
Enticed episode 4

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 22 Nov 2019


I woke up a bit late and quickly did my hygiene routine, while I was still doing my makeup Chloe entered my room.

Me: (smile) good morning Chloe
Chloe: (smile) try calling me sister in law… look you haven’t bathe your child and she is going to school.

Your child! Yoh!

Me: school… but it’s a Saturday
Chloe: she is going for an interview at a preschool. So you have to make sure she is ready, you are her mother after all and after that go and make breakfast for your child and husband its mother’s words… sorry.

She ran out immediately leaving me a little shocked about everything. I mean I haven’t married the guy, but then again I guess this is what they meant when the said an experience of married life. I have to be at work in like 30 minutes. I went to Emily’s bedroom it was next to mine so I didn’t have trouble looking for it. Considering the fact that I literally know anything about his house this guys are giving me way too much responsibility.

Me: Emily… wake up baby, I have run a bath for you.

She woke up and looked at me. Then I carried her to the bathroom.

Emily: good morning
Me: good morning baby and how was your night?
Emily: are you my mommy?

Whoa! What do I say to you? I looked at her innocent eyes and put her in the gigantic bath tub. I am so going to regret lying to a child.

Me: yes I am sweetie.
Emily: I always loved you, I never hated you.
Me: I love you too sweetie… (Signs) where is your soap?
Emily: the one I’ve been using is finished but my soaps are kept at daddy’s bathroom.

I really can’t go to Henry’s bedroom, let alone bathroom. I rushed to my bedroom and took my soap

Emily: I don’t use any soap, I use a special soap for me only.
Me: well I am running late and so you have to bath with this soap.
Emily: what am I wearing?
Me: (sighs) I have to prepare your clothes too… baby can you bath yourself?
Emily: yes… I am four years old. I am a big girl.
Me: good girl, I am going to prepare your clothes, bathe yourself real fast and come out okay.
Emily: (smiles) ok

I quickly took out a cute pink dress and ironed it for her. I took out matching pink shoes and a pink jersey. As soon as she was done she came out from the bathroom dripping wet. I took a towel and covered her up as soon as she saw the clothes I prepared for her she sneered and frowned.

Emily: I will not wear that dress… I hate it.

I looked at her in despair. I don’t have time to iron another dress for her.

Me: but baby… it’s pretty.
Emily: I don’t care I don’t want to wear a dress… I want white leggings and sneakers and a black top… and I am not wearing a jersey… I will wear my military bomber jacket, it’s my first day at school and I have to be flawless. Besides boys have to see that I am not a baby and I am beautiful.

What the… boys! I looked at her with my mouth dropped. She surely demands a lot for a 4 year old but I didn’t have time to argue with her so I gave her what she wanted. After that I had to comb her kinky hair.

Emily: mommy? Why did you rush outside in anger last night when you heard that I am your daughter… did I upset you?
Me: um… sweetie, you will never upset me okay… last night I was happy.
Emily: okay… but why did you leave after I was born. I missed you terribly. Where did you go?

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Who told this child that I am her real mother? Why did her mother had to die.

Me: I didn’t leave you sweetie, I just went to study.
Emily: are you done now?
Me: yes I am
Emily: are you back forever… will you leave me alone again?

I put on her band to raise kinky hair and signed. I can’t deal with this kind of an interrogation from a 4 year old. And this family… why lie to a child? Honestly though isn’t she a bit too matured for a 4 year old? I scooped her in my arms and kissed her forehead. As I went out of her room I saw DVDs of teenage love movies.

Me: Emily… are those yours
Emily: yes… daddy watches them with me.

Oh my god… no wonder you talk like you have reached puberty. This is not healthy. I put a mental note to talk to Henry about this later. She literally refused to get down from me so I went downstairs holding her.

Emily: where are you going?
Me: right now, to the kitchen… what do you want for breakfast?
Emily: I want milo cereal
Me: good now can I please put you down.
Emily: no, not yet…

Her smile disappeared and she got off me, just when I was starting to think that maybe I have offended her I saw Mrs. Tyson coming towards us… Emily ran off I don’t know to where leaving me to face her scary Granma alone.

Me: good morning Mrs. Tyson
Mrs. Tyson: call me mother and your excuse for waking up this late is
Me: are you serious, it’s like 7 am right now Mrs. Tyson

Her face tightened then she gave me her killer stare and I immediately regretted talking to her like that… ok time for topic change.

