
Enticed episode 8

Created by Valentine Valentine in Enticed 23 Nov 2019
Episode 8


I have never been glad to see dad in my life. I hugged him and he smiled. Mom was standing at the door motionless. I couldn’t read her face but I could clearly see that she didn’t feel anything for dad.

Me: how are you feeling?
Dad: I will be fine.
Me: I was so scared.
Dad: I thought I was facing my death for a second. (Laughs)
Me: you are laughing… dad do you have any idea how scared I was. (Tear falls)
Dad: don’t cry now.
Me: what happened to you
Dad: (Signs) I will tell you later
Me: I’m so glad you are fine

I hug him again. I really love him so much when he isn’t all Mr. strict. He looked at mom in an apologetic way and mom turned and went out the door. Something is fishy, mom is always so submissive to dad even when dad makes the biggest mistakes or when he hurts mom, mom never ever dares to give him a hard time. She is always forgiving and right now I think she should be the one standing here.

Me: what happened to mom?
Dad: don’t worry princess… aren’t you tired? Shouldn’t you go home to rest.
Me: I want to be here with you?
Dad: you have had a long day… go home… I don’t want to beg you.
Me: no dad…
Dad: I am negotiating with you Trisha, go home and sleep. I am not dying.

His tone was firmer and I knew that if I continue on arguing I am going to end up hurt and hating him.

Me: ok… take care.


The hatred that Mrs. Molatlhi had for Mr. Sindia was overwhelming. It was a surprise to see shock and horror on Mr. Molatlhi’s face when Mrs. Molatlhi told him that his children survived the accident. Yes, it was horror and shock on the great Mr. Sindia’s face. I sighed my heart was still heavy… my beloved Trisha was blaming me for everything. Not that I blamed her but she could really try to understand.
Understand what Zenzele? when she doesn’t even know what you are going through. I searched about children missing during the year I was born and a lot of names came up… it was almost impossible to find which house I belonged to.
Tlamelo came and set besides me leaning over and revealing her cleavage on her v neck top. I was housing them for a while when they are here.

Tlamelo: any luck finding where you belong? (smiles)
Me: it’s almost impossible.
Tlamelo: why don’t you ask mom which hospital you belonged to.
Me: you are very smart.
Tlamelo: but it was common sense (flaps her eye lids)
Me: I know… I don’t know why I didn’t think about that.
Tlamelo: I will ask for you.

She leaped from the couch going to her mother. I smiled alone. Trisha’s little sister… she has a crush on me but I love her older sister. She does know that I am in love with her sister but she keeps on flirting, or maybe it’s just her way of being nice. She came back running and jumped next to me.

Tlamelo: St Mariam hospital.
Me: thanks
Tlamelo: does your girlfriend love you?
Me: what?
Tlamelo: I mean Trisha… do you think she loves you.
Me: she loves me
Tlamelo: but she was so cold with you yesterday… she acted like she hates you.
Me: I hurt her Tlami… that’s why she is like that. Frankly if she wasn’t mad at me I would have doubted that she loved me but now she is hurting herself trying to get back at me.
Tlamelo: is that why she is getting married.
Me: yes.
Tlamelo: that’s like super stupid.

I laughed… she is so innocent. She has probably never experienced heart break.

Tlamelo: don’t laugh… you know If it was me i would have killed anything that’s gets close to you… I mean look at you all muscles and handsome. (blushes)
Me: you do know that she is your sister right.
Tlamelo: I know… I wonder if I am going to like her.
Me: what about your father?
Tlamelo: (sighs and rolls her eyes) I don’t know how I am supposed to react to that… get angry that he almost killed my mom and me or forgive him because honestly… my mom also made a great mistake by cheating.
Me: how do you feel right now.
Tlamelo: I feel nothing honestly… it’s like it’s some kind of a joke and Lefika… he is so mad.
Me: oh Tlami…
Tlami: (blushes) I like it when you say my name like that.
Me: you are so innocent
Tlami: and you so handsome. (leans in)

Shut her down Zenzele… now.

