
College romance episode 9

Created by Valentine Valentine in College romance 15 Jun 2021


I knock on the door and he ordered me in and I walk in.
“Oh Miss Rachael, you can drop it there” he said and I drop it, I was about to turn the door knob but I just turn back.

“Can I ask for a favor sir”.
“Sure”his attention was off the book he was writing before I came in.
“My name is actually Rachael and you could treat me like other students no matter what my dad say” I didn’t even allow him reply before I walk out of his office.

There are somethings Dad shouldn’t do for me and I could handle things on my own. I Walk into the cafeteria and I went to order lunch which is…….. then I carry my food tray to meet the other guys.

The only empty sit was the one beside Jeremy and his bag was there. He must have drop it there so no one would sit there before me because he remove them immediately he saw me and I sit there.

“I ask you to remove that bag you refuse to do that and you allow Rachael sit there that not fair” Tina was the first to talk.

“There wasn’t an empty sit so I had to move it” he replied and I smiled.
“Are we going camping on weekends” Mark said and I look at the girls face it says Yes but it isn’t a good idea.

“Test is coming up we should probably be studying and could go for camp after test” I suggested and the exciting went off their face and they all throw me a dagger look.

“Why aren’t you here for lunch early and you left class before any of us” Jessica changed the topic.

“I went to return the textbook” I said and I sip my drink my other hand was locked with Jeremy under the table and I made sure I hide my blush.

“You told me you were going to return after our first class” he argued and Tina eye was on me expecting an answer.

“I didn’t see the textbook at first so I returned to class” I lied and Jeremy squeeze our hands and my I turned my head to see him but he didn’t even act like he just did something.

“What up with you both” Jessica asks. “Who and who” I asks like I didn’t know what you talking about.

“We are friends and we don’t keep secrets” Tina cuts in.
“You guys shouldn’t bring unnecessary fight again” I frown and they all concentrating on eating.

The bell was rang and I quickly stand up but have forgotten Jeremy was holding my hand and I carry our hands up and they all gasped...
First class was boring and dry, I seriously don’t know why am not in a good mood today, I walk out of the class and started walking the empty hallway.

I was close to the Janitor room when I saw Jabson ahead of me he is actually coming my way.Not again Mark already ruin my mood am not I for Jabson again.

I turned immediately and started making my way to the class back.
“Rachael” he called and I stopped then turn back.

“What do you want from me as you can see am on my way to the class” I said and he walk close to me.

“Am sorry Rachael, I will always apologise until you forgive me” he said and he won’t stop walking too close and I took a step backwards and he stopped.

“I told you have forgiven you and the only problem is i don’t want to see you around me again” I replied and he sigh.

“I miss you sincerely, I know am so stupid to have lose you even when I couldn’t find someone like you” he stated and I know he is just lying.

“There is no need for this I have a boyfriend now and I can’t even have anything to do with you even if am single” I raise my voice a little.

“I know you still Love me and Jeremy was only supporting you because he doesn’t like me too” he started moving close to me.

“What are you doing” I asked and he kept moving close to me.
“Just let go back to who we usually be and let forget what others think of us” he said and took my hands.

“Get your hands off mine” I remove my hands from his. “This is my last warning stay away from me or I won’t take it easy with you next time” I scolded.

“Just tell me I love you and I won’t disturb you again” he said and something is strange there was a smirk on his face.

“Am never going to say that and let me warn you am in a serious relationship with Jeremy and he should stick into your ear, idiot!” I scoffed and stomped before turning back to go to my class only to see Jeremy staring at me with no emotion face or eye.

“Jeremy” I Called and he wave at me then towards me but not actually coming for me because he walk past me and I was hurt because he never ignore me since we’ve been dating.

I was still lost in my fantasy when I had a loud hit from behind, I turned only to see Jabson on the floor.
Stay away from my girlfriend or I will treat your ass” he yelled and took my hands then drag me out of the Place.

I was able to view him well as he hold my hands and drag me out of the hallway to wherever I don’t even know.

He have a dark brown eye that real cut my attention,a pointed nose and part of his hair fall a little on his face, a thick brown and lips……

“What were you doing with him” his voice cut me off and I look around I think we are at other part of the school because no student was walking around.

“I was just going to clear off my mind and by coincidence I met him and he started spilling out trash”I replied and he let go of my wrist.

“Clear off your mind? what really are you thinking and yesterday I saw you Mark today your Ex, do you realize how hard it is to watch you talk to them” He Replied and his voice was obvious he is angry.

