
Dirty daughter episode 7&8

Created by Valentine Valentine in dirty daughter 1 Aug 2020
Chapter 7 & 8

I was about heading out when I saw Tessa coming in with Jessica holding bags.
"What's the meaning of this?" I asked.
"Relax babe! We branched Kiki's shop before coming home" Tessa said dropping her bags on the chair.
"Where are you coming from?" I asked.
"From the hospital of course, I've done the abortion" Jessica replied.
"Seriously! Are you okay?" I asked trying to observe her movement and make sure she's okay.
"I'm fine, I'm going home. Thank you Tessa, you are the best" she said and blew Tessa a kiss in which Tessa also blew her a kiss.
"What's going on here? Can someone explain!" I yelled.
"Ah ah Joanne, I took your sister for the abortion, she got rid of her baby, period!" Tessa replied angrily, she hates to repeat herself.
"You have no right whatsoever to take my sister for an abortion even after what Debbie said" I shouted.
"Don't tell me that Christian classless low life girl got to you? What happened to the the Joanne I use to know, that club b*tch that f*@ked up whoever got in her way? Please I need her" Tessa hissed and went to her room.
"Gina, can you see what Tessa did?" I asked pointing my fingers at Jessica.
"I'm not a baby!" Jessica rolled her eyes.
"Oh will you shut up there" I ordered.
"You are not a baby and yet you were crying like a broken record nonstop just few days ago, I don't have your time, next time when you have issues like this, don't bother me" I hissed angrily and went to my room leaving Jessica behind.
Few hours later, Jessica started packing her bags to go home, I observed her and she really looked fine, I secretly thanked God that she was safe. Thank God Debbie lies didn't come to pass.
"I'm going, George is outside waiting for me" she said holding her backpack.
"Fine, I'd be home on Saturday" I replied still operating my phone.
She left the room and I could hear her thanking Tessa, Gina and Becky.
I told Debbie to meet me at a restaurant so we could talk, Jaden sent a text to me saying he is still interested in Debbie and that I should set them up together so I decided to tell Debbie to meet me up by 3pm and told Jaden to come by 4pm at least by then I'd have discussed with her about the JHD stuff before Jaden's arrival. Debbie was right on time. I ordered food and we started talking.
"This one you brought me here to buy me food today, hope I'm safe?" She jokingly asked.
"Can't I but my holy holy friend food again?" I teased and we both laughed.
"Anyways the reason I called you here is because..."
"Don't tell me it's because of him" Debbie cut me short
Jaden arrived earlier than planned, I didn't get to tell Debbie what I wanted so I could leave her with my dumbass brother, now I'm caught in a trio date with a Holy Mary and a shy crazy dude. What the f*@k am I going to do?
"You set me up?" Debbie asked angrily.
"No, I didn't" I replied.
"Hey girls, hi Debbie" Jaden smiled and I couldn't help but laugh because Jaden is always stupid anytime he is around Debbie.
"Hello Jaden"Debbie replied.
We ate in silence and it was awkward, Jaden kept giving me signals to excuse them but I couldn't because I had something to discuss with Debbie.
"So Deb, I want to join the JHD" I broke the silence.
"Serious?! Thank you Jesus" Debbie shouted for joy.
"Don't get too excited, I have my conditions" I replied digging real hard into my chicken with my fork.
"Anything" Debbie replied.
"My conditions are simple, one of them is that I should be made one of the leaders and I get to be the one to deliver the speech at my Church on Sunday" I replied and Jaden almost chocked on his food.
"What speech?" Debbie asked.
"The one to invite guest to the JHD crusade" I replied peering deep into Debbie's eyes.
"You know it doesn't work that way, you just can't join today and be a leader automatically and also make a speech as delicate as that, you need the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you" Debbie said and this made me angry but I just had to play nice.
"What are you trying to say now that I don't have the Holy Spirit?"
"No my dear just..."
"Deb, my father is a pastor, I'm a pastor's child for Christ's sake and my father is the owner of the church you are going to so it's only right if I say it" I cut her short rolling my eyes at Jaden who was just laughing.
"No my dear, first of all your father is not the owner of the church. Christ is the owner of the church, your father is just a vessel who Christ uses to do great and mighty things and he is part of his great plan and secondly you can't deliver the speech, Kesha is doing that already." Debbie replied before drinking her water.
