . . . . To be continued
2 May 2015 | 11:04
Uhmmmm.... So, Ogun was the one that rescue Sango from that dog...little wonder...cause its only Ogun that can capture dog easily... Problem has landed o....Adedamola had lost his power.....who else would be able to destroy that portal? Ogun??..... How would Sango get his power back?. Adigwe is a betrayer...From the onset, he has been rejecting Dr Aweda opinion...... And now they have held Lange captive... How would they be save?? Who would save the people??
2 May 2015 | 11:54
Nice one...stil waitin..wonder how dis wil end
2 May 2015 | 11:58
Oh no! Trusted the most, but betrayed by the least. Such Irony of life, @ least the formation is complete, even if Sango has lost his powers, I solely believe he has an alternative of getting it back. Fire does not quench fire, neither does thunder repel lightening.....they all come together as but one force to enhance and increase with a fast pace the velocity and density of the controller. Sango, u know who u are, ur anger alone is enough to get ur powers back coupled with the fact that ur queen is safe with u. Sir Lange...I pity u o, chai wat torture awaits u, even you go wish say u dey with Susan..NEXT!!!
2 May 2015 | 15:31
2 May 2015 | 16:14
2 May 2015 | 16:28
2 May 2015 | 16:32
4rm d beginning I knew Adigwe can neva b trusted wit d way he always stand against Aweda. Ride on pls
2 May 2015 | 16:33
Hmmmmm what a pity Mr. President, don't worry after d torture u will be victorious
2 May 2015 | 16:57
hmm! Trouble looms... Sango power is gone, lange is betrayed and to be tortured, sarkin aljan is gaining... What next? Next episode abeg...!!!
2 May 2015 | 17:26
I believe Sango will get his power back but in what way?...... Who go save the world now not Nigeria again.....
2 May 2015 | 18:16
Thatz human beings 4 u. Trusting a frnd 2 b betrayed at last. Bt i know dat Sarkin Ajan gonna loose at last
2 May 2015 | 18:18
Lange you tried to stop Sarkin though it didn't work out (wrath of lust) Orunmila, i dey hail you for watching Sango dem back Ogun - god of metals appears when the hope is seemed lost (Sango release from Sarkin and Manzo, and also from the jail) Now that the four gods are united, i gaze its high time they stand to fight Terrorism, Sarkin and even Ibliss go hear weeenn
3 May 2015 | 02:27
wow I missed a lot now that they are all together Let the action begin Next please??????
3 May 2015 | 08:53
I'm nt surprised though...its alwyz good 2 trust no one but urself....(even trusting urself on some issues could be dangerous...cos we re humans)... All i knw is dat salkin aljan nd ibiliss re bound 2 fail.... Its obvious dat Ogun is not some1 we knw(like eric nd odas)...he jez came 2 help...Sango is too sturbborn...but i'm sure ogun will be of help...oya can as well make use of her powers...letz jez wait nd see
3 May 2015 | 11:28
3 May 2015 | 13:08
No one is to be trusted
4 May 2015 | 06:03
CHAPTER SIXTEEN . . . . . . . . . . The room grew silent at Orunmila’s revelation. Eric looked at Sango, his face was blank. Everybody waited for Orunmila to continue. He did not. Eric turned around and walked away from the group. He wondered what he would have felt if he was in Sango’s shoes. He shrugged, it was no big deal. He did not even know who he was until a few months. But there was something bigger at risk – the fate of the world. It had been an unspoken understanding amongst them all that Sango would be the one to end Sarkin Aljan’s reign of terror. But now, it seemed the world was doomed to its end, except help came from somewhere else. “What happens with Sarkin Aljan?” It was Sango who finally spoke first. “You cannot face him the way you are now. Even if by some stroke of fortune you put an end to him, the world is still in danger because you cannot go near the portal.” “There has to be another way, right? Damage to one person –no matter how important shouldn’t be the end of us.” Eric said as he walked back to join the others. Orunmila looked at him and smiled. He shook his head and walked away. “You can do something, right?” Eric said to Ogun. “Orunmila would not have brought you if you couldn’t.” “I saved you, I saved him.” Ogun replied, pointed to Sango. “That is not enough