
Enticed episode 14

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 27 Nov 2019


I sat on the table facing my parents.... Looking at the brown envelope. My stomach kept on turning. Yes I was nervous. I may know that the Tyson family is where I belong but it then it could also be the opposite. There were so many what ifs in my mind. Maybe I am not their child. After all I had no solid proof that they were really my parents.
He took the envelope and opened it up and read, his face gave away nothing. I took a deep breath as I waited for him to speak up. He gave the paper to his curious wife and she burst in a cry but it was not a sad cry... The was so much happiness under it. She immediately stood up and hugged me giving me a kiss on my forehead then I also smiled.

My goodness I have parents. I should start calling them mom and dad.

Mom: you are so grown up... I never thought I would see you again.
Dad: god works in different ways.
Mom: where have you been who raised you up.

I smiled at them. My mother was so happy and my father... I still couldn't read his face. Actually I have never been able to understand him since I met him. He always keeps a straight face.
What do I tell them. I grew up in an orphanage... Got caught smuggling drugs at 13 for about 3 times then I was Went to those juvenile facilities and being released at 16 on Mr. Sindia’s terms. Worked for him as a delivery boy and messed up one of his deliveries one day and almost got killed.
He saved me and rehired me as a garden boy... Saw his daughter one day and couldn't take my eyes off her... Fell in love with her and prepared to propose to her then one day she is suddenly getting married to a rich guy and the devil knocks at my door... I lose my girlfriend... And I try to find my family only to find out that I was stolen when I was child and then I find my family and it turns out the love of my life is married to my brother.

I smiled and looked at them.

Dad: are you going to narrate your life.
Me: well...

I start narrating everything honestly but hiding the fact that my girlfriend was actually Emily. Leonard came in with Danny and Sam. Mother stood up and gave all of them a kiss on the cheeks.

Sam: a kiss from mom...
Danny: who died?
Leonard: I guess this means our long lost brother... Is found.

He gives me a fist bum and a hug and all of the brothers follow him. But someone is missing.

Me: where is Henry?
Danny: with his wife... You know how it is with them nowadays.

Oh yeah... And then there is the Henry-Trisha drama. After we told her about her father's death, She slapped Henry and told him never to joke like that. As soon as she realized that we are not joking she made everyone go crazy. She jumped on to Henry and started hitting him like she was nuts she blamed Henry for everything that happened.

The male doctors had to hold her back. She didn't want to see anyone from then on. One day she went missing from the hospital. We searched the whole town for her but it seemed useless. When everyone was about to get worried Henry arrived with her. Apparently she wanted to end her life by getting herself run over by a train. Mr. Sindia's funeral was a dignified one he was a man of status and a lot of people respected him. All his children were there as well as Trisha's friend Tracy.

Tracy wasn't really good influence on Trisha and I am not just saying this because I dislike Tracy. She took her out to the bar the night her father was Buried. She got so drunk luckily Henry was there to take care of her. Sometimes I wonder how he does it. It is as if he has an alarm that alerts him if Trisha if in trouble. Abby was sent to 25 years in prison. She had a very good lawyer who died before he was going to reveal the truth, although I don’t k now which truth he talked about. The second lawyer quit and well Abby ended up pleading guilty.

After my revelation about the fact that I belong to this family, everyone has been in denial with their feelings except my parents. I could tell they believed the story even before the DNA test because of the way they treated me.

I was moved the big house and given a room that could fit a king. I was given a car a BMW x3 my choice and Leonard took me shopping for new clothes. Well I know what you must be thinking… I could I just accept all this things as if I worked for them, well there was no way that I could disagree to my parents and I was enjoying myself way too much. After that they all focused on Trisha. It still feels weird to look at two people and call them mom and dad.

Mom: you have had a tough upbringing… I am so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.
Me: mother… it’s okay, it’s not your fault that someone stole your child.
Mom: it’s okay now… god has brought you back.
Me: yeah and I am happy for that.
Dad: have you met the woman who kidnapped you.
Me: uh…. No… why?
Dad: I am going to search for him.
Me: well… I heard she is dead… she committed suicide.

I lied… maybe that’s because I don’t want any blood spilled. Especially of the woman who kidnapped me. I really don’t hate him and I am not holding any grudges maybe it’s because of the fact that she is the mother of Trisha’s sister or she has suffered enough… I just don’t know why I she doesn’t bother me.

Dad: good for her… because she was going to rot in jail.
Me: yeah… good for her.
Sam: hey… little brother, god I have always wanted little brother, go and make us some tea
Me: what the…..

I looked at my brothers and they burst out laughing and I joined with them laughing

Sam: I am not joking
Me: you are serious? You want to make tea.
Danny: he is joking.

Oh… their sense of humor.

