
broken and bruised episode 7&8

Created by Valentine Valentine in broken and bruised 7 Oct 2019

Episode 7

Melanie enters the cab that just arrived and luckily there was no one else in it, she could tell the driver was lost for words on seeing her but what she wanted was to reach home right that minute, the driver tried asking if she was OK but he was answered by her fresh hot tears

"please Sir can you not ask more questions but just take me home" he nods and concentrates on the road, she rests her head and tries not to think about what happened anymore but it was then she realised she was still feeling his hands, those heartbreaking and painful touches on her body all over, she tries yo assure herself the nightmare was over but she couldn't she jerks up from the seat and tells the driver to go faster...........

Tobi continues to follow the cab not caring how long it's going to take him, all he wanted at this time was to die......he couldn't see if she was crying in agony but he could tell she was really broken, he never in his life dreamt he would do what he just did, all his life he has dated only one woman and he still remembers how she used to beg him to touch her body but here he is, a very heartless beast who violated a very young and innocent girl who probably must be in school, he follows the cab for more ten minutes until when he sees the cab pull up, he packs somewhere far where nothing looks suspicious, he watches the poor girl get out of the cab and holds her already soiled dress, she hands a note to the cabdriver and didn't even bother to wait for change, Tobi gets out of his expensive Lamborghini and followed footing, he maintained some distance between himself and the girl.....he could tell the community living in the area are really poor and struggling, he jumps some few sewerage channels until when he catches up with her, he wants to call to her but he even doesn't know her name, he just stands and watches as she gets to small house in the area and without knocking pushes the door open and enters inside, he realised that was where she lived........Tobi stands there like a mad man for close to some minutes until when he decides to go, not knowing where exactly he's going but he needs to go....he hurries back to his car and speeds off to God knows where........

Mel was so thankful she found her mother in the field behind the kitchen, she hurries inside before her mother could spot her, she checks the wall clock in the small living room and realises it was coming to eight in the morning, the precise time she normally goes to school but that's not what she wants right now, what she wants is to get under her bedcover and just sleep and never wake up, she gets into the bathroom that is conveniently inside, she takes off her soiled dress and hides it under the bed, she's going to get rid of it later she pours water in the basin and she takes a quick bath ......Melanie takes a look at herself in the bathroom mirror and hot tears stream down, she was seeing a shadow of old Melanie who vanished along with the terrible experience

"What did I do to deserve this....why me, God why" she weeps in there for close to five minutes and steps out to find her mother in the room looking suspiciously

"Young lady, since when did you start staying out for the night"

"Good morning mum" she walks past her mother and gets under the bedcover and her mother sits down on the small bed....she touches her head and could feel she has fever

"You're sick Fina..... what is going on"

"Mother....can you just get out and let me have some rest"

"No, first of all you stayed out for the night and I was not worried because I knew you were fine with Ron but I expected to see him bring you home and explain why you guys took this step without my approval......why did you come alone"

"Because he had something to do, he was busy and needed to be somewhere at this moment"

"What happened to your phone....I called you to find out if you were coming home back it was switched off" she keeps quiet and fixes her fingers in her ears as an indication that she didn't want to talk to her mother.... Ofelia understands the language and leaves

"Get some rest, I don't know what is going on but when you wake up we shall see the nurse, you can't remain like this especially now that exams are fast approaching" Ofelia never got a reply and walks out anyway, the moment her door is shut, Mel tries to sit up and surrenders her heavy heart to more tears, she reaches to touch herself down there under the cover, she could tell she wasn't bleeding but she was so swollen, and she could tell she was also bruised, the pain is unexplainable

"Oh God!!... how will I get out of this horror... how will I forget this awful ordeal.....who will believe my story, I don't even know the man who did this to me" she wails and cries herself to sleep finally, it must be the effect of the drug or something...............

