

By oladayo in 16 Apr 2016 | 09:03
oladayo oladayo

oladayo oladayo

Faithful User
Forums Best User
Posts: 12
Member since: 16 Apr 2016
Chapter One
The atmosphere was
tense for little Bella as
she stepped forward to
take her turn in the
turned her neck around
and felt as though she
was facing a million
people. She tightened
face as though she
would burst in tears.
head fell as she tapped
the tiled floor with her
tattered shoe. Once, she
was feeling like a
celebrity, but now, she
felt as though hell had
been let loose. It was
the school hall of
Morning Bell College
(MBC), Magodo, Ikeja.
The preliminary stage of
the yearly SPELLING
was not a new thing to
MBC which had
produced two winners
so far in
the competition over
five years of its
It would be a
nationwide thing. Bella
dreamt of going as far
as the National stage of
the competition to
represent her state,
and to win the trophy.
The dream came to her
vividly like a vision and
she believed it.
"Bella!" a voice broke
up her wandering heart.
"Your time is ticking,
won't you spell the
"The...w..word?" Bella
stammered. "What?"
A loud overwhelming
laughter broke through
from the back of the
hall. It was Blossom's
voice. Soon, the hall
had joined her in it.
Everyone went frenzied.
"Em...I didn't here the
word. Please, can least
repeat the word?"
"Okay, listen up Bella,
your word is ALIGN,"
the teacher said.
"A line?" Bella replied
with her eyes bulged
out in fright. She didn't
want to miss the
spelling. If she missed
it, then it would be her
fourth failures in three
weeks. She had earlier
tried her hands on
Volleyball, but she did
badly and was dropped
by the school
volleyball coach. She
opted for Table Tennis
and lost out, just at the
preliminary stage. She
put in for the Chess
Competition in her
school. She was
nothing near good in it.
she felt this would be
her last chance; the
Spelling Genius
Competition organised
"No, Bella, I didn't say
'a line' but ALIGN.
Listen well please."
"Well..." Bella paused as
she looked to her
right. Almost all the
contestants were still
seated. It was just the
first round of the
competition, just as the
placard ahead of her
had pointed out. Bella
looked straight ahead
and saw the whispering
mouth of her sister,
BLOSSOM. She would
just follow her whispers
right away.
"Okay, ALIGN is spelt
A-L-I-N-E," Bella
braced up and tried
putting up a smile on
mug. She expected a
round of applause, but
instead, it was a round
of laughter she heard.
"Bella, you are wrong!
You mixed it up. ALIGN
is spelt A-L-I-G-N.
That was too simple for
you to..."
Bella was already out of
earshot. She was
having her head bowed
as she shed tears.
Bella was in J.S.S 3.
She has passion for
competition but she
hasn't found anything
was good at. Naturally,
she has done badly in
all the things she had
put her hands into
previously, including
the debate competitions
she tried to take part in
while she was in the
Primary School.
The class was empty
where Bella had gone to
ensconce herself in. Her
tears ran down her
face, greased her hands
and fell on the top of
the desk on which her
head laid. She was only
two minutes into her
tears when she felt an
arm round her neck.
She raised her head and
discovered it was
Blossom, her sister.
"Bella, what are you
doing here alone?
"Bella hissed and
placed her head back
on the
"Bella, brace up. That
tears is uncalled for!"
"It was all your fault!"
Bella burst out
"My fault?"
"Yes your fault
Blossom. You
whispered the
wrong spelling."
"No Bella, you're wrong.
I gave you the right
spelling. You mixed it
up!" Blossom denied.
"I read your lips so well;
of course you know I
can read lips well."
"Bella, I swear I spelt
ALIGN correctly for you.
I swear!" Blossom made
a very serious face. "Is
that how you'll blame
your fault on people? I
was even trying to help
Bella. Oh! If I had
known, I wouldn't have
helped you at all Bella.
Okay...then...bye cos I
have no time for
fussing over a spilt milk
here. Got to do my
music practice because
of the competition
ahead. Bye!" Blossom
flaired up and was out
of the class in a jiff.
Bella felt guilty for
making Blossom angry.
She began to doubt
"Oh, maybe I didn't read
her lips well after all,"
Bella thought aloud.