"I don't care! And what sort of name is that Keshi or Ketchup"
"Kesha" Debbie corrected.
"Whatever is her name, she ain't giving the speech I'm the one giving the speech so you can tell Ketchup..."
"Kesha" Debbie corrected again.
"Whatever! Tell Kesha to resign and one more thing my father is the owner of the church and who's even your leader?" I asked.
"Brother Joseph of course" she replied.
"Which Joseph? Oh I remember now, I've heard of him, that kid that is on scholarship. Can you organise a meeting with him for me?" I asked looking at her eyes as I could see the uncertainty in them.
"I doubt that would change anything but I'll try my best" she sighed
"Great! I'll leave you too then, I have other pressing issues to attend to" I said and walked out before they could say a word.
It was on Friday and I'd already called my mum that I'd be giving the speech that day and she was really proud, I could feel her joy from my phone. I later got a text from Debbie that Joseph agreed to meet me up and that I should go to his hostel and wait for him at the entrance. I quickly took a shower, wore my ripped jeans and hoodie with my fancy slippers and told Gina that I'd be meeting up with someone but I didn't say who and why. She didn't even bother to ask because she was busy sex chatting with her boyfriend. I was jealous though because Ken is so formal and no fun. I boarded a taxi to his hostel and waited at the entrance and got restless since I'd been there for an hour now and no sign of this Joseph, I called Debbie who said she called him and he apologises and told me to hold on that he'd be out in a moment. As I was waiting I saw Fred heading out from the hostel, he saw me and blew me a kiss followed by a wink, I just rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue then I faced the other side.
Minutes later I saw a young handsome dude coming towards me smiling dressed in long sleeves and corporate trousers.
"This must be the Joseph" I thought to myself.
"Hi, you must be Joanne" he said calmly with a soft voice, damn I fell in love with everything about him. He was cute, dark, slim, tall and not too muscularly built but perfect.
"Holy s*@t!" I didn't know when it escaped my mouth.
"You are Joanne right?" He asked curving his brow.
"Yes, I am" I managed to find my voice and was embarrassed because I know he noticed how seductively I looked at him.
"I'm very sorry for coming late. I had..."
"No worries" I interrupted him.
"Okay let's go somewhere and talk" he said and took me under a tree not too far from the hostel.
"You can seat there" he said pointing to a wooden chair under the tree.
"Thank you" I replied and sat down but I was still drooling over him, who knew that church boys could be this handsome, no wonder Debbie won't leave church later she would say it's because of the things of The Lord.
"So Debbie told me you want to be part of the JHD but you gave conditions" he smiled and damn his smile is heavenly, maybe he is an angel? Because he is so perfect.
"Yes and I'm sure she told you the conditions?" I asked looking away as he looked into my eyes because his looks was killing me, I could feel my legs grow weak just at the sight of him.
"She did and to be honest they were quite impossible" he smiled again, does he want to kill me?
"Nothing is impossible" I replied still looking away.
"You are right my dear" he said and that my dear sounded so romantic in my ears that I wanted to even kiss him but I controlled my emotions.
"Joanne, I know your father very well infact he is the one paying my school fees, you know I'm on scholarship right?" He asked and I wondered why he'd ask that kind of question, must he tell everyone he meets that he is not some rich kid and that he is on scholarship?
"I know" I replied with a faint smile.
"Your father has been like my father and your mother my mother but I'm afraid I can't grant your request but you are free to join the JHD, we would appreciate it" he said still smiling. Now I'm officially dead!
"I need to give that speech on Sunday, please" I pouted.
"Kesha is already doing that and I can't take that away from her right now" he said.
"You mean ketchup? I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I take her spot, we are girls, I can work it out with her" I replied as and idea popped into my head.
"How about we make a deal!" I said.
"Okay, go on" he curved his brow curiously.
"I'll talk to Ketchup to give me the speech and if she agrees I get to say it" I replied curving a mischievous smile.
He laughed loudly holding his tummy as he laughed some more.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked confused.
"It's Kesha not Ketchup" he managed to catch his breath.
"Oh that! Whatever, do we have a deal or not?"
"Fine! If you can convince her to give up the speech, you'd take it" he agreed.
