
Broken and bruised episode 23&24

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 10 Oct 2019

Episode 23

Mel and Tobi arrived at the big complex building, what first caught her eyes is the bigger picture of Tobi drawn at the entrance of the building close to where the receptionist sits, Mel's eyes landed on these when she was still in the car so she didn't wait for Tobi to come down and open for her like she always does, she gets out and walks over to where the painted picture is......she sees his Charming smile in the lifeless picture and she also burst out laughing, Tobi is holding up his laughter too as he keeps on watching her, he secretly gets out his phone and waits till when she touches the picture, he takes her picture with quite a number of beautiful convincing pauses, she had no idea he did and now she turns to see him trying to compare the looks

"Who did this"

"Some man, I don't even remember his name anymore"

"Damn! this is really you I could swear he's the best you see"

"Yeah you're probably right, if you want I can ask Jane to call him over and we can have him make one for you especially with what you're wearing today"

"Silly....I don't have a company to hang it in front of"

"We can keep it in your room so anyone who enters there to see you can admire it"

"Yeah right? .....thanks but no Sir" Tobi loves it when she speaks in this way, it's when he usually gets to know she's so annoyed and irritated and he just enjoys teasing her , everyday he's just discovering who Melanie truly is and he loves it

"Shall we" he asks her and she quietly follows him inside.....

They both enter to find the receptionist doing what she loves to do the best, applying makeups, it's not a secrets that the slimy receptionist Janet is so much in love with her boss that she can't stay away from makeups especially whenever she hears his car drive in, she also wears her best smile with her ever red lips shining so least all her colleagues at work place know how she's dying to be his woman, he's too handsome for a man and she sometimes wishes she was in Jane's place, she would use the opportunity maximumly and maybe then he would have noticed her because he has failed to notice her all this time yet God only knows how many times she has wedded her boss in her dreams......her only hope has been the fact that Tobi has no woman in his life but today seems different, unlike all the other females he has ever come together with in the office, today, one can see by how bright his eyes are shining that this woman is not just any woman to Mr Tobias, they had stopped out side briefly and talk, she had wanted to spy on in their conversation but she was almost bursted when they started coming inside, she ran for her dear life and tried as much as possible not to look guilty by applying some powder but her face gave her away

"Good morning Sir" she forces a smile and for the very first time as long as she can remember, Tobi directly looks her in the eyes and she couldn't read his expression because his face head a surprise and at the same time some sarcasm

"Good morning Janet..... don't you think that lipstick is a little too much, it can scare my clients away I'm sure" Janet felt so embarrassed and so cheap, she could see the pregnant fool standing by her boss's side is trying so hard to hide her smile and so she refuses to die in her own movie, with her head and shoulder raised up high she forces a smile

"Not at all Sir.... this is how I always do it every other time and no client has ever complained about your receptionist or have they?"

"That's because, it's only applied in the morning, during the lunch time and when you're delivering my files especially in Jane's absence correct me if I'm wrong" Mel was so sure Tobi had no idea the implication of what he just said is, the babe is so embarrassed so she needed to save the situation

"Wama mukwano......we women can't do without make ups and I feel you a hundred percent, I also have awkward time tables like you" Tobi turns to face Mel who he knows is obviously lying

"But Mel you......."

"Ssssshhhh....are we going to stand here forever.....which way please show me" Tobi is still confused but he leads her to the office and the moment their backs disappear, Janet grabs the available serviette and rubbed her lips wiping the lipstick and cursing Tobi under her breath........

Tobi and Mel are greeted by every employee they pass and Mel instantly amazed by how much these guys love their boss just by the way they all welcomed him as if he has been away for months, they finally arrive in his office and he asks her to make herself comfortable

"You have a pretty cool office in Here.....I mean this whole place is cool"

"Thanks....I'm glad you love it"

"I love it.... you have quite a good number of employees here how do you recruit them normally"

"Most of them apply here to do their internships like you wanted and they end up being retained here"

"Hmmmm in this case there is a huge possibility I might have gotten lucky if the school had cleared me to do my intern"

"Sure....I believe in giving people opportunities whenever I can....non of there people I recruit here in that manner has ever failed me, we even maintain friends relationship and working with them is always cool" Mel just stares at him all smiles

"Where is the Jane you can't spend a day without talking about, I thought by now you would have introduced her to me already" she asks

