
broken and bruised episode 57&58

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 18 Oct 2019

Episode 57

Tobi clinches on to the small Doll and it feels like he's holding on to his daughter, he smells the Doll's hair for a moment it feels as if his Mira is there..... he realises this is not helping him out so he gets up, he drops the Doll on the bed and walks over to her nightstand where she normally keeps her story books....the books she will pick every night her Dad comes to he room so he can tell her a story......Tobi is running mad, he's hearing voices like Mira is calling him but her voice is coming from his bedroom.....he leaves the nightstand at once and walks over to his room

"Could it be she's there with Mel....." his heart is racing fast as he walks, he opens the door wide and he's met with darkness all around

"Mira......are you there..... sweetheart, talk to Daddy are you there" there is no reply and he switches on the light....... and the room has remained just as they had left it earlier.....his eyes land on Mel's sandals at the foot of the bed, he remembers how she always walks in, around and out of the room.....he's not crying but he takes one step towards the bed, slowly like she was sleeping and he doesn't want to wake her up.....he sits down and accidentally sees himself in the dressing mirror..... it's like he's looking at someone else, a stranger to be precise, he quickly takes his eyes away from the mirror........the room is filled up with Mel's smell all over, her perfume is still fresh like she was here a minute ago, everything in the room is still the way she had left them he looks so longingly at her pillow and picks it up holding it to his chest.....he lies down fixing the pillow in his thighs and clutching one so tight

"Please please Melanie.... come back, my love please come back....don't leave me because I will only die" he turns from left to right and there is no consolation or whatsoever....... he sits up

"I can't do this.....I can't.... where is my damn phone" he's still in what he had put on and he hasn't changed at all.....he finds his phone and dials Mac who is already in bed with Jane wrapped around his arms

"What's it now Tobi"

"I can't do it Mac..... brother I can't, I can't tell me where my wife is"

"Calm down and don't do anything stupid please..... I know how this is not easy for you but do you think it is for Melanie"

it's easy for her because she doesn't want to see is easy because it was so easy for her to end all this we have built in a day....." he's broken down completely

"Let me come right away, you're not doing fine at all"

" have done enough for me already..... I don't want to burden you.... I can't do anything stupid but I also can't Deny it's not easy to tolerate this pain"

"Mel loves you....she loves you Tobi, and I'm very sure her love for you will win over....I'm sure she only feels betrayed and so hurt but give her some days, she will come around"

"But after how long will she take....I'm dying...... just help me tell her, if she doesn't want me anymore, she should do me a favour and come to end all of this, she should kill me..... I can't live without her love.... I can't" Tobi ends the call and falls down on the bed

"I'm not saying what my boss did was justifiable but I think Mel is taking this extremely far" Jane, Mac thought was sleeping let's her opinion known

"Aaauch're judging her rather too harshly"

"No sweetheart.... I'm not, wouldn't it be the right thing to do if she let's him explain what really happened..... then after that she can make a decision because right now what she does is just keeping him in the dark.....I need to put some sense in her head tomorrow" Mac sees point in what Jane is saying but he thinks she shouldn't meddle but Jane is not listening........

After so many attempts to sleep that all doesn't seem to work......Mel finally gets out of bed and heads out to the shower......she sits in the bathtub and puts so much effort in trying so hard to wipe her skin like she wants it to peel off.....she feels Tobi's touches all over and surprisingly she feels touches of love and affection not the touches of horror like the day he raped her

"Did you really do it come I find it so hard to accept this and believe it.... you're too gentle, too loving and so peaceful to be labeled a rapist.....I fell for you genuinely, why didn't you tell me.....why did you choose to keep quiet all these years, what do I do I deal with this.....I'm so confused..... should I meet up with you and let you explain" she doesn't know how long she's been there but she can't even think of any bad side of Tobi no matter how much she tries to picture him as s bad boy..........

Tobi sits up and he realises Mac will never tell him where Mel is but he can't just let this be......

