
broken and bruised episode 41&42

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 14 Oct 2019

Episode 41

Today is finally Saturday, perry and her brother get ready to go out shopping like they agreed, with Rebecca..... Patience is a little jealous that she was not invited but Rebecca assures her she actually loves her more than Perry

"I have only spent a day in this house but I find you more interesting to be around than your sister, I have nothing against her for real but I also know she's one of the ways in to Ronald's heart"

"Yes that's true, the two have always had this weird brother sister relationship, they love each other lots and always got along so well"

"And you..... you're so different"

"That's because I don't settle for less, I know what I Want but what I want is always what they don't..... so don't be surprised if perry says she doesn't like you"

"I have to win her over whatever it costs"

"And remember sister in-law.... never say anything wrong about her in my brother's presence, you two will not last but not to worry, you have my support and the support of my mother" the Rebecca woman is definitely another witch

"How did you and my brother meet"

"Zambia is a very fun country to be in, with a lot of happening places.... we have good musicians too"

"I know.... there is pompi, Abel chungu musuka, I also know magg44 and Tasha etc you can name them" Rebecca is shocked

"Why that face Darling"

"All those are Gospel artists, I know them but I can't say I'm a fan of them but finding you to be one is so shocking as well"

"Hahahaha don't say such nonsense sweetheart, I know them because I had no choice they are Perry's favourite so you can imagine how loud she would play their songs from her room upstairs"........

Upstairs in Perry's room, another similar discussion is taking place, perry wants to know how her brother and the plastic diva met

" Was it in the school Dad enrolled you into"

"Yeah....but that wasn't where we hooked up, it was after our course, we hooked up because we were frequenting the same club and one thing led to another and we became an item"

"So she's a club person"

"Yes, I won't deny that she is" Perry nods indicating she understands

"Shall we...." she says getting up ready to leave the room but Ron asks her to sit which she does

"Perry, I know I have no right to ask you this and since yesterday, I have been controlling myself from asking it but I don't think I can anymore.... please don't get me wrong"

"What's that"

"Have you heard from her, do you speak with her and know where she should be" perry knows who he is referring to but feigns ignorance

"Who are you referring to"

"Melanie.... my....I mean Mel"

"Oh! the poor woman you destroyed, well I have no idea where she is" she says with sincerity but her brother is not about to believe her

"I know you two liked each other and you wouldn't just cut ties like that"

"Yes we liked each other but you and she also loved each other yet it only took you a day to cut all ties with her in a few minutes" Ron looks away

"You have no idea how much I have regretted my actions in all these years, I broke her faith in me, I destroyed her life but please I just want to hear she's fine....that shall be satisfying..... I want to know If she kept the baby, if she found the man responsible for our separation.... I want to know if she ever completed her studies and found a man she finally settled with or she's seeing a man.....I want to know who that man who saved her from the embarrassment I caused her was"

"That's quite a lot of things you want right there.... but well, the last time I saw Mel was when she must have been three or four months gone into her pregnancy, she came looking for me at the office"

"Did she ask about me"

"That was five years ago, she didn't ask about you but even if she did, it's been a long time ever since"

"I went disguised, looking for her in her former house this morning but found the house had fallen down a long time ago and someone planted maize there" he looks sad

"You know what I think brother...... I think you should forget about Melanie, focus on your new relationship with Becky, what if Mel doesn't want to revisit her past, what if she's happy where ever she is"

"No....I can't do that as long as Mel has not forgiven me, I need her forgiveness and tell her that my offer to find that man who violated her still stands.... and this time I'm not going to stop until when he's found and prosecuted the way he should have" he's determined

"Sis.....don't tell anyone about this, especially Mum and our sister.....I'm trusting you because I know I can count on let's go, it's already time"..............

Tobi, Melanie and Mira are ready for their little family adventure in the shopping mall where he makes it a point to surprise them every weekend with a gift, last weekend he was able to get for all them a pair of pink sneakers each, they had settled for pink because it was Mira's favourite color....they are all dressed in jean trousers and white t-shirts.... they look cute and so adorable together, they are the envy of those who are struggling in their marriages, they are always cautious of where they go out to, and who they always mingle out with.....if it's not Mac and Jane they go visit or go out with, it's only the three of them.....they don't have any other friends.........Melanie is becoming more and more younger, and one would find it so hard to believe Mira is actually her daughter, she hits the gym with her husband once in a while maintaining her perfect figure she always flaunts and she's everyone's crush.....if someone who knew Mel from before sees her now, the person will not say she's the same person, her heart is full of joy and she's in love so ready to have a child for the man she so much loves, that would be the only way she can make it up to him for loving her unconditionally...........

They drive over to the mall, it's the first time they are coming here since it's newly opened, they wanted to try it out everything in it looks inviting and little Mira gets excited, the moment Tobi packs up the car and steps down with his family, all heads turn to them everyone admiring what a beautiful family they are

"Time to do some crazy shopping sweetheart" she says to Mira

"Dad already knows what I want...don't you Dad" Mel looks at Tobi suspiciously

"Is that true....."

