Blemished Love by Loudest Thoughts

Blemished Love by Loudest Thoughts

By Bella in 8 May 2018 | 09:42
Bella Bella

Bella Bella

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[b]Blemished Love[/b]

Synopsis: When love seems like a bed of roses until the past hits you so hard that your vows are the only thing you could hold on to.

8 May 2018 | 09:42
[b]Copyright © 2018 by Loudest Thoughts EPISODE 1 [/b] 'Yes I Do', he replied with a grin. He’s tall, slender with bears. Dressed in a white suit while his soon to be wife was fully clad in her beautiful white gown adorned with diamond stones. Her heels gave her an extra height, as she is the petite type with a beautiful face. Her red lips and round hips are her best features. While her husband had brown eyes she had blue eyes which could light a whole room of darkness. They always teased each other about their features and made fun of who was taller and shorter. 'Grissel do you take this man as your lawful wedded husband' the priest asked again for the second time. Grissel was deep in thoughts. “Babes are you okay?” Tom her husband to be asked with a shoulder tap. He was every lady’s dream but that morning he belonged to his shy and gentle heartthrob. “Huh!” she exclaimed. 'The priest asked a question' he announced with a frown. 'I'm sorry' she apologized to no one in particular. Among the crowd were murmurings as to why she was so lost in her thoughts. “We can continue”, she quietly announced to the old priest reading the vows. They wrote their own vows but Grissel told him that morning when she sat beside him during the service that she had forgotten what she memorized. Tom didn’t want to sound angry on his long awaited happy day so he quickly arranged for the church vows. Tom glanced at her with an expression that informed her she's in for a lot of trouble. She was already having troubles picturing their honeymoon as she's not sure what to expect. She was still in her thoughts when the smooth voice of the priest jerked her out. 'Do you take this man as your law.....?’ The priest was cut short. Her red small lips went apart quickly. “Yes I do.” Soon enough the church came to an end and the second part began. She found it difficult to blend in as her husband was giving her faces. Like earlier on the dance floor, he totally ignored her when she asked what he was doing he could only manage a sigh. 'Were you having second thoughts.' he finally asked when they retired to their chair. The noise and cheers from friends and family gave her headaches, she managed a frown. 'That’s what I thought', he concluded for her. 'No I wasn't Tom', I just wa....' ‘Tom can you tell us how you met this Angel.’ The M.C asked while the crowd cheered. He hesitated for a while but Grissel gave him a slight touch on the thighs and he feigned a smile. ‘Don’t do this to me?’ She whispered. [b]***TBC[/b]
8 May 2018 | 09:44
[b]***[/b] Tom picked up the microphone and cleared his throat. ‘So there was this day my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. I called up my family and friends who were all far from where I was. Then Austin’s call came in.’ The crowd murmured. ‘Smile Tom.’ Grissel whispered. ‘Okay my wife just whispered I love you.’ Everyone laughed and as usual the boys in the far corner were making noise. Tom was lucky to have both American and African friends, so his normal day as a man full of dreams who had lots of girls flocking around him wasn’t boring. ‘Go on.’ The MC encouraged. ‘Austin said he had a friend who was closer so he was going to send the person to pick me. He forgot to mention it was a female.’ He paused and feigned a smile. ‘About some thirty minutes, this black beauty with her shades on pulled up and asked me to join her ride. I bluntly told her I wasn’t waiting for an escort then she mentioned Austin sent her.’ ‘So at first sight you thought she was a call girl.’ The MC interrupted. ‘Yes, I mean she wasn’t dressed as one but she was a beauty.’ ‘And you assumed every escort is a beauty.’ The MC scoffed this time. ‘Aren’t they all beautiful?’ There was distance laughter from within the crowd. ‘But mind you, my wife is the prettiest.’ He feigned a smile at her and looked straight at the MC who was standing in front of his table. ‘So what happened after that?’ ‘The drive home was quiet and I figured she was the quiet type.' Tom grinned. 'I’m not sure if she noticed I was stealing glances and was sweating. I felt ready for marriage that very moment, you could call it love at first sight.’ ‘Love at first sight huh.’ The MC stressed. ‘When i alighted, I had to apologize for thinking she was an escort. She just smiled and drove off.’ Tom grinned at this point. ‘I remember calling my aunty about this girl giving me sleepless night, she just laughed knowing how flirtatious I can be. She didn’t believe me when I told her this one is for real.’ ‘So you had a lot of girls huh.’ ‘Trust me, more than you can think of but all that changed in Grissel’s car. I was attracted to her and wasn’t sure if it was her beauty because she didn’t speak a word in there with me.’ ‘And you didn’t take her number Tom?’ ‘I knew I would meet her again and luckily some few weeks after, Austin invited her for one of our usual drink ups.’ ‘And there you got your moment.’ ‘You should have seen me that day. I told Austin look man, I hope this girl isn’t your wife. He replied with a smile and my world fell apart.’ ‘You thought you lost her?’ He asked. ‘Yes, he should have just given me an answer to my question. I finally had to talk to him again and he said she’s all mine but I wouldn’t like what I see.’ ‘What does he mean you wouldn’t like what you see? Was Grissel some sort of hard nut to crack?’ ‘A very tough one, it took me two years and here we are today. It turned out she’s just the gentle and stubborn type who probably have met some blockheaded men along the line so she chose to be reserved.’ Tom hadn’t noticed Grissel was pushing her tears back at that moment. ‘So how do you feel today?’ The MC and everyone’s eyes were fixated on him. He looked around confused. ‘Tom, how do you feel after cracking the nut?’ ‘Wait for it. I’m looking for the right word.’ He laughed. ‘Listen everyone, I think the man of the moment has something up his sleeves.’ The crowd cheered. ‘I can call you Danny right?’ He asked the MC. ‘Yeah sure.’ He replied ‘When you were a child you always wanted a toy right?’ ‘Yes at some point.’ Danny replied and wasn’t sure where Tom was going with that. ‘Do you always get your toys that easily?’ Tom looked Danny straight in the eyes probably to find out if he was telling lies. ‘Not a chance, it takes a miracle to get my desired toys.’ ‘How do you feel any time your parents deny your request?’ Tom asked again. ‘I cry and make a scene.’ ‘Great, and now that you are of age how do you feel?’ ‘Gosh I can get the whole damn world if I so wish.’ Danny responded smiling. ‘There you have your answer. Not to say my wife is a toy but I used to cherish my toys back then. My family can attest to that.’ He glanced at his family. Julia and Melisa smiled from the front where they sat. ‘That’s true.’ Julia shouted out. ‘I can buy the whole dam world with Grissel by my side.’ He turned to Grissel who had supported her jaw with her hands watching Tom speak. ‘Aww, that’s a nice one.’ Danny blushed. ‘And wait. This is to Austin, I would cherish this toy you brought into my life and I promise never to make her cry so you can stop doing due diligence anytime you and I quarrel.’ ‘I will boss.’ He shouted from the far right corner while everyone else laughed. ‘Grissel do you have anything to say. I mean your husband just promised you the whole damn world.’ She just broke down with tears. Tom wasn’t sure if he should hug her at that moment because aside the nice things he said which were from his heart he was still confused about her reaction in the church auditorium. ‘OMG, he just made her cry when he promised earlier never to make her cry.’ Danny teased. He knew Grissel wasn’t the Public display affection type so he wiped her eyes with the back of his hands and held onto her tightly. ‘Austin, don’t come for my head yet, that wasn’t me. I guess she meant to say I love you.’ Tom made everyone laugh with tears at that point. ‘Now, isn’t that Love.’ That came from someone from the crowd. 'Grissel congratulations,’ her elder sister came hugging her. That was the last time they spoke before the party came to an end. ***TBC
8 May 2018 | 09:47
8 May 2018 | 10:37
8 May 2018 | 10:46
*** The drive to their matrimonial home was quiet as it seems Tom was still angry over her wife's reaction in church. Tom and Grissel never had a thing for honeymoons out of town. They both agreed on a night in their new home. The movers brought their things in two weeks to their wedding while they both supervised the interior decorator who worked on the arrangements. They had the bedroom decorated specially for the wedding night where they both stayed away from before the wedding. She did a good work with the shades of blue in the room. Soon they arrived at their gate where their driver for that day got down to open up the gate. On other days, Tom would have rushed to open the door for her to get down but he just got out of the car and walked into the house but it almost seemed as if something else was bothering him. Grissel shook her head while walking briskly to meet him inside on his way up. 'You practically tried to hurt my lips with that violence kiss.' She said when the door closed behind them. 'What are you driving at Grissel?' 'All I'm saying is you tried to hurt me back there in church.' 'Okay, I’m sorry.’ ‘Just that?’ ‘What else do you want me to say Grissel.’ ‘You can start with the reason why you hurt my lips.’ ‘After all the nice things I said out there from my heart all you could think of right now is hurt lips.’ ‘Yes, it’s equally important and I want to know why you hurt me.’ ‘Maybe you can start with why you forgot our vows when you told me last night you memorized it.’ ‘It just happened Tom but right now we are not talking about that but my lips.’ Tom turned and looked at her standing in the middle of the hall as if she was glued to that spot. He realized her constant mention of hurting her lips wasn’t the problem but walking upstairs. His wife was scared. He walked closer to her and reached out for her lips. Tom had always been the first to say sorry since he had anger issues like his dad. So that moment wasn’t different as he’s been trying so hard over the years not to become like his dad. ‘Look it’s true I hurt your lips. Forgive me.’ He held her head and brought his lips onto hers and gave her a passionate kiss just the way she liked it. Tom broke the kiss after a few minutes. ‘There you go, does that make up for what I did.’ She nodded coyly and still stood at the point she was since they came in. He watched her fumbled with her hands and the next thing she knew Tom had carried her climbing the stairs. He dropped her at the entrance of the door and locked up. ‘Why do you have to carry me here?’ ‘Because that is what newlyweds do and this is your room now.’ ‘Aah okay, I forgot.’ She feigned a smile. ‘Now you know so can you freshen up, I will be waiting for you.’ Tom winked giving her a clue. 'What for?’ She asked naively. ‘Our wedding night.’ ‘Please I'm tired, can't we postpone?' She asked with fear lacing her voice.. 'That wasn't what we agreed on Grissel.' 'I know I said no sex before marriage and now we are married but I'm tired tonight.' Tom shook his head, watching his wife of twelve hours ago undress herself shyly while hiding her body alongside. He decided to let it go as she’s worth the wait. He has tried initiating sex for as far as he could remember during courtship but his wife wouldn’t agree to it. Tom loves and adores Grissel so he had to let her win all the time like he was about to do now. ‘Alright, I can wait one more night Grissel.’ ‘Thank you Tom, I know it’s selfish of me but you are the best.’ She smiled happily. He gave her a sad look, took off his wears and walked to the bathroom in his boxers bare chested. ‘Love, you have a call.’ Grissel shouted out to him minutes after. ‘Okay, just a minute,’ he came out with drops of water on his face, picked up his phone and hit the recall button. 'Hello,' he said to the other caller. The rest was him nodding his head and then hanged up. 'Why didn't I do this sooner,’ he whispered to himself with an expression her wife couldn’t read. 'Tom is everything okay', Grissel asked when she saw how he sat abruptly on the bed. 'Yeah, just work.’ But he felt an adrenaline surge through his body and he couldn't wait any longer. He closed his eyes, opened it immediately and tried to walk closer to her. She turned around and got startled. 'Jeez Tom, you scared me.' She said with her hand across her chest as she wasn’t done undressing and she didn’t want to seem like she was so shy about her body. 'I'm sorry about church, I should have paid attention last night when you were fidgeting over how your first night would be like.' 'Yeah you should have, maybe I wouldn't have gone to church today thinking about it.' She replied with fear. 'Forgive me, can we take it slow now?' he said caressing her hands which he held earlier when she got startled. He always had a way with his words. Grissel always found solace in his words since they met. But she realized he seemed worked out and angry even when he meant to sweet talk her. 'Tom I'm sorry, you just have to wait for tomorrow. I thought you agreed earlier to let it go for tonight.' 'Come on Grissel this is so childish, we are married for heaven’s sake.' She ignored his ranting’s and walked away into the washroom. Grissel came back in her long red night gown and sat on their bed. Tom has a thing for Red's. At that moment he wasn't thinking right, he walked closer to his wife who was about to pray. Grissel was caught off guard, all she realized was her night gown getting ripped off, her strength giving her away slowly and Tom on top of her doing his own press up. She yelled to him to reconsider. She cried loudly and tried throwing tantrums. He seemed to have heard her pleas so he paused at a point and took it slow while still pinning her down. The room went dark, as if her yells had the ability to turn off the power but she just hadn’t noticed her hands hit the external light switch. She tried to push him away but his strength was much more than hers. Her sobbing’s filled the room, her tears soiled her face. She has no idea what else soiled the bed but she could feel it so wet. At a point he released the grip on her and Grissel had a perfect chance to get away but she looked into his eyes through her teary eyes and their gazes met. She saw pure lust in his eyes but there was a certain feeling running through her body at that moment she felt she wasn't a victim anymore. Tom looked away and forgot he released his grip earlier. He kissed her slowly from the neck region to her chest. She thought for a moment what she has to lose when he hasn't complained for the past minutes. Seems what she was afraid of didn’t matter to Tom at all. Grissel moaned away through her sobbing’s, though in pain but responded to every touch and thrust. He gave his final thrust and collapsed on her. She pushed him off with a certain force and gathered the sheet to cover herself. She was in a semi sitting position while her husband pushed up his pants and sat at the edge of the bed with his hands on his head. 'Are you satisfied,' she managed to ask after a long sigh and tears. She picked herself up from the bed gently, struggled through her walking to the bathroom unclad. She spent almost the rest of the evening in the bath tub. 'Did I just get defiled by my husband?’ She forced a smile. She wasn’t so sure why she smiled that way when she was in tears earlier. Grissel shook her head then her eyes fell on the medicine bottle on the washroom shelf. She got out of the tab and picked it up reading the inscription on it carefully. Her eyes lit with joy as she took out three capsules and drop them in her mouth. Getting herself back into the tub, she fetched the running water into her mouth and swallowed so hard. After a few minutes of trying to wash the sweat off her body she got out and wiped herself dry. With her towel wrapped around her body, she came out still struggling to walk. Grissel realized Tom had already changed the sheets and was fast asleep. That made her wonder how long she spent in the bathroom. She let out a heavy sigh and picked up her pillow heading out of her room then she remembered Tom hadn’t said anything since the act. He just slept off. Grissel looked back at her husband coiled under the duvet and walked back. ‘I can’t let two years of hard work go down the drain.’ She muttered painfully. She stood at her side of the bed and glared at him then laid herself gently beside him. “Forgive Grissel, you were at fault too.’ She murmured to herself and pulled the duvet over her head. *****TBC
8 May 2018 | 11:56
[b]EPISODE 2 [/b] Grissel woke up late for the first time she slept over. 'Gosh my body hurts', she complained to herself yawning. It was just as if she forgot herself and the events of last night. 'Tom are you in the study?' She called out and walked out of bed and her legs hit her torn night gown on the floor. She looked down and as if the same force from last night pushed her wedding night into her brain. Grissel walked back slowly to the bed and had a seat. As if her tears were sent a special invite, they flowed freely. 'Tom I hate you. This is not how to start.' She stood up and paced around. 'Okay get it together, he is your husband now and the man you love.' She murmured to herself while picking up a blouse and slipped it on. He located her blue flip flops on the rack and the next thing was the sound of the door banging. *** Tom was seated in his office on a Sunday which was supposed to be their thanksgiving. His office door flung open which startled him. ‘Aunty are you here,’ he asked stuttering. She gave him a look which explains she knows something. ‘Mike called you didn’t he?’ ‘What were you thinking Tom?’ ‘I’m sorry Aunty, I didn….’ ‘Hold it, tell that to your wife when you get home.’ I can’t go back to that house.’ ‘Oh you will, pack up your stuff now.’ His Aunt yelled. ‘I’m not going with you besides I can’t look her in the face.’ ‘You will when I drag you there.’ ‘What exactly did Mike tell you?’ Tom called Mike when he sneaked out to his office and narrated the events of last night to him, hoping he would keep his mouth shut. “What is wrong with you?” Julia was fuming with anger. “Did I not raise you well enough?” ‘Aunty this is not about raising me well.’ ‘Should it be about defiling your innocent wife of just twelve hours and then hide in this office when you should be home ashamed of yourself?’ ‘Innocent indeed.’ He murmured to himself. “What did you just say?” “Nothing, I just coughed.” “Stupid boy, get yourself in your car now.” “What if I don’t want to go Aunty?’ ‘You want a harassment case filed by your wife right.’ ‘She dare not do that.’ He raised his voice with fear. ‘That’s not even possible and besides she has no proof.’ ‘I guess you are forgetting where she works Tom. Just get yourself out into the car already.’ ‘Okay,’ he said with a skipped heart and picked up his car keys.’ “I will drive behind you.’ His Aunty said. ‘We would have to pass by KFC.’ “What for Tom.” ‘It’s almost lunch time, I want to get some food for us.’ ‘That’s not important now, Grissel will make lunch.’ ‘How sure are you,’ he said and frowned. ‘I know Grissel, she knows her responsibility even in difficult times.’ ‘But I’m hungry now, I didn’t get to eat breakfast because she was fast asleep.’ Tom feigned hunger. ‘What makes you think she would be up getting lunch?’ ‘And whose fault was that.’ ‘Okay, let’s not go there. I can still get back to KFC in case your instincts fail you.’ He announced quickly. ‘Trust your wife, she loves you.’ ‘Love.’ He mentioned and smiled. ‘Looks like you are not happy about that news.’ ‘Oh I am, I get to eat home meal then,’ he feigned a smile. ‘Let’s get going.’ Her Aunt announced. They both walked out and got into their cars. Julia, who took over her sister’s responsibility since she died giving birth to Tom feels she over pampered him. She did everything like her sister asked. Because of Tom and her sister she never got married and never given birth as young as she was then. She accepted Grissel when he brought her home and treated her like her own. She just loved the girl. Grissel is the gentle type. Hardly talks about what’s bothering her which Tom seemed not to have a problem with. She was certain they loved each other after a year of being friends and another year of dating. But his demeanor earlier gave her second thoughts. ‘Was he fooling them all this while just to destroy Grissel like he did to the other women.’ Julia was still in her thoughts when her phone rang. ‘Mike, yes I got him. We are on our way home though I planned leaving him at the gate.’ ‘Thanks a lot Aunty.’ Mike responded at the other end of the call. ‘I should be thanking you. Let’s talk when I get home.’ She said and hanged up. In no time they were packing in front of the house. ‘I messed up and I'm sorry. No, she won't believe that.’ He shook his head. ‘I love you and I didn't mean to hurt you. Which love?’ Tom who was rehearsing how to apologize to his wife stopped when his Aunt knocked on his glass. He opened it reluctantly. Julia sat down and gave him a scornful look. ‘Now you will get in there and apologize to Grissel.’ ‘Wait, you are not coming in with me?’ He asked hoping for a positive answer.’ No I am not.’ ‘Why, I thought you will help me out in case she sends me packing.’ ‘It seems you don't know your wife at all.’ ‘I do, just that this is a different case and I wished I had some one accompanying me.’ ‘Really, who was there when you jumped on her like an animal?’ Julia yelled. ‘Just get in there and tell her whatever comes to your mind.’ ‘I can't do this.’ ‘You can, look that lady loves you more than you even do yourself.’ ‘How do you know that?’ Tom knew he was wrong about last night but it seems something else is worrying him. ‘I know everything Tom, from your escapes down to Amy's abortion.’ ‘Huh!’ He exclaimed. ‘Oh yeah, Seattle new Hospital.’ ‘Aunty?' ‘Don't Aunty me.’ ‘How di... d yo.. u..' ‘Imagine I know, who else knows.’ Tom gave her a weird look. 'Gris....’ ‘Yeah she knows son and hasn't said anything about it.’ Tom looked so ashamed of himself and kept his head down on the steering. ‘You are ashamed, I get that Tom but your wife wasn't ashamed. She freaked out when she found out but I intervened.’ He nodded. 'Do you know what she said?' Tom shook his head again. 'Look at me son.' He raised his head slowly unable to look Julia in her eyes. 'She forgive you Tom.' 'You think so?' He asked. ‘Yeah, she knew about Amy and then went ahead with this marriage.' Julia reassured him. ‘I don’t trust that forgiveness.’ He whispered. ‘Would you have preferred she confronted you and cancelled the wedding because I don't see how that would have solved anything?’ 'But she could be planning something evil Aunty.’ ‘Shut up you ingrate. I stopped her from confronting you.' 'Thank you.' That’s all he managed to say at that point realizing there is sense in what Julia was talking about. 'Now you will go in there and clean up your mess.’ ‘I thought I had reasons for what I did last night Aunty but it’s so clear Grissel is my wife now.’ ‘Reasons?’ She asked raising her brows. ‘But it’s all cleared now.’ He said. ‘I know first nights can be overwhelming and you keep thinking whatever goes wrong and right had reasons but son it’s all in your head.’ She advised. ‘Get over yourself because you are married now.’ ‘Though your advice is late but I have no other choice than to take it.’ He managed a sigh while Julia got out without looking back. She walked into her car, got on her steering and drove off. Tom got out reluctantly. ‘She will forgive me, I know but would I be able to forgive her. What am I even saying.' he hit his head so hard and decided to sneak in first before driving in. He opened the gate slowly and entered. He was glad he hasn't got that security yet. The door was just as he left it. He entered and the aroma froze him in front of the door. He knew where that was coming from so he walked towards the kitchen so as not to make lots of noise. He stood at the entrance watching through the curtain. Grissel who was so tired after just two sauces, a pack of fries and one cartoon of chicken leaned against the wooden table that the kitchen appliances were connected to. She never gets tired but she's not so sure why she's so tired that afternoon. Tom kept peeping. ‘I love this lady.’ He thought. He walked into the kitchen and Grissel didn't even notice she got company. 'Enough for two?' She jumped up. 'Sorry I startled you,' he walked over standing in front of her. Grissel looked up from where she kept her face when she got startled. 'This chicken tastes amazing.' He said leaning against the table closer to his wife. He looked her in the face and wondered why she was smiling. 'What?' He asked sheepishly. 'Nothing, just the way you are munching the chicken reminds me of the fi..... 'The first time I told you I love the fried chicken you made.' 'Yeah.' She responded with a smile. There was a cold wave that introduced itself into the room and silence engulfed them. 'I'm sure you must be hungry, let me just get the table set.' She announced out of the blue and was walking away when he held her back. 'Do you think we could talk later?' 'Okay, let me just get your food ready.' ‘Get some rest Grissel. I will set up the table.’ 'Huh', she exclaimed with a surprise grin on. 'Oh don't give me that look. I know how to do that at least.' He grinned and walked away fetching plates. 'Alright, I will wait in the dinning.' Grissel walked out while constantly looking back. [b]***TBC[/b]
8 May 2018 | 12:15
@eliboy @frankkay @coolval @sweet @jummy @vicben @senatordaniel @mercyruby @sekinat @hormortiyor @khola @afolabi @nontex @royalgold @seyi peace new story don land o. roll call please @jummy
8 May 2018 | 17:54
8 May 2018 | 18:12
but I really don't understand dis tom? wat is it dat his wife did dat he can't forgive her of? and I think d reason for Grissel hesitation at d alter was bcos of Ama's abortion
8 May 2018 | 18:14
@myraruby love another story is here and my bestie @IreoluwaEmmanuel
8 May 2018 | 18:14
my bestie fb-IreoluwaEmmanuel another story is here
8 May 2018 | 18:17
8 May 2018 | 20:36
Nice start
8 May 2018 | 21:06
thanks @senatordaniel for the iv
8 May 2018 | 22:42
well seated, ride on
8 May 2018 | 22:42
9 May 2018 | 05:28
9 May 2018 | 09:43
ride on dear
10 May 2018 | 08:34
10 May 2018 | 09:04
[b]***[/b] Julia got home and slumped on the sofa. 'Aunty, where did you go this early?' Melisa asked coming from the kitchen with a napkin in her hands. Julia looked so exhausted and just rolled her eyes. 'Did you just roll your eyes?' 'No my eyes rolled itself, come on Mel, I'm not in the mood to exchange words today.' 'I'm sorry, but you left without waking me up, I've been waiting since morning till breakfast got cold and lunch is ready.' 'Sorry, I had an emergency. Can we eat now? I'm sure you must be hungry.' 'Emergency?' 'Yes.' 'And you couldn't leave a note.' 'It won't happen again Mel. Can you let this go already.' Julia was getting fed up with her niece getting over suspicious. She knew how Melisa could make an issue of every small thing. 'Was it Tom again? Has his marriage crashed already?' 'Melisa,' Julia yelled with an expression that gave her out. 'Wow, so that was it.' She smiled mischievously. 'Be happy for your brother and his new family and stop wishing evil comes their way.’ Julia winced. ‘I've always told you, if I were to wish your mom evil you both wouldn't be in this world now.' Julia finally said almost in tears. She knew that was the only thing that would put a stop to their unhealthy conversation. Melisa rushed off to the sofa.' I'm sorry. I promise to be good from now on.' 'Thank you, I'm hungry. Can we go to the dinning now?' Julia quickly changed the topic and stood up. 'But what was the deal with you and mom anyway,' she asked curiously leading her to the dining. 'You this smart girl. Give up already.' 'Okay, sit here. Let me get your food.' Mel announced and disappeared into the kitchen smiling. She loved her aunty so much that her tears became her weakness. 'Necessary Evil.' Julia whispered to herself after she left. ‘But you know Grissel is too young for Tom right?’ She yelled out from the kitchen. ‘Come on, she’s twenty eight and married to a thirty year old which I wish was you.’ Julia knew it was wrong to compare the both of them but she knew that was the only way to shut her up. Luckily, she never said another word but came out with food on a tray and a gloomy grimace on. **** [i]Melisa was five years when her mom left home one early morning to give birth to Tom and never came back. She hated Tom for their mom’s death. Though they both somehow accepted it was fate when they grew up and moved on, they hardly got along. Melisa being a party girl, though not the high class type knew how to have good fun. She had several failed relationships that cut her deep. She wasn’t the type to say “I have tried and failed, so let me give up.” Melisa always had men flocking around her even to her door step but she wasn’t done having fun yet to settle down. Somehow Julia felt her niece was becoming another version of herself and she disliked it so much. At sixty, she was still single and her niece had clocked thirty five and wanted nothing to do with marriage. Since her sister died, she hadn't thought of men. It had always been work and the kids. She felt she owed her that much. Besides she couldn’t leave two young children alone in a foreign land. Julia always thought of going back to Ghana with the kids but she hoped when they grew up they would make that decision for themselves. Julia and her sister Joyce came down to the states in their youthful age. They worked to gain the freedom they enjoyed presently in the foreign land. She always told the children, “In those days, things were a lot easier than they are now.” The children's father was a topic she never hid from them. Melisa had several memories of him leaving when their mom got pregnant, something about not wanting another child. Melisa was a Doctor by profession but stopped practicing suddenly while Tom worked for Arts Engineering Ltd as their manager. She however took over her Aunty’s event planning business which she managed not to ruin over time. [/i] [b]******TBC[/b]
14 May 2018 | 21:21
[b]EPISODE 3[/b] They ate in silence. Tom and chicken were twins. Chicken time always meant quiet time for Tom. But that afternoon was different, he suddenly had a lot to say. Grissel could feel it because he kept stealing glances. 'Tom stop doing that.' She announced. 'Doing what?' 'The weird glances.' 'I wanted to ask if you ever thought of going back home.' 'Home?' 'Yes, it would be good for you.' 'I'm sorry about last night. I can be better today, just don't send me back.' 'Wait, I'm not sending you home as in to your sister’s place. But I mean Ghana. It's been ten years and you never mentioned anything about visiting.' He clarified. She sighed heavily. ‘I don't need to go. I talk to Mom regularly and I'm not sure I need to be home anytime soon besides she came over for our engagement.’ 'But you need some family around Grissel.' 'I have my sister, that's enough and you are now family too.' 'And Aubrey too.' He added. 'Aubrey,' she repeated without any expression. 'Yes.' 'Who is that?’ She asked focusing on her meal. Tom was suddenly quiet. ‘Tom,’ she called out before he blinked. 'Are you okay.' 'Yeah, absolutely.’ He feigned a smile. 'Who is Aubrey?' She asked again. 'Ooh that, I was referring to your sister’s husband.' 'But he's not Aubrey.' 'Adam, I mean. The decorators name is still ringing in my head I guess.' He lied. 'You just need to forgive him, but I had no problem with the turn out of the reception. I don’t see why you nearly punched him Tom.' Grissel changed the topic. 'You call that quack job, good.' 'But it's in the past now, just forgive him, next time maybe your sister can get over her pride and help with the event planning.' 'Forget Mel, but that punch would have made your heart drop into your stomach.' He teased. 'You sure know me well.' 'Do I?' He sighed. Grissel raised her head from the plates where she bent it a second ago to pick up chicken from her plate. 'That was a joke right?' She asked with a serious face on looking directly into his eyes. Tom was suddenly quiet and looked apologetic. 'I got you right there,' he suddenly burst into a hilarious laughter. Grissel didn't find it funny at all. She wore a worried grin on. 'Come on, I was just trying to make a conversation and apologize for last night.’ He muttered. ‘You don't have to forgive me yet but it won't happen again.’ Grissel kept her worried face on him unable to tell if he was lying earlier. 'Grissel, I said I'm sorry and don’t sue me.' 'Ahaaa.' 'Is that all you are going to say.' He had no idea what’s going on with that expression on her face, her attention was on him but maybe her mind was occupied with different thoughts. Tom guessed. 'Grissel', He called out to her. 'Tom, it's okay. I'm fine and I'm glad we talked about it. And for your information you are my husband, I can’t sue you for what I happened to enjoy myself.' She said hurriedly and stood up with her plates. 'Really, you enjoyed?’ Tom's eyes almost popped out. She paused and nodded with her back facing him. ‘Is this girl for real right now?’ A tiny voice whispered to him and he quickly shrugged it off in his surprised state. ‘Okay, I know you might be thinking I let you off the hook easily but it was my fault same as it was yours as well.’ She tried to force a smile which appeared on her face foolishly. ‘Are you for real?’ He finally asked the question his mind had wanted to ask earlier. ‘Yeah, we are okay Tom.’ ‘Thank you but where are you going? You haven't finished your meal.' He asked when she took some few steps away from him again. 'I'm full and tired. Want to get some rest after here.’ She still said with her back facing him. 'Are you sure that's all or you just can't forgive me yet.' He asked worried. 'No,' she responded with her back facing him and not so sure which of the questions she responded to. Grissel stood an inch from the table with her eyes shut for seconds and then she opened them quickly with a painful look which drew lines on her forehead. She finally turned around masking her expression earlier with a fake smile which Tom hardly noticed because when it came to Grissel everything about her is genuine. She walked over dropping her plate on the table and leaned over sealing his opened lips with hers. He responded weakly, that wasn't his idea of apologizing. He wanted a real talk because he had a lot of things to talk about. ', le..t's t..alk first.' He said in between their clenched teeth’s. 'No,' she responded. Tom shut his eyes immediately and opened it, he wasn’t so sure what had come over his shy wife. 'Okay, ar..e y..ou,' he managed to ask with his breathe increasing. 'Come with me,' Grissel finally let go of his lips and whispered into his ears. 'I thought you were tired earlier.' 'Don't ruin the moment Tom.' She feigned a smile when Tom was not looking. Tom stared, was that his wife. He thought silently and followed her gesture. *** [i]Grissel came to the states to pursue her educational dreams. She did extremely well and was lucky to get a job at the firm she practiced with. She had always wanted to be a lawyer like her father. After he died, her mom a retired nurse sacrificed everything to send her over to the states to pursue her dream. Grissel was just eighteen when she came to the states though very young her mom didn’t want the opportunity of studying law to pass her by and she checked up on her regularly. Grissel was the only child and her mom had always been so proud of her. Jessy’s mom is a Ghanaian and her Dad an American so when she met another Ghanaian in her class they became family. Jessy was one of her lecturers, who was married to Adam Riggs. As fate would have it she got along with Grissel since she joined her law class in her first year. Jessy was always amazed at the level of knowledge she had about law and took her in. They both had to depend on each other several times along the line. Jessy became her sister, confidant and everything far from home.[/i] [b]*****TBC[/b]
14 May 2018 | 21:22
[b]*****[/b] 'I would be there soon Henry.' She smiled to herself on the phone. Melisa had no idea Julia was standing behind her in the hall way until she saw her reflection on the glass window. Melisa hanged up quickly. Her Aunty never liked Henry she felt he was bad news anytime he spent time with her niece. 'Going somewhere this late?' She queried. Melisa turned around like a child, smiling mischievously. 'Okay, I know you don't like Henry but I have to meet him soon. We have a night out.' 'Alright,' she responded quickly and walked away while Melisa followed. 'Aunty, it's not what you think.’ She tried to clarify. ‘Your precious Grissel is out of hook ups for now. We are just hanging out for a few drinks.' 'I didn't ask you for an explanation. You know what's good for you.' 'You seem a little angry.' 'I'm not angry but just call me to pick you up when you feel too drunk to drive. You don't want what happe......' 'Yeah I get it, you don't want another accident happening soon.' She smiled and gave her a hug, picked up her bag on the sofa and rushed out before Julia could start another lecture. Julia shook her head worriedly. *** 'Do you think we just made our first child?' He asked smooching her face which was facing the ceiling with her head on his chest. Grissel rolled her eyes unintentionally and then realized she was in his arms. She tried to smile but couldn’t. 'Grissel, are you with me?' 'Yeah but I'm not sure to your other question.' 'Wow, don't hurt my ego lady,' he said jokingly. 'Ahaaa, I got you right there,' she feigned a smile and raised herself up pulling up her wears. 'Are you going somewhere?' He asked locating his shorts lying by the sofa in the hall. 'Clear the lunch table and get this hall cleaned up before someone walks in here.' 'Someone like who. Grissel this is our home, who cares if we lie here all day. I might even cut you some slack if there's no dinner tonight.' He winked. 'Tom that's not happening.' She hit him on the shoulder and walked away. 'You know you just ruined the fun right?' He announced as Grissel walked away. 'Stop whining and help here with the plates.' She shouted out from the dining. He pulled on his shirt and held on the couch to stand up. ‘Can we shower down together after clean up.’ He asked walking up to the dinning section. ‘Anything you want Tom but only after we are done with the dishes.’ She smiled mischievously to his direction. Though Tom was relieved from the happenings the previous night, he couldn’t help but wonder how her wife quickly recovered from the traumatic experience. ‘That earlier was weird.’ He muttered quietly reaching out for a bowl on the table while Grissel seemed lost cleaning up. ‘What was weird?’ She asked pausing what she was doing. ‘Nothing, I was referring to something else.’ ‘Tom, don’t lie now.’ She sounded angry. ‘I meant we have to talk at a point.’ ‘Talk about?’ She opened her eyes widely. ‘You not wanting to talk about last night and the sex earlier was not expected.’ She rudely dropped the plates on the table and rolled her eyes. ‘I already told you talking about it isn’t worth it.’ She raised her voice at him. ‘It’s not like you can help me forget so let’s not mention it again.’ ‘But you are making me feel bad and I j…’ ‘Were you supposed to feel good about molesting your wife?’ She asked with her eyes fixated on him without budging. ‘I didn’t mean to rub it in but I ju..s..t w.a…’ He stuttered with a regrettable face and paused. ‘You just what?’ I want to forget this so please let’s not bring it up ever again.’ She threw the napkin on her shoulders onto the table with the attempt of rushing off. 'Grissel, wait up.' He held on to her before she could run off. 'What?' She asked pushing her tears back. 'I thought we were okay earlier.' 'You were okay Tom because, I told you I was.’ She snugged out from his grasp. ‘Who is ever okay after this experience?' 'But you said I was forgiven and we even made lo...' 'Made love?' She scoffed. ‘Tom that was an obligation.' 'An obligation?' He repeated painfully. 'Yes, I did you a favor as a wife Tom.' She spewed out with an expression that showed was serious. 'Grissel, what do you want me to do when you were ou....' 'Save it.' I don't want to hear it.' She quickly rushed off while Tom's mouth was still opened. Tom watched her almost falling down but she quickly got her balance back and vanished into their room. He decided to let her cool off and then continued with her cleaning. [b]*****[/b] Melisa pulled into the Champs bar parking lot which was her favorite joint because it got the caliber of men she ends up with at the end of the night. She discovered Champs when Tom moved into that area and Julia dragged her along to help with packing of his stuff. Anytime she came to the area Melisa knew she was safe as it is just an hour drive from Tom’s house. She straightened her hair and got out and was locking up her door when Henry yelled out. 'Mel, here', he called out to her. 'Relax, let me just lock up.' She retorted to Henry who was standing a few meters away from the parking lot. Mel finally walked to where he was standing. 'Let’s go inside,' she gave her friend a bear hug. They walked to their favorite table and signaled to the waitresses who gestured back. 'Hope your Aunty didn't give you any fake tears this time.' Mel rolled her eyes. 'Sorry I get it,' she's off limits.' 'Glad we are on the same page Henry.' Just then the waiter walked to their table. 'The usual,' Henry announced once she noticed the waitress with her notebook and pen between her lips. She nodded and was turning away when Melisa called her back. 'I will get Soda water for tonight. The gentle man will take his usual vodka.' 'Okay, that's strange.’ She whispered and left immediately after. Henry, looked at her friend and smiled. Melisa on the other hand was looking around as the bar was quiet and not fun as usual. 'Spill it Mel.' 'What is there to spill?' 'You taking Soda water?' 'Oh that, I guess I'm just too full tonight.' She replied. 'Are you sure or you've found him.' Henry queried. 'Him? You mean my Dad?' 'Really, may I remind you we both know the where about of Mr. Addison.' 'Great, then let's change the topic.' 'I remember you telling me, you would stop taking vodka when you meet Mr. Right.' 'Well I haven't yet, today happens to be one of those days I meant to shame the devil.' 'I'm the devil then.' He frowned. 'No, I didn't mean you.' 'Who else is with you here?' 'Okay I'm sorry. Forgive me love.' 'Love? That won't make me forgive you now' 'I will take our usual.’ She feigned a smile. ‘Is that enough to make you forgive me?' 'Now my friend is back,' Henry stood up with a cheerful smile and signaled to the waitress which he spotted walking back with their orders. The waitress understood and went back. [b]*****[/b] Melisa wanted to cut down her drugs and alcohol intake. A decision she made the last time she met her Dad. Though she despised her Dad, sometimes she felt he had other reasons for leaving their mom. They met several times when she was five and she kept it to herself. Not that she cared what about her dad’s long speech on addiction but she doesn't want to end up like him and that night was not about obeying her dad. She had a feeling something was off about the night as her usual men were not at the high table as if they all decided not to come in that night. Morris Addison who left Tom’s mom for the same reasons known to everyone became a shadow of himself, buried himself in work and drinking but he somehow got his old self back when Tom turned five. He had his friends advising him, Tom looks exactly like him so he should clean up his life and reach out so he did. He never re-married and has been trying for years to reach out to his children. Mr. Addison knew he failed his children so he buried himself in his job as an Import and Export Specialist with his own company. ***** 'Girl you are sweating. Are you okay? You barely touched your drink.' She feigned a smile and picked up her glass of vodka. Before they knew it, they were on their sixth glass. 'Mel, you promised me Grissel, yet I still don't have her.' He said while checking his phone. 'Yeah, see how that turned out. You were too slow Henry.' 'Slow, your brother just didn't want her to be mine. I won't give up though.' ‘You should.’ 'She's my dream woman, Mel.' 'Dream woman? You still don't believe she's a love peddler. Do you?' 'I don't care Grissel, just get my love back. You know, you owe me.' 'Henry, let's not go there.’ She put on a serious face. ‘I must admit I hate Grissel's gut but Tom has made his choice. Just let it go.' 'I'm not going to Mel, i love her. And you are going to help me out.' He said finally and took his last glass. *** Julia worried all night. She knew Melisa would end up in either Henry's or one of her numerous rich men’s bed if she doesn't go after her. Her niece never regrets her intimacy with Henry or anyone else and Julia blamed herself all the time for how she turned out. ‘Did they stay too long in another man's land or she took better care of Tom than her sister.’ She sighed and pulled in front of Champs. She saw her car in the drive way and whispered to herself. 'Thank God. She’s still here.' She smiled weakly. Just then they both came out fighting with their balance. Julia thought she saw someone rolling her glass up with his hands when she drove in but she shrugged it off since it was from afar. 'You sure, you don't want to follow me home?' Henry asked scratching his head. He always looked sober even after a lot of drinks. 'Nope, I have lots of planning to do for some clients tomorrow so I better get going.' 'Are you sure? You could drive behind me so we continue back home.' 'Whose home?' They heard a familiar voice behind them. Henry saw Julia first and walked away briskly to his car. 'Mel, see you next Sunday.' he waved his car keys in the air. She watched him drive away and turned to her Aunty's direction. 'What are you doing here?' 'Nothing, I was in the neighborhood and since you didn't get back before I left, I decided to check on you.' 'Great.' Melisa replied surprising her. 'You are not angry?' 'Why should I?' She questioned Julia barely standing straight. 'I mean you usually snub me when I come around to pick you up.' 'Ooh so, that's it. You came to pick me up.' 'I'm sorry. I was worried about you.' 'Yeah I know and it's fine. I think I can't drive with my head so high on a few drinks.’ She staggered. ‘So you are driving.' 'Okay, let's go. I will let Tom pick up your car.' 'That isn't necessary. Besides he might not.' 'Leave that to me.' Julia held her by her waist and led her to lay at the back of her car. She took her car keys and walked to the security. After discussing with him, she got herself into her ride while stepping on the brake. She dialed Tom's number and placed it on speaker out. Grissel who was closer to the phone in the hall while cleaning up picked it up. 'Tom, your Aunty is calling.' She called out to him upstairs where he went a while ago to wash down. 'Take a message for me. Would be down in a while.' 'Hello, good evening Aunty.' 'My dear, how are you.' 'We are fine, Tom is taking his bath.' 'That’s fine, just let him know I left Melisa's car at the Champs. He should drive it home while she picks it up another day.' 'I will let him know that but how do we get the car keys.' 'Ask the security at the gate. Just mention her name.' 'Okay but I hope she's fine.' 'Nothing to worry about, drunk as usual but kindly let Tom have someone check it out for any faults before he drives it.' 'I can hear you both Aunty.' Melisa informed. 'I wanted you to hear me,’ Julia retorted. 'Let us know when you get home. I’ll have Tom call you back soon. Goodnight.' 'Not so fast, you sound like you planned to get rid of me.' 'No, I just felt you were driving so it wouldn't be a good idea to talk and drive.' 'Yes, you are right my dear. Did Tom apologize Grissel?’ She asked when Grissel was mute over the call suddenly. 'Apo...logiz...ed?' 'You know what I'm talking about. You don't have to always cover up for him. Learn to fight for your rights.' 'He told you?' She asked immediately. 'Just answer me, did he make things right.' 'Yes, he did.' ‘Are you okay and has he taken you to see the doctor?’ ‘Umhh.. .’ Grissel paused. ‘Umhh what?’ ‘Aunty I’m fine.’ 'I will take your word for it. If I find out you are lying.....' 'I'm not. We are both okay now.' 'Good news then, you can hang up now.' She hanged up quickly and shyly. 'Tom do you have to tell your Aunty everything.' She thought to herself loudly but shrugged it off. She rushed up to let him know they have to pick up her sisters car. Grissel knew Tom wouldn't oblige as they both hardly get along. She knew of how best to convince him. Grissel didn’t want another misunderstanding that evening like the other time she left him rudely at the dinning and they had a real argument after, which was ruining their honeymoon. But she was so glad when he spent the last three days trying to fix what has already been broken. Tom was the man she pictured herself with even after Amy nearly ruined their relationship so she had decided to let go of the resentment because despite what happened she still felt the same way she did every other time with Tom in her life. Tom had promised not to repeat his mistakes and they have been doing so well for the past few days. *** ‘Is she with you?’ The man at the other end of the call asked him. ‘Not tonight,’ He frowned over the phone while his other friend who joined him in the car along the road glanced at him uncomfortably. ‘Who messed up?’ He further asked. ‘Julia came around.’ ‘Gosh, the evil aunty you told me about?’ ‘Yeah, but don’t worry. We will have fun soon.’ He said and hanged up. ‘Why are you looking at me that way?’ Henry asked his friend. ‘I was just wondering why not just ask Melisa. ‘I mean, she’s already sleeping around so I’m not sure how this is different.’ He looked at his friend who was behind the steer. Anytime they over drink and Melisa had to end up at his end, Henry makes sure his friend does all the dirty work and drop them off. ‘When men are talking, nitwits also want to talk.’ Henry said rudely. ‘I’m sorry man.’ Henry’s friend replied apologetically and turned to the steer. Henry relaxed on the seat and kept his eyes on the road for a few seconds. ‘Melisa could be a slut sometimes, but she chooses his own men carefully.’ He finally found the need to reply his friend. ‘There was no way she would sleep with the rest of the boys if she knew about them.’ Henry who had arranged with his friends to spend the night wasn’t so happy about Julia picking her up. He usually had to tamper with her car anytime they had a drink up night at Champs. Once the car was unable to move Melisa always had no choice than to end up going home with him. Though she suspected a few times, Henry always managed to convince her. [b]*****TBC[/b]
14 May 2018 | 21:24
[b]EPISODE 4[/b] ‘Why are we meeting here this early?’ Julia asked the man sitting in front of him. ‘Because I haven’t seen you in a year and this is the only place that opens at five in the morning.’ He answered. ‘I told you I have family issues to take care of Joe.’ ‘Okay, I just came to inform you I’m moving back to Ghana to make it up with my wife and children since it seemed like we would never be together.’ Joe announced and stood up headed for the door of the restaurant he asked to meet Julia at. ‘Alright I wish you all the best and take care of your family.’ Julia said with a straight face. He nodded and walked away. [i]Julia and Joe met a year before Joyce took in with Tom. They tried to make it work but Julia doesn’t want to be a second wife. She has always been considerate. No matter how much love she had for Joe she also thinks the other woman back home deserves better although he finally got a divorce from her, Julia was still of the view that he did that because she pressured him. Joe explained his wife asked for the divorce and he didn’t want to give her that privilege then because he hasn’t met anyone yet but Julia still didn’t want to be with him. So when her sister told her about her pregnancy and the fact that she doesn’t think she was going to make it, she used that as a perfect opportunity to let go.[/i] She was still in thoughts when Melisa startled her. Mel who decided to follow her Aunt after she left the house that early as if something was pursuing her quickly grabbed a cab as her car was still with her brother. It has been several weeks but it seems neither herself nor Tom was ready to see each other yet. ‘What are you doing here Lisa?’ Her aunty queried. ‘Ahaaa, spill it out Aunty.’ She smiled. ‘Spill what?’ ‘That fine man who just left here.’ ‘I met him here.’ ‘Lies.’ She said poking Julia’s cheeks smiling. ‘Are you following me now?’ ‘Aunty, I’m just happy you are finally giving someone a chance. Is Tom aware?’ ‘No and whatever you think is happening between Joe and I just ended.’ She announced with her hands flying to her mouth. ‘He is Joe?’ Melisa asked excitedly. She nodded with her gaze focused elsewhere when she realized she just gave herself up. ‘Wow, nice name. But why did he end things with you. I’m sad now.’ ‘He has a wife back home Lisa.’ ‘So?’ Melisa asked reaching out for her hands. ‘So we can’t be together.’ ‘Who brought that law?’ Melisa asked again. ‘Did you hear me say he’s married with children?’ ‘I heard you aunty but his family isn’t here and that shouldn’t stop you from having a life.’ ‘Gosh.’ She exclaimed. I can’t believe I’m getting advice from you.’ Julia spewed out. ‘I know you don’t want the kind of life I live right now but I want you to be happy. And stop feeling like you don’t have to live your life because you have an obligation towards us.’ ‘But I’m already living. I have you two.’ ‘No you are not living for yourself but for us and we are grown now. Just enjoy your life.’ ‘I want to but I’m too old for that and I have to make sure you two are really okay.’ ‘Come on, we are okay and besides you are just sixty years old, not hundred. Give yourself some break.’ ‘I want to but you giv…’ ‘I know what you are going to say.’ ‘I don’t mean it that way but I really want you having a good life then I can live too.’ ‘Alright, I would bring pregnancy home soon.’ She said smiling. ‘You are not pregnant already right?’ Her aunt asked with a skipping heart. She knows if she’s pregnant then it’s for Henry whom she dislikes. ‘No. I’m just doing this for you as I’m not sure Tom would ever be able to give you grandchildren soon.’ ‘What do you mean by that? Do you know something I don’t know about?’ ‘I know nothing Aunty.’ ‘Yes you do. Does Tom have a problem, I’m not aware of?’ Julia asked confused. ‘Why Tom and not Grissel?’ Melisa asked taking her gaze off her aunt. ‘Do you know something I don’t know Lisa?’ She stressed. ‘No, I’m just asking. You seem to like that girl more than me.’ ‘That girl is your brother’s wife and I love you both.’ ‘If you say so but kindly call Joe back and let him know you’ve changed your mind.’ ‘But I didn’t say I have changed my mind.’ ‘I’m changing it for you.’ Mel answered. ‘No, someone else would find me.’ Julia assured her niece. ‘But you want Joe. Don’t let his marriage in Ghana stop you.’ ‘I have made my decision so let it go.’ She said softly. Julia has always been soft. More reason why she didn’t take advantage of Joe’s situation with his wife back home to get into his bed. ‘If you say so, I will drive you home now since I came with a cab.’ Melisa offered. Julia stood up with her bag after paying for the drinks that Joe didn’t even touch. ***** Grissel drove into the compound that looks like a home office and sighted Tom coming out with a middle aged woman with lots of hair. Beautiful body and her dressing that afternoon seemed like someone who was still at work. She had no idea why Tom had asked her to get off work early and meet him at that address. She feigned a smile with jealousy written over her face as she got out of the car and walked towards them at the door. ‘Hello.’ She greeted them both at the entrance. ‘Hey, you are here on time.’ ‘Yeah, you sounded erratic on the call.’ ‘Sorry.’ He responded coyly. ‘Let’s all go inside and talk.’ The lady said. As they walked inside Grissel noticed her husband was scratching his head. ‘You can both have a seat here.’ She showed them a comfortable seat and walked over to a coffee table. ‘Anyone care for coffee?’ Grissel looked at Tom and his face was registered with confusion. ‘Black no milk.’ He answered. ‘What about you Grissel?’ She turned around facing her when she hasn’t responded to her question. ‘I’m allergic to coffee.’ ‘Oh sorry, I can get you tea.’ ‘No, I’m fine but just a little curious of my presence here.’ She asked and noticed the lady seemed confused as she walked over with Tom’s coffee. She handed him the coffee which he managed a thank you uncomfortably. ‘Okay, I’m Counselor Ellen.’ ‘Counselor?’ She muttered turning to Tom who was looking confused. ‘Yes, your husband mentioned you’ve been married for three weeks.’ ‘That is right but I’m still not sure why I’m here.’ ‘I understand you’ve been havi….’ Ellen was saying when she was cut off. ‘Tom what is all these.’ Grissel was obviously angry now as she knew why Tom brought her there. ‘We are here because we need co..unsel..ling.’ He stuttered at the end. ‘Tom we don’t need therapy or counselling.’ It was obvious to Ellen Tom hadn’t told Grissel about their meeting. ‘You think we don’t but we do Grissel especially when you keep avoiding me anytime I want to touch you.’ ‘Really, that’s your reason?’ ‘Yes, it’s a valid one. I know it’s all my fault, the sleepless nights and you distancing yourself from me.’ ‘Come on Tom, let’s go home and talk.’ She stood up with her phone in her right hand. ‘No we can talk here.’ You would only tell me everything is fine when we go home.’ ‘Urrgh.’ Grissel sighed and rolled her eyes. Ellen who was watching them, sipped her coffee and dropped it on her table. Tom held on to his coffee cup while Grissel slumped into the seat when he wasn’t ready to go. ‘Tom, I can see your wife clearly want to talk but not with me around.’ ‘I know that but she needs help.’ ‘Okay, why don’t you couples go home and decide if you really need counselling. My doors are always open.’ ‘But Ellen, I came to you that should mean something.’ ‘You did and I would be very happy to counsel you alone but I know that’s not what you want right now.’ ‘Grissel, why are you not saying anything.’ He turned to his wife who was staring at Ellen. ‘I already told you, we can talk about this at home.’ ‘Tom, I suggest you listen to her and do come back if things doesn’t work out.’ ‘Everything will work out Ellen. Thank you for your time.’ Grissel announced and dragged Tom along with her. He was looking so childish being dragged away. Ellen smiled and muttered ‘Nice meeting you.’ Few minutes into their drive, Grissel packed along the road. ‘That was an ambush Tom and very childish.’ ‘I did it for you.’ ‘No, you did it for your own selfish gain.’ ‘Is that what you think?’ His voice laced with anger. ‘Yes, what happened to talking about it first? I don’t have a problem with counselling Tom.’ ‘Then why were you rude in there.’ ‘Because I had no idea that was why you asked me to that address.’ ‘Then let’s go back.’ ‘No, we are okay. Marriage is one step at a time and we are just three weeks.’ Grissel was trying so hard not to yell. ‘You think I don’t know that?’ ‘Good, we can do this. Trust me I had no idea I’ve been pushing you away lately.’ ‘Not only that, you haven’t slept since the incident and you keep crying in your dream.’ ‘This has nothing to do with the incident besides we had sex the very next day, which should even tell you we are okay.’ “Sex on a couch? Where you told me after it was a favor and an obligation” ‘We’ve been through this Tom. I said that in anger and I remember apologizing.’ ‘‘You have been indifferent towards me and we hardly touch each other though we communicate perfectly.” She frowned and quickly regained her composure. ‘I hadn’t noticed, I’m sorry.’ ‘So can we go back to counselling?’ He asked immediately she landed with her apology. ‘I’m not so comfortable discussing what happened with an outsider.’ ‘You mean when I molested you?’ He searched her eyes sternly. ‘But Tom, we talk and laugh.’ She grinned. ‘Isn’t that enough?’ ‘No, it isn’t Grissel.’ If our marriage is going to work you have to stop treating me like you did me a favor or I’m some kind of obligation.’ ‘We don’t need to discuss this all the time. I have forgiven you so we just need to move forward.’ ‘I don’t think you understand forgiveness because you wouldn’t have kept the gown, I ripped off that night inside your pillow case if you did.’ Grissel’s face turned pale and she quickly drove away without a word. She remembered asking Tom to help lay the bed that morning when she was taking her bath but it didn’t occur to her he had seen the night gown in the pillow case as it seemed at that time he hadn't changed it. After their last argument, she was sure she had forgiven him and totally forgotten about the gown. Though pulling away from him wasn’t intentional Grissel felt his pain earlier. Tom watched her sternly and without any other word he fixed his seat belt. He knew from the expression on her face and the way she sped off was an indicator that he needs to stop talking about it. He slept off along their drive and woke up just when Grissel pulled at a parking spot. ‘Hey, are we home?’ He asked still with sleep calling him back. ‘No, you are paying for a new bed.’ Tom wiped his face and looked through the window. They were at a mattress store. ‘You want a new bed?’ She nodded and took off her seat belt. ‘Is the one we have not comfortable?’ ‘Tom, I’m sorry.’ ‘You are sorry for wanting a new bed?’ ‘No, for keeping the gown. I will destroy it once we get home.’ ‘Don’t bother, I burnt it this morning when you were still in the bathroom.’ ‘Alright, can we get the new bed now?’ ‘You know I took a cab today and hence don’t have my card on me.’ ‘Okay, you owe me twice in a week.’ She brought out her card and gave it to him. ‘Yeah, the groceries. I will pay off Mrs. Tom.’ He teased. He went out for some ten minutes and came back with a receipt. ‘It would be delivered in about two hours.’ ‘Great. Let’s head home before the delivery truck gets there.’ He stared at her and smiled for the first time since they left Ellen’s place. ‘Do I have something on my face?’ She asked. ‘No, you are beautiful. I forgot to mention that.’ ‘Thank you and before you ask, I’m just changing the bed because it’s too hard.’ ‘It’s alright. I asked them for a flexible one this time.’ ‘And about the other thing, I’m ready to work on it but not subject myself to counselling and trust me if I say I have forgiven you.’ ‘Your wish is my command.’ He teased while Grissel gave him a smack and started the car. [b] *****TBC [/b]
15 May 2018 | 01:30
[b]***[/b] ‘Mom, I don’t know why you two can’t run your company. I’m fine where I am now.’ ‘You call staying in a hotel wasting your trust fund okay?’ Stella’s mom sounded angry on the call. ‘Did dad put you up to this?’ ‘He shouldn't have to Stella,' She said softly. 'You are my daughter and if you won’t come back because of the company then do it for me.’ She sighed heavily from her end. ‘But mom, I don’t know anything about this company. Remember I dropped out of law school.’ ‘I know that but he has someone who is managing the company and is willing guide you.’ ‘Are you sure, it’s because of the company you want me back.’ Stella sighed heavily. ‘It’s been twelve years and I miss you very much.’ Stella laughed so hard on the call. She being her mother’s only child made it easy for her to get anything she wants. ‘Okay, you got to pick me up yourself from the airport on Saturday. I guess I will start work on Monday.’ Mrs. Medt jubilated over the call before hanging up. Stella always talked of being a judge when she was young so her mom thought staying with her brother who was an influential judge himself could really help as he has already recommended a good law school for her. Stella dropped out for reasons she wasn’t keen on disclosing neither does her uncle and the family never spoke about it. ***** ‘Dad what are you doing here.’ Melisa asked her Dad who appeared that afternoon at a client’s place where she was checking the site for her next big event. She walked closer with a smile on her face. ‘I went by the house and Julia told me where to find you.’ ‘She actually spoke to you.’ Melisa asked surprised because her aunt seem not to like their Dad that much after their mom passed away. Melisa waved her client from afar to give her some few minutes. ‘Yeah.’ He replied. ‘So what brought you here Dad?’ ‘I haven’t seen you for a whole month.’ He replied. ‘I’ve been busy as you can see.’ ‘Okay but did you talk to Tom?’ ‘We don’t talk Dad.’ She gave him a stern look. ‘Besides he’s fine where he is and I’m not sure he would want to come work for you.’ ‘But I need to talk to him and apologize.’ ‘The guy basically threw you out of his engagement reception and you still think you could talk to him or you have forgotten already. ‘No, I haven’t Lisa.’ ‘Then allow him enjoy his marriage. He’s just three weeks in his marriage and I won’t forgive you if you mess it up for him.’ ‘Alright, I won’t pester you again but how are you.’ ‘I’m doing fine and cutting down the alcohol intake if you care to know.’ ‘That’s good to hear and the other thing.’ ‘You know I just can’t stop sleeping around in a day and get married but I’m working on it too.’ ‘Alright, if you change your mind about Mr. Stan…’ ‘Dad I don’t want to marry your friend’s son so let’s leave it at that.’ He nodded. ‘Take care of yourself then.’ Melisa waved him while he entered his car. Despite her Dad leaving home when she was just five years old hurt her a lot, he was her favorite and still is. She smiled and watched him drive away while she walked back to her client. [b]***TBC[/b]
15 May 2018 | 01:31
[b]EPISODE 5 [/b] ‘Grissel please wait. I said I’m sorry.’ Tom said rushing down the stairs to meet her up. She was already late for work and doesn’t need another plea from her husband who came home last night drunk. ‘I know you are sorry but I’m late now and do not want another argument. Breakfast is in the microwave.’ She announced walking towards the door. ‘Thanks, but can we do lunch later.’ He managed to say. ‘Sure we can do lunch when I’m free.’ ‘That’s my girl.’ He smiled walking to her when she suddenly closed the door behind her. Tom only heard the gate open and her car horn blaring loudly. That’s a signal for him to get the gate closed. ‘Gosh, I need a damn security.’ He told himself heading to the kitchen for his breakfast. He was expecting Grissel to wake him up when she was doing her rounds but it appears she was still angry hence he would be late for work. Tom hissed and picked up his Oat bowl from the microwave and luckily it was still warm. He checked the covered saucer and realized it was sausage which he dislikes and Grissel knew that. He fished out his phone and dialed her number which she picked up on the first ring. ‘Tom I’m driving, let me call you back once i….’ She was saying when he cut her off. ‘You know I don’t like sausages.’ ‘Oops sorry. Kindly get an egg boiled or fried.’ She was saying again when he hanged up. He shook his head and walked away with his Oat. Tom is too lazy that he couldn’t even boil water to talk of frying an egg. Today is the first Monday they were both reporting to work after their honeymoon leave. Even when they had added a week of their previous years piled up off days to their mandatory leave period, it was still not enough as they wished it never came to an end. ***** ‘Mr. Addison, a word in my office.’ The new CEO Stella Medt called Tom over the intercom into her office. ‘On my way.’ He responded and hanged up. Mr. Medt who entrusted the managing of the company to Tom for a whole year while he recuperate decided to let her daughter handle things with the help of Tom. Tom hates to be called by his father’s name. He had a chance to change it but his aunt wouldn’t agree. He quickly dropped his file and walked out. That was the second time he’s being summoned into the CEO’s office since he reopened that morning but couldn’t meet her the first time. Tom knocked lightly and entered as the label on the door indicated knock and enter. His face lit up when he entered. Stella was seated in her swivel chair with her black shades. He walked to her table and stood in front of her. Stella’s gaze was still on what she was doing on her laptop hence ignoring him. ‘Hello, you asked to see me.’ He waved his hands to grab her attention. ‘You can have a seat.’ Stella announced after a few minutes still with her attention fixated on her laptop. ‘Thank you and you are officially welcome to the company.’ ‘My dad left you in charge right?’ She asked dismissing Tom’s welcome address with her face up now. She adjusted herself and took off her shades. Tom smiled and was just staring at her. ‘You are charming.’ He said quietly instead of answering her question. ‘What did you say?’ Stella asked when she saw his lips went apart quickly. ‘You called for me?’ He asked to cover up the foolish grin on his face when he realized he hasn’t heard her question. ‘Are you the man to see regarding management?’ ‘Yes, I’m the Managing Dir….’ ‘So why were you not here to help when I sent a notice I would be taking over.’ ‘I apologize but I was on leave for my wedding and I just resumed today.’ ‘So? How is that supposed to be my problem when you have the information’s I need.’ She sternly queried. ‘I expect you to be around when I got here.’ Tom frowned. ‘My leave was approved by HR and they haven’t complained I did anything wrong so I d….’ ‘Do you still love your Job?’ She interrupted. ‘Of course, I have sacrificed myself for this job since I turned twenty-four.’ The smile on his face disappeared as he doesn’t like her earlier question. ‘So you’ve been working for six years, if what I read on your file was correct.’ ‘Yes.’ He focused on her face as she didn’t budge earlier when asking the question. ‘I don’t think you are qualified for this job.’ She took off her gaze. ‘So from now on you would handle what I tell you to.’ ‘I beg your pardon.’ His forehead drew a contour line as he fumed. ‘To the best of my knowledge I get my job done perfectly and cover all my hours so why I’m I being stripped of my role.’ ‘Oh you still got your Job title, office and whatever you are entitled to at the end of the month.’ She grabbed her shades and put it back on. ‘I just don’t understand how you could just walk in here and change things, no offence by the way.’ ‘Watch how you talk to me in here Mr. Addison.’ ‘The name is Tom. Just Tom,’ he managed to say with a confused state. ‘Well, we are done here. You can go now.’ She announced while focusing on the laptop. Tom just relaxed on the chair staring at her as if he was waiting for another explanation. ‘I said you can go.’ She thundered with her face up from where she kept it earlier. Tom stood up almost near tears and walked out fuming. He met his P.A on the way who run after him to inform him about Grissel but he waved his hands in the air indicating he doesn’t want to hear any of it. He banged the door after he walked in and didn’t recognize Grissel sitting on the couch at the far right corner while he faced the door fuming. ‘Who does she think she is? Is it because I’m black?’ He kept fuming while hitting his leg on the door. ‘Tom are you okay.’ He heard the next voice and turned around. ‘I thought I said I don’t want to see anyone.’ He yelled out before facing her. Grissel who was walking over paused in the middle of the room still holding the lunch box she brought. ‘What’s going on? You just yelled at me.’ She asked with a confused stare. ‘Can you leave Grissel? I don’t have the patience to argue with you now.’ ‘Okay but I brought Lunch.’ ‘I lost my appetite. Take it along with you.’ ‘But why are you askin….’ ‘I said not now Grissel.’ He yelled. ‘Alright.’ She said when she felt the bitterness in his voice. Grissel held on tightly to the lunch box and walked out. She got to her car and shed a tear. ‘Is this about this morning and the sausage instead of egg?’ She asked herself when her phone rang. ‘Just in my desk. I’m on my way back now.’ It appeared she was talking to her colleague. She dropped the phone and drove away. *****
15 May 2018 | 01:32
[b]*** [/b] ‘I don’t want to do this again. That wasn’t fair and you know it.’ Stella said from her end to the caller uncomfortably. ‘I’m sorry but I will make it up to you.’ A voice answered from the other end. ‘I know that but why are you even doing this in the first place.’ She asked regrettably. ‘I already told you Stella, he stole my dad’s money and I want him to pay.’ ‘Yeah you told me but the Tom I met this afternoon doesn’t seem to me like a swindler.’ ‘You met him for how many hours and you know him already.’ ‘Just briefly but I could tell he is genuine and can’t he pay you back.’ She tried to reason with her friend over the call. ‘I don’t want payment, I just want to hurt him where it hurts.’ The voice replied yet again. ‘This is petty.’ Stella muttered. ‘I know but you owe me so just hang in there for me.’ ‘Alright, see you later’ Stella said and hanged up. She hissed and called out to Tom’s P.A. [b]*****[/b] Tom was pacing around in his office when his phone rang. He ignored and decided to pick up on the second ring. ‘Aunty can I call you back.’ ‘Okay but I just wanted to know if you are enjoying your lunch.’ ‘What lunch?’ ‘Aren’t you at your wife’s office canteen?’ ‘OMG,’ he exclaimed and hanged up. Grissel who agreed on lunch that morning actually got a surprise delivery from Tom’s aunty. That was the main reason why she came over to his office instead of calling her husband to meet him at their lunch center. Tom suddenly remembered his behavior earlier towards his wife and picked up his suit and car keys. He rushed out of his office while dialing her number without success. Grissel on the other hand parked at a restaurant just five minutes’ drive away from her work place and got herself some pastries and drink. She sat in her car while eating in tears. Earlier she lied to her mother in-law about the lunch. ‘Is marriage this difficult?’ She asked herself with her mouth full of pastries and her eyes filled with tears. ‘Maybe he has a problem at work.’ She encouraged herself. ‘But that doesn’t explain why I should be the one to bear his anger.’ She continued to talk to herself until she finished her snacks and drove away. Tom kept violating traffic rules in order to catch up with Grissel as she already called her office and learnt she wasn’t yet back. Lunch time was probably already over but he had to make it somehow. He was still on top speed veering off the road and careful not to get caught as was a forty-five minutes’ drive to her office. ***** Grissel realizing she had no work left at the office when she went in decided to get her lunch heated in the canteen. With all smiles she was enjoying her meal and reading a magazine when she felt a tap on her shoulders. ‘Hey, you startled me.’ She said struggling to swallow the food and reaching out for the water in front of her. Henry quickly got the water and opened it for her. She hurriedly gulped it and smiled. ‘What are you doing here Henry?’ ‘How are you?’ He asked smiling. ‘Forgive my manners, I’m okay.’ She replied dropping the water bottle. ‘That’s good to hear.’ She focused on her meal while Henry stared. Grissel wasn’t that close to Henry because Melisa was always giving her attitude. It was always greetings among them but Melisa and Julia knew Henry was in love with Grissel. Melisa always thought Grissel was too naïve to notice someone in love with her but Julia thought she was just so much in love with Tom that she couldn’t see another man all over her. ‘You must really be enjoying that a lot.’ He said to her breaking the silence. ‘You can say that again. This is exactly how my husband loves his chicken and fries.’ ‘Then it’s a shame he’s missing it.’ Henry replied. ‘I know right. His aunty actually made this for us but he ……’ She was saying and paused feigning a smile. ‘He what?’ Henry sensed some hesitation in her voice and the glow she always had on her face wasn’t there anymore. ‘Nothing, it’s all good. The two shall become one so I’m eating on his behalf.’ She answered sadly. ‘Are you sure you are okay,’ He asked reaching out for her hand unconsciously but quickly pulled it back before Grissel could raise her head from staring at her plate. ‘Yeah but you still haven’t told me why you are at our firm today. Do you and Melisa need a court wedding?’ She asked smiling. ‘That’s not possible and for the record Mel and I are just friends.’ ‘Friends with benefit.’ She concluded for him. ‘That’s fine if you put it that way but I’m in need of a divorce lawyer.’ He blurted out. ‘Divorce lawyer?’ She asked confused while taking a bite on her last piece of chicken. ‘Not for me though.’ ‘Okay because I know you are not married.’ ‘Yeah but a friend is in love with a married woman.’ ‘Oh really and she’s agreed to get that divorce to be with your friend?’ ‘No but I’m sure once he assures her of his love for her she would.’ Henry muttered staring at her naïve face. ‘That’s weird but I can recommend a good one for you.’ She dropped the chicken bone and switched to the hand cream by the table napkin. ‘I was hoping you could because I heard you worked some years back on such cases.’ ‘Yeah I did but not anymore, it was just a few cases I handled. Now I handle custody cases.’ ‘Alright I will take your recommendation then.’ He smiled. ‘First floor, room ten. Just ask of Mrs. Edwards.’ ‘Thank you, do you want another meal because you keep staring back at the empty plate.’ ‘Only if it’s this good like my mother-in laws.’ She joked. ‘I’m sure the food here is okay, fries again or salad.’ ‘You are not serious right?’ ‘I am Grissel. You look unsatisfied.’ ‘Thanks but seriously I’m okay. I’m just sad Tom isn’t here to enjoy with me today.’ He feigned a smile and tried to adjust himself on the chair when his eyes fell on Tom lurking around. He wasn’t sure if he had seen him with his wife but he knew he had to thread carefully as to win Grissel. Tom arrived about ten minutes earlier and was told from her office, she was still at lunch so he quickly came to the canteen and has been wondering how long Henry and his wife has been chatting. He decided to wait around. ‘Grissel I think I should go talk to that lawyer now.’ He said standing up. ‘Alright, thanks for keeping me company. I actually don’t have much left so I would stay around for a while.’ She chipped in smiling. ‘All the best for the day.’ He waved and left using the other exit. Grissel packed up the lunch box and picked up her water gulping it when Tom sat in front of her. [b]***TBC[/b]
15 May 2018 | 01:34
15 May 2018 | 05:41
am still observing
15 May 2018 | 05:42
next episode pls
15 May 2018 | 05:42
OK,, observing
15 May 2018 | 08:43
[b]EPISODE 6[/b] ‘Gosh, Tom. How are you here?’ ‘Speed.’ He answered in one word looking intently in to her eyes. ‘What?’ ‘What?’ He also questioned. ‘You are staring at me weirdly?’ ‘And that’s a crime?’ He asked. ‘No I mean you are not even smiling this time.’ She said with confusion. ‘Should I be smiling Grissel?’ He questioned obviously angry about Henry’s presence earlier because he actually came to apologize. ‘I apologize about breakfast or whatever I did in your office that you had to chase me away.’ She broke down immediately reaching out for her handkerchief which she couldn’t locate when Tom handed her one from his shirt pocket. ‘Please I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.’ He said reaching out for her hand. ‘Then why do I feel like you were intentionally pushing me away Tom. We just got married for Christ sake and you already behaving like a typical Ghanaian man.’ ‘Wow. A typical Ghanaian man.’ ‘Yes, the types that always make their wife’s cry all the time.’ ‘You mean my Dad.’ Grissel nodded. ‘I always tell you I’m nothing like my Dad. And I’m sorry you had to cry.’ ‘That’s fine but you would have to make it up to me later.’ She smiled playfully. Anytime Tom had to reassure her he’s nothing like his Dad it calms her. ‘You and emotional blackmail. What do you want this time?’ He smiled. ‘You are making dinner this evening.’ She teased. ‘You already know how that will turn out right.’ ‘I don’t mind, I will be there the whole time.’ ‘It’s a deal then. So where’s my lunch.’ ‘Emmmm, it’s gone.’ She touched her cheeks involuntarily. ‘How should i know you would show up?’ ‘Aunty called and I had to quickly rush here when you were not answering my calls.’ ‘Sorry, I left the phone in the car but you mean if it weren’t for her you wouldn’t have come.’ ‘I didn’t say that but I’m here now and hungry.’ ‘Sorry, let me order you some salad.’ ‘Great.’ He sighed. Grissel walked to the counter and placed her order. ‘It should be here soon but you look disturbed.’ She said grabbing her seat. ‘Just some work related issues.’ He replied. ‘Want to talk about it?’ Grissel had to ask anyway though she knows Tom hates talking about his work issues. ‘You know I don’t l….’ ‘I get it Tom and that reminds me, Henry just left here and you came in.’ ‘Really? What does he want with you?’ He muttered relieved that she mentioned it. ‘Not with me but he wants a divorce lawyer for a friend of his.’ ‘Hope you are not handling that case.’ ‘You know I stopped handling those a long time ago.’ She clarified. ‘Okay, is this about my sister?’ ‘He just said for a friend.’ She was saying when her order arrived. ‘Thank you.’ Tom whispered to the waitress and placed the food in front of them each. ‘You are welcome.’ She replied and left with her tray. ‘So you ordered too? And is your lunch hours not over.’ ‘Of course, I wasn’t satisfied earlier because you were not here with me and I don’t have much work today.’ ‘And who is paying for the food.’ ‘Who else? I have your wallet here already.’ ‘How did you get that?’ He jumped up trying to check if it was actually his. ‘You married a smart one Tom.’ ‘I know right.’ He replied picking up his cutlery smiling with a stare. ‘How was your first day at work?’ ‘I got a new annoying boss in the name of Stella Medt.’ ‘Mr. Medts heir?’ She sounded concerned. ‘Yeah, I’m not sure we would ever get along.’ ‘You would figure it out. She can’t be that bad.’ He sighed and picked up his cutlery. ‘She’s charming though.’ ‘Tell me more?’ She said with a certain sparkle. ‘Ahaaa, but you know I’m stuck with you right?’ ‘I trust you Tom.’ She blushed. ***** ‘Excuse me Miss.’ Melisa heard a young man running towards her in the crowd. She stopped when her new friend she just had brunch with at the Frimps restaurant drew her attention to the guy who stopped running and was now walking towards them.. ‘Do you know him?’ Melisa asked Paige. The two ladies met last week and agreed on brunch. Melisa dropped Julia home that morning and quickly fixed herself to meet up with Paige. ‘No, but he’s from the Jewelry shop we just walked out of.’ Paige clarified. They both went to a closer Jewelry shop after their brunch to pick up a few Jewelries. ‘Oh really, I didn’t notice.’ Melisa replied. They were still staring at his direction when he finally reached their end. ‘Hello, sorry for wasting your time.’ He said with a break in his voice. ‘That’s fine Mr.….’ Paige was saying and paused because she doesn’t know his name. She shook her head and stared giving him gestures. The gentleman kept staring and suddenly realized Paige was expecting him to mention his name. ‘Forgive my manners. It’s Bryan and I think your friend here left her change and the wrist watch.’ Bryan announced handing them the change and the package. ‘Oh I did?’ Melisa snapped out of her reverie. ‘Yes, I guess when you were picking up the other necklace you forgot the watch.’ ‘Thank you Bryan but you can keep the change.’ She said checking the package. Melisa got a necklace for her aunty and a wrist watch for Henry since she broke his when she was at his end last week. ‘You don’t need to do that. Thank you.’ He said, handed Paige the money and walked away. Both ladies just glanced at each other and walked away. ‘Did I say something wrong Paige?’ She asked her friend. ‘Lisa, does that gentleman seem like someone who needed your five dollar change?’ ‘But I just thought it was nice to do that.’ Melisa clarified. ‘Well, looks like he doesn’t want it.’ ‘Was that why he left without another word?’ Melisa queried sadly. ‘I didn’t say that.’ ‘Yes you did Paige.’ ‘I just pointed to you not every man wants to be treated as such.’ Paige answered her. ‘Alright, thank you.’ Melisa didn’t want to drag the issue. ‘Great, let’s get going then.’ Paige announced pulling her towards where she parked her car. Paige manages a few events spaces, which Melisa was scouting out for one of her client when they met and immediately bonded. She drove off after Melisa fastened her seat belt. ***** ‘Why do you think your sister is not okay?’ ‘Adam, she hasn’t called since after the wedding and it’s been a month. It’s unlike Grissel.’ ‘She’s probably just busy with her responsibilities. You know how confused and frustrated you were in the first few months.’ ‘Yes but I still call friends.’ ‘Give her a call then, if you feel she’s not okay.’ ‘She’s not answering my calls. I just feel she’s avoiding me.’ ‘Try calling Tom, he definitely will pick up.’ ‘You are a genius. Why didn’t I think about it before?’ ‘You know I’m the only one with the brains in this marriage right.’ Jessy hissed and picked up herself from the bed while walking towards the bathroom. ‘Can I join you?’ Adam called out to her. ‘I’m just picking up my phone which you brought to me earlier in the shower.’ She smiled at him and walked away. ‘You are not fun these days.’ He hissed and pressed his head on the pillow like a small kid. ***** ‘When are you coming home?’ Julia spoke into the phone. ‘I forgot to tell you I will be late tonight for dinner.’ Melisa replied. ‘It’s Henry again right?’ Julia questioned. ‘I’m just picking up my car from Tom’s place.’ ‘Wonderful!’ She exclaimed cheerfully. ‘Aunty, I’m just picking up my car. Nothing else.’ ‘I know but can’t you just use that opportunity to make up with your brother.’ ‘You want a repeat of what happened the last time?’ Melisa frowned though her aunty couldn’t see her face through the phone. ‘I understand but you got to keep trying Lisa and tonight is a perfect opportunity to do that.’ ‘I have heard you. Can I direct the cab driver now?’ ‘Sure, call me when you get there.’ Julia emphasized. Melisa hanged up and wiped a tear while casting her mind back. Tom had pushed her down the stairs when she tried reasoning with him concerning their differences. She woke up a week after in the hospital and since then Melisa decided to let him deal with his own mess. Though at a point Melisa hated him first because she thought he was responsible for their moms early demise but it became worse when Tom had accepted the fact that Melisa would never forgive him for what nature took from them both. Melisa was still in thoughts when the cab parked in front of the house. She paid her fare and got down. *** Tom who left work some few hours after lunch with Grissel drove in to the bar he agreed on earlier with his friends. He sighted them by the counter and smiled while walking up to them. He is the only married one among his friends. ‘Tom, Tom.’ Mike hailed him while standing up from his stool to shake and hug him. He received their hails and hugs when finally he settled down on his stool. ‘What’s going on Clive?’ Tom queried. ‘Nothing much, just a bachelors hang out.’ Clive responded. ‘But you said it was urgent and I had to leave work early.’ Tom sounded unhappy. ‘Relax man.’ Mike chipped in. Among all the four men, Mike was the cool one and closest. ‘Yes, relax.’ Clive replied. He heaved a sigh of relief and dropped his phone in his pocket after putting it on silence. ‘Austin, you have been too quiet for my liking.’ Tom inquired. ‘I’m just admiring how good marriage is looking on you.’ They all laughed at Austin’s humor. ‘Here we go.’ Mike suddenly said when the waiters shadow fell on him. When they have a boy’s night out, they get a whole crate of beer. The waiter dropped it on the counter and left. ‘Who hasn’t brought his driver like me?’ Tom queried. ‘We all did Tom. I guess we would have to call my dad’s other driver to get you to your place while we follow.’ Clive replied. ‘You are right.’ He replied. Though they drink a lot when they are out, they always have plans for getting themselves home to avoid falling in a ditch. Austin and Clive were the two Americans among them. Mike introduced Clive and Tom also introduced Austin. [b]*****TBC[/b]
15 May 2018 | 12:30
[b]EPISODE 7[/b] There laughter could reach every corner of the bar. Those around them couldn't tell exactly why they were laughing on top of their voices. 'That reminds me Tom.' Mike chipped in still with a broad smile on his face. 'Have you asked your cheating wife about the night at the Seattle Hotel?' They were almost done consuming half of the beer in the crate. Tom was mute for a few seconds clutching his hands together tightly. 'Wait dude. Your wife cheated?' Austin asked turning to Clive and Mike's direction. 'That was what happened and it seemed our man here couldn't handle it but rather decided to force himself on his wife on their wedding night. 'Wow, too bad but why am I now hearing this.' Austin asked no one in particular. Everyone was silent while gulping their beer. Tom hadn't said anything about what Clive told him a week to their wedding because he knew Grissel wouldn't cheat on him. He was so sure about it when she confirmed running in to Clive at a hotel where she was meeting up with Adam for business. Though Clive’s allegations sounded genuine to him and he trusted his wife especially after she told him about bumping into Clive but then Mike’s call that night after their wedding with the same allegations turned his world upside down. Tom didn’t want to believe all that Mike told him that night but Grissel gave him no choice when she wouldn’t let him touch her on their wedding night. Her behavior made him furious and suspicious. He committed a despicable sin and have to leave with it even if it meant pleasing his wife every time she was wrong and he was right. Tom knew that was the only thing left to keep them both going. He realized Grissel wasn’t the only one who needed to forgive him, but he also needed to forgive himself. He wasn't a staunch Christian but he knew about forgiveness because Grissel never stopped preaching that in the past which always secured him a free pass when he misbehaved towards her. Tom wanted that for himself now and had to get it anyway he can because when Grissel held his hands and knelt before him signaling him to do same while they prayed together after their first quarrel, he knew he was safe and want it never to end. Despite their love and bond, he wasn’t so sure what the future holds for them. Tom was still in his thought when Austin spoke up. 'Okay, I get it. She's my friend doesn't mean I go about telling her everything we discuss.' Austin glared. 'We get it but anything can happen.' Mike said. 'Oh come off it. I'm not a snitch.' He yelled. 'That's enough guys.' Tom finally said. 'Sorry,' Austin replied. 'Clive, I'm sure you were mistaken. I asked my wife about Aubrey and she seems to have no idea about Aubrey.' 'And who is Aubrey?' Clive asked surprised. 'Mike?' Tom called out to him with a glare. 'Wait, I never mentioned Aubrey.' Clive quickly clarified. 'What is going on with you two?' Tom asked confused. 'Mike probably got the name wrong. The receptionist after some bribing told me he registered under the name Andre.' 'Sorry man, I didn't get it right then.' Mike apologized. 'That still doesn't explain who Andre is.' Tom asked confusedly. 'I only saw her at that hotel's restaurant twice in an awkward manner.’ He was examining their faces while he spoke. ‘But you said she saw you.’ Mike asked. ‘Yeah the first time but each time she happens to be with a different guy and Tom didn't want to pursue it the first time because Grissel had already told him about her meet up with Adam there the first time we bumped into each other.' 'And what were you doing spying on Grissel.' Austin quickly chipped in. 'I wasn't spying on anyone. I went there with Tina and I was surprised to see her there a week and a night before her wedding respectively.’ Clive was on the verge of losing his cool. ‘So?’ Austin questioned rudely. ‘What was so important that couldn't wait till after her wedding?’ Clive muttered annoyingly. ‘Especially meeting a stranger in a hotel a night to your wedding. For Adam I understand he is family but what about Andre.' Austin sighed. 'Tall, mid-forties, broad Chest, Half cast and with a dimple even from afar?' 'Exactly, you saw them too?' Clive asked happily. 'I don't need to see them Clive. Andre is one of her old bosses at the firm.' Austin explained. 'You are sure about this?' Tom asked immediately Austin landed with his speech. 'Yes very sure but very disappointed in you Tom. Grissel was avoiding me for weeks and I couldn’t figure out where I went wrong.’ Austin muttered painfully while Clive grabbed another bottle. “I’m sorry.' Tom gave him an apologetic look. ‘Marriage is about communication, just do that next time instead of listening to Clive and his fairytales.’ Clive hissed. ‘Thank you Austin.' Tom heaved a sigh of relief and grabbed his next bottle. ‘Clive you need to apologize to Grissel.’ Mike told him. 'That’s not happening because I knew what I saw that night.' Clive rubbed in again. 'What about a week before the wedding. Did you happen to see the same man with her?’ Austin sarcastically asked. 'Tom already confirmed she was with Adam besides I saw from afar that time so i can’t confirm the incident of that week but I’m sure about the awkwardness the night before the wedding.' 'Okay, so this is just about the night before their wedding.' Austin seemed to be defending Grissel too much that night. 'Sure, it was awkward man. I wouldn't say what I haven’t seen. Hope you understand that.' 'That’s okay Clive, we were all not in support of how he treated his wife so I think he should just talk to Grissel to clarify things.' Mike chipped in. 'Thanks guys.' Tom smiled weirdly. 'Let's celebrate then.' Austin cheered while they held their bottles toasting. Austin happens to be the only level headed one among them. *****
15 May 2018 | 12:31
15 May 2018 | 17:28
Tom should Hav talked to Grissel instead of raping his own wife pple can confuse u a lot in marriages
16 May 2018 | 08:37
Ireoluwa@ wot do u mean by rape? Are they not married?
16 May 2018 | 16:32
Someone gat to call de register oh. Senato danie@
16 May 2018 | 16:34
go back to ur wife nd get things clarified
17 May 2018 | 18:58
@repentance: even if u are married, dat does not give d husband d power to be forcing himself on his wife,,,, don't u think d wife can file for dat case at d court of law and den dia will be notin like are dey not husband and wife?
18 May 2018 | 20:10
Ireoluwa@ u are right BUT in dis situation, any woman dat behave like dat is not mature especially, in dare honeymoon. Is quiet suspicous and no tangeble and concret reason to justify her action.{dats partial wickedness}
19 May 2018 | 02:47
Pls update the suspense is killing.
