
Broken and bruised episode 55&56

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 18 Oct 2019

Episode 55

"Here is where you can put up in for sometime.... I can assure you it's a safe place, I'm sorry it's not specious like what you all have been exposed's just one hide out Jane and I decided to build for ourselves"

"What are you even talking about son....this is big enough, we are grateful" Ofelia and Mel together with the rest have already been brought to their new place but instead of being happy, Mel is a little disappointed in her Mum for accepting this offer.... it's Already coming to Eleven in the night and good enough Mira slept on the way there....they are relived there won't be more unavoidable questions coming from her at least this night

"What do you think child" Ofelia asks the so quiet Mel

"What do I care...." the response she gave and her mother apologizes for her manner

"It's getting late.....we need to get back and you people also need some rest" Mac says

"And I promise I shall bring the things you asked for from Tobi's tomorrow" Jane asks

"Let's go Babe" Mac wants to drag Jane out of there but she walks up to Mel she kneels close to her

"Melanie girlfriend.... I know you're hurt, I don't know why you're but I can assure you Tobi loves you a lot......don't forget about that" she kisses her and they say one last goodnight and exit the room........Mac closes the door behind and doesn't see someone creep behind him, they walk to his car and drive off.............

"Haven't you cried enough have done too much of this already, you don't look good and I'm already getting tired" Monica complains to Tobi who has been crying ever since he was brought by Jane

"How can I stop can I when I don't know what Mel wants at this point.... what if she suddenly wants to throw all the five years we have built away?" he asks as if he's so afraid of the answers and his mother orders him to sit properly

"Look me in the eyes Tobi..... what if you also stop crying like a woman, and step need to fight for what's yours which is Melanie's love" he suddenly stops the tears and look into his mother's eyes

"Mother... what if I get hurt in the process"

"Whatever, are you not already hurting..... I told you not to tell Melanie this but you never listened, now you should go seek her out, ask her to listen to you and you talk to her....Melanie can not just stop loving you all of a sudden"

"How do I even do that..."

"Start by calling Mac.... you know what to ask him....I swear I'm going to make those bastard friends of yours pay fro this pain they have caused you"

"Oh mother please, you don't even know what you're promising.... we don't even have proof"

"We can always find one.... I can not watch you suffer and I do nothing..... you work on getting your family back and let me handle the rest"

"Thank you mother but I don't need your help in doing that"

"Then what do you need my help in"

"Just stay......I'm going to ask her to let me explain things over to her"

"And what if she still refuses to forgive you...what would you do"

"Hand myself in.....I will not think twid about doing that" she can see sincerity and determination on his eyes and she's so afraid...... she walks away from him and decides to call Mac to find out if there is anything new.................

Mac didn't go back to the hospital since it was already late and they both needed rest....they were able to grab some packed up food on their way home and Jane went straight to the kitchen to serve them.... she came back with two plates

"Thanks.......I thought this was going to take time"

"When I'm tired....I didn't need to warm the food up" there is some awkward silence between them but Jane breaks it

"Baby...what really happened, no one wants to tell me anything and I'm afraid the boss I knew all these years has been hiding something so serious from me"

"That's true Darling....... Mel and Tobi are fighting"

"Yes I already know that but what I can't understand is, fight about what?.... that's what I want to know" Mac is not sure he wants to tell her thus but he knows Jane, she will not give up until she's told

"Promise me this will remain only between us"

"Cross my heart.....I i swear you van trust me and tell me about it"

"Five years ago....a final year student was brutal raped by some unknown man after she was kidnapped by some strangers, she was broken completely.... her then boyfriend abandoned her because she got pregnant as a result of that brutal rape"

"Jesus....are you serious about this..... where did it all happen"

"The student was no other than Melanie and her rapist is no one but Tobias Akankwasa.... your boss" Jane stands up abruptly

"Tell me you're Lying baby"

"It's the Truth.... you wanted to know what was happening but now you know but please no one must hear about it" just then a call came into his phone and a still looking so confused Jane sits next to him

"It's Mum... I'm sure Tobi is becoming worse now" he picks up

"Hello Mum"

"Hello Buddy"

" are you..... where are you"

"At home and please don't even ask me how I'm doing because you already know"

"I'm so sorry I couldn't come see you right away but I can pass by tomorrow and we talk"

"How is my wife doing....has she calmed down already"

"Calm down Tobi.... Mel is doing fine and she already moved out of the hospital"

"What???.... to where....where is my wife, did she go back to home"

"Hey hey!.... relax, take it easy Mel is fine and she's in a safe place, that's all I wanted to tell you but like I told you earlier, she's yet hurt and so mad at you and probably herself which is entirely something normal but if you can understand my point, please give her the distance and let her think things through, let her recover from this heavy blow"

"How do I even do that"

"You me you can but for now, I encourage you talk to her mother...she wants some examinations too and she deserves it"............

