Behind the veil

Behind the veil

By chimmy in 21 Feb 2018 | 13:49
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Episode 1

So I never believed in magic, ghost or anything supernatural. I use to live a perfectly normal life, I didn’t think it was possible for anything else to exist until the day that I met her; the non- human! But before I say anything about her let me go back to the very beginning where it all started from.
“Sadiq, marmee is calling you” Asma’u his little sister who was barely nine years old called.
She is his only sister, his only sibling. She was actually adopted eight years ago when Sadiq’s mother; Mrs. Animashaun paid a visit to their hometown. It was not mysterious or strange anymore to find a basket of baby in front of your doorstep; moreover it was better than those who dumped their baby in a refuge dump or even worse. At first sight Mrs. Animashaun fell in love with her, one couldn’t blame her because she had no girl of her own.
“Here I am mom” Sadiq announced, slumping on a chair beside her.
She dropped the Vanguard newspaper and took off her spectacle.
Just then Asma’u ran in and jumped on a chair, mindless of them while paying attention to the television.
“Baby I want to talk to your brother alone, could you give us some minutes please” their mom asked but quite sure that Asma’u was going to protest.
Which she did.
“But marmee its 3 o’clock” Asma’u announced.
“And what happens by 3?” their mom asked curiously.
“Sponge bob square p@nt” Sadiq and Asma’u chorused.
On more than one occasion, Sadiq have been forced to sit and watch the television with Asmau because she feared watching cartoon alone. She would rather not watch it at all than watch it alone. To her, the
characters in the television might come out and drag her into the television! Once, Sadiq tried to convince her that it was impossible for the characters in the television to come out and she asked;
“Haven’t you watched the movie “fat Albert”?”
“Okay you can sit and watch but don’t eavesdrop okay?” their mom said while Asma’u nodded.
“Sadiq, I have a good news for you” Mrs. Animashaun smiled.
“What’s the good news mom?” he asked while tapping his phone.
“Well”, she said, “I just received your jamb result now and it was brilliant!” displaying it to him.
He had done justice to the exam. Although he didn’t understand why one had to scale through about three exams just to gain admission into a university, as if just one wasn’t enough! The smile on his face was soon to disappear.
“But mom I didn’t choose Bayero University as my first choice, it was University of Lagos I chose.”
“I know but your dad and I thought you deserve a change of environment. More over you didn’t make University of Lagos’s cut off mark, so you should be glad we improvised early.”
“But i am not comfortable with the whole North thing” Sadiq feeling betrayed.
“If you are bothered about the culture then don’t be because we have some family friends there. They will make you feel at home.”
“I guess I have no say in the matter?” Sadiq asked with a tone of defeat. His destiny has been decided, he thought.
”But you do dear, that’s why I am informing you now.” she assured him, trying to calm him down. But he didn’t really have any say in the matter anymore. It was a done and sealed deal.
Feeling disappointed he stood up from where he had been sitting and disappeared into his room.
“Why doesn’t he want to go to Kano?”
Asma’u asked her mother some minutes later.
“I thought I told you not to eaves drop baby” her mom said.
“Oh mom! I couldn’t help it. You were whispering so low which meant you were saying something very important and his voice was rather too high so I couldn’t help but listen unintentionally. Please forgive me mom” she blurted out so fast and pleaded with her two large eyes conquering her mother.
“Scoot over here baby” Mrs. Animashaun drew her closer and wrapped her arm around her.
Later that day Mr. Animashaun came back from work and gave Sadiq some words of encouragement.
“It’s just two weeks Sadiq. After writing the exam you can come back immediately. But make sure you do justice to the exam” his father; Mr. Animashaun advised.
An unusual smile hung on Sadiq’s face, he was either planning a mischief or planning something that would set him free. Either way that smile wasn’t good!
“Hope you will come before the festive day?
The festive period would be boring without you, and i can’t stand spending it alone with dad and mom” Asma’u asked Sadiq while they all laughed at her.
“We aren’t that boring, are we?” their dad asked, throwing his arm around his wife.
“Oh yes you are!” Sadiq added.
All you two do is read those boring newspapers and go to work every day! It’s going to be boring without Sadiq” Asma’u sighed like a grown up young lady and dropped her head down sadly.
“Don’t worry baby, he will spend the festive period with us. He will be gone for just two weeks and be back first week of December”
Mrs. Animashaun assured her.
“That’s fine by me” Asma’u announced.
All Sadiq could do was smile. A second later the sound of the door bell interrupted the little family union.
21 Feb 2018 | 13:49
who's there [hr] Link to Available Episodes •Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5&6 Episode 7-8 Episode 9 Episode 10&11 Episode 12&13 Episode 14&15
21 Feb 2018 | 14:31
cont. pls
21 Feb 2018 | 14:37
interesting ride on. My gooonns @nazeal @ryder @senator @itzprince @jummybabe @druid @myreruby @seun @fridex @frankay @queen @ladyg @sabinto @dencygirl @bayjenny @captainspoonz
21 Feb 2018 | 14:45
Sadiq wanna make a different choice but there is a choice waiting....
21 Feb 2018 | 14:56
@maths thanks jare!! who could that be?? cont.
21 Feb 2018 | 15:13
21 Feb 2018 | 16:45
ride on
21 Feb 2018 | 16:46
@maths not senator. but senatorDaniel
21 Feb 2018 | 16:48
Seated even if no body invite me
21 Feb 2018 | 17:26
Anyway ride on
21 Feb 2018 | 17:27
Who's there? Wait let me come and open that door
21 Feb 2018 | 17:42
Ride on
21 Feb 2018 | 18:33
Thanks @maths for the i.v
21 Feb 2018 | 21:49
21 Feb 2018 | 21:50
Ride on
22 Feb 2018 | 02:06
Episode 2 “Its uncle Idris”, announced Sadiq. Uncle Idris is Sadiq’s father younger brother. Just like in every family where you have an uncle who is funny and different from the rest of the adults, Idris was that uncle. Since Sadiq didn’t have a brother to talk to about his personal life, he found that brother in Uncle Idris. Though sometimes he gave advises which an adult would normally advise against, not because he wanted to lead Sadiq to the wrong path but because he believed in living free. “Come here my little angel” Uncle Idris threw his arms apart to welcome Asma’u into them, hugging her. “So my little brother decides to finally visit us” said Mr. Animashaun. “I would have been paying more frequent visits if not for your wife’s unending preaching” Uncle Idris, giving Mrs. Animashaun a funny look. “That’s the price of being my in-law. And it’s a service i will perform always.” jumped in Mrs. Animashaun. “And so help you God” added uncle Idris, placing his hand on his chest to indicate his pledge, while they all laughed. “I see you’ve not changed” Mr. Animashaun jumped in. “No…never. I am better this way, but i see a lot have changed here. I can perceive it in the air” sniffing his nose like a lost dog. Asma’u found it funny and couldn’t resist pulling his nose with her little finger. “Yes a lot have changed. Your nephew is traveling next tomorrow to write an exam which might get him into one of the best university in the country” revealed Mrs. Animashaun gladly. “Next tomorrow? Nobody told me it was that soon” exclaimed Sadiq. “That is good indeed little nephew. Congratulation in advance” remarked uncle Idris, shaking Sadiq and pulling him to himself, Come on now, we have a lot to talk about”, he said, pulling Sadiq along with him. “Hope you are not trying to influence my little boy negatively again?” asked Mrs. Animashaun. Sadiq sighed. He didn’t know his parents would start seeing him like an adult and not their little boy. “Don’t worry marmee. I am a changed man now, no more bad influence.” replied uncle Idris in his most gentlemanly tone. “Changed man? Some minutes ago you said never to change.” Mrs. Animashaun. “I did?” he asked rhetorically and laughed mischievously as he disappeared into Sadiq’s room, evading the chair pillow Mrs. Animashaun threw at him in the process. Uncle Idris grabbed Sadiq’s phone. “A lot is changing for you, but you on the other hand haven’t changed”, said uncle Idris, browsing through Sadiq’s phone. “How do you mean?” requested puzzled Sadiq. “Here” he said displaying Sadiq’s phone screen to him. “What happened to it” Sadiq enquired “I jumped for your phone and you didn’t seem to care. Then i thought, well maybe it’s locked. But again it’s not. ” explained uncle Idris. “Uncle Idris i don’t understand what you are trying to say” laughed Sadiq as though uncle Idris was a kid blabbing nonsense statement. “You have no secret” stated uncle Idris. “Because you have no secret to hide, no girlfriend who sends you love messages, you don’t lock your phone. I can’t envisage the kind of lifestyle you live, you are almost like your parents” complained uncle Idris. It was just a matter of time before uncle Idris got into Sadiq’s head. And he did. For a minute Sadiq was stunned. Uncle Idris is right, he thought. His whole life flashed before him. Was he really going to end up like his parents? His boring parents! Or was he going to be even more boring than them! Uncle Idris was right about one thing; he didn’t have any secret to hide. He didn’t even know how it felt like to have a secret! But uncle Idris was wrong about one thing, “I do have a girl friend” said Sadiq, pointing to the window of the house directly facing his room window. Yeah right. Oh please Sadiq! You mean your next door neighbor; Vanessa, who you’ve had a crush on since high school yet you never told her, you are just too shy, timid, afraid and naïve to tell her” insinuated uncle Idris to the stunned Sadiq. “No offence meant. I am just stating the obvious” added uncle Idris. “None taken” muttered Sadiq. He knew there was an element of truth in what his uncle was saying, even though he was a bit harsh and inconsiderate. There was an element indeed and another element uncle Idris failed to mention was inferiority complex. “Give me a call when you grow up, okay?” was Uncle Idris farewell to him as he left after they chatted for almost two hours. That night Sadiq lay on his bed, his curtains were up, yet the room was dark. A moment later a bright light, probably a car’s light flashed into his room. He made for his window and it was his next door neighbor who just came in; the ever beautiful extraordinaire Vanessa Walter. At least that’s what the bloggers call her. They were friends; he had a crush on her but never told her. It happens to everyone at some point in life…a crush. She had told him that she liked his company; she didn’t say she liked him. He couldn’t risk telling her how he felt and lose her forever. Once those three letter words are said, it changes everything. Not only those three words could make him lose her, he traveling to Kano would totally alienate him from her life. And that’s one of the reason he doesn’t want to go to Kano apart from the culture thing. Moreover they both made plans to get admitted into University of Lagos. Just then he realized he was going to lose her. All of a sudden he felt pale and a sudden heartache raided him. Sadiq never really had much friends, he was much of a loner, but by choice. It is a thing of surprise that he is actually Vanessa’s best friend. Both of them have never spoken considering the fact that they were neighbors, until during their graduation from secondary school. Vanessa had walked up to this him and asked him for a dance. The only reason she asked him was because she was looking for a no string attached dance, and being that Sadiq was the only guy she knew who didn’t have a date and who haven’t made a move on her, it seemed the perfect choice. She told him the reason and he didn’t mind the charade as long as he was seen with one of the most popular girl in school. She wasn’t just popular for her beauty but also for her brains. The first few minutes were awkward, and they kept talking about school, about teachers then about the weather! Until Vanessa thought boredom could kill. As soon as each of them let their guard down, they opened up. Sadiq got a bit witty with her, they both laughed and enjoyed the rest of the night as if they were long time friends and since then they became friends …best friends.
