Blind Desire by Aartial D.

Blind Desire by Aartial D.

By FuckFakeFriends in 21 Oct 2016 | 14:02
FuckFakeFriends FuckFakeFriends

FuckFakeFriends FuckFakeFriends

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Episode One.
I watched as my friends went on rattling about their boyfriends...their boyfriends got them them this...too much stories both the ones that happened and the ones that never did...then the sex their boyfriends played with the Vjay...pinched and sucked their nipples...some i found intruiging, some i found disgusting.

'Ivyy...why arent u saying anything?' Oma asked.

'see why i've always told you to get a boyfriend? See, now u dont have anything to contribute' Henna, the eldest amongst us said. Henna was not really my friend and i usually tried my best to keep her as far as possible...i believed she was a bad influence and it was since she joined our school that my friends started acting negatively...well, they could fall for her bad advice but i will not.

I just smiled saying nothing.

'or have u gotten urself a boyfriend we dont know?' Ije asked smiling devilishly..

I stopped walking 'i'm sorry guys but i have to rush home now...i have to help my mum in her store and i also have some chores to do at home, i will see u guys in school tomorrow'

'but we are going home together arent we?' Oma asked.

'or u want to do corner corner...dont worry, we understand, a girl needs to change oil once in a while...go on...we are right behind u...' Henna said.

I fought the urge not to eye her...instead i walked away.

They all thought of me as introverted and naive...yes, maybe i'm introverted but i'm not naive...or so i thought.

I had always wanted to marry a virgin and i promised myself that the first man i fell in love with is going to be the one who puts a ring on my finger.

My friends were far from being virgins....all thanks to that witch called Henna.

Henna's father was the richest man in Umueke....she had a driver who always took her to school or wherever she went but most times she preferred to walk with us one our way home from school...she wasnt all that beautiful but she had a figure one would die for and she was the most popular girl in school.

In our so called friendship circle, i was the most quiet and hardworking and this made people wonder how i managed to roll with their clique...truth be told, i didnt know...but i just knew that i felt complete with them...and being with them made me forget about my family problems.

'Ivyy' i heard a familiar voice call from behind.

I quickly friends were far behind...i stopped and watched as my father strolled to where i was...he regarded me with a look that could be called disgust mixed with love...i just dont know how to put it.

'daddy...good afternoon sir..' i stammered.

He didnt acknowledge my greeting 'where are u headed?'

Where else...if not home...i wanted to say...but i knew better 'i'm...i'm going home..'

He placed his hand on his waist and looked at me accessingly 'follow me...' he said and started walking in the opposite direction.

I wanted to argue but i changed my mind and followed him...i sighted my friends waving at me and i waved at them too.

'where are we going to?' i asked with gathered courage after few minutes of walking through bushpaths.

He continued walking 'aunty Chimezie's house' he replied curtly.

'what are we going to do there? Is she sick?' i wondered why we were suddenly going to see her.


'then why are we going there?'

'because thats where you are going to be living...your things are already there...'

'what?!' i stopped walking 'why... Did something happen at home?!'

He ignored my question and pulled me along 'you will go to school and church from there and you are not allowed to come close to the house or ur mother's shop...have i made myself clear?!'

'what daddy? Have i done something wrong?' i asked getting close to tears...i couldnt stand being separated from Dada and my mum.

'just be a good girl and Chimezie will treat you well...i will provide everything you need and i will come visit periodically...'

'but dad...'

'no more word from you Ivyy'

I sobbed...