24 May 2018 | 03:06
I'm really sorry for going away for this long. My internet service was cut off.... Just got it a while ago. Let's proceed now. Thanks for your patience
7 Jun 2018 | 03:40
***** Grissel wiped her face with a fresh neatly folded paper towel and dumped it in the bin. She carried the bowl of vegetables and salad accompaniments to the dinning. Melisa who was munching on a packet of biscuit she found in her bag after calling her aunty to inform her she might not come home that night felt her sister in law’s shadow falling on her. ‘What do you want now?’ She asked calmly this time around. ‘Dinner is ready and before you turn it down, remember you are in my house so it’s either you eat or get out before you starve yourself.’ Grissel didn’t know where all that courage from earlier and now came from. ‘I’m not hungry?’ ‘Suit yourself, I just have to chew this sausage all by myself.’ She muttered and walked away. Melisa who was backing her turned around to be sure she heard her right when she mentioned sausage but Grissel was already gone. She looked up and saw her seated at the dinning and decided to join her. Grissel seated at the table alone kept trying Tom’s number. She hanged up for the sixth time and hissed when Melisa spoke up. ‘Was that Tom again?’ She asked pulling up a chair to sit. Grissel nodded and tried once more without luck. Melisa could sense the frustration in her voice when she hiss and the worry written all over her face. Melisa doesn’t know why her speech earlier had that much effect on her so she decided to join her sister in law at the table. She picked a plate and dished out the spaghetti and sausage sauce. Then added the vegetables to it while Grissel focused on her own food which she barely touched. ‘Maybe he’s out with his friends, don’t you have their numbers.’ Melisa asked obviously worried too because Tom even as an adult back then with Julia always did call to inform them when he was running late. She smiled and tapped her forehead as if Melisa just reminded her of something though on a normal day they both would have been at each other’s throat. Grissel dialed Austin’s number and after the second ring there was finally an answer. ‘Is my husband there Austin?’ She asked. ‘This is your husband.’ Tom let out a heavy sigh. Austin realizing Grissel was the one calling passed the phone to Tom earlier. ‘Tom it’s late and what happened to dinner?’ She called out. ‘OMG, forgive me Grissel. I forgot to tell you I planned on drinking with the guys tonight since it’s a Friday.’ He explained while the other guys looked on. ‘Alright, drive safely.’ She replied and was about to hang up when Tom asked her about dinner. ‘Did you manage to get dinner without me?’ ‘Yes but would you mind fried egg in place of meat. We had sausage sauce this evening and I’m too tired to get that done this late.’ ‘It’s okay, I will have the sausage sauce.’ ‘Are you sure becau…?’ ‘Grissel, it’s fine and do you think you can wait up for me?’ ‘You know I’m an early bird but I will try. Just wake me up in case I slept off.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘Lisa is around too.’ She said and quickly hanged up before he could ask her to drive her out of his house. She knew Tom that well. Melisa just shook her head and focused on her food in front of her while Grissel left to the kitchen with her plate due to loss of appetite. Grissel picked up her plate of food. ‘You can eat all that and I have more in the kitchen in case you are not satisfied.’ Grissel knew Melisa loves food especially when its sausage sauce unlike her brother who loves fried chicken Melisa prefers anything made with sausage. And earlier she had to choose between her husband’s favorite and her sister in law’s favorite. She smiled to herself watching Melisa eat with so much delight and then smacked her cheeks happily. Melisa avoided her gaze and tried not to smile even though it came flashing her face. ‘I made the right choice.’ Grissel whispered silently and walked away briskly without another word as Melisa looked on. ‘Is she always this accepting?’ Melisa asked herself while chewing on the sausage. She shook her head and focused on her food happily. ‘The fewer the merrier.’ Grissel’s footsteps back from the kitchen few minutes after drew her attention to her walking woozily upstairs. Melisa felt a cold wave run through her body. She remembered her mom was always that way even when their Dad didn’t treat her right sometimes after she had spent her whole time in the kitchen cooking his meals. Though she was that young, she had some memories locked up. ‘Is Tom not treating Grissel right or it’s the other way round. No, it’s definitely Tom because Grissel definitely would have screamed her head off when she called him earlier.’ She whispered to herself yet again. Melisa scooped half spoon of spaghetti into her mouth and munched on it while reaching out for more vegetables from the service bowl. She had forgotten to use the fork instead of spoon. She shook her head continuously. ‘She’s not that bad as I was led to believe.’ Melisa thought aloud. Melisa barely spent up to an hour together in the same room with Grissel in the past. Grissel always made it a point to avoid her when she visited Tom when they were dating. She picked up her phone dropping the spoon she was using earlier and combed through the files she had on it and hit the delete button. ‘Maybe she had good reasons for marrying my brother the way she did and a second look at her this evening confirms why aunty love her that much.’ She whispered to herself. ***** ‘Guys let’s call it a night.’ Tom declared and everyone agreed. They had earlier called the driver who would drop Tom home while Mike’s driver followed in order to get the guy driving Tom as well to his house after he had dropped him. Grissel came back after about ten minutes and Melisa was done eating because she had cleared the table and washed up the plates. She dished out Tom’s food and kept it in the microwave. Melisa who was glued to the Tv turned down the volume when Grissel came out of the kitchen to the hall. ‘The bed is already made and I left a night wear, change of clothes and towel on the bed. I’m an early bird so just call me if you need anything.’ She announced and walked away quietly. Melisa turned the volume up when she realized Grissel had left. ***TBC
7 Jun 2018 | 03:48
EPISODE 8 Tom’s entrance to the hall switching on the light woke Melisa up. She decided to wait for him after washing down herself so she slept off on the couch and didn’t notice when his car drove in. She opened her eyes instantly. ‘You are back.’ Tom just ignored, dropped her keys and suit and walked to the kitchen. Melisa followed him to the kitchen where she met him warming up his rice. ‘Can I at least help you with that?’ She asked walking closer. ‘Gosh, why are you stalking me.’ ‘I’m not, I just want to help since your wife might already be asleep.’ ‘My wife?’ Tom was surprised for once her sister referred to Grissel as his wife. ‘Yes, okay I made a few mistakes I shouldn’t have and I’m sorry.’ ‘You are sorry and wait, tell me why you are in the night wear I got for Grissel.’ He remembered he got that wear for his wife a week to their wedding but Grissel preferred the long ones so he just didn’t want to pursue her to put on what he wanted. ‘She gave it to me Tom and I just said I’m sorry.’ ‘Keep the sorry to yourself and get out of my way.’ He said picking the bowl of rice from the microwave without the sauce and filed pass her. Melisa stayed back and warmed the sauce for him. When she came out he was already eating the raw spaghetti. ‘I thought you told your wife you would be eating this.’ She said dropping the bowl of sauce on the dining table and walked away. Tom waited for her to leave to her room before he ate his food in peace. ***** ‘You don’t need to sneak in to bed Tom.’ Grissel said raising the duvet covering her face. She waited for Tom to shower before she announced her vigil. ‘Emmm’ He managed to say scratching his head. ‘Have you eaten and checked on your sister?’ ‘Yeah.’ He replied and pushed himself onto the bed. ‘I was really pissed off today Tom, especially when I had to face Lisa all alone.’ ‘I’m sorry but can we talk about something else?’ He said with a serious tone now. ‘What’s with that serious face Tom.’ ‘Andre? ‘Yes, one of my bosses at work. Did something happen to him?’ He shook his head vigorously. ‘Tom? What is going on here?’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me you met up with him a night to our wedding?’ ‘Were you following me again? I thought you trust me and the more reason why I tell you my whereabouts.’ ‘I wasn’t spying? Someone saw you Grissel and this is one thing you never told me.’ Grissel raised herself up from the bed and laid against the bedpost. ‘I thought I did, it probably escaped me.’ She said taking her eyes off him instantly. ‘Really? ‘Yes Tom.’ She replied with her gaze off again. ‘So why are you not able to look into my face Grissel? Did you cheat on me?’ ‘Wait no, I just don’t want to talk about it Tom.’ ‘So you admit you were with Andre.’ She nodded to confirm. ‘Okay, whenever you are ready just let me know.’ Tom pushed himself under the duvet and reached out for the bedside light. ‘We agreed not to talk about work Tom, which was why I didn’t tell you I met with him.’ Tom just pretended not to have heard her. ‘Say something.’ She shook him under the duvet. ‘Alright to make you feel better Adam and Jessy had two weeks off work in that hotel and that was the reason why I even went there twice.’ ‘So you weren’t alone with Andre?’ He asked slowly pushing his head from the duvet. ‘No, though Adam left briefly to attend to Jessy screaming her head off over the hot tap not flowing, Andre is a good man and I wouldn’t tolerate flirting with him.’ ‘So he didn’t touch you Grissel?’ ‘What is this really about Tom?’ ‘Did he touch you or not because I don’t understand how important this case was than your own wedding which you couldn’t wait till after you are married.’ ‘Calm down jealous Tom. I agree I broke down at a point when things were not working in my favor that night and he might have consoled me but that was it.’ ‘Was your client someone important?’ He knows it when Grissel is telling the truth. ‘Yes, my happiness with you depended on it Tom.’ She had a worried grin on. ‘Has it been sorted out now?’ ‘I’m with you so yes, it was worth that night out.’ She smooched his shoulder. ‘Okay, I’m sorry for doubting you and assuming you cheated which resulted in my violence behavior towards you on our wedding night.’ ‘I thought as much. Can we not go back to that please?’ She frowned at the thought of that night. Grissel freaks out when she has to remember that memory especially when Tom tries to raise it. That was the fifth time after the incident he had tried talking about it. ‘Thank you but what did you do to Lisa.’ ‘Oh that? I may have put her in the right place. I know we agreed I should ignore her but I couldn’t take it this evening.’ ‘That’s okay, at least she’s calm now and seem to have accepted the fact that you are my wife.’ She smiled weirdly and adjusted herself on the bed looking into his face. ‘Do I have something on my face?’ He asked. ‘Emmm, I’ve been wondering why my handsome prince hasn’t said anything about his surprise in finding out I wasn’t a virgin.’ She covered her face discreetly. ‘I figured out that was the reason you were cranky that night but honestly I wasn’t expecting you to be a virgin besides I love what I see now so I’m okay.’ He said flirtatiously while smooching her face. ‘I’m saying No before you even ask.’ She smiled pulling up the sheets. ‘You are exhausted so I’m not going to ask but can I just hold you.’ Tom pulled her into his arms while smooching her hair but Grissel’s mind seemed to be far from the room even when Tom slept off she was restless. He has always been a jealous guy and a control freak from his youthful days but meeting Grissel changed that part of him. The only thing he wants to do is trust in her love for him. Grissel cuddled his face and kissed him while pulling away from his arms. She switched off her side of the light and covered herself fully with the duvet. ***** ‘You have to leave before my niece gets back home. And you sleeping over was a mistake Joe.’ Julia gathered the sheets to cover herself while Joe leaned against the far corner watching her. ‘But you asked me here.’ ‘Yes but the party is over and as I said Lisa might come back soon.’ ‘Alright, let me just shower first.’ ‘No, take this and get going.’ Julia threw his shirt and short to him angrily. ‘Gosh, relax. I will go now.’ Joe picked up his short from the floor slipped it on, picked up the shirt and his shoes next. ‘And don’t com….’, Before Julia could finish her sentence, he banged the door so hard. He obviously knew his way around the house since he’s been there several times when Melisa was away. ‘This is not you Julia.’ She whispered to herself and walked to her bathroom. ***** ‘Dad, you are early for breakfast.’ Stella who came down and met her Dad at the table smiled. ‘Unlike you I need to eat early because of my medications.’ ‘Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.’ ‘So your mom told me you came home late yester night.’ ‘Just hanging out with a few friends.’ ‘I see and among these friends do you have anyone of them you are going out with?’ ‘Dad, let’s not go there this morning.’ ‘That reminds me, how’s Tom?’ Mr. Medt asked. ‘Huh? Who is that?’ She exclaimed. ‘Mr. Addison, your manager?’ ‘Oh your toy boy?’ He should be home with his wife.’ She muttered focusing on the help who just brought the omelet. ‘Why do I sense you don’t like him Stella?’ ‘To be honest I don’t and I can’t believe you hired such an amateur to work for you.’ ‘Well I never had issues with him Stella.’ ‘That’s because you give him so much freedom. Can you imagine when I arrived he was not there to show me around?’ ‘If my memory serves me right he was supposed to be on leave when you took over.’ ‘Dad, let’s forget him.’ ‘Forget who?’ Stella’s mom asked behind them.’ ‘No one mom. Just work and stress.’ Stella replied. ‘You know since you got back from your uncle’s place and your tour around the globe you hardly talked about what happened to you there.’ ‘Mom, I told you guys he is fine, we resolved our fight.’ ‘Well, your uncle called.’ ‘And?’ Stella asked curiously. ‘He didn’t like the way you left after the incident especially when things were settled between you and your cousin.’ ‘This was several years ago mom, I just want to put it behind me.’ Stella replied. ‘I’m starving, can we have breakfast now.’ Mr. Medt who was quiet watching them bring up the past suddenly announced. ‘Thank you Dad for saving me from your wife.’ She teased. Stella travelled around Mexico to get away from the memories of the happenings while she was leaving with her uncle. *** Melisa was smiling over the phone. ‘Were you able to do what we discussed?’ Henry suddenly asked when he was done making her laugh. ‘Honestly, I don’t want to continue this game anymore.’ ‘But you visited so you could confront Grissel with your findings?’ ‘Yeah, but I think I would hold on for a few more weeks.’ Melisa lied. ‘Lisa you are holding up again.’ ‘I’m not Henry, just give me a few more weeks.’ ‘I trust you love.’ Henry replied and hanged up. Henry gave Melisa an ultimatum but Melisa didn’t want him to know she had changed her mind after what transpired between herself and Grissel last night. She hissed and walked out of her room towards her brother’s room. *** ‘That was fun.’ Grissel said panting while Tom kept kissing her all over. ‘Do you think we could go for another round’ He whispered in her ears while she giggles. ‘Your wish is my command.’ She grinned at him. ‘That’s my girl,’ he announced and went under the duvet when Grissel knocked him on the head. He came out of the sheets and stared. ‘You changed your mind?’ ‘No, didn’t you hear footsteps?’ She asked gazing at the door. ‘There’s no one there Grissel.’ He went back to exploring her body. ‘Did you see that shadow?’ She pointed at the door yet again. ‘Gosh you just killed the mood.’ ‘I’m sorry but I think your sister is at the door.’ ‘Are you now a seer?’ He asked sitting in the middle of the bed. ‘Just check it out, she might be in need of something.’ ‘She’s the least person I want to talk to this morning.’ ‘I know but she’s in your house and I don’t want her giving your aunty false reports.’ ‘Can’t we just forget her and continue what we started.’ ‘I’m always here but she’s leaving today so you got to make use of the opportunity.’ ‘Was that why instead of handing her the car keys last night you kept her here.’ ‘Of course you figured it out. Tom I just want this rivalry to stop. It breaks my heart.’ ‘Don’t make this about you Grissel. I have reasons for hating my sister that much.’ ‘Reasons you don’t want to share.’ He nodded his head. ‘You’ve got to let me in Tom.’ ‘Like you would do same for me.’ He questioned instead of answering his wife. ‘This is not about me today. I told you someday I will let you in and that doesn’t reduce my love for you.’ ‘Alright, you remember Amy?’ ‘The girl you got pregnant and forced her to get rid of it while you were still with me.’ She frowned. ‘I never said sorry for that. It was just a onetime thing and I was completely wasted that night.’ ‘Is it what I think?’ ‘Yes, Lisa was behind it all.’ He sighed. Grissel’s face turned pale and Tom could read all the questions on her face. ‘She hates you that much and I couldn’t watch her continue treating you like an outsider.’ ‘It wasn’t okay forcing Amy to get rid of it.’ ‘Would you have been okay with that? Imagine sharing my attention between you and my child not to talk of Amy demanding for her own time.’ ‘I understand but we could have found a solution to it.’ Grissel countered. ‘Solution? There’s no solution for having a child with another woman and married to another.’ He said with outmost certainty. ‘I’m sure if you were to have a child before we met, we both wouldn’t have been in this bed today.’ She sighed. ‘You actually hate kids that much?’ ‘No, you know I love kids but having a child with another woman means dividing my attention.’ Grissel knew they discussed this several times in their relationship before they settled down and Tom was so serious about it anytime the topic is raised which made her think he hates kids and hearing it again sent shivers down her spine though she hasn’t made up her mind to start having children yet. She was suddenly mute while Tom kept talking. ‘The funny thing is, she doesn’t know why I hate her that much.’ ‘So Lisa is not aware you know?’ ‘I don’t intend telling her at all.’ ‘I’m sure she has plans to tell you, just give her time and please cut her some slack. She was simply looking out for you.’ Grissel advised. ‘Looking out for me at the expense of hurting the woman I love.’ ‘Yet the woman you love hasn’t been hurt but might reach that point if you don’t let it go.’ ‘That’s emotional blackmail Grissel.’ ‘A good one as such. Though I want to continue dragging this with you I think she’s still standing out there Tom.’ ‘How are you able to see her and I can’t.’ ‘Well just get out and ask her to stay for dinner out tomorrow. I will pick up aunty in the morning.’ ‘What are you doing Grissel?’ ‘I’m having dinner with my family and don’t say No.’ ‘Okay.’ He slipped his shorts on and walked out of bed picking up his t-shirt hung on the wardrobe. ‘I’m hungry too, so maybe after that we can get breakfast together.’ ‘I’m on a fast?’ He smiled teasingly. ‘You don’t even know the way around the bible and you are on a fast.’ He winked and walked out leaving the door opened. Tom on a normal day wouldn’t have listened to Grissel when it’s about her sister but it seemed he figured he had to make up for staying out late yester night. Melisa who has been leaning against the pillar closer to their room jerked when she heard the door open. She tried to walk away when Tom called her back. ‘What do you want waking us up?’ He dismissed the anger in his voice. ‘Good morning, Is your wife awake?’ ‘What do you need from her?’ ‘Tampax.’ She answered. Melisa wasn’t sure if Grissel uses the same product type but she needed help. ‘What’s Tampax?’ ‘It’s ladi….’ She was saying when she was saved by the bell. ‘Tom, too much questions. Please come for it.’ Grissel could actually hear them from where she stood in the room dressing up. Tom glanced at her sister and went back in. ‘You have Tampax?’ He asked curiously. She nodded. ‘Why am I not aware you keep delicacies in here?’ Grissel laughed so hard. ‘What’s so funny right now?’ ‘Tampax is just sanitary pad.’ She clarified. ‘I thought every lady uses always pad.’ ‘No but I can’t believe your sister is actually shy to tell you she needs sanitary pad.’ She teased handing him a pack of Tampax pad. He took it and reached out to her car keys on top of the wardrobe. ‘So this is Tampax but how did she even know you use this brand?’ ‘She probably guessed.’ ‘I know she’s pretending to like you now.’ ‘That’s her own problem Tom. Just get her the damn pad already.’ ‘This your new friendship with Lisa, I have to investigate.’ He muttered raising his brows. ‘Help yourself and don’t forget to tell her she’s staying for dinner tomorrow. ‘Got it.’ He replied and walked out. Melisa was pacing up and down when he got there. ‘Here you go.’ ‘Thank you and I will need my car keys.’ He handed it over quietly without a word. He stared at her weirdly and she smiled at him. ‘Dinner Tom.’ Grissel yelled out reminding him of the dinner plans. ‘You don’t need to leave today. Grissel wants you to hav…’ ‘Tom?’ Grissel yelled out once again and he scratched his head. Scratching his head reminded her of how her mom used to tease their Dad. She laughed without even knowing it. ‘What is funny?’ He asked. ‘Nothing, you remind me of mom.’ ‘So?’ He asked rudely. ‘So I made her favorite breakfast for you this morning.’ Tom ignored what she said because he never met his mom. ‘As I was saying before you interrupted, you have to wait for dinner tomorrow so you can’t leave.’ He said with an authoritative tone and rushed back in. Melisa found it funny and smiled to herself. ‘You are so terrible at asking women out.’ Grissel laughed when he closed the door behind him. ‘But you fell for this same charm.’ ‘I wonder how I fell for you.’ She teased back. ‘Can we eat now, Melisa claimed she made breakfast.’ ‘I thought you are on fast.’ ‘Not anymore when I just used up all my energy.’ He muttered. ‘After you my love.’ She slipped her legs inside her flip flops. *****TBC
7 Jun 2018 | 03:56
EPISODE 9 ‘Jones why wasn’t I told we had new investors.’ Tom asked angrily storming into her colleague’s office. ‘I thought you knew besides Stella mentioned you had your hands full so had to do the presentation on your behalf.’ Jones explained. ‘Stella huh!’ He exclaimed and rushed off banging the door in the process. It has been three weeks since Stella took over and her attitude towards him has gone from bad to worse. She practically gave his job to his other colleagues which he was much better at. Tom wanted to resign last week but Grissel thought it was a bad idea. He hates not to be in control especially when a woman is involved. ‘She’s not even a woman but a girl. Who does she think she is?’ He hissed and pulled his drawer and brought out the envelope containing the resignation letter. He paced up and down then went out headed to Stella’s office. Tom barged in while Stella’s Secretary followed in order to stop him. ‘Who do you think you are to side line me when it comes to investors?’ He scowled. Stella raised up her head from her laptop where she was busy working on some files and signaled her secretary to leave. ‘First it was calling me to report to work on a Sunday and then working late into the night throughout last week which wasn’t part of my contract.’ He yelled at her. She adjusted herself on her swivel chair and stared at him without a word which was unlike her. He remembered working late last week for her and she was around giving her lots of pressure and yelling on top of her voice but today was different. Tom was surprised at her demeanor and stood in the middle of the room scratching his head. He was expecting her to yell or throw him out of her office as she did last week. For a whole minute she just kept staring at him which was unusual. Tom thought he saw a smile on her face which was quickly replaced by that same stare earlier. He felt embarrassed, dropped the envelope and walked out briskly closing the door behind him. Stella shook her head and picked up the envelope and read the contents. ‘Did I go too far with this unfair treatment?’ She asked herself and picked up her phone. ‘Okay, I’m done with this stunts. Just handle him yourself.’ She said and hanged up without allowing the receiver to even breathe. Tom picked up his necessities since it was just two hours away from closing time and walked out meeting Stella coming out of her office. Stella stood by the door upon realizing Tom was leaving. She watched him hand over some papers to his secretary. She found it amusing when the scene earlier in her office flashed her mind. Stella gave out a broad smile. Tom gazed at her and couldn’t tell why she kept smiling when he obviously just handed six years hard work over in a rush to someone who doesn’t deserve it. *****TBC 'When is your flight?' Julia asked Melisa who was still home munching on her muffin she was hoping to parcel for Tom during the weekend. 'I have 3 hours more before I go.' She responded picking up her next muffin. 'When you make your first transit let me know.' 'I would be fine Aunty. Besides this isn't the first time I'm traveling to another state.' 'I know but you've been moody since we had that Sunday lunch with your brother and his wife and you won't talk about it either.' 'I think I would be fine. I just need to reflect on some things.' 'You can talk to me Lisa.' 'Trust me this has nothing to do with you.' 'Is it something your brother did?' She shook her head. 'Then?' 'I'm okay aunty.' 'If you say so Lisa.' Julia said and relaxed herself on the couch. ***** 'Hey you are home early three days in a row.' 'I tried to make dinner, I'm not sure you would like it.' Tom said quickly not to look suspicious. He doesn't want to tell her yet until he figures out his next plan especially knowing Grissel would want to help which he wasn't comfortable with. 'You? Tom? Dinner?' Grissel sprawled around to watch her husband who was already leading her to the kitchen when she came in that evening. 'Yes, your husband made dinner. Just come with me.' He dragged her along. Grissel hasn't suspected Tom resigned because he usually was the last to leave home. And comes home late which obviously now has changed but she didn't think he would go ahead when they had already discussed it. Grissel scooped the spaghetti mixed with sauce with her bare hands after tossing it in a bowl of water in the sink ignoring the cutlery. 'How does it taste?' He asked after few seconds. 'Too much salt.' 'Give me some credit Grissel. I spent the whole afternoon on that sauce.' 'The whole afternoon?' Grissel retorted. 'Yeah, weren't you at work?' 'No, yes I mean the whole evening.' Tom stuttered. Grissel stared at him. 'Tom what's going on?' 'I don't understand your question.' He feigned ignorance. 'A day before yesterday was you greeting me at the door with sandwich, yesterday was pancake and today spaghetti sauce.' 'So? Can't I pamper my wife anymore without questions?' 'Of course you can but Tom I know you hate cooking. Even if you were given the whole world you wouldn't.' 'So you don't want my surprise.' He frowned. 'I didn’t mean that Tom.' 'Then what do you mean?' 'I should be asking you what you want because mostly it's either you are apologizing for something or you need something. So which one is it?' Grissel was still suspicious. 'What about I just love my wife and wanted to surprise her.' 'Alright, I will set the table.' She said washing her hands. 'Thank you and sorry I over used the salt.' 'We will manage Tom.' She whispered and set out to dish the food while Tom watched. ***** Stella walked into her office and came out abruptly. He still hasn't reported?' She asked her P.A. 'Miss Stella, he resigned.' She responded reminding her. 'Yeah of course.' Stella touched her head as if to make a mental note. She walked away from her briskly back inside her office. 'I was hoping he wasn't serious about resigning and it's been a week.' She whispered to herself and picked up her phone. *** 'Tom, why are you not answering the call.' 'Huh!' He came out of his reverie. 'Your phone is ringing.' She said again. He picked it up from the bed where he was seated pretending to be dressing up for work while Grissel was opposite him fixing her ear rings. 'You hanged up again.' 'Yeah, it's just Mike.' 'Mike? This early?' Grissel questioned. 'Probably arranging a weekend out.' 'Tom, I know you resigned. And that call earlier was probably your lady boss or secretary.' His face shot up. 'Come on, don't be surprised, you are easy to read, main reason why I keep leaving Lunch and coming home early for the past week. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to feel I needed your help.' 'And what's wrong in needing your wife's help.' 'Well, I'm supposed to be the man of t.....' 'And I remember we were joined as one.' 'That's different Grissel.' 'Okay, I’m running late. Let's talk about it when I get back.' 'Are you angry?' 'Not yet but there's lunch in the microwave.' She picked up her bag and left him to himself. Grissel figured it out because they discussed it and suddenly Tom started cooking which was strange so she called the office to confirm. But knowing Tom, she understood he prefers keeping work challenges to himself. The last time she was just lucky he told her about the decision to resign which she thought she managed to convince him not to. *****TBC
7 Jun 2018 | 04:00
EPISODE 10 Lisa felt a tap on her shoulder and tried to wipe the sleep out of her eyes. A blonde built guy was staring at her. His eyes rolled and Melisa thought his brown eyes were beautiful. Melisa quickly shrugged off her thoughts and fixated her eyes on the video playing in front of her. 'Would you care for some wine?' He asked Melisa and then signaling the air hostess who was passing by with a wine trolley. Melisa glared at him, turned off the video and coiled back to her sleeping position. She sprung up after a few seconds when she remembered he wasn’t sitting with her earlier. Melisa quickly checked her bag and realized her belongings were still intact without looking at him in the face. She closed her bag discreetly, held it tight and then raised up her head slowly to meet his gaze already on him. Melisa quickly took her eyes off him. 'You are a beauty.' He said not hiding his smile. Melisa clutched her bag tightly while ignoring his compliment earlier. There was silence that moment as the announcement siren rang. 'You know I can't really steal from a beauty like you.' He whispered whiles the announcement still went on. Melisa didn't find it funny. She never liked flying economy class but she had no other choice when her flight was canceled when she got to the airport which resulted in late booking. 'You know I saw you before the flight took off. You seemed angry then and I was told you didn't like economy class so I decided to keep you company but you were asleep when I came around.' Melisa snapped her finger at the airhostess who was passing by with her trolley ignoring him. 'Can I have some water please?' She got her water and gulped it at once. 'You were that thirsty?' He realized she was not going to answer any of her questions so he kept quiet for a while. 'I’m Dane. I can see you didn't like the fact that I moved from my section to keep you company while you slept.’ He waved his hands as he spoke. ‘I just thought you were alone here and would like to talk to someone as you were really furious while getting on board but I would take my leave now.' Dane said and stood up. He took another glance at her and she was looking out of the window so he walked away to his first class section. 'Finally.' She sighed and relaxed her head against the seat. ***** 'Dad, I think I went too far.' Stella confessed to her Dad after another week of Tom not showing up for work. 'With what?' 'Tom?' She replied. 'What are you talking about?' Mr. Medt wasn’t sure if he was fit for bad news. 'He resigned last week and efforts to bring him back hasn't been fruitful.' 'He resigned or you pushed him to do that.' Mr. Medt asked. 'I kind of was a little too much to handle but how was I supposed to know he was that sensitive.' 'He's a man Stella.' 'But still doesn't explain why he would want to resign from what he loved doing.' 'Tom has always been proactive and could be a control freak sometimes but he's the pillar of my business.' 'Yeah I noticed that but how do I get him back.' She asked excitedly. 'Give him time Stella.' 'I don't have that much time Dad.’ Stella felt disappointed. ‘Last week, the investors left because they didn’t like Jones presentation.’ 'Oh really, which of the investors.' 'Kyle Ltd.' 'That company always loved Tom's work.' 'Yeah I heard they always preferred him to others anytime they come along for investment.' 'You got to get him back somehow.' Her Dad announced. 'He's not answering my calls.' 'Go to his house.' He suggested. 'Great idea Dad, I would get his address from his file tomorrow.' 'Alright, just make sure his wife is around, that would make it easier.' 'Sure, I would go tomorrow in the afternoon, by then they should be back from church.' 'Come here baby girl. I know I pushed a lot of responsibility on you but i trust you can handle it.' Mr. Medt opened his arms wide for Stella who was sitting opposite him. Stella went for a hug and a peck. 'Is it a father daughter time?' Mrs. Medts appeared from the kitchen. 'Mom I'm starving.' She said admiring the sandwich she brought for her Dad that afternoon. 'This is for my husband. Get yours in the kitchen.' She frowned. 'Is that your new way of telling me I need to get my own husband?' She said walking away. 'I'm glad you read between the lines.' Her mom said and she smiled rushing to the kitchen. ***** 'Please hand me the shoe polish.' Tom who was sitting on the couch where Grissel dropped the shoe polish earlier asked. 'It's right there beside you.' She replied fixing her eyes on her own heels. 'Are you still angry about my resignation?' Tom asked grabbing the polish himself. 'I told you I was okay Tom.' 'You wouldn’t have asked Austin for help the other day, if you were really fine.' 'I'm supposed to be a help mate and not that kind of wife who doesn't care what her husband goes through.' 'Alright, but I don't need help from my friends.' 'There he goes again. Why don't you get over your pride and go back to work.' 'What’s with you and work. I said I don't want to go back there. Just let it go.' He snarled. 'Calm down Tom, I was just trying to be a wife.' 'Be that wife to someone else and leave me alone. It's not like you feed me by yourself.' He announced and walked out on her. Grissel picked up her bag and left him behind. She knew that anger earlier won't settle down soon so she had to go alone to service. *** Stella knocked on Tom’s door. Tom heard the gate opened but figured it was his wife so he relaxed back on his couch. The knock became deafening so he stood up angrily as he didn’t understand why she should knock in her own house. ‘What the he….’ He paused at the door once he turned the knob and saw Stella standing with her hands behind her back. ‘Hey.’ Stella flashed him a radiant smile. ‘Are you stalking me now?’ He asked rather calmly. Stella stared at his bare chest as he was warm earlier and needed fresh air. ‘Can I come in?’ ‘No, and you can go now.’ He dismissed her and walked an inch away. Stella quickly grabbed his left hand and released him when Tom turned around. She smiled. ‘I came to apologize for the way I treated you.’ She paused and examined his expression. Stella hoped he could say something at that moment. ‘Are you done?’ He finally asked. She nodded. ‘Is your wife around?’ ‘Did you come to see my wife?’ ‘No, but I was hoping you could return to work tomorrow.’ ‘Okay, kindly leave now.’ ‘But yo….’ ‘I said leave now.’ He scowled. Stella drew back for a second and when it seemed he was serious, she walked away without looking back. She drove away and Grissel’s car appeared. *** ‘Henry, this is twice in a week and I noticed you have been following me for some time now.’ Grissel said to Henry who was sitting across the table in her office that Monday morning. After that Sunday argument with Tom, she left early to work so she could avoid him for some time. ‘You noticed.’ He grinned. ‘I’m not naïve and stop stalking me else Tom would hear about this.’ ‘You haven’t told him yet?’ ‘Just stop, I don’t like it.’ ‘But I do and Melisa doesn’t seem to have a problem if her brother leaves you.’ ‘Melisa?’ ‘Yes, she gave me lots of support. ‘Of course, if not her who else.’ She responded not surprised because she knew Melisa never liked her even though she seemed to have accepted her some few weeks back. ‘Tom doesn’t deserve you Grissel.’ He spewed out when he realized she was lost in her thoughts. ‘And you do Henry.’ ‘Smart question my love.’ He smiled happily. ‘I can see you loss some screws in your head.’ ‘I lost them because I fell in love with you.’ ‘You what?’ ‘Wasn’t that obvious Grissel. I have been in love with you for the whole time you were with Tom.’ He smiled weirdly. ‘I just want a chance to prove myself to you.’ ‘Now it’s official. You need psych evaluation Henry.’ She said with disgust. ‘Maybe it’s because I fell for the wrong woman.’ ‘Yeah, I’m wrong for you so just leave me alone else I will get a restraining order against you.’ Grissel sounded confused. Her door opened quietly and the lawyer she recommended to him months ago came in. ‘Henry, can I see you now. I need your friend’s details for the divorce proceedings.’ She announced, waved at Grissel and vanished. ‘You see, I’m getting everything ready for your divorce so I can have you all to myself.’ ‘Don’t tell me, that story you told me about your friend was about me.’ ‘Of course love.’ ‘Get out Henry,’ she yelled throwing the vase on her table at him. Henry blew her a kiss and rushed out. ‘Goodness, how didn’t I see that coming? Tom, I’m in trouble.’ She rested on her swivel chair confused. She now understood why she bumps into him at every shopping center and her office lately. Though she was always worried, she thought telling Tom would just create problems in her marriage. ‘How can he be sleeping with Melisa and still connive with her to destroy my marriage.’ She thought so aloud. ***TBC EPISODE 11 ‘So what did Grissel say when you told her you loved her?’ Melisa queried Henry who told her he spoke with Grissel last week. 'Lisa, your phone is ringing.' Henry announced from under the duvet before he could answer her first question. 'Is that my Aunt again?' She has been ignoring Julia's call since last night. 'No, the number isn't registered among your contacts.' 'Answer it then.' She yelled out to him again from the shower. Melisa hasn't gone home since she came back from her event planning trip last weekend. Henry slides the receive button to the right. 'Hello, she's in the shower and would have to call you back.' He said to the caller. Dane on the other side of the call sighed heavily and hanged up. 'Mel, he hanged up.' Henry said pulling up his boxers and walking towards the bathroom. 'He? Did he leave a name?' 'No, but I felt his breath.' He announced popping her head inside the bathroom. 'And you know it's a man how?' Melisa asked grabbing a towel. 'I told you earlier, I felt his breath.' 'Yeah but it could be a woman or probably a client.' 'A client who calls and hangs up after hearing the voice of another man.' Henry sounded angry. 'Of course, people do that all the time.' 'You can't fool me you know.' He fumed. 'Wait, what's going on here? Are you jealous?' She asked stepping out of the shower with just a towel around her chest which was too short to cover her whole body. 'Jealous? No.' He feigned and walked after her. 'Then let's drop this discussion because it won't take us anywhere.' Melisa told him and sat on the bed reaching out for body cream in her traveling bag. He dropped the phone beside her and it started to ring. Henry looked back and watched Melisa staring at the phone. 'Won't you pick up?' She looked at him annoyingly and picked up the call. 'Hello, Melisa here.' 'Great, the other voice announced.' 'Great, is that a name?' 'I'm sorry, I called earlier but hanged up when I thought I got a wrong line because a male picked up. 'How can I help you gentleman.' She said grabbing Henry's attention from where he was seated. 'I understand you are into event planning and I would need to meet you for an event I want to have soon.' 'Alright, can I have your schedule so I can fix in my plans.' 'Can we meet next week Tuesday?' 'Yeah, Tuesday is fine.' 'Dallas.' He further added. 'Dallas? That's several hours away from my place.' 'Seattle right?’ He probably got that from her website. ‘Yes, and I can’t waste all my resources on a pre-event journey.’ ‘I understand but all expenses would be covered.' 'Expenses isn't the problem but it's a whole lot of hours to spend on a single journey. 'I thought you were supposed to be the best.' Dane mentioned. 'Well, I could be but I'm just being honest with you.' 'Okay, I will get someone around here.' Dane announced. 'Hold on, can you send me details of the event and your plans to my mail. I will send you my email address once I hang up.' She glanced towards Henry’s direction. 'Thank you beauty.' Melisa thought that phrase sounded familiar. 'The name is Meli....' 'Yeah Melisa Addison. I will be expecting your mail. Do have a nice day.' Dane said finally and hanged up. 'Who was that?' Henry asked jerking her out of her reverie. 'A weird client.' She replied and focused on her blouse. He rolled his eyes. 'Do you have to go back home today?' 'Yeah, unless you want my aunty to start suspecting I'm back in town.' 'But we are still meeting later in the evening right.' 'I think I will get a rain check on that.' Henry saw the sudden change of mood so he nodded and left her in the bedroom. ***** ‘Hey you are home early.’ ‘Uhmmm.’ Grissel hummed. Tom figured she wasn’t going to respond to any of his questions so he nodded. ‘By the way, my boss was here last week Sunday.’ ‘Okay.’ She replied faintly and focused back on the program she was watching when Tom came in that evening. ‘Just okay?’ He asked staring at her. ‘Your food is in the microwave, let me know if I should help you warm it?’ She quietly said raising herself up. ‘You had dinner without me?’ ‘Ahaaa.’ She slowly responded. ‘And you couldn’t just wait for me again.’ He asked sounding a little angry because it seemed to him Grissel has been doing that lately when she knew they always eat together when he intends not to stay out late. ‘It’s past seven pm Tom and I was hungry.’ ‘No wonder you look fat this evening. Anyway, that’s fine but I’m not hungry tonight.’ He muttered carefully as he knew Grissel has been cranky since their last Sunday disagreement. ‘Good and I’m not fat.’ ‘I will be waiting for you in bed then.’ Tom dropped his car keys on the coffee table beside his wife and walked upstairs. Grissel gave him the funny look and turned off the TV. ***** Dane arranged for Melisa to be picked up at the airport once she agreed to meet him. She was picked up and sent to his house. ‘Hey, you made it.’ Dane announced behind her. Melisa thought the voice sounded familiar from where she sat with her hand luggage. She quickly turned around. ‘You got to be kidding me.’ She picked up her luggage and moved towards the door she came through earlier. ‘Please don’t go. I really need this event to hold.’ ‘Handle that yourself.’ She muttered and walked to the door. ‘Daddy, is she here with my birthday crown?’ The little girl run to him. Her tiny voice grabbed Melisa’s attention. She turned around and their eyes met. ‘She was just leaving Dani.’ ‘Did you yell at her Daddy?’ ‘No, I didn’t love.’ He replied carrying her moving towards the couch Melisa vacated earlier. ‘Then why was she leaving.’ Dane looked up at Melisa who seemed indecisive standing at the door. ‘You don’t like me?’ Daniella asked staring at Melisa. She dropped her luggage and feigned a smile. ‘Dani that’s not a nice thing to say.’ Her dad poked her cheeks playfully. ‘So why won’t she help me get my princess crown and birthday party.’ ‘We would figure out something.’ ‘That’s a trick Daddy.’ She frowned. ‘Tell her about mommy, she might want to help if she knows our story.’ ‘We are not going to do that.’ Dane sounded cranky. ‘Then how do I get my party.’ She threw tantrums. ‘Daddy could always get you another event planner.’ He smiled to convince her. ‘Bu….’ Dani was cut off. ‘I would take the offer.’ Melisa said quickly while staring at Daniella. Both father and daughter looked back at her. Dani with her dad certainly reminded her of how she wished her childhood turned out. Anytime Dani wanted something she always had her way when she goes about telling everyone her mom died saving her. Daniella rushed from her dad’s lap towards Melisa. She opened her arms for her unconsciously. ‘Can I have a cake with my face on it?’ She whispered into Melisa’s ears while she was still across her shoulder. ‘I think I can arrange that.’ She replied bringing her down while Dane looked on sheepishly. ‘I’m Daniella Reed but everyone calls me Dani because I have the same name as my dad.’ ‘Awesome name there. I’m Melisa but most people call me Lisa.’ A smile appeared across her face. ‘I like you already.’ She muttered and run back to her dad.’ ‘Birthday girl, can you give daddy and your new friend here some space.’ He said pointing to Melisa who was smiling unconsciously. Dani rushed off and paused. ‘Don’t yell at her, I would be watching.’ She smiled and disappeared into the next room. Dane gave her a thumbs up with a smile. He then turned around to locate Melisa with her arms crossed watching their drama. ‘So you would get the party planned after all.’ ‘For your little girl, I would but on one condition.’ ‘Anything for you beauty.’ ‘I’m not staying in this house with you for the next few days.’ ‘I figured you might say that, so I got a hotel booked for you.’ ‘That’s a relief, so how do I get there.’ She managed to ask with clarity. ‘I would drive you there and my driver picks you up tomorrow so we go over the details.’ ‘Works for me.’ She replied. ‘Let me get my keys then.’ He whispered and walked out of the hall. Melisa looked around admiring the décor and furnishings. ‘After you.’ He came back shortly to announce while picking up her bag which Melisa quickly snatched from him. ‘Wow, she doesn’t like to be helped as well.’ ‘Yes and one more thing. Stop calling me beauty.’ ‘I can try.’ He smiled coyly. She walked away that moment and turned the knob opening the door while Dane followed. ***
7 Jun 2018 | 04:10
*** ‘I didn’t think you would be coming to bed anytime soon today.’ Tom reached out for the bed light. ‘Gosh, you scared the hell out of me.’ Grissel thought he was already asleep. ‘What is going on with you Grissel?’ ‘Why do you say that?’ She asked while slipping herself under the duvet. ‘You’ve been quiet and different towards me for some weeks now.’ ‘This isn’t about you Tom.’ ‘Then talk to me. Are you okay?’ ‘I’m fine, just some work stuff.’ ‘Which has something to do with me?’ ‘I didn’t say that. We had a disagreement and that’s different from my work problems.’ ‘Okay, I know we agreed we keep our work problems out of our marriage but if I can help…..’ ‘You can’t help Tom.’ He nodded. ‘But can I at least hold my wife tonight.’ ‘Emmm, not until you apolo….’ ‘I’m sorry for reacting that way on Sunday.’ ‘Good, I’m more offended about the fact that you didn’t make it to service.’ ‘That I’m sorry about too.’ ‘Tom we are too young in this marriage to start having this petty disagreements.’ ‘Arguments are normal Grissel.’ ‘I know that, except you get unnecessarily angry over nothing.’ ‘I do that?’ He asked staring at her.’ ‘Ahaaa.’ ‘It won’t happen again.’ He reached out for her hands and Grissel smiled leaning over for a kiss. Tom had a feeling Grissel was worried over something she has no plans of talking about. ***** 'That was a great turn out.' Dane said behind Melisa who was standing on the balcony of his house where they had Dani's party. 'Yeah, I love your little girl.' 'You do?' 'She's a sweet girl. See how happy she is rocking her eighth year party.' Melisa gestured towards Dani. 'I'm glad you think she's sweet.' He smiled at her. 'What’s that smile for?' She enquired. 'Nothing, I'm happy you made this happen for her. I wanted to take her out for a simple dinner like I always do but my Dani wants a big party for a change this year.' 'A girl knows what she wants.' She muttered. 'I can tell. Dani can be persuasive at times.' 'Why did you change your mind then?' Melisa asked. 'At first, I refused until I saw you at the waiting area that morning then I changed my mind.' Melisa glanced at him. 'You changed your mind because you saw me. How, why?' 'Well nothing really, I was fascinated about your ranting. You defended JJ's Events so well. I looked you up that's how I got your number.' 'Did I?' She asked embarrassed. 'I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes.' 'I'm sure I made a fool out of myself.' 'If you hadn't then I wouldn't have met you to give my Dani this awesome party.' 'I see.' 'What exactly do you see beauty.' 'Beauty?' She repeated much comfortable around him now. 'Yes, no one ever told you how beautiful you are?' 'That would be my dad.' 'Daddy’s girl, I guess.' 'Kind of.' She replied, waving Dani who was playing with her friends. 'Let me just cut the pretense here.' 'Pretense?' She muttered. 'You do know I like you right?' Melisa fixed her eyes on him. 'Oh come on, you must have known that was the reason I asked you all the way down here.' 'So you didn't ask me here because of the party?' 'That's also part but I like you and my daughter seems to like you too so.....' 'So you figured I should be her next mom?' Danes face suddenly went pale. 'Sorry, did I say anything wrong.' Melisa quickly took her words back. 'No and I didn't mean to come out that way.' He smiled. 'Great, but what's her story.' 'Who?' He asked. 'Dani's mom.' 'She passed away even before child birth. It was a miracle Dani survived.' He scratched his head and glanced at Dani who looked up the balcony and smiled to her dad. 'I'm sorry about that.' 'It's been eight years and we both are over her death.' 'Glad to hear that,' she replied him. 'So can we date?' 'Wow, he's a straight forward guy.' 'Yeah, I know what I want when I see it.' 'And you want me?' Melisa during her few days around him started to feel comfortable as compared to when she first met him. 'Is there someone else?' Melisa glared at him and quickly took her eyes off him. 'Oh silly me, it must be the guy, I spoke to when I called you the first time.' 'Who? Henry? No.' she said almost immediately. 'Henry huh!' 'It's not what you think, I mean we are just friends.' 'Friends?’ He repeated. 'Yeah, one that’s got my back always.’ 'With benefits I guess.' 'Well that’s not a crime anywhere.' 'So what about me?' He changed the topic. 'I'm not sure I want another.....' 'Daddy, my friends are ready for pictures.' Dani rushed hugging him by the waist interrupting his moment. 'Okay, let's go.' He flashed Melisa a smile. 'Are you coming with us?' Daniella asked her while dragging her dad along. 'No, it's your day Dani.' 'Dad let's go.' 'Hold that thought.' He told Melisa before leaving. Melisa smiled coyly and walked away to the domestic helps in the house. She gave them some instructions, picked up her bag and left. *****
7 Jun 2018 | 04:14
***** 'Love, Grissel.' Tom called out dragging the crib along with him. He checked the kitchen and there was no sign of her so he left the crib by the stairs and rushed upstairs. Grissel was swamped up with work since morning that Tom had to leave her home. It seems that’s all she seems to be doing for the whole month he’s been home. He appeared behind her and tickled her. She didn't notice he had come in as she was so focused on reading her files. She jumped up immediately closing the files abruptly in front of her. 'Tom, you are back already.' 'Yes, it's afternoon Grissel.' 'Oh really, I didn't realize that,' she glanced at her wrist watch and hit her head slightly. 'Of course, you didn't notice because you've been up all day flipping through those boring files.' 'They are not boring papers.' She gave him a cold stare. 'Okay you win, but come on you need a break and I got a surprise for you.' 'Surprise? I love the sound of that.' 'Ahaaa.' He muttered pulling her off the floor. 'This better be food and a delicious one as such.' She said putting her legs in her flip flops. 'I have something better. You will love it.' He said on their way down the stairs. Within some few seconds they were facing the new baby crib. Grissel stopped midway and stared. Tom quickly rushed off the stairs and dragged it closer to the couch while beckoning on her to follow him. Grissel wiped a tear when he was not looking and froze at the same spot. Tom turned around and found her still at the spot he left her. 'Oo ooh, you don't like the surprise?' He asked moving towards her. When he got no response he taped her. 'Are you okay?' 'Yeah, this is beautiful Tom?' 'You sure about that, because you seemed lost a while ago.' 'I'm sorry. I was just overwhelmed.' Grissel clarified. 'Why don't I believe you?' 'You should because I love the color you bought.' 'I have good eyes then.' He smiled coyly pulling her to the couch. Suddenly, there was a short moment of silence. 'But Tom, I'm not pregnant yet.' She said carefully in order not to make him feel disappointed. 'You are not?' He asked confused and disappointed. 'Tom, you would have been the first to know if I were pregnant.' 'Ermm but you look fat.' He replied scratching his head. 'Ohh I get you now. So that was the reason you kept calling me fat lately.' She laughed hilariously and poked his nose playfully. 'Don’t blame me when you've been quite and cranky all month.' 'Wow, for the record I've always been quiet and about cranky, probably work stress.' She clarified with her hands supporting her jaw. 'And you've suddenly put on weight.' 'So you figured we are having a baby.' She asked. 'Sure, every woman put on weight when they are pregnant.' He replied with an embarrassed grin. 'And you know that how?' 'Trust me, I know these stuffs.' He glorified himself. 'Ahaaa, Amy?' 'Oh come on, Grissel.' 'What? So far as I'm concerned, she's the only one you got pregnant while I was busy planning our wedding.' She said before realizing what came out of her mouth. 'Wow, now she got it all out of her system.' 'I didn't mean it that way.' She tapped him. 'I know that sooner or later it will come up again but believe me it was a mistake.' 'I knew it was a mistake even before you told me the last time your sister was the Master mind.' 'Thank you but I'm still disappointed we are not having a baby yet but we still have enough time to make some babies this evening.' He teased. 'Ermm, Tom we are just five months old in this marriage and I'm not sure I want to start making babies yet.' 'Alright but I'm very hungry now.' He said just to avoid having any further arguments though he wasn't so sure about the waiting part. 'Mashed potatoes and Cabbage stew coming right up.' She whispered while standing up. 'Could you not mash the potatoes? I would prefer it boiled this time. Thanks.' 'Sure, just hold on. Let me get the crib to the next room.' She dragged the crib along with her. 'Grissel, is everything alright.' He called out after a few seconds away from him. 'Why not?' She asked. 'Because that's not the way to the next room.' Grissel was dragging the crib to the kitchen. 'Oops, I just had a lot on my mind.' She made to smile but Tom was smarter. 'Whatever it is, I know you won't talk about it but I'm always here if you decide to.' 'It's nothing. Just work.' She replied. 'As usual.' He said while Grissel retracted her steps upstairs. Tom brought out his phone and sent a text with directions of a meet up. He got a reply of change of time and venue. Tom scoffed and laid on the couch while waiting for his food. He was however thankful another week will start tomorrow. ***** 'Lisa?' Her aunt yelled out from her room. She hissed on her bed and dragged her morning gown on. She knocked on the door quietly. 'Are you alone?' She asked peeping through the slightly opened door. 'Annoying. Who else would I be with?' Julia told her when she entered with a mischievous grin on her face. 'Who knows? Maybe Joe.' She walked closer to her. 'Huh, who told you he was here.' She asked abruptly. Melisa was confused and sat beside her immediately. 'So he was here.' 'Who was here?' Julia asked hoping to cover up what she said earlier. 'Aunty, I heard you loud and clear. It's not a crime to love Joe.' 'Did I mention I love Joe?' She blushed. She laughed so loud that Julia was confused. 'It's alright to be shy, but tell me how it went.' 'How what went Lisa?' 'Don't be shy Aunty?' 'I have no idea what you are driving at but some D guy called.' Julia changed their topic. 'D? I don't know anyone by that name.' 'He said to tell you to send your account details for the payment of her daughter's successful party as he's not able to reach you on phone.' 'Ooh Dane.' She said anxiously and softly. 'What's that?' Julia asked as she didn't hear what she said earlier. 'I would give him a call later. But is that what you called me for.' 'Yes, he sounded worried. Was it the Dallas event?' 'Yes, that one.' 'It’s been a month and you haven't asked for payment yet?' 'I left in a hurry but I will give him a call later in the day.' She said scratching her head. 'That's alright and you look unwell.' 'I'm fine, just a flu.' She said quickly raising herself off the bed and walking away. 'Not so fast. Who is D?' Julia asked a Melisa seemed to find it difficult turning around. 'I told you he’s the party guy.’ 'Come and sit with me.' Julia taped her bedside and Melisa reluctantly walked closer. 'Aunty, I will get the payment sorted out.' She tried to maneuver her way out of there but Julia kept staring at her. 'You haven't gone out since you came back.' 'I told you about my flu, Aunty.' 'I stay in this house with you and I've not seen a sign of flu on your face since you got back.' 'Maybe you haven't noticed.' 'Lisa, you can talk to me. I know something is bothering you.' 'I'm very fine.' She replied. 'I guess this D guy wasn't just a client.' 'He was.' 'No, thinking about it now. I think I heard him refer to you as beauty.' 'He did?’ A broad smile crossed her face. 'Yes, it didn't make any sense until the look on your face earlier when I mentioned him.' 'He's no one actually.' 'He is someone Lisa. Do you like him?' 'Why would you even ask me that?' She blushed. 'Because you are shy and can't stop that smile from appearing on your face even if you want to.' She looked up at Julia and smiled yet again. 'What if I did? I believe I'm not a baby anymore.' She announced and changed to a lying down position while Julia also did same. 'It's alright if you like him but what I don't understand is why you are avoiding his calls.' 'I just have a feeling he's not right for me.' 'And how would you know that.' 'Aunty, you've not met him. The kind of life he's used to I don't think I can keep up with it.' 'Is he some kind of a drug dealer?' 'No, I mean he's rich and these rich white guys are bad news.' 'Okay, he has money and you have what?' 'I can't compare what I have to what he has.' 'So?' Julia asked staring at her. 'So we are bad for each other.' 'Says the lady who has dated all the rich guys in her class.' Melisa's face was plastered with embarrassment. 'But this guy is just out of my league.' 'You mean handsome.' Julia asked her. 'Yes.' 'I've heard that too before. Say something I haven't heard yet.' 'He's got an eight year old sweet daughter.' Melisa finally mentioned her fear. 'Okay that's new.' Julia admitted. 'Finally, you got my point.' Melisa muttered. 'From what you just said, he's rich, handsome and you like him.' 'Don't forget the part that says he has a child.' She stressed. 'How much like are we talking about here.' 'I'm not too sure yet but at first I didn't exactly like him but spending a few days with him and his daughter I figured he's likeable.' 'Do you want to give him a chance?' 'Should I?' She asked Julia. 'I know you too well, this guy has grabbed your attention unlike the rest that came and left.' 'So you think I should give him a chance?' 'Yeah, but this time don't stress yourself going an extra mile.' 'Thank you. But what about his daughter.' 'What about her?' Julia responded. 'What if I can't handle her?' 'I handled you two.' 'But aunty, Tom and I are family.' 'Have an open mind. Besides you mentioned she's a sweet girl. I'm sure she won't give you much problems.' 'I hope so.' 'You know what, I will ask around about his family so you don't worry too much.' 'Ooh, I have. According to his house helps, he lost his wife during childbirth and has been single since.' 'OMG, my daughter is in love.' 'No, I'm not. Just trying to be careful this time around.' 'Why don't you return his calls now?' 'You are right. When I get to my room I will do that.' 'Just use my phone. I'm eager to know how you work this out.' Julia picked up her phone and dialed the number that called her earlier that morning. It rang twice and she handed it to Melisa when it seemed Dane had picked up. Melisa was quiet at her end while Dane kept saying hello. Julia kept gesturing her to speak out. 'Hello, I know it's you Lisa. If you don't want to talk to me you must as well see me. I'm in front of your gate.' 'Huh!' She exclaimed finally. 'Yes, red painting, black gate. I'm here just come out.' Melisa dropped the call and stared at Julia. 'What happened?' 'He said he's at the gate.' 'Here? How?' Julia asked. 'You see what I was telling you about? What kind of guy keeps checking me out on my website? I’m sure that’s where he got my address from.' 'Relax.’ ‘He's weird aunty.’ ‘I guess you didn’t give him options so he had to do whatever it takes to find you.' 'I would even take off our personal details from the website and leave our email. That should be enough for our clients to reach out to us.' 'Good idea, but he's still waiting for you.' 'What if I don't want to see him?' 'You will. Let's get going. 'Julia dragged her off the bed. They both forgot they were still in their morning gown. 'Why do I feel like you are eager to marry me off because I give you too much trouble?' 'Whatever,' Julia replied signaling the security to open the gate. They both froze as Dane was standing by the car be brought, probably a rented one. His sea blue Jeans and white polo shirt looks nearly ironed as if he didn't drive himself. By the time they realized he was in front of them. 'I guess someone just woke up.' He spoke up and reached out to Julia for a handshake that was when they both realized their morning gown was still on them. 'You are welcome. Sorry we came out this way but let's go in so we could properly get dressed. 'That's fine.' He smirked while Melisa looked on. Julia shoulder tap her and she smiled. 'I don't like men who stalk me.' She finally broke her silence. 'Lisa.' Julia called out with a stern look. 'Sorry,' she whispered and walked away from them. 'Sorry about that. Can we go in now?' Julia told Dane and led the way. 'Thank you.' He said and followed her. ***
7 Jun 2018 | 04:21
*** 'There's lunch in the microwave and fresh juice in the fridge. If you need anything jus.....' 'Just call you. Copy that.' Tom replied seeing her off to the gate. 'Love you.' She yelled out from her car and drove off to work. Tom went back in, picked up his car keys and drove out of the house. He knew Grissel loved a fresh week without worries so he was sure not to give her some that morning. *** 'You are not talking to me now.' Dane asked. Julia had earlier left the house for them. 'What are you doing here?' 'I apologize I came here unannounced but I just wanted to talk to you.' 'You could have called Dane.' 'I did call severally for a whole month, remember?' He stood up from his chair and sat close to her holding her hands. 'I can't let this happen between us.' 'But nothing is happening.' 'Dane.' She called with a stern look. 'Alright, you don't want anything to happen. I get it but at least acknowledge my presence here.' Melisa looked up at him and shook her head and thought he’s right to have asked that of her. 'Should I get you something to eat or drink?' 'No, I'm fine. I would prefer we talk about us being friends.' 'Friends?' She muttered with surprised. 'Of course, with no strings attached.' 'But you were clear you wanted us to be more than that.' 'And you made it clear nothing of that sort would happen.' 'Yeah I did but I meant the other thing.’ She said with a glitter of smiles. ‘Ohh, sorry. I’m not going to sleep with you under your mother’s roof so relax.’ ‘Aunty.’ She finally raised up her head. ‘You mean she’s your aunt?’ Melisa nodded. ‘You have her looks and I’m sure your mom has that beautiful look too.’ ‘Yeah she had.’ Dane read the expression on her face and knew he might have overstepped. ‘I’m sorry about your mom.’ ‘That’s fine, Julia is more than a mother to us.’ He reached playfully touching her cheeks. ‘So I guess we are a couple now.’ ‘I hope so Dane.’ ‘You hope so?’ He questioned with a confused look. ‘Look I'm just scared we are not right for each other.' 'And who gets to decide that.’ He asked with concern. ‘To make you feel better I’m scared too.’ ‘You are?’ A smile appeared on his face. ‘I mean I haven’t felt like this since Dani’s mom died but I guess it’s time to come out of my shells and I want to do that with you so just let me in.' He muttered reaching out for her hands which she made readily available. 'Yes.' she replied smiling when Dane hasn’t asked any question yet. 'Yes, as in you want us to date.' She nodded and he reached out for a hug. 'On one condition.' 'Ooh ooh.' He drew back. 'Can we take it slow? Nothing big yet. I have a few things I need to clear up first.' 'That works for me so long as it's in my favor.' 'Great, now can we talk about how you got here?' She smiled relaxing against the couch. 'I think I would take you up on that drink now.' He tried to change the topic. 'Is someone running away from their stalking schemes?' She teased and stood up. 'We will talk about that when I get my drink.' 'Alright, grape juice coming right up.' 'Thank you.' He said after she vanished to the kitchen. ***** 'Jessy, thank you for meeting me.' 'No problem, you sound worried over the phone. Is Grissel okay?' 'I was hoping you could tell me that.' 'What do you mean, you were hoping I could tell you?' 'Grissel has been acting up lately.' 'I still don't understand you Tom.' 'Has she said anything to you?' 'Not that I can remember but I haven't heard from her since the wedding.' 'Since the wedding.' Jessy nodded. 'Yes, she's avoiding my calls.' 'But that's like four months ago.' Tom mentioned with a confused look on his face. 'Ahaaa. I didn't want to push it.' 'That's weird. She's been acting withdrawn and lost.' 'Did you guys have an argument?' Jessy asked. 'No, except I resigned a month ago and we talked about it.' 'Maybe she's still bothered about it but did you talk to her about your worries.' 'You know Grissel, she talks at her own time and I can see whatever she got herself mixed up with is affecting our marriage.' 'What do you want me to do now?' 'Come over for dinner. Maybe you can get something out of her. I'm just so worried about her.' 'If you are that worried you should find a way reaching out to her.' 'I just think it would be better if she talked to someone she's familiar with.' 'Okay, I will come on Saturday.' She thought for a while and thinks he is right about Grissel acting weird. 'You know we are still new to all this marriage stuff but thank you.’ He replied signaling the waitress to come over. ***** Soon enough Saturday came and Tom was aware Jessy would be around so he was being helpful so his wife wouldn’t suspect anything. 'Can you get someone for the position and stop calling my phone every time?' Grissel watched keenly while Tom yelled on the phone. He hanged up before Stella could say another word. 'Is that chicken ready yet? He asked after a few minutes when Grissel was stealing glances. Tom who decided to help in the kitchen sat on a chair flipping his phone. 'Not yet, but what was that all about.' 'That over pampered boss just asked me out for a drink.' 'She did?' Grissel asked surprising him. 'Yeah, it's been a month and I was hoping that position would have been filled up already.' 'Maybe nobody is up for the task.' 'That's not my problem Grissel and I'm hungry now.' 'I'm almost done here but don't you think your boss just wants to hang out with you.' 'Call her and remind her I'm married.' 'Ease up Tom. It's just a drink.' 'With a married man.' 'Come on, your wife is not complaining. I can tag along if you want me to.' 'No thank you.' He said and the bell rang. They looked at each other and Tom left to get the door. As it seemed they were both not expecting anyone. Grissel, see who we have here?' Grissel left what she was doing and came out. 'Hey,' Jessy reached out for a hug. 'I didn't know you were coming.' Grissel muttered. 'Yeah, I was in the neighborhood and decided to pass by.' 'You are right in time for dinner. Have a seat here.' 'Thank you.' 'Tom can you please keep her company, I want to get dinner sorted.' 'Sure, I'm right behind you.' He replied and walked Jessy to get a seat. ***** 'Is Lisa going to be my new mom? 'Dani asked her dad suddenly after their dinner. 'Where did you hear that?' 'I have eyes and ears Daddy.' 'You have? But you just got here.' He inquired. 'Why is she hiding throughout this week in the guest room?' 'Hiding? Guest room?' 'Come on Daddy, you never enter the guest room but you did this evening and lately I seem to be going away to Grams very often.' 'Oh I forgot to tell you I have a problem with my bed so I'm crushing there this week.' 'Daddy?' She sheepishly called out. 'Yes love.' 'Are you lying t...?’ She was saying when her nanny interrupted. 'It's time for your bath.' Her nanny called out. Dane sighed heavily and walked out to the far end of the house and knocked quietly on Melisa's door while he waited for a reply. When he got no answer, he walked in and heard drops of water from the shower. Dane smiled coyly and grabbed a seat on her bed. Few minutes after Melisa came out luckily with a towel wrapped to cover her body. 'Ready for bed.' He questioned when she came out. 'Gosh, you scared me.' She made sure her towel was well tied. 'Sorry but we need to talk.' 'Am I in trouble?' 'Yes we both are.' He replied with a gesture. 'A Dani problem?' She questioned walking over to sit. He nodded. 'She came home this evening. 'I thought you said she would be with your parents throughout my visit.' 'I did but they sent her over for the night.' 'Okay, so what's the problem if she's going back tomorrow?' 'Emm that seems to be the problem.' 'She has no plans of leaving?' She asked reading meaning into what he said. 'Yes and she knows about us.' 'How? I mean she just got here and she already figured that out.' 'I don't know how yet, but she asked why you are hiding in the guest room. She's a smart kid Lisa.' 'For an eight year old, I think she's just nosy.' 'Come on, don't you think two months is enough dating period to talk to her about us.' 'We talked about this D. I'm not ready for that responsibility.' 'Responsibility? What's that supposed to mean.' He flared up. 'This was what i kept telling you I had to work out first and you wouldn't listen.' He stood up pacing around. 'Dani is my responsibility, not yours.' 'And she becomes mine as soon as we make it public.' 'It's not even like that.' He said still pacing around. 'How is it like then?' She questioned with confusion on her face. 'I just want her to know so you could stop sneaking around the house.' 'Well, I'm okay with how things are now besides we don't want to confuse Dani and when things don't work out between us she crawls back into her shells.' 'This is childish and insensitive at the same time.' He replied. Before she could say anything else, he was out of the door. ***** 'Your dad told me you have some questions.' Melisa decided to talk to Dani the next day after dinner. 'Emmm, yes.' 'I would try and answer honestly.' Melisa told her. 'Ahaaa, why were you hiding in there?' She mentioned as if she forgot what she wanted to say initially. 'I wasn't exactly hiding. I would have come to find you just after your dinner this evening.' 'Okay, so are you my new mom.' She asked with all seriousness. 'Not exactly but I could just be another add up to the family if you don't mind.' 'Would that make Daddy happy?' Melisa made a mental note. 'I guess so.' 'Welcome to the family.' Dani muttered. Just then Dane came knocking. 'Daddy is that you?' She queried. He peeped in and was surprised Melisa was in her daughter's room. 'Hey.' He gestured to her. 'Hello.' She responded nonchalantly. 'Daddy, did you get that ice cream for me.' 'I did but it's almost your bed time so you can have that tomorrow.' 'Okay.' Dani glanced at the two of them. 'Can I borrow your friend for a minute?' He announced after a few seconds as the whole room was quiet. 'You can have her.' She smiled. Melisa tucked her in properly while Dane walked over kissing her on the fore head. 'Goodnight Dad. Lisa, I would see you at breakfast tomorrow.' 'Alright, I would be there.' She smiled to her and walked out with Dane. *** 'So you two talked?' He asked her beaming with smiles. 'It was the right thing to do.' 'And I'm guessing I wouldn't be getting the gist.' 'No, all you need to know is she's a smart kid.' 'Okay, but I'm sorry I snapped last night.' 'That’s fine, at least we can be seen together now.' Melisa assured him. He nodded holding her hands by his door. 'I wish you could come in but I.....' 'I understand you D.' He glared at her and drew her closer after a few minutes of silence. 'What are you doing Dane?' 'Shhhh,' he gestured with his hands and slowly kissed her on the lips. 'Come with me Lisa.' He dragged her along to his room and quickly shutting the door behind him. 'You don't want to do this Dane.' She said when he was pulling her gently towards his bed. 'I know what we agreed on.' He reached out for her lips once more as they laid on the bed. *****
7 Jun 2018 | 04:40
***** 'Your cooking skills hasn't changed.' Jessy said when they were done at the table. 'Actually, I made this one.' Tom interrupted them while packing the plates. 'In your dreams,' Grissel muttered standing up too. 'Grissel, can we talk after you are done.' Jessy asked. 'Of course, let me just help Tom before he breaks the plates.’ She teased. 'Don’t worry, I can handle this. Just see to our visitor.' 'Sure?' 'I would be okay.' He reassured. Grissel walked with Jessy to the hall while Tom left to the kitchen. *** Their silence was weird. Jessy and Grissel always had something to say when they were together but that night was different. 'I know by now Adam must have told you about York.' She asked with guilt. Jessy was confused as she only came to her house because Tom asked her to but it seems Grissel is guilty of something else. 'What are you talking about?' Jessy tapped her as it seemed she was lost in her own thoughts. She fumbled. 'You must be angry but I didn't tell you about York because I thought you would stop me from marrying Tom.' 'Stop you? Why would I want to do that?' Grissel raised her head and stared at her holding her tears back. A whole minute no one spoke until Jessy snapped her thumb and second finger together. 'Grissel, what is going on with you and why does the name York sounds familiar.' 'It's okay Jessy. I thought Adam talked to you.' She shifted uncomfortably. 'What was my husband supposed to talk to me about? And it's not okay Grissel.' 'Let’s forget it, you wanted to talk to me. What about?' Grissel suddenly found the courage to change the topic. Jessy looked on as if she was trying to remember something. 'York? I remember Adam wanting me to give him an opinion based on a story he read. What does that have to do with you?' Grissel kept glancing and tried to say something but words failed her. 'Wait a minute, was that you. No, I would have known.' Jessy was always the smart one when she was leaving with her and Adam. She nodded quietly surprising her sister. 'OMG. Do I even know you at all?' The anger and surprise in her voice was glaring. 'I'm sorry.' 'Sorry? Do you know what that means?' 'I do and I'm trying to forget it ever happened.' 'That's crap. I'm out of here.' She stood up with her bag. 'Jessy wait.' She turned around at the door. 'A word of advice. Talk to your husband, he's worried about you.' 'I can't tell him all that Jessy.' 'You are on your own then.' She slammed the door in her face. Grissel knew she would have to let her go and speak to her another time. Tom came out of the kitchen when he heard the door earlier. 'What's going on?' He saw Grissel standing at the door. 'She left and I think I need a drink.' She walked indecisively to the couch. 'What happened? Did you two fight?' 'No just a misunderstanding.’ She replied worried. ‘She would get over it.' 'You are lying Grissel.' 'I am? Suit yourself then.' ‘That’s unfair Grissel.’ ‘Unfair? I know you asked Jessy here to talk to me and that’s unfair too.’ She muttered with a straight face. 'Where are you going?' He asked when she stood up. 'I told you I needed a drink.’ She scoffed and walked away. ‘But you don’t drink.’ ‘Watch me Tom.’ Grissel sounded depressed. Tom didn’t understand what was going on. He watched his wife who was happy earlier strangely and took out his phone from his pocket. Tom called Jessy who didn't answer but he was more concerned about making things right before the next day. ***** 'Good morning love.' Dane muttered. 'Were you watching me sleep all night?' Melisa tried rubbing the sleep off her face with her palm. 'Something like that.' 'You are weird D.' 'Am I?' 'I'm leaving today.' Melisa suddenly said. 'This is about last night right?' 'No, I was going to tell you my aunty called when you got back but you obviously had other plans for me.' 'Plans, that flopped.' 'It’s not your fault Dane. We could just try another time besides you didn't want us to start having sex yet.' 'And you are fine with that?' 'Of course,' but I need to get to the guest room so I can prepare to leave.' Melisa was finding an excuse to leave the room. 'Can't we just lie here for a while?' There came a knock on the door. 'Daddy, should I come in.' He glanced at Melisa who was already picking up her dress from the floor and rushing to the washroom with the sheets covering her body. He shook his head while dragging his pants on and headed for the door. 'Hey, you are early today.' He asked Dani when he opened the door. 'Today is Sunday Dad.' 'Yes, did I forget something?' 'Sunday jogging.' 'Oh, sorry.' He walked her in. 'Where's Lisa, she's not in her room?' 'I'm here.' She appeared behind them. 'Are you joining us for Sunday jogging?' 'I can do that.' She replied while Dane scratched his head. 'Let’s go then.' She dragged her along while Dane grabbed his shirt quickly from the floor and walked behind them. ***** Tom decided to go to work the next week as Mr. Medt called on Sunday to apologize on his daughter's behalf. He could never say no to him since he started working for him. Tom also thought that would make Grissel happy. He called a few people at work just to be sure his position is still available. 'Ana, who is in the manager’s office?' Stella asked when she came in that afternoon and saw the key left in the door. She had to do some rounds before coming to work. 'Mr. Addison is back.' 'Tom?' She was surprised. 'Yes, he came in demanding for the key to the office and I had no choice than to give it to him. He's been working since morning and almost done with the pile up work you assigned to Jones.' 'Good.' She smiled, walked to his door but changed her route to her office. She had talked to her dad to help bring him back. *** Tom in his office was sweating even when the air conditioner was on. He seemed really busy when his phone rang. 'Hey, how's your first day at work going?' 'Busy. Are you okay.' 'Yeah, I'm meeting Julia after work. Do you want to come?' 'No I'm busy and might be late for dinner.' 'That's no problem.' She was saying when a knock came on the door. 'Hold on for me.' He muttered to Grissel. Stella peeped her head and then came in when Tom hadn't said anything. 'Emmm welcome back.' 'Thank you.' He responded. 'Do you think we could do lunch, I heard you've been working all morning.' 'Do you mind? I'm on a call.' He asked harshly. 'I'm sorry,' Stella said quietly and walked out. 'Who was that?' Grissel asked when he said hello. 'Who else.' My boss came to ask me out for lunch. 'That should be fun.' She teased. 'Okay, you are officially annoying right now.' 'I know I am, hey it's not a big deal. She just wants to make up.' 'In her dreams. Let me know when you are leaving Julia's end so I set off. Don't worry about dinner, I would grab something for you.' He offered. 'I love you.' She replied. 'Get off my line.' He smiled and hanged up. About 30 minutes after, he thought grabbing that lunch with Stella wouldn't be that bad. He picked up his jacket and headed for her office. 'Does that offer still stand?' He knocked once and entered before realizing Stella was already eating. Stella stood up like a school girl and immediately sat down when she realized she acted weirdly. 'I think I have a second pack, if you are still up for it.' 'Why not?' He walked closer, grabbed a chair and the other pack of food. 'This is my favorite. How did you know?' 'I didn't but it's my favorite too.' 'You don't say.' Tom paused and stared. 'Ahaaa.' 'At least we have one thing in common.' He had no idea she was this comfortable to talk to. So he smiled and continued his food. 'I apologize for the way I treated you since I arrived here.' She announced after a long while of silence. 'Apology accepted but on one condition.' Tom quickly replied as if he knew she was going to apologize. 'You name it.' 'You buy lunch every time I don't get packed food from home.' 'We have a deal Tom.' 'Works for me.' He munched on his fried chicken. 'So your wife, how long have you guys been m....' 'Friends for a year, dated for another year and married for 5months.' 'She is a lucky one.' 'No, I'm the lucky one.' 'I can call you Mr. Lucky then.' 'Miss Lucky.' He teased. 'But for what it's worth, I'm glad we are on the same page now.' She mentioned happily. 'Uhmmm, and thank you for lunch.' She flashed him a smile. ***** Grissel packed outside and entered the house. She was surprised to see Julia waiting for her at the door. 'Good evening Aunty.' 'Jessy just left here.' She stared at her and Grissel could read disappoint written on her face. Grissel's face turned pale. Julia noticed it. 'So it's true.' 'I'm so.. r.. ry, I planned on telling you bef....' 'But you didn't.' She fumbled with her hands. 'Get the hell out of my sight and don't come back.' She yelled so loud that Grissel drew back and bumped into Melisa who heard the noise and came through the back door. Grissel said sorry and decided to leave because she has never seen Julia react that way towards her. 'And don't you dare tell Tom about this.' She yelled out to Grissel who nodded unconsciously and vanished through the gate. She held on to her steering immediately she entered her car. Pulled out a chunk of tissue from the dashboard and wiped her face. She doesn’t know if she should go home or talk to Jessy. After a few minutes of indecisive moments, she drove off. ***TBC
7 Jun 2018 | 04:46
*** 'Aunty, don't you think you were too hard on her?' 'Too hard you say. Do you know how much this will destroy your brother?' 'I know but I think you should have listened to her side of the story.' 'So she could lie to my face?' Julia glared. 'Somehow she deserves the worse and that was why I never liked her but spending a night in their home, I realized she probably just made a mistake so I let her off the hook.' 'Mistake? I can't believe you knew all these while and said nothing.' Julia gave her a scornful look. Melisa scoffed. 'As if anything I say ever made sense in this house.' Julia and Melisa both sat on the steps in front of the room while still exchanging words. *** Melisa overheard the conversation between Jessy and Julia when she came around which she confirmed to her Aunt was the truth. They had earlier moved back inside and had their dinner when Tom's number popped on Julia's phone. 'Do you think he knows?' 'I'm not sure, besides you told Grissel not to say a word to him.' Melisa replied her with a worried tone. Julia sighed heavily and picked up the call. 'Tom, how are you.' 'Where's my wife? That was the first thing he asked instead of answering her question. 'She left my end over four hours ago.' Julia raised her brows in shock. 'Grissel is not home yet and it's unlike her not to call me. You were the last to see her, what was the meeting about.' Julia froze on the phone. 'Julia, I'm talking to you. What happened to my wife?' He yelled at her. 'Calm down, I asked her here to pick up some muffins for you.' 'Then where is she. She's not answering her phone either.' 'Let me reach out to her and call you back.' 'Okay but make sure you find her.' He yelled again and hanged up. Melisa gave her the look that her aunty understood she wants to know what has happened. 'I don't know Lisa, he said Grissel wasn't home yet.' 'Oooh, that's understandable due to how she left here. I'm sure she will go home.’ She touched her cheeks involuntarily. ‘Probably waiting for Tom to sleep so she could sneak inside in order to avoid facing him.' 'But it's almost ten in the evening.' Julia sounded worried. They were still trying a few numbers when Melisa's phone rang. 'Not now, Henry.' She quickly said answering it and glancing at Julia. 'Can you come down to Seattle Emergency center?' 'Henry I'm not in the mood for your chit chats.' 'Grissel is here at the hospital.' 'Grissel? Hospital?' Melisa raised her voice. 'She was run down by a truck.' 'What? How long ago?' She asked pacing around probably forgetting she only needed to hang up and rush off. 'Around seven pm.' 'And how do you know all this.' She further asked. 'Just come down here and stop asking all these questions.' He flared up. 'I guess I know. We will be on our way now and you better leave there before Tom arrives.' She hanged up and realized Julia was already at the door with her car keys. 'Come on, I've called Mike to pick up Tom since he's closer to his place.' Julia probably was eavesdropping. 'That's good, we all know how Tom can drive under pressure.' 'Let's go already.' Julia went out of the door and Lisa followed. *** Melisa and Julia got there and met Henry pacing around. 'Where's she?' Julia asked looking around. 'In the intensive care unit. Surgery was successful but she's unstable.' She heaved a sigh of relief and held on to Melisa who slowly walked her to the seat behind the nurses. 'Aunty you got to relax, you heard she will be okay.' Julia nodded reaching out for her phone while Melisa walked up to Henry and dragged him to a corner. 'Start talking before I flare up.' 'Relax, I was on my way to your place when I saw her driving away so I decided to follow. I guess she thought I was stalking her again so she pulled out of her lane.’ ‘Were you stalking her?’ ‘I knew she stopped because of me so I decided to park as well. The next thing I heard was a bang. ’ Henry stated with a weak tone. ‘I guess she didn't see the car coming towards her but the driver said it looked like she didn't care if she got knocked down.' 'So all these was your fault and you were still sitting around here.' 'I had to, because I signed the consent form as her husband and the doctor wants to see me in some few minutes.' 'You did what?' You are not meeting anyone.’ She smoldered. ‘Get out of here before Tom gets here because he will strangle you alive.' 'But I have to be here.' 'I said get out.' Melisa yelled unconsciously and realized all eyes were on her. Henry hasn't seen her that angry and serious before so he quietly walked away to the nurse’s area, spoke with them for a few minutes and left. He was lucky not to meet Tom and Mike on the way. Melisa saw him rushing towards the nurses table and gave him way while Julia watched from a far. He however ignored them while Mike walked towards their direction. 'I heard Grissel has been brought to this hospital.' 'Sir, can I have the patient’s full name.' 'Grissel Addison.' 'I can’t see that here though I have Grissel Bannerman.' 'Yes, that's my wife.' 'Wife?' The nurse with the name tag Pamela asked surprised. 'Can you just give me her room number or get me the doctor on her case.' 'Hold on, someone else signed as her husband. Let me just confirm from the doctor.' 'What are you talking about?' Melisa realized his brother was going to cause a scene so she met the nurse half way and explained to her Henry was a family friend while pointing to Tom. 'So where is she?' He asked impatiently when it looked like whatever Melisa told her worked. 'ICU but you need to see the doctor now since you are the husband.' Pamela said and gestured him to follow her. He followed and walked pass Julia without another word. *****
7 Jun 2018 | 04:50
wow i so much love this story
7 Jun 2018 | 17:23
it really makes my day, thumb up to the writer
7 Jun 2018 | 17:28
7 Jun 2018 | 21:28
but some guys sha,,,,, Wats Wong wit dis henry,,, how can u be so bent on marrying a married woman while u are still sleeping wit her SIL?
