
Broken and bruised episode 17&18

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 9 Oct 2019

Episodes 17

The Popes finally arrive home and they find their gate surrounded by Media guys all over just waiting fro them, minister pope wants to drive his car past and get inside but there is really no way to get through, none of the reporters is so satisfied with what they have witnessed, after a long struggle, they
are able to get through

"Close that gate and get those fools out of my property" the minister orders the gateman who closes the gate right away, he gets out his phone to call the

"Get these people out of my home or else I won't be responsible for my next action" the minister screams over the phone and every time he gets angry, no
one dare crosses him because he gets real mad and does the impossible, his wife runs towards him to try and calm him down but she's met with a hot slap

"If I ever find out you have something to do with this, I will not only divorce you but I shall leave you with nothing" Lillian really wasn't expecting
this, her husband walks in and she runs after him

"You can't talk to me like you're talking to one of those your workers, I'm your wife"

"Lillian, this has nothing to do with the fact that you're my wife.... how did the story of Melanie's pregnancy reach out"

"Have you forgotten those guys are trained journalists"

"Yes but someone has to give them news, feed them facts and this time around, non of my political opponents knew about this, there has to be a mole in this
family and I shall find him or her out"

"Calm down, you have just slapped me and now you're continuing to accuse everyone of us in this house for being the possible suspects"

"Well who else knew about this"

"What if Melanie leaked the story just to attract sympathy maybe she was looking for fame"

"That's rubbish.... complete nonsense but pray to your God it isn't you.... I won't be able to change my mind about doing what I promised you" they were
still shouting in the living room and now the minister heads to the bedroom with Lillian still after him

"My son had the right to choose if he wanted to continue with this relationship or not"

"Yes he had all the rights and no body forced him to marry Melanie, it was his choice and he had all the time in the world to cancel the wedding before
embarrassing us and abandoning that poor girl at the alter.....he better have valid and clear reasons for doing what he did because it will not be well
with him"

"Please my love...he's your son and you don't have to overreact with this small issue"

"I'm not denying that he's my son but we can't pretend that this issue is just something minor because it's not..... you better pray he doesn't come home
today because I can't even say what I will do to him if he ever surfaces" the argument continues in the bedroom but the workers in the house are just feeling
so sorry for miss Melanie they have gotten to like so much.............

Ron finally arrives at imperial Royal where they had booked to have their after party and also have their first night as husband and wife before travelling
for their honeymoon, he packs his car and comes out, he takes to his heels and passes the decorators without saying hello, the mood in the place is really
a party mood but everyone is frozen on seeing a man who is supposed to be at his own wedding reception by now, and what's more he looks wasted and something
was wrong somewhere........ Ron runs and gets to their booked room and finds the ladies have done a tremendous work......the floor of the room has botanicals
and some petals with red roses scattered here and there with few white ones complementing them, the readily arranged candles waiting to be lit, but what
really stands out is the beautiful design in the middle of the king size bed, it's a pillow on it it's written 'you and I forever Melanie '.... this catches
his attention and he walks over there clutching on to it like his life now depends on it, he tears up and bursts again

"I'm so sorry Mel.... so sorry for being a total jerk please forgive me" he wonders how she must be doing now, where she might be, if she's admitted in
a hospital or she's already committed suicide

"I'm so sorry, so sorry Mel.... I hope one day you will be able to forgive me because I swear I love you with all my heart and my promise to find the man
responsible for all this still stands" he wails and it continues until when his best man arrives and begs him to let him take him back home

"I don't want to go home....I just want to die"

" There is no one on this earth who wants to die, even when you go to these hospitals and find someone with the most painful sickness, who can not have
a pain free day don't think he will take the news that he might not live longer in good faith so don't call for something that's never going to happen
much less something you don't really mean"

"I will take my life, I have to end it because I'm so useless and I don't have a reason to live" the best man looks around and spots white bedsheets, he
picks one and hands it over to him

"Here take it, let me be your guest and let me watch it, I'm sure this is strong enough to finish your neck" he looks serious and Ron is shocked

"Are you crazy?"