21 Oct 2016 | 14:02
I look forward to reading this story
21 Oct 2016 | 14:11
So i said i was going to take a year break but i couldnt and i dont know y...lets just say storywriting completes me and i cant do without here we are...Blind desire...tho dis is d shortest story i've ever written...i dnt want a long story dat becomes boring at the beloved readers @frankkay @sunshine @onahsunday631 @victoriouschild @adauche @ele1 special invites from me
21 Oct 2016 | 14:12
21 Oct 2016 | 14:15
@promzy @chinyenorah @willingyung hop in to the spaceship with me we're heading to earth.
21 Oct 2016 | 14:16
am here. bring it on
21 Oct 2016 | 14:19
Seated Ride on
21 Oct 2016 | 14:19
[B]Gentle. Seated @froshberry-2 I no be VVIP nah?[/B]
21 Oct 2016 | 14:20
I won't miss this Thanks for the invitation
21 Oct 2016 | 14:21
Sheybi your name dey there nah? @hormortiyor
21 Oct 2016 | 14:30
21 Oct 2016 | 14:42
Nice one...Try working on your climax and anticlimax,k?
21 Oct 2016 | 14:43
wow tanks for the iv @aarti and @froshberry-2 ride on dear we got ur back
21 Oct 2016 | 14:53
You're welcome.
21 Oct 2016 | 15:09
Thanks @ kizito for d info.
21 Oct 2016 | 15:17
21 Oct 2016 | 16:50
Thanks Sis @Aarti et @Froshberry-2. Next episode pls
21 Oct 2016 | 18:12
why will ur dad behave like that
21 Oct 2016 | 19:37
a year break ke? you want to kill me baa? but why ivvy father they act like that na.. oya @gracy @blair @adrino26 @tenniebenson @pharm-vickymears @olorivicky @giftgodiva @eliboy @starlet @1mimibabe @best98 @cedar1 @tomilayoadebukola @holakizzo @emergencia @temmyjoy @john451 @promzy @nazysophy1 @ademolar @sofia @jovitaej @preciouschild @chomyline et others
22 Oct 2016 | 04:23
0 Likes bae z here with very interesting and mind blowing story @aarti .......bring it on loving it already ivyy just be focus and don't follow bad friends ...u need to change ur friends
22 Oct 2016 | 05:42
Episode Two. I let out an exasperated sigh and faced the guy who wouldnt stop trailing me wherever i went...he was a very popular guy in school...Ralph, a guy whom was well known to have slept with almost all the guys at school. 'Ivyy, just give me a chance, i will take care of you, i really love u..please' he said immediately i turned to him. 'i bet thats what you tell every girl who's ur next target...the same thing you said to Henna and the rest' i said and walked away immediately but not after hearing him curse out. Fool! Just because his family was rich and he walked with swag and the neatest guy in school, he thought every girl would easily fall for his charms. As it was, i already had too much problems on my own and Ralph wasnt going to add to my problems. Its been two weeks since i started staying with aunty Chimezie...after father practically dumped me there. I wasnt allowed to see my mum nor Dada. Aunty Chime practically imprisoned me whenever i came back from school, to the extent she went to the stream herself...going to the market herself instead of sending me...what was going on? Did something happen to Dada and my mother? Why was my life like this? First was my mum being hospitalised due to father's brutality and i being prevented from visiting her. Why was papa trying to separate mama and i? What was going wrong? 'Ivyy....' I raised my head to see Henna standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes and forced a smile 'hi Henna...' 'hi babes...i saw Ralph following you...' she had a mischievous glint in her eyes 'so he's the one kpanshi you now abi?' 'Henna, maybe you should just stop this....there's nothing btw Ralph and i okay?' 'but that guy is hurt and if i hadnt caught him with that ugly albino called Mesoma, we would still have been dating and he would have been servicing me wella' he hissed maliciously 'i hate that albino eh!' I rolled my eyes. Simply because she had caught Mesoma and Ralph in bed, Henna had swore to make life a living hell for Meso in the village. 'so babe, i saw ur neighbour, ehm, whats that her name again...Kina, i saw her and she said she hasnt seen you in the compound for over two weeks now and it seems you havent been living there, whats going on? Did you run away from home?' 'nothing...' i quickly stood up from the chair i had sat on under a mango tree, and packed my books 'i'll be in the library Henna' 'you are going to the library to read abi you want to corner one guy there' 'Henna please!' i sighed and walked away. I heard her laugh 'change oil my dear make ur waist no stiff jareh!' I rolled my eyes...spoilt rabbit! *** 'Ivyy...' aunty Chime said during our evening meal of boiled yam and red oil 'your father was here when you went to school, he bought new novels for u and also new scandals with a new socks and he also gave me some money to give u for ur upkeep' I suddenly lost my appetite...what did papa come to do? I suddenly hated him...why was he preventing me from seeing my mother? Why? 'Ivyy...' aunty Chime said again breaking my thoughts 'i know you are worried about your mother...but i just want you to know that all is well' 'thats a lie aunty and you know it...u and papa are both keeping something from me and i can feel it' i said. I knew aunt Chime had never liked mama and i feel like all this was her doing. She just hated mama for no just reason, i dont know why. 'Ivyy luv, there are just somethings you will never understand now, no matter how well explained it is...we took you away from your mother for some reasons, traditional reasons to save u from shame and stigmatization....' 'what shame and stigmatization aunty?!' i cut in sharply 'what is going on? Is mama dead? Why wont you guys tell me everything? I believe i'm matured enof to handle the truth but please...u guys should not hide things from me...u dont know how it feels to be kept away from the truth...if my mother is in her sick bed, at least let me see her before she dies, aunty please' i pleaded in tears. 'your mother is not in her sick bed Ivyy, she's fine and just know that if you keep persisting on seeing her, we will send you to a faraway village where you wont even think of seeing her' she said calmly dipping her large piece of yam into the oil. 'what?!' 'just so u know Ivyy, we would do anything to separate you from your mother...Dada has been taken in Ezei to live with Uncle Nonso..its because of ur school you are still here...but if u keep insisting on seeing her, just know you are leaving Umueke for good because we would do anything to separate you from your mother...take it that way' I felt shattered and hopeless. TBC
22 Oct 2016 | 06:59
Chai see life
22 Oct 2016 | 08:05
[b] @froshberry-2, are u still sleeping? Come and read the next. @victoriouschild, new epi. Sis. [/b]
22 Oct 2016 | 08:08
22 Oct 2016 | 08:10
Thanks bro @Hormortiyor but I will read it tonight
22 Oct 2016 | 08:25
Thanks @froshberry-2 I Won't miss this..
22 Oct 2016 | 08:41
Episode Three. 'God please save my mother...dont let anything bad happen to her please...' i wept as i prayed 'whatever she's passing through, father give her the strength to overcome it...dont let the plans of then wicked ones...' the tears prevented me from continuing. If anything bad happened to mama, i didnt know if i would be able to survive it...i really loved mama...she was the best mother the world could ever provide. People say mama and i looked alike and it was true, i was a replica of mama. Brown skinned just like her, love-shaped face and almondshaped light green eyes. Dada was lightskinned just like papa with his dreadlocks...his name was Danke but he was called Dada due to his dreadlocks and the Da in his name Danke. I also prayed for Dada too. I felt nothing but hatred towards papa...hatred for separating us from our mother for no just reason...oh how mama must be feeling... Mama had always loved her children and she being separated from us must have hurt real bad. A plan crept into my head and i smiled. *** 'Ivyy, take dis money and make sure you are back from school early alright?' Aunty Chime said thrusting a hundred naira note into my palms. I smiled in gratitude and left the house. They were both the father and herself...wicked people..though aunty Chime had been very nice and caring towards me dis past few weeks, i couldnt help but feel nothing but pure undiluted hatred for her. I hated father and aunt Chime and God was surely going to punish them for their evil deeds especially aunt Chime who hated mama for no just reason. I clutched my books tightly as i crossed the major road leading to the market. My heart suddenly leaped in excitement at the thought of seeing my mother once again. We could plan...we could sneak out of the village and go to Ezei, get Dada and then we leave to a faraway village to start life afresh without papa and his brutality. As i strolled into the line where mama's shop was located, i started running. I sighted mama from afar shading her goods with a faded green top and a worn out wrapper with patches below. I ran to her 'mama!' Before she could turn to me, i had already engaged her in a bear hug. She looked shocked, but then she quickly wrapped her arms around me briefly, then pulled back. She looked around like she was scared, then looked at me. 'Ivyy...what...what are you doing here?' she asked looking around like a thief. I wonder why she did that..was she scared of papa? 'mama...they...they took me away from you' i said hugging her tightly. She held my shoulders and gently pulled me away from her. I could see the tears stinging her eyes but she quickly wiped them with the sleeve of her dress. Then she reached her waist bag and brought out a five hundred naira note and thrust it in my hand, she looked around once more, this time tears were strolling down her cheeks. 'Ivyy...' her voice was shaky with tears 'you have to go now...and please...please i beg you in the name of God, dont come here again...its for your own good, you have to leave immediately..i dont want this to get to your father's ears...and...and the council's...' I was momentarily numb as she fell on her knees clutching her school uniform 'Ivyy, you have to stay away from me, you really have to stay away from me if you want a better life...please protect your future and stay away from me...i'm nothing but badluck and i would only spoil your future if you have anything to do with me..i want us to severe whatever connection we have btw us henceforth...' she was really crying and i felt myself moved with tears as i fell on my knees too. 'mama...' 'please Ivyy, i beg you...' she placed her palms together, then she sniffed and cleaned her nostrils with her wrapper 'take care of Dada for know i love you both, the two of u are my life and i would sacrifice anything to ensure the future of both of you...but for now, just stay away from me..Ivyy biko, go away' 'mama...' 'go away! Ivyy, just go away!' I was crying 'mama, why are you chasing me away?' 'because i love you' she suddenly got up on her feet...she dragged me out of the shop 'run...just go, now!' 'but mama...' 'go! Just go! Stay away from me!' I ran away like a scared kid crying like never before. TBC
22 Oct 2016 | 10:06
Thanks@ @froshberry-2 @john451, in
22 Oct 2016 | 10:10
God! *wipes a tear*
22 Oct 2016 | 10:18
#crying# thanks for the invitation brother @Ele1
22 Oct 2016 | 10:37
#sobs thanks ellybobo @ele1
22 Oct 2016 | 11:06
What is really going on in Ivy's life....... Still following the story... Nice one sis
22 Oct 2016 | 13:40
What could be wrong?
22 Oct 2016 | 14:15
Episode Four. I sat under the large mango tree at the back of the compound..the food and nutrition teacher was in the class and i ddnt offer her subject so i had to leave. I thought of my encounter with my mother the previous morning...she had mentioned something about the council...was she having issues with the village government(council)? If so, what was her offence? Why wasnt anyone letting me in on what was happening? Mama had looked really lean and pale with dark circles under her eyes...she had looked miserable and lonely...and i couldnt help but notice the guilt that crept into her face the moment she saw me. Had papa and aunty Chime set her up? Because it was something they were equally capable of. Maybe papa had finally decided to carry out his threat of marrying a new wife and the best way to discard mama was to frame her up and report her to the council...maybe it was all aunty Chime's idea. I thought of asking Henna...her father was a chief in our town so he would be aware of the case...but how do i discuss that with loudmouthed Henna and expect her to keep it secret...what if it was a deadly crime? What if mama was really guilty of it? No...i shook my head. Mama would never do anything wrong. 'heyy pretty' a voice called. I looked up to see the person i really didnt want to see as at that moment...i immediately frowned 'hi Ralph' 'you dont look happy to see me...whats wrong with my princess?' he was with his geeky friend, Sam or whatever his name was. One funny looking boy who was obviously his errand boy...with his baggy trouser, rumpled shirts..seen better says scandal with his glasses and bowlegs. He was well made jest of in our class..every girl made fun of him in our class for no just reason..even Henna who claimed she had shagged him once back of the principal's office. 'yes maybe i'm not happy to see you...because you are the last person i really dont wanna see right now' i retorted opening my Economics textbook and glancing through. He snatched the book from my hand and sat opposite him...his errand boy standing behing him as usual. 'maybe you should give yourself a break Vee, all work and no play makes Ivyy a dull girl...give yourself a little break and catch some fun...everywhere you go, you are always holding a book...dont u know that no matter how hard u read, u're still going to end up in the kitchen...isnt that so Sam?' he asked facing his errandboy who stammered in affirmation. I smiled wryly 'really? Ever heard of all play and no work at all makes Ralph a dull boy? And do you really think that all girls are destined to end up in the kitchen just like your mother and your entire generational background...and i know you dont read books so you might not know about this woman...late Dora Akunyili...and Ngozi Iweala...wait a minute, you think God destined only men to become successful and popular?' She eyed him and snatched her book from his hands 'you are so full of yourself' I stood up and started walking away when he ran up to me and grabbed my hand. 'let go of me!' i screamed. 'i feel insulted right now Vee...' he smiled though i could still see the anger in his eyes and the i-will-deal-with-you look in his eyes but i didnt care 'but i will forgive you on once condition....' 'really now? Then what does your majesty wants?' i asked sarcastically...whoever told the idiot i needed his forgiveness in the first place? 'just a one night stand...i've heard rumors stating you're a virgin...actually i love them fresh..and i will be very gentle' his hands trailed from my soft cheeks to the first button on my shirt then raised it up again intentionally hitting my right breas.t. I instantly slapped his hand away breathing fast...i really couldnt help the electricity that surged through me the moment his hand touched my br.east...i had felt moist in between my thighs. 'stay away from me Ralph or i will be forced to report you to the school authorities' i said and walked away. *** 'babes...' Oma said running towards me...i plans of avoiding them this afternoon had failed...i had planned to go home alone...without their company so i could think properly but it didnt work...Oma caught me but fortunately, she seemed to be alone. 'where have you been? I've been searching all over for you..' she said panting heavily as she caught up with me. 'sorry...where are the others?' 'Henna went with her driver to her boyfriend's place while Ije waited for the sanitary prefect, seems there is something going on btw dem..they might even lash sef' She chuckled. I rolled my eyes in disgust. 'aha babes! Henna said something about your mother having an issue with the Council, said she overheard her father telling her mother but didnt know her crime...' My heart suddenly flew into my mouth. God...where are u? TBC
22 Oct 2016 | 15:32
Episode Five. I opened the door and frowned when i saw my father standing at the doorpost. He was dressing in a native attire and he only wore that whenever there was a meeting with the council of father were among the ndi iches of the community..but i equally knew that their meetings were scheduled for only Thursdays..and this was a Saturday...maybe he had gone to the council with the issue with my mother. I decided to confront him there and then, he couldnt continue hiding things from me..i was seventeen already and deserved to knew everything going on in my family. 'wont you leave the door and let me in?' he asked in a stern voice and i quickly stepped aside for him to enter 'where's is aunty Chime?' I nearly eyed him but restrained myself 'she's not around' 'get me a glass of water and food..i'm practically starving' he said relaxing on a worn out brown sofa in the sitting room. I relunctantly dragged myself to the kitchen...served him a meal of roasted yam and oil. I watched as he ate hungrily and i waited till he was done before i spoke up. 'papa, what about mama?' i asked. He looked at me angrily 'havent i warned you to stop asking about that woman? Aunty Chime had complained about this to me and i would not hesitate to send you to Ezei if you keep asking about that woman, have i made myself clear?!' He barked angrily. 'but papa, she's my mother!' i retorted 'she brought me into this world so i have every right to want to know about her welfare..what is going on and why are you all preventing me from seeing her?' tears smarted my eyes. 'shut up! Ajo nwata(bad child)' papa said removing his cap from hsi head 'you have no right to talk back at me because you are not smarter than i am...just because you are educated and versatile when it comes to english and technology does not mean you can underestimate this grey hair on my head! If i say i dont want you to see or talk about your mother, then i must have a reason and why will i even banter words with a child like you? Leave my sight this instant!' 'papa, this is not fair...whatever evil you are planning against mama will surely backfire, i assure you...' i wept as i ran to my room. 'bia nwata! U dare speak to me like that...okay!' i heard papa rant from the sitting room 'we shall see' I locked my door and crawled to the bed and wept. ** I yawned and stretched lazily on the bed...i looked at the rusty old wall clock on the wall and it was just five minutes past two in the afternoon. I felt hungry and thirsty and i stood up dragging myself to the kitchen. I was heading towards the kitchen when i heard voices speaking in was aunt Chime's and papa's voice. I tiptoed to the curtain to listen to their conversation. PAPA: That woman hasnt seen anything yet...i'm going to show her that she cannot mess with me and go scotfree...because i...the great George Maduemezie will show her the stuff i'm made off. AUNT CHIME: I've never like that woman from the very first day i saw her. I told you she looked and behaved like a fox but you didnt listen to me..well, thank God you've seen for yourself, the kind of woman you married. After she's killed by the council of elders, you have to marry another woman and get more kids. My hands flew to my mouth...was mama going to die? PAPA: Thats exactly what i'll do..but sometimes, i feel for the kids..and i wonder how they will take it when they find out the crime their angel of a mother committed. They see their mother through rose-tinted glasses you know, especially Ivyy. That girl really spoke to me rudely today. AUNT CHIME: Dont worry about Ivyy, i will take care of her. You dont have to let them know about their mother's crime and when she's finally killed, they dont need to know about her death, we would tell them their mother ran away with another man abandoning them, to save them from the emotional trauma...what do you think? PAPA: Thats excellent. But can we hide the truth forever? What if they get to find out about the truth themselves? AUNTY CHIME: Until then..but now they are too young to understand these things and will probably think we are being cruel on their mother, ur wife (she laughed) PAPA: Stop it Chime, that witch is not my wife! You know, i actually loved that woman...i never thought... AUNTY CHIME: Stop it George, looks do not portray the true nature of the heart..that woman is a fool...after her death, we have to take Ivyy to the shrine for cleansing, so she doesnt behave like her mother in the future. My legs shook as tears ran down my eyes...mama was going to die. TBC
22 Oct 2016 | 16:03
You're welcome @all @hormortiyor Thanks for beeping me!
22 Oct 2016 | 17:44
This whole thing is realy complicated right from the beginning. Wanna know what'll happen next!
22 Oct 2016 | 17:45
22 Oct 2016 | 17:56
Episode Six. 'i cant believe that ugly hausa corper is straffing the principal seriously...' Henna laughed sipping from her drink 'that "protect ur body for its a temple of God" woman, yuck!' Henna sighed in disgust. My friends laughed. The rumors had been circulating that our Geography uncle was straffing our principal...i really didnt believe the rumor but when i saw the picture of both of them kissing from Henna's phone, i believed it. Henna and Ralph were the only ones who had a phone in our class due to their father's status and riches. A phone was something i had always begged father to get me whenever i could but he adamantly refused. If only i had a phone, i would have tried to contact mama or mama would have tried to contact me but mama equally did not have a phone. I chewed slowly on the meatpie Henna had gotten for all of us..after that day i had eavesdropped on their conversation, i knew i became different...i was no longer cheerful..not like i was a very cheerful person right from time..but i became the dullest person i ever came across. I needed a distraction...and thats why i hanged out with my so called friends more often to try laughing at their jokes and other stuffs. 'heyy guys i've got good news...' Henna said getting my attention 'my brother is visiting the village next week..oh my gosh! I cant wait to see him' My heart skipped a bit. Ifeanyi! I didnt want to see him...not that he was a monster or anything..but everyone was aware of my huge crush on him before he left the village to study in the city. He was a really nice guy...the richest and the most handsome as at the time he left. That was two years ago. At the mention of his name, the girls turned to me, of course, they knew about my crush on him. 'what? Why are you girls staring at me like that?' i asked rolling my eyes and pouting. 'it seems my bestie is going to have the best straff of her life now' Ije said. That made me angry but i controlled it...i didnt want to cause a scene. 'heyy!' Henna said flashing her fingers in front of Ije 'my brother doesnt do straff and dump...he does the ideal' 'and how would you know that?' Oma interjected. 'because he's my brother...he's really not the flirty type' 'oh really? What if city changed him?' Oma asked. 'then so be it...whats the big deal about being a flirt?' 'who flirting don epp?' Ije asked and they laughed. I tried to laugh too but i couldnt..thoughts of mama flashed through my mind. Truth is, i didnt know when she was going to die, i didnt know what was going to stop her from dying..i didnt know what to do to protect her...i felt so hopeless and useless. A junior student came to our table that instant and Henna frowned 'what the heck are u doing in our table Junie?' Junie was an abb. of junior. 'sorry senior...but someone asked me to call Ivyy Maduemezie...' the junior replied. My heart skipped a beat 'who...who's that?' 'its a woman...she just asked me to call you. She's at the gate..' the junior said scampering away. 'bae, dont tell me the D arent enof for u...u go for V too?' Henna said and the other girls laughed. I stood and adjusted my uniform 'seriously Henna, u need to stop this sick jokes of yours...they arent funny all the time' i said and hurried away. What was aunt Chime doing in school? Had she come to inform me of mama's death? No...she had never do that. When i got to the gate...i nearly fainted at who i saw...mama! I nearly jumped around...luckily there was no student is sight as it was break over. 'mama!' She had tears in her eyes as she embraced me 'nwam...nwam...' She was weeping seriously. Seeing how emanciated mama had become brought tears to my eyes. What had aunt Chime and papa done to my innocent mother? What was her offence? Why wasnt anyone telling me anything? I held mama 'mama, tell me please...tell me, what is going on?' She shook her head 'its not something i should tell you Ivyy..its something you'd be better of not knowing about..and its equally for your own good that you and Dada were taken away from me...because you...especially you Ivyy, would have been dragged into this mess with me' she said wiping her eyes with her handkerchief. 'mama, please tell me, i heard you were going to die' i sobbed. I saw the surprise in her eyes..then she smiled 'very soon...but i want you to know matter what, i still love u my guys brought me hope when i felt i didnt have guys brought life into my two brought all the joy and happiness i required into my matter what...i will never stop loving you and Danke..i'm sorry i had to leave you both like this...but i had to see you one last time...this is the last time you're going to see me Ivyy...i'm very sorry....someone is coming...' she thrusted a thousand naira note into my hand and before i could speak, ran away like a mad woman. 'break over...runto ur classroom..' the gateman said. I ran away in tears. TBC
23 Oct 2016 | 03:13
Episode Seven. I watched as aunt Chime spoke over the phone. I knew she was discussing with papa and she was using coded words. '....really, so they have chosen a date?....when....okay, i will be there...i wont miss it for any reason...i would be there..bye...Ivyy is fine...okay, i would' She hung up and turned to me. I faked a smile and swallowed a morsel of eba...papa and aunt Chime were going to pay for what they were doing to mama. If anything bad happens to mama, then i would never forgive them. I suddenly washed my hands and stood up. She looked at me 'where are you going? Are you satisfied?' 'yes..i want to go and see my friend Henna, i need to borrow her Biology textbook' She looked at me suspiciously 'dont you have one?' 'mine was stolen the previous week' 'how much does a new one cost?' 'a thousand five hundred naira' She contemplated for a while 'sit down, i will go to mama Chidi's store, borrow some money and buy you a new one okay?' 'but i nid it now for my assignment!' 'i said sit down Ivyy, you're going nowhere!' she commanded. I became angry 'what makes you and papa think you can stop me from seeing mama if i want to...dont i go to school? Or you think i cant skip school just to see my mother whom you guys have falsely accused and framed? You think ur wickedness can separate mama and i?' She was taken aback for a moment before she stood up 'its not what you think Ivyy...i will tell you everything but when the time is right' 'tell me now! I request you tell me now! Else...i will show you all how stubborn i can be...what kind of father would separate his children from their mother...isnt that wickedness?' 'i'm so sorry about that Ivyy..its really isnt our intention...its all your mother's fault...we dont want you children to suffer for the mistakes your mother made...' 'what mistakes? Why wont you tell me whats going on in this place?' i said violently kicking the tabel causing our meal to pour all over the sitting room. Angered, aunt Chime slapped me 'you're very stupid! Now, get into your room immediately before i handle you in a way you would not like' I ran to my my room but not after mouthing "you will pay for this" to myself. I wan going to teach them a lesson...i was going to teach them a lesson whereby they would pray for death but death wouldnt come..i knew exactly what to do. I fell on my bed crying and praying for mama. She needed God's mercies like never before. *** The time came for my plans to be set into action when papa paid us a visit and aunt Chime sent me to the garden to pluck garden egg leaves for abacha. I had smiled within me...they wouldnt know what hit them. As i strolled to the garden which was not faraway from the house, i hummed mama's favourite tune to myself 'nnem nnem oo, ezigbo nnem ee, nnem nnem oo, ezigbo yoyo nnem mama...' as i sang i remembered my mother and i cried. She normally sang that song whenever she told us tales of how her mother struggled to bring her up as she was the only child and her father died at a very tender age. I plucked the garden egg leaves..then moved to where the Imezi leave had grown as a weed. I had come across it several times in the garden and also told myself to uproot when next i come but i always was the time for it to come into use. The Imezi leave was a very dangerous leave. Once it enters a human doesnt kill, but it slowly weakens every system in the human's body thereby leaving the person paralyzed with also causes different types of illness...ranging from terrible fever to diarrhoea and was a terrible leave and it would eventually lead to death..but it might take years of pains and paralysis. I smiled and plucked five leaves from it. I went to the kitchen and sat on the stood...took the knives and sliced the leaves together. When the meal was ready, i served it and took it to the sitting room where they were sharing a hearty laughter. I watched as they ate with a smile on my will take only a matter of hours before the leave began its effect on their body. TBC
23 Oct 2016 | 03:37
u went to far ivvy....who will take care of u and ur brother now??
23 Oct 2016 | 05:17
23 Oct 2016 | 05:24
23 Oct 2016 | 07:24
@john451 Where Are We B4,Pluto?
23 Oct 2016 | 07:50
Oh my God wat could v bring dis sudden change naa?
23 Oct 2016 | 08:24
Episode Eight. It took minutes after clearing the plates and hearing papa complain of the bitter taste of the abacha for me to realise that i had plucked the utazi leave instead of imezi. Yes, the utazi and Imezi do look alike and i must have mistaken it for imezi. I seethed in anger...why do God spare the unjust and endanger the just? Maybe they were spared this time but next time, there were certainly going to die because i wont use the imezi next time, i was going to use Otapiapia or indoseed. *** I blinked twice clutching my books tightly to my chest to ensure i was seeing the right person. My friends went ahead hugging him while Henna just stood by his side clutching his arm. Yes, she had told me he was going to be arriving this week but maybe i really wasnt prepared to see Ifeanyi again. 'hi Ivyy' he said coming closer to me. I percieved his masculine scent and i felt like relaxing in his arms..before i could speak, he came closer to me and engaged me in a bear hug. Due to the books in my hands, i couldnt hug him back but i relaxed my head on his shoulders. 'how have you been? I missed you' he whispered into my ears still holding me tightly. I saw my friends making funny faces and snide remarks. I paused to think...did i really miss him too? Maybe i was too preoccupied with my family problem to even miss him. When he had left the village recently, i had missed him. Because i no longer had my companion with me. One who would hold me close to him tightly shutting my ears to prevent me from hearing mama's screams as papa pounced on her. One who would climb the roof with me so i could give food to mama who had been locked up in a room to mama and also help clean her wounds...then climb out through the roof before papa comes back. One who encouraged me and helped me in anyway he could. Yes, he had left the village without keeping in touch with me..not even replying the messages i sent to him through Henna....i really felt his absence when he newly left but i soon got accustomed to it. I got used to it. *** We sat under a pawpaw tree opposite aunt Chime's compound...aunt Chime had gone for one of their numerous women meetings and i wondered if mama had been killed yet. 'i'm sorry i didnt keep in touch Veebeauty...' Ifeanyi said calling my per name. I was still angry at him and he knew that 'you havent still told me your reason of coming really have to go before my aunt sees you here' i wasnt smiling. 'Obim...' he said holding my left shoulder 'i really wanted to contact you but...but...' 'but what?' 'i just felt there was no need..i felt you might get into problems with your father again and i wont be there to take the blame...and you might suffer everything all alone' he said. True, papa had been wary of our closeness and he accused Ifeanyi and i of having a sexual relationship...and whenever papa tried to hit me, Ifeanyi was always there to take all the blame for my sake. Tears came to my eyes...papa had always denied me happiness for no just reason...was i really his child? Why did he favour Dada more than me? 'Ivyy...' he said wiping my tears with my back hand 'i never stopped thinking about you' I didnt say anything. I couldnt say anything. 'i asked about you countless times from Henna...and i told her to safeguard you from boys' I nearly laughed. Henna? Henna whom had been trying to force me into a relationship? He made a mistake entrusting me to Henna. 'i heard everything about your mother from my father...' he said and i abruptly turned to him 'but i'm sorry i wont tell you...because i know how much you love your mother and i...i dont want you to see your mother negatively...because i know how highly you think of her...heck! You wont even believe me when i tell you all she has done' I quickly stood up grabbing his shirt 'Ifeanyi! Tell me what is going on with my mother! Tell me!' 'heyy calm down...' I held his shirt even tighter 'tell me all you know about my mother please...please i beg she dead?' i cried. He drew me to himself and kissed my hair 'my baby' he breathed 'i'm so sorry for all the pains you are passing through right now...i'm here, so everything will be alright henceforth' Mama...please dont die...i cried. TBC
23 Oct 2016 | 10:27
What could that be?
23 Oct 2016 | 10:47
Right on time.
23 Oct 2016 | 10:55
@willingyung kukukukuku we're at Mars.
23 Oct 2016 | 10:57
I hope he tells her...Oh,i feel sorry for her
23 Oct 2016 | 11:41
23 Oct 2016 | 12:12
Something ain't right.
23 Oct 2016 | 13:29
I wonder what your mama did
23 Oct 2016 | 14:13
what did she do
23 Oct 2016 | 14:29
Episode Nine. 'veebeauty....' he said blocking my way as i made to hang the wet clothes on the rope. 'get out of my way Ifeanyi!' i snapped. Yes, i was mad at him..if he wasnt going to tell me everything happening with my parents then i see no reason why we should remain friends. 'Ivyy, try to understand me...its best you dont know whats happening...okay, okay...i will tell you...' he breathed and closed his eyes like he was fighting with his mind. I dropped the clothes back in bucket and looked back at the compound, aunt Chime was in taking a nap and i didnt want to risk her seeing Ifeanyi here. So i held his hand and led him to the garden...i spread cocoyam leaves and we sat on the ground. 'tell me everything now...' i said in an authoritative manner. 'Ivyy, it would be best if you dont're not going to be happy about it if you find out what your mother had done and i cant stand you being sad...' he said touching my cheeks. I slapped his hands away 'if you are not ready to tell me then forget about it....' 'Vee calm down...' he held my hand 'promise me you wont be sad...' 'i promise...' 'okay...your mother mother....' 'Ivyyyyyyy!' i heard aunt Chime's voice screaming from the main house. I sighed in fustration 'this goddamn woman...' i cursed. 'calm down...' Ifeanyi said chuckling 'there will always be another day...i'll come pick Henna up from school maybe we could talk from there' 'okay...' i said getting up. He held my hand 'Ivyy...about us..who are we to each other?' I remembered him using this particular line several times two years ago and each time, i kept telling him the same thing..."friends" Maybe i should tell him the same thing again...but were we really friends? 'acquaintances' i replied and walked away but not before seeing the look of hurt in his eyes. *** 'Ralph! Leave me many times am i going to beg you to?' i asked as he locked the door. We were in the female toilet. I had gone in there to ease myself only for him to barge in just before i could squat. He dragged me to himself forcefully and breathed on my face ' are so beautiful...' 'leave me alone you per.vert......else i'll scream!' i stuggled to get out of his arms but he was stronger than i am. I went behind me and grabbed my as.s kneading them together. 'leave me...alone Ralph...' i said my voice shaky. I couldnt explain what i was feeling inside...but i knew i was getting aroused. His left hand left my buttocks to my and he squeezed them touching my ni.pples in return. I didnt know when i moaned. He chuckled 'you love it dont you? Guess u never felt like this before...' he was unbuttoning my shirt now. I slapped his hands away 'get lost!' He dragged me to himself and enveloped my mouth in a hot kiss that brought out an involuntary moan from me. I tried protesting but the kneading of my as.s and the squeezing of my ni.pples were really getting to me. And before i knew it, i had my hands wrapped around his neck responding to his kisses as he continued massaging my breasst. He completely unbottoned my shirt, dipped his hands in my bra and massaged my ni.pples. I broke the kiss and moaned shamelessly asking him to continue...his perverted chuckle and smile didnt bring me to back to my senses and all i wanted was for him to keep on. His mouth covered one of my ni.pples and the warmth sent waves of arousal down my spine...i gasped. His hands went under my skirt and into my panties toying with my cli.t. The toilet was just filled with my moanings. I didnt care that someone could walk in at that moment and catch us in the act...all i wanted was maximum pleasure from the boy i hated the most. The ringing of the bell and the voice of the disciplinarian brought me back to my senses and i pulled back face flushed in embarrassment. I picked up from blouse from the filthy ground, dusted it and wore it. The grin on his face was really annoying and i gave him two slaps for it. He held his cheek in shock. 'thats for taking advantage of me...' i said 'perver.t!' I dashed out of the bathroom in embarrassment and anger. I couldnt believe Ralph had my first kiss. Ralph of all people. That dickhead! TBC
23 Oct 2016 | 14:40
23 Oct 2016 | 14:54
Ralph is damn Crazy.
23 Oct 2016 | 14:55
Is your Mother a witch or a whore?
23 Oct 2016 | 14:56
23 Oct 2016 | 15:01
23 Oct 2016 | 15:32
Hmmmmm seated
23 Oct 2016 | 16:32
Episode Ten. It was Henna's birthday. Yes, i should have gotten a gift for her but it skipped my memory...because i had alot on my plate. The issue with mama, Ralph, papa and aunt Chime and then Ifeanyi. We decided to have a small get together in a small restaurant in the outskirts of the village. It was very far and we had gone in Ifeanyi's car. Kainene, Henna and Ifeanyi's elder sister was there...gosh! I hate that girl...she's so pompous and proud and believes no one was better than she was. Then Ifeanyi, Henna, Ije, Oma and i. We...or rather should i say they were having fun. 'i invited Ralph and Jude over you know...' Henna suddenly said. I nearly choked on my drink 'you did what?!' Ifeanyi gave me a wierd look while Kainene was like has-she-gone-mad? 'i invited Ralph and Jude...' Henna repeated staring at Ije and Oma 'any problem?' 'you shouldnt have invited that shameless golddigging flirt over to this place!' i snapped before i could stop myself. 'i can sense something here...' Ije said looking at me suspiciously 'babe...tell me like seriously, whats between the both of you...i mean...' 'just hold it there Ije...' i said immediately 'i dont have time for this. You know very well that i cannot date Ralph even if i want to date...i'd rather go for....' 'Ifeanyi...' Henna said immediately and the girls laughed. My face flushed in embarrassment..why did they have to say that in front of him. 'what...' i stammered. Kainene rolled her eyes 'seriously..dont tell me you too have a thing for my brother...' Henna looked at her 'so what if she does?' 'Henna, i wasnt talking to you' Kainene said. 'Sure you werent...' Henna snapped. 'thats enof seriously...' Ifeanyi interjected 'you guys should stop taunting Ivyy know she doesnt like it' 'thing is...i'm already regretting coming to this place' i said rolling my eyes. 'oh my babie...' Henna said pouting throwing her hand over my shoulder 'i'm sorry some people are giving you a hard time...' i knew she was referring to Kainene...for some reasons best known to the both of them, they never really got along as sisters. 'you are also one of them...' i said smiling. 'you are finally smiling...' Oma said. My smile widened but disappeared immediately i sighted the monster coming with a swag i had come to hate. His errandboy, Sam was with him as usual..i wonder if that boy was ever going to get a life asides from being Ralph's toy thing. 'hello babies in the house...' he said smiling sitting beside me 'hi Vee luv...happy birthday Henna' Henna and the girls exchanged glances 'so you had to acknowlegde the presence of ur luv first before wishing me a happy birthday. Anyways, no problem...where's Jude?' 'Jude, uhm....stopped by to get cigarettes..' he replied looking at me. I caught the anger and jealousy on Ifeanyi's face but i pretended not to see it. 'excuse me Veebeauty...seems you're as bored as i am, lets take a stroll' Ifeanyi said standing up offering his hand and i gladly took it. Anything to get away from the demon beside me. We walked away from the table despite the stares the girls were giving me. Who cares? 'care to tell me what....' i was saying. 'Vee pls dont start...its going to spoil your mood and i dont want you ruining Henna's birthday' 'truth is, i dont know why you're hiding this from me...she's my mother' 'i know...' he suddenly looked pale 'Vee, i...i want to ask a question' 'what is it?' 'are you and Ralph an item?' 'heck me! That dirty and nonsensical idiot? Hell no! Why do you ask?' 'nothing....' he shook his head immediately 'i...i just dont want any guy claiming you...' I laughed 'and why would he claim me? Am i a trophy?' He laughed then suddenly looked serious. He brought my hands to his chest 'i rili love u Ivyy...yes, i havent been able to tell you about it...but i always did love you...even before i left for the're my source of joy and happiness, even Henna and Kaine knows that' 'Ifeanyi....' i was dumbfounded and flabbergasted...Ifeanyi was my best friend...yes he was once my crush but...did i still have feelings for him? 'just say yes...i'll take care of you...i'll make sure you are contented and happy...' he said pushing my hair aside. 'Ify, i nid time to think about this...' 'i cant wait...i luv you...i cant wait any longer...' 'Ify...' 'Vee..please....' 'but...' 'you dont nid doubts...i love u so much...' Maybe i should give it a try..give love a trial...afterall he was once my crush...i made up my mind to tell him yes when his phone rang and he had to step aside to answer it. I decided to use the ladies as he answered his call. I paused when i saw Ralph there with a grin on his face 'i knew you'd come here baby' I opened my mouth. He had an Attention. I cant remember what happened next but i knew before long we were kissing and smooching inside the ladies...his manhood already out of his trousers. A prayer for me please. TBC
23 Oct 2016 | 16:51
God help you
23 Oct 2016 | 17:28
So hillarious
23 Oct 2016 | 17:29
24 Oct 2016 | 02:20
Really nice story Loving this Next
24 Oct 2016 | 02:23