for you?” “You are one grumpy old guy, aren’t you?” Oya said. “I already told you, this is not a battle for us. Humans are doomed to death, if they do not die now, they will eventually.” “Wait, did you get a different deal when you landed here? If the earth perishes, we die with it!” Eric said. “No, we are immortal gods, we cannot die.” Ogun said, a little less aggressively. “My friend, if I shoot you now or throw you inside a river, you will die!” That seemed to shut the belligerent man up. Surely there had to be a way to stop the portal. “There is a way to stop this madness.” Orunmila said as he walked back towards them. “What is it? I can only speak for myself but nothing is too much at this point!” “Only one of you can put an end to this. But it is dangerous, there is no coming back from this.” “There is no coming back for the whole world if Sarkin Aljan succeeds. Don’t mince words, what do we have to do?” Eric asked, starting to get agitated. “The person who does this will die, or worse.” Eric paused and kept quiet. He was not ready to die. He had a lot to do; he had not yet made his mark on the earth. But he could not be the one to save them all. He could perform tricks, he could get invisible and that was all. Destroying the portal required a lot more. “Esu’s invisibility is very complicated, most don’t understand it.” Orunmila started. “He doesn’t leave the environment but he is wrapped up by a covering so that nobody can see him through it.” “What has this got to do with destroying the portal?” Eric asked, hoping the man will not ask him to be the one to die. “Esu, you are the only one who can stop this!” Eric felt lightheaded. “How am I supposed to do that? And you say I have to die?” “Yes, die or even worse.” “What on earth could be worse than death?” Eric said, his voice barely audible. “Well, there is one thing – deportation to Hades!” “That could happen?” Now, he really wished he had remained in jail. “It is likely but Esu if the world is to be saved, it is a risk you must take.” Oh my God! *** Lange stifled a scream as another blow landed on his jaw. The blows had been coming for what looked like a whole day to him. He, the president of the federal republic was being tortured inside the state house and nobody knew about it. It was his fault. He did not tell anyone of his whereabouts and no cameras were allowed in the part of the house where he was. He was completely helpless. But his mind was made up; he would die before he would tell the terrorists the code. “He is definitely tougher than he looks.” The Masked Terrorist said, patting Lange on his head. “We need to upgrade now because I need these codes immediately.” Lange looked around at the men that surrounded him. What did he mean by ‘upgrade’? Two of the men walked away and came back with a tool box. The box was opened and Lange swallowed. “Mr President, I think you are a little too strong even for these tools here. What’s the worst we can do with these? Cut off your fingers? Bore holes in different parts of your body? Well, I think you can still survive that. I guess I will just handle this myself.” Lange shuddered at the thought of having his fingers cut and holes bored into his body. But still he could not give them the code, it would be the end of the world. “Okay, here we go.” The masked terrorist said and placed his hands on both sides of Lange’s face. Lange closed his eyes and felt his head start to get hot. Then the heat started to spread through his body. No, it was not heat; it was more like an electric shock. His body began to vibrate and the pain began. He felt like the organs inside him were being fried. He opened his mouth to scream but it was too dry. “As soon as you are ready to talk, just tap your chair.” The masked terrorist said and chuckled. Lange tapped his chair immediately. The terrorist held on to him for five more seconds then released him. “Alright, speak!” Lange looked up at him and as vehemently as he could, said. “Go to hell!” “That was not very smart Mr President.” The terrorist said and started to bring his hands back to Lange’s head. “Wait!” A voice called from behind, it was Adigwe’s. Lange looked up and sighed, finally Adigwe was coming to his