"You never meant those words after all, if anyone should take her life it should be Melanie not you, no body forced you into doing whatever
you did to her today" Ron is quiet

"Let's go, I need to sneak you out of here"

"How is she...."

"How shall we know if we are here"

"Please Peter, I need to see her, take me to her....I can't afford to be hated by Melanie.... not her please"

"Relax.... I don't think meeting her right now is the best thing to do, you both are still in shock and panic after this stress and it's getting's
already coming to six pm... let's go before anyone here tips the hungry Media guys we're here" Peter finally convinces Ron to return home............

Tobi arrives at the boutique to find a very lovely lady you surprisingly is Mel's size she greets him with smiles

"Welcome to my boutique Sir.... as you can see I only sell women stuff and I can tell you're here to shop for a woman"

"That was pretty sharp of you young Lady"

"Hahaha I know these things, Nina is my name so how may I help you, do you know her size well because it's always a big task for men here to shop for women
in their absence"

"That won't be a problem"

"Oh I see you know her pretty well in size, is she your sister" that question he wasn't expecting

"She's my fiancé" her eyes glitter

"Then come with me this side, let me be the one to do the picking.... which is her favourite color"


"Get off that look you're too young for that hahaha.... I mean her favourite color"

"She doesn't have any"

"Huh....she doesn't???. .. kind of strange which woman does that"

"Well, maybe she does and I have never really paid attention because she has almost every color"

"Then in that case let me look for the best"

"Excuse me miss"


"Sorry Nina.... actually I don't only need one, the truth is she had come to pay me a visit and didn't really plan on staying but something just came up
and she's forced to stay, I can't tell for how long"

"Don't worry, maybe three dresses and two shorts plus two trousers and a few tops would do"

"Won't that be too many"

"OK, sit still and let me help you, no one wants to put on the same thing forever"

"But she's just not any woman rather she's my woman, I know her and for staying home just, I would say those are too many"

"Fine....but size"


"Cool..." Nina helps Tobi pick out a few dresses and other things, he remembers she must need some underwears too because he's sure she just has one that
she's putting on right now yet he's not sure if he should pick a few, after debating within himself, he picks a dozen and two African foot wears and heads
to the supermarket where he picks out some few things and then heads home, he calls his Mom on his way back saying he's not coming back home but she shouldn't

Tobi arrives home to find Melanie has uncovered everything in the living room and dusted all, he first drops the food stuff in the kitchen and them comes
only to find her cuddled up at the foot of the couch, she sees him

"You're back" he nods and can tell she's been crying

"You've done a wonderful job here"

"That's not true Sir..... the room needed to be mopped and thoroughly cleaned"

"I will call the woman who normally does that to come do it first thing tomorrow morning" she smiles at him

"Can I ask for a favour from you"


"Can you lend me your cellphone, I need to call my mother" he didn't say no, he just gets out the phone and goes to hand it to her..... all of a sudden,
she feels his perfume and she freezes Tobi realises and steps away

"Is there anything wrong" she looks at him and then shakes her head negatively saying no, she takes the phone and dials her mother who has even gotten tired
of crying, she's now seated at home with many gathered to comfort her, when she sees the unknown number she didn't want to pick it but other people urge
her to

"Hello" she fearfully said

"Mother.... it's me" she says amid tears

"Fina are you alright, are you safe baby... Tell me where you're and I will come for you right away"

"No mother, I'm fine and nothing has happened to me but I can't tell you where I am because I don't even know where I am.... I'm safe but I can't come home
just yet, take care and I love you" she ends the call her mother is relieved somehow....... she hands the phone back to him

"Thank you"

"Why didn't you tell her where you're"

"Because you still have not told me where I am, and besides I didn't think that was necessary I just don't want to see her now"

"It's OK.....let me show you to your room so you can freshen up as I fix something for you to eat, you have been on empty stomach since morning" it hits
her, she doesn't even have a thing to change after showering, the last thing she wants to put on or even see is this gown , she's going to get rid if it

"Can I ask for another favour" he raises his eyebrows a bit

"I know you have already done enough for me but can I be the one to clean everywhere in this house and wash those curtains.... and....and you get me one
dress, I don't care what the price it is, but I have nothing else to change..... I swear I'm going to clean when I'm less tired probably tomorrow " he
smiles at her and hands her the bag in his hand