Episode Eleven. I was moaning didnt occur to me that the guy who had his head under my skirt was the guy i hated the most infact i didnt care. I heard Ifeanyi call me from outside...i didnt respond rather did Ralph stop. He called again and i had to respond. 'i'm here....' Ralph's tongue grazed my ad i whimpered 'i'm coming...' i shouted again. 'are you alright?' Ifeanyi asked. 'uh...yeah...hmm...ah' 'okay...i...i will just wait for you here' 'dont bother because i just might take more time...' 'okay baby...see you at the table...' i heard his footsteps signify he had left. I had my hands on the wall with Ralph's tongue buried deep inside me. He pulled out and grabbed me for a kiss placing my hand on his throbbing manhood. I wondered what to do with it at that moment. He unhooked my bra and took it off, then pulled off my skirt and panties and laid me on the floor...i didnt mind that the floor was dirty..he climbed on top me kissing every inch of my body..from my to my neck, my navel, my He placed his at my entrance and looked at him with a smile of victory. That smile brought me back to my senses as i pushed him with all my might. I pounced on him before he knew it raining blows and slaps all over his body, pinching and biting where i could. After which i wore my panties and bra...he tried reaching for me again and this time i spat on his face. I wore my skirt and shirt, it was rumpled and my hair was a lipstick was smudged...wouldnt Henna and the rest suspect because Ralph was equally not in the table and to think my voice had been shaky when i spoke to Ifeanyi. 'you think you're smart right?' Ralph cursed wiping the blood from his mouth 'swear you didnt enjoy it...i'm so going to deal with you' 'you cant do more than a dead rat, you loser. Let today be the first and the last time you come close to me...else i will report you to the principal...' i warned. 'okay, we shall see...' he stood up and i went out of the bathroom. *** Immediately i stepped into the classroom the following day, i saw the way some girls looked at me and whispered. Ralph and his other guys were by one corner of the classroom smoking as the first period teacher was yet to come. Henna, Ije and Oma werent in the chair when i came in so i just brought out my mathematics textbook and proceeded to solve more equations. The wierd stares i recieved were getting to much to the extent some boys even whistled at me...what was going on? Henna, Oma and Ije came into the class at that time. They came straight to me 'pretenders do the worst...' all three of them chorused. I looked at them confused...what were they blabbing about 'what is it?' 'heyy! Ivyy, i thought you were a virgin...' Oma stated sitting on the desk. 'me too oo...hian!' Ije sighed. 'whats happening? Why would you even ask me that when you know very well that i'm a virgin...' 'shut up abeg! Na which person brain you wan wash? Thing is i dont know why you hid it from us when we tell you everything including our sexlife!' Henna said, her voice a bit high. Ije signalled her to reduce her voice as people were already staring at us. She looked around the class and shouted at them 'you guys wont mind your business oo...if you like dont read your books...let ur eyes fall in the middly of the chair...akuna kuna...ashawos like una...fools!' She cursed. Someone from the front said 'at least we are not as cheap as some people doing it in the toilet of a random restaurant!' Henna jumped down from the chair immediately 'who said that? Who's the fool who said that?' No one said anything...of course everyone was scared of Henna. 'that person had beta seal his mouth else i will cut a dogs and use it on the person...nonsense!' She walked back to the chair. Really, i was confused and my heart was pounding now. Henna flashed the phone on my face 'you will have to pay me to delete this video and not tell Ifeanyi of this...he told me you guys were dating...why then did you do this?' ' what?' i felt like choking. She perused through her phone and placed it on my face. I nearly was a video of Ralph and i in the restroom. The video was clear and well stopped when he climbed on top me. I looked at Ralph who grinned at me and puffed thick smoke towards my direction and i knew mine was over. How many more problems am i going to have? What to do i tell Ifeanyi? What do i tell mama? TBC
24 Oct 2016 | 02:58
Eeyah..But this girl sef,How could you enjoy something you don't like..
24 Oct 2016 | 03:48
What do u need prayer for? U v ur head nd body,so u v to kn wat u want baby, either Ifeanyi or Ralph ok.
24 Oct 2016 | 04:38
that's foolishness..... y must u lose control ?? u are a virgin rmb....j better go and ave sex with Ifeanyi now....before that mumu
24 Oct 2016 | 05:19
I hope ifeanyi catch you
24 Oct 2016 | 05:29
What is the crime of Ivy mother and what is Ralph problem self. Vee you need to becareful where Ralph is concerned
24 Oct 2016 | 05:51
You surely do need prayers
24 Oct 2016 | 06:21
nxt plzz
24 Oct 2016 | 09:24
maybe dat was what ur mum also dis
24 Oct 2016 | 09:36
Episode Twelve. Mrs Asemota looked at me through her glasses 'why do u nid a written note of permission to go home? Is there something wrong?' I tried not to blink...because tears might just roll down if i did 'i'm...i'm sick...i need to go home' She suddenly looked concerned...being the most intelligent person in my class...i had the favours of so many teachers and our form mistress, Mrs Asemota was no different. 'okay...are you sure you can walk home by yourself?' she asked scribbling something down on a sheet of paper. 'yes i can ma...' i replied. She handed the paper to me 'tell Chigozie to see me' 'okay mama...' i prostrated and left the staffroom headed straight to the classroom. Immediately i entered the noisy eyes went to the blackboard and written boldly on it was; SEX IS BEST ENJOYED IN A RESTAURANT'S RESTROOM - Says Ivyy Maduemezie. I nearly collapsed but i managed to drag myself to the seat. Henna came into the classroom that moment followed by Jude. She read what was written on the board and with an angry stare, she faced the class. 'who wrote this?!' she asked, her voice laced with anger. I rested my head on my desk...i should be packing my things and leaving but i couldnt...i just felt like crying my eyes out. Ralph did a number of me...he really won. What hurt the most was the fact that he went ahead telling everyone that he had slept with me and he hadnt enjoyed it because i was too loose and everyone had believed him because of jealousy of my intelligence and probably because of the friends i kept. 'you guys are really trying me in this class....' Henna said 'so what if a girl fu.cks in a want to tell me that you're any better...whether you do it in a restroom or in a bedroom, se.x is se.x...and i wont have you guys taunting my best friend...let this be the last!' She warned sternly 'and you Favour....' she pointed at a light skinned and butty girl 'wasnt it you i saw with the same Ralph the other day, his hands under your skirt probably squeezing you big as.s like butter and bread behind the Chemistry Lab? Or you want to deny it? Even if you do...i bet Ralph wouldnt...isnt that so Ralph?' Trust the shameless fool to always be shameless 'i really squeezed it succulent...' he said...the guys in the classroom roared in laughter. Favour's face flushed in embarrassment as she looked at Ralph and Henna in embarrassment. 'or is you Mesoma or whatever you call yourself...i caught you and Ralph in the male toilet remember?' Henna continued 'just because i didnt tell anyone? And then you open that brown teeth of yours to laugh at my friend? Let me catch you again...i will show you that your skin is not as light as a prostitute's pvssy!' she snapped. The whole class gasped and all eyes turned to Mesoma. Then she face of Ralph's crazy friends. 'and you Okwy...wasnt your mother the one who was stripped naked and stoned to death in the market square last year simply because she, raped her neighbour's child? Or you want to deny it? Because i didnt tell anyone in school that she was your mother? Or you think i didnt see how you acted nonchalant or pretended not to be concerned at the market square that day? You denied your mother when she was publicly disgraced...cant you see? Is your mother any better than Ivyy...then why should she mock her...or is it ur sister who died during abortion and your parents had to lie that they sent her to the city to learn a trade and she died in a ghastly motor accident on her way there? Common...ur family is a mess so you have no rite whatsoever to laff at my friend!' Even i was shocked...Okwudili's mother was that woman who was cruelly stoned to death for raping her neightbour's son? Who could have thought. Okwudili stared daggers at Henna and she equally looked back. 'your pussycat eyes do not scare me...because no matter how fierce they looked, they cant kill me!' she snapped. Ralph was the first to laugh at his friend. 'should i continue exposing everyone's dirty linen here?' Henna asked. 'noooo!' the whole class screamed...everyone scared they might be next. 'then you all should go on your kness and ask Ivyy for forgiveness!' she commanded. They hesitated at first but when she called a girl's name...everyone went on their knees and turned to my direction. 'Ivyy, we are sorry...' 'Ivyy, please forgive us, we shouldnt have mocked you' 'Ivyy, abeg no vex, we no go do am again' 'i will buy you lunch just to show you how sorry i am' Henna walked up to me and i looked at her in tears. She smiled..i stood up and hugged me. To think i never really liked Henna..but she was the one who stood up for me in my most difficult times. That marked the beginning of i and Henna's closeness. You know ur true friends through hard times.. TBC
24 Oct 2016 | 11:05
Ivy... Stop pretendinq or tell your dad and aunt u want to leave the villaqe that will be better than all dx pretense and qossip.
24 Oct 2016 | 11:09
Henna be the qirl wey sabi... Comfam radio fm
24 Oct 2016 | 11:44
24 Oct 2016 | 13:10
I never knew such a story ws going on nd nobody invited me? No problem
24 Oct 2016 | 13:36
I swear I love Henna..... She no dey carry last
24 Oct 2016 | 13:39
i really enjoy this story...Nice one jare henna i really gbadun you
24 Oct 2016 | 14:32
Hmmmm odikwa risky.
24 Oct 2016 | 15:43
Henna or hyena... Lolz. You be correct gal
24 Oct 2016 | 15:49
You just can't control the burning sensation inside you thereby giving in, so face the consequences.
24 Oct 2016 | 16:00
Sori @delight for not calling tym, i wont make dat mistake.... @sunshine, please help with d registar so everyone would be informed...thanks
24 Oct 2016 | 16:17
Episode Thirteen. I just sat under the mango tree...the cool breeze was very refreshing... I hated boys...i really hated boys..what Ralph did to me, i wasnt sure i was ever going to forgive him. Yes, not that it was unexpected but i never expected him to have it videod thereby exposing my nudity to many perverted boys in this school. And i was told that everyone who had a phone in school (as a student) got the video. I saw Henna approaching me and i smiled. I saw Henna in a new light. Yes, she was a bad girl..yes she was the wild type and a bad influence..but she was way better to those holier-than-thou friends out there who would simply abandon you to your fate in times of need. I never really expected Henna to do what she really did for him. She stood up for me when i needed her the must. And i felt i could trust her now. 'Vee...been looking for you...' she sat opposite me fanning herself with a handfan...she was sweating and looked dishevelled. I eyed her suspiciously 'what have you been up to? Why are you sweating?' 'its that shameless old government master oo...that man just wont leave my pvssy alone oo...since needed to see the way he was begging me for a blowjo.b...' she hissed. 'meaning...u slept with him?' 'i had no oda choice Vee...the man begged me and you know i'm not a wicked girl so i had to help an old man in need. I mean, how can a man old enof to be my fada ask me for a favour and i refuse him...thats cruelty and an act of disrespect' she rolled her eyes and i laughed loudly
24 Oct 2016 | 16:28
Na wa o
24 Oct 2016 | 16:37
Hmm. Continue
24 Oct 2016 | 17:44
' have a problem' i said laughing cheerfully..for a moment, i forgot about mama and Ralph and set my whole heart in the laughter i shared with my new BEST friend, Henna. 'no i dont. I'm just a cheerful whats up? Have you seen Oma and Ije?' 'nope...probably with their boos...' i said returning my gaze to the Nora Roberts "Summer Pleasures" in my front. 'you know Ije is dating Okechukwu now abi?' 'which Okechukwu? Ralph's elder brother in the SS3-science class?' i asked unbelievably. ' know him wella...that he goat...even if i would have to sleep with every boy in this school before i finish...certainly not Okechukwu, that pompous rat!' Henna snapped 'had it not been that his mother and my mother are friends, i would have thought him a me' she chewed her chewing gum nosily. I laughed 'c'mon Henna...give trouble a break! You too like wahala' She raised her collar stylishly 'its good to be sharp my dear...that way no one can over ride you no matter who they think they are' 'exactly...' i stopped talking when i sighed Ralph coming with Sam as usual. My heart pounded furiously, were they heading towards my direction? 'Veeluv...' Ralph called cheerfully as he approached us... 'Henna, na here you Jude come dhey find you like person wey dhey find gold...' 'that one no concern you...wetin you dey do for here?' Henna asked immediately eyeing him. 'which kind question be that..i come see my babe na....' 'heyy Ralph or whatever you call yourself...listen and listen very good...just because i've not confronted you since or just because i didnt call your name in class that does not mean i do not know that your mother did not marry your father a virgin....' Henna spat out. You needed to see Ralph's became swollen all of a sudden. Henna continued 'i just didnt say it because i know your mother and she's a very sweet woman. Oh! Lest i forget, your father screws all the maids in the house, too bad...and he bits your mum like a punching bag sincere sympathy to your mother...she must be going through alot in the hands of a monster like your father' His face was a mixture of surprise and shock ' did you know...' 'nothing gets past my ears baby Ralph...i get all the information i want with just the snap of my dont go around putting on that playboy and cold exterior of yours because it pisses the hell out of know, i dont even know what i saw in you, you are such a loser without choice...anything that wears skirt becomes your choice...imagine Mesoma...can you compare me and that trash? Yuck Ralph! You disgust me like never before!' 'Henna...' i spoke up 'lets just get out of here' 'no Vee...' she said immediately 'you dont run away from your deal with it...let the fool speak...thats if he can even utter a word because i will tell the whole school how i overheard his mother telling my mother that both him and his stupid brother were adopted!' My mouth flew open. **** I dont know how the whole school got to know about it but before school dismissed, it was on everybody's lips 'Ralph and Okechukwu were adopted children' I'd never seen Ralph so quiet before and looking withdrawn, embarrassed and sad...i guessed he understood now how people felt when their dirty secrets were exposed. Once the Economics teacher left, Henna picked up a white chalk and went to the blackboard. She cleared her throat before speaking 'as you all know...our almighty Ralph here, Ralph Obi is an adopted child, i wont beat around the bush...but you know, we all are classmates and as classmates, we need to help ourselves in times of need. Now we all know that Chief Agunna Obi isnt Ralph's real father...and Ralph really should know his father because its mandatory...' she cleared her throat and winked at me 'so i want everyone to put hands together and lets search for his father...i mean his biological father...' she said in a sarcastic tone and the whole class roared in laughter...even i could not help but laugh. 'silence class...' Henna said holding her hands up and the whole class became silent 'so we all are going to be embarking on a operation called OPERATION FINDING RALPH'S BIOLOGICAL FATHER' She turned and wrote it on the blackboard 'i will be the president of this research group and Ivyy my assistant...Ije and Oma would be the treasurer and admin officer respectively...if you know you are going to be part of this group...can i see your hands up?' Everyone (except Ralph of course) raised up their hand...including Sam who immediately brought it down immediately Ralph shot him a wierd look. Oops! Did i say everyone? Not everyone...because Mesoma soon spoke up. 'this is not fair Henna, you have no right whatsoever to expose one's family background make ridicule of it...thats very sensitive' she said. Henna wrinkled her nose 'and who's the rat squeaking in dis class? Pls i want humans to talk, not rats'
24 Oct 2016 | 18:03
Gbam! Dis Henna mouth too sharp
24 Oct 2016 | 18:15
Henna be NTA worldwide
24 Oct 2016 | 18:21
interesting nxt plz
24 Oct 2016 | 18:35
I raise nyash 4 u henna ahhhh!! Confirm babe
24 Oct 2016 | 18:52
Radio fm no be for here...
24 Oct 2016 | 19:18
Henna na newscaster oooo
24 Oct 2016 | 19:24
good.....and u better change
24 Oct 2016 | 20:04
U are doing great Aartial.. Ride on. Still i read... Thumbs up
24 Oct 2016 | 20:06
titititiiiii.!!! Didn't know there is this interesting story here
25 Oct 2016 | 01:00
BBC international.
25 Oct 2016 | 02:45
Episode Fourteen. Papa was the sitting room. Aunt Chime and i were in the kitchen. I still gave them the cold attitude...and they noticed it and gave me chance. 'Ivyy, i wont be around tomorrow...' aunt Chime said stirring the soup 'i and your father would be going out' Thats it...mama's persecution brought tears to my eyes...i felt like telling aunt Chime that there's reward for evil done against a fellow human but instead i asked: 'Aunt Chime, why dont you like mama?' She looked up as though she was surprised, then she smiled and closed the lid of the soup sitting close to me 'what makes you think i dont like your mother?' 'its very obvious....because i was told you never attended their marriage and you were the only one against mama in the enitire family' 'thats because i see what others do not. I was right afterall...i dont just hate people...i must have reasons for hating them' 'whats makes you think you were right afterall?' She smiled and rubbed my head 'Ivyy the wise child...trying to get words from my mouth, it will not work, akpa sense....' she laughed again. I looked at her in hatred for her tripled and i felt like digging the knife in my hand inside her stomach but i restrained myself...i might never be able to save mama but i will surely avenge her. 'the food is ready...bring plates let me serve the food' she said rising on her feet. 'the plates are there...' i replied coldly and a bit rudely. She paused 'are you okay? You sounded rude just now...' 'i will go fill the jug with drinking water' i said and left the kitchen. I passed the sitting room and was heading towards my room when papa called me 'nwam...' I spun around...and threw him a cold look 'what is it?' i asked gently but coldly. 'mu ki na gwa what is it? Mu? Nwoke muru gi? Mu (is it me you are telling what is it? Me? The man who gave birth to you? Me) I dont blame you....infact get inside before i scatter your face with slaps...' I rolled my eyes 'thats what you were always known for so its not a surprise...afterall didnt you turn mama into a punching bag? Or you should i show you the marks you left on my whatever you like papa because i'm already used to your hostility and wickedness....and did i just call you father? Of course not, i will insult all fathers by calling you one...because you are not worthy to be called a father!' 'mechionu!' Aunt Chime who stood by the door holding a tray of food screamed but she was too late as papa stood up immediately and landed me a slap that brought blood from my lips. 'yes go on...hit me again...its nothing new to me!' she spat the blood on the ground 'you are just a shameless, a shameless man and i'll tell you this again and again. God will judge you for all your evil deeds...and you aunt Chime, the reason why you remained unmarried till now despite you being papa's senior is because you'll never let married couple enjoy their marriage thats why God has refused to give you a husband of your own! God's wrath would soon befall the both of you, just watch and see, evil perpetrators!' i snapped, spat out blood, eyed them both, then left for my room. 'Jesus! This girl has just told me my life history....' i heard Aunt Chime say from the sitting room but i didnt care. *** I quickly dressed up in my school uniform early. I hid a black shawl underneath my books and made sure i wore a black gown under my uniform...i had my plans already. I went to the sitting room and saw aunt Chime dressed in a pink gorge...that was her favourite clothing and she only wore it on special, i wondered what was special about mama being killed today. 'good morning...' i greeted and sat on another sofa. She didnt respond and i didnt care..and i was going to wait for till she gave me my daily allowance...afterall it was just 6:54am. When she finished painting her face...she looked at me 'why arent you going to school yet?' 'because i know that if you had had a child, you wont let the child go to school on an empty stomach' I retorted. She looked angry 'Ivyy, this is the last time i'll take insults from you, not because i pardoned you yesterday and begged your father to forgive you...if you try messing with me again...i'll show you the stuff i'm made of' 'who cares?' 'what?' 'you heard me. Throw me out of your house aunty...i want it. Thats why i'm being disrespectful...whats delaying you?' 'if i throw you out of my'll have nowhere to go because your father would not recieve you...' 'so you think...' 'Chimezie...' i heard papa called from outside 'are you ready? Lets go' She looked at me 'i'm coming George...' she dropped two hundred naira on the table 'go to mama Ebuka's shop and buy bread, eat it before going to school, then take d remaining to school' She picked her bag and left. I waited till i heard their footsteps leave the compound...then i jumped up on my feet. TBC
25 Oct 2016 | 03:00
u ave to calm down before they abandon u
25 Oct 2016 | 04:32
25 Oct 2016 | 09:54
Ivyy u really hv to taken it easy so u won't b left alone by dem, think abt ur education nd future
25 Oct 2016 | 10:22
Episode Fifteen. I trailed them to the village square wearing black all through and covering myself with a black cloak. I stood under a big tree a little distance from the village square. I saw aunt Chime sit together with some women and they were discussing. Papa went to some men and while papa tried to put up a hardened look, their faces were filled with sympathy. What was going on? A trumpet was heard as our great igwe, Igwe Okala alighted from the big elephant he rode on. A black sleek hummer jeep drove into the village square and Henna's father, Ifeanyi, Kainene and Henna's mother, madam Grace, the sauciest woman in the village...her mouth was like a razor and everyone who had an encounter with her actually had an experience to share about how they spent most of the night weeping and thinking of their lives. Henna's father - Chief Ekwueme sat beside the igwe as the onowu - next in command while madam Grace sat beside the lolo (Igwe's wife) who sat under another canopy where the other women sat, including aunt Chime. Not too long after, some men dressed in black with leaves between their lips trooped into the square. Then i sighted mama....oh mama..being dragged like a thief..she was naked from head to toe with her hair scraped. My hands flew to my mouth as my heart pounded furiously against my! No! Mama hadnt committed adultery...she would never do that. This was all a setup... I remembered Mama telling us that women who were caught committing adultery were usually stripped naked and dragged to the village square after some days when the council finally decides on the matter. She lowered her face in shame as women started shouting...throwing insults on her. I saw aunt Chime stand up from her chair and spat on her face. Mama just lowered her head so i couldnt tell her facial expression....i looked at Henna's mother and her face was frowned in disgust as she stood up clapping her hands, i heard her screaming 'akuna kuna ten naira...ashawo hundred for hand back for ground...ikpu kobo!' She clapped in mockery. Tears ran down my cheeks...mama had really disappointed and why would she commit adultery? My own mama...the woman whom i looked up to in every aspect of my role model... No wonder papa took me away from her, i should have Umueke, whenever a woman is caught committing adultery, her children are immediately taken faraway from her as it is believed that the women possessed their children -especially their daughters with the spirit of adultery and they become prostitutes before and after they get married. I wondered who the man she committed adultery with was...but my question was soon ordered when uncle Ejike was dragged to the market square. My hands flew to my mouth...uncle Ejike was papa's best friend, infact he was the only friend papa ever had. They usually spent ours at the backyard of our house, smoking pipe, drinking palmwine and talking about politics both in the village and in the country as a whole. Yes...i always noticed the lustful look uncle Ejike always gave mama whenever he was around and mama would always smile at him. How long had their relationship been going on? I wondered. By this time, the Igwe had ordered for silence and everywhere was silence, the onowu, Henna's father called papa out and was saying something to papa...i did not hear so i went closer to the market square and mixed with the crowd. ONOWU - Elder George Maduemezie, look at your wife... Papa looked at mama as ordered. ONOWU - Do you think you can ever forgive her for the crime she has committed? Papa shook his head 'never!' The crowd roared and the Onowu had to call for silence again. ONOWU - You can never forget the evil she has committed and take her back as your wife and mother of your kids? This is your last chance to save her. PAPA - I will not and can never forgive an adulterous woman like her. GBAM - The crowd chorused. It was like everyone was against my one was trying to support and understand her predicament at all. ONOWU - You have one last thing to say to her before we carry on with the ritual? PAPA - Yes (he faced mama) Woman, you are a disgrace and you've brought shame into my household...marrying is something i will live to regret for as long as we live. I married you a nonvirgin...but yet i protected you... The crowd roared in surprise again...even i was surprised. PAPA - After the nite of our wedding, when i discovered you were not a fresh blood, i killed a coat and sprinkled it on the white cloth given to me by adas of our land...just so you will be saved the shame and humiliation......Chimezie warned me not to marry you but because i truly loved you with all my heart...i didnt listen to see the shame and disgrace you've brought upon yourself...despite having covered up your uncleaness and exposed yourself again by sleeping with my best friend on our matrimonial bed..and i wonder how
25 Oct 2016 | 12:53
And i wonder how long this has been going on...on my matrimonial bed! With my own're a disgrace to womanhood and you're very lucky your children arent here to see the kind of woman they have for a mother. The crowd roared again. The venom with which papa spoke exposed so many emotions and feelings he would have tried to hide. He loved mama, yes, it was evident in his voice...but he never showed it to her. He never treated her with love and he seized every opportunity he could to remind her of the favour he did for her by marrying her to save her dying mother and ended up giving her series of beatings sometimes, locking her up in a room. He never treated mama with love and respect so i actually dont blame her...she was a woman and she had feelings and desires to be loved and cherished for and maybe uncle Ejike was the only one who provided her that love
25 Oct 2016 | 13:02
Mama surprised everyone when she raised up her head...her face soaked in tears as she faced papa. She spat on his face. 'yes i cheated on you! I slept with your best friend on your matrimonial bed! But i didnt start started it! I knew about your escapades with Grace, the onowu's wife...i saw you so many times going to Omego Inn and not too long after, she goes in too..i've overgeard the both of you speaking so many times over the phone and the money you used in running the home was given to u by Grace. I have ample evidence to prove to everyone here that you and Grace were having an affair. And moreover you never showered me with love and care like a husband many times did you bruise my body? How many times did you rape me telling me that you owned my? How many times did....did you call i and my mother a witch? How many times did you embarass me in front of people....yes, i didnt marry you a virgin...thats because i was constantly raped my maternal uncle and i told you this..and i'm very grateful to you that you chose to marry me despite everything but dont you stand there and told me that you loved me! Because you never treated me with disrespect like i was the cause of all my misfortunes in life...whenever you lost a gambling bet, you always took it our on me and called me many times many times? I slept with Ejike not because i wanted to..but i wanted to spite you how it hurts for someone to cheat on you...the reason i remained married to you was for my children....for Ivyy because i knew divorce had greater effects on females more than in males....i constantly took all your beatings and insults waiting patiently till d day you die...yes, i hoped and prayed everyday for your death because you were nothing but a heartless man! You and your wicked sister who constantly did everything she could to make my marriage a living hell....and even as she tried everything she could to destroy my marriage, God punished her by not giving her a husband and a family and i'm eternally grateful for that....yes, i should never have committed adultery...but i dont regret it...the only thing i regret today is leaving my wonderful children behind to the mercies of you two! My Danke...i'm going to miss them....' she broke down in tears. The crowd was silent...i looked up and saw Grace boiling in her seat...almost everyone was emotional...perhaps they understood mama now. Then the Lolo stood up all of a sudden and faced Grace 'so even you...' she looked at Grace in disdain 'could stoop so low to sleep with a man like George...i knew it! Igwe, didnt i tell you that this woman here could be having affair with other men of lower status in this village? What did you tell me? Ngozi, mind you business...and i look! Shame! Disgrace! Guards!' The royal guards stood in front of her. 'drag this woman here to join her partner in crime...strip her naked for her case deserves no an onowu's wife, she deserves to serve as an example to others, not treading the wrong path!' The guards advanced towards her immediately. 'leave me alone, you smelly dirty chipmunks....!' Grace struggled 'Onowu, Igwe...please do something, tell thsi golddigging fools to leave me alone!' The onowu and Igwe didnt say anything. I didnt see anything like disgrace and suprise on the Onowu's was like he knew about everything all this while. Grace was immediately stripped naked and so was papa...i saw aunt Chime weeping where she was. Grace was weeping too 'i didnt do it, i swear i didnt do it ooo' 'shut up!' a woman screamed from the crowd 'finally you've been caught! You nearly ruined my marriage by constantly seducing my husband...thank God he didnt fall for your tricks! You had to bribe us so we dont expose you but now you've finally been matter how bright the sun would surely leave the sky and give the moon a chance to reign, you deserve to die, shameless woman!!!!' The onowu cleared his throat 'let the ritual begin' And then everyone picked up stones and threw it towards them. I suddenly screamed and everyone stopped and turned to my direction. I threw the cloak away and ran to mama. She was surprised to see me. I hugged her and we cried together. 'mama....' 'Ivyy...i'm so sorry...i'm so sorry my child...' I couldnt talk...the pains in my heart weighed me down. I was allowed to remain like that with my mother before guards dragged me away from her. I cried and screamed, laying curses on papa...i tried running back to mama but i was held by them. And so i watched in tears and pains as they were all stoned to death... Including my mother. TBC
25 Oct 2016 | 13:41
Mama surprised everyone when she raised up her head...her face soaked in tears as she faced papa. She spat on his face. 'yes i cheated on you! I slept with your best friend on your matrimonial bed! But i didnt start started it! I knew about your escapades with Grace, the onowu's wife...i saw you so many times going to Omego Inn and not too long after, she goes in too..i've overheard the both of you speaking so many times over the phone and the money you used in running the home was given to u by Grace. I have ample evidence to prove to everyone here that you and Grace were having an affair. And moreover you never showered me with love and care like a husband many times did you bruise my body? How many times did you rape me telling me that you owned my? How many times did....did you call i and my mother a witch? How many times did you embarass me in front of people....yes, i didnt marry you a virgin...thats because i was constantly raped my maternal uncle and i told you this..and i'm very grateful to you that you chose to marry me despite everything but dont you stand there and told me that you loved me! Because you never treated me with disrespect like i was the cause of all my misfortunes in life...whenever you lost a gambling bet, you always took it our on me and called me many times many times? I slept with Ejike not because i wanted to..but i wanted to spite you how it hurts for someone to cheat on you...the reason i remained married to you was for my children....for Ivyy because i knew divorce had greater effects on females more than in males....i constantly took all your beatings and insults waiting patiently till d day you die...yes, i hoped and prayed everyday for your death because you were nothing but a heartless man! You and your wicked sister who constantly did everything she could to make my marriage a living hell....and even as she tried everything she could to destroy my marriage, God punished her by not giving her a husband and a family and i'm eternally grateful for that....yes, i should never have committed adultery...but i dont regret it...the only thing i regret today is leaving my wonderful children behind to the mercies of you two! My Danke...i'm going to miss them....' she broke down in tears. The crowd was silent...i looked up and saw Grace boiling in her seat...almost everyone was emotional...perhaps they understood mama now. Then the Lolo stood up all of a sudden and faced Grace 'so even you...' she looked at Grace in disdain 'could stoop so low to sleep with a man like George...i knew it! Igwe, didnt i tell you that this woman here could be having affair with other men of lower status in this village? What did you tell me? Ngozi, mind you business...and i look! Shame! Disgrace! Guards!' The royal guards stood in front of her. 'drag this woman here to join her partner in crime...strip her naked for her case deserves no an onowu's wife, she deserves to serve as an example to others, not treading the wrong path!' The guards advanced towards her immediately. 'leave me alone, you smelly dirty chipmunks....!' Grace struggled 'Onowu, Igwe...please do something, tell thsi golddigging fools to leave me alone!' The onowu and Igwe didnt say anything. I didnt see anything like disgrace and suprise on the Onowu's was like he knew about everything all this while. Grace was immediately stripped naked and so was papa...i saw aunt Chime weeping where she was. Grace was weeping too 'i didnt do it, i swear i didnt do it ooo' 'shut up!' a woman screamed from the crowd 'finally you've been caught! You nearly ruined my marriage by constantly seducing my husband...thank God he didnt fall for your tricks! You had to bribe us so we dont expose you but now you've finally been matter how bright the sun would surely leave the sky and give the moon a chance to reign, you deserve to die, shameless woman!!!!' The onowu cleared his throat 'let the ritual begin' And then everyone picked up stones and threw it towards them. I suddenly screamed and everyone stopped and turned to my direction. I threw the cloak away and ran to mama. She was surprised to see me. I hugged her and we cried together. 'mama....' 'Ivyy...i'm so sorry...i'm so sorry my child...' I couldnt talk...the pains in my heart weighed me down. I was allowed to remain like that with my mother before guards dragged me away from her. I cried and screamed, laying curses on papa...i tried running back to mama but i was held by them. And so i watched in tears and pains as they were all stoned to death... Including my mother. TBC
25 Oct 2016 | 13:42
too bad for ur mum....u better don't follow her foot steps
25 Oct 2016 | 13:48
OMG!! She shouldnt have done such..... Now u and ur brother are orphan
25 Oct 2016 | 15:05
Hmm. This is serious. I wonder what her mother's crime is.
25 Oct 2016 | 15:09
Ivy u really have to calm down u don't even know what ur mom did
25 Oct 2016 | 15:16
Now, it's time to live ur life and u better live it well
25 Oct 2016 | 15:19
The woman who sanq the shameful sonq was quilty of the same crime.
25 Oct 2016 | 15:48
Henna... Wont qet voice to chanllenqe her peers aqain.
25 Oct 2016 | 15:50
25 Oct 2016 | 16:16
Episode Sixteen. It took me three weeks to recover from the shock...after i had witnessed mama and papa's death at the village square, i had collapsed there and i woke up two days after incident with a very terrible fever that caused me to be in bed for a week plus. Sometimes i woke up in the middle of the night and when i remembered mama, i always ended up crying. I missed papa too because no matter what he did, he was still my father. I resumed school a week after i was discharged. Henna and the girls had come to visit me when i was sick and when i asked Henna how she was taking her mother's death, she shrugged it off saying Grace had never been a mother to all of them so her death didnt really pain her very much. Ifeanyi visited me periodically and told me he had seen me at the village square immediately he came down from the car. He had purposedly looked around knowing i'd be there. I also asked him if he missed his mother and he said he wasnt...she had not really cared for all her children...all she cared about was money, fame and luxury. When Mrs Asemota stepped into the class and saw me, she smiled and told me to see her after the class. 'you must have gone through alot dear Ivyy....' she said as she sat on her chair in the staff room. She drew another chair close to her and told me to sit. I sat. 'you see my dear, i went through the exact thing you are passing through now. My parents were killed in front of me and i did nothing to help them. I was just 13 then. Armed robbers had attacked our house, raped me in front of my parents who were held at gunpoint and after raping me, they shot both of them...' she paused and looked at me. 'you must have gone through alot Mrs Asemota...' 'yes i did...because i had nowhere to go. We were in a foreign village as at that time and i never knew any of my relative...both from my mother's side and from my father's side...but i knew i came from Umueke. The villagers of Uzoi brought me back here together with my parents' corpse and they were buried. The then Igwe handed me to a childless woman as at that time who promised to take care of me...but unfortunately, the woman maltreated me an sometimes made me wish that i died together with my parents...things actually became worse when i discovered i was pregnant from the rape incident...the woman decided there and then to make me suffer. I gave birth to the child...and i abandoned it with her and ran away to Amakpe...where i was taken in by a kind reverend sister who sent me to school and made sure i was well educated..and when i was done with my education, i came back for my child and i got a job here almost immediately and today, i can afford a luxurious apartment, a good car, my daughter is a happily married woman with kids, what more can i ask for? Yes, i wasnt able to get married...i couldnt get a husband because no man in Umueke wanted to marry a nonvirgin and a woman with a child as at that time' She held my chin. I smiled. 'this is why you must keep yourself my child...i heard about the rumours about you and that riff-raff, Ralph and i was very disappointed...i was like, what does that boy have to offer you...forget about his parents' status...dont let him fool you with his parents' money...he's still under their roof and he has a very long way to go before he can be actually be called a man. Se.x is something that the generation of nowadays hunger for like there is no tomorrow. I will not lie to you...i had se.x with some men in Amakpe in my school...and yes i enjoyed it but what did i gain? And i found myself praying and hoping for my period to come every end of the month. Sometimes, i leave the classroom just to check if my panties were stained and whenever my period came, despite the cramps, it became the happiest day of my life. The men i all had se.x with told me that they were going to marry them afterall so we should just start having se.x now, that it doesnt matter since we were still going to get married. Maybe they did have intentions to marry me but when they found out i was a nonvirgin, they only had their taste and abandoned me to nurse my heartbreak alone...i sold myself cheaply to many men in Amakpe...yes, maybe it was not my fault that i was raped...but maybe, if i had kept myself after then, i would have found a man who would understand me, but i didnt, i made a see, i derive pleasure advicing young girls like you and telling them my story, because the wise ones would learn from it. You are the brightest student in this school my dear and you have a bright future and as your educational mother, i wont let you ruin it with your hands, maybe ur mother is not here to advice you anymore, maybe your mother is nt here for you to turn to anymore...but just know dat i'll always be there for you...and feel free to open up to me anytime anyday' She drew me close to her and hugged me. I wept on her bossom. I missed my mother. TBC
25 Oct 2016 | 16:33
sorry for the loss. what about aunty chime
25 Oct 2016 | 16:57
Nne sorry
25 Oct 2016 | 17:56
Hmmm Ivyy really is nt easy to see ones mum to b treated d way dey ar treatin ur mum shal.
25 Oct 2016 | 18:28
Interesting story
25 Oct 2016 | 18:36
Mother fiqure(her type that z what they know how to best when they meet children misbehavinq)
25 Oct 2016 | 18:41
Nwam ooo! Nwam eeeh!
25 Oct 2016 | 18:58
Sorry for the loss
26 Oct 2016 | 01:25
Is not realy easy being seperated from one's mum and one won't feel downcasted.
26 Oct 2016 | 02:28
