
crazy passion episode 18 &19

Created by Valentine Valentine in crazy passion 19 Jan 2021


*Clara POV*

I felt my chest bulg with anger.” How can I be so stupid?” I screamed in
anger as I hit the table.

Seeing Ben walk in my office should have warned me he was after something.
I just realised after he left that the words I uttered could implicate me.
I was so pissed I forgot the possibility of him recording the conversation.

” Maybe he just came to upset you mam” Manga responded casually.

“Are you serious right now?” I barked at him.

” You are so dull you know that! You think Ben can just come here to talk
with me. Why didn’t he do that all these weeks but today? Am telling you
Ben was recording that conversation and thanks to my big mouth, I just
looted myself out. Confessing of all my crimes like an idiot, oh dammit I
feel like a stupid fool right now”I paced around angrily.

” What now? do you want me to eliminate him?” Manga asked me in his deep
voice irritating me at how calm he seemed when I was panicking.

” No, killing him will point straight to me especially that the trial is in
2 days” I frowned standing by the window trying to think through things.

” I wish my charm was still here. It could have solved all my problems but
now that stupid witch Doctor refused to give me another one. I just have to
handle things physically” I spat scornfully.

” I want you to go and find a way to snatch that recording from him
tonight. We can’t afford to have him play it to someone else” I told Manga
and he immediateky stood up pulling down his jean trousers.

I sat back down turning in my chair. I just had a good deal with one of the
drug loads and I was going to have a good evening when finally the money
was paid, but Ben spoiled my mood I felt like having a strong wine.

I couldn’t leave the premises as l had to wait for the owners of the drugs
to come pick them up so I had to stay in the office hating the feeling I
was having. Something seemed so wrong and I needed to cool off my head.

” Hey John! Can you come over to my office?” I called my toy man wanting to
have some quick sex in the office to calm me down. I didn’t want to get
drunk so that was all I needed then.

I looked outside and saw the workers walking out the entrance. ” Good it’s
time these idiots left these premises” I murmered to myself. I knew only
the gaurd would remain and it was not a problem paying him for his silence.

I was standing on my heals, the black office dress reaching the middle of
my thighs and a white jacket on top. Feeling good about the expensive dress
and I knew it looked great with the cream white heels on my feet.

” I love those legs” l heard John whisper as he got to the door. That’s one
thing I loved about John, the guy was a sex maniac and I knew anytime I
called on him he was ready to hit provided I had the cash ready for him.

I was beginning to hate the fact that I felt a bit attached to him and I
had used him for more than I had hoped for. It was not easy to ignore his
sexual skills and every time I was assured of maximum satisfaction.

“Mmmmmmh you like it huh?” I whispered pulling him closer after he locked
the door and drew the curtains to the office.

” You have a mind blowing body woman and it’s hard to resist such beauty”
John kissed my neck his hands rubbing my back as he pulled down the zip.

” I needed you badly, I have had some punk disturb my day and now that I
can’t drink today, I called on you to give me that full service” I
stammered as I felt his hands push in the dress reaching the straps of my

” Good choice. You know I can give you all of me, just call on me!” He said
in a singing voice.

” Oh yeah” I moaned as he pushed the dress up sliding his fingers in my
thighs and kissing my lips gently.

He worked all round me and I cried for him to complete his mission. With a
wide smile he lifted me to the table and pushed himself in me from the back.

After almost 20 minutes of reaching me some crazy orgasm, he pulled up his
trousers and zipped it. I walked back to the table and pulled some notes
handing him.

” Are you sure that’s all. You don’t want some more?” He asked coming to my
back and kissing my still naked back.

” Just pull up my zip John and leave already!” I snapped now feeling

” Your loss! ” he shrugged and blew me a kiss hitting the cash on his palm
and walking away.

I had to prepare myself for the arrival of the drug Lord so I quickly
cleaned myself in the private room and did some quick make over on my face.
Satisfied I looked okey, I went back to sit in my chair leaving the office
door slightly open.

At exactly 19 pm l heard the sound of car engines outside and I sat up
ready to receive my expected visitor.

” Hey beautiful!” A dark man with a potberry, called me out with a smile as
he entered the office.

” Hey DK!” I called his initials as he was referred to by his people. ” Am
honoured to have you here” I smiled looking at the briefcase one of his men
was holding in his hand knowing my K100 000 cash was intact inside there.