22 Feb 2018 | 05:05
I will be posting the story two two episode every day, one in the morning and one in the evening
22 Feb 2018 | 06:30
Loving it
22 Feb 2018 | 07:48
Carry On Loving It Already
22 Feb 2018 | 15:28
okay... miss poster now its another shy guy
22 Feb 2018 | 16:32
Sadiq's uncle is a baddo o
23 Feb 2018 | 02:25
@Ryder who is the miss poster
23 Feb 2018 | 04:31
episode three loading
23 Feb 2018 | 04:48
Episode 3 “Should i tell her tomorrow? Should i tell her that i love?” he asked himself. Same question he has been thinking of asking for more than six years. Apart from the fact that he wasn’t confident enough to tell her how he felt, he was also afraid of the commitment of a relationship. Being in a relationship carries a lot of load. First you call yourself early in the morning, send sweet text messages then call back in the afternoon and probably in the evening and finally at night! Doing it is the subtle part, the hard part is when you forget to do it. “I think you should tell her” a low voice suggested. “What!” Sadiq exclaimed. He switched on the light and standing by the door was Asma’u. “How long have you been here?” he asked. “Forty seconds ago, i think” she smiled, and then added, “You forgot to tell me bed-time stories”. “I am sorry i had a lot on my mind” he apologized. “By a lot do you mean just one girl; Vanessa” she mocked. “How do you know so much?” amazed Sadiq asked his little sister. “It’s my job to do. I think you should tell her. Not that i know what that ‘love’ feels like, but i think you should tell her anyway. The other day she came over, she carried me on her back and told me you are a good friend of hers. I think that is love” narrated Asma’u. “That is friendship, okay? Now if you don’t mind can i begin the story?” said Sadiq, feeling more disappointed that all Vanessa saw in him was just a mere friend. “No please. I think i want to sleep now. My eyes are heavy.” replied little Asma’u. “Alright” said Sadiq as he carried her to her bedroom. His phone started ringing some minutes later after he returned to his room. He checked and it was Vanessa calling. He strained his eyes at the clock hung above his bed and it was past ten. “Hello” his voice sounded rough, he cleared his throat. “Were you sleeping?” she asked. “No, i just put Asma’u to bed” he replied, trying to sound cool. “Awww…how is she, the sweet little drama princess?” asked Vanessa “She’s just being Asma’u, you know” said Sadiq while they both laughed. “God! I had a hectic day” heaved Vanessa. “I can imagine” replied Sadiq sarcastically. One could only imagine the kind of hectic day Vanessa had. Sadiq could. She probably went for shopping then stopped by the spa for hours and finally came back home. She was taking after her mother who was a top Nollywood actress. “What’s that slow pace music placing in your room? Wait let me guess…uhnnn…’I miss you by Cold play’ right?” guessed Vanessa. “Yes” admitted Sadiq. “Interesting choice of song. Who are you missing? Or have you got a girl that i don’t know about” said Vanessa “YES” replied Sadiq instantly. “Oh my God! And you didn’t tell me. When did this happen?” asked Vanessa curiously with the keenest interest. Sadiq giggled at the other side of the line feeling mischievous and having an invigorating feeling of how it felt to have a secret, “I found her a long time ago. You do know her” he replied more mysteriously. There. So he is pretending to have a secret because uncle Idris had said he had none. Let’s see how long he can keep up with it. “I know her?” scratches her head. “Give me a name.” “No i can’t do that” replied Sadiq, enjoying himself and deciding that having a secret was awesome. “Okay, fair enough. Just tell me one thing, is she more beautiful than I am? Not that I am jealous of her snatching my best friend or anything.” asked Vanessa. They were indeed, at least that’s what she thinks, but Sadiq wanted to be more than just a friend. Sadiq couldn’t get it, was she actually jealous? Does she love him, should he tell her that she is the one? “I can’t tell you that either” was Sadiq only answer, and added immediately, “but i have something else to tell you”. “What!?” her tone sounding a bit angry for Sadiq’s refusal to divulge his business to her which was completely uncharacteristic of him. “I am traveling next tomorrow, to Kano” revealed Sadiq. Sadiq already knew what Vanessa’s reaction was going to be, but he didn’t think she was going to scream so loud that he had to take the phone away from his ear. “Wait a minute…first you tell me you’ve found a girl then now you tell me you are traveling to Kano! Who are you?” asked Vanessa as though she didn’t know who or what Sadiq had become. So this is what it feels like to have a secret, thought Sadiq as he laughed tirelessly.
23 Feb 2018 | 04:54
Next oh interesting story
23 Feb 2018 | 13:42
Sadiq tell her u love her b4 u travel oh
23 Feb 2018 | 14:59
@confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com well i was actually referring to you but am sorry if you pick offence. or should I use Mrs posters or I should not even refer you in either ways
23 Feb 2018 | 15:41
@ryder I never pick offence, I just ask so don't take it as if am offended
23 Feb 2018 | 15:47
23 Feb 2018 | 15:51
You got a good start to tell her about your feelings but you miss it.
23 Feb 2018 | 15:53
this story go sweet oo
23 Feb 2018 | 16:28
You got a good start to tell her about your feelings but you miss it.
I tire o
23 Feb 2018 | 16:30
Sadiq am not sure you'll be able to keep secret and I think you should tell her your feelings
24 Feb 2018 | 04:59
episode 4 “Come over” insisted Vanessa. “You mean like right now?” Sadiq asked, glancing at his clock one more time. “Yes! Just climb the tree and come over” ordered Vanessa. There was a tree in-between their windows. That was Sadiq escape route out of the house, or sometimes straight into Vanessa’s room. Sadiq just had to climb out of his window, hold a tree branch and take four careful steps or sometimes reckless adventurous steps while holding onto several other branches before landing into Vanessa’s room. As soon as he landed in her room, he was welcomed by an angry girl. “Silly….silly boy, come on spill everything out.” insisted Vanessa as she pummeled Sadiq Jokingly. ”Okay……okay calm down!” laughed Sadiq defending himself with his arms. “Is this how you intend to fight a burglar when one drops into you room?” he mocked. “If the burglar is you, then yes. Now, come on tell me, i am listening” said Vanessa. “Well” began Sadiq as he walked round her big room, inspecting everything as if it was his first time in the brightly colored pink room with different models posters on her walls and about four big teddies sitting on her bed, “apparently my parents felt that i have stayed home for too long and decided to ship me off to Northern state to pursue my degree program there” narrated Sadiq dissatisfiedly. “You are kidding!” exclaimed the stunned Vanessa. I wish i was” returned Sadiq, inspecting her to see her reaction. She felt disappointed for sure and that was what Sadiq wanted to see, so he did be sure that she would miss him same way he would miss her. But he wasn’t satisfied with that. He expected more……probably to see her shed a tear or two! But Vanessa was a strong girl. You would never catch her crying especially for something as trivial as this. “And you are fine with it?” she asked “Not that i have a choice” he paused for a minute, contemplating on whether to tell her his plan to give his admission spot to someone else or just fail intentionally so he can come back to be with her. “I guess things don’t always go the way we plan; we plan ours while our parents plan theirs, our parents plan theirs while God plans His” added Sadiq with a smile on his lips. “That’s a deep thought. Well i wish you the best” she said, crossing her legs as she sat on her bed. Sadiq got hold of her iphone5. It was locked, but he knew her password. “P-E-A-R-L” he said out her password as he typed it. “I think i would have to change my password” muttered Vanessa, looking up at Sadiq. “Why would you do such a thing? Anyway i think you should remove the password altogether” recommended Sadiq. “You wouldn’t understand why anyone would want to lock their phone because you have nothing to hide” said Vanessa “Not you too! Uncle Idris said something like that today. He said i have no secret” Sadiq said. Vanessa sniggered and lowered her head in order to hide the expression on her face. “You think he is right don’t you?” asked Sadiq, feeling a bit hurt. “So uncle Idris came today? Did he ask of me?” she asked tactfully trying to evade his question. “Answer me or i will be very…very pissed with you” he replied, ignoring her question. “Okay, you want an answer right? Well, he is right to an extent.” admitted Vanessa. She paused to think for a moment then added thoughtfully and tactfully, “So you claimed you’ve hooked up with someone, to be candid, i don’t believe you.” “Why don’t you…?” he asked. “Apart from the fact that i don’t see any new name in your phone contact or on your Blackberry messenger nor any new facebook friend from the supposed girl you found, apart from these facts, i think it will take a miracle before you get yourself someone, and why? Because you suffer from inferiority complex” said Vanessa handling Sadiq’s phone. Thank you Vanessa. At least someone finally said the truth. I knew Sadiq suffered from inferiority complex. “No i don’t” Sadiq defended, but he knew he did. “Yes you do. Remember that time i tried to hook you up with one of my girlfriend and you chickened out. And the funny thing is that she was so into you. I mean who won’t, you are good looking, though sometimes you can be odd. But still you are most girls dream guy, but you don’t seem to think so” Vanessa criticized, complimented and insinuated. Vanessa might have been right in a way and Sadiq was carried away by her compliment…she said he was most girls dream guy. Does that include her? Is she trying to give him a clue, a clue that she want him too? Thought Sadiq. “You are not saying anything” said Vanessa, smacking him on his head. “I was thinking” said Sadiq.
