
Broken and bruised episode 5&6

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 5 Oct 2019

Episode 5

Today is Wednesday, the day Tobi is celebrating his birthday outside home for the first time ever, he has had it planned by his buddies and they assure him that there is nothing he should worry about, he wakes up feeling so fresh and gives Jane a call to direct her on what to do in the office in his absence, he gets off the phone to find find his mum standing at the door

"Can I come in" she asks as calmly as ever

"Or sure don't need to ask" Monica comes in and coils next to her son on the bed

"Aren't going to say happy birthday to me like you always do"

"I'm sorry son, not this year" he looks aside

"Are you going to the office like you always do"

"Not today....I have a birthday to celebrate today and I'm going out to do that" his mother's eyes glitter on hearing that

"Am I invited"

"Nope....just a table for two but I can throw a small party for you and the Lisa's here right here"

"Hahahaha.... I'm excited" she leans closer

"Who is she" she asks in a low tone and Tobi has to put up his best face ever so she would fall for his lie

"You will get to meet her soon mum.... we are just getting to know each other"

"I get it but what's more important is that you're seeing her"

"Now don't I deserve a happy birthday wish from my mother"

"You don't have to say it twice baby" they get playful and his aged mother leaves the room.....

Tobi sits down and now it hits him, he surely needs a girl, he will pay to come home and act as his girlfriend and that would throw his mum surely off his back for a while but he just doesn't have the perfect candidate....he's still thinking when he gets a call from his buddies

"What's up Dave"

"Are you ready for your party"

"Man! how can you ask me that when we're just some few minutes past eight in the morning"

"Sure...I'm asking because everything is ready for our party tonight"

"Where is it going to be anyways"

"Tropical suites..."

"That's a good place but don't forget it's strictly by invitation, and no alcohol"

"Oh yeah!...and no women right"

"Hahaha...stupid I'm serious, remember today is still Wednesday and tomorrow all of us is supposed to be in office"

"I hear you boss"......... the rest of the day was not really busy for Tobi, he was home almost all throughout and doing nothing, it was exactly six in the evening when he decided to get ready for his party, he felt a little weird about the whole thing but he brushed the whole feeling off as merely a feeling of cold feet......he takes a very long deserving bath and steps out of the bathroom to find a gift box laid on his bed, he smiles at the sight of it knowing fully well who must have stopped it, the only woman in his life that's his mother, he put the box aside and promises to take a look at what's inside when he gets back, his next stop is at his wardrobe room, he spread what he thought would be so perfect for a party but since he doesn't know these things himself he became stuck, he decided to settle for a golden suite with a yellow shirt underneath, a black sneaker and he really felt awful in his choice but he couldn't care less given the fact that his body always agrees with anything he puts on, he steps out of his room for the very first time and he is received by happy birthday wishes from their workers in the house, he didn't really carry anything apart from his wallet that has a few notes, he gets into his black Lamborghini and zooms out of the mansion to the busy street...........

It's coming to seven in the evening and Melanie is getting ready to hit home from school, Ron had called her saying he would come pick her up in thirty minutes time, she is just starting to get moving with her friend who also asked for a lift home, as they come out of the class room, she gets a call from Ron's mother, she's very skeptical about the call but decided to pick anyways

"Hello mum"

"Mel how are you"

"I'm fine Mum"

"Where are you, have you left school already"

"Not yet, I just received a call from Ron, he will be here some minutes from now"

"Know what, tell him not to bother, I'm Already around your school area and just thought I should pick you up, there is something I want us to talk about" she's not liking this but she can not say no because that would be indiscipline

"Alright mum but I hope all is well"

"Indeed all is well, it's just something we could even talk over the phone but I just happen to be somewhere around your school and can you come wait for me at the junction, when he you're there you give me call I'm just around there" she puts the phone down just as Ron drives in, he comes out and they hug

"Hop in and we go, it's getting late"

"Sorry will have to go without me, i still have something I need to take care of" she lies and Ron becomes confused

"What's going on....didn't you tell me you were done with every assignment for the day" she stammers and her friend had to walk away from them

"Can I wait for you"

"No...I will take a cab home you must be tired, just go on ahead, I shall call you when I get home" so reluctantly Ron leaves her standing there but gives her a few notes to take a cab home, he gets in his jeep and drives away, one thing about Ron is that he is a good rough man but he doesn't really insist too much, he is a man of few words and doesn't force anyone to do something against their wish...he knew Mel was lying to him but he couldn't insist especially on realising she doesn't want him to know.....he drives out in the night and hits the road back home after all he was so tired............

