
Enticed episode 19

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 30 Nov 2019



Sunday morning I woke up to a breakfast in bed. Some pancakes and juice accompanied by a rose.

Henry: good morning
Me: oh Henry… do you want to get me killed.
Henry: I wouldn’t spare anyone who tried that
Me: I mean your mother… does she know that you made breakfast for your wife…
Henry: yes well she did she see me cooking.
Me: she didn’t flip
Henry: she just shook her head and went out.
Me: another question… did everyone have breakfast?
Henry: yes.
Me: oh shit… your mother still didn’t flip.
Henry: she asked where you were
Me: and?
Henry: you don’t want me to answer that… hey will you appreciate the fact that I made you breakfast in bed or just keep on worrying about my mother?
Me: (smile) I am sorry your mother freaks me out sweetheart.
Henry: (laughs) come on nowadays she is better
Me: I hate to agree with that because when I first met her I am sure she would have killed me for over sleeping.
Henry: yeah. Are you going to taste?
Me: oh baby them look delicious… I love the flower

After my breakfast I went to the kitchen to clear up the dishes while I was still there the sisters entered.

Me: good morning
Chloe: hey Trisha…
Rena: morning… you just look fine to me
Me: why what’s wrong?
Rena: oh just what Henry told mother?
Me: what did he tell mother?
Chloe: that you are sick
Me: sick…
Rena: yes as in it’s that time of the moth and you are sick… mother went out to find you some herbs

My mouth dropped.

Me: what? That’s sick why he would tell mother that…. I just over slept that’s all
Rena: well don’t let mother hear that you over slept.
Me: excuse me ladies… I have to find my husband.

I went to the living room which was filled with children then I turned and went to the pool side still no side of him. I went to the garden and there I found him chatting with the gardener.

Henry: here comes my lovely wife…. Ooh and she is not happy?
Me: really Henry?
Henry: what?
Me: couldn’t you find a better excuse
Henry: in my defense… she is going to be nice to you for the rest of the day.
Me: is that supposed to make me feel better?
Henry: maybe… is it working
Me: oh its very effective when it comes to annoying me… really Henry you should avoid talking about those things… they are sensitive matters, just tell me what will your mother think of me now.
Henry: I’m sorry baby….

I pouted and he made funny faces until I laughed and he joined me.
Me: I guess I will have to deal with mother when she arrives
Henry: yeah… that’s the spirit
Me: or… we could run away
Henry: to where?
Me: I don’t know… lets go out to the malls and buy stuff
Henry: but we don’t need anything.
Me: yes we do… Christmas is around the corner and your house looks like we are heading for June.
Henry: baby… shopping isn’t for me, hey… I know what we could do
Me: what?
Henry: why don’t I drop you off with Chloe and Rena at the malls then you ladies can do some shopping together.
Me: really Henry?
Henry: come on baby… you know Chloe and Rena are so close together… they stand together as the Tyson wives and you are just…
Me: I am just what?
Henry: off
Me: I am off… what do you mean
Henry: I mean you are different it’s like you are not part of them.
Me: well Henry… I lead one of the biggest companies right now… I am a lawyer… my husband has the nerve to make me breakfast despite his mother… and they are house wives, submissive house wives what do you expect.
Henry: you know what you are right… you can never be like them but at least try to build a relationship with them.
Me: (deep breath) well I guess you are right. My car is at my mother’s place so I am using yours

I stood up without waiting for him to reply and went to the ladies. They were in the living room drinking coffee.

Me: hey ladies… why don’t we all go shopping.
Chloe: are you for real Trisha?
Me: yes… let’s go buy a Christmas tree and some decorations for this house.
Rena: you can go with Chloe I will remain behind
Me: no I mean all of us.
Rena: who will be left with the house?
Me: mother is coming besides… troy and Elizabeth will take care of the house.

Their jaws almost dropped to the floor. Rena shook her head in disapproval.

Me: what’s wrong?
Rena: look Trisha, I get where you come from but when you enter this house you must know that you have responsibilities around. You can’t just leave a house this big in the hands of a 15 year old except if mother approved it.

I just couldn’t help rolling my eyes at them, I took my phone and called Zenzie to put in a good word for us at Mrs. Tyson and ask for permission so that we go out. He is like Mrs. Tyson’s weakness so he easily got the job done. In an hour we were at the shops looking at the clothes.

Me: you seriously need to get some lives you two. You can’t be stuck here babysitting the house and children. I mean what do you know maybe while you are here being the perfect wives, your husbands are out there with some more interesting girls because you are boring.

I quickly held my mouth… that sounded better and less disrespectful in my head. I exchanged glances and looked at me with a shock.

