
Enticed episode 16

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 28 Nov 2019

I felt a hand brushing down my cheek down to my neck, slowly I opened my eyes they met his, he was staring with so much passion in his eyes, a slight smile appeared in my face as the memories of last night rushed in mind.

Henry: Good morning
Me: hi

He gave me a kiss and I could taste a little bit of mint of the tooth paste in his mouth… he even smelled like lavenders, he showered.

Me: how long have you been up?
Henry: I just woke up
Me: you have brushed your teeth and you have showered… don’t lie to me.
Henry: well… it’s been only about two hours… the time is seven thirty.

Seven thirty… shit. I rushed off To the shower pulling the sheet with me. I am late for work.

Henry: What happened?
Me: I am bloody late… why didn’t you wake me?
Henry: you looked so peaceful while sleeping
Me: I don’t know if you are using that line to charm or what but it’s certainly not working… you know I work for a living.
Henry: I don’t know why you need that work… honestly… you a multi-millionaire
Me: it’s not my company

I switched turned the water on. When I got off from the shower I rushed to my closet and pulled black my pencil front zip up dress, it was the first thing I saw and then my black wedges… oh my hair is a mess, I took my hair comb and tried to comb it… damn its painful, I looked at the mirror, henry had braided it although I don’t remember when, it must be when I was asleep. I grabbed my bag and laptop holding the comb with the other hand and rushed down stairs… he was at the kitchen counter drinking coffee with my mother.

Me: good morning mom... Henry, mind dropping me at work
Mom: Trisha... Your hair
Me: it’s a mess... I know... You have your son in law to blame.
Henry: I think you look great.
Me: are you going to stand up... I am an hour late.
Henry: see you later mother
Mom: it’s good to see that things are working out between you two.

I rolled my eyes at them and went out to the car. He came with a plate full of cookies.

Henry: Have some... You haven't had breakfast... And you need it especially after last night… you used up all of your energy and hardly slept.

He grinned. I frowned and started undoing my hair. Once I was done with my hair I laid back and closed my eyes. Oh my gosh... My body still needs to rest. I dosed off when I woke up I was alone in the car.... My heart started pounding. I checked the time it was almost 9am. I panicked... When the hell am I... I got off the car and looked around. My goodness it was so green, the trees were perfectly shaped and animal sculptures were all over this huge garden. It was beautiful. I searched around for Henry... He came out from behind one of the trees. Although it was amazed I managed to pout and look angry.

Me: Henry... What the hell! I should be at work.
Henry: don't worry I called your work place and told them you are taking a day off.
Me: Henry... Today is a deadline of some projects that I had to do.
Henry: they told me and I told them that you will Email those documents.
Me: you really didn't have to do this.

He took my hand and led me to the tree he just appeared from. There was a blanket and 2 bottles of red wine with two glasses. He made me sit down.

Me: what is this for?
Henry: I want us to talk.

Good point, we really have to talk. He can't just sweep me off with amazing sex then everything goes back to normal. He poured some red wine for us.

Me: when did you plan this?
Henry: while you were asleep. Are you well rested?
Me: I believe so.
Henry: that dress really suits you... I have never seen you wearing it.
Me: yeah... Thanks, what is it that you want to talk about?
Henry: About us... I want to know if you have forgiven me.
Me: (exhales) I have lost my father... Because of you and my unborn baby what do you think?
Henry: still a no.
Me: and right now I am beginning to get angry.
Henry: you know we are going to have to get through that.
Me: I know but there is a void in my heart, in my life... And I can't seem to fill it. He may have been a little bit strict... And he was controlling but I loved him. He was my dad and he wanted what was good for me. So you really shouldn't expect me to get over everything so fast.

I could feel the edge to cry building up inside me so I put my empty glass away and took the whole bottle, I think it will make feel better after this I am attacking the next bottle.

Henry: honey... I don't want to rush you into getting over anything.
Me: good cause you shouldn't.
Henry: and you know what... I want to stand by you through everything that you are going through.
Me: keep in mind that you are the cause.
Henry: babe... I know that it’s my fault and believe me when I say guilt has had the best of me and I realized that if I keep on beating myself for it then who is going to stand by you?
Me: guilt has had the best of you? Oh my… shocker. Do you know what has had the best of me? Its pain... Every night I cry myself to sleep... Every morning I wake up and the disappointment that my father is not here anymore because of the stupidity of my husband hits me hard… I bet you have no idea how that feels like because your father is still alive and well… I hate you for what you have done to me.

Ok, my brain is in my mouth and I am sure that this empty wine bottles is are responsible for it and frankly, I don’t even care what I say at this moment because at this moment I realize that I am not going to get of this cloud anytime soon. I looked at him and he looked totally pale and hurt.

Henry: I am sorry

He said and lay on his back looking up. I hurt his feelings somehow and with the amount of alcohol in my system I really can’t relate as to why he is being the victim at this moment.