"A little somehow..... she bribed me"

"And how about I bribe you too" she teases him coming a little closer and Mira runs away into the big mall

"Depends on what you bribe me with" he makes his eyes sexy

"With this" she brushes her lips on his and they come to their senses that they were in a public place and Mira had run in already....... they feel awkward and laugh at their awkwardness as they head inside hand in was not really a crazy shopping like Mel had said but something few for her mother, aunt and mother in-law, though Tobi could not help but sneak as usual to grab some little boxes for his people........ they arrive at the counter paying for everything but all of a sudden, Mira says she forgot to pick up something she had promised for her friend

"Please Dad, can I go back and pick it up"

"No sweetheart time better, we need to get home" her mother says but Dad is OK with it

"Whatever the lady of the house wants, she shall have it" he says turning to Mira and she's happy

"You're my favourite person Dad" this time Mel laughs, she's sure Mira has heard her Dad say that to her so many times

"So babe..... take these stuffs to the car and we shall join you"

"Whatever but don't be so long" Mel collects the bags and heads out.........

Ronald drives his car with Perry and Rebecca inside, he packs the car next to a Lamborghini, the three of them dressed so causally get out at once

"Can I trust your words Sis..... you said this new place is lit"

"I have been here twice and I love the services here, they have good customer care and they have a discount if you buy from two and above"

"Mmmm how unusual of this town"

"Remember they have just newly opened.... so let's check it out" he holds onto his designer girlfriend's hand as they head inside, he's so taken up by Rebecca but he hears Perry call a name, a name that brought electricity to his whole body, and struck his heart first.....he looks up and sees them hugging but he's not sure if he's seeing Melanie for real or he's hallucinating

"Perry.... long time...I can't believe this is really you"

"Indeed sweety, you're looking good....what are you doing around here"

"I came to pick a few things with my family" all this while Mel has not looked up to see the other two people but when she does, she goes cold....... as they stare into each other's eyes, she felt like running into his arms and hug him, today she realises how much she misses him......five years have gone and it's like yesterday..... she remembers what he did to her give years ago and the fact that she's married, she takes her gaze away

"Hi Ronald" she forces a smile and this is the very first time she's calling his name fully

"Melanie how are you"

"Good.....couldn't be any better" she responds and finally sees the other lady with them.....a woman of class, a Barbie doll

"Hi....I suppose you're his wife" Mel greets her with all the awkwardness that came with it, the woman didn't confirm nor deny but they shake hands, before they could go any further, Tobi and Mira come out with another shopping bag in hand

"Mum.....look what Dad got for you" Mira shouts from the door running towards them and everyone turns to look at this adorable beautiful little girl as they approach, Tobi and Ron's eyes meet and Ron's surprise is beyond

"Tobias...... you and Melanie" he asks aloud

"Yes, she's my wife and this is our daughter" Tobi is getting jealous but he's hiding it....Mel is more confused about where they know each other from and Ron is more interested in their ring fingers where he finds nothing

"Let's go Babe" he takes Mel's hand and they head to their Lamborghini with Mira following them running......Ron is so jealous especially for the mare fact that Mel was able to fall in love again, and this time with a responsible Man.....

"She's supposed to love me.....only me" he thought to himself.......

Episode 42

The drive back home for Melanie and Tobi was unusually quiet, she was starring outside absent mindedly and Tobi couldn't help but wonder what she must be thinking about, he wonders if she's regretting the fact that she's his wife or she's actually hoping there was still a possibility she can get back with Ronald, he didn't see much but if whatever he saw was something to go by, Mel is indeed in love with Ronald still, he keeps on stealing glances at her without her noticing it because she's not there with him.....his jealousy is almost getting the better part of him......good enough Mira is sleeping in the car other wise she would know something is up, the excitement and and all that they felt has evaporated, he continues to drive in silence till when they get home, he packs the car and does what he always does, he comes down to open the car for Melanie, that's when she came to realize that they were already home

"Thank you" she thanks him and collects the bags, she didn't even wait for him but walks in to the House, Tobi looks longingly after her thinking she Might turn her head and look his way but that never happened, he picks up Mira and heads inside, they arrive inside almost at the same time

"Welcome back children, you came just at the right time" just when Tobi thought no more bad news, his mother is in the house

"Mother.... I didn't know you were coming"

"That's because I never wanted to let you guys know, I just wanted to surprise you"

"Indeed you have" adds Melanie

"Daughter in-law, how are you doing" she flashes her widest smiles at Mel who responds

"You don't look happy, what's up....are you sick" Mel realises it's not only her mother in-law who has realised this but good enough Tobi came to her rescue

"She's having some slight headache, that's why she's pale.....Excuse me I need to put Mira to bed"

"No no no....don't bother, she's actually the real reason why I'm here, I wanted to see her.... so hand her over here, let me watch my grandchild sleep in my arms" Tobi put the now big girl in his mother's arms, he looks up and Mel's mood is not getting any better

"Babe....I think it's best if you get some rest....I can keep Mum company" Mel tries to say she's fine but Tobi is not having it, she climbs up with the bags in hand and Tobi watches till when she disappears...........