Episode Seventeen. Aunt Chime called me after a silent dinner night. Yes, after the death of mama and papa, i had continued living in their house, i had nowhere to go. She had been very nice to me taking care of my medical bills and school-related fees...she was a very nice woman..but i hated her and barely greeted most times when our paths crossed. I preferred eating in my room than in the sitting room but that particular night, she had insisted i ate with her and i had grudgingly agreed. After clearing the table, i was about heading to my room when she called me and asked me to sit. 'Ivyy, i made a mistake...' she began 'i should never have tried to destroy your parents' marriage..not that i'm more like an enemy of progress but i had a particular revelation years ago before you father married your father that your mother would be the cause of you father's death...and so i only tried protecting my brother but he never listened to me...' she paused and wiped her eyes with the edge of her wrapper. 'i agree that we all made mistakes, your mother shouldnt have cheated on your father but your father shouldnt have equally cheated on her in the first place..and i should have also encouraged him to forgive your mother instead of reporting her to the council but i insisted he did the later because i felt she was ill-luck and she was going to corrupt your future. Ivyy, i've always loved you since you were a child and i always wished you the might not be my child biologically but i just want you to know that i love you as a mother will love her child. I'm only human and i'm liable to make mistakes..and i'm sorry that your mother had to die because of my mistakes. I dont know if you will ever forgive me, but nwam biko, meremu ebere (have mercy on me), forgive me, lets go back to the way we used to be before all this problems started. I promise to take care of you the best way i can, even more than your parents took care of you when they were alive. This silence btw us is killing me, you dont know how it feels!' **** Ifeanyi and i strolled to the garden that particular evening...i had so many thoughts on my mind, though i tried my best to get rid of them so i could savor the presence of my Ifeanyi, he was going back to the city soon. We sat on the bank of the stream which was unusually empty. I snuggled closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. Ifeanyi was a wonderful guy...few months of dating and he was yet to pester me for sex or even a kiss..just brief casual hugs between us and he was okay with it. I was determined to heed to, miss Asemota's advice...but wait a minute, why was that woman bearing Mrs instead of Miss when she wasnt married. I laughed when i remembered that every teacher in that school had a Mr and Mrs attached to their names, so probably not to feel inferior, she added hers too, lollz. 'why are you laughing?' Ifeanyi asked carressing my hair. 'nothing. Just remembered something that happened in school' 'tell me about it' 'no' 'why?' 'because you are nothing but a curious cat. And have you ever heard that curiousity killed the cat?' 'no, i've not heard...tell me, how did curiousity kill the cat?' I laughed 'you are not serious' He placed his hand under my chin and looked at me 'have you ever been kissed before?' I shook under his stare. In my heart, i knew it was YES...i thought of Ralph, that scumbag. But my head was screaming NO NO NO! I had no other choice. 'no' i replied curtly and shyly. 'permit me. Should i?' he angled his head closer but paused looking at my eyes for permission. I just closed my eyes and drew closer to him. His soft cold lips touched mine...his felt different from Ralph's. Ralph's had been hard and rough but his were soft and gentle like a perfect gentleman that he was. The intrusion of his tongue brought out a soft moan from me..this was it. This was true love. Our tongues battled for intimacy as he sucked on my lower lip. This was it...i didnt care if Ralph had kissed me before or not...this was my first kiss as far as i was concerned. 'i love you Ivyy' 'i love you too' **** I was rushing to the library with my books in my hands when a junior student approached me and said senior Henna was calling me. He led me to an empty and deserted classroom and ran away. I peeped inside 'Henna?' It was somewhat dark, what was Henna doing here? Immediately i stepped inside, the door was shut hard. I turned and i saw Ralph...though it was dark, i saw the hungry look in his eyes and i shivered. 'Ralph...what the fuc.k....' He attacked me with his lips...rough and gentle at the same time. I protested with my hands but he held my hands tightly to my back. I became weak under the hardness of his lips. And slowly, i gave in, returning his kiss slowly at first but soon, we were practically tugging at each other's kiss. It was so intense that i had loosed my hands from the back and had drew him closer to me. His hands tugged at my shirt
26 Oct 2016 | 02:56
0h my!
26 Oct 2016 | 02:57
Unbottoning my blouse quickly. His hot hands covered my bre.asts quickly and i moaned. What was it about Ralph that drove me crazy? That gave me the inability to resist him. He laid me on the ground, and unbuckled his belt bringing out his hard member. He raised my skirt high above my waist and took off my panties. He went down on me, kissing, sucking, biting everywhere he could. Then he came up on me and kissed me again, his member positioned at my opening. He tried enter but it was difficult for him. I wasnt in control of my senses anymore and i urged him to try harder. Well, he finally did and plunged into me. I winced in pain. TBC
26 Oct 2016 | 03:01
Stupid girl am sure u'll end up like your parent
26 Oct 2016 | 03:33
I hate this Ivy....... Next pls
26 Oct 2016 | 04:48
u are very foolish mumu ......I hate this kind of a irritating
26 Oct 2016 | 05:13
26 Oct 2016 | 07:40
I hope this is a dream
26 Oct 2016 | 09:06
U r just a fool, u escaped first time but still u give in to him.
26 Oct 2016 | 09:13
Nw ure making me hate u!!(wat nosense #injenifa'svoice)
26 Oct 2016 | 09:48
this girl is a fool
26 Oct 2016 | 09:51
i hate this girl.. Stupid girl
26 Oct 2016 | 10:21
Dis girl is an idiot
26 Oct 2016 | 11:00
oh dis girl is so foolish i really really hate her wit passion silly girl
26 Oct 2016 | 11:28
Episode Eighteen. 'heyy babe, whats happening? You look dull?' Henna asked. We were both walking home. Oma and Ije were ahead of us gossiping about whatever. 'nothing' I felt bitter within me. I couldnt explain how i felt, i felt like killing me. I felt like standing in front of the whole world and announce that i'm a sl.ut. How could i? How could i let that Ralph disvirgin me? I had planned to give my virginity to my husband as my wedding gift, i had planned to heed to Mrs Asemota's advice. To think he hadnt used a condom. What if i got pregnant? Oh my God! Without being told, i knew Ralph was never going to accept it...and even if he did, that was going to put a stop to my educational career. I felt very stupid. Promiscous Henna hadnt gotten pregnant...God, pls, dont make me pregnant, God plss. I saw the way Ralph and his friends looked at me with a mischievous grin whenever i passed and i knew immediately that he had told them about our encounter. He must be feeling like a player now. 'maybe you should tell me whats going on? Is it Ifeanyi or is it Ralph?' Henna asked, her voice suddenly calm. 'i...its not Ifeanyi...' I felt stupid and worthless. Was it right opening up to her? Was it right opening up to her? What if she told Ifeanyi? No sister would want her brother to be with someone like me. But then she was more experienced in stuffs like this. 'then its Ralph...that bast.ard! I knew he wasnt going to respect himself...i'm going to put him in his place tomorrow...what did he do this time?' A tear rolled down on my cheek and i sat on the ground under a tree. Henna stopped walking and looked at me with this THIS IS MORE SERIOUS DAN I THOUGHT look on her face. She waved at Ije and Oma 'make una dey go, we dey come una hear?' 'i no go wait for una oo...' It was Oma's voice 'i have to be with Ikechukwu' 'dey go jareh! Who say make you wait for me? No injure that boy thing with your eh-hen' she coughed. 'your nyash!' Oma cursed and they laughed. 'Ivyy bye...' Ije waved at me. Due to the distance btw us, i was sure she didnt see my tears. I waved back at her 'see you tommorrow' She smiled and walked ahead to catch up with Oma. 'now tell me...' Henna said sitting beside me on the ground 'whats eating you up?' *** Henna looked at me, she was slightly disappointed, before she looked down. 'Ivyy, do you know who disvirgined me?' she asked after listening to my story. 'no...' 'my father...' she replied. I opened my mouth to say something but couldnt 'then i was dating Victor..the guy who travelled out of the country recently. I've never told anyone this dad and i...we...we still have sex with each other...yes, i know its wrong and you might want to judge me...but i cant help it. I've tried to stop it so many times Ivyy but its addicted to me, i cant help but feel something for him whenever he touches me, whenever he makes love to me. I love him Ivyy..apart from being my father, i love him as a lover. My mother's death brought us closer, to the extent, we now share the same bedroom. See, i loved Victor, i loved him so much and i still love him even now...he's the only guy i've ever loved, apart from my dad. I was planning to give my virginity to him but dad took it away from me. It happened on the eve of my 14th birthday, mama went out for a meeting and she came back late. Ifeanyi was hanging out with some friends and Kainene travelled out of the village. He came into my room..and he made so many promises to me, he told me he loved me...and we had sex. I enjoyed it Ivyy and he promised to give me more as far as i kept this a secret from everyone and i did. Dating Victor just ended with kisses and hugs...i couldnt bring myself to sleep with him when i was sleeping with me dad and whenever he kissed me, i thought of my dad. I love Victor, but i love my dad as well. I was confused as to who to choose, but after a while, i chose dad. And i broke up with Victor...' she wiped her left eye with her finger. Henna hated crying. I looked at her and she continued 'i totally understand what you are going through now Ivyy, believe me. You might love Ifeanyi but the sexual tension btw you and Ralph is just to high and uncontrollable. Being in the same situation myself and not knowing how i handle it, i will advice you to try fighting whatever you have for Ralph, devote all your time to Ifeanyi and avoid being in hidden or dark places with Ralph. And them most importantly, you must find out time to tell Ifeanyi the truth' 'what?' 'yes...relationships built on lies do not last long' I closed my eyes. Was Henna right? TBC
26 Oct 2016 | 11:53
You re so stupid!
26 Oct 2016 | 12:49
I just love Henna
26 Oct 2016 | 12:51
Henna is after all a good friend despite her bad sides
26 Oct 2016 | 13:01
love this..keep up the good work, following closely
26 Oct 2016 | 13:39
nawa ooo....I really hate this ivvy
26 Oct 2016 | 13:50
I can't believe henna wanna help you Definitely u can't judge a book by it cover
26 Oct 2016 | 15:04
Like dx qirl Heinna
26 Oct 2016 | 15:53
26 Oct 2016 | 16:01
Henna is a true friend!
26 Oct 2016 | 16:32
Nice and good advice coming from my Henna.
26 Oct 2016 | 16:42
Truly u can't judge a book by it cover
26 Oct 2016 | 17:02
Episode Nineteen. I snuggled coser to Ifeanyi to tap warmth from his. His hands encircled my waist and pecked my cheeks...i smiled at him. Henna picked the packet of cigarette on the table and brought out a stick causing Ifeanyi to frown. 'common big bro, its just a stick...its been really long i had a smoke, please...' Henna pleaded as she brought the cigarette to her lips. 'Henna, this lifestyle of yours will not help you. No man wants to marry a wayward woman who smokes and drinks like there's no tomorrow. You're just seventeen..not even up to the age of smoking....' Ifeanyi said. Yes, even i had complained several times about the smoking habit of Henna but she didnt care. She believed in living her life to the fullest, having the most handsome guys at her beck and call, smoking all she wanted and drinking all she wanted! That was how she wanted to live her life. 'Its my life Ife...' she lighted the cigarette. Ifeanyi shrugged resignedly 'true, its ur life little sis, just trying to be concerned since you're my sister..' 'i appreciate...' Henna said puffing thick smoke into the air. I looked at Oma and saw she was grinding Chijioke already...Ije was kissing her boyfriend, Zakky..the ugliest boy in our class. Seriously, i dont know what Ije saw in him but she loved him to death. She had other boyfriends, Okechukwu and the likes of them, but she never played with Zakky. Henna relaxed her back on Jude as they shared her cigarette, laughing to themselves. Everyone seemed occupied with their boyfriends. Ifeanyi raised my head and kissed me lightly on my lips 'lets go to the car...' he breathed kissing my hair. I understood what he meant...he actually meant having sex in the car. I shook my head. 'no, i'd rather remain here' i replied. I saw Henna looking at me and with her head she urged me on. She had insisted i told Ifeanyi the truth about Ralph and i, but how could i? How could i ever tell Ifeanyi that i had sex with Ralph and he disvirgined me? How would Ifeanyi look at me? Would he ever forgive me? What if he ends it with me? What if Henna was wrong dis time? Werent somethings better left unsaid? I sighed 'okay, lets go' He smiled at me and we stood up from the sand. We were actually in Umueke's playground, more like a village beach, with sharp sands and a small river by the side. Immediately we entered the car and rolled up our windows, Ifeanyi grabbed me, kissing me and squeezing my bosoms. I moaned. I wanted more and i drew closer. His hands went under my skirt playing with my, he pinched it softly and i groaned in ecstacy. He unbuckled his belt and brought down his eyes bulged at the size of his member...his were twice the size of Ralph's. He came atop of me and reached for a kiss, but i threw my head to the side. He stopped and looked at me 'whats wrong?' 'nothing...' i replied 'Ife, please stand up, i'm not in the mood for this' 'but Ivyy, you were responding just now...' 'i said i'm not in the mood please...' i pushed him away and sat up adjusting my blouse 'i'll do this in my own appropriate time, i dont want to rush' 'are you a virgin?' That question broke my heart. I wanted to scream yes! I had been a virgin until three days ago! When that jerk.... I saw the hope in his eyes and melted...i bursted into tears. He held me...surprised and shocked at my tears 'Ivyy, why are you crying?' 'i was...i was raped Ife...' what i said even surprised me...where did that come from. 'what?!' he looked shocked. I had to continue what i already started. Henna would be disappointed in me, yes, but i had to do what i had to do to keep Ifeanyi. I loved him. 'i was raped. That basta.rd Ralph raped me!' Am i doing the right thing? TBC
26 Oct 2016 | 17:13
Yes, say the truth.
26 Oct 2016 | 17:20
Hmm. Ivvy i'm praying 4 u. Lol
26 Oct 2016 | 17:31
u are lying ....he did not rape u and u enjoy raph than ifeanyi ...
26 Oct 2016 | 19:28
26 Oct 2016 | 20:41
Episode 20. I slept that night with a heavy heart. What have i turned into? Why did i have to lie to Ifeanyi about Ralph? What if he found out the truth...that i wasnt raped my Ralph but had sex and not only had sex with him, enjoyed it to its fullest. Henna would be disappointed in me...oh God, what have i done? I made up my mind to have nothing to do with Ralph anymore. I was going to focus on Ifeanyi because i loved him. It was him i truly loved not Ralph. I was going to complete treat Ralph like he was invincible, not even bantering words with him. Yes, maybe he suceeded with me, but its over. He was a mistake i was going to regret for the rest of my life. **** Exams came and went. It was holiday time! I loved, i used to love holidays. Because back then, when mama was alive, i used the holidays as an opportunity to assist her in her trade and also learn alot of things from her. I was free from books and morning bells. Henna made me promise i was going to visit her house on sunday and i agreed to it. While Oma was going to Owe to visit her aunt, Ije was going to travel to Owerri to learn trade and come back only when school resumes. So it was just Henna and i. I had succeeded...i had escaped Ralph...or so i thought. I wondered why he didnt expose the fact that he had finally disvirgined me to everyone....maybe God was at work because it was really surprising, unlike Ralph. I was surprised to see aunt Chime's ladies bike parked in front of the compound, meaning she was home. It was unusual of her to remain at home by this time of the day. I shrugged. Maybe she was ill or just came in to pick up something...i was surprised to see a huge black car parked inside the compound too. Who owned the car? Was aunt Chime having a visitor? I decided to follow the backdoor, but it was locked, so i had no other choice but to follow the frontdoor. As i neared the front door however, i heard some funny noises. I placed my ears on the door and heard moans coming from aunt Chime. 'um...ahn...yesss...dats it...ouch...onowu, thats it..ah..' My hands flew to my house. Onowu? Henna's father? In this house? Screwing aunt Chime? This is so impossible. Maybe i heard wrongly, it certainly cannot be the onowu. By this time, her moans had increased 'aww yeah...ah...ah..ah..onowu ehhhh' **** I stared at the black phone Ifeanyi had gotten me yesterday and i smiled. Ifeanyi was a generous and a very nice guy. He made my heart flutter beautifully. The phone was just like Henna's, if not bigger than Henna's and i wonder if i could be able to operate it. I hid it from aunt Chime because i didnt know how i was going to explain to her how i got the phone. There was a knock from the parlour door and i quickly hid the phone under my bed. Who was that? Was aunt Chime home? I ran to the door and opened it and i gasped. Ralph! Oh my God, my heart pounded loudly against my chest and i wondered if he heard it. He had a wicked grin on his face. 'hi baby...' he called seductively and winked 'happy to see me?' I wanted to bang the door on his fac but i couldnt, i just stared at him. That was my mistake because he quickly pounced on me, chewing on my lips. That was when i realised that i was always longing for his kiss because no sooner had he kissed me that my hands left the door and i wrapped my hands around his neck, responding to his kiss with full vigor. He kicked the door shut with his legs and we fell on a sofa, with him on top. He snaked his hand into my top massaging my br.easts through my bra. Then he tore it off, unhooked the bra and took off his shorts. I closed my eyes in desire as he went down on me. Yes, Ralph knew the right buttons to press to make me desire more. Suddenly he stopped, and i opened my eyes, i looked at him in confusion, what was wrong? Why did he stop? 'Ivyy, are you sure you want this?' he asked with a smile. I was confused. Wasnt my moans enof to tell him that i wanted this and more? 'tell me you want this' he said sitting up. I nodded. 'say it with your mouth Ivyy, what do you want?' 'i....' 'what?' 'Ralph, please...' i moaned as his hands touched my cli.t. 'what?' 'i want you...' 'want me to?' 'to...' 'to?' 'to just FU.CK ME' i practically screamed it as his tongue went down on me again. I moaned. TBC
27 Oct 2016 | 02:55
Now i know that you're a slùt.
27 Oct 2016 | 03:05
Episode 21. The phone Ifeanyi gave me worsened the whole situation. Yes, i still hid it from aunt Chime, and i had just three contacts on my phone, Ifeanyi's, Henna's and Ralph's. Like i was saying earlier, the phone Ifeanyi gave me worsened the whole situation. Ralph and i talked very often and we met severally at the inn or at his house. I no longer regretted anything. If anything, i enjoyed it more than ever. Ralph was still a jerk, several times i had caught him with girls but i just let it slide...because i didnt love him. I could share him with anyone. As far as he satisfies me with what i want, then he's free to keep as many girlfriends as he wishes. *** We laughed. I was sitting on Ifeanyi's laps, Kainene and her fiance were seated close to each other on the exquisite sofa. Henna and Jude were dancing together, rocking each other and some of Kainene's friends were also dancing. Their sitting room was a mess..filled with cigarettes and alcohol bottles, biscuit wraps and what have you. We were celebrating Kainene's engagement in a small way. And of course, the onowu was not around, if he had been, then he wouldnt have allowed us mess up his sitting room like this. The onowu was a strict man and it still baffled me how a strict man like him could be sleeping with his own daughter and at the same time, screwing my aunt. I found it amusing. 'yeah baby, rock him harder!' Kainene cheered at Henna and Jude. Yes, i know that we were all having fun and all that. But, as a senior, when you see your junior heading towards the wrong path, you draw him or her back, and tell him/her the dangers of following that path. But that was not the case of Kainene and Ifeanyi. Yes, sometimes Ifeanyi complained, but he wasnt that strict with it. He just shrugged saying it was her life, which was not supposed to be so. They were siblings from the same womb and one's lifestyle should concern the other. Kainene was even worse, instead of correcting her sister, she even encouraged her...what sister would do that? Henna smoked, drank and even kissed her boyfriend in their presence without fear because she knew they werent going to complain, which was wrong. Even if she did those things, she was supposed to have fear and not do it in their presence but it wasnt entirely her fault, if her siblings has been strict siblings, she wouldnt have been doing such in their presence. It was wrong. Yes, i'm equally not a saint, i know. I was doing something very terrible, something unforgivable...something unpardonable. Ifeanyi wrapped his hands around my chest, his hands pressed tightly against my br.easts. I turned to him and smiled. 'naughty boy...' 'lets go to my room, let me show you how naughty i am' he grinned. 'no, thank you. Dont spoil me' My phone beeped. I had recieved a text message. I knew it was from Ralph, no one else. I climbed down from Ifeanyi's laps, took my phone and headed to the refridgerator, like i wanted to collect something from it. I quickly opened the text message. It read; "Heyy beauty, meet me at the inn by five. I promise you a nice sex, one Ifeanyi would never be able to give you in a life time" That alone made me hor.ny. I felt wet between my thighs. I quickly replied him. "I trust you, you never disappoint me. We'll meet but by six. I'm at Henna's house and i dont know when Ifeanyi is going to release me, later" I catwalked back to Ifeanyi's laps. I couldnt wait for six. I was already hot. Maybe i could make do with Ifeanyi till six, so i leaned closer and whispered in his ears. 'lets go to your room' 'really?' he grinned 'lets go' I stood up and we walked to his room with Kainene winking at us. Immediately we got to the room, we started kissing and fell on the bed. His hands went under my top pinching my br.easts. But instead of me to feel excited, i felt irritated. I tried to enjoy it, even faking a moan but i couldnt. Not that he wasnt doing it well, he was but i just couldnt enjoy it. It wasnt turning me on, instead i felt like throwing up in his face and slapping him. Not that i didnt love Ifeanyi, i did, but romance with him was something i didnt enjoy and didnt look forward to unlike Ralph and i. He noticed i had stilled and stopped 'i'm sorry, the rape is still haunting you isnt it?' Yes, he believed i was raped and that was why i was finding it difficult to engage in intimacy. 'yes...' i nodded biting my lips. He rolled off to the other side of the bed and drew me to himself 'dont worry, you'll be fine. Sorry for rushing you. I love you' 'i love you too Ife' i snuggled closer to him. I laid on his chest and smiled inwardly. I checked the wall clock and it was still four. Can someone help me tell the clock to fastforward to six o'clock? I'd really appreciate. TBC
27 Oct 2016 | 03:58
Now i know that you're a slùt.
27 Oct 2016 | 04:37
You've worsened. Too bad
27 Oct 2016 | 05:46
its the spirit of fornication in her mother dat is working on her
27 Oct 2016 | 07:16
She has joined the bad qanq... Ivvy was a qud qirl but has chanqed up.
27 Oct 2016 | 07:17
This Girl is stupid sha
27 Oct 2016 | 07:33
Sorry for ur life
27 Oct 2016 | 08:46
27 Oct 2016 | 09:30
I can't read this story ....z making me angry ....I so much hateeeeeeeeeeee this slut ...ashawooo call ivvy.....
27 Oct 2016 | 09:34
I ws thinking u are a good girl, never knew u ar a cheap slut nd ur end might b disasterous
27 Oct 2016 | 10:06
Episode 22. I started noticing sever back ache come weeks later. I was always weak and dizzy and food lost taste in my mouth. I could no longer enter the kitchen because the smell of food was enof to make me dizzy. Even coke which had been my favourite drink now had a metallic taste in my mouth. I hated drugs so i hid my sickness from aunt Chime because she was going to drag me to the village clinic for them to administer drugs on me. School was resuming in few weeks time but i didnt look forward to it. Oma had returned to the village and she visited me almost everyday. She told me i was getting fat nowadays and what was the secret. I simply laughed it off and said it was because i rarely left the house nowadays and slept alot. I lost taste for sex and whenever Ralph called me, i always had one excuse to say. Ifeanyi never went beyond kissing with me. He understood me and claimed i needed time to heal. He was the best boyfriend that could ever be, he was caring, romantic, nice, and he wasnt stinging. He always siezed opportunity to shower me with gifts, some of which i rejected because i didnt want aunt Chime to suspect anything. TBC
27 Oct 2016 | 10:57
In one word [b]"You're pregnant!!!"[b]
27 Oct 2016 | 11:21
u are practically pregnant
27 Oct 2016 | 12:04
The result is... Look up
27 Oct 2016 | 13:12
thank God .....waow....endo endo cheating don end ......she don get belle cheating will be expose ....mumu ivy
27 Oct 2016 | 13:16
mtcheew. Ur end time is near.
27 Oct 2016 | 13:54
Pregnancy on the door
27 Oct 2016 | 15:05
22 *cont* I checked my calendar. Today was 25th, it was due for 14th, why had Aunty flow not visited yet? My heart pounded loudly against my chest. I immediately fell on the bed, picked up my phone, turned on my mobile data and hit the internet. SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY - I typed into the search box. My heart pounded loudly as it connected. *** 'good evening nurse Amaka...' i greeted the old nurse seated behing the counter, her glasses on her nose as she read a newspaper. She looked up at my, her brow creased in a frown, obviously, she was trying to recognise me. 'Maduemezie okwaya?' she asked in Igbo. 'yes ma' i replied as my heart pounded loudly against my chest..i had hoped she hadnt recognised me. But she did. 'gi bu afa yi sef?' she asked meaning - what is your name? 'i...i...' I decided to lie 'Mary' 'asi!' she said immediately shocking me. Asi meant lie. 'ma?' 'okwi i che umara afa yi okwaya?' Meaning, so you thought i didnt know your name right? 'afam bu Mary' 'ta mechionu, onye asi...' she said smiling 'afa gi bu Ivyy, so because i'm old, you think i forget people that easily okwaya?' I smiled 'my name is also Mary, my baptismal name' 'ooo, anukwam (i've heard) Gini ki cho?' What do you want? 'erm, i...' God help me, how do i tell her this without this inquisitive nurse asking me questions i wouldnt want to answer? 'gini?' what? 'erm, i've forgotten what my neighbour called it oo...erm, okay..she said pregnancy strip!' I exclaimed, glad the idea came into my head immediately. She regarded me suspicously 'children of nowadays, hian! Mere looking at you alone, i know you're pregnant. So you want to fool me into believing its for your neighbour okwaya? When last did you see your period?' I was shocked to the marrow, how did she know? I looked at my body, was it written all over me? She chuckled as she rose on her feet 'it seems you've forgotten that i'm a old woman with so many grandchildren and as such, i have more experience than you can ever imagine, mu amugo nwa oo (i've given birth oo). I know a pregnant woman immediately she crosses my face and immediately you came here, i knew you were carrying a child, that was why i was interviewing you..see your life...i'll advice you not to bother buying a pregnant strip, because i'm already telling you that you are pregnant' Her face wrinkled in disgust as tears ran down my cheeks 'there's no use crying over spilled milk. Shebi you wanted to taste what your mother was eating every night? Shebi you've tasted it...e sweet?' She laughed wickedly. 'your parents...oh! Your parents are already dead, too bad! But they will be turning in their graves by now...its a pity. I just hope the man marries you sha, so your life wont be a mess like your moms' I broke down in tears. Who was this woman to judge me? What right had she to judge me? I thought as i cried. Ralph has killed me! Ralph has ruined my future! My career! God! I fell on the floor of the pharmacy weeping like a baby. I had always wanted to be an Accountant...a chartered Accountant. But all that had gone down the drains. I cried. The heartless woman didnt even deem it fit to console me, instead she laughed. 'shebi penis dey hungry you? Shebi you don taste am? Amu na su so, Amu ne gbu!' (The penis is sweet, the penis also kills). How i managed to get home that night surprised even me. Immediately i got home, i locked the door behind me and cried my eyes out till i slept. A knock on the door woke me up. I opened it to see Aunt Chime. She regarded me for a while, held my hand and dragged me to the sitting room. I was scared, what was happening? She landed a hot slap on my cheeks immediately we got there. 'tell me the ba.stard who's responsible!' She said angrily. I started crying. She had found out 'aunt, what happened?' 'who's the fool who got you pregnant, you animal!' 'aunty....' i started crying. I had brought shame to myself. What do i tell her? God please forgive me my sins, but please help me outta this mess. I felt like dying. She gave me another slap 'it seems you are trying me Ivyy, im tizie ife tata, e go wete oweyi (if i beat you this nite' She brought a horsewhip from under the table and landed it severally on my body. 'tell me...tell me' I screamed as the whip touched me everywhere. I was dying slowly and only God could help me. 'will you tell me or not?' aunt Chime asked landing the whip mercilessly on my body. I'd never been flogged like this before. I couldnt take it anymore. 'IFEANYI!!!!!' I screamed. I stilled. What did i just say? TBC
27 Oct 2016 | 16:24
Ivvy the Slùt!! I realy detests her attitude now. Ralph impregnated you, even promiscuos Henna is pregnant..
27 Oct 2016 | 17:00
Just lauqhinq.
27 Oct 2016 | 17:23
Hmmm, next!
27 Oct 2016 | 17:24
I am very sure Ifeanyi had noting like s€x with you. I am beginning to hate you with this your attitude.
27 Oct 2016 | 18:01
lol....Ifeanyi ba??? God go punish u for me
27 Oct 2016 | 19:04
lol....Ifeanyi ba??? God go punish u for me that he will marry u and after giving birth u will continue with raph okwa ya??
27 Oct 2016 | 19:05
stupid girl
27 Oct 2016 | 20:53
D story started well but very disgusting now.
27 Oct 2016 | 23:31
Episode 23. Very early the next morning, aunt Chime dragged me like a thief to the onowu's house. The guard at the gate refused to let us in as the onowu was around. Aunt Chime started screaming loud 'IFEANYI! IFEANYI, SON OF THE ONOWU! COME AND SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY NIECE OOOO! YOU'VE IMPREGNATED HER AND YOU MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT' I bowed my head in shame as tears poured down my cheeks...i regretted so many things. If only Ifeanyi was responsible for my pregnancy, then i wouldnt have no fear because he was certainly going to marry me. But no he wasnt, and he was going to know because he never had sexual intercourse with me. And the shame it was going to bring to me now, because everyone came out of the house almost at once, the onowu, Kainene, Henna, Ifeanyi, the maids and so many other domestic workers in the house. The onowu told the guard at the gate to let us in and he did. Immediately i stepped into the compound, i lowered my head in shame. I knew i was a mess, my hair was rough, my clothes were squeezed and my face oily and pale. My eyes were red and swollen from too much crying. The onowu looked from aunt Chime to me accessingly 'whats the meaning of this, so early in the morning?' his voice vibrated in anger. Aunt Chime got on her knees with her head lowered 'onowu, may you live long' 'what brings you and your niece here this early morning?' he asked. Henna moved to my side and was about speaking when her father commanded her to step back. I suddenly felt dizzy and my knees became weak and Ifeanyi was beside me in a flash and i fell into his arms. By now, aunt Chime was already explaining everything to the onowu. I looked at Ifeanyi in tears and mouthed 'i'm sorry' He looked at me in confusion. 'i'm very sorry Ifeanyi, have mercy upon me' i sobbed. ' now, my niece is pregnant and she claimes Ifeanyi is responsible for the pregnancy and i brought her here for Ifeanyi to take responsiblity. Long live the onowu...' Aunt Chime concluded. 'get up woman...' the onowu said and she did. 'Ifeanyi!' the onowu spoke authoritatively. Ifeanyi looked at him, confusion laced over his face. It was obvious he wasnt understanding what was going on 'dad?' 'what do you have to say about this? Have you impregnated this girl here as claimed?' the onowu asked. Ifeanyi looked at me and gave me the ARE YOU CRAZY look? 'are you playing games Ivyy? If thats the case, you should quit now cos everyone is falling for it' 'mere looking at her, she looks like someone with pregnancy...' the head cook of their house said, madam Onuoha, a woman in her sixties. The onowu turned to her 'did i ask for your opinion?' ' sir' 'get inside the house and prepare dinner immediately!' The cook scampered inside the house immediately. Ifeanyi shifted away from me 'Ivyy, who's responsible for your pregnancy?' 'what kind of question is that?' aunt Chime asked 'of course its you! You think i havent been seeing you guys hang out in my garden through my windown?' Ifeanyi stood up immediately 'i am not responsible for this! Tell her to tell you the person responsible for the pregnancy because its certainly not me, i am a hundred percent sure of that!' 'dont you know that condoms do burst?' the onowu interjected 'if you think you can be hundred percent sure simply because you used a condom then you're a liar. Ifeanyi, i'm disappointed in you! How dare you try to shy away from your responsibility? Is that what i thought you?' 'dad! Ivyy is lying! Gosh, Henna please tell them what i told you last night...' Ifeanyi said turning to Henna 'i agree that we attempted to do it so many times but Ivyy couldnt do it because she or rather she claimed she was raped and so she had issues whenever it came to intimacy. I swear on my late mother's grave and everything i hold dear that i did not have sex with Ivyy. She was my girlfriend, yes, but there was never any intimacy between us, ask her yourself!' I started crying as all eyes turned to me. The onowu came closer and squatted in front of me 'tell me my child, who really is responsible for your pregnancy? Is it really Ifeanyi?' I cried. I couldnt say anything....Ifeanyi was such a good person, he didnt deserve this kind of treatment from anyone most especially me. I just had to admit that i'd lost him for good. He was never coming back to me again and it was all my fault. 'answer me child...' the onowu said tenderly 'is he truly responsible for your pregnancy?' I shook my head. I couldnt do this to Ifeanyi, he deserved something better 'no' Everyone gasped and Ifeanyi fell to the ground crying. He had truly loved me. 'then who's responsible?' the onowu asked. 'Ralph...Ralph Obi' i sobbed. Henna's shoulder sagged in disappointment. She warned me. Mrs Asemota warned me. I'm finished! TBC
28 Oct 2016 | 03:10
28 Oct 2016 | 04:34
enjoying the ride......fake girl @aati dear pls I need more...I only come online for this story ...
28 Oct 2016 | 05:00
Episode 24. I would never forget that day in my life. That day when i stood by the window watching my mates dressed in their neat and well ironed school uniform hurrying off to school with their fancy schoolbags slung over their shoulders. That day when it dawned on me that i might never smell the school gate anymore. That day when it dawned on me that i was going to miss my teachers. Especially Mrs Asemota. That day when it dawned on me that i had disappointed very important persons in my life. I knew without being told that mama was going to be very upset with me wherever she was. I lost. I lost on both ends. Immediately we left the onowu's house that fateful day, aunt Chime had dragged me to Ralph's house. We met his mother and she threatened us after throwing some money to us, never to come close to our house again. She called me names i knew i deserved and told me to terminate the pregnancy immediately and i shouldnt drag down her son simply because i was also going down. Aunt Chime had retorted and had told her that if she had given her son a proper upbringing, then he would never have impregnated a girl while in secondary school. And the woman had looked at me and said i was more shameless because even though Ralph had impregnated me, that wouldnt stop him from going to school becoming what he's destined to be. But as for me, mine was finished because it will take only a miracle for a responsible and well respected man to marry me. Aunt Chime had been very mad. And she had stood in front of the woman and told her that plus my pregnancy minus my pregnancy, i was going to be greater than her son in the future. The woman had laughed and ordered her securities to throw us out. I couldnt stop crying. At a time, the thought of suicide crossed my mind. I couldnt stand the shame and all. I looked at the window once more. I saw Mesoma and her friend, Chisom going to school. I was far better than those girls. I was far better than Henna who was scre.wing her own father. Why was i the only one with badluck, i agreed i made a mistake, but did God have to punish me for that? The door opened and Aunt Chime entered the room with a tray in her hands. 'Ivyy dear, breakfast in ready, come and eat, have you brushed your teeth?' she asked concernedly dropping the tray on the table. 'good morning aunty, i'm not hungry...' i replied wiping my tears with my hands. 'are you crying again?' she moved closer to me 'baby, you have to stop crying. You really have to stop dwelling on your mistake..what has happened has happened and you have to move on. You have to be in good condition and eat well for your baby's sake...' At the mention of baby's sake, i broke into tears. She pulled me closer to herself 'you'll be just what you want to be my dear, pregnancy will not stop you. You will carry this pregnanct, you will give birth to this baby, you will nurse it for one year but after that one year, Ivyy, i'm sending you to the city, you'll drop the baby with me, i'll train it and treat it like my own. With all my savings, i'll make sure you go to a very good school over there, i would do everything i can, even if i have to open my legs for every man in this village, i will do it. You must show people that early pregnancy cannot stop you from being whatever you want to be. Pregnancy does not take long, just nine months, after then, its over. Just take it as a nine-month break in your life. Moreover, you shouldnt be sad. You are going to be bringing a new life into this world. Do you know how much i've prayed to God to grant me this nine-month rest? You are opportuned to get it Ivyy so relax and be happy. If you think your pregnancy will cause you to stop schooling, then it will not, you'll start school again, you'll attend university and you'll graduate with a very good result, i'll make sure of that. I'll prove to that useless woman that plus pregnancy minus pregnancy, you're destined to be greated than that psychotic son of hers...' she said with such venom in her soul. I couldnt believe this was the woman i once i hated. I couldnt believe this was the woman whom had flogged me that day..mercilessly. She was my second mother. I rested my head on her shoulder and cried. 'and if anyone tries to mock you, just tell me, i'll show them a every vagin.a has hair, everywhere in the world except that of a small child! Pregnancy is a gift not everyone has the opportunity to recieve, so if you've recieved it Ivyy, then you should cherish it. Dem no born anybody well make they come meet you tell you nonsense, i go tear their cloth for their body!' I cried. I hope everything becomes as aunt Chime had said it, God being my helper. TBC
28 Oct 2016 | 05:46
You are so lucky to have someone like Aunt Chime
28 Oct 2016 | 07:34
You are lucky that aunt Chime is there 4 u
28 Oct 2016 | 07:41
N. E. X. T.
28 Oct 2016 | 07:45
@aarti .... Why not please put fast links for available episodes for easy acess
28 Oct 2016 | 08:10
@kemkit Say that to the moderators.
28 Oct 2016 | 08:13
@kemkit, i rili dnt knw hw to do it oo...the moderators are responsible for it @victoriouschild @frankkay
28 Oct 2016 | 08:14
Aarti I will try my best to add fast links to your story tonight.
28 Oct 2016 | 08:54
hmmm,touching story,nt ur fault,it happens 2 many pple@ivvy.
28 Oct 2016 | 09:18
Episode 25. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Aunt Chime registered me in the clinic for antenatal, and that was the only place i visited apart from church. The three places i ever went to were the church, the clinic and the garden which was also in the same compound. I've never felt so lonely the way i felt this past few months. Henna was still angry with me, i could tell with the way she always reacted whenever she visited which was once in a blue moon. The next time she visited after that day at her house was in my third month of pregnancy. She came again in my fifth month and twice in my sixth month and i did not see her till my nineth month of pregnancy. She always came with gifts and novels to keep me busy and she never stayed long. She just asked me how i was faring, what it felt like to have a baby. Oma and Ije came with her once and the degrading look they constantly gave me made me really uncomfortable and i had to tell them i needed to rest just so they could go. I was standing by the window one fateful morning watching students hurry off to school as i usually did every morning. My classmates were now in their final year preparing for their Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE). I looked down on my stomach rubbing it gently, i suddenly felt a sharp pain across my waist and below my abdomen. I ignored it till it came again. This time it was really severe, i muffled a scream. It came again, more severe this time and i let out a scream as i felt water trickle down my thighs. 'help....somebody help me....' Aunt Chime was not home, she went to her women meeting. I needed help. I slowly crawled to my box where i had hidden my cell phone. I turned it on and dialled a number. 'hello?' the familiar voice which i had missed said into the speaker. 'hell...o, Ifeanyi...pls come over...i...ouch! I need help!' *** I stared lovingly at the little creature in my arm and broke into tears. Such a beautiful child. I thought about everything that had happened to me these past few months, all the mistakes i made, all the people i took for granted, all the advice i recieved. I cried even harder. Aunt Chime came to me and wrapped her hands around my shoulders. 'its okay baby, stop should be happy at this special moment not crying...' she said. 'i'm happy aunty, i'm very happy right now....but i cant...i cant stop my tears...' 'the baby is so cute, just like her mother, what would you like to name her?' 'aunty, Ifeanyi is unisex right?' 'huh?' 'i mean, Ifeanyi is for both male and female isnt it?' 'eh...yes, but males bear it more...' 'i'll name this child Ifeanyi...' i spoke as tears poured from my eyes 'her name is Ifeanyi Pamela Maduemezie...i'll name her Pamela after my mother' 'Ivyy....' aunt Chime said hugging me. 'she'll always remember me of...of him...' 'who? Ifeanyi?' I nodded 'i've lost him for good aunty
28 Oct 2016 | 09:38
Ohh *sobs* too late Sorry Ivvy can't blame u ure too weak dts y
28 Oct 2016 | 09:46