24 Feb 2018 | 06:25
24 Feb 2018 | 08:32
vannesa is in love with u
24 Feb 2018 | 08:33
think well o and tell her about ur feeling
24 Feb 2018 | 16:37
Thinking of what!
24 Feb 2018 | 17:05
its obvious Vanessa is in love with you... or not because you can really understand girls, it could be friend zoning... you know she try hooking you up with her friend
24 Feb 2018 | 17:30
24 Feb 2018 | 17:40
I think venessa loves you
24 Feb 2018 | 18:09
episode 5 He was thinking indeed. He was thinking of telling her the three letter words. Be careful Sadiq, don’t say ididn’t warnyou. Once those magic words are said everything is going tochange… puff! “Ithink i hear footsteps! Come on go out immediately, ithink my dad is coming to check on me”jumped in Vanessa before Sadiq could have the chanceto say I love you. “Weneed totalk tomorrow” Sadiq rushed the words as Vanessa hurried him out of her room. “Okay… okay”were Vanessa’s words, mindful of her father who might walk in anytime. “Goodnight” Sadiq managed to say, taking one final look before dashing off through the window. “Sadiq dogetme a big teddy like the one i saw in Vanessa’sroom” requested Asma’u when Sadiq was getting ready togo shopping for his trip. “Idon’t knowif i can” replied Sadiq hurriedly as he pushed his wallet into his back pocket. “Oooooh please. Please…please… please” begged Asma’u sporadically. Sadiq paused to pay attention to her and all he saw were two innocent large eyes and small lips begging him. “How cani ever say no to that face”obliged Sadiq as Asma’u raced happily toinform her mom. Asma’u knewshe had some power, thepowerto get whatever she wants and she never dithered to use it. Sadiq didn’t have much to buy, he already had everything he wanted, andmoreover he didn’t plan to stay there for more than a week. His plan was toshop at shoprite. It was one of the best departmental store around but in an attempt to enjoy himself before traveling he decided silverbird galleria was thebest spot for that. It was the best spot for anyone who wanted to take a break from the ever busy city, andthe beach which was at close proximity to the galleria made it the more better choice. There were guys, mostly in white shorts and polo, mostof whom had the mo-hawkhairstyle which did them justice and the beads on their wrist didn’t gounnoticed either. The ladies were as classy as always, and their appearance suggested that they were from the upper class society. Some white people were scattered around too, but theAsians were more and seemed to be having a lot of fun and felt right at home. Sadiq was already in thegalleria. After shopping, he bought a ticket and grabbed a pop-corn along with other teenagers to see the latest movie. On hisway out of the galleria, hesighted a familiar figure. She had a chocolate skin, 5fttall, ponytail hair style and had the legs of a model. Therewas no way he was not going to recognize her, even though she had a mask on. “Isee you are having another hectic day”he said to the model sarcastically. “Oh my God! What are you doing here?” asked Vanessa as she turned around to face Sadiq. He took a glance behind her to observe theguy she was with, “Shopping” he replied, “And you?” “Myfriend here took me out to see a movie” she responded pointing to the guy Sadiq was observing. “Are you guys likedating or what?” asked Sadiq jealously. Vanessa coughed loudly hoping her friend didn’t hearwhat Sadiq just said. She pulled him to one side; “Why didyou say that out loud?” enquired Vanessa. “Ididn’t knowi was that loud. Forgive me” apologized Sadiq. But he wasn’t sorry. “Alright. And no we are not dating, he just bought a ticket for us to see a movie. That’s all” she responded toSadiq’s satisfaction. “Ihave somethingto tell you” said Sadiq. So this was it!He was ready to say the mighty three letter words to her. It was almostas though he was about tosign his death warrant! Someone is about to change his status from best friend forever to boy friend forever orfor never! Vanessa’s friendwas waiting impatiently, glancing back and forth and fidgeting with his phone till he decided to interrupt Vanessa and Sadiq. “Ilove you!” the words raced from Sadiq’slips into theair. Vanessa’s friendstood there transfixed gazing at both parties. Vanessa was standing motionlessly and speechless.… While Sadiq was standing like a moron expecting a reply which didn’t seem tobe on the menu! “Who isthis guy”Vanessa friend asked her. She didn’t replyhim. Wellshe couldn’t, how couldshe when she hasn’t replied Sadiq. But what was she going to say? How was she going to say it? There they were, standing face to face in the middleof strangers who were making their way in an out of the galleria. It was as though they’ve both become those strangers…Thanks to the magical spell of the mighty three letter words. Someone needs to shoot a love arrow into Vanessa’sheart. Where is cupid when we need him or her or is it an it?Well whatever. So what happened next? Vanessa didn’t respondand Sadiq felt totally embarrassed and left her standing there, stunned! That evening Sadiq gotback home in a bad mood, which was expected of him. After giving Asma’u theteddy he bought for her and some chocolates he thought she would like, he isolated himself in his room. His mother had taken notice of his bad mood and as always went to do her motherly work. “Iknow how it feels”said Mrs. Animashaun. Sadiq was shocked. Howdid mom find out! thought Sadiq. “Iknow sometimes it is heartbreaking but you have to be strong”continued his mother. That was it, sheknows. But who must have told her? thought Sadiq. “Who toldyou?” he asked bluntly. “Noone told me”she began, and Sadiq was confused, “when i was your age, ialso had to travel to a distant state to school and left my friends and siblings behind. It was heartbreaking but i soon got used to it and even loved thechange of environment” By this time Sadiq felt relieved and could havemanaged a smile. “Iwill be fine mom. Ithink the change of environment will do me some good”he replied feeling glad that his mom was clueless of his littlelove debacle. He finally figured that the change of environment was what he needed. This littlemoment of clarity came tohim after Vanessa had embarrassed him. Now he didn’t mindspending up to two weeks there in Kano; theplace he once didn’twant to go. And moreover one item on his bucket list which was still pending was to have an avalanche of adventure. He may as well start the adventure from there. There is a sayingthat when your house is on fire, literally, you should run! That’swhat our dear poor Sadiq have in mind. “Fine, because i havesomething important to tell you”said his mother in a serioustone. “Okay, i am listening”he replied and tossed his ringing phone away afterglancing at the screen and seeing the name of the person who had embarrassed him. “Won’t you answer that?” his mother asked “No. It’s not important”he replied. Really! Not important? What if she wants to say back the three letter words. Pick up silly. “Your dadis suppose to be here to assist me in divulging this to you” his mother began. His father’s work was very demanding, andsometimes he had to make some sacrifices, sacrifices which involved getting an unexpected call to travelfor important business trips. He is a rich business man. Actually a billionaire; that’s if you count all the properties he own around the globe.
25 Feb 2018 | 10:46
Stop thinking and do the right thing
26 Feb 2018 | 02:47
at least u should pick d call and here her out
26 Feb 2018 | 05:10
26 Feb 2018 | 10:37
6 Inspite of his riches he still worked extremely hard like a poor man and one would begin to wonder if he was really rich or not. Butone person thatis doing very fine financially too is his wife; Mrs. Animashaun. Sheis also a business woman and travels frequently to Dubai, Italy, Paris and China. So what was the important news she wantedto tell him which she needed the presence of Mr. Animashaun? It was an important news indeed. And it goes way back to when Sadiq was given birthto. Sadiq was given birthto in a village situated in kwara state. During that time it was mandatory for every traditional ruler tocheck what his child was going to become, whether the child wouldbring favor tothe kingdom ordestruction. The village seer was summoned to perform this taskas always. He was an aged man dressed in rags and leafs. Sadiq’s fathercompound was filled up that morning as villagers rushed in to see what future awaited this new born creature. The seer sat down on his matand began his incantations. Usually it took him several minutes to see thechild’sfuture, but on this day he sat for hours and the nosy villagers got tired eventually, some dispersed while few who were neighborsstayed behind. Finally the seer smiled…he frowned abit and then an horrorful expression hung on his face. He repeated the incantation and gesticulations that seemed to have worked and the expressions on his facewere the same three expressions he had exhibited earlier… a smile…a frown…anda horrorful look. When he was quite sure that he had seen Sadiq’s future he proclaimed; “This oneis a hardone to read but i have read him”. “What didyou see, seer?” Sadiq’s fatherasked. Chewing his kolanut the seer replied, “Isaw three things. This child here….” He said, pointing to the little baby Sadiq who was on his mother’s arm. “I saw three things happen to him, onemade me smile while theremaining two made me cry for him!” At this point Sadiq’smother was alarmed and his fatherwas at the edge of his chair demanding the seer to speak and stop speaking in parables orwhatever he was speaking in. “Ismiled because i saw him become very wealthy and successful and all was at his feet. But i frownedbecause you two were no longer his parents, he disowned this family, heleftyou for another family” he said. By this time the neighborswere murmuring. “And worse i saw something catastrophic happen tohim, and it was all blank after that. And usually when we see dark, we seers attribute itto ‘death’!” concluded the seer. An uproar erupted, Sadiq’s mother was devastated and her husband drove thecrowd out of his compound. Somewere still peeping through the open spaces inbetween the bamboo fence, trying toeavesdrop to what the seer was telling the unfortunate parents. “Let’s go inside” Mr. Animashaun ordered the seer. It was a long day and the advice theseer gave them was that they were going to start seeing signs soon, and when they do, theyshould do what they think is best. The first sign appeared when Sadiq was still a toddler. There was an Hausa family thatstayed directly opposite their house, they were also good friends of the family. Mrs. Animashaun noticed that Sadiq always crawled to this neighbor’s house all the time. And oneday Sadiq called the woman ‘mama’. The moment Sadiq mom told her husband, he told her to pack up, and they left for the city; Lagos. Years later when Sadiq’s mom visited hervillage, shewas informed thather neighbors left the village as well, almostas soon as they left. Thatwas the same time she found Asma’u at her door step. “Do you hate us? Have you ever thought of running away from us?” hismother asked him after she had finished her narration. “Noi don’t hate you, and i will never leave you, ever!” cried Sadiq, hugging his mother inorder to hide thetears thathad formed in his eyes. He had thoughtthe shoe had dropped when Vanessa failedto reply him, but now theshoe really has fallen!Imagine being told how your life will end even before it started. Almostas soon as his mother exited his room, an object hit his window. He got closer to the window and there was Vanessa staring from her room. Her phone was by her ear and a second later Sadiq’sphone started ringing. Picking the call he remained silent. “Hey” she said. He remained silent. “Atleast say something” she said, forgetting that she was the one who should say something. “Idon’t have anything to say. What about you, haveyou?” he asked. Vanessa remained silentfor some seconds, “NoI don’t” she replied. “Good night Vanessa”and Sadiq ended the call. They stared at each other for a minute and drewdown their curtains almost at the same time. That moment they realizedthat everything was never going to be the same again. I am not a seer or anything, but i knew this was going to happen. And you guys are my witness; i did try to warn Sadiq not to say those words. A little lesson for you kids. Good night kids and enjoy the nightmares. “Here, i picked this out for you personally” Asma’u said thenext morning, giving the little blue journal to Sadiq. “You could pen down all the interesting things about kano so i can read it” Sadiq’s flightwas early that morning. His father had called to wish him a safe flightand apologized for not being around. It didn’t matterto Sadiq, allhe wanted to do was flee away from this environment for two weeks or better still a week, and come back rejuvenated. He tried as much as possible not to think about Vanessa but he couldn’t help peeping through the window blind in his room to see if she was doing the same. But she wasn’t.