"Bella!" a startling voice
broke into her ears. It
was her class teacher,
Miss Fiona.
"Bella, what are you
hear alone doing? Ain't
you going to watch the
competition? It's
getting more
"I don't want to see any
boring competition.
I'm out of it, so I have
no business with the
damn thing anymore!"
Mrs Fiona sighed and
stepped well into the
empty classroom as she
made for Bella's seat.
She sat beside her and
prodded her.
"Little Bella, you can
always do something,"
said Mrs Fiona as she
was won't doing.
"Thanks, I've heard that
tons of time," Bella
replied. "You needn't
tell me that one more
time. I know I can do
things--irony I guess,"
she dakd and dropped
her head again.
"Bella..." the teacher
said. "Listen..." Miss
Fiona stood and went
on ttiptoed as though
she would do a ballet
dance. Then she made a
display and broke into a
You can get it if you
really want...
You can get it if you
really want...
You've gotta try...try
and try...try and try...
You'll succeed at last...
She shut her eyes and
sang the song
passionately, thinking
that would make the
song sink deep into
Bella's brain. Her voice
echoed in the empty
room as she sang.
"Ooooouuuu!" she
screamed in excitement
flashed her eyes
opened. To her
surprise, she
was the only one left in
the class. "Gush!
Where is this Bella girl!"
She screamed as she
made for the door.
16 Apr 2016 | 09:03
16 Apr 2016 | 09:11
Ride on
16 Apr 2016 | 09:15
This will be sweet!
16 Apr 2016 | 09:17
16 Apr 2016 | 09:17
[b]She has d passion of participating in tinz i like[/b]
16 Apr 2016 | 09:26
Ride on
16 Apr 2016 | 09:35
Hmmm...good start
16 Apr 2016 | 09:36
ride on
16 Apr 2016 | 10:00
nice start gonna like this ride on bro
16 Apr 2016 | 10:03
16 Apr 2016 | 11:40
16 Apr 2016 | 13:01
16 Apr 2016 | 13:07
too long
16 Apr 2016 | 14:25
9ice starting
16 Apr 2016 | 14:44
CHAPTER TWO Bella Discovered Bella was looking radiant in her favourite pink dress and her gorgeous hat whose top was decorated in the Queen- of-England fashion. Her high heeled shoes gifted her the appearance of a giant. Bella had carefully set her eyelashes earlier that morning, tinting them with a little cosmetic. Her braided hair sat just on her shoulders like the manes of a horse. She carried her steps elegantly as she headed for the pulpit along with four others. The church was constructed in the modern fashion, with fanlights and golden architraves at the doors and windows. The lights glistened like the stars in the firmament as the air- conditioners set the large church hall up with refreshing ambience. The Bishop introduced the new set of choir who had just mounted the stage. Bella was certainly one of them. Miss Fiona was glad at the sight of Bella. She had encouraged her betimes to join the choir in the church but the girl had turned deaf ears on the ground of stage- fright, as well as her inability. As the culture of the church demanded, each of the to-be-inducted members would have to present a song they had carefully prepared for, as this would be used to rate them in skills. Two boys and three girls were in line to present their songs, with Bella standing back to present hers last. Rounds of applause set the hall in vibration after each member had presented his or her song. They had all done very well. Now it was four down and one left--Bella. "Now, brothers and sisters in the Lord, we present to you our radiant damsel, Bella Benson!" the pastor announced and there was a standing ovation. Bella was confused. The song she had prepared for suddenly jumped out through the window of her brain and she was left puzzled. Her forehead squeezed up to form a wheezy set of wrinkles. The message was clear--she had nothing to present. "Bella Benson, you can present your song right now," the Bishop announced as he signalled to the instrumentalists to get ready, since they already had the music each member would present. A minute of dead silence followed as Bella looked down frustratingly. Her lips trembled and her body quivered. She didn't even remember how to start the song she had practiced very hard for. The instrumentalists set there iinstruments on fire as they expected Bella to join them in it. It was two minutes already with no sign that Bella would come in. Miss Fiona felt uncomfortable on her chair. She couldn't sit up anymore. So she got up and screamed, "Bella Benson! Come on, you can do it! Come on!" Bella heard her shrilled voice and a surge of courage overtook her. "Em...em..." Bella sounded over the microphone and everyone guffawed. "Sir, can you tell them to stop?" Bella demanded that the instrumentalists should