'i lost him for good aunty...' i said looking down 'he's such a good person..' 'a very good person' aunt Chime affirmed as a knock sounded on the door and Ifeanyi came in carrying two heavy bags. He greeted at aunt Chime and smiled at me. Aunt Chime excused herself and left the room. He faced me with a smile on his face as he stretched out his hands and i handed the baby over to him. 'such a beautiful girl, whats her name?' 'her name...Ifeanyi' i replied playing with my fingers. 'huh?' I looked at him and saw confusion written all over his face. I smiled through the tears that were threatening to spill. I loved this guy, i was only driven by lust to do the things i did 'Ifeanyi is unisex, isnt it?' His handsome face suddenly broke out in a smile 'really? So why did you name her Ifeanyi? Why not Ralph?' there was a note of sarcasm in his voice 'Ralph is way better than Ifeanyi, dont you think?' I looked down again and sobbed 'Ifeanyi please....dont say that' 'dont say what? I'm just saying the truth...the child looks just like his father Ralph...' I suddenly bursted into tears. He watched me cry for some seconds before he dropped the baby on the cot and reach out for my hands 'dont cry Ivyy, seeing you cry shatters my heart into million pieces' 'i'm sorry...' i breathed 'i'm very sorry for everything Ifeanyi...i...i lied. I wasnt raped by Ralph, i...we had sex. It wasnt rape...' i cried. He kept quiet and swallowed hard. 'i had sex with him countless number of times, even when we were dating...' i sobbed 'Henna knew about our first encounter and she insisted i tell you but i couldnt bring myself to tell you...i was scared i'd lose you for good...' 'did you really love me Ivyy?' 'i really loved you believe me Ifeanyi. I loved you so much...' 'the why did you cheat on me with Ralph? Was he better than me? In what area did i slack? What aspect? I tried my best to make you happy. Or was i not the best man for you....' his voice was shaken like he was going to cry. 'no Ifeanyi...' i leaned closer hoping for a hug but i knew i was never going to recieve it 'no, you were the best...and you didnt lack in any areas at all, i was the one who lacked in many areas...' He sniffed and let go of my eyes. He rested his palms on his forehead for a moment before meeting my worried gaze and smiled 'so how have you been?' My shoulders sagged in disappointment, he had diverted the discussion. He was over with me, there was not even a slightest chance of us ever being together. 'i...i've been fine' He shifted the bags to me 'here, i got some things for the baby' I smiled in gratitude 'thank you..'i whispered 'thank you for everything Ife, you brought me to this hospital in such short notice when i called you this could have chosen to ignore me, and left me to suffer, but you didnt, thank you so much Ife, i'll never forgive you as long as i live. He rose on his feet 'i should be going now. When are you going to be discharged?' 'i dont know. Maybe as soon as aunt Chime settles the hospital's bills...' 'if thats the case, i already settled the bills, so you might be discharged pretty soon...' he walked to the door and turned to me 'this might be the last time we meet Ivyy, i'm leaving the country pretty soon...good..goodbye Ivyy..' he said shutting the door with full force behind him before i could say a word. Tears ran down my cheeks. What had i done? I had pushed the only man who ever loved me away. How do i live now? TBC
28 Oct 2016 | 10:10
Oww. Too bad
28 Oct 2016 | 10:58
Oww. Too bad. I'm sure if u both are meant to be, ur paths will surely cross again
28 Oct 2016 | 10:59
following keenly... .
28 Oct 2016 | 11:05
Am really happy now..mumu
28 Oct 2016 | 11:07
Am sorry for you
28 Oct 2016 | 11:08
Still Here...
28 Oct 2016 | 12:04
not even a sting of sorry to u from me
28 Oct 2016 | 12:06
Love indeed
28 Oct 2016 | 12:08
N. E. X. T
28 Oct 2016 | 13:33
such love?
28 Oct 2016 | 13:40
*Crying* Ify pls forgive her
28 Oct 2016 | 13:59
Episode 25. 'hold on i'm coming...' i shouted at the person who was persistently knocking. Little Ifeanyi was in my arms, crying with my bosom in her mouth. She seemed insatiable and i wondered what her problem was. She bit my ni.pple and i winced and spanked her playfully. I removed my bosom from her mouth and tucked it back into my bra, dropped her on the sofa and headed to the door. I opened it and gasped 'Ralph!' He smiled cockily and spread his arms 'live and direct baby' My heart swelled in hatred for this guy. He was my worst nightmare, and if i was given the chance to kill anyone, that would be him certainly. I suddenly felt like banging the door on his face. It'd been a year since i last saw him. Obviously, his mother had told him about my baby and he had stayed away from me. Fool! I proceeded to close the door on his face but he was quick enough to put his left foot in the way. 'what do you want?!' i asked angrily. This guy shouldnt tempt me, i would kill him if need be. 'you baby...i missed you, you know' he winked. 'gosh! You're so disgusting! Get out of my house Ralph, i dont want to see ever again!' 'dont you love me anymore? Remember how you'd scream my name in ecstacy, telling me you loved me with all your heart and you'd never leave me whenever you were underneath me?' I blushed in embarrassment and closed my eyes. Yes, those were the days of foolishness and blindness. I was naive and foolish then, but not anymore. Tears smarted my eyes as i thought of everything i lost because of him. My education, my dignity, my self respect and above all, Ifeanyi. 'i hate you Ralph...' i whispered fiercely. I saw emotion pass through his face but it was gone as quickly as it came and he quickly grinned again. 'maybe if we get under the sheets once more, the hatred will disappear as quickly as it came...what do you think?' he winked. I spat on his face as my left hand flew across his face. My other hand followed and he was quick enof to catch the third one mid air. I raised my other hand and he held it, i struggled to let go but his hold only tightened. He was no longer grinning or smiling, his face was void of emotions. Then he placed his lips on mine, but i bit it with full force and he drew back and winced. He held two of my hands with one hand and used his other hand to draw me closer to him. He placed his lips on mine again chewing on my lower lip. The old me would have melted in his arms by now, but i was a different Ivyy now, i kicked his balls with my knees and he bent low in pain releasing me. I sent another slap to him...i picked up the rod close to the door and whipped his back with it. He screamed in pain and fell down. I raised the rod again and this time, it landed on his stomach...he screamed and tried to get on his feet, i landed the rod on his ankle and he was back on the floor again. I raised the rod again and it bruised his lips. He was practically spitting out blood again. I raised the rod again and he caught it mid air, but by now, he was weak and i dragged it from him with full force. He called my name and tried to get on his feet, but the rod landed again, but dis time, on his head. Blood splashed all over the ground and on my body. I screamed and threw the rod away. I squatted beside him on the floor panicking. 'God!! What have i done?' He coughed out blood as his eyes closed weakly, he opened it again and smiled weakly. He weakly raised his hands and placed them on my jaw. I started crying 'Ralph, i'm sorry...Ralph, please i'm very sorry, please forgive me, please...' 'shh...dont cry..' he said wiping my tears with his hands 'please dont cry anymore my love' I blinked in confusion. 'you were and would always be my first love are the first girl i ever disvirgined....' he coughed weakly 'believe it or not..after our first time together...i..i made up my mind not to let you go...i...' he coughed out blood again 'i fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with you Vee...i loved you...' he coughed 'i...i..didnt want to seem like a weakling to you so i hit it. My child...' he coughed again as tears rolled down his eyes 'i dont know if i'm going to survive this but my child...please...please take care of him or her...' 'her...' 'her...whats her name?' 'Ifeanyi...' i said in tears. He smiled 'you loved that...that guy so much you had to name my child after him. Please take care of my child Ivyy, and tell her about me...please, let her bear my mother might have chased you away that day...she was...she was only trying to protect my future. I'm sorry that i couldnt...i couldnt visit you throughout the period of mum stopped me...i...' he was breathing weakly now 'i love you and my child...take...take care...' his hands fell off my face and his eyes closed. He stopped breathing. I closed my eyes and screamed his name.... What have i done? TBC
28 Oct 2016 | 14:04
i have been hooked to this story sincemorning....i just pray he survives..
28 Oct 2016 | 14:49
i pray he doesn't die..
28 Oct 2016 | 14:49
Ralph is dead. @aarti, when is the burial?
28 Oct 2016 | 15:17
Ralph, what a sad end for you? Or is it a dream?
28 Oct 2016 | 15:20
Ivy y
28 Oct 2016 | 15:20
@hormotiyor on the 22nd Of December, 2016, would you be there?
28 Oct 2016 | 15:21
@froshberry-2, where u?
28 Oct 2016 | 15:23
Would be glad to. i
28 Oct 2016 | 15:24
Hehe...Ralph's dead!! I sight you bro... @hormortiyor would do the MC of the burial ceremony.
28 Oct 2016 | 15:30
Ur aunt is a nice woman!
28 Oct 2016 | 16:01
Too bad for Ralph!
28 Oct 2016 | 16:19
Wooow(am crying 4 u ivvy) anoda story...ur mums was adultery urz will b murder haa pray Ralph survives.
28 Oct 2016 | 16:41
i hope Ralph survive it for the sake of ivy bcoz if not... I reserve my comment till nxt episode
28 Oct 2016 | 18:03
@Aarti pls come and update...... I have been hooked... I dnt even pity Ralph
28 Oct 2016 | 18:12
welldone @aarti..I Love This Story
28 Oct 2016 | 18:13
@hormortiyor .... Who are you to tell me who say it to atleast you are not the writer and i mentioned yah name not
28 Oct 2016 | 18:36
@aarti .... Thanks jae
28 Oct 2016 | 18:38
Na una sabi ..which kind love be that na..
28 Oct 2016 | 18:59
28 Oct 2016 | 19:01
[b] @Kemkit, I don*t think I need to start making a hell of disturbance here coz yor confrontation is not understandable that is why I would just say [u]stupendous[/u] to whatever you think you wrote coz constituting nuisance wont just make things right. All in all, you ought to read what I said again and give it a thorough expantiation before claiming what it is not. Stop bragging at me. [/b]
29 Oct 2016 | 00:30
nice. currently waiting for the next.
29 Oct 2016 | 01:27
Following steadily.
29 Oct 2016 | 02:24
Episode 26. I let my hands run through the water as the boat sailed across the water. I sent a glance at Aunt Chime, she was carrying little Ifeanyi and singing her a lullaby to make her stop crying. I looked back at the village...where i was born, where i had lived, where i had started my life. I couldnt believe i was going to be leaving the village this way. I thought of Ralph and i could only pray that his destructive soul rest in perfect peace. I rested my head on my laps. Aunt Chime tapped me 'Ivyy, are you okay?' I raised up my head and smiled nodding my head. What could i have done without this woman? She had been very supportive during this time. It was her suggestion we left Umueke to a faraway town the night we disposed Ralph's body. So immediately after dropping his body beside the stream in the middle of the night, we had hurried back to the house, packed our little belongings and headed to the port that same night. We had spent the night there as we couldnt get any boat leaving the village that night. But very early the next morning, we had boarded a boat going to Umeja. Umeja was very far from Umueke and the journey was surely going to last for two days. Umeja wasnt an Igbo community, it was a Yorubaland and i wondered how i was going to fare. Umueke had been part of my life. I was going to miss everyone...Henna, Kainene, Omalicha, Ijeoma, Jude, Chijioke, Ifeanyi and even Ralph...though he was no longer in this world. But i knew deep within me that i was going to miss Henna more. It pained me that i didnt even get to tell her goodbye or apologise for everything. It pained me that i just left without a goodbye to those who mattered alot to me. I looked at Aunt Chime again and she was engrossed with crying Ifeanyi. I carefully unzipped my bag and brought out the phone Ifeanyi had given me. Tears trickled down my eyes. I wanted to do away with every memory of Umueke. I wanted to forget i ever came from that village. I wanted a new life. A fresh start without worries or pains. I wondered if i was doing the right thing. I wrapped the phone in a black nylon, closed my eyes and dropped it into the water. I screamed loudly as the phone sunk deeper into the water. 'Ivyy, what is wrong with you?' Aunt Chime asked as people looked at us. I started crying. Oh my soul, God bless my sould. **** FIVE YEARS LATER. I marveled at the beauty of the mansion in front of me. The large swimming pool, the beautiful fountain, the beautiful garden and the beautiful cars parked in the garage. Living in this house for sixteen months hadnt gotten me used to it. I got down from the car, picked up my Dabana handbag and entered inside the house. 'mummy!' Ifepam screeched jumping into my arms. 'oh Ifepam, you'll not kill was school today?' i asked carrying her to the sofa. My daughter preferred being called Ifepam, thats Ifeanyi Pamela. Said Ifeanyi was too masculine. 'school was fine mum, how was work?' 'work was hectic, where's aunt Chime?' 'in the kitchen...' Ifeanyi said biting her fingers. 'stop dat! Its bad habit...' i scolded. 'heyy Ivyy dear, you are back!' aunt Chime called emerging from the kitchen. 'yes aunt...' i said rising on my feet, i handed my handbag to Ifeanyi and she ran to my room to drop it. I followed aunt Chime to the kitchen 'so whats cooking?' 'jollof rice...' Aunt Chime said stirring the pot. 'smells nice...' She suddenly stopped stirring and faced me 'Chief was here today...' I nealy choked on the bottled water i was drinking 'which Chief?' 'how many Chief do you know? Chief Adetola of course!' 'oh my God! What did he come here to do again?' 'the same thing he has been trying to do over the years Ivyy' she faced her pot again. I placed my face on my palms 'oh my God, that man should just let me be for goodness sake! I cannot marry an old man like him, why doesnt he understand?' Aunt Chime covered the pot and looked at me 'Ivyy, you know you cant run away from Chief forever, maybe its high time you gave into his request...' my shoulders slumped 'yes my dear, look around you, the luxury you're living in, who gave it to you?' 'God...and my hardwork...i worked hard for this aunty..' 'oh please, lets be realistic. We all know that Chief made you who you are today. Yes, maybe you earned it with all your hardwork...but who was the person who took us in and gave us a life when we newly arrived here several years ago? Who was the person who paid all your bills and sent you to school? Who was the person who got you employed in his company as the assistant manager?' 'Chief...' i muttered slowly. She shrugged 'you see? Ivyy, marrying him will only bring us goodluck, its going to secure your future and that of Ifepam's. She's going to have attend the best universities in the world and marry a good man. Think about this Ivyy, dont miss your luck' I looked down. Me...marry Chief? I cant. I didnt love him. I loved another. TBC
29 Oct 2016 | 04:32
You love another but who knows maybe you've lost him (Ifeanyi) for good. You and Ifeanyi would soon meet in the nearest future. #Holala :mail:
29 Oct 2016 | 04:47
Hmm. Fastforward
29 Oct 2016 | 04:53
Ralph is finally dead bt it ws too soon. Who is d oda dis silly girl love? I hope its nt Ifeanyi bcos d poor guy deserves better
29 Oct 2016 | 05:52
Ivy do not make d same mistake twice
29 Oct 2016 | 06:55
You love who?
29 Oct 2016 | 07:00
D is top notch story.....
29 Oct 2016 | 07:24
Lol @adauche i pity him small...I also hate the fact that Ivvy killed him
29 Oct 2016 | 07:56
29 Oct 2016 | 08:07
Hmmm so ralph die enya..... No do anytin u go regret again ooo
29 Oct 2016 | 08:12
U've learnt ur mistake big time
29 Oct 2016 | 08:50
Dont believe Raphl die so soon
29 Oct 2016 | 09:37
love another ba?? someone that u hate making love u sabi oo
29 Oct 2016 | 11:42
Episode 27. I was sitting in my office typing something on my laptop when the door opened. I thought it was Cherpet, my secretary. 'Cherie, anything?' i asked without looking up from my laptop. I froze when i heard 'my princess' from a very familiar voice. I raised my head 'Chief!' I blurted in surprise. 'my princess, bawo ni?' he asked holding his agbada. He sat on the chair opposite him. I smiled 'mo wa kpa sir. How was your day?' He grinned at me 'i'm very fine...i came by your house two days ago, i was told you were at work..actually i just stopped to say hi to your aunt' 'thanks a lot Chief...' i smiled not knowing what to say. 'but today, i came here for my proposal...' he winked. I winced. Chief was a good looking man in his fifties. He had six wives and eighteen kids, his first son was an senior to me with over five years, how was i to marry a man like that? 'erm...Chief, its...' i played with my fingers nervously 'i'm very grateful for your kindness towards me and my family these past few years...but...but...i...i just...i just cant...i dont know how to put it..' 'put it anywhere dear...' 'i cant marry you. I just cant marry you Chief, i'm sorry' i sighed. He regarded you for a while 'what do you mean?' 'i cant marry you...i'm refusing your proposal...' i said as gently as i could. He looked shocked. 'i am ready to pay you back for everything you've done for me Chief, but please, not through marriage, i...' 'will you shut up?' he barked suddenly and i drew back in shock. He stood up, an angry look on his face 'you are nothing but an ingrate! After everything i did for you and your wretched aunt!' I looked down not able to say anything. 'i picked you up from the gutters and brushed you up! I sent you to school and took care of your child...provided a comfortable house for you too. And then i got you a job. You must be mad if you think i will let you go just like that!' I stood up 'but Chief, you really cant force me to marry you...' i said gently as i placed my palms together 'please forgive me Chief but i really cant marry you. I cant' 'you are very stupid! Look...' he said banging his fist on the table 'you dont want to see me angry...i can ruin your life and all that you've worked for all these years..i can make you lose your job, i can chase you from dat house because i also own it. I can equally...look Ivyy, you better dont provoke me. I give you two day...two days to make up your mind lose everything' he said walking out in anger. I fell back on my seat. I had a tough battle ahead of me, that i knew. *** 'Ivyy, you just have to give into Chief's proposal and you have to be fast about this!' Aunt Chime said marching into my room holding her phone in her hand 'Chief just called me now and you needed to hear how how angry he sounded. I've never heard me speak so angrily before and there's no need telling whats going to happen if you dont marry Chief, Ivyy, do you want to lose everything overnight? What is all these nonsense?' she barked angrily. I sighed and rubbed my temples 'but aunty, you know i dont love Chief, besides he's far older than me, i cant marry him. I cant marry a man i dont love...' Ifepams walked into the room at that moment yawning angrily. Aunt Chime held her hands pointing at her 'Ivyy, love...' she pointed at Ifepams 'love oo, love...' i knew what she was implying at. The thing she didnt know was that i never loved Ralph 'love is not can make someone make deadly mistakes sometimes. I just hope you know what you are doing...' she walked out of the room dragging Ifepams along. I fell on my bed and sighed. I was never going to marry Chief and nothing can stop me, no matter what anyone says. I wasnt going to lose anything but i wasnt going to marry Chief. I knew he lusted for my body and maybe if he had it once, he could forget about the marriage stuff. I walked to the window watching how the city bustled in activities. I missed Umueke and i thought of visiting there very soon, except that i had no one to see there. Ifeanyi could have probable left the country and Henna would have probably left the country too as she had always said she was leaving the village immediately she finished secondary school there. I let out air. I missed them. I missed my past life. I wondered how Ije and Oma were faring. I wondered how the village reacted to Ralph's death. Someone might be paying for my crimes now as they might have accused someone else and i wondered who. Oh God...the mistakes i made in the past. I just pray they dont come back to haunt me. TBC
29 Oct 2016 | 13:38
Hmmmmm...Now i realy feel for you.
29 Oct 2016 | 13:46
Hmm. Just don't make any rash decision
29 Oct 2016 | 13:55
U need to tink very well b4 u act
29 Oct 2016 | 15:36
6wives... 18children... First son older than you with five years... If na me I no marry ohh.
29 Oct 2016 | 17:22
just think well before taking any step right now
29 Oct 2016 | 17:48
see this jagaga ivvy oo....I want to sleep with chief ba?? going into prostitution just to confuse him.....Raph did not die .
29 Oct 2016 | 19:12
I pray he survive.
29 Oct 2016 | 20:22
Realy love the twists of this story...Next.
30 Oct 2016 | 04:34
U hardly see a man who wl help a lady out without xpecting somtin in return
30 Oct 2016 | 06:56
look properly before u leap, so as not to correct a mistake with a mistake that will latter result into calamity. GOOD LUCK
30 Oct 2016 | 07:42
Am kinda sure Ralph isn't dead but unconscious that night
30 Oct 2016 | 10:10
Just be very careful
30 Oct 2016 | 10:55
continue pls
30 Oct 2016 | 12:18
Use your medulla oblongata to think well...
30 Oct 2016 | 13:13
Episode 28. I looked at the mirror once more and added finishing touches to my make up. I picked up my white handbag, picked up my phone from the bed and left the room. Approaching the sitting room, aunt Chime was seated on one of the sofas watching her favourite soap opera that showed every morning. I was thinking of setting up any business for her, maybe a supermarket or a boutique or a restaurant, anything to keep her busy. 'aunt good morning...' i greeted cheerfully. She turned, accessed me with her eyes then returned her gaze back to the plasma tv on the wall. 'aunt Chime?' She turned again, eyed me then returned her gaze back to the television. I walked to the beautiful center table in the middle of the sitting room, picked up the remote and switched off the television. 'whats the meaning of this Ivyy?' she asked angrily. 'aunt, i greeted you, you did not answer...' 'so?' she retorted angrily 'what has your greeting done for me? Will you turn on the television at onece?!' I regarded her for sometime and smiled 'is this all about Chief's proposal?' 'give me the remote...' she said reaching for it. I drew back and hid the remote behind me 'answer me aunty...' She eyed me and hissed 'i dont have time for this...' she said approaching the stairs. I let out a sigh, checked the wall clock and saw i was twenty five minutes late for work. I dropped the remote on the table, i was going to talk to her later. *** I honked and honked. Where were those silly security men who were supposed to be at the gate? I blared the horn once more, no one came out. I came down from the car angrily 'security!' I shouted as i approached the gate. I wasnt really conversant with their names. The middle aged man came out of wherever he had been holding his gun to his side. He smiled at me through the see-through gate making no attempt to open the gate 'madam goodmorning oo' he greeted. 'where did you go to? Open the gate at once!' i said turning back to leave. 'madam, they say make i no open gate for you oo..' he said and i turned instantly. 'who said?' 'the oga kpatakpata. He talk say if i open gate for you say him go fire me oo' 'which oga kpatakpata?' i asked knowing fully well he was talking about Chief. 'Chief na. Wait, he even give me letter give you..' he entered the small building by the gate that served as his "office" and came out with a brown envelop which he handed to me. I quickly took it from him and opened it. I let out a gasp as i read the later. It was a sack letter from the company. My services were no longer needed. My heart shattered into million pieces. I never knew Chief was serious with his threat, i had to act fast, i knew i had to. 'okay...' i simply said and walked back to the car. I started the car and drove away. My phone rang. I looked at the id, it was aunt Chime. I ignored the call, afterall, i was heading home. Whatever she had to say could wait till i get home. As i approached my gate however, i sighted aunt Chime from afar standing by the gate with several luggages in front of her. She was talking with the security man who had a stubborn expression on his face. I immediately stopped the car and came down. 'whats happening here?' i asked. Aunt Chime heaved a sigh of relief on seeing me. 'Ivyy...' she said holding my hand 'you have to call Chief. You have to beg him, he has chased us out of this house. He came with his thugs immediately you left and threw out things out, Ivyy, you really have to call him, biko..' I was shaken. Why was Chief doing this? First it was the office and now the house? Who knows what next...maybe my clothes and shoes. Tears trickled down my cheeks. I couldnt say a word. I was slowly loosing everything. Everything i had worked so hard for. Aunt Chime turned to the gateman begging him for something i couldnt remember. I wiped the tears in my eyes with my handkerchief. I turned to the gateman 'please help me, lets carry these boxes to the booth...' 'what?!' Aunt Chime gasped unbelievably. 'i'm sorry i cant...' the gateman said 'who knows if this is a ploy to get me out of the way so you can enter?' 'dont worry, its okay. Dont bother. We will carry it ourselves..' i said lifting a box and carrying it to the car. Aunt Chime stared at me as if i had gone bananas. But after a while, she joined me and together, we carried everything into the car. She entered and i drove off to an unknown destination. 'where are we going to?' she asked. 'i dont know. Maybe a hotel or something...' i replied. My voice was shaky. In my heart i prayed, prayed for everything to return back to normal. I drove faster. TBC
30 Oct 2016 | 15:37
Hmmmmm...You're realy at a tight corner. A crossroad.
30 Oct 2016 | 15:47
@mercy1 @hi-bee-kay @hormortiyor New update is here.
30 Oct 2016 | 15:47
Hmmm. Hope he hasn't freeze you acct?
30 Oct 2016 | 16:53
thanks @froshberry-2
30 Oct 2016 | 16:54
go and check ur account ooo
30 Oct 2016 | 18:03
thanks @froshberry-2 ..Ah don sleep He might have frozen your account oh
30 Oct 2016 | 19:45
Next action.
30 Oct 2016 | 19:52
Don't give in to him
31 Oct 2016 | 02:43
hmmnn .... This chief is so wicked
31 Oct 2016 | 16:33
Dat chief is really stupid
31 Oct 2016 | 17:29
Hmmm, still following
1 Nov 2016 | 09:11
Hmmmm.....such is life....following keenly
1 Nov 2016 | 20:42
Episode 29. 'where is this place mummy?' Ifeanyi asked as i held her lands leading her to my room in the hotel 'why arent we going to our house?' 'Ifepams...' i called smiling. 'yes mum?' 'lets get to the room first, then i'll explain everything to you. By the way, are you hungry? Should i order fried rice for you?' i asked. She regarded me for a while and pouted, her pink lips reminding me so much of her father. My heart thumped a little as i remembered Ralph. His kisses, his touch, everything about him. I inhaled deeply. 'where's aunt Chime?' she asked as i inserted the key into the keyhole. 'she's in this room...' i said pointing to the room directly opposite us 'aunt Chi!' i called 'Ifepams is back from school...' 'i'm coming...' she said from inside. I led Ifeanyi into the room and undressed her, leading her to the bathroom. As i scrubbed her body, i noticed the way she intently gazed at me. I pretended not to notice until she asked 'mummy, can i ask you a question?' I smiled at her 'yes dear, you can ask me anything. What is it?' 'where's my dad?' The sponge fell off my hands as i looked at her. She had an inquisitive look on her face and i wondered what brought about the question. Ifeanyi was just five years old for crying out loud! How could a five year old ask such a critical question? 'Ife...' 'teacher Susan told us today that those who are fatherless are it true mummy?' she pouted again. 'i...i...teacher Susan..i mean, why did she...' my heart was beating fast as i spoke. God help me, telling the truth wasnt the best thing right now, Ifeanyi was too young to know about all this 'why would she say so?' 'someone called Nike a bas.tard in school, and when i asked her what the meaning of ba.stard was, she told me its those who do not have a legitimate father. Whats legitimate mummy?' 'thats...i wont tell you. All this big big grammar that you speak is too big for your age..' i forced a chuckle as i resumed scrubbing her body 'so tell me, who's Nike?' 'her father owns a veryy big house..' she used her hands and eyes in describing how big the house was 'she told me you would practically get lost in her house if you're new there. Mummy, i want a big house just like that..' she pouted again. 'Ifepams!' i called frowning 'you should be contented with what you have and dont eye other people's properties, thats ungodliness, the spirit of covetousness, very bad!' i scolded... 'and the next time you do it, i'm going to spank you' Her face suddenly became pale and her eyes teary 'i'm sorry..' I smiled at her and rubbed the soap on her cheek 'dont feel bad baby, i'm only trying to correct you so you grow up to be a responsible child and not make the same mistakes i made' She suddenly looked up at me, the good old inquisitive look returning to her eyes 'what mistakes did you make mummy?' 'maybe you should eat now baby..' i said turning on the shower and stepping backwards as she giggled splashing the water everywhere wetting my clothes in the process. **** Someone touched my shoulders and i jerked and turned. It was aunt Chime. 'have you called Chief?' she asked. I sighed and looked back at the window 'no. I'll call him tomorrow' 'Ivyy! Some issues are better solved now than later...' she placed her index finger under my jaw and turned my face towards her 'are you alright? Whats wrong with you?' 'i'm fine aunty..' 'you and i know very well that you are lying' she sat beside me 'whats wrong? Is it Chief?' 'no..' i said shaking my head. 'Ifeanyi?' I shook my head before looking at her 'which Ifeanyi?' She chuckled 'your lover of course!' I didnt find it funny so i didnt laugh 'Ifeanyi...Ifepams asked of her father today..' i said slowly. 'what? How come?' I shook my head as the tears that had gathered in my eyes fell off 'i dont know aunty...' i sobbed 'i didnt get to give her an answer and knowing Ifeanyi well, she's going to ask again' 'calm down...' aunt Chime said placing my head on her 'dont cry, Ifepams wont ask again and even if she does, dont give her an answer' 'how possible is that aunty? You know Ifepams very well..' tears washed my face 'i was thinking of Ralph, i just remember him. Whenever i look at Ifepams, all i see is him. I shouldnt have killed him aunty, i regret it!' 'shhh...' aunt Chime quickly whispered 'dont you ever say that again! Dont you know that walls have ears?' 'aunty...' 'we should never let anyone know about what we did to Ralph, do you understand? Besides he deserved it. Who was he to mess your life up just like that? And i'm sure his death would have pained his stupid and heartless mother who didnt care about you or her grandchild, thats enough revenge for her callousness' 'but aunty, it doesnt change the fact that i killed Ifepams' father..' 'you killed my father?!' a voice said behind us. We quickly turned. Ifeanyi stood behind the door, her face widened in shock. Oh God, would this day get any worse? TBC
2 Nov 2016 | 11:25
Pls someone should help with the reg list. @jummybabe @onahsunday631 @adauche @frankkay @victoriouschild @jefferson i've updated oo...sorry for the delay
2 Nov 2016 | 11:27
that small kid need to be quiet jare.... am not with my list dear
2 Nov 2016 | 12:03
2 Nov 2016 | 12:14
Ify shut up, @Jummybabe pls we need ur reg
2 Nov 2016 | 12:19
Most times we pray for brilliant nd smart kids bt wat do we do wt dem wen they turn unnecessarily smart nd inquisitive jst like ifepams nwv
2 Nov 2016 | 13:42
too much talking by that kid ...... well u have a lot of explanation to do now
2 Nov 2016 | 13:51
U need to talk her in anoda way o
2 Nov 2016 | 14:37
Getting complicated
2 Nov 2016 | 14:50
Episode 30. Aunt Chime was the first to recover from her shock. She pulled Ifepams into her arms and smiled broadly 'Ifepams, your are too inquisitive for your age...' she chuckled looking at me 'how would your mother kill your dad? Is your mother a killer?' Ifepams looked at me before shaking her head slowly. 'then why would you think your mummy killed your daddy? Of course not!' 'but i heard her say so herself!' Ifepams retorted. 'certainly not my baby. We...we were only acting a play. Am i not smiling now? I was looking sober before wasnt i?' 'whats sober?' Ifepams asked. I chuckled grabbing her from her aunt's arms 'intelligent Ifepams! Come, lets go and get ice creams from the reception' 'yeh!' she shrieked excitedly. I winked at aunt Chime who secretly gave me a thumbs up and we headed downstairs. *** 'Chief, we can settle this amicably, please dont do this to me..' i said. I was already on my knees with tears streaming down my eyes. Chief was behaving stubbornly. If i wasnt marrying him then i should be ready to start life from scratch...something i was not ready to do. I came from a poor family. I refuse to put VERY because our poverty was somewhat on a low level. Sometimes, things were quite good for us, mama made good sales and papa got a contract...maybe supplying animals to the palace for preparation of meals for upcoming festivals...something that was not regular seeing that there were so many hunters in the village. But there were times when things were really bad that i had to stop going to school for almost a week so i could hawk for Dada's school fees. Speaking about Dada, i felt guilty for not calling him over the past few years. Aunt Chime had insisted i left everything about my past life and start life anew. She had forced me to forget about Dada and uncle Nonso. But i had plans for him too. I was waiting for the perfect time when i would be able to send him outside the country for studying then set up a multinational company for him. But i was waiting for the perfect time and now this. I was a least having nothing less than a million naira in your account also makes you a millionaire. I had a million naira and some hundreds of thousands in my account, but its going to run out with time if i wasnt working...paying Ifepams' schoolfees and of course renting an apartment for us and furnishing it to my taste, that was surely going to half my account coupled with feeding expenses, fuelling my car and general day to day expenses. Before three months if not less, my account was going to be red. I badly needed my job back and the house. I couldnt stand going back to poverty or a life of lack, no. 'you little ingrate!' Chief said gnashing his teeth 'after everything i did for you and your money hungry aunt! I took care of your child, your ba.stard child! When you came to this town, you were penniless. I took all of you in, sent you abroad to school..and upon your return, gave you a job in my company as an assitant manager and now i'm asking you to be my wife and now you are telling me you cant marry an old man like me? You really think i'll let one hungry boy who doesnt know about your history? You must be joking Ivyy!' he said banging his fist hard on the table. I could tell he was really angry. But i really couldnt stand him calling my daughter a bas.tard. But i just had to bear it. I thought about my future. I was just 22 and i still had a long way ahead of me. I equally thought about my beautiful daughter's life..marrying Chief could guarantee her future. He could give her the things that i wouldnt be able to give her. I equally thought of Dada. My marriage with Chief would be the right time to send my brother abroad. Maybe...just maybe...i could marry him...tears dropped from my eyes..i would never see my Ifeanyi again so maybe i should forget about him and start life anew. 'yes Chief...' i blinked 'yes Chief, i'll marry you' TBC
2 Nov 2016 | 16:30
Forced marriage.
2 Nov 2016 | 16:57
Why now
2 Nov 2016 | 17:48
oh!i felt for u sha
2 Nov 2016 | 18:22
I notice something about Ivy, she is blinded by material things
2 Nov 2016 | 18:33
Oh no
2 Nov 2016 | 20:08
Ivy, why? You want to marry someone that is old enough to be your father because of money. I pity you.
3 Nov 2016 | 01:37
lol ....I knw it ....that mumu will marry chief with many wives and children
3 Nov 2016 | 04:30
This girl is annoying...
3 Nov 2016 | 10:00
Does it look like she has a choice
3 Nov 2016 | 12:23
Episode 31. The marriage ceremony between Chief and i was a small one. We had invited a priest to his house and we were blessed. Then a small reception was held in his house with few friends and some of his children. I noticed the angry looks i got from his children but i didnt care. God knew i wasnt marrying him out of my own freewill but for my daughter's sake. I was only a mother on the look out for my daughter's future. I wanted Ifepams to do great things in life. To achieve things i wasnt able to achieve. To settle down with a well known and respected man - certainly not a man like Chief who already had wives and children and much older. But a man whom she would love and who would love her in return and give her so much happiness. 'you've done the right thing my dear...' aunt Chime said walking into the room with a broad smile on her face. Chief was still downstairs bading his friends goodbye while i waited up for him in the room. 'aunty...' i breathed. 'and whats that you are wearing Ivyy? Is that how the latest bride in town is supposed to dress?' she asked as she sat beside me caressing my hair. I looked at myself. I was wearing a loose white pijamas and i certainly didnt see anything wrong in that. 'whats wrong with my dressing?' 'everything my dear...' she said. She stood up and went to the wardrobe throwing it open 'dont tell me you dont have sexy nighties because i'm going to slice your hair with a scissors!' 'sexy nighties?' She turned to me hands akimbo 'i shouldnt be explaining these things to you Ivyy. You should know that tonight is going to be a special night between you and Chief. You certainly cannot turn him on wearing...that thing' Realisation dawned on me. Yes, i was going to have sex with Chief tonight and i was supposed to look sexy like a seductress waiting for whom to devour. I looked at aunt Chime disgustedly and she rolled her eyes walking back to me. 'common Ivyy, dont give me that look. I didnt say anything bad as far as i can remember. You are a married woman, need i remind you?' she raised my hand pointing at the diamond ring on my fourth finger 'see?' She smiled at me. 'the fact that i'm wearing a pijamas doesnt mean Chief isnt going to sleep with me. I saw the lustful look in his eyes through out today and it doesnt matter if i'm wearing a caftan or dressed in a big gown, nothing's going to stop him from devouring my body tonight....' i sighed resting my forehead on my palms 'i'm so in for it tonight' Aunt Chime laughed 'seriously Ivyy, you are nervous? You've got to be kidding me...' I tried to smile but i just couldnt. I wasnt happy about marrying Chief. Marriage is a lifetime thing and its supposed to be something filled with love and happiness and not regret and hatred which was what i was already feeling. Aunt Chime angled my face towards hers with a reassuring everything-will-be-fine look on her face 'Ivyy, my dear. You made the right decision. I see regret in your eyes right now but my dear, you might not understand everything now but sooner, you'll know that you did the right thing okay?' she winked at me. The door opened and Chief entered with a satisfactory smile on his face. 'Chief Chief...' aunt Chime said rising on her feet with a proud smile on her face 'my one and only Chief' I rolled my eyes. Poverty was indeed a disease and i was as sure as hell wasnt going back there. 'inlaw...' Chief said holding his agbada walking into the room 'everything went fine today didnt it?' he asked touching my cheeks. 'yes indeed..' aunt Chime said 'uhm, Ivyy, i would just excuse you guys, you both need to rest, you must be stressed...' she gave me a knowing look. 'thats true inlaw. I will see you tomorrow morning' Chief said. 'okay. Ivyy, goodnight...' she winked at me and left the room. 'my love...' Chief said smiling 'welcome to the Adetola family...i'm so happy to finally have you as my wife. You dont know how much i wished so much for this to happen' Yeah've probably jerked off every night thinking about my body. I believed Chief wanted nothing more but a constant supply of my body and marriage was the best way to go about it. I just smiled pretentiously. 'let me shower to join me?' he winked pulling off his agbada, revealing his slack singlet and pot belly. I wrinkled my nose in disgust but quickly shook my head. He dashed into the bathroom and returned to the room few minutes later. He pounced on my almost immediately. I almost choked on his kisses and his touch gave me goosebumps. I let him have full access of my body after which when he rolled away and snored away like a pig, i rushed to the bathroom and threw up. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. 'Ivyy, this is your new life...' i said to myself. TBC
3 Nov 2016 | 14:36
[b]Hmmmm...You realy need to face it, you can't run away from it.[/b]
3 Nov 2016 | 15:00
U don enter already just continue. We'll see how this would end
3 Nov 2016 | 15:57
U don enter ham
3 Nov 2016 | 16:32
3 Nov 2016 | 17:38
Such a pity...
3 Nov 2016 | 18:33
new life indeed
3 Nov 2016 | 19:25
Hmmmm...Still followin' steadily!
4 Nov 2016 | 02:31
Episode 32. I catwalked to the dining room holding my handbag to my side. I was late for work already but who cares? I was the boss now. Chief had given me control over his two branches in his state and i was managing it well. 'good morning everyone' i greeted pulling a chair. Not that i expected them to answer me, i was just fulfilling all righteousness..knowing fully well the kind of hatred they had for me. Its been two months since my marriage to Chief and even though i dreaded night the most, i enjoyed all the privilegdes i got being his wife. Chief pampered me so much and i proved to be his favourite among his eight wives thus making them envious of me. Some of them were as young as i was, some were a little older. He no longer visited their rooms, infact, he was always with me every minute of the day. I was beginning to think that he really loved me because within this two months, he had gotten everything he wanted and so if he was truly concerned about my body, he should have left me uncared for like all of his other wives. The saturdays when i remain at home, Chief made it a point of duty to stay with me all day. I visited Ifepams three times in a week and i made sure they were well cared for. I bought a big supermarket for aunt Chime directly opposite their house so it would be easy for her. 'madam...' Didi said eyeing me 'where is your husband?' Didi was the wife before me, thats the eighth wife. A very pretty and curvy woman who had no children, of all of them, she hated me the most i could tell. Because rumors had it that the Chief had been very fond of her until his marriage to me, that must have been her problem but who cares? Everyone was only fighting for his future. 'my husband is still in bed...' i said laying emphasis on MY HUSBAND. 'yes i'm sure, why wouldnt he? When you ran him down throughout last night?' She said maliciously sipping from her tea. 'oh! You must have heard our moans of ecstacy...Chief is the best man i've ever seen...' i chuckled. 'you are very stupid!' Olamide, the second wife fired at me 'wo this girl, you are so full of yourself! Who do you even think you are sef?' I eyed her 'i dont have your time!' 'then you better shut up! You think you're the only one who loves good things? Or because the Chief stays up all night scr.ewing you, you think you're the next best thing to sharwama? Dont worry, its your time to do shakara, when Chief finally sees another prey, you become past tense!' Olamide fired while the other wives nodded in support. 'i will never become past the rest of you. And yes, i'm the next best thing to sharwama just incase you dont know. And if the Chief stays up all night sc.rewing me as you say, then its because he cant have enough of my body. My body is too sexy for him to resist' i retorted. 'were!' Olamide snapped. 'see Mide eh, leave this girl,' Chief's first daughter, Rina said, her name was Catherina but she had abbreviated it to Rina 'i'm very sure father would soon be through with her' 'rubbish!' i hissed. Madam Oge as she was fondly called came into the room that moment. She was accorded the highest respect among us being Chief's first wife and being the mother of four of his kids, she had a son who lives abroad, five years older than me, i had never seen that one, i didnt even know his name. Then Rina, Amanda and Zuby, one rascal of a son. 'goodmorning madam' i greeted cheerfully smiling. 'better person!' Mide snapped. Madam Oge looked at her sharply 'is that supposed to be your goodmorning to me?' 'i wonder oo...' i said silently. Mide eyed me 'good morning...' The others relunctantly greeted her. Madam Oge had been the nicest to me so far. Not that she was very very nice like very kind but at least, she responded to my greetings and inquired about my work sometimes and whenever i wanted to prepare a meal for Chief, she would always tell me the things to use and the things not to use, the things Chief liked and the things he didnt. Sometimes, whenever we met at the balcony, we chatted over unsignificant things and she was the one i like the most. But she was like that to everyone of the wives, she didnt favour anybody. She took care of us all as her mate and being the one who had been with Chief for a long period of time, she knew almost everything about him. Coupled with the fact that we were from the same tribe. 'where's Adetola?' she asked me. 'he's still in bed' She nodded and focused on her meal. Mide and Didi exchanged looks before shooting me a deadly stare. Inwardly, i was scared but outwardly, i portrayed a kill-yourself-if-you-like-look. This was one of the reasons i never wanted to marry Chief. TBC
