
crazy passion episode 13

Created by Valentine Valentine in crazy passion 19 Jan 2021



*Benjamin POV*

*5 weeks later.*

I was rushing to her house, leaving the garage earlier after I received a
call from Jen. She sounded so much in pain I couldn’t keep my heart steady
as the taxi driver drove me. I had decided to start my own garrage. Working
on vehicles was one of the things I loved doing most and I had thought
through it. Trying to find a job with the languishing economy of our
country, it was almost impossible to secure a good Job. Setting up a
mechanic shop in town was the best idea as I realised I started having a
number of customers so much that I had to hire another guy to help me. I
had managed to rekindle my relationships with my old friend after a lot of
encouragements from Jen.

I was a bit reluctantly not knowing how my friends would react seeing me
the way I was. Well, like they say, some friends will stay by you no matter
what. Like Jacob, he was my best friend from secondary school and we did
the same course at the university too. He was so happy to see me well and
he even narrated how he tried to find me when he heard rumours of my
illness but he never found me in Kabwe. I bet the fact that l used to
settle in funeral homes made it hard to for me to be found. Jacob helped me
get a building for rent in town and I paid in arrears for a period of 6
months. Buying all the equipment and machinery needed for my work.

The 50 000 did me some justice as l got everything up and running within 2
weeks. Our dear priest came to anoint the garage before opening and he
blessed me to find God’s favour and lead customers to the business. I knew
the prayers were answered as I started having more customers than I had
anticipated. The only burden was trying to find my mother and son. I had
not yet started working on getting the company from Clara. I felt I needed
more time to plan and have an effective defense prepared before I could
launch it.

One day I walked back from the garrage still in my overalls, I was
surprised to come home to see Jen’s car parked outside. I looked at the
time, it was a few minutes passed 16 I wondered what brought her home
early. She usually knocked off past 17.

“My love you home already?” I asked immediately I entered the house and I
stopped in my steps seeing her friend Kegan seated on the couch holding her
as she sobbed. ” What is wrong love? I asked rushing to her. She raised her
head looking at me. ” Tell me please, what has gotten you like this?” I
asked pulling her away from Kegan to myself as Kegan glared at me like I
was the cause of whatever she was going through.

” lf you are man enough, you should have known how to put an end to the
drama you have with your wife man. She’s so heartless she keeps on hurting
Jen” he snapped I could see he was pissed.

” Kegan please drop it” Jen responded sniffing her nose.

” What is going on Jen, I don’t understand? ” I asked ignoring Kegan’s

” What is wrong is that witch of your wife who has been coming to the bank
embarrassing Jennifer.” Kegan spoke again and I sat up confused.

” Okey guys come on, spare me the heart ache and tell me what the hell you
are talking about” I responded my heart racing. I had not involved Jeniffer
in any of the plans to confront Clara and I had never even for a day
thought the two ever met after the encounter at my house.

” Kegan leave us alone and thank you for driving me back” Jen told Kegan. I
watched as Kegan walked outside and I returned my eyes to look at Jennifer.

” Am sorry I never wanted to tell you. The thing is Clara has been coming
to my work place, today was the third time” she wiped her tears.

” What? What For?” I asked surprised .

” I don’t know how she knows about the garrage and I don’t really know
what’s with her. She says I will continue moving in shame for going out
with a mad man. Maybe she’s jealous or whatever her reasons are am not
sure. All I know is that her consistency in coming to my work place and
staging some act is really getting to me. Imagine today she stood in the
centre and announced my full names saying I was wanted by the police for
kidnapping a mad man who wasn’t my family. She announced to everyone I was
so desperate and couldn’t find myself a man and I ended up kidnapping a mad
one. ”

” No she didn’t. I know Clara was glad I left her house and the madness was
her doing. Why is she doing that?” I frowned trying to make sense of the

” I told you Ben, that woman somehow knows you are picking up your pieces
and for people like her, it’s a threat for her enemies to do anything with
their lives. She wanted you crazy and without anything, now that she knows
you are picking up and am with you, she’s probably hurt and wants to make
us both pay ” she cried and I stood up trying to calm myself.

” She’s so evil, I can’t believe this at all.” I scoffed.

” That’s not the worst part Ben. I was put on a forced leave by my manager
so that l can sort my things out. According to her the behaviour of Clara
is diminishing my name and in turn the Bank image. so here I am” she looked
at me tears in her face. I was lost of words, all l did was get closer to
her and embrace her. She needed me so much and I was the reason she was
going through that. I closed my eyes and wished for her to feel better.

