
Enticed episode 3

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 21 Nov 2019
Girl: who the fuck are you?
Zenzele: oh shit... Fuck...
I turned around and ran away only to be stopped by a firm grip on my hand at the outside his house.

Me: leave me... Let go of my hand you pervert.
Zenzele: Babe... Babe... Listen. It’s not what you think.
Me: of course it’s not what I think you dutch bag... Why would it be what I think...? Now leave me alone... I have to leave.
Zenzele: babe...I don't love her... Trish... Let's talk.
Me: (crying and yelling) talk about what... we have nothing to talk about. It’s over Zenzele.

I tried pulling my hand away. But the grip was firm. The girl came out with a towel wrapped around her.

Girl: baby... Who is this bitch?

Oh no she didn't...

Zenzele: shut the fuck up and get out of here Abigail.
Me: let go of my hand
Zenzele: no... You are not leaving me... Not today.
Me: or what... Let go of my hand.

He twisted my hand and pulled me into the house, it didn't matter how hard I tried to resist, and he was just too strong.

Me: you are hurting me you son of a bitch. Leave me... Let go of me... Let go of me Zenzele...

I screamed and slapped him. He stopped then with one swift move he picked me up and scooped me over his shoulder. I hit his back as hard as I could but it seemed useless. I yelled.

Zenzele: stop screaming Trisha. You are not leaving me and you are not leaving this house until you forgive me.

I tried fighting. I yelled I held the door frame as he tried to enter.

Zenzele: damn it Trisha. Let go.

Suddenly Zenzele stopped and I felt big strong hands pulling me from him. It was Henry and he was silent... His eyes were angry.

Henry: pick on someone your own size.
Zenzele: what the hell... Trish... Who is this?
Me: this... This is my fiancé... Henry.

I showed him the big jewel on my finger.

Me: see... He is much better than you could ever be.

Henry: keep away from her.

I walked back to the car and as soon as Henry got inside the car I hit the accelerator. I couldn't stop myself from crying... I wanted to kill myself, I wanted to wake up and find that this is all a dream.
I was suffocating... I my eyes were blurry... I almost caused an accident three times.

Henry: don't you think I should drive.
Me: no!!
Henry: but your driving might kill us.
Me: I don't care... I want to die... I want to die...
Henry: pull up on a bus stop
Me: no... I will drive.

I screamed and then did some breathing exercises. Then pulled up on the next bus stop. I cried until tears ran out... I cried until I couldn't any more... I cried until I was left gasping for breath. My heart ached.
I couldn't take their picture out of my mind. Henry offered me some tissues and I wiped my face.

Me: why did it have to happen to me...? Why did you do this...? I loved you Zenzele... I loved you.
Henry: don't bother yourself with those questions. It’s going to be alright.
Me: why...
Henry: you are never going to get the answers. Look Trisha... You are a strong and intelligent person... You don’t have to be crying over some low life that doesn't deserve you.
Me: you don't understand... I love that low life with all my heart.
Henry: after today, after what you saw... He showed you how much he thought of the love you shared. Do think you still love him... I know it’s hard to let go... Trust me I do know that its hard but does he deserve you... Does he deserve those tears...? All the hurt that you are going the through at this moment is all because of him...

I looked at him, honestly I didn't know if what I was him trying to be supportive or him trying to earn some points to my heart. Although what he said made perfect sense, I still didn't know if I should trust him.

Henry: I see confusion on your face... Trisha... I know you have absolutely no reason to trust me but I am being legit here.

Dude are you reading my mind or what?

Henry: Will you please answer the following questions for me. Do you think he is worth it.
Me: after this... I don't think so.
Henry: good... Do you think you deserve him or he deserves you?
Me: no...
Henry: Because you deserve better. I know that everything you have been doing... You have been keeping him in mind
Me: yes I have...
Henry: are you going to continue with that?
Me: no.
Henry: good, because your world does not revolve around him.
Me: yes
Henry: you are strong and independent.
Me: yes I am.
Henry: and you are not going to let some cheating low life rule your life.
Me: yes
Henry: and you are not going to be suicidal because him. You are young and beautiful.
Me: yes
Henry: and you are going to let me drive this car while you rest.
Me: yes... Wait what...
Henry: come on Trisha... You know you still have put yourself back together.
Me: well... I guess you are right.