8 Jun 2018 | 06:36
and Wats d secret? wat did Grissel did wit her frnd's husband dat is turning her days to darkness
8 Jun 2018 | 06:37
***** 'This was all your fault Adam.' 'How is it my fault?' 'You should have told me this months ago.' 'I didn't because I knew how you will react but I sure didn't ask you to tell Julia anything so Grissel's accident is on you.' 'When it comes to Grissel, you seem to be over protective. You don't do that when I'm in trouble Adam.' 'You should be ashamed of yourself right now. I thought she was both of us our responsibility the moment you brought her home.' 'I know I did but I'm just angry you two kept this away from me.' 'Put yourself in her shoes. Would you have told me if you knew I'm the type of man who can't forgive betrayal?' 'I guess not and besides I'm just angry she felt comfortable talking to you about it than me.' 'Trust me, she didn't, Andre contacted me on her behalf.' 'Andre? Her boss?' 'Yes, that was why I chose that hotel so I could meet them both there before the wedding.' 'What has he got to do with this?' 'Why don't you ask Grissel when she wakes up? Now can I drive in peace?' Jessy gave her husband a squeeze on his shoulders and gave him the go ahead to drive towards the hospital. ***** 'Is she going to be alright?' He asked the doctor after introducing himself when he entered his office. 'Yeah, she’s a strong woman. She had two major surgeries under four hours but didn’t give up.’ ‘She has always been tough.’ Tom grinned for the first time since he arrived at the hospital. ‘But we are sorry she lost the pregnancy and we hope you can wait for some time before breaking the news to her. If possible I can recommend a psychologist before you tell her she miscarried.' 'Pregnancy?' Tom repeated with a surprised face on after a few seconds of letting the doctor’s words settle in. The doctor read in between the lines and knew he was not aware. 'I understand, Mr. Addison. This must have been a shock to you but your wife was pregnant when she was brought in here.' He slumped on the chair and seemed as if he was trying to remember something. ‘Do you need a few minutes to settle in?’ ‘No, how many weeks pregnancy.’ He managed to ask. ‘My guess is a few weeks.’ The doctor replied. ‘So it’s possible she was pregnant before last week.’ ‘Of course, if I’m not wrong close to a month. We didn’t have time to check all that since she was in critical condition when they brought her in and needed immediate surgery.’ ‘Thank you but when can we see her.’ He managed to ask. ‘You can all go home now and return tomorrow.’ ‘Thank you.’ He said weakly. ‘And you can have full report from the police tomorrow and the man who knocked her down.’ ‘That won’t be necessary.’ Tom said as if he was giving up. He stood up and exchanged a handshake with the doctor. Mike and Julia were talking when they saw Tom walking pass them. ‘Where are you off to?’ Mike turned to him. ‘Home?’ He replied and kept walking. ‘Home? Why? Have you seen your wife already?’ ‘No.’ He turned around. ‘Then we should wait around Tom.’ ‘What for Mike? I want to go home.’ ‘I thought you came here to see Grissel.’ ‘Why should I see her?’ Tom asked with rage on her face. Julia and her niece exchanged glances. ‘Man, what is wrong with you.’ ‘Can you drive me home or give me the car keys?’ ‘What did the doctor tell you?’ He didn’t realize Julia was standing beside him. ‘What do you care when this was all your fault in the first place?’ ‘I’m sorry but can we just make sure your love is okay then you can fight me all you want.’ Julia tapped him on the shoulder. The name love must have brought him back to his senses because a smile appeared on his face and vanished immediately. ‘Aunty, I asked my wife last week if she was pregnant. She told me no.’ ‘Okay what has that got to do with anything?’ Mike interrupted and he turned giving him a weird look. Melisa led him to the chair Julia vacated earlier. He didn’t bother to push her off as he was confused. ‘She killed my baby Lisa and I can’t be here when she wakes up.’ Julia and Melisa looked at each other again. ‘I’m not sure Grissel will intentionally do that to you Tom.’ Her sister tried to calm him down. ‘Then why did she lie when I asked her if she was pregnant just to find out from the doctor she was several weeks pregnant before I even asked her.’ ‘Maybe she wasn’t even aware she was pregnant.’ ‘Trust me, she knew and probably didn’t want to have my baby.’ Tom wiped his face like a small kid crying over his missing ball. ‘Don’t think like that. It was an accident and there must be an explanation to why she denied being pregnant. That’s unlike Grissel.’ Melisa said looking up at Julia once more. ‘But you don’t even like her, how would you know if she didn’t lie just to escape having my children.’ ‘Trust me, I’m sure even if she knew, she must have a good explanation for not telling you.’ Melisa smiled at him. ‘She was probably in denial. It happens sometimes.’ Julia finally spoke up. ‘That was why I asked her when I suspected last week.’ ‘It’s okay, you would have other opportunities. Imagine what your weakness would do to her if she wakes up seeing you this way. Wipe your face.’ ‘Thank you aunty and sorry I yelled at you.’ ‘That’s alright son.’ ‘But the doctor said we can go home and come back tomorrow.’ ‘I think he’s right.’ Mike chipped in. ‘Then you can come home with us tonight so Mike can drive home as well.’ Julia supported him to stand up. He nodded and walked from them to the nurse he spoke to earlier. ‘I need a favor Pamela.’ ‘I guess I should call you once she wakes up.’ ‘Exactly, thank you.’ He gave her his card and walked away while the others followed. Their drive home was very long and quiet. Nobody said a word until Melisa pulled in front of their gate. ***** Tom however found out within the course of that week Henry was the one who found Grissel and sent her to the hospital. He didn't make much of it, though he lashed out on him for signing the consent form without his permission he also knew had it not been that Grissel would have died before they even got there. Julia had asked him not to come around the hospital anymore and Henry seemed to be okay with that. Melisa has been avoiding his calls even before the accident especially since Dane is now in the picture. But he was her only friend so she has been giving him update on Grissel's health. 'Do you think she'll wake up?' Tom asked Jessy who has been blaming herself for the past week. 'She will and I can't wait to tell her how sorry I was.' She retorted and realized Tom was looking at her weirdly. 'You know, I never asked what you guys fought about.' He queried Jessy who thought she saw Grissel move her fingers. She kept watching through the window and stylishly avoiding his questions. 'Jessy, why did you leave my house that day without a notice?' 'Tom?' She called out pointing to where Grissel laid. 'I asked you over politely to find out what her problem was, so the least you could do for me was to tell me what she said I wasn’t doing right but you left.' He still hadn't realized what Jessy was pointing to. 'Tom, look.' 'You know what, it's alright. I would live with it if you don't want to help.' He further said and saw the doctor rushing in there which caught his attention. 'Tom? She's waking up.' Melisa came to where she stood backing the window talking to Jessy. He turned around immediately with mixed feelings and watched while the doctor attended to her. Dr. Steven came out briefly and signaled him. 'Doc is she okay.' 'Yes for now, we will just monitor her for a few days but the worse is over.' 'When can we see her?' 'Just give us some few minutes, she had to be moved to a more comfortable room and set up. The nurse will come pick you up after that.' 'Thank you Doctor.' 'Remember what we talked about, this is not the time to tell her she lost the pregnancy as it may have effect on her psychologically.' 'Yeah I will get her the help she needs when it comes to that.' They shook hands and the Doctor left. *** They all rushed in after Tom entered. Grissel still had bandages over her head, legs and arms. She blinked twice when Tom sat beside her on the bed. 'I'm so...' 'Shhhh, don't talk. The doctor said you are still fragile.' He kissed her on the forehead. She tried to talk but it was faint and quiet. The doctor came in and signaled Tom to walk out with him. 'I will be back.' She blinked again when Tom spoke up. 'I love you' He whispered into her ears and smiled. Jessy left the spot she was standing when Tom left the room. Grissel allowed the tears she was holding to fall off. 'Hey, I'm sorry. You don't need to cry. We've all decided it's your secret to tell.’ She placed her hands gently on hers. ‘If you don't want Tom to know, it's your cross to carry. But then don't ever keep something like that away from me.' Jessy held her hands while Grissel focused on Julia who walked over earlier but kept staring at her. 'Than...k you.' She managed to say, then Julia nodded and Melisa smiled to her. They were still talking when Tom came back. *** Julia was out of sight when Tom came in that evening. 'Maybe, everyone’s asleep.' He thought and smiled to himself. Then he remembered the argument with Grissel earlier in the morning. The smile on his face vanished. He then remembered the ice cream in his other hand so he left with it to the kitchen. The past week that Grissel spent in the hospital and was discharged got everyone around her sympathizing her. Except Melisa whom Tom didn’t want to have around after he found out from Grissel she knew Henry was stalking his wife and as his sister she supported him. *** ‘Your Dad seemed like he didn’t like me.’ Dane complained after they left the restaurant where they met with Morris. Melisa insisted on Dane meeting her Dad as she felt it was the right thing to do. Unlike her previous relationship she wasn’t so sure about anyone before but Dane is different. Morris who sounded reserved and uncomfortable throughout their meet up kept to himself. ‘I noticed too but you are still my choice not his.’ She blushed and got into his car fixing her seat belt. ‘How’s your sister in law?’ He suddenly asked after a long silence. ‘She gave us quite a scare but she’s better now.’ Melisa announced picking up her phone which was ringing. ‘Hello.’ She said softly. ‘What happened? Your Dad called, something about bad feelings.’ ‘He can’t stop me, neither would you?’ ‘I have no intentions of doing that Lisa.’ ‘Good, I’m on my way back. Let’s talk when I get to Tom’s.’ She said uncomfortably and hanged up. ‘Trouble in Paradise?’ Dane asked when she seemed lost after the call. ‘Do you know my dad prior to meeting him?’ Dane looked at her confused and pulled over at a gas station. ‘Where’s that coming from?’ ‘Forget I asked. Drive on.’ She said feigning a smile. *** 'Aunty, I've been home for three weeks since the accident and you still haven't asked me what the real story was.' Grissel asked when Julia was applying a covering on her belly wound though she was fit now Tom insisted her aunt do that all the time. 'It's not my secret to tell and I don't intend knowing your side of the story.' 'I'm sorry. I tried to break it off with Tom when he asked me to marry him but you made me know everyone has a past that they should keep locked up if they ever want to be happy.' 'And you chose happiness.' Julia asked. She nodded. 'Okay, though you have lost the respect I have for you, I still think you had no other choice but there's one thing left which is you love Tom.' 'Yes I love him.' 'That works for me and as for whatever your reasons were I think you have to choose if you want to let him know or keep it locked up.' 'I don't want him to know Aunty.' 'Good because it would break him. He's fragile like his mom but not an entirely forgiving type.’ ‘I knew all that but I still choose him.’ ‘Alright, but if he gets to find out on his own just walk out peacefully.' Julia advised. 'He won't find out. It's not possible.' Grissel reassured. 'Melisa found out so it's very possible.' Grissel’s eyes lit with fear. 'What if I get out of the marriage now? I mean we are barely even one year, it would be easier for him than waiting till we are pass the early stages.' 'As I said it's entirely up to you if you want to leave Tom.' Julia heard the voice behind her. 'Leave Tom? Who is leaving me?' He asked and there was no response. Grissel turned around as they were not facing the door so they didn't see him come in. 'I'm I not talking to human beings.' 'Hey, watch your words son.' 'Then answer me?' He was still standing at his initial spot. 'This is about Melisa's new boyfriend.' 'Melisa has a boyfriend?' Tom enquired surprised. 'Yes, some guy in Dallas.' 'And is he called Tom, because I'm sure I heard Tom.' 'I can't remember his name but you heard wrong.' 'Yes you did. We only said we have no idea if you would accept the guy.' Grissel covered up when she realized Julia was struggling. 'I wasn’t talking to you Grissel.' 'Aunty, whoever Lisa ends up with is none of my business so stop discussing me with people who don't see me good enough for them.' Both Julia and Grissel glanced at each other. Grissel knew it was about their fight that morning. 'By the way, is there any food for me?' He directed the question to Julia. 'Of course, Grissel cooked.' 'Good, can you please help me warm it? I'm so tired.' 'Come with me,' She signaled dropping the First Aid box where she picked it. His wife looked on and smiled. 'Stubborn as always. I thought he wouldn't eat.' *** 'Why were you talking to your wife in that manner?' 'Not you too Aunty. Can I eat in peace?' 'You can eat her food but disrespect her in front of me.' 'I'm sorry. These past few weeks has been stressful and she's not making it easy for me as well.' 'Come on, she went through something scary. Cut her some slack.' 'Something scary like killing my child.' 'Not this again Tom.' 'You all nearly killed me when I told you she knew and didn't want the baby.' 'We only didn't want you to presume when she was still in the serious danger.' 'Well, I told her last night about losing the baby and guess what she said.' 'She didn't know.' Julia picked up the glass of juice for him as he was trying to reach out to it and talking at the same time. Tom gulped the juice like he hasn't drunk water the whole day. 'She said okay.' 'Okay?' 'Yes, like she didn't care what that might have done to me since I found out.' 'That's understandable Tom. She lost something precious too and probably in shock.' 'That was what I thought until I confronted her this morning and she said what if she knew besides she already told me she was not ready for babies yet.' Julia stared at his nephew and knew he was hurting at the same time she understood Grissel's comment. 'Tom, give her time. She's probably still in shock.' 'Is that not why I'm her husband? You know what you women always seem to think you can handle everything.' 'Just give her space then.' 'Space, you haven't heard the rest and you asking me to give her space.' 'I don't want to be the one in the middle of your fights.' 'Now you don't want to when you were there from day one. I don't know if I regret marrying her yet but tell her I switched the pills.' 'What pills Tom?' 'The birth control Pills. I saw them the day before she left the hospital. I didn't make much of it until last night when she didn't care about losing the baby.' 'Take it easy on her and just maybe you might get the answers you need.' 'I have the answers I need already. I think I pamper her too much.' He munched on his meat. 'Maybe but love makes you do that.' 'Just talk to her before she turns me into what I’m not prepared to become.' 'I will,' Julia said and started clearing the table when Grissel came out. She gestured her to come over and talk to him and then walked pass them. 'I'm leaving tomorrow, as you two clearly need the space to work out your differences.' 'Aunty, do you have to?' He sounded sad. She just smiled and left them at the table. They both were silence and didn’t know who was to talk first. 'I wasn’t aware about the pregnancy. It must have occurred to me after you brought it to my attention but I shrugged it off because i thought it wasn't possible since I was on t....' 'On the pill?' 'Yeah and that wasn't because I didn't want to have your baby as you made it seemed earlier to your aunty.' Grissel has heard him talk about how he found the pills. 'You were listening?' He asked relieved. 'I came out shortly after you two left.' 'That was my child too, and I should have a say in whatever decision you make.' 'Come on Tom, I didn't intentionally stand in front of a car to get run over. It was an accident and I only made you think I knew about the pregnancy because you refused I go back to work when I seem to be strong enough to even make you dinner.' 'Okay but the driver who knocked you down seem to be of the view that you intentionally wanted to get knocked down.' Tom said with a calm tone now. He realized she just lied and whatever was eating her wife up like a virus needed him to be calm and accept all her words. 'Do you now believe a strangers word over your wife's?' 'No, but he sounded sure and finding the pills gave me whatever clarity I need.' 'And if you should know, I stopped taking the pills two months before the accident and I guess I didn't react to the news the way you wanted me to because I read my file while it was lying on my beside table and I had to ask Lisa to explain to me.' 'Lisa?' She's a gossip too?' 'No, I pressured her and I guess it prepared me to face you when you finally brought it up.' 'I'm sorry, I judged you wrongly.' Tom apologized warmly. 'That's okay, but I want to tell you what happened.' Grissel stared at him to see his reaction. 'Really?' 'Yeah, keeping it would only make us have problems later.' 'Let’s go inside, once I get my shower then we can talk and thank you for dinner.' She flashed him a smile and took the lead. ***** 'Can I speak to your dad now?' Melisa told Dani over the phone. 'Okay, Lisa but don't tell her I told you about the surprise birthday party.' 'I won't, my lips are sealed.' Melisa while on the bed kept smiling to herself. She heard footsteps, as Dani was walking closer to her Dad. 'Hey Love.' 'A party huh. ' 'Dani told you?' 'Ahaaa, so what do you think?' 'I don't want it D.' 'Not anything big, I just thought you could bring your family over. It's just my little way of telling you how much extra love I have for you.' 'Extra love. That's funny but i still don't want it.' 'Okay, we won't drag this any further. We can do lunch with your brother or Aunty.' 'My family is weird. Julia might come but not that strong head of a brother.' 'You never told me, what happened between you two.' 'It's a long story which I don't want to go into right now. Tom is just like our Dad.' 'I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.' 'You are right.' 'But I really want to marry you soon.' 'Married?' ‘Yes, I want to make you mine Lisa.’ He announced softly. Melisa went mute suddenly staring at the ceiling. ‘Emmmm Da….’ ‘This is about your Dad not liking me right?’ He asked to cut her off. 'D, I don’t want to rush into marriage like Tom did with Grissel. I want to explore what we have a little longer' There was a long silence again and Dane sighed heavily. ‘Lis….’ 'D, I didn't mean it that way.' She didn’t let him conclude his statement. Before she could say anything else he hanged up. 'Reasoning with you sometimes sucks Dane.' She hit her head repeatedly and walked out to meet Julia who was in the hall watching Television. *****TBC
8 Jun 2018 | 08:38
it really makes my day, thumb up to the writer
Your comment made me smile. Thanks
8 Jun 2018 | 08:43
***** It’s been weeks since her last talk with Dane. It’s almost as if he vanished. 'Paige.' Lisa waved from where she stood at the other side of the road where they met for their drink up the last time. She waved back and walked carefully crossing the road to Melisa's end. Bryan appeared from nowhere and came to where they stood exchanging pleasantries. 'Hey, you again.' 'Yes, me again.' He replied. 'He has been asking of you Lisa.' 'Oh he has?' She muttered facing him. He scratched his head and a smile appeared on his face coyly. 'I'm sorry I left in a hurry the last time.' 'You don't need to apologize for that.' 'Can I buy you a drink?' He asked quickly. 'Emmm, we hav....' 'Yes, she will be glad to have a drink with you Bryan.' Paige cut in before Melisa could refuse. 'Can you give me about five minutes? I want to close my shop. I will meet you two in the snack bar.' Paige smiled to him and shook Melisa by her shoulder while Bryan hurried away to his shop. 'What was that?' 'What was what?’ Paige asked back. 'The drink, I'm not comfortable.' 'He asked you for a drink not sex.' Paige retorted. 'I know that and I told you I don't accept such offers from strangers anymore.' 'Yet, you accepted mine.' 'Well, you are different Paige.' 'He's different too.' 'Looks like he’s obsessed with me already.' Melisa retorted. 'It’s just a harmless drink. Enjoy yourselves.' She tapped her and walked towards where she parked her car. They were going to hang out for a few drinks and now she has decided to leave her alone with Bryan. 'Paige, what are you doing?' 'I just remembered I had to pick up my niece from school.' 'Since when do you have a niece?' 'I told you about Shirley and Michael. Their mom’s left them with my brother.' 'No you didn't.' Melisa was still insisting she had no idea about that when Bryan announced his presence.. 'You are still here?' Bryan asked from behind. 'Yeah, trying to convince Paige to come with us.' He turned to Paige’s direction and she has already crossed the road to the other side waving them. 'I guess she's not coming.' 'Sounds like that.' She replied. 'But if you are not comfortable, we can cancel.' 'I'm okay so let’s go in already.' Melisa said watching Paige drive away as he followed Bryan inside the snack bar. *** 'Thank you for the treat.' She said slumping into the couch before her. Tom had decided after everything they went through, she deserved a night out of the house. 'You don't need to thank me as it's my responsibility and oh you can start work on Wednesday.' 'Are you for real?' She jumped up and already throwing herself on him on the other side of the couch. To Grissel her work is the only way to hide behind the truth and her guilt. 'The doctor said you are fit to start work.' 'I love you Tom.' 'I hear that all the time, say something new for a change.' He smiled. She drooled all over him. 'I nee..d you Tom.' She stuttered a little and buried his face under his shirt. 'Look, who is shy now?' He teased. 'Don't flatter yourself. I'm not shy, just that it's been long since we ma... 'Made love?' She nodded from under the shirt dragging it with her head. 'And that's weird for you.' 'Kind of and you are asking too much questions already. Let's just skip that part.' She giggled. Tom shook his head. 'Let me turn off the lights and get the doors locked so we go upstairs.' 'No, the couch is fine.' She immediately took the shirt off her face and whispered to him. Grissel stared at him to be sure he got the message before caressing his face. *** 'Are you checking me out now? We have something called privacy Dane.' 'You call meeting with a guy you barely knew for drinks privacy.' 'How did you know I met with Bryan?' She was trying so hard to control her anger that night. 'So it's true. Lisa, am I not enough for you.' 'What is this really about Dane? Because I remember cutting ties with Henry when you asked me to so what is it you want from me now?' 'You didn't, I saw you coming out of Henry's apartment last week dawn. What do you call that?' 'We call it mind your business. You can't just keep monitoring me around when I'm laying down everything for you.' 'Oh really, if you can't be with me alone and not sneak out of guys house at dawn as if you went stealing something which wasn't yours , then let's quit.' 'Have it your way.' She replied angrily and hanged up. Just that minute her phone rang. 'What do you want now? I said it's over.' 'Lisa, are you okay?' The voice drew her attention to the caller ID. 'Bryan, I'm sorry I yelled at you but can we talk another time.' 'That's perfect. Goodnight.' He hanged up before she could. Melisa buried her face in between her three pillows. 'He stopped calling for two weeks and suddenly thinks its okay to monitor me.' She hissed. ‘I can't remember disrespecting him too.' 'Maybe, you are doing something wrong.' Julia startled her. Julia switched on the light and stood by the door with her arms folded. 'Aunty, you know how I so much hate it when you sneak up on me.' 'I know but I did this on purpose. You hate this so does your boyfriend also hates whatever you keep doing out there with Henry.' 'Not you too aunty. I told you he stopped calling because he thought i didn't want to marry him when I obviously don’t want to rush into marriage.' 'I heard all that and how you kept yelling at him earlier.' 'He's monitoring me and I don't like it.' 'I think that's not right too but you keep giving him reasons to.' 'I know what you are thinking.' 'Good, so?' 'I'm not having sex with Henry anymore.' In fact, I haven’t been laid since I met Dane.’ ‘You took my advice?’ ‘Yes, It hasn’t been easy and Henry keeps bugging me about it.’ 'But you were in his house, I guess you were just sleeping by him.' 'Kind of but it's not like that aunty.' 'You see how silly you sound and look right now. Who wouldn't be angry over her girlfriend gracing another man's bed?' 'I'm sorry, I just needed so...' 'Sex, because you weren't getting that from him right.' 'I wa...s to say some comfort.' 'What's the difference when it all involves touching you.' Julia walked closer and sat with her on the bed now. 'He didn't touch me, trust me.' 'I trust you but the other guy in your life won't believe you so the earlier you stop going to Henry's place the better. You aren't a kid anymore.' 'Alright, thank you.' Melisa responded. 'Don’t thank me yet and who is Bryan.' 'Just a friend of Paige. We had one drink together and that was it.' 'Just a friend and you are blushing. May I remind you I've been at your age before?' 'Aunty, believe me. I love D, and nobody else.' 'Then talk to him about what's bothering you. Make him understand you don't like to be monitored.’ Julia had her full gaze on her. ‘I will reach out to her later.’ ‘And the sex, I don't know how you two can work that out but I want you to be happy. If you are not happy being with him, just walk out. I will help you cry yet again as I've been doing for years.' 'You are a God sent Julia Smith.' 'I know I am but the next time you call me by Joe's name, you will see the other part of Julia.' She smacked her niece. 'I know your other side and I also know Joe comes to sleep in this house when I'm not around.' 'Huh, who told you that lie?' She coyly asked. 'No one but your demeanor just confirmed it. Just let me know when you need the house so I can travel for a year.' 'I don't want you to go for that long. The small travels are just fine with us.' 'So it's true. Is it official yet?' 'We are not dating, if that's what you think.' 'But you are having fun right?' 'I guess so considering his ex-wife is still in the picture, I'm sure this fun will all come to an end soon.' 'Don’t think like that, besides they are divorced and that's what you wanted not to be with a married man.' 'But it felt wrong when it seemed I gave him the idea when his wife cheated on him. That was the main reason why I pushed him away.' 'No you didn't push him away, they might have tried to work it out and it didn't work.' 'You are right.' Julia said and her phone rang. 'It's Joe.' Let’s talk tomorrow morning Lisa.' She nodded and flashed Julia a smile. *** 'What's with you and the couch anyway?' He asked pulling Grissel's long blouse to cover their naked body on the floor. Though it wasn't entirely covering everything, it did its best. 'I just love it here.' She kissed him once more. 'You never did tell me about who your first was.' 'Oh just some guy.' She frowned. 'Is that where your energy and then the couch ideas.....' 'Tom. Let's not go into that. It's unhealthy please.' 'Okay Love. I just hope I get to hear that story someday.' She raised her head from his chest as they moved from the couch earlier to the floor. Grissel stared in his eyes and made to talk. 'What?' He stroked her hair when Grissel suddenly kept quiet. 'Nothing. Can we just lie here tonight?' 'We could, expect we are yet to take our shower and lock up.' Tom told her smiling. 'Can't that wait? Especially now that I'm ready for your children we need to spend more time cuddling.' She winked. Tom quickly picked himself off the floor sitting against the couch. 'Are you serious?' 'Yeah though I'm not sure if I can be a good mom to your kids, I just think this is the best time to start.' 'Thank you so much.' He hugged her grinning more than usual. 'But wait, you said my kids. Why do I feel, you are just doing this for me.' 'Sorry, our kids.' 'Okay, but I will be around to help you so don't worry about how good you should be.' 'I know you will be around but you don't understand me. I’m scared Tom.' 'Come here.' Tom drew her closer and she rested on his bare chest while he encouraged her. 'I would also appreciate if you talk to me instead of Julia. I know we've been having problems a lot lately but I want you to know I listen when you talk but I just sometimes disagree.' 'I'm sorry, I didn't think Julia was going to talk to you that soon. I was hoping to call her back tomorrow.' 'She was here yesterday while you were at work.' 'Was that why you changed your mind about having kids now because if you are still not ready, I totally understand you.' 'Not at all, she aired her view and I think I was just holding back because I'm scared.' 'Alright, we can discuss this later as I know your plan is just to sleep here tonight.' He dragged her up quickly. 'Oh Tom. Let's stay for just an hour more.' 'I have work tomorrow and I have to be up early.' 'But tomorrow is a Sunday.' 'Miss Lucky wants me at work tomorrow morning. Sorry I forgot to tell you.' 'I hate going to church alone Tom.' 'Duty calls, Love.' 'Why do I feel like, you are doing all this to please your boss?' 'Come on, she's been nice to me since I got back to work.' 'Is this where you tell me she's actually a nice person.' 'Actually she is more than nice.' 'I'm coming with you to work tomo...' She was interrupted by the beep of her phone. She looked at the number which wasn't registered. 'Tom, can you answer this call for me.' She handed over the phone to him which he was gestured asking why but Grissel had already hit the answer button so he had to speak. 'Hello, Tom here.' The line dropped before he could say another word. 'That's weird. The caller hanged up.' 'Exactly, this is the fifth time since last week.' 'Wait, why didn't you tell me about it?' 'I figured it would stop and you were not exactly cool about Henry stalking me when I told you everything.' 'When something like this happens to you, talk to me Grissel. I don’t want to yell so you tell me I'm becoming like my Dad.' 'I'm sorry.' 'You are so used to keeping things to yourself even when you clearly need help. And may I remind you, you nearly died keeping secrets under my watch.' 'I said I'm sorry.' 'As usual, sorry fixes everything for you. Remind me to let Mike look into the name registered with that number for you.' 'I will contact Henry myself. Thank you.' She swayed the phone around. 'I'm going to take my shower now. Are you coming with me?' 'Later.' She sat back on the couch while Tom went upstairs. Mike works with the network provider that both Grissel and Tom patronize so it's always easy setting up things with his help. Grissel that evening knew she didn’t need Mike’s help to figure out the number as she wasn’t ready to open up old wounds. But she had to contact Mike so there wouldn’t be a problem between her and Tom. Grissel succeeded in sending the message to Mike and rushed upstairs. ***** Tom and Stella has been getting along lately. They sometimes have drinks together Friday nights instead of his friends. They were at the Seattle bar when Stella received a call. She excused herself and left. 'Tom, what are you doing?' Austin frowned. 'I'm doing nothing.' 'Austin is just trying to ask you what you are doing with Stella.' Mike clarified. 'She's my boss and I brought her for a drink.' 'Who takes their bosses out man? Especially at this time of the night.' Austin questioned. 'Are you insinuating something?' Tom raised his voice this time. 'You can't see the picture on the wall clearly. Dude she's falling for you.' Clive chipped in. 'She’s aware I have a wife.' 'Has that ever stopped her kind?' Austin jeered. 'Look, I didn't come here to have arguments like the last time.' Tom whispered. 'Mike and Clive, why are you two quiet. Tell your guy here something.' Austin pushed. 'I would better not assume. Tom is a big guy, I'm sure he knows what he's doing.' Mike watched him closely while talking. 'Thank you Mike, I don't know what gets into Austin anytime Grissel becomes the topic.' 'Just looking out for a friend which you never brought to have drinks with us but here we are with your boss who seems to have feelings for you.' 'But what is so wrong if Tom decides to meet other ladies after work.' Clive the insensitive one asked. 'Everything is wrong Clive. Why is he married then?' 'Austin, do you like my wife?' Tom's next question brought silence to the whole place until Stella got back. 'Hello, are you guys in a trance or something.' Mike was the first to speak up while the rest directed their gaze to Austin's direction. 'My friend Austin here just confessed he likes you so much Stella.' Tom teased and picked his next bottle. Stella glanced at all the guys at the table and feigned a smile. 'Thank you Austin, but Tom I have to get going. My Dad wants me home.' 'You didn't tell him, you are with me.' She got closer to his ears. 'That's the problem.' 'Okay, let me just finish this and drop you home.' 'I can go with a cab, it’s a long drive.' 'I insist Stella. Remember I asked you to let your driver go home so I could drive you after here.' 'But you were always in a rush to see your wife every day after wok. Won't there be problems.' All eyes fell on her instantly. 'She understands Fridays are not for her but for my friends. So relax, if you don't want to go with me, Austin here can drive you since he’s going your way.' 'Tom, you know I always hit the last bottle before I leave.' Austin declined with a scowl. 'You are stuck with me now Stella.' She looked around and her eyes fell on Clive who signaled her to go. 'Okay let's go already. Hope you are not that drunk.' 'No, I took just two bottles.' 'Three.' Mike and Clive chorused. He shoved them an eye and picked up his phone and keys rushing after Stella who was waving the guys. 'Hey dude, Catch.' Clive threw him a small pack of condom he pulled out from his shirt pocket earlier. Tom quickly grabbed and shook his head while Mike waved smiling. Stella was already out of sight. 'I don't need this so Austin can go blabbing to my wife.' 'Man, I told you I'm not a snitch. Do whatever you want to because I'm done talking about Grissel.' 'Come on, it's just a joke Austin.' He said placing the condom in his jacket pocket and gave them three a handshake before leaving. ***** Dane has been in Seattle for a while now. He packed in front of the shop Paige and Melisa were meeting as she picked her and the kids up for a shopping treat. 'So what's with you and Bryan.' 'We had a drink the last time you stylishly left me with him alone.' 'I'm sorry, I told you I had to pick up this young ones.' Paige pointed to Shirley and her brother who were busy checking out toys in the shop. 'I believe you now but how are you able to raise all two kids by yourself.' 'It hasn't been easy but they are helpful sometimes.' 'So their mom never comes around.' Melisa kept asking as they moved from one shelf to another. 'They both vanished. I think my brother just had bad luck with those women. 'That's so sad but he didn’t tell you the truth about why they left.' 'Enough about my kids, you still haven't heard from your guy.' 'I'm done with him. I told you he's been stalking me all this time that he refused to call.' 'That's very weird.' 'He is weird, but I love him and his little girl.' 'Yeah you told me, you were hoping to give her all your best.' 'It's all over now. I'm back to being single and I must as well be with Henry.' 'You do know Henry is just using you to get to Grissel right.' 'I know and I don't really care. Grissel won't give in that easily that I'm sure of now so I'm just having fun.' 'Just make sure you don't end up falling for him.' 'I know that so well. I told you about Dane's no sex rule too.' 'That is creepy too for a man like him who has been married before and with a child. Are you sure he's not into cults.' Melisa laughed so loud drawing the attention of the other shoppers. 'No, he's not. I think he just wants to give his wife that respect until we are married.' 'His dead wife Mel.' 'Yeah, he never talked about her again since the last time I asked and it made me wonder if he was still holding on to her.' 'Girl if you ask me, you are in for a lot of trouble. Just take care of your heart.' 'Thank you but it's over now so I get to move on.' 'I can introduce you to some other guys, even Bryan might be interested in you.' 'Not now, let's get going before we waste the whole day in here.' They went for the kids who bought a whole lot of toys and joined the queue to pay. 'Lisa right?' The attendant asked. 'Yes, that's me. Did our kids destroy something or my bank card isn't working.' She asked hurriedly as she already gave her the card earlier after she had checked their items. 'Far from that. Your items have been paid for and you just need to take your change.' 'Paid for by whom?' She asked with a confused expression when her eyes fell on Dane leaving the shop. She kept staring at him. 'Paige, take the stuff and meet me up front.' She dropped her hand bag and rushed after him but he got into his car and drove off before she got out. She stood at the entrance waiting for Paige. 'What was that all about?' She tapped asking her. 'That weirdo just paid and after spotting him, he drove off.' 'You mean Dane the white guy.' She asked sarcastically because Melisa mostly refer to him that way. She nodded. 'Lisa, something is off with this guy.' 'I know Paige, he started this stalking since the day I kind of told him I wasn't ready for marriage.' 'Do you need help?' 'No, I can handle him. Let's go now, I will drop you guys home.' They packed the items in the booth of the car and drove off. 'By the way, I went back to get that shoe for the two of us. The change was enough to get three and I got a dress for our outing next week.' Melisa shoved her an ugly stare. 'You didn’t even know where the money came from but you bought shoes.' 'I thought from your Dad.' 'Well you thought wrong Paige.' She didn't realize Melisa was pissed off. 'I got the matching bags too for.....' 'Paige, enough of I got this and I got that.' 'Sorry.' She looked out to check on the kids at the back who had already eaten a bar of the chocolate. Paige flashed them a smile. Melisa watched them from the front mirror and smooched Paige's thigh. 'Is that your way of saying I'm sorry for bashing you earlier?' 'Yeah, but I didn't bash you.' 'At least, you fulfilled your promise of taking me out for a treat.' Paige announced. They both ended up laughing while driving home. *** 'Austin, you asked me here and yet haven't said anything yet.' 'I want to ask you something.' 'Okay, does your sister want to make a change to the custody schedules?' 'No, your work is just perfect, I just wanted us to talk over a drink.' She sighed and picked up her glass of juice. 'You scared me when you said you want us to talk.' 'It's just our usual chit chat.' He clarified. 'I'm sorry I haven't made time for us lately but you know the early stages in marriage can make you lose friends.' 'Don't worry I'm not complaining. I know the kind of man you married.' She laughed. 'I always forget you know him more than I do.' 'How's he doing with marriage?' Grissel looked at his face and knew anytime Austin has something important to ask he beats about the real story. 'Austin, just ask already.' 'I don't want to be meddling in your marriage but are you happy with my friend.' 'Are you happy you introduced us?' She shot back. 'Of course, I am.' He replied scratching his head. 'There you have your answer.' 'So you are happy. He's treating you right.' 'I'm okay dear friend. You don't need to give me a questionnaire to fill anytime you and Tom happen to argue.' 'He told you about the drink up fight?' ‘Ahaaa that should tell you he would never treat me contrary to what you told him the first time you introduced us.' He managed a sigh. 'Great, so how's work.' 'I just started this week and I'm hoping to blend in soon. Andre isn’t around so I'm doing all his paper works.' 'I'm happy you could put all that behind you and move on.' 'I have Tom and he makes it easy.' 'Let me get us some food then.' He changed the topic and stood up heading to the waiter. Grissel called up Tom quickly. 'Mission accomplished but you still owe me a day out at the beach.' She quickly hanged up and smiled to Austin who was walking back to the table. Tom had told Grissel about what happened at their drink up party without leaving anything out when she found the pack of condom in his jacket. He knew Austin was just looking out for her but he wasn't comfortable being questioned so Grissel offered to talk to him. ***** Tom promised Julia a spa treatment so he took her out that Saturday and decided to grab an ice cream at a nearby ice cream joint since Grissel had insisted on going out with him that day. Grissel and ice-creams were like twins. He had no other choice than to get her a big bowl of that. ‘Get an extra three. Vanilla for the house, strawberry for Julia and Chocolate for Lisa. You know her birthday is few weeks away.’ Tom gave her a look signaled to the waiter. ‘This is the part of the marriage after my heart.’ She smiled and got a smack on her back. They were pretty much engrossed in their chats that they didn't notice Stella walking in. She walked up to them. Grissel had her head on Tom's shoulders and he was the first to see Stella standing in front of them. 'Hey, you patronize this place too.' Tom asked cheerfully. Grissel raised up her head and her eyes met with Stella who was smiling broadly. 'Hello,' Stella muttered. 'Hi,' Grissel responded weakly. 'This must be your better half Mr. Addi....., I mean Tom. Stella suddenly remembered he hates to be called Mr. Addison. 'Yeah, my wife Grissel.' 'She's a beauty.' Stella suddenly said while Tom was not done introducing them. 'You can say that again.' Tom muttered. Grissel was just quiet watching them obviously jealous. 'Seems like she's not a great talker too.' 'She can talk for the whole world.' Tom replied grinning at Grissel.' 'Sorry, I'm just a little under the weather today.' Grissel apologized and Tom thought it was weird as she was laughing earlier. Stella smiled proudly. 'Why don't you join us, we can have a couple of drinks together, that way my wife could get to know you.' Tom chipped in. 'I was on my way out of here.' 'Oh too bad.' He said. 'Maybe I could spare five minutes of my time.' She said checking her time and grabbing a seat. 'Awesome, at least my wife could get to know my boss and not worry when I come home late.' He smiled mischievously. 'Is she the one you told me about?' Grissel finally found her voice probably surprised because they both hardly talk about their works. 'Yes, my boss Stella Medt.’ he replied. 'I can see someone has been talking about me.' Stella chipped in watching Grissel closely. 'Not really, just our first day encounter.' 'Aww, I'm shy already. Once again I'm sorry we started on the wrong foot.' Stella apologized. 'That's okay we are good now.' 'Definitely,' Stella shot back smiling. Grissel was watching her and could count the number of times she has smiled already. Just then Tom's phone rang. 'I have to take this call. I will be right back.' 'Okay Love,' she responded smiling at Tom who has left the table. She kept her eyes at the direction he went until Stella's voice jerked her out of her reverie. 'Hi,' Stella whispered. 'Hello,' she found the need to reply her. Grissel’s voice was weak and her face turned pale all of a sudden. "I miss you." Stella muttered once Tom was out of sight. Grissel nodded fighting the urge to talk further as she was pushing back her tears every second. 'So you moved on.' Stella asked again. Grissel just kept staring at her. 'It's good to know you were not holding on.' Grissel glared at her now and Stella got the message. 'And you married an awesome man.' Stella said relaxing against the chair now while looking around to check where Tom vanished to. Grissel wiped a tear when Stella was not looking. "Thank you Ella." She finally sighed. Stella probably understood why Grissel was thanking her so she smiled. 'I'm glad I could be of help.' Grissel nodded quietly. ‘Medt’s?’ ‘Emmm that was the only thing I never told you.’ Stella muttered. 'And my husband is off li...' She was cut off. 'Off limits, I get it Grissel and sorry for crushing on him.' 'Good, just stay off.' Grissel warned firmly. They were both staring at each other without blinking. You two seems to be an inseparable pair.’ Stella held her hand which she quickly pulled out of her grasp. ‘Don’t’ touch me and stop talking about my husband.’ Grissel said carefully. 'You love him that much?' Stella smiled. 'Love who?' Tom appeared beside Grissel. 'You, my love.' Grissel flirted. She squeezed his hands romantically and kissed him on the lips quickly. Stella shook her head smiling. Tom glanced at his wife weirdly. Grissel was not the public romance type of woman but something was off with her. He smiled to her and noticed Stella was still smiling. 'Why are you smiling?' She asked her. 'Been a while since I saw two people so much in love like you two here.' Stella muttered with so much humor. 'I know right. My wife is just all over me.' He teased. 'I can see that. Though I'm dying to know how this love story started, I got to hit the road.' Stella smiled glancing at Grissel who seem not to be paying attention. 'Okay sure.' Tom replied. 'Grissel right?' She nodded. 'Nice meeting you and hope we can catch up again. 'Yeah.' She responded and Stella picked up her bag, smiling cheerfully, waved them and walked out. They didn’t realize when she came back to their table. ‘And Tom, trust me. You married a good one, I hope you don’t ever let her go.’ Grissel glared at Tom who had a confused grin on. ‘Thank you Stella, but you just came back to say that and you are over smiling too.’ ‘I couldn’t leave without letting you know. I got to go now.’ She rushed off in a hurry. Tom watched her leave and turned to Grissel. 'That was weird?' 'What was weird?' She asked. 'Stella’s speech and she kept smiling throughout.' 'Yeah, she loves to smile a lot. I guess something’s never change.' 'What was that?' Tom queried. 'I mean she's a natural.' 'Yeah, can we get going now?' 'I want to take a walk with you along the road Tom.' 'We can do that next weekend Grissel. Right now, we have to pick up Julia.' 'I almost forgot. Let's get going.' Grissel stood up and saw Stella's car speeding off upon seeing her. ‘Your ice cream please.’ The waiter rushed to meet them with the package and Tom paid. *** 'Dad, Mom?' Stella stormed into the house after she drove on top speed nearly hitting a pole. She slumped onto the couch sweating and was about to leave while dropping her bag abruptly when her parents came in. 'What’s going on with you?' 'Dad, i thought you attended Tom's wedding.' 'Tom again?’ He hit his fist gently on his thigh. ‘Stella he is married to a good woman and I don't want you screwing that up for him.' Her Dad cautioned. Stella's Dad overheard her talking over the phone about how she was having a crush on Tom. He was hoping it would last for just a while knowing her daughter very well. 'This is not about Tom Dad.' She glanced at them intently. 'Then what is it about.' 'You didn't notice anything off about Tom's wife?' 'Why is she sick?’ Her mom who was confused all this while asked. 'Come off it you two. At least give me a heads up about the fact that he married my Grissel.' 'Who is your Grissel?' Both husband and wife chorused. 'Gosh, you two are dramatic right now.' She yelled and rushed up stairs. Her parents just stared confusedly. The look on their face shows they had no idea what their daughter was referring to. ***** ‘Tom, is that not your wife lurking around?’ Mike asked pointing to Grissel’s direction. Grissel decided to surprise Tom at his Friday hang out. She knew he wouldn’t like her being there but she was bored at home and needed some company. ‘Wow!’ Tom exclaimed. ‘What?’ Austin asked and Tom kept hiding his face behind Stella. ‘She’s beautiful.’ Clive responded. ‘But is this your first time of seeing her that beautiful?’ Mike asked while Tom kept burying his face. ‘No, but I think Tom must have done something to her after marriage.’ Tom glared at him now and he kept quiet. Grissel was clad in the pink short blouse Tom got for her a few weeks ago when they had a fight and he needed to apologize. With her hair dangling on her shoulder, she kept searching with her pretty face without make up. ‘I think you should wave at her.’ Stella announced. ‘I didn’t invite her to come for our night out.’ ‘She’s probably just bored at home.’ She smiled. ‘But it’s a boy’s night out.’ Tom cautioned. ‘Really? What is Stella doing here then?’ Austin chipped in. ‘Thank you Austin.’ She said and waved up to Grissel who finally looked in their direction. She smiled and walked up to them hurriedly. Stella offered her seat next to Tom and moved to the next one. She greeted them and reached out for a beer from the crate when Tom held her hand. ‘Barman, one coke for the lady.’ Tom called the bar man’s attention. They all glanced at each other and were holding their laughter back. Clive on the other hand kept winking at her which was unusual. Her coke came and he handed it over to her. ‘Christian’s don’t drink beer.’ Stella laughed first and they all burst out hilariously. ‘Tom, just let her have fun for tonight.’ Austin interrupted. Grissel though was embarrassed she joined in the laughter. ‘No, she always preach to me about Christian’s and beer. Today is her turn to apply the Bible.’ Grissel gave her a smack. ‘No chicken for you for a month.’ “Come on, I did the right thing.” ‘I’m also doing the right thing.’ She replied him honestly. ‘You are beautiful Grissel.’ Clive suddenly chipped in. Tom gave him the look that was capable of murdering him without a weapon. ‘Relax, Mr. Husband. I just taught you what you forgot to do when she arrived here.’ Clive clarified. ‘Grissel already knew she’s the prettiest of all the ladies around me. No offence Stella.’ He flattered and rubbed her back. Clive hissed, then stood up excusing himself and headed towards the washroom. Grissel sipped her Coke with the straw while the rest gulped their beer. She felt a tap on her thighs and turned around. She forgot Stella was in their midst. ‘Be careful with Clive.’ She whispered quietly into her ears. She glanced at Clive walking towards them smiling at her and nodded to Stella. ‘You still care about me after all these years.’ Grissel said quietly to her as the others were focused on their usual argument. ‘Of course Grissel. I shouldn’t have left you alone that night. I’m really sorry.’ ‘Don’t you think it’s too late for that Stella? ’ Grissel said silently and suddenly clutched on Tom’s other arm ignoring Stella’s taps. This was the first time they were talking after their first accidental meet up a week ago. After a few chitchats, they announced their leave so Grissel and Tom could have the night to themselves. ***** ‘Lisa?’ ‘Yes.’ She stood at her office door smiling weirdly at her sister in law. Grissel kept staring as she wasn’t expecting her to come there. ‘Should I come in?’ Melisa asked as she seemed to be in a trance. ‘Sure.’ She responded quickly opening her door widely for her whiles rushing to fix the chair in it’s position. Melisa watched her walk to the fridge and stood there. ‘Grissel? Water.’ She said to remind her why she went to the fridge in the first place. Since that night in the hospital, she hasn’t seen Grissel up close. Melisa walked up to her at the fridge and gave her a surprise hug. ‘I’m so sorry Lisa.’ ‘It’s okay Grissel. I’m not here to make you feel undeserving.’ ‘You are not?’ Grissel came out of her arms quickly. ‘Yes, I just came to check on you and I didn’t want Tom to start asking questions.’ ‘Thank you Lisa,’ she fidgeted with her hands. ‘Come and have a seat. We need to talk about Henry.’ Grissel looked up at her when she mentioned Henry. ‘I haven’t done anything with him.’ She said in a hurry. ‘I know Grissel. What should we do about him?’ ‘We?’ ‘Yes, he’s obsessed with you.’ ‘But you are the one sleeping with him Lisa.’ Melisa watched how her hands flung to her mouth immediately after her words. ‘‘That hurts Grissel.’’ ‘Sorry but what I meant was he’s your responsibility not mine.’ ‘Henry was a good friend until he met you at my house the night Tom brought you home.’ ‘Good man? The guy has psychological problems Lisa.’ ‘You think so? ‘You tell me, besides you are the doctor here.’ Melisa stared at her for about a minute. ‘Emmm, I would recommend someone for him if you think he needs help. ‘Any plans for your birthday tomorrow?’ Grissel thought to change the topic. ‘No, I have a work trip in the morning.’ ‘Too bad, maybe you can celebrate with Tom next two weeks.’ ‘Tom do……’ ‘I would talk to your brother.’ ‘Good luck.’ She teased with a funny smile. They had a few more talks before she asked to leave. ***** ‘I have two weeks conference in New Jersey. Would you be okay home alone? Tom asked Grissel who was ‘I will miss you Tom.’ She sounded not surprised while focused on her packing. ‘Do you want to come with me?’ ‘That’s a bad idea Tom besides you have company.’ ‘Stella?’ ‘Yes, isn’t she going with you?’ ‘She is but I wished you would come with us. Stella really likes you.’ ‘Really?’ What did she say?’ ‘Nothing important but tell me why you are packing your stuff into a travelling bag again.’ ‘Oh those are for the laundry.’ She pointed to the bag reluctantly. ‘Are you sure? Because it seems to me as someone who plans to leave her matrimonial home.’ ‘You think too much Tom.’ A sad grin appeared on her cheeks. ‘Okay, just leave that and come to bed already.’ He wore a confused grin this time. She hesitated for a while and dropped the bag she was holding. ‘Give me just a minute.’ She rushed into the washroom and washed her face with water which was already drenched in tears. Tom hadn’t noticed she was crying earlier while packing. ‘Is everything alright with you?’ He queried when she came out. ‘Of course. I wanted to ask if Stella has told you anything recently.’ ‘Was she supposed to tell me something?’ ‘No, it’s just that you spend so much time with her lately.’ ‘Do you want me to stop?’ ‘No, besides I trust you and somehow I know she’s harmless too.’ ‘Great, she has even agreed to go on a date with Clive.’ ‘Clive? Ella is too good for him.’ ‘But you barely know Stella so how do you know she’s too good for Clive.’ Tom has gotten used to her wife calling her boss Ella even though he wasn’t so sure how she quickly formulated that name. ‘You talk about her all the time Tom. I would prefer you introduce her to Austin.’ ‘Austin said he wasn’t interested.’ ‘I will talk to him, just don’t let Clive have his way yet.’ She adjusted her pillow. Grissel was sounding over protective and Tom was beginning to sense she wasn’t happy about his trip so before they slept that night, he called Stella to cancel but she claimed they may not find a replacement before due the time. He stared at his wife sleeping quietly on the bed. Tom gave her a kiss and a cuddle. ***** Grissel bid her husband goodbye after dropping him at the airport. Stella kept watching them weirdly until she drove off. 'Do you need to go back?' 'No, she will be fine.' 'I don't think so Tom. She's acting as if you will never return.' 'You noticed that too?' 'Of course Tom. Anybody can read her expressions so I would understand if you have to go back.' 'I thought I was the only one who felt she was acting weird from last night but she will be fine.' 'I hope she's not upset I'm going with you.' 'No, she doesn't care who I go with because I asked her to come with me and she said she was okay I'm going with you.' 'She did?' 'Ahaaa!' 'I guess she trust you too much.' Stella teased. 'I'm not that bad Stella.' 'I know that, why do you think I love you th...' She was saying and paused when she realized Tom was staring right into her eyes. 'You love me?' 'Yes, but not that kind of love.' 'You don't need to explain Stella, I always knew that was the reason you changed after I confronted you that day in the office.' 'And ooh that wasn't my fault. I was made to believe you swindled someone.' 'Me? Swindle? Where did you get that from?' 'Just an old fling called Henry.' 'Henry the bastard?' 'Bastard? Well I guess whatever he did to you, he sure deserves that name.' 'Yeah, he was stalking my wife and caused that accident?' 'I'm sorry, he wasn't ready to tell me why I should strip you off your position so I told him to face you himself.' 'That's alright.' They were sitting in the waiting area facing each other. Stella had her hands supporting her jaw. Tom pulled her hands from the jaw. 'So you were sleeping with him or dating him.' 'Do you have to ask that?' 'Not really but if he's sleeping with my sister and my boss friend I guess I have to know.' 'Your sister?' Stella sounded surprised. 'Melisa. We don't get along so I probably didn't mention her to you.' 'Melisa, sounds familiar.' 'Maybe Henry mentioned her. They were pretty much close.' 'Yeah I'm sure,’ She feigned a smile. ‘But with Henry, if you should know it was just friends with benefit. I met him in Mexico while on tour.' 'I guess he brought you here to take over after finding out I work with your dad.' 'You are smart Tom. I didn’t want to come back but he was persistent and my dad listens to him so I obliged.' They were still talking when their flight number was called. 'I guess that’s our ride.' She said and got lost in her thoughts. 'Yeah, let's get going before we miss our flight.' Tom interrupted her thoughts. 'Sure.' She dragged her luggage as Tom quickly offered to help. 'Hey, I forgot to mention you look stunning today.' He flattered. 'You forgot?' 'Busted. I didn't want to disrespect my wife as she was with us.' 'I understand and thank you.' She flashed him a smile and he smiled back. ***** Grissel drove straight towards the other end of the Seattle overhead. She pulled inside a quiet environment and knew exactly where to pack as it was an open house without gates. She got out of the car and brought out her bag. Dragged it to the door and rang the bell. Grissel waited for some seconds and there was no response. She left the bag at the door and rushed to her car bringing out a key. She unlocked and it seemed no one was home so she went straight to the bedroom dropped her bag and then to the kitchen as she refused dinner that evening when Tom was leaving. ***** 'Aunty why did you let him in.' 'He's been waiting all day for you and your phone was off.' 'That didn't answer my question.' She was sounding rude. 'He came with his little girl a.... 'Dani is here?' She asked ignoring Dane who has been standing in front of them the whole time. 'In your room.' Julia gave the little girl some video games so she could talk to Dane alone. She threw her bag on the couch and pushed Dane slightly out of her way. 'Lisa, I'm sorry.' 'Okay, you can leave.' She announced and hurried off without looking back. Julia after some seconds scoffed drawing his attention. 'Let me go after her.' 'No, let her be for tonight. You can come back tomorrow.' Dane saw the concern written on her face. 'Alright, I will wait for Dani to get down.' 'You can leave her here tonight.' Dane didn't seem comfortable to Julia. He kept scratching his head abruptly. 'Don’t worry, she's safe with Lisa around.' He hesitated for a while. ‘Let me get her some wears from the car.' He checked his pocket for the car keys and went out. Dane wasn't used to leaving Dani with strangers but he needs Lisa now more than ever. ***** 'What has come over you Jessy?' Adam snarled at her. Jessy wasn't happy seeing Grissel back home when they came home that night. 'I just wanted her to go back to her matrimonial home.' 'But you heard all that she said.' 'I did and she's not in any great danger so why pack out and turn yourself into an alcoholic overnight.' 'I understand you are still angry she hasn't told Tom yet about her betrayal but at least she is trying her best.' 'Her best you say? Leaving home in his absent won't solve their issue.' 'I agree but just look at her, she's too drunk to drive.' Jessy glanced at Grissel who was lying on her old bed with a bottle of alcohol beside her. The Grissel she knew doesn’t drink. Adam dragged her out of there closing the door behind them before she starts another yell at Grissel. 'That wasn't you Jessy. I thought you forgave her after the accident.' 'You are doing the defending again.' 'I'm not, I just want you to allow your sister handle her marriage on her own terms.' 'She can't handle her marriage in my house.' 'Our house Jessy. Don't force me to be harsh.' 'I'm sorry.' 'Good. So Grissel stays until Tom gets back.' 'Though I know this is wrong but I will get dinner sorted out.' Jessy said calmly and shook her head. 'Thank you.' Adam left her on the stairs and walked back into Grissel’s room. *** Lisa was surprised she was so good at making Dani laugh as she was enjoying her time with her since Dane left that evening. 'So why are you fighting with Daddy?' Dani suddenly asked since their conversation that whole night was about school and her friend’s new toys. Melisa paused reading her bed time story and sat up as it was late and she knew her routine so well. Surprisingly, Dani wasn't bothered about her dad leaving her behind. 'No one is fighting Dani.' 'I know you don't like my dad any more but that is fine.' 'Where did you hear that from?' 'Lisa, I'm a big girl now so I know these things.' She announced with a matured grin. 'You are?' 'Ahaaa.' Dani smiled coyly now. 'Well, we are not fighting and I like your dad a whole lot.' 'Then why haven't I seen you in weeks.' 'Sorry, I've been busy.' Melisa glanced at her and thought she has succeeded in talking her out of her theories. 'It’s the stalking right?' She asked after a minute of silence. 'What?' Melisa muttered. 'I know daddy was stalking you Lisa.' 'You know that how?' 'I came with him to Seattle for weeks now and I've been monitoring him.' 'Monitoring him? Are you an FBI agent?' Melisa laughed so loud. 'I'm glad I made you laugh so can you forgive my daddy. I promise he is a changed man now.' 'Dani, did your dad put you up to this.' She found it so hard to believe she could be that smart with what adults are too proud to fix. 'No, and don't tell him we talked. I don't want to be grounded.' 'Your secret is safe with me.' Her phone vibrated and she ignored after checking the caller ID. Dani quickly picked up the phone and answered when Melisa ignored for the second time. 'Daddy, you don't need to check on me.' She said happily. 'I miss you.' 'Unfortunately, I don't Daddy.' 'Oh wow, why do I feel like my daughter is having fun without me?' 'You have no idea Dad.' 'But it's past your bed time, why are you still awake answering people's call?' 'I still have twenty minutes before bed time and Lisa doesn't mind me answering my daddy's call.' 'I just called to check on you but it seems I've not been missed so have a good night.' 'Okay Dad but I know you want to talk to Lisa.' She announced and quickly handed her the phone. Melisa smiled coyly and held the phone to her ear while breathing heavily. Dane heard her breathing at the other end. 'Emm, I just called to check if Dani had her milk and bedtime stories.' Melisa wasn't going to give him that privilege to confuse her again. She was certain last week, she wants to move on but it seems her love for him won't fade away just yet. It’s was weird how she fell in love that quickly. 'And she would need two pillows and socks.' Dane obviously is bad at apologizing. 'It's obvious you called to tell me things I already know.' She was careful not to raise her voice in front of Dani. 'I'm so bad at this right?' He asked. 'Can we not go into that now?' ‘Sure, but I really need you to know I'm sorry and didn't mean to invade your privacy. I only did it because you keep seeing Henry which you told me several times you were done with.' 'What did I just say?' She whispered hoping not to lash out on him in front of his daughter. 'You don't want to hear it but at a point we got to talk about this. We still love each other and whatever I did was because I love you and was just insecure.' 'Well you don't have to be insecure. I just need you to trust me.' She was holding her breathe in between. 'Okay, I will try.' 'Can we talk about this tomorrow over breakfast?' She offered. 'Breakfast?' 'Yes, or you prefer lunch.' 'No, breakfast is fine.' He responded. 'Great, be here before seven. Goodnight.' 'Lisa.' 'Ahuh.' 'Are we back' He stuttered. 'Goodnight Dane.' She replied and hanged up. 'I guess that went well.' Dani said immediately after Melisa hanged up. 'You were listening?' Melisa asked sternly. 'Not really.' 'Little girl, put on your socks and let me tuck you in.' 'Okay mom.' She grabbed her socks from the top of the drawer. Melisa glanced at her and feigned a smile. ‘Come on, the mom thing was a joke Lisa.’ ‘I didn’t complain my dear.’ She sighed. ‘Your heart was beating.’ Dani gave out a cheeky laugh. ‘It was?’ ‘Yes and I’m sorry.’ ‘Don’t worry I’m fine Dani. Just go to bed while I get my own shower.’ She tucked her in and turned off the bedside light. ‘Lisa, my daddy really likes you.’ She whispered in the dark. ‘Dani, go to bed already.’ ‘Please give him a chance.’ She said hurriedly as Melisa could see her through the extra lighting from the bathroom. ***** Grissel left Adam's house that morning to sort out a few things before Tom gets back in the evening. Her phone has been off the whole time, but that morning she forgot to turn it off again after she picked up some details from her message box when Tom’s call came through. She contemplated for some seconds and picked up. 'Hey, I've been busy lately.' 'Grissel, it's been two weeks and all you got to say is, you’ve been busy.' 'I'm sorry, I was out of full battery.' 'Sorry for avoiding me for the whole time I was away or sorry for turning off your phone on purpose.' 'None of the above Tom.' 'Okay, I will be back later in the evening.' He said calmly and hanged up. Grissel called back several times but his phone was off. *** 'Tom, she is probably going through something. Just give her time.' 'You don't know my wife like I do. If you did, you would understand only pressure can make her talk about what is bothering her.' 'I’m not sure you know her better than I do?' She said quietly staring at him. 'What is that supposed to mean?' 'See you at breakfast. I want to get back to my room now and continue packing up.’ Stella hurriedly said changing the topic. Tom watched her picked up her phone and hissed. 'Get to the restaurant on time.' He announced. She waved back at him and went out. ***** 'Lisa, I will see you soon. I just want to attend to a few things here and get back to you.' 'I should be done with my clients by six in the evening.' 'That works for me. I got to go now. I love you.' 'Same here D.' she hanged up sighting Julia smiling at her. 'Should I even ask what my favorite aunty is smiling at?' 'I'm just happy you are handling this new relationship so well.' 'Don’t be happy yet, Dane is still checking on my whereabouts every seconds.' 'And you said you understood him now because of his ex-wife.' 'I do and i know it will take some time.' 'Good, let's have breakfast then.' Julia has been happy lately. Melisa getting hooked up is the best news she has heard so far. *** 'Henry, so what brought you here this morning?' 'I came to see Stella, she hasn't been answering my calls lately.' 'Did you two have a fight?' Mr. Medt asked him. Mr. Medt was fond of Henry since Stella introduced him during her tour days. He was hoping her daughter would settle with him but they grew apart when Henry moved to Seattle. 'Not that I remember.' 'Okay she went on a business trip with her manager. She should be back this evening.' 'She must be busy then.' Henry smiled mischievously. He quickly asked permission and walked out of there as he knew Tom wasn't going to be home. *** Grissel heard a knock on her door. She just got back home a few hours earlier and doesn’t want any disturbance as she was dressing up for a walk. She rushed off with her hair tied in a scarf and a spots wear. ‘Who’s there?’ She called out opening the door just to meet Clive standing there with a bottle of wine. Grissel wasn’t so happy to see him at her door especially when Tom wasn’t around. ‘Hello Pretty.’ He flattered. ‘Tom isn’t back yet.’ She told him instantly. ‘I know he isn’t Grissel.’ ‘Okay, then you should go and come back tomorrow.’ She said and was walking out on him when he held her back, pulling her into his arms. ‘What are you doing Clive?’ She asked trying to snuggle out of his grasp. ‘You know I came to see you.’ He laughed. ‘You have seen me, so let me go now.’ ‘Is that an order?’ ‘Leave me alone.’ She struggled. Grissel felt him kissing her hair and ears as she was backing him in his arms. ‘I love you Grissel.’ ‘I would shout Clive.’ She threatened and kept frowning as he was holding her so tight. ‘No one would hear you Grissel. I made sure of that.’ She summoned her tears as she knew that was her only leverage against him. ‘Shhhh. Stop crying and turn around.’ Clive whispered in his ears. Grissel nodded like a small girl. ‘Can I t.he wine, then we can go inside.’ ‘And you promise to turn around?’ He asked. She nodded. Clive not reading in between the lines gave her the bottle, releasing Grissel to turn around quietly. Grissel turned around facing him. ‘You are my husband’s friend Clive.’ ‘I know that but he doesn’t deserve you.’ He held her jaw raising up her face. ‘I don’t understand what you mean by that.’ ‘He raped you Grissel.’ ‘So?’ She found the courage now as her voice was feeble earlier. ‘Real men don’t rape their women.’ ‘Oh I see.’ ‘Yes, we were all disgusted about the news.’ ‘How do you call what transpired between us earlier?’ She asked swinging the bottle. ‘I’m sorry if I hurt you. I only came to tell you nobody loves you like I do.’ ‘Was that why you keep making my husband believe I was cheating on him?’ He nodded smiling. ‘Tom is naïve and could easily be fooled.’ ‘Yeah I agree with you.’ She smiled roguishly. ‘And trust me, he doesn’t love you Grissel.’ ‘How do you know that?’ ‘He’s sleeping with his boss.’ ‘You mean Stella?’ ‘Exactly, and you are a good woman who doesn’t deserve that sort of treatment.’ Grissel examined his face and feigned sadness. ‘Okay so what’s the plan?’ She decided to play along. ‘We can elope or set him up with drugs for the police to find.’ He said with enthusiasm. ‘Emmmm, isn’t that too harsh.’ ‘No, I want you to be mine.’ He grinned. ‘I have waited for two years to strike.’ He walked closer as Grissel seemed quiet now. She knew whatever he was telling her was just to get under her underwear because she married one of those flirty men. Clive touched her face and was going to kiss her on the lips when she hit his head with the wine bottle. ‘Aaahh,’ He cried out. ‘You think I’m naïve to fall for a toxic man like you.’ She looked at the bottle whose contents was flowing on the floor. ‘I will deal y..ou… He stuttered, holding his head and checking his hands. He noticed the blood coming out nonstop and scowled. ‘Incase Tom didn’t tell you, I never liked you.’ ‘You are a monster.’ He said walking backwards as Grissel was walking closer with the cracked bottle still in her hands. ‘I know I am and that is why I don’t betray my love ones. ‘Stupid woman, you deserve that rape.’ She closed her eyes abruptly and opened it. ‘You are dead, just wait for Tom to hear this.’ Clive hearing her mention Tom, came to his senses. He rushed out holding his head and drove off before Grissel could get to the gate. Grissel locked up the gate and sat behind it weeping. ‘You deserve better Tom.’ She whispered to herself and stood up. She got to the door and realized the place needed clean up. ‘It’s over anyway.’ Grissel rolled her eyes at the content mixed with Clive’s blood on the floor and dashed inside. *** 'Hello, are you Tom Addison?' 'And who wants to know.' He turned around to face the gentleman on the next table behind him. Tom was at the hotel’s restaurant waiting for Stella to come down for breakfast which seemed to be taking longer than usual. 'Grissel's husband.' The man muttered. 'Yes, I'm Grissel’s husband.' Tom turned sideways watching him fumble. 'No, I'm not asking if you are Grissel's husband.' 'Gentleman, what is this about? I'm not sure we've met yet.' 'Yeah we've not met yet because my wife forgot to tell you I exist.' 'Do I know your wife?' Tom wasn't so sure what the gentleman was talking about. 'As a matter of fact, you've been sleeping with her fo six months now if I'm not mistaken.' 'I beg your pardon? Who are you?' 'Tom, what I meant earlier was, I'm Grissel’s first husband.' When he heard what the gentleman said, he faced him finally. 'First Husband? What does that even mean?' Tom wasn't really sure he understood him earlier but his mind told him, the gentleman was bluffing as he was fumbling with his words. 'Tom, you married my wife and you know what that means here in the states.' 'Wait, I think you got the wrong person because there's no way I'm married to your wife.' He quickly dropped the files on the table and stood up. 'There you go. Feel free to call me so I come for my wife.' The gentleman said with all certainty now. At first he was scared Tom was going to cause a scene because he found out about his violence behavior in the past. Tom opened the files and read the first page and then closed it back. 'Come for your wife?' Tom sprung up as well. 'Yes, she is mine Tom and according to the law that's bigamy.' 'Why should I believe you?' 'Talk to Grissel, I'm sure she would give you details of our time together.' He quickly took out a picture from the files and left the rest for him. ‘You are bluffing?’ He laughed so mischievously. ‘How’s her obsession with sex on the couch?’ Tom exclaimed. ‘Huh!’ It seemed that was the only confirmation he needed. ‘Good, I’m glad that caught your attention.’ He placed his two hands into her shorts pocket and walked away. Tom relaxed back into his seat and instead of anger swallowing him up, he shed a drop of tear and scanned through the files again and he was still in his thoughts when Stella arrived. 'Everything okay?' She tapped him on the shoulder. Tom looked at her and anger registered on his face. Stella realized he must have been waiting for long. 'I'm sorry, I kept you waiting. My dad called.' 'You said the last time, I married a good one.' He immediately asked. 'Yes, that was at the ice cream shop. What has that got to do with this morning’s breakfast?' 'Why do you think she's good?' Stella wasn’t sure where this was going. 'Emmm, I just know it Tom.' 'You are sure about that?' 'Yeah, but Tom is this about Grissel not reaching out the whole time you've been away.' 'I'm not leaving with you after breakfast and is it okay if I take a few days off work.' Stella just kept staring at him. 'You can deduct it from my salary.' 'Take all the time you need. So can we eat now?' Stella was hungry and wasn't finding his questions funny. Tom picked up the files from the table and walked out on her. 'Tom wait up for me.' She run after him. ***
8 Jun 2018 | 10:15
hmmmmmm,,, secrets!!!!! keeping secrets is just too detrimental to rltnships,, d earlier we know abt dat d better
8 Jun 2018 | 19:19
Oh my goodness
8 Jun 2018 | 19:42
is he framing grissel up by saying he was her first husband. i think it's henry's handiwork
8 Jun 2018 | 19:45
nxt pls
9 Jun 2018 | 05:52
@christar pls be numbering your episode for us to be able to update the link in the first page
9 Jun 2018 | 13:37
next jare, why dont you post today? I am missing your stowy already
9 Jun 2018 | 15:59
@christar pls be numbering your episode for us to be able to update the link in the first page
Emm will try and do that today
9 Jun 2018 | 20:20
next jare, why dont you post today? I am missing your stowy already
Sure,After church
9 Jun 2018 | 20:21
EPISODE 19 Henry drove straight to Grissel's place and met her at the gate on foot. He came earlier and was sitting in his car outside when Clive rushed out but he decided to wait for the car to leave before he checks on Grissel. Grissel came out after some ten minutes and was on foot. He sounded his horn, signaling her to wait. Grissel sighed heavily and stopped moving. Henry came out of his car with a foolish smile on his face meeting up with her. 'Hey, how are you.' 'What are you doing here?' 'I came to apologize for the accident.' 'Okay, you can go now.' 'Grissel, I know you don't feel anything for me like I do but I want you to know I will always be here when your world finally fall apart.' She glanced at him and didn't realize she still had tears in her eyes from earlier. ‘Another fool.’ She whispered to herself. ‘What did you say?’ 'Who told you my world is falling apart.' 'You don't need to because the tears in your eyes says it all.' She quickly raised her hands to wipe her face when he reached out with a handkerchief. 'Use this.' Grissel could see honesty in his eyes and the care in his voice unlike Clive. He must truly love her but she's not interested. She was still in her thoughts when he spoke up. 'It's just a piece of fabric and harmless.' 'I know but I don't need it. And please do me a favor and stop following me because I’m never going to feel anything for you.' 'I don't want you to feel anything for me Grissel. My love is enough for both of us.' 'I said I don’t want you Henry and if you love me as you claim you do, you would stop pursuing me because stalking me only hurts.' She responded and felt the pain in his demeanor. But she cared less. Grissel walked away from him and stopped the next cab. She was taking a walk that afternoon after Clive left to clear her mind. In the cab, she saw Henry driving with speed overtaking their cab. *** Tom had his hands on his head pacing in his hotel room the whole time he went back in and locked Stella outside. He turned on his phone and the first person he thought of calling was Melisa. Tom remembered her mentioning his marriage was a sham. That made him think she knew all along and said nothing. He dropped his phone and hissed. The anger consuming him made him punch the wardrobe. He bruised his knuckles. 'Why would she do this to me, when I've done nothing but defend her all the time? What should I tell my friends and family?' He sat on the floor and his eyes fell on his wrist watch. Then he remembered the first night and even before they started dating Grissel mentioned she had a past which she wasn’t sure she was ready to talk about. Tom knew he was the one who told her to leave it in the past as she seemed not ready to talk about it. He fumed once more and hit his leg against the bed. ‘God give me wisdom.’ He asked himself continuously what his wife would have done in his situation. Tom who wasn’t really a fun of prayer, knelt down and prayed that morning. He lasted for just four minutes and wiped his teary face. Though he told Stella he wasn't leaving that morning, he smiled mischievously and quickly hurried up with his dressing. Stella was hoping he would join her in the plane and luckily he came after some few hours. 'You changed your mind?' 'Yeah I figured whatever answers I need right now, I can't get them from here so I decided to go back home.' 'Good, I saved you a drink.' 'Thanks.' He grabbed his seat next to Stella and stared at the soft drink. 'You know I'm always here whenever you need to talk.' 'Stella, can we just enjoy this flight in peace.' 'Okay,' she dropped her glass and placed her head on his shoulders. Tom glanced at her weirdly but his mind was occupied with lots of ideas popping up with regards to his wife. Though he was furious, he still believes this is one big drama which will end soon. He smooched her hands while the plane took off. That moment, he needed comfort but Tom also knew taking advantage of her would only make things worse. He smooched his ring and wiped his eyes with his other hand while Stella was in closed eyes. ***** Grissel waited at the airport to pick Tom up but she was told he didn't get on that plane as it got canceled for the next day. She wasn't surprised Tom hadn't called to tell her not to come as it's obvious he was still mad at her. So she got into her car and drove off. 'At least I have one more night before I let go.' She hit her air bag and sped off. Tom and Stella had a few stops when their plane developed a fault so they had to change flights. They came out of the arrival area just when Grissel got tired of waiting and left. Stella asked him to join her car so her driver could drop him home. He looked around and somehow was hoping his wife would be around. 'Looking for your wife?' 'Huh? No, she's not even aware our flight delayed.' 'She must have left after waiting for hours.' 'Serves her right.' He replied helping the driver with directions to his place. 'What did you say?' 'I said, let’s get into the car.' He replied once more with a sad tone. Tom’s head was spinning as if he drowned himself in a liter of vodka at the same time he had a million thoughts on his mind. For what seemed like three hours, they got to his place. The driver helped him with his luggage inside as he had his own key. Grissel is an early bird and a deep sleeper as well. He hesitated at the door before climbing the stairs. Tom knew she wasn't going to hear him no matter the loud noise from down stairs. He dragged his luggage upstairs. Tom paused at the door and watched her sleep peacefully. He walked closer but wasn't so sure why he came home in the first place. Watching his wife sleep soundly made him think she's capable of anything. 'If one could sleep this peaceful as if they don't have skeletons in their wardrobe, then I'm not safe.' Tom whispered to himself and picked up the pillow. He fumbled with his hands and held it firmly. Before he knew what he was doing Grissel was shouting. 'You are su.. ffoc... ating me.' She became breathless under the pillow. Tom became rigid with the pillow. 'Stop it you are hurting me.' That was the last yell he heard and fell on the floor when he realized Grissel was not responding neither was she yelling. ***TBC
10 Jun 2018 | 07:22
hmmmmmm, bad judgement
10 Jun 2018 | 13:37
this not good tom
10 Jun 2018 | 16:10
Oh my what did you do
10 Jun 2018 | 17:43
very bad of u Tom
10 Jun 2018 | 18:38
did you just kill her or what drama did you just performed now?