4 Nov 2016 | 03:12
You gonna adapt to it and try to live with it.
4 Nov 2016 | 03:16
U don enta job ooo
4 Nov 2016 | 05:17
Na this people go kill you
4 Nov 2016 | 05:31
Episode 33. I sat on the bed crosslegged with the phone on my ears 'i'm just tolerating them aunty...' 'you dont have to tolerate them!' Aunt Chime said from the other end 'give it to them the way they deserve it! Ivyy, its your husband's house and you are going to living there forever, you dont have to tolerate nonsense in your house!' 'isnt quarelling with them so low?' 'low my foot! It cannot be called low when you are in your own house my dear, give them what they want. And if you need my help just call me, i will bury their heads in my pocket!' Aunt Chime snapped. I laughed. I heard the shower stop running from the bathroom 'okay aunt, i'll call you tomorrow, take care of Ifeanyi' 'bye' she said and hung up. Chief came out from the bathroom almost immediately with a big boxer around his fat laps and a white towel around his neck. He smiled sitting beside me on the bed. I quickly wrapped my hands around his shoulders massaging them softly with a smile on my face. He laughed and pulled me closer 'tell me what you want my darling, you only do this when you want something from me' His tobacco filled breath disgusted me but i didnt show it. I rested my head on his shoulder 'its about your wives and Rina' 'my wives and Catherina?' 'yes, especially Didi and Olamide...they sieze every opportunity to constantly taunt me, they abuse me always and they always say i bewitched you and that they are going to do everything humanly possible to throw me out of the house' 'what?!' he looked at me 'is this true?' 'yes Chief, would i ever lie to you?' 'how long has this been going on?' 'ever since i came into this house. The taunting is becoming too much and i cant bear it any longer, thats why i'm telling you' 'so all this has been happening in this house and you didnt deem it fit to tell me?' 'i just didnt want to cause problems between you and your wives but now, Mide is threatening my life....' i lied 'she threatened to kill me' 'Olamide?' he seethed in anger 'dont worry, i know what to do with her' he stood up, went to the wardrobe, brought out a white caftan and pulled it on. He left the room and i ran after him. He marched to Olamide's room banging her door hard. I stood behind him. Olamide opened the door with just a wrapper tied across her chest and her body dripping wet showing she just left the shower. 'ah my husband, this one you've come to see me today, i hope all is well?' Chief held her hand dragging her 'come here' he dragged her downstairs to the sitting room. I followed steathily. 'Maria...' Chief said to one of the servants in the house 'i want you to go to this woman's room...' he said pointing at Mide 'pack everything you know belongs to her and bring them downstairs immediately' 'ah Chief!' Mide gasped covering her mouth 'Chief, ah...why? What have i done wrong?' 'shut up you miserable woman!' he landed a slap across her cheeks. My heart danced in excitement..God was overthrowing my enemies one by one. Olamide fell on the floor her wrapper loosing from her chest, she quickly dragged it to cover her nakedness. By this time everyone had come out of their various rooms. 'Adetola, what did she do?' Madam Oge asked clutching her long nightwear, why is she unclad? 'this filthy woman had the guts to threaten my wife! This woman had the guts to maltreat my wife in my own house!' Chief said breathing heavily in anger. 'which of your wife are you talking about?' Madam Oge asked. 'Ivyy of course!' Chief snapped. Madam Oge and the other wives directed their gazes at me. I rolled my eyes in a nonchalant way falling on a sofa with my legs crossed. Mide looked at me in tears and i winked at her. I had warned her to stay away from me but she hadnt listened...this was just the beginning for the other wives. I looked at Didi and the look on her face was priceless...i could tell she was nervous probably thinking i had reported her to Chief as well. By this time Maria and two other servants were dragging Olamide's heavy boxes down the stairs. She wailed and held Chief's feet crying profusely 'please Chief, they are all lying against me, i didnt threaten anyone, please Chief, dont send me out i beg you' Chief slapped her hands away and she crawled to me 'please Ivyy, tell them the truth, tell them i didnt threaten you, anything i've done to you please forgive me, please beg Chief for me' I rolled my eyes. She crawled back to Madam Oge's legs crying and begging. Madam Oge looked at Chief with a pleading look but he was adamant. He called one of the male servants and they dragged Olamide out that night, without a penny, just a wrapper tied loosely across her chest. The night was dangerous but who cares? TBC
4 Nov 2016 | 06:21
0thers who wouldn't respect themselves are realy in for it. I felt for Mide, but her tongue caterpulted her out of the mansion.
4 Nov 2016 | 06:29
u are becoming heartless ....ur turn will surely come
4 Nov 2016 | 07:46
U r turning into something else
4 Nov 2016 | 08:08
4 Nov 2016 | 08:17
Ivy u better watch where u are going
4 Nov 2016 | 08:26
Now I hate Ivy
4 Nov 2016 | 09:50
your turn will soon come ivy
4 Nov 2016 | 09:55
Dat ws very bad of u
4 Nov 2016 | 11:01
Episode 33. 'but you know you shouldnt have done that...' Madam Oge said rubbing my shoulders 'i understand that Mide can be nasty sometimes but you shouldnt have reported her to Chief, she's been thrown out on the streets now' I rolled my eyes 'but she threatened to kill me madam Oge, what if she had succeeded in killing me? I just told Chief so he could do something, i'm just 22 and i love my life. I dont even have kids yet' 'still that was not the best approach to handle things. Olamide is like that to everyone...including me sometimes, everyone here has had to tolerate her in the past...she's just a toothless dog...she barks but doesnt take actions. You should have reported her to me and i would have handled this matter better than Chief, next time, just incase anyone taunts you in this house...please tell me, dont tell Adetola, he's a very harsh man and its very obvious he loves you' 'well in that case, i'm reporting Didi to you. Tell her to stay off my path else i would have to handle her the exact way i handled Olamide' 'i will. Please just try to live at peace with everyone of them. I've been in this house for 28years and i've never for once had issues with everyone, not that i'm too perfect or i never get angry or no one provokes me, but because i just know that fighting and beefing one another would not help issues at all. Silence they say isthe best answer given to fools. I'm just taking my time advicing like your mother would, wait, how's your mother?' I looked down, colour draining out of my face. I hated being remembered of mama. 'sorry, did i remind you of old memories?' Madam Oge said resting her hand on my shoulders 'i'm so sorry? Is she late?' I picked up my bag and stood up 'i would head to the office now' i said walking away quickly. **** 'you did the right thing my dear...Olamide or whatever her name was deserved that and even more!' Aunt Chime said over the phone. 'but madam Oge is telling me that i shouldnt have done...' 'dont mind that one jare! That holier than thou woman, is not that woman who i saw that day dressed in yellow dress that wants to kill herself with bleaching cream? Make she go die! You did the right thing my dear. It is your husband's house and you must fight for your right! If care is not taken, we will push that old woman out too, i wouldnt want her preaching nonsense to you' 'aunty, i have to go now, i have some work to do at the office' i said hanging up immediately. I placed my phone on the table and opened my laptop. There was a mild knock on my door and it opened slightly and Rina peeped in. I frowned at her. She had certainly come for trouble and i was going to ignore her or report her to her holier-than-thou mum. Surprisingly, she smiled at me and entered the office fully. She was holding a bottle of expensive champagne and two wine glass. 'Rina?' i was surprised. She smile sitting opposite me with a smile plastered on her beautiful face. 'how are you Ivyy?' she winked at me. 'pardon?' 'you heard me' 'whats the meaning of this Rina? Did you come here to poison me or you came here for trouble...please if you came for any of these then you should do both of us a favour by leaving my office right now!' 'chilax babe!' she said 'i came for peace. You are my step-mother Ivyy. Besides we being agemates...mother told me you are 22 right?' I looked at her confusedly. 'look, i'm sorry for my shitty attitude towards you since you got married to my dad. I shouldnt have been rude to you. That said and done...' she raised the champagne smiling at me 'i came for peace and i'm also in the mood for celebrating, my boyfriend just proposed to me!' she sounded excited. I frowned not understanding a thing. She popped the champagne open and filled the two glasses, she handed one to me and completeky drank hers. I stared at her. 'oh come on Ivyy! Try to loosen up a bit! I'm sorry, or you are not the forgiving type? I just told you my boyfriend proposed to me and i expect you to be happy for're the first person i'm telling' 'oh, congratulations, i am happy for you...' i pushed the glass back to her, i didnt want to associate with anyone from that family except Chief of course, i had plans for all of them. I had made up my mind to get rid of everyone of that family one by one, and then Chief would go down and then i inherit all his wealth and riches. I smiled wickedly. I was destined to make it in life and nothing was going to stop me. If only i knew that this path was the wrong path. If only i had someone to advice me then...and most especially if only i had listened to the ones who deemed it fit to advice me, maybe i wouldnt be where i am today. So many if onlys... TBC
4 Nov 2016 | 16:13
Hmm. You are going to ruin ur future
4 Nov 2016 | 16:58
and you have ruined it already
4 Nov 2016 | 17:16
U Are becoming heartless
4 Nov 2016 | 17:40
4 Nov 2016 | 18:42
chai!! ur life is ruined already
4 Nov 2016 | 18:51
So touching
4 Nov 2016 | 18:53
Waitin' for the next epi.
4 Nov 2016 | 19:06
I knw u ar gonna regret everything
4 Nov 2016 | 19:18
If only.
4 Nov 2016 | 20:24
lol....this ur life self don tire me
4 Nov 2016 | 20:46
Hee?? What's even wrong with this ivy? She don turn monster
4 Nov 2016 | 23:18
vee, i don't like ur actions
5 Nov 2016 | 05:10
Digging her grave with her own hands
5 Nov 2016 | 07:28
what have you turn yourself to
5 Nov 2016 | 07:49
Episode 34. Rina tried so many times to be close to me but i always ignored her. I didnt want to be close to anybody apart from Chief of course because of my plans. I didnt even tell Aunt Chime of my plans in inheriting al of Chief's properties in due time. I already had everything mapped out in my brain, what i needed was an alibi. Certainly not aunt Chime. The cashier packed my things in a nylon handing them to me. I quickly paid for it and as i turned to leave, something caught my attention. My eyes were drawn to someone wearing a white dress. The person passed me, his arms slowly grazing mine in a knowing way. But by the time i squinted my eyes to be sure of who i saw, he had disappeared. My heart pounded loudly against my chest. I was suddenly scared for no reason. I hurried to the car, the uniformed chauffeur openning the door for me. I quickly entered and we zoomed off. I relaxed my head on the seat. A sudden headache appeared from nowhere. My phone rang and i quickly picked 'hello?' There was no sound from the background. 'hello? Ivyy Adetola speaking' Silence. 'hello? Who's this?' Silence. 'you must be really jobless...' she hissed and hung. Must be one of those female scammers looking for male prey. *** I got to the house and noticed everyone was in festive mood..everyone was around at home including Chief. He embraced me in a bear hug immediately he saw me 'my son is finally back home' he whispered into my ears. 'which son?' 'Rooney, my first child' Oh! The 27 year old boy who had resided in Canada for almost fifteen years. I rolled my eyes nonchalantly. He was back so what? Was that why everyone was so giddy with excitement? What was the big deal about him? 'Chief i want to rest i'm so tired. Where's he anyway?' i asked. 'around the house. Let me introduce him to you' he said tugging my arm. I sighed and followed him upstairs. We stopped in front of Rina's room and pushed the door open. Rina was chatting and laughing with someone, a male. I looked at him carefully and my heart missed a bit. The guy had the face of an angel. He was brownskinned with large eyes and long lashes, he was seated on the bed but i could tell him height was good. His long straight legs were stretched on Rina's bed and the red tshirt he had on showed his firm and hardlooking chest. His hair was short and curly...clearly artificial but it fitted him. 'Ron' Chief called wrapping his hands around my waist 'meet Ivyy, my new wife, we got married three months ago' I saw the displeasure in his eyes as he regarded me. He suddenly frowned, looking cuter 'yet another one?' Chief only smiled saying nothing. 'this must be Rina's agemate dad' there was a note of anger and irritation in his voice. 'i love her. Age doesnt matter when it comes to love...' Chief said 'now greet your stepmother and stop looking at her accessingly' Rooney eyed his father, then me, exchanged looks with Rina, then shrugged 'hi' he said simply. No smile on his face, nothing. 'hi you too' i replied and turned to Chief 'now i've seen him, can i go to the room now?' 'sure i'll escort you. Come my love' we walked out of the room. I thought about Rooney, he didnt seem to like me too much...probably because i'm his father's new wife, but who cares? I didnt give a about anyone in this family, i only came for what i could achieve. *** I yawned as i descended the stairs tiredly. Chief's snoring couldnt let me sleep. Sleeping by his side for two months hadnt gotten me used to his pig-like snore. I settled on the sofa looking around for what to do. It was late and everyone was asleep. I suddenly felt like eating so i tiptoed to the kitchen. I opened all the pots and it was empty. I opened the fridge looking for anything chewable. And i settled for some fried turkeys i found in a small blue cooler in the fridge. I poured myself a cup of apple juice and whistled as i chewed slowly. 'that belongs to me' came from behind. I jerked and turned 'you?' Rooney walked towards me snatching the cooler from my hands 'what right have you to go around ransacking people's houses?' 'excuse me?' 'this kitchen doesnt belong to you. It belongs to my mother. So what are you doing here?' 'are you kidding me? This is my house-my husband's house' 'which husband? The one you stole from someone?' He chuckled 'you are even more shameless than i thought' 'what?! Me, shameless?' He eyed me 'you are beautiful though, the prettiest among my father's house. Maybe we could hang out one or two times without father's knowledge' He winked. TBC
5 Nov 2016 | 08:47
[b]Free invitation. I'm sure Rooney just wanna explore you and then dump you like a trash thereafter. I wanna know Ivvy's reply!! @mercy1 @sommyangel @vivian8 @hormortiyor New update is here.[/b]
5 Nov 2016 | 08:57
lol...this mumu will like to test rooney man hood sure of that
5 Nov 2016 | 10:04
The stupid girl wl fall into his traps. I really dislike dis girl's attitude
5 Nov 2016 | 12:56
U r in for dis
5 Nov 2016 | 13:53
Aartial D, thanks for pointing this your very interesting story out to me. I have always been a very silent / ghost reader, but i just need to comment on this. You are fantastical wonderful.
5 Nov 2016 | 14:17
Thanks @tutusaint for the beautiful comments, they keep me going.pls invite more pple to dis story, thanks
5 Nov 2016 | 14:42
all the way from episode 1..... ivvy, monkey will be far better than you if your answer to Rooney is positive... endangering your your life, child in fact your generation starting from you all in the name of wealth.... from the starting I know foolishness is driving you, while your sense is the passenger.. @aarti next episode please
5 Nov 2016 | 15:02
Lollz @adeblow funny
5 Nov 2016 | 15:04
Next pls!
5 Nov 2016 | 15:20
U better don't act like a fool ivy
5 Nov 2016 | 15:30
Episode 35. I eyed him disgustingly. I felt insulted. What does he take me for? I hated him already, how dare he? I smiled as an idea entered my head. This fool just made getting rid of him easy for me. 'oh really? So i should date you?' i said dipping my hands into the pockets of my pajamas 'whats the time sef?' i asked pretending to check the time. I clicked on recording and put it back into my pocket. 'not dating actually....i can never date a shameless woman like you, i'm in a serious relationship and i love my girlfriend' he held my waist and pulled me closer to himself. I smiled wickedly 'so you want to be sc.rewing me behind your father's back?' 'exactly baby' he licked his lips seductively. 'do you realise that i am actually your father's wife?' 'so?' I pushed him back 'go to your girlfriend. She'll satisfy all your cravings...since you claim to love her' He laughed 'you cant resist me for too long Ivyy, no girl resists me...its only a matter of time till we get under the sheets, bet me' 'i'll never stoop so low as to cheat on my husband with a lowlife like you. I love my husband and cheating on him is the last i will do' 'lets watch and see...' he laughed wickedly and left the kitchen still holding the cooler in his hands. I smiled and removed my phone from my pockets. I paused the recording. 'Rooney or whatever you call yourself, its a pity you're getting on my bad side on our first day of meeting' i thought. A phone rang and i looked at my phone, it wasnt mine. I saw a phone on the counter where Rooney had stood and i knew immediately that it was his. The fool had forgotten to pick his phone. I picked it up with the thought of smashing it to pieces. But out of curiousity, i decided to check the caller. Henna Luv. My heart skipped a beat. Henna? Henna was Rooney's so called girlfriend? My heart raced faster and i mentally slapped myself. It certainly couldnt be the Henna i knew, there were so many Hennas in the world. Someone snatched the phone from my hand and i looked up. It was Rooney. He eyed me and looked at his phone. His face suddenly broke out in a smile and i suddenly envied this HENNA girl to have attracted a hot looking man like Rooney...just that her boyfriend was an as.s. I envied and pitied her at the same time. 'hello honey...' he said picking the call and walking away 'i've been waiting for your call....yes i arrived safely, how's it over there....' that was until he was completely out of earshot. I became more than convinced that it wasnt my Henna since his Henna was abroad. But didnt Henna say she was leaving the country immediately she was done with her secondary education, and wasnt Canada the country we all loved and always wanted to visit? Henna was born in Canada and had always boasted that she was a Canada citizen and was going to marry a Canadan citizen too. I wondered if Rooney was a Canadan citizen. I rolled my eyes. Henna wasnt an overly attractive lady facially as far as i could remember, though i knew her hips, bust and as.s was something to die for. There was no way someone like her could attract someone like Rooney. I suddenly envied his Henna and for a moment i wished i was the one in her (His own Henna) shoes. I changed my mind about giving the recording to Chief. On a second thought, maybe i could flirt with Rooney a little. Chief was very boring in bed. He was nothing like Ralph, even if it was a one time thing with Rooney but the problem was, was he going to keep his mouth shut? *** I decided to surprise Ifeanyi a little. I missed my daughter and recently, workload and some other things had prevented me from seeing her on a daily basis. So i decided to pick her up from school. On my way i had dropped by Delicious n Fruity getting her her favourite ice-cream and strawberry cakes. I decided to park my car opposite the school gate instead of driving into the school. I came down with just my phone and handbag and crossed the mainroad as a car was coming speedily. I hadnt seen it quick enough but when i finally did, it was almost close so i had to increase my pace as i ran and i bumped into someone as i crossed over. The person had smeared me shirt with something 'Oh my Gosh!' i screaming trying to clean off the stain from my expensive white top, if only they knew how much that top cost. When i looked up, i didnt see anyone. I looked ahead and i saw someone...someone really familiar, he was looking at me but turned almost immediately our gazes met and ran away. I suddenly went dizzy, my sight became blurry at who i saw. It couldnt possibly be him. It couldnt possibly be Ralph. I remembered falling and someone catching me as i blacked out with one face in my memory...Ralph's. TBC
5 Nov 2016 | 15:47
Nxt ooooo
5 Nov 2016 | 15:53
That person has been stalking you before this happened. You didn't seem to take note of "RALPH".
5 Nov 2016 | 16:03
5 Nov 2016 | 16:56
5 Nov 2016 | 17:45
5 Nov 2016 | 18:24
Awesom! I'm really falling for this story dear..... wish I could vanish into the 'story world' would have' em em, show do people strong tin.. carry on! alt= "Wink smiley)
5 Nov 2016 | 18:31
5 Nov 2016 | 18:39
hmmnn ... I knw you gonna try to flirt with rooney
5 Nov 2016 | 18:54
I know she will fall for it
5 Nov 2016 | 19:24
waow.....the mad guy z still alive
5 Nov 2016 | 19:35
Thanks @froshberry-2.
5 Nov 2016 | 19:39
it is definitely Ralph
6 Nov 2016 | 05:31
[b]What next??[/b]
6 Nov 2016 | 08:08
6 Nov 2016 | 08:39
6 Nov 2016 | 09:19
ride on
6 Nov 2016 | 09:27
Ralph is really alive? Wow. Dat mad girl is losing her mind by thinking of a moment wt Ron. Shameless
6 Nov 2016 | 09:44
6 Nov 2016 | 11:24
Dead Ralph? No way!
6 Nov 2016 | 11:54
6 Nov 2016 | 13:09
You are see Ralph
6 Nov 2016 | 13:45
Ralph is not dead... he's much more alive. I knew it. make I trow one seed on popcorn for mouth chew jare as @aarti dey cook the next episode on top cooking gas..
6 Nov 2016 | 14:39
Raph neva die ne abi him get two lyf
6 Nov 2016 | 17:15
i know ralph isnt dead,mayb dis foolish wil change her mind nw nd she wilnt flirt wit rooney
7 Nov 2016 | 00:41
next one
7 Nov 2016 | 03:04
mhiz @aarti , you mean say I come here for nothing? no update yet...? well, am coming back let me go and check others....
7 Nov 2016 | 09:43
7 Nov 2016 | 16:01
am back still the something..... you wan use suspense take kill human being?
8 Nov 2016 | 11:37
U too much my dear update me when d next ep comes up one love
9 Nov 2016 | 03:19
Episode 36. 'i really cant stop thinking about it Aunty...' i wept in aunt Chime's arms 'Ralph is still alive aunt and he's coming for me' 'stop saying nonsense my dear..' aunt Chime said pulling me close to herself 'it was all a figment of your imagination. Ralph is dead..and whoever died do not come back to haunt the living, that only happens in movies. And you have to stop crying before Chief or his nosy wives sense something is amiss' I cried harder 'i am sure of what i saw aunty, Ralph...our eyes met and he ran away almost immediately our eyes ghosts run? Dont they disappear into thin air?' 'baby, you're stressing yourself over nothing. Ralph can never be alive and even if he is, he's certainly going to die a second death because i wont have him ruin your life' *** 'make sure those files gets to my table before the end of today' i said to Cherpet 'and make sure you schedule a meeting with Mr Nana, that ghanian investor and make sure to tell Rina incase she comes that i wouldnt want visitors today, alright?' 'yes madam' I was about leaving when i saw someone- a boy actually mopping the floor. He was dressed in white, the company's cleaner's uniform. I frowned wondering why a young and handsome looking guy would want to be cleaning...didnt he go to school? He was too goodlooking for this kind of job. I turned to Cherpet 'who's that guy?' 'oh thats Rain, the new cleaner' 'Rain? As it Rainfall?' 'yes madam' 'what kind of a name is that?' she shrugged 'when did he resume work here?' 'uhm recently, say two weeks ago' 'he shouldnt be doing this kind of job. You know what? Tell him to see me right now in my office' i said and left. I had barely sat when i heard a mild knock on the door. 'come in' i said and the door pushed open. Rain peeped in before closing the door behind him 'good morning ma' I smiled at him. I loved the boldness in his voice, it wasnt shaky as i had expected it to be. He had this simple but yet charming looks that drew me to him. The white overall draped over his body suited him well and he didnt look like a cleaner in it. He was dark complexioned and tall, i should be reaching him on his shoulders, he was that tall. I was a tall person too and that was why i hadly ever wore high heels. 'Rain right?' i asked. 'yes madam' 'have a seat' i said pointing to a chair opposite me. He sat. I cleared my throat not knowing how to start. I really didnt know why i was having this meeting with this boy, not that i knew him from anywhere, but i felt this connection, i couldnt tell. 'this is my first time seeing you around here...its obvious you work here, as a cleaner' i said. He lowered his head first before speaking up with a smile 'i've seen you around so many times and yes, i'm a cleaner' 'why do you do that? I mean, why do you work as a cleaner?' He smiled again...that charming smile of his. He wasnt at all ashamed of his work and i admired that about him. I noticed he was a hardworking guy who would do anything to survive. 'times are hard madam. A guy has to do menial jobs to make ends meet' 'you speak fluently. Attended a university?' 'oh yes, i'm a graduate, i studied Accounting in the university of Ibadan' I raised a brow 'wow! If you are a graduate as you claim to be, why then do you work as a cleaner? It doesnt fit you at all' He gave a small sad smile 'i know i shouldnt work as a cleaner but what do i do? I have a sick mother to take care of and three siblings to send to school. I have no father and i'm the breadwinner of my family. I cant continue waiting and hoping for a six figure job when it isnt family would die of hunger. I've been searching for a job for five years now and i havent gotten one, i dont do this type of work becayse i want to but because i have no other choice, we have bills to settle and moving around the streets all day would not help' I regarded him for a while. A hardworking young i had always wanted for myself 'i'm sorry about your father' He looked down again 'you dont have to. He left us alone when my mother became sick' 'too bad. Where is he now?' 'i dont know and i dont even care to know. That man...that man ruined our lives' I looked at his face and i wasnt seeing that confident and bravelooking young man that came into my office with a proud smile. What i saw was a sad man, filled with so much anger, hatred and frustration. I had been in his shoes before, poverty. I reminded myself of my promise never to return to poverty again. I scribbled something on a paper and handed it to him 'take this to the HR management, you are to be employed immediately' At first, he looked at me as if i had grown two heads. He read the paper in his hands and tears fell from his eyes. TBC
10 Nov 2016 | 10:56
Pls guys i'm sori 4 nt updating since...something happened. Pls @jummybabe help with d register @onahsunday631 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delight @tutusaint i've updated oo
10 Nov 2016 | 10:58
New episode @pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi ne @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ele1 @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @fii-fi @bhorrlyhqueen @harkeem1 @kingin55
10 Nov 2016 | 12:07
10 Nov 2016 | 12:28
D kind of guy u wnt for urself abi? U ar just an embarrassment. Who is d guy b d way?
10 Nov 2016 | 12:30
Hmmmm... Already foreseen the next chap. You seems to like the guy, and the bond would become something else entirely.
10 Nov 2016 | 12:48
Hmmmmm...Tanx @jummybabe
10 Nov 2016 | 12:53
Thanks @jummybabe
10 Nov 2016 | 12:59
10 Nov 2016 | 14:32
10 Nov 2016 | 14:42
Chai na naija film
10 Nov 2016 | 14:50
@agboaugust rili? So whu played Ivyy's part?
10 Nov 2016 | 15:29
Feed me more......
10 Nov 2016 | 16:24
@aarti u are welcome back dear waow.....that's good of u ivvy BT I hope u will not cheat on ur husband with rain
10 Nov 2016 | 17:53
Nice and interesting story. Tho' i was late
10 Nov 2016 | 18:17
Not bad sha, preparing for the future!
11 Nov 2016 | 00:38
nice story enjoying the ride ....... thanks for the @jummy&@aarti
11 Nov 2016 | 02:44
Interesting story... Well done
11 Nov 2016 | 08:16
Episode 37. I pulled Ifepams closer to me and kissed her hair. I missed my daughter. She and Aunt Chime had come to see me at the house that day and they spent some hours with me but they had to leave because aunt Chime had to see what her staffs had been up to at the supermarket before they close for the day. I thought of asking Chief for permission so that both Ifepams and Aunt Chime could move in with me but aunt Chime had refused saying it would be best if we didnt live together. 'mummy, we have a PTA meeting at school, will you be there? You have to be there, all my friends would be coming along with their mothers' Ifeanyi said. 'uhm, lets see, when is the meeting?' 'on Wednesday' 'i'm going to be very busy on that day...' her mood changed instantly 'but i'll try to come for my princess' sake' She jumped up happily pecking my cheeks 'i love you mummy' 'i love you too Ife' Aunt Chime just watched us smiling. Didi and Rina came into the sitting room almost immediately, they were saying something to theirselves, they looked at Aunt Chime and i, whispered something to themselves then laughed. I chose to ignore them. Rina was just bitter that she hadnt been able to become friends with me so she had resulted to being my enemy. Suddenly i heard Didi say something 'and thats how they would plan to send someone out of her husband's home, who knows who its going to be this time around...maybe your mother Rina' 'they wont even try it. If they think that because Chief spends so much time with them they can chase my mother out of her home, then they'd better have a rethink because i would not allow that to happen' Rina replied eyeing me with a loud hiss. 'every fuckup must be treated...' aunt Chime said suddenly 'those who overstep their boudaries will be shown their way out of their so called husband's house' 'and those who come here with the hope of getting favour from Chief shall be disappointed because Chief doesnt do old women' Didi retorted. I stood up immediately 'Didi, i wont have you insulting my aunt' 'what will you do?' she stood up as well, both hands on her waist 'will you throw me out of my own husband's house too? Or did i call anyone's name when i was talking to Rina?' 'i am warning you. This is my last warning to you Didi' 'there's absolutely nothing you'll do other than lie to Chief about me and then he throws me out...just incase you need to know, i've packed my belongings because i know with snakes like you in this house, no one knows who might be leaving the house next' 'makes it even easier' i replied 'since you've packed all you things, be ready to leave this house very soon. When Chief comes back from his business trip next week, be less assured that i'm going to report you to him' 'because thats where you power lies...' Rina said pointing between my legs 'only God knows how many people had entered there for you to have come out with this thing you call a child!' she said pointing at Ifeanyi. 'you didnt just call my grandchild a thing did you?' Aunt Chime said charging towards her. 'and what if i did?' Rina asked standing on her feet. 'where is your mother? I think she needs to be given lectures on how to raise up a child because you're obviously lacking home training..but i'll warn you, stay away from my daughter and my granddaughter, stop taunting Ivyy because next time something like this repeats itself, i would prove to everyone that i, Chimezie was formerly a mad woman!' she said beating her chest. Didi clapped her hands maliciously..'i never knew i was talking to someone who was crazy before...let me tell, madam..mother, its written all over you that you are indeed insane. Once a mad woman, always a mad woman!' Aunt Chime grabbed her almost immediately, pinching Didi's mouth with so much force her lips started bleeding. When Rina attempted holding her, Aunt Chime used her legs to hit her stomach and she tumbled on the floor. Their screams must have attracted people from the house because Rooney and madam Oge came out almost immediately. * 'i need an explanation to this madness Ivyy..' Madam Oge spoke with so much authority 'who would your aunt come here and harass everyone in this house?' 'point of correction...' aunt Chime said adjusting her blouse 'i didnt come here to harass anyone...i was on my own when some mannerless kids came harassing i and my daughter, making mockery of her and as a mother you should know that you wont just sit, fold your arms and watch useless and ill-mannered kids, kids whose mothers have refused to impact home training on harass your children and you sit and do nothing. When this stupid girl...' she said pointing at Rina 'started with her crazy behavious, i had told her to meet her mother for home-training because its obvious she lacks one' 'i will take that as an insult now Mrs Chimezie....' Madam Oge started. 'miss Chimezie...' aunt Chime inserted quickly. 'okay miss Chimezie, i take that as an insult right now because i am
11 Nov 2016 | 10:21
*cont* because Rina is my daughter and if you're saying her mother didnt teach her good manners then you are equally referring to me' Madam Oge said. 'i dont know who's her mother and i dont care to know. All i know is that Rina, your so called daughter here lacks manners and whoever her mother is, she's a disgrace to motherhood' aunt Chime retorted. 'i beg your pardon madam!' Madam Oge said banging her hand on the table 'i wont sit here and have you insult me or any member of my family again' 'then leave!' Aunt Chime snapped 'pack your bags and leave this house for my daughter and her husband. Why are you here then if you really dont want to be insulted?' Madam Oge looked at me 'Ivyy, put your aunt or mother, whatever in her place. I havent done anything to her, i dont know why she's insulting me' 'perhaps if you had given your daughter a proper training like i had given mine, just maybe you wouldnt be insulted as you claim because for all i know, i am not insulting you, i'm only speaking the truth!' 'aunty thats enough' i said holding aunt Chime's hand. 'leave me let me teach all this women here a lesson, they all think they are smart arent they?' Hilda cleared her throat. Hilda was the seond wife of Chief and she was Madam Oge's distant cousin..the woman had never spoken a word to me since i stepped into that house, she never even responded to my greetings..and i noticed she was like that with the other wives except madam Oge who she managed to greet once in a while. 'i would advice you stop behaving this way madam...' she said referring to aunt Chime 'this matter can be settled amicably if only you would just calm down and listen' 'hold it there husband snatcher!' aunt Chime snapped 'who are you to tell me what to do when you snatched your cousin's husband...please, i beg you, i'm begging now because i will soon react, dont stick your butt in my business because i will so deal with you so that in your next life, you wouldnt be able to snatch your cousin's husband, thief!' 'yes maybe i snatched my cousin's husband...' Hilda said beating her chest 'but i'm proud to say that i'm not the only husband snatcher around, everyone here is a husband snatcher here...from me to Wanne, from Wanne to Rhoda, from Rhoda to Beatrice from Beatrice to Chisom from Chisom to Joy, from Joy to Olamide from Olamide to Didi and from Didi to your Ivyy. We are all husband thieves, yes! I accept' 'at least they didnt snatch Chief from their cousins, everyone else here apart from you waka come by themselves but you....shameless woman, stupid woman, akuna kuna five naira...ashawo kobo kobo' Aunt Chime clapped her hands. 'pardon me but i have to say that you are a very immature woman..' Madam Oge said adjusting her glasses 'even if the kids behave this way, must you behave this way too?' 'please be quiet!' Aunt Chime said 'my only sadness is that my daughter is not a sharp woman..had she been, she would have thrown everyone of you outta this a long time ago' 'you must be a devil incarnate..' Wanne interjected 'i've kept quiet and watched you for sometime..and i have come to a conclusion that Ivyy is really unfortunate to have someone like you as a guardian. Only God knows the kind of moral you've impacted on this young girl' 'please keep quiet because no one called you in this matter, who are you sef? Ivyy, you never told me, your maids sit together with you guys because as i see this one, she's looking like a maid' 'enough!' Madam Oge said standing up 'i've tolerated your running mouth for a while now. I cant tolerate all the insults you haul at me but certainly not to my co-wives, i love and respect them because they are my family and i know how to value relationships unlike you who do not know the value of my family. I want you out of my house right now...before i call the security!' 'no madam Oge...' i spoke up 'you cannot send her out, she's my aunt and equally my guest, if there's anyone to tell her to leave, that would certainly be me and not you' 'didnt you see how your aunt was busy insulting everyone here? Did you say anything?' Wanne asked. 'i didnt say anything because i think you all deserve it...' i said gently 'aunty please let me see you off to your car, you need to go now, its running late' 'Ivyy, i think i change my mind..i suddenly want to come and live here, let me see which rat sticks their nosy business in my affairs...' she picked up her handbag and stood up facing madam Oge 'dont think i'm leaving because you asked me to, but because i have better things to do than banter words with you knowing how jobless you are' She held Ifepams' hands and we went out of the house. She stopped in front of the car and hugged me 'you really have to be bold and very careful now, those rats should be planning something evil against you' I nodded 'i'll aunty' She entered the car and the driver zoomed off. TBC
11 Nov 2016 | 11:03
11 Nov 2016 | 11:04
Hmmmm. Next
11 Nov 2016 | 11:34
Aunt chime, that's too much for u
11 Nov 2016 | 12:55
hmmmmm:::::all 4rm episode 1:::::::wot a nyce story:::::kip it flowin
11 Nov 2016 | 14:14
Aunty Chime, take it easy
11 Nov 2016 | 14:29
Chai... Aunt Chime!
11 Nov 2016 | 14:43
Pls Aunt Chime dont cause trouble for Ivy and then leave
11 Nov 2016 | 15:10
I just dey pity you Ivvy. Good job there @aarti.
11 Nov 2016 | 15:32
Episode 37. I missed Chief. Yes i did, his business trip to the states had taken longer than expected. Not that i missed his company, i just missed his presence in the room. Lying on the massive bed alone ever night all alone was very boring and i found myself rolling on the bed every night. Most times i stayed awake thinking of the events from five years ago. I wondered where Ifeanyi, Henna, Ije and Oma were now. How did they turn out? Were the successful? Were they already married like me? Do they have kids like me? Had Ifeanyi gotten over me? Certainly...five years was such a long time. I sighed rolling my thumb on the glass cup in front of me. I sipped down the hot liquid..i didnt know why i felt like drinking alcohol that particular night...perhaps to forget about my sorrows. Chief had called earlier that day and i had reported everything that had happened earlier that day to him and of course spicing up the story. 'they made mockery of me and my aunt...' i had said tears choking me..fake tears of course 'they called us thieves and that we are only using your money to give ourselves better lives...' i sobbed 'Chief, i try to be nice to my co-wives, u can attest to that...what have i done? Why do they hate me this much? To the extent that they had involved my aunt this time around, i fought back Chief, i couldnt take this anymore...especially from Wanne and Didi, i injured Didi yes...that was only out of defence, you know how much i love my aunt Chief, she's like a mother to me..she took care of me when i lost my parents...please Chief you need to stop this something, i cant tolerate this anymore...i will fight back next time and i'm going to leave this house for them...!' ' my princess, please dont say that...' Chief had said immediately..'please, dont leave the house, just ignore them, i will handled them when i me' 'Chief you have to...please warn Didi and Wanne to stay away from me, something bad is going to happen next time i swear it' 'i will my love, i will. I'm sorry...i'm really missing you my darling...what do i get for you on my return?' 'uhm...let me think...' i wiped my fake tears. I was glad i could bend Chief to do my wishes. Wanne and Didi was going to get a shocker. One by one, they would soon leave the house. I was setting a bigger trap for madam Oge. I had come to realise that Chief had great respect and admiration for madam Oge and i didnt know why. But he never joked with her..and she was someone he always listened to whenever she had something to say. Getting rid of her just like that wont solve problems, it would only create more. There had to be a greater plan. 'seems someone is thinking..' someone suddenly said behind me and i jerked. I turned and found Rooney in a white robe with a bottle of whisky in his hands smirking mischievously. 'what...what are you doing here?' i stuttered...the guy was smashingly hot, ever since the other day at the kitchen, we had never spoken to each other. He moved towards me and slightly brushed my cheek with his index finger. I swallowed...the closeness between the both of us was doing some strange things to my system. The last time i had felt something like this was with Ralph...there was this sexual tension between us that i couldnt explain. He sat opposite me filling my almost empty glass with whiskey and filling his 'your aunt was a handful today' I rolled my eyes 'your stepmothers were also a handful today' He chuckled. I loved the sound of his chuckle 'my stepmothers? I love the sound of that' he swallowed his drink in one gulp..then he smiled 'what about my proposal? Have you thought about it?' 'what proposal?' I feigned ignorance. He winked 'a secret affair just betweeen the both of one knows' I stood up 'you are mad' i made to leave but he held my hand. He pulled me closer to him my breas.t.s on his broad hard chest. I suddenly felt weak as he covered my lips with his. My head screamed for more as he kneaded my as.s softly. TBC
11 Nov 2016 | 15:57
must I really say something? my keypads can't type now... next episode cos I can sense danger hovering over ivvy.. square zero no go reach her.... well na story sha.. more ink to ur pen @aarti
11 Nov 2016 | 16:48
at last I meet up @aarti wlcm back nw my hatred for ivvy has increase just for ana in lov nd revenge
11 Nov 2016 | 17:40
U nd Ron, hmmmm. I hope oda wives ar nt aware of his presence in ur room else u wl b d one to pack out