senses. They had been friends for decades, surely it had to count for something. “I think torturing the President will not get you what you want.” Adigwe said. “It won’t? What now, you are growing a conscience?” “Well, sort of, yes.” Adigwe said and smiled. Finally! “I just have a faster way of getting the code without touching the President anymore.” “Okay, care to share, Professor?” “My men are almost here with his wife. Torture her for just five seconds and he will sing like a canary.” “What?!” Lange screamed! “You crazy devil! You are dead! As soon as I’m out of here, you are dead!” Lange swore on top of his voice. He had resigned to death before but not anymore. He had to live. He had to kill Adigwe himself – with his bare hands! *** It had taken a few hours but finally he had accepted what he had to do. Everybody in the group looked at him with pity and he knew they were more than glad not to be in his shoes. It was a lose – lose situation for him. He did not want to die, not now and he definitely had no interest in being ported to Hades. But he had to choose the lesser evil; die! “So how does this work?” Eric asked. Everybody in the room was interested in how it would work but he was more interested in the point where he made a choice between death and Hades. “The portal is heavily guarded especially since Sango’s attempt to destroy it so you will have to fight off the guards. The metallic barricade still guards the portal but I guess Ogun can handle that easily. Now once you are in, it is left to Esu.” Eric nodded. It was not too late to pull out and the thought occupied his mind. He could still say he was not up for it. “What do I do once I’m in?” “This is the simple but tricky part. You will jump into the portal and become invisible as you touch it. Your invisibility cover touches the portal and it is destroyed. But here is the challenge; you cannot touch the portal with your bare body and you cannot touch the portal with your invisibility even one second old. It has to simultaneous.” The silence in the room was deafening. “Where does death or Hades come in then?” Oya was the first to speak up. “If you are able to do it simultaneously, you die. If you don’t, then it’s Hades. You still have a chance to say no but that will be writing off the earth and yourself.” “So what do you say?” Oya asked. All eyes were on him but all he saw was Hades! . . . Does Eric take the chance? Does he die or worse – go to Hades? Does Lange reveal the code or does he die with it? Who wins this epic battle for earth; The Bad or The Good? Find out on the Final Episode of Before The Darkness! . . . . . To be continued
4 May 2015 | 07:23
Final episode?....are yhu f**kin kiddin me? Lange will break Sakin will get the code Eric will die Earth will be saved
4 May 2015 | 07:49
Goodness God! Y eric nd nt ogun, lange beta die wt d codes
4 May 2015 | 08:15
Wow,i guess Eric may die,sarkin ajah will brake d president n get d code. But the Good will still win over d bad...
4 May 2015 | 08:26
Adigwe has knew the weakest point of Lange..... Eric about to leave the world....and Ibilis was there too...what would happen? Abeg no let the thing come to end soon...Or it has season 2??? p.l.e.a.s.e..I'm fvcking dying of suspense....... abeg ah deh wait....
4 May 2015 | 09:20
I don't think either of the two will happen to him but I'll watch where it ends....
4 May 2015 | 09:28
Feeling for Eric now......well ah believe he's not gonna die or go to any freaking Hades. What den will Oya and Ogun do? They can't be idle looking @ everything, surely there must be a way they can render their services. And I know Someway, somehow Sango's gonna be back with his full strength and save the day. Lange......stick to ur death warrant that u've already signed and don't get soft. Kudos @donwalter, let the Grand Finale begin!
4 May 2015 | 09:45
Waiting for the next and final episode to see how this ends. Just wish that Eric survives this & go back to his journalist friend
4 May 2015 | 09:52
Ahah!!!! Finally d end is near. Let's c wot happens.
4 May 2015 | 09:54
Oh dear Eric,in as much as i want earth save i dnt want u to die. Lang tell dem dy code once he saw dem torturing his wife. : : : : Ride on bro....