"Nice" I smiled
"Why are you after the speech?" He asked.
"Well, let's leave that for the birds to answer" I replied.
We parted ways after saying goodbyes but Joseph was still stamped in my memory, I mean how can I forget such a cutie in a hurry. I was about entering my apartment when I got a text from Ken saying we should go on a date tomorrow, I then replied him that I'd be going home tomorrow on a special assignment, we then rescheduled for Monday, to be honest I was getting tired of Ken, I don't like this no sex kind of relationship. He hadn't told me that our relationship is a no-sex one but his attitude shows it and it was making me sick, I needed to feel a man inside of me. I went inside only to find Gina high with cocaine.
"What's up babe, come join me" she shouted crazily.
"I'd love to join you but I'm on a mission darling" I went to my room to change clothes, this time I wore a baggy jeans and crop top with white sneakers.
"Where are you going dressed like that?" Tessa asked because she knows I hate baggy jeans and to be honest I didn't know why I wore them anyways.
"I'm off to meet some girl called Ketchup...Kesha" I quickly corrected myself.
"Kesha?" Tessa and Gina said at the same time.
"Yes, you know her?" I asked.
"Who wouldn't know that pretender, I'm even shocked you don't know her." Tessa replied.
"Pretender as in how?" That part got me.
"Kesha is a party freak as in the best of the best but pretends to be a Christian I think she is even part of a Christian fellowship and one of the head there. What's that fellowship called again?" She asked Gina who was still high.
"JKD" Gina said.
"JHD" I corrected.
"Yea Jesus Heart Do..."
"Domination" I finished Tessa statement.
"Well isn't that amazing" I smiled.
"You have that smile on" Tessa raised her brow.
"What smile?" I asked pretending not to know what's she is referring to.
"That evil smile of yours especially when you are about to crumble someone" Gina said. I'm very proud, she is the only one among us that speaks sense when high.
"Don't worry, I'll fill you girls in later" I smiled and took my phone to call Kesha to meet me up because Joseph gave me her number earlier.
"What are you doing?" Tessa asked.
"I'm calling the Ketchup, sorry I mean Kesha" I corrected.
"Well KETCHUP is in a party right now, I mean club for that matter" Tessa said laying emphasis on the Ketchup and this made me laugh.
"At this time of the day?" I checked my time and it was 4pm.
"Yes oo, it's all over instagram" Tessa said showing me pics of Kesha in the club. Apparently it wasn't her instagram but that of the club, they snapped her and uploaded it without she knowing.
"I'm sure that's her boyfriend, I heard he is loaded" Tessa said pointing the guy she was frolicking with.
"I'm sure she's high that's why they snapped her and posted it without she knowing" Gina said.
"Well if she is high, she can't be as high as you now" Tessa teased and I laugh.
"it's her boyfriend they snapped not her, she just happened to be there." I added and took a screenshot of the photo and asked Tessa to send it to my phone. I still proceeded to calling her but this time with a different game.
I told her to meet me at the club tonight, she declined at first saying she don't club but after I told her I knew who she was, she agreed.
"Girls! We are going clubbing tonight" I shouted.
"Yea...where is Becky?" Tessa remembered.
"That's true" I added.
"I'm right here" I heard her voice inside as she lazily came outside rubbing her eyes.
"The b*tch has been sleeping" Gina said still sniffing the cocaine.
"My God Gina, that's enough" Tessa tried pulling her away from the table but she declined.
"Suit yourself!" Tessa gave up.


We arrived exactly 9pm, Tessa ran to get some drinks leaving me behind with Gina and Becky, I texted Ketchup sorry I mean Kesha. What the f*@k let's just call her ketchup. I texted her that I was at the party and she should tell me exactly where she was. She replied instantly and told me to meet her at table five not far from where I was. I located the table with Gina because Becky went for drinks and cigarettes with Tessa.
I finally met Ketchup, the girl is so f*@ked up and rugged. She is the definition of bad! She had tattoos and piercings all over but she is hot and pretty though, I won't take that away from her. She looked at me and stood up in midst of her friends.
"Hello" she said in perfect British accent. From the look of things her parents are very rich but why the pretence?
"Hi Kesha, I'm Joanne" I smiled introducing myself.