stop. "Alright, alright, stop! Stop the accompaniment please!" the Bishop ordered. "Now Bella Benson, what do you have to tell us?" the man said with a smile on his face. "Em...can I...em...can I come up with another song?" Bella said with a frightful look. "Yes, if you wish...provided the instrumentalists know the tune already." "Yes! That's my girl!" Miss Fiona screamed and all eyes were fixed on her. She wasn't aware of it. A sonorous voice filtered the air, setting the atmosphere into a cooler haven: You can get it if you really want You can get it if you really want You've got to try, try and try...try and try... You'll succeed at last! The accompaniment came in boisterously like a thunder percolating the sky. The hall was set aflame when Bella increased the pitch and the tempo of the music. Her voice seemed charming to the ears. A standing ovation took over with some rhythmic claps. It was a sight to behold. People screamed like never before and Bella hid in her cocoon of shyness once again as she humbly dropped the mic and hasted to join the rest of the to-be-inducted members. The joyful noise continued until the Bishop had ordered them to take their seats. However, a stubborn member kept screaming. "It's enough sister Fiona!" the Bishop spoke from the stage and Miss Fiona was shocked. "How come? He knows my name?" Fiona whispered as she looked right and left in shame and went low into her seat. The Bishop inducted the new members and the congregation offered their prayers and wishes. Then the Bishop announced the best two performers as supported by the tradition of the church: "Dear members of the body of Christ, I present to you the best two performers in the name Benjamin and Bella!" A standing ovation and a round of applause greeted the announcement. Bella felt humbled. She had never been so lionized in her entire life. The pastor offered them some handshakes and instructed them to wait after the service for further instruction. He ordered them to go back to their seats. Bella hurried off the stage and sat beside Blossom where she was having her seat earlier. "Congrats Bella!" Blossom said. "Thanks," Bella whispered in reply and kept a straight face. "But you only got lucky, Bella. It may not be the same all the time." Bella turned her neck in awe to face her sister and kept mute. She had easily given in to her sister's talk just now. "You're right," she said at last and sulked. Immediately after the service, Miss Fiona adjourned to Bella's seat but was surprised when she didn't find her. "Where is Bella?" she demanded. "I don't know," Blossom said. "She left for the toilet ten minutes ago and she isn't back." "She isn't back?" Miss Fiona wondered. "I'll go search for her...right away!" As Fiona stepped into the aisle, she halted when she heard her name called from the pulpit: "Miss Fiona Felix, please your attention is needed right now. Come over to see the Bishop." Her eyes got inflated. "For what?" she spoke to herself as she vaccilated. Surprisingly, the search for Bella was not a one-man affair. Benjamin was also looking for her. "Did you see Bella?" Benjamin kept asking, but no one had seen her.
16 Apr 2016 | 14:48
16 Apr 2016 | 15:25
16 Apr 2016 | 15:26
Ride on
16 Apr 2016 | 16:22
CHAPTER TWO Bella Discovered Bella was looking radiant in her favourite pink dress and her gorgeous hat whose top was decorated in the Queen- of-England fashion. Her high heeled shoes gifted her the appearance of a giant. Bella had carefully set her eyelashes earlier that morning, tinting them with a little cosmetic. Her braided hair sat just on her shoulders like the manes of a horse. She carried her steps elegantly as she headed for the pulpit along with four others. The church was constructed in the modern fashion, with fanlights and golden architraves at the doors and windows. The lights glistened like the stars in the firmament as the air- conditioners set the large church hall up with refreshing ambience. The Bishop introduced the new set of choir who had just mounted the stage. Bella was certainly one of them. Miss Fiona was glad at the sight of Bella. She had encouraged her betimes to join the choir in the church but the girl had turned deaf ears on the ground of stage- fright, as well as her inability. As the culture of the church demanded, each of the to-be-inducted members would have to present a song they had carefully prepared for, as this would be used to rate them in skills. Two boys and three girls were in line to present their songs, with Bella standing back to present hers last. Rounds of applause set the