Mel steps out in the lonely road with almost no one insight, she clutches her bag to herself as she stands in the lonely junction waiting for Mrs pope whose phone has mysteriously gone off, she tries and tries but the phone just doesn't go through, she started having a very bad feeling about this and decides it would be best to call Ron back to come take her home.....she's scrawls through and calls his number, she put the phone in her ear but suddenly feels like some one is standing behind her, she tries to turn to see who the person but before she could, her mouth and nose were covered with a piece of cloth and it was the last she remembers.............

Ron who is on high speed heading home suddenly sees a call coming through his phone, he picks the phone only to see it's coming from Mel, a part of him wants to pick the call but something tells him not to, he decides to ignore it because he is still mad at her for lying to him, he dropped the phone down and concentrates on the road......he gets through the gate and is welcomed by his dog who always waits for him by the gate, he walks over to the guards and says hello to them, he asks about his parents and is told his Dad travelled and his mum is in, he strolls in but on his way inside, he decides to give Mel a call but strangely she is not picking her calls, he calls one more time and still the same story, the third time he calls the number is switched off

"That's strange" he says out loud thinking he is alone

"What's strange" Patricia his younger sister asks and he says it's nothing and walks past her......

Tobi's party is going on so well just the way he wanted, he's a little disappointed Jane was not invited but his friends assure him that women always get the wrong idea of things and she would take his gesture to mean he is interested in her, he is truly having fun and enjoying himself but just at this time, a waiter comes with a glass of cosmopolitan, his favourite drink, he's a little suspicious about this drink but his friends assure him that it's their special way of saying happy birthday to him for being a good boss.......

Tobi took a sip of the drink and truly it tastes great, he continued taking the door drink as his friends watch with smiles all over their faces, as all this is going on, the hired guys in the room are taking random pictures with a passed out Melanie who has no idea what's going on........

Tobi finishes his first glass and he is poured another one, all of a sudden he starts to get tipsy and excited and at the same time he is feeling some sexual urge that he can't control or contain, his friends realise the drag is working so well and decide to ask if he's alright just to be sure

"I'm not alright... I need a woman...I need to feel her skin and her body" he gives a straight answer and David is excited, he signals to his friends that everything is ready so they take a not so drunk but sexy Tobi to a room, he looks to be enjoying his birthday.....he is left in the room and the guys close the door behind wishing him all the best, the sight Tobi meets on bed made him stand up instantly.......

Episode 6

, ... you should know Ronald by now....he and Perry are a bunch of boring idiots so you don't expect him to get along so well with you my dear"

"Oh really!... you and my Dad are too different yet you have been together for all these years"

"My dear, something's you just pretend to be OK with them just to get what you want, getting and marrying a promising young politician back then was not something easy, you will understand this one day and that's why you my three children will never bring in some opportunist in the names of a boyfriend or a girlfriend and expect me to accept them.....that will never happen not even when I'm dead"

"Then why have you allowed Ronald and that girl to continue, Dad made it clear before he left that when he gets back, their engagement party will hold and I don't think you and I can ever do something about it when that time comes"

"Doing something to stop it will never be necessary by then because when that time comes, there will be no Ronald and Melanie"

"Will you offer her money to leave him alone"

"Not every problem gets to be solved the same way, I will just present your father and brother evidence and this relationship will be history"...........