” We will find a way to give that witch what she deserves?” I whispered
rubbing her back.

” I will not sit here and let that woman destroy your life like she did
mine Jennifer. You are the reason I smile and have courage to face the
world after that humiliating illness that witch cast on me. Now enough is
enough. I promise I won’t let her hurt you” I told her standing up to go
and confront Clara.

” Ben, no you can’t go to her now. Just let her be. It’s just a leave and I
will be back for work soon. I don’t want any more trouble with that woman”
she pulled me back.

” No Jen, let me go and put her in….” I couldn’t finish my sentence and she
kissed my lips making me stop pulling away instantly.

” I said let go. The battle like the priest told us is not carnal but
spiritual. We need to pray and wait for God to intervene” she spoke calmly
pulling me back to the couch. ” So how was work, you smell oil” she let a
smile easing up the moment.

I looked at her and shook my head. How did she even do what she did, always
staying calm when things were not okay? I thought to myself and let her
slid herself on my laps closing her eyes as she played with my palms. I
noticed one part of my body that amazed her was my fingers. For some reason
she always found a way to caress them and I loved that too.

” lt was great I had a number of customers in the morning and got tired so
I left Emma working there. There’s only one car with a minor fault I know
he will be done soon enough so I decided to come home and surprise you by
preparing you a meal before you come back from work. But I bet Clara made
sure that was ruined too” I explained playing with her weave.

” Don’t worry yourself. We will get through this” she turned her face up at

” You are heaven sent and I love you, did I tell you that?” I smiled and
she kissed my hand.

” A million times.” She smiled.

” Well it doesn’t just feel enough and l will keep on telling you until the
day you will damp me” I teased, making her sit up and making an angry face.

” ls that your plan huh, to push me to leave you?” She winced and I pulled
her back holding her close.

” You know I won’t survive that. I thought I loved Clara but now I
understand it was more like an obsession with her. I just wanted to marry a
perfect woman with beauty but now I know that beauty and perfection does
not give love but the true beauty of a heart gives one a flow of joy and
happiness that can’t be traded for neither money nor anything else for that
matter. What l feel for you my love, is beyond what I can express and to
know that you are always standing for me and you love me so much just gives
me so much happiness I fear to wake up and find it is all a dream. I know
we shouldn’t be making love as per Christian values but how can I deny
myself the satisfaction that comes with being with you. It’s like every day
that comes I fall in love with something about you and your body.” I let it
out as I set my eyes on her so that she could see how sincere my words
were. I couldn’t understand where the poetry was coming from but I just
wanted her to have a glimpse of what my heart was feeling. I had never
looked at another woman since I got with her. I saw a lot of women but none
was comparable to Jen. She was just unique and there was this goodness that
she brought out in me which amazed me. The beeping of my phone which I was
holding in my hands forced me out of my thoughts and I sat up looking at
the road ahead as the taxi driver took a turn joining the road that went to
Jennifer’s house.

Looking back and sliding my phone open, I saw a text from Jacob…” check out
Mwebantu Media” it read.

” Okey” l quickly replied and put the phone back making a mental note to
see whatever he was referring to earlier. I paid the taxi driver and
stepped out of the car almost running to the door. The sound of her voice
made me lose my patience.

” My love!” I called out, upon opening the door. She was standing by the
window her phone in her hands.

” Hey!” I kissed her neck holding her from the back but she didn’t turn to
look at me. Instead she handed me her phone.

” What now?” I asked absent minded.

” Your wife went to the social media, I don’t know how but she has my
photos and yours when you were sick published as she gave her fake story. ”
She said almost in a whisper I could feel her hurt. I scrolled and saw the
photos with me in the covers and with long beards and all the details of
how I used to be during the madness. Next to them was a picture of
Jennifer. I felt my feet go numb as I read the story. Where Clara was
reporting that Jennifer was trying to use juju to win over her husband and
things went wrong driving him into madness. Now that he is gone mad and
AWOL, her conscience is haunting her and she decided to kidnap him and keep
him locked in her house. She gave the details of where Jennifer was working
and mentioned her residential area.

” Oh my God!” I screamed sitting down.

“She can’t possibly be doing this now!” I shouted my voice shaking with
anger. The first comments I saw of people insulting Jennifer calling he
names for snatching a husband and making him go mad with her juju. ” she’s
a demon from the pit of hell”, ” she’s a witch and God will make her pay
for the life of that poor man and what his family is going through” I
couldn’t get to read any more. I stood up and held my Jennifer comforting
her as her eyes leaked making her face wet. I had no words to tell her. All
she had done was look out for me and her only crime was to rescue my life
from the hell that Clara out me in.