4 May 2015 | 10:08
Am looking forward to it like a champions league final...... *sips coke*
4 May 2015 | 10:27
Kul... pls post fast d suspense is kiling
4 May 2015 | 11:10
I don't wanna talk about the gods now because one way or the other, they will succeed in stopping Sarkin Aljan but am only concerned in Adigwe's wickedness, cowardice, foolishness, betrayal and lack of good conscience
4 May 2015 | 11:20
4 May 2015 | 11:47
I believe d good wl prevail over d bad
4 May 2015 | 16:12
Plz wait, lemme adjust. Ok oya wey d final episode?
4 May 2015 | 16:53
4 May 2015 | 17:09
@delight you no even ask of me i dey vex o
4 May 2015 | 17:51
Only d writer knws
4 May 2015 | 18:43
4 May 2015 | 20:01
hmm! How i wish this story has a disney version ending, u know, the one with happy ending, where everybody lives happily ever after...! Let d finale premiere!!!
5 May 2015 | 02:32
Last episode 70% loading... Please stay tuned
5 May 2015 | 05:02
5 May 2015 | 05:21
Stil waitin
5 May 2015 | 07:29
Khola u dey wait,me i no fit wait oo
5 May 2015 | 09:19
Donwalter cannot kill me.. Lailai i'll see d end...but 2 make dat happen abeg drop d final.. My seat is very hot!
5 May 2015 | 11:01
BEFORE THE DARKNESS Grand finale to be updated by 10pm tonight. Sorry for the delay
5 May 2015 | 13:27
Y d suspence nw
5 May 2015 | 15:58
FINAL EPISODE . . . . . . . . . . Lange watched as his wife was dragged in by one of the terrorists. He had sworn that he will not give the code to the terrorists no matter what. But now he was not so sure. His wife looked at him and he looked away. Whatever her face going to say, he was not ready to see. “So Mr President, now we have your wife here. What do you say?” “Don’t give them anything they ask for Johnson!” His wife shouted. “They’re going to kill me anyway.” “She’s right, we will kill her anyway, if that’s what she wants. But do you want her to suffer before she dies?” Lange kept his head down. There had to be another way. He heard some movement and he looked up; the terrorist approached his wife and put his hand around her head. “Wait! Take your hands off my wife you filthy animal!” “I don’t have time to waste Mr President, give me what I want or…” Lange said and sighed. “Alright, here goes.” “Smart decision, Mr President. Let’s hear it.” “Seven, Lima, Yankee, Echo, Two, Eight, Foxtrot.” “Thank you Mr President, you are my hero.” The masked terrorist said. Lange shook his head and looked up at his wife, she was crying. He knew he was the reason she was in so much trouble. Even if the terrorist did not kill them, there was no way he was going to be able to face her anymore. He had given the terrorists a code but he knew it was only a matter of time before they were back. And this time, he would really have to make a choice between his wife and the whole world. *** Eric could feel their gaze, he hated that the whole world depended on him dying – or worse. “Alright, I will do it.” Eric said and he saw their faces light up. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Orunmila asked. “Want to? Nope! But I realise what it means, so yeah, I will do it.” “Okay then, there is no time to waste, you have to head to the portal right away.” Orunmila said and paused. “This is the might be the last time I see you all, only Edumare knows what will happen out there.” “Wait a minute, you are not coming?” Ogun asked. “No, I cannot interfere in these matters. I will be watching you and if Edumare agree, I will send as many Aljanus as I can.” “Before you go Orunmila, I need to ask you something.” Eric said and walked towards Orunmila. “If I die, where do I go?” “You are coming home to Edumare. Not as a god but as human.” “Hmm, and if I go to Hades, do I have a chance of ever leaving?” “I’m sorry but no. Only Ibilis has the keys to Hades from the inside.” “Okay, I’d better die then. Let’s go.” *** There was a bounce in his step as he walked to the transmitting device. Everything was coming together for him and soon he would have the world in his hand. There was still the challenge of outwitting Ibilis but he would cross that bridge when he got there. For now, he had to get the darkness into as many countries as the device controlled. “Alright, Professor, give us your code.” “Okay sir!” The professor said and handed a paper to the man seated in front of the device. The device was not very big; it was just a small electronic and magnetic device connected to a computer. But the people who built it had no idea what powers it had – Ibilis did. It would not be as easy to get other Presidents to surrender as it was with Lange but he already had a plan to counter that. But first, he had to get the device working. “How is it going?” Sarkin Aljan asked the technician working on the device. “It’s taking a long time to activate sir.” The technician said. “Of course, it is. Do you think it is your blackberry you are trying to activate?” “Okay sir.” He