"Her phone....yes I should call her,why didn't I even think about it earlier" he fidgets with his phone and calls her right away.....the phone surprisingly is ringing next to him

"What?........your phone even remained behind" he pick it up and sees it's already coming to 2am she has been called many times by a strange number that is not saved in her phone book

"I'm sure it's either Ronald or those bastards" he has never gone through her phone checking it before because he trusts her but today he finds himself going through her phone, checking messages and try to see if there is something odd but he finds nothing.... He's relived, he lies back on bed and doesn't know how he did it but he finally falls asleep...........

Early the next day.....Ofelia walks in to Mel's room and finds her still cuddled with Mira, they are still sleeping....she sighs in relief..... she walks over to the kitchen and finds Jessy already preparing something for breakfast

"Good morning sister"

"Morning..... you took long to wake up"

"I had so much on my mind and I slept late but when I finally did, I didn't realise it was already morning"

"Some days are like that"

"How did you get all the food stuff"

"I had some money on me and there is a market across the street.....have you checkup with Melanie"

"She's still sleeping.... she must have slept pretty late....I wonder how difficult this must be for her......I can only imagine" Jessy didn't respond but she leaves the kitchen to go see her with her own eyes.....Ofelia finally gets out her phone and looks longingly at it

"Forgive me daughter... but I need to do this.....I need to know what happened"........

Tobi who is still sleeping after a very difficult night is suddenly woken up by the vibration coming from his phone that's under the bedcover

" No no no.....not today.... I'm not going to that office....I don't want to see anyone" he sleepily mutters to himself , the phone continues to vibrate and without looking at it he decides to pick, he is not really moved that much because the only call he's interested in is from his wife whose phone is also with him

"Hello" he answers

"Hello son" he sits up immediately

" that you" he removes the phone from his ears and looks at the screen just to be sure he's indeed talking to his mother in-law

"Yes it's me...."

"How is Mel.... my wife, how is Mira.... where are you people my God I was worried.....tell me you're all fine" Ofelia is more convinced she was never wrong about him

"Calm down son.....I want to meet you"

" what time"

"I'm ready.... I just don't know where to meet you but we have to talk it's important we do it today"

"Right away, let me get Ready and I give you a Call" he didn't wait for her reply but drops the phone down, he runs to the shower to get Ready.........

Ofelia turns to find Jessy standing behind her and smiling

"Good job sister.....go, go before Mel wakes up and I will cover up for can count on me for this.... I got your back"

"I will go but you might change the way you think and feel about Tobi when you get to know what this latest fight is all about" she walks out an Jessy looks puzzled and disturbed a bit but not entirely......

Episode 58

Ofelia settles in a cool restaurant Early morning, she had no idea it's a secret business opened by Tobi for Mel without their notice, Tobi only called her to meet him there but she was shocked when all the employees there come to welcome and greet her with a lot of respect....she sits down at a table but she can tell the workers there are trying so much to impress her which she doesn't understand why..... it was after like five minutes of being there her breakfast is brought, she doesn't remember ordering one but it's matooke served hot just the way she wants it

"Did Tobi call them or what" she wonders as she quietly takes her breakfast..... ten minutes exactly after being there... she heard the two girls who were standing by the door address Someone as boss, she turns and she's confused when she saw Tobi.... the very tall and giant handsome son in-law.... he has some eye glass but the moment their eyes meet, he takes it off....he walks towards her

"Good morning mother.... sorry I kept you waiting for too long"

"It's OK but are you sure we can talk here" he looks around and sees point in what she is saying

"Come with me" she didn't protest but follows him to the office

"I can see this place is also yours"

"Actually it's not belongs to Melanie..... it's a surprise birthday gift I had planned for her......please sit down" she sits and looks around, the place is really beautiful...... she turns to look at the wall her back is facing, there is Mel's portrait...she's impressed but she will not let This distract her from the matter at hand...she faces him

"I don't know why I decided to meet up with you, I know it's not really me you should be explaining these things to, but I just want to know why...... I have always seen you as my son, how could you be capable of something as grave as this"

"Mother....I appreciate the fact that you have always seen me as a son because I see you as my mother too.....but would you believe me mother if I tell you I never wanted to hurt Melanie or any other woman"

"But you did"

"Yes....yes I did and I suffer everyday knowing that I did"

"Tell me everything, I want to did it did it all happen"