26 Feb 2018 | 10:57
okay thanks
26 Feb 2018 | 11:04
If sadiq & vanessa were meant to be,then they will be together after everything.
26 Feb 2018 | 12:46
Asma'u has got all it takes to get what she need.
26 Feb 2018 | 12:51
Sorry Sodiq
26 Feb 2018 | 14:12
Still following
26 Feb 2018 | 16:01
hmm am enjoying this
26 Feb 2018 | 16:54
26 Feb 2018 | 19:31
Ride on
27 Feb 2018 | 01:41
Hmmm dis one i strong
28 Feb 2018 | 08:53
Am not late continue
28 Feb 2018 | 08:54
episode 7 “Come soon” Asma’u whispered to Sadiq after they had gotten to Murtala Muhammed airport. “I will. I promise” he hugged her, walked to the departure line and soon disappeared. He might be happy to escape to Kano now but that doesn’t necessarily mean he will be happy when he gets there! Pack your bags kids…we are taking a trip to Kano! Bon voyage! Sadiq had a thick hood on. He had googled Kano and read that it was very cold by this time of the year. Actually it was sometimes extremely hot with dust during the day and really cold during the night and early morning. Well let’s officially welcome Sadiq to Kano and hope he enjoys the harsh harmattan. He hitched his backpack up on his shoulder as he walked through the arrival section and dialed the number his mom had given him. “Good morning Anty. Sadiq on the line” “Good morning Sadiq. Are you at the airport?” “Yes ma.” “That’s great. My son; Kazim is waiting for you at the arrival section”. Anty was Sadiq’s mother friend. They attended the same university at Zaria and had been friends ever since then. Each time Mrs. Animashaun visited Kano for anything it was at Anty’s place she would lodge. Anty had visited Lagos on two occasions and Sadiq knew her. Sadiq finally sighted a young man about his age, probably two to three years older displaying a placard with the name ‘SADIQ’. “Hi. i am Sadiq” he said to the young man who should probably be Anty’s son. The young man lowered the placard and shooked hands with Sadiq, “I am Kazim. And you are Sadiq from Lagos right?” “Yes.” Replied Sadiq. “Welcome. How was your flight? And where are your luggages?” Kazim looked around. “I have none. I have everything i need in my backpack. I am just going to be here for two weeks” assured Sadiq. Kazim offered to carry his backpack for him as they made for the car but Sadiq declined and thanked him. “Just two weeks! You must really loathe north?” Sadiq didn’t know if he should confess right away. But anyway he was surprisingly impressed with Kazim’s fluent english. And he thought who ever said the northerners weren’t good in English haven’t met Kazim. “Not that i do. There is someone i left behind” he confessed but vaguely. “Oh so there is a girl?” asked Kazim, reversing the car. “Something like that” was Sadiq’s vague reply. He pulled out the journal Asma’u had given him and penned some things down. Kazim was kind of cool, Sadiq thought. But Sadiq was not in the right mood to chat away. He took his time to observe the environment and it was as he had imagined it. It seemed ancient, a little. There were kids running about, some other kids were on rags and carried plates like beggars. I think they are called al-majiris. Truth be said, it was not as developed as Lagos. At least there is Kilichi and Suya. Kazim did a lot of turning and bursting out of different roads till he finally stopped by a one storey building with an uncompleted balcony as the roof top of the house. There were beautiful flowers inbetween the paved walk-way. There was no gate and there was no space between the house and the house next to it. Most of the houses were like that except a few. “Here we are” said Kazim as they highlighted from the car. Sadiq had forgotten about the harsh weather until he opened the car door and was greeted by a sandy-breeze. It was like the desert! Well maybe i have exaggerated it a bit. But it was very sandy. Sadiq felt nervous as they walked down the walk- way. This was his first time of ever leaving home. Except boarding school. The very first time he had butterflies flying in his stomach was in high school when Vanessa first spoke to him. Bursting out of the passage revealed a beautiful compound. By judging the house by the front view one would think it was a small house but it wasn’t anything near small. Just by the left, close to the passage was a door leading to the master apartment, which was Kazim’s father apartment. By the right just after the passage was a door leading to a single room which is fondly called bachelor room 1 and opposite it was a door at the other end leading to another single room called bachelor room 2, inbetween them was a small garden of flowers and a paved walk-way leading to another half of the house which was where Kazim was taking Sadiq to. There were three doors. Two were opposite each other while one was at the middle of the two. The door by the left led to the kitchen while the one by the right led to the whole family room which is mostly called mama’s room and the door by the middle was the guest room. “This is your room. My sisters cleaned it up nicely” Kazim opening the guest room door and holding his head up high as if glad that his sisters did a great work. There was a small parlour with five soft cushions, a bedroom and a clean tiled bathroom. “Smells like home” Sadiq complimented slumping on a chair. “It certainly is” smiled Kazim. “What would you like to take?” “Thanks i am okay. Where is everyone?” asked Sadiq. “Anty went to a convenience store and my siblings went to school and dad is at work” explained Kazim. “That explains why the house is so quiet” observed Sadiq. “Just wait till everyone is back home then you wouldn’t believe this was the quiet house you met this morning” commented Kazim. “So why Bayero university?” “My parent’s choice” replied Sadiq in a conspicuous manner that revealed his despise for the choice. “You know it’s not that bad here. Bayero University has a good repute.” Kazim had gotten the message that Sadiq wasn’t that happy to leave home. “You know what they say about Paris being the country of love, well this northern part of the country has abit of that kind of charm.” Says who? Sadiq had a good laugh and almost rolled on the floor. “Well we’ll see. But i fear that i won’t be able to find out because i am just going to be here for two weeks.” Sadiq reminded him. Kazim’s face was lowered as he browsed through Sadiq’s phone and sent some APPS to his phone through xender. Sadiq had the feeling that Kazim was abit offended and decided he would quit announcing about the two weeks. “Do you have any idea when the exam is?” asked Sadiq, trying to sound neutral. “Next week Monday. But we still have to go down to campus to confirm. Just to be sure, so you won’t miss the exam” He had no idea that Sadiq would be extremely happy to miss the exam. “Okay. That’s fine” replied Sadiq. He was already calculating when he would travel back home. Since the exam was seven days from now; that’s next week monday, he could get on the next flight immediately after the exam or just postpone it till the next day just to avoid being ungrateful to Anty and her family. “You have a phone call” announced Kazim. “Who’s the caller? Might be my mom, i haven’t called her to inform her that i have arrived safely”.
28 Feb 2018 | 08:58
Or maybe Venessa
28 Feb 2018 | 11:26
Vanessa on call I think
28 Feb 2018 | 14:24
or Vanessa... if she is the one; why would she even call??