turned away from the man and looked at the Professor. When his men told him he was going to help them, he was surprised. But really he should not have, loyalty was a rare virtue among humans. Gods were not any different, he knew that from his personal behavior. He had betrayed Edumare by agreeing to work with Ibilis. He turned away from the professor, he reminded him of himself, reminded him too much. There was no way the professor would last long. “Sir, there is a problem!” The technician said. Sarkin Aljan rushed to his side, he could not afford to have a problem, not now when he was so close. “What is it?” “One of the sets of codes was wrong.” Sarkin Aljan turned and punched the wall! “He thinks he can mess with me.” “We have only one more try or the device goes into full lock-down!” He stormed out of the room and walked towards the president. He would not allow a common human trifle with his plan. He entered the room and grabbed the first lady. He motioned to one of his men. “Grab him, he gave us the wrong code.” He would torture both of them till he got what he wanted. “Listen up Mr. President. I should have known you will pull something like this, so here is how it will go. I will torture your wife till you give me the correct code, and whatever pain you thought you felt, it won’t even be compared to what she will feel.” He placed his hand on the woman’s head and she began to shout. Lange was shouting alongside her but he did not stop. He wanted her to feel the pain, he wanted Lange to see her pain, maybe then he would realize he meant business. “Stop it! I will give you what you want!” “Okay, I will pause. But if you give as much as one wrong digit or letter, you and her and everyother member of your family will live with pain the rest of your life. Believe me, you don’t know the beginning of the pain I can bring.” “You won’t have to. I’ll give it to you. God help us.” Good. *** “This is it!” Eric said. They were not very far from the portal now. Anne looked across the space that separated them from the building housing the portal. It would not be easy crossing, there were men, several of them pacing around the house – heavily armed too. “They were not this many earlier.” Damola said. “Well, I guess I’m to blame for this number of men then.” “There could be another reason.” Eric said. “Are you sure you are up for this?” Anne asked Damola. He was well built, she knew he could hold his own in a fight but she feared for him. Ogun could stop the guns the men carried so the fight was going to be fought by hand, but still the terrorists had the advantage of their numbers. “I am fine.” Damola replied. “I think you are over-thinking this. We have a plan, let’s follow it.” Anne sighed and stepped forward. She raised her hand and stretched it towards the building. A gentle wind started to blow in front of the building and then it started to increase in speed. The men in front of the building protected their eyes from the dust that was thrown up in the wind. It was time for Ogun. Anne kept her eyes on the men. Ogun needed to get close to them before he could knock off their guns, it was her duty to keep them distracted. It appeared she was doing a good job, the men did not look in Ogun’s direction until he had their guns bent and knocked out of their hands. It was easy, too easy. “It’s time to get you into that room Esu.” Esu and Damola joined her and they moved towards the men. “What the hell is that?” Esu esclaimed. Anne looked ahead and shivered. It was the damn dog – Manzo! “What do we do?” Anne asked. “We fight it!” Damola said. “Not you Damola.” Anne said. She could not bear to see him fight the monstrous beast. “Stay behind please.” Damola rushed towards the dog before she could stop him. She screamed and ran after him. A hand grabbed her and pulled her to a stop. She pulled away from the hand and towards Damola but the hand held her still. She looked up at the owner of the hand, it was Ogun. “Get Esu into that building, I will take care of the dog.” “But Damola is…” “I will take care of Damola too. Just make sure Esu is able to end the portal.” Anne held Esu’s hand and they ran towards the building. They crashed in through the door and stopped just before the barricade. “How do I get in?” Esu asked. “I need Ogun to get in.” “Okay, I will get him. Stay here, don’t leave!” She turned back and opened the door. She felt a sharp pain pierce through her stomach and she staggered backwards. She looked at her stomach, there was a dagger sticking out of it. She looked up and saw the man that had put it in her. She pointed her hand towards him and he was blasted away by a burst of wind. She fell to the ground and groaned. “Anne!” She heard Damola’s voice shout. She leaned a hand on the wall and pushed herself to stand, the dagger turned and she fell back to the ground. Damola got to her and picked her up. “Anne, stay with me.” “I