” The honour is mine to be found in the presence of such a beauty!” He
kissed my cheek as I greeted him.

We talked for a while and then he asked for his items. .” Come with me
love” I flirted standing up and walking down with him and his three boys to
the trucks where his things were.

I asked his boys to open the containers and they offloaded the packets
heaping all the items together.

They just finished offloading the last bunch when we heard the sirens of
police cars. Before any of us could act, we were surrounded by some armed
men with police jackets written DEC.

” You b****! “DK yelled at me as he raised his hands up as instructed by
the officers.
” You sold us out and you will pay for this” he spat angrily.

” No I didn’t do that I swear we had an agreement and I can not bail you
out to the cops you know that” I shivered trying to reason and make him
understand I had no idea what was going on.

” You are under arrest for being found in possession of dangerous drugs!”
The DEC officer read the charge as they put hand cuffs on our hands.

” Am innocent I didn’t do anything” I scaremed trying to loose my hands but
they were tied.

As they lead the whole group to the back of a police vehicle, I saw Ben who
come towards me smiling.

” Now you are on your route to making payment for all your evil deeds you
evil witch!” He chuckled and showing off the phone of which I presumed was
the recoding.

” Don’t even try to snatch this away. I already sent copies to some people.
You are going down witch!” He smiled proudly.

“Ben so this was your doing!” I shouted at him.

” No Clara dear, this is your own work. Remember you reap what you sow. And
am sure apart from the many years you will get for smuggling drugs, the
addition of a murder charge will put you in forever” he smiled getting me
so pissed, I felt I could tear him apart with my eyes.

” I will be back you idiot and you will pay for this!” I screamed at him.

” Where is my son Clara?” He asked walking besides me as they took me to
others in the back of a closed van.

” ln hell!” I spat angrily and moved forward struggling to keep balance
with my heels and hand cuffs. Some cameras flashed at us and I knew l was
in deep s*** with the whole media giving the news that night.

” You will pay for this I swear!”I kept cursing as they pushed me inside
the van next to the angry DK who kept shouting shot looked at me I felt my
knees shiver.




*Benjamin POV*

Seeing Clara in handcuffs being led away in a police van, I would agree
gave me a good feel of peace. Although I had hoped she would tell me where
my son was.

I could see her facial expression as she screamed ” he’s in hell” wondering
if she was just faking it or she really hated her own child.

I sighed making a note in my mind to make it my priority to look for my son
as soon as Jennifer was released from prison.

Hours before, I went direct to the lawyer I hired for Jen and played the
recording for him after having her spit out her plans. I sent him a copy
and another one I forwarded to my friend just in case something happened to

” This will definitely have your wife set free without doubt” the lawyer
smiled at me.

” Yeah, she’s not my wife yet but I intend to make her mine as soon as
possible.” I smiled back at him.

” You must love her so much.” He nodded his head.

” I adore her, she taught me the meaning of true love and there is no one
who has ever sacrificed so much for me like she has done man, and for that
I will always be indebted to her” I said as a matter of fact.

” Let me get going now I have some other people I would want to see ” l
stood sighing.

” I know the drug issue right?” The lawyer chuckled.

” Sure, I can’t just wait for that Clara to get in jail where she belongs.
I don’t feel okey with her outside just a couple of days from the trial.
You know how she is” I shrugged as the man saw me to the car.

From his office I went straight to the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to
report the drugs Mulenga told me about.

They seemed concerned about how I came to know of such but Couldn’t tell
them who gave me the information. After some minutes I convinced them to
give it a short and ambush the company premises that night to see if my
report had some steak to it.

I offered to join the squard, more like I wanted to be sure, she was there
and apprehended. The outcome of which pleased me so much I felt relieved.

I couldn’t wait for morning for me to rush to the Prison and tell the good
news to Jennifer.

As I murmered to a song driving back home I saw a man standing close to the

My heart leaped a bit as I stared at his image.

As l approached him he moved away pretending to be going forward. A thought
told me I was being stalked and I couldn’t think of anyone else but Clara’s
right hand man.

I parked the car and rushed inside locking the door immediately.

Switching on the living room lights I rushed out through the back door and
called on the police as I ran to the house in the next yard.

In less than 20 minutes a police car parked in my yard and I ran to tell
them about the stalker. To confirm my report the police realised the front
door was broken implying someone had attempted to break in.

Unfortunately the sirens must have given him a warning and he ran off
before the cops could get there.