11 Nov 2016 | 17:52
@victoriouschild oya biko bia neba (pls cum)
11 Nov 2016 | 18:05
@omoshalewa am here
11 Nov 2016 | 18:27
Lol..mumu z happening again
11 Nov 2016 | 18:31
It maybe a trap, Ivvy
12 Nov 2016 | 00:15
Rooney is on a mission.
12 Nov 2016 | 01:29
Ivvy! Ivvy!! Ivvy!!! How many times did I call you? Na your type de give women bad names o!
12 Nov 2016 | 04:46
dis ivy x a fool nd slut ooooo
12 Nov 2016 | 05:01
Fuck-up girl, wat if he records it!
12 Nov 2016 | 06:18
Ivvy your days are numbered in that house
12 Nov 2016 | 07:12
12 Nov 2016 | 07:59
can dis lasy think at all chief will chop ur gead if he finds out
12 Nov 2016 | 09:03
Gaba n'iru. i just hate dis lady
12 Nov 2016 | 09:08
Once beaten twice shy
12 Nov 2016 | 09:09
She's just a disgrace 2 womanhood
12 Nov 2016 | 09:09
12 Nov 2016 | 10:38
12 Nov 2016 | 14:15
chaii ..... This ivvy is something else
12 Nov 2016 | 15:43
Hmmm next pls
12 Nov 2016 | 15:47
12 Nov 2016 | 23:16
Permit me to say that u are such an ass Ivvy. And i think i'm begining to hate ur foolishness cos it seems u have too much of it.
13 Nov 2016 | 02:29
Sori guys, an update cums in d evenin
13 Nov 2016 | 09:19
13 Nov 2016 | 13:47
Episode 38. I pulled away from his arms and landed a hot slap on his cheek. 'jeez! What was that for?' he gasped. 'thats for your stupidity!' i cursed 'you are very stupid! Who the hell do you think you are to touch me? The next time you lay your filthy hands on me again, i'll make sure your father hears of it, fool!' i cursed and walked away purposely adding sway to my hips. **** Rain entered my office smiling. He was wearing an obviously new white packet shirt and a black pencil trouser, new haircut and shiny black shoes. He looked amazing. 'hi Rain. Resumed today?' i asked arranging my table. I just arrived office and i was preparing for a meeting i had in an hour time. 'good morning ma' he said, hands in his pocket 'yes ma, i resumed today, thank you very much ma' 'for?' 'for everything. You really changed my life ma, i can never thank you enough. I dont know how i can ever repay you for your kindness. You just dont know what you did for my family and i' 'jeez Rain, let it go already. I did what i had to. You are a young and promising individual that could contribute greatly to this company with your skills and knowledge. And besides, cleaning isnt supposed to be your profession for life. And i would be eternally grateful to you if you drop this gratitude of yours and the ma ma ma of a thing, its getting me really uncomfortable,you know' He smiled apologetically 'i'm, sorry, Ivyy' I laughed mildly 'thats good..beside i cant be older than you are. You are obviously older than me' 'i'm 26' 'good. I'm 22' He raised his brow in surprise 'really?' 'yeah' i nodded 'surprised?' His eyes darted to the shiny diamond ring on my fourth finger..and i tried to hide it 'that..well, lets forget about it' 'you look more matured than your age Ivyy' i could tell he was forcing himself to pronounce my name. 'really? I never knew' He just smiled, saying nothing. 'lets have lunch together later' i blurted out before i could stop myself. He looked surprised. 'lets celebrate your new job' i added. He nodded and smiled 'yes ma Ivyy. Uhm i'll head back to my office now. I'll...i'll see you during lunch' I laughed 'alright mr Office boy, get to work' He smiled and left the office. I let out a breath i didnt know i've been holding. I brought my fingers to my face. The ring was still there, not like i was expecting it to disappear into thin air anyways...sometimes, especially today, i wished it was never there. *** Rain and i settled on one of the tables in the company's canteen, we placed our orders and settled down to eat. I noticed he kept staring at me in a surprising way though. 'why are you staring at me that way?' i asked. 'because you look so beautiful and ravishing' he simply replied in a way that i couldnt find it in a way to judge him or something like that. He quickly looked down on his food. I blushed and placed my hand under his chin raising his face up to meet mine 'days ago, you had looked so brave speaking to me in my office. Why do you look so timid now? Are you in any way intimidated by my presence?' 'not really...' he said forking his plantain 'i..i'm not just used to having lunch with someone higher than me' he blinked his eyes in a way that made my heart fluster and i found myself gasping for breath. My eyes, on their own freewill traveled their way to his red sexy and kissable lips. I suddenly had this desire to run my hands all over them, kiss them, feel them, lick them. I looked around the canteen and noticed some people were staring at me in a way i didnt like and i knew exactly what was going on in their minds THE CEO'S WIFE HAVING LUNCH WITH AN EMPLOYEE, HOPE ITS NOT WHAT I'M all seemed to be written on their faces. 'lets rush our lunch..' i said looking at my wristwatch 'lunchtime is almost over' 'okay' he replied simply spooning rice into his mouth. I loved the way his lips moved while chewing. 'uhm, where do you stay?' 'uhm..i..' he called the name of a local area very far away from the company. 'thats far! How do you cope with transportation?' 'uhm, now that i work, it shouldnt be a problem' 'wow...' i looked down on my food. There were so many cars in Chief's compound and i wasnt using my old car anymore, he wouldnt complain neither was he going to notice if anyone leaves the compound. 'can you drive?' i asked. 'erm...yes' 'okay, i'll see what i can do, but for today, i'll drop you off at your house at closing hour' 'but Ivyy, you dont need to...' 'i insist' TBC
13 Nov 2016 | 14:38
Beginning of your doom. If Chief get to know all this Ivvy, you'll be caterpulted to your abject poverty. Sl.ut Ivvy having lucnh with the innocent "rain". @mercy1 @vivian8 @hormortiyor @sommyangel
13 Nov 2016 | 14:49
:b Biq phat heart
13 Nov 2016 | 15:00
stupid ivvy u wanna giv rain part of it abi? my sis ur days ar number @victoriouschild lols cum nd c dis shameless ivvy
13 Nov 2016 | 19:34
lol...chief will kill u ooo
14 Nov 2016 | 00:53
@Omoshalewa don't mind the Ivvy she is truly shameless
14 Nov 2016 | 02:45
Whala don dey aunt ivvy just b careful
14 Nov 2016 | 08:43
I wonder when u will learn
14 Nov 2016 | 09:48
Ivy u disgust me right now
14 Nov 2016 | 12:24
Dis lady is just a complete shame 2 womanhood
14 Nov 2016 | 12:44
Why is she shameless? Abi chief forced her to marry him. Ivvy I dey ur back. ????✌✌
14 Nov 2016 | 13:08
Ivvy,be careful
14 Nov 2016 | 13:10
hahaha dis ivvy too deg bring her self down, I have nothing against her being nice to rain but she is making it suspicious, just try and keep your dignity madam ivvy
14 Nov 2016 | 13:54
Chief go must kill u
14 Nov 2016 | 14:20
Tanz @ernesto 4 supportin Ivyy
14 Nov 2016 | 14:21
Hmm..this ivy of a gal
14 Nov 2016 | 14:43
I no dey oo
14 Nov 2016 | 14:54
*Nexxt o.*
14 Nov 2016 | 16:42
You are biting more than you can chew, my sister!
14 Nov 2016 | 17:23
What's wrong with u ivvy??? Hope ur mother spirit haven't descend on u
15 Nov 2016 | 09:44
u will soon be *deading* in spirit when chief gets to know
15 Nov 2016 | 10:37
Hmmnn .... Although you shouldn't be with chief in the first place but just be careful
15 Nov 2016 | 16:44
Episode 39. 'i am so disappointed in you Oge' Chief spoke vehemently 'i thought you could handle your younger cowives in my absence, but instead of handling them properly, you created trouble' The shock that was written on madam Oge's face was noticeable. I stood behind Chief, with my hanky on my face. I faked a sob 'they insulted my aunt Chief, all of them, they made mockery of my aunt and i' i added. 'with all due respect Chief...' Wanne started banging her hand onthe table. Chief raised her hand signalling her to stop 'not even a word from you Wanne else, you leave this house immediately' Wanne shot me a dangerous look before sealing her lips. 'i am very disappointed in all of you. You all had decided to turn my home into a warfront in my absence right? To the extent, you now taunt my wife!' he said pulling me closer to himself. 'we are your wives too Chief' Hilda interjected. Chief walked up to her and surprised everyone by landing a slap on her cheek. I gasped. 'i dont want to hear a single word from any of you here, is that clear?' Madam Oge rose on her feet, her cool demeanor annoying me more 'Chief, its very obvious both you and Ivyy want this house to yourselves. Its very obvious that you both do not want us here any longer and because of that, i'm leaving this house with my children, i dont know about the other wives but i know i'm not spending a night more in this house because i'm tired of all the insults and embarrassment......what do you think of your so called wife? A saint?' Chief gasped, as if the matter had escalated more than he could handle. He suddenly looked pale and sorry 'Oge, its not like that..this matter can be settled amicably' 'there's no settling this matter amicably. I can no longer stay in a house where i'll be insulted everyday, continously. No!' Sweat creased Chief's forehead..he was sweating profusely. I held his hand as if reminding him that i was here and i was hurting and that he should let Oge and the other wives go if they deem fit. But surprisingly, he withdrew his hand from my grasp. 'i'm sorry Oge,' he said and i frowned 'i'm really sorry Oge, i never meant to insult you, i'm very very sorry' 'dont beg me. You owe me no apology Chief, you are only living your life but mark my words Chief, you'll remember me, you'll soon know my worth in this house because no woman would be able to tolerate you and control this family the way i did. I am the brain behind all of your success and wealth, i married you when you were nothing and i did everything humanly possible to make you something. I stood by you during your woes and failures, i encouraged you. I helped you stand on your feet whenever you fall but what do i get in return? You think i'm happy about sharing my home with numerous women who you bring home as a wife on a yearl y basis?' she spoke fiercely 'i did everything you ever wanted, i respected you, i did everything a wife would do for her husband and even more..come on Chief, what did this other women have that i did not have? What? Is it beauty? Am i not beautiful enough? Or is it because i'm aging?' Then she turned to me 'then this...this little child is here, bent on causing problems between us and you are letting her? She is agemates with Rina Chief and younger than Rooney with five years, five years Chief, why on earth would i wantto taunt her? I would only treat herthe same way i treat my children and i'm doingjust that..never a day have i treated her wrongly....' 'its a lie!' i retorted 'i knew you hated me right from the moment i stepped into this house, i saw the way you looked at me everytime..and the way you hesitated before answering my greetings. You maltreated me in this house, though i never told Chief, taking sides with the other wives whenever they taunt me!' 'thats not true!' madam Oge gasped turning to Wanne 'please tell Chief this little...this little child here is lying!' Wanne opened her mouth to speak and i quickly continued 'why wont Wanne take your side when she has equally hated me too?' i cried and turned to Chief 'Chief, everyone hates me..from your wives to your children. I wouldnt have married you if i knew i was going to be treated this way by your family.....everyday i get to recieve insults from all of them, i try to tolerate them Chief but i cant take it anymore. They can all stay, everyone of them but i'm leaving..since thats what they want, i'm going to leave this house for them' i sobbed. Chief held me 'no my princess, no one is leaving this house for anybody' 'you are wrong,' madam Oge said 'because i'm leavingthis house right now' Chief released me and went to her 'Oge please dont do this' 'go to your other wife' she said about leaving. 'no madam Oge stay,' i said quickly 'because i'm the one leaving. Chief dont worry, she isnt leaving anymore. I can see that i'm not even needed around here' Chief came back to me 'Ivyy dont say that' 'you have t o choose btw madam Oge and i chief' i said. TBC
16 Nov 2016 | 10:53
Still followin'..
16 Nov 2016 | 11:01
Hmmmm Ivvvy i pity you
16 Nov 2016 | 11:04
lol...chose kee??? he z choosing madam oge ooo
16 Nov 2016 | 11:20
Choose? Mogbe! Dis girl hs lost it finally
16 Nov 2016 | 11:37
See as u dey dig your own grave with you two hands
16 Nov 2016 | 15:45
Pity you.. Wanna reap where you didnt sow.
16 Nov 2016 | 16:33
Ewooo see what av been missing since. ehe, *singing* this is superstory.... chief who will you choose? I will find out in the next episode. please continue
17 Nov 2016 | 04:32
Hmm, next pls
17 Nov 2016 | 05:23
I believe the spirit of fornication has been transferred from her mother to her
17 Nov 2016 | 11:44
@racheal you've said it all.... ivvy, if you think leprosy is a good thing, free to contact it only if you know what follows...
17 Nov 2016 | 11:59
I pity your doom
17 Nov 2016 | 12:00
dis Ivvy girl is beginning to annoy me...kudos already anticipating d next episode
17 Nov 2016 | 14:24
wow finally I arrive kudos to my first love in coolval @Aartial. but baby u didn't care to invite me on dis ur super story. well I ve taken my seat oya bring more of it.
17 Nov 2016 | 16:07
No vexjareh, e has taid i even saws uhere *dnt mind mysophisticated english* winkz
17 Nov 2016 | 16:26
I'd ch0ose MADAM OGE over you if it was me.
17 Nov 2016 | 16:41
Wow nice story,,,,,
18 Nov 2016 | 04:13
Choose ke?
18 Nov 2016 | 05:26
Chief will surely choose madam oge
18 Nov 2016 | 07:44
Episode 40. Chief stood in our middle like a confused man, he sighed andrubbed his temples 'you both shouldnt dothis to me, you are both importantto me' 'no Chief,' i said firmly wiping myfake tears with my hands 'in a ship,there cant betwo captains, i cannot live here if madam Oge stays and its obvious shewont livehere ifi stay, you dontreally have to choose Chief, because i'm ready to leave this house for her..' i made to walk away but heheld me. I knew Chief lovedme andhe didnt want to lose me and i was going to use that to my own advantage. 'Ivyyplease, Ogechi, please you both should be reasonable...Hilda, please help mebeg...' Hildaraised up her uglyand wrinkled hands 'save it. Now listen, i dont care if Oge is staying or this little brat leaves, just know i'm leaving this house too, today..let the bi.tch win..she has succeeded in tearing this family apart with her devilish lies' 'please dont talk to me that way madam Hilda' i said, both hands on my hips. 'and what if i do?' Hilda asked coming closer to me like one ready for war. 'then you'll be seriously incurring my wrath!' i retorted. 'what will you do?'she shoved me backwards. During this time, i noticed madam Oge leave with the corner of my eyes and Chief followed her immediately. I felt hurt a little, does it mean that Chief still loved madam Oge? More than he loved me? Hilda was still ranting and shouting on the top of her voice, i got angry and i pushed her with all my strength, saton top her and gave her the pounding of herlife. The other wives held me, some siezing opportunity to rain slaps and blows on me since i couldnt tell who was doing it coupled with the fact that i was focused on Hilda. By the time the other wives had succeeded in tearing me apart from her, i saw madam Oge heading down, carrying some ecolac boxes. Titilayo, Hilda's eldest daughter w as behind her carrying some boxes as well, it was either they were hers as well or she was just assisting madam Oge. Chief was behind her and from his countenance, i could tell he was pleading and i was very surprised and shocked when i saw tears in his eyes. He came to Oge's front and fell on his knees, he held her feet and cried 'please Oge, dont leave me. I beg of you. You mean so much to me, you dont even know how much you mean to me' Madam Oge paused and looked at him sympathetically 'you showed me how much i meant nothing to you when you decided to bring home breakers to me home,' she said 'i tried to bring peace and happiness to this family even when i wasnt happy myself..i wanted everyone to be happy...but what do i get? You are choosing a little girl over me? One who's definitely marrying you because of your wealth, wealth which we both acquired by our hardwork, wealth which she knows nothingof how it came about, where was she when i had to hawk just so we could feed?! Where was she?' Tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke with so much emotion 'where was she when we had to go through trials and challenges in order to become successful? She wasnt even born yet! Because i knew at that time, i had only Rooney who was about two years old then. A little child...a little child who wasnt even born as that time, who would have known that someone who wasnt even born as that time wouldwant to ruin my family?' Chief's cries increased. It had been long since i saw a matured man like him, wealthy and affluent cry like a baby because of a woman,on her feet for that matter. I knew that instant that no matter what i did, no matter how hard i tried, madam Oge was one woman i can never compete with. She had Chief's heart completely and even though he claimed to love me, it could never compete with the one he has for Oge. 'Oge please...' he wept. Hilda hissed, went upstairs and came down with her belongings..she held up a car key 'as your soon to be ex wife Chief Adetola, i'm at least entitled to one car. Titi, lets go. Edna would meet us there' she gave me one last look, then said 'markmy words when i say, you will live to regret your actions' I hissed. She left the house with Titilayo. Chiefdidnt evennotice her as he w as only concerned with Chief. I figured out that my first plan wasnt goingto work out. I needed another plan. I went and knelt beside Chief withmy hands together. Madam Oge looked at me in surprise. 'please madam Oge,' i pleaded 'please dont leave. Dont leave this house please. I'm sorry for all my mistakes, i promise, it wont happen again. I know just how much you mean to Chief, please dont leave him, he's going to be shattered. I begyou in the name of God, Chief needs you, this family needs you, we need you, i too, need you. Please, i know you have a good heart, dont do this to Chief and to us...' I faked a sob. TBC
19 Nov 2016 | 04:25
This girl sef you are treading on a dangerous path hmmmmm
19 Nov 2016 | 04:44
Gosh! Ivvy the pretender.
19 Nov 2016 | 05:05
Nawa for dhix ivvy oo
19 Nov 2016 | 06:30
Stupid girl, home breaker
19 Nov 2016 | 09:09
ivy is really stupid
19 Nov 2016 | 09:47
ur cup wil soon full
19 Nov 2016 | 09:55
Hmmmm,wat u r doin is nt gud
19 Nov 2016 | 10:13
Because of wealth
19 Nov 2016 | 10:33
Ur dnw fall in near
19 Nov 2016 | 10:59
I don't feel like insulting her again... I think that's what she know how to do best. let her continue. @arrti next please....
19 Nov 2016 | 11:32
19 Nov 2016 | 12:52
Useless gal
19 Nov 2016 | 13:26
You re now a devil
19 Nov 2016 | 13:33
You are bittinq more than you can chew....
19 Nov 2016 | 14:09
u are something else
19 Nov 2016 | 14:25
Enjoying this story
19 Nov 2016 | 14:52
Useless girl
19 Nov 2016 | 15:38
this girl is crossing her boundary
19 Nov 2016 | 15:57
You are becoming something else
19 Nov 2016 | 16:00
mumu gal
19 Nov 2016 | 16:21
Evil ivy
19 Nov 2016 | 20:09
It will soon end.... I really needs to know where this ur stupidity will take you to ivvy
20 Nov 2016 | 03:51
20 Nov 2016 | 13:38
D punishment wey God won give u still dy gym for heaven, it will soon fall on u @ivy
21 Nov 2016 | 10:52
green snake under green grass
21 Nov 2016 | 12:17
haba @aartial come update nah.
23 Nov 2016 | 11:42
Episode 41. I sat on top of the bed crosslegged in my sexy lacy blue nightie. I had no bra underneath and what i had on was a black thong. Chief was yet to retire to bed. After madam Oge had decided to stay back after having me promise to do everything to get Hilda and Titilayo back to the house for i was the reason i left. I had accepted but of course i wouldnt do that. By the time i executed all of my plans, there would be no one left in this house but me and my aunt and my wonderful daughter. I looked at the time, itwas 09:50pm, i knew Chief was around in this, in Oge's room to be precise. I had plans for him tonight. I had slipped some drugs into my juice earlier, so i could enjoy the sex we were having tonight and also to make me horn.y. My phone rang beside me and i reached for it. It was Chief, why was he calling me when he was around the house. I picked 'hello Chief' 'my love..' he sounded like he was panting 'where are you?' 'where else would i be? If not the room' 'ok oo, i need you to do something for me. Pick any of my robes, give it to any servant to bring it to Oge's room for me or better still, you could pls bring it for me' 'pardon? You are passing the night there?' 'yes love i am' 'this is serious' i muttered under mybreathe. 'you said something?' ', i didnt. Just that, i had prepared a wonderful package for you, i'm kind of disappointed that it'll all go to waste, but nevertheless, you've neglected your wives for too long, maybe you should spend sometime with her. I'llbring the robe to you' 'thats why i love you. You are very understanding. Thanks a lot, i need it now. Andplease, bring my shower gel too' 'no problem' i hung up. I hissed loudly. This was stupidity..this was madness..instead of thing to get better, things were getting worse, who'sthis madam Oge, whatkind of hold did she have on myhusband, it was beginning to irritateme, i had to getrid of her fast before i go crazy. I flung the wardrobe angrily. I picked up a simple black sleeping gown, took off the skimpy lacy nightgown, threw it at one corner of the room, took one of his lemon robes, his shower gel and left the room. I knocked on the door. There was no response. I knocked again. The door opened and Madam Oge stood in front of me with a satisfied smile on her face. She had a wrapper tied across her chest. I resisted the urge to slap that satisfied grin of her face. I handed the things to her and turned to leave. 'thanks' she said. 'you're welcome' i said without turning back. *** 'goodmorning ma' Rain greeted rising on his feet as i stepped into his office. I didnt know why i was there but i had nothing to do at the office and Cherpet had called in sick else i would have invited her to my office for a chat. I smiled and sat gesturing for him to sit as well. He sat 'what do i owe this august visit? Its surprising' I laughed 'really? I head this particular branch and i can visit any office i like' 'yes correct, pardon me ma' 'you're crazy. Who's ma? I'm Ivyy' 'sorry madam Ivyy' he laughed. 'what are you doing? Lets go out for lunch' 'uhm...' he looked at his desk 'i
23 Nov 2016 | 15:36
Hmmmm... Going out with any available guy.
23 Nov 2016 | 16:11
Wats happening wt d story na, d update is slow
23 Nov 2016 | 16:24
'as you can see madam, i have so many thingsto do' he said. I smiled, picked up a document from his table, glanced through it, dropped it, picked another, and dropped it again 'nonsense! When the boss says you should come, then you should,nothing is as importantas answering your boss' call' 'perhaps you are right ma, but you know i have to take myjob seriously' Rain stated. 'i am the boss and i repeat that this stuffs on your table are useless, they could wait' i went over to his side, held his hand and dragged him'besides, i have a surpise for you' i winked at him. He smiled. *** His face was a mixture of emotions. Happiness, surprise, confusion, all were written on his face. He ran his hand on the sleek black toyota camry (spider) i had given him. Itwas one of Chief's cars and he had plenty of it in the compound, some he had never used before. Then i saw tears wash his face and he broke down in tears, relaxing his body on the car. I went tohim and without knowing what i was doing, i hugged him - in public. I didnt care that someone might see me, i just held him tightly. He held me too 'thank you...thank you so much. Idont know if i can ever thank you enough' he whispered into my ears soakingmy hair with his tears. I looked at his face simple yet goodlooking face. I wiped his tears with my palms 'Rain..i want you to know that i'd do anything for you...anything. From the first time i saw you, i knew there was something about you. I usually dont do this with other are a very special guy with potentials. I would do this and much more just foryou to be happy and comfortable. Thats Ivyy's promise to you' He broke down in tears again. I hugged him. I thought i heard the click of a camera and a flashlight that was barely visible due to daylight. I spun around but i saw no one, the people in the garage were simply minding their businesses. I held both his hands and pecked his left cheek. The camera clicked again. TBC i'm sorry @delight, Buhari is affecting my updates, life isnt easy nowadays oo, my routines has changed. Bt i promise to always update as often as possible.
23 Nov 2016 | 16:56
u don enter ooo
23 Nov 2016 | 17:55
I can smell blackmail.
24 Nov 2016 | 01:13
chief must see this
24 Nov 2016 | 03:39
Apology accepted bt wait oo, buhari don dey affect update too?
24 Nov 2016 | 05:28
Chief must see those pictures nd den u wl meet ur end
24 Nov 2016 | 05:32
Ur end is fast approaching
24 Nov 2016 | 07:47
24 Nov 2016 | 08:37
End time for Ivvy
24 Nov 2016 | 09:04
I hope so
24 Nov 2016 | 09:43
Ivvy, u are in serious problem.
24 Nov 2016 | 10:05
Good for u!
24 Nov 2016 | 10:53
Seriously................ Ivvy i dunno wat iz wrong with u
24 Nov 2016 | 11:17
Dey don camera u oooo
24 Nov 2016 | 11:53
24 Nov 2016 | 14:40
this ivy self
24 Nov 2016 | 16:34
U dn enta
24 Nov 2016 | 17:05
Hmm, it's happening
25 Nov 2016 | 05:17
Who snap u?
25 Nov 2016 | 06:49
Wahala dey!
25 Nov 2016 | 11:43
Episode 42. 'you should have let her go!' Aut Chime said 'why did you have to beg for her?' I smiled iwardly, she didt kow what i had i store for that family, chasig madam Oge out like that wast goig to solve ay problems, rather escalate it. I kew what i was doig or so i thought. 'chief really loves madam Oge auty, you eeded to seehow he wept beggig her ot to leave' 'thats because that stupid woma has tied him dow with a charm! She's ot eve pretty' 'well accordig to her, she ad Chief wet through alot i the early days of their marriage' 'that is o excuse!' I laughed 'dot worry auty, i'll get her out of the house very soo' 'you'd better do!' 'so auty, i came as quickly as i could. What is the problem? Why were you soudig desperate over the phoe?' 'hmm, my dear' aut Chime sighed 'its ot a big problem oo. Just that, i have a customer that i supplies most of my goods. He said he gets goods at cheaper rates in Dubai, he said he goes there himself and purchases goods, he said i'll make even more profit if i buy my goods from there' 'hmm' i said 'so, what do you want from me now? Money?' 'of course dear! I need to travel to Dubai and i need cash for it' 'how much would you be needing?' 'roughly ten million' 'ten million naira?' i gasped 'where do you expect me to get that kind of money from aunty?' 'what kind of a question is that? Arent u married to one of the wealthiest men in the city? Dont u head one of his companies? What do mean by how do i expect you to get that kind of money from? Ten million naira is chicken change where Chief Adetola is now' 'hmm, so what are you saying?' 'ask him for the money now. I'm sure he will readily give you' I sighed. Aunt Chime's request for money were getting much. Most times, i wondered what she did with the money she got from the large supermarket i opened for her 'okay, i'll see what i can do' She smiled broadly 'i trust my niece, if you cant do it for me, who will you do it for?' 'no one' I said and got up 'i have to run now aunty, greet Ifeanyi for me, i cant wait till she gets back from school' 'ah, no problem, i know you are a very busy woman now, she dont forget to ask Chief for the money, i need it by next week. I'll be taking Ifeanyi along with me, so, you'll have to get two tickets, and yes, the ticket fee isnt part of the ten million oo' 'ah! Anyways, no problem! I'll speak to Chief, in the meantime,' i dipped my hand in my purse and brought out two bundles of money 'this is for Ifeanyi's school fees and just incase she needs something else' 'eh-hen, i took two packets of chocolate from my supermarket for Ifeanyi oo, you know how much she loves chocolate, you'll have to pay me for that, you know, there's no family in business' I was shocked to my bones, does it mean that i have to pay for everything Ivyy collected, wasnt i the one who opened the supermarket for her? 'i dont understand aunty' 'what i mean is that, you owe me six thousand naira because one packet cost two thousand naira' 'but aunty...' i wanted to say something but i changed my mind 'okay, collect it from this money' 'no oo, the money wont be enough oo, Ife's school fees is a hundred and fifty thousand, whats remaining is fifty, i'll have to buy some other things for the house' 'aunty, dont you use your money for anything at all, do i have to provide for everything?' 'of course na! Are you not the one who's marrying a rich man? I took care of you when you had nothing, now its your turn to take care of me' 'thats why i opened a supermarket for you, so you can fend for yourself and that of Ifepams, though i'll still give you money periodically to take care of...' 'what kind of rubbish is that?' she fired, the smile no longer on her face 'are you telling me to use my own personal money for your own child's welfare?' 'but...' 'dont let me say you are mad Ivyy! My money is my money, the supermarket you opened for me is compensation for all the thins and all the money i spent on your head, why then should i use my money to take care of Ifepas when you, her mother is alive and wealthy, so i look like one who do not have use for her money abi? Money miss road na' She was visibly angry now. 'ah, aunty, it has not gotten to that now..' 'dont let me call you an ingrate, after everything i did for you' 'aunty i'm sorry, it wasnt my intention to annoy you' She held up her hand 'i dont blame you at all, i blame myself. I could have just abandoned you after the death of your parents but no, i didnt, i took you into my home, fed you, clothed you, housed you, even took care of you in your pregnancy time, i paid your ante-natal bills and i got baby things for the baby, infact...' 'aunty, its okay pls, i'm sorry' I dipped my hands into my bag and brought out more money, then she smiled broadly. 'thats what we are talking about here,' she said smiling 'wete the money no pasa' I faked a smile. Now i could see aunt Chime for who she really is. Money concious. TBC
28 Nov 2016 | 14:01
oooh, that aunt of yours would ruin you
29 Nov 2016 | 02:51
29 Nov 2016 | 03:34
if u didn't take care it ur aunt that will ruin you
29 Nov 2016 | 03:46
Aunty Chime will bring ur downfall
29 Nov 2016 | 03:54
u better give the ur Aunty space ooo
29 Nov 2016 | 04:13
Wete de money na opasa no be small ooooo
29 Nov 2016 | 04:16
29 Nov 2016 | 04:18
your sister is something else
29 Nov 2016 | 04:38
29 Nov 2016 | 05:18
Which kind aunty b dat
29 Nov 2016 | 05:31
Better watch
29 Nov 2016 | 05:50
She go push u inside fire before your eyes go clear!
29 Nov 2016 | 06:33
She wl push u to ur grave
29 Nov 2016 | 06:50
You better not let her ruin ur life
29 Nov 2016 | 09:10
Iru iro ni'borun
29 Nov 2016 | 10:57
i knew it,she will be ur downfall
29 Nov 2016 | 13:05
Hmmmm... Super duper. One of the best stories. Pls proofread next time dear.
29 Nov 2016 | 13:31
29 Nov 2016 | 13:35
Dat kin aunty na hin good 4 u nw
29 Nov 2016 | 14:36
She qo soon dupe you
29 Nov 2016 | 15:32
haaa .... This ur aunt is gonna ruin ur life
29 Nov 2016 | 17:12
Ur aunty will ruin ur life
30 Nov 2016 | 02:49
Episode 43 'my love..' Chief said looking up at me the moment i entered his office. I faked a smile and sat on the chair opposite him 'Chief, chief' 'iyawo mi, how are you doing? This one you came to see me in my office today, i hope all is well' 'if mohammed doesnt go to the mountain, the mountain goes to mohammed na' i said. He slapped his forehead a little 'i'm so sorry my love, just that...' 'na so we go dey dey? Haba Chief, you are deserting me oo, i havent even seen you in the room for almost two days now, haba Chief, are you forgetting that i am a woman?' I asked pouting. He smiled apologetically. 'you now spend all your time in madam Oge's room, its not fair oo, remember i was the one who was there for you before? You are depriving me of a husband's love' I said making it look like i was going to burst into tears anytime soon. He stood up from his seat and came to, his hand on my shoulder 'baby, please dont be mad at me, dont make me feel guilty than i already am' 'you should feel guilty Chief. Imagine, you've abadoned your wife because of another woman. How many years has madam Oge been living with you? Almost 28yrs, but we've only been together for four months Chief, only four months, atleast let me enjoy you before another woman comes and takes your time. Knowing you very well, its only a matter of time before you get another wife. Or are you tired of me already?' I forced tears into my eyes. He squatted beside me with a small smile on his face, he wiped the tears with his hands 'my love, i have no intention of getting married to another woman after you...' 'because of madam Oge abi?' 'this is not about Ogechi. I married eight women after her remember? This is about you, i love you so much Ivyy, your arms is where i want to be in my death bed, no body else's' In my mind, i was like, an old man professing love words to a girl old enough to be his daughter. I would make sure that his marriage to me was going to be the biggest mistake he had ever made, because by the time i would be through with him, he would have no one else by his side, not even his family. Then he would be alone on his death bed, and he would die a miserable death, i smiled inwardly. 'Chief, you're not showing it. It seems you love madam Oge more than you love me. I cant let another woman contend for your love with me Chief, i wont, thats how much i love you' i said in a tearful voice. I never believed i could be such a wonderful actress. 'no my love, please dont cry, dont cry, i'll make it up to you with anything you want' 'what is it about madam Oge that you dont see in me? I am still as fresh and beautiful as ever, and i'm ever ready in bed, just the way you like it, what then is in her thats so special, whats so special about her?' He smiled as if saying you would never understand. 'send her away Chief' i said placing my head on his shoulder 'i swear, i would make you the happiest man on earth, i want to bear you kids Chief, i love you so much, my love for you proved to me that age is nothing but a number, do this for me Chief, please' He held me in his arms as i wept 'you and i know that i can never send Oge away, she's my life' 'then what am i? Your deathwish? Your greatest nightmare?' I'm going to be your greatest nightmare. 'Ivyy, you are my love, i love you so much' I stood up and straightened my dress wiping my tears 'its of no use talking to you, because you just proved to me a second time that you love madam Oge more than you love me' 'Ivyy...' he said rising on his feet. 'i didnt come here to cry in the first place. I came on behalf of my aunt' 'Ivyy, lets not do this, we can settle things...' 'she needs some money, she asked me to lend her some money Chief, but i'm totally broke right now, i dont have up to the amount she's asking for' I said ignoring him. He shrugged his shoulders as if giving up, then he walked back to his seat 'how much are we talking about here?' 'twenty million' i lied. Ten million was for aunt Chime and ten million was mine. 'what does she need it for?' 'business trip' i simply replied. 'i'll see what i can do before the end of today' I turned back and started to leave. 'Ivyy...' I stopped without turning back. 'i'm spending the night in our room tonight, so prepare yourself because you're going to be sore tonight' I hissed inaudibly and walked out. My phone rang almost instantly. It was aunt Chime. I picked 'hello aunt' 'hello Ivyy i change my mind, i'm going to Dubai first thing tomorrow morning and i no longer need ten million, i need twenty..' My countenance changed. TBC
30 Nov 2016 | 10:24
Na aunty chime go kill you
30 Nov 2016 | 10:54
na u aunt go kill you
30 Nov 2016 | 11:34
Ur aunty z blackmailing u,
30 Nov 2016 | 11:34
that woman will kill u ivvy ....use ur tongue and count ur teeth
30 Nov 2016 | 11:50
30 Nov 2016 | 12:31
30 Nov 2016 | 12:34
U never see something Ivy. Ur destruction is so close
30 Nov 2016 | 12:34
she day mad her fada slf Go kolet ur pikin frm her b.4 she korupt her
30 Nov 2016 | 12:37
30 Nov 2016 | 13:12
Ogal ... Go carry ur ifepam b4 she use otaapiapia kill her ooooo
30 Nov 2016 | 13:49
I no trust dat woman one bit ... Abi u sure say chief no dey screw her self!!!! .... Ogal fine ur way out
30 Nov 2016 | 13:51
it seems that ivvy gat nothing upstair.. better still, who can speak Japan for her maybe she will understand better... life is not a bed of rose...
30 Nov 2016 | 13:54
lolz orisirisi
30 Nov 2016 | 13:54
Dat ur aunt is a devil
30 Nov 2016 | 14:21
Hehe...its now twenty???
30 Nov 2016 | 14:31
Bad woman
30 Nov 2016 | 14:43
twenty nke? na ur aunty will kill u @ last
30 Nov 2016 | 14:48
Your aunt is the devil herself
30 Nov 2016 | 16:09
u be ATM machine for ur Anut
30 Nov 2016 | 16:22
haaa ..... This aunt of urs is becoming something else
30 Nov 2016 | 16:29
She has her plans.
30 Nov 2016 | 16:46
Just time... You will cry like tomorrow no dey.
30 Nov 2016 | 17:20
Aarti the last episode you updated was 43 not 44
1 Dec 2016 | 04:21
Episode 44. 'aunty, what is all this? You told me ten million yesterday and now you are telling me twenty million, does it look like i pluck money from trees?' i asked angrily. 'meaning what?' she asked almost immediately 'Ivyy, whats the meaning of that? I cant ask you for financial help from you anymore? After everything i've done for you?' I rolled my eyes, here we go again 'thats not what i meant aunty, just that i already told Chief about the ten million, its going to be somehow if i should go back in and tell him you need twenty million now?' 'did you tell Chief i was the one who needed the money?' 'yes i did' 'why?' she asked angrily 'arent you sensible enough? Why did you mention my name?' 'i dont understand' 'what dont you understand Ivyy? Eh? You this child, when will ever have sense? Are you sure you ever going to be sensible in this your life?' I frowned 'care to explain better aunty, what do you mean? Why wont i tell Chief you were the one who needed the money when you're the one who needed the money?' 'bia nwata, do you want to give me the money or not?' 'aunty, i...' 'just answer me biko. Are you giving me or not? If you dont want to give me, then its fine, i'll cope, i'll manage' 'aunty, its not like that...' i said suddenly feeling guilty about the way i spoke to her 'i'll give you the money, Chief already promised to give me before the end of today, i'll forward it to your account immediately, i promise' I heard her sob before she ended the call. I felt really guilty, she had done alot for me in the past five years, and now it was my turn to pay her back. 'i need to put my plans into action already, the earlier, the better' i said to myself. I moved away from where i stood to a quiet place, then i placed a call to a familiar number. 'hello?' his baritone voice was heard from the other end. 'i need you to carry out the job now, i'll send you all the details you'll need' 'at your service ma'am' I hung up with a devilish smile on my face 'chief Adetola, you dont know what you are in for now' ** I had the feeling that i was being watched. I felt it. Though i wasnt scared because the garage had a little people here and there, each minding their businesses, but that didnt mean anyone would be able to hurt me there. I was fumbling my handbag for my car keys when someone bumped into me throwing my bag on the floor thereby scattering my belongings. '!' i cursed. I was ready to slap whoever blindly bumped into me. But by the time i raised my head up, i knew there and then that if didnt die there, i would never die again. My hands shook. My knees suddenly felt weak and it suddenly looked like i was going to collapse anytime soon. I rested my back on my car to prevent myself from falling. 'Ral...Ralph' i stammered. 'hi madmoiselle' he said with a smile. That was all i remembered before my sight became blurry and i collapsed. ** I heard the moans loud and clear in my dreams. A sexual activity was going on and all the girl could beg for was more. I also heard the male's grunt. I couldnt exactly tell who were having sex but i knew the female's voice sounded like mine. And the grunt was very familiar. I felt a heavy weight roll off my body and collapsed beside me. Then my ears opened. My sight was blurry at first and i wasnt able to make out where i wasnt able to make out where i was. But i knew the room was small and well decorated, painted white with just a small wardrobe and a center table. I looked around me and i noticed i was totally unclad. My clothes and other male clothes were scattered all over the floor. I cringed in fear and looked for something to cover my nakedness. Then i looked beside me and i just felt like fainting again. He was there smiling at me. He was totally unclad and sweaty and there was no need telling what had already gone down between us. 'Ralph?' 'yeah baby' he said holding my cheeks 'i'm sure you enjoyed our encounter once again' ' are not dead?' 'hahahaha, can a dead man have sex with such a sweet and stunning woman such as you?' I was speechless. He moved forwards and planted a simple kiss on my lips 'i missed you. I missed you so much. I cant believe i was able to stay away from you for five years, i cant live without you Ivyy' My head started banging again 'let me go Ralph, you're a dead man' 'on the contrary, Ifeanyi is the dead one here' 'what?! Which Ifeanyi?' He laughed 'your Ifeanyi' I couldnt believe my ears. Ifeanyi was dead? 'you are lying to me. You are the one who is dead, not my Ifeanyi' He tried moving closer and i slapped him. 'stay away from me you devil! Our sexual encounter was a mistake, i didnt even know what was happening around me, i was unconcious, why do you like taking advantage of people? Will you ever change' 'i would never change when it comes to you. You know why? Because i love you so much Ivyy. I want my kid. And you' He said with a devilish smile. TBC
1 Dec 2016 | 10:16