” Why is she doing this? It’s not like she loves you or something like
that” Jen cried on my chest.

” This is it my love. I’m not going to let that woman destroy us like this.
She has had enough of her share of bad acts and it’s high time someone
reminded her of where she belongs” I spoke trying to sound calm but I felt
the anger boiling inside of me and there was no amount of evil charms that
I was scared of at the moment. I helped Jennifer calm down making sure she
fall asleep and I tucked her in the bed, given the weather was quite chilly
that day. I grabbed the car keys and rushed out my feet almost lifting me
up. I couldn’t wait to vent my anger on someone and that someone had a name
‘Clara’ attached to her.

*Clara POV*

” He cannot be getting all happy with that mad woman. His portion was to
suffer as long as he still lives. I would have waited to marry the man I
loved if not for him.” I spat angrIly as I gulped the wine in my glass. I
was talking to no one in particular as I had become a loner. Most of my
friends never really wanted to hang out with me they seemed to be
concentrating on their so-called marriages and I always laughed at the idea
of them thinking I envied them. I was an independent woman. I made my own
money and didn’t depened on a man to give me some left over money foŕ my
makeup, manicure and other relevant stuff a woman needed.

Even though Henry turned out to be a womanizer which led to his death. I
was still blaming Ben for everything. I just wanted to see him broken and

I had no idea how he did it, but when I heard my friend tell me she saw a
new garage in town and the owner was Ben, it got me to start a plot to
destroy them.

” That Jennifer has it coming for crossing my path!” I screamed pouring
some more wine in the glass, it was beginning to make my head a bit fussy.

” Hey, do you have some free time this afternoon I have something for you".
I called my right hand man, Chonga.

” No madam am on my way right now” he responded

” Good !” I cut the line and walked down stairs to the living room. My
stupid nephew was sitting watching some movies like he always did. I hated
seeing him around if not for the small errands I sent him out to do, I
could have flushed him out of my house already. Unfortunately my father was
late and my mother always talked too much I didn’t want to have an episode
with her if I took back her favourite daughter’s son.

I didn’t care l was close to my late sister. I just hated people who
thought they were good and better than me. And the boy sometimes had guts.
Imagine one day he told me to my face how I was being unfair to his uncle
Ben. I couldn’t let him finish his insult by reminding me who took me to
school and gave me whatever I needed. I slapped him hard he would never do
that again.

Now that cost his going to the University. His acceptance had come a few
weeks after his stupid talk and I let him stay at home. I told him I wasn’t
going to pay for his school anymore.

” Since you think you have matured enough by talking nonsense to me, you
will surely find your own school fees” I giggled and watched him walk away
his face cast down.

” That should teach you to respect me stupid boy” I scoffed and went on
with my business.

” Mam am here” l heard Chonga call from the door as I waited for him in the
living room.

” Oh come on Chonga” I raised my hand at him and he walked to sit on the
couch across where I sat.

” I called you here for something very important. I want you to get me some
photos from a woman’s phone” I told him straight up.

” What?” He asked surprised.

” ls that going to be a problem?” I asked him and I saw him still looking

” Okey here is the thing, my ex husband’s lover took some photos of him
when he was still mad you know what I mean,” I shrugged knowing Chonga was
the person I always used for my dirty works and he knew most of my deeds.

” I see, so you want the pictures from her phone?” He asked in his hoarse

” Correct, and that’s not all, I want you to get all the information you
can about her. I will direct you to a garage and workshop where Ben is
working you can start by following him and know where this girl is. Then am
sure you won’t find it a problem to get the rest about her right?” I asked
him and he nodded his head.

” Don’t worry madam consider it done!” He responded proudly.

” Good, I will wire you a deposit now and later when the deal is done, the
remaining amount” l added and stood up as he walked to the door.

I smiled at the thought of how Ben and Jennifer would be like when the
social media blew their photos and the perfect story I had for them.

” You could have remained a crazy man, it was easier my dear ex husband.
Now you will have to face me out here in the world of the normal” I let a
laugh as I walked back to my room.

” Dalitso bring my food now!” I shouted to my nephew and heard him respond
instantly. Just how I liked him, alert and responsive.

I replayed the scenes I made at the Bank some days later as I lay in my
bed. Chonga had told me where Jennifer was working and I took my special
time to pay her a visit. I wanted someone to hear the story somehow so that
when I finally got it to the social media, I would have witnesses to
support my story.