Me: why are you being silent right now I thought you wanted us to talk?
Henry: what is the use of talking if we don’t find a way forward?
Me: what is that supposed to mean?
Henry: one stupid mistake led to all of this Trisha and guess what…. if you keep on playing the blame game we are never going to solve anything… and you are never going to heal. I know that this is my entire mistake and that’s why I spent the whole month apologizing and trying to make things right with us.
Me: really… you are scolding me now
Henry: I think you had too much to drink… let’s go home.
Me: will you let me drive?

He widened his eyes and I think I saw fear on his face.

Henry: I have learnt a lesson of never to let you drive when you are in that emotional state and when you are with me. Come on lets go.

He took me by my hand and led me to the car. He drove back to my house. Mom was not in the house so he went into the kitchen and came out with a glass of water and some tablets. He sat in front of me and ordered me to take them. I did so and then after that my mind reminds me that I don’t even know what those pills are for?

Me: what was that for?
Henry: sleeping pills
Me: you want me to sleep… why?
Henry: I realized that I did a mistake by bringing that alcohol and you drank it like it was water… so I am trying to wear it off.

I looked at him wondering why he would keep some sleeping pills with him.

Me: let’s be honest here… do you think you deserve me… I mean after everything that happened.
Henry: Trisha, I love you.
Me: you messed up my life I think I need some space.
Henry: from me?
Me: yes… from you I need to think straight and I can’t do it when you are always hovering over me and deciding what I should do.
Henry: when have I ever done that?
Me: you are doing it right now.
Henry: I think it’s the alcohol that’s talking
Me: don’t you accuse me of being a drunkard… I am using my brain right now, and I really need some space from you…
Henry: ok… if that’s what you need then I will you give you some space my dear.

In a matter of minutes I already felt my eyes heavy, he pulled me onto his arms and I closed my eyes.


So Henry decided to play unfair, and it led to a major destruction. Serves them right… it may be just a little bit too much on Trisha. All she does is bury herself in her work… I think if it wasn’t for her father’s business then she would be completely destroyed now. It was painful but I was glad I got my last kiss… all that is left now is to see if this will work out perfectly or if things will get messy because it’s still obvious Trisha has some feelings for me or else I wouldn’t have been able to affect her the way I did yesterday.

I was driving around the mall trying to find a small legit jewelry shop because those are the only shops where they sell the only jewelry you wouldn’t see anywhere. I finally saw a little shop at the corner of the street, I remembered its name… Dania Jewelry, Trisha always spoke about it and how big it could get when it is the right hand because they sell genuine pieces. I parked on the only available sport I saw by. Out of nowhere water splashed some lady that was standing besides the parking. She turned to look at me… man she looked a mess I don’t remember it raining so I had no clue where the water was coming from. I smiled at her and looked at the shop... it looked closed.
I got the out of the car and went to the shop, totally ignoring the girl who looks like she wants to destroy my car…

I knocked at the little window of the little boutique. The lady came and stood next to me. She looked ridiculous.

Me: excuse me… when does this shop open.
Lady: Uno penga (are you crazy)

Foreign language… I didn’t understand what she said but with the way she looked she just made me laugh.

Me: excuse me I can’t understand what you just said
Lady: that was drain water… you idiot…
Me: which water?
Lady: don’t you act dumb with me… how could you?
Me: How could I what…
Lady: are you blind… you splashed dirty stinky water on me.
Me: did i…

Honestly I didn’t think it was me… I guess my mind was too occupied things that actually don’t matter.

Lady: mxm

She moved to the door and unlocked it… I followed her in.

Lady: get out of my shop.
Me: oh it’s your shop…

I asked… surprised. She looked so young to be the owner of a jewelry store.

Me: ok miss, I am really sorry for this ridiculous accident ok. Now I need to buy something for my mother.
Lady: go find another shop… I am not selling a thing to you.

She pouted… her little red lips looked so cute when she did that. I smiled at her and it seemed to irritate her.

Me: I apologized miss.
Lady: well your apology won’t get me clean will it?
Me: of that the problem then I can buy you some dress so you can be clean again.

He mouth dropped open.

Lady: if you got so much money to waste then why don’t you go and buy at a fancy shop.

Another lady appeared from one of the doors at the back of the shop. She seemed a lot older than this one and they had the same eyes and nose… She was practically an older version of this girl.

2nd lady: oh my goodness… what has gotten into you...? That’s not a way to speak to customers
1st lady: mom… look what this fool did to me.

Mom…? No wonder they look so like. The mother looked at me with concern in his eyes.

Me: mam… I apologized and even offered to buy her a dress so that she doesn’t stink the whole day… you know it was a mere mistake because I didn’t realize there was water… I can even repay that dress.
1st lady: you can shove your money up your ass

Whoa… what the hell is wrong with her?

2nd lady: Fadz… stop being so mean and rude and help the customer… he apologized and offered to buy your dress so do what pleases you either you accept or decline the offer but please do not bring my shop down.

My shop…mmh, I looked at this Fadz girl and raised my eyebrows while smiling at her… she gritted her teeth and watched her mother disappear to the back again.

I ignored her and watched the beautiful pieces that were on display then a gold piece of necklace caught my eye.

Me: excuse me… Fadz… I need your help here.

She rolled her eyes and walked towards me taking her time and chewing a gum like it was her business.

Fadz: what?
Me: is this real gold.

