

By francry in 4 Aug 2021 | 02:45
francry francry

francry francry

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"Why can't an igbo man or woman get married in our village,papa,i am in love with Femi,i want to marry him"
"my daughter not that you cannot marry him but its forbidden in my family to mr Oji said,
"then i will kill myself"Ijeoma rushed in to take a knife,
Ijeoma ! stop don't do anything crazy
"why papa ,why! i love Femi"
"Ijeoma do not try to act wierd ijeoma will do something toward that ijeoma promise,but they has to be a lot of sacrifice maee to appease the gods" mr Oji said
"whatever it requires ijeoma will do it"
just then Chibuzor, my brother broke the silence by informing me Femi has arrived
in shock*******
(to be continued)
4 Aug 2021 | 02:45
i let the knife drop on the floor and quickly rushed outside to hug Femi Femi is a yoruba boy,he came from ondo to Enugu state to teach,i knew him as a teacher "i missed you Femi,you took so long why?" "sorry dear you know i have to obey my father"Femi said just then papa walked out from his room informing me that he was going to see their family doctor(witch man) "Ijeoma,i am going to make requirement for the sacrifice from our native doctor Ozizi"mr Oji said "okay papa"was my reply Femi was amused by the sound of hearing sacrifice "Ijeoma,sacrifice for what, is there a ritual going on?"Femi said i explained everything that happened earlier before his arrival,he was not happy with me i knew what i did was wrong,but i had no option just then Femi told me he was not involving himself to any religious practice that is against the will of God "in my family we are not allowed to make rituals" i was confused,then tears began to drop down my face "stop crying"Femi said TO BE CONTINUED
4 Aug 2021 | 19:08
"i can't disobey my parent" just then Femi told me his parent did not approve him geting married to a igbo girl,but if he goes ahead doing so he might become poor for the rest of his life "Ijeoma,i think our relationship has to end,because it won't work we,we are in love with each other but our parent are not in agreement"Femi said looking at his expression you can tell he was not himself,but he could do nothing than to end our relationship,tears began to roll down my checks,Femi held me tight and we entered the living room "mama goodevening,i am really sorry for not greeting earlier" my shocking mother Shinaza or address as mrs Oji hissed and walked away from us,she opened the curtains and said "if you two gets married,i will never attend that wedding,over my dead body"Shinaza said mama closed the curtains and walked away promising to separate the both of us from each other,just then papa came inside "welcome papa"Femi said prostrating "stand my son,these are the requirement" TO BE CONTINUED
4 Aug 2021 | 19:32
papa began to mention all what Ozizi tje native doctor said "Ozizi said you will need two big cow,a ram,a keg og palm oil,two white chickens,and one bottle of shinap" i shouted in amazement of what papa just mentioned Femi was still in his shock staring at the list,just then my mother who has been peeping at users through he curtain came out and burst out in laughter "i told you,were on earth can you get the money for all what my husband just mentioed,leave my daughter alone there are so many girls out there waiting for men to approach them,and you Ijeoma go get yourself a good rich husband" mama said and walked away,papa told Femi he should take things easy just then Femi spoke up that he was going to get the money and have to be disobey his parent "okay if the money is ready,then the sacrifice will take place"papa said and walked into his room we both argued alot,i told him i was going with him to find he money "i will do it myself,i am going to meet one of my old friend in lagos" TO BE CONTINUED
5 Aug 2021 | 05:14
Femi promised he was going to come back as soon as the money is ready (IN A RELATIONSHIP BACKGROUND MATTERS) i was scared because i had many stories about people going to lagos and not coming back to fulfil their promise,Femi kissed my forehead and i escorted him "don't forget me once you reach lagos"i was still crying we waved ourselves goodbye,and he left FEMI AT LAGOS ------------------------ Femi arrived at lagos very late,the bus he took was to slow,he knew one of his friend Shina who they went to the same secondary school,Shina studied further but i droped down because of no money so i thought of meeting him but how on earth will i find him,if i still rememberd his address Shina is now a married man having his own mansion and family,so Femi borded a bus going to surulere,were he could locate his friend,on furtunately as Femi was about to enter the bus he heard hi name, "Femi! Femi!!,or is that not Femi" a man in a car called wearing t-shirt and short,as Femi turned back TO BE CONTINUED
5 Aug 2021 | 05:39
and it was his friend abi
5 Aug 2021 | 07:13
to Femi surprise it was Shina the person he wanted to go in search of,he quickly crossed to the other side of the road "were are you coming from,i was about visiting your house"Femi said "long time no see"that was Shin reply they both talked about each other they huged each other "let go have something to eat"Shina said "see i am not eating,not hungry for know" "you don start with dis yard character again" Shina told Femi he still has that character of turning down offer "abeg let take atleast ice-cream" Shina knew how to get Femi he accepted the offer,the two old time friend drove down to a nearby mr bigs where they settled to have their cup of ice-cream,after they had took their ice-cream they discussed their old time live to each other they drove back to Shina house to Femi surprise Shina already has two beautiful and handsome kids a girl and a boy "na watsapp o look at your kids,you no even tell me"Femi said "honey,honey!"Shina wife Chidiebere,called coming down from the sparkling stairs.
