
dial episode 6

Created by Valentine Valentine in Dial 22 Aug 2019
Sequence 6
When Akos was discharged from the hospital later in the day I drove her home…her home, of course.
She had earlier called the hospital where she worked, and she had been given the day off. She was as sweet as she was beautiful, and by the time we got to her chamber-and-hall apartment at Adenta, she was chatting freely with me.
I turned on the charm and oozed charisma, and slowly chipped at her defences. She had a boyfriend, she told me, but his urge to sleep with her had eventually brought heated arguments between them when she informed him she would no longer share his bed until they were married.
She had caught him cheating with her own friend, and she had broken off the relationship. He always called and visited now, claiming he was a changed man, but Akos just could not bring herself to trust him again.
I stayed with Akos of Wowo, and by the end of the first week I knew three solid facts about her.
The first was that she was not going to sleep with me without the security of marriage.
Now, if the decision to stay chaste until marriage had been because of Christian beliefs, or personal principles, I would not have had any problem with that. I would have had her naked on my bed in a few days.
Her resolve to stay chaste was borne out of fear for her strange father. The man had told her that she would go blind if she slept with any man without being convinced that the man would marry her.
What a particularly wicked father she had!
And her fear of her father was her religion! She was not going to budge from that position even though I jokingly tried to convince her that her father wouldn’t do that to her, and that he had just instituted that terror in her to keep her on the straight and narrow path.
But Akos would not budge; she was that much scared of her father.
The second fact I knew about her within the week was the fact that her strange chain really worked.
On the third day, when I was taking her home, I had parked beside the street to chat with her a bit. She had been relaxed, but suddenly she had sat up straight, her eyes alarmed.
“Move the car, Yao, please!” she had pleaded in great alarm.
“Why, Akos?” I had asked, smiling. “Don’t you want to chat with me for a while?”
“Oh, the chain stung me, Yao!” she cried. “Please, just move from here and find somewhere else to park!”
I shook my head with amusement, and then I started the car and moved on. Less than two minutes later I heard a loud noise behind me, and when I parked and looked back I saw to my chagrin that a huge articulated truck had lost control and smashed that side of the road where we had been parked.
If we hadn’t moved, we both would have been killed!
And from that moment I was scared of that chain.
The third fact I knew about Akos was that I was dying to have her body! I was craving for her so badly that each day I had to forcefully stop myself from drawing her into my arms and crushing her with lust!
I could not explain it.
The need I had for her was not like anything I had ever experienced! I had always been able to keep my cool around any woman, but Akos of Wowo was something else, the most voluptuous woman.
And I meant to have her, one way or the other!
So I spoiled and pampered her!
Each morning I took her to work, and I went back for her. I drowned her with expensive gifts, and took her to exotic places. She was blown away, and I watched carefully as, over the days, she began to open up to me, and I knew that a little more effort and she would be mine.
First things first, though!
I needed to get rid of that chain!
I knew that to be able to fully wear her out, I needed that chain gone.
My father left me a lot of money, and he also left me a lot of enemies, and so I had to take care of my companies and myself. I had risen to where I was not by fair means alone. Sometimes I had had to be really cruel just to survive. I had done a lot of wicked things just to survive.
Whenever something dirty needed to be done, I fell on the services of a man known only as Mr. Silver. My father had introduced me to him, and that was that.
He took care of all my shady interests without attracting attention to me, and keeping me above suspicion. His services came at a high price, but eventually it was always worth it.
And so I called Mr. Silver and we met on a deserted road on some unmapped location. He always chose the location, and he absolutely refused to do business on phone. We discussed the issue, agreed on a price, then I forwarded three pictures of Akos I had on my phone to his phone.
And that was that.
One hot afternoon in the second week two armed men wearing masked walked into the cafeteria of the hospital where Akos worked. They locked the door, and stole jewellery and money from the doctors, nurses and customers who were eating.
It was a fast operation.
They took rings, chains and money.
They left the cafeteria and locked it behind them. By the time the hospital security realized what had happened, the two were long gone.
And yes, Akos’ accursed chain was one of the things they took.
That evening, when I picked her up, she was distraught.
She was weeping and inconsolable, because her father had warned her never to take off that chain or lose it. I was patient with her, and told her it would be okay.
I was happy inwardly, though.
Mr. Silver had delivered!
I asked Akos to take a week off if she could in the fourth week, because she was still sad and depressed. It turned out she had some accumulated leave days, and so she applied for and obtained ten days leave.
Ten days…
Well, that was more than enough for me.
I pampered her incredibly within the first three days!
I surprised her with an unplanned trip to an exotic location in Ghana. She was blown away by the luxury. I made her shop, I gave her gifts, and we had incredible fun.
She began to look at me with those funny little stares girls gave men when they thought they were in love, you know, eyes big and soft and kind of tearful. I knew then that she was primed up. That was around the fifth day.