10 Jun 2018 | 20:00
eh eh, hope its not wat ayam thinking
11 Jun 2018 | 07:58
Tom dat really bad
11 Jun 2018 | 10:11
EPISODE 20 After a second of no sound he looked back at his wife and because the light in the room was off he couldn’t see if she could move. When there was no sign of moving he hurriedly rushed to the bed side and shook her up in a heartbeat. His heart was racing when Grissel didn’t say a word. ‘What did I do?’ He lamented regrettably. 'Tom you nearly ki...lled me.' She said innocently after two seconds of silence and rubbed the sleep off her face to be sure it was him. ‘Thank God.’ He murmured to himself and dropped back on the floor with a heavy sigh. Tom was relieved he didn’t go overboard. ‘Love are you drunk?’ Grissel asked curiously with a frown. ‘You could have killed me with th…….’ 'Shut your mouth Grissel,’ He snarled cutting her off. ‘I should shut up when you just tried to kill me.’ Grissel complained still at her sleeping position. ‘You deserve it Grissel.’ He tried to look back at her but he changed his mind as his eyes were already puffy. As if he didn’t want Grissel to find out he was crying. Tom quickly pulled the side of the sheet on the bed where he sat and wiped his face gently. 'Okay, that's new.' She said holding on to her throat with tears marking her cheeks. Tom had the pillow he tried using to suffocate his wife earlier in between his legs and lost in his thoughts. Grissel turned on the bed side lamp. 'Turn that off. I don't want to see your lying face.' He glared at her while she turned off the light. His thunderous voice jerked her out of her own thoughts too. 'Is this about me not calling you or picking you up.' In as much as he wants to hear her side of the story, he couldn’t help it but nearly became what he had been working on for years. '' 'Don't Tom me?' 'Alright I'm Sorry. How was your trip?' She turned off the light. Tom heaved a sign of pain and glanced at his wife in the dark. The stray lights from the window brightened her face. She looked so innocent sitting on the bed. Tom thought for a while and took off his gaze. 'Are you married Grissel?' He finally asked. 'What? Of course we are married.' She wasn't sure where he was going with that. 'Do you have kids?' Grissel’s heart jumped into her stomach this time. She felt her past crawling up to her. She was quiet and kept stealing glances with her face down. 'I will ask again. Were you married before you met me?' Grissel became pale all of a sudden and shook her head before realizing Tom probably can’t see her nodding. She knew it was time to talk so she turned on the light and pulled her bedside drawer. Without a word she handed Tom a file. 'I asked you a question not a file.' He snarled again when her hand hit him and he turned around to find her handing him a file. 'I know but just read it.’ She said calmly. ‘There's a pen in there you can decide our fate after you read.' Tom glared at her and saw the tears running down her cheeks. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to care so he opened the file and scanned through. 'I don't want anything else, just your signature.' She further said. Tom growled. 'So it's true. Grissel you have killed me.' He clasped his head with his hands tightly. She panicked and coiled back against the bedpost. ‘I tho..ught I was t..he r..ight thing.’ She stuttered. ‘The right thing you say?’ What happened to our vows?’ He raged. ‘Forgive me Tom.’ She muttered when she realized she had nothing else to say. ‘How dare you guilt trip me with your sorry stunts?’ He continued to yell. ‘What do I tell my family?’ Julia had so much trust in you.’ ‘She a..lread..y f..ound out.’ She mumbled. ‘OMG, where did I go wrong with you? Was it wrong to love you this much?’ Tom’s anger was out of place and Grissel was constantly moving away from him. ‘Tom please…….’ She covered her ears with her hands to keep his thunderous voice out of her head. ‘Please what? You are sorry? I should forgive you?’ What do you take me for?’ He kept yelling non-stop. ‘You ne…ver yelle...d at me Tom.’ She finally said after there was a few seconds of silence. ‘And I would do that again if you don’t start talking.’ He hit his hand on the bed with his eyes glowing with rage. Grissel knew that moment her husband wasn’t joking. She cleared her throat. ‘Tom I didn’t mean to hurt you.’ ‘So it just happened? For Christ sake Grissel, this is marriage not some child’s play.’ ‘You think I don’t know that?’ She cried. ‘Tom I don’t know what you’ve heard but I..…’ ‘If you dare lie to me again, I would become what you feared most.’ He interrupted angrily. Grissel shifted away uncomfortably. ‘I never lied to you, I only didn’t want to involve you in my mess.’ Tom glared at her and couldn’t stand her tears. He tried to stand up and realized Grissel was scared of him. He breathed heavily and sat back probably to figure out how to make her talk. ‘I’m hurt Grissel but I’m also already involved so start talking before I smack your face.’ He decided to go soft on her. 'What difference would it make considering you tried to strangle me even when you haven't heard my side of the story? 'You are married Grissel and it’s not funny.' He raised his voice at her again. 'I know, that is why I need you to sign the annulment papers and we are done here.' Tom picked the file from where he dropped it earlier. He flipped it page by page as he obviously wasn’t making any heads way with her. Tom was tempted to sign but paused and swallowed the bitterness in his throat. ‘Why should I sign when we aren’t even married in the first place?’ “We are married Tom.” He wiped his face and went mute for two minutes. 'You said earlier, I haven't heard your side of the story.' She nodded wiping her eyes with the sheets. 'My other marriage was true but I don’t think you want to carry that cross.' She quickly said to avoid him raising his voice at her. 'You won’t do this to me again.’ He scowled. ‘Ever since I knew you, you always seem to run away from your mess.’ ‘I’m not running away Tom, I just feel whatever we have right now is over so there’s no point telling you.’ Tom looked at her for a second and calmed down. ‘You know why I'm being calm here when you obviously deserve to be thrown out?' 'You still love me.' She responded. 'You don’t deserve my love anymore so what I need now is to understand what is going on.' He yelled this time scattering the files on the floor. Grissel realized he was trying his best to contain the situation and she on the other hand doesn’t have anything to lose either. She closed her eyes for a while and opened it. 'Okay.' She sobbed. 'Lisa warned me and i didn't listen.' He kept hissing and muttering. 'Tom you should know I never loved you less.' 'You call this love? A love that hurts.' 'Tom, I tried?' 'Well you should have tried harder.' He tried to get up but sat down again. 'You remember I told you I wasn’t an angel and you said whatever i wasn’t willing to share you can..' 'Wait.' 'What?' She sounded confused. 'You were going to push the blame on me?’ ‘No, that wasn’t my attention Tom.’ She said weakly with a sad tone. ‘It’s okay, I know I told you I could wait until you were ready.' He concluded. 'You remember that?' She asked with a little excitement. 'Of course I do, that was the time we had our first kiss.' Tom hadn’t noticed he was calm. 'I was going to tell you but somehow I just wanted to forget my past and move on because I was tired of leaving with my shadows.' Tom picked himself from the floor and sat on the bed. He saw the pain in her eyes and it broke his heart. Grissel examined her husband and realized he wasn’t angry anymore. He was handling the whole truth better than she imagined. "Love" She called soothingly. Grissel was hoping he wouldn’t yell again hearing her call him Love. Tom turned and faced her. She held his hands briefly but he let go. "Please forgive me, I know it won't fix things this time but I'm ready to open up now." Tom looked at her, bitterness filling his throat. He was struggling to be himself at the same time he was hurting. "I should have just told you why I was holding back when we first met. ‘ She swallowed hard. ‘Trust me, I didn't want you to find out on your own.' 'On my own or you didn't want me to find out at all.' Tom was surprised he was calm and able to look into her eyes now. “I can't promise to make this right for us but I love you.” She wasn’t sure what she was blabbing anymore as her mind was roaming with millions of thoughts. 'Grissel, you don't get it. There's no us anymore.' He swallowed hard. 'I can understand and I won't stop you. Just sign the papers.' It was hard for her to even mutter that. Grissel doesn’t want to lose Tom but she also knew he has suffered too much. He glanced at her with so much pain registered on his face. Tom saw her eyes filled with tears and he hates to see her cry. 'So that is it. You give up when trouble comes your way.' He found himself asking after a minute of silence. 'I don't want to give up on us Tom but if that is what you want, I can leave because I've done enough damage to our marriage already.' Grissel cried once more. He closed his eyes after trying several times to look into her face that moment she was crying but he just couldn't bring himself to watching her cry. 'Is this marriage even legal Grissel?' He managed not to raise his voice. 'Yes, it is.' She said quivering. Tom stood up and left the room without another word. He went downstairs and fetched her a drink. "Love?" He called out without anger this time. Seems like he remembered why he came back home in the first place. Grissel raised up her head from the bed and he handed her the drink. 'I think you would need this if you are going to open up an old wound.' 'Thank you Tom.' She was surprised how he quickly changed his demeanor and then wiped her face with the back of her hands. She took the glass of Vodka with shaky hands and gulped the drink in the glass at once. 'Easy, I have more here if you want.' He raised the bottle of Vodka in the air. 'Great,’ she dropped the glass on the bed and coiled pulling the sheets to cover herself. For a whole five minutes nobody spoke. Grissel’s brain was hot and Tom was just staring at her playing with her eyes. 'So what really happened to you that you hate yourself and your children?' 'Children?' She opened her eyes as she kept closing and opening it earlier. 'Yes, your husband gave me a file which said you bore him twins.' 'So he was the one who reached out to you.’ She snarled. ‘Yeah, few minutes after we spoke this morning.’ She let out a sad sigh. ‘He was right but I’m not so sure if he told you I was responsible for the other child's demise.' 'You lost another child?' As if he forgot about the happenings earlier, he reached out for her hands which were quivering. For some reason he was being calm. She sighed heavily and frowned. 'He was five months and I left them both at the back of my car seat and went for a party with Ella.' 'Ella?' Tom was obviously not sure he was up for this. He picked up the bottle on the floor and opened it. He shook the bottle and gulped the content and offered the rest to his wife. 'Here, you will need more of this.' Grissel grabbed the bottle and gulped down. 'You mean Stella Medt.' She nodded.' I reached out to her online when I got admission and was told by the school council she was going to be my roommate. ‘You two knew each other before you got here?’ ‘Yeah, just online for a year but we eventually met when I got to the school.’ She smirked. 'So you were friends?' 'More than friends until that night in Connecticut.' 'The night you lost your child?' 'Yeah, she just disappeared while her brother locked me up in York state penitentiary for a whole seven months.' 'I'm sorry.' He wiped his own face. 'Don't feel sorry for me because I deserved it. I let this happen to me.' 'Yes you did and have paid with your entire life for the past years. You locked it up and moved on Grissel.' 'I did but it seems I'm going to lose everything all over again once he finds me.' 'But I'm here with you Grissel. He would have to go through me.' 'Tom were you even listening to me.' 'I am listening to you and it doesn't matter when you don't owe him anything.' 'I killed his son and that is something a father doesn't come out of easily.' 'But I also lost a child with you but we worked it out.’ ‘A child you didn’t know existed.’ She frowned. ‘I’m sure that kind of pain is different.’ ‘That's rather unfortunate but it was an accident.' 'An avoidable one Tom. I was young and married. But I wanted to have fun as well.' 'It wasn’t a crime to want to have fun after nine months with a big belly and finally giving birth to two human beings. That must have been a lot to carry.' 'Don’t feel pity for me Tom.' 'I'm not but you were wrong to have left your young children in a car alone.' She sighed heavily and tapped her forehead. 'They were not alone. Stella got someone else to be with them as we didn’t want their nanny’s to snitch on us.’ She swallowed hard. ‘She left them alone to come find us when they were crying.' Tom hit his head hard. ‘Why did you marry someone like that when you knew he was that strict?’ ‘I loved him and I thought he loved me too until I killed his child.’ 'Grissel but that wasn't your fault if you got someone to look after them.' ‘It was since they were my responsibility and I should have made sure they were fine and unharmed instead I went to one useless party to drink. Tell me who does that?’ She was fuming with tears rolling down her face. ‘Calm down. I still think you were wrongfully blamed.’ 'No one believed me, not the police nor the father of my children whom I loved back then. It took Andre who came visiting a client at the prison.’ 'Andre? Now I understand why you don't skip work. You owe him your life.' 'More than that. I paid every penny he spent on me since he met me at York, got me out and paid my fees to start my law school here in Seattle until Jessy and Adam took me in.' ‘And Andre didn’t touch you?’ He suddenly asked. ‘Touch me? How?’ ‘You know what I mean Grissel.’ He gave her a weird look. ‘Really, that’s what you could think of right now?’ ‘Don’t blame me, you are beautiful so I just want to be sure I don’t have two men to deal with.’ ‘Andre was a God sent.’ ‘Don’t tell me he is the second Christ we’ve been waiting for.’ Tom found himself making a joke. She smacked him gently. ‘He just happened to be in a fix and as a first year law student who shouldn’t know half the things I knew back in York I gave him clues to a case I overheard him struggling with when he came to visit his client and he decided to help me so I wouldn’t waste my talent in there.' ‘You still haven’t answered my question.’ ‘No, he never for once made advances. He was married and as I said earlier I just had to pay back with working at his firm.’ Tom sighed and smiled. 'So Stella introduced you to this man.' He further asked after a few seconds. 'They were inseparable cousins until I came in between them. When I was sent to jail I heard she left town until the day we met at the ice-cream shop.' 'Then I'm guessing you two have a lot to talk about.' 'We don't because I'm done with that family though she was helpful at the last minute getting his brother to annul the marriage, I don’t want anything to do with them anymore.’ 'Stella got him to annul your marriage?' 'Yes, he didn't want us annulling the marriage as punishment for what I did to our kids but with the help of Andre and Adam that night before our wedding I understood Stella made him sign the annulment papers.' 'It all makes sense now. I mean why Clive saw you with him and your mood during the wedding and after.' 'Clive?’ She thought about the incident that morning then brushed the thought of how he would react to it off quickly. ‘Yeah, the friend you don’t like.’ ‘He was just comforting me when it seemed I won finally. Andre has been a part of my life from the beginning and a week to my wedding, I knew I had to tell someone so I choose Adam who did so well finding Stella.' ‘You could have trusted me and I wouldn’t hesitate waiting until you get your divorce.’ ‘I would be doing your sister a favor and I didn’t want her mocking me all my life. I was hurting Tom and not knowing if I was going to end up your wife the next day was eating me up.’ ‘Was that part of the reason why you were so lost in church?’ ‘I was confused from the previous night and praying he doesn’t show up.’ ‘And I took that out on you.’ He muttered regrettably. ‘That’s okay, you couldn’t have known and I equally was at fault.’ She clarified. 'I'm so sorry Grissel, you went through all these so young, alone and naïve on a foreign land and here I was yelling at you.' 'I've put all that behind me and moved on with you.' ‘Come here,’ He pulled her into his arms. Grissel hesitated for a second and released herself into his warm arms. ‘Tom, if you leave me I don’t think I can continue living.’ She said softly and painfully. He pulled her out of his arms quickly. ‘Don’t say that. Your daughter would still need you.’ Tom took off his gaze as he knew it was a sensitive topic and Grissel shifted herself to the far end of the bed. 'What for Tom? I would just ruin her life besides I'm not sure if I ever want to see her.' 'Grissel you are hurting, I get that but we need to face this man so you can properly move on.' 'I don't want to. After you let me go I would relocate again.' 'Who said I'm letting you go?' He asked shifting closer to her again. 'You are not?' She asked with a surprise tone. 'After I met with your ex-husband this morning i was devastated but I remembered Stella said something when we met her at that ice-cream shop.' 'You married a good one.' 'Exactly, I asked her if she was sure after your ex-husband left.’ 'If she told you everything why did you make me talk about it again.' She frowned. 'She didn't Grissel. When I asked her what she meant this morning, she smiled and repeated the same thing.' 'That’ sounds like my Ella. She always got my back.’ ‘I nearly stayed back but I knew he must have reached out to you.’ Tom stared at her. And I was worried about you.’ ‘So you came home after that to kill me.' 'I had no idea what came over me but then I remembered you wanted to tell me about your past when we met.' Tom skipped the whole prayer part because his wife would make it her life mission to laugh at him. 'How you felt that moment was exactly how my ex felt when he lost his son by the hands of the woman he loved and I completely understood him when he left me to rot in jail and denied me my other child.' 'You still love him?' Grissel paused for some seconds. 'No, he was my first but now just a memory I want to forget.' ‘And your daughter?’ ‘Tom please, Shirley belongs to her dad.’ ‘That’s a nice name.’ He smiled holding his hands up to his cheeks when he noticed she wasn’t comfortable talking about her daughter. ‘Shirley is my mom’s middle name.’ He gasped as if he just remembered something. ‘Does your mom know about any of these?’ ‘No, she would have killed me before our paths even crossed.’ He laughed all of a sudden. ‘That’s funny. If she had killed you, I wouldn’t have met you Grissel.’ ‘Maybe my ghost.’ She replied. ‘I know you don’t want to talk about Shirley but she’s a part of your life and if we are going to give our marriage another chance you need to let me in.’ She sighed and swallowed hard. ‘Shirley is fine where she is Tom. I don’t want my presence to confuse her.’ 'I love you Grissel and this changes nothing.' He assured her holding her hands giving up on the Shirley topic. 'Once he finds me, he will destroy me.' She announced worriedly. 'We still got each other and that is enough.' 'You say that as if it's easy.' She said sadly. 'I'm sure if he wanted to torment you he wouldn't have come to me.' 'Tom, he called me when you were away. I turned off my phone the whole week.' 'I guess he was behind that wrong number Mike wasn't able to trace.' 'Yeah, and coming to you was to make you leave me after you find out.' 'Well he failed, I love you now more than I ever did.' 'How is that even possible after all I kept from you?' 'Coming to think of it, I wouldn't have told you about it if I were faced with those circumstances so I understand.’ ‘I wished Amy had kept your child, it would’ve been easier to understand why you are forgiving me so easily.’ Grissel was in deep thoughts. ‘You think too much Grissel. I love you and that’s not going away anytime soon.’ ‘I’m sure it’s just lust. It would blow over soon and you would come to terms with betrayal and the pain. He drew closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. ‘I’m not your ex-husband to hold on to grudges for long.’ ‘Tom you don’t forgive that easily, I saw what you did to that poor girl.’ Grissel forced a smile. ‘And then there’s your sister you haven’t forgiven yet.’ ‘I was all that before but our prayers together has changed me.’ Grissel laughed quietly now. ‘I live in this house with you and I remember praying alone all the time while you snore.’ ‘Okay, then your prayers are working.’ He quickly said. ‘Tom I won’t let you trade your happiness for me. I can’t forgive myself knowing that you are unhappy.’ He shook his head as he doesn’t know how best to convince her. ‘Do you still remember my vows that we wrote together?’ ‘Yes, they were just words which I ruined that day. Can’t you see everywhere i go, things don’t work out.’ ‘Don’t say that Grissel? We were both two imperfect beings bonded together. Our marriage wasn’t a mistake.’ She grinned with a sob. ‘You just stole the third line of my vows.’ ‘I’m glad you noticed so let’s hold on to the vows.’ He tried to smile but had to force it. ‘We can make this work Grissel.' 'You sure about this?' She stopped crying now and the vodka seemed to be kicking in. Grissel knew she wouldn’t win that evening. Her head was already spinning as she has a million thoughts going through her mind. ‘You probably don’t understand how I could possibly let an issue as big as this go easily but trust me, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on my way back.’ He clarified. ‘So you decided to stay with a woman with another man’s child?’ ‘What’s so wrong about that Grissel?’ ‘Tom, this was one of the things you hate.’ He scratched his head. ‘I know but I don’t want to lose you Grissel.’ ‘And I can’t watch you compromise all the time.’ ‘Marriage is about sacrifice and if this is the sacrifice I have to make then so be it besides Shirley wouldn’t be staying with us so whatever my reservations were are not necessary now.’ Grissel gave out a slight sound. ‘Hmmm.’ Tom understood her concern. ‘I know someday you might want to have your daughter with you and that’s fine too.’ He managed to say and saw a grin appear on his wife’s face. ‘I hope you would still be in this bed when I make up in the morning.’ She said finally wiping the stray tears on her cheeks. 'You know what, let’s drink up and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day for us to figure this out.' He felt waves of heat burning him. Then he remembered he was still in his attire. Tom pulled off his red shirt, leaving his chest bare. She stared at his chest. ‘You run out of underwear or Ella stole them.’ ‘Oh this,’ he pointed to his chest, ‘I forgot to put one on as I wasn’t in my right mind this morning.’ ‘I understand you.’ She said staring at his chest smiling weirdly. ‘I can start with forgiving Lisa.’ He muttered when Grissel hasn’t asked him a question. ‘All the best.’ She replied staring at him. He grabbed the bottle, drew closer to her and cuddled her for a while then they drank to the last drop and even had the sanity to meet as couples. Tom was however surprised at a point his wife could drink that much alcohol but it was also clear there's little he knew about his wife. Before sleep took over, she told him about his families reaction when Jessy told them about her past and that it was the reason for the accident. Grissel was surprised he apologized for Julia and Jessy’s behavior. She felt he was being too nice so she clutched on his arms thinking he might sneak out before the next day. *** Grissel threw her legs around the bed. That was their normal way of waking each other up. Her arms followed until she felt the bed empty. She finally turned around and realized Tom was not there. Fear gripped her but his short and shirt from last night were still lying on the floor. Grissel calmed herself and stood up from the bed covering herself with the sheets. 'Tom.' She called out standing in the middle of the room and then walked to the bathroom. There was no sign of her husband. She rushed downstairs in a hurry as if someone who was coming down with something. There was no sign of him in the kitchen either. Everything was just as she left it. Grissel rushed back upstairs as if she was imaging things. She flipped the wardrobe open with just one hand and reality dawned on her. Some of his clothing’s are gone. 'No Tom. You promised you wouldn't leave me.' She sobbed falling on the floor. A little voice asked her if she had already checked outside. She quickly pulled the sheets and rose up. When she got to the hall, Grissel realized his car keys were not there. The clock ticked in front of her and it was eleven in the morning. The front door was slightly opened exactly how Tom usually forgets to close it when he's so mad at her in the mornings. She rushed out, checked the compound and went out of the gate. Grissel stood on the road waving all cars passing by. Everyone who passed by thought she was deranged. When there was no sign of him out there and the passerby’s were giving her looks she quickly went back in and remembered she hasn't called his line yet. She picked up her phone from the couch and dialed his number. 'Of course, he's not available.' She hissed and the tears which dried up on her face earlier with a promise not to fall anytime soon begun to build up. She called his friends and even Clive she doesn't really like. Grissel dialed a few more numbers but they all haven't heard from him that morning. 'Aunty, hav..e you he.. ard Tom.' She called Julia next. 'Not yet, shouldn't he be at work.' Grissel forgot that day was still a working day but Julia had no idea she called his office and was told he hasn't shown up yet. Grissel quickly hanged up without another word. The next thing she thought of was 911. 'You've called 911, what is your emergency.' She heard that repeatedly and still kept the phone to her ears. 'Are you there?' The voice behind the call asked. 'My husband is missing.' Grissel forgot a person has to be missing for at most forty-eight hours before the police can declare him missing but she didn't care and hasn't come to terms with the fact that Tom couldn't handle the truth and may have decided to leave. 'Madam, do you mind coming down to the station.' 'I said my husband is missing.' She yelled. 'Okay, relax we will come to you. How long has it been?' 'A few hours I guess.' She said sitting on the floor this time. 'What is your name Madam?' 'Are you helping me or not?' She snarled scaring the 911 call receiver. 'Calm down. May we have your address?' 'Just look for my Tom and stop asking questions.' The vodka from last night seem to still be at work. 'Alright, his name is Tom. Did you two have a fight?' The lady on the call asked gently. Grissel took the phone off her ears while still in tears and hanged up. The mention of fight might have reminded her Tom would never leave if it were their normal fights but she knew this time it was betrayal so he probably left. She hit the phone so hard on the floor after crying for a few minutes. She seemed out for about three minutes and felt a tap on her shoulder. 'Love.' Tom was squatting in front of her. 'You are still here.' She asked still with her eyes close. 'Of course, I'm here.' He noticed she has been crying so he pulled her up gently. 'You didn't leave.' 'No, I sent the heavy dirty clothing’s to the laundry as we discussed the last time before I travelled and I have decided to stay home for a few days.' 'Your things were gone.' 'I just told you I sent them to the laundry including your stuff. What is going on here?' 'Your phone was not reachable and your car keys were gone.' 'I sent my car to the workshop on my way back as it developed some problems.' 'You didn't leave a note.' She kept asking still holding on to their hug form earlier. 'My phone was off since last night, I thought I had it in my car so I could call you once i set off but I guess it's still in my short from last night.' 'Tom, you left me all alone. I had to call everyone looking for you. Why would you do that to me? I know you are disappointed in me but yo........’ 'Would you stop it now?' Tom yelled and disengaged from the hug. He was controlling his anger when she couldn't stop asking questions. Grissel looked at him and hugged him again. 'Don’t yell at me.’ She cried. ‘Shhhh. I won’t yell again.’ He promised. That was one of the first promises he made to her when he told her about his anger issues on their first date. ‘I was just scared of being alone all over again.' She sobbed once more. 'It was all just in your head Grissel. I didn't leave you a note but I made brunch knowing you wouldn't wake up early because of the alcohol from last night.' 'You cooked.' She asked still in his arms. 'Spaghetti, it's in the microwave.' 'Of course, the only food you knew how to make.' She whispered. Tom pulled her out of his arms. 'I told you last night, I was not going to leave you. You should start believing that there are still some few good men out there.' 'And my husband is one of the few.' She smiled for the first time that morning.' 'Yes, I don't regret marrying you.' He wiped the tears pouring from her eyes with his palms. 'You are God sent Tom.' 'Oh, I passed by church.' She pinched herself and made a slight painful whisper. 'Ouch someone wake me up. My husband went to church without being dragged there.' 'I didn't plan it but I took a cab as I left my car at the workshop but met this pregnant woman struggling with her son about twenty years looking for a cab. I got down as i was only a few blocks away. I paid for their ride to use my cab then I saw a church upfront.' 'Is this where we start a Charity Organization.' 'Oh come on. I do give Grissel.' 'Only to your family.' 'You have a point but I'm tired of standing and hungry too.' 'Sorry, have a seat so I get our salty spaghetti.' 'How did you know it's salty?' 'I know my husband's capabilities.' 'I love you Grissel but would love to eat now so we can call everyone back and explain to them why you freaked out.' 'You are right.' She kissed him and walked away pulling the sheets with her. 'Your breath still stink of vodka.' He told her. 'Thanks, I will take care of it right away.' Tom watched as she struggled with the sheets. 'Should I get you something comfortable to put on?' He asked her while she walked away from him. 'No, I'm okay in this besides I'm up for a fifth round from last night because I'm still unclad.' She teased from the kitchen door. 'Of course, you are.' He whispered to himself and smiled. He picked up his wife’s Phone from where she threw it earlier and adjusted the battery. Tom dialed her sister’s number. ‘Happy birthday Lisa.’ He said immediately she picked up. ‘Tom?’ Melisa at the other end of the call seemed confused. ‘Yes, enjoy yo….’ She cut him off. ‘My birthday was weeks ago.’ ‘Emmm, I probably mixed up the dates.’ ‘That’s alright. Maybe you should buy me a drink this evening.’ ‘I can’t right now, I promised my wife I would stay home.’ ‘Was that why she called everyone earlier freaking out? Aunty has been trying your line.’ ‘I went out without leaving a note.’ ‘You must have learnt that from Aunty.’ Melisa told him. ‘Tell her, I’m safe and home.’ Tom informed. ‘Alright, Ha…..’ Tom hanged up before she could conclude her sentence. *****TBC
12 Jun 2018 | 08:29
nyc one
12 Jun 2018 | 15:29
wow nice 1
12 Jun 2018 | 15:48
tom for the first time you act like a man
12 Jun 2018 | 17:09
good,,,, now dat dia is no more secrets btw dem, dey can both stand togeda to fyt d ex husband
12 Jun 2018 | 19:37
Not bad
12 Jun 2018 | 22:12
EPISODE 21 Grissel has been extremely happy these past week. She laughs at the little thing her husband says and she hasn’t been her moody self since her truth came out. Though Tom was glad about her new behavior, he couldn’t help but worry she was hurting all over again. ‘Is everything okay?’ ‘Yes Tom. Why did you ask?’ Grissel continued knotting the edges of his tie. ‘Because you are fixing my tie.’ So? Can’t a woman fix her husband’s tie anymore?’ ‘Grissel you hate fixing my tie and you are humming my favorite song which you dislike.’ ‘There you go.’ She stopped humming the song and patted him on the chest. She reached for his suitcase from the couch and dusted it with her morning gown. ‘I will see you in the evening.’ ‘Grissel?’ He called out. ‘Yes, wait.’ She rushed to the kitchen and came back with his lunch box. ‘Egg sauce and plan…’ ‘Plantain for lunch. I get it but are you alright.’ “Tom I’m just one happy and lucky woman.” ‘Okay but you would tell me if there’s an issue right?’ ‘No more secrets and you are late for work.’ She replied grinning. ‘You are right.’ He grabbed the lunch box and rushed to the door and came back giving her a kiss. ‘Be home before seven.’ Tom waved her and left hurriedly. *** 'Hey, I'm hitting the road. See you on Monday.' Tom peeped into Stella's office. 'Wait up, happy birthday.' She picked up a bottle of wine from her table drawer. 'What?' Tom seems to have forgotten it was his birthday. 'Anna told me today is your birthday.’ She said and snapped her fingers. Anna and some few workers he thought had left after the hectic day, they had trying to save their jobs came in with a cake and wine glasses. 'What is all this?' He asked looking towards Stella's direction. 'Don't look at me?' Stella said smiling. 'But you planned this?' He questioned. 'No, we did.' Jones walked towards him. 'Yes we all did Tom. You did well standing up for us today and it's your birthday at least drinking with your coworkers after work isn't against the company's rules.' One of his colleagues replied. 'Actually it is, Steven.' Tom responded to his other colleague's question. 'I guess the boss here can pardon as for tonight.' Anna asked looking at Stella who hasn't stopped smiling since Tom came in. 'That's fine Tom, so far as no one drives home drunk.' She finally stopped smiling. 'Cheers.' Jones popped the champagne he took from Stella earlier startling everyone. *** ‘Aunty that chicken is for Tom.' Melisa cautioned. 'I don't see him here Lisa. I can't come to a party and inhale chicken flavor when the host is nowhere to be found.' 'We don't call it host but celebrant.' Melisa teased. 'Whatever, he will come and meet empty plates.' Julia picked up another chicken. 'Your aunty is right you know.' Jessy chipped in. Grissel got his family and friends together for a surprise party. 'Grissel, did you call him?' Adam asked. 'Yes, he's on his way.' She replied with a sad tone and walked away to the kitchen knowing she just lied. Grissel started crying as soon as she was out of sight. She sat on the kitchen floor sobbing. 'Not again Tom.' 'You lied out there.' Melisa said standing at the door. She quickly wiped her face and stood up. 'Do you need anything?' Grissel asked pretending not to have heard what she said. 'He is not coming right?' Melisa asked again. She paused wiping her face and sat on the chair abruptly. 'I don't know Lisa. I did all these for him and he's not even picking up my calls.' She sobbed. 'Did you call his friends?' 'They are all here and haven't been able to reach him either.' 'He's probably still at work.' 'I doubt because I told him to come home before seven and his office line wasn't going through earlier.' 'I'm sorry about my brother's behavior but I'm sure he's probably with one of his coworkers celebrating.' 'Don't apologize for him?' She stood up towards the door and signaled Austin who was standing with his friends by the stairs. Austin hurriedly walked over. 'Call your girlfriend and tell her to allow my husband come home.' Grissel said angrily. 'Girlfriend?' He queried confused. 'Yes, Stella.' 'I told you I'm not interested in Stella.' 'Whatever, just call her already?' She snapped while Melisa looked on. Austin and Stella has been on a few dates but he wasn't so attracted to her. She's not answering, he was saying when Stella said Hello. 'Let me speak to Tom.' He didn't finish before Stella passed the phone on. The others were done with the drinking and was long gone but Tom walked Stella to her car and they stood there chatting and lost track of time. 'Man, what is it?' He said immediately he took the phone from Stella after she told her it was Austin. 'Your wife is furious as you just ruined your party.' 'Which party?' He asked and gasped as if he just figured it out. 'Just come home already.' Austin hanged up. 'He's on his way. Do you need anything else?' 'Yes, tell Clive to stop smiling at me else he would receive another wine bottle on his head.' She said quietly and Austin left without making much of what she said. Melisa kept staring at her moving about helplessly. 'You know, I'm here to listen, if Tom is not treating you right.' 'I'm fine Lisa. He probably didn't figure it out this morning when I told him to come home before seven.' 'Okay, let me help you warm up the rest of the food as he's on his way already.' 'Thank you.' She feigned a grin. Tom dropped the call and couldn't stop hissing. *** Julia couldn't stop chewing on the chicken so they decided to have their starter while they wait for Tom. It took an hour before his car made the screeching sound. 'Finally!' Clive exclaimed. Grissel gave him an ugly look. She was angry at Austin when he brought Clive to her house after she specifically told him not to. 'Let me get the gate.' Grissel muttered. 'I will get it, just relax.' Adam offered. Within some few minutes he came in looking scruffily dressed. 'About time.' Julia screened him with her eyes. 'I apologize for keeping you all waiting. I had some emergency at work.' He said walking towards where Grissel sat while shaking his friend’s one after the other. 'Isn’t that the same excuse they give always?' Julia teased. 'As if they have a manual for it.' Jessy chipped in while Adam shook his head. Grissel stood up when he was almost closer. 'Let me get a few more of these.' She pointed to the chicken while Tom stood half way with a foolish look on. He followed her when she walked away towards the kitchen. 'Hey, hold up.' He said rushing after her and disappeared into the kitchen. Grissel wasn't so sure if that was the time to get angry unnecessarily but she focused on what she came to the kitchen for. 'Love.' 'Don't love me?' She snarled. 'I forgot it was my birthday and you didn't give me any clue.' She dropped the spoon loudly in the bowl in front of her. 'Do you mind? I'm really busy here.' She yelled. Julia wasn't so comfortable with that noise. She made an attempt to stand up when Melisa tapped her to relax. 'Okay, but I wasn't with Stella if you care to know.' 'This isn't the time to lie Tom.' 'Maybe i was with her but a few colleagues were around for a surprise party.' 'I don't want to hear it. Just let it go.' 'Okay, but at least smile for the rest of the evening. We have guests and you don't want them thinking I don't care about my wife.' She angrily dropped the ladle louder this time. 'Do you care? At least our guest will be getting the right impression.' 'What is that supposed to mean? I stay out all the time and you never complain. What's the difference this time?' 'Seriously, do you even need to ask me that? We have guests Tom.' 'I'm no magician to know we would be having guests so cut the nagging and let's get out of here.' 'You think I'm nagging.' 'Yes, your silence is uncalled for.’ 'If you think I'm over reacting when you came back dressed this way,' she pointed to his left side of the shirt that was hanging, 'then don't come back at all next time you decide to spend the night with her.' Grissel hadn't noticed their argument was reaching the hall. 'Ooh this is about your friend right?' ‘Ella is the least of my problems right now.’ ‘Okay then you should know, I’m not your ex-husband to be home all the time just because you want me to.’ Tom said without even realizing he just did the one thing he promised last night not to do after Grissel had sat him down to tell him about her previous marriage. Grissel stared sadly at him and finally gave him the leave me alone look and got hold of the chicken bowl from the microwave. She forgot when she placed it in there a few minutes ago, her intention was to get it warmed. Tom realized his mistake so he reached out to her and hugged her tightly whiles she kept struggling to be free from his grasp. 'Do you two want to finish eating yourselves before your guests eat?' They heard Julia by the kitchen door. Seems she was loud at the door so everyone at the table laughed while Tom and Grissel jumped up like kids. 'Aunty, sorry. She's just getting the chicken warmed up.' 'And you were giving her motivation right? Get out of the kitchen.' Julia said jokingly. Grissel feigned a smile and walked away while Tom followed. They had a quiet dinner as everyone was hungry especially Julia who had more than enough. Mike checked the time and prompted his friends it was almost eleven pm. They all stood up excusing themselves from the family while signaling Tom. 'Grissel, thanks for a beautiful meal.' Austin said. She smiled to her friend. 'Yes, you cook well.' Clive interrupted. She nodded with her unhappy face. Clive knew she hadn’t told anyone about their encounter so he was relieved. The guys asked permission to leave and Tom escorted them out. 'Man, what kept you that long.' Clive asked when they got to their car. 'My Coworkers wanted to have a drink up with me. I couldn't exactly say no.' 'Stella or your coworkers.' Mike asked obviously not comfortable. 'Not you too Mike.' Tom cautioned. 'You could have called you know. Grissel was in there alone not knowing where you were.' Austin chipped in. 'Come on, She wasn't alone. My family was there.' 'Trust me Tom, she wasn't so comfortable in there tonight. I don't know if they had a fight before we came but everyone was ignoring her.' 'True, except for Adam who initiated a few conversations?' Clive confirmed Mike's observations. 'I forgot to call and besides I didn't ask her for a party.' 'But you got one and ruined it. That's what women do. So you got to prepare for it anytime.' Austin replied. 'You three should go already. I'm not sure I did anything wrong tonight.' 'Sure, see you around.' Clive shook his hand. ‘Clive you never told us what happened to your head the last time.’ Austin asked suddenly. ‘Emmm that, I told you guys, a lady hit me with a bottle.’ ‘Oh yeah, a wine bottle I guess.’ Austin winced. ‘Yes, spilling all the wine.’ Clive said studying his friend to find out what he knew as he was so sure Grissel hasn’t told anyone yet because he was still alive. If she had, Austin alone would have killed him. ‘I’m sure that woman really despise you.’ Austin said with contempt. The others looked at him with a spill it out look. ‘Austin, do you know something we don’t?’ ‘No Mike, I’m just sympathizing with our friend here.’ He lied and feigned a smile. They all laughed and got into their respective cars. But Austin was holding back. *** Austin drove after Mike had left. He followed Clive until he noticed him behind him and stopped. Clive came out his car while Austin slowed down holding on to his steer. As Clive was walking closer, he started the car and drove off hitting him when Clive tried to give him way to pack. Austin made sure he didn’t give him any permanent injury. He got out of the car and saw him lying on the floor holding his waist. ‘What was that Austin?’ ‘That was for Grissel. The next time you even mention her name you’ll end up at the morgue.’ Clive raised up his head. ‘Who are you to threaten me?’ ‘I’m nobody but I won’t allow you hurt any woman ever again.’ ‘Any woman or just Grissel?’ He shot back. ‘I’m glad you understand me.’ He raged. ‘What is it with you and her anyway?’ He examined his left leg and tried to raise himself up. ‘That’s none of your business.’ Austin flared up. ‘Wait a minute.’ Clive tried to read his facial expression. ‘What?’ Austin asked angrily. ‘You love her too, don’t you?’ Austin took off his gaze quickly. ‘It’s true then.’ He confirmed for him when he was mute. ‘What if it’s true?’ He smirked unawares. ‘Grissel is everything to me. Put that at the back of your mind the next time you try touching her.’ ‘Oh wow. The golden boy has finally agreed he’s in love with his friend’s wife.’ ‘At least I’m better than you Clive.’ ‘Come on, we are both fighting for the same thing.’ ‘No we are not Clive. She’s with somebody else and you need to respect that.’ ‘You know Tom doesn’t deserve her after all the hearts he has broken in the past.’ ‘Grissel made her choice and I think she has made Tom a better man.’ ‘So you want me to stay out of it.’ ‘Yes, or next time, I might hit you hard.’ ‘Have you told Tom?’ ‘You think you would still be alive if he knew. I figured it out myself this evening and you confirmed it when we were leaving.’ He tried to say something but realized Austin was being serious so he closed his mouth. Clive watched him walk back to his car door without another threat. He picked up himself from the floor and could barely walk. *** Grissel was convincing Adam and Jessy to sleep over as it was already late. Melisa and Julia had no problems sleeping over since that wasn't going to be their first time. She was still talking to them as they were seated by the TV. 'That's a beautiful Shirt. I should get one for Adam.' Jessy pointed out which drew everyone's attention to Tom descending from the stairs. 'Yes, you got a good color too. I need one for a friend, did you get it online?' Julia smiled. 'I just saw it on my bed. I guess it’s my birthday gift.' 'Aah, it's obvious Grissel got this.' Adam announced. No one spoke again as Melisa was behind them pressing her phone. Tom noticed they all suddenly went mute when Adam mentioned Grissel. 'Okay,' he sighed, 'I didn't want to do this, but it's about time and I would be blunt here.' He walked up to them and brought the coffee table to where they sat. Julia screened his face to be sure he was okay. ‘Tom, you look scary with that look on your face.’ Adam said. 'Adam forgive me but I'm going to step on your toes and Jessy you two are sleeping over.' 'Is everything alright?' Julia sounded concerned. 'Yes aunty, I can see how you all are ignoring my wife here. She had kids and was married before so what?' Jessy relaxed back and Julia gasped. 'Does that make her any less of a woman? Don't you all have things you regret doing?' He watched them sternly as they all kept mute after their initial reactions while Grissel was already near tears. Melisa's phone burl and she quickly hanged up. 'Sorry, I will turn this off.' She whispered. 'She betrayed your trust and I get that. But I didn't expect you grownups to treat her like an outcast.' Adam scoffed to get his attention. 'You are a good man Tom. Now I can relax knowing our sister here is in good hands.' He shook his shoulder gently. 'Thank you Adam, I heard everything you did for her.' He tried to reach out to Grissel who quickly withdrew her hands. Tom got the message and took off her gaze watching Julia closely. *** 'Sorry son, I handled it wrong.' Julia finally found her voice. 'Yeah you all did.' 'We just wanted her to tell you the truth as it wasn't right keeping you in the dark.' Julia clarified. 'Well she has, so can we put this aside and have our sleep over in peace.' Tom replied. 'Grissel are you okay?' Jessy asked to break her silence. She nodded. 'Sorry I treated you the way I did. I just wanted you to wake up before you lose your marriage and yourself.' 'I get it Jessy and i know you were just looking out for me.' Jessy gestured her and Grissel understood she needs to apologize to Julia again. Anytime she had an argument with Adam, Grissel always gave her that look, now it was her turn to do the needful. She carried herself beside Adam and walked to where Julia sat. 'I'm sorr..y to disapp...ointed you.' She stuttered a little and sat beside her. 'It's okay, I knew you would do the right thing. You just needed a little push.' 'Thank you.' 'Tom, what's the plan now.' 'There’s no plan, and the guy just want attention. He wants her back.’ ‘But they are no more right?’ Julia asked to satisfy her curiosity. ‘Of course, I made sure of that.’ Adam interrupted before Tom could answer. 'Good but I'm not sure I even heard the real story.' Julia mentioned turning to Grissel. 'Emmm, I can summarize.' She closed her eyes sharply and opened it after a minute. 'Are you sure you want to do this again.' She ignored her husband and proceeded to tell her story all over again. Grissel managed without a single drop of tear this time but Jessy kept wiping her face. 'You were young and I totally understand but what kind of a man does that.' 'He was just hurt when he nearly lost both kids.' 'Talking about kids, have you decided on anything yet?' 'No, Shirley is better off with her dad.' 'Did you say Shirley?' Melisa who was quiet all this while asked. 'Yeah. Why?' 'Nothing.' Melisa said with an uncomfortable tone. 'But you are her mother Grissel. She needs to know you exist.' 'I'm not sure I can be a good mother.' 'Why do you say that?' Julia sympathized. 'I killed one already, what if something goes wrong.' 'You are matured now and you found love.' Julia encouraged. 'Yes, you have it in you. If you took care of my two kids while I was away for weeks then you can do same for yours.' Jessy suddenly cut in. 'I still don't want her besides I live with one big kid already.' She said and everyone laughed. Tom didn't find it funny as he was so quiet earlier and it seemed to him, Grissel would never have his children which he was trying to adjust to. 'I love her and that's what matters.' He thought quietly. 'What's wrong Tom?' Melisa noticed he was murmuring to himself. 'None of your business.' Tom answered rudely before realizing he wasn't alone. 'Sorry, I interfered.' She said and focused on her phone. Julia showed her displeasure especially when they were not alone but in the midst of Grissel’s family. 'Lisa, so I heard you got a guy doing your shopping now.' Tom asked after a few seconds probably hoping to take his words back. 'You mean, she got a boyfriend?' Their aunt corrected. 'Yeah, that's just by the way. So when are you going back to being a doctor. It would be good to have one around when my wife and I decide to have little Tom's.' Melisa paused pressing her phone as she wasn't sure Tom was actually talking to her. 'Lisa, your brother is looking out for you.' Julia encouraged her to speak up. 'I haven't thought of it yet.' Melisa quietly pinched herself to be sure, she was talking to Tom. 'You should, I can pull a few strings for you so you get a hospital closer to home.' 'Thank you Tom.' She smiled, and quickly pushed her tears back. Grissel noticed that and stood up interrupting them. 'I’ll get the rooms sorted out in five minutes.' She announced. 'Do you need help?' Tom asked hoping she wouldn't disgrace him. 'No, please.' She responded and walked away while Melisa quickly rushed after her. *** ‘Do you think Tom is really happy with his decision to still be with me?’ Grissel asked after they sorted out the last room. ‘Come here.’ Melisa led her to the bed they laid earlier. ‘I was surprised he made that decision but yet again my brother adores you and I guess being with you for this short while changed him.’ ‘But I’m scared Lisa. What if he wakes up one day and decides to leave?’ ‘You can’t know that right now but dwelling on the negatives would rather break you two apart.’ She muttered. ‘He made the decision, trust him, talk to him about your fears and continue to love him. That’s all it takes to keep a man.’ She suddenly felt tears running down her cheeks. ‘Sorry about the tears.’ Grissel wiped it with her palm. ‘That’s alright and I’m really sorry for how I treated you in the past.’ ‘Thank you Lisa and it’s okay, I go everywhere with my baggage and people don’t have a choice but to be mean towards me.’ Melisa studied her for some few minutes. ‘Does he stay out late that often or it just started after he found out about your past.’ ‘I’m not even sure anymore Lisa.’ She drew her closer in a hug when a knock came on the door. ‘Lisa, what are you doing to my wife in there and why is the door locked.’ They both looked at each other and realized they hadn’t noticed the door was locked. But since they were already done with the rooms, they quickly stood up and went out. They met knock staring at them. ‘Did she make you cry again?’ He quickly asked after studying Grissel and noticed she must have been crying. ‘Tom, I di…..’ Melisa struggled with what she wanted to say. ‘No you made me cry Tom.’ Grissel cut Melisa off when she was struggling with her words. Tom frowned and reached out to Grissel. ‘Come with me.’ He carried her away in his arms without looking back while Melisa looked on smiling. *****TBC
14 Jun 2018 | 10:15
hmm i'm loving this
14 Jun 2018 | 16:59
EPISODE 22 Austin needed to tell Grissel about his encounter with Clive before she finds out. He went by her office and she decided to take him out for lunch across the road. ‘Grissel, I did something which I need to tell you.’ ‘Oh really?’ Did you kill someone?’ She joked. ‘Yes, nearly.’ Austin replied her. She stepped on the brake and pulled over. ‘Is the person okay?’ ‘Yeah, he will live for now.’ ‘Great then. I wished it was Clive.’ She smiled weirdly and focused on her steer. Austin kept glancing at her. ‘It was Clive.’ He finally mentioned. ‘Wonderful. I’m tired of that guy in your lives.’ ‘You resent him that much and you forgot to tell me he tried to touch you?’ ‘Huh!’ She exclaimed. ‘I knew the moment you told me last night to warn him. I confronted him by running him over.’ ‘Good news, I hope he cracked a few bones.’ He smiled. ‘Trust me.’ ‘I didn tell anyone because i know he won’t try it anymore and besides the man I married is only patience with me and not with his friends. ‘Are you sure, it was the right thing to do?’ ‘No but Tom is in a fix right now, I don’t want to complicate things.’ ‘Emmm, I also heard about your other life.’ ‘Your sister must have overheard when she came over to the office the other day.’ ‘Exactly, but you should have told me and I would still be there for you.’ ‘Why would you want to do that for me?’ He managed a sigh and glimmered at her. ‘I knew you were in love with me Austin.’ ‘Really?’ He sounded uncomfortable. ‘Yeah, in fact even Tom figured it out.’ ‘OMG. Why hasn’t he killed me yet?’ ‘You are a good man Austin. He’s aware you out grew that kind of love when he asked your permission to date me.’ ‘Great, tell him I’m still on standby so he shouldn’t mess up.’ He smiled and Grissel laughed. ‘’You are calling for another fight between you two right?” ‘Not really but how is he holding up with the whole other marriage stuff.’ ‘Better than I imagined. Kindly thank him for me when next you see him.’ ‘I will but can we go for lunch now.’ ‘Of course.’ She shoved her hand into his hair and focused on the steer after a minute. ***** ‘Paige?’ ‘Uhmmm.’ She responded with her mouth full of sausage. Melisa had asked her out that afternoon so she could find out about Shirley. For some reason she was not so comfortable when Grissel mentioned Shirley last night. ‘Do you know Grissel?’ Melisa suddenly asked. ‘Grissel? She repeated. ‘Yes I do.’ Paige picked up the ketchup in front of Melisa. ‘You do? How?’ She asked quickly. ‘Is she not your sister in law. You mention her all the time.’ Paige clarified and Melisa sighed heavily. ‘Oh yeah, I thought you knew her from somewhere else.’ ‘No, I haven’t even met her before. Why did you ask?’ She scratched her face slowly. ‘Nothing I just felt like asking.’ ‘Alright, but I miss you the whole week Lisa.’ ‘Have you ever met Shirley’s mom?’ Melisa suddenly asked instead of answering Paige’s question. She paused and wondered for a while. ‘Ermm, not really. My brother just dropped her with me when she was young with the story her mother left.’ ‘So he doesn’t take care of her?’ ‘He comes home once a while to see them.’ ‘Michael is also his son?’ ‘Yes, but different mothers.’ ‘So you don’t know where she met Shirley’s mom?’ ‘No, it’s definitely not in this our state. But why are you suddenly interested in Shirley.’ ‘Nothing, I just felt meeting you was a twist of fate.’ ‘I feel it all the time and those two are my world.’ ‘God bless you for being a mother to these kids.’ ‘You know God?’ Paige teased. ‘Of course, I do. I pray every time.’ She replied. ‘And you still sleep around?’ ‘That’s unfair, besides I’ve been trying my best since I met Dane. ‘Yeah I noticed but i also need prayers to get hooked up soon.’ Paige laughed so loud. They were still talking when Henry appeared before them from nowhere. ‘Henry, what are you doing here?’ Melisa frowned. ‘This is Henry?’ Paige asked. ‘Yeah, the one and only.’ Melisa responded staring at him. ‘The friends with benefit guy, I never got to meet.’ She still asked to confirm. She nodded. ‘Wow, that was all I was to you Lisa?’ ‘Come on Henry, you know we never had anything special. I was clear on that and aside that we were great friends.’ ‘Were? What happened to us?’ ‘Nothing, I just don’t want to be in the middle of you pursuing my brother’s wife anymore.’ ‘But you know I could just walk up to Tom and tell him about what you planned with Amy right?’ ‘Go ahead Henry. I’m so tired of that secret anyway besides I’m not so sure that would get you Grissel so good luck.’ She rolled her eyes at him. Henry has become a pain in her ass lately. Dane however wasn’t making it easy for her at all. She just want to cut ties with him which is so difficult to do. ‘I’m sorry, if my blackmail angered you but what would you have me do.’ Paige who was watching the drama folded her hands now after munching on her sausage. ‘Henry, leave Grissel alone. That’s all I want now. I brought her into your life and it’s my responsibility to make things right so stop stalking her.’ ‘So if I stop we can go back to hanging out?’ He asked. ‘No, I’ve moved on, if you want us to have a few drinks I could manage that but not ending up in your bed.’ ‘Alright, I get that Lisa. But I actually followed you here to help you with your brother and Grissel’s situation.’ ‘What situation?’ She asked surprised. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve not heard they are not legally married and have been subpoenaed. ‘What?’ She shouted drawing everyone’s attention at the restaurant. ‘Are you alright?’ Paige asked. ‘I’m not sure but we have to go now.’ She dropped what she owed in the menu book and dragged Paige along leaving Henry to himself. *** ‘Where’s your boos?’ Grissel yelled at the reception that afternoon. Anna recognizing her as Tom’s wife was pointing to Tom’s office. Grissel ignored her and walked to Stella’s door fuming while Anna run after her. ‘Why didn’t you tell me the truth?’ She yelled when she entered. Stella reading the expression on her face knew exactly why she came to her office. ‘I tried to stop he….’ ‘Leave us alone Anna.’ Stella gestured with her hands and stood up from her seat. She knew how furious Grissel would be when she found out what she did. Grissel stood in the middle of the room with her two hands on her waist. ‘Are you happy now?’ She picked up the brown envelope from the bag she dropped on the floor earlier and threw it at her. ‘I’m sorry, I just wanted to be of help.’ ‘Help? You ruined my life Ella.’ She was still yelling when the door opened. ‘What is going on here?’ Tom stood at the door with Anna. It was obvious Anna went to call him. Stella sighed and Grissel rushed into his arms. ‘Ella ruined our lives.’ She sobbed. ‘Okay, calm down.’ The fact that she wasn’t talking to him the previous night and that morning prompted Tom to tread carefully. He disengaged from the embrace and looked into her eyes. ‘Do you know where you are?’ She nodded. ‘Your work place.’ ‘Great, then we can’t cry here.’ ‘Okay but she sig……’ ‘Can you drive?’ Her husband quickly interrupted. ‘I drove here by myself.’ ‘I’m not asking you who drove you here.’ ‘Yes, I can drive.’ He wiped her face with the edge of his shirt as it was almost his closing time so he doesn’t care if he had to soil his shirt. ‘Can I have your phone?’ He demanded. She pointed to her bag on the floor. He walked to where she dropped her bag, picked it up and took out her phone. ‘You can have my phone but you have to go home now. I’ll be late tonight.’ He pulled her closer and kissed her while glancing at Stella who quickly took off her gaze. Tom handed her the bag after the kiss and walked her out as Anna quickly gave them way. When they walked out the other staffs were murmuring how Tom has been cheating on his wife with Stella and Grissel came to the office to make a scene. He escorted Grissel to her car and watched her leave. Tom came back to his office as though nothing happened earlier. Stella on her way home decided to explain himself as Tom didn’t drop by after Grissel left. ‘Hi.’ She greeted shyly. ‘You are done for the day?’ He asked. ‘Tom, I’m really sorry.’ ‘I should be apologizing to you Stella. Grissel had no right to confront you at your work place.’ ‘I’m sure she had no other choice.’ ‘Yes she does Stella. What happened to calling me or waiting at home?’ ‘But still I was at fault. I had no idea this would happen.’ ‘That’s fine, I had a call in the morning about the subpoena before she even got here.’ ‘You did?’ Stella was surprised he never mentioned it. She had the chance to read the file Grissel brought earlier. ‘Yes, I was hoping to talk to her once I get home.’ ‘But we had lunch and you never mentioned it neither did you tell me you knew everything.’ ‘I got to know that morning we were to leave New Jersey. He was the reason I was acting weird?’ ‘He was there? You should have said something.’ Stella walked over. ‘Friendship and marriage is two different things. If I have a problem as big as that, my wife would always be my first point of contact.’ He frowned. ‘That is why I’m so mad right now that she came over to my work place to make a scene when we could have talked at home.’ ‘Take it easy with her. She’s frustrated and lost reliving her past all over again.’ Stella advised. ‘I know that and I told her I wasn’t going to leave but she’s making it difficult for me to breathe.’ ‘That sounds like my Grissel? She can give you a tough time but the sweetest and gentle person I’ve ever known.’ Stella blushed. ‘I love that woman Stella but I feel like she’s drifting away and I’m the only one holding on.’ Stella just stared at him. ‘You are one weird but awesome man Tom.’ ‘Call me crazy but instead of being hurt, I rather want to protect her and her tears cut me deep.’ ‘Grissel has that kind of effect on people.’ Stella clarified. ‘I know right, but she’s still holding back.’ Tom complained and Stella can see the hurt in his eyes. ‘Just give her as much patience as you can. You chose her for a reason and your kind of love is rare.’ He smiled at her words. ‘Your cousin on the other hand is very useless to me right now.’ ‘I agree, but I promise to fix this Tom.’ ‘Don’t bother. What could you possibly do now which you couldn’t do eight years ago to help your friend.’ ‘I was simply a coward eight years ago and I regret leaving Grissel to take the fall for both our mistakes.’ ‘She doesn’t hold any grudge against you but I would appreciate if you stay out of it. I’ll handle it.’ ‘Okay, feel free to ask for help if you need it.’ ‘I will Stella and by the way, do you mind if I don’t come to work tomorrow Saturday. I’m picking my mother in law at the airport this evening.’ ‘Aunty Gina, is coming over?’ ‘Yes, I wanted to surprise Grissel but as it stands now I’m not so sure what I’m going back to.’ ‘You’ll be fine. Have the weekend off.’ She handed him the file Grissel dropped earlier. ‘Hey, thank you. You’ve really helped.’ He called after her when she was almost out of the door. She nodded. ‘And that Kiss earlier made me jealous.’ She whispered and went out of the door before Tom could reply. He smiled and shook his head. *** Grissel was sleeping on the couch covered in a blanket when Tom entered with Gina. ‘I’m sorry Tom, I sh…..’ She spotted her mom when she raised herself off the couch. ‘Mom.’ She rushed hugging her and her tears begun to flow. Gina led her to the couch and patted her back like a baby. Tom brought them Juice as it seemed they were not going to end their talk anytime soon. He had to eat his portion of dinner and when he was done, mom and daughter were still talking. Tom heard Grissel apologizing several times and a few cautions from Gina which he felt was too harsh but at the end of it all they were smiling. Since it was late, they had to continue the next morning. Gina had dinner with Grissel and was going to bed when Grissel followed. She forgot Tom was around. ‘You have to go to your room Grissel. Your husband is pacing up and down in front of my room.’ ‘Mom, as it stands now we are not legally married. I would have to start distancing myself from him.’ ‘I know but you two need to talk and he’s been out there for some minutes now.’ ‘It’s just standard procedure, he should be able to live without me for a few days while I think of what to do though I’m not so sure my marriage can be saved.’ ‘Believe in yourself Grissel. You lawyers always have a way out but right now take it as tonight is the last time you would have to be with Tom.’ ‘Okay, since you are sacking me, I would go.’ She gave her mom a hug and got out of the room meeting Tom sitting on the floor. ‘Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is another day and we can figure this out.’ Grissel said reaching out to him on the floor. ‘How do you feel?’ He asked when they got to their bedroom. ‘I don’t know. Lisa and aunty are coming over tomorrow morning.’ ‘You called them?’ ‘I had to when you chased me out of your office.’ She announced weakly. ‘You know coming to my office wouldn’t have changed our marital status right?’ ‘Yeah and don’t worry I called Ella to apologize.’ She replied. ‘That’s a great step and did she mention why she signed the annulment papers instead of her brother.’ ‘Forget Ella. She was still in Mexico when Adam reached out and since i needed it urgently she couldn’t wait. She had to choose between whether I should leave you on the altar or she could take the risk.’ ‘It’s a great risk and a favor she did for you.’ ‘You think I don’t know that. I would have accepted canceling our marriage than what we are facing now.’ ‘Come here, I need you tonight which may probably be our last night.’ He whispered into her ears while leading her to the bed. ‘Thank you for bringing my mom over.’ ‘Shhhh.’ He kissed her softly and after a few minutes deeply. ‘Ahuh.’ She murmured. ‘I apologize for ruining my birthday party and thank you for the shirt.’ He laid her gently on the bed and kept looking into her eyes. ‘Can you stop talking?’ She whispered and raised her head up to meet his face. Tom reached out for his phone by the side drawer on turned on a slow music ignoring her attempt to kiss him. ‘We have company and if indeed today is going to be our last night together I would want it to be memorable.’ He caressed her face. ‘You know my mom can still hear us right?’ She had her hands in his hair. ‘Do you plan on bringing the roof down?’ He teased while undressing her. *** ‘What did you do to your wife last night?’ Julia asked. They came a while ago and noticed Grissel was still asleep. Tom didn’t want to wake her up as she spent the whole night crying in his arms hence slept late. Paige tagged along as she was to drop Melisa over at the airport for her flight later that morning to Dallas. It was obvious that wasn’t the only reason why she brought Paige to the house. ‘Nothing, I guess she’s just too tired to have noticed we have a full house.’ ‘I don’t believe you Tom.’ Julia smiled sheepishly. ‘She was up all right working.’ ‘Working with her voice I guess. Gosh you two were too loud.’ Gina chipped in smiling. ‘So I was right. Let me even go and check on her for proof of life.’ Julia teased and stood up when Tom’s phone rang and he picked up. ‘Hello, Stella.’ They exchanged pleasantries and she made him aware she was outside. ‘Huh, you are outside my gate waiting for me?’ Tom realized everyone was watching him so he toned down. ‘Relax, I didn’t come to make a scene.’ ‘I know you wouldn’t do that but you know your friend is still fragile.’ ‘What if I have a solution to your problems?’ ‘Is that Ella?’ Gina interrupted their conversation on the call. Tom nodded to her. ‘You can come in, I’ll wait for you at the door.’ He hanged up and Julia was watching him sternly. ‘Aunty, it’s not what you think. She’s Grissel’s friend and her ex-husband’s cousin.’ ‘I remember Ella. I spoke to her a few times before Grissel left Ghana and when she got here we were in contact. She’s a good person but they both never told me what their deep relationship was all about.’ Gina was still talking when the door opened and Stella stepped in. Stella exchanged pleasantries after hugging Tom. Julia took off her dark shades and walked to Gina. ‘It’s been long Ella.’ She reached out for a hug when there came a sound as if someone dropped a glass. They all turned to the direction the sound came from. ***TBC
15 Jun 2018 | 22:02
hmmmmmmm,,,,,, who dropped d glass? anoda secret to be unveiled
16 Jun 2018 | 05:34
Paige I guess
16 Jun 2018 | 19:43
EPISODE 23 Melisa was standing over the broken glasses while Paige held her wobbling hands slowly out of the mess she created. They both didn’t want to wait for Stella to come in before they grabbed her a juice so Melisa dragged her friend along to the kitchen to grab a glass of juice for Stella who hadn’t come in yet. ‘Is everything okay?’ Julia asked her niece who was still standing staring at Stella. ‘I’m fine, just a sudden headache.’ ‘Let me get you something for that.’ Tom offered. Ever since Grissel’s story broke out, Melisa has been extremely helpful and Tom hasn’t shut her up in a while. ‘She will be fine,’ Paige answered him when she noticed Melisa was lying about the headache. She quickly went in for a dustpan to help her friend clear the broken glass. ‘Emmm, you are Re..ed right?’ Melisa asked with a stammer while Paige dragged her to a seat in the far corner as she was still standing at her initial place. ‘Yes, how do you know that?’ Stella asked curiously. Wait you look familiar.’ ‘Oh yes, you both have Henry as a mutual friend.’ Tom smiled teasingly. ‘I think so.’ Stella said with a weird face as if she was still trying to remember where she knew Melisa from. ‘So Miss lucky, you never told me you write Reed.’ Tom shifted his attention to Stella. ‘Oh that must be my dad’s fault, he wanted me to drop my mom’s maiden name if I was going to take over the company.’ “So you changed to Medt.’ ‘Yeah, a name I totally dislike.’ “We have something in common then. I never liked my dad’s name but some people won’t let me stick to my mom’s.” Tom said glancing at her aunty childishly. Stella kept looking around for some few minutes, as the others were still watching Melisa. ‘Are you looking for Grissel?’ Gina asked her. ‘I actually came to see her about something.’ She replied. ‘She’s still asleep.’ Tom responded from where he sat. ‘I thought as much.’ Stella knew Grissel loves an undisturbed sleep. ‘But if it’s urgent I could drag her out of bed. I know what it took you to be here.’ ‘Okay, I spoke t….’ ‘Tom you haven’t introduced the young lady to us.’ Julia interrupted curiously as she was sure her presence was making Melisa uncomfortable. ‘Forgive me aunty. Stella is my boss and the cousin to Grissel’s Ex-husband Dane.’ ‘Dane?’ She stressed and glanced at Melisa who was already deep in thoughts. ‘Yes, do you know him?’ Tom asked as he noticed Julia was sad. ‘Dane Reed?’ She asked again to be sure and avoided Melisa’s gaze this time. ‘Yes, tall and well built.’ Tom muttered thinking Julia needed more descriptions. ‘OMG! Melisa.’ Julia exclaimed when she realized he was the same man Melisa is helplessly in love with. She could have shrugged it off since that name is a common one around there but Melisa’s earlier action flashed her mind, the more reason she asked for an introduction to be sure. ‘What is it aunty?’ Tom rushed to her side. Julia clutched her chest as if she couldn’t breathe. ‘Dane. Dani.’ She mentioned and glanced at Melisa who was wiping her tears. ‘Yes, that’s him and Dani is Grissel’s daughter.’ He mumbled. ‘Wait a minute, how do you know Dani?’ Suddenly Melisa’s sobs became deafening to the ears. ‘Lisa, why are you sobbing?’ Tom focused his attention on her sister now. Paige held her tightly. Gina and Stella was so lost to the extent the expression on their faces could be read from afar. ‘Can someone explain to me what is going on here?’ Tom yelled. Melisa picked up her bag beside her and dragged Paige along to the door. ‘And where do you think you are off to?’ Tom asked on top of his voice. ‘You don’t get it do you?’ Her sister wiped her face with the edge of the shirt Dane got for her. She frowned when it seemed she noticed. ‘No I don’t and you should start talking if you want me to get it.’ ‘What’s the point in telling you anyway?’ Tom left Julia who had her head against the couch and walked towards her sister at the door. ‘Paige what’s going on with your friend?’ ‘Do you really care about your sister at all?’ Paige angrily asked. ‘And what is that supposed to mean?’ ‘I mean if you do, that name would have meant something to you.’ ‘Is this about why I’ve been hard on you?’ Melisa looked up at him and sobbed. ‘I know about Amy’s set up and I’m working on forgiving you so you can stop crying.’ ‘Tom.’ He heard his name from the other side of the room and turned around. ‘Not now Stella.’ He recognized the voice and turned around while Stella stared at him. ‘I think your sister is trying to tell you Dane is the same man she’s in love with.’ She said with certainty as she remember her mom talking about Dane’s new girlfriend. ‘What?’ Both Gina and Tom chorused. ‘You’ve been sleeping with that nauseating man.’ Melisa glared at him and opened her mouth but nothing came out. She turned the door knob and run out while Paige followed. ‘Lisa wait.’ He called after her but she was already out of the door. ‘I hope she doesn’t do anything crazy.’ Gina prayed. ‘How is this even possible? I mean she found about Grissel’s other marriage before anyone else did.’ Julia lamented. She has been happy for Lisa recently and her mind was at peace and now this. ‘I guess we were all occupied that none of you bothered to ask of his name.’ Tom clarified. The room was so quiet for a whole five minutes as everyone’s emotion was high. ‘I think I should go now.’ Stella quickly stood up straightening her short shirt. ‘Go where?’ Grissel asked descending the stairs. Everyone fixated their eyes on her as they were not too sure how long she has been standing there. ‘Why are you all suddenly quiet?’ She asked sounding different. ‘Nothing, Good morning.’ Tom quickly masked his fear. Knowing Grissel she would hate herself once she hears the news. ‘Good morning, I’m guessing the look on your faces tells me this secret meeting was about Lisa and Dane.’ She gestured to no one in particular. ‘Huh. Tom walked up to meet her. ‘Grissel you knew and didn’t say anything?’ Julia asked a bit relieved now. Though she was worried about Melisa going through another heart break she can’t help but sympathize with Grissel as well. ‘I spoke to her a while ago. She woke me up and don’t worry she’s fine.’ ‘You spoke to Lisa? But she just left here.’ Tom asked with a surprise and worried tone. ‘Yeah, she’s on her way to meet Dane.’ ‘I can’t believe this. To think all this is wrong she’s on her way to see him. Who does that?’ ‘Allow Lisa to find some peace. If Dane makes her happy why not.’ Grissel said quietly. ‘Really and that doesn’t bother you.’ ‘Why should it bother me besides we are separating today so I don’t have any connection with you anymore?’ Grissel walked over to her mom giving her a hug and then to Julia who she flashed a smile to. ‘We talked about this Grissel and Stella is even here to help.’ Tom was practically begging with his voice. ‘I forgot you are here Stella.’ ‘Hi, I wanted to tell the cou….’ “That you faked your brother’s signature.” Stella nodded while the others murmured. ‘I can’t have you do that, I can win this even without your testimony.’ ‘Grissel, just accept her offer.’ Tom mentioned. ‘So I can stay in this house with you for another twenty-four hours.’ ‘What is that even supposed to mean?’ ‘It means we are not married and I have to leave today if I ever want to win this case.’ ‘Where will you go?’ He asked with frustration written on his face. ‘Can’t you see my mom sitting right there. Everyone thought, I didn’t have a family so they were mean to me.’ ‘I never did that Grissel.’ Tom raised his left arm up trying to control his anger. ‘Tom it’s just standard procedure.’ Stella chipped in. ‘And I’m not a fun of standard procedure. Don’t you get it?’ He snarled at Stella. At this point everyone in the room decided to leave as they were tired of watching the drama. Stella and Julia said their goodbyes to Gina and walked out while Gina rushed upstairs. ‘Grissel you’ve changed overnight.’ “I’m glad you noticed.” She strolled away from him towards the kitchen and Tom followed with his hands in his short pocket. ‘Come back here.’ He called out to her on his way to the kitchen. Grissel turned around. ‘Tom, why can’t you leave me alone?’ Why would I want to do that?’ He asked still walking closer. ‘Because, you are suffocating me and I want to breathe.’ Grissel mumbled without regrets ‘How could you say that when we still love each other.’ ‘Gosh, this time around it’s not love but obsession.’ She replied and took her eyes off him. Tom watched her closely. ‘You need space?’ He waited for an answer and when he got none he added, ‘It’s unfair but take all the time.’ Grissel ignored him and wasn’t watching where she was going. She hit her head on the kitchen pillar and cursed herself. ‘Serves you right.’ Tom said quietly and walked away from her. Grissel glanced at him going and rolled her eyes. She didn’t know where all that anger came from earlier. ***** Lisa was supposed to go to Dallas that morning but Julia decided they should see Tom first. So when Stella mentioned Dane that morning and she left the house in a hurry, she was encouraged by Paige to call Grissel as she believed it wasn’t a coincidence that among all the men she could fall in love with is the one man who had hurt someone close to her. Paige dropped her off at the airport and she changed her ticket to the next available flight. She wasn’t so sure what she plans on doing when she gets there but Grissel seems not to have a problem with her relationship with her ex-husband. Dane was to pick her up that morning but Dani was complaining of nausea so he asked one of his drivers to pick her up. He had no idea she found out. Lisa stood at the door, wiped her face from the tears she shed since she found out about Dani’s mom. She figured Dane must have changed her name from Shirley. She entered and saw him leading Dani to her room. 'Hey, how was your flight.' Dane mumbled with a worried face. ‘Julia called asking if you had arrived because your brother was worried about you.’ Melisa rolled her eyes at him, ignoring his questions. Dani run into her arms and she carried her up when suddenly her tears couldn't stop flowing. Dani asked to be put down when she heard her sob. 'Why are you crying Lisa?' She asked drawing her dad's attention to Melisa. He walked closer to her and tried to hold her hands. Melisa pushed his hands away. 'Don't you dare touch me ever again?' Dane wasn't so sure he understood her. He called out to one of the nanny's to pick up Dani. 'Dani, wait for me inside.' 'Daddy, you hurt her again? But you promised.' 'I did but trust me, this wasn’t my fault.' He pointed at Melisa. 'Then who is making her cry.' The little girl asked pointing to Lisa still in tears when her nanny came to carry her away. Dane sighed after watching them disappear into the room. 'Lisa, what is all this. You can't do that in the presence of my daughter and make me look like a bad father.' Melisa gave him an ugly stare. 'You think hiding the fact that her mom is alive makes you a good dad?' Before he could finish, Dane had walked away from where they were standing as it was so clear the whole family finally found out. ‘Look, I was just waiting for your arrival today so we talk about it but I’m glad you already found out.’ Dane said and kept walking farther away from her while Melisa kept yelling. 'Don't walk out on me? Grissel is alive, why did you lie to Dani her mom died.' Melisa paused, drawing Dane’s attention to the earlier sound were cut off from their conversation when they heard something drop and turned around. Dani was standing at the door staring at them. 'I thought I told you to stay inside.' He yelled. ‘Would you stop yelling at everyone?’ Melisa chipped in. Dane turned to look at her and breathed in heavily. Dani knelt on the floor picked up her book and dragged her feet on the floor to grab her dads attention. She turned around while going back to her room. 'Daddy, I don't like you anymore.' She pouted and turned back to her door. 'Princess, come back here.' 'Mommy is not in heaven but you lied to me.' 'I didn't lie, that woman is not good for you as a mother.' 'It's not your decision to make.' Dani muttered maturely. Both Melisa and Dane was taken back at how she could say that all of a sudden. 'How can you say that? I'm your dad and guardian.' 'Not anymore daddy, I'm eighteen years now.' She said walking closer. 'You are eight years my dear.' Dane found himself relaxing now. 'If I add one to eight then I'm eighteen.' She said and quickly run back to her room. Dane stood in the middle of the side room and paced around. 'You did this Lisa. I can't forgive that.' 'Neither can I forgive the fact that you were actually using me to get back at Grissel.' He was mute for a while when his phone rang. Dane pulled it out and quickly hanged up.' Melisa stood there watching him pace around. 'You didn't bring your luggage?' He finally calmed himself with his eyes lit. 'So you can keep using me?' Melisa snarled. 'Lisa, don't say that. I love you and it has nothing to do with that woman.' 'That woman? Was that all she was to you?' 'She killed my son and nearly ruined my daughter's life. How else do you expect me to call her?' 'Grissel is a good woman, and from what I heard she didn't leave her children in the car on purpose.' 'And you believe her?' 'Yes, no one in their right mind would ever do that.' 'Then she's crazy to have done that.' 'Crazy people don't go to law school and become one of the first in their class.' He scoffed. 'She's a lawyer?' 'Of course, a damn good one.' 'She must have swindled someone to get there.' 'That's where you are wrong. She had family and don't forget she was looking after herself before you met her.' 'You mean when I took her out of her misery.' 'Watch your mouth, I won't stand here for you to badmouth Grissel.' 'But you know what I'm saying is true. That woman used me and destroyed my life. She will get what is coming to her.' 'That woman is married to my only brother. If you destroy her marriage, then you destroy me.' 'Are you blackmailing me now? I thought you love me.' 'I'm not but I can't be stupid either just because I'm in love with someone who wants his ex-wife back.' 'We were never divorced.' 'What would you get from putting her back in jail and separating her from her husband?' 'I won't get anything but I can't allow her be happy with someone else.' 'You are smart but not wise Dane.' She walked away from her to the couch. 'Can we stop talking about other people's business and talk about us?' 'There's no us anymore. You forgot if Grissel separates from Tom, you are not allowed to have any relationship either.' He sat beside her and laughed hilariously. 'What is funny?' 'I have my ways Lisa. How then do you think I got her subpoenaed?' 'I know you have connections and you can do whatever you want to with your money but just let Grissel be happy where she is now.' 'Why should I do that? I'm doing this so Dani wouldn't suffer.' 'Trust me, she had already paid for her mistakes. And if you ever loved her, you would want to see the mother of your daughter happy than sad.' 'I never loved her like I love you now.' 'No you don't love me, you were just using me.' 'I wasn’t Lisa. I do love you but finding out from you, that criminal is related to you broke me.' Melisa paused and glanced at him. 'I gave her up when I mentioned her that day over the phone right?' He reached out for her hands which she withdrew. 'Yes, avoiding you and stalking you for weeks wasn't because you were not ready for marriage but because you mentioned her and I was furious she's still in the states when I thought she was deported after York.' 'You mean your plans to get her deported didn't work so you were not expecting to find her happy with my brother.' 'Your brother, I sympathize with a lot. How does he cope with someone like that?' 'It's called love without blemish.' 'That's weird, but if you came here so I change my mind forget it.' 'If you won't change your mind for yourself do it for Shirley.' 'Oh, she told you I changed her name to Daniella.' 'Don't let hatred control your life.' 'If she wants to be free, then she should get me my son back.' 'That's not even possible Dane. Let this woman go or else you can't be with me.' 'You will leave me?' He licked his lips sadly with love in his eyes. 'I may because I can't be with someone who wants to destroy my family.' Melisa admired his lips and felt a surge going through her body. Her thoughts were filled with love. Dane kept staring at her and pushed his lips on hers in a hurry. 'What a.. re you do.. ing?' She was talking in between their clenched lips and tried pushing him off when in earlier all she wanted was to be in his arms. Dane held on tightly and kept on kissing her vigorously. She wanted to give in at point but still stood her ground. She finally found the strength to let go but couldn’t as her emotions were wild at that moment. 'Yuck.' They heard that sound faintly from afar and stopped. 'Who is there?' Dane asked and there was no response. He looked around and there was no sign of Dani or the house helps. He looked at the wall clock and was convinced Dani must be asleep and probably the sound was from outside. Dane looked back at Lisa who was gasping for air. He drew her closer and wrapped his hands around her neck. 'Look at me and tell me you don't want this and you have fallen out of love with me.' Melisa whose face was down blushed. 'I do want you and I still love you but you are hurti....' 'Ssshhhhh.' He raised her face up. 'That is all I want to hear.' She nodded and sobbed like a small girl who just lost a contest. Dane kissed her on the forehead and gave her a tight hug. For some few seconds in each other’s arms, their cloths were flying around. Dane was about to take off her underwear when she spoke up. 'Someone might come in here.' 'No one is allowed in here unless I ask them to.' 'But I'm sti...ll' 'Okay, let's go upstairs.' He dragged her along leaving their cloths on the floor. 'Yuck.' Dani came out a few minutes after from behind the couch where she was hiding. She walked to the couch, sat down and folded their wears which were scattered in the hall. *** 'Are you okay?' Dane asked pulling the sheets to cover her. She nodded turning her back towards him. 'Then why are you not looking at me.' He asked dragging himself closer. She sighed. 'What we did a while ago was wrong Dane. It can't happen again.' 'It can't happen again because I screwed up or because you feel guilty not to have achieved your aim of coming to Dallas.' 'We are family now, don't forget that.' 'Family? OMG, you are an African.' 'What has that got to do with anything?' 'I read they are African values.' 'Whatever.' She shifted when his body touched hers. 'Okay, I'm sorry.' 'For sleeping with me when you said some months back you were not ready or for mentioning Grissel several times.' 'What? He quickly sat up. 'Yes, you are still hang up on her even if you don't want to admit it. You think you want to make her life difficult by asking her to choose between jail time and separation from Tom but you fail to admit you still want her.' He was so quiet for a few minutes and tapped her to look at him. 'Daddy.' Came Dani's voice from the door. He picked up his phone from the bedside and checked the time. It was pass twelve midnight. 'Dani, is that you.' 'Aren't you two done yet? I've been waiting for hours.' She quietly asked. Melisa sprung up quickly and turned on the bedside lamp. Their gazes met while Danes confused eyes kept searching her eyes. 'Are you okay?' He shouted back. 'Dad, I need you in my room right now.' 'You need me?' 'Yes, Nanny Zoe isn't awake. I've been on the couch for long.' Dane quickly got himself from under the sheets and walked unclad to his wardrobe. 'Okay, I'm sorry, give me a minute and let me dress up.' 'I need Lisa too.' Melisa shook her head indicating she doesn't want to go. 'She's not in here and besides she must be asleep by now. I will be right over.' 'Lisa, I know you are in there and not asleep.' 'You are right. I will be with you soon.' She gave up and replied her loudly. 'Great, you’ll need your dress. You left them in the hall.' Melisa tried to laugh while Danes face became pale. He dragged on his boxers and angrily walked out. 'Give me that.' He took the wears from her and threw it over to Melisa who caught it immediately. 'Dad, I heard everything and I want to go and live with my mom.' 'Go back to bed, you are not going anywhere.' He thundered. 'You are yelling Daddy.' 'Yes because you are being naughty Dani.' 'It's Shirley, not Dani.' 'What? Where did you get that from?' 'I heard everything, you changed my name.' Dane at that minute was fuming while Melisa came over. 'Your name is Shirley, I get that but kindly go back to bed. We will come over soon.' 'Are you sure Lisa?' 'Yes, let me talk to your dad.' 'Okay. Daddy?' she muttered. 'Go already before I smack you.' Melisa pulled him back in and waved Dani who took a step back when her Dad mentioned smacking. *** 'She's right Dane. And if you keep scaring her in that manner, trust me you will lose her when Grissel takes the stand in court.' 'What is that supposed to mean?' 'I'm saying that, you claim you are doing this for your daughter. She wants to see her mom, who left her when she was just five months old. I think she wants closure, she's known you to be both her mom and dad all these years but now that Grissel has shown up, I believe it's not a coincidence that I'm in your life so let Dani see her mom.' 'You don't expect me to let her live with that woman after all these years.' 'Not necessarily to live with her but just meet her over the weekend so even if you decide to go ahead with your case in court, you still have your daughter on your side.' 'You think my daughter is capable of turning on me in court.' 'Trust me, if Grissel puts her on the stand she just might if you don't do as she says.' 'You think she's capable of putting her own daughter on the stand?' 'She's young, I get that but if you won't let Grissel be happy where she is, Dani might end up as a bargaining chip.' Dane walked over to his bed, put on his flip flops as he was bare footed earlier. 'Let's go and meet the new Queen of the house.' He managed a smile while Melisa followed. ***
17 Jun 2018 | 21:13
sometimes,,, I don't seem to understand men,,,, u want to be happy but u still want Ur ex to still be under d condemnation,,,,, haba!!! let her go
18 Jun 2018 | 04:06
let her go naa
18 Jun 2018 | 07:05
Dane should just wake up nd act like a man
18 Jun 2018 | 17:35
Can't blame the poor guy either ...but bro u gat to let her go
19 Jun 2018 | 04:04
Dane let her go
19 Jun 2018 | 04:21
19 Jun 2018 | 10:20
EPISODE 24 They knocked and waited for an answer. 'Am I going to see mommy this dawn.' She picked up her book when they walked inside. 'Sweetheart, it's late and besides I'm not so happy with this your new behavior.' 'I want to go and live with Grissel.' She folded her hands across her small chest. 'Dani, I'm your only parent. You can't chose me over that woman.' 'Dad?’ She called and frowned. ‘Yes my dear.’ ‘She's mom or Grissel, not that woman.' She said and turned to her story book. Dane opened his mouth and closed it. Dani has been the most important thing in his life since her brother died, he wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her. Melisa, held his hands as they were fumbling. She gestured him when she realized he was finding it difficult to give in to his daughter. She smiled at him and nodded her head indicating it was okay for him to grant her wish. 'Okay, I will think about your offer.' Dane said and glanced at Lisa who smiled. . 'You don't need to think. You see my bag there,’ she pointed to her pink traveling back, ‘it has already been packed waiting for my plane ticket.' Dane’s eyes suddenly shot with rage and his blood boiled instantly. Melisa drew him closer to herself as she knew the next thing on his mind. ‘She’s just a kid, you don’t want to smack her.’ She whispered quietly into his ears. ‘What if I do Lisa?’ He said probably referring to smacking her. ‘Then you lose her and I’m sure you don’t want to lose another child.’ He glanced at her and walked closer to her daughter who was pretending not to be in the room with them. 'I will arrange that for the two of us next weekend.' Lisa couldn't help but smile and when Dane was fuming with anger she looked away. 'No, you will block my chances. I'm going with Lisa in the morning.' Dani was being serious and had a straight face on. Dane glanced at Lisa again but she raised her shoulders indicating she doesn't mind. 'Okay, anything for my princess.' He said and walked towards the door. 'One more thing please, I need some money for a gift for mom.' 'That's enough Dani.' He yelled now. She dropped her book and sat on the bed. 'I just want to meet my mom. I can’t believe she was this close and you lied to me.' Dane swallowed hard controlling his anger. 'You will but my money is certainly not buying anything.' 'Fine, can I have my money that Grandpa gave to me last month?’ Dani demanded innocently. Dane shook his head and walked out without answering her. Melisa followed in a bit after tucking Dani in to bed. He was very furious and his eyes were red when she joined him outside. 'You are doing the right thing Dane.' 'You think allowing my daughter near that woman is the right thing to do.' 'Don't worry, I will be around all the time besides the Grissel I know now maybe different from the one you knew eight years ago.' 'Is that supposed to make me feel better? What if she falls sick?' 'Don't you trust me?' She asked smooching him on the back. 'I do trust you but Dan....' 'No buts. Trust your ex-wife has turned her life around.’ He scoffed. ‘She’s probably pretending to you and the family.’ ‘She’s not Dane and give her some credit for giving you a beautiful princess.’ ‘Dani is mine alone.’ He was beginning to flare up again. It’s okay, let's go to the room. You need to book a flight before morning.' 'You are right but I wished you could stay for a few more days.' 'That’s not happening. You get to see me when you dismiss that case in court.' 'That's not happening either.' He replied and tickled her. They both laughed and walked hand in hand to their room. *** True to his words, Lisa and Dani were on the next flight to Seattle. She didn't want to inform anyone of their coming because she knows how Grissel might react. Once they landed at the airport, she got into the next cab with their luggage. Dani had packed a lot of stuff, which she had to repack. Before they left, she insisted on buying a card for Grissel which Dane made clear his money won't buy. She asked to borrow money from Melisa who gladly gave out. Dani bought a drawing paper and made her own card. Melisa has told her a lot about Grissel and Tom. She was so excited to meet them and was also ready not to be accepted by her mom. The cab driver dropped them in front of the house and they dragged their luggage inside. Tom who comes home early these days, was having a conversation with Grissel’s mom when their bell rang. They both looked at each other, because they didn't hear the gate open. 'It must be Grissel. Thank God, I'm starving.' He sighed and left to open the door. Grissel's mom had wanted to cook but Tom insisted his wife would do it once she gets back. Grissel was on her way home when her mom asked for an ice cream. Since she was in the mood for an ice cream herself she turned around to go get her some hence her delay in coming home. Tom opened the door and was going to ask what she wanted when Dani appeared in front of him. 'Hello, you must be my new daddy.' 'Emmm, I'm no.....' 'Tom, this is Shirley.' He paused and kept looking at her. 'Is my mom around?' She jerked him out of his thoughts. 'Hey, how are you. You must be tired.' He led them in and introduced her to Gina. He wasn't surprised they got along too quickly. Tom dragged Melisa from there while Shirley and her grandmother bonded. 'What do you think you are doing?' 'Fixing your wife, I guess.' 'You think bringing Shirley here would fix anything.' 'It would besides I didn't want to but she was so adamant on coming.' 'And her dad, let her go?' 'Not easily but trust me, Shirley can be persistent and she might just be the key to getting that forever after you want with Grissel.' 'What are you talking about?' 'Dane won't let the bigamy case go but Shirley is one thing he won't let go either.' 'I'm not a lawyer but are you suggesting what I think you are trying to say.' 'Yes, and that’s the only way out.' 'We can't use that little girl and I'm not sure how my wife would react to you bringing her here.' 'I don't care how she reacts but any good lawyer would understand what I'm saying.' 'I don't like this but next time let me know before you do any such thing.' 'Thank you Tom.' 'Dani must be hungry and Grissel isn't back yet.' 'Dani or you?' Melisa teased. 'I'm hungry too but since you are here let me ask Grissel if you can use her kitchen. You know how sensitive she can be sometimes.' 'Let me call her myself.' 'Okay, and wait for her to come home first before you tell her about Shirley.' Tom walked out while she dialed Grissel’s number. 'Hello, I'm in your house and was told you are yet to come home.' 'You are back?’ ‘Yeah, I just got here, we can talk when you get back.’ ‘Okay I'm almost home, just getting some ice-cream for my mom.' 'Do you mind if I start cooking. Your husband is hungry so is everyone in this house.' 'I'm really sorry, you can use the sauce from the freezer. That's way faster and I have yam and potatoes.' 'Thank you, drive safe.' She ended the call and Dani was standing at the entrance. 'Was that my mom?' 'Yes, and she's on her way home.' 'But you didn't tell her about me.' 'It's a surprise Dani.' 'What if she doesn't like me?' 'Don't be silly, who wouldn't like a pretty you. Come and help me cook.' Melisa said with confusion registered on her face but she managed to smile and reached out for her hands. ‘I’m scared Lisa.’ Dani complained. ‘You will make her like you.’ Melisa encouraged. ‘Yaay.’ She jubilated. *** 'Melisa and Dani were still in the kitchen when they heard Grissel driving in. She thought the little girls mind wasn't there as she didn't make any attempt to go out even when the front door opened. Grissel who entered found Tom helping Gina with sorting out her phone. She greeted them and dropped herself on the couch obviously exhausted. 'Where's Lisa?' 'Kitchen.' Tom answered scrutinizing her face before he could tell her about Dani. 'Tom you are staring at me.' 'I need to tell you something.' 'Okay, I'm listening.' She adjusted herself ready to listen. 'Not here.' He signaled towards Gina who was so engrossed with her phone. 'Tom I'm really not in the mood this evening.' 'Why don't you go with your husband, you two are distracting me.' Gina intentionally chipped in. She looked at her mom and wanted to say something but stood up with her bag. Tom led the way as she followed. 'Let me check on your sist....' 'No, come with me.' Tom said and dragged her suspiciously. 'What's goi....' She was saying when she spotted Dani at the entrance of the kitchen door. Grissel stared at her daughter and froze at that spot. Tom walked over and shook her out of her trance. Dani who was tired of standing there walked to where she stood. 'You must be my mommy.' She said with a smile. Grissel heard her tiny voice ringing in her ears. 'You have to say something.' Tom whispered. She quickly regained her composure sounding teary. 'And you must be my d….aughter.' She stuttered at the end unhappily. She drew her closer and carried her with an expression no one could read. The next thing they knew she walked to Gina and dropped Dani there. 'Wait here.' She touched her cheeks and feigned a smile. 'Okay mommy.' Grissel turned around at the mention of mommy and that was when Tom dragged her towards the kitchen before she could say anything. 'Lisa, do you know whose daughter you brought here.' 'Relax, we got permission.' 'Permission from who?' Grissel wasn't finding it so funny at all. 'Her dad.’ She examined her sister in laws face and saw the anger written all over. ‘Listen she wanted to come and I couldn't say no.' 'You could have left.' 'It was an impossible situation and I had no other choice than to bring her here.' 'You had a choice Lisa.' What if Tom had asked you two to leave?’ 'Okay that’s enough you two.' Tom admonished. 'She's here already so can we act matured for a while.' 'Tom are you in support of this. You know I'm not cut out for the whole motherhood thing right now and you are certainly not ready.’' 'I know but she's your daughter, we can't exactly throw her out.' Grissel sighed and held her head firmly. 'Mommy are you okay.' Came Dani's voice again.' 'I'm fine,' she said with all her strength. 'Wait for us at the table for your dinner.' 'Thank you, I'm starving.' She muttered and run off. Grissel glared at Tom and then Lisa. 'Feed her. I'm out of here.' She shove her bag out of Tom's hands angrily and walked out straight to her room, little did she know Dani had followed after a few minutes. She knocked gently and heard come in. Grissel assuming it was Tom turned around to see her standing at the entrance. He usually knocks when they get into an argument. 'Won't you come out for dinner?' She asked stylishly walking closer. 'Everyone is waiting for you.' She took another look at her and sat up on the bed this time calmly. Tears from nowhere begun to flow. 'Are you crying because of my brother?' Her words stung her as she sat closer to her giving her a warm hug. 'I forgive you even if Daddy doesn't want to. Lisa told me it wasn’t your fault that Shane went to heaven.' 'I'm sorry Dani.' Grissel quietly said still sobbing. 'Call me Shirley.' She brought her tiny self out of her mom’s arms and wiped her face with her small hands. 'It's going to be alright mommy.' Grissel nodded easing up. 'I made a drawing for you and it's in my bag.' 'Thank you. We will have a look at it later.' She sounded at ease now. 'You are pretty just like me.' Dani said knowing everyone always told her she looked like her Dad. 'And you are the prettiest Shirley.' Grissel smiled for the first time during that moment. 'Can we take lots of pictures with my dad's camera so I can tell everyone at school my mom is not in heaven after all.' Grissel was looking at her daughters mouth go up and down. 'Pictures are my favorite.' 'Me too.' Dani said excitedly when her stomach grumble. 'Let’s go and have our meal before Lisa finishes everything.' Grissel made a joke while her daughter laughed. She located her flip flops and carried Dani off the bed down the stairs. *** 'Daddy doesn't do it that way.' Grissel who was putting her daughter to bed felt disappointed as she thought she could be good at least at tucking in bed when earlier Dani couldn't stop blabbing about how her dad goes about her night time before bed as anything Grissel did that evening was not how Dane does it. Tom who was standing by the entrance knew if he didn't intervene his wife will break down. 'So why don't you show mommy how it's done.' He muttered and walked over. 'Okay, mommy watch.' She got out of bed and took the duvet with her. Dani gave the duvet to her mom and smiled. 'I will lie down now and you c.....' 'So you lie down first and we cover you with the duvet. Tom interrupted. 'No, let me show you how daddy tucks in her little girl.' She laid on the bed pulled the duvet over and rolled to all the sides and tucked in which Grissel had to help with at the last minute. 'Ahuh, we get your way of tucking in now.' Tom whispered gently. 'Yes, this way I don't sneak out of bed. She smiled to her mom.' 'Daddy said I'm too sneaky and snoopy.' 'I'm sure you can't get out of this tuck in.' Grissel acknowledged just to get her attention off how Dane does it. Dani grinned and made a metal note. 'Alright goodnight. I will turn off the light on my way out.' She stood up holding on to Tom. 'But I haven't had my milk and my bed time story yet.' Grissel and Tom's face turned pale. 'It's okay if there's no milk but stories are important for me.' She sat up ruining the tuck in. 'I want to become a lawyer like you.' 'I'm sure you will make a fine lawyer.' She said hurriedly so she could get out of there. She was so tired after she had to spend about an hour washing her down her Dad's way. 'I have a book on that,' she jumped out of the duvet. 'Let me get it.' Tom glanced at her and saw the frustration in her eyes and gave her a wink and a reassuring smile. 'Wait, why don't we just talk tonight?' Grissel got into the duvet. 'I'm sure you heard some scary things about me and I would want to clarify that.' She had no idea where that energy came from. 'That will be so cool.' She jumped up covering her face and smiling all the time. 'Great.' Grissel responded. Tom managed a smile and said goodnight. 'Alright, don't wait up for me.' Grissel said when he got to the door. Tom turned abruptly and frowned. 'Uncle Tom, you will see mommy tomorrow.' She smiled sheepishly. He feigned a smile and waved them closing the door behind him when he came facing Melisa. Melisa decided to stay out of their bedtime struggles. 'This was all your fault.' He admonished. 'Come on. Do you have to sleep with your wife every day?' 'This is not about sleeping but company.' 'Just one night Tom.' 'What if it continues tomorrow?' He asked naively. 'I'm surprised you are jealous of a little girl.' Melisa laughed. 'I'm not and you should have seen how Grissel pushed me away with her eyes.' 'Just give her time to bond, it took her eight years and to me a day without her by your side doesn't mean she loves you any less.' 'I hear you counselor.' He smiled and walked further away from her while she stared at him go. ‘Hey be careful around Stella.’ She paused after a while. Tom gave her a look that suggests he wasn’t doing anything wrong. ‘I know you want to Tom and besides the way she was looking at you the other day tells me you must have already started.’ ‘I’m not that person anymore.’ He scratched his head. ‘I’m in love with my wife.’ ‘Okay, that alone should mean something to you anytime you are out there with her late at night.’ ‘And you suddenly seem to care about me Lisa.’ ‘I always did but you just didn’t notice.’ He saw the pain in her eyes and signaled her to come sit with her on the stairs. ‘I know I was so difficult to deal with from the beginning and I messed up with Amy.’ ‘Let’s forget about that girl for a minute. I was never going to settle down with her.’ ‘Good to know.’ She smiled with her hands supporting her cheeks. ‘So Stella.’ ‘Stella what?’ ‘You know what I’m talking about Tom.’ ‘She’s a friend to both my wife and I.’ ‘Does she know you have feelings for her friend?’ ‘Bring your voice down Lisa.’ Melisa glared at him in silence. ‘Talk, I have all night.’ ‘There’s nothing going on between us.’ He smirked. ‘But I must admit I do like her to a point.’ ‘I knew it.’ She literally jumped up. ‘I love Grissel and nothing can take that away.’ He sounded so sure. ‘She’s always going to be the one for me.’ ‘But you are worried about something.’ She poked him. ‘I’m still your big sister you know.’ ‘I do worry all the time Lisa. Tom’s face went blank. ‘What happens if she decides to break it off?’ ‘You think her ex-husband is back so she may want to go back to him.’ He nodded. ‘I see that happening soon. No offence to you by the way.’ She stared at him. ‘Come on that guy hurt her a lot.’ ‘I know it’s impossible but I can’t help it especially when she seems distance in her actions since I found out.’ ‘Trust me, she wouldn’t do that.’ ‘What about your relationship with him?’ ‘For now my family comes first, Dane is the least of my problems now.’ ‘This might sound selfish but I don’t want him for you.’ ‘I knew you would say that.’ She smacked him playfully but in her mind she was hurting. ‘I’m serious Lisa, I’ve got a lot of friends who are still single.’ ‘Those one’s your wife doesn’t like.’ He laughed quietly. ‘She likes Austin.’ ‘Yeah, he seems like a good one.’ Melisa said with a painful heart. She can’t imagine leaving without Dane but she had to put her family first. They both sat on the steps while Tom hoped Grissel would come out and Lisa kept checking her phone probably expecting a call from Dane. *****
19 Jun 2018 | 11:05
interesting nxt pls
19 Jun 2018 | 15:30
God is great
19 Jun 2018 | 17:22