I don't know what the hell happened a few minutes back but I felt a lot better after wards and he was driving.

Me: Henry... You know... I didn't want this engagement to take place but my dad wouldn't take no for an answer. I even refused to come down stairs.
Henry: you know... We don't have to get engaged if you don't want to I don't want to force you
Me: yes... Besides that right now I really need space... Wait....
Henry: what
Me: so you are just going to drop the bomb like that when we arrive?
Henry: oh my God... I swear my mother will die of a heart attack.
Me: listen... I know that after I tell you this you will probably think my mom is a bad person but she was really just looking out for me because I was being a headache. We had made a plan to get the wedding cancelled and I think her plan won't give your mom a heart attack... All we have to do is play along this whole wedding thing

His sympathetic smile disappeared, his jaw tightened and he looked forward. I don't think the words fell on the right place.

Henry: so this was all an act... You lied to everyone. You know... I really liked you.
Me: I am sorry Henry... I really am but you won't understand how it feels to have a bully father always hovering over you.
Henry: it’s okay...
Me: I'm glad you understand.

He looked at me and smiled. At least he didn't take it to heart.

Henry: at least I will have a chance to change your mind.

Is that a joke?

Me: I don't think that’s possible.


I walked back inside the house after I watched her car disappear at high speed what the fuck just happened? What was she doing here… better question what the fuck is this bitch called Abigail doing here?
I mean she entered the house looking all scared like she was being chased by someone then she started crying in my arms the next thing I knew i was in bed with her and then boom! Trisha enters before we even did anything.
She was smirking with her phone covered in my towel. Just the site of her made me want to take out my gun and blow her brains off. I sat down and held my head trying to think straight. I felt her sit next to me and her hand slowly moving up and down my back I held her hand and moved it away from me without a word surely she should get the message. She did it again and I gave her a stare

Abigail: what’s wrong honey boo… did that bitch turn you off or do you want to continue what we started?

She kissed my neck and I totally lost it. I twisted her hand pinning her down to the floor and just when I was about to punch her fake Barbie doll face I paused. I can't hit a woman. She looked at me with fear written all over her face.

Me: who are you? What do you want from me?
Abigail: calm down Zenzele... I just came to crush here for a night I remember explaining to you that my boyfriend beats me up. And you said yes.

I let go of her guilt rushed through me. I recall her crying in my arms and after she was silent she looked at me and all I saw was pain misery and need. Yes I kissed her. Dang it I kissed her. I felt pity for her and I kissed her maybe I should just blow my brains out. I tried calling Trisha and her phone was unavailable.
The fact that she got engaged made my heart boil with anger the next time I see her father I am sending him to heaven. He does dirty stuff and still thinks he can control everyone... It’s a shame what money can change a man into. I looked at Abigail. The bitch just ruined my life.

Me: Abigail... Leave my house
Abigail: but Zenzele... (Got cut off)
Me: I said leave my house... How dare you call me babe in front of my girlfriend? His dare you.
Abigail: I thought there was chemistry betwe... (Got cut off)
Me: chemistry... Are you a scientist Abigail or maybe this is a science lesson? You disgust me. Get out of my house before I beat you up and call your boyfriend to join the party. You have a nerve to call my girlfriend a bitch
Abigail: Zenzele I have nowhere to go.

I went to my room and came back with her clothes then threw them outside the house. I also carried her outside the house and locked up the door. I tried her to call her again and it was unavailable.
I have to get her forgiveness, I can’t lose her like this, not over some silly mistake. I will make sure of it.


By the time we arrived at home people started leaving and my bags where being packed into one of the cars. I refused to get inside the houses and Henry offered to stay with me outside. Soon the parents all went out and I saw Mrs. Tyson glancing at us and smiling.

Mrs. Tyson: I see we are off to a good start.