"Don't worry.... you don't need to clean for this"

"Thank you very much Sir" she tears up again but Tobi doesn't want to see it, he leads her to the well furnished and beautifully painted room, it's just
something Mel never dreamt of sleeping in...this man really is richer than she ever thought

"This is your room....and there is the bathroom, everything you need is in this bag, the bathing detergents and you shall find clean towels and bedsheets
here in this wardrobe let me leave you to get started" he leaves her to get settled in the room but leans on the door after shutting it

"Nothing I do or buy can come close to the damage I have caused you Melanie.... I Hope one day both you and God will be able to forgive me for all my sins
because I can't forgive myself"...... inside Mel opens the bag to find all the things she needed now including underwears, she feels a little embarrassed
but she also can't just ignore the strange feeling she had with this man......

Episode 18

Tobi hit the kitchen and started with cooking right away, it has been a long time he did this but he's so excited to do it, he had picked some packed up
chicken and meet stew, some binyebwa(raw grinded g nut) with some rice but first he needed to make her something she can drink, maybe tea or coffee, then
he settled for milk, he boils the milk and and got some bread, he arranges them on the dining and heads back to the kitchen to start with the real cooking......
he remembers one of the reporters mentioning Mel's pregnancy and wonders if it's his

If it was Ronald's, no one would have known about it must be my child she's carrying..... Oh Lord! what am I going to do, what's the right thing
to do.....I'm excited to be a father but this is the worst way one can ever be"..........

The best man has finally driven Ron back home and they are so Lucky the hungry reporters have been asked to leave or they face being stopped from operating,
Ron who is not at all drunk gets off the car and he's met on his way to the house by Perry who needs answers

"Why did you choose to embarrass us in that manner, what happened to the brother who always does things the right way"

"Not now Perry, not now i just know I have really messed up and I'm a total jerk but please don't ask me anything"

"You have no right to demand that Ronald, after making me go through so much just to make sure the wedding was really successful, you chose to disappoint
me this way "

"I'm really so sorry but please I need to speak with Mel, just help me, take me to her so I can explain why i did what I did"

"I'm sorry I choose not to be part of this nonsense, you had enough time to back out but you waited for today, if you wish to talk to Melanie, do it your
own way because I'm not telling you anything besides I don't even know where she is"

"Where else would she be if not with her mother"

"Then go and see for yourself....Oh and by the way....Dad is waiting for you and today I don't think I will be able to save you from his anger ,She storms
off and Ron goes to face their father....... he knocks lightly on the door and doesn't wait for a reply but just enters

" Finally you're here "

"Father.....I'm so sorry"

"I knew you would say that but that's not new"

"I know I hurt and embarrassed you all back there in church"

"You didn't embarrass any of us but yourself but as for hurting all I can say is that you have wounded that poor girl, her tears will never be OK with you"
Ron looks like he's about to Start to cry again

"you are so Lucky you came when my anger has some how vanished because I can't even tell what I would have done to you.... Why did you do it today of all

" I don't know father....I don't know, just this mornings, I was so sure I wanted to make her my wife and spend the rest of my life with her"

"Then why....what happened...why would you make a woman you claim to love turn into laughing stock? Why"

"I'm so sorry.... I'm going to look for her and seek her forgiveness"

"No, I will not let you do that, the last thing Melanie needs right is to see your face...... but just as I promised your mother, I have to punish you for
what you did even though you're my only're leaving this country first thing in two days time from now" Ron's surprised face is not missed ,
he wasn't expecting this

"Yes, you're leaving and don't even think you will choose where you wish to go because you lost that Right the moment you chose to embarrass me after assuring
me that you wanted Mel to be your wife..... get your things ready because there will no excuses"...........