” Well, that went on well” I sighed pulling up the pillow and sat in my bed
now trying to contact Mwebantu Media, Knowing the way they loved such
stories, it would go viral in an instant.

I could bet the humiliation they would both have to go through when people
saw that, the feel of it pleasing me.

” Okey thank you I will be ready for you” I responded to the journalist who
I had called to come give the story.

The following morning she was at our meeting place and I gave her the
photos and the story. She promised me before lunch time the whole world
would have read my story.

” Good ” I told her. ” I want that woman to pay for what she made me and my
family go through after making my husband mad” I faked a sad face and she

” Don’t worry it will be done.” She said.

At 1 o’clock I checked the media page and was glad the story was there with
1000 comments within 30 minutes I felt like celebrating.

I decided to go home and grace myself with some cold wine and probably call
on one of my toy of a man to come give me a round of sex.

I took a long cold bath as I waited for my toy man to come and after 40
minutes of waiting I heard the gate open and I smiled to myself.

” Am here!” I called him when I heard John call my name from my bedroom.

He opened the bathroom door and stopped in the door way licking his tongue
with lust.

” Are you going to stand there and watch me or you will act like a real man
and make me proud ” I flushed him a seductive smile and he went on tearing
the clothes from his body I swallowed hard at his buldged muscles.

” mnmmmhmh, aren’t you a hottie!” I pulled him into the tab and he came on
me his piece perfectly ready for me I felt myself get more wet.

He was doing his thing giving me the reason why I liked calling him for sex
when I heard the door to my bedroom bang open like someone just rushed in.

I was still thinking of shouting out to whoever had gotten in my private
room like that when I heard his voice cursing loudly as he called my name.

” Ben?” I asked surprised.

” Who is he?” My toy man asked still working on getting himself calm under
the water were our bodies were still connected.

I could tell he was at the worst time of being disturbed and he was
reluctant to stop..

Before we knew it, the bathroom banged open and the furious Ben stood there
looking down at me with a disgusting look.

” How dare you, bang in my house like that!” I screamed at him.

” Your home my foot! You witch!” He shouted back.
” This is my house I worked so hard for it in case you have forgotten. Now
come out of there or I swear I will pull you both out!” He snapped angrily.

” You won’t dare!” I spat back pulling my toy man closer.

” Okey. Suit yourself he shouted and threw my dryer which was hanging on
the side into the tab and he went to connect it to the socket.

” Out!” I screamed before Ben could switch it on rushing out the tab water
dripping from our bodies.

” Are you mad!” I shouted at him as we stood naked in front of him.

” You are so disgusting!” He spat out and I could swear in my entire life I
had never seen him that furious.

” What the hell is wrong with you Clara? What did I ever do to you for you
to do such unspeakable things to me! ” he shouted this time pulling me out
of the bathroom.

I looked around for the coward of a man I was having sex with but he had
suddenly disappeared on me.

” Let go of me Ben or you will regret this!” I yelled at him but he pushed
me towards the wall with so much force I hurt my hand.

” Don’t even think of scarring me with your witchcraft cause right now am
ready to cut your head off in an instant. You think you can just destroy
people’s lives like you create them?” He asked panting in anger.

” Those photos and lies you published in the social media? What’s your plan
huh? You want people to hate and think ill of an innocent woman who has
done literally nothing to you. She’s a good person and she can not in a
million ways be compared to you!” He hit the wall making me startle.

I knew l had to gain my courage or he would intimidate me. What with the
charm and the protection I had on my body in form of tattoos, no man could
intimidate me as he was starting to.

I laughed loudly moving away from the wall.

” Good woman indeed. Now listen to me you crazy, I will do with you
whatever l please. Yes,” I paused holding his hand which I saw coming to
hit my face.

” I cannot be intimidated. I made you go mad at some point and am ready to
even kill that b***h if she comes in my way. I don’t care wether she’s an
Angel sent from heaven or hell, if she messes with what is under my domain
she will pay with her life!. If I say you suffer then it shall be as I
want” I shouted now looking at Ben straight at his eyes. I saw him flinch a
bit and I smiled the effect of my charms were working.

I hated myself for allowing him to get that far insulting me. All I needed
to do is look into his eyes and say whatever I wanted and it was done.

” Now,” I sighed rubbing my hand on his chest as I connected my eyes to
his. ” You have disturbed me with the enjoyment I was having with my man.
That will make you pay dearly. Remove your clothes and get ready to give me
the sexual satisfaction I need” l smiled lustifuly pulling him towards the
bed as he followed me like a Child.

I undressed him and started playing with his man until it stood ready for


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