EPISODE 25 Both Gina and Julia had decided to talk to Dane when they heard he was in town. Mr. and Mrs. Medt had called to inform them he was around so they could come over to have a talk but as heartless as Dane is he turned down their pleads. ‘Dane, so you don’t want to let go of this issue.’ Stella’s mom asked after Gina and Julia had left their end. ‘No, Grissel hasn’t paid fully yet.’ Dane replied her aunty checking out Dani’s pictures that Lisa sent to him. ‘When did you turn into this bitter person?’ ‘The day she killed my son and you all helped her hide in this city.’ ‘You think we knew she was here?’ Mr. Medt interrupted from where he sat reading. ‘And Stella, why are you quiet?’ Her mom asked before Dane could answer. ‘Mom, I have nothing to say.’ She coiled back on the couch. Stella and Dane were like five and six but since the incident, they hardly see eye to eye. Dane ignored her and kept checking his phone every seconds until it rang. He stood up and left the room smiling at them. *** ‘Hey Princess.’ ‘Daddy, your daughter is fine and she’s now mommy’s princess.’ Dani knew that was going to be his first question. ‘Okay, I’m in town do you want to come around?’ ‘Dad, we talked about this. No stalking.’ ‘I’m not, I came to see your other Grandma.’ ‘Hmmm, we both know that’s a lie.’ ‘Alright, I was just worried. I will wait for the next few days so we can leave together.’ Dani was quiet at her end. ‘Dani, I can hear you breathing.’ ‘I don’t want to go back.’ ‘Young lady, do you want me to drive there and pick you up?’ ‘Mommy won’t allow you take me away.’ ‘Dani, stop being cheeky with me.’ ‘I just want to stay a little longer so I could spend more time with the prettiest mom.’ ‘Can I talk to Lisa?’ He changed the topic to avoid listening to her daughter make noise about Grissel. ‘Dad? We are not done talking about Mom.’ ‘I don’t want to hear it, help me tell Lisa I will call in the evening.’ ‘Okay, your choice.’ She said coyly and hanged up before her Dad could do anything. Dani rushed off to where Melisa and Grissel were seated. ‘Daddy said I could stay for the whole of next week.’ ‘Really? But you have school.’ Melisa asked while Grissel looked on. ‘He will talk to the teachers when he goes back.’ ‘Your Dad is in town?’ Grissel asked grabbing her phone. ‘Yes, he came to see you Mom.’ ‘Dani that’s a lie.’ Melisa admonished. ‘It’s true, he wants mom to bring me over to my other grand mom’s place.’ Grissel just kept her eyes on her. Dani reminds her of her old cheeky self. She quickly sent a message to Stella and dropped her phone. ‘Dani, what did your Dad say exactly.’ She turned to her mom who has been quiet all these while.’ He said to tell that woman to bring me over?’ ‘Dani that’s not a nice thing to say.’ Grissel cautioned. ‘But daddy said it, not me.’ ‘You are going back tomorrow instead of Sunday.’ Grissel said and picked up her phone. ‘I’m sorry I lied.’ Dani rushed onto her laps while Lisa looked at her face and poked her nose. ‘Daddy wants you to call her Lisa.’ She squirmed. ‘Mommy am I still going back tomorrow?’ ‘You might if you keep lying.’ ‘I will stop, I cross my heart.’ She smiled with her hands on her chest. She wriggled her small hands in the air and run off to the kitchen probably going for her next round of ice cream. ‘How are you holding up?’ ‘I will live Lisa.’ Grissel feigned a smile. ‘This isn’t a difficult case anymore, it will probably get dismissed. ‘Are you sure about that?’ She stressed. ‘Yeah, I haven’t done anything wrong this time.’ ‘I know that but Dane still feels the pain and to him you betrayed him.’ ‘Who wouldn’t feel such a pain?’ Her face colored up. ‘He was my son too but I did my time for that crime and I may never get over it but that shouldn’t make me heartless as Dane has become.’ ‘I want to understand you two but it’s so difficult.’ ‘I was thrown into a box without hearing for seven months. I just don’t understand why he won’t give me the divorce.’ She muttered painfully. ‘Shouldn’t that be enough especially when I have Dani to remind me of my failure as a mom. ‘You were not a failure, you just made a mistake.’ ‘Tell that to your boyfriend who wouldn’t grant me the annulment.’ Lisa suddenly forgot what to say as she had her mouth opened for a few seconds and just closed it. ‘Am I asking him for too much?’ ‘I don’t think so because I know you don’t need his money.’ ‘You are right, I need only his signature and if he refuses this time I can get a default divorce.’ ‘That’s a bit of relief but I can see something else is bothering you.’ Lisa stared into her eyes. ‘Stella signing that annulment paper was a wrong move.’ ‘But it was verified the signature belonged to him when you sent to the judge right?’ ‘Yeah it was but it could ruin everything for me if Dane decides to pursue it and I would lose the favor of the only judge who fast tracked all these for me before the wedding.’ ‘So had it not been that Stella signed, this case would have been a foolish one considering the fact that you had no idea he wasn’t the one who signed it.’ ‘Yes or probably argue I had no idea he was alive. If the court found out i had no contact with him I’m sure I could get my annulment.’ ‘I’m really sorry.’ ‘That’s fine, Dane has always been this controlling I didn’t think it would get to this but I hold no grudge.’ ‘You don’t?’ ‘Why should i? I’m human and I may not like it but he’s still a part of me.’ ‘You still have feelings for him?’ Grissel scoffed. ‘Feelings? They died the moment he denied I wasn’t his wife and threw me in jail.’ ‘But he still wants you Grissel.’ She laughed. ‘I pity him, he’s part of my life because of Shirley.’ ‘Are you sure about that?’ ‘You think I don’t love your brother enough? A smile appeared on her cheeks. ‘Even if I don’t, hasn’t he done too much for me already to deserve complete love from me?’ ‘I know you do but it’s two different things.’ Melisa squirmed. ‘A man you have a baby with will always be part of your life and the one you love will be caught in the middle of it all.’ ‘It will all blow over soon and Dane will lose what’s dear to him.’ ‘Are you saying what I’m thinking?’ ‘Of course, I’ve been working on custody for all these years but I never got anywhere.’ ‘Won’t that affect you and Tom’s relationship?’ ‘Your brother will be fine.’ ‘Though the Tom I knew back then is different now but think through your decision.’ ‘I will but what’s up with you and Dane.’ ‘He will be dumped soon.’ She laughed painfully and Grissel joined. ‘Don’t dump him on my account Lisa. If you love him that much, it’s okay to be with him.’ ‘You think I don’t already know that.’ Her face became dull suddenly. ‘How do you expect me to be with my sister-in-laws ex-husband?’ Grissel kept watching her and finally grinned. ‘You are blushing.’ ‘What?’ Melisa asked and quickly reached out for her cheeks. ‘You need to look into the mirror to find out.’ Grissel teased. ‘Be serious Grissel.’ ‘I am being serious but it sounds to me like you are asking me for permission.’ She kept mute for about two seconds. ‘Am I?’ Melisa asked faintly. ‘You don’t need me to make your love decisions, forget I ever existed Lisa.’ ‘I can’t do that, you would always be in every conversation we have.’ ‘It’s totally okay with me and besides my daughter likes you.’ She winked. ‘I see your plan now. Shirley would always be yours and that won’t change.’ ‘I understand but I would be much okay with you around her than another woman I don’t know.’ ‘Don’t trust me that much Grissel.’ ‘I don’t but then I think I have your brother to deal with you if my daughter turns out wrong.’ She laughed and Melisa squirmed. ‘Gosh, of all the men I’ve been with why Dane.’ She covered her face with her palms like a kid. ‘Ahaaa, you just confirmed you are helplessly in love.’ Melisa rolled her eyes teasingly. ‘Dane’s kind of love is different. I just feel comfortable and relaxed in this relationship.’ She grinned. ‘Usually I do all the hard work but this time around I feel free.’ ‘Then what is stopping you from being with him.’ ‘I can’t stand what he is doing to you.’ ‘So you love me too?’ Grissel teased. She smacked her. ‘He does everything I ask him to but when it comes to you and his past he doesn’t want to let go.’ ‘He loves you Lisa but he’s also a broken man. I did that to him and the thought of you being related to me won’t let him oblige to your opinion on this case.’ ‘What do I do Grissel?’ She asked confused. ‘You keep saying he would be dumped soon but I would say just be there for him. He would need you after everything is over.’ ‘Okay,’ she sighed. ‘Tom and his father won’t accept him.’ She scoffed. ‘You are scared of your brother’s reaction.’ ‘I have to Grissel. I don’t want us going back to holding grudges and I can’t have him hating Dane either.’ ‘I would handle Tom for you.’ ‘How? He’s stubborn Grissel. ‘Your brother would do anything for me. Just trust that he would come to accept him eventually.’ ‘Thank you so much.’ She reached out for her hands. ‘You know Shirley takes after you. She knows what she wants and makes sure she gets it.’ Grissel gasped. ‘Where’s she?’ Just then they heard a deafening burst in the kitchen followed by a shout and rushed there as Dani was out of sight. *** ‘Come here sweetheart.’ Dani was hiding behind the kitchen door probably petrified. ‘Mommy I was just warming my food and it went boom.’ ‘I’m sorry, you could have called me.’ ‘You were talking non-stop so I wanted to be a big girl.’ ‘That’s alright, let me help you but next time wait for me. I can’t lose you too.’ Grissel moved away from her after a few cuddles and proceeded in getting the food ready for her. ‘Lisa did I ruin it?’ She asked Lisa who was checking out the microwave. ‘You damaged it dear.’ She became sad and walked closer. ‘Don’t worry, you can buy me a new one with your first paycheck.’ Grissel smiled at her. They were still smiling when Tom came to the kitchen, opened the fridge and closed it. ‘Tom do you need anything?’ Grissel asked and he ignored and kept pacing around scratching his head. ‘Uncle Tom, Mommy just asked you are question.’ He probably didn’t notice Dani in the kitchen earlier. ‘I think I left what I needed upstairs.’ He feigned a smile and went out without another word. As if on cue, they all glanced at each other and raised their shoulders. ‘He doesn’t like me here and Daddy also he would not like me.’ Shirley said quietly and sadly. Melisa drew her closer. ‘That’s not true, Tom loves your mom and you very much.’ ‘Mommy is that true?’ Grissel shook her head and focused back on the food. ‘You need to talk to him.’ Melisa mouthed faintly to Grissel who nodded slowly with pain. ***** ‘Are you sure want to do this?’ Stella who picked Grissel up few blocks from her house to her place asked. ‘I have to sooner or later.’ She replied her. Stella led her into the house where she greeted her parents who were excited to have met the famous Grissel. ‘We are happy to finally meet our daughter’s best friend.’ Mr. Medt said. ‘Yes, I remember Stella wouldn’t come home to visit when you got pregnant because she doesn’t want to leave your side.’ Her mom chipped in. ‘I’m happy to meet the family who has been so supportive.’ Grissel said uncomfortably because her mind was hot as she doesn’t know what to expect from Dane when she comes face to face with him. The other thing too is she didn’t tell anyone where she was going that evening. ‘Grissel it’s okay, let’s go and clear this up so you can go home before Tom starts a search party.’ Stella dragged her out of there towards Dane’s room. When they got there, Stella gestured her to knock as she would prefer staying out of their way. Grissel knocked and heard come in. She looked back at Stella and got a nod. ‘Leave the door open.’ Stella told her. She held on to the door knobs, turned it open and sighed heavily. When she got in Dane was sitting on the couch reading Seattle news. ‘What are you doing here?’ He sprung up from where he sat earlier and sat down again. Grissel who hasn’t seen Dane in eight years was uncomfortable and her head was down for some few minutes. ‘I want us to talk.’ She muttered with courage. Dane who was seeing her for the first time after he left her at the hospital that night when Shane died for the cops to take her into their custody signaled her to come closer. Grissel walked closer and sat down without being asked to. ‘What do you possibly want to talk about?’ He stood up from where he sat and moved to his bed. ‘I’m so…rry abo….ut but I want to move on and I need you to sign the papers.’ Grissel stammered at a point but she braced herself up at the end. ‘You think I want you to move on and be happy while I haven’t healed yet?’ He said with anger. Grissel raised her head finally and found him staring at her. ‘What do you want then because I did my time and nothing I say right now is going to bring Shane back and I missed out on raising Shirley.’ ‘You missed out or you run off after you got out.’ ‘I missed out because I know you wouldn’t want to see me back in your house.’ ‘And you think you are the right parent for my daughter.’ ‘A mother should raise her daughter so yes I’m the right parent for Shirley.’ ‘Right parent you say. What would you probably teach her?’ ‘I know you don’t trust me right now but can we come to an agreement because Shirley wants to come live with me.’ ‘Stop calling her Shirley.’ He snarled and stood up. ‘She’s Dani and for your information, I don’t need you to raise my daughter to become someone that fake’s signatures.’ Dane scowled once more. Grissel was embarrassed and she knew he had no idea Stella signed the papers. ‘You know I could always get a default annulment right?’ She suddenly became alive when earlier she could barely talk. Dane laughed suddenly. ‘If you could, what’s stopping you now? Fraud.’ He muttered and sat back on his bed. Grissel swallowed so hard and tried to remain calm. The Dane she knew was strict but caring. ‘You should know your sister did the signing and I’m trying so hard not to bring that out in court.’ She finally let the truth out. Dane glanced at her. ‘You still haven’t stopped lying Grissel.’ He called her by her name for the first time since she came in. ‘I’ve never lied to you Reed besides Stella is right outside there you can ask her.’ They both suddenly became silence. Grissel knew she wasn’t making any heads way with him so she stood up to leave. When she got to the door, he stood up also. ‘Wait, I may have an offer for you.’ He mentioned with a frown. Grissel turned around quickly. She knew whatever Dane had in mind was only going to be in his favor. ‘Okay, let’s hear it.’ She asked holding her tears back from earlier. ‘’Come live with me, that way you can have Shirley to yourself every time.’ She glared at him. ‘You are not serious Reed. Why on earth would I want to stay with you when you are still with Melisa?’ ‘Melisa would understand and that’s the only way I can let my daughter ever near you again.’ He smiled mischievously. ‘I allowed her all these time to be with you because Lisa asked me to.’ ‘So what do I gain from staying with you. It’s not like I would be getting my freedom.’ ‘I can sign those papers when you decide to stay with us.’ He said to her surprise. ‘Why don’t you just sign them without any conditions? ‘So you take my princess away from me? No way Grissel.’ He was beginning to flare up again. ‘How would that even work Reed? I can’t stay in the same space with you.’ ‘You can with no obligations.’ He said rather calmly. Grissel wasn’t sure what has suddenly come over him to make such an offer to her. ‘No thanks, I will find a way.’ She quickly said and prayed silently not to regret her decision. ‘Suit yourself then. You know telling the court Stella signed those papers are not going to hold especially when she’s related to the both of us.’ ‘You are very heartless Dane.’ She said with anger and held on to the door. ‘Thank you and by the way you look nice.’ Dane flattered. ‘And stop telling my daughter Tom doesn’t like her.’ She cautioned with anger. Grissel slammed the door and walked out meeting Stella sitting on the floor crying. ‘Get me out of here.’ She said angrily and Stella stood up. ‘Are you okay?’ Stella asked when they left her house. ‘Don’t ask me that question and stop shedding tears in my presence. Stella kept quiet the whole time Grissel was in her car. She dropped her off in front of her house and watched her standing at the gate obviously scared of entering the house. ‘Do you need help getting inside?’ ‘No, thanks.’ She replied back and opened the gate. She entered the house and paused again. *** ‘Has anyone seen my wife?’ Tom came down worried. Melisa who was playing with Dani’s hair paused and looked up at him. ‘Uncle Tom, do you mean Grissel?’ Shirley asked cheekily while Melisa kept quiet. She thought allowing Shirley talk to Tom would ease the tension between them. ‘Yes, your mom. Did she go out?’ Tom asked again. ‘She didn’t tell me.’ Shirley replied looking at Melisa for confirmation. Melisa smiled at her. ‘Okay,’ he replied and turned towards the kitchen. Melisa realized he was probably hungry. ‘Do you want me to cook something for you?’ She asked. ‘No, thanks. I would grab some juice.’ Shirley glanced at Melisa and back to Tom who was moving away. ‘Uncle Tom, maybe Grissel went to see my daddy at…...’ She said suddenly and Melisa jumped up to cover her mouth with her palms. Tom turned around watching their reaction just then Grissel came in obviously crying. She had no idea anyone was going to be in the hall. ‘Mommy, I told Uncle Tom you went to see my dad.’ She rushed off from Melisa’s arms towards her mom at the door. Grissel opened her mouth to talk when she noticed Tom staring at her. He got the message clear as she was quiet so he walked away to the kitchen. ‘Sweetheart, go and play with Melisa. I want to talk with Uncle Tom.’ ‘Okay.’ Shirley responded and rushed off. When Grissel got to the kitchen Tom was obviously waiting for her. ‘Can you make something quick for me? I’ve been hungry since afternoon and I thought you got my message clear when I came to the kitchen earlier.’ He said innocently. ‘Alright, but can we talk first.’ She pleaded with her eyes. ‘Grissel, whatever you do with Dane is your business not mine.’ ‘Tom, that’s your anger talking. I only went there to see if I could talk him out of this whole case.’ Tom looked at her and knew she was telling the truth. ‘Just tell me next time you want to do anything like that.’ ‘So you could follow me?’ I just didn’t want a fight between you two besides you were mean to me earlier when you came to the kitchen.’ Grissel muttered slowly. ‘Really, I was hungry and when I saw everyone in the kitchen I knew I would be ruining mother daughter moment if I should ask you to make something for me when I had eaten an hour earlier.’ ‘Sorry, I thought you were being mean to us.’ Grissel confessed. ‘No, I was jealous though.’ He smiled cheekily like Shirley who had some drama up her sleeves. ‘I knew it.’ She tried to smack him when he moved a step back. ‘Okay, how did it go then?’ He finally asked. She sighed and walked towards him when she realized he was calm. ‘Disastrous, he humiliated me Tom.’ ‘I’m sorry, come here.’ He opened his arms wide for her. ‘You said you don’t want me talking to him so I obviously can’t do anything about this humiliation.’ ‘Yes, I know and thank you for not judging me.’ ‘Great, I’m starving please.’ He complained. ‘Yes, yes, let me get dinner sorted out quickly. ‘Thank you.’ He planted a kiss on her lips and rushed out. ***TBC
20 Jun 2018 | 00:49
haba!!!! dis Dane sef,,,, his can u ask her to be staying wit u,,, how abt her husband???? selfish guy and u still want Melisa too?,,,, hmmmmm
20 Jun 2018 | 04:35
so nyc of you Tom
20 Jun 2018 | 04:48
Dane still want Grissel
20 Jun 2018 | 11:50
Dane doesn't knw what he wants....I guess you still love Grissel
20 Jun 2018 | 12:49
This Dane is selfish He still wants Grissel
20 Jun 2018 | 15:54
EPISODE 26 Tom was at work a week after Dani left with his Dad when Gina called her to rush back home as Grissel was packing out. Prior to her packing out they were fine and seems to have resolved their issues. He left everything he was doing and rushed back home but she had already left with a few of her stuff. Gina saw the pain in his eyes and told him where she left to. When he got to Jessy’s house, she refused to see him. That whole week she had not been to work and Tom kept frequenting Jessy’s place hoping to see his wife but to no avail. Adam and Jessy interfered and tried to help but she was so headstrong. ‘Thanks for meeting me Andre.’ ‘Yeah, you sounded worried over the phone but I hope you two are enjoying your holiday.’ ‘Holiday?’ ‘Yes, Grissel asked for a month emergency leave to get settled before her big case starts.’ ‘Big case?’ Adam read the expression on his face and realized Grissel lied to him about the holiday. ‘Yeah, her ex-husbands case.’ ‘Okay I know about that and thank you.’ He sounded sad. ‘I have to go now.’ He left without another word whiles Andre called after him but he drove off. Andre called Grissel before he also left the restaurant they had earlier on met at. Tom got there after a few hours and once ushered in he walked past Adam and Jessy. He knew where her room was so he just badged in but Grissel was in the shower. He calmed down and sat on her bed waiting for her to come out. Tom picked up her phone and decided to go through her logs and messages. He was half through when Grissel came in with her towel wrapped on her head. ‘Gosh.’ She quickly grabbed the towel to cover herself. ‘Are you hiding your body from your husband?’ She hissed. ‘Who let you in?’ ‘I came in by myself.’ ‘What do you want?’ She said holding tightly on to the towel. ‘Grissel I’ve seen all that before, so allow yourself to breathe.’ She smiled unawares. ‘Tom, I don’t want you here.’ ‘Pack your things and let’s go to our home.’ ‘I’m staying right here.’ She walked to her wardrobe and quickly slipped on a blouse. ‘Don’t watch.’ Tom ignored her caution. ‘You want to stay here so you can continue calling Dane right?’ Her face shot up. ‘Give me that.’ She glared at him for her phone. ‘Grissel, what are you doing?’ He asked sadly. She noticed him pushing his tears away. ‘Oh come on, don’t cry on me.’ ‘Why were you calling him?’ ‘I just dialed the number and hanged up several times.’ She made eye contact with him. ‘I couldn’t bring myself to call him to plead again after he humiliated me the last time..’ ‘I believe you Love.’ ‘Of course, you have to.’ She replied passing her right hand through her hair. ‘Do you need anything that I haven’t provided lately?’ ‘Ice-cream.’ That was the only thing that came to her mind. ‘Jokes aside Grissel.’ ‘It’s standard procedure Tom.’ ‘Okay, how long?’ ‘I don’t know, I just have a lot going on now that I don’t want you to be all over me.’ Tom examined her face and knew she was lying. ‘Clearly you need space so I would go now. Call me when you are ready.’ ‘Thank you so much.’ She run into his arms when he stood up to leave. He held on tightly and one thing led to another and they had a couple’s time together that afternoon. Adam and Jessy were staring at them when they came out together laughing. They always knew those two were inseparable. Tom left and went straight home with his family waiting for him. ***** Dane reached out with his lap napkin and wiped Lisa’s lips. Melisa hadn’t noticed she stained her lips with the sausage sauce she was busily enjoying with Dane after they left Mr. and Mrs. Reeds place. The retired judge wanted to meet Melisa before he leaves with his wife to travel all over the world. Dane knew his parents would definitely like Melisa so he wasn’t surprise she got along with her dad easily. ‘Thanks.’ She smiled after Dane dropped the napkin. ‘Should I order for another plate?’ He asked watching her eat hurriedly. Melisa looked up at him and nodded. ‘Make it two plates, one should be packaged.’ They were going back home after they left his parents when she complained of hunger so they decided to eat at a joint before going back. Melisa obviously took Grissel’s advice to be with Dane. She convinced herself whatever she was doing with him was for Shirley but Dane’s dad made her feel she was making a mistake. ‘I was jealous when my dad asked to talk to you alone.’ He finally said what was on his mind. Melisa dropped her cutlery. ‘D, just ask already.’ ‘What did you two talk about?’ He quickly asked. ‘He said you are wrong for me.’ Melisa said staring at him. ‘That bastard.’ He jumped up from his seat scaring Melisa while the others looked on. Melisa held his hands and gestured him to seat. ‘I love you and I think you should hear what I told him.’ He sighed and relaxed on his seat. ‘You want to leave me because he asked you to?’ ‘No and you should know your father regrets helping you maltreat Grissel. He asked me to stay away from you because he feels you would do the same thing to me.’ ‘Lisa, don’t pay attention to him.’ He quickly pushed his chair towards where she sat as they were facing each other earlier. ‘I’m trying not to Dane but I would still wish you let all these hatred go.’ ‘We talked about this Lisa. You were not to interfere in this matter.’ ‘I’m hurting but still want to be with you which I think makes me seem delusional.’ ‘You are not delusional.’ He replied holding on to her hands. ‘Then dismiss this case and give Grissel her freedom.’ ‘After you told me, you still wanted to be with me I thought about it but then I heard from my lawyer she filed for custody.’ ‘So? Shir.. I mean Dani is her daughter too.’ ‘Where was she when I had to stay up every night just because Dani was traumatized?’ He was near tears. ‘Hey,’ she called and gave him a tissue. ‘You drove her away Dane. I don’t see how she would have been a part of her life if you didn’t want her around.’ ‘I never told you, I was expecting her to come back at a point.’ He muttered with a bliss which vanished within a second. ‘You wanted her back?’ He nodded. ‘I knew what I did and still doing is wrong but what’s her business with Dani now when she couldn’t come back all these years.’ Melisa kept staring at him. ‘You are right but she was young and probably didn’t have anyone advising her.’ He hissed. ‘Grissel was smart and intelligent. She just didn’t care Lisa.’ ‘Give her the divorce then and I might be able to talk her out of the custody case.’ ‘No, I don’t want you doing that. Let her keep thinking she’s coming out this time alive.’ ‘Was that a threat?’ Melisa asked with a worried tone. ‘A caution Lisa. I allowed Dani near her because I trust you and I don’t want to lose you.’ She noticed he was boiling up so she smiled to confuse him. ‘Okay, what about we get married next week.’ She asked suddenly. ‘Lisa, you told me you don’t want to get married now.’ ‘Yes, but I’ve changed my mind Dane.’ ‘You think changing your mind would make me let all this go.’ ‘Well, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you because you might lose me if you keep making Grissel suffer.’ ‘You know what?’ He suddenly made a weird face. ‘No but it should be good.’ She supported her jaws with her hands. ‘I think we should take a break until all this is over.’ He stared at her for an expression. ‘Not the kind of break that won’t bring us together at the end.’ ‘Alright, I understand and that’s what I need right now. I like it, just come and find me when your problems are over.’ ‘You would wait for me?’ He asked with shock. ‘Of course, I told you I’m not sure why I still want to be with you despite what you keep doing to Grissel.’ He laughed heartily. ‘I guess I’m a very likeable man.’ ‘I guess so besides I think you are a good man despite the fact that you think you have to pay evil with evil.’ He reached out for a hug. ‘Have I told you how much I love you Lisa?’ ‘I don’t want to know now that we are on a break.’ She smiled and smacked him gently. Just then the waiter came with her food and the packed meal. Dane glanced at his watch and moved back to his original position. He loves Melisa but he also want some kind of closure. All these while he wasn’t so sure why he wanted Grissel not to be happy but he’s certain now he just wanted her to take all the blame for his own failure as a father. ***** ‘Clive why did you ask me here.’ ‘To talk some sense into you.’ He directed his eyes towards the two ladies at the bar. They smiled at him. Tom recognized them and waved the. They were his two favorites apart from Amy whom he ended up keeping permanently. Clive knew that and took advantage of his current marriage status. ‘No, I can’t do that to Grissel.’ ‘Yes you can. She wouldn’t even notice. Clive convinced. ‘Besides she left you unattended to for two weeks.’ ‘And I’m okay Clive.’ ‘You have needs, I can see that in your eyes. You know you want to Tom.’ He glared at him then to the ladies. He smiled finally and his phone rang. ‘What is it again?’ Tom feigned anger over the phone while Clive looked on. ‘I’m just calling to check on my mom.’ ‘Grissel you have her number.’ ‘Yeah you are right.’ ‘Okay, goodnight.’ He sounded in a hurry to hang up. ‘Wait Tom.’ ‘I’m listening.’ ‘I’m in need of something.’ ‘That something doesn’t have a name?’ ‘You know what I mean Tom.’ ‘I’m not a magician Grissel.’ ‘Alright, I miss you.’ ‘Thank you, have a goodni…’ ‘Hold on, I’m ho..rny.’ He was mute at his end for a few seconds. ‘So?’ ‘Why don’t you come over?’ ‘You expect me to drive for two hours just to sleep with you in your sister’s house.’ ‘Of course love. You were here the last time and she hasn’t complained.’ ‘That’s not happening again Grissel.’ ‘Don’t do this to me Tom?’ ‘If you need sex come back home Grissel.’ He smiled quietly. ‘To the best of my knowledge no one is chasing you and you just moved out in the name of standard procedure when Andre even said it’s fine if you stay with me for now.’ Clive laughed at Tom’s reply. ‘I’m just doing what will help my case Tom.’ ‘Okay, enjoy your case then.’ ‘Tom. What is all this?’ ‘It’s called I’m not a lawyer but I’m wise.’ ‘Fine, let’s trade.’ ‘Trade? What could you possibly have that I want now?’ ‘I know you miss my cooking.’ He laughed so loud that Grissel was confused over the call. ‘What’s so funny?’ ‘You have no idea how your mom pampers me.’ ‘But my mom comes over once a while so you must be eating outside.’ ‘That’s where you are wrong. She brings food every evening.’ ‘So you won’t come?’ She asked sadly when it seemed her options were exhausted. ‘No, I’m out with Clive and the girls right now.’ ‘Huh!’ She exclaimed. ‘Tom don’t dig your own grave. I wi….. ‘Have a nice evening.’ He hurriedly hanged up before Grissel would succeed in convincing him. He enjoyed his time with her at Jessy’s end but he wasn’t just comfortable. To Tom, they were still married but Grissel is so stubborn when it comes to her ethics. ‘I guess the path is cleared then.’ Clive said when Tom seemed to be lost in his thoughts. ‘Clive, I appreciate you looking out for me but I can’t be with those girls.’ ‘But she just gave you the go ahead right.’ ‘No, and I think being with those girls wouldn’t be fun anymore besides I would be breaking my vows.’ ‘You two were not married in the first place so you are technically single.’ ‘Let’s stop talking about this, you obviously haven’t fallen in love before so you won’t understand my feelings.’ ‘You two are very funny and weird Tom.’ Clive responded and signaled the ladies to go. He nodded and smiled proudly. *** Grissel hissed and grabbed her popcorn bowl as she crossed her legs in front of the TV. ‘He’s right you know.’ Jessy spoke behind her. ‘You were eavesdropping Jessy.’ She turned her head backwards. ‘No, I was checking on you.’ ‘It’s the same thing.’ ‘As I said earlier, he was right. If you do need him you have to go home before you fall sick.’ She blushed. ‘Sex doesn’t make people fall sick.’ ‘You have no idea Grissel. Just ask Adam why he was always home early these past month.’ Grissel watched her sister blushed. ‘How do you do it? I mean Adam gives you all the attention you need without even asking.’ ‘Communication and you started off with keeping secrets.’ She sighed heavily. ‘I’m trying to work on that.’ ‘Good. I know you think staying here is the right thing to do but take it from me you are pushing him away.’ ‘Dane is cunning, I just don’t want him to have the upper hand in this case.’ ‘Alright Love. Just let me know when you need help.’ ‘But has Adam cheated on you before?’ She suddenly asked when there was silence. Jessy frowned. ‘Well, I haven’t caught him yet and I just keep trusting him with hope that it never happens.’ Grissel paused the movie as she was using an external player. ‘Tell me more Jessy because he’s out there right now with his old flings and obviously doesn’t care about me.’ Her sister joined her on the sofa and dipped her hands in the popcorn. ‘Relax, he was bluffing.’ She caressed her nose. ‘No man tells you about cheating before they do.’ ‘Are you sure because I know once Tom is with Clive, he’s lost to himself.’ ‘Trust me, if he wanted to sleep out he would have done that without mentioning it to you.’ ‘What’s the difference? He sounded as if he needed my permission to sleep around.’ ‘No, that was him telling you, he respects you and wants you back home.’ Jessy watched her as she frowned. ‘I can’t go back now.’ ‘That’s a conversation you both need to sit down and have. You can’t do this alone Grissel, especially if you have a man like Tom who is willing to sacrifice everything for you.’ ‘His willingness is the more reason why I left. I’m scared he is not all that happy right now and I don’t want to stay with an unhappy man Jessy.’ ‘I think, he’s just so much in love with you and he’s the kind of man that understands love doesn’t need to be that perfect all the time.’ ‘At first, all I needed was him to accept me and understand why I hid the truth from him but now that he has given me what I wanted I feel it wasn’t right putting all my burdens on him.’ ‘I know how you feel, but he chose this path for both of you. You love him as much as he does so just let him be there for you.’ Grissel glanced at her for a long time and sighed. ‘Alright, I would see him tomorrow.’ She concluded with a happy smile. That was the old Jessy and Grissel. They talk about anything and Adam doesn’t stand a chance. To be continued
21 Jun 2018 | 03:11
Hmmmm,,,,, wat is wrong wit dis Grissel sef,,,,,
21 Jun 2018 | 04:18
Grissel is delusional
21 Jun 2018 | 09:40
this Grissel self
21 Jun 2018 | 10:26
21 Jun 2018 | 15:00
EPISODE 27 © Loudest Thoughts 2018 ‘Are you sure it’s okay, having dinner with me?’ ‘It’s fine besides I’m not married anymore.’ ‘How’s that going?’ Stella dropped her cutlery in an attempt to listen to him. ‘Your friend is stubborn and won’t listen to anyone’s advice either.’ ‘But she’s right you know.’ ‘I know that but the court appearance is still weeks away I don’t see why we shouldn’t be together now.’ ‘She’s keeping herself from more trouble especially when you guys are actually not married you don’t expect her to be a wife to you.’ She examined his face before her lips went apart again. ‘Knowing Grissel and her principles don’t expect her to come home when things are not sorted out.’ Stella smiled at him. Tom was silent for a few seconds staring at his plate of fries. ‘Why ask for sex then?’ ‘Huh!’ She exclaimed. ‘Oops did I say that out loud.’ His hands practically flew to cover his mouth. She laughed lightly alongside blushing. ‘Yeah you pretty much just told me she’s not the only one that wants it.’ ‘I admit but there’s no way I’m going to her house.’ ‘Sex is okay anywhere these days.’ ‘I know you would take her side.’ ‘Definitely, hotels and guest houses are appropriate.’ ‘It’s so weird talking to you about this and besides I’m not a fun of all those places you mentioned and she knows that.’ ‘You are not a fun but she is.’ ‘She is? Tom’s eyes lit with surprise. ‘Well, I can’t waste my money on all those places.’ She nodded. ‘I don’t mind paying for it neither would Grissel.’ ‘I can’t have my boss paying for that.’ ‘At this point I’m a friend but when it comes to paying your boss can pay for weekend getaways which are normal in every company.’ ‘You and Grissel can be manipulative.’ ‘That hurts my ego Tom.’ She smiled all of a sudden. ‘Sorry but it’s true, Grissel is something else and I love that side of her.’ He smiled unawares. ‘Talking about Grissel, did you tell her about this place?’ Stella waved her hand slowly. ‘No, do you want her to have my head.’ ‘You know Grissel wasn’t jealous because you were always with me.’ ‘She trusts you too much.’ Tom said rubbing his hands against each other probably feeling cold. ‘No, she knows my limit but then she trusts you a whole lot.’ She smiled confusing Tom. ‘She only gets angry when you don’t call or at least answer her calls to tell her you would be keeping late nights.’ ‘That’s more like she’s monitoring me and it’s the same as jealousy.’ ‘She loves you despite the fact that you are stubborn sometimes.’ ‘Did she put you up to this?’ ‘You of all people should know Grissel hates me now.’ ‘Yeah I’m sorry.’ I’m okay.’ She stylishly waved her hands again when he wasn’t watching. ‘You know this restaurant’s washroom is neat right.’ ‘Yeah, always clean. You want to use the washroom?’ Tom responded ignorantly. ‘No, Grissel doesn’t want to come back to the house so you should know she will follow you anywhere.’ Stella smiled sheepishly. ‘She dare not.’ He picked up his juice and sipped then dropped it. The smile on Stella’s face brought him back to his senses. ‘She is here right?’ ‘Uhmmm.’ Stella nodded. He sighed heavily, dropped the lap napkin and stood up abruptly. ‘Where’s she?’ ‘Take it easy.’ She waved Grissel once more. Tom turned around and his eyes caught her on a far row. ‘Stay here.’ He muttered to Stella. ‘Remember to use the washroom.’ She whispered to him while he shook his head and walked away. *** He stood in front of her while she pretended not to notice him. ‘Grissel, what are you doing here?’ She raised up her head. ‘This is a restaurant Tom and everyone is allowed here.’ ‘Not when I’m in the same restaurant.’ ‘You mean when you are with another woman.’ She bluntly said to annoy him. ‘Really, at this point I think I’m allowed to see other people.’ Tom shot back. He thought that would put some sense into her. Grissel didn’t budge but just focused on her food. ‘Waiter.’ She muttered to the guy standing at his position. She raised her head when he came over. ‘Can I have the second plate of food?’ ‘But Miss, you said w…..’ ‘Yeah I know what I said, my guest is almost here.’ She saw Tom glaring at her and she smiled. ‘I would prefer it gets ready and served once he gets to my table.’ ‘Alright, the same food and accompaniment.’ ‘That’s right.’ She confirmed while he wrote on a note. ‘I’ll get going now.’ The waiter announced and headed back. ‘And put my bills on his tab.’ She pointed to Tom still standing in front of her. The waiter glanced at Tom waiting for approval but he just frowned. ‘Just go and do as I said please.’ She told the waiter and he left. ‘What was that?’ He asked angrily. ‘That was you paying for my meals and his.’ ‘You bought food for a guy and expect me to pay.’ ‘Is there something wrong with that?’ ‘Yes everything is wrong with it Grissel.’ He didn’t want to cause a scene so he grabbed the seat in front of him. ‘When was the last time you took me out for a meal?’ She asked sternly. ‘But we are not together anymore.’ ‘Okay, enjoy buying for someone else then.’ He searched her eyes for a while and when Grissel took off her gaze he sighed heavily. ‘Grissel this is childish.’ ‘What is childish?’ She retorted. ‘Everything.’ ‘You mean having someone over for dinner is childish or paying for his meals.’ She stared and didn’t get an answer. ‘Both are childish besides shouldn’t you be eating at home. Women cook at home.’ ‘What do you call what you came here to do with Ella.’ ‘You know it’s a friendly dinner.’ ‘Okay mime is a romantic dinner.’ She twisted his own words against him with a straight face on. Tom just relaxed back on the seat and watched her eat as if she hasn’t eaten in a while. Then it occurred to him, her appetite comes up when he’s around and eating with her. He picked up the sanitizer and used it on his hands. Grissel was wondering what he was doing when he dipped his hands in her food. She drew back and stared while checking to see if others had noticed. ‘What are you doing?’ She said out quietly. ‘What does it look like?’ He gave her one of those his flirtatious smiles. ‘I’m eating with my wife.’ ‘I’m not your wife Tom.’ He smiled instead of frowning. ‘Ohh my illegal wife.’ Grissel though wasn’t finding it funny and easy hearing all that kept a straight face on and ignored him while he continued to eat. She followed him there to spite him but his presence was having so much effect on her. ‘Are you seeing someone else?’ He tried not to sound jealous. She scoffed. ‘Are you jealous?’ ‘I’m not but I just don’t understand you anymore. Usually, ladies treat men this way when they were at fault but in my case I’ve been supportive even after you hurt me so bad.’ He said painfully. ‘I’m still here hoping our vows and time together wasn’t in vain.’ She dropped her cutlery and sat against the chair. They both stared at each other for close to two minutes without uttering a word. Grissel knew he was right earlier but she also has the responsibility to stay out of his way for some time. Dane is cunning and would do anything to see her unhappy. ‘What do you want?’ She finally asked. ‘Move back home with me.’ ‘Okay, finish eating and we can talk about it.’ Tom’s hand practically fell off his mouth with the food. ‘For real?’ He asked still surprised. ‘Yeah, and you were right earlier.’ ‘Right?’ ‘You’ve done nothing wrong than being supportive and I’m sorry.’ ‘You are sorry?’ ‘Of course.’ He grabbed the sanitizer and rubbed his hands. ‘Why are you rushing?’ ‘I’m taking you home right away.’ ‘I didn’t mention I was coming home tonight Tom.’ ‘Please, don’t do this we can go pick up your things and drive back.’ Grissel didn’t want to burst his bubble. She smiled after she saw how happy he sounded and the frustration on his face earlier on when he approached her table vanished. ‘You smiled.’ ‘Yes, and can we go already.’ She brought out his phone and sent a text message. ‘We can pick up my stuff tomorrow morning.’ ‘You are not kidding right.’ ‘No, I’m serious.’ She whispered and signaled the waiter. Grissel searched her bag thoroughly for minutes without success. ‘Tom, I ne……’ ‘I should pay, I guess.’ She nodded smiling. ‘I don’t have money these days.’ He brought out his wallet and checked the bill card for her receipt. Tom popped up his eyes in surprise. ‘Did you buy the whole restaurant?’ He scratched his head. Grissel shoved the wallet out of his hands and took out the money while he looked on smiling. Just then the waiter came over with a face that showed her order wasn’t ready. ‘I have to leave and by the look on your face I know the food isn’t ready so my friend will come pick it up. Just package it nicely.’ She handed him the menu card with her bill. ‘Stella paid.’ The waiter muttered. They both looked across their table to check if she was there as they totally forgot about her. ‘You know Stella.’ Grissel asked to be sure. ‘The lady that was on table ten.’ he pointed to that direction which appears vacant now. ‘She said to tell you not to forget lunch tomorrow.’ ‘Lunch?’ Grissel queried. ‘Yes,’ the waiter responded and handed her a note. Tom looked at her reading the note. ‘She’s coming to your place tomorrow for lunch. Was this your idea?’ ‘No, I wasn’t even sure you were going home with me tonight.’ She scrutinized his face to be sure. Grissel, took out the money from the menu card and gave him a tip which left him smiling. ‘Thank you. He’s Austin.’ She smiled.’ I mean the one who will pick up the food.’ ‘Alright Miss.’ ‘Its Mrs. Young man.’ Tom muttered. ‘My apologies. I have to go now.’ He said quickly glancing at Grissel’s hands and finally walked away. ‘You took off your ring.’ He asked after a few seconds. ‘You don’t expect me to have my ring on when I was asked to appear in court.’ ‘You were in court? When?’ ‘The day I packed out and before you ask I didn’t inform you because you would just complicate things for me.’ ‘I’ve heard you but don’t forget we are in this together Grissel.’ ‘Thank you, let’s get going already.’ She announced. ‘Though I would love to get the gist about court and what Austin is meeting you here for I would rather not ask.’ She stood up with her bag and shook her head smiling. ‘After all these years you are still jealous of Austin.’ ‘I’m not but the guy is too over protective.’ ‘You should be glad someone is looking out for me.’ He smiled widely while walking out of the door with her. ‘I will drive after your car leaves.’ ‘Wait. Were you bluffing last night about sleeping with those girls?’ He laughed. It’s so clear now why you came here this evening.’ ‘Did you?’ ‘No, I respect our union Grissel.’ ‘I love you Tom.’ She gave him a hug and got into her car driving off while Tom followed. His eyes on the road sternly to make sure she wasn’t playing pranks on him. *** Grissel woke up that morning fulfilled and tiptoed out of the room with picking up her wears alongside. She had earlier on left a note for him because he’s so much aware Tom wouldn’t wake up now. She picked up her bag from the couch and got to the kitchen for a bottle of water. As she was leaving the house in her car Lisa’s call came in. Grissel after speaking to Lisa for a few minutes got out of her car and went back in. Dropped her bag and left the house smiling while humming holding her steer tightly. Tom woke up a while after she left. He sighted the empty glass on his side drawer and noticed there was a note attached. It then occurred to him Grissel wasn’t on the bed with him. ‘Next time don’t trust every drink offered to you with a mischievous smile after sex but don’t worry it was just a little amount of sleeping tablets which will enable me sneak out in peace.’ He read out loud and the events of last night flashed his mind. Tom strolled to the bathroom and for some reason the note didn’t bother him at all. He washed down and went into the kitchen. ‘She didn’t leave any food too.’ But he noticed Grissel’s bag from last night was on the kitchen counter. ‘She must have forgotten it in a hurry.’ His stomach grumbled. ‘There’s egg and bread.’ He thought out loud. After some few hours she came back with Stella as they dragged a shopping back in. Tom who was descending from upstairs when he heard the car coming into the compound stood there watching them helpless. He exchanged greetings with Stella. ‘Tom come and help us.’ ‘I thought you left.’ ‘Didn’t you see my bag?’ ‘Yeah, what is that you two are dragging in?’ ‘There’s no food in this house and you are paying for it.’ ‘I thought food is your responsibility when it’s not yet a new month.’ ‘Last I checked I don’t live with you anymore.’ ‘Then why are you buying food for my house.’ ‘Uhmmm.’ Stella cleared her throat. ‘You two do realize this is petty rivalry right.’ Stella who was watching them argue it out found her voice. ‘Just help us with the bag.’ He looked at both women and carried the bag to the kitchen while Stella stayed out of their way. Grissel joined him in the kitchen smiling. ‘You are smiling because you know what you did right?’ ‘Can you please pick up my car for me?’ She feigned a smile. ‘In your dreams.’ he said and walked out on her while she hissed and started her clean up. Tom found Stella still standing at her spot. ‘Sorry, have a seat.’ ‘Thank you.’ She walked to the couch. ‘Where did you meet your friend?’ ‘She called me to pick her up. Her car broke down on the way.’ ‘She must have called me several times.’ ‘Yeah she mentioned it.’ ‘I’m not sure where I dropped my phone last night.’ ‘I can imagine. You will find it.’ She smiled coyly. ‘I know what y…’ ‘Tom did you use all my salt.’ Grissel called out from the kitchen. Both Stella and Tom looked at each other. ‘I’m not in the mood for this drama.’ He excused himself and rushed upstairs. Stella shook her head and went towards the kitchen. She knew Tom wasn’t going to come down anytime soon and whoever Grissel is expecting must be very important because she couldn’t stop making noise about it on their way home. To be continued
22 Jun 2018 | 22:04
EPISODE 28 © Loudest Thoughts 2018 All Rights Reserved It turned out Grissel arranged with Melisa to bring Shirley over which Tom was not aware of. When she changed her mind of leaving that afternoon it was because her daughter was visiting. Tom was furious as he felt left out and Grissel seemed much happier with Shirley around. ‘She’s just a kid.’ He mumbled softly and sat back in his car. He came home earlier and Grissel hadn’t noticed as she has kept herself locked up in the guest room with Shirley for the past few days that she arrived. *** ‘Mommy, I want you to come and live with me in daddy’s house.’ ‘Sweetheart we talked about this.’ ‘Yes, but Uncle Tom doesn’t like me.’ ‘Really, why do you say that?’ ‘He hardly talks to me and always not around.’ ‘I’m sorry but Tom is very busy these days and you know mommy has hurt him a lot.’ ‘Okay, just apologize to him so we can leave to daddy’s house.’ Grissel was getting frustrated and just reached out to her. She cuddled her and watched her sleepy eyes closed. She realized her daughter was probably sleep talking but she was also right about Tom distancing himself from them. *** Gina walked up to Grissel’s room and found her cuddling Shirley to bed. She peeped and signaled her to come out. ‘Mom, don’t leave.’ Shirley muttered as sleep was almost taking over. ‘Shirley, I will be back.’ She nodded and closed her eyes. ‘Mom, are you okay.’ Grissel asked when she got to Gina’s end. ‘Yes, but Tom isn’t.’ ‘Tom?’ Grissel repeated. ‘Yes, I’ve been watching you two lately and it seemed you don’t really care about him anymore.’ ‘Don’t say that mom. I’m trying and right now I’m out of ideas.’ ‘No, you are being selfish and insensitive.’ Grissel felt embarrassed but that was her mom and anything she says always make sense. ‘I’m sorry. Is he back?’ ‘Over five hours ago and you probably didn’t notice because you feel comfortable with whatever primitive ideas you have going through your mind.’ ‘I don’t know how to talk to him.’ She revealed coyly. ‘Trust me you do.’ ‘I will see him tomorrow.’ She announced and turned her back Gina. ‘Will you get out of here now?’ Tom has laid his life down for you, yet still you treat him like he doesn’t matter to you.’ Gina raised her voice at her. ‘But Shirley i….’ ‘I would watch Shirley. Just attend to Tom.’ ‘Alright mom.’ She dragged her feet and hesitated for a while before moving away. ‘He’s outside in his car and he hasn’t eaten for quite some days now.’ ‘Really?’ Grissel asked obviously surprised. ‘Yes, if you were paying attention to him, you would have known.’ She made an angry face and walked away. She got there and Tom was trying to catch some sleep. Grissel reached out for the door and quickly sat inside. ‘So I heard, I’ve been mean towards you.’ Tom raised up his head and looked at her for a while. ‘You’ve been awful and I’m not sure where I went wrong.’ ‘It’s Shirley.’ She mumbled quietly. ‘Shirley? What about her?’ ‘She thinks you don’t like her. ‘Wow, I’m sure you gave her that idea.’ ‘Really? I guess you haven’t realized your own problem yet.’ ‘My problem?’ ‘Yes, you want to be with me yet you haven’t accepted my daughter.’ ‘I allowed her stay here with you, isn’t that enough.’ ‘No, that is not what I want from you Tom.’ He stared at her and shook his head. ‘What do you want then?’ ‘I want you to be part of her life.’ ‘But I haven’t done anything contrary to that Grissel.’ ‘Yes you did. I didn’t even realize until she mentioned it.’ ‘You want me to cuddle her to bed or feed her.’ He asked rather rudely. ‘Really? You are not up for this conversation.’ She was making her way out of the car when he called her back. ‘Grissel, just say the word.’ He held on to her hands. ‘I can’t tell you what to do Tom. Just figure it out.’ ‘Alright, I’ll ask Melisa during the day.’ Grissel scoffed. ‘You want to ask Melisa for parenting advice.’ ‘Yeah, she bonded with your daughter quickly.’ ‘That was because, Lisa is likeable.’ ‘And I’m not? Look I have lots of muscle.’ He was showing off his forearm. ‘Shirley doesn’t want to see your muscle Tom.’ ‘What does she want then?’ ‘To see you around her more often. She feels you haven’t accepted her yet.’ ‘I have and you know it, I’m just giving you two enough space to make up for lost time.’ ‘But I want you around her.’ ‘Sure but tell me about court. I don’t want you keeping me in the dark anymore.’ “Tom, there’s nothing to tell except that I may be going to jail if I don’t find any evidence to back up my case.” ‘You mean not faking his signature.’ ‘Yes, and giving Stella up isn’t a solution.’ ‘But she did this Grissel.’ He hit his hand on the dashboard angrily. ‘Go easy with the anger Tom. Giving Stella up isn’t an issue but who benefited from the forged signature.’ Tom was deep in thoughts and sighed. ‘It would still look as if you asked her to do that on your behalf so you could get married.’ ‘Great, you should be a lawyer Tom.’ She teased. ‘Why are you so calm right now?’ ‘Life happened doesn’t mean I should give up on myself.’ ‘Who is the Judge on that case? Can’t we just bribe him?’ ‘Judge Sculley. And please no bribes.’ ‘Wait, Stanley Sculley.’ ‘Yes, you know him?’ ‘Not really.’ He smiled sheepishly. ‘Tom, don’t do anything stupid. It would just come back to hit us.’ ‘Us?’ ‘Yes, we are in this together right?’ ‘Of course we are.’ He grinned once more. ‘And I know you have feelings for Stella.’ ‘Let’s not go there this evening.’ ‘Incase I don’t make it, I w…..’ ‘Are you high on something right now? Why would you even ask me to be with her?’ He muttered angrily. Grissel laughed so hard. ‘Tom I meant I wouldn’t want you to be with her.’ ‘Aaahh okay,’ He scratched his head. ‘I have to go in now before the Queen starts looking for me. Are you coming?’ ‘I would be there soon. I want to make a few calls.’ ‘Sure,’ she rushed out before Tom could steal a Kiss. Tom located his phone on the back seat and dialed Julia’s number. ‘Aunty do you know if Morris is still friends with Sculley?’ ‘Good evening to you too Tom.’ Julia answered. ‘Forgive my manners. I know you are fine.’ ‘Mr. know it all, I heard Shirley is around.” ‘You heard right.’ Tom quietly said. And how are things going.’ Julia asked. ‘It turned out I need parenting skills.’ He scratched his head. ‘Can you help?’ “Tom there’s nothing like parenting lessons. You learn yourself as time goes on.” ‘But this is not my daughter.’ He replied naively. ‘Grow up son, if I had said that thirty years ago would you have called me now for parenting advice?’ ‘I know all that but they look so happy together that I get jealous sometimes.’ ‘Tom, suck it up and do your best.’ Julia encouraged. “Alright, what about Sculley.” ‘Call your dad.” Julia quickly said and hanged up before Tom could say another word. He hissed and shrugged for some minutes before dialing his dad’s number. ‘Are you still friends with Sculley?’ He asked immediately Morris answered. Morris looked at the caller ID and smiled. ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I need help with Grissel’s case.’ ‘Lisa told me about your wife. I’m sorry.’ ‘I need help not sorry.’ ‘Okay, and I’m assuming that kind of help involves money.’ ‘If it comes to it, why not?’ Tom replied his dad. ‘Sculley won’t take a bribe. I know him that much.’ ‘Dad, I’m desperate here.’ ‘Dad?’ Morris repeated. ‘Can you talk to him for me?’ Tom pleaded with his sad tone ignoring his excitement. Morris smiled when he heard Tom call him dad. ‘I would try my best but this may come with a price that you wouldn’t like.’ ‘I would do anything at this point.’ Tom quickly responded. ‘Well Sculley always wanted Lisa to marry his son.’ ‘Is that all?’ He asked happily. ‘Yes but Lisa doesn’t even want to hear his name on my lips.’ ‘Leave that to me, I would arrange for Lisa to meet up with the guy.’ Morris paused for a while. ‘I’m glad you reached out to me son.’ ‘I didn’t do it for you but tell me, is Sculley’s son a responsible man.’ ‘Yeah, Stanley Jnr is better than his dad.’ Morris clarified. ‘Okay thank you.’ Tom hurriedly hanged up in order to call Lisa. *** ‘Lisa you have to marry Stanley for my sake.’ Tom said instantly. It seemed like that evening he wasn’t in the mood to greet any one. ‘Tom, is that you?’ ‘Yes, this is your only brother. Did you delete my number or you went blind?’ ‘No, I mean you actually called me to marry some guy.’ ‘Stanley, your dad said you know him.’ He said in a hurry. ‘No, I’ve never met him.’ ‘I can arrange for you to meet him. Please do this for me.’ Tom was talking hurriedly. ‘Tom, are you okay?’ Did dad put you up to this? ‘I’m fine and no he didn’t. Lisa I would lose Grissel if you don’t marry this guy.’ ‘Is this about that judge Aunty asked me about a while ago?’ ‘Yes, please help me. You know you owe right?’ He pleaded. She sighed. ‘But how do you expect me to marry someone I have no connection with?’ ‘I don’t know Lisa. You are good with these sort of things.’ He mumbled with a sad tone. Maybe you can pretend to like him.’ ‘This is different, if you say a one night stand maybe I might consider.’ ‘But you were willing to throw your family away for your sister-in laws ex-husband. Why can’t you do this for me?’ ‘Dane and I are on a break.’ She informed him. ‘It means you two are no more besides i told you I don’t want him for you Lisa.’ He hissed. ‘Just go along with Stanley until all this is over.’ He pleaded again. Melisa felt he was hurting and really needed help and besides she wasn’t so sure she would end up with Dane at the end of all this. At the same time she was scared of being alone. She swallowed so hard. ‘Okay Tom but before you start jubilating I hope Grissel is in support of this.’ ‘Emmmm, yes.’ He lied. ‘Alright, call dad and set up the meeting. I’m free tomorrow.’ ‘Thank you my love.’ ‘Really, your love.’ Melisa laughed. ‘Yes, okay I have to go now. I love you.’ He quickly hanged up and rushed inside with a smile on his face just to meet Grissel waiting for him in his room. ‘Sorry, I had a few calls to make. I would take her out tomorrow.’ ‘That’s fine but you are smiling.’ ‘Yes, probably because my wife is in my room after several weeks of staying off.’ ‘Do you want me to leave?’ She asked as she wasn’t so sure spending the night with him was the best. ‘No, your timing is perfect.’ He rushed to hug her still excited. ***** Lisa and Tom were at the restaurant waiting for Stanley to arrive with his Dad and Morris. It took them hours before they got there by then Melisa had gone to use the washroom. She came back and saw a familiar face sitting with her Dad and Tom. ‘Bryan, what are you doing here?’ She asked surprised grabbing a seat. ‘You two know each other?’ Bryan’s dad asked while the others looked on. ‘Yes, but I don’t know what he’s doing here.’ Melisa said not so sure of herself. ‘That’s Stanley, I told you about him several times.’ Morris chipped in. ‘Stanley huh.’ Melisa said and rolled her eyes. She felt lied to. ‘I can explain Lisa.’ Bryan finally found her voice. Tom kept watching the two of them for a while and smiled sheepishly. ‘Was he one of your clients?’ ‘What clients?’ He laughed and his dad smiled. ‘You know what I mean.’ He raised his eyebrows. Melisa got his message. ‘No, I didn’t sleep with him.’ She said before realizing she was too loud. ‘Morris can we leave this two to work out their differences. And Tom, we have a deal.’ He shook hands with Tom and stood up. Tom stood up and walked over to Melisa who had her finger in her mouth like an eight year old. ‘He’s a fine guy, just do what you do best.’ She smiled while her dad looked on. ‘Get a life Tom.’ She smacked him. ‘Would you be okay here?’ Morris asked. ‘Yes but make sure Tom gets what he wants.’ Melisa cautioned and Morris nodded. ‘I love you sis.’ Tom said and shook Bryan by the shoulder who was just staring at her all that while. Melisa has never seen Tom so happy with any of her decisions so helping him out by marrying Bryan and seeing him so excited made her heart rejoice. They left and Bryan hasn’t stopped staring. ‘So how do we go about this because I don’t really want to marry you?’ She asked after a few seconds of silence. ‘Me neither.’ He finally found his voice. ‘Really?’ She asked as if she was expecting a different answer. ‘Yes, I mean I do like you but I can’t take advantage of you like Henry does. Melisa’s heart skipped. She stared at him while Bryan’s hands moved to cover his mouth like a kid. Melisa knew he obviously made a mistake when he mentioned his name. ‘You know Henry?’ She asked with a serious tone. ‘Emmmm, yes. He’s a friend.’ ‘But I’ve never seen you around him, anyway can we agree on something quickly so I can go.’ Melisa was not comfortable. ‘Melisa, I like you and want to help you with your brother’s issue but I also need to come clean.’ ‘Bryan, I don’t really have time for parables.’ ‘I sabotaged your car several times on Henry’s request.’ He didn’t waste any more minutes on that. Melisa relaxed back on the seat and her head was spinning. ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘You know your car always seemed not to work every time you get drunk with him.’ ‘Yes, I remember. I end up at his place.’ ‘Emm you don’t end up there alone.’ He swallowed hard and buried his face in his palms. ‘What? Bryan, stop scaring me and talk clearly.’ ‘I don’t know why I did all that for him but Henry and the rest of his friend’s call me a weakling. I had to change my name to Bryan to fit in because they claimed Stanley sounds like a college boy’s name.’ He narrated. ‘So what does that have to do with me?’ ‘What I meant was, I sabotaged your car so Henry and his friends could sleep with you.’ Melisa was quivering and her eyes were red. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her face was on the table for a whole five minutes before she spoke. ‘How many guys?’ ‘Five, sometimes four but it mostly depends on how drunk you were and the dosage of the sleeping tablet.’ She looked at him in a disgusting manner and hit her fist on the table. ‘Did you sleep with me too?’ ‘No, I would never do that to you. I admired you a lot, Henry knew that so he kept me as his errands boy.’ ‘So meeting you was not a coincidence.’ She asked holding her tears back. ‘It was but I knew our parents intention before I met you with Henry the first night he asked me to temper with your brakes.’ ‘You two are sick. I can’t believe you came here expecting me to marry you when you have actually wronged me.’ ‘I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you the last time I called but you said you would call back but never did.’ ‘You disgust me right now.’ She stood up rudely. ‘Lisa, wait.’ ‘Wait for what? The deal is off and you dare not tell your dad that because I would make sure you pay for your crimes.’ ‘I have no intentions of doing that. Your brother can have whatever favor he needs from Sculley.’ ‘Good, I will leave now but make sure you delete my number.’ ‘Okay.’ He responded stupidly. Melisa laughed in her head and picked up her car keys. She got to her car and called Paige. After narrating everything to her, she hanged up and called Dane who was very furious Henry was that cruel. ‘Dane, there’s something else.’ ‘Are you okay?’ ‘No, you need to check your status for any STI’s. ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘Just do it and stop asking question.’ She sobbed. ‘Wait, I w..ith you onl..y on..ce.’ He stuttered. ‘You think I don’t know that.’ She said and hanged up. Melisa turned off her phone and wiped her tears. She drove off and packed at the Seattle Hospital car park. It took her a while to get out of the car. The nurse in the reception took her through the lab process on her request and gave her a card to wait for her results. ‘Doctor Addison.’ She heard a voice calling her from behind. When she turned around it was a cute slim lady doctor. Melisa walked closer as she wasn’t sure who she is. The lady walked closer and kept smiling. ‘Hello, it’s an honor to meet you.’ She reached out for a hug which confused Melisa because she was so sure she doesn’t know the lady from anywhere. ‘I’m sorry but I think you got me confused with someone else. I’m Melisa.’ She reached out for a handshake. ‘Yes, Doctor Lisa.’ We know you around here and have been expecting you.’ ‘Wait, you know I have STI’s?’ She asked still confused. Probably Bryan’s story was making her delusional. ‘STI’s?’ The doctor asked confused as she only came to her because she knew who Melisa was. ‘Yes, I came here to check my status and have been waiting for my result.’ ‘Oh that’s what you meant.’ The lady grinned as she understood her fears. ‘Yes, do you have my results?’ She asked worriedly. ‘No, I don’t but come with me to my office so we can talk about it.’ She looked around and realized she was still in the hospital. Melisa followed the Doctor to her office. She put a call through to the lab for her tests to be brought to her office. ‘When is the result coming?’ Melisa asked after a few minutes of silence as the doctor seemed to be looking for some files. ‘Relax Lisa.’ She said and smiled while she continued looking for the files. ‘Okay, obviously you know who I am but i…….’ ‘I’m Michelle.’ ‘Michelle?’ Melisa repeated. ‘We haven’t met yet but I know you far back from Seattle news.’ Melisa relaxed back on the seat. ‘Oh the 3D printing miracle.’ Melisa remembered she was once all over the news for the lady’s Kidney she saved by using a 3D technology. ‘Yep, you handled that case pretty well and you were all over the news.’ ‘I just did my job.’ She found herself calming down. A job you were good at. Why did you quit?’ Doctor Michele asked. She stared at the Doctor and a smile suddenly appeared on her cheeks. ‘Emmm, I don’t really know.’ ‘Great, we needed extra hands and your brother just knew the right person for the job.’ ‘You know Tom?’ She asked quickly. ‘He knows my brother Clive.’ ‘Oh I get it now, he asked you to get me a job here.’ ‘Is that a bad thing?’ Michelle asked. ‘Not really, but right now I came to ch……’ ‘Check your status. Is there an outbreak somewhere?’ Michelle concluded for her and further asked. ‘No, I made some bad choices and I think it’s just about to blow in my face.’ Michelle looked at her and called the lab again. She listened for a while and sighed. ‘Will be waiting for you in my office.’ ‘Is that about my test?’ ‘Yes the technician is on his way. Just breathe in.’ They were still talking about work and life in general when the Lab technician came in with the results. Michelle quickly opened it and glanced through. ‘Am I clean?’ She asked slowly. ‘Of course Lisa, you just need more fluid.’ She handed Melisa the result. She sighed and smiled broadly. ‘Thank you so much and about that job offer, I could start month.’ ‘Great, I would have the probation paper work done and we have good start up classes.’ ‘Thanks once again.’ ‘I’m happy to help and ooh your brother wanted me to tell you congratulations and obviously this was his wedding gift to you.’ Melisa suddenly laughed hilariously. ‘Tom is just being funny. I’m not planning any marriage but I would accept his congratulations.’ They had a few more chats before she left the hospital. She was so happy to have accepted that offer. ‘Why did I even quit in the first place?’ She was still talking to herself while she walked inside the room when Julia rushed to her hugging her and doing her normal body check. ‘Aunty, what’s going on?’ ‘Your brother said you tested positive for HIV.’ Julia mentioned still checking her out as if HIV was written on her body. ‘Tom, told you that?’ ‘Yes, he said Dane called Grissel and he called Paige too.’ ‘Dane. Grissel.’ She now understood how Tom knew she was going to that hospital and called Michelle to look out for her. ‘Yes, I’ve been worried.’ ‘I’m sorry, it’s negative Aunty.’ She walked away from her towards the couch. Julia followed a little bit relaxed. ‘So you are fine Lisa?’ ‘Of course and by the way I may just go back to being a Doctor soon.’ ‘Really?’ She shouted excitedly. Her phone rang at that moment and she picked up. ‘Don’t do that to me again? Why did you go off in the middle of our conversation?’ Dane complained angrily. ‘Relax, I just needed some time to myself an…….’ She answered. He cut her off. ‘I love you Lisa and its okay because we have effective drugs these days.’ Melisa kept quiet and smiled. ‘Emmmm, I’……’ ‘Are you crying right now? I can be on the next plane to Seattle.’ ‘D, I’m negative.’ She muttered quietly. He paused for a while. ‘Good news but I miss you.’ ‘I don’t want you here right now.’ Melisa bluntly told him. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yeah, your presence would just distract me as I took on a job at the Seattle hospital.’ ‘You did? Congratulations.’ ‘Thanks and I heard you called Grissel so I’m guessing our small issue is sorted out.’ ‘No and have a good day.’ He quickly hanged up before Melisa could tease him. To be continued
22 Jun 2018 | 22:13
This Henry is too heartless
23 Jun 2018 | 06:45
wonderful but Wats with Dane and his ego
23 Jun 2018 | 08:41
and dat henry needs scolding abeg,,, or will dey leave him like dat, to go Scot free?
23 Jun 2018 | 08:42
I always knew Henry was a freak nd psycho. Dane, just give up already
23 Jun 2018 | 11:21
Dane might just reconsider
23 Jun 2018 | 20:25
EPISODE 29 ‘Tommy, is that you?’ He heard a voice behind him and paused what he was searching for. Tom recognized the voice and decided to ignore. He proceeded in his search when Dani called out to him. ‘Uncle Tom, Is your name Tommy?’ Dani asked grinning naively. ‘Huh, No but some friends prefer calling me by that name.’ ‘Oh I see.’ She sighed. ‘I think one of them is standing right behind you.’ Dani laughed cheekily while Tom turned in a flash. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’ He asked feigning a smile. ‘Tommy this is a shopping mall and everyone comes here.’ Amy his ex-girlfriend said. ‘Oh yeah. How are you?’ He put on a straight face. ‘As you can see I didn’t die when you left me crying for help.’ ‘Jeez Amy.’ He raised his voice and gestured at her to keep in mind Dani was still around. ‘You still have anger issues?’ She asked. ‘Uncle Tom? You haven’t introduced your friend yet.’ Shirley interrupted. Tom looked at her and sheepishly grinned. ‘Emmm, Amy is an old friend.’ ‘Alright, I would go and get some toys now.’ Dani said and rushed off. Amy watched Dani while she rushed off. She smiled and turned to Tom with her arms across her chest. ‘I guess that must be your illegitimate daughter, she’s so cute.’ ‘What do you want Amy?’ ‘Come on Tommy, are we still fighting because I had already forgiven you.’ He glanced at her and sighed. ‘You have?’ ‘Of course, I was wrong to have slept with you in that state.’ ‘Okay, I’m sorry too.’ He found himself apologizing. Amy suddenly laughed. ‘Oh wow. A new Tommy.’ ‘I can take my apology back if you don’t want it.’ He frowned. ‘It’s too late for that when your wife already did that a few weeks to your nuptials.’ ‘Grissel?’ He asked surprised because she never mentioned it to him ‘Yes, and I’m guessing with the look on your face she didn’t tell you.’ ‘No but she shouldn’t have. It was my mess to clean up.’ ‘Wow. Tommy, you’ve changed. I guess Grissel does have a lot of effect on you.’ ‘Yes, she’s a good person.’ ‘Hmmm and I wasn’t?’ Amy retorted. Tom looked at her for a few seconds. ‘I didn’t mean it that way. We did had our moments but I just wasn’t into you that much.’ He said truthfully. ‘Now there he comes with the honest answer.’ She said smiling which made Tom confused. ‘You smiled Amy.’ ‘Yes because I’m happy we talked Tom.’ ‘Sorry once again.’ Tom replied. He was never the forgiving type and Amy knew that. ‘Oh that, forget it. I’m back with Bobby now.’ ‘That’s great, I knew that guy was a keeper.’ He scratched his face when he remembered how he took Amy from him and Bobby wasn’t able to say a word. ‘But you still snatched me from him to begin with.’ He laughed. ‘He wasn’t that smart and I’m happy he still found his way back to you.’ ‘I know right.’ Amy responded scrutinizing his face. ‘Why are you staring at my face?’ Tom asked when he noticed. ‘You are not happy Tommy.’ She announced. ‘Emmm what makes you think that.’ Tom feigned a smile. ‘The look on your face right now says it all.’ ‘I’m happy Amy, just a few marital problems.’ ‘Yeah, Clive told me about that.’ ‘You still talk to Clive?’ ‘Of course I do, but you know when you were not happy with me you let go easily so what’s stopping you from letting go now.’ ‘Amy you are not Grissel.’ He told her honestly. ‘I know that but you can’t stay in a marriage where you stay out all night and get home feigning happiness.’ ‘Clive told you I stay out these days.’ ‘Tommy, he was looking out for you as a brother.’ He went mute for a minute while Amy looked on. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife despite our problems but I’m just ……’ he paused. ‘forget it.’ ‘Admit you are not happy Tommy.’ She cut her off. ‘I am happy sometimes but then tired of the forth and back.’ ‘And I’m guessing you haven’t told her yet.’ ‘I can’t do that, she would leave me if I do.’ ‘I understand, you don’t want to lose her but trust me you already have especially when her ex seems to be serious about this whole bigamy case.’ ‘I know that but Grissel has been through so much and I love her.’ Amy sighed heavily. ‘I don’t know what kind of love you have for this woman but it’s time you sit her down and have the talk.’ ‘I’m not leaving my wife if that is what you are suggesting.’ ‘And I’m not asking you to, just let her know you are not happy.’ ‘Okay, thanks for the advice but how is every…’ ‘Uncle Tom, can we go now. I’m very hungry.’ Dani clutched on to his left arm. He gestured to Amy and she smiled. ‘Alright, did you get everything?’ Tom asked. ‘Yes, a lot of toys.’ She squirmed. ‘Aunty sorry, we have to leave you here.’ Amy laughed. ‘That’s okay, I’m late for my appointment as well.’ Tom looked up at her. ‘Thanks Amy, see you another time.’ ‘Sure.’ She waved them and left while Tom carried Dani towards where she left the shopping basket. ‘Shirley, emmmm can you not tell mommy you met my friend.’ He said scratching his head. ‘Why uncle? She’s your friend so mommy has to know.’ ‘Yes but it will make mommy angry.’ ‘Ohh, then she’s a bad friend.’ She hit her forehead lightly. ‘Okay but on one condition.’ ‘I’m listening.’ Tom smiled. ‘You take me on a date. Mommy said there’s an ice cream shop close by.’ ‘Is that all?’ ‘Yes and maybe we can do that every weekend when I finally come to live with mommy.’ ‘Emmm, okay.’ He replied and reached out for the basket while Dani poked his cheeks smiling. They paid and left to the house. When they got home Grissel was in the hall going through some files for her case tomorrow. ‘Mommy, we brought a lot of toys.’ She rushed off leaving Tom at the door with the shopping bags and jumped on her mom. ‘Easy, what did you get for me?’ ‘Nothing but we met Uncle’s friend.’ Dani quickly blurted out. ‘Shirley?’ Tom called out at the door to remind her of their deal. ‘Yes, I know you promised me a date but you forgot to say it’s a deal so I have no choice than to tell mommy.’ Grissel seemed confused and Tom gave her a weird grin while dropping the bags in a corner few inches from the door. ‘Princess, I left an ice-cream in the fridge. Can you grab it and go upstairs.’ Grissel said when she noticed that was what Tom meant with his weird grin. He wanted them to be alone and her heart skipped. Shirley rushed off with speed while Tom walked over to where Grissel was. She came back within a second. ‘We still have a date right?’ ‘Jeez Shirley.’ Her mom called out on top of her voice. ‘Jeez Mom, calm down.’ She grinned. ‘Wow, did my eight year old just replied me back that way.’ ‘Grissel, let her talk.’ Tom said. ‘But she……’ ‘Uncle Tom, answer fast before mom explodes.’ She grinned hiding her face in her palm. Grissel gave her a cold stare. Tom shook his head smiling because he knew what she wants to hear. ‘We have a deal champ.’ ‘Great. Tomorrow six in the evening, I will be waiting on this couch.’ She sneakily said and turned to Grissel. ‘Mom, is that okay with you.’ Grissel glanced at her and waved her hands. Tom gestured her to be nice. ‘Fine, you two should better bring me some ice cream.’ ‘Yaay,’ she suddenly rushed off from where she was standing and gave her mom an unexpected hug. ‘You have to dress me up nicely. She pecked her and rushed off to the kitchen. Tom who was already closer to Grissel smiled while Grissel shook her head. He packed the files from the couch and sat down. ‘We have a strong one on our hands.’ He muttered. ‘I know right and I don’t know what to do with her utterances. I just feel like she’s no kid anymore.’ Tom scratched his face. ‘Grissel, your mom told me you were exactly this way when you were a kid.’ She smacked him. ‘I can’t believe you went talking to my mom.’ ‘I just needed some childhood stories to tease you with.’ He teased. ‘I know she took after me but I should get it under control when there’s still time.’ ‘Don’t worry, Shirley just need a sit down and a talk and I would do that with you when all this is over.’ ‘Thank you Love.’ Grissel replied with a grin appearing on her cheeks. There was silence for a while as they both continued to stare at each other. ‘I know you are busy working towards tomorrow but we need to talk?’ ‘Okay, I hope Shirley didn’t offend anyone out there.’ ‘Oh no, she was a champ.’ ‘Great then what is it.’ ‘You know I love you right and I appreciate you coming back to me but Love I’m kind of not happy.’ Tom said watching her closely. ‘But we spoke the other day and you had no issues being with me Tom. Don’t do this to me especially when Shirley is finally getting along with you.’ ‘I’m sorry but I just thought of being honest, but sorry if I hurt you right now.’ ‘You didn’t hurt me as much as I have for the past few months of marriage but I’m ready to make this work now.’ Grissel dropped the remaining file on her laps on the table beside her. Tom knew he had to say something before she breaks down. ‘Hey, I chose this path and I knew at a point we would come down this road.’ She sneezed all of a sudden. ‘Sorry. But Tom do you really want to be with me after all this burden.’ Tom was probably not paying attention because he hesitated for some seconds. Grissel nudged him with her elbow. ‘Grissel, I want to be with you and my unhappiness is temporarily though I’m trying my best.’ She suddenly started crying after another sneeze. ‘I’m sorry my problems overwhelmed you and I’ve been demanding lately b….’ ‘Shhhh, it’s okay. I can handle it.’ He tried to smile but his face was sad. ‘You don’t need to stress yourself.’ He reached out to wipe her face with his hands. ‘Tom, the fact that you brought it up means you are really taking in a lot.’ ‘Grissel, I’m sorry buy it’s just a phase and I’m sure after court tomorrow we would take our vows again and start afresh.’ ‘And for now what should we do because after court it may take a while before final verdicts are documented.’ ‘I know but I love you so, I would wait for you Love.’ Grissel sensed in his voice he was really worried and not happy. She rushed into his arms for a cuddle. ‘I’m really sorry and I love you Tom but this isn’t marriage.’ ‘Don’t say that.’ He brought her out of his arms and zoomed on her lips. She didn’t resist unlike earlier in the morning. They were still so much engrossed in their moments when Dani came back with her ice cream. ‘I need more of this ice-cream, Uncle Tom.’ She was scooping the ice cream into her mouth while walking closer. Tom and Grissel hurriedly disengaged. ‘Shirley, I told you to go upstairs.’ Grissel said without looking back at her direction as she was facing the other end of the hall. The room was quiet after that and she knew Shirley had left. ‘By the way, thank you for apologizing on my behalf to Amy.’ Tom announced. ‘Ohh she was the friend you two met at the mall.’ ‘Yeah. I told her not to say anything because I wanted to tell you myself.’ ‘That’s alright, I don’t know why you made a deal with sneaky Shirley. She’s the master of these kind of games.’ She laughed, wiping the tear marks on her face with the back of her hands. ‘I know that now.’ ‘Can you help with spaghetti for dinner, I want to visit my mom.’ She asked politely when the tension was over. ‘Sure, I would try not to make it salty.’ They both laughed and stood up from the couch towards where Dani vanished to earlier. *** ‘Grissel?’ Julia mentioned at the door when the bell rang. ‘Sorry for coming in unannounced.’ ‘This is your home and besides your mom lives here now.’ Julia led her to the kitchen as she was cooking when she heard the doorbell. ‘Hope everything is fine and you are prepared for tomorrow’s court.’ She nodded and feigned a smile. ‘We are okay and hoping for the best.’ ‘I’ve been praying for you two.’ She smooched her shoulder. ‘Your mom is resting. Do you want to talk to her?’ ‘No, I came to see you.’ Grissel muttered uncomfortably. Julia’s happy face suddenly went pale. ‘What do you need my dear?’ ‘How did you do it?’ She mumbled. ‘Choosing between Joe and your sister’s kids.’ Julia drew back as the question hit her hard. ‘Joe?’ She questioned with her eyebrows as she hasn’t told her and Tom about him. ‘Yes, Lisa told us about him besides Tom met him over dinner last two days.’ ‘Tom did what? Two days ago? Why?’ ‘I have no idea, he only told me after he came back drunk and forgot the groceries i asked him to buy.’ Julia smiled uncomfortably. ‘Give me a minute.’ She picked up her phone from the kitchen drawer and dialed his number. ‘Come to my house now.’ She said immediately he picked up. ‘Juju, I’m with Morris. Can I drop by later?’ ‘Do I look like someone who has that patience now?’ “You are obviously in a bad mood right now but Morris and I need to see the judge before tomorrow.” ‘I don’t care just get down here as soon as you can.’ She hanged up and Grissel was staring. ‘He cancelled on me just to get drunk with Tom.’ Grissel found it amusing and laughed. “You still love him that much after all these long years.” ‘Love has a way of finding it’s way back when we least expect it and it doesn’t chose who it wants.’ ‘I know that but I don’t know which of us would be willing to wait for that long.’ Julia sighed gently. “You mean Tom might not wait for you.’ Grissel nodded quickly. ‘Were those two worth it?’ ‘Of course, if I had chosen Joe over my children I wouldn’t be this happy now because we probably might not end up together at the end.’ She drew her closer to the seats by the back door. ‘But after thirty years he was still waiting and hoping.’ ‘You made the right choice aunty.’ ‘Yeah, family first. Love will always find us when it’s done with the tests.’ ‘I’m not even sure if ours is even love anymore.’ ‘Why do you say that my dear?’ Julia asked concerned. ‘Tom just told me this afternoon, he hasn’t been happy since all these started.’ ‘That’s expected but you should be talking to your mom Grissel.’ ‘Mom won’t give me answers, she would make me think a lot and right now my brain seems like part of it had been ripped off.’ ‘Are you okay?’ Julia felt her forehead. ‘You are warm.’ ‘Yeah, I think I’m just nervous and mom already told me she didn’t come to give me answers but rather watch me grow up out of the mess I caused.’ ‘Your mom may be right.’ ‘She has always been old school. Everything I know, she made me learn using my brain.’ ‘She’s wonderful. Lisa love her stories.’ ‘I hope none were about me.’ She laughed and then went silent. ‘She seemed proud of how you made it through all these by yourself.’ ‘Aunty, I love Tom and I don’t want to hurt him again.’ Grissel suddenly changed the topic. Julia examined her face for some minutes. ‘Grissel why don’t you ask the question you really came here to ask because I’m sure you are not here to talk about Love.’ ‘I have to choose between Tom, Shirley and her Dad but I’m so lost as they all somehow fit into my life.’ ‘I can’t make that choice for you and your situation now wasn’t the same as mine years back.’ ‘I know but they are quite the same.’ ‘How?’ Julia asked naively. ‘If I chose just Shirley, I’ll lose Tom and if I choose Tom, I’ll lose Shirley or both but I can’t choose just Shirley and have her unless I choose both father and daughter.’ She complained painfully. ‘And you can’t be with your daughter and not be with his Dad which would mean destroying Tom and then Melisa’s new relationship.’ ‘Lisa said she’s okay with whatever decision I make but Tom is my headache.’ ‘He’s also your medicine unless you want to tell me you still love Dane.’ ‘No, I don’t but I want to be with my daughter. I have pushed her away for eight years and now that she’s back I don’t want to ever disappoint her again.’ ‘I know that feeling. When I held Tom that evening my sister passed away, I knew my love for Joe wouldn’t make it to the next day.’ ‘Joe is matured but for Tom,’ she scoffed. ‘No offense Aunty but he’s still in his fantasy world learning how to be himself. Leaving him now would turn his life upside down.’ ‘You mean the part where he’s a control freak?’ ‘Tom can’t live without me. It would break him.’ ‘And you can’t leave without Shirley.’ ‘I could hang in there for a while but she asked me why I can’t be with her dad. I still haven’t found answers yet.’ ‘Why do I feel you probably want to punish yourself for the mistake you and her dad made?’ ‘Reed doesn’t see it that way aunty. To him I would always be the woman who killed his son.’ ‘That’s not true. I spoke to him with your mom and it almost seemed like he blamed himself more than you ever did.’ ‘Really? You two must have met a different Reed.’ Grissel shifted uncomfortably. ‘Julia is right Grissel.’ Gina appeared behind them. ‘Hey mom. I heard you were asleep.’ ‘Yeah, I heard your voice in my dreams.’ Julia laughed and Grissel smiled. ‘As I told you the day I arrived here, this is your mess and cleaning it up yourself is how you grow up.’ ‘Mom, are you still angry up till now?’ ‘No, I raised you better than the choices you made. You brought this man into your life so get rid of him yourself.’ ‘I’m trying and nothing seems to be working.’ Grissel complained watching her mom walking closer. Gina has always been the type that would rather make you learn the hard way than give you the answers you need. ‘Because you are doing it wrong.’ ‘Then teach her how to do it right.’ Julia chipped in after watching Grissel struggle with her mom. She run into her arms nearly pulling Gina off her seats. Though Grissel was daddy’s girl she was still her mom’s heartbeat. Gina walked closer. Took the vacant seat beside them. ‘You don’t kill a snake and throw it away without properly burying it Grissel.’ ‘Mom,’ she raised her head up from her arms. ‘Which snake?’ ‘Silly girl.’ She smacked her back. ‘Snakes are cunning and you only cut off it’s head completely when you learn it’s way of inflicting pain or harm. ‘I remember that story Dad used to tell me anytime you refuse me a gift after you had promised.’ ‘Great memory. How did you make me learn my lesson?’ ‘I learned your way of screwing you over first before you noticed.’ She smiled and raised up her head. ‘Mom thank you so much.’ Grissel left her arms and rushed into Julia’s. ‘Easy, I’m still an old woman.’ ‘Thank you aunty. You two are amazing. I have to go home now.’ ‘So soon? Wait for dinner.’ ‘I left Tom to make Shirley’s dinner. I better go back before they mess up the kitchen.’ A tear appeared in her eyes but she pushed it back and rushed out. ‘That’s a disaster waiting to happen.’ Julia teased. ‘I know right.’ Grissel replied and walked away to the door. ‘Easy with the speed Grissel.’ Her mom said. ‘I will moms.’ She laughed after her reply and went out. She pulled out across the street to the shop she normally buy her ice-cream and put a call through to Dane and hanged up after telling him they have a deal. ***** Grissel got home and the dinner table was set. She felt like a queen in her own house but her thoughts were many. She tried to hide her tears but they eventually fell. ‘Love, what is the problem?’ ‘Yes mommy, why are you crying?’ Dani chipped in. She wiped her tears with her hands. ‘Nothing, it’s just that I feel so special right now.’ ‘It would be over soon Grissel.’ Tom cuddled her and they began to eat. Dani smiled cheekily. ‘Uncle Tom, I think you should allow mommy to be with daddy for my sake.’ Tom and Grissel froze, just then a knock came on their gate. He came out of his trance. ‘I’ll get the gate, just hold that thought.’ Dani nodded and Grissel smiled cheekily again. Tom went out of the door and opened the gate just for Dane to smile at him. ‘What are you doing here?’ Tom asked. ‘I came to see my wife, you do know she’s not yours right?’ Dane teased with a mischievous smile. ‘Get out.’ He scowled closing the gate on his face but Dane blocked the gate with his body. Grissel came out at that moment and walked closer. She tapped him and he got the message. Tom walked away back inside. Dane kept staring at her a whole minute. ‘What are you doing here Reed?’ ‘Reed? Well, I brought you this.’ He handed her the envelope. One look at the envelope doesn’t need her to open it. ‘I told you we would do this tomorrow morning. Why did you come all the way here?’ ‘You called me Grissel and I couldn’t wait to rub it in your face.’ ‘You are sick Reed. Just go already.’ ‘You have to sign that now.’ He ordered. ‘What’s the point when I’m meeting you tomorrow?’ ‘I know that but if you really want to do this then you have to show some commitment.’ Grissel glanced at him and took the sheets out of the envelope. Dane quickly handed her a pen. She flipped the pages and signed without another word. Dane kept looking at her until she finished and handed the envelope back to him. ‘You can go now. I would finalize it with the judge tomorrow.’ She turned her back on him. ‘I’m taking my daughter with me this evening.’ Grissel stopped and turned around. ‘What is your problem with me because I never really asked?’ ‘I said I’m going with my daughter.’ He repeated and ignored her question. Grissel walked away sadly. When she got in Tom and Dani were still eating. ‘I heard daddy is here.’ ‘Yes and you have to go with him. I would see you tomorrow.’ She said weakly. ‘But I have a date with Uncle Tom tomorrow.’ She said quickly. Grissel glanced at him with a gesture to help her out. He smiled weirdly. ‘It’s okay Shirley, we can go another time.’ ‘It’s settled then, let me get your stuff.’ Grissel responded and went upstairs to pick up her things. The whole house was quiet after Dani left. Tom didn’t want to think about Dane’s presence in his house so he went to bed early while Grissel stayed off for a while before joining him in bed. *****
24 Jun 2018 | 09:39
Sorry guys, I've not been appreciating your comments. I've been busy with exams lately and at the same time trying to finish the story. Few more episodes to go
24 Jun 2018 | 09:58
hmmmmmm,,,, like seriously,,,, Grissel is not just thinking,,,, she has to call his (dane)bluff
24 Jun 2018 | 17:11
Next pls
24 Jun 2018 | 20:24
loving dis
25 Jun 2018 | 05:30
Why does Grissel have to call him?? am curious.... waiting.....
26 Jun 2018 | 12:47
EPISODE 30 Tom was ready for work and Grissel was asleep on the couch. He was surprised because they had spent the night together so he wasn’t aware when she sneaked out. When he woke up and didn’t see him on the bed he thought she was in the kitchen. Tom shook his head walked over to her on the couch came and tapped her. ‘My head is spinning.’ She complained while rubbing her face. ‘I’m off to work but will see you later.’ He said. Grissel gasped as she didn’t intend to sleep that much. ‘Sorry, can I get you at least coffee.’ ‘No, don’t worry. I would pick you up for court.’ ‘Emmm, do you mind if I go alone besides I have some stuff to sort out before they call my case. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Absolutely, I would go with a cab.’ She muttered. ‘Okay, at least you are not going to drive yourself.’ She nodded and suddenly went into his arms. Grissel held on to the hug for about three minutes and pulled out. ‘I feel better now. See you soon.’ She mentioned sadly. Tom sensed worry in her voice but brushed it aside. He gave her a kiss and walked out of the door. Grissel rushed upstairs to get ready for the day ignoring every call that came through while she dressed up. *** Grissel got to the court and met Dane already waiting for him with Shirley. She went inside with him ignoring Julia and her mom. Melisa excused herself to use the washroom and Tom was yet to come over with Stella. After about thirty minutes, she came out sad and Andre walking in front of her. Gina knew her daughter must have made the hard choice so she tapped Julia who got the message as well. Melisa came at that moment and Grissel rushed into her arms. ‘Hey, don’t tell me you are going to jail.’ ‘Lisa?’ Dane called standing in front of her. ‘Don’t come near me?’ Melisa said with anger. Dane moved back carrying his daughter with him. He walked straight to his car and Grissel knew she has to go. ‘Tell Tom I’m sorry and I hope he can be happy now.’ ‘What did you do now?’ Melisa asked consoling her. ‘Your brother said he wasn’t happy anymore and I couldn’t continue making him suffer.’ ‘Oh Grissel, he probably didn’t mean you should leave’ ‘What was I supposed to do? Tie him down when he wasn’t happy.’ ‘I know you think you did the right thing but Tom went through a lot recently for the both of you and I’m sure he was just confused.’ ‘Exactly my point, he has gone through a lot for me so if he wasn’t happy anymore why should I keep making him suffer.’ ‘But Grissel, don’t you think it should be he should be part of this path you are about to take?’ ‘No, your brother doesn’t know what he wants right now and I don’t really want to keep complicating his life.’ ‘I think you are right. He’s not sure what he wants anymore and if letting go would make him decide then you’ve made the right decision.’ ‘Thank you Lisa.’ Grissel started to sob again. ‘Stop crying.’ She brought her out of her arms. ‘Will you be okay?’ Melisa asked wiping Grissel Grissel nodded. ‘I hope so.’ ‘Okay, let me help you to the car.’ Melisa offered while trying so hard not to show her weakness. Grissel walked to Gina and Julia. She was scared of their reaction but surprisingly they told her she made the right decision. After a few conversations, she went away with Dane. Melisa went in search of Andre who came over to explain to them she decided to go with Dane since she lost the custody case due to Dane’s connections and also that was the only way to have Shirley closer. Tom who was stuck in traffic with Stella even though they left the work place when Julia told them she had set off, they still couldn’t make it in time. He hurriedly went out of his car and rushed towards his family. They decided to wait for him before they leave the court premises. Tom and Stella paused at the entrance when they saw the expression on their faces. ‘She left with him right?’ No one answered. ‘Lisa, is she gone?’ Stella asked. ‘She had to and that heartless brother of yours probably offered her some kind of a deal.’ Melisa explained with anger. ‘But I thought, Tom had it handled.’ Melisa rolled her eyes at Tom. ‘He did but forgot to tell his wife what he was up to.’ ‘I’m sorry Lisa, Sculley was supposed to take care of it.’ Tom mentioned with a sad and confused stare. ‘Andre said, she signed her papers yester night even before she came here this morning.’ ‘If she got her divorce why did she still leave with him?’ Tom asked with a heavy heart. ‘Apparently, you made mention of not being happy with her anymore.’ Melisa said rolling her eyes at him again. She appeared to be so pissed off at her brother. Tom’s face became blurred. His blood was boiling and Julia noticed he was trying to keep it under control. ‘Hey, you dare not flare up just take a deep breathe.’ Julia cautioned. Tom looked at their faces and took a deep breathe. ‘I thought being honest with her was the best. I shouldn’t have taken Amy’s advice.’ He said before realizing he mentioned her ex’s name. ‘Amy? What has she got to do with this?’ Melisa asked angrily walking towards him. Tom became rigid and words failed him. ‘Tom, what did you do?’ Stella asked looking at his sad face. ‘I did nothing wrong here. Amy only asked me to talk to her and for once I think she was right.’ He narrated as if he owed them an explanation. ‘Like seriously, you stand there and blab about what is right?’ Melisa glanced at Julia who was quiet and looked confused at the same time. ‘Why should I always be the one to take all the blame Lisa?’ He was trying hard to control his rage. ‘Don’…….’ Melisa was about to say when Gina interrupted. ‘Tom, I’m sorry my daughter probably put you at a cross road right now but she needed to do this.’ Gina said and Tom painfully glanced at her. ‘It’s okay, she chose her ex over me at least she would still be with Shirley.’ ‘Son, i….’ ‘I’m leaving.’ He said and walked away from them. Stella quickly followed. ‘I’m sorry, when she called me last night asking me to take care of you I should have known she was going to do this.’ ‘She called you? At what time?’ Tom turned around and asked because Grissel was beside him all night. When he found her on the couch this morning, he assumed she probably woke up early. ‘Around three in the morning.’ ‘Thank you, kindly take a cab.’ He said and rushed to his car. ‘Tom, she’s sorry?’ Stella apologized on behalf of her friend. ‘You two think I’m a fool right? Who knows how long you’ve been planning this.’ ‘Come on Tom, Grissel wouldn’t just leave when she told me a few days ago she was ready to face Dane.’ ‘Whose side are you on right now because I can’t stand you?’ Tom said rather calmly. ‘You know what just drive away before I lose it.’ Stella mumbled. He glanced at her and knew he was wrong in blaming her when he was the one who told Grissel he wasn’t happy and she probably left because of that. Tom got in his car and drove away while they all looked on. Stella walked back to where the others were hoping to get a ride back to the office since Tom gave her a ride on their way to court. Jessy had an exams to examine in school hence was late, she came with Adam when everyone was leaving. She admitted knowing her sister was going to do something stupid again but this was beyond stupidity. Jessy lamented for a while and tried Grissel’s number which was out of reach. Stella also tried Dane’s contacts which were obviously turned off too. They all went back home in a sad mood. ***** After two weeks of trying to reach Grissel and Dane to no avail they all shut it off. Gina however wasn’t bothered as she kept telling them her daughter is smart therefore would be fine. It was just as if Grissel vanished into thin air. She was out of reach and Tom on the other hand was handling her decision too well. His family was worried he was going to go back to his old ways but it turned out he claimed he was tired of going back and forth with Grissel so he was going to move on. It was a hard choice but he had to make it anyway. Stella kept her distance because he asked her to. Dane had wanted them to leave Seattle that afternoon after court but Grissel insisted she had to make sure the final proceedings went through though Dane had finally signed the papers. She knew how cunning his ex could be so she wanted to make sure everything went through before they leave Seattle. For the whole two weeks that she was at his end, it was one quarrel after the other. Dani had insisted they had meals together which was irritating anytime she had to sit with him on the same table and pretend as if she wasn’t hurting. Grissel came down hours after when she knew they were waiting for her so they could have dinner. Dane kept staring until she sat on the chair opposite him. ‘You are late five days this week.’ Dane queried. ‘You were counting?’ She found herself calming down. ‘Don’t let it repeat itself again.’ He said sternly. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ ‘Exactly what you heard Grissel.’ ‘I’m not a prisoner here and I think I should decide when to have my meals.’ ‘Stop talking already. Your voice is so irritating.’ He yelled. ‘When did you become this person? Yelling at your eight year old and putting up camera’s in my room.’ ‘I’m going to go now because I can’t stand you.’ ‘You can’t stand me but yet insisted on leaving in the same house with me.’ ‘Isn’t it better than a second time in jail? I’m protecting my name.’ ‘Suit yourself and please hurry up with the papers so I get the copy of my annulment.’ ‘I told you to ask the court for your copy.’ ‘How do I do that when you are watching my every move?’ She snarled now. ‘You are in my house so I’m allowed to do whatever I want to.’ He retorted. ‘Dani dinner is getting cold.’ ‘Shirley will hate you if you keep yelling.’ ‘My daughter wasn’t this rebellious until she met you.’ Dane retorted. ‘She’s not your property Dane.’ ‘You are just so much like your daughter right now.’ He hissed and rushed off in search of her. **** Henry had followed Melisa from the house to Paige’s end. He got out of the car when Melisa was about to ring the bell on the wall. ‘Lisa.’ He called out. Because it was dark she was scared to look back at who was calling her even when she recognized the voice. Melisa kept pressing the bell quickly until Henry caught up with her. He wrapped his hands around her waist while Melisa struggled to get him off her body. ‘Get off me Henry.’ She knocked him off in the stomach with her free elbow. ‘Easy girl. I come in peace.’ ‘I told you to leave me alone. I’ve moved on.’ Henry laughed. ‘Moved on with that looser who is still in love with his Ex-wife.’ Melisa realized Bryan hadn’t told him she knew about his shady deals. ‘Are you any better?’ Melisa retorted. ‘Of course, we had a good thing going on and you ruined it.’ ‘Henry don’t pretend here, I’m aware of the men that sleep with me without my consent.’ ‘Ohh you found out?’ He said boldly and wasn’t bothered about the harm that he had caused. ‘Seriously, you are that calm right now?’ ‘Yes, but you sleep around all the time so I don’t see the reason why you should bother about this.’ ‘You are really out of your mind. Stay away from me.’ She yelled at him and the gate to Paige place opened. Paige came out and met Melisa sweating. She rolled her eyes at Henry and dragged her friend along with her. ‘Lisa, If I don’t have you and Grissel no one else dares.’ He threatened while Melisa ignored him. ‘You are nuts.’ Paige replied him and shut the gate in his face. She patted Melisa on the back and led her in. ***** Tom who shut his family off, and has been off work for a while decided to put it all behind him. ‘Finally, he decided to show up for work.’ Stella confronted him. ‘I’m sorry, I just needed some time off.’ ‘Sorry? This is work Tom not some kind of school that you do what pleases you.’ Tom waited for a minute so she could calm down. He stood up from his desk and walked towards her. ‘Are you done?’ He asked with a smile. Tom knew Stella loves to see him smile when she is angry. Stella looked at him and shook her head. ‘Where did you vanish to? Are you okay?’ ‘Yes, I’m fine. I’ve been home all weeks and I’m sorry once again.’ ‘You look better than we presumed.’ ‘We?’ He said with the hope that Grissel came back. ‘Yes, Melisa was scared. We came to the house several times and there was no one.’ ‘I saw you two through the window.’ He sighed and laughed. ‘OMG, you are heartless. We stood there for hours.’ ‘I don’t know why you two came to the house, I was having my quiet time.’ ‘Really.’ She moved towards him. ‘You owe me lunch then.’ Stella changed the topic as she didn’t want to bring up Grissel which might make him sad. ‘Great, let me grab my car keys.’ He rushed off to his table while Stella looked on. *** Julia and Gina were about to have lunch without Melisa the same afternoon that Tom had decided to show up when the doorbell rang. Anna from his office called them earlier when he arrived at the office as Melisa requested of her. Julia quickly went to get it and found Dane smiling at him. Melisa however, wasn’t handling losing Dane very well for the past two weeks since Grissel left with him. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’ Julia said quietly while Gina looked on from the couch. She didn’t know when Gina had left the dinning to the couch. Julia was holding on to the door contemplating if she should let him in. She knew her niece was still so much in love with him. ‘I know everyone is angry with me right now but I need to see Lisa.’ ‘Even though I don’t like you right now, Lisa is still my blood and I want to do right by her.’ Julia told him thinking Lisa would want to see him because she mentioned it a few days ago. ‘I’m sorry I disappointed you.’ He said remorsefully. Julia stared at him for a while and realized he’s just a confused man who didn’t know what he was doing. ‘Come in, let me get her.’ ‘Thank you Julia.’ He responded and entered. Gina greeted him and tapped her side of the couch for him to make himself comfortable. He hesitated for a second and then sat opposite her. ‘Is my daughter fine?’ She asked when she saw him stealing glances at her. ‘Ye..s, she..’s o..kay.’ He stammered. ‘Good.’ Gina responded once and stood up when her eyes caught Melisa coming down. ‘Who let him?’ She yelled. Julia froze at her spot as she was about to go upstairs and call her. Gina on the other hand gave her way when she saw her coming down with speed. ‘Lisa, I ca..’ Dane was saying when she cut her off. ‘Get out, you heartless being.’ She yelled. Julia regained her composure and blocked her way. ‘Just calm down and listen to him. ‘Did you just say listen? What does he possibly have to tell me?’ ‘I still love you.’ He said sadly and pushed his tears back. Dane didn’t understand why Melisa’s rant made him sad. ‘You still love me right?’ She said calmly while her aunty was still holding on to her. Julia and Gina was surprised she calmed down. ‘Yes, can we go somewhere and talk?’ She took a deep breathe. ‘Sure.’ She said and snugged out of her auntie’s arms grabbing a baseball bat closer to the couch. Nobody saw it coming because they had no idea, there was a baseball bat in there. Dane saw him in a flash and rushed off to the door. ‘Lisa put that down.’ Julia called out to her and Gina held onto her tightly. ‘Are you running away? I thought you want to talk, stop there and you would see what I’m capable of.’ ‘I’m sorry Lisa.’ He said struggling to open the door. ‘Sorry?’ She questioned. ‘Just get out of here. Ungrateful man.’ ‘Please, just drop the bat and let’s talk.’ Dane was still hesitant to leave while Melisa struggled to free herself from Gina’s grasp. ‘Are you still talking? She sniffed. You think I would actually want to be with you after what you did.’ ‘But you want to be with me.’ He said weakly with a weird expression on his face. ‘Not anymore and for your information, I’m back with Henry.’ She blurted out with anger. The whole room went silent all of a sudden. Pain registered on Dane’s face, he held on to the door tightly for a minute as Melisa’s word sunk into his brain. Gina still held on to her tightly so she wouldn’t run off with the baseball bat. Julia on the other hand was just lost in her thoughts. She knew these two were definitely in love but just at a hard time. ‘Do..nt do thi….’ Dane tried to convince her. ‘I shouldn’t do this to us? Was that what you were going to say?’ She tried to wriggle out of Gina’s arms again as she felt like smacking him. ‘Just get out.’ She screamed her head off this time. Dane opened the door and went out quickly. Melisa dropped on to the floor immediately he went out and Gina let her out of her arms. Julia sat down with her while Gina walked back to the couch. ‘It’s okay sweetheart. Don’t let this break you.’ ‘But aunty I still want him. I said all that out of anger.’ She started to sob. ‘Including the Henry part?’ She was concerned about her niece going back to Henry after she told her what he did with Bryan. Melisa sniffed and wiped her face. She glanced at her aunty who wrapped her hand around her cuddling her. ‘No, I’m not stupid to go back to a psycho like Henry. I just said that to hurt him.’ ‘Good, I’m sure he’s hurt now but can you stop crying, I don’t want to cry too. ‘Okay, Aunty.’ She replied and stood up. Gina who was watching the two on the floor cuddled earlier sighed when she wiped her face. ‘Believe me Lisa, you and Grissel are two strong women.’ ‘Thank you Gina.’ She tried to cheer up. ‘By the way, who owned the baseball bat?’ Julia laughed. ‘It’s for Paige’s nephew. He left it in my car the other time and I brought it in.’ ‘It was helpful.’ Gina chipped in poking Melisa’s nose while they all laughed. *** Grissel felt she wasn’t well and thought it was because she missed Tom. She checked the camera on the wall and chuckled. Dane had left home earlier in the morning after one of their usual quarrels. She hissed and tossed her phone on her bed after she read the text message she just received. Grissel knew Dane had been watching her since she got into his apartment from court but she didn’t want to fight it. She spotted the camera in her room when she arrived that afternoon and since then she uses the washroom for her dress up. She went into her washroom and closed the door behind. ‘Don’t you dare take that small girl to our house?’ Grissel read the message she wrote when she got in quietly on her toilet seat and hit send. Tom read the text over and over again as he recognized it was Grissel though she used a different number. He looked around and there was no sign of her. That was the first time she’s reaching out after she betrayed him during court. He glanced and smiled at the girl Clive asked to join their table because she was alone. Tom turned off his phone because he knew she was going to call when she didn’t get a text back from him. He hadn’t heard from her for a whole three weeks as he had turned off his phone not to be bothered. Tom thought he was going to have a rough time losing her all three weeks but he doesn’t feel anything now though the first week was hard for him. She was still on the toilet seat while trying to reach out to Stella. When she picked up and heard her voice, Grissel ignored her Hello. ‘Where are you Stella?’ ‘Emmm home. Grissel?’ Stella sounded unsure of the caller since it was a new line. ‘Yes, it’s me. I got a new line.’ ‘I thought Dane had sold you.’ ‘No, I just decided to stay off for a while but where are you right now.’ Grissel changed the topic as she was on a mission. ‘Why?’ Stella whispered quietly. ‘Why are you talking under tone? Where are you right now?’ ‘I was asl..eep Grissel.’ She lied. ‘I asked you to watch my husband and you are home snoring.’ ‘Come on Grissel, I need rest too. I can’t watch your Tom all day and night.’ ‘Why? We talked about this Stella’ ‘Because he’s not my husband and I d….,’ She stammered and paused. ‘Forget it.’ She concluded. ‘You don’t want to be tempted.’ Grissel ended her statement for her. ‘Yes, thank you and let me remind you he’s not your husband anymore.’ Stella mentioned happily. ‘Well, I still want him to be my husband.’ ‘You shouldn’t have left then.’ Stella cautioned. Grissel went mute. ‘I’m sorry but I gave you heads up.’ ‘No you didn’t Grissel, you asked me to watch your husband which to me was an insult.’ She told her exactly what was on her mind. ‘Okay, forgive me but I didn’t want you guys to stop me.’ Henry came out from his bathroom interrupting their chat. ‘Hey babes, will you join me in the shower now.’ Stella signaled him to go back inside and he left frowning. ‘Hello, are you there?’ Grissel asked as Stella was suddenly quiet. ‘Yes, I’m here with you.’ She replied. ‘Who was that?’ Grissel with her sharp ears asked. ‘I told you I was home.’ ‘Okay, let me talk to your mom.’ She muttered. ‘What do you want Grissel?’ Stella feigned anger. ‘Whose bed are you in right now?’ ‘How is that your problem Grissel?’ ‘It’s my problem when you intend throwing your life away. I’m sorry my husband is off limit but there are still men out there.’ ‘Like your Austin?’ ‘Yeah, I know he’s hard dealing with right now but give him time.’ ‘Time? The guy just doesn’t want me Grissel.’ ‘Should he want you when you keep sleeping with Henry?’ She said harshly. Stella was quiet for three seconds. ‘How did you know it was him?’ ‘I smelt him all the way from my end.’ ‘You have a big a nose then.’ She stood up using her earphone so she could dress up. ‘Seriously, you need to stop. Melisa was sleeping with him too. I hope you know that?’ ‘Was?’ She still sleep with him. I found some ladies clothes here when I came and I’m sure it’s her size.’ ‘Are you sure about that because she’s with Dane now.’ ‘I’m sure and you are with Dane not Lisa.’ She chipped in. ‘I did this for Shirley.’ Grissel replied sadly. ‘Don’t go crying on me now. Where did you say Tom was again?’ ‘The usual joint. Today is Friday night.’ ‘Oh yeah, can’t you call Austin.’ Stella asked fixing her shoe lace. ‘He’s out of town and knowing Clive, he would push that girl on Tom.’ ‘But you should allow Tom to mingle now that you are out of the way.’ ‘Did you just say that?’ Grissel asked. ‘Yes, I mean you left so he should find someone else.’ She picked up her car keys and went out of the apartment. Henry who seemed to be enjoying the shower came out when he heard the door bang. ‘He would but it’s too early.’ Grissel said. ‘It’s too early or you want to be the one to do the selection.’ ‘Whatever but can you go there now?’ She stressed worriedly. ‘Sure, Henry’s place isn’t that far from there so I should be there in an hour. Hope they would still be there.’ ‘They should because I have someone watching them.’ ‘Grissel what are you doing. Tom doesn’t need that from you.’ ‘He seemed too okay for someone who just got jilted and betrayed for the second time.’ ‘It’s been a couple of weeks and I’m sure he’s in a lot of pain and the best way to get over you is what he’s doing now.’ ‘I know but I had no other choice.’ ‘Alright, are you still in Seattle?’ ‘Yes, your brother is keeping us locked up here in his apartment.’ ‘Are you and Shirley okay?’ ‘Of course, she’s asleep now.’ ‘Good, just let me know when you are leaving Seattle.’ ‘Are you out of that brothel already?’ She laughed slightly. ‘Yeah, I’m driving there now. You are on speaker out.’ ‘Great, give me a call once you get there and please don’t give my number out to anyone.’ ‘Alright, Good night.’ Stella said and hanged up. She hanged up and her phone rang. Grissel checked the caller ID and didn’t recognized it. She hesitated for a while and answered the call. ‘Hello.’ ‘Grissel?’ The caller enquired. She recognized the deep voice to be that of Dane’s father. That voice always scared her, the more reason why it got stuck in her mind. ‘Judge Reed,’ she mentioned and frowned. She feared the man and never liked him. ‘I hope my son is treating you well. Dani called’ ‘You mean Shirley?’ Grissel managed to respond after some seconds. ‘Yes, she told me everything and I really want to help.’ ‘Did you say help?’ ‘Yes my dear.’ He replied. ‘With all due respect, I don’t need your help.’ Grissel said swallowing the bitterness forming in her throat. ‘I thought you might say that but I’m sorry I had already done that.’ ‘Done what?’ Grissel’s heart skipped into her stomach. She knew both father and son were a torn in her flesh when the incident happened. ‘I asked the lawyer to add a clause to the custody section.’ Grissel took off the phone from her ears and checked the caller ID again. ‘A clause? What are you talking about?’ She asked when Judge Reed was quiet at his end. ‘Yes, I was surprised when Daniella called about you moving in with her dad when I had given you your freedom after I spoke with Lisa.’ ‘What freedom because I didn’t even read any of those papers.’ And what has Lisa got to do with this.’ She frowned. ‘That makes sense now because if you had read, you would have seen I gave you custody after I met your sister in law at my place.’ He paused to check if Grissel was still listening to him. ‘Hello.’ ‘I’m still here with you.’ ‘My lawyer assured me the only thing you were left with was the annulment which the court would have agreed to because Sculley said your husband had already reached out to him.’ Mr. Reed continued. Grissel hit her head painfully. Then she remembered, Dane used his Dad’s lawyer. It didn’t occur to her to ask him for help. ‘Thank you. That was actually my plan to get the annulment papers from court and leave him and since the only way to do that was to stay with him, I signed the papers without looking.’ ‘But you are still there after three weeks.’ ‘Yes, because somehow the court said it wasn’t ready when I called last week besides I have my daughter so close now.’ ‘I don’t know what has come over my son but I apologize for the part I took in all these.’ Grissel ignored his apology yet again. ‘So are you saying once I get the papers back from court, I’m free to have full custody of my daughter?’ Grissel wasn’t concerned about the annulment anymore, all she wanted was her daughter. ‘That’s right, you can leave anytime and apply for a copy at the court.’ ‘And Dane is not aware about the custody clause.’ She suddenly asked. ‘No, my lawyer was discreet about it.’ She sighed heavily. The only thought that came to her mind was she couldn’t wait to see Tom. Grissel suddenly became tensed and sad as she knew Tom may never accept her back. ‘I would call up the court once we are done talking.’ ‘Good and I know you also felt it was your duty to fix him but trust me Dane is beyond fixing.’ Grissel could hear him breathe heavily and his voice was laced with sadness. ‘Why do I feel you have something else on your mind? Grissel asked suspiciously. ‘It’s about Shane?’ He said with a sad tone. ‘What about Shane?’ She asked with her heart skipping vigorously. ‘I don’t know how to say this bu….’ ‘Judge Reed, I won’t bite you.’ ‘Alright, Dane blamed you because he couldn’t get over the guilt of not telling you the truth from the beginning.’ ‘What truth?’ She asked fumbling. Judge Reed told her everything from start to finish. Grissel paused and grabbed a seat just then Dane announced his entrance. She hanged up and wiped her tears. He was already broken when he left Melisa’s end so he walked pass Grissel. She quickly hanged up and picked up Dani’s huge story book. Grissel threw it at him and he turned round with a glare. ‘Why did you do this to me? Shane was my son too and I had the right to know every decision you were making.’ She yelled on top of her voice. ‘So? Did you think about that when you suffocated him?’ He yelled back. ‘Seriously, you still carry this story around and expect everyone to believe you.’ And what is that supposed to mean? Look I’m not in the mood this evening.’ Dane flared up. ‘Mommy, are you two fighting now?’ Grissel heard Dani’s voice behind her. She turned around and walked to her. ‘Princess, go to your room. I would be right there.’ ‘Okay,’ she rushed off after attempting to give his dad a hug and he ignored her. Grissel saw him walking away, and she held on to his shirt. ‘Get off me,’ Dane shouted. She let him go and started crying. ‘Why didn’t you tell me Shane wouldn’t have lived up to a year? I was his mother and I could have stayed home that night.’ Grissel cried and sat on the floor. Dane’s face became pale and he tried to open his mouth but nothing came out. That was the moment he feared, he thought this day wouldn't come. He felt his rage slowly turning into bitter emotions and guilt swept him off his feet. He dropped to the floor in front of her and glared at Grissel with teary eyes. ‘Leave me alone. I never knew you could be this heartless to blame me for a death you were equally accountable for.’ Dane tried to reach out for her hands and she snarled at him. Dane saw the pain in her eyes and at that moment it was as if the plank on his eyes had been removed. He kept staring at her cry and his own tears begun to flow. Dane wiped it off quickly. ‘You sp..oke to my’ As if reality dawned on him, he started to shed more tears like a baby throwing tantrums. Grissel looked up at him, she never thought he would be that soft but she ignored him. ‘I can’t believe the extra nurses and the tests you told me were just because it was your first time of being a dad was all because Shane was anemic and wasn’t going to survive in the first place and I just worsened his case.’ ‘I’..m s..orr..y,’ He fumbled with his words. “Sorry? For making me feel as if I intentionally killed my own son when you failed to be honest with me from the beginning.’ ‘I thought you couldn’t handle it.’ He said calmly. ‘You thought I was naïve and gullible right?’ Grissel retorted. There was a long silence between them as Grissel watched him fumble with his hands. She hadn’t seen him that unguarded and remorseful in her entire life. As they both sat on the floor, their thoughts were all over the place. ‘I was guilty and needed someone to take the blame for me.’ Dane felt the need to speak up as he realized Grissel was scrutinizing him. ‘And you thought the best person to blame was the woman you swore to love and protect.’ ‘I’m sorry.’ He weakly apologized. ‘I can’t forgive you and stay in your lane from today onwards.’ She said angrily and stood up from the floor heading towards the room when she saw Dani rushing off into her father’s room. ‘Thank you.’ He was still not able to stand up yet. ‘Keep your thank you.’ ‘Grissel?’ ‘What?’ She snarled turning around. ‘Lisa has left me for Henry.’ He said with tears. ‘So? Don’t you deserve it?’ She asked rudely. His tears continued to flow. ‘I y..ou could talk to her for me.’ ‘Why would I want to do that for you? You think I want you to treat Lisa the same way you treated me?’ ‘I’ve learnt my lesson and I would never do that to her.’ He pleaded. Grissel stared at his apologetic face and wondered how he could change in just a flash. Wasn’t he heartless anymore? Is he worth staying around? Her thoughts were all over the place. ‘Why should I believe you when you destroyed the only thing I ever wanted?’ She finally asked. ‘I really love Lisa.’ ‘Love? I thought you loved me too?’ ‘Ye...s, no. I mean I did but not anymore.’ He stammered and then found his voice. She breathed heavily. ‘Was it all intentional to hurt me or it was your guilt.’ He stopped fumbling with his hands. ‘I knew how I treated you was wrong and when I met you again it was to tell you the truth but then I found out you didn’t mention your past to your family and that pissed me off.’ ‘Pissed you off?’ That was my decision to make not yours.’ ‘I know that now.’ He replied more calmly now. Grissel rolled her eyes at him and walked away into her room. Dane sprawled on the floor for a few minutes and got up. He tried Melisa’s number several times and she didn’t answer. He walked into his room, wiped his face with his pillow and his eyes caught the files which he kept under the pillow. Dane picked up the files and locked it up in his safe which he had no idea Dani was in the room. Dani who was playing with his dad’s laptop hid behind the couch in the room when she heard his footsteps. She waited for him to enter the bathroom and she quickly went out. ***** Dane has been extremely nice to Grissel since their quarrel a week ago. Grissel doesn’t want to have anything to do with him since she found out she might be pregnant. That night that she went into her room, her headache and abdomen pains were weighing her down. She also knew she was a couple of weeks late on her flow that had triggered the changes in her sleeping pattern and health. To her it meant only one thing but who would she turn to when she chose that path for herself. What if she went back to Tom and he wants nothing to do with her. She cried that evening while Dane rushed in to check on her when he heard the sobs. That morning of a new week her thoughts strayed to Tom but she knew he probably wouldn’t want to be in her life right now. She was still mumbling to herself when Dani came in that morning. ‘Mommy, you are still sleeping.’ Dani shook Grissel when she entered her room. ‘Shirley I told you I wasn’t well.’ She lazily picked herself up from the bed. ‘Sorry, but Daddy said you should come down for breakfast.’ ‘I will eat later.’ She dragged herself out of the sheets as she was still in her pajamas and went into the washroom. Dani followed her after a few minutes and met Grissel rubbing her belly. Dane had become soft and Grissel had made every effort to avoid him since they had that talk a week ago. She stood at the door for some seconds. ‘I think my brother is in there.’ She said naively. Grissel looked back at her and smiled. ‘I think so too. Come here.’ She reached out to her daughters hand and placed it on her stomach. ‘Mommy, the baby moved.’ ‘Shhhh, Daddy must not know.’ ‘Okay mommy, but you still haven’t told him to stop yelling at me.’ ‘We would do that together after breakfast.’ ‘See you then.’ She gave her mom a warm hug and rushed off happily. Grissel came down and sat next to her daughter. ‘Hey mom. We’ve been waiting for you.’ ‘I’m sorry I was late.’ She rubbed her shoulder. ‘That’s okay, we weren’t in a hurry to eat.’ Dane chipped in and got ignored. Grissel just hissed and starts to dish out the food because for the past three weeks that she moved in he always complained about Grissel being late for meals. They ate in silence and Dani watched them both discretely. ‘I need you to take off the cameras in my room.’ She said after a few minutes into their meal. ‘Alright, I will turn them off.’ ‘No, I said take the whole damn thing off.’ Grissel yelled out for no reason. ‘Relax, don’t bite my head off. I would call the technician to do that in the evening.’ ‘Look, I want it gone this very minute.’ She roared when Dane made no efforts to stand up. He glanced at her then tried to pick up his phone but found only the case. ‘Dani, come out here.’ He called out. Dani left the table when they were arguing and they barely noticed. Dane has been trying to be nice to Grissel ever since his confession but it seemed she resent him and he was starting to feel lost. He thought she was going to leave when he came home the night after their quarrel but she was still home when he got there. Dane had accepted she didn’t want to go back and thought since Melisa has robbed him of his joy, he could just hold on to his family no matter how broken it seemed now. *** ‘Mommy isn’t well Lisa.’ She said softly over the phone. “Dani?” ‘Yes, it’s me your step daughter.’ She said with a serious tone. Melisa checked the caller ID and laughed quietly. ‘Is everything alright?’ ‘Mommy is having a baby.’ “Huh.” Melisa exclaimed. ‘She said not to tell anyone.’ ‘Is your mommy there with you?’ Melisa said as she was so sure Dani was lying again. Just then Dane barged in on her. ‘Hand over the phone now.’ ‘It’s Lisa Daddy.’ She quickly hanged up. ‘So? Hand it over quickly.’ He walked up to her and shoved the phone out of her hands making her sad. ‘I was just having a chat with her.’ ‘Next time, ask me first. How did you even know my password?’ ‘I hacked it.’ She grinned. You used mommy’s name.’ Dane looked up at her and wondered what has come over his sweet little princess. ‘I wasn’t done talking to Li….’ ‘Get out.’ He shouted at her. Dani rushed to the door and stuck her tongue out. ‘I hate you daddy.’ She rushed out and her dad followed. Melisa called back several times which Dane didn’t answer as he wasn’t so sure what to tell her after what happened in her house.