"Nice meeting you Joanne" she replied.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Yea of course." She replied.
"Privately" I looked at her friends. She told her friends to excuse us including Tessa.
"So I'm here to talk about the JHD" I replied.
"What about the JHD" she shrugged.
"I want to give that speech on Sunday..." I started off.
" father is a pastor and I'd love if you would understand my situation here" I completed after talking for long.
"Nice talk but I'm sorry, my papa is also a pastor, and I'd love to impress him also" she said sipping her wine. "Serious, then we are in the same shoes here, please understand me at least your father wouldn't be there when you are giving the speech but mine would be" I pleaded.
"I'm sorry but my father would be there also, do you know my father?" She asked.
"No" I replied.
"Well allow me to reintroduce myself I'm Kesha H. Quay" she smiled.
"What do you mean?? Why would you answer H. Quay I mean that's my surname as in the Hillary Quay?" I asked confused.
"Unless you are my..."
"I'm your sister, hello baby sister" she smiled cutting me short as I opened my mouth in shock.
Chapter 8

My world was turned upside down on hearing that, my perfect father, the pastor who blesses souls and who console souls have a child out of wedlock? I know I have a rocky relationship with my father but his perfection tore us apart, how would my mom take this?
"What the f*@k?" I managed to find my voice.
"So you see baby sis, I'm taking that speech" she smiled stood up and left. I couldn't believe my ears, I took the drinks on the table and gulped them down in confusion.
"Babe what's up?" Gina asked holding my shoulders and this jerked me back to reality.
"Nothing" I replied flashing a fake smile.
"How did it go with Ketchup?" She asked laughing before sitting down and lighting up a cigarette.
"It went fine, she said we will talk later" I lied because I was too ashamed to tell Gina what just happened.
"Let's go home" I dragged her but she withdrew from my wit
"Loosen up girl, what's up? Why are you behaving like a p*ssy?" She asked
"F*@k it Gigi I'm going home" I ran out of the club, boarded a taxi and went straight to our apartment, I couldn't wait for the night to be over so I'd go home the next day. I got into the shower and stayed there for hours, I guess. I lost track of time, I could hear the girls giggle from the bathroom as they came into the apartment.
"Joanne!" Gina called out as she stepped into our room, I wore my robe and came out hearing her voice.
"My God Joanne, why do you look like this?" Gina asked touching my forehead.
"I'm fine, just have a migraine" I lied.
"This is strange J, you've been like this since you had that talk with KETCHUP" Gina said trying to make me laugh.
"Trust me babe I said I'm fine so I'm fine." I replied and went to lay on the bed.
"Is it because of ken?" She asked joining me in bed.
"Oh f*@k it Gina, I said I'm fine for Christ sake, leave me the f*@k alone" I half yelled as I laid on the bed remembering the face of my perfect father, the man who gave me the name 'DIRTY DAUGHTER' have a child out of wedlock. But Ketchup, I mean Kesha called me baby sis that means she is older than me, from my findings, she is a 300 level student of Mass communication and I was told she is around 21 and Jaden is also 21 which means that the other woman was also pregnant when my mom was pregnant, I couldn't sleep well that night, Ken texted me but I didn't reply his text, he called but I declined. I turned on the bed for hours before I managed to fall asleep. I had a lot of questions.
The next morning before 7am I texted George to come pick me up, he didn't reply early I guess he was asleep, he replied me 20 minutes later that he was already coming. Then Ken call came in, I decided to take it.
"Hello, please call me back later" I quaked my words.
"What's going on Joanne, please talk to me, I'm your boyfriend for God sake, please Joanne" he said with hurt in his voice because we have been distant lately.
"I'll talk to you later" I hanged up and I felt like calling him back and breaking up with him instantly because I didn't need that kind of guy in my life, so boring and vague. But i just let it be. I picked up my bag and told the girls I'd be back on Tuesday.
I put the little bag I packed into the booth and told my girls bye as George zoomed off. Soon we were at my compound, I got inside to only find Kira around, She told me my mom and dad weren't back from an all night service. I asked after Jessica and she told me Jessica wasn't feeling too well and the sickness started yesterday. On hearing this I rushed into Jessica's room, I knocked but no answer so I pushed the door open as it wasn't locked.