"Oh!.... she normally waits for me at the reception but she wasn't there, she must be in her office taking care of something I had made her do last evening" he gets the office phone and calls her

"Good morning boss"

"Where are you Jane..... I'm not seeing you"

"I'm around..... I'm in my office"

"Come so quick to my office, I have something important I need you to take care off"

"Coming right away" Jane is even used to being on her toes every time her boss calls she she just picks files and runs along

"Good morning once again" she greets Tobi and says hello to Mel who's seated with her back facing the door

"Come in please" Jane obeys

"How was your weekend"

"Good.....I was able to trace that file"

"Good but that's not why I have called you here right see her" Jane nods and smiles too

"Her name is Melanie Fina.... I have just hired her because I know you need an assistant, the workload on you has been too much lately so she will work and report directly to you under your supervision........ she should be treated like all of you here in our small but growing family"

"Nice to meet you name is Jane"

"The pleasure is all mine Jane.... I'm Melanie" they shake hands

"She will start any day she feels she can and please guide her and be of help to her where necessary, this I'd her first Job"

"You can count on it boss...always and if that's all, I would like to go continue with what I was doing"

"It's OK Jane you can" Jane leaves the office wondering if that woman was carrying her boss's child, she could see the fire he possessed in his eyes and she concludes her boss is finally in love and she's so happy he's going to become a father, she wonders how he was able to hide his relationship from everyone, they all thought they knew him but they were wrong..........

The rest of the day passed quickly with Mel being showed around by Jane, introducing her to all the other employees, and explaining how the daily activities there run, everyone is happy to have her as one if them and welcome her but it's only the receptionist who didn't want to greet her or have anything to do with her, in her eyes she was already a stumbling block, every other employee leaves when it was already 5pm leaving behind only Mel, Jane and Tobi.......... they are able to continue with the office till when it clocked six thirty pm, Mel has been doing nothing aside from keeping herself busy with the beautiful environment, but the employees had something to gossip, everyone is talking from ear to ear asking themselves if the child is Tobi's and now that it's only three of them, they drive Jane to her home and continue home............. Tobi finally drives Mel back home and promises to call her and find out when she will be ready to start work, but he also asks her not to take too long in deciding he didn't really go in to announce they are are back but Mel's mother comes out to receive them......they had a little chat as Tobi hits the road to reach home

"How was your day....I have been worried about you" Ofelia asks

"Cool... Tobi offered me a job"

"Did you accept it"

"Yes I did....I'm starting when I feel like it" her mother looks a little worried and Mel notices this

"What's wrong mother"

"Did you talk to Tobi.... did he tell you something"

"If it's about the school issue mother you just forget, I'm not going back to school.... he will tell you what i said"

"But can't study for all these years and now claim you can not go back, think about how much we have spent and how are we going to survive"

"I just told you Tobi offered me a job and I accepted"

"I don't think that's the right thing to do, I was thinking you and Tobi shouldn't see each other anymore"

"And why is that if I may want to know"

"Melanie, I don't know if accepting that job was the right thing to do but let me tell you this, Tobi is so undoubtedly in love with you though you both don't feel it or don't realise it" Mel so shocked shakes her head unbelievable.

Episode 24

"Tobi is in love you Melanie, you don't see it and he probably doesn't see it but that's what's happening"

"Mother, you can't allege something this huge...what's wrong with you"

"I wish I was just alleging Fina, that man is in love with you and it's obvious in each and everything he does, how he looks at you and pays attention to you"

"Don't also forget that he was also the very person who saw me at my worse and weakest moment, he helped me and he continues to do so" she begins to walk away

"Yes but he fell in love in the process please I beg of you, listen to me"

"What you're saying is rubbish" Mel enters her room but her Mum is still not done with her

"Listen.... has he ever talked about a woman in his life?..... has he ever introduced her to you, have you seen him having another free time he spends doing something else, if not being with you that's when he's not working" Mel is beginning to think her mother is right somwhow

"I don't want whatever happened with Ronald to happen again, this time around you're pregnant with another man's baby and he's only feeling pity for you, I can tell you men are not easily understood.....don't lead him on, don't give the wrong impression to him and it would be better if you keep a distance from him, let him have his life and live it I'm sure no mother would want her son to have anything to do with us again" Mel knows her mother is right

"I'm going to talk to him"

"About what....... that's not the best thing you can do, the best would be keeping your distance from him and reject that job offer"

"I will think about it but I need a job"........

