
Enticed episode 20

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 1 Dec 2019



During the whole dinner I kept on glancing at Henry and Zenzele. I couldn’t help wondering if Zenzele knew anything about me and Henry. It was suspicious how he didn’t oppose to me being in this house… and I must say, I have never thought the bustard belonged to this family but it doesn’t change who he is right… a lousy low bustard who is selfish and self-centered.
While Henry on the hand kept on staring at me with such fury and the reply he got was a frown from me… I didn’t say I was here for him, well the reason I am here may involve him but I am certainly not here for him. I glanced at Trisha… she was so happy and for some reason that broke my heart because I knew that it wasn’t going to last for long.

Trisha: Zenzie… there is a truck show this Friday, would you like to come.
Zenzele: oh I would be so glad.

He glanced at Henry who then frowned at him.

Trisha: great, for a moment there I thought I was going to be attending the boring show
Zenzele: wait... You are not coming?
Trisha: please…
Zenzele: the last time you left me hanging alone and I closed your deal for you, not this time
Trisha: come on Zenzie… it’s just a show… my staff will prepare your presentation… and you don’t even have to present it, all you do is answering the question that will be asked.
Zenzele: I will only do it when you come with me
Trisha: oh… okay fine.
Zenzele: you are such a darling

He glanced at Henry who was giving an angry look while Trisha turned red. I couldn’t help laughing at them.

Trisha: hey Tracy… I am appearing at court tomorrow.
Me: oh really why?
Trisha: because I am a lawyer… my boss finally decided to give me a case to share with one of the experienced lawyers again. So we will be defending a seventeen yeah old who claims to be raped by her boyfriend.
Me: eew… I wonder why you chose criminal law
Trisha: it’s the most interesting.
Me: more like traumatizing.

The mother Tyson was the first to leave the dinner table. I didn’t understand why because I have really tried to keep quite so that I don’t irritate her because everything I say seems like an insult to her, after her the husband followed her. tyhen there was sam who kept on winking and smiling at me.

Sam: hey Tracy… so what do you do
Me: i am eating
Sam: oh no… I mean your occupation
Me: I am an assassin
Sam: huh... Sarcasm... I like you already
Me: I am not joking...
Trisha: oh she really is an assassin
Sam: oh please.... Assassins are not allowed to reveal their true identity.
Me: ok believe what you want
Sam: who have you ever assassinated?
Me: I am on my first mission
Sam: really… who is the target?
Me: you

He paused and looked at me then then everyone laughed. I stood up and led myself to the rest rooms, I already knew where they were because Henry used to sneak me inside the house. When I was done using the rest rooms I washed my face and went out but then I felt a hand pushing me in a corner and Henry stood before me blocking my way.

Henry: what the fuck are you doing here?
Me: I am not here for you so get out of my way
Henry: oh so I must just believe that you missed Trisha so much that you decided to come and stay with her?
Me: is it so hard to believe?
Henry: yes it is.
Me: look Henry… I like Trisha so much… she is like my little sister but I don’t trust you okay
Henry: the last time I checked you didn’t oppose to me marrying Trisha
Me: well guess what… I was out of my mind… and you hurt her and I told you that if she cries because of you are dead meat.
Henry: hey, it was a mistake, she forgave me and we are working on getting through it together
Me: yes… you see now, that’s the mistake she did… she forgive you
Henry: so what you are here to separate us
Me: don’t you think I would have already done that
Henry: then why are you here
Me: I missed my best friend… now get off my way before I scream.
Henry: if you dare say a word to Trisha… then I will personally butcher you.

I felt the hair at the back of my head standing as he said that and his eyes looked as if he was ready to murder someone. Yes I was a little scared of him, I don’t know why but it has always been that way, it was the reason why I loved him in the first place. He intimidated me. I took a deep breath to cover my fear and he moved back then scanned me before he went away.
As I was about to move from the corner Zenzele appeared with a grin on his face and cornered me on exactly the same spot where Henry had cornered me. I rolled my eyes at him and folded my hands giving him an attitude but secretly hoping that he didn’t hear any of what he said.

Me: what the hell are you doing?
Zenzele: I redirect the question you are asking… back to you.
Me: what?
Zenzele: what are you doing with your best friend’s husband in a corner?
Me: I don’t have to explain myself to you, it’s none of your business
Zenzele: oh I think it is my business… I care about her and well you and mister smarty pants, look like you want to play her?
Me: believe the fuck you want Zenzele…
Zenzele: are you fucking him… is that why you came to his house
Me: oh dear

I closed my eyes, he was pissing me off

Zenzele: don’t oh dear me Tracy… I always see the way you look at him, every time we meet, like the time when Trisha’s father was hospitalized… you sat at the back bench and I caught you biting your lip while staring at him.
Me: Zenzele?
Zenzele: are you ready to reveal your secret?

I pushed him back and went out to ask Trisha which will be my room. I needed a way to deal with these boys if I am going to complete my mission.


It was finally Friday and I was standing with my crew at my stand. Trisha and Tracy decided that it was too hot so they went to get some ice creams. A few people stood at my stand to ask questions. Then someone very interesting caught my eye. I answered their questions but she didn't even ask a question. The group left and she remained.