Melanie and her mother and aunty are still in the seating room and it looks like non of them is really sleepy, today has been too much all of them but Ofelia still wants to talk to Mel alone so she asks Jessy to take Mira to the room she will be sharing with Mel..........

" Now we have to talk" Ofelia turns to Mel the moment those two are out of sight

"I see you already heard about it.....I'm sure Mac has already told you the whole thing"

"Yes he did but not all of it...... how do you fell now daughter" she asks with concern and Mel just bursts out, all their tears she had promised would never come out again are already out

"I'm healed mother....physically I feel healed but my heart is hurting..... it is paining and I don't think I can survive this.....I have been a fool all along"

"Don't say that please..... don't"

"Why....what did he do it, why did he keep this way from me mother.... I feel all the love he has been professing to all these while was nothing but all lies....what's true is what I only feel for him"

"So what are you going to do"

"No idea.... I have no idea what I'm going to do....i I should train my heart to get used to the fact that he's not worth my love"

"Don't day that"

"Oh!.... you still see him as an Angel mother.... like seriously"

"No no far from it... but don't you think that it's best you let home explain"

"Explain what" she gets mad and rises up

"He had five years mother.....five years to do that test what did he do?.....the only real thing about Him was the house we lived in....he possesses a very strange character of, he's a devil in disguise" she gets away from her mother

"So what are you going to do..."

"The right thing I should have done so many years ago.... hand him over to the police"

"No Mel..... you can't possible say and do that"

"Why not.... I can do it and I'm going to"

"Please think about your daughter... think of how much he loves her and she loves him..... give him a chance, let him explain, and speak up..... they hear a knock at the door and Ofelia thinking it must be one of the neighbours coming to welcome them

" Let me see who it is" Ofelia walk yo the door and opens the door wide open and Mel instantly stands up

"You again what are you doing here" Ofelia says and the

"I cams to talk to Mel"

"This late....I thought I told you to stay away"

"You did but I can't... what I want to tell Mel is very important....I have to talk to her and this time I'm not leaving until when she tells to me or when she says she doesn't want to talk to me"

"Sorry try again next time....I'm sure she doesn't want to see you" she about to shut the door in his face

"Wait mother.....let him in"


"Do so....just do as I say" Ofelia doesn't understand why Mel is doing this talking to bastard but she let's Ron walks in confidently towards them

"Mother leave us alone" she's neither happy nor smiling and Ron doesn't look happy himself......

Episode 56

"Oh are you doing" Ron rushes over to try and hug Mel but she puts her hand forward indicating that he should stay where he is

"What are you doing here Ronald" she asks with folded arms and with a straight face

"Mel why this arrogance..... we needed to talk and since you didn't want to hear anything from me I...."

"You decided to Stalk me, is that it"

"Please......can't you at least let me have a Sit" he asks and before she answers he is already sitting but Mel remains standing

"I went to the hospital but I met a woman who wouldn't let me in....your mother too, she talked to me for a while and did the same thing.....she asked me to stay away but I just couldn't" she stares at him with no difference

"Did he hit you?..... Is it because you met up with me.....what did he do"

"Just who do you think you're Ronald, to demand answers from me huh....who are you"

"Calm down Melanie....... I had found out something after coming back from Terego.....something terrible, I called you but you picked up and refused to talk to me......I needed to tell you I know who was responsible for your...."

"Stop it Ronald..... I thought I warned to stay away from everything.... don't complicate this please"

"This is not complicating anything.... I need to save you, I need to tell you who it is before it's too late" Mel is just looking at him and Ron thinks she has no idea so he composes himself to break the news to her, he gets up and walks over to her holding her hands

"Melanie.... I know you feel grateful to your husband and you see him as a man who has no sin or whatsoever, he is so perfect in your eyes which is not bad....I know you think what you had was a normal couple's fight....i know what I'm going tell you will crash you down, I know it's painful to swallow but look at me......believe me the person who mercilessly raped you five years ago is no one but Tobias Akankwasa.... your own husband" he keeps quiet for a few seconds and looks in her eyes, searching for any reaction, maybe a sign she's shocked or tears coming down but there is nothing.... she neither moves nor blinks....he drops her hands

"So you already know" she doesn't reply but Ron is not liking the way she's not reacting to this news....slowly he sits down and there is silence

"What are we going to do" he asks and finally she explodes

"We?....we?.... did you just say we Ronald..... we were we five years ago and this time if you think you still amount to anything in my life you're wrong" she moves closer and looks at him