I had to sleep on the couch for fear of being caught unprepared , by the
same thug that night.

The following morning I quickly cleaned myself up and drove to the prison
my heart rejoicing at the news I hard for Jennifer.

I watched her as the warderess led her to the visiting room. My mouth
grinning I couldn’t hold the happiness I was feeling in my heart.

” My love!” I exclaimed pulling her in an embrace as the warderess shoot me
an eye of watch out.’

” I missed you” she smiled looking at my face. ” lt seems some one is happy
today” she sighed as she sat down.

” Guess what ?” I held her hand.

” Come on love, please don’t let the suspense kill me spit it out already.
Am I free to go?” She responded impatience written all over her face.

” Soon enough my love. I wish it was today but unfortunately we have to
wait for the trial for you to be released” I told her

” What happened? ” she asked seemingly not convinced with the news I was
just telling her.

I went on explaining how the case was. Telling her I had recorded Clara’s
conversation where she spoke of her plan of wanting us to pay. How she
plotted the murder of my mother and all the things she had ranted out.

” The lawyer has just confirmed the case will be a walk over with a line of
charges Clara has lined up against her. It’s all over soon and you are
coming back home” I smiled.

She was quiet for a minute and I saw her sobbing. Tears rolling down her

” What is it love?” I asked concerned.

” I can’t believe this day has come when l got to hear this news. I don’t
even know what to say now, this place is horrible and all I have been
thinking of is leaving, now that the good news is here, I can’t…” She
raised her hands wiping the tears.

” Stop now babe, you are going to be out sooner than you thought, God is on
our side. He has seen us through” I laughed comforting her.

” Yeah!” She sighed ” am so stupid right? Instead of being happy, here I am
crying like a baby” she sniffed.

” No you are not. I understand you babe. You have been through hell. But
now all this is over, you are coming back home with me ” I went on making
her shake her head and smile between tears.

” Thank you so much” she sighed and I pulled her hand towards myself.

” lt was my mess to sort. You are here because of me and I couldn’t let a
day pass without working on plans to get you out.” I whispered.

I went on telling her about the drugs and my sisters. ” Oh my God that
woman is really stained in her heart” she shook her head.

” How can she treat your entire family like that. It’s not like you people
took something of hers. It’s just too much I think she’s sick in the head,
a normal person cannot harbour so much hatred in her heart, it seems so
impossible” she added.

” Now let’s talk about you” I changed the subject slowly rubbing her hands.

” How are you holding up and am sorry for not coming yesterday, I had a
long day and I only got home late at night. Being faced with Clara’s macho
man who wanted to get the recording from me. I thank God, I saw him earlier
before he entered the yard and I was ready for him. I left the house
through the back door and called on the cops who caught him searching the
house. I bet he was foolish to think l would keep such information in the
house after everything that went on” I told my story to Jen and she
listened quitely.

The following day was the trial day and the lawyer I hired presented his
case before hand to the Judge emphasising the fact that Clara was the

Clara was brought in looking so messed up, her hands in cuffs as compared
to Jennifer who was allowed to walk freely given the conditions of her case.

” Court rise!” The court marshal called out as the Judge walked in. We were
signalled to sit. I took a chair just behind Jennifer and the lawyer.

The prosecutor presented his statement which accused Jennifer of murdering
my mother, he asked her a few questions which she responded to, clearly and
accurately, stating what happened between her and myself and the events

He wanted to pin her on the fact that she had an intimate relationship with
me which could be an act that would lead her to do certain things for
example accuse Clara since she was my legal wife.

Jennifer’s lawyer also argued that point staying the facts that l was
picked when I was still ill and so she did favour me by taking me for
prayers and giving me medication which my wife never did for me.

Both my sisters were called to testify and Mulenga and Clara’s nephew too
stated their testimonies to Clara’s doings. I saw her head down she
couldn’t look up at anyone.

Clara was present to give her account against Jennifer but all her
allegations seemed to be failing. In the end the Judge ruled Jennifer
innocent and set another trial to prosecute Clara for now being the main
suspect in the murder. Staying she would be charged jointly with other
charges of drug trafficking, forging of documents to obtain the Kamanga
company and properties using fraudulent means.

A lot of people that came for the hearing to hear the case of the famous
story on social media now cheered loudly as the Judge pronounced Jennifer
not guilty on all charges labelled on her.

I couldn’t stop smiling as l waited for her to get changed into her clothes
from the prison she was held.


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