Episode 44. 'aunty, what is all this? You told me ten million yesterday and now you are telling me twenty million, does it look like i pluck money from trees?' i asked angrily. 'meaning what?' she asked almost immediately 'Ivyy, whats the meaning of that? I cant ask for financial help from you anymore? After everything i've done for you?' I rolled my eyes, here we go again 'thats not what i meant aunty, just that i already told Chief about the ten million, its going to be somehow if i should go back in and tell him you need twenty million now?' 'did you tell Chief i was the one who needed the money?' 'yes i did' 'why?' she asked angrily 'arent you sensible enough? Why did you mention my name?' 'i dont understand' 'what dont you understand Ivyy? Eh? You this child, when will ever have sense? Are you sure you ever going to be sensible in this your life?' I frowned 'care to explain better aunty, what do you mean? Why wont i tell Chief you were the one who needed the money when you're the one who needed the money?' 'bia nwata, do you want to give me the money or not?' 'aunty, i...' 'just answer me biko. Are you giving me or not? If you dont want to give me, then its fine, i'll cope, i'll manage' 'aunty, its not like that...' i said suddenly feeling guilty about the way i spoke to her 'i'll give you the money, Chief already promised to give me before the end of today, i'll forward it to your account immediately, i promise' I heard her sob before she ended the call. I felt really guilty, she had done alot for me in the past five years, and now it was my turn to pay her back. 'i need to put my plans into action already, the earlier, the better' i said to myself. I moved away from where i stood to a quiet place, then i placed a call to a familiar number. 'hello?' his baritone voice was heard from the other end. 'i need you to carry out the job now, i'll send you all the details you'll need' 'at your service ma'am' I hung up with a devilish smile on my face 'chief Adetola, you dont know what you are in for now' ** I had the feeling that i was being watched. I felt it. Though i wasnt scared because the garage had a little people here and there, each minding their businesses, but that didnt mean anyone would be able to hurt me there. I was fumbling my handbag for my car keys when someone bumped into me throwing my bag on the floor thereby scattering my belongings. '!' i cursed. I was ready to slap whoever blindly bumped into me. But by the time i raised my head up, i knew there and then that if didnt die there, i would never die again. My hands shook. My knees suddenly felt weak and it suddenly looked like i was going to collapse anytime soon. I rested my back on my car to prevent myself from falling. 'Ral...Ralph' i stammered. 'hi madmoiselle' he said with a smile. That was all i remembered before my sight became blurry and i collapsed. ** I heard the moans loud and clear in my dreams. A sexual activity was going on and all the girl could beg for was more. I also heard the male's grunt. I couldnt exactly tell who were having sex but i knew the female's voice sounded like mine. And the grunt was very familiar. I felt a heavy weight roll off my body and collapsed beside me. Then my ears opened. My sight was blurry at first and i wasnt able to make out where i wasnt able to make out where i was. But i knew the room was small and well decorated, painted white with just a small wardrobe and a center table. I looked around me and i noticed i was totally unclad. My clothes and other male clothes were scattered all over the floor. I cringed in fear and looked for something to cover my nakedness. Then i looked beside me and i just felt like fainting again. He was there smiling at me. He was totally unclad and sweaty and there was no need telling what had already gone down between us. 'Ralph?' 'yeah baby' he said holding my cheeks 'i'm sure you enjoyed our encounter once again' ' are not dead?' 'hahahaha, can a dead man have sex with such a sweet and stunning woman such as you?' I was speechless. He moved forwards and planted a simple kiss on my lips 'i missed you. I missed you so much. I cant believe i was able to stay away from you for five years, i cant live without you Ivyy' My head started banging again 'let me go Ralph, you're a dead man' 'on the contrary, Ifeanyi is the dead one here' 'what?! Which Ifeanyi?' He laughed 'your Ifeanyi' I couldnt believe my ears. Ifeanyi was dead? 'you are lying to me. You are the one who is dead, not my Ifeanyi' He tried moving closer and i slapped him. 'stay away from me you devil! Our sexual encounter was a mistake, i didnt even know what was happening around me, i was unconcious, why do you like taking advantage of people? Will you ever change' 'i would never change when it comes to you. You know why? Because i love you so much Ivyy. I want my kid. And you' He said with a devilish smile. TBC
1 Dec 2016 | 10:16
tell that ur anty thunder fire u cos ten million have already settle all that she did for u for past five yrs and even have change self. Hmm but is ur ifeanyi really dead. waiting for next episode.
1 Dec 2016 | 11:38
1 Dec 2016 | 11:53
1 Dec 2016 | 13:00
still following
1 Dec 2016 | 13:38
Waitin 4 next episode
1 Dec 2016 | 13:53
Omo ... Who cum kill ifeanyi nah
1 Dec 2016 | 14:16
1 Dec 2016 | 14:44
Are you killinq me.... Ten million aint enouqh for your settlement.
1 Dec 2016 | 14:55
So complicated!
1 Dec 2016 | 15:47
1 Dec 2016 | 16:10
hmmnn ,,,,, so confusing
1 Dec 2016 | 16:34
Gan gan gan...raph z back and ifeanyi z dead
1 Dec 2016 | 16:46
1 Dec 2016 | 17:22
2 Dec 2016 | 02:11
I don't think your ifeanyi is dead,Ralph is just playing pranks
2 Dec 2016 | 09:01
Ralph wanna implant another seed in you... Senseless ivvy with blind desire
2 Dec 2016 | 11:07
Next pls
2 Dec 2016 | 11:08
Episode 44. I closed the door behind me breathing faster. I was looking messy, my hair was rough and my clothes was rumpled. I had run out of Ralph's grasp thereby hitting his head in the process. I had run out of the room, flagged down a cab and had gotten home. I couldnt exactly tell why i was running away from Ralph, whether it was because i believed he was a dead man or because of what happened in the past. But i knew that i was better off staying away from him. He was trouble and he was going to ruin my life again if i let him. I sighed and fell on the bed tiredly. 'you're back?' I jerked at the sound of the familiar voice. I looked up only to see Chief standing by the entrance to the bathroom with a towel on his neck. 'Eh...Chief...' i forced a smile. 'you're late, where have you been?' Then i began to stammer 'i...i..i...aunt Chime, i...aunt Chime called, my daughter wasnt feeling well so i was with her' 'your aunt?' he looked confused. 'yes my aunt, any problem?' 'but...well, forget it' he said approaching the bed 'just dont stay out late again' 'i'm sorry' He sat beside me and pulled me into his arms, he sniffed my hair and asked 'why are you sweaty?' 'i..i knew i was late so i ran up the stairs, i thought you'd be mad' 'i am mad...' he said slowly 'i'm just trying to understand, please dont stay out late again, it looks very suspicious. I dont want to suspect anything that i know you are not capable of' he said looking away. 'i'm sorry Chief' i snuggled closer to him 'i promise that it wont happen again' 'are you telling me the truth?' 'of course Chief, it wont happen again' 'what i mean is, were you really with your aunt and daughter?' 'of course Chief! You think i'm lying?' 'i never said so' 'i was with Ifeanyi, i swear it' 'please dont lie to me Ivyy' 'Chief, whats all this for?' i asked softly feigning annoyance 'you think i'd lie to you using my daughter's health?' 'i never said so' 'forget it Chief, i know i was wrong for coming late and i'm sorry, it wont happen again but its okay if you really dont want to forgive me' I said trying to stand up but he held me closer to himself. 'i'm sorry, i didnt mean for it to come out that way. I love you' he reached for a kiss but i backed away. 'sorry Chief, i'm not in the mood for this. I want to sleep, i'm very tired' I said wonderinng why a matured man like this loved sex to the extent he could have it everyday. I stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom. **** I handed aunt Chime the cheque. She looked at it and hissed, picked up her handbag and made to leave without a word. 'aunt' i called softly. She stopped but didnt turn back. 'i'm sorry' i said 'i'm so sorry' 'sorry for yourself!' she snapped and reached for the door knob. 'aunt please' i said and walked to her hugging her from behind 'please forgive me, i know you're angry at me, i beg you' She released a breath 'okay, no problem, just promise it wont happen again' 'it wont' 'fine i forgive you. But i have to leave now, i have something very important to take care of' I released her and she left without turning her back to me. I was supposed to tell her about Ralph but something held me back. I just turned and headed back to my seat. My phone rang. 'hello?' 'madam, job carried out' I laughed satisfactorily 'alright, i'll send your balance over to you' I hung up and laughed heartily. Yes, i knew i was becoming heartless but one had to do what he had to in order to survive. All i needed was the money, nothing else. I picked up my phone and car keys, i needed to celebrate and Rain was the best person to celebrate with. **** I was chatting and laughing with Rain when my phone rang, it was Chief. 'hello Chief' 'Ivyy, where are you?' he sounded stressed and it looked like he was crying. 'i'm at the Chief, whats the matter?' i asked pretending to be alarmed. 'Oge...Oge is dead!' 'what?!' i screamed. 'she died in an automobile accident few hours ago. Come home right now Ivyy' he said and hung up. I dropped the phone and smiled inwardly. There are so many ways to kill a rat. TBC
3 Dec 2016 | 05:00
0MG! You're realy a fool and stupid wh0re for killing Mrs 0ge. Now you think you're topping the game, not knowing you're still a n0vice innit. Rip Mrs 0ge. @sommyangel @jummybabe @hormortiyor @oma New episode.
3 Dec 2016 | 05:14
0 Likes killed madam oqe? Olryt... Thank You @froshberry-2
3 Dec 2016 | 07:42
This heartless of you ivvy. You are misusing the upportunity u av
3 Dec 2016 | 07:42
Welcome @oma.
3 Dec 2016 | 09:06
oh my God ...ivvu u are now a murderer
3 Dec 2016 | 12:07
You will soon regret it .
3 Dec 2016 | 12:33
Drawinq closer to your pit.
3 Dec 2016 | 13:04
Mmmmm Ivy u have become this monster
3 Dec 2016 | 13:11
U dn finaly kill urslf witch na raph gud 4 u
3 Dec 2016 | 13:57
Heheheiiii .... Ivvy imaro ife ooooo
3 Dec 2016 | 13:57
Am just waiting for ur downfall Ivy
3 Dec 2016 | 14:09
too bad of u,ivvy
3 Dec 2016 | 14:46
This girl, u re growing heartless with each passing day! I pray u dont regret at last!
3 Dec 2016 | 15:02
Episode 45. I held Chief tightly as he wailed like a baby 'Chief, you have to take it easy' i said tears falling from my eyes 'its not the end of the world' 'i loved her' he cried like a baby. Have you ever seen a fifty eight year old man weep like a baby? It was a sight to behold 'i loved her so much. I never treated her well, i wanted to use the opportunity to make up for all my mistakes but fate had a different plan' Rina was weeping at a corner and Rooney was all alone staring into space with unshed tears in his eyes. Chief's brother, Elder Conrad came to his side and i moved away to Rina's side. I knew we were not on good terms but i just felt like consoling someone. Didnt the bible say mourn with those that mourn? I agree, madam Oge was a nice woman and a mother to all, but in order to achieve my aim, i had to get her out of the way, and surprisingly, i didnt feel guilty like i thought i'll feel, meaning i could do this again and again. I could get rid of anyone who tries to stand in my way of success. 'Rina' i called softly. She looked at me and started crying again. I hugged her wiping the fake tears from my eyes. 'i miss her. I miss my mum' she said relaxing in my arms 'she was the most understanding mum ever' 'i know. We all miss her. She was a very nice and understanding woman' I meant that. 'why did she have to leave for Abuja today? Why? Oh God, why my mum? How do i cope without my mum?' she wept. 'dont cry anymore Rina. We might be agemates but i want you to know that i'll always be there for you. I'm sorry about everything that happened in the past. I want us to become friends, we would conquer the world together' She wept aloud. 'how did it happen? I only heard she was involved in an accident but i didnt get more details' 'she was on her way to the airport, she wasnt driving, the driver was, then they were involved in a motor crash, the car was checked and it was discovered that the brakes of the car were cut off. Its obvious someone did it on purpose, someone tried to kill my mum, my mum who would never hurt anyone' 'Jesus!' i exclaimed 'why on earth would anyone try to kill madam Oge? Why are humans this wicked?' i cursed crying 'God will punish the culprit, that person will never go scot free' In my mind i was like, God was going to punish Rina and her entire family and not me. 'do you have anybody in mind as a suspect?' 'no, i cant think of anyone that would want to hurt my mum' 'what about Hilda?' She looked at me surprisingly then shook her head 'Hilda would never do that' 'never say never Rina. Remember she was never in good terms with your mum, and she would have been jealous of your mum, just look at her...' i said pointing towards Hilda who was seated at one corner, her hands on her cheek, nothing like a pained expression on her face, her face was indeed plain and void of emotions. She looked shocked. 'look at Didi. Look at Chisom, look at Wanne, are they not all crying? Why then is she not crying? Even the most heartless demons would weep at this terrible and sorrowful sight. Is her heart made of stone? Check it out na Rina, Hilda is the one responsible for your mother's death!' Her face changed instantly. TBC
3 Dec 2016 | 15:35
0MG! And that naive Rina would believe you? Not realy knowing you're the she-devil behind her mum's death. I'd call you a Jaguar in a Goat's clothings.
3 Dec 2016 | 15:37
you went too far!
3 Dec 2016 | 15:41
I pity dis gal's end
3 Dec 2016 | 16:26
ahhhhh...such a wicked soul
3 Dec 2016 | 16:56
your days are numbered dear... just continue for the main time
3 Dec 2016 | 17:10
[B]I cursed crying ‘God will punish the culprit, that person will never go scot free’[/B] That statement would comeback Hunting You.
3 Dec 2016 | 17:17
One day you will regret all this
3 Dec 2016 | 17:55
ivvy the devil incarnate
3 Dec 2016 | 17:57
Rina, she want to use you.
3 Dec 2016 | 18:23
I pity you
4 Dec 2016 | 02:58
Haba!!!! are wicked. Just want to scatter the family apart
4 Dec 2016 | 06:27
I follow oo
4 Dec 2016 | 06:58
Ivy go and die.... I really hate you
4 Dec 2016 | 07:31
I Swear I pity u
4 Dec 2016 | 08:23
DeviL pikin
4 Dec 2016 | 09:13
hmmmmm.... heartless human being
4 Dec 2016 | 09:21
ivy ur second urvashi.
4 Dec 2016 | 09:50
I am didn't support ur behaviour @ivy but am not blaming you either I blame day idiot chief na him cause am
4 Dec 2016 | 11:29
i pity you
4 Dec 2016 | 12:41
this gal is truly a devil oooh...
5 Dec 2016 | 05:00
If lies goes for twenty years, truth with be out one day. Continue with ur act ivvy, u will soon reap what you sow
5 Dec 2016 | 07:50
Chai See Dis Devil Gal
5 Dec 2016 | 08:40
Ur days r number
5 Dec 2016 | 11:43
Episode 47. Rina quickly jumped up from her seat like one possessed by an evil spirit. Before i could try to stop her, she had already rushed to Hilda and pounced on her. The women around her held her quickly. 'you demonic woman! You killed my mother. You killed my mother! Let me go! Let me go, let me show this woman that she cannot kill my mother and go scot free!' She ranted. Everyone was shocked. Hilda stared at her like she had suddenly gone mad. All of a sudden, someone screamed. We all turned to see Chief on the floor. He had collapsed. *** 'Ivyy, where are you? Why did you suddenly rush out of the office without letting me know? I was worried about you' Rain stated over the phone. I moved away from Chief's ward 'heyy Rainn, take a chill pill, nothing happened to me, i'm fine. Something came up that i had to handle' 'hope its not a serious issue?' 'no its not. Just that i we just lost one of my cowives and my husband is currently at the hospital suffering from shock. But he will be fine. We've got it covered' 'i'm so sorry. Are you okay?' I laughed a little 'of course i'm fine. God gives and takes life. Who am i to dictate for God?' 'thats true. I'm really sorry about the woman's death. Take care of yourself dear. Dont let it weigh you down' Weigh me down? Indeed! 'i wont, though i'm a little bit terrified right now, i believe i will be fine. She was a nice woman' I noticed Rina walking towards me with puffy eyes. 'eyaa' 'bye Rain, i'll speak to you later. I might not be at the office tomorrow, just help me tell Cherrie to reschedule all my meetings for tomorrow' 'okay i will, take care of yourself. I'm really sorry about what happened' 'there's no point being sorry. Bye for now' i said and quickly hung up. Rina was by my side by now and she hugged me immediately i dropped the call. She started crying again 'i dont want to be an orpan Ivyy, please do something. I dont want to lose my father too' I released her and held her cheeks 'calm down Rina, you wont lose anyone again, not when i'm here...' Like i was a saviour or something 'what did the doctor say?' 'father is hypertensive' she cried 'he has always been hypertensive but he never told anyone. He has a high blood pressure too. The doctor said there's very little chance for him to survive. Ivyy, my father might die' My heart sunk a little at the thought of that. Yes, i'd always wanted Chief out of the way so i could inherit all his properties but hearing that he was going to die this made me a bit sad. I knew i was becoming heartless but i was equally a human being with emotions and conscience. Suddenly a thought creeped into my head. Though it was a very heartless thing to do and it was going to prick my conscience badly but i just had to do what i had to. A woman needs to survive. I forced tears out of my eyes and hugged Rina as though i wanted to tap strength from her. We held each other and cried. 'i dont want to be an orphan Ivyy' she cried 'i love my dad. Hilda will pay for this!' I laughed within me. You are going to become an orphan dearies, very soon, i though. *** Everyone went back home in the night but Rina refused to leave her dad's side and it was very bad for my plans. I had already texted someone to bring some stuff to the hospital for me but Rina's presence was about to ruin everything. I had to look for a way. 'Rina, you need to rest. You are stressed. Dont worry about your dad, i'll take care of him. I care about him as much as you do' i said. She shook her head 'i dont want to leave his side. I just want to hold his hands and pray all night' I rolled my eyes 'you can equally pray for him at home. Rina, you have to go home, you must, you need good food and a nice sound sleep' She started crying again 'i want to die too Ivyy, i'm tired of life!' I sighed and cursed inwardly 'in that case i wont force you. But i should at lease get you something to drink. Maybe an alcoholic drink ot something. You need to relax' She nodded and smiled at me 'thanks' 'no biggie' I stepped out of the ward and inhaled fresh breeze 'stupid girl' I started walking when another idea came into my head 'poison her drink, poison her drink!' The voice said to me. I shook my head negatively. It was going to be very suspicious, couple with the fact that i was going to inject something dangerous into Chief's drip that would kill him once and for all. If Rina dies too, all fingers will point at me. My phone rang that instant 'hello madam, we have the stuff you asked for. We are outside the hospital now' the baritone voice said and i smiled. 'did you get the sleeping medicine as well?' i asked. 'we did' I smiled. The dangerous liquid that was to be injected into Chief's drip together with the sleeping medicine for Rina were ready. My plans can now work out perfectly. I smiled inwardly. TBC
5 Dec 2016 | 12:53
5 Dec 2016 | 12:58
Your plan must fail.
5 Dec 2016 | 13:37
I love that
5 Dec 2016 | 13:45
I fear this girl oooo
5 Dec 2016 | 14:07
Ivvy u are going gaga oo
6 Dec 2016 | 03:14
Sometimes i wonder if this young lady is a human or an alian. Mtcheww bstone heart lady that's ur second name
6 Dec 2016 | 03:14
I cnt believe dis ws d timid gal yrs bck in d village
6 Dec 2016 | 03:19
Heartless bitch
6 Dec 2016 | 04:26
let see if it's work
6 Dec 2016 | 05:27
Your plan will fail
6 Dec 2016 | 06:58
This ivvy self...over wicked
6 Dec 2016 | 07:45
I pity u
6 Dec 2016 | 08:05
Episode 48. I smiled wryly as Rina started dozing off. Though she was trying hard to remain awake. 'Rin?' i called 'you should just sleep, dont fight it' She shook her head and reached for her father's hand. I reached for her free hand and helped her up. She stood up weakly, the medicine wasnt just going to make her feel sleepy, it was going to make her weak. 'come here..' i said leading her to a long couch at the end of the room. 'sleep. I'll take care of Chief. If he wakes up, i'll wake you up' She smiled weakly at me 'thanks alot Ivyy, what would i have done without you?' I just smiled and she turned her back to me and before long, she was snoring away. 'Gosh! She snores, yuck!' I hissed. I reached for my bra and brought out the injection and the red liquid. It was in a small transparent nylon. I injected the needle into the nylon and injected the liquid. I smiled devilishly. I walked towards Chief's drip. I glanced at Rina once more and she was snoring away. On a second thought, i walked back to the door and securely locked it. Then i walked back to Chief's side. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I carressed his arms. This man had done so much for me. Ever since i stepped foot into that town five years ago with a baby without money or a house or a job and a quality education, he had been there for me. He didnt know us yet he took us in, sent me to school,provided a good house for us. He took care of my baby and i. He was so nice to me. But today, he would have to get out of my way. It was no fault of mine, it wasnt my intention, but i never wanted to return to where i came from, abject poverty, one had to do what she had to. In order to survive. TBC
6 Dec 2016 | 08:17
*cont* I kissed his forehead again rubbing his arm 'oh Chief, i'm going to miss you believe me...' i said staring into his closed eyes 'and i'm going to mourn so dont feel bad. Since you really love your beloved wife so much, wy not just join her. You've been rich for a very long time, its time to go so people can enjoy your wealth. You're fifty eight afterally' i shrugged and wiped my left eye 'my oh my! I cant believe i'm tearing up even when you're not dead. What about when you die?' I laughed wickedly. I stood up, and held his drip, caressing with my hand. I laughed again. As i raised the injection in my hand, my phone rang. I cursed in my mind, who the hell was calling me for goodness sake!!! I hissed angrily and walked up to where i dropped my phone. It was an unknown number calling. 'hello?' 'Ivyy, what you are about to do right now shouldnt be done now' the very familiar voice said. I panicked. How did did he get my number? How did he know about what i was doing? 'Ralph?' 'killing Chief right now will only make people point fingers at you. You're not making a smart move at all. I expected you to be smarter than that' My hands shook. 'lets meet tomorrow. I already have laid down plans on how you achieve your goal. Dont ask me how i found out about your plans. I know about everything. Everything' I hung up in fear. I looked around the room scared as if someone was watching me. I quickly switched off my phone. But when i sat down to reason all Ralph had said, i realised he was right. Killing Chief at this point wasnt at all a smart move. Fingers would point at me and i would be a suspect. And that was the last thing i wanted. I let out air. I ran my hands through my weave and stared at Chief.. Then i cursed again. I tried to think of something but nothing came to my head. I decided to take the risk. I picked my phone and typed a quick message. "London cafe, 1pm tomorrow. Be prompt" I sent it to Ralph. TBC
6 Dec 2016 | 09:45
Blind desire cho
6 Dec 2016 | 10:05
u and Ralph again
6 Dec 2016 | 10:09
I am just waiting for ur death. Stupid girl
6 Dec 2016 | 11:10
*cont'd* I looked good in my simple dressing. I wore a red off-shoulder strap gown and simple gold slippers and gold purse. I sat on a table waiting for Ralph. The fool had the guts to keep me waiting. What rubbish! I checked my wristwatch, he was fifty five minutes late. Does he really think that i have nothing else to do than sit and wait for him. Does he think i'm a jobless person? I decided to wait for five more minutes, if by 2pm he wasnt here then i was going to take my leave. At exactly 1:58, the fool showed up. I was very angry and i felt like lashing out on him, i had promised Rina not to stay out long. I had planned on spending just an hour with Ralph but he just ruined everything. 'sorry for keeping you waiting' he said smiling 'have you heard something to drink?' I scoffed 'i already did. What do you take me for Ralph? Do i strike you as a jobless person or what?' 'i'm so sorry Vee, something came up and i had to handle it' I eyed him in disgust. I hated this man. He ruined my life in the past and i couldnt believe i was even sitting with him right now. But i had no choice. He seemed to be the only person aware of my plans right now and the last thing i wanted was someone snitching on me. 'i think i made a mistake in meeting with you. But since i'm already here then i'll just manage' i hissed. He just smiled. 'so what were you saying last night?' 'what was i saying? I dont understand' 'dont you dare play dumb with me Ralph, you foiled my goddamn plan and you said you had a better one! I didnt forfeit everything i had to do today just to come here and look at your face!' 'take a chill pill bae. I'm sorry if i made you angry' 'to be truthful, your presence alone disgusts me! You annoying fellow!' i hissed again noticing the way people were staring at us. He just continued looking at me. I breathed 'since you think killing...' i looked around again 'since you think its a bad idea, i suggest you tell me what you think its the best thing to do' 'i can only share my ideas with you on one condition' 'what condition is that?' 'we become partners' 'partners as in? Partners in what?' 'thats we become each other's accomplices' 'i dont get it' He reached for my hand 'we are in this together Vee. I understand you want to get rid of all of Chief's family so you'll claim all his properties, and i'm ready to be of help. Two heads they say is better than one' 'what?!' *** 'Ivyy, i heard what happened' Aunt Chime said calling with an international number. It was obvious she was already out of the country. Together with Ifepams 'so that demonic woman finally died?' 'yes aunty, she died. She died in an autocrash yesterday' 'too bad. Thats good for her. She deserves it. That stupid woman. She's lucky i didnt kill her myself, she would have suffered before she died' I kept quiet. 'how is Chief taking it?' 'Chief was admitted in a hospital yesterday night. He collapsed on hearing it' 'ah! Chineke onye obioma!' she exclaimed 'how is he now? Is he hypertensive?' 'he is' 'and you didnt deem it fit to tell me?' 'i only found out yesterday. He kept it away from everyone' 'ah, why will Chief keep this kind of a thing from his family now? He sha shouldnt die oo' 'what of Ifepams?' 'she's fine oo. She's a bit down with fever' 'what?! Hope its nothing serious aunty? Is she on medications?' 'yes' 'please take care of her for me. Is she there?' 'yes' 'please pass the phone to her' I felt glad hearing my daughter's voice again. I felt this peace and contentment hearing my daughter's voice once again. I knew i was doing this for her. I wanted her to have a better life and future. I didnt want her to go through the same things i passed through as a child. I loved her that much. 'mummy has to go now darling. I'll call you later and dont give you grandaunt any stress alright?' 'yes mummy' *** 'hello Ralph?' i said into the phone and i moved away from the ward. 'yes Ivyy, the first phase of the plan has been carried out' I laughed heartily 'i love good news' 'its time to carry out the second phase' 'yeah the second phase' 'i've already started making preparations' 'okay, i'll do my part' 'good' He hung up. TBC
6 Dec 2016 | 13:01
Bad girl, u'll reap it one day!
6 Dec 2016 | 13:37
haaaa ..... Ivvy!
6 Dec 2016 | 15:37
Evil girl..u will reap whatever that u sow
6 Dec 2016 | 18:21
Please always add episode numbers. so we can add fast links @aarti
7 Dec 2016 | 01:31
Evil lady!
7 Dec 2016 | 01:42
7 Dec 2016 | 02:12
hmmm evil lady
7 Dec 2016 | 02:26
Wat wl Ralph gain in dis? Y is he interested in helping u out
7 Dec 2016 | 03:04
Good girl
7 Dec 2016 | 03:28
Ivvy is a demon incanate
7 Dec 2016 | 03:44
Hmmmmmmmmm.....ivy u ar so heartless
7 Dec 2016 | 03:55
Ivy am sorry for you o
7 Dec 2016 | 04:24
Useless girl
7 Dec 2016 | 05:21
As in eeh... Ivvy i don't quite know ur worth
7 Dec 2016 | 06:57
Is dis an episode or an epic appetizer?
7 Dec 2016 | 07:12
Make u and Ralph marry na, demon weds demon!
7 Dec 2016 | 11:41
7 Dec 2016 | 12:26
Too Short...Ride On
7 Dec 2016 | 12:36
Be careful Ivvy, i dont trust that guy
7 Dec 2016 | 14:57
@olayitan why warning her? have u ever seen a farmer that planted yam & hervest cassava?? her heart is so dark...
7 Dec 2016 | 17:03
8 Dec 2016 | 00:46
Episode 49. The ward was full with people from Chief's family, that included his wives and kids and his brother's wives. Elder Conrad also married plenty wives just like his brother. Chief had woken up already and he was being pampered from all angles. All they wanted was to stuff him with foods of different kinds thereby irritating. I mean, why would anyone bother their heads over an old man who deserves to die? 'God alone gives and takes life' Elder Conrad said after a very long and irritating speech 'my brother, please take heart. We know much Ogechi meant to you but we cant possibly lose you now. Her death is a great loss to us right now but losing you will be an even greater loss. Your children needs you. Your wives needs you. We need you, you have to be strong for us' I rolled my eyes. Strong for us indeed. I was irritated but i had to play my part too. I cried and went into Elder Conrad's arms. 'please elder, please tell Chief, he shouldnt kill himself too. I dont know why he's not putting us into consideration too. Does he think he's the only one hurting? I wasnt able to sleep last night. I was very worried. I dont want to lose him. He just doesnt know how much he means to me' i said in tears. 'come here...' Chief muttered weakly with a smile. I left Elder Conrad and went to chief's bedside. He reached for me and i rested my head on his chest. 'i'm very sorry for putting you through stress Ivyy, you dont know how much you mean to me too. You mean alot to me as well and you're the reason i'm giving life a second chance' then he sobbed 'i dont know how i'm going to live without Oge in my life' 'shhh...' i said placing my index finger on his lips 'you wont have any cause to miss Madam Oge anymore as far as i'm here. I'm here for you Chief. I'll always stand by you' 'aww...' said Elder Conrad 'Tola, i must say you are very lucky to have an understanding wife like Ivyy' Chief only laughed. Understanding wife my foot! *** I walked quickly in order to meet up with Elder Conrad who was about entering his car. I knew how much respect Elder Conrad commanded from Chief and he was going to be an instrument in my plans. Should Chief die today, almost all his properties was going to go to him, his children and Hilda being the eldest wife now. And i wasnt going to allow that. Hilda was going down. And after Hilda comes Elder Conrad. He was going down and i meant it. 'elder...' i said with a smile approaching him 'i'm sorry, i dont mean to take much of your time but can i have a word with you?' 'okay Iyawo, i'm all ears? I hope there's no problem?' 'no, not at all. Its just..its just for the betterment and safety of our family' 'okay i'm listening' 'its about Hilda' 'what about Hilda?' I knew how much he disliked Hilda, Chief always spoke about it. 'i carried out some investigations after madam Oge's death...' 'okay?' 'and i found out Hilda is responsible for her death' He raised a brow 'how sure are you?' I handed a ring wrapped in a hanky to him. 'what is this?' he asked. 'proof that she's responsible for everything. She cut off the brakes by herself and accidentally forgot her ring. This ring no doubt belongs to her' He nodded and i knew what would happen next. I smiled inwardly. Whoever said i wasnt a smart girl? TBC
8 Dec 2016 | 12:34
A stupid crook.
8 Dec 2016 | 12:58
U aint smart... Just foolinq yourself.
8 Dec 2016 | 13:01
Geez. You are becoming something else and u don't have anyone to caution u. Too bad
8 Dec 2016 | 13:28
partners in crime indeed I just pity you Ralph...
8 Dec 2016 | 16:37
Mumu girl
8 Dec 2016 | 19:02
Too bad...
9 Dec 2016 | 01:08
Cant Just Blv U Could Be This Heartless Ivvy
9 Dec 2016 | 05:31
9 Dec 2016 | 12:03
Ivvy in Lucky Dube's voice u gonna reap just what u sow
9 Dec 2016 | 12:15
Too bad for you.. Ivy!
9 Dec 2016 | 12:17
The devil herself, Ivvy
9 Dec 2016 | 12:22
You're a monster Ivvy
9 Dec 2016 | 14:18
For sure u are going to regret this .... But i sure know dat chief is wrong for forcing u to marry him ... But a day will come ... U will regret ur heartless attitudes
9 Dec 2016 | 14:50
Smart my ass
9 Dec 2016 | 16:15
too bad
9 Dec 2016 | 17:21
I pity u once again
9 Dec 2016 | 17:37
even if u end in prison I won't you to teach that stinking old chief lesson of his life
10 Dec 2016 | 05:36
you not because you plans are not proper dear
10 Dec 2016 | 16:52
Sori 4 delayed update pals. I'm currently workin on something and its taking much of my time. But i promise to update in the evening. Thanks 4 ur understanding...
11 Dec 2016 | 04:27
Alright sweety @aarti
11 Dec 2016 | 07:18
Episode 50. I stood at a distance smiling as Hilda's things were being thrown out of the house. I smiled inwardly. She cried and begged but Elder Conrad would have none of it. He had even given her two slaps sef. Chief was sitting on his wheelchair (the doctor claimed he should be zero stressed that even walking might be a problem, so he was to remain on the wheelchair for at least two weeks). He just watched Hilda whilst shaking his head. Hilda crawled on her knees towards him, she was crying and sweating profusely 'i swear Chief, i'm innocent, why would i want to kill Oge? I swear on my children's lives and destinies, i didnt kill her. This is a setup, i was framed, i dont know who did the this but i'm innnocent! Ah....only God will judge, my God will vindicate me no matter what happens' 'you are a very shameless woman...' Elder Conrad's wife, i cant remember her name said 'how could you kill your mate out of jealousy, how?' 'i swear i didnt kill her....!' 'shut up!' Chief barked and i ran to him. He wasnt supposed to shout 'Ella...' yes, i remember now, Ella was the woman's name 'i want this woman out of my house! I totally believe you guys, she's is capable of killing Oge. She had always been jealous of her. Remember she seduced me back then and i put her in the family way, then i married her, that was because she wanted to enjoy all her cousin was enjoying....' Chief said with so much annoyance. 'only God will judge you Chief...' Hilda wept 'my God will judge all of you. I'm totally innocent but since you've all decided to turn it against me, then my God will judge and punish all of you. Only God knows the truth. Ogechi is her grave also knows the truth. I've never killed before and i will never kill till the day i die. God will punish all of you and mark my words, you'll never go scot free!' she wept. Then she stood up and started to leave with Titilayo and Bidemi. 'the plans have changed Hilda...' Elder Conrad said. She stopped and turned 'i've already called the police and they are already on their way. You have to be arrested and locked up for the rest of your life. Since you've started laying curses on us, who knows, we might be your next target, we arent safe any longer' Titilayo fainted. *** I sat on his laps and he wrapped his hands around my waist, i twisted my neck and placed a simple kiss on his lips 'all this would have been impossible without you. You're right, killing Chief as at that time would have been a bad plan' He kissed me again 'i told you didnt i?' 'you're yet to tell me how you found out about my plans..' He pretended to think for a while 'lets just say God whispered it to me in my dreams, lets forget about that. You've not told me when i'm going to see my daughter' 'very soon honey. She's currently in Dubai with my aunt and i dont know when they would be back' 'i can see you've done so well for yourself my dear' 'you've still not told me how you...' 'how i survived?' i nodded 'it was Oke who found me, remember Oke, my elder brother?' 'yes i do' 'he found me that night. I had a temporary memory loss, but then, how could i ever forget you? When you're the love of my life?' he pinched my chin lovingly. 'tell me the truth, is Ifeanyi dead?' i asked. He nodded sadly 'yes he is. He committed suicide' My eyes bulged 'what?! When? How? I mean, why??' 'shortly after you left. Henna said he left a note. He killed himself because of you. She said she was never going to forgive you' My eyes watered and i climbed down from his laps sitting beside him on the bed. 'aww...dont cry babe, dont cry..' he said pulling me into his arms. 'can you take me to Henna?' i asked. He looked surprised 'i need to talk to her. I need to apologise. I also need to see Ifeanyi's grave...' i was weeping now 'i feel so guilty right now. Ifeanyi was such a nice guy Ralph, he was the one i truly love and will ever love, but i killed him!' 'no baby, you didnt...' 'i did! I'm responsible for his death. God!! I'm so devilish. I'm possessed!' Ralph hugged me and when i opened my mouth to talk again, he kissed me again and this time i couldnt resist. Soon our clothes were flying in the air. His touch was swift and unresistable. And i realised i missed him. He was good at what he did. I couldnt resist it. And when he finally eased into me, it was like heaven came crashing on my feet. 'you are not very tight baby..' he whispered into my ears. 'thats because never gives this puvssy rest. He fuvcks it every night' i replied. He giggled and inserted a finger in my as.s 'ever had it in there?' I shook my head. Then he turned me over immediately 'relax, while i disvirgin this beautiful as.s honey..' he smacked my as.s. I moaned. He inserted another finger. TBC
12 Dec 2016 | 12:43
12 Dec 2016 | 12:49
Hnnmmmm been a while
12 Dec 2016 | 14:22
did I believe Ralph he'll no
12 Dec 2016 | 14:22
did I believe Ralph hell no
12 Dec 2016 | 14:23
Tufia ... Ajo ife
12 Dec 2016 | 14:51
Stupid girl..
12 Dec 2016 | 16:09
nawa oooo
12 Dec 2016 | 16:14
Ahhhhhh ivy
12 Dec 2016 | 16:19
Una two really fit!
12 Dec 2016 | 16:20
hmmmm..... ni oju elegba oo, I see my people, them dey hustle for street.. aiye ko le to yen... ivvy, aiye ko le to yen... it's just a matter of time....
12 Dec 2016 | 16:34
mumu .....cheeew
12 Dec 2016 | 18:00
12 Dec 2016 | 18:57
I dnt believe Ralph
12 Dec 2016 | 19:29
Ralph baddest guy ever liveth
13 Dec 2016 | 02:43
Ralph is lieing 2 u again
13 Dec 2016 | 05:29
Tufiakwa! Ivvy hmmmmmm..i reserve my comment nw
13 Dec 2016 | 05:41
I think ralph has his own plan
13 Dec 2016 | 07:37
Ivvy U R Also Coming Down Soon... Ralph Doesnt Want U
13 Dec 2016 | 17:17
Dis Gal Has Gone Nuts
15 Dec 2016 | 08:27
My Hate For LVVY Keep On Increasing Let God U Cup We $@@# Full,
16 Dec 2016 | 13:33
Dedicated to all my fans and readers. Bonus Episode. Before i knew what was happening, i had spent almost everything i had in my account. Dont ask me how. Ralph! Ralph had constantly decieved me into withdrawing large sums of money from my account and that of the company for meaningless things which i didnt bother to find out what it was for. I had the money so the finances wasnt the problem, coupled with aunt Chime's extravagant fees. Today she called for twenty million, another day she called for fifteen, twenty five. And the so called business she was investing all the money in, i didnt know. And i wasnt seeing the outcome. If she was throwing the money into the deep blue sea, i did not know. My affair with Ralph increased everyday to the extent that i told Chief i was going for business meetings abroad then Ralph and i travelled abroad for a whole month, just being with each other. And when i found out i was pregnant, i was more than convinced it was Ralph's. I wasnt sad, infact, it was a moment of joy for Ralph and i. That was when we decided to have our last strike. We killed Chief. Chief was murdered in cold blood by assasins sent by us. After he was killed, Elder Conrad was also killed and then we faked a will stating he willed everything to me and his unborn child. Rooney and his other children didnt get a pin. That was when Rooney brought out the pictures of Rain and i hugging. He stated that i was having an affair and that i wasnt worthy of his father's chain of companies. But surprisingly, Rina stood by my side. She told him she knew Rain was an employee in our company and i would never stoop so low to sleep with a common employee. I sold all of Chief's properties, everything and fled the country with Ralph. I left Ifeanyi with aunt Chime and i left them with a huge amount of money. If i had thought that my life was already fulfilled, then i was just joking. My life only started. END OF PART 1. PART 2 starts next yr by God's grace. I thank you all for your supports, advice and encouragements, if not for all of una, what would i have do? Lol Bye and i love you all. Merry Xmas to all of you. Muahhhhh
19 Dec 2016 | 05:32
Gosh! Oh no! I know Ivvy will still regret all this. Nice story. Thumbs up. Waiting for season/part 2! :mail:
19 Dec 2016 | 05:40
wow....we love u 2 dear @aarti this mumu ivvy will die a painful death
19 Dec 2016 | 07:09
19 Dec 2016 | 07:37
sorry for everything @chief But sincerely I don't blame ivy Chief brought all this upon himself
19 Dec 2016 | 09:05
so you think u have sussed
19 Dec 2016 | 09:27
Thumb up @aarti nice story.
19 Dec 2016 | 09:47
Cnt wait 4 d season 2
19 Dec 2016 | 10:13
Nice story, u will regret dis
19 Dec 2016 | 10:52
Merry Xmas in advance to you
19 Dec 2016 | 10:58
Nice story
19 Dec 2016 | 12:45
Big sis @Aarti thumbs up.... Waiting for next year to come
19 Dec 2016 | 13:10
Merry Xmass to u too @fuckfakefriends
19 Dec 2016 | 13:23
19 Dec 2016 | 14:26
19 Dec 2016 | 16:09
Wow....... This is really a wonderful piece. aarti, you're good...keep it up,Patiently waiting 4 season 2..
19 Dec 2016 | 16:24
Welldone @aarti but Ivvy, u think u've got everything u want but u're wrong cause no sinner will go unpurnished and u gonna reap just what u sow. Xpecting d season 2
19 Dec 2016 | 16:31
Cnt wait for d nxt part, ivy's doom
19 Dec 2016 | 16:55
You never see anythinq... Thanks alot for dx @aarti, patiently waitinq.
19 Dec 2016 | 17:28
Love u too @artial
19 Dec 2016 | 17:45
ivy wl surely pay 4 all ds
20 Dec 2016 | 15:37
wow, like seriously dis gal no sabi anything chai, well nice story sha...
21 Dec 2016 | 17:51
Pls Notify Me If Season 2 Starts. THANKS
22 Dec 2016 | 07:01
Crying oooo
24 Dec 2016 | 23:26
wow...loving your writings @aarti...can't wait for season 2
26 Dec 2016 | 07:00
Nice 1 already on my seat
26 Dec 2016 | 15:09
Highly disappointed in u ivvy wit all u av been 2ru u still refused 2 learned 4rm other mistake... U av made ur choice anyway face wateva cometh out of it
28 Dec 2016 | 01:41
Naw sexual harrassment not rape ivvy but yah response 2 dat baffled me... U try sha u manage 2 says d partial true
28 Dec 2016 | 01:42
Ivvy, u beta sue yah ruler 2 court bcos wat kind of jungle justice is dat killin both parent witout botherin abt der kids is unfair o writer
28 Dec 2016 | 01:44
ivvy God will punish u. u will regret everytn. u will siffer even in ur sick bed
29 Dec 2016 | 12:00
I love this story
8 Jan 2017 | 07:14
As much as I wanted to say something I just don't know what to say than "YOUR GREEDINESS NO BE HERE O" I'll be HERE when you fall into that poverty again... big ups to you miss @aarti waiting impatiently for the *return of poverty* thats how I'll tag it..
27 Jan 2017 | 01:25
U go suffer
6 Feb 2017 | 16:05
@jummybabe, i disagree, there are other smarter ways she can go about it. One of it is she could just amass all the wealth she can and flee, not by killing them, faking will etc, karma is a bitch you know...that's in my 50 cent opinion tho'. Nice story there, when is the season 2 coming out ooooo biko.
9 Feb 2017 | 07:42
nice story @ aarti thumbs up
16 Mar 2017 | 13:43
oh missed alot..tink m bk tho 9ce job so far @aarti
26 Mar 2017 | 02:48
Ets Froshberry my personal person e don tey o, how far naa? I think i v missed a lot bt am back for good, dnt forget ur person o.
31 Mar 2017 | 05:20
@Froshberry hw is everytin? Am really sorry i v nt bn coming online,i was away for sometime, i v seen some of d updates snt by u i appreciate pls dnt forget dat u ar my person bt even at dat nobody ask my way abt maybe am nt dat popular shal?
2 Apr 2017 | 10:28
11 Apr 2017 | 13:33
So good I am also a writer
5 May 2017 | 15:40
Nice start
18 May 2017 | 11:30
She will surely rep wat she sow ..she think that is the end of life ...The battle line has just began... Still waiting for season 2
25 May 2017 | 10:55
Part 2 please
10 Jul 2017 | 05:20
Pls notify me when u want to post season2@fuckfakefriends
29 Aug 2017 | 08:38
Pls notify me when u want to post season2@aarti
29 Aug 2017 | 08:39
Intresting story
29 Aug 2017 | 08:41
Have been waiting for part 2 since o, wetin hold u?
29 Aug 2017 | 14:05
Please I need Blind Desire season two
8 Sep 2017 | 02:01
Im still waiting for the part2 oo
7 Oct 2017 | 15:03
If the part 2 is out notify me @aarti
7 Oct 2017 | 15:04
29 Dec 2017 | 03:31
what of the season 2 please
24 Apr 2019 | 20:01
How do I get to read the season 2 of this wonderful story?
13 Aug 2019 | 22:53


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