Tobi on arriving home hits the gym, it has been a long time since the last time he ever hit the gym....for as long as he can remember, he had no reason to keep fit but now it feels like he had every reason to look good and he doesn't even know why, he was in there for a long hour and comes out, he heads straight to the shower, he enters the bathtub and posses to think, he doesn't know and understand what's happening to himself, but his thoughts, his mind is all on Melanie, everything about him just shouts and wants to be with her, he gets out after the shower and gets his phone and dials a number

" Hello.....can I make an appointment with you for this week...........OK fine....thank you" he ends the call and scrolls through the gallery, he looks at her pictures he had taken without her notice, he zooms it and sees how beautiful she looks pregnant, he touches her tummy in the picture and smiles

"Melanie...... Melanie you have me captivated and enticed, we met in the worst scenario possible but I just want to be with you..... could it be I'm so falling for you?.... is that how being in love feels" he kisses the picture and puts the phone down, he heads downstairs for dinner.............

Melanie lies down on her bed and contemplated on what her mother just told her earlier she doesn't know what to make of it but she knows only one thing, she loves being around him and there is a way she feels when he's around, she doesn't know what that means but if what her mother said is anything to go by, she's equally falling for him and she's scared about that.....she picks her cellphone and dials her counsellors number at this point she's the only one who can help her understand

"Hello Melanie how are you is everything right"

"Fine Miss..... can we make our session tomorrow"

"Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know, I need someone to talk to, there is something I'm not understanding"

"It's OK.... I will make some time for you and give you a call, are you coming with Tobi"

"No....I'm coming alone, I don't think he should know about this"......her next call is to Tobi, the phone rings and rings but no one answer, she decides to come out for food and promises to give him a call when she's done........

Tobi came back to his room and finds he has missed calls, on checking who has been calling, he is surprised to see it's Mel, he wonders what happened and decides to give her a call

" Hello"

"Is everything alright with you....I just found your missed calls"

"Yes....I just wanted to let you know that I accept the job offer but I need this week to get ready"

"What's there to prepare for"

"You don't need to know it"

"It's OK but can I pass by to check up on you tomorrow on my way to the office"

"That's not possible, I have somewhere to go to so you won't find me at home even if you come"

"That's even better, I can give you a lift before proceeding to the office"

"No no....don't worry about that.... but you can pass by in the evening if you have the time"

"I will....take care"............

The next day in the morning, Mel wakes up and gets ready to visit the counsellor, she never told her mum and aunt where she was headed to but she lets them know she won't take long......she takes a bike and arrives at the office and finds the woman already waiting for her and her secretary lets her in

" Good morning miss"

"Hey Mel..... you're just right on time...have a seat"

"Thank you" the woman studies her face and can tell she's very happy and she likes this

"I was so worried when I got your call, I thought it was something so serious"

"It is.....I have a problem, I don't understand myself anymore...I'm getting so confused"

"In what way...I don't get it"

"Is it possible for a victim like me to fall in love again" the counsellor is surprised and interested

"Are you falling in love?"

"I don't know..... all I know is it's not right to feel so comfortable around someone after what happened"

"Is it Tobi"

"Yes.....I don't know why but I just love being around him and he makes me feel things I can't explain, with him my fears disappear"

"That's healing Melanie.... remember he's Someone who has been there for you in this difficult moment, he has helped you to see that you're able to get out of this situation.....but I want to know, how do you feel when you're with him or when he's not there"

"I feel excited and happy, a part of me just wants to be around him and with him, when he's not there I feel I'm missing something important to me but that's not enough to fall in love right?"

"I'm so glad you feel this way about Tobi, he's a gentleman and he has been there for you, he also has no woman in his life....... You see, people always get it wrong there, they think rape victims can never heal and love a man or a woman like a normal person would but I want to assure you that it's very possible .......that's why some victims end up falling for their counsellors, others with who ever has been there for them.....and in this case of yours, I can't say you're falling for Tobi because it might be a feeling of gratitude that you're confusing for love..... remember you have only been in a relationship once so you need to take it slow, discover if your body and mind is truly ready for this because you know what relationship your heart and giving your body, sometimes it takes for you to want to get intimate that you realize it was never really love....right now think about only you and what you feel for this baby you're carrying but if there is anything you just call me and I shall help you" Mel is so relived for now but she can't tell for how long she's going to be.......

To be continued

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