28 Feb 2018 | 15:37
28 Feb 2018 | 16:20
1 Mar 2018 | 06:38
episode 8 “No. Vanessa” Kazim informed him and almost immediately Sadiq withdrew his hand. “Let it ring.” Said Sadiq. He was trying to avoid her by all means, atleast for the next few weeks till he traveled back home. Kazim conveniently continued what he was doing after the phone had stopped ringing. “So what do you people do around here?” Sadiq asked in an attempt to stop Kazim from asking him why he didn’t pick up the call. He didn’t want to start telling him about how he told Vanessa that he loved her and she never replied. “Not much. The guys just do their thing, you know, make fool of ourselves in front of the girls and all” said Kazim and laughed at the idea as if he thought it was totally absurd. Sadiq smiled too and thought if only Kazim knew how he had fooled himself in front of Vanessa and her friend. “Our ethnicity might be different but our mentality is the same” said Sadiq humorously. “I take it you’ve fooled yourself too?” Kazim raised his eyebrow to observe Sadiq. “Me! No…never!” lied Sadiq. “You say it as if it is a bad thing. Anyway when you meet that one person you really like, you would go far in fooling yourself and you won’t even care. Don’t worry it will happen.” “Maybe” muttered Sadiq. “There’s an activity that goes on here every month. Horse racing.” Remembered Kazim. “That’s awesome. I’d like to attend it” “Hopefully you will” replied Kazim then added “Now you have a new message” “Must be my mom. What does it says?” Kazim made a face as he read the message; “I don’t know what to say to you now, just like i didn’t know what to say to you the day you told me that you loved me. I didn’t want to hurt you that day by saying…………” Sadiq grabbed his phone before Kazim could read any further. There was a smile on Kazim’s lips as he said “It seems you did fool yourself.” Who hasn’t? I know i have. Sadiq ignored Kazim and read the message from beginning; “I don’t know what to say to you now, just like i didn’t know what to say to you the day you told me that you loved me. I didn’t want to hurt you that day by saying i don’t love you. And i didn’t want to give you the wrong impression by saying i do. I like you so much, more than you know, but that’s all. Moreover our lifestyle is totally different. Please find it in your heart to forgive me and i do hope we can be friends again. Your BF forever Vanessa ” The message ended. While she was at it, she should have sent a post card and a hot pie too! He already knew that she liked him as a friend but he was doubtful whether she loved him or not, but the fact that she mentioned it now tore into his heart. And truth be told, their lifestyle were different,; She was the red carpet girl, a model, going to every event in town, seen with celebrities, and was friends with several celebrities. And him? Totally nothing like her…. But does it matter? Do they have to live the same lifestyle for them to be compactable or together? “Sadiq!” Anty exclaimed as she hugged him. “How was your flight?” “It was smooth, like i didn’t even leave home” smiled Sadiq. “How nice. How are your parents and little Asma’u, she must be all grown up now?” asked Anty. “My parents are great and Asma’u is a big girl now. I think i have a picture of her here” he said, showing her a picture of him and Asma’u that he used as his phone wallpaper. “Look at her!” screamed Anty. Kazim shrugged at the startled Sadiq. “She is a big girl now and so cute too” “Yes she is” commented Sadiq, staring at the picture along with Kazim and Anty. His phone rang and cut off the little union that was formed for Asma’u. “It’s my mom” said Sadiq. “Hello mom”. Sadiq! Why haven’t you contacted us to tell us if you’ve landed safely? Asma’u have been worried and urging me to call you but your number wasn’t reachable” Mrs. Animashaun queried. “I am sorry mom. I am in Anty’s house now. Here she is” he said, giving Anty his phone. As soon as he gave her the phone, Anty switched to her native language which Mrs. Animashaun could speak fluently but Sadiq couldn’t. “Come let me show you around, they aren’t going to end their conversation for another one hour” Kazim said with a little air of sarcasm. He was right and Sadiq knew as well. The street was a little busy than earlier; there were little children racing home back from school. “I have a friend i want you to meet” Kazim said. “Ok” said Sadiq. “Hello Kazim. Humaira tena gidan?” a faint girl’s voice asked from behind in their native language. They both turned and there was a very beautiful fair girl holding the hand of a little girl that was on school uniform. She was wearing a purple gown and a black veil that almost hid her face. “No, she isn’t back from school yet” replied Kazim. She smiled courteously and increased her footstep. “I know, she is bleau” said Kazim in a French accent before Sadiq could say anything. “It’s her brother i wanted you to meet” “By bleau you mean ‘beautiful’?” Sadiq asked. “Oui!” replied Kazim. He was literate in French and so was Sadiq. “What’s her name” enquired Sadiq. “Zeenat.” He informed Sadiq, glanced at him and added. “If i were you i won’t be thinking of what you are thinking right now” “What!” exclaimed Sadiq. “How do you know what i am thinking and why shouldn’t i think it?” “One; anyone who have eyes would think like that and two; she is totally out of your league, like way out of yours” sniggered Kazim.
1 Mar 2018 | 11:03
episode 9 “Out of my league!? You don’t even know me, how can you say that!” he said feeling offended but knew Kazim was right. I know you guys want my opinion. The thing is that i know everything; i am like google, wikipedia and an encyclopedia. Okay i am just kidding, but I know things because i hear things and see things and i have seen this Zeenat and she is definitely something. I could say she is out of Sadiq’s league but then isn’t Vanessa ‘the extraordinaire’ Sadiq’s best friend or ex-best friend? If he can make Vanessa his bff i believe Zeenat won’t pose a problem, unless maybe Zeenat is the real extraordinaire le bleau. “My apologies please. I didn’t mean it that way” Kazim said. “You don’t have to apologize. Anyway what did she say to you?” asked Sadiq. “She was asking if my sister was at home. They are friends.” replied Kazim, stopping by a white duplex which Zeenat had entered. “Oh, okay. Your sister’s name is Humaira?” asked Sadiq. “Yes. Do you always ask this much questions” joked Kazim. Sadiq laughed, “Not really. Just in this occasion” Kazim had sent a little boy in to call his friend and the little boy came back saying he wasn’t at home. Sadiq asked him why they didn’t enter the house and Kazim had to explain to him how it was not allowed for strange males to enter the house of married people unless maybe ordered to. And all Sadiq had to do was fly out of his window and straight into Vanessa’s room. Well not in this town… They headed back home, just two houses away. Opposite their house was a light blue painted duplex, exiting it was a white girl. She had long blonde hair and a pretty face. There was a black Chrysler waiting outside her gate, she hopped in and the car drove out of sight. “Was that a white girl i just saw or was my eyes deceiving me?” asked Sadiq. “Your eyes weren’t deceiving you. Her name is Janelle. Rumour has it that her father is an ambassador, but nobody really know for sure because she doesn’t talk to anyone around here. They moved here seven months again or so” narrated Kazim. “This must be a nice neighborhood for them to reside here” commented Sadiq. “A great one indeed. There are some Chinese families living down that end. We call that place China town.” he said pointing down the street. Anty was through with the phone-call by the time they arrived. Kazim gave Sadiq a little privacy to settle down and Sadiq used the opportunity to take a long…long nap. ……. At Eko Atlantic city of Lagos where the upper class people resided, a young damsel with a brown eye shade on and a skimpy black skirt matched incongruously with a white spaghetti top hopped into a taxi and dropped at surulere where the ever busy crowd of people moved about like flying bees struggling for surviver. Surulere means patience is a virtue, but i assure you nobody is patient in surulere. “I thought you were kidding when you said you were on your way” Jennifer said to Vanessa. Jessica and Vanessa aren’t really friends; they were just in the same clique in secondary school. They had a lot in common except that Vanessa’s parents were way richer than Jessica’s, but they hanged together nonetheless. To be sincere they envied eachother but Jennifer just needs Vanessa so she can remain popular and be able to attend those red carpets event which Vanessa had unlimited access to. And Vanessa needs Jennifer because Jessica is the only one that can supply her with the white substance! You didn’t hear this from me…. “So you were saying over the phone that he isn’t replying your calls and messages.” began Jessica. “Yes. And i am really worried. I don’t know if everything is all right with him” replied Vanessa. “Believe me he is all right. He is probably having fun while you are here suffocating yourself.” suggested Jessica then added mischievously. “I met this weird guy and he gave me some strong stuff. I think you should try it out; you must try it” “I don’t know” said Vanessa hesitatedly as if it was her first time. “I really want to be sober” she said, unwrapping the paper and taking a light sniff, then a deep stiff. “How do you feel now?” she asked with a folded arm while resting her back on the chair like an observer. Vanessa stood up with a lot of energy, spread her arms and rotated like a kid playing under the rain; “It’s been a long time since i had this. I feel like the world is one small place where i can fly around.” She paused and stared at Jessica, and one could tell that an idea bulb had lit above her head. “Do you think i should fly to Kano?” “No girl. You are not a bird, you can’t fly” she said, dragging the almost unconscious Vanessa to the chair. “I am not high; i know what i am saying. I can book a flight, go and come back and my parents won’t even have the slightest clue” said Vanessa ambitiously. “And how would you locate him? It’s not like you’ve ever been there before.” enquired Jennifer, even though she didn’t really support the idea. Vanessa thought for a minute. “I can ask Mrs. Animashaun for the address” she nodded as if she had created a perfect plan. “What if she asks you what you need it for?” happy to bring in more obstacles. “She won’t ask” replied Vanessa confidently. “But what if she does. Let’s just assume that she does.” Jennifer insistently. “With the way you sound i am beginning to think that you are her. Well if she does then i will tell her that i want to send him a post card or something” she smiled. “There! Problem solved. Now, no more insinuations from you” I thought post card have become obsolete! “You don’t have to do this, you know. You two are just friends, its not like you are dating or anything” said the pissed Jennifer. “That’s if he even sees me as a friend anymore. And for your information some friendships are better than some relationships” as she said it she reflected abit. The friendship between her and Sadiq was really special. Sadiq always had her back and she always had his. If Sadiq were to have been around she won’t have sniffed the white substance Jennifer offered her. Imagine Sadiq had been gone for just some hours and she had totally broken her promise to stay away from drugs and alcohol. What will happen in the next few weeks that he is going to be away? She has a drug problem and the only person that have been motivating her and giving her the strength to stay sober was Sadiq. Her parents are unaware of her struggle. “I have heard that statement before, i can’t remember from where” muttered Jessica. “What statement?” asked Vanessa. “’Some friendships are better than some relationships’” repeated Jennifer. “Sadiq. Sadiq said it.” replied Vanessa in an almost absent-minded manner. “That’s it!” said Vanessa. “He said that last year about two of us, maybe all i have to do now is remind him and all will be the same again and i won’t have to travel anymore” With a small thumps-up Jessica said, “Best idea. I am in support of this plan” She got hold of her phone, went to her call log, before she could press Sadiq’s number, Jessica dragged the phone from her. “What are you doing?” asked the surprised Vanessa.“I thought you were in support of the plan” “Yes i am. But you can’t call him in this condition. Call him when you’ve sobered up.” she suggested. “Good point. I will call him when i get home” replied Vanessa with a lazy thumps-up. It was nearly six o’clock when Vanessa got back home. Home became boring all of a sudden and everything felt and looked old. The setting sun that gave the cloud a reddish color made things worst. It was as if she was in another planet where no one knew her, and she started blaming the sun, the lock on the door that refused to open and even her little pet dog that she adored so much annoyed her. How can the absence of one person bring so much isolation and misery? Standing by her window and staring at Sadiq’s closed window,she dialed his number and this time it rang without Jessica to interrupt. It rang the first time without an answer; she consoled herself by imaging that he might not be close to the phone. She dialed his number again and again and again before she finally decided to send him a message. Sadiq was still sleeping. He had not heard his phone ring. The little nap had turned into a deep sleep. As his lazy eyes dragged opened, he moved back in sudden shock on sighting two little light-skinned kids staring at him. “Mama…mama…mama” the kids wailed as they flung their hands in the air and raced out of Sadiq’s room frightened as well.