Tobi drives in a very reckless speed heading no where but all of a sudden, he spots a bar and stops his car, he comes out and realises he was actually close to home, he steps into the bar to the surprise of Everyone around, he could tell why they all looked at him that way, first it must be because he has never stepped into the bar for all these years he moved to this street and secondly because it's too early for anyone to step into a bar, except if the person is in a fix when he met those eyes, he wanted to turn and go back to his car but he needed this..... he waves to the waiter who comes immediately, Tobi settles for a table in the corner

"Good morning Sir"

"Get me something strong"

"Which one exactly, we have...."

"Damn you!!!.... didn't you hear the word Strong?.... get for me something strong....I don't give a damn what you have or don't have"

"OK OK sir" the waiter backs away and returns with a bottle in hand and a glass"

"I don't need this" Tobi threw the glass away and orders the man to open the bottle for him he just empties the whole content in without taking a break and he was done in a blink of an eye, everyone in the bar is in pure shock with most of them wondering if something related to business happened to the rich kid,he continued to drink for the next ten to twenty minutes until when he felt he was beginning to get super drunk, he calls the waiter who comes immediately

"How much is your Bill"

"Fifty thousand shillings Sir"

"Just that"

"Yes Sir...." he struggles to stand but he falls and the man has to hold him firmly

"Do you know how to drive" he asks

"Yes Sir"

"Then take me home....take me home....take me home"

"But you haven't paid me"

"Don't you know Tobi....don't you know me" the waiter agrees to take him home anyways because he knows he will get his money once there, he helps Tobi stand to his feet and guides him to the car, it took a big amount of effort to get him seated in the car, the waiter takes the drivers seat and hits the road heading to the most expensive mansion in the area...............

Ron packs his jeep in the small compound and gets out to meet a very lonely and quiet environment,, no one is insight, he walks towards the kitchen to see if Mel is in because she usually waits for him outside but today she's not there Ofelia hears the car and knew Ron was here she gets out of the garden and walks over to home to meet him

"Good morning mum"

"Good morning my son.... thank God you're here"

"I hope all is well"

"No...Melanie is sick, why did you ask her to spend the night if she wasn't feeling well" Ron is taken aback by this statement but he recovers quick enough to go along with this story

"I'm sorry mum....I had no idea she was not feeling well because she never mentioned it"

"Really, but it was you who dropped her home this very morning yet you couldn't come face me her mother and apologize for making her spend the night away from home without my permission" Ron is beyond shocked

"Where is she"

"Inside, covered in blanket and acting so strange.... she didn't want to talk to me "

"I need to see her" he walks past her to enter the small but well kept house, there are two rooms he suspects to be bedrooms and wonders which one is Mel's, Ofelia follows him inside

"She's can go ahead but please, you two shouldn't hide these things from me....I know you love each other but this isn't the way to go...I'm her mother and I just want the best for the two of you" Ron nods and the crying Melanie heard her mother speak she knew Ron was here but she's sure she's not Ready to face him now....she wonders what she's going to do or say to him, she panics and the door flies open just when she was cleaning her eyes

"Hi..." she nervously says to him......

Episode 8

Melanie greeted Ron with voice full of fear not knowing what she's going to say next or how she's going to starts explaining herself in case he demands answers, but still she managed to ask him a question

"What are you doing here Ron"

"I came to pick you up for school like I always do"

"I'm not going to school today"

"I can see that already" he was still talking to her standing by the door, he finally shuts it and walks over to her small bed, he sits down next to her

"Mum said you were not feeling well...what happened, is it malaria, do you have fever" he reaches to touch her face to feel her fever but she jerks at his touch, she shifts away from him....he couldn't miss her response

"What is it beautiful... talk to me so I can help, do you feel pain and where" he meets her cold stare just, it's the first time she's looking at him with no emotion of feeling ever since they started dating, she used to have sparkle in her eyes and they would light and shine every time he looked into them but today, they are gone, they are only replaced by a cold stare, he reaches to touch her face again but he's met with the same rejection