Me: Fadz... What can I do for you?

I gave her a smile. And she shrieked. She was dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shit. Her hair tied in a neat bun. And even though she was messy she was attractive as fuck.

Fadz: wipe that stupid grin off your face... You look ridiculous.
Me: Fadz... I have manners unlike you and I know how to treat my customers unlike you.
Fadz: are you saying that i have no manners
Me: you said it... Not me.
Fadz: for your Info... I am not a customer
Me: really then why are you here.
Fadz: I am here with my dad... And he is boring me to hell,
Me: oh Is he in the truck business
Fadz: yes... He is a mechanic, he repairs trucks and builds spare parts.
Me: he builds spare parts, from scratch?
Fadz: yes.
Me: that is cool. I think I will have to work with your father
Fadz: is this your company?
Me: uhh... Yes it is. Wait... Why are you chatting with me?
Fadz: you are the only person I know who isn't my family
Me: and you are actually being nice
Fadz: hey... I can be nice.
Me: nice enough to have lunch with me?
Fadz: I don’t see that happening brother

She turned to go and I held her hand.

Me: don’t call me brother it feels awfully wrong and please just one lunch.
Fadz: you know what
Me: what?
Fadz: I only came here to chat with you because I thought you might be a little fun since its boring here but then like any other guy you misinterpreted my friendliness.
Me: I didn’t
Fadz: good because I am going now… leave my hand.

What is the best way to get a girl when she is playing hard to get. Right… I got it, pity. I took a deep breath looking sad and let her hand go

Me: it’s okay… I am used to rejection anyway.

I looked at her face and she looked disgusted

Fadz: Man… pick your pants up. What the hell are you doing?
Me: I am just trying to get you to have lunch with me
Fadz: by acting like a victim of heart break.
Me: technically I am
Fadz: guess what?
Me: what?
Fadz: I don’t want damaged goods
Me: guess what?
Fadz: what?
Me: I was joking

She laughed while shaking her head.

Fadz: you are nuts.
Me: maybe… please just one lunch with me and I will leave you alone
Fadz: you will?
Me: yes of course but if you don’t want me to leave you alone then I won’t.
Fadz: don’t get too ahead of yourself.
Me: so lunch today… meet me at the parking lot in two hours.
Fadz: the show ends at 5 PM
Me: so… just sneak.
Fadz what about you?
Me: hey this is my company I do what I want.
Fadz: my goodness… okay fine let me go then, I am pretty sure my father is wondering where the hell I am.

I watched her as she went away to her stand as soon as I was certain she couldn’t see me I high fived myself and turned around only to find Trisha and her annoying friend behind me.

Tracy: so… who was that?
Me: none of your business
Tracy: one of your baits
Me: Trisha… does your offer still stand?
Trisha: what offer?
Me: the… “Take over my father’s business for a while” offer
Trisha: yes… are you up for it?
Me: absolutely
Tracy: wait, just hold on for a minute… you mean you want to give this uneducated mess of a men your father’s company... this is illegal
Me: will you shut up Tracy
Trisha: trust me this guy knows his business… he is even better than me.
Tracy: Trisha, are you even listening to yourself right now?
Trisha: you should really stop underestimating Zenzele, he may have not finished his school but he is good at what he does
Me: so where do I sign

I said looking at Tracy who then shook her head in disapproval.

Trisha: we will do the paper work at home.
Tracy: I wonder why you are suddenly interested in the business
Me: like I said before Tracy… nothing to do with you.

I left the girls at the stand while I thought of ways to steal her heart… she obviously isn’t the kind to be wowed by money so I planned my moves perfectly. When the time came, she found me at the parking lot with an umbrella.

Fadz: what are you doing with an umbrella?
Me: we are walking to lunch so this is for the sun.

She slightly laughed and nodded. I opened the umbrella and held her hand. She gently pulled her hand off mine.

Me: come on… let the guy have the time of his life
Fadz: what… why?
Me: it could be the last time I see you

She slightly laughed again and I held her hand again. This time she didn’t refuse with her hand. I secretly smiled as we walked. I took her across the green garden first it looked empty and I knew there were possibilities of crooks attacking us so I hired some people to track us.

Me: so you work for your father and mother?
Fadz: no… I just do that part time.
Me: oh, that’s great… how old are you again?
Fadz: 18

I looked at her stunned by her age. I knew she was young but I didn’t think she would be this young… maybe 20 or 21.

Me: wow you are so young… are you doing your first year
Fadz: no I just finished my last year at high School

Oh lord, she is young. I suddenly felt like letting her hand go… I mean she just finished at high school and I am five years older than her.

Fadz: so what about you?
Me: I am 5 years old.
Fadz: please I am serious
Me: I am not joking… my birthday is on the 29 February.
Fadz: you know... (Got cut off)
Me: oh it’s refreshing here… it smells like nature.
Fadz: you are right it smells like grass.
Me: and it’s beautiful
Fadz: it really is

She is easily distracted. We passed the garden and got to the community park….