love you Sango!” She said. “Stay with me please.” He shouted. She smiled and closed her eyes. *** Sarkin Aljan looked at the device load. Lange had been wise enough to give him the right code this time. He would have access to all the commonwealth countries in two minutes. It would take another ten minutes for those countries to start getting fed the darkness. He looked away from the screen and began to pace. Soon he would have all he wanted since he got to Earth. He still had to deal with Ibilis but he knew that would work for him. Once the whole of mankind was at his mercy, even Edumare will reason with him. “It is completed sir!” The technician said. “Good, connect to the portal.” Sarkin Aljan said. “In ten minutes, I will have the world jumping at the snap of my fingers.” All he needed now was for the portal to do what it was created for. Everything was going great! *** “Esu, if we don’t get this done now, we will all be dead!” Ogun shouted. Damola wanted to get up and rip the man’s head off. But no, he could not let go of his Oya. His body shook and the tears streamed down his face. He could not lose her, not now when they finally had a chance to stay together. “Esu! The barricade is open, it’s time to go!” Damola looked up at Esu, he saw the reluctance in his face. He did not blame him, it was a difficult thing to do. He would gladly take his place, especially now that his only reason for living was no more, but he could not. “Are you going to do this or not?” Ogun was getting more agitated. Esu walked towards him, his eyes on Anne. “If she somehow survives this, tell her I was glad to meet her.” Esu said to him. “She is a very nice person. And if she doesn’t, then I guess I will be seeing her on the other side then.” “I can’t take this crap anymore!” Ogun said Ogun walked towards them, grabbed Esu and carried him towards the portal. “What are you doing?” Esu shouted. “I’m throwing you in the portal, I suggest you do what you have to.” “What? Wait a minute.” Damola tried to stand but he was held down by the weight of Anne. What was this crazy man doing? It was dangerous. “Hey, stop it!” Damola shouted. “Hey!” Ogun threw Esu into the portal and the room suddenly became filled with smoke. Damola carried Anne and struggled to his feet. He stumbled towards the portal, he got to the barricade and stopped. The portal had darkened. He looked around for Esu and Ogun, they were not in the room! Had he really lost all the other gods? Was he the only one left, and without any power? Was this Edumare’s plan? He looked up and screamed! *** Something was wrong! The portal had suddenly lost connection. He had shot the technician in a moment of anger and panic. He had no idea what was happening and he had no way of finding out. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number of one of the guards stationed with the portal. He waited and listened as the phone rang; there was no answer. Something was wrong, he knew it! He redialed. What could have gone wrong? He had made sure Sango could never get through to the portal and the Professor said he had had somebody take care of Esu. “Hello.” His man finally answered the call. “You idiot, where have you been? What’s going on with the portal?” Sarkin Aljan screamed into the phone. “Sarkin Aljan…” The voice came through the phone softly. “It is over. The portal has been destroyed!” No way! “Who is this?” “I advise you to run because I’m coming for you and I won’t stop till I kill you!” It was Sango! He ended the call and dropped the phone. It was over for him. He had to escape into a place he could not be found by Ibilis. He looked at the President and his wife passed out on the floor, he stepped across them and ran out of the room. It was great that he had a Plan B. He had lost the battle but he would still win the war! EPILOGUE “This was your plan?” Orunmila asked. He knew he could and should never question Edumare but he had to, just this once! “They lost to Sarkin Aljan! I could have done something about it! They lost!” “Did they lose Orunmila? Do you really believe that they lost?” Edumare asked. “They are all destroyed. Even Sango who still stands is nothing but a good-for-nothing human.” “Is that what you think humans are? Good for nothing?” “I did not mean it that way my Lord.” Orunmila said, bowing before the throne. “But surely my Lord cannot be pleased by this outcome.” “They saved the world even if they gave themselves doing it.” “So they are lost forever my Lord?” Edumare looked away from him and into the distance. Orunmila knew that look, there was something coming. He smiled, there was something coming, something great! There was something coming! . . . Author’s Note: Thanks to everyone who followed this story. This is however a first draft of the first draft, so I will be making several adjustments to the plot, the structure everything. Thanks for following though.