Me: I am sorry… I did not think that through.
Rena: my mother in law is Mrs. Tyson do you think his son would cheat on his wife.
Me: no offence but if I was him… I would have long eyed another pretty girl out there… I mean what’s stooping them they don’t spend the whole day with mother in law.
Chloe: my man would never cheat on me
Me: My dear all I am saying is… your husband’s work for you… you have so much money on your accounts why not hire a nanny, a chef and some few cleaners… avoid doing laundry with your own hands and deliver your clothes to a launderette… hire some tutors for you children and go out more often.

When I was done talking they looked at me with stunned faces like I just narrated a horror story.

Me: what?
Rena: why do you act as if you don’t know what it means to be a wife… those are your responsibilities, you are married Trisha
Me: I know I am married ladies but being married does not mean killing your social life you ladies are just… too 1980.
Chloe: our husbands love us like that
Me: are you sure? And even if they do... Are you happy? I mean… surely you grew up with a dream
Rena: forget dreams this is reality
Me: hey my dream was to become a lawyer and guess what… I am a lawyer.
Chloe: you are fortunate Trisha… we are very different.
Me: what’s so different about us?
Rena: well first of all we don’t come from rich families, you are the first daughter in law that comes from a rich family I guess that’s why mother accepts your childish acts.
Chloe: yes and you are still very young.
Me: hey, I am not childish I am actually more matured for a 20 year old. I mean last yeah I was 19…

I took a deep breath as I realized how much everything had changed in such a short period of time.

Me: and I definitely didn’t think I would be here at this moment. May I ask what you wanted to be when you were not married?

I turned to move to the lingerie section.

Rena: well... It doesn’t hurt to dream does it? (Slight laugh) I have always thought of myself as a florist… you know growing flowers and selling them to people… I have always wanted to have a big garden that is colorful.
Me: oh my… Rena, that is beautiful, why didn’t you do that?
Rena: you are really asking me that question?
Me: ok… I guess it has to do with your marriage.
Rena: yes
Me: what about you Chloe?
Chloe: I have always wanted to be a writer
Me: a writer
Chloe: yes… I used to write romantic fictional novels.
Me: oh my god, why did you stop
Chloe: I haven’t really stopped I just do it for fun and keep them hidden in a closet. (Laughs)
Me: a closet? That means you write on books using a pen
Chloe: yes
Me: why don’t you type on a computer or a laptop?
Chloe: I don’t have one
Me: don’t say it… mother in law does not agree for you guys to have laptops

They exchanged glances and laughed.

Chloe: no Trisha… I just haven’t thought about typing my stories.
Me: well you should… and you should give me one of your stories to read… I bet you are good at it.
Chloe: oh well… i can’t judge myself
Me: hey ladies, do you think mother in law once had a dream… and if she did what would it be?

They looked at me with amused faces and we all burst in laughter. I didn’t really think I would enjoy being with this women. Henry called me while we were still laughing.

Me: hey baby
Henry: hi… how are you doing?
Me: I am so glad you came up with the idea of us going out together… it’s fun.
Henry: see i told you it would be nice, anyway I think it’s about time you came back home… the kids are hungry
Me: Henry… where is your brothers
Henry: they are all home
Me: fantastic… just get in the kitchen with your brothers and figure out what to give the kids
Henry: are you serious?
Me: yes… we are going for lunch at a restaurant.
Henry: mom is home Trisha
Me: amaze her and tell her that we are all sick, you know… that it’s that time of the month.

I laughed and hanged up.

Me: hey ladies… how about we have lunch at a nearby restaurant before we go in search of a tree
Rena: isn’t it better if we go and cook up at home
Me: no… I am tired of home cooked meals.

I dragged them to a restaurant where I ordered exotic foods for all of them… some of them I didn’t even know what they were. I ordered food to be delivered at home.

Rena: Trisha… what is this
Chloe: looks like… egg white
Me: those are oysters…
Rena: oysters… are they even edible
Me: would they be serving them if they were not edible
Rena: ok… I hope don’t get sick
Me: Chloe… those are shrimps
Chloe: where do they find these?
Me: sea…
Chloe: this is disgusting I am not eating this…
Rena: the oysters taste like (spit) I think I might puke

They both pushed their plates forward and I laughed.

Me: come on ladies try some new things out.

While they were still talking about how disgusting the food looks one familiar face approached the table.
“The Tyson wives… good day” she said and looked at me. I didn’t remember where I saw her but I knew I saw her somewhere

Rena: Melissa
Chloe: Mel
Mel: I see you are no longer two… is she the latest edition?

She spoke scanning me. She was beautiful and even though her words provoked me a little she was sweet and smiling.