"Jess?" I called out but I could see blood stains all over the duvet and traces of blood leading to the bathroom, I followed the trail and opened the bathroom door and saw Jessica bleeding profusely as she sat on the WC.
"Jessica?!" I shouted but she told me to hush it so no one would hear us.
"When did this start?" I asked in a whisper.
"Yesterday, I was perfectly fine till yesterday at first I thought it was just my monthly flow but it got intense" she cried out weakly trying to subdue the pain.
"Didn't mom see you" I questioned
"She saw me, she was the one who noticed the blood stains during breakfast but I told her I was on my period. She later asked George to come pick me up for all night service but I declined saying I was having cramps" she let out a loud moan.
"You mean mom hasn't come home since yesterday?" I asked holding her and helping her up.
"No, please don't let me talk much, my stomach hurts badly" she cried.
"F*@k it Jess, we need to take you to a hospital" I tried cleaning her up but the blood kept gushing out.
"No!" She exclaimed in pain.
"Do you want to die?" I yelled as tears flow down my cheeks.
Soon I heard my dad and mom's voice from downstairs.
"Mom and dad is back!" My eyes opened wide.
"What do we do now?" Jessica asked in pain and panic. I could hear my mom singing downstairs.
"We need to let them know and get to the hospital" I packed the tissue on the floor as she was sitting on the bed, the blood didn't stain the bed because she wore a pad but that couldn't hold it because she said she had been changing pad every two minutes.
"Let them know I did an abortion?" She half yelled in pain.
"Look there is something I didn't tell you before and I think you should know..." I told her about Debbie's revelation and she panicked even more.
"I don't want to die" she sobbed very weakly as she had lost a lot of blood. She barely could speak, I only heard fragments of her words.
"You are not going to die" I held her hands and held her chin up with my other hand.
"I'm not going to let you die, now let's go the hospital" I said but little did I know my mom was close to Jessica room.
"Take her to the hospital for...Jesus Christ" my mom was interrupted by the sight of blood in the room and how weak and emaciated Jessica looked.
"What's going on here?" My mom asked as she went to hold Jessica.
"Mom, let's take her to the hospital" I said not minding her, I texted George to prepare the car as I called Kira to help me carry Jessica downstairs and my mom cried behind us. We rushed her to the hospital with my dad driving behind us, we got to the hospital and nurses rushed out to take Jessica inside because she fainted on the way here.
"What happened?" My mom asked me in the reception as she was restless, my dad just sat down and looked at me with disgust.
"Please mom, don't f*@k with me right now" I waved my hands in the air. The doctor interrupted our supposed conversations
"Are you the parents of Ms H. Quay?" a beautiful female doctor asked.
"Yes, we are" my dad answered and I glared at him. I hate him so f*@king much.
"Well can I see you in my office?" She asked pointing to her office, we followed her as she entered a mini office and took her seat ushering my parents to seat also, I stood as there was no space for me to seat.
"Madam, sir" she began and my father listened with keen interest.
"Your daughter case is delicate although we have stabilised her for now, we don't know if she would be able to give birth again" the doctor said and my mom gave a loud scream.
"What do you mean? What kind of ailment does she have?" My dad asked.
"She had an abortion and it was conducted wrongly and it really affected her womb but let's be grateful she is even alive" the doctor added as my mom kept crying and screaming.
"Jessica have killed me ooo" she placed her hands on her head.
"Joanne, your name is written all over this" my dad looked at me and yelled.
"How is my name written on it? Old man please leave me the f*@k out of this" I yelled back.
"Can you please discuss this elsewhere, I have other patients to attend to, I'll fill you in on any progress" the doctor interrupted and ushered us out.
We got to the reception and a slap landed on my face.
"How dare you dad?!" I pushed him and hit him on the chest.
"You see the disgrace you gave birth to?" My dad turned to my mom who was still sorrowful.
"F*@k you dad!" I yelled
"Will you shut up your mouth there? So this is what you took Jessica to do when she came to your house. I said it both of you don't get along, how manage she went to spend days with you in school. Joanne how could you? You are a child of God, a pastors child and also a leader at the JHD! How will you present that speech tomorrow with blood on your hands?" My mom asked with pain in her voice.
"I'm not a JHD leader and I'm not giving any f*@king speech tomorrow" I shouted because I was fed up of the lies and pretence.