"Mel, have you been crying.... you're eyes are swollen" she finally looks away

"Talk to me baby, what's going on"

"It's nothing Ron"

"Do you realise that you're not the same Melanie I fell in love with?.... it's only the second day of this your attitude but it's already wearing me down....just a while ago your mum was hot with me thinking we spent the night together" Melanie now turns her back on Ron

"You do realise that we have got to talk right?.... you owe me this explanation and as your boyfriend I demand to know why you lied to me yesterday and still continue to lie to me" she gets up again and faces him

"Please Ronald, I promise I shall tell you everything you wish to know but not now....I need this rest, and I swear I never lied to you, I just didn't know how to tell you why I couldn't come with you"

"So where did you put up for the night, with who and in whose house tell me.....I hope you're not cheating on me"

"I remained in school and spent the night there in the hostel, with Jackie"

"Which don't have a friend by that name, the only friend in that school you have is Soni she doesn't stay in the hostel"

"Well you don't know Jackie...." Ron studies her face and could tell she was hiding something much bigger from him so he pushed further

"Then why weren't you picking my calls, I called you so many times but you refused to pick, after so many countless times of calling and no picking, I finally called again but your number has been off ever since....since when have you started ignoring my calls"

"I didn't ignore your calls, I called you but you didn't pick up, Susan's room had no power and my battery was running down so I plugged it into the next room thinking it was off... I guess I forgot"

"If so then how did it end up being switched off"

"Maybe the power finally ran down"

"While charging???.... and wait, who is Susan, didn't you say that friend of yours was called Jackie?" she knows she's being caught red handed and there is no escape and she goes mute again

"Can I see your phone"


"The phone" she battles within herself whether to come clean with what really happened to her or not, a part of her urges her to so she tries to sit upright

"OK..I'm going to tell you the whole truth Ron"

"Well I'm listening"

"Would you believe me if I tell you it was your mother I was talking to when you arrived to pick me up from school" she asks starring directly in his eyes

"My mother??.... she always tells me when she is going to call you or after calling you"

"She called immediately after your call telling me she was somewhere close by and asked if I was still in school and I said yes...she said she wanted to have some word with me so she would pick me up"

"Melanie....who is teaching these things, this couldn't have been true, if truly you were speaking with my mum, I definitely got to your school when you were still on phone, i left you there and came straight home without branching anywhere"

"Didn't you say you wanted to hear the whole truth, then let me tell you"

"No Melanie, you tell me how my mother, the very one I found home not in her room but playing card with my sister perry who confirmed she had been home ever since she got back would probably calk you to tell you she was somewhere close and wish to speak with you, that's crap..I bet you were going to say you also spent the night with her out somewhere" his sarcastic remark really cuts her deep

"So go on ahead, did you and my alleged mother finally meet" he fires her the question

"She asked me to wait for her at the junction to the school, we had agreed I would call her once I reach there because she told me she was nearby but...."

"But nothing Mel, that's enough no more of this pure lie, you're nothing but a liar" tears fight to come out and they truly did

"That's enough, I don't want us to have this discussion anymore and this should be the last time you ever bring my mother's name into such baseless want me to believe you, get me the phone and show me what you're talking about"

"I'm sorry Ron"she speaks while crying

" I'm so sorry for lying to you, I'm so sorry but if you could only listen and let me finish "

"That's enough.... I don't want to hear any if this, if I'm not leaving you, it's because I don't want scandals but I assure you, it will be a very big challenge for me to start trusting you again" he leaves the room in huff without a goodbye or even telling her where their relationship stands at this point in time.....Mel is not even sure if she really wants to continue with this anymore, it would even be better if she could take her own life, because living has become really useless for her.........