5 May 2015 | 17:09
hmmm great story great writer. Brov i gbadun u. Buh wat is still coming, hope dis story has no part.
5 May 2015 | 17:40
Tanks @don....
5 May 2015 | 18:15
Finally the world was saved from the grasp of Iblis & Sarkin Aljan
5 May 2015 | 18:18
its so difficult for me to accept dat dis is really d end of the story, nobody recognises the gods for who and what they have done to save the world, only sango is left to live a life of torment, what becomes of sarkin aljan and ibilis? Anyways its a really great piece of work and i really commend the author for such creativity, more grease to ur elbow, more oil to ur engine, more butter to ur bread. Thanx for d great work! It was fun while it lasted!!!
5 May 2015 | 18:38
Nawa o...Y must it end dis way???anyway tanx
5 May 2015 | 19:04
Ooooohhhhh sooooo nice. Can't wait 4 d second draft of d second draft! *muahhhh*
5 May 2015 | 19:29
Wow! sooooo interesting! Cant wait!
6 May 2015 | 04:16
Hope the thing never end oh??? Cant wait for the second draft of the second draft
6 May 2015 | 04:51
Tnx 2 God sarkins did nt get Nigeria,welldone @Donwalter
6 May 2015 | 05:12
Tenkz Plz continue demons on church street nau Welldone
6 May 2015 | 05:49
waow big thanks to u donwalter Bravo
6 May 2015 | 06:05
Ma guy y dix story cum end lyk dix abi e get season 2?
6 May 2015 | 08:25
Nice great work
6 May 2015 | 08:30
Oh such an interesting and captivating story! Keep it up @donwalter, roll in the second draft.
6 May 2015 | 08:56
Nice story Don Walter,ur really a Don in d making. Nice work keep it up..... What is really coming? Just curious...
6 May 2015 | 09:13
6 May 2015 | 09:44
Great piece @don walter
6 May 2015 | 10:21
Uhmmm.... Let d second part of church street killer nd dis story begin ooooo
6 May 2015 | 12:09
@Don Walter kudos to you!!!!
6 May 2015 | 18:53
Nice story but poor ending
3 Aug 2015 | 10:31
What z this thing coming...question 4 d Gods...
