
Enticed episode 18

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 29 Nov 2019

I try the lock, there is a possibility that he has locked it to my surprise it’s not locked and I wonder if he just returned from somewhere or planning to leave or maybe expecting someone, I enter its dark could he be asleep I call out his name but he does not reply.

I switch on the light and gasp on his sight, there is a bin with puke the side of his bed and he is leaning over the edge of the bed to it but he is asleep. I move to him with worry of if he is sick. A smell of alcohol fills the air as he burps and I realize that he is in this state because he is drunk.

It’s not like him to get this drunk, I sign staring at the effect I had on him, I know I did say I needed space but now I realize that I was driving him crazy and maybe it is him who needs a break from my bitter self. I take a deep breath and move the bucket from his bed. I shudder as I notice that he has was drunk on an empty stomach… it’s just liquid on the bucket. I clear out the bucket on the bathroom and wash it.

His room is a mess. I start picking up his clothes and clear the little table that was placed at the corner of the room. I wonder if the hotel cleaning stuff ever visits this room. My phone rings as I was still trying to tidy up. I check the caller ID. Zenzie.

Me: Zenzie…
Zenzele: Trisha did you find him?
Me: yes…um… I am sorry I left you with my work can you please apologize on my behalf and inform them I had an emergency then tell the pa to reschedule the meeting.
Zenzele: have you forgotten that I don’t know anybody… but don’t stress okay. Do you want me to come up there after this?
Me: no… you should go home, I will see that he arrives home tomorrow.
Zenzele: okay, take care.

With that he hang up. I took a deep breath and continued what I was doing. After I was done I went up to his bed and sat next to him. He looked a mess, troubled and pained and pained. It was at that moment when I realized that my sulking is not only ruining my life, he is also messed up and he was right, if I don’t try to move on and try to get over everything I am going to remain with the pain forever. My phone rang again this time it was Tracy.

Tracy: hey girlfriend.
Me: Tracy… how are you?
Tracy: I am good baby… what about you?
Me: I am still trying.
Tracy: trying with that bustard you call a husband or have you finally decided to divorce him.
Me: Tracy… I know I used to want that but right now I think I should really start looking at things on the other side.
Tracy: baby… he is a no good.
Me: he did that because he wanted me
Tracy: don’t you think that’s a little bit freaky… I mean you could totally be good on your own.
Me: what is wrong with you Tracy… you normally never try to oppose me, you are always with me with every step I take
Tracy: I know but this tome its different Trish… the last time I was there you were a total mess because of him and I hated it. I just don’t want that happening again.
Me: no one ever said love is paradise
Tracy: the way you are talking… you are in love with him
Me: yes I am.
Tracy: this is a mess… no Trish, it can’t
Me: what is it Tracy…
Tracy: nothing……. I’m happy for you.
Me: you sound too low
Tracy: no it’s just that I feel like I am catching cold… hey I actually called because I am coming home for the holiday.
Me: oh that’s great, I miss you so much I can’t wait until you arrive. When will you arrive?
Tracy: it’s a surprise… look I have to go.
Me: bye

Oh my god help me. I kissed his forehead, how did I ever fall in love with him, it would have been easier if it was that time when I didn’t have any feelings for him. I lean over to him and put my head on his chest. I close my eyes trying to drift into a sleep but it takes a long time until I can finally sleep.


Dad: Trisha
Me: (startled) dad!!!
Dad: I am never wrong Trisha
Me: dad… you are really here… don’t leave me.
Dad: make things right before it’s too late… before you lose everything.
Me: I lost you…
Dad: with the way I raised you Trisha… I didn’t expect this from you. I raised a strong responsible girl but somehow you are proving me wrong.
Me: what do you mean?
Dad: Either you fall and remain at the ground or fall and stand up again… am I clear? The past is history… what’s left is the future.

He is angry at me but before I can get what he is talking about he turns around and goes.


I sit up in a swift sweating, I was dreaming about dad. I hold my head as a slight pain rushes across my head. I check the time from my phone, two thirty. I looked at my husband who was still sound asleep. I stood up and went to the window then looked down at the city. There was not much activity just the lights that made the view look beautiful, December is just a week away which means Christmas is just around the corner is now evident due to the light decorations around. I sighed as I thought of the words my father said in my dream.
He is right if I don’t fix things then I am going to ruin my life.

I moved to the double couch and sat there staring at the white ceiling until I fell asleep again. I woke up early again but this time it was morning. I checked the time almost seven. I took a bath and slipped back into my evening gown. I ordered strong coffee and breakfast to be delivered to the bed room and sat on the couch looking at him grateful that it is a Saturday. The food arrives and I receive them then go back to the couch. After about half an hour he turns to look at the other side then turns again. I sit still waiting for him to be fully awake.