27 Jun 2018 | 07:17
i don't like dis Grissel,, she is not just making right decisions
27 Jun 2018 | 14:02
Grissel is making a mistake oo
27 Jun 2018 | 18:41
Grissel think for herself alone
27 Jun 2018 | 19:22
EPISODE 31 Melisa paced around. She was nervous and had no idea what to do. ‘Of course it’s Dani, she couldn’t be lying about the pregnancy.’ She said loudly and heard a screech behind her. ‘Pregnancy?’ Julia came in from behind her. ‘Huh!’ She exclaimed. ‘Oh it’s just you.’ Melisa said with a throbbing heart. She had no problem telling Julia about Grissel’s pregnancy but she wasn’t sure who the father is yet. ‘Yes it’s your aunty but that doesn’t answer my question.’ ‘Which question?’ She asked busily going through her medicine cabinet. ‘Are you pregnant and what are you busily looking for?’ ‘Pregnancy test Kit.’ She looked back at Julia for a second and continued to search. ‘I know I kept one here.’ Julia’s eyes nearly popped out since she kept her eyes steadily on her. ‘I have one up in my cabinet, if you wan…….’ She was saying when Melisa stood up and grabbed her old bag full of some kits and rushed off before her aunty could finish her statement. She paused when she came down after grabbing the kit from her Aunty’s room. ‘Thank you aunty,’ she smiled sheepishly. ‘By the way why do you need a test kit?’ Julia gave her a stare. ‘Why do you also need one?’ She shot back at her. ‘Never mind, see you later.’ She smacked her teasingly and picked up her car keys on the table in the hall. Julia slumped on to the couch and wondered where she rushed off too. ‘Why won’t she do the test here if she is pregnant?’ Julia was speaking to herself when Gina joined her. They both had a good laugh and analyzed Melisa’s earlier behavior. *** After what seemed like forever, Melisa was knocking on Stella’s door as if she owed her money. Stella’s mom opened the gate and was leading her in when Stella met her at the door. ‘Lisa?’ She called and signaled her mom to give them privacy. Stella was cladded in her favorite pink short and white tank top. As soon as Mrs. Medts left, Melisa pulled her aside. ‘Where’s she?’ ‘Huh.’ Who?’ ‘Don’t play dumb with me? I know you are in contact with Grissel.’ ‘Grissel?’ Stella pretended to be naïve about the topic because Grissel asked her to. ‘Yes, you two are like five and six and I know she must have reached out to you.’ ‘No, I haven’t heard from her. Trust me.’ Stella stared at her with a straight face. ‘Come on, cut to the chase Stella. She’s pregnant.’ ‘Pregnant?’ She asked surprised because Grissel didn’t mention it when they spoke the last time and her phone has been off for a while now. ‘Yes, Dani called me earlier and I’m just worried Dane is giving her a tough time right now.’ Stella suddenly laughed with a relief. ‘Dani called and you believed her.’ ‘Of course, there was no reason for her to lie and besides Dane snatched the phone from her before I could get further details.’ ‘You are right? Shirley is smart.’ ‘Great, can you call Grissel right now.’ ‘Her number has been off for a few days now but let me try and see.’ She took out the phone from her shorts pocket and dialed her number. ‘Well?’ Melisa asked when she seemed to be unsuccessful. ‘Both lines are still off.’ Stella told her with concern. ‘Gosh, Grissel is just one hard woman to find.’ Melisa lamented. ‘Wait here.’ Stella said after a few minutes of silence rushed in hurriedly as if she remembered something. She came back after five minutes and rushed towards the main gate after throwing a paper to Melisa earlier. ‘What’s this?’ She asked unfolding the paper. ‘A map to Seattle Groove.’ She looked back at Melisa who hadn’t made an attempt to move yet.’ ‘Hold on. They are still in Seattle?’ ‘Yes, she called me a week back to check on Tom.’ ‘Why didn’t you say anything when you knew how worried I was?’ Melisa said with disappointment. ‘She asked me not to. Now, let’s go already.’ Stella said reminding her it’s a long drive from her end. ‘Sure, you are driving.’ Melisa gave her the keys to her car since she knew that place better than her. They got in and Stella sped off. ‘It’s been a long time since I visited that cabin.’ Stella said about thirty minutes into their drive. ‘I remember Dane mentioned his dad had a cabin in Seattle.’ Melisa paused and glanced at Stella who was driving and at the same time stealing glances at her. ‘He wanted us to move in there when we se….’ She was saying further and sadness filled her throat. Stella cleared her throat after two minutes of silence. ‘You know its okay to miss him.’ Melisa shyly fumbled with her hands. ‘I don’t only miss him, I want him Stella.’ ‘It’s fine to want him too.’ Stella encouraged. ‘Isn’t that some stupid feeling?’ ‘No, you are just a woman in love with a broken man who happens to be in a bad place.’ ‘Broken you say? All I see is a man full of himself and wouldn’t listen to advice.’ Melisa added and smiled through her sadness. ‘Dane used to listen to me but I don’t understand why this time he wouldn’t.’ ‘As you said, he’s in a bad place now and though I want him I can’t put Grissel through another trauma by letting him into my life knowing he would always remind her of the past.’ ‘You know one way or the other, Grissel is always going to be in his life so it doesn’t matter if you decided to be with him.’ ‘It matters to me, I can’t be with him knowing he hurt my brother.’ ‘I understand but Tom would eventually learn to accept him once he’s happy with Grissel again.’ ‘Happy with Grissel?’ Melisa asked with a hundred thoughts on her mind. ‘Of course with this pregnancy I’m sure she would want to come back home.’ ‘How sure are you Tom is responsible for the pregnancy?’ Melisa asked with a confused stare. ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ Stella asked trying to focus on the road. ‘Though, I know she would be a fool to be pregnant for Dane a second time, I also know it’s very possible.’ ‘No way, when she called the last time, trust me she missed Tom and wished she could come back.’ ‘That’s a relief.’ She sighed. ‘I need a nephew badly so I could get busy and forget all about Dane.’ ‘Well, I’m sure it’s a girl and I know you are just bluffing about not wanting Dane.’ Stella smiled. ‘No, I’m sure I don’t want him anymore. I already told him the last time he came to my house and I chased him out with a baseball bat.’ ‘Oh wow.’ That must be funny. ‘Yeah it was, Julia and Gina teased me the whole night.’ Stella laughed, ‘but I’m glad you have that so much effect on him. The Dane I knew wouldn’t take that crap from anyone.’ ‘You mean the heartless Dane.’ ‘Yeah but he really loves you. I can tell.’ ‘He loved Grissel too but see how hit turned out.’ ‘Not as much as he loves you. I don’t know you but I know Dane and Grissel, what they shared was not close to what you both had briefly.’ ‘There was a screech of tires in front of them and Stella forcefully stepped on the brake. They looked up on the road and was lucky, they didn’t bump into the car in front of them. ‘That was close. Now look on the road.’ Melisa muttered. ‘Sure, check the map for me once we get off the high road.’ Stella told her. Melisa nodded and they drove off again when a message came on Stella’s phone from Grissel. They both looked at each other and smiled but when they tried calling her phone it was off again. ‘At least, with this message we are assured she’s fine.’ Melisa relaxed back on the seat and looked on the road with a worried grimace. Stella turned on the radio in then car while driving off the high way. *** It was a long drive indeed because it took them hours to locate the place and it was already afternoon. They knocked on the door since there was no gate to the cabin. Melisa was looking round admiring the environment when Dane opened the door. Their gazes met and Stella watched them staring at each other. She managed to walk pass them in search of Grissel when luckily she came out with Shirley who run into her arms for a cuddle. ‘I miss you so much Princess.’ Stella said putting her down slowly and smiling at Grissel. ‘I miss you too but did Lisa send you.’ ‘Why would Lisa send her?’ Grissel said grabbing her attention. ‘I’m fine Grissel.’ Stella responded when Grissel hasn’t greeted her yet. ‘I know you are fine that is why I didn’t ask but don’t avoid my question.’ ‘Lisa is at the door in some kind of a trance, she will explain when she gets here.’ ‘Lisa is here?’ Both mother and daughter chorused. Dani left them talking and rushed to the door. ‘Did you come because of my text message from earlier?’ ‘No, I mean yes but we also came because of something else just wait for Lisa.’ ‘Lisa, you came.’ Dani said loudly when she got there and saw them both staring at each other. Stella and Grissel stopped talking when they heard Dani’s voice and moved away to a comfortable area. Her tiny voice rang in her ears and grabbed her attention. She pushed Dane slightly off the way and opened her arms for an embrace with her medicine bag hanging on her arms. They heard Dane calling after her but she ignored him and went to meet the others who were already seated around a table behind the balcony. ‘Hey, so I heard you are here on request.’ Grissel said once she sat down. ‘Where are your manners?’ Melisa asked smiling. ‘I left them at your brother’s house.’ They all laughed at her joke. They said their pleasantries and was okay without Juice and water when Stella prompted Melisa to spill out the reason they came there. ‘So I heard you are having a baby.’ Melisa said without hesitating. ‘Gosh, Shirley.’ Grissel turned to her daughter because she knew she was the snitch. ‘Yes mommy.’ ‘Can we not tell everyone?’ Grissel gave her a worried and sad grimace. ‘But, Lisa is not everyone mommy.’ ‘Yes, she’s right. Stella chipped in. ‘We were supposed to be family.’ ‘I know but not in this situation.’ ‘Okay, so I’m assuming you didn’t tell Dane about this.’ Melisa asked smartly. ‘No, why would I do that when he’s not the father.’ ‘Thank God!’ Melisa exclaimed and sighed heavily. Grissel examined her face. ‘Wait, you two thought I’m that dump to sleep with Reed again.’ Stella quickly covered Shirley’s ears with her hands. ‘Watch your words Grissel.’ She glanced at her daughter scornfully. ‘Don’t say it mommy, I know it already.’ She walked away sadly. She breathed in and relaxed back on her chair. ‘What was that about?’ Melisa asked. ‘We came to an understanding that anytime she misbehave which I think it’s inappropriate she would be grounded by reading a book for three hours.’ ‘Three hours? Why do you want her to run mad?’ Stella asked. ‘You think that’s unfair? Gina did the same to me and I think it’s only fair I meted out the same punishment to my daughter.’ ‘But that’s to the extreme.’ Stella was still complaining and making funny utterances. ‘It’s better than yelling at her. What do you think Lisa?’ Grissel asked Lisa who has been quiet all this while. ‘Is it Tom’s?’ Lisa asked ignoring Grissel’s earlier question. ‘What is Tom’s?’ His name introduced some kind of coldness to her body. Melisa pointed to her stomach. ‘She meant is she going to be an aunty.’ Stella muttered. ‘Oh that, I think so.’ Grissel replied rubbing her belly. ‘Really, you think so.’ Melisa asked nervously. ‘Yes, besides I’m not even sure if I’m really pregnant.’ ‘Good. Take this and I’ll wait for you.’ She opened her bag and gave her the pregnancy kit. ‘Jeez, you are too bossy. I don’t need this but I’m sure you would be an aunty in about nine months.’ ‘Thank you but just do as I said earlier.’ Melisa ordered and stared. ‘Okay, just wait here.’ Grissel picked up the test kit and went away to the washroom while they waited. She came back after about twenty minutes and shoved the result in their faces and Melisa continued to check her pulse and blood pressure with the equipment’s she brought while they talked. ‘This is good, so what do you want to do now.’ Stella asked. ‘I thought I was clear with my text message when I didn’t even know you were coming here.’ ‘Yes.’ Both Stella and Grissel chorused. ‘So why should you be asking me what I want to do.’ Grissel asked them with outmost certainty. ‘You do know this is going to hurt a lot of people.’ ‘I know but what other choice do I have Lisa.’ Grissel said sadly. ‘There are other ways to go about it.’ Melisa muttered. ‘Not for me.’ Grissel said and noticed a shadow pacing around and waited for it to come from behind the pillar. It turned out it was Dane and they had no idea how long he had been standing there and if he heard their discussion. ‘What is he doing there?’ Melisa asked looking back at him. ‘Waiting for you Lisa.’ Stella chipped in. ‘I don’t want to talk to him.’ Melisa blushed. ‘Why are you blushing when you don’t want him anymore?’ Grissel asked and Melisa forced a frown on her face. ‘Let’s not go there Grissel.’ Melisa turned her seat around so she wouldn’t have to see him again. They laughed at her when Dane stopped pacing and kept staring at Melisa. ‘I forgot to say, he apologized and trust me he’s been trying to be nice these days.’ ‘Wait a minute. My brother apologized.’ ‘Of course, you should have seen him in tears, I nearly fell for his apology.’ Grissel continued to narrate everything that happened starting from his father in law down to the very end. ‘Wow that must have hurt Grissel.’ Melisa rubbed her shoulder. ‘Yeah, but it gave me the relief I needed. Knowing Shane would have died whether that night in Connecticut happened or not gave me the strength to sleep that night.’ ‘I’m sure it was the same night I chased him out of the house.’ ‘Oh my goodness.’ Grissel laughed. ‘How were you able to do that?’ Melisa told them both how the drama unfolded. They teased each other for a while and it seemed they had nothing else to talk about. ‘Is he still there?’ Melisa asked after some few minutes. ‘Yes, I think he’s trying to call you.’ Stella replied. ‘No,’ she hurriedly said and picked up her phone dialing Tom’s number so she could keep her number on busy. ‘Hey, it’s your sister.’ she said immediately Tom picked up on the first ring. ‘I know it’s you so what do you want?’ ‘Don’t be mean Tom. Do I only have to call you when I need something?’ She feigned anger. Grissel’s heart skipped and she relaxed back on the chair. ‘I’m sorry, how is everyone.’ ‘We miss you.’ Melisa responded. ‘I would come around soon, I just have an overload of work these days.’ ‘You mean Stella is giving you a tough time at work?’ Melisa said loudly glancing at Stella while Grissel sat back eager to hear his voice. Stella made a gesture indicating she hasn’t done anything wrong. ‘No, I’ve been slow with work and it got piled up.’ ‘Okay, but you were right earlier.’ ‘I knew it. You need help.’ He said literally jumping up from his end. ‘Yes, I’m getting married next week.’ ‘What? To whom.’ He asked with a surprise tone. ‘To a human being Tom. You don’t need to rub it in my face that I may never find love.’ ‘I’m sorry, so what do you need.’ He asked calmly. ‘A loan Tom.’ He went mute on the phone and kept scratching his head. ‘Can’t you ask Aunty to help?’ ‘I could ask aunty but I came to you as a sister.’ She feigned sadness. Don’t cry on me now? How much do you need?’ ‘Yaay, just five thousand dollars.’ What? That’s too much Lisa besides shouldn’t the man be paying for these expenses.’ ‘Bryan doesn’t have money right now.’ ‘Bryan?’ He sounded surprised. ‘Come on. You still want to marry that loser?’ He is not a loser Tom. Or do you want me to end up alone?’ ‘No, but at least if he has agreed to marry you, he should be a man.’ ‘Are you helping me or not? I could sell mommy’s car.’ Melisa muttered sternly. ‘No, that car is an artifact.’ Tom said. He loved his mother’s old Benz and have prevented her sister and Julia from selling it all these years. ‘So?’ Melisa asked hoping for a yes. ‘Emmm, alright. I would wire you the money once we are done here but you have to pay back.’ ‘Okay boss.’ Melisa answered cheerfully. ‘ ‘I have to go now, my friends are around right now.’ ‘Make sure to get a new suit because you are walking me down the aisle.’ ‘Morris would do that.’ ‘No, I want you and invite those your friends as well.’ Melisa stressed. ‘I will madam.’ He replied teasingly and hanged up laughing. ‘You are manipulative Lisa. You think Tom would pay for a wedding he is not interested in.’ Grissel said once she hanged up. ‘Relax, he would and that reminds me I have to call Bryan.’ Melisa was saying when she got the alert of the exact amount she asked from Tom. She smiled and tossed the phone to Grissel who recognized the account number. She kept staring at the phone for a while and decided to hand it over. ‘Is he okay?’ Grissel finally asked the one question on her mind. ‘Yeah, he sounded cheerful.’ Melisa said sadly. ‘Don’t you think you need to come with us when we are leaving?’ Stella rubbed her hands to grab her attention. ‘No, I’m not done here yet and besides Melisa hasn’t given me the wedding date.’ ‘Sunday and you should be there early enough if you really want to have a talk with Tom before anything else.’ Her sister in law stressed. ‘I would try and please, your boyfriend has been standing for long Lisa.’ Grissel cautioned. ‘I don’t know what you want me to do. Hand over the phone.’ She dialed Brain’s number and he answered after the third ring. ‘Get yourself ready, we are getting married on Sunday.’ ‘Huh. Lisa.’ ‘Yes it’s me and you heard me right. I would send you the address of the venue.’ ‘I don’t understand you right now.’ ‘Do you still want me or not?’ Melisa asked him. ‘No, yes I mean I do want to be with you but you are rushing this whole marriage thing.’ ‘I can see you are not ready,’ she said with frustration written on her face. ‘I would find someone else.’ ‘Wait.’ Bryan said when he noticed she was going to hang up. ‘I’m listening Bryan.’ ‘How does this work?’ ‘You just come to the address I would be sending you and my dad would take care of talking to your people.’ ‘Okay, but don’t you think, my family should be talking to yours rather.’ ‘Alright, have it your way but just come on time.’ ‘Thank you Lisa for giving me another chance.’ He mentioned happily. ‘You were a victim so I understand but can I call you back later.’ ‘Sure.’ He said and hanged up. Melisa breathed deeply and heavily. ‘Lisa, you don’t have to do this just to get back at anyone.’ Grissel registered her displeasure. ‘Yeah, I agree with Grissel. Just don’t make the poor guy suffer anymore.’ ‘You two should leave me alone right now. I liked the guy until I heard the truth.’ ‘And you think that calls for revenge?’ Grissel asked. ‘You are doing the same thing here with Dane, besides I just thought I could help you this way.’ ‘No, there are other ways to deal with my situation.’ Grissel mumbled. ‘Just tell me, you would come for the wedding.’ ‘Definitely, I want this but not your way of handling it.’ Grissel affirmed. ‘Hey ladies, your boyfriend would collapse if you don’t stop arguing.’ Stella interrupted. They all glanced towards his direction. Dane was pacing from the far end of the balcony stealing glances at them. He had a pathetic look on which they kept laughing at. ‘Reed.’ Grissel waved her hands inviting him over. When he heard Grissel mention his name, as if that was the best thing that ever happened to him, he smiled and picked up his phone by the table. ‘What are you doing Grissel?’ Melisa asked quietly, while Dane walked over. Dane scratched his jaw when he got there. ‘Emmm, you called me.’ ‘Yes, your girlfriend here is hungry,’ She said and winced in pain. Melisa had kicked her under the table with her foot. ‘Are you okay?’ Stella asked Grissel who gestured towards Melisa. She had a sheepish smile on her face and at the same time avoiding Dane’s gaze on her. Grissel nodded to answer her question while Dane kept looking at Melisa who was avoiding his eyes all the time. ‘I can take you ladies out across the street to eat.’ He watched them with their funny expressions and shifted his eyes on Melisa. As if on cue they all glanced at him. ‘No, that’s unethical. You can make her some sausage sauce here.’ Grissel said with a teasing face. Melisa tried to hit her again under the table. This time around she was expecting it so she withdrew her legs quickly. ‘Okay, give me about twenty minutes.’ He announced and left quickly. Melisa who was holding her laughter bust into a hilarious one. ‘Goodness what just happened. Was that Dane?’ ‘Of course Lisa.’ Grissel responded. ‘What did you do to him?’ Melisa further asked. ‘Nothing, I already told you earlier about his confession.’ ‘Yes, but he has become too soft.’ Melisa complained. ‘You haven’t seen anything yet. If I tell him to bath me he will.’ Grissel bragged. ‘Dane has always been soft though strict sometimes and he’s a good cook too.’ Stella who knew him best said. ‘Yeah, unlike my Tom.’ Grissel said sadly as she wasn’t sure what lies ahead of her. ‘Wow, I like this new Dane but……’ Her hands flew to her mouth quickly. Her intention was to dissuade Grissel from her sad thoughts but it seems she’s going to get teased all over again. ‘It’s alright Lisa.’ Stella chipped in. ‘He’s all yours now.’ ‘No, I still don’t want him.’ ‘We live to see.’ Grissel teased just that moment Dane came out bearing a tray of glasses and wine. He dropped it on the table and glanced at them. ‘Help yourselves, lunch would soon be ready.’ Everyone was quiet watching him stare at them. ‘Thanks, I would prefer juice. Just give the whole bottle to Shirley.’ Grissel notified him. ‘Don’t worry I would bring it. She said you grounded her so she’s busy reading.’ ‘Oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks.’ Grissel said nonchalantly. She knew Dane must be excited seeing her talk to him since all she does to him these days was to yell at him. He walked away knowing all eyes were on him. Then Melisa stood up to leave. ‘Where do you think you are going?’ Stella asked. ‘To get Grissel that juice.’ ‘He would bring it Lisa.’ Grissel said. ‘I know but I don’t like the way you are treating him.’ ‘Oh wow, finally. Just say you want to talk to him and don’t use my juice as an excuse.’ ‘You do know I’m getting married next week to Bryan right?’ Grissel scoffed. ‘Okay Madam Bryan.’ They both teased Melisa and waved her goodbye. She shook her head and sat down. ‘Let’s wait for him then.’ Dane came back later with mango juice and rushed back to the kitchen. There was noise coming from the kitchen and that moment Dani came out frowning. ‘Mommy, why is Daddy nervous and making noise. I’m trying to read.’ Grissel looked back at her and smiled. ‘Lisa, can you take her away for a few days?’ ‘I could until after the wedding.’ Melisa smiled at Dani who rushed back in and came back with her hands behind her back. Everyone was wondering why she went back in. ‘Mommy, I want to tell you something.’ She brought a white envelope from behind her. ‘What is that you are holding?’ Grissel curiously asked. ‘I need something first.’ Shirley grinned childishly. ‘What did we say the last time?’ Grissel asked sternly. ‘No blackmailing.’ She said moving a step back. ‘Good, so let me have the envelope.’ Grissel demanded sternly. ‘Lisa,’ Shirley glanced at her and then to Stella. ‘Can you tell mommy to get me a phone?’ ‘Is that all?’ Stella who was quiet watching them suddenly asked. ‘Yes, I miss my friends in Dallas.’ ‘It’s settled, you can have mine.’ Stella offered avoiding Grissel’s gaze on her. Dani rushed on the phone smiling. ‘Ella? This is a mistake.’ Grissel cautioned. ‘Relax, the phone is just for today besides you shouldn’t deny Shirley her friends.’ ’That’s true especially when she’s in the midst of all these problems.’ Melisa added. Grissel kept quiet watching them and smiled. ‘Alright, for just a few hours. ‘She sternly told her daughter. ‘Now let me have the envelope.’ Grissel reached out. ‘No, it’s going to make you sick.’ She said with a sad tone. ‘Alright, give it to Lisa then.’ Grissel responded. She handed the envelope out and was rushing off. ‘Lisa, Daddy needs help with that food. He’s messing up the whole kitchen.’ Grissel gave her a stare and she rushed off. Melisa tossed the envelope over to Stella. ‘Whatever is in there, I know it’s no good news.’ ‘Why should I be the one to open it?’ Stella said dropping it on the table in front of them. Grissel looked at them both and picked the envelope off the table while they looked on. She realized it was already opened. Grissel hissed when she realized what it was. Melisa snatched it from her while Stella shifted her seat over to read. ‘Grissel, I thought you told me your proceedings are still pending and that was the main reason you are still here.’ ‘As you can see he had it all along.’ Grissel responded in a slow tone. ‘Why would he do that?’ Melisa was starting to get jittery. ‘Probably he figured out I would leave once I found out we got an approval because I know he had no idea about his dad giving me custody yet.’ ‘This guy is heartless.’ Melisa said angrily and stood up. Stella held her down since she was the closes to her at that moment. ‘Let it go, Grissel isn’t complaining.’ ‘Yes, let him be. He’s just selfish but I know he’s confused too.’ Grissel sounded unsure. Just then Shirley came out again with her numerous questions. ‘Hey, where did you get this from?’ Stella asked Dani when she walked closer with yet another frown. ‘Daddy’s safe. I saw him crying and locking it up the last time she and mommy had a fight.’ Grissel looked up at her daughter. ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ ‘I thought he would stop yelling at me but he didn’t.’ She complained. ‘So you decided to pay him back.’ ‘Yes and don’t get angry because I know was wrong.’ She said sadly. ‘I’m glad you know. Come here,’ Grissel took her on to her laps.’ I’m sorry, you have to witness a lot of quarrels but it would be over soon.’ ‘I trust you mommy but why is the food taking long?’ ‘Your dad should be done by now.’ Just then there came a loud bang from one of the rooms as if someone dropped a plate. They all questioned each other with their eyes. ‘I thi..nk I should check o…….’ Melisa said when that was all she wanted to do since Dane came back with the mango Juice. ‘Yes you should.’ Grissel concluded for Melisa who stood up heading towards the kitchen. Grissel picked up a copy of the custody letter and the divorce paper they signed. She kept a copy in the envelope and instructed Shirley to keep the envelope at where she found it and keep the other copy in her bag. Shirley rushed off after poking her mother’s nose playfully. ‘Make sure daddy doesn’t see you with it.’ ‘Okay mommy but can I call my friends now without your supervision.’ ‘Emm, yes but for only today.’ ‘Got it mommy.’ She said and vanished inside. *** ‘Was that your sister earlier? Clive asked Tom. The guys decided to go to his end and cheer him up. ‘Yes, ‘He responded checking his laptop where he made his transfer earlier. ‘The only lady in your life I haven’t succeeded in sleeping with yet.’ He laughed mischievously. Mike joined in the laughter and Austin was irritated. Tom raised up his head slowly as if what he said hit some nerves. ‘What did you say?’ ‘I mean every lady that came into your life I have made a move on but your sister is different. Tom gave him a hot slap on the face. Clive repeated himself earlier because he felt Grissel wasn’t in the picture anymore so it was alright blabbing about it. ‘Ouch, man. What was that for?’ ‘Don’t disrespect me in my house?’ ‘But I haven’t done anything wrong here.’ Clive retorted. ‘Keep talking about girls around me and I would give you another slap.’ He relaxed back on the couch while the other two friends watched them both and later busted into a hilarious laughter. Clive kept touching his face. ‘What are you two laughing at?’ ‘Nothing. You deserve it Clive.’ Austin replied him while Tom coiled back on his couch. ‘Keep laughing, you will get your own slap when he finds out you like Grissel.’ He said angrily. Clive hates to be teased. Tom raised himself up and stared at them one after the other. ‘I thought I made it clear I don’t want to hear that name in this house.’ He said angrily. ‘Tom relax, I’m sure Clive didn’t mean what he said.’ Mike decided to end the war approaching. ‘Why I’m I the only one at fault here when you both were laughing at me earlier?’ He asked yet with rage. ‘Because you are a coward Clive.’ Austin chipped in. ‘What did you say?’ Clive stood up when Tom hit his shoulder and pinned him down. ‘Allow him to come closer. I should have killed him when I found out he tried to rape Grissel.’ Austin suddenly said out of rage. The whole room went quiet all of a sudden and before they knew it Tom was holding his laptop. He zoomed on him and hit Clive so hard yet again in the face. ‘Get out now?’ He yelled when Mike held him back. ‘Calm down. Who knows maybe Austin is bluffing.’ Mike looking at Clive whose face was battered with blood. ‘Mike you know me, I don’t bluff. You remember the lady he said hurt him with the wine bottle.’ ‘OMG that was Grissel.’ Mike gasped. ‘I confronted them both and Grissel was just trying to prevent Tom from hurting Clive.’ ‘This douche bag took advantage of my absence to abuse my wife and you didn’t think it was necessary to let me know.’ Tom raged, obviously referring to Austin. ‘As if you haven’t raped your own wife before.’ Clive said from where he sat nursing his bleeding face. ‘What did you say?’ Tom struggled to be free from Mike’s arm but he was not going to let that happen. ‘Austin, you caused all these. Come and help me hold him down.’ Mike asked of him. ‘Clive started it.’ Austin replied him while standing up. ‘I know but right now isn’t the time to say all these.’ ‘When is the right time? It’s too much a secret to keep anyway.’ Austin answered angrily. Tom who was in Mike’s arm yelled. ‘Everyone should get out before I lose it.’ He managed to sneak out of Mike’s grasp and walked away from them. The guys advised themselves and left before he came back with a knife. When he didn’t find them, he dropped to the couch clasping his hands on his head crying. After a few minutes he reached out for his phone and dialed Stella’s number but it was busy as Dani was on conference call with her friends at that same time. He knew calling Melisa would be a mistake. He stared at the knife and the whole room went dull all of a sudden. *** Melisa leaned against the kitchen door and watched him struggle to cook and clean the mess on the floor at the same time. She stood there for a while unnoticed then she decided to scoff. ‘’Hey,’ Dane said and took off his gaze. Melisa did not move an inch neither did she utter a word. He ignored her and went about what he was doing for a few minutes before she walked closer. ‘Let me do that.’ She said asking for the knife to cut out the vegetables when he seemed to be tired or nervous because she was around. He looked back at her and used the napkin on his shoulder to wipe his forehead which was drenching in sweat. Dane knew he needed help because he has never been that nervous with cooking especially when Dani started growing up without her mother he was the one responsible for her meals. ‘Okay, I will just wash up while you finish the garnishing.’ He said and gave her the knife with shaky hands. Melisa laughed in her head which he was fumbling and at the same time she pitied him. She chopped the vegetables just the way she liked them and quickly added it to the sauce while Dane kept stealing glances while washing. ‘I’m sorry I hurt you.’ He said quietly. Melisa decided to ignore him but she also knew he needs to know she has moved on. ‘D, I’ve moved on so let it go.’ ‘Alright but you should know I’ve made things right with Grissel and she’s free to leave anytime.’ ‘I know about all that.’ She told him and went about fetching plates for their lunch which he took forever to cook. They ignored each other until they were both done with what was necessary at that point. ‘I miss you.’ He drew her closer in an embrace all of a sudden from where he was earlier which seemed liked he was not going to let go anytime soon. Surprisingly, Melisa held on as well. Dane thought she was going to push him away but she didn’t. They held on to each other for a few more minutes until their heads were knocking each other and they found their lips. Melisa knew she had to stop after a few minutes but she missed his touch. Their lips were clenched to each other and just when they were enjoying their moments Grissel came knocking. ‘I’m hungry, can I have my food first while you two continue where you stopped.’ She said laughing while Melisa felt embarrassed. ‘Emmm it’s done. I would serve now.’ She walked away from Dane who was smiling as if he just won a lottery. Grissel smacked Melisa and left smiling. Melisa quickly got the food ready and left him still smiling. They had their lunch and left when it was almost late in the evening as they had a few wedding plans to sort out. Dane was hoping he would see Melisa before she left but she left unannounced without Dani because she slept off after lunch. Dane convinced himself what happened in the kitchen earlier would save their broken relationship. *****TBC
30 Jun 2018 | 08:09
I love this story like
30 Jun 2018 | 18:18
but will Lisa go on wit d wedding? but Wats wrong wit all d ladies in dis story? I dont understand any of dem a bit
30 Jun 2018 | 18:28
I Love Dis
1 Jul 2018 | 03:25
You can't hide your feelings too long....Just let it out Lisa
1 Jul 2018 | 05:50
I hope Melisa come back to you Dane
1 Jul 2018 | 06:09
EPISODE 32 Melisa angrily pulled out five blocks away from Tom's house. It was already dark when they arrived on the main road. 'Just get out and find your way there.' She told Stella who had a distress call from Tom earlier. Stella suggested they should check on him but Melisa was of the view that Tom needs to grow up. 'But Lisa you heard how he sounded on the phone earlier. Why aren’t you worried?' 'You think I'm not?' 'Yeah, if you were you wouldn't drop me off in the middle of nowhere.' 'Tom was bluffing and if you keep pampering him, he would never grow up. Grissel did the same thing and see where it landed them both.' 'But this is your brother Lisa.' 'So?' Melisa asked looking back on the road. 'Suit yourself. I would walk alone in the dark.' Stella said and got out of the car angrily. Melisa drove off without looking back. * She was a few minutes away from where she dropped off Stella earlier when her phone rang. It was Grissel. She gasped and her conscience pricked her. 'Hello, I'm almost home.' Melisa said slowing down. 'Lisa what is going on?' Grissel asked when she answered. 'Is something going on?' She asked with pretense lacing her voice. 'Ella called.' 'Tom is fine Grissel.' 'What happened to Tom?' 'I thought you said Ella called.' 'Yes, but she didn't mention Tom.' 'Oh okay. Let me get home and call you back.' 'What is going on? I can feel something is wrong.' 'Nothing is wrong, just relax and don't work yourself up.' 'I don't believe you right now Lisa.' 'Stella and I had a misunderstanding and I dropped her off to walk home, that was why she called you.' 'What? At this time of the night?' 'She was misbehaving and I had to.' 'Can you pick her up?' 'She should get a car by now?' 'She sounded worried when I called.' Grissel was obviously worried. 'Okay, she’s just five blocks away from Tom's.' Melisa said forgetting herself. 'Tom's?' She repeated. 'Emmm, never mind.' She said and hanged up quickly to avoid further questions. Grissel who had no idea she hanged up kept yelling over the phone when Dane knocked on her door and peeped in. 'Are you fine?' He asked when his eyes caught Grissel on her bed with her phone. 'I'm fine.' She said once and took her eyes off him. 'Alright, can I grab you anything?' 'We are not friends Dane.' 'I would go now.' He replied sadly and was closing the door when she called him back. 'You need to sit your daughter down one of these days. She hates you now.' 'Would that change anything? She only listens to you these days.' 'Just try, I would be at peace knowing she gave you a listening ear and the rest we can work it out later.' She was being her calm self at that moment. 'We?' 'Yes, in as much as I resent you now, I still think having a daughter with you wasn’t a mistake.' 'Thank you but are you staying with us? He asked 'We are done here.' Grissel told him and focused back on her phone. Dane walked out quietly towards Dani’s room and met her struggling to sleep and at the same time a talking in her sleep. He walked up to her and cuddled her to sleep until she was able to sleep. *** 'Get in,' Melisa rolled her glass after blowing her horn several times and Stella was kept walking. She pulled up, for her to know she was the one. 'Aaahh it was just you.' 'Yeah, just hop in.' She didn't hesitate because she was scared walking on that street alone. 'I was scared when I saw your head light directly on me.' 'Sorry I left you behind.' 'That’s okay, I knew you would come back for me.' 'Let’s talk first before I drive off.' 'Ooh Ooh, Grissel called herself and I didn't tell her anything.' She thought that was why Melisa made her earlier comment. 'I know and she's the reason I came back.' Melisa slowly said. 'Okay, what's the problem then?' Stella questioned curiously. Melisa looked at her and drove off. 'Is there going to be a problem between you and Grissel when it comes to Tom?' 'No, and if it's about earlier you should know I'm just worried about a friend.' 'A friend?' 'Yes, I know what you mean but it's not like that anymore.' 'How is it like then because I don't understand why you should run to his aid anytime he feels like being lazy?' 'I don't know, it just happens. Trust me, I'm trying my best here and for the fact that I've not slept with him yet should tell you I'm doing my best.' Stella swallowed hard. 'You of all people should understand.' 'Good, you deserve some accolades.' Melisa smiled. 'Thank you Lisa.' 'It’s okay, now let's go.' She sped off and smacked Stella's hand off her jaw. They laughed and drove off to Tom's apartment which was just a few blocks away. When they got there the gate wasn't locked yet which was unusual. They packed their car along the road and entered. The main door to his hall was widely opened. Stella's heart skipped and fear registered on Melisa’s face. Just then they heard shouts and noises so they rushed in. Their met Tom standing with his hands on his head watching a match between Germany and Argentina. It seemed his team was losing that was what the shout earlier was about. As if on cue Stella and Melisa glanced at each other. Stella's phone rang drawing Tom's attention to them. 'Lisa, Stella, we are winning!' He exclaimed happily as if he was expecting them. For a minute Melisa thought she was in the wrong apartment when she noticed the bottle of beers surrounding him. 'Gosh Tom. You are abusing the beer.' She said walking closer while Stella hanged up when she realized it was Grissel. 'I'm not, I took just a few bottles. Stella Join me.' He gestured to her. Stella realized he wasn't in any danger and he wasn't drunk either. That kind of fun is what she needed at that moment. She hurriedly left Melisa standing and jumped on the couch beside him grabbing a beer while Melisa looked on. She also decided to settle for the beer and join them celebrate their team when it turned out Stella was a football fan as well. Melisa feared those two were getting along too well which could destroy whatever Grissel had for Tom. Her thoughts were filled with a million questions which she wasn't going to find answers to. 'Guys, why don't we plan this wedding alongside watching the match. Tom looked at Stella who gave him a go ahead. He turned the volume of the TV to the lowest and they began their planning. Tom didn't notice the many times he had made mention of Grissel and how they went about their own planning some months back. It made both ladies happy to see him smiling when he mentioned her. They did a few other stuff which ended up late in the night. Tom insisted they slept over. He was drunk and they didn't want to leave him alone. Melisa woke up the whole time to check if Stella was still in bed with her and whether the key to their room was still under her pillow. Melisa just didn't know how to trust Stella hence she locked the door to the room they both slept and kept the key hidden. *** Grissel and Melisa had been talking every day since the day she left their cabin. It has always been one pregnancy advice after the other and to add to it, Grissel had a lot of needs for the wedding. Melisa ended up extorting money from her brother who didn’t understand why he has to be the one paying for her wedding. It has been a fun week with Tom around and Melisa on the other hand had been avoiding her dad and auntie since Sculley reached out to them about the wedding. She stayed back at Tom’s when Stella left the next day. She’s either out of the house with Paige early in the morning to get the venue and other stuff sorted out or with Stella. The only time she’s seen back at Tom’s was late in the night. Tom didn’t want to interfere in her sisters decision because he felt she was so happy going about the whole planning so when Julia and Gina stormed into the house that dawn to drag her out of the house to Morris end he pretended not to be in the house until they had left with Melisa. ‘Lisa, can I talk to you for a minute?’ Morris called her out. They were all gathered in his apartment. He didn’t want to complicate things in the midst of Sculley and his son. Morris wasn’t so sure about the impromptu wedding when Sculley called him up four days ago. He called Julia who said she had no idea there was a wedding coming up but suspected Melisa was pregnant. Melisa frowned her face and dragged her feet on the floor after her dad. Earlier that morning, Julia and Gina had to drag her out of the house to her dads end because she claimed it wasn’t necessary to give his dad an explanation as to why she wants to get married at thirty-five. Bryan and his dad looked on while she went out to meet her dad. When asked that morning if they both were sure, Melisa avoided the question for a while before she responded with a nod. She saw her dad leaning on the balcony and she walked closer. ‘I’m here.’ She said with an angry tone. ‘Where’s your brother?’ ‘How should I know where Tom is?’ ‘You should know since he’s in support of this whole wedding game.’ ‘It’s not a game dad. It’s your only daughter’s wedding so embrace it.’ He glanced at her angrily and then let out a sigh. ‘Okay, is this what you want?’ ‘Yes, and I thought you wanted Sculley Junior for me, what happened to that dream of yours.’ ‘Is this some kind of a payback for leaving your mom?’ He asked painfully because he felt Melisa wasn’t thinking right. ‘Dad, payback at my own expense?’ ‘Yes, because you are not thinking right at the moment.’ ‘Seriously this is happening not because I want to pay you back but because I’m happy doing this.’ ‘But it’s too early and unplanned?’ ‘It’s better now than holding on and besides I’m starting work soon.’ ‘You are going back to being a doctor?’ ‘Yeah, I thought I told you.’ ‘No, come here.’ He drew her closer into his arms. ‘Congratulations Princess.’ That at least calmed him down. ‘Thank you and please let me go before I start crying.’ Morris released her from his arms quickly and looked into her eyes smiling. ‘Are you pregnant?’ ‘Huh, no. Don’t pay any attention to Auntie.’ She told him. ‘Alright but you are warm.’ ‘Oh that? I have a headache right now.’ Melisa replied feeling her temperature. ‘Then I should let you get some rest before tomorrow.’ ‘Thank you daddy and be there on time just in case Tom doesn’t show up to walk me down the aisle.’ They went back in to finalize whatever was left. Julia may not be in support of the rush wedding but she smiled through it all. Julia dropped her off at the venue where Melisa said the wedding would be happening. Paige and Stella were already there waiting for them when she got there. She suspected something was off about how Melisa was pushing her away. Julia knew they both had plans for her wedding and Melisa asking her to stay out of it now that it was happening was unusual. She drove off sadly and Gina looked on sternly. ‘Is she here yet?’ She inquired when they entered the hotel room. ‘No, I’ve been calling and she’s not answering.’ Stella replied. ‘Let me try Dane.’ Melisa said and went off. ‘I thought you don’t want him to know you are getting married.’ Paige chipped in. ‘Yes, but it’s necessary for Grissel to be here this evening.’ ‘Call Jessy to talk to her if she won’t listen to any of us.’ Stella interrupted. ‘I don’t know why you two are forcing her to be here but its okay if she doesn’t want to be part of your lives anymore.’ ‘What would you have us do when she’s pregnant for Tom?’ Melisa asked Paige. ‘Emm, it’s good you are worried but let’s not force her right now.’ Paige said again. Melisa rolled her eyes at her and proceeded in dialing Jessy’s number. After telling her everything which she was angry at point for not being told from the start assured them she would talk to her. Melisa called out Grissel’s new number to her and hanged up. Melisa went to sleep leaving the work for Stella and Paige who demanded to be paid after their services. *** That morning as well Grissel was behind the door listening to father and daughter have their conversation. She was happy Dane listened to him when she asked him to at the same time her daughters concerns were genuine. 'But daddy, why were you that mean to mommy and I?' 'I don't know princess and I'm really sorry.' 'Okay, I would think about it.' She said staring at her dad's face. Dane laughed which confused her. 'Emmm princess, mommy won't like it if you don't forgive me.' She looked up at him and with one finger in her mouth she smiled. 'Emm daddy, maybe there's one thing you can do for me first.' 'Anything you want princess.' 'Can you make mommy happy again. She's sad all the time.' Danes face went from pale to dull then he smiled. 'But princess, mommy doesn't want me around.' 'It’s because you are not trying harder.' She frowned. 'I have tried everything from being nice to breakfast.' 'Dadd...dddy,' She stressed. Breakfast won't cut it.' 'Then what would? Can you help me?' He asked his daughter with all seriousness, he thought Grissel had forgiven him due to her reaction when Melisa and Stella were around but she went back to her old angry self. 'I know you still like Melisa but can't we all stay as one big family together with mommy.' She asked smiling. Dane didn't understand what she said at first so he was in deep thoughts until reality hit him. He thought for a while because he's not so sure which language to speak for her to understand. Dane shook his head and smiled too. 'No, you can't have two mothers in the same house.' 'But I love them all.' She said with frustration. 'Yes but daddy doesn't love them all, he only loves Melisa.' 'I love Melisa too but my mommy is always going to be my mommy and I want her around the house.' She was getting irritated.' We have a very big house which she hasn't seen yet and my friends are waiting to see her.' Dane saw the frustration on her daughter's face and knew she's just being a kid like every other child and she's the only one hurting in the midst of all these. At that moment, Dane was not so sure Grissel would still want to go back with them though he wished she could since Melisa still hasn't called him back yet. He contemplated on what to tell her for a while as Dani was obviously waiting for an answer from him. 'I'm sorry princess, we can only have one mommy in our house.' 'Then my mommy should come with us and I can see Lisa on vacations.' 'No, she can't princess.' 'But isn’t that why we left Uncle Tom crying the last time.' She was almost near tears. 'Yes, but things have changed Dani.' 'No, don't tell me that. You are being mean to us again.' She threw tantrums and laid back on her bed crying. And Dane was helpless as she cried. He heard a faint knock and turned. It was Grissel gesturing him to come out. 'Princess, can you excuse me.' 'Don’t come back, I hate you right now.' She threw her pillows at him one after the other. 'Stop it before I smack you.' He flared up raising his hands which he didn't intend to do at first. Grissel peeped in again with a stern look and he knew he had over stepped his boundaries again. Dane left quietly obviously broken and near tears. He went out and saw Grissel pacing around with her phone swinging. She was obviously nervous. 'Hey, you asked me o.....' 'I would leave with you to Dallas.' 'Huh'! He exclaimed and jaw dropped. 'Can we leave today because I don't want to spend any more time here in Seattle?' 'But you wa......' 'Is it possible you start organizing things already?' She told him obviously asking him to save his breathe. 'Al..ri.. ght.' He stuttered with a confused face on. 'Good, tell your daughter the good news. I have to get some sleep now.' She said and was walking away when he called her back. 'Grissel?' 'Ahuh,' she turned around. 'Are you sure this is the right thing to do?' He asked though his heart was leaping with joy. 'Do you want an honest answer or a fake one? She threw back at him. 'An honest one.' He replied with a scratch on his head. 'I don't like you right now and I'm not sure when my heart would finally be free of the pain you've caused me’ She paused and feigned a smile ‘but I just want to grant my daughter her wishes. She deserves that after what she's been through lately.' She masked her pain carefully. 'You don't have to do this?' Dane muttered. 'Why? You think you have another chance with Melisa?' He nodded. 'Yes, I think so.' Grissel laughed mischievously. 'You are naive Dane. That was goodbye kiss.' She teased. He became embarrassed and sadness filled his heart. He quickly put on a smiling face which confused Grissel. 'That's okay, at least Dani gets one of her wishes.' He smiled through his own pain as well. 'Good, so get to work already and please I don’t have any obligations towards you.' 'I know that Grissel but is it possible if we postpone it to tomorrow because I was in the midst of selling the house in Dallas so I could move here wit.....' 'With Melisa? Oh come on Reed, you don't even have a house right now.' 'I haven’t signed the contract yet.' 'You can always get a new place.' She replied him nicely. No, Dani loves her playground.' 'Just explain to her why you had to sell because I can't spend the weekend here in Seattle.' 'Please, just be patience with me.' He pleaded. 'Alright, when is it possible for us to move out?' 'I could go today and sort it out so I come back and pick you and Dani tomorrow evening.' 'Tomorrow is Sunday.' She said with a sad tone. 'Yes, is there a problem?' 'No, just come back early.' 'Okay, would you two be alright in here alone.' 'Just go already Reed.' She said sternly and rushed back into her room holding her breath after closing the door behind her. She rushed into the washroom as she was feeling nauseous earlier. Grissel threw up instantly and her sobs could be heard outside. Dane couldn't help himself with his own tears. He kept wiping his face until Dani came out. She rushed to the door and knocked but Grissel didn't want her daughter to see her that way. 'Daddy, did you hurt her again.' 'No, we were just talking an.... He wasn't finished when Grissel opened the door letting her daughter in. She managed to hold herself back from the tears and her eyes were clear when she came out to meet Shirley. 'Mommy, is my brother okay.' 'Yes, I think so.' She rubbed her belly instantly as if she forgot she was pregnant. 'Can I?' Dani asked politely referring to touching her belly. Grissel reached out for her hands on her stomach and Shirley rejoiced. ‘So you see, your brother would be just fine.’ Grissel encouraged. ‘Mommy, do you love me?’ Shirley asked suddenly. ‘Yes of course. You don’t even need to ask.’ ‘Then why did you change your mind of moving away with us.’ ‘Who said I changed my mind?’ You didn’t?’ No, we are leaving to Dallas’s tomorrow and that was why your daddy traveled this morning to sort things out.’ ‘Yaay, my mom to the world.’ She was much happier when Grissel told her, they would be moving to Dallas tomorrow. Dane left the house that morning with a few of their stuff to the airport. He was sad at a point but he also knew having her daughter’s mother around would actually be the best thing for her right now. *** Grissel decided to nap after she tried to call Tom several times and his phone was off. She wanted to say her goodbyes and inform him about the pregnancy. Her phone rang and she picked up without checking the number as she still had sleep on her face. She covered up Shirley who was napping beside her quietly and greeted the caller. ‘Hello.’ She said twice before the caller spoke up. ‘So you are this stupid.’ Jessy announced. ‘Jessy!’ She exclaimed. ‘How did you get this number?’ ‘You can run but not hide.’ She told her obviously angry and at the same time happy. ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait for you before taking that decision.’ ‘Good, but it’s not too late to come back home.’ Jessy informed her. ‘It is too late Jessy, I’ve decided to leave with Dane tomorrow.’ ‘Grissel, why do you keep on repeating the same mistake all over again? Are you alright up there?’ ‘I know what I’m doing is wrong but Shirley doesn’t understand anything yet and I feel like I failed her a second time.’ ‘So you leave with Dane with Tom’s pregnancy?’ ‘Who told you that?’ Grissel asked with surprise. ‘Walls have ears Grissel but this time we are not going to allow you embarrass us again.’ ‘We?’ She asked and knew at that point Melisa must have told everyone she was pregnant even after she promised not to. ‘Yes, Adam is here.’ ‘You told him?’ ‘Of course, my husband seems to be in support of every silly mistake you make.’ ‘Jessy, I don’t want to talk to Adam and besides I know Tom, he would make me regret coming over to ask for forgiveness.’ ‘So you would rather not tell him he’s going to be a father?’ ‘That’s not even my problem.’ ‘What is the problem then?’ Jessy asked flaring up. ‘Coming back into his life could either bring us back together or stir up his other side.’ Grissel complained. ‘I’m much aware of his other side so come on. I would be there the whole time.’ ‘Jessy, No. I’ve settled everything with Dane already.’ ‘I understand you can leave anytime so why is it so difficult for you to leave and work things out unless there’s something you are not telling us.’ ‘There’s nothing Jessy, I just don’t want to complicate things further.’ ‘So you are not coming?’ ‘No, I prefer my life out of Seattle now.’ Grissel swallowed hard. ‘Adam, would you leave that TV remote and help me out here.’ Jessy yelled out from her end. Adam quickly left what he was doing and rushed over, he knew how Jessy could make an issue of everything once she’s pissed off. Grissel heard Jessy yelling out on Adam. She knew it was her fault she had to yell at him so she thought of hanging up when Adam spoke into the phone. Grissel always paid attention anytime Adam was speaking. After his questions and her numerous answers he told her to think about what he said and hanged up. She sighed heavily and was in deep thoughts when Shirley woke up hungry. ***TBC
2 Jul 2018 | 03:38
2 Jul 2018 | 06:00
the most stupid woman have ever seen is did Grissel
2 Jul 2018 | 09:55
Grissel is so stubborn
2 Jul 2018 | 16:09
Grissel is so stupid, I can't believe she is a human, the animal in the forest is more mature then her. she need to grow up and stop been emotional destroyer.
3 Jul 2018 | 07:49
Nxt o
4 Jul 2018 | 04:17
grissel is better you choose wisely
4 Jul 2018 | 04:44
4 Jul 2018 | 20:52
EPISODE 33 Adam drove to Grissel’s end and succeeded on convincing her to come over as that would be a perfect opportunity for her to see Tom. She knew that was her initial plan with Melisa but she had already given her word to Shirley who was angry at her and Adam when they were at the cabin. After a long talk with her and Adam promising her a phone she had agreed to leave with them. Though Grissel thought her daughter shouldn’t always have to get something in return for good deeds, she also knew it was necessary for them to leave before Dane gets back. She thought about Dane’s reaction when he gets back and the door has been locked but she knew where to keep the key for him to find. Grissel hesitated for a while before beckoning on Adam to knock. Everyone jumped on her like children do. ‘Please don’t hurt my baby.’ Grissel pleaded. ‘Oh sorry.’ Paige muttered and they all withdrew their hugs. Dani must have heard their voices in her sleep so she woke up. ‘Mommy, is Lisa’s wedding over?’ Dani asked in her sleep. She was resting on Adam’s shoulder. ‘No, I’m here princess.’ Melisa said walking closer to take her from Adam whose phone has been ringing since they left the cabin. The sleep suddenly vanished from her face as she was staring at Melisa. ‘I don’t have a dress for the wedding.’ ‘I got one for you and mommy.’ Melisa pointed at the dress hanging on the wardrobe. ‘That’s so pretty.’ She struggled to be put down and rushed towards the dress. ‘Don’t dirty anything there?’ Her mom said sternly. ‘Come with me.’ Stella said to her when she paused on Grissel’s stern warning. ‘Okay, that’s the tenth time. Your sister wants me home.’ ‘Thank you Adam,’ she reached out for a hug. ‘I would see you guys in the morning.’ ‘Sure, don’t forget to pray.’ He read out from his phone. ‘That’s from Jessy I guess.’ Paige chipped in. Everyone forgot she was in the room. ‘Hi, Paige. Thanks for agreeing to this crazy girl’s plan.’ Grissel smacked Melisa gently and they all laughed. Adam left after a few minutes and the ladies proceeded in sorting out what was left for the next day. ‘Lisa, is Uncle Tom going to be here tomorrow?’ She suddenly asked leaving the whole room so quiet. ‘Yes, why did you ask Princess?’ Stella asked quickly when the rest were lost in their thoughts to even ask. ‘Because he wasn’t answering mommy’s call earlier today.’ ‘Shirley, did you use my airtime again?’ Grissel knew that was the only way she could have known. ‘Just a little bit mommy. Sorry, I didn’t ask.’ She pleaded with her tiny hands on her forehead. ‘Move to the next room now?’ Grissel instructed and she got up lazily. ‘Wow, you were actually calling Tom.’ Stella enquired. ‘Yes, wanted to inform him about the baby before we leave for Dallas.’ ‘I heard about Dallas, and it nearly broke me.’ Stella muttered uncomfortably. ‘I’ve hurt him Ella. How do I face him?’ ‘You were calling him and I think that’s the same thing as facing him.’ Paige chipped in. ‘Facing him and his wrath is different than him yelling over the phone.’ ‘But you’ve stayed with this man for close to eight months and you still think he is capable of hurting you.’ ‘Yes,' she muttered unclearly. 'I don’t know Paige.’ ‘Why did you marry him in the first place?’ Paige asked expecting from her to admit Tom wasn’t capable of hurting her. ‘Because he told me he would never hurt me.’ ‘Good and has he ever laid his hands on you?’ Paige who didn’t know the other instances where she was raped and nearly strangled to death kept pushing. ‘Paige, the interrogation is over.’ Melisa feigned a smile. ‘Okay madam.’ Paige teased. ‘And oh Tom is just in the next room.’ Melisa said for fun. Grissel gasped and that very moment a knock came on the door. She stood up abruptly from the bed where she laid with her legs on Stella. ‘Relax, Lisa was joking.’ Stella calmed her down while Melisa laughed walking towards the door. She opened the door still laughing and teasing Grissel when the door hit her face and Julia entered. ‘I knew you three were hiding something.’ She said literally jumping up towards Grissel. Gina came through the door after the whole noise dragging their hand luggage. ‘Aunty, what are you two doing here?’ Melisa questioned while Gina walked towards Grissel, giving her a warm hug. ‘A sleep over.’ ‘Huh!’ Paige exclaimed. ‘You three thought, you can outsmart two equally young women.’ Julia teased. ‘But aunty, this meeting is for ladies.’ Melisa frowned. ‘We are here to stay.’ She glanced at Gina and Grissel who were still in each other’s arms. Their hug lasted for a while until Grissel sneezed. ‘Are you okay?’ Her mom asked. ‘Your perfume.’ She answered sitting back on the bed. ‘Yes, the same one I’ve been using since you started growing up.’ ‘Mommy, should I come out.’ Shirley hid herself behind the curtain waiting for Grissel’s approval. ‘I forgot you were still in there.’ She beckoned on her to come. Shirley run to Gina first then to Julia. She was all over the place. They all got talking about the wedding and how Tom was going to react when he meets Grissel. ‘Are you pregnant?’ Gina suddenly asked staring at her daughter. ‘Me?’ Grissel pointed to herself awkwardly. ‘Who else?’ Julia chipped in. ‘Emm, no.’ ‘Mommy you lied.’ Shirley laughed. ‘Thank you Shirley for that honest answer.’ Melisa cheered her on. Gina sat beside her on the bed and Grissel shifted uncomfortably. ‘You don’t want me to know you are going to have a baby or what is going through your mind right now?’ Gina asked with a raised tone and everyone looked away. ‘Sorry mom, I was just embarrassed.’ ‘Embarrassed you have a blessing growing inside you?’ ‘No, this is not how I planned to have another baby.’ She responded with her face down the whole time. ‘Tom would obviously make a scene tomorrow but he would never throw you out. ‘I know I deserve every bit of what might happen tomorrow.’ ‘So just keep quiet and let him rant, he’s human just like any of us here.’ ‘Yes mom.’ Grissel replied calmly. ‘Good, you can stop shying away from me now because I could just smack you.’ Grissel raised up her head and noticed everyone was looking at her. ‘I’m sorry mom. You told me lying is wrong.’ Shirley covered her mom’s face with her palms. Stella noticed the tension in the room and scoffed while everyone tensed up. ‘It’s okay Shirley, it’s bed time.’ Melisa finally stood up dragging her away. ‘Congratulations Grissel,’ Julia came over checking her out. ‘Thank you Aunty.’ She tried to smile but it kept disappearing. Her mom just gave her a scare so she was in no mood to chat. They all retired to bed late waiting for the next day. *** The next day was too long for them throughout the night but they all fell asleep later on. Gina noticed her daughter was avoiding her throughout that night so before they went to sleep she explained to her why she has always been strict on her. Grissel admitted that was the reason she never told her any of her problems. They both apologized to each other and she slept off in her mom’s arms. Julia who came inside told Gina she did the right thing by raising her with strict values but she should try to be close to her so Grissel could open up to her a lot more. Soon enough morning came and Dani was the first to wake up watching over everyone. She glanced at them all and her eyes fell on Stella’s phone. Dani picked it up and tiptoed into the washroom. Stella gave her the password to her phone the last time so it was easier for her to call her dad. ‘Daddy, it’s Lisa’s today.’ She stammered without waiting for a Hello. ‘Princess, I’m on my way back.’ Dane obviously didn’t hear the last part of her daughter’s words. ‘Dad, did you hear me? I would send you address and time to Lisa’s wedding.’ She said quickly and hanged up. She sent a message then switched off the phone. Dane probably heard the last part as he was still in thoughts when Dani’s text message came in. He rushed to the reception to check what the delay in the flight was. Shirley went inside just then Stella woke up. She hid the phone and walked closer putting it under a stack of bags. ‘Are you okay Shirley?’ ‘Yes, I just miss my mom.’ She made a weird sound. ‘Your mom is still asleep but can we start sorting ourselves out before they wake up.’ Stella led her out of the room. Soon enough everyone was awake and everything was in place as people started coming in so early. ‘You invited all these people?’ Grissel asked Melisa nervously glancing through the wedding invitation list. ‘Yes, it’s a big day for us.’ She said throwing herself back on the bed. ‘And why is everyone dressed and the bride is yet to take her bath?’ Julia came in from outside where she left with Gina earlier to receive the guests. The ladies glanced at each other and focused back on what they were all doing. ‘You are all acting weird.’ Shirley said buckling her shoe. ‘You are right, they are hiding something again.’ ‘Don’t worry aunty we would find out.’ Shirley said cheekily. ‘Emm is Tom in yet?’ Grissel asked. ‘No, he mentioned he soiled his suit so he’s getting a new one just around the corner.’ Julia announced. Grissel’s heart skipped for a second and she held on to the bed, then sat quietly. ‘It’s time Lisa, get up before I get back here.’ Julia cautioned. ‘Has Bryan arrive yet?’ Melisa asked reluctantly. ‘Yes, over an hour ago with his dad and yours.’ ‘Great, give me just a minute.’ Melisa responded as her friends looked on weirdly. Julia shook her head and left them. ‘Lisa are you sure about this?’ Grissel asked. ‘Uhmmm, it’s totally fine.’ Melisa replied. ‘Mommy what is going on?’ Shirley asked from where she sat. ‘Princess, I would have to explain latter.’ Grissel told her. After a few minutes, she rushed after her in her morning coat. Julia and the others who were closer to the event room wondered where Melisa was going undressed. ****TBC
5 Jul 2018 | 01:17
I wonder what has gotten into Melisa
5 Jul 2018 | 03:46
Am also wondering o
5 Jul 2018 | 04:40
am having dis feeling dat Melisa is not d one dat wil get married but Grissel and Tom, unknowingly to them though
5 Jul 2018 | 09:56
What is going on
5 Jul 2018 | 16:42
hmm! Still following
5 Jul 2018 | 17:38
Nice one, pls do update soon
5 Jul 2018 | 17:46
weird wedding
5 Jul 2018 | 20:51
EPISODE 34 Grissel paced around for a while when Melisa left. ‘Are you okay?’ Stella asked walking to her.’ ‘How would I be okay in here when Lisa is out there facing embarrassment for me?’ ‘Remember you wanted this and she feels like she owes you.’ ‘I know that and I regret agreeing to her crazy ideas in the first place.’ Grissel lamented. ‘It’s alright, let’s look at the brighter side.’ Paige said signaling her to have a sit.’ She walked sadly to have a seat on the bed. ‘Mommy, are we going to talk now. I’m scared right now.’ Shirley announced drawing her attention to her. ‘Oh sweetheart, come let’s talk.’ Grissel beckoned on her to have a sit beside her. Grissel took that opportunity to explain to Shirley what was actually going to happen in the next few minutes. Shirley understood her mom and gave her a thumbs up. Melisa on getting there saw Bryan seated in his suit. She walked to him while everyone around looked on. Julia and Gina figured out she was going to cause a problem due to how she was acting from yesterday night so they run after her but they were too late. ‘Hey, you are not dressed?’ Bryan asked naively. ‘Dressed? What for?’ Melisa answered rudely. ‘Lisa, what are you doing?’ Julia whispered quietly because she drew everyone’s attention to herself when she rushed to the event room in her morning dress. ‘I thought we are getting mar…ri..’ Bryan stammered at the end and paused when he saw the look on her face. ‘Married?’ Melisa laughed quietly. Bryan's face became pale all of a sudden because he noticed everyone was staring at him. '' He stammered. ‘You think I want to marry a despicable you?’ She said and Julia came in front of her. Bryan’s face was down at that moment as people gathered around. ‘What’s going on with you?’ Julia asked. ‘Come on, you should know by now I wasn’t going to marry him.’ ‘Then why embarrass him when you didn’t plan on getting married.’ ‘Aunty, he deserves it.’ ‘I know that but he was a victim as well.’ ‘A victim? How long has he known me and he couldn’t speak up.’ ‘I understand you perfectly but don’t make a scene here.’ Julia said looking around. ‘I won’t marry him, that’s what I have been waiting all week to tell him.’ ‘Do you feel good doing this?’ Julia who noticed she was pushing her tears back asked. ‘No, but at least I got it out of my system.’ ‘What is all this?’ Morris said behind them. He must have been there all this while. ‘Talk to your daughter before we get laughed at.’ Julia cautioned him. Morris turned to Bryan angrily. ‘What did you do to my daughter?’ ‘Morris stop it.’ Julia yelled at him. ‘Stop what? I just asked a question.’ ‘You should be talking to Lisa not Bryan.’ Julia cautioned. ‘I heard everything she said earlier and I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me Junior hurt her.’ ‘Thank you Dad.’ Melisa said uncomfortably. ‘Shut it.’ Morris snarled at her and turned to Bryan whose face has been down all this while. ‘Addison what’s going on?’ Sculley appeared from within the crowd. ‘Your son hurt my daughter.’ He said childishly. He swallowed the joy in his voice. ‘I thought that was cleared up when they decided to get married.’ Sculley said foolishly. ‘So you knew and still came here with me to marry my daughter.’ ‘I found out this morning from one Henry on my way to pick you up.’ Sculley said uncomfortably. Melisa’s face colored up. She was scared Henry could be there at the events but she brushed it off. ‘And you didn’t think it was necessary to tell me that.’ ‘Junior said he cleared it up with Lisa.’ Sculley said without anger. ‘Cleared what up. I’m sure if given a second chance he would watch his friends molest me again.’ ‘What? Her dad moved towards Bryan while those gathered around murmured and dispersed. Tom from nowhere stood in front of his dad preventing him from moving any further. ‘Lisa, what is this I heard about you cancelling the wedding.’ His brother asked with an unhappy grimace. ‘Yes, I wasn’t going to marry him anyway.’ ‘I’m sorry Lisa.’ Bryan said faintly interrupting Tom’s thoughts. Tom looked back at him. ‘Dude, just don’t sit down there like a lady.’ Everyone laughed at Tom utterances. Gina and Julia were nudging each other by the shoulder. ‘Save your breathe Tom.’ Melisa told him. ‘Are you sure this is not just a mistake.’ ‘No, the wedding was initially yours.’ Melisa said bravely. Tom laughed loud and glanced around. The guests had finally left them alone. But he didn’t like how Julia and Gina was quiet. Even his dad was giving him weird glances. ‘Addison, can we talk somewhere.’ Sculley said after a few seconds of silence. ‘Sure,’ he dragged Bryan by the hands and they left the rest of the family. ‘Lisa, what did you do?’ Tom asked with a sad tone. ‘You are getting married Tom.’ She repeated with joy. ‘This isn’t funny Lisa.’ ‘No, you paid for your own wedding.’ Melisa with a smile. Julia saw him boiling and she knew he had figured it out so she pulled Gina away. ‘Where’s she?’ He flared up while his friends calm him down. ‘Relax Tom.’ Melisa said with another smile. ‘Don’t tell me to relax when you naively brought back my worst nightmare.’ ‘Tom, that’s not fair.’ Melisa retorted. ‘Not fair? Was it fair when she left me broken?’ ‘I kno……’ ‘What were you thinking Lisa?’ He snarled towards her. ‘I was thinking about you.’ ‘By bringing all these people together just to embarrass them.’ ‘No, they would get over it.’ She said moving back slowly as Tom walked closer raging. Melisa moved away finally and headed towards the room which Tom followed still boiling with rage. Tom saw Paige, Stella and the rest of the family waiting in front of a room obviously nervous. Julia and Gina who went in earlier scolded Grissel for her stunts and left Shirley crying. They had to apologize to her before she stopped crying which made Grissel uncomfortable. Grissel was uncomfortable knowing Tom could just come in any minute. She trembled and asked the rest to stay but they told her it was her mess to clean. Shirley offered to stay and she was so grateful but unfortunately Grissel didn’t want her to see what might happen so she sent her into the inner room with instructions. When Melisa rushed off after Julia left, Grissel had to tell her daughter it was her wedding and luckily for her Shirley made her understood she made the best decision when she said it was okay if her mom didn't love her dad anymore. Grissel pondered over her daughters soothing words and wondered what she knew about love then it hit her she's growing and has seen a lot. Austin rushed up to him and held him back. ‘Let me go. Your friend needs to leave this premises immediately.’ Tom said angrily and snugged out of his grasp. Mike tried to reach out in order to pull him back but he was not going to stop struggling. ‘Let him go Mike. They both need to talk.’ Gina announced calmly. Everyone standing there glanced at Gina and back to Tom who had hit his leg on the door. *** Tom barged in after telling everyone who followed him earlier to stay out of his way. Grissel was pacing in the room when he entered. ‘What do you take me for? To think I paid this huge amounts of money on you again.’ ‘Tom, it w….’ ‘It wasn’t your idea? Do you want to tell me you had no hand in this sham of a wedding plan?’ His voice was going up than usual. ‘Yes I wanted to get married to you again bu……’ Grissel paused and stared at the angry man standing in front of him. ‘But what?’ You think I want to have you back in my house so you could just walk in and out as if my life is a brothel.’ Tom knew he was being rude but he couldn’t help it. ‘’ She thought that would work. ‘Don’t call me that? You irritate me right now.’ ‘I kno..w but I did for us.’ She stammered while Tom kept boiling inside., Tom was filled with unexplainable anger, their memories together flashed his mind and he hit his hand on the door so hard that Grissel had to move back quickly giving him space. ‘Us? You tell me your ex-husband is heartless but you are the most heartless person I've ever met. Tom kept raising his voice while she on the other hand was calm. Tom, I'm s..... 'Sorry?' You are so selfish.' Grissel knew she deserved his anger and the fact that he wasn't throwing things at her which she was expecting kept her calm. 'I deserve your outburst.' She muttered with her arms crossed barely able to contain her emotions. 'Of course you deserve it, were you thinking you would come in here with your little stunts and I just pull you into my arms.' No, I was we co..uld talk and you have ev..ery to cancel the we..dding.' She stuttered and was holding herself back from crying. 'Talk you say. About what exactly.' He said walking closer to her now. 'Oh maybe you want to talk about how fulfilled you felt running off with him.' 'Tom, its okay if you don't want me, there's no need to make me cry.' She said moving back from him with so much courage. ‘You think things would go back to normal between us when you ruin everything I felt for you?’ ‘I know I hurt you Tom.’ She said calmly and seemed hurt by his outburst now. Grissel could feel her heart pumping and she wondered if her baby was okay. Her wavering hands moved unconsciously to her belly. She knelt on the floor slowly with her head touching the floor. Tom just looked at her for a long while and took his gaze off trying to catch his breath from his earlier outburst. Dani was hiding behind the curtains where Tom faced but it seemed he didn’t notice Shirley was there all that time until she came out. She noticed spots of blood on the bottom of Grissel’s white blouse and she knew something had to be done that was why she came out. Dani pulled her mom off the floor gently while Tom looked on probably embarrassed. 'Uncle Tom you've hurt mommy.' She said and wiped her face while dragging her mom to the room where she was listening to everything. Grissel didn’t hesitate to follow her daughter because she felt unwell. Grissel had told her to close the door behind her earlier and she had no idea Shirley would disobey her. Tom had no idea why Shirley mentioned he hurt her mom when he barely touched her. He however choked on his final words and swallowed hard. He sat on the floor in deep thoughts. He didn't want to cry but his tears were more than the last time she betrayed him. The door opened from the outside and as if on cue they pushed Stella into the room like a kid who had wrong her parents and needed to ask for forgiveness. Julia signaled her to go in when she hesitated at the door looking scared. It seemed at that moment they were all scared of what Tom could do to them and they thought leaving Dani in the room with Grissel might help Tom put away his anger but they were wrong. Stella walked towards Tom reaching out to him on the floor but he pushed her to the floor so hard and stormed out of the room while his family watched him with embarrassment written on their faces. She managed to pick up herself slowly and went to the room where Grissel and Dani was. Melisa who was dragged away by his furious dad from the door when Stella was going in called after him but he went out of the building and drove off. His friends just stood in the midst of the guest and looked on as the event room and where he stormed out of earlier wasn’t that far. So it was possible the guest knew what was going on. Julia tried to call him but Gina told her to let him be. 'Aren't you guys going to do anything?' Bryan who was standing behind them asked. 'Dude, I thought this was supposed to be your wedding.' Clive asked embarrassing him. Austin and Mike smacked him on the shoulder and he turned around. Clive who had to do a lot of apologizing with Mike had been left off the hook. Tom apologized for making him land in the hospital the next day and even paid his bills. 'On a more serious note, what’s the plan?' Mike asked. 'Tom would be back.' Austin said scrolling through his contacts. 'And you know that how?' Clive asked. 'He left me here knowing I came in his car.' 'Come on, Tom knew you got us to drop you off in the middle of nowhere.' Clive joked. 'Clive be serious here. This is our embarrassment as well.' Mike chipped in. 'Alright, on our way here, he soiled his shirt so we parked at a boutique about ten minutes’ drive from here.' He smiled. 'A boutique. Is that it? Clive enquired. 'No, you know how Tom barely buys gifts.' Austin asked. 'Yes, unless forced.' Mike replied Austin. 'He saw this white dress and bought it without hesitating. When I asked him who it was for, he sent it back to the sales person.' 'You shouldn't have asked. Maybe he got it for Grissel.' Clive with his big mouth said. 'Yeah, my question brought him back to himself.' Austin confirmed. 'But were you aware Grissel was going to be here?' Mike asked suspiciously. 'No, I'm angry with her too but then I'm sure Tom went back for that dress.' 'He was acting on his intuition I guess.' Mike added. ‘What has a dress got to do with anything here?’ Clive was being insensitive. ‘Don’t ask silly questions. Austin was just trying to say Tom loves Grissel he wouldn’t just leave her at this moment.’ Mike replied him. 'Those two were meant for each other. I can't wait for all this to be over soon.' Austin muttered. After about ten minutes of the news spreading among everyone that Tom had abandoned Grissel, he came out through the door with a sad grimace. 'Hey guys, he's here.' Bryan said behind them again. Bryan looked perfectly fine for someone was just embarrassed at the altar. They all turned to the direction of the door and realized almost everyone was watching him pass by with his shopping bag. Tom went over to the officiating minister, spoke with him for two minutes and then walked away shamefully. Julia wanted to go after him but Gina told her not to interfere. Tom walked briskly from the event room to avoid further embarrassment. He couldn't tell if they were looking at him because they heard him yelling at Grissel or because he stormed out of there when he found out it was his wedding. He got to the door of the room where he left mother and daughter earlier and contemplated for a while. Jessy walked up to him from the room opposite where he dragged Adam earlier for God knows what. 'I'm proud of you Tom.' She pulled him into her arms for a while and let go after some seconds. 'Would she ever stop hurting me every time things become so difficult?' 'Honestly, No but she always come back to you for a reason.' 'I know she's comfortable with me but how do I stop her from doing this to us again.' 'You set boundaries.' Adam peeped through the door Jessy came out of earlier. Tom noticed he was struggling with his flap and he smiled. 'Boundaries, I get it.' Tom smiled again glancing at Jessy’s face. Jessy smiled back. 'Good, I guess I would see you back out in about ten minutes.' 'I won't take much time and sorry about the yelling earlier.' 'What yelling?' Jessy asked glancing at Adam who also had no idea what he was talking about. 'Never mind.' He scratched his head discreetly and it dawned on him no one heard his yells apart from those inside the room but the expression on the guests faces when he came in might be due to how he stormed out. Tom knocked on the door and held on to the knob while Jessy and Adam looked on. His heart skipped but he knew it was a necessary step so he entered the room looking around nervously. ***TBC SORRY GUYZ, I HAD A FLU SO UPDTAES ARE SHORT THESE DAYS. A FEW MORE EPISODES TO GO. BUT WHO CAN PREDICT THE END OF EVERY CHARACTER IN THE STORY.