1 Mar 2018 | 11:28
hehehe Weytin dem(children) come find before. so Vanessa you are an addict??
1 Mar 2018 | 14:23
Are you sure she's totally out of Sadiqs league?
1 Mar 2018 | 14:41
Sadiq pick up your call and help her out
1 Mar 2018 | 14:57
hmm an adict that nt good still following i like the way ur hausa sound well done
1 Mar 2018 | 15:36
Vanessa you are drog addict
1 Mar 2018 | 16:18
Who are they(kids)?
1 Mar 2018 | 18:32
abeg who are those kids?
2 Mar 2018 | 03:28
So she bi one of dem
2 Mar 2018 | 08:00
Hmmm sadiq she needs ur help
2 Mar 2018 | 08:02
Maybe love is there 4 them
2 Mar 2018 | 09:27
If they can't do relationships...they can do friends forever
2 Mar 2018 | 09:33
10 There is one weird thing about evening sleep; when you wake up from it, you feel as if it’s the next morning or as if its late at night when actually its just 5pm or 6pm! I have a feeling that it doesn’t happen to only me. “God! Is it morning yet?” yawned Sadiq, turning and stretching while observing the environment. “I am famished” he muttered to himself. There were five missed calls on his phone and one new message. Four of the missed calls were from Vanessa while the remaining one was from his dad. “oh my God! dad called” he exclaimed while dialing his father’s number. It rang several times without an answer and he gave up. He checked the other missed call. He was about calling her when he changed his mind to read the text message first. “Do you remember vividly last year when you told Jessica and i that the friendship between you and i was greater than some relationship? Why cant we remain on that ship of friendship?” the message ended. Vanessa was right,Sadiq had said that but only to see if Vanessa was going to step up the friendship a notch but obviously that wasn’t happening. Sadiq was distraught. He didnt want to give up on her, he didnt! And it crossed his mind that the guy he saw her with at the galleria must be who she was seeing. No wonder she wanted to change her phone password. “I must go back immediately, moreover it is so boring here” he said to himself then replied Vanessa’s text with the most annoying and shortest word ever. “Will you eat your dinner now or after praying?” asked Anty. “After praying” responded Sadiq. By the time he was out of the convenience room, a tray of food was awaiting him. After much contemplation, he pounced on the food and savaged it before praying. Kazim had come to inform him that his father; Alhaji Najib wanted to see him. The only thing Sadiq knew about Kazim’s father was that he was a good businessman. Leaving his room to see Alhaji Najib, Sadiq decided to drop the tray in the kitchen. On closing his door, the door to mama’s room opened and a girl wearing a black gown and native scarf came out. Sadiq had paused as she made to collect the tray and flask from him. He wanted to say “hi” and probably introduce himself but he couldnt; he was speechless. I think this was what Micheal Jackson had in mind when he sang speechless. One cant blame him. She had these beautiful kind of eyes, the type that shakespaeare himself wont have the adequate words to describe. But in a simple word her eyes were charming, and not the ordinary cliché charming. “Let me help you with that” she said. “Uh!?” replied Sadiq and before he knew it the flask had landed on the floor and was probably broken. She giggled as Sadiq squatted to pick it up while saying; ” I am sorry” repeatedly. “Its okay” she said after collecting the tray from him them added briefly, “I am Humaira”. “Sadiq…i am Sadiq” he replied. She nodded with a smile and walked into the kitchen. Hoping that no one had seen the little accident, he sprinted to Kazim’s father room. Up in Lagos, Vanessa grabbed her phone to read the new message. She became more anxious to read it after seeing that Sadiq was the sender of the message. She climbed her bed, la!d down facing the ceiling to read the much anticipated reply. “Ok.” message ends. “What’s this?” she heard herself ask. She exited the message and reopened but that was it. She didnt get it. Was it a “ok, we can be friends again or a ok, whatever?” Anyway she decided whatever “ok” he meant she was going to be optimistic and pretend that it was a “ok we can be friends again”. She decided she would give him some space, because she knew usually when Sadiq was angry it takes the world to calm him down, and that ‘world’ was usually her but now that she was the one he was angry with there was nothing she could do but wait till his anger subsides. “Vanessa where is my Deola Sagoe gown?!” Vanessa’s mom; Mrs Walter voice rang from the corridor. Mrs Walter is a top nollywood actress and a big public figure while her husband is a multi billionaire industralist. The two combination make their daughter a young millionaire. “Mum here it is” It was right in Mrs Racheal big closet but she wasn’t good at finding things. She had almost all Deola Sagoe collections including other prominent Nigeria fashionist/designers like Maufechi and Frank Oshodi. “Look at you dear becoming fat. You are a model. Loose those calories. I think you have to go to The Walter’s this week to workout” suggested Mrs Racheal zipping up her Deola Sagoe gown. “But mom i have my plans” cried Vanessa. “Young lady i won’t repeat myself again!” and her authoritative tone kept Vanessa quiet. Why is everyone and everything so annoying, Vanessa thought within. For those who dont know ; ‘The Walter’s’ is a big family masion owned by Vanessa’s grand dad; Mr. Walter’s father. And the masion has everything you need, trust me, everything but family love!
2 Mar 2018 | 15:20
episode 11 The masion is located somewhere in Lekki. “I am going to a red carpet event. Make sure you lock the doors. I will come in with my own keys” Vanessa was a fan of any colour carpet event. “Can i come with you mum?” like mother like daughter. They said show me your friends and i will tell you who you are. Well, just show me your parents and i will tell you who you are! “No dear you have no new designer dress. Moreover i dont want people seeing my only child becoming this fat” she walked away quickly before Vanessa could protest. When her mother had left, she tried watching the t.v but it was all static even though it really wasn’t. She grabbed her phone to call Sadiq and tell him how bored she was then she remembered she was giving him some space. She scrolled down her contact and intended calling Majid Majid. They had both gone to the same high school but he wasnt currently in the country. It was almost as if Mm jnr was travelling around the globe; in Paris today, Germany the next week and so on. “He has probably left Australia” imagined Vanessa after she had dialed his Australia number and it wasnt reachable. Most times he was the one who usually called her when he arrived in a new country. He would send her pictures and they would skype. Who knows, maybe he is in Los Angeles now. With no one else relevant to call, she pushed her phone aside and grabbed her Apple tablet. She scrolled down Linda Ikeji’s blog and there was no story about her on it, she checked Bella naija blog and still nothing! That’s it! She flunged the tablet away, turned off the light and dozed off. Oh! poor drama queen Vanessa. Enjoy the nightmares. ……………….. After breakfast the next morning, Sadiq was in his room, in the pretence of studying for his exam. Anty had come to check on him several times and he had to alternate between his laptop and the exam preparation booklet. Kazim was told not to disturb him. When he was sure Anty wasn’t coming back to check on him again he concentrated on the movie on his laptop. The movie was boring, and so was this town. An email alert rang on his phone and opening it, it was a mail he had subscribed to from one of those bloggers. It read; Has Bad Girl Vanessa Turned Good? Below this title were some pictures of Vanessa entering a charity home with six bags of goodies and coming out with an empty hand. Vanessa loved kids especially motherless kid. Bloggers and celebrities! Sadiq didnt pay attention to the article written about Vanessa. His attention was on Vanessa’s pix. She was beautiful and all but that wasn’t what attracted him to her. Funny thing was that he didnt know what attracted him to her ; all he knew was that he liked and cared for her. Like a brother? Well he has always saved her like a brother. He saved her from herself and from the nosy bloggers. But was that why he loved her? Was it because her life was adventurious while his wasn’t and being with her brought adventure to his life? So now he is under the illusion that he is inlove with her when actually it was her lifestyle he really loved! The next couple of days were less boring, probably because Kazim’s siblings were now on holidays. It will be only fair of me to introduce Kazim’s siblings; Rofiat the immediate younger sister of Kazim was the most cheerful person you will ever meet. She was abit fair in complexion and good looking. Just 27 and was already engaged. Her immediate younger sister; Hanat, 24, was very fair in complexion, nice, pretty and very jovial. Fatima who is two years younger than Hanat was slim and much prettier and her shyness gave her a more feminine advantage. Her younger sister Humaira, 18, was dark in complexion unlike her other sisters. Last but not the least are the two fair twin. Very tiny they were but their havoc could disrupt the whole house. In all they were fun to be around. Sadiq’s room was never empty, the twins had made it an habit to run in and out and litter the whole place. It was funny at first but gradually it became irritating but he still loved them so much. Humaira was usually the heroine who always attempted dragging them out of his room but this was usually a failure as she and Sadiq would race around trying to capture them without success, in the end they would find comfort sitting on the tiled floor breathing tiredlessly from chasing the twins. It was all fun in a way and gradually Humaira and Sadiq became tight friends. He hanged around her other siblings as well but he was more closer to her. The boring town came alive for Sadiq. He was enjoying every moment and wished it never ended. He was too caught up with the fun that he forgot that the next day was the exam. Anyway it doesn’t matter does it? I mean, he wants to fail the exam and go back to meet Vanessa. “I cant afford to fail this exam.” Blurted Sadiq to himself. Well nobody is surprised. I saw this coming. Failing this exam would mean not returning here again, not seeing this beautiful family again! “That cant happen” murmured Sadiq locking himself up in his room as he tried to study, last minute study! But he couldn’t, he couldn’t concentrate. It was a funny sight to look at; he was eager to read to pass but he couldn’t assimilate anything and that frustrated him because he really wanted to pass… No he really ‘needed’ to pass! And as if the devil had his own plans Sadiq received an email alert. Obviously from the bloggers. At first he didnt want to read it because earlier the week there was a news blast that Vanessa was caught getting high on cocaine at a fashion show. All bloggers carried the news and it was all about Vanessa. She was sent to jail and bailed out by her father immediately. One thing Sadiq knew for sure was that Vanessa won’t carelessly sniff that substance in an event unless she intentionally did it to get caught, in which case she will enjoy alot of attention from the bloggers which was exactly what she wanted. I think that’s called publicity stunt. A little crime and a lot of attention. Opening the mail revealed a quick interview with Vanessa at a gala celebrity event. Sadiq read it; “Miss Vanessa could you tell us who you are wearing?”asked the host “I am wearing one of Ameenah Olaitan dress. The bag and accessories are by her too” flaunted Vanessa proudly. Ameenah Olaitan was a fashionista, writer and blogger and she was good at it all. Talk about a jack of all trade and mistress of all.