We said our goodbyes and went to my new temporary home. The parents where in their own range rover leading the way followed by us then the brothers and their wives in a Limousine. We arrived at a big mansion even bigger than my dad's mansion. As soon as we entered everyone froze and they looked at each other... Am I missing something here people?
There were Kids in the living room. Three girls and two boys. Nothing surprising.

Mrs. Tyson: Troy... Shouldn't you be all asleep? I told you that at exactly 2000 hrs. Everyone must be in bed

Did they all freeze because the kids are not asleep? A teenage boy stood up and bowed his head. I guess he was Troy.

Troy: Granma... No one was sleepy.
Mrs. Tyson: No one was what... I told you that we are having a visitor and we don't need children around.

I personally didn't see anything wrong with this.

Me: it’s okay Mrs. Tyson... There is nothing wrong. In fact I like Kids.

She gave me a look that made me bite my tongue. This woman is scary. Mr. Tyson held her shoulder and her anger cooled down.

Mr. Tyson: Diana... It’s okay. What difference will it make if we introduce them today or tomorrow?

Exactly my point... Thank you Mr. Tyson.

Mrs. Tyson: Ok if you say so. You can all sit down.

The other crowd followed me to the couch. Honestly I had even forgotten that they existed, they have been awfully quite.

Mrs. Tyson: Trisha all of this kids are my grandchildren... This is Troy. He is the eldest of them all. He is 15 years old and he is Leonard and Rena's son.

Troy did a brief smile and left. I think Mrs. Tyson's yelling got to him.

This is the second thoughts oldest, Rose. She is thirteen years old, Troy’s little sister

Rose: nice to meet you.
Me: same here

She also stood up and went away.

Mrs. Tyson: this is Danny’s child. Elizabeth... She is only 7 years old.

Elizabeth just smiled and nodded then left... What is it with all the kids leaving...? Or is it some kind of a custom that is being followed.

Mrs. Tyson: this is the last of Danny's children, Kevin. He is only 6 years old.

Kevin: nice to meet you Aunt Trisha.

Kevin pushed in his glasses and left. Do the kids already know me? How come they didn't wait for me to be introduced and that little Kevin...? How did he know my name? Oh well, he must be a good listener.
There was only one kid left on the couch i guess she is the youngest. She was so cute and adorable. Ok on second thought that was an understatement this child was gorgeous she looked at me with a very warm smile and I returned it back.
So far no one has said a thing and she walked towards me then sat down next to me holding my two fingers with her tiny hands. She must be Sam's child... But Sam doesn't have a wife... Hold on this is confusing... Why isn't she acting like the others?

Her: hi
Me: hello
Her: my name is Emily.

She is introducing herself... She must have ran out of patience.

Me: nice name Emily my name is Trisha
Emily: (slight laugh) I know
Me: really now
Emily: you are beautiful...
Me: well thank you... But not as beautiful as you are.

She giggled... They were all looking at me like I just did something great

Mrs. Tyson: she is 4 years old and the last of my grandkids.
Me: (smile) she is sweet... Is he Sam's son?

Sam immediately coughed so hard I thought he was choking until Mrs. Tyson gave him one of her warning looks and he stopped.

Me: what's wrong?
Mrs. Tyson: Emily is your daughter... She is Henry's daughter.
Me: what!!!

The fuck.... I was going to get married to a man with a child...
What to do?
What to do?
This is trickery... How could dad do this to me? What should I do? I stood up pulling my hand from her little fingers and ran outside. Henry came behind me. I stopped and turned to him.

Me: Henry leave me alone.
Henry: but Trisha...
Me: (yelling) go back inside Henry
Henry: Trisha...
Me: l said go back... Go back... Isn't that clear enough for you.

I got inside the car and closed the door. What is it with this day...? Is it a hurt Trisha Day? I took a deep breath... Why am I so mad...? I am not going to marry the guy anyway and he knows it but still dad kept all this away from me...
How does one react in this kind of a situation...? Only one person would be able to make me feel better... My best friend Tracy. She is funny. She is a dreamer. She loves adventure and experimenting. She has one stinking attitude and she kicks ass.
All in all she is super crazy... My dad is sponsoring her to study zoology at Britain because her family long died.
Sometimes I really feel like dad is being unfair to me... I practically begged dad to study law. And now Tracy has opened her own magazine line about animals and she works alone.
I dialed her number and with one ring she answered. Excited as always.