5 Jul 2018 | 23:31
Tom end up with grissel while Dane with Melissa and Andy with Stella
6 Jul 2018 | 04:15
sorry about your flu the lord is your healer
6 Jul 2018 | 04:18
sorry about your flu the lord is your healer
6 Jul 2018 | 05:11
I go love ooo
6 Jul 2018 | 08:50
Waiting for how all this will end
6 Jul 2018 | 09:02
I want every one of dem to find dia rightful places
6 Jul 2018 | 10:15
what a don't deserve a man like Tom grissel
7 Jul 2018 | 10:29
EPISODE 35 Dani peeped through the small opening of the inner door when she heard the outer door opened. ‘Mommy, it’s my new dad. I think he’s back.’ She looked back at her mom, Stella and Melisa who was checking her temperature. Grissel had to explain to her daughter why Tom reacted that way so she wouldn’t end up hating him too. ‘Tom?’ Stella managed to ask because they were all thinking he left. ‘Yes, he’s standing at the door with a shopping bag. I think he brought ice-cream.’ She announced discreetly and closed the door behind her. She walked to her mom and felt her temperature with her tiny hands on Grissel’s forehead. ‘Lisa, why is she warm? Is the baby coming out right now?’ She asked jumping up. ‘No, your mom is just stressed.’ Melisa responded. ‘Okay, let me go and tell Uncle Tom.’ She said rushing off. ‘Shirley, let him come in and don’t say anything out there.’ Grissel finally said after watching her daughter’s sneaky drama. ‘Are you sure he’s not back to do more harm.’ ‘No, he came with a bag Lisa. How many times has your brother ever brought home with him a shopping bag?’ ‘Well, you have a point there but you must take it easy.’ ‘I would hear whatever he has to say then you drive me back to Jessy’s end.’ Melisa’s face went pale and dull. ‘I’m really sorry the reason why you went away had to end this way.’ Stella added. ‘It’s okay, my way of fixing things always end up ruining my entire happiness. Shirley you can let him in now.’ Grissel sat up on the bed. She was spotting earlier and Melisa had her changed after ensuring the baby growing inside her sister in law was fine. ‘Okay mom.’ She replied and went out of the door meeting Tom about to knock as he spotted Dani earlier spying on him at the door. ‘Hey, is your mom inside?’ He scratched his face. ‘Emmm, depends on who wants to know.’ Dani said maturely to the amazement of Tom. ‘I know you both are angry right now but can you let me in.’ He said further as Dani was blocking his way in. She smacked him in the stomach. ‘My dad was always yelling at us so we came back to you and you were also yelling.’ She said sadly. ‘I’m really sorry, it won’t happen again.’ ‘Are you sure?’ She asked walking towards the table in the corner of the room. ‘Yes, I cross my heart.’ He said playfully. ‘Oh uncle Tom, you know my secret anthem.’ She picked up a paper and walked back to him. ‘Of course, I had to learn on YouTube so I could be a good daddy to you.’ ‘Mommy will like that.’ She said happily. ‘Okay, let me go and see your mom now.’ Tom walked an inch towards the door. ‘No, wait. We are not done yet.’ She held on to his trousers pulling him back. ‘Shirley, the priest is waiting for us.’ ‘Why should I let you in?’ Shirley asked staring at him scratching his face.’ ‘Alright I wanted to tell you mommy doesn’t have money these days. She lost her job.’ ‘Okay, I will give mommy some money.’ He was getting frustrated. ‘Can I go now?’ ‘’You need to sign here first.” She stopped him from moving and handed him the paper. Dani had spent the whole morning with Stella writing when she heard it was Grissel’s wedding. ‘I would read with your mom and sign it.’ He said without even looking at the paper. ‘You are in a hurry so I will let you go but you have to sign it before you come out.’ She cautioned annoyingly. ‘Thank you pumpkin.’ He was going in when she dragged him back again. ‘Uncle Tom, what’s in the bag? Is it ice-cream?’ She asked cheekily with her numerous smiles. ‘Oh this,’ he pointed to the bag in his right hand. ‘I got a new dress for mommy.’ He announced hastily. ‘Let me see it.’ She demanded with her hands opened. ‘Shirley, I got one for you too.’ He quickly gave her the dress from the bag and rushed in closing the door behind him quickly before Shirley could say another word. She jumped up, quickly taking off her other dress to put on the new one Tom just got for her. Tom who got in hurriedly came facing three weird women who were staring at him. He forgot he was still holding on to the door as if he was been chased. He froze there for some minutes when no one spoke. ‘Hi.’ He left the door walking towards them. ‘Hey, who was chasing you?’ Grissel managed to ask calmly as if nothing happened between them earlier. ‘Shirl…’ He was saying when she barged in. ‘Mommy, see my new dress.’ Uncle Tom bought it.’ She run towards Grissel who was getting out of bed while Tom continued scratching his head. Grissel gestured to Melisa and Stella who has been silence all this while to give them privacy. They knew they had to drag Shirley out so Grissel and Tom could talk. ‘Did you say thank you princess?’ She covered her face. ‘No, I forgot.’ Shirley turned to Tom. ‘Thank you daddy.’ She hugged him by the waist. You are welcome.’ He responded and saw Melisa dragging her away. ‘Lisa wait, Uncle hasn’t signed my new rules yet.’ She announced. ‘Rules?’ Grissel asked because she had no idea what her daughter had planned. ‘Yes mommy. Stella helped me to write the big vocabularies.’ Everyone glanced at Stella who smiled. Tom brought the paper out as he remember dumping it in the bag earlier and Grissel recognized it. Tom mouthed sorry to Stella and she nodded her head smiling. He was probably apologizing for pushing her down. ‘Shirley? Is that not my divorce paper?’ ‘Emm, I think so.’ She rushed to where Stella was as Grissel stood up earlier and was walking towards her. She took the paper from Tom and glanced through it. Grissel laughed and handed it over to him. ‘This is yours. I don’t know what your plans are right now but you should read it.’ Grissel said uncomfortably. Tom knew it was no good news so he looked back at Shirley who was smiling cheekily. He cleared his throat. ‘I Tom Addison would never yell at mommy and Shirley ever again. If I do I …’ Tom paused and smiled. ‘I would take them both for a weekend vacation.’ ‘Uncle, should I help you read?’ She asked from where she was hiding. ‘No.’ He scratched his head and made an attempt to continue. ‘I would take mommy out every Friday night and a date with Shirley every first Saturday in a month.’ Tom opened his mouth to say something but closed it and glanced at Grissel. Grissel knew he wouldn’t want to miss out on Friday drink up with his friends. ‘Tom, it’s okay if you want to drink with your friends.’ ‘No mom.’ Shirley frowned from her end. ‘Don’t worry I can manage.’ Tom interrupted. ‘The last part says, you would make breakfast every Saturday morning and take us both out every Sunday evening for ice-cream.’ She grinned at the thought of ice cream. ‘And this note is subject to review.’ She read loudly and raised up her head looking at him for a reply. ‘We have a deal Shirley.’ He said without giving it a second thought but his mind was out of the room. Then Melisa laughed. ‘Give me five.’ She turned to Shirley who was hiding her face. ‘Don’t encourage her Lisa.’ Grissel said almost tired of standing and went back to the bed. ‘But mom, you said Uncle Tom likes me so I just wanted to be sure.’ ‘And who said asking him to make breakfast every Saturday would give you that assurance. He doesn’t even know how to cook princess.’ ‘I don’t want you to stress yourself too much mommy.’ ‘Come here.’ She gestured to her. ‘No, I know your plan. Let Uncle Tom sign first then I would come over.’ She brought out her tiny hands to cover her mouth. ‘Grissel just let Tom talk for himself.’ Melisa glanced at Tom who had stopped reading and was staring at Grissel. ‘Uncle Tom?’ Shirley run to him and shook him vigorously. ‘Yes,’ He responded. ‘Won’t you sign?’ Shirley asked. ‘Emm, Grissel are you okay?’ He found himself asking as he was sure something was off hence ignoring Shirley’s question. ‘Yes, just tired from your sister’s pampering.’ Melisa laughed. ‘We will go now Grissel.’ ‘Wait, he quickly signed the note then gave it back to her without taking his eyes off Grissel. ‘Uncle, can we have a Princess tea party next week.’ ‘Emmm, I don’t know what that is.’ He said honestly. ‘Ohh…….!’ She exclaimed with disappointment on her face while Grissel gave her a smile. ‘Shirley.’ Grissel called out and she knew she had to keep quiet. ‘Sis, good job. I owe you one.’ Tom mouthed remorsefully when they were going out ‘Credit my account th….’ Melisa was still saying when Stella dragged her and Shirley out of the room. They joined Paige who was tasked to talk to the guests who were impatience and wanted to leave. Melisa spotted Bryan on her way out of the venue after talking to the priest. She ignored his gestures and walked away. Until they were sure they had everything under control they retired back in to get themselves ready. Gina and Julia could not contain their joy. *** Tom and Grissel sat on the bed staring at each other and sighed. She buried her face in her palms. ‘I don’t deserve you Tom.’ ‘Neither do I?’ He said so she could stop shying away. ‘What?’ Grissel reacted quickly lifting her palms off her face. ‘Great, I have your attention now.’ Tom poked her nose playfully. ‘I will go first.’ ‘Sure.’ She said with a beating heart. ‘I’m not sorry about my outburst earlier but I said some mean words which I regret now.’ ‘Tom? You yelled at me in the presence of my daughter and it’s not so cool.’ ‘And you jumping in and out of my life you think was cool?’ He asked calmly. ‘No, I did that for us Tom.’ ‘I understand why you felt the need to keep me out of your plans but I wished you could trust me from today onwards.’ ‘Thank you Tom. I’m really sorry.’ She went into his arms without any notice and held on for minutes. ‘So you want to get married again?’ ‘Yeah, if that’s okay with you.’ She looked squirmed in his arms. ‘If you are not interested we could cancel.’ ‘It’s okay, and I got a dress for you.’ Tom patted her back and pulled her out of his arms with a peck on her forehead. ‘Wow I have a new Tom.’ She teased. ‘I stained my other dress so thank you for this.’ She took the dress and moved from him to the dressing mirror. ‘Yeah, I noticed when Shirley dragged you away. She actually saved me from making the situation worse.’ ‘Great, would you help me call my mom’s to give me their blessings.’ ‘Sure. Would that fit?’ He asked referring to the dress. ‘Of course love.’ Grissel grinned happily. He smirked. ‘I feel alive once again.’ ‘The feeling is mutual but are you sure this is what you want?’ ‘Yeah, ‘I’m happy to have paid thousands of dollars for my own nuptials.’ He was overly joyful. ‘That was all Lisa but you still owe me for a weekend getaway.’ ‘I can’t wait for that and pumpkin told me you don’t have a job.’ ‘Wow, what do I do with Shirley?’ ‘She’s just a kid but once all this is over we can figure out something and besides I want you home all day.’ He laughed. ‘Trust me, you can’t handle me at my worst.’ Grissel informed. ‘I have endured enough for the both of us and I think i have a tough skin now.’ Silence engulfed them and they reached for each other’s hands. ‘I miss you Tom.’ ‘I miss you too but we don’t have time to go into all these now.’ He smooched her face and stood up immediately. ‘See you outside then.’ Grissel said. He rushed on her lips stealing a kiss and was rushing out when he paused, ‘Wait.’ ‘Ahuh.’ She squirmed not so sure if he had changed his mind. ‘Is it over? I mean the case.’ ‘Yes Love, I got the annulment and custody.’ ‘That was fast and impossible.’ He muttered knowing it takes time to get all that. ‘Yeah, I also heard you tried Sculley and thanks for that but Judge Reed interfered since it was his fault I went to jail in the first place.’ ‘Great news. Look smashing for me.’ Tom said and then rushed out of the room and reappeared after a second. ‘Did you for….’ ‘Princess Tea Party?’ He mentioned with a weird grin. ‘Yes.’ Grissel replied smiling. ‘Do you know where we can buy that?’ He asked naively. ‘Oh wow, Tom it’s not something you can buy.’ She teased. ‘Okay, you would help me right?’ ‘Defini …..’ She was saying when he disappeared again. It was so clear those two were meant for each other because they were comfortable talking to each other despite their outburst earlier. Grissel smiled sadly and knelt down to pray. She hasn’t done that in a long while. After reaffirming her faith she sat on her bed, cried a little and starts to get herself ready when her mom’s came in to get her sorted out as she was struggling with the zipper. Tom hadn’t noticed Grissel had lost weight and the dress was a bit loose but knowing Grissel she wanted to manage it. Julia and Gina gave their blessings after Melisa and Stella had done her make up. Grissel went in for her down shoe so not to cause any harm to her baby. Tom’s white blouse he bought looks perfect on her. Tom was jittery after ten good minutes when Grissel was not coming out. He looked around him and only Morris was around. He wondered where his friends and the whole family suddenly vanished to when he remembered he asked them to get some more drinks and food earlier. Tom had no choice so he beckoned on Morris to draw closer. ‘Can you check what’s taking Grissel that long to come out?’ He asked when he came closer. ‘Relax son, I understand they are stuck with the dress. Your sister sent a message earlier.’ ‘Alright, what can I do?’ He asked hastily. ‘Just sit down and wait for your bride.’ Tom looked at his dad’s calm demeanor and sat down quietly. The priest ordered for some musical interlude to keep the guests calm. Morris looked back at his son and smiled. That was their first real gentleman talk. ***TBC
8 Jul 2018 | 11:55
0 Likes loving this,hope this marriage would last longer
8 Jul 2018 | 15:29
They are made 4 each other
8 Jul 2018 | 23:37
Really Love this
9 Jul 2018 | 04:15
now am loving this,, Grissel has grown up,,,,
9 Jul 2018 | 06:07
awwwww......I feel like crying ryt now......ibwish I find a girl who loves me as Tom dies
9 Jul 2018 | 06:25
9 Jul 2018 | 07:29
It is for better for worse now
9 Jul 2018 | 13:45
hope u won't run away Agn Grissel?
9 Jul 2018 | 14:00
wow it cool, grissiel u made a gud choice
11 Jul 2018 | 18:49
EPISODE 36 Stella stayed back in the room when everyone was leaving. She claimed to have a few things to sort out. Grissel didn’t understand why she was going through the bin as if she lost something. Julia and Melisa in their beautiful attires suddenly laughed and Paige joined. The guests looked back and saw them coming in. They sat opposite each other at the back. Julia spotted Bryan’s eyes focused on Melisa when she was walking in. She shook her head and then her eyes met with that of Joe who she had a fight with last night. He was at her house bugging her about marriage which she has declined so many times. Joe was the reason she left the house to the event ground with Gina that late in the night. Shirley came out singing the here comes the bride interlude and Tom knew Grissel was on her way. He had been there before but this time it was different. His heart was not burdened and he was in a hurry to have her in his arms. He rushed to the middle of the room to meet her half way when everyone laughed at his impatience attitude. Dani who paused in front of him whispered. ‘Uncle Tom?’ He looked at her and then Grissel. Those closer to where Dani stood prompted her to move forward so Tom could meet Grissel. She ignored them and raised up her left arm to be walked down the aisle too. Tom shook her head and glanced at his beautiful bride smiling at her with just a half veil covering the left part of her face. Grissel nodded her head and he went ahead to walk Dani to the front. Dani was not up to his height so the walking was slow as compared to how Tom wanted it so he swept Dani off her feet in a hurry and rushed her to one of the front seats. The guests laughed once again at his impatient attitude. ‘That was nice Uncle Tom. You can bring my mom now.’ She said smiling. ‘Thank you,’ he said and rushed off as they were walking closer. Tom watched Gina with a smile of gratitude when they came closer and gave her a warm hug. He took Grissel’s hands in his and walked away after saying thank you to everyone. His bride was absolutely beautiful with her light make up and the white blouse he admired. Tom took off his blue suit and put it on her while walking her to meet the priest. No one understood why he did that but they gave him a hand of applause. Melisa sitting at the back, couldn’t hide her tears while Julia kept smiling. After the preaching and the necessary rites, Tom was the first to say the church vows as he wasn’t prepared for the wedding. He was smiling throughout his vows. His friends cheered him on as they hadn’t seen him smile in a long while. ‘I have something to say instead of the vows.’ Grissel announced when it got to her turn. ‘Go ahead Grissel.’ The priest replied while Tom glanced at everyone around him. ‘Tom, I love you and you don’t know this yet but the truth is I fell in love with you during that drive. My heart was literally in my stomach so I ignored all your glances.’ She smiled holding his hands. ‘I knew you were the one for me when I suddenly felt the need to leave my past behind for you.’ ‘Thank you.’ He replied with excitement written in his eyes. Grissel swallowed so hard and then a beautiful smile appeared across her face. ‘To think anyone would fall for a mother with an eight year old daughter was always my worry because I was at a bad place with my past which made me feel unworthy and I had it at the back of my mind, nobody would love me if they found out I had a kid or even went to jail for being the reason a child lost his life.’ ‘I have no regrets.’ Tom chipped in. ‘But you came along when I never thought I would find somebody who would choose to love me but also choose to adore and accommodate my princess.’ She glanced at Dani who smiled. ‘That’s me.’ Dani shouted from where she sat with her Dad’s camera which she always had in her small bag when travelling. ‘Welcome to the family, Shirley and we can start with the princess tea party.’ Tom whispered and waved Dani. She laughed drawing everyone’s attention for a while. ‘I also know we are going to have a lot of problems raising my daughter but ….’ ‘Our daughter, Grissel.’ Tom quickly corrected. She smiled. ‘Thank you love, I just pray you would be patience with us. We both could be a pain in the neck but I know you are the only man who can look beyond our weakness.’ ‘’I would do my best not to smack none of you.” He joked and everyone laughed. ‘We love you Tom.’ She pushed her tears back. ‘You two are my priority now Grissel.’ ‘I promise not to nag when you finish all my salt.’ She laughed. ‘And I pray when you are out there every day, you always remember I’m a part of you and you need to get back home in one piece.’ ‘I promise to make you an important instrument than my work.’ He felt the need to reply. ‘It was stupid and selfish of me to have left you but I’m back to stay now.’ She said with her emotions radiating from her eyes. ‘And I’m also sorry for all the hurt I caused you these past months but I know you are a better man today because of my troubles.’ Tom mouthed apology accepted quietly. ‘But now that I’m out of a job I pray you stop being stingy with your wallet.’ He smiled while the guests laughed. ‘Our love had been tested and we came out strong so my prayer today is we remain strong in Jesus name. ‘Amen.’ Dani quickly responded smiling at her mom. Grissel glanced at her one more time and broke down in tears. ‘Mommy.’ She rushed to her on the altar touching her belly. ‘Is the baby crying?’ Grissel’s face was registered with displeasure but she managed a smile and nodded. ‘Lisa, the baby is not moving.’ She searched among the guests for Melisa when her mom didn’t give her an answer earlier. Melisa stood up from where she sat and got a signal from Grissel to relax. Julia and Gina as if on cue looked at Melisa’s direction. She nodded to confirm Grissel would be fine as they were already aware of her pregnancy status. They mumbled a prayer with excitement on their faces. ‘Your brother is just fine Shirley and you just let out our little secret.’ She smooched her daughter’s cheeks. ‘I’m sorry mom. Let me have a seat now.’ Grissel shook her head grinning as she walked back to her seat. Everyone was just looking on with excitement on their faces. When Tom had decided that morning to let things go and marry Grissel again, Julia, Gina and Morris had to speak to the priest about the pregnancy. Tom was lost but Grissel was ruining her make up so he reached out for a handkerchief in his suit pocket. ‘Are yo…..’ ‘Yes but I’m not sure of the weeks.’ He drew closer and gave her a warm hug while whispering into her ears. ‘I’m going to ask a stupid question?’ Grissel nodded already figuring out what he wanted to know. ‘Tom?’ She called and paused. ‘He is yours from our last night together which by now you know I insisted on a lot of things on purpose.’ Grissel gave out a sheepish smile still engulfed in his arms. They both kept whispering so the guests wouldn’t hear what they were discussing. The pianist noticed they needed privacy so he started to play a soft musical interlude. ‘Would you have come back if it wasn’t for the baby?’ He suddenly asked smiling which Grissel didn’t notice because she was facing the other end of the room still clasped. ‘I don’t know Tom. I guess I just want to be with you once again.’ She replied nervously. ‘Did I piss you off?’ Grissel asked when he was silent. ‘I’m not angry but just wondering why you didn’t tell me earlier so we could be quick with the wedding.’ ‘It was to be a surprise but Shirley has been too excited since she found out and at every cough she assumes the baby wasn’t fine.’ ‘Great, a sister’s intuition.’ Tom replied and slowly pulled her out of his arms when he felt her temperature was unusual. ‘Can we continue Mr. Addison?’ The priest asked drawing their attention while the music suddenly came to an end. He smiled at her but with a worried grimace. ‘No, we want to leave now.’ Tom responded happily and quickly. ‘I understand, just switch the rings quickly so I give you both my blessings.’ They rushed the ring moment and smiling every second during the blessing time. Stella on the other hand, quietly wiped her eyes and smiled as Grissel glanced at her beaming. ‘Are you okay?’ Austin asked behind her. Stella looked back at him and nodded. ‘Tears of Joy.’ ‘Good. I’m officially a Christian and looking for a cool soft drink joint.’ He whispered quietly into her ears. ‘Okay, good luck.’ Stella muttered and focused on the new couples leaving the altar. ‘Tomorrow is a Sunday too and we both are free after church.’ Austin said again when Stella didn’t give her the attention he was craving for all this while when the service started. ‘Yeah, I guess so.’ She was hoping not to miss the couples passing by as she prepared a gift for them. ‘You can tag along if you want.’ He finally said relaxing back on his seat. Stella instantly looked back and stared at him then it dawned on her what Austin was after. ‘Are you asking me out? Because if you are, then you really suck.’ ‘Now you know why I missed that chance with Grissel.’ He winked. She laughed quietly watching him fumble with his hands. ‘Alright, seven pm. I know a cool place.’ ‘Thank you Stella.’ He responded with a grin while Stella stood up to hug Grissel who was going round greeting their guests. The hug was longer than expected. ‘I’m happy for you Grissel.’ ‘I know you are and thank you.’ “I’m awesome.” She teased and disengaged from the hug while handing her an envelope. ‘What is inside?’ ‘Dear Past.’ ‘Ahaaa, you found it.’ Grissel smiled and was going to open it when she told her she hasn’t changed anything. ‘Yeah, and oh, Austin just asked me out.’ She announced glancing at Austin who was just staring at them. Grissel was reaching out for a hug when Tom came by. ‘Sorry guys, we have to leave now.’ He smiled signaling his other two friends. ‘Clive?’ Grissel mentioned. ‘Yes, I heard about the wine bottle and I was delighted.’ Tom muttered with a foolish grin. ‘You are weird right now.’ She said smiling. ‘The reception is all yours.’ He smacked his Dad’s chest grinning. Morris looked at him and then to Melisa who nodded. ‘Thank you and see you when you get back.’ He said loudly so Tom could hear him from afar. ‘Tom, wait for me.’ Joe called from a far distance. Everyone around was wondering why he was running towards them. ‘Can I ask for your Aunty’s hand in marriage?’ He said breathlessly. Melisa and Tom glanced at Julia who had a frown on. They knew what she needs now isn’t marriage. Tom looked back at Joe who was still trying to catch his breath. The room was silent as everyone was waiting for an answer. ‘No, you can’t.’ He said loudly. ‘What? Joe said on top of his voice. ‘Aunty doesn’t want marriage.’ Melisa quickly interrupted. ‘But I love her and wa….’ ‘Yes, she loves you too but just look at the expression on her face right now.’ Tom chipped in. Joe and everyone around glanced at Julia who quickly took her eyes off them. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure she wants you to move in.’ Morris said and patted him on the back. They had become so close during Grissel’s case. ‘It’s settled then.’ Tom said and saw Grissel walking to a sit as if she was tired so he suddenly carried her off the floor while everyone looked on. There was an applause from the middle of the crowd and it was Amy. Tom didn’t know she was invited as well. He smiled at her and Grissel gave her a long stare. ‘Don’t be jealous right now.’ He whispered in her ears teasing. ‘I’m just so tired and need some rest.’ She announced and saw Stella already by their car. Melisa spotted Bryan leaving the premises and sent Dani to tell him to wait behind. *** ‘Hey,’ Melisa called out to him after everyone had left. Stella and Dani drove the new couples to the airport. Melisa was tasked with cleaning up the premises. Bryan alongside with Paige stayed behind and helped with Melisa’s equipment’s while she took care of their personal stuffs in the rooms. ‘Are the room’s sorted out?’ He asked walking towards her. Melisa stared at him until he got closer. She leaned on the balcony and he stood behind her. ‘I’m sorry about the wedding embarrassment Bryan. I was just angry you connived with Henry.’ ‘I deserve what happened this morning Lisa and sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner.’ ‘Bryan, I may never love you as you do.’ She paused for a while and muttered. ‘I know that but why did you ask me to wait behind.’ ‘I thought you left with your Dad when I messed everything up.’ Melisa informed him. ‘I was going to leave after your Dad managed to calm my father but then you came out in your dress and I couldn’t take my eyes off.’ ‘So you stayed at a ceremony that you thought was yours even when you were embarrassed.’ ‘Seeing you was worth it.’ ‘Are you always this mushy or it’s because you plan on convincing me.’ A grin appeared on her cheeks. ‘Both but I know that’s not possible right now and I respect your decision.’ Melisa whose focus was on the figure lurking around in the dark downstairs felt a tap. ‘I’m starting work next week. I would be busy all the time as I opted for night duty.’ She said without looking back at him. ‘Finally, I could get free health care around here.’ He slurred. Melisa laughed and watched him for a few seconds in silence. He beamed and contemplated on reaching out for her hands. ‘You didn’t get me earlier.’ She signaled him to come closer to the balcony. ‘I know you are going to be a busy doctor.’ ‘Yes, but I w..ant us to st…art som…’ She stuttered. ‘If it works out we embrace it.’ ‘If it doesn’t?’ He asked stupidly. ‘We let go.’ She replied with a confused stare. ‘Yeah, that was a stupid question. But I’m in.’ He replied with a happy face and reached out for her hands. ‘Let’s not rush it Bryan.’ She announced and glanced at his hands comfortably smooching hers. ‘Oh sorry.’ He saw her eyes still on their hands and got the message. ‘But tell me the reason behind your change of mind.’ ‘I liked you from the start but you made a mistake which I’m not over yet.’ She sternly said with her hands in the air. ‘But I saw the look on your face when I was ranting.’ ‘What did my look say?’ ‘You were embarrassed but at the same time, I saw desire and maybe love, then you waiting behind after everything made me realize you weren’t there because I asked you to marry me to please our parents but you came for me. And I appreciate that.’ ‘That’s a great speech Lisa.’ He blushed. ‘I love you.’ ‘Okay but right no….’ ‘Lisa, someone is here to see you.’ She turned her back and saw Paige with Dane. Her eyes went blank for a second. He saw him walking closer while Bryan pulled away to the other side. ‘Hi.’ He said after a minute of watching her closely. ‘Dane. What are you doing here?’ ‘I heard you were getting married and I had to quickly rush here.’ He scratched his head. She sighed and smiled. ‘You heard.’ ‘Yes, Dani called with direction and time. I hope I’m not late for the ceremony.’ Melisa laughed so hard and he was so confused. ‘What’s funny? Is he the one you choose over me?’ Dane asked pointing to Bryan. ‘I didn’t choose anyone over you Dane but you should be happy I moved on.’ He was pained and yet masking it very well. ‘Was the wedding message a prank? I know how cheeky Dani can be sometimes.’ ‘No it was real and when I said I didn’t choose anyone over you I meant I don’t want you anymore.’ ‘What are you talking about when you know I love you?’ ‘No you never loved me, if you did you would have stopped inflicting pain on my family when I pleaded with you to stop.’ Paige could feel the love and at the same time pain in Melisa’s voice. She was wondering why Bryan was just standing there doing nothing. ‘Oh okay, I get it now. This is about Grissel moving in.’ He said calmly when everyone around him was quiet. ‘No, it’s about getting screwed over.’ She teased and laughed. ‘Screwed over?’ ‘Yes, by Grissel and Dani.’ She signaled Paige who walked over to her bag on the table in a corner and brought her an envelope. ‘Grissel.’ He mentioned as if he just remembered there’s someone by that name. ‘By the way, where’s she? And Dani is nowhere to be found when I got back to the apartment.’ She sighed. ‘Grissel left you this. You should sit down before you read.’ He looked at both Paige and Bryan who was smiling weirdly then he angrily snatched the envelope from Melisa’s hands. ‘Easy Dane. It’s good news.’ She teased once more and moved towards Bryan who was standing with Paige. He hurriedly opened the envelope and saw his copy of the annulment and custody papers he signed when he went into agreement with Grissel. Dane was ignoring it when his eyes caught the highlighted portion. Dane was confused reading the paper for the first time since he got it from his father’s lawyer. He toss it aside and opened the note that was addressed to him. He recognized the handwriting to be Stella’s. ‘Is this a joke? Why should I read a letter from Stella?’ He flared as if his father’s stunt was not enough and now a letter from another family member. ‘Dane, patience. And if you want to know who got married you should read it to the end.’ Melisa joyfully said but hurting badly as well. He stared at all three of them and straightened the paper in order or read but his eyes came across Grissel’s handwriting at the back of the envelope. He proceeded to read carefully. I wrote this last night when everyone was asleep, I thought it was childish so I tossed it in the bin but I guess Stella found it this morning and rewrote it. Today, my tears are over and I’m glad she gave it to me as a wedding present but I’m giving it out to you as a goodbye present. Your dad managed to give me custody which I’m not sure you even read when you kept it locked up in your safe. Good luck with Melisa. She probably doesn’t want you anymore but just know our daughter is safe with me. Dane lifted his head lightly but it was heavy. He spotted a table and chair in a corner and dragged himself there. He sat down sharply, held his head in his hands and picked up the note left in the envelope. Though a week ago he had no problem if Grissel left him, he was angry now finding out his dad outsmarted him and he probably lost Melisa too. ‘Dear Past, We had our time and I got a gold at the end. If you ask me, I think I was the luckiest. I loved you even when you were too controlling, then the worse happened. I was your egg but you toss me into depression like I was just a piece of an egg shell you got after breaking the egg. Until I met another controlling freak, I wasn’t sure I knew what love was. You showed me how to love but with Tom, I learnt how to love at my own time. I guess your love lesson which you couldn’t finish paid off. I’m with the man of my dreams and I’m so happy than I ever was with you. Our daughter is very much in support of my decision and the law is on my side. That’s enough for me to move ahead. You can see Shirley whenever you wish and though she asked for her name to be changed permanently, I respect you Dane, so she get to have two names. I knew you Dane, you were a better person than what you showed me at my worse time. Sorry the loss of Shane was by the hands of the woman you loved and the same woman made you heartless. I never thought I would hate you this much until I found out you kept the secret about his health from me. But if we both want to be heartless, who would raise our daughter so I forgive you. However, Tom would do his best but I still expect you to be the father Shirley always knew in my absence. Show her you are not cold, heartless and a yelling dad because that’s all she sees in your eyes now. You resent me as much as I did a week ago for keeping me in the dark but forgive me for the sake of Shirley who now thinks her Dad is the worse father on earth. Your Nemesis, Grissel. Dane sat for a few minutes and looked back at Melisa. He picked up the envelope and walked towards her. Paige quickly came to stand in front of her while Bryan looked on. ‘I just want to talk to her.’ He asked in a feeble voice. ‘Talk, she can hear you.’ Paige replied. He shook his head. ‘Did Dani leave with her mom?’ ‘No, Stella will bring her by tomorrow and pick her up when Grissel gets back.’ Paige answered while Melisa looked on. He took a step forward towards Melisa and Paige kept blocking his way. ‘I won’t hit her. I just want us to talk.’ ‘But I’ve answered you Dane. You should leave now.’ Paige answered once more while Bryan looked on. ‘Lisa, I still love you.’ He said and got a sigh from Bryan. ‘She doesn’t want you. You had her and you lost her.’ Paige said turning to check on Melisa who was literally boiling with emotions. ‘Alright, All the best.’ He walked away without looking back. Melisa made an attempt to go after him but Paige hugged her tightly preventing her from moving. Bryan who was looking on like a girl who couldn’t defend what he loved just kept masking his emotions with smiles. After about ten minutes, they were leaving when Stella’s car light gave them a scare. Melisa was glad Henry didn’t show up to ruin the wedding but she could feel he was there from the beginning. They walked closer to her car with Bryan tagging along holding Melisa’s bag. ‘Shouldn’t you two be miles away by now?’ Melisa asked no one in particular. Grissel raised her eyes towards Dani who had refused to sleep because she feels Grissel would leave her behind when she does. Melisa laughed which surprised Bryan and Paige because she was moody earlier. ‘So what are you guys going to do?’ ‘Nothing, and I need you to check Grissel when we get back to the house.’ Tom answered. ‘Lisa, mommy is sick and the baby is not moving. I told you in church.’ Melisa’s heart skipped. She opened the door instantly. ‘The abdominal pains again?’ She nodded. ’You two passed by several hospitals and couldn’t enter any of them.’ ‘Can we start going already?’ Stella who felt ignored earlier spoke up. ‘Okay, I will drive behind you guys. I’m sure it’s just the stress from standing for long.’ Stella drove off as Melisa hurried to her car with Paige leaving Bryan and her bag behind. ***
13 Jul 2018 | 03:38
hmmmmmm,,,, happy for Grissel but pity Dane,,, he has changed but lost everything
13 Jul 2018 | 12:43
wow at last, dane u c ur life u lose two things at a time
13 Jul 2018 | 13:01
Melisa will still go back to Dane
13 Jul 2018 | 14:08
You finally make the right choice congratulation - grissel
13 Jul 2018 | 15:31
Dane is a goal
15 Jul 2018 | 12:13
EPISODE 37 As the days went by Grissel found it difficult staying in the same house which she once left behind but with a little help from her mom she adjusted. Dani got a new school two weeks after the wedding and Dane wasn’t heard from since then. Grissel was already five months into her pregnancy and Tom was already tired of her childish attitude hence he had to bring his office to the house just to be around when she calls. Tom was now so found of Shirley and Grissel always felt alone sometimes but then Melisa had explained to her it was just her hormones. *** ‘Stella, can you get the door?’ Mrs. Medts asked from the kitchen. ‘Alright mom,’ Stella said dragging her feet on the floor. She just came back from a night out with Austin and her mom insisted to get her a hot tea as she seemed a bit drunk. She walked to the door and turned the knob. ‘Austin?’ ‘Yes, I came to see you.’ ‘I just met you over two hours ago.’ ‘Two hours. That’s true but I missed you so I came over.’ ‘Gosh, how do you even know this place?’ ‘We have lots of mutual friends my dear.’ Stella was just holding on to the door watching him smile. She knew it was Grissel. ‘And the security at the door?’ ‘Ooh, wine fixed that.’ ‘You gave him wine on the Job.’ ‘You are crazy right now.’ ‘Yeah, I think I’m crazy about you.’ ‘Who is at the door Stella?’ She gasped and looked back. Her parents were the main reason she didn’t want Austin to know her place. Her parents would definitely like him more than she does but she felt they should take their relationship a bit slow. Over these five months, she had only seen him four times and that was okay with her as she didn’t want to push it. ‘No one mom.’ She quickly got out of the house and closed the door before her mom could come out of the kitchen. ‘Let me greet your mom.’ ‘That’s not happening. Let’s go already.’ ‘Go where?’ He asked looking back at the door. ‘Your car? She said dragging him away when her phone rang from her Pajamas pocket. She let him go and reached for her phone. ‘You might want to get that.’ He said smiling sheepishly. Stella hissed and answered the call. ‘Grissel, shouldn’t you be sleeping by now?’ ‘Yes, except my husband took my daughter on a date and then Austin called about your address.’ ‘So you couldn’t ask me first before giving out my address.’ ‘Is he there yet?’ Grissel ignored her question. ‘Yes, he’s here smiling and annoyingly happy right now.’ ‘That’s good right.’ ‘No, I don’t want my parents to get attached to him too.’ ‘He’s not Henry. Just let him meet them.’ ‘It’s a waste of time talking to you.’ Stella told her. ‘Just do the right thing and besides you are not a child anymore.’ ‘Thank you for reminding me I’m almost thirty.’ They had a deal back in law school to settle down before thirty. Grissel laughed so loud. ‘Can I ask?’ ‘No and I haven’t slept with him yet if that’s what you are asking.’ Stella replied quickly. ‘Good girl. Let me leave you two to talk.’ Stella sighed. ‘Hey, do you need anything?’ ‘I’m craving for ice cream all the time and the boss of the house says no.’ ‘Well, he’s right so just hold on there until those two boys are out.’ ‘That’s not fair but thanks for letting him work from home.’ ‘I did that for you and I think he’s always on time with his paper works.’ ‘I love you Ella.’ ‘I miss y…..’ She was saying when her mom came out. ‘Who do we have here?’ Mrs. Medts said when she came out. Austin looked on waiting for an approval from Stella before he could go ahead. ‘Mom, wait for us inside.’ ‘Okay dear. Your dad and I would be waiting for you.’ Mrs. Medt smiled and went back in. Stella swallowed hard knowing the kind of drama awaiting her inside. Grissel hanged up before she could say anything else. ‘Hey, I’m sorry. We can do this another time if you are not ready.’ Stella frowned at him and walked closer. She gave him a playful knock on his head. ‘You are annoying right now but then we’ve been seeing each other for five months and if you think you are ready to meet my parents then I won’t stop you.’ ‘Thank you Stella’ ‘Let’s go already.’ ‘I think this is the first time I’m seeing you half naked.’ ‘Jeez,’ she smacked him again. ‘Can I sleep over?’ He asked when he was about to open the door. Stella looked at him and smiled. ‘I think you should go back home.’ ‘Alright I would behave now.’ He pleaded and entered the room after her. Mr. Medts was seated on his favorite chair with spectacles on while Mrs. Medts came out from the kitchen with a tray. ‘Dad, I told mom not to wake you up.’ ‘So I could miss this family drama. No way Princess.’ He laughed and Austin joined in the laughter. Stella hit him with her elbow to stop laughing. ‘Why isn’t he seated?’ Mrs. Medts hurriedly dropped the juice tray on the table beside her husband and walked to Austin holding him to have a seat. Stella couldn’t help but laugh. ‘You haven’t seen anything yet.’ She told Austin after she walked closer and noticed the shock on his face. He smiled back and they got talking throughout the night. Stella insisted he had to leave and her parents didn’t want him to. They got him the guest house just outside the main building and that saved them the drama. *** Henry was nowhere to be found after the wedding and Tom was so worried he might be lurking around his house. Though they had reported to the police after the wedding, Tom was still not comfortable especially when he found out Grissel was going to have two boys in four months. He hadn’t left her side since then. Grissel wasn’t happy when her husband restricted her from going out of the house or buying anything but Julia made her understood Tom was just protecting his children. Before they left for their date night she had pleaded to come with them but Tom insisted it wasn’t her turn yet. Grissel sprawled on the couch after talking to Stella waiting for Tom to get back soon. *** ‘Hey, you seem not sure of this.’ Bryan said to Melisa pointing to her luggage in his shop. ‘It’s nothing.’ She feigned a smile. ‘You know, it’s alright if you don’t want to move in with me yet.’ ‘Bryan, I already told you I want this.’ Melisa said standing up from her seat to meet him half way over the counter. ‘Okay, so why the sad face.’ He cupped her face in his hands. Melisa tried to kiss him and he let her go. ‘I guess you have an answer to your earlier question.’ ‘Wait, you were sad because I wouldn’t touch you.’ He laughed. ‘This isn’t funny Bryan.’ ‘I know but I just want to do the right thing.’ ‘Which is the right thing here?’ Melisa asked walking closer to him again. ‘Making you my wife first.’ ‘Last I checked marriage wasn’t even on the table for the both of us.’ ‘Yes but what if I’ve changed my mind.’ ‘That’s not a problem but we can get ahead of that.’ Melisa said stylishly and held his face closer. He looked up at her lips and pushed her away slowly. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he nervously picked it up while Melisa stared at him. ‘I’m sorry,’ he nervously said after reading the message and putting the phone back in his pocket. ‘It’s been five months and you keep giving one excuse after the other.’ ‘We talked about this Lisa.’ He said remorsefully. ‘Yes and I’m tired of waiting.’ ‘I don’t want to disobey y…..’ He was about to say and paused with his face down immediately. ‘Disobey who?’ ‘Forget it. Let’s send your stuff in.’ He regained his composure. ‘Did my dad or Julia put you up to this?’ She asked raging. ‘No, I didn’t say that.’ ‘Then who is making you this nervous.’ ‘I said let’s forget it Lisa. He’s not worth it.’ ‘Was is Dane?’ She asked and got no response from him. ‘Or Tom.’ Bryan raised up his head at that moment yet again with a frown on his face. Melisa got the message and grabbed his hand luggage which was up close. She rushed out of his shop towards her car parked in front of the next shop while he followed. ‘Lisa, wait for me.’ Bryan said following him. She dropped her luggage in the booth of her car and drove off. *** ‘Uncle Tom, so tell me what you like about my mom.’ Dani asked when Tom parked in front of their house and was about to enter the house. They just came back from one of their usual date nights. Tom has been keeping to his promise to be a dad to Dani while Dane was still nowhere to be found. ‘You are too young to understand Shirley.’ ‘Try me Uncle.’ She said cheekily. ‘Alright, maybe her cooking.’ ‘Oh really, just that?’ Shirley was disappointed. ‘This is a difficult question Shirley. I don’t know how to answer you now.’ ‘That’s fine, you can think about it tonight and let me know tomorrow.’ ‘Great. Let’s get going.’ He kept looking inside his mirror for a while and shook his head. Tom drove in after Dani helped in opening the gate for him. When they walked in Grissel was on the floor with a bowl of watermelon in front of her. She frowned when Tom came empty handed. He had been denying her ice cream for two months and even took away her bank cards so she couldn’t order online. Grissel just can’t stay off the ice-cream even when she was told at the hospital to cut down her sugar in take. ‘How are you and my babies?’ Tom went closer to her planting a kiss on her already protruding belly. ‘I’ve been fine and this is the last of the fruits.’ ‘Got it. I would go grocery shopping tomorrow.’ ‘Great, can you add some ice cream?’ She asked with a sad grimace. ‘Mommy, I’m sure you can have a lot of ice cream once my brothers are out.’ Dani who had been watching all that while chipped in. She gave her a stare and Dani rushed off dragging Tom along with her. They were barely out of the hall when Melisa barged in furiously. Grissel probably didn’t hear the gate open because she was so focused on the ice cream part of their conversation. ‘Where’s he?’ She asked standing in front of her. ‘I’m not fine Lisa.’ Grissel responded. She knew anytime Melisa came to their end, she always had an ice cream hidden in a storage flask for her. ‘Is he upstairs?’ She asked ignoring her earlier complaint. Usually, Melisa would smile and tell her where to find the ice cream. ‘What’s going on here?’ Tom who heard the noise from upstairs came in a hurry. ‘Did you tell Bryan not to sleep with me?’ She asked facing his brother now. ‘Really? You think I care who you sleep with right now?’ He said sternly. Melisa paused for a few seconds and sat down on the next couch dropping her car keys beside her. Grissel smiled and picked it up while Tom was walking over to grab a seat too. ‘I’m sorry, I thought he was referring to you.’ ‘Well maybe he meant Dane.’ Tom replied patting her sisters back. ‘Dane? That’s not possible.’ She said with a smile as if she had something else on her mind. ‘I know you went looking for him Lisa.’ He announced. ‘You know that how?’ She asked with a shaky voice. ‘I have my ways.’ He responded with displeasure. ‘And that makes you angry?’ She asked staring at him. ‘You know I don’t want him for you and the mere thought of him abandoning Shirley without any notice makes my heart ache.’ ‘He went through a lot and I’m sure he went somewhere to clear his mind.’ Melisa defended. ‘He’s so childish even Shirley is more matured than him.’ Tom teased. ‘Talking about Shirley, where is she?’ Melisa asked since it was unusual for her not to see Shirley all over her when she came in. ‘And where’s Grissel?’ Tom also asked nervously looking around. Just at that moment they heard a shout from outside. They both stood up and looked at the front door. ‘Isn’t that mommy?’ Shirley asked standing beside them. They had no idea when she came to stand beside them. Tom looked at her and fear gripped him. As if on cue, they all rushed towards the front door. Melisa and Tom were so focused on their conversation earlier that they had no idea Grissel went out of the house. *** A car had nearly hit Grissel and she dropped on the floor just next to the gate where Melisa parked her car. Dane was running helplessly across the road when he saw what happened. He had been sitting in his car across Tom’s house for the past week, contemplating on how to explain his absence. ‘Are you okay? Wait, you are pregnant?’ He asked panting reaching out for her hand. Grissel on the floor looked up at him and withdrew her hands. ‘How is that your problem and I don’t need your help.’ ‘Okay,’ he withdrew his steps and was walking away when the gate opened. His eyes caught Melisa first and then Dani who rushed to him. ‘Daddy, you are back.’ She was excited when Dane picked her up. ‘Yes and I brought you a lot of toys and ice cream.’ ‘Did you say ice cream?’ Grissel whose attention was on Tom’s reaction when he came out seeing her on the floor asked immediately. ‘, van..illa and cho..colate.’ He stuttered. ‘Tom, help me up.’ She smiled and called out to him bringing him and Melisa out of their trance. Tom gave her a stare and she knew it was because of the ice cream. ‘Hey, do you want to come in?’ Tom asked Dane who was trying so hard not to look at Melisa. Melisa quickly went back in when Tom spoke. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea.’ Dane replied watching Grissel on the floor closely. ‘Tom won’t you help me up.’ ‘What are you doing out here?’ He knew she wasn’t hurt because if she were Dane wouldn’t have been that calm. ‘I thought Lisa brought ice cream so I came to check but couldn’t find it, then I heard a screeching sound behind me.’ ‘And you fell on the floor?’ Tom asked her. ‘Yes, I didn’t see the car coming.’ She complained. ‘Did you?’ He turned to Dane who was playing with Dani on his shoulders. ‘Huh!’ He exclaimed. ‘I just arrived.’ ‘Come on Dude. I know you’ve been sitting in your car all week hoping to come in.’ Tom announced and Grissel was just hoping to be picked off the floor soon. Dane sitting in front of their house is something she expected after what happened so it wasn’t news to her. ‘I’m sorry, I just wanted to talk to Dani.’ ‘So why didn’t you stop being a girl and walk in.’ ‘I wasn’t so sure Grissel would want me to see her.’ He said watching her focus on Tom. ‘You are right she wouldn’t but it’s not her decision anymore.’ ‘Yes, Daddy. Uncle said he would let me see you.’ ‘That would be fun.’ Dane told her daughter poking her nose. Grissel was crawling on the floor getting to the gate. Tom suddenly stood in front of her. ‘Wait here, I would carry you.’ He signaled her while she looked up at him and smiled relaxing on the floor with her back against his legs. ‘Daddy, I’ve started school and I can’t wait to tell you about my new friends.’ ‘That’s awesome!’ Dane exclaimed. ‘Would you come in now?’ Tom asked again feeling Grissel’s gaze on him which he knew she wanted him to stop him from coming in. He nodded while Dani jubilated. ‘Let me get the ice cream from the car.’ ‘Good, I would wait for you inside.’ Tom said and carried Grissel off the floor inside the house. He went in meeting Melisa peeping through the window. ‘Do you want to see him?’ He asked after putting Grissel gently on the couch. ‘No, why would I want to do that.’ Melisa coyly answered him. ‘Good, then you should hide because I invited him over.’ ‘Why? Tell him to go back.’ Melisa told him. ‘No, I want him to take Dani away for the weekend. He’s been across that street everyday hoping to see her.’ ‘Come on Tom. He doesn’t need that right now.’ ‘You mean he doesn’t need his daughter?’ ‘He does but I meant, coming in here.’ ‘That’s not your decision to make and if you two don’t want to be here just go inside.’ Melisa was tired of reaching out to his brother so she signaled Grissel. ‘Why are you not objecting this?’ ‘Lisa, Tom knows what is right for Shirley.’ She said trying to stand up while Melisa rushed to help her. They both walked away in to the kitchen. Tom just looked on smiling. ***TBC
17 Jul 2018 | 02:33
EPISODE 38 Dane and Dani walked in ten minutes after Grissel and Melisa had decided to leave the hall. Tom seemed nervous while waiting for him but completely had a smiling face on when they walked closer to him in the hall. He checked the time and it was eight in the evening. ‘You can have a seat here. I will be back soon.’ ‘Thanks for having me.’ Dane said pulling Dani closer. He nodded and was walking away when Dani followed. ‘Uncle Tom, should I bring the ice cream?’ Tom took another look at them both and smiled. ‘Of course. Let me help you with it.’ They walked away leaving Dane staring at the room. Melisa and Grissel were standing by the kitchen table staring at each other. It didn’t look like they were chatting before Tom entered. ‘Love, are you okay.’ He asked concerned. Grissel nodded and her eyes fell on the ice cream in the bag he was holding. Dani suddenly laughed and all attention fell on her. ‘Sorry I laughed.’ She covered her face with her palms running to where Melisa was standing. Tom dropped the ice cream on top of the fridge while fetching a tray. ‘Tom?’ Grissel called. ‘Ahaaa! Do you need help?’ He turned around facing her. ‘Uhmmm.’ She nodded staring at the ice cream. He ignored her stare, picking up an Orange and Guava juice from the fridge. ‘Guava.’ Both Grissel and Melisa chorused. Tom watched them closely and smiled. He figured they knew it was for Dane. ‘Dad doesn’t like orange juice.’ Dani said breaking the silence. ‘Got it.’ He scratched his head. He switched the drink and picked a tray and another glass. ‘Let me help you.’ Dani rushed to Tom. ‘Thank you.’ He smooched her hair. Grissel you can have the ice cream.’ Tom said from afar and examined her smiling face. ‘Thanks.’ She finally said leaping with joy. ‘Just a little bit of it and no extra ice.’ He cautioned. ‘Okay Love.’ Grissel didn’t want to make her joy so obvious so she put a straight face on. ‘It has already melted so just pour it in a glass.’ Melisa was just watching them give each other faces. ‘You know how to go about the arrangement in the files right.’ Grissel wanted to be sure Tom could handle the visitation arrangement. They had talked about it at length and the papers were ready just waiting for when Dane would show up. ‘Ahaaa. I won’t disappoint you.’ ‘I’m happy you are doing this with me Tom.’ Grissel complimented. ‘I love you.’ He laughed and walked away with Dani while Grissel kept smiling. ‘What is going on with you two?’ Melisa asked when Tom left. Her mind was all over the place the whole time. To think Dane was in the next room and he hasn’t asked of her yet was unusual for her. Especially when he pretended not to have seen her earlier that evening. ‘Your brother wants me to give Reed two holidays in a year and one weekend each month.’ ‘And you agreed to that Grissel.’ ‘I don’t exactly have a choice Lisa.’ Grissel walked away to the fridge. ‘Yes you do. What happened to you fighting for full custody and now giving it away?’ ‘I’m not throwing it away.’ Grissel said walking back from the fridge with the ice cream box and glass. ‘Let me help you with that.’ Melisa dragged a chair for her and proceeded in helping with the ice cream. ‘I want Shirley every time of the day but Reed is her father and I don’t want Shirley to blame me someday for keeping his dad away from her.’ ‘I know but it’s just as if your sacrifice was in vain.’ Melisa lamented. ‘We didn’t make this arrangement because it would favor us. Shirley wanted it and we just gave our consent.’ ‘That’s okay sweetheart.’ Don’t stress yourself.’ She handed her the glass of ice cream. Melisa’s phone rang for the fifth time and she silenced it. ‘That must be Bryan again.’ Grissel asked her. ‘I would see him later.’ She said waving her hands in the air. ‘Emmm, how’s that going.’ Grissel enquired. ‘Fine I guess. We are moving in together.’ ‘Great step.’ Grissel smiled. ‘I hope so an…….’ She was saying when her phone rang again. ‘Just talk to him.’ Grissel encouraged. She glanced at the ringing phone and answered before Bryan could hang up. ‘Can we talk when I get home?’ ‘Okay, but I’m almost at your end.’ ‘Huh!’ She exclaimed. ‘Where exactly?’ ‘You went to Tom’s right.’ ‘Yes, but you don’t need to come here.’ ‘Too late, I’m in a cab now.’ He said and hanged up. ‘He hanged up.’ Melisa said in the phone and looked at Grissel. ‘I can see that and you know Reed is still around right.’ Melisa gasped. ‘Tom?’ She yelled out to him. Within a second Tom rushed to the kitchen. ‘Is Grissel okay?’ His eyes were fixated on Grissel at the door. ‘I’m fine Love but you are going to cause your sister another relationship, if you don’t wrap up in the next two minutes.’ ‘What happened?’ ‘Bryan is on his way here.’ Melisa chipped in. ‘So?’ Tom asked. ‘So Reed has to go.’ Grissel laughed. He breathed in deeply and turned away from them. ‘Did he just ignore us?’ Melisa asked with shock on her face. ‘Yes, and I think you should just meet Bryan outside the house.’ ‘Sometimes I just feel like going back to be by myself.’ Melisa lamented. ‘That world where you sleep with everything in trousers?’ Grissel asked staring. Melisa raised up her head slowly. ‘At least I had my freedom.’ ‘Freedom or Sex.’ She hissed. ‘I guess the Sex. ‘You are lucky you didn’t have a mom like mine.’ ‘Grissel it’s not fair for Bryan to treat me that way.’ ‘You are being too hard on him when he only wants you to love him.’ ‘But I’ve been doing the loving for the past five months.’ She said with frustration on her face. ‘Are you sure?’ Grissel asked with a smile. ‘Alright. I admit I don’t love him but then it’s no news to him.’ She frowned. ‘Talk to him then and come to an agreement.’ Grissel advised. ‘I wasn’t really bothered about the sex in my last relationship but with Bryan I just feel like something is missing.’ ‘You mean with Reed, it was love and no matter what decision he makes about sex you were okay with it.’ Melisa glared at her for a while. ‘Yes I was, mainly because I love him and was willing to wait till he was ready.’ ‘Then why make Bryan go through all these when you know he is just a fling.’ ‘I don’t see him that way and I respect whatever decision he makes but Grissel the guy gets all nervous when I want to touch him.’ Grissel relaxed back and popped out her eyes as if she just remembered something. She picked up her glass of Ice cream and gulped it contemplating on getting the rest from the fridge but she knew Tom would get angry. ‘You can’t see what is happening here right?’ Grissel asked nervously. ‘Hey, are you okay.’ ‘How often does Bryan stare at his phone?’ She asked ignoring her earlier question. ‘A whole lot of times and then checking the window as if he was being watched. ‘And that didn’t look suspicious to you?’ Grissel asked smartly. ‘No and funny enough he happens to have those calls when I bring the issue up.’ Melisa said feeling her forehead. She suddenly had a headache. Grissel stood up and walked to the fridge bringing out the other ice cream. ‘Please tell your brother you a…..’ ‘Yes, I ate the rest of the ice cream. Got it but you seem lost.’ Melisa interrupted her. Grissel walked back grabbing a seat. ‘Does Henry drive a red pick up?’ ‘No, but Bryan had a red pickup.’ ‘Had?’ Grissel asked. ‘Yes, he sold it after the wedding.’ Melisa answered. ‘Was that what he told you?’ ‘Yes, you know he’s still trying to get his shop running without asking his dad for help.’ ‘Forgive me if I step on your toes.’ ‘Grissel, what’s the problem.’ ‘A red pickup hit me earlier.’ ‘So? It’s probably a coincidence.’ ‘No, I know a coincidence when I see one but this driver was waiting for me to come out.’ ‘That wasn’t Bryan. He doesn’t even have a car now to drive here that fast.’ ‘You are naïve Lisa. It’s Henry and he must have threatened Bryan.’ Melisa examined her face. ‘Henry I heard left town.’ ‘Well, he’s either back or never left because who else is obsessed about us.’ Melisa looked at her and relaxed back on her seat. ‘I think you are right. Bryan to me is still a naïve little boy which would do anything to please that douche bag.’ ‘Okay, so what do we do?’ Grissel asked. ‘Nothing, I’m just relieved it wasn’t Dane.’ ‘But Henry is dangerous. He must have followed you here.’ Grissel sounded worried. ‘I told you my Dad had already reported him to the police so I would brief him tomorrow.’ ‘Please do before Tom finds out it was him. I’ve had a stress free marriage for the past five months and I don’t want him to flip.’ She said with shaky hands. ‘Relax, nothing is going to happen to your marriage. I brought Henry into your life so I would get him out.’ ‘Thanks and I love you.’ Grissel smiled. ‘Okay, how long have you been waiting to say that?’ Melisa teased. ‘Since I walked into your brother’s life.’ They were still talking when Dani rushed in hugging her mom tightly. ‘What’s going on Princess?’ Melisa asked while Grissel held on to her daughter. ‘We are leaving?’ She said sadly. ‘Oh that’s great.’ Melisa leaped with joy. ‘Lisa.’ She run into her arms whispering into her ears. ‘Don’t worry. Nothing would happen.’ Melisa said encouraging her about whatever she whispered to her. ‘Okay, I will see you on Monday.’ Dani said cheekily. ‘No phone in school tomorrow.’ ‘Yes mom. Uncle Tom already told Dad my curfew times.’ ‘Awesome.’ She said and gave her a peck. Which she cheekily run away after smacking Lisa in the stomach. ‘Dad, I’m ready.’ ‘I was waiting for you.’ ‘Uncle Tom, did you tell him abo…..’ ‘Sorry, I forgot.’ He smiled staring at Shirley who was nervous all of a sudden. ‘Is there a problem?’ Dane asked. ‘No, except when you yell at her.’ Tom announced with a straight face. ‘That won’t happen again. I’ve worked on myself.’ ‘It better not dude.’ Tom cautioned. ‘I understand you care about my daughter.’ Dane replied sadly and picked up Dani’s bag while they walked away from him. ‘Uncle Tom, I would be watching you from a far.’ ‘I know you would but don’t worry your mom would be fine.’ Dane smiled watching her closely. He opened the door letting Dani out first. ‘I think you should get a security at your gate.’ He told Tom with a serious face on. ‘Thanks, I would see to that.’ Tom waved him and they left. Dane left a few minutes after when Bryan came rushing in. After greeting everyone he started fidgeting with his hands. Melisa and Grissel just came out of the kitchen when he came in sweating. ‘Don’t sit yet. We are leaving at once.’ Melisa told him and walked to Tom. ‘Would you be alright?’ Tom asked wiping the stray tears on her face. He knew she wasn’t happy with Bryan. Melisa had no idea when she cried so she grabbed her brother’s shirt to wipe her face dry. ‘Yes, we would work it out.’ ‘Great. Call me if you need help.’ Tom drew her in to his arms for a while. ‘Tom, I’m still in Seattle.’ ‘Yes I know but I feel like you are suffering too much.’ ‘It’s okay, I have a job now and that should at least take away my pains.’ ‘I’m so sorry.’ He whispered. ‘Don’t worry about it.’ She pulled herself out of his arms. ‘And that reminds me, did you talk to Grissel about the ice cream intake?’ Melisa glanced at Grissel who was resting her tired body on the couch while Bryan relaxed against the wall. She was surprised he was still standing when from her earlier caution. She laughed quietly. ‘When Michelle said no ice creams, she meant the one’s with raw eggs.’ ‘I’m guessing she ate all that in the fridge.’ Tom figured it out with the look on her sister’s face. ‘Ahuh. It’s alright, just make sure it’s the processed type with no raw eggs.’ ‘Thank you Doctor.’ Tom teased and she smacked him while walking away. When they got to her car, Bryan wanted to drive so she let him. Their drive home was silent after Melisa told him she was okay with his decisions which gave him a scare because he actually came there to tell her the truth. Melisa knew Henry was following them since they left Tom’s place and it confirmed Grissel’s fear’s earlier. She felt Bryan was just trying to protect them. They got to his shop around ten in the evening and he had only one room upstairs which was the reason they were moving into a bigger room before that evening’s quarrel. Bryan took the couch in his shop downstairs while Melisa had the whole room upstairs to herself. *** Tom woke up in the middle of the night and his heart skipped when Grissel was not beside him. He saw the bathroom light on and was relieved but wondered why she didn’t call him this time for an escort. He laid back waiting for her when he heard noises coming from the hall. They were so deafening to his ears that his heart skipped yet again and he decided to check it out. Tom rushed to the bathroom and realized she wasn’t there, just then the light went off. He was expecting the generator to start working but it never happened. ‘Urrgh.’ Grissel made a faint noise from the hall. ‘This pregnant woman would kill me one of these days.’ He whispered to himself and went off with his head lamp which he picked from the washroom earlier. ‘Who is there? I have a gun.’ Grissel had dragged the couch to cover the door. ‘Love.’ He called from behind her. The light from his head lamp brightened the whole room. ‘Tom?’ ‘What is going on with you here?’ ‘I think Henry is in the house.’ She said walking to him with the gun.’ ‘Henry? And what are you doing with my gun.’ ‘Why do you have a gun in this house?’ She asked instead of answering his question. ‘Bring it before you hurt me.’ He snatched the gun from her and realized there was no bullets inside. He burst into a hilarious laughter. ‘What’s funny now?’ ‘There’s no bullet in the gun and you carried it out of my safe naively.’ ‘I didn’t know and besides did you hear what I said about Henry?’ ‘Yes I heard you and I think you took care of that.’ Tom laughed again pointing to the couch behind the door preventing anyone from entering. He didn’t want her to panic as he also believed someone must have tempered with their electricity. ‘Tom, just go and check it out. It’s unusual for both our main electricity and generator to stop working.’ ‘Take it easy. I would get a security for the gate early in the morning.’ Tom announced when he remembered Dane’s caution that evening. ‘What do we do right now?’ ‘Nothing. I’m sure if Henry wanted to come in he would have a long time ago so let’s go back to bed.’ She frowned at him and walked to the couch behind the door. Tom figured she wouldn’t go up again so he followed and made her feel comfortable with her head on his chest and her belly staring at him. ‘Do you think Shirley is okay?’ ‘She would be fine. Can we have a quiet dawn without worry?’ Tom told her rubbing her stomach. ‘Okay, but can you rub my feet for me.’ ‘No, I want to sleep.’ Tom declined. She looked at him and smiled. Tom knew what was on her mind. The reason he had to take Dani out on a Thursday night was because he refused to rub her mom’s feet. He shook his head and proceeded in rubbing her feet. She slept off after a few minutes and Tom couldn’t help but worry about Henry’s presence in his house. ***TBC TWO MORE EPISODES IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO END THE STORY.
17 Jul 2018 | 03:29
17 Jul 2018 | 21:29
next pls
18 Jul 2018 | 06:48
owkay,,,, we are waiting oooo,,,, weldone
18 Jul 2018 | 08:12
kudos 2 u nice 1
18 Jul 2018 | 15:51
Henry is a psychopath
18 Jul 2018 | 16:06
EPISODE 39 Tom had the police come over to check the house for any clue as to who was in their home but they found none. The light has been restored and Gina came to visit since Julia went on a long vacation with Joe. She left in the afternoon when Grissel seemed like she was interrupting their moment. Julia was restless even on a trip with the love of her life, she did promise to get back before Grissel gives birth. Grissel had called Adam as soon as her mom left that morning about getting a security for them since Tom was reluctant to do it. She was scared and pissed off when Tom seemed not bothered about it. Tom watched her glow around Jessy when they came that afternoon. He noticed she wasn’t that way with her mom. ‘Why do you always do things behind my back?’ He asked after they had left that afternoon. ‘What are you talking about?’ She asked with pretense written all over her face. ‘I didn’t like the fact that you called Adam to get us security.’ He said focusing on her expression. ‘I’m not safe here.’ She said folding her hands across her chest while closing her eyes. ‘You could have talked to me first.’ ‘You refused to do it Tom and besides I’m paying for it.’ She tried to open her eyes slowly as she was resting on his laps earlier. ‘This is not about money Grissel.’ Tom just didn’t want an extra person in the house. He just want to be the man of the house. ‘Okay, then stop complaining.’ She snarled. He knew better not to upset her when she had been cranky all morning. ‘I told you I can protect you.’ She laughed. ‘With what? A gun without bullets?’ ‘Yes, at least it would scare perpetrators off.’ He replied happily knowing his joke worked. ‘Honestly, you haven’t given me much attention lately when you keep watching over the gate all the time.’ ‘Wow!’ He exclaimed. ‘I know you are tired of staying home all the time but this arrangement is just until Henry is found and you put to bed. Tom was trying so hard not to flare up. ‘What happens if he’s never found?’ She asked. ‘Let’s stop talking about him already.’ He told her with a tensed tone. ‘Alright, Can I have everyone over for dinner anytime I want?’ ‘You know I never stopped you from having them over.’ ‘I know but I don’t want to stress you in the kitchen.’ She teased with a smile. That was her way of getting Tom to cook variety of meals so she can have enough to choose from. ‘We can order a take out.’ ‘No, Stella would prefer home food.’ She laughed. Tom knew she just wanted to get on his nerves and probably get him laughed at when the food turns out salty. He had learnt a whole lot from her sitting in the kitchen anytime he cooked for the past five months. ‘Stella and Austin.’ He asked trying to take her mind off their earlier discussion. ‘Yes, are they getting married soon?’ Grissel asked smiling. ‘I should be asking you because I had no idea they were seeing each other until Shirley told me when we went out yesterday.’ ‘Shirley? How did she even know about that?’ ‘They brought her snacks in school yesterday.’ ‘Ella told me she was going to see her but I had no idea she went with Austin.’ ‘I can’t wait for Clive to follow Austin’s footstep.’ He laughed. ‘Can we change the topic?’ She requested angrily. Tom knew Clive was the last person she wanted to talk about. She still hasn’t forgiven him yet and the more reason he limited his outings with them. ‘Let’s talk about your mom then.’ He gave her a weird look and she knew what he wanted to discuss. She raised up her head. ‘There are things I can’t discuss with my mom and you know that.’ ‘Your mom loves you Grissel.’ ‘But I’m happy she’s around Tom.’ ‘Good, so she can stay here while I start work again.’ He scratched his head hoping his trap would work. ‘No, this arrangement is okay and I’m so hungry right now.’ Tom stared at her and raised her up so he could go to the kitchen before she throws up on him. ‘Thank you so much my husband.’ Grissel said with excitement on her face. After their dinner Grissel insisted on clearing her head outside the room since they now have a security at the gate. Tom could see how happy she was through the kitchen window walking in the compound. ‘Tom, your Dad is calling your phone.’ Grissel called out to him in the kitchen from outside where she was taking a walk earlier. She walked into the room swinging the phone. Tom had no idea she had his phone on her. ‘Tell him I’m not around.’ He peeped through the curtain on the kitchen door when Grissel entered the room but the call had already ended. Tom stood at the kitchen door winking. He does that anytime he didn’t want to talk to his dad. Though he may have forgiven him, that bond between father and son wasn’t there and Tom didn’t want to force himself to love Morris. ‘Okay, I will when he calls back.’ She replied him when the phone rang again. It was an unknown number. Grissel gave him a smile and he walked closer to answer the call. ‘That must be my new girlfriend.’ He said cheekily pointing to the phone in Grissel’s hands. ‘In your wildest dreams.’ Grissel laughed handing him the phone. He poked her nose while answering the call with a Hello. ‘Uncle Tom?’ Dani said over the phone. ‘Shirley.’ Tom called out with a weird tone as she sounded worried. Grissel adjusted herself hoping to hear what she called about. ‘I’m still in school. Daddy didn’t come to pick me up.’ ‘What?’ He replied walking towards his car keys hang over the hall porch. ‘Yes, I’ve tried his number but no one picked up.’ ‘I’m sorry, where are you right now.’ ‘In front of the school gate with the school security.’ ‘Great, can I speak with him?’ He asked and didn’t realize Grissel was standing behind him. After speaking to the security for a few minutes, he was rushing off when Grissel pulled him back. Tom knew Shirley’s school trusted their security so she was safe with him. ‘Is Shirley okay?’ She asked worried. ‘Of course. Wait here. I would be right back with ice cream.’ He feigned a smile and checked the time on the wall clock. It was half past five in the evening. Tom drove off after Grissel had let him go. He got there in an hour and met with the security. Tom was grateful and tried to explain to him so the security wouldn’t think he was a bad father. He also found out from him, Shirley didn't want him to call home as she was still hoping her Dad would show up. Tom now understood why she waited till evening before reaching out. They drove to a nearby restaurant to grab some packed food as Shirley kept complaining she was hungry and can’t wait to get back home. Tom however didn’t forget to get the ice cream he promised. When they got home Grissel was waiting for him at the gate. He was angry seeing her out of the house though the security was right behind her but it seemed to Tom Grissel would never learn her lesson. Shirley run into her arms crying while Tom tried to explain though he doesn’t have all the answers. ‘Mom, I just went to the washroom outside the classroom and everyone had left.’ ‘I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you call me?’ Grissel said holding her tears back. ‘I didn’t want to scare you.’ She cried. ‘Shirley can you go in. We are right behind you.’ Tom said and she nodded rushing into the house. ‘Did you find that scumbag of her dad?’ Grissel asked angrily. ‘No and he’s not a scumbag.’ ‘He’s a douchebag then.’ She stressed again. ‘You know none of those words fit your ex-husband.’ He cautioned with his eyes. ‘Yeah, you are right.’ Grissel knew Dane was too good a dad to abandon Shirley. ‘Why are you even outside alone?’ ‘You do remember Shirley is my daughter right?’ ‘I do and she’s mine too, you just have to trust me when I told you she was fine.’ ‘Unfortunately, I don’t have that patience when I knew you were lying earlier.’ ‘Fine, let’s go in now.’ Tom announced walking her back into the house. ‘He better come back to explain.’ Grissel said. Shirley had cried after getting into the house when she didn’t understand why his dad abandoned her. Tom had managed to talk her out of hating her dad all over again while Grissel sat down and watched furiously. She slept off in the middle of her evening snack and couldn’t even get her evening bath. Tom came down after tucking her into bed. ‘You would need to towel bath her later.’ He announced. She nodded slightly. ‘Reed loves his daughter so why would he abandon her at school.’ ‘I don’t know what went wrong so stop working yourself up.’ Tom cautioned her. ‘Who are you trying to call?’ ‘I’m trying Lisa. Maybe they eloped together.’ Tom said naively. ‘You think this is funny?’ She asked obviously pissed. ‘I’m sorry.’ He walked to her hugging her tightly. ‘Don’t suffocate me.’ She said angrily. He let her go instantly knowing it was her hormones talking. ‘You don’t have to get angry. Shirley is fine.’ ‘I would go and towel bath her now.’ Grissel said ignoring him. ‘Okay, see you soon.’ Tom replied hastily. She just hissed and left him in the hall. Tom knew she blames him now. He admired her walking upstairs and he smiled. It was already eight in the evening when Tom went upstairs and met Grissel watching her daughter sleep soundly while rubbing her belly. She gave Shirley a kiss and walked out with Tom to their bedroom. *** ‘I’m glad we made this decision together.’ Bryan told Melisa who had agreed that morning to move into their new house which was just a thirty minutes’ drive from the hospital she works at. ‘Do you think he followed us here earlier?’ She asked. ‘Haven’t heard from him since we left the shop in the afternoon.’ Bryan replied her. He had told Melisa Henry threatened to harm her and Grissel and that was the reason he was holding all his affection from her. When they were moving earlier that afternoon, they saw him tailing them and called Morris to alert the police but Henry probably figured it out and took another path. Melisa had said some awful things to Bryan in the middle of their argument when he opened up about why he wouldn’t touch her yet and knew she had to apologize. ‘Look, I’m sorry for calling you a girl earlier.’ ‘It’s alright, I guess I have to man up.’ He smiled. ‘Good. Can we unpack the rest of the bags tomorrow?’ Melisa asked him smiling cheekily when her phone rang. She frowned at the screen knowing whatever she had in mind had been ruined. It was the hospital and she stared at the screen repeatedly. She had two days off and didn’t want to be disturbed. At the same time she knew hanging up would mean she has denied someone life. She looked up at Bryan who nodded. She picked up her car keys and rushed off while calling the hospital back because the call had ended earlier. ‘Dr. Lisa, we’ve been trying to get a hold of you all afternoon and your phone had been off.’ One of the nurses told her. ‘Sorry, I had to turn it off so I could do some packing.’ She replied her quickly changing into her robe. Melisa knew there was only one thing that could drag her out of her house at ten in the evening when it was her day off besides the staff who called made mention of an emergency surgery. She fixed her hair net and then dropped on her knees to fix her white theater boots. ‘Can I scrub in with you?’ The nurse asked her. ‘Great, let’s get going already.’ Melisa led the way quickly knowing she had about thirty minutes to prepare. ‘I heard it’s a laparoscopy.’ The nurse said again when they got to the board. She checked the board and read the surgery was in thirty minutes time. ‘Patients name?’ She was asking when Michelle called her from behind. In no time she was standing in front of them. Michelle signaled the nurse to leave. ‘I’m glad you could make it. Can we talk in my office?’ Melisa didn’t like the sound of that. ‘But I have surgery.’ ‘Yes, I know but you can’t operate this time.’ ‘What are you talking about? I was paged.’ ‘I know all that Lisa, but just come with me.’ She said dragging Melisa to her office. When they got there, she dropped a tissue in front of her and asked her to have a seat. ‘Michelle, I’m not a kid. Who’s the patient?’ Melisa asked sensing something was wrong. She handed Melisa a card stained with blood. She remembered giving her card to Henry when she was working at her old hospital. Melisa kept staring at her and stood up to leave. She knew it was Henry and there was no way they were going to let her operate. ‘Wait, there’s something else.’ ‘Whatever it is I don’t want to be part of it. I can do my job as a doctor if you need me but don’t ask me to make any decisions for him.’ ‘Relax, Lisa. Henry is no more.’ Michelle said without budging her eyes. ‘What?’ She yelled and sat down abruptly. ‘He came in late and was shot in the abdomen. I’m sorry.’ Michelle narrated. Melisa pushed her tears back and asked to leave when Michelle drew her attention to the file on the table. Still standing she glanced at it and looked up at her. ‘Why is my name on that?’ She asked softly with pain across her face. ‘I have no idea but you need to sit down first. I understand you both have history.’ Michelle told her faintly. ‘Yes and I don’t think I’m needed here right now.’ Melisa replied with a sad tone. ‘You are and might just save a life in the next one hour.’ She gave her the other file she kept aside earlier on. Melisa glanced through still pushing her tears back. She then slumped into the chair and her tears begun to flow. She didn’t want to cry earlier because Henry doesn’t deserve her tears. Her mind was all over the place. She tried to reach out for her phone when Michelle rushed up to help her. ***MAYBE LAST TWO EPISODES WOULD DROP DURING THE WEEKEND.
19 Jul 2018 | 23:44
wat happen 2 henry
20 Jul 2018 | 10:33
I think dane is in some sort of trouble
20 Jul 2018 | 15:37
Dane fought a good war for you Melissa, he took your greatest obstacle to freedom... Mr. Author make sure the two episodes you promised suffice o...
20 Jul 2018 | 15:57
Hmm..hope it isnt Dane dat shot Henry,well lets c hw it goes
21 Jul 2018 | 13:46
welldone @Loudest Thoughts
21 Jul 2018 | 15:19
welldone @Loudest Thoughts
God bless you for reading.
22 Jul 2018 | 14:33
EPISODE 40 (A) Apparently Dane was found on the outskirts of town alone in his own pool of blood. His car was parked next to his body. The guys that brought him in alerted the police on their arrival. Since there was no eye witness they had no idea how he got shot three times in the same knee and his whole body severely torn apart. ‘How long has he been like that?’ Melisa asked Michelle who was standing with her at the ICU. ‘He was brought here around twelve in the afternoon, we tried our best but I’m not so sure if he would wake up.’ ‘But you said he needs the amputation so the blood flow could release the pressure on the other leg.’ ‘That’s the idea but it’s still a gamble. You know how these things work Lisa.’ Melisa sighed heavily. ‘But I don’t understand why he came to hand over the Medical Power of Attorney form last night.’ ‘You would have to ask him that when he wakes up.’ ‘When he wakes up Michelle.’ Melisa said sadly reminding Michelle Dane might never wake up. ‘Mr. Reed here probably knew what he got himself into because the nurses said he was in a hurry to leave so he could attend to his sleepy daughter in the car after getting himself checked.’ It dawned on Melisa, if Dane was there all afternoon he might have left Shirley at school. She gasped and remembered everyone would have called her if Shirley was not home yet. ‘Yeah Shirley.’ He came for her to spend the weekend with him.’ Melisa remembered the events from last night. ‘I think whoever he fought with really messed him up.’ ‘Help me understand what tests he had done.’ Melisa asked curiously. ‘He checked his blood pressure and handed the Medical Power of Attorney form over claiming he might be back.’ ‘Did you see him when he came here?’ Melisa was so lost at that moment. ‘No, I didn’t even know you two knew each other until I saw the file when I needed to contact his family.’ ‘You shouldn’t have called me. I can’t do this to him Michelle.’ ‘Okay, I see Grissel’s name on the form as well. Isn’t that your brother’s wife?’ ‘Yes, and she’s going to be a tough one to crack.’ Melisa hissed. ‘Then make that choice for him. Forget the rules and I could just tell the board you were off duty in case it came up.’ ‘Why would he put me in this tough situation?’ Melisa asked glancing at him sleeping comfortably. ‘Lisa, he knew you are the only one capable of making the right decision for him.’ ‘You think I’m capable of signing off on a surgery that would render him disabled.’ ‘I don’t know about that but I can see whatever history you have with this guy makes him trust you.’ ‘I love him Michelle.’ She said without any denials. ‘I figured that out earlier when you saw his file.’ ‘But he hurt me hence whatever decision I might make now may not be justified.’ ‘You still love him and to me that alone makes whatever decision you make justified.’ Melisa stared at her and knew she was making a lot of sense. ‘How he got my signature and that of Grissel is what I don’t understand.’ ‘That doesn’t matter right now. You can sort that out with him when he’s out of the theatre.’ ‘I know that, but I’m still not qualified to do that because I work in this hospital.’ Lisa stared at Dane in the ICU and then back to Michelle. ‘We are running out of time.’ Michelle muttered to her. ‘Michelle don’t push it. This document isn’t legal.’ ‘What about his parents?’ ‘How long do we have before surgery?’ Melisa asked ignoring her question about the Reed family. ‘Thirty minutes but before that we need to run some tests first.’ Michelle said checking her wrist watch. ‘Alright.’ Melisa replied calmly walking away from her. Michelle followed just to make sure she was okay. *** Tom could hardly sleep. He was awake all night watching his pregnant wife snore into the lonely night. Because of Grissel he had to change their bed to a bigger one when she started occupying the whole bed. He was still wondering how to sleep on the small space available when their bedroom door opened. ‘Are you guys decent?’ Shirley asked faintly rubbing her eyes in the dark. ‘Shirley?’ Tom called out turning on the bed side light. ‘Uncle Tom, I had a bad dream again.’ ‘Really, come here.’ He signaled her to come closer while gently adjusting Grissel so Shirley could have a space in between them on the bed. ‘Mommy.’ Shirley called and kept rubbing her eyes. ‘Your mom won’t here you now.’ Tom reached out to her and placed his laps. In no time she fell asleep on his laps so he positioned her on the bed next to her mom hoping Grissel wouldn’t kick her in the face. Tom watched mother and daughter sleep soundly. His phone vibrated at that moment and he checked to be sure it wasn’t anyone so important. When he saw Melisa’s name on his phone, he panicked checking the time which was half past eleven. He didn’t want to waste time as it was unusual for her sister to call her that late at night. Tom answered the call quickly. ‘Are you okay? I’ve been trying to call you all-night about Shirley.’ ‘Is Shirley okay?’ She instantly asked. ‘Yes, I brought her home but Da…..’ Melisa started to sob. ‘D is dying.’ She told her brother in between her sobs. ‘What are you talking about?’ Tom asked jumping out of bed. ‘He shot and n..eeds su..rgery.’ She sobbed through her words. ‘Shot. How. When. Why?’ Tom asked all the necessary questions while moving away from mother and daughter. ‘I don’t have answers but I need Grissel’s consent for the surgery.’ ‘Grissel.’ He raised his voice without knowing. And for some reason Grissel heard him and woke up. ‘Tom?’ He withdrew the phone from his ear and turned around. ‘Yes, go back to bed.’ ‘Okay, but what are you doing in that corner.’ She asked raising herself up and switching on the main light. ‘Emmm, nothing. Just talking to Lisa.’ ‘Lisa.’ She mentioned then Shirley turned beside her. She didn’t see her earlier. ‘Yes, Shirley had a bad dream.’ Tom realized she didn’t notice her in the room and it was a perfect moment to distract her from asking further questions. ‘Okay that explains why she’s here.’ ‘Yeah, can you go back to sleep.’ Tom said walking out of the room. ‘Wait, you’ve explained why Shirley is here but not why Lisa called.’ Tom heard Melisa’s voice faintly over the phone asking him to hand over the phone to Grissel on top of her voice. ‘Just one of our usual talks.’ ‘Tom, don’t lie to me. Is it Reed?’ She probably figured it out. Tom knew his wife is smart and if he keeps lying at that moment she might flare up. ‘I think so.’ He replied walking back to her by the bed. ‘Is Lisa still on the line?’ He nodded and handed the phone to her when he got to her end. Tom watched her closely while she was just quiet on the phone with Melisa. ‘Grissel did you hear all that I said?’ Melisa wasn’t sure if she was still listening to her because Grissel hasn’t said a word. She sighed furiously which scared Tom. ‘So the amputation would let him live?’ ‘Yes, it’s still a gamble but I know the doctors would do their best.’ ‘How did he get my signature again?’ She asked instead of giving her consent. ‘I have no idea Grissel, but we need you to give us the go ahead.’ ‘No, you don’t need me Lisa.’ ‘What are you implying?’ ‘Leave him to die, I guess.’ She said angrily. Tom snatched the phone angrily from her and gave her a scornful look. He knew she was going to say something like that after what happened last night with Shirley. ‘Listen to me Lisa, do whatever you think is necessary. I would be there soon.’ He said quickly and hanged up. Tom glanced at his wife who just relaxed against the bed post unconcerned. He dialed Stella’s number which was not reachable. Tom hit his leg so hard on the floor. ‘What do you even care if Reed lives or dies?’ Grissel asked him. ‘You are right, I don’t care but his daughter lives with me and I won’t spend the rest of my life trying to explain to Shirley her mom didn’t care if her dad lived or died.’ He angrily said and scrolled through his contacts. Grissel hissed and turned to Shirley who was comfortably sleeping. Tom settled on Austin. ‘Dude, let me talk to Stella.’ He said immediately with a serious tone. ‘What makes you think she’s with me?’ Austin had no idea Tom knew about them. ‘Not now Austin. Just tell her to call Lisa.’ ‘Lisa? But it’s late Tom.’ ‘Yes, her brother is with Lisa at the Seattle Hospital.’ Tom said and heard Stella’s voice from the background. He quickly hanged up so Austin could handle the rest. He rushed to his wardrobe and slipped on a shirt and trouser. Tom checked his foot and realized he was in his flip flops. He shrugged and headed towards the door. ‘Where are you going?’ She asked faintly. ‘I think you know where.’ He replied. ‘Nobody needs you there Tom.’ ‘In case you forgot, Lisa is my sister.’ ‘And what does that have to do with looking after your pregnant wife.’ ‘I would pretend I didn’t hear that Grissel.’ He said and turned around to leave. ‘If you walk out of that door, don’t come back.’ She weakly said. ‘You are so insensitive.’ He slowly said in order not to wake up Shirley. ‘Why can’t you all allow Reed to pay for his sins?’ Grissel murmured. Tom didn’t want to raise his voice because of Shirley. He turned the door knob and then paused, ‘You know, I now get why Dane treated you the way he did.’ He said angrily while Grissel suddenly went mute. Tom walked out on her. Grissel took another sad look at her daughter and wiped her face when there was no tears. *** Stella and Austin got to the hospital to keep Melisa Company. Dane had been taken to the theatre over an hour ago. ‘You made the right decision Lisa.’ Stella was encouraging her when the police came in. They had been waiting all morning just to talk to Dane and when they heard Melisa knew him they decided to question her. ‘What if he gets mad?’ She asked rubbing her jaw. ‘You saved his life and he must be thankful.’ Austin chipped in. They heard footsteps behind them and turned. ‘You must be Melisa Addison.’ ‘Yes I am.’ She turned around facing the police. ‘What’s this about?’ Stella asked when Melisa seemed scared. ‘We just needed to ask her some questions.’ One of the short officers said. He grabbed her hands roughly while she struggled. ‘Get your hands off my sister.’ Tom said rushing to them. Luckily for them they were at a quiet place in the hospital where much people are not allowed so there wasn’t a scene. Instead of the police officers standing up to him they were rather scared. They quickly let go of her hands when Tom came over. ‘Do you mind?’ Stella faced one of them to give them space. He walked back quickly. ‘Are you hurt?’ Tom asked pulling Melisa into her arms. ‘I’m alright except that I’m scared.’ Melisa pointed at the officers. They seemed like rookies who hadn’t been on the job for long. ‘What do you guys want with my sister?’ Tom asked after making sure Melisa was okay. ‘Her number was the last one dialed by both the deceased and the injured.’ ‘So?’ Tom asked. ‘We just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a coincidence.’ ‘You would have to wait for Dane to give you those answers but for now my sister is going nowhere with you two.’ Tom announced. ‘I was home all day with Bryan Sculley, in case you two want to confirm that.’ Melisa managed to tell them. ‘House address?’ The tall police officer asked constantly glaring at Tom. ‘1101 Wallingford Ave N around th…..’ ‘The family home child care.’ The quiet officer concluded for her. Melisa stared at him, so did everyone? Tom figured something wasn’t adding up. ‘How do you know that?’ Tom walked closer to them. ‘Mr. Reed was found at the outskirt of that area.’ ‘Wait, that’s not possible.’ Melisa complained. ‘And Henry? Where was he found?’ Tom asked. ‘His apartment.’ The policeman replied Tom. ‘That’s weird but I think whatever answers you two need right now have to wait.’ ‘Okay, we would excuse you guys now.’ They said and walked away from them. Everyone earlier assumed Dane and Henry got in to a fight but the officers just confirmed they were found at two different places. Austin was the first to give a sigh. Tom walked Melisa to her office and went out to call Julia and Morris. He figured Melisa would be in trouble if Dane doesn’t wake up to tell them what happened and in case that happens he might need his father’s help. They were still in the office talking about what Dane was doing in her area when Michelle came to inform them, the surgery was successful but he hasn’t woken up yet. Melisa heaved a sigh of relief and for the first time that night she smiled. And suddenly remembered she had to call Bryan. Stella had to do all the calling to Dane’s parents who were on a trip far away from home. Melisa hated the idea of them calling everyone when he isn’t dead yet. Tom wasn’t himself after Michelle had left. His mind was filled up with thoughts of what might have happened. He trusts her sister wasn’t the culprit but another part of him wants to question her about Bryan. Tom shrugged the idea off and proceeded in calling his wife who had been declining his calls. Dani’s phone was also out of reach due to her curfew times. At the same time he had admitted to everyone Grissel made the right choice asking for a security. At least they would be safe. Then it dawned on him, Henry wasn’t a threat anymore so he didn’t have to worry that much. He grabbed a sit closer to Melisa trying to cheer her up. It looked like they were going to sleep over in her office. *** Grissel had been acting weird all morning. She called Gina to come over which was unusual. Dani was giving her faces in the kitchen while she went about throwing everything off angrily. Her phone rang and she asked Grissel to answer it but she ignored him ‘Hello Uncle Tom. Where are you?’ ‘I had some work. Are you guys okay?’ He asked. ‘I’m fine but mom is acting weird. She even called Grandma to come over.’ ‘That’s good news.’ Tom was relieved. ‘Yes, when are you coming back?’ ‘I’m not sure yet but can you look after mommy until Grandma gets there.’ ‘I would try.’ She said sadly. ‘Okay, tell your mom I love her.’ He said and Dani laughed. Tom didn’t want to answer further questions so he said goodbye and hanged up quickly. *** Tom had confronted Bryan in a harsh way even when the poor guy insisted he had nothing to do with the shoot-out. He was creating a scene that evening whereby the police nearly took him on. Melisa knew Tom’s instincts were always right even when he was a child. She dragged Bryan to her office so they could talk because the police were beginning to think Tom was right. Stella looked on embarrassed while Austin was trying to stop the fight between the boys. It was when Bryan yelled and on getting there Melisa had collapsed. It was almost one in the morning and Tom just had to punch Bryan in the face. *** Julia was impatient but Joe had succeeded in convincing her they should leave during the day. But when Tom called back that Melisa had collapsed that dawn they took a late flight back to Seattle. 'I'm taking the lead. Drive with Morris.' Julia said heading towards the door. 'Juju, relax we just got here.' 'Didn't you hear Tom on the phone earlier?' She asked. 'I did and he mentioned she's fine.' 'You and I weren't there when she collapsed.' Julia retorted. 'I know but Tom is there and besides you could speak to her on phone.' 'Are you driving me there or not?' Julia asked with angrily. Joe didn't respond so she walked out hoping to grab a cab when Morris arrived. They got to the hospital and met the police still waiting around outside and decided to talk to them. *** Grissel stared at their portrait on the wall and hissed. Gina was aware about Stella’s call early that morning about Tom making a scene at the hospital. 'If he's in trouble you need to help.' Gina who had arrived that morning told her daughter. 'Mom, I asked him not to go because I knew he was just going to complicate things but he felt like I was being insensitive.' 'It’s the way you said it Grissel.' Her mom cautioned. ‘I admit was insensitive but that’s the only language my husband understand.’ She sighed and called Dani to bring her phone. 'Also, you need to tell your daughter what's going on soon.' 'Can't you help me do that?' Grissel asked barely keeping up with her breathe. 'I knew that was why you called me here but no you have to reach out to Shirley yourself.' 'I would wait for Tom.' Gina smiled. 'You know I finally figured out why you couldn't open up to me.' Her mom said. 'Because of Dad.' Grissel responded honestly. 'Yes, instead of correcting you when you go wrong I always waited for your dad.' Gina admitted. 'And you think I'm doing the same with my daughter.’ Grissel smiled weakly. Gina nodded when Dani came back with the phone. *** 'Where do you think you going?' Tom asked Bryan who was going to see Melisa who just woke up. She probably collapsed because she had been standing all night while the rest slept off in her office but Tom blamed Bryan because Melisa was alone with him when she dropped to the floor. Tom figured whatever they were arguing about had something to do with Danes condition because his sister was very furious. 'To see Lisa.' 'You are not allowed here.' ‘Lisa would want me here.’ He said while Tom walked closer with a fist. His dad held him back from behind while Julia shouted at him. Bryan didn’t know when they appeared behind them so he walked away upon sighting Michelle coming out of Melisa’s room. Tom was furious watching him talk to Michelle when his phone rang. He glared at the caller ID and picked up. ‘Grissel? How are you?’ ‘Can you stop fighting and come home.’ Grissel said over the phone ignoring his question. ‘Where did you here that?’ ‘It doesn’t matter where, just come home and stop poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.’ ‘You are my business so does anyone you had encounter with.’ Tom replied her. Grissel was quiet for a while and sighed. ‘How’s Reed.’ ‘Finally, she cares.’ Tom teased. ‘Forget I asked Tom. Just stop causing trouble for your sister and get back here.’ She said sternly. ‘Lisa, isn’t well.’ He tried to find a way to stay back. ‘I’m not well too and last I checked you were my husband not a doctor.’ ‘You don’t understand Grissel. That guy is hiding something.’ ‘Allow the police to do their job.’ ‘Not when they are already suspecting my sister.’ ‘Tom? Come back home in the next hour or I relocate your stuff to the guest room.’ ‘I can’t leave Bryan here with my sister.’ He said with a controlling tone. Grissel was tired of being nice on the phone. ‘I don’t have a problem being alone when you are behind bars but don’t make your children fatherless.’ ‘Nothing would happen, besides I only hit him in the face.’ He said proudly. ‘That wasn’t right, you need to respect your sister’s boyfriend.’ ‘I know but hitting him won’t send me to jail.’ ‘You falsely accusing him can get you behind bars too.’ ‘Okay Love, I’m hungry anyway.’ Tom said sighting Melisa who was out of her bed fully dressed. He rushed to her forgetting he was still on phone with his wife. ‘Love you.’ Grissel said and was waiting for a repeat of that from him. ‘Where are you going?’ He asked with his phone now in his hands. ‘Home, to see Bryan. Stella told me what happened.’ ‘You can’t go back there yet until he’s cleared of my suspicion.’ ‘Tom stop it.’ Melisa said weakly while the rest of the family who went looking for her in the room rushed over. ‘Why don’t you want my help?’ ‘Dad, tell your son to let me go.’ Melisa turned to her dad. Morris didn’t know which of his children to support. Meanwhile Tom had forgotten he hadn’t hanged up. ‘Okay, Lisa you need to eat and get some rest at home since you don’t want to stay at the hospital.’ ‘But Aunty, I need to make sure Bryan is okay.’ ‘I would drive you there after you have eaten. Is that okay?’ ‘I think your aunty is right Lisa.’ Paige who had arrived when she was still asleep said. ‘Alright, I didn’t notice you were here too.’ Melisa feigned a smile. ‘Let me help you out.’ Tom informed, giving the phone out to Austin so he could be in control. ‘I’m not an invalid Tom.’ Melisa knew Tom just want to be in control of her life. He always does that with Grissel and she never complained. He just stood there watching everyone hoping someone would defend his decision soon. But Melisa’s eyes met with that of Stella who nodded and she let him walk with her to the car. Julia drove in Melisa’s car behind him. Grissel shook her head while hanging up. ‘Shirley, is there a problem?’ Gina asked looking at both mother and daughter. Grissel’s attention was drawn to her daughter. ‘Mom, I know dad is sick. When can I go and see him?’ ‘Huh!’ Grissel exclaimed. Gina knew she wasn’t ready to talk about it judging by the look on her face. ‘Sweet heart, have a seat.’ Gina interrupted Grissel’s thoughts. Shirley overheard her earlier talking to Gina about her dad. Luckily for Grissel her daughter was very understanding and only demanded to see her dad soon. Bryan who came with a cab knocked on his friend’s door. When the guy came out he gave him a hot slap. ‘What did you do Cephas?’ He asked him while his friend kept rubbing his face. Cephas was one of the many guys Bryan had to watch sleep with Melisa. ‘You slapped me? Timid Bryan Slapped me.’ The guy repeated walking out of the house to check if he came alone. ‘Yes, I did. Now answer my question.’ ‘I heard Henry is gone. If that’s the reason you are here then you should go because I know nothing about that.’ His friend Cephas told him. ‘You know nothing about that?’ ‘Yes, I only heard from Jake a while ago.’ ‘So Jake was involved.’ Bryan asked instantly. ‘I never said that besides if you want to know what happened you should ask the lady you snatched from Henry.’ ‘What’s that?’ Bryan was attentive all of a sudden. ‘I mean you thought you were in the clear when you snatched Lisa from the man who made you who you are today.’ ‘This isn’t about loyalty.’ What did Lisa do?’ ‘Nothing, just get out of my house.’ His friend yelled and pushed him out of the gate. Bryan didn’t understand a thing he said. He tried calling Lisa but her phone has been off. He knew it was time to drag his father in to his mess as his guilt was already killing him. ***TBC --- Sorry guys, was going to drop just one long episode which would have qualified for the end but had a rough weekend so couldn’t edit the whole ending of the story so would drop the B part of the EPISODE 40 within the week. Then we call it the end.