Me: yes… my name is Trisha
Mel: hey... I remember where I saw you… at the hotel… you know the hotel where Henry was crushing in last week
Me: what?
Mel: yes… remember by the elevator… I was wiping puke from my dress… Henry was responsible for it.
Me: what?
Mel: you must the wife he spoke about, hey… don’t take this the wrong way but he was so drunk… I just had to help him to his room
Me: what?
Mel: I don’t know why you keep on spluttering the “what” but relax… I actually like the fact that you managed to tame the animal
Me: (deep breath) what?
Rena: yeah… Mel… I think you have said enough you can go now….
Me: excuse me… who are you?
Rena: Mel… you should really go, as in go now.
Mel: (winks) tell Henry that I need my dress back… what he did is totally despicable

She walked away smiling. I held my head which was flaming by now, trying to fit the puzzle in one place.
Ok cool down Trisha… don’t jump to conclusions.

Me: Rena… who is that… and how is she related to this family
Rena: well! Her name is Mel and she is not related to us.
Me: Then how the hell does she know Henry?
Chloe: she almost became part of the family
Me: excuse me I am not following… can you please be a little clearer
Chloe: she was once in a relationship with… Henry?

I felt bile rise up my throat

Me: Henry’s ex and she was at Henry’s hotel room when I was not there
Rena: you shouldn’t jump to conclusions
Me: yes… I won’t, let’s go home.

I stood up and left the bill on the table. As soon as I got in the car I hit the accelerator and headed home. Rena and Chloe kept on reminding me what the speed limit is.

When we reached the house everyone was at the dinner table while Sam and Zenzele were setting it up. I could see that the food I ordered have arrived. Henry turned to me with a stupid smile and winked. I ignored him and went upstairs

Rena: Henry… I think you better go upstairs.

I got inside the room and banged the door closed. I sat down waiting for him to arrive. He finally arrived and I stood up. He looked confused. I tried by all means to keep it down and calm

Henry: babe… I thought you were having a good time, what happened?
Me: Henry… you know how much I hate lies right
Henry: yes baby, what’s wrong
Me: promise me right now that you won’t lie to me
Henry: I promise
Me: when you were away… when you said you were giving me space… who did you spend your days with?
Henry: no one baby… I was either at the bar or in my room
Me: alone?
Henry: yes what happened?

He looked completely clueless but he was lying to me and it drowned all my energy

Me: you are lying to me… how does Mel, know that you were there last week?
Henry: oh gosh I thought I was dreaming…
Me: you thought you were dreaming… what happened Henry?
Henry: babe nothing happened… I was drunk… I met her in an elevator but because of the way I was unstable she helped me to the bed room.
Me: how did she know about you and me?
Henry: I guess I may have said something to her
Me: may have?
Henry: I am sorry babe but you were driving me crazy… when I woke up in the morning and found you there I thought that the last night was a dream… I am really sorry babe I should have told you.
Me: it’s okay

A tear, which I didn’t even know where it came from trickled down my cheek. He wiped it and kissed my forehead

Henry: hey baby… I would never cheat on you even if we decided to do a separation ok.
Me: okay
Henry: what did she tell you?
Me: she told me everything and that you puked on her…
Henry: guess what?
Me: what?
Henry: I would never puke on you (smiles)
Me: (smile) I am sure you would never… otherwise I would have you washing my laundry

We both laughed and that moment I felt so stupid for being angry. I received a message from tracy telling me to go down stairs. I went downstairs only to find her at the dining table with everyone but they were all so quite. We both screamed and I hugged her.

Me: Tracy… oh my god I missed you so much
Tracy: I also missed you girlfriend
Me: I can’t believe you are here
Tracy: you better believe it because I am crushing here for the holidays
Henry: what?

I looked at him and he had pale so fast. I chuckled and turned to Tracy

Me: why are you crushing here?
Tracy: because I missed you girlfriend
Me: yeah but you have a mom and a father and they have a house… don’t you miss them
Henry: yes you have a house Tracy
Me: shut up Henry
Tracy: I know… I have been with them the past week and I got bored so I decided what could be more great than living with my family

I laughed, I knew Tracy was crazy so this really didn’t surprise me

Me: well you have to go through the elders first
Tracy: I did talk to them
Me: and?
Tracy: they didn’t reply and I took that as a welcome

I laughed and looked at Mrs. Tyson.

Me: mother, is she welcome
Mrs. Tyson: she is bad influence Trisha
Me: you will barely notice that she is here please.
Tracy: its either I crash here or I take her with me to her maternal home… you know, where there is a sweet woman who accepts me.
Me: Tracy, please shush
Zenzele: please mother… she is also my friend

I glanced at Zenzele stunned that he stood up for Tracy, the guy hates Tracy like nuts. He was grinning looking at Henry who looked like he was totally against the idea. I smiled at him knowing very well that Zenzele is like mother is law’s power button. After a few arguments she accepted and Henry was totally against the idea but I didn’t care I was just glad my best friend is here with me.

Tracy: Zenzie… I see now that you are a big shot
Zenzele: well if you think about asking me out I will have to say no thank you I am too good for your own good.

Everyone around the table laughed they probably thought they were joking but I knew that these two combined are two immiscible liquids.

To be continued shortly!!

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