Tracy: hello sweetheart... Guess what I am doing right this moment. I am on a date with my professor.
Me: what!!
Tracy: (laughs) I am joking... I got you, how I wish I could see your face right now. You know I told you that zoology is fantastic... This week my class is going to Mexico on a tour.
Me: I am so proud of you Tracy.

She kept quiet for a while

Tracy: Trisha... Are you okay?
Me: yes... Just some few of life's hiccups.
Tracy: what happened?
Me: Don't worry yourself… I just needed to hear your voice.
Tracy: if you don't talk... I am flying back tomorrow.
Me: ok fine... I am engaged to some guy named Henry Tyson.
Tracy: Henry Tyson...
Me: do you know him
Tracy: um... um... Uh... No... What happened to Zenzele?
Me: we broke up today... I found him with another girl... Naked on the bed I bought for him with my father's money.

I felt my eyes getting moist and a lump on my throat.

Tracy: holy shit! I am going to kill that good for nothing dog. How are you coping baby?
Me: I don't know...
Tracy: I always told you that i don’t trust that stinking rat. At least you have Henry... Right?
Me: he has a child...
Tracy: shit! What is wrong with man nowadays... But then he is better than Zenzele right.

Eventually I told Tracy everything that happened and her reaction shocked me... She thought it would be great if I married this guy but just because I am her friend she will support me with any decision that I take. For some reason I thought she would blow on the fact that dad forced me to get engaged to a man I don’t know.

Tracy: things are not looking very good for you my friend... Look don’t pull out now... Just keep up with the act... You will pull out at the right time... And when you enter that house they must give you answers... Make sure of that.

Like I said, Tracy always knows what to do. I entered and everyone was sitting right where I left them except Henry he was nowhere to be found. I just entered and sat down. Mr. Tyson's eyes lightened up as soon as she saw me.

Mrs. Tyson: you came back?
Me: I realized that sometimes prejudice is a killer.
Mrs. Tyson: for a moment there I thought this was the last time we saw you.
Me: I need answers.
Mrs. Tyson: Chloe... Go and prepare some beverages.

Henry appeared from a passage holding a coffee mug. He raised his eyebrows as soon as he saw me. Then his face suddenly turned stiff showing anger. He turned and went back.

Mrs. Tyson: Emily's mother is dead. We also didn't know that Henry had a son until one night someone knocked and left a basked with a baby and a birth certificate.

Chloe arrived with the drinks and sat down.

Mrs. Tyson: she was only 3 weeks old by then... We did some DNA test which was totally unnecessary because the child is an exact replica of his father.

She is right... The whole reason why Emily is so gorgeous is because of Henry.

Mrs. Tyson: we searched for the mother and we landed at a house full of prostitutes. It seems she was one of them. They explained of how she died... Apparently she was killed by one of her customers.
Me: but how did he have a child with a prostitute?
Henry: it was a one night stand.

He leaned on a pillar by the passage he kept on disappearing on to.

Mrs. Tyson: since then we have been looking for a suitable girl to be Emily's mother. Most of the girls agree to marry Henry... Probably because of the money but as soon as they hear about the child. They disappear… since you are here and you are here to stay I think I should start by giving you some house rules.
Me: I am sorry mam... I think it’s late and I should probably go to sleep.
Mr. Tyson: Diana let the child rest
Mrs. Tyson: Chloe... Show her where she is going to sleep.

Henry smiled and winked as we passed by him. I wondered what he must be thinking. It was a separate room from Henry's room. Good because I was not going to sleep on the same room with him.
I lay down on the bed and the events of today replayed again in my head questions popped up in my mind and I couldn’t seem to find the answers my heart ached just the thought of Zenzele made tears roll down my cheeks I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. So I just took out my computer and did my project,

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