2 Mar 2018 | 15:26
3 Mar 2018 | 04:18
hmm this is really behind the veil
3 Mar 2018 | 06:26
episode 12 “Wonderful. You look amazing. Now please could you tell us what your reaction is to the blogger who slammed you following your being caught with cocaine by calling you; an over privileged irresponsible girl whose modelling career was over?” the host asked but it was obvious that she enjoyed the insinuations about Vanessa. Without being irritated Vanessa replied bravely,”Sticks and stones may break my bones but the bloggers words only make me stronger.” “Is this some ploy to stop me from studying” muttered Sadiq bitterly. The ploy he was talking about was seeing a picture of Vanessa holding hands with the guy he had seen her with at the galleria, the day he had made a fool of himself. But she told him there was nothing going on between them, why were they then holding hands, in public! thought Sadiq, examing the picture closely. He was so enthralled that he didn’t know when Kazim came in and was observing the picture from behind him. “I didn’t know the post umte question would be set from a picture of a girl holding hands with a guy!”said Kazim sacarstically and the frightened Sadiq almost had his heart fall out from his chest out of fear that it was Anty. “Dont you make sound when you walk?!” Exclaimed Sadiq. “I was as loud as a lady walking with bangles tied to her foot. You’re still obsessed with this your celeb of a girl!” Kazim rather disappointedly. “No i’m not” sadiq shot back. Kazim took a glance at the web page again, ” Yes you’re. Come on lets go out, you’ll meet new people plus consider it as a treat before you travel back home this week” and he flipped Sadiq’s laptop down and flung him his thick hood. “Allow me brush my hair” Said Sadiq as Kazim dragged him. “You’re fine lets go” he said and pulled him along like a kid that didnt want to go to school. “But what about my exam? It’s tomorrow!” Reminded Sadiq. “Come on. Its me you’re talking to, we both know you don’t want to school here. You can do your little act when you’re with my mom” At this point Sadiq didnt know whether to tell him that he was in love with this town. “Okay lets go” replied Sadiq. They were both outside when Kazim remembered that he had forgotten the car key. “I will be right back” said Kazim, sprinting away. The street was empty except for two weird looking old ladies that were approaching. They were staring at Sadiq and were exchanging words. Sadiq’s arm were on the roof of the car backing the road while replying a new bbm message. As the women walked passed him he heard them whisper while still staring at him. “Do you think he knows?” The first lady asked. “I don’t think so. He looks so clueless. Look at him” the second lady whispered and they both looked at Sadiq. Sadiq heard it all. But he didn’t know who or what they were talking about, but they were concentrating on him. “Sorry i had to take a bite from the pie my sisters are making” Kazim announced as he came out with a full mouth. They drove around and Sadiq met with several friends of Kazim. After meeting his friends they drove to a wedding ceremony. It was an hausa couple but the theme of the wedding was indian. Surely, it was one of the most colourful wedding he has ever been to. It was 7pm when they got back home. After the evening prayer they all gathered to eat dinner.
3 Mar 2018 | 10:28
episode 13 “How was your day?” Rofiat to Sadiq “It was okay” shrugged Sadiq. Kazim paused and took a surprise glance at Sadiq; ” Okay!?” He asked Sadiq rhetorically. “He had a great day. You should have seen him singing and dancing today!” Laughed Kazim. Everyone laughed and Sadiq also demonstrated how their elder brother; Kazim danced. “You should have taken me along” said Hanat sadly. “I’m sorry sis. I just wanted to show him around and we accidentally landed at the wedding” explained Kazim. “Isn’t tomorrow your exam?!” Jumped in Anty. Sadiq nodded and Kazim made an excuse to go dish more meal. He was obviously fleeing away! “And you two went out to have fun?” She queried Sadiq who has been left behind by Kazim. “I have studied enough. I’m well prepared” he lied. “I hope you’re ready. Your mom will be very happy if you get admitted here” she replied. Yeah me too. I think i like it here as well. “Me too” replied Sadiq. “Yaushe zaka je Lagos?” Humaira asked Sadiq in her native dialect. Sadiq had a smile on his lips and replied ” You know i only understand ‘go’ and ‘come’.” “I’m trying to teach you that’s why im speaking it with you.” “I appreciate that. But I’m learning fast ain’t i?” Asked Sadiq. “Well. You are trying.” “So tell me the meaning of what you said earlier.” “I was asking when you’ll be leaving for Lagos” answered Humaira. “Seems someone is going to miss me” smiled Sadiq wickedly. “Hahah” laughed Humaira and added ” You wish. I just want to know because i heard my mom asking you about the exam you’ll be writing tomorrow” Still undecided he replied; “I’m not sure yet. Probably next tomorrow”. Humaira lips twitched and her charming eyes looked dull. She suggested carefully ” The festive period is just next week, why don’t you just celebrate it here before you travel back. I promise you will love the experience.” “Maybe i will take you on your offer” said Sadiq in a thoughtful manner. There was a sly smile on Humaira face. They finally said good night, actually she’s the one that suggested they call it a night so that he can wake up early for his exam. “How was it?” Kazim asked him after he had spent an hour and a half in the examination hall. “Not bad” responded Sadiq. “I know you just ticked all the wrong answers” laughed Kazim as they got into the car. Sadiq only smiled. The thing was that he was more comfortable discussing with Humaira. If it were Humaira he could have easily told her that the exam was easy even though he didn’t prepare well enough. The horse race is tomorrow. The day before the horse race was always busy and overwhelming. The contestant horses were taken out for a little ride of display, the street was crowded with people and horses. And the eve before the next day every contestant always camped out and local food were served. Kazim was participating in the horse race and Humaira and Fatima had the responsibility of assisting him with the items for camping. Sadiq was dragged along, actually he wanted to go. This was a great chance for him to do new things. He has never camped out before. “Where do i drop the plate of meat?” Fatima asked her elder brother. “Leave it in the tent” replied Kazim pointing at the tent. “Look who’s here” whispered Kazim to Sadiq. It was Zeenat. She was helping her brother with his tent. Sadiq had almost forgotten about her. “Can you excuse me for a minute” Kazim excused himself as he went the opposite way. “Will you be camping out here too?” Fatima asked Sadiq. “Yes. But if the mosquitoes put up a fight i’ll come home.” smiled Sadiq. “The gate would be locked. Its already 9:40. You know baba locks the gate by 10:30” explained Fatima. “Thats why i have you to get me in” he winked. She laughed softly, “I would be fast asleep by then. Dont worry i will bring insecticide” and she went home to get it. Staring back at Zeenat position, she was no more alone. She was with her friend ; Humaira. Strangely through out his conversation with Humaira she had never mentioned Zeenat. She did talk about some friends in school but never did she for once say anything about Zeenat. About a minute later Humaira and Zeenat were advancing towards Sadiq. All of a sudden he felt completely uncomfortable on the plastic chair he was sitting on. “Sadiq i want you to meet my friend; Zeenat” said Humaira. What should i say? hi we’ve met before, on that day you went to pick that little girl from school and you asked Kazim if Humaira was at home. But we didn’t talk though. Yes right, bad first impression! “Hi i’m Sadiq” he said as he rouse from the chair. She had a scarf on and her face was still almost hidden by it but her beauty wasn’t. “You are not from around here, are you?” Zeenat asked him. “Is that so obvious?” replied Sadiq. “As obvious as a Chinese in the midst of Americans” joked Zeenat. They all let out a laugh. “And here i was thinking that i have blended in nicely, but then my difference from you guys is so conspicious” Sadiq. “Different is good” remarked Zeenat and she looked away to the empty street. “Its late isnt it?” asked Humaira who have been left out of the conversation. “We have to leave now” Zeenat announced. “Let me walk you girls home” requested Sadiq. “No thank you. Its a safe neighbourhood.” responded Zeenat It was worth the shot! “It was really nice talking to you. We should do this again sometime.” Zeenat said to Sadiq as she and Humaira departed. “Same here. Sure anytime.” replied Sadiq, sounding casual as if it wasnt a big deal. If it was possible to show in graphic details what was brewing in someones head, you will definitely see in Sadiq’s head a little creature jumping and jubilating and fireworks flying in the sky. But on the outside he was as calm as a new bride! As Humaira and Zeenat departed, before making a turn into the next street, Zeenat looked back and waved at him. A solid hand held Sadiq by his shoulder, it was Kazim. “Where on earth have you been?! You so missed alot!” blurted Sadiq unable to hold his boyish excitement. “I was here all the while” said kazim pointing at the tent. I didnt want to interrupt your discussion with her. “Oh my God! Is she even human?” Sadiq rhetorically with dreamy eyes. Kazim couldn’t help laughing. “That’s an odd way to compliment someone’s beauty” said kazim pulling the chair to himself. “I know but the thing is that its not just her outward appearance, even the way she speaks is alluring. It makes me forgot all my worries.” Said poor Sadiq “Remember the first day you came and i told you that this part of the north has the Paris charm?” Kazim reminded him and gave him eyes that read; i told you so.
3 Mar 2018 | 10:33
3 Mar 2018 | 15:09
3 Mar 2018 | 16:03
more link to ur pen
3 Mar 2018 | 16:05
Sadiq is having fun...vanessa on the news also having fun.
3 Mar 2018 | 16:09
Zeenat & humaira just made him to forget his worries.
3 Mar 2018 | 16:14
Time to move on without vanessa
3 Mar 2018 | 17:04
I hope you pass your exam and maybe you and zeenat may have something to do let wait and see
4 Mar 2018 | 02:24
All are having fun... Nice one
4 Mar 2018 | 07:56
4 Mar 2018 | 10:30
so zeenat is the Lady BEHIND THE VEIL!!
4 Mar 2018 | 15:19
Zeenat is part of ur reason to stay in kano dat will be gud
4 Mar 2018 | 16:39
Move it.