Me: Tlamelo… you are too young for me and I am in love with your sister.
Tlamelo: (sits back) oh well… at least I tried

We both laugh, this one is something else. I receive a text from Mr. Sindia inviting us for a meeting in the next two days. Mmmh… I wonder what he has planned now.


I packed my bags really fast. I had a lot to do at work but I knew that this day I should be home early. It’s the day dad decided to tell us why everything has been upside down since he got a panic attack. Why mom has moved out of their bed room. Why his anger and controlling has calmed down. Why mom always breaks into a painful sob and doesn’t seem to care about dad nowadays.
I got in my car and took a deep breath. I was late and dad hates late. But still I tried my best to come early.

Me: I am home.

I opened the door only to be suprised by a lot of faces. Zenzele and the kids he was with at the hospital. The woman I saw at the wedding outside the church. Another man who looked way older than dad.... And finally mom. She was sitting on the stair case. What the hell is happening.

Me: good morning... I mean evening. I'm sorry I am late.
Dad: sit down.

Okay... His face was full of different emotions but guilt dominated all of them. What is he guilty about.
Dad: sweetheart... I know you have been confused for the last few days.

Yes I have.

Dad: but sweetheart it doesn't matter what happened back then or what's going to happen after this just remember that I love you... I love you so much and what ever I did was for your own good... Veronica, my love, I don't know if you have decided to leave me or what but I do hope you forgive me.

My heart jumped... Is mom planning on a divorce? I looked at her and she rolled her eyes.

Dad: marry... Forgive me.


He narrated the whole story looking so pale and vulnerable after that he said he will pay for all the damages he had done.
At some point I felt like I shouldn't have even been there. During some random moments there when Trisha bursts in tears I felt as if her father is going to have a panic attack.
The way trisha was crying I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that it was going to be okay. Lefika was angry and he didn't hide it. Tlamelo was blank. She really has no idea how this is going to affect her life. Tlamelo's mother had cooled down and the father was not upset because apparently he long knew that the children were not his.

Stan: will you ever forgive me.

Trisha's mother stood from the stairs and went upstairs.

Trisha: you know dad... The way you are always acting. You bahave as if you are perfect... But you are like the worst person alive right now. And I am not upset that you cheated on mom... I am upset that you shot a pregnant woman.
Stan: I didn't mean to.
Trisha: it doesn't matter... You put a gun up her face... You are so unbelievable. I need some air. I can't stand you right now... I am moving to my husband's place for a while.

I felt my muscles tighten then I took a deep breath. I messed up and maybe I have lost her forever.
She went out. For some reoson I pitied mr sindia at this moment. I mean he is just about lose his family and I know the pain of losing the one you love.

Tlamelo: so you are my real father... I mean biological father.
Stan: yes...
Tlamelo: what do you intend to do about it?
Stan: I can start becoming your dad if you want me to.
Lefika: we don't want you to. We are not sure if you still want us alive. We have a dad.
Tlamelo: can you stop being mean for once in your life.
Marry: I forgive you stan... Its not worth being mad over you right now.
Lefika: I want to go home. (Stands up and leaves)
Tlamelo: I also need to have some fresh air.
Me: I will go talk to Lefika.


I called Henry to come and pick me up... Because I am certain I would cause an accident on purpose, my mind was not functioning.
Then I called Tracy and narrated everything to her she listened attentively and after that she asked me about my feelings and tried to encourage me to stay strong but it was just going south.
I took a walk down the garden. " hey Trisha... " I turned around and Tlamelo was rushing towards me.

Tlamelo: hi... I am Tlamelo and I am your sister... You're like 2 years older than me.
Me: hi... Do I have to introduce myself too.
Tlamelo: no... So I just wanted to speak with you.
Me: I am so sorry that my dad tried to kill your mom.
Tlamelo: he is my dad too
Me: its really weird... I am really angry at right now.
Tlamelo: it may not be now but you are going to have to learn to forgive.