“You don’t need to raise your voice at me like it my fault” I yelled back.
“Now you think am raising my voice, I don’t really like the way you keep things from me. I know you think am going to use it against you and you are finding it hard to trust me be sincerely have never dated a girl am really into and it strange to me too” he spill out his mind and I was short of words.

“Am sorry for been rude I just really want to trust you but It isn’t easy as usual and am not keeping things from you because I love you” I said and took his hand.

“Am sorry” I whispered and he smiled, and that only melt my eye.
“Mark asked me on a date yesterday but I couldn’t even face him and tell him am yours and that hurt” I replied honestly.

“I knew he was going to do that very soon so I had to beat him to it”he said and move his hand around my waist and pull me close to me.

“Like seriously am never going to date him even if it took you years to come to me”I replied and I move my hand round his torso.

“What do you mean by that” he said and I realize I was spilling out rubbish. “Nevermind, we should go back to the class” I said and raise my head up to face him because he was a little bit taller than me.

“It would be almost class over and after that we could just go eat so let spend some time here” he said and drag me to a part at the side that was filled with a carpet grass.

He sit on the grass and I sit beside him.”This is your second time of making me skip class I hope I don’t get my self in trouble because of you” I hit him playfully and he drag me close to him.

“Let just lay quietly and enjoy it and stop blaming me like you are really interested in the class so much” he lay down and support his head with his hand and I rest my head on his chest and we lay there quietly not saying a word.

He locked our hands together and play with them shoving it above us.
“I really don’t understand you, how will I know if it actually class over” I asked.

“Just trust me” that was his answer and I just smile to myself since he wasn’t seeing me.

“How about we announce to them we are dating during lunch and end the drama” I asked and I shifted my head so i could see him.

“If it okay by you” that was his reply and I pouted. He sit up and I shifted for him to sit well.

“Come here” he signal me to come close and I raise my brows because I was already close enough but he still want me close.

I shifted close and he made me sit on his laps even though I was feeling a bit shy I didn’t make it too obvious for him to see.

“Am actually coming for the sleepover but only for reading and nothing funny” I warned and he laughed but when I frown he raie his hand in surrender.

“Sure nothing stupid I promise” he said. “Better” I pouted but he pulled my lower lips with his finger and I hit him.

“What wrong with you”I hit him and fold my lips in and he laugh.
“it not funny”I hit him again.
“We are going to detention if anyone find us here”he said and I hit him again.

“Your tiny hands isn’t even making any effect on me so stop hurting yourself instead”he said and I frown.

“You actually look more cute when you frown”he teased and I try hitting him again but he caught my hands and kiss me gently.

I responded immediately but he break the kiss and stood up and I was wondering what was wrong.
“Comm’n let go you ask me to inform you once the class is over”he helped me up and carry me in a bridal style but put me down when we were about to enter the school hallway and quickly kiss me making me laugh.

“You should stop stealing because they are all yours”I said and he smirked.

We enter the cafeteria together with our hand still locked together.
Everyone was already sitted and they were all surprised to see us together except from Mark probably.

“I was wondering why the both of you skipped class I should have know you were having a lovely time together” Jessica was the first to comment and I guess we don’t even need to tell them they already know...
Kate arrived on Friday and didn’t even get to meet Dad and Mom because they are on a trip again. I really love Kate around but I had to do it for my brother.

I was packing my stuffs actually what I would need for the sleepover. I can’t believe am going to stay at Jeremy place overnight I pray this doesn’t ruin our relationship but only if he would allow me to study so I won’t fail my Monday test.

I told Kate about my relationship with Jeremy and she was really happy but I didn’t mention the drama that happened at school last week.

“Why is everyone going out after forcing me here” Kate walk in with a bowl of ice cream and shit sit on my bed. “Am sorry but Michael is around to keep you accompany” I said and pick out a dress from my closet.

“Why do I feel you are doing this on purpose” she replied and I paused they turn my gaze at her then laugh.
“I love you because you are smart” I smiled and she raise her brow.

“Comm’n am doing this for you and at least appreciate me for what i do for you sometime” I collected the ice cream bowl from her hand.

“When do you start Match making like seriously Rachael, what if I end up messing things” she said and I lick the spoon of the ice cream.

“Are you even listening” she said and I stopped at look at her. “If you guys work out things between yourself you could go to the same university where your love life could work out well, Kate this is your chances” I said and she pout.

“What are you both discussing” Michael walk in and Kate blushed and I couldn’t help but smile. “I should probably go check on Michelle” I excuse the both of them but Michael stopped me.