She looked at the piece then raised her eyebrows.

Fadz: that just a piece of steel we spray painted it so that we can trick annoying and stupid customers like you.

My mouth almost dropped to the floor, what is it with her attitude? I looked at the price P 55000.00 this surely can’t be a fake.

Me: oh my… Fadz, you have a stinking attitude and it will bring your mother’s shop down.

She rolled her eyes and blew a bubble.

Me: do you think a mother will like it.
Fadz: I am not a fashion advisor… I just sell these stuff for my mother.
Me: oh really now, I remember you saying this is your shop.
Fadz: do you want to annoy me?
Me: you know what… I will take it.

I took out my very own credit card… which my father made for me. there was more than enough money inside there. I smiled proudly as I handed her the credit card.

She went to the counter and started packing an unopened box… after I paid she waved at me

Fadz: have a pleasant day and don’t come back again…

I chuckled and turned away. “I hope someone splashes your outrageous clothes with dirty water” she murmured.

Me: I heard that…
Fadz: I don’t give a shit.
Me: language
Fadz: you are not my mother

I went out the door laughing and wondering what the hell is it with that girl… she has got some attitude problems. I looked at my car, some of the water was splashed on its sides. I took it to the car wash and walked to the shops where I searched for a dress that could fit her and the problem was I didn’t know her size. I talked to one of the helpers in the shop, her name was lily

Lily: you want a dress for your girlfriend?
Me: what no, no, no… she is my um… sister.
Lily: oh, what size is she?
Me: that’s the problem… I don’t know… don’t you have those one size fits all dresses.
Lily: sir… you don’t know your sister’s size
Me: is it a shocker?
Lily: never mind… please follow me.

She led me to those dresses that look like tops and they are actually so small in size.

Lily: one size fits all
Me: seriously… that’s a top…. What do women of nowadays wear?

I looked at the dresses then I saw some lady who might be her size passing by.

Me: you see that lady, she might be her size.
Lily: ok then..
Me: I want one of those loosened flawless dresses with flowers all over.

Yes that would suit her. She gave me exactly what I asked for. After I was satisfied I went back to the jewelry store. I was surprised to find her helping some men with so much respect. She was smiling and being polite and all that. The man had eyes on her the whole time until...

Man: I think I should buy you one of your necklaces
Fadz: I am sorry… I am not a charity case
Man: that’s not what I meant… I was just being generous
Fadz: well, go show your generosity to those who need it, here you either buy or not, not hit on girls.

The man shifted uncomfortably and went out the door. I walked to her and she walked back to the counter

Fadz: did you forget your change?
Me: I bought you a dress… like I said I would.

I gave her the shopping bag and she laughed while looking at the dress. Then she looked at the price.

Fadz: first, I didn’t say I want your dress second my dress is only a P150 Mr. while this one is 1.2k are you crazy… go give it to your mother. She threw the bag at me… this one is really something else.


I woke up in my bed, I looked around and he wasn’t anywhere. Then I remembered everything I said to him, I held my head as a slight headache kicked me. There were some painkillers on the table with water on the side and a note.


Holy shit my work, it was almost 4… those pills really worked I have never slept for his long. I rushed down stairs to find him and he was not in the house, his car was not around. Man… I may have messed up big time. I rushed to my father’s study and e-mailed everything to my boss. I went upstairs and took my wedges and car keys then rushed outside… my mother was by the portico.

Mom: where are you running to?
Me: to my marital home… I have to talk to Henry.
Mom: henry… I thought he told you.
Me: told me what?
Mom: that he is going on some trip…
Me: trip… why?
Mom: you kids… you have started again with your silly fights, sometimes I wonder if you actually know what marriage is all about.
Me: mom… why did henry go on a trip and where is this trip
Mom: he said you said you needed space so he was going out the country for a while… I didn’t ask exactly where.

I sat down on the floor of the porch My heart sank… I didn’t mean it… I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking straight.

Me: oh no…
Mom: what happened?
Me: oh mom… I don’t know what’s happening…
Mom: this is the time when you need your father

I nodded, he would have known what to say and what to do…. Automatically I would have opposed him but jis plan always worked. I stood up and went to my room then took my phone and dialed his number. He answered at the second ring.

Henry: Trisha…
Me: where are you?
Henry: never mind my where about.
Me: why did you go?
Henry: you said you needed some space from me
Me: I didn’t mean it… I was drunk.
Henry: I know that you were drunk but somehow it made sense… I have been hovering over you controlling your life and not giving you enough space to think everything through… I know you hate me and I know this because you have never really told me face to face that you love me but I am doing this because I love you. I will come back when you are ready.

It felt like a blow on the stomach… he was using my own words against me

Me: I am sorry… I am ready for you to come home.
Henry: no… you are not, you will only be ready when you are able to forgive me and we can move on.

He hang up the phone and I threw it across the wall and it shattered into two pieces. The tears that I had been holding poured down my cheeks, what did I do? Why did I drink too much?.

My emotions are mixed up, My heart is going south, My soul is crying, My brain is the only thing that ever has the right ideas but my heart and tongue never agrees with it, what is happening to me?

To be continued shortly

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