hall in vibration after each member had presented his or her song. They had all done very well. Now it was four down and one left--Bella. "Now, brothers and sisters in the Lord, we present to you our radiant damsel, Bella Benson!" the pastor announced and there was a standing ovation. Bella was confused. The song she had prepared for suddenly jumped out through the window of her brain and she was left puzzled. Her forehead squeezed up to form a wheezy set of wrinkles. The message was clear--she had nothing to present. "Bella Benson, you can present your song right now," the Bishop announced as he signalled to the instrumentalists to get ready, since they already had the music each member would present. A minute of dead silence followed as Bella looked down frustratingly. Her lips trembled and her body quivered. She didn't even remember how to start the song she had practiced very hard for. The instrumentalists set there iinstruments on fire as they expected Bella to join them in it. It was two minutes already with no sign that Bella would come in. Miss Fiona felt uncomfortable on her chair. She couldn't sit up anymore. So she got up and screamed, "Bella Benson! Come on, you can do it! Come on!" Bella heard her shrilled voice and a surge of courage overtook her. "Em...em..." Bella sounded over the microphone and everyone guffawed. "Sir, can you tell them to stop?" Bella demanded that the instrumentalists should stop. "Alright, alright, stop! Stop the accompaniment please!" the Bishop ordered. "Now Bella Benson, what do you have to tell us?" the man said with a smile on his face. "Em...can I...em...can I come up with another song?" Bella said with a frightful look. "Yes, if you wish...provided the instrumentalists know the tune already." "Yes! That's my girl!" Miss Fiona screamed and all eyes were fixed on her. She wasn't aware of it. A sonorous voice filtered the air, setting the atmosphere into a cooler haven: You can get it if you really want You can get it if you really want You've got to try, try and try...try and try... You'll succeed at last! The accompaniment came in boisterously like a thunder percolating the sky. The hall was set aflame when Bella increased the pitch and the tempo of the music. Her voice seemed charming to the ears. A standing ovation took over with some rhythmic claps. It was a sight to behold. People screamed like never before and Bella hid in her cocoon of shyness once again as she humbly dropped the mic and hasted to join the rest of the to-be-inducted members. The joyful noise continued until the Bishop had ordered them to take their seats. However, a stubborn member kept screaming. "It's enough sister Fiona!" the Bishop spoke from the stage and Miss Fiona was shocked. "How come? He knows my name?" Fiona whispered as she looked right and left in shame and went low into her seat. The Bishop inducted the new members and the congregation offered their prayers and wishes. Then the Bishop announced the best two performers as supported by the tradition of the church: "Dear members of the body of Christ, I present to you the best two performers in the name Benjamin and Bella!" A standing ovation and a round of applause greeted the announcement. Bella felt humbled. She had never been so lionized in her entire life. The pastor offered them some handshakes and instructed them to wait after the service for further instruction. He ordered them to go back to their seats. Bella hurried off the stage and sat beside Blossom where she was having her seat earlier. "Congrats Bella!" Blossom said. "Thanks," Bella whispered in reply and kept a straight face. "But you only got lucky, Bella. It may not be the same all the time." Bella turned her neck in awe to face her sister and kept mute. She had easily given in to her sister's talk just now. "You're right," she said at last and sulked. Immediately after the service, Miss Fiona adjourned to Bella's seat but was surprised when she didn't find her. "Where is Bella?" she demanded. "I don't know," Blossom said. "She left for the toilet ten minutes ago and she isn't back." "She isn't back?" Miss Fiona wondered. "I'll go search for her...right away!" As Fiona stepped into the aisle, she halted when she heard her name called from the pulpit: "Miss Fiona Felix, please your attention is needed right now. Come over to see the Bishop." Her eyes got inflated. "For what?" she spoke to herself as she vaccilated. Surprisingly, the search for Bella was not a one-man affair. Benjamin was also looking for her. "Did you see Bella?" Benjamin kept asking, but no one had seen her.