He sits upright and rubs his eyes then holds his head and groans. The first effect of a hangover, head ache. He takes a deep breath and looks around as if searching for someone then he pauses as his eyes met mine. I gave him a slight brief smile as he froze. I searched my back for some painkillers and walked over to him with the coffee and some Advil.

Me: good morning.
Henry: Trisha?
Me: I think some painkillers will do you good right now.

He looks around the room again and takes some painkillers from me and the coffee

Henry: thank you.

I don’t really know if it’s another of a hangover or what but his face is still in shock that I am here.

Me: how are you feeling?
Henry: I will live… are you here alone.
Me: yes.
Henry: how did you find me?
Me: I have my ways… where you planning on staying away forever.

He looks away and his jaw line tightens.

Henry: Have you thought about everything.
Me: yes… I have Henry.
Henry: what did you decide?
Me: I am still trying to figure that out.
Henry: if I ask you a question will you answer it.
Me: let me hear it first.

He turns to look at me and his face is clouded with sadness.

Henry: do you foresee your future without me.

I gasp at his question. So early in the morning…? Where is he going with this?

Henry: please answer me. I won’t trouble you this time, I understand that I am the one who ruined your life and well if you don’t want me to be in your life then its fine, I understand. I will sign the divorce papers. Then maybe you will be able to move on.

I stare at him with so much shock to his words. His words wound me so much that I want into tears right there. How could he say this? I open my mouth to say something then I close my mouth with the realization that it fled from my mind. Tears start to form in my eyes and he is staring at me waiting for an answer.

Me: Henry….

I whisper… I can’t seem to control my voice at this moment. I close my eyes and a tear rolls down my left cheek.

Henry: honestly… it’s understandable. You don’t have to cry just tell me. It kills me to see you paining everyday with the knowledge that I am the one accountable for it… I just want to know if you still want to relief yourself off me.

He closes his eyes as he says those words and my heart shatters again. Does he realize how much he is hurting me at this moment? I don’t want him gone. I want him here by my side.

Me: no…

My voice is really stubborn right now and something tells me if I let it out I will be yelling. He holds my hand and squeezes my knuckles a bit.

Henry: babe… you don’t have to punish yourself for me. It’s unnecessary.
Me: no Henry… I don’t want you gone okay. I want you here with me.

I pause my whispers and close my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, trying to gain some strength. He doesn’t reply.

Me: I am here because I want you back… I have realized that it’s about time I accept what happened and try to move on… please. I don’t want any divorce now and don’t say it again.

My vocal cords have finally agreed to release my voice but now tears are flooding my cheeks and he is just staring with so much agony and pain filled in his eyes.

Henry: why don’t you want to leave…? I have given you an opportunity.

Oh my god… can’t this man see it in my eyes or does he want to leave me maybe these two days he met someone and realized that I am such a headache. I burst into a painful sob as these thoughts crowd in my mind.

Me: because… you are my husband and I love you henry.

Immediately after I said that he pulled me into his chest and locked his arms around me while planting kissed all over my face and tears.

Henry: I love you too baby… oh baby… do you know how long I have waited to hear that.
Me: please don’t… don’t leave me again.
Henry: certainly not again.
Me: don’t hurt me again
Henry: if I do that again I am going to murder myself.

I cringe at what he said. Is he serious? I pull back but he holds me in place just right there leaning over his chest close to his heart. I feel so safe when he is holding me like this.

Me: do you mean that… if I ever cry because of you are really going to kill yourself.

He tilts me a lit, I am light weight better be careful what you say with every word I am blown away you’re in control of my heart I am light weight easy to fall easy to break with every move my whole world shakes keep me from falling apart so that he is able to look at me in the eye then he cocks his head to one side.

Henry: babe… you cry at almost everything. It’s like you are created sacks of water in your eyes.
Me: what!
Henry: so when you cry I will certainly not think of pointing a gun at my skull.

I look at him in awe and twist my mouth trying to hold back a giggle and I succeed. Why is he joking at this point? I pout.

Me: you really think I cry a lot?
Henry: if there was a crying competition I am sure you would win it.

I look at him with my mouth opened that he is seriously teasing me with my crying then I let out a slight laugh. He also smirks at me.

Me: what are you laughing at?
Henry: my cry baby is finally letting out a little laugh.

His face is finally filled with love and amusement at the same time. He kisses my forehead and flips me over to the bed making me yelp. He plants another kiss in my mouth and stands up.

Henry: I have to take a bath baby.