“Michelle left already” he said and I nod.”Am actually going to check if Jeremy is around” I exist the room quickly before he stop me again. I don’t know why they are so shy to talk to each other.

Jeremy promise to pick me up in the next Twenty minutes so I just hang around the house and it been ten minutes now Michael and Kate aren’t out of my room.

I hope they take things slowly like I know Michael is a Playboy and fuck any girl he sees but it surprising he is in Love. I laugh at my own words and I giggled.

“Why are you laughing to yourself” Michael said as he step down the stairs to my direction.
“Nothing am just remembering some random things that occur” I shrugged and he open the fridge to get a drink.

“Like the one that happened few minutes ago” he said and I laugh more.”Exactly what was that all that for” he question as he pour the drink into the glass.

“I thought you guys need some privacy and I love having my ice cream without distraction” I replied and he scoffed and gulp down the drink.

“Did something Happen”I asked and he choked. “Am sorry if I said something wrong” I raise my hand in surrender and he gave a deadly look.

The car horn distracted me and i smiled.”I will get my stuff and leave as you have wished” I quickly ran upstairs and get my stuff.

I was about to open the door and I think Jeremy wanted to knock because his hand was folded ready to know and I laughed.

“Your habit of laughing is getting suspicious” he eyed me and I just raise my brow.
“Let me greeted your brother and sister” he made to enter but I push him back and drag him to the car.

“What are you…… doing” he tried to turn but I didn’t allow him.”It won’t be necessary they might Change their mind” And he raise his hand to surrender and I let go of him.

An intriguing stories that you wouldn’t want to miss Click here to read from DAPALACE
He helped me with my stuff and we drive down to his house. There was any conversation between us during the drive only him staring at me and I blushed or he kiss me on my hand and I smiled.

Am so lucky to have him and I was happy everyone accept him even after what happened between us.
The car halted and I quickly open the car door before he does and get my stuff out.

“You are really fast at least you should have wait for me to get the door” he commented and I roll my eye and walk to the house door.

“If you aren’t apologizing am not going to allow you study seriously” he said but I ignore his little speech and waited for him to open the door.

I walk in and drop my stuffs on the couch then my school bag on the table since I would be studying there.

“Dinner”I asked and he nodded as he drop the car key on the table.
“But am actually going to make it myself for the both of us” he said and I just stare at me like am searching for something In his eye.

“You don’t cook so am not going to allow you burn down my house” he warned and I roll my eye.”I know you don’t cook too and mostly order your food” I scoffed.

“If I cook and it taste good you are owning me a kiss in the front of the whole school on Monday” he said and I think about it before I agreed.

“Am totally sure you never cook and I know you’ve been feeding on Frozen food”I said and followed him as he walk to the kitchen.

He carry me up by my hips and place me on the kitchen counter.
“Just watch and learn” he said in a serious tone and I bit my lips so I won’t laugh.

“What are you making” I asked as I pick a apple on the basket on the counter and started eating it.

‘Watch and learn” he started bringing out some stuffs for the meal and I just watch him do is things. He steal a glance of me then the food, he got skills though and the food was making me salivate.

He serve the food into two plate and took them the dinning table then came back to carry me in a bridal style to the dinning room making me laugh.

He arrange the other thing and he insist I have the first bite.”What is this” I asked staring at the food in the front of me.

“Don’t be like that and just taste the food” he responded and and I gave him a glare but he just signal me to eat. I pick up my fork and dip it into the food then took it to my mouth.

His eye were on me and I chew it.
“Wow” seriously did i just say that.
“I guess am the winner and get prepared for Monday” he smirked and started his food.

“You mistaken it actually taste awful and I can’t even eat it” I said and he stood up and carry my food.
“What are you doing” I questioned him and he look at the food and pour it into his.

“You said it taste awful and don’t like it just make yours” he said and sit down and continue eating.
“Am not eating” I said and scoffed but tummy grumbled and I think he heard because he smirked.

I rolled my eye and stood up and drag my sit beside him and started eating and he stare in surprise but I just ignore him.

“You owe me a public kiss” he remind me. “Whatever” I responded and he joined me in eating.

We end up eating together and he fed me most time and I did the same to him.
I help him with the dish watching even though he pinned me from behind but it was fun doing the dish.

“Goodnight” I said and went to the living room to get my bag.
“This is just 10:00pm,we still have time” he said and hug me from behind and i smiled.

“Time for what I need to change and get ready to study you could join if you don’t mind” I said but he released me and carry me in a bridal style again and off we were going to his room.
Gosh!!!! I hope it not what am thinking....

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