"It's a painful but rather long story.....being my mother's only child and growing up without a father has always been the most difficult part of my life...... I was always a very good and disciplined child who has been upright almost all my life..... I had achieved everything I wanted at an Early age, good job, nice family, everything but I had one problem....a problem I didn't see really as a problem..... I have never been drawn to a woman that much, I had one girlfriend from my university days but things didn't work out and we broke up...... problem then came when mum came into the picture, she was always after my case always reminding me I should settle already because I was matured enough....... I tried to pay deaf ears to her but it because unbearable....... time came when my 30th birthday was approaching........ I decided to celebrate it outside home for a change and maybe I would meet a good and nice lady out there I could fall for, so I shared the idea with Jane my PA..... I needed her to make reservations somewhere for a few friends and we would celebrate together, she was so excited about it and she got to planning everything...... the biggest mistake I then made was to share it with my best friends too.....David, Eddy and Clement were the people i saw as my best friends.... when they got to know about this plan, they got excited too and asked me to let them take over the organization because they have been doing so.....I didn't say no because they seemed harmless and they were my friends after all.........." Tobi continues to tell his story to his mother in-law without blinking an eye and as he finishes.......all Ofelia could do is stare at him with mouth wide open, she's so lost for words....she sees sincerity in his eyes and knows there is no lie in all that he has told her....Tobi on his part feels a bit lighter, but he's scared of the way she's just starring at him without saying anything

"Did you tell anyone about it"

"No....I mean not right away, that day I was in mess, I was not thinking well and I wanted nothing but to die yet I couldn't, I had never taken alcohol but I did because I felt like the worst human being ever alive......... after following Melanie home and seeing the state in which I had left her, I felt so horrible.... I hit a bar and drunk myself off, I reached home a total mess, I couldn't tell my mother what happened but she knew something was terribly wrong with me......I locked myself up for days in my room, when I finally opened, I had promised to correct my terrible mistake though I had no idea how and that's when I started following Mel, I became her shadow almost everywhere she was I would be there but without her knowing it"

"So it's true all the love and affection and everything you showered her was are nothing but all lies....pretenses in order to make up for all you did" he looks at her sharply shaking his head

"No mother..... no, at first I got close to her with no intention of making her my girlfriend or even my wife.....I just wanted to know how she was doing and fairing because that was where my source of happiness was bounded..... indeed I got to realize she was happy, and what's more, she was set to wed her then boyfriend..... I had no idea she was pregnant as the result of the rape, I felt somehow OK....... even after wanting so much to turn myself over to the police but I always thought of my poor mother, her reputation... I just couldn't break her heart...I wanted to be the perfect son she had ever known...... I was still looking for the best way to do it amid so many excuses when the unthinkable happened....the day of the wedding, I was not invited but I couldn't miss it for anything in the world, my heart leaped for joy when I saw her walk down the isle all smiles but when Ronald did what he did which I never saw coming, I felt more guilty, I felt responsible and I felt obliged to help save her honour and dignity from those hungry Media people...."

"So that day, you took her to your home and....."

"Yes I took her there because I wanted her to trust me, I wanted her to build confidence in me , I wanted her to trust me like a friend and I wanted to get to know her more so as to find the best way to help her, and then come clean with my sin.....she did and she trusted me, she told me her deepest secretes and fears ......that was when I had shared my secret with Mac the only one and true friend I have... He's more like a brother.... he advised me to get a counselor for Mel so she could heal....then I could come clean with her that way she would feel less hurt again, she would be hurt but she would heal in no time"

"Were you going to find that kind of help for her had he not mention it"

"To be honest head wasn't working well, all I wanted was for Mel to be alright but I just didn't know how....I didn't know the best thing for Mel or the best thing to do, I followed Mac's advice and I began to see a different Melanie..... a Melanie like never before, so full of life and energy, so positive and so gentle and happy....I got so comfortable around her and for a moment it felt as if her smile was all that I needed to live so before I knew it, I was already in love and suddenly she meant the whole world yo me and she was my life....I became so afraid of loosing her" Ofelia has listened enough, she has never seen someone this sincere , she believes him but it's her daughter involved here, Tobi looks at her with pleading eyes thinking she doesn't believe him, she takes his hands both and looks at him

"Look here son....I believe you but the problem is I can't say the same thing about your wife.... Melanie has to decide on what she wants"

"Thank you have no idea what you believing me means to me....thank you very much" he gets up to hug her and Ofelia gets teary....she leaves the restaurant, she gets out after refusing Tobi's lift back home, she looks back

"You have to forgive him daughter.... he has done so much for you and he deserves your forgiveness" she looks at her phone.... Thank God she had decided to record his confession just in case the stubborn Mel still refuses to see or meet up with him..........