"You're nothing but my past got it" he gets up and comes closer, Ofelia is hiding by the wall and listening to everything

"What has gotten over you Melanie..... what has come over you, you treat me like I was some useless creature"

"Well I didn't say that but if you want to know I'm going to be so open with you today...... stop meddling where you're not wanted, you have no right to come here and pretend you care when all you want is to pick up the very healed Melanie someone worked so hard to save.....I was going to take my own life five years ago, not because I was raped but because the man I loved made me realise that no man would want to have anything to do with me"

"That's not true......I agree I was a coward back then but that doesn't mean I never loved you" he wants to touch her and she walks away

"All that mattered to you back then was your mother.... her word was power, her word was final and she was all that mattered Ronald"

"Don't bring my mother in to this"

"Oh see...I..." he cuts her short

"Now that you know that your Little perfect husband is nothing but your own rapist....what are you going to do about it" he tries to sound sarcastic

"That's none of your business, what I will do is not something I should discuss with you" he moves very close this time

"If I were you I would call the cops, prison is where he belongs but of course where would you even get the money to do his company where he kept you for years, you were nothing above the cleaner....I bet he never even paid you....your only benefit must have been sharing a king sized bed with him every night and travelling the world together just for show....." this earns him a hot slap from her

"How dare you you bastard........I will not take insults from cowards and losers like you....what do you know?.... you know nothing about my life with Tobi.... you don't know how it has been all this while when you ran away like the coward you're" he moves closer and raises his hand to hit her but he controls himself, Mel is so shocked

"You're so worse than Tobi you're labelling as a rapist.....go ahead and hit me....hit me and let's see how strong you're" he walks away from her feeling so ashamed of himself

"I'm so sorry Mel.... so ashamed of myself" she ignores him and follows him to where is standing

"Look at said prison is where my husband belongs, I agree with you that's where he belongs and I'm going to see to it that it happens but listen carefully.... when that happens, he will not be the only one going to prison, might be five years now but I still remember that night so vividly..... I remember I received a call asking me to wait for her somewhere around the junction and I did"

"What are you insinuating"

"Nothing.... I'm only stating the obvious and it's a fact....your dear precious mother will not be spared this time......I have nothing to lose, she never liked me anyways" Ron is furious again

"I know now what that rapist husband of yours has turned you're clearly a very ungrateful bitch....after all that my mother and my family did to you....all the love a and the affection...."

"Oh yeah...and the shame too, I'm not ungrateful, I'm not denying the fact that they did all that you have mentioned to me but let me tell you, the only real person in that family is your sister Perry..... the rest are all devils in disguise"

"Is that how you see us?...... I was so wrong about you.... I'm so sure I made a mistake about you, you're here protecting your Little husband trying to avoid scandal but guess what, I'm going to give you war...I'm going to give you the scandal of your life"

"Get out..... get the hell out of here and never come back " she practically pushes him out and shuts the door in his face......

Melanie drops down on the couch and weeps

"I hate him.....I hate both of you you bastards" her mother comes to her rescue

"Calm down Melanie.... you have had enough cry for a day"

"Did you hear that.......mother did you hear, did you see how he tried to hit me"

"Forget about him.....let's go to bed and you will see tomorrow you will wake up feeling better" she leads Mel to bed where Mira Is sleeping

"Melanie.... I don't want to sound like a meddling mother but whatever decision you choose to make, first think of this child and Whatever you choose after that....I will support you like a mother should" her mother walks out and she looks at her beautiful daughter who loves her father so much

"What do I do Mira... what do I do, Daddy had hurt me a lot but my heart just loves him so much" she lies down but fails to sleep, it's the first time she's sleeping without her husband's arms wrapped around her, she looks for her cellphone and it hits her, she doesn't have it....she must have left it in the house......

Ofelia enters her room with Jessy and finds her still awake

"What happened.... why did you take so long"

"Ronald was here"

"What that bastard.... what did he want"

"What else.......he says he wants to be of help" Jessy gets up and sits up

"We can't allow that to happen"

"What do we do"

"I don't's Mel to make a decision about this"

"Why don't you call Tobi and..."

"No no....Mel will be mad at me and it's not appropriate" Ofelia looks like she's going to give in though........

Tobi refused to spend the night at his mother's even when she begged him saying it's the best thing to do..... he arrived home late and for the very first time he is met with silence, he enters the living room and it's empty...he is lost and just stares in space

"Welcome back Sir" the maid welcomes him

"Thank you..." he walks and climbs the stairs

"What about your dinner" she screams but no reply from him....he walks and first goes to Mira's's empty.......the only thing left there is her smell and her favourite Doll.... he picks it up and holds it close to his heart....tears streaming down.....

To be continued

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