Danny: we should go out I hope mom doesn’t mind.
Mom: no… go and enjoy yourself.
Sam: we are using your car.
Me: better idea… let everyone use his car… see who arrives first.
Leonard: well where do you want to go.
Me: I don’t know… lets go to a bar.
Dad: be safe boys… don’t get too drunk.

My heart smiled as we walked out the door. I have a family people… my own family.

Me: we will father.

They all looked at me and grinned.

Me: what?


I sat next to Henry in doctor Montsho’s office. She was the therapist that Henry had hired so that we fix our marriage after I said I want a divorce. I remember how he suddenly turned pale the day I mentioned the divorce… I thought he was going to faint. But he begged me to give him a chance he even suggested we see a therapist but seeing him broken like that hit me and I agreed I just don’t know how come I have fallen in love with a man like this one. We agreed that if the therapist doesn’t succeed in making me change my mind in a month then we are getting a divorce.

Montsho: so how are you Trisha?
Me: I am trying to deal with life.
Montsho: the last time we met I said you and Henry should talk.
Henry: we ended up arguing.
Me: because he wasn’t trying to cooperate.
Montsho: what exactly what were you talking about?
Me: the truth…. Henry is so afraid of the truth… I want him to tell Emily about her mother and tell Zenzele about what he did…
Henry: I am not afraid of the truth… that will only cause an unnecessary feud in the family.
Me: henry… if you don’t deal with this now… they are going to haunt you in the future…
Henry: babe…
Me: do not babe me… my life is messed up because of you Henry… I am trying to restraint any more damage… please.
Henry: do you know what this could do to my family.
Me: not as much damage as it has caused to mine.
Henry: (exhales) babe I am really sorry.
Me: well sorry doesn’t fix anything right… a secret is the trigger of the gun that ruins everything.

We both turned and looked at the shrink… she was just staring at us not saying anything and taking notes.

Me: if he doesn’t agree to this… I am never coming back here and he will be forced to sign the divorce papers.

The shrink looked at Henry and he just kept silent… does this mean he is ready to sign the divorce papers. I felt a lump form in my throat… I just want him to do the right thing and I don’t want to lose him… but if he isn’t prepared to do this then I am not prepared to live my life holding secrets. I looked at him trying so hard to stop tears from dropping. He looked at me but said nothing. A tear dropped and I closed my eyes, this is it. I took my bag and stood up. He held my hand and pulled me down again.

Me: leave me alone henry…
Henry: okay I will do it… I will do whatever you want me to do… just don’t leave me. I need you in my life… Emily needs you.

Relief brushed through me. That’s all I needed to hear from him. That he will do it. He pulled me into his arms and I really couldn’t stop the tears. I really didn’t know why my heart doesn’t agree with my mind.
This man who I love so much has made my life so miserable and I know that he is not good for me but my heart is willing to give him another chance. I don’t know for how long I was on his chest but when I finally pulled back my eye lids were heavy. I looked at the shrink, she gave me a tissue and a reassuring smile.

Montsho: how do you feel now Trisha?
Me: you want me to be completely honest
Montsho: as honest as possible
Me: I don’t know… I have mixed emotions.
Montsho: what about you henry
Henry: I will only be happy if she is happy
Montsho: now our next session is after four days… we will see how much you have grown. As for now… our time is up.
Me: thank you

We stood up and left. I looked at henry… he was pale. I took a deep breath, I don’t know if he realized what he has done…. I have a lot on my hands. My father’s business is on my shoulders… he stated in his will that I if he dies without anyone to sit on his chair then I will have to choose the best candidate for the post. I have been on his chair while dealing with my work as a lawyer. My father is into the transport business.

He owns a whole lot of trucks that transports goods around Africa and a total of 10 ships that transports goods from overseas to Africa and only airplane that transports good to Cape Town. When he died he was still planning on buying the second airplane.

I found a lot of things that I didn’t know about my dad and I doubt my mom knew a thing about it. He had some police under his pay roll as well as some government workers. I knew that my was a millionaire but I didn’t think had the amount of money he had in his account I was so shocked when his accountant explained everything to me.

Henry: Trisha?
Me: (silence)
Henry: will you ever forgive me?
Me: for what exactly… you have me in a tight trap.

You tricked me into loving you

Henry: for everything.
Me: I don’t know
Henry: what if I make you forgive me.
Me: I would love to see you try

He smiled and for the first time since my father’s death I actually feel light. His smile just assured me that he will make everything right.

Henry: mom misses you
Me: oh… your mom…

Mrs. Tyson had been very helpful during the time of my father’s death. She was the one who held me when I felt like I was being suffocated by everything. She was my mom’s friend at that time.