Why are you talking to me about forgiveness? Shouldn't we be talking about betrayal

Me: you have forgiven him.
Tlamelo: I have never felt the need to hold a grudge against him.
Me: what!
Tlamelo: yes, I mean look at it from his point of view... He made a mistake with another woman... He was afraid that it was going to destroy his family. So he tried to eliminate it to safe his family.... He is human... He makes mistakes.

I looked at her... She seemed like she was being pure honest and it was unbelievable. I mean if I was her I would have probably freaked by now.

Me: Tlamelo... He raised a gun up your mom's face.
Tlamelo: yeah... That depresses me a little but after that, he did go to apologise to my mother... Besides, he said he just wanted to scare her.
Me: imagen if you were your mom.
Tlamelo: ok... Thats a hard place to imagen... But if I was my mom i wouldn't have cheated on my husband in the first place.
Me: so you are blaming your mother?
Tlamelo: if i had to point fingers then yes I would blame her but I don't blame anyone... The mistake is theirs and they will live with it through out their lives. We don't have to add more pain to them.
Me: I am speechless right now.
Tlamelo: I have that effect on people. But you should really learn to forgive or you are going end up hurting yourself without realising it.
Me: but I can't face my father right now. I swear I would puke.
Tlamelo: thats understandable. But think about this.
Me: but have you thought about how this is going to affect your life.
Tlamelo: I have and it won't affect my life in any bad way
Me: I don't understand
Tlamelo: in life we determine what happens to us... We decide how we want to deal with challenges thrown at us... I can decide to be negative right now and start complicating my mind over things that have happened... Or I could just accept what's happening and make the best out of it... No offence here but I love my dad... He raised me up. As for mr sindia...he is just responsible for my existence and I don't have any problem with him.
Me: wow... You have left me speechless again.
Tlamelo: well I would really like to have a hug from you right now.

I hugged her... She gives warm hugs. My sister... Still unbelievable.

Me: is your brother like you.
Tlamelo: that one... He is angry for now but he will be okay... He likes people.
Me: we should do lunch one day...
Tlamelo: definitely... And I am sorry about your wedding.
Me: its okay.

Henry appears at the far corner of the garden.

Tlamelo: do you love him?
Me: yes... I care about him.
Tlamelo: you should really think about what I said... Forgiveness. (Goes away)

The hell! Henry hugged me from behind and I turned to look at him then he kisses me passionately... Totally unexpected and leaving me breathless. This is like our first kiss.

Henry: hey
Me: what was that all about.
Henry: I am glad that you decided to come home home on your own will.
Me: I need a different environment.
Henry: what happened.
Me: you really want to know?
Henry: you will tell me on the way. Go get your bag.

At the Tyson house. I was welcomed by little Emily at the door.

Emily: mommy...
Me: baby... (Carries her)
Emily: where is grandpa? Is he okay... Is he dead.
Me: Grandpa is fine baby... Why do you think he is dead?
Emily: well... He was lying on the ground like a dead person. when will I go to visit him?

I gave henry a look to let him know that he is not doing Emily any justice by allowing her to watch movies rated over her age and he slightly laughed.

Me: next time baby.

I put her down and went to the living room where I greeted everyone. Mrs Tyson was more than pleased to have me back. She kept on telling me that I come back as Henry's wife not fiancée because they paid my bride price, all that was left was to sign the marriage certificates and she said it was no big deal. "You can always go to the magistrate and sign those papers anytime. " she had said that as she was cooking supper.
NOTE: she was the one cooking supper.

Super not her.

By night time I learned that my stuff were shifted to Henry's bedroom. That got me wondering why I called Henry in the first place. I could have enjoyed my place a little bit more.

Henry: are you really serious right now?
Me: is it weird?
Henry: we are husband and wife... There is no need for you to sleep on the couch.
Me: I'm sorry... I really did not expect this.
Henry: come and sleep next to me... I will not harm you.