He twists a strand of my hair and disappears to the bathroom. Somehow I feel relieved that we are starting to take steps forward. I smile on my own and remember my father’s words. Yes, I can easily ruin my life. I look at his overnight bag and realize that all his clothes are dirty.

Me: Henry?
Henry: my love…
Me: have you realized that you have nothing clean to wear.
Henry: don’t worry… I took care of that.
Me: really… when?
Henry: I have my ways.

He comes out the shower in about 10 minutes. I smile and automatically bite my lip while admiring his well built up body. He was wrapped with a towel around his legs and naked from the waist up.

Henry: ah… Trisha?
Me: what?
Henry: you are staring?
Me: oh… I am sorry
Henry: don’t worry I like how you look at me.

My eyes dropped to my laps, was I really too much? He came over and leaned on to me. I raised my head to look at him. His eyes where blazing his lips parted his forehead met mine and pushed me to lie down on my back. I held his big muscled shoulders but he moved my hands over my head and pinned me down.

Henry: you are really beautiful Trisha Tyson.

His breathing is loud as he moves his hands down my dress.

Henry: and this dress is perfect for your body but I want it off.

I stare at him and a lopsided smile appears on his face. Oh my gosh… this handsome man is really getting me wet in every way right now but he hasn’t even done a thing to me. He pulls the dress down and I feel the soft satin material leaving my body. He shakes his head in admiration.

Henry: do you have any idea how much I missed you?
Me: you had me on Monday.
Henry: seems like a year ago.
Me: (frowns) we didn’t even know each other by then.
Henry: oh my beloved… why do you think I am head over hills with you… I have known you for quite some time now.

I frown as I remember that he also planned my break up with Zenzele. His lips move down my body but I hold his head before he goes any further.

Henry: what is it?
Me: you talk too much are we going to get down to business.
Henry: (smile) ahh… Mrs. Tyson, I want to make love to you in a very slow romantic manner.

I melt at his words. He always knows what to say at the right time when it’s time for love making.


Mom: Zenzele… my dear
Me: mother.
Mom: I want to go shopping will you be able to drive me or are you busy?
Me: I am never busy for my mother
Dad: I wanted to talk to you about our family business Zenzie
Me: father… I am sure we can discuss it over lunch.
Dad: yes we will, otherwise your mother would kill us.
Sam: weird things are happening in this house.
Danny: I know… it’s like since Zenzele arrived here he has flipped everything upside down.
Mom: oh no boys… that’s not it, he flipped everything to upright.

I smile on my own looking at my family… my very own family. I love how they always complain about me changing the attitude of my parents breakfast is a little weird since everyone gets what he wants but still I have learned to live with it. In fact I love it. I looked at my beautiful sister in laws… always so quite… always so respectful and obedient. I wonder where mother has found then but its certainly not where she found Trisha.

Leonard: he has suddenly become the parents’ favorite.
Me: I may have changed mother and father’s behavior but I still haven’t affected your wives.

Leonard and Danny turn to give me killer looks and Sam laughs. Chloe and Rena exchange glances.

Me: oh come on guys… you wives should learn to comment and joke and live a little you know what I mean.
Leonard: oh trust me… these wives do know how to comment and joke and live a little… right now they are just performing their duty as wives.

Danny grins at him and they both look at their wives who shift uncomfortably while blushing… I wonder what they really do. Dad puts his fork down on the table.

Dad: Leonard behave
Mom: and that’s disgusting boys you should learn to keep your private matters in you room.
Sam: oh, oh
Mom: I have taught you well than to talk like there are no elders in front of you while we are here
Leonard: mother… I didn’t even say anything out of place
Mom: are you talking back to me
Leonard: forgive me mother.
Me: do you love the necklace I bought you

I quickly said trying to ease the tension but she just gave me a very scary glare that made me sit back.

Mom: Zenzie...
Me: yes mother

Am I in for it? I am really looking forward to getting rebuked by my mother it will be a nice feeling... I think.

Mom: go and get my car keys... I want to leave these men so that they can think through their stupidity.

My heart sinks as I watch her stomping to the door.

Dad: go get the keys before you are toast like your brothers.
Me: oh, yes dad.

I stood up looking at my pale married brothers. I shook my head and turned to get the keys.
I drive Mother using her convertible through the city as she went from shop to shop picking two or more things here and there.

Mom: I liked it... It is beautiful...I told you didn't I.
Me: yes mother... You were so pleased.
Mom: where did you buy it?
Me: at a little jewelry store.
Mom: take me there....

What! My mind quickly rushed to the time when I had an encounter with miss big mouth. Surely she could tarnish my name in front of mom.