22 Jul 2018 | 14:34
Hmm..wat a puzzle Following
22 Jul 2018 | 21:11
wats happening
23 Jul 2018 | 06:06
I am lost
23 Jul 2018 | 09:15
hmmmmm, wat has Lisa got to do wit dis murder and dis
23 Jul 2018 | 17:10
EPISODE 40 (B) FINAL EPISODE The Police just left Bryan’s house after doing their follow up. Though Grissel managed to stop Tom from pointing out Bryan as a suspect, the police had already taken interest in him and his friends. Judge Sculley came to his rescue and because he believed his son wasn’t capable of murder. ‘Who was that at the door earlier?’ Melisa who was in her room when the doorbell rang asked. ‘So you are talking to me now. I thought we were just roommates.’ Bryan teased. ‘It’s been a week and until you are ready to talk we are just roommates.’ Melisa told him. ‘Lisa, I’ve told you time without number I had nothing to do with what happened.’ ‘My brother thinks your hands are not clean.’ ‘Tom is delusional.’ Bryan said pacing around. ‘Would you stop making noise with your flip flops?’ Melisa snarled at him for no reason. She was getting irritated with his recent silence. Bryan hasn’t said a word since Julia drove Melisa to his place as she promised. Melisa has been trying for a whole week to get him to say what he knew about the shoot-out but he keeps distracting her. ‘Sorry, but I have to go out now. Would you be okay in here?’ He asked like a good boy. ‘If you step out of that door, we are done.’ Melisa told him standing up to block his view. ‘Lisa, we’ve been at this all week and I have been trying to hold back.’ ‘Hold back? I just want to know what happened.’ She yelled. ‘What do you even care? I mean Henry had always molested you and Dane hurt you so what is it to you if they get killed.’ ‘They were my friends and you had no right to shoot them.’ She roared. ‘You are delusional like your brother.’ ‘Me? Delusional?’ ‘Yes, and you don’t even see my silence is actually keeping you out of jail.’ The room went silent and dark to Melisa. She didn’t understand what he meant by that. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ ‘Now I got your attention.’ Bryan stared at her for a long while. He knew she was innocent but he thought of using his doubts to blackmail her emotionally. ‘You think I could do this to a man I love.’ She said with regrets because she bite her lips. ‘Love!’ He painfully exclaimed.’ ‘Let’s not go there. But what do you mean by your silence is keeping me out of jail.’ ‘You can deny it all you want but Cephas probably have evidence against you.’ ‘And who is Cephas?’ He turned to look at her innocent face and realized she doesn’t know the name of the guys that used to sleep with her in her unconscious state. Bryan quickly shrugged off the blackmail thoughts. He knew how Morris could be violent when it comes to his daughter so he swallowed hard to be able to continue talking with her. ‘One of Henry’s friend’s think you have something to do with his death.’ ‘Like seriously?’ ‘Yes, the same way you and your brother think I was involved.’ ‘So you had nothing to do with all these?’ Melisa asked slowly as she was fed up of his attitude. ‘You asked me who was at the door earlier.’ ‘Yes, and you shut me off.’ ‘That was the police clearing me of your brother’s suspicions and don’t worry Cephas was bluffing.’ ‘Of course he was and besides I was with you here all day.’ Melisa was definitely out of questions. ‘I told the police all that in front of my dad.’ Bryan stressed. Bryan walked to sit beside her while she rested her head on his shoulders. ‘I pray D wakes up soon.’ She murmured while Bryan frowned. Her phone rang at that moment and her heart skipped. She watched Michelle’s number flashing her phone for the second time and she answered while Bryan still had a frown on his face. ‘What happened?’ Melisa asked immediately she answered. ‘Relax, he’s awake but hasn’t said a word yet.’ Melisa sighed standing up so she could move away from Bryan who was angrily looking on. He knew it was about Dane. ‘But he’s breathing and he’s blood works are fine right?’ Melisa queried. ‘He just woke up a couple of minutes ago. We are waiting for you to start all the blood works.’ ‘Michelle, you don’t need me there. You have my consent to do anything at this point.’ ‘I know but I thought you would want to be the one to tell him about the amputation.’ ‘No, I can’t. You are his doctor and that’s your responsibility.’ Melisa muttered. ‘Alright, I will stalk for a while until we are sure everything is okay.’ ‘Thank you Michelle. I owe you one but do me a favor and call Stella. She’s Dane’s family.’ ‘I would do that.’ Michelle said faintly. Melisa hanged up quickly and turned around just to bump into Bryan. ‘Jeez, you scared me.’ ‘He’s alive right?’ Bryan asked with anger lacing his voice. ‘Yes, but I’m staying here with you.’ She feigned a smile. ‘I’m not stupid Lisa. If you want to go, just leave already.’ He angrily said and walked out while Melisa looked on with her mouth still opened. When she finally regained her composure, Paige was the first person she called to pick her up because her car was still with Julia. When she drove her there after she collapsed at the hospital, Julia drove back home in Melisa’s car. *** ‘Shirley, put on your shoe.’ Tom hurriedly said when he came downstairs. ‘Are we going to the beach like you promised?’ ‘No, your dad is awake and I’m taking you there.’ ‘Really?’ She smiled and jumped around happily. ‘Yes, but where’s your mom.’ He asked in the midst of all that joy. Tom looked through the window and both their cars were parked in the compound. ‘Emmmm, she…’ ‘She went out?’ Tom angrily asked cutting her off. ‘Yes, I tried to stop her like you asked me to but she’s my mom and always have her way.’ He ignored her and then reached out for his phone dialing Grissel’s number but realized it rang from Shirley’s pocket. ‘Gosh, I now understood why you didn’t wake me up when she was going out.’ ‘I’m sorry. I needed airtime and she made me swear not to tell you.’ ‘That’s oaky. I’m sure she went with your Grand mom.’ ‘No, she’s asleep in her room.’ Tom started to sweat at once. He checked the security post and the man was still at his position. ‘Why would she leave without telling me?’ ‘Uncle Tom, I think she went out with Aunty Stella.’ ‘Stella?’ He glanced at her for a while after repeating the name. Tom checked his wallet from his back pocket and his credit card was gone. He hissed and knew at that moment his money was going to buy unnecessary stuff. Tom dialed Stella’s number and Grissel picked up. ‘I just went to get groceries and I’m safe.’ She said immediately to prevent him from yelling with a loud Hello. Stella handed the phone over to her when she realized it was Tom. Tom heaved a sigh of relief. ‘Why wasn’t I informed you were going out?’ He still had to ask just to let her know he’s still in control. ‘I would come in soon. We just parked outside.’ She didn’t want to lead him on to another fight. Tom noticed she was avoiding his rage so he hanged up. Shirley followed him quickly when he was leaving the room. When they got to the gate, Grissel was relaxed in the front seat definitely exhausted. He packed the shopping bags back to the house and constantly checking the number of bags it was. Grissel and Stella kept laughing because aside he being angry earlier he was definitely angrier now about Grissel purchasing the whole shop with his money. Tom wasn’t a happy person when he finally came out. ‘Here’s your card.’ Grissel handed him the card and reaching to be assisted out of the car. He gave her a cold stare for a while. ‘Your brother is awake, can we get a ride to the hospital.’ He finally spoke to Stella not realizing Shirley was already in the car and must have given them that information already. Grissel got down from the car and stole a kiss before they drove off. They knew she would want to stay out of it like Melisa. ***
30 Jul 2018 | 12:45
*** When they got to the hospital, Stella’s mom was already there. Judge Reed had called her to check on him since he was far away from Seattle. ‘Hey Mom. Why is everyone staring at him that way?’ Stella asked while Dani rushed inside. ‘He was asleep when I came.’ ‘Okay but has he been told yet?’ ‘No, the doctor wanted to get some test done first because his body isn’t responding to touches.’ ‘I hope everything works out fine.’ Stella said patting her mother on the shoulder. Tom left mother and daughter at the door so he could check on Dane. ‘Dad, your princess is here.’ Shirley rubbed his forehead. She had no idea, he could barely speak. Dane opened his eyes slowly and smiled weakly. ‘Shirley, your dad can’t speak now. Can you come out for a while?’ ‘No, it’s alright.’ He said taking the breathing aid off his nose.’ ‘Uncle Tom, he can talk.’ Dani joyfully announced shaking the bed. ‘Easy, Shirley.’ He cautioned so he could stop shaking the bed. ‘I’m sorry but I’m just happy.’ ‘I will leave you two alone.’ Tom told him. ‘No, wait here. I don’t know why everyone is avoiding me.’ Tom wasn’t surprised because Stella and her mom were still at the door staring at him. ‘I’m sure they are happy you made it.’ He said while Dani was busy poking his nose and laughing. ‘Daddy, can I become a doctor and a lawyer at the same time?’ He nodded and smiled weakly. ‘Yes, but I thought you wanted to be like your mom.’ ‘Emmm I want that too but I need to build you a new leg and I can only do that if I’m a doctor like Lisa.’ For some reason the room was quiet all of a sudden and Tom examined the look on his face. He realized Dane hasn’t been told yet about his leg. ‘Princess, it’s the drugs. I’m sure I would start walking soon.’ Dane explained because Michelle had earlier on came to check him out and he complained of not feeling his legs. ‘No, Dad. Mom said you had your leg cut off.’ She said quickly before Tom could stop him. ‘Cut off?’ He asked surprised and tried to lift himself up forgetting his whole body can’t move yet. ‘Hey, just relax. Let me get Michelle.’ He was rushing out to find the doctor when he called him back. ‘What happened to my leg? Can you lift the duvet off my body?’ Dane said sadly. Just then the police came in with Stella and her mom following them. ‘Uncle Tom, why are they holding handcuffs?’ ‘Princess, it’s okay. Dad just need to answer some questions.’ Dane said staring at them. ‘Okay, I would sit outside.’ She rushed off leaving the policemen speechless. ‘What’s the problem officer’s?’ Tom faced them when Dane was suddenly mute. ‘We are here to question Mr. Reed.’ ‘But weren’t you told he just woke up.’ Mrs. Medts chipped in. ‘We know all that but it’s been a week and the bullets retrieved from his legs and that of the deceased was a match.’ ‘So, he’s now a suspect?’ Tom asked angrily. ‘Of course he is? We just want to know what happened since there was no witness.’ ‘You retrieve a bullet from his legs and that makes him a murder. Come on, get something better.’ Tom muttered. ‘I don’t think you understand the gravity of this situation Mr……..’ Tom cut them off. ‘It’s Tom. And I understand you rookies perfectly. All we ask is a day more for him to regain his strength.’ ‘Hold on, who is the deceased?’ Dane finally asked after looking on the whole time. ‘Mr. Henry?’ The other quiet rookie answered. ‘Yes, I remember he shot me thrice in the leg during the fight and I grabbed his gun when it went off but hi…..’ ‘There you go, he shot him in self-defense. Now you can go.’ Tom knew once Dane admits he shot him without adding it was self-defense he would be in trouble and besides the rookies were naïve and he knew that from the past week they were in and out of the hospital. The two police men glanced at Tom. ‘But he needs to prove that.’ ‘I think I can help with that.’ Bryan said behind them with Shirley on his shoulders. Tom’s face changed at that moment and he hurriedly grabbed Shirley off his shoulders. ‘Mr. Sculley, I thought you had no idea what happened.’ The shorter rookie asked. ‘Yes, I didn’t until my friends confessed a while ago.’ ‘Your friends?’ ‘Cephas and Jake. I have it all on recording.’ He answered the police officers. ‘Good, we would need the recording and you have to come with us to the station.’ ‘That’s fine with me.’ Bryan announced with an angry face on. He wasn’t going to bring the recording to the police but he knew his friends would point their fingers to Melisa if he doesn’t. ‘Alright, Mr. Reed. Don’t leave town and Mr. Tom I hope you can keep an eye on him.’ ‘He’s going nowhere.’ He replied them and while they walked out. Tom saw Dane pushing his tears back countless times after the police had left while Dani jumped up and down with a lot of questions. ‘Dad, are you angry with Lisa?’ ‘No, why did you ask?’ ‘Because she’s not here and you haven’t asked about her yet.’ ‘Princess, can we grab some ice-cream?’ Stella interrupted so she could stop asking too much questions. ‘But I want to spend time with Dad.’ She frowned. ‘Dad needs some rest.’ Mrs. Medts chipped in. ‘Okay,’ she said and landing a peck on his dads forehead. Tom waited for them to leave and he grabbed the next chair beside him. ‘Now we are alone. You can let it all out.’ Dane didn’t wait for him to finish before he started shedding tears. Tom watched him cry and when he was done he wiped his face with the duvet. ‘Sorry, I embarrassed myself.’ ‘That’s okay, at least you picked the best person to witness your tears.’ ‘Yeah you are right.’ Dane replied slowly. ‘Can we talk about what happened?’ ‘You mean the shoot out?’ ‘Was it really self-defense?’ Tom had to clear his doubts even though he defended him earlier. ‘I don’t know Tom. I really wanted that guy dead.’ Tom shifted his chair closer to his bed. ‘What do you mean by that?’ ‘After I dropped Dani that morning at school, I was on my way back when I had a call from him asking me to meet him.’ ‘You should have refused.’ ‘I did until he told me he was right behind Lisa’s car with a gun.’ Dane tried to feel his leg unconsciously. ‘Maybe he was bluffing.’ Tom mentioned. ‘I couldn’t take that chance.’ He said shyly. ‘Why did he choose you when Lisa wasn’t yours anymore?’ ‘I still love your sister and she loves me. Henry knew Bryan could easily be controlled but with me he had to put up a fight.’ ‘So if I get you correctly, you were willing to die for my sister and leave your daughter fatherless.’ ‘Dani would always have Grissel but Lisa has only me.’ ‘But you do know I don’t want you for my sister right?’ Tom selfishly asked. ‘I do know that especially when you are comfortable with Bryan in her life.’ ‘After what you just told me, I don’t think I want him around my sister.’ Dane laughed and winced in pain. ‘I’m glad I made you laugh but you still haven’t told me how you ended up in Lisa’s area.’ ‘I had no idea Lisa and Bryan were moving in together, Henry teased me about that when I got there.’ ‘Let me guess, you don’t like to be teased so you started to fight him.’ Tom chipped in. ‘You are right, he was already with a gun when I got there but his laughter got me pissed off.’ ‘You could have called for help.’ ‘I called your sister and she hanged up. Even after I was shot, she was the first person I could think of since Henry mentioned her place was near.’ ‘I’m sorry, she was probably still angry with you.’ ‘She answered the call and told Bryan to tell me it was a wrong number.’ ‘Wait a minute, Bryan answered your call or my sister.’ ‘Yes, I heard his voice before i went unconscious but I’m sure I heard Lisa’s voice too.’ ‘That bastard, I knew he was hiding something.’ Tom literally jumped up. ‘Don’t blame him, he was probably acting on your sisters orders.’ ‘No, Lisa would never do that to you.’ ‘You may never know Tom. Pain changes people.’ ‘I’m just glad you are okay.’ ‘You call this okay,’ he pointed his left hand to his right leg.’ He had no idea how his hands suddenly got strength. ‘Your hands can move now.’ ‘I think so but my leg is gone.’ He murmured sadly. ‘It was an impossible situation, Lisa did her best.’ ‘Lisa? What does she have to do with all these?’ Dane asked naively. ‘The Medical Power of Attorney.’ He mentioned to him quickly. ‘Oh yeah, I brought that to the hospital the night I left your place.’ ‘Why would you do that when you had no idea Henry was going to call you?’ ‘Fighting Henry after he nearly knocked off Grissel was my plan but he beat me to it first with his call.’ ‘You knew he was the one, you could have said something when I asked.’ ‘One of us needs to be alive for the ladies in our lives.’ Dane said slowly lifting the duvet off his leg while Tom kept pushing his hands away. ‘So you were going to kill him how?’ Tom whispered quietly. ‘I don’t know Tom, all I wanted was him to leave the ladies alone.’ ‘Make sure the police doesn’t get a hint of this.’ ‘Thank you for earlier and even though I meant to kill him, his friends were also guilty.’ ‘The gun went off in the middle of your fight right?’ Tom figured it out. ‘Yes, it felt good but then his friends appeared from nowhere that was when he shot me thrice in the leg.’ ‘So he didn’t die immediately.’ ‘No, I saw them dragging him to his car.’ ‘That explains why he died at his apartment.’ ‘Well I’m glad he’s gone.’ Dane replied just when Michelle came in to check on him. Tom went out to put a call through to Melisa. ‘Drag your lazy self to the hospital right now.’ He said immediately Melisa’s Hello came through the phone. ‘Tom, I’m drunk.’ ‘Are you serious right now?’ ‘Goodbye.’ She hanged up before Tom could say another word. He was still beating himself up when Dani arrived with her aunty and Grand mom. Michelle had informed them Dane wanted to leave the next day. They went back in to persuade him to at least wait for him to be discharged first. Dani threw tantrums until he decided to wait behind. Mrs. Medts knew he was masking his pain at the same time hating himself. They suggest Psychotherapy which he kicked against. *** Dani and Tom got home late at night and Grissel was seated at the gate with the security guard waiting for them. She was surprised to see Tom smiling when he was dropped off by Stella. Dani hugged her mom and rushed passed her inside the house. The security guard followed immediately when it seemed his work there was done. ‘What’s so funny?’ Grissel questioned him. ‘You look so funny sitting at the gate with my kids probably enjoying the scenery from that big belly of yours.’ ‘What kept you two that long?’ She was just asking straight questions. ‘I’m sure you want to know what went on at the hospital.’ ‘I told you I don’t need to know every detail about Reed. Just pass them on to Ella.’ ‘Okay, that reminds me. Stella never said a word to him in there.’ ‘Forget Ella, she’s still angry with him.’ ‘But you have forgiven him right?’ Tom wanted to be sure. ‘I think so. Can we go in now?’ Grissel gently asked. Tom led him in while talking about the events of that day even after Grissel had told him she didn’t want to hear it. *** For a whole week, they kept trooping in and out of the hospital but somehow Melisa kept avoiding them. ‘You really need to get over your pride and walk in there Lisa.’ Michelle startled her behind the door. ‘Don’t scare me that way again?’ She turned to her quickly. ‘I’m sorry, but watching him through the window won’t help.’ Michelle advised. ‘I know that but then how do I face him knowing he was so close to home and I couldn’t save him.’ ‘That wasn’t your fault. Bryan made that decision for you so it’s either you find a way to leave with it or you continue living a lie with Bryan.’ Melisa found out that morning from Michelle Dane had called and Bryan hanged up on him when he needed help. She felt guilty of the whole shoot out. ‘I like Bryan and what he did wasn’t right but leaving him would break him.’ ‘We can patch him up when he breaks.’ Michelle said jestingly. A broad smile appeared on her face. ‘But is he alright?’ ‘I think so, he’s been struggling with that scrabble game all day.’ ‘That’s because it’s not a game for one person.’ ‘I really don’t know much about it but Stella brought it yesterday.’ After a few chitchats Melisa sighed. ‘Wish me luck.’ ‘Good luck Mel.’ Michelle said loudly and walked away. Melisa pushed the door open slowly and entered. Dane raised up his head and stared at her but took his gaze off. She stood at the door for about five minutes and he hadn’t said a word. Melisa decided to go back but then paused facing him. ‘You know the best thing to do is say thank you to someone who had saved your life.’ He looked up and hissed focusing on his game. ‘Saved my life or ruined it.’ ‘Screw you D.’ she said and walked out. Just when Dane heaved a sigh of relief she rushed back in and landed a slap on his face. ‘Jeez. What was that?’ He asked rubbing his face painfully. ‘You don’t have the right to make me responsible for choosing whether you die or live.’ ‘What’s the big deal when you make that decision with your patients every day?’ He said still rubbing his face. ‘That’s my point, you were not my patient.’ She scowled. ‘What was I then?’ He smiled annoyingly. ‘Stupid question.’ Melisa wasn’t finding his quiet composure funny. ‘Don’t insult me Lisa.’ Dane was obviously enjoying their conversation because he kept smiling. ‘Do you have an idea what that has done to me?’ ‘What did it do to you? I can see you are fine.’ He teased and dropped the Scrabble board in front of him on the side table. ‘Knowing I had to make a decision to pull the plug on the love of my life or get his leg cut off was hell for me.’ Melisa didn’t know she just admitted she still loved him. Dane kept staring at her laughing. ‘Are you done?’ He asked when she stopped talking. ‘What’s so funny right now?’ She stared at him smile. ‘You still love me.’ He teased. ‘You are heartless D.’ she picked up the pillow on the chair beside him and in an attempt to throw it at him Dane held on to her hands. There was a minute of silence as she kept avoiding his gaze. ‘I think you still want me.’ ‘Don’t flatter yourself?’ She said and released her hands from his grasp. ‘Tell me the truth. Can we start afresh?’ ‘No, I already have a good thing going and I don’t want you complicating it for me.’ She said without blinking. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Quick recovery Dane.’ She said and walked out quickly. Dane closed his eyes in anger. He wanted to cry but the tears were just not coming out. It was already night and he had no one to talk to yet. Stella insisted on a private room which he detest because previously he had a roommate. Dane wondered how he would make it through the night while Melisa went about his night duty as if nothing happened earlier. ***
30 Jul 2018 | 12:47
*** When he woke up the next day, he waited for Melisa to come over. Hoping she had changed her mind over night but it never happened. Dane had told Michelle that morning he wasn’t going to undergo any more therapies and wanted to go home. Melisa who hadn’t gone home yet because she wanted to personally monitor some of her overnight patients seemed not to care when she heard he was packing out. ‘Grissel, do this for your daughter.’ Tom said standing an inch from her. ‘Trust me, I want to but what do I say when I walk in there.’ ‘Mom, I’m sure you would figure it out.’ Dani chipped in. ‘Princess it doesn’t work that way.’ ‘But Daddy would leave me here if you don’t.’ She threw tantrums. ‘I know but we can’t force him.’ Grissel said smooching her back. ‘Everyone is avoiding him because he has only one leg now.’ She cried. ‘Alright, I would go with you guys.’ ‘Thank you mom.’ She threw herself gently on her. Shirley is always conscious of her mom’s body anytime she wants to jump on her. ‘Kindly fetch my scarf for me.’ She told her. Shirley run off while Tom took her place beside her on the couch. ‘You are doing the right thing Grissel.’ ‘This isn’t a big deal. I mean if he wants to jump out there with one leg just allow him to.’ ‘Grissel, he’s vulnerable and besides Lisa has rejected him.’ ‘So? He deserves that kind of treatment.’ ‘He has paid for his crimes so stop being angry with him.’ ‘Since when has he become your friend?’ ‘Well, I love his daughter so I think he’s family now.’ Tom replied her. ‘Gosh, you sound like my daughter.’ ‘I love her mom too.’ He teased. Dani came back few minutes after and they left to the hospital. Gina had stayed back to get some laundry done before they get back. Michelle had told Tom it was a bad idea for Dane to leave the hospital in his condition but he insisted it was his life and since Melisa didn’t care if he left or stayed, they called on Grissel to talk to him. Stella and her mom had gone to the airport to pick up Judge Reed and his wife. *** He reached out for his bag on the chair and fell off the bed. He held onto the floor in pains. Just at that moment Michelle entered to check on him. ‘Get out.’ He yelled. ‘But you are bleeding.’ She said walking closer. ‘And I don’t need your help.’ ‘Come on, don’t be a baby. Do you really think this your stunt would get you anywhere with Lisa?’ ‘Just leave me alone.’ He snarled and gathered his clothing’s on the floor with him to cover his bleeding amputated leg. By the look of things Michelle knew he wasn’t in any danger except he may need a few stitches. She walked out and saw Tom, Grissel and Shirley walking closer. Michelle sighed with relieve when she saw the Addison family. Spending the last five months around Melisa had made her love the whole family. ‘Great, you guys are on time.’ ‘Is he in there?’ ‘Yeah, he fell off the bed and wouldn’t accept help.’ ‘My daddy fell.’ She said rushing towards the door. ‘Come back here.’ Grissel pulled her back. ‘But mom, he’s hurt.’ ‘It’s alright, he would be fine.’ Michelle murmured to Dani. ‘Can we see him now?’ Grissel asked. ‘Sure, I would just wait out here.’ Michelle told them. They knocked and there was no response. Grissel and her daughter stood at the door watching him focus on the Scrabble board in front of him. ‘I said I don’t want to see anyone Michelle.’ ‘Not even me?’ Grissel said with sadness in her voice. The sight of Dane on the floor helpless humbled her. He raised up his face and stared at them. Shirley run up to him. ‘Dad, you are hurt. I brought mom so she can get you help.’ She pointed at her mom who was still at the door. Tom standing behind her kept pushing her forward. ‘I don’t need help princess.’ He managed to say covering his amputated leg carefully. ‘You sure about that?’ Grissel finally said. Dane just stared at her for a while. ‘I’m fine Grissel.’ He avoided her gaze while making sure he was properly covered. ‘You know it’s okay to be embarrassed but don’t do that in front of your daughter.’ ‘Yes, daddy. We are here to help you grow your leg back.’ He finally smiled. ‘I’m sure you are. Thank you.’ Dane rubbed her hair smoothly. ‘Daniella can you go out with Tom for a while.’ Grissel whispered. ‘Mom, you called me Daniella.’ She smiled cheekily. ‘Yes I did.’ She said walking towards Dane. Tom dragged her off before she could say another word. ‘You don’t need to be here.’ ‘Well, I didn’t want to but I live with two kids who won’t let me sleep until I see you.’ Grissel saw the pain reflecting through his smiles. ‘I can’t look at you right now Grissel.’ ‘Okay, I would just sit next to you then.’ She said and he raised his head staring her in the eyes. Grissel smiled and held on to the chair beside him to sit with him on the floor. ‘Easy.’ He reached out to her hands to help her sit properly. ‘You see, there’s still some kindness in you.’ ‘I can’t live with one leg Grissel.’ ‘You can. Look I know you hate yourself right now but it’s a process which would blow over soon.’ ‘I can’t drive my daughter to school.’ ‘Why do we have drivers?’ ‘For emergencies.’ He muttered. ‘Okay, you just have to see your daughter’s life as an emergency each school day. ‘I also need to work to fend for her.’ ‘Last I checked, Brooks is doing fine with the company and you’ve made a lot of money so I’m sure you have your daughter’s entire life covered.’ ‘She wants to get two degrees so I would need to work extra hard and I can’t do that with one leg.’ ‘You are not an employee in your own company Reed.’ He gave up. ‘You have answer’s for every question right?’ Of course, my point is you didn’t choose this to happen. It’s a tragedy but life must still go on.’ ‘I don’t have anything to live for.’ ‘Really?’ She frowned. ‘Dani, can you come here for a minute.’ Grissel knew her husband wouldn’t be far away from the door. Dani came rushing in. ‘Mom, is he okay.’ ‘Yes, he would be fine. Kindly tell the doctor he’s ready for the stitches.’ ‘Okay mom.’ She said and rushed out again. ‘That right there is who you have to live for.’ Grissel said tapping him on the shoulder. Dane gave out a loud sigh and smiled. ‘I’m really sorry.’ He started to shed tears and Grissel let him do that for a while and handed him one of his shirt’s from the chair. ‘I’ve forgiven you Reed.’ ‘Thank you so much.’ He muttered and a knock came on the door. Michelle sent a nurse to clean him up while Tom and Dani went in search of Melisa. They heard she was still around that morning. *** ‘Rosa, why is there a crowd in front of the VIP room.’ Melisa asked after she was done with her last round on Dane’s floor. ‘’Oh, that’s Mr. Addison’s room.” The nurse who was on duty with Melisa throughout the night said. ‘I already know the occupant of that room but why is there a crowd.’ ‘I understand he fell earl…….’ She didn’t even finish her statement and Melisa was already on her way to the door. She dropped the file she was holding earlier on the floor. Rosa picked it up wondering why she had rushed out that way. Those around the room withdrew their steps back when they saw her coming. ‘So I heard you are having twins again.’ Dane asked to take his mind off the pains. ‘Yeah, they are boys and my husband insists on naming them after his two moms.’ Grissel laughed. ‘Wow! Girls name for boys. That’s nice.’ ‘You two are really one hell of control freaks.’ She hit him on the shoulder while Dane laughed. The nurse dressing his wound smiled at them. Melisa entered at that moment and wasn’t expecting Grissel to be there so she was surprised and stood at the door for a while. ‘Lisa, I didn’t know you were around.’ Grissel asked as they both were staring at each other. ‘I had a rough night with my patients so I decided to monitor them for a while before I go back home.’ ‘Alright, we arrived a while ago.’ Grissel announced. ‘Sylvia, what are you doing?’ Melisa was focused on her since she entered the room. ‘Dr. Michelle said he needed stiches.’ ‘Michelle? Stiches in here?’ Sylvia is already eleven months in her internship so Melisa was expecting her to know Dane doesn’t need stitches and besides stiches aren’t done in there. ‘Yes, she asked me to clean him up.’ ‘You can go now.’ Melisa ordered. ‘But I’ve been ta……’ Melisa gave her a stare. ‘He doesn’t need stiches.’ ‘Huh! Do you want to kill me?’ Dane finally spoke up seeing the seriousness on her face. ‘Yes, I thought about that last night.’ Melisa replied him. Grissel just looked on unperturbed. ‘Nurse, please continue where you stopped.’ Dane asked politely. ‘I think I have it covered Sylvia.’ Melisa glanced at her sternly. ‘What are you doing? You are even not my doctor.’ ‘You think I came here to attend to you?’ Melisa asked rudely. ‘Then let the professionals do the job.’ Dane responded while Grissel watched on smiling. Melisa gave him an angry look and turned to the nurse. She held her hand gently and walked her out of the room. ‘I think Tom is looking for me.’ Grissel broke the silence in the room when they were both exchanging glances.’ Grissel held on to Dane on the floor and finally made her way up. ‘You look unwell Grissel.’ Melisa shifted her attention to Grissel walking towards her. ‘Your brother isn’t feeding me well I guess.’ She teased. ‘Don’t let him hear that?’ Melisa laughed. Grissel glanced at them and walked out. *** Melisa walked over to his wheel chair and dragged it to where Dane was seated. ‘Get on to the chair.’ She ordered. A smile appeared on his face and vanished in a split second. He was obviously happy Melisa was talking to him. ‘How do I get in there? Remember you cut off my legs.’ Dane said shifting himself from the floor. ‘You think I made that decision slightly?’ She asked annoyingly. ‘You should have just left me to die.’ ‘Great, there’s still time to die.’ She said and turned around checking the medicine cabinet in the room when she heard a bang. ‘Jeez.’ Dane winced in pain. ‘What happened?’ She rushed to him on the floor. ‘You said I should get on the wheel chair right?’ ‘I’m sorry. That’s a lot of blood.’ Melisa said when she took off the covering on the amputated leg. Dane just stared at her while she checked him out. He knew it was just a matter of time before she stopped being angry with him. ‘I need to get rid of the blood before you get an infection.’ Dane watched her go about attending to his leg in a haste. ‘Lisa? ‘Uhmmm.’ She hummed still focused on the leg. ‘I love you.’ Dane announced while Melisa gently raised up her head just for their nose to meet. Melisa didn’t care if there was blood on her hands because she didn’t hesitate to give in quickly. It was just as if she was waiting for him to make the attempt. Just when their lips found their rightful places Dane started to shed tears. Melisa felt the tears on her face and paused slowly. ‘Are you okay? Did I hurt you?’ She stared in to his eyes. ‘I’m just not sure what this kiss means for us Lisa.’ ‘Can we talk about this later?’ She said withdrawing her hands wrapped around his neck. ‘What’s stopping us from talking right now?’ Dane asked anxiously. ‘Because I just cheated on my boyfriend with an ex that I’m very much still in love with?’ ‘I didn’t mean to put you in that position.’ He said remorsefully. ‘It’s alright, I always knew this would happen someday.’ ‘Oh so you were bluffing earlier.’ Dane teased. ‘About?’ Melisa asked resuming the attention she was giving his leg earlier. ‘Yesterday you slapped me and a while ago was another story.’ ‘You hurt me and went away without a goodbye then you expect me to save your life when you came back half dead?’ ‘I remember you asked me to leave.’ Dane said smooching her hair. ‘I was expecting you to fight for me but you just gave up and left.’ ‘I wasn’t a magician to know that was what you wanted.’ He replied sarcastically. ‘But I came looking for you.’ She confessed. ‘You did?’ ‘Yes, but you were not at the cabin nor Dallas.’ ‘Oh I went to Connecticut.’ Dane smiled at her. ‘Where you lived before with Grissel?’ Melisa finally finished cleaning his leg up and dropped the used cotton inside the bin. ‘Yeah and it has nothing to do with Grissel.’ ‘I know that Dane.’ ‘Good, can I get another kiss? I miss you.’ He smiled. ‘Same here but we have to do this right.’ Melisa cautioned. ‘Can you just call Bryan now and do the break up?’ Dane figured that was what she meant by doing things right. ‘Come on, he deserves an explanation not just a phone call.’ ‘Alright, I can wait.’ He finally gave up and drew her closer once more in a romantic lip searching. ‘Someone might come in.’ Melisa said in between their clenched lips. ‘Who cares besides this is a private room.’ Dane tried to convince her. He reached out pulling her closer for another kiss. For a few seconds, Melisa felt a shadow on her and quickly left his face for him. ‘Tom.’ She said turning around to face him. Melisa could smell his perfume from a hundred miles away. Dane just feigned a smile. ‘Do you have something to say?’ Tom asked smiling. ‘Emmm, I was just clea…..’ ‘Cleaning him up?’ ‘Yes.’ She responded coyly. ‘Look man, I think you should allow your sister to live her life.’ ‘And who said I want to stand in her way.’ Tom responded. ‘Good because I’m ready for another fight.’ Dane said then both Melisa and her brother laughed. ‘With one leg?’ Melisa teased. ‘I had no idea you love my leg that much.’ Dane teased back while she continue cleaning his wound. ‘Lisa, you really want him?’ Tom asked after few moments of silence. She nodded smiling. ‘Come on, don’t ruin the fun. I want to hear you say it.’ Dane laughed. ‘I’m waiting for you.’ Tom stressed. ‘Of course, you were my only obstacle.’ ‘Great, but if he dare touch a strand of your hair violently yo….’ ‘I can’t be foolish twice in my life so your sister is safe with me.’ Dane cut him off. ‘You are on probation for now.’ Tom added smiling. ‘Thank you Tom.’ Melisa rushed to give him a hug. ‘But you do know my house is off limit now right?’ ‘Roger that.’ Dane said after a humorous laughter. He was expecting that and see nothing wrong with it. Melisa thought that was harsh but she understood his brother needs to see some changes in Dane to let him near the family. After a few more warnings Melisa personally took him through the rest of the process for his wounds to be properly attended to. ***
30 Jul 2018 | 12:49
*** After several hours of talking things through with Dane, Melisa was sure she could handle the whole relationship though she admitted it would be hard dealing with him being in a wheel chair since he has refused help concerning prosthetics. Dane however didn’t want her leaving his side but she had to go in for some other rounds. Dani was the first to congratulate Melisa on getting back with her dad. Stella called about his parents who were on their way to the hospital. *** ‘I’ve been looking for you everywhere.’ Tom announced when he finally found his wife. ‘I was hungry and went looking for food but this hospital food sucks Tom.’ ‘That’s because it’s meant for patients and you are just pregnant with my adorable J and J.’ Tom said grabbing a seat opposite his wife. ‘Tom, for the last time, my boys won’t be named after your moms.’ ‘Sorry Love.’ He muttered. ‘Thank you for your understanding.’ She said focusing on the snack before her. Tom kept watching her and smiled. ‘Weird place to have a meal.’ ‘I was hot in the canteen and needed to be somewhere quiet and serene.’ ‘And you choose a hospital’s emergency room.’ ‘Yeah, today is Sunday and this place isn’t busy as it used to.’ ‘I noticed because of the renovation going on there.’ Tom pointed at the renovation going on at the other side of the building. ‘Do you want some of this?’ Grissel raised up her snack bowl. Tom smiled and stared. ‘Don’t I love you?’ ‘I know you do and please stop giving me weird glances.’ ‘I adore you Grissel.’ ‘Love what did you do?’ Grissel asked immediately because she knew Tom always become mushy when he has done something wrong. ‘Emmmm, I might have told Dane to stay away from us.’ ‘Okay, if you think that was fair I have no problems with it.’ Grissel said reaching out for the water bottle which Tom handed over to her. ‘And you are not mad?’ ‘No, besides you said letting you make decisions puts you in control of our marriage as a man.’ ‘I remember making that rule but that was because you left then came back and I was confused.’ ‘Confused about trusting me right?’ Grissel asked carefully. ‘Yes but I think I want my old marriage back.’ He murmured with his hands flying in the air as if he just gave up. ‘Okay.’ Grissel said as if she was angry. ‘Just Okay?’ Tom questioned. ‘Ahuh!’ She smiled at him. ‘I knew it was just a matter of time before you give up.’ ‘Grissel, you let me win on purpose?’ He asked. ‘Of course but I do really appreciate you keeping this marriage alive. It was fun agreeing to every good and bad decision which got me all the pampering in the world.’ Tom gave her a soft poke on her cheeks. ‘By the way thank you for talking to Dane.’ ‘I want something in return for that favor.’ She smiled cheekily. ‘If I can afford it.’ ‘Trust me again Love.’ She announced reaching out for his hands. ‘I do trust you but scared sometimes. Right now I’m sure since Henry and Dane is out of our lives, it would be easier leaving you all alone.’ ‘You asked me to forgive him but earlier it seemed like you were a different man.’ ‘So you were eavesdropping.’ ‘Not really, I was coming to get you when I heard you putting him on probation.’ ‘But it’s not a mask to have him in our lives.’ Tom replied. ‘I know that but I’m concerned about what that outburst was really about. Tom I feel it’s not entirely about him.’ He sighed heavily and relaxed back on his chair. ‘My sister ends up with him. Same way my mom ended up with Morris and then Julia with Joe.’ ‘And why is that an issue for you.’ ‘They have all left me Grissel and somehow these men are trouble except for Joe, I guess.’ Grissel probably figured it out and laughed. ‘Oh wow!’ She exclaimed. ‘I have family too but my entire life is tied to yours. Don’t you think anyone misses me?’ He sighed and stood up half way kissing her on the cheeks. ‘Alright, I’m sorry. I can go back there and take my words back.’ ‘No, just let them be and promise me you would stop interfering in their relationship.’ ‘Let’s deal with promises later. Where’s Shirley?’ ‘On an aspiring doctor’s tour with Michelle.’ ‘She’s really serious with being a doctor right?’ Tom enquired. ‘I think what happened to her dad just shaped her future towards another direction.’ ‘And you don’t like that?’ ‘That’s okay, I think she’s going in for all two.’ Grissel said happily. They were still talking when they saw Bryan dragging Melisa’s bag towards them. Tom recognized the bag because it was their mom’s and he remembered fighting with Melisa over it when they were kids. Looking at it now he felt she was the best person to take care of the bag. He would have ruined it back in school. ‘What are you doing here?’ Tom stood up facing him when he came over. ‘I came to drop your sister’s bag. I went by the house but Julia wasn’t around.’ ‘She’s probably in her office.’ Grissel chipped in to prevent the two men fighting. ‘Can you hand this to her for me?’ He handed Grissel an envelope. ‘Give that to her yourself. No one is going to do your dirty work for you.’ ‘Tom stop intimidating him.’ Grissel told him with a glare. ‘I can’t believe you are defending this coward.’ ‘He’s not a coward Love. He is just a soft man in love with a wrong woman.’ Bryan finally raised his head up. ‘Soft man?’ Tom questioned. ‘Yes and he reminds me of you.’ Grissel teased. ‘Me?’ Tom pointed out himself and glanced at the shy Bryan. ‘Ahuh!’ Grissel murmured. ‘Don’t compare him to me.’ ‘My point is, he would do anything to have your sister the same way you would do anything for me.’ Tom looked at Bryan who was just staring at Grissel and then his eyes caught Melisa pulling Dane through the emergency unit. They were chatting and laughing. ‘Hey Lisa, your boyfriend is here.’ He called out to her from afar and then everyone’s attention was drawn to them. Bryan turned around seeing him with Dane and he pushed his tears back. He grabbed the envelope from Grissel and quickly tucked it inside his pocket. ‘This isn’t a movie. You all should get back to your work stations.’ Melisa angrily told the nosy nurses who had started making jest of the situation. They all retracted their steps back. The nurses always respected Melisa’s works and decisions since she joined them five months ago. ‘You should man up and face her now.’ Tom announced giving him a push forward. He staggered a little and then came facing Melisa. ‘I’m sorry for coming here like this.’ Bryan told her immediately their eyes met. ‘Can we talk over there?’ She pointed to the area the nurses vacated earlier. She forgot she left Dane in the middle of the room. ‘Okay, I’m sorry.’ He repeated following him with the bag. Her eyes met him wheeling himself away sadly. ‘Wait here.’ Melisa rushed after him. ‘Is it done?’ Dane asked when he spotted her. ‘Not yet, but you were sad seeing me with him so I wanted to be sure you were okay.’ She bent down to his level so they wouldn’t draw much attention to themselves. ‘I’m okay and I think that pretty nurse right there could help me out with the process you talked about.’ Dane teased pointing at the nurse behind the counter. ‘Careful D. I might just give you another slap right here.’ He quickly gave her a kiss on the lips which Melisa wasn’t expecting so she pulled back. Her first instincts was to check if Bryan was okay. She realized he saw what just happened. ‘That right there should make the rest of the break up easy for you.’ Dane laughed and wheeled himself away. Melisa’s lips went apart to say something but she couldn’t. And before she knew it Bryan was standing behind her. ‘It’s okay Lisa. I get the message clear.’ ‘I’m sorry Bryan, I was going to talk to you as soon as I get home.’ ‘Now you don’t need to. I’m going away.’ ‘Going away?’ ‘Yes, I’ve been thinking about it since the shoot out and I knew once you found out the part I played our relationship would be over.’ ‘Yeah I heard about what happened. Why did you do that?’ He scratched his head. ‘I was scared once he makes it alive, I would lose you.’ ‘But you could have trusted I wanted our relationship to work.’ Melisa said feeling her brother’s gaze all over her. ‘No you don’t want me Lisa. It’s him you want.’ He gestured at Dane who was talking to the nurse he mentioned earlier. Melisa frowned at how he was happily laughing with her. ‘I’ll deal with that later.’ She told herself quietly. ‘I didn’t hear you.’ Bryan thought she was talking to him. ‘I said I’m sorry.’ She lied about what she muttered earlier. ‘I’m fine and very glad you guys found your way back to each other. Trust me, I knew someday I would have to compete with him.’ ‘Now you don’t have to because you came here to break up with me.’ ‘Isn’t that what you wanted?’ Bryan asked. ‘Yeah, but not like this. You dragged my luggage to my work place just to break up with me Bryan, that’s humiliation.’ ‘I’m going away this evening to my mom’s.’ ‘Wow, that’s a great step for you.’ ‘Yeah, I just hope I could put everything behind me.’ ‘You should because I would keep in touch.’ ‘Are you sure your precious Dane would want that?’ ‘Bryan, its okay to be friends from afar.’ ‘Okay, I have to be on my way now.’ ‘Thank you so much.’ Melisa said drawing him in a hug. He hesitated for a while before accepting her warm arms. ‘Let me go now Lisa.’ He muttered when the hug was taking so long. ‘Sure. I also heard what you did for me with the police.’ It was just as if Melisa was stalling to prevent something big to happen. ‘They have been detained and been investigated. They weren’t directly involved but they knew about the duel and said nothing.’ ‘I pray they get few years.’ Melisa muttered squeezing his hands which she held from earlier. ‘Tell your guy there not to mess up, because if he does I’m coming for him.’ Bryan pointed to Dane’s direction. She didn’t want to look back at him at that moment. ‘Alright, Bryan.’ Melisa found it amusing and laughed. ‘See you around.’ He said quickly leaving the bag in front of her and rushed out before she could stall him again. Tom and Grissel walked over to be sure she was okay. Melisa wiped her face dry and came facing Dane and the nurse from earlier. Melisa saw his Dad and Julia running towards them. 'Dad what’s going on with you two?' 'Lisa.' Dane drew her attention to what was in his hands. 'You play with toys now?' She asked him. ‘It’s for you.’ Dane replied but she ignored him turning to his family behind her. 'Dad, you haven't answered me yet.' She turned to them and Paige came along with Gina. 'Hey, girlfriend.' Paige greeted her and she smiled. 'You all are acting weird.' 'Just have a little patience Lisa.' Gina requested. 'Paige do we have a date I'm not aware of?' Paige nodded. Dane burst into a hilarious laughter. 'Tom, may I?' Dane gestured to Tom who obviously understood him. 'Okay, I get it. This is about Bryan right.' She said sadly. 'You guys I'm okay.' 'Are we late?' Every one turned to the direction the voice came from. Stella was slowly walking her dad towards them while her mom was in the company of Dane's parent. Then it dawned on her what was happening. 'Okay, let me see what you have in that candy box.' She forcefully took the box from him and opened it. To her surprise it was a piece of her surgical cap wrapped up in the form of a ring. She hit him playfully with the box. 'I'm sorry, I couldn't get a better ring immediately.' She ignored him and tied the fabric on her left second finger. 'Not on that finger, just come closer.' Dane asked of her. She looked back at everyone around him and saw Joe coming with an elderly man. 'The priest is on time.' Dane said and laughed. 'Don't tell me this is my dream wedding you managed to ruin.' Melisa asked sternly. 'I know it's simple but this is what I can afford.' He teased. 'D, this isn't fair.' 'I know but I'm broke.' He said untying the fabric on the other finger and then wrapping it on the deserved finger. 'Daddy, I can borrow you some money.' Dane totally forgot he had a daughter. 'Princess, thank you but I think Lisa is okay with this arrangement.' He laughed. She stared at her finger and then back to the man in front of her. 'On one condition.' She blurted out laughing. 'I would get that prosthetics anytime you want me to.' Dane figured it out. ‘Good boy.’ She scratched her jaw playfully. ‘Dad, say something.’ ‘If you are happy, I’m happy.’ Morris announced to everyone. ‘Awesome. What about you Aunty?’ ‘I trust your judgment and besides you two crazy children deserve each other.’ She said laughing. ‘Yeah, you two are meant for each other.’ Tom gestured at her. ‘It means you are in support right?’ Melisa wanted to be sure. ‘Of course but I would still be watching from afar.’ Tom stressed. 'Great, can you bless us now though I haven't taken my bath yet?' Melisa turned to the priest that came with Joe. Those around her laughed and she realized her nosy nurses and other doctors were around. The priest gave them his blessings and the rest of that afternoon was a happy day for them except Tom who was moody. Melisa found out the pretty nurse Dane was with helped in gathering everyone around and getting a piece of fabric from her surgical cap. Dane found it funny that she was actually jealous and kept leading her on. Melisa actually gave her a one week to scrub in on her surgeries as punishment for going to her office without permission. After their funny wedding nothing mattered to him than being with his wife of few minutes ago but Melisa insisted she had to go home and get some sleep before her night shift. 'We just got married Lisa, shouldn't we be on the road by now.' 'In your dreams D.' 'Are you annoyed about the way we got married?' 'No, it's perfect. We could have a bigger one once you get your prosthetics.' 'Then what is it.' 'That nurse from earlier.' She faced him sternly. 'Wait, are you jealous right now?' He asked teasingly when he was the one leading her on earlier. 'Shouldn’t I?' She asked bossily folding his shirts back in to his bag. 'Mom?' Dane ignored her calling out to his parents knowing they were standing at the door hoping to come in since he came back to his room. They both came rushing in. 'Do you need help?’ Mrs. Reed asked. 'Can you tell the new Mrs. Reed, who Peach is?' Melisa didn't know he was going to do that. She tried telling him to stop but he was adamant. 'My cousin’s daughter. Why?' Her mom muttered. 'Nothing, my honeymoon just started with a bang.' He said and Melisa gave him a smack. His parents didn't understand what was going on but they hoped to get their own issues with their son sorted out soon. 'I guess I will see you later.' Melisa kissed him and rushed out before he could hold her back. So he was stuck with his parents and he had no choice than to talk over their issues. 'Where are you off to in a hurry?' Grissel asked Melisa who was storming out of the hospital. 'I'm going home.' 'Which of the homes?' Tom chipped in. 'Julia's place.' She said straightening her dress. 'I thought you are married now.' Tom asked sarcastically. 'So I shouldn't breathe anymore?' Melisa was sounding angry. 'You would get used to it.' Grissel teased. 'Lisa can I go to Daddy’s place with you?' Dani who probably didn’t hear them earlier announced. 'I'm not going to your Dad's place.' 'I will go anywhere with you.' Shirley stressed. 'Let's get going then.' Melisa said looking at Grissel for approval. She saw Paige coming towards her and rushed off to meet her. 'If you need help packing, just call me.' Tom laughed. *** It has been three months and Dane has since been cleared of every charge from the police. Henry’s friends confessed and got three years each for knowing about the duel but didn’t report. Henry was cremated and his brothers from Texas came for his ashes. Everything was going on well with the entire family as they await Grissel’s bundle of joys so they could celebrate in a grand way. *** ‘It was nice having an alone sleep over time with you.’ Grissel mentioned to Stella when he drove her back home. They were parked outside the gate having their final gist. ‘Let’s do this again, once you put to bed.’ ‘I’m not sure that would be possible.’ ‘Why not? Tom let you go out with me alone all by himself right?’ Stella asked. ‘Yes, it came as a surprise when he parked my bag for me last night.’ ‘Then he can do it again. All you need to do is ask.’ ‘I would try.’ Grissel rubbed her belly gently. ‘I can’t wait to start eating right.’ Stella laughed. ‘You are in your last month right?’ ‘Ahuh, I have two weeks more to give birth and Tom has been giving me all the special treatments.’ ‘You deserve it girlfriend.’ ‘I know I do but he has made me lazy with this pregnancy and I’m not so sure I can give birth on my own.’ ‘You can and besides, you’ve been taking the morning walks like Lisa told you to do two months ago.’ Grissel smiled. ‘I only managed a month. Tom was scared.’ ‘Wow, but I’m sure you are healthy enough for the push.’ She teased. ‘Your time would come soon.’ Grissel smacked her. ‘Is this where you start telling Austin to spend more nights in his bed?’ ‘I knew you wouldn’t take my advice.’ ‘I couldn’t help it Grissel besides he was so charming and I just had t….’ ‘Don’t say it.’ She cautioned. Your sex life isn’t my problem anymore, I’m just glad you two are happy.’ ‘I’m sorry.’ Stella giggled. ‘Let’s talk about law school. Are you sure?’ ‘Oh yes. I’m very sure I want to go back.’ ‘Great, I already talked to Jessy to pay attention to you.’ ‘Thank you but about the firm can you handle it then I pay up once I get my fees sorted out.’ She said sadly. ‘Don’t tell me you are broke Ella?’ ‘I’m not but it’s a lot of money to withdraw from the company’s account.’ ‘What happened to the trust fund? I thought your parents made that decision for your law school.’ ‘Girl, I’ve spent half of that money while in Mexico. I don’t want to squander the rest.’ ‘That’s messed up and I guess Daddy had no idea.’ Grissel muttered. ‘He would drop dead if I tell him.’ Stella mentioned. ‘What would you do now?’ Grissel enquired. ‘Dane.’ She mentioned. ‘You want him to help you?’ ‘Of course, it was his fault I left school and went to Mexico in the first place.’ ‘Seriously, if you want him to help you don’t have to blame him.’ ‘I know but I think it would be a fresh start for us.’ ‘Great idea but don’t worry I would handle the payout for the office space.’ ‘I would pay back once our firm start getting clients.’ Stella replied her. ‘But I have to talk to Tom first about our decision to start a firm together.’ ‘I’m sure he would agree. Austin is all in for it.’ ‘You already told your boyfriend?’ Grissel was surprised. ‘What?’ ‘We discussed this just last night and he already knows.’ Grissel said. ‘He called when you slept off and we run out of what to discuss.’ ‘And the first thing that came in to your head is out joint venture.’ Grissel scolded. ‘I’m sorry, he likes the idea.’ ‘Wait is that not Dane’s car parked out there.’ Stella looked out of the window and realized she was right. ‘What is he doing here and I thought Tom banned him from coming to your house.’ Stella asked. ‘It’s probably Melisa who had come to visit her brother.’ Grissel replied. ‘Yeah, you are right. Let’s go in so you could say Hi.’ ‘Happy Birthday Grissel.’ ‘Today is my birthday?’ ‘You forgot?’ Her friend asked. Grissel nodded. ‘Yes, why won’t I forget when I have two lives growing inside me and two kids at home who over pamper me.’ ‘Why did you think I brought the entire ice-cream shop to the beach just for you today?’ ‘I forgot we use to do that and I thought you were just trying to catch up.’ ‘No, anyway have this.’ She handed her the file. Grissel looked up at her face and opened it. ‘You are handing your position to Tom?’ ‘Ahuh, and my dad suggested it since I told him about going back to school.’ ‘He did huh!’ Grissel doesn’t sound happy. ‘Grissel, what is it?’ ‘You do realize, this would take Tom out of town almost every time.’ ‘I know so it’s his decision to make. Just be happy for him.’ ‘I am happy for him. I want my husband to succeed but is it also selfish of me to ask him to be home all the time.’ ‘No, it’s okay you want that but you haven’t even read the contract in there.’ Grissel took another look and sighed. ‘He can work from home if he decides to.’ ‘Yes and he’s free to change job’s when he wants to as well.’ ‘Ella, I love you. Thank you so much.’ ‘I guess you should tell him the good news yourself.’ Grissel couldn’t wait to get back inside the house. With her belly doing the running for her she got in hurriedly and opened the door. Stella who already knew about the birthday party waited for a while before going in. She knew Grissel would get mad at her. ‘I should have known that was why you sent me away.’ Grissel who entered and met her entire family waiting up for her stood at the door yelling out to Tom. He came rushing to her at the door. ‘I knew you would forget with this load you are carrying in on your body. She looked at him for a while and giggled. ‘Did you get ice-cream?’ ‘Julia made some healthy ones.’ ‘Good, would you carry me to the table where everyone is seated right now?’ ‘Is this my punishment?’ ‘Mom, happy birthday. I got a crown for you.’ Shirley who had kept her crown from her last birthday gave it out to her rushed and rushed off to Stella who was smiling at everyone. ‘There we go.’ He carried her to the table where he had made her favorite soup. Jessy was the first to give her the present they brought and the rest of the family followed. ‘Clive, I’m glad you are here.’ She said when their eyes met at the table. ‘Thank you.’ He wasn’t so sure what that meant for him. ‘Can we eat now because I feel like I’m about to explode.’ Grissel said and they made fun of her. Obviously nobody took her words seriously. She handed the promotion letter to Tom who was overjoyed to the extent of jumping on Stella who dropped a glass. Julia came to clean up while Tom asked Austin permission to dance with Stella. Grissel had refused everyone’s dance that evening. ‘Are you okay sweetheart.’ Gina asked. ‘I don’t feel well but at the same time I just want to sit here and admire my husband.’ Gina laughed. ‘You are so much like your dad.’ ‘Mom, thank you for being here.’ ‘I’m your mom and would be anywhere with you.’ She looked at Gina and smiled. ‘Is it okay if I say I love you?’ ‘You’ve already said it my dear and I love you too.’ Gina responded wiping her face when Grissel wasn’t looking. ‘I know you do.’ Grissel muttered putting her head on her shoulders. ‘Your body is hot than usual. Are you sure we don’t need to go to the hospital.’ ‘No mom. I have a doctor and a nurse in here just in case.’ ‘A retired nurse and a doctor without gloves.’ Her mom teased. ‘You two can still get the job done but to be honest I’m fine.’ ‘If you say so.’ Gina said with worry in her voice. Julia standing far away watching them smiled to herself and sent Dani to give her some ice cream. Dani rushed to them handing Grissel a scoop of ice cream. She rushed off before Grissel could say thank you. Melisa came dragging Grissel over to the end of the room with a bag. ‘You got me something too?’ She grinned. Melisa was the only one who hasn’t given her anything yet. ‘Yes, my husband says Hi.’ She handed her the box. ‘Aww, I’m really sorry Tom didn’t want him around me.’ ‘That’s fine. We are used to that already.’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes, and that decision is the least of my troubles now.’ ‘You have problems with him already?’ Grissel questioned trying to open the box. ‘He’s always at the hospital every night all in the name of therapy.’ ‘But I thought those sessions are done during the day.’ ‘Yes but you know Dane. He has paid for private evening sessions.’ Grissel laughed. ‘Get used to it.’ ‘I am but I can’t concentrate at work knowing he always ends up sleeping over in my office.’ ‘I think he’s just bored at home. Why don’t you take over morning shifts that way you get off work early?’ ‘Michelle said I have to wait for a few more months to get that sorted out.’ ‘I’m sorry, just talk to him about it.’ ‘That one doesn’t listen. Stubborn like his daughter.’ ‘You do know that’s my daughter too right.’ ‘Ahuh, let me help you with that.’ Melisa collected the box and opened it just when Tom came to meet them. ‘Who sent that?’ ‘My husband.’ Melisa said avoiding his gaze. ‘Okay, let me see.’ He collected the box from Melisa to check what was in. He read the content of the note and handed it over. ‘Should I keep it?’ Grissel asked scared of the answer. ‘Yes, including the cheque. Just make sure you use it for the intended purpose.’ He gave her a peck and rushed off. ‘Cheque.’ She muttered watching Melisa closely. ‘That’s for Shirley’s research program.’ ‘You guys don’t need to do this. I have that covered and my daughter is too young for this research stuff.’ ‘Easy, you have an education trust fund for her right.’ ‘Of course, which Reed insist on taking care of her tuitions so I think I would just leave the money in there until she’s ready to get married.’ ‘Okay, then open an account for her with this money so once she’s ready to start her medical research you let her have it.’ ‘That’s perfect but what’s the tablet for?’ Grissel asked instead of reading the note attached. ‘Read the note.’ ‘Oh! She exclaimed and grabbed it. ‘Even under my custody Reed keeps spoiling her daughter.’ ‘I know he’s stubborn but Shirley asked for it.’ ‘So you didn’t get me anything yourself?’ Grissel asked reluctantly. ‘I’m sorry Love. I brought myself.’ Melisa giggled. ***
30 Jul 2018 | 12:52
*** Stella looked around and when no one was watching she went out of the house and knocked on the car she suspected Dane was sleeping inside. Dane raised up his head and proceeded in opening the door. ‘Hey, is the party over?’ He asked raising himself off the seat so she could sit with him. ‘No, it just started.’ ‘I guess till Daddy calls.’ He laughed. ‘You know I’m still angry with you right?’ ‘I know and I can’t keep apologizing when you are not ready to let me in.’ ‘Okay but I need help.’ ‘With what?’ ‘A loan for my law school.’ ‘You are going back to school?’ Dane asked. ‘Yes, it was your fault I left in the first place.’ She angrily said. ‘Really, you need help. The best you could do was to spare me the anger. ‘I’m sorry, I just messed up my trust fund.’ ‘And you don’t want Dad to find out?’ ‘No, I will be sending him to his early grave but mom knows.’ ‘How much do you need?’ Dane asked after listening to her. She looked at him weirdly. ‘You’ve paid for law school before Dane.’ He grabbed his cheque book from his bag beside him and wrote her a cheque. ‘Would this be enough?’ He asked. ‘Thank you Dane.’ ‘I would put the Connecticut house in your name then you sell it off and so you could settle the trust fund.’ ‘I knew you never liked that house after what happened.’ ‘Let me know if it won’t be enough to cover up your reckless attitudes in the past.’ Dane didn’t want to remember what happened so he ignored that part. She glared. ‘Would your wife be okay with all these?’ ‘I would clear that with her later.’ ‘Well, I would sort you out.’ ‘There’s no need for that. Can’t I help my sister anymore?’ ‘I love you Dane.’ She reached out for a hug. ‘How did you even know I was in here?’ ‘Lisa kept looking through the window since I arrived.’ ‘That lady would give me up for Tom to beat up.’ ‘She loves you Dane.’ ‘I know but her brother doesn’t trust me yet.’ ‘I’m sure Tom would be fine once you treat Lisa okay.’ They were talking when a knock came on the glass. It was Tom, he must have figured it out too. ‘Lisa said I could stay here. It wasn’t my idea.’ Dane quickly said when Stella opened the door. Tom just laughed. ‘It’s okay. I forgot to mention I changed my mind about our agreement.’ ‘You did?’ Dane asked getting hold of his wheel chair from the back. ‘Let me help with that.’ Stella offered. ‘Yes, my sister is glowing so you are off the hook but once you put tears in her eyes w…..’ ‘I get it. Can we go already?’ Dane asked hastily. ‘She kept looking through the window and that’s how I knew you were here.’ ‘I guess she miss me already.’ Dane laughed. Stella fixed the wheel and he got in while Tom pushed him in to the house. Everyone seemed relaxed when he got in. He went round greeting everyone and paused at where Melisa stood facing Grissel Dani rushed on to his dad while Melisa just smiled happily. ‘So as I was saying before the intrusion, I overheard Austin discussing with Tom this evening Grissel needed an office space.’ ‘You can’t keep your mouth shut right?’ Stella hit Austin on the head since he was closer. Tom ignored them but he seemed worried because he was staring at Grissel weirdly. ‘And I got just a perfect place five blocks from here. I just got a call right now it’s available.’ She smiled cheekily. ‘I would make sure my brother gets you the office space.’ ‘Tom?’ Julia called out when his thoughts seemed far away from the discussion on board. ‘Grissel?’ He yelled out jumping to hold her when he wasn’t even close. It occurred to everyone that was what he was staring at. ‘Help me get her up.’ Tom said referring to Austin. ‘She’s still breathing Tom.’ Melisa said after she rushed there to check her pulse. Julia and Gina was restless until she woke up a few minutes after. ‘Mom, I can feel the baby coming.’ She whispered to her mom. Melisa looked up at Tom and then to Gina. ‘We don’t have time for the hospital.’ ‘Is she okay, Tom asked frightened and flared up when no one was saying anything. ’Say something Lisa.’ Melisa who was busy checking her under her skirt to confirm her theory of the baby coming out was uncertain. The guys in the room gave them space and gathered a distance away. ‘Help me carry her u…..’ She didn’t even finish before Tom carried her away. All the ladies in the house followed while Dane held Dani back because she was crying. ‘Dad, I’m scared.’ ‘You trust Lisa right?’ ‘Yes, but mommy looks unwell.’ ‘She will be fine.’ *** ‘Get her in to the tab.’ Gina told him. Tom gently placed her down and rushed out coming back with a medicine bag. ‘You will find all the items you need in there.’ He muttered breathing heavily. Gina shook her head and watched the impatient man on him. ‘Relax, she will be fine.’ He paced around and saw Melisa staring at him. ‘What?’ He snarled. ‘Nothing, just wondering how you got all these supplies.’ ‘Michelle helped me out.’ ‘Michelle?’ Melisa mentioned surprised and he paused in his steps. ‘Yes, I needed to prepare for emergencies like this.’ He said pacing around. ‘Okay, I think she’s dilated enough.’ Gina said after checking her in the water. Melisa is a general surgeon and not an Obstetrician but she does know a lot about delivering fresh babies and Gina must have retired but Tom trust the both of them. They grabbed gloves and started attending to her. ‘What’s the delay Lisa?’ ‘Tom, I need ice- cream.’ Grissel smiled through her pain. It occurred to her mom she had some strength left and ready for the task. Before they knew it Tom was back with the ice cream. He went closer and fed her while Gina got a few things sorted out. Grissel consumed the ice-cream within a twinkle of an eye. Everyone in the room eventually got gloves just in case they needed to help. ‘You know what to do right?’ Gina asked Grissel who was trying so hard not to sleep off. Her mom quickly undressed her in the water.’ ‘Yes, I nee..d t.o push.’ She said holding back her pain. ‘Good, once you feel my hands, just do the needful.’ ‘Okay mom but is he….’ ‘I’m right here sweetheart.’ Melisa didn’t wait her to finish the question. ‘Please tell your brother to stop staring at my private part.’ She suddenly said. Grissel knew she had to make a joke so she could relax. ‘I’m not watching Love.’ Tom whispered in to her ears while holding her hands firmly in the water. Grissel probably didn’t notice he was around her. Jessy also held on to her other hand. ‘Jessy.’ ‘I told you I would be with you till it’s over.’ Jessy reminded her of their conversation a week earlier. ‘Who’s watching my daughter?’ She pushed herself up. ‘Dane is and she can’t wait to meet her brothers.’ Jessy responded. ‘Grissel I’m set.’ Gina who was done with fixing her gloves said to prevent her from worrying about unnecessary things. ‘Mom, let’s start already.’ She winced in pain. Julia was on standby with all the equipment’s Melisa had in her car, though she had no idea what each they were meant for. Stella was constantly looking away and holding on to Paige tightly. ‘Jessy, I don’t think I can do t….’ She groan in pain once more. ‘You have done this before so you can.’ Her sister was holding her hands firmly. ‘Tom bring your ass down here.’ Grissel yelled even in her situation forgetting Tom was holding her other hand. He was going to talk when Melisa spoke. ‘Shhhh, just relax. I can see the legs already.’ Melisa calmed her down. ‘Really.’ Tom finally said without blinking. He was so brave watching the whole delivery process. ‘Tom if I don’t make it you have to stop fighting with everyone.’ His voice made her realize he was still around with her. ‘What?’ He yelled probably because Grissel mentioned she wasn’t going to make it. Julia walked to him tapping him gently. ‘You just need to talk to her at this moment.’ She glared at her aunty for a moment and then switched from holding hands to smooching her hair which seemed to give Grissel a more relaxed body. ‘Why d..on’t you want me to stop fighting?’ Tom asked when it seemed she was patience now. ‘I can’t sav….’ Oucch. ‘ She winced in pain. ‘Who would tolerate you?’ She said just then the first baby finally came out. Gina was the happiest in the room when the baby cried, her smile was profound and Julia was ready to take him up while Melisa worked on the umbilical cord. Gina and Melisa switched places so she could check the first baby out. There was no doubt Gina still got her skills as a nurse though in her entire life she delivered babies only five times which were all emergency cases. ‘Is it over?’ Tom asked with a shaky voice. ‘Don’t be dumb. I still have one more to go.’ Grissel said with all her strength and laid back in the water. ‘Alright, but Love I retract my earlier statements.’ Melisa gave her a gentle tap which meant she had to push. Grissel pushed when she felt her hands. ‘Which… Uhmmm…one.’ Grissel asked concentrating both on the pushing and Tom. ‘Seeing you go through this, I don’t want you to have another baby.’ ‘Okay, Tom hold me.’ She said finally and the second baby came out with Melisa’s help. Grissel relaxed back in the water with closed eyes. The baby made shrieked and stopped after Melisa had dealt with the umbilical cord. Melisa called Gina over to clean up Grissel while she take care of the new one. Julia was excited holding the first baby firmly. Tom totally forgot about his wife and rushed after her sister who was holding the fresh baby. He was constantly smiling. Stella rushed to her immediately while Gina kept pouring water on her face. ‘Tom get yourself down here right now.’ Stella yelled scaring everyone. Tom had to see his boys while Melisa wrapped them up for the hospital. ‘What happened?’ He asked nervously. ‘Relax, she’s fine.’ Gina announced when he came rushing over. ‘Are you sure?’ Stella asked almost in tears. ‘Ella, don’t be stupid.’ Grissel said smiling weakly. ‘Seriously, you still have the mouth to say foul words.’ Her friend asked relaxed when Grissel finally spoke up. ‘I just gave birth so it’s allowed.’ She said still in closed eyes. ‘Love are you okay?’ ‘Is that my lazy husband?’ She asked smiling again. Everyone knew she was doing that on purpose now. ‘Yes, your lazy husband is here. Do you need anything?’ He asked caressing her hands in the water she just gave birth in. ‘Don’t get me pregnant again.’ She said opening her eyes now. ‘Okay, I’m sorry.’ Tom said giving her a kiss on the forehead. With all the air condition in the room he was sweating profusely. He walked away to see his kids smiling. ‘Mom, are the boys okay?’ She finally asked drenched in sweat as well. ‘Yes, they are beautiful.’ Gina was excited. ‘Thank you mom for all your love.’ Gina grinned and watched her completely exhausted. ‘Save that love for a hang out when you are finally settled.’ ‘That would be great.’ Grissel responded happily to her mom’s request. ‘Love, they look like me.’ Tom suddenly teased. ‘If these kids look like you, then I’m having another baby for myself.’ She said with a little seriousness. ‘I think I may want another baby too.’ Tom replied her. ‘Don’t be silly right now.’ Grissel responded while her mom laughed. ‘Okay, I think three kids are enough Grissel.’ He walked over to her landing a kiss gently on her cheeks. ‘Can I see them now?’ Grissel asked impatiently. ‘Just a minute Grissel.’ Melisa and Julia chorused. They were both doing the cleanup of the babies and wrapping them up. Julia kept wiping her face repeatedly. ‘Seeing this kids must be difficult for you but thank you so much for giving up having your own kids for us.’ ‘Don’t talk nonsense.’ Julia wiped her face. ‘I’m crying because these boys have your mom’s dimples.’ ‘Yeah I noticed. Do you think mom is happy right now?’ Melisa asked naively. ‘Definitely, with this dimples I’m sure she is.’ Tom who had never seen his mom before answered from behind them. ‘And you know that how?’ Julia asked with surprise. ‘Dad, told me all that last week over a few drinks.’ ‘You went drinking with your dad?’ Julia queried. ‘Yes, we talked about mom a lot and it was fun.’ Tom admitted. ‘Oh really, so did he mention why he left?’ Melisa asked while Julia eagerly looked on. ‘No, he still hasn’t figured out why though they had an argument about having me when it was supposed to be just you.’ He pointed to Melisa. ‘I remember that day and sometimes I think mom rather threw him out because of not wanting another baby.’ ‘I think it was just a misunderstanding and they both were too proud to come back together.’ Tom whispered. ‘Then I think you are a better man than him.’ Julia praised him. ‘Not just a better man but a great dad to this amazing boys and a smart daughter.’ ‘Is my mom okay in there Lisa?’ Came Daniella’s tiny voice. Everyone in the room looked back at the door. ‘Saved by the bell.’ Tom laughed out, followed by her aunty and then Melisa. The rest didn’t understand why they were laughing. ‘Princess, can you stay out for a minute. I would be down soon.’ Grissel said loudly to the surprise of everyone. They were surprise she still has so much strength. ‘Okay, Dad says Hi.’ She said cheekily and they could hear her footsteps rushing out of the doorway. Tom obviously didn’t hear that because he was busy staring at his kids. Then came a screech from the boys at the same time. ‘Tom are you hurting Shane and Shawn.’ ‘No, I didn’t touch them.’ He lied. ‘Wait, you named them without my permission?’ Julia smacked him on the head. ‘And what’s so wrong about that?’ ‘I had names already.’ He frowned. ‘Joyce and Julia?’ Melisa teased and the whole room was soon lively because everyone was laughing. ‘But they are nice names?’ He tried to defend himself. ‘Tom, you are so not ready to be a father yet.’ Stella chipped in holding back with her laughter. ‘I am ready.’ He said and everyone glanced at him weirdly. ‘Okay what about Jules and Jon.’ He came up with another hilarious one. ‘That’s not bad.’ Jessy and Paige chorused. ‘Fine. You can call them that but I’m not changing Shane and Shawn.’ Grissel insisted. ‘But that’s not fair.’ He announced. ‘Shane, Shawn.’ Tom mimicked his wife and finally smiled. ‘I think we have spent too much time in here already so let’s head out.’ Melisa reminded them. For what looks like three hours they were done and came out with Tom insisting to carry the two boys by himself. Everyone that came for the party wanted to go to the hospital too so they shared their cars among themselves. Dane offered his SUV so Grissel and Tom could have some privacy while Joe offered to drive Gina and Julia to the hospital. He winked at Julia with a soft kiss before they drove off. Morris got a ride with Jessy and Adam since he came in the company of Joe and Julia but they had already left. Mike also offered to drive Melisa and Dane. Clive was left alone there when Paige came out as she was tasked to lock up the house. ‘You are still here?’ She asked him. ‘Everyone has left, so I guess I would just go home and sleep.’ ‘It’s just nine in the evening.’ Paige answered him while waving the security. ‘Maybe I could drive you to the hospital.’ ‘I know your kind Clive.’ ‘Okay, forget I asked.’ He replied and walked over to his car. ‘Wait, I came with Mel so basically I have to grab a cab.’ ‘Just hop in and I know you heard about what I nearly did to Grissel but be assured I’m different now.’ Paige glanced at him for a while and entered his car. He drove off in total silence. *** ‘Lisa.’ Dane called up as she seemed to be dozing off on his shoulders. ‘Are we there yet?’ She asked. ‘When are we going to have our own babies?’ Dane ignored her question. He knew it was time for him to make the first move since his wife has been so patience with him. The sleep in her eyes vanished at that moment. ‘Wait you want kids?’ ‘Yes, don’t you?’ He asked softly so Mike and Dani at the front wouldn’t hear them. Dane mentioned rubbing her thighs gently and then stared confusedly. ‘Now that you are rubbing my thighs, I hope you won’t use your leg as an excuse.’ Melisa was excited because she knows what comes next. ‘It’s not funny Lisa.’ Dane thought she was making fun of his leg since that has been her anthem these past few months. ‘Why do you always have to worry about the leg Dane?’ ‘Because it’s the same thing keeping us from having sex.’ He retorted softly. ‘No you are the one keeping us from being together because I don’t have a problem with your leg.’ ‘But you always make fun of it.’ Dane complained. ‘It’s not easy seeing you struggle in a wheel all the time but I love everything about you.’ ‘Including my one leg?’ He asked smiling now. ‘Yes so can we make time tomorrow evening.’ She asked reaching out for a kiss. ‘My parents are around and it’s our turn to have Dani for the weekend.’ ‘You think your daughter would want to come play wheel mate when she has new brothers to play with?’ ‘Okay, then my parents could go to the cabin.’ He muttered. Dane had purchased a house closer to the hospital to make it easier for his wife because of her job. He has also made plans to get a branch of his company in Seattle while Brooks handles the company in Dallas. ‘Thank God. Finally, after several months I’m now going to be laid.’ She yelled out forgetting they were not alone in the car. Dane covered her mouth to remind her. ‘Lisa, what’s going on with you two there?’ ‘Everything is fine Princess. Lisa is just happy about your brothers.’ Dane said and Melisa giggled. ‘I’m happy too daddy and can I stay this weekend with mommy.’ ‘Yes, you can stay as long as you want.’ Melisa quickly said laughing. ‘Thank you.’ Dani muttered and kept quiet. Dane and Melisa laughed quietly. ‘God bless you for staying by my side through the difficult times.’ Dane finally muttered. ‘I love you.’ Melisa whispered. *** As Stella drove them to the hospital with Austin in the front seat, she looked frightened. ‘What’s on your mind right now?’ Austin asked. ‘I don’t want to have kids.’ ‘No problem.’ Austin said and looked through the front mirror staring at Tom and Grissel at the back. They looked cozy and perfect together. He kept smiling. Tom noticed they were looking at them so he shut the glass in between them. ‘You are smiling Austin.’ ‘Yes, your friends finally got their happy ending.’ ‘You will get there too Austin.’ Stella encouraged. ‘On that note, will you marry me?’ Stella came to an abrupt halt. Tom opened his side of the glass and peeped. ‘What’s happening?’ Both Austin and Stella stared at each other. ‘Nothing I would drive now.’ She stepped on the break and they drove off. There was total silence in the car for a while. ‘How long have you been carrying that ring on you?’ Stella asked him. ‘Which ring?’ Austin acted naively. ‘I’m not stupid Austin. Just bring it out already.’ ‘Busted!’ He grinned. ‘I got this the night I came to your house and you introduced me to your parents.’ ‘You were going to propose that night?’ Stella gasped. ‘Ahuh, but your parents were too lovely that I forgot.’ ‘Very funny.’ Stella giggled. ‘Okay, I just thought of waiting for a while because you seemed not ready that night.’ ‘So when did you realize I was ready.’ Stella teased. ‘I don’t know but I love you that’s all I need right now.’ ‘Maybe after sleeping with me, you finally realized I’m for the keep.’ ‘I guess I have to keep the ring to myself then.’ He feigned a frown. ‘Come on, I was just joking.’ She whispered quietly. ‘I love sneaking in to your room late at night.’ ‘I got you right there.’ He laughed quietly too. ‘So now what?’ He asked her holding the ring waiting for an answer. ‘Austin you are happily annoying all the time and I admire that about you but I hate it when you cover the whole bed leaving just a small space for me.’ She announced still focused on the driving. ‘We will get a bigger bed later.’ Austin said to calm her. ‘Can you put the ring on now?’ She asked politely, releasing her left hand from the steering wheel and placed it gently on his laps with her eyes sternly on the road. ‘This is forever Stella.’ He reminded her softly. ‘And I want eternity together with you too.’ She muttered slowing the car down. Austin excitedly fixed the ring on her finger and gently landed a kiss on her hand. ‘Thank you Austin and oh we can have kids anytime you are ready.’ ‘What changed your mind?’ ‘Your smiles earlier and besides I was just scared after seeing Grissel go through a lot of pains.’ ‘I would be there to get you through.’ She smiled and reached out carefully for a kiss. While they were at it, Grissel couldn’t help but laugh. ‘You two do know there are babies in here right?’ Stella gasped and focused back on the road driving. She had no idea they were watching. “Congratulations.” Both Tom and Grissel chorused. Austin reached out for their glass and closed it forcefully. Grissel laughed in the background while one of her boys gave out a cry waking up the other twin. They were probably hungry and Grissel was an expert at feeding twins so she gladly did and Tom stared in amazement. ‘I sure did married a good one.’ Grissel stared at him for a long time and then handed him one of the boys. ‘And I choose the best man to be the father of my three kids.’ ‘Is this where we end up making up.’ Tom winked. ‘No, you can reserve all that for our vacation.’ ‘Which vacation Grissel?’ ‘You promised your daughter a three weeks’ vacation.’ ‘Yes, but Dane is supposed to have her during this summer.’ ‘Oh I totally forgot.’ She grinned. ‘That would be fun with just the two of us on that beach.’ Tom gestured at the boys. ‘Four of us Love.’ Grissel frowned and Tom reached out for a kiss. ‘You are going to be mine forever.’ Grissel giggled. ‘I cross my heart Love.’ Grissel found it funny and laughed. She noticed Tom was all over the kids face with his hands. ‘If you wake them up, you would carry them both at your back.’ She cautioned and starts to doze off after a short while. ‘Jules and Jon.’ Tom whispered softly as he didn’t want his wife to hear him mention the names she so much don’t like. He run his hands through her hair after she fell asleep minutes after their chat. He kept smiling with the two kids sleeping gently on the both of them while the car sped off under the beautiful bridges of Seattle. ***** THE END
30 Jul 2018 | 12:56
wow wow wow so wonderful
30 Jul 2018 | 15:07
wow,,,, dis is great, I mean wonderful,,,, everyone of dem just found dia rightful owner and place... weldone dear to the writer. more knowledge
30 Jul 2018 | 19:23
Waoh!!! Nice ending...God bless the writer
31 Jul 2018 | 06:23
wonderful and sweet ending .....keep it up
31 Jul 2018 | 07:34
wow wow wow so wonderful
1 Aug 2018 | 08:05
wow,,,, dis is great, I mean wonderful,,,, everyone of dem just found dia rightful owner and place… weldone dear to the writer. more knowledge
Thank you
1 Aug 2018 | 08:05
Waoh!!! Nice ending…God bless the writer
God bless you too for reading
1 Aug 2018 | 08:06
wonderful and sweet ending …..keep it up
Thanks for following.
1 Aug 2018 | 08:07
wow!!beautiful ending
1 Aug 2018 | 12:03
I love this story!!
1 Aug 2018 | 12:04
Thanks Bella I can't wait to read more of ur stories kiss ?
7 Aug 2018 | 08:30
Thanks Bella I can’t wait to read more of ur stories kiss ?
God bless you for reading.
8 Aug 2018 | 13:25
24 Aug 2018 | 02:09


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