The shopping for Ron and his crew didn't go as planned because after running into Mel and her husband, he feels impotent, he would have taken it lightly had it not been Tobias Akankwasa the young billionaire in town who is too gentle to lead a reckless lifestyle, he wonders if Tobias turned into a stalker and was always stalking him with Melanie, he wonders if he was the man who defended her honor and dignity on the day of their wedding..... he doesn't know much about Tobias but he intends to find more once he gets home, Mel looked too beautiful and she's not supposed to be for any other man, Ron together with the help of Perry covered up so well that Becky could not find out more or suspect something, they did their shopping and left hurriedly....... they arrive home and Ron is already in a foul mood, his mother suspects there is a problem especially after he him running to his room immediately after coming in, he had found his friends with whom they had been together here five years back waiting for him but he didn't care he just runs up

"What's up with him" Lillian asks Perry who says she has no idea but runs after him immediately

"Did you guys have a fight" she turns to Becky "

"No.....we only bumped on some lady who was with her husband and daughter, and after that, he was a different person all together" Lillian gives patience a knowing look with both wondering if it was Melanie...........

Perry pushes open Ron's door and finds him busy on his laptop "

"What has gotten into you Ronald..... why all of a sudden you're behaving strangely......" he ignores her

"Look here I never said anything back there because of your girlfriend" that word finally gets his attention

"The last thing I want right now is to refer to her as my girlfriend"

"Oh I'm sorry... your fiancé"

"Stop it Perry, stop....can't you see I'm hurting....I'm trying to find more about that man....that man"

"Shhhhhh!..... walls have ears.... this isn't the right time for this discussion but whatever it is, I don't agree with have no right"

"I have every right.... every right Perry, she was almost my wife remember"

"Almost but never your wife....she was never your wife so stop this madness because I will not let you hurt Mel again..... never" she storms off and Ron kicks the things he had scattered in in his room

"I don't need your help.....I don't need it Perry, I will fix this alone and I will" he goes back to his laptop and he starts scrawling through the people named Tobias Akankwasa, he checks one by one until when he finds the one he was looking for, he was able to tell because the profile picture there is that of Melanie.... he zooms it and he stares at Her smiley face, beaming so happily, she was definitely some where for a vacation or something, he can't even tell where this place is but it's definitely out of this country...... he continues to go through the picture and he can tell these people hooked up immediately after his separation with Mel, he knows because some of the pictures were few months after their failed wedding...... He's loosing his head, he gets out of Facebook and googles, he needed more information about Tobi and there he gets it....his profile picture there is a picture he took together with Mel and their little daughter, it's probably in a conference somewhere....

"This should have been us Melanie...... it should be us not you and someone else...not him...not him, his money couldn't have been the reason because I know you too well, you're not money minded" he's crashed down and weeps..............

Melanie after going to their room didn't come back downstairs for dinner because immediately when she got to her bed, a lot of things were running in her head, things she couldn't even understand, she wasn't sure she was understanding her feelings, she needed to talk to someone but who can she even talk to about this, she went straight to bed and just lies there starring at the ceiling.....she didn't know for how long till when her husband came in with a tray in hand, she sees him and immediately sits up

"Hi...." she trembles like someone who has been caught in doing something bad

"Hello" Tobi responds with no difference in his voice but his actions so unusual, Mel realises but she can't ask knowing she's the reason why

"I'm so sorry I didn't stay back with Mum" she tries to engage him in a talk

"She understood, she's gone....and Mira already had her meals, she's in her room now I brought you something to eat since you couldn't come down for food" he hands her the tray in bed but goes to sit on his reading table....she's hurt, it's usually not like this, on other normal occasions, he would sit and feed her to the end but today he's turning her his back, she tries to eat but fails.....she clears her throat

"About today...." she starts

"Eat your food.....we have got plenty of time to talk this over"

"No Tobi" this is the first time she's calling him by names ever since they started this relationship, and he couldn't miss this.... there was some awkward silence between them

"My love"

"You don't have to force it"

"Do you think I'm really forging this?.... well I'm're my love and I owe you some explanation"

"You don't owe me anything...... the situation was understandable, you had no idea you would run into each other.... it has been five years yes but we don't normally forget people who have been part of us like was abrupt, maybe you never thought you would ever see him again after all these years.....don't worry yourself, eat you meal and forget this even happened....but please, don't let Mira see you like this" he walks out of the room leaving Mel in the middle of a sentence......

To be continued

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