
broken and bruised episode 21&22

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 10 Oct 2019

Episodes 21

Tobi arrives home to a shouting match between him and his mother...... but before that, he had thought she was not aware he was back so he wanted to sneak
to his room without attracting her attention but he was so shocked when she called him from the kitchen

"Where have you been all these days"

"It's been only two days mother....I have been around and so alright"

"Today is Monday and you never showed up in the office, what's gotten into you"

"Did you call to find out whether I was in office or not? are you spying on me mother"

"No....I was only curious so I called to find out"

"I thought by now you should be well aware that when I'm not in the office, everything is well taken care of"

"By who?... that incompetent accomplice you call your PA"

"Jane has never been incompetent and neither has she ever given me any reason to doubt her competence"

"Of course, why wouldn't you defend her if your latest profession is defending and fighting for women"

"Mother please, can't I come home for a well deserved welcome for once at least a year"

"Then start behaving in the appropriate way or forever forever about that...this is not why I was waiting for you, I want to know where you have been, what
you have been up to lately and why you chose to embarrass me in that way"

"Sorry but I don't know what you're talking about"

"Of course you're well aware of that"

"You're not getting any word out of me mother....I'm so tired and I need to rest after a long day.... the same way you learnt the information is the same
way you can get the rest of the details"

"I will get to the bottom of this I swear" he chooses to ignore her and walk to his room............

Days turned to weeks and Tobi and Mel's friendship grew stronger, he has a been a very great help in her healing journey, she still has those nightmares
and still hurt but at least she's beginning to heal, their bond grew stronger too.....she had hoped Ron would come look for her so he can explain what
really happened but her hope about ever sitting down and talking to him dashed when she got to learn that he travelled but where he travelled is something
she doesn't even hurt her so much to get to know finally that he has easily forgotten her but what can she do, she only hopes to forget him

Today Melanie received a very Early call from Tobi saying she should get ready he's coming to pick her to go visit the psychologist that was recommended
to him, she didn't want to accept anymore favour and help from him because she had no way of paying him back, and she's a pregnant woman whose pregnancy
is growing and showing by the day and she's afraid soon his business rivals will start to use this as away of bringing him down but Tobi says he just wants
to be there and help her when no one can just as a big brother would so she wakes up and makes quick breakfast, she waits for Tobi who didn't even waste
time to come pick her..........they leave for the Beach, they arrived at the office of this jolly beautiful woman who welcomes them with a smile on sighting
them, she's a little unsettled and uneasy because she's not sure if she's ready to share her story with another had taken everything in
her to open up to Tobi who suggested they seek help so she can heal completely but she's not sure if she can trust this woman, Tobi notices her anxiety
and squeezes her hand gently to make her relax

"You can trust me young lady and tell me your story, I'm here to help you and your story is safe with me" Mel gathers her courage and narrates her painful
story and how it left her amid tears, the woman just keeps quiet only taking notes she only spoke when Mel was done

"What you're suffering from now is see my dear, the trauma of being raped or sexually assaulted can be shattering leaving one feeling scared,
ashamed and can leave one plagued by nightmares, flashbacks and other unpleasant memories but I want to tell you, no matter how bad you feel
right now, it's very important to always remember you weren't to blamed for what happened, you can gain your sense of safety and trust"

"How can that be possible.... I have tried to assure myself so many times that it's the case but I have some permanent things that will always remind me
of my experience"

"What permanent things..."

"The pregnancy and the permanent scars and bruises on me...this experience has left me totally shattered and broken beyond repair"

"Melanie..... when you visit the labour award in every hospitals, you find women who are going through labour pains or delivery swearing to God that they
will never get pregnant again ever but come back after one year or two, you find her heavily pregnant yet again.....that's what we call healing, you heal
and forget, it will be like looking back at the road full of thorns and you wonder 'did I really pass through that road? unbelievable right?........ Mel
looks like she's getting this point

" Melanie don't say after two months of doing this therapy that just because you still experience those horrible nightmares that this never helped because
you will relapse... understand that, recovering from a sexual trauma takes time and the healing process again can be so painful...... but with the right
strategies and support, you can move past the trauma, you can rebuild your sense of control and self worth.... you will even come out of it feeling stronger
and more resilient "

"Do others who went through the same painful experience also feel what I'm feeling"