I had carefully steered clear of any physical contact, simply to heighten her anticipation. On the sixth day I took her to a reserved room in a romantic setting.
The room was setup up like of the luxurious abodes of an Arabian prince. There were no chairs, just deep decorated cushions on the floor. One side of the room was made with glass, and so we could see the beach and the stars and the glorious night lights spread all around us.
I gave her a beautiful ring, and then I gently took her hand and slipped the ring on it, pretending that I was very smitten and short of breath, my face all screwed up with false love.
All the while I was proposing, however, my eyes were on the edges of her silky thighs, and the tops of her incredibly-beautiful breasts.
She had tears in her eyes, and she could barely breathe, and she was shaking her right hand as if she had dipped it into a pot of hot water.
I knew, even before I finished proposing, that she had melted like butter on a hot knife, and that her emotional bliss had reached the peak, and she had no resistance left.
“Oh, Akos, I can’t live without you!” I continued. “These past days have been the most wonderful of my life! I’ve lived in loneliness, in pain, in great agitation! But since I found you, my love, you have brought light to my dark heart, you’ve brought life to a dying man…oh, Akos, next week we’ll go to Wowo, and I’ll see your father and your people. Akos, my heart, my love, my breath, my sunshine, will you please take this poor heart and bring permanent life to it by being my wife?”
She could not speak.
She was choking with emotion, and I chuckled inwardly; women could be such fickle-minded sometimes! All you needed were the right atmosphere, the right words and the right moment, and they could rip out their souls for you.
“Oh, Yao, Yao, Yao!” she whispered as she slammed into me. “Where have you been all my life? I love you so much!”
Her arms went around my neck.
“Akos, my dearest heart, would you – ”
“Yes, Yao, oh yes, yes, yes, yes!” she whispered. “Nothing will please me more than to be Mrs. Biko!”
Love zone was mine, my paddy!
Her lips were on mine. We kissed tenderly and slowly, but when I reached for her breasts, she stiffened and gently pulled away. She looked at me demurely, her face wet with tears and smiled shakily.
“Oh, I want to make love to you so much, my love,” she whispered with glazed eyes. “But I promised my father. Don’t worry dear. As soon as we see my father and we perform the local marriage rites, my body will be yours.”
Damn biyaachi!
I wanted to kick her face in and stomp on her, but I always had a plan B.
I smiled lovingly and kissed her slowly.
“Not even after the local rites, my love,” I whispered. “I will wait until we have the wedding, because I love you that much, and need you on my wedding bed, on a honeymoon, and make sweet love to you the whole night!”
“Oh, Yao Biko!” Akos of Wowo whispered. “You will kill me!”
Just hold on, baby, just hold on, I said to myself as I mixed some drinks for us.
And then I dropped one small purple pill into her drink. The pill dissolved quickly and I shook the glass gently.
Wow, she was primed now! All she needed to do was drink about a quarter of the contents, and the effects of the powerful pill would do the rest.
We sat by the glass. She was leaning against me and my arms were around her as we watched the night and sipped our drinks slowly.
She drank everything…wow!
She was such a goner!
A few minutes later that small pill, now in her bloodstream, began to mess her up big time. She was all over me, filled with the world’s largest sexual craving! She kissed me lustfully, moaning and squirming.
“Stop it, Akos,” I said, and almost giggled myself silly. “We have to wait for the wedding night, our wedding night, darling!”
“Make love to me, Yao, please!” she was moaning as she kissed me without abandon.
“No, my love, please behave yourself!” I groaned, and this time a silly giggle came out, but she didn’t notice. She took my hand and planted it on her breast, and as I hesitated she took my other hand, opened her thighs, and placed my hand on that hot, wet, itching zone…
Ah, well…
It was Dial List time, baby!
I fell on her, kissing her feverishly.
Her hands tugged at my zipper, and a moment later I obliged her craving.
We tore our clothes off.
Her body, darn, her body…that body, oh chale!
This body was moulded by a master craftsman.
The contours, the curves, the valleys, the mounds!
She was the sweetest Dial Lister I had had so far.
She was groaning, itchy and craving, spurred on out of all inhibitions by that powerful purple aphrodisiac. Her hands raked down my body as she contorted and squirmed, and soon I managed to bend her into my favourite sex position, the hunchback pile-driver!
Her back was against me as we half-sat, her arm around my neck as she was half-bent, and her right thigh was across my, giving me maximum in-depth thrust at her jade gate.
She was sweeter than the apple in the garden of Eden! She took my breath away.
Akos was moaning and groaning as I slammed her. Soon enough I had her in the other sex position, the cripple leg-breaker.
With one of her quaint feet around my neck and the other curled between my legs, she moaned and ahhhed as I performed the sweet crippled thrust on my gem heaven.