Perry is seated on her brother's bed waiting for him to get out of the shower so they can talk, she lands on his phone and realizes he has been calling Mel for more that three times and all recently but doesn't understand why he is in a foul mood, she wonders if they argued or something, she's still wondering when Ron finally comes out of the shower looking all fresh and wrapped in a towel, he jumps on bed with her and she gets out the phone

" Is this what you wanted us to talk about.... you two are fighting aren't you"

"Yes it's what I wanted us to talk about Perry but nope, we aren't fighting but Mel is hiding something from me, she's started lying to me"

"Wait, I'm not understanding this clearly" she gets out of bed and gets the keys to his study room, the room is just across his bedroom but it's more private, for someone to actually eavesdrop in on any conversation going on there, he or she needs to first enter his bedroom, so Perry knowing their younger sister and mum so well, locks the bedroom door and leads Ron to the study, they settle on the top tables

"Now tell me"

"You're a woman perry, you know how women get"

"For how long have you been seeing this"

"Today, she told me a very white lie that even an infant would know it's a lie but you know me, I just left"

"What exactly did she say"

"I had called her to inform her I was coming to pick her up in thirty minutes time, she was excited and told me she was actually waiting for me but when I got to her school, she was on phone, I packed and came down to open for her only for her to tell me she still had to finish something, I left after she even told me not to wait for her"

"But that's not a big deal"

"You think so?.... well that's not all, I received a call from her just ten minutes into driving, I was furious an refused to pick it,after that I felt bad and I called her back not once Perry, not even twice but three times but she refused to pick, after the third call she had the guts to switch her phone off...can you imagine, she switched off her phone on me" Perry rubs his back

"You know me too well, I'm just trying to change, to be a better man for her because I don't want to go back to how I was before.... no one will like it"

"It's OK... this hasn't gotten into that, tell me something, how far have you taken the relationship, just be so honest with me" she looks into his eyes

"Believe me Sis, I have done a lot of unforgivable things in the past but I have not touched Mel... Melanie is too precious for that, I can't Deny a few times I have been tempted to go beyond but believe me I haven't gone past kissing her.....I want her to be the one to give me the go ahead, when I said I loved her, I wasn't playing with her"

"Here is my advice to you Bro, chill she's still a young girl, you're probably her first boyfriend and you know how it is....Mel is not someone who can easily lie but I beg of you, don't do anything yet, let me call her and handle this" she takes her phone and calls Mel's number several times but it's just switched off

"The number isn't going through"

"You see, I hope she isn't out with someone"

"Calm down it's not good to assume, just relax and will pass by her home on your way to work" she's able to convince him and they end up talking about so many things and also their upcoming project of visiting an orphanage to see the vulnerable children, so in the end Ron is able to forget his problem and goes to sleep soundly.................

Tobi has no idea what is happening to him or who this woman in front him really is but what he can tell is that she is almost naked, stripped and left only in her underwear with her bra also unhooked, her slender body on the bedcover looks so inviting and she is extremely beautiful, he felt the sexual urge even more, so it wasn't really long before he strips stark naked, he didn't need any female touch to awaken him because he was already awaken, he felt a very strange power as he climbs the bed and separates this helpless girls legs wide apart, she instantly jerks upon his touch and tries to sit up but he over powers her, he forces her down and uses his knee to keep her legs apart, she tries to scream but in his ears the screaming is just a beautiful melody, he rips her panty and throws the pieces on the floor, he needed not to unhook the bra because it was already done but he rips it in to pieces anyways.......he forces his erect penis into her dry and tight Virgina as she let out a very sharp scream....he could hear some voices coming from outside like people laughing, it went on for sometime and the voices suddenly stop, he continues to mount on this helpless girl who cried and cried until she couldn't anymore, she's passed out cold but he's not done yet, he can't remember how many times he has poured in her but all he knows is that he isn't tired yet.......

Melanie remembers the incident where her nose was covered with a piece of cloth, but she doesn't remember anything else because she has been sleeping, she has no idea where she was until when she was woken up by a touch, she's used to her mother taping her to wake her up every morning but this wasn't her mother's touch and more so, she was still trying to gain consciousness when someone pinned her down, it occurred to her that he was a man by the force he used and the fact that she was naked, she was sure and aware nothing was done on her body yet apart from the fact that she was naked.....her vision wasn't still clear so she couldn't clearly tell the face but he must really be a man who has power and money given his strong perfume, she tried and struggled to free herself from his strong grip but he overpowered her, she became fully awake and conscious but the following experience is what she doesn't want to remember all her life, the man tore her panty and bra, she felt his strong member opening her tight self with a force she wishes she never experienced, she tried to take all the pain in but it was unbearable, it tore her heart into piece and broke her body beyond repair, his every touch was so disgusting and it left marks all over her body, she struggled to breath and cry, she cried herself until when she couldn't do anymore, she thought love making was such a beautiful experience one can never get to forget but she was wrong, all the beautiful stories she has been reading and watching about love making were all nothing but lies, all lies, she has no idea why God chose to punish her this way, when she thought she had the best boyfriend who has never violated her body, just when she thought his family loved her and their relationship was progressing, today she's hit by the painful truth that it was all nothing but a dream, how will she be able to face Ron after this, how will he even believe her awful story, how will she start narrating her painful experience.... she cried and cried thinking someone would come to her rescue or the beast mounting on her will show mercy but all in vain, it was all as if her crying was just music to his ears, she can't tell how long he lasted on her because she passed out after a long struggle............