"Yes...maybe even worse, you see....regardless of age and gender, the impact of sexual violence goes far beyond any physical injuries......when raped, the
world doesn't feel like a safe place anymore..... you no longer trust others, you don't even trust yourself..... you may question your judgement, your
self worth and even your sanity, you may blame yourself for what happened or believe you're dirty and damaged.... relationships may feel dangerous, intimacy
becomes impossible and on top of that like many rape survivors, you may struggle with anxiety and depression" Mel gets up and starts to pace up and down,
she's sure she is just there

"I don't think I'm understanding you miss...what I feel is deep, it planted in my system and yes you're right, I'm struggling with myself and I want to
forget this yet I just can't" the lady gets up too, she holds her hand

"Melanie you can't say that...remember you trusted a stranger when the only man you loved abandoned you, a stranger rescued you and you agreed to go with
him to where you didn't even know... that's a big step that indicates you were already healing because of the support everyone gave you, you only had a
relapse when the wedding couldn't take place but I'm hopeful you can get there with the right support" she leads her back to the chair

"How about this child I'm carrying....I'm not sure if I want to have it even"

"In most cases many victims would say they want to abort the pregnancy" Tobi's eyes widen as the woman continued, that's the last option he wants to think
about....his child can't be aborted

"But I would not encourage that, you may feel that's the best thing to do at this point because you think the baby will only remind you about what happened
but let me tell you, I have seen cases where the mother gets attached to the baby and their bond grows when the baby is still in the womb and by the time
they come into this world, she will see it as something that should live for and refuse to be separated from the baby....but right now what I can say is,
keep the baby and give birth, you can give him or her up for adoption later if you still don't wish to have anything to do with it when that time comes"
Mel is quiet and processing all this just and the woman continues

"Sweetheart, what you're going through right now.... what you're currently experiencing is a normal reaction to trauma, your feeling of helplessness, shame,
defensiveness and self-blame are symptoms not reality.... no matter how difficult it may seem right now, you can and will come to terms with what happened
and learn to heal and move on with your life normally.....see, when your body goes through something stressful, your body temporarily goes into 'fight-or-fight'
mode but when the threat passes, your body calms down......traumatic experiences like rape can cause your nervous system to become stuck in a state of
high become hyper sensitive to the smallest stimuli.... this is the Case for many rape survivors especially in the first few months following
the assault but if your nervous system remains stuck in the long run, you may develop posttraumatic disorder" she's serious when she says this and deep
down Tobi prays it doesn't get to this......

Episode 22

Mel has been seeing her her counselor once in a week for a few months, then it became once in two weeks time, the woman could tell she's getting better
by the day and Mel is even considering the possibility of keeping her baby, it's more like the world has even forgotten the juicy news on her wedding day,
it's been four months ever since she was dumped but she has not set her eyes on the Pope family except few times when Perry paid her visits at home she
can't Deny she still loves Ronald so much but she's accepted the fact that there can never be them...........

Tobi on the other hand is just so happy that he's doing something great with Melanie's recovery, he loves to see her happy and smile and that's why if he
misses to see her in the morning, he makes an effort to pass by in the evening and today he has a plan of taking her somewhere so he wakes up very Early
in the morning and drives over to her place before his mother woke up, he arrives and finds Ofelia's other sister seated outside washing plates, he packs
the car and heads to where she is

"Good morning miss"

"Morning Mr Tobi..... you have surprised us this Early"

"Oh! I hope it's nothing bad"

"Not at all.....have a seat"

"That won't be she in"

"Yes but I'm not sure If she has woken up" just then Ofelia comes out to welcome him

"Good morning son"

"Morning mum.....I'm so sorry I came unannounced"

"It's OK you're always welcomed here when ever you want....are you headed to the office"

"Yes.....I passed by to see Mel but since she's still sleeping, I might as well come back in the evening" he wants to go back to his car but Ofelia stops

"Can I borrow five minutes of your time please"

"Sure you can" Ofelia leads him to their small living room, he can see the woman is really someone who takes cleaning as her profession, everything in the
room is so neat and it's the first time he has entered in the house ever since he started visiting home

"I'm so sorry for delaying you son"

"It's alright Mum.... I'm sure I would have spent more time than this if I had found Melanie awake, I had plans to take her to see where I work from but
there will be a next time"

"I'm so grateful you care so much for my daughter but as a mother I'm also curious, after what happened to her on her wedding I'm only being so
I'm asking you today, why do you care so much for my daughter, what's your motive" he wasn't expecting this kind of talk

"That day when Mel was abandoned at the alter, I just felt I should help her so I did, from that day I just feel I should help and protect her like a big
brother would protect a younger sister"