I got inside the bed next to him and face away from him then closed my eyes. This is super awkward for me. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

Henry: what do you plan with your dad.
Me: I don't know... (Whispers)
Henry: well you can't change what he did.
Me: I know... But I am really dissapointed in him.
Henry: you didn't cry over it.
Me: (sighs) trust me I did. My sister is something else.
Henry: but she isn't as hot as you.
He slowly moves his hand up my back.

Me: she is rare. There are hardly people like her in the world.
Henry: well there is no one like you in this world.

His hand moves to my neck and he starts massaging my shoulders. My breath hitches.

Henry: you have no idea of the things I want to do to you.

I feel unease...

Me: will you stop massaging my back.
Henry: is there anything wrong with it.
Me: I want to sleep.
Henry: turn around and look at me.

I did as I am told. I don't know why I just obeyed. He kissed passionately pulling me towards him until I can't breath then he let's go of my mouth and kiss me down my neck. I move a little further away from him and he pulls me back.
Oh shit I am in for it. This is what I was scared of. I move further away from him and he stands up then comes to my side of the bed. I sit up straight and move to the head board. I have this nervouse feeling in my stomach. He looks at me and I think he notices the fear in my eyes.

Henry: why are you so scared.
Me: I don't know... I don't think I... (Whispers) trust you.

I look down and he pulls me by my legs making me lie on the bed facing the ceiling. I look at him. Oh god he is mad. I hope he is not looking for sex this mad.

Henry: you get me so mad and that turns me on so hard and that is not a good thing.
Me: I am sorry.

He kisses me so hard, with so much anger. I really want to cry because he is freaken scaring me right now. He holds me down to the bed and looks at me in the eyes.

Henry: I am your husband okay.
Me: yes
Henry: and when we come to bed you sleep next to me am I clear?
Me: yes.
Henry: and you will stop shutting me out okay.
Me: yes.
Henry: because I love you. Got that?
Me: yes
Henry: and I will do whatever I want with your body... Do you Understand.

The fuck?

Henry: do you understand Trisha?
Me: uh.. Yes
Henry: we are going to sign those marriage documents tomorrow. Then we will be legally married.

He gives me another deep angry kiss when he leaves my mouth he kisses my forehead. He leaves me and goes back to his bed sides. He gets under the sheets and almost immediately falls asleep. I take a deep breath wondering why I had lost the power to stand up for myself and be the difficult me.

I woke up early the next day and started with my hygiene routine then Emily, breakfast. Mrs. Tyson was impressed. I have also made time to sit with them at the table and eat my breakfast. Henry came downstairs and kissed my cheek before sitting down. He smiled and all I was thinking about was last night. I smiled... I don't know why but I think I may be starting to fall for him.

Henry: morning honey.
Me: good morning.
Henry: mom dad... We are going to sign the marriage certificates today.
Mrs. Tyson: good.
Me: I have to go.
Henry: I'll drop you off, you left your car at your father's place.
Me: you could have easily sent someone to take it.
Henry: but I didn't... I'm sorry sweetheart but I am still trying to work my way up your little stubborn heart.

Mrs Tyson's mouth dropped.

Mrs Tyson: will you mind your language. You are not in your bedroom and very disrespectful. Do I have to teach you how a couple behaves... There are kids around.
Me: I'm sorry mother. Henry... I am appearing at court in an hour. Let's go.
I stood up heading out.


I went to the hospital I was born in to get my results since I had visited the hospital management a few days ago to tell them about my situation luckily they agreed to help me.

Mrs Grace: well I wasn't here 22 years ago but we did find something.
Me: ok
Mrs grace: so on the date you mentioned there was a case of a missing new born.
Me: ok
Ms Grace: this envelope contains the information of the couple who lost their child.
Me: thank you.

I took the letter and read it.

Me: what the fuck.

I blinked rapidly. My eyes were surely lying to me.

Me: grace.... Are you serious right now... Are these really the names of the couples
Grace: yes it is.
Me: no way... This is impossible. Why does life hate me.
Grace: is there anything wrong?
Me: yes... Everything is wrong.

To be continued shortly!!

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