Monica stands in front of her mansion, with her eyes fixed on the gate to see if it will open the next minute, she has been there for minutes now and yet no sign her son....she had called the gateman from Tobi's other house and the man let's her know that it has been weeks ever since Tobi paid a visit there, she calls Jane his personal assistant only to be told that Tobi was not in the office and he was last seen on Monday evening

"And I last spoke with him yesterday in the morning but he assured me he would be in office today yet no sign of him"

"How about his friends"

"Oh you mean David and the other two, they are all in the office already"

"Where could this boy be...please Jane, I trust you but please don't tell anyone we have no idea where my son is, think of something tell them he's taken up or something, let me fix this"

"You can count on me Madame" Monica ends the call and starts to blame herself for what is happening, if she had not been pressuring her son to go out and look for a wife, all this wouldn't have happened... she surely shall die if anything bad happens to Tobias..... the workers in the house become so concerned for her health and they are all out watching her every move.....just then, she sees the automated gate open wide, her car and Tobi's are both connected to the gate and it opens by itself if it's any of them but for the rest the askari (gateman) has to open...she sees the Lamborghini drive in and sighs a huge sigh of relief, she walks over to the car but can see the person driving isn't really Tobi, her heart skips a bit fearing for the worse but the unknown driver comes down

"Good morning mum" he greets her as a sign of respect but Monica ignores the greeting, she's so furious as she sees Tobi struggling to get out of the car, he finally puts his two legs onto the ground but falls facedown on the tiled compound

"Oh my God what happened to him...what did you do yo my son" Monica and maid Lisa run over to his side but Tobi doesn't want any of them to touch him

"I don't want a woman's touch... get away from me" he barks at them and the two women back away from him....he struggles to sit and he Does, his mother could tell his shirt was not properly buttoned, and he was a big disaster with traces of tears still in his used to be handsome face....Tobi struggles again to stand up with a support being his car, he finally stands and looks around to see everyone looking at him with shock all over

"What happened to you" Monica asks as calmly as possible coming to him but he tells her the last thing he wants is for her hands to touch him

"Mother stop asking too many questions and pay this man here fifty thousand shillings.... I owe him that"..... Monica ignores him and orders Lisa to settle the man but runs after Tobi who screams at her to not follow him, they all stand and watch him scrawling up the stairs like a baby...Monica can not stand there and watch her so ever upright son, who has been brought up with good morals turn into something else, something she has no idea what it is she runs back to the guy outside

" I demand to know....what did you do to my son "

"You're son is not sick, he was not beaten but he's only drunk....he asked me to drive him home which I did for free by the settle my bill for the drinks he took and I go" Monica looks at this man from head to toe and it's still so hard for her to believe Tobi would go to this man's bar

"How could my son end up in a place a man like you works in"

"Well you will have to ask him that when he gets sobber but right now I just need my money, Lisa comes back with the money in hand and hands it over to the man, he leaves Monica just shakes her Head unbelievably...........

Tobi gets into his room finally, it hits him the alcohol isn't doing anything on him, he wanted to forget the ugly experience but it's just stuck into his head like a movie displayed on a projector.... he tries to sit down on his bed, the bed he had made before leaving last evening, this was how Tobi's life was....very neat and orderly and ever the perfect gentleman.....this breaks his heart even more, he falls to her knees and cries to God asking for forgiveness, he asks God to take him away so he can pay for his brutality.... he cries and realises nothing was working for him and he spots the dressing mirror, he staggers towards it and stands, so afraid to see himself, he finally gathers courage and does but he doesn't see himself, he sees her face yes the woman he brutality raped, her tears so painfully flowing and she's begging him not to continue, he hears the voice clearly but they because too many, the same person having too many voices saying different things and cursing him.... he tries to cover his ears so he won't hear them but it's only worse, he doesn't know how he did it but with all the strength he could master, he smashes the glass with his new Samsung galaxy note and the sound the broken mirror made was like the clear water he needed to get him out of this bondage, all the crying and trembling stops, he stands still unstable though but vows to come out of this strong, he will do the right thing and he refuse to cry again........

To be continued

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