Me: um… mother, I have to go work and drop some papers can I ask Rena or Chloe to prepare breakfast for Henry and Emily.
Mrs. Tyson: and what message will you be sending to us... That you are unable to care for your family... Listen here Trisha, marriage is not a child's play. The role of a daughter in law is to impress.
Me: but I am not married yet.
Mrs. Tyson: exactly the more reason why you should impress. Now go in there and make breakfast.
Me: you don't understand... (Got cut off)
Mrs. Tyson: get in the kitchen Trisha… that way.

I turned and went to the direction she was pointing. I really think they should have started by giving me a tour of the house either way I found the kitchen. Chloe and Rena were in the kitchen preparing some complicated dishes.
I just boiled tea and made toast for Henry and some Milo flakes for Emily. Then I served them their breakfast. The breakfast I served seemed a little out of place Rena had made her kids soft porridge while pancakes with scrambled eggs and coffee for her husband.
Chloe made toast with minced meat and tomato juice for her husband and some really huge sandwiches and mango juice for her kids. While Mrs. Tyson made some baked beans creamed spinach and toast with coffee for her husband and Sam. I have never seen a weirder family than this, I mean why don't they help each other make the same breakfast or have a routine for cooking.
Mrs. Tyson just shook her head as I served and I ignored her when I was done I left the table but Mrs. Tyson stopped me.

Mrs. Tyson: Trisha... Where are you going?
Me: I am going to take my laptop and some few files, I have to submit something at work.
Mrs. Tyson: in our house we have breakfast together, so you will sit and eat with everyone am I clear young lady
Me: Mrs. Tyson please… are you on a mission to get me fired? I am like two hours late. I made your son and granddaughter some breakfast I will grab something on the way okay...

Everyone was shocked with the way i just responded to Mrs. Tyson. They were all looking at me like I just murdered someone. Mrs. Tyson slowly stood up.

Me: um... I am sorry mother but i really need to get to work.

I rushed upstairs and grabbed my hand bag then I headed out.
The moment i entered the office my colleagues started congratulating me on my engagement... If only they knew. My boss eventually turned a blind eye on my late coming and i buried myself in my work to avoid thinking about reality. After a few hours some lilies were delivered to my office with a message.

I am sorry Trish.
Can we talk?
I will be waiting for you in the lobby.

I threw away the flowers in the trash bin. I felt my heart getting heavy all over again... A lump formed in my throat and tears started forming in my eyes, I buried my face in my hands. I still couldn't believe Zenzie did this to me... How could he? Tears started making their way down my cheek as a picture of him and that bitch poured in my head. How I wish I didn't witness that scene. My phone rang and I immediately answered without looking at the caller ID.

Caller ID: babe did you receive my flowers.

My heart jumped... Zenzele! I quickly hanged up and threw the phone across the wall.


My princess made quite a mark at the interview all the teachers loved her but it wasn’t such a surprise to me… my daughter has that effect on everyone. I looked at her and held her tiny hand, she looked at me and smiled.

Emily: daddy?
Me: yes princess
Emily: where is mommy?
Me: at work sweetheart.
Emily: is mommy going to leave me again daddy
Me: why do you say that princess… don’t ask such a questions. I will make sure she doesn’t leave us okay.
Emily: okay daddy?
Me: now rest okay sweetheart… sleep now.
Emily: does she know that I am sick?
Me: not yet… I will tell her okay
Emily: call her right now… I want to see her.

I went out of her observation room and tried calling Trisha…. Her number was unavailable… I sat down and tried calling again still unreachable. After a few hours I gave up and called someone else.

Me: hello crazy.
Her: oh you finally decided to call and tell me about everything.
Me: who said I am calling to tell
Her: oh really... Then why are you calling.
Me: I need advice.
Her: shoot.
Me: how do I make her stay without forcing her...? Emily loves her but my family is making it impossible for her to see that she belongs there and after today... I bet she is going to go running to her father.
Her: (laughs) your mom again.
Me: obviously...
Her: one day I am going to slap the words right off her mouth. I am sorry if it’s offending but your mom really makes me want to take my head off... I can't stand her.
Henry: yeah and about that advice....
Her: oh... She won't go back trust me. If that pest of her boyfriend keeps on troubling her then she will marry you...
Me: how can you be so sure? She seems to have loved the guy.
Her: excuse me have you forgotten who you are talking to... I know Trisha like the back of my hand. Just be yourself when you are around her and remember the more Zenzele causes pain to her, the more she is going to want revenge on him and what better revenge is there than to marry you.
Me: I don't know man.
Her: and Henry... Trisha is hungry... When she is upset she tends to forget that she survives with food.
Me: I'll keep that in mind.
Her: remember... If you dare mention that you know me... Even by a mistake I will hang you.
Me: but you are my friend... You know what never mind.