Melanie finally took a very long shower and changes into one of the dresses, it's a simple round green dress that was neither too short nor long, she spent
like a full hour in there and comes out and could smell the aroma of the food coming from the kitchen, she wanted to go there but decide to first go back
to the living room, she can see the table well set with what she suspects to be tea, she's truly hungry and her stomach has started striking.... she leaves
the table and heads to the kitchen where this gentleman is fully dressed in chef uniform, he sees her right away

" You're done" she nods

"I made for you some milk, do you take milk or you don't"

"Don't worry I do"

"Then it's better you have it now that it's still hot"

"Why don't you join me" he smiles

"We shall have dinner together but for now, I need to fix this"........ Melanie heads back into the living room and gets started, at first she was eating
with a lot of fear but after a few minutes, the fear was gone and she almost finished the full flask, Tobi continued to spy and steal glances at her when
she was eating and he feels Happy she's eating normally...... she settles for TV and Tobi told her it would be better if she watches some movie or even
telemundo, or Eva+ he knew why because all the local channels must be broadcasting what was to be a lavish wedding..... after a long hour, the food was
ready and table set, he excuses himself to go take a quick shower leaving his phone behind by mistake.......

Mel sits watching and her attention is truly on the movie yet suddenly the phone starts to vibrate, she ignores the first one but the person calls again,
and again but on the third call, she tries to take the phone and see who is calling but accidentally her finger touches the yes button, she could not say
Hello but what the person on the other end said made her stiff....she remained frozen

" Are you there Tobias...... make sure to watch your back because we are coming back to unmasks your evilness, the ones you hide behind your fake Angelic
face" the line went dead and Mel can tell she's gotten herself into more shit.........she put back the phone contemplating what she should do....after
a few minutes Tobi came back, he asks her to join him at the dinning but She's beginning to act strangely, she reluctantly follows him and they start with
food right away

"When I saw you fidgeting with cleaning I thought you were horrible in almost every chore in the house but I must say you're an excellent cook" Mel breaks
the silence

"Wow!... that's a huge complement and also a mockery somehow" he says with a smile

"The food is nice"

"Thank you.....I was once in a catering school, I enrolled in there basically to learn cake baking"

"Did you"

"Sure....I can bake cake and also Cook"

"That's surprising you know...." he says nothing but she feels she has to ask and find out more about this Tobias of a man

"Won't you go home tonight"

"No....I can't leave you here all by yourself"

"But you have a family"

"Only my mother....I already called home to tell her I'm not coming"

"Your mother.... how about your wife" he smiles at her even more

"I'm yet to find one" she looks shocked

"By the way I have not even thanked you for all that you have done for me today...if it was not for you, I would probably be dead by now"

"Melanie..... I don't want to talk about this, not tonight..... let's talk about something else because I don't want to see your tears have
cried enough for one day" she forces a smile

"I don't even know anything about you apart from your name I accidentally saw"

"Where did you see it" she points to the wall

"There.....that name looked so familiar, it's like I know you somewhere"

"You probably must have heard the name truly.... I'm the managing director of safi insurance company limited" she drops her fork in shock, she has truly
heard so much about him many good good things, he was her inspiration though she had no idea who he was..... in fact she had wanted to do internship training
with them in her second year, Tobi sees her surprise and assures her before the MD position he's human

"I just can't believe it's you....I once applied to do my internship training with your company but I couldn't"

"Why, were you not considered?"

"I fact you gave your PA the acceptance letter which she gave to me but my Mum had some school dues and the school could not give me a clearance
letter to start"

"Ooh!..... that's too bad, you would have learnt a lot with us.....we do investment, I also have other businesses aside that you're a business

"Yes.....why other businesses.... is one not enough"

"Those are my personal one's, where you applied is not really mine but my mother's.... I'm her only child" she now feels safer at least this man is not
dangerous but then what was with that call, was it business related?, she quietly processes this as he stares at her

"Melanie.... I'm so sorry to ask you this but is it OK if I see you as one of my friends" she's so surprised a very rich man like this would even think of
her as a friend

"Can I...."

"Sure you can"

"I hope that one day you can trust me and tell me your story and I also tell you mine"

"Not someday sir..."

"We are friends aren't we? no need to be so formal with me simply call me Tobi, I prefer it like that and everyone calls me that"

"OK .....I Promise tomorrow, I will tell you everything as you also tell me your story" ......

To be continued

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