5 Mar 2018 | 22:43
episode 14 “Yeah i remember. I almost laughed so hard and rolled on the floor.” added Sadiq as they both laughed. “Oh that’s my phone ringing” he said, dashing into the tent, where the sound was coming from. “Good evening mum” Sadiq There was a little giggle from the other end of phone. It was Asma’u. “Good evening brother Sadiq, how was your exams, when are you coming home, how’s kano?” Smiling, Sadiq thought little Asma’u would make a good interrogator. “I’m fine baby. I missed you. I will be coming soon. Does mum know that you are calling me?” “Yes she’s here. Take mum” and the next voice he heard was his mom. “How was your exams?” She asked. “Great mom. How are you coping without me?” he mocked. “Strangely we are doing fine. Your little sister have been unbelievably helpful. Vanessa too do come around once in a while to help. But i don’t know why she trys to change the topic each time i ask her if she has heard from you.” Explained his mum. Vanessa! I almost forgot that she exist. Just kidding! “I’m glad you are doing great. I’m going to get Asma’u something for her hardwork.” that was the biggest excuse he has to divert from mentioning Vanessa. “See what i’m saying? You are also avoiding mentioing her. Hope you kids aren’t quarrelling?” Well..mums do have six sense. “We are not quarrelling mom. We communicated recently” he said trying to sound as vague as possible. “Good.” she said, but she wasn’t convinced. “As we agreed your transport fare has been sent to your account. Hope to see you tomorrow, so does Asmau.” Uhmmm…mum, there’ve been a change in plans” stammered Sadiq. “What change. Hope you aren’t still intent on seeking admission here. We told you its not possible.” “No thats not it mum. I want to….” Now isn’t this interesting…once upon a time he so much hated the idea of traveling to Kano but now he loves it here. His mum will be so thrilled to hear this. I cant wait! “You want to what?” asked his mum. “I want to spend another week or two here.” “Hello!? is this my Sadiq i’m speaking to? The surprised mum asked. She knew how much effort she had put before she was able to convince him to travel to Kano. All of a sudden he wants to stay there forever! Won’t you think he was charmed or something!? “Is he alright?” Sadiq heard Asmau faint voice from the background asking mum. Oh my God! How would Asmau take this!? Im so selfish! thought Sadiq. “Yes baby he’s fine.” They talked for several more minutes and he’s mum said she had no problem with him staying for a few weeks but Asmau would definitely be sad. He tried to make Asmau understand his reason for staying back but she was sad anyway. Sadiq hated himself for this but he just needed sometime to find himself, to explore new things and he felt the time and place was here and now. The next morning Sadiq informed Anty and Alhaji Najib about his plan to stay for a couple of weeks, they were more than happy to accommodate him. These northerners made him realize that whether you’re a northerner or not we are still one. “So guess what?” Sadiq to Humaira “I’m not good at that” she said “I will be here till after the festive period” revealed Sadiq excitedly. Humaira almost jumped and hugged him then quickly recomposed herslef. “That’s a great news” she was probably more excited than he was. “Yes i know” replied Sadiq. “But i hope its worth it because i broke my promise to my little sister.” The much awaited horse race was about to start. There were scads of people lined to watch the race. The racers were to make four laps round the street. The cheering from the crowd was overwhelming! As they set to race, Sadiq noticed the white girl watching from her balcony. What’s her name again?…….. Janelle. She had dark glasses on, surely the sun was harsh! The harmattan was harsh but she was obviously used to cold, she was wearing a light top and a jean short. Daya…Biyu….Uku…GO! And six horses accelerated without control. Watching from the other side of the road was Zeenat. Sadiq had stoled a glance at her several times, but somehow he felt she was doing the same but he hadn’t met eye to eye with her so he couldn’t tell if she was. And six horses accelerated without control. Watching from the other side of the road was Zeenat. Sadiq had stoled a glance at her several times, but somehow he felt she was doing the same but he hadn’t met eye to eye with her so he couldn’t tell if she was. About five minutes after their take off, four horses raced round the second time with the remaining two following a minute later. Kazim was among the last two. Zeenat cheered her brother when he passed, he was among the first four. Sadiq looked up to check the white girl and she wasnt there anymore. Some minutes later she came out again holding a mug, probably sipping hot coffee. “Do you think your brother can win?” Sadiq asked Humaira in a loud voice. “Sincerely? No. I think he just go for the fun of it” Humaira. “Doesn’t she have any friend?” he asked her, directing his gaze to Janelle who was staring down from her balcony. “You mean the white girl, she has a friend. One Asian girl like that” she responded in a manner that suggested that she wasn’t too interested in the topic. “Who do you think will win this race?” asked Sadiq, changing the topic as fast as he had started it. “Definitely Yusuf” responded Humaira. “Who’s Yusuf?” Sadiq. “Zeenat brother. He’s among the top four” she added. “So you don’t believe your brother has a chance?” laughed Sadiq. “No not the slightest” she laughed along. Sand dust were seen fuming from the end of the street. The racers were approaching. As predicted by Humaira, Zeenat brother was ahead with two of his opponent close behind him while the remaining three were far behind them. Loud cheers filled the air as they ran through for their third lap. “You see! Yusuf is ahead while my brother is among the last three. Do you still believe he has a chance?” Humaira giving Sadiq’s head a light push. “Want to bet?” dared Sadiq. “Really?!” Humaira excitedly knowing very well that her brother have never won, ever! “If your brother wins then you’ll serve me my meals in my room and you’ll come to wish me good night before you sleep every night” said Sadiq. He wasn’t joking but Humaira laughed so hard. “And what if Yusuf win?” Humaira. “Then I’ll do the same for you” sadiq. “No i want something different. If he wins then you’ll…..” Humaira She was cut short by another voice “Then he won’t travel back to Lagos till we decide whether he goes or not” a lady voice said from behind them. “Zeenat!!” Humaira exclaimed, hugging her as though they didn’t meet yesterday night or have not seen eachother for a long time. “Two against one!” Said Sadiq. “Scared of two girls?” Mocked Zeenat. “No. Just glad that i’ll have two ladies serving me my meals and telling me good night everynight” Sadiq mischievously. “He doesn’t know Kazim’s horse is too weak to win against those healthy horse” whispered the girls to each other. Finally the racers came through for their last lap. It was just as they had started; four ahead while two behind. Yusuf was still among the top four while Kazim was among the last two. At this point Janelle was seen clapping and cheering as they rode through for the last lap. As soon as they were out of sight, the winning rope was tied to the finishing line for the first to cut through.
7 Mar 2018 | 10:54
episode 15 I have a feeling that Sadiq bet on Kazim for a reason, even though he knows he’ll lose. Maybe its a part of his plan of trying new things. “Whats your little sister name?” Sadiq to Zeenat as he watched the little girl play with her yo-yo. “Sekinat” replied Zeenat. He tried to carry her but she refused. “She doesn’t like strangers” Humaira said as she lifted Sekinat up and spoke to her in her native dialect, trying to convince her that she can trust Sadiq. She tried allowing Sadiq carry her but Sekinat refused and she put her down. “Give her time. Just buy her a new yo-yo and she will be your best friend” Zeenat. “Oh my God here they come!” exclaimed Humaira as sounds of horses were heard approaching, louder and louder. The finish line was three houses away from where Sadiq and the girls were standing. “Its my brother who’s ahead” exclaimed Zeenat. There were still three other opponent right behind him and the remaining two lagging behind. It was so obvious that Yusuf was going to win. Yusuf increased the gap further as they approached the finishing line. “My yo-yo!” Cried Sekinat as it flew out to the race track. But no one had heard her. She crawled through and walked into the race track to grab it. “Someone get the kid!” some people shouted randomly, but it was too late for anyone to successfully pull her out before Yusuf got there. There was no brake for a horse and he was definitely going to hit her, so he swerve the horse to his right and he flew off as the horse crashed down away from where Sekinat was standing terrified like a little mouse! The three racers behind Yusuf were also in a dilemma as two people rushed to grab Sekinat away from the road while Yusuf’s horse was laying on the floor. There was no choice to make because their horses were running too fast, two of the racers stumbled on Yusuf’s horse and crashed down while the remaining one collided with them. There was a big mess down there and one or two of them were probably wounded. Few seconds later the remaining two were seen approaching. Kazim was one of the two. Sekinat was in safe hands now and the road was abit free except for two loose horses that blocked the way. Their owners were probably nursing their injury. The last two had become the most important two, they were galloping head to head to the finish line. Janelle had her two palms locked and held like she was praying. Sadiq and the girls were spell bound staring to see the outcome of the race. A minute later the horse that cut through the finish line first was……… What if Sadiq and the girls lost the bet? No body thought of that right? Its interesting to note that Kazim horse fell too while his opponent didn’t! As they approached the finish line, still going head to head and were just a moment away from the line, one of the loose horse locked legs with Kazim’s horse and with the speed at which he was going his horse literally flew forward and cut through the finish line first then stumbled and rolled on the floor. His opponent in an attempt to avoid any collision diverted his horse and ran into the crowd without passing the finish line!
7 Mar 2018 | 11:03
And kazim won
8 Mar 2018 | 04:07
That's interesting! Now that Kazim has finally won, now begins Sadiq's adventure. Imagine two beauties serving your food and coming to wish you goodnight. Definitely, sweet dreams would be the order of his sleep
8 Mar 2018 | 09:38
turn of event
8 Mar 2018 | 13:47
Now you don't want to come back again
8 Mar 2018 | 14:14
Kazim won
8 Mar 2018 | 14:20
Two beauty will be serving him in is room wow
8 Mar 2018 | 14:49
He will surely enjoy his stay in kano
8 Mar 2018 | 14:51
He like one of the 2 gals but let find out who
8 Mar 2018 | 14:55
your staying in Kano make sense enjoy your stay ok
8 Mar 2018 | 16:39
Thn who won?
8 Mar 2018 | 16:39
Kazim won the race as Sadiq won the bet
8 Mar 2018 | 17:30
that hw fate work. Turn of event, and it seems am the only one that notice the white girl liking for kazim
8 Mar 2018 | 17:59
Sadiq has got some special reward,kazim has go his own too because he won.
9 Mar 2018 | 11:37
Humaira & zeenat has got some goodies to do 4 him.
9 Mar 2018 | 11:41


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