She hanged up. I have never in my life met a crazier yet sane person like this one. I tried calling Trisha again and she was still unreachable. I called some fast food restaurant and ordered her lunch. A few hours before she knocked off I went to her work place and I have never been more glad to see this loser. I packed away from Trisha's car and observed.


Lunch time I didn't leave the office then I received a takeaway my first instinct was that they were from Zenzele so I gave the food to the delivery guy. Just then my boss entered my office.
Mr. Thamu: Trisha... I noticed the time you arrived today

And I thought you chose to avoid it...

Me: I'm so sorry sir
Mr. Thamu: don't worry I know that marriage is a big occasion and you have to fit a lot in such little time so if you need a leave you can come and pick it up.
Me: thank you sir that but will be unnecessary.
Mr. Thamu: alright I saw your report this morning and I handed it over to one of our best lawyers Mr. Lokgaba from now on you will be working with him on his case just so you can learn the ropes we need to make you one of the best attorneys out there.
Me: thank you sir... I needed that.
Mr. Thamu: it’s not an easy case.

He smiled and left the office. I went to Mr. Lokgaba to get the review papers on his case. It turns out we are defending a man who killed his pregnant wife and daughter but pleaded not guilty he claims that he is being framed. It made me think that there are people who out there who are dealing with much bigger problems than me.

After work I headed to the garage only to find Zenzele by my car, I reduced my pace and finally stopped when I was like ten feet away from him. He looked at me and walked towards me.

Me: Zenzele... I don't have time for your drama, please go away.

He didn’t stop, he got so close that I could feel his breathing.

Zenzele: can you at least hear me out.
Me: ok explain... Explain why when I was waiting for you to barge in at the engagement and break it up you rather chose to have sex with another girl.
Zenzele: we didn't do anything it was just kisses and you opened the door before anything could happen... I am so sorry baby I really didn't mean anything you saw in there. It was a mistake I don’t even know that girl... Babe I know I am at fault here please forgive me.

I stood frozen in front of him, tears where taking over and I couldn't stop them. I wanted to hit him so hard that he faints yet I felt so weak... He was breaking my heart with every word he said. I caught him red handed yet he denies it... It was just kisses he says but what I saw was totally opposite what he said.

Me: Zeh... Zenzele...

I choked on my tears.

Zenzele: please my love... Forgive me, I know I wronged you.
Me: please leave me alone.

I whispered since my vocal cords couldn't seem to produce any voice.

Zenzele: baby... My love... Please I need your forgiveness... I know I hurt you and I didn't mean it.
Me: (yelling at a high note) just leave me alone... Leave me alone... How could you? How could you

I stepped back and cried aloud. “You heard the lady... Leave her alone" Henry's voice pierced from behind me.
Zenzele: look man...this is my girlfriend so stay the fuck away.
Henry: Zenzele or whatever the fuck your name is... This is my wife to be and I wouldn't hesitate to kill you for her right now so disappear.

Zenzele just smirked and left while Henry held me in his arms and tried to comfort me. Today he didn't say anything he just held me and the little strength that I had disappeared I found myself in a situation where Henry was my pillar, he carried me to his car and drove... I didn't know where we were going but it was certainty not to his place. I finally kept quiet and hiccups attacked me.

Henry: are you okay?
Me: (whispers) yes

He gave me a bottle of water

Henry: you are not safe alone... Should I assign someone to keep an eye on you?
Me: no... I don't want that.
Henry: it’s okay… how was your lunch?

He sent the takeaway?

Me: just fine… what were you doing at my work place today... Are you stalking me?
Henry: (smirks) no I am not stalking you... I tried contacting you today and your phone was off the whole day so I thought maybe you are in trouble so I decided to check up on you.
Me: I'm sorry it broke.
Henry: you are apologizing for the wrong reason.

What is that supposed to mean? I looked at him and noticed that he was tense. He kept a firm face and tight jaws.

Me: did i do anything wrong?
Henry: you didn’t know so i won’t blame you.
Me: what are you talking about? What did I do? Wait a minute. Where are we going?
Henry: to the hospital?
Me: hospital... Why?
Henry: Emily has been admitted there.

I bit my tongue... My stomach turned.