5 Aug 2021 | 08:56
5 Aug 2021 | 09:50
Demi planning an Igbo girl where his long lost and found friend Shina had already get an Igbo lady for himself with two lovely kids.
5 Aug 2021 | 13:12
Hopefully, Shina advises Femi what to do the right way to marry his heartthrob (Ijeoma) and probably help him out of the dilemma Femi is at the moment of his life!
5 Aug 2021 | 13:15
"darling where have you been,oh is this not uncle Femi you told me about" Chidiebere Shina wife said when she saw Femi,they both greeted each other,she took her husband bag from him and as a wife she took Femi to his room,that night they both ate supper together there on the dinning table Shina and Femi discussed how he came to lagos and why he came to lagos "i came down to lagos,because i want to marry Ijeoma,her father said there most be sacrifice made before we can be together,so i came to down here to find money for the ritual"Femi said "my friend dont worry i will think about it,tomorrow we see" the both friend entered their rooms,Femi began to wonder how on earth his friend became a car dealer "i will stay here in lagos to make money(Femi thought of ijeoma again) wo, if i can make money here at lagos i am not going back" different business idea began to appear in Femi's brain throughout the night he was making arrangement on how he would inform Shina on his stay back at lagos TO BE CONTINUED
5 Aug 2021 | 15:03
5 Aug 2021 | 16:44
Next please
6 Aug 2021 | 00:56
Hello everyone reading this story i forgot to talk about the story it a story of love and crime read and please dont mind the mistakes thanks
6 Aug 2021 | 06:09
BIMBO ----------- Bimbo is a girl that get whatever she wants by force,while Femi was in a restaurant Bimbo sigthed him,she fall in love with him instantly one short note about Bimbo is she is technically a virgin,you know what i mean,she do want to marry a responsible man but she turn down offer of every man because of her nutorious job,seeing Femi Bimbo will do what it takes to get him as her man "bad bo,come here"Bimbo called one of her guard "yes ma" bad bo answerd Bimbo "i want you to monitor that guy sitting over there" Bimbo orderd "yes ma your work is done"bad bo said Bimbo was very foolish following Femi around,but she is a bad girl who get involved with many dirty work she moves with top-top men,that was her job Femi left the restaurant to where Shina has asked them to meet "hey guy,how today"Shina asked "see,i don walker tire the work wey i see na driver,them still they ask me for different paper"Femi said in shaking voice "dont worry my friend,give me time you go see job don't worry"
6 Aug 2021 | 06:36
the both friend laughed "see i wan be like you oo"Femi said Shina and Femi went home,Femi who was already feeling pain because of the places he walked to fell on his bed and slept that he did not woke up early the next day "knock,knock,why has he wake up late by this time,he must have took a long treck to where he was yesterday" Femi had the knock at the door and woke up,he stretched his leg and stood up to see who was at the door it was Chidiebere,she greeted him and told him breakfast ws ready she also handed a letter which Shina gave her to give Femi "goodmorning brother Femi,breakfast is ready and my husband asked me to deliver this letter to you"Chidiebere said "okay"Femi said and took the letter when he entered his room he hissed and droped the letter he took his towel and entered the bathroom when he came out he rolled his towel and changed,he wore something simple a polo and a short pant(trousers),he was lost in thought about Ijeoma when he remembered the letter he took it and read it
6 Aug 2021 | 06:59
Letter "Femi,you have received a job from my friend a businessman you will be his new manager..."Femi did not read the whole letter he screamed "what!!"Femi shouted Chidiebere heard the noise,she quickly ran upstairs to see what was happening "uncle Femi what happened?"Chidiebere asked "i just got a job from one of Shina business partner to be his manager i am very excited"Femi said "wow congratulations uncle Femi"Chidiebere said and left Femi's room Femi was very happy that he danced almost for an hour then he took breakfast and planed in visiting Shina FALL FOR LOVE _________________ Femi got dressed and left the house to see Shina he saw him at his usual resting point Femi could not stop thanking Shina "Shina God will bless you,i am very happy"Femi said with a big smile on his face "see what are friends for,just get ready work starts tomorrow"
6 Aug 2021 | 07:23
Interesting, please carry on
6 Aug 2021 | 20:08
Ijeoma, was still in the village crying,she kept on wondering why she phoned Femi and he was not answering his calls,she was dialing his number again when mama came in "Ijeoma you are still crying,you wont kill yourself for a stupid man,go take your food and eat you will find a good man for yourself,i told you you would not listen" Ijeoma was then angry when mama said those words which crush are bones,she did not know when she spit what was in her mind out "leave me alone,i know Femi will come back to me,he just needs some time"Ijeoma screamed at her mother "okay o stay there and grow white hair,you will rot waiting for Femi" just then mama informed her Mr Ekene is coming to ask her hand in marriage "your father has said you will marry him"mrs Shinaza said "that old fool"Ijeoma shouted mama continue to insist she was going to accept mr Ekene,she tried confusing Ijeoma tellig her mr Ekene will turn her life around,just after saying that she hissed and walked away Ijeoma was still on the floor cryng