16 Apr 2016 | 16:32
Wer bella kum run go naw
16 Apr 2016 | 16:38
Dx qirl sef
16 Apr 2016 | 16:57
CHAPTER THREE FIONA'S FAIRYTALES Fiona was an angelic- looking lady in her late twenties. She always wore her hair in dreadlocks of two colours. She had a charming smile. Her almond eyes had been her beauty spot. She wasn't too athletic but she had durable limbs. Her long nose had endeared him to countless admirers who had taken her for a British lady in black skin. Her neck had faint traceries lining it up. The beauty of Fiona had caught the eyes of many suitors, but she had rejected them all in a humble manner. She believed her future partner was still not in sight. Fiona was only a new teacher in Morning Bell College, having taught for only twelve months. She taught Phonetics. Fiona had interest in grooming pupils for something special. At the sight of Bella, she had put up great interest in her. She wanted to be around her all the time, such that she gave up attending her own Church denomination to Bella?s own, with the interest of getting familiar with her. However, Fiona knew very little of Bella?s background. She hadn? t been to her home, despite asking Bella to take her there all the time. She hadn?t seen anybody coming to the school to pick up Bella after school or anyone who showed care for her, yet the school was only attended by rich kids. How come Bella goes home all alone? She pondered, yet she claimed that Blossom was her sister. What kind of sisters are they? As for Blossom, she always had two guys coming to pick her up after school hour. They seemed too young to be her father or uncle, so Miss Fiona concluded that they were his friends. Fiona stepped to the door of the office of Bishop Daniel. She blinked her eyes over the wordy instructions glommed to the door: THE OFFICE OF BISHOP DANIEL OGHENE KEEP OFF IF YOU ARE COMING TO HURT BECAUSE THE MAN OF GOD IS ANOINTED FROM HEAD TO TOE BUT COME IN IF YOU NEED HELP ONLY MAKE SURE YOU PUT OFF YOUR PHONE AND KNOCK! KNOCK!! KNOCK!!! THE DOOR SOFTLY. Jesus IS LORD! Fiona smiled. The inscription was amusing to her. They should have put all in one sentence, she thought. She knocked softly and the voice of the middle-aged man came up: "Come in, come in," the Bishop said as he adjusted his spectacles. He had a little moustache, which curved down over his upper lip like a walrus in the sea. His teeth had a tint of chocolate stain, probably from the kolanut he had spent his time chewing many years back. Bishop Daniel had an oval-shaped head, like the egg of a peacock. His smile seemed lopsided, affecting only the right cheek, while the left one remained still. Bishop Daniel had scanty hairs on his brows. His ears seemed like the handles of an ancient cup. The door made a crinking sound as Fiona walked in slowly. "Good day sir," she greeted in her phonetically- inclined accent. "Good day young lady. How may I help you please?" "Sir, you said you wanted to see me...and I'm here." "Oh! Who are you please, because I asked to see some other people too?" Fiona was amazed. Seemed the man had short-term memory for forgetting her so soon. Wasn't he the one who mentioned her name earlier on the pulpit? "Sir, but you cautioned me on the pulpit earlier. You said it is enough Sister Fiona, have your seat please!" Fiona said, mimicking the Bishop's voice. The clergyman grinned. "Oh! It's you Miss Fiona. I'm sorry I couldn't recognise you. You know something? I must confess that's my cross; I've got long- sightedness," the Bishop confessed humorously. "Oh! I see!" Fiona said and kept quiet. "You're welcome Fiona." "But did you know my name in the first place?" "Someone described you to me two weeks back." "Described me?" "Yes Sister Fiona and that's why I'm inviting you here today," the Bishop said. ?Please you may have your seat.? Fiona looked around and sat gently on the succulent seat. She fixed her gaze at the wall- clock which had just clocked 2pm. She widened her eyes as though she was amazed at it. Her body language felt like she wanted to leave immediately. Bishop Daniel rose to his feet and came close to her. She was suspicious. ?What is it sir?? she asked edgily. ?Nothing really, Sister Fiona, but permit me to ask you this; you are beautiful, I hope you know.? Fiona raised her brows and stared into the Bishop?s face. ?S?Sir, I?I don?t get y- you,? she said. ?Of course you know what I?m saying,? the Bishop said. ?What?? Fiona asked shakily. ?I love you, please can you marry me?? the Bishop