Me: what happened to her?
Henry: she doesn't use any kind of soap and it seems this morning you used the wrong soap for her body. Her skin dries up, develops rash and swells up. It’s some kind of an allergy.
Me: oh my god.

I covered my mouth.

Me: she is going to be okay right...
Henry: she is going to be alright but I don't know about you… mother is a little angry.
Me: my God Henry I am so sorry I didn't know
Henry: I know you are...

He received a message.

Henry: they discharged her... Father and mother took her home.

We returned home and when we arrived everyone looked at me like they were warning me over something and I knew it has to be Mrs. Tyson.

Me: good day Mr. and Mrs. Tyson.

They were both sitting in the living room. Mrs. Tyson replied with her killer stare while Mr. Tyson just nodded. I noticed that he is not really a talker he was busy with the newspaper.

Mrs. Tyson: young lady can you give me one reason why you used your soap to bathe a four year old.
Me: I'm so sorry Mrs. Tyson... I didn't know that she has allergies.
Mrs. Tyson: of course you didn't know... But I am sure that she told you that she doesn't use any kind of soap.
Me: yes she did but how was I supposed to know that it’s because she has allergies. Look here Mrs. Tyson...
Mrs. Tyson: don't you tell me to look, that is very disrespectful

A scream cut her off her words. It was Emily. She was screaming that she doesn't want to take a bath and running down stairs while Rena was running after her... Isn't she supposed to be sick? She came and hugged my legs. I picked her up. Her skin was still out of color and the rash was still there but the swelling was gone.

Emily: Granma... Please don’t shout at mommy... It’s not her fault because I bathed myself she didn't bathe me. So yell at me instead.

What the! I held my breath. Mrs. Tyson stood up and Rena finally arrived and took her away.

Mrs. Tyson: oh my goodness... You let a four year old bathe herself.
Me: I was really running late mam... And I
Mrs. Tyson: I'm sorry what? Did you see how big that tub is... (Yells) She could have easily drowned herself she could have slipped and fell. That was very stupid and irresponsible of you... Idiot.
Mr. Tyson: calm down Diana.
Mrs. Tyson: I can't take it any more... This girl has no morals... Did you see the way she spoke to me in the morning? Do you speak to your mother like that? She has so much stupidity in her head that I even doubt her capability of taking care of a child. After almost killing my granddaughter she switches off her phone... What do you want to prove by that...?
Henry: Mom... That’s a little too much don't you think.
Mrs. Tyson: how dare you speak back to me Henry...? The last time I tried to give this girl some manners, rules and information about this family you said she is tired and she needs to rest... Last night remember now look at the outcome.
Mr. Tyson: enough Diana... enough! Why are you talking to the poor girl as if she stayed in this house her whole life? She moved in here last night for Christ sake.

She sat down.

Mrs. Tyson: you can go.

It was at that moment that I realized that my body was frozen from all the junk my ears received. Henry took my hand and led me to my room. I just threw myself on my bed and buried my face on the pillow then the crying started automatically. If it wasn’t Zenzele and his betrayal, it’s this family that I mean that woman is so mean...rude and totally inconsiderate of other people’s feelings.
My father might like to over use his ability to control but he has never made me feel so worthless like I am feeling today and my mom is the sweetest woman there is out there she can never call anyone an Idiot.
It’s not my fault that she expects me to be like I am part of the family, I barely know them. Maybe I should just break it to her that I am not going to be her daughter in law and she will never find another daughter in law with this attitude, I bet the other girls that she talked about left because they couldn’t deal with her not because of Emily. I should just tell her that I can’t deal with her.
Just then I felt Henry sitting besides me and a soft brush on my hand.

Me: leave me alone Henry… I need some time to think or else I am going to tell your mother that I am leaving, I can’t deal with her.

I talked without facing at him, I just couldn’t bring myself to look at him. “Mommy?” the sound of that tiny sweet voice made my heart stop working for a while. I quickly sat up straight wiped my tears and looked at her cute innocent face. Henry was not in the room… how did she get in here. What the hell did I just say to a child?

Me: Emily what are you doing here?
Emily: have you been crying... Is it what granny said to you? I know she is mean most of the time but I think she is just afraid to be nice
Me: no, no sweetheart… I haven’t been crying this is just an allergic reaction to something bad in the air.
Emily: you should try an air freshener it eliminates bad deodorants.

We both slightly laughed. Where does she get such a big mind?

Emily: mommy?
Me: yes baby
Emily: is it true… are you really going to leave me again because Grandma made you upset?


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