"So you lied?" My mom asked with more hurt in her voice.
"Obviously, I knew it" my dad added fulfilled.
"And I wonder who is the bigger liar among both of us" I faced him and he had a puzzled look on.
"You dare call your father a liar?" He shouted. By this time nurses had ask us to step out because we were making noise and disturbing other patients.
"You are a liar, and you knew I'm not giving the speech tomorrow because your golden girl Kesha would gladly do that" I added with anger mixed with pain.
"What's your crazy daughter talking about?" He asked my mom who was still weak after crying and he laughed nervously.
"Joanne, this is a private matter. We will discuss it when we get home" my mom tried shutting me up.
"Mom, don't tell me you knew Dad has a child elsewhere?" I questioned but my mom was embarrassed giving me a look of 'yes I know and I'm ashamed' and my dad just didn't care if it was out or not.
"Oh my God mom, you too deserve each other, go f*@k yourselves" I said and went to sit in the car, I watched my dad and mom go back into the hospital. They didn't even bother coming to me to explain things. Now I hated them both, I called Jaden to tell him what's on ground right now.
"What do you mean Jess is in the hospital? I'm coming over right now!" He said in panic and hanged up.
"Asshole" I muttered and couldn't believe Jessica won't be able to give birth anymore. I was lost in my own thoughts but Ken's text jerked me back to life. He wanted to check in on me because we have been distant lately. I shunned him and was waiting on the doctor to tell us what next, I needed to cool off so I brought out a liquor to drink, George kept looking at me from the mirror.
"Mind your f*@king business" I glared at him and he looked away then something struck me George is really cute, I've never noticed before.
"George?" I called out.
"Yes ma'am" he answered.
"Do you have a condom?" I asked.
"What for?" He acted surprised but I just rolled my eyes.
"Are you in for a quickie?" I asked looking at him from the back seat.
"I-May-what..." He stuttered
"Joanne!" Jaden interrupted and opened the door. I could hear George let out a heavy sigh.
"What?" I asked.
"Where is Jess? Is she okay?" He rushed his words.
"Let's just go inside" I stepped down from the car and strolled with Jaden to the hospital, I noticed my mom was the only one present among other people waiting and my dad was no where to be found. I just pretended not to see her as Jaden was asking her questions.
"Joanne! You took Jess to the hospital for abortion?" Jaden faced me.
"Hmm well ask mom how come we have a sister, we don't know about" I hissed and Jaden was now caught in the middle.
"Mom, what's Joanne talking about?" He asked with cross eyes.
"Can we talk about this at home please, at least let Jessica be strong so she can be part of this discussion" my mom sighed.
"Joanne" Jaden turned to me.
"Please Jaden, I'm not in the mood for that..." I was interrupted by the presence of an unwanted guest. Kesha walked into the hospital and met my mom.
"Ma, I'm very sorry for your loss" she said patting my mom's back.
"Get your hands off my mom, and we didn't lose anyone" I pushed her off.
"Why so bitter? Anyways I have dinner with dad, I just came to say hello" she said and wanted to go when I dragged her back and we got in a fight.
"Stop this, please take them out of the hospital!" The doctor chased us out leaving my mom behind to stay with Jessica in her room.
"You crazy b*tch, I have dad wrapped around my fingers, I'm the one who told him not to let you travel out for the holidays and I'm the one that told him about how you waste your life in school" she yelled and curved a smile.
"How dare you? What do you have against me?" I asked with anger knowing that Kesha has been the reason my dad and I don't get along quite well. For more interesting stories, kindly join coolval Stories
"Girls I'm lost here" Jaden said.
"Shut up!" We both exclaimed at the same time.
"You want to know? well I'll tell you. Nah I change my mind, go ask your mom" she said and moved closer to Jaden.
"You are cute, if you weren't my brother, who knows" she smiled.
"Eewww!" I exclaimed.
She left and I went into the hospital confused about the situation, Jessica had woken up and my mom was already with her, she was crying because my mom told her that she can't give birth anymore. So Debbie's dream didn't mean the death of Jessica but meant the death of her womb.
"Mom" Jaden said as sat beside her while I console Jessica.
"You guys deserve an explanation, let me tell you a story..." My mom started off.

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