Me: so this is where we buy our lunch?
Fadz: I don’t see any shop here
Me: there are street vendors at the other side of the park.
Fadz: street vendors?
Me: yes… haven’t you ever bought food at a street vendor before.
Fadz: no I have but I am surprised you do
Me: hey… believe it or not. I grew up buying food from street vendors
Fadz: I rather not believe it.

I stood with her on the line.

Me: what would you like to eat?
Fadz: I don’t know

I looked at the vendor

Me: rise and fried chicken with all of your salads.

As I waited for the food I heart Fadz squirming.

Fadz: what the fuck!

By time I turned around she had already gave a guy a punch and she was already pulling another one.

Fadz: how dare you sonofabitch…

She gave him another punch. I held her hands because she wasn’t backing down.

Me: whoa! What happened?
Fadz: the mother fucker just squeezed my butt

I turned to him with anger and threw a fist on his nose and he ran away. Fadz wanted to run after him but I held her back and led her away from the crowd while she was swearing and cursing at the guy. The thought really nauseated me. Just to think that I am the one who brought this little girl here made me want to send people after the guy. We sat on the bench under a tree.

Me: calm down Fadz… I am sorry that had to happen.
Fadz: some guys just underestimate girls
Me: yes, but you sure taught him a lesson.
Fadz: (smiles) you think
Me: absolutely… I mean you were on fire

She laughed and I felt relieve brushing through me. This means our lunch can go on.

Fadz: you know we came here for lunch
Me: I know and we will have the lunch

I looked at the vendor and one of the guys I hired delivered the food to us.

Fadz: are there people following us?
Me: no…. it’s just some guy I asked to bring the food to me. Let’s eat

I looked at the food, they looked unappetizing, and Fadz also looked at the food then looked at me.

Me: you know what… I will buy something better put the food away
Fadz: and you say you grew up eating street food
Me: hey… they didn’t look like they were undercooked like this food

She laughed as we pushed the takeaways to the sides

Me: so what will you be studying at school?
Fadz: I don’t know… I don’t want to go to varsity
Me: are you nuts… I mean… why?
Fadz: because what I want to be has nothing to do with studying
Me: what do you want to be?
Fadz: a dancer
Me: really, you are a dancer
Fadz: kind off
Me: well… if this day goes well then one day you will dance for me
Fadz: if
Me: you know you are really beautiful Fadz
Fadz: don’t even start… you were doing so well until now
Me: what is it? You hate the truth or being complemented Fadz: that’s cheeky and I hate it… you sound cheap saying that
Me: wow… do you believe you are ugly
Fadz: oh my god… I am about to go right now.
Me: okay… I am sorry… I am sorry… would you like to go on a round about
Fadz: at your age
Me: hey I am five years old.
Fadz: oh my god

I stood up and pulled her hand to the playground. She sat on the swing and I started gently pushing her.

Fadz: you asked me a lot of questions but you say nothing about your life.
Me: well there is nothing to know
Fadz: you look young… how come you own such a big company
Me: my sister gave it to me
Fadz: you have a sister
Me: uh… kind of.
Fadz: you know I don’t understand why you refuse with information.
Me: I don’t want to make you lose your appetite
Fadz: trust me… it’s not there
Me: I will tell you on the way back.
Fadz: okay… it’s been four hours already… I think we should return

What… already?

Me: chill… I will drop you off at your place.
Fadz: I really think I should go.
Me: can you just wait a few more minutes… I am enjoying myself
Fadz: oh lord… okay thirty minutes
Me: thirty minutes…

From the swings we went for ice cream and continued with chatting, thirty minutes turned into an hour, then two hours, and then three hour She had totally forgot that she should go home. She remembered when it was totally dark.

Fadz: holy shit… my mother is going to kill me.
Me: relax
Fadz: it’s like an hour to go back so don’t you dare tell me to relax okay.
Me: hey look, there is my car. Let’s go.

I pointed to where my car was parked. Her phone rang. And she hurried to the car.

Fadz: hello mom… yes I am alright… I am coming home don’t worry… I just volunteered at some hall to help, with uh… their work. I said I am on my way. Ok.
Me: you are a liar
Fadz: shut up
Me: is your mother kind of evil
Fadz: my mom is not evil… she is just like any other mom.
Me: good then she won’t kill you.

I opened the door for her and she rolled her eyes. I went to the driver’s seat and drove her home while she was giving me directions. She stopped me in front of a big flat.

Me: is this your house
Fadz: don’t be crazy… I wouldn’t show you where I live.

I got off to open the door for her.

Me: thank you I had a very interesting day.
Fadz: yeah… hey, you said you will tell me all about yourself on the way back.
Me: oops… it slipped right off my mind.
Fadz: you tricked me.
Me: I guess if you really want to know about me then we can set another date for lunch right now

She looked at me with wide eyes but I wasn’t sure if she was angry or happy because of the darkness. She didn’t reply me and we stood there staring at each other until I found myself holding her waist with my lips on hers. She tried to beat be back but she ended up giving in and returning my kiss. When I left her she stumbled back in shock trying to catch her breath.

Me: so what will it be? Do you want to see me again or not?
Fadz: you haven't even told me your name.

To be continued shortly!!

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