7 Aug 2021 | 07:50
she cried her heart out,nights falls and everyone was fast asleep Ijeoma began to think what she was going to do before the so called mr Ekene drivers his jeep ,she thought of running away (if i run away,will i find Femi,but if i stay father will get me married to that fool) Ijeoma thought all this things and at last decided in running away she would find Femi herself if it cost her life early that morning before the cock will crow Ijeoma parked all her belonging and ran away with the little money she had kept to assist Femi,without any goodbye Ijeoma ran away no turning back hours latter it was dawn already,Ijeoma arrived at lagos,while she was still inside the bus she met a lady who was beautiful,Ijeoma told the lady her story when Ijeoma was about finding her way the lady called Ijeoma "hi,we met at the bus earlier,manage this little for me"the lady handed Ijeoma an envelop "thank you,i am so happy"Ijeoma thanked the lady and left she planed in renting an apartment,but she was brainstorming
7 Aug 2021 | 08:22
Ride on
8 Aug 2021 | 08:11
8 Aug 2021 | 09:58
But why is Femi Not picking his call
8 Aug 2021 | 09:59
There is twist and turns to this story involving different characters in quick succession. It's a nice story anyway. Nice that Femi got a hob through his friend that fast but this one that Ijeoma left home in search of a man is disapprovingly bad. What is Bimbo's mission now??? . . .
8 Aug 2021 | 23:06
Ijeoma was thinking of what to do,thought flashed through her inner mind (what if i rent an apartment till i find Femi) all this thought came through her mind while on the other hand Bimbo was riding her car home she was over carried away by the innocent beauty of Ijeoma and thought of being a helper to her "hello! hello!!"Bimbo tried to call Ijeoma attention Bimbo moved closer to Ijeoma and tapped her shoulder,then she came out of her thoughts "hi,my name is Bimbo,i will like to drop you to anywhere you are heading to"Bimbo said "oh goodday,my name is Ijeoma,i am just arriving all the way from Enugu to lagos here in search of my fiance"Ijeoma gave Bimbo a respond Bimbo was pleased on hearing this,so she asked "will you come stay with me for the main time,and can we be friends"Bimbo said so fast "sure,i will be very happy to come with you Bimbo and Ijeoma entered the car and they drove home by the driver Ijeoma had never been in a big car in her life when they got home,Ijeoma was amazed
1 Sep 2021 | 11:55
the house was something Ijeoma only saw on movies or TV,she was shocked by the beauty of the house Ijeoma kept on complimenting Bimbo "oh thanks this is the least of my house,i will be getting another one next month"Bimbo informed Ijeoma "wow"that was only the word that could drop out from her mouth "yea lets go freshen up,and have supper so tommorow is a big day" Bimbo and Ijeoma went upstairs were one of the house help took Ijeoma to her new room,everything was like a fantasy to her they both sat down for dinner minutes later thier foods were already serverd on the dinning Ijeoma opened the plate and was about to put a spoon on her food,she was shocked by the supplus food on her plate she was serverd coconut rice and source filled with all kinds of meat and fish after their meal Ijeoma really thanked Bimbo,who asked her if she had enjoyed the meal Ijeoma begin to blow all kinds of thought in her mind ( i am not going in search for Femi,i would have to make it here in lagos "Ijeoma,want to take a sleep"
1 Sep 2021 | 12:13
Still following. it take you a long time to update please don't stay long again oh.
4 Sep 2021 | 04:27
Femi get to Lagos and forget Ijeoma, Ijeoma now in Lagos is also planning the same thing. Let wait and see how it all turn out.
4 Sep 2021 | 04:29
Next update sharp sharp. @francry
4 Sep 2021 | 04:31
4 Sep 2021 | 14:42
4 Sep 2021 | 15:36
i really sorry viewers,but i wil make a promise in updating 2 pages each day from now,thank you all
5 Sep 2021 | 05:07
Ijeoma slept very well,she slumed her new bed and puff the light has gone _____________________ BACK IN THE VILLAGE ______________________ mama and papa were wondering why Ijeoma hasn't come out,they were busy thinking when papa suddenly open the door,they search the little dark room and nothing was there apart from the paper on the brown table papa mr Oji quickly picked up the paper and it was a note from their missing daughter it was then papa brought out his glasses to read just then Chibuzor,Ijeoma brother collected the note and read "mama,papa,and my dear brother chibuzor,i am gone i want to search everywhere to find femi,until then i will be back as his wife" "ehhhh",mama shouts that was the first thing which broke their silence after some minute "she have finished me,she have killed me"mama still crying "you have caused this,woman,you forced her to"papa said they all kept silence everywhere,as silent as a grave yard "papa i will go in search of her"Chibuzor said it was serious matter not joke
5 Sep 2021 | 09:42
Following.... Next episode
6 Sep 2021 | 13:58
6 Sep 2021 | 14:33


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