From there we slipped smoothly into the cancer position, and then I ended her up with the tuberculosis finale that had her screaming her head off with sweet abandon…
Those were the special sex positions reserved and perfected only for my Dial Listers, copied from the Kama Sutra and the Perfumed Garden techniques which I had fully studied and modified for to pleasure my Dial Listers.
We both screamed as my manoeuvres brought us both to the peak at the same time whilst we were locked in the heart-attack supreme position.
Suffice to say that we had a surfeit of sex that weekend!
When we returned to Accra I dropped her off and gave her a generous amount of money, promising to find time the next weekend so that we would go to Wowo.
As I drove away she had no idea that was the last time she would set eyes on my handsome face.
Back home, I sat down at the laptop, went to my HONEYZ folder, opened DIAL, and entered:
She began to call all through the following days.
Well, I had bought and registered a special SIM number for her, and I simply removed it and threw it away.
I learnt she came around the office, but she never got to see me, not the CEO, no.
I sent her a message that it was over. Well, it was. Once she was on the DIAL List, it was over.
I didn’t hear from her for about a month.
One evening, I had a nasty encounter with one of my business partners, and I wanted Mr. Silver to teach him a lesson.
I had almost forgotten about Akos of Wowo.
It was when I ordered an associate to get Mr. Silver because I couldn’t reach him on phone that the news came to me.
The associate, someone I trusted, came back to me with some chilling news.
“Mr. Silver is not available, Yao,” he told me solemnly.
I looked up from the sheaf of papers on my desk and frowned at him.
“Not available? What are you talking about, Kwasi?”
He shrugged.
“Mr. Silver died two weeks ago, Yao,” he said softly. “His partner, Mr. Black, told me. Apparently, Mr. Silver was attacked by a poisonous black mamba snake in his car that bit him multiple times all over his face. Died a slow agonizing death.”
“Jesus!” I whispered, aghast, but I still didn’t make the connection until Kwasi added the chiller.
“Mr. Black said he doesn’t’ want to take the assignment, Yao,” Kwasi continued as he dropped into a seat. “He said I should tell you that the chain they took from that nurse was found inside Mr. Silver’s mouth when he died. What was all that bout, Yao?”
And that hit me dead.
My throat went dry and my hands shook as I told Kwasi to leave me alone for a moment.
I locked the door, and I began to sweat profusely.
The chain!
Dear Lord!
Yes, the chain, that accursed chain! Akos’ chain.
Found inside Mr. Silver’s mouth?
I forced myself to calm down as I sat behind the desk again, and then I reached for my phone and I called Akos’ number.
It rang several times, and then, it was picked up.
A gravelly, deep male voice answered.
“Hello,” he said.
“Can I please speak to Akos?” I asked softly.
“This is Chief Inspector Danso Cuger of the Central Police Station,” the voice said slowly. “This number is saved as Husbie on Akos’ phone.”
“Why, what happened?” I asked, and my voice was not more than a croak.
“She fell from the top floor of the hospital building, sir,” the policeman answered. “Just this morning. You better come along, sir. We found six pregnancy test kits in her bag, all showing positive for pregnancy. She called this number hundreds of times just before she fell from the building!”
“But why?” I asked, alarmed. “How could she just fall from the building?”
“We want to believe it was an accident, sir,” he said. “Sometimes some of the nurses go up there to eat, or enjoy the sight, so I’m told. Maybe she was sitting on the ledge and fell accidentally.”
“Oh, dear Lord,” I whispered, shocked to my bones. “So how’s she doing? Where’s she on admission?”
There was a long silence, and then when he spoke his voice was very sad.
“Sorry, sir, but she didn’t make it,” he said gently.
“What?” I groaned in great despair. “Didn’t make it? What do you mean she didn’t make it?”
“I mean she’s dead, sir,” he said. “Would you mind giving me your name? Her father is here and we’re trying to close the case quickly.”
The phone dropped from my nerveless fingers as I got off my chair and sat down heavily on the floor.
Akos of Wowo was dead!
She found out she was pregnant, tried to reach me, couldn’t reach me, and in her darkest hour, she went to the top of the hospital building.
Lord, was it an accident?
Please let it be an accident!
Don’t let it be anything else…not suicide, no, no, no!!
But no, she didn’t kill herself.
I had killed her…even if she fell by accident!
My actions had no doubt made her feel used and dumped. She had always been a fragile girl, and she had such a deep fear of her father. Pregnant and abandoned by a man she thought loved her, she had been depressed, no doubt!
And in her darkest hour anything could have happened!
Mr. Silver had just taken her chain, and he died a horrible death by snake bites!
And now Akos’ father was here, in the city!
I knew then, at that particular moment I cut the call, that I was in deep trouble...
To be continued

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