"Is that really all?..... I asked around and found out the therapy session she's having is not something cheap"

"What matters is Mel is alright, that money is not important.... let me help her and she gets to be the Melanie she once was"

"You're someone well known in the society, and Mel is known for her embarrassing situation that day of her wedding, a bride who got pregnant by another
man and ended up being chucked on her wedding day, up to date people are still talking about that mysterious man who defended Mel like he was obligated body still has any idea it was you because the camera only captured you from the backside but I can assure you the people here have started
talking, I'm afraid this won't end well, Mel is going to continue suffering and I'm sure your business is going to be affected by such huge scandals"

"I get your point but let me be the one to worry about that but I can promise you no scandal is big enough to bring the company I have worked for all these
years down.... I will protect Mel and be there for her until when she's alright to move on with life on her own as a strong woman" she stares him in the
eyes and can see his sincerity and determination

"Alright son.....I trust you will but I need another favour from you...... you see, Mel had taken dead year from school to settle down in her marriage and
heal from her ordeal but she has made it clear to me now that she's never going back to school after the one year elapses, I have worked so hard to bring
her to the final year in the institute and saying all my hard work will go down the drain just like that is something I can't take yet she no longer listens
to me"

"So you need me to convince her"

"Yes....she only listens to you and I'm sure if you tell her that she will see reasons and listen to you" he smiles at her as he takes her arms and assures

"I will talk to her but please don't pressure her, if she says she doesn't want to let's just leave her, she's still young and maybe one day when all this
nightmare is over, she will want to go back..... but I promise I'm going to talk to her"

"I knew I could count on you" she thanks him

"You should get going now....I have taken more of your time than I had planned" he's about to get going when Mel opens her door and steps out

"Good morning best friend" she's shocked to see him

"What are you doing here this Early Tobi.... I didn't know you were coming"

"I didn't want to wake you up but I have had great time with your mum" Ofelia excuses herself to go out to join her sister as the two talk

"How was your night...."

"Good... very good"

"You're still shocked to see me here in your house....were you going somewhere"

"I was only craving something and I needed to get to the market"

"Craving something?.... this early morning? " he says with a smile as he teases her she walks past him but he holds her back

"Mel, I came to pick you so we can go somewhere so should I wait for you or I should go.....I can get for you whatever you're craving for on our way"

"Where are we going"

"Is that a yes?..... he smiles the more

" You have five minutes to get ready, I'm waiting outside" he walks out and Mel is excited she doesn't understand what she feels when Tobi is always around
her but she just likes being with him, he's full of surprises .........she doesn't understand why he doesn't have a woman in his life because he would
make a lovely husband she intends to ask him to get a girlfriend..........

It took Melanie exactly ten minutes to get ready and when she's done, she comes out dressed in a pink knee length free wear, Tobi is seated with Ofelia
and Jessica outside, they are happily charting but when he saw Mel step out, he was blown away, his breath taken away.......until today he had no idea
Mel was this beautiful, he's instantly speechless and Ofelia is studying him

"Good morning aunt" Mel greets her aunt who responds with smiles

"It's so heartwarming to see you jolly this morning"

"Thank you aunt"

"Shall we "

"Yes Tobi" they leave...........

Tobi packs the car across the road where the market is

"What did you say you were craving for..... let me get it for you" she looks a little embarrassed

"Just some fruits"

"Just about any?"

"Nanasi (pineapple)and papaya"

"Good wait for me here".....he leaves her in the car and heads to the market where everyone is whispering from ear to ear on seeing him saying maybe he's
the reason the wedding never took place in the first place, others say Mel is truly Lucky to be attracting rich kids just, Tobi was hearing what they were
saying but he ignores....he gets what he came for and they head to his office

"Where are you taking still haven't told me"

"It's a surprise"

"But I hate surprises"

"You will love this one....tell me something, what plans to do have after a year from now"

"I have never thought about that but if it's about whet my mum asked you to do just forget I'm not going back to school" Tobi is dumfounded

"So you were eavesdropping in on our conversation after all, you see, i need you to keep yourself busy...I'm offering you a job just in case you choose
to keep this baby and not give it up for will be able to take care of it"

"Job?.... what job can you probably give me"

"You were pursuing bachelor of business administration and that's a knowledge no one can take away from you..but if you don't put it into good practice,
by the time you go back to school it will be all you will work closely with me but under the supervision of my PA... you will be reporting
directly to her" Mel is so shocked

"We are headed to the office so I can show you around... you will start when ever you want and I'm not taking no for an answer".......

To be continued

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