It's 6am in the morning, Tobi who has been sleeping suddenly wakes up with a banging headache, he tries to sit up but he falls back down, he gathers strength again only to realize he's very weak like he never had anything to eat the previous night, he tries to open his eyes but they are all swollen and heavy, he wants to call the kitchen and ask Lisa to fix for him something and bring to his room asap so he can get rid of this hunger, he tries to reach across to the nightstand where he normally keeps his cellphone and it hit him, he was not in his house, he sees someone lying next to him in a pool of blood

"Jesus..." he jumps up and it's only then he realises he's totally naked, he's trembling

"What did you do Tobi" he wonders aloud and with trembling hands, he climbs back to bed and checks if this girl is someone he knows, he shakes his head at her sight, she's definitely Someone he doesn't know, he takes a closer look at her and a tear escapes his eyes as the event of last night unfold in his head, he remembers everything from how he left home to how he got here, this a place no one knows him in, his friends are truly devils, he checks her pulse to see if the girl is still breathing and luckily she is....he looks down where their clothes are lying and realises he ripped all her undergarments, he's shading more tears and he wonders if she agreed to this arrangement, if she was part of those evil friends of his but then he remembers she was still a virgin, someone who has never been with a man, he slips into his trouser and shirt, he checks if his wallet is still intact and it's there , he opens it and gets out all the notes in there and put it next to her on the bed, he's still trembling and wonders what he is going to do next, a part of him wants him to go to the police station and hand himself over but he remembers his poor mother who would die not only of shame but the disappointment, he has no idea what he is going to do next but he gets out of the room anyways, he walks in the corridor with Everyone who spots him whispering in ears, he could tell what they must be taking about but that's not the worst thing he feels here, he could see the women flirting with him with their eyes but he just walks passed fighting his tears back, so ashamed he finally comes out of big hotel and enters his Lamborghini, he drives out of the gate and bursts out crying almost immediately, he packs the car somewhere not knowing what to do or where to go next, but one thing he knows is, he's not leaving this area until when she comes out of there..............

Melanie has no idea what time it is until when she feels something cold on her body, she jerks up and sits up immediately, she feels pain all over her body but she realises the cleaner just poured cold water on her, she probably came in to clean the room, her head is so heavy and her eyes swollen, she hasn't forgotten the event of the night as her tears start to fall freely yet again

"My friend get out of wanted money so you think it comes so easily, a young girl like you doing this huh....I pity your parents" the cleaner says and Mel wants to start explaining but she's reminded that her stay there is over

"If you don't get your stinking smelly ass out of will end up leaving all these notes here" this was when she realised the man actually dropped some few notes

"You have two minutes to get out of here" Mel realises she has no panty, no bra yet she only has two minutes, she curses the person who did this to her and swears he's going to pay, she slips in her dress anyways and takes her slipper in hands, her hair scattered like a mad woman with her phone and bag no where to be found, she collects the few notes because she can't foot home in her condition and doesn't even know where she is to start with, she struggles to walk amidst laughs and mocking she received from people around, she could not fight the tears anymore that she bursts out openly, she was ashamed and embarrassed in the worst way possible, she comes out of gate and everyone who looks at her could tell she was just laid, she was so Lucky to find a taxi after two minutes of standing so she hopes in and heads home.......

After a few minutes of waiting that seemed like eternity, Tobi finally sees her open the gate and painfully steps out of the gate in tears, his heart broke up into a thousand pieces and he also wept, a part of him wanted to run out and go confess but he just trembles, he watches her from a far until when she hoped into a cab, he decides to follow the cab, he wants to know where she's headed to......

To be continued

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