After his bitter exchange with Melanie last night, Ron had arrived Home very drunk and he has taken so long to get out of bed, his mother having waiting for so long has no choice but to go talk to him in his room

"Good morning son" she greets Ron who sits by the nightstand trying to apply ice on his left eye, he is having some pounding headache caused by the hangover

"Mother....what are you doing here"

"I came to find out how your meeting with Melanie went but I can already see how it went"

"How did you know"

"I'm your know everything"

"Just go....I don't want to talk about it" Lilian ignores at sits down

"Let me do it" she takes away the cold ice from her son

"You can't loose focus now son.... if you want I can be of help to you"

"What do you even know mother....what do you care anyways"

"Look, I was unable to support your relationship with that woman five years ago but I can assure you this time I'm very ready to do whatever it takes just say yes and trust me......tell me what happened"

"I don't trust you mother....I should rather wait for my sister and I shall share with her"

"Who Perry?.... That naive little idiot...remember all this happened when you started listening to her advice" Ron softens a bit

"She doesn't want anything to do with me mother" he looks sad

"Have you tried seeking her out"

"I did but it's as if she Hates me, she won't hear reasons"

"Have you tried hinting her that her little perfect husband is the one who rapes her"

"Like she doesn't know?" he stops his mother's hand and looks at her

"Is it true that day you and Mel had agreed you would meet at that junction.... did you really call her"

"What are you talking about.... I have not even set my eyes on that woman for the last five years" she acts offended

"No mother... I don't mean now, I meant five years ago, the day she was raped

" No....I can see she hasn't dropped that baseless accusation"

"It's fine mother so what do you suggest we do...I can't let that boy win, I can't let Melanie forgive him, she's mine and that's how it should be"

"Good question..... why not stir up a little scandal... how about waking up in the morning and reading a very juicy headline about a young billionaire being accused of rape that happened five years ago"

"Mother....." he so shocked

"Believe's the best revenge for both Melanie and that husband of hers, you know Melanie very well, she will need a man in her life, by her side as her strength since it seem she can't do that by herself.... you will be her hero and you have my full support you will win her over and she will be all yours.... all yours alone" Ron is confused about this for now.........

Ofelia gets back home and finds Jessy and Mira watching cartoon in the living room

"Grandma welcome back" Mira runs to her

"Thank you princess"

"Where is Daddy.... Mummy said he's coming"

"Yes....I just talked to him and he says he's a bit busy but will come see you...."

"But why can't we go back home" Ofelia now realises Mira will not stop until she gets a satisfying answer so she kneels down and scoops her in her arms

"Mira, Daddy can't because he and Mummy are having a small problem they first need to solve"

"Is it the lies he told her" Ofelia is shocked

"Yes....but Daddy is not a will talk to him, I will call him but first let me go see Mummy" she turns to Jessy

"Is she in"

"Yeah she hasn't left that room and Jane has brought our stuffs"...... Ofelia hurries over to Mel's room and finds her standing by the window just looking outside

" Good morning daughter "

"Where are you coming from" Mel asks and moves away from the window

"I don't want to lie to you, I went to meet Tobi"


"Yes Melanie.... Someone had to listen to his side of the story"

"I can see you obviously fell for his lies"

"I wasn't wrong about you after all.... it's clear to me you wouldn't go see him"

"I don't want to see him or hear his pathetic lies"

"You don't need to see him....I have all that you need to hear"

"Excuse me.....are you his spokesperson or what"

"Nope.... I was only acting journalist for today.... here, take your time and listen, it's quite long"

"I'm not interested" Ofelia puts the phone down on the bed

"Just in case you change your mind" she leaves without another word and closes the door Mel comes over to the bed and picks up the phone in her hand looking at it like she's changing her mind......

To be continued

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