9 Sep 2015 | 20:25
Grt ryt up, i love d story bt nt d ending bt i knw life still continues. My love fr u @don
30 Nov 2015 | 01:31
Nice story
18 Dec 2015 | 09:41
I can't fine episode 1
5 Jan 2016 | 18:27
nice nice
10 Feb 2016 | 17:51
De story neva finish na where wer d giv sakin and illbliss oga boss na
9 Apr 2016 | 13:22
interesting dont forget to vote for @lizzy22 as miss Coolval 2016. epitome of beauty and intelligence
4 Jul 2016 | 22:27
Nice story
14 Jul 2016 | 17:52
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 16:16
Nice story
23 Jul 2016 | 12:52
23 Jul 2016 | 12:56
7 Aug 2016 | 03:47
Great Story
7 Aug 2016 | 06:40
7 Aug 2016 | 09:07
Its not bad
7 Aug 2016 | 09:07
Nice one
7 Aug 2016 | 09:08
Sango And Oya: Myth
7 Aug 2016 | 11:05
mythical reality
7 Aug 2016 | 11:06
I Nah Talk Am O
7 Aug 2016 | 11:07
interesting tumbs up
7 Aug 2016 | 11:32
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 06:56
awesome story
10 Aug 2016 | 13:53
10 Aug 2016 | 13:54
I'm a big fan of your stories
10 Aug 2016 | 13:55
they are always well organised
10 Aug 2016 | 13:56
your stories are suspense filled to the very end
10 Aug 2016 | 13:57
but always have an awe-inspiring ending
10 Aug 2016 | 13:58
thumbs up to you
10 Aug 2016 | 13:59
I pray What happened in the story should not happen in Nogeria
10 Aug 2016 | 14:00
its fiction though
10 Aug 2016 | 14:01
keep the flag flying bro
10 Aug 2016 | 14:02
I wish this story had season 2
10 Aug 2016 | 14:03
interesting story
11 Aug 2016 | 06:43
enjoyed every episode
11 Aug 2016 | 06:57
12 Aug 2016 | 01:51
12 Aug 2016 | 01:51
12 Aug 2016 | 01:51
12 Aug 2016 | 01:51
12 Aug 2016 | 01:52
12 Aug 2016 | 01:52
12 Aug 2016 | 01:52
12 Aug 2016 | 01:52
12 Aug 2016 | 01:52
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12 Aug 2016 | 01:53
12 Aug 2016 | 01:53
12 Aug 2016 | 01:53
12 Aug 2016 | 01:53
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12 Aug 2016 | 01:54
12 Aug 2016 | 01:54
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12 Aug 2016 | 01:57
12 Aug 2016 | 01:57
12 Aug 2016 | 01:57
12 Aug 2016 | 01:58
12 Aug 2016 | 01:58
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12 Aug 2016 | 01:59
12 Aug 2016 | 02:00
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:00
12 Aug 2016 | 02:01
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:01
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:01
12 Aug 2016 | 02:01
12 Aug 2016 | 02:02
12 Aug 2016 | 02:02
12 Aug 2016 | 02:02
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:04
12 Aug 2016 | 02:05
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:06
12 Aug 2016 | 02:06
12 Aug 2016 | 02:06
12 Aug 2016 | 02:07
12 Aug 2016 | 02:07
12 Aug 2016 | 02:07
12 Aug 2016 | 02:07
12 Aug 2016 | 02:07
12 Aug 2016 | 02:08
12 Aug 2016 | 02:08
12 Aug 2016 | 02:08
Thew. Sq
12 Aug 2016 | 02:08
12 Aug 2016 | 02:08
12 Aug 2016 | 02:09
12 Aug 2016 | 02:09
12 Aug 2016 | 02:09
12 Aug 2016 | 02:09
12 Aug 2016 | 02:10
12 Aug 2016 | 02:10
12 Aug 2016 | 02:10
12 Aug 2016 | 02:10
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12 Aug 2016 | 02:11
12 Aug 2016 | 02:11
12 Aug 2016 | 02:11
12 Aug 2016 | 02:11
12 Aug 2016 | 02:12
12 Aug 2016 | 02:12
12 Aug 2016 | 02:12
12 Aug 2016 | 02:12
nice story
23 Sep 2016 | 14:53
Where is episode one?
13 Nov 2016 | 12:24
Epiode 1 cannot be found
16 Apr 2017 | 17:44
28 Dec 2017 | 19:46


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

(234) 9121762581
[email protected]


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