Me: I also miss her rude self
Henry: don’t you want to see her.
Me: I have a meeting at work… not at the law firm.
Henry: you are always busy nowadays.
Me: do you blame me?
Henry: let me guess it’s my fault.
Me: well I wouldn’t be busy if my dad was alive.
Henry: you know we have to get through that
Me: you are pissing me off right now.
Henry: I am sorry babe

I sighed… he is apologizing nowadays. Maybe I am giving him a hard time. He turned on the radio and put on a song from his memory card. Mercy by Shawn Mendes. I just kept quiet and listened to the lyrics. I noted some lines and thought about him.

Me: why this song?
Henry: I think Shawn says it better than I can say it.
Me: you think I am torturing you?
Henry: I don’t think so…
Me: then what?
Henry: your actions are torturing me… I need you to take it a little easy on me. I was just trying to play my cards right so that I can get the girl I want and well it turned out to be the stupidest thing ever… now I have you but I don’t know if you will ever be by my side because I ruined your life.

I kept silent. His words hit me hard. A lump formed on my throat and cold chills ran through my body.

Henry: now you are always sad… when you are not sad you are angry at me… and I can’t blame you. It’s torturing me knowing that all this is because of me, only if only you could open me up and see how I feel about everything that you are going through… if you could see the cloud that hovers over my heart…

A tear rolled down my cheek. He paused and looked forward. We kept quite all the way until I decided to break the silence with words that I didn’t even plan on speaking out loud.

Me: what do you want me to do?
Henry: (looks at me) I don’t know if you would be able to do this but I want you to open up to me and let, me in. I want to make everything right. Will you be able to do that?

If only he knows how hard it is. I closed my eyes and looked out the window. The silence continued until he stopped at my house. I opened the door and he held my hand. I looked at him and he gave me a kiss. I didn’t resist as I always do. He gave me a tentative smile and I got off the car.

I went inside to pick up some files and kissed mom on the cheek.

Mom: how are you sweetheart?
Me: busy as always… I have to go for a meeting mommy,
Mom: what are you going to talk about?
Me: I will tell you later I am already late.

I grabbed the keys to my Porch and headed to the Sindia headquarters. Shawn Mendes played in my head as I was driving. I kept on trying to shake it off my head but it was impossible and they made me think about Henry about Henry’s plea. I found myself worrying that I wouldn’t be able to concentrate at the meeting.


I drove slowly wondering how things have got to this point. In fact I have wondered this question since Mr. Sindia’s death. I was trying to work my way with Trisha but her heart is stubborn yet so delicate. I dint know where to touch and where to let go. I was even afraid of saying what I was thinking when I was with her. I was afraid that she would make sign the divorce papers. My phone rang. It was Leonard.

Me: big brother
Leonard: I think you guys are done with your shrink… where are you?
Me: coming home
Leonard: don’t go to home… come to Joana
Me: the bar?
Leonard: yes… we have news to celebrate
Me: what news?
Leonard: Zenzele… The DNA results came in today. It seems our long lost brother has found his way home.
Me: oh… okay.

I felt my heart sink. I hanged up the phone. God… why do things have to be so complicated? I really hoped the results would come out negative. Not that I wished bad for Zenzele but just the fact that I stole my brothers girlfriend ate me up. And now she wants me to tell… how is this going to end up. Zenzele hating me… Zenzele and Trisha getting back together. Just the thought of them together suffocated me. but it was Trisha wants so I am going to do it. I stopped by a flower shop and bought Trisha some flowers I added a message with it.


I ordered them to send them to Trisha’s house then I headed to the bar. The guys were at the counter each holding a can of beer.

Me: Zenzele… or must I say Tyson.

They all turned to look at me.

Zenzele: well I like my name but Tyson also suits me so I might take it.
Me: you have no choice brother.

He laughed and we hugged. I was really trying to hide my emotions by this but the fact that I have to tell him the truth still remained. I grabbed a chair and sat next to him.

Me: I hope there is no hard feelings between us man.
Zenzele: I am aiming for a brand new start… a new life where there will be no twists and turns.

I smiled… that would have been great if you didn’t have to deal with the condition I hold for you. We continued on drinking while I was looking for the right moment to drop the bomb. After about two hours he excused himself to go to the rest rooms after a few second I followed him. He was washing his hands.

Me: hey Zee… I have to tell you something but I hope this doesn’t affect our relationship.
Zenzele: I am trying to go the right way here man… so if this is about Trisha, don’t worry, I won’t get in your way.
Me: it’s not that but it’s about her

I took a deep breath… I am not ready for this. He turned to face me.

Zenzele: this seems to be serious.
Me: it is… as much as I know that this will complicate our relationship… I have to tell you because Trisha wants me to tell you
Zenzele: man… just say it.
Me: I stole your girl.
Zenzele: (frowns) I know that and I made it easy for her to move away because I cheated with that maniac… so what’s your point?
Me: I sat you up with that maniac, it was the reason why she was after the money.

His expression darkened and before I knew it I felt a blow on my nose. I stumbled back groaning in agony and he punched me again so that I fall on the floor then he went out in fury.

To be continued shortly!!

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