said, smiling. Fiona was punch-drunk; a bishop in his fifties, already married with grown up kids asking for her hands in marriage? How is that possible? She thought. Her lips couldn?t make up a word; they just trembled. ?My darling Fiona, please let?s get married,? the Bishop spoke confidently once again as he demanded a response. ?Y-you must be m- mad, sir,? Fiona managed to voice out, then she realized the gravity of her rash statement and apologized. ?I?m sorry for saying that sir?but sir it is weird, can?t you see?? ?Weird you say, Fiona?? the Bishop said. ?What is weird?? ?Ain?t you following the bible anymore? One man, one wife I think is the doctrine. Also, a Bishop is said to be a husband of one wife, isn?t it? Beside sir, I can?t get married to a Bishop even if he is in his early or late twenties.? The Bishop laughed and adjourned to his seat as he plunged into a weird laughter. Fiona was left in the cloud. She had no clue. It was a bizarre scene to her. ?Fiona, did I sound serious at all?? the Bishop kept laughing. ?Maybe I?ll be very good at acting,? he added. ?I don?t believe I acted that script so well?? Fiona felt embarrassed when she discovered that the Bishop was only playing pranks on her. He didn?t mean what he was saying at all. ?Bishop you scared me,? she said as she sighed. ?Yes I do and I knew it from the onset; those eyes of yours got some wrinkles around them. You were like, Oh My Gush!? Fiona gawked into her wrist-watch. She was somehow eager to leave. The Bishop discovered it. ?I perceive you want to leave, sister Fiona, but you don?t need to be in a hurry because today is Sunday, so give it all to the Lord because it is the Lord?s day, isn?t it?? Fiona nodded in agreement. ?Sir, you haven?t told me why I?m here yet,? she said. ?Yes, actually that script I acted out for you is a kind of revelation I received last week after a fervent prayer. Soon, old men like myself, already married with kids, will be the one asking for your hands in marriage after the young ones have tried several times without success lady Fiona!? ?God forbid!? Fiona screamed. ?But that?s the revelation. You?re in your late twenties and you aren?t giving in to any suitor, yet you want to get married, or don?t you?? ?Of course I want sir,? she replied. ?Then listen to at least one of them,? he said. ?Sir?but I have not seen the type of man I want in any of them,? she confessed. ?How many?? ?Like five of them have come after me since I joined this Parish in January. I think they?re all after my beauty,? she added. ?January to May is around four months, Sister Fiona, so you mean you?ve been in this church for so long.? ?Yes sir,? she said. ?And why didn?t we have your name in the Church Register Book? Or you didn?t stand up to indicate that you were a first-timer the very first day you came to the church?? ?Yes sir.? ?Why?? ?Just because I didn?t want to be noticed, yet these guys found me out.? ?Ssh!? the Bishop sounded. ?Say brothers in the Lord, not guys.? ?Funny,? Fiona said. ? That?s why I don?t want to give in to any of them.? ?How?? the Bishop demanded. ?When brothers in the Lord start marrying their sisters in the Lord, isn?t that Inbreeding?? Fiona said without blinking an eye. It elicited laughter from the Bishop?s mouth. He sat up eventually and broke up the purpose for inviting her to his office. ?Miss Fiona, I actually called you here because already as I speak, another ?guy? in quote is dying to speak to you, but he is scared.? ?Scared of me?? she spoke in her usual accent laced with phonetics. ?Of course people are already getting scared of speaking with you one on one because you have been shooing them all off!? Fiona gazed at the ceiling and touched her chest. Her breath ceased as the door began to open for a young man to come in. ?Here?s the guy,? the Bishop said, pointing towards the door which was ajar. Fiona placed her palms over her face and stood as she walked past the man and left the office immediately.
16 Apr 2016 | 17:00
Please always post new episodes on the comments section.
16 Apr 2016 | 17:16
Dis 1 na alkeah & the bee
16 Apr 2016 | 18:52
16 Apr 2016 | 19:39
17 Apr 2016 | 11:10
17 Apr 2016 | 15:07
The man sai toast
18 Apr 2016 | 08:50
18 Apr 2016 | 18:28
Fiona .. very soon u go dey beg does guys to throw rung for u to catch ooo
19 Apr 2016 | 15:10
This one dn turn abandoned project oo
30 Apr 2016 | 07:00
What happened to this story??
2 Jul 2016 | 05:01


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