Me: mom... Why
Mom: I just want to buy some little jewelry for my daughter in laws.
Me: ok give me the money I will buy them for you.
Mom: no... You don't know a thing about women so I will by the best.
Me: mom… you liked the piece I gave you that means I am the best.
Mom: oh Zenzie… you are always so eager to help me. If only your brothers were like you.
Me: yeah… if only….. You know what I will use my credit card let me drop you off at a spa… I will pick you up later.
Mom: spa?
Me: yeah… where you ladies go when you want to treat yourself to pedicures and manicures
Mom: don’t be silly, I know what a spa is…. I just never go there
Me: there is a first time for everything am I right?

I threw in my best smile and she returned it. Who would have thought I would one day I would be doing this with my own mother. I dropped her off at the spa and went to the jewelry shop. It was closed… I looked around to see if she is anywhere nearby. They should really have a specific time of opening and closing. I waited for some few minutes and she still was nowhere in sight. Just as I was turning to leave I saw her running towards me wearing ripped jeans and a shirt, it was a little bit messy for a girl especially the one that works in a jewelry. She stopped in front of me and unlocked the door. She acted as though she couldn’t see me.

Me: good morning
Fadz: hey…

She was breathless. She headed to the counter and took out a big box full of jewelry

Me: do you open up at 11 am.
Fadz: no 8am
Me: well you are late
Fadz: yeah I know… are you here to here to tell me that or buy some jewelry
Me: buy some Jewelry
Fadz: good now buy some Jewelry and stop annoying me.
Me: can’t you just be nice

She ignored me. I moved round the shop looking at the jewelry. None seemed to be appealing enough for my sisters in law.

Me: hey, do you have those jewelries that come in a set…. You know like a necklace and bangles and earrings at the same time. I need those… for my sisters in law.
Fadz: what are you… an Indian?
Me: A customer and this customer would appreciate a little respect.
Fadz: yeah… I have them.

She went to the back and came with five boxes.

Fadz: I hope this is enough for all your sister in laws and your wife too
Me: do you see me wearing a ring?
Fadz: whatever

She opened up the boxes and I chose the ones that I thought would suit every one of my sisters.

Fadz: this will cost you more than a million.
Me: do I look like I care
Fadz: maybe you should care because I may be lying to you.
Me: you don’t strike as a thief
Fadz: don’t judge a book by its cover… this are seven hundred and fifty
Me: ok

I gave her my credit card, her phone rang and she answered, is she allowed to do that?

Fadz: mom… I am at work… yes I have… you really ruining my life… my goodness mother just relax, it’s not like ii ever have time for self anyway… yes there is a customer in front of me… then why did you call me?

She hang up the phone and gave me back my credit card. I took the three jewelry boxes and went to the door. I looked at her as I was passing by the glass wall. She looked unhappy as she unpacked the remaining of the boxes. I placed the boxes in the convertible and went back inside.

Me: hey Fadz… would you like to hang out later?
Fadz: (smirks) hang out… are you bored dude?
Me: yes… I am bored and you sounded like you needed a…
Fadz: my life my business. Your help is not needed.
Me: ok.

I walked outside again wondering what the fuck I was trying to do. The girl is really beautiful and attractive but her attitude stinks and weirdly I don’t mind it. I went to pick mom up and headed back home.

Mom: I had a lovely morning…
Dad: you had a lovely morning and I had a stress-free morning.
Mom: what are you saying Jerry.
Dad: that I love you.

Mom froze for a second and blushed which really surprised me. I slowly walked away as she pretended that she didn’t hear anything.
Lunch time Trisha and Henry arrived looking more in love than any other time I have seen them together.

Mom: Trisha… when are you returning to the house.
Trisha: um… I am back mother
Mom: oh that’s great… then you can help your sisters with dishes after here
Trisha: yeah… I will.
Mom: I hope that you have not become all lazy again… I don’t like the face you are pulling.
Trisha: my father’s PA said you handled my presentation yesterday.
Me: uh, yeah…
Trisha: he said you made a huge mark
Me: it was actually very easy to impress them.
Trisha: thank you…. Do you like the company?
Me: where are we going with this?
Trisha: well considering the interest you had in the company yesterday and how you handled my presentation… henry and i thought we could trust you to handle the company until i decide who to give the company to.
Me: what? You do realize I never finished my school right
Trisha: but you are intelligent and you have this power over you that just says mister boss.

I looked at Henry who smiled at me… disgusting.

Me: no… actually dad wanted to talk to me about the family company.
If henry thinks that convincing his wife to give